HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1993-10-14 AdvertisementsLL_ Mtamt !305) 377'3721 Brows , J05) 468-2600 / (305) 94"577 SOIITII iC)RIB _ NT au-171111 O' w RPH,-IT-... AL CSTATi: AMD LAW Affiliates of Time warner Inc. REMITBMW CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK MATTY HIRAI P9 BOX 330708 MIA.MI FL 33233 J� SALESCODE ORDERNUMBER 1108C�3 CUSTOMER NO. CODE 7941-01, DESCRIPTION MIA -DOILY 5USINESS PO #1222 NOTICE OF ADOPTED ORDINANCES: AD RAN 11/8/93 • DAILY BUSINESS REVI P.O. BOX 010589 MIAMI, FL 33101.OS89 PLE-ASE RETJRN 1E114ITTA4:E CJF TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE DEPARTMENT DATE INVOICE A 10I1 OA 04 I 11/08/93 I 545261 111`11T PRICE AMOUNT CREDIT DEPT. (305) 347-6616 PAST DUE BALANCE'S WILL BE CHAkGED A 1.5 PEER MONTH SzRVICE :`1ARG- (18% PER P.NNUM). '1 SUBTOTAL SALES TAX �t ORIGINAL -PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE �.• y Ar It F� 583. 563 583 '1� MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO.: AMENDING SECTION 53-151 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, etc,. In the ...... X.... X ... X........ . ............. Court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of November 8, 1993 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised an,01'aor)nflrm or corporation any disco , rebate, comr nd for the purpose ofsec n"ls advertsr pcation In the said Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8. , • • da of • . , .. • November y ........., A.D. 1q...9.3 �'r s (SEAL) Z1 / i f �tif i Octeima V. Ferbeyra personally known to `•FOF FLG'� •gewq Ryy � 01711ciAL NOTARY SRAL C3IGRYL Ii MAK'AE,R Comm 15 KIN, No. CC0161: MY CONIM15`110N r.X l'. APP. 12,096 CITY OP I1/►M11111=4'OWI LE AL:0't1110111 All interested pereons'wlll take'notice that on #I October, 1993, the City Commleslon of Mlemil •Fli the following titled ordinances: ORDINANCE NO. " AN, ORDINANCE:'' AMEN DING CHAPTER,Sd CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORI , AS?AI BY ADDING NEW ARTICLE"XI, THEREBY ht THAT PAY TELEPHONE COMPANIIE ENTi PERMIT AGREEMENTS.WITH THE CITY.OFMI THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTF INSTAI:LATION;• OPERATION , ;MAINTE DISMANTLING;,TESTING, REPAIR AND;USE TELEPHONES IN, "UPON,ALONG ACROSS PAYMENT OF PERMIT AND USER FEES, PROS DEFINITIONS AND. BY, SETTING FORTH TERM: CONDITIONS BY WHICH PERMITS MAY BE ISSU PAY, TELEPHONE. COMPANIES, MORE '.PARTICU BY ADDING`NEW.SECTIONS'S '192THROUGH CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION,`A SEVE ITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR.AN EFFE `ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING;SECTION;53151. 0 CODE OF.THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLOFIIDAAS AME ENTITLEDs'RATESAND CHARGES", PERTAINil PROCEDURES AND'USER FEES At..IHE`COc GROVE CONVENTION CENTER T}1ER`EBY CHAI FEES WHICH AAE<dETERMINED` BY`YHE TYI EVENT BEING HELD•; CONTAINING A'1R121?tgE1 VISION AND A SEVERA9ILITY..CLAUSE: ORDINANCE NO.,:. AN ORDINANCE`AMENDING, CHAPTER 2,,ENl "AD MINISTR&1014' `O_F,;;THE CODE,OF.4kf°GI MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS,'AMENDED,.THEREBY PRO{ FOR THE `CHANGE; OF, .THE' 14AME OF THE;' RESCUE AND INSPECTION'SERVICES.`DtPART.,f ,TO- THE ."DEPARTMENT' -OF' FIRE -RESCUE! i FUI PROVIDINGyFOR `AMENDING'ALL ORDINANCI PARTS THEREOF: AND. ALL'SECTIONS OF THI CODE OR PARTS: THEREOF CONTAINING_R. ENCES TO: THE "FIRE,_RESCUE AND INSPE1 SERVICES., DEPARTMENT" TO HAVE-SUCH'9 ENCES SUBSTITUTED_VITH THE TERM:"DEPART OF,FIRE,RESC.UE"; MORE PARTICULAf i AMENDING THE TITLE OFbIViSION:3:. AN,D,$E 2.81, R ; CONTAINING AEPEALER �PROVISIOW'I SEV ERABI LITY.CLAUSE. j Said ordinances may be inspected y,the public at,t the City Clerk, 3500'Pan American Drive, Mleml,,Flo• through Friday, excluding holidays, between thel ha a.m.`and 5.00 p.m. MATTY HIRAI • CITY CLERK a CITY OF MIAMI, FLO 1118 '9: r o n TELENOS- a c i b49E . 19-9952 Jill' N E W 14PAPF R 649 6441 1393 S.W. SSu an. Miaml. Florida OG AGENCIA: AGENCY: Dn.,1 a ° `f CLIENTE: / CUSTOMER j X PULGADAS PUBLICADAS: .l� ,le 11 INCHES PUBLISHED: LPRECIO'POR PULGADA:ICE PER INCH: COMISION DE AGENCIA: AGENCY COMMISSIONS: O TOTAL A PAGAR y TOTAL TO PAY OBSERVACIONES: OBSERVATIONS: SYSTEMS, INC. - SOUTHEAST 6954 N.W. 12 STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 (305) 477-9149 FAX(305) 477-7526 (800) 287-4799 THE FOLLOWING IS AN IT WILL TAKE MULTIPLE IMAGES 00 CIUDAD DE MIAMI AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Se notirica que una Audiencia Nbfica serd celebrada por la Comisibn de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, en Octubre 14,a las 3:10 P.M. en la Cgmara de la Comisibn en el City Hall, 3500 Pam American Drive, Miami Florida, con motivo de explorar las rela- dones actuates entre la Fraternal Order orPolice, (FOP) el Depar- tamento de Policla, los Blacks Firelighters y elFire Department, en order de explorar In relaciones que existen en el presente entre dichos grupos. Se invite a todas las personas interesadas, a presentarse y serdn escuchadas en to que concierne a las presentes relaciones entre el FOP, el Departamento de Policia, Los Black Firelighters, y el Fire Department. Si alguna persona desea apelar cualquier decision de la Comisibn de la Ciudad respecto a a%,Nn asunto considerado en esta audien- oa, esa persona deberd asegurarse que se hags un record verbal de todo to tratado, incluyendo cualquier evidencia sobre la que pueda basarse cualquier apelacibn. ��SY OF MATTY HIRAI ~ CITY CLERK �afrp`F,pv°~ CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.. (1204) r�� LDesea Conocerse Nejor? 6u<sea'�o;suczra a uncro a aua rcrsvaa ea rspwat Saber sus His Intimos Secretos y Anheios? Obtenga su Carta Natal •-Un detallado estudio bellamente encuadernado •- Supere sus defectos •- Saque provecho de sus virtudes •- Logre exito en el amor y las finanzas Comuniquese con: La Profesora Mary Garcia Astral Horizons, Inc P.O. Box 144068 Coral Gables, Florida 33114 Tel: 856-96s2 En In pasada reunion de la Comision del Metro, el pasado martes 7 de septiembre fue parte de la agenda Ins Resoluciones D-20, 2l y 22. Las cuales se referiian en llevar a elecciones especiales en el pr6ximo noviem- bre 9, la pregunta al electorado si se aumentarla el sueldo a los comisionados de $6.000.00 a $55,000.00, otra A cambiar las reglas en que se puedan establecer juntas o comit4s que conduzean reuniones publicas y que su decision no tenga que ser aprobada o no por los comisionados y por ultimo que se hiciera una enmien- da que el 1996 Ins posiciones de alcalde y de adminis- tradorsea reemplazado por un ejecutivo del Condado que sea elegido por todos los votantes del Condado, que sea por dos t6rminos solamente, que tenga el poder del veto en ciertas decisiones de In Junta Metro- politans de Comisionados, que tenga et poder de nombrar directores y asistentes de departamentos, y nombrar a todas Ins Juntas del Condado. El senor Ferr6 hizo In proposicion sabiendo que no teniaei respaldo de In mayoiiayenefectosuproposicion fue derrotada, todo eso no contuvo al Sr. Ferris, que ejerciendo su derecho de hablar, hizo que los presen- tee tuvieran que soportarsu perorata, posiblemente el Sr. Ferro seguira insistiendo buscando con el tiempo que algunos de sus colegas cambien de opinion. Pasando ahora del Condado a In Ciudad de Miami, segdn informaciones recibidas de Fuentes de bastante erEdito, nos aseguran que fuertes grupos y organiza- ciones han reclutado al joven Dewey .Knight III, pars que se enfrente al veterano comisionado Miller Dawkins. El padre de este joven contendiente to es el Sr. Dewey Knight, que fuera asistente administrador del Condado Dade por muchos anos, siempre muy amigo de los cubanos y fue instrumental en el nombra- .a.-:........a..a r..-:.....,..-..■-...�.-...a...i a.aw. .-..ca.�r.la;w Can■ \a•al.. el Sr. Sergio Pereira. Si esto sucede la posicibn que se daba por ganada al !Gisela Aretara1 I lEnv(©s de Mmedicinas A Cuba 1 1 1'191 W. R1g1er St Tel foi1 !. Mlami,�F_I 33130_ ( 305 ) 544C j Dp t i'cal Center lambn Palomino L.U.O •-Servicio Completo de Lentes de Contacto •- Examen de la, vista, en nuestras Oficina.s •- Trabajos lzeclac)s al momento en nuestro laboratorio con Absolute Cwarant%a. 2393 Coral Way. / Miami Tel: 856-8154 Celebro Cumplean"v En dias pasados cumplid 3 aftos el precloso nifto Gustavo Ram6n Jr. de Quesada, hijo amantisimo de los esposos Gustavo Ram6n de Quesada y Maria de Quesada, y sobrino muy querido de nuestra amiga Gloria Saleh. Le deseamos muchas felicidades. l R7'1 p ® rt4aors •- Artesanias •- Im6genes •- Munecas •- Guitarras •- Collares Perlas de Mayorca �. -- Abanicos •- Articulos deRegalos 1615 S.W. 8 Street Miami, Florida 33135 Tel: ( 305 )856-4844 ( 305 ) 856 1221 . A�UdreffS PeCeteria Flagler 14 Ave 10 BE OCTUBRE 1868 GRITO DE YARI Saludamos la fecha patria •-Donde usted encuentra to mas amplia variedad en calzado de Codas clases y ventajosos precios •-Ademas OFERTAS ESPECIALES en todo el caizado pare ninas, rluios y tennis de dames Ifeliio ":t nos y to comprobara �0 99 w.... E t't'i tF1 33135 �` PUBLIC HEARINGS Metro -Dade Board of County Commissioners ,' n-t-I,rr in 1O9'� . q:00 a.r, eionesaMualMenlrelaFraternal(m1liorl•ouce,kr u. pr,.,cp„. tmokto dePoIlds, to nfarksVirctightenyet Fire Department, en order de explorer IN rcleciones que existen en cl presente entre dich6s gtupos Se ievlta a todo fas personas intemsadas, a prescninne y seren Aveuchades en to que concierne a Ins presentes reb,ciones entre el pop, eipepartamenlo de Pollefa, Los Black Firefighters, y el Fire .• lkpart�nent. SI alguo persona dean apelar cuaiquier decision de In Comision de la Ciudad respecto r alpNn asunto considerado en esta audien. esa persona deber4 aseprame que se hags un record verbal de todo to tratado, incluyendo cualquier evidencia sobre In que pueda basam cualquier apelacian. r � 0 diro �o (1204) , MATTY HIRAI CITY CIXRK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.. nombrar a todas Ins Juntas del Condado. El senor Ferrel hizo In proposicion sabiendo que no teniael respaldodela mnyoria y en efectosu proposicion fue derrotads, todo eso no contuvo at Sr. Ferns, que ejerciendo su derecho de hablar, hizo que los presen- tes tuvieran que soportar su perorata, posiblemente el Sr. Ferrel seguird insistiendo buscando con el tiempo que aigunos de sus colegas cambien de opinion. Pasando shorn del Condado a In Ciudad de Miami, segdn informaciones recibidas de fuentes de bastante er4dito, nos aseguran que fuertes grupos y organiza- ctones han reclutado at joven Dewey Knight 111, pars que se enfrente at veterano comisionado Miller Dawkins. El padre de este joven contendiente to es el Sr. Dewey Knight, que fuern asistente administrador del Condado Dade por muchos anos, siempre muy amigo de los cubnnos y flue instrumental en el nombra- el Sr. Sergio Pereira. Si esto sucede In posicion que se Baba por ganada at pti'cal Center Ramon Palomino L.D.O. --Servicio Completo cie Lentes cle Contacto �- Examen cle la vista en nuestras Oficinas -- Mmbajos laecli.os al momento en nuestro laboratorio can Absoluta Garantia. 2393 Coral Way. / Miami Tel: 856-8154 n Celebr 6 Corn lean► En dies pasados cumplio 3 aRos el precioso niRo Gustavo Ramon Jr. de Quesads, hijo amantishnd de los esposos Gustavo Ramon de Quesada y Maria de Quesada, y sobrino muy querldo de nuestra amiga Gloria Saleh. Le deseamos muchas felicidades. CFO alk6% i IrnpOrt4mrs !! :0 •- Artesanias i s •- Im6genes •- Munecas Guitarras { •- Collares Perlas de Mayorca .- Arttculas deRegalos 1615 S.W. 8 Stlre Ek' Miami, Florida 33135 LF el: (305 )856-4844 ax- ( 305 , 656-1221 And res Pei. e" is . Fla!gle ' 14 w� 10 DE OCTUBRE 1868 ` f GRIT® ®E YARt k l saludamos la fecha patria j --Donde usted encuentra la mds amplia` variedad en calzado de todas ciases y ; ventajosos precios •-Ademas OFERTAS ESPECIALES en todo el caizado pars ninas, ninos,y tennis de damas ','srtenos y to comprobar Frecio Andr6s Peleiterila yftI 1403 W. Flagler_St. i110�diiaml, F! 33°135 -s' .100 PUBLIC HEARINGS Metro -Dade Board of County Commissioners r' Tuesday, October 19, 1993 - 9:00 a.m. Commission Chamber 111. N.W. 1 Street - Metro -Dade Center For further information call 375-2864 Metro -Dade Zoning Hearing Thursday, October 21, 1993 - 9:00 a.m. ; Commission Chamber 111 N.W. 1 st Street - Metro -Dade Center For further information call 375-2640 These Metro -Dade Hearings may be seen on Metro -Dade Television live at 9:00 a.m. and re -broadcast at 7:00 p.m. Metro -Dade Teleivision is cable channel 34. t: 8 daOct�bwtl'da 1 Idk Nr�tl36p � ; � han CjjUju1i 0 La Casa del Pan Visitanns v nruaha mnastras �. �•,; ARIES (marzo 21 a abril 19) Duranlc I csle ciclo ies sera propicio terminar los trabajos que tcnf.Mn atrasados. Podr.1m f.dlarle amistades que no eran sincerns. TAURO (abril 20 a mayo 20) Se sen- _C tiran muy respaldados on el area de los 0: placeres. Muchos desearan emprender ;7 un largo viaje a correr fortuna lejos. - w ,; GEMINIS (mayo 21 a junio 21) Sera z este un ano de seguridad, el ano por �y': excelencia. Desde febrero so jes ha W miciado un, ciclo de grandes logros. Muchos llegaran al matrimon.o. 04 CANCER (junio 22 a julio 22) No debe W recipitarse on sus decisiones. Tonga Z iPalma, rcllexione, asesorese bien antes d' I (D do lomar una decision que sea irnpor- lanle. O ' LEO (Julio 23 a agosto 22) Para este fs. signo so iricia el Nuevo Ano Solar. Sc a acentua su personalidad y apariencia ffsiea. Hard excelentec transaccienes. VIRGO (agosto 23 a septiembre 21) p Es necesario quo modifiquen su ca- racter y evite querer terser absoluto r�i0•„ dominio sobre sus seres queridos. Sea ►'� flexible. d LIBRA (septiembre 22 a octubre 22) C Para los libranos que manlengan re- .s .14 laciones secrelas, es cl momenta en a que hablen claro. Pagarfm deudas k;ir- z ESCORPION (octubre 23 a noviernbre 0 21) Se destacara su profesi5n y re- N conocimiento publico. Recibira apoyo a para alcanzar runs alias posiciones la0 - borales. W a SAGITARIO (noviernbre 22 a diciem- brc 21) Sc concentrara en viajes largos, E r - la filosoffa 1' los esiudios avanzados. 1101111 1 Ilara frenlc a sit uaciones diffeiles la- 0 boralcs. � O tit CAPRICORNIO (dicicmbre 22 a ene- a ro 19) Al fin experimenlan mas Iran- O quilidad on todo to rclacionado Coll su U ��vo' nomfa, Jos romances y las viejas a .rfnistades. 06. O ACUARIO (enero 20 a brero 19) Esta on la bpoca quo es afectado el l :sector on todo to rclacionado con el U trato con el publico. Nuevos brfos on cl d romance. PISCIS (febrero 20 a marzo 20) Sen- lirlm grandes energhts para re.divar U nuuMerosos proyedos en diversus cam- to pus. Modere el lrato con sus corn- 0. paneros de trabajo. I Pull ofil Procesadoras de carve, en numero de 30, fueron clausuradas en la Florida tras ser inspeccionadas por autoridadesd estatales don - de comprobaron In existen- cia de ratas y cuearachas,, herrumbe, sangre, pintura caida, poca higiene. En las mencionadas indus- trias se producfan salchicho- nes especiales y, a vexes, se sacrificaban animates para determinados clienies. Las 194 plantas inspeccio- nadas solamente producen el 4.4 % de la came consu- mida en la Florida. Tras las inspecciones 76 plantas fueron cerradas y despues de una limpieza ge- neral 63 reanudaron su la- bor. Ningun tipo de enferme- dad fue vinculado a las plan- tas procesadoras. El pasado ano fueron ce- rradas 240 veces por mas de 560 horns, destruidas 90.000 libras de came y multas que suman $135.000. fo oto de oior t FALLECIO REINALDO PICO Recientemente fallecib un buen amigo de lA NA- CION, editor de La Voz de Cayo Hueso y defensor de la apertura del Club San Carlos, el seflor ReInaldo Pico. Por este medlo hacemos Ilegar nuestro etas sentl- do pesame a sus familia- res y amigos. , Con verdaderapena con- signamos la noticia que el pasado 20 de septiembre exquisitasvar'iedades� Pruebe la mejor galleta de Hialeah 8984 Palm Avenue HialeaL, Florida Tel: 8$3-7814 ME ownco ®ri%ri n g Soh ®®1 Preparamos para Licencias Comerciales Calmiones y At,ltom45VileS 5ALt10AM03 LA FECNA PATRIA 10 I)E OCTUBRE Grelto de Yana! -2 FOXI'm FAX: 1305)854.8590 .�iwe- �luaTey Optician • CONTACT LENSES LABORATORY ON PREMISES o Eyes Examined by Independent Optometrist MANY GARDE JO MiBt. OW MEDICARE • MEDICAID '551,12451 WEST FLAGLER PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER 10720 W. FLAGLER STREET, (No 6). Bw0" nw &. 7xd A"mw h 4 este un afio de seguridad, el ano por MA excelencia. Desde febrero so les ha W iniciado un ciclo do grandes logros. L;f Muchos Ilegarin at matrimon?n. CER Ounio 22 a julio 22) No dcbc recipitarse on sus dccisiones. Tcnga U alma, rcnexione, ascsorese bien ;roles tie (ontar tttta decisiim title Sea iml►ur- U faille. LEO (Julio 23 a agosto 22) Para este W �1 signo se iricia el Nuevo Ano Solar. So a ' accutda su personalidad y apariencia ffsica. Hard excelentcs transaccienes. S i berates. W VIRGO (agosto 23 a septiembrc 21) p Es necesario que modifiquen su ca- Ci rdcter y evite querer tener absoluto dominio sobre sus sores qucridos. Sea flexible. LIRRA (septiembrc 22 a octubre 22) a Para los Iibranos que mantengan re- laciones secretas, es cl moniento en a quo hablen_claro. Pagardn deuti z ESCORPION (octubre 23 a noviembre 021) Se . destacara su profesi5n y re- 11+ conocimiento publico. Recibird apoyo para.'alcanzar Inds altas posiciones la- wQi SAGITARIO (noviembre 22 a diciem- hre 21) So concentrar5 on viajes largos, la filosoffa y los estudios avanzados. 1 Hard frente a situacioncs diffeiles Ia- borales. O M�1 CAPRICORNIO (didembre 22 a one- a ro _19) Atfinexperimenlan mds tran- r quilidad on todo to rclacionado coil su ibnomfa, los romances y las viejas ./mistades. py ACUARIO (enero 20 a febrero 19) Est . en 1a dpoca que es afcctado el sector on todo to rclacionado con cl Utrato con el ptiblico. Nucvos brfos on of ¢, romance. PISCIS (fcl)rcro 20 a marro 20) Scn- 1 irAin - grandes energfas Para realizar U numerosos pruyeelos en diversos caux- pos. Modere el tralo con sus com- 0. paficros do trabajo. ® (Baby ram' Center Ptares el BcAbo glue 'wmma L®vin texclo to bane Un surtido completo dedicado a ios nifios 3664 1i11_W 7 Si- / Miami, Fl 1,8S 194 plaantas inspeccio- nadas solamenle producen e14.4 % de la earn consu- mida en la Florida. Tras las inspeeciones 76 plantas fueron oerradas y despu& de una limpieza ge- neral 63 reanudaron su In- bor. Ningdn tipo de enferme- dad fue vinculado a las plan- tas procesadoras. El pasado ano fueron ce- rradas 240 veces por mds de 560 horns, destru Was 90.000 libras de carne y multas que suman $135.000. oto de Dolor i l t FALLECIO REINALDO PICO Reeientemente fallecib un buen amigo de IA NA- CION, editor de La Voz de Cayo Hueso y defensor de la apertura del Club San Carlos, el seftor Reinaldo Pico. Por este medio hacemos Ilegar nuestro mas senti- do pesame a sus familla- res y amigos. Con ver+dadera pena con- signamos Ia noticia que el pasado 20 de septiembre falleciben esta Ciudadla Sra. Rosa R. de Bustamante, re- cibiendo cristiana sepulture el dia 24 en la Ciudad de Tampa. Por este medio hacemos llegar nuestra sentida condolencia a todos sus fa- miliares, especialmente a su hermano, Manuel R. de II Bustamante, director de la revista lasallista "1905" qui6n goza de los mayores afectos en LA NACION. SALIIpAM08 LA FECNA PATRIA 10 DE OCTUBRE ® FAX: (305) 854-8590 .Ge" opliclam • CONTACT LENSES • LABORATORY ON PREMISES • Eyes Examfned by Independent Optometrist AAW GARE)CH UBWOW IMXARE • VWCAID 1245 WEST FLAGLER PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER 10720 W. FLAGLER STREET, (No 6). LL Bclwm UW i *d Avftns UTECHA PATRIOTICA DEL 10 DE OCTUBRE SOU7.4,LARGE Az ST C Serving Dade WEEKLY AUTE j), 1C,,U,,V Since 7 D PA .923 CULq-r(oV Nat Or if 113 "s '3 DA 7-E OLCSCF�jp. r/0 SC N 7, Al C) P, Qb r r Hr7 )l No C j .i�,. )... r) a C Iq I P) 0 Or rl f OA -rE OESC 411 Cr N. 901D -----j "1". 64 (30 th S-rjj,�, 7" 74 7 7* &11 33 FA)( (305) 127. 1897 756 0771 00 /V-W 54t (30,5) 75 - ?-774 ACcOUIV CUNT IVO, INVOICE NO R,6'7-Z1,q1V 7'1-llss CHARGES Criet), Ts 20 0 COY THIS ATVCs w1q /S O EN ReCU S�fiUL V L 1 SYSTEMS, INC. - SOUTHEAST 6964 N.W. 12 STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 (305) 477-9149 FAX(305) 477-7526 (800) 287-4799 con dial ■ n I I I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l f l l l l FC 017 � w 900 NW 54th STREET . MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305) 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of Oct. 7th, 1993 Alliant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a -newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for aperiod of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy ofadvertisement; furtherafiiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Sworn d subscribed before m.e-join this, the Oct day of 8th AT LARGE. My commission expires: NOTARY j eQiirt�si f Diu l , Managing A.D. 19 93 v i d 900 NW 64th STREET . MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (306) 757_1147 Published Weekly l Miami, Dade County, Florida i f STATE OF FLORIDA PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE i { Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the ' attached copy of advertisement wa6published in said newspaper in the issues of i ct . 7th, 1993 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published In Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has X been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, fora period ofmore than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement; further afliant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. l/l a /,/ _ 0 ! / y Managing iJ 1; Sworn and subscribed before a on this, the Oct day of 8th A D. 19 93 wAm N Y PUBLIC A RI AT GE. My commission expires: i { MIAM1 BROWARD PALM BEACH .. Dma MRwQs RE%y .�� SOUTH fLORIDA'S NEWSPAPERS Of ENTERPRISE, REAL ESTATE ANDIAW CITY G F r? I 4' I * DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW CITY CLERK FATTY HIF,4.I P.O. BOX010889 P D 3 D X 3 71'R, MIAMI, FL 33101,0589 ►ri,uj FL 33233 PL'8Sr F, TJR"d �=v,IiTA E C 3 P Y LL_ J� TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE SALES CODE ORDER NUMBER CUSTOMER NO. '. CODE DEPARTMENT DATE INVOICE NO. 9 741-G1 � I rrt: + ?� 14 10 4/9 44�3E- I. ......,. ..., . ,1.J...�,. _,.,..... DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT "'if,-CL.ILY EUGI'�F.SS NDTICE OF PUBLIC H=ARI'%'':' 1 " / 1 4 /'7 4,*:IVE' SEC 2-3:�2 T S' F ILf" O, r AD -%A!' 10/4/5' d• `� a t? ;9 ^ECIT 07PT. (3G) :;^:7—�-5"5 SUBT07AJ,m '.i..� J S T PUS 3ALt•.:CSS trILL 6_ CHA!iGc.0 ok I s 5 P.",R "'DNTH �C I .�_1VIC= SA R G= (ic o PER N'U;'')• SALESTA� c • _ 3 Z: ORIGINAL - PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE .�}� __w.y, 'i�.i __ �� "r..rs t.�-•. r;*" t 4 t. „1.,_--s.,.r MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Dally Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 14, 1993 RE: T. WILLARD FAIR Inthe .... X.. X ..X ...................... . .... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of October 4, 1993 Afflant further says that the said Miami Dally Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any�nd m or corporation any dis unt, rebate, comm for the purpose ofs r1gg this adverts gKtation in the sold neyrspa *4 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4 th day of „ Oc t�ob�err..........I A.D. 199.3.. (SEAL) Octelma V. Ferbeyre personally knov OF"rlCLkL 1'46TARY qML r_I W."YL 11 h1ARMKR ('OldR�lSSio.`,f No.CC191642 ►A'� cL;?&4i--,,,l0N PXP. APR. 12,1996 •_�-- MIAMI Miami (305) 377`3721 : • s Broward (305) 466--2600 / (305) 945-6577 Palm Beach (407) 820.2060 Affiliates of Time Warner Inc. rr ,� CITY OF P; ? r.'' I * DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW CITY C L- a K I! k, T T Y NIP ;, I P.O, BOX 010689 P O 3 0 X ; 3 0 7 0 E MIAMI, FL 33101-0689 FL 33213 PL=4S_ R=TJR'� 2=�ITTn`��E C:,PY L_ L "j TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE SALES CODE DRDER NUMBER CUSTOMER NO. CODE DEPARTMENT = PATE INVOICE NO: . !� ,E `4 1+;14/S3 i I :`44P3E+ _ DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ..:. ` V_Tr-rt-1LY PUS I'r_S , PD c 1 271 . ZTIC7 JF PUGLIC K Z .RI'.0 w �' 1' /14/?7 •a o AO .F.. 1 �/4/93 /{ mac. C+ Y:. EDIT :7_PT. (3:::,) 3i7-SSIS =ST PU; 3AL'•'''CrS .ILL c:E CN�t'r:.G�D r", 1.3 P R ^1,3kJTH 1VIC= :�r,?iI (lc g% PER ORIGINAL -PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE �,t3 � -� '� ti ,t .,;y � �� r . d+. y Y `.' ,.G : y ' .� ;_: I� ':.� ^� 3+,.� Y•r`' ^Sva 'F 4"S�� '.. � '' � 2, : s .... ry -. .. _ _ .. _ .. .. 1 \. � , , _ .a ...., .. $ re._,.s .,i�t3�ar•,r.r.e+i.•••�ca�4y�eF'r-Gi4iL°ta'±sisli SUB TOTAL SALES TAX MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 14, 1993 RE: FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE, etc. Inthe ........ X ..x . X........................ Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of October 4, 1993 Afflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office in Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant furt says that she has neither psi nor promised any pe n, fir or corporation any diet Q rebate, commies refun for the purpose of sec ng, this advertisem f pubil lion In the said Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of ,.,October,.....,, , A.D. 1g..9.3. Y PVe 0 (SEAL) _ v Octelma V. Ferbeyre personally known toKne.�,;�_ l j OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL CHERYL H MARMER COMMISSION NO. CC191642 MY COMMISSION EXP. APR. 12,1996 >: .p , a ri .JOJF PLEASAL} TAKE'NST�CE7IiX7aPu�lia�(Ii0er,1:' r by the „City of �+Alamt`Cp/nlitlsson, oq{p#b r'T1 p m , in the dity""` Com Baton G'hat�l6rFs�at1 �iy Amerioan Dri4e,ta�iaml,"ior�da��r�' odder t0�tt�si�A reldtionship dmongsf the, Fretemal Order of Pbllue (FQf th b"I ; Deipartmdnt, the` it tematlonal,Associstlo l of Fires` M. IA • and the Flre Dipart(n6' tin atn#atterr?pt d,�ic(il6t �gl(is i(f�4t! #d endes amongst Bald A�A3 All interested persona are fn4)led,t0;appearard flay be#hea { conceming saldttssueShou�d7any,pesoaealre;ttl�apt1 �. dadlslon of,the "ty q"dMl'llWon Tvi[�t tespeot tt� I� Matletcb sideretl at this hearing, ghat persoP.,q 118 �a, a ' % X�e bb� tits record:of the proaeed�ngs is��ade,,AQ luRtngsaf �t a imoriy; d evidence upon.wMch any appeal t,ay4ffe'�based¢t� k S ilk, IA OnA)' T'I EFK y11AMl;L"r 9g 1014 T"be Abmi Tti 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 3 Q05) 757-1147 FAX (305) SOUTH'S LARGEST BLACK WEEKLY AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION Serving Dade County Since 1923 ACCOUNT NO, INVOICE DATE City of 11i;.-Imi 10/07/93 matty Hirai City Clerk INVOICE NO. AMOUNT PAID P.O. Box 330708 Miami, F*I 33233-0708 2 6 6 C-) 1. RETURN THIS STUB WITH PAYMENT DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE 1.0/07/93 Public Hearing 5,,00 1 :1. 4. 7;i.`-, 0, 73.50 Frater-nal Order of Police F10 No.- 1.204 Affidc,�Vit 2 0 1.O/V4,7/03 Hid No. 92-93-1.76 4., 00 1: 1. 4 7 001 5 8. 00 Adverl-.J-splerit for Bids A f f i d 6 vlL �--Ch a r e 2.09) R3 3 7 0 J, 11:5 rE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 THIS BILL IS DUE IN FULL (305) 757.1147 FAX (305) 756-0771 WHEN RECEIVED SYSTEMS, INC. - SOUTHEAST 6954 N.W. 12 STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 (305) 477-9149 FAX(305) 477-7526 (800) 287-4799 con d Elf mign FC 017 STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF DADE i 900 NW 54th STREET . MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305) 75.7-1147 Published weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: Oct. 7th, 1993 AIIiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a -newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matterat the U.S. Post Officein Miami, Dade County, Florida, fora period ofmore than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement; further afliant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing F4K !�1 Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the Oct day of 8th A.D. 19 93 J-n AT LARGE. My commission expires: f�07A'1'f BONDED "� -� l , .:,1 a _ . y . _ 30513?7a721 ` Miami ( 6 l00 / (305) 9-- 3051 4C 0 , t►(407) 820-206 • palm Bed • REVMW gUsINE`�'9 .►. Wemor ln6• Dp1 ' o g0X 01p`a g pttlllatgs of �� y11AM1+ F1' 331.0 2� T OF INVOICE r �,i�•`I Tv NI'�I �LYr.�� ON RECEIP 1TNO�CEN�' CISY CI-RK r,Q ��'G'�� TER�(1S'NE -+ DATE. �j�tct?�• , AM0 v 11N1� p410E . t ERMO.. CUSTOM Ito LL_ - ... NUMaERw 1 ,;... ORDER 1.. G ' V SAtEs CODE 4 c� DESCR1PitON �. to �� r • 1 1p `Su8 TOTpL I SALES T AX �S 1 r. �S� 1. '_ •). VOICE ? t r v OM-fHI S � � SIN SE ORIGINAL PLEA y�.yc�i.•. 4 t.: � b � :s, k'• �r ?,.e .� _ �♦ _'� _ c +fir "}'i�.t ,4t--• 1+�� �y2� ie. ti�.3.-. ; .. Y`— .�S i I - �' M - 'Z•'.. Y•'T. r}� O • 'Y� ..: 1� � r .. } 'a • cif`.. «. i+ r.�«.r. }. - , _ 1� Ai 0 T-O-R. SYSTEMS, INC. - SOUTHEAST 6954 N.W. 12 STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 (306) 477-9149 FAX(306) 477-7626 (800) 287-4799 condition FC 017 b MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 14, 1993 RE: SHORELINE FOUNDATION, INC. Inthe ...... X ..X ............................. Court. was published In said newspaper in the Issues of October 4, 1993 Alflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and a'Ilan t eye that she has neither paid nor promised i n nfir or corporation any dl nt, rebate, com o7nrpielfun for the purpose of s u ,% this advertis 1ubl ation in the said %/%iJJ/i%�MINA Sworn to and subscribed before me this .4th day of©...0c.tober.......... A.D. 19..93 (SEAL) ?O �O St Octelma V. Ferbeyre personally known to me. : _ t '�E CF fLC4'� OFTiCIAL NOTARY SEAL C:HGRYL 14 MAVIARR C0,1XV(SSION NO. CC191642 sly CMAWISS'iON W. APR. 12,1996 .iY f 1 ifJ � tlf k ! }y.7 N F,Y t ti h1 s+t'-QY T4 - PLEASE ALL TAkE, NOTICE THAT a pu�ilic heatlrip iplllibdUl'at by the Commie sion,oft he City Qf NJ"Iafl�(l�Florlt�$,-dh`Oi%db�r j4 , ?' 1g93,'at 05 ji;in r fh )�1e Z'ityf Qoitnis$ brr C:hemb8ia a) Cl�y H�Ifii i. 3500 Pan American �irte�jatlt3Flgtl}ia;;tYi�e�ptirpobe o(haar i ing any+pbJQctlons tom any Ihterdgo 5p�ar(te�s ffar�ter y aA r: tn$rlSasi3 In tie csoi?trc.zbetvJetihp sxFtountt(p�1,�ncc�ar�tl the City of Miami is the amouht;of Sti,i3� for neafiseary+ $itt iFroric ori:Rdbert`Kljtg High;'rk RXI'ilg#'epI'8`2s�"Qb;rdjaco, 33i315, and in thy( {he.a�oYer said Increase resulted from emerganoy 6kpumetan6es, ,.. e AIl;ihterestecJ'pero�s are Invited to appear arld rtaay,be�s'h ard" 2ti' conoeming this Item shaSid e�,y pAr§or desire t8 alp AR y°, r, decision of,tha Clty Corltmiss3Jon tNlth regpecttp'8 f yXae0 cod siderad at I, lg. It13oring'r. that Per@Qrt shaQ, ensutest�. st s- orbatlmY record of the, ..... dingstls,mad8, Iholudirlg�alf;tbstlmory ands "; evidence upon wjriah any appeal}itay be based t 1n f ft ;; ids a dttetl e a� f1m) •"�.I l,` • t tY t, ,ru 3YT"-i'l�`F,ty �r CITY OFWI xl 1014,. 93.�aQ�Q5� s a` •. i ;i .% !P 1 F:.�^...,m Li'trws'!<° �i71ir SPANISH LANGUAGE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER = ADVERTISING INVOICE a. . DATE 10-4-93 FEC INSERTION ORDER # I cb ORDEN DE INSERCION SOLD TO: City of Miami. VENDIDO A: PRODUCT ADVERTISED: AUDIENCIA PUBLICA . PRODUCTO ANUNCIADO: DATE PUBLISHED 10-1-93 FECHA INSERCION SPACE SOLD: ESPACIO VENDIDO: FULL PAGE HALF PAGE QUARTER PAGE OTHER 20. inch COST PER INSERTION: COSTO POR INSERCION: 20, inch $11.00. total $ 220.00 AGENCY COMMISSION OR DISCOUNT. COMISION DE AGENCIA 0 DESCUENTO: $ NET AMOUNT DUE: CANTIDAD META A PAGAR $ ALL INVOICES DUE AND PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED LAS FACTURAS VENCEN A SU PRESENTACION A NO SER POR PREVIO ACUERDO MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: EL EXPRESO DE MIAMI EL EXPRESO DE MIAMI IS DISTRIBUTED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN ITS OWN TRUCKS REACHING OVER 30,000 HISPANIC HOUSEHOLDS 342 SOUTHWEST 121h. AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 TELEPHONE: (305) 643-1494 F 18I.yEX'RESb IO �' 93—;PA G. 10 .� moderno Saii6n de )Fiestas a eP VA Ayestardn Restaurant ptc•4 706= 708 S.W. 27 Ave. 'ACCESORIOS z j�tiz # j mVISO Am L PUB Por favor. tomar nota de que tomara sugar una.Audiencia P0116a en la Comisidn de la Ciudad de Miami, en Octubre 1.4, 1.993, a 1as I; 3:05 p.m. La dirrcci8n es 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Flprid, el proposlto de esta Audiencia, ,es Para todos los: afectados pot" aumento en el contrato en la compania Shorelmo,:>>+undaciot! Ih( la Ciudad de Miami, con un limtie no`excedente'a $8 130 to GUa14� necesario para el trabajo extrade Hobert<K+ng' High Rrlt Bridge Repairs B-2950, Proyecto # 331315 y asi poder satistec r to ertet nsr`, trado por el Manager de la Ciudad, el encontro'an kn s'62 L ,E` resuitados de circunstancias de eawgencias 'gx Todas las personas interesadas estan invitadas a; asistir` Si algpha,` t persona desea apelar la decision que sea tomada por i }Cofn s 80. t de la Ciudad con respecto a los temas, expuestos an esta`,a01';h "ll, ' ` esa persona debe asegurarse que eiRecord del I?rocedimtentoAa°`` hecho inciuyendo todos los testimonios y,'evidencias en q ue. e$ Apelacion esta basada. q}tf; e oe P CITY CLE CITY 4F MIAMt, FLORIDA r # 1092 EL EXPRESO 10-1-93 PAGE ,9 b� Antes de 1959 :era frecuente ver en determinadas zonas de la capital cubana la veata de peri6dicos, revistas y iibroe vlejo,9, 'porque emn xnnchos los curiosos que se interesaban por estas lectures y los ambiciosos colec- d6nad6res que muchas veces descubrian mamvillas. Aqui vemos en unos portales de La Habana Vleja cientos de ii.6ros, revlstas y peri6dicos, puestos a la vents por sus duenos que los mantenian ocultos temiendo lea tueran decomisados por las autorldades. Al respetarse (7) la inlclativa privada todas estas cocas se ven de nuevo... imenos lalibertadl Pero esa... illegariil .` STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge H. Consuegra, to rfl= well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Nctice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS on the following days: Signed Dade County, Flori INV. # r—'J3 '/ r P.O. # % ORDERED: , in Miami, ' TEARSHEET ATTACHED i Amount$ Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA f"'i CO?-'1?41SSION EXP. NOV.17,1993 j BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UND.. .._._.._.._. _.._� ti r STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge H. Consuegra, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously;_ published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS on the following days: Swto an" s scribed be ores Dade Co nty, Florida. / TEARSHEET ATTACHED j / oa Amount $ / // . 7, . k INV. # �3 P.O. # /�� ORDERED: L� , in Miami, I NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA 1,17 COMMISSION EXP. NOV.17,1993 BONDED TNRU GENERAL INS. UND. � J Notary Public i -AT- c Ad 1;Of� l 1; 1 '4 i FOR lsAbbi-,T6bo&O-UE'6ha­ ' ..papm 'i�i sera I bmftleCiudad Ad"MR6;dl, "'d Cameras 6 y E', -" de;la M S a can:I)Wd� ,Miami; .00 an 6,61 e, 'aq'UIe'il*dq'A `panes ci�alqu os pa ei 6s, 6 'dtr�V v 'Ilhb:Fbu,h 'd` I m o en el dbntrato an elSh", purrion Shoreline ­ P�Qludadl' &N cesa,R�p_, R"b"'"k- !;!Two h �)dra Ciudad . 16 - h` ,bhllijii- 11did:'de.- 813 ara`,.­ bil ' fli A qqp_­pp n� .., o, Pa Bldod RbobV§ 13=295 ib'966(a N6� 331316; y, WMc6nd le d 'h" r4nq. '-Ad'M'Ihi'g*trgd*o"�.�tid-.',16,�'CIU ad qUe,e sue W echo Tod T ". " ap", 4�oidas ,Pp od rpoila,4 ntetes6 ds'6sti- I dii— h nvltddas.a, are. .,r, pare P Q_ A. "d " " - I- 0.- r� persppq� q qq persona q ea a r,6,4; cuatqulerdecjsf¢n.d6I6Cbm_Wj6Kdd 14 Ciudad cpp repge "Ap '-jg[qU[6r A da-e �qs -.au apple; esajpqrspnp-,,.q e,,,,qepq re! eiOud'U rl, np.d' ta d U­ t` -eta record ARO-ril"dw, okp VEZ42 ph. q:Y` evldencja re os cua s qAer.a*,60'PYPdDSpr!fbhd4mehtade. , -MA CITY)bRK , !C Ift A STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: W. Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge H. Consuegra, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las;' Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS on the following days: ��_T B . . - 111111111100 - re. Sword 0 anZ6u Dade County, Florida. ' TEARSHEET ATTACHED �v Amount $ // + v me s"// �r INV. # �3 P.O. # ORDERED: 7l day of 19 in Miami, Notary Public /41 I:WARY Pi)DI.IC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION E"P. NOV.17,1993 8014 :D TNRU GEivERAL INS. UND. CITY OF MIA►MI, hv"`TDA ..o` AVISO AL PU, i / FA1/0 DE DAR E POR AVI ADOS TdDOS ,QUt una'sudid'o'da ppublica sera cele- brads pbr la Comisi6n'de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, en Octubre 14,.1993 alas 3,00 ( - + p.rii; an IAs atnara8 de la Comisft de la Ciudad, en el A0ntamiento;'3500 Pan Amar) ' ca+n Drive; Miami, Fiorida, oon el prop6s1to do oir cublquler objed6n pdr to Ccirfti6n de ; la, Ciudad de cualqulera de las'partes Inthresodas.afectades por una fenulide de une i protilbicl6n cohtenlda en el'C6digo de la Ciudad Secd66 2-3D2 ,contra la trahsacd6n de 1 no con uh ex-m(embrode un con:;ejo de la'Ciudad aimo tal prohibid6n;'aplica a t Pair, ,�Wil(ard quien ultiroante s1N16'c6mo un miembro.dei Trust do Tetlro do,= f Ehlpleados`Sanitad&.y Empieados"en General an Se006mbre 16; 1993, on:reladbn, . ! a Sit progranma,de proveimiento recreadohel, seNicios de`cuidado de d(a asequlblos, I Mantenlmiento y 0perad6n de la propiedad de !a Ciudad conodda oomo Afiican Squaro , I Park situada en 140o Martin Luther King; *. Boulevard (NW 63 Street) ! Tadas las personas interesadas estan Invitadas a compgracer y- p'p deh ser otdas I concemiante a este asunto, Si;cualqulerpersona da, - apelar oualgUler decisi6n de I W' 06t tsi66 de la Ciudad oon tespecto, s cualquler materia cohslderatla en,esta audt , an quacie,, esa persona ,debe asegurerse Un'racord liter& de Ibs prbcedtmientos sea r hbcho, incluyendo todo testimonio y evidenda sobre los 6016t dualquler a alacl6n puede ser fund6mentada .: �M■ ., �F1 A77 dO141. w,�p '_' �11 Octub�e�14; Ia ;; Ciudad, Miemi;.Fprh nal Orderbf;"i tional Assoc