HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #83 - First Reading Ordinancez~ ~. . ~'~ ~ , ,. 4' i r ,i-'J~-7g3 a~~ ~ t~RbINANCF. Nn. ,__ _ ._ A!~ OitUINANC:r; AMf,Nt)ING SEC'T10N ~% . G-3 Ur ~'ffE C f?E OF ~'Hk: c:l'1'Y bI' MFAM2', FT,t~RTDA, ~~ A ENUf?t7, C'ONC1/f2NtN(l T~tE GOVERNrNV f3(~UX dF THE MIAMI SPQ}2T5 AND f^XHI1~I'I+IQN AtJTHUItI'I'Y `I'iIRREDY ~:~,IMINA'CING TNH; NE;c:ESSITY FuR SEPARATE: i;Rt7UPS f3 [{AVING At.t. MF;MI~E:RS SERVI 7'wii YEAtt 'TERMSr E CEPT TfiF; CI'T'Y COMbiXSSION MEMBER WNUSE 'PERM S TALL RUN FnF2 ONE. vrAft ftEVif;WABi.E FiY THE: CITY C MMISSZ4N (7N .TUNE; ]S`i' OF EACH YEAR >:'OLLOWING T E INZxiAi. ALPO) N'1'MElJT, ALL SUCK Ti;RMS TO C. MMENCE (tN NOVI;MgER 3Q, 1992; Ct7NTA1NI~iG A f"t PEAt,f:R PROVISION, SEVERAHxI.1TY CLAUSE ANb P UV l n 1 N( 1: OR AN EFFECTIVE bATF . WHH;ftt:;A$r t.hH Inemi7prs of tale City CUrntriiasli7lt dt+n ire tt~ r•~~~:; ` =h~i t~'m of members of the Miami Spox-ts anti Exh.S,bS.tiori f j"Aurho iC`y") by ch~Itngimy t:he te1-m for. t~111 iuc~nll,c~rs tc~ t.wi~ yet+t'~i, except t.y commission membc~z' whose I:ei:n~ si~,~+ll rur-i fU-.~ ~~r ,_ (I) .year review le by the city commission ort June i:st. oaf !r•7cti ~t~ar 'following t:he initial pointment, c~kl ouch t.crma +:vmntnc~ ing t>n NovemLcr.~ 3U, 1992 f s NQW~ '1'~II:REFORE, AE IT ()RDAINEU BY F COMM?SSiON OF THE CITY i~~ MIAPSI, F~,Ot'tlnA: Serfio~ 1. Section 52.6-3 caf the Code true City of Miami Flo Ida, as amended, is heren}~ amended in t fallowing i ~~ ntil~.r `ii+1~ .r"r?cj ~tei t~Ik lCil ,,_ 3 L gyres tit. ic:ken through shad be deleted. Ind/c,r figures shall be added. The .~ arr~ ' ~~w in effect and xemain un~:!-anged. c•~mit+ '1 unchanged material.