HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1993-09-07 Marked AgendaMAYOR XAVIE JUAREZ C�OE 6 VICE MAYOR VICTOR H, DE YURRE f' COMMISSIONER DR. MIRIAM ALONSO t * ueur nuu COMMISSIONER MILLER J. DAWKINS COMMISSIONER I.L. PLUMMER, JR. CI I . 'FAANAGER CESAR H. ODIO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 CITY HAIL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REOUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID_ QR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING * * THIS MEETING SHALL CONVENE AT 9:00 AM THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING IN THE FOLLOWING PORTIONS OF THIS AGENDA: 'CONSENT AGENDA', 'PUBLIC HEARINGS", OR 'PUBLIC DISCUSSION"'IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLER" :11S/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any clatter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. The City Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda item being considered at 12:00 noon; further. that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) FOR MOTIONS A,';D RESOLUTIONS WHICH DO NOT APPEAR Ill TIMS PRINTED AGENDA, DA, KINDLY REFER TO THE CITY CLERK'S REPORT, ATTACIiED HERETO. * i PAGE 2 SEPTEMBE9.7, 1993 CONSENT AGENDA Item I which is comprised of items CA=1 through CA has been scheduled to be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced_by t e Commission. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items 2 through 18 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced E the Commission. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Item 19 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS Items 20 through 24 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 25 has been advertised to be heard at 3:DD PM.* Item 26 'has been advertised to be heard at 3:05 PM. * Item 27 has been advertised to be heard at 3:10 PM.* Item 29 has been advertised to be heard at 3:15 Pk.* Item 30 has been advertised to be heard at 3:20 PR.* Item 31 has been advertised to be heard at 3:25 Pal.* Item 32 has been advertised to be heard at 3:30 PM.* * The City Commission shall consider these items at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Items 33 through 39 have been scheduled*to be heard at 3:45 PM. The City Commission shall consider these items at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. FIRST PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSSFY'_94 TENTATIVE BUDGET Items 40 through 42 have been advertised to be heard at 5:05 PN1. Item 43 through 45 have been advertised to be heard at 6:05 PM.* Items 46 through 48 are related to items 43 through 45 and may be considered at this time. SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING Item 49 has been advertised to be heard at 7:00 PHI.* * The City Commission shall consider this item at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. 9:.00 AM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS B. Approving the minutes of the City Commission meetings of May 27, June 29, July 8, and July 22, 1993. 1. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items CA-1 throu h CA-23 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of items CA-1 through CA-23 be adopted..." The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." CA-1. RESOLUTION - (J-93-611) - (ACCEPTING BID) Acce tin the bid of Bubbles Dive Center (a hispanic local vendor), for the furnishing of scuba gear equipment to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services at a total proposed amount of $8,110.00; allocating funds therefor from the Fire -Rescue FY 92-93 Budget Account Code No. 280601-722; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this acquisition. . PAGE 4 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 DELIVERED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA APPROVED MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO. UNANIMOUS R-93-506 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS , , N CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D .CA-2. RESOLUTION - (J-93-597) - (ACCEPTING BID) Acce tin the bid of Public Safety Devices, Inc. a female/local vendor , for the furnishing of riot control equipment to the Department of Police; 300 gas masks at a cost of $40,737.00 and 170 helmets at a cost of 15,130.00 for a total proposed amount of $55,867.00, allocating funds therefor from the Police Department General Operating Budget, Account Code No. 290201-719; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. CA-3. RESOLUTION - (J-93-594) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Alanis Security, Inc. (a lack Dade County vendor) , for the furnishing of security guard services to various City De artments on an as needed basis fora period of one year 1 with the option to extend for two 2 additional one year periods at the prices stipulated on Bid No. 92-93-118 for the Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste; allocating funds therefor from the various City Departments FY'93-94 Operating Budgets as needed; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for this service as needed and thereafter to extend 'this contract annually subject to the availability of funds. CA-4. RESOLUTION - (J-93-589) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Public Safety Devices female local vendor), for the furnishing of one hundred seventy (170) bucket seat protectors to be installed in police patrol cars for the Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste/Fleet Management Division at a total proposed amount of $7,650.00 allocating funds therefor from the General Services Administration/Fleet Management Division, Operating Budget, Account Code No. 420901-840, Project Code No. 509000; authorizing the City Manager -to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to Assue a purchase order for this acquisition. PAGE 5 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 R-93-507 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS DENIED BY M-93-524 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS NOES : SUAREZ R-93-508 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS PAGE 6 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-5. RESOLUTION - (J-93-588) - (ACCEPTING BID) Acce tin the bid of Information Mana ement of R-9 3-509 Florida a non-minority/non local vendor), for the MOVED ; PLUMMER furnishing of a microfilm reader and accessories SECONDED: DE YURRE to the Department of Police at a total proposed UNANIMOUS amount of $6,593.00; allocating funds therefor from the Police Department General Operating Budget, Account Code No. 290201-840, authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this acquisition. CA-6. RESOLUTION - (J-93-600) - (ACCEPTING BID) Acce t!n the bid of Solo Printing, Inc. (a R-93-510 hispanic Dade County vendor), for the printing and MOVED PLUMMER bindin_g of the Police Department's Annual Report SECONDED: DE YURRE for the Department of General Services UNANIMOUS Administration and Solid Waste at.a. total proposed amount of $8,880.00; allocating funds therefor from the FY 1992-93 Police Department Account Code No. 290201-680; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service. CA-7. RESOLUTION - (J-93-593) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Scalemen of Florida. Inc. (a R_93-511 non-minority/non-local vendor), for the furnishing MOVED PLUMMER and installation, of a truck scale to the SECONDED: DE MMEYURRE Department of General Services Administration and UNANIMOUS Solid Waste at a total proposed amount of $45,595.00; allocating funds therefor from the Solid Waste Recycling Program, Account Code No. 421303-840, Project No. 197005; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this acquisition. CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-8. RESOLUTION - (J-93-590) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Tri-City Electric Company, Inc. non-minority/local vendor), for the furnishing of full electrical maintenance and event standby services at the Orange Bowl Stadium on a contract basis for a eriod of one I year with the option to extend two 2 additional one year 1 period for the Department of Conferences, Conventions and Public Facilities at a total rp oposed annual cost of $20,000-00;�allocating funds therefor from Enterprise Fund, Operating Budget of the Orange Bowl Stadium, Account Code No. 350503-340; authorizing the City .Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service, and therefore to extend this contract for two (2) additional one (1) year periods, at the same price, terms and conditions, subject to the availability of funds. CA-9. RESOLUTION - (J-93-622) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Avatar Systems (a non- minority/non-local vendor), for the furnishing of a color graphics plotter to the Department of Planning, Building and Zoning at a total proposed amount of $8,787.33; allocating funds therefor r om Account Code Nos. 299401-840-312018, ($3,429.11), 280401-670 ($2,679.11) and 921084-690 ($2,679.11), authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this acquisition. CA-10. RESOLUTION - (J-93-623) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Leadex Corporation (a hispanic local vendor), for the furnish-i—nq and installation of playground equipment for t e Department of Parks and Recreation at a total proposed cost of 154,960.00; allocating funds from Capital Improvement Project No. 331341, Account Code No. 589301-860; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. PAGE 7 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 BRIEFLY DISCUSSED AND WITIDRAWN BY ADMINISTRATION R-93-512 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-93-525 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED DE YURRE NOES PLUMMER RECONSIDERED BY M-93-526 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS -------------------------- R-93-527 (APPROVAL AS TO GIBSON PARK DNLY) KOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO ---------------------------- [-93-528 APPROVAL AS TO HANDLEY PARK NLY ) DVED DAWKINS ECONDED : PLUMMER NANIMOUS ...\ PAGE 8 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-11. RESOLUTION - (J-93-629) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Computer Resolutions, Inc. (a R- g 3-51 3 non-minority/non-local vendor), for the furnishing MOVED PLUMMER of one (1) XE-530 Shared Resource Processor with SECONDED: DE YURRE associated software and peripheral equipment and a UNANIMOUS one 1 ear maintenance agreement, under Bid Award Contract No. 91-92-031 for the Department of Planning, Building and Zoning for enhancement of the permitting, violation notice and Code Enforcement capability of the department at a total cost of 35,000; allocating funds therefor from the Department's Budgeted Funds, Index Code 569401-840, Project No. 311024; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for said acquisition. CA-12. RESOLUTION - (J-93-599) - (ACCEPTING PROPOSAL) Accepting the proposal of South Florida ' R-9 3-529 Maintenance Services Inc. (a hispanic Dade County (AS MODIFIED) vendor , for the furnishing of events maintenance MOVED DAWKINS services on a contract basis for a period of one SECONDED: PLUMMER 1 ear with the option to extend for two 2 UNANIMOUS additional one 1 year periods for the Department of Conferences, Conventions and Public Facilities at a total proposed first year cost of $91,028.00; allocating funds from the 1993-94 Coconut Grove Convention Center Division Budget Account Code No. 350201-340'; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement to issue purchase orders for this service and thereafter to extend this contract: for two (2) additional one (1) year j periods, at the same price, terms and conditions, subject to the availability of funds. CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-13. RESOLUTION - (J-93-608) - (APPROVING SELECTION OF FIRMS TO PROVIDE LAND SURVEY SERVICES) Approvin the selection by the competitive selection committee of the most qualified firms to provide 'land survey services for City of� Miami Projects 1994-95; authorizing the City Manager to negotiate professional services agreements with the five top rated firms, to provide survey services; directing the City Manager to present negotiated agreements to the City Commission for approval prior to execution thereof; further authorizing the City Manager, in the event any executed agreement is terminated . prior to completion thereof, to negotiate with the one remaining listed firm for an agreement to replace the original firm with no increase in compensation or in the term of said new agreement which agreement may be executed by the City Manager without any further approval by the City Commission. CA-14. PAGE 9 SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 R-93-514 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS RESOLUTION (J-93-581) - (AUTHORIZING TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter into an R-g 3-515 agreement, in substantially the attached fora, MOVED PLUMMER with Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence SECONDED: DE YURRE Inc. HOPE , a Florida non profit corporation, to UNANIMOUS rovide an administrative grant in the amount of 50 000 for the, Wlementation of Fair Housing Enforcement and Education Outreach Activities within the City's Housing Program; allocating funds therefor from the Community Development Block Grant Program. . PAGE 10 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-15. RESOLUTION - (J-93-595) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION) Ratifying, a! r yin9 and confirming the action of R793-516 the City Manager in awarding a professional MOVED : PLUMMER service agreement, in substantially the attached SECONDED : DE YURRE form, by and between Gladys Kidd & Associates (a UNANIMOUS black -hispanic female local firm), and the City of Miami to provide education and public materials and service regarding recycling and composting activities City-wide for the Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste at a total proposed amount of $25,000; funds therefor from FY'93 Solid Waste Reduction; Recyling and Education Grant Fund, Project No. 197005, Account Code No. 421303-340. CA-16. RESOLUTION - (J-93-584) - (AUTHORIZING TO AMEND EXISTING CONTRACT) Authorizing the City Manager to amend the existing -9 3-517 contract, between the Ci ty_.. of Miami and Miami -Dade 14OVED PLUMMER Community College M.D.C.C. for the City's SECONDED : DE YURRE rendering of in-service fire training, them LJNANIMOUS extending the period of said contract from August 1, 1993 through July 31, 1994 said amendment to be executed, in substantially the attached form, with therefor being allocated from the Fire, Rescue, and Inspection Services Department's General Operating Budget Account Code No. 280201-180. CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-17. RESOLUTION - (J-93-630) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A LEASE AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement, in a form acceptable to tie City Attorney, with Metropolitan Dade Country for the rental of 4,088 square feet of space in the Overtown Shopping Center, located at 1490 Northwest 3rd Avenue, Miami, Florida, for an initial term of one year from July 23, 1993 through July 22 1994 at 5.25 per square foot for a total annual rent of 21,462, payable in twelve equal monthly installments of 1,788.50; further authorizing the City Manager at his discretion to extend said lease 'after its expiration on a month -to -month basis and to renogotiate said rent. CA-18. RESOLUTION - (J-93-621) - (ESTABLISHING SPECIAL CHARGES Establishing special charges, terms and conditions for the use of the Orange Bowl Stadium by, Topnotch Entertainment Corporation ("Topnotch") for the presentation of up to two 2 concerts at said facility on January 27 and 28, 1995; further granting Topnotch first option to schedule similar concerts at said facility for the next two (2) Super Bowls taking place in Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, or Monroe Counties subject to terms and conditions of the attached agreement; authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, between the City of Miami and Topnotch for this purpose, subject to the organizers obtaining insurance prescribed by the City Manager or his designee. PAGE 11 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 R-93-518 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-93-519 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D .CA-19. RESOLUTION - (J-93-574) - (WAIVING SOLID WASTE SERVICE FEES) Waiving Solid Waste Service fees, in the amount of 33 733� for garbage and trash services provided y the Department of General Services Admininistration/Solid Waste, for the Mildred and Claude Pepper Bayfront Park, during the period of June 24, 1991 through June 1, 1993. CA-20. RESOLUTION - (J-93-616) - (AUTHORIZING TO EXECUTE GRANT Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Grant of Temporary Construction Easement in substantially the attached form, between the Florida Department of Transportation The "FDOT" and the City of Miami granting a Temporary Construction Easement to FDOT for the property known as 'Parcel 700" on Watson Island, for the repaving of the ingress and egress area of the access roads to Watson Island subject to the conditions more particularly described herein; authorizing the City Manager to execute a grant of Permanent Easement in substantially the attached form, between the FDOT and the City of Miami granting a Permanent Easement to FDOT for the property known as "Parcel 801" on Watson Island, for the construction, installation and maintenance of sidewalks on City: owned and; further authorizing the City Manager to execute any documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the FDOT and/or the Federal Aviation Administration which may become necessary to implement said Grants of Easement. CA-21. RESOLUTION - (J-93-552) - (ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT FOR PAYMENT OF.COMPENSATION TO SPECIAL COUNSEL) Allocating an amount not to exceed $18,000 from the FY'93-94 Budgeted Funds of the Civil Service Office, Account No. 240101-250, for payment of compensation to special counsel for the Civil Service Board. PAGE 12 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 DEFERRED MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-93-520 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS R-93-521 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED .i DE..YURRE UNANIMOUS CA-22. CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-93-620) - (LIMITATIONS ON -THE DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS) Related to Carnaval Miami 1994; authorizing the relaxation of time limitations on the display of fireworks to allows sta in of -pyrotechnic displays until 12:00 midnight for: Carnaval Night at the Orange Bowl Stadium on March 5, 1994; for a sponsors party in the Visca a Area on March 11 1994 and for Carnaval Miami International at Bayfront Park on March 12, 1994; subject to the issuance of appropriate permits from the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; conditioning all approvals and authorizations herein upon the organizers paying for all necessary costs of City services and applicable fees associated with said event and obtaining insurance to protect the City in the amount prescribed by the City Manager or his designee. CA-23. RESOLUTION - (J-93-627) - (CLASSIFICATION AND DONATION OF SURPLUS FIRE -FIGHTING EQUIPMENT) PAGE 13 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 R-93-522 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DE YURRE UNANIMOUS ClassiUing 300 firefigting bunker gear sets 3-523 "Sets" as Category "A" 5 us Stock, and MOVE PLUMMER donating 250 of said Sets, after the execution of SECONDED E YURRE the appropriate release documents, if necessary, UNANIMOUS to the cities of: Comodoro, Argentina, Galvez, ---------------------- Argentina Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Cali, RECONSIDERED Colombia, San Jose, Costa Rica, Santo Domingo M-93-530 Dominican Republic, and Managua, Nicaragua, such MOVED : DAWKINS donations to be valid and effective between SECONDED : ALONSO September 8, 1993 to September 7, 1994; said UNANIMOUS equipment to be used by the aforementioned cities — ---------------------- in their firefighting efforts, with all repair,-93-531 transportation, packing and shipping costs to be (AS MODIFIED) borne by said cities; further setting aside 50 MOVED : DAWKINS sets for Port -Au -Price, in the Republic of Haiiti, SECONDED : ALONSO and donating same upon thelifting of the embargo NANIMOUS of goods placed on said nation by the United States of America and other member nations of the organization of America States. END OF CONSENT AGENDA NOTE: Items 2 through 18 may be heard in the numbered -` sequence or as announced by the Commission. I. ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 2. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-93-586) 4 5THS VOTE! (NOTE: This item is being presented on an emergency basis in order that the fee be effective prior to October 1, 1993, the date that all existing Dermits will be due for renewal and so that the City of Miami will be compensated as soon as possible for the costs that have been incurred and are continuing to incur for the administration and regulation of the telecommunication facilities.) Amending Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Streets and Sidewalks", thereby changing the street excavation permit fee, establishing a fee schedule for the use of the public right _o-wayrivate communication systems and further, providing the Droration of fees for Dermiis o tab ined Drior to or after October 1st; more particualriy, by amending Sections 54-2 , 54-149 and 54-150 of the City Code; containing a repealer provision, a severability clause and providing for an effective date. 3. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-93-374) 4 5THS VOTE (NOTE: This item is being presented on an emergency basis to insure that funds are available for the payment of expenses on projects now being considered for commission approval. If funding is delayed several of these programs wi"T a u n ab I e to operate. Amending Ordinance No. 10021, adopted on July 18, 9�- as amended, which established initial resources and initial appropriations for the Law Enforcement Trust Fund received and deposite pursuant to Or inance No. 9257, adopted April 9, 1981, to provide for an increase in the amount of $955 122 as a result o - aditional monies epos�ted in said fund due to successful forfeiture actions; containing a repealer provision and severability clause. PAGE 14 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 DEFERRED BY M•-93-541 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS -EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 11083 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ORDINANCES - SECOND READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an item for second reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. 4. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-447) Amending Ordinance No. 10938, adopted December 5, 99r 1, as amended, the Capital Improvement appropriations Ordinance, by revising previously approved scheduled Capital Improvement projects and establishing new Capital Improvement projects to begin during fiscal year 1992-93 in the program areas of transportation and physicaT environment; containing a repealer provision, severabi ity clause. Date First Reading: July 8, 1993 Moved Comm Plummer Second Comm Alonso Absent Mayor Suarez 5. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-454) Establishina a new Special Revenue Fund entitled: T-ReTe—ral Home Investment Partnerships Grant Pro ram(Second Year " and a ro riatin9 3 493 000 or execution of same as approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for implementation of the Home Investment Partnerships Program; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date First Reading: July 8, 1993.. Moved Comm Plummer Second : Comm Alonso Absent Mayor Suarez PAGE 15 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 ORDINANCE 11080 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT DE YURRE AND DAWKINS ORDINANCE 11081 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO (ABSENT : DE YURRE ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D 6. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-452) Establishing five (5) new Special Revenue Funds entitled: "JTPA Title I/Older Worker (PY'93 " "JTPA Title IIA Neighborhoods Jobs Program PY'93I "JTPA Title IIC Nei hborhoods Jobs Pro ram PY'93 "JTPA Title III Program PY'93" and "Office of Intergovernmental Liaison PY'93 and appropriating funds for operation of each component in the res ective amounts of $28,000, $429,000, 429,000, 102,000, and 90,D00 from U.S. Department of Labor Grant Awards; authorizing the City Manager to accept the aforementioned grant awards and enter into the necessary agreements, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the South Florida Employment and Training Consortium; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date of First Reading: July 8, 1993 Moved Comm Alonso Second Comm Dawkins Absent Mayor Suarez 7. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-480) Establishing three 3 new -Special Revenue Funds entitled: "Wa ner-Pe ser 7 B Discretionar Funds"; "Project Independence FY'93-94 " "Individuals with Disabilities FY'93-94 " and °Offenders FY'93-94 ", appropriating grant funds in the respective amounts of $47,678, $50,960, and $56,952 from the State of Florida, Department of Labor and Employment Secures; authorizing the City Manager to accept said grant awards and enter into the necessary implementing agreements in a form acceptable with the City Attorney, with the State of Florida; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date of First Reading: July 8, 1993 Moved Comm Alonso Second Comm Dawkins Absent Mayor Suarez PAGE 16 SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 ORDINANCE 11082 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ORDINANCE 11084 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ORDINANCES - SECOND READING CONT'D 8. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-378) Amending Section 2-75 of the Code of the City of Miami, as amended, therebyassessing a late payment penalty for the Certiicate of Use renews fee; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. Date of First Reading: July 22, 1993 Moved Comm Alonso Second Comm Plummer Vote Unanimous RESOLUTIONS Department of Development and Housina Conservation 9. RESOLUTION - (J-93-546) - (DIRECTING AND AUTHORIZING TO INITIATE A PROPROSED BOUNDARY CHANGE) Directing and authorizing the City Manager and the City Clerk to take any and all actions necessar to initiate a ro osed boundary can e of the City of Miami, Florida; urther, setting a public hearing before the Miami City Connission concerning said proposed boundary change for September 21, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. Department of Finance 10. RESOLUTION - (J-93-572) - (AUTHORIZING TO AMEND APPLICATION FOR A COMMUNITY DISASTER LOAN)) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the application for a Communit Disaster Loan from the Federal Management A9enc FEMA in an additional amount o 5 000 000; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the promissory note resulting from the application, as amended. PAGE 17 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 ORDINANCE 11085 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-93-533 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS -93-534 OVED : PLUMMER ECONDED: ALONSO NANIMOUS PAGE 18 i SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 ! RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 11. RESOLUTION - (J-93-626) - (APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF HEALTH FACILITY REFUNDING BONDS) the issuance of an amount not to exceed R-93-535 eArovin 0,000,000 City of Miami, Florida Health MOVED ALONSO Facilities Authority Health Facility Revenue SECONDED: PLUMMER Fe -funding Bonds, Series 1993 Mercy Hospital UNANIMOUS Project), for the purposes of Section 147 F of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; ! approving the minutes of the public hearing held by the Authority pursuant to the tax equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982; and providing an effective date. r i Department of General Services Administration and Solid Haste 12. RESOLUTION - (J-93-403) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE) Authorizing the purchase of a John Deere 544 E/G R-93-536 front end loader, from an existing State of MOVED DAWKINS Florida Open end Contract No. 760-001-93-1, from SECONDED: PLUMMER the John Deere Industrial Company, (a non- UNANIMOUS minority/non-local vendor), at a proposed amount of $71,287.00 for the Department of General Service Administration and Solid Waste; allocating funds therefor from the Recycling Program Project No. 197005, Account Code No. 421303-840; j authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. i 13. RESOLUTION - (J-93-592) - (RATIFYING, APPROVING - i AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S ACTION) Ratifying, approving and confirming the City R_93-537 Manager's action in awarding the bid to Action MOVED : PLUMMER Land Development Corporation (a female/Dade County SECONDED: DAWKINS vendor), in the amount of $396,213.29, for the UNANIMOUS removal of mixed contaminated hurricane debris stored aa Key and transported to tfie Pompano Landfill; allocating funds therefor from F.E.M.A. DSR #37849. ! s 14. 15. 16. RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Police RESOLUTION - (J-93-580) - (AUTHORIZING FINANCING OF A PROTRACTED, COMPLEX INVESTIGATION) Authorizing the financing of a protracted, complex investigation, in an amount not to exceed 250 000, and allocating funds therefor from the City of Miami Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such expenditures having been certified by the Chief of Police as complying with Florida State Statute 932.7055. RESOLUTION - (J-93-613) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDING) Authorizinq the funding of the Alternatives Program, an allocating funds therefor, in an amount not to exceed $45,000, f rom the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, such Expenditures having' been certified by the Chief of Police as complying with Florida State Statute 932.7055. Department of Community Development RESOLUTION - (J-93-583) - (AUTHORIZING AMENDMENTS) Authorizing the City Manager to execute amendments to agreements, in substantially the attached form, with thirteen (13) Neighborhood Economic Development Organizations, for the period of September 1 through December 31, 1993, for the amount specified herein, to continue implementing Economic Development Programs, with funds therefor being allocated from the nineteenth (19th) year Community Development Block Grant. PAGE 19 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993* R-93-550 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO NOES : DAWKINS R-93-551 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO NOES : DAWKINS R-93-538 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS --------------------- R-93-538.1 iMOVED : PLUMMER ,SECONDED: ALONSO ,UNANIMOUS Department of Public Works 18. RESOLUTION - (J-93-609) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Siga Incorporated (female/non-local vendor), in the proposed amount of $84,702.65, total bid of the proposal, for Northeast Biscayne Boulevard Beautificat of n j Project B-4547; allocating funds therefor from the 18th year Community development Block Grant Funds, Project Code No. 701204, in the amount of $84 702 65 to cover the contract cost and 9 581.49 to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of 94 284.14; further authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. BOARDS AND COMMITEES 19. RESOLUTION - (J-93-504) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain individuals to'serve as members and alternate members on the International Trade Board for terms of office to begin Ju v 1. 1993 and to expire June 30. 1994. PAGE 20 . SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 R-93-539 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : PLUMMER Although absent during roll call Comm. Plummer requested of the Glerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. R-93-540 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Commission Discussion Item. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. PAGE 21 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available for the purpose of providing and securing City Commission information, direction and guidance in significant pending and concluded matters, including matters not specifically set forth in this section. It is anticipated that no input from anyone other than City personnel is needed or expected while the City Commission is considering any matter in this portion of the Agenda; accordingly, no member of the public may address the City Commission during this time. WITHDRAWN As per Vice Mayor DeYurre's request, discussion DISCUSSED regarding the Port of Miami's expansion. Discussion of the Dinner Key Boatyard and Marina M-93-543 propertx. VED : SUAREZ SECONDED : PLUMMER Discussion relating to the selection of bona OES : DAWKINS counsel for the issuance o said Tax Ant�c_i_pation Notes. R-93-544 As per Commissioner's Dawkins request, discussion MOVED : PLUJOM SECONDED : ALONSO for the Dade Count Sickle Cell Foundation Inc.ABSENT DE YURRE AND an their AnnualWalk,scheduled or September 25 DAWKINS 1993 . END 6F EOMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS R-93-545 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO ABSENT : DAWKINS 3:00 PM 25. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS RESOLUTION - (J-93-614) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION OF SOLE SOURCE) (4/5THS VOTE) Ratifying the City Manager's finding of sole source; waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bids and d proving the acquisition of amour PAGE 22 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 R-93-546 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO ABSENT : DAWKINS 4 de ibri lator monitor acers with 12 _Lead ECG capability from Marquette Electronics Incorporated (non-minority/non-local vendor), at a proposed cost of $43,740.80 for the Department of Fire Rescue and Inspection Services; allocating funds therefor from the Dade County/State of Florida EMS Grant Award Project No. 104008, Account Code No. 280524-840; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. 3:05 PM 26. RESOLUTION - (J-93-596) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION OF SOLE SOURCE) (4/5THS VOTE) r' Ratifying the-, City Manager's finding of sole R-93-547 source; waivijig the requirements for competitive MOVED : ALONSO sealed bids and approving the acquisition of a SECONDED : PLUMMER Life Sight Smoke Camera from Fire Research Corp. UNANIMOUS non -minority non- oca vendor), the sole source provider for this equipment, at a total proposed cost of $17,995.00 for the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; allocating funds therefor from the FY 1992-93 Fire -Rescue Budget, Account No. 208601-840; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment, subject to the availability of funds. i. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D 3:10 PM 27. WITHDRAWN 28. WITHDRAWN 3:15 PM 29. RESOLUTION - (J-93-605) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION OF EMERGENCY) (4/5THS VOTE) Authorizing an increase in the contract amount not to exceed $5,300.00, in the contract between ttie City of Miami, Florida, and Lewis Green Construction Inc. dated October 16, 1991, from' 89,700.00 to 95,000.00for the Scattered Site - Housing -Coconut Grove Phase I Third Bidding B- 3241-A, Capital Improvement Project No. 321034; authorizing an increase, in an amount not to $540.00, in the contract between the City of Miami, Florida and Lewis Green Construction Inc. dated October 23 1991 from 94,460.00 'to 95,000.00, for the Scattered Site Housing -Model City Phase IV, B-3242-A, Capital Improvement Project No. 321034; authorizing an increase, in an amount not to exceed $3,000.00 in the contract between the City of Miami, Florida, and Lewis Green Construction Inc. dated February 12 1992 from 92,000,00 to 65:000,00, for the Scattered Site Housing Home Ownership Development Program- Wynwood, Phase II, 8-3245, Capital Improvement Project No. 321034; authorizing said funds to be provided from Capital Improvements Ordinance No. 10938 from funds already appropriated to said project; further ratifying the City Manager's written finding, by an affirmative vote of four- fifhs of the members of the City Commission, that the herein increases resulted from emergency circumstances. PAGE 23 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 R-93-548 MOVED : PLU4KM SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D 3:20 PM 30. RESOLUTION - (J-93-606) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION OF EMERGENCY) (4/5THS VOTE) Authorizing an increase in the contract amount not to exceed $14,625.00 in the contract between the City of Miami, Florida, and Apex Construction, Inc, dated April. 13, 1992, from $134,500.00 to 149,125.00 for the Scattered Site Housing Homeownership Development Program -Model City Phase II, B-3240-B1, Capital Improvement Project No. 321034; authorizing an increase, in an amount not to exceed $14,625.00 in the contract between the City of Miami, Florida, and Apex Construction, Inc. dated August 23, 1991 from _ 131,250.00 to 145,875.00 for Scattered Site Housin -Model City Phase IV Third Bidding B-3242-B, Capital Improvement Project No. 321034; authorizing said funds to be provided from Capital Improvements Ordinance No. 10938 funds already appropriated to the project; further ratifying the City Manager's written finding, by an affirmative vote of 4/5ths of the members of the City Commission, that the herein increases resulted from emergency circumstances. 3:25 PM 31. RESOLUTION - (J-93-607) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION OF EMERGENCY) (4/5THS VOTE) Authorizing an increase in the contract amount not to exceed $34,000.00 in the contract between the City of Miami, Florida, and Robinson Construction, Inc. dated February 27 1990 from 85 000.00 to 119,500.00 for the Scattered Site Housing Homeownership Development Program -Model City Phase III, B-3240-C, Capital Improvement Project No. 321034; authorizing said funds to be provided from Capital Improvements Ordinance No. 10642 funds already appropriated to the project; further ratifying the City Manager's written finding, by an affirmative vote of 4/5ths of the members of the City Commission, that the herein increase resulted from emergency circumstances. PAGE 24 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 R-93-549 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED NO ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D 3:30 PM 32. RESOLUTION - (J-93-598) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION OF SOLE SOURCE) (4/5THS VOTE) i Ratifying the City Manager's finding of sole source; waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bids and approving the acquisition of a microfilm reader/printer from Information Management of Florida (non-minority/non local_ vendor), the sole source provider for this equipment at a total proposed cost of $15,000.00 for the Department of Police; allocating funds therefor form the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, Account Code No. 290995-840, Project No. 690001 such expenditure having been certified by the Chief of Police as being in compliance with Section 932.7055 of the Florida Statutes; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment, subject to the availability of funds. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 3:45 PM NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. 33. WITHDRAWN 34. Mr. Tom Shroeder, Executive Editor from the Tropic Miami Herald requesting approval to hold its 1994 "Tropic Hunt in Coconut Grove on April 24 1994 and the waiving of the City Ordinance to be able to hold two events in one month. 35. As per request from the Mayor's Office Mr. Alexander Prado to request $100,000 from CDBG contingent funds for the construction of the OnF-- Jily Center. PAGE 25 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 DEFERRED MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-93-505 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M-93-552 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS NOES : SUAREZ • PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 36. Mr. Anibal SanchezaQuinonez, from Movimiento Civico Nicaraguense 'Salvemos la Democrac tag o address issues regarding_ the situation of thousands of Nicaraguans that are living in the Miami area have-not established an immigratory status. 37. As per Commissioner's Dawkins request Reverend John White for the Greater Bethel A.M.E. Church Centennial Planning_ Committee regarding their Kickoff Parade scheduled for September 25, 1993. 38. Representative(s) from Cocoanut Grove Village Council to request to join with the City's 1993 Primary Election in November for their Village Council Election. 39. Representatives from the Greater Biscayne Boulevard Chamber of Commerce, the Northeast Sub-' Council for Crime Prevention, Civic Association leaders to discuss crime in the Northeast area. END OF PERSONAL APPEARANCES 5:05 PM FIRST PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS FY'94 TENTATIVE BUDGET 40. Discussion of proposed millage rate and tentative budget for the City of Miami. A. Percentage increase in millage-over rolled back rate. Response: Zero percent (0.0%). B. City Commission listens and responds to citizens comments regarding the proposed millage rate. C. Actions by City Commission 1. Amend the tentative budget, if necessary. 2. Recompute the proposed millage rate. 3. Adopt the tentative millage rate. 4. Adopt the amended tentative budget. PAGE 26 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 I R-93-553 'MOVED : DE YURRE 'SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-93-554 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS BRIEFLY DISCUSSED AND WITHDRAWN M-93-555 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS --------------------- M-93-556 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS ----------------------- M-93-557 MOVED :ALONSO SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED STATED ON THE RECORD (PUBLIC HEARING HELD . PUBLIC NEARING ITEMS CONT'D 41. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-635) Defininq and designating the territorial limits for the City of Miami for the purpose of taxation; fixing the millage an levying taxes in the City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1993 and ending September 30, 1994; containing a severability clause. 42. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-628) Making appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30,__ 1994; containing a repealer provision; and a severability clause. 6:05 PM 43. Discussion of proposed millage rate and tentative' budget for the Downtown Development Authority. A. Percentage increase in millage over rolled back rate. Response: Zero percent (0.0%). B. City Commission listens and responds to citizens comments regarding the proposed millage rate. C. Actions by the city Commission. 1. Amend the tentative budget, if necessary. 2. Recompute the proposed millage rate. 3. Adopt the tentative millage rate. 4. Adopt the amended tentative budget. PAGE 27 SEPTEMBEO 7, 1993 FIRST READING MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: DE YURRE NOES : PLUMMER ABSENT : DAWKINS FIRST READING MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED: SUAREZ NOES : ALONSO ABSENT : DAWKINS DISCUSSED STATED ON THE RECORD DISCUSSED PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D 44. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-638) Related to taxation, defining and designating the territorial limits of the Downtown Development District of the City of Miami, Florida; fixing tle millage and levyinq taxes in said Downtown Development District for the fiscal year beginning October 1 1993, and ending September 30, 1994, at • five -tenths .5) mills on the dollar of the nonexempt assessed value of all real and personal property in said —district; providing that said millage and the taxes levied herein shall be in addition to the fixing of the millage and the levying of taxes within the territorial limits of the City of Miami, Florida as reflected in the City's millage-levy ordinance for the aforesaid fiscal year which is required by City Charter Section 27; providing that the fixing of the millage and levying of taxes herein shall be in addition to special assessments; providing that this ordinance shall not be deemed as repealing or amending any other ordinance fixing millage or levying taxes but shall be deemed supplemental and in addition thereto; containing a repealer provision, severability clause and providing for an effective date. 45. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-563) Making appropriations from the Downtown Development District ad valorem tax levy and other miscellaneous income for the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1993 and ending September 1994; authorizing the Executive Director of the Downtown Development Authority to invite or advertise required bids; provivInq for budqetary flexibili providin that this Ordinance be deemed supplemental and in addition to the Ordinance making appropriations or the fiscal Year beginning October 1 1993 an ending September 30, 1994, for the operations o the City of Miami, containing a repealer provision, severability clause and providing for an effective date. PAGE 28 SEPTEMBEk 7, 1993 FIRST READING MOVED : DE XURRE SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT : DAWKINS FIRST READING MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT DAWKINS . PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D 46. RESOLUTION - (J-93-640) - (APPROVING ANNUAL BUDGET Approving the annual budget of the Department of Off -Street Parking of the City of Miami for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1993 and endin September 30, 1994, as more particularly set forth and attached hererto, in the amount of $7,494,661, to provide for the operation of the entire Department of Off -Street Parking of the City of Miami, excluding depreciation and other non- operating expenses of 2,288,195. 47. RESOLUTION - (J-93-637) - (APPROVING ANNUAL BUDGET Approving the annual budget of the Department of Off -Street Parking for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1993 and ending September 30, 1994, as more particularly set forth and attached hereto, in the amount of $1,054,092, excluding depreciation, to provide for the operation of the Gusman Center for the Performing Arts and the 48. RESOLUTION - (J-93-643) - (APPROVING ANNUAL BUDGETS OF BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST AND MILDRED AND CLAUDE PEPPER FOUNTAIN) Approving the Mildred and Claude Pepper Bayfront Park Operating Budget —for fiscal year 1993-94 attached hereto as Exhibit 1 ; further approving the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain at Ba front Park Budget for fiscal year 1993-94 attache hereto as Exhibit 2).— END OF PUBLIC NEARING ITEMS PAGE 29 . SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 R-93-559 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT : DAWKINS R-93-560 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED: SUAREZ NOES :'PLUMMER !ABSENT : DAWKINS R-93-561 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT : DAWKINS SPECIALLY SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 7:00 PM � 9. RESOLUTION_ - (J-93-634) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION OF EMERGENCY) Making findings and ratifying the City Manager's removal as an emergency measure, of the temporary barricades across Samana Drive and Alatka Street at their intersection with South Miami Avenue, ! Miami, Florida, and his implementation of the Bay Heights and Natoma Manor traffic control Plan "B" set forth and attached as part of Resolution No. 93-486, adopted on July 22, 1993 on a trial basis, for a period of sixty (60) days. NOTE: The following requests have been received and are related to item 49. A) Mr. Jay S. Weinstein to discuss the barricades that were installed in front o Bay Heights entrance on Samana Drive. B) Representative(s) of Bay Heights and Natoma Manor in favor the traffic restrictions in the area. C) Discussion of a traffic plan for South Miami Avenue recommended by Mercy Hospital. END OF PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS PAGE 30 SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 M-93-558 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS i SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS PRESENTED Commission Meeting = September 7, 1993 Two checks presented to the City by State Representatives Rodolfo "Rudy" Garcia and Luis C. Morse, to alleviate the City's financial losses resulting from Hurricane Andrew. PRESENTED Two Plaques presented to: Hon. Rodolfo Garcia, State Representative and Hon. Luis C. Morse, State Representative. For their efforts towards obtaining for Miami several millions dollars in State Funds. PRESENTED A Commemorative Gift presented to Miami's Mayor by ALM Antillean Airlines on the occasion of its 50th Anniversary.