HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #73 - Discussion Item� 56 wYNwooD ApA.it 22, 1992 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2902 N.W. SECOND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 City 14 Miami Comm.iab.i.on 3500 Pan Amekican llx.ive Miami, Ftoaida 33 yeah JMayor and Comm.izz ioneu : ! W ynwood Community Adv.iaoty Committee .ia a non -pro 6.it, votunteet otganizat.ion whose pr.imaty goat .ie the f .imptovement og the quat.ity o6 t:i.je .in out neighborhood. � a i Last Februany we asked the Bayitont Park Management Tnuat to entrust out ongan.i.zat.ion with the bunt of Puerto Rican .intetteetuat Eugenio Mat.ia ae Hoatoz . The bust was nemoved Stom Bay64ont Patk and there ate no ptana to bt.ing .it to the Pank'A gtounda. Out 4equeat was approved by the Pank'a Board o6 Ttuateea at theft meeting o6 Apr.tt 3tcd. (See attached.) The tact Jonmattty needed .ia dtdet to J.inat.ize the tranajeh 44 the apptova.t o6 the Comm.iA4ion. .�:. ire neapectsutty Aeque4t .that the Comm.i4sion cona.idera th.ia *sue 44, koon a,& poa,bib.te, P.teaae, .tet ud know ij we need to* come 6e6one the Comm.i:aa.ion. We w.itt be g.tad to. dQ, 4,Q. Nape to heat j4om you very soon. t f s�:netey F e,tkx Rkv eaa Chaimpeuon cel .C.ity -Managet 9'2— 335.3 a BAYS ONT SPANK MANA E-MENT T A U 8 T R 301 K. SISCAYNE 8CIULEVARO, MIAMI, FL 33132 TELEPHONE: (305)356•7550 FAX: (3051 358.1211 CHAW01119M MM L WEI98M VICE-CHAVIPEPISM 0HGM 000PAI E JFL February 19th, 1992 SECRETARY NOOIEYINUM O 0 Mr. Felix Rivera cny Ov!" Chairperson OOIR+ISSION51J.LPLLAA11ER, m Wynwood Community Advisory Committee 2902 NW SECOND Avenue 1 HENWooY Miami, FL 33127 '10SEPHrRU3AN0• Dear Felix: .x)sE oApa+� a"" Thank you for your letter regarding the Eugenio AIM 0AEER Maria De Hostos bust being stored at the park. TW H US JOSON P. +UM MFOR I would like for you to ' appear before the Bayfront l osoolFz Park Management Trust Executive Committee at its _{ ,a AM next meeting on Tuesday, March loth, 1992. In addition to this request, I further suggest that -3 a"TDCW Da you contact Alberto Ruder Director Cityof Miami GHB'`A"'" Parks Department, to discuss the legal and as well CAFIOLAM1tAYLOp as the logistical aspects of the g p proposed moving of the bust. "0WILUAW If I can be of any further assistance please do not aoFTIIEanRnr hesitate to contact me. j OLOUM Iores a sincerely, affrm IaHYoaxAERLe>NIM . ' WE4AWOR M uONSO Ira Marc Katz COMMISSONVIIN I ER J. DAWVM � Executive Director afY MANAM CIE M KOW IMK/is - oc�amvE ola�snll = MIAACWZ cc: Alberto Ruder Director 92- 335 -3 _, 3 11 (r WYNW000 COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2902 N.W. SECOND AVENUE (13 �` MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127. CcFICERS Felix A vora Chairperson b CAB Rep. Iris Corchado Vice Chairperson Lucia Vlcencio Secretary . Judith Lopez Treasurer Marla Aoulno Head Start Rep. IEWERS WS-e F ar= Jose Figueroa Antonio Gaivan Alex Gutierrez Luis Lopez Dorothy Quintana Bill Rios Louis Sanchez Fred Santiago Nllsa Velazquez A. February 7, 1992 Mr. Ira Katz, Director Bayfront Park Management Trust 301 N. Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida Dear Mr. Katz: Our organization is a non-profit, volunteer organization whose goal is the improvement of the quality of life in our neighborhood. We receive technical.assistance from Metro Dade Community Action Agency. We have been meeting every month for the last twenty years. A recent article in the Miami Herald, by Howard Kleinberg, alert us that a bust of Eugenio Maria De Hostos was stored at Fern Isle Park and there were no plans to place it anywhere. Our membership will be honored to be entrusted with De Hostos bust. The most logical site to place the bust will be at Eugenio Maria De Hostos Service Center, 16cated at 2902 N.W. 2nd Avenue. It is a County owned building. Our organization hold its monthly meeting at De Hostos Center. We will be responsible for its maintenance. Again, we respectfully request that the Eugenio Maria De Hostos bust be entrusted to our organization. FR/mf Hope to hear from you soon. Sin erely, Felix Rivera Chairperson 92- 335.3 CIWRPERSON ALAN L WE68ERG VICE-CHANUMRSON GiiSLAIN GOURAIGE JR. SECRETARY ROD EY BARRETO EXECU TFVE OFFICIAL CITY OF MIl I COMOOOSSIOHEA J.L PLUMMER. JR TRUST MEJMSEIIB HENRY COURTNEY JOSEPH Z. FtEMIM JOSE GARCN-PEDAOSA RUIN GREEtFIELD AIAN GREER TRY► Hl1S JOSEPH P. KLOCK BOE1 K MUMFORD JO ANN PEPPER ATIIALIE RANGE MATTHEW D. SCHWARTZ SHE" AUSTN SUATH M I L O R E N D CLAUDE PEPP ER BAYFRONT PARK MAN AG EMENT TRUST _._ 301 N. BISCAYNE BOULEVARD. MIAM1. FL 33132 TELEPHONE: (305) 358-T550 FAX: (305) 358.1211 April 7th, 1992 Felix Rivera Chairperson Wynwood Community Advisory Committee 2902 NW Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33127 Dear Mr. Rivera: The Bayfront Park Management Trust Executive Cpmmittee held a meeting on April 3rd, 1992. At that meeting the committee decided to give your organization the bust of Eugenio Maria De Hostos. The committee was delighted to entrust this monument to your organization and agreed that the Eugenio Maria De Hostos, Service Center was a CAROL AMTAna+ logical place for the bust. PAL D. TERCLLI LOR1 WELDON I hope this will please your members and I trust MAF"0WILUhMS the monument will grace the Service Center. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORtM AOUINNSAM MI Sincerely, i cTrY comMlssIONERs l . &L :I - ' MAYxAIIER L SilAREZ 3 a Marc: Matz / -.' VICE•MAYORDR MRIAMALONSO Executive Director COMMISSIONER MLLER J. DAWKINS COMMISSIONER VICTOR DE YURRE CRY MANAGER CESAR H o010 IMK/ Ir EXECUTIVE OWECTOR IRA VAX I(ATZ cc: Alberto Ruder =i Director - I I 92- 335.3 r) -' Statue ofJuan Ponce de Leon stands among busts and markers ... of Fern Isle Nursery near the Afionti River Return statues, markers, plagues to historic sites fIE WORDS on the historical marker estab- lishing Miami founder Julia Tuttle's homesite are explicit: "She resided in the remodelled officer's quarters of old Fort Dallas 100 yards S.E. of this spot until her death Sept. 14, 1898." Because the marker is warehoused on the third floor of the R.A. Gray Building in Tallahassee, how- ever, the reference to her ' homesite being 100 yards away is off by about 500 miles. How and why the Tuttle -` marker wound up sofarawayis somewhat of a mystery. Best tSOWARD guess: When the state tore down the remnants of the old KLEINBERC Fort Dallas hotel and apart. ment district east of South SPECIAL Miami Avenue in 1966 to make CONTRIBUTOR room for an expressway ramp and overpass, no one knew what to do with the marker that had been placed on July 20.1952. Despite its being presented to the city of Miami by the Historical Association of Southern Florida, it was sent to Tallahassee, where it languishes in the State Archives. Meanwhile, the origin of out modem -day community remains unmarked. Torn down in the 1920s, it was a significant homesite. Not only did Tuttle live there but, so did several of her predeces- sors dating back to the 1840s. The Tuttle marker is not the only historic symbol residing a distance from where it belongs. At the city of Miami's Fern Isle Nursery net: the Miami River at Northwest 22nd Avenue, one an find the communi- ty's heritage in exile amid plants and flowers in greenhouses. Many came from Bayfront Park Many of the markers, statues, and monuments sittred there under the authority of the parks depart- ment came from Bayfront Park in downtown Miami. They were removed from the park sometime around 1985 to make room for a huge remodeling by the l.te Isamu Noguchi that is still in progress more than six yearslater. . At Fern Isle is the 1951 BASF marker identifying our first residents, the Tequesta Indians. That rparker belies its current location: "Indians lived at the mouth of the Miami River (200 yards southwest of this spot) for more than 15 centuries before White men came," the text begins. : Also there is a statue of Juan Ponce de Leon with plates in Enghsh and Spanish attesting to his arrival at today's Miami in 1513. The plaque says that the statue was the last work of the late Spanish sculptor Enrique Monjo and was donated by Spain to the city of Miami in 1976. Still another significant marker in repose at the city nursery recognizes the arrival of Pedro Menen- dez de Aviles. The conqueror of Florida, says the 1972 HASF plaque, "landed here at the chief village of the Tequesta Indians early in 1567. ' Menendez established a mission where the Hyatt Regency hotel now stands, the first recognized habitation of South Florida by Europeans. There are other busts monuments, and markers § ore�at ern s a'( a of Hers are not as significant—' as th [fe t u have escn a but In" should n ted re ardless. there is a�bust presumably oTLier- man explorer and naturalist Alexander von Humboldt. I say "presumably" because, while the bust is not identified, there also is a loose plate on the grounds identifying Von Humboldt. Columbus deserves better There are other busts, of Puerto Rico's E.M. de Hostos to u e sbernardo Uffiggliks. a Plaque to a woman who, in 1926, dedicated a garden of royal palm trees to the amphitheater in Bayfront Park. Neither the palms nor the amphitheater is there any more, so Car+ie Miller's plaque is consigned to oblivion. . The original plaque identifying the site of the 1933 fatal wounding here of the mayor of Chicago with a bullet intended for President-elect Franklin Roose- velt also is at Fern Isle. A new Dade Heritage Trust marker at the foot of the World War 11 memorial in Baylrunt Park nnw directs attention to the nearby Anton Cermak site. The Torch of Friendship, a small portion of the old Rock Garden, the World War II memorial, and a statue of Christopher Columbus are all that remain in the park from the pre-Noguchi period. Noguchi's partner, Shoji Sadao, maintains design control over the remodeling. �ccordin to Bayfront Park Manap�- -menl Trust Executive !rector_Ira attz "Saign rs -milline to consider let�some of the monuments and markers to the south en o tT t paT— Certaudy. the A eques a, Ponce' ea' Leon, and Menendez memorials, all originally at the foot of Flag- ler Street, deserve that consideration. Also, 1 lope that Sadao will reconsider the location of the Colum- bus statue, now situated between parking spaces in front of the Bayfront Park Management Trust build• ing south of Bayside, The site is not commensurate with the man's accomplishment. As for Tuttle's market, it should be retuu eel to Miami. A Tuttle remembrance is essential. A ►ate on or near Bijan'a Fort Dallas restaurant in the historic Flagler cottage west of the Riverparc Hotel w( appropriate. x 3 -5-9---7C—C: r