HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-93-0734J-93-753 11/2/93 N RESOLUTION NO. 93- 734 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, RATIFYING AND REAFFIRMING MIAMI CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 93-14, ADOPTED JANUARY 14, 1993, WHEREBY THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVED, IN PRINCIPLE, THE DESIGNATION OF THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (A NOT -FOR - PROFIT CORPORATION), AS THE PROJECT SPONSOR ("SPONSOR") TO UNDERTAKE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL HOUSING PROJECT TO BE SITUATED ON SEVEN (7) VACANT CITY -OWNED PARCELS LOCATED IN THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA NEIGHBORHOOD AT S.W. 2ND AND S.W. 3RD STREETS BETWEEN S.W. 4TH AND S.W. 5TH AVENUES, MIAMI, FLORIDA; ESTABLISHING $238,525 AS THE ACQUISITION AMOUNT TO BE PAID BY THE SPONSOR TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR SAID PARCELS FOR THE SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENT OF A TWENTY-TWO (22) UNIT AFFORDABLE TOWNHOME PROJECT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE APPROPRIATE LEGAL DOCUMENTS, IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, CONVEYING SAID PARCELS, MORE PARTICULARLY AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A", TO THE SPONSOR; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE SPONSOR IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROJECT. WHEREAS, there exists in the City of Miami, a severe shortage of affordable housing for families and individuals of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS, the City Commission recognizes that the participation of both the public and private sector is necessary ATTACH E;4T(S) CONTAINED CITY COSIOjR MEETING OF NOV 2 3 1993 Aesolution Na 93- 734 { to foster the development of affordable housing for low and moderate income families and individuals in the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 84-642, adopted June, 1984, the City Commission authorized the expenditure of Community Development Block Grant funds in the amount of $1,031,000 in the Model City neighborhood and an equal amount in the Little Havana neighborhood for the purpose of stimulating housing rehabilitation and new housing development; and WHEREAS, in December, 1992, the East Little Havana Community Development Corporation submitted a housing proposal to the City for the development of an affordable townhome project on certain city -owned parcels; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 93-14, adopted January 14, 1993, the City Commission approved the designation of the East Little Havana Community Development Corporation as Project Sponsor ("Sponsor") to undertake the development of a low density residential townhome project affordable to families and individuals of low and moderate income on the subject City -owned parcels located at S.W. 2nd and S.W. 3rd Streets between S.W. 4th and S.W. 5th Avenues in the East Little Havana neighborhood, subject to said Sponsor providing evidence acceptable to the City of firm funding commitments for project construction and permanent financing; and WHEREAS, the Sponsor has secured approximately $1,425,582 in construction financing from First Nationwide Bank and Homes for South Florida, in addition to $1,418,000 in permanent financing from Metropolitan Dade County through the County's Documentary -2- 93-- 734 j Surtax Program, Homes for South Florida, Greater Miami i Neighborhoods, Inc., and the LISC Foundation in connection with the development of said affordable housing project; and i WHEREAS, the City Administration recommends conveyance of the subject parcels to the Sponsor for the purpose of moving the 1 project construction forward; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Commission hereby ratifies and reaffirms Resolution No. 93-14, adopted January 14, 1993, whereby ! the City Commission approved, in principle, the designation of the East Little Havana Community Development Corporation (a not - for -profit corporation), as the Project Sponsor ("Sponsor") to undertake the development of a low density residential housing I project to be situated on seven (7) vacant City -owned parcels located in the East Little Havana neighborhood at S.W. 2nd and S.W. 3rd Streets between S.W. 4th and S.W. 5th Avenues, Miami, Florida. Section 3. The City Commission . hereby establishes $238,525 as the acquisition amount to be paid by the Sponsor to the City of Miami for said parcels for the subsequent development of a twenty-two (22) unit affordable townhome project. 93- 734 MIS Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized`/ to 1 execute the appropriate documents, in forms acceptable to the I, City Attorney, conveying said parcels, more particularly and legally described in the attached Exhibit "A", to the Sponsor. Section 5. The City Manager is hereby further authorized l� to execute a Memorandum of Agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, between the City of Miami and the Sponsor in i connection with said project. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd ATT MkfTY HIRAI CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: S E`A`N` F . JONE ASSISTANT CI SFJ:esk:M396 ATTORNEY .day of November 1993. STEP EN P. CLARK, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A. Qefif J ,N S, III CITY ATTO ;Y The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. _4_ 93- 734 EXHIBIT A PARCEL NO. ADDRESS LOT SIZE LEGAL DESCRIPTION 11-13-03 436 SW 2nd Street 50 x 150 Lot 5, Block 19, City of Miami South, P.B. B/41 11-13-04 444 SW 2nd Street 50 x 150 Lot 61 Block 19, City of Miami South, P.B. B/41 11-13-05 452 SW 2nd Street 50 x 150 Lot 7, Block 19, City of Miami South, P.B. B/41 11-13-d6 462 SW 2nd Street 50 x 72 No. 80 ft. of Lot 8 less N. 7.5 ft. for St. Block 19, City of Miami South, P.B. B/41 11-14-01 421 SW 3rd Street 50 x 100 South 100 ft. lot 18, Block 19, City of Miami South, P.B. B/41 11-14-02 427 SW 3rd Street 50 x 150 Lot 17, Block 19, City of Miami South, P.B. B/41 11-01 459 SW 3rd Street 50 x 150 Lot 13, Block 19, City of Miami South, B.P. B/41 93- 14 93-- 734 P-1-11 EXHIBIT B SW. 93— 14 93— 734 0 ji