HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #61 - Discussion ItemCITY OF MIAMI, FLOR1 A INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Honorable Mayor and Members DATE April 27, 1992 c,LE of tIi City Commission SUBJECT De Hostos Senior Center Cesar H. Odio FROM City Manager REFERENCES ENCLOSURES The purpose of this memorandum is provide follow-up information regarding concerns brought to the attention of the City Commission relating to the City funded De Hostos Senior Center operated by Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. The City contracts with Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. to operate the De Hostos Senior Center, which provides multiple social services to elderly persons from the Wynwood target area. With the exception of hot meals provided by Catholic Community Services, the City's allocation of $194,395 from Community Development Block Grant Funds covers the total operation of the program. The current contract period is July 1, 1991 through June 30, 1992 and the project has been included in the Final Statement for the next C.D.. Year at the same level of funding. At the time that the concerns of the community were addressed to the City Commission, C.D. staff had performed a complete monitoring of the program's performance for the period July 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991. The monitoring report indicates that the program had surpassed all but one of its contractual requirements for the period assessed. The program's only shortcoming was in the area of transportation units delivered due to mechanical problems the Agency experienced with its bus. Subsequent to the assessment, the program has experienced significant changes in administration which have created an instability in the organization which has indirectly impacted the elderly receiving services at the Center. City staff have visited the program on numerous occasions since these concerns were brought to the administration and it is clear that the level of anxiety among the elderly has increased due to the activities occurring at the Center. The administration convened a public hearing to address the issues of all parties involved in an attempt to resolve the concerns of the elderly. As a follow-up to the public hearing, staff also held a second meeting with key persons representing the Holy Cross Day Care Center and a..newly created private non profit organization opposed to the currently funded agency . bISCA)SsI ark 92- 328-% Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Throughout these discussions, the City has maintained that its concern is the provision of quality services to the elderly population of the Wynwood area served at the De Hostos Center. It is staff's determination that the Holy Cross Day Care Center, Inc. has operated within the purview of its stated bylaws and personnel policies. At the same time, the experiences of the past few months have also demonstrated that there are certain steps that the City administration believes can be implemented to improve the services to the elderly. Therefore, staff recommends the following actions be taken by the Holy Cross Day Care Center: Establish and Maintain an active Participant Advisory Board - The Board must be sensitive to the needs of its constituency. The elderly at the Center have expressed a desire to have more participation in assessing their needs and solving their problems. The Participant Advisory Board should be comprised of elderly members of the Center who are elected by their peers. The Participant Advisory Board will be a voice for the elderly to speak directly to the Board of Directors regarding their needs and concerns. Staff Enrichment Training - During the various discussions, it. became apparent that there is a definite need for the program staff to receive specialized training in dealing with the elderly. Sensitivity, elderly intervention and clinical problem solving are some areas that can be explored. A qualified and experienced staff in service provision to the elderly ultimately will impact positively on the quality of the services provided. Implementation of the aforementioned recommendations will provide positive actions to insure that the elderly are actively involved in "their" program and will also be improve the quality of services to elderly residents from the Wynwood area of the City of Miami. 92- 928•l Aft t� OWN Miami, Florida May i, 1992 Non. Mayer Javier Suarez Vice Mayer & Commissioners City Hall 3500 fan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Sirs, We, the undersigned, request the approval of the elderly corporation DE HOSTOS SENIOR CENTER INC:. You must give the elderly what they ( the mayority want) TFie elderly have visited you in three ocassions and more than the 60% have been in the commission. They do not want Holy Cross Day Care Inc. in the administration of the center. There have been to much conflict with these people. The Media and the public is aware of what is happening. You are in the public eye. You were elected to impart justice not to serve as instruments of some auto denominated "Leaders" that what they are, are trouble mak-ers. You are the only one to salve this problem. Do not fail your constituents. lay yours, dAk94�e t GoojtE ,3� .S1` ' A/374o ioc? El Miami, Florida May 7, 1992 Hon. Mayor Javier Suarez Vice Mayor & Commissioners City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Sirs, El We, the undersigned, request the approval c,F the elderly corporatism DE HOSTOS SENIOR CENTER INC. You must give the elderly what they ( the mayority) want. The elderly have visited you in three ocassions and more than the 60% have been in the commission. They do, not want Holy Cross Day Care Inc. in the administration of the center. There have been to mut=h conflict with these people. The Media and the public is aware of what is happening. YOU are in the public eye. You were elected to impart .justice not to serve as instruments of some auto denominated "Leaders" that what they are, are trouble makers. You are the only one to solve this problem. Do not fail your constituents. _- Truly yours, Dorothie Quintana -� 63 i, u, %R rc S f - /�t.'�-sic i � �4 • .3 .a / -� � cc: Myr iam Alonso, Vice Mayor Commissioners ;3 'Y Submitted into the public record in connection with A item`S__ ----- on at Hirai City Clerk 92- 32$• { Miami. Florida M ay ` . 1 '3'9 Hon. Mayer Javier Suarez Vice Mayer & Commissioners City Hall 351) Fan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Sirs, We, the undersigned, request the approval of the elderly corporation DE HOSTOS SENIOR CENTER INC. You nu=_t give the elderly what they ( the mayc,rity want) The elderly have visited YOU in three OCassions and more than the 60% have been in the commission. They du not want Holy Cross Day Care Inc. in the administration of the center. There have bear, to much conflict with these people. The Media and the public is aware of what is happening. You are in the public -eye. You were elected to impart .justice not to serve as instruments of some auto denominated "Leaders" that what they are, are trouble makers. You are the only one to salve this problem. Do not fail your coast ituents. Truly yours, .iI I i. I t?- public �l:.- ►i fZ I£iit�.i c' ;'i t.v CIexIt e7 92- 328*i r-A Pon. Alcalde Javier Suarez Miami, Florida I de mayo de 199*2;' Submitted into the public Vice- A l a i d e y C-c-misionacos record in connection with Ciudad de Miami Miamif Florida 33135 item �`on Sens gyres: Matty``��Hirai Los abajo firmantes, soli�citamos 13 aproba�cion dEPY TTC1" corpr�racion de los enve.jecientes " De Hostos Senior Center Inc." Debe catorgarsele a los ancianos ( que es la mayoria :) to que solicitan. Los anciancs. han visitado la Comisican por tres ocasiones lIevando mas del 60%. Ellos no quieren que Holy Cross Day t=are Center Inc. sicla administrando ese proarama, esa administracion ha traido muchos problemas ya. Ellos quieren tener paz. Los medios noticiosos y el publico en general esta pendiente y estan coneientes de 10 que esta sucediendo en Wynwood y prer_ilamente La Comis;on esta en la mirilla pub:ica esperando la solucion. { Ustedes han side elegid<<s para impartir justicia y no servir de f instrumentos a los autO llamados "lideres" que no conocen los problemas del barrio y to unico que saben es pedir dinero. E Ustedes son los unicos que pueden resolver ese problema. Por favor no le fallen a a cellos que lea eligieron. 7.�--IpMuy atentamente, q- ell s -,;A- 3os91- 13 Y S 7�- 92— Le 00 UGal .4✓ �- — L 3 b S ' '4ubtnitted into-, public Q _�- record in connection with on77 -item �.�/��-�'''' �-� Matty Hirai - O - City ,C�►lex, . -_ �� r/0- js /v �J!�iyictiv' 70 16 V 6 v 'Ol - - / I I _ .. -e i -1 _ i•r/ �1` � ,� +5L a•. '`i .new l• Poo ' 1 • R 19 2 M 4 3 2 Pon. Alcalde Javier Suarez Vici ? Alcaldey Comisionados Ciudad de Miami Miami, Florida 331-33 Senc-res: ,r rl Miami. Florida de Su m'ItTePiMo the publia record in connection it iteon s�f m—S Malty Hirai City Clerk ! os abajo f irmantes. sol is itamos l . ap., :b..i= ion de !a nueva corpcirac ion de los enve.jecientes " De Hostos Senior Center In.:." Debe ntoraarsele 1 os any_ i ands ( c,ue es la mays �r i s :) 10 que .r_1 i i t an . Los ancianos han visitado la Comision por tres ocasiones llevando mas del 60%. Ellcis no quieren que Holy Crass Day Care C=enter Inc. siga administrandc, ese programa, esa administracion ha traido MUchos problemas ya. Ellos quieren tener.paz. Leis medics not is ioscis y el publ ico en general esta pendiente ,y estan concientes de 1c. que esta sucediendc, en Wynwo-:d y precisamente La Ccimision esta en la mir it la pubi ic a esperandc. la soluc i! gin. Ustedes han side elegidos pares impartir justicia y no servir de instrumentos a 1%1s auto l l amad� as "l ideres" qUe no c nocen l cis problemas del barrio y to unico que saben es pedir dinero. Ustedes son los unicos que pueden rescilver nc, le fallen a aquellcts que les el igieron. - Muy rAIM ICY," 7.7 ese problems. F'---)r favor atentamente, G( / Leg_ W7 �V3 92- 328•1 , e2 I T Submitted into the public record in connection with item 8` on 9 - I O -q Z4 cJ Matty Iiirai City Clerk rr �; Mi-mi, Florida cue mayo de 199X- Hon. Alcalde Javier Suarez Vic=e. Alcaldey Comisionados Ciudad de Miami Miami, Florida 33133 Senores L_,s aba.jo f irmantes, so' i.: itam_is l a _,prob--ac I cin de la nueva corporac ion de 1 _-s enve.jec iente " De H! �stos Senior Center Ins:. " _ ti_be � �TcirQdi' Sal cs a los any, i anos ( Ci. Ue es I a mayor i s .) 1 r, que sal i i t an. Las ancianos han visitado la Comision por tres ocasiones llevando mas del So%. Ellos no quieren que Holy Cross Day Care Center Inc. siga administrandc, ese programs, esa administraci_,n he traido muchas problema=_ ya. Ellos quieren toner paz. i Lcns medios •noticiosos y el publics, en general esta pendiente y estan c one i en t es de 1 o que est a sup_ ed i endo en Wynwood y pr ec i sament a La 1 Comision esta en la mirilla publica esperandc, la SOlUCion. Ustedes han sido elegidos pares impartir .justicia y no servir de instrumentos a los auto llamados "l ideres" que no conocen los problemas del barrio y to unico que sabers es pedir dinero. ,g Ustedes son los unicos que pueden ese problems. Por favor nr.% le fallen a squelicts que lea el iarc^. Muy atentamente, litez- 4*1 a4z Submitted into the public record in connection with item on S -° 1 f4 Matty Hirai City Clerk 92- 328.E m Submitted into the public record in connection with J item �_ on Ch 4 I d Matty Hirai City Clerk - :yc 21 E /l 3 od D 71 tc� 3 �e- �'t�/ 92-- 328.1 L if�'� 1f -