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AIL •1«A i N'+t:+4By THE CM FM A PERIM OF Y.;i"1:1. YEARS; rt.a •�• '!'. I4 •ILP #dMa ' it i4 'M • k;t« cm 4 ' s!«�• WMWM, Seation is-2 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, authorizes the City to imue & Request for proposals for Citywide banking servioes for-- year period; and I i W; al• � i;'1« ii« •�«+: �I «+t Y;i: ♦• u1+,M #" • •" Y:1: i1 ! 1 r_ r the Ga form, is hereby ii banklmg ,w•t_ as ci •1 the City fori, period of U=ee Years. seleoti•ii ocimmitteeto evaluate proposalsandreportthe Andimgs to the •i "f Manuel Alonso-Poch Ricardo Arlain Robert Freeman Fausto Gomez Linda Wolf ATTACHMENT (S) CONTAINED czfr COMUSSION MEETING OF FES 0 9 1993 Reachaim X. 99-- 90 N 9 3 i Table 2t .contents I. roduatioz A. General Information 3 B. Determination of Qualified Proposers 3 C. Sealed Bid Prooess 7 D. Terms and Conditions 8 R. Minority Partioipation/ Affirmative Aotion 10 II. BPR OF BAMKSNG SS$yXcHS A. General 11 _ B. Main Depository A000unt 11 C. Main Operating A000unt 13 D. Payroll A000unt 13 E. Workers` Compensation A000unt 13 F. Computerized Servioes 14 G. Statement and Advioe Frequenoy 13 _ M.- Lookboa Servioe 1S I. Credit Card Servioers 16 d . Other 17 A. Bnlanation of Bid Form 17 B. Servioe Charge Caloulation - Variable 18 c . Prioe List 16 Q v, y 8MI$IT I - Prioe Bid Form -- ISIT II - PrOPOO&l Wendar I5... BXSISiT III - Ordin&nve 10538 - =1 �1 �1 93_ 90 m 'L 2 -dp- yy v A . General _ znf crma#Lan The City of Miami hereby requests proposals and competitive quotations of prioes to provide the banking servioes specified herein, for a period of three years. A two step prooess will be followed to make a reoommendation to the City Commission for a three-year banking servioes oontraot; FIrat Stan. Determination of qualified proposers. Second Stems. Final selection based on sealed bid. B . Dateraination of ft%lif 1 ed PXoRosers Proposers must present evidenoe of oomplianoe with the following requirements: Minimuae Criteria - Nonoomplianoe will automatioally disqualify proposer. 1. Proposers must: Be on the list of Certified Publio Depositories as designated by the Offioe of the State Treasurer and as required by the Florida Seourity for Publio Deposits Aot, Chapter 280, Florida Statutes. 2. Have administrative offioes to handle the City`s a000unt looated within the territorial limits of the City of Miami. Florida. a. Be a member of the Federal Reserve System. 4. Be an originating Depository Finanoial Institution authorized by the Federal Reserve to originata dirsot deposit. - 3 - 93- 90 1-1 a A?�iona' 1. Complianoe with the city's Minority Procurement Ordinance, attached to this document as Exhibit 111, and inclusion of the bank's Affirmative Action plan and actual employment statistics for the last two years as of December 31 for: a. Officers b. Non -officers o. Blacks d. Hispanics e. Female and any other information or statistics relevant to minority procurement. 2. Provide evidence of compliance with the provisions of the Federal Community Reinvestment Act by documenting the following factors: - a. -Copy of review made by the Federal Reserve if one has been completed or a notarized statement of why review has not been done. b. Investment policy statement adopted or promulgated by the institution in relation to low income areas of the City, particularly Black and Hispanio areas. +93_ o. Peroentage of the proposer's institutional investments in low income areas of the �. If possible, this peroentage is to be broken down by type of investment, suoh as oonstruotion loans, mortgages, oommeroial lines of oredit and consumer oredit. Also if possible it should be broken down by neighborhood as per the attaohed may. d. Any other pertinent information that supports the institution's complianoe with i c =' the Federal Reinvestment Act or other _3 applicable legislation related to investments in areas of low income and more -- specifically within the City of Miami. 3. Evidence of participating in finanoing of 244Z-sponsored projects and/or programs to further the goals of the City Commission, such as: + Southeast Overtown/Park ripest Redevelopment Pro jeot . Minority Business Programs. x Affordable Housing for Low and Moderate Income Families and Individuals. # 4. Xill.inguess and oapability to meet required services, established by: 93- 90 a- 0 a. Statement to that effect based on services required by this R?P. See Exhibits 1 a-e. b. Audited financial statements for the last two years. o. Names and titles of personnel who would be assigned to servioe the City's aoaounts. d. Listing of offioes/branohes within the City and hours of operation. e. Looation and hours of operation of the processing center. f. Discounts or free servioes to employees who establish an account with the bank. Banks will be deemed to be qualified when found to comply with all of the above requirements by four of the five members of the Selection Committee. The seleotion oommittee may request or consider other information they consider relevant to evaluating oomplianoe with these requirements. Seven (?) copies of the Proposal are to be submitted by proposers no later than 3:00 P.M., on lurch 28, 1993. - Submitted in person to the: City of Miami Office of the City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 The proposal must be signed in the name of the proposer and must bear the signature in longhand of the person or persons duly authorized to sign the proposal. The name, office address, and office telephone number of the oontaot person must be clearly identified 93- 94 -8 - A prospective Proposers' Conference will be held on February 26, 1993 at 2:00 P.N., at the Finance Dept. 300 Biscayne Blvd. stay Suite #210, Miami, Florida. Questions relating to qualification and requirements will be answered at that time. All proposers must register at this time if they wish to be on the mailing list for Further questions and answers. C. Pealed Bid Pragege Once proposers are found to be qualified by the selection committee and the City Commission, they will be notified and advised as to when bids are to be submitted using the enclosed Bid Form, If an individual banking service account is bid on, then the bid will be assumed to meet or exceed the �t requirements as stated. If a requirement can not be met by the proposer, then the phrase "NO BID" should be entered on the quote form for that service account. In the case of a "NO BID" remark, the proposer may offer an alternative service. _ Proposers may choose to bid on one, combinations, or all of the ao0ounts as described in this Request for Proposals. Nultiple and alternate bids may be submitted by proposers. All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes bearing on the outside the name of the proposer, the address, the title of = the 'proposal, and the words ''City of Miami Banking Services.° It is the sole responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the bids arrives on time at the right place. The bids must be signed in the name of the proposer and must bear the 93- 90 i .,, - 7 -- e +' signature in longhand of the person or persons duly authorized to sign the proposal. The name, office address, and office telephone number of the contact person must be clearly identified. Bids from qualified proposers must be submitted in sealed envelopes with seven copies no later than 3:00 PM on May 21, 1993 in person to the City of Miami Office of the City Cleric 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 D. Teems and Conditions I. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, for any reason whatsoever, to waive any irregularities or Informalities in any proposals, and to acoept or reject any item or combination of items. The award of contract, if made by the City of Miami, will be to the previously qualified Proposer whose proposal best complies with, all the requirements set forth in this document. In the event that the proposer(s) to whom the proposal is awarded does not execute a contract within thirty (30) days after the award of proposal, the City may give notice to such proposer of intent to award the proposal to the next most qualified proposer, or to call for new proposals, and may proceed to act a000rdingly. The bid form indicates the number of transactions anticipated based upon the prior years account _ activity, and althou gh this is the City's beet estimate of volume, the City is in no way guaranteeing these volumes; however, the City will mane adjustments to the compensating - 8 -93- 90 13 balanoe based upon the per item cost if transactions substantially ohange from the estimates oontained therein. If a proposer's price per item would change if the volumes change substantially then the bid should indicate the volume range covered by the bid prioe. 2. Proposers should thoroughly examine and be familiar with these speoifioations. The failure or omission of any proposer to reoeive or examine this document shall in no way relieve any proposer of obligations with respect to this proposal or the subsequent oontraot. The submission of a proposal shall be taken as evidenoe of compliance with this paragraph. 3. Deviations from the services requirement may, at the discretion of the Seleotion Committee, result in the = rejeotion of the proposal as not being responsive to this REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS. 4. The City reserves the right to establish demand deposit a000unts in other banks or reoeive the same or different services from other banks as needed to oonduot City business. S. Under the Florida Public Reoords Act and the Florida "Sunshine" laws, all proposal materials. the results of the = City's evaluation, and the proceedings of the subsequent contract negotiations are all open to publio inspeotion. Banks should take speoial note of this as it relates to any proprietary information that might be included in their proposal package. 93- 90 Kim zlicipatioII/Affirm Anti ©n City of Miami Ordinance No. 10538, "The Minority and Women Business Affairs and the Procurement Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida" sets forth a goal of awarding at least 61% of the City's annual expenditures to businesses owned by Blacks (17%), Hispanics (17%), and Women (17%). Additionally, the proposer must provide an Affirmative Aotion/EEOC policy which indicates that there will be no discrimination as to race, color, creed, national origin, or handicap, in regards to its obligations, work and services performed under the terms of this contract. The proposer also agrees to present an affirmative action plan that declares nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, or handicap, and that specifies target goals and target dates to assure implementation of that plan. In addition, the proposer must state the extent to which minorities/women will be involved in fulfilling this aontraot should it be awarded to the proposer and must make an affirmative commitment to be responsive to the taxpayers of the City of Miami and to minorities/women participation on the board of the banking institution. Attached as Exhibit III, to this REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, is a copy of City Ordinance No. 10838. Statistios supporting your compliance with this provision should be submitted as requied by section I(B)(B). The proposers, by submitting a response to this procurement request, agree to comply with Executive Order No. 11248 - 10 - 93- 90 4 r entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity" as amended by pxeoutive Order No. 11375, as supplemented by the Department Of Labor Regulations (41CFR, Pat 60). =pi IZ . amps OF B&MING SERVICES A. G,al, : The banking servioes detailed in this seotion are to be performed for the City on a oontraotual basis for three years. The City may ohoose a single bank or split up these servioes among several banks if it would be more responsive to the City requirements. B . mom- ..11eR0211ory Ancount : City funds oolleoted daily will be deposited in this a000unt. Cheoks deposited will be available the next banking day if deposited in the bank by the time of day the bank normally oloses its transaotions for the day, deposits made at bank's operations oenter; or 6:00 p.m. for deposits made at designated branoh with proximity to City of Miami Finanoe Department looated at 300 Bisoayne Blvd. Way Suite 4210 Miami, Florida. State of Florida Treasurer oheoks and Dade County oheoks in exoess of $100,000 drawn against 100al banks deposited before noon will have same day availability. Disbursement of funds in this a000unt will be made by: 1. Internal bang transfers. 2. dire transfers per City of Miami instruotions. Baoh trausaotion will be shown on the statements individually. no summing or netting of transaotions. All deposit Qredit traneaotions will have a referenoe number. ' 93- 11 90 11 All other a000unts will maintain a zero balance. Any items clearing thru these accounts will be funded by transfers from the main depository account at the end of each business day. Other services provided under the Main Depository Account are as follows: 1avestments - Safegagping Agent: (Custodial Account) The successful proposer must make arrangements with a stew York City bank to take delivery of securities on certain transactions. The custodian, on investment purchases, would not release monies until the security has been safekept; and conversely, on investment sales, securities would not be released until monies had been received. Examples of services required are as follows: - Safekeeping of all assets - physioal and book entry - Colleotion of all income - interest and dividends - Rxeoution and settlement of trades as directed - Notification of bond calls, tender offers, exchanges, etc. - Disbursement of funds as directed Eaeoution of wire transfers as directed (all wires in and out) - Reoording of all transactions - Monthly statements detailing all transactions and current portfolio at market value PAZrol,l. aBa.: The Bank will purchase, on behalf of City employees; approximately 130 United States Series 8E Savings Bonds (or subsequent Series Bonds) per pay period. purchased through the City's payroll deduction plan. Such bonds shall be issued and mailed within ten business days of the City payday by the bank directly to the employee or designated holder without charge. The City will furnish the bank a magnetics character computer tape in a form aooeptable to the Federal - �a - 93— 90 17 r +' Reserve Bank for the Bonds to be issued each payday, a000mpanied by the City's check payable to the Barak. The Hank agrees to transfer to the Federal Reserve Bank, immediately upon reoeipt of said check, the amount of the Savings Bond purchase. C. Main ORar&ting A000unt ` The City's main operating demand deposit account will be a oheoking acooumt. The City will issue checks for payment to the drawing bank. Approximately 3,300 oheoks amounting to $8,700,000, will be issued monthly. D. pavroll AQaovint: The City is currently on a biweekly payroll basis paying every other Thursday/Friday for some 4,000 employees with net pay amounts of approximately $2,850,000 biweekly. It is the intent of the City to continue with this payroll system: however, mainly due to employee union contracts. this system may ohange. There will be no charge to City employees for paycheck oashing servioes. The bank must be able to implement a direct deposit payroll system for all City employees to all bank locations in the South Florida Federal Reserve District. The City will provide a payroll tape for use by the Federal Reserve. The Federal. Reserve will prooess the tape operting a direct deposit to eaoh employees a000unt. $. ker,8' Con ngatiorA Account: This account will be exclusively used for paying Workers' Compensation claims. Payments are every Friday: and amount 93- 90 I3 to approximately 200 checks per week with a total dollar amount of approximately $28,000 per week. A complete reconcilement service is required which matches a customer's entire issue file against the paid check activity during the statement period. The automated input, "oheoks issued file", is usually generated by the City's automated Payroll and disbursement system. In the event the above services can not be provided the following requirements are necessary: All demand and time deposit accounts maintained must be computerized so that reconciliation can be performed and so that balances are known by 9:00 a.m. daily. At the discretion of the City, the bank may be required to perform monthly account reconciliations. Alternatively, the City will receive on high volume accounts, principally the Main Operating Demand Deposit A000unt, the Workers' Compensation Demand Deposit Account, and the Payroll Demand Deposit Account, a magnetic tape of paid items that must contain all oheoks paid during the month with the following details for each item: Paid date Check Number Amount Paid The magnetic tape should be 1600BPI, unlabeled, with an 80- aharaoter record size and blocking faotor of 10. The layout of the required information is: 93- 90 - 14 - G. H. �$QI� TQ =PB CRIPTION 1 - B 9(8) CLEAR DATE (YYMD) 7 - 11 X(8) SPACES 12 - 18 9(4) BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER (same as reoorded in MICR on oheoks) 18 - 21 9(8) CHECK NUMBER 22 - 29 X(8) SPACES 30 -- 39 9(8)V99 CHECK AMOUNT ($$$$$$$aoo) 40 - 80 X(41 SPACES This information should be in EBCDIC format. All paid oheoks must be returned in oheok number sequence on all demand deposit a000unts. The tape must be reoonoiled to the monthly statement and all reoonoiling items identified. Statement and, AL,vioe FreauengZ : All advises affeoting a debit or oredit memo type transaotion must be produoed daily and mailed to the City. Statements on all bank a000unts will be produoed monthly, _exoept for Main Depository a000unt where statements moat be produoed on a daily basis and held for City piokup. x�a�x �sRVICE� As a minimum the servioes should provide the following: Prooess payments with: - One oheck several stubs Several oheoks one stub One oheok one stub 93- 90 Reject payments that are less than a set amount, percentage, or on accounts listed by the City as closed,. Process payments without stubs if account information is otherwise noted. . Produce a tape of processed payments. Payments to be in batches of 100 and identified by date and batch number. Tape to be produced daily. Lookbox to be cleared by noon each business day and all payments deposited to City account and funds available the next business day. Additionally you should supply information and cost if the City were to implement a dial up data transfer system. All supporting documents to be batohed by payment type and day received and forwarded to the City. All unprocessed payments to be given to the City with all supporting documents attached to the check. Microfiche of front and back of all payments processed with date processed so noted. Mailing address for payments must be "City of Miami. Miami, Pla." Any proposal for this service should include all special requirements such as but not limited to; stub size, envelope size. printing specifications (OCR line) eto. I. CLMIT CARS) $UMICES Acoeptanoe for payment of City Services of major credit cards including but not limited to 'Visa and Masteroard. 9 3 w 1a _ 90 l s d . =32 The City would like to reoeive in addition to the copies of cancelled oheoks for all account types, microfilm or miorofiohe of front and baok of cancelled City items. Ill. A. ZX:pjanattoa p fBtd Form: The blank bid form ( Exhibit I (a ) thru (e)) or oopy thereof, is required of all proposers. No proposal will be considered without amounts being placed on this form. If the proposing bank is unable to meet or exceed the requirements as specified, then the wording "NC BID" should be placed in the extension column. tinder the VARIABLE method, actual monthly services will be counted and the volume of transaotions will be oomputed to determine the oompensating balance required. tinder the FIXED method, the oompensating balance bid will be a minimum average balanoe guaranteed by the City of Miami throughout the three-year contraot. All proposals are final. it is the prerogative of the City to eliminate any service quoted on, if iu its opinion the fees for providing these servioes are excessive; or if administratively the service could be performed in an alternative way. it is also within the disoretion of the City to split up the banking servioes among several banks, or withhold awarding some of the servioes if in the best interest of the City. -3.7- B • 0 Monthly, the awarded bank(s) will prepare a billing for services rendered. This billing must be presented in a format similar to the bidding form with a total for all the service oharges for the month. The total service charges thereby evaluated will then be converted to a "Balance Required to Support Service." This balance will be calculated by dividing the total service charges incurred by the monthly average yield on 13-week Treasury Bills issued during that month. A simple monthly average of new Treasury Bill issues, the Tue_sd_aa Wall Street igurnal published average discount rate would be used as the earning factor. For example, the newly issued Treasury Bills in December 1992 were as follows: Average Discount Rate „Af 13-week 13ill.s Date of Issue 3.18 12/07/92 3.22 12/14/92- 3.15 12/21/92 3,117 12/28/92 �a.ea Total ,L'u Average And therefore, the earnings factor for conversion of service oharges to compensating balances for December 1992, would be 93- 90 Adak Xxg Rle of ofilouLWon Charge for Services 7.500.00 c Earning Factor (see above) .0313 Compensating Balance Required (7,500 /.0315 X 380 / 30) 2,887,143.00 Average Daily Collected Balance Difference 34 142.887.00) Times the Earning Factor (.031E X 30 / 360) .OQ28 Earning Credit t 3Y X.43 The actual average daily collected balance of all non --interest bearing accounts would be calculated and compared to the amount of compensating balances required. The monthly — calculation would enable the City to adjust upward or downward .its uninvested funds. A max' m= of one (1) working day will be permitted for uncollected balanoes. 8awever, State Treasury Checks and Dade County checks drawn on local banks in excess of $100,000 would be .made good on the day of deposit when deposited by 12:00 noon. There is no provision for Federal Reserve Requirements. C. Pride Lint: Proposers should provide a comprehensive °List of Service Prices*. This list will be oonsidered all-inclusive and the prices shown on the list will be valid for the entire length Of the bank services oontraot for those services not speoifio&lly requested in this proposal. 93- 90 I% exHISIT t t \ City of Miami Main Depository Account 13 Exhibit 1(&) 1% Estimated Annual Price 3&IMU a for 3 ni t. Account Maintenance 12 iwA#4if4t4aAfR#Aa►tAA#Rw4a#Rltt4wt4Aw4}AAiR4RwaAA•fiailA#fi1AlA41 Special Statements (daily) 240 4AARf4Awla4i4fAa}i}ai14lA1aAAAARRlitAAaiAA4AAAttiiAAawAwiAltA#A!t Coin Shipments 5000 iRiA►•afRAIYARtffRAAAliRAA*#4ar af#iA♦AA♦faA4A}AaARfARlAfatAAlt4AAA Currency Shipments 2000 #r#}iAAr r#AAt#wllitt AARAAAAai44a4RRrAlrtAiftA!♦#AaAlArra}AAlAatA1 Deposits 1500 ArA!lf1Af#Aff}faAiatt#aAaai44laR►A4►aa#AaARf #itbf#rtAAaAl RAlAif if Deposit Corrections 24 w♦A}!at#at#A4l4fwAa*A4A►ltiaR!!f#f4AAaiAaiA#tlaAAA44lif#tRaw#4f#t items Deposited 300,000 ♦#1#liaitiiAtwltA#Ati4!►#fia4►fiw4►►iai44A4ti4afAA#4A#ataAAi4AfRA Debit Memos 160 aAlAtARrR#i4#rat}►�wA4AiaR44AAlAwRawf##4R4tAf AA ►fR#fAi4Aitf AAaARt Credit Memos 400 Asa##4A6#ti}aAA}!t#AAAw#aw#4##!}RAAAii4lili0iAafAw Afi►#r#Ref#A#Aa Daily sweep into designated 240 cash equivalent fund, or Transfer to/from main depository account (Zero balance accounting) AtA#tAf i##r#t►AaiiAAt}}#1AAalA#ia!►t1f wA#ifAi4f #aAfawAif tR#4Af itt Item Deposited Returned - 840 Charge Back iffraRlil#r4rrlrwttiAtr*fr}*!lAwfRiRtrf#AAAAi44AArff#ftaatffAitAr Item Deposited Returned - 1,500 Resubmitted r#RitAa#tatAAwariRawAtwRa1•}!A!ilriff+lt4#ArA41tAAaA4alfaAA1A}1!i Hire Transfers - In 250 wrt#aAarAwr#erwww}wwar:#ra1r:lAwRAia#rAA#trwat#Ar}#:rAiar}•:AA}rA Wire Transfer - Oat/Repetitive $20 AAr+AAwfra}!♦AaaA4•r1♦ri#Aari4er•}rArlr}#A#r1}larir}►AAAatAtAiA}} dire Transfer - Out/Manual 50 Aif#}AaRralAwrAQfAwt/rrArrtrA#*ftraiatA!!Ailft+A#!a#rtrAA}Ailtf►# On-line terminal - Hire Transfer 12 (Module) 1f}r#tAaAaaiAAa#tiatl##t+♦Ar1ilaA!•1#aaraAr+ari4aiirt4f+ari4rAfA! On-line torainal/Daily Cash Balance - 12 Basic Access (Module) •awwaaArawraarrw•aaA}+atwatAAtA#Arraa:laser#♦#e#a+rwiArri+wAa+ar# On-line - Basic Accese Multiple Account 36 }•lrAaAAwAr4atraAAaAawlArffwaRifAa14lrRrrArali}Artirf}trot+Asa##f On-line - Credit Detail Transaction 12 Reporting Suse. �rar#rArart#aAw wA#•lraaiARrwlaaAirr}AArwAArair•##aralA+rArrA+Arr} On-line Debit Detail Transaction 12 Reporting fuse tlQrAalrasa##rAwrawArw!#r}tAffAt+wR#!1r#}#A}#ir#aAfwA3rrrr+ArAAfwr Lockbox Maintenance 12 tr+Rraitaf}#AAawA4A}AAA#Att+aA+1t}}iir#+f}A1Aa!#aaA•r#!Rr#AaA}AAA - Item processed 200,000 - Item processed - Rey Entry 49,000 - Non-iProcessable Items 91000 - Lockbox Correspondence 3,000 9 3 " 90 2, 6 i T rAWRL 01 Exhibit z(a) Cont,d City of Miami Main Depository Account 4t Estimated Annual Price c$rvr+cen RaWrad VDIUM par Du i##A#AiAlAAiAAAAAA##AAA*itt#*!A#A#Ai#Ait/*i*Ai4*i#A#i*it#iftiit*#* Daily magnetic tape of accounts 240 Paid and amounts in City format A##AiAfA#AA•#i*#A*fAAAAAAAlAA#AiAAA*#ii*!Ai#i!#AAiiAA#AAi#*AiiAA# Optional data link to City 240 computer for daily update of paid accounts #AtiAAiA*AA#At!##*#AAtAAA#t*itA#t4it4AAlAAiii4i#AtAA##AiAti##*#*# Acceptance of Payments v►ia VISA or Masterclharge. Number of Sites 4 Annual total $ paiH 50,000 Electronic verification of Card at*all sites 4 93- go U 9 Exhibit I(b) City of Miami Main Operating Account 4+ Estimated Annual price sarMICOe Aeau; rid V0111MA j+jL Unit Account Maintenance 12 !tR#*AA#rAw*4wf4rff*4Ab#44fAwtt##lAA4#ltwf!}Rt*44ttA}lirARw44A*fA Stop Payment via in house terminal 120 wAA4*f}ar9ARRt4ArtA}!!!!#wfAAA4A}ttwwfAA*4p#4fA!#wAAwf#AAA#!R*44A Chocks Paid 40,000 rafw*rwAw*AR#r4Awf♦wfrwAR*RA*4:fRrffAwAlwsw#R**lAwAAwffw44tAf#ffA Full or Partial reconciliation - Full per isms 40,000 Partial *tAA♦tt*#f*4#ttlwfA}ft}f#rf tAttAAft}}##!*fw#4#!f}*!lA4tA6#rA!#ff# Output tape 12 tw1}wtlAAlfA#4t}Atri}A•rfwrt}6lrt}4*a41fr#At*At*f}wfAAtitfAr4!*4R# Fine sort checks per item 40,400 w*}}*rrt#rArwAra4rtAAwAA#}rt##tAw4rtw#ttwtrwrA#AAwrf##*wet#e4A#RA# Stop Payment- check copies 10 front and back rrrrrrlt#!tt#trtAwttrr*tr*ttAAtrw*tr*44}r*tfww#*t#rr}Rr4twwftttwt Microfiche of paid checks - 12 front and back #*to}wrA#att!#rrA*wt}trar*4ttwat}At#A*ttf}wAAwrr}♦#w}trRa#4fe*Rat Stop Pay"nt - Module 12 }*!r}awtwwit}Arr A*44f#4Aw4}affAAf##tbAwafwltt*ttlAtwAAtff #ttr*ttf 1 Exhibit Y(c) city of Miami workers compensation Account — Estimated Annual Price RLtred y Par Unit smr�++ cae Ra — Account Maintenance 12 i RAlrwfA##!#r##!lAAA#AlAA!#AwAaafAaA#afRA!#tArtAAr!#lAf rlf At#!!!#hA Stop Payment via in house terminal s0 #aaraaArr##rraaarar##aarwfAarAalear##alaAlAr#AaaalraaaaAaAara•#a# Check Paid 10,400 Alra:AalAA#AaAAr#Aa#rA#arlAraAlalra#fraArAwA#AA*AA##aarwlsa!laaaA Full or partial. Reconciliation - 10,400 pull artial per stew -_ ♦Alrarrla#raala##a#a##araa#r#a#rt#r#w♦rwasralaAAawaaaAfaala#lwara Output taps 12 a#r•#rAAArla#waaaaAarrarAlrflr##ffAAA#laAwwra#♦##w!!w#a•##a#awArA _— Fins sort checks 10,400 AwaA#rr#aw#waArrAarrraraafAAwlrrarlaAlaaaAa#raa##aa#w#Aa#rr#Arr#A _ Stop parwat check copies 10 front and back A#lrfArAA#AfAaaAwA4AlfaafA4#fA#RrrrAA#AAar4AArafAA#w!#laaArArafA♦ Microfiche of paid checks 12 front and back aAaarAaa•tsararrarraaAfw:Ala#wA#a##aaAwa#♦aaraw#aaaAwAaa#arA•AraA 93� 94 Exhibit I(d) City of Miami Payroll Account Annual Price aery gBg Ugul.rad YQlU= peX tleit Account Maintenance 12 fit#w4Rat##RAr#lRtf!#tot#!#44lRtf 4ft!!f##RAf if 4!lRiffitiiaAtAAARa Stop Payment via in house terminal 50 latf#tfi#rifRR*f afAtiftAAAttARRt ti4A*RltaR#Alf #RfR#tfftaRiAtiAi#* Checks paid 100,000 RRtiAlwi*#aflAtlalfAaAAatRAt!!#liAARiRifaaf#ffaiaAtiwRaift4fRR4t* Full or partial Reconciliation - 118,000 per item A rtRwtta•Awitiif a4iifR#RitrtAAttatliRttw#lititAittiilAtwliAttf Ait Output tape 12 Rltwaaiaieataifaw•iRt#aitr t!!RAliaaitrtiafltr#fri:Riairi#iAaAitaw Fine sort checks per item 100,000 tfiAatwa♦i4tRRtaw!!t#a4ifiifAwtlAAAifatfRa*RitatAf tfwwfttf4tti#Af Stop payments - Check Copies 10 ( front and back) RRA*ttAattt#tA#tai#iAfatftiAa#ifwtfrRiw*Rliilf*#tRii*4RAAf watir## Microfiche of paid checks 12 (front and back) iAtwtr*iiatraitwattatiariRirAAtaaiwittwwai*itiwAairiRiw:rww*ttrAw Direct Deposit - ACH Maintenance 12 •Rt*stair*irr!#wiiAwtiwRr!l4wtAiw#tiRfwwARifff#twit#wirrrtwrrtii4 ACH - Transactions 9,000 *#r*irtrt*liiilwltwriwati*rAattlr#r#w#wawrrwrtwrwriwiiRrrtwrrrtiw Transmission - IN 26 a sia►wwaiiwttritwwiartaaritwistlriiaiarwwAwrawwwwrirwarirriiattwrw Savings Bonds Printing and Mailing 3,380 93- go City of Miami Trust Account Services Exhibit 1(0) Estimated Annual Price 3621UM Par unit Safekeeping of all assets - 220 physical and book entry -Collection of all income interest and dividends - Execution and settlement of trades as directed - Notification of swaps and, trades - Disbursentent of funds as directed - Wire Transfers in - Investment Maturities - Wire Transfers Out - Investment Purchases __ ►a►,r,►sae,►watw�t�pR+tee.►*�s**a��r►*�e*,►tea*ti*sr:s:s,►ar***t�sat�r+►�t Monthly statements detailing all 12 transactions and current portfolio at market value 93- 9p 31 Approval of RFP by City Commission Distribution of RFP Proposers Pre -Proposal Conference Receipt of Proposers qualifications City Commission approval of qualified banks as recommended by Selection Committee Receipt of Rids City Commision award of contract based on City Manager's recommendation of lowest bid EXHIBIT 11 February 11 February 16 February 26 March 26 Max 13 May 21 June 10 93.r s0 i -15-oat Ex t: I I I I°/liies j DR014ANC E NO.? 0 AN ORDINANCE REPEALTNG ORDINANCE N0. 9175. THE MINORITY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Of MIAMI. FLORIDA AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A NEW MINORITY PROCUREMENT PROGRAM ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AND CITCO AS 'THE MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS AFFAIRS AND PROCUREMENT ORDINANCE OF T13E C17T OF MIAMi, FLORIDA.' ESTABLISHING A MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS AFFAIRS PROCUREMENT PROM A14 AND COMMITTEE: PROVTOING FOR THE CREATION 1Y THE CITY. MANAGER OF AN OFFICE Of MINORITY AND WOMEN 1VSINESS AFFAIRS AND PROCUREMENT - FURTHER SETTING FORTH A GOAL OF AWARDING A17 LEAST SI PERCENT OF THE CITY•S TOTAL ANNUAL DOLLAR VOLUME Of ALL PROCUREMENT EXPENDITURES TO BUSINESSES OWNED BY BLACKS (1151, HISPANICS (17%1. AND WOMEN (171): AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE FOR MINORITY AND WOMEN•OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROCUREMENT SRT-ASIDES AND CONTRACT PROVISIONS: PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROCEDURES. MEASURES AND RESOURCES TO iM►LEMENT SAID PROGRAM, GOALS AND OIJ ECTiYES; AND CONTAINING A SEeERAeILITY CLAUSE. YNEREAS, Ordinance No. 9775 dealing with ntnority procurement has been found to be in need of revision and modification to strengthen the effectiveness of the City of Miami's Minenity ►rocurement Policy and Program; and _11WEREAS. the City Commissien. iw repelling ordinance No. 9775 and to adopting and substituting therefor the herein Minority and Women evilness Affairs and Procurement Ordinance is authorized pursuant to the Charter of the City of MI and Sections 92 and fl; and the "Voicipal Nose Rule Powers Act of 1973- Chapter 164.001 et see.. Florida Statutes, as amended; and sNEREAS, the U.Y. Supreme Court has upheld Oade County ordinance Ne. B2-47, adopted ,rely 20, 1984, restratting bidding on aonstr1eetien PrOJOCts to 018ct-owned first uken prior unwarranted discrimination has been proven; and YNEREAS, findings of a City of Miami Minority ►recurosont Disparity Study Indicated a substantial exclusion of minority and wo+ren-swsed businesses from the City`s procurement process for the fiscal years botween 1971 and Ilea: and ilNEREAS. this Ordinance will prevent the perpetuation of tae effect$ of prior unwarranted discrimination which has 0 1 93- 90 '13 horetafort Iwo ', limited 00- c_ contrattf ng opp -tvaf tI et for businesses uun!a yy lf1504045 and Vosen with the City of Woof; and NMERtA5, the City Of Miami has establfshed a polity of constructive affirmative action to effeinate substsntially the effects of prier discrimination; and V1409AS, the proposed Minority and Veai*n 191101t16 Affairs and Progur*110"t f►regras and Policy contains regvf it*meRt:: i s l that %hot# rho contract with the City of Miami in the areas of procur"*Rt shall not discriminate against anir business. ***lore* or applicant for tooloym*nt beeaase of ago, ♦thnicity, race. creed. color, r*1111en; seas, national origin, handieao, or marital status; and ibl that such city contractors hire and Implement an Affirmative Action er EOdsl 1tesloy*ent Opportunity policy to ensure that such businesses. employees or applicants for employment are treated equally without regard to age, sthRicity, race, creed, color, religion, sea, national origin, handicap or marital states. and VNtRCAS, implementation of this ordiedace will serve the best interest of the City and will maximize the opportunity for small business pORcerRs owned and coavtreIIed by $lacks, NlSWICt and :M*R to grocer* or contract with the City of "Iasi i• the area of procurement; sad WN9KtAS, t0 be effective it is Rocfsssapy and desirable to establish for the City of Miami a Mineri ty and Vermin Svs i nes s Affairs PrecHreA®nt Vretram with the aPpreoriate goals, abjectt ens. 4d8INI strati ve procedure and resources; .and adopt lsrgislatioh reoodyiR' the affected Nlspas►ICe Slack and Women. ewftd bosiaossesl NOV. TV929TO11E. It 17 Oi CAINCI IT THE COMMISSION of tNt CITY of MI MI. FLORIDA: Section 1. this Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as *The Miverity and Veeaeal SesiRess Affairs and Procurement Program Ordinance of the City of Miani.• Section Y. Per the purOoso of dais Ordinance. the fo116914' terms Phrases, .nerds, and their derieatiehs. sha11 Rave the felleilaO meanings: Z !n'06 2 4 9 " 90 R. tti/nts$ EntePor}se �eiranS aI orptlrAtitfn. 0krtAersnip. aividual. tale prepritterthis, 'aiNt ftbllt Come#1Mlr. JG'Rt venture. prefelsion4l associotiati or any other 1e141 entity that is propltlr 1lcensta to Ao business with the City of Nisal and/or Cade County and/or the State of Florida. tj. Nino. rity 404 Yoshi -owned going a business •eAteP¢rlse in which at least 31 pe't;tent of sold enterprise is lvned by Stocks. Nispanics a icemen rhos* wanagegent and daily business ooeratiens are controlled by one or wore Slacks. NlspanlCs or atemen. C. Contract loans aproewents for the procurement of goods, services or construction of facilities for the City of Ill awl 0 0. Facilities weans all total or partial publicly financed projects including, but without. limitation. val tied development projects, wuniElpal public works and awnlelpaI Improvements .o the extent they are financed with City goner. stiliae City property, or reovire City services. E. floods gild services igclgde. without limitation. public works, ieproveetents, 'faeiiitles, professional servlcls. Commodities, supplies, materials aad e119iAgent. F. Goal gogas the percentages of tho annual dollar ueluaae of prOCNIPSwOtit expenditures determined by this Ordinance to Qe offered for pieority pad Voaaen business participation. i. 3et� oafdie 12 tht few which wf ll be used to toss gaate a riven perehOse Or, caatract or a portisa of a given Purchase Or COmeract award for 1Slack, NilessiC and/or Vesta. owned businesses. Set-osides way only be utilised where it is determined, F" Or to the ImrltatiOn to bid or request for prooesals, that there are a sufficient member Of Cartified black. hispanic and/or voi•en-owned businesses to afford effective COOOetitten for tao purchase. N. Joint Venture shall wean an association of persons or legal entities with the intent to eA9a8e in and Corry of a single business enterprise for profit. 00i �. s ��` 90 OaraleRt, di strfb � 3n, 1 Ain or Odvante for the rvest 0f acquiring or providing greeds and services. J. . Affirmatfvt Action ptart shalt includo tht projected Annuai 90415 and tht timetablas March wilt bt asad to empioy and/or precure with weave and oineri ties a non« discrimination policy statement .and any other actions which will be used to aniurs sOVtty in employment slid the utAlitstfon of efnerity and fesoale•owsod businesses. i Section ,. A Minority and Women basfness Affairs and ►rocureeent Program for the City of Mt4e1 11 horreby established. Tao City M4n2gtr's Office shall bs held sceeentable for the full and forceful lmplementatien of the Minority and Vence business Affairs and t►recrorene"t protrae by prvv/dint appropr/ate recommendations for action by the City Commission. A. few the perp*se of assisting the City Manager in tea implementation of fold program, a Minority :and Women %vain*%! Affairs and procurement Com•ittee is hereby established, consisting of an appropriate "Veber of members, to be 4Poei nted by too Ci tty Manager, wits fell reilresentati on of Nisoasiesa slacks and Vents to b0 responsible for Monitoring the -implemontat/moo of tame program and eating recommendation$ for acsieving the requtrsawts of this Ordinance. The Committee shall be responsible, for generating yearly progress reports to the City cow/ ssi on and the eomoeenf ty at large. !. Tfoo Cf t1r manager shall, utilities existing rossurces, create an Office of Minority sad vomen trsimoss Affairs sod ►reevroment; and shall provide the appropriaito staff and resources necessary for the pertermanee of all sacio admialstrstive duties; aotoori=o and 1motomo*t the adetmistrstive gold*llees aaad procedures r*4811red; and *soars complies#@ with to* functions required to promote the ssslev*m*nt of the pr*gram's goals and objectives of increasing to* •ein" of Cfty procurement see costrac is with slack, 111511411ic sod Voeao-owed businrssos. 4 93- 90 sect: an of Sward,"q s e1% of 51: of the total inflows o r value# of all $rocurostn rxtendIturts to Slacks, i!10A Its 46a Vbn#n« ow"Od bus! Ro Is enterkrilos to be AAportloned AS faIIawf: seventeen eorcent ti7S1 to 114cks, seventeen perCent (17:) to Hispanics and seventeen percent 117%) to 1le10e11.l A. To further the goal of locressint tho total annual .olYwe of all precu re/ont expenditures to s►inorltylond weeen• owned business entert>ri ses, authority for a minority a/14 Venom. owned business enterprise procurssee"t set.aside is hereby established for use by the City manager as he or she asy does advlsaOte Or neCessary to Increase the Part W o atlo:a of 1140, Hisoanie sand Venom owned businessos in City procureaent Contracts. 9. It shall be asndatery ter aft City Of m/deal contracts and/or procureaont award docuaonts to Contain the following: (1.) A specific reference to the aoelicabillty of Cho Minority and NOnon Business Affairs and procuroaent P "Vran established by this Ordinance; (2.). A prevision stating the right of the City to torel"ate and cancel any contract or contractual agroonent entered late, including elimination of the Individrat(s) and/or business entererise(s) tree consideration and participation in future City e:ontraets, an the basis of having subeftted deliberate and willful, false or elst/ading inferestion as to his, oar or its status all a flack, Nispamic and/or 10"Co,•wned business enterprise aid/or use +nand ty and/or type of elaori ty aced weeta"Ouned brslAoes participation; (3.) A retlsirelalat that eaC% successful bidder or offeror Ogle to provide a Sworn stmtesent Of co"llanco with the provisions of this Ordinance and its specific dpplicabllity tO to* prrebase Or contract award lender consideratle". such statesens snail Certify tact the bidder or offerer, during the 1 Yonle, depending open their wa annual self.seleetion. shall be listedinOnly one (1) of toe Categories: race. othaicity, gowd*r. s 1GO3+ 93- 01 37 course of t inrolvtd fn :ht pr_rforftantt tht Coht*jC% #ought by such bidder or offeror, shall not dill rleinate against any butleess, employee ter applicant for etsploymont beCAY#! of age, ethnicity, raca, greed, color, religion, sos, national 01,14/n, handicap or marital statics; (4e) A stateeext of the extent to which the busiRoss % enterprise has as one or more of Its partners or principals persess the are stack, lf/apanfc or Vomen, or Is a joint venture comprised of a Raft -minority and minority business and/or women -owned onteroriss. (50 A requirement that each bidder aubeft along with the bid or proposal art Affirmative Action Plan (AAP). any significant equity participants, joint venture participants, sub -Contractors, s*pp 1 f ors or other parties to the bid or proposal shall 4110 be P0401 red to submit such plant. M) A provision s®eelfying the requirements for continued bidder or efforer eligibility including minority and tonal* 1Ovolvement. Section 1. lidders or ofiferars moll be requfred to demonstrate A .nasonabie and good, faith effort to solicit and obtain the porticipatio#i of tuallffed Minority and women -owned ossinesses in all bid and proposal documents. Section 9* txrept wtore federal or state law or reg*latlOma 13804141e to the contrary` the provisions of this 2ec11e3 will be agslleablo to ail City Of "IatN, #rebid, bid, ce"tt'"t or ether StrOestents Megotiatod by the City; YOct10* 7. The "lnnrlty Sort l/eaeh Qesiaess`Affafrs and Prec*reMOet Progrms 4181,461/6b4d herein shalt be is effect Only uetii sago tinot as the effects of prior **warranted discrisiiMOttom sgSlMst #laths, NiSpamtiis sad trompm have boom c"Weasated for, at wi►1=• time the goats and set•astdes provided for herein shall so looter be Observed. Such seed shall be rovia,"ot every two years by the City Coa#Mf ssfan, Veen the recosiMemsott ea of the City Nelle9er. 3"Ifam •. prdf*anee No' 9775, the OI1*erlty pree*reraent ProtraM prdloanc• of the CI ty of "teal, Florida, is hereby revealed. 10062. 93- 90 Sr,citan 9 Should any part or arevl jibo of its t�rdt�srctCe� be dkelared br Court of Caaoetent jUri Siff it' tief be in•sIIa sane sh411 net effect the V41idity of the Ordinance as a whole. PASSED OM FIRST REAVIRC IT TITLt.OKLT tf111 24rat day of Nevirbot . 11A9. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL HEADING IT TITLE OMLT ti+rs ,',�h day of ore�rrwder 1!!S�` ATTEST: "AW44 Royer City Clerk PREPAREO AND APPROVtO SY: Deputy City —Attorney APPROVED ASS/TO�FORM �AND CORRECTNESS: My Attorney ,, AQJ /ept/lib/ab/!1!A r .7-88-i]S3 z/iz/s9 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE A14ENDING CHAPTER 18, SHTITLED "FINANCE", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY REDEFINING THE TERM "MINORITY AND WOMEN -OWNED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AND DEFINING THE TERM "VENDOR" IN SECTION 18-68; REQUIRING IN SECTION 18-72 "1AT THE GOAL OF AWARDING AT LEAST FIFTY—ONE PERCENT (511) OF THE CITY'S TOTAL ANNUAL 'a DOLLAR VOLUME OF ALL PROCUREMENT EXPENDITURES TO MINORITY/WOMEN SMALL BUSINESSES BE APPLIED TO ALL CITY OF MIAMI BIDS AND CONTRACTS; REVISING SECTION 18-73 TO PROVIDE THAT ALL o CITY OF MIAMI INVITATIONS, REQUESTS AND/OR ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS, PROPOSALS, QUOTES, LETTERS OF INTEREST ,AND/OR QUALIFICATION STATEMENTS CONTAIN THE APPROVED MINORITY/WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (H/WBE) PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS PURSUANT TO CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 10062 — MINORITY/WOMEN BUSINESS AFFAIRS AND PROCUREMENT PROGRAM; REQUIRING 711AT ALL RESULTING AWARD AND/OR CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CONTAIN THE REQUIRED COMPLIANCE FORMS RELATIVE THERETO; REVISING SECTION 18-73(5) TO EXPAND UPON THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL CITY BIDS AND CONTRACTS; ADDING SECTION 18-76 AUTHORIZING ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS TO ESTABLISH THE REQUIRED ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE CODE; FURTHER, PROVIDING FOR RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES REGARDING WITHHELD PAYMENTS OF CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS AND FURTHER ADDING SECTION 18-77 DESIGNATING THE DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF M/WBE AFFAIRS AS THE CITY OFFICIAL RESPONSIBLE FOR ESTABLISHING AND IMPLIEMENTING M/WSE BID AND CONTRACT PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS, COMPLIANCE GUIDELINES, AND MONITORING AND REPORTING PROCEDURES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 10062 dealing with Minority/Women - Business Affairs and Procurement established the annual goal of procuring/contracting fifty-one percent (51%) with minority/women owned and managed business enterprises; and WHEREAS, Administrative Policy Manual 4-86 (APM 4-86), issued October 1, 1986, provides for the administrative implementation of Ordinance No. 10062; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that there is further need for legislative relief to obtain said goals, particularly as it _ J3,- 9U ui relatea to thy? City's bid, proposal and contract process and the resulting documents on a bid/contract by bid/contract basis to achieve the annual goals; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FWRIDA$ Section 1. Section 18-68, is hereby amended in the following particulars.I "Sec. 18-68. Definitions. For the purpose of this article, the following + teams, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the following meanings: Minority and women -awned sz&U business enterprise romans a business enterprise in which at least fifty-one percent (51%) of said enterprise is owned by Blacks, Hispanics or women whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more Blacks, Hispanics or women and who employ a maximum of twenty- five _j25) employees or have a net worth not in excess of two Mil ion dollars." a Vendor means any business entity providing goods, services or equipment to the City of Miami through a purchase, field or blanket order or contract." Section 2. Section 16-72(a), is hereby amended by adding the following language t -(a) The objective of the City is to achieve a goal of awarding a minimum of fifty-one percent (51%) of the total annual dollar volume of all procurement expenditures to Black, Hispanic and Women -owned small business enterprises to be apportioned as follows$ Seventeen percent (17%) to Blacks, seventeen percent (17%) to Hispanics and seventeen percent (17%) to women, such goal shall be applied to all City bids And cgaXrscts.- Section 3. Section 18-73 is hereby amended by adding the following language$ 'Sac. 8-73. R2Qgi_red statements gar solicitations or noticass required statements on contracts and awards. 1 words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now In effect and remain unchanged. Asterisk* indicate omitted and unchanged material. -2- I,,• It shall be mandatory for all City contracts end/or procurement award documents to contain the followings (S) A requirement that each bidder, propgaer. or vendor, submit along with the bid or proposal an affirmative action plan (AAP). Any significant equity participants, joint venture participants, subcontractors, suppliers or other parties to the bid or proposal shall also be required to submit such plans. Section 4. The following new Section 18-76 is added in its entiretys *Sec. 18-76. Administrative Procedures. =- The Departments of Finance, Public Works and General Services Administration are authorised to establish the required administrative procedures to insure compliance with the provisions as set forth herein. 93 — 9 A Ls '1/ —3— i�iS:3F The Finance Department is mandated to institute payment procedures which will insure, in those instances in which the M/WBE bid or contract requirements result in contracts, subcontracts or joint ventures for M/WBE9, that compensation provided pursuant thereto shall be in the form of a check made payable to the primary contractor, bidder or proposer, and (if appropriated jointly) to the minority/woman business enterprise subcontractor or joint venture partner in an amount not to exceed the subcontracted or joint venture amount, based upon approved invoices submitted by the prime contractor, proposer or joint venture, to the City. In the event a dispute should arise as to the performance or payment of the primary contractor or bidder/proposer or the M/WBE, under the terms and conditions of the City contract or procurement award ;. document, compensation shall be withheld until such time as the dispute is resolved in accordance with the procedures met forth in this Chapter for resolving such disputes. All Administrative Directors shall amend their existing policies and procedures or to create such new ones as may be required to insure and report on compliance with all aspects of this article.F Section 5. The following new Section 16-17 is added in its entiretys "Sec. 16-77. Designation of the Director of the Office of Minority/Women Business Affairs. The Director of the Office of Minority/Women Business Affairs is designated as the official responsible for establishing M/WBE bid and contract/award requirements, creating and implementing compliance guidelines, monitoring compliance, resolving disputes, and reporting on all of the above to the City Manager." Section 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance insofar as they erg inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 7. If any section, part of section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall not be affected. PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this isth day of December , 19—U. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this 12th day of January , 19�. A e XAVIER L. SLUAEZ, Mayor s MA Y HIRAI City Clerk .90 -Los.-IF- a I 99- 90,, it15:�r CITY 1FLORIDA- C OF tdifAM , INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : Honorable Mayor and DATE: January 29, 1993 FILE: Membe of the City Commission = SUEUECT : Agenda item —_ FROM : Cesar H. Odio REFERENCES : - City Manager ENCLOSURES: It is recommended that the attached resolution with attachments, be approved authorizing the City Manager to request proposals for banking services for a period of three years and providing for appointment of a selection committee. 1�acnd: City Code Section 18--2 provides for the City to request proposals for banking services for a three year period. The current contract with First Union, formerly as Southeast Bank, expires on June 30, 1993. The new banking services contract will cover all banking services required by the City except for those related to '� revenue receipt assigned to minority banks and to bond servicing which is unique to each bond issue and is for the life of the bonds. The City Commission will appoint a selection committee to evaluate the proposals and determine which banks are qualified based on eight criteria. The City Commission will approve the short list of qualified banks that will be recommended by the selection committee. The qualified banks will then submit cost bids and the contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder. 93- 96