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ID r: T— 12 T H 1_1 1 1 t 4 2 D D A t-1 :t f4 M54 I Q CITY or MIAMI, FLONDA ; INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and TO Members of the City Commission DATE �� 1 Prnposed Agreement SUeJEOT : GAM! 11uA HOU6a Relocation FROM Cesar It. o City Manx r REFEI4EN WO ' For October 8g 1992 6NCLOSURF-04 t y O o mm i a s i o n M e e t i n E Attached is a draft of a proposed agreement between the City of Miami and Camillus House for relocation of the present facilitiien to a new facility on City -owned land in the vicinity of NW 12th Avenue and 19th Street. The agreement is being recommended by the City Administration with the concurretice of Camillus House. 92- 668 r_#C:T— i --'?2 THu i i 42 2)IDF4 M :t AM 3 P . Os MTZGERAIDO CHARLIP, DF.LGADO., U MUM & 7. PORVONDO, PA. warcY Tq.11 a M i Attcitint 21 , 1992 Matthew Schwartz Downtown Development Authority .,-h")� one Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33131 Re: Camillus House Relocation',' 5393.8 bear Matthew: I have received a copy of your letter of August 11th to Drothor Paul setting forth the parameters for discussion and resolution of the relocation of Camillus Houser. Brother Paul has asked that I respond. The memo of Commissioner Victor. De Yurre dated August 7, 1992 does sot forth the parameters for a resolution. As an item of detail to be included in any formal documents, however, provisions will have to be made for a repayment of any loan. As we discussed at the meeting on August 6th, the funds for repayment cart come from federal, state or local grants, private foundations, or any combination of public/private efforts to help in the mission of Camillus House. Thank you for your assistance in'this endeavor. IIoperfully the City Commission will Act favorably at its meeting in September and this item can be expedited. JNIF/mhr Coll Brother Paul Johnson, BGS 393.8\eemittue.dds Very truly your&, J. Michael, Fitzgera3 d 92-'568 Miami: Palac Beach: Coral (cables. Museum lbwer/Suite 2/01 189 Bradley Place 338 Minon-a Avenue 150 West Flaggter Street Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Miami, Noriaa 33130 Telephone: (407) 659.6438 Telephone: (305) 40.916Z 'telephone: (305) 358-0737 Pax: (407) 833-0543 1tax: (305) 443-6613 rax: (305) 372.3504 2 T H U 1 1 'Fi • • _ ,g � �T �1 t- i 1 � L. �1 F f; t CITY OF MIAMI, (•LOMInA INTIrt-OPFICV. MEMORANDUM �--�+w1+MIU�IIIM�MIrraMr►... ...rr.*• .y�'..rrrr+r+•�.r. •u . i- Cormnlesi'one� Victor H. De Yur.ro nr�e � Ss t embot. lit 1992 riie . SUWECT Aggreement b6twourk t1to tfle City of Miami ant) i , f� • t �16� '� �Ni th0 Brothers of tho Good FnoM ' Q i n J as, ii I ntFERENC.Ei: 'Shephor4 city At CrC1.�ISUAEb i 3 nneloed herQ+t�o pleaca f.Ind a Memorandum of uncteret andinq but:weoll the City of Miami arid t•he BrOt Here of tho Goad Shepherd. Thit; Agrouniont. has been reviowed by Mr. S. Michael Fitzgerald from ritzge n1d, Charlip, Delgado, nefeler & portuotldo, V.A. ploane Pail if you have Vny quantione . AQJjep/M3 911 Eno. 00s Joel B. Maxwell Chief A uIstant City At.t.orney OYUILC.13 Cu 1,►uOlqte►t City Attorney s s t•1ED i dso D b A MYNMf ! F"lf ! M1:MUltA•NpVM OF t UMMSTANDINd, Vila AGREEMP.NT is made this r.. - day of IM a bYi and between the CITY Or MASdi, FLORXDA, n Municipal corporation of the State of Vloa:i.da and the DROTHM Ot THE GOOK SIJEPHZAD (-Operator-,), a - WHE 0 S, the operator presently provides uheltax; to person* who are i l.thout housing tit. a certain facility known as Camillus 310%,150, llogatad at _ (ths "Downtown rroperty' )I and - WHP,F.ZA.Iqr the City and the OEauravor both deem It in their mutual �ntorost to cooperate in the cuttsLruction of to now gae:ility i ( "the raclli.ty") to provide shelter* to]; pt:raions without. housing nd the relocation of the present oppreti.ones fa;oin tha downtoWal !Px4pQxex e.0 rite Facility; and WHET M$t the City desires to eXpcaite• the XEalocati on, or' tho Downtown i property from its present location and .its willing to py,ovide ss � stance pursuant to they terms of this Agr a;emerit i NOW THEMFORE, the CiLy and the Operator agvoa to negotiate In or0e): to enter into an agreement which will act Eoa;th the t pisxti3Os3 responsi.bilities and the terms and conditiono Which wi100pective i govern the parties relatiotial-tip ars foilowa t SocTion 1. Tha recitals and findings contained. in tho pretuablei to th.ite Agree3menC are hereby adopted by xefv :enco -y�_"••�••• /`••'� Z1nv,►'vN^ftt•Ati harein as if fully veC forth in thie} Saction 1 - SecOon 2. ror the purposes of providing a ouAtebjs location wherein Operator. may manage and operate the Facility, t 92- 66� - CEF=�-+—�� WEIti i _ �# ? Lii1f-� M I raM I v the City wi.il lease to Operator city -owned land consisting of a r 111aximum Cf two J 2 % acres Located at 19th Street and 12th Avonue, Khmi, P Iorida ( the "Property") for one nollax: ($ ).. 00) por year and willi grant Operator the opLion to purchase the Property within toI (10) years at Lhe11992 1appraisr¢d vpl,uo. sec iort 3. The City will agr&e to use its boat of forto Co obtain p opdr zoning approvals and amelioLdto aenvA onmental issues re- l. lated to tho Property. SeCGion 4. Upon completion of the Facility, operator wi.11 cease op rations at thO Downtown Property attd guaveanbco, by execute n ' a covenant to'- xu11 with land nndrgr. QLJ%er legal agreement, a prohibition on the use of thu Downtown Property for pms:posee related to service" for the homeloau, including but not limitad . o providing shelter, and s:estricL� ny £iL%4uxo uses to activitleIs consistont with the goals and ol.)Jactivco of the southeAe Overtown/pa>Lk West community Rudevelapmprii� program. Sac Xon S. The City will provide and/or assist in sectivi.ng %Ap to A Five (5) Million Dollars in low int•ecest construction Xganq to finance construction of tite racili.ty. As an al,tornati 01 the City may construct the Vacility and leaso it, on a long term basis, to operrator for the purposfla of operating and ., monaging a shelter for persona without hous�nef. sec Un 6. The operator will obtain, from federal, state or local grants, private foundations, or any combination of public/private efforts, funds for repayment ,of any and all constructPn loans. 1 92- 668 ._ r- _ e -- _ ►•� y� 1 v_, ri ri r-4 M T Ka M I 4 L) Roc 7 troth tile? City died Operator will expeditc 00-10 Procuor, with the ob) ective cat completing construction within i eightoen' (18) moraths from titne of final ppprovtel of pxopnr f zoning, Z L 94C Lot% g. operator will operate the t'acitity in a menne): 1 � Which wo, Id be compntible wtth suv oundi.ng land-ktt30 activities i and inau •a that all sorvi.ces provided by thv Opoiavor will b© on Secl ion 9. The parties acknowledge and understand that ' the taj.'ms an conditiontt aet forrh r►erain are noL 4% fislolt Complete, at or dotal'led pronouncement- of the terms and conditions to rya attic ludod t in a final agreement: between the partiou 1>at: rattier i snt:vea b provide a menioriailzation of the i,ntentione of Cho parties Lit this time with regards to the subject matter herein Adoreseo ^aid to Provide a fromr.work for firm uagot•iations. Its WiTHESS v*MREOF, th" City and the operator have causad I t,hJs Acjr amont t;d be executed on the tray and year first abuvo Writton.1 CITY QF MYAMtt a municipal, corporation of the States of ATTESTI Florida MA7'TY ti2 x CESAR 11. OOXO City Cap k City Manager ` Roviewed'and Approved eyt Approved as to Form Ond Chxt•f:�tnass.: KEGUNAO RREZ AA QUXNN JONES, 11T lnsuranc6 Coordinator City Attoznoy 92- 668 ATTEST s uw JSM 9/1b/ R -►, 58 nBOTHER5 or Q000 511CPHtno,' a GhrporatLon 0 j - m VIE URGE THE COMMISSION TO* —\-LOCATE CAMILLUS HOUSE SIGN -OFF SHEETS SOUTH PAVILION - LOWER LEVEL UPDATED 7/92 SUBJECT: RETURN TO: DATE: S-118 ;BERGIN'S BEER & WINE S-119 'TIDAL WAVE I I I I 1 1 4 1 S-121 !RESORTWORKS ; s"i S-122 ;HIGH TIDE I I 4 I S-125 !LOMBARDI'S ;DICK CLARK'S AMERICAN S-128 'BANDSTAND GRILL Y ' rein dery l ' lew /4 S-130 BAYSIDE ONE HOUR PHOTO (/.t ; S-132 'ATAS ` 'AMA th; S-133' AVE VILLA S-134 'SUNGLASS HUT 1 ' 1 � tte intd the public S-135 'SKAZKI N MECHTI ; record in connection with items �� 1;7.Z on 92- 668 M t Hirai CityLeY�_ WE URGE THE COMMISSION T OCATE CAMILLUS HOUSE SIGN -OFF SHEETS SUBJECT: _ NORTH PAVILION - LOWER LEVEL RETURN TO: UPDATED 2/92 DAT E : ;SPACE #;STORE NAME _ _ 'SIGNATURE ;PRINT NAME _ I I 1 1 N-100 :LOS RANCHOS ; 1 1 I 1 1 t 1 N-103 ;THE LIMITED ' N-111 !SNAPPERS f ``�, 1�''� C r'`'jf'9l//� ' N-112 !THE GAP / GAP KIDS ; 7-���., � ; C ; F �_".� ' . ��_ l i : �_! o v i ( I (� ' Nr4THANIEL & JAMES ' '" Nth .'HAABEBDASHERY 1 1 'HAT ATTACK 1 ! 1 1 _N-119 1 1 N-120 'THE SHARPER IMAGE N-123 'ESPRIT CASUALS N-126 !DAVISON'S OF BERMUD#7dvm�v 1 1 1 1 , N-128 !BENTLEY'S LUGGAGE 1 N-129 'EXCESS N-130 !LILY'S 1 1 N-131 ' BARED' S 1 1 , N-133 'ATLANTIC CROSSING ; 1 1 1 1 1 N-134 'TANNERY ' WEST' 1 1 1 1 1 N-136 'ACCESSORY LADY N-139 'MERRY-GO-ROUND !OH N-140 BABY N-141 ;VICTORIA'S 1 SECRET Submitted into the public record in connection wit itemn--f� on N at y Hirai 9 2 City Cl er!t ,1 _F 668 ' iA URGE THE COMMISSION T(r; ;)LOCATE CAMILLUS HOUSE SIGN-gE 5HEETS NORTH PAVILION - LOWER LEVEL UPDATED 2/92 SUBJECT: _ RETURN TO: DATE: ;SPACE #'STORE NAME ;SIGNATURE 'YKini NAMr- + MAIN ; GATE ' LAS TAPAS GATE JLH. T. CHITTUM __... , ,NUMBER ;PUSHCART - 'SIGNAT 'PRINT NAME 4 ' 28 ;HISTORIC L RESEARCH , 1 ' t ' 07 'EXOTIQ IMAGES t 31 ' A-BARRfi: �F'i�HT3-' , 1 + 1 i t 1 1 + 1 1 t 1 , 1 1 + 1 1 1 + 1 Submitted into the public record in connection with items_._ on !/PfZ 44tty Hirai 92 668 City Clerk Wt URGE THE COMMISSION To SOCATE CAMILLUS HOUSE SIGN -OFF SHEETS NORTH PAVILION - UPPER LEVEL UPDATED 2/92 SUBJECT: RETURN TO: DATE: ;SPACE # STORE NAME ;SIGNATUR _ _!PRINT NAME ; N-200 'SAM GOODY ,� • ? � u�� .c N-203 ;FOOTLOCKER �. SC,o�' �► ► N-206 'LIMITED EXPRESS N-212 ; ATTIVO V\—" G _ N--218 FDA Submitted into the public t record in connection w*tY 2 `" 668 zterA4Es — .- on_ f 7 zrCa WE UkOE THE COMMISSION T, LOCATE CAMI•LLUS HOtTSE SIGN -OFF 'SHEETS PIER 5 MARKET - PUSHCARTS UPDATED 2/92 SUBJECT: RETURN TO: DATE: 05 ' MIAMI BODY COMPANY 1 06 , 'SPACE AGE GALLERY i 1 1 1 1 08 1 1 09 MADE IN THE SHADE ' 10 1 'REGGAE MANIA + ' 1 1 11 , �vouAc.• �� + 1 1 1 13 'HOFER & HOFER ' 14 'IT JUST ARRIVED 1 15 1 TART DECO DESIGNS , 1 ' 16 t !IT ZY BITZY BIKINI , + 'LE �1 17 BOWTI UE 1 18 1 'ALL TIED UP J• 1 1 1 , � 19 'FABULOUS EARRINGS ' 1 /Uji6(J2LN 5 I 1 20 i 'IN ORDER , 1 I .,1 1 I , �' P _21 ! BASHAM ' �• ' 1 I , 22 i.4. I 2 i ED HOT SIGNS u �f. k.te'li �. • 24 'COLLECTORS 021 McMY Hirai 9 2 -- 668 City Clerk Wt UPGE THE COMMISSION._TO OCATE CAMILLUS HOUSE SIGN -OFF SHEETS PIER 5 MARKET - PUSHCARTS ,bPDATED 2/92 0 SUBJECT: RETURN TO: DATE: NUMBER,;PUSHCART ;SIGNATURE ;PRINT NAME t �t 25 'I LOVE JUICY ' 1 26 t TMt— PEMNAL TO C 27 ' BUTTON UP ► -(. �.. u';ri1, << ., +'1�`;i��Nlii& 1 t t�y ► t 29 'AFRICAN CRAFTS t 30 'THE LAST STRAW 32 'CARICATURE ART 35 ' HOT WATCHES t t 38 ;GLASS ACT t t t 41 t t '4 GOOD MEASURE t t ' t t , t JJF2 42 ' 61 #I M AS! ES ' C r G&L o 43 'LEFT IN MIAM t , " t _ 44 lVW JZM ' ' 't�& ► �y'. � , l ct(�tiei� t 45 !HOT WATCHES t 46 'NILE ' t t ' , , PAPYRUS ► 47 'BOTTICELLI'S i�1►� 1 COSMETICS t t t %Z t t t ' ► t t t t ► � t t t t 1 , city clelk UP= THt COMMISSION T*C =tOCAT9 CAMILLUS HOUSt SIGN -OFF SHEETS SUBJECT: _ PIER 5 MARKET -- STALLS RETURN TO: UPDATED 2/02 DATE: SPACE C STALL NAM E_ I SIGNATURE !PRINT NAME P-100 :LET'S MAKE A DAIQUIRI ' LL/____ P-101 ;GERONIMOS ' �"u'q ; P-102 'PAPIER D'COULEUR ��"^ P-103 'EXPRESSIONS ' ; 7��'4 it P-104 'EELS ON WHEELS P-105 'CHECK 'ER LEGS P-106 ' SS OCEANIA0`ni fl4t P-107 ' BAYSIDE TO GO P-108 %PEOPLE PEOPLE V-7 r P-109 'H# ME ?Wi�i P-110 'SPARKLE PLENTY ' U `!x LE)(Ai6 -111 !COCONUT GROVE HAMMOCKS ' V ' -0 , (oq4 P-112 `FAST TRAC S- -113 ' TOYRRIFFIC ' _ �q Ylt�rY�c. CI�n �c na . P-114 'THE BARRIER REEF L�ti�uZ Gaer P-115 !COMICS iSan P-116 'STUDIO CELSO WERNECK 0-118 'BALI BEAUTIFUL P-119 'PASSAGE TO INDIA '` fe r-(r'�. C o K MARKET, SQUARER. F. FRUIT BAR COMPANY l/ T b r '.. i. a� �.bY.i• c,L�. � � fi 6 8 �tie�l