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4", J-92-86 2/3/92 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF EMERGENCY VEHICLE, INC., FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE RESCUE VEHICLE (SPIRIT OF MIAMI) FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $98,093.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 313234, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 289401- 840 ($491440) AND PROJECT NO. 104007, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 280511-840 ($48,653); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS VEHICLE. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received January 21, 1992 for the furnishing of a "State of the Art" Rescue Vehicle for the Department of Fire, Rescue and i Inspection Services; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to thirteen (13) potential suppliers and two (2) bids were received; and WHEREAS, at the City Commission Meeting on November 14, 1991, directive was given to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services to purchase a new "State of the Art" Rescue Truck in support and recognition of the Employee -Management -Union efforts to join together as a partnership to purchase a new rescue truck and give it as a gift to the residents of Miami; and i J-92-86 } 2/3/92 } RESOLUTION NO. jA RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF EMERGENCY j VEHICLE, INC., FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE RESCUE VEHICLE (SPIRIT OF MIAMI) FOR THE DEPARTMENT { OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $98,093.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 313234, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 289401- 840 ($49,440) AND PROJECT NO. 104007, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 280511-840 ($48,653); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS VEHICLE. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received January 21, 1992 for the furnishing of a "State of the Art" Rescue Vehicle for the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; and .1 WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to thirteen (13) potential suppliers and two (2) bids were received; and WHEREAS, at the City Commission Meeting on November 14, 1991, directive was given to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services to purchase a new "State of the Art" Rescue Truck in support and recognition of the Employee -Management -Union efforts to join together as a partnership to purchase a new rescue truck and give it as a gift to the residents of Miami; and t F� 4� WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available from Capital Improvement Project No. 313234, Account Code No. 289401-840 ($49,440) and Project No. 104007, Account Code No. 280511-840 ($48,653); and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services recommend that the bid received from Emergency Vehicle, Inc., be accepted as the lowest most responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The January 21, 1992 bid of Emergency Vehicle, Inc. for the purchase of one "State of the Art" Rescue Vehicle (Spirit of Miami) for the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services, at a total proposed cost of $98,093.00 is hereby accepted, with funds therefor hereby allocated from Capital Improvement Project No. 313234, Account Code No. 289401-840 ($49,440) and Project No. 104007, Account Code No. 280511-840 ($48,653). Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a Purchase Order for this acquisition. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. i -2- CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members DATE of the City Commission A� SUBJECT . FROM REFERENCES Cesar H. Odio oy City Manager ENCLOSURES RECOMMENDATION FEB 51992 FILE Recommendation for Resolution and Award of Bid No. 91-92-035 Rescue Vehicle It is recommended that an Award of Bid be made and a Resolution be passed permitting the City of Miami to purchase One (1) new Rescue Vehicle to include the necessary contingency fund, inspection trips and miscellaneous equipment from non -minority vendor Emergency Vehicle Inc., P.O. Box 12713, Lake Park, Florida, at a one time cost of $98,093.00. BACKGROUND At the City Commission Meeting on November 14, 1991, directive was given to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services to purchase a new "State of the Art" Rescue Truck in support and recognition of the Employee -Management -Union efforts to join together as a partnership to purchase a new rescue truck and give it as a gift to the residents of Miami. The drafting of new specifications and advertisement for bids have been fast -tracked in keeping with the Commission's desire for expeditious handling, resulting in the recommendation for award now being presented. Amount of Bid: $98,093.00 % of Cost Estimate: N/A Cost Estimate: N/A Source of Funds: FY 91-92 Capital Improvement Project allocation Project No. 313234 Index No. 289401-840 Project No. 104007 Index No. 280511-840 Minority Representation: Bidder selected is a non -minority vendor. Numerous minority vendors were contacted but did not respond. CITY V;: MIAMI. f-LORIL1A INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Judy S. Carper ' DATE Jaliury 24, 3992 ME Chief Procurement Officer Prnrur.ometit: Manfagament st:P.R`T Sid No. 91- 92-035 Pericue vehicle cpgM �" d I It Ctv�.t Chief Director of: Fire, ReHci)e e►,.,<,•:,,yc, and inspection Services Thin department has verified available funding with the Department of Budget that Eundr. are available to cover the cost. of the subject: bid in Lhe amount ot: $ +49,440.00 Account Code Number 289401-840. $ rAGA53.00 v' -- - IPINANCF. REVIEW & APPROVED BY! N/A .-.a..w:.. :— n—iT Carcit�, Direc:tvr. Deptartment of Finance Account Cade Number 280511•-040. BUDGETARY REVIEW & APPROVED BY: t• ono aY''b. ria. Director ttudgat Depament ADDITIONAL APPROVALS E re Ro guez CIP Ma e J � A _ Fran_c C3staneda , Di.re tot Community Development . JAt1-2` w9 .'MO14 15:43 305 575 5180 . :,...:...:. ......1.da :0N'aN Y -A t. : s an_L z6=-ez—Ntir i 0 d biu btizti (uontlnued) (IMPORTANT: BID SHEET A� ATTACtIMENTS MUST BE REA .JED IN TRIPLICATE IN THE ATTACHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF BID OPENING. IF SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A BID WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THE DEPOSIT OR BOND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. Net upon delivery and acceptance, Terms: (include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Chassis portion payable upon receipt of chassis at factory (see attached proposal for further Additional discount of % if awarded all items. information) warranty and/or guarantee: See attached warranty statements. Delivery: 60-72* calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order or Notice of Award. � W� orking days after receipt of chassis and approved drawings. 120 Number of calendar days required to complete work after start. Delivery Point (s) : Miami, Florida In accordance with the Invitation to Bid, the Specifications, General Conditions, Special Conditions, and General Information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Items) at Prices indicated on the attached bid sheet(e). NAMES OF COMPANY OWNER(S): Ernst R. Temme NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICER(S): Ernst R. Temme Dave M. Taliercio List principal business address: (street address) 8087 Monetary Drive Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 b) List all other offices located in the State of Florida: (street address) N/A (Please use the back of this page if more space is necessary) MINORITY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE the undersigned bidder acknowledges that (s)he has received a copy of Ordinance 110062 as emended, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City of Miami and agrees to comply with all :pplicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. 31dder: Emergency Vehicles Inc. ` . �• - �, '/ g cY Signature. ( company name) )ate: January 20, 199Z Print Name: ve M. T 1 ercio indicate if Business is 51% Minority -owned: (Check one box only) i ] BLACK [ ] HISPANIC [ ] FEMALE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN Ef firm has an existing plan, effective date of implementation: :f firm does not have an existing plan, the Successful Bidder(s) shall be required to ^4-ablish an Affirmative Action Policy, pursuant to Ordinance 110062 as amended. See Appendix jr sample. 31dder: Emergency Vehicles, Inc. Signature: (company name) : i 1 1�� •� ::1 i i1 � dill �: 1 1� i t ' f CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA i BID SHEET (Continued) 'y 1 f BID NO. 9/-P-g T5" 1) Name of Entity: 4� a) ©lt�N t C'PySinterest, if any i C P fi vG ? t .1�e7Ue interest, if any ! Secretary $ interest, if any I Treasurer $ interest, if any b) Name of persons on the Board of Directors and percent of interest, if 4 any: c) Name of stockholders and percent of interest other than those listed above: d) if this is a joint venture, prepare a copy of this form for each entity involved and indicate how many e) Is this a foreign corporation: Yes No / f) Is this an off -shore corporation: Yes No C g) Is this a non-profit corporation: Yes No h) Name of legal representative, if any: 2) Doing business as (d/b/a), if applicable: 3) Date of incorporation: 4) Address of office located in City of Miami, if applicable: 1�14 4 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA BID NO. BID SHEET (Continued) S) Principal office located in: a) Miami b) Dade County c) Other ( specify) ��cG-�/` �•�. d) How long? Name of holder of competency certificate, if applicable: t Name of qualifier: 6) How long in existence: a) Miami b) Dade County c) Other (specify) d) How long? 7) Years of experience on particular area of bid:�c 6) Any prior or present business with the City of Miami? � Yes ,� No If Yes, explain: 9) Any prior default on a City of Miami contract? Yes No If Yes, explain: 10) Any past or present involvement in litig tion where the City of Miami was/is a defendant: Yes No If Yes, explain: 11) Non -minority owned: ✓ Minority owned: a) Black b) Hispanic c) Female 4; 9 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA i BID SHEET (Continued) BID NO. FOR OF ICE USE ONI, Y 12) Is this company included in the City's list of minority vendors, contractors, etc: Yes No 13) Is this bid/job a set -aside: Yes No 14) Is this bid under a: a) State bid b) County bid c) Municipal bid 15) Has local preference applied? Yes If no, why not? 16) Funding available: Yes -- No What county: What city: No If yes, provide name of account and account number: i'. . t d . AWARD OF BID -� BID No. 91-92-035 One Rescue Vehicle (The Spirit of Miami) Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Short-term contract Per City Commission Meeting of November 14, 1991, directive was give to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services to purchase a new "State of the Art" Rescue Truck. 13 2 Attached FY 91-92 Capital Improvement Project No. 313234 Account Code No. 289401-840 ($49,440.00) and Project No. 104007 Account Code No. 280511-840 ($48,653.00) BID EVALUATION: Bid Invitations Bid Mailed Responses ALL VENDORS ............................ 13 2 MINORITY/FEMALE (M/F) VENDORS.......... 3 0 Within City limits .................. 0 0 Registered with City ................ 1 0 Black (B) Vendors ...................... 1 0 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 Registered with City ................ 0 0 Female (F) Vendors ..................... 0 0 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 Registered with City ................ 0 0 Hispanic (H) Vendors ................... 2 0 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 Registered with City ................ 1 0 NON MINORITY (NM) VENDORS .............. 10 2 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 "No Bids" .............................. - 5 0 i q Reasons for "No Bid" were as follows: 1. Emergency Vehicles Fabricators - "Non Responsive". 2. First Response Inc. - "Did not meet City's specifications". 3. Southern Coach Inc. - "We do not manufacture this type of vehicle". 4. Acmex Industrial Corp. - "We do not manufacture this equipment". 5. Lynch Display Vans, Inc. - "No Bid" RECOMMENDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT AWARDS BE MADE TO EMERGENCY VEHICLE INC., FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $98,093.00 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Judy S. Carter DATE January 23, 1992 FILE Chief Procurement Officer Procurement Management SUBJECT Bid Tabulation Bid No. 91-92-035 Rescue Vehicle FROM : 1 me e Z, Chief REFERENCES Direct f Fire, Rescue and Ins ction Services ENCLOSURES In reference to the above mentioned bid package, the bids are tabulated as follows: BIDDER: MINORITY STATUS: ITEMS) OFFERED: QUANTITY: TOTAL PRICE: DELIVERY TERMS: CAG:AS/as Emergency Vehicle Inc. P.O. Box 12713 Lake Park, Florida 33403-0713 Non -Minority Rescue Vehicle One $98,093.00 120 Calendar Days Excellance Inc. 453 Lanier Road Madison, Alabama 35758 Non -Minority Rescue Vehicle One $104,928.00 120 Calendar Days