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J-92-60 1/2/92 RESOLUTION NO . 'i 2 8 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF STEEL PICKET FENCE AT LUMMUS PARK FROM FENCE MASTERS, INC., UNDER EXISTING DADE COUNTY BID NO. 1405, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST NOT TO EXCEED $125,315.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 331042, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 589301- 830; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS ACQUISITION. WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department is in need of the furnishing and installation of steel picket fence at Lummus Park under Dade County Bid No. 1405 from Fence Masters, Inc., at a proposed amount not to exceed $125,315.00; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available from Capital Improvement Project No. 331042, Account Code No. 589301-830; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of Parks and Recreation recommend that the acquisition from Fence Masters, Inc., be approved; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this section. Section 2. The furnishing and installation of steel picket fence under existing Dade County Bid No. 1405 from Fence Masters, Inc., at the proposed amount not to exceed $125,315.00 is hereby approved with funds therefor hereby allocated from Capital Improvement Project No. 331042, Account 830. CITY cobowsm MEETING OF J A N 9 1992 s�sautioa tW. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this acquisition. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of Januag. ,T�992, / XAVIER L. S AREZ, MAYOR ATTES,V.1 MAT HIRAI, CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED,BY; RAFAEL 0 /" DIAZ (-' L- " DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM ZDCORRECTNESS: Qb4w JqNKT1 III CITY ATTO Y - 2 - 92- 28 JAN— 2--92 THU i 4�re 56 PARKS&REC 16 CITY OF MIAMI, FLOAIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM to : TAOM : Honorable Ma or and Members of tha City Commission Cesar H. Od r DATE ; ,JA N — 2 1992 FILE WOJECT : Resolution Award for Fencing at Lummua Park tNC►OGUREd: it is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution authorizing the purchase of 2,000 linear feet of Floriade Standard Tubular (steel picket) fence from Fence Masters, Inc., located at 3550 N.W. 54 Street, Miami, Florida 33142 (a non -minority firm) under a currently effective Dade County aid Contract #1405 for installation in Lummus Park, at total cost of $125,315. The Departments of Parke and Recreation end Planning have obtained community input as to the needs of LumMge Park and have placed the security fence as a high priority item in the master plan for the park renovation. The community has expressed great concern regarding security. The installation of the security fence will allow the City to complete other funded improvements to the park which include a pla ground, an exercise course, renovations to the recreation buiTdinq, pl,cnic area, activity plaza, site furnishings, additional lighting, landscaping, and a horseshoe court. The fencing should prove effective 1n not only providing protection for the improvements, but it should also enhance greater public utilization of this facility. The City recently received a grant from the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources which, together with previously committed Community Development funds, will provide the necessary financing for the complete redevelopment of the park. We, therefore, recommend the purchase of 2,000 linear feet of steel picket fencing from fence Masters, Inc., located in the City of Miami. This company was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder to the competitive sealed bid put out by Dade County under the currently effective contract No. 1405. 9 - 28 A �� .. KIM JAW— 2-921 THU 1 5 = 33 P . la I i QITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 1 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM ' JD : FILE to : mcenber 26, 1991 ,14Y Caner Chief Pjour vent Officer sueWhol : xs Park Fence ft 1ding Alber! Raider, Director �`fENr.rF to Parks a>id pAaureat.ion Depnrt-.mant aNcLasuaEs: rn ie Department has verified with tha Department of Financ0 and Budget, as applicabre le, that funds aavailable to cover the coat Of subject PAT'hase in th© amomt of $125,315. Index Code 589301-830. Project #331042. CAPITAU 1IKPR vD=r pF40GW F.EVIEWt o. RAdr , P nager J A N- 2- 9 2 THU 1 04 : 56 PARKS&REC 16 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM to: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City commission FROM : Cesar H, odi City Mana4ar DAT` : JA N - 2 1992 FILE . tt)WECT Resolution Award for Fencing at Livamua Park ftartnanola I INCL06URIS : It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution authorizing the purchase of 2,000 linear feet of Floriade Standard Tubular (steel picket) Ponce from Pence Masters, Inc., located at 3550 N.W. 54 Street, Miami, Florida 33142 (a non -minority firm) under a currently effective Dade County Bid Contract #1405 for installation in Lummua Park, at total cost of $125,315. The Department4 of Parks and Recreation and Planning have obtained community input as to the needs of Lummme Park and have placed the security fence as a high priority item in the master plan for the park renovation. The community has expressed great concern regarding security. The installation of the security fence will allow the City to complete other funded improvements to the park which include a playground, an exercise couree, renovations to the recreation building, picnic area, activity plaza, site furnishings, additional lighting, landscaping, and a horseshoe court. The fencing should prove effective in not only providing protection for the i.mprovemente, but it should also enhance greater public utilization of this facility. The City recently received a grant from the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources which, together with previously committed CommOnity Development funds, will provide the necessary financing for the complete redevelopment of the park. ode, therefore, recommend the purchase of 2,000 linear feet of steel, picket fencing from fence Masters, Inc., located in the City of Miami. This company was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder to the competitive sealed bid put out by Dade County under the currently effective contract No. 1405. 92- 28 /b —/ JqN— 2—S2 THU 14 S 56 PARKS&REC .A A� Memos Resolution For Fencing at Lummus Park Pages Two ant,. An, Unt Qi' Stds $125,315 of coat—Estimatad, IM Augted Amounts $125,315 aourr;e of Funds s Community Development Funds/Capital Improvement Project #3310421 Index Code 509301-830. y2-- 28 Zr St11 BY : VKUCU EN1k1'1' MA.NAGF3ENT ; 1- 2-32 ; 2 : 34PM : CITY OF M 101 I 3058581707;t 2/ 4 WARD SHEET DADE COUNTY BID NO. 1405 ,t,TEM: Furnishing and installation of steel picket fence DEPARTMENT: Parke and Recreation TYPE Or PURCHASE: Short term contract REASQN: Installation of steel picket fence at Lummus Park RECOMMENDATIONS IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE TO FENCE MASTERSt INC. AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $125,315.00. cnUrocull,elitent ficer lei D to JAN- 2-92 THU 14:32 305 575 5180 92- 28 P.02 CITY OF MIAMI, FLOFiIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : DATE : FILE The Honorable Mayor and Members �' IN d of th City Commission J SUBJECT Recommendation for Resolution Award of Bid No. 90-91-146, Uniforms FROM Cesar H. Odio REFERENCES City Manager ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that an award be made and a resolution be passed accepting the bid of Martin's Lamar Uniforms, a publicly held, non -minority, Dade County vendor located at 7230 N.W. 46 Street, Miami, Florida, 33152, with a satellite office located at 1887 West Flagler Street, Miami, Florida, in an amount not to exceed $400,000, for the furnishing of uniforms to the Miami Police Department. The funding source will be the Police Department General Operating Budget, Index Code 290201-075. The Police Department has analyzed the bids received on September 23, 1991, for the provision of uniforms on a contract basis for one year, renewable annually. The Department has found Martin's Lamar Uniforms has met the Department's requirements and specifications and provided the lowest bid. As a result of pending labor negotiations involving the F.O.P. and the Police Department, estimates for the provision of leather products have been obtained along with uniforms. Should labor and management reach an agreement on this item, officers would be given the option of substituting leather for portions of their clothing allotment. The proposals submitted by both vendors reflect the cost of providing all officers with leather and uniforms. On August 29, 1991, invitations for sealed bids were sent to prospective vendors. Bids were opened on September 23, 1991, with two (2) vendors submitting responsive bids and six (6) vendors submitting "No -Bids." Ms. Anne Whittaker was contacted with reference to Minority Participation and she concurs with the Department's recommendation. It is, therefore, recommended that an award of bid be made to Martin's Lamar Uniforms, in an amount not to exceed $400,000. The Department's specifications have been met, and the funding source will be the Police Department General Operatinq Bud g t, Index Code 290201-075. `�1Ice 0.) %ow i e 0 The Honorable Mayor and Members Bid No. of the City Commission 90-91-146 Page 2 Amount of Bid. % of Cost Estimate: $400,000 100% Cost-estimate./Budgeted Amount: $400,000 aource of Funds: General Operating Budget Index Code 290201-075 Minority Representation: Publicly Held Company Public Hearings/Notices N/A Assessable Project: N/A MR, t 92-- 28-1. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDU To: Judy S. Carter Chief Procurement Officer FROM: Major Donald Warshaw Commander Business Management Section M / ll� DATE : k 0 V 0 7 1991 FILE : SUBJECT : Bid Approval, Bid No. 90-91-146, Uniforms REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: This department has verified that funds are available with the Department of Budget to cover the cost of furnishing the Police Department with Uniforms, at a cost not to exceed $400,000. Funding is to be from the Police Department General Operating Budget, Index Code 290201-075. FINANCE REVIEW & APPROVED BY: Carlos Garcia, Director Department of Finance BUDGETARY REVIEW & APPROVED BY: Manoha na, Director Departure of Budget ADDITIONAL APPROVALS (IF REQUIRED) Eduardo Rodriguez, CIP Manager City Manager's Office (This form properly signed is part of the bid evaluation and recommendation package to be placed on the agenda and must be attached to the resolution cover memorandum.) �9- 1W98.1 3 / I 11LL1 N ' N r 1 JF MIAMI, FLORID BID NO. 90-91-146 SHEET (Continued .MPORTANT: BID SHEET AND ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RETURNED TRIPLICATE IN THE ATTACHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF BID OPENING. IF SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A BID WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THE DEPOSIT OR BOND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. Terms: NET 30 DAYS (Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of NONE 8 if awarded all items. Purchase of other items not listed on this bid solicitation based on the most recently published retail supply catalog(s): 10 8 Catalog(s):_MARTIN'S REGULAR, MARTIN'S SUPPLEMENTARY• FASHION SEAL Warranty and/or guarantees jyEAR AGAINST DEFECTIVE MATERIALS AND/OR WORKMANSHIP. Del ivery:_j5_calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order or Notice of Award. Delivery/City Pick Up: 1-5 calendar days after measurement, for items nat requiring alterations. Delivery/City Pick Up: 1-In calendar days after measurement, for items requiring alterations. Special order items 15-75 calendar days Name of Local Licensed Tailor: _MARTIN'S LAMAR UNIFORMS Location of Tailor Facilities: 1887 W. FLAGLER ST. MIAMI, FL 33155 (Pick -Up Site) SAME AS ABOVE State -any variances to Specifications (use separate sheet if necessary): In accordance with the Invitation to Bid, the specifications, General Conditions, Special .Conditions, and General information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Items) at Prices indicated on the attached bid sheet(@). NAMES OF COMPANY OWNER(S): NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICER S : WE ARE A DIVISION OF SUPERIOR GERALD M. BENSTOCK-CHAIRMANjC�O SURGICAL MEG, CO A PUBLICLY HELD SAUL SCHECTER, EXEC. VICE PRESIDENT COMPANY LISTED ON THE AMERICAN STK EX ALAN D. SCHWARTZ EXEC VICE PRESIDENT a) List principal business address: (street address) _10099 SEMINOLE BLVD SEMINOLE FL 34642 b) List all other offices located in the State of Florida: (street address) _7230 N.W. 46th ST miami fl 33166 5201 N. ARMENIA AVE., TAMPA FL 33673 (Please use the back of this page if more space is necessary) MINORITY PROCNREMRNT COMP.IANCr The undersigned bidder acknowledges that (e)he has receive a ordinance #10062 as amended, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City of ism d rsee to -comply with all applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, rpclu g am$ndmente thereto. Bidder: MARTIN'S LAMAR UNIFORMS Signatur Q , (company name) Date: SEPTEMBER21, 1991 Print Name:WALTER A. LAVI NE Indicate if Business is 51% Minority -owned: (Check sins box ly) ( J BLACK ( J HISPANIC ( J FEMALE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN If firm has an existing plan, effective date of implementations_ OCTOBER 10, 1988 If firm does not have an existing plan, the Successful Bidder(s) shall be required to establish an Affirmative Action Policy, pursuant to Ordinance #1006�� amen�/rS dadee Appendix I for sample. / Bidder: MfARTIN,4 LAMAR UNIFORMS Signatu (company name) �� 28.1 ITE : POTENTIAL BIDDERS1 BIDS RECEIVED: TABULATION: FUNDS: :_ .rMIN 0. Bid No. 9Q-91-146 Purchase of uniforms Police On a contract basis for a period of. one (1) year with option to extend for two (2) additional one (1) year periods. For the provision of uniforms for the police officers. 25 2 Attached General Operating Budget Account Code No. 290201-075 ALL VENDORS ........................... MINORITY/FEMALE (M/F) VENDORS......... Bid Invitations Mailed Bid Responses 25 2 17 1 5 0 0 Within City limits ................. Registered with City ................ 4 Black (B) Vendors ...................... 7 'Located within City limits.......... 2 -Registered with City ................ 6 Female (F) Vendors ..................... 3 Located within City limits.......... i Registered with City ................ 2 Hispanic (H) Vendors ................... 7 Located within City limits.......... 2 Registered with City ................ 6 NON MINORITY (NM) VENDORS .............. s Located within City limits.......... 0 "No Bids.. .............................. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 92-- 28-1 7 Reason for "No Bid" v .s as follows: • 1. Don Hume Leathergoods, Inc. - "Unable to meet specifications". 2. Metro Distributors USA - "No Bid". 3. F. Schmidt/Elbeco - "Bidding through retailer". 4. Public Safety Devices - "Unable to supply at this time". 5. Fame International Bay, Inc. - "Unable to bid". RECOMMENDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE TO MARTIN LAMAR UNIFORMS AT A TOTAL FIRST YEAR COST OF $400,000.00. I 28.1 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 810 NO. 90-91-146 TABULATION UNIFORM CONTRACT MARTIN'S LANAR UNIFORM Page 1 of 2 7'2''0 N.W. 46th St. Miami 1887 West Flagler St. Miami (Non -Minority) 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR 3rd YEAR ITEM N ------ DESCRIPTION ........... QUANTITY ........ EACH ....... EACH -------- EACH ........ 1 Blue Trousers 3,500 26.21 27.00 27.90 2 Blue Trousers gld/silver 12 28.56 29.45 30.30 3 Blue Uniform Breeches 165 82.32 86.50 89.95 4 Police Woman Blue Slacks 500 26.21 27.00 21.90 5 Swat Fatigue Trousers 125 25.76 26.75 27.75 6 Police Doman Skirts 125 21.78 26.25 30.25 7 Blue Jacket Heavy/W W/L 75 110.32 125.00 135.00 8 Heavy/W Jacket liner Only 200 30.55 32.85 35.50 9 Blue Jacket Light/W No/Li 190 35.84 42.00 45.70 10 Blue Jacket L/W liner 190 9.52 9.90 10.25 11 Blue Jacket L/W Motors 20 53.25 55.90 51.60 12 Blue Cap Off-Sgt W/C-Stra 885 18.98 22.60 25.30 13 Blue Uniform Wave Hat Wom 120 12.32 16,95' 18.25 14 Blue Uni. Cap Lt. i1 Above 96 21.28 25.00 27.50 15 Pith Helmet 15 10.02 10.25 10.50 16 Motor Helmet 20 95.00 97.50 99.75 17 Blue Uni. Cap Major -Chief 25 52,08 57.50 59.95 18 Baseball Cap 1300 2.65 2.95 3.10 19 Swat Fatigue Shirts 125 25.76 27.50 29.95 20 Staff White Shirt L/S 40 30.80 30.80 30.80 21 Patrol Uni. Shirt L/S HA. 1465 29.68 30.60 31.45 22 Patrol Uni. Shirt L/S Fem 300 29.68 30.60 31.45 23 Patrol Uni. Shirt S/S HA. 3325 24.36 25.00 25.90 24 Patrol Uni. Shirt S/S Fe. 300 24.36 25.00 25.90 25 B1ue,Shirt Li. Blue Civi. 975 17.08 18.15 19.95 26 Blue Shirt Li, Blue L/s C 200 18.98 20.90 21.95 27 Coveralls Blue Emb. & Pa. 200 31.92 31.95 31.95 28 One Piece Raincoat W/Cap 135 60.48 68.00 75.60 29 Two Piece Raincoat Orange 20 61.62 62.60 63.90 30 Honor Guard Cross Strap 65 21.29 22.30 23.40 31 D-Ring 70 4.42 4.45 4.50 32 White Gloves 12 2.18 2.20 2.25 33 Scarf 12 4.31 4.35 4.40 34 Rope/cord 12 5.88 7.00 7.65 35 Puttees 12 100.80 115.00 125.00 36 Athletic Coaching Shorts 24 16.24 17.95 19.25 37 S/S T-Shirt W/silk Screen 60 5.32 6.75 7.50 38 S/S Knit Shirt W/silk Scr 100 11.03 11.50 11.75 39 Gym Shorts W/Silk Screen 60 7.00 8.25 9.75 40 Sweat Pants W/Silk Screen 24 9.52 10.85 11.70 41 Riding Boots Mounted 12 250.00 259.50 267.50 42 Riding Boots Enforcement 12 416.00 433.00 446.00 92- 28.1 `j TABUALTION MARTIN'S LAMAR UNIFORMS Page 2 of 2 ITEM I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY EACH EACH EACH 43 Leather Jackets 12 310.00 320.00 330.00 44 Cowboy Nat 35 23.52 26.55 29.55 45 Marine Patrol S/5 Shirt 150 11.95 15.10 15.75 46 Marine Patrol Pants 24 47.04 47.05 47.50 47 Harine Patrol Shorts 24 33.04 33.05 34.15 48 Web Belt W/Silver Buckle 35 2.80 2.80 2.80 49 Omega Boat Shoes 10 57.75 60.60 63,60 50 Winter Down Jacket 10 53.50 58.25 60.00 51 Deck Boots White Non -Skid 2 19.95 20.95 21.95 52 Black Tie 20 3.08 3.08 3.08 53 Cross Tie 5 2.75 2.75 2.75 54 Garrison Belt W/GS Buckle 35 11.48 11.50 11.50 55 Web Belt Black W/8 Buckle 35 2.80 2.80 2.80 56 P Buttons 4,000 0.38 0.45 0.47 57 Police Emblem Shoulder 2,500 1.12 1.30 1.45 . 58 Chin Straps 100 1.96 2.10 2.25 59 Police Dress Blouse W/fP 5 201.20 210.00 225.00 60 Police Dress Trousers W/S 5 79.50 84.00 89.50 61 Police Dress Skirt W/Stri 2 79.50 84.00 89.50 62 Sleeve Stripe Gold 24 2.80 3.50 4.50 63 Name Buurd Pocket W/BADGE 6 64.95 68.20 71.65 64 Name Board Pocket w/Ct Se 6 47.50 49.90 52.40 65 Shoulder Board Coat 6 30.80 45.00 50.00 66 Staff Sweaters 6 35.00 44.15 51.50 67 Staff Dress Trousers 125 35.65 37.00 38.50 68 Staff Dress Skirt 12 40.00 42.50 45.00 69 Staff Dress Blazers 50 75.00 1.95 96.50 70 Staff Dress Suits 23 135.00 145.00 157.00 71 Dress Shoes 1,000 43.68 46.00 47.50 72 Safety Shoes 24 72.80 73.00 74.00 73 Staff Trouser Gun Belt BW 25 23.52 24.75 25.75 14 Staff Magazine Puch B/W 25 11.75 11.80 11.95 75 Staff Holster Basket Wave 25 22.34 22.40 23.00 76 Name Tapes 81000 1.06 1.10 1.20 77 Raid Jackets 100 16,05 16.95 17.95 78 K-9 Work Shirt 48 26.95 28.85 30.95 79 K-9 Work Pants 48 26.95 28.85 30.95 80 leather Holster 1,000 20.00 20.60 20.95 81 Duty Belt 11000 23.00 23.75 24.45 82 Magazine Pouch 1,000 10.70 11.00 11.35 83 Keepers 3,600 1.45 1.55 1.65 84 Handcuff Case 1,000 13.40 14.10 14.55 MARTIN`S LAMAR UNIFORMS BIDDER IN THE AGGREGATE. 10 IS THE LOWEST MOST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE 92-- 28.1 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA TABULATION BID NO. 90.91-146 UNIFORM CONTRACT SMALLWOODS 1001 SE 17 ST Ft. Luaderdale (female) Page 1 of 2 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR 3rd YEAR ITEM I DESCRIPTION QUANTITY EACH EACH EACH 1 Blue Trousers 3,500 25.50 27.03 28.56 2 Blue Trousers gid/silver 12 29.00 30.74 32.48 3 Blue Uniform Breeches 165 87.15 93.02 98.28 4 Police Woman Blue Slacks 500 25.50 27.03 28.56 5 Swat Fatigue Trousers 125 26.25 27.83 29.40 6 Police Woman Skirts 125 24.00 25.44 26.88 7 Blue Jacket Heavy/W W/L 75 123.00 130.38 137.76 8 Heavy/W Jacket liner Only 200 16.75 17.76 18.76 .9 Blue Jacket Light/W No/Li 190 42.00 44.52 47.04 10 Blue Jacket L/W liner 190 16.75 17.76 18.76 11 Blue Jacket L/W Motors 20 50.75 53.80 56.84 12 Blue Cap Off-Sgt W/C-Stra 885 22.25 23.59 24,92 13 Blue Uniform Wave Hat Wom 120 16.00 16.96 17.92 14 Blue Uni. Cap Lt. b Above 96 25.25 26.77 28.28 15 Pith Helmet 15 9.00 9.54 10.08 16 Motor Helmet 20 97.00 102.82 108.64 17 Blue Uni. Cap Major -Chief 25 61.00 64.66 68.32 18 Baseball Cap 1300 4.50 4.77 5.04 19 Swat Fatigue Shirts 125 28.00 29.68 31.36 20 Staff White Shirt L/S 40 14.00 14.84 15.68 21 Patrol Uni. Shirt L/S MA, 1465 30,00 31.80 33.60 22 Patrol Uni. Shirt L/S Fem 300 30.00 31.80 33.60 23 Patrol Uni. Shirt S/S MA. 3325 25.50 27.03 28.56 24 Patrol Uni. Shirt S/S Fe. 300 25.50 27.03 28.56 25 Bl.ue Shirt Li. Blue Civi. 975 19.30 20.46 21.62 25 Blue Shirt Li. Blue L/s C 200 21.50 22.79 24.08 27 Coveralls Blue Emb. 6 Pa. 200 31.85 33.76 35.57 28 One Piece Raincoat W/Cap 135 97.50 103.35 109.20 29 Two Piece Raincoat Orange 20 73.25 77.65 82.04 30 Honor Guard Cross Strap 65 25.25 26.77 28.28 31 D-ring With Keeper 70 4.35 4.61 4.87 32 White Gloves 12 2.70 2.86 3.02 33 Scarf 12 3.15 3,34 3.53 34 Rope/cord 12 6.75 7.16 7.56 35 Puttees 12 199.95 211.95 223.94 36 Athletic Coaching Shorts 24 19.60 20.78 21.95 37 S/S T-Shirt W/silk Screen 60 6.70 7.10 7.50 38 S/S Knit Shirt W/silk Scr 100 11.60 12.30 12.99 39 Gym Shorts W/Silk Screen 60 7.00 7.42 7.84 40 Sweat Pants W/Silk Screen 24 10.50 11.13 11.76 41 Riding Boots Mounted 12 350.00 371.00 392.00 42 Riding Boots Enforcement 12 209.95 222.55 235.14 92-- 28.1 /( TABULATION r° SMALLWOOOS Page 2 of 2 1st YEAR 2nd YEAR 3rd YEAR ITEM P DESCRIPTION QUANTITY EACH EACH EACH 43 Leather Jackets 12 259.95 -275.55 ,w291.14 44 Cowboy Hat 35 25.90 27.45 29.01 45 Marine Patrol S/S Shirt 150 13.60 14.42 15,23 46 Marine Patrol Pants 24 45.75 48.50 51.24 41 Marine Patrol Shorts 24 28.00 29.68 31.36 48 Web Belt W/Silver Buckle 35 2.80 2.97 3.14 49 Omega Boat Shoes 10 52.00 55.12 58.24 50 Winter Down Jacket 10 81.25 86.13 91.00 51 Deck Boots White Non -Skid 2 19.50 20.67 21.84 52 Black Tie 20 3.15 3.34 3.53 53 Cross Tie 5 2.60 2.76 2.91 54 Garrison Belt W/GS Buckle 35 18.00 19.08 20.16 55 Web Delt Black W/o Buckle 35 2.80 2.97 3.14 56 P Buttons 4,000 0.35 0.37 0.39 57 Police Emblem Shoulder 2,500 1.00 1.06 1.12 58 Chin Straps 100 3.40 3.60 3.81 59 Police Dress Blouse W/FP 5 200.00 212.00 224.00 60 Police Dress Trousers W/S 5 60.00 63.60 61.20 61 Police Dress Skirt W/Stri 2 28.50 30.21 31.92 62 Sleeve Stripe Gold 24 4.00 4.24 4.48 63 Name Board Pocket W/BADGE 6 32.00 33.92 35.84 64 Name Board Packet w/Ct Se 6 32.00 33.92 35-84 65 Shoulder Board Coat 6 33.00 34.98 36.96 66 Staff Sweaters 6 36.75 38.96 41.16 67 Staff Dress Trousers 125 36.00 38.16 40.32 68 Staff Dress Skirt 12 38.00 40.28 42.56 69 Staff Dress Blazers 50 82.00 86.92 91.84 70 Staff Dress Suits 23 130.00 137.80 145.60 71 Dress Shoes 1.000 46.25 49.03 51.80 72 Safety Shoes 24 61.00 64.66 68.32 73 Staff Trouser Gun Belt OW 25 12.25 12.99 13.72 74 Staff Magazine Puch B/W 25 11.55 12.24 12.94 75 Staff Holster Basket Wave 25 30.50 39.17 34.16 76 Name Tapes 81000 1.05 1.11 1.18 77 Raid Jackets 100 15.75 16.70 17.64 78 K-9 Work Shirt 48 26.50 28.09 29.68 79 K-9 Work Pants 48 26-75 28.36 P9.96 80 Leather Holster 11000 30.50 39.75 34.16 81 Duty Belt 1,000 21,75 23.06 24.36 82 Magazine Pouch 1,000 11.55 12.24 12.94 83 Keepers 3,600 1.00 1.06 1.12 84 Handcuff Case 11000 12.25 12.99 13.72 l�- s2-- 28.1 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 7.� J11ilb INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission 0", FROM Cesar H. Odio' City Manager RECOMMENDATION: DATE : i 1 FILE U:.L L SUBJECT : Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Mobile Digital Terminals REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: It is respectfully recommended that a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into negotiations and execute an agreement with Motorola, Inc., Mobile Data Division, a non -minority vendor, for the provision of Mobile Digital Terminals to the Police Department, at a cost not to exceed $1,185,865, be approved. Funding is to be from the Capital Improvement Bond Project 312010, Index Code 299401-840. I-74"A"RIIIJAU The Miami Police Department, in conjunction with the General Services Administration, the Law Department, and the Department of Computers, prepared a Request for Proposal for the provision of Mobile Digital Terminals. In response to the R.F.P. three companies submitted proposals: Electrocomm Automation, Kustom Electronics, and Motorola, Inc. To evaluate the R.F.P.'s a committee was formed consisting of members of the General Services Administration's Communication and Procurement Departments, the Department of Computers, and the Police Department. The information provided by the vendors was then categorized and evaluated objectively to determine which vendor would be selected. The proposal of Motorola, Inc., offered the best features and the greatest flexibility at a competitive price. Some of the categories evaluated included: the mobility of the unit, the addition of an integral data radio, the length of time in business, the software package, dependency on sub -vendors, message reliability, support services, screen displays, message buffering capacity, and planned upgrading capabilities. Motorola, Inc., met or exceeded the Department's requirements in each of these areas. It is, therefore, recommended that the Resolution authorizing the negotiation and execution of an agreement with Motorola, Inc., be approved. Funding will be from the Capital Improvement Bond Program, Project Code No. 312010, Index Code 299401-840. '111 SeQss%VftJ 92- 28•2 /e, t "1 The Honorable Mayor and Members Page 2 t of the City Commission Amount of Baal % of Cost Estimate: $1,185,865 100% Cost estimatef Budgeted Amount: $1,185,865 Source of Funds: : Capital Improvement Bond Project Project No. 312010, Index Code 299401-840 Minority Representation: Non-Minority/Non-Local Vendor Public Hearings/Notices N/A Assessable Project: N/A 2 28.2 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Judy S. Carter C ief P urement Officer FROM Calvin Ross 5 Chief of Police DATE : (10. 2 1 1991 FILE SUBJECT purchase of Mobile Digital Terminals REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: This department has verified that funds are available with the Capital Improvement Bond Project Manager to cover the cost of Mobile Digital Terminals, at a cost not to exceed $1,185,865. Funding is to be from the Capital Improvement Bond Project, Project No. 312010, Index Code 299401-840. FINANCE REVIEW & APPROVED BY: Carlos Garcia, Director Department of Finance BUDGETARY REVIEW & APPROVED BY: Manohar Surana, Director Department of Budget ADDITIONAL APPROVALS (IF REQUIRED) C 9 �� /.2//0/9/ Vdua do Rodtiglez-, CIP Manager City nager's Office (This form properly signed is part of the bid evaluation and recommendation package to be placed on the agenda and must be attached to the resolution cover memorandum.) 9 2- 28'z3 - I . • "I ..i I%. 1J , , UV I\ 1 ut% PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT. DIVJ.SION +" V-0. 13UA JJQ/U0 Miami,_F1 33233-0700 TELEE t."° ,E NO. 579-6380 Rr� No. 90-91-051 RFP SHEET IMPORTANT: PROPOSAL SHEET ANb PROPOSAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MUST BE RETURNED IN DUPLICATE IN THE ATTACHED 'ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY PROPOSAL NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF PROPOSAL OPENING. IF SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THE DEPOSIT OR BOND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. Terms: N/A (Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of N/A % if awarded all items. Warranty and/or guarantee: Refer To Proposal State any variances to specifications (use separate sheet if necessary) : Identified in the Paragraph By Paragraph Response Sect ion Delivery: -- calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order.. Delivery -Po i nt (s) : Delivery Points and Days will be Deterimined in an Implementation Document that will be Developed after Contract Award. In accordance with the Invitation to Proposal, the Specifications, General Conditions, Special Conditions, and General Information to Proposers, we agree to furnish the Item(s) at Prices indicated on the attached proposal sheet(s). NAMES OF COMPANY OWNER(S): NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICERS: Frank Todd- V.P. & G.M. David Nairn - V.P. U.S. Sales Raymond Jakubiak-Assit. Seery. Please use the back of this page if more space is necessary Name of individual holding license -in this profession (if applicable) MINORITY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE The undersigned proposer acknowledges that it has received a copy of Ordinance No. 10538, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City of Miami, and agrees to comply with all applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. Motorola,Inc. _ PROPOSER: Moble Data Division Signature:--- z------ (company name Print Name: David Nairn Indicateif Minority Business: Date: February 28,1991 [ ] Black [ ] Hispanic [ ] women 92-- 28.1 FAILURE TO COMPLETE, SIGN, AND RETURN THIS �FORM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS PROPOSAL. rye AWARD OF RFP h RFP No. 90-91-0�1 ITEM: Mobile Data Terminals DEPARTMENT: Police TYPE OF PURCHASE: Authorization for the City Manager to enter into negotiations and to execute an agreement with the recommended vendor. EA This sophisticated equipment will be used to augment and eventually replace the existing data transmission to field personnel system. POTENTIAL PROPOSERS: 14 RFPS RECEIVED: 3 FUNDS: Capital Improvement Bond Project No. 312010, Account Code No. 299401-840. RFP EVALUATION: RFP Invitations RFP Mailed Responses ALL VENDORS ............................ 14 3 MINORITY/FEMALE (M/F) VENDORS.......... 0 0 Within City limits .................. 0 0 Registered with City ................ 0 0 Black (B) Vendors ...................... 0 0 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 Registered with City ................ 0 0 Female (F) Vendors ..................... 0 0 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 Registered with City ................ 0 0 Hispanic (H) Vendors ................... 0 0 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 Registered with City ................ 0 0 NON MINORITY (NM) VENDORS.............. 14 3 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 "No RFPs".............................. - 2 Reasons for "No RFP" were as follows: 1. ADAPCO, Inc. - "No Bid". 2. SRI International - "No Bid". RECOMMENDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE PROPOSAL FROM MOTOROLA, INC./MDV BE ACCEPTED FOR THE TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $1,185,865.00. hi r ement ffcer 1 9 2 - 2 8•2- ate CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA 35 INTER -OFFICE _MFlr}Q.R-Aq.?,gM t991 r;0�� -6 :t'it TO: Cesar Odio DATE: October 31,' 1991 FILE: City Manager d-)q�&o iller J. Dawkins FROM: Commissioner SUBJECT: Deployment of Law Enforcement Officers REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: At the January 1992 meeting please have someone from your staff and the Police Department to produce some graphs that will show me graphically the number of sections that we have in our law enforcement division; the number of men assigned to each section; the number of hours in a 30-day work period that each officer assigned with a section work and what happens when an emergency arise that place a need for extra manpower? I also need for someone to come to the same meeting and explain to me what is meant by "lateral movement." I would also like to know the rationale why the city cannot fill vacancies in the police department with some of the current Public Service Aids. It seem to me that we have had the opportunity to observe these people and check their capabilities as they work as PSAs; so why can't we place them in the Academy for additional training and use them to fill vacancies in the department? 92- 28.3 I P IR • s 14 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, DECEMBER 271 record in co.::�ectian �': ith item Iviatty Hirai City Clerk CONTENTS COPYRIGHT o 1991 THE MiIAMI HERALD `When I was on patrol, if I saw someone looking the way I did last week, long hair and dirty jeans, I would stop and check me out. _ p But nOw ... I would allow them their privacy.'— E© LAHEY, FORMER OFFICER .mod .xh. ... l.�•',.R, �,'� Homeless ex -co earns ..... _� By PEGGY ROOMS Staff Writer �"Lahey once led a life of law and order. He was a Fort Lauderdale cop with a homed childa wife, boys and a job tracking down rapists abusers. Now the job is gone. Lahey, riding a liquor -fu- eled slide, lives in the hedges, on a roof, in a garage. His meals come from soup kitchens and his showers from a stranger's garden been mugged, his nose broken for pocket change. And now he's in the hospital — after falling while fixing a roof for money. For Fort Lauderdale police, who have been criticized for their get -tough policies toward the homeless, Lahey's plight has personalized a nationwide social dilemma. Suddenly, the home- less masses have a face, and it is one of their own. "It's a very emotional situation," said Detec- tive Don McCawley. "I want to grab him and shake him by the shoulders and lack him in the a — and say, 'What's wrong with you?' But you're talking about someone who is not mentally with it, who has what is known as a disease, someone who doesn't have the ability to stop drinking." Edward Kelly Lahey, now 43, put in 11 years on Fort Lauderdale's police force. He got often - outstanding evaluations and 10 commendations in one 15-month span. But he went through a bit- ter divorce, developed an addiction for alcohol and was forced to resign three years ago. Life since then has been a series of rehabilitation pro- grams, shelters, low -wage jobs and losing battles with the bottle. Since early fall, he has lived on the street, in daily view of his former colleagues. A round- faced man with a compact ud and�nd anew Mus- tache, Lahey is learning to law, the law of the street, and to be regarded as pLEASESEE HOMELESS, 11A .sw ,.R^"f+++.`Tgss7P.t^'..S' .T,T•.Yi ...x_ i -. .. . _...,.N - I I � 2 • r' NO PLACE TO GO: Ed Lahey, hospitalized after a fall from a ladder, isays he doesn't know where he can go next to recuperate. 0 reol 0 O Z NOMELE88, FROM 1A Lahey, who got divorced hi 1987. w s forced to leave the force in suspect instead of cop. "When you sit out in front of the Salvation Army, the people driving on Broward Boulevard have a look of disdain on their faces," Lahey said. "They seem to be saying that everyone here is just a freeloader. They look down on you. People just think they're better than the people at the Salvation Army, the homeless are not as good." Critics say Lahey's former employer shares that attitude. In downtown Fort Lauderdale, where city and business leaders are trying to lure people for culture and night- life, police have regularly arrested homeless people sitting on park benches, fishing scraps from trash cans and munching sandwiches out- side convenience stores. Lahey and some police acknowl- edge he has it easier than other homeless people because of his background. Officers who have arrested the homeless have left Lahey alone, Capt. George Long said. "Because they used to work with Ed, they become more sympathetic. It has become more personal," Long said. "Most of the time, &lice deal with people they're not really involved with. It's part of their work. And all of a sudden they see someone they knew and worked with who's living on the street." Several officers have helped Lahey, giving him razors, spare change and day jobs. Detective McCawley, who calls the homeless the "derelicts of our society," has clothed, fed and rented a motel room for Lahey. 'An excellent human being' "He is an excellent human being who is one of my favorite individuals to carry on a conversation with," McCawley said. "He's a great guy to be around. When he's drunk, he's an absolute idiot. Lahey joined the Fort Lauderdale department in 1974, after graduat- ing at the head of his police academy class. He had grown up in Fort Lau- derdale, was elected St. Thomas Aquinas High School's student council president, earned a four- year political science degree and fin- ished a year at the University of Florida's law school. Then he quit to enforce the law. Lahey stayed on the department for four years, moved out of state with his family and returned to the force in 1981. He rose from patrol- man to field training instructor to detective. "He showed a genuine concern for people when he dealt with them," said Capt. Bruce Smith, head of Fort Lauderdale's detective bureau. "He'd take that extra time, he wouldn't rush through, he'd show his personal side. That's a tremen- dous trait for a policeman because sometimes we just run through our cases, and they're just statistics. Eddie didn't do that." Marriage soured a 1988. He went through treatment programs in Broward and elsewhere in Fiorida, then returned in August 1990 to live and work at the Salva- tion Army.- He visited with his children on Sundays, and tried to explain his new position in life. "My son and I were together one day walking over a bridge, and he said, 'Wow, that's where the bums live,' " Lahey said recently. "I said, 'Don't forget, son, your dad is living _ at the Salvation Army. That's pretty close to being In the bushes. Smith, who played Wftball with Lahey, said lie never used to see him drink to excess. But as Lahey's mar- riage soured, his social drinking turned serious. In 1985, a caller reported seeing Lahey drunk while in uniform, on an off -duty detail. Records show he was suspended, then pushed to hospitalize himself for treatment. "He had all the things of life. He had a good job, he was making money, a nice car, a nice home, a nice wife, wonderful kids," Smith said. "Everything was fine, until he had the it, problem. It just got a hold of and he went downhill from the.... Out on the streets Lahey left the Salvation Army in August, after a drinking binge. He said his wife stopped letting him see his children, and he was soon on the street. His homelessness became visible. One Fort Lauderdale officer, working off -duty one day for a soup kitchen, was shocked to spot his for- mer colleague on line. Lahey's life is now a struggle. He gets panhandled by other homeless people. He worries ail the time that his overnight satchel and two gro- cery bags of belongings will be sto- len. He fears other street people will pick on him because he's a for- mer policeman. "Many of the people here know he's a cop," said Pat Mantis, direc- tor of the Lutheran Cooperative Feeding Program, where Lahey eats lunch many days. "He's not accepted. He's an outcast with the cops. He's an outcast with the homeless." Wedged between two worlds, Lahey has learned to get by. He knows to sleep with a chain -link fence at his back, to thwart attacks from behind. Obsessed with staying clean, he knows to get a cheap hair- cut at a barber school and to share before dawn with 15 other homeless men in a police department bath- room. Remains hospitalized Still, bad things happen. After being mugged twice within a week. he toppled 15 feet from a ladder while fixing a police sergeant's roof. Lahey remains in Broward General Medical Center, unsure where he'll go to regain strength. And Lahey still doesn't know how .to leave the street permanently. "You can't roll out of the bushes in the morning and go job hunting," he said. "You have to have a place to shave, take a shower, wash your clothes. What are you going to put down for an address — the third bush from the left? People want to know: What's your address? What's your phone? What transportation do you have?" Lahey said police who arrest the homeless would try to help those people more if they knew their sto- ries they way they know his. But cops don't have the time for that, he said. "When I was on patrol, if I saw someone looking the way I did last week, long hair and dirty jeans, I would stop and check me out," Lahey said recently. "But now, there would have to be extenuating circumstances before I would do that. I would allow them their pri- vacy." Changed colleagues, too Police say watching Lahey's struggle has changed them, too. "I hear quite frequently from the guys that run into Ed oil the street," said Fort Lauderdale Police Chief Joe Gerwens. "Everybody feels sad and frustrated, not only that we couldn't help solvis problem e then, but also that en't able to .. do much to solve his t.,biem now." Miami chap ; les tactics � ' to deal with Homeless Br 'sold GOLDFARB Herald Staff Writer The police swept in late at night, rousted 41 homeless men sleeping on the sidewalk outside Camillus House, herded them into paddy wagons and hauled them to jail for loitering. "I thought somebody had been murdered or something," said Brother Paul Johnson of Camillus, who was startled from his sleep by the wail of homeless men. "They were arresting everybody, every- body they could." That sweep took place four years ago Monday. It was the night before the annual Orange Bowl parade, just 2r12 blocks off the parade route. It was business as usual in Miami. No longer. "We've changed, most definitely so," said Miami City Manager Cesar Odio. "We don't have sweeps any- more. When we deal with the home- less, we provide shelter and care. That's the approach we've taken. We don't arrest them." This year, just as it did four years ago, Miami wants to rid downtown of an eyesore, a few blocks off the King route. Orange Jamboree Parade ' This time it's a shantytown of homeless men and women living under an expressway. Homeless I advocates suspect the city wants to sanitize the area before Tuesday's parade. City commissioners say the timing is purely coincidental. But whether the city's motives have changed in the last four years, there's no question it carries out its plans in a far different way. This time, police officers will not jab the homeless with their night- sticks and handcuff them. This time the city has promised not to move the homeless until city workers find apartments or shelters where they can stay. And the city has promised to pick up the tab -- indefinitely. The change has not been purely voluntary. Three years ago, a year after the big sweep, the American Civil Lib- erties Union sued the city to keep police from herding the homeless out of the sight of tourists and tele- vision cameras. The suit is still working its way through federal court and might finally go to trial in late January or February. But it has already had a dramatic impact. In early 1990, Miami police offi- cers drove into Lummus Park, piled up homeless peoples' belongings and burned the pile on two different occasions. The city blamed "rogue police officers" and disavowed their actions, but U.S. District Judge C. Clyde Atkins, hearing the lawsuit, issued a formal order telling the city not to bother the homeless. In February, police officers ordered the homeless to leave Lum- mus and Bicentennial parks and take all their belongings with them. City garbage workers swept in behind them, tossing out, mattresses, clothes and medicines the homeless were not able to carry. The following month Atkins found the city in contempt of court for destroying property belonging to the homeless and fined Miami $2,500. The city is appealing. Earlier this month, the city went back to Atkins and asked for permis- sion to move people out of the shan- tytown under I-395. By then, its attitude had changed. The city promised to pay to house the people who would be displaced. After insisting on several changes to protect the homeless, Atkins gave his OK to the city plan. In part because of Atkins' rulings, police have almost taken a hands -off approach to the homeless. Home- less people themselves say police officers treat them much better than they did a few years ago. "They used to whup you and everything," said Michael Harris, who's lived on the streets for years. "They used to iucx you, snove yuu, push you, slap you. Now they don't harass you too much for the simple reason that a lot of people are back- ing the homeless." Homeless advocates agree. "All eyes are on the cops," said Benjamin Waxman, an ACLU law- yer. "The city may be strides ahead of where it was four, five years ago, but it's light-years behind where it should be." The city's elected leaders once wanted nothing to do with the home- less. 1111987, when the federal gov- ernment offered the city $41,000 to help the homeless, Miami commis- sioners voted not to accept the money. By contrast, commissioners recently voted to spend $250,000 of city money helping the homeless h ing under I-395. In the old days, the police depart- ment mirrored the politicians' hard- ened attitude, conducting periodic sweeps. Officers would arrest the homeless for a host of minor infrac- tions: sleeping in public, loitering,' n prowling i�: ,.kublic streets, obstruct- m ing the sip` -, ik. In 1987,4e city of Miami made O 6,893 homeless arrests for such Q Cn infractions, according to a report Z commissioned by the Miami Coali- tion for the Homeless. y O Police said then and still maintain —' Z that they only arrested homeless people when they broke they law. But homeless advocates contended " the true purpose was harassment. "Up to the time we filed the law- suit, there were hundreds or thou- sands of arrests each year for sleep- ing outside," said Valerie Jonas, an ACLU attorney. "If they were sleeping on the sidewalk, they were obstructing the sidewalk. If they were ' sleeping on cardboard, they were arrested for littering." ACLU attorneys said that from February 1987 to January 1989, 545 homeless people were arrested for being in city parks after hours. The attorneys discovered that 84 percent of those arrests :'.00k place between .6 a.m. and 7 a.m. — just before parks opened at sunrise. "A lot of people would walk all night long and sleep on benches in the day because they wouldn't be bothered in the day time," said Andrew Cherry, a Barry University COM professor who has studied the homeless extensively. "They knew they had to be invisible at night." �► ACLU attorneys also discovered that while homeless people were arrested for sleeping in one park in Coconut Grove, people jogging there before sunrise weren't both- ered. • That has all changed. "For the most part, the police no longer just overtly arrest people for being homeless," Waxman said. The city acknowledges it has stopped enforcing some of the laws it used to rely on. "Enforcing the law is always dis- cretionary," said Assistant City 0 Attorney Leon Firtel, lead attorney on the homeless lawsuit. "The city (D otl? has become a lot more sensitive." trtr City commissioners and homeless ft:r. advocates disagree on what ti prompted the change. y Mayor Xavier Suarez said - Miami's attitude softened as national awareness of the homeless i y increased. The mayor called the lawsuit one factor among many. "The lawsuit really, really came(' ( ��• in with a vengeance," Suarez said.! . �' f c d It tipped the balance to a greater extent, but the groundwork was laid before." 1— .a. But Jonas, of the ACLU, said the; rr�� city was responding to the pressured of the ACLU suit. "They sense a p. whip hanging over their head. rather than having a general change 1 of heart about the homeless." () !7 _ 91 . /, �(7t CLr----- Lk — ----received (5) envelopes on behalf of (Perso zeceiving bids) Public Worljs------------------------oa�------------------ (City Department) SIGNED:44C y lark) Tl� ..... ..... . . ......... I Ott IWIN Aql�; 'Alk-waft,