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CC 1992-06-11 Advertisement
s 7rF1 lit Founded July 25, 1959 Sough Florlda's First hispanic Weekly CERTIFICATED PROOF OF PUBLICATION TO: Matty Hirai, City Clerk City of Miami Post Office Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 . X, > ^ c STATE OF FLORIDA ] r.� ] w COUNTY OF DADE ] r" I, the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the attached newspaper page, containing an advertisement of the City of Miami, Florida, bearing Purchase Order Number y , is a true and exact original newspa- per page belonging to El Nuevo Patria newspaper, published in Miami, Florida by El Nuevo Patria Publishing Company, a Florida corporation, with mailing address: Post Office Box 2, Miami, Florida 33135. The City of 'ami a ertis ment ap eanng in the attached page was published in the Z- edition of said newspaper. Witness my hand and official seal, this I a` day of A.D.,1992. OFFICLASEAL -X�W- M ELADIO ARMEgM in NOTARY mBuc STA-M OF FLORIDA CON(ML4MIM NO. Cc1"M Eladio Armesto III YCOMuSONFXP.MAY61996 Notary Public at Large State of Florida Box 2 • Miami, Fbdda 33135 • (305) 643-3939 . 530.8787 •577-8989 Fax KA llotas del primer k Potcel en Teie- 5 tnu& que de- 1_6 - ztl r to este crimenes cometidos par la bestia del Caribe )' que eso le recta todo el merito personal que pudiese tenor su historia de artists. Fue una gloria de Cuba, pero hoy es una mario- neta triste y peosa de la peor tiranfa que ha sufrido Ameri- ca. Ei reportaje del canal 51 de Miami, sobre Alicia Alonso pot una parte fue verdadero, por otra pane fue falso, men- tiroso, absurdo a Indtil. �� r e n►ie ,` x Basta de ,Basta" >Esas now ' t+idl tsi lttel> e>t, aub"t es h " dtcll anitnat un phbgtama n Ya hemos dicho y to repe- Otto as to ue h que tart is o Casa t tvvisado. r =: timos ahora que este progra- P� q ay q y mp ` made Telemundo r el canal vigilar en fa TV: Las telenove- 'Della Fiallo, que ahora esta lac. No sable que se si an Como el artoz blonco, en to- 51, es el peor programa que Po q g se ha creado en TV No ease- transmitiendo esos novelones das panes'rnn su expos° Ge- venezolanos en lox que se tra- rardo Pascual. Pudimos ver a tia, no entretiene, solamente Rene Touzet, Roberto Lodes- hay torpeza, incultura y abu- to vivamente, a todo color, y f'ma que sigue siendo "el to- rrimiento. Comenzando por con un lenguaje a veces soez, mdntico primero", y muchos el animador que no sabe don- los temas mds diffciles y su- cios y mds uerosos aun. Armando a de estd arado � siem re ands ) azq tom. u M mo sier rdido ue no conoce el Fsos novelones que Ilevan la cantd muy mar, rnmo siem- � poi pre, canclones muy leas. Li- espanol, no to domina y no mares venezoiana son real- bertad Lamarque, adorable. El puede saber si las respuestas mente intolerables. Le esta- W i r � x eonsejo: Trabaje, decl(quele mAs tiempo a la daborcion de sus programas, dove la vi- da normal, no desprecie a los artistas pequerios, ya que us- ted solamcnte le bualagiiea a los artistas ricos, no adore tanto a los espanoles y des- +� > precie a los cubanos, y ganard publico. Pero a la fuerza, con pdginas entems en la prensa ^ _ no se logra eso. s r mi son cortectas. Quiten "Basta". mos haciendo mucho dano a uicnt ,pgw1LCR OtSiC 'ta" ° For7' al�glle ll � ltberilnitje. IQue iesco, �' �rx, aant cttbnolartcto tast>rle'y is - no cue nsl lcirnitb� tnp6strra;,4%ragari1e, Aram; ha>z ttnidn r ' st:tl suss taxes en un estupendo casete d6nde se oyen r a' a n T y Ogguere de Gilberto Valdes y 13ruca Manigu2i��' Todo to que se dijo en ese A valiosa re Hera Ilea- Po >t�lr� . en un ttibuto al inolvidable Mi elito Valdes, iFs un fuera de reportaje de Mejico sobre la na Menendez se le o(vid6 ha - casete seriei comunista Alicia Alonso es eerie una re unta al rso- P g Pe Tleintaysiete lotograftas haclendose por Betty Pino, que se to pace? Se esta po- verdad. Fue un genio del ba- naje de Nueva York que no y dos pdginas en un peri6dlco despuds de su safida de la otra niendo en evidencia, ponque llet, fue una de las figuras mds trabaja: i Por que no prueba a de Miami a todo color, que etnhora FM-92. No sabemos las demds locutoras de la ta- notables del baile mundial. trabajar. De verdad que esta tambien la Ileva en la Pottada quien paga o que influencia dio y la TV no necesitan ha- Fue to que dio Cuba. Pero no periodista ha dado buenos "Palos" a todo color, es el esfuerto lien esta locutora mediocre terse tanta propaganda. Muy se dijo que fue y es una cola- pcdodtsticos desde la prop ndistico a se est� pan poder hacerse un bars a j mal debe sentirse Bet Pino Betty boradora del comunismo, que gu errs del Golfo Persico. Si le publieitado. Y adernls, ipara cuando dene que hacerse tan- es una embajadora politics dieran un poco mds de tiern- 1 RL buena, inteligente, audaz v moderna. iDe donde salio' CIUDAD DE MIAMI NOTIFICACION DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICAi. Todas las personas Interesadas en este , asunto, par la ptesente _ esten notiEicadas que se efer-tuar6 una aun- ,— diencla p0blica de la Comisl6n de la Ciudad ; — de Miami a las 2:35 de ; la tardeegel I 1 d yU� de 19E if �d� — audlencias de la Coml- s16n Municipal, situado en el 3500 Pan Ameri- can Drive, Miami, Flo- rida. En dacha reunt6n se discutiran una rea - signaci6n propuesta para los Fondos de Hloque del 14 Aho no astados del Programa de Desarrolto Comunt- tarto por $36.000 y el _— •€A340pncado ara dt La relksignacl6n propuests.lnvolucra una reprogramad6n de $36,000 en Fondos no astadox del 14 Aho DBG, del Proyecto CDBG denominado 'Citywide Multifamily = Housing Project" con et ; - proposito de extender - le asistencia econ6mf- ca a la Corporaci6n de Desarrollo Econ6mico — de Wyyunwood en l: conecci6n con la ac- i. quisici6n de treinta st- ete (37) unidades domicillares de propledad privada situ- adas en et vecindario de Wynwood.I Todas las personas j - interesadas en este asunto estan invitadas i. a presentarse y podrAn ser escuchadas r la Comisi6n de la Ciudad con respect4 a dicha j cuestl6n. En el caso de 1 que cualquier persona y qutera apetar cualquier t decisl6n de la Comi- si6n de to Ciudad con respecto a to cuestl6n 4 que serA considerada en esta audiencia, da- cha persona deberA asegurar que un record exacto de to que sea tratado en la audiencia se haga y que dicho re- cord inctuya todo ell testimonlo yy .las prue- bas sobre las cuales podr6 basarse una apelact6n de to deter•' minado por la Comi- s16n. t Malty Hirai Secretaria Municipal Miami, Florida d of ti 4s (0479) {. ' t my OF MIAM1, Fi OFUDA Tfrtgroi)1 bt held try thc Commission the C bilamt. flortda, on { i 1 L rtt.I l ft a,rn. to the City Cmnmtssicm Ch at City Bali, 3500 Mtamt. Florida, for the purpose of hearing any objections fmm ta* thtetesttd patties affected by art increase in the contract between Urban 7 *H ttitetors, Inc, and the City of Miami in an amount not to exceed $25,000 for iitetSafty extra work at Curtis Park Redevelopment -Fieldwork Project (Second )3irldbig), Project No. 331353. and in ratifytng the City Manager's finding that the aforesaid increase resulted front emergency circumstances. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning these >t items. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission vatth nnssppeCcc to any tut considered at this hearing; that person shall ensure that a aabatim Za of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence "upon which any appeal may be baocd. Matty Hirai City Clerk Miami. Florida (0474) 0 900NW54thSTREET • MIAMI, FI.ORiDA33127 -__- (305) 757-1147 Weekly County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED iIAMALUDIN, who on oa(h says that he is the Managing Editor of TILE MiAMi TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade (.'ounty, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in tlx: issues of: June 04, 1992 Affiant further slates Thal THE MIAMi TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Date Cuunly, hlurida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida teich week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Pus( Office in Miami, Dade County. Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affian; says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publicatim in this newspaper. J /r tit o%AA"I __Managing Edilur Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 0 4 th day of _June A.D. 19 9 2 NOTARY PUE IC STATE OF FLORIDA MY CO3MISSICN EXP JULY 28,1995 ! BONDED THRU GENERAL 1115. Ul;% ! YCg TO PROftRTff OWniftB _— LUT`T7.�1WVAXAMG11VAY1MPlX0V=VT— ASSESSM121T ROT PHASE H H 4626 AIE�a pdtion will take notice that at a mee of the Miami City divntrttsatoii to be held at i 1:05 a. the City Commission ( tsltbeik,$5b(jl�gtiAnfetfcenUrtx,Mtamt, oei a.theirotjxtlonswill bet heard to tfw6 6tttirrrtatt6ti of ties Pretiroitnary Assessment Roil for the coat of EAST I.rr11.E t�3►ANA HltiliWAY IMPRtSVF,MEN'T--1'l IASE it located between S.W. 1 •B Streets - _ (�� 1+�, J(„�, — mtd . S,W, 8.12 Avenues designated as FAST LrrI1.E 14AVANA HIGHWAY = MMOVEMENT DISTRICT PHASE n 14 4M. . Wd thmuminary Aaaeament Ron is now opal to public inspection in the Mee of - 900 NW 54th STREET • M iAM 1, FLORIDA 33127 the City Clerk. s5oo Pan American Drive. Miami. Florida. (305) 757-1147 All tnteresttd persona are invited to appear and may be heard with respect to said item. Should any person desire to appeal any derision orthe City Commission with ed Wood respect to any matter considered at this hearing. that person Shan ensure that a Y vetbatim tecnrd of the proceedings is made. inriudtng an testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. a County, Florida Marty Hirai PROOFOF PUBLICATION — City Clerk _ Miami. Florida = (0475) -------UHUPR%1`140—altithonty personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMi TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami. Dade County, - Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: t — June 04, 1992 Affiant further stab that THE MIAMi TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade Cuunly, Pluri(ki. and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida mch week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver. tlsement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publicatioi in this newspaper. Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 04th �y of _June A.D. 19 92 NOTARY PUBLIC Sr*TE OF FLOR A GE. My cm fission expires: NOTARY PflPLM ;,7/,TC 0rFLOA'CA KY COWISSION EXP JUL'( 28,1995 BONDED TIM() GENERA1. I1;s. UND. ganCE TO THE PUBLIC � n 1Vt7i tC1✓hTFiAT the f1 mi+ngW tug Citq of Miami —y : seheduledtc onJunc25th.1992 ltasiicen reaelt dt fo fake place on tar tneetingporUon i bt tht trge:stle *M begin at 9.00 a.m. a the71CM ng and Toning portion of the aibtllin of 2:b0 p.m. Said meetings shall be held In the City Commtsslon c hCeis 350t'i Pen American Drive, Mimi, Florida. -_ _ � 1ti lJu� i�ilil 2�I11it'� Metty Htral = c city Clerk — tvttami. Florida 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 — 10476) . (305) 757.1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida s STATE OF FLORIDA) PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE j SS Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED IIAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in tare: issues or: _ June 04, 1992 ,Affiant further states that TIIE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade Cuunly, Flurid:r, -- and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade Cuunly, F lori&& larch - week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade ("uunly, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affianl says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in This newspaper. - Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 0 4th day Of June A.D. 19 92 NOT,ARY PUBLIC ATE H)A = AVLARGE. My cordmissiou expires: _- - P+OTARY F0.1C `7l"Ti rr— MY CDN1SSIC.1 E (P )OL'i 23. 19�5 — BONDED THRU CD ERAL 116. UrD, i - l . NOTICE TO PitOPERIt OWNERS PIMLNINMY ASStI SS U WNTOVON MORWAY` 1 KPR( IiT't" H-4498 A#� TnteteatErl pr!raons w01 take notice that At a meeting of the Miami City t`tinnnlaston to be held at 11:m. _e City Commission tieiber,35t0ParAmeritmDutions will be heard tri the tonP_rm itiinr of the Preliminary Assessment Roll for the cost of DOWNTOWN I1ft3tiWAY 1MPROVEMEW to the area bmmded by S. 2 Strect to N. 4 street between N.W. I Avenue at Biscayne Boulevard designated as Dt7WNTaM HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT D1S 1tICT H-4498. Said Pretimiitaiq Assessment Roll is now open to public inspection in the Oitice of the City Clerk. SSW Pan AmericanD ive, Miami, Florida. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard with respect to said Itcnt. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with vto any matter considered at this heating that person shall ensttre that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including an testimony and evidence .upon which. any appeal may be based. Matty Hirai 900 NW 54th STREET a M iAM 1. FLORIDA 33127 (305) 757-1147 Weekly County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION City Clerk Miami. Florida (041� ared MOHAMED IiAMALUDiN, whuon oath says that weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that.tiie attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in tlx: issues of: June 04, 1992 Affiant further states that TiIE MIAMi TiMFS is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Flurida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade Camty, Flori(Li (stch Meek and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver• tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 04th day of _June A.D. 19 92 NOTARY PUPI_IC STATr Or F1.0,70;1 i4Y COTNISSIi N i.-VP JU"LY 28, 1995 60NDED THRU GEh RIL INS. U:;D. f J L �+1�C)71CIE, TO THE PUBLIC AiL'TuiE Nancs that a public, hearing w111Ain by the City of Miami t3 £4 d Thurrrdity, Z— i 9 a st I1:1 the Commtestan iC Cltyf�fall,35WPan ertcan th-e,Miamda, for thepurpose of dlmusstng the DavrMcwn Development Authority Utstrtct and what it encompas- iiev: Malty illrat = Tbe IN iam tTim el+J City Clerk (9_ c Miami. Florida (6479) 900 NW 54th STREET • MIAM I, FLORIDA 33127 (305)757•1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATEOFFLORIDA) SS COUNTY OF DADE I PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before (he undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED IIAMALUDIN, who on oalti says Ulu( he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dace County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues or: June 04, 1992 Affiant further states that TILE MIAM1 TIMF„S is a newspaper published in Miami. Datic County, h luorida, ald that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County. Florida tsich week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade ('utility, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporallon any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in (his newspaper. --iNanaging Editur Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 04th day of _June A.D. 19 92 NOTARY FLIC IC STATE C: FtpC :DtA ; MY COtVISSION, i:x.' JULY 28, BONDED TIMU GENZIViL IN--- C11Y of I !"I a N,tl"1' CEOFI.r.,IC ARING i ning wtA beheld try iha Cemmisslon of th bf Miami, Florida, on .#u ll,Pf9gla12:35p.m.intheCityCom IsslonChta atatyIlaII.3500Pan m*Mc n That. Miami, Florida, to discuss a proposed reallocation of unexpended 144 i'ttalrtbm6iumtyDeveiopmentBlockGiantProgramfundingtotheamountof $95,000 and the Intended use of said funds. The proposed reallocation involves a reprogramming of $35,000 in unexpended 14th Year mil funds From CDIBG Project entitled'Cltywtde Multifamily Housing Project, for the purpose of providing financial assistance to the Wynwood CornmunftpEcenomieDevelopment Corporation in eonnectionwith the acquisition of thirty -revert (37) privately -owned rental housing units located in the Wynwood neighborhood. An Interested persons arc Invited to appear and maybeheard concerning this item. Should W%y person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at to hearing, that person shall ensure that a tnerbatim record of the ptoceedhgp is made, including ail testimony and evidence .upon which any appeal may be based. Matty Hirai City Clerk (0479) Mlaml, Florida 900 NW 54th STREET • MiAM 1, FLORIDA 33127 (305) 757-1147 Weekly County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLiCATiON &071 rr y �oraniony pp,-ared MOIIAMED IIAMALUDIN, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in llie issues of: June 04, 1992 Affiant further stales (hat Tilt: MiAMi TiMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade Cuunly, Flurida, and that the said newspaper has herelofure been continuously published in said Dade Cotinty, Florida mch week and has been entered as second class mail matter al the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade Counly, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publicatim in this newspaper. n Managing F.tlilur S*orn to and subscribed before me on this, the 0 4 th day of June A.D. 19 92 NOTARY PUBLIC 4rATE 0V-R1WIDA AT LARGE. My c+ortimission expires: 110TA.1Y P('9L IC ST,4Tc' V Fl.ontin fly CM-NIS5I01; FkF JULY n, 60NDE0 THRU Gi.;;cRRL IiiS. wo. e fY 'OP M1AM1 `ICE OF PU13LIC ARiNG rA '"' tall] be held by the Commission of Che f Miami, Florida, on n2:40p.m. to the City Commission Chamberat City Ball, 35MPan alrr Drive;Miami, Florida. to discuss a proposed reallocation of unexpended hYear Community DevCtopmanl Block Grant Program fundingIn the amount of O0.000 and the intended use of said funds. e proposed reallocation involves a reproRtmnming of 0100,000 in unexpended th Year CommomityDwclopment Block Grant Program funds from CDBG Project endtled "Citywide Muldfamily Rehabilitation Housing Project% for the purpose of providing financial assistance to St. John Community Development Corporation n in the form of a grant. for the provision of safety/security improvements et the 5t. John Rental Apartment Project located in the Overtown neighborhood. All interested persons are invited to appear and maybe heard concerning this item. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with wwttppee to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a respect considered record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon.which .eery appeal may be, based. Matty Hirai City Clerk � Mlamf Fiotidw 11 900 NW 541h STREET • MIAMi, FLORIDA 33127 (305)757-1147 Weekly County, Florida PROOFOF PUBLiCATiON ;iQ4t30) eared MOiIAMED IIAMALUDIN, wbuon oaUi says Wal weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: June 04, 1992 Affiant further states that THE MiAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade Cuunly, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County. H loritki each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding dale of publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publicalioti in this newspaper. Man ing..Fdilar-- J'` :Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the , (14t-h day of _JTLne A.D. 19 9 2 NDTAgY PUBLIC STATE OF FtIDRF AT LARGE. My cot minion expires: C11Y OF M", FLORIDA =CE OF PUBLIC H NG Notice a eribygtven that an J,rne 11, 1992. at 4:00 p.4lWty Nall, 3.500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. a public hearingwill be IlWeforr the Miami City Commission regarding a Unified Development Project for the commercial development of n full service boat yard facility, marina, and optical ancillary marine -related ,chit use on appea-lmately 10.88 acres of City m-ned waterfront property located at 2640 South 13ayshore chive, Miami. Florida. At the hearing. the Commission,mill consider the contents of the Request for Proposals; the selection of a certified public ncco*m ting firm-. and the recommendations of the Ci tyAinnager for the nppotntment of persons to serve on the Review Committee. The above -noticed publichearing is required by Section 29-Aof the City Chnrterand section 18-52.9 of the City Code. At the conclusion of snid hearing, the Commission shall authorize the issuance of a Request for Proposals, select a certified public accounting flan. and appoint the members of the Review Committee. All Interested partles m ay appear at the meeting and be heard concerning such RF1'. The hearing will be hold at the time and place specified alimm. should Arty person desire to appeal any decision of the Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. Matty Hirai City Clerk Miami. Florida (0481) =71 zbeoliamfzimo 900 NW 541h STREET • M IAM I. FLORIDA 33127 (305) 757-1147 ed Weekly County, Florida PROOF'Ot: PUBLiCATiON fired MOHAMED IIAMALUDIN, whoop oath says Ulat weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, s published in said newspaper in the issues of: June 04, 1992 Affiant further states that THE MiAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida tvich week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. frost Office in Miami. Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the altached copy of adver- tisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this . newspaper. + naginb Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the 0 4 th day of _June /►.D. 19 9 2 PUBLIC PTATE OP E OR E. My commission expires: i,ir I ,•4'� �.1 MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE. Bofors the undersigned authority personally appeared, Octelma V. Fsrbsyrs, who on oath says that she Is the Super. — visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Mlaml In Dads County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Public Hearing June 11, 1992 xxx Inthe ......................................... Court, was published In sold newspaper In the Issues of dune 1, 1992 Alllant further says that the rpapsr published at Miami In that the said newepmw has M a se0ond-class rnil matter at the post office In Miami In sold Dads Qounry Florida, for a psrfod of ors nszt prncsdlnp tM tkat publ�Ostlon o1 tM attached sanank and atttanpN ry�l�tsP2 says that Ms sus ne poid promised aml 'u,�Mi7m or eorporolbn any b to, eommisslon or or the Ayorpose of nU this :amens Itx Sworn to and subsulbed before me this 1ST ay o 10..92.. .. 34 §2NA �� ISSION NO, CC 172108 MY COMMISSION EXP. JAN. 61996 Oeta%s V. Ferbeyre personally known to me. :CITY O� �IAll�1�' f A public hearing will bd, herd, b9 the 1 Mlsit►i, lorfda, on JisnA 71,190 tit 11:0 atop Cfialnbere at'diY,RIIR; �Ob Pan Ai da; forthe pufpose �bE h8liring any obe Al► interested perabng a96164 decision of the'CHy Cofnrnisslan sun tsspac[AR W+ l aiderod at thid hearing, that persons atuli ensure th+ ,MtWd of tha .proceedlnlla. is.trude,'.InGktding eli ;le `•Avldence upon vrfoicH,any appeal may by tzltsed •r ! { • , 4 , a Malty I'fifal f Citir 1:1er1;. i' Mtsnit, Flottda S l PO4) l ..:sue MIAMI REVIEW =_ Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE.- Balm the undersigned authority personally appeared = Ocialma V. Ferbayre. who on oath says that she Is the Super. - visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dsda County, Florida; that the attached copy of adverlissment, Ming a Legal Adrertissmenl of Notice In the matter of CrrY OF MIAMI Public Hearing June 11, 1992 X X X InOw ......................................... Court, was published in said newspaper In the lesuss of June 1, 1992 rthe said Mlsml Review Is a ttut publid rhwwsapisApAalrhamnl Meld Da ee County, l*dds. andoubllaMd in said Dada County, Flortd each en c day pxeapl aacend�class��metlematt�sr et tiw PostofficeIn Miami In Baltered d Dads Cwft. FkwW& for a Derlod of onaLvaw next oracedlne ylfq�igr the purpoN o�Iyrt:urtfq lhla tsloen►ents a Or K Swom to and subscribed before me this ZSICIAi , A . 1@..92.. p. .... ARY 1 STA IAA .......... �� Iv1MISSION NO. CC 1T2111f1 MY COMMLSSION EXP. AN. a 199fi Ootafrffs V. Forbarn pamonally known to me. �o+�a���* A pu�Hc rtttutn�will : sr by the ofan tSt t�,i:� �i � 'Mlaini, t=tt ittfl 1!(1 bt & A EW tiw Gityl ri►►lil• 'aloft. Charrjber,t Ear► Airetdai� brCVb, �111M»l," +fit cta; ,to diaetlss=a pr{spc d rarill6ca!(or► �t unex ed t4 says CAmtnunity. l]ertrtoptf�ettt ht6ek Gelk tt Ffodfarri (tfitdlt► it slut t ,amount of f35 00$ and i 050.6. dfarced tt, tbelfil 5 -�,�� a�t•a - t 5` -5 "` -rF'�'nw 4 "� Propo6elt reaifOcellon rrriohes a p :.ice bt �B,�Iib In unexpendbd'l4bt YeaP (�t8ti,iundefR ProleGt entttled, 'Citywide :kiul��tafnlly Hotiainp Fro)eat;" for bite pufpiiilee atr epnOrWing tinariclat `iitsatsttince 1o:1h4; Npw�d-COW °• nomt .Developfnent Cofprx=at140-In Onnection,*. jh=tfle acqutet s lion bi 1hirtye�+ert p7} prtvb<eiyowned rental housing tNllls fOceted' In the WYPWOOd nef0bWftitlod - fk {, .Ail perseiis3 afe inv�ted 110*7pear aAd;nay be peprd# t. 'eoc�ceminQ'tliifi It+b+ri::�f+ouid Jhy person dedre`-iio apPey 5 deciaion or the City`Cbinmlaaloi vrrith yeeD tti► rt>ahtkr aldered at thta he �+p< that poison shah, enbure;ttlat a vorbat x ieaord of the"ptobeedtn�li Win Irtcludinp atl �eiciimonty4JtrAdf evidence upon:*fiW anyt*0$* Miami i, sp t3 it •€�xsi �� �``�=Citt �artC'5rt X.'ts 4Y93�^i4''F�.:. y,R, i}:.. r s 9 h e. ©n x n 1 go ?� ® .. N r _ MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF OADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelms V. Ferbsyre, who on oath says that the Is the Super• visor of Legal Advertleing of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, publishad at Miami On Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisernank being a Legal Advartlsement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF Mrs MI Public Hearing June 11, 1992 X X X Inft......................................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of June 1, 1992 �Apfollpaenrt further says that the sold Miami Review Is a thot the "M hew aptMi*mlaper has herstosoldllm beenede �rxnUnuouslly Ishod In sold newspaper " County Florida, each day (exceptvdoy, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as = close mail matter at the post office In Miami In "M i County, Florida,_ for a period o1 one yaw next preceding or Swore to and subscribed before me this let •. 92.. OR.N .tVA Y A F•FL.ORlDA • • • • • • (SEAL) MMISSION NO. CC 172106 MY COMMISSION EXP. AN. 6,1996 0stshw4•hrbsy o pttumally ktiobm to me. Ua11011101F. pool A putNtC' he1.aring WIli 6e held Wit 1. 'lion, swnb0e, otr store Chambe a{ tyJu an dk'iG discuss a proposed reailoeat ,'amount of =100,000 and the Intended ulte of;A 111" proposed restloCaum Involves,lx reprtr»j In unexpended .17th Year Community Devel Program funds from CD G Prolbet entitled` Rehabilttation.Housing Pro)ect", for the pugX 'c►ai assistance to St. John Community Oeve In thti fort of a grant, for the provision of at ioents'et the St. John Rental Apartment Overtown neighborhood. , A,0 interested persons are Invited 10 eppoatana ma concerning this item. Should any person_Otlra.to r decialon.of the City, Commission with.reapect.to any`/ stdemdl'at this hearing, that persien,3hail ensure tttaV 7ytord of tho proceedings is;madel .including ail test evidence upon which any a0peat may be bbaed <= t Maity?lirai � � t►liamt; �torWa � �s? r - _611 i%SS ^ � rn -nm CD = MIAMI REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE Before the undersigned authority psfsonally appeared OcWrns V. FarbW% who on oath says that she Is the Super visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily NOTICE T0;Pit�i=gi�'11�r �1itl (except Saturday, Sunday and legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida Itu t the attached hREBJIIP11111ARY "ASSIE S1I ECOL COPY of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Nalike Q.� �:Ci..HA�Aial� In the matter of crrY of MIAMI HIQHV'1�Y;i�fPitOVEMI,��" A 1 IMICE TO PMPEM a` MPS PRELIMnIARY ASSFSSNIENT ROLL EAST L=LE HAVANA All interested persons wilt tslte'fnotlo the.sit is meeting of HIC Y INPR�iVII 1T-°PHASE II . Mleml Gty Commldlalon to be held at 1t:05 a nt.; H-4528 the�Clty Conimlablon ci►taiubet3 35dt1 Pbn Air . ftan X X X Fiorida,,thslt ob)ectlune wlIt be #teard to ttie rioAiimwtion,ot Nrelimt Assesme snt Roll for the C4atof FAST UT W NAVA In the ......................................... Court, NIG=A IMPROVEMENTPHASE h.tooeted.bbtvreeft S1N. was published In Bald newspaper In the Issues of Streets and S.W. 6.12 Avenues daslgrrateu�l ea► EI.ST ' HIGHWAY IMPRLIVEMENT DISTNICT-PHASE If June 1, 1992 Slid Pretlininary Assessment Rost ts,riow epee to pobtic'ti floe" in the'Offloe ot.th® City` CIerR, 3500 Pan An►ertcatit � Nttart►l,' Florida. Ali, persons ere (milted 16 YsppP.at end may bast Apit�iaenrl further seys Choi the said Mloml Review It a vr$h respect to said tlkrn Should any person desi►e RoePl u�id that tip liishaeedwtarmllra h i ,liters beDW County, Florida.i d6dston`of the City. Commission with respeCZ;to-0"1 rridlet ppuublished In sold Dade County, Florida, oath day (except stdered.at this headrip,�that person ensufe that Saiurdey, Sunday and logsl Holidays) And hot been entered as pfd df ti e p edtnps (a made inducing ail to second class map matte at the t office in Miami In sold he btietl• x Dads Coun1Y Pieria, for a � one ar next precadin4 evidence argon whit h eny a�Rpe ,. end the lktt session of the • �� , Marty fiihd � � � antis I says that ohs has pelt ld proml any city Cleflt r t ` corpOratton any dMtartsi,_FitN(d11 or rs the of this nt for is r Sworn to and subscribed bet rem this n u� ro; .4 . 1 s sy P1�V L..., A to. 92.. SIL, C Q.'CC1 .. ......... (SEA MI5S10N EXPF AN. 61996 Octalms V. Fed"" personalty known to free. n L 0 MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Beim the undersigned authority personally appeared Octeims V. FadM", who on oath says that she Is the SW4* visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a dilly (except Saturday, Sunday and legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Public Hearing June 11, 1992 xxx Inthe ......................................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of June 1, 1992 Afllent further says that the said Miami Review Is a gr published at Miami in said Dade County. Florida, thN the said newspaper has herstofors been continuously Ished In sold Dade County, Florida each day (except May, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and 69 been entered as Ind doss map nutter at the post ofpce in Miami In said I County. Florfds. fora period or sr next preceding dirt pubpcatlon of the s o mrtiwmank and nt says that ohs he c IN no proms any :�r« Corporation d nt, ts. eanmission fi Ili eruueff rem f edwlrtlNrtlent for rffz UK�%M Sworn to and subscribed before me this ist A ., A.D 19. 92 .,............. N � O��iSSION NO• CC 1n6.t99b IS U µy gOMMISSIOh EXP. Octeims V. Ferbayrs personally known to me. Ea- Vp rn s .� 71f,— MIAMi REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADS Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octeima V. Forbeyre, who on oath says that site Is the Super- visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Deds County, Ftodit that the attached copy of ad►wtlsement, being a Legal Advartlsement of NoOw In the matter of CITY OF M AM2 PUBLIC HEARING June 11, 1992 X X X Inft......................................... Court,, was published in said nowspa1w In the Issues of June 2, 1992 Afflant furtlwr says that the said Miami Review is a rpa�K rid published at Mlaml In sold Dade County, Floa, dlel the said rowspaper IW heretofore been coMlnummiv ssaarw crass man matter at " post office In 14ta Dads County, Fiorlda. fora Period of onsi.~ next tlw fkat oublicatimn of the attachadAAm any i WO subscribed before me this I « . d�y of t,. 4.!`.... . ........ A.D. tit. 92.. .........0OFFICI f9lt!"'sc.'.............. (SEAL) CRISTI I Gi1N0 NY Ct71�f. E . 4/5/95 Octslms V. Ferbsyrs personally known to me. CITY OF MIAMi, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that on June st 4:00 p.m., at City Hail, 3500 Pan American Drive,'�I mrlda a public hearing will be held before the Miami City Commission regarding a Unlfled Development Project for the commercial development of a fUll service boat yard facility, marine, and optional ancillary marine - related retail use. on approximately 10.88 acres of City. owned: waterfront property located at 2640 South Bayshors [hive, Miami, Florida. At the hearing, the Commission will consider the contents of the Request for Proposals; the selection of, a certified pubtlq, accounting firm; and the recommendations of the City Manager for the appointment of persons to serve on the Review Committee... The above4wticed public hearing Is required by section 29-A of the City Charter and section 18.52.9 of the City Code: At the c8n cluston of said hearing, the Commission shall authorize the`issil,' ance of a Request for Proposals, select a certified public account Ing firm, and appoint the members of the Review Committee. Ali Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard concerning such RFP. The hearing wilt be held at the time and place specified above. 'Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Corn- misslon with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings; It made including all testimony and evidence upon which, any appeal may be based. Matty Hirai ,—o of City Clerk Miami, Florida 612 t) 923.06MM ' c7 c�c s r ram- ruerxms uog c,oIt, g•v Ubartador on Camagiazy. El domingo 7 a tat 2 do to tarde *290lebnrA el Acto do Conidad on oos quo nancungmvas o FO aisos ds gra titd-s, En este sct6 gel discOrso cantml ostarA a cargo del Dr. Rafael tiroso V1118i+a1, SENSATIONAL SOUND PROFESSIONAL 015C/OCKEYS 643-4933 Weddings ■ flirthdays a Fashion Shows Alu>ic for ail 0k (anions rladicc de Moser, dtjo "los tstsev,'04 gatreM'Aj%fPfA cbt'tiea dtstrr+tf, pgfo -lay no daffif straron que pueden crenf"; tam- b16n d1jo: "los dlrWentes de las ex-yopGblicas de Is Unlbn Sovl6tics quo crearon la llamads Comunldad de Estados Independlentes, on su reemplaio an d1clembre del ano pasado, 9810 ests- ban preocupedos por preservar el poder de las antigun burocracta". NOTICIA AL PUBLICO El Departamento de Zoning de la Ciudad de Miami, anuncia por este medio que el meeting que tenian previsto para las 9;00 A.M. del dia 25 de junio de 1992, ha sido cambiado para el dia 11 de junio de 1992 emommo�now El meeting regular, parte de su agenda, comen- zara a las 9:00 A.M. y el Planning Zona se comenzara las 2:00 P.M. Estos meeting seran en la Ciudad de Miami, 3500 Pam American Drive, Miami, Florida. Many Hiari ' City Clerk ,•� ,eggs I tie �l • • ,.1 Miami, Florida WIVO S TnZE OF FLORICAOr COU14TY OF DAZE ) r Personally appeared *efore ,e the undersigned, Jorge Ii. Consuegra, to me well -}mown, who being duly sworn deroses and says that he is Credit "anager of Diario Las Ar,.ericas, newspaper of gene-ral circulation, published daily except .-Ionday, in Miami, Cade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly puhlis::ed daily except `Sondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year i-mcdiately ,preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertiser:ent and ,.-as during all such time and now is entered as Second class mail rater in the Cni`ed States PCs* DflLice in :-iami, .Cade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertiser..ent, all copy of which is hereto attached, ::as published in DIkRIC LA.S P.• ERICPS on the following days: HIV G /I� L Signed Ititi.. # e ys� i P.O. # ORDERED: ` Sw n and subscribe before me thisv ©7/ day of 19__�, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Q TEARSHEET ATTACHED OU Amount 4 'J Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF F MY COMMISSION EXP. NOV., FI.URIDA BONDED THRU GENERAL INS"UND93 (:rrrn Terraria 0liptina tie Ntzet-tr Yt)rlc I,a Gran Parade Cubnna cele- brada anualmente, en Nueva York Para conMem.Arar In feeha pat t ie reuini6 en la vt peradehe e yo, _erRonaa en evento a mm!1 hs de p o �fie, �C'�"Otl,g brads" el ditil times oiltos salones9 del l►otel Waldorf Astoria.'gilts rlf►fica de la retepcidn muestra; el entre obros, is dos pas e 1 estiirE do iliip pa eipe lucleado sus bandas distintivas _ f3o1a ellos, el Dr.ya Gerente Genf, AVISO AL PU13LI[ FAVOR TODOS DE TOMAR NOTA que una audiencia publica se IlevarA a cabo por la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami el Jueves, -' Jtmio 11,�1992 a IN 11.1-5-8:m—, en l#s�InBraa_dB-f9C6tillsi6h de la Ciudad, en of aAlylintamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, al prop6sito de discutir el Distrito Autoridad de De- sarrollo de Downtown y to que abarca. 104781 • f Malty Hirai City Clerk Miami, Florida rez, al cell-v, Jr ral de WQgA• Herb Levin+ AVISO AL PUBLICO gundo desde Is izquierda. "��i acompafia un rupo de tunci0a FAVOR DE TOMAR NOTA TODOS QUE la reuni6n de la Comisi6n rios del Caf6 Pll6n, emprest de Zonificaci6n Plan�caci6n de is Ciudad, de Miami reviamente j fijada Para comenzar a las 9:00 a.m. en 16nio 25, 1992, ha sido i tambien participti en el des , p Y p Se trats, desde la izgnlerdaK , adelantada para efectuarse en Junio 11, 1992. La porci6n de la = Abel CarlrascO, Conradn )E!e.;:. agenda de la reuni6n Regular comenzar6 a las 9:00 a:m. y la por- Rafael Alfonso, Henry Artg� ci6n de la agenda de Zonificaci6n y Planificaci6n comenzar6 a las Rey Penabad. Y el dire t 2:00 p.m. Dichas reuniones deberdn celebrarse en las C6maras de desfile, Jorge P. se. la Comisi6n de la Ciudad, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. 1 y' Aclamci6n '� (0478► , El pie de Is foto que ap •�- �'; arriba se om1t16 en la edicibii. '� r -- ay mi6rcoles 3, en la pd _ B,por toque seharepetidot3n to edici6A. AVISO A DUENOS DE PROPIEDADES , Malty Hirai City Clerk Miami, Florida Presenta". e�=" _ LiSTA DE AMILL ARAMIENTO PRELIMITAR -. MEJORAMIENTO CARRETERA ESTE 1Vlcrt, h DE LA PEQUENA HABANA - FASE II = —,Teatro comedic — H-4528 parodic mli' IC Todas►as personas interesadastomarAnnotadequeunareuni6ndelaComisi6n de Is Ciudad de Miami se efectuarb a [a3i.nr, a m. 1An.ju_,�11,1992, en las f A,PEPE SALSA LT .- Climates de le Comisi6n de Is Ciudad, 35 06 Pan American nII ve, Miami, Florida, susobjecionesserdno(dasalaconfirmaci6ndelaListadeAmillaramientoPrelimi- -1 UNA NQYIA EN;B -. narparaelcostodeMEJORAMIENTO DE CARRETERA ESTE DE LA PEQUE. AAHABANA-FASE II H-4528. SiguepresentindoseeAY " DichoListadeAmilleramientoPreliminarseencuentraahoraebiartaparainspec- _ _ nlimero 4, del Teatro,°)d. ci6np0blica en Is Oficine del City Clark, 3500 Pan American Drive; Miami, Florida. _ +� divertidisima comedlaO Todas Iss personas interesadas estdn invitadas a comparecer y pueden set ofdas - Salsa le. lle96 unalloviA ., = con respectoadichamateria.Sicusiquierperson adesearaspelarcualquierdeci 66ndelaComisi6ndeIsCiudad con respectoacualquiermaterioconsideradsen —_ sa", que ya tiene mds de". _ de eXitosas presentactOn. esta audiencia, ese persona debetb asegurarse de que un record literal de los procedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencis sobre los cu- — z; ales cualquier apelaci6n puede set fundamentsda. "A Pepe Salsa le lledb it0475) Matty Hlral — City Clerk — via en Balsa" Is animaq Miami, Florida — actuaciones: - Carlosi ._ Griselle Garcia, Eddie — :Carmen . Batiz, Jesotl 'Madelyn Ravelo Y. a o CIUDAD DE IMIAMIt FLORIDA - _ especial deAmMcoNi4 ' �'- AVISO AL PUBLICO Ubreto es of iginal de' Roblin. La direcCtba;d Una audiencia publica sera; efectuada por la Com!si6n de Is Ciudad de Miami, — DOr6 Jr. y la coreogxa Florida an Junio 11, 1992, a las 11:00 a.m. en Ins Cbmaras de Is Comisi6n de Is _ naldo Silva. Lae pre naldo Ciudad, an el Ayuntamiento.3500PanAmericanDrive.Miami,Floridaatprop6si-i = todeoircualquierobjeci6nporcualquieradeInspartesinteresadesafectadaspor I son S illerFleS y B�b:r unsumento an el contrato entre Urgan Contractors, Inc. y la Ciudad de Miami en de lanoeheylosdoin.. unscantidadnoexcedentede$25,000pars trabajoextra necesarloenatProyec- - y 8 las 9 de 18 to Curtis Park Redevelopment -Fieldwork iSegunda Ucitsci6nl, Proyecto No. ' 331353, yen ratif icar Is decisi6n del Administrador de Is Ciudad quo el menciona-— doeumento result6 ser debido a circunstancias de emergencies. t t+ $U Eli AS BERNAMAt Todaslaspersonasinteresadesest6ninvitadasacomparecerypuedenserofdas it persona desearaapelarcuatquierdeci•. Ea Is Sala sadnler0'l't concemienteaestosasuntos.Sicuslquier a& de Is Comisi6n de Is Ciudad con respecto a cualquier msteria considers an - Marti sigue re esta audiencia, ese persona debe asegurarse de que un record literal de los procedimientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y oygidencia sobre los eu• ' _— tosamente In " pa alas cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fundamentada. — "que Eljas T%ag _- basada eel la;obra: 1ro4741 MaM Hirai Casa de Berna1w, WY Clerk MIAMI, Florida. = derico Garcia L — _ tuaci6a y direccib LaTorre, Roberto - Muletr _ Jult isSinche= q yChanel nografi a de nogl•afiAllah COMPRE lamas DE r Para mds ANORRO DEL GOEIERNO — servaciones 16fonu � A w' -- RECEIVED 199Z JUN 12 PM 2= 48 S TA1•£ OF FLOP.ICA ) MATTY f{IRAI ' CITCITY IAMI CLERK CJU;+TY OF DADS � ) Personally appeared :efore me }.she undersicned, Jorge If. Consuegra, to me well-known, s:ho being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit "anager of Diario Las An-e'ricas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except ;•:onday, in Miami, Lade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly published daily except '!ondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year irmediately preceding first publication of said Legal :+otice or advertisement and %as during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in :.he Cnited States Post Gr"fice in "!iami, Dade County# Florida, and that the Legal :.;otice or Advertisement, all copy of which is ::ereto attached, was published in on the following days: Signed Sworn DIARIO LAS P!:ERICPS P.O. # 6 ORDERED: LFdo �J CJ day o f 19 in t_iami, Dade County, Florida. * TEARSHEET ATTACHED 00 Amount $ E '0� N Notary Public =� S�z NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION, EXP. NOY.17,1993 BONDED TNRU GENERAL INS. LW. STATE OF FLORIDA ) CJliwTY OF DADE ) '1331.11t1�1 •l � �� e car CITY IRA �a �Rk =- Personally appeared tefore -.9 the undersigned. Jorge 11. Consuegra, to me well-known, .:ho being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit "anager of Diario Las An.ericas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except _-- "onday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly puhlis::ed daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year i.rmediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as _ second class mail -at-er in the United States Post c1fice in !!iami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal 2iotice or Advertiser..ent, all copy of which is hereto _ attached, ,,as published in DIARIO LFS A.!-ERICPS on the following days: Signed Sworn to and *ubscribed bef 19 !Z2', in riami, Dade County, Florida. * TEARSHEET ATTACEM Amount P.O. ORDERED: �d X /day of ry - c a Notary Public 6DI-a_011_01� NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXP. NOV.17,1993 BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. WO ' ... the ticket lawyers! * D.U.I. (conducclon bajo Influencla de de alcohol o drogas) • Licencla Suspendida * Tickets de Transito en General .. �ie snot✓ en, ALBERT QUIRANTES — Abogado — 1898 NW 7 St _ 6441800 n�•a1. v w O (desde fuera de Miami Home gratis por el 1-800.333-LEGAL) O btener un ebog:do es una decision ,mportante que no debe ser basada solamente en anunaos Llamenos 5, deseinforrnaciOn adicional sobre nuestras caldicaclones y e.periencia AVISO A DUENOS DE PROPIEDADES LISTA DE AMILLARAMIENTO PRELIMINAR MEJORAMIENTO DE CALLES EN DOWNTOWN H-4498 Todas las personas interesadas tomaran nota de que una reuni6n de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami que se IlevarA a Cabo a las 11:10 a.m., en Junio 11.1292,2Il las Comaras de Comisi6n de la Cidad, 35 an m erican rive, Miami, Florida, sus objeciones serdn oldas para la confirmaci6n de la Lista de Amillaramiento Preliminar para el costo del MEJORAMIENTO DE CALLES EN DOWNTOWN, DISTRITO H-4498. Dicha Lista de Amillaramiento preliminar est6 abierta ahora para inspecci6n publica en la Oficina del City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Todas las personas interesadas estAn invitadas a comparecer y pueden ser oldas con respecto a este asunto. Si cualquier persona deseara apelar cualquier decisi6n de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad, con respecto a cualquier materia considerada en esta audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse de que un record literal de los procedi- mientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fundamentada. (a04771 Matty Hiral City Clerk u„c Miami, Florida OUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER R E C E I V E 30&S69.7355 A FREE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER VOICE • SERVING DADE C0UNTi"W39f PH 2. 4 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER t4ATTY 11RA1 PUBLISHED BY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS, INC. fti�i'01T CLERK PUBLISHED FRIDAY . FLA. MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: g� Before the undersigned authority personally appeared JOAN ROSE who on oath says that she Is OFFICE MANAGER of Legal Advertising of S, Your Hometown Newspaper, published Friday at Miami In Dads County, t; . � e r, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, beln0 a Legal Advertise. menl of Notice in the matter of �. IN RE. THE CITY OF MIAMI m the X X X Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issue of t7t] JUKE 5, 1992g Affian► further says that the sold Your Hometown Newspaper published 8 at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the newspaper has here• lofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, and 6 �+`o$+>C has been entered as second class mall matter at the post offlos In Miami In sold Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the ' �O first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and offlant further O says that she has neither paid not promised any person, firm or corpo- ration any discount, robots, commission or refund for the purpose of , ; ; pq securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. �' S PROOF OF PUBLICATION •rr H• �� t xfl'. i AFFIANT Swam to and subscribed before me this Fns _. JUNE � y _ JESUS TOLEDO (Print or type or t p commissioned name of (SEAL) No ublic) Sint at L;rQ0 =� Pay April 1-0, 1993 My Commission Expires-. Personally known X �. Your Hometown Newspaper Published by Community Newspapors, Inc. 6796 S.W. 67nd Avenue South Miami, Florida 33143' 669-7355 RECEIVED RECEIVED 199�ja 12 'P1 2-- 49 1992 JUN 12 PN Z. 49 %NTT' h1RA1 MATTY HIRAI s :AIE OF FLQRILA ) '�C11Y CLERK CITY CLERK -C1TY OF MWI, FLA. CITY.OF NIAMI, FLA, CJu;+TX OF CADE ) Personally apFeared -Nfcre :.e the undersicr.ed, Jorge H. Consuegra, to me well-known, a:ho being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit :'wager of Diario Las Am6ricas, ne-�spaper of general circulation, published daily except ;-;onday, in Miami, E-ade County, Florida. Affiant furt er says that the above named newspaper has continuosly putlis::ed daily except nordays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year i..ncdiately preceding first publication of said Legal ;:otice or advertisement and o:as during all such tine and now is entered as secoru class mail -at =ar in i .^ L'_ �d :i`_�S PCSt .f f LC� lit �.-ari ^dde C011rty, Florida, and that the Leval :;otice or dvertisement, all copy of which is er�to attached, was published in on the following days: Signed D IARIO L.AS P-*•'FRICPS I ,. # d P.O. # OF.DERED: Sworn `fie subscribed be mere e that day of 19 ? , in r'.iami, Dade County, Florida. TEARSHEET ATTACHM Amount ON Notary Public ��61 C r:P-4 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXP. NOV.17.1995 BONDED THRU GENERAL INS- M. - RECEIVED} 199Z AN 12 PH 2= 50 MATTY HIRAI = s.A1T: OF FLeF.ZGA ) CITY OF CLERK y— COUwTY OF DA.DE ) Personally appeared ::ofcre .e the undersi ned, Jorge ii. Consseara, to me well-known, who being, duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit ".anager of Diaxio Las An.ericas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except ;•:onday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. i,ffiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly published daily except `londays in Cade County, Florida, for more than one year irncdiately preceding first publication of said Le -gal Notice or advertiserrent and ,gas during all such time and now is entered as second class mail -attar in thea__ed Stites Pcst='ffice in -iaml, trade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or A-dvertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, :pas published in on the following days: DIARIC U.S r`_•EF.ICPS fore rae this 19 `r� r, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. cV • TEARSHEET ATTACEED �� r7 Amount $ �. �r Cn %41 I ht P.o # D ORDERED: �( day of_ LJ Ljt-)'Q"' t r ...' V4� Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA r My COWISSION EXP, NOV.17.1993 { BONDED THRU GENERAL Iyg. 1 Li:F 1E OF FLOP.ILA f CJU;ITY OF CADE RECEIVED 1992 JUN 12 PM 2- 4 7 PATTY NIRAI CITYOF CLERK CITY Personally appeared :;efore ...e the undersigned, Jorge I(. Consuegra, to ne well-kr.cwn, •..•ho being duly sworn ae^.oses and says that he is Credit :'anager of Diario Las Ar,.ericas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except :•:onday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuoslf puhlislned daily except Mondays in Cade County, Florida, for more than one year i.:mediately preceding first publication of said Legal t:otice or advertiserrent and 4:as during all such time and now is entered as 3econ,l class mail Tatter in the United States pest _ffice in Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal ?iotice or Acvertiserer.t, all copy of which is ''ereto attached, was published in DIARIO LF.S r%YEF.ICPS on.the following days: P.O. ORDERED : ,f� F- X72, Signed Sworn gand6Zcribed befor ne this day of 19�in Miami, Dade County, Florida. TEARSHEET ATTACEM A, Amount 3 �. - =7 Notary Public C,! u� NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIOA MY COMMISSION EXP. NOV.17,1993 BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UNpo,_. 199t' •guru ARM T T y .All OF FWPICA I j CITrQF�tQkRlf CJU4*+TY OF DAZE ) �' ' Personally apreared cefcre c-..e the undersicned, Jorge 11. Conssegra, to me well-known, ,.ho Izeing duly s.. orn deposes and says that he is Credit :'anagez of Diario Las An.ericas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except i.:onday, in Miami, Lade County, Florida. Affiart further says that the above named newspaper has continuosly puhlis::ed daily except :!ondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year i.:mediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second :lass mail 7at_er in the Cnited ---fates Post C'%ffice in "ia_mi, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal :;otice or zdvertise.:.ent, all copy of which is : ereto attached, ::as published in on the following days: DIARIO U.S PI'ERICAS IL'V. # �� u P.O. # T ORDERED: Signed Sworn t nd subscribed Xe�r � (J day of 19 in Viami, Dade County, Florida. i * TEARSHEET ATTACHED - • rz - Amount $ -"3C c� Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA i _ MY COMMISSION EXP. NOV.17,1993 BONDED TNRU GENERAL INS, UND.. t STATE OF FLCRICA GJU;+TY OF DIODE Personally appeared :.Pfore :.e the undersigned, dr-")Ca'r`r5uegra, to rie well-knc7an, ::ho 'eing duly sworn deposes and says thdtZZj13spreJ<t "anager of Diario Las Ar,.ericas, newspaper of General circulation, jF"I*eddajIT except ,..onday, in Miami, made County, Florida. Affiant further s that 'EheQrAbove named newspaper has continuesly pu_!:1is::ed daily except `iondays in 4de County, Florida, for more than one year i.:mediately preceding first publication of said Legal ';otice or advertisement and yeas during all such tine and now is entered as second :lass ::all "at_er in e [.mired States Post :,ffice In '.!i m.i., Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is ez_to attached, was published in D IARIO LAS P_•!ERICPS on the following days: VAC Signed P .0 . # OFDERED : a / 1 1 2 e. Sworn Lro and subscribed beford me this 19 , in Miami, Dade County, Florida. * TEARSKEET ATTACHED Amount CD L� Cn J% day of _Vane' rlL� Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORI04 MY COMMISSION EXP, NOy-i7,1993 BONDED TNRU GENERAL INS. UND. f •••• l „SQ a�i5iiue 11 verso orders". - q 999 • 10g�Mep*�++cr+✓a 900 MM Vt�s • Key WM,vem tFr 4041 N W 7 Street Miami. nofida Um Restaurant Pstinguldo en el Coraz6n de Miami F4PEfCitALiDAD EN e "oraew � e Pse41•fn e Auer: ese Oblle irlatrA 1Tpicos Cubans. EgmAnlesy Cc ttneniales Tel: (305) 641-1715 E AUDIENCIA D DE MIAMIr FLORIDA AVISO D PUB ICA I�O So ovisis por gists Medici qU en ,��pj a lee 4:00 p.m., en el Ayuntamlento, 36M Pan American Drl Uam , A a, una audiencia p6blica se lievard a efecto ante Jos Comisl6n de Is Ciudad de Miami en relac16n al Proyecto de Desarrollo Unificado pars el desarrollo comerclal pare una marina con aervicio completo, y are D opcional pars use aJ detale relacionade con asuntos de marina, en oproxima• damente 10.88 acres frente al ague propiedad de Is Ciudad, sltuada on el 2640 South Florida. la ousd los conten dos de Jos Solicitudes de Prolmmtos la selecci6n dnafrms deconts- dores poblicos; y las recomendaclones del administrador de Is Ciudad para el nombramionto de personas pare servir an el Comitdde Revisl6n. El aviso de audiencia p6blics de arriba es requerldo por Is secc16n 29-A de Is Con- stitucl6n do Is Ciudad y secci6n 18-52.9 del C6digo de la Ciudad. AI concluirse dills audiencla, to Comisl6n debe autorizar Is emisl6n de una Solicltud de Propuestas, selecclonar una firma de contadores p6blicos y nombiar los mlembros del Comitib de Revisl6n. Todas In panes Interesadas pueden comparecar a la reunl6n y ser oldas owKs- nisnte a tal RFP. La aud•,encia se Ilevarb a cabo a Is hors y lugar especificado aniba. Si c ualquler persona derma apeAar cualquier decisi6n de Is Comis6n con resW.to a cualquier asunto a ser considerado an esta reunioln,ess persona debe asegurerse se quo un record literal de Jos procedimientos sea hecho Incluyendo todo testl- monio y evidencia sobre los cuales cuslquier apelacl61n puede ser fundamenteda. (0481) (5 City YY Mark i Miami, Florida CIUDAD DE MIAMI AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLIA Una audiencia pOblica se IlevarA 6fecto par la Comisi6n de to Ciudad de Miami, Florida, an Junlo 11, 1992 a las 2;40 p.m, en las CAmaras de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad, an el Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, pare discutir una propuesta reasignaci6n de fondos no gastados del Programa Block Grant de Desarrollo Comunitario del Aho 17, an la cantidad do $100,000y to intenci6n delo use de dichos fondos. La reasignaci6n propuesta envuelve una reprogramaci6n de $100,000 an fondos no gastados del Programa Block Grant de Desarrollo Comunitario del Aft 17, del Proyecto CDBG intitulado "Proyecto de Viviendas de Reabilitaci6n Multifamiliar on Toda to Ciudad" a fin de proveer asistencia financiera al St. Johon Com- munity Development Corporation en forma de una concesi6n, para proveer mejoras de seguridad/conservaci6n al St, John Ren- tal Apartment Proyact situado en la vecindad del Downtown. Todas las personas interesadas estAn invitadas a comparecer y pueden ser oodas an relaci6n a este asunto. Si cualquier persona deseara apelar cualquier decisi6n de la Comisi6n de la Ciudad con respecto a cualquier materia considerada an esta audiencla, e5a persona debo asegurarse de quo un record literal de los procedi- mientos sea hecho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidencia sobre los cuales cualquier apelaci6n puede ser fundamentada, Ia04801 Malt ark (5 city dark Mlaml, Florldo MilPublished D. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the une Octelma V. Ferbeyro visor of Legal Adr (except Saturday, £ published at Miami I copy of advertiseme In the matter of CITY OF TAU M : AN ORL NO. 10912 P etc. In the ............ was published In sal June 1, 19S Afflant further newspaper published and that tM said net published In said [ Saturday, Sunday anc second class mall ry Dade County, Florida the first publication c a/titnt further says U Penkm Urm or corn 1st (SEAL) Octelms V. Ferbsyre+ CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading,tuna-' 1 Q92 om encing at 9:00 a.m. In the City Commission Chambers, 35 i n merican Drive, Mlami, Florida: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10912, ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 11. 1991, WHICH ESTAB- LISHED INITIAL RESOURCES AND INITIAL APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "ASSET TRACKING," TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF S34,500 AS A RESULT OF A SUC- CESSFUL APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRANT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT OF $34,500 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10913, ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1991, WHICH ESTAB- LISHED INITIAL RESOURCES AND INITIAL APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "GEOGRAPHIC TARGETING PROGRAM;" TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF $65,000 AS A RESULT OF A SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION FOR ADDI- TIONAL GRANT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT OF $65,000 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 10948, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 13, 1992, IN ITS ENTIRETY; FUR- THER AMENDING ARTICLE 11, "BURGLARY AND ROB• EERY ALARMS" OF CHAPTER 3.5, "ALARM SYSTEMS" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY DELINEATING THE OUALIFICATIONS OF BURGLAR ALARM SPECIALTY ELECTRICAL CONTRAC- TORS; BY SETTING FORTH PROVISIONS DEALING WITH FALSE ALARMS INCLUDING THE INSTANCE WHERE A SYSTEM FOR WHICH AN ALARM PERMIT HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED OR HAS NOT BEEN RENEWED GENERATES A FALSE ALARM; DELETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF INSPECTIONS BY POLICE AND A LICENSED BURGLAR ALARM COMPANY AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO REINSTATEMENT OF THE ALARM PERMIT; MORE PARTICULARLY AMENDING SECTIONS 3.5.22, 3523 AND 3.5.29 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS'AMENDED; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE.• RELATING TO THE HOMELESS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPEND AN AMOUNT, NOT TO EXCEED S45,WD. FROM THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "HOMELESS PROJECT," PROJECT NUMBER 192001. INDEX CODE NUMBER 261001, AS THE CITY OF MIAMPS MATCH TO METRO- DADE COUNTY, TO PROVIDE BEDS AND SPECIALIZED TREATMENT FOR HOMELESS INDIVIDUALS HAVING SUBSTANCE ABUS? PROBLEMS; FURTHER, AUTHORIZ- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY AGREEMENTS WITH DADE COUNTY IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE.., ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 45.5, ENTITLED "PUBLIC NUISANCE", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, WHICH PROVIDED FOR THE CREATION OF A NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD ("BOARD"), AND SET FORTH ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES, PENALTIES, AND CONDUCT OF HEAR- INGS, SAID AMENDMENT: DECREASING FROM TWENTY FOUR (24) MONTHS TO SIX (6) MONTHS, THE TIME FRAME FOR NUISANCE COMPLAINTS; ESTABLISHING AN ALTERNATIVE REQUIREMENT FOR SEVEN DOCUMENTED INSTANCES TO SUPPORT FINDINGS OF PUBLIC NUISANCES IN LIEU OF A CERTIFIED CONVIC- TION; ADDING REGULATIONS FOR YOUTH GANG RELATED NUISANCE ACTIVITIES; CHANGING THE BOARD MEMBERS' REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDE RESIDENCY OR BUSINESS OFFICE WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI; PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS OF CHAIRPER- SONS; ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS OF AFFIRMATIVE VOTES BY AT LEAST ;THREE (3) BOARD MEMBERS; AUTHORIZING THE CLERK OF THE BOARD TO ADOPT , AND USE OFFICIAL SEAL FOR CERTIFICATION OF DOC- UMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF INDEPENDENT COUNSEL WITH COMMISSION APPROVAL TO DEFEND THE CITY OF MIAMI WHEN THE CITY ATTORNEY OR HIS DESIGNEE CITES CITY -OWNED PROPERTY FOR ALLEGED NUISANCE ACTIVITY; DECREASING THE NOTICE OF HEARING REQUIREMENT FROM THIRTY (30) DAYS TO FIFTEEN (15) CALENDAR DAYS; DECREASING NOTICE VIA POSTING FROM TWENTY (20) DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING TO TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING; ESTABLISHING THE CLEAR AND CONVINC- ING STANDARD AS THE BURDEN OF PROOF; CLARIFY. ING THAT BOARD MAY PROCEED TO HEARING IN " ABSENTIA AGAINST PROPERTY OWNERS WHO FAIL TO RESPOND; ESTABLISHING THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD AS THE CITY MANAGER'S DESIGNEE FOR PURPOSES OF NUISANCE RELATED OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE SUSPENSION; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTION 45.5.1, 45.5.2, 45.5.3, 45.5-4 AND 45.5.5 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. . ,,. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 31, ARTICLE 11, ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXES" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORI• DA. AS AMENDED, BY CLARIFYING THE DEFINITION OF - THE EXHIBITORS CLASSIFICATION AND PROVIDING FOR ' A LOWER TAX WHEN THE EVENT IS HELD IN A FACIL- ITY OWNED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; . AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said ordinances may be inspected by the public at the Offics of the City Clerk, 35M Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of B:00 a.m. and 5-00. p.m. r All Interested persons may appear At the meeting and be heard• with respect to the proposed ordinances. Should any person desire to appeal any decision' of the city`, Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that averbatim record of the. proceedings Is made Including all testimony and "evidence upon'' which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI Y oR CITY CLERK r MIAMI, FLORIDA . a (0471) 611 92.44=103M •.. NCE" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF 4, AS AMENDED, WHICH PROVIDED FOR — OF A NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD AND SET FORTH ENFORCEMENT f PENALTIES, AND CONDUCT OF HEAR- zr NDMENT: DECREASING FROM TWENTY THS TO SIX (6) MONTHS, THE TIME — MIAMI REVIEW `� a '` TSVE REEQUIREMENT FOR SEVIEN — ENSTANCES TO SUPPORT FINDINGS OF — Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and CES IN LIEU OF A CERTIFIED CONVIC- r �4 rix REGULATIONS FOR YOUTH GANG Legal Holidays r ANCE ACTIVITIES; CHANGING THE — Miami. Dade County, Florida. z . ERS' REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDE BUSINESS OFFICE WITHIN THE CITYSTATE COUNTY OF FLORIDA DADE- Y ` „ IDING FOR THE TERMS OF CHAIRPER- COUNTY OF DADS t _!, � RING REOUIREMENTS OF AFFIRMATIVE nsd authority LEAST THREE (3) BOARD MEMBEAS, Before the undersigned y personally appeared HE CLERK OF THE BOARD TO ADOPT t DOOM V. Ferbeyro, who on oath says that she is the Super- Y IAL SEAL FOR CERTIFICATION OF DOS,- t visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, s daily,Y.M DING FOR THE USE OF INDEPENDENT (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida,, that COMMISSION APPROVAL TO DEFEND chef the attached M at )` Mt WHEN THE CITY ATTORNEY OR HIS — copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice — Inthe matter ol ,.'- ES CITY -OWNED PROPERTY FOR f ANCE ACTIVITY; DECREASING THE CITY OF MIAMI AING REQUIREMENT FROM THIRTY (30) ' r N (15) CALENDAR DAYS; DECREASING RE; AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE � � � TING FROM TWENTY (20) DAYS PRIOR NO. 1091.2 ADOPTED ON SEP'IMER 11 1991 y�it1 G TO TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR TO THE ► r "` � '.. ,., BLtSHING THE CLEAR AND CONYING Etc. AS THE BURDEN OF PROOF; CLARIFY- - r RD MAY PROCEED TO HEARING IN = - Tlog ST PROPERTY OWNERS WHO FAIL TO In the ................ X X X BUSHING THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT , , . , , , . , Court, E CITY MANAGER'S DESIGNEE FOR WAD published In said newspaper In the Issues of NUISANCE RELATED OCCUPATIONAL ENSIGN; MORE PARTICULARLY BY June 1 1992 �'` ION 45.5.1, 45.5.2. 45.5-3, 45.54 AND DE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, z ONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION 6i171 FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Affioni further says that the said Miami Review is a ORDINANCE NO. rawspsp*r published at Miami In sold Dada County, Florida ^., and tthhat the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In sold Dade County, Florida each day (except AMENDING CHAPTER 31, ARTICLE 11. Saturdey, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as ==EDULE OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE second class mall mailer of the post office In Miami in said may, CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORt- Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding ,; BY CLARIFYING THE DEFINITION OF the first publication of the attached f advertisement; and } I ` ' olfiani further says that she has her p id nor promised an CLASSIFICATION AND PROVIDING FOR parson, or corporaihon s nt robot*, commission . EN THE EVENT IS HELD IN A FACIL- or rof the purpoe* ring Is advertisement for -' T THE CITY OF MIAMI; CONTAINING A pub11 t n n Id ns r. ISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. be Inspected by the public at the Office of an American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday Sworn to and subscribed below me this ing holidays. between the hours of 1190 a.m. 1St ay o ...... ' E. pEp, ......, A D. 9. 92 .. d �. �F ns .—I appear at the meeting and be heard i" posed ordinances. .... ... MAf! L - .tpg.... ...... >w: (SEAL) MY %4MISSION 1 XP. AN. 6199f+ desire to appeal any decision of ltt4 , "� � t to any matter to be considered sit thishfs ", shall ensure that a verbatim record of the - Including all testimony and evidence up Octslme V. Ferbsyre personally known to me. tie based. on s MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK ��. MIAMI, FLORIDA 4-- 4r.so STATE COON Be Octet visor (except public In o RE: NO. etc In the was pu Jun AI "oil end publls Saturd second Dade 1st Oc 0 E FORFEITURE =S DISTRICT DISTRICT OF hNAL NUMBER KITED STATES i BCCI HOLD- IOURG), S.A. !IT AND COM• MIAMI REVIEW ATiONAL S.A. SIT AND COM- Published Deily except Saturday, Sunday and TIONAL (OVER - Legal Holidays VTERNATiONAL Miami, Dade County, Florida. NVESTMENT SEAS) LIMITED OF FLORIDA ice is hereby TY OF DADS 1h 24, 1992, and fore the undersigned authority personally appeared in the above. ma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super. the Honorable of Legal Advertising of the Miami Rovlew, a daily 1, United States Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, ' the District of had at Miami In Dodo County, Florida; that the attached 'ered Orders advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice , forfeiting the matter of ertles to the sof America: ITY OF MIAMI �d Forfeited AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE ;Amended April Transfer an 10913, ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1991, And Desks 132 114 Returns 14 asee 21 Cabl- Plants, Pots X X X t'itchen Pieces Court, id Crates 46+ blished In said newspaper In the issues of id Maintenance irty Ordered e 1, 1992 Zn 92wood n Inets 1 Coffee j, 2 Computer ilant further says that the said Miami Review is a ghe Machine 2 paper publlshod at Miami In sold Dade County, Florida, �s and Stand 1 that the sold newspaper has heretofore been continuously 'Office Support had In sold Dade County, Florida each day (except ey, Sunday and legal Holidays) and has been entered as Supplies The class mall matter at the post office In Miami In sold io having been County, Florida, for a period of one ar next precedlrq f States hereby I publication of the attached c adwril" n end is Intent to further says that she has psi nor promis2 any ftm or corporation an unt, to, commisslon if the forfeited eflw pu rM o rag lhl advertisement for ;manner as the of the United consistent pment entered ;Irian, and the 19, Sworn to and subscribed before me this ` s or entities es ,De or entities Jtirbe 92 a legal right," S . 10....... iihe Woremen- .A ; within thirty NOT PUOl.1 A .......... Ird publication C ` ION NO. CC 172108 it petition the MY COMr1ISSj0j-*1 (P. AN. d,19% �rict Court for lumbfa tar a fµ , rate the valid- Nkas •V. Ferboyre perioNalty known to me. led Interest in ant to Title 18, b7j ��('� �,11� pde. Section Is requested, INN .Ill �'� fore the cants airy. Claimants pre of prooi In �jbti`'et(tonef andert nd shall iden- Q A' A ilroperty or the petitioner t, title or inter - I extent.of the, , 1 __:___ _ __._ rrLrtLlr• f/LJVIr1,,,ILV •s.....-���.�y„,r,�,��, WARRANT GOOD TiTLE TO ANY '- SUBSEQUENT PURCHASER OR -iE CODE OF THE CITY OF TRANSFEREE. -ED, WHICH PROVIDED FOR 5118.26 611 92-4-051807M kNCE ABATEMENT BOARD NOTICE OFACTION ORTH ENFORCEMENT CONDUCT OF HE IN THE CiRCUIT COURT OF THE ;AND £CREASING FROM TWENTY 111H JUDICIAL CIRCUIT iN (B) MONTHS, THE TIME AND FOR DADE COUNTY, MPLAINTS; ESTABLISHING FLORIDA IREMENT FOR SEVEN GENERAL JURISDICTION O SUPPORT FINDINGS OF DIVISION OF A CERTIFIED CONViC-" ' CASE NUMBER: 92-WS82 IONS FOR YOUTH GANG FLORIDA BAR NUMBER: 'IVITIES: CHANGING THE 305286 JIREMENTS TO INCLUDE FISHER ISLAND REALTY SALES, OFFICE WiTHIN THE CITY THE TERMS OF CHAIi1114 R* INC., a Florida corporation, Plaintiff, IREMENTS OF AFFIRMATIVE A VS. ' tEE (3) BOARD MEMBEH$; , MAMtA AL SCHATLY AL OF THE BOARD TO ADOPT r. DR CERTIFICATION OF DOC- HMARTIN ANAIEN, MADUBILIER RTIN THE USE OF INDEPENDENT and NOEL T N APPROVAL TO DEFEND, Defendants. MCITYATTORNEY-ORHIS TO: MAMIA At. SCHATLY AL WNED PROPERTY FOR ., HANAIEN Current residence unknown IREMENT FROM THIRTY (30) Last known address NDAR DAYS: DECREASING 37 Rue Raynourd 75116 TWENTY (M DAYS PRIOR Paris, France (10) DAYS PRIOR TO THE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED HE CLEAR AND CONVINC� that a Crossclaim flied by NOEL RDEN OF PROOF; CLARiFY- THOMPSON; asserting a demand ROCEEO TO HEARING IN for an escrow deposit has been A7Y OWNERS WHO FAIL TO filed against you and you are ENUISANCEABATEMENT required to serve a copy of your NAGER'S DESIGNEE FOR - : - RELATED OCCUPATIONAL written defenses, if any, to it on ORE PARTICULARLY BY Kevin F. Kline, Esq., KUNE, AND. 1.MOORE 4s.52. 45.IA & KLEIN, P.A., Cross' .- E CITY OF FLORIDA, . E , Plaintiff's attorney, whose addr• REPEALER PROVISION G A REPEALER PROVISION ess Is 2665 South Bayshore ERABILITY CLAUSE Drive, Suite 003; Coconut Grove, , Florida, 33133, on or before.the NCE NO. 19 day of June, _1992, and to file the original with the Clerk of this G CHAPTER 31, ARTICLE 11, _OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ilia iIFYINtii THE DEFINITION OF =ON AND PROVIDING FOR THE N OFNM AMH CONTA N NO A Applications are now bet SEVERABILITY OATS CLAUSE; Action Plan Trust cre February,I8, 1992. The, o �tne�j t arnh %des, Moneaoq ' how to improvethe quafye, between the hours of s:DO a m " community. Trustees wi' . j of three years., Afl appepear at the meeting and be heard . C mmissioners. 1 Membllnances.. ; knowledge; and/or expet- apaeioany declelo'1n of the C ty justice, housing,n�y matter to be considered at this re Mat,a verbatim record of tha however, all members or sit testimony and evldence- up" . ,I Requests for.appifc�tion Conflict of- interest -rule MATTY HIRAI COY process should be dirf3C) �IG411fJC FtORiDA ethers; 37.5 4W8, ;A West Fiagler$treet, suitf thrbughoutDade'Counib : i t ; + ♦ ' f,' k,ipA"X A , Applications should ben •' the Metro -Dade Govenir "sx.(irasM u; by'nolaterthan June 12, 611.4$11 !mom �„e Mh Published Di Mlan STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undi Octelms V. Ferbsyre, visor of Legal Advil (except Saturday, Si published at Miami ti copy of advertisemal In the matter of CITY OF MIA RE: AN Old NO. 10913, etc. In the .......... was published In sal June 1, 1S Afllenl furthe newspaper publish and that ttw said r pubilshod In said Saturday, Sunday a second class mall Dads County, Flod the Unit publlcatlor afflant further says or cc — tM publ n the 1st OcW=-V, Fer •101 00 ttl CiTY OF MIAM19 FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Notice Is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on June 11. 1992, commencing at 9:00 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers, 35M Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10912, ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1991, WHICH ESTAB- LISHED INITIAL RESOURCES AND INITIAL APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "ASSET TRACKING," TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,5W AS A RESULT OF A SUC• CESSFUL APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRANT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER -TO ACCEPT TILE GRANT OF $34,500 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10913, ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1991, WHICH ESTAB- LISHED INITIAL RESOURCES AND INITIAL APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "GEOGRAPHIC TARGETING PROGRAM;" TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE iN THE AMOUNT OF R5,000 AS A RESULT OF A SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION FOR ADDI- TIONAL GRANT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT OF 365,000 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO, 10M. ADOPTED FEBRUARY 13, 1992, IN ITS ENTIRETY; FUR. THER AMENDING ARTICLE 11, "BURGLARY AND ROB- BERY ALARMS" OF CHAPTER 3.5, "ALARM SYSTEMS" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY DELINEATING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF BURGLAR ALARM SPECIALTY ELECTRICAL CONTRAC- TORS; BY SETTING FORTH PROVISIONS DEALING WITH FALSE ALARMS INCLUDING THE INSTANCE WHERE A SYSTEM FOR WHICH AN ALARM PERMIT HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED OR, HAS NOT BEEN RENEWED GENERATES A FALSE ALARM; DELETING THE REOUIREMENTS OF INSPECTIONS BY POLICE AND A LICENSED- BURGLAR ALARM COMPANY AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO REINSTATEMENT OF THE ALARM PERMIT; MORE PARTICULARLY AMENDING SECTIONS 3.5.22, 3.5.23 AND 3.5.29 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE. RELATING TO THE NOMELESS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPEND AN, AMOUNT, NOT TO EXCEED $45,000. FROM THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "HOMELESS PROJECT," PROJECT NUMBER 192001, INDEX CODE NUMBER 261001, AS THE CiTY OF MIAMPS MATCH TO METRO- DADE COUNTY, TO PROVIDE BEDS AND SPECIALIZED TREATMENT FOR HOMELESS INDIVIDUALS HAVING SUBSTANCE ABUS a PROBLEMS; FURTHER, AUTHORIZ- ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY . AGREEMENTS WITH-DADE COUNTY IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CiTY ATTORNEY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 45.5, ENTITLED "PUBLIC NUISANCE", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, WHICH PROVIDED FOR THE CREATION OF A NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD ("BOARD"), AND SET FORTH ENFORCEMI NT PROCEDURES, PENALTIES, AND CONDUCT OF HEAR.' INGS, SAID AMENDMENT: DECREASING FROM TWENTY- FOUR (24) MONTHS TO SIX (6) MONTHS, THETIME • ' - FRAME FOR NUISANCE COMPLAINTS; ESTABLISHING " AN ALTERNATIVE REOUIREMENTT' FOR SEVEN DOCUMENTED INSTANCES TO SUPPORT FINDINGS OF PUBLIC NUISANCES IN LIEU OF A CERTIFIED CONVIO TION; ADDING REGULATIONS FOR YOUTH GANG RELATED NUISANCE ACTIVITIES. CHANGING THE BOARD MEMBERS' REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDE RESIDENCY OR BUSINESS OFFICE WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI; PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS OF CHAIRPER• SONS; ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS OF AFFIRMATIVE VOTES BY AT LEAST THREE (3) BOARD MEMBERS;. AUTHORIZING THE CLERK OF THE BOARD TO ADOPT AND USE OFFICIAL SEAL FOR CERTIFICATION OF DOC- UMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF INDEPENDENT COUNSEL WITH COMMISSION APPROVAL TO DEFEND_ THE CITY OF MIAMI WHEN THE CITY ATTORNEY OR HIS DESIGNEE CITES CITY -OWNED PROPERTY FOR ALLEGED NUISANCE ACTIVITY; DECREASING THE NOTICE OF HEARING REQUIREMENT FROM THIRTY (30) DAYS TO FIFTEEN (15) CALENDAR DAYS; DECREASING NOTICE VIA POSTING FROM TWENTY (20) DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING TO TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING; ESTABLISHING THE CLEAR AND CONVINC- ING STANDARD AS THE BURDEN OF PROOF; CLARIFY. ' ING THAT BOARD MAY PROCEED TO HEARING IN ABSENTIA AGAINST PROPERTY OWNERS WHO FAIL TO RESPOND; ESTABLISHING THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARO AS THE CITY MANAGER'S DESIGNEE FOR. PURPOSES OF NUISANCE RELATED OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE SUSPENSION; MORE PARTICULARLY BY • . AMENDING SECTION 45.5.1, 45.5 2, 45.53, 45.5.4 AND 45.5.5 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 31, ARTICLE 11. ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE' TAXES" OF THE CODE OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI, FLORI- DA, AS AMENDED, BY CLARIFYING THE DEFINITION OF THE EXHIBITORS CLASSIFICATION AND PROVIDING FOR A LOWER TAX WHEN THE EVENT IS HELD IN A FACIL ITY OWNED BY THE CITY OF MIAMi', CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said ordinances may be Inspected by the public at the Office of , the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday, through Friday, excluding holidays, between the.hours of BOO am. and 5-00 p.m. All interested persons may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City' Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this•: meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of LtM.: proceedings is merle including all testimony and evidence: upon which any appeal may be based. MATTY HIRAI t1l OR CITY CLERK ' rr MIAMI, FLORIDA a (0471) 611 92-44WI03M rn°. MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE; Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelms V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that site Is the Super. visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI RE: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 10948, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 13, 1992, etc. In the ..............X AN -X ................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the issues of June 1, 1992 Apffflpaenrt further says that the said Miami Review Is a and I t tMesolld new Paper has Insaid been continuoouusllyy, published In said Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Deft County, Florida, for a period of one year next precedirp the that publication of the attached copy adwrtlsement; and eHlant further says that seta has net ps nor promised any person, or corporation any d nt, to, commission or-rs }rq the purA9se of this advertisement for �m Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 ....... D. te. 92.. B ro ) ACC -106.... ........... IS ) N:Y COh1S51ON E.. . Octelma V. Ferbeyre a i% known to me. ��3 q1H :i0 )110 1bNly .t1�1� 00 tl �w 4FEITURE DISTRICT STRICT OF L NUMBER tD STATES 'Cl HOLD. (FIG), S.A. AND COM• DNAL S.A. AND COM• JAL (OVER. �NATiONAL ESTMENT S) t.1MITED its, hereby. it, 1992, and he above Honorable Iited States i District of d Orders �e!fing the be to the '.America: ;Forfeited ended April n f r I Desks 132 Returns M. is 21 Cabl- lants, Pots Ion Pieces ;rates 46 4 aintenance i Ordered �2 The For B Wooden � 1 Coffee Computer !Machine 2 pd Stand t ice Support ppiies The bvino been indon to forfeited er as the e United nslstent I entered: end the tuber 19, entities sal right, hin thirty ibllcatlon tition the Court for bia for a the valid- nterest in o Title 113," Section equested, the Court 'laimahts i proof In Ilion shall ,rw under MI iden- )p6rty or petitioner e or Inter- ant.ol the HtHtIN UtbUlitbtU At lu mNt r..�.,..,,,.e..r. WARRANT GOOD TITLE TO ANY SUBSEQUENT PURCHASER OR OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF TRANSFEREE. AMENDED, WHICH PROVIDED, FOR 5118.26 8/1 92.4�051807M 'A NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD NOTICE Of ACTION SET FORTH ENFORCEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE LTIES, AND CONbMOF HE AA- 11'm JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN ENT: (6) MONTHS, THE TIME S[NO MOM TWENTY ' TO SIX AND FOR DADE COUNTY, X L VCE COMPLAINTS; ESTABLISHING FLORIDA : REQUIREMENT FOR SEVEN GENERAL JURISDICTION ANCES TO SUPPORT FINDINGS OF DIVISION IN LIEU OF A CERTIFIED CONVIC- CASE NUMBER:92-00582 GULATIONS FOR YOUTH GANG FLORIDA BAR NUMBER: -�E ACTIVITIES; CHANGING THE 305286 " REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDE" FISHER ISLAND REALTY SALES, INESS OFFICE WITHIN THE CITY, , INC., a Florida corporation, 4G FOR THE TERMS OP CHAIRMA, Plaintiff, 0 REQUIREMENTS OF AFFIRMATIVE VS. ST THREE (3) ,69ARD MEMBERS; .. MAMIA AL SCHATLY AL CLERK OF' THE BOARD TO ADOPT HANAtEN, MARTIN DUBIUER SEAL FOR CERTIFICATION OF DOC, and NOEL T MARTIN G FOR THE USE OF INDEPENDENT. D Defendants. MMiSSION APPROVAL TO DEFEND WHEN THE CITY ATTORNEY OR HIS TO: MAMIA AL SCHATLY AL CITY -OWNED PROPERTY, FOR HANAIEN CE ACTIVITY; DECREASING THE Current residence unknown G REQUIREMENT FROM THIRTY OM Last known address 15) CALENDAR DAYS; DECREASING 37 Rue Raynourd 75116 4G FROM TWENTY (20) DAYS PRIOR Paris, France TO TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR TO THE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED SHING T14E CLEAR AND CONVINC- that a Crossciaim filed by NOEL THE BURDEN OF PROOF; CLARIFY- THOMPSON, asserting a demand MAY PROCEED TO HEARING IN for an escrow deposit has been r PROPERTY OWNERS WHO FAILTO 'filed against you and you are SHING THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT required to serve a copy of your ATY MANAGER'S DESIGNEE FOR written defenses, if any, to It on ISANCE RELATED OCCUPATIONAL. F. Kline, Esq., KLINE, ISION; MORE PARTICULARLY BY Kevin :'- KevinMOO8 KLEIN, P.A., Cross- )N 45.5.1, 45.5.2, 45.64, 45.5.4.AND-,,.},: Plaintiff's attorney, adds- E OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORID, y 4TAINING A REPEALER PROVISION ess is 2665 South Bayshore )R A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Drive, Suite 903, Coconut Grove, Florida, 33133, on or before the ORDINANCE NO. 19 day of June, 1992, and to file the original with the Clerk of this MENDING CHAPTER 31, ARTICLE If ' 4JLE OF OCCUPATIONAL- LICENSE' s DE OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI, FLORF BY, CLARIFYING THE DEFINITION OF -ASSIFICATION AND PROVIDING FOR THE NEN THE EVENTMIAMI; CONTAINING -A Applications are nowb@I ION AND"SEVERABIUTY CLAUSE; SR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Action Plan Trust cre; F®bruary. 18, 1992. The �lrnesrIcca o�he ,, MiamiFlpublilidorida. the �onay how to. improve the quallg holideya, between the hours of 8:0D a-m community. Trustees wil of three years. All aM may appear at the meeting'and be heard Commissioners.emaed ordlnancea. ; n Mowledge, an& experealre to„appeal any deeision bi the Clty juStice, housing, e-,ct to any matter to be.conside W all ensure that a vefbdtim to Ord. tho however, all members cluding all testinjony and evidence'iiponr;r Requests for applit1on0f' conflict of interest rule! MATTY HIRAI ss should be di CITY CLERK rs. 37J�' 4908. MIAMI, FlAji1DA W,, West�aglerfteet, Su r thr, hcut Dad,;* Go!!rf_ i r Appileations should bwn , the etraDade Govemr by no later than June 12,(Y' Published MI STATE OF FLORi[ COUNTY OF DADI Before the ui Octelms V. Ferbeyi visor of Legal At (except Saturday, published at Mlanr copy of advedIsem In the matter of CITY OF MI BE: AN OA NO. 10948, etc. In the ........... was published in a. June 1, 19 Apffffllaenrt further nowaand that the said M aseblished In said econndd Classs f1w i Dade County, Florid the first pumiestlon sttlant further says person, IM or ow Oelelms V. Forbsyre CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida., will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on June 11, 1992, commencing at 9:00 a.m. In the City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: ORDINANCE NO. AN.ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 10912, ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 1t, 1991, WHICH ESTAB- LISHED INITIAL RESOURCES AND INITIAL APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "ASSET TRACKING," TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF 934,500 AS A RESULT OF A SUC- CESSFUL APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRANT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT OF $34,500 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 10913, ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 11, 1991, WHICH ESTAB- LISHED INITIAL RESOURCES AND INITIAL APPROPRIA- TIONS FOR THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "GEOGRAPHIC TARGETING PROGRAM," TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF S85,000 AS A RESULT OF A SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION FOR ADDI- TiONAL GRANT FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT OF $65,000 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILiTY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 10948, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 13, 1992, IN iTS ENTIRETY; FUR- THER AMENDING ARTICLE 1t, "BURGLARY AND ROB- BERY ALARMS" OF CHAPTER 3.5,`"ALARM SYSTEMS" OF THE CODE OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. AS AMENDED, BY DELINEATING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF BURGLAR ALARM SPECIALTY=ELECTRICAL CONTRAC- TORS; BY SETTING FORTH PROVISIONS DEALING WiTH" FALSE ALARMS INCLUDING THE INSTANCE WHERE A SYSTEM FOR WHICH AN ALARM PERMIT HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED OR HAS NOT BEEN RENEWED GENERATES A FALSE ALARM; DELETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF INSPECTIONS BY POLICE AND A LICENSED BURGLAR ALARM COMPANY AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO REINSTATEMENT OF THE ALARM PERMIT; MORE PARTICULARLY AMENDING SECTIONS 3.5-22, 3.5-23 AND 3.5.29 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILtTY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO.. AN ORDINANCE, RELATING TO THE HOMELESS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPEND AN AMOUNT, NOT TO EXCEED $45,000, FROM THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "HOMELESS PROJECT." PROJECT NUMBER 192001, INDEX CODE NUMBER 261001. AS THE Ci7Y OF MIAMI'S MATCH TO METRO DADE COUNTY, TO PROVIDE BEDS AND SPECIALIZED' TREATMENT FOR HOMELESS INDIVIDUALS HAVING SUBSTANCE ABUS = PROBLEMS; FURTHER, AUTHORIZ• ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY AGREEMENIS WITH DADE COUNTY IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY. ATTORNEY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 45.5, ENTITLED "PUBLIC NUISANCE", OF THE CODE OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, WHICH PROVIDED FOR THE CREATION OF A NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD ("BOARD"), AND SET FORTH ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES, PENALTIES, AND CONDUCT OF HEAR- INGS, SAID AMENDMENT: DECREASING FROM TWENTY FOUR (24) MONTHS TO SIX (6) MONTHS, THE TIME FRAME FOR NUISANCE COMPLAINTS; ESTABLISHING AN ALTERNATIVE REQUIREMENT FOR SEVEN DOCUMENTED INSTANCES TO SUPPORT FINDINGS OF PUBLIC NUISANCES IN LIEU OF A CERTIFIED CONVIC- TION; ADDING REGULATIONS FOR YOUTH GANG RELATED NUISANCE ACTIVITIES; CHANGING THE BOARD MEMBERS' REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDE RESIDENCY OR BUSINESS OFFICE WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI; PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS OF CHAIRPER- . SONS; ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS OF AFFIRMATIVE VOTES BY AT LEAST THREE (3) BOARD MEMBERS; AUTHORIZING THE CLERK OF THE BOARD TO ADOPT AND USE OFFICIAL SEAL FOR CERTIFICATION OF DOC- UMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF INDEPENDENT COUNSEL WITH COMMISSION APPROVAL TO DEFEND THE CITY OF MIAMI WHEN THE CITY ATTORNEY OR HIS DESIGNEE CITES CITY -OWNED PROPERTY FOR ALLEGED NUISANCE ACTIVITY; DECREASING THE NOTICE OF HEARING REQUIREMENT FROM THIRTY (30) DAYS TO FIFTEEN (15) CALENDAR DAYS; DECREASING NOTICE VIA POSTING FROM TWENTY (20) DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING TO TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR TO THE HEARING; ESTABLISHING THE CLEAR AND CONVINC- ING STANDARD AS THE BURDEN OF PROOF; CLARIFY ING THAT BOARD MAY PROCEED TO HEARING IN ' ABSENTIA AGAINST PROPERTY OWNERS WHO FAILTO RESPOND; ESTABLISHING THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT;.` BOARD AS THE CITY MANAGER'S DESIGNEE FOR - = -. PURPOSES OF NUISANCE RELATED OCCUPATIONAL , LICENSE SUSPENSION; MORE PARTICULARLY BY:. AMENDING SECTION 46.5.1. 45.5.2, 45.53, 4554. AND 45.5.5 OF THE CODE OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, . AS AMENDED; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO.. AN ORDINANCE"AMENDiNG CHAPTER 31,.ARTICLE il, ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXES" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLOR1- OA, AS AMENDED. BY CLARIFYING THE DEFINITION OF THE EXHIBITORS CLASSIFICATION AND PROVIDING FOR A LOWER TAX WHEN THE EVENT IS HELD IN A FACILr ITY OWNED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI; 'CONTAINING A : REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said ordinances may be Inspected by the public at the Office of . the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Ftordda, Monday; through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of 8,00 a.m. and 5-00 pm. All interested persona may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Should any personidesire to appeal any decision of the City,` 4 Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at tt11s meeting, that peson shaft ensure that a verbatim' record of. dle', proceedings Is made,lncluding all testimony and evidence upon,% 1 which any appeal maybe based. MATTY HIRAI s 0o CITY CLERK MIAMI, FLORIDA T> 6 "I . N r � y 61i111 MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personalty appeared Octeims V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super- visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF 14IAMI RE: AN 01MINANCE, RELATING TO THE HOMELESS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPEND AN AMOUNT, NOT TO EX EED $45,000, etc. In the .............. X . X . X ................... Court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of June 1, 1992 Appfflant further as yya ih and thethe aper �u'Id nevrsishedaptaper, publlahed In said Dad• C, Saturday, Sunday and Legal I second class mall matter at Dade County, Florida, for a I the first publication of the at 811110fljother says that she per or corporation or fu the ourooss A the said Miami Review Is a In said Dade County Flodds, i heretofore been continuously diy8)dsnanh beeonti i post office in Miami In said od of one rear next Drecedlno IF/ Id' M Sworn to and subscribed before me this is -Y SLAL 92 tr By of ....... F: A... A.D. .ORih� f NIO:C '172109" **"'•' (SEAL) MM)SSION FXP. JAN. 6,19Y Oclalme V. Ferbsyre personally 1 0 !' to me. VV II �"l��/�'�U �llJ All d� 0:� Hd C' NW1661 !EITURE !STRICT !RICT OF NUMBER i STATES II HOLD- G), S.A. �D COM- AL S.A. ID COM- & (OVER- IATIONAL 3TMENT LIMITED t hereby 1.992, and above- onorable bd States Iistrict of Orders iting the k to the .merlca: brfeited Ided April sf r and )asks 132 olurns 14 21 Cabi- hIs, Pots Ip� Pieces ites 46+ ntenance Ordered f The For - 'Wooden 0 Coffee pmputer Lachine 2 y Stand 1 Support Wles The ling been Es hereby ontion to forfeited der as the Is United insistent R entered r and the rber 19, entities bal right, In thirty 0cation itlon the :ours for Ala for a he valid- terest In Title 18, Section quested, he Court laimants proof In Ion shall ter under call iden- party or ietitioner i or Inter- nt of, the 4CE", OF THE CODE OF THE CiTY OF , AS AMENDED, WHICH PROVIDED FOR OF A NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD NOTICE OF ACTION ND SET FORTH ENFORCEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE PENALTIES. AND CONDUCT OF HEAR- 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN NDMENT: DECREASING FROM TWENTY j) FOR QADE COUNTY, THS TO SIX (6) MONTHS, THE TIME AND AND FOR IISANCE COMPLAINTS; ESTABLISHING FLOGENERAL JURISDICTION i1VE REQUIREMENT FOR SEVEN NSTANCES TO SUPPORT FINDINGS 0. DIVISION CES IN LIEU OF A CERTIFIED CONVIC- CASE NUMBER: 92.00 2 REGULATIONS FOR YOUTH GANG FLORIDA BAR NUMBER: ;ANCE ACTIVITIES; CHANGING THE 305286 - ERS' REQUIREMENTS TO INCLUDE FISHER ISLAND REALTY SALES, BUSINESS OFFICE WITHIN THE CITY .INC., a Florida corporation, rIDING FOR THE TERMS OF CHAIRPER-- Plaintiff, RING REQUIREMENTS OF AFFIRMATIVE. vs. EAST THREE (3) BOARD MEMBERS: MAMIA AL SCHATLY AL HE CLERK OF THE BOARD TO ADOPT HANAIEN, MARTIN DUBIUER IAL SEAL FOR CERTIFICATION OF DOC and NOEL THOMPSON, DING FOR THE USE OF INDEPENDENT Defendants. COMMISSION APPROVAL TO DEFEND MIA AL SCHATLY AL AMl WHEN THE CITY ATTORNEY OR HIS TO: MA MIA 'ES CITY -OWNED PROPERTY- FOR Current residence unknown ANCE ACTIVITY; DECREASING THE Last known address RING REQUIREMENT FROM THIRTY (30) :N (15) CALENDAR DAYS; DECREASING 37 Rue Raynourd 75116 ;TING FROM TWENTY (20) DAYS PRIOR Paris, France . 4G TO TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR TO THE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED BUSHING THE CLEAR AND CONVINC- that a Crossclalm filed by NOEL AS THE BURDEN OF PROOF; CLARIFY- THOMPSON, asserting a demand AD MAY PROCEED TO HEARING IN for an escrow deposit has been VST PROPERTY OWNERS WHO FAIL TO filed against you and you are BUSHING THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT required to serve a copy of your E CITY MANAGER'S DESIGNEE .FOR written defenses, if any, to it on NUISANCE RELATED OCCUPATIONAL Kevin F. Kline, Esq., KLINE, ENSION; MORE PARTICULARLY BY MOORE & KLEIN. P.A., Cross- MON 45.5.1, 45.5-2, 45.5.3, 45.54 AND Plaintiff's attorney, whose addr- DDE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, ess Is 2665 South Bayshore :ONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION Drive, Suite 903, Coconut Grove, i FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE.. Florida, 33133, on or before the ORDINANCE N0. 19 day of June, 1992, and to file the original with the Cler t of this AMENDING CHAPTER 31, ARTICLE 11, 'EOULE OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE CODE OF THE CiTY OF MIAMi, FLORI- D, BY CLARIFYING THE DEFINFTtON OF I CLASSIFICATION AND PROVIDING FOR THEN HEN THE EVENT IS HELD IN A FACIL- THE CiTY OF MIAMI; CONTAINING A Applications are now beirVISION AND SEVERABIUTY CLAUSE; Action Plan Trust Crei FOR AN EFFECTIVE PATE. Februmy 18, 1992. The +y to Inspected by the public at the Office of how to improve the quali'j g o"1B,ld s bet"ween Miami, hFlorida. urs o e11°D am community. Trustees wit of three years. All 2W ns may appear at the meeting and be heard Commissioners. MembIoposed ordinances. knowledge, and/or expetl desire to `appeal any decisloo` of the City Justice, housing, econopect to any. matter to be considered at this : however, all members of Including all testimonl ensure that a y, and eviim r dentb,upon Requests for applications be basad. - a Conflict of Interest ruler - MATTY HIRAI ass should be direct CITY CLERK am, 37�908. App� MIAMI, FLORIDA . H West Fiag113rStreet, Suit,: throughout Dade Coun Applications should be r " the Metro -Dade Govemn� by no later than June 12, 611.4-&11 WARRANT GOOD TITLE TO ANY SUBSEQUENT PURCHASER OR TRANSFEREE. 5118.26 611 92.4.051807M igfr of �lt� %ft FLORIDA "PUBLIC NUISANCE", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, WHICH PROVIDED FOR ORDINANCE THE CREATION OF A NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD =eeflretr�e ("BOARD"), AND SET FORTH ENFORCEMENT ` e fet mission of the City of PROCEDURES, PENALTIES, AND CONDUCT OF HEAR- 4? ' INGS, SAID AMENDMENT: DECREASING FROM TWENTY be* ordinances on second "cing at 9:00 a.m. In the FOUR (24) MONTHS TO SIX (6) MONTHS, THE TIME MIAMIg MAmerican Drive, Miami, FRAME FOR NUISANCE COMPLAINTS; ESTABLISHING ,r, .y_� AN ALTERNATIVE REQUIREMENT FOR SEVEN �., �i DOCUMENTED INSTANCES TO SUPPORT FINDINGS OF Published Daily except &tlS ' PUBLIC NUISANCES IN LIEU OF A CERTIFIED CONVIC- LegalHoW at 4,wft #!ONCE NO. 109f2, TION; ADDING REGULATIONS FOR YOUTH GANG 1f, fill WHICH ESTAB• RELATED NUISANCE ACTIVITIES; CHANGING THE Miami, Dade CovrT "i BOARD AIM1116AL APPROPRIA• RESIDENCY ORMEMBEBUSINESSUIREMENTS TO OFF OFFICE WITHIN THECUDE ITYSTATE OF FLORIDA*Tg FUND ENTITLED OF MIAMI; PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS OF CHAIRPER- COUNTY OF DADS CF �uE IDR AN INCREASE SONS; ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS OF AFFIRMATIVE ASAJtSULT OF A SUG Before the undersigned ai 1 .af1p ADR VOTES BY AT LEAST THREE (3) BOARD MEMBERS; Octetms V. Ferbeyns, afro on as* ,• AD6ITIONAL GRANT AUTHORIZING THE CLERK OF THE BOARD TO ADOPT visor of Legal Advertising of If ' 0f QTY MANAGER TO AND USE OFFICIAL SEAL FOR CERTIFICATION OF DOG (sxcepl Saturday, 4 CF * FROM THE U.S. UMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE USE OF INDEPENDENT y day and L4 A 3A��NTAIMNG A REPEALER COUNSEL WITH COMMISSION APPROVAL TO DEFEND Published at Miami In Dade Collanti _MM�i"CLkUSE. THE CITY OF MIAMI WHEN THE CITY ATTORNEY CR HIS copy of advertlsement, being a In the matter of IIQ, DESIGNEE CITES CITY -OWNED PROPERTY FOR ALLEGED NUISANCE ACTIVITY; DECREASING THE OSi f6 NCE NO. 10913, NOTICE OF HEARING REQUIREMENT FROM THIRTY (30) CITY Or MIAMI 11,19f1, WHICH ESTAB- DAYS TO FIFTEEN (15) CALENDAR DAYS; DECREASING RE: AN ORDINANCE fy AMMTIAL APPROPRIA- NOTICE VIA POSTING FROM TWENTY (20) DAYS PRIOR HaVMESS, AUTHORIjj VQ FUND ENTITLED TO THE HEARING TO TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR TO THE �ftAt � PAOG M " TO PROVIDE HEARING; ESTABLISHING THE CLEAR AND CONVINC- MANACER TO EXPEND� WA IINt OF $65,000 AS A ING STANDARD AS THE BURDEN OF PROOF; CLARIFY- EXEED $45,000, ell Moms AWMATION FOR ADDI- ING THAT BOARD MAY PROCEED TO HEARING IN AU1111MIZING THE CITY ABSENTIA AGAINST PROPERTY OWNERS WHO FAILTO In the .............. X.X. �0F; CONTAINING A BOARDASTHECITY FROM NELNG THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT MANAGERS DESIGNEE FOR was published In said newspaper, tAIOASEygILITY CLAUSE. PURPOSES OF NUISANCE RELATED OCCUPATIONAL �1' LICENSE SUSPENSION; MORE PARTICULARLY BY June 1 192 AMENDING SECTION 45.5.1, 45.5-Z 45.53, 45.5-4 AND 9 � �POEqMMMANCE NO. 10948, 45.5.5 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, a�t,INRS ENTIRETY; FUR. Jy AS AMENDED; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION E ILIUICLARY AND ROB- AND PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE Afflant further saps that � C1Ft3SAPi1 3AIALARM SYSTEMS" rwwspsper Rubila►wd at Mlend in W'4*=RCF1ECffT0FWM1, FLORIDA, AS ORDINANCE NO. and Ihat the "Id spspa hu 5>EB EQGTNEC(MLIFICATIONS OF publlshad In said �D ead r - + �,� n ICA1 CONTRAG AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 31, ARTICLE 11, Saturday, Sunday and Legal H �9"��i MPRI)V US DEALING WITH ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE second clue mall matter at tM TAXES" OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORI- Dade County. Florida, for J�il!l ICLIKIN THE INITANCE WHERE A OA, AS AMENDED, 8Y CLARIFYING THE DEFINITION OF alftwd first publication of them �AIiXM*FFAMT HAS NOT BEEN '� 1>tit a1a t9Lt�1St��i0 GENERATES A THE EXHIBITORS CLASSIFICATION AND PROVIDING FOR or fu or GENERATES :� W)UIREMENTS OF A LOWER TAX WHEN THE EVENT IS HELD IN A FACIL- I' Id JQGFMANDAUMNSED BURGLAR ITY OWNED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI; CONTAINING A ali�k:�l�AlIi/16ACINI iaf PRECEDENT TO REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; 6F.THE 0" PERMIT; MORE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. / 18M 3.5.22, 3.5.23 AND Said ordinances maybe Inspected by the public at the Office of.' ZMEWMIMICEOFTHECITI(OF FLORIDA. the City Clerk, 35DO Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday Sys toJaMOMM001111111111111GAMMLER PROVISION, through Friday, excluding holidays, betwebn the hours of 8:00 a.m. GA= AND PROVIDING FOR AN and 5.00 p.m. ..... of • - - - • - All Interested persons may appear at the meeting and be heard ' with respect to the proposed ordinances. A,. *UTr18T0THE HOMELESS, Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City (SEAL) MMISSION " .�ZRECtfy~ TO EXPEND AN Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this S gaNDWA ,R10M THE SPECIAL meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the gESS PROJECT," proceedings Is made Including all testimony and evidehce upon" Octelms V. Ferbeyre personal IM1, t7111f1< CODE NUMBER which any appeal may be based. �y[�6WTCH TO METRO- m111110"l06AND SPECIALIZED MATTY HIRAI ,,,WjV=_IWraW0VIDUALS HAVING Wt 0 CITY CLERK r gB,;R11111THER, AUTHORIZ- _ �� MIAMI, FLORIDA 100MOANY NECESSARY a x t AgECONTY IN A FORM Q 00 CMypY, CONTAINING A �� p �Ag — BILiTY CLAUSE. (0471) �O �IA DVM 45.5, ENTITLED 611 92.4-NO103M MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE. Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelms V. Ferbsyrs, who on oath says that she Is the Super• visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published of Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advortisement, being a Legal AdveAlasmenl of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Planning and Zoning City of Miami Cam-Lssion Meeting scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. on June 25th, 1992 has been rescheduled to take place on June 11, 1992. X X X Inthe ......................................... Court, was published in sold newspaper in the Issues of June 11 1992 Afllanl further says that the Bald Miami Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, FWWa, and that the saW newspaper has heretofore been continuousl1yy published In said Dade Counttyy� Florida each day (except Saturday. Sunday and Legal Hofldsys) and ins bean entered as second dose mall matter at the t office In Miami In Bald Dade County, Fkx" for a parfod of one yea, next preceding the first pubticatlon of the attached wrrtlesmenk and afflant says that she has paid promised any or corporation a nt. to, commission or 1 or the M ng this adreAissment for Sworn to and subscribed be ore me this 1st Trma 92 Of .. " L.. `�A . , 19....... _ N PE1 l�. 1 f F.L 15SION NO. CC 172109 (SEAL MY ISSIOIJ EXP. JAN. 6,1996 Octelms V. Ferhsyre personally known to me. CITY OF,,MiAll I l�OOTICE TO THE.PUBLIC` , PLEASE All TAKE NOTICE THAT the planning end Zolnln of Miami Commission Meeting pretrlousiy aCheduled.to 1sE 90 s fn., On dune 25th;1992 has been fe �h�oi the � en on dun__ a'? �B�Z.,� Regular moeting po beg n at 9t10 a.m. and plenhing and Zoning pbtti0h' Agenda will begin, chambers 2,00 p.m. Said meetings shall be held age awillisegin chambers, D$00 pan American IV agenda sion Florida." Malty tairai City Clark Mi�rti; Flotilla I sp Sft �i L a 11 MIAMI REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE. Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octafmo V. Ferbsyre, who on oath as" that she Is the Super• visor of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CrrY OF MIAMI NOTICE TO PROPERTY 04MERS PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL DOWNDO4aT HIGRTAAY IMPROVEt�4,''rTP H-4498 X X X Inthe ......................................... Court, was published In sold newspaper In the Issues of June 1, 1992 Afflont further says 1 newspaper published at M and flat the sold newsRapd ppubliWIshed in said D Saturday, Sunday and Legal altered class mail matter I Dade County, Florida, for a Chefits! it 1 Icatfon of the r osrsa� soya that aM tislY Or corporation gat the sold Miami Review Is a iml In said Dade County, Florida, has heretofore been continuously )unty, Florida, each day (except Holidays) and has boon entered as the Oat office In Miami in said Period of one next preceding tached of ad s*nfant; and has no r id proml any ,any nt, re to, commism if this I ammoot for r. Sworn to and subscribed before me this MAGNES L ' 'A .... ..... A.D. 1i..9.2F FLGN EXP. AN. ri 1 Oetainta V. FodWm personally known to me. i CITY ,OF MIAMI NOTICE TO PROR T.Ii's0 NEVIS PRELIMINARY AESES3 ENT ROLL' DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY..','. IMPROVEMENT H•4498, i All Interested persons will take notice that a meeting of the Miami City Commission to be held at 11 10 a. 1 �12p2jii- the City Commisslon charnbom, 35M Pan Afie, can rive; FMarnl, Florida, their objections will be heard to the Confirmation of the Prelltnlnary,AssessmentRoli for the coo of,DOWNTOWN HIGH` ' WAY IMPROVEMENT In the area bothS3Pi2Y3ii�1f.1' Street between N.W. 1 Avenue at Biscayne Boutavald designated." as DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT "H-449S. -- Said Preliminary Assessment Roll is now open to public Insperr_ tion in the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive. Miami, Florida All I Interested persons are invited to appear and may; be heard. with respect to said Item. Should;any person desire to appeal any: decision of the City Comm fission with respect to any mattor con-, 61dered at this hearing, that person hall ensure that A verbatim, record of the proceedings is made. Including all testimony and,. evidence upon which any appeal maybe based. Malty Hlral City Clark Miami, Florida 6 (0.M 81t 92-44)801SOIM' za n -C Kid rn �. rn s.