HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1992-06-11 Marked AgendaMAYOR VICE MAYOR COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER XAVIER L. ' ` REZ DR. MIRIAM ALONSO MILLER J. DAWKINS VICTOR H. DE YURRE J.L. PLUMMER, JR. ' CITY MANAGER CESAR H. ODIO MEETING DATE: JUNE 11, 1992 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING * * THIS MEETING SHALL CONVENE AT 9:00 AM THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING IN THE FOLLOWING PORTIONS OF THIS AGENDA: "CONSENT AGENDA", "PUBLIC HEARINGS", OR "PUBLIC DISCUSSION" IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is rude including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. The City ,Commission at the conclusion a 12:00 noon; further, of deliberations on No. 87-115) * k has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin f deliberations of the agenda item being considered at that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion the agenda item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution k FOR MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS W:-iICH DO NOT APPEAR 171 THIS PRINTED AGENDA, KINDLY REFER TO THE CITY CLERK'S REPORT, ATTACHED HERETO. * ink AM I WR CONSENT AGENDA Item 1 which is comprised of items CA-1 through CA-18 has been scheduled to be hear — in the numFe—red sequence or as announced by GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items 2 through 24 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS Items 25 through 27 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced �y tFie Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 28 has been advertised to be heard at 11:00 AM.* Item 29 has been advertised to be heard at 11:05 AM.* Item 30 has been advertised to be heard at 11:10 AM.* Item 31 has been advertised to be heard at 11:15 AM.* Item 32 has been advertised to be heard at 2:15 FM.* Item 33 has been advertised to be heard at 2:15 PM.* Item 34 has been advertised to be heard at 2:30 FM.* PAGE 2 JUNE 11, 1992 PAGE 3 JUNE 11, 1992 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT'D Item 35 has been advertised to be heard at e 2:35 PM.* Item 36 has been advertised to be heard at "-- 2:40 PM.* * The City Commission shall consider these items at the specified times or thereafter as may-6e announce . PERSONAL APPEARANCES Items 37 through 48 have been scheduled to be hear7 after 3:007 PM. The City Commission shall consider tthesitems at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. s SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING YV� _ Item 49 has been advertised to be heard at =` 4:00 PM. The City Commission shall consider this tem at the specified time or thereafter as may a announced. i 4 SPECIALLY SCHEDULED DISCUSSION ITEM 4' y�. Item 50 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by t e Commission. 9:00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DELIVERED A. PRESENTATIONS 8 PROCLAMATIONS SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA 8. Approving the minutes of the Planning and Zoning APPROVED City Commission meeting of February 18, 1992, the MOVED :: DAk'K3;QS Regular City Commission meeting of March 12, 1992, SECONDED ALONSO the Planning and Zoning City Commission meeting of UNANIMOUS -_= 't: March 26, 1992 and the Regular City Commission meeting of April 2, 1992. PAGE 4 JUNE 11, 1992 1. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items CA-1 through CA-18 constitute the Consent Agenda. Tese resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of items CA-1 through CA-18 a adopted..." The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." —_= CA-1. RESOLUTION - (J-92-401) - (AUTHORIZING R-92-367 SPONSORSHIP) MOVED : PLUMMER i' SECONDED : ALONSO Authorizing the sponsorship of the Youth Crime UNANIMOUS Watch of America Program and allocating funds t ere or, in an amount not to exceed 20 000, from ems' the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such expenditure having been approved by the Chief of Police. +, CA-2. RESOLUTION - (J-92-399) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDING) R-92-368 MOVED : PLUMMER Authorizing the funding of the Career Criminal SECONDED : ALONSO _ Pro ram and allocating funds therefor refor in amount UNANIMOUS not to exceed $32,980 from the City of Miami Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such expenditure having been approved by the Chief of Police. - 3 t AOL CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-3. RESOLUTION - (J-92-397) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE) Authorizinq the purchase of a trained Bel ium Ma un ios police dog and allocatiM funds therefor, n an amount not to exceed V5500, from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such expenditure having been approved by the Chief of Police and being subject to applicable City Code procurement provisions. CA-4. RESOLUTION - (J-92-373) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE) Authorizing the purchase of decision su ort's EZ�DARGAL Adhoc Reportinq Software Perpetual License in the amount oT )sts uvu.uu support maintenance at a first ear cost o S 910.00 an reference manuals in the amount of 120.00 for a total proposedamount of 41 030.00 from Software Clearing H�ousee* a non-minority/non-local ven or rental of said software was approved for a one year evaluation perioa at a total cost o 20 000.00 pursuant to Reso ution No. 91-207 adopted March 14 1991 ; further, pursuant to the contract between the City of Miami and Software Clearing House dated June 26, 1991, $16,000.00 of the hereinabove $20 000.00 one year rental fee wi a credited to the Perpetual license cost upon execution of the purchase option prior to July 1, 1992; allocating funds therefor from various City departments as follows: Police Account No. 290201-335 ($12,000.00), Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Account No. 280401-335 ($12,000.00), Planning, Building and Zoning Account No. 560701-335 ($12,000.00), Finance Account No. 260701-335 ($5,030.00), Labor Relations Account No. 270501-335 ($3,000), General Services Administration and Solid Waste Account. No. 420901-335 ($2,000.00) and Personnel Management Account.No. 270101-335 ($1,000.00) fori a total amount of $47,030.00; authorizing the City' Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for said acquisition and thereafter to extend the annual support maintenance in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in a contract, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, and subject to the availability of funds. * NOTE: Name of Company was amended by the City Clerk's Office. PAGE 5 JUNE 11, 1992 BRIEFLY DISCUSSED AND TABLED ULTIMATELY PASSED BY R-92-402 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED PLUMMER ABSENT : DAWKINS CA-5. CA-6. CONSENT AGENDA CONT`D RESOLUTION - (J-92-175) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE BID Acce ting the bid of Bowne of Miami Inc. (a non - minority Miami vendor for the printing, binding and shipping of official statements for bon financing on a contract basis for one 1 year witNtheoption to extend for an additional one (1) year period for the Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste/Graphic Reproductions Division at a total estimated cost of $7,315.00 per bond issue; allocating funds therefor from the Finance Department, Treasury Management Division, Account Code No. 269902-680- 311016; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service and thereafter to extend this contract for an additional one 1 year period, at the same price, terms and conditions, subject to the availability of funds. RESOLUTION - (J-92-371) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE BID Acceptinq the bid of Allied Universal Corporation a non -minority Da a County vendor for t e furnishing of swimming ool chemicals on a contract basis or one 1 ear wit the option to extendor an a itionaT ane 1) year period for the Parks and Recreation Department at an estimated first year cost of $65,598.25; allocating funds therefor from the Pars and Recreation, Recreation Division General Fund Budget, Account Code No. 580301-704 (FY 1992 - $20,000; FY 1993 - $45,598.25); authorizing the Cit Manager to instruct the Chie Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for these supplies and thereafter to extend this contract for an additional one (1) year period at the same price, terms and conditions, subject to the availability of funds. PAGE 6 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-369 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-92-370 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS CA-7. CA-8. Ll CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-92-368) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE BIO Accepting the bid of Chem-Tainer Industries (a non-minority/non- local vendor) for , 600 Heavy Duty Plastic Barrels to t-De artment o General Services Administration and Solid Waste on a contract basis for one 1 ear with the option to exten for an additionaf-one-Tl) year period at a total estimated first year cost of $18 750.0�; allocating funs therefor from the 1991-92 Operating Budget, Account Code No. 421301-722; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for this material and thereafter 'to extend this contract for an additional one (1) yearpeerio , at the terms and conditions specified herein and subject to the availability of funds. RESOLUTION - (J-92-376) - (ACCEPTING PROPOSAL) Accepting the proposal of Kronos Systems, Inc. (a non -minority Da a County vendor) or furnishing two automated time and attendance systems, said proposal containing t e most advantageous combination of price, greatest flexibility and best features meeting the needs of the City at a total proposed amount of $11,000.00 for t—ie General Services Administration an Solid Waste Department; allocating funds therefor from Project No. 422001, Account Code No. 421101-880. PAGE 7 JUNE 11, 1992 -92-371 OVED PLUMMER ECONDED : ALONSO NANIMOUS R-92-372 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS PLU14MER ALONSO CA-9. CA-10. IM CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-92-375) - (AUTHORIZING LEASE OF VEHICLES Authorizing the lease of thirteen (13) vehicles for tFe-months of June Jul and August and three (3) vehicles for the month of September to be used for the implementation of the City s Summer Youtfi Emp o went araining Program under an existing City of Miami Bid No. 91-92-001 from Royal Rent -a - car a Hispanic/Miami vendor), at a total propose cost of $23 016.00 for the Department of Community Deve opment; allocating funds therefor from the Summer Youth Employment and Training Program Grant through the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium, Account Code No. 450237-610-184039; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for said acquisition. RESOLUTION - (J-92-372) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE BID Accepting the bid of P.O.G. Ray and Feed (a Hispanic Dade County vendor) for furnishing feed and supplements for police horses on a contract asis for one 1 year with the option to extend for an additional one (1) year period for the Department of Police at an estimated first year cost of 25.219.00; allocating funds therefor rom t e Po ice Department General Operating Budget, Account Code No. 290201-710; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for said supplies and thereafter to extend this contract for an additional one 1 year period at the same price, terms and -conditions, subject to the availability of funds. CA-11. RESOLUTION - (J-92-369) - (ACCEPTING BID) Acceptina the bid of Motorola Inc. (a non- minority/Dade County vest or or the purchase of 1000 STX Radio Batteries for the Department of Police at the ro o�se amount o 21 0.00; a T T ocating funds t h ere f or rom the Po lice Department General Operating Budget, Account Code No. 290201-701; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for said acquisition. PAGE 8 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-373 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-92-374 MONIED SECONDED UNANIMOUS R-92-375 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS PLUM14ER ALONSO PLUMMER ALONSO PLUMMER. ALONSO CA-12. CA-13. 6-1 CONSENT AGENDA CONT`D RESOLUTION - (J-92-436) - (ACCEPTING RENEWABLE BID Accepting the bid of N & G Best Lawn Inc. (a black/Dade County vendor) for t� urnishin of rounds maintenance for the new Sout east Overtown and Park West Ma 1s on a contract basis for a period of one 1 year with the option to exten for two (2) add'itional one year periods for the Department of Development and Housing Conservation at a proposed annual amount of 8,950.00: allocating funds therefor from the Sout east Overtown/Park West Tax Increment Operating Budget Account No. 550108-340, Project No. 689001; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service and thereafter to extend this contract for two (2) additional one —(1 year Brio s, su6ject to the avai�ety of funds. RESOLUTION - (J-92-379) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the agreement, in substantially t e attached orm, between the City of Miami and Borrelli and Associates Architects Planners PA as architectural en ineerin consultants on the Fire Garage Fire Station #3 Modification an Expansion Project. or extra work performed wit 5 ffie sco e of the pE2ject, at an extra cost o $61,133, allocating funds therefor rom Capita Protect Fund, Fire Garage/Fire Station 03 Modification and Expansion Project (313019). PAGE 9 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-376 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-92- 377 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS PAGE 10 JUNE 11, 1992 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-14. RESOLUTION - (J-92-404) -- (ESTABLISHING SPECIAL R -9 2- 378 CONDITIONS FOR USE OF STADIUM) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO Establishing special charges, terms and conditions UNANIMOUS for the use of the_ Bobby Ma uro Miami BasebaTT Sta ium by Success Entertainment Inc. for the presentation of a musical concert to be held on June 20, 1992; authorizing the City Manager to execute a use agreement, in substantially the attached form, for said purpose. CA-15. RESOLUTION - (J-92-406) - (PROHIBITING R-9 2- 37 9 DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO Prohibitinq discrimination on the basis of UNANIMOUS disabilityand reaffi min the Cit Commission s previous polipy statement that the City ofof Mia shallprovide rovide equal access and equal opportunity in employment; appointing a City of Miami employee to be responsible for the implementation of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ADA ; an reaffirming the a o too of Section XI, Complaint Process of the AffirmativeAction Plan as a grievance procedure for individuals filing complaints under the provisions of the ADA. CA-16. RESOLUTION - (J-92-380) - (ACCEPTING DONATION & R- 92-3 80 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO Authorizing the City Manager to accept the UNANIMOUS onation of funds' not to exceed an amount o 29,832 from the Eleventh Juaicial Circuit o Florida, the Administrative Office of theCourts, in Dade County, Florida ("Circuit") for the acquisition of computer hardware and soTtware ("interface") to continue to allow the mainframe computers of the Cj of Miami "City" to access o ice informat n from the Metropolitan Dade Count s County computer system; authorizing t e City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached orm, with the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida, the A ministrat ve Office of the Courts, n Da a County, Florida, to implement said acquisition. CA-17. CA-18. rAW CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-92-443) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, with -Sandra W. Joice Consultant to perform the services of InternationaI Economist, for t e period of June 1 through September 30, 1992, in the amount of $5 500.09; allocating funds therefor from the International Trade Board budget. RESOLUTION - (J-92-444) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City 'Mana er to execute an a re�emen� in substantially the attached form, with Manuel J. Gonzalez Consultant to perform the services of Marketing Coor, inator, for the period of June 1 through September 30, 1992, in the amount of $14,400.00; allocating funTs thereforfrom the International Trade Board budget. END OF CONSENT AGENDA PAGE 11 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-382 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-92-381 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS NOTE: Items 2 through 27 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. ORDINANCES - SECOND READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an item for second reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. 2. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-92-336) Amending Ordinance No. 10912, adopted on September 11, 1991 which established initial resources and initial a- ro riations for tie special revenue fund entitled Asset Tracking", to provide for an increase in the amount o 34 500 as a result o a successful application for adAtional grant fun -Us—, and authorizing the City Manager to accept t e rant- of 34, 00 from the U.S. Department o Justice; containing a repealer provision anU a severability clause. Date First Reading: May 14, 1992 Moved : Vice Mayor Alonso Second : Comm Plummer Vote : Unanimous 3. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-92-334) Amending Ordinance No. 10913, adopted on September 11, , which established initial resources and initial appropriations or t e s cial revenue un entit ad "(Zeographic Targeting Pro ram to provide for an increase in the amount of $6tm as a result of a successful a ication for additional grant funds, and authorizing the ity Cana er to accept the grant of $65,000 From the U.S. Department of Justice; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date First Reading: May 14, 1992 Moved : Comm Dawkins Second : Vice Mayor Alonso Vote : Unanimous PAGE 12 JUNE 11, 1992 ORDINANCE 10986 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 10987 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D 4. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-92-160) Repealing Ordinance No. 10948, adopted February 13, 1992, in its ent�irett further amending Article II, "Bur ar— and Robber Alarms" of Chapter 3.5, "Alarm Systems" of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by deTineatinq the qualifications of burglar alarm specpecfalty electrical contractors; by setting forth provision with false alarms including the instance where a system for which an alarm permit has not been issued or has not been renewed generates a false alarm; deleting the requirements of inspections by police and a licensed burglar alarm company as a condition precedent to reinstatement of the alarm permit; more particularly amending Sections 3.5-22, 3.5-23 and 3.5-29 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended; containing a repealer provision, severability clause and providing for an effective date. Date First Reading: May 14, 1992 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Comm Dawkins Vote : Unanimous 5. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-92-343) Relating to the homeless authorizing the City Manager to expend an amount not to exceed 45 000, from t e special revenue fun entit e "Homeless Project", Project No. 192001, Index Code No. 261001, as the City of Miami's match to Metro - Dade County, to provide beds and s ecia ize treatment for homeless 5-a ir-vM ua I s having substance abuse problems; further, authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary agreements with Dade County in a form acceptable to the City Attorney; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date First Reading: May 14, 1992 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Vice Mayor Alonso Vote : Unanimous PAGE 13 JUNE 11, 1992 ORDINANCE 10988 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : DE YURRE ABSENT : PLUMMER ORDINANCE 10989 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT`D 6. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-92-295) Ame�ndin-g Chapter 45.5, entitled "Public Nuisance", of -the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, — ich provided for the creation of a Nuisance Abatement Boar ("Board"), and set forth enforcement proce u� res, penalties, and conduct of hearings, said amendment: decreasing from twenty- four (24)months to six (6) months, the time frame for nuisance complaints; -ista-0 is i ng an alternative re urement for sevendocumented instances to support findings o u is nuisances in—li u o a certi i'� ed conviction; adding regu at�)ns for youth gangrelated nuisance activities; changing t he o a- F-d members' requirements to include residency or business office withiin the City of Miami: providing for the terms of chairpersons; establishing requirements off rmative votes by at least t ree 3 oar mem ers; authorizes the Clerk of the Board to adopt and use official sea or certification o ocuments; providing or the use o independent coueseT-to defend the City of Miami when the City Attorney or his designee cites City -owned property for alleged nuisance activity; decreasing the notice of hearing requirement from thirty 0 days tofifteen ca en ar a s; decreasing notice via posting -from twenty 20)da s prior to the hearingto ten 0 da s rior to thehearing; establishing the clear an convincing standard as t e ur en of proo ,. clarifying that boardmay proceedto earn in absentia against ro ert owners who at to respond; establishing to Nuisance Abatement Board as the City Manager's designee for purposes of nuisance related occupational icense sus ension; more particu ar y y amending Sections - , .5-2, 45.5-3, 45.5- 4 and 45.5-5 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended; containing a repealer provision and providing for a severability clause. Date First Reading: May 14, 1992 Moved : Vice Mayor Alonso Second : Comm Plummer Vote : Unanimous PAGE 14 JUNE 11, 1992 ORDINANCE 10990 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS PAGE 15 JUNE 11, 1992 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D 7. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-92-241) ORDINANCE 10991 MOVED : ALONSO Amending Chapter 31, Article II, entitled SECONDED : PLUMMER "Schedule of Occupational License Taxes" of the UNANIMOUS Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, cTa-rifting the definition of the exhibitors classification and providing- for a lower tax en the event is held in a facility owned t o Eli of Miami; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause; and providing an effective date. Date First Reading: Apr 2. 1992 Moved : Comm Plummer Second : Vice Mayor Alonso Vote . Unanimous RESOLUTIONS Department of Community Development 8. RESOLUTION - (J-92-391) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION R- 92-389 OF AGREEMENTS) (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : DAWKINS Authorizing the City Ma na er to execute individual SECONDED : ALONSO contractual agreements, in substintially the UNANIMOUS attached- form, w . th thirteen (13) neighborhood economic development or anizations, for the amount specified erein, to continue implementinq economic development programs, with un s t ere or, in the amount o $750,000, being allocated rom the Eighteenth 18t ) Year Community Development Block Grant. 9. RESOLUTION - (J-92-393) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION R--9 2 -3 90 OF CONTRACT) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a UNANIMOUS con_ tact, in substantially t attache a; wit MTaa�i Ca ital Development, Inc. (MCDI), to rov'i e to MCDI s existing -Revolving Loan Fun P000 RLF) , $125,,000 for MCDI s Economic Development Administration EDA) Recap ita1 ation Matc ing Grant ate— 250 000 for the administrative operatians o MCDI or the period of July 1, 1992, to June 30, 1993; allocating funds therefor from the Eighteenth (18th) Year Community Development Block Grant Program. 17 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Ud 10. RESOLUTION - (J-92-396) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS & ALLOCATION OF FUNDS) Allocating $450 000 of 18th Year Community Development Block Grant Funds previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 10955, adopted April 2, 1992, as follows: $55 000 to Jewish Family Services Inc. for the Citywide Senior Crime Watch Program; 80,000 to Tri City Community Association Inc. for a home improvement program; 65,000 to the Greater Miami Youth Services Corps Inc. for a public improvement program, an $250,000 to the Black Archives History an Research Foundation of South Florida Inc. for Lyric Theatre Rehabilitation; further gut orizing the City Manager to execute individual agreements, in substantially the attached form, with the aforementioned agencies. 11. RESOLUTION - (J-92-395) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS & ALLOCATION OF FUNDS) Allocating1,7778,855 of Eighteenth Year Community Dever opment Block Grant Funds previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 10955, adopted April 2, 1992, to previously named social services agencies for awroved social service projects; further authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements in substantially the attached form, with said agencies for said projects. PAGE 16 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-391 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : ALONSO R-92-420 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : DAWKINS --------------------- SEE RELATED R-92-393 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 12. RESOLUTION - (J-92-394) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS & ALLOCATION OF FUNDS) Allocating $270 812 of 18th Year Community Development Block- Grant Funds previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 10955, adopted April 2, 1992, as follows: $45 812 to the CCS Inc. Little Havana Child Care Center to implement ease o improvements at the child are facility; $75,000 to One Art, Inc. to renovate a facility in the Miami Design District into a community performing arts center; $125,000 to the Coconut Grove Family Health Center Inc. for renovations at is Virrick Park Facility and acquisition of additional space to expand health care services; and $25 000 to the Greater Miami Youth Service Corps, Inc. for the physical improvement of t o agency's new facility at Beckham Hall; further authorizing the City Manager to execute individual agreements, �in substantially the attached form, with the aforementioned agencies. Department of Conferences, Conventions and Public Far■ iftiae 13. RESOLUTION - (J-92-441) - (APPROVING FINDINGS OF SELECTION COMMITTEE & AUTHORIZING NEGOTIATION OF AGREEMENT) roving the findings enter Selection 'Cony ual i f i ed—manag_mme_nt�ci rov�de professional Deration and maintenani enter: authorixina the of the Miami ttee as to apnrn . in ran ervices of for the Miam Convention the most order, to management, Convention to neaot With the most quaimea companies 1n ranK order, until he arrives at an agreement which is fair, competitive and reasonable, and further dir��ectin the Citv Manager to Dresent the negotiated agrement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to the CityCommission for its ratification- a�cn-approva . PAGE 17 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-392 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : DE YURRE R-92-397 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS DE YURRE DAWKINS 14. 15. RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Finance RESOLUTION - (J-92-413) - (AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF RFP Authorizing and instructing the City Manager to advertise and distribute the attac ied Request for Promo osa�s RFP , in su stantially the attachedfors— n, for financial advisory services for a two- year period witE tree one-year renewal periods exercisable at the option of the City; providing for establishment of a selection committee; and appointing certain individuals to the selection committee. De artment of General Services Administration and 4Znlid Wacta RESOLUTION - (J-92-378) - (APPROVING CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER'S DECISION TO UPHOLD PROTEST) Approving the Chief Procurement Officer's decision to uphold the Rrotest of Frank J. Moran Inc., in connection with Bid No. 91-92-044, to replace sixty (60) UPS batteries located in the Miami Police Department, as it has been determined to have merit. Department of Law PAGE 18 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-404 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT --_-DAWKINS------------- SEE RELATED M-92-403 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT -. DAWKINS NOT TAKEN UP 16. RESOLUTION - (J-92-419) - (DIRECTING CITY ATTORNEY DISCUSSED AND RESCHEDULED TO DRAFT CHARTER AMENDMENT) FOR JULY 9, 1992 Directing the City Attorney to prepare a Cit Charter amendment to thereby change the status o the Department of Off -Street Parking rom that of a semi -autonomous a ennc an instrumentality o t e City o tiF—at of a Department of the City operating an unctioning un er t e supervisory control of the City Manager. 11. 18. 19. RESOLUTIONS CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-92-426) - (DIRECTING CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT CHARTER AMENDMENT) Directing the City Attorne to draft a Cit C arter amendment thereby ro�vT in that a Cit Commissioner, serving ex officio on tie Off-Stree Parc�n Board become a member and Chairperson o said board with the riq t.to vote. Department of Police RESOLUTION - (J-92-275) - (AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF UNIFORMED BIKE PATROL) Authorizing the establishment of a uniformed bike patro and al ocj,i funs therefor, 'inan amount not to exceed $11,000, from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such costs having been approved by the Chief of Police. (This item was continued from the meeting of May 14, 1992.) RESOLUTION - (J-92-339) - (AMENDING RESOLUTION) Amending Resolution No. 86-665, as amended, and allocating an addRional amount of $246,500 from the City of Miami Law Enforcement Trust Fund to continue the activities of the Forfeiture Funa Detai I upon suchcosts an expenses having been approved by the Chief of Police. (This item was continued from the meeting of May 14, 1992.) PAGE 19 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-405 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT R-92-408 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT : PLUMMER : ALONSO : DAWKINS ALONSO : PLUMMER DAWKINS R-92-407 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : DE YURRE ABSENT : DAWKINS 20. 21. RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Public Works RESOLUTION - (J-92-381) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Acce tin the bid of Miri Construction Inc. (a Hispanic Dade County contractor), in the proposed amount not to exceed $1,132,800.00, total bid of the proposal, for Overtown Storm Sewer Retrofitting - Phase III B-5586; allocating monies therefor from the Fiscal Year 1991-92 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10938, Project No. 352276, in the amount of $1 132 800.00 to cover the contract cost an 214,006.00 to cover the estimate —expenses, for an estimated total cost o 1 346 806.00; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. RESOLUTION - (J-92-383) - (ACCEPTING BID & AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of Hoffen Corporation (a black/Dade County contractor), in t e proposed amount not to exceed $123,890.00, total bid of the proposal, for NH 15 Avenue Paving Project B-4548; allocating monies es therefor from the Fiscal Year 1991-92 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10938, Project No. 341175, in the amount of $123 890.00 to cover the contract cost an 26,622.08 to cover the estimated expenses, or an estimated total cost o 150,512.08; and aut orizing t e City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. PAGE 20 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-409 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMBER ABSENT : DAWKINS R-92-410 MOVED SECONDED,: ABSENT ALONSO PLUMBER DAWKINS 22. 23. 112�` '' PAGE 21 JUNE 11, 1992 RESOLUTIONS CONT'0 RESOLUTION - (J-92-386) - (APPROVING COST SHARING AGREEMENT Approving a cost sharing agreement between the City of Miami and the South Florida Water Management District for Retrofitting Storniwater Basins 24B and --4-4­1 ocate within the A apatta and Little Havana areas of the City; and authorizing the City Manager to execute said agreement, in substantially the attache orm, on behalf of the City with funds therefor being allocated for the City's share from Stormwater Utility Trust Funds. RESOLUTION - (J-92-438) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, with Bur1e Marx and CIA LTDA for the purpose of mo y _ying, coordihnating, and extendinq the originalinal iscyne Boulevard New Word Design with tie construction pans being prepared by the City under an agreement with the State of Florida Department of Transportation for the Biscayne Boulevard Preliminary Engineering Highway Demonstration Project and allocating funds therefor from Capital Improvement Project No. 341172 in an amount not to exceed $135,000. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 24. RESOLUTION - (J-92-286) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointin certain individuals to serve as members of the Commission on the Status of Women of the City of Miami, Florida, for terms of office as designated herein. (This item was continued from the meeting of May 14, 1992.) END OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES ITEM R-92-412 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT R-92-411. MOVED SECONDED ABSENT R-92-396 MOVED SECONDED NOES : ALONSO : PLUMMER : DAWKINS : ALONSO : PLUMMER : DAWKINS : ALONSO : DE YURRE : DAWKINS AND PLUMMER .i 1 t II COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission s consideration of any Commission Discussion Item. This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available for the purpose of providing and securing City Commission information, direction and guidance in significant pending and concluded matters, including matters not specifically set forth in this section. It is anticipated that no input from anyone other than City personnel is needed or expected while the City Commission is considering any matter in this portion of the Agenda; accordingly, no member of the public may address the City Commission during this time. 25. As per Commission direction at its meeting of April 2, 1992, report assessinq the costs and benefits associated with a City -operated 100% cur si a recyc ing program comeared to a private contractor operation. This item was continue Trom the meeting of May 14, 1992.) 26. Presentation of programming for the City's Cable Te evislon Information C ann-e . 27. Discussion concerning a hurricane mooring system at the Marine Stadium. END OF COMMI SION DISCUSSION ITEMS PAGE 22 JUNE 11, 1992 DEFERRED MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-92-413 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : DAWKINS DISCUSSED AND REFFERED TO ADMINISTRATION i 4 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 11:00 AM 28. RESOLUTION - (J-92-382) - (AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN CONTRACT (4/5THS VOTE) Authorizinq an increase in the contract amount not to exceed 25,000, contract between t e City of Miami, Florida and Urban Constructors Inc., dated December 17, 1991, from $465,000.00 to V490 000.00 for the Curtis Park -Re eve o ment- FJe wor Project s cond bidding)B-2983-H, Capital Improvement Project No. 331353, with said funds to be provided from the Capital Improvements Ordinance No. 10938, using funds already appropriated to the project; further ratifying the City Manager's written finding that tie herein increase resulted from emergency circumstances by an affirmative vote of four -fifths of the members of the City Commission. 11:05 AM 29. RESOLUTION - (J-92-384) - (CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL Confirming assessment roll for construction of East Little Havana Hiq way Improvement - Phase II 'in -East -Little Havana Highway Improvement District Phase II H-4528 and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. 11:10 AM 30. RESOLUTION - (J-92-385) - (CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL Confirmin assessment roll for construction of Downtown Highway Improvement in Downtown Highway Improvement District H-4498 and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. PAGE 23 JUNE 11, 1992 DEFERRED — R-92-414 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED : ALONSO ABSENT : DAWKINS R-92-415 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSP,NT : DAWKINS rA PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D 11:15 AM 31. As per Commission direction at its meeting of may 14, 1992, discussion concerning the Downtown Development Authority District and at t encompasses. 2:15 PM 32. RESOLUTION - (J-92-327) - (AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF AN AMENDMENT TO APPROVED CDBG PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to submit an amendment to the a rove& Eigg teenti 18t Year Community Development Brock Grant (CDB?; Pro —gram Final Statement to the U.S. Department of Housing and urban Development HUD to ref ect the reallocation of un s originally approved to Miami -Dade Community College and reconsider other issues pertaining to the 18th Year Program. (This item was continued from the meeting of May 14, 1992.) 33. Discussion concerning the boundaries of the Edison Little River Neighborhood. (This item was continued from the meeting of May 14, 1992.) 2:30 PM `34. As per Commission direction at its meeting of March 26, 1992, report on concerns relating to the Ci!j funded DeHostos Senior Center operated by Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. This item was continued from the meeting of May 14, 1992.) PAGE 24 JUNE 11, 1992 (RESCHEDULED FOR NEXT MEETING CONTINUED BY M-92-395 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED R-92--393 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS. --------------------- M-92-394 MOVED : PLUMMER. SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS w� 1 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D 2:35 PM 35. RESOLUTION - (J-92-293) - (DIRECTING ALLOCATION OF z Directing the City Manager to allocate $35 000 in 14th Year Community_ Development Bock Grant z "CDBG") Program Funds, from CDBG project, entitled "Citywide Multifamily Housing Project", F; for the purpose of providing assistance in the form of a grant, to the Wynwood Community Economic Development Corporation for acquisition of thirty- seven 37 privately -owned rental housingunits located in the Wynwood Community Development 4 Target Area; said City assistance to be provided to the not -for -profit corporation as an 14 acquisition grant; further authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, between the City of Miami and - Wynwood Community Economic Development i Corporation, contingent upon incorporation of reverter provisions in the agreement and deed. ! (This item was continued from the meeting of May i 14, 1992.) 2:40 PM 36. RESOLUTION - (J-92-402) - (AUTHORIZING REALLOCATION OF FUNDS) Authorizing the City Manager to reallocate an amount not to exceed 100 1 000 in Seventeenth 17t Year Community Development Block Grant Program Funds, from CommunityDevelopment Block Grant CDBG Project entitled. "Citywide Mu tTfamily Rehabilitation Housing ect" for t o purpose of providing assistance in the form o a grant, to St. John Coripunity Development Corporation for the provision of safety/security improvements at the St. Jon Rental Apartment Project located in the Overtown Neig boh rhood; authorizing the City Manager to submit an amendment to the approved Seventeenth I t Year Community Development Block Grant Proram 0aT Statement to the US De artment o Housin an Urban Deve o ment HUD to reflect the propose reallocated amount; further authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to t e agreement, dated December 20,- 1990, in suu s�tially the attached form, between the City of Miami and St. John Communitv Development Corporation of —FlFe Baia purpose. END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PAGE 25 JUNE 11, 1992 R-92-418 —_ (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : ALONSO =_ SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : DAWKINS R-92-406 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT : PLUMMER ALONSO DAWKINS PAGE 26 JUNE 11, 1992 SUM j 3:00 PM PERSONAL APPEARANCES Yuj NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission .'u consideration of any Personal Appearance. 37. As per Commissioner Dawkins' request, Mr. Billy Hardemon of Hardemon's Market to discuss business BRIEFLY DISCUSSED AND fungi n (This item iia—scontinued from the WITHDRAWN _ _ 14, 1992 meeting.) -- j 38. Representative(s) of the Diabetes Research R-92-416 Institute Foundation to request waiver o dockage MOVED : PLUMMER - r fees at Mi amari na in connection with their 6th SECONDED : DE YURRE j Annual Catch a Cure Fishing Tournament sc e u e ABSENT : DAWKINS 1 for August 22, 1992. 39. Representative(s) of Miami Loving Miami Inc. to R-92-417 request use of certain streets an waiver of all MOVED PLUMMER _ City fees permitted to be waived pursuant tot e SECONDED : DE YURRE _ City Co a in connection with the Second Annual ABSENT : DAWKINS Unity Bj a-a-T on scheduled for July 25, 1992. -1 40. Mr. Manuel Gonzalez-Goena a to discuss specific STATEMENT PLACED ON —_ reforms to prevent and avoi police ruts ity. THE RECORD. q 41. Representative(s) of Caribbean American Carnival CONTINUED TO NEXT - �:; to request street closurespermission to sell MEETING beer and wine and waiver of certain rental fees in connection with the Eighth Annual Cary can = —� American Carnival scheduled for Octoer 9-11, 1992. 42. Representative(s) of the Commission for the TABLED Quincentennial Commemorative Monument to discusi a statue of Ponce de Leon. - i � t 43. PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D As per Commissioner DeYurre's request, Ms. Cecilia Mendez Morales of Or anisacion Artistica Cu tura PAGE 27 JUNE 11, 1992 NO APPEARANCE Corporation to request financial assistance 56 connection with a musical event organized Ey sai organization. 44. Mr. Carlos Batista to request street closures and R-9 2-4 19 permisr onto sell a co o is beverages in MOVED : PLUMMER connection with a block partyin downtown Mi amT SECONDED : ALONSO celebrating a new downtown Latin Station ABSENT : DE YURRE AND Restaurant. DAWKINS 45. Ms. Maria Cristina Barros to request permission to WITHDRAWN distribute alco olic Fevera es at the Manuel Artime Center on July 13, 1992 in connection with a reception being sponsored by WLTV Channel 23. 46. Mr. Roberto Godoy, Executive Director of Model -� STATEMENT PLACED ON Housin Cooperative, Inc. to _requeesst�a grant to THE RECORD. convert tie tenants o the buiid ings at 1118-1126 NW 5 Street into cooperative owners. 47. As per Commissioner DeYurre's request, Mr. Douglas WITHDRAWN C. Broeker of the Greater Biscayne Bou eva Chamber of Commerce to request inkind assistance in connection wit the printinq of a roc ure about the residential neighborhoods and historic buildings in Miami's Upper East Side. 48. As per Commissioner Dawkins' request, BRIEF COMMENTS representative(s) of the Afro-American Council of BY THE CITY MANAGER Christian Clergy, Inc. to address the City Commission. END UF PERSONAL APPEARANCES s i i ! j 4:00 PM SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 49. RESOLUTION - (J-92-377) - (AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF ! REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS) i Authorizing the issuance of request for proposals on June 30, 1992, in substantially the attached form, for a unified development project consisting of the development of a full -service boat yard lacility, marina nd optional ancillary marine - related retail use on an approximately 10.88 acre C,ty-owne waterfront parcel including 6.36 acres of upland and 44.52 acres of bay bottom contiguous to the upland located at 2640 South Ba shore Drive, Miami, Florida; se ectin a certified uric accounting firm and appointing members to a review committee to evaluate proposals and report findings to the City Manager as required by City of Miami Charter Section 29-A(C) and City of Miami Code Section 18-52.9. END OF SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING SPECIALLY SCHEDULED DISCUSSION ITEM NOTE: Item 50 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Discussion Item. 50. Discussion concerning the Reguuest�for Proposals for management, operation and maintenance of the' Coconut Grove Convention Center Par ina Lots. END OF SPECIALLY SCHEDULED SCU SIGN ICE PAGE 28 JUNE 11, 1992 DEFERRED TO JULY 9, 1992 CONTINUED TO JULY 9, 1992 SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = June 11, 1992 PRESENTED Commendation to: LaShanda West. First black Poinciana Queen in the Poinciana Festival History. PRESENTED Commendations to: Lt. Peter Skumanich; Sgt. Ives fortune; Sgt. Armando Guzman and officers: Octavio Santiago; - Marcos Munoz; Angel Calzadilla; Arturo Beguiristain and Willie Jones for their bravery and sense of discipline displayed in the line of duty. PRESENTED Commendation to all undercover police officers fighting illegal drugs although officers cannot be identified, they are anonymously recognized and commended.