HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1992-07-16 AdvertisementSoar C. ' Founded July 26. 1968 's First Hispanic Weekly CERTIFICATED PROOF OF PUBLICATION TO: Matty Hirai, City Clerk City of Miami Post Office Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE I, the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the attached newspaper page, containing an advertisement of the City of Miami, Florida, bearing Purchase Order Number 0 q9_2 is a true and exact original newspa- per page belonging to El Nuevo Patria newspaper, published in Miami, Florida by El Nuevo Patria Publishing Company, a Florida corporation, with mailing address: Post Office Box 2, Miami, Florida 33135. The City of Mi i dvertis meet appearing in the attached page was published in the edition of said newspa per. Witness my hand and official seal, _this day of L4 A.b..1992. ;;,.V V Rai" . '---- t r rRA aW.tcsrna m CM4Mzsslo N0 cci9M MYC OM EX MAY i 1996 ,Ek dio Armesto III 4otary Pub0c at Large State of Florida 3. c•a C N C.4 CD Boot 2 Miami, Florida 33136 • (305) 643.3939 . 530.8787 . 577-8989 Fax r 6mo de costum- atios Como "Srriall i3ro ohr T dcl vudti de Lt TT CS- ILC)tl T'cttl{x , ct cr. i �t tti��c �l:tcn. --- titer" de las Ices tunas cla�lo de su iinca. "taxpayers", para ytte tnT5tc7 cic 3U aiTos, iTc- c }, � bre, Georgedisc()_- z `i�Ci ii ti, jtiga- de Urano, Vr`ashington Transformado en zom- los 30 rnillonc s de retie cuelltador do las (♦li Jios +en y Hialeah, controlando bi, deambulaba hablan- menses recibteran sus teks de 1lialni Beach. rDE FICACION cutaron con '� h►IiAmi. todo desde su casa en do patua o patois. Fell- cheques y sus Vitamin leche deechernohil E1 �I.1CA IA 1 niil>gro do la Watson Island, convey- pe Sals, le habia agrega- Stamps. lvs dos an- tidy en escuela de hu- do un piso al Versailles, La noble burocracia Un6gono se habia vol- mildad y modestia pars y ufonautas de toda la que le dejaba 600 biilo- cado al desarrollo de la CIUDAt afios; ppo DE MIA U las dirigentes corruptor y galaxia llegaban a to- nes de ganancia honra- Guerra de las Falacias, Ed�CJJRIDA — demagogos profesiona- mar cafe. Una legi6n de da al afio a Pernod, le arena ultcrrima para to les. adivinadores, astrblo- obligaba a servir cabal- que reclutaban habi- u�x It tS dosis de g g Todas las personas '` Todos recordaban gos, sanadores y reli- mente al pueblo. tar tantes con ten ua lac a ii:or<alcacho con na como SO a�os giosos de la Orden del antiguas tradiciones de y chariatanes. interesadas pot la pre- 1►lievotucia_ pe Los estudiantes de sense estan notiticadas .tv` r } atrds, Clin Tinton, ha- Camello, controlaban, Santerfa, caracoles y Mica. Rttri 50 bin enloquecido por junto al Pac-Man de caF� turco, Bran cadu- G�laga y Pac-Man Bran que la audiencia e - — Planiflcacibn y Zonifi- p cas y prohibidas. Sblo los mas aptos... Pero cacibn de la Comisibn t la Gran Com utadora volvamos a los anciani- p de la Ciudad de Miami — >r „ de Pernod y los Came- tos del principio... prevlamente convoca- a = lleros de Ahmed Ras- ocurre algo incretble... da para comenzar a tar } P hid erati creencia fe. veo a George comiendo 9 de la manana des Israel habia capture- del arbol del bien y del t99 a sa- 1 . do re-convocada pare do al ultimo criminal mat... i5i! George estd e, 116 de ui o de 15U. Nueye horas de clasps y Road•Test. Plan perfecto de $ — y.yj. 3 INNER •codas la'petna interesadas en este k asunto , . estdn invitadas _ 77 ,.., a_enpr arse en esta es t reun16n y .serdn es cuchadas pot'. la U 3�y 2 008 COLLINS AV E N U E comtsibn en referencia` — i.516M f - •. At" 1 �, ..�'?'� M I A M I $EACH a dacha cuestibn. En el ow casro de que cualquler elarsna"quiere ap • ut'de F�1eI1CO alquler deeistGS1oCep — la Corn Especial isibn de la Ciu- de Domingas: 99 512.+ t dad con respecto a la ; � Beach n41 cuestibn que sere con- _ yg"n �$1tA d l�iJ: siderada en esta Al. `complete sin itna viSita a Su Cena consiste de Sopa o Ensalada, encia, dacha persona Fllete de pescado al Broiler o deberb asegurar que k of GGr BjgtCc de Sirloin Moli- un record exacto de la ' audiencia se Naga y +' do o .Pollo a la Panne- que dicho record in- uy cla todo el testimo- - sana. nto y las pruebas sobre — Golumet (Todas las comidas se sirven las cuales podrA Dell -Restaurant ' — con Pure de Papas y Vege- basarse una apelactbn. t tales. De postre He dos o Matty Hirai a� Flan o Arroz con Leckie; Cafe secretartMunicipallorida .95.�5 o Copa de Sangria.) Miami,Etorida = Cena comienza a las 5:305. a,lsc en A+ Mtere+i excel' de la tarde ;; Oix� U t,,j,,..ve.aaa.�...a� - de la no s h ' = A w was �, am -� Show a las 7 _ �� _ y � •e it � it •r OiU kweodO dlW i f� un vao d dca. t ovho. aae opao (� (Q492) — IMIAiMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE, Before the undersigned authority personally appeared OCtehna V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that ant is the Super. visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, publishedcopy aL of ssdwrUsemenl, being aLeo Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING July 161 1992 RE: C94&WITY DEVELOPMEW BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM X X X Court, Inthe ........................................ was published In said newspaper in the Issues of July 6, 1992 Afflant further says that the sold Miami Revlsw is e news published at Miami In said Dods County, Florida, aid the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously q� ishad in Bald D�adde Counttyy Florida each day (sxcspt g$a� II Sunday and Leal Hoidays) and has been entered as sscondelass map matter At the It office In Mlaml in satd Dario County Florida. to a perW-- next precedlrq the prat pubk0on of tho attaco enndd am offlant futther aays that she hasO _. p .�tasien 16846 me this 6th * 92 .i ...., A.D. 19...... . ............ (SEAL)OFFICIA Alt SW CRIS INULMID MY COf4t. EXP. 4/5/9S Octelma V. Fetbayrs personally known to me. CWJ n�C = D fr z* MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared OeWma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super- visor of Legal Advertising of the Mlamf Review, a dolly (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, pubIlefted at Miami In Dads County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad Isement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MT MI Cmitission Meeting July 16, 1992 X X X Inthe ......................................... Court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of July 6r 1992 NOTICE TO H E PU6LI PLEASE Att: TAKE yOTICE THAT the Plamtin� and Zb]*,': of Miami Comenlitl6n Meeting. prevlously: sch@dufed to 9A0 a.m., on July Drd,1992 has been ret<cheduted t8 taonJ �trW2.6hld meeiing shall be held irithe City am ,:1500 i�an American Drive. Mlamt, FloM )Matty Hirat Miami, Florida 718 Afflant further save that the said Miami Review Is s at Miami M said Dade County, Florida, — pubUahed _ and said news he* heretofore been continuously day published In said Dade County. Florldaach (except Saba, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and been ontersd as eeeond class mall matter at the post oiliee In Miami In said - Dade County, Florida. for a psHod of one next proodinp -_ the flat pubUcawn of the attached seme-n_�} and atdaM says 'IM nN IdCommmissio of re the f d this Want for N + _ + toLnd subscribed afore na this m ...6 � ............... A.D. tg..9a.. �fr --I c-) ......,�......... ............. = FICIAL - (SEAL) M < CRISTINA I MY COMM. EXP. //5/95 act 3:0- m Octalms V. Fenboyre peraonalry known to me. �' F �` f Trill VI' �171I�11 I or PU191;1G%AI2ihTG '► Yj } 3 eiW' gvvmbeheldbytheComintsslonofthe..-- M1aml.Flartda City Hall, 3 1jt 2:00 P.M. Yt the City Commission Chamber at f knit Drive. Miami. l:tarids: to discuss a proposed reallacauott of unexpended m fund to the amount of funding )►,fit ■ t�� t (� I e 4�� 14LhYtarOommunftyDevelopmtntBlockGrantProgm lk200'wo mild the intended use of said funds. of 41200.0m 1rr unexpended = = r y =`tfte propt�ccl reallocation tm olvea a reprt tramming j4thYear CorntnutttbyptvetopTnentBlock GrantProgramfundsf-mCDBGProject Housing Project". for the purpose of 900NW54thSTREET •M1AM1,FLOItIDA33127 (305) 757-1147 'vldififfrtaneial lauded `Citywide Single Fbmily Rehabilitation asststamttah Business Development Authority. e to the Allapa off stir imprcmments and site $ Inc., in the form of a grant, for the provision of dcntolflionlclearl6tte at the pern Isit Gradens Townhome Project planned in the ed Welly ` Vtaprttah neighborhood. d to a and maybe heard cone ernfng this item. All inttreated pecatxib art invitemy decision of the City C desire to a aommission with County, Florida "+ 8hatild' pin ; resprct to any matter eorfsidered at this hearing. that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of tht ptoccedings 16 made, including all tesumony and evidence ti PROOF OF PUBLICATION '; upon a4rlch any apptat may be based. itirai lF" City Clerk Mlwnt, tortde ared MUIIAMED IIAMALUDIN, whoon oath says that (0ee3) weekly newspaper published at Miaini, Dade County, F1111--- - on a. t the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues or: July 09, 1992 Affianl further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade Cuuitly, F lurida, and that the said newspaper has hereloftre been continuously published in said Dade Cotm(y, 1- Inritla each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, I)adr County. = Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- lisemenh, further affianl says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- - count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publicatititt in this " newspaper. /J/ , !M� t `Z Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 09th day of July A.D. 199 2 — NOTARY NOTARY I"1-1^,,w IC STATE OF FLORIDA MY cct ."XSSIO.l- XP JULY 23,1995 TIIRU GE14ERAL INS. UND. or To TH8 MMMO '. TAKE NOtlbl`s THAT the Pl .. and Zoning City i3 hail sl C ` nunf$ ior► MeetGng previously st. begin at 9:00 a. m. c' 1992 has been rescheduled to taki place l6th, 1 mcct)ng shall be held in the City Commission L am era, Pan American Drhe, Miami, Mrida Led Matty HiralCity Clerk 900NW54thSTREET•MIAMI.FLOIIIDA33127 Miami, Florida (305) 757-1147 Weekly (_ Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDAI SS COUNTY OF DADE J PROOFOF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED IIAMALUDIN, whoon oath says.that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in tlx: issues of: July 09, 1992 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade Cuunly, Flurida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Plorida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affianl says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adveertisement for publication in this newspaper. At 4w4 a %, Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 09th day of _July A.D. 1992 AT LARGE. My commission expires: ROTARY P03 C STATE OF FLORIDA I'ly CU(i;;ISSi n FDA") 'JULY 28,1995 EOidaGD itl;ttl GENERAL INS. UND. LLr 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAM1. FLORIDA 33127 (305)757-1147 ° ':_ red Weekly County, Florida PROOFOF PUBLICATION . a < � , 13 ared MOHAMED IiAMALUDIN, whoon oath says plat ram ` weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in tx: issues of: July 09, 1992 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami. Dade- Cou nly, Flurida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida teach week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver. Usement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. .4 1 A .r / / / / ' 7—"" 11L 177"!!"7Iji7C7T'L_C`L7-7-cNic7M fir Un I)UMor15tll() Vio6ra-a c,,n formidables transformistas que de -vivir el autor do "La Casa de Bernarda Alba" Federico Garcia L orca...tendrfa motivos para volverse a la tumba pars morirse do Risas. Tutti Frutti Comp, y Capote los imitan Para que ustedcs ` pasen una tarde o noche feliz cn el Martf 5. Allf no., vemos, con Arenal. • ALEiDA Y NESTOR: un binomio quc nos quila el 1.10PRI-NIA Y AR Tit U1 ()S Rta.1(00505 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO PUBLICO Una audiencis p6blica serfs retebmda, por In Comi-Mn de Ia Cindad de Miami, Fla. en Junip41,,,3F4% a tas i 1:00 A.M. en la Cwr!x_" d f aw (!±m1sNSn, en e1.C4ty4JmUrJ$W40a wA=mmdmm Fx"'�` �aik flrtiN CtbNNti`�CtA i► y: le ,� v , d M et1 +Eilatlt4d gsse us gig eda pare el i od : ilttreasrto to of Collis ft* Wde+rtnt opone. 8 a y; � .li eaytei� (Second Bidditag). trio eet Ha 3313.% r .. �. . jj atallad<rr uiC8t1• t rattfitat' IA%game" de la ctndliid &*W* q to dk% ttiri de los'Castm t l SiCmpre auusento so hs d#bW 6 timovistanelas de eaaerpmh. ani6& Dios to acoja en su :i Se iavkatudas i A permim LntertsWak que se prematens podrae ser ssttichadas en b aee kat dielas T-Sii cacTuyc Tea fines do semnna y lns dtn c,ti„ir,tes ale fiestas. Vamos a vcr como funciona estc programn que se ha crcado con el solo prop6sito do heneficiar a los choferes do nucstra comunidad. Y hasta la pr6xima, si Dios quicrc. FLARER Y 11 AVE. 858A386 r „ ; x 4 2+ F e eo rn • a ssnplos. Si tdo atgnaspersresdeto a cas aofera&decisiondktovdo blvm! eons a espeeto a caaiqukr asnnto coasidersdo SEPARE SU BEDID� , on esta o } 31rs1E EMPQ PASADO FUE MEJOR: sino aadiencia, dacha persona deberf asegnnrse de que se hags on F C31?b i:A Ciilldlsl0l`i �E„•TICA RADIAL on iocluyendo Iodos �s testMwnbs 165Oa'd vtrba1mm�i, de toads los la probre los los SE6UR0 PA�RA i iOS S psttes de,su, regl�lmemtaci6n la.Cotnisi6n en Cuba decfa y ertdencias aobrr que que pueds basarse Is apelaci6n `+era Sus siirtttvlos, Todo pro0ama de radio dcbe constituir Hirai SE LO DICE Ski AMIGO t iii eintrbtetumtetito de sentido- sand y optimista, ,y'alin cn Maur . r . rIm caste quepor`el desarrollo de,la trams sea prcdsa e - city Ckrk t tilizar motivos contrarios su tesisteneral debt- de'ser, en' Miami, Ala. QRLAND® SARCi� to posibte,'alalitadora y constructiva.y para gtie recucrden (0474) Ids que aquf haven iibrctos para radio y -televisi6n eseuchen to ue el artfculo noveno reclamaha• "PROS- `TdTUCION. O PERVERSION SEXUAL: La Prosti- tucift la'trata de btancas y la perversi6n sexual, no son ulnas propios para ser incluidos on programas. El autor de este reglamento pas6 a mejor vida pues caso contrario ya to hubiera dado un infarto at escuchar to que = boy, por boy invade el ambientc radial, televisivo y cinematoarAfico.... ESTAMOSI EL DIRECTOR: del "culebron" venezolano "LAS MU- CHACHITAS" debe rogarle al maquillista que el entre- cejo de una de esas "luminariaC la despojen de tanto pelo que la hacen lucir horrible pero parece que es con la intenciba de copiar at gaUn de la scrie porque 61 tambi6n �•. padece de exceso de pelambrera entire los ojos. Y CON SU AMABLE PERMISO... hasta la pr6xima semana si Dios gtvere.. _ � •; �iiliiFtl�iiiiiiiiitiiiiii�lttalfiiitiiii�itiiititr•t�iitiisi•1tr•liii>�s�is�il RESTAURANT TIJUANA i �Especialldades Pollo -Broiled - Super -Sirloin Steak Mexican Food At its Bes 1 TUUMA NACHO 1 r ESPECIALi®AD DE LA MEJOR COCINA MEXiCAiVA BE131 IDAS - PATENTES-SA LON PARA FAM ILIA ` Martel a Viernes , de .11:30 a 2:30 y de 5 a 10:30 P.M. 854-9233 1 SM"OS • Y DOMINGO& 4:p.m. a 10:30 P.M. 1019SW S ST MIAMI • ' q •�. :: :. ix BONDED THRU GENERAL 'id 7 WfQ IS .baalmas' g1liQifd W o . is ` and w;`¢as }se anp > a .ap *Wauqw°m b ` o,°gyma ala*pmuoo em"Op RAo cansattp eI 3g dal j *so ; =K >q m anb as 'sam hoc) •n1a13aJ t iictmr+stp �j u 'ojaem :tan OT IIo3 ju oa` araiciena WtA*H on s}ed also no, .qm pal. ; `gym A :up o Ia Wed anb `s Yndsrq ; soj non vas T "lepeJ 'ugPvu!w.w p Jenspam anb oaeamq sgm i. as •nab sang soj f IIgi.=105,aJ f>sa P ,f�seq Damn' gsrp son odma Epp, p( ap;,ugraealmv al Jgma me p,R� �9 wa�e�.� no,.errnsnf ??a3 *M:)yt,.-NI,�na•• ; I"n �.glaupsdv J.q ft a mnsvq spspd anb'sK*", olaolo�pal Jaloblsns op■aknlaat 'opet+rlir�!P°� PaaaWsJ _ an v!q .as anb op a.Jnaass opedw � s ., .oa'ompoloo ul op ■gPT"P Japnbpena JsTady .:. ssta><ls 1S "ol■°s■ a>sa ■ al■aaaJaJ q as Jae uppod t ampmid v topasWOM senwad Sq'Wpoi 9 •MAMA IS 'gallalgW'sp, " Is as •past la r., I aanog.a%I, awe!) alsp WMA P aa'arlslw+ia L M44J1losaap 'ssl sal JaasoJd .led-jW6M ' "m op *ULM q - at '3.I 'APNI-V 1.sadoI"3a gtlledstlY P ■nP,nrwD vl7.av" i"AD d •p • d P sae ;"to d So,.H uolMgTgvqwa t(Iwo3 80019°PI- op.lnlll o "Wil top `.mod 1�0 :)P'a18 °h'aQ ins 4*1. aP sous v—, -Pool .s 4000'00Zf sp. ��a■�■'i Sop■q smell+ s SM opal■! as anb ;es. p yeoo`t19zs aP rm". , 61 as '.mod P■aD VON l.asdolauQ � . dad gone iM&w[P ■a W 5 ■ o op .v3p swv ■sd 009E'[i*H 4!� !a no 'pq Vo OP P "a ■I ■s •w•d 00Z sq ■ sp sP ■9 pma I aim vWq, laa alias wmgla 11130a pat v.fl 'Varian VIOxnny as osuv �Q GYQf li - 1LTH al*w aq 'aJc OP OP op as OgJI Sa1p----- no -OJT -o1 1 CICSMCIF9 ani ap _ opeu0131pu03v a.Ir So, oanbie ' eAnpul maid ept . •.. h olop so7 W 1 say ns SEU1311� U8mbly • . ;=man= Rr o: 03iNIr As 33e0- 01 3s soNA rMra 08053s rain ns as 93E I IS13% •anv Lt A d3l^UY 13 Jonbq wed slop xx aeaioca m ap afinad ua wpesme anE '!weppK �rq x aetap axod `00MU� .Mvp EI OP avviat Sol , -- '$ 'a � $1 `semau unsa$ %seuoluaJad OIL (t8gl) -Ia r mi'iV1SN1 VQV'IVl&Ni ��� Jp!� aD�sO tePA »paa0P. ap ngpelnwsja $I � 1cJpTrpaoa alaamajq rop!aepadv Jspnblena enr . anb sep aJgov v!wapT�a cxtiul antb ommea also Jod gJnlaaAe as a asJsssq sPssd a.b of aJ9os spa.sPlaa o opvomplsal J ro adoJalnbpseu asJaseq spnndAsa gab IIa alp la vfnWamej sopm=m sown as op.aLalasq 4VIl■+l 01 opo1 sP P W" Wow .. sEvg 6 �6 9!np Is"� opuaxnpnn bpvlval o! oP°l sP [sgJa►D1S sp aciensase !<+sgsP.aosJad st[aTP'ep.a�Pns visa pa o o!nounlsal Ja!n6 wesnSasa gJagap vnosJad e+1JTP aq 'semogy uttSas •else► ap Boland -Isooa o..sv Jalableaa mas oaos,ad en d SOIL YJN301S3f! 7WICIRMOD pJoaaJ on vaeg as anb ap M >iOldOJd i7iS JfSaldlCi Wed ope.Md= JOd IIgtmdo can rrsap ngls IS 'nma!pns ova no, opeJap!snw olpnse Jxn ena v o�adsu rol■■s■ e o S31V1DUS3 t mt non w9ls!wo� si ap ngps!aap Ja!nb wu ads vasaP vuosJad vvojmm O"d emol II uw aloa also ooa at1sa ua masa Jas ugJpwd 9?onr ei 9m!a oP■■o!>•1 q ■ of uou ooa sopegar *;I .pins t o 'Wald, . 7 vuAw !asaJd -oluea a`sepssatalu! ,sau°SJad s"i sspo�spuna+as 'De1Hog3, aatJej� oJSaa zanf ja 'alaamalIIapaJ ■sl.asaJd ac s.6's.ps4uapatp ssoos»d sq sepol . gpA.l ag p ® : ep!►n a so, P •gellvdn" ap . . nS almJ fI ap OJgmana oJlO roPTJoLi `ip�sTW "+"TJQ opeauspd 1»CoJd amoyway apJ J al I 31 o■JIJsW ■ed 009E `�lJsl� t7!� NP ss■lago sel ■s `�flq! d sud n e s wa a oa �ainaJsa!a ,'�agsip I= fan OP opmm an Whoa Q4Jm nfllpaal.ard ns ap Jojoa je opt `anb ■ s�sl Tess �'■■T°gis'd pypaessl Sga4Q JaaAoJd vied `(lusfd) 'ug!wasgns t n , , owap 's+uotSm sq i M'XS 131XIMG .TN3)%MOII IM •alamb solo cs Minos eurocyld ene ap WWOJ pa ynT °4!Joq�nv �uaowlopaeaoQ ssanlan i P z Jrga $I J� oPemt ap soJgmarm ialvuxv5 .L� IS !f i11•)Q Dawn a. OE • bZ A+CAI ■I a+l■a wimma ap `-m v eps elseq •sopol ap aaiq ja Iod `ens Ise• and geljedvity tv s's171E°'} s'analspsv JaaJo,d ap ip9da+ t mood f Mmmnja so, bplg id fpanb anb oZ *P■iTissal ■aalr la .a '7S 9f A1'N eat o eas anb vJed'.laaCoJd BpTsnoH uo!ls�!p!gmia2t fpPpe3 !s apT�'��13• jetarpnf fwalsls ja IIa s! sP `(IN3w3AolldwI 83At3S 1vI1Nvs) oPsl[TJ*lpsals sns •e11an ej aP �3 el OP alaaagelol ep m?j d ..UM13wd Suu X�18 puau�dopa+aQ • 1aP 9810r,+■ sq s<stgoa sued hs■gpTlsJd e4T�sssy sl sP ■9pasw IIa eJP la att$all anb ejseq alaapIInlaoa elouap expo opepnl l °�"{o' NP so, uoultow so" us 'pI>fl'00ZS >Q Ltd tzzaeyaoo f1 f pnfW d sonpwpm f faotsaj-Jplooa q aJgos p■lt■a, a� . .pn max gltp. aP 1 WMNO ,tapabtena 9mgmm as erns 'jme1 u9pumansrsrp ej op olqulal leas asa �. wO1O� 9T !isJ'�tsJ visandoJa aTl u�daJ van aya.nna n � aP vama iaM! sajgnxld eJlaoa saaolsnasrp J0I3'lmslW'a►TJQ oealJam`roed OOSf'Pps!W sP ■9!sl�� 'se l sod zan can op anb IIa somem3uOO alagal .SOP„OJ sag31P ■ mp sluanq as anb osn pa �'moo`ottzs #J ap alJeci Jod ItzgfJ aglafa►mixastp ■i ap �■�■!J sl as'w'd sZ�► sq ■'Z66T `i otpnC ■s gmJgalaa e1) Po • sas<p j rp sP per sl so, uJ PUSutaj sopnol ll n?!nz!tsao(u - as sob o1a ac II TaeU[IIIi e e oluena as a ea aoa tII .a ,unuSoJd Pn D X�tS s a6tiA°a ? IMP. ft anb. o[ip 'epad¢m fj op ogTmdo ' ■! ■, 'stpssa�Ja ss.� o o� •t aP ■pp.nai .�, a ea IIoa allena ueAoil on vied also IIa .sxaaa pal. 4qununal MPA gltl- Fv ' aced 'ep!Jo13 '!UM 'a.uQ 1■! sq M", ■ WM o■ OS P j wqm vlsandwd eon gl-s!P X. 1 9 anb �fIB Y AJ1TH opeJ)si8¢w 1 soj sand `oiasuu of ep osea la end anb 'soaedsiq nex+awv pvd IpSE `tieH t+!� to no, 'n .s�v" a -v eJewqi I� f flp so�sgmatm ap oJamcta apellmrj an j tea g• sl no, wa 00Z ssl a t"T sP0l1Jas v 9 ,. a!wa!pnv sun is soj aoa o Sol so uoa ens ed ` tael a TSEIIIBIl1� a L�P PePw:) aIs eIItm�ja `oven an II� s�lled `�-6t'SS-�IS �L3mus 9£ M N w -ua . -s,p el a)uacaeAl !j2P IeIIapaoa anb oIIeamq ss ap nq�sppw'J pa epwgap w t aP aoptaSogf a amJad anb 6 `-fraaa8u� H� OQ�''I'IIIId��. $�?jOj`3I�1t x� eperj •ualu8islad as anb saal� soj a IIgc�nlosal Lisa P >an ?p spla asap anb- „seli93aas�d saIIocs W �N'Igl IHId NiOIZ)VS*.L 3HSOS 1 engaa�a Alas apaop elseq oalo� rJrp son odIIlarl fP W s�cpj:ttt d ap jeaeJ SOI2IV1 MONd V NIOIDVaINiflNOZ) H jg weJ a op!gop sopemt op a9pealm�ja ej Ielrna 1'�I'►.�I�11y '3(I ®SiA'd ,� ! end O emol CIP" - aluelJodua also efe e13 omoa o ! um `s�jl'ner saaotlsml as .11MdIW 40 All- aiaA alb at `� elope -a •sled also, as epRsclt 9Q QdQf1I3 pT4 soar I u M fsa[ani :all soJgl m so, vw aP Solopolle s5a{ jo Jod epemol ugpnjoswJ ej `jeJ ,,"�', fib■ � - so, nusq anzb dns s u �pn �1Jfd som el t soalag '.r'"` �;r E "s w a.r. n a aS no /� ulejnJ. , I r OP.. , 1 1'! .1 1 • 4'� 1l j���I��„ � PI T, ��� a ���I ' � it �lll ��pf1 � I1�' ��l1, "�°°� �`;`'�i i'i �� fil u��i`�G i� 1� i II I Jill I° �jiI j11Ip I III �� q1� III II! y • IMF r U3 1 n t 3 iv (v�i STATE OF FLORIDA COU►iTY OF DADE :: N Personally appeared before -,e the undersigned, Jorge II. Consuegra, to me well -}mown, -who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Vanager of Diario Las Az.e'ricas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except :--onday, in Miami, Lade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly published daily except "iondays in Dade County, Florida, for., more than one year i:.mediately preceding first publication of said Legal notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail :natter in the United States Pest Office in Mani, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal I;otice or Advertisernent, all copy of '.hich is hereto attached, was published in on the following days: Signed Sworn to DIARIC LAS AIERICPS # ORDERED, before me this j- day of 19—:2 2_, in N.iami, Dade County, Florida. • TEARSHEET ATTACKED d Amount 6 C . Notary Public NdTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA pBONDED THRU OEHEM II{$i. W-y j nimaaenlaproximidadde !as 90grados.Eivlernes,extrerns• it damente calldes con las mAximas cerca de Is parte media de los 90 grados. 6 VIENTOS: SoplarAn vientos del sureste de entre 10 y I lies par here en is noche. Ei viernes vientos del sureste de 15 millas par hog. AOgAS: Las aguas de Is bahia de Biscayne estarAn ligera- mente pleadas en las Areas expuestas durante In noche, con alas de 2 pies de alto y vientos del sureste de 15 nudos par hors. Elviernesaguasllgeramentepiesdaacon olasde2plesde alto y vientos del aureate entre 10 y 15 nudos por hors. 1 Relsel6n de lag temperahiras, minimal y (mAximas entre i pardntesls) reglstradas en las gtgulentes cludedes: Amsterdam 24 (15) Asunci6n 17 (10) Atenas 29 (18) Berlin 32 (18) Bonn 30 (17) Bogott 22 (4) Bruselas 22 (17) Buenos Aires 17 (0) Caracas 23 (20) 1, FLORIDA URLICO efecto por la Comisi6n d6 la 9, 1992, a les 4:30 P.M. an lea dad, en el Ayuntamiento, 3500 a, an relac16n a is continuaci6n ecial CentrolFlegler para Segu- i6n al dmillaramiento especial. ejoramiento Especial son Celle 3ra. Sur, y Biscayne Boulevard. do arriba del programs City efectivo en Mayo, 1990, y Tonal. ti3n Invitadas a comparecer y Malty Hirai City Clark Miami, Florida t 11, FLORIDA JBLICO Eo por la Com'Wn de la Ciudad, Julio 9, 1992 a las 4:10 P.M. an -" Ciudad, en el Ayuntamiento, Roride, al pr6posito de discutir Ici6n. Final Block Grant de De- e Is Ciudad.' La propuesta en- 'Desarrollo Comunitario del APfo ignacl6n del$1.000,000 previa- Community College an el,Af10 ,Tones adoptedas en Matzo 12, t n invitadas a comparecer y to asunto.Si cualquier persona la' CoriiWi5n de to Ciudad, core erado lstf` esta audiencia, esa record literal de los procedi- testimonioy evidencia sobre 'set fundameintada. Mattv City alert Hire[ Miami, Florida - Madr1 31 (17) � �P, cnt n1COft San Salvadox 31 (20) Managua 34 (22) Santiago de C11 (3) Manila 33 (24) Santo Domin l24) MAxlco 29 (14) Sedi 27 (19) f( Miami 33 (26) Tegucigalpa 31 (11) Montevideo 12 (4) Tokio 31 (17) Mosed 25 (13) Vrrsovia 30 (22) Nueva York 31 (20) Viena 28 (14) Panam6 33 (22) Washington 30 (21) Perrs 24 (17) ALTAS: 10:154 a.m. y 10:49 p.m. BAJAS: 4:10 a.m y 4:30 p.m. MAREAS: Las mareas a 1a entrada de Is bahia de Miami, serAn: AVISO AL PUBLICO FAVOR DE TOMAR NOTA TODOS que Is reuni6n de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami de Planificac16n y Zonificaci6n fijada pars comenzar a las 9:00 a.m. en Julio 23, de 1992 he sido anticipada para lievarse a efecto on Julio 16 de 1992. Diche reuni6n deber6 efectuarse an las Cbmaras -de-rat o— M de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. (03921 Malty HlraI City Clark Miami, Florida AVISO AL PUBLICO FAVOR DE TOMAR NOTA TODOS que una audiencia pliblica as Ilevarb a efecto por Is Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami en Julio 9, 1992 a las 9:05 a.m. en las C6maras de Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad, con el prp6sito de discutirldespliegue de policla. (0490) '= Malty Hirai CI Clerk Miami, Florida ccofa-"" CIUDAD DE MIAM1, FLORIDA AVISO AL PUBLICO Una audiencia p6blica se Ilevar6 a efecto an la Comis16n de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, an Julio 9, 1992' a las 4:05 p.m. -an las CAmaras de. la Comisi6n de la Ciudad, en"el Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida con el prop6sito de oir cual- quiet objecl6n de cualquiers de las partes interesades afectadas, por un aumento en el controto entre Urban Constructors, Inc. y la Ciudad de Miami, an una cantidad que no excede de la cantidad de $25,000 para trabajo extra necesario en el Proyecto fielworkl Redesarrollo an Curtis Park (Segundo Licitaci6n), Proyecto No. 331353, y an ratificar Is de.cisi6n del Administrador de la Ciudad que el susodicho aumento result6 de circunstancias de emergencfa. Todas las personas' Ihteresadas estan invitadas a comparecer y pueden set oldas concerniente a estos asuntos. Si cualquier per- sona deseara apelar cualquier decis16n de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad con respecto.a cualquier materia considerada an esta audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse que un record literal de los procedi- mientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sabre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede set fundamentada. (#0489) _ Matty Hirai '- - City Clerk °o » Miami, Florida.. AiWak Ccyr f-.j - _ y r— C) .�.. (n rn Z—LAI*E OF FLORIDA ) NA - P1 COUZ4TY OF DA.DE Personally acpeared : zforE -,e the under signed, Jorge fi. Consuegra, to ^e well-known, .:no Ieing duly aworn re.cses and says that he is Credit !'anager of Diario Las Ar..ericas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except :•;onday, in Miami, Cade County, Flcrida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly published daily except Mondays in Cade County, Florida, for more Chan one year immediately preceding first publication of said Le5al 2:otice or advertise:r.ent and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail :ratter in the Lni ed States : est Office in i'iami, Cade County, F lori<ia, and that the Legal Notice or dvertise:.ent, all copy of Which is hereto attached, :.as published in on the following days: Signed DIARIC LAS P_• ERICPS P.O.# 5�j3 oIRDERED:-- Sworn to anff subscribed before me this j day of 19--- in V-iami, Dade County, Florida. * TEARSHEET ATTACFED e Amount Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION Exp. MR.14,1993 BONDED THRU GENERAL INSZ UNDr 634-5080. ,Jro441tensaje J7,t ue r, Rod 0-' " n la oto a .Orlando G6mez Gil,'autor del 11. aeo. parece, al Centro, el Dr. bro Mensaje y vigencia de Josa Enrique Rodb, durante la presents- ,e�9td'_ si6n de esta obra en Is Librerta Universal. Ala derecba el Dr. Miguel A. Oft Benito-y a is lzquierda el Dr. Leonardo Fernandez Marcand, que tuvieron' a on cargo dieba presentaci6n. OFoto DIARIO LAS Aftos r. 'AMERICAS) =debo Colegio La Progresiva de Cgrde Encrucijada y estimularon su -nas y a 1s Iglesia Presbiteriana, entusiasmo por las letras". quo fueron las instituclones que' a e1 desarrollo de un ; Al final del acto se sirvi6 un bu. htiirtilde muchacho estudiante de fet Para el pdblleo asistente -'CIUDAD:DE MIAMI AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Una audiencia p6biica sera Ilevada a efecto por Is Comisi6n de is Ciudaii tle ;Miami, - Fkxida, eg 16 1992 a . Las, 2.•00 P.M. on las Wparas tie la! Comisi6n dela u a , Ayuntemiento, 3n Pan ; W46, Miami, ,;pare discxttir una reasignaabn 'propuesta del'Progrinia Stock Grant de Desarrollo Comunitario del Atio'14 de fondos:no gastedos, an is cantidad de $200,000 el intentado uso de dichos fondos. . L`a. propuesta reasignaci6n envuelve una reprogramaci6n de $200,000' en tondos no gsstados del Programs Block Grant de Desarrollo Comunitario del Afio 14 del "proyecto CDBG Intitulado —� "'Proyeeto de Viviendas de Rehabilitaci6n de una Sola Familia en Toda Is Ciudad" con el prop6sito de proveer asistencia financiers a Is Ailapattah Business Developrnent Authority," Inc., en la forma de una:concesi6n, pars la provisi6n de•mejoras fuera y limpieza/ demoUci6n en el lugar an el Proyecto Fern Isle: Gardens Townhome planeado en Is Vecindad de Ailapattah. ' ^ Todas 'las personas interesedas 'estan Invitades 'a comparecer y pueden sat oidas i�orx:emientes a este asunto. Si cualouier, persona deseara apelar cualquier decisl6n de Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad con CJ un Z'' N �r.'ersi•,'ed, Jorge Consu�gra, es and says t^at he is Credit — 1 circulation, 2k1blis`-ked daily except fiant furt:.er says that the above aily except :jondays in Cade County, _ said preceding first purlication of as g all such time and now is entered Cade raunt.i, in .'ia,i , s Of -;ich is 'nareto all COPY rs 1 ",v P.O. # 0 �4 1`1 s respecto a cualquier materia considerads on esta audiencia, 'esa . eI persona dabs asegurarse de quo un ;record literal de los procsdi- ' mientas'sea hechp, Induyendo todo testirnonio y evidencia sobre Ios cosies cualquiar apelaci6n puede ser fundamentsda. , : 04931 us" Wal iCRY cleft M x lNlmffl rWa. fy, � - � F-r4 l•Y s .. ! , i s day of Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC 51ATE OF FLORIDA, My BONDEDy'THRU GENERAL INS 4W.- �-�Aa '" `` fix•. ` 1 ____ - _- - i . ... .. .� a �. l •