HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1993-07-22 Advertisementst a SOUTH'S LARGEST BLACK WEEKLY AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION Serving Dade County Since 1923 i ity S*�.C1"r r0. B 3 3 0 7 TbefniamiTifmp� 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 (3051 757.1147 FAX 1305) 756.0771 ACCOUNT NO. INVOICE DATE 411 9 71,'i w Fi 7/ 1 c r 9 ,', INVOICE NO. AMOUNT PAID 2 ° 9 ' (f, RETURN THIS STUB WITH PAYMENT DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE �, ; � �. •.., .' 4 4 �f: ?•t ,_ F •- 1`! It•t e� rt CI rt ell 'I. :1 4 „ ; ?, .', ;., r ` . C-> � w rn I'-i u t- i. C: tea Of 17' U ?.7 l i. C: i c--j J;p G � Affi.davi.t' .3?'Ic r9e t':". �-?- c � � r..:' 1 5 . 9 : f;: c: s, t.:` i. r " :i. ct t't n •." Ve h i. C• t t .., C. 6 .5 r, 1.5 � r••. �. !,I (.-) t j. C e ::1 'r -" U tt .?. i. C Y N %t J � Af'fi.davJ.t *-.hat'ra CCi -r J G ry- -s• 1 , CC .1-. 1.. 0! i / .� 5 � I' �: / 1 In ItY t� to t" E, '1" i � R e s t. �" i r d_ J. o •1 ; t'- ;.. .. .. e 0 :..: ._ 11 _. 7y 1. 4 n ! �` 1•J _7..• ,:. n •,) B a ',s• �'? f:�'� 7. CJ i't �: b i 1 i:l t. �. i.. E4:' .:I f u b 1 ttp77 I" 1. • ?'`I t7 = �I � �i!� 1 ... Alf F.J.dclvit• :htt3r�C_ 2 Cl, DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 THIS BILL IS DUE IN FULI (305) 757-1147 FAX (305) 756.0771 WHEN RECEIVED 900 NW 64th STREET . MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305) 75.7-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF DADE PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before- he undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: JULY 15th$1993 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for aperiod ofmore than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy ofadvertisement; furtherailiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing Editor Sworn to an subscribed before a on this, the 15 t h day of JULY A.D. 19 9 3 N Y PUBL A RIDA AT LARGE. My commission ires: ie,J�fi;�Y PULI.IC S t:�i 1;.: OF My C nin'lr,SiUN L•:XP JLHL Y Z8 jog6 BONDED THRU GENE' RAI_ INS. UNO, • c 900 NW 64th STREET . MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305) 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF DADE PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: JULY 15th 1993 AMant further states that THE MIAMI TIME' is a,r►ewspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement; further afliant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission orrefund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. Managing Editor Sworn bound subscribed before me on this, the _15 th_ day of •TITT,V A.D. 19 9.3_ NOT Y PUBLIC -STATE OF-FLOI� AT rGE. My commission expir6i It A i�lY Ca ;t:rllSSlftA' CXp Jff�`l 281�i5r $Ui�'UEU TNRU GENERAL INS. 6NE _ 9W NW 54th STREET . MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305) 75.7-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI 'TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of- JULY 15th,1993 Afiiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a -newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matterat the U.S. Post Office in Miami, DadeCounty, Florida, fora period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any ftrm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. AAAW-� 4-11emA�4- Sworn an subscribed before me on this, the 15 t h N Y PUBLIC O A AT I.ARGE. My commission expires: OF SSISSIGN [X: JULY 23,11,'95 f30WED THRU GVERAL !MS. UND. Managing Editor day of JULY A.D. 19 9_ SPANISH LANGUAGE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER;- -.2 ADVERTISING INVOICE DATE FECHA 7-22-93 SOLD TO: VENDIDO A: _ City Of Miami. INSERTION ORDER # ORDEN DE INSERCION PRODUCT ADVERTISED: PRODUCTO ANUNCIADO: Juicio publico. DATE PUBLISHED FECHA INSERCION 7-16-93 SPACE SOLD: ESPACIO VENDIDO: FULL PAGE F-1 HALF PAGE QUARTER PAGE COST PER INSERTION: COSTO POR INSERCION: 27, inch $11, 00 total $ 297.00 AGENCY COMMISSION OR DISCOUNT. COMISION DE AGENCIA O DESCUENTO: NET AMOUNT DUE: CANTIDAD NETA A PAGAR W OTHER 27,inch ALL INVOICES DUE AND PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED LAS FACTURAS VENCEN A SU PRESENTACION A NO SER POR PREVIO ACUERDO MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: EL EXPRESO DE MIAMI EL EXPRESO DE MIAMI IS DISTRIBUTED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN ITS OWN TRUCKS REACHING OVER 30,000 HISPANIC HOUSEHOLDS 342 SOUTHWEST 12th. AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 TELEPHONE: (3 ) 643-1494 1 Siempre presumimos quo Is III Cumbre Iberoamericana no serla el escenario propicio pars poder desarrollar Is tragedla cubana on su enorme dimenei6n hlst6rica. Siempre to presentimos porque vlvimos con los pies an el suelo y estamos firma- ments seguros del giro quo el mundo entero toma hacia to econ6mlco sin preocuparle los domes engulos de las vidas de los pueblos on (o social, cultural, amblentai, politico y humano. Ademes, desde hate d(as Is prongs international viene den- donos adelantos del ambiente predominante on los circu(os dlplometicos quo tienen relac16n directs con al evento y muchos son los perlodistas quo Indicaron las Inci(naciones do algunos goblernos a no "tratar" nada'en to "relativo al proceso cubano porque ego entorpecer(a los proyectos de tipo econ6mlco". Ya con esas opiniones y con Is evl- dente coqueter(a- do algunos gobernantes con el d6spota cubano, nos parec16 muy dificil quo los empeflos de nuestros compatriotas an hater Ilegar hosts los participantes de la reunl6n las denunclas contra Is tlranla castrista se tomaren on consl- deracl6n. Las autoridades de Brasil han sido exageradas on sus persecuclones contra los cubanos visitantes y on las Iimitaciones de movimlentos, tanto on Is capital, Como on Bahia, basendose an rumores imprecisos do un poslble atentado al tirano Castro. Sabemos de sabre on quo condiclones concurren las representaclones de los palses que 'esten hate tiompo calorizando el rein- greso de Cuba on la OEA, al tlempo quo buscan f6r- mules de entendimlento con el rdgimen do La Habana mlrando solamente las posibilldades de un falso retorno a la zone democretica de aquellos quo durante 34 afios han estado atropeilando los dere- chos humanos y sostenlendo Is tests comunlsta no obstante al total fracaso de esa ideologla on las zones donde se cre6 y existl6 durante mes do 70 afios. Pudlera surglr un "Imponderable" de ultima Nora, pero somas fervorosos creyentes de quo nods favorecer8 an Is famosa Cumbre a los cubanos esclavizados. iCuantas votes to hemos dicho par emerge expe- riencia sufrida On Cuba! Hay quo cerrar Is boca aqu( pare quo sufran menos nuestros familiares aft, as- pecialmente sl se trata de personas supuestamente o mallclosamente acusadas de algun delito. IUsted no sabe nada del caso, seftora o sefior entrevistado par la televisi6ny el radlol IUsted no Babe nada! SI su familiar ten(a Intenclones acerca de algo rele- cionado con Cuba, usted to Ignoraba. Porque, as perad6Jico quo mientras esos acusados sostlenen una teals posiblemente salvadora ante las autori- dades.de La Habana, usted, par su Ilgeraza oral o delirlo de exhibiclonlsmo, los estA hundiendo. IUsted no sabe nada... nadal ZExcepciones ...? Si, siempre quo se trate de acclones herolcas donde as honroso sefialar quo Is persona actu6 consciente EL EXPRESO 7-16-93 - f 11444��rr , F � it "A Nfis Ands, Hay Que Saber Distinguire., iY Que Lo Diestingan A Unof, 9' Coral Gables Hospital ha estado sirviendo a nuestra comunidad con eficiencia y capacidad profesional por mes de 60 anos. Una realidad innegable que nos Ilena de satisfaccidn y orgullo. Pero esa misma realidad trae consigo una gran responsabilidad. El continuar esforzandonos cada dia mes para Ilevar a nuestros pacientes el maximo nivel de excelencia posible. Como nuevos programas y servicios, con el respaldo de un reconocido cuerpo medico y to mes moderno en tecnologia medica. Pero hay algo mes. Distinguimos siernpre a cada uno de nuestros pacientes con un trato calido y muy personal, para continuar mereciendo comentarios como "ipor eso los escogi!" Si desea mes information sobre nuestros programas puede Ilamar al 441-6886. hoy mismo. %rah G Aes H®spkal ...Porque el cuidado personal es la mejor medicina. 3100 Douglas Road • Coral Gables F&da 33134 - (305) 441-6PA del riesgo quo corr(a. Pero no on casos donde as ENTRARON DDMINICANDS sesenta y cinco doml- supuestos perseguldos evldente is crlminalidad de las autoridades comu- nistas como on ese horripliente caso de Coilmar, nicanos quo, utllizando CLANDESTINAMENTE pDR un velero de 35 pies de par las autoridades de su psis de origen, cosy porque usted, Ingenuamente, este Justlficando los UNA ZONA MUY CENTRICA galore, trataron de quo he sido poco Inves- asesinatos del G-2 y de los cobardes Guardafron- La noticia mes Impor- entrar clandestinamente tigada par lnmlgrac16n y teras. James se puede vincular at presunto delin- tanto al t6rmino de la on territorio norteamerl- el Departamento de Jus- cuente politico con organizaciones del exilio porque semana anterior Is cano buscando el haste ticla. Pugs los clu- es condenarlo a fusllamlento seguro. LExcep- constltuy6 sin lugar a shore licit "asllo pol(ti- dadanos de procedencla clones? Es 16gico quo las hay, cuando ofect!va- dudes, el arribo de co" prodlgado on los centroamericana, excep- n'mente las organizaclones se hicleron publicamente alrededor de unos ultimos tlempos a to el caso nicaragOonse responsables de los hochos cualesqulera sus con- M todav(a muy dudoso, secuenclas materiales y morales. lEso as todo...! Cruz a Is preparac16n dot escenarlo con vista a Is III vienen par razonea Cumbre Iberoamericana. iD61ares... d6lares! Vayan econ6micas y nada El d6lar, el aborrecible d6lar quo tanto hen odia- de donde vayan y como vayan... pero eso all mes. Estos domin(canos do siempre los propagandistas del marxismo Inter- id6lares, a manera do table de solvael6n pars el escogleron una zone neclonal, tree enloquecido al r6glmen do La Habana ahogadol muy centrica como as Is -Id(rlgido par un reconocido manlitico!— ansloso ... de Key Biscayne pars del slgno monotarla con cr6dito mundlal pars poder No se sonrian al creer quo estamos exagerando. su actividad Ilegal. Tan obtener los art(culos Indispensables pars Is subsis- En algunas zones cubanos las personas pars poder pronto fueron vistas par tencle naclonal. Como vulgarmente se dice, el ban- asearse, especiatmento bafiarse, esten spetando a los vecinos del lugar Is dolero de Birdn estA abriendo las "plernas" sin el too medlos mes rudlmentarlos y extravagantes, denuncla a las autori- menor recato par tal do lograr d6lares. Pero no as puss se nos asegura quo haste lag cenlzas puplen el dudes no so hizo espe. una case Impremediteds, no, los asesores scon6ml- Iab6n. Pero esas mismas v(ctimas de la tlr6nlca ror ademea de quo cos —lque los tlenen y no son bobosl— plenearon sltuac16n relnante, cuando se presentan opor�su- casualmente existla una blen todo sea y unos par convenlencla y otros par nidades de protester contra el r6gimen y demostrar gran vigllancia pol(c(aca slnvergOonzurs, cooperarAn on Is obra maqulavelica su rebeld(a, suelen sequlvar responsabllldades y no on Is bOsqueda de del esesino de Is Sierra Maestro, proporclonendole sumarse a los quo, c(vicaments, arman escendalos "dominlcanos" Indocu- d6lares a granel. La trampa Is Indicamos hate varies an las "colas " y aborrecen al tlrano Castro. Egos mentados quo venlen aa�y�a��x,a ar, cuucliu aua1eC14 a1 do 1.3 , c:: 1' " I'. 't z!'.�d�us JCJ..iY�G61:l�I ti T 1 .�..Y .1.11� Y.uU �1.1� •.. . Invadlendn dlcha Tony+ an pr6ximos dias, cos - quo pudlera acelerars= porque esos trem(tes m son engorrosos y to acusados no poseer elementos legales par- defenderse. Se sabe qu Is amplla colonia do minicana responsable trabaladora, no coloriz a los quo buriando Is- leyes norteamerlcana pretenden entrar, tent. mes, cuando este pa( siempre facllit6 a dominicano. su acces- al territorlo naclonal po cualquler via legal. MERIl� _ � � 6TO unonsron histories. siompre to prosentlmos porque Ivlmos con too pies on of suelo y estamos firme- ionto saguros del giro quo at mundo entero toma scle to scon6mico Mn preocuparle los dem6s ngulos de lea vides de los pueblos on to social, ulturel, ambiontal, politico y humano. Adem&s, Bade he. dins Is pronsa International vions d6n- onos adelantoo dal amblanto predominanto on los Irculos diplom&tiros quo tionon relacl6n directs on of evonto y muchos son too periodistas qua idlearon Ins inclinsclones de sigunos goblernos a o "tratar" nods on to "relativo at proceso cubano orque eso ontorpecorle too proyectos do tipo con6mico". Ya con seas opinlones y con Is evi- ento coquoterls, do sigunos gobernantes con at 6spote cubano, nos parocl6 muy diflcil quo los mpoflos do nuestros compatrlotas on hater llegar asta too participantes de la rouni6n las denuncias ontra Is tlranla castrista se tomar&n on consl- eracl6n. Las autoridades de Brasil han oldo xageradas on sus persecuclones contra los ubanos visitantes y an too Ilmitaciones de iovimlentos, tanto on Is capital, Como on Bahia, as&ndose on rumores Imprecisos do un posible tentado at tlrano Castro. Sabemos de sobra on qu6 ondiciones concurron too representaciones de lot alsea quo est&n hate tiempo calorizando at roln- reso do Cuba an Is OEA, at tiempo quo buscan f6r- ,ulas do entandimlento con at regimen de La Mane mirando sotamento las posibilidades de un =1so`rotorno a to zone democritica de squelios quo urante 34 aflos han estado atropellando los ders- hos humanos y sostenlendo Is tesio comunlsta no bstante at total fracaso de eso Ideologla on las ones donde so crs6 y oxlsti6 durante m&s do 70 ftos. Pudlera surgir un "Imponderable" do ultima ore, pero somos fervorosos creyentes de qua nada �.vorecer& on to famosa Cumbre a lot cubanos sctavizados. iCuentas votes to hemos dlcho por emerge expe- encia sufrida on Cubal Hay clue cerrar Is boca aqul era quo sufran manos nuestros famillares all&, as- ecialmento at so trata de personas supuestaments maliclosamento acusadas de algun dellto. iUsted o sabe nada dot caso, seflora o seflor entrevlstado or to televisf6n y at radiot UUsted no sabe nada! SI u familiar tents intenciones acerca de algo rele- lonado con. Cuba, usted to Ignoraba. Porque_as -arad6Jico quo mlentras esos acusados sostienen no tests poslbiemente salvadora ante too autorl- Wes de La .Habana, usted, por su llgereza oral o 'alirio do exhlbiclonismo, too est& hundiendo. Usted no Babe nada... nada! LExcepclones ...? St, =lempre qua. so trate de acclones heroicas donde as ionroso ,sefialar quo Is persona actu6 consclente "A Ms Anon, Hay Que Saber Distinguir... iY Que ][o Diestingan A Uno!9' Coral Gables Hospital ha estado sirviendo a nuestra comunidad con eficiencia y capacidad profesional por mas de 60 anos. Una realidad innegable clue nos Ilena de satisfacctbn y orgulio. Pero esa misma realidad trae consigo una gran responsabilidad. El continuar esforzandonos cada din mas para ilevar a nuestros pacientes el maximo nivel de excelencia posible. Como nuevos programas y servicios, con el respaldo de un reconocido cuerpo medico y to mas moderno en tecnologia medica. Pero hay algo mas. Distinguimos sier npre a cada uno de nuestros pacientes con un trato calido y muy personal, para continuar mereciendo comentarios como "ipor eso los escogf!" Si desea aids information sobre nuestros programas puede Ilamar al 441-6886. hoy mismo. '.oral Githles Hospital ...Porque el cuidado personal es la mejor medidna. 3100 Douglas Road • Coral Gables Flor d3 33134 - (305) 441-6PM gel riesgo quo corrla. Pero no an casos donde as ENiRARON DOMINICANOS sesenta y clnco doml- supuestos persegutdos on pr6ximos dins, cosy vldente to criminalidad de las autoridades comu- CLANDESTINAMENTE POR nlcanos quo, utiiizando por too autoridades de qua pudiera acelerarse ilstas como on ese horripllanto caso de Cojlmar, un volero de 35 pies do su pals de origen, caosa porque soot tramites no -orque usted., ingenuamente, est& Justificando los UNA ZONA MUYCENTRICA eslora, trataron de quo he sido poco Inves- son engorrosas y los cseslnatos del G-2 y de lot cobardes Guardafron- La noticla mas impor- entrar clandestinamente tigada por Inmigracl6n y acusados no poseen Was.'Jam&s se puede vincular at presunto delln- tents at t6rmino de Is on territorlo norteamerl- at Departamento de Jus- elementos legates pars cuente politico con organlzaciones del exlilo porque somana anterior Is cano buscando at hasta ticia. Puss los ciu- defenderse. Se sabe quo es condenarlo a fusilamiento seguro. LExcep- constltuy6 sin lugar a short facil "asllo politi- dadanos de procedencla Is ampila colonla do - clones? Es 16gico quo las hay, cuando efectiva- dudas, at arribo de co" prodigado on los centroamericana, excep- minicana responsable y rents las organizaclones se hicieron publicamento alrededor de unos Oltimos tiempos a to at caso nicaragiiense trabaladora, no caloriza responsabies de los hechos cualesqulera sus con- todavla muy dudoso, a lot quo burlando las secuenclas materiales y morales. iEso as todo... ! Cruz a Is preparacl6n del esconarlo con vista a la III vlenen por rezones leyes norteamerlcanas Et d6lar, at aborrecible d6lar quo tanto han odla- Cumbre Iberoamericana. iD61ares... d6laresl Vayan de donde vayan y como vayan... pero eso all econ6mlcas y nada m&s. Estos dominlcanos pretenden entrar, tanto m&s, cuando este pals do.siempre lot propagandistas del marxismo Inter- ldblares, a manors de table de salvacl6n pars at escogleron una zone slempre facilit6 at naclonal, trae enloquecido at r6gimen de La Habana ahogadol muy c6ntrica como as Is dominicano su acceso -Ildirigldo-por un reconocldo manl&ticot— ansloso de Key Biscayne pars at terrftorio naclonal por ,del signo'monetario`con 6r6dito mundial pars poder No so sonrlan at creer quo estamos exagerando. su actividad (legal. Tan cualquler via legal. obtener los artfculos lndispensables para la subtle- En algunas zones cubanas las personas part poder pronto fueron vistos por tencla naclonal Como vulgarmente se dice, at ban- asearse, especialmente bafiarse, estan apelando a los vecinos del lugar Is s LE dolero de Bir&n est& abriendo las "plernas" sin at too medlos mas rudimentarios y extravagantes, denuncia a Ise autorl- menor recato por tal do lograr d6lares. Pero no as puss se nos asegura quo haste las cenizas puplen at dodos no se hizo espe- una coca Impremeditada, no, los asesores econ6ml- Jab6n. Pero ease mismas victimas de Is tiranica rar adem&s de quo cos -1que los tlenen y no son bobosl— planearon situacl6n reinante, cuando se presentan opor u- casualmente exlstia una bier todo eso y unos por convenlencla y otros por nidades de protester contra at regimen y demostrar gran vigllancia policlaca s(nverggenzura, cooperar&n on Is obra maqulav&Ilea su rebeldla, suelen esqulvar responsabllldades y no en Is busqueda de a del asesino do Is Sierra Maestro, proporclonindole sumarse a los quo, clvicamente, arman esc&ndalos "dominlcanos" Indocu- dblares a granel. La tramps It indicamos hate varlas on too "colas " y aborrecen at tlrano Castro. Esos mentados quo venlan e • semanas on cuanto aparec16 at "show" do los acobardados y tlmidos han sido too valiosos allados invadlendo dacha zone d6lares on manos de los nativos quo tambi&n, on silenclosos del d6spota y sus secusces criminales. de Miami. Muchos ale- s ocaslones, blen ballan. Por supuesto quo habr& James aceptarlan esta acusacl6n of dla de mafiana, gan clue fueron engafia- qulen'obtenga alguna mercancla negada a los pero lea coo de llono ante to historla. lHay tantas dos y clue pagaron a los cubanos, pero sari a cambto de d6lares por moneda manerss de luchar contra uns tlranla cuando se contrabandistas canti- naclonal:"con una pbrdida onorme del poder adquisl- time decoro y valor personall Solamente con balas dodos quo fluctuan tivo en lo'que 4a'msrcad6 dom6stico. At bandolero no so derrote a un tlrano. Existen muchos maneras entre 5,000 a 25,000 de Bir&n no sales escapan las formal de ongaflar a too dernis EstB��.hundido haste la-cintura y pone an de hacerle daflo. Pero to Impresclndible as toner... iverg0enzal Esos 34 afios del reinado de Fidel d6lares, por persona. Se estima quo todos ser&n s Judgo'cuantas artimatins seen posibles para sallr Castro hay quo carg&rselo on sus cuentas perso- reembarcadoa para Is s 'adslante. Par eso romitl6 a su amigo S&nchez Santa notes a muchos de all&... ly de ac&t Republica Dominicans w EL EXPRESO 7-16-93 - PAG. S AFECTO A 46,000 carencla do vitaminse CUBANOS EL VIRUS Pose a Is disminucl6v DUE ATACA DiRECTO do to publlctdad sobre o terns, so sabs que 1,19f ORGANOS ViSUALES casos nuevos fuerof reclentemento registry Desde Glnebra (nforman dos on Was dies. S= quo 46,000 cubanos sfirma. quaIs enter fueron victimas do Una medad elect6 a 421 d- ys "° misteriosa epidemle quo coda 100,000 cubano= elects directamente Is yuo fueron hospitalize vlsl6n. El Departamento dos an todo of pats sir de sun as Humanity- contar loo mlilares d- rios de las Ndclonea casos que fueron !rate Unidas rind16 un amplio dos con los "remedio- Informs al respecto. La caseros" tan usuales sr fg.,�' '. spidemia de neuritis at pats. EIEMPLO GRAFICO DE RACIONAMIENTO DE ALiMENTOS EN CUSA La senors Concepel6n NSpoles, de 79 anos de edad, no ttene objeci6n en dejarse fotograflar mostrando la enorme mci6n de "papas" que le correspond16 en el filtimo reparto. iY pensar que Guines producfa durante todo el ano papas para Inundar el mercado naclonal y expor- tar, sl era necesarlo! Pero queriamos un camblo... Lverdad? i rr jifrde q/11 � rr DIP VELVEETA" CON_SALSA, e -1,IJ air tjtw�o pre v e1o1lonr'iiod" i - Ib. do VEI.VI'I-I'A Process Choose corauio ell cuadritos frdsco (8 onz.) d(I salsa 2 c.1os. de cilantro picadito • i{n min cacerola nurclr la salsa v el V1;LVFETA Process Clwcse sobre :ergo lento, hosto que se derrita. Mezclr cam el cilantro. • Sirvalocalientecontortilla chipsocon pedalos do pinlirnto verde, rojo o onl,trillo asados a la parrilla. Ad6rnelocon pimiento verdecortado en formos decorativas. 3 tazas. Tirnlpo dc, prrparaci6n: 10 minutos Microonda:Durantr cinco minutos }}conga en el microonda is salsa y el VELVEETA 1'rt>rrssChrt�sr,uhastaque el Process Cheese soderrita, revolvlendo al cabo de los 3 minutos. Agregue y mezclo el cilantro. Sirvalo tomso so ha dicho. Tiempo de cocci6n en el microonda: 5 multi. Variacioncs:Eil vez do salsa utilice una lata (14 1/2 onz.) de tomates cortados v escurridos. EN MADAS_DE_PAVO 3/4 lb. de VELVEETA Process Cheese, tipo mexicano con jalapenos, en cuadritos 1 t. de tomate picado, dividido 1 /4 t. de leche • Precaliente el porno a 350 grados. • Mezclebienelpavoconelquesocrema yy 1 a s cebollas. • Unte ligeramente ias tortillas con aceite. • Ponga 4 tortillas en un plato y horneelas en el microonda a alta temperatura durante 30 segundos o pasta que se ablanden. Repita con el recto de las tortillas. • Rellene cada tortilla con 1 /4 de taza de la mezcla de pavo. Enr6llelas. Col6quelas con la junta Boca abajo, en tin plato para hornear de 12 por 8 pulgadas. Mezcle el process cheese con la leche y con T,/2 taza de tomate sabre fuego lento hasty que se ablande. • Vierta esta salsa sobre las tortillas y cubra con los tomates que quedan. • Cubra el plato con papel de aluminio y hornee 25 a 30 minutos o hasta que se caliente bien. 4 porciones. Tiempo de preparaci6n: `15 minutos Tiempo de cocci6n conventional: 30 Illinutos Microonda: Prepare lasenclailadassegun las instrucciones, excepto la salsa y la coci6n. Hornee en el microonda el process cheese, la media taza de tomate y leche ell un recipientepequenodurante 2 a 4 minutos o hasta que el Process cheese se derrita, removiendo cada nlinuto. Vierta la salsa sobre las tortillas, y cubra los tomates que quedan. Hornee en el microonda a alta temperatura durante 12 o 14 minutos o hasta que se caliente bien, rotando el plato despues de 6 minutos. Tiempo de cocci6n en el microonda:18 nlins. FAiITAS DE ENTRESEMANA 1 /3 t. de aderezo para ensaladas italiano "Zestyy" Lie KRAFT 4 (aprox. 1 1 /4 L.) medias pechttgas de pollo, sin piel, deshuesadas y cortadas en tiras I pimiento verde cortado en tiras I cobh illo ea ed i -m;, , cort.id) on 6ptica, la mayor de su tipo an la larga historla medlca, ofect6 a mi- Hares do personas en todas las zones de la Isla desde que fuera detectada on is parts occidental de Cuba. La mencionada entidad Indic6 quo los medlcos han seguldo tratando de determinar Is cause de esa enfermedad, que parece on gran parts relaclonada con Is ligeramente. Dejelo reposar 10 minutos. Drene. • Saltee el polio mezclado con los ingredientes haste que el pollo se dore. Anada Ias rodajas de tomate. • Envuelva las tortillas en toallas de papel mojado. Horneelas en el micro- onda a alta temperatura (100 grados) de 45 segundos a Iminuto y 1/2 o hasta que se ablanden. • Rellene las tortillas con el pollo. Sirvalas con salsa, creme agna, queso rallado, frijoles fefritos o guacamole. 4 porciones. Tiempo de preparaci6n: 15 minutos Tiempo de cocci6n: 10 minutos Variation: Sustituya el pollo con 1 lb. de falda o de costillas de cerdo. FONDUE FACIL DE CARAMELO 1 bolsa (14 onz.) de Caramelos KRAFT 2/3 t. de Half and Half • Mezcle los caramelos y la half and half en un medidor de cristal que de ppara 4 tazas. • P6ngalo en HIGH en el microonda durante 4 o 5 minutos o hasta que la crema se suavice, revolviendo cada minuto. • Sirvalo caliente con frutas frescas, pound cake o con cubitos de angel food cake. 1 taza y tres cuartos. Tiempo de preparaci6n: 5 minutos Tiempo de cocci6n en el microonda: 5 minutos Variacion: Agregue dos cucharadas de licor de almendras, de cafe o de Irish cream. Reduzca la Half and Half a 1/2 taza. DOBLE SUS GANANCiAS Anuncie sus OESAPARECE LA LEY SANTUARIO DUE ERA ANTES APLiMOA EN CASOS DE ILEGALES El Senado de Callfornl- aprob6 Una loy,.ol pass do 28 de mayo, con un= votacibn do 32 votos = favor y 4 on contra, po Is cual queda sin efect. cualquler ley local qu pudiere impedir a un of'. cial cumplir con Is Is do poder identlficar reportar of Servicio d Inmfgracl6n y Natural zacl6n, it cualquler pe sona que sea detenid para su . custodi- porque supuestamen'. haya. cometido un dell' grave y dp . quIsn = sospecha tambien os vlolando too (oyes f deralss do Inmlgraci6 La M01, no permftl mis a Is cludades condadoe adopter Is ti conocida "Disposici Santuario", quo prohl a sus oflelales y empl dos Identificar y repo of goblerno federal I supuestas violation de las leyes de in gracl6n de aquel{as q han eldo detenidos b arresto. La ley que e auspiciads ` par sonador Quintin Kopp, sefiala Una ex tonte confusl6n acer de los crfinenes corn dos on. California quienes no sort re dentes y aquellos metidoa par perso que residen legalme on ese Estado. EJEMPLO GRAFICO DE RACIONAMIENTO DE ALIMENTOS EN CUBA to seftors Concepcift Napoles, de 79 ailos de edad, no dene objecl6n en dejarse fotograflar mostrando is enorme mcl6n de "papas" que le correspond16 en el >dldmo reparto. iY pensar que Guinea producia durante todo el ano papas para Inundar el mercado naclonal y expor- tar, sl era necesarlol Pero queriamos un cambio... Zverdad? ; I j hijifrr., rir r NIIr.Y71pI?W iD1P VELVEETA" CON SALSA i I'n�l,t tit` yUt��.0 �tntr,` .trio t' ita`.li`nriia.lt, i. Ib. de VELVN-I'A Process I f. ('hrrse cortado en cuadritos ' frasco (8 onz.) de salsa 2 r ias. de cilantro picadito • I:n Una cacerola mtrcle la salsa v el WINEETA Process Cheese sobre 'utt;o Ientu, hnsta Clue se derrita. Mezcle con el cilantro. • Sirvalocalientecontortillachipsocon pedalos de pimiento verde, rojo o annu•illo asados a la parrilla. • Ad6rnelo con pimiento verde cortado en formas decorativas. 3 taus. 1 ivinpu de preparaci6n: Ill nlinutos Microonda:Durante cinco minutos }conga en el microonda la salsa y el VELVEETA Process Cheese, o hasta clue el Process Cheese se derrita, reWlviendo al cabo de los 3 minutos. AgrOguc y nlezcle el cilantro. Sirvalo conlo se ha dicho. Tiempo de cocci6n en el nicroonda: 5 nlins: Variaciones:En vez de salsa utilise una lata (14 1/2 onz.) de tomates cortados y escurridos. ENCHILADAS DE PAVO CON QUESO 1 11 t. de pechuga de p}avo deshue- sada y dorada al porno, LOUIS RICH, picadita ppgqte. (8 onz.) de Queso Crema PHILADELPHIA, suavizado 8 tortillas de mafz 1 /4 t. de rodajas de cebollas verdes 3/4 it, de VELVEETA Process Cheese, tipo mexicano coil jalapeilos, en cuadritos 1 t. de tomate picado, dividido 1 /4 t. de leche • Precaliente el porno a 350 grados. • Mezclebien el pavo con el quesocrema yy has cebollas. • Unte ligeramente las tortillas con aceite. • Ponga 4 tortillas en un plato y horneelas en el microonda a alta temperatura durante 30 segundos o hatita t ue se ablanden. Repita con el rests tYe las tortillas. • Rellene cads tortilla con 1 /4 de taza de la mezcla de pavo. Enr6llelas. Col6gtielas con la junta Boca abajo, en tin Plato para hornear de 12 por 8 pul >adas. Mezcle e{j� rocess cheese cona Icche y cvn "L,/Z taza de tomate sabre Fuego lento pasta que se ablande. • Vierta esta salsa sobre las tortillas y cubra con los tomates que quedan. • Cubra el plato con papel de aluminio y hornee 25 a 30 minutos o hasta que se caliente bien. 4 porciones. Tiempo de preparaci6n: '15 minutos Tiempo de cocci6n conventional: 30 in i it a tos Microonda: Prepare las enchiladas segt'in has instrucciones, excepto la salsa y la coci6n. Hornee en el microonda el process cheese, la media taza de tomate y lecheen un recipientepequefiodurante 2 a 4 minutos o hasta que el Process cheese se derrita, removiendo cada ininuto. Vierta la salsa sobre las tortillas, y cubra los tomates que quedan. Hornee en el microonda a alta temperatura durante 12 o 14 minutos o hasta que se caliente bier, rotando el plato despues de 6 minutos. Tiempo de cocci6n en el microonda:18 illins. FAiITAS DE ENTRESEMANA 1 /3 t. de aderezo para enshladas italiano "Zesty" de KRAFT' 4 (aprox. 1 1/41bs.) medias pechugas de polio, sin piel, deshuesadas cortadas en tiras 1 pimiento verge cortado en tiras 1 cebolla mediana, cortada en rodajas final 1 1 diente de ajo picadito (optional) /2 cucharadita de hojas de oregano secas, aplastadas 1 tomate, cortado en rodajas finas 8 tortillas de harina de 6 pulgadas • En un red iente grande vierta el adere- zo sobre el polio, el pimiento verde, la cebolla, el ajo y el oregano. Muevalo tipo on la larva historic mAdice, efoct6 0 si* DESAPARMI LA My Ilares do p UN�1RID (WE LA todas las zones do Is Isla dosds quo fuera AM$:PWd ww datecteds on Is parts CA$ ILEUM occidental do Cuba. 4a El Son&do do Cailtornl moncloneda ontidad aprobb un& Ny sl ps, Indlcd quo Ios m6dicos do 28 do mayo, ,Dark Ui han soguldo tratando do votaclbn do 39 votes determiner is cause do favor y 4 on OWN p- eso onformoded, a to Is cusl quads sin *142 Pala Ion da gran acon Is eusiquier toy locsi tit pudlera Impedlt a un o ci&i cumpllr con IS I- lieramente. Dejelo reposer 10 do poder identIfIcar minutos. Drene. rspartar al $orvldlo - • Saltee el pollo mezclado con los lnml 1&6n y Nature ingredientes hasta que el polio se dore. zaeibn, a cualqulgr F Asada las rodajas de tomate. son& quo sea deteni • Envuelva las tortillas en toallas de par& su custod papel mojado. Horneelas en el micro- porque supuestamov onda a alta temperatura (100 grados) hays aomstido tin dol de 45 segundos a iminuto y 1 /2 o grove y de . qulpn hasta que se ablanden. sospechs tombt6n o- vlolando las leyao • Rellene lac tortillas con el polio. derales de Inmigreci- Sfrvalas con salsa, crema agria, queso Ls S"01, no permit rallado, frijoles refritos o guacamole. rnss a is cludads- 4 porciones. - condadoe adopter Is conocids "Dlsposic Tiempo de preparaci6n: 15 minutos Santuario , quo ,proh Tiempo de cocci6n: 10 minutos doss ofici loo y � ppo! Variation: Sustituya el pollo con 1 lb. de al gobierno federal falda o de costillas de cerdo. supuestas vlolacioi do lag isyss do In preclbn do pquallos han sido deteni'dos FONDUE FACIL DE CARAMELO ap-d ley que aussicicisda per sonsdor Quintln 1 bolsa (14 onz.) de Caramelos Kopp, ssfiala Una s KRAFT` tents confusll n act 2/3 t. de Half and Half de los crlmenes co-1 dos an California quiones no son r= • Mezcle los caramelos y la half and dentes y equsllos half en un medidor de cristal que de metidoe por perso ppara 4 tazas. quo resides logalm= • Pongalo en HIGH en el microonda on ess Estado. durante 4 o 5 minutos o hasta que la - crema se suavice, >revolviendo cada minuto. ' �[ Sfrvalo caliente con frutas frescas, pound cake o cork cubitos de angel food cake. 1 taza y tres cuartos. Tiempo de preparaci6n: 5 minutos Tiempo de cocci6n en el microonda: 5 minutos '-- Variation: Agregue dos cucharadas de licor de almendras, de cafe o de Irish _ cream. Reduzca la Half and Half a 1 /2 taza. DOBLE SIDS ,---•. GANANCIAS Anuncie sus 1Productus en "El Express" ` ^R TM: 643--1494 . 1: ;L- LQUIEN MANDA EN EL P.I.C.? Consorcio de la Industria Privada Nosotros entendemos la fiebre quo con el adve. nimiento de la Era de la super-tecnologia, com- putadoras, telafonos, ca- ble, fax, etc. etc., estan afectando al mundo mo- derno, y mas aun, a aque- Ilos que teniendo an su case un tecnico especial- ista y vendedor ademas, de uno de estos nuevos equipos, nos quieran ahogar con epos. Olvidan, producto de esa fiebre que los aturde, que ei cerebro no funcionarfa sin la irrigacion singufnea que desarrolia el corazbn y que estos dos drganos vitales tionen su base energattca an el estdma- go que los produce de la ingestldn de alimentos. Estos robot febriles acu- den a la computadora pars que esta interprete la ley fria y seca y le senale su aplicacibn. Esto as sin duda, to que esta ocurriendo a nivel local an organizaciones que como el Consorcio de la Industria Privada, P.I.C., que estan manejando fon- dos publicos creados y dirigidos para resolver oroblemas de las comu- nidades y se ponen an `manos'de los David Twigg o Spivak, analistas me- canicos, que sin tenor an cuenta las caracterfsticas de esas comunidades, ` generalizan y aplican el frfo resultado de la com- putadora y on lugar de ayudar, destruyen, poor aun, crean problemas a entidades, organizaciones y funcionarios publicos qua :si quiere'n ayudar a resolver. Interpretar y aplicar en la Florida y de manera espe- cial en Dade County, las emanaciones febriles de estos analistas, sin con- sultar a los factores que la forman y enriquecen, no es solo una barbaridad, sino ademas, resulta una provocacibn que invita a los. afectados a revelarse y que ya casi se cansan de estos burocraticos. BUSCA MANDELA MAS DINERO ENTRE SUS AMIGOS DE EE.UU. El dirigente Izquierdista y lider del Congreso Nacional Africano, Nel- son Mandela, cent y brindb recientemente on un acto cordial on su honor ofrocido por to mas. granado de too artistes de Hollywood, donde se hicieron ademas recaudaciones valiosas on metglicos pars apoyar Is politics del citado agitador africano. Entre los con- currentes estaban: Bar- bara Streisand; Sidney Poitler; Michael Jack- son; Elizabeth Taylor; Danny Glover; el box- eador Sugar Ray Leonard; Pat Riley, entrenador del equipo de baloncesto New York Knlcks; la core6grafa Debbie Allen; el presl- dente de Tristar Pic- tures, Mike Modavoy; of alcaide Richard Riorda y at exalcatds Tom Brad- ley. Siempre on estos p9rlplos por Estados Unidos, el lider racists africano, retorna a sus predios con algunos HAS TENIDO UN CASO DE INJUSTICIA? SI ESTAS EN CONTRA rDE LA INJUSTICIA UNETE A NOSOTROS. SOLOS NO NOS PONEN ATENCION. SI HAN COMETIDO UNA INJUSTICIA CONTIGO Y TE SIENTES FRUSTRADO, UNETE A NO- SOTROS. PRONTO TEN- DREMOS UNA REUNION Y UN PROGRAMA RADIAL. UNETE A NOSOTROS. LLAMA AL 940-4654 A ACTIVISTAS PRO JUSTICIA 1Vecesita I3entista ADOLFO E. MARES D.D.S. Aceptamos Medicaid y Seguros Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 a.m to 8:00 P,m- Saturday 10:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. mlllares de dd-lares "Imperial Istas"... l pero d6lares! Mandela fue recientemente condeco- rado por el presidents Bill Clinton por sus inquietudes an favor de Is PAZ. Cosa' que nos pace recorder aquello de "tranquilidad, viene de trance". U13RE EL EXPRESO 7-16-93 - PAG. 9 ESTADO DE LAS IDONACIONES Lo que ustedes van una Cosa muy natural La Habana. Ciudadan qua utilizan las blcic too Como medio no s. de transportacidn hut-, na, sino como vehic, prActico pare trasia- mercancias y objetos today las formas y mafios. Aqui aparec dos cubanos habaner quo transportan on a biciclotas unos tole sores que comprar recientemente a los dados rusos quo ab= donaban el pals. v!vlva!!, F!!w U(:lu Ud rutt fiebre quo los aturde, quo BUSCA MANDELA MAS al cerebro no funcionaria sin la Irrigaci6n singufnea DINERO ENTRE SUS quo desarrolla el coraz6n AMIGOS DE EE.UU, y quo estos dos 6rganos vitales tienen su base ulardlata El dirl ante Iz g 4 onergbtica on el est6ma- Y Ilder del Congreso go quo los produce de la Noclonal Africano, Nel- Ingestion de alimentos. son Mandela, con6 y Estos robot febriles acu- brind6 rociontomento an don a la computadora un acto cordial on su pare quo esta interprets la honor ofrecido por to ley fria y seca y le Wale mds granado do los su aplicaci6n. artistes de Hollywood, Esto as sin dude, to quo donds so hicleron estd ocurriendo a nivel ademas recaudaciones local on organizaciones vallosas an metaiicos sR : quo Como el Consorcio de pars spoyar Is politics Is Industria Privada, P.LC., del cltado agitador us estan manejando fon- us airlcano. Entr* los con - os pOblicos creados y estaban: Bt3r- �. dkigidos pars resolver bare 5treisand• Sidney problemas de las comu- Poitler; Michael Jack- n1dades y se ponen on son; Elizabeth Taylor; �manos de los David Twigg Danny Glover; el box- o Spivak, analistas me- *odor Sugar Ray Leonard; Pat Riley, r canicos, quo sin toner on cuenta las caracteristicas entrenador del equipo de esas comunidades, do baloncesto New York generalizan y aplican el Knicks; Is core6grafa Frio resultado de la com- Dabble Allen; el presl- putadora y an lugar de dents de Tristar Pic- ayudar, destruyen, poor 4ures, Mike Medavoy; at alcalds Richard Riorda y P. sun, Crean problemas a entidades, organizaciones el exalcald* Tom Brad- y funcionarios publicos ley. Slempre on *sloe perlplos por Estados qUe si qutersn ayudar a Unidos, el lider racists !' n resolver. africano, ratorna a sus r� predlos con algunos HAS TENIDO UN CASO DE INJUSTICIA? SI ESTAS EN CONTRA -DE LA INJUSTICIA UNETE A NOSOTROS. SOLOS NO NOS PONEN ATENCION. SI HAN COMETIDO UNA INJUSTICIA CONTIGO Y TE SIENTES FRUSTRADO, UNETE A NO- SOTROS. PRONTO TEN- DREMOS UNA REUNION Y .UN P,ROGRAMA RADIAL. UNETE A NOSOTROS. LLAMA AL 940-4654 A ACTIVISTAS PRO JUSTICIA Necesita ]Dentista ADOUD E. MARES D.D.S. Aceptamos Medicaid y Seguros Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 am to 8:00 p-m. Saturday 10:00 o.m to 4:00 p.m. Centro Comercial El Copiro 306 S.W. 12 Avenida # B <, Miami, Florida 33133 .fit t� 4. �. t) h mlllares do d6-lares "ImperialIota a"... ipero d6laresl Mandela fue recientemente condeco- rado por el presidents Bill Clinton por sus inquietudes on.favor do la PAZ. Cosa quo nos hace recorder aquello de "tranquilldad, vlens de tranca". CUBA SE;IRA UBRE ESTADO DE LEIS DONACIONES Juegue Shark ren Lo quo ustedes von so uns coca muy natural an La Habana. Ciudadanos quo utilizan too bicicl*► tas Como modlo no s6lo de transportacl6n huma- ne, lino como vehiculo prsctico para trasladar mercanclas y objetos de todas las formes y to- mafios. Aqui aparecsn dos cubanos habanoroe quo transportan on su= bicicletas unos telovi sores quo comprarov roclentemente a los sol- dodos rusos quo aban donaban el pals. . EXPRESO 7-16.93 - PAG. 10 DEatrtMO ESPECIIAL. DL%wAM8M Hasta las 11:00 A.M. Visite nuestro bello y moderno Salon de Fiestas Para su pr6xima: l;L t TTY TY Cl CITY OF MI) * Bolo • Llg pi iida *'Quince o Banquete eld Tel: 649.4982 Uo��s�� Ayestardn Restaurant 706 — 708 S.W. 27 Ave. ACCESORIOS • Cajitas de colores • Cadenas • Estuches de piel • Accesorios de telefonos celulares de todo tiP o de beeper P $99 95 sue_ + tax Todo Incluido- * Cantidades limitadas. * Alta Frequencla. * Cobertura de Cayo Hueso hasta el norte de .............. Vero Beach. Mensualidades Desde ................................. $ 7.95 • 643ml990 q :3� CIUDAD DE MIAMI, V NOTICIA DE JUNTA IR I� i? favor torren note que una JUNTA PUBUCA ser6 efectuodo par la Co • i6n de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, el dia 22 de julio a las 4:00 M., en las oficinas de la Comisi6n, 3500 Pan American Drive, iomi, Florida, con el prop6sito que la Comisi6n pueda skuch r comentarios de las personas interesadas que est6n ofec- por la restricci6n temporaria de occeso vehicular a los 6reas Bay Heights y Notoma, esto de ociterdo con Plan "A" y Plan "B", Estos planes est6n en los archivos en las Oficinas de Trabojos P661icos de la Ciudad de Miami, 275 N.W. 2 Street, Miami, Florida. Todas las personas interesadas est6n invitadas a presentarse y exponer sus ideas sobre las propuestas medidas de tr6fico. Si algw na persona desea opelar cualquier decisi6n que la Comisi6n de esto Ciudad tome con respecto a to que se considere en esta Junta, eso persona debe asegurarse que un informe de to ocurrido se manten- ga, incluyendo todo el testimonio y evidencia que pueda aparecer en la opelaci6n # 1073 FLORIDA IPUBLICA COWOCA EL COLEGIO DE PERIODISTAS DE CUSA EN EL EXILIC AL XI CONCURSO "PREMIO JOSE MARTi" En la sesi6n efectuada el pasado sabado la Junta de Gobierno del CNP (E), entre otros importantes acuerdos, convoc6 al XI Concurso anual "PREMIO JOSE MARTI", como un homenaje y recuerdo del Ap6stol de la` libertad de Cuba. Las Bases del "Premio Josh Marti" seran publicadas oportuna- mente, y en ellas se establece la entrega de QUINIENTOS DO -LAKES (500.00) en efectivo y,el correspondiente Diploma de Recono-cimiento al que resulte laureado, ademas de los requisitos exigidos an las men- cionadas bases. Tambign los periodistas cubanos ratificaron las sendas denuncias hechas anteriormente ante la Organizaci6n de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) la organizac16n de Estados Americanos (OEA), y la Comisi6n de Derechos Humanos radicada en Ginebra, Suiza, en relaci6n de los maltratos que el dictador castro- comunista est5 dando al periodista Pablo Reyes Martinpreso politico on la carrel de Ouivican, -Cuba, donde rumple una injusta sentencia de 8 anos por haber enviado al exterior noticias de la actual crisis cubana. Asi mismo acord6 la Junta de Gobierno del CNP (E), reconocer la profesional y patri6tica labor de Guillermina de la Caridad Acuna Herrera que peri6dicamente capta las impresiones y noticias del pueblo cubano que son transmitidas al exteri- or, reportando valiente- mente los esfuerzos de la resistencia interne frente a los crimenes del tiranico r6gimen castro-comu- nista. Guillermina de la Matty Had City Clerk Miami, Florida Caridad Acuna Herrera es un simbolo patri6t1co de la resistencia del pueblo. cubano. Finalmente, se ofreci6 un caluroso recibimiento al coiegio Delio Vald$s que fuera jefe grdfico del pow pular per16dico EL CRI- SOL en la. Cuba de ayer, que procedente de NJ - NY., donde estuvo radica- do por mas de 30 anos, instalara dentro de breves Alas su rosidencia:- an Miami Beach. Delio Vald6s y su distinguida esposa fueron.objetos de una calurosa bienvenida por parte de la Junta de Gobierno del CNP (E). MENU LITE Corl►ii S XUAWN"Mp SIN CAMS Y X&M ials W, Tel: 754-9012 l Willo a aomiciu 1RA111L CORAL dA81,8ti.1DAI8AH Y Po1Cr LAUDEtWMW 344 S.W. 12th Avenue - Miami, Florida 33130 1'�r•,r-{fin �r �rtir! e C'` MW PUBLIC HEARINGS Metro -Dade Board of County Commissioners _ _ 'rur pr1ay, July 20, 1993 - 9:00 a.m.1 = cstos pianos estan on ios arcnivos en ius uv ± 1 ua,u va Publicas de to Ciudad de Miami 275 N.W. 2 Street Miami Florida. Vlsite nuestro bello y moderno Sal6n de Fiestas Para su pribxima: . BWa - Despedida o--Qjdnce o ,Banquete O Tel:649-4982 — Ayestardn Restaurant 1�4� 706 — 708 S.W. 27 Ave. ACCESORIOS • Cajitas de colores • Cadenas • Estuches de piel • Accesorios de telefonos celulares de todo tipo de beeper $99 95 ° +tax Todo Incluido- * Cantidades liniitadas. * Alta Frequeitcla. * Cobertura de Caw Hueso hasta el norte de .............. Vero Beach. Mensualidades Desde .................................. $ 7.95 • 643ml990 9 344 S.W. 12th Avenue - Miami, Florida 33130 Escuche y partidpe en el programa "POR NUESTRA COMUNIDAD" que dirige josh Mkmol de Lunes a dielrnes de 3 a 4 de la tarde por RHC Cadena Awl. Mlcrftno ablerto para que se escuche su opini6n con entgera Ubertad. Todas las personas interesadas est6n invitadas a presentarse y exponer sus ideas sobre los propuestas medidos de tr6fico. Si olgu- no persona desea apelar cualquier decisi6n qua la Comisi6n de esto Ciudad tome con respecto a to quo se considers an esto Junto, eso persona debe asegurarse qua un informe de to ocurrido se monten- go, incluyendo todo el testimonio y evidencia qua puebo aparecer on la apeloci6n Matty Hiari City Clerk Miami, Florida fr 1073 COWOCA EL COLEGIO DE PERIODISTASOarldad Acuna Herrera as un simbolo patr(6tiao de la DE CUBA EN EL EXILIO AL resiecubano nc(a del pueblo . XI CONCURSO OPREMIO JOSE WTI" caluroso °r, so ofrecI6 un ecibimien o al En la sesi6n efectuada el pasado s6bado la Junta de Gobierno del CNP (E), entre otros importantes acuerdos, convoc6 al XI Concurso anual "PREMIO JOSE MARTI", como un homenaie y recuerdo del Apbstol do ,la libertad de Cuba. Las Bases del "Premio Jos6 Martf seren publicadas oportuna- mente, y on ellas se establece la entrega de QUINIENTOS DO -LAKES (500.00) on efectivo y.el correspondiente Diploma de Recono-cimiento al qua results laureado, ademds de los requisites exigidos an las men- •c(onadas bases. Tamb(6n los periodistas cubanos ratificaron las sendas denuncias hechas anteriormente ante la Organizaci6n de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) la Organizaci6n de Estados Americanos (OEA), y la Comisi6n de Derechos coleglo belio Vald6s que fuera late gr6fico del po- Humanos radicada on Ginabra, Suiza, an pular pari6dico EL CRI- relac16n de los maltratos SOL on la Cuba de ayer, quo el dictador castro- qua procedente de NJ- comunista est& dando al NY., donde estuvo radica- periodista Pablo Reyes do por mti<s de 30 anos, Martinpreso politico on la instalar6 dentro de breves cArceldo, Quivicen,-Cube, :—dies-su.rvsidenciacron donde cumple una injusta Miami Beach. Del(o sentencia de 8 anos por Valdes -y su distinguida haber enviado at exterior esposa tueron objetos de notic(as de la actual crisis una calurosa bienvenida cubana. por parts de to Junta de As[ mismo acord6 la Gobierno del CNP (E). Junta de Gobierno del CNP (E), reconocer la profesional y patr(6t(ca labor de Guillermina de is Caridad Acuna Herrera qua per(6dicamente capta las impresiones y notic(as del pueblo cubano qua son transmitidas al exteri- or, reportando valiente- mente los esfuerzos de la resistencia interna frente a los crimenes del tirdnico omu- r6gimen castro-comu- nista. Guillermina de la _ -(�ENU LITE) Calve/ U iRAWVCBA W, UN =&US r XUAS DB 3AL Tel: 754-9012 *viendo a domiatia Ir;'A>sQ CORALt3A81�S. iMIBAH Y PORT LAtJDROAL IF PUBLIC HEARINGS Metro -Dade Board of County Commissioners Tuesday, July 20, 1993 - 9:00 a.m. Commission Chamber 111 N.W. 1 Street - Metro -Dade Center For further information call 375-2864 Metro -Dade Zoning Hearing Thursday, July 22, 1993 - 9:00 a.m. Commission Chamber 111 N.W. 1 st Street - Metro -Dade Center For further information call 375-2640 These Metro -Dade Hearings may be seen on Metro -Dade Television live at 9:00 a.m. and re -broadcast at 7:00 p.m. Metro -Dade Teleivision Is cable channel 34. v • MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelme V. Ferbsyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF ML*a PUBLIC HEARING JULY 22, 1993 RE: SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEHM 2, 1993, etc. Inthe .......... .X .X ....................... Court, vas published in said newspaper in the Issues of July 12, 1993 Afflant further says that the said Miami Deily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the sold newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any n, fir or corporation any disc,pdht, rebate, comml r efund or the purpose of s ngahls advertise ublic Ion In the said ..................... .1-....-.. Sworn to and subscribe! before me this ]2. day of ......Jt}�y......600.0 AP — A- cis .93 ....r-4�/aJ ... . (SEAL) 0A. Octelma V. Ferbsyre personally known tb ••'• OFPK AL NOTARY SEAL CHBRYL H MA1t:NER C()h0MS1ON NO, CC191W YY CO►a MION 6XP. APR. I2,1"6 r7 W <C--) r CD rj r C� r rrI:'T N'�'I L i 7'� i Y 1��yl.i iiM � .� f { � 1t 1 1 S t.^• y. �1 $ •{� 1��� t'�-t'k(t y4�S' yHv: {>,>w+�zt 1}W � , ,� w '�k t v,� vl�• Ir CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK MATTY HIRAI PO BOX 330708 MI A.41 FL 33 233 LL_ 071233 7941-01 4IA-DAILY BUSINESS PO #1076 PUBLIC HEARING 7/22/93 C4A,RTER AMENDMENT Nool AD RAN 7/12/93 ., f1weroward. Rev!, (305) 463-14321(31 ..�... Palm Beach 007? $32=0386 / (X -J REVIEW NEWSPAPERS P.O. BOX 010589 MIAMI, FL 33101.0589 PLEASE RETURN 2E-4ITTANI-'E COPY TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE --OEPI1iT E ��R i �04�E�!IC E, 10 12A 04 7/12/93 I1441219 i i CREDIT DEPT. (305) 347-6616 ST CUE 3ALANCES WILL 3E CHARGED A 1.5 P_;R MONT4 __,2VIC= �iARoE (13% PER ANNUM). ORIGINAL -PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE 184f.0 Q c�s � 3 r n 184-00 0 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelms V. Ferbsyre, who on oath says that she is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkfa Miami Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAK PUBLIC HEARING - JULY 22, 1993 BE: TEMPORARY RESTRICTION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE BAY HEIGHTS AND NATOMA MANOR NEIGBBORHOODS , etc. In the ...... ?F. X. X........................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of July 12, 1993 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second close mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached dopy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any pe , rm or corporation any discou rebate, commiss ,l refu d for the purpose of secu 1g is advertleem o publ atlon in the said newsp 4r L�1 Alm / Swam to and subscribed•.494 me this ••v�iY PLICO% day of .... July.......... :�4Q.�v�EN3. (SEAL) •� OF fl�Af Octelms V. Ferbsyre personally known to and •••••••' OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL Ci1RFY1. H HARMER ('O%iMISSION NO. C09160 MY COMMISSION UP. APR IZ19% TV OF: fIl11Ap1A1 FLOR�Dl�1 iR ? NOTICE P PU8L1CyIN R�li PLEASE ALL;TME: NOTICE THAt a pUi ltc'Ni#wring HI b Itetd �Iyby the Comm ofahe City ot; Mlami;Fiorlda; d < J,51yt'2' �953, at 4:15 p m in the City Comnrhs'blon C6 imb6W9, hepuYposer0 e PanAmerlcan`Drive tNibryll, Flor ila for t; hearing arty comments by' thb City:°Commfsslorl from`,'`any inor'a I0d'p4hles2 affected by th.s TEMPORARY RES`fa1CTION OF VEH)CQ A" -ACCESS' TO, THE BAY HEIGHTS Alb NATOMA MAN9 `NEIGHBORHOODS, IN'ACCORDANCE WITH4Pl AN°y A�' D�`P N,r ,,' B .°Said Plan:,, and Plah,r8';-is ori'fife Wi�h the CI(y of aIV1 �Oepartment of Public Works, 275_N W 2 Street, Miami, FfoYid p`yn� r l t _ , All interested persons are (nvrted to appear anii;may bethea7d z , con�eming the pfdposed traffic trieasUres ShoutE! any persofr desifet "to appeal any decieton of the City Commi§slog witii're'spect io aAy matter considered at this hearing, that pt rson sham ensUr$;thbt a . vefbafirp record of the.,proceedings is'made, bncli�dinit,rall`testl�: rnohy and evidence upon Jvhtch ;any appeat may- be'based �b� # t M MATTY�HI0IAI t, CITY CLERK G��Y OFAf' CITY.OF-:MIAM1, FLORID f a ` h t Q t C P OP•Tlw' 'yY co t 7673 f 12 93 3A71232N�' i t7 % M T M NJ -�j CITY OF MIAMI REVIEW NEWSPAPERS MIAMI FL 33233 CITY CLERK MATTY HIRAI P.O. B �3 NEWSPAPERS 8 -� PO SOX 330708 MIAMI, FL 3310i•0989 LL- � PLEAS: RETURN 2E4ITTAN:E CIPY ,,1,,,� �,� - TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE O71232 7941 01 10 IPA 04 7/12/93 3441217 nIA-DAILY BUSINESS PO 41073 24T.00 PUBLIC HEARING 7/22/93 BAY HTS/NATOMA `4ANOR ACCESS AD RAN 7/12/93 D ri o � � m n mn a� .. _ yr ! P, CREDIT DEPT. (305) 347-6615 SUET@7A1 247.00 ?;ST DUE 9ALAMCES FULL BE CHARGED A 1.5 P11 MONTH :RVICE :LARGE (18% PER ANNUM). 3A€ESsh]t: 247.00 ORIGINAL- PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octalma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review ffkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING JULY 22, 1993 RE: RESTRICTION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS TO THE CORAL GATE NEIGHBORHOOD: etc. In the :.... X..X..XX ............................ Court, Was published in said newspaper In the Issues of July 12, 1993 Afftant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of pne year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid not promised any p rm or corporation any discou rebate, commis ► refu d for the purpose of sacu g t is advertise r pub cation In the said news per Sword to and subscribed before me this .12.. day <of ..... UIY............ . of (SEAL) a Octelms V. Ferbeyre personally known to ►S OVPK:IAL NOTARY SEAL CHERYL H MARIMER COMMISSION NO. CCIO1642 MY COAYAL miON FAP. APR. 12,11M 2 .CITit,Y OF WIIA�Vf' �flR1D`% �,, z t+i4TIsE'OF PUB�.IC°HARINQ{, PL! ASE AL4 TAKE NOT)CE THAT a'Public Heating will b heii, by Commfssloh if th§ ctty of Miami, Plori _3 at 4 d5 p m: in the City Comtl�issfon Chambers , 00 Pan American Drive :Miami, Florida for the purpose of hearing any # comments'trom eny interacted pariies'affected by t(1e RES[R) JQNF OF VEHICULAR ACCESS TO 7HE CO�}AL S3ATE _Ni:(tH��)t0�, iN''ACCORDANCI WITH PLAN! 1'A` Safd flan 'A" is on,;.f►I.9,.Nvith�� the City of,Miaml bapartmerrt o Pudic Works 275k d`� treet; Miami Florida _ ,� F s. Alt Interested parsons are invitetl't6 appear`entl may be hearEl- concerning,the,proposed restriction; of vehicl{lar access Should" any person,':desire W appeal any declsfon of tile, Cttyx¢ommissiop; with,respti0t to any matter ophsidprd at this tiearittg, )Fiat person;; t shali.enstire teat a verbatim reoord'of the,proceetlings;as made' incfudih6 ef) testimony and evidence'upgn,krh�ch any adpeal mayr;; } be: based �,����� CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDAr � (Nt077) 7f12 93 3�0712311 n 3 Q=+ 0 M 1" ('1 n N CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK MATTY HIRAI PO SOX 330708 MIA.4I FL 33233 LL_ -J 071231 7941 01 I MIA —DAILY BUSINESS PO 41C77 PUBLIC HEARING 7/22/93 CORAL GATE VEHICULAR RESTRICTN AD RAN 7/12/93 REMIT TO REVIEW NEWSPAPERS P.O. BOX 010589 MIAMI, FL 33101.0589 PLEASE RETJRN 2E•4ITTANIE COPY TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE ��„� �:�,::.�e�a�zn+E!'�I�� �id�F.�p,�!�L►.o10EsP�... 10 I°A 04 I 7/12/93 1144121-0 cl) �. --A x � D � :r, n s D 23?.00 CREDIT DEPT* (305) 347-0015 SUBTOTAL 232oDD a4ST CUE 3ALANCES WILL BE CHARGED A' 1.5 PER MONTH S=RVICE --IARG= (13% PER ANNUM)* 'S,ALEST�X 232*'50 ORIGINAL -PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelms V. Ferbsyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review We Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING — July 22, 1993 FOR THE EXTENSION OF XGEN SOFTWARE SUPPORT MAINTENANCE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET In the ......................................... Court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of July 7, 1993 Afflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither pal or promised any p n, or corporation any disc nt, rebate, commis o refund for the purpose of se rin Is advertise e f public Ion In the said ne paper i Swom to and subscribed before me this .7.th sy o1 .... .. (SEAL) Octelms V. Ferbeyre personally known to me. OFFICLALNO"A Y SEAL AGNES E. PENA NOTARY PUDUC STATE OF FLORID COMMISSION NO. CC 172108 MY COMMISSION EXP. kN. 61996 CNTYY,tlF �1!lIAl1�Ii F�.QRI�i�►� � � � b, S : ;A publio hearing'wtli tfe tibia by.fb CIi1t Gommlaslbn;df tifb%' City, of Miami, Florida, o i + ,bO�pSti,' n Ehelt�+ 00mmiselon Ch°� bare at , F an Alne QanrD Ke,� Mletrli� Florida; fgr,`the purpose of considering a 'waiver of lhe� reouUements of dbtafn)ng ,9eeled bfdis'for the e�ftedsfoh of'% EN software sGpport maiht(inance for the Departmeht of Mhnagem#hti{ f -,and Budget solek.'offered by Jacksonville Soft�afe Development Corporation at a coat of $1006 s=a lnquirles:from othsr potential sources of supply who feel chef ` they might be able to satisfy the City's requirements )n theCd41- aitlon .may" contact; Robert E Percher, Deputy blrector, Depart ment of Management and Budge}, at (305y 579 6280� r 1;� jF� i All Interested Parties are `invited to apbear�ond may tfe her cbnceming Such proposal waiver and purr ass. Should aity persa dealre to'appealany dcclsloti df the,C{tyi Coinmissf%f►lih§pact` to any matter" re`, that a Veit atlmiregord of the proceedings is made,jlttolddInA all .testimony and eYjdence upon Which anyappealfmay besba§ed , f r h Il 1 vi Y Mat ty Hiral 'x City Miami, Florida � 717 93-"707NNE 67M' »M.rl _.., _t..._..1 C w rn -ten Ts ZD a, a CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK M * ' PO BOX 330708TTY HIRAI REVIEW NEWSPAPERS MIAMI P.O. BOX010589 LL_ FL 33233 MIAMI, FL 33101.0589 PLEASE RETJRN ZEgirTAV:E COPY TERMS NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE * , sesti 0707b7 7g41— QERAF)rtYlEt `, rI. r: C ,N .� Q1 1 D , A } �ESCRlPTl0t�1'� Tarr, F I' 04 7/�J 7/ 9 3 1744C350 MI4—DAILY BUSINESS •. LcE u�,,,��• �. _�,s,.ouN q �! PO #1 Q72�. PUBLIC HEARING 7/22/93 .. SOLE SOURCE/JAX SOFTWARE D=ycn AD RAN 7/7/93 in �� C7 It o� CREDIT DEPT. (3�a5) 347-6616 , P ST CUE 3ALAVCES WILL BE CHARGED A '1.5 PER ,'�ONTi sul3 rara� C�RVICE ��A:4GE (13X PER ANNUM)s v .'� SALES TAX ORIGINAL _ PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE �oAiiYe�umrnmmmnn�nwcic��.�® - _ - .. HIRAI RK Milt FUA. MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octeima V. Ferbsyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super. visor, Logal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review fWa Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Lagal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: PENSION AND RETIREWNT PLANS, THEREBY ESTABLISHING AND CREATING DIVISION III, etc. Inthe ....X. . X . X ............................. Court, Was published in said newspaper in the Issues of July 12, 1993 Afflent further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any per , rm r corporation any discoynt, rebate, commisslo r r fund r the purpose of seou g t Is advertisem or ublica on in the said news per Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12.... day of . Julys . ............. (SEAL) Octelme V. Ferbeyre personally known �y 93 C*VK3AL NOTARY SEAL (MIRYL H MARMER COMMISSION NO, CC191642 MY COA MMION up. APR 12,19" CITY. OF. MIAMI, FLORIO' TICi 0 aHOl 0SED' ORDIkA`Nb '' 4 Notice is hereby given tFiaii 6 City Commission cf the Glly'ot; Miami, Florida -win consider the following ordinances oti ttecoiid ' aild find reading,o ehcing at 9.00;aim n ills City Commissibn_ *uu TTh Amerlcan Drive,j Migrrtir'> Florida. ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE iv OF: CHAPTER 40 OF THE CODE OF,THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORfOA', A5 AMENDED;: ENTITLED "PENSIONAND RETIREMENT 1 PLANS" THEREBY ESTABLISHING AND:CREATING,DIVI. SION iII; SECTION 40.250. ET SEO., PURSUANT 70 SEC TION. 112.048 OF THE LAWS,OF THE STATE Oi FLORI, DA; CREATING A SYSTEM OF RETIREMENT• FOR ELECTED OFFICiALS,WHO HAVE HELD AN ELECTIVE, OFFICE FOR THE, CITY, OF MIAMI,, PLORIDA, FOR A PERIOD OF .TWENTY (20) OR MORE CONSECUTIVE..>. YEARS, MORE PARTICULARLY. BY; ADDING NEW SEC' TIONS 40.250 A6!251, 40.252,-40Q53,:'40.254; 40.255,.40.258, AND 40.257; CONTAINING A' REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERAIJILI FY-CLAUSE•AND PROVIDING F.OR AN't. EFFECTIVEDATE. ORDINANCE NO. AN OR AMENDING JHE CODE. OF THE CITY.:, OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 'AS AMENDED;iBY AMENDING ARTICLEIV.OF CHAPTER 40 ;ENTITLED "PENSION AND?s , RETIREMENT PLANS; DIVISION 3, CITY. OF;MIAMI GFN ERAL EMPLOYEES' AND SANITATION 'EMPL`OXEES"_ RETIREMENTTRUST" THEREBY: (t) PROVIDING ;FOR COMP.LiA:NCE.WITH;THE, INT,ERNAL:R.E.VENUE : WITHHOLDING GUIDELINES,;AS ENACTED BY THECON-?Y GRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AlkRICA PURSUANT = TO UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION AMENDMENTS OF 1992, ,AND (2, PROViDiNG_FOR'C'OST OF. LIVING ALLOWANCES (COLA), MORE;PARTICULARL"Y BY;. AMENDING SECTIONS •40239(I) AND 40=240(q),; . CONTAINING A REPEALER ,PROVISION, 'A,SEVERABIL ITY CLAUSE,,AND PROVIDING FOR AN AFFECTIVE QATE ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE:AMENDING THE"CODE OF'THE CITY:' 'OF MIAMI;-'FLORIDA'," AS AMENDED; BY. AMENDING`. ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTER,'40 ENTITLED "PENSION AND RETIREMENT PLANS', DIVISION 2. CITY OF MIAMI FIRE" FIGHTERIS''`AND POLICE. OFFICERS'- RETIREMENT TRUST", THEREBY ,PROVIDING FOR,COMPLiANCE WITH" - THE INTERNAL REVENUE'WITHHOLDING GUIDELINES; AS -ENACTED BY, THE CONGRESS, OF: THE UNITED. STATES OF. AMERICA PURSUANT,TO,UNEMPLOYMENTi COMPENSATION AMENDMENTS;OF <1692 MORE PARTICULARLY BY;AMENDING''SECTION 40.212(1) CONTAINING A: REPEALER PROVISION; A SEVERABIL ITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE:; ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 2.75 AND 2�76.- - OF THE CODEOF:THE CITY OF. MIAMI, FLORIDA,'AS` AMENDED ' WHICH SECTIONS SET=THE. FEES FOR;. ZONING.CERTIFICATES OF USE AND FOR -INSPECTIONS AND EXAMINATIONS OF PLANS FOR COMPLIANCE WiTH` THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000, THE' ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MiAMI, FLORIDA,` AS AMENDED, BY. ADDING` AND DEFINING CERTAIN' REQUIRED FEES, TO COVER THE COST OF ENFORCE. MENT OF THE ZONING. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY.OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, `AND OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILD-: ING CODE;, FURTHER; AMENDING ORDINANCE,NO;. 11028,.THE FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY',OF. MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY ADDING NEW, SECTION ;IB;TO..,SAID ORDINANCE, ,THEREBY. ADDING AND DEFINING. CERTAIN; REOUIRED. FEES POR APPLG , CATIONS.'FOR WAIVERS AND VARIANCES. FROM THE PROVISIONS OF .SAID FLOOD. DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE; CONTAINING :A REPEALER, PROVISION. AND A SEVERA9ILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING' FOR. AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CITY CODE, Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 _ 3 „ MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelms V. Ferbsyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super- visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: ArENDING SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE NO. 6145, etc. In the .. X. X..X ............................... Court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of July 12, 1993 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore boon continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of ,one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any per or corporation say discoA, rebate, commisei -"fun for the purpose of aec ng is advertieem or ubllc lion In the said news pa . 011 Swam to and subscribed before me this •��**O 12 ti i .. day of ...July ........ r��pvAPH4r,� 93 4 (SEAL) Oclelma V. Ferbeyre personally OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL CHBRYLtiMARMHI COMMISSION NO. CC191N2 MY COAiMONON LXP. APIL 12,19a11 �0T1 91 qF PF 0 Commleslon Cha . AMENDED, ENTITLED'fPENS10N;:AND RETIREMENT PLANS"THEREBY ESTABLISHING AND CREATING;D.IVI r , `SION III; SECTION 40.250,'ET SEQ,,PURSUANT TO,;;$EC -TION 112.048 OF :THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF FLORI -: DA; CREATING, A SYSTEM OF ,RETIREMENT* FOR ELECTED'OFFICIALSWHO HAVE:HELD.AN ELECTIVE. OFFICE .FOR THE CITY.OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR A PERIOD 'OF TWENTY (20)- OR MORE CONSECUTIVE YEARS, :MORE, PARTICULARLY `BY' ADbWG',NEW';SEC - TIONS 40.2W,-40.251, 4 -252, 40 253, 40.254, 40.2551 40.2% AND 40.257; CONTAINING;A REPEALER PROVISION AN& A SEVERABILI fY CLAUSE ANO' PROVIDING FOR' At4 EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF'.MIAMI, FLORIDA,-AS AMENDED ,BY:AMENDING ARTICLEiV.OF CHAPTER'EN71TL`ED',"PENSION,;AND RETIREMENT, PLANS, DIVISIO40; N73, CITY OFZMIAMI ;GEN ERAL:EMPLOYEES' AND• SAWTATION;EMPLOYEESTl RETIREMENT .7RUST ,-:TNEREBY:={t), PROVIDING FOFt COMPLIANCE` WITH'-THE;ANT,ERNAL REVENUE i GRESS OF GTHE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PURSUANT I TO UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION, AMENDMENTS OF 1992, AND (2)t,PROVIDING •F.OR COST OF LIMING ALLOWANCES:(COLA); -MORE PARTICULARLYBY AMENDING SECTIONS.,4G-2390) AN.D;,40 24U-(A) ,,CONTAININGWREPEALER PROVISION, A`SEVERABIL ITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR* `AN AFFECTIVE DATE `ORDINANCE NO. '" AN ORDINANCE AMENDING •THE -.CODE OF THE�'CIT.Y OF,MIAMi, FLORIDA;'AS,AMENDEO,-BY<'AMENDING ARTICLE:IV,OF'CHAPTER.40, ENTITLED."PENSION AND RETIREMENT,; PLANS, DIVISION 2.;CITY.OFMIAMI, IRE FIGHTERS.` AND POLICE OFFICERS':•RETIREMENT TRUST" ; THEREBY PROVIDING FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE INTERNAL REVENUE WITH HOLDING: GUIbnlNES AS ENACTED.BY THE `CONGRESS OF..THE'UN)TED STATES OF. AMERICA'PURSUANT TO UNEMPLOYMENT-,-,-, COMPENSATION AMENDMENTS OF 1992' MORE. PARTICULARLY:. BY AMENDING SECTION 40.212(I); " CONTAINING ,A REPEALER PROVISION, A ;SEVERABIL ITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE:- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 2.75 AND 276` -0F THE-CODE`OF THE -CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA,.` AMENDED, ,WHICH SECTIONS: SET THE_ FEES (FOR ZONING CERTIFICATES OF USE AND FOR INSPECTIONS , AND EXAMINATIONS OF PLANS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE.'PROVIS.IONS OF ORDINANCE NO:'11000,'THE' ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF'MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS' AMENDED,', BY ADDING AND: DEFINING CERTAIN REQUIRED FEES TO COVER THE COST OF ENFORCE- MENT.OF THE ZONING'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY"OF. MIAMI; FLORIDA, AND OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA.BUILD-., ING.CODE;.FURTHER; AMENDING ORDINANCE;;NO', 11028, THE FLQOD;DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY ADDING -NEW SECTION .18 TO' SAID: ORDINANCE, THEREBY ADDING AND DEFINING, CERTAIN REQUIRED FEES•FOR'APPLI CATIONS FOR, WAIVERS: AND VARIANCES FROM -THE PROVISIONS OF,SAID"FLOOb,DAMAGE:PREVENTION ORDINANCE; ' CONTAINING- A REP EALER;,PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY'CLAUSE; PROVIDING'FOR.AN ' EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CIT_Y_CODE. Page 1 of 2 rri T 0 rn -..,I 03 Page 2 of 2 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octeima V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MLIATvff NOTICE'OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: AMENDING ARTICLE IV OF CHAP= 40, ENTITLED ' � PENSION AND RETIREMENT PLANS,' DIVISION 3, etc. Inthe ,... X..X .X ............................ Court, was published In sold newspaper in the Issues of July 12, 1993 Afflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second close mall matter at the post office In Miami in sold Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any per rm r corporation any disc nt, rebate, commisat r r fund 1 r the purpose of sec ng this adverilae or ublfcal n in the said new ap Sworn toland subscribed before me this .•-......� 93 .12.. day of ....July... ....... . tk (SEAL) ts� T/ Octelms V. Ferbeyre personally known to't�:OF fte.7 90-406000 OFMaAL NOTARY TEAL CHHRYL H MARMBR comM1S5iON NO. CC191"2 MY COMMLeS40N ILXP. APA 12,19116 orida OADII+ p.'BAN 0FDlNANCE AMENDI 40 OF THE CODEOF'THE ,,AMENDED;.-, ENTITLED`!:' PLANS" `'THEREBY ESTAd ON 111',;SECTION 40.25tl, TION 1�12.048 OF THE LA bA; CREATING A SY$' 3 ELECTED OFFICIALS OFFICE FOR THE CITY', PERIOD.OF TWENTY:,( YEARS,MORE <PART bui TIONS 40.250,-40-251;`40.2! AND 40'257;`COn'rA1NiNG A:SEVERABILI rY, CLAU: EFFECTIVE DATE, Conti AN ORDINANCE AMENC OF MIAMI; FLORIDA,' A ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTEF RETIREMENT PLANS,' DID ERAL. EMPLOYEES', RETIREMENT :TRUST",;1 COMPLIANCt iWITH= WITNHOLDING:.GUIDELIN GR SS O.F THE UNITED TO UNEMPLOYMENT. CC OF 1992, AND (2) PRO ALLOWANCES;(COLA) AMENDING -SECTION CONTAINING, A, REPEAL ITY CLAUSE, ANb PR'001 ORDI AN ORDINANCE AMEN( OF MIAMI, °FLORIDA' f ARTICLE !V OF CHAPTEI RETIREMENT, PLANS,. DI FIGHTERS'` AND POET TRUST"; THEREBY PRO% THE INTERNALREVENL AS ENACTED BY THE STATES OF.AMERICA-PI COMPENSATION AMI PARTICULARLY BY -At CONTAINING -A: REPEAL ITY CLAUSE,'AND PROVI ORD AN; ORDINANCE AMENi OF THE CODE'OF THE AMENDED, WHICH :SE ZONING' CERTIFICATES. AND E)(AMINATIONS.OF r SM,.,ft ,,OF THE M OF:'Rl HAVE HE MIAMI:' ' AMENDED, BY.. AMENI 10;'ENTITLED,'PENSION SIOW2'."CITY OF, MIAMI -'0FFICERS!> RETIRE IV 'ING FOR, COMPLIANCE' WITH HOLDING'GUlDELI ONGRESS OF THE UN ISUANT;TO UNEMPLOYt IDMENTS O.F;1992,,.M :NDING. SECTION 40-2 R PROVISION;A SEVER NG FOR,AN EFFECTIVE ANCE NO. MG `SECTIONS 2.75 "AN ,ITY OF MIAMI; FLORID NgNS `SET THE FEES USE AND FOR.INSPEC THE PROVISIONS OF.,:ORDINANCE'NO. 110( O ZONING RDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; FI AS.AMENDEDBY ADDING AND DEFINING C REQUIRED"FEES, TO COVER THE COST OF EN MENT OF THE:ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI, FLORIDN,-AND OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA ING CODE; FURTHER,' AMENDING; ORDINAN 11028,THE FLOOD, DAMAGE PREVENTION ORD } OF THE CITY -OF FLORIDA, BY:ADDIN SECTION 18� TO SAID .ORDINANCE, THEREBY. AND, DEFINING CERTAIN, -REQUIRED OE, S 'O ' F CATIONS FOR':WAIVERS AND: -VARIANCES -FRI PROV1S10NS OF.SAID'FLOOD'DAMAGE'. PREY ORDINANCE; CONTAINING.A REPEALER.PR( AND A SEVERABILITY :CI;AUSE; PROVIDING' EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING FOR.INCLUSION THE CITY CODE. vnc ABIL- DATE, 2 76 A "AV FOR TIONS. , '> WITH THE RIDA; STAIN )RCE= 'Y OF IUILD- ,NO. ANCE )DI NEVV NG jPPL! 0 Page 1: of 2 I r Page 2 of 2 9_� P_ CITFR Y C� ; MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super- visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, fforids; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MTAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDELANCE RE: PENSION AND RETIREMENT PLANS, DIVISION 2, CITY OF ML*1I FIRE FIGHTERS' AND POLICE OFFICERS', etc. In the ... X X .X ............................. Court, was published in said newspaper In the issues of July .12, 1993 Affisnt further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and atflant further says that she has nglther paid nor promised any on, firm or corporation any disc nt, rebate, comm o or ref nd for the purpose of se rim this advertla pfi or pu Icatlon in the said ne a -., / Wz Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1.2. day of .... ji4y............. tr (SEAL) i Octelms V. Ferbeyre personally known IN 93 OFFICIAL SOTARY VIAL Cl1fiRYL H hMA t M9 % COMMISSION NO. C'C191642 MY COM MrAlION GAP. AFX 12,jq% CITY OF IIi1lAMI FILORICf o`1dE bi PRda(►SED,RDI Notice Is hereby :given that the City' Commission o AAin.nl CinrWn will rA�,airlar..l1.o'/nllnwinri nrrllnanrQ ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IV'OF.CHAPTEN 40 OF THE CODE OFTHE CITY OF MIAMI'; FLORIDA' AS AMENDED, `ENTITLED ,"PENSION AND RETIREMENT PLANS" THEREBY ESTABLISHING AND CREATING; DIVI , SION III, SECTION 40.250, ET SEQ.; PURSUANT TO,SEC TION-112.048 OF THE:LAWS OF. THI STATE OF FLORI- DA; CREATING A SYSTEM OF. RETIREMENT`"FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS WHO HAVE HELD 'AN,ELECTIVE OFFICE FOR THE CITY'OF MIAMI, FLORIDA-; FOWA ` t' PERIOD OF TWENTY :`(20)OR,+MORE`.,CONSECUTIVE - YEARS, :MORE PARTiCULARLY�BY ADDING NEW''SEC TIONS 40.250;;40.251, 40.252, 40.253, 40-254,'40.255, 40 256;; AND 40.257;,COITAINWG A REPEALER 'PROVISION.AND, A. SEVERABILLfY .CLAUSE AND PROVIDING"FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE; CITY OF MIM A `FLOR{DA AS`AMENDED BY`AMENDING I , ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTER 40 ENTITLED`"PENSION AND RETIREMENT'PLANS,.DIVISION 3, CITY <OF MIAMI.GEN" ERAL EMPLOYEES' 'ANO.SANITATION.EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT .TRUST -JHEREBY:.(1) .PROVIDI,NG FOR , COMPLIANCE`WITH=THE-:INTERNAL R.EV.ENUE::. TO UNEMPLOYMENT,, COMPENSATION AMENDMENTS OF:,1992, AND (2) PROVIDING'; FOR CdST OF:LIVING" j. ALLOWANCES (COLA) MORE PARTICULARLY SY AMENDING SECTI0NS,.'40=239(1) AND-40;240(A); CONTAINING. A REPEALER PROVISION; A.SEVERABILr < ITY CLAUSE, -AN D PROVIDINGFOR AN" AFFECTIVE' DATE ORDINANCE NO: AN ORDINANCE,AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY 't` OF.MIAMI,',FLORIDA; °AS AMENDED,. BY AMENDING i ARTICLE IV OFT. CHAPTER 40; ENTfTLED."PENSION AND 'r RETIREMENT:, PLANS, DIVISION 2: CITY `OF. MIAMI FIRE FIGHTERS' AND POLICE; OFFICERS'°RETIREM'ENT TRUST., THEREBY PROVIDING`. FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE INTERNAL REVENUE.. WITHHOLDING GUIDELINES,,•._. : AS ENACTED BY., THE. CONGRESS OF THE'.UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PURSUANT TO. UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION AMENDMENTS. OF 1992 MORE PARTICULARLY BY -:AMENDING SECTION'40.212(I); CONTAINING.A REPEALER'PROVISION, A SEVERABIV 1TY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE :ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS. 2.75 AND 2.76 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AS, AMENDED; WHICH SECTIONS SET THE FEES FOR ZONING CERTIFICATES OF USE AND.FOR INSPECTIONS EX AND EMINATIONS OF PLANS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; AS AMENDED,: BY ADDING AND DEFINING. CERTAIN,' REQUIRED FEES,"TO COVER THE, COST OF ENFORCE MENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY OF MIAMI,`FLORIDA,'AND OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILD- ING_ CODE;.: FURTHER, AMENDING ORDINANCE -NO: 11028, THE FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE - OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; BY ADDING NEW =. SECTION *4 TO SAID, ORDINANCE„THEREBY ADDING AND, DEFINING CERTAIN REQUIRED FEES FOR:APPLI CATIONS FOR WAIVERS AND VARIANCES FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SAID FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION.:;. ORDINANCE; CONTAINING A'REPEAL ER, PROVISION?, AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR .AN' ' EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING;FOR INCLUSION IN'::' THE CITY, CODE. Page 1 of 2 rri m N3 CD f.5 00 Page 2 of 2 RECEIV n i� 93 't a r.. , MATT I i lit �iilf� "f, f 1. 41 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flk/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF NIAI,1I NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: -AMENDING SECTIONS 2-75 AND 2-76 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MI149, etc. In the ............ X.... ............. ........... Court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of July 12, 1993 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office in Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached Dopy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any p Irm or corporation any discou ,rebate, CommI n r ref nd for the purpose o1 secu this advertis r pu Icatlon In the said newap ........ ...... . Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12.. day of ....July..I4'....... #44493 (SEAL) Octelma V. Ferbeyre personally known t a. •�?'�::::J;0 OFFICIAL NtTTA►;f %:;.ki, CY7lIli155KJiJ,,\tt.:'�•,..; •;,; MYCQ414hSWN Uil. A:'I:. 11,1 CITY; O "P1 Notice, Is hereby given Miami; ,Florida; will coHs Floflda: ' ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE'AMENDING''ARTiGLEaV Oi 40 QF THE CODE OF7HE CITY;OF MIAMI, FI AMENDED .ENTITLED PENSION ANf) "RE PLANS" THEREBY ESTABLISHING AND; CAE, I SION III, SECTION 40.250,.ET SEO„ PURSUAI TION. 112.04ti OF THE'LAWS OF tkrz' TATE I DA; CREATING' A SYSTEM OF RETIREit I ELECTED OFFICIALS WHO'HAVE;HELD Ail i OFFICE FOR 'THE.CITY OF MIAMI, FLORI'. PERIOD OF TWENTY> (20) OR MORE COP :YEARS; MORE PARTICULARLY BY ADDING` TIONS 40.250; 40.251 40.252,'40.2W,' 40.2l34t 40 AND 40.257;.COKTAINING A REPEALER PAO\ A SEVERABILIrY CLAUSE AND' PROVIDIN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. , i. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING`.THE CODE'Of OF MIAMI' FLORIDA'•AS AMEN DED.'BY' :ARTICLE 1V+OF CHAPTER'40; ENTITLEq!!!PEI RETIREMENT PLANS, DIVISION 3, CITY OF..? ERA L' EMPLOYEES' [ANDf-SANITATION l;Eh RETIREMENT!TRUST" ,,THEREBYt (1),PROV COMPLIANCE WITH 'THE.:IN.T,ERNA"L; M.1"MVLUINU UUIUtLINtb, A, tNA(,i,l_tU t lk1EgC GRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERi�A Pow TO UNEMPLOYMENT•,CO,MPENSATIONAMENDME OF 1992; AND (2I PROVIDING FOR COST OF;L{V ALLOWANCES (COLA); MORE, PART,ICULA•t LY AMENDING:.SECT;IONS ,40.239(1) ;AND:41 240 .,;CONTAINING; A REPEALER PRO•V,ISION A.SEVERA ITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AIWAFFECTIVEM ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ;THE CODE OF' THE;"S OF MIAMIFLORIDA;AS'AMENDED,',BY AMENi) ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTER A0',ENTITLED"PENSION j RETIREMENT PLANS; DIVISiON 2: CiTY OF MIAMI II FIGHTERS" AND POLICE OFFICERS'.:RETIREMI TRUST" THEREBY PROVIDING FOR, COMPLIANCE If -THE` INTERNAL, REVENUE'.WITHHOLDING GUIDEL'II AS ENACTED BY THE: CONGRESS OF.THE' UN1 STATES OF'AMERICA'PURSUANT TO`UNEMPLOYM COMPENSATION AMENDMENTS`OF. 1992;,W PARTICU::ARLY BY AMENDING SECTION (40.21 CONTAINING; A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERp ITY, CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING `FOR AN`EFFECTIVEID ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDiNANCE'AMENDING SECTIONS 2.75 "AND: OF:'THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI;:F" —AI AMEN DED;",1(VHICH SECTIONS SET ;THE. ZONING CERTIFICATES OF,USE AND FOR IN AND EXAMINATIONS OF PLANS FOR COMPL THE: PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO: ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF.MIAN AS AMENDED, BY •.ADDiNG.'AND DEFININ REOUIRED FEES, TO COVER THE'COST OF MENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF TI MIAMI, FLQRIDA; AND OF THE SOUTH FLOI ING_CODE;:FURTHER; AMENDING ORDII 11028, THE 'FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION:( OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, .BY A( SECTION 18,TO SAID ORDINANCE, THERE AND DEFINING CERTAIN REQUIRED FEES CATiONS'FOR.WAiVERS.ANp VARIANCE$, PROVISIONS OF SAID FLOOD DAMAGE,P ORDINANCE;; CONTAINING A; REPEALER., AND A SEV,ERABILITY "CLAUSE;.PROVIDi EFFECTIVE' DATE; AND PROVIDING ­FOR IN THE CITY'CODE, I CERTAIN ENFORCE= -' IDA' BUILD- ANCE ,NO:. RDINANCE;,^ )ING NEWV Y:ADDING OR �P(?LI NG`FOR AN CWSION IN Page 1 of 2 rn Page 2 of 2 CITY —OF MIAMI: F ,20RICA R E F I �.�' I 1�tti710E OF pRC�ROSIEb OI;DIIIIANC9 Notice is hereby given that the CIty.Commisalo� of the„Olfy b Miami, Floridd, will'conside'the following;6rdinances°on'66604 '93 JUL 14 P 2 :29 • { TY HIRAI C i Y CLERK CIT`` ` MIAMI, F[,�, MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octeima V. Ferbeyrs, who on oath says that she Is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of L M • M�MM-1 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND, etc. in the ... X..x .X ............................. Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of July 12,.1993 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached 4rI ement; and afflant furth says that she has promised any p n, fl or corporation - r bate, commis refun for the purpose advert,,, 1 publl tlon in the said Sworn tp and subscribed before me this 12... day of ...July....... 93Fr s (HEAL) 4 Octelma V. Ferbeyre personally known OPPICIAL ROTARY SEAL CHfiRYL H 1 fAWARIt COMMissiON NO. C091642 MY COMML%K)N IJR. APR 17.191E City Commissi6n"Chambeis,'.3500 PanrAmet-lcan brlVe',''luliAMl;'` Florida; ORDINANCE NO', , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING`ARTICLEIV OF CHAPTER 40 OF. THE 'CODE OF.THE CITY: OF>MIAMI,'FLORIDA;'L AMENDED, ENTITLED "PENSION;AND;RETIREMENT: PLANS" THEREBY' ESTABLISH! NG'AND CREAT1NG3 DIVI SION III, SECTION 40.260; ET SEO.; PURSUANT T.O: SEC TION.112.048 OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE`OF FLOAl i DA; 'CREATING..A SYSTEM OF RETIREMENT, FOR i ELECTED OFFICIALS WHO HAVE HELD AW ELECTIVE" :OFFICE FOR THE CITY OF• MIAMI, FLORIDA,, FOR --A PERIOD. OF TWENTY"(20) OR MORE,L CONSECUTIVE YEARS, ';MORE PARTICULARLY BY ADDING' NEW SEC T16NS 40.250; 4&2. 51; 40e252, 40.253, . -264, 40.255, 40.256; AND 40'257;,COt TAINING:'A REPEALER PROVISION; AND A SEVERA6ILI(Y:CL4U5E-AN6',,PROVIDING FOR`AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO.', AN ORDINANCEAMENDING THE,CODE OF THE,CITY OF MIAMI„FLORIDA,'AS AMENDED, BY41AMENDING ARTICLE,IV OF CHAPTER 40;:ENTITLED"PENSION�AND i. RETIREMENT: PLANS, DIVISION 3 CITY OF`MIAMI'GEN EMPLOYEES'AND-.SANITATION ,EMPLOYEEW RETIREMENT TRUST 'THEREBY:A1),PROVIDING',FOR COMPLIANCE WITH.•THE INTERNAL„REVENUE GRESS OF THE UNITED STATES OF'AMERICA PURSUANT TO UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION,AMENbMtNTS OF 1992;' AND (2) PROONNG,FOR COST'OF LIVING ALLOWANCES ,(CO LA);'MORE PARTICULARLY:";BY AMENDING;SECTIONS`:40-239(I) AND<40 2WNA) CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, ArSEVERABIL ITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN AFFECTIVE DATE " ORDINANCENOc AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE -:CODE OF THECITY OF`:MIAMI, FLORIDA "At AMEND,EO, BY: AMENDING ` ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTER".40, ENTITLED."PENSION `AND RETIREMENT -PLANS; DIVISION"2.'CITY OF`MIAMI;FIRE FIGHTERS':AND POLICE OFFICEW RETIREMENT TRUST'; THEREBY PROVIDING,;FOR' COMPLIANCE .WITH THE INTERNAL REVENUE WITHHOLDING :GUIDELINES, AS ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES':OF"AMERICA"PURSUANT TO UNEMPLOYMENT - COMPENSATION AMENDMENTS OF'1992; MORE PARTICULARLY BY "AMENDING; -SECTION 40.2120); CONTAINING. A REPEALER PROVISION, A-SEVERABIL- ITY CLAUSE, AND,PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE "DATE.; ORDINANCE NO. AN 'ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 2.75 AND 276 OF THE CODE' OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA,'.AS AMENDED,' WHICH' SECTIONS'"SET THE FEES, FOR ZONING. CERTIFICATES. OF USE AND FOR INSPECTIONS, AND EXAMINATIONS OF PLANS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF'ORDINANCE NO. 11000, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI,:FLORIDA AS AMENDED,'BY-ADDING AND DEFINING CERTAIN REQUIRED FEES; TO COVER THE COST ENFORCE-i. MENT OF THE ZONING; ORDINANCE' OF THE CITY OP MIAMI, FLORIDA AND OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILD. ING CODE;-FURTHER;"AMENDING ORDINANCE' NO: 11028, THE FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE OF THECITY OF MIAMI,. FLORIDA, BY ADDING NEW SECTION,18 TO SAID ORDINANCE, THEREBY ADDING AND DEFINING: CERTAIN REQUIRED FEES;FOfl APPU CATIONS.F.OR,WAIVERS AND VARIANCES; FROM THE PROVISIONS OF. SAID FLOOD,: DAMAGE; PREVE.NT.ION ORDINANCE;',CONTAINING AREPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING' FOR. ".AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDINO'FOR INCLUSION'IN THE CITY.CODE,' Page 1 of 2 X- Page 2 of 2 t _✓ RECEivFn '93 JUL 14 P 2 *29 MA1 TY HIRAI U Y CLERK CITY Qr MIAMI, El. A. MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Super. visor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF M *a NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: RELATING TO SIDEWALK CAFES, etc. In the....X.X.X............................. Court, was published in sold newspaper In the Issues of July 12, 1993 Affiant further says that the sold Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant furl aya that she has neither paid no promised any ,fir or corporation any disco , rebate, commis or efund or the purpose of secu g la advertise t o public Ion In the said news pe Swam to and subscribed before me this 12 d.. July. ........ �w...#;.D. 1s..93• ....%s�ay of .�� ••• ... �,... . •�..�G(.... V�V Pam'~ • ... . (SEAL) _ Octelms V. Forbeyre personally krM*p OFE4C L WTAKMFItY SUL aiERYL COMMISSION NO. CC19t"2 MY CDWMIs" EXP. AJFL 1419" CITY �el��I I�OT��GJ�C tf7 Florida; ORDlb AN ORDINANCE AMEND! ` .40 OF THE CODE OF.,tkE AMENDED,, ENTITLED:`;:' PLANS" THEREBY;ESTAB SION III, SECTION 40.250, TION 112.048OF THE LA DA; CREATING A SYS• ELECTED OFFICIALS.-Wl- OFFICE FOR THE CITY: PERIOD OF TWENTY (2 TIONS 40 25l) 40.251," 40=252,'40=253' 40.254; 40�255 40J., ' AND. 40.257;,,COKtAINING,A REPEALER( PROVISION'; A SEVERA811 1 fY •CLAUSE ANIJ_PROVIDING .FOR EFFECTIVE DAtE. 7 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING. THE CODE OF THE;! 'OF>.MIAMI, FLORiDA';,AS AMEN DED,':BY AMEN C ARTICLE iVOF.CHAPTER'40, ENTITLEDti:!PENSIONI RETIREMENT: PLANS;::DIVISION 3-, CITY. OF, MIAMI;t ERAL EMPLOYEES''ANW.S'ANITATION EMPLOYE RETIREMENT.' TRUST" .`THEREEBY::(1}£ PROVIDINCa' �; ,COMPLIANCE-W1�'H;THE:IN.TERNAL,R.E'V,EEI GRESS OF THE, UNITED.,STATES OFCA AMERIPUR5 TO UNEMPLOYMENT d0MPENSATION'AMENDM OF 1992,.AND (2) PROVIDlNGFOR COST OF L' ALLOWANCES (COLA);' MORE.PART ICULARL A;MENOING-tSECTION5140-239(I):A.ND 40=2 CONTAINING:-A'A REPEALERPROVISION,-- A SEVO IiY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING.FOR ANAFFECTI. ETj PRD 1.14 ''NO AN ORDINANCE ,AMENDING ;TIiE CODE OF THE OF:'MIAMI,:'FLORIDA,'AS'AMENDED;;BY- AMEN ARTICLEyI,V,:OF CHAPTER'40; ENTITLED?'PENSIOI, RETIREMENT PLANS; DIVISIO14'-2.:CITY-0F•MIAM1 FIGHTERS'%AND POLICE OFFICERS`.JIETIREI TRUST'; THEREBY PROVIDING.:,FOR: COMPLIANCE THE: INTERNAL'REVENUE'WITHHOLDING GUIDE! AS ENACTED BY THE" CONGRESS',OF ,THEUI STATES OF-AMERICA;PU.RSUANT TO UNEMPLOY COMPENSATION AMENDMENTS OF 1992; ) PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTION*90-; CONTAINING; A,REPEALER' PROVISION,• A SEVEI ITY'CLAUSE,:.AND PROVIDING.FOR AN EFFECTIVE ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING' SECTIONS 2.75 AN OF, THE CODE OF THE, CITY, OF MIAMI, FLORIC AMENDED, WHICH SECTIONS SET -THE FEE; ZONING CERTIFICATES OF USE AND FOR INSPEC AND EXAMINATIONS OF PLANS FOR COMPLIANCE THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000 ZONING'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLE AS AMENDED, BY ADDING AND DEFINING CE REQUIRED, ;FEES, TO CCVER,THE COST OF:ENF MENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE Cl MIAMI, FLORIDA, AND, OF THE SOUTH FLORIDAJ ING_CODE; FURTHER, AMENDING ORDINANC 11028. THE FLOOD, DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDIP OF, THE CITY, OF MIAMI, FLORIDA,' BY ADDING SECTION 18 TO SAID. ORDINANCE, THEREBY 'A AND DE FINING, CERTAIN REOUIRED,FEES FOR CATIONS FOR WAIVEW AND VARIANCES FN01 PROVISIONS. OF SAID FLOOD DAMAGE PREVE ORDINANCE; CONTAINING.AREPEALER.PRO1 AND :A:SEVERA$ICITY CLAUSE;`;PR.OVIDING'F,.1 EFFECTIVE DATE;AND. PROVIDING FOR INCLUS - THE CITY CODE, , Page 1 of 2 c� I r— c- ..... _� f Tl O m � N 0 �O Page 2 of 2 -77777777 CITY OF MIAMI * REMIT .: ::CITY 'CLERK MATTY HIRAI REVIEW NEWSPAPERS PO BOX 33C708 " P.O. BOX010589 MIAMI FL 33233 MIAMI, FL 33101.0589 L� JJ PLEASE RETJRN REMITTANCE COPY mFi TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE o7xz3o + P 7941 O1 10 P A 04 f MIA -DAILY BUSINESS PO 41074 FIRST READING ORDINANCES TO BE HEARD ON SECOND READING 7/22/93 AD RAN 7/12/93 7/12/93 ()441215 .a -0 N CREDIT DEPT. (305)=347-6615 T TA `-ST CUE 3ALANCES HILL BE CHARGED A 1.3 PEA MONTH U&OTAL ,:RVICE MARS= (19% PER ANNUM). �, ;SAGES' T6iJC; ORIGINAL. PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INv[nrtc IrO3�.00 I ♦035.00 19735.00