HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #55 - Discussion Item-_--- .._.~ ._.~~..~M_,_ - ~c~t~-t?rntli ~~r~;nrli~:~ti~t't Septerr , ~~~ MR. ~J.~.. Pt_UMMER.,~r. Ccarr~~sioreer AITY OF ibitE>~14i X500 Pan Arr-eric~n Drtva Mftmi, Florid 3373 ~,. ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ,~ ~ ~ l ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ .~' ~ ,~ SAE: RE®UE.ST'iNG YAU~t SUPPt3RT AN® SF~UN5ORSWIf~ FC?R Tt-IE MIAMI Ot~IT'ERNAT'IQ~IAL CUP TA F3AlSE FtJNf?S f-9R SAUTH F1.ORIDIA'S YAIfTM AFFECTED RY IiUFiRICAIdE ANf~7REW t3aar C~ommis.~oner Pk,rrr: tA-e hereby resfiulty r~uest the CITY ®F MIAMI's support ens a SPONS®i~ of the FQUWDATfAN'S Furtdraisirtfl IrYtematiottal Sports and Guttural Event for tt~ Youth ttt tNiarni stfecte4 by Hurricane Andre~r. The rrtaln purpose of the event Is ~ prove a 60urne o'1 Fundr'd~inQ t0 assist the Youtt- pf Miami In the Attermath of Hurricane Ar~lrew. tt wilt also provide mach needed relaxation and ~te-tainment for Scxrth l=6orids's population, a tliver5~n badly ns by thaw upon v+rtrom Hurricane Andrew has ir>4tiCt@d n great psyor~ologica! toll ar~d trerr~rxious tosses. Additionally, our planned avertt wla be a mesa®e to the world that MisunT°s To~t~m ar~d latbertonal Try are alive snC weu. The history of tnienr~iortal r 1`vsrlds in Miami shows that foreign prvfessionat teams attract or brirp ~ Miami over 2 planafoade of ~uri&ts or faro. I~toat of tfhes~ fotr~gn vts~tors rer'e busing people who, during their atay~ faits ing opportunity t® do busirtta:ss - lntematfonal trade, eav~wtng their import ®p'ders or ptadn~ t>ew or~dera, np lmrsstments, maklr~ deposfits m banks gt°~ppt~, ate. T'her+afore, four vr8tt known sower teams from South America, Cent~i Arv~erica, Africa, and poastbty Spain v+r~! 1~ the protagonists In our Eve~l. Due to tt~ir txtsy national league toumarrtents which ar® curre-tily being played, it is not possibi}e at this time to detetmine exactly which four teams w11 be Invoked M our spans event. Wo are wOrkirp with then Rati0nat protessiortat leagues and tfle lndrviduai teams to Trrake the final detemttnation. Abng wRh the international sooner mmehes, we plan to offer a outturat axtrava~anza with some Latin ,s4merican iotkloric Sr+oups and artists. t1Ye are vvorkir~ out the deta+TS of suds a combined sports- cuRural event. As a result of a conversation t had on Septemt~r 4, 1992 with sn ot(iclal a1 tht Panamanian airline COPA, the aljtirte hss oftar®d to brirp the t3ALLET FOi.KLORICO DE PANAMA for our proposed tundraisir~ event. 1Me have also gorier a positive res~ponsa from Senior ®tticials of AMERICAN AtRLIfVES arrd HERTZ RIENT A CAR. COPA, AMERICAN AIt~LINES and HERTZ have 8i! ayroB~d to oorislder adinp 6s major sponsors of ttto 6verti. They are wattir~ to receive our tomuti propQSat. There sro numerous ®ther corporations, a,Qerxx;ies. and orpanizatiortS whom we plan to cal! on in the next few days to ask for lhsir support and sporrsarship- 2050 C~ra1 Wsy, S~1te 611 • P.O. l3ou 522097. Mi~r-i. Fl 33152 • nt~ons: 305x52-0088 • Fsx: 30:x554-82~ .. r. ~~~.. ~-.. .d ~-`~-~ ~ ~~9 1 A Tn ~7~3,izn T 11(1'_I~ N IC-1_,J~' r.ez ~"~IT'~I~hT'I~?i~ ~darr~rdsai~~ld~n+~r ~I~ar~r~~rP ~itf~ s~ f~ for~n~!!y r~s~ud~~t 1r~rn y~~a ~n~/mar &t1~ 1=1T~ ~~ 1t~~~1 d~Ffl~4l~~li~hl~fi~ ~4'r1 rs'iar d~il~!r~ (~~,) ctlt~.! td~ ~1~2~, carp~.nl~, ~~ I~pl~t~t tF~la ftt^PFr~ti± F=-.ar~dr~t~r~~ ~t 6'~r ~!~ Y~~th s~i Iii (n ~! ~aE°c~th ~t t-l~rrl~^~r~ ~r~frr. Char tir~r~i~i ~j~tlpns Ir~iC;-'t4~ that the ~art~rtt troiH ~N4+.+~ tai to r~i~e Qvd~r "aO,D~D fir t4~ Y+~uth 04 AAi~r~i ~44~~'te~c1 ~Y H~arri~an~ r+e~v. A~ ir~4tE~i ialx~v~, tt~ ~~rtt ~rI11 ~ditiQn~tty ~~i~~ d?rStd~rt~inti~n! fir ~~rlh i;k~tir~l~rts wrho t'~vda ~r`isr>~cf tra>am~t~clvus lc~~es, ~~ ~~II ~ c~mm-~n~t~ t~ the rka t car r~rn~r ~~ ~urr.~ ~t4 r~~rt~e, 'i'>r~uri~ atvd~ Iri~td~rr~t~~) `i~°, ~,re d~,i~ie ~r»i ~. ~In;~e tlrr~ i~ 94 drams, ~ I~ ec!~te y~+ar kind and p-~rr~4 rely. F~~~~~ ~4N !~~ II~1 '>i t~l~ ~OC#Y ~~rd ~~ 1'711 Y~?IJTN (?t; Fill ,~F't~ ~Y MlJ~R14~~ ~I'd~t~!!! ~:~!~', WIC~'C?R Rif~QN, {~1.~ Ott YFa/d~ ~/~ ,' _ _ _ _ _ a ~.,, . l~lc~n-t~rQflt ~z~~~rara;~ti~~n ~.~ A NOPJ-RR(~Fii' FUNDF~AISING INTERNATIONAL Sf~C?RTS WENT "i°ME MIAMI GUP" ft~R SQUTH FLORIDA'S YQIJTH AFTER HURRICANE ANDREW ~Ui~MA~Y E~~®II ti6~JE To raise tunda ~t Zt~ Yo~Rh ~ South l~br~e ~ the Hurricane Aftermath by ptanninp a~ itt~p{er~rtting an {n4emafional Sir EvanY, `7Ni= MtAMI CUP°, +S Barnes or aitematively ~ ~m~s. fI~OTEAlT1At. Four wetl~cr~n processional r teams, Bch ~: PARYD6~P t'A{On1~: AtlAtico trial ~ ial~e~, or Artt~ri„a de t;aC,, ®r Mii{onarios de , ®r Serata Fe de t$opot~ m Real Madtfd or a~o~r RAezlvo: ~rr~rica a a~o~taf Atrk~ UnBef e~insideradion Henduras: Olympia or enaRh~r tiJr-def tAnsidetatbrt A~KET: Wa estimate 65,000 ~ 100,t~0 persoru w~ attend the flames, fiver a mtt{ion ESTtMATE® people will hear, or read the a+c7vertisert~rrts ennnuncing acrd promotln~ ATTENDANCE the evert ~rh{ch, at the Same t~2, promote Miami 8M~ South 1`bridlt. The event w{ti 8490 t~2! promoted ~ tt~ participatir~ coalrrtries. ~A/e pian to attend to i~t{ami hundreds of fans travettir'Ijy from said ooun, L~1Tf~A1 ®i~NGE BAWL of Miami, recetat~ rerovvaded TENTAT>rif~ Friday, February 5, 9993 DATES Sunday, February 7,19~i A third day, Wednesday, February 3, 't993 Fs under ooctSlderation. Fnal dates subject to the current toumamerris of the p-vicessional gams in their home pountrleS. 2050 Coral'VVaY, Sulta 611 • P.O. t3ox 52208T, Miernl, F1.331b2 • Phw~e: 3~fi52-0088 • Fax: 3aS-554-8232 ', ~ ~::~ ~ ~ ~ , f ~. ~ ~ a- <:, ~:: '. ~, ~~1 ~1'A1~,'tC:'~T-J~1'~I~: ~-c~t~rin~'_i'~~~1~ tt~l~~f~ti1P 1I¢~reabs~ lavaiS of trt~r~h~. 'iltt t=C?U1~P~TiCa~1 ~t`ats ~z.~h a~~ !h!- ~INC~ :ter yoiJr ~PC~~t~C~Fi~MlP. ~ us ~' tz~l~. ~~NI~t~T TQ ~ ~ t•~tisi~t~ from ~ti~ ~r~t {~rtio4it~ in a~ N~L~, F~n~rca9it o~.u~~ _ fi~ir i#~ Ya~t~ vt F ~ffiaa9sd by !°I~mc~ 1re~. ® ~ rti~r~ ~ ya~,er y r srx~ar ! to ~ rr#cat of c~vcP v~ m~i~?n. ~~ - ~dtre~ti&!~m~ctt ~r~dlar press raloaaea • !!, s~tic?na~ ~~ ~~ms'tior~sl; ~tr~i ~xpas~r~ tv ~n ~tim~teti ~,tX10 to ~ gt?,gq0 ~~~~ r~ttar~din~ u,~ o~. A 'TV, rya, rt~,{rs, rte. ~t &i~d+um ~+,rsr~p mss: pe~ca~ ~cidrs earu~ourx~rr~r~t,~, ~vr~baar~ r~rnent&, t~,nru~rs. ~~ pert, ', vest ~xgeriar~a ~ tt~ typ® at trtt~mStional sports an6 c~th~rsi ~u4r..!ulia Mvr~lr~, lltCtvr Pir~vn, ~.~.A., and ors ~~T f~leas~ c~fi us 1vt detals ~d w'~ ~tii arrar~ a -tir>q to shover you tt~ Oamplete p~ragram and ~s benefits tt> you, year oomparry or ®r~aniz~tion, t community 1n ~er~rsl. Pls~ ~s~ fir. Mr. Y~or Pinzon, AA.~A. 1-itSP~NIC-L~Tltd FOL9WDAl~ ~~E~'TE~ ~Y H1JR~ICANE ~N~RE~4I1li ~On-P'rofit Qrgani.~tiot~ 9 _ "l!'A unite div+erz~ ~~ ad pen~ns i4lter'e&to~i ~1 b ttva g-ari~ral tx~riditint~ of i~i~anic~•Latit~ in the Unft~i t3t~tes. a9i~as-L~tir~ inks l~ttin : -nerds, f'oorbsgue>~: ark ott~rS pt k~i&panio-Latin c~igin. ~. TQ f~ip ~Mify Hispstlio-r~r~5 wt» tip G, p~e~sional artid t~nest t®am-pryers ar~i aft them to obtain pr~sYior~ of fnt~,enae at govarriment s~ ~paraYe top deateon-makSrig wets. ~. To infirm the rr~mtzer$ of their r6gt~ and prfvii~+gea ~ afti~ens of the United Mates of Arzterica and t them in exerrisirig their iriaiier>a~ t„•otlstitutionafly Pr~ecteti Rights. To encour~e and nisi ti~sic~nis tD femme Citip®ns of 41~e United States of Amer4ca. 4. To promote educatbnal, f~rSfi'~~, et~ipiray>i~nt, ttoirsirtig, ai~ural, ~ortt3, ~i ®taorzom~ activtti~s; ~ ~nre ~ iiei~n with government agenaes, ~as#ry aril other organins, ®it of whid'i serve tv benefit tt~ FflUND~ATbON rriambc,n;, the Hispanio-i~tln ~rom~n~y, arxS !ts retat~r~h~ to soaety to ~r~t-al. b. To promote ouftural, ceramic, oommerdal and tivnal progear~ with t_atin Amerman artd OariJ~an countries to achieve bar frtiegration erid development of oar Herri~phere. 6. To devebp b progrart~ wf~ ven71 make tf~: F{1~itd®ATfON i3.n Erttedive lirtf< r~~istirig ~ thie ~Iast,tnpton and twin America relations. g. To assist in a ran-partisgn manr~r c#tizer~ of Hispanic-Latin origin b ntar to vote, to ~ttorm cfti~ens at Hispan~-Lectin o~in of bocal and natbnat isa,es, and of protesabor~l, c~;pable,honest caridiciate~; ~a as to aid them in their decision to vote In a manner ifiat represents their nom. ~. To t;oltaDoratg with other orgari~ti0nS Of the HispaniaL.atin and Idlinorftyy commun~iea on issues of common irder~est, so as to d~elop a wkSe base of Ir~iuence ~ achieve atti~tnre resa~Qs for the benefit of Hispania-L~tirts, other Minorities, and Sxiety ~i g~enaral. ~. To SafiCft funds and dor~ateort5 h idnd, frorrl tie to titT1e to furttiet the purposes of t~ t=0~1t~oT~. ~~~~~~~•~~N~: ~~~~~~~ 7. 'Netr-oriar>g" emortg the members to prattto4e ti~ir pns andbr Servipes. S. Cultural, economic, GPI and educational program with t.atin American and Cartiabgan courdrias. 8. General iriton~etion about existing furxlir-g and comtttierCial ban programs with inoerfives for merta and protessiaraats. ~ General information as to how to self products and service to t3~? largest txlyer in fire tinfted States: the federal povemmern and tocaf govemmetri. S. General assistarx~e to t3ee mambers who deed help with s{~eotTic offices or agencies of the povemment. 6. To or~aniz@ voter registration and cittzenshfp drives. 7. To plan and 8evebp programs to otter scliolsrships and ecx~catmr:ai iraert~. S. To devebp and enairttetn a~rrent d~mographio atatiStit~ ort I-fispar»c~..atins by oourtirry Ot origin. Si. To devebp programs to assist in tfie integration and inieringe of mufti-ethrrxc ediv~iies. `+/iCTOR PiNZON, M.BA President P.O. Box 522097 • Miami, Florida 33152 • Phoruc~: 3015-SS2-d~DSa • Fax: ~06v°5d-~ p _