HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1993-07-08 Marked Agendai AAYOR V'CE MAYOR ..(1Mb11551ONER f' ::,N�!S3IONER -'--NMMISSIONER XAVit jUAREZ VICTOR H. DE YURRE DR. MIRIAM ALONSO MILLER 1. DAWKINS J.L. PLUMMER, JR. CITY MANAGER CESAR H. 01310 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE, JULY 8, 1993 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, CO�..MITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING * * THIS MEETING SHALL CONVENE AT 9:00 AM THIS PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING IN THE FOLLOWING PORTIONS OF THIS AGENDA: "CONSENT AGENDA", "PUBLIC HEARINGS", OR "PUBLIC DISCUSSION" IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. The City Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the concliision of deliberations of the agenda item being considered at 12:00 noon; further, that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) FOR MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS WHICH DO NOT APPEAR IN THIS PRINTED AGENDA, KINDLY REFER TO THE CITY CLERK'S REPORT, ATTACHED HERETO. PAGE 2 JULY 8, 1993 CONSENT AGENDA Item 1 which is comprised of items CA-1 througTi CA-11 has been scheduled to be hea--r in the nu- moiered sequence or as announced by t Coed—`irmiission. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items 2 through 31 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced Fy t e Commission. t i BOARDS AND COMMITTEES • Items 32 through 43 may be heard in the numbereT sequence or as announced by tie Commission. COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEM Item 44 may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced by the Commission. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 45 has been advertised to be heard at 3:00 PM.* Item 46 has been advertised to be heard at 3:05 PM.* Item 47 has been advertised to be heard at 3:10 PM.* Item 48 has been advertised to be heard at 3:15 PM.* * The City Commission shall consider these items at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. 9:00 AM A. B. 1. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Items 49 through 60 have been scheduled to be heard at 4:00 PM. The City Commission shall consider these items at the specified time or thereafter as may be announced. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS Approving the minutes of the Regular Commission meetings of April 15, 1993 and May 13, 1993. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items CA-1 through CA-11 constitute the Consent Agenda. These resolutions are self-exp anatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of items CA-1 throug _CA-11 be adopted... 11 The Mayor or City Clerk shall state the following: "Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any it in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken." CA-1. RESOLUTION - (J-93-390) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of JR Builders Inc., (a ispanic ocal vendor), or the furnishing of fifty-one (51) french windows to be installed at Manuel Artime Commnity Center for the Department of Community Development at a proposed amount of 65 960 with option No. 2 for double Dane insulated glass at an additional $3.200.00 for a tottT-roposed cost o 9 ; allocating funds therefor rom Community Development Block Grant Program Project No. 707210, Index Code No. 451892-860; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer - to issue a purchase order for this service. PAGE 3 JULY 8, 1993 DELIVERED I EE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA "PRESENTATION") UBMITED BY THE MAYOR'S FFICE APPROVED MOVED DE YURRE SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS DEFERRED MOVED SECONDED: ABSENT ALONSO PLUMMER SUAREZ CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-2. RESOLUTION - (J-93-466) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of. Mercedes Electric SAsina IV, (a non-minority/local vendor), or t e urnof flood I - ighting equipMnt for the City of Miami's ran a Bow Stadium to the Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste/Property Maintenance Division at a total proposed amount of 11 800.00; allocating -fun-s therefor from the General Services Administration/Property Maintenance Division Account Code No. 420401-707; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. CA-3. RESOLUTION - (J-93-469) - (AUTHORIZING PURCHASE) Authorizing the purchase of one 1 file server and computer ha wrd are for six 6 wor stations, under an existing Dade County RFP No. 10 9-10 93- OTR-CW from Computer Ex ress Micros a Inc. (a or non-minity Da a County vendor), at an estimated amount of 16.219.00, for the Department t of General Services Administration & Solid Waste, Procurement Management Division; allocating funds therefor from account code no. 420901-840; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. CA-4. RESOLUTION - (J-93-468) - (ACCEPTING BID) ing the bid of A-1 I a non -minority Da e is 1 Toni units to the Department of Fire, Rescue ana Inspection Services at a total proposed amount of 13 167.00: allocating fun s therefor from Fi e Rescue Department Operating Budget Account Code No. 280701-850; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this acquisition. PAGE 4 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-399 MOVED SECONDED: ABSENT R-93-400 MOVED SECONDED: ABSENT . PLUMMER DAWKINS SUAREZ PLUMMER DAWKINS SUAREZ R-93-406 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO NOES : DE YURRE ABSENT : SUAREZ SEE RELATED R-93-407 OVED : DAWKINS ECONDED: PLUMMER OES : DE YURRE BSENT : SUAREZ CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-5. RESOLUTION - (J-93-472) - (ACCEPT'NG PROPOSAL) Accepting the proposal of Morris & Mc Daniel, Inc., (non-minority/non local vendor), to eve op anT implement a :-ustomized assessment center process for the c'rassiication of Police Captain, City of Miami, Florida at a tots proposed amount of 30 000; allocating funds therefor from the City of Miami Police Department General Operating Budget, Index Code No. 290201-270; authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement, in substantially the attached corm, with Morris & Mc Daniel, Inc., for said servi -s. CA-6. RESOLUTION - (J-93-461) - (ALLOCATING FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT) Allocating $100.000 of 19th veer Communitv ueveio ment tsiocK Brant Tunas previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 11062, adopted April 15, 1993, to Miami Mental Health Center. Inc. to provide renovations to the agency's residenfla facility for recovering substance abusers; urt er authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached -orm, and a mortgage agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with said agency for said project. CA-7. WITHDRAWN CA-8. RESOLUTION - (J-93-471) - (AUTHORIZING TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT] Establishina special charges, terms and con itions, including the waiver of all user fees, for the use of the Bobby Maduro Miami Baseball Stadium by the Miami Amateur Baseball AssEFT F-nn vela trom July Z3-Z5, 1993; further authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, between the City of Miami and MABA for this purpose, subject to the organizers obtaining insurance to protect the City in an amount as prescribed by the City Manager or his designee. PAGE 5 JULY 8, 1993 DEFERRED BY M-93-408 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT : SUAREZ ---------------------- R-93-442 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO NOES PLUMMER ABSENT DE YURRE DEFERRED MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT : SUAREZ R-93-401 KOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS kBSENT : SUAREZ CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-9. RESOLUTION - (J-93-449) - (ACCEPTING DONATION) Accepting the donation of heavv dutv tools va ued at an estimate amount o 14 000. 0, to e used by the Department of Fire Rescue and Inspection Services for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the department's fire apparatus and equipment; allocating funds therefor to cover shipping, handling, and storage for said donation in an amount not to exceed $4,500 from Department of Fire - Rescue FY 92-93 budget, Index No. 280701-720. CA-10. RESOLUTION - (J-93-448) - (AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a professional services agreement, in substantially the attached form, with t e National Development Council Inc., to provide services in connection with s e c u ri —na financingor residential an commercial development projects, in an amount not to exceed 50 000; further authorizing compensation from funds available in the Southeast Overtown Park/West Redevelopment Trust Fund Account (Project No. 689001). CA-11. RESOLUTION - (J-93-460) - (ACCEPTING GRANT) in�n a grant in the amount of $7 olitan Dade Countv under its ueve mpment Koom iax Tian to be used by the Department of Parks and Recreation to host the Eleventh Annual Youth Baseball World Series at the Bobby Maduro Miami Stadium, July 29th through August 4th, 1993; authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary document(s), in substantially the form attached, for said purpose. END OF C NSENT AGENDA PAGE 6 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-402 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT : SUAREZ R-93-403 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT : SUAREZ R-93-404 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT : SUAREZ ORDINANCE - SECOND READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an item for second reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. 2. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-334) Amending Section 18-55.1 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, t ereb amending certain subsections ertainin to: a Right to protest, b Authority to resolve protests, (c) Compliance with time requirements,and adding new subsections pertaining to: (d) Stay of procurements during protests,_(e) costs, and jr) Bond; containing a repealer provision and —a severability clause. Date of First Reading: May 13, 1993 Moved Comm Plummer Second Comm Alonso i Vote Unanimous 4 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an item for first reading on this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. 3. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-447) Amending Ordinance No. 10938, adopted December 5, 1991, as amended, the Capital Improvement appropriations Ordinance, y revising previously approved scheduled tal Improvement projects and establishing new Capital Improvement projects to begin during fiscal year 1992-93 in the program areas of transportation _and_ physicaTenvironment; containing a repealer provision, severability clause. PAGE 7 JULY 8, 1993 ORDINANCE 11072 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS ABSENT : SUAREZ FIRST READING ;AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER iECONDED: ALONSO' kBSENT : SUAREZ ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D 4. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-454) f Establishing a new Special Revenue Fund entitled: "Federal Home Investment Partnerships Grant Pro ram(Second Year)," and appropriating 3,493,000 or execution of same as approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development I (HUD) for implementation of the Home Investment Partnerships Program; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. i NOTE: Item 4 is related to item 5 5. RESOLUTION - (J-93-453) - (AUTHORIZING TO ACCEPT GRANT Authorizing the City Manager to accept a Home Investment Partnerships Program Grant Home Proaram in the amount of $3,493,000 trom the U.S. i'or the purpose of stimulating the development and conservation of housing of ordab a to low and very ow income families and individuals in the City of Miami; approving the home program guidelines attached hereto and incorporated and authorizing the City Manager to implement the home program in accordance herewith; further authorizing the City Manager to execute all the necessary agreements and documents between the City of Miami and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for implementation of the program. NOTE: Item 5 is related to item 4. 6. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-452) Establishing five (5) new Special Revenue Funds entitled: "JTPA Title I/Older Worker (PY'93)", "JTPA Title IIA Nei hborhoods Jobs Proram PY 93 "JTPA Title IIC/Neighborhoods Jobs Pro ram (PY'93)"11"JTPA Title III Program h *cuom and "Office of Inter overnmenta Liaison an appropriating funds for operation of eapponent in the respective amounts of $28.000. $429.000. 429,000, 102 000 an 90,000 rom U.S. Department of Labor Grant Awards; authorizing the City Manager to accept the aforementioned grant awards and enter into the necessary agreements, in a form 'acceptable to the City Attorney, with the South Florida, Employment and Training Consortium; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. PAGE 8 JULY 8, 1993 FIRST READING MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT : SUAREZ R-93-409 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT : SUAREZ IRST READING OVED : ALONSO ECONDED: DAWKINS BSENT : SUAREZ ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D 7. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-480) Establishing three (3) new Special Revenue entitle Naoner-Pevser 7(B) Discret "Individuals with Disabilities FY'93-94 and "Offenders FY - appro ms ating grant un in the respective amounts of $47 678 $50 960 and $56 952 from the state oT Florida, Department o Labor an Em o nt Secur�t authorizing the City Manager to accept saiT grant awards and enter into the necessary implementing agreements in a form acceptable with the City Attorney, with the State of Florida; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. 8. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-498) Amending Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Miaamii,—Florida, as amended, Fy adding a new Article XI, thereby requiring that pay telephone companies enter into t agreements with the City of Miami for the erection construction reconstruction installation, operation, maintenance ismantling, testing, repair and use of paytelephones in upon a ong, across above, over and under puffit ri is-o -wa subject to reu ations certain coand the payment o ep ii t an user ees; prove ing definitions and by setting forth term-, and conditions by which permits may be issued to pay telephone companies; more particularly by adding new Sections 54-192 through 54-210; containing a repealer provision, a severability clause, and providing for an effective date. PAGE 9 JULY 8, 1993 FIRST READING MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : SUAREZ DEFERRED BY M-93-410 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : SUAREZ 9. 10. RESOLUTIONS Office of the City Clerk RESOLUTION - (J-93-366) - (MAKING PROVISIONS FOR NONPARTISAN ELECTION) Makina provisions for _ holding a nonpartisan e r and two Commissioners and Tor noiaing a imer qeneral municipal election on November 9 1993 unless all of said offices have een filled in t e nonpartisan Primary election; providing for the registration of persons qualified to vote in said nonpartisan general election; describing persons qualified to vote in said nonpartisan primary election and said general municipal election; describing the registration books and records maintained under the provisions of the General Laws of Florida and Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, which the City has adopted and desires to use for holding such nonpartisan primary election and such general municipal election; designating and appointing the City Clerk as the official representative of the City Commission with respect to the use of such registration books and records; and directing the City Clerk to give notice by publication of the adoption of this resolution and the provisions hereof. Department of Community Development RESOLUTION - (J-93-463) - (AUTHORIZING TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City agreement, in a form Attorney, with Charles Manager to execute an acceptable to the City H. Moon. Jr.. for the purchase of property located at 3659 Grand Avenue Miami, Florida, in the amount o 103 000, excluding closing and development costs; allocating funds therefor as previously approved pursuant to Resolution No. 92-748, adopted November 12, 1992, which approved the transfer of loan funds form Grovites United to Survive, Inc., ("GUTS") to Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, Inc. ("CGLDC") for the acquisition of property and soft cost associated. with the commercial and residential development of properties surrounding and/or adjacent to the Tiki ritih Ur�ia/+t 1 0 PAGE 10 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-411 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO ABSENT : SUAREZ R-93-443 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED PLUMMER NOES DAWKINS AND DE YURRE RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 11. RESOLUTION - (J-93-462) - (ALLOCATING FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT) Allocating 1100,000 of 18th year Community De piment _ Bock Grant funds previous y appr=:,:riate. by Ordinance No. 10955, adopted April 2, 1992, to Kidco Child Care Inc. to purchase a facility to increase c care services in t e Nvnwoo Carnet area; further authori. ing the City Manager to execute a grant agreement, in substantially the attached form, and a mortgage agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with said agency for said project. pLepartment of Conferences Conventions and Public Faci ities 12. RESOLUTION (J-93-388) - (ACCEPTING' PROPOSAL AND ALLOCATING FUNDS) Accepting the proposal of South Florida Maintenance Services Inc. -(a hispanic/Dade County vendor), for the of events maintenance services on 'a contract basis for a period of one 1 year with the option to extend for two (2) additional one (1) year periods for the Department of Conferences, Conventions and Public Facilities at a total nrnnnsed first vear cost of Grove Convention Center Division 1992-93 ($29,836.00) and 1993-94 ($91,028.00) budgets; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for this service and thereafter to extend this contract for two (2) adaitional one (1) year periods, subject to the availability of funds. 0 PAGE 11 JULY 8, 1993. WITHDRAWN DEFERRED MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO ABSENT : DAWKINS AND SUAREZ RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 13. Downtown Development Authority RESOLUTION - (J-93-422) - (AUTHORIZING FY-94 DDA MILLA E RATE) Authorizing the Downtown Development Authority "DDA" to establish a proposed millage rate of one-half 1 2 mill_or_t the Downtown Development District of the City of Miami, Florida, for the fiscal near beginning October 1. 1993 and ending September 30, 1994; and authorizing an erecting communication of said proposed millage rate to the Dade County Tax collector together with the date, time and place of the public hearings at which the City Commission will consider the proposed millage rate and the DDA tentative budget for said fiscal j year. 14. RESOLUTION - (J-93-418) - (AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO DDA) Authorizing the transfer of funds in the amount of three hundred fifty thousand o ars 350,000__to the General Fund as an advance payment oT Aa Valorem taxes to be received from Metropolitan Dade County by the City of Miami on behalf of the DDA; providing for repayment by DDA before the end of the 1993-1994 fiscal year; providing for the payment of interest to the City of Miami at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum; and providing for a schedule for the subject funds transfer to DDA. Department of Development and Housing Conservation 15. RESOLUTION - (J-93-464) - (REJECTING PROPOSALS) J�ec�tinq the proposals str%u-tors, Inc., Nor-H on Li uor Lounge, Inc., in response to the Request or Proposals (RFP) issued June 1, 1992, by the City of Miami for the Unified Develo ment Project (UDP) consisting of the eve o ment of certain improvements on City -owned_ aver rant property located between S.W. 2nd and 3rd Streets on S.W. North River Drive, along the Miami River, in Miami, Florida. •. PAGE 12 JULY 8, 1993 2 PLUMMER ALONSO D*WKINS AND -------------------------- EE RELATED -93-428 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO M-93-428.1 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS . ----------------------- M-93-429 (RECONSIDERING R-93-412) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO ------------------------ 3-430 ED :PLUMMER ONDED : ALONSO R-93-413 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT 3-414 PLUMMER : ALONSO DAWKINS AND SUAREZ MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENTSUAREZ -------------- M-93-415 DAWKINS : ALONSO SUAREZ 4 r RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 16. RESOLUTION - (J-93-456) - (REALLOCATE CDBG UNEXPENDED FUNDS) Directing the City Manager to reallocate an amount not to exceed 48 000 in unexpendedCommun t Development -Block Grant Program funds, rom Community Development Block Grant (CDOG) project entitled "Housing Rehabilitation Program Administration". or t e purpose ot making a nt ana to satisfy outstan indelinquent real estate taxes and a purchase money,mortgage on a parcel o vacant land located at approximately 1025 West F ag er Street, Miami, Florida; further authorizing tfie City Manager to accept the transfer of title into the name of the City of the aforementioned parcel from Florida Housing Cooperative, Inc. in the interim prior to the commencement of construction of the proposed housing development. 17. RESOLUTION - (J-93-457) - (AUTHORIZING INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENTS) Authorizing the City Manager to execute individual contractual agreements in suBstantially the attached orm, with ten (10) Neighborhood Based Inc. Littie Haiti HOUSinq Association ta5ti Litt a Havana Community Development Corporation, Florida Hausina Cooperative, Inc.. Greater Miami Cooperative, Inc. -a d N nwood community tconomic Development Corporation), for the purpose of undertaking activities to stimulate the development of housing affordable to low and moderate income families and individuals; further, allocating funds therefor from nineteenth year Community Development Block Grant Program. PAGE 13 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-416 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : SUAREZ R-93-417 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : ALONSO AND SUAREZ RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Finance 18. RESOLUTION - (J-93-379) - (ESTABLISHING AND APPOINTING STUDY COMMISSION) Establishing an Occupational License Equity Study Comm ssion ("Commission") for the ur ose of recommending changes to the occupational icense tax rates in accordance with Section 205, Florida Statutes; further appointing certain individuals to serve as members of said Commission. Department of General Services Administration and 19. WITHDRAWN 20. WITHDRAWN Department of Law 21. RESOLUTION - (J-93-51) - (AMENDING BY-LAWS) Amendino the By-laws of the Miami Commis the btatus of women tmsw) to allow the m5w to solicit contributions and f�nan�- support from other sources; to clarify the duties of the first and second vice chairpersons; to c-ie ete the use of the terms "Task Force" and "Execu't a Director", respectively, and substitute them with the terms "Committee" and "Commission Coordinator", wherever applicable; further, to change the attendance Aolic_ by eliminating the point system —an providing for a maximum number of permissible excused and unexcused absences. a PAGE 14 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-418 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : ALONSO AND SUAREZ R-93-419 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS ABSENT SUAREZ AND ALONSO W RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 22. RESOLUTION - (J-93-398) - (INCREASING COMPENSATION) Increasina the compensation to the law offices of Fine Jaco son Sc wartz Nash Block and England "Fine Jacobson"), serving as counsel or t e City of Miami before the United States Bankruptcy Southern District of Florida, in connection with the Chapter 11 bankruptcy rocee ins file Miami Center Associates Ltd. "MCA" wit t e fee for such services not to exceed an_additional 45 000; alloating funds the efor from the City o Miami's Self -Insurance and Insurance Trust Fund. 23. RESOLUTION - (J-93-501) - (INCREASING COMPENSATION) Increasina the compensation to the law offices of Fine Jacobson Schwartz Nash Block and En land "Fine Jacobson"), serving as counsel or the City of Miami before the United States District Court, in connection with the case of Perry L. Anderson Jr. vs. City of Miami, Jorge L. Fernandez. and a A. Quinn Jones, III, Case No. 92-0435-CIV-GRAHAM, with the iee or such services not to exceed 50 000; allocating funds therefor from the City of Miami's Self -Insurance and Insurance Trust Fund. 24. RESOLUTION - (J-93-442) - (AUTHORIZING JUDGMENT) Authorizin the City Attorney to file an offer of iu oment to plaintiff. Tarafa Construction, Inc. in the Dade County Circuit Court, Case No. 90- 49590 (22), without any admission of liabilitX. in an amount not exceeding $200,000.00, and i accepted, authorizing the Director of Finance to pay the resulting judgment with funds to be provided from the City of Miami's Self -Insurance and Insurance Trust Fund. PAGE 15 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-420 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : ALONSO R-93-421 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : ALONSO -93-422 OVED : PLUMMIER ECONDED : DAWKINS BSENT : ALONSO RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Personnel 25. RESOLUTION - (J-93-459) - (ACCEPTING PROPOSAL) Accepting the proposal of Merc Outpatient Center or furnishinq annual physical examinations an e antis B immunizations for police and fire perio—nn-el ana employment physical examinations or the Department of Personnel Management, on a contract basis for three (3) years. —at a total proposed annual cost_ of $443.009.OU; allocating funds therefor from the General Operating Budget of the Departments of Police, Account Code No. 290201-260, Fire Rescue & Inspection Services, Account Code No. 280401-260 and Personnel Management, Account Code No. 270101-260; authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract, in substantially the attached form, and thereafter to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for this service, subject to the availability of funds. Department of Police 26. RESOLUTION - (J-93-470) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of P.M.S. Enterprises, Inc., (a emale non- oca ven or , for t e - is in of a computerizedphotographic mini- a to the Department of Police at a total proposed amount of 63 402.00; allocating funds therefor rom the Law Enforcement Trust Fund; (LETF), Project No. 690001, Index Code 029002-247, such expenditures having being certified by the Chief of Police as being in compliance with Section 932.7055 of the Florida Statutes; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this acquisition. n PAGE 16 ' JULY 8, 1993 R-93-423 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : ALONSO R-93-424 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : ALONSO RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 27. RESOLUTION - (J-93-482) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDING) Authorizing the funding of Youth of America, sponsored through the Martin Luther King Economic Development Corporation, and a l�)catingfuunds therefor, in the amount of 43 405, from the Law Enforcement Trust Fun LETF , such expenditure having been certified by the Chief of Police as being in compliance with Section 932.7055 of the Florida Statutes. 28. RESOLUTION - (J-93-331) - (AUTHORIZING TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS) Amendina Section 2 of Resolution No. 93-199, adopted— March 25, 1993, related to the authorization to enter into Mutual Aid agreements between the Citv of Miami and certain munici aiities on Denait of the pity oT miaml Police Department pursuant to Section 23.1225(3), Florida Statutes (1992), thereby authorizing the Mayor or the City Manager to also enter into Mutual Aid agreements, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the municipalities of Miami Beach and Coral Gables on behalf of the City of Miami Police Department pursuant to the hereinabove cited statutes. Department of Public Works 29. RESOLUTION - (J-93-493) - (ACCEPTING BID AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the non-minority/D ric. Inc., (a not to exceed $12,700.00, total— bid of the proposal, for Dorsey Park Rehabilitation - Sport Lighting - Phase I, second id Ong B-6201-C; with monies therefor allocated from the fiscal year 1991-92 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10938, Project No. 331357, in the amount of $12.700.00, to cover the contract cost and Z 55a.0u to cover the estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost o 15 250.00; an authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. PAGE 17 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-425 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : ALONSO Although absent during roll call COMM. ALONSO requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. R-93-427 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS 1-93-431 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : ALONSO JNANIMOUS r RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 30. RESOLUTION - (J-93-491) - (ACCEPTING BID AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT) Accepting the bid of MET CONST1tUCTin theNC proposed amount o 812.772.00 total of the proposal, for Bayfront Park Redevelopment - South End Phase I Project B-2987, with monies t ere or allocated from the fiscal year 1991-92 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10938, Project No. 331305, in the amount of 812 779.00 to cover the contract cost and $ 80.000a to cover the estimated expenses, or an estimated total cost o 892 779.00 , and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with said firm. 31. WITHDRAWN BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 32. RESOLUTION - (J-93-253) - (APPOINTING MEMBER) Apointing an individual to serve as a member of the City of Miami Affi mative Action Advisory Board for a term as designateherein. (This item was continued from the meetings of February 9 and March 11, 1993.) 33. RESOLUTION - (J-93-499) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) A ointin three individuals to serve as members of the A apattah Busyness Development Authority's Board of Directors. 34. RESOLUTION - (J-93-336) - (APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING MEMBERS) serve as Trust. 1 and reappointing certain individuals to members of the Park Management ri PAGE 18 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-432 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS NOES : ALONSO IDEFERRED R-93-440 MOVED DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS IDEFERRED BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D 35. RESOLUTION - (J-93-357) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing initial members to the Co Parana Advi sore Committee. (This 36. RESOLUTION - (J-93-254) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain individuals to serve as members and as an alternate member on the Code Enforcement Board of the Cit of Miami ors a, for terms as esignateherein. (This item was continued from the meeting, of February 9, and March 11, 1993) 37. RESOLUTION - (J-93-500) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Upointing three individuals to serve as members of the Haitian Task Force s Board of Directors. 38. RESOLUTION - (J-93-441) - (APPOINTING MEMBER) Appointing a certain individual to serve as a regular member o t e Planning Advisory Board to fill an unexpired vacancy for a term as herein spec f ied. 39. RESOLUTION - (J-93-346) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) Appointing certain individuals to serve as member: on the Tax -Exempt Property Committee of the fit ikf Miami, Florida, for terms as designate erein. 40. RESOLUTION - (J-93-496) - (APPOINTING MEMBER) Appointing an individual to serve as a member of the Miami Waterfront Advisory oa of the City o Miami, Florida. 11 PAGE 19 JULY 8, 1993 M-93-433 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS ---------------------- M-93-441 MOVED ; DAWKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-93-434 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-93-435 MOVED ALONSO SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS -93-436 OVED PLUMMER ECONDED: ALONSO NANIMOUS -93-437 OVED PLUMMER ECONDED: ALONSO NANIMOUS -93-467 OVED DE YURRE ECONDED: PLUMMER NANIMOUS BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D 41. RESOLUTION - (J-93-473) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) A2pointin certain individuals to serve as members of the tity of Miami Office of ProfessioniT Compliance Advisory Pane . 42. RESOLUTION - (J-93-451) - (APPOINTING MEMBERS) A Pointina ei ht 8 members to the Private In ustr Council PIC o out Florida or terms which will expire on June 30, 1994 fir three of the eight members appointed herein and on June 1995 for five of the eight members appoint herein. 43. RESOLUTION - (J-93-436) - (APPOINTING MEMBER) Confirming AFSCME's appointment of an individual as a member to the Cit of Miami General Employees' and Sanitation Emp ogees Retirement Trust, for the term as designated herein. END OF BOARDS AND COMMITTEES PAGE 20 JULY 8, 1993 BRIEFLY DISCUSSED AND DEFERRED R-93-438 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-93-439 MOVED : ALONSO 'SECONDED : DAWKINS UNANIMOUS COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEM NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Commission Discussion Item. This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available for the purpose of providing and securing CityCommission i information, direction and guidance n significant pending and concluded matters, including matters not specifically set forth in this section. It is anticipated that no input from anyone other than City personnel is needed or expected while the City Commission is considering any matter in this portion of the Agenda; accordingly, no member of the public may address the City Commission during this time. 44. Discussion concerning improvements at Comstock Park. (This item requested y City Commission at their meeting of May 13, 1993). END OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEM PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 3:00 PM 45. RESOLUTION - (J-93-455) - (DIRECTING CITY MANAGER TO REALLOCATE UNEXPENDED CDBG FUNDS) Directing the City Manager to reallocate approximately 500 000 in unexpended Community Development Block Grant CDBG funds from several CDBG-assistedousing projectsfund balances, for the purpose of acquiring suitable housing sites t roughout the City of Miami, but more particularly for several specific sites described herein which are locatedin the area west of I -9 in the Overtown Community Development target area; authorizing the City Manager to submit an amendment(s) to the appropriate approved Community Development Block Grant Program final statement (s) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to reflect the proposed reallocated amount for the aforementioned purpose if necessary or required by U.S. HUD. PAGE 21 JULY 8, 1993. (DEFERRED R-93-444. (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO ABSENT : DAWKINS PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'0 3:05 PM 46. RESOLUTION - (J-93-450) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION) ! Ratifying the City Manager's finding that Hoffen Corporation has defaulted on its March 31 1993 contract with the City of Miami for construction o N.W. 15 Avenue paving project B-4548, Capita Improvement Project No. 341175; rescinding Resolution No. 92-410, adopted June 11, 1992, its entirety, which resolution awarded said project to HoffCorporation; ratifying the Ctty en Manager's decision to increase the scope of said project in an amount not to exceed 40 000 to cover the cost of extra work requested by the adjacent property owners a ong N.W. 15th Avenue; ratifying the City Manger's written finding that an emergency existed Justifying the authorization for Resol Inc. to proceed with construction o said project, in the amount o 164 430.00 includina said increase in sco e; allocating funds t ere or from fiscal year 1991-92 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10938, Project No. 341175, in the amount of $164,430.00 to cover the contract cost an 26 622.00 to cover the estimated expenses for an estimated total cost of 191 052.00; ratifying the City Manager's execution of a contract, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Resol, Inc. 3:10 PM 47. RESOLUTION - (J-93-487) - (CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL Confirming assessment roll for construction of Mornin side Highway Improvement in Morningside Highway Improvement District H-4523 and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. 0 PAGE 22 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-445 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO ABSENT : DAWKINS R-93-446 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : DAWKINS PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONT'D 3:15 PM 48. RLsOLUTION - (J-93-458) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S ACTION SOLE SOURCE VENDOR) (4/5THS VOTE) Ratifying the City Mana.: 's finding of sole source; waiving for competitive sealed bids and approving the acquisition of an optical scanning system Zrom National Computer Systems, a non-local/non-minority vendor), the so Fee —source provider for this equipment at a total proposed cost of $16,065.00 for the Department of Personnel Management; allocating funds therefor from the FY'93 Department of Personnel Management Operating budget, Account Code No. 270101-840, and authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. END OF PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS PERSONAL APPEARANCES 4:00 PM NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. 49. Mr. Steven W. H att member of the Coconut Grove Stan in Festival Committee, to discuss t e reallocation of funds generated from the special im act fee on festivals and request apRroval of an additional expenditure of funds to be used to complete Phases I and II of the Peacock Par renovation project. 50. Representative(s) of the Committee on Beautification and Environment to discuss this year's Royal Poinciana Fiesta and ins or the future o this his Committee. 51. Mr. Ro er Abramson from Ba front Park Collectibles, Crafts & Farmers Market to disEss proposal. to establish a CoIllectiFles, Crafts Farms Flea Market on the now s�`ici e- of Watson Is an . PAGE 23 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-447 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS -93-448 OVED : ALONSO ECONDED: PLUMMER BSENT : DE YURRE R-93-450 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN PERSONAL APPEARANCES CONT'D 52. Mr. William Garcia from Aran Correa & Guarch P.A. to discuss allegations concerning a wa on t'ie-property at 4104 Ventura Ave., Coconut Grove, Florida. 53. Ms. Rosalind Forrest to request installation of a fence aro5-nd Simpson Park. 54. Representative(s) of "E1 Ya abo Soft -ball Club Inc." to discuss its proposal to make improvements to Robert K`inq High Park. 55. Mr. Norman Ciment, to present a resolution for consideration. 56. Mr. Robert P. Kunst from Shalom International to get emotionsupport for "Unity in Our Community" event at Bayfront Park on October 3, 1993. 57. Representative(s) from the Silver Bluff Homeowners Association to request t at the Commission direct the City P annqg and Zoning Department to initiate a re-zonina study. 58. WITHDRAWN 59. Representative(s) of the Edgewater Area and the Ed ewater Economic Development Corp. to discuss the desimation of HE 2nd Ave. from 17th St to 36th St as the Film District of Miami. 60. Representative(s) of Blue Star Security Services Corp. to present proposal Eo'ncerninq use of security officers in conjunction with o ice o icers. ' ND -OF -PERSONAL APPEARANCES PAGE 24 JULY 8, 1993 DISCUSSED DISCUSSED M-93-451 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED ALONSO UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN ITHDRAWN M-93-452 MOVED : ALONSO SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS M-93-453 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED: ALONSO ABSENT : SUAREZ -93-454 OVED : PLUMMER ECONDED: ALONSO BSENT ; DAWKINS MAYOR VICE MAYOR COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER XAVIER L. SUAREZ VICTOR H. DE YURRE DR, MIRIAM ALONSO MILLER J. DAWXINS J.L. PLUMMER, JR. OF ) � nt7tr eunl CIT1 MANAGER CESAR H. Ob10 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: JULY 8, 1993 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID 0R REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL. CITY COMMISSION MEETING * * SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA ITEMS ON THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA CONSISTS OF ITEMS CONTINUED/DEFERRED FROM THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 29, 1993 AND CAN BE HEARD AS ANNOUNCED BY THE COMMISSION OR AT THE SPECIFIED TIME. THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE.CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING IN THE FOLLOWING PORTIONS OF THIS AGENDA: "CONSENT AGENDA", "PUBLIC HEARINGS", OR "PUBLIC DISCUSSION" IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. The City Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda item being considered at 12:00 noon; further, that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEM NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Commission Discussion Item. This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available for the purpose of providing and securing City Commission information, direction and guidance in significant pending and concluded matters, including matters not specifically set forth in this section. It is anticipated that no input from anyone other than City personnel is needed or expected while the City Commission is considering any matter in this portion of the Agenda; accordingly, no member of the public may address the City Commission during this time. As per Commission's directive at the June 29, 1993 Commission Meeting, discussion regarding proposed nolicv concerning the use of the Lateral Vascu ar Neck Restraint L.V.N.R. by the Police Department. END OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEM Department of Community Development S-2. RESOLUTION - (J-93-446) - (AUTHORIZING TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Miami Capital Development, Inc. MCDI which provides $50U,UUU to the existing revolving loan fund RLF and $250,000 for the administrative operations for the period of July 1, 1993, through June 30, 1994 from the nineteenth (19th) year Community Development Block Grant Fund. PAGE 2 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-449 MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS PLUMMER ALONSO IDISCUSSED AND DEFERRED S-3. S-4. RESOLUTION - (J-93-373) OF FUNDS - (AUTHORIZING ALLOCATION Allocating $1,885 650 of 19th year Community Development Block Grant funds previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 10062, adopted April 15, 1993, to previously named social service agencies for approved social service projects; further authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements, in substantially the attached form, with said agencies for said projects. RESOLUTION - (J-93-385) - (AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENTS) Authorizing the Citv Manager to execute individual agreements in substantially the attached form, with fourteen (14) Neighborhood Economic Development Organizations, for the period of July I through December 31, 1993, for the amount specified herein, to continue implementing Economic Development Programs, with funds therefor being allocated from the Nineteenth (19) Year Community Development Block Grant. Department of Finance S-5. RESOLUTION - (J-93-380) - (AUTHORIZING CONTRACT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, for a three year period with First Union Bank for t e purpose of providing banking services to the City of Miami, Florida; further authorizing the City Manager to extend the current contract with First Union Bank to assure no interruption of said banking services; allocating funds therefor from citywide interest earnings. PAGE 3 JULY 8, 1993 R-93-461 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED ALONSO SECONDED PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-93-462 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED SECONDED UNANIMOUS M-93-463 MOVED : DAWKINS SECONDED : PLUMMER UNANIMOUS ---------------------- R-93-464 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : ALONSO UNANIMOUS R-93-455 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS NOES : SUAREZ AND ALONSO n SUBMITTED BY.THE MAYOR'S OFFICE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = July 8, 1993 PRESENTED Commendation to: Mr.. Roger Soman for his commitment towards the homeless in our city. PRESENTED Recognition of Officer Nelson Correa for award won from MADD j (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers). PRESENTED Certificate of appreciation to Florida Power & Light for restoring power promptly after hurricane Andrew. PRESENTED Recorgnition to Jessy McCrary, Esq. for his work in connection with JESCA.