HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-93-0187J-93-227 3/11/93 RESOLUTION NO. 93- 187 M9 A RESOLUTION GRANTING THE WAIVER OF THE USER FEE FOR THE MILDRED AND CLAUDE PEPPER BAYFRONT PARK IN CONNECTION WITH THE COORS JAZZ FESTIVAL TO BE CONDUCTED BY PHAZE ONE PRODUCTIONS, AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE INNER CITY FOUNDATION, INC., ON APRIL 11, 1993; FURTHER DECLARING THAT SAID EVENT SHALL BE COUNTED AS ONE OF THE THIRTY (30) DAYS RESERVED FOR USE BY THE CITY PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 10348. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The request for a waiver of the user fee for the Mildred and Claude Pepper Bayfront Park is hereby granted in connection with the Coors Jazz Festival to be conducted by Phaze One Productions, as representatives of the Inner City Foundation, Inc., on April 11, 1993. Section 2. The use of said Park shall be counted as one of the thirty (30) days reserved for use by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 10348. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MAR 1 1 1993 tk= ram. 93- 187 k PASSED AND ADOPTED this llth day of March , 1993. x 'i t VIER L. AREZ, XOR s ATTES Z4 MA TY HIRAI f CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: IRMA M. ABELL ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A Q J , III CITY ATTO M3506/csk/IMA 93- 187 - 2 - Q ' Yo; Hon. Xavier L . Suarez Mayor 1A CITY OF MIAM1, FLORtOA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ORANDUMl DATE: February 22, 1993 FILE: SUBJECT Request for Agenda Item - • March 11, 1993, Commission Meeting FROM. �q REFERENCES: Miller Dawkins Commissioner ENCLOSURES: Please schedule a personal appearance item on the March 11, 1993 commission meeting agenda, for Ms. Rita Lawhorn, a representative of Phaze One Productions. Ms. Lawhorn can be contacted at 5781 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 504, 33137; telephone (305) 757-1922. MJDaaw _ cc: Vice Mayor, Victor Deyurre -= Commissioner, Miriam Alonso �F Commissioner, J. L. Plummer = City Manager, Cesar Odio Attachments (Letter from Ms. Lawhorn) 93- 187 C�7 I • M1• 6 FIRoM THIS ORSK Of 'RITA LAV HOKN" February 4, 1993 Commissioner Dawkina, I Rite► 7.Awhera, as rctuestiug reaps tttul.tY to be placed on the upcoring Commission meeting on February 11# 1993, as a Pocket Ites. -t` I have apokeRn with Lt. Collier, st the Miami Fire Department, nAd =,. Mr. Aguirre$ at the City of Miazi, Police Deportsent. 4= t I would like to request from the Commission eonaidereitioa, in the +4 asses of Pricing, Volunteer service* and any in -kind off* ringa. r.66rs, is one of the sponsors, and we would like to place Banners +! at strategic locations within the City, We xovld like to ad thf City ®f Nia"i's Logo to oil Print/Media advertisement. A Tou told at to contact yau, if there is anything you could do. Well Xr Dawkins $ I need you to help as in aforementioned areas, as well as nay suggoativus you may have to enhance this protect* and how to get the City as well as Metro bade involved. �NlT�Ir� .F %, NK UP WITH 93- 187 3 hr* NETIp LINK UP WITH A9UW ?a INMIATR ASl ililli `ry 5731 Blacaynie Boulevard, unite 506 Miami, Florida 331717 Telephone: (30S) 737E-1022 Telex: (305) 757-2164 mil. Rita Lawborn Marina Polvay creativt ktwork, Inc. (ins) 112-1207 (305) 195-9073 (Fait) Phase one Productions, bu but called agora to handle the two raising efforta for the Inner-city Foatdation. The Inner -City Youtdation, Inc., is a son -Profit 0r9salsatlon, and is the organizers for the "Inner -City Relief Concert Series". The coflcart series is geared towards bclping victim of eaaticaoe Audrew, aka son -Profit organizations, within the Inor-cities. to array efforts pave been pert forwrd to aide the victim of 8uricaoe Arkirew, but th.y have not been adva+tageoas, We the Black prospective. The innar cities are left out of the flow of disaster smnies. The Inver -City Conn:ut Series, will also Relp non -Profit organization raise fW da by Utching DO up with Mier Cancerta that cows into the 111W warket. org"Intiom Will In able to raise lands wit8 vender sates, and ticket sales throughout the planned Concert Series. Proceeds of each concert uttes will alga be donated Alteetly to these organisations. thus will be sever► (7) coaMtB# tell Ilia, Isla FaStival, 113 Concert, Conedy In the Part After Dark, Gospel tatravagansa, tap concert, aid Reggae festiul. The first concert will be 29 ills, Me Slack 81stoty Nmtb, Kate Festival*, will tape Place Qebroacy 20, 1123 at Ike Aayfrent Pak AnWtMater, In Dmtuw Itlaai. elates opal at 1100 su, 'tld's owl 12:00 to 300 Ps, "Local tecardial Artist Omcut', 340 to 740 Pll, •Intersstionil Recordiag Artist (%Wats, 7:00 to 1100 Pit. There Will M had, FU a Gres, MY= add Special Brest Baratta). quaild Alston, ftic cadlel, ehs11 Forces, 'ltilira', additional artist to be amouoced. Far the Kids, The 1110a fnrtles A Kpllnter, Beauty aM the kest, 4'tw, Little Werml4, Aioddin, Sassy the bloosaut, bold kDould, ad Nod# Mock, Sue. vendor space is available. IM rheas for the lute$ •T0l10 MIJ FttllSj*. The u1nority populace, or tamer city coeswuities live been totally mnlected u far as rands raised through other otior beneritu. 'oar parts are is a11401es, on yoetb are atfhsing from leek of youth centers, schotusbip donations will be at a all ties low. ftryme Is talking abort 9ft K11 tsWiw, but so out Is 80109 a thing abort rebuilding oar yoetb prograos...• states comissioeer Dawkins. % snst try to belp otaselm,. and tie salt have the sapput of tan coaenaity, the no ea support sbm with the first aelor reiiet effutts, go ssmt stop eoldiag our bend, ad do sorwth* about our ow destiny, and start ou awe pcobleas...says Ms tiro I.nMrag ibtecutiv+e Prodacar, for the Irma -City Cascut Bales. 'tie 14m city Relief Concert SerLos will be spoanored by HAT, CMj Rayfrout Park Ttast, Inser- city Fow4tion,iac.8 United eraade Interutional, I,ue., Pbm an Prodectiaes, School Dase Uaiforsa, Urban Tit sews, and SgWted by ladie statics am 59 aAxt. Additional APsaaots will be fortheninz. ParVidd lnfosesrtion call, ticket Kssters (3851 3511-5i65, a Rita Loon for sDeeial group 9004, sad wow space intuition at (305) 751-1122. 93- 187. q 1'3.'Apfl WT it, 1993 ...... PWR awful MOM 19, 1993 ...... V.I.P. WIN R;MTION PRI{uny 10, 1,9I ...... Ism -CITY CMWT mII03 VPRU IV RRi,ICx Rimy W11tTN onisiC ttimiAL" O OMQP ONII R?Rttttt" 12:00 PM TO 3:00 Pit ..... ORID i UW 3:01 PH " 1:00 PM ..... •L= NUMIN UTIBT CIIM(me 7:00 PH TO 11:00 PM ..... 611TMTIGW MMIN MUST COMT* im LMf An APPR03IliM 93- 187