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CC 1993-06-29 Minutes
ter'' a. 3vF INDEX :141-9-UTM F-� 1EA LA MEETrN _- 29, 1993. ; - kkIINFMNY�..i[wyei[s[�M11e[[Yifri[iM .. i5i1151sV4eA[1WMWNWw{[yMYIkM1'MY.Mkb�++i�iM[aW[Yw'aA1WNMMYEiYsiif[eNMtIMwiNMfMi[aFislwrbMiYSYt+w51Wp=1t[r+HFYeb[d#a[!'wFF JnMTIiYWY,YiW i4WNiY 9Iwa[Y/[Wvwk4f/1w[Mtwd.M'yt'iWra[o.paapww,wwn1 "� — ITEM EelLEGISLATION PAGE N04 — .,' 1/✓11Yisy MF6t�iyfaYP11�111MMiMY/ft'1rt Mr'MN'�1UlAFiMhFWW'Yili[YlliiNiYU1114Y[IfN60'be�ilA4UMMIFiHfiWri�YYwre[[[p iw,[IwI.V[e+4UFnMr[NKrilYnyYirenawai4`iw tw[ -- - • PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND DISCUSSION 2 SPECIAL. ITEMS. 6/29/93 CONSENT AGENDA GENERAL COMMENTS* DISCUSSION 2-4 r- 6/29I93 »ACCEPT, BIDSs ALLIED UNIVERSAL R 93-359 5 CORP., (b)REX CHEMICAL OORP,.o AND (c) 6/29/93 DOORIL, :INCH FAR FURNISHING -StIMfiiNG POOL, CHEMICALS, FOR DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & `R REATION w 5, » RATIFY CITY MANAGERS hCTION IN WARDING`. TO . J» BALSERA: SCHOOL 5U6 R 93-3D 6/29/93 . SER,V,CE, ON AN EMERGENCY. ; SASI S,., THE BID FOR FURNISHING SUMMER SUS TRMSt dRTAtION $EIi11iCES FOR'CITYS SUMNER RECREATION'PROGRAMM, AC EP' PLATS DMIA•,SUDDI ISION R 93-36 6 E/29/9 r_ 3» „DISCUSSa AND DEFER CONSIDERATION OF DISCUSSION Sag PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO., AUTHORIZE 6/29/93 n PURCHASE OF "ONE. 1993 CHEVRLET X :`. 53,UDAN STALE VEHICLE FROM ED MORSE ACCEPT BID. GLOCKII INC FOR R 91362 9-I0 xr: FURNISHING 126- GLOCK GUNS TO POLICE 6/29/93 DEPARTMENT, DISCUSS AND DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED RES(3LUTII3N TO M 93-363 II—I3 r` , ' AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF ---A JOH DEERE 544 E/G FRONT 6/29/93 D' LOADER'F }R GSA AND SOLI D BASTE DEPARTMENT N ORDER, TO SEE WHETHER r THE CITY CAN IDENTIFY A LOCAL ''VENDOR TO OFFER THE SAME OR DETER PRICE„ tr • AUTNIE PAYM PARKING FEES FOR Spy STRAE _ o', SFIZEI� _VEHICLES IN O0),tt"INENT-CE NTER PARKING GARAGE #5 -- ALL OCATE `UNOS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT t. T'RUSTINII y • BRIEFLY DlSGu S PREVIOUSLY: WITHDRAWN IIEi - C-1I PROPOSED RESOLUTION 1 AUTRI2I#G- EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY F THE UNITED STATES TO CONSTRUCT''AND, MAINTAIN A PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS OVER N*,E* 15 STREET BETWEEN THE OMNI METROMOVER, STATION AND THE OMNI COMPLEX) .��. IN ORDER THAT NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AND DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ODA) MAY CONTINUE, 96 EXECUTEPROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Y, WITH . NORA SWAN FOR PLANNING / IMPLEMENTATION OF PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES FOR SUB -CONTRACTING PRODUCTION OF A -`DOCUMENTARY FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH. ° O• ISSUE R� OCASL,E :PERMIT TO GOLEGIi DE 'w ABOGADOS DE LA HABANA [HAVANA BAR ASSOCIATION (IN EXILE) -w FOR USE OF z } SPACE AT MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY f CENTER. .• CODESIGNATE S.W. 25 ROAD FROM S,W. 1 AVENUE TO S`.W, 9 AVENUE AS: MARY BNICKELL ROAD. 12. DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE ANTONIO EDWARDS CASE _.. ITEM TABLED. FOR FULL DISCUSSION LATER IN MEETING. (See 2} labels 17 26 ) 13. BRIEF DISCUSSION CONCERNING ARTICLE IN y; TODAY'S MIIAMI HERALD IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED GRAM' TO THE OMNI AND WYNWOOD AREAS HAVING BEEN PULLED BY A CONGRESSIONAL MEMBER* F h. 6129/93 R-'93 -,355 16-19 6/29/93 - rh DISCUSSION r� 20-21 6/29/93 ci sow S R 93--366 21--22- 6/29/93 R 93-367 22-25 6/29/93 R 93-368 25--26 6/29/93 DISCUSSION 26-27 6/29/93 DISCUSSION 2$ 6/29/93 4or A: BRIEFLY DISCUSS AND TABLE COONSIDERAT OF VIRGINIA. KEY MARINE STADIA AND All ENT AT EPR NT PROPERTIEI ' 'ST OLATE ,THAT I F :FINAL APPROVAL ISGRATER THE SAYSIDE ',SEAFOOD RESTAURANT,' ANDBRE`UB PARTNERSHIP WITH IN THE DESIGNATED TIME, SAID PROJECT R OPERATION OF A RESTAURANT/BREWERYf MARINE��ZETAIL FACILITY ..ON; CITY -OWNED WATERFRONT PROPERTY -ADJACENT Tfl THE MIAMI MARINE STAtII M) WOULD DE REJECTED f AND ADMINISTRATION WOULD PROCEED WITH DEVELOPMENT OF A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 1DP) :FOR USE OF SAID FACILITY. (C) DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO EXTEND CONCESSION RIGHTS: HELD BY VIRGINIA KEY MARINA $ INC. FOR 90 DAYS. 150 APPROVE $1001,000 LOAN TO METROPOLITAN DADE, COUNTY FOR EXPANSION OF PRIMARY FACILITIES AND•SERVICES AT.THE HOMELESS ASSISTANCE CENTER SUBJECT TO PROVISOS* x If.. Continued discussion) DIRECT f ADMINISTRATION TO TAKE NECESSARY STEPS , �•r TOWARD DEVELOPMENT OF A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT L (UDP) FOR VIRGINIA KEY MARINE :STADIUM AND ADJACENT WATERFRONT PROPERTIES. (See label I4A) `�.Continued) DISCUSS AND TABLE *`} CONSIDERATION OF THE ANTONIO EDWARDS CASE AND PROPOSED SETTLEMENT. (See labels 12 & 26) - 'f DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED t RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO s ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH IIAMI CAPITAL ` DEVELOPN.ENT, INC. CONCERNING EXISTING a REVOLVING LOAN FUND AND ADMINISTRATIVE l OPERATIONS. t 1 o M-93-371 6/29/93 M-93-372 6/29/93 DISCUSSION 6/29/93 DISCUSSION 6/29/93 J 2 1i ALLOCATE $7 I1�70 YEAR R 0 -373 112-114 NiTY [ -NT` BLi C GRANT 6/29193 _ CO!G FUNIIS AS POLL. JEiISI FAMILY SERVICES # INC FOR CITYWIDE><— w 3 SENIOR CRI)IE ATCM PROGRAM ($5 p� O� e_ r s C T' COMMUNITYASSO IATION INC. FOR: NtlE IMOVEtENT PROGRAM ($ 6,000)# { GR iER MIAMI YOUTH e S Ri C S CORP:,,NC, , : ,C »- FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PRCRAM5450d COCONUT GROVE FAMILY HEALTH CENTER, INC. . TOPaRC�ASE FACILITY FOR 14EALTN 'UNIC ($450,000)AND BLACK "s ARCHIVES HISTORY AND RESEARCH - FOUNDATION OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. _- FOR LYRIC THEATRE REHABILITATION 150 s 000 j STIPULATE THAT ANY FUNDED PROGRAM WHICH 'GOES OUT OF BUSINESS MUST IMMEDIATELY RETURNL TO THE CITY ANY UNUSEDL CITY MONIES. APt `� DISCUSS ADD DEFER (TO JUL8T MEETING ©zscUssloN 114 Y CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION...TO 6/29/93 ALLOCAT"E � �$1, B85, 550 OF 19TH � YEAR CDBG FUNDS TO ''PREVIOUSLY NAMED SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES. (See label 24) -- 210 BRIEFLY a SCUSS AND b&ER (TO JULY 8fiN DISCUSSII3N 115--I19 MEETING) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED 6/29/93 RESOLUT" t tiN O EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL t GOtTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH 14 MEIG BORN OD ECONOMIC. DEVELOPMENT t _ ORGANIZATIONS TO CONTINUE IMPLEMENTING _ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMSw _ 2# EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH INITIAL ORDINANCE 119-122 = � RESOURCES APPROPRIATIONS AND SPECIAL 11055 REVENUE UND` NIOT"A SIDEARM `(HIGH 6/29/93 INTENSITY DRUG; TRAFFICKING AREA GRANTS ..., ACCEPT GRANT$10ClOD) FROM U DEPARTMENT OE- JUSTICE .......... ,230 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH INITZAi. ORDINANCE 122-124 RESOURCES. APPROPRIATIONS AND -SPECIAL 11066 L REVENUE FUND: HIDTA / OPERATION 6/29/93 OUI.LSEYE (NIGH INTENSITY DRUG — — y TRAFFICKING AREA GRANT -�-� j ACCEPT GRANT ($5 413.17) FROM _. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. pw s c 244 (continued) DISCUSSION CONCERNING FUNDING REQUEST Y ONE ARTS INCHFOR PROPOSED ONSTRUCTION Of BUILDING RELATED DISCSSION. CONCERNING ALLOCATION I.9TH YEAR ' 'DBG FUNDS ffi (See 1600 20, A DISCUSSION CONCERNING DINNER, KEY so YARD AND MARINA AND ADJACENT W TERFRO PROF RTIES . AUTHORIZE DEMOLITION' OF `T11E` NIRRICK GYM AND PARKS t - A D RECREATIONS BUILDING6 SEVERELY DAMAGED BY HURRICANE ANDREW- (8) DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO IDENTIFY, ..,. WITHIN THE CITYw- ANOTHER SUITABLE EDIFICE TO BE'NAMED ' Itd HONOR OF THE LATE,, E.L.IZABETH VIRRICK FOR HER CONTRIBUTION TO OUR COMMUNITY. (C) DEFER PROPOSED REJECTION OF PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY LIGHTHOUSE MARINA AND BOATYARD AT ,DINNER KEY! INC. FOR DEVELOPMENT OF :DINNER KEY BOATYARD AND ,..} MARINA . PROPERTY AT 2640 S.-BAYSHORE -- INSTRUCT ` ADMINISTRATION TO 7 KEEP `SAID PROPOSAL IN ABEYANCE IN ORDER TO,,EXPLORE f�RE FEASIBILITY / DESIRABILITY OF THE. CITY RUNNING ITS OWN BOATYARD FACILITY.. 260 (Continued 'discussion) AUTHORIZE _ D I M S RAT I iN 'O ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR SETTLEMENT WITH THE FAMILY OF, ANTONIO EDWARDS aN THE BASIS OF ALTERNATIVE NO."3 PROVIDED TO THE CO I5S1Qi, iITN PROVISOS -- RESTATE 1 CITY'S, ESTABLISHED POLICY THAT THE LATERAL. 1ASCULAR NECK RESTRAINT (CHOKE HOLD) BE ABOLISHED, EXCEPT IN SITUATIONS INHERE OFFICER'S LIFE IS THREATENED. (See"1abele 121 17) � 270 BRIEF 'COMMENTS BY VICE MAYOR DE YURRE ¢; F CONCERNING ALLEGED -REPORT ON COMMENTS MADE BY' RAQUEL REGALADOAND RADIO .. ARMESTO ON RADIO NAMBI IN CONNECTION WITHTHE ANTaNIO EDWARDS CASE SETTLEMENT* µ N t.yea _.._ -.. .. ..- .. ... DISCUSSION 6/29M R-93-374 M93--S7S 6/29/93 R 93-376 6/29/93 DISCUSSION 6/29/B3 1 4-13 133-174 174-195 196-198 DRIEF COMMENTS OY MAYOR SUAREZ DISCUSSION 198-199 rIONCERNING POSSIBLE SCHEDULING OF A 6/29I93 _ SEA. :CITY C4MISSiON SESSION H Et. WITH PLACEMENT . OF BALLOT STIR.= IN THE NOVEMDER ELECTION CO*E NI�__THE DINNER KEY SOATYARD AND �- MARINA ISSUEb - _ 290 A DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE R-93-377 200-231. APPROPRIATE BALLOT LAH.MIUAOE A BASED ON M-93-378 -! �_— THE WATERFRONT -BOARD'S PROPOSAL 6/29/93 EVERSION (b)]* TO DE PRESENTED TO THE _ COMMISSION AT DULY 22ND MEETING FOR PLACEMENT OF A BALLOT QUESTION (CHARTER AMENDMENT NO b 1) ON THE SPECIAL t ELECTION SCHEDULED FOR. NOVEMBER 2t 1993 AUTHORIZING THE COMMISSION TO LEASE OR TO EXTEND EXTSTING LEASES, z„ s WITHOUT COMPETITIVE,.- BIDDING, TO NONPROFIT NONCOMMERCIAL,WATER- .� DEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS WHICH PRESENTLY PROVIDE OR SEEK TO PROVIDE MARINE- RECREATIORAL'ERVICES AND/OR ACTIVITIES TO THE COMMUNITY ON CITY-OWNED 'r WATERFRONT PROPERTY. _ r4f 8,)LDIRECTIVE, AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF { 2S'�000 :,TO -,EDUCATE, THE PUBLIC ON THE . �rt . 'ABOVE 'PROPOSED CHARTER 'AMENDMENT NO. 1 IN THE NOVEMBER.2, 1993 CITY OF MIAMI SPECIALELE TION AT THE TIME THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED, r � .7tF �w ACCEPT PROPOSAL 'SUBMITTED BY CORAL M 93--379 231--239 CT1E HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 6/29/93 CONCERNING PLACEMENT OF TEMPORARY BARRICADES WITHIN THE CORAL GATE NEIGHBORHOOD l 31. DISCUSS ACID DEFER PTO DULY 22ND M 93-380 239--261 MEET INO) ; CONSIDERATION OF :.PROPOSED 6/29/93 ESQLUTIfi3N TO RESTRICT VEHICULAR ACCESS F z TO CERTAIN STREETS IN THE. DAY HEIGHTS AND NATOMA MANORS NEIGHBORHOODS FOR A TRIAL PERIOD ..,, ADMINISTRATION TO SEEK INPUT AND TOCOME SACK AT JULY 22ND MEETING- E ,7 32 EMERGENCY ORDINANCEe CREATENEW SPECIAL R�V�E-NUE FUND PRO THE DEY'ELOP TALLY`, DISA LE 1993 9 - APP OPRIA NDS C000TING OF GRANT j, FRS STATE OF:, FL 0 10Ai DEPARTMENT OF NEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SER'YICES A ♦.. - 3s EMERGENCY, ORDINANCE. AMEND CODE ARTICLE 'III 64AP`�ER 54 (USE OF THE PUBLIC R T -OF AY BY PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS SY TEMS) CHANGE TERM! OF AL: TELECOMMUNICATIONPERMITS ISSUED TUE CITY IN ORDER TO COINCIDE WITH THE CITY S FISCAL:YEAR. �. EMI SCUS S AND DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED 'EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO AMEND rt} 1'i021 WHICH ESTADLISHED INITIAL RES # 'ACES AND APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND -- TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE OF $9559122 DUE TO SUCCESSFUL FORFEITURE ACTIONS. .u, EMERGENCY ORDINANCE. AMEND 10202 ..w k INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS TO SPECIAL :REVENUE FUND. HANDICAPPED DIVISION FUND r RAISING PROGRAM (BY $100,000) °. AUTHORIZE; PURCHASE OF':A. WHEELCHAIR IM ACCESSIBLE BUS (UNDER EXISTING STATE OF g FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION rli,4 CONTRACT 93-11) _ FROM CARPENTER F A UF,ACTU'klNC, INC� 370 FIRST READINIORDINANCE** ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS x ' P A) .. GRANT PROGR:AW (F`� 1993) APPROPRIATE $4497 e000 FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT'OF HOLING AND URBAN �-hz,.... DEVELOPME T (Hub) .:_ FOR IMPLEMENTATION �k = ADMINISTRATION OF SAID PROGRAM. �i 3, FIRST READING ORD I NANC E AMEND CtID E CHAPTER 544 ARTICLE VI, SECTIONS 54-111. AND S -112 (RELATING TO SIDEWALK �rt CAEEa�"HERFBY RETRAACTIVELY EXTENDING WAIVER PERIOD FOR TO'FIVE YEARST HE A SIDEWALK CAFE PERMIT FEE PAYMENTS IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS. x 4 ii I, n . ".. ___._._ ..... ... 1 ORDINANCE 261"263 11067 6/29/93 ORDINANCE 264-•266 - 11068 6/29/93 DISCUSSION 266 - 6/29/93 -- ORDINANCE 266.255 �- 11069 6/29/93 R 93-381 268p269 6t29/93 ORDINANCE 269-271 FIRST READING_ 6/29/9 �e ORDINANCE 272-277 Y FIRST READING- 6/29/93 i h F2 { %x Ale- DISCUSS A� ' "FHDRAW PROPOSE FIRST DISCUSSION 277_2 k RE, OROT NACE END Eery 6/29/93 {CN �Ty y p�w(CBUSINESS A M I SC 9[r � '#� .: iW� N V - REOULATI�S.: PROVIDE AObITINAL GRO 'NOS TO DENY R REWA . OcouOATIONAL LICENSE AND AUTNORI2E REVOCATION OF s OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE OF ANY INDIVIDUAL / BUENTITY CONDUCTING BUSINESS-_ WITH CUBA iNtIOLATION ' FEDERAL Aid TO BE RECONSIDERED AT A LATER DATE AFTER FINAL bETERMINATION BY COURT _ OF LAW b DIL tIRET CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH A R 93-382 279-288 C3MMtitIT1� DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FLdAT 6/29/93 LOAN PROGRAM FOR THE DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. TARGET AREA FOR PURPOSES OF — - RENOVATION I RETROFITTING OF SPACE FOR OFFICE USE ,: AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF REQV ST FOR PROPOSALS-(RFP). 41. AUTHORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTICE R 93-383 289-294 ROYAL CARIBBEAN BRUISE LINES TO 6/29/93 - ESTABLISH ITS PROPOSED INTERNATIONAL RESERVATION CENTER IN MIAMI'THROUGH THE USE OF CDBG LOAN .'PROGRAM ' MONIES SUBJECT �— TO PROV I SOS 429 ,AUTHORIZE FLORIDA iE�iGUE OF CITIES° R 93-384 2-26 V FIRST MUNICIPAL LOAN 'PROGRAM TO CAPTURE 6/29/93 �r EXCESS EARNINGS FROM Zia LOANS TO THE CITY I NQER THE 19a85 bCNO. SERIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING, ' RESERVATION FEES, ,LOSING CREbT ENNAtCEMENT PEES AND COSTS ASSOCIATED° WITH LOANS FROM ITS NEW FIXED RATE POOLED PROGRAM -- AUTHORIZE' EXECUTION OF A PARTICIPATION - RESERVATION FEE AGREEMENT RESERVING 20000,400 FORL THE CITY TO FINANCE ` - 3- REFINANCE CAPITAL. PROJECTSs = t` 45 DEFER CONSIbERATION OF PROPOSED DISCUSSION 297-�298 _— RESOLUTION TO' AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF 6/29/93 AGREEMENT FOR THREE-YEAR PERIOD WITH FIRST UNION BANK TO PROVIDE BANDING - SERVICES TO THE CITY �- EXTEND CURRENT CONTRACT TO ASSURE NO INTERRUPTION OF BANKING SERVICES. 44, ACCEPT PROPOSALS OF CONSOLIDATED R 93-385 EO L ERYICE AND ADVANCED DATA 6/29/93 P $I G TO FURNISH MEDICAL -PORTATIOM BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES TO DEPA T ENT OF FIREo RESCUE A NSPECTION SERVICES �► ACCEPT' 810�- DELTA BUSINESS 'SYSTEM �� R 93-386 FOPc FURNISHING CITYWIDE COPIER SERVICE 6/29/93 ON,:A LEASE / RENTAL BASISTO DEPARTMENT OF OSA, AND SOLID WASTE / GRAPHIC PRODUCTIONS DIVISIONS 46. APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF LAW FIRMS: (a) R 93-387 } F;INE�;JACOBSON, SCHWARTZ, NASH & BLOCK9 6/29/93 AND MAHUEL ALONSa�-PQCH ...� TO PROVIDE. BOND, COUNSEL, SERVICES FOR THE PARTIAL REFUNDING Qf " (a) THE CITY'S OUTSTANDING109000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (MATED AUGUST 1, 1987) (b) THE $1814009000 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (DATED NOVEMBER 11, I988); "AND TFE $100,0009000 GENERAL 44t OBLIGATION BONDS; SERIES 1991 (DATED t,. JULY 1, 1991) _- IN APPROXIMATE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $30,000*0000 rx,?DISCUSS AND DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M 93-388 ROPiSED RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID OF 6/29/93 ROYAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION, INC., FORI CITYWIDE. SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJtCT -` PHASE IV B-4556 (CIP . 341178) ` 6 DIRECT" ADMINISTRATION TO WORK WITH M 93-r389 MIAMl ' CAPITAL "' DEVELOPMENT, INC TO 6/29/93 ASSIST MERCHANTS IN ALLAPA`FTAH WYNwooD. ! LIBERTYw CITY OVERTOWN LITTLE" HAVANA AREAS IN CONNECTION WITH CITY OF' III A#�I LOANS OUT OF A ►2 ,0�30 O00 Jg _ FUND TO ASSIST ME RCHAM'C5 DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO ASSIST WITH THE PROCESSING OF LOAN FORMS AND PROVIDE _,. SUPPORT SERVICES TO. MERCHANTS RELATING z iv - TO SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS PRACTICES ,. WORK, WITH GREATER BISCAYNE BOULEVARD CABER OF COMMERCE TO ; CREATE SIMILAR 't PLAN. F - Eli N SSe + Art L 298-3C0 Er s 301-302 303-304 305-320 .1 r 49 , RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING O SOLE R 93-390 WE -_ 320-322 Al D A R A �O 5/ / �iny� j}VE � y i 4dF.E i�d'4'ia PROCUREMENTT _ _ SYSTEM RW ADVANCED PROCUREMENT SYST EIS 1F09 DEPARTMENT OF iYSA ADD �_- SOLID WASTES PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT �- :,, DIVISION*:.�_ Sid. DISCUSSION CONCERNING PROPOSED M 93-391 32-32 R SO'UtION TO APPEAL ZONING BOARD'S AND 5129/93 ZONING A0M NISTRATOR' S DECISION THAT A _ HIRING HALL TYPE OF DPERATICIN IS NOT AN EMPL YHENT USE AND IS NOT PERMITTED UNDER ; THE " SD14 `' LATIN QUARTER COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT REFER BACK TO ADMINISTRATION TO CONDUCT ` A CITYWIDE STUDY AS TO WHAT` SPECIFIC SIMILAR TYPE OP PERAT` I ON SHOULD" DE ALLOWED IN C-1 D S-RICT (Applicant 1 Appellant: Labor ForceDade County. y Inc. t I� GRANT 1444PR USE. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR R 93-392 330-333 RESIDENT IAi: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 6/29/93 5 UDC CONSISTING OF 25 SINGLE FAMILY �r DETACHED HOMES SAT 3335 DEVON ROAD s ( OUT Off' MAYN HIGHWAY BETWEEN END OF ' DEYON� ROAD AND B I SCAYNE BAY ) i Applert: Hughes.Cove g,5 GRANT:DADE HERITAGE TRUST, INC.'S R 93�-393 353-354 APPEAL OF ZONING- 'BOARD'S DECISION TO 6129/93 ;- REVERSE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S DECISION Ta ,REVDKE� DESIGNATED BUILDING PERMITS R its . ;rD.. FAI.RE DF -APPL I CANT TO MEET - - ESTA :LiSHED CONDITIONS ON RECORDED ;ems COVE ANTS AT iN 5 , BISCAYNE BOULEVARD , ARD 320 N 4E- 19: STREET'. �ApRI cent - Ise t�C Stt l �r M 6mi Chinese C rrunity Center; appellant: Dade Heritage tege Trust, ay p�v 530 PERSONAL APPEARANCE BY MR. GEORGE DISCUSSION 354-359 `Y ,TANL Y: OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND 6/29/93 ' s- J ,PRESIDENT WE S ASS GIATIOld, TO DISCUSS j{ + IME AND,jY1SALE, -DF' DRUGS IN'ALLAPATTAH — ARE`! AND fi4ADL�b� Y u540 PERSONAS APPEARANCE BY ARMANDO DISCUSSION 359-361 RRIGUEZ Ta DI53S5 PORT OF MiAMI 5129193 PROPOSED INTERMODAL CONTAINER TRANSFER f FACI�IT'Y# -_ a t nth r_. 3 i PERSONAL APPEARANCE BY ANNE MARIE ADKER TO PROTEST STORES IN .OVERTOWN AREA RICH R +IAIN OPEN 4 HOURS INSTRUCT ADMINISTRATIO T PREPARE LEGISLATION TO UNIT -HOURS OF OPERATION OF STORES IN OVERTO N 56* $260,000 OF 19TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK, GRANT CDDG FUNDS, AND (b) 20 s 000 OF 18TH YEAR CDBG FUNDS FOR FLAGLER CORE AREA ENHANCEMENT k i RI3,3ECT5 ' AUTHORIZE` ADVANCE OF $5,I304 TO' DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) FROM SAID FUNDS FOR INITIATION OF SAID PROJECTS a 57 - RESCIND PREVIOUS AWARD TO 8, SHEHADI & F SONS FOR REPLACEMENT OF, FLOOR COVERING AT POLICE 'DEPARTMENT'S E911 CENTER -- APPROVE AWARD OF RESCINDED CONTRACT TO SECONDLOWEST. . BIDDERACOUSTI ENGINEERING COMPANY* -Sao DENY PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND 1054 TO CHANGE LAND USE ELEMENT, OF MIANI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN M1CNP) FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO MAJOR PUBLIC } FACILITIES, TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES AT 5860 :NOW 7 STREET. ,F (ApY1pi i cants. Hector an; Maria L. DENY PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND 11000 TO CHANGE CLASSIFICATION l ` " AS LISTED IN ZONING ATLAS FROM- R» 1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO G/I GOVERNMENT AND I NST I TUT I ONAL AT 5866 N -W O '7 STREET . ISCUSSION CONCERNING THE PLANNING 7, STUDY FOR COCONUT GROVE DEFER TO SECOND MEETING IN J ULY . 61. E xTEND CENTER PARTNERS' SECOND } ` PAYMENT TO COVER RENT ON OLYMPIA z BUILDING THROUGH tiCTOBER 1, 1993 IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT OF RESIDENTIAL AND ANCILLARY USE AT THE O.YMPIA BUILDING (174 E* FLAGLER STREET)r WITH STIAULATIONSS r ' a IRE k 1 t a x g i n R93-394 364-365 6♦129/93 R 93-395 366-367 6/29/93 M 93-396 367-375 6/29/93 M 93-397 6/29/93 375-376 TEXTS ARTICLE, 25 DEFINIT O'x PROYIOE OEFINITIONFOR 64OSS AREA PROVIDE DEFINITION DIRECTLY -AFFECTED FLOOR Applltant. Plannih: Building Dept. 630 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMENS CHAPTER 62 PROVIDE THAT FEE AMENDMENTS Tip MAJOR USE SPECIAL PI USP MALL.;: BEBASED UPON OIRI FEOTED FLOOR AREA,. RATHER THAN BUILDING AREA �PROVIDE FOR M, FEE OF $S t OOO FOR PRt ECTS .,CLASSIFIED AS. DEVELOPMENTS OF REI MPA'TDRI ANi MINIMUM FE 109000' FOR PROJECTS CL.ASSIFIE DEXCLUDE PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS (PUD) FROM PAYMElN 14AJ0R USE SPECIAL PERMIT x (Applicant: Planning, Building Dept.) } E DISCUSS AND CONTINUE CONSID ERAS I+ PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANC t AMEND 11060 TEXT, ,ARTICLE E SEC 602 4 617 TO ADD, 1 CLARIFY PA REQUIREMENTS .FOR NEW ' .CQNSTRDCTIC PROPERTIES OF ONE-HALF` ACRE OR L zs SD-2 COCONUT GROVE CENTRAL, COWS DISTRICT AND SD-17 SOUTH BAYSHORiE OVERLAY DISTRICT. (App 1 Planning, Building & Zoning Dept.) 5. DISCUSS AND CONTINUE GCNSIDERATIC PROPOSED RESCZi.'JI'ItlN TO SEEKING APPi OF SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO PERM] HELISTiIP ON EAST SIDE OF BISi BOULEVARD ; BETWEEN N : E. 6 AND 9 STRI Appl i cant: Planning, Building & Zi 4 ' pt. ) i t,z 11070 C0R 6/29/93 FOR EAo in ODE ORDINANCE 391-392 FOR 11071 =_- ITS 6/29/93 LY-- OSS 4UM _ 40T 4AL _ OF AS SIT OF =- :S Ing OF DISCUSSION 393 TO 6/29/93 !NS NG ON IN AL YE DF DISCUSSION 393-394 AL 6/29193 A NE S. 19 141NUTES CF . ULA M E' i NC OF T Wow- CITYIsSION of M AMI +DR CA �- iAc �k sk � n a the gtt day of Julie, 109-, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, tat ;t $tseg�1eetigao the City ial1,SOo Pan American Drive, °Miami , Florida In regular session. - Rai c me hg ,was called to order at 9.0 -a«m. by Mayor Xavier Suarez with the fol iOwln .g �rr��bbers of: the Commission found to be -present: _ �- Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner- J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Xavier Lo Suarez s 1'1LS0 PRESS i i i a� Cesar < Cdio, .City Manager Quinn Jones,;111, City Attorney Natty Hirai, City Clerk Walter J. Foeman, Assistant City Clerk R,t Commissioner Miriam Alonso 'Vice Mayor Victor :.DeYurre -. y invocation was delivered by Mayor Suarez who then -led those present .sir a:plodge of .al1egiance.to.the flag, t, j S - %[ ,t3 ,'"r a...wst.+wrrrr..wnrs:aw.s}..en+r..+w..a.rwy. .a.rrwar+t�,rw.�r rr �u ww ewrrn wrar�.rrwrrui �r rr �isy}}�ap }: �4} 3. .yen �M Ay memorandum from, City4ar�agei' .- $ar oil a i 9 tgenda items were withdrawn. CA � 10* CA-11 and regular items 17 18, 22 41 and PZ 4.� tr [[ r bFTI S' .. +IM *M rfMYMMM i4 wt w'n Pww.:w rra •" .. w `_4M'FRW MF1F1 iL 9M Yi1M IIM.Mn Mylil�YE rll.w la•�.a MMl.Yllp1MMTMt. 4Y S J� , 1 qi .. Otte' X a -t • f!E Me e l lwF lW !l llfl� W Mt iIY VL wM.iW �Oi lYr fll gl: l N: 11► IY6 Ml N11Mc Mb w — - — — — — — — —lei w - — — — — — win — — — .ill r NOTE FOR THE RECORD s Commissioner Alonso entered the c ., mee ng a - a.m« L ua.--l—N--tir liw iiriii-"YiM•eM iNl eYlliil.amu--wrr ww w—rq--rww+4i-+1--w-was ne-hww war i.---w (8) Ctmendation. Pcl ice Officer Freddy D'.Agosti no Most Outstanding Officer for April 199 r (C) Presentation:r Certificates of Appreciation to Young Marines of the 4 Marine -Corps League -- for instilling proper virtues of citizenship, service, discipline and teamwork .. (0) Presentation: Herff Jones presents to Commission a yearbook commemorating Hurricane Andrew. y ruwiirwt+o+rrirwliMeb►+y►w+�eaawww.1Iki�Mowia Mlr Mw wpwararslawtiaw---------w-e-- ►w.--w raw ---haw—war.—w1e ---r-------- r wry s.ervr.rrwr •�_ s 2. CONSENT AGENDA —w GENERAL COMMENTS46 rwrwr+-iwiw ra+Mr.riirR•�wirrrrrlr-wr.-rG.rliilllw rr-eer.--1►w-Yl-tlllll�li—ueeir--n--- --e--wig--------prellir-r uoarwrier Swot-----ier�lllWYii1 - YA Mr Cesar Sidi oGi ter3artager : Mr.layor, on the consent agenda. Mayor,Suarez: files, sir. Mr. i o . would l ice to withdraw CA-6. MayorSuarez;: Announcing that ,the Administration is withdrawing CA-6. i wY4—q-y w—rwi9r U-Oin--wit --r---r-r--i-----bare----------- i"E FOR THE REMD: At this point, agenda item CA-6 :.. was rwawn, 5 rL—Iw—w--------- ----iM wF r-M!4 WiM Ys KYrMi—rs Niil—iwll-w--l--iw— Y Mayor Suarez: And any,others that need to be announced? i+ Commissioner Alonso: Yes. as` mr'* Odio: 0, the others were officially withdrawn'. 1 Commissioner Pier: Six, 10, and 11 of CA. Commissioner Alonso, Wait a second. Six_ in__- care: for the roqo1arread? Seventeen, 18, at it? �— i s orter oo: .. orF rRior the distribution Of the agenda, item 31. � 'sslort- Mon CA��,, 2* �. Co�isslon r:Gawkins. ighte Csir•. A10nso. eVen-,ou1d-like pulled. IL `hi , on the. oonsant aOenda � MadaPts t i ss i fi ler? Yes yes ' Ma Suarez. Give Pile those _numbers again, please. - C"issioner, A1onso. Yes 1* 2, 7, 8. ' ..-'-. .' c/�/{�.y �M'. .. , /�}i (�y�q},.� .#� . , �!k ps 8 ,+fin j1j� :.. .. Sid' ssiVEK�T1 �_ L"i+I-i• 1 �74'ou- N... Mayor, i rf, L�l�l �+D• 4� t r u ez Al i right. L diet and'. gent1 emen i tem CA-!1. h C �- G = - Istitute h$snt. a,+g,$r#d�. ,: a d��t�� �rant.:t� interrupt your. ��� done - is ter ', Al , ri'ht. And `ate. , ntehd to tdke, these 1tem., up Co1leotivelyt 11e mtke : T. see , we hai of t.yeZ�-Goenaga, and otherW e id^ .; p led but, # r separate.; 01arificatton, ids , , arfti i . ;have; t t1e. het t a�, .r t h. it f1d 46U :want 'et nsitle�'etf i adiv�iduaily, i r' s Mrs Ganule�iGoenaga. Ire°dividual Iy . Wel good morning, Ccrr issioners. Metyor, uar°e Give us,l the It, p1 ease, Sir. , 6 was withdra 71, 1.09 13, and 14* Mr. opzale+ = cue as a: „ Yet,,, Five, but , , dust AIJ CQmnt,� as usual - ` Y I jam{ {■ }}" /}7!yy ■y,} y the exoepti..on of items 2 -... * , 89 T 'Q r i t tEi3 _ , and . 4 ' 11' entertain a motion on the consent agenda. 'C I ssioner p1 Mr» Mayor, ' 11 gibe you the motion �w Mayor Suarez., TWk y6 , s i r � b # intoner 1+ r er l ter, but 1 at me s y thi s go ahead and got a second econd - to the moti on7 - P ,r a ;0"i.4s1over Aldnso.` Yes, I second r f u i«1re: T hi N �rkE ki �Y 'f [d Comissioner Pltmmr* Mr. Mayor, under discussion, this is getting to be ,yoke, and unfortunately, a bad joke, because we were trying to accomplish _ something here with the consent agenda to 'Saida time when, In effect, we're not doing it, It was My understanding,, Mr* Mayors and I would like to see if we couldn't go back to, is that if an item on the consent agenda was pulled, it would-be cdrde over automatically to the next Commission meeting for the regular agenda; giving the opportunity to have that individual Commissioner get whatever information was necessary. Now, I think that either we go back - and do that,, air I think we ought to "dust forget about a consent agenda. It's not really accomplishing anything, I think, if I - Mr. Manager, you correct _— me if I'm wrong.. If we vote here right now as it stands, we really will be voting on two or. three Issues, and all the rest of them have been pulled — Individually, Mr. Mayor! I'm only one vote on this Commission. I guess, fortunately or unfortunately, I was the one who saw how great consent agendas worked in Fort Lauderdale, and brought it to this Commission. It's reached or =- deteriorated to a point today where it didn't accomplish what I hoped it _- would, so to me, it's either got to change or let's forget about i t . So I just makes those comments for the record. 4 -11M-IYAta---Mlb-Ib------------------------- M---------- �z NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Vice Mayor De Yurre entered the € ' _ meeting at 9*..18 a.m. -------------------------------------------------- Mayor Suarez: OK. Is there anybody that has anything further? We've tried every possible approach to it, including prohibiting what we're doing this morning, allowing the Commissioners to get clarification of items unless they did it more than 48 hours in advance, and I guess it's a self-discipline issue which we'll have to take up, But at least as to the motion before us, any discussion? If not, please call the gall. za . ON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ALONS0j THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ABOVE A EXCEPTIONS, WA SLAPPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: k AYES: Commissioner Miriam Aionso { Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez z DOES: None. .., ABSENT: tone. June 23, 1993 2.2 z ' C� DORPHILt IM. -- --FOR FURNISHING SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALSt FOR DEPARTMENT OF PARKS,& RECREATION. RESOLUTION NO, 3-5 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF ALLIED UNIVERSAL CORP., IN THE AMOUNT OF 33,831,50, REX CHEMICAL CORP. IN THE AMOUNT.OF 8,661.00, AND DORPHIL, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,880.20 FOR THE FURNISHING OF SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AT A TOTAL PROPOSED FIRST YEAR COST OF $55 * 172.70; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE 1993-94 GENERAL FUNDS ACCOUNT CODE NO. 580301--704; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS SERVICE AND THEREAFTER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted mere and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) RATIFY CITY. MANAGER'S ACTION IN AWARDING TO J. BALSERA SCHOOL BUS SERVICE, ON AN 'EMERGENCY BASIS, THE BID FOR FURNISHING SUMMER BUS TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR CITY'S SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM. RESOLUTION NO. 93-350 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY. MANAGER'S, ACTION IN AWARDING, ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS, THE BID FOR THE FURNISHING OF SUMMER BUS TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR THE CITY'S SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM SCHEDULED TO START JUNE 219 1993 TO J,: BALSERA SCHOOL BUS SERVICE, THE, LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BIDDER, AT THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF 279671 30; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1993 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT/RECREATION DIVISION, ACCOUNT CODE NO, SED301�-53Dt AND REVENUE FUND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES CONSOLIDATED, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 580211- 530. (Here follows body of resolution, omi tted here and on file in he Office of the City Clerk.) S June 29, 1993 .3 ACCEPT FLAT. DANIA SUBDIVISIONS WE NO. 93-361 RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENi'ITLEH3 BOA t o UBDIVISION% A SUBDIVISION IN THE �- CITY MIA1410 SUBJECT TO ALL O THE CONDITIONS OF ..' THE ' PLAT ` AND STREET t M—EE, AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOD ON Air PLAT, AUTHORIZING AND SIR TIN # CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE - _ N PLAY; AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECoR®ATION F SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CAGE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here fol lows body of resolution omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk,) Mayor Suarez « Item one, -Commissioner Alonso had... Commissioner Alonso: Yes. Mrt Cesar Odio (City Manager): I'd like to withdraw that Item. I'd like to withdraw it, please. - Mayor Suarez s OK* Any problems with that? if not, we'll go on to item 2. } .. _ ... f1"uY!M+w►-----r—rsa —r4------------ww.M.4w wF.� THE .IRE a : At this ..point, agenda - item CA-1 . was withHrawn a -- . .. gw w`ar r+arrr as .r+e wrw ww4e w.:ae,w------ww--rrr-------`w.---------- --= ,IYwr wMl+aMwaPwrrir �rw+Ma,iiW+rtlaMwr+rlliirr rirwkeMwl+•rw.w----rr--------------w'1r—rar.—sun�l�rwnllwwMs�il�Mr wswe�r�lrr'�w __ 3 0 DISCUSS AND: DEFER CONSIDERATION of PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO AUTHOR I ZE — PURCHASE OF ONE 893 CN YRALEi 4 X SUBURBAN STYLE VEHICLE FROM ED z MORSE CHEVROLET _ .� i}�wnww++M+ww!`'M/+inrt�r`w+rwo.—o---wnrUwrwww.MMUY----r`—wswY---------Ern M`wEwP------—.r---M►-------------- } Hayori. ua►rez! Commissioner ,Ai onso � Cocci ss 1 oner, Al onso:° Yes, I' d I i k@ t0 knew, Goa-�, couldn't we find a local _ i� ;, vendor for the acquisition of this vehicle? Couldn't we find a local company Y :— from -which to acquire this Chevrolet? Mr # Ron Williams (Assistant City.Manager)« We did not find one* Ctmiriissioner, r „`" because we took advantage of a present County bid* Certainly, as you know, we - ' recognize the Commission's concern regarding local vendors, but for - 4 _ -ri pedience, and the fact that this had previously been bid through Dade - ,,e Count we found that this company, i think, which i s a� County r outside of _ the City fiat - that met the specifications, and we lust piggybacked off the - County ,bid, l 4 3 ` f 6 June 29, I9B S� f 77 SM AMW comistioner Alonso. And did you make an effort to find a company that psrhaps ;could provide to us equal price, and we will be helping a local -- company? r# : V11 I ian'ts, Wel l � not not when we did the piggyback, Commissioner Al onso, and regie your" concern there .Commissioner Alon3o: Well so we don't really know the options that were on the other side. We just went along with -this without testing. Mr. Williams, We went along with the County bid. Com i ss i ones Al onso r I could not vote for something like that because I don't think we are doing enough for the ideal companies. issloner Pi nner: Well, ter. Mayor,, I'm rooting negative on this for the s, ale reason I think it's an awful lot of money to spend. It's basically dust ill ' case we have another hurricane, and I think it's a lot of money to spend and have this think kept around for the just the possibility that we -- Might have a hurricane.lnd Ijusti. you know, if it's` needed at the tine, _we have the fends, we can go out and buy It$ and buy it when it's needed. But to r . buy It just. to have it around, I'm riot in favor of, .sir. Mayor Suarez: All right. Any further cents from the Commissioners? If not,. I,tll entertain a motion•on CA-2 By the way, Ron, this would help a lot, _- 1. think*. with some of the Commissioners, and be responsive to Commissioner Al onso' s .concern, as well as.to that ; of the rest of us on local vendors, is if _ you would, have a separate section that talks about, explaining the local veAdOr' Issue with each of these. You got recommendation' you got background. Why not a brief synopsis of why we don't have a local vendor. r. Williams: Sure, Mr. Mayor. mayor Suarez. It Would help, I think to.**, � Mr . -Williams; I think you're right. We can do that. Mayor Suarez f K. r i r`. �enoi s idneel.e Fire Deputy . Chief) : J.L. , that vehicle wi 11 be used by the liescue.Batt4lion Captain 24 hours a day. He's the highest ranking officer in P the Rescue,on shift .work, Commissioner Plummer* Well, now, excuse me. 'What i read in the backup was r hat it was prinaatrily being bought for hurricane purposes. If ;you re telling e ;that err is going to be used every day like every other car, then I that's - but that's not what my.backup speaks to. ys1 Mr, Wheeler: Well the intent+a. Mayor Suarez: I guess they've got a dual purpose, Is that the idea, sir?" a i. Wheeler: Yes, sir. p k .F . :EK _ z r u Mayor far z4 mean an ordinary, an extraordinary purpose, or nonemargency _- M`� hereler US sir. tgainj it will be used by the Rescue Battalion i/ U1 n 4 There's thr escue Battalion captains, one in the "A}" "Big end "— the 0 s i ft and theve i # 1 i be used every day, and the whole intent wasto buy a vehicle that** ►� 1s t0!°�eT" ; �l u era All right. Then, fir. Mayor I will i'rti sorry. The _t�iay, *edit, that was not the case # I'll withdraw my objection e commissioner Dawkins$ My objection, Mr. Mayor, don't we have some Nissan or whatever those trucks are that have been confiscated in drug raids? Don't you Mr# Williams: Commissioner Dawkins, have to further verify with the potic+e, but � . am under the impression that there are some conf i scaled vehicles - someplace* ctti ssi ono' Dawkins* So, I mean , why can't you use that instead of spending �_- $3I,000 for a nee vehicle # # k Commissioner Plummer: Twenty-one thousand. Dissioner Dawkins; .a» When you've got vehicles that have been confiscated r3 the drug raids? 2t Lt # aoseph Longuel ra. Com i ss9on+er, the only thing I can'say about those type f :of -vehicles, the Nissan and the Toyota - I know we do have some a is they are "`- Y } verb smal I . co aced to this Suburban vehicle. It may not meet their. need — that F i re has* s, r ct issix�n+sr Dawkins: So if we got � goinag to buy one, why can't you use N " . _ £� three that you, got confi scated for free, and use three and don't spend no A=� 'M fty r►th r titan buying a big one for $31,000? Cowissloner P1 t4mri Twenty-one. i commissioner Hawkins: Whatever it is* I mein, if' the need is for more ce►pacity, use more smalle-r vehicles. I mean, that's just my»## � Mayor Suarez. Yeah ,May I suggest` to mycol leagues. we're talking: about t +e �_ ,.t. difference between the cheapest vehicles that could possibly be purchased now k` that don't hava and►; real b eratiotlElI capacity,' which are i the thirteen or fou`teen thousand dollar range, and a I,Dt�0 vehicle. Given the agenda that -- t We ::.havedy,-folks- C issioner Plumme.Well* YOU want to defer it? t„ r C=. i.ssioner Dawkins, DK# 1011 be voting no, I don't care how it go, because fait .a lQca1 vendor should '- it should have been purchased franc a local vendor. : 8 dune 9 I993 - Yt f t i tJ ` k ti tr ; , the motion* so we can e't A! i righ y altff- on ' iSs on r What, o defer? 0 ' ki ns. 'Whatever 5. aAuArev you think deferring will help ssic ner Pi ��r� Wit � , het' � set if we can. �' � 1 move to defier. or Suarez Al I right. SO MOV d« �r ssibner Dawkins: Second MayorSu re Seconded. Any discussions? if not, please call the roll* NEREUPC MOTI'CN -DULY MADE DY COMISSIONER PLUMMER AND E C $C G �y HISS NER DAWKINS TEt C - (PROPOSED 'UR WASE OF,., SUBURBAN STYLE VEHICLE) WAS DEFERRED BY tING VOTE. THE FOLLOWING � AYES*Cc ei ssjor�ar Xi rio Aionsp }�+yp j� ssiilyp�µ a�i Mi',er # i�ik in -_ yyll�gly, 48� loner YML 1 et :',Jf p►s i4%�r, L� Suarez C ti ,s ASSENT. None. , �{, tit 'rllf'Mwl7rrM�Y111!'lilW�lbMiMWYM�Ybl�i11 111�11MM}Ii7tB1D#I'11�111MMiY�iiIFYIWIMPM!#IIIRFM4�.�1irMY111►i1Mll!!'YlMOrfI�Y'iiiYMMNMRM�tlflil'�aY�fflD�il�MMr11 MItM111M'yM/Itllflgi� �lM�MWh1M1AM ' _ 5< , � �i T . BID:GLOCK, INC. Y� FOR FURNISHING 120 CLOCK GUNS► "CQ POLICE E I P iTNEW* . � � 1 f flFkt i" i., ...,a... fFrlM .rMDMRM�'�i46"MawmaMORI�#iiiR4#5i'It 4� `StIbiMMibt#'k�+4�Mf siS �:fit#R1R#F+FR�fWS1Yfi»IR�MYINN#1ptl�tliti/YIOIialY?74ifIMFM►IMAMIiMMMIlMY9MilMNMMM1'lIlfl -- sk .� f t ayor uhr+s Nr. Gonia'i ez-Goenaga . , Mr « G n al.e Goanag ,. Good �rni ng, C+mi ssi oners, again, and C i t:i gens, Its fi f a 1 s Ali! Award t h poi i Ce department of GI ock- guns a And item- waa g > ri t tdret for Dori shepherd « _ M lF M s.si over plvmmetr. Gl ocks'� .t one►i-�GQttga�fe, I fio' +�inst more gursdr I •Qie�n, , ;td►� to �. rhe' exprinGe has shun, ant wee r d os to di tDs hard tdd y the aWa o Aht oD,y Roberts, that th ,= �. Thai are experts aIaah . idea e:art, or they, hot only with gllm�s.wl �: a rr , ii � you kn and..hitting :the citizens with knees, and rdert tom,, z s: x- 5 5 15 ,d t J itf J y C� Cam ssfoher J. 3 L illy■`.itiY5/a lr' T� MAYC� WES yy�y�� yam" Miriam yy Commis AIO SO r1 WENT. None �t k ` +niiawr 'iiitr-b' �n��b kn4��Ibek+wwa.+IJa3.xss*.�`iFM�a..ro-aiie�rlds ait+Yn tab a:&aE�a2:es �auN�Cile;•�sX3ee:+a.44w.watn saetd.e ene ar. lestre+altc�%�Fia'�'remsnie:enrxr.rn+1C*n. ari aw. a>4 at.®e4e�,. cF-Yw. »e%+wr,d +a.Y..KeAe vZe#4 __- P 3 E 3 T ION AUTHOR-00101EUTION, OF � 'OH . ' 0" ENO LOADER FOR OSA AND SOLID lA A ,' 'HER THE CITY CAN IDENTIFY A LotALIVENDOVTO WER THE SAME OR BETTER PRICE 10 n+dY'+aisiis+atlwe'OwiwrdEMFraasMiYrMtilrneraW Mkas+WS+s uee i'IMaat tRif+ire.rtfisiTiietisiifi�6Ranra�leriw.tisYtierss+Mr+GnWmrwNwrMFbl.Mrevr+q. yuersiu eFe+k*4wn..wsr.wra.w-rm—s.awfn«o. w+r uw rrussww - r Na y+ r Suarez., Item 7 First we'll hear from Commissioner Alonsoi.. -- Comissioner Plummer; Waits wait, wait, What about 6? IteMr6 Was withdrawn* ..�. fir. onzalez Goenaga fix has withdrawn, Commissioner PlurMr: Who withdrew 6? Oh, OK. OK. �- mayor Suarez: Mro Gonzalez-Goenaga, you will be recognized in a second, sirs Madam -Commissiurger Alonse. k Coomlssioner Alonso: Yes. CA-7, again, is because the company selected is a o}" fjor ty, non Iocal vendor', and � think that unless �+� support.,local aid m9oritis, we' 11 Hader get good r�epresentatioh in the City of mkt concern i s about that. And then again,, Mr. Wi lliams,,— �, hitrlhaoOen d? Why csul dn' t e find nd a, I ocal �cor any to be awarded this bid? fir» ; Ron_,�Wj.l iamt,= (Assistant City Mapp er}imp Again, Commi axis l �ne Al ionso, we :to adv ntag�e of, an already Co leted pr�cass and We,,bought into it» , What we can ,do; :+certainly, w+►ith the 'Ma door's permission, in recagni iog your concern pAn, d0 a;_ dual tc�npetition �n thes.ei You know, we can do our bids - `r th"ok�gh our City process, which I must admit to you has does have a cost Impktaihad to...i t s :and then rre can, al so loom around.:for ei sting contracts and : a' e. ad ant a ef. the- lover one; and I certainly recognize your concern, a you've said many, any times. gytY t� 4 t 7 .o s r^ Chi ss.l on r Al onsc. QK i Them you. I thi nk it's appropriates because i t' the oniy'-way that we will be,helping local c anies.i» _ r _. . » III',. Wi l I ions. Wel % I .think you know. COMi nioner14 s toner Al gnso.: Non -_minorit and local cc°�panies,. in.. order orthem tt� 7� d , and unless we be bl a to get a portion of the businesses cif the City of Mi am j re ly try, :theyd! l t not be able tfi participate in the process* mr,* _. Wi l l ids-.; sub" Fx 1 Bo h CoisiQner AloiisG And it does provide jobs for local citizens*r_ f nv — - -.- Xro W11Iia sw Absolutely ` Yt tl've certainly made that point over and over» e do this sometimes for expedience and to also save the cost of performing', C etition ourselves, buts► .Y� 4 Zoe 290 9 -21 p''4 , Commissioner AlonsoR Yes* oM ssioner Dawkins: You're wasting you* time. I've been here 12 years, and >, thoy'v betn telling me the sane thing they just told ,you, and nothing has hued } r Cb t ioner AlonsoR Well, I guess we have to keep trying and.eventually we t ; W 11 make; a di fference. t COM nissloner Dawkins: All right. Yes, ma'am. t F 4,f . C ssiorter Alonso. I think in some issues.., -issioner Dawkins: Yes, ma'am, , rni ssloner - Al tfhso * ` If we., keep trying and voting against some of th+es+e,, i t wi 11 eehtuaIy gets little bit better: I think that it's necessary because it's the bfily'way' than rrO 11 . ricour�tg+� ,now people; t4 ripen bus nesses 1`n Miami x s Ith+ only Way that tir,r `cityens will gat` better �representatibn, and, yes, I know it's a very lonely battle. I`understand that. ¢x '. ArW11lurns� Ct(mis'siosier Alonsa, i think you also are aware that we've made signs iCatnt Progress working w9th ,ybu in that regard. CommissIoner Aittsl iYes. have stand i=or the record rilany tlrneS from what it 0ad to .be to•.v-hat 1,t s•tQday bit still, we have a long ways, and E Sometimes we.get.'da rigid, wsy, like in this agenda. _ i r., Wi 11yiants: I' under -stand. 4 Comm ssicaner, AlQnsoR And. we have to be reminded, 1 ' Mayor 3uarez. All rightR do. we have a notion? 4 Chi ssloner ' PI rimer: Move to,defers Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga. Mr. Gonzalez, I haven't spoken yet. f �Cmissioner Dawkins« SecondMA . � 'fit• ly.a r+fir _ k c sa rye, sir. Moved and seconded to defer. We're going to } p /� y� yr. �+ y y� �y y �± �q yy to 4Ref e p Mi R 4.�Qn+6 al RrRw"`IIEQer9 aga I Jtlkte 99 1 tJw{: e t 66sooner M ""r reason fir, deferment is to see if you can get a r d rAt Wter,10i. .: At - the 3aft Price It the only reason o , t pigs i nt i not needed t . � tty between 0-awl end the th of July, Put it back on and i f y04 + � t ' better pricue, then you tried tr uaroz: Anything. t issue ` deferrals Mrs Gonzalez-Goenaga? `..__. ghat' mat hive 'before us? onztiaz'Go raga, The issue of deferral is that we - we should be very careful failing i n love with Jahn Deere, because indirectly, it's Mr. Jorge La - k 4s Canosar Thank you very much, Commissioner Plummer, Fulling in love with what? MayorSuarev All right# Now that we have the name... x Commissioner Plummer: Wait, wait, wait* !ghat did I fall in love with` Mayor Suarez: John Deere, and indirectly, Jorge Has Canosa, according to Mr. Gon alez-Goenaga, All right's _ vt r �issioner Pliers Oh, I didn't understand. I'm sorry, — t Mr, Gonzalez-Goenaga• Well*** Mayor Suarez. On item CAM731 Please calif the roll, a motion to defer. The following �}cation vas introduced by Commissioner Plummer,, who moved k its adoptitn. NOTION NO, 93-363 NIL.l t a ` 3 d A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDER �F AGEiibA �TE� CA�-7 't ' PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING , PURCHASE OF A , JOHN . DEERE � L 544 E1D FRONT OADER AT A PROPOSED MOUNT OF qkn} $71'* .G . FROM THE, .J0HN, Q ERE 114DUSTRIAL. COMPANY) SAID . IT M BEING DEF RRE IN ORDER TO IDENTIFY A LOCAL VENDOR .ANB POSSIBLY' A BETTER PRICE. . Upon being, seconded by Commiss:loner Dawkins, the motion was and R r i .passed a.dOpted by the following vote F rJ • AYES:Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commi.ssIoner biller Jr Dawkins Commissioner issioner fJ. L. Plummer Jr. � Jf Vice,Nayor victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier Le Suarez,„ t ``4 NOES: r. ABSENT, ;None t. 13 June 29 1R3 r`there are really not any snies avaiahieht r thI At thI.s !' tow iO4 r Pi h 'there art 4W feV � sslnr Ito! Did you try �--- Will iam W411 , we I oo J thrrouGpout the industry on th i s s and rye 1�t _ men dot almost* We knowthat theat'tfi ta+hn1 D -�s "Va r y r , ar i ' � new, and is bit forward, and we do not have a c aner ' doing that at this time As a matter of fact, not even in �. Dade Cotcty.' �C i Woner` Al onsot But we don't know for a fact �. ..: c +o�'ssipner Pluner Move to approve Cn+r Da►ki-ns Second ayn u re _Moved and se ondad. Any discussion? If not, please cAll the The following resolution wits introduced. by Commissioner Plummer, who �- . awed its, adoption: - 1ESOLUTIQN NO. 93-364 A RESOLUTION:_ RATIFYINGAPPROVING, .AND CONFIRMING THE _- :CITY MANAGER'S' ACT I Old :IN PURCHASING A ' COMPUTERIZED INY. SIGN aYSTEM TIE' SIGN SAP iNDR AN EXISTING CITY CP T'ALLAHASSEE SI'D * N 0390 ,92-QD3-00 FROM g D11 AMOND,,'.'NEON SUP -PLY Cf pANY_ F(K THE DEPARTMENT O GENERAL ADIINISTRATI0N AND SOLID WASTE AT A a _ .SERVICES .. TtTA PROPGSED COST OF I50. ��3 ; ALLOCATING FUNDS �_ .�� TNEi I FGR'I FROM', I992.wS , 0PERAT I NG SUDCET , ACCOUNT , CODE _. CI��46 AUTIMIZING• + THE CITY MiANAGEK TO INSTRUCT TNT .CHIEF 'PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER. 0 `THIS EQUIPMENT. F Sra .fe-1 des ` bn'dy f -resolution, omitted here and on - >� fi Ie;, in the Off ice , of the City Clerk,) _ Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dark n$, ,the resolution was passed :"-,an a `adted by o�#,votei a AYE : ssioner Hiller'Jt Dawkins Commissioner J. :L, Plummer, Jr. Vick' Mayor Victor De Yurra ry Mayor Xavier L. SuarezSa ' Ceti ss i oner Ni ri am Alonto r ASSEM�T . ` None .: "•i s 15 ne •_ r is 4 . ` dl�iisai+b9iYie bdi 5e5.$Ytilfiylv�eh ibldib�Ehtikll�atA3iFtefN-+aMlo`4±kr1�'�M�'L'YMRikkkeM4aak3ukMYfii�X�'`iiMF.e�+'i'b M�bfrti��'fd'VeF1>!FJ�NK6isafib iu9tidk isK++WAy�1*1+'fi.MfbetVisW �;++tmi!riC draget SEd �ii4AiiM nnrh��ertara�iaw�dYM eNs yn d�»i�a-�aik.N : PAY �ING FEES FOR ►' j�j +1{fir ��Mfrs jj j�d�{ �1iee {j� jy�iW- =�V�ARdG� F �� LLOAS Mom- FN f M �. flwA 774 9ptMiir�WiR{�wtw�.�u�4tllr_lfAsaiYiluW#k�dekfYGe�iilj'fieadnY�slBlNMyifrdiv�wglkua-ewiebii�rMleB.�li+pl.k®wkaue eYaryM�yis M.iWspe y�,be p�lYe�Mwra�a�'. M�:merae�aar.err.wr.ew Pr+ws�/rrts.lYwi. s.f,w�+u: +elnwMxss#v ner�b - : �e � ` . su re r, ICA"9 �- o�tssioner Pinner: I pulled 9. Mr. Mayor... Mayor'. lr� l M ii. � loner, �- Commissioner P1 tmer. �h,� are we -- fir. Manager... — ry. tsarOdy io (Citt,.�� Manager)i From arse pocket to the other, But we have to - � do 'th 1 accLd' �1�ting wise. -' Cori U oner umertr Whoa, whoa, whoa, My problem is, it's from two hands Iittp the Same pocket, - _ r odio* But I can't this is required by accountnga olissoter P.1er Whoa, whoap, whoa. We're paying a million dollars a - y�ea'� subsidy on this b ilding. ; x it-4t dloi That 1 right. 0M ss,ioner `P1 tmer: -Se cause nobody will buy the damned 'pi nk jet ophant. Indio That right. 1 ... r C0*1ss one `P1per: Andnow, I've got to pay them $149000 morel Or" d'i o Rut 1 t" cis back because you reduce it from the deficit so... i.ts os 0.k:LongueirM, Right, This reduces that deficit. honer Dawkins: Say ghat now? fir. diot You reduce the deficit. — omi ssiover:oawkins Reduce what deficit? Mr. Imio 'ihisarae runs at a., _4r opt is i orrer Pl per; This gaga a i & t mi l l ion dol i air deficit a gear. ,Y fir...:�ilip Right. So when you pay this, you re reducing the deficit by i'� 0l!�■ s � esionor`fawkins: ut don't reduce ft. I�ea'V it yap there. a .. '{ygyj� ^' S a �.. a .. s i Issioner A1ono, Bond, a ft r u reZ#. 0 reed And WiondedAny. discus$iOA? If not, please -- 4 eI AM f ftatt.drtl WhAt y Mr�y s odio. i' tPou tingr## ii$ di+: d►n" pay the rent. -then the defi ohs 0 whit the it's gust and g p by 14*000, pocket to the tither, Commissioner. sionerawkin But.- but... ` M.# v ?d a 6 But I ; was required raid to do this omissidner Dawkins: 0K, We'.11 Pm voting not We ought not do anything, ".:foi r�r C9dio, You know, the only difference is, 1 can pay this with Law �i�w yy�� uip ttifnyy}}� cIit' _Nst Fklil b �— onissianer": P1uner,'hy don't you Just deduct 'fit from the subsidy? i di o°listenI can a this With c ni ssi over, _ air me far second. Pay Drug f43'" 6= dNO monies Where the deficit, I --- � '= cannot. You hoar? #ssitrn r E�1 I hear you,. 1' 1.1 m ve It Move ve itr That makes senses sslgndr� Dawkins 'edh, got a discussion I gat a di5cussion, Yoe nt tired k! Pf ever - , keep-sayingit o►daar° andYefi# Y„ In YOU giant tt for` with. �.axw.'Entr�ustr nt {sick `funds you put them through 1=hg things you don't; want to ta pay for, I go to the Manager,, g r, and than taad a~r + „rPe h toid the; chiof, and,the chief they act# he the �— didn't hear` naagsfi but y8t erid sti 1, eVer`y. time I looks whatever you 9�,Ys wwa�nt, fr°c the Fund, �$ r J^ , s 1ega l r Whatever the O'irni°ssioners want,'', ega� sic dankt understand# WhOn are you;s11 �oipg to sends ssa 1. don . t :eno g , -_ iOMMi's$i?ne" Umme You k Aft what doesn't make any sense to s�(+ loF,.1F- � z OWWSS,i tne! Da k ns. It.doesn't. _ is3onr Plummer. At ona gisyne, they the 6 for the - t"kl ng ;AA first hour of - gnd honer si ,.'. « . k � bucks, And hsra we got, a Wage that we can' t _ yen elf fui, a re winding up at million dollars, dfubsid a _- y +sir this, ouidirg# y' ort i5 . CO issioner• 'D4wk ns* A million -fourteen now, if you pa. this faun 0 ' -eaen �f t- ommi ++is i w. ne F i umMe . You kIlO 9 Somath i ng s ewhe, e has �� �� �#f g gi e,� Mr. tr} y x e g the id4rml bui din ��y �j t AM t i r'ed � d p�� � r� �i . il I i _ do"I'l 's in subsidy. And it goes by � f ppi�� quickly every year very quickl at bud et me ^R eptQ fo � ti squawking, .end we don't do anything, x . , � 1 f- i- `r Mayor Suarez:*, -,And it' interesting#4 ' And th, n #SAS got to be done. Mr. Manager. t DOo ftity r ; ! Own i$ioner PlWer> oor I heard last year you tried to se I the ; bu' ld1 end Adbody waoted tit r. io. We tried to S611 It 'everybody that would talk to us* Ccmissioner P3iar`s Sir, yb cot to go again and try. 10 Odio. We're ati l i , trying. Some Spanish company that Is around here k `bq ng p rking garages, Giaaoner Plunar°.lith the prices that we're paying for parking for downtown and these are''l ow prices, - r.a..O-dioMy-last: try is going to be with the County. That's It. My only r l 4p S 'that the County could burr that prope rty ! But I don't have... Chi ssior erFl ummer: Wel l si r`'. I'm going to be around to remind you at iO4# Wello l°m going to be around to remind you., t didn't build the damn y� i ss ibner Fl unner That was Terre, Ferre argued with Mitchell Wolfson and j lbt,.r'am his graves Mitchell Wolfson proved. Ferre wrong.,{ 5 Mrs Rio: I have down it's paying deficit. yu_r Stiarez. All right! As to the item before us, transfer of Law .. TV ' 'ke nt- Trust Fund conies for usage of that facility.. mmtt'esioner Plumes; Move it. ;`•i i " ':: u e 4 a'_'a M makes sense, sa120ner Pi e�z Yeah, it makes sense issioner Alonso:` Second Mayor Suarez; pia have a motion and a second, g C-issioner P1uttrn►ers I wish there was a million to transfer! . . ....: ::. 444yor Suarez: Any discussion' If not: please call the roll, ` EIRM. Wy comissioner Plummer,, who moved i tt 400ti ort RESOLUTION NO., 016�3-65 �*RESOLUT`IOWAUTHORIZING T14E PAYMENT OF PARKING FEES -S : THE StORAGE,OF :FORVIED VEHICLE&, IN THE GOVERNMENT CE14TER PARK VNO I GAWt,TH01, AT A CAST OF $14,400, AND ALLOCATING NNDINQ 1-ERE009 FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST PUNDOISUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING SEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS BEING IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 932#7055 OF THE ,FLORIDA STATUTE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Comissioner Alonso,, the resolutior and,, a'dbp,ted,- by the following vote-, AYES*: --.Coftniss.ioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner J, L. Plummer,, JrV -.Vice.Mayor Victor De Yurre �Ayor:Xavier Lo Suarez NOES* Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins. ASSENT: None, Mayor Suarez: Item CA-9, Commissioner Plummer: No, 10. NaY or Suarez,: I'm sorry, I asked 10. Mr. Odio* No. item 10... Cow ssidraer: 1 umme r: Ten was wi thdrawn,, I'm sorry. Cofti ss i oner Dawkins. Ten was withdrawn. ask Mayor Suarez: All right# SKr Comissioner Plumner: I'm sorry. -Wel, was M ay -or rez: J have 1 -t written down as one that Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga wanted Sua� nr. on 50 We just se red.. om= M _MWE :KiiYw lfrfrik+YiMwiMseY Xitade tllM WY4ieYsiNYYsfii/IMsMMp}9e6 AitiiR{YYirMaMYahiie6t/i iFiJWfiMokYiMPAa'eGtr�•seYrllr�'liltlMiiesqoiiirlifeaM1leapalifes WrMa4h Mq[Yi►w.alrwiic'�Nielegbe4raFPwt}ew isrfwaYwfittl'+eiV7ioMUW BYO NdG , RPLY PREYILY WITHORWN! CA-11 (PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUToRIZ G. 0 TA L L A RA eE aIETY off' THE UNIT STATES To =r- . ONSTRUCT AW MAINTAIN ENSTRIAN OVERPASS OVER N.E * 15 STREET BETWEEN � tHE OMMI MIETROMOVER7 STATION AND ..`THE OMNI COMPLEX) -- IN ORDER THAT ` NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AND DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ` (DOA) MAY CORTINUE0 a ilki�fY7Y i0. rF3Ui l6tEM1AfIF#!'iMF'atl 1,16Yl MN5Y1lfM®1.4M.MIY+alif'Mlb�slsllfM!®elN1b AFIMtlr�nil.Yli.AmbYY/U111ROY McIrMN wefrt---EMI Mb--s ----------------- C0rissioner Plummer. Eleven, I askeda — Mayor Suarez: We just saved ourselves some time. Commissioner Albnso: It's withdrawn, toys. Mayer Suarez: Yes. I didn't have that down for you, but please. Commissioner Plug: Yes, sir, I said... .1 °e Mayor Suarez: I think h{nk we technically have passedthat, l 'er CoMmlissioner Plummer,, aa• my request was 2, 9... Commissioner.Alonso: It's withdrawn, isn't it? F Commissioner Plummer: Is 11 withdrawn -Mayor Suarez: Now I see 11 as withdrawn, Yes, it is, sir. All right. Commissioner Plummer; Can I ask just a quick question, Mr. Mayors Mayor Suarez: Surely. t Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, on 119 that bridge is finished. I walked << a r'oss it the other day. Why are they asking us now to give thin permission What happens if we tell them nod xr Clo mmissioner Alons4 This is the story of our lives. GOmmissioner Piper; What happens if they spent and it's gorgeous. I have to tell You, it is absolutely gorgeous. They've spent a lot of money.VV k s 4 Commissioner Alonso. It looks so great. Mr, Cesar Odio (City Manager): So why so just approve this item so we can � use the bridge, 10 Commissioner Plumer; What happens if we sort nod L Mr. MOW- Approve it so we can use i t $ They're not going to take it down. k June 29} 1903 a; wt t f P Thei following resolution was, introduced by C%nissfivner Dawkins, who seed its adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 93-366 _ A RESOLUTION- ITH ATTACMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY ass. _ MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE AtTACifiED FORMS, WITH NORA SWAN 9 AN I Nb I V I DUAL, , IN AN 4 AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 20400 FOR PROFESSIONAL = e SERVICE$, $26000 FOR SUBCONTRACTING THE PRODUCTION €1F A DOCUMENTARY FOR BLACK HISTORY 14ONTHO PLUS OUT-OF- POCKET EXPENSES NOT TO EXCEED $10,9000 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO THE PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRO140TIONAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE r., FILM9 TELEVISION AND RECORDING INDUSTRIES IN THE CITY OF MIAMIFOR A ONE-YEAR PERIOD COMMENCING SEPTEMBER It 1993; AND ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM FISCAL YEARS I90 -93 AND 1993-94 BUDGETED FUNDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT* =_ (Mere follows beady of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City'Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Al onso, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES, Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vide Mayor Victor De Vurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. h ABSENT. None. :. w ewrs Lei w'--------- r r rw.-- --Yw wr r. wr----.i---- — w+r.o wr are w.�. r r.n 4i'W4i----41--YA---OM---MRr+MYM—YW —1"Y 10. ISSUE REVOCABLE PERMIT TO COLEGIO DE ABOGADOS DE LA HABANA CHAVANA BAR ASSOCIATION (IN EXILE)] FOR USE OF SPACE AT MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER* 4r+1—/M.r— YRYl--w— —+Mr—wwran arrrFrsasw��/�wr<s�a+r►�rsoMlrrl�Olr wrAlI IIM►r14M1�AM�Iw �i. wr ���Y�rarr rrw/rrw wi.rrrrrrxrsrw.w � S' f Mayer Suarez. Item 1.3, and 14, if ,you want to do there bath together, Mr. Gonzalez-Coenag, It 'would be a big help. Mi. 4anuel !Dora a l ez-Goenaga : Yes « Number I3, I am not in principle anything �- I don't have anything against the Cuban lawyers in T ry exile. The issue is, my dear friends, that I have been coming here, and you people have made representations and please correct me if I am wrong, and put It on the record that the ManuelArtime costs money to the City, and fats mrket value was 90fing to be charged on all tenants, And new, I dfid not read fiza that I was a fair market value, The issue is not the "Colegip de Abogadus* of Cuba in the exile practicing Cuban law. The issue is the representations that were t 22 June , r �. ? • . t here. by the, yor city. of. by Mr, De yurre, and also by R . ` sio ie#° white- r' an ' $0Oner piumer, that he wag the, one a wh.started*� i # ssior er `l ar. tit, wait, wait. I've been called an awful lot of � a thi rigs teat one one more time* { R GVillf.i�! FsT. aga: I fo go t i 1i�� ViI I i i ri The hi r $ 4rt i! • P ! µ Mr. on ►lez Goenagas American white or4missfi rer a the City of Miami; Commissioner PlumMer, The t�cnerioarr whits C issioner 14re Gonze I ez�Goenaga You know, with this new decision from the Supreme Court, we oet.ter be careful, #ayr suave Allright sir. Complete whatever you were going to say Mr n ai e - oenaga. f c�, n0 y The issue, no, but I want your answer, Mayor e ; Vice, yor. ire Yurre: J #L., J.L, V truth is a defense. Mayor Suarez air,'carnplete what you were going to says r. "Onzalez-Goenaga: Did you or did you not discuss this before? . ayor Su4rez:Are you f nishedo sir? omm issicsner Plnerd Is that what's in the town as the only true minority? A White Anerican,Cc miss oner7 Mr, - cna� ez�Goenaga; In thisomi ssi off, yes. , Mayorr Suarez: One t13i ng ire know for sure i s you're the on one of your kind. We know that, fors.. mare t Mrw Plummer,, and so Coisiover Plurnrr� Match your language x ` onzalezGaonaga. When 1 say the truth, you don't like it. kS < Mayor Suarez. :All t righ { r� Gonzalez-Goenaga. Answer my guestion; ` Mayor Suarez: Have a seat] sir. That's my answer to your question. ' - X i Quit e i 76z-Soenaga -. M Mayor Suarez : n Item A-13, oo we have a a►tione `:. C i s #over PI r On what 01 23 June 29: F t US rsA. Clssioner Alonso: ye S move it, b 4*i ss i osier Dawki 1' . Move i t # _ i yor r �0 Thank your Mayor Suarez: Moved and seconded..- Any discussion? If not, please call the Cori ss ones Pl er Mr, 144yor, Mr, Mayor, I cannot tot it go by, I'm going ' to vote for It,because we set a precedent that others that are there -- T don't 'know'hOW ypu $ay' yos to one ,and no to another unless it's political. And I'm not saying that this isn't political. But let me tall you so thing, Mr. Maylbr, , I'm going .,to be " I'm .sorry that my white Cuban - Puerto Rican man spoke of it, As you know, live said i t, and I'm going to continue to say, note is anot er '$fOC,000- of subsidy. We are talking about a parking B rage of _ = a foillion,dollars in subsidy, Here, we're talking another: 600000 of subsidy,, atl at,taxpayers' oxponsoo°ta going to Vote with this 'rt I can't Bony its We've said yes to one. Unless you say no to all, then it world be _ fair' dr, :ucnfair, So I'm going tovote on the Item, bu►t think that stddy the. day hers got to come alter the peopl eg the taxpayers of this City are going to rebel and says "Enough We've -had -it." We're up to 300 - Mr, Clara Cooke, we rye up . to $3Sn,CCC < now in Cusmn Hall., We're up to -� you know, talcs it from � m there * My taxes aren't, goi n+g down ' n Mayor Suarez: OK, We have a motion and a second. Any further discussion? IS not, please call the roll on CA-13. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption. RESQ XTION NOi 93-3E7 r. A RESOLUTION9 WITH ATTACNMENT(S)o AUTHCRI'ING,THE CITY �IlER TOLI ISSUE A REVOCABLE PERMIT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED ..FORM, O �OLEG IQ DEABOGADDS DE -LA , HAQAKA MAI{ANA BAR. StIATI ;SIN EXIL, AT-R-Pi+l~%', FLti I QA P AT ,FAR - THE. USE OF 22S * 13 SQUARE. FEET LLB, OF $PACE IH' 'HE DUEL ARTIMECOMMUNITY CEKER LOCATED 'AT 900 SOUTHWEST FIRST STOET MIAMI, FLORIDA; SAID ERMITT E T PAID ANNUAL FEE "OF $1.00 FOR THE USE of THE AREA, IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCEWITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAIMEDIN SAIp REV{ ABLE PERMIT (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here iand on - file -to the Office of the City Clerk.) gK 4 June I S i I r 3 fpfs`ix i .tit sa'T ' 7t �� ,.5:.: �:. ., +nit+u4r+�r►�wwir+r�.arcwwi�wrar�rr�erMw�wwiY��wewrt�Mi+.wrw�wwwras/Mwiww9aw+rrresM.+rarss�►r►�r+wtrrwv,�r+w.w.w�+rrV4wi►w.w�araw++w�r+pww.��r�Mr�Irlei.ws+r , Mayor Suarez. CA-14. G i io paw 1ci 41t :. canm ss; ner ns. ove ow ssioner Plu l er mr..yor I am pleased to tell you', 'Item 14, that, I'm poi r:to--'"Prot fQr, but i a defini to conflict of interest. This i s part u . MY i I;y. 4mi iy iis, part of the Bri okel l s through the Key Feat coned of for Suarez And we have rdpresent4tives. Do you runt to say anything, Joe?. +sry good,.. You, Ire smart, you're catching on CA 14, we have a motion and &;second: Any discussion? If not*. Ci Ca*i SOone r Pl w mera I'll move. oSsioner aawkinse need discussi mm on ay1rSi srez 'des, sir, Cowl salier Dawkins. Co is loner OiWkins. i r. ana er, dust about the same time that this came n s; request came 1n to codesignate pert of 55th Street, P.W. Williams, in o-hor of ,tho pastor he #jad b en et that church. Where is that? Whet i s the status oe. t ati please rWai ly �ee* Corm ss oner, let me check it out, and I'll get back with y10 i n .e !couple of -minutes. ` ,rail 37©fit(' vQWK`jita; Iwo t e . UMW IV ! r • Mayor Suarez- Call the roll. Tha follilwirid resolution was introduced by Corm ss i over Dawkins, who HEREIN DESIGNATED OFFICES. (Here fol l oars bogy of resolution, omitted here and on fife in the Office of the City Clerk,) Upon bei ng seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and ; adopted by the following vote t AYES. Cacti ssioner Mi riam Alonso Comissioner,MillerJ. -Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor: Victor'De Yurre May6r 'Xavier: L. Suarez NOES; None. 1 {4 y it SOr all We have two recordings, of which the official one Is the one �- t►e#ng doge by tha city'Cl+ r . and we have an extra one, ,,dust in Oise. I don't a k ow Why!, I have a su piclo- h, c uhsolor, that she may be here in relation to }; the Antonio 94WHS-7 cases n yt►e not. He's shaking his head, And that the bore edlla certainl is for^ that. they're here on other items y y °' hopefully _ of great interest to the citizens of Miami My inclination, unlessthe c i sioners feel otherwise, is to take this no earlier than the end of the morning. I think in fairness to the people who have agenda items here, we proceed with the agenda, and hopefully, we * l l have some time towards the end � Of the morning, perhaps the last 15 minutes, to take up that settlement, if y-= the Manager and City Attorney are in a position... v Vice Mayor De Yurrei If it's a pocket items If it's a pocket item, it's gat to be after 8:00 o'clock, Mayor Suarez., And I had heard before from Commissioner Dawkins that very bard .litre stance, as the nice Mayor is now enunciating, of this being, "a pocket k� ' i tem. " I don't think by any characterization it's a pocket item, but it is , certainly an emergency, nonscheduled agenda, non -agenda item, and I would ask my colleagues that you consider reserving the last 15 minutes of the morning, if you wouldn't mind. If not, if at that paint I'm overruled, I... ,1 €, Caul ssioner Plummer: Well, you know... .5 Mayor. Suarez: .a0 suppose we could end up doing this at the end of the ... evening. Commissioner Plummer. Can I ask a question? Mayor Suarez. Yes. Commissioner Plummer; Unless I am off base, it is my understanding that a settlement has been reached, and it's merely an indication of voting yes or no, Mayor Suarez: Basically, that's correct. But you're now getting into the substantive aspects. In fair-aess to the Commission, the item is not scheduled. I am proposing that we take it up at the last 15 minutes of the morning. If you have any problems with that, please so state now. Otherwise, the cOMI SSI Yn Will go flgR1t' to item i Cw missioner Plug: Mr. Mayor... Mayor Suarez Yes. �. d ` Commissioner Plummer, I will not disagree with that. .: Mayor Suarez: Thank youEX Fg 5 Li June 29, 19 ME .... d ib616P1iMtlK0111iaW rb vN +6">MYfir4ib Nor 0.'R-tlYalt iwaanbWn tf4a9U Kwter M6 NP o`aLflre Yloi 3beLl+�YA'J-'S4M IIe1LI(6;1r11W1+(WUll14IW*.Ielinrt$k']IiF3Y'A'4WRik41Y W1YbtMlII i9ni+Atel4nuv sb albdwl1R-�ReY(fcr bw Mr+H XaE tYu iaW s7s +e'faN sw SUP girt iittiesieiM ..� ..RE DISCSSIDN CONCERNING ARfiICLE IN TODAY'S M�CAI HERALDc 11 OMNECTIOM �t T" PR��S D .-. T:101-HIE10I AND WYNWOOD AREAS HAYING BEEN _� PULL D BY A 00%. HE'S IONAL f -. "jwar.wrr..ra►..a5e.l..q.ew;;wilwraa.aw...'lrie .aYw.» er;hY,a&Maw+cws tvexiuli ,R6 Mirror.s*4a.t:.aWKt+a➢A.e. +Frawl+wsbs.r.sLYa.n..rye.....awwe+e.aw «.------------«r..s.w w. 4' Camissioner Prier: But there Was an item that I thought, separate and aside, that i a rr ry 1pirtant for thisC+rti sian t take up a dr Suarez: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer. And that is the article in the Miami Herald this - Morning, and you my agree or disagree, sir® I am very concerned about the possibility of the Omni and Wynwocd grant being pulled by a congressional member. The Managers at... z Mayor Suarez. We have some criticism by local congressman about those grants, �= and we disagree with; the local congressman, but he's got a right to... Commissioner Alonso, A right to... ommissioner PI ummers Well, all _right. Do you want to bring it back this afternoon? z = r Inaudible response. } Corm s&I finer Plummer: All right. The Manager will bring it back this after'not n. I'll hold ups Mr. Mayor, Mayor Suarez: All right. Thank you, sir. Very good. . x r , Commi ssi toner PI ummer; I think it's very, very important. f - �= x l 1MYi+roriri.ssw►wow+rMltwswvP,�+rr+rnrwr�Rrrwwwww!o+.rkwwor+rrrrwrnra►w�runwwafyw�ssswwrrrrrr+�Yrruwi�no wwrarrwn�rrorw+rwr�weN �r 14. (A) DRIEFLY 0IS1CUSS AND TABLE CONSIDERATION,OFVIRGINIA KEY MARINE STADIUM AND ADJACENT WATERFRONT PROPERTIES. (See label 16) a` (B) STIPKATf. _TOAT IF FINAL APPROVAL IS GRAFTED -'FOR THE BAYSIDE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT AND SRE'WPUB PARTNERSHIP WITHIN THE DESIGNATED k SAID PROJECTFOR OPERATION OF A RESTAURANT IBREWERY,,� {f I ►RYNE-RETAIL FACILITY WY-OWNEDWATERFRONT PROPERTY ADJACENT TO �`- r, THE;. MIAII MARINE . STADIUM LLD BE REJECTED, AND ADM iNiSTRATil WOULD PROCEED WITH DEY i. PKENT OF A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NDP) FOR USE OF SAID FACIt ITY4 DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO EXTEND CONCESSION RIGHTS HELD BY VIRGINIA �. KEY MARINA, INC. FOR gD GAYS, .,. .YM'i►wYllFww.rM,rurw-rwe.r.r.r.-..rw----wr—M#r--ISFM�MM,rMFIY.wAPri�M+I P411P1i1l-----ar Mir Mnwr Y4IM1i4fMM'lM�R�rYrv#Aw/1YMfIirfNW IwsYwtlM{RiP ------ `'3 Mayor Mayor Suarez. OK, item 2 urine stadium, public waterfront® it �.. .Mr. Cesar Odic (City.Manager) On item 2, Mr. Mayor... t s A, EK 28 June 29, 1993 � k .' 14r. Odiot whet happened after Hurricane Andrew, we inspected the marine stadium. Cracks were found on the cantilever root and immediately, we asked ENA (Federal Emergency Managaftnt Agency) to cone in and inspect the facility, end also the insurance c+any, At the conclusion of all the discussions with.., F04A denied any payments because we had insurance. At the and of all the discussions for months and months on the marine stadium, the Insurance company decided to pay us $500t000 to replace the roof or to fix the cracks on the roof that were cracked because of wind sheer, according to them. The pr oble is because o'f the marine stadia � the marine stadium, prier to the hurricane, we knew had problems its the pilings underneath the stands, and we had set aside $2509000 to fix the piling, and we found out that wasn't enough, then the hurricane came along. 5a the marine stadium was in need of ` repairs prior to Hurricane Andrews It was d this stadium was built in the early 'BCs and is sitting right next to the salt water, and the steel is exp'psed and the caulking cannot take much more than ZQ years. The conclusion of the insurance engineers is that it would take between four to ten million dollars it depends on what we do - to rebuild the marine stadium, and then It will lest again ten or 15 years. In Meeting with the staff, I decided to bring it to you to make the basic decision on this. We have $500,000, We have $260,000 from the CIP (Capital Improvements Program), That' S seven fifty. And we need to invest about $4,000,000 to bring the stadium back to where it should be. And my recommendation would be that we do not spend. $4 0000DQ in a stadium that is used, by the way, once a year for the hydroplane regatta, and maybe three Pops on the Bay concerts. we are in competition with the... Vice Mayor De Yurre And Easter Sunrise Service, Mr., Ddio: And the Easter Sunrise Service. I'm sorry about that. That doesn't pay, by the way. I don't think - oh, they do pay, yeah. I mean, more... Mayor Suarez: They have to pay. Commissioner Dawkins: They're taxpayers. They pay. Mayor Suarez: They have to pay... Commissioner Dawkins: They're taxpayers. Mayor Suarez: ... for constitutional reasons, and so does the traditional celebration of the Virgin of Charity. Mr. Ddiof Exactly, Mayor Suarez. They all have to pay, anything denominational. Mr. Odib: But it's a deficit operation. The fact is that we are now in competition, or we've been in competition with the might Center, our own facility; with Bayfront Park Auditorium; with the Miami Arena. These are facilities that were not in line when we built the marine stadium, and we used EK June 29, 1993 r to -got more onCrt « Poo le will not bring concerts to the marine stadia b4caute of the o Possibilities and the Cost involved with a facility that doean't hav+A StAttof the art system, 3o it's really your decision, but WoOd r�- rkd0ftod that we start frog sciatCl, and we take it down with the mo-jpj C have, and that '.Fa 9 Out n a UVP (UnifiedDevelopment Project) I twhI andn t and what w1e +cud f0 with that facilIty« We do have a master Plan. if YOU want tot. Jack tan go very briefly into what could be done there, what should be done ther$# and then-- so you can decides G or issioner a kins. Before Jack gets started, 1'd like to ask some questions. `you got 2 and 3 on the agenda. OK. why isn't it that the City of Iiantis not putting out a - what's that thing they're putting out in South Beach Wheat a- a chalets Mrs odio:. Charette. COMissioner Dawkins: Charette. 'Why aren't we innovative enough to put out a charette? Let some designers, architects design they ghat envision c©uld go on this property, and that you put the whole piece out, and leave -the Marine stadium there where the i successful bidder could either tear it down, or fix it UP to go with whatever project that they do, we just keep, in the city of -Miami, we continue to piecemeal, piecemeal, piecemeal, but we don't eager anything Elf substance. Everybody, hears y Miami Beach y 4 Dade County, everybody has swe v#sidrr* but we don',t have an vision. �' Now we re getting read to let number, 3 hive -- what's the that we're getting reed parcels on that, g y to discuss In number 3? No, show it to therm from back there. I know x what it is Put it back there so everybody can see it. S©now so now., ' lltridentified Speaker: COMIssioners, I'd like to be recognized on it number t 4 C0=135ionar Dawkins: Jim not talking to you, sir. I'rn not talkingtry VM talking to the people we OK? a pay, So now you're going to say In nu er 39 give out: two.parcel3 of property in this valuable piece of property, Who's goi +g to cotes irk- and try to bid in developing the whole hi t ng when two► pieces are,, gone? o I `would, when tinge comes to make : a motion, I'rr9 goring t0 make will make a motion, whether it carries or not, that we put -. At it i we P that we leave it Put it out , put out a eharette or whatever you want to put out. Once a Char tte corms banks put out some UDP and see i f . somebody will l l c who wants to dev+�lop the whole tract to do two things, Provide water ®ram in recreation for the citizens, water -oriented and make money for the City of Miami, t Mry 000 ; Commissioner, let explain number, � 3. p :Three a�r�xs the: parcel of land that was taken to the voters on a referendum and it was a roved b� voters » That's whir 3 «, . . PP y the 7 r t Coamissioner Dawkins: who? Who? 3?.. Mrs Odio: Three was approved by the voters. r Y. Commissioner Dawkins: All.right. I didn't want to get into 3. . Mrs ildio: DK. I just wanted to clarify.«EK t` 3 June 29, 199 1 ner pawxtns; Qo s j nave me money To cowerce r-ne pruiruw ss bner Pl weer: The answer is yes., er.i3�w�kins* -Huh n .stir Cu ra AW They provided era with the evidence bf financing, but COWLaa46nar,t wkiA$r Do .you have.a - Owait one minutes Donl,t 1+fit a got i 40 .The .pa pie rhe' :are bidd Ag an.. � " � r!`eb {i1ler., hold it J,L. said..yes n�ti��i 1�� aid he now, something -that don't know s- i n P r: 1, tan ..only. tel 1 you What the manager told Me wAt that t re vi11iho td pledges the present Rusty Pelican as a guaranteet i re +iy o 'Y€arre: . . well , that's*** ' i n r.Oawkinsoz That ° e not money. Pu re: i 'Mean i 1 ke what ash we tat ki ng abut? Pig rt, Extu e - me tat not y t Is It? t.. sionor- ? That's all right Y ,pawkin4. ssion er ?" 't e►r. �e► $ay n9l.. 4.0 It :00 or DaW OK, . rigntno problem, no problem,, OK, The gn n -� �mr Wr 11 t+{W�v sorry i, Tho group „ h$`a ' a b�dding, �►nhave # p-y�° � e , `�' ri th :1 J� y�{ a n•ott. izd ' st - t n F'Mi iF 9/ F i� #R��.4 - t �.TOO., re not sari rrg, Mie' r going to 'p1 a both i n , e got 0 martjAoe. notes:. Th edge Gave, tha#tonelAf, tlat'S what '' aakou'DO aa, the nty? � k p `31 ti y i Awki AS t ooj ,thank you* Ho further.. e . ot . : � ` p twkins� 'y thtt. ' � odd . ��h�t� �the Cayor o Ind of money that I'm going to be - t looking for in i tem 2, is Money like You Put in the bank and you have Commissioner Dawkins. That's right, Nr, anager, that's number 1. r r MayofSuarez* that brings you know.. • !1 Nt Cam lonerss-:ummer:t' you talking about or ? ,. y C_ommiss oner Alonsoo That's the prob,ieM (inaudible): i V l.S t ' li7awk S, Mb 6. s 1yirialrZ. Now,' re back to talking about believe* y#f5i is'si a►ner-Al-I right* leer I -� number 3, I. have to` finish with - y P. gyp) ■j�j �j�y'�` i[Iy� ��py ;�'y], {w�,jjp�r9s� Apr we told .s[- : I .rracger �. i f . you, want ,to� go b+aci� nd.. /��}}(��,. Manager Ire R 'OoI , tok to �. 3 you mot r 1to ntl r��b��nia� �� aat. m the anagar , this, chi ssi on Speci fi cal ly i nstrueted the Manager, . ..:, # r _ ;bac0�.!!"`# ..orission unie$s t'y1•.tha anone..The 3r'nh. s ' l eager .:brought it bay+ k and it ! $s -� they sti l l even he ass$d t then 4 =y 1/ ! atnd ..:ti l = nil. sh:#Chinat ° t�i td bm d� a : prolut Overtown, he h4d no mopey ynu ki 11 td, hi`s pr'o act. . amstoner Plummer.- Mr. whop # rrer ki'ns: ter. Sh1h, the China n, that's who I'm talking ab! ut♦ -- 't //fi�t+ }►# 11 hi & c}` }k issione#" Pl�r Overt �aissiner"lonso: In the northeast. Commissioner: Dawkins; Shih on - over there bar the Omni* ? ° .. , ! `•/j:. ?�1► (�}- re 10XI �£r4 a issioner �+sw ►ins You ail ki l le his fro ect» But here's a project... y ommissf or P1, I take ex option F 1 i stoner Dawkins , that has no money{, Never had no C ii�ey� ypyypxx umwr:1n ON [ice .; •. ...' h s own kYk- Y: 5= i et vi 21'IV r WE gy �+ n ft ki ns *` his project was killed O , according to you guysv e kilt* A t :bectuSie he - had no money. issioner Pl r. No, because he had no parking. - Commissioner Dawkins. What's nq Molloy. C Wssioner plumMer. Well that's true. 1ayor Suarez. All right, On item 2.*0 r vict Mayor De Yurre: Yeah, if I may, 14a br Suarez: commissioner - Vie Mayor De Yurire« i' e ` Mayor Oe Yurr+e. Now* if i f Miller Is saying that we should go out, tame what We, re looking at right hers for, you know, put out. a UDP to see what interes t s but them to do swethi no along the lines of what we would like to �- see there', {' end meanwhile,, not ` doing anything, not demolishing the marine .�- Stad ums which would cost us, Because I figure if somebody is going to, come in that they absorb'. the cost of demolishing the Urine stadium, which would �= saveus 75I3 t3DD or whatever the ,cost is of demolishing it r d l yor 'Sua'rez. would- you accept a modification on thata bath of you who sew 4. incl'#ned to go ;that routes is leave an alternative that sags, as we issue this. ,L U0P� we alsQ`.say to the waraef you think, you can use that structure - and — we have_ a, ha f st mI l l ion dollars available, I believe, from FENA, to... E Mro Odic►. An insurance ctm. any. Mayor Suarez: An insurance company. And restore it - � and propose to us a use F i:hat is� compatible with the rest of - what we'd like to do there, i f that s alternative was left available, that's very much,.. 'Vice Mayor De Yurre What's fine, if that can be a component of what they're s aranmt tnn to ein, - nr. what' fheu weetild r romftnea, �4 +missloner Dawkins: The other thing 1 would only like to add is that the t Pre$eht group who's bidding on S be allowed to bid on developing the whale trutur M" r Mayor Suarez. Yeah, and that would include any.,. i { r r Vice,Mayor D Yurre: Ohs which they would have legal right to anyway,`f g g _ .. �f Mayon Suarez; .. any of the adjacent... t lice' Mayor Ue Yurre. ` They have a right to do' that, 4y Mayor Suarez; T:hC'PY certainly are n6#:t precluded'. OK. l?o. we Dead to define.; S as ing that this has the consensus of this Corm ssiQn, that we want,: td . be ,,,•,, F wide opera and we don*t wart to initiate demolition, because for one thing, we done want to incur the expanse of it and for another thing, we're not really a ' too sure 'who in the world would be gill i0g to putt some serious money into this ' r �fF 33 June 29tr." T S,. i Qi i 40 z I has an idea that the market IS going to propose something entirely different ff-OM What our planners want, respect our planners, but this F COWSSioner gaw0eitis. Valuable piece of property. Mayor Suarez: *** a very Valuable Piece of property, and it May surprise heck out of us.- Is.there anything elset however, Jack Mr. or Manager, thatthe we Should boils In to johatey#r motion what would you ask of us, if that's the consensus of this Ci ssi on, that ` we want- to be open as we put out the Parameters of the UDP to a Var'letY Of possibilities and not proceed to tear dower the i existing structure? } Corn�issioner Dawkins: Make a motion not to do anythin ... g Mayor Suarez: Let me justseeif there's any parameters that we ought to... Mr! Jade i.0 't. Let me first clarify the land we're talking about. Y ou understand that the boatyards the boat ruck storage area here just next to the Rusty Pelican has now expired as of May 31st and that's back to our property now,,There's no lease can that. Looking at the restaurant in between, literally, we have the abilit at this y point in time today to consider everything From Horatio s, or what used to be Horatio's to the rowingct uo, Than: would constitute the parcel of land. It's about 25CQ lineal f shoreline... feet of z Mayor Suarez, Mr« Lft•.. Commissioner Alonso* Well. r Mayor Suarez; ... you ,are bade to a whole different item. l� thinking*** a were Commissioner Alonso: Exactly! Mayor S+uarex,,. what to do with the marine stadium, Commissioner Alonso-The marine stadia alone. Mayor Suarez. And if we went out with a UDP, what kind of instruct ions would you need. from us? We're going to take up item I item - i n A second, and you will know what the Cc mission s ion wants' to the next that, fat in the d° withlike meanti , as to iteM , what kinds of parameters would you tobuilt into a UDP that would allow for people to bid.o n what to do with the rear#ne stadium and the land adjacent to g it, all right' Vice Mayor De Yurre: Mr, Mayor, gust for the record what I' is rn talking about is the whole thing that we're looking at there that we' control, Suarez All right Then maybe what we ought to Mayor, since it's your basic - g do then, Mr. dice yours and COlMissioner Plunmer's general idea that we ought to take up item 3 and then!.. COMIssioner Alonso- No; COMmissioner Pl mer's, no. .. 'E34 June 20, 1993 Mayor Suarez: .6. and then do the whole thing together'". Commissioner Plummer: r: Well.,* Mayor Suarez: Because I sounds like you want to include possibly the land -; .. that Mr. Luft was gust describing which,, ✓ice Cortimissionar Alonso: Mr. Mayor, let me put this on the record. I think it's something that is becoming a policy now in the City of Miami, and when I say PPpolicy," we take something to the voters, the voters agree that that's what bray want to do, and now we turn around and are talking about changing things around I tttink_ that is unfair. I think it's not fair to the people who want to do bsits with the city of Miami. I think it's not fair to the citizens - of Miami who had the opportunity to vote on an item and then the Comrni ssion changos its minLd and sags, well, we want to do something different. 'Why ` didn't we think of this ahead of time, before people participate, number one; seltand to that, before -we took it to the voters? I think it's really irresponsible of the Commission to chime up with heats put to the decision of the voters; the voters supported one issue, We allow the people to go into expenses for an extended period of time, and then we come back and say, "Hey, this morning we woke up and decided to change everything that we've been saying.' This gives a very poor image to the City of Miami, and I don't think z1 r we should even entertain that. -- =- Mayor Suarez: There may be, from what I hear on my left, a consensus of'- not — a consensus a ,a majority of this Commission that believes that we should move forward on item 3. Commissioner Plummer: Well... Mayor Suarez: If that's the case, then that section of property... Commissioner Plummer: Can one of these on your left speak? Mayor Suarez: ... gets excluded from the consideration o$nitem 2. Yes, commissioner Plummer: Speaking for one on your left, Mr. Mayor. 'Mayor Suarez: lies. Commissioner Plummer: I take an opposite view of Miriam, because I don't think it is a break with the voters. As the time that this was voted on in a referendum, there was not a thing called Andrew who destroyed and made the real problem with the stadium, Now, I thinly... Commissioner Alonso: No, Commissioner, let me make a clarification. Commissioner Plummer: Sure, F Cori ssioner Al onso: I have no problem with the stadium. I think 1. for -; one, think that the stadi wn perhaps should be demolished,, then study whet is L best for the City of Miami in reference to the marine stadium, I'm in r coilete support of the Administration on this issue. I'm talking,the rest of ghat we had asked, .' 35 June 29, 1993 j. J -" ! Y ' v .. g On. Pl ii on , th1n that � end see its end C Y o _-. t only problem that t have with 3. �- g�I�{ ama ndstio to h t;i thift :haS MO' t, and tie `rki° �'e to O where you have a ,,can toad iece of to flop that over, yob! would, - � ` 11f� And ;think they. told if yO were y■y{�• d o ��I say. tl r n yt ' it. t what you told m �it • ww4t�� P��S�i� ss` oner,. plu miler Twenty �-figs hundred running feet, f you flip-�flop the pe rk is ove r coml�lssi+ ner,.P`1u r, And I ,think that makes sense. 0 Mayor Suarez* All right# but that's a nuance or a variation on item 3... Commissioner P1 umrner That correct,i r. Maydr Su rer which sounds like you're in to accept, but we*#* .. cWmi ssi aner Plummer: Jack, Sack, bring me the thing herc, pj ease. i ss isaer Al onso fan we f i ni sh 2 and then move into 3? This i getting • . • • tconfusing. :o.ie 90 .. .. i want to caution you,iefore we get into that dicuSS'�on, we .reed o f1 p-f lopping* ,•_ r . to bear:' frore the lave department -about the coosequen es My, :Suarez - No, we re not going to hear f roan the law department. Tank you to try to take these items in somek` ustion. We are going for your g9e. simbiance of order.* ;., .. . Ct i ssione Pi �e'r: Jack, woul you bring it over here A please, Mayor Suarez's Now*** = ssiorler` Plummer; To my colleagues*.! Mayor Suarez. Yes* 4 oCiiSSioner Pirr: .•, what talking about, Whereas thins sttckintg t here, then yap have hr o a .` here, you were to fl cp this over, the r�o ring c1 ub as o+ne Continuo pied of property. I thi lik that had ,ter# t, i f 0 _ ib i iR ertyi.` a, to !>Ff--merit n that* but a t'$ MiY tV �p�►�� yJl sn semblance of rationality here- in our discussion. oCossion+eras i n. i tee � �r'e r - what I hear from you i s that the i tems , of - 'the i s sue$ contained. re to some of the things that are being Said on this- side. rhaps on a s j -levant the legit Side here we' ve got peopl a who ►ant to �v� to improve item and the dust posedw There is one } havesee qu+stions about 1t, including one you - { _ M /4y�///���6 Jane ►, �� .� Ai r rs . i- it i". gentl. o here, sir, right behind Mr. Luft, I am told, who has a particularWE interest in addressing, and fairly, so, the issue the of demolition of w gust $Immmply the demolition of the mm rine Stadiummm. YOU have an idea, sir. feeling that there may be' a consensus up here or at least a majority, if not a OhttnSut to keeping the urine stadium for Certain period of time until see What the world out here in the market has in mind for it, to not demolishing it. Just have a feeling, because I've heard that opinion on my right, and I t happen � share 'fit. NoWo so donut h t feel that you have o expound on this too Much at length, but if you grant to give us your quick ideasq maybe you'll be _ eve of the people that will be coming ups Remember, as is the case with item — 3, the question is, ideas are great. We've' g4'� tons of ideas. We've had -_ ideas here in the City for many,, many years. You saythat mm1 y predecessor WS5 known for his ideas. The question iS not . ideas just ' — � It's the money to put them into action. SO if you want to address both of those issues quickly, phase. Mrs Paul Hollenbach- Good morning. My nerve is Paul Hollenbach. I am _ president of palace Players, Incorporated, Marine Theater Enterprises. I am against the razing of the Miami Marine Stadium. My organization has the necessary experience to make a �- Profitable venue out of an existing marine stadium"facifiity, The City Commission needs time to examine this option '-- before destroying a valuable public facility, which can create gobs, generate ' badly heeded revenue and positively promote the City of Miami and South Florida. The news media needs to educate the general public about this bpti bn o and the City Commission needs _ time to examine this option, pti on, I therefore ask the City Coffnission to vote against razing the existing marine stadium at this time so that we can discuss this further, Mrs adios May I ask hi a question? why didn't you rent it before? The question camne up of razing the stadium. Mow you come here. Why didn't you Vent the stadium before when we needed your revenue? Mr. Hollenbach: Due to obstacles beyond y my control. Mr. pdio: Oh. So now you want the taxpayers of Miami to... Mr. Hollenbach: No. The times have changed and the conditions appropriate now, are Mr* Odio: OK. Well, he can bid on it. Mayor Suarez: That's maybe what the Commission is getting read to do. Does the Cowmission want to - I think that what makes sense, gust to clarify, that we've got certain lands that we're leaving out of this discussion, I believe. Going to item 30 since they seem to be intricately connected and determanine, unless somebody wants to try to push through a motion as previouslo suggested by- the Vice Mayor, we otherwise go on to item 3 and then we take action on item 2. I have a feeling that there's a majority hero, Jack wants to keep the stadium intact for a period that time ` of until we se market, offers. And of Course, as with item 3, folks, we've a what the absolutely sure the got to be people have the money, in the way that we define mone y ere. And as we go on � o item 3, we're going to seeexactly whether we he same definition of money" as Some of the bidders have. OK, item 3 isve What ` Is the presentation on that? This is an item that was # i m't fact C�issioner Alonso said, approved by a.... s as EK7 June 29, 1993 40 iss' itre i refore d of the of fade the City # ayoOf r : , .' theft way only ono bidding eAtity, Is that the red ':ate so+�r Alonsmo::. �- 00rV.0I Yes. Mayor ujrers OK i And why has it taken two years to get us to the point of negotiating an actual ieese mean! it seems like something that would have dee° pp rove . at d thin w ithin months, or weeks or .days, we would have been a, � :. eadto s i o ,a 1 ease, urvo: The'wa I have it understood, a draft lease etasot^arded t the O - ,.. I duly f #9Iti and ndthing'eame back here and.*. a ssfin er`Plummer.* WeOve been ready. They werenst !uervo. .'. some dame back now in March is when we started t r n gotIating the lease and the terms. tomissioner Alohso; gecaus we had Andrew probably._ chiS:Sioner Dawkins. I beg =to differ with you. Put t lebOdjt tip There Who s f�i'l ia►r with th' s Sheot�' t know ghat she' S t i ki ng about. - r_ aot� Sureze'eah, 'and we real I need to hear from. F ri idiot the knows whatyodr°e talking about,, ' .M or'. Sb t�e� ie11, that's not what she i ndicated y Mr. Manager. a: - Met mere at the time. et I Vat — ss#oner'Qawk.ins: She does not know,, She does not, MrF Manager. 3� y� e lst said "FromWhat I know, and the. impl ication of that �r uarezt „ - j� doesn't! dt .M. f is that 'If M � k tht. ht3top�1 i $ i. -i r •F . Coatiss,ioner Dawkins# She doesn't knowl the history of the project, Mr. F`i s . art, F �h k. Mri + I0F chat she said right now is correct' We sent them a draft, on �99�: .: .. 04,71hey:. never" c� back with a financia l package that we could bring back t�! the cols' , commissioner Dawkins: That's right. K o. Now . , the wily this was handled from ' day one, we made a mi stake w And , when say ,we..ma, of not..potting► date, a tip limit on the time they b d..0,*- e batck v i th t o. project.* } - t} » r • NE r o* yeah -have the property # mayor fuaxi ro# All rht ale a status C iasianer. .Mr!W011 1- think <thore's a more important point, and I've been thinking after: you said that stet ent this morning. Offering the later l o this 9 ty Pelican, fog ghat? Collateral deans if something goes WON,* 3 that coliaterai if they're-go'i to build of -not buildo.. �- Mayor Suarez: Cowlssioner, C issioner, we're.., commissIone r Plumeri they'r5i Ring t0 what? What Is the... laybruare We' re 'getti sag into this in a very strange posture. C,owissione r PIuftner Yeah, very stranat!. 4a ayor Suarez They're going to want to explain their financing. Is it a fair �a atat+ent w just to put the matter before us, this was approved by the voters. It v s an existing lease. It haw would have how many years under the voters' tpOr 4 l j s uervo, ;Twenty years and two five-year extensions f ayruare�: Twenyear extensions, T tyo years and two- fiveThere was a _ 5� prescribed return to,the City+ was there not? ;jvnisaioner p3ulrar: fib# ' There was a. minimum* +.Zob sh i s # Cuervo: A� min imp of 2Cii, 0�o a year» V t �o Suarez- Prescribed minimum return to the City of how much? 4 T fF r ta31oher Alonso: Two hundred thousand 5 , - Mr � Cuervo. �200, 000 a year. ayttraras11 tight! �e are at that posture now You're ready to . V ` ` a recommend pr a cu r not, and that's y .�. What we need to know a lease to } a sighed with those crittris being met that the voters approve, of caurs » Ouervo:. Exactly, rf ff ift. or Suerers' No substantial deviation$. 'Because otherwise, then y h n the City �. Attorneyi-would tell us that rwoul'd be totally inappropriate! 7. r ;- a�► Linda Kearsoh assistant Cie Attorney): 1r! tayor testy I correct ycu on Otte utter? There was not an existing lease on the entire 2!8 ,acres, What we ` z , had was.+ concession.. 1r Mayor Suarez,* fort of an expansion of an existing leese? } �t t. `- Si �' ' yr f - y. A_ lsd Kearson. Now n , n , sirs There WAS a CMICe lion agreement on a portion Of that,, and they leased another ,Portio" ti Mayor Soaren l l rights ms- aarson. So it was not entirely a leaseThat's the difference. flaydr, Suaroz OK* how, do we reed to hear anything else from staff, and than fri the private party teat i s the applicant herd before us? ,. Ma cuervt: WelI, I can address at least the financing package that they presented us. They told us that by today .they .would have a financial package �`�ai able c o Hayo ', Suarez: OK, And what - surely, ' Msd cuerV0- They have provided us with that. There are strings attached to the financial package, and I have not heard firsthand from ter» Tallichet this _— + th1hg of the Rusty Pelican coring in, so I'd appreciate if he could at east.address that he's willing to offer the Rusty Pelican. I don't know, be - - } #t,the base be the improvements, as additional collateral. Commissioner Plummer Wall, without the Rusty Pelican, the package which the aurr+anderdo you, number one, is it of value or demonstrates 2,000,000_ end riur, r tom, 1 s It acceptable other than a letter of credit or am ab�sol ut+e e {' ` guarantee?" I' think that's 'important to find- out, in year opinion, Their Opinlan tiht be different* — s, l ervo:, 'Well in MY opinion, they demonstrate $2,1000,,000, but therets strings attached. There's hol'es that E you can poke in", Cormtissloner FiWmers Such as? # Cuervo: OK. For instance, basically, you tan break down the financial 040 ge into th rep parts, There's a million dollars that Coming in the ford 'of insurance _proceeds from an insurance `pol icy that Specialty Restaurants i betting paid out* and Special Restaurants wiII be the management operator; That's, a, mil l ion-` dollar. That mi l l ion dollars � r can- be j+aoPardiz+ad, because there is an 'investigation as to the viability of making that settlement, if. You, o .. l 1ke, can expand further or, _ . k`. L comissioner Plummer: That's half of it, *£ r Mso Cuervo: , So there Is one stringattached t® that. That money is also paid on . ►° r " ir�ursement basis, So it's not a million dollars that q whave . sitting in ,the bank right now, They will fund it, and the only requirements are that, its y spent, and they .have an approval, and they see that the construction went Into the Oro ect. OK? n' j' ce Maor De Yunnan OK. So far, we have nothing, o ahead Ws Cuervo. OK, that's the first part, The second part I 50,100 that 3° COW in the f0m of equipment financing. lie ,hay$ letters of intent,from two ditel'ent equipment ;companies that, 3 t require that the pr'ppsers put dawn' x 4 � June 29 t T i H .. ..... . . %000in downpaymots and that the rest of It will be fi nanced, the rest Of the equipment# that Is the.: iquipment that goes into both restaurants, the �- r ub Od the. Specialty Restaurant. Vice mayor Oe VuOrtt Is that it purchase or 4 lease? a FF M « cuervol It s a lease purchase* 'then the third aspect of the financing COM i n the Bey, of, ,Q i that the principals of the successful proposer have eViden a by way of bank letters confirming that they have $300,000 in _ liquidity available. 4 Commissioner Pl umer: - Wel l , but i s that then a restricted funds that o= 30C$0007 Msa C4eryo: • The letters I have dit'so not state that In an escrow account - -`specifitally for this project, but, you know, I've asked the proposers to - include that in the letter but that wasn't included in the letter. k '.. Commissioner Plummer. Well,, I , would assume that i f, in fact, we were to -- approve, that doesn't come out. It would have to be $350,000, according to what I figure for 2,000,,000, that irvnediately, those funds would be restricted and -could be used for nothing else except as a pledge here. I mean, other than that,. you don't have $2*0000000. Mks, Cuero: We can crake than a requirement, and pert that into an escrow 4 ccount «- i'hat j 3 not what they provide as. o • j Comml3sioner Plummer: Well, excuse pre. if it's not restricted, and you're telling me it could be used for something else,.. his. Cuervo a Well..* g Commi ssi over Plumer; Then how can you do it otherwise? �t Msa' Cuervos Well: that's part of the strings attached. We need to - weneed p to ' fi rrn that up Commissioner Plummer: Oh, that's a string you want to attach; not them, Ha* h" ha:. CK, I 'hear you. ' MS. Cuervo; I think so« a` Mr. Antonio Zamora; If I may,, Mr.,Mayor« 1 mayor, Suarez: Yes o Mr. Zamora My name is Antonio Zamora, Mayor Suarez. I think we more or less are at Issue here, so rye ray as well f hear frn you,,counselor. , i , Mr. ,Zamora: Yes. 1400 South ,Bayshore Drive, Apartment 1211, Not mentioned In Ms. Cuervols presentation is that we have to give a deposit of 00 04 n addition of � the 3Qo , - and that will be fior the guarantee , of the 1 W 42 3 — .t1�ue ` oa h y h e to +pull building pe st within # Months _ '« 4iht# ss oner` . Use to « �yj, � `! spy, m May They have to. pull building Permits within six months, or if not, - + +: i ease cap bo e rmi n t +d ures off. What about construction of the improvements? i� omrni ssiraner Pl r: What's - no, that' S not - what °ttt saying is., M yo u re OK, wait a minute, t just posed that to her, pleas, so we ion t eat dur3elves« «uero: l �► to be honest with you, x don't believe that we gave a time Polk tain«; t� to-y0�r Suarez 111 r ghts, ccmmissioner... s« Cu rvo ««« by when t+he.construction has to be completed* +., S se them, assuming _ this passes ► uer ilK woh l d you ` like to impose issionet P1UMers«» �r omEt1ti-si oer Pl ummer Oh' * �bsol tely. rez -**4 and i� soy. whit .pariod�- flf `time: would you be contemplating? }� Yt -Suarez. �ii• IMF • 1 ss i on P1 fir* chat ° �reasonebl a 1'r not a contactor « - r aw. � a.i+ ter � ons i months to► e c ►l ete' r + sf �Cse tot fihey prpuid d us with a development schedule that shows.«« ,.. , seien r Plummer:,O,, 00 no o1�i any : oriths to Calete?j�- - `� �o ` Sure : He' .s not to l 1 ng about starti ng « He's tal k.i g about ` ,.' - t letion.:' P,l0430 +C issi, er, Pli m,r, any ideas on what's a fair.*«.. ieipne 1'11e"s EiYghteen months, the cnilger tells me, is #aid'« -- i T _ afarvodevelopment.- schedule that .shows a y+ r yA z *p6 /�}ri�t `9mit#�#rs 1'id- ,,t o;,ti'iY11Y3nt,+ h ¢A # o i' eicrier Tbey ! ve got to take a CO and have it col l eted wi hi f 1. r►ths, or we estreat 'their bond. Wi o f whother.. « �� F j. .N44 Y G x Y t r - rv. Rr 14a or*�� ; ; Zz it so SixWnths to ull permit and 18 months for ietion - yrure A 0 Hob _ r� Mora: Mr. Mayor, therethe packages there is a construction achedule ,and the 18_00hths ft perfectly acceptablef M • lioru%r$:l�t they' r sayi tag that that 18 months is so absolute that if �u doh I have constructs on compi ated s you lose the $20a t000 s o lijsjoner.PjWmr. That's correctf ,1 . y� ^sty} �yrr �j course.; 1 4 -zamo a. i snot *►'f' sou rue. mayor Suarez: All right* Now.,*• i com ssi over Plummer,. Noy let me ask a . f ;yes i ssi oner Al onso : So six months to pull the permi t f oil aK. a nti ssi ones Plummer: Excuse dalet ,�':,�Cortmjssi'aner Alonsoo and 1 .months for completion i,s acceptable* ;i d i,ssibated Pl M"r.0 Mr.: Managed", a f °a« ;Ass in the &I ay is not our faults obviously* ',f ssl aner P per. 1e1 i + that' s ' the poi ntr « Manager, we're looking at the'0061 ► Stith the sewer moratorium. Now, that would not be their fauIt d' No; no no. we hive.. d dis 16ne' .Plat' me i #hat roY s of s ire the a If they'd"+s :tot -you �tdlow� f , ;o ,go#t'r them. toa. heir+�:;gu4.lty' going y j # Me �E y �,# . They wore" � have that particular +excuse 1n 1. itAfM P Re 3rrh Yf • t "withthe i t with, ,dt ano Tony Clemente {/ kl YO Owl U1 Yeah OK.S Look o I � trying III be i � both, r � '. d+ t hE $n3 i f another Andrew comes and blows down half the: r bus l dj ng? . . problem p qy Is their .}4 $rythat lsaionar PlM er. Well, but I'm not going to fell iight#;. f r ko now we # r tel don tit - wa t w', wait., R: iF}I -fit U A, t, 1 i t z tj ki►sioner aft . ginoing there and grabbing their 200,000t if it �r -. 'hasn't their fault* fir, t A Owant to say ..-- �CuovolNo, ot. they have insurancee O r"a dio: chat i meant to say, if the building is blown by Hurricane Andrew* tI s .not our probl erno N Ms- Cuervo6 There'sinsurance to cover that z r fir. adios 'Wr<' re _not going to take the deposit away because of ford majeure, Ms. cuer+oa have insurance, and we're also requiring that they have They _ b it'ress` interruption insurance that would be equal to at least the lease �- payrrnts over the prior years average for the ritini+murna Hr. <Odlo: Now, see, any.'ieaee... Mayoress interruption insurance probably won't begin �u�tre� yeah � but busin ,x to. h� Mr. odio out, wait, wait a minute* i iyor• Suarez; `. until after the improvements are comp l eted * s i Vin rnrnlssiner� plrr How do you got business Interruption insurance to pay__ ;won ou #e �n+ever" started a business? -- 4 yr Suarez. Meath e r isslronor Plu: Huh? x fir odic : +o #ssioner, what I'm trying to lei i you is that ttaat's their i •; t►usness� a ,have a lease, which they have tied up our proparty and thei`or•g the City has to get paid* Hurricane or no hurricanes the Rusty psi i rian : has a lease that g when they were interrupted by f i re , they had to pad � = a mini n rent, ` So' the qua tid t 'i . do yak want to put a €hinimrend o ,- v 9 tavinimn�m rent hers. nd sca, if _th+ey tied <up the property and sor th'�nq }a� i�ppend, wt m saying i don't penalize theme** r f} a1re you:talki.:ng about the .beginning of that payment obligation, 14 Yr Suarez- i m_ :- •, r Reneger, i s that what you re tali Ctg abotlt' Tm 14010 odio. Yes. What Is+• r^ =- r Suarez Even before they do the improvements, is that what you re say'71irtg�' fir; tdi'e11, but ghat I"m saying isr' if they star` building.,» ` S k :'. for Suarez. What period of time are you talking About? _ 4 2414 AM Mss Cuervo! The 300,000 is past of their financing package, to finance the }' construction and this capital and equipment investment that was approved by the Mayor Suarez All right ghat about tell us about the $0,00 them heri are they, in ghat form,*. ,' guarantee hat' Are you saying that those MS' Cuervo: We have two letters; one from Barnett Bark, and one fry Prudential Securities that was provided to you in the financing package that e was distributed this morning, �= A Mayor Suarez. OK. They don't look like money to me. What do the letters ,k- says. Ms. Cuervoo The letters say that one letter sags that Bayside Seafood Restaurant has in excess of $100,000 available. That's all it says. The }; ether letter says that Mr. Armando Lacasa has in excess of $200,000 available at Prudential Securities, and this was addressed to Virginia Key Marina, Inca Mayor Suarez: OK. Folks, and Tony, that doesn't say anything to me about 'about, what I'm talking What guarantee do we have that you have the financial e viability to build this. ghat is it, $2oOOO9AQB - is that what it's estimated?, i Commissioner Plummer: No less than. 5 Mrs Cdio. Two million dollars. s Ms. Cuervo: A $2,000,00. capital and equipment investment, 'Mayor, Suarez: Well,, other than the fact that Mr. LacasaA a distinguished former member of this Commission, has $200,000 in the banks Mr, Zamora: We had provided the letters that we were requested to provide. That-' s the letters showing that we had... } Ms « +Cuervo: But Tony,., Mi' • amora: e o ` $200 9000 or $300 0QC available!. The,,, t j Ms Cuervo: Tony - I'm sorry, 't t`£ i t + ormmi ss i over _Plc rteri: Well say it* s M�♦ Cuervoa .� Antonio,, 1Rfe asked that the letters specified ed that these monies were eamrked for this project, and. in an escrow account, or however it is a f that the bank wanted it to be stated, And what... .. Mr. Zamora. They are earmarked for this project.: { Ms Cuerm, but the letters do not state than Now, if ,you're telling us Je dt then that ° S scything .different, and I think that answers the ' Mayor's• ue+t Q1 _ Jun _ �' N41 s ! _ Y •. x Th , Are O , : rked ftr,tht Aro, ect € of course 4 C, i ssifiner ... � 18� �. � Ihear from the City. Attorney, Tony, M= € + in e� esct tcco tit only for this project..6 ern: r a letter of credit O*JSsifter lUMMer a and that would be finding on your If this i ra. - - Fir Zamorat too, but that that Is .the 2009,000, Cot1ssi €der' Pi=i#r* No. Sir. Ms.-earson: , That's not. CoMmissioner-Plummer: That's not what I'm hearing here, Tony. ors Zamora: No,, but you are syig then that the... x — Oommi'ssioner P1u er: I'm not saying it`. The iaw.00 fir: tmo ... the :�4posit is gtsing to be 500,004. That's a different... Gommss.iner ,Plurer: Noit's not. _ The'dep©sit isflOfaaQ. _ l a +�i�Vry"hi. -. onntsspner. P1er: chat tty're saying. 9s that they' �°e baking for } guargnteq that +thatOClBo that these two lenders represent, are going to ; h +, ,t�th�at queaion and cannot be used for anything but this praect. shy I iq9 ,ydur ob? ; You 'tell hi' what you're saying in my ear over here, , : aa.rs an . We v e saidw. . ? !s i uer ro! Yeah. : ' Ms. arson: �te'vre said this repeatedly. we need to hake assurance that the � F= } i -: money; is ,to .be invested In: this projeot.The mare fact that they have money u L T4 jn the .bank does not satisfy, our concerns that the money is for the Virginia - - q T-- R g u• ,i fir. ' ra. Yeah, we wi i 1 prov i de those assurances,, but that's not what w►e �' � { � untierstOd than wQ had to do. We had: to . sh+ow, the $Z1,0600000,1 and that p s.. T i j ;t 's *earson a,:: no,. we... # ,_ xY doe/ o. Torly, that's' not true �7 . aarsont We have. made that quite clear i�or trar long t The rune y toA d o earmarked !for this projec �ri, ay urea why iS evrerybody talking at the sari: time' Wait a Minute. ... , Y ^P315 a'Sa Iowa i 1 V }� �i der issi' Alonsoa Let ask!!"# yo issioner.Alonto inQOre* Warier A�0nsa4 Yes! #Ei� 1$ ����used now. � are asking ` d osit, WhIch they have done: oo Q o_is the deposit71 E Y. to E h W prooi�' tl t the money is available to do the project. o oo ,�1"e$ f haVe to place into an escrow account they .aOoUt• monigO you arei atskifto Moo, in fact, for 5009000! ! ! t Mr! ar ora; For 00000009 for security deposit! s! •Guervoi OK, wait. Tisiotter Alooso- as a deposit That's evhat is normally peal world ou tside of real etel.. Ms. 0uervo: I kfow I know, I know, OK. people to Then they Then the amount of due in the C+c*wms ionez`'` lnntn# If you want w to have 500 000 deposit, you have to let s ! irte. now I. have never, ever seen an .agreement like this unless you want... •� 0di o: Let me » let me.,. c l,�- yang yes, but I been here in this I ss �Al onso i And Jack i s saying �i � ' } .tl ssionl4-!r snner; P1 timer: It's not a deposit. s tz -- ssi ones 'Al onso: And I have not seen it done that way, If you wanted,,, ir. dio: Commissioner, let meofe a � C+c ri ssi oner, Al onso i het finish. If wanted that as such, you ask the pees#n . t+ pure 500,000 f not*** Comml ssi,oner Plummer: Well , Mr. Mayor, Mr! Mayor.. • - ice_ x i s "s 3#' ,► Comissione s'.. :.tea C issioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, 1 disagree... ... � `{ Cv ss oner Al onset. . ! !. who' t you it lYe to dci i s present proof that the money - �t is a0Is'i.1able, "arid, then make a commitMent that, yes, this funding is earmarked and aaa;i l abl+e i"or this project, y which think is fine. We haveto know that tta money., available, and that's- I think I heard Mr. Zamora say8!f 3 Mr- Zamora; That is no pro b # xim1ssioner Alonso. . . that he is willing to do + wait wait fait« Co nisi er Plur�rw did you want to , y s - - c ,"`.� says thing? ... F i U, 7M flne": '#'Y: {{ i 1 t a k ± S •ice h ���t1p _.�.�.._.,, ,. - � _ ..: ..�_a ..:._ .�[... icin* of that StI ones Pi um Yeah Mr, Myor, I don't agree that we're askingM that issue. To me, can be taken back. ComisSionerPI�r: I�pat I'm hearing from the City Attorney is that 41; 00 `that must �e dedicated Was contained In these two letters restricted only to the project the and Ms.C erWo: What's two different things* t-omlssIontr . Pia�mm+er- Now if the protect doesn't got we don't get the S, oa y5 a Cosner Plummer* We Only getwMr Nav6r.. a w. Y�MrY57f - They're two different things.. t „ r.cft,�_Jhe two.» 1 L ..rv: "they' re two different things. .y i - - 73 Lj tuft4 Two hundred thousand��. m� nit MOO deposit. i ssi over Al.oft so. Exactly. MAYor, Suar+ez.* Al l right. And doveta111 no i nto that, Comi ssi over, Al onso, �- it" verb iortant.+ is another similar lease in which we did require a in the back, as guarantee that improvements would substantial4mount of cash and it goes back to trill Stevens. #�nfartunatel�r after the first time a gent through,that a rcist* Comissioner Alonso 1 think that's a topic that we should not even _ ntertai A.. �.aor.uarez Ater theirst time that we didn't... Comissioner Alonso. !.. the discussion of that... for Suarez, That we did not - wait* L Commissioner Alonso: ..tr because we didn't even ask for a depkosit. MayorSuarez: It was evenvoted by the - approved*** h r - Commi ssionerAl onso: Not me. I was not around. f4ayor Suarez: It was even. submitted to the voters for approval . and they iit. et It pr verb t didrt t The -Miami Her editorial ized age► nst lk At' that time p It was "a big mistake to edi tors lie against it, because at °that times 'thtre was a million and a. half dollar` cash requirement in the bank to s :knout that they, could c I to those itmprpveinents. Ire Odio# That's correct That is correct. la,yer Suarezo hater.... - fxx pp Zamora. It . Mayor*** � t .yp.�� +r{ AAy Qy�� a but Suarezt Wait, �a'.tMr., �I �tnd do�''d t w$nt - to ae , anybody,. ; hate an 'i d► who i 5 to bl acne and :why that eni 1 l i ntt anda, hl f waa not reu red I din *"t to make that mistake again, nmiss nner. A1cnso U�nl k! colIeaguejomission-or Plummer, who seems in+cli'ned to vote av, rabaiy this { i s due i voted ' f'br that, bec. use I thought the ati l I ion and a half do) lArs were !{ # I want to make purees still in therer I didn't look through those doCtmnts. !� Zoo, o�� bunk account that r o xkLYI- - t Ton r : that �tou .0 b ul l l d these imQrav nts t sa had, and - 40j0 � that enotha one of your prineip+als has, t -# .. 't not n+earlt enough guarantee that at the `end of -either six,' ntha, or s y } � ntha aid then ro begin getting'. your On permits and begi�r t� thi`ow t a f i•kcka a<r?und and �l can up the l tits, : that another ninths :r11 i not _ elapse �tithout �oeth1ng, be g built there, and:,- all 'we hive' to rsh in - ST that p roce s would b#� The " +voters have approvedo orb'. a the . th.ink the 5 actual l�r thou ht °���� h }3}ygt Minpre rib ed !"e It, and I ' YOtt. .t•Te t ! 1►R iey appro, 4 ,i_ # r� :. t . t ^ :: 54 d.i 'yr f, j y r.,ns�drte¢ by th'a gay, is a c any that ,ats in MW bi i i i t d it c ars j, and i s rated VIA* Mi nus by best* and 11 in the „ 'uarel. What cany art, taping About - Kr. as.. { at� ydra:ditayurantaiat are they insuring? Wbra.: They are making ,a pay"nt of insurance claim to be used in this r Oroa�t � - °' or$ua a has ;det+�rmination of that claim been already made as being - payab' . r� "Zamora- es � ayoure't has an assignment a the right t+ collect - and I may be - 1nterropting your line of inquiry, in which case 1... -- Vice ,ay De Yurres No, but basically, my concern is, you're talking what A00 and charge. _ mr, era: Correct. u - „= 1iGe,ayor:De Yurre« When are you going to have that check in hand? 1 - co fir.8�tilora: We! 1 y the GheCk ► w in $2DD,DD0 increments. �. . f c iy r Q Yur�re: When are you gqi ng to have the first 200? A r A s ;soon as o e bui 1d 2 D,00 of 'a i 1 i ty. It's paid after t a+ - th#n As, built. dice yo De Purr+ s:. No # but I have. a ette hers, `'which 1 m sure +ear ryb y h`a a dopy o f thi s t titter, whin red . a fdl l ows - and , this i s fry the . Home - 'in uraKe C6many, written by .+ tick': ea, y or ee1yo ire t`a, Healy. , �- _ , , Vi i � r� Y rre; He says the .Following, and tlirect+ed' t _Ma. uerr : k - "YOU.-, ghoul d. b away. that ;there i s . an ang i ng arson 1 nvei gate cis un a the , tip rest a of . DOW, b CoOty, Qeorg a Fire Depa`�Dfi� — '' , Tray 'law' t'eunti raqusta, inCGArdanGe with D-Borgia is a, !spy Of our � i l e « The UGC ,. Insu#��t�lG'�► �� y has no i �fonii tti cn this p int i t _ v 1`ct . i ndi motet that peci al ty are vet i n setts ng this f i re Rastau,rtant C��rpo�ati cry i e WON* . pe+ci al ty Iestaurants r i ratl c i s> the partner here involved in this actin, . . f/��;/�S 4! +�yf. jy�j �/? 4 tip_ 1�j jqj x issioner Pl � r. Wait a minute wait a minute. .tM t , r 41 n rip58 p 1 � i 7 i •„r-h ..-. vi affism- - r. ,. ° , A O rea 1n r the ter' ' y h. Juno , yesterday'. �r r ` , tha you're adding something into it or you're vl ft . !l or a Yuma* J4e1.1 * no, I'm jUs expla ra'lrtg who this c a►ny s» . s is r 1. ter Oh, oh, Because you're not reading from the letter ilk. Vito Mayor Ce Yorre. No, tap, no. —_ Coftitsioner� Plut mer OK. ;Vic l3:Mayor lure: , But I gust parenthetically put that in. 1� Cotissiuner Plum r: Yeah. Thank you. That's editorializing, T think they y�ett } 4a I r I c x �- D ss#co her P1WOer Us$ all right s= e tom► r De Yurre: , it's Axplanatorylo 1: i uaw l 1+F01 Ahead., a'— layr D Yuma: "if' Dekalb County, Georgia cone ude� that dur° lrtsured �� j jn t ais ar`st�n. as+a, the Nam. Insu1"anC!! CORVIlly a tabl igated ,r at � b :lved. k ai nt and r the 1 is of , #n urahce, This ` infnrn�ati�n s d 'p ' a 'a, the . , l �sured' s rep re�ar� at V R f �d�a�; grad Compa i t � � s 1 ��Bwx as far aiS M �dn@rhed, i feel mire'►ecur+a abut your , D00 than T da abut ;1*nl 3 * because there. s noth�g h� at, all # They, b ttk ,.. rr� r end -Sty$ *We're i�t � # �g � �� t�tkB . us t�; a~{iurt Thtt s an ther, r+ thing t� , d0 avail filth,� dears f r s thi that hastk $fx f4 .tau,' tt .. .: i " Kara: arad the t+a p+sy$rs that, voted ran: this, going back td the' September 191 ' ndver had in O nd Of . this ste'narii ,ydu, C ssia r l der. 1 a11, they get six months to take out a permit or .�{ {gj ■ ttce re gel fig to TO tha r' . 0 tOOD I : rights , Y to mayor �`e Yurr+�; �h�y f�tl t that this was a deal , that they were goi ng to � get 2 .000, C worth a� lra��s neat and building what etas being asked -of-them .: ter a o e upon,,, t ' .. .,. $y If +}�}� don'ttake g�y�} a �yy� g y} +� y� g } ; i SS i 4� 1*1r I' f t "[� e • they 1 1aI # 1' ; Ar out M Sit permit 1 D: f #'F 47 they e i z , y% 2j. ANEL _e ur`if assure you, if they ever consideredthis a1trit they +1ud have Votes alnstdoesn't make sense* Otto , Other 1 sSues that we're going toget into �- ab0 the s l 4na • .1 TOY, lose ttrei i` deposit. - ss onrthey don't take it out in s9x months. And you know 'hey're notng to get it back, ghat their problem, V. e ` ' a Yurre o Sot half of it right her is totally up in the air* Th + i s no i nanei n for th i s. - �i ssio t r Al onso: That's a good point. SJ 5- i.ssioner -yumdri Huh? � ssi�indi" A143 Estb* Tl at's a good point. Co s ion+er 'Plt er of coursed Oor' Sporez George,.. �sstonerPiu f4r. Mayor? a == Meer Sears 'Yes. C 1s ibryou start, t r PI,t r;., Ucus . Before rn understand frog i�now, I seeing here that they re g.oing to be the big f_ star; beaose, .rou . . l►rs in this case 'rf things Oo wrong, Now, is it my. understanding that .ii-.'a $20000C deposit tits two criteria? Criteria number Bane, if _they they lose the 20A 00 if they're not t i,l ctit within six months, f s dort i pet +�Slet d irk m�+n sq t +e t ' loss the 200,00 Is that criteria understood c and t in WOWact - > . s. Ci erY #. Yes, si r. . h. ii on+er uer; . tow, i f 'the. ; insor�ance �cany, dory $ is i c . p for. `the } ve mast $200�as t find b h r; fih ncing, y ,, t as :ears aid they;don scxrre fay` ►a CO . n y area of conc'#�rA and 1 1 i l go back : try �t . ein M_ ,e�"r1$ t y went to U� this or other Oiethod Of financing, in my astitea�ion and 1 they have t©'give y+DG an abs Ute g+antee of _ " Et heir wei - 2 � 0 9000 that i s ,dedicated to this project, this project alone, end cannot 4 � be u� for any 0- or source. F re v a Wyo.r ' a+e Yurre. �he11 ♦ h- _ + t, .i ssioner P 1 umers Now..* niCO Mayor De Yurre; By whenr i ss oner Piumer; fix months, i - �t 1��7{ aj�,. /per! �y�).(.1�' [p■ 1}!� Mayor De YurrY: No* no, �..n � Ir.. r fir 60 . .3r { ; ed th thing r. Healy tells me He r S us 40; Mt wfi ied the general Counsel , and that's why I WAS �F tti get kind of resolution and address sbi+f these1e is do r r �. k, a as, n a bath t line ��testit�rr, and then gb#4g to listen to my prodigal son, George Knox. It is � under"standing �l#� ghat unequivocally, before yOu will sign a lease -listen is my tvrn'derstanding to e,Christi na Ms CuerY xcuse rrte. I'm sorry. omnissldner PluMmer That 'unequivocally, before you sign a lease for this �-- _ 1pro,6at, it1Cking in all other conditions,, that you will have what you consider art of 2*0009000or �- tc substa ttial and restricted amounts o , money excess ow don't.#. iCe Mayor De Y�rrr`e: what we - what we consider.:. — Commissioner PluMer�t Excuse r t3. trit a finish. dice, mayorDo Yurre: what we consider*** G rtraissit�rter Plum tar: said, u uivocal." That is without question. She tams ' from a banking family, QK?i t� banks, you got to prove you don't need K — :lcan . to get it. I'm spying, unequivcaoal or, Christina, don't sign that /yn 1. 21�.— 19r' Qdio too, Ito, .no, wait a minute, arts thing we need to clarify. Now long :do We wai V l C+i sr�,i ones P €ns Six months i s whet... , ter"# Qdibs No, sir, no, sirs Vice Mayor De,Yurre: No, no no. Mr, dithat's too hang a time, because we are giving them six months t€? 1= sta�rt�sd yY ctwissioner Plummer: All right, all right, set a reasonable time. „ - 4r Odi0 z, l said* * $ ` O'tsionor P3rtirner: Excuse rrre� I understand. I'm sorry. — r-i ,Odi+ot I s$id reasonable time� ni ss i oner Plummer.- What is a reasonable time? _ r� Qda. Mould be g0 days - a, Y 62 June 29, 1993 fKx`' wereJust'_imply t , tine eager deal wi th all of the th i n9s that have rd3or It aitti fit ire specific# and ek, among - h�rr th arai t vrnt to know that the ,i are, ire facto— i.n ,' be availablg o it th .period of time let's say 90 days. ' � ai h " .�► ht '0 for the rent. we're going to } giant to i 1d the rrau r AS the 1 months; six months for the � s u i i C�'�ation, et oetera - Victy r De Yurreffi Mr. Ma ort justfor the record, so that my position is �- ai so 0, "e uivdcat . I more than W1 111 Og`'to work. We've been at this now for 2.11 months. In three months it will ba the second atnhiversary. May6r Suare2; Right. -_ vice Mayor tie Yurre« OK? Two years, We can have a party and celebrate two ,dears bf working at this. cowissiaoer �'1urm"ers I like that. vice Mayor g "Yurre,e Iqm willing to wait... == CoMlsstoner Plummer. We gave a ;party, Vice Miyor De Yurre . give :90 days for then to put their package. If, 'within gn days. they have'not come before this Commission. again - because I'm �- :not, Doing to ;leave it up to the Administration. I want to hear exactly • I'm going to make the decision here.` We're going to make the decision whether their package i s ;a►c epteb l a or not. Mayror, Suarez, Ail right We have vice Mayor . Yurre�. • t4 stake `that • u _Ayo Suarez:. t 'though tt that was going to be built into, whatever motion we � mad or ,i6ttructiohs we :gave to the manager. r „. Mr. Zamora. OK. - syor Suarez: But just in case,, 14r. Manager, this whole matter is not up to OP, .Admi lstratiP to gat finally resolved, and certainly not up to them, who have taken 21 ftnths It is up to thi s Cord ss i oO and' if we .don't have final approval. by three months from now, absolute proof of all the stuff that we ; 'wants this mattat4 ends, and I think that's the vice Mayor's... vice.Mayor De Yu.rre, It's history. r. fir+► Odio: With no vested rights to that property, i iydr Suarez. And that assumes, of course, that there is a consensus on that. it some people want to be a little bit more liberal on this Commission on that i.saue# I think they're entitled to speak, but i would guess... 5; , Ca.mi ssioner PIumer Well, s Mayor,.. 64 June 91 1993 a T 7 77 _ :_44._A t' that would Carry the up heres, fir. ` Mayor, ii# # Its . �Asi r� r ayo° a g o �, he a�tkin NC►' d jt® hold it taw �ait, I yielded o him �4 not , in :, Off , i t pi i�r: " i yield o i ifir. r�tare tip#s$ioler, C+liissioner Dawkins has his hands sticking Up i ike thi sol"tf onienant base. C+ issloner Plummer:I'ii -y'eid to, Miller* Mayor, 5ua�~e And I guess that's his way of sort. Qi=... Con issidner Plummer= To my baud brothers I yield. t ayor Suarez: All right. COMMissi0ner Dawkins, thee. Ccunissia° P'iue'z For 30 seconds* - Ct ti s# her Dawkins. D No, I can't do it in 30 seconds, J.L. I,owissioner Plummet': I knows that's why I yielded. or uar Twenty --eight seconds Comies ones, Dawkins. Mayor acid try fellow C rnissioners* I have � prabi�t oo have the money. . you're '' n�h� ✓vi th� . i s , end . p b �ri i : they not u�� the mo+s tithe to produce the -money., They, have yet not P"o Chinaman going And et lr Shih,.>�ith,.the $� prnbteM9 being a on y the records. `You ai i s . ' say that. I grant it, -in to ' to . ge ni to tc1d . h�i#1 :no , ' H ..pro,ect : is. dead. pie. wi i l not give you; .no more ,ta, .w� do ' the 13fl back to Cni�thatt ..Ott extend, an, thing, you gust can't project, you re cami ng up Was you're say � to butt ' whereYer you. Witt g©! .now th► tvisn,� t pi'pdui:ed. tie t ne'.: i 1nR:hs. Cissiner.1nar: `here's no c+carison between the twos o g1Pore months, but there` awkinstissioner. Dets ag�itl: you don't gi+e �hih 21-days. we'must �� consistent. + issioner PIt; r: That's not true or suar@� V '`thought We gave ,Shih sire time than any oady else in the hi Cory of .. C iissioner Qawkins: If you but yeu didn't -giv him as much `tire as ycu�re g i v in them. �ri� �!A�pr� . ors �`: ► started a ted out, In a hunR�eplum } c1c4 k- WE a rson a Cannot do that. - .` �}#yam} �} $,, negotiable. �y y y4g $� Can i#'�{-or Pl { a I think- it can -b done,.. c b� oegotiall. - -- 5 � arso door t ;think you can do that, COMUSOAer. When we.,. -. _ � r�i JIMS t f#�a ear on; i8ita�se in the RF'P (Request for Proposals, Specifically s s- I -the and in which you were going to lease. When that was put before the r, Voters, t was with that land in minds r cani`ssi finer: Plummer. x use nee. To my i earned legal advisor, is not at this z palm cuUr t rma, that pacrc l up for renegotiation? Hello? I'm calling Col l6ct+ - Ms, Kearson: Y don°t ow whether it is or not. Y ls* uervo.`Which parcel? Which parcel are you talking about? t� di ssi oner Pl urnrner: Well i t i s, because their r pease ran out May the dth a` They didn't they never had a lease# They had a concession 3 mi ssiones ?l user. Yes, excuse me, they did have a lease. .. .. .: - i 4 � s:;Kest on; Thay did not have that's,a concession agreement. - -� .rommissioner Plummer: what did they have? y i� x r� Ci©.:'trey-:had a concession agreernent� C�4r(o1 :. A agreelnettt• :Mill _concession' Ms. Kearson. That is not, that was not a lease. : k F Ctissoner. P1c.tr what? Ms� Cuervos A concession agreement. z- k ` Mi` o bdi o: `Cohcess l on . ! dh M on 0 concession �rgre ent that expired. .. -ear `"iissdne Plunger: For the boatyard? 7— Ms. Cuervo. nor the boatyard. Ms Kear son: For the boatyard. 4 r f — rrt Co issi 'net Pl r. , concession agreement. They had a legal r s n *— #+ Thera, at ' saying is, that legal reason en' the 4th. 67 ig # g- s - f 77)i 71 ` / ft tsoh at i on Am 1rrtct r- rr QO l;b ear n iobsol utel y correct* �dttar" P1 r that now attributes back to US. and it Our "r0rty. - s dear 0n. It cer 1ni 1 5 -�•i �i xiY ,l'SI�.. .:ice F:i ' l7: rye �y y/�* 4i„ 'i� jy� - ` iPa[.si8tnr �:! ��erM- Tlha� li.:aEM I;, Ids k ar' in � ` * outy t an t Ieasy that without having a Competitive ! process andthat property Is not. �. - i#N '��. �r4�N tF l 4V F nAi�'lAY # dont mind you arguing - _'. •.-,_. M n're tt'yhg. t3 help the'aopla thisut�ity►i'r trying to a ish a COW!no ghat Ithink Is: for the best of this COMMUnit.Yo and -- yin#`ra ` tai i i fig a �, any t. give the tax0ayers of this CommunityPOSSibly yy,,,, �q y p! th iJ'e.�t` that ' V6 tO Offs i C i s1,}rifir: Dawkins. ,. � $i sheds doing Is* t it ar i + r All lm� tayi tg ia, try to Map us.so that we have a. M batter th# ng ' t is ar* . That s ai 1 1 m 'says ng t LF Won* /'.iia I . tak�r i ssue with' What � i � 1! 1 +� ayi.ng !: And �he` j take, is that ooy •:her .. 'flay, dad City Attorne�v. I runt yeas, tQ ' Ti stem t+� �w 'or: arev P' the Ci ty Attriey fib uAI1Ri notoay i s` fil { Y V/)i�r •� {Ay ., thety Attorney to agree air disagree wi��.. 1r.�i►, P1 ummef r ;yy} ]��{ j€y �yy( y��j •' at,,: �. 11 Aise ro awl th. he --'. Ci t y At tlorneye 2 Ceti ssioner., piiO yeah fir what they► day ri f1 irk k r r9i h D 1ae1 + r a kinso.: BLit alto ��yt the :City. -Attorney to adviSo,(�s� aDd � think i� )tr/� '1� y. �r ]� +�'+ }�yp►y�g .y�yr�y y;i �a :i' 1/ + � 1{e ,:':: i iYy At Vii# 107ir # :. k'�Ri '�.. M4i .y 'iilliQ A? • +Z -your Y t z p �yt tad i jjau . th r�(� . � ,r r as a day s 9 you i#'f i'�9� aT �f d ►n eight, `� reserve the' right t� Or All right. GO and 1, think we're reach vq, a oDsen`s that thet+..r111 rea 'ate; ki n'1n41 ` .ete tai x=z, �i i f y�e want hs +pui �cklyx and thin were going ng t#� try to fi this, 'y., .....K�` •- ! .t ,address ;. ,.., i .... P f:— j F r x gyf in the form of a motion, I believe, or elect just leave it as directions to the anger Go ah cm, comi PI ummerr Well, We're not going to vote final, but we're going to dot 1.0 Orinciolti, Comissioner Al on.so. Yes. We should Mr. Knox.. Thank you very much, Mrs Mayor and members of the Coomlssion,, and I granI,t use all cif: ply tip because Xr. Oavid Tal1ichet, who is the president of s_ Specialty Restaurants wishes to address you. The only thing that I'd like to briefly •,do, is to have you just make certain that in these particular deliberations, you continue your tradition of dealing with matters on a case by ease ;basis. The comuni ty and the citizens that you serve are satisfied that you are not punch drunk, and that you've not allowed previous disappointments to, have inVaired ;your judgment about this project. I call your, attention to the fact that the principals that you're dealing with now pare somewhat different than in -the past, especially with failed projects* Mr. x� Tall cnet has operated the Rusty Pelican very successfully for more than 20 F. yeafs.rlgght here in this community, and as a matter of fact, the Rusty Pelican r. was the first sw cassfui private use of public property that returned a profit g to the oomunit, and served as. the model for a number of waterfront and other_ public/private ventures in this community. 1conmi,stioner Plummer. That's not a true statements Mr. Knox: Well, it's closew Comissioner Plummer: It's not even close* r ter, Knox: The second thing that I would like to point out toyouis that there is.,a wary that you can ccunicate to the investor and the banking com rruh ty that this i s a project that i s cor'si stent with the policy of the its of Miam1 andfor the improvement of 11s .waterfrontby at least indicating your indention o sign the tease, provided that questions related to the G financing of the project are answered o your satisfaction w And then whan they , go ba k < -to get these guarantees, apt least there's soma comfort in the knoWledge that other item3 won't be negotiated once these guarantees are provided to the City. With that, Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, I'd like to ask Mr. Tailiphat to give you further assurances regarding the financial viability of the projects Maayor Suarez; We gat to remember, George, sort of "sub silentio,u as we might ; r say in the law, there's been one determination favorable to your client made here today# t don't have to remind you of it. If I hear the consensus, or at - least the t jority of this Commission, we are inclined to wait for .rent payments -,to begin when constructionis cm V1eted. That wasn't clear # clearly .. a requirement of what this Commission had to do. so. I mean, some things have been accomplished today. Mr. Knox.: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarrez,, but'rr3 just guessing at that. That's not been built intor a s final decision, by any means. 3 K 69 June 29t, 199 4 r _ "fez thin the key hirig i n t use the �r � " rove f/CC� y r {�j7� 6� 7 em i �3 �! position @ }� having i! �l 1 OJ�i bi f -- MEN- - - Y }��+ j b'e::Ca�lf ai tat :Yit!{ G�' if tts, _ is i r p1. re We11, sir, if you don I t say that, 1 think they're going _ o rb tt�-tt n .i t•17 #r 1. 41i 9aI it. K earson They darn" have any rights vows i s 'i y Otte urt"8. What tomi tments p J �.L o? �tssioner. ert ' They don' have any rights, but, you knew, the essage 'P1Lr 'that°i going -to goback right now is the City-Commissio'n.*. Made ii; 1J 1 ty d" ttorn eY p '' T iar helpful of you i� �J4i Mhf+� is p but �- Comissioner, Alonso. Yeah, and actually* what we're saying is*** o nissitoner Plummer- I thought I was talking. ti ssi over dal ons�o: .. in 96 days, they got nothi ng n � yor' rex 1 am trying to help yo Out by not having that wording be built }-- nt to argue with right. trt►>t`i Qr, an+d you wa+ate * All i ssi over, Pi n r+ The poi nt- that I'm trying too. r'take, Mrs ftyd'r i� if they .. gd back to 'the � nsurance , cor�any and says Hey, only if . y�� make Vicar` Suarez 1 hear you. z _ j► �+ �r j p �j �y ��ss Yes. r Co i %$ 'oner P1 um rV "_, a . based on the fact that we are approved i fir ' The that goes back here today, to insurance co ! $$ago any, `r�ipes __- — is gc� to sa e. We didn't do a din thing but argue. yr+uarex�11 right. Co you . -want to try it art see' if we have d vote o9 N. the' Majority here's Dcnis drier Pl utrer•: wet l , 1 ei me run this by the legal and the Manager* x� } ayor Suarez: 'fie have, obviously, the vice Mayor. indicating that for his r, . ' of 't +h wou 1 d 1 i ke to .have, « try j +ar - J .«, One + that you,. a or, + Detmaking, r • may Mayr�ree but Mr. .. wihhil.s notenropghtp Hare at ail is that the #nsurarca .copnyt 'no It POt';.,in tine has made our decision contingent on their funOing. � 1* nothing to do with this Fff i ss i oner Jul unso That is true t a 1,29 AM k T 7 1,2 2 Zar �A�n f Not VA,yor yV ret th It has nothing to do wiits J.L. - 1 r i it r l r. said that the fuO ing was at the approval of this If this Comission rithin gC days ctission t_ your � wad. - = i that' h-tea h mat a w+�t,Ct "era, adios,"+godha. #7 Vic e Yrre# Mow, if ;you wart to gat into the principle of the +tnt a t td spend, atsbthe three hours here, we can get into that, but I don't think`we giant that*- and -I'm not wiilino to give UP and saying in principle the s oont'att# when wa hav+n't even ootttn into that yet* oOnssioner Plu rners Excuse me. If you have other facets of the contract of t+ . whit 're ccancart�ed, I think we need to take the three hours and understand thi so r r v ce Mayor - �e Yurre: OK. Than we can start right after lunch* - commissiover Plummer. That's fine with me,, OK? _ Mri Odio. owissioner P1utmer. �nsidnerluer The only,.. Mrs odio commissidner Oe. Yurre. +� �y y The only point that I have mde and will r lino e n r 1`'� 1'i E XCUSe .• oont rtue to .,make is the point of flip-flopping the parking lot to the i bettehhdht df _.this cor uni ter. I say i t on' the -record, OK? tow, if m� +pl i ea u -other` con rns # I think we need to, put thin on the tabl e � and t t a l o"We`peed tb discuss th e. Paul Andres aiw ys said if subject at this . oancii} stand public scrutiny it `can't stand, I got ho probi of tsfhghaterer time is necessary for the public scrutiny of this or any other _ contract. _ 'ae {„ isVor Suarez: All tight, t a - 1 Vicc Mayor De Yur�re: That will be fine. } - Mayor Suarez: Try a motion on me, either then side. We obviously ousl,y have three -� two 'poop le who wouId;, I ike to say sore kind of a... � Vim Mayor De Yurre; Mr. Mayor ,sue x Ms. Kearson.'iCCu$ As a... At k, May Suarez. ... c ndtionael approval, and two* perhaps not.t least.. C nmi ss anger Fl ummer: tell , excuse I cannot sit here in good faith when collsegue of mine; who even though disagreed with feo has said he ►ants More -t iftorftti on +sod to be better informed to cast his votes I say I will g i v+a hid 3+ that right,K' I I mayor Suarez. All right. z _ - 75 u + _ f > Ma i sioner` Plwmr4. . would !V t to your i would give it to my mayor, � ild l uO b t , mayor Suarez.' All right# mall why don't you then phrase that in the fOM Of . moti +on to defer fo1 ks C,o rni ssi oner P lummer6 Till this afternoon? mayor Suarez. Rio, no. I don't think this i� going to b� resolved this x an& I don't think that would be fair to al of the other people Chet are v ai ti n to hava their items heard. We've spent over an hour on this A tom. Comissiliner Plummer: Well, let me ask one question then,OX t �s Commissioner Alonso: Let them..* c(Mitsioner Plummer; question of the applicant, Does this kill your ` ,One pro act ': � we defer 'fit irk �u�� the nth? If you tell me it will not, then I'll r r cefet� it; to duly the gth! But ,if it kills the project4#i - t Mr" : odi efore you do that, may I# . - _.. � ssianer Plummer: I'm aslti t T cannot -� am I not entitled to answer? i►o' S+ua►rret Prase, please..Mrs4anaer! Me, . ii hate a draft of the l ease # We can send that to youe< hav io d ;ys ire Which they have to.come back and prove to us that they have the monies k , to bui I d that facility. That is in September, By that time, if yo u would'. , tINZell- l_ us watt you would like to sea changed, at least we can do that � e don ° t have to pend ;three ' hours # # .¢ mf Mayor Suarez:We have already given .you a pretty fair idea. "av , Mr. ,olio, No any othera Ma r° Suarez: Procedurally now, we are at a paint where some Comissioners want toy.# E , fi*h l } C i ssi'oner Plummer: Mr # Mayor. ! 3 la ror Suarez! :***,delve into this today and some, i thick, are reader to vote ,4 r on a motion in principle to approve the lease, subject to certain other things - 4 t And !fir, : odi q z Don't vote on the l ease today ! F �; Chi a s i ones 11 use r: We' re riot -vot i rig on the l easy except at bast i t principle. or; parez� . and some others are trying to figure out procedurally how ' to get us to the next itemo and that's where I am! ..: m �i1 l� 75 dune 4003 a 14 C10ftistioner ;P'l r3 why note! _ Vi $yor` + ht, Sri Kayor, why don't we gust wrap this up... �- +jtissioftar Plu"n Excuse m 4,! why not in principle? �- i�s# yearsona ecau a there -are t6a missioners who would like to review the os in 'total ' Th ar'e sevrsra provisions in there that may*** l �iseionee PJWWr: And my understanding originally was when I agreed to - vivihit that oppor'tuni t, urea aftef lunch ! Now `ate Mayor is saying no. You A# we,:Oot a two-hour lunch Let him review whatever he wants. We'll bring 1t, b ck „up. Look$ you know, we're obligating our grandchildren in this lease@ ay or" Suarei: All right! I'll tell you this, wel 1 what I will do, - C isssloner Plureter!! • ,Commissioner P'lumn8rr Sir? Maor Suarez* this satisfies, i think, mast of our concerns. Commissioner -Plummer., OK. Mayor` Suarez !fie tLab.l a the i tern, i f anyone, Com1 ss i over De Yurre, Vice Mayor k o Yu.rre I ater on in the day, if you think there is some worthwhile inquiry. h t ve... �n do y I' m sure you tart be ar+�und and available.. But dtherwi se we tebl:e; the-i.t 'untii the`.a.fternudn. If at tha'k poJnt there is something more et f,c� that we can do, or whatever the �t mi�ssi�a� consensus is at that, io ht tlsaioner P1ttFrerW Or any other protection he wants to build into it! L_.i. a Ei s ner pure ; If he wants to build more protection into it, that shdiu,d be brought to the table. #�o_Suar`ex, All right. , , vice.Mayor De' Yurret, OK! i ' parez: Otherwise, we would entertain a motion now to send it to the z; t mi �ni strati on with al 1 of the caveats ands i i Zy rg_ fFt �A OR", ner Alohso* They were salted a question! They never responded. _ t `. 9 !'•. M, '� . . additional conditions that we have made clear here, and let u tom. Stlartit negotiating, with the unders�t$ndi.ng that it would never, Never. ba y �a r tatbl a beyond 90 days r tiJday, I think that's • the one thing t�4at sta y ca for Oe Yurre; OK. And.li r 3k* :. t "- l JK 77 1 i i R'`Esr- : r awkin Are you voting against the motion? Because 1 don't set what JQU4., `e a. 9 o eir OAAI s* �y w l approved this at the beginning* a w donit have a motion for you to vote for or against right 4V just s"Iy-tabling the item. z Cd*issioner Dawkins: OK Wells I'll be voting against any motion that says net to deicer :this. until, another meeting m or -Suarez: Al i - right* OKI but we don't have a motion before use OK. .; rrl e s anyone wants tc try any other motion , I will tabs +e the i t at this 17 0a.i, t Vice Mayor 0a Yurrre. Well, Mr. Mayor,.. Maytag Suarev Yes, Mr. Vice Mayor. Ice t a; c r e Yur+re: c well* I think we need to get to some decision as to " ._ tie ,factor so, we , can Iable this now. But one thing, just so that we can r : tat b in on this, I, -would. Ifte to gat a legal opinion in .writing not you. expressed to Me already eady at to whether the spirit. that 5' Vent :b'efootthe vot+srS a ,fl,fl .itVesht in this prcaery.` s icover'ed ; y a lease a re na of $500000 00 ,One thing 1s prop fetary Interest. rather` thing is a lease ir"rang rent Wherein they can pull the 4quip"h't right r u it and. wee re ' i e#t w th n ,chi think w?e need that ..i n - wri ti ng g whether' �.` 1"i t '9 t 3� 4Va.;�Y�ti1before the Vfl t1'S . aianer pls+er; Well s victory I . Baas `going to ge one step further, ; beca s+e roomier with the Miami Arenas and also.with B jan s RestAorant ,you buys . Iei1B® down That. B5BBBBease epunt ` L :deer 'lutes. 4nd trying is sel l used equipnents cr confi scats no and sei l used a`itin't, '' s `uuay gut ;in h�►l r, s� I need sor3te backup i n that " t r Mr. Mayor, may I just.,* r, Mayor Suarez*,- Yes; sir. 0larificat ion * and we go cnt r R �knc Thank you very much, M�►y�3' u rez ?tints s s►ebadr makes the motion, we table the item. Yes j r � i rr+� , ' ` I +oul d , respect ul l ,suggestt that * ou simply,- indicate sUpon the , ' ocbrd. ' ptrrrf Ant,*.:: to - =the wade of '� the peppl e` that you nova an intents can to rre .otiat�s aid "ceps to a ie�atse Agra e, nt with this Qrganizaticn� provided that T 4 y6 ` are --,-Assured that "the sp ri t ' and the latter f the ,; conditions + r t fled h the..rt erend n have neon sati sfii ed by s date certain. 3g { S yA } 7V- if they had any rights in the rct 4 of they , harie ' +., in good fa i t d They have not lived up '#r to the Pr are preparing to go to court, I want _ ou to udartan why ' vot}i� +gst this. 1 °M voting against it because they harre, not,led the promises that they made, and I'll beat you in court, n i sslctntr Pl tamer. art, Knox. L - M'r • Kndx. Yes. s i r, _- one r Plummero sit if you expect any kind of a rate from this �f scion thi SafternooCt, Sir,, You will bring back with you +e written document in behalf of your client stating that they fully understand that any action taken by thl Comet#ssIon today dues _ ` not give them in any way a vested right for the Cmission having the right to do the financial package and ni tkIng its final. decision t�tr the ga-day period, 00 _ Mr, Knox-. Yes, sir«_ Commissioner Plummer- 'thank you, '.. ._. Y »s _ Mayor Suarez: OK. Ar y motions? — i Yiee Mayer be Yurre , I'll make one, and that is that if in 9a days we have not `final ixed this matter# that we drop i t thus v Wiu u and we proceed with the UD'P, process that `we .save r , ctrriss#inter Plummer: All right. Mr. Mayor,, can I speak to that Issue? - Because l l tell you something # • • t ` ayor sus y fear yeah, except that will procedurally require that.«. _ _ 4 Issi+'ner Plumers- I will 'Second the motion for discussion. I still.. y Mayor surez, aK. unl ass►ou don't like the motion, in which case if you don t second :it, It just dies# and 47 4 we go on to the next itern.` ;r r i. COmi:ssioner Plummer: I .second It, sir, and I,can always. Grote against _.it«_. Y Mayan Suarez: All right. out that's what I was hoping you wouldn't do. �u ' CommiSsipner plu r. Mr Mayor, let me tell. you ss +ethlh . f feel betr hen I g In a way I kind �� yea had the bt t race of recant, Y was asked by an n et` people was the marine stadi going to he torn down a►nd other thing ; r the I said no, I didn't think so because I did no know at; the 0i P . re, :end (W str ctur4lly that it was that extent of d�a e. end anybdy that has an g I want to tall y quasti�ans, go look i'pr Yourie Ives at the chunks of= 7 concrete that are falling in that place, and you wouldn't wane to be in there, My"point i t, Mr. Mayor, and I- wart to. go on record right, now* there w l„l not be ath h : g For thi gate, y otelsp there will be any real profitkng bus K- { Ft i messes on that ropert ty if we tea4r it down, It is to resin as water - orientated kind of $ctirri ties. I've heard . tY, 'to about >a 5aa�-ram hotel that wants ild over there. I � total l o oseds. I am saying that If ' that � p n ne79 s # - f F.M1 2 ! /Mj� �.!� * �i iR3 3- r w :. Yii 9F 9L3i IF? f fi� .4xisw W9 f+w rr! 2e1 or not, that what we're all About in this CoMunitY, OK? the he tun andt� for our peaple 'onoy. And as far a i' t'onterned, no hotels, none of ti t M d of Is going to y over there. In esti�tiono it' going,to be water orientated Vite Mayor Do Yurrea j faCte fir. y3r* if we want to do this a little bit :. more CleanlYr, witho"Ut letting to the WP concept, why don't we ,dust the motion would that within d$ys, we haveapproved this, then that we drop this matter and we fan proceed and do whatever we want with the property Mayor uare That'the motion that's before us. Is it seconded: Do you Second it, Mt* PIu er? Commissioner Plummer; I second the motion for the purposes of we can always Change it with three votes later. Mayor Suarez: All right. So moved and seconded. Co missioner Plummer: That will Rut Mr. Knox under the gun. cognissioner Alonso Would you repeat the motion. ;1 Mayor Suarez -, The motion is that if within 90 days we have not given final ,r approval to this project* the matter is totally off our table. It's just not ,5 -goi Ong to be done r CotnmiS ioner`Plummer; I have no problem with that. I don't think they do, either, 00 Mayor Suarez. It's kind of a. motion toiling ourselves that we've go act on thi within 90 days. Call the roll on that motion. Clof missioner° Plummer: No, they've got to act on it within 90 days. k t t St so June S , z Ted col i o 1 ng o i cn is i ntt�odu+ ed by Vice Mayor De Yurre, who moved i its adoptions MOTION NO. 95- 59 A MOTION OF.THE CITY COMMIS SI STIPULATING THAT F N F IiAt APPRDYA HAS BEEN GRANTED TOTHE $AYS I DE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT AND BRE'WPUB PARTNERSHIP PROJECT WITHIN 90 DAYS (FOR OPERATION OF A RESTAURANT/DREWERY/MARINE RETAIL FACILITY ON CITY -QED WATERFRONT PROPERTY OF APPROXIMATELY 2.88 _ ACRES LOCATED ADJACENT TO AND k IMMEDIATELY. WEST OF MIAMi :.MARINE STADIUM, ON THE SOUTHERLY SHORELINE Of THE STADIUM) AFTER APPROPRIATE VERIFICATION OF FINANCIAL CRITERIA TO ASCERTAIN PRAPaSERSI FINANCIAL: CA PER GUIDELINES ESTABLISHED EY T14E COMMISSION ON THIS SAME DATE, THEN THE CITY COMMISSION $HALL PROCEED TO REJECT SAID PROJECT,AND SHALL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROCEED WITH A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (UDP) FOR USE OF SAID CITY WATERFRONT PROPERTY. -- f Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and �- adopted by the following vote: a ,a f AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alonso .= Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins - Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vide Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L, Suarez - . _ NOES: None. t RV A�SENTy None. Y - COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL. }rt o miss ones Plummer: For the good of the people of this community, I vote :COMMENTS. MADE AFTER R+OL:L. CALL � x Mayor Suarez: Anything further" If not, we'll continue to the next item. `; Vice Mayor. De Yurre: Mr, Mayor. '= ... Mayor Suarez. Yes, sir. x' Vice Mayor De Yurre: What are we looking for that will satisfy us as far as proofs Co nissioner Plummer: I would hope, ter. De Yurre, that staff will be provided z' for you during your two-hour lunch period sso $* June 29t99 _- OWor jj�gj uri" � , 'M t lking about within the V d y . i it P r. oh ire Mayor` go yurr#- ,M talking. aboutthe financing, What would... ayor swarorl 1 think it's been put on the record fire extensively, COMM '. S i oner , i ssioner Plum u±er Bard dollars i r Mayor Suarez. . a by those us that seem o be inclined to vote in favor of " this th6t * v a 1 Mr dio+ the way i understavid it, "unequivocal" means that there are ., 'n bank somewhere pledged to the construction'. Mayor Suarez:- Letter of credit type stuff; unconditional letter of credit ' p4.4tuff, zS is iyr De Yorret Ok, dust sb that we i how. Uncondiin1, tttitted r ,0000. ft yo 'Suarez*fight , Mr.,am�ora; ' No, no, fin and ng is per�tii teed. e Or,, i o- � c 1, {. n � r jy a� yr 1, M#Riii construtti of n �'i rife fac i I { t i - R Zaino at It's. always been permitted in. i i 0di o I � th y ha!Ve �' i f they bring that 2,000,000 financial package * Mayor Suarez: Unconditional letter of credit type money. " � �ioner P1�ert Oh, yeah. '"{° r. - Zamora# i stitc�'tion is ernitiod a No no no Financing- by a banking n P 1. Y 0 i lieWe ssioner Pliers of course it is* 4 i ss' over Mon o. Yeah, because tho way he was warding it,,,* ro i Cissioner Plr« guaranteed financing by a bank? You better believe, Iill take,:,it wel , some banks I'm not xure of. '. learsort r Mr, ' Mayor, ., Mr i Mayor for Suarez. All right, Were going to then not . try to define it ff hear two frn i«be left saying that traditional bank financing docents fight, �Y T k i �" nri ss oner Pl Winer. Under normal circupstances, .-............... _ - - >2 Y _t C daS or u rei. a hav a'.� d. They more as _ t Uthis into the record* rights 1n C fn r er. Concession right$. they'remost emphatic about. ll d�1t�d and nd. And discussion? if net, please ca31 y.r'S ar z3 t�� _ #1 i The °+ 1ttwit�$ r c 1aan w it t od ced by C iss1toner Rlummer t who mead . a its adoption RESOLUTION NO. 93b370 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND PRESENTLY EXISTING CONCESSION RIGHTS HELD BY VIRGINIA j KEY MARINA,INC. FI�RSUANT TO THAT CERTAIN CONCESSION OF MIAMI A AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY MARINA, BEY f MARINA, INC,,. DATED MAY 15 . 1978AS AMENDED, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONTINUED OPERATIONS OF THE CONCESSIONS ON LA MONTH -TO -MONTH BASIS FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED NINETY (90) ; DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS RESOLUTION: rt in r irn yr i am ATun. TMAT M lRI NC SAID EXTENSION PERIODS i R ; comi sst ne All right.. tt Mayor, I'm prepared to make vote at t that put upthe only to ,0+, inistr tibn it, .guatAnteed the the ney will be repaid by pa i the the County# I' a theor by moo, What fund it should Mayo, they ' l=141-3- T# 102 0 0D, approximately, cane from. Mr. a year, tax O which our citiiens pay #pore than. o percent. f r rn this new i, Mayor Suarez. Actually, the taxes should be over 74001000, what youlre talking about? right? IS that i Mrr. Penelas: 7.9 Million. { MayorSuarez. Seven and a half* a Cord ssioner Plummer-, OK r Whatever it i s } I'M saying that .we It Would be predicated, number get reimbursed, one, that we would be predi carted ' on number two' that the other entities which have reimbursed, and been stipulated An the mount 1tlpulated oom th i e or with their shoulders to the wheel, as we're willing to do. And Mr. Mayor, I'm willing to put that in the form of a i tion« Net me also say to you, sir, as chairman of DDA (Downtown Development AU thority)j Livia tarcia's program is working t is working very well, and I }x have` had extensive discussions with Mr. Per�elas about they must take that plogrtt giver, end hopeful ly, will expand a program that is working, because the , DDA tan _ no t t+nger eford t€ do Chet ro► r a A g So they are aware that come ctclb�r� � ,; If they don't pick up the program that the program is most likely go n to have t� he �ds�9pped. At this particular time, t will make, Mr Mayor, motion that the City of Mii Show its +food faith by producing a loan in the mountf 100,0006 with the011oWing stipulations: One that the other. ntities 'earmarked in'their mounts do the sam; and number two, that the loan ist'he repald by December 31st, OK? tinder that, I so mover v;.. #ssianer.Alonso: But ghat will happen to the program? As I understand, twill have to stop at the end of the month. s� C i'ssl nor Plummer; with Livia? COR'"issioner Alonso; Yes. , ! i Cesar ado (I*1ty Manager) * I had given an order to stop the, program because I had no funding, } Commissioner. Plummerw Yeah. We have no funds availabie, We excuse me Es 1A#rift, Jost sa you know, and miy goad buddy dawn there, FDA town Develo�nt Authority)presehtl is DiID i t def c i't have told Mr., that i he doasn t find,a gray to eliminate that deficit, it's coming dot .of' his salarJ�� and I wanit ,to t@11 he's #� ,- the money i Now, you know, 1 t a nice ce toya humping, C We doh' tav +gut the y '�e11# you can cut here, you can m betting ready to cut the rent by $400,040 in this lease*, but right now, between now and October . j the l a�w. i n the D A i s: the smote here You tan tr t end in a deficit, the money far Livia's program is not thea'e. It's ;dust not there* t.- t nissioner Alonso: But the problem is that it's a homeless program, It's not Livia" program. It's a program for the Mess. 67 �„ - - ment yMt when I VIts b theagreebo i PlW i" a . ' `' o � .ha I�' t ny • i tot,.Y -. rove the one =` do er Pl r. C,iyia' going to be homeless herself if she isn't going to _`be 041 d i�issioner Alonso: l know,.butp•. nlsslonor, Ummere Now, let's .donit kid ourselves. M Odioi Well •w* caftissioner lonso: Gomissioner Penelas, do you have any suggestions as to E. a .. ou help' i this Ist"? ' Because after al i you're wor Ci ng for ,the goa: to resolve the pr' blern of these people What's e�cectl whet Livia has begin doi� .t d Worhgn thist' program that we callivi's prorant� end r ln�ded: it "isf becaUte she hat given so much love and attention to this O. rda but i there anything that' you can offer to us at this particular tip toSee that,, we,,, can continue the program in place? Because, it s almost nt tii " on off„ ghat° are do'i n , the one 'hind trying teloao resell vie ahe';probl �a �ssinerplumers' He tried. . cdittss i one r'.�. �41 Nin o l' '."'" i ils i i�i[d , I n h o .her hand - :but maybe o 4 ♦ ... _ iia issi�one-r P1u mer: ate tried, let tell you something• off? M¢ • ~ t3h, aI know- he's doing an excel lint<and I think he s 0issitOr � oilr7oi ' tl his bests anin an' fsse that people were afraid, to tackle he has ` itak it nnp g ren' 11 that h� has, and i'cn sure that fits s going to be u Ce Wu'ba+cause of -hit efforts Con�ssener Turner: Well. any motion..* J. ss pne ° �l o so Bud I'd 1 i k+e to hear if he has any al ternati v� that he t,4 can help, to extend this, because, well we extend it little bit more, at , n}: east .it gives us hope o fUding an the° sclotion to the pro to add-Coii ss i over the , task force ' aped i�i l l consered t uti1.#ping Proceed fr`o the penny sales tag,. a tax, ladies and gentl en that a t f� # as +� # y y� y} } 6 yi�y questions as ye+�l • The ti ' s iA onY7 to whether '4 A i iT� • .. deced on d'# aided vote `, gal'ns recndj n ' to the County . ci ss on . that '. t ; uses# as $ p�le ge for & shirt-�term� plado in its place anal the reason , L Odra that.` 'has dol l ors rwi i not be avai l abl a anti i l ate Nov" r s early e eras I or eX te, aiirrocated that a do be al1',o1aVe t to use as 4 ple e a ,. j( I thaught #,t i a logical of uti l i ng thenrM ,.ieuse l- `e the tit then to rely t you what the inaority p' the task 'iorcahla« What in its place, the task fo'r+ e i s n ►k ng , a short.*termreCOWM tion Sara x F IRM 4 MAJ 29 ": 1"M } 1 4 s e t't}1" we will provide Immediately and by "immediately," we're talking about by the hegin"10 of AeXt tnth,. late next month, a Minimum of 200 additional beds within the existing network* most of which I think will be utilized to alleviate the problem in downtown Miami, because we have been getting a tremendous amount of pressure from your downtown business people in dealing with this issue. Now, I must .also be frank in telling you, Commissioner Plummer, that this program has heart -traditionally funded by the cities in by 'o the County without utilizing the penny - or the thought of utilizing the penny as Collateral. Bo your injection at this time of ,a condition that they money be repaid by the County, I don't have theauthority to respond to at this �= time, I`don't know what the County is going to do. Commissioner Plummer: To my distinguished colleague, when this ratter the first time cane, we passed It, and we gave $100,000. When it came to this Commission the second time, we rejected it. Now, the reason we rejected it is simple. This tax is available, and as far as I'm concerned, the citizens, the taxpayers of my City, Probably, I think I'm safe in saying, pay the majority, other than the tourists that come into the community, and as such, I don't know why I should go and double tax my taxpayers to ask them to give 100,000 !,. unconditional, not reimbursed, and still pay the tax to the County too. That's . unfair. Remember, we have 28 municipalities in this community. We, the City of Miami, are burdened with 95 percent of the problem. You don't seer x the probl n in my good friend,, Coral Gables. You don't see the problem in M.=i Shores . You don't even see -them offering a dune to help us out • "Haw - ha, i t'ss, their probleml" Sir, I'm willing to do my part. I'm saying, if _- you're going to collect tbe, tax, then we need to, be reimbursed. I'll give you „even one more strike against me.IUyou don't impose the tax, I won't make it a loan, I'll make it a rant, 00 But don't tax m ' g y people twice. I've said frog day one that you need . to take a formula 'of a population, and the people in .Coral Gables need to pay their fair share of a Dade County problem. The people of El Portal, and Miami Shores, and Biscayne Park, and Golden Glades need to pay their fair shame, because as of today, they're not paying a single penny. "Why pays' Miami, deeppocketcs, is paying. The problem is down there. If we pay, it might cone up here," Sir, I will make a motion, predicated on the two first criteria that I Wade: That it be a- loan, if, i n fact, the monies of the tax are implemented by the County Commission. If it is not implemented, it is then a grant instead of a loan. That's my motion, i Commissioner Alonso: Well, we understand that Cc missioner Penelas cannot really -make a commitment on that... Commissioner Plummer: The City Commission too Commissioner Alonso: But at least he has something to go by, something will.•• Commissioner Plummer: Commissioner Alonso: Excuse me. The County... •.• make us continue and then... Cornmi ssioner Plummer: Madam Commissioner, the recmrnrnendations, is what I understand, mi the County Commission can override of the task force, OK? 25 correct +aA I hope you understand . relaying; this the ntitnnts the task force. .: i ones' pl mar a Y OIt I undarst nd that» ". -; .. hott IP with t� hat you're ��( �* ee Is�ey,,/�1W " may . ..-� ► can't to i the bounty at: this time* cnlsiosr P1rer; Wouidn't ask you to, :sir» With those»»» r Mr"a- Peneias. And again. a amiss + er piu ner With those 12 people, you sit down there, you couldn't i ft-It to shything for these people. Mr• Per ela5� And again, I let me only, say= this.». comissione+r ptum er* And lm glad you got Ferre, OK? Because you deserve him i�lr M P�.nel as �' a personal-1 y the system? ij::jWi5s cone Plug. Mr. Suarez, Sir, for your,.. �i saiOner Al dnso: Whatever that means . o�iseion$r. Plummier. Tait, wait, r�ait. I Vot to tell youo ' ssi pert Al t ei►so: .. rye don # t even want to go into this. We hive a:., 90 Ca rissi�anar Plu rrter+ Cid yogoad friends Maurice's u he8r my stet ist off. the, a Mayor` and. ether'" d said when- he :vial. Mayor Of Miami, there was in the C1iry. of Miami,, Four fission rs .. but today, there are ive"Mayors Mr: Mayer. 40 d i F u t thought you a�ou i d rz l i ke to hear: that, dS 1 Ii s3ianer Alen -so ::He didn't say that, did . he? Co iissidn Platers Did he . not w excuse me. Qid he not' make that stato' e t oe �i s4 Miner Al ons N dsn-1 M ; i ecal I Co tissioner plwmr: Nos you're just attesting yes or no* �%Ff ,> i es oner Al anso lie: donot ra 1 CommiSsioner Pl un r: He did. '= ! : Mayor Sucre � thou need not answer that. All right. What do you want to do _- th this trll t C i as ner i�l u�r: ire ode MY ti on � �x s __ :.{ 91 4une' 4i r ' ry this emerge 1�eting today Stith the Heats and the ituti, the arena and 411 that, that we O a wind of t �iissione r� Ch, boy, we re opening more bags of wo ms here today than we know bout Mr. Penelast The tiottice, Mr, 'Vice Mayor, calling the meeting simply indicates that i t <t s to take u� an i t+�t r+�1 ati ng to the rate � n1 ng of a consultant. ` That's s that thisCA indicates, 16 m not sure if - you know, sometimes we p nd our` debates wei t b yond the Call . Y'ttt riot sure what exactly will occur but.. Mayor Suarez. Would you convey to your colleague, Corrnissioner Ferguson Q this i s in the sarde spi ri t as the vice Mayor's inquiry -our thanks for at i�ea,st jet,tihq, us know that this was being circulated, because I didn't hear ;.. from anyone else» presume e one of the Commissioners is the one that x activated itand i f Sfl, i t would 1 d b very nice If that Commissioner would let ' this Corm ssi on know by its chairman or... 4 omm ssioner `Plu mer4 And what is his name, Mr, Mayor? Mayor Suarez: I don; t know. Comisstoner Plug`: Oh. r ' Mr, Penelasi. I found out at 300 o'clock yesterday, so some of you may have known before I did. k Mayor suarez1V Migbt« But we know you would have told us, toe. I don't think e _ that thereIs-- cert�i�nly, ; there's 'any :interference*. We w+� don't feel that feel that it'd in support of our'ongoing efforts, but,.. a .. Vice : Mayor De Yurre; No, which is great. You know, Mr, Mayor, -since Alex is. INE �•�, rJ54 s r ; WK ,_.-- S .,_ - ,Yfly-yq}.yy6aiW'.ida Oh+WrwrtiawaW ww�9ia.M1i6edM1 slBealV Aw R}*`1e+(.'flxi6+MPhs:ir+3N+rASNwW'VabFaasipIkas:lwbr8s411ieak?IKirrbii+trhs44a]+AiF''st'a6wkM.s+4Vwiakaw+eM a4catf wm tifleerlg+Mw6 aaFxaree+rer eea asvKr Flr:n+se. er�La+w+i __ ., pi�tj$i1�� . [�,{,t�{n ��Ibj+�{+���111{{{ 7[}�J TAKE _. DIRECT ADMINISTRATION �� f #d R �ahee 3lIIM iBlv,��R STEPS S. ontinued discussion) DIRE NECESSARYWe� - � — TOWARD DEVELOPMENT OF A UN I F I E DEV LoPMENT PROJECT Eck' (UDP) FOR Y I NG I N I A �-STA01UMANDADJACENT WATERFRONT PROPERTIES. (See label 14A) . . � iiF8e4wMlaY3iDi14flw�4Mld3b lCtrMgS[MM iYegNY44�fIbiMifYWs1EU !!'3ifs YMlii4MfIW Y4fWYlYiiMfil110fA1Y�w}IMelaYdL'N.�f,Miil!✓44Mi�iYitlW btl+YK lliiiYM— WNRr gragqfraMi Mr YiMew •Iw as ra— ww yM of sle to MayorClare Do we have a Motion on item 2 that We could dispose of it right :IT quickly, Mr. Vice Mayor, along the lines which you were.,. - V'ice Mayor tit Yurre: I would move that we have a UDP (Unified Development Ptoject) brought before us f+or the September Meeting* Comm ss oner Dawkins- See n - Na,yor Suarez. Don't you want to put that condition, or is it understood that 1+t 'r n- t talking about raising the facility right nowt VIte Mayor Do Yurre, No, no. It's just basically putting it out as is, and let's see what comes back. Co*1ss-toner Plumver , OK. I have no problem with that. The only question I thin df is, Whether or not the restaurant property would be a part of it or F nod.'p 't of i tj which you're not going . to know until the Ist « Mrs .esa.odi+o tanagers That would be decided at the same -,that same ' .ity. day}. -You:" knttw. cnlssloner Plutnrr. Out I have no problern with that. Let's look at it I think you dt the oppor"tunfty to come up with an unbelievable waterfront dcti 'vi t there. I really do. �E - Mayor St�are� Corti ssibner Plt mr, is it established you're sort of an expert in thi s field - tpat the hydrofoil races are 'not that's not; a good } venue for them? s that ,no «a o been determined, but let c nissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, no, it's not me say 5 t'-eu.ir, that wa're'the vn�y; race out of their eleven races that have a_= - 5tadit rr« very ether one of their" races are on shorelines, or In parks, or in - Itke�, or.s+r thing like that# . -Ours is Unique because of the'stad'lutn� 'ihe r is ,:rack i:5 Seattle. `hey have a half a mii'lic�n people« No"t cane grandstand .is provided* Everybody brings their blanket, their igloo cooler, } the - they s i t . on ; . A Hayor.1..3uarez Out they most have some kind of a pro r+ontory or a- hill; or t. Borth i ng -_ Commissioner 'Plummer No, they've got about five miles of shoreline« '- Mayor Suarez. I see* All right. _- f t : fi u E June a { 7 Zt AOL will TM I std ffiA XX 'ffi' but at MWZ that t6i ttis mot m � they d�� t t i4 � 4R�h ��� _ . wh'• n hive th n' opan a thi W o o had i`itt+ bit more of guidelines, it would help in what 711111ied -- - >�- erh and s%bs if w ayor`uarez: eaho I actually thought that it would be in a.,, a Comissibner Alonsoo Do you think«». aycr Suarez` Yeah, in the alternative, it would be»..- Coissibner Aldnso#fi that it would be beneficial to have some direction 51 ink♦.♦ — , Mayor Suarez: Commissioner, I thought that it would be in the alternative, it Loft type U0P, and I smile because we have had a would be -Jack tester plan lot ' f Jack I.uft type tester puns, dnd I think most Of them being very good, not' always the kind that bring In all kinds of bidders, because they're the alternative) gust as an = st ite ambitioust and also leave ;lu+u te, qu .'4I' l l take the half million dollarsthat's to a1 t native B for someone say, i x t available* 1111, .take dt e . }� I _ Cormiss.ioner Alonso: And fix the facilityR x s ayor Su rez. Yeah. u1'l1 fix the facility and I'll give you the following," ' - hatever it.:may be, that might satisfy thi & Coati s�iott» That s the stay - I just aying generally cane in with wotd. star+ itR: You're right. ;think - bids,,pe pie don't know what that means. - � tx _Mayor Suarez: That's toogeneric» r Ctzisstinec Alo�tso And maybe they co�tte with something that i dust the '00p0s I to « t` a►yr Suarez. Do you have any problem with them building in ghat their dreg then leaving a an is for that area - they think it's viable - and l trnti v+ th+�ti sti ngci i ty: simply improved with a half a mi 111 od .- ar a dollars, and being pit to gpd :a@" Vice for ge Yurre. 1e11, what I'm saying is, we have a reeling for what we r $' wauld like to sae there, and that's ghat the UDP is going to dictate. 1t i that we're talking a c ut» " aSlcal ty, marine-�rel,ated restaurant.. what aver I don' it know ghat.. Mayer uatrez: That's kind of vague« i mean, the Cc�tissioner 1s say UPP. Well, we'regoing tohave ti : that's very vague, to just put that out on the ►+s tt a op i n any avant, before : i t goes the first step, are we not' - to o o fir'» Jack t s That's correct Comissioner Alonso. Yeah, OK*, 5 Ya 96 291 EEK I - Aq d r so moved and seconded � Any discussion � .', ' ot-he .; .. Ms. tt Nirei City' Clark): Did ou move i , ��ris5ioner' �►lonsQ? �. 1 ice i ' be Yurre: MOved i t. NsY HIfai K,# _ '. .. r rri ssi over Al onso. corm ssioner De Yurre mob d i t. .. �_ . Trait Thank you» The tdi l owi n toti on was introduced by Corm ssi oner De Yurre, who moved its adoption. ; MOTION NO. 93-372 A94TIt DIRECTING THE ADIINISTRATI�3N TC TAKE THE OF A UNIFIED NECESSARY STEPS TOWARD, DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (UDP) FOR THE VIRGINIA BEY MRINE STACIUl AND VAUNT WATERFRONT PROPERTIES- FURTHER ADMINISTRATION TO BRINGS BACK THIS ISSUE DIRECTING HE. AT THE lMEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER � t 1993, in secbnde, by Ccrrissione� Dawkins, the motion was passedand upon be g ado tee -by. 01 low ng vote: AYES Commissioner'Nir a Alonso Crmiss�isner filler. Dawkins s Vioe,Mayor.Victor De Yurre t may _ Xavier L Suarez 7 t N�IES. None { ABSENT: Cttniiadner'.i:. Plrrxr, Jr. t ,� wrw�ariw�wrrl �wriwioaw wi�+�eearMasw�WQIr �1W w/fMw�/IIUYAM wY�1f sY Vr �Mw �yy ,�rwwwY'� 'the roll _ l. Rom- Ai�bc�u�h absent during, • , ' E F ''THE over 1 toner requested of. the c1 erg to be cexrbli shown i n `agreement with the mots Qn o ' 3 . ,wiwlw �:w aerie r. Mi �F'M'www w�aM�MMr rrw w�N. wr �rww�w+. wt+�R wr.a+fr «�.M's warrae�+r r jy y�y� Are yno gd n to hear that case no�r7 oMi ssioner awki, 14 ayPr u ire Yes'* All right, can we disogse 'of a quick item? Is its � a y%E i h i Chi ssioner Altins+�. We' 1 i never ge� drat of here t eye Snare : i i mi. Capital Development, and then We�' l l go right on to, th Mayor j - R nil .. t did o skipped o e ,r 0Wh� � M ..LN Wa dM r Sy 1 � t 4 £ 4 t E t . �! F�..�y{ �/+�} (/y} �p[1{�tte ■yI� �■yj [y� may! �/n�r yg� e /�y� ve to, d re, 3 '.se i oner 'A1; ': r As a .�I' .a T '11f � �I �/ * "M 711 l kr fa 2 _ ;� ,. Or the reto UC is* unf0tunate' Yr'` r v i .yy'�� jj $` �}' _ +�y}j�.�{6 this '1FT 9)�1R blot idle met,Attorney.# VYM�! re i tt ng tSll € iir of r, suspicion ar8a* that we're dot Being fully Via , �� Noe urge; with the people Cisiir dot a problem with that, Mr. Ci ty Attorney. You k o t you ... Mr. Jones.,You weren't Comm ssionerb.. Commissioner, pl��er. Excuse- , let me finisho let me finish, sir, please; you grid me Ove- r the weekend that you were going to be meeting with the 6000siti r that you enteO the opportunity to present this first :to the edge hd then, Once, you that, if it was approved, you would get it :pprove by this Commission, Nora, I just don't want anybody out there, when the;,,, .read `t rrow.l. morning's paper pr watch this on cable,, think that we've got seething to -hide. I don't, because I did not know*** Mr., Jones But ♦ �. r i sionee, Plmer. Excuse me. -For tha ,record, I did not know hoar other Go leagues opted, 00 They could nave voted qn 7an , tar �, o "` 14 or, . 'd on . `e`ttd, that des , y a re ht `with;; you, But,,I ,dust don't want a�yb+�dy :. tftink thmt we have anything her* to hides . genes. C+�llssioner, '0 not trying to #side, end I'tn sorry that you want ; tt..ch►+raterie this as susp'cion. «.. r- _ sicner Mummer. Well, If you don't expose it, you're hiding 1t. r : fr* j onest well it4s rothIno that I'mhiding, I'cn basically trying to rfl e6 the rectrd and reall abiding by what Judge Nesbitt had indigattd at the revious hearing, iyor u rep# ' AlU right., Whatever -,Judge Nesbitt may have said, counselor,, it pracl udo this Commission froth -.aski ng the next ` logical question thatj bel # eve the wi ce 14aydr , i � reedy to ask, Whi th i s,. where are wa wing to f nd the four a td'' a _ hel f mil l'ican dol l rs i'r om next year's budget? Is that where yW.rt hd ded? r r � dio� was-' h t the gdest on May r D ur e: a� 're dour floe. Go right ahead, Vice Mayor, Mor Suarez. All right* fir. manager. es ne Pl umtner 'Good, Well , add to that also, please, you koow, to Ce ar1 perfect, we a1 o are aware that we'rre going to be din 3� rni 1. Tim, on the a sesat�nt ror Suarez*. All rlgbt. The Manager assumes in his .. r hk'rF1:'•{ � 1.i-.£N'ii„-".,rya`;14tS5`.xS,.'w'A1 Tlhat' s not what ''it roan to M. ,.. - or Ar+e 1 rt sirsd then you threw out a figure of i f YOU are not r ferri ng t the miscellaneous Mo00 '� iXF'yF IC COO .VO . e 1y i t t r.� ' . ► $ i iM d ' fvbti x yruare vthere is that 2b,00Q,�oo that i certainty wasn't aware of exi sted i n Some reserve account, sir? Mr.Odio: iay4�` 5uarers Are you -that's totality of the self-insurance fund? fir. Udi That' s ,a totality of the self-insurance fund,is 25. Mayor Suarez: OK# of which there's 2,000,400... ..r r� tdio: That was set aside. Aayor.Suarez. ..o that's been earmarked for this case, and you think you have .... 1. ..l '. .. _." so"COWAy as tb the other.23,Ooo,000 - .. . ... Mrs"Odib 1 didn't saki Y said we're going to have to flnance* j .that. you hope' you have sty leeway as to the other 23 0Oo,.00tl to ".Suarez edg a sane, of -the ether individual expected recoveries, and use :Honey for hi� I r, odio. ?k= l have to say,.. ". Mayor Suarez., All night, where else? Odo«. Vint :sc�rr�r,.but 1ti0k CS issioner .. sir. Mayor, the package that we ire 3 fia+e in = that, you have #n front bf yOu is for the ambuns that w talked About `: 'the-' seved ` point and a half,.* or Sua�°e''h`r+ 'interested An 'the four am a half million dollars in the fire. year, for two Very:evident reasons,, Mr. Manager ., Ab ..., .E Mi`. ;odio* No, what ' lfiike to too is take the*" x :,e maybr wary evident reasons are that it's the biggest Chink, .Su th+s fi rst year', Sir, can you answer, on those questions? � anther, S [H ore e'. for,is. going. Otherwise, wouldn't i nterrupt,. him,. - i r. ' +od:i n :iio s llhat the V i ±fie yor . i s thinking " but 1 O what ' thinking, and i`'si thir ki tg, that i'! going .to pre, ent to yo�r+r • �YYjy.)`� + forget :the ice g,,yor then. This is_wbere #ec gbi� f 11!la re I went +' approval this spit»,. you're going to give If strait and N a + J 'ml - d'a Mayo Ar 00 s` Ld r• iu� oho I `m Sorry. Mi O-Ofter l fir; Thank you You have tolive within ,your budget • We se t a got tta lire ltl Novi .,realize that's going to meet that wee re going to have to have Some real hard decisions to make, but I'll tell you thi rig. The day : i s coming where we've got to make thoso decisions,, { bCaus if continue to delay,, you're not going to have that choice to make ` those decislons because it will be too late,, Mr, mayor, I say to you, to run Out. - end ;dust eel i lure bands is not the answer. We've gat to cut cost, p+erlod, Amen, thank you. Mr, Manager, it's your turn. is Commissioner Alonsos I had saconded this notion, but at this time, I'd like to table this item. I have some questions that I'd like to ask the City �— Attothey, as well as the Manager, and... Commissioner. Pl Woe r: Excuse me. -- r ` Commissioner Alonso. at least for my vote, I need a little bit more time, Mayor Suarez,.. right • Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor,., a,Et Mayor Suarez: we re about a mi Mute array f rom a de facto tabling of the item, } in any event, s0000 Comssioner Plummer; Mr. Mayor, excuse me, Mayor Suarez:. Yes. f = COWi 331 oner Plummer: For the record... x Mayor Su,a vi, Yes, Commissioner, let me gust state procedurally where we area At 12,00 ,O clock we tyPlca l l y recess, All items are in effect tabled until the afternoon, unless you have a problem with that and maybe we can dispose ' of t - ' same other, aspect of this,, But if you have a question, sir, we at least have ' g at least one more minute. And I'don't know if we ought to hear Mr, Gonzalez- Goan, a J Commissioner -PI uner: Mr. Mayor, for the record.. Commis inner .Pltmer:' . I fully.., _ Mayor Suarez: ` or not hear hits at si 1, but gay ahead, sir. Commissioner' Plug. I hear my, colleague, and I respect m cc�1league, o� - withdrawing hersecond. I do not withdraw my motion,. I doift think.that'we have.the prerogative in court to take further time, t is my wnderstandi - _ now4 if I'm wrong, I will change .Y mind.Gut we've got to give an urs r, j or,that trial starts. _- Vice Mayor De 'Yurre; J&L•,. } - 'Yi S3 1 ' .: �. j�j T' i 7� : fl n d oO't think' a have'- the prerogative, unless what # $y g js to de'ay until thjt #fttnoonto got more answers. If that's fission+ r lbnso. " abla iho. item, that's what I requested} I didn't say defer the itet�' •: ii s{js� loner Plw ri What's fine., But tabled, you didn't say till this yommr ommissioner Alonso. 'fable until the afternoon. issioner P1wmer: Ah-ha Mayor Sucre . No, but I did# I said that she wanted to table it, and within a mi note # we would be tabling in any event*.. Comm1ssioner Alanso. Yes, coming back in the afternoon. Comi3sioner Pl ar: 'that's fine, situ t &yor Suarez..* .bless somebody wanted to extend the discussion into the l• unbb period. !,"God ' Almight! Yes, -G�ai ssi oner, Vice Mayor, whoever. Yids --Mayer Yurre;' Yes, Mr. a�ror.s - the reason.,: .. omsidnerlmer excuse 'Mr `Mayor would you piee speak t tUb+dy'_: that itdvs ydu mayor Su re : Y+s; sir. Mr, vice Mayor, 'ice Mayor De Yurre: Mr, Mayor, the reason that x brought. up this line of ,uesIonin which ou fflllcwed throe h �rer Flo uentl -140or Suarez: Thank, you a vice Mayor De Yurre. is because I think that the, I Conoi ssioh r PIu0mer. One lawyer � defending another. S vi to ,*ayor t Yes rre o . 004 the pubs i C needs to know,,when 'we're talking abut - }� -. these a� wnts ®'� monies, where these monies are coming from . boo 1 se there are }A ... ►ny pre. ing nasals out }there For X8"Is, the seater er9sis that W hams, i L . $E , th�a!�'t� epkeep saying we have::,no, wney4 And when we do.need, to je,�oy g�,�app :1�h'' to teS�ltii '... r �: money. nLi.. ...4+h fi ll that is �7 upsetting rtif' # al .-. think old be upsetting to c�dn i t,� � and it r�o _#� !�p{i e��r p . �.,7f LT } :.. py r� /�! t yT p p C !'►,6T, i{.f j. OMMUS ibner - i l uif117�{ s I ii s ked - +kill same 4uest i on abou V . the • ass ess in #a that's s a ,,. 4308,000 000 debt i s iyor De . Yurre. , Se I think that is, why, it is important, even if we have T to bite the bullet on this issue, that these be WWI b zz :'1 _ Jtks is i�. tf - 777777 i-stion r l er�. asked the s que ti about the assessment that's a ; ,00debt ce,•� y r rre� So think that why t is important, even if we have to. bi to th# bull et on ` this i issue, that there b-4 at r Comissloner. Dawkins. Is this going to be the first issue after lurch. q V$ti 4y6r De Yurre: ..« a clarification to the public of where these cronies r oM n9 from and low they tame about i CoMissioner Dawkins: Is this going to be continued after lurch? �'t/� �p �yp��p�+ �q �(�y �sy +�j/�g Mayor uarex It ldoks 'like it's going to be tabled until after, By the say, when I say "l unch „' I think we aught to be back by 2:00 o'clock, folks. Cccissionefi Dawkins. I do, too. Commissioner Alonso: OK* ayor Suarez. Mrs Gonzalez4oenaga, in the hope that most of what you say will nc�t°.be picked up by :the -media, why don't you speak at this point, sir, �l ez��oer��ga Well, ,- you guys, with the respect to Mrs. Al anso s are r Gone` , p+i� ,tbou dollars ar�d , cents,, and I - speaking more deeply than t�►t, � i .iyb4 uye # unless, you admit that ' the police department Is not doi ng a good jobs tiat ,this is .a cancerous deparitnt, and up until we change this p arment next (Poember', Abu are natal ly-responsible M this i s 'today _ tor°cw;. aontnuot: p°ab3#. I wish that wa would the ciders would ;put you 1n the electric chairs instead of those chairs, Thank you verymuch►! jfi#.r, Suare N All right,, sir. We are otherwise adjourned. N0 ex cutions l,ann d 'thi.& afterrtoon, but until _2:00, p.m. THEREUPON THE CITY COMMISSION 'WENT INTO RECESS AT 12; C4 P X.. AND RECONVENED 'AT 2. € 6 P *M. , WITH ALA. MEMBERS � OF . THE CITY COMMISSION, 'FOUND TO ` RE PRESENT, s. EXCEPT VICE MAYOR DE YURRE AND COMMISSIONER ALONSC. . M or. Suarez,.. We are beck . in session. There were certain concerns b��n9 r` ex .resse# by.members of the Commission.t�Pho are not here on the Settlements 50 _at I.°m inclined to do,, Cow,,iss over P r�r and Co issioner� Dawkins, with - ;.: dour acqu$ escenCe, is proceed, toy as many non -controversial items as full e� r +p+ .+ sibl a ,antl we i cR # commission. C miissIoner Plummer. So where do we start? 1 y r K96'KE r 110u I i y� 4 f f..r_. - - - - - - - - - - - - Mayor :Suarez,,. defer the item? Commissioner Dawkins: Yeah, but I can wait till the others come in. Yeah, I want tol"defer , it. COMissioner Plummer: .You want to defer it from today or.,,, 'COW S i bhe r. Dawk i n s,*. .Yeah, from today, till next week. COMI 33 1 one rP1 ummer-, Second the motion. - -Mayor Suarez; Moved and seconded. Tony... CoWissioner Dawkins.* Tony, 6,has been deferred until the next meeting. PI ummer: Yeah* see you then, Mayor .Suarez; July:8th, tommisSI-oner Dawkins: July ath. Mayor , Suarez: AOrelioa we have obviously a loaded agenda today. We're just deferring -another item for -July 8tho Mr,' Aurelio Perez-Lugon'es: :We have -,a loaded agenda for July 8th... Mr-, Cesar,0410 (city ',Manager): -We are very... Rayor_Suarez: OKI SO when we have a tendenty totry to combine meetings into e.,,ease remind us that we can't keep 'On doing that. Help me. I n r eed your help" A] 1, right,,' Item 6. moved and seconded to defer. Any discussion? If, not, please call the roll. Ile X E, 4, j Ai_ THER M � �L .. � OY C I S I ONER DAWK I NS AND SECONDED Y� ER ITEM S (MIAMI - CAPITAL NT, IMCi CONTRACT) WAS DEFERRED BY _ ! LLWI W YTS. w THE T E a AYES: COMMissioner Miller J. Dawkins . - CP.l tarter,rp r Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NdES None ABSENT: Commissioner Miriam Alonso Vice mayor victor De Yurre `. :. Mti qti sMMLwiw.w�swwilrer Yb NaJ+..w.rwlr A+wwrsiY YYr�wM.r lr NwYe..ir.rvr«.w.wrdr.c..w.w Mw rr it Y.a..rwww..r+w.Y..s.w.s.rn.w+.pw.s+w+r.w.w—...W--.:+.w--wo. 1SR ALLOCATE $730s700:OF 19TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG FUNDS AS � FOLLOWS- (a) JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES, INC. -- FOR CITYWIDE SENIOR CRIME WATCH PROGRAM ($52,2a0)s (b) TRI CITY COMMUNITY - - AEOCIATION, INC, FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ($25,000)s (0) GREATE#I MIANI`YOUTH 'SERVICES CORPS, INC. FOR 5 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (S ,aSO (d); COCONUT GROVE AMILY HEALTH CENTER, INC. --�» TO PURCHASE _- FACILITY FOR HEALTH CLINIC ($450,0O0)I AND (e) BLACK ARCHIVES HISTORY AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF SOUTH _ FLORIDA, INCFOR LYRIC THEATRE REHABILITATION ($1S0,000),- STIPULATE THAT ANY FUNDED PROGRAM WHICH GOES OUT OF SUSINESS MUST IMMEDIATELY RETURN TO THE CITY ANY UNUSED CITY MONIES p - �.. - i 1 �- - Ys1rlYlpYfMr+a �'rgw as+fIf eiiw�le+1AMWwriirgrr r.raar.ruwl.s..�.++s�.ru�►r►w Wa---- +-------aars..w.+wlr r+r+.r.wwe.�.irwrwfrYwa+iNr.wir r. MAyor Suarez: item 7, Commissioner,' P1ummei : Mr., Mayor, i would like to ask a question of the Adminiatrat#tine Mr, Maher, yac� have $50,Q00 in here _ tohealth enter wh#Gh are moving.from Virrick Park over to Douglas Road, and I'm assumn that hat is to facilitate that. Q r. Frank Cast$neda. Right. Comissfoner P10r OK. D© we have anything in there, if that I ever abandoned, thattht City has a '. reverter? Mr. Cast+ Pella we Will include that In all contracts f rom n on, and # t a would sad we' tarn fry a grant into I0an a at the moment that that happens . - and they would have to us back p� Com issicnet PIurmter: Well, in other words, what I'm understandin i� approve this, and for whatever g. �e reason,, they dose their dotrrs. Mr. Castaneda: That's correct. Co,Mmiss over PIummerthey have to reimburse the City that amount of Money. ter give us the project, .4 a . 11 n/g k ,j �j�t _ `e P I Wow E i " Ceste ede fe WOUId, right. i $t31er PI ert that's the case 1 move item7, Mrs Mayor. for SuarensSont004�. Vitt _ i yor Ce Yurrw Second M tyo Suarez:_ Seconded, Any discussion? If not, pi ease cal I the ro11 Thar only one discussion. Mrs City Attorneyo Pr� + t money going to the Family 'church to An parthis end 8t para e1ry ce, Inc. kn we have A problem giving to the Catholic Dioceses Is the separation of chorch and state� arty problem to �c�ur estiation, of no to e - ` I don't know. , s Q t1nn at �esg � ESt o C y, Attorney): As long as the funds aren't going tt3d fs�r, riligc�us ptroses, the �'e $ 1t9:prcbletn� i,ss over Plummer: Thank ,You, Mr# yore Call the roll4 c: Suer Cal the r on the i_t please. The foil €3Wi ng resolution was Introduced byCOMMI S51€�ner Pl imerg who ` moved its adoptien: =F RESOLUTION Nos 91- 373 i 1 ' H A 'T # INTS'r��r��ALLt ATING $7309700 OF ITV. )EVE Yt,T' � ��GRANT; FONDS� .. � COMM , PREVI #ttSL APPROPRIATE(_ Y OR�►I#�ANCE Nth. 11-06+ g ..; ADOPTED 1PRIL I5 3, F0L1,1, �s ►5 g25fl '0 �i 1 t59 1`A ILY SERY, CES € i s FOR THE CITYWIDE ,_SENI0 CRIME.: WATCH 'PA RA l ' 2MQO TO , TRI ���� � ITY , ° ► 3i T 'I ', Imo. . A MOME . PRO.VE14ENTP � wvAe,"IA41 YOUTH . SERVIPS Ct RPS INS. FOR A P �L` IM Y E T P OGRA1450 ooC , T TEE i i( WILY ' iCl��A ! �t �y E� l,,1 �.! �1r y,� M�+ p� /y��ry 'g�q 1C fg 1i��;NtC Y4Fi ,gii3/V i tR, "f A� �» 1t r �i .i TI ` Y L ,c ARCNUES RE, FO1 DATINO +FLORIDAt1 LYRIC 'I'HEAT E REHABILITATION� F NER. AU�`IO1111� tor CITY „ MM.0 T E CUTIAE arr SSR r , �yy� �?9 /��y yy{yir T+�y#y��o T ST ItoI1�I1AL7M��'T ' +W1�#tL ! Lsiw - FO ' I.T.W T E,AFOR Pi 1%ED. AGENCIES ' y, (4 a lows body . ,O: reso'l uti On � �illi�'� � ��iM 11R 5 t 11 _ 111e ire the �fflce +�� tie City Clerk.} r., 4 Z K u is ., . UD r`8i, the resolution Was passed b the. In 0W AYES r Mi I Ier J. Dawkins :.tomisslotter J. L P I r, Jr, M ' ► `' 'avier ,a Suarez WES,# None ABSW*o Comissioner Miriam Alonst Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre ,'. .' wriwer+r.w.a...err.rtiw+.uer.swwwr.r,r...w..wt+,`.+r Aww.w.:rw..w�.+..er.a.+w.waK:.w+iw.s.nM.rMw.wsaswerirre.s ee�ewaw+swrin. w....+..----..R...>�'ar•we+rwrwar . '2C. DISCUSS AND DEFER (10 JULY 8TH MEETING) CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED RE DL I C H TD ALLOCATE I �88 ,BSC� OF 19TH YEAR CDBC FUNDS TO PREVIOUSLY NAMED SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCIES* (See label 24) wr aw+a.wlti.wMalalf`aW aerllr MGM vwraw rwu sMa'Maarwia ir.irwaw•aw yrrwrra+.aw'+iew4war LA ars.wra4wewp+rwr. ---One—a+w-------astirraa-r--------- Mayor Suarez. Item 8. Coinmi ssinner Plummer. I move to defer it till the next meeting, Connissiover Dawkins. Second* ay=or Suarez. Moved and seconded, Any discussion? If not, please call the `o' In item B be i ng deferred. THEREUPON MOTION DULY.MADE BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AND SECONDED BYCOMMISSIONER DAWKINSt ITEM B WAS DEFERRED BY TEE FOLLOIING VOTE: y . w. AYES: Cwmi Miller J Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plumer Jr Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NtIES: None ABSENT.* Cbmmi ss i ones Miriam Al onso Vice Mayor Victor Die Yurre NtI'l' FOR T fiE R Cl RD Vice Mayor Ile Purr enured the a i ng of 2 15 p m 3 c �y. Y a i i i .ems Wyk rwx V { v ''- .-' �a�asiewiRie+a.�sEiPN{iiir�j'Rk'MMfMl�ik idi-iEwiWYln+bk'Biifee�. F�,'�RYMNieN'#Nea#fndiAi:E61fM'iH"YNK'l�'��61dU+�d'>dT °JhdaR4afBElkef 'dlW 4J8vI.tlpiMY tMX.�eMt RM4�YM#4,w NrMris'EimvMi6r isYpeVua44 ineer^i1M fWiiN4 EdritYr ', CONS IDERA►TI+OI~i OF PROP ER 1 old � �C TE.. NDIV10 L ��� AGREEMENTS WITH �� NEIOEi oRM O �EVILOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS TO CONTINUE IMPLEMENTING - fxiFitle''ir N'Yi *WilOYfe W.iRiRiN 91fliW U11111M iM Mllr'MMMl l4li61t1FkIf1.1w fAMfOttl llY MY i11111F-Xf'1l Mayor Suarw Item 9. Commi s s i oner, P1 user. Likewise, because it relates to S. Oommissiones Dawkinta Second. -- +h Mayor Suarez, It relates to, I'm sorry? Oomi ssi toner . Pt umer. To 8. � r Suarez.OXf, -so moved and seconded to defer- Any discussion? If not, Please call the roi 1. i, -THEREUPON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AND SECONOWa BY COMMISSIONER DAWKINS, ITEM 9 WAS DEFERRED r= BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE AYESt: Gontrnissi_ anew Miller 1, Dawkins r= = Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. "ice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L Suarez NOES: None, ...ABSENT* ` C ti ss ener Miriam - A,i onso Mayor Suarez. Move... Criss oher Plummer: Oh, yeah, I can't move 12, r May 0r Suarez: Can I - whoa, whoa. I'm sorry, Commissioner. We didn't give s the�etltn chance t® Spe84• Does one of these iterrts affect your organization? . Mr, Alex Pradu: I believe these Community Development Block Grant Programs that are being discussed today do affect our program, yes. }_ c ss +�ner P3un ner: Well, they'll be discussed again, si r, at the next �= moeti ng Lt l s -been defer... =; Meor" Suarez: Give Us your nab on the record and don't. hesitate.. Mr: Prador.. , My ruin is for the r`ecard, my name is A►1e Pr"do; exeuie ,- irrector of One .Art, Incorporated, For .the record, we are here standing in :..; .<�.. a. e ML June 29 4 s support of the construction of the One Art Community Center. y � y� der '� $ we are appealing' toall of you "Ousting that you support the construction of the One Art Community tenter, and as I've stated here in the pasta a year ago, you lil unanimously supported the One Art with a grant, In order to acquire and for z4 purchase a site which the One Art center would be built upon, Having helped u$ start this pro fit, we thin moved forward to raise $400,000 for the ..' construction oft this center`. The Metro -Dade hoard of County Commissioners who ,.� have joined us had funded this project at $300,000, and over $100,000 had been granted to One Art from various foundations and corporations _ Florida. However... throughout Commissioner Plummer: But sir, you should be speaking to the deferral. The —_ motion that passed is to defer. And actually, legally �. you can't even speak to the deferral without a reconsideration, but at least you should be speaking to the deferral Mayor Suarez: Commissioner, I understand that Commissioner Alonso had a - special interest in this item being voted on. Perhaps, since we've heard our Presentation, and.it's for the record, and I presume you don't need each time to bring the whole groins, We take notice of thefact that they Ire hares and they are obviously in support of anything that has to do ZZ with One Art, based on the T-shirts, et cetera. And if you want to stick around a few minutes = more.. r Mr. Prado: Thank you. Mayor Suarezit's conceivable that Commissioner Alonso will as — k for: this u flatter somehow to be reconsidered. At this point, we would probablytake it -= UPon July 8th; is that correct? Commissioner Plummer You could. I asked if you would taken up, do you have a total budget? y just in case it is Mr. Prado: Yes, we do, . commissioner Plummer; In writing? _' 1 Mr, Prado: Absolutely, 3 Reverend shearick Gilbert: Ain I to understand that the total Economic Development... givings for the - Mayan Suarez: We need your name on the record, please. Reverend Gilbert: Gilbert, Reverend Church. Am I to understand that Gilbert, from Saint Agnes isco ai - � p f the being deferred until July 8th? Communit y Development dock Grant is ._ F EK 118 June # *w' lg8gq _v H' i:- uz t MOO' h,to,Abu o probi�* i , J y�p�T ?}1y{ ��}i(" jay{ iy�, 'y#p. }ys� �y{)(py �yF� :. YF Y i■ F h'N �FUS_Ml 4h•hR oLh#i'l iMo l mayor uare until duly th r 3d10: #itiw triuch do yt?u need, sir, for one creek? � erend gilbert. For one week, you will advance 4500? 1 Mr 0d30:. yet, Sirs Reverend Gilbert: Okie dokie. mayor 'Suarez; That actuaIly gets there quicker than if we acted on the whole 16,j 00 You',., 11 prdbably get that 4500 quicker because that's but it's 1-siriy. un rStood that it's s partial allocation of the 25. •Mr.Odio: itioht. [aybr...Suarez: With tht expectation that we'll improve that on July 8th. F cd 'ssi0ner`s, do �l013 ;Naive any, pro with that, anybody? 7 Re�rered Gilbert: Effe�ti ve the 29th'? Mr. Odio. Yes, sir. eYerend Gilberto Thank you. #oruarez As early as the 29th? _ayMro Odio: 'des Cc is finer 'plugs ra ►yp'* the only problems$ for. Suarez: The 29th is today, PI meiF t I 1IIgoing to 1L11ke for i tt bM1r let 1{Ie Vsii MoiRyMR '4iw opining 'the dQOr to all of the people who were turned down previouslyo Th1a tie : 26, if, I'm not toi staken., that asked for more and `teas given the 25. Nro 0 0;. NO nois t gait. No, no, no. He's not asking for more., a - = pr t�b i s he started his . ypr r i« M vanc+ on'.the 251,000,t chi ss. on h r,a 0. C issioner, he started his program already. !►ia or S arez , We're ca111 r#g i t a loan +guess, but-,i'$ # s r- pj f* Neran't you the one that wanted the DD from 11ast year? Mr,► '+Odic, t�, �� JWE it --nar ' then I V of ,you confused with somebody 61a. Mr. di+o. He i .��C�fa � ,con use D,on't worry about it, - Mayor, Suar$20 AMright. I d001,1 think We nand any Comfissi n action. That AY we 46h' s t any Aiftd of The Manager, apparently, understands the ift1port, 411c ".Of giving you the advance, and can go accordingly within his distrati on Dndar the•Charter» R+ev r` i d Gilc rt: The' k` you. --.- Ma, or~ Suarez: . We haIva a motion to defer item 9. Moved and seconded. -- Any discussion?. If riot, pieasc call the roll. THEREUPON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AND SECd A D D D1 OOMMISSIONER DAW INS, ITEM 9 (CONTACTS �tITH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION) WAS DEFERRED ;.: BY THE OLL WING VOTE: AYESw' st-jonee Mgiller J+ Daa�kins tru ssi Vie, M�y�r victor' I?e Yurr�e Mayer Xavier .L a Suarez ESdone ABSENT:'ssonarriram Alohso f :_'.,• _ �IIY/►'IrTAtIM•YA►fiIM«.. ..1_;.• »{W.. .«:..;..,.aaarr.lYla_rllw_+IIFM-wilJiYN11AlIIM1R194 �FilIr II�aRr�rlM a1YY—1i---- i sir—M11i01ri'I�rf f1111YMY1YMIMl/effO�llI! .. :. -. .. •.��IIIIIOtlY11` II\I 1 Mll�a01 Y` IY11 Y11 M Y■ - -'` EMERCE#iCY. QRDIiw ESTABLISH INITIAL RESaURCES,►FFR4FRIATIalS AND SPEGi L. EYE CIE FUND: HIDTA 1 SI tEARM (HIGH INTENSITY DRUG TRAFFICKI�iG ► EA RA T AC EEPT,GR1NT t110 000).FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE* ill.+rr:r+l�+r+lawrtrw.+wcraw>•rl.wiles.wad`iir�riss+lln+1�.M.rrll�watslr�aywM+wrwrw+Mew+lw*i►+InfYwuwaarr+o�wowrlr_rul►rw.rnlwr_�Iw�rww�+n.+r+rrralsm►ell_worRvrwvww IWe .. Ma yoriitR �f.10 . . 5— _- Commissioner Pier:. Move Cnrnlsior�+sr Darkin Secon+A C i �ios�e � P1 r: just say` for` the record,' I1m r�avin� it, but as {ice far as • I m onc+�rner , ` 1t . LrD is ; t t�keA Yu� re tat kind bout ` cur t ing_ - na rcotics tr ffitk n for 1D�#3oD ,h6re and it! : the next"item, you're t0king - a r trt cart ► 1 n r'cdtics trafficking for S*0Q�Q. They do more than that on the corner: of Grah�d dnd 1#1 bi scus ' in an hour. Gd ahead . r, _ Mayor Suarez: On to lO we have a nation and a second, don't we Madam city ,i C.Terk? Y .�, ia t S y�h,- t � r Wa nt to s r second � al 1 the r,01 i .ram ,ly��_ �$g�3y . +�...::.: �y �*' �# �+y►+il�_r 7� LE, fta;E is w�i(�'S► i+ u nti , YIt:« to« (City Attorney): Ordinance* - Ci ss oner, P1 ummer Yeah. h " Hirai It' s an otdinance, Miry Mayor. i r �I sI onor Plummer: er. That's why we had . to wait % a a ror r u r VW sorry. i.s an ordinancei ' ayM or~ Suarez:'orr"y, readh ordinance, ummr: It's an emergency« He's going to reed 1t* Rri rG s i - oena+ga; It requires four - fifths. Mal, nz1-enr«nx1yd=CoetBg officer, lr. Coat { t" r t- tlnq- th s proceeding ,you ° l rut d rrigts. } - thin, rya: h41r r9"$h� airy ghat cia', You have n ire + 4V ,oyne this coPuntt,.. r': ri+h, ► .sorry. V z r on `I a -Go na�ga: ;e to everyone s ,.ice t �.: ))) r[y� +■�. �J(i as{ may! ■y�. .yfiy 1 r .-. Ca tb ._. [ , r „ r r C�1' 't toner, Pi T�r1�a « f t ANp d Et Y" CRDIN CEESTASLISHIt .1NITI' RES URC $ ►.r V A r}■/41� E lF E�+f 9 = UNO TUTTLED APPR AAA Jr A ..r� ,: }{:i "HIOT I I 4� / TINE . A. ,MW;I�. !� Ti���: ��� 11RF. N THE: ALit!4 " R i `S E �t QUA T ' E F L , III A� I� ICE ' CITY � W ALL ► 4 NT , : A' ' ' ACC `A� T .. . X C i.' t •� THE CITY ATTON'Y, G1..ESSAR ACCEPT SAS ., .. ONTAINI� A . RE AL PROV131, N AND A SEVERMI,LITY. CLAUSE a: r r� P� t s r. v 2 3l[ x _ 0 - 3 e, 4 .�'f4 .adtir;b5 b1 - Vat n� d b "C r P r and Seconded b iOn r . fir . adpton an ren �esu and dispensing with --_ a u i r rid meon twbseparate days, which was agreed to by the to AYES;Css n r r "� �1 _r - •,..: {j {yt yj ys y Comissioner l�� 11 i 4�j}} � NSRcii'�n .- omissioner°-°J'. Lr Pl :. r,'. Jr# vice N yor ICIctor Ede,,Yurre ez mayor Xavier uatl NOES N6rte;, �- BSENT,None Whereupon the ` ComMi ssicn on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by.€mmiss on r 04wkins adopted said ordinance by the following vote: AYECom issioner Miriam Alonsb ., Cmttissioner J. L. Plumer, Jr, vice Mayor Victor De Yurre .. Maybr,Xavier L. Suarez NOE Com issioner Miller J* Dawkins =- A " None# oR i� E S AS DES DINANCE Ala. 11065, The ' Attorney read the ordinance into the publ ic record and �rr��ers ° t n ►ut td:,rt fjt �� op'�. s were aV4i labla to they of the City sibit and to:heuilc. � p � N ' DUR i N6 ROLL CAi1,.l» . q y _ Co ss oner FI umne rWai t a minute, wait a minute # Did you vote no? x tiyrr- - is io ter, t rC ns, Yeah because it's not enough money. What am t going €iiss o'n+ar Plummer: Ch, if you voted no, it's a dead issue then, because it {� pf takes a' four/f i ftbs vote. -- NJ r4t.c. ; Yes, four/fifths.s COW ss I ones Pl UMMr: I'm not trying to lobby you, but why continue ii f t s Cmiuioner Dawkins: (Unintelligible,) , 00, mayor Suarez: 0K,, Continue the roll call on I tetl6t. «, >SrL Ju1 v t ti , b -' S� 1 n'16n ifn tp1.e+ Ml: AMn §� MW +YF b' 1�. W Ohm fYd e¢ d4 a�w +Ke dfc'd4A tlP tN +F.k 4d Wn i*M w:t xee s► iLi Wi+ i�nr Yfr e3: � ie'r es fiia — — Ufa — .t# na. - rtw C s inner° Alonso entered the _ rig A--V Z 17 P.M. :. tln iii W w w4ii MM Heir 1rtk i4q iMa PM #'Mf ei W W ie i6'. ttlb i'! aBk W� fH6 4s i!1 �!R TO 9!S �A Ee !3! eC 3!f etie'dif � +.�. e¢e �, Lb rtf lL Jl� �?di � isr E> -eie '. ,�. iona to on i tem 104 It's an emergency which takes four/fifths, and Nlller has voted no, I voted ,yes, Miller voted no. CoMissioner Dawkins: And Nadahr City Commissioner, the reason I voted no is $1#1 Oi U i s �— �--- no MO to talk about curtailing drugs in Liberty City$ Coconut Grove, and nowhere #1sa in the City of Miami. - Comissioner" Planer: And i agree. f t r CoWssioner, Dawkins: And as long as we continue to take these handouts, we e u; aren't go ing 1611, anything else bigger to do anything with. _ ComMissioner Plummer: He makes a damn good point, Commissioner Alonso Yeah, that's an excellent Paint. 'Cam isslon� ummer: He makes a good - but I hey#)•• -- Commissionei,�,-Al onso: Do we have any opportunity to get more Ctffmi ss ones Pl ummero I'd rather take that than nothing, Commissioner,Alonso Yes, I have to vote yes. Yeah, but I agree with him,, _. M@i1�w►MW�,lIiiYWIW WIfIYaMii1llYIwlICpW �ew�wsa�wi.wreow�MlMW�rrW WYWIY WYia�YER WRMWio�p rpMM R�w�Iw4�n�---ww--ifk--lY1�ifOrYiilYMr11FWRwEwii °. 23. EMERGENCY ORDINAh1C a ESTABLISH INITIAL RESOURCESt APPROPRIATIONS AND SPECIAL - REVENUE FUND: HIDTA / OPERATION 'BULLSEYE (HIGH INTENSITY DRUG , TRAPFICKI C AREA GRANT) �- ACCEPT GRANT ($a,413.1?} FROM U,So DEPARTMENT, OP— JUSTICE a f��lilW■w�IIYR�IM�Y1rFtiirm R�YSW�irWrY►WiIw�Y YriYcfW�IMRIM/�iRfilY�lYfMi11Y1W'Yyf/YfMJi,W#iOArMIRWa1e W`R Wrii��lYrleYb RilritW AYWlflliM i�/IYMr Mr1MMiWAlt7l APIpPM�#Ir�IM�IR�4Aiv MayorSuarez, Item 11, Ordinance to establish special revenue fund. r comi3sioner P1u er# Under the same circumstances of grateful but voice our di saporova i p i` : r* lyor Siugarez. So moved. Am I reading this amount correctly as saying �? i! C issioner PIummers You're looking at it. They sell that much cone ever, -hour. Mayor Sarttauld be very useful if the City Manager and City Attorney can get together and figure out ways to keep matters like this from hav i ng. to reach the agenda in this manner. =Missioner Al nsof Second. 122 w { Pl r. you have to accept it officially. r I I the rol r MayeSuar`ezt ' could do it in a package, and God: help use e trled ,t the onsen eno In a package, that didn't work. All right, Call the rbl, P10041 ANi ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY RDINANCEE"STABLISHING INITIAL RESOURCES, APPROPRIATIONS AND A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR ENTITLED r #NIDTA/OPERATION' OULLSEYE11 ACCEPTING A GRANT IN THE AM UNfi 5. 3 17FROM, THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AS ADMINISTERED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCENENT9 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOC'UMENT5 s IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATT4REY NECESSARY To ACCEPT' SAID GRANT; 1 CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 3 Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner y Aionso, for adoption as an wNrgency measure and dispensing with the o lI0wer ant of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the it ivl l oi g vote. } s AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alorso Commissioner J. L. Plonfner, Jr. Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L# Suarez NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ABSENT: -None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plum er and seconded j1 b GommissiOner-Alonso, adopted said ordinance by the following vote: AYES Commissioner Miriam Alonso t CmMissibner J. L. Ml ner, Jr. Vice Mayer Victor De Yurre Mayo Xavier L. Suarez ID►ES; CommissionerMiller J« Dawkins ABSENT. None« " SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 1I066. 41, The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and - announced that copies were available to themembers of the City Commissionnd to the t E 123 June 'fig, 190 -- } �Amin �o : are intend t take up those i teens on July th whatever: It i - ' t d _ Wel y . Sfl rntn addi#► agenda = - co"ssitn�er Al+ of How do ,you feel that a have enough support in the .� u►re� man t1e fact that we printed an agenda has never stopped us from taking that we have to take up The Commissioners have asked to be deferred fry is day to auly MO. If they want to propose them for July 6+ they cad . t�`y that, but I don't � do a supplemental agenda. i don't �- -- J �/� y on* kn i adQ f Tii'F on this item* Co�'lissioner Alonso. Well, I really -don't know what to do* If... Prado* believe. titat , w +M Chins ones Alansos you wanted to say something for the records Mayor Suarez:,, All right. the grants you to speak, so go ahead, sir, o f ssl oher' s request.,-� r r td43: I believe that in the past, al l of you have set forth a precedent by supporting 'One Art in its endeavor to try to bring to the om unl ;: of} 1►nwood, Little Haiti`, i��ert+�wn a�r�d Liberty City a community berr er owe a 1: -.-of .�rou unanimously voted upon that grant i n corder` to get us ��� " th t r ►+ rty® end I bel i�va that all of. you again IIIi support us on granting Cnrt :7° in :4der to► he patch Metro, who granted $3QU4t�uC We're right n+ w . at at star:dsttllte. cannot move forward, � Ct tisslaner Plummer: Wait, want. Who .granted - how much did Metro grant? r*" 'PrAdo. ,,Three hundred thousand dollars* C. f$'�Si finer AlnSv': Three hundred h3usand i r t . fir4 pratdd: They had rec eoded us for $475,000'. but due to the defeat 'of -_ Pftse ident C`Intbn's economic stimulus package, we had suffered a loss of 17S, r.. andthey're going to be taking that up in the future. C sslonar Plumper. I don't know where it's coming from I really don't n :where it's � fir. /I doi Where's I80.00 Camissioner A onso: Frank, what we can do in order to help `then get this pr ect underway? _ Mrs Frank, Castaneda: Well, Commissioner, in the budget that you approved, s. there's $I 0,000 in contingencies. Cissianer Alonso. How much did we approve for them? f' June 29 199 KAN fr, - t -.. , � ti 1 1 US,x edar F'0r At s M 0s - aqt�&sonY ontoC s" — fir". 1 t+ n d La year, we gave them 75,000, which were used to acquire r _ o 9 ssioner� Plumer And isn't that also that they were supposed to go to - .ntoc+snntTrust Fund? 'that'for the operation of the kids Off Streets Program, 2 h i d h�i s- operati erg . now. .. }�o��sai�r}er 'PI ug; Yeahs butQ you know, we' can only be bled in so many � -that 6, the prob:l enr Mr'* :Pradra: This is f+or cabital l this is for construction. I believe... NRdgse a iti �.�i ie4 v3 }d �r L� , good bL/i1*7 I iA{�.:r ' a •C7� � � i,or��two. .. Fa r" sreto wAke a great impact and a great difference in ky ` cSin 1 noa i► 'issi�ter Pitrrter, I sure hope s€i. Are eado. .v community center. It will. And we're requesting 275 fr' you: ssioner Pl wrier". i dory } t know where... Y2: . Cesar.0dio Two dollars and 75 cents is okay. s ssioner. Pluler:o,' nit all kidd9r+ aside, I don't know where 1t'e° dog Ther+s is,,, .. opepp y� # � bra g y� �y p g� +¢ j,� p� �r i . Pl fin .. .�iiiF$,, ,{i crazy. i iY ��I{' it fi i ii:61 ,.. t ssi 1n r Al or s9 « ' HoiO �.� dti► we have, , available? r 0: There Are there 75't,. #s1 ii T i, M e;., through. i e.�ti, i['1essi 1 y/nw Le: u d i 1 h " had researched- ' t se I i' � i � the unt of � ��0� aid here° a '. w9thin ad' l Wit dousing which has been sitting there. ter the past t years i i�opner 1u ner� Yeah f but youy� sjee, ypu ar^e the n.ly rre th1e ply + �{nnot #. funds a hard to __ S1 i ry� �:,in � ode: , 2 oe — j a rpery for �Y 'mr® ra that 4 wehad already assigned ,ram 4g gno- r we have not. OM issiraneri' Alonsdt it is available. Mrs Castanea: it is available. C"isslaftr AlOn3o. Why, do you label th t... irtaneaw Because.... ci set on+ar r- How the hell are we going to... Castri�da ...the two daycare programs have been asking for a corntid rahli period of time for money... a Co s rt r. AlIonso- For three years, at lest that _recap 1, fires. dal.. .to do that. The chairperson for that area ghat' her � ar e. rpthy.. Quin n has .been asking that i t tie allocated to a +daycare p ' r' d then there re s,ICaI IY two issues either ,you go with the } ... Gt►1 pirvitareau or. yet go withIDCt� or you aliacate the money ;+� she th+r' ups missi'oner Alonso: HOW much are.they asking, the Catholic Service? r M+r. ��sta ede� wai t f the, Cat Q� i Service Bureau was asking for a ][lot�¢�mere than i recal l wiQ,0QQ that tote Yd$h0'1Cr$e Bureau,was :. .eats.,, asiCi3,'''fQi`. Cissi order onto And , how much monay i`s available? staneda= We onl have $3000000R�trterttb+er, 20�.QQQ were allocated to T the Naithan area, and 100,000 was allocated for Wynwood,, with no particular + #ssioner Alonso.. Bold .n a minute.- But I thought we have $180,000 :., avai'iable in this funding***, Mr. Castaneda. Not nos, $180,9000 is in this year contingency, was left ur�all ►oat d for -,On ,OnY� gencyo Doissiolner. Dawkins: When you came hack..* lr. Pradd "hats out that was earmarked for One `Art, in±�+ororat+d *. Co wissioner'Dawkins; Whenyou.w• r r'ado ... fry your + ffices Y 29 .9 xri Atr i r i. :, iss on r P If life the YMCA (Young Menu Christian ssooiation ,went ut and raised your, money, in the privates sector, which is ..: whal th Y dido 1 Mr , Prado. Which we are " raising funds through the private sector, uni rtunately, we have Suffered -a shortfall in the area of the private sector, 5 ' Utta se most of ► . o► mi ssioner Pl umer. What is ;your operating budget? �— 14rs Pradoa our operating budget today is 1750 Cisior or Plummer. Your operating budget? Mrs P,rado Our, opOrating budget for the operation of the Kids tiff Streets — Proaram''and-our ©utreach programs Corm ;ioherPi uim r: o, Io, nd# ;one Art. .t Y Mr;« Prado: For, One Art. , ,. .. : Era °= tf iss finer P,1urmers ghat' all the monies you received total? Mr-... P#'ado. lts a trill operating budget. d� Commistarer Pi er. All right. Your total operation, what is its N.� r Pr'adp. - l n*c Iudi,ng those .funds that have -within capital? Gpmissi oner Plummer: o, riot api tal . Your oppera�ti ng a pr'nse 0 Nr.r* Prado: our, operating expenses are just under $2009000 within the range { ;owissioner Plummer, 1 don't know, C . issiooer. Dawkins: Frank... ' C,om, i ss i ones Al onso. Frank +. ; £— Cow s ldn r Datwki n � . * when You come back next week, tell me the total a nt f t ney that the �athol i os get from -the County and howuoh money the county gave Kio. 1 need that next creek, please. Mr.. tastaheda: oil,.. I'll do that.,.. r� Prado: if 1 oars ,make a Point. We're not Corning back next year re�uQatino any dollars from yot. 'The reason shy we're here eresing the ivrtarce d = , this request i beo "Se we re at a, very on ti cal pointAn n the c t�ction Of' art IAM -A uT i6 •z x „a - , y r this fao t _ Biiri si on df Cal tral Affairs rs has i tied 40, 000 for 1 We need this but thc,t '�'undirrq s, avai l abl a *i^'une � of nnext yee� � - _roaot, t am nt f di right nt t start constructions T e - dol a ghat Word .granted from the Division of Cultural Affairs are for the finishing stages of .the fac lityl not for the beginning stages, This i the last time you} l see otrr fac# rqusting dollars for construction. I'm asking thistission tip make a diffet`ence. ire would not be able to rove forward with this oro ject wi tho►ut the 275. This is tho. d . _ - Comnissioner Alonso You realize that it's vary difficult for us to find the total amount, because it as you see, it's not really available. Mr# Prado:. I understand tha.:t# s Co tlissioner Alonso What I.,, —_ Mr, Prado. Mould this Commission be willing to champion this project with... Commissioner Alonso- We are going to try to work with Frank Castaneda from here to the next Commission meeting and see if we can identify any source of funding that we :can help you, and I'm sure that this Commission will go along {r to get you as much as we can. We have our hands tied. commissioner Plummer: gaud on what's there. Mr.:Pr•ado. I understand... S Comi ssi ones Alonso: Based on.,*._ - Commissioner Plummer: ... what's .available. Ctinmissione r Alonso: ,.. what is available. Mr. Prado: I understand. You know, this Commission... Commissioner Alonso: I don't think that we will be able to give you the total amount, for as much as we'want to. Mayor Suarez; All right. Commissioner, do you need anything further on this i $aue, or are you _ready to * # $ _ Commissioner Alonso: No,** _ ,x Mr Prado This Commission has... Mayor Suarez: Please, sir, Y Commissioner Alonso: This item should come in the next agenda. .. Mayor Suarez: 4k« _ C A-CM mission id will i ii i t i .q a it `rank USt i e a� and will s the n iid n � abed you have al ways been supported :by th eb hank'u. �. u lre . nd .you �e 6011 Very well in getti�� the Count C y �issioners' support, and w'' r4e pleased t work with the County to - try t�3 ultimately lak this hapooft- ii rights- Con i ssioner 0000Z Wt night, about 8. ®�► o'clock, cl vc�, i was receiving my off#+ea:aa+i�a� - Mayor Suarez: All right, t ter. Prado: Wel l o thank you _ MVor Suarez. OK. Ladies and gentlemen, we.. • C6ftissioner The County sends letters instead of �' s oney A Re . Prado: Well, they did. The, granted 300... a . 5uare� In this particular the Carramfssioc please. er is making p� hts on `-hi s own. NO -Is to do that, — ,entitled Alex. We love ou , o .Eli yVu 9 . - N .. death •:. = ,. ' �93sioner` Piurmera would you do a favor? ,} text time you go h@i°or°e the troun yg•wiii you let me know 30 I Can flood them with faxes? yor Suarez* There you go. ter« Prado: Maybe i'll bring you along. We need the support, ssioner Plummer: Not to that zoo, C or SUArex, a airlehowg he always gets the ,last word' here -� tiQ rd ii. Ail right. we YOU want to finish r, up, on 4 or do you want to try to do the'_,. :ttlettt' Y Cmn1 ssi over` Plummer: What is 4? Mayor Suarex: We left it for the afternoon discussion, r Commissioner PIurme'r: Oh, 1 132 42 , z - sex tiul Stir lea dw .ww ilW etiil eiwrM Mle i/T" xw?! rs+w aA wv My.aiv-.f41 w+MMaFb e4N Mnarirb 'rWY vdr afs4aKMMCb •rP art MiN---wwmaiew.wNw,-aQa------bs.+er war.ae.mc.taee--sr----war----- i �--- ty 96*{A) DISCUSSION CONCERNING DINNER KEY BOATYARD AND MARINA AND ADJACENT f. WATERFRONT PR4PERTIE -- AUTHORIZE DEMOLITION OF THE VIRRICK GYM AND � = ,;. PARKS AND RECREATION BUILDING, SEVERELY DAMAGED BY HURRICANE ANDREW. 3 () DIRECT ADMINISI-MATION TO IOENTIFY, WITHIN THE CITY, ANOTHER SUITABLE EDIFICE 'TO DE NAMED IN HONOR OF THE LATE ELIZABETH VIRRICK FOR HER CONTRIBUTION TO OUR COMMUNITY. Jz {C) DEFER PROPOSED REJECTION OF PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY LIGHTHOUSE MARINA AND BOATYARD, ' `AT DINNER A;EY, INC, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF DINNER KEY �- BOATYARD AND MARINA PROPERTY AT 2640 S. BAYSHORE DRIVE INSTRUCT - ADMINISTRATION TO KEEP SAID PROPOSAL IN ABEYANCE IN ORDER TO EXPLORE FEASIBILITY / DESIRABILITY OF THE CITY RUNNING ITS OWN BOATYARD FACILITY*ir e awree ---drew M.wwwi.er—Wr x.r++--wa..b—ewrwwww—tba.w----ww s.awr..s+wr------w---ww..wwwwww.w ww .w..w.ww.—,.urw.-----ww,.... —or..r ----- Mayor Suarez. OK,- item 4. — ' f, Mr. -:Jack Luft: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, this is a Unified — Development Project which was advertised last August ?th. We extended the deadline in February. We had only received one proposal. Due to the extensive damage caused to property by Hurricane Andrew, the docks were >` destroyed and it complicated the procedures, We eliminated the minimum requirement for this proposal, because the appraisals were no longer valid for the property. We extended the deadline, and we have just received now the one -- proposal that came forward to build, in essence, a boatyard and operate a -_ . marina with some ancillary retail services. The recommendation of the Ackni ni strati on is for rejection of this proposal. The recommendation of the t appointed committee was split four to three in favor of recommending the },. �..; . proposal with a minority report. _ Mayor Suareze Can you carry us through, just very quickly, who the seven are, 4 the seven in the committee? Mr. Luft. Jim Wellington, from the Miami River Committee; Eli Feinberg of EMF Associates; Kevin Kote, who's with the Department of Environmental Resource �€ Management, Dade County; David Ray president of Sea Star Corporation Boating Organization; Warren Butler, from the City Manager's Office; Raul De La Torre, from Dinner Key Marina- and Allah Poms, architect from the Public Works C. :. Commissioner Plummer, That's seven members? Uk Mr. Luft; Yes, it is. Commissioner Plummer: And it was a four to three vote? .€ 4', Mr. Luft: Four to three vote in favor of the project. Commissioner Plummer: Can you tell me who the four were? Were they all... Mrs Luft: The four voting for the project was James Wellington, Kevin Kota, David :Ray and Allan Pours. And the four (sic) opposed to it was Mr. De La. Torre, Warren `Butler and Eli Feinberg, r EK 133dun, 19,03 i 1 vfted for its for ' - 6 ... ON its 1o0e14P10rr. # ot, of staff, and he voted against it. Omm ski A oiiLi f Covne! f RK#Thank you Mr. Loft. Th committee, was*s l l fir{ q ¢� yy yg` yv �+ p Cot tissionef i'� eI s 1 ►rem therereasongivenew` Was 06MISsioner Plummer: ..: wiry they voted against it? M, l.ui`t: I don't know, Is Mr. Feinberg here today? C tissioner, P 1 ate ': . haven' It seen him. Nr. " t: Fla was going, to .present.-e minority report. + an $3 0ne ti rs Your tr 0pin4on ofwhy. 14�11 Well , OKS' ire my opinion, . thi swas a difficult proposal to. dia nd.. Cor miss on6r Pl�tr: N � rt�i, no. Your opinion of why. they voted against i . ..-'Qn� A �Lu ft O1 why A'he :vot }/perRoc .COMMIS.. ioner-PlIki4ro* Not what your opinion n is.. ,. . .- !r`« tuft: There were .three ptlar�y concerns of the G�3ittee. Ott of the i #th rt t and ret` t " er v� d i ear 49 i0eh a of solft co tt d inn + g fog the p' `d t, _ 4 the f i n n i a c at l i ti s i t t r 'tag dam: ► i t I I r�k, a �� see today evi�#ence :pra�ented to tie o :rary 'but i 'the it n +gat ter in s morni rig, �' l i �e� you srdgtit � r r e ; 's 0 `'was � � e � # � it Of the roeetve: Aromr �.hee rho av� n ,irep,t f1ndepe f :e . i ' l . e h Ott # ! ,�3� concer. �n tie c�ities : �n�er�° ���� � y:,. � 0 odonson cf ny f and that th1 pro s . to to n " ; fee;that:"77,as "proposed_ in- ;the documents presented o q.$ the rev n0e; enr iced : ; th*. re; Mon,,rpUttift y, y� e lttet _ 1i�a cost involved f1the ^ � �g q # # }y j �lr o. i# f 003 two rya ' $400 t �yp �p y 7jr �a y} { p} #� }�y y� y�y� p �p j� - i�, r i.L ?! ow"d � ,nil, ' i�€ .. # fbr - R� 4 ki D: �r .:: r 4C r- bu what was S$i ofter the ' 14r * Lu ft The 'third**, iss i r* r� WhatWas theminimum� i �Lif t:The third. aspect that was concern to the committee was operatidnal No wWer of this praposinil team has -,_ = experience in Operati ng n boatyard ono my one of the Members Of the tears has direct expt�ieh�o its 9 Or opelVtinq � marina, and that one member �s from Washington, an, would bePPOP 3sed :urWet this project to be the operating manager of marina and the boatyar�do and she is frcm Out of town.So I think it was the on Of MJVr _ Ctnoerds about oprations, lack of e e feasibii ity financial comitment on this p rience, financial to vote nog and cause sane Concerns 'i�t the minds that lad the three members the four who voted yes, Commissloner Plummer: What was the minimum annual return? _ ire tuff: There was no minimum annual return, We P,'OJect in Pebruarya cancelled in rsbiddin9 this e Commissioner Plummer: Who gave the Administration did? the right to do that? we f Mr,. Luft; Yes, We advised you that the... Commissioner Pier, At a City Cam isSion meeting? Mr. tufty In February. The - we came back to this COMMi ss i on and asked what you wanted o do* We explained that the appraial3 for the ro iongr va1,1 d, and that the, docks had been lest p" p rty were no Ml that sin ,end we could not attach a value to the prop rty this 'was,caving so we eTlminated the minimum requirement, process and Commissioner Plummer: And $s this pro osa�l s stands* since nce we don't have anything ors 1 t � and I of two g _ the i pages here � p what i e thel r proposed return to Luft. I don't know. „POMiSsioner. Alter, Who did the analysis? , E GoMissioner Alonso: Actually. 1 believe it has been item* stapled to the previous Cc missioner Plummer: Huh? 00Missianer Alonso Yes h r lr,Luft, there 1 there was no proposed return to the City$ because we didn't ask for one. t _ Commissioner Alonso: That's what happened. I y can ,d� see has1,35 Jun r P1 Welt inuteaing item 4 '4r Cesar odw(city, Manager): Lot rye say this The lease payment was to b negotiated f you" awardthe project* Commiss1oner" Plummer,,, Well �jraita} minute. Ceesapr�,, are you telling the � she is sayi..n '' that .the ':i 4r was in .. item V.* 4 F1��� �Vt. w�iSGF4. that. - r. Cdio: No, not it's item 4 and 5. 4, tut ti nd .5M C. issi.oner" Alon Ye fir., Loft F Four and 5, Mr Cd i.p: Four . and So ' Cori ss # oner. Al onso a Let me speak for what l received, both in my office and ^ ,air ter bdute N .:Odip- Excuse rne, Commissioner. The... Commissioner Alonso: T# a pgckage of this it was in .the previous item, which cthorough;y confused.. #` 14: Cdittt it's , it's item 5, lr. Luft: Yes �y �y y ,Qpy� qp.@ ,E {fig@ seeing CorW ssi ones Al onso.:'b'�C 4i3e RW4f +G"rG�. :E� '�9i i�r Li I Vfi 4 • - .._ r COmissioner PNmmer: You're absolutely right. Mr, odid: -Excuse me, on item S. Look at S. issiongtr Alonso ..f that didn't fit, and finally l discover that it bps. :the �o�tent of this i t�lmm which wad highly unusual , t4 say the least. ,. '. vai.do�nt i"iad 5 esker• tetrl 5 w S attached to 3, at the end of item 3; .. y 3� K 1 un ' • ri C i ssi:oner Plumieh K, Excuse me. For - whatever is 59 4 is 2 and tAl i ' nr , eying to you i s I i poked for the backup on this and Mott dn' t f�ygnd}}}{it, aid $dn� t SONS tha opportunity to read it, Now, I'm sorry, it's A. :.. a !.Veist r-_uf.t: t i a stap d to tyre wrong one w s Corti ssioner Pi ter« Wall you sere. Ari.<Odio. The least payMeAt. was to be negotiated... Corissiover Piper. Excuse me, Mr. Manager, am i crazy? Isn$t it a l. r`e49i rent of waterfront property that an auditing firm has to make a -` deter ination that.the return to the City is a fair return? Isn't that one of "= the provisions of a waterfront lease? Mr. tuft: The requirements or any lease Is that the City receive fair market vat for their. property 6 i-ssloner pium'rlrer . Jack,please, don't deviate on me, Speak to the issue. ;ter* - -ity'Attorney? c 'A. QuinnJones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Yes, sirs IMI SSi Oner Plummer: mer: Is it not one of the provisions of the Csroi l o khelidimin for the lack of a better way to identify » that there has to be a d nonttrati r n by an Audi ti nq firm that that which i s proposed i s= a fa`i r return -- to the:C1ty.for the use bf the City property? *,;Jones: I th1 nk the language IS fair market value, ss oner° Pl uhmer: OK. Now, how do we know what fair market value is if �- there vast nothing proposed? I don O t know how an auditing fi rm, e Q :fir* tuft: ortmissloner, we had a fair market value prior to the hurricane• �= but :afterwards;,ate ,didn't« And this Gonmis$ion0 V_A:, Cotnnti ssioner P1 turner Excuse me.. You don't have that privilege when i t i s ' a �. Ci'tY cht`.tar afnenrent M,r Luft: Right. "e- C mis�sioner� Pl�rer: We can't 4eviate frost theta only the public fC in a `- refer.endum can deviate from that. Am I right, Mr. ,City Attorney, or am wrong fir. Jones: A fair return, yeah. Commissioner Plummer: OK. }_ Mrs uft. Before we.. Mrn odio. You have Ito enter a referendum on this issue. - _. - 13?. - WOO we can to -a refarendo.. , is idner erg �"� `„ don't to 0 Me, damn itt I &M sayInQ n one a rovisioii� that ari�endftirt says that you Est _ ete fa r.- valuol If they have not Made any proposal to the City F6 A _to ou r t rn w1tt Me, there Is no way in heft you can determine what fair'mAtk t valueAm I right or wrong now? Tell me where I'm nuts. Mrr Luft. fair Market value is determined by an appralsai Commissioner PI wMart By what Me Luft. By an appraisal. r Commissioner Plummer. OK, Mr t LVt • We ...' ` Commissioner Piummero But they didn't proffer. any revenue return to the City, did they? Mr. .uft. No, they did not. We... 4 4, Commissioner PIummer What in God name did the auditors do? a ... 4re .Luft» Tire audi tors assessed,, the financial feasibility of the project and the realistic aspects of the revenue string that they had proposed, the cost:�- i that•they-had attached to the project, the experience levels Ciommissioner Plummer: How do you determine a fair return to the` City? r,: Luft. A fair return is dependent upon, the amount of money they are -Proposing to pay, s, and that can only'be'measured against an appraisal. issioner, Plummer,* Hal- I'd like to write contracts with you all .day l:ong, •. Mr,* Luft. No. sir$ we're. not going we're not proposing that this contract s -- °; oceptedd or executed pri to getting an appraisal and determining the Lek t . 4 n ih rest. oMi ssionerPlummer,, 'Mr. Manageri R . Vr4 Loft: But that's one of the problems with this process that resulted ;fry tho' :+hurri carve and why we're -,'Part of the reason we're recommending against this• We don't have comfort in knowing that with only one proposal on the ow, too a and with nc� real i sti C fair rmarket vat ue' to be estaei i she on ` this prpert, what i is that was can and eatisticatly ask for this,, O*issioner Plummer. Mr. manager, if ,you were in the private sector, ou1d rft starve to death • - k . odioBut I'm not, but 1,know !some people that are. vv, JUT r F Commissioner Pl er.- OK, a Mr. Ricardo Nunez. twoissioner Plummer, if I may interject. My name is Ricardo Nunez* t IM the attorney for Lighthouse Marina and Boatyard at Dinner —_ Kerr, Inc. Let tie explain where _staff is coming from, I think, k iC r ss ►neP` Pinar. Naha! If you figure it out, sir �- I've been here 23 years andcan't - YOU try. _- Nunez, melt. I'll give it a shot. What they're trying to what they're — 340esting is that the RFP (Request for Proposals) initially did refer to a Miflimum lease payment. As a result of the hurricane, that minimum lease payment was not appropriate, The RF pro ess hard begun, there was preb d a_ conference, a uerrt subse q prebid conference, .andthen there was a proposal — ' submitted in this particular case. Now, as a provision, to retake sure that a fair return is given to the City 'of Miami, at this time, there is no tease being entered into. the lease will be negotiated subsequent to referendum, and at that times the City will decide what is fair and what's not. And I �= think that's what the City Manager is doing, Contissioner Plummer: Sir that might be what they Might be telling you, but x that's not. the why l do business. ;— Mr. adios They have short memories. Commissioner Plummer: I've gat to know what you're going to pay me before I enter into a leAsev at least what the minimum is you're going to pay me, Mr. Nunez: There was as.. Mr, Odio: Commissioner, you're not here today to decide on the leases We're here today to reject that proposal, Mr* Nunez: No, no. We're here to approve z y. Mr. Odio: And we're not even Close to getting close to that. We are riot even recommending to enter into a lease with them. j Commissioner Plummer-, Excuse me. I'm not arguing that, Cesar. I'm arguing principle. Mr. Nunez: No, no; no. But - wait. At that point, Mr. Manager, in all due fairness, I mean, this... x rM .(INAUDIBLECOMMENT 4 Commissioner Plummer: I am not arguing whether to reject or accept. t Mr. Odic, But why are you talking about a tease? We haven't negotiated ,a lease with them,` Commissioner, r,. r Come ission+er Plunner: Sir', did they put in a bid? Did they put in a►,bid? i Mr. Odio: They put... 139 June 29, r ;t R a _ - + Pl erg the hail ire h h r h ii o+ — Mro� o.The btu required to bring In a minimum payments You did this T{(� h hrri .:' - Co'00issioner Plummer. are they bidding for? Mri3Odi4# iu they were - to see who would be the... CoMilsioner Pl€mmer,# To run a business. : gr*, Odiot the best proposal amide Ski 'thatwe tiuld then Sit down and - negotiate terms with thin'. What's what the RFP was changed to, UMmissioner Plummer: Negotiate bids after the bids are in. �a Mro' Nunez. What our proposal does o Commissioner Plummer, is it sets forth our _ plat9 as -to development and construction of ghat we plan for the facility. O as over Plummer: Sir, excuse met, I usually don't negotiate after the bids come in. If you have a competitive bidding, that is when they are - negotiatble, prior, to the bids. _= Mr.ios Thisis not 1dCommissioner, Is UDP `g1i _ Development Prd Project) ,� proposal. _ commissi oner Plummer: :Yeah, i know. We been sitting here waiting for six years for something, fir: Luft: The minimum return is whatever you want it to be, based on the �ppraisals4 Now, there are many other aspects to this process :th4t we haae to :epnider, and thats what we're here to consider today The quaitY of the proposal, the architecture involved, the experience of the proposers, the i ' sch*6e * that they ve ' proposed. Corti ss +ner Pl per;?K.o, go. 4r Luftt What I've said to you basically is that of the four issues that def4 ne this proposals the one. that we're reasonably comfortable with i s the 4 a thi,we d+ssign �of tht project. nk it's,a quality desi9n., But beyond that and. the, committee had concerns.about financing, which I'm sure the proposers are here to address., 8eyond that, we had great concern3 - and we can ask the acocsuntaots to speak to this spec i f # ca ly i f you d i 1 ke " - about the ,z feasibiityof the project. ..'We think revenues were grossly overestimated and costs. wgre underestimated, And finally, we think that'_the aparat onat. capeibi l U4 of the team is doubtful. Ito boatyard experience# np io�1 rapresehtetive to run the project, and only one m er ; of ,the team has ever doge a'marina before# Taken all tegether collectively, .our assessment wa sire { thi�k that the opportunity exists to either go back out for thi spraosal , or for the +City to operate the boatyard itself, but we're not confident that thus is the best that the City can do 'for this property. r: K ` i4D dune '5, r. Munoz: OK For the record, my name is, Ricardo Nunez. I'M an attorney with Offices at 2601 South Say Shore Drive, representing lighthouse Marine and t0a$04t Ord " C#nner Key: Inc# We're raguesting that the Commission act upon t#on ' rep#ew comitteerecommendation and approve this bid and permit it to go to referendum for consideration y� the City off Miami irhe voters, Staff has already raised a lot#of the points 1 was going to raise regarding our design. In a Puthell, we're proposing a full service boatyard facilit y and marina, with ancillary marine -related retail. Were also of rehabilitate the existing Pan Amhang4rso which are a significant element of our history, Of our comnunity,S,hi story * We're going to extend the ba front walkwayo restore the seawall, construct a decorative lighthouse, and we also are offering several environr ntal benefits, including providingf'aci for liti or rather nesting for the osprey, which is an important Miami issues Our proposal submit 3 a capital investment of over OtOOO,OQO, approximate) $3,4 million. That's more than double the minimum that was re uir t to the RFP. Now as far as staff's concerns, concerning our m�anagementrteam, Patricia Byrne is the president of our corporation. Patricia Brne has excess in of 15 ,years of boatyard management and development exy per#erne. As far as experience in the marine industry is concerned, Patricia Byrne is as good AS it gets. We're talking 15 years. She will pick the right people, and that is what we look forward to In a president, COMMissioner Plummer: Wfiere did she work formerly? Where ,, experience? did she gain this Mr. -Nunez: OK. We submitted this in our, RFP, and it's She's held a lot of Positions, '�+n.1a pages long.. R She's here to address that, and maybe if you'd like - would you like her to address it now or... Commissioner Plummer; Just give me a brief summation, Mr. Nunez. I think she'd be better at that, Let me just let her brief summation, if that's OK, and I'll continue, give you the fir• -u t: Commissioner, if I may add one point I overlooked. concern of the committee was that with The other when the there were no minorities on the tear, proposal was subm tied, Commissioner Plummer. What Is she? Mr. tuft: No blacks or. Hispanic. Commissioner Plummer: Is she not a minority? Commissioner ail onso: Very much so. Mr. Luft: yes. But no ethnic or racial minorities on another concern of the review committee, the team, which was What is Ricardo? He is a gringo, He was born in the United States, 141 June 29, 1993 r Mr w there n n the proposal came in. I'm sorry, he was ad later@ . i s i orler P I uftm He's an add -one Mr* di o, wait a minutes we can only deal with the proposal we had Whatever add-ons came afterwards, we cannot deal with Mr* Nunes: And I've discussed that with the Manager, and I'll address that as -'. coons _s« Byrne gives you an answer# Com issioner Pl mmer- Vary briefly, tell us your background, F MS* 14tricia Byrne: Briefly, I'm Patricia Byrne, a minority from Vienna, <� } Vir i is presently, I was involved,, general partner of the Washington tt = hatnet Limited Partnership hGh designed built} constructed and operated for I8 years in Washington Channel 50 -slips We also had a corporation, r Mari o' --ftnagamnt, Inc., which I was cofounder, and vice president, and general anhagera a operated a marina for the National Parks Service in as ingttirr, 'D-C Fort McNair Yacht Basin, which, incidentallyp did have., --a boat ar � We hid a cradle, we did repair works we did bottom painting, we did : sad l , tae:Ming f and, there was a boatyard there. Subsequently we received a 20- ' year tcantrsct to renovate and develop James Creek Marina which was renamed �- r from fort. McNair Yacht Basin a We . were in the process of doing that we h$d designed it ' ' when West Trek Industry cache along and offered, us a vary nice price. Q - s INWmi neti nRar R1 ttrlpr.. what about I ocal l v =- r Ms. Byrne: I beg your pardon? s^ Commissioner Plummer. Locally. Mr. B_Yrne; I have not had any experience l ocal l y 1p Commissioner Plummer: Now long have you been out of the business now'that M- ,you're tryingto reenters r Mse Byrne. Two and a half years. - C issioner Plummer, Thank you, = Mr* Mune** I think Lighthouse Marina is very fortunate to have such a capable loader. as Paitricia Byrne, Patricia Byrne is very modest and ghat we submitted In our proposal defiri l s, even further her qualifications, the des t, mention -� =tt' that at the last marina where she worded, she basically took over a marina that was losing,money hand over fiat and turned it into., an extreme ro l tab it marina, end as a result, was able to sell it for a = very handsome ` profit, Now, to address the financial wherewithal of our investor group, we have submitted, bank. -and and financial stat nts. to the • Co i ssioner° and the Mayo which btsicBlly' indicate that our, financial capacity is suf'ici;ant to do ,._ this proiect in excess of four times over. Our project ca I ls .for capital = .. in str nt =otof approxi tely 3.3 l lion - 3,4 mill ion wWe've d+ ao gated . net worth and monies and funds dvailable ih excess of I30000 0000 to n x t _ N 4Y v_- E additicn, we've submitted a letter from Citibank, a ready, willing, and able MW l etter to I end on this proposal. We also have another letter which I could st as well .. we haven#t submitted this one,yet,,we received it yesterday ' iluzin Corporation, also saying that they can finance thisOrOOI - ]$ jt��he 14 Odi0 Mr. Mayor, let me gust read from the Arthur Andersen report, and this is all -can go by in making a decision to reject this proposal. "The proposal includes, a balance sheet audited by a certified public accounting fiat Ahowino total assets for the proposing entity of $10o,soo. Of the total — $Ioo,otlo, consists of notes payable, The entity's total equity as of February I0th of 1993 was $600,11 tr # Nunez Yeah... e Mr. Qdio; Now, that's what - I can only base my,.. Mr. Nunez: OK. well, what I can do to address that, Mr. Manager, this corporation iiin was formed -exclusively for the il#G►i6ageilfent and rul4n #31g of this facility. `the investors which are participating in this corporation are the ones that are going to come through with the money, provide the money, and that - s _ is why we have provided the bank letters and the certifications. =Mr, gdlo: But Ricardo, as I told you excuse me _ as I told you yesterday, — we are precluded from even considering that. You are proposing... Mr. Nunez: OK... Mr, Odio: Your proposal did not include that. Mr, Nunez. OK. Let me - let me,.. Mr a tidio: The City Attorney tells me that we cannot do that and,.. -Mt,,Nunez: I understand, but, watch, I'll address both sloes of that. One ,a side is assuming you can't address that, the letters that we have submitted Oh'.the on inal investor group establish funds available for this project in e cass of 8000,000. So instead of four times, we ° re down to three or two. and $ half. So still, the fronds are there. Now, to the extent.., i" Mrrc Qdioy You said the key word, 13net worth." OK, go ahead. �.. Mr. Nunez: OK. Two words. i 1C. Now and beyond that - - so, OK, so w# addressed that, Now, the Commission can consider beyond the original investor group and now I'll tell youwhy there was an expansion beyond, the original investor group. The selection review corrrnittee did raise minority r participation as an issue, and as a result, we went out and we did increase ` our minority participation,'and I'd like to address that,now. We have,,, Mayor Suarez: Let me gust get a clarification, counselor. That rocess 1s contemplated by the UDP legislation? The process of the selection caaittee,•- .r they, ,adjusting, to the selection committee's criteria, in terms of rnirrarlty _ involvement, et cetera? It seems like we've done that before in other cases. I ust. # . K 143 June 29,l 1993 r �r r i r Nr. Jones: Wei`I , the only. Mayor Itarez: Yes? '= i fir. Jones. Hr# Mayor, the only danger you have in that is the proposers or _ ndi vidual s out there who wi I I come back and say, "Well, if we had had the opp1Uli.E #r+�. Which is t# ereift an.. what was iii...the Request for Proposals,, we ,. ..: -'would hAVC-proposed [:1i nori ties.Vr whatever -.else. Now that the proposals are in And they've changed, we could do the same thing." So that's the danger that you risk in doing tbt Mr.* Nunez: it could address that point. First of all, in this particular case, there was one, bidder, Where was no other bidder that could area that _ their investor group would have had a- :different composition, Furthermore, ' — Alpng thaose lines, the City Cckt ISSIon, pursuant to the RFP, has a right to waive any irregularity, Furthermore, the RFp - and the City Attorney, what I'd like to clarify here - is different,than the invitation to bid. An .` invitation to bid fs clearly far more rigid In their requirements as to responsiveness, RFp's allow a lot more,flexibility. Mayor Suarez; Well, here's a question for you that maybe cuts through some of this substance over form hares instead of the other way around, assuming that werae not afoul ` of any, legal requirements In a matter that we dealt with t h i s mor-hiing' j we trade I t very clear that we were going to require a group waterfront and a, group, for that matter .. that wants - that has now gone through the .process of getting- referendum approval - that they show the a►bsplute. doL2ar for dollar -you hcnoww, like one dollar on top of another W -- viab.ili.ty.attd financial ability to'build what It is they're supposed to build as part Af', the process. And; we're not talking about conventional -bank fi nand ng, at least for vote, you know, where you get a letter f rttt a bank Saying that if you meet the following 55,000 conditions, and If we have the money, and if et cetera,,, et cetera,` we may gust give Blau at some point, in 3 small trickles, alittle bit of money so that you can guild. it, I'm talkie about showing in this `case that you have, in a liquid fort, in a bank or letter of credit, with -very, very limited conditions, enough money'to build this thing. Mrs Nunez, Yeah, s Mayoruarazn If we were to say that that's the kind of criteria that we would be, incl ned to accept and overrule the recommendations of staff, would you be in a position to meeting that? Now, you're talking about a project costing how much all together, Ricardo? Nra Nunez: About $3.4 million. t s s t ayor Suarez. About 3,4 million, Qt1e that has a troubled history, toput i ildlyl in .. one which we .face tee wrath of the newspaper - it likes to cent on all the things that we do without getting our input, most of the timer whrich I get a kick out of editorials, et cetera, and so :' qn; aridi then- really, frankly, people Who are anxious to see a full service operation there,, To sl me tbere is this - it would have to be a dire situation for us to want to pursue the ' i ty running this You know, i get a kick of - there was g .taut a newspaper 4 c 144 June fig# 1993 { uwi 1o1 fUi UV1la1 s Mr* Nunez: OK, what we've provided, and to the extent you want more provided., we can provide more. We've provided letters from the investors' banks telling how maoy,availtble - what liquid funds they have, and the liquid funds total to approximately a little over $61000,000. We're not talking abet equity Upon which we're going to borrow. Mayor; Suarez: 0K. Realize, in the case of the other project, we're going to -_ require. that these , funds, which sound quite liquid as you're stating them, be, in 'fast, earmarked by some very clear and concise document to this project. f Mr. Nunez: We wouldn't have any problem with that. We would do that. One thing I'd like to point out is at this point, again, there is no lease, that's e. to be negotiated. But we certainly would do - we - the liquid funds are available. We've tried to demonstrate it through bank letters, commitment � letters from them, letters substantiating what our accounts have. But -= whatever else It takes, whatever other step we could take, we are willing to do* Along this point, just one thing I'd like to add, as far as the minority participation is concerned. The current compositions of our minority participation is 20 percent women. That includes Patricia Byrne,, Rosina Ward = and Mary Dugan, In addition, our hispanic participation is approximately 20 percent.,, That includes Ricardo Nunez-Portuondo, businessman, local activist; s Manoto Baez, also a businessman, philanthropist. Mack participation is. = approximately 20 percent, This includes Nuke Roberts, a businessman who owns - y. Roberts -Roberts and Associates of Dade... CAI ssi oner Dawkins: One minute, one minute. Mr. Nunez: Yeah. Commissioner Dawkins: "Approximately 20" means how close to 20? Mr. Nunes: It means exactly 20, Commissioner Dawkins. OK, thank you. Commissioner Plummer Ha -ha-ha. Mr. Nunez: Exactly 20. I'm not sure why I said "approximately." It's legal . talks Mayor Suarez. How quickly "approximately" turns into "exactly," ` Commissioner Alonso Turns to be "exactly 20." Mr. Nunez: Means exactly 20. He, Sra businessman who owns Roberts -Roberts and Asoc ates, a Dade County Certified DOE. We also have Vincent McGhee, as local _4 attorney, and I think well known to this Commission And in atddition, the investors have also agreed to a voting trust in order to protect against the dilution of the minority interest. .. EK 145 June 291, 1993 4 'Mop ro 'm going - Christina Cu rvo .� Yqy K checked the b'enks' letters and I want her to address that issue for a minute* hrlst fla Cuervo. teean, basic i Checked the bank letters that they :'. ki provided, which, again, bank letter's just saying that there's money in the bank and the money that they have in the bank, according to these bank letters, then t s one partner that we doOl t have any partnership agrew&nt that shows this partner ie pert of it - by the name of CCA Granter Trust.. ., Mr. Nunez; _ k.. vie. — l$► Cuervo: who is a Citibank customer that does have $4,000,000 in liquidity in.pity Trust but - or in Citibank, but we don't have anything that shows where he's connected with the group* Mr`a Nurie No, but what we do have there is we've established that the grantor of D A Trust is one of the original investors. Ms. Cuervo: And who is than Mr. Nunez. It says it in the letter, Allan Applestein a Ms. Cuervo it just says it's a CCA Grantor Trust. Who makes up CCA Grantor Trust? _.; Mr. Nunez; 'ghat I'm telling you 1s let me pull out the letter and show you a cony iaycr Suarez: Right. And to the point of being able to say... _ Commissioner Plummer: And that's not,., Mayor Suarez; Look, if you are inclined to foilow the recommendation, cap tie f= selection c+c ittee, if you are. inclined to fpl low the process that we began. nX"; number of. months ago and. you . want to be sure of ,the ,onw ,.th1ng that concerns us about all of theseq 13 that they helve the money, here's: ghat we havedone, ; We have asked the for the fol l ow1 ng. And all of thew things have orpked out Inga+(dvance, and now,, r l of that f nr d up � �c(ould �bbbeen'j',v ,1have�ral �o .� this, 4�issi-on, ,is engag1 in a ,�f o,3 'dif1i.cul . processi Ws'i not 1 t_ experts in its i Some of us maybe :think we are, including my -self, in ,king _ sure that ors, have the financial viability, because y y I spend a great deal of '. i '{ time w'i th my orients trying to ascertain th4t o But still , i t s not really-- _ t.be.kind of function we; re sup osed'to be perfo ing up here. And I 1t bus troubles a Instead of that, you ke up your minds that ,you don't like th1 - for whatever" reason, you're going to oppose it, you're going to try to have the C1 i doing its t have told you for myself that 1 don't think that's a �- z good idea. - I told .you that three years ago, two years ago, one year ago, five M MF and months n other t you ire osul ted me on i t * And nowo we are - baking this hare* though '# se,le+tion _ittee, amittedy by t10 r6C ded 11i favor this. ire odio# Mr* may et,r Air. Suarez: 1 gust - 11don't like the process. It is the second time today that.we en aged in it. The same thing happened to another one; in the other cash "of the other one, after after referendum approval by tho people of ,s Miami'vwhIch I'm sire took an incredible amount of time and resources, in this + e prior to i t i Somehow - afid,J always disliked that UBP ordinance, It 4fin't drafted by people who are with us any longer... Mr. Qdio: No. Garcia Pedrosa. Ma-dr t�arez: It dust seed ike at monstrosity to me at the time - which raids mee..� Mr. odio, Mr.. Mayor, I need to put.. Ayor Suarez.- ..: I Just talked to somebody that I think Mr. Grossman would = `MM .r knb who-: I ` talking about... GOMissione r Plater, May 1.6+ Mayot? Suarez: ..a who told me that he simplified the Miami Beach Charter to like ten pages, and that's going to be submitted to their voters for... toranissioner Plunner: Mr. Mayor, excuse me. Mr. Nunez:: You know, as far as,.. Mayor Suarez: Our ordinance is 16 pages byitself, the last time I looked at `oiss ones Plummer, MayI.... 3 Mr* Nunez. You know, as far - as far as expenses incurred oh sorry. .: Comissionar �Plummer; Mr. Mayor, may; I have the opportunity, please, to }ti j. d ,sAgr�ee w# h you .Sir, have t0 tell you that - not in reference to the Ste of this morning, but of this 1t= in particular. the one things for su ' t ihai:' the City could .not have done any worse.: have now i+een_ trying tp get a to", ony to go-in,there, and we.go back to the oriqfn41i concept of Arvin r 000* That failed, Then we went to this high-priced Ro113 Royce, .fr m fi California. That failed, �p ' now hYP' 'who was ,only one ofh`ee: Whether: this is a good , or bad proposal. We're talking about 11acres of the choicest property in the City of Miami We still after all of these years . x and I'm guessing, it's probably been $t six or seven-year process - we sti 1.1 'could have a Junkyard. Now, the City not have done any worse. And I'm saying s' :� to You,, at least in my opinion, if this doesn't fly, let's give them a chance* �. IV Nunez, Thank your IN 147 June � 493 NEW issioner pl'u � ginner Key ain't all that bad. Miami Arena - which the staff had nothing to do with an absolute failure, All I'm saying to you is that aka siaft thitrlAt wo, the Commission, are losing our credibility with the.publicg who -we assured that there would never* be anything a= ;,.. there t a full eerviee marina* Let's keep the faith* And in my estimation, i this ro osal dH01t fly, 'then let's let the City operate a full serve _- 'r Nunez: Thank you - Mr. Cdib. I'd'like to put on the record, because we can only go by the Arthur Andersen report and the -selection committee and what they heard. And in g disagreeing with the Mayor, because he said that we did not evaluate this, we did, And we cannot tal k to the after the fact. And all the information they're providing now happened after the fact, It says clearly here, "The information provided in the proposal i s ' insufficient to sffi rrrt that the �= prb using entity has the financial capability to effectively execute the �-- Pry act. lm A letter from Citibank regarding the proposed financing of the Project is included within the While the letter does not constitute proposal a --_ a ftrM CoOmitMent to provide financing, the proposers have indicated that once -- the lease is granted by the City, they will post sufficient collateral to guarant6e the Citibank loan, and that's when it's too late to get - if they _ don't get it after the r we give thr+em the lease we are out again, like Mr. Whitmore. And that's why*** Mr, Nunez: Mr. Odle, we've established..., ti Mr. Cdio; i know, wait a minute. Mr. Nunez. OK, Mr. Odi'o: It has nothing to Jo with you, Mr. Nunez: OK o Mr, -Odio; See, I'm referring to his statement that we did not cow here prepared to discuss its We have studied this to death. What they're coming in now is not something that I'm going to consider, because they did not Propose that at the time that this request was putouts Mr. Nunez,: OK, But the City C+onTnission can, But one thing, I'd gust like to c pl eta the sentence that you were reading from or the following sentence, . The, Arthur Andersen report does proceed to say thats " P As is prudent business Practice, the :l ender must ascertain that the lease: was awarded, the building y perrni is will be issued, and that all applicable financial data is thoroughly reviewed," Mr. Odlo I don#t have that here, But if I -get a leaseow. Mrs Nunez -, OK- It's in the Arthur Anderson � report. is > Mrs Odia: I_don't have a penny, but if I can obtain a lease on the v l t a uable property frw the City, I'll go and get a loan and do the same thing. EK - I48 June 20, 1993 IV, i - - - r. fir.unaa -We'll qualifyg, and we've established that through statements and our financial disolosureSa Mayor Suarez: Wei I r.a N�inea: Yoh , this situ 1� f on s A . Mayor Suarez: Ricardo why don't we - why don't we bring this to closure, _ make opt wlete your presentation, and anyone else that you know, some of these thingsa.. Mro Gonzalez-Goenags, sir, please have a seat. Somebody help �- us " i th.: thi s gerttl a an. Have a seat, - sir, I'm trying to make a technical presentation here, and you're.., Comissioner Plug: Can I ask a question of counsel? ayor.. Sua;rer, Al 1 right. Si r, have a seat, and please don ° t i nterrupt one _= more times Cewrinissioner, Plummer: Mr,. Mayor... - Mar.S ar -I'll have to tell the sergeant the next time, that's it. i _ Mai .. fir. Oonxal ex-Goanaga: No I am leaving, Forget i t a I don't need, your h assent ma Year Suarez:" OK, all right, sir. You're- going. 'fiery goods . That snakes it ea$ier, because we don't wart to arrest.you, because then you're going to - i 11 al 1 age that a a .. ,• -.' ..' .. _ ` 4 NA Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: I'm 'sorrya I don',t need any more harassment.from this 5 YM Mayor 5arz: That's what you�re going to do, is you're going to- complain that tee' mistreated ydu when we havehad to put up. with you, sir, now podple of yearn There you go. And I thinly that if my Cbmission, s^ commissioner Plug r. Please don't arrest shins« It's $1400. Mayor suarev. we'rO Goino to do like the,County Commission and not pewit hi tn .4�7so �► tht Bl s far as: I'ii .cncer°ned a�dy . want S for - hae that, they can...;-= Y- s u r iiasioner Pldtrrtner: Counsel, [bra Nunez, I assume, is a part of this? ka �hr. fir.: Nunez. Me? June' , t tR aj ji z - REEF— A: f Awg 'wg Ott +h father', yes e Aoioner 01Me ro weut ail rights don't fire fir; Nunez in your -proposal as a stockholder* fir. iitr' e : That's not the original After' this selection review commission t t ° u tht directivel, we,d1d expand i t # and we included him in the proposal — Commissioner Plummet. well, to the Administration, sir, did you do a background check on `&ll of the people as proposed that were stockholders? Ire Nunez: No. Mr. Odic On the original ones? tn"issioner Plummer. Well, the only thing I have in front of me, sir,.* Mr. Odic: Let nee repeat one more time. I will not deal with the new group* — r I cannot» , Nune ., °hays not his question Comissioner< Plummet: Sir, I'm not .speaking to the new group... _ r Ddios ' Oh,% to -,,the old ones, E— c issioner, PIunmt .». or the cold group. I'm speaking to the only group f ay. . that was given ''to met Nr, .0di* Ho, no, we will... tow, Issi'oner Pl mer; Did you do background checks on these people? � Mry Odie,, we wi 11. doa background if we were recommending them#.. , DQn lssioner PIwmer: Mr. Manager, excuse me. �- fir# Ddi+or .,» and if we were entering into a lease. ° 4 t ct issi�oner, Pl ea I thought it was my understanding,' so this Coffmissior! would no , be embarrassed in the future... mr • 00of You will not b+e. n,— Do-w ssioner Plummer. that any time that a proposal i,$ made to this 2- _ c ►iseion it�`which people are involved, those people would have a background - check ,.: r« +Ddio. ha't's not,*. _ o issioner Pltamr. I know fir. Nunez.46 i ra�Dd .; - _ , Commissioner,''- we art not unicating. if I ._ recommended t s, ihak sure what 'm reto mending. ..�- +yam :�'�jy yy��} �Ij{ . yeah a than you rec�end # but haY the YffiR1r..�F�I�r: r� ht � thi son to override y i I approve itr odioe X, ', W011, then, go ahead and override it, We'll go and do a backgrounds �- C '6issioner Mut er; But then I could override it and these might all be dr'u dullorsi W4 do 'I know'that I don't know „:iss#over Primer: 6m askingj�1Uy sirmp. : f ri aldio: AK. Corissipner, Plummer .. with your availability in the police department, to urn a' Gh k on anybody that i s pr+puser. There right be that case where we you or disagreewith you, and I'm entitled to know.what I'm voting, th then ' 'i ` oit g to be-* embarra3sed later' or not. Who are these people's I Mean, Ithty're probably fine, church -goings people, but I donl,t know Mr. Dugan, don t .'know, r5 p Dugan I bn' t n i 11 i0Mo dr d# these eopl a i3oeS ,a andy `knew hp I doxF t.$/s� thi+i n,/k�rg re en�eti//t'+a�dtyj nycg�p� rho th�ets�e�p+e�py�ge _ and .fir e" of �ii.' SiiF backgrounds, i 61 U, Mail {Rl A� L 1 �F6li i Ir a4 !! f flL�`{� ng ,_ sik rtths ro the �- 'don the r�ved, read ; bput the being ' 1 v6'lved and We re going Ube embarrassed,- That s al 1 I m 34yi ng g e1s9ter Dakinetet' see ifi a Can't bring hiss to closure. CoWss over p1unto r. Huh?., Y . ys z All•► gg t Finish your presentation and there see how the i Y b ua, , ♦y�* -*� ip r ,` �i {ICI+ y� +� } Chi ssi on want to ,act . on i t. l r tear : I'm pretty sure I know h6w I grant to go. I'm pretty sure that h :uj antto go in a direction rather diametrically opposed to that of the _— 1 /��p gip) � ni JitrAtiOno � _ }•, .' i is �1unez•. Thank yoU _ - r l yor Suarez. I am not sure ghat happens if the Commission agrees with me and Y �2 th�n they want to somehow Impede thi ,..but I guess we'll decide wheher weAt,: s poiAt have to'' change the inistration, if they want to impede what wo t. Runt Ito do Mp here ant 4 ,• — R+ - r* Nunez: Thank you. Ns S 1,93_ girt f — Sf .?.+ } f2 a 13tG ';•a ,. �i= x .: - Mayor Suarez: Out why don't you finish your presentation, and then we'll have �. to act rr Nunez. I just want to highlight a fern points. Thank you very much, The selection review c ' ittee has recmmnded our approval, The Waterfront Advisory -Board has also given us the gdpahead* Lighthouse Marina has offered to replace an existing costly eyesore with a first rate facility, first rate, revenue -generating facilityt It's a facility that will bring jobs to the cmmunity} it will expand the City's economic base It's a facility whose _ community outreach apprentiCa�shlp program and job training program are lauded by the Cade County School Board. It's a facility that will have a favorable impact on the environment# an investor group that is diverse in gender, ethnic and ratiai background** an investor group whose financial wherewithal has been demonstrated to adequately do this project many times over; an investor group who at its heed has a very capable woman in Patricia Byrne, a person with over I5 years marine boatyard experience. I think for these reasons, among others, we request that you accept the selection review committee's recommendation and forward our proposal to the voters of the City of Miami for their consideration. Thank yotra Mayor Suarez, Very good, Commissioners, anything on this matter? Mr, Jones: -Mr. Mayor, before you take a vote, if I just may.., Mayor Suarez: Yes, sir, r Mrd Jones I just want to retake sure that you absolutely understand that the language -in the �- and this goes back to what I indicated to you earlier - that the language in the RFP was very specific in saying that the composition Of the proposing group shall not change. With that caveat, I just want you to be aware of the possibility that may be an academic - it could be, h Commissioner Plummer: All right, hold it now. Mr. Nunez: I'd gust like to raise two things, r- ' Commissioner Plummer: Wait, wait, just a minute, OK? There is no question z : that it has changed. Am I right? Mr. Jones: That's correct. <n Commissioner Plummer: What's it doing before us? Why have you let us waste our time #or 40 or 50, 60 minutes, and now, after all at this, Mr. City Attorney, you tell me that they can't change. They have changed. r Mr* Jones;. I've been trying to say that to you, Commissioner. About 30 minutes, ago, I made reference to the Mayor, and I just wanted to reiterate t that same paint again. Commissioner Plummer: Well, don't talk to him* Mr. Jones; Yeah, OK. Commissioner Plummer.., He operates in a vacuum darn there WINE Mri Jon+es: Out I was not responsible for placing this item here, you know? 'Comiss,ioner `$ Extust me. Are you saying that your ruling is that r.: present ` s i t i s before us $ we can' t rule on it? -,.. .� r.: 0 ns. Nod I'm not saying that. I'm oral; issuing g you a warning, or should -1 say a caveat that, may subject - it's always a possibility, it's a - probability but again, as I ihdicdted .earlier, there y be some groups out there thta�t� says `yaah. Well. It Iwore given the opportunity at this point to --- , h� t� ,CWVOs t � ori, I would idt come i orth wi th a r r CoMmissioner Alonsoo, You sound to me like a politician rather than... Mr Jones* I'm learning very well. _= Cotissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, would you... — Comissioner Alonso You're telling me that,0. COMVItssioner Plummer-, Mr. Manager, would you hire outside counsel to Interpret for me what he just said Mr",� Cesar -odi o (Ci ty Manager) . He said that you cannot dead with a new group, that what we... Commissioner Plummer: Butwhy did you bring it before us? 0 f because I have been telling you �- I brought i t here to reject , M'�r. Odi.o:y� y0 { �C�i ss" T one i Ricardo Nunes, Mr. Manager, let me address that, as well Cc ►tissioner.Plumner: I don't believe this guy. Mr. Nunez Page 1 , is a... Mayr• Suarez: All right.,. As a final presentation., and then this Commission P rg will have to act, please answer that particular question, We've had many others We weive touched upon, and hopefully we can reach some final action on th 1 s and cal ate toe '_discussion 'n the issue for which counsel has bee" , walting here all da►y, and many of the media. 4 Commissioner Plummer; OK, go ahead. Mr, Nunez. OK. I'll limit nryy resppnse to the "point he's raised. Pagel and : Page 3 of your request for proposals, the f i rst and the th'i rd , page very clearly, stte that the City - of Miami reserves the right to wave any it gularities in any proposals. Twice, something I'd like to raise, wh4t theCity Attorney says is correct, as well, but this caveat is something that's Included in RFP's (Request for Proposals), for this particular reason. among others. "r. Jones: I -don't think ,you could hardly say that than the c ositi!op and the financing Of -this thing is hardly n irregularity. I Win, that defies 41 g1 ., c. 163 June 29 Y' r. Odio: We have $1,700000 from FED (Federal Emergency Management Agency), that wt. can start rebuilding our marina immediately. We are losing revenue because of thato MrAD.dun z* Well «« Mr, odio. Wait. Would you let me finish, please. f 'fir» ' Nunes: , oK ,, Sure., r.. tld o. Oncethe marina is, rebuff l t and we're operati ng l there's nothing P' that. -precludes, this Comission from going out again , o an >RFP and find acceptable bidders later on. If we wait to repair. the marina and award this 3 _ . bid -and we go to a public referendum, they do not quality because of the cringe of ornership« Mr. Nunez: Yes, we do. L i t Odi of '` But i f you try to not pay attention to that end put into public referendum, and it fails in November, we are going to lase another year in , this .. boatyard. Mr, Nunez: OK« one thing Iy.. Mr. 00io. I think that we can get the two things that your rant, if you want to operate i t , .fine with me « But we can rebuild it nowt/ , we can cl ea" up the whole area, we can mama it into an acceptable looking boatyard for the public and then o out. on an RFP ( request for proposal if you so choose to do $o 0 z° s But let's not waitr. un ' r. r WO i Mr. Nunez: That's what we're here to do sooner Plt�il�r. Excuse met Let me say this to .,you. I was an advocate ftoy years ago o the City operating the mari ns.. We have a lot of problems at _ f that Marina. On othey '� (� envi ro'n+ental and nobody knows what I t3 goinn g to cost to atwobtan it jout. And don't think that this marina today or any other full servite marina can operate without providing fuel. That's one of the main items, aside from the reoair of boats of which you take a percentaca overrides I think that the only way that we, the City, are going to succeed In the long run Is if we go in there and we do it with the C i t funds and then turn it over to a management group* There has not been a demonstration that any tither group can do its We did it on an as -is basis, we did it on any kind of basis you went to think about, and I got to be - I'm sorry that I k{ disagree with my friend, the Mayor, but I don't think the City has done a bad f jab back here at Dinner Key. I don't think the City has done a bad job in ,c 3ome other marinas that they are running. Now, there is a difference here, and that is that this is a full service marina. And let me tell you . something. Mr. Nunez: With commercial. x-, Commissioner Plummer: One of the best things going are these racks, They're tellIn one that those racks, they're getting$9 a foot a month. That's roughly $tl'average per boat. When you o fie high and3 wide that'sO racks, and ,you got,dust stop and igu a 00 times 250 to see what kind of revenue is available. Now, the other thing, Victor, that I was almost always Ig In favor of, Is tearing those damn outhouses, those large outhouses that they call hangars down and get rid of them. Theyare a disgrace. They should be ,n gone . I wool d ` have loved to give the other two of Grove Key -y they did nuke f= the look halfway decent, OK? Well, we paid for it, OK, Let me tell you, the only ,way I know that we can operate and got those- other three down is if we operate it. I've tried every way, I voted for every one except the guy from a= California in the Rolls Royce. i� Mr.'Odio: Could we split this for a second? t Commissioner Plummer: Sure. e �i Mr. Odio. There's an item - rtsolutlon number 4, Commissioners, that I steed to have a decision on the Elizabeth Virrick Gym, which was damaged by Hurricane Andrew, .. -Cotaissioner.. Plummer: What is the decision? It's .gore. } fir. Odic: That's separate from I need a resolution here..• ' Commissioner Plummer: It's gene. Odio. s.. authorizing me to take it down, with the office complex in the _3}t... front. },l Commissioner Plummer Well, sir, the only questions I had of you the other da;y, I'have `of you today. The people that are there, where are you going to move them? Do you have a space for them? EK 156 June 29, 1993 2 ti r t• WE[ as to make a space for theot but that should not interfere r ,dop 1 to a da a1oft YOU 4ret0eke here I think thi s is more i�ortant that finding spate for Some Staff person. --- r Pl ier: Sir, if you go dowry and tear them down in the morning would nt eke me any has oResolution 4. -- oi issioner Pl m ters i' 11 move at this time that the Elizabeth Virri+ck GYM " Mro odih: NO* here, commissioner, we wrote its Ni it Ma�yor,De Yurre: including the office building in front, the whole*.. c is oner Plummer,, Well, whatever is here, Victor. "R resolution - autheii ing the demolition of the virrick Gym and Parks and Recreation P Building Complex located at 260 south Bayshore Drive* Miami. Florida, which gas saverei d gad by Hurricane Andrew, authorizing the City Manager to Advertise, ectpt and evaluate bids to provide service for the derrmolition of - the, tome ex; further authorizing the -City Manager to award the bid to the most responsive and .raspohsible bidder for said -services; authorizing the pity - Maneger� to acute the r°necessary a9reMints' in a fam acceptabia to the City ttorhey and directing the Chief Procurement Officer to issue the necessary irirchas= orders- for said ser~vies; funds therefore to be reimbursed from the. pending` tnurande Claim for said service." arty I add to this Mr. I�tarrag+erz end that another building of suitable- circumstances be nod in honor of El iz0be` h Vi rri ck." O } Mr r' Odi o: Yes Commissioner Dawkins Mr. Mayor.. z- Mayor, Suarez: Yes. , { 4 4S ( Cotmi ssi over Pl user: 'ghat lady was awful goad tothis community* } May -or ' Suarez,.I :think way can ai�►ays ,take that it up at the appropriate time I:don't know why we need to do t now. out.., Coarmissioner Alonso: This is item... {e :. Co nissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayer, can I tell you why? The homeless are in there, kids are in there, and somebody is going to get seriously hurt. s=- Mayor Suarez:, If there is n8 objection frore any ether Cw missioner, far be it from 0e*:'-Comm issioner Dawkins you wanted to say sc mething? �y- vi, e Mayor. De Yurre: I'll seco\ dl f s Mayor Suarez:loved and 6econded. , 157 ggg _ I } X'y i �..}ir{ 1 _ ## # Everything but the l-year contracts saw issioher drove Key,has ,a c�lnt�a�t� cs� Dawkitv �'ifteer years# ' Bert : what V. .saying is you can't do that today* - hatyouu're p thag would oxcluding that D iUioner Dawkins: No, no not There it is right there, what I'm — iCo W I01oner Plu er: Excluding that. Jack, excuse me. I got good ears. He said °fr viati.on to -Pan American Drive con issioner Dawkins: Excluding Grave Marinas r�t t Say excluding Crfl�Ve Marina* +issioner He didn't /. = ass#soar Dawkins. Well, l say it now, in plain English Commissioner Plumper: OKa All right. I understand the English language. C m issioner Alonso He agrees with that, that he has*** _- cb#mJ,$sJ over P l wper; . ; OK. - dica Mayas Do Yur°retI g l l balk for- you if you tyrant.. You know, well I got no r1ab�em :"rith thus I thinkthat's a great idea.. Open it up, Mrs:. Nun{e .: W 11 , there's no revenue from there _ t'S1ont" Plutr: Hell, excuse me, I think _where we area Mr.tyor, today - let's ;settle when$ we are today. Either' we accept this proposal t t's;l of re ue"' or vre re ec r it., .If wa .accept #t, let's send #t t+o the y ' _ Manager .for further negt#ativs. _ If ire re +act it, than l think what We need 4 'to'_ do 1 s . t : td tha ' ar agar and c� hack to this Cam# ssi on "of what' you .send weld 'do rthera "financial prof ctians, what it would cost and how the City could sae .its "w ► blear. in %the future, l think that's the two option that ►.' 3 have t dayy :! b+ oho L . Mayor 5uar J bs lute y correct* t. #' do, fact, reject t #t I think any interesting pgssibility, from what l'm, hearing up here, is that we 'would and _ up with a mar#fia anal nri es open areas, and no boatyard. All rights cMMis3i6ner P1u*er: fir, excuse me. - MY Suarez: Comissioner3, however, on the two choices being presented by Comis3ioner P1uoner, how do yoga feel? z :w Vice Mayor -De .Yurr°e: Well , we have a mation right now. 159na r issioner Pl rr cu "There r some other alternativ0so There othef.aternative� tad b back out, another hith would be -_ - . _ pd �yo'Su rare think tilt would be bit much o issii ner The 'ob1� that I have, Mr. Mayor, that you said on this° C on, when ode c 1i anent to the boating people of this c iit i h V we wolld. a s. nt 1n fullservice bo t a�rd, and i n g beck on that, I think the least you would have to do is to have a public hearing 'to let the public know. end have their say, that we've riot to think 5 about changing ghat our commitment was. you can't do it without having a public hearingt because it was established at a public hearing. tern Nunez; 'hats ghat a referendum will do incidentallyt if I an add* _ t - q Commissioner Dawkins. Nothing precludes whoever wants to bid, if they bid on a i1 service marina& L d.idn't say they couldn't put one in therm octissioner Plummer; Yeah 1 Commissioner Dawkins: They could put a full service marina in there, as long as we develop the whole tract. Commissioner Plummer: I hear you fir. dun+ z s We're willing to coordinate our development with the City and what they,, do on the adjacent property. We'd have no problem coordinating that; absolutely no problem whatsoever. We're going to be revenue generating. Mayor Suarez: All right* Ricardo, when you finish,, chairman of the W teefrontBoard. Comb ssi oner Al onso. Yes Commissioner Plummer: Frank, did you want to talky kL r Mr Frank Albritton, I didn't want to interrupt the process, but I want to eke sure. Mayor Suarez: Well, 1t sounds like are could use your help right about now, you see i Canissioner Alonso. Yes. Mr. Albritton: oka What I'm concerned about.,o Cmnissioner Planer: Frank Albritton, for the record, your name and your, acddress . Mr Albritton Frank Alb'ittott', Cit of i�iauei Waterfront Board. one of the 'property most important , things that we have tried with the virrick Gym site ..<< was to keep that a public park, while -we are most,definitely in _favor* asAlt �` of i��•�ay z R � .v '_ - 'd _ s - e about N% boatyard} and that was thWk Cowl Sion, we would not like to see an expansion #,41+Je$ +Ato for bitRi iW-1.. ,yor ta; Nobody is talking about that right now* -- co�i i er Alon o� Nobody's talking about that om i ssi over Plummer: Nobody's talking about that Mrklbrittont I know. I just want to take sure that*#. iri Lufts We can't do that, Frank, if it was a commercial operation as it e could nOttsSAfi ly bet We can t dd that, The deed restt^1 chi on on that property ` prevents', that a It's for park e e yo i�s i A Si ra And he s the one that did most of the research on that. fie _ ought to know that R Thank you' Nr i Lott Ricardo, Mr M' Nuneza Toui}i a is Mayor -Suarez.; Finish off the presentation and let's vote on this. -Mr, Nunez: OK: I was just going to add to the co ments. As far as you �Cr"!$w, this mull service boatyard also will Include ravine related commercial, wh#ph i:s also going to be a significant revenue generators and again, as far as establishing ' park area in th t � Hof working it into our development _ we'd -be more thanto work with the city. happy x issioner Plummer EXcuse me} 1 i Pere Nunez.-, 'Yes* Coi s i on r Pl Umme Mr. yor,' there 1 s a motion on , the fl oor wi th a second._ Mr: Nunez. OK* i } Cisslonr P.l�or: i would appreciate, let's get that potion out o oar . „r4_ Way. > Mayor Suarre that is the motion? d f1 YJ Vice Mayor . Yurro: Kno+c down the Vi rr ck G and the office building in x front Ct im1 s ionar Pl �r: The one that I read, sir, with the a ndment .. mayor af' z All ri ght As tp that initial moti on s e � N ti= `r iss#over 1'i�er4 ..m the amendment that another suitable fa+ciilty b . „ o nd toe.. x� mmissioner Alonso: i thought 1t is item . ' EXne ,. I 12 { ti rr 1 Y ISOK • Ufthiss Wier Ws E.� egad it* iti's dully moved and secondedo with the -_ that is t r ;suitikbid adifice in this City be found to namo afteriftent Eli ebeth 1i0itk e ' riendedo.That;s how I presented the motion* gro JonesOrd further amendment Chi %sione r Commissioner Plummer. OKO Mr# Jones- What you read should read, "the lowest responsive and responsible b ddd T' k C ' 'ii ssi o0er Pi umrner. Kick the Manager. He gave it to me. Z accept that a AiJ coreection. ` Cali the roll, 1, and ,then he can finish up. Mayer uar x; Call the roll. �. The following resolution and motion were introduced by Corrni3sioner Pl e a who -Waved their adoptions -� 'RESOLUTION93-374 RESOLUTION TIQH AUVORIZING THE DEMOLITION OF THE VERRICK CAM AND FARMS 0 ` RECREATION SUILDIMG`i "COM LE "j LOCATED At -2 Q0 "S' BAYSHORE DRIVEx M AMI 3, FLORIDA# HICK 'EVEE� OAiNAGEL RY HURRICANE ARE _ ALi"i DRI ZING THE C Y MANAACR TO ADVERTISE, ACCEPT# AND, EYAi. ATE BIOS TO PROiPICE SERVICES FOR THE DEMOLITION = '"OF": :. '�..'COMPLEX$ : t�iITNER � ` RI No- T1fE : IT'T• MANA i - THE 0 TO Ife L04ST RESFbM I YE AND RE '0�► LE. IDI?ER, FOR SAID, SER ICE v AUTHORIaING.THE CITY SE T i EXEC JTE THE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS IN .A - F R 1. CEPT .` TD THE,,' CITY ATTORNCY, .AND OIR CT THE CHIEF,, PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO 'ISSUE THE NECR�S�ARY �._ URGE° ORDER Fes'- S1D. SERVICES., FUND S THEREFOR TO SE RERED Ft1M PENpING INSURANCE CLAIMFOR SAID I L r SERVICES. 3 , (lime fo1 i ows 'boot' of r esol uti on, cxni tted here and on h*'C file in the Office of the Cis Cierk.) NOTION NO* 93-374#1 ids `., A NOTION DIRECTING THE AD14INISTRATION TO IDENTIFY IN THE!,CITY VITA LE WILDING 0 DE NAMED AFTER E,IAEE'iN VIRRICK TO ROM THE MEMORY OF SUCH A ;n } , GENE RtN S, :OUTSTANDING ER OF OUR COMA UNITY ♦ _ .. #w. u 29 IJ,7a?, anti per. I,1L .a- t .. ."._.. .. . ,..,u_ _t_ _ .. . _... ., _�.•_. n_....J_ �IW� eq . r Yurr, t VittMae motion gt0 ote 1,04 r rAl i _ 4111 nys'j .. y(jryy}�y��.'. er ., mayor.,DO Yrre Mayo" �RM on L CENTS. MADE DURING ROLL CALL Chi stoner Dawkins* What i a the Moti Ong Co issi+oner Plotter.- This item 4• --C fission r Al1+►nw11 :Ztem 4a or uare i'a prt?csed to knock down the facility that's at Vi rri ok. 4 0 ,: Cotnti59Qnar, Pltter Get rid of the old Virrick Gym* yiir S ari : the buildin' in front of it and .• v x uaf�r4$1 '4gf►:# ,. � -- Vt e t a, +or �� D1Yi { e,* i 4 Q ` and 'turn 1 �4r i i14ri/ � ��.. ��rR��1� area. ; : x i ►car ►re As Pet, -item 4~. 4z Chi loner. Dawkins:, Knock 1t do1lVn and do what? Commissioner Pl tsar: To eliminate :the liability Mr `Od 10 Green C green green park. Chiss one,, nso.�Ireen asking 1 r� odiot'Green, rk Park. ,ayo r Sp4ut lnsoa+ area for tyre +me nt �/���] �o jgYa (�L gip! � .* * . 'fir `Pi AI � �F Per*" a or uarez f we Can afford to landscape. Pl umr R nuts « # .) # wtany"dy t o de+ e#Ved 'he re#t"'.7 dj oot s#y that$ aInd it is not in this motion iJ M td 0e 20 fk �'4 x 7 �• +7tA r i 000# but 'htt,t. ssiner Pur saying that thats but I don't want my e- to e I y6d that tht t S :Part 0f the motion, bSCau a it#S ftOt Ott vice ftr Yurr3 't,we're makingt part of the motion. Commissioner Plummer: That could bej and probably will be, and should be, but :that's not in the moti of * Vicar Moybt oe Yurre: Well, gust make it part of the motiono issioner awki Well if that's not a part of the motion, I can't vote . ' with the motion. Gb"ni ss l ones Pt umwo. OK. vice Mayor Ae Yurre. it's part of- the motion. onnis3ibn r P1umar Clarify its ay r Are Do you want to modify the motion to include that sta�temnt ie orrer PlummerI- have no problem with that being there. Al t� OM Vice Mayor De Yurre, That's right, Oki so be it. , c Isslone r. Flur», But I didn't want Miller to be deceived. a r TSuarez ll right. There's a motion row ghat includes,, the fu11. i�te�t Of: the 1 ty to have silly i-andscaped mans there, public aces et +cot rah, ;> t r or leas what we c�nl,y refer to when its in fai rly good si�Ppe� as F park4 z `c ciasioner oaa�kins: OK. I'll Vogt for its �p �q oMmtss tonerP1 w�r r asses that we've already -given though to the ,fact that '' ue a tremendous need wi th ,spore parking for trailers.for boats that ,h are using it, and you're going to exclude them fro using' it* Ar . od i o. No, wa' r+e going tv keep the r�s open The ramie eta l d . ias onor. Pl nor. Sirs that's not My point* l r • o. ire l re not go i n to add pa�rki ng t o ►i s oner Plunve re yNq`point sirs 1s thatFight now, on a weekertds the area designated.whith is in front of that :gym for cars with trail era, a .6.4uee g , : did, wet them it of adej dtd A e 'For that people who ► � e r ' xci ud ft than from ei o t t t t +i yr 0 «�r rtd0 oee 0awkitts There is al,I the parking space you need 1n front of 1.�Ir" d ty y� + ne-0 . Odw at ever It Pt' ki0o now is parking later �tl asi tonerPluhnero, Excuse mea Miller... Cdftlaslonerawlins. And Monty'gainer is supposed to take his people to the 'iC ;B�ri 1 ; r�►hd pay a dollar and a hill f lssloner Plummer": Miller, I don't**, lssior er awkin Al the people who work down here are supposed to go alomewht r ehd parks and they use all of that* c� ssioner Pl Met" All right, OK, tCrtl,ssin:r. Dakitt because - it's enough space there if You put `nT0rc ent Out there... " l t6ft-r P1limer It has nothing to do with Monty's parking, J OK? dtissioner Dawkins: and -stop people from using it who're not supposed to::' use i Com itsi oner P1 u, mer: :It. had to do with boat trailers, not Monty' s p�arki ng l`tr s rl l right go ahead. s. Mrs money, Dots the motion Include the Merrill Stevens propet or not? isloner` plutttttmer: 'No 'sirs Qd b"ot yet. ss,unr Sit tight»ii i fir. Nunez. 14opeful ly o it will work band in hand. co �.ssiorrer PIwmer. YoU haven't been hit yet. ut may Suarez. All right* on that motion then, with all of those . understandingsOMM I DE AFTER ROLL : .. ,.. 1 - i t i f J ' i 1i( Mayor Suarez.* Al right, Onthe matter in hand, quo$$ it's actually item e'$ had 41 i'etty, late prsetatint and I think we know what the gho4ces, arh+yer patty clearly stated by cissior►er Plumes We either reject or approve the one bidder, and submit to the voters under our charter provi sior. Mr*, �oMr. Mayors Yet ne propose one more time what I said. If you choose to reject this, ,we Can go ahead and issue we start thedesign on the new farina there with monies F MA Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the building of the marina, and you can always have the right to rebid again to go ,out and on an R.P again, if you so choose. But at least we have the marina built now, Mr. Nunez: What are you going to day halfway through when g you don t have F enough money, go out and issue an RFP (Request for Proposals)? A +� Oyu 4dioi Well ♦ii Mayor S ere z yet one, Ricardo, let me - to put this in proper perspective so we can. vote. I move the item with the understanding that if it passes here, 's you would have to submit the same kinds of financial assurances that we have ip i:aced to the city Manager be followed and be guaranteed in the case of the P. y involving Mr. Zamora I don't know the name of that property. Mr*, hu"eZ1, item 2, I reme aer. Mayor-luarez; Basically, that you show that you have the cash and that it's r earmarked for this particular project, and I so move that we accept the bid Mr Jones: Mr. mayor.. c6mmissionse Alonso. Mr. Mayor, are... coissoner Pier. For approval of this project, subject to them sutqnitting adequate, financial viability under the new terms and conditions. f Does that pretty well phrase it? Mr. Jones. Moving; to acoeot .. i4 . o, Sea ■ qz - { . 'Yes, by which I..mean. the kinds of guarantees that we talked about .th1 s morning, g I date to repeat the whole thing, but basically,, about as ` 11quid as you can get... Mr. Nunez: Yes. iar Suarez; . # ether thin a pi l`e of cash coming in here which we put in a room back there, to'guarantee that you'll be able to build this. C"I ss inner ,Al onsQ z don't understand what you been saying. Mr. Jones d you're moving to accept the proposal, subject to thooe conditions? : M E{ .166 Jane 29, 1993 Yes r: * ± yr r1vtin. there a Sond this? - tier P�c�r� a that's not west i understood. ono: Nos. i , � a ; ,&el.: eC#�t�ded, icing once. Ir. 'jo tes- Commi,ssibner,, you have .a Vitt,00r 0e Yuere 4 Segoing twice C issioner JiOnslo We better hear from him. r „Jones- Yeah, let me cl arlfy this* ow i ss,sr1 ensa: The Ci ty Ma i s reel ty tryi iig to.say something Because. Ithink. theres Me confus��nd �hS� you have in ;y{iur a s a ir~soit�t$on' rejecting. So what the Mayor his lb�a#E a bier, .a � hich uid� ralIY be resod u��on t� . �c�ept the �,"o�esai 7 Grpp That:,;. �+r}. � .. .. _ -. Mayor ce -Jo�accepVurpropm he. a d* t accept *TuneAi i 6 1p VH }iG tVJwluwi Thj ii t: 9 :.• s t.' issioner Ptt rm+�r o I dId"It know ghat the discussionoo, t Rr*NunOxlt's a motion t� a cep' cur propos$1 which 1s a lelOctive revie�r i s'i n r� Pit r: 'yeah, veII t�ptlon, bt�t nit SeGond. �o rea�liy� _effect, there's rye motion« :. 7 skio r fedAloni brauSe of What �#u s piai before-s as: we ' ' , as . tilt City ksi' .P11 No that 5+1� #r#!. iA�ry��It .# ly/Re ha ii ` }y/��w�a"Q°y�:4nd', �ir}� p�now yo ,3bu r .th 1 '.. �! L+i�� twi li�f?1 �3L iiF + J � t .' � �53 th iAd i s ,to re., oo at thi proposal w th new setup arid .yew method 7 7 _ } 4 - f , - r _ v-•Al 00,16 That 14notwhat ht -. surern is to accept their r proposa E Theyve ink . o€`fcty�� 2 i! Is Ioer n1ir # # n off° # Was Originally submitted? y0 Suarez. We,l 1.1 the issue of*** s rl r Pl+ r n r. IV a Offere"t concepto `e.'can just touch that And fflr.s Mayor. suer different owners , end transfers of QYritteYs and all that, w `Y! spent ' o na #ch time on that #n the past, you'would have to convince that you gat no problems on that, of course. i believe, if I r+re beiro,.. omoissionee, Plummer. OK, I'm sorryI..i Mayhearing many such discussions in the past .here, that we fund every. conceivable way of having people satisfy cn#not'ity, hava� t`e+ti rents, by dv oes such as the that you have chcseh Echo�►Git i we 'never deterr+�d us. if it does in this particular, case, because the y tto;rney cant i'i nd his way to approyi ng it, so be i t, but that's mymotion. Mr" .�9Unaz 4 wool ci •accgt that. accept at t tie conditions s 1 c d like to- us`,n0 nt taut Chat s f r as the corporation is concerned in the original reason you , 9a beyond as wet , �! s as you'll note, tin percent of i<he sock was issued. Part of he proposal was to issue the rest of the stack, and ghat s what{rin effQct we ve done. 'ghat ° s another way, to I00k at it* so it or we 're not even doviatingd if were,' you cAr� �raiva .,way.., iTagarit-ies: but weYve not deviating. F. ice iayor Vie. YurreR . OK We go back again. We have a motion* Is there a r second' fitting once* going twice, going thrice. is there another motion? Tor suarers Any other !"notions? - cmmissioner fil umme`,► i' ll eke a motion that the .City proceed at this time t+ lop , in the, feasibility of studying the City taking aver'• and operating thy° r ►r' na, ` to Goan back to this C mission within,a period of 90 days mayoruaa�ex: *, I think n th+e ire appropriate motion on then 1 s to fn14i ow th+ t rec entAtion ..to re act this proposal and then, do -� attach to #t that- to tt : T o ropo�ih� • ti ;ion r° PIumer� , Weil, you know that might be appropriate. That's not what , .had in Mod 'ghat'had... laytt> Suarez: You've get to reject this proposal ZOOMl s p l:�u r: Lot, �e tell you what i had i n mind �. sind you won't hair _,loner r.. tea secoa,.quess me,either one -of you - it tb keep this proposal in abeyance,. ne M_ 1993 r Let 6 sty out knd to USA end show us what it wouldCot, whit WY,' quid,- thoy ifftO would be able to come out. We would ' o . arts `01 APPA as -t thoghterythi n r but have to ani t that's new . ttoriiey y think we tan kind of keep one in abeyance like v that i ao rissioner P twtftr. nl0 they want to reject it. Mf4o J006s: At SOM..point, you need to reject or approve it. nr Suarez: That's almost like a deferral of action, is what it is. Comissioner Alonso. yeah but he doesn't want... Chi ssi onar Pi rner: Co that later, o issioner ioiis. He runts to see..* o►n+ s mat` you're + i ng is tantamount to deferring the decision on wh±ethk'r yo.u`ra going to r*Ject or$d ' l$,Ooner l ummer: Sc�. that i have s nethi ng to of are to, 'yes. Mayor Suarez i right., o !ssiOfier PiEller« That's what I move. May orS4 ez Ceunse1, that's better than the way you were heading, sty.. :No e�z« ,' ,hays better, Would Mr, d#® be the captain ©'-the crew there? r of itsioner Kummer: Heil no or- srez3. ii' right, Motion to leave this. matter in abeyance, I, think tei�hni+cal y yet defert�i ng .any action on the proposal : before u3, and study the. i ib ,icy ;ands$ty -'C isai..oeier. � 'Ved-�N VI #{'Ove. r: Mayor, 'sae .«� desiraaiiity of the City running its own. boatyard or Pp �b y '+other ,,ideas that; might even be less lntrutiv�e� I've heard from- oth'rl ssi otters the _Os 1 i ty that Abe would gustve�st a si rta ., there but your and nor about the Fitment pre rrio�siy ��a to° , ors► ng t nit n ay y r�.nt! pro' adural l y, what you're do ng i de'trrrig anti on on he i teM and asking for,., stoner ' Pi u"r: No, the hangar will to down The Vi rrl ck hangar 11t Con, dawn �. r `fiyqruare � e'vt already taken action of the uric gyms l 5 16Mj ne F , �y „ i a ask a. question, Mr. None 40W*0V i i s Why 1� y ,� h tithes o " h your : i�►yor He'rstr�r��. quId hit be In a position legally to tear dawn the other,_ the exi sti ttg m rri l 1 -Stevens one. -�Co'�'�riis oner PI um. er Holton. In your proposal sir,* MOO Suarez: Of course not. : C y� P erf did you propose to use those hangars or teas~ them i•'f • or iss0her. _ down the old ones? " ! Nunez:, in effect, we'd be totally rehabilitating these things,.. Yob, ol n t- rer~ogni ie, them. But we would want to preserve some of the Pan Am— hist�ry�' yor reZa h8 basic structure. You don't want to demolish right now. Muff z.Year;, I mean, the Pan Am history there is a significant. history — o per -ni ty Cnissi+ner Plurer The hell -with fan Am history! M uhift ; Wel1 COW sai nerr Tl timer: it's a failure, a bankruptcy, and I don't want to be , remin, d: of that. u� , iss'i'pner` ns ere going tb use that..! commissioner. Plurnrner Let me Just - let me be very clear! �1► " unri z, Cl ipper S quare. i o, wee 9 ! , s; , Co q That Was Pan Am* That was yo r, rican Goverment that 41.1owed 'pan A to go In there— . cJow,i ssion+ar Pt Ifr 3r f niy liod, Here he goes. ,'y1. i i`ener~ Al onso. ' don I t believe this • �y$r SU rez! A)I -right! we're certainly, certainly not going to get into x' the Wherefores arid... ironerak ## ila i t rni note, wik t a ' note K i s; 00, er+ P1um r: Well spoken for a merchot rr ri ne 6 - r_ �X,75 C. t r ` 2tZz, .; - Nunez. i 11 there be a t'i I lmi t a is loner pl moors M let just be honest with you* omission r Plummer.* Youlll never get My vote keeping those hangars there, -_ Mr. 'Nunez: You won't recognize them issidner Plummer: YD0111 Never r you betcha 1 won't, because you won't be there, and neither will they McA,Lufta Commissioner, that's going to change drastically the feasibility of whta � they runt to do Mayor Suarez. O. The motion then is to deer action on the matter, keep this prOposal alive in a sort of, way, and have the... Corissione r Dawkins: All right. I'd rather let me try something to the raot can. Mayor Suaroz. 11m sorry. And have the Manager then come back with a study of the alternatives, including the City running its own boatyrard. Comm missioner plurrnmer: Sooveo, Mayor Sua�tz. 'iComissioner Dawkins. That's the notion. s commissioner Dawkins: Can we try a substitute motion? . Mrs 'Nunez: Date certain COroissioner Dawkins: The substitute motion would be that we give the Manager so days to show us'' what . he can do, and If his proposal is not better_` than s thi' # then we go with this proposal _ Mayor Suarez,, OK. CommissIone r plcmmer: Y didn't 'hear.What did he say? Kunea': Thank your C missioner Alonso: Sixty days# r • Mayor'Suarez: Tello that sounds like it is a sort of a... Mrs Luft: -am thing as Plu=e1-� t Mayor Suarez: you know, right of first refusal or something, It's an t interesting, creative th tng I gather, Cmimissioner Dawkii�3, that laybe what you. re .doing' is ,anncuncing'your vote favorably to this in advance* pendin the - w �rmager comi n 'back i n the next 6D days when we would have a m�� i on to defer, EK 17.E dune19 -- k d �"91 that he i do A thl rtg r a:d more Worthwhile with i t . All om iasiorrier.Pl mer. Is that - What Is that, a substitute motion? plays our Motion* If YOU want to do i t that jy�([� p1■Suarez.nto [# ., i}♦��{ [ i/ - `A to back, 'days report _ (Tgi[� /yji� jr,,h �${iRi j(.�,..f y�7�tlable,��p` otherwi-se, he's a�ntrt�c nci�ng h4- will 'dot f#�vorably -to this, s -- CAI ssioner ' o► so: And yours wad what 9 60 clays? Commissioner Plummer: Ninety, commissioner Alonso: Ninety. cbiftissiener`Plummer Well, but mine was that the Manager would come back so w t have something to compare it to* Mayor" Suarez* That's ghat he wants also, _ f riisaionir Alonso That's what he wants as well. t > c61missianer- Plummer. Well $ he wants. 60 days. No, his motion goes a step further,, lie s says ng %ayor Suarez: Split. SO and r yeah, he's announcing that he will vote favorably to it, because trying to make an approval condition on... + issioner Alonso. Yeah, but he did say that he wants the Manager to come bttkt so, it's exactly the samething# 60 days instead of g® days. -_ Commissioner Plummer: Well, -excuse me. Mrs Mayor... a Suarez Yes, sir, Comm ssioner Plummer.50 a don't get: Into* 8yir; SiutrrC split ha rs pl ease. Yes w s� o� sit ner Plummer' So we don't get into another delay, I think this group hoe to 's it with the Hanager,and -explain to the Managerwhat they're goingto Pay UsN caw much, and when, and whys and where, because what I'm trying to do: s lavecomparable, and if I don't know what they're going to us end holy rRay Much the ci ty i S going to get out of i t, why am I asking the Ci ty to do a financial vidhi l i ty? - C i ss i oner Dawkins: But you're putting thin in an unfair advantage, because they ire. ooinq to talI the Mayor what - the tanager ghat they're going to coo$ i nd then 'the Mana,00 can undercut then, What's not fair. 1 ayor Suarez; All right, Mhe*4i 1:. - i IMr a Nunez: That l,s a goad point tis u rix rc t 31 tj ' - � _ •' Plt*',� _ 'yM7t�Tti Ato ral i � t 1 e' re going to be back at t the t6bie sti) I try d the Sme din thin' # u `e � ? 6n# 1 du e t the t t i fi e+d sectd b ss#oner.. i/ Use i'oner f l ume! 1 i n't. 3 Y t. � : aY, Instead of �V M . a yO Suarezr'iht. Lori tstiener Plumer The only thing' I dbn't agree with was �- is that we, the C,�rt ssloh wITI make thb deter inatidn of which offer Is best; the City's .nr theirs. -- M"off -Suarev, You don't accept that? OMM Its oiler Plumer:. Well, yes. -that, I accept. OK -What U.tip -Mayor S. �� �M tB'# SIP P.i. coi s5 i toner Plume But his wasr that i f one doesn't showthe ether, who's go. 1v t6 ►ke that determination was not in his motion. This Conmission. Mayor. Suarez. I think we're all conscious of the fact that we will ultimately eke. • the dete i nat.1 on Osrjo OK, that's Fine. �br uarezt 11 rights '#�ith that 3s an understood second to the t�4�, 1n x a agt�, h t o td d6fer ;with u1tiftte action to be taken 6o da,y fry to fa z the• iger s gcro. c up with a.lternaties i that period 'of:t#are;e�a are : ,a adv sad ;''tot" Qr1t to . nee# with the manager and w+ark aut s� of ahos+ thing having r' :fib with t° nand ng but al so with the City ' Attorney an the issue• of— xs ubsttt tittn of principles. `Call the rel1 k _ : kL 4 e , 473 iz k , i3F 1 } F The following motion was, introduced i si n r Plummer, who moored its adopt i om *OT ii O ik 93- 375 A MOTION TO DEFER COSI,OCRATION OF AGENDA ITEM 5 (PRCPDSED RESOLUTId TB REJECT PROPOSAL BY LIGHTHOUSE MINA AND 60ATYAR0 AT DINNER KEY, INC, FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT OF THE DINNER KEY DDATYARD AND MARINA } PROPERTY LOCATED AT , 2649 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE)* ... FURTHER 0IRECTtN4 THE ADMINISTRATION TO KEEP SAID PROPOSAL IN_ ABEYANCE IN ORDER THAT THE ADMINISTRATION MAC EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY* FEASIBILITY AND s DESIRABILITYL OF, HAVING THE CITY RUN ITS OWN BOATYARD FACILITY- FURTHER REQUESTING THE ADMINISTRATION! TO . COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION IN 60 DAYS Upon.beinrg seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and :., adopted by the following vote. AYES s Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner,Miller ,J, Dawkins . Ca nissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice.Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES s None ABSENT; tone . --------- .r.tr w►rr w.rwwr+4.�e+.sw� w—.M--wswwws.w w.w,wwirrausrw.wrn....----swwr.+rw.ru...----yrr---------sim.�rr 2E0 (Continued discussion) AUTHORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO AN 'AGREEMENT FOR SETTLEMENT WITH THE FAMILY OF ANTONIO EDWARDS AN THE BASIS OF ALTERNATIVE NO 3 ' PROVIDED To THE COMMISSION, WITH PROVISOS -- —_ � RESTATE CITY°S ESTABLISHED POLICY THAT THE LATERAL VASCULAR NECK RESTRAINT (CHOKE HOLD) BE ABOLISHED, EXCEPT IN SITUATIONS WHERE -. OFFICER'S LIFE IS THREATENED. (See labels 12 & 17 tf .. .. 17 IIMIMMINAYYQMIIRfIMIIPYIIehMM�11A(FIR�PMI.IITwYNM11�1RAYM>1M I1�liM/MMi�11�IN'111��Iri�U!-----------il----rYril+---------�Ir1Y/ri Mayor' Suarez, Item settlement of the. Antonia Edwards case, Mrs Manager, we s left itat tryi pR not to delve too much into the specifics for a v8ri sty of reasons. that that G1 ty . Attorn y recommended to us, but there was Inquiry. by, the �- " Vice M br*-�rhich I a1 pursued, just to at least ascertain that the first and biggest Payment, which i s the one due- in calendar year 19 -+ether than the small oR thanes due this year, but I an the big one coming up in the next fiscal year,, that you would give ua assurances that that could be afforded by' the City of Miami Commissioner Alonsos I was talking to the tanager after the session, because, .:: I hadsoifie concerns �- t1 is why 1, asked to table the it :and he was _ telling he was trying, and he say$ as a matter of fact, he said this -� 1 4- z- a never board, but maybe we were involved in discussion. !AQAVK I� Ju:nC 9, 1,993 i F '- 'Shut, k w, tie trins Ic rtpt w 1 f '' .eut_he Saidthat the POW f an f� the t low rat i-OW issioner<p1 r. Ptin the what? tssioner Alonsor League of +pities. Mr.' Cesar Odic (City Manager)-. From the Florida... CoMmisslonerAlons'oo, The FlorldaAeagub of Cities« t'itsioner Plummer: 1'hey have nd money. Macybr care Yes¢ 1 gust want. to clarify from C m�nissioner A�lonsoo.. Cftnissioner Alonso. And if'«.« Mayor Suarez «. because wFe'vo been hearing about the Sunshine State Pool. What i's' a pool which gives you lower interest rate, more or lass like the 100 fpasta that these folks are vary apposed to Cor i ssiowner Al d.rrto- 10 « So if that happens.... Mayer SOarex. But it doesn't give you the money. It's just a place where you get'a .real .interest rate, Chi sion.O. Al nso: if that happens, there' we will have to pay what? Less; 'shah . a year,. ' t3dlas_ . t' $ normal ly -,,it tnor ;l ly about you can figure the payments} about t' � ce t w i w t r ow. o isaioner Al+onsoo Ten.per+cent off Mrtad#as f what'y-ou borrow.' If you borrow 10''.000,000, it's about so it's b aut -. Sa0,,000 a year, Commissioner, first year And then if,*. 3 3 " CoiWssioner Plummer. Cesar, your plan.*. w.issioner Alonso. And do we have to borrows the entire 10,000,000? J S. h ; yC'a Mr « %10 We can borrowthw four and a half now, that we have to pay next yeor. A d, Commissioner Plummer; You're playing -'excuse me « Mr �.. Mr. Eldi o : ... if you choose` to, we can wait and sea. Co Usionen Plummer* Mr � I ►eager, excuse, in favor.'.+oi* the ' settl rat, so _on,! t l et'.y sto.tnts be ref undrstadd« You've Wi,tbat l oo o ng , oa ,your other a' 195, 29 f` 7 Y T , 09-1 46 ve I t rtfiftafictd it Yet* ... - , . 1A `. it h _ �isiunar You go t it on this aoanda. Mr s► Mo.: we are refinantino that onea c6mmisIioner P1 Miri Not, no. You've not refinanced # Odioo we intend to Winance that one. :..OMM si-over. fi-..- � -hut that has nothing to do with this, Comi ssionera t�!'t'•s iLd n r P ier. It does* if you're trying you've got a $1490000000 t o i1#leg � n two, years a i W;do e Y�rre, ars 9arciaM{' Ccxtitissi'ner, we have an item lateron on the agenda that 'ems _ wi 1.1': address , ihat i Mayor. De Yurre Excuse nee. Carlos* Hold an a second. J.L., zet me ask -Yw t a beep here 3 years,* lss ones PIWmer: "has, sir. y r `'did urr s Haiyou ever seen financings something that' S 'hot-:Y 40ita.1 ` i� 'nature with.A � bond? -. C�ts$1Qner P men. Something financed which ishlt..s ,� .. t iz ire i'l + r ire Y:li` 'e. Financing something that is nat Capital in nature, - . _. . ' c k��l fir. /��r a i �sf�. :; i i oV�li it ,R' ... ` '•-". -;.. :. -.. , .. .- �;.— Comi ss i aver Pl unmr. Oh y yeah.* b Cow -I' S oner Al anso; They haven {:g;` Yiz e Mayore Yurra. Such ash s rrni ss i n+ r Pi t*er. Sure. The Orange , B . - - a Vice ,yar De Yursre That's cait1. Chi sitr�ne ` Plcater. W010 that's re Lair. is i�i ftr De Yurre. what are youii in a outs r ,e E i 'r. yf77'4 x x r f 1 Mr. 000. Insurance. insurances you:have dohs it. issioner PI t� 8ict6r� o that is t my concern* My concern - I sit on that loan itt , .n $t un h i bit sit oil the Floridan League, YOU have it the -... i * d ,'�'t. - i # 0 in theletter Ciiottarlotso► = Tenty million it's the item Coming up today. �- Commissioner Plummer: CK. Mr. Garcia* Twenty million dollars. - ` Commissioner Plummer Twenty million. You have - what is the galloon that is - rcoming ups' Mr. Garcia: Sixteen Coissianer Plrner Sixteen million dollar balloon coming up in two years: Mod, yeti have the a ai l bi l 1 ty on today' agenda on a fixed rate of possibly netting another 24,;which is basically going to go to finance the balloon and o"faet the tremendous I. impact that that could causes That's all part of the Money.that was used -at the Orange Bowl. Now, I don't know where you're going 'more F to rtf'1 nca to get. a fixed rate. Remember, under IRS rules, there's no arbit % e, 0? There's no more of that, and I'm gelling you, I am scared to w -death-.A even consider dr think about financing through that source. - Cw'ni Alonsor Why? v . Commis3iones Plummer, Because of the balloon. Commissioner Aldnso. we "are going to - I think that this Commission would be in'favor,,, of the 20, OOO t OOO available at the 1 ow rate that i s on the agenda toddy and,-we'11 vote for:thet. -_ Commissioner PI per: But that's going to cover the balloon. t.y Commissioner Alonso: That's"» will take care of that. . A ¢ Commissioner Pl umr: Where is the other money going to - where are you going { to finance the other money ftom? Y Mr. Carciar� They2,BO,BC$ wehaVe the option of using that to iref'ir�ar�ce >� w ° the60�000 000 plus the monies that we're supposed to 'borrow for Miamarinat e or, we can use i t for new projects, We have that option COMMissioner Plummer:, Whewl Wow.1 Boy.. I'll tell ,you something,.. °- Ytr, Y Mr. Cdio: I'll tell let one tell you something, Commissioners The City».* Commissioner Plummer; You Are walking; a. very thin, thin raper nl IV - Mr. for The City of Miarii has the rawest... - ssioner AI onsa; What i s the caption? Bo we have the 4,4CC,d�C0? t . -Commissioner { IMP ' t1 i6 M s ' l[ b' i:fi$ #a - f �F` #3 5m uli € . WE .;'odiO issioner i l r Noy The option i to cut - what about cur $6.00 ,0 0 NO balance?a wad thA>� c nissioner, 06tkinty You know What? • .... , y� ire i' y� ; - ; [yt yy��g yet y outs w�i�sEi ! R i a T6#i outs �". excuse me a What �idi� our �� � ��� ! L�� �i�I#� Ism balarnce or? rge�ndies, ? Do �e stir have our 6,O�DQ,OQD fund balance? ^ d a ►a four some mill ion: dol tars, yes, �s �r �{ M £� �r h (,jay r comissioner Alonsos We have,,.* — Commissioner PlUlMer., well,. then why would you go out and borrow money if you �- created th s fund for emergencies? idiow If you 'take the fund balance, you are what you are,. oMissioner Alonsm. We have zero, and this is very dangerous I r di .. *going to pay in interest �- , in interest alone � will cost you more thah' What we're going to have to borrow here. Because it will destroy c ur`bbn rAting in "ew York % +, astone r PIu�mer; -Mr. Manager, what was the fund balance created %-for? erg ore d o Commissioner, don't use your fund balance, You should not use your i f'un balance ►btr i 0i one l Lei'. What are yougoing n9 to - have you ever us od it? ghat k have -.you used it for? + mmi ss oner Al onsoi He used it for emergencies Mr.. Odio: Waito gut if you use it and we go down- to zero, ,you're!** corri ssioner A.lonsoate used a mil l lion and a half before, yes* �- r od I ot. Yes but don't I would advise not to use your fund balance* It �R� will destroy us in New York. Comissioner, Flamer. All right, look, we've got to settle this =tier, regerrdl ss of nor we do i t, _ • #- Commissioner Monso: J#L*• I'm not sure I understand your concern* J Comiss ones Pl mrA OK* My concern is... ommissIoner Alonso'o I'm not certain I understand* FA Jm 2f >t+ r } x 43 y i t �t aau t finance the v ... ,� ii to get ,itithr from Suhshine loan - :..':. .. �7 '#-om hoi { C a!t wriil�" ,.i.` �R.?th lt j, _t n r tunderstand that part and I'm in agreement with that. 6 6r Pl r". Al right, On -this agenda is an item of o,Oo ,00 � -OMissionor Alonsot Twenty Mi i 1 ion, ,yes# Ott iSsioner Pluftert Which they are proposing only to acquire to offset the TOM that we already havo of 200004*000 � 1 - Comissioner Aldnso And t think it's very beneficial to the City$.. Commissioner Prate And that the balloon portion of that which odes due in ��yt*ars Y� �itsiones" Alonsoi. Yes* y commisslion,er Plummer. Now.*. l_v6r a So what are you saying, increase it? , iss oner P1tiMr`: Huh? r z It will be agona. f.saioner Pltomer Yeah abut then you$va created ,another one* i e .t yo De YUrre. So J,L ,what do you Want* an increase from 20 to 25 or something 11 ke that, or .what �-: ter, .Odio4 That's T 1ner s` itisioner~tirieC. It's gRi�i to be more than that, Victor. This 1a S a— i'i'x The ether one - excuse ate. The rather 1ban, you Mde money otn« s }} r Al oft3o M. No. bU fir i t # v7 !Rr r • - r �`y-- ,onor si�►n ' Pl rner: a arbitrage, you Ada money on it. No longerr can _- �- o dO that Yi a May a Yurrer too, I'm saying if we need some of that money now. OM, ss9orter►?nSi: n we inc�^eae itrtertO toS and use it for this �_ 4 , (/may 1t#ssioner Pl ommer4 Sure, yot ,,r Y '(�� g �Cr�;l+� }� for •. { i '1Aart i • N L 1 � p� j� p it/y (� @ .* p }� �s purposes, �+ y # y� Q �} could /� increase this iR {it j' f7' ♦ e 4rV i� Y Li Vi ie is 1 other �fi �P i'iF *wi { _ p_. ''but dot ` for insurance purposes. Y k - v issioner Plumert Yo _ i® Mayor uare having fir# eching herd with one issioner requesting _ tv speak under 94sone rulos and:' rooedurase could we just- sort of 'maintain in ulry time, or on'o stat nt, and then go to the next Cohn issioner hO .waiting, o€ iasioner; pl ��r: Let me conclude, if I may. I don't think anyone would want to depute that his medical expenses are a thousand dollars day, that _ put a; cap on hiS medical expense$: _ COMMissioner Alonso; I'm not talking about the Edwards case, because theta is - nothing we can do. Unfortunately, it did happen. ` Do missioner PI n+er: Yeah, but it's still the Future. '- co m, i ssi over Alonso: It ' i s very sad, We, all of gas, have accepted that from day one, and we know ghat has happened. But I'm talking about other cases, that we will not have the money, unless we have the specific.*. Co aissioner Plummer* They -don't have the money now. v ,z Cam issioner Alonso: program in effect as to have the funding available. ViceDe Yurre. Unfortunately, those are things we have no control over* .Mayor. If something l e this happens againo . t issio ner Alonso, Yes, we can have things in place as to guarantee that the taxpayers of Mimi will not have to suffee the consequences, Vide .mayor De YurreF Now can you guarantee seven and a ha3f-million dollars? Cwmi ss oner° Alonso: and the Manager will have I beg your pardon? ` A half don't know Vice Mayor De Yurre: Now can you guarantee seven and a - you whit - . right nar, if somebody i s doing sothi ng . — Cormssioner Alonso: Welli what do we do? Do we have zero money, available x . for cases like this M7� ViceMAY Be Yurre. Now much money do we have? - f comissloaner AlonsoAnd not exactly the Edwards cases, but oases that are high,: -very extremely high in liability on the part of the .City. -- ,i Commissioner Plwmr. Let,me tell,you where I disagree Vice, ,laa,yor, De Yurr+es Well, but, are . you suggesting but hold, so I can un0orOtanO* Are you suggesting that we set aside • . N - Mayor uarez: All right, We*ra all philosophizing here, folks,, and were going back and forth, and once again, snipping across the commissioner with h1 hands raised* Please,o r- ,r- 4 fi k '#J 102 401W9 19,93b f * r! X: '' $ e .� > issionr Aionso tier of facto Are Mayor* or Y rr I "I I raiaa* r caret so P144156i, C iss on-er Alonsol, cmplete your statement and i I CC for be Wre t 1 ral se 4 hand,* . iyorruai`$ -Al i rights ViceMayor a Yur�re so l can be r+1 togni zed . - . 1 YI► '�l�'i,���; what � was... - 1�tomi si F. one A i 9�:nso. b. -yes. MayorSuarez: Vies Mayor, if ydd Mould yield to Commissioner Dawkins at that t' Commission'er Alonso Commissioner Aidnso<- 'has. > Mayor Suarez: we're. all going to yield to the lady Commissioner. Cocci ss onar Al onso s Thank you. I really appreciate it. Coi'1 i" SSItner P lumer: For 30 seconds. C i 1 ner Alonso. 'that.I was trying to say Is that we have to have Whatever # t takes a p� a n p roe, ' o that we here avai i bi a frondi n . to lave i �i we were to have a Cap, and I think.. it's vary ta�a o�sea � ''And a� s+�, _ 6*00 0a1- ;for the City- of Ni.M'd 4nd > it can happen differently, but it can hap n agar0d think that"s very important, swething that we should address =at- another. tine ' Thank you. Mayer scams s ` Al 1 right. i+w1 ssl ooer'IDawk ns, and than Vice, Mayor A aonerl�rf Ch, I' last ; tl Wait buts.. `- ayo suai�a " oo' you yiald?' *` Cori sion�e' i.YFt�li4 I # I � Wei M •# s 1 i are�� hank you � k issiniar3awckins3#d 1iker' to know from tte om�lssionsrs' up hare, °if {£ 0C� '7 «� .,'n" y0000 ' s g ng to ' bt'a# the C ty of �i ti liollfl ♦ ghat, } L aos. the'.:naar t ra What) Ca t °a� fats end you've gat partyio i the . ' f8 '€�a l , it ii i y � pol fte C vdrtime,� that, + #}Lf i i'y'(y�fls�there:4 jJj��r jj j�j A v7�iVI S _inO to break 'what W ,.. AI74 f' ' 7 #. 000 #000 40 ViceMayor Da Yurre. Hey. the Cubah camn9ty, 1 i11 come up 'With the lTtoney, r s Comi sstoner pi r! rJorge s Ca ► sa rt K ,1 q3 r€ Ain L f f tG;!w,'cs`S?b ,. 11 Cal I your Joe ft .r . mo" o ghat arty* Don' wor ry yy; �y _ 6'. �I' fn +$radero '� what happened for ua,rex ATI ri ght Ylce Wori bo Yurre: we'11 cme up with the money for that one, don't worry* z ayor Suarez. That#s 9r1e party that w11 not have difficulty being funded. At# ib. Mr. Mayor, for the record*,,. r • 'COO stonr Plummer: Waif a mnutew On the choke hold... C tsidner plumer« I don't yield to you. Mr° Odic. 0K% _. =rr�_ Conk ssioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, the one.. 'bite 14ayor De Yurre: Now about me? Are you skipping met mayor Suarez stow Vice Mayor, end ti�en G+ rtti ssi crier Plummer '.Omm offer Plummer: I said that I would reserve the last. Mr. Mayor*.. Mayor- Suarez. A11. right, Vice Mayor, thene.. `iilissoner Flutrmer� I thlhk that Md+A Giiissioner hays a� very trod idea in *� 1e'to,'`1#abiityi as; oia.'liabillty� could neversar4! that i I f we Are at , fault that there Mould -be 'a limit on Meth cal If -e � 4 , _ ••.}, - ma.,Iteth'at qy rr iy} �" yy; ��/♦[,.+�{�j�y" ji�Y i. � ]j` .'�:Re:` 'R� `e.stltion, Mr;" ahy'-'��:�a�M ill. R� ��i71f' lit:.:;MF71'F our, fi ligen+ i 'thick that wt. should provide that person with medical As = long as they. are al We. So as it relates to 11abi i it ye # agree atbout � e , but �?d r+sver, ever' rent .to put a l citation on r dicel necessary ft nta n Eby kind ! s e f a not l lifer x j - lii a yo a Vurre: dal � , you knoat �i ft#, that pretty h ake aBy nP everythIn eis4 bocauae �350,000 a. year to the a petted life, of ' this,' ._ " it y� t� �yyt you p +� �+ �+ } R, ]tali':eT"':ifMk►xlii il�'1:'.�s7 rA► Y) her r!}- /pii�ys �,p �e p� ' �atAt 4hait i e! 1 , :i Iaiorrew pl,�ur. Siri Ism telling you how I feel_ 'Vice m4yo,r De Yurre: I understand heir you feel s$ . Aitt L�iabi l i ty is, orwe thing. a settim"t of,l iet►i l it l�Pl fir: t }imf '` ydrerxth.! roti4er tti : i e1 +ojf ,.the !the I ► s sting to no + on the n +�ioal of the �eraon► .the - 1 ufferM 10 , r fi` t r. fg fir.+ e a � A r d -� • je . off" ' Yrr Yh b i n s got o c p with s let's going. have*** 0 epproO. this thino;, SO get is. for the rr� pis" 'h h highas heOn r... * it until farther noticeit was �-- y cannot use 06 se ? �1ot al.%.owd et`a studying ng that procedure with PULSE (People United t why E� a r. B€ t s right n �eadt the St it r equality)# as you remembeowl ant t i i i� i for the pOi i C du sr�sr t to use i t e M y or de Yurre. end for the record, what happens to the officer? What's the procedure now with him? Nr. Odio. 14d rather not discus$ that here, Commissioner. It's not*.. Vise Na car Yurre. it's not you know, it doesn't make much sense, does- y rs odios Night. But COMissioner Dawkins, there Is a moratorium on chokers for the department to use it, period, right now, - - h�Dld.` it prohibited police Cissioner Dawkins: Why are, you prohibiting it instead of outlawing and bthni tag it? I don't understand* Mr, Ddio: Because you asked us excuse cue. You asked us to.,. C+r i psi over Dawkins - To bars it, to ban it, hir. Cdio* Wait. Not Commissioner* said to study with PU .S .R. W Conissioner Dawkins: Noe I never said that. Mrs s ioWe were told to meet with PULSE and come back with -a propasai� +.issloner Dawkins: I did not tell you that. Mr Ddio But et the tell You something.The union is for eliminating it — Commissioner Dawkins, Then let the union pay the $11,000,00O, ghat the Baia f - got choked with. I don°t have a problem with that. Mr. odio: No, no* They're in favor ofel the choke hold use. > R 4 onmissioner Dawkins if theunion:+ infavor fit , what's i probi T Mr. Odi-o: So we were waiting to f i nal i Ze the. situation with PULSE and come bACk # C issit�ner Dawkins: No, coo, See, PULSE don't get elected up here to make thbse deci si sins Nr« Nathaniel Wilcox That's right. � 44 f Vun . �r 4 i t: e� Ma or suare14 can 44; ilm Qi6e that Y you would, but yes. 0" i161W Cit Attofftey for Y the record, it is my statinthis; oMiasier hat signori off on Plan 3, and that Pja Is _n 3 t t h '.1cCAble 10 O t, 4-0000silte Sid# Is that corrett? Al 0 hat't,.storeect 0 stio r ummer. thank ,_ you sir, *Yo'r SO4 rek All right,, :CO"m Ss loner Plwmr-. J,M.so rry, Suarez: If, YOu're"not speaking to that settlement, and I can't imagine that It Would be appropriate for you to speak on anything other than thati,., I cox well we feat that the... yor. 5Oere z t Gi vt us a name. Mr- W1 ICOX My:name is Nathaniel Wilcox,, lead organizer for PULSE. .:�,._-:.__.Ma'yOr'Suarez: . All right, Nathaniel.,, WilcoPx:, eople United. r S 4-o if you're not going to -speak to the motion before us, , pease •hare;Aseat, and I will entertain your testimony- In a second, sir., Aq.�I'settlethis case Wilcox* K. r �tuA' rez, rThe less we say about the other matter, the better, at this Piet it lar moment., t, Wilcox* -OK, $aYor,$uaroz.t OKO We havea motton. and A second, Any further Of SCUS310n? fiqtspletse ca"11. r as_t cl ari f I ;4ti Onv; V m -e_ .ag sorrundrstood isMr, Anert1tcthis dogs hit ,J4any waysanctiiotn oi r - 'APProve, I nadvOce. a,4y...,bo_ rrowi to the % pay`- settle ntthat you wi I I at A later z time advice jW of how1YOu intend toy.. q r.,.',P. I Ww. r No no. Not -adviseuseo :Suggest to `us for approval M -Suarez; ayor �,�"Rlght-v Mr, 'Od 101 1, have toWe - I have to. I'M Saying that Rayor, SurerVK 5" "Juaw 2 S _ di the money to r for thisCal" - atio 00 with that 4ttitude� you will not � anything s f court, Nr} dio¢ here do you pant MO to find the moneyr COMissioner7 miss9oner, Pl ri Sir, I have said o you a long time and I donit want Ot,into that at this tire. Let's do this > first, Ou Nro tdlo» Sir* We have plenty of tint.,. rL Gor issiorier F1 crreri Let'$ do this and then we'll get into that. All right? ti or Suarez IS it understood, fir. City Attorney, since the Manager isgoing Mayto, for reasons that I respect don't tuetios, agree with equivocate on my is it understood legally, legally, that the motion does not carry With it any apPr°oval of any financing to Pair for its economic implications? _ C issionet~ Plt�r: With Commi sign approval, - Mr. jone�ps: The motion that you have before ,you is strictly to approve the Sett �� ent_,jLn 1 if�`r 1 �+. !rM ftyor Suarez:. right. With this understanding that the payment of i an payment be subet :toeur approval, in- *eras of h,. it is going to be paid. ftyo Suarez: All r Ight . 'Thank you very mush. call the ral 1. Tie following resolution Was introduced by Commissioner, Plummer _ who wed 1tt adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 91.376 A RESOLUTION AUTHORI'ZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY AN Al QUNT, AS ARE PARTICULARLY HEREIN ESCRIBED, ' x w� TO 'NAUNEDAi N AL y AS NATURAL PARENT ` AND G R0 I AN OF A dTC iti ED►1 AROS$ INCAPACITATED-0 . T NGENi A Gi A #li, NIS „ - ktIFE, IN 3I IOUALL ' ANTI A5 .I TH%j NATURAL Gi�AiIt�IAN AND NEXT OF, •fRIENDOF ANTONIO EDWARDSCERTAIN, JR A NINriR AND-5_ },{ # i . � INSTI [}_ HEALT COMPLETE SETTLEMENT ANY: AN0 ALL CLAIMS AGAINST •, THE CITY OF, r iIAMI:, :. ITS, AGENT'S, URyANTS* AND .E4PLOYEV,%► ` IN ;THE - UNITED.;,STA,TES OiSTRI�T COURT, OUTNERN DjjSTRICT OF FLV/Rjb& ,. CA E., N0V:' 9j_jX W C!. i N•• S 7.'i Hera fallorsiody of resolut on omitted here and on file in the Office of the pity Cl em*g - r f LYjrr, k f. 4{y L ? $ ? J ? A ? k l } F yt Y t - } {�{ Co d d .v C:.. „iss.iontr --Mom, i` soli�tjoWas _. .:�,¢# 'Ni dptd by .the....ol:I 57 RS RT9i - fir, }n Asolter 4 ! Vito Curr r aviei L. Suarez 4 AMENT w No s! s - 0 EENTS MADE UR' i iffiROLL CALL: COMM $slon r It ! s a_ sad day, in thi s City that we even have to cdns dei` say we have,no alternative, Y - and vote yes. COMMENTS MADE AFTER ROLL CALL: or, suare Nathaniel, did you grant to make a quick stateent, ��r On raed - a • - i • _ kiilfox. Ye$ a d, just like to s that PULSE, we!ve been. works€ der a # o 0 this choke hold banned, and :., we see what the City has tO go throu h to with theds to Ray forthis particular ct� l sr° s i tuet i cn # An t 'While .n , ye'r �s+ the, +'City is jgoing, thruuc�hL'thl•s lips `rake this. the "I'VLI �Wr`'�$�Q�#,,�t8��,.� ����7Y:. �i� � ii����'`,���i#�--n4d�4-� �G�i./ �:�} �.�..y},.. 7aff�e"i ir�1!iASi ��ref' �id �� f� yi �F 1k 7# 'si:Sr V . -4■ # + > •. to •, �iF �rtV[ ; �F : jjo Mor�rT! ,- '41 of „t use one'.. choke hc�ldr pockets �t"e'. ��}!cis� 1 �_ i So how %ny more tithes w i l w+e have to ' o. th# 3u�h 't ii ' ow any yore i l Torts Of dol cars wi 1 l the. City have to put Out beTOre it iS C pleteiy bann�d� And `we ,have so many other police departments around the country -` A#dSt n Charlotte Fort �tortl►, fan . s i , t a �ati�re �»,h have:. hand the Choke hold o�itrigt. They do n+ use t•. 1f othertes around b this country can` ban the choke hold, the City o�l�i�i (pj .y��[ jy�� �y(y ;may} y;emu oc ry Again ,# adon Yr:�'! T �Y _ '. } with �yyj� ,.)j{ 7# .��(] (y�((�[j i{ fll ♦' f.� �! #t �1 • strui_:to t day, another art settle vent 5o r1(yy��lt now, �v ■per //�' q�.Y + e do :: to'an the choke e� hold. i ¢ 't- t r104- Thank you fog :your testiMythihk h and eet~y,. �e oiy'us motional ly and C y - "rational Iy #rcl iced to Taos how rain a your'` ti�s we' don't understand why there has to be avoii#enc+e the an �- of _ ipl ications of a motion, !may we have totait i�or, a fall r. Nana Qt"t.youhaV , any h to' 3Sy t3tt that l t y on I, et this � �rt4st ar ►% Y alretady _ , ! 'h e'a i'ateri fan, always reading into it, he legal except ien that think t•s that wea{s #` y#o+iol �tlhis resolution that ,o its for nt ll�ilr i 03 eadly _ stl'so: - he can do it b whatever �eat�S what ark at his de a � o ' pose g YOU See ecepti on , th i nt`� 1 s wou d e b i l t into Sire and resol uti otl Pas would it not? 11 the, Vh would Agree, /fird �y��yj,,} i �y �:` �M �y �lYto 10 talking y Police i0 # ffito A 06-11ce rf Llyi_ yy t - # 4rifi�l,'� l i ire i s not .out there in daffier. that, 11'1 the , Y z 4Fd4 f#1r '1F` Ell Aft c that you have to use you y can us the choke hold to proted ydursel f .; ... uare Wh would w not bw able to sirply ban it, or is it owl A, bad �Idea f rolkthe 149a) StANPOints understanding that there my be to t wh "" � b Pr0t#Ct the life Of the officer, he needs to use any 4-11 44M""S at his disposal including this, Mra Odio: Thav s if he can use a gun to Shoot somebody... 94YO -SWev Right*, Mr,,; Cdio- *,,-he Should be able to use the choke hold. if the gun is dropped All he has to de dent# i .. i' �- d= Mayor Suarez: But why can't we simply pass the resolution saying that, knowing that, you _know, that exception always exists? Because b01 t ini it's sort of Mri odi o: You can do that,, You can do that, a Commissioners Alonso Well, let's move— Mri.Cdio: i-m case of deadly force, If there is a need for deadly force, then aythi`C oas g s - � ° Suarez: r I i t a sort of contradiction, Mr. City Attorney,, to pates a rotolutio►n,.-that, tells the world we don't allow this, and yet we contemplate ;that there may be situations where an officer is forced to use it? Lt. Lonqueira: Mr. Mayor, I believe,,,, Mr...�3Raf'ael Diaz tAgs I start City Attorney): It's not necessari 1 a Y �rontr dijttions i think it $ f nee COMis.sioner Alonso: Then we can move. Mayor Suarez*, Allright,=- f+tt ,onguei ra. Mayor Suarez, . I '-bel i eve i i , .. 4:. mayor Suarez. tleutenant, I'm sorry, r+'Nnguei ra: ! ii. when we brought ii it ii 4iJ 9 you*, we recommended banning the chore hold except in cases where deadly force was 1 1- wok`s . justified y 09? In other t mayor Suarez: -1rte've both said thet in different ways about four times tpd ay r t- Commissioner l'l der: Well that -� isn't. that what we approved? Isn't What we already approved? that Crnssioner .Aiono lid` r "7 Rau LS itZ Lt4 LongueiMi. No there was* � Vifie ftyor De Yurret There, was +fit fttttorium of sorts. Miriam, you make the :, Ltd secohd t put it to the vote, and that's its Cori ssi oner'l onso: Yeah, layor`u i+ re All righto loll entertain a. motion Mr. Commissioner Plug. Can I hear from the union president, please? I'd like to he:�" whist he has to sty, Mayor Suarez Yes, and we're going to hear from the union president, yes, — gut the rtiotion would then be phrased that the City of Miami officially accepts the, policy' of not using .the choke hold, otherwise referred to as the lateral �= vascular restraint. Mr. Cotera Al Cotera: 'yeah, Al Cotera, president of the Fraternal Order of Policed Wl'toncern.is that I want everyone to understand, because as IIve discussed with . oms,sio0 Plug just. recently, sometiMO3 the Commission passes { reat u ions without.�'ully Understanding all of its implications,: We have absolutely `no problems: with • eliminating choke holdLTVA, or whatever i t. was . l o - it wasn't our idea to start Implementing it to begin with Our concern k= i s".this .anyone here who's ever been in: a fight, when ;you're on the bottt�t, bel Ieve mey.you're not thinking about `choke holds or anything else. You're thinkg,:about you wan.to go home Crni loner Plummer. Survival. Ar cot ra If It <comes down to biting, you're got g to bite,, and if it COM83 dawn tp poking, yob re going to poke, and you re going to do what you gat to = do to go ham. Part of that may be having to `choke somebody out. Using the ' worn 'choke." tow* 1m not talking about none of this wl th a time watch* I �m -_ says ng Ou kno v o l do i t l i lie 'this, or whatever t takes. Because 1'rit 'going to +go, home and that s what' I want my ` members to do, metre sure that they go home' � r: on a day-to-d4y basis* So you have to be very careful with, that when you word . resolutions, that s a►►y �o, YOU' can t usa itr�tt all,_., because to�orrowR if on'e Of �` guys : h►s to do i t, everybod o here i 3 y p going to tarn around and says - �w eddy y ou on Our own , OK? d the one chi rid ..giant everybody to keep in mihd is;that* you know, he didn't t put the policeofficer°, the individual whether mile or f le,' did not put th"selves in that situation 99,9 arceet p. of the time, - Commissioner Hawkins: OKAll I'd like to sty is, I agree with you, and t doh1t think,.anybody in thi ao.die'nce or in the TVaudiencewants a 0011c Mn who. we got better than `$1001000 `invested i n # 0 IN Vice Mayor De Yurre; And a l ife; v +mikssloner Dawkinsto lose his life when .he didn't° have to Now,,_ we `'= hate s fd, when there are ,justifiable shootings, to protect yourself S6 there are all instances where there are exceptions, guts Mr. Cofer' YOU t e e} cannot Make me understand how it'S a life-saving situation when an individual handcuffed to the back o lr Cot ra, issioner Dawkihs, I'm not referring to the Antonio Edwards sltuatidin, whatsoever. - Al' saying,.. Commi ssIoner Da tins# K* All right. Well,, anybody who erne before me ends, ilte you saidh+ether'he choked himi kicked him, or bit him to death, if it was ir) self-defense, I have no problem with it. mr. Cotera# We have no opposition, whatsoever to the department not train, hot teach in the use,of that, because I think when it comes down to it, it's giif'rg to be in, anyway. Commissioner Dawkins: That's right. Mir. Cotera; I mean, you know, so if the issue is a liability issue, and needless to say, it is,, don't teach people how to do i t. Get away f r the training aspect, get away from condoning it or sanctioning it, or anything like that. But in your warding, in your resolutionw don't say, "You cannot do th S i n a l i f -thr eateh i ng situation. You're going to do whatever it takes to go home. And I just want to be sure that everybody understands the € wording, because a couple of Months ago, you all pushed on a chase policy, and .. th+e other day. one of you all violated your own chase policy. "Commissioner Dawkins: tell, that one is always violated. That +anea.. 14r. Coterao Thank you very much. Commissioner Dawkins: Thank you, Al, OK, what's the motion, now? F Commissioner Plummer: There is no motion, _ Commissioner Alonso There was a motion to ban. Cwmissioner Dawkins; All right. I move that the choke hold be banned and, only used in the -- I mean that it - no, wait a minute. Mr. City Attorney, give me a hand here. I move that the choke hold be Manned, but that an officer be allowed to use any means available to save their life. x; Mr. Jones. Are you saying other than the use of that procedure? n EK 193 ,rune 299 1993 " issioner. aWkInt, If it n g o usein and getting a bomb, and s body vp whatevO i t takes. oes 1 M o it good idea, r. City Attorney, or can you provide us *_ ith wording that Would say that w ban it, but also recognize the ability of _.- a 0611ca offionr irl a situation, Co rissioner Dawkins: to protect himself Maw Suarez: Rightw, where he has, to save his own life, to use this and any , t$t:her tachnique he Can come, op _with; di rested at the person who # s the perpetrator. COMissioner Dawkins; Who's trying to kill hill, Mayor. Suarez Who's trying to kill him, in simpler terns. Commissioner PlumMer: Well, would it trot be that the choke hold is banned, we understand that any reasonable force used by a police officer to save his own life i acceptable Commissioner Alonsn. Including.. , �s 0=1sstoner Plumera die -didn't say that. - Mayot'varazk Yes, iricludi rlg, ;of course. - Commissioner ilonsc : We are ntlt saying that, but in fact, that's what we are S.01 ng - Mayor Suarez: Dogs a polic n's b il.of rights already protect that, or does it n6t speak to that? . It doesn't speak to that? m ri Jones. It doesn't speakk -to that. 3Y� t Mayor,, ; Suarez: tl i right And the Mate ..laws Does it make see se for us to 1 , build that into the motion to sort of cla.rify, or are you going to suggest t rot, WO sIM-ply Ieave that Silent? I'm not scare that it would pass here if it ��- were silent �rJones. Let me - if I can Suggest this.. Commissioner Plummer: Well* fir. Mayor, may I suggest the City Attorney knows ghat we're trying to accplIsh. Bring us back at, tits next Meetly 'wh&t hefeels is the best thing that we can do in a legal i'orm, after.consulting consulting r with Nr* 0 0. - ayor Suarez. OKO Let me ask him If he ` s prepared to do that today or 'if, }_ he'd like... Commissioner Pl urllmr. i�el1, but I think. he should brr consulting with �ro 3_ - Cotera and the police chief, and them bring it back to us. 194 June Z-9 +' . fRi FYi'il r , i .' may. t Y' h6 ft y .t F:Pik$M #ieMl6aw+N iiQbT%�4f+. f�.i26' li5�Y1�9lL Lt+. CA1E%'� kii�++Ww WtYMibiYdYiM'4ew NFtiM'YiNYn Elie v4eiwwiFWAiiF-----�issaniMliW+el+Is wrAqtliF ak4AW 1nBlli101irrltFl iYi --- _ � � P WOWS VICE �iY`OR � YU RC CONCERNING ALLEGED REPORT ON RAOUEL O AI u A RADIO WWI IN CONNECT N 114 THE AN TON10 EDWARDS CASE SETTLEMENT. NYW k1alnY n141YYWl:/titYlbiYWFrlF4/IAN11111'Rfltitli�ifillifNlitiiYYYiii+�IlM ilf it<tlR4MItW/4YltiUIR!!R#k1f141d lSYt'MYY ISRKIMiisYl�6ltb dlt4l4'------flflRO—UM---WYl1+iYY----- Mite Mayor Qe Yurre. Well, I just received a phone cal and I need Commissioner Al onso to be involved in this item. Raquel Regal ado was on the radio nog, Radio obi, with Eladio An�r sto, a State Rep., and Luis Rojas, and d� nehowthe message has gotten out that we have bypassed the $100,000 cap....30 tom. Commissioner Al ortso: Wei Vice Mayor De Yurre. ... by Tallahassee, and that we have awarded voluntarily 4 seven and a half million dollars to the Edwards matter, which is totallySM ludicrous, and we treed to... Cmimi ssi urger~ Al onso: That we award - that we set a hundred thousand... { Vice Mayor De Yurre: That they said that they were going up to Tallahassee to change the w bout the capping of these awards when it's a - when we have a federal matter. It has nothing to do with the State of Florida, but I think th+ra`s a lot of misconception out there we are giving seven and a half .� ` million dollarsAway and we didn't have to. Cotictissioner Alonso: ' No. What the -- the City: Manager and.., .� Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): The sovereign immunity question does not aP ly to. this. +ease. i Commissioner P1 urxrsner s It civil rights. t #fir. Odic*) It's a t»ivil rights case,' and we have been very clear about that. Sovereign immunity does not apply, and that's where the $200,000 cap comes in. 'r Vice Mayor De Yurre. Yeah, well, Cesar, call .. if I were you, wall radio.., t Commissioner Alonso: No. What - the situation was... �- i ce Mayor De Yurr+e. Raquel Regalado right now and get on the air and i • f • �- x t explain 1t to him. Mr. Odio: Ike? . , vice Mayor De Yurre: Yeah. tt , rt Commissioner Alonso: No, The suggestion was from... Mr. Odio: Get a lawyer to do it. y Mr, ,Janes. I'll explain it. 't K 196 June 299 199. Y. i "m a u wyA0 " :. UWVW.% 1 Un OT Kepresen l at I v . Y . mayor Yurre. Rd AS or A to. i s oner� Aionso. - Not Arims to to US, while we were talking to them that t wig, r fi Witter of wQrk1 ng with them to 'j.. Py - g by em. see if a cap could he set, not } i ceS3r Oe Yurree: but .. orl i 931 over Al onso M +epr+ ser tative Rojas s And then we said if that is Possible, and then } walked in, and we say, When t it was more their we will need your SU}or`t. n a intent to we cannot do it. They have to do 1�Ide:Mayo r Do Yurre- No. And it's a federal - this is a federal ratter they, can't do anything about. that Offnissizner Plummer: A federal matter, they can't do anything In the State. Vice Mayor De Yurre: Yeah. Commissioner Alonso: No, in federal matters, they can't. �d� :5gteStd! i . they Mr.. Jones. Congress!!s ComiisSioner-Alonso: Ott they granted to •.. to work toward obtaining that, and it was a mat ter tape up. Ce Mayor` Qe Yurre. No, because just don't want it to look lik!L'.•. Commissioner .Alonso: that f w+a can gets And i think it's wonderful, and I think it's something we Shoulds,in the l iabi ity. - As Mentioned I bef'ores very-. think it smportanti know - it's not up to uSt definitely cannot Puthundred red or whatever. wish we * so We ,a I could but we can't. Vitt Mayor De Yurre: OK �Comral s si one r Al onso: our. hands. . And it's them, and it's a federal mandate. I. t, not S. not in Mi to * De Yurre; 1ik+e �e just cave it OK �or�use it's not - I gust don't want i t t away when didn't have into ti this situotion# to. I mean, we were forced coMissiosier Alonso, Wells evtn Ifin that future -they could pass that... vice: Wore De'.Yurre: No, that's fine. COOMISSIoner lonsor it has nothing to do with the Edwards case. COmissioner Kummer: , Yeah," but you know... t Igo Jun fig* i M c is Toner Alonsol I think the n er #4 CO Wsaibner� ` t 41t be rosponsible# a do not operate under the ±cii rot ion of a radio program or a TV program, or a newspaper. We operate mere = how they ant or how they report the news is their business, right or 'oh . They _: Sao do what they want Under the First Amendment. mayor'` worst If the Manager would... Commissioner Plurmer But they don't regulate what we do here. Mayor Suarez.,, clarify to any broadcast media that gives us the opportunity what the reason was for this settlement, even though people are generally aware of the fact that we have 'a $100,000 limitation under sovereign immunity statutes in State claims, that would be very helpful. All right. om'nissloner Plummer* Doesn't even apply here. Mayor Suarez; I personally believe that - anyhow, we won't go into that. k4---MI--- bUMW i1MYiYY —MY IS — r,r #` Imo--- WUYwaI{ tlw —MiM---------------rlas—nY—gM----w—w wow----- —M1a -- -----14`rw— wY � 28i BRIEF � COMMENTS BY MAYOR SUAlREZ CONCERNING POSSIBLE SCHEDULING OF A SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION SESSION IN CONNECTION WITH PLACEMENT OF BALLOT QUESTION IN THE NOVEMBER ELECTION CONCERNING THE DINNER KEY BOATYARD!AND MARINA ISSUE& iir+>.iww+r siwrwuir+'IwK4w.lrrararrirlfwwellAMwMwral�--- awe-----w+.M1--------------------------------------- Suarez What I did want to remind this Commission is on a prior matter, rrrhi+ch, was, theL. Merrill Sevens so-called item, if, in Fact, we get a 5` rect endati`cn by the Manager that we choose not t© follow as an alternative to that devel oprr ent, and if there it is our intention to put that on the ballot f r.the Wo er'electibn, we may haves to have a special election* The timing i s Such t - with 60 days to report back to us that ehas, that we'll he running lotd the 'end of July., beginning of - I'm sorry - the end ofi i • x Canissioner Alonso: Of July? _..Commissioner Plummer. July. ....... Commissioner Al onso: August, Mayor Suarez. 'yeah, beginning of September, and it will be very tight on the 60 dekyiS that are needed prior or to ! Y • A# Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): It would have to be done before eptember 8th Mayor, Suarez.- Before September 6th i It's conceivable that we would have to have a special election, Idst rent t warn you of that, folks, and be } y� }��g aware,. Mr# Managers.. ?,t Cmissicner Alonso: When is the first session... t 6 June " ' a3 r, r: .. zcsav -mayor Suarez. `beause I know that you prefer the alternative, but just in .. ncthi nry+ to put before the voters the bid _ a o7 8e# Commission+ar Plum$ iWel, Mr. Mayor. a �j�, �{p�r �y fir, r� �j,p�g I�H� Wi oaT olio' es Ccnlssi+ner plr l would also askugt in case the City were to choose to fla the other rout, that we have the assurance of the Manager that he w11 do background checks can all of the individuals that are involved, Mayor Suarez: Absolutely, absolutely. That's already built into that motion. Whenis the first meeting in September? Do we have a time already for that? All right, check that out and make sure that it lands before September Sth, and if not, that we be advised for that particular contingency. Ladies and tl emen, we. are going to try to move through the agenda. I am advised t t that*`. Mr. Adio How about the heliport? e Maycr.Suarex`: t., that we made a commitment on item 45. 1 Caftissioner Alonso: Yes. Mr. Mayor, when - the September is when, the first one? rt Mayor Suarez: She's checking it out. 1£ Commissioner Alonso: Oh, Mt. Matty "irai (City Clerk): September the 9th is a Thursday, Mr. Mayor. .-Mayor Suarez: Al 1 right. That would not make it to - for items that we would wantto put on the ballot. So if there Is any intent to put something on tht. f ballot, �re'II have to have a special session in late August. or early September. 1 guess the the first - either that or move up the.Septemberb.. J Cbmissioner Alonso: First week of Septembers ,. ` Commissioner Plt mar Meeting. r Mayo r Suarez: Either that, or move up the September meeting to the first doupleo. , lssioner Plummer, Well, rimer, we usually also have budget meetings in So: anyhow. Mayor Suarez. So we can always handle it at that point, All right. Anything further on those items? Commissioner Plummer: I move I ton I . 1993une il�1993 3 Vp0 3- 91a p4 awWigrDaf's aWr Nfw3h:YwMYmrwiax'*ii tgGW�Ha s. aaw aSF\ls tYiwe»rs V+4rtK.a Ha wee a.sww aRi fFtitY---NMt"----w;6s4wu'iW_4s+4—lAb KYM:iy tip-------aw+.:rein..w a.r ----pr —:w W:—lie'--w+ —was— ..: .. .. ':".: ... ... .. ... KFwrea�euwsmeu'A:r+ewarMw. 29.(A)DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE APPROPRIATE BALLOT LANGUAGE, BASED ON THE WATERFRONT BOARD'S PROPOSAL [VERSION b)]o TO DE PRESENTED TO THE COMMISSION AT DULY 22NO MEETING FOR PLACEMENT OF A BALLOT QUESTION . (CHARTER AiENOMENT NO. 1) ON THE SPECIAL ELECTION SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 2, 19939 AUTHORIZING THE COMMISSION TO LEASE OR TO EXTEND EXISTING LEASES, WITHOUT COMPETITIVE 9IDDIN , TO NONPROFITS NONCOMMERCIAL., WATER - DEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS WHICH PRESENTLY PROVIDE OR SEEK TO PROVIDE MARINE-WREATICNAL SERVICES AND/OR ACTIVITIES TO THE COMMUNITY ON CITY - OWNED WATERFRONT PROPERTY. (D)DIRECTIVE: AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF $25,OOO TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC ON THE ABOVE PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. I IN THE NOVEMBER 2, 1993 CITY OF MIAMI SPECIAL ELECTION, AT THE TIME THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED. —AI/------Y1ni--YM+—wlwYiW----------------aw--Ma----------------------------------------- Mayor Suarez: OK. Let me Just announce, item 45 was promised a time certain for 3:30 p.m. Commissioner Plummer- Forty-five? Comi ssioner Al Sono. Second. Mayor Suarez: And that, as long as we're into Charter amendments and marine waterfront uses, I would ask you to please contemplate right after we do item 12. All right. Commissioner Plummer: What are we going on, 45? Mayor Suarez, No. You've made a emotion that's been seconded. CMissioner Plumer. Well, I'll withdraw it. If you want to go on 45, let's do it, because that's who most of the people are here for, Mayor Suarez All right. If you don!t mind, I know that we've been struggling with these items, but we've got the chairman of the Waterfront Board, who donates his time and effort, and I guess we promised him a speeial..a Commissioner Plummer. Well, I would ask the Administration, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Manager... _{. r. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Which one are you taking, sir? S Commissioner Plummer: Forty-five, Mayor Suarez. Item 45. Cwnissioner Al onso: . Cmi ssioner Plummer: Forty-five. { real difference between :. Give me, if you can, a brief synopsis. "A" and 911? What i s the ME June 29, 1993 JA odic Letet the staff, because# I know is - lei, get the - pPyl ayor Suarez*$ All right, While we do that, then,., �-- ComlSsIone r Plummer, I would like$ if you can, briefly tell me the difference between "A" and 08,11 Mayor Suarez: Jack. 'Mr. Jack LOU "A" arose in October, when the Coconut Grove Sailing Club cam "We - :to the City and sa d, have suffered damage from the hurricane. We will �-- have to get a bank loan to finance the repairs, but we only have a few years I eft; on our l ease w so �— f we need to mend the Charter so that we can unilaterally, without- bids*$ extend our Tease for purposes of obtaining f,i narcig a We said, °%F i n, that makes sense. We will draft a Charter ataendrner t to do just that#" After that occurred, after we drafted the charger - amepnent, we were approached again by the boat clubs on Matson Island, together_ with the Coconut Grove Sailing Club, who now had a better ideas since we were going to Wnd the Charter to eliminate convetitive buds for this special Circumstance* why don't we just amend the Charter to eliminate competitive bid -s:r for all new leases of nonprofit organizations, with or 3�Just without a hurricane, with or without damage;_ eliminate competitive bias:. So to that proposal, we said very sirriply,. "We do not agree. We simply cannot supportthe proposition that any existing lessee of the 'City, profit or .. nonpr6fit, should be entitled to came back abd unilaterally negotiate a new Iea'se"perpetually indefinitely without competitive bids. We have no 4 { �3 Y problem working with you on an RFP (Request for Proposals), and trying to structure it so that ' it's easier to respond ,to not sty costly," because these were', in'. the h background, concerns, you recall last February, this Commission authorized us to draw an RFP for the boat clubs on Watson Island, and we did gust that. As. soon it as became -public information., but prior to your author ixatlotl►> tb release it, the boat clubs looked at it and Said, "Oh, my gosh, this is too complex -it's too costly. We're not sure we want to go into this. Let's pursue changing the Charter so we don't have to have the bid process at all. "I a t tried to suggeSto think you're reading this wrong, I WWII take the �OcALisir I:: wrote that RFP, for preparing a document that in retrospect, as I read it again, probably is too complex, probably 1s frightening to a nonf initi,eted organiZatiOn who is,; reading it, I Said,, ImLet' S work out a simpler document,something that ` isn't going to cost a lot of money to ,you prepare or respoo,d -,to, 'and: that wi l l giV8 the COMMi$31on a fair basis for evaluating the f, propOsals.& But no, professionally, technically, I cannot recoamend to this Commission or, the. people of this City that we should be el'i mating competitive bids for organiZati0s who want the privilege of using public lands a think, as C issioner Plug said earlier today, they should be willing to stand uptb the light of if public scrutiny they want the right to lease that land. COMMs5 oner Plummer: A94inj' Simply and briefly, what is the difference between "A" and 000 Mra Luft: All "A" does is in the event of a natural disaster, and only when 'it s' necessary to extend the lease for purposes of financing, can the .° Commissioner Plummer: OK. Uh..* Mr, Luft; An event that's beyond i Comr6issi ner Plummer: OK. It obvl Milan y A fire is that's what you t Mr. Luft Well, we said that fir wouldn't Pay for It, and that it w� Commlssidner PTUMMert OK. Acid... ter. .uft- Which I think, in, fact, the.tase With the saili-ng club. hT Commsioner Plumrners All right, a Uft They really don't need g it s a►T1 -a moot point anyway. Z Com'i ssloner Plummer: And does nonprofit? k Mr. Luft These groups, the boat i "A." commissioner Plummer: "A,"- 1s I _ Mr. Luft. .. are gust saying nonj Me 'S4 Commissioner Plummer+ "M.. Does i._ . r. Luft Just nonorofit.. Commissioner P1umer: Nonprofit.: { Nr. l.rft. Nonprofit. � iEer Plummer* i Now 4Y� W1 K r #n � sus tit flooprof ieexpoir ast v ho currently; bowie pftperty . that i their° lease has red there shah e r` nts foe o etitive bids, that they shall have the unilateral ri ht to ,tagotiate, with 'the City a new lease or a lease extension at any time, Mr4 Luft, Cr for no reason. C►o �issioner' Plumner* *,. for nonprofit only? Mr. Luft: nonprofit onlys o f ssit her l tro tter:` And the City staff Is recomnendirig or 118t" or - ei��er nn�� ' 14r.' Uftl We'te recommending "A," because of the unique circumstances of d 4'hd the necessity of Financing. We dog not rec mend "8i" because we Asa - thir the r nc pal t' is every organization should prove to the people = of this CUyAbtt theirs is the best proposal for the use of public land, and the only, y, ►e now to + that, to• prove the, are the best, is through a Co petitive Y •, fir}o ����' om astoner Plummer-, one Other question. Was there any consideration given td h r tin suffered by profit or nonprofit on City leases? For. example, if a rr i.ty lease, Of - business right now on a City -owned piece` of property, 1f they suffered act of hod setback. wh would 1t be andferenot to 1 t extend to then the opportgnity to get bark financing, as you would to a �r nonpfofi tZ aMri LuftS Because our contracts with these,,* t e JlCommissioner Plummer: And especially if it affects our revenue r _ 3a}a,rr,ift. our contracts with the organizations, as commercial orgeh9etions profit is what yoWee talking About il are supposed to have built in all of s the instance . +sarantees that cover those circumstances' 0�€i ssi otter Pl utm r. Ck so t Assume then what you're also recammendl ng i s dt whether thie' Saes"or not, that any future leases, profit or non ro•fit, -_ b6th h8v '' ns # `ettoe to coffer those eventualities. . r. Lufti _ think we have fie"lie certainly learned a lesson in this h,otrr~l { , ... ear}o 'that we lot of eipoS�ure that �wasn a t covered by insura�rtce. iissioner:Pi aer: Lots of people did. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. ° r Suarez, All right, Frank - a r l~rank Albr�#ttorr fir$ Mayer. Frank Albritton, chairman of the City -- ' Miami, waterfront 0+oar* Mayor Suarez-. Let insay, Frank, as you get into your recommendation, that we're not just, don't thinks dealing with the hurricane, i think we're also dealing witha long, -standing frustration of taring to preserve certain - historic uses in the City of Miami, We want to make sure, of course, that they inure to the benefit of all of the people of Miami, but we've been trying to figure out ways to make all of that absolutely legal and kosher under our Charter for zany, many ,years, and haven't really come up with a way, until =_ your proposed referendum question. So that's sort of a... Mro Albritton- OK, Mr. Mayor and members of the City Commission, let me back _ up a little bit, if i may. Mayor Suarez: .., an endorsement in advance, but go ahead. 'Mr. Albritton: Right. First of all, why we're here and why are were invited . " was based upon a Commission directive to the Administration to work with the Waterfront Board and its group. That was Jack, you've had your .say. Mr. Luft I'm not - I'm saying... Mayer Suarez. I want Mr. Albritton to testify now, Mr. Luft. Thank you, sir. Mrs Luft I didn't say a ward, I'm dust leaning. -- *1 t Mayor„ -Suarez. All right. Please. - 9�yg K t Ni" Sh..- Mr ' 'Al bri ttdn: OK: The resolution... _ F Iyar Star�ers We appreciate your input, we love it, you have great ideas. Now we're going to hear from the chairman 'of the Waterfront board, who Arently represent- a lot of people who are here, or at least his views. — App ►d " ifso, 1f I'in; 3peaking car�rectlys and if you support the Waterfront f . hoard's recommendation, please raise ,your hands so are have an idea, yes, her does . Alright, Frank,, Mr. Albritton: Mr. IMaynr, let me back up, At the April 15ih Gay Commission atng, we discussed this matter, and -where is �r, Plur��r, Co issidner t f PIAftef? ; At that time, there was a document - put before you that was deficient, and was along the same lines as "All Is here today. Comm issioner Pier Made the c+ament Look, whai you have here, i don't know why all you Y p0plo are here, because this _doesn't -applyto you,". and that was, in some -� F anao echni�cally correct. � aslced atthat time, end I think iha j z �isspn -,read, that, yoW direct the Administration to work with the ftteOfront Board and come up wi th a proposal that would satisfy -and address the sues of concerns of all the ai°fettod organizations. The waterfr"t hoard Attemptedr to do that, We organized representatives frofn all 'the s affected organizations. We have been working very hard since,April the 15th, and we were going, what we figured, with the Commission's directive 47 r.Suarez. You got Plummer back. 3 } June g, 19g x t g v� �y cooperation,, �y ry y' �r spy p� �a �,j p�g�,j. �c it-it -Is[ 1�-$ii6 .,._ ..'32eii� %f4FirR 'a3 pia Iir aak#6 i1 j. CIF v a, + fttf m, 06the ,0istrati*a; specifically, Mr. Luft. 445fdrSuarez! But irtok. i"y lbri tton OK y uare You've odt tons Of peop� 1�7r r - i tto a mydt Suarez: You've got the Waterfront Board, Are those peopl a up there f0omthe group, took C issioner Alonsn: Yes, wide tified Speaker: Nowe're (unintelligible). [yc r r " I i vote against them, are they going to take over ray office? - i see the yjee awfully close to my... 14' Albritton f Nog not rq A Uritton'. gutl the point i� let me het right to the point - is that nn a whiff should have been A, be use we submitted that to the agenda, and that, wit ;t' ken off € K? Jha.t was taken off onera°P1r ra Wait minute, wait a minute* what ti me- Ai bri tton; lie worked With our, .. k C.Iasi n r' '�3` trta ti shay r uest d that wa pia;e :the agenda as ttoa t � And there i t ,ended up in two parts, *V and "0" . * s i si ner Pl umer, YW recmmnded AV or "AIR? tut t r►i t•j► py q on Albritton:. '. zi 91 1 #R 1 i ns6 i hou t d haver bet one x' r Ai ftton: "Big is a result, ��isei©ner Ptumner, , of this,, of this i sieW : o #ssi4orr+er Pl�mer. Excuse me Are you talking about ImB Im as ` it stands t o :any group, for ny reason, Co uid extend a 1 easew sthat mat �r too eta saying tlt stg rprl'pr{�f i t aidi►i •tar-° Wentorgsn��atit�ns that nceupy City of iaMi wati 'property, that l- : Comission+er Plug, That they should be able to renegotiate e lease, for ME whatever reason, without competitiv'e.bidding? Mr. Albritto n Yes, at the discretion of the Comission. see, this is not an automatic _110ftthinq to understand about. that resolution, it is not automatic that this is 00i to occur. What it _ e means is that they will not have to 90 into a three -bid Situation that will either - if they don't get three bids, it will haste to go to a referendum, but it can come back to the City Commission to address those concerns that you have, and any discretion, at your discretion to address those concerns. Whether it be tease payment, the term Aw 10 Of lease, any of those factors, you will still ultimately have the deciding - d clslon on that tatter. So in that regards, this is not an automatic thing, I'm talking about xg*ro It is not automatic. is only at the �- — - discretion of the Citjr Commission. That's the bottom line. Mayor Mayor Suarez: Suppose we exercise that discretion in a particular case, and simply decide not to renew a lease, or to decide - not that we want you there as a holdover tenant, or whatever the term may be at that particular moment. Do we need to - do we prevail in court' We just ask them to vacate the premises? We just don't - we don't like the deal that they're proposing, or we don't like that particular use, we want to use it for something else. A.Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): That's a good question you posed, Mayor, and quite frankly, I don't have - an answer for it at this point.L I can tell you. I can see it being fraught with some problems, � because I think their entities - it's too open-ended, as far as I'm concerned, and I don't.*. CoMi ssioner Plummer,* I think there ode l l , s another thing. that has to be considered hire... is that why would one . ` club - and I'm not speaking to any one club - have exclusive right to the detriment of another group who might want, to be afforded the same opportunity? I mead, how do you tell the other group, "No,-1M's only because they've been there before you that you don't have any right to do such"? And I think that could very easily be a serious problem,, especially, -letl say, here in the grove. You've only got so much land down here in the Grove, and if another club wanted to go in there right now, I would' vote against a second club going -in, because of.the space of land available. And how do i you.say'to the Coconut ;Groves which is here, existing, that you have an exclusive right with the City, as long as t., you negotiate, and nobody else really has a right to go in there? Mr. Albritton; Commissioner Planer, the answer to that Question is, as this proposal is written, you have at that; particular. time, the right to exercise that discretion. In other words, if you feel if the Commission feels at that point that that is- not the proper procedure to follow, then you can negate gnat, o a ssioner Plummer: Wells I would see it, Frank, a little different and that is to the effect that, you know, Group "s" "OK, says, we'll dive you the y y hOw �®i �� Sat, one ft�liorSUth� other, or beGdd��e the were tr'e�fi �3t,� they have a y g that excludes us"? I think you've got to cotes in there ;.and cut some lines, that there would not ever be the day In which this Commission would be here with absolutely total balance on "A" and 090, and not be able to make a decision. EK 206 dune 29,o 1$9-3 sm= k Wei i If y u weAt the other r0tty as it currently stands, you with trAking that d#0,0011 anyway, but you still have the gli +e they i t t Option Under what we are proposing, and what the t th# s group s proposing,SOthere's no for all your d rns, those 'Un AS under our propose is brought back to the City C lesion for their deliberation. mayor Suarez,,And there is Sow wording that's pretty helpful here, unless t too ambiguous, but the City Attorney Y �— ,� y presumably has approved the fom. it says, Prov#ded certain conditions are mate and I hope I'm reading the right one hare. Commissioner Plun ner: Mayo r Suarez: "Pertaining to public purpose, community service u access, waterfront setback, and view corridor requirements, fair f return to the City, in Compliance with the raster plan." when we talk about public purpose, COMu3ity service, et cetera, 1does that give us enough leeway? Is it too biguous, or is that properly drafted? I presume the City Attorne has looked at it for legal sufficiency Y Mr°. Al bri tton t He drafted it and - excuse me. Rr. Jones: I th1nk... .— ytrr Suarez: You're going to answer for the City Attorney now? Mr. Albritton.- I'm sorry, 14r hones: fir. Mayor, I think that it gives you enough flexibility the but problem becomes, how do you ?! �agyan�#+n,�9 pick and choose between the tw But COMmi signer Pliers That's your problem. f} Y{ fir. Jones: Certainly, you have enough flexibility there with what w ' included here* public eve purposes, da-da-da-da-da. .{ Mayor Suarez:' Does it include enough flexibility to say that, we deem that public purpose i s no 1 on er the :. 4 ? f a g good one, and we lily want to take then. propertyback?back? I would think that we're... _ _ Mr. Jones: Sure, I think it does. C*Wiss9oner Plurnerw boy, I'll tell you... Mayor Suarez: Wait, wait, Commissioner, t #m .sorry. Commissioner Plurr rs You're buying a hell of a lawsuit with that one. , Mr. Jones- I think you are. C ` EK 207 June 29,, 1 - , tofti$tioner, Dawk I AS Somebody tell me, what does either of these, what t� J 1 ve tothe + i ss orb that don't already ha ' ? bey _ - Owl ssigner `a Weiit' 111 tell ,you, if you want® As I see it, as 4 ro#sed the Por it give this Commission is to renegotiate a present lease '.. and Put Ott one' back without having to go to bidding or to referendum, a �- renegotiated - bid* _ Comrtissioner Dawkins: You don't have that stow? Commissioner� Plumarz No, ,you can't. There's a Carollo amendment. You have V� to go to a bid, you must get three bids, or go to a referendum, if, in fact, 'lt shows a fair return to the City, Now, that's another aspect. Are VR- you eliminating that aspect? The clubs,«4 Mr. Albritton*, No. sir. Commissioner Plummer: ... nonprofit have to show a fair return to the City? lro Albritton, No, sir, that's not,the Intention, Each one... cot mi ssi toner ` Plummer: Well, you see, but - wait a minute, Frank. Y Mr Jone: But that would ha than affae+ ht `- - Commlss t ne Plummer: You know, let the tell you something. The one thing t Im go no + demand before Second reading - and I've already told pick, and I'rn o demand of ether clubs that are involved Iwant to see how many Of ll +ors reside and a taxes _ pay i n the Gi ty of Miami, OK? � want to knew. thoo, be4ause I think we are entitled to know that, rt iommissioner Alonsos Hal Look at the hands back there. Commissioner Plummer: Well, hey, that's great. If all of ahem do it, God - lest 'theist and T i i vote far them, all rights Mr', Rtchard Taylor: CK« Mr., COmrrtissioner, ill read the pack. live i ived rind paid taxes in the City of Miami, which are current, for over 60 years. x Mayor Suarez; But besides the taxes, we need to know the nee.«. Please, YyY1 _ pleasds tmdamm, ,madam, madam, we've been reasonably orderly in difficult issues 1` F today ._ Commissioner Plummer: This lady would like to remind me that she not only Pays taxes, she votes in the City, and that, I guess, is as important as taxes+ Mr. Richard Taylor: Let me speak briefly, Mayor Suarez: Name, nay, name, please, counselor. Mr« a l or; 4L ` y Commission, you all know me to so degree. Richard Taylor, r L s asioally, I've sat and watched the,.. .: __ 1 e w 14yor Suarez: It seems like we have sides here today. I don't know why. issionor _- A ission+er Pl ers. 14 r. Mayor# I very sOldom ewer have, and don't have in this particular case, surrendering to the public any issue for them to speak - On The saft case An which this amoftent which they are today finding diffircult to live with gent to a referendum, and it was passed, I don't have any problem with surrendering plan 8 to a referendum of the people. Now, my '- only prod em i s that I hope that prior to second reading of this coming bade, that there w#t1 be some guidelines established, which i don't find there now. What do I mean by guidelines? - there was some very nasty things around here its the early days, and I'm not going to go into them with any depth, but it was about limited membership and restricted membership. I don't know whether the Outboard Club, of which I will put on the record, I'm an honorary member. I was a member for many years in the fifties. Commissioner Dawkins; aid you pay dues? Coffnissloner Plummer. I did, at that time, I paid dues, yes,, sir, and my father was a member in the thirties. Whether they have a quota to the number of membership availability at this particular time or not, but I would want, 4 If In fact, this Is going to pass, that If they have a cap of 500 n'wber , just using that as an example, that pity residents would have first priority, OK? Those- are the kind of things that I think - it's City property, it's maintained by the city - that they should have privileges, because it is theirs. So I would hope whatever the Administration would feel that the �a membership has to be totally open for twice a year or once a year to all residents of the City, that that has to be written in, and if it's not the z` ase it would be a breach. So, you know, I'm not sitting here trying to say 44 Ay What it 134 I'm just saying, I think that there should be some #lore - deliheatlorl as to what in fact, should it ..pass, would be the prevailing understanding of the rule4o I'm not here to mike - i'11 make the lotion or r second themotion, Mr. Jones: Mr. Mayor. 14ayor.5uarez: Yes, sir. Mr. Jones; What you'd be voting on today would be a resolution directing me to prepare the tat lot language. The earliest that you can - excuse me - ,you'd ' be able to consider the - I mean - excuse me - the resolution with the actual } ballot question would be July SO* r s Commissioner p1umer: We11 t I would assume that that would be a so-called - ;. public hearing y Mr..4ones: Yes. x t Commissioner Plummer: All right. And at that time, you would have adequate } time., to ''prepare any suggestions that you might rant to proffer to this ±omission as guidelines. MEs� N l �It ale' z _ „ ssi ner Plu.- it Rights At jams# That 'woo Id bt seporate and ap r � 1ssi na° plufmrl '- 1, t would be under -stood ersl to guidelines if it were '- -- nlssi i�er, P luawr. I would offer a motion at this time that we instruct :,. 0 to prepare Such and bring it back at the meeting that you so designate Mr. Jones.hiCh language are you**. 6 ssionir" Alonso With the. , # Comet ssioner Plummer; I think... Coms lvn r'Alonso: ... proposal of "s"? - Mr, Jones: Yeah, which proposal? C rn ssioner Plummer: Yeah aB; cdanisSion r Alonsoz "B,}K. T a rni ssioner Plummer.- I have no problem with "B. _ Mr. Jones: OK, '"B." Gom.Ustoner Plummer. As long, as this CoMisslon retains the contra], I lase xf `= fir.lbrittth:All, ~#ghta. K Mr.'.L uf't: .Comissloher, tan I rake a suggestion? COOM1ssloner Pi unmen Yes s sir. t 1talor, ua re$: Mr*:-. Luf t >♦ i— fir. ".uit. That the potential. Of renegotiating a lease or extending rastri tted .to the last two ,dears of the l ease � so - that what we do.6 t bia,.�ve - it�t on that.f 60,44 here orrery roan iZa,ian i�,'guin to � - '��siti.n a the�issla, ,and the, re gc�1ng to count thi+a anti>' e re' ga log to , b8 in hsra -the first opportunity they think they havreto negotiate ;aav r'abia lease ectenslon. K r. Luft» And i t wi l 1 ... F ME t - Y - y x 4 SS rPIt �r: You're sayn that the as years of lease t 'itly +€ allowh to OM I to renegotiate? `hat-, t« Other i so, it's Ding to bee*. 'is bt Alonao, whet about the ones that don't have any lease? r C�missloner' .�1cc�er. J�t�k« «e � . .. ttu�e 1, them it's effective i.ediately, ff course. fi ft1hissitne' Plaiitimer's ck let the excuse me, Let me«. s'i nnr, Atom-' what? Mrs Lu"ft But :it's effective immediately. Corlmissioher Plummer: Jack, excuse men Mr* tuft:,: Otherwise:.you're going to have a 20-year lease, and you're going to have elubs down here every year for those 20 years, seeking a chance an opening to find a now favorable lease and then... :Commissioner Plummer: Jack, Jack.. C is loner Alonsos why would they do that? Cpwi ss one Plummer: Jack, this... y� Mayor .,Suarez: Jack, don't be so afraid of democracy there. That,.* : -Cow 1 1o6er 'Plummer: This CoMission«R« Mayor. Suarers That's not, going to.happen., �issibner P1umer - «. has to stand to public scrutiny, and the people of bi S c�upI ty have shown in the past, those Commissioner's- who don't do the ig-h thing are Bye-bye, and I don't think that that is necessary• ti= ` r«' Albritton#. Right. ;L si ?net P u mer: f ` don't do what is proper', tl a people of this cun'ty - hot gust thin boating CiUb -� the people of tris c�u�nity►i11 tell so at `alection tip, and that's their opportenit a-t aii times to . • r sP dk to the issue and speak to me at that particular. time.., I d der" tarn fo r .. point, `doi"f}t get rye wrong, but � can't say► � one of my predecessors here:, altrays ,used to say, "The proble� with thi s �Coi i ssion, that we speak to the, OOL I hstod of the what ," and that" s what that woul d be � sn:1� agree tlth tbat� mayor stiarez: speaking to both the who and the what, the suggestion his b@e -Y: ►de that certain constraints a placed on, the Andsof l Otses' e s.itustion _where people art eon tantiy c g gp hard: t fish i :t's psses# to r`eoast that the, Cooissio 'change tams, �-iac, . 4 f '`£f •,. jZ k, t P t : 't .w 7_1.v„iK ln .ti. 1� .yq� VP could, easily. constrain those kinds _f leases and tie t et cetera, .:could . t• ssi4ner P1tf. They'll fight over its . uar ntiog ordinances pursuant to th artar a ►_ nt r-- _46nes COW sli oner Peer has ;dust disrupted my trait of thought. I 6 , MA./o,t" Sutra l Commissioner Plummer disrupted you? That's incredible. That's t Aeverr happened, here 1n eight years that I've been Mayor. Co ssioner. Plu mer Tall him, tell him. Mayor, Suarez. This Commissioner Plummer° right there? Mronps:This this one. Mayor Suarez: That very same Guys fir« joneS: Yes « a ` Ha or Suarez. The well dressed fell _ �► o�v« All right Commissloner:Plummer: Go ahead, We'll have you on a plate pretty quick.- L Mr« .gone$: 1ov-orry, Mr- Mayor. Could you I apologize.... Mdfor Suarez _ y I urea dust thinking that those -kinds of safeguards could be -b_ it 0to ordinances an4. passed if this Charter amendment is approved by the voters. You could pass an ordinance that says... _r.: Jones:•: `Yaah, because th'e,Charter provision would give you the enabling to d4 that« or. Suarez: Sure r « . l.bri tton: Might «L #rrruares And that . 'Mould be sore:constraint., Now, the kinds of t c n aunts that our Charter already provides for use of Gayfront properties, - i nct dd ng .the . to cal ed atr 1 l o n n -gee hoer e t y . it flowed out .. Co i ssi untr Al unso. Even though it's dory painful to you. Mayor. S+ arc s hu +e minds of constraints are actually the kinds of things that as a cbomni ter, we shouldn't rea l iy have, but V understand a so '..1 ou d��yyY'�F;.neO i►ttht #ij'`�*p'7y�'M F1.�y{ i'ein 1aT'y�+y�..4ted iA _y��q #fl�i jj..�j{Y. Rsion ggOV �a�q 1j]:'T`' j�{!';��y[. A . ro1 th t T't.i +M' t ey '�A i# 7 ,\M t M M [ a 1f! r P`h i ng 1R ,' 5 d ff.set of to ns. in which case and you Oon't n8e4;0eo �a b#ndi , n ,•._ and cre i ng lawsuits for . 'us by having 07 year leases �r�4 t#� . tee t wety -- f _ boo " fvprabl e « 1e have i n the past eight ,years at least, hegn to tighten _ .•. f i Y 213 1 L _ ROOM a �C zZ K R NEIM down all of the IVAS63 always providing WAYS in which we Can take property, WE always prbvi+ ing Ifill which w Can constrain. Any improvements you build 5,2 h to approved We don't want any of that stuff going on that used to go _ bn folks; her pe pla would all of a sudden, sort of y adverse possession - nr s. thin, aI1 of sudde n nave all these properties they were building, and thou they said, "Cho look at all this money we've invested. Now you can't kick us out '' Wt don't need that anymore in this community. Mrs Albritton: 'iht, right low - Mayor Suarez,*, This is precious waterfront property. We do have to maintain ark ability7 to control it and change the public purpose when the people so desire. By the same token, we'd like to not be bound by certain very s k ompli ated rule of competitive bidding, and that's what this amendment does* i So , I thi nk ... _ ry 't C�i ssi oner Plummer: May 1 inquire, Mr, Mayor? taj�Suarez: Ye3'.-_- -- Commissioner Plummer: lira City Attorney, let me ask you, so that we possibly get on the record, what does this do, or does it do anything to a club that is -- - nonexistent today who wishes to organize and use another piece of City property? Are they under this ordinance - which I don't think they are - or artAhey under the old ordinance, which now is going to go out of existence? Nr-i"Jones: I think it would be..E - .Commissioner Plummer: Do you follow what I'm saying? Club M the Miriam Alonso Corndo Yacht Club, Commissioner Alonso: I like that. Comissiover Plummer: You like that. They want to establish a clubhouse on Matson Island. ` Commissioner Alonso: Not in Watson Island, �r Comissione-r Pl-wmr. What group do they come under? They're not renegotiating which this speaks to. Are they under the old, which is 'being eliinatte+d, that there must be a 'bidding process and have three bidders ,or .,: they can't go IV. Do you see what I'm saying? Nro. Jones6; Yeah, Ifyou're talking about a situation where you have a newly ,r constituted... Co mi sO ones Pl u er. A'newly constituted club who wants to use a piece of City property, a r. Jones: Well, and if, you and if this amendment passes, then they're going to be - and there's an existing group there, and for whatever reason.*, Comissicner Plumer: No, no, no. They runt to use a different piece' of property. i 214 June 2g, 1993 r k lvgg 1 p {$ g� 1 nr 1 r they have given to tl ►n td this tomunity. Therefore# that is nityf t ontrib tr pr�l nt .. .: LA� } i�lssiorrer� Alt rl3o: you cannot erase the past It i part of our 1 - Cisiurer Plunger I'm not in airy gray speaking.«* - �►�3n' Alitso t ld i t i s a fact teat they gave t i van to th i s uni ty 4 owissluner PI€*er: COMMiSs onery I cannot.*# C 9 sinner Alonso: Therefore, I can see no problem with that. - a lssi raer Plu rmer 4 my conversation is not to the group that is presently _- there,, icy Conv r"sation.. a issi nOr Alonso: No, but you'ree i 10 nissioner Pl Mmer: My conversation e o lssloner Alonso: f•. that seems to be very fair, and in your like mind, you to establish are ,'Ioo irn.�y w�� what about another taxpayer who comes and a ri i ub i i.. z, cd tissi'oner PIikither: Very definitely. oi`l.siorrer AI.DrSo: f. • and wants to have a location. i hate 'have. Wedon't thb existing want to have fa I'it# `a perha PS that"s ali we, want to 1 f so* Perhaps we want to do something a tideel faci 11ti es d!°fferCtt'�y and,,then as such, and we will have to address that at that particular time4 t.ct l ss. nor Pl �rn�crer: So what you're saying, or what I guess is being saki..,. �y 4 ors yy py .?n Lr 1. Viio.-♦ j �y /� �a g with .: �Q,iv no -4bLi1 14 [th�yllg� A aY- have - + PI N11il��f iyt i�mm r : • +i • is that this particular*** co i ssjol er Atom- s .. it's fine for the and not for the rest of the rnlss ener P1Winer: At this particular time... o because I do it at this time with grandithes�d prp+aT ies and' 1 have no pros With tfiat. iM 16 i iA ri i 4 i i ♦ r th t t th iSr t' l me , % i a ew " g R ou'p 1 of property t1at Icikty :iir ! Miami what yob'e leg wanted tQ start a club on a new place y '#e i that t# ay weld be bound: by the old regulations f I':i1 r#st c-11 earlq ti 5{ - .. the , r4acrd* } !Y Luft. ghat right $ he1 Cte s;dtendnt as it#s written# says /�j. p� _- many net pieces of properties do die .have available isrn6r,A10nso•.: ssn Plummer * iada,ust fair your edification, prior` t4 your - Ott the i sion, we did have such a r guest at the mrine stadium, 4K? And it .i wA 'tum d. dOwno There was such a request, and they were City people. Now, Commissioner Alonso: That's rights but how many facilities are avaicabledsa C 'tssioner Plummer: I don't... ��ssiner Alonso: ... that the City of MiaMi is willing to bid? cowtsi+oner, Plummer.. You could put another two clubs on Watson bland if YOU on't build over there, easily. You cr�uld put it on Pelican Harbor, you could het 1t at,Dinner Key, All I'm asking for$$ `- 4: Commissioner Dawkins: J.L. Plummer... cmiasidner P1one r: Ptease, I am not advocating. I'm asking -for clar.ifftatlon. Commissioner Dawkins: Well, I'm going to help you advocate. Cissioner Plummer: alb. Commissioner Dawkins: What happens if Miller; Dawkins gets 30 black people, and' black people decide they want a piece of choice land. Do I have to - negp't i S,te? ..Commissioner Plummer: According to this, you would. Mr. Jones: Yeah. You go under 29-•g, yeah, Ctiwissioner° Plummer: You'd have to go on a bid. You'd have to, according to 4= what's being said Commissioner Dawkins: That's unfair. Commissioner Plwmr: I'm asking for clarification$ k comis ioner Alonso: Well , * Commissioner Dawkins: That's unfair. I mean, I should be grandfath red in. . Cor ti ssioner Alonso: Grandfathered i n for mat? C #ssioner Dawkins: Provided I could .» w. it now$ Providing had the o ne 1� {- nd to build firstias5� n►t�. y 4 i k k K x 4 5- f s t r no., r_ inky : dnk frothing s should e able to up and say, 'You, , on this this sal d there was no c eti ti ve RE data, a d ha " r u the s, and a+nd the�`efr�re, must be Iat in. Now,�r� pity Attorney, tell bidding9 Me 1= K thi ng commissioner Alonso: The problem is, they have to have a track record4.. ssibnor Pl er How can you have a track record if you're a brand new -_ O ub' . Corm ssi ner Alonso: M . that they can prove to us that it's going to be done the waythe City'' Miami wants. These people have been there for years. - cti ssi oner Dawkins: I'rr not talking about*** Commissjoher Alonso: We haVO something to go by -- +tlssioore Dawkins: I have no problems with them. They're my friends. I `love them comm1 ssioner Plummer: Madam rrocnmi ssioner, how can you have a track record if �- you're 'a brand new club? commissioner Alonso: That's right* And whet I'm saying,, for one votet is to facilities as this? If that are:you say#nq that -you would like add more =what you wants .. cornrni ss oner Plummer: What I'm saying,,,* _ Commissioner Alosos .. make it available to everybody..« Comnissioner Plumer: That' a what I'm trying to ask. c issioaier Alonso: I don't think that's right. Commissioner Plummer: I am not, in my conversation, not denying these people that are here anything. Nothing, OK? i COMI signer Alonso: Leave it open then? Cwmissioner Plummer. Nothing.. What i am saying is, if in the future... i S t Commissioner Alonso-What is an _addition... co issioner Plummer: somebody else comes { ComissionerAlonso: Yes Cote ►i ssioner Plummer: . # . and wishes to establish on a City piece these �- r of fact, it could work to their det ime t , np1 a are still a a matte because if it were then to come in hera and we would have to decide between _ them pr sonneone a se, because they can't start a new club, that COMI4 be to the voters decide. I'm tb i r , detriment* I lm saying pass- whet is here, het eakhg to that h could be a new club on a new parcel of lands where i s ' - 218 ehe a r•f' 5Y 4 F y t off' nonprofit organizations open o 3 1 to {dye ��y{ .,tAi p dCn t� wouldt#riihttha preclude e group ^ni n We 04 ano Qom ' back out Got to 90 ` o referendum* _ created 1a ray t� ndnc Wal do r+ existing or newly organizations C� .s s i on er, Plummer: Correct. That's a po.ssibi i iter4 t IC? si+ ner As�« or newly created organization. Mre A9brittom But.-,- iss ner Dawkins: Let'S pass this motion.COM_ mayor Suarez: think the rred that*** attorney is going to be c©nce c r Let's ass this Motion get to some ai', cur9 . e_ �`e�mr�issinner Dawkinsw �. s A I WE ✓'- � r NO -0-2 Mayor Suarez! Certainly. Noncomerclal, nonprofit. vic$ mayor De Yurre So doesnit it stand then to reason that any nonprofit � organization*#* S Mayor Suarez: Moncerciai, nonprofit. 'dice mayor De Yurre, ... should have the same ability? Commissioner. Plug: I• can speak from what Dommissione r Alonso's question Not only nonprofit, but that they have provided a service to this r ''lunityA as is - the Outboard Club' has cleaned up over there, the Coconut iroV has provided summer sailing to the youth of the community. I think all ` of that has to be taken into consideration as plus items. Vice Mayor e Yurre} Sure. But then, does it become a all of a sudden, if you have nonprofits than end up bidding against each ether, because one will .` offe steer program, the other one is going to offer tea at 4:oC, and somebody else will offer something else, does it become... Mayor :Suarez . That may very well happen. one possibility, if you want to try, Comissioners - I thought we were going to vote on the motion before you, but I do have wording that might do it, if you want to try it. Commissioner Dawkins* I'm ready to Mote - we're ready to vote on the motion, fall - the question... { Vice Mayor De Yurre: But what it the question. Mayor Suarez. Wait a minute, Commissioner. You're not chairing this commission yet, �►�.m,..B-:d11..._.L.t..e.. II&.% w&,ft& a%6%4s.4mow ## Mgt♦ flew s Mayor Suarez: The Vice Mayor was inquiring on a point that he wanted to see if we could build into the motion, The way that the wording could read is, §' "An existing or comparable newly created organization." F Commissioner Plummer: That's fine. Mr Jones: Cornparabl a what, ter. Mayon Commissioner Alonso: Newly created. a Mayor Suarez: Comparable to the existing. ' Mr. Jones: Comparable to the existing* { Mc Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. In other words, another nonprofit marine� ' ` orientated group, and I think it's got to... " {' Mayor Suarez.- And that has the same clearly manifest public purpose in its.1411 i � ♦ viz VIM jubpi o I � ✓'Eq r j` '1,1 sA>3+ 3Gtb 5. iA f �� r -_ 2 �ifir �fl 41ii�-- LbyS':- f _ sl s - Eli` - su Commissioner lrAtad One of the thi"p,thaVs not been said. Ci r care i If you Want to, try that. If not, we go with the motion .. �.' vita mayor rraw as , if like if, Shake a Leg all of a sudden wants to --- take a stab i n orte of t^t e e locationst. Commissioner Ply morIv If Shake a Leg grants to ga to the Outboard Club, I think that they h e that right. -�! Mayor Suarez: t��., Existing or cmVarable newly created organization. The City' Attorney can work out the wording to be as clear as possible, s C+ i ssi cner Plummer: Marine or water orientated* — Fh ayc�r ogre All tie rest of the wording is in there. it's all in there. #-- s f Commissioner glummer: I don't think it is, is it? ' yor Suarez: Yes, it is. Commissioner Plummer: Matter orientated? Mayor; Suarez: Yes, it i s . tI x Commissioner Plummer: OK* — Mayor Suarez: All right. Dues the movant accept that? Commissioner? Commissioner Pluter: Yes, sire t= mayor Suarez: Dues the second accept that? �- Commi,ss over Ai onso: Yes Commissioner Plummer: We'll argue it again n l r r Suarez: Thank you. Call the roll, r r r~ F 6 f� r - Joe;' t gu t a t e x i y S 77,77 y,y,, The. following resolution was introduced by Comissioner Plumner, who CAib# d t$ AdOptAOn$ RESOLUTION NO. 93-377 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A CITE' CHARTER AMENDMENT TO THEREBY AUTHORIZE THE CITY COMMISSION TO WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDDING IN CONNECTION WITH LEASES OF CITY -OWNED WATERFRONT PROPERTY WITH NON:PROFIT, WATER -DEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONS WHICH PROVIDE RECREATIONAL SERVICES ANVOR ACTIVITIES TO THE 0MMONITY PROVIDED CERTAIN CONDITIONS ARE MET PERTAINING - . TO PUBLIC PURPOSE t PUBLIC ACCESS, WATERFRONT SET BACK AND VIEW -CORRIDOR REQUIREMENTS, 4r FAIR RETURN TO THE CITY, COMPLIANCE WITH THE MASTER PLAN AND REQUIREMENTS PRESCRIBED BY ORDINANCE t PERTAINING TO ORGANIZATIONS USING CITY -OWNED FACILITIES* (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and an file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Alonso, the resolution was passed and addpted by the following vote: NOES: lone ABSENT. None. Mr. Janes: Mr. Mayor, a point of clarification, I had excuse one, Jack, Jack, please. Excuse me. }f � p r C t tissioner Plumer: They better tell -.somebody better tell that... ra Mrs Jones. A point of clarification. I had earlier advised you that the }. earliest you could consider the actual ballot language was July Sth. In light t of ` tdvert13 i nR we' re going to have to do �- we don' t have enough time. It would have to be July 22nd when you pass that. Commissioner Plover: Mir. Mayor, Mr, Luft has said something to me that I've asked him to please put on the record so no one can say at a later time that .. x}.t they d'idn.1t know, in reference to action by the State Cabinet, Mr. Luft, would you please put on the record what you just told me, so they know what ;, they're dortC.. Mr. Luft: Watson Island has a deed restriction that limits the use of that land to public" purpose, and the State of Florida, the Governor and the Cabinet must approve any new leases on that island, unless they deem it for public r E .. 25 - dune _ g $ IDS rho Because es whitSome p herethink, that ti usafu i rod for th b to play in the life of thisOEM �= n atsart 31 we feed and wa-M 60 out�oa �1 ub and . s 4.:_ _ :.r M4 ! ... t it *Wstfiner, P r Mr o put n the reco-rd what you just.., fi . t'uoft: ' W ,w t; to�». ,. 'Are �t wait -waft. Now, wait a minutes now, come on» iMIS,Si ner �i r�� * Corti a i.00er Ri terrier, we l ae' got a motion and a second. �- r..m inutel _14r "Luft.:.i. I went to the ddvernor.. Malt a minutes Mr# tuft. We're reader to vote on an item. If 6u want to give a a, philosophy osophy f what you'd like to do on Watson ids oner, Ptummer t.. « t1" YOU*** * Uf -* , .. ►"i right . I a t+ t 1 �— ware.- a mi-nute), sir, You scheduie yourself an appointment, and _Wait .= � in here; as an <i terested r ident� 'Right nuw,, ,you're City staff, and 01 , r v gp a specific question, Cammissioper, to ask him,., Y= Gomissioner Plummer. There.wass �� sum I'm hot . rtterestad in his philosophy on what to port On Watson ii— = aian right;, how, folks• Weave got ny otheritems,.,�— t4z t - i iaiorer flummer. All right. - a or u- are J.,.and we l. re 9pi ng to vote on , th s i temp #asiner° Pi,rrrz Mtn yr, : I asedlr. tuft to speak» He said that .- h S - . that the binet why h olds controlover i eases r art dt h e:'etn 8n1y "grunted theaa letse` of the+e twt� C'iubs prediced ,pn cetltive IR i id iom, ti'�at ifs in his est . ti011 ... , 3 1onerlter :'. Ucuse me. Wait a minute* a_ r ha ever the,.State Cabinet r qui cements are, they will MI, COMM 3sione r* ��. Cesiueiamer: I mere ,' putting on the record what Per: Luft said. : fiM1 F f — " .._<..._...t._L..._.._ ,r :; � _ � .. _ _ u. •-_, .'. _ _ .. . �.. — _< '_ .. � _ _._ �._._. 1.. _... .__ . � . _..� _ _.._,_. ._.��_�u.it .1uEf___._S_.`�—.+Aa:l\ M'_% - ''uz.ekz ESN 1 ,} Pw RA a i uz. ' ,ut rGxa ) 1' right, Sir. issto rt NOW you can boo, and Mr, Luft might be wrong, but Vin t tin it on the record 'r l 00 _ -- om issi r ionsos Mro Mayor, may I ask. a question? Mayor SWIM: het the Coc issio er speak. The one person up here that has a -- r ht t�i ; speak ev.ery time they want are the COni ssi oners . Please, C issiOner PIUft"r: That, in fact, there might he a situation of jeopardy, i'he i ht be absolutely wrong.- That's what Mr. Luft told me,, and I merely F wanted it, if it Was, in fact, possibly correct, that it were on the record. _ Lr Usti that sinple., and thank you. ._- ®_ • Mayor Suarez. Yes. Madam Canissioner, Gomssioner Alonsc I have a uestion. q I believe that the legal department should rsear h this item and also come back to us and let us know. T`he,� had l a s, before» was, the City of Miami i.n violation of the law? that I'm telling you is what Mate staff and the Governor and Cabinet �- told us when they passed this motion in March of this year. They said b ause.of the'nature of the way the City conducts those clubs that is, they a,re nonpr`ofi t, the, provide a*. service to the public, and there isAt .- o Pe titive process for.the 1ewes � "We hereby find that they are public Ovii ase � and ..' Irant the 'City the right to extend new leases." . cypr. 5u Fez €. We don't know what would happen if there was an issue of nonwsc a titiveness so, 4� r� i,uft That'3 right. I Just ranted it understood that if,we change `:ghat _ Cdnent..► s yo Suar Very good =That's in, the record now. thank you y , sir, that's �— 4F d it� . fhb reco rd* u COWssioner Plummer: That was the point I wanted on the record, z,ayor udre ode have a motion and a second, frank, what could you possibly, , x waftt to AOd to the record at this point, Frank? ..Mr. Albritton. Go ahead. I'm sorry. ,rt l yp S,,u z. You've got what runt. _ ,You ter* ..A brlttton: Go ahead. , s�ai'@'' Cali the roi l , please, f WTE At this point, the City Clerk called the roll again on R-93-377,3 i ,. �5 L L t " 2 r , e 'zr � a r s eer Now, Mri. Myorio ., .. t, Vartz b Y At .thl 3 t ' r , .' Mould venture, s# r, th -!` - 0404 foe gr os s have done n any Ot r _ yyt.jJ# (�y{� (fie ,y[� r+e ��yi �# 1F `� eRq' R t3 A. iilJo�i '�� �ot to 1•\ a'/iy way sway the voters o �-but 1edtt to to air educational way what 1s meant by the iar�ter' _ 3"'o toned Mendment so*** *yor $uar,ev CoMissloner, they haven't even asked for that. Have you askedAM- - '�� hey` i $$:10 a 3` er No they didn't ask for it. -- : r. od d:.1., ti i hk the club shoo do i s - `yd €°' don't have any extra coney, folks. f* ttan: Righ, r ht# you're right. �- vji Or S ar i.et their �- the whole Point is that they're very active, they're o n tc Sethe va +s ou they i re god n to talk to e p e 4 Let's i1Qt +a P no no &[�+ �+ }}�� .�r /yy� y `e Q dust ly1 ng ar`ound 9 . We - love . you to Giyoi trevFr.W a iWl �! f N�yy+ t are{t /�l /� �y r� ♦ ' sOppo #f Alii ,� ' � 4't to vote for 1 * ami$s dnei` t er: ram Mayor, in the_ past, we did 50. Syr y� A • .. ]'ySy'' , 5� „_ C+ sjoner` C vrkinsS 1,; second. _ ;± ss o�ner Pl fir: * T r Mr 9 Mayor, l would say to you..* t ' ., .. .. x .. d. Spa rep . ke' s go i ng to do , � t anyhow► « -� .00 honer, Pltimpier# 9. that If you don do it, you're going to be MYO r:Suarezqe, Saw., Co ss 9oner'� l r . � . of try g to sweep something 'under the :rugs, We ; '�— he e.s dons t Mr,` t e I n the past You can . argue etut ms _ o t 7 'of((� ree tyhenp�t e . Vie{ evep� otgher t+�h�at �r}ej� -go t� to tissues j #os:etl,l4irtG :e�nrents� $nth @cute fie#i #�M 7ri)1( oyt th a rope , the �u�ll !o ell- of the eduoatln that On iVOO I' sue so ghat tiey can eke n intelligent vote. , t § 11 1 tj t ' - jPY y - _ Ron,S"R ,'-f 15ss^� ri 4 s 3? �r i4l, z }}raez Waitt #y..a s e please, Jack,dn I wasjustkidding f - a40 thAt, e'.v4d a . �` # L' Is there because wt worked with them, that's why It's on 'there. Suarav All righto All right, sir. Sorry about that, My mistake. ' �� b�"� t�oh a o want to let ,you know that all the entities and �' � th. , 1 ht worked hard, and we've been working very herd to ipyy 5q�M you, i.. 4t 1 V �iQ bac Rr ,' . 1�i 61 . _ -r Albr fir, TkM.! ssioner Plumer. Well, wait a minute, wait a minute. Frank, you better .. _ .qndif taod,* Whey :his this thing going to be, Mr. City Attorney? Where is this . , r #1?'heariing, Jones. Ju"#y `��nd+ =C ssiotrer PIumrherr All of you better be back here, because there will be Y 1 i M�Iee-'then' M M,r ,Albritton1i That's fair. thank you very much. a o .,, to a 1'ea e� ral+ear the Chimers. We've got a few items of great ton ` tt�''to°lathers. Please do us `that courtesy. We've dealt with your item at 1 t th, an I think, favorably to your request. Frank, you've done a lot of _ o 'raynde f 1 things. Now, help us clear the chambers,, please, Diane.. too 1ehi . . .....::. :. ::!!+I+�+MwrMt�wtw.r.eiM.sir.t.oNrrrr�µ�rllls.wl�Ye.rrsr+rr �rwr�W►�wwwrwr«rl��nwww.r+�Aw+w«rw►whr+rwrarMww�rril.nwwrr�w!�r.+�.aN�ri�rM.ra+r:lrrwwraw�aRfrrwrw4M+a�N ;, ::` i 3G� ' ACCEPT; OROPOSAL SUBMITTED @Y CORAL: GATES HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION,. 1 h¢ Of 14 PLI EME `f OF 'TEMPORARY BARRICADES WITHIN THE CO L GATE r 1 :'M'I�lrl MlN'MMiCRM/w�lirMri3yw+w� �4w��w.�wrr�lrr�..ran.`M!w'�Mr+Pfi'wia.uarrw-----`----arar��awrrrswwe��l!�M+�rYrww�we�ww+Wrs.�R+s�Y �ws Cser PirerMr. Mayor . t mayor pa. Yes. a M1` f►i-+r�er P1ufsr. Y wolil ash. is aourtes that we consider` Item 44 0f tte s w�! ate dust dome the ,other' one, of the :Matom, and: Y t r ` on 1#hich most rif the: Poo a are here for, for" the DrarP+�sas of aid1 so C6rr►1 Gate, the same._- 1 for gar0. that the item that ycr. are here on, with thereeii ribns' gt , 2 fl aFg 3t 7 i Yk O 71 4 5 'x r. ;i= - , As -'stone, a r.x What i tem 1 Coral Gate, what number? i ident off ed Deafer ooh, or jp}_oj ral Oate _ 1 #lVftr, What number is Ural Gate? C is i ner Alonso. +oral gate 1 io ev n� I would.,. — or Suarez Two ratters o great public i me a t. die ° re going to move on hit as quickly cah at the regdast of Commissioner Plummer. ' issioner Pl'UMer- Forty-sevc'tt and 440 'Co_MAyo Suarez Wa tried to follow the agenda, but we also wart to... o ..Commissioner Plummer, Forty -semen and 44. o1ar�e .. minimize the amount of tide that the... ,v ommissioner Plummer: So they can go home also 3 yo Su re s ,.. huge numbers of our, citizens are hare. Many of the other _ s t ft are, ° �In f ct� `of c rcisl implications, all of which I'm saying just so we, con clear the chamber, Push» Frank, Jr., you're big enough. Push. l ht, Which is the item, G�issianer ` ". ss�i.gn'er . Pl u€mter: Take u� ` 47 first. They ve gat more re here... than my, to g horhood Mayo r.Suaret Item 47, m astaner ,.Pl ummer Take 47. ►or 'Suarez.,. �ially� 1s this !.. 9 a� is ssiorter .P3i rem. Coral, Gate.' iaaionar A1.6nso#' Coral ate #r sita►ttt Cityanager:kl r ;fir ti{# i irpr+Si+��it3 i� ctf, ' the Coral Gate li owners Association, to address the plug ent of (a brar � :ric desx; withlt tote Coral, Gate net hborltodd. '' Sty ` 0 o is ian t` Pl. rem When you say "t orary. " do you mean for a test perio . I ` s+s ti Nether ar n they r i n permanent? — 3 They did.n`t specify that in them request i' sure they'll make it Yh4t.# d�'►si re. l s F o issi er' Mmr# All right, sir. Arid does the. staff ltava yy; roc en atioo f & rr t - h }'/SY�Y '.-. i '.t t f '. x i ? i✓'. 'T ff:. }r ff Ky £ 't• T. T ,y _ '�:^ ' x��:................Z'.`d:...ac.._...�..._.,..�.,.. .._. �.. . ✓..... ,. ., _ .... r __ _. _. _ _ - <.. .. _. _ _YR - wml. _.c_J ELM— NO WO rzngla { r* :e0. Pr th l ittle bit we know, is io r h P °ob1e tNO its but I t its in the 'bong run, this appears for a closure of certain streets .-the, nel hborh od, and in- that cure, then we would suggest a traffic ` # c Thatus the. reasonor the trill period of sip onthsi so- lby-Po tuAi ty to study ail, this i s i tem 47 i *Ats onerP11W "ier :Usually that's done, and before. Le t` Tbi is coral Gatea lssioner`'Alonsos I know it Coral Gate. } .. #r L oh, oh. nissioner Alonso. But they have done their homework, as far as I hive ttih, What theytve shown me, and the trim period is sic months. If it works, thetas it 3 if not, they'll be back here for suggestions, o nesidn+er' Ple €her: 0K, let's go,tz :.. C issio tr Aldnso. Let's see the picturesf Isrta D1ci.#y name is Wilma lr Dick. T live at lfio Southwest.. Y = c i s �i d et* 1l'onso d . Se► h-ow .tfie voice is not coming * 0* qy , dah, Were not picking 'up real well your - the audio here. 1�Y.�• Suarez. p?L ... ,' +itt a l t ttl a closer # Thanks* s� `=liitie: �. is W1 Diek. I live at 16 Southwest 32nd Court# in - #Mimi. , pr s.ident of the Coral atHomeowners association. I have lived A to i'tr years. we v c before you todayto ask for your n ���; ty support and" approve for torary barricades to be placdd st nine of the St �i>, s r .eX' to to our neighborhood# When we started this project, vhile L if d"3 Vx I i favor of barn cades, I had . y doubts that-ourresidents ouresidents would vote , ' i.n favor fbr i i. hut. pros to say an ove helming niftor responded �- �i#" ' tibn . Thy recogn i xe that ot�r clrl l dren ere i n denier i P 464 in itle ta�t�_i 3s �yr de, dieotl love o he r your entire pres�errtation.crevr, we hebi "to short-cir uit this a little bit, . Cos r Odic (City manager): I'd like t+oask st ething, Wr.- Mayor. _ V io end a marked Frith you on that# The fire de r't�nt `hae not �h d _e r* ila to fee this. It :'CoUld affect the Y"g n ses*vi a. ►n+d �i tb : 01 . s td $ tar . have tie fire d+epa ran t do a t raff a sdyhre ads: t+�St r � F y... .!tn.,.. .. -. .. .. xr..x x.�_a. ....�.�,.._. .. a. ._1.u_.,.es._ • .i:` .''.'� n-1 Wily �`k. - - - j a s tf stop signs t crucial corners. Unfortunately, too many people choose to . _ Ignore traf'fi yaws Speed limits are broken, curves in the road signs. are .� laws. ignored, as efts rio through true signs, Right and left turns are made where are prohibited, and those, in a hurry drive the wrong way on one-way stets. Jhr16:tift5'1*tw#en June of 109 and April of 1993, surveys were distributed to every household in Coral Gate, Three general meetings were held in which barricades were discussed. On two separate Saturdays, -- "lunteer°s knocked on every door of residents that had not returned a survey to allow=everyona the opportunity to give his opinions on papers e Chi ssi ones Plummer: You got two others, -- M, Salanzategui-Garrido: the Miami Herald did an article on our barricade related activities. As a consequence of all of our efforts to communicate to Eighty- with our entire neighborhood, 342 households responded our survey. trine percent of those responses were in favor of barricades, an unprecedented �=- and overwhelming majority* a Mayor Suarez; You got rid of the other 11 percent. -- lMs 9alanzateguf-Garrido- For the record, here are copies of these completed 4 , . surveys MayorSuarez: All right, for the record, Just what the City Clerk needs. its. Ralanzategui-Garrido. The barricade plan that we present here is one that our residents requested and unanimously approved at our last general meeting. i For a IX. -Month 'teat pieri od, eve wish to allow two entrances and -exits which —_ lead to existing signalized intersections at Douglas Road- and Southwest 20th { street$'and:at the south end of 'Coral Gate Drive, and completely eliminate - cut -through traffic on both loth Street and Coral Gate give by adding an L.- shaped barricade at the intersection of Southwest = Zoth Street and coral Cate Qri ire S One month before the test period is over, we hope to come before you to make these permanent landscaped traffic barricades, similar to those =found in - he Grove, aff-Southwest 2th Avenues Aviation, and our own 33rd Avenue* The as-sociation is ready and able to finance this barrlcade placn Stith existing �- { fuhds and through Future fund raising events. Finally, our request for barricades is i n `. full agreement with City goals, objectives and policies as state. in Volume 3 of the Miami Neighbor - Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989 through 2000. Specifically.*. #ayor Suarez: OK, Grace. You're getting a little bit intense here. Just k[ move - there we ,go Mel* Balanzategui-Garri dot Wei 1, i want to make sure you hear, ice, sir,. -Specifically under the section entitled *Housingn and the section entitled "Transportation," both express the City ° s commitment to maintaining and r+evitalizi g residential neighborhoods, protecting and enhantIng existing viable nei?hborhoods, particularly through demons and -standards for mitigation of traffic intrusion in residential neighborhoods, and finally, in P-olicy`TR-1.4.1, in which Coral We is' specifically named as an area where {, there is the need to minimize the intrusion of commuter traffic, Thank you -- for listening* if you have any questions, there are plenty people to answer; _= w` If, -not this concludes our presentation. 235June 29,-1993 i a .. ,. ------- r .. (APPLAUSE) Commissioner Alonso. Grace, you told me when you visited with me that you have checked with the public works department about cost of the barricades` 14s. Balanzategui-Garrido* Uh-huh. Commissioner MOW I'm surprised to hear from the Administration that you have not looked ihto this plan when they have been given prices for the cost aU these barricades« Therefore, they brought this to the attention of the _ Administration. Why didn't ,you take they time to look at the plan, when it was placed on thIs agenda? I'm surprised. Mr. :Lee , . They were never presented to us, Camissioner. The normal process f ` is a group from a. neighborhood comes to the Commission, they want to implement , plan. , . Then we work with them,, have public hearings, have it reviewed by 4 fI re and pol i ce Then we come in with our reccmmendationg like we are going to do on 1 tem 44.- c- o issIoner Alonso: Yeah, but the problem is that they went to you asking for prices for, barricades. It would seen to me that if I warn at the department, and if: a group, a neighborhood group comes to me with a proposal and _asks: for prices cos of bar°ri cadges, I ..l l ask, nor what?" And I will advise at that point at the neighborhood,- "We have to study, and this department will have; to look into the situation." Because how could I quote prices. When I `r ha'en-'t;even looked at the plan? And when they had requested to be placed on the 'agenda' they have done- a lot of work. This is very impressive, very. r Mr.. Lees OK, Commissioner, what I suggest... N. i"'Mmictinnior AInntnt I tatlaratulata vau. because this is very well done. xy Mr. Lee * whatt 1 d like to suggest, if it meets with your approval, is that we sit:down with them, get input from the fire and police department, and be able �to come back on the second meeting of August with a recomendation _ of uly3 Ilt sorry, duly. Commissioner Alonso: July. MayorSuarez. The old "Set. them back to the August meeting," when we have no meetings trick* - , Commissioner Alonso-r Could we approve this in principle, and subject to the fire department and the police -department checking Into... Mayor Suarez-, You want to approve subject toy Corissioner Alonso; ... if they find any - subject to? : k - 236 fig,ISS ., - - a or Suarez. Yes, Sri* Vitt or. y 'MMrtad1O, CAA't We JOSt e. if the O's a an_ tftftl s major, consensus Of can we just approve that plan,*. y . d Yes,• yes. -9 _ r , D fume. . * 'sgbJ ect to checking with fire . and police and get it rdio Yes, yes c f� honer Aionso: Yes. That's exactly what I said. Mr"**. You may do that because they, themselves would not want to keep a .Odlo rescue ,ruck from being able to got through or a police carp so subject to - , hate yds. mm iss o er l nso. ail move that we accept their proposal �bj�ct t� the :f and police department examining the situation, and if they .find that 04y. A t �t'er�rr �chenges . have to be node, to come bask to us i n the ' nest . iss-i;on. metting and address this i ssudso move. °Cbovitsi.oner. Dawkinsr Are you saying., Madam Commissioners that the, dire r n o in and�y whatever they find. them hew to correct.it? C�oh' /tell Tir 11 �is (tan I .,be.done; ne; wi p1 %{1� y\i f A e y 9 i i issiones• lom.: too c ssiona ° Dawkins, That's what Im.,.. COWIS- i ones Al onso « To come back to us, because in many i nstances s .,. colft-i'ssioner Dawkins. OK* - Cones Alonso .., we knbw they have had objections, and we have corns �s #i'th'. cr+e ti've" so utions,a • x = rn#ss9one a^ ca skins: OK Well, I would like *. ` ianr �loreso I anticipate that we might be able to do so in:this case oissignet�wkins: I weld like for the fine department,to be directed to gb 1 and eke,•; a ; study and .they show..them hog to do i t . Don't tell the how not to do At- Ti'�at what went. isionry' ,I.onstVo rkt$th 'them • yh« s moved and' sedrdPd. pO x ? 5 f 4 Vice mayor be Yurre. this mars now that I Can It go through 2 ,st Street t through tha Coral ways mss issibner P1,0 o understand..$ Mb of h ufiiits ones who there. y r` 1 of:��!-Everyohe cbofe.ss atthis point, P1M r. Let MO under'stand. What we're saying is that unless .ssionar. the police department or the fire department changes it, then we are eprbving�s that basically what we're sayings -- Odin- a ,• sinner Per OK. Fine i ayor.5 ire a All right, - ssic ner Plu ers Fine. The major, majority of thepeople there wand it, �--- ou no r* One of these `days, we're going to speak to the major problem around 4r'e � ba'causs we have Natoma coming up, and we have Say Heights coming up, h er ape tkf no to the read or obl sin. The real prabl em is the inadequacy O the �t1 n Arterials. Your problem i s because coral Way is probably car5�ut� :6rcent ;at rapacity, lEth Street is carrying way above cap ty .Nihway Lam told, is carrying 280 percent of capacity; South.-Bayshor�e percent: Ot cap cityv And that's what'a' causing the. pro e ► s ar'e trying to do anything to get through neighborho a td end ont know how else we're gb ng to dt i t o Your Pl atn ode dany ny�er of the public to use the streets, Makes- — ihtbnvenI eft but' they sti i i have the right to use the streets, so we ril-19 it V10* ate, h th g ghat is hol #er khan` thbu, and 1 here t works for >you i l rou s thi rigdown on. your crimeyoUt , eca use l 11 t It will cut do ;tidren cart feel like they once again live in a neighborhood, and I think i r c ', - iyur Suarazt ale have a motion and a second, Any discussion? If not, please cal the ii , h+a f l lowi g motion was Introduced by omm s oner• Al onso who rrro ted its NOT ION NO'. -:93 379 , Tlo , To ACCEPT PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY CORAL GATES ,- Etll ' ASWIATIONCONCERNINGI PLACEMENT OF TEMPMARY BAROM ,,WITHIN-,: THE coR , NE11MOORIOD -SUBJECT Tip ` RE IREt� APPROVALSBY THE DEP ►RT$ENTS � off` PoL10E . AND FIRE, RT iER INSTRUCTING y L T'ilE ANINIS ATTON To BRING TH YSSUE A" � AT`T UL 2 :lgg3 9EE1 ; 3 f t JiC- _ .p 238 �u 2 L ate= g 2. ttr °1 y y r ryf f 5 {� I} t �w ,p�M' ��� .,.fin � 4 - zh74 .a„ '- ,r , ,.y ."'F.a `i4. ,A-t "- •,r+ - -- e before this Cit is i n �y pa ,y dote, again, i already Cat, Whatever Say WE Heights, the frig vote for, 1 will,Vote for; and whatever of the Natom b r nt 'will do i ikewi se o Thank you, Mr. Mayor. ti Mayor` Suarez: All right. Wally Very good Mrs rally t,ee (Assistant City Manager): Mayor and Commissioners, after �. seyert public hearings in your packet you have Plans A and B. which were _discuss d, at these pubiic hearings ,a it was reco ended that the Commission iuthorize the i 16ment,ation of the vehicular access restrictions contained in Plan A and Plan 8 on a trial basks of 90 days for each plan. At the end of c this period,' then we would cOM back with a final recommendation as to which - 01at! is eecoamnded` if you wish, I'll go into... mayor suArez Suppose it were to be our view that if we tried Plan B first, — whi ch 1 think is the _less intrusive one, that we may have an evaluation that concerns less entities, like Mercy Hospital. Why do you spay Plan A fiat and then Plan 81 isn't Plan A the one that blocks off a lot more intersections? Mr-. Let: A ,coin was flipped at the meeting, Mayor, to decide which one went first, so it doesn't, you -know.., Mayor Suarez, But I mean, isn't Plan A sort of more of Plan B? I mean, an additional 'incremental of Plan 8? You have a bunch more intersections ;that are closed tiff? =- Leer Well, It varies. In Plan A, I think the big differences are., is the barricade at Aldtka -and South Bayshore, and also,,. Mayor Suarez: All right. Let me put it this way. Which one has more streets -163ed? COni ssi over PI urger: It's the responsibility of the County, 'r': Lee: Plan A. Mayor Suarez* Thank 'You . That's all I wanted. All right. missioner Plummer: They have a beach patrol, but no beach• Mayor Suarez: Representing the Association, or the owners, or... .0m i ssi over Plummer. Excuse me, Mr. Timothy Hawkins Mercy Hospital. mayor Suarez* Mercy Hospital, very good. corm s 3 1 oner. Pl ester; Can I excuse ire. For my edification, since I've not been involved, Wally, what is plan B? Is that the Bay Heights plan, or is that's "A"? l r Cesar odio (City Manager): The firs department just told me they oppose v <EKI240 �une29, 3. p z Z a t thn the Mira dparnt OPPOStsany plan _ �1, jay. feat ",'ql>: rtspontti +en n r and ' h And , i an yjt:hat,-. ,, j#Y�'IIyI /y ; +mow VOL Ow hate a t_ rt attack and you need to be there 1n three -- 01nutes�4_ toner Plu"er. old, Just miflut s r Manager. I'm not trying to °. ways, merely' atk, ng o the record, Plan A i y Heights? { , yy �jy Q p� a �c Nap�y� �e �a �y }� �r 1.._ Mr *' O f i 1 an A # t ate 1i14X ! s lrtl� i t e 11 am Csidher P1umMer: is Nato. And "B" is Bay Heights? - +i .epee "'is y Heightst yens, sirs CoftiS'Slone r PIWmar: OK! Thank you. e Suarez: saw you there, and I sari Dr, Reyes, and I was wondering 1f we t I�tq to bar from him at some paint, but apparently, he's in a trt1 no .tapa'i ty hera OK.; V n kignt I'd like to defer and let the Homeowners Association -- propedf rst, it possible* ..y■ .. (yp��y) �/��jy Nancy `y�y }}�� [y���jy(� 1 "Nar�Cy 'noilAh* i�n �i►.# i�f�ni i>> t ways on the committee along with some th pa p e' thdt ~were mere �: a laud about three meeting between Nate and.. ty. lelghts. : Tfios . t etl q t 't s. q t '�t i ittl hit, 4ui:.. v +d - -with .two Olahsr iaatd decided that we would go with a 90 day. trial e i d ..f+ r a► h" of 1hi plans¢'' finder the stipulation that after six: Months wpuld be a vpt taken py all.. the residents of both areas for ei���� � Plan onang whatsoever. That 'was the stipulation. :.eopi in atpbra do w€ot to have that option of: voting for �C np ' charge . at sae arm ,..,So .. mein;' thgse� plans # u t� This "was ' sup�pasedl. a, ratio ' t ;`>a pan that liat� :Mant�r$ � say sleights had considered ��►hout :. at' s�na This is through special taxi distri» :` thrpgh ae' Ctunty This 'was talked ked about. Thi 5 is, how this al raa �ftd; :. khan a i tee P to the Poi tet rhere . i f w put a guard gaffe sit'. sana :. th+ n hs T1ersteorr on'awaled to ci eOn thy` esin ' of a latka a tCl Wang, l eCausa W do h$Y� people cutting thr`oUgh on h t_B eats o if yo4 +close one you have to Glove the other. n effect that �*e4 re `doing is extending .the,walls of gay' Heights to ai so, o'�e 4at lnor' becaJse that's +eacactly wa►t' s happen i ng # , there i ' nos es is at �atka,, them ait the l i nt 'at Me�Cy Nosp1t�'� khan ,- "hest ; s gel 1 : wall as it barricadd them. The only ,ace that anybody ta. d Vie' a ,out Ci 1tQ Sayshore bri ve under Plan 0 would be the' -Hal I sa+s reet a� that ' w ii1 d he one going onto ' ayahor+s iri ire * So the pl an., $_ eal;1 We d1 nit, ivin i,n Heightio area with the Plan of Nate ! � r is AU "'t~ la lOUI ° % er, C t f ' us to ` ail t ou t i .. t -. a �t #. of .' t 1 r` i # rout f * t ;,; i� e.re i "s a ' ���'� JWe - F Q (� �y ''. oti corner t "another corner hut_ its diat+ona1 So .thr�kf'4"� �i.}.-;- is n eu►y[ 'e■pR■.e prow s�ru}�aita( * any�}} " � d ►t try#',�%�y g 3yj� i t"' � d o's� 6e�u e+�y e,�} [jj[►ave k 1 fig+ t �.n'V �} , l3.r a i.'�V 7!MF " MIbe abl- t MY!et. f+R - ,. .'.yHu. 1 y { £ � Y+ S 9�-Yr 7f141 ) � 1 2 t2a - F PER c= Ho p tal xi.t at the ig it. o, you now, it's one way or the other. e P ould_not be -able to get to 17th,,Av#Aue without going onto sayshore Drive, and t . ofciock# that's mission inossible. And so i gust want you to know =_ t t there were At least 12 people, I believe, at these meetings, and when we cable uo Vith.the plays, So M We #Wt three different occasions. So I gust want°you to know thet we did meet on this# C ss i oner PI ne `: Na tcy, am I correct, for the edification of my c0l1e003, what I heard and I would want to put on the record, because it s seas hlghy « ,'this tins, more so than the wars of the past* that there were six representatives of gay Heights, where they were named, and six of Natomat -� 04 that is the group which met on three different occasions, and even though they tad di sagreements, did come out with something that they wanted to _ present, u Ms. Benovaich. Correct, Com issloner Plurrrner: OK. So it was through a meeting with the department... I_ Ms. genovaich: Yes. Gomissioner Plummer: That that did, 1!1 fact, bVtlFe about. e F Ns. Senovaicn: Jiro Kay was present at all meetings. Com mi ssioner Plummer: OK. Fine. . Benovaich. Now, I must clarify one thing, though. That the people in the. residents in Say Heights did not vote on this. I have to tell you that. this was strictly the committee that came up with a recommendations' So what N4t=4anors =y have done, they may have gone door to door the M h gotten Votes They, said the did. � � I don't know what. ,part of y ul toe the population Of they' residents,: did that, but I must say for Bay Heights we did not do that gut again there are a lot of people that want change, there are soli at wand tie s atus quo,' So the fair way was ,us - ,hate dolt as �ttee - was td, do a trial period, 90 days on each of those, and then, the ends to gave... h Comissioner Planer: Ohs separately? Hs. Benovaich; Ninety days each plan. And.... . t}' ,r Commissioner Player: Oh, 2 a. Senovaich. And at the end of six months of those two trial periods of 90 days, -each* Commi ssione r:PImmr Would "A* go first because it's "A" j4v BenoValch: We flipped a coin, and Sa,y Heights` flan would 90 first. Commissioner Plummer, Oh, OK, e 242 Junk k s .: r f i times by my house on Hal isee. They could still come either way on Say3hore z with either plan] as I know it. The only place that i Mink and correct me _. if llm wrong, Wally - that they would be affected, where they take advantage of Ahe intersection from i 'th . and Dixie, cuing down Hal isee to Sayshore is the only place I think they would be affected. In effect, what they would have to do would be go. .down'17th Avenue and then in on Bayshore, which is one block over than what they presently exist. But your comment was - and the reason I'm - asking your ' comment was that they would be restricted on Bayshore. I don't think it's restriction at all on Bayshore. Mr. Hawkins; No, the restriction I'm referring to is the increased traffic Ron — . flow. We just heard that 220 percent of capacity was going down. _- Commissioner Plummer: Oho yeah, there's no question about that. Mr. Hawkins. Well,that percentage will increase. (�. Commissioner Plummer: nh, yeah. And if you expand the hospital, the increase is going to be even more, As I told Mr. Rosasco before, one of the main g 9 offenders in any neighborhood is the school. The school, when they dump out at sow 3#00 o'clock in the afternoon, let me tell you something, it is unbelievable. ` Soy you know, this is just one of the - now, I don't know how, Nancy, Bayshore �- is affected by the school, but, you know, most of them are trying to get to pixie Highway, is what they're trying to do. r 3 _ Mr. Hawkins* Well, we would like to have the opportunity to work with the two - Aw- homeowners' associations to evaluate these plans, and they may very well be the plans that Mercy agrees are the most beneficial. But we would like to i have the decision made on Implementation postponed until September, so we have r a time to -talk with the homeowners. We'll fund the engineering study, if necessary, because I understand titan was a problem with the homeowners' associations, to have the best option evaluated and put forth. Commissioner Plummer: Can't that be ongoing? Mr. Hawkins: we don't really have a problem with the plans, because we don't know whether they're good, bad, or somewhere in between. We just hate to experiment with our patients. That's our position Ms. Benovaich. In our discussions at the three meetings, we had suggested that this.not be implemented before September, because we didn't want to see exactly what Mr Plummer was talking about, and that is than, you know, that from the School, La Salley because I tried to go vote one time, and I don't usually 9c up Aila►tka and gar around that way,, and it was it was a. backup two blocks getting going through that light, so that it's really being overworked* And a lot of then were young kids that were i n front of ma and . passing around me, Commissioner P l unmer: Well, you know, and it's got to be said as to one of the problems at this point` we can't ado anything about, and that was because x one of my colleagues in the past paused a . historic designation for Bayshore . . Drives If it could be four lanes all the way, there would be less of a restriction. But sin+ee it's historic, it still now goes down to the two laces, and you have to merge, and that causes more problems, and that causes . June Z9, I993 v _jo_-. ' bacuntil your get beyond aviation,, which goes back Out to o r again k.0 - _- ere again, I yogi know, 1loge: historic parts as - I'm part of the history of th.town nd.I 1-guess �'rn historic._ But one of the thine I think that wo o ht to bec+ons9dering, if, *Ssible - not prehistoric, I didn't say �- that think one f the thine , Mr. Mana r if we could -times change - _- that o i�wo Can Undesignate South Dayshore Driveas hi tori , or whatever „. ,. it tea make it four lase, and, welly you lose the nature o€ the Grove to e e�trtai n extent but what 1s the price of peaceo and tranquility, and safety qf our. n+sighborhoods That's,,. Mr. Odio Well, we all moved there... Commissioner , Plummer: Let me just give you one other thing. Mr. .Od10 are moved knowing that that was there, Commissioner Plummer: No,, sir, that's not true. We moved there under different times. You're a new -timer in that neighborhood, 00 I've been '= there since 70. My mother and dad have been there since the fifties. And I Cant to tel you, that neighborhood has changed radically since that period of _ time. y Mr. Odie: Yeah, well, we have Cubans there now. .' Commissivner Plummer; Well, I - air, you made that bigot remark, I did not, Mr* .Odic: I did.. — �la Commissioner Plummer: I - yeah, you can say that and nobody will say anything. 'what did the man say I was this morning? A white American? A Mr. tld o: The only one left. — Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, the only one left. What I'm saying to you and _ - this, is, I think you'll find out.., Mayor Suarez: No we said you were the only one that looked like you that was -_ left* x Commissioner Plummer: Is that what he said? Dirty rat1 One of the problems that I think that has to be understood, Dade County put a counter at Tigertail and Halisee. - Our streets, as Gay Heights streets, are designed as residential. Residential streets are designed to carry tour to five hundred — �.s` oars a days. This was five years ago. There, intersecti$n of Hal 1see and `I i ertei l , err' ed three cars shoat of 11000 * 1 am told that the i ntersecti an of I8th Avenue and -Tigertail is carrying almost 8*000, Now, the problem ' the sae as what they said over in Coral Gate. People absolutely.„will not. e respect the stop signs, They con down Tigertail like their butts are on f , ' ,. fire. And I'll tel you, t' s dangerous. sty street is the only one, the one I five :otn, that is .n+ot really seriously af�eo:tedx because my streetdoes not go from Alatka, straight over .,to I7th Avenue, and they would rather tame not' f Ca wh i Chi goe3 to f p Tigart4ii wb,lt , goes to 17thl. `P V h i thia:.; is dlso amid 'ee4, My Street's only two docks long. o th► y� y .Moo-Ar Sa? 245 dune' — , . 9 ' h ose not to use street it's not to their liking. #,#� I'll toll you something.SoMdayj this Commission has got to go to the Metro Cwnission and - doftod that they address the min problem,, because we're not going to get any betters And I would hope] ,_ tanager, that if it is humanly possible, that t0htid+eration be given to find a way to increase Bayshore Drive in that area _ .., to the fotrt lanes. Mr. Old io, Well.,, in fact, I'm told that's a State � I don't know if I like that, but Mayor'Suarez addressed the HPO (Metr'opol itian Planning Organization) on U,S 1. That can be helped.But South Bayshore Drive... Commissioner Plummer, You knows I am sick and sired of a City resident being PenaIIzed because I live in the City.. When I sit at 17th Avenue and Dixie Highway and it takes me three light changes or 15 minutes to make a left turn so. that all the people living in Cutler, and Cutler Ridge, and Homestead can buzz on, by me while I sit there to go to downtown, and i got to wait 15 -_ minutes to go to my downtown, I think that's unfair, and I'm damned tired of being penalized. So take it from there. _- (APPLAUSE) i Nr. ' Hawki ns: Well, Mercy would like the summer to work with the homeowners' :ems -= groups to look at some options like that. If it takes removing the historical' k _ designation, we can work toward that end also. With the school being out for the s rimer, we would hope that that traffic would be lessened by your homes4 I know �- we watch the kids go by there every day, too at 3:00 o°clock, but _the they wonit be back until fall, and that's why we're asking for the delay until 'September, have a to it comeuP with so that we few weeks study and possibly an alternative Hr# Odio:: I don't know if I'm... 41 Mayor Suarez; Did I hear you saying correctly, ma'am, that that was i ate ceptabl a or are we kind of arguing around and around? �i- Ms. Boenovaich: I'm sorry, I didn't hear, Mayer Suarez: To wait for implementation of either of the plans till September, and get more input from Mercy Hospital, the biggest single... .' Commissioner Plummer: No,, they wanted to waft. Ms. Benovaich% I think what we would like... ;1 Mr. • Why don't We do it subject to -� the -implementation is going to take t�di+n. few weeks, that the hospital meets with them in the meantime and if there is any, changes to be done we can do it then, but not to delay their implementation because of them. In other words, if they have some t suggestions, you would take them... j:fin t - ` .s. Benovaich► I would like to... Mayor Suarez. Suarez: Well,, we're not meetipg in August, in any event, and I can't imagine that we're going to revisit all of this in the July meetings, which are crowded as they are. So..# 2 VA .. ___..�v�.-`�r�rnX?v^;.+!:`.l'^=x^"'L^,'!'Fuu'i'T_!^.'••!f„W`Mw^p....._�...+MM+n+'w.f*nh rw.,plwy nYwe!.'^.+epvpY!pl?afC"i'q= � 1 �r , L b1 y31! s p x t •:% � i t .,i ykc ,r t: �,.}'(>_ M 1 3Sle, j Ms* enovaith! I'd just like for the to the Mercy Hospital to meet with - hel'00 itsand tie fIre They're doing their study. They're going tob WO, they id, ust, you know, during that three-month trial period, let _ .O.tw�049 Y'f. 'Abi ve,usti'N he police and fire 9ifep.! nt.o odiPOProve tho ,plan subject and then they have the right to have �. np c coomi$%loner Plummer: Have input, Sure, what's wrong with that? - Mr. Hawkins. Well , w would. ! - Commissioner Pluffmer° Irapl nt it September the Ist, and then give thin the rt ht of input, V110 d love to havt it. I think that's proper. ro Nawki,nst We would like to have the input prior to the implementation, though , and co" back to the � ! . Mr:°odio: No, What they're saying is you can... Commissioner PIum er} Oh hod Mayor Suarez. What I've been told by Mercy is that this would create an incredible chaos in all of their operations. This is not something to be done lightly, This is not like the other situation.;. - MHawkins: Exactly! Mayor. Suarez: we just did with Cord Gate. This is a - very, very problematic, You just you have very few aoesses to that facility, Mrt odio: You are right, Mr. Mayor. That's why the barriers are portableso ` And if we sere that, in the practice of every day ! ! . Maybe Suarez, Are you sayingthat the City itself can decide that if.,. Mr!'odta; We could very well remove..! fter Suarez: the test is not working out,, and people are being held up ' 4 Cissioner Plummer. I think that the only,.. Mayor Suarez. !.. rescue and emergency vehicles.!. Canissioner Plcaner: I think that the only real!! Mr* lldio. way to do its right. Commissioner Plummer. !.! reason for concern is urgency. Their pioyea or their patients that are non -urgency, I don't think really qualify.for 4ys consideration. Emergency vehicles.,. '1 24 y . F s� 3 z—•_ ry 2 4 4s3F+t {' Si "'.2 [ 1 t'. -� q 4i �r'^s Yy RXIE fir: ,Hawkins: As you can see, there are many variables to this, and that's why w. e :would 1-like the opportunity until September to explore some, of these ootions. You knowt we've talked about the light, we've talked about 'barricades here and there. They're portables, so 1,m assuming it shouldn't take three months to put them up, once we decide to go which directiono q Nayo,r Suarez: that are we saying different? 1fq in fact we're not going to, b' ommits,ioner Plummer*. Wello the differentet Mr. Mayor... - Mayor Suarez: I mean in August and am ommissioner Plummer, The difference is that the homeowners are asking that be I mp'l ep*nted September the I st, and they would like the input from Mercyo i'"r,,Suarez . Without any further... C i sioner Plummer* M $ ercy Is saying, "please don't do a nything until you- omm :have our input Mr. Hawkins: Yes• C' oissioner Plummer: That's the difference,, OK? mm MayorSuarez: _A1 I right. 00io.: I was.saying i f they can work it out in the meantime,, let them they can implement whatever they work out(. ' Commissioner, Plumr- Oh. that's .what I thought the Original WAS# to StCot fa implementation for6e_jst of SeptemOer,,nd if Mercy has any input that theyKn A INEE 249 IM , f ai'that would be vitals it would be considered, but not the tall wagging the or . i t to the n gor l s o 1 guess, discretion to i whetherrn have in allayed r not. That's what the ft Ty: ffi--- ay` ng � think : ghat i ul d he fine with . not, I'm -going to .. _ MVO l '�o' �# to age 9 t1s t tit ► d .. l ssipner Punwer. Did the people of Bay Heights vote in favor? Yes or _ - no?_ 44fter o the Audience* No. omm ssi one, PTUMer They did n�t� — s� 8en6vaieh. There was no vote taken, That's -- I'm reiterating, ssioner PIunrme.r 'M sorry? _Ms .'Senovaith} There was no vote talon of the popuius in Say Heights* omm-ssioner Alonso Oh. .,Mayor,,Suarez; All right. So then there is... com ci ssinnor Plummer OK*I'M just asking, sir. '14r e ' Hawki ns s So now there's a third party that's got a problem, issioner~ Plummer;. Ail right. Now, was, there a vote.. ftypr Suaroz; m.. there is an additional issue then of whether this has the kind of cotmn ty support that some of the other-... 0 55# rrer Plummer Eleanor, arras there a vote taken of Natoma? Xs* Eleanor ,Simpaon. Yes, e owssioner Pier, And what was the results of the vote Vs ,; impsoi . No - unidentified Speaker. Yes. :Commissioner PIunn er: I can't hear you. Would you go to the microphone., E please_ Unidentified'10 aker: didn't Vote. co wi s ioner P t #er. Si'r, I understood you. I 'heard you. I heard, you ,, _- It ss: i or: The dots were sent 'to everyone n the neighborhood. k C issionerpi r;And what wa.s' the results" l t t Z F t 4g ,.,-,S - „lr x,...:.: , ..._ ..... -' ..-. - - ___...,...--.' ., v .' ...:--. ... .. .. -._�_. .... _, .. ...�.. ...._. ._.�..,..._..v.._...y.....y..._z�.......,...,_.. e...u.. ._...,.........f....,.1..,-r^ - �:s3x.i-..... �-r {�-�L. �t r,, -i � f � ,"�-�� adz � `i '�'.�sa+r �- k�� r'. ..? .�-{. ,. _.T ' � .a. �E1--1 ,� S .. . ... ._ .. .n 'k t , 7 .3 M. s r lxi i r, kay Asr: Hr. mayor and Commissionerst I won't belabor the point. y n r. ve at 5 Southwest 17th Avenue in Hates Manors. And what concern me i s the ct osure of -Hal 1 see where i t funnel s i nto U.S* . t that point , ivs 60 feet wide* You have one turn that takes you to the ronly Those'_ t pie that live in Bay Heights, many of them doctors, friends of mine, use, that to exit eery morning. My son-in-law 1s a doctor, he is h re, he uses that* And than you have one other section of the "Y"... ayo ware The end 'my son-in-law the doctor" argument. 1r sir: night.- Mayor Suarez: OK. r Asmar: And this concerns me for many reasons, and J.L. knows that we have lot of accidents there, we have tie-ups, and in case of an emergency, an `z emergency vehicle, this street must remainopen, I think what we have to do - }t and h hit the 'nail on the head the bottle neck is that stretch between the `csptl and Monty's on South Bayshore give, where it goes from four lanes to } i f- we Can widen that Another suggestion I'd like to snake, very two lanes, +. few.: people exit coming into towns on 22nd Avenue. They go all the way to 17th Avenue where it backs up for several blocks. If we could put a sign at the southeast corner of 22nd Avenue and Tigertall Avenue, saying "easy access, to the left, to U.S* 1 on 22nd Avenue.'" That's one thing, Another thing, Commissioners, we might consider, try to give us a few more seconds across Diiie..Highway at 17th, Z2nd, 27th, so that they're all coordinated. I don't think we have five seconds now. Do we have five or six seconds? Commissioner. Plummer: Fifteen. Mr. Asmar: Fifteen? It doesn't seem that much* And you have two and a half .. _ minutes.. � e Commissioner PIu mer: You get one car through, you're doing well. Hr. AsMa r: And you have two and a half minutes going along nixie Highway. It's very difficult. Many times, to exit my home, I have some people move.a - little bit so I can go , cress I the rafi°i c ¢ and I Sa to 22nd Avenue and exit there. But, ladies and gentlemen, don't black off Halisee. This is an emergency lane that has to be there in case of a major accident at U.S. l.. You have the hospital there. Perhaps if you want to try it one-way for a while, but, certainly, don't barricade it. Please give this greater consideration. If you have to, prat it off for another month. I missed that meetings because I was in and out of town, but I did write a letter to Eleanor''= and all of the people on the coomittee stating my objections to the closures. ... I feel that no change should be made. If Day Heights rants to close it off, let them nut the gate and make their own taxing district and pay for it. But , don't penalize everybody else. We on 17th, we in Hate pay the same taxes ee everybody else $ I thank ,you for all you're doing, and for all you go through ` you. (AUDIENCE APPLAUSE) Mayor Suarez. It's so nice to be thanked every once in a while. All right. fir* jeork sailed: yes, My is ferry Hai1ey I live on Mi+canopy Avenue, AN I 'tip goi ng to ex,ores s a contrary opinion yor care . icanopy, i�st's like where the Manager 1fives. sail ey« That's correct, yes,, We have a great problem with traffic in the area, know wife and I personally have Called my times to the City Of fii .t`o try and get the street patrolled. We don't get the service. A lot of eopt+a c wte to an from Mercy Hospital. They use that street as a drag rip, and is u5t a tremendous problem. The only reason we're here asking that so ething be done s b±ectuse the City, I think, has failed to properly 4-.sj J deep thin area as a residential one, and not a main commercial thoroughfare. r in i'aYor of either .plan. I'd like to see one of them tried. The people id Natoma Manors have attempted to work with day Heights. a agreed to try r ` their plan ;first, because they wanted to suggest it. As far as the emergency 4 issue that Mercy'Hcspital is raising, I think we have a greater problem with } most of the workers from Mercy Hospital speeding through there to get to work.',*, j Commissioner Plummer: I'll give you a better answer, put a road block in the#' -oi �3t1. days* Mr, 4;iley �.._ than we do with emergency vehicles. We've yet to have a concrete example of a problem right now wi th them attempting to get dorm 17th e Avenue. Yes,, it is hypothetically possible, but all we''re asking for at this point an opportunity to try to control the traffic* Now that # going to infurie�te lot of people who are upset in trying to gat to work and get over to x Southi►I Avenue, but those streets a,re not designed for that.My contention is if you want to commute, you want to cut through Coconut Grove, use South gayshore, use UPS. 1, but you don't need to cut through the residential district. 5o I m in favor of trying either program. Something E needs'to be dare We haven't had any success yet* That's my comment, Mayor Suarez: OK, The problem with getting into the argument of what struts area.. r Mr Bai Ivey: And I also have a letter from several of my neighbors who are r also in support of the progrn. Mayor Suarez. The problem with getting into the issue of what the streets are j designed ' for is that Commissioner Plummer already pointed out that none of these streets are designed for the incredible amount of traffic that they're attracting,w. 7 i Commissioner Plummer: None of them. Mayor, Suarez: and what we're trying to do is find a way to encourage people to use the more suitable ones, and at the same time... Commissioner Plummer. 'they're going to use the path of least resistance Mayor Suarez. ... not make life incredibly impossible for employees. of Mercy x and rescuie vehicles, et cetera. h 263 no. 29. 1993 we're askin legitimate We have Sba e e All right, we tri'e w some time ago we r$ Ailey: Thdy're always t�-ialated g is the chance means to gets signs up that May Sudre� Yeah Mrs aa11dy� Yoh can stand out there any,afternoon, any day and see it, and as eai d, must t' . the pr'bb1 ern i n the morning is really with people going to r Kbftissioner-platter: It's .amazing that people haven't been killed. . ea11ty* it has nothing to do with emergency vehicles or people needing to 6. oh the sheet. It's ;dust a. cut -through, But if we restrict the use of same of those, well, mayor. Su fret ►l l right -- go'l 9 tcs really probably see an increase,.. '= Mr d g i 1`ey Idol -yeah, but you're a�ski rig us, peopl a who live on that street, , who a lot of money. i n property taxes, who have a right to have a quiet ,pAy str +st, to pis up with all the undue traffic. It's totally unnecessary+- . ar suare%; All right, thank your Mr*'"gailey: All rights (AUDIENCE APPLAUSE] Sri Waldo Ellison: I'm Waldo Ellison. i live on Micancpy. htf Mayor Suarez; Another ahr that lives by the Manager9 S 3r * El 1 i son: Another une wra 1 i ves on Mi can+py who picks up odor bottles e46ty rnirg fig— f .. Mayor Sua►rtt : From the Managtr s home . t- Y': Or. ETIIson: From the Manager's home, right. I'll say this aboutthe , Manager: His place is kept impectatbly, What happened to the... ...: mayor Tuareg. The old �Eutter up to the nagger" trick, All right, _ Dr Ellison1 sorb OK there we are. But in any case... Vice Mayor Qe Yurre: He's got all thole City employees working there all days h., r _ ity employees, He taker geed care @f his pr,# Ellison, No, none of the cMy Ykk ere VYt•there workl4fgiRF.�is out in Wlyr+�i'e iTirdin i1M. & OR 254 ,, a, 't LT h omee for about 18 years now. It was my brainstorm many years ago to try to find an answer to this problem. One of the things and � .L. Plummer will rtmefter .ling me, good luck with your stop signs." We put four-way stop slgns in Mat. Manors and gay Heights. It didn't do any good. No left no right turn, no left turn, nothing, The issue here is a simple one. We have painstakingly gone over this issue with the. People of Say Heights and Mate Manors,,, We can't agree on everything. The majorityof people in Naotnet Manors realize that there is a problem concerning traffic, there is a problem cons rning refuses there Isa problem concerning robberies, and the fact that each of us pay a Minimum of $5,000 a year in taxes, we feel that we would like to get something for the amount of money that we pays We c1t#i1't need children crossing the street and nearly getting hit by cars, especially in the afternoon, when everyone comes through on Mitanopy and Tigertail. People :,. don't care. Then we have the motorcyclists at Midnight coming down to see if they, can go through the area, and d+ ping off their beer cans, and bottles, and things of that sort. They think that's a fun time. Now, I understand that Mercy Hospital is concerned about the traffic issue. I'm a physician at yj Mercy Hospital. This plan will cause an impact upon me to travel all the way around to get to Mercy Hospital, but it's worth it. To one, we've been delaying and delaying for months and months, and years and years. We have two plans, we'd like to implement them. As I said, nobody is going to agree on all of them.. We want three months for each. That's the way we had looked upon this situation, I think Mercy Hospital can do all of the traffic planning. i ney want to do but the reality of the situation is to implement it ;} and see what happens. Commissioner Plummer: I didn't think it was three months and three months. I thought it was both together. Or. Ellison: Well, it was my understanding from the City that they were going toad each one for three months. i Commissioner Plummer: You're not going to get - excuse mane, daily, you know, r let me put on the record. I thought it was both of them for three months. Mr. Lee* Each,.. Commissioner Plater: I don't think now, I'm going to voice an opinion here. I don't think that you're going to get a true picture of what the impact will be unless you have both of them going at the sane thee* because 2=r one set in Bay Heights is 9 going to create one problem,, and another set in Natoma is going to create another problems Dr.- Ellison: J.L., how can closing off different streets. you have therm going at the same time? You're Commissioner Plummer: You're talking about eventually that both of them would be closed .off. Mr. Lee: It can't be done, Commissioner. Commissioner Alonso: No. Is that what you want? No. Commissioner.., 255 June 29., 1993 . , ua£�� �� NO.. One . r � :t' "Ot kt :a mockery out of th$ far a at your testimony and we're 00ing to t i ssioner pi W=er. H 6,W are you going tb do It? yor + f�G i o` 1 ! Ar6 gett 1" P tr t 1 here*' E i 'Sionir �Alonso. Let me ask a question. ..: t or0 1 t ison; We - as for this issue concerning the ambulances and things... tssioner Alonso. Mr Mayor*, if I may. Suarez: ®ll.To ..MA 1 ommi ss # one I missioner A� 3n o» it's not the intent of the neighborhood to implement both At, the �►dne: time; not _low, not later, right? r ion.o ,It wcauid.. rner A or�soti One or the other. The nn that works aestr l L, 1i,son The ides was to try out each plan for a period �f three , months. t issOner Aionso: Yes. r* ,.-Ellis +�� � . � . tea see he ► t#�e peop� � i n the neighborhood reacted to each r soh .But, I:Im saying 1, Instead of delaying It... Komi ss ner Alonzo: And then i�t ant one - of ;them. Ofii. ETI.i ion, Arta of them wi l br1 emented. i s ones, lonso All right. Yes that was, under tndino., J c)MspiAav,: Flon, iiregard to being tt am nMVW ",6 the "'hop , ai, bit yet, -ton the other, hand] we r�out�d i ie o get this thing = .. 901 ng -, yor' s Ali right. r gr, i json aRld as a . r�esui t we MfouTO i ik+e •to. it i nt .:the .first{ one nEi 7 �. D66s {'tt �kM 'An di.fferea e t me, -Which :4Mf� i ra s ?ng as + d so ietM �g g t� S��t what il�p� ns � and i f there a�*� r s we w drat bd th .thy• i ke ap rthing e1 se that goes.. +�n. t 1 Y t, or Sucre 1, 0 d Anythi ng furthar? _- Deli,. 11 i nr isA7 ontssionerlonso; canr Mayor? - --fi,y�iTr. $ #r� � Burs Y l'�+ �F f' 9i®ri Al no i- �t , omi stioner AIoft 0 N I n ` ordsr to try to Save some time, i don't think, for r 1 , month ill make that greet of a difference. Could We delay this - f r { ncnth d[ at the last meeting in July, ewes back to us, take a final t eci ai on? AndY don t shy not it couldn't be implemented in September as lar�rted, briOinal ly, right? Wall? Mrw'Ue. Yeahi We31_, J honestly feel that we should go for+th. Comi.ssioner PIumer Are you speaking to "A" or "SO? � mr, i Lew, Give each plan.... "90 ". days :-and i • i _ CoOmssidner Planer: Well, excuse men _= c�issi ner Al€ nso: That's "right, but I'm saying, in orderto be fair to all ;.., rif the pa, es nvol ved to the people sitting behind there who say they have not "been given �► voice. e orrr issi*net PI m rp That's icy concerni cc missi+oner Alonso. Also to the people of Mercy Hospital .who would like to -- have . an opportunity. It seems to me that a month will not make that much of, a -_ dItference They vi l 1 have an opportuni ty o It will collie beck to us July 22rid. we "will , leak at.. the situation: again, make a final decisions and it will be inlp arnehted n September. Why note G missioner Plummer;— Well the only problem that I have..i C' issioner Aldnso: That's its caftnissioner Pi er. .. is what you just said about Bay Heights should, have ,r .: the right' torte; ;off. Bau3e have said before, 'arid Y"1�1. say, again,OW .. y" vote 1,o tine Bay Heights people is what the majority vents. Move, they went that ol" they don t, or no charge* and that's the major ty Grote, that.' s what m ..voting for.;; �;Bdt they - 11hought everybody had had the .right. 1 ::know t int � the at sc., people :had voted,OK And so that one, i have no probll ' of _ di ;c is tag, ' yes ,' or no, but I do feel that . the Bay Heights people shouldhave that�.ffight to'e ress°their concern to the chission `= co is loner Alonso Yes MS � Li 5'ette tope• Hi. MY name is Li ssette i.opez. I live at 2820Southwest__ 6th Avenue. "I'm speaking to you as both a concerned citizen of Miami and as - E -- an emplt yee` rho -will be `affected by a, change like tbi s. 3 r - A Mayor Sua e . The old "Citizen cum OV10yee" trick. All right. , Ms. Lopal: Traffic, as it is nows is very bad leaving Mercy, ,you know, and n; blocking off Ala,tka would cause a naJor traffic backup in Mercy, major; not gust to the "VloyeasI, to the patients, and possibly even to the rescue 4av n there. -Maybe you could 'try another way of - without blocking off the streets, maybe have some more enforcement within those streets so that people obey the signs, the stop signs, you know. Cr missioner Plummer* That's a full-time pollen. Ms. Lopez, Get on top of this, rather than closing off the streets and causing an even - even more traffic than there already is. I understand that f the people of Coconut Grove pay very.high taxes, but so do all the rest of the citizens in the City of Miami, and we're not trying to close off our streets. So I hope that you would please... Commissioner Plummer: Wally, can I ask you a question, sir? Was any consideration instead of a barricade? - because Halisee is the main concern of the hospital, as far as emergency vehicles in. Was any consideration given that that would be a one-way street towards Bayshore without a barricade? And -let me trill you something. Emergency vehicles don't have to abide by a sign that says one the Emergency ,you go way or other. vehicles can go whichever way is the quickest. And if ,you don't have - what I'm saying is, if you don't have a barricade and it was just a one -sway street, that if anybody - the normal traffic violated theotre-w$y street, they would be ticketed. It would give the opportunity to emergency vehicles, if they had to, that they could go 5� either way. I've not heard anyone have any disagreement, if, in fact, Halisee wasone going, what I would call, east. Mr. Lee: tinder both plans, Halisee is one-way towards Bayshore. j Coirmissiones Plummer: Without a barricade.? f } _ . Mr. Lee: No barricade. Dr, Ellison: Bayshore is one way. Mr. Lees Right. Dr. Ellison: In order to give access at least to Mercy Hospital. But when we went over this... Commissioner Plummer: No. I - well, excuse roe, doc. I'm talking, Wally, all the way . from now, What is proposed for Ha►l i sse and Dixie? ;# Mr, OdioLet me - let me... Commissioner} Plummer, Mr. CdIo: QK. Commissioner Plug: i Hold on, let me ask a question. Is that barricaded or one way? 9E i n t x at i_'d heed t oft the ror�df you have the-- . both %arcs_'Alst ofc't blocked �pher" rs fof, in and outs — Mr In ;and but co 1 sloner Alonso: It's blocked. Mr* Lee: ;o pl dtel,y blocked .= Or; Elllsono At U4 I or Dixie Highway, Cotaissioner Plumner Well, that was the master plan, The master plan showed that k-, Mayor Srerez Wait, doctor. You can't do b0missionir plemerYou've got to'o to microphone. 5uare You probably can t do that in the operating room at Mercy = either, but you certainly can't do it here p`« `l1'�st3rtt You can see athy we have a +concern, There's several options that- wer-6, j4st. ,thrown Out on the tabl6 that nobody's had a chance to discuss. , We y3�� }yam i+j� �e options.,, Ao '� ►ome V16#fe uh � ��irpt�IF�V�r� t� d���w��� t�M�� — Mayor, 5Wet. {3X. Dir-C, l i i sort: School ` isout for the sumer ` Mayor: Suarez; School is oat Or .'Ell i son The traffic should be quieted down some. Mayor Suarez: And this CO'Miti ssion gages on when school 'is out. j ElIts,on: That's right, si.r. , Cm ssioner Pit�er: Y'all decide. I know which ►gay: you know.,,,»- M rc r Suarez,., All r#gat# Cc issioners,, ghat it comes down to _ Wally I ess he wapts to say a couple of things. .This i s getti ng +dui to raped Live fol s,,� end we rt fir frame an u" tirr to deci sitrn ` We're talking About `, s12 torary_ o Mi ssi ontr Al onso, I'd like to move, , e Or Ellison, Mr;* Mayor a t §omm� j �v �e4 /� '}� y,� +[ (� yn q �i �" �'" +� �} �y y� { is t o i'3 11 i f h t: #t delay this li! #lilt �rt t A +rt 4 �f `�!ft porturrity to the neighbors to breve an opportunity to voice their cpiMOU R 215,9 ig f 0. ; at - O" IN 7� k a{1d ''it will bef�iip t#i�i.1R i+ sia[ ti.' �+l O WAINtil. +�:�iit LR ei l►i�ll�•71� Y►ww rvr.e..,.�. .- '� Mayor Suarez- So moved 'ice Mayor De Yurre. Second. Mayor Suarez: Seconded � -- y Dr. Ellison:, Paint of information. _ #a r Suarez thought you were going to come up with some procedural way arounda•t Dr. Ellison: A point of information.. Mayor Suarez: what would otherwise be a dispositive motion, Or � ElIison Right, but what the heck. I've got one question. If Mercy Hospital says that closing Al atka will have an impact on people leaving the _ hosta1, does that mean that this - all these plans are null and void? Myar Suarez: We ddn't.know what will happen, because we don't know if rcy Hospital will say ,that,. But you obviously have great access tp the dm nistra ion, a please give them all of your input. And, doctor, we've QQt = to rove on We're postponing this if this passes, for a month, and don',t y hesitate to, give, us input. Commissioner Alonsa: Yes. Mayor Suarez. People like Herb Simon have been so silent back there, mean We -AVwe need to hear from you, friends from the neighborhood and activists o have a motion and A second. Any di scussi one' If not, please call the roll r.; EX 200 40 g, ' g } ors � x� t y Pw .. The "ollowing mot Io'n was introduced by Coamissioner Alonso, who moved its adoptions MOTION NO* 93-380 _ A MOTIF TO DEFER AGENDA ITEM 44 (PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO RESTRICT RT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO CERTAIN STREETS IN THE DAY HEIGHTS AND NATOMA MANORS NEIGHBORHOODS IN =_ A-CCOROANCE WITH PLAN "A" AND PLAN "Bt" FOR A TRIAL t BASIS OP NINETY DAYS FOR EACH PLAN) DEFERRING SAID ITEM TO THE SECOND MEETING IN JULY IN ORDER THAT MERCY HOSPITAL REPRESENTATIVES AND AFFECTED RESIDENTS MAY WORK TOGETHER TO REVIEW AND DIVE INPUT ON SAID PLAN IN ORDER TO FAC LITATE THAT RESIDENTS OF THE BAY HEIGHTS AREA MAY HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE ON THIS ISSUE; AND FURTHER DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO BRING THIS ISSUE BACK AT THE JULY 229 1993 MEETING FOR CONTINUED CONSIDERATION BY THE COMMISSION AND POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION BY SEPTEMBER 1! 1993. Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the motion was Passed and adapted by the following vote: - AYES; Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre -_ Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: 14ayor Suarez: Yes, absolutely. Anything to get us to the next item. =_ 1.. IM-W--YR-YY yIY--'-wU-YWIiYA-MAY-MMVrM►-------------------------------------------------------- Ni,32, EMERGENCY. ORDINANCE, CREATE NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND. PROGRAMS FOR THE �- DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED 1993-94 -- APPROPRIATE FUNDS, CONSISTING OF — GRANT FROM STATE OF FLORIDA$ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE s SERVICES (HRS) ---------------------- —ee—a.r.w.a.---,wr.orwo�rrw.r..++rwir.�ra�•aws...sr�r. Mayor Suarez: We're going to go through them in order,, folks, and try to - .' . complete the agenda'. That means that we are up to, Madam City Clerk? p Ms. Hirai. That was 44, but I... Mayor Suarez: The Manager gave me a little list of things that we absolutely t= s. have to get through, Ms, Hirai: It's item 1.3, Mr, Mayor. t 261 Jima 29S 19 r , + � that #tat # very important_ t , but _ • �yyj j}yj��{y (y��(.y]j ye�� '' W ARb'i�10f ,�'� L• ext yEr� Jip thought #V yM:. .�x!j �Ty�y}SY o ab:sb f t.. -, r - Gelsioner, l n" oo What item?, kr* Airai, Thirteen, Mrti Mayor — ayor ul.tr #� .Im ' i � Nls 3 Hi ra .# hi rteen � ter« Mayor. Mayor Suarev. Let's 90 th�'cugh these quickly, please. Yes, ma'am. to M_ Ott onerR Al ohm, move 1, „. Mayor Sia ev So miVed On:.i t tl 12 # COW #ssioner Plummer, Second* tay ruarezt :'..,Seconded., Any +#usi acn onitem If not,, please calf rI 0 1 ssi oner, �Pi Winer: gin" that an er er er cy item? Cdft#ssioner'"Alonso: Yes. _ �Ms. Hirai i Just: . tr 41& yor 5u rez State the `Mature of the wergency on item 12 please.' — +dwssioner�:Pir They just - all they lids gust defer it for a month a .that what ` their d#d?k+ = t inn ions III Es Attune Tl�e emergency on 1?esr? g , q Y �' y .9M ssioner P-iummer Read t . ; Jones The " had asked vhAt the r er c was. x Comm ssi ones` Pl u e i t way se stated there. - Sri one OK. r` osar, Odic (city ,Manager This item is presented on an emergency basis due to tho i'act that these, grants were recently awarded, slid they need t Meet {jt 4 $ shed time # } st a i r s ane ', ► i right That s close enough. 3 rr� r � Lines; OK, , r r t x L _ fip .__ TJx§p �xa r favor SuAre : Any further questions? if not, please read the ordinance« t call thaltolit lier AN ORDINANCE ENTITLE AN EMERGENCY CRDINANCECREATING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE h; FUND ENTITf ED: "PRDGRAMS FOR THE DEVELOPMENTALLY DIWLED ` - 199344" AND ` APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN > THE JOTAL AMOUNT OF $445,12D CONSISTING -- . OF A $2W 1O! GRANT FROM THE STATE OF FL OR I DA # DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES _- (HRa),'$35,013 AS A ONTR BUTTON FROM THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE REQUIRED LOCAL MATCH, AND $130,000 IN EARRY- �_- OVER, FUND ..BALANCE FROM THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "RECREATION ' PROGRAMS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED FY 193"; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION F AN A SEVERADILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Alonso and seconded by Commissioner Plummer, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the s `j following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner Miller Jo Dawkins e Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Victor De Yuree CIV - Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. a ABSENT: None. �t 3 Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Alonso and seconded = ` b Commissioner PIummer, adopted said ordinance by the following vote: AYES, Commissioner Miriam Alonso -- Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer Jr. — Vide Mayor Victor De Yurre — Mayor Xavier L« Suarez NOES «.. ...... None« '.. ABSENT: None. k t SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11067« The City Attorney read the ordinance ; into the public record and announced -that copies were available torthe members of the City Commission and - to the uhl'ic. y 3 d tr F Sy � F ''� z��t^'•!t A-' 1 _ t _i'Fx �' z: �'ti. 1..1 i'r Se] I f y•. ,�- ♦ue.lSF aka wb wra sli rte iai dq4 bpi,ca»+.i i.±r4., 6, ;+f•.w+:,iµ.*we-, *we: «iw:'rsdYmwa:pu+/ .wsY�z-w is•+ww"i+w.«m.,e»:+s.n*awaeis aaeieHa.ew r�r.w,Fbe.to+mr:.ievdMr�n.k.. �+c,.r.. cwn,k4 urea.r&--.ww.jt-.«ba.,.a,.—.y.l: awr —.a•--wwn.i.+_ EMENr {1 +� ORDINANCE: Nit CODECOMMUNICATIONS , ATI i�"Eg+¢V+II , SYSTEMS) 5 (US �t �`+��T HE = i'!1'��'o �ii"i1 Err Itut"�i i.�dN +3�Tt°ivt.) ,+- 3wri7AVf� TERM of L T i CATION PERMIT ISSUED BY THE CITY Its ORDER TO COINCIDE, S YEAR .-.wY"�ekfiwrarwiebtleiw+e�••aro�YFwr.iv.rY+tir+�3i WwiWt+iA++W�+4e wafar rlea�revl wi+pw+i��tr+ar+elirr eesw.�w�6.eawr+rosweY.woo.swra.sos-----aeb------ss—.u.-----+e.'w+�w r ia,o" Suarer: Ito IS, the Manager says is important, except I don't see it here. Are w � superst i ti ous t or we don't have an item 13, or what? . inn JOrt s,• I1, Esgi (City Attorney) Cesar* k b`` Coamiss ioner� luItlflef M 'V1i46 y % zY Mayor Suarez. Anybody know what item 13 is? If not, I'm going to go right on to I Tema 14 9 t } Mr. Cesar Cdio (City MAnager) : Yes, s i r oThis item is presented to your for .. ;,. It's use of the public rights -of -way by private communications systems.., 01 TMt mayor Suarez: OK It didn't make myy. Y» r. Od.io: ... to change the terms of all telecommunication permits issued by the City to expire t:n Sept+ber 30, to coincide with the =Ci ty's fiscal year, F MC w MayEoro The proposed 'ordinance provides for a prorated rate for the period u from-jully Mayor Suarez: This is recommended by the Administration? Mr. Odio. Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: Does any... Commissioner Alonso: Well, it does create a problem with the... Odi o: It does create a problem for us to.. 17 Mr, molly Lee (Assistant City Manager): For us, paperwork. d { lr. 'OdIo Paperwork. Ct 1Cn ssioner Alonso.- Paperwork,' move, it. _ -onmissioner'Piu mer+ What item? Mr. Lee, Thirte+en.. _ C Mr. odio: It's item I3, Cam# scion r. And this -they brought it to him as', an a ergency. bas i a , in order so that we can - we eke it effective prior to ther'l my lst renewal S f r ryt C issioner Planer. Did you move it i _ 1 • 5' �{e�T -� , • 1. --welew, Mayor Suarez. Moved and seconded. Any further discussion? If not, please read the ordinance -,. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- ' AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII OF CHAPTER_ 4 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA# AS AMENDED f ENTITLED "USE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY BY PRIVATE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS" THEREBY CHANGING THE s TERM' OF ALL TELECOMMUNICATION PERMITS ISSUED BY THE CITY. WHICH PRESENTLY RUN FOR A YEAR FROM JULY 1ST TO JUNE ,3t7H TO A YEAR FROM'OCTOBER 1ST TO SEPTEMBER 30TH TO COINCIDE WITH THE CITY'S FISCAL YEAR; FURTHER, TO PROVIDE THAT THE ANNUAL FEE FOR TELECOMMUNICATION 6 ISt 1Y PERMITS SHALL BE PAYABLE ON OCTOBER IST RATHER THAN ON JIiLY iST OF EACH YEAR, MORE'PARTICULARLY, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 54-144 AND 54-150 OF THE CITY CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND -A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE= li was introduced by Comi sidner Alonso and seconded by Comissioner �- 'A Plurmmer, for adoption as an -emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading sane on two separate days, which was agreed to by the - n following vote f AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins t Commissioner J.' L. Plummer, Jr. t5 Vice 'I yor Victor De Ydrre Mayor Xavier Lo Suarez ,F NOES. None. ABSENT- None. Whereupon:the -Commission on motion of Commissioner Alonso and seconded by,Coi issioner Plummer, adopted said ordinance by the following vote. Y _ AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner Millen j, Dawkins 'Commissioner J L * Plummer, Jr* Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES* Noneo i y QSENT None. F SAOICE .WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO, 11068. AVS f :. W.S t5` - rl •ai r -.,. Thd Ci Atto °n y the Ordinance into the public record 40d .. ►d that copit$ were available to the members of the City Comission and .: itTrlliK14��f"�t'IeKG`li!YleylldtllY'AIFiNr+1�r+R4'rti.VP1Egp�ipi6n'i�liPY�lli lf®CaLr+lei�illi'i'flirs"�€ep}.iY�#�'isitl�0legal,#1�rles i:kd 1ln5lN+MM%XYarYuViYLaues a�aal�Mnaelket�kil v5l.�e �4wf++w a4-wMwf.4 liw — :34. C ANO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO AMEND ID, RSTAKISHED INITIAL RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE . LAW. ERF RCE ENT 'EOM FUND -- -TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE OF $D 5 0122 DUE e 10 $UC ESSFUL OAF I TURE ACTIONS* %uiega Ie i:crur- .y, C"ir.+"sioner�a „ commissioner Dawkins; I- move that 14 be deferred a c6mmissioner Plummer: Second. Commissioner Dawkins: I need more information. 14 eyor Suarez So Moved on 14 and seconded. Any disoussi"on? If not, please al "� the r6l i a =_ THEREUPON MOTION -'Di LY MADE BY:COMMISSIONER, DAWKINS AND. SECONDED BY.. COMMISSIONER PLUMMER,, ITEM 14 (PROPOSED INCREASED.APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE LETF) WAS DEFERRED BY - HE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner Miriam MOM -_ �- C�issidner Miller J. Dawkins Corrmissoner:. Plummer, Jr Vice Ce MIrt° r Victor De Yurr Mi yo r : `X�iv i e r . SUa rt 1 iE"J. None. 2I-- ABSENT. None — 9f zi- -Mnw.err+M.aYswuyFwh�wr.iwr<1F4�'!r 'I�W!I�wM+R1+iMei IrwMr•ASWYn41MI►IwIFNfw+u►fIrM1MMt�NRMi+'>rra„wa+M+ww—A...`-------- srr----wr,wrs:Nlsw 5. F. ERGENCY�- I CE; iMENO 10242 - INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS TO SPECIAL 1-REVENUE N D; `HMDIC,APPED QIVISION AND RAISING PROGRAM BY,: $ 100, 000) tZ . '.11F1F1I�1}fiYR�M1Yh011p1y1M'/tlM1PM'IMIIMMYlli11!!1llIiMM=IM1MM14rf.YM�MW!'1M+MIYIR'�M�YT�YYM—b—wYi M-4—#--011r—wbw#--bM1NM`4w�F#M►iMn1YRMYrMMNiFMIFMMRW11wYliMM11rMMw Mayor" Suarez: I tern 150 tommistioner Plummer: Howe it. r . Mayor~ Suarez: Moved. r k_ COW issioner~ Dawkins. Second.266 k utle jpp y} J EICt"Mi' l t 5 I v h y 3 RL 7 r § a ril s Y .. not HirlaM All 0f�, --- -. -nrt Dawkins Com MAY or V I ctorl-I to yore Moor I vler * Snare AS -E T �Oil Whereupon t pt1n tie COW Sid n r motion of Commissioner Dawkins and seconded �- by C i sio tml i l r Adapted said ordinance by the following vote; AYES-* Cbftissienar Mtrr'l`ammr Alonso toWls'sioner Miller J. Dawkins — OWi ssIone r .J L, Plummer, Jr. _ vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor XaVier 'l_, Suarez_ NOES`;- None ASSENT: Poona, r SAID, ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO, 11069, The City -Attorneyread the ordinance into the public raced and =- Announced that copi es were available to the members of the City Corm ssi on and 6# AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF A WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE $US (UNDER EXISTING 'AT9 OF- ,',FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CONTRACT 93-11) -- FROM CARPENTER : _- M4tlFA; TUNG 1lMiFMaMJ1iM111MUA}}4lYMMIIil11l1lMRRilkllFrR11M,i!#YAlills/IISAIAliN1YAYgIfy1TRNMFN111NwtlN WRlR,pA�ll�11RINWRlN1MMtlll#tIMA11NY4+MI.ii�li�AMi111Ah! Ii1Ib MR#11M1t/F011fii1.11!#fil NMilill�lf0iA41 - DJµ r. *=i siioA0r Tl Ureter. Move 16. - /� r+y Item . 16. omissioner;Plummer- glove it. t May or Suarez: Moored k r, Cc missioner A'lonso: Yes, second.— - ybr Suarez; Seconded, Any discussion? If not, please reed the - call the - ro 11, . A } _ � - � sk rJ y a S rin.n ��fRwis� � � o a h = ;i: _ s'u��. xi `-'�^ � fs I INS. ITAWE 'aM�f4 n • IE)�eeRP 11IC- Ipping a!k'IR that anyone the general —'�`-- �sa • �Y(py ub• t ha , or- ,_ h Goner Yeah g have a question on t,hatg Mr. Mayor. What are - to d .� understand this is housing for AIDS. Mr. Manager, what are - :pu .00100 tq ,4. a r su r e Mr. �- epr+sentatve Afinesto, e1r, we dove you to death, but if - ou.-ould do the sidebar thanks. _ ���sic�ner Plumber: That's almost $S,OBCpoaB. How do ,you anticipate that those �ni es: will- be ;, spent? I s 1 t ,by buyi hg apartment houses? Is it paying = vent? B,od��,000 is . an awful ,lot of money. �- ' . It's not only for the City of Miami. This is �gy q +} Manager) r R Ctii sar odic City �..Wi3a�l t . - y County Miami, Beach - Bade County as a whole• #fir. ,eff Hepburn. That's corrects It's Dade County, Hialeah, Miami Beach. commassi ner Pl ner ' or* Here again, how will these.monies be disbursed? I an h. are, they going to be used? Are they going to buy houses? Are they 0,10g to'buy apartment houses' Are they going to lease apartment houses? r Mr. Hepburn: There will be... G�Issiuner PIu*er I find nothing here to tell me how the monies will be 30d mr° a Hepburn* 1"here was a - this item came before the Commission last month 1 n t— #- erms:of receiving the grant, spelled out.,. _ oWittioner Pluimert i understand. - 9 lr Hopburn- It spel1'ed out exactly what the fronds would be used for. Y opgh)y, about a �mi 11on�-three will be teed to either rehabilitate or -build a a ty �'or. AIDS perSOns. The b#� �1 t e.... __ comissio P1 tamer Where? fir°. He burn: don't have $site at this point. We're advertising at this ppi-At to other ageocie.s. out therev and private; developers who would like to, parti of pate ' i h the program. _ Ctmmiss"Ione r Plummer: A11 right.* ter, He urn So we have not identified a site yet. C issianer pl dittmer: s it understood that any of these monies that are to _t 4` t 4 be spent in the i ty wn i d hav+ c before this CI ty�., Commission prior? y Er Z p p {p� t{�� (� /x� }� �n {� ��p" y� (� come eu3�E-Any 5ir47ft�. hide t'1i. �t�iRV/ before.the 4�►'V,i. - tPF .y :. . - '2 s ,k AYE,- CaMM1 Sioner Miriam Alonso , ommissioner Miller J. Dawkins o n s$ oner J.L, Plummer, Jr. Wee Mayor Victor De Yurra May or XavierL. Suarez NOES; done: ..ABSENT: None The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and oo nc d that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and td the Publics x 29, a 4 t t HI�M-x. 3aYa z �serhdara w+onsd:icM+Me::.°r.4.ss..anF#i'r'a�a shd K9s a+'; 56tPrxNyap€w.weiui:dwfi'raFw+Ei:'dt.atd�e�rt+.+.arcai+sr+ka:.n+viaMr.aaeve�+wN,,.+9r•+x«.,e«u.e....ixm•m.sar.axwarc+Rs.a+a.in«ww+de,..,w.;w+rra,w q MEND CODE CHAPTER 54, ARTICLE VI SECTIONS .� LATI SIDEWALK CAPES) , THEREBY RETROACTIVELY �-- OO 1YEARS THE WAIVER :PERIOD FOR SIDEWALK CAFE PERMIT FEE ty DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS* ': ai:iaki"sYdilMi+dYirtbwiao4asie+.,s.b.r+..a.—kpr 4r�issioner Alonso! 251 I definitely would like to sees I'd like to move Camissione r PIummert 25 or 27? ionerAlonso: first* f or Suarez.25 now, at the request of Commissioner Alonso, which is a �- previouslyschaduled item. o is-s.ioher PluMer OK w tell me what that doest I see it there Commissioner Alonso: Its specifically for certain areas of Miami that we _ Gould like to' create the inctntives to have the sidewalk cafes! For example, the only-ooa that exists in Little Havana is going to he receive the benei'itbo youi;rmefter.about a:month ago we discussed that _- o nissioner PItMnerWe talked about going to a gross... issioner'Alonsoa This is actually the legal way to do that to resolve the ;.. u1's ing si tivation. 'Commissioner Plu ers What about others that want to do its ivcx inissianer` Alohli' . They will be also included* A. Quinn Jones, 1II9 Esq (City Attorney): Understand!., Corissioner Alonso: It couldn't be done for one. i ' Y #. E� A E ah , - g OWssioner Alonso. It had to be done for all. om ssioner Plower, Yoah, becauae dir°ettl,y across the street now from th+e ti•'= Pub, their, but tables: and chairs 'out. y iiommissidner�`Aldnso If it's illegal, because some of them, you know, are not reaiy.» Gomissioner Plummer. Yeah how do ,you do it for one sections of the city wi gout doing i t , for the others" E C""issione r A]onso. we did it befores �p : lair` T #z fAa 1993 s r t > f 4�� 1 'EF 't µ , y.S t _ _ ' 1 i y - � Akr _ J i7' ; 1 .5 t Y'z<� �r'•`_- ` $yy{��`f �+ � ��{ipp,F}yyrjyyy+ y} yrjs(/ this only affects one �lR :.e�9la �- 4r.p'vL01e�... CIF eRiSi nity duel n target d actual only abut Ewa , ndaratditanyr: Out hat this dutd ntni#t,and Y hn and Vfwt it does is that it extends retroactively of the nt opay the fee sq and these after thatydatLptriod you kick in. G �yy� �j f yI►! ji+aa saying we wain dn' t get any fees at otl l Fumar r Jones:.,;, For fiVe years G�i ssioner PI UMOr NO4 I can't vote for that. I � t�ve these people dead � s acid be 1 ad t0 drdp down t?n the Fees . . ,banes. the only thing that they' would be..e C�i ssioner Pl u�r. .. . but to have It free of charge.. The' only thing that they would have to pay would be an annual application fee, that's it. Commissioner Plummer; No. That's fiat fair. I'm sorry. Hey, they're going to :be > rSi ng"' "Cit, ght-of-way to make money. 'I think the City, in at 1 ` ' entit��e d y j St like we charge . Florida Power and might to use palc r`� get-of�wtiy � we change the cable c�any f I think that they have tt� -sow: ' idea Now, let tell ,yaU alto there is an application - excuse �- 'a +eq st .to= y rffi c to put tables and Chairs on Biscayne Boulevard T Iy! fr'lger strut toPi rst Street inhere that new shopping +renter had gone f— A�Y" '�9' in # ' S — , `tea any h+ Cbuilding end tin ng haY 8 d { y3 ' pan' t do i t there b . And they want to kh v why they can' do i # when f rs.Cesar Cdie ity Man agar): Why _don't you pass it on first reading and we ` can make- adjust ents after.. . .. C lssioner Alonsoi We can r ke adjustmeiltsa Kl "• .. 1k5 _ :.. C+issioner PI "that s fi1e that's fine. gut they`a got tts Pad_ ME h ifi A rs t reading. v, Comnissioner Alonsos. And then we make someed,justments. _ i ssion' pi t+ rs That's OK, you know. Pass i t on first reading, You VA Coissiasteflonso YcS, I second it. . ss i one. Pl w=r. But understand, on the second ready leg, there � s ��� � f 4r� he $� et ensation to the City, What about insurance, 14r. City Attorney? - ' { L ry isones Alonro. I believe they have... si i °t- b y 1 i - 1 YYI �atj•' �f d } #�� '- '_il ' 42 7� s n'iY _ 3-r�'y..01011 '�" ." on r P r that f ed for �re? lit ye Ot sure We i bef re sera that some yo-yo second reading, please give me an answer ss1 on r Alonsol a asked qbout insurance. � was told yeses _— r r,na3, When they file the appl iKations for the percr�iis they have to show— % plans d the vrhoie search. that whole thing, So there's a whole... 4 ' 3 r C ssioner i +u�r Wail, for the NA .up there and runs over somebody, Publicright-of-way, if some dru[y►(+1k driver �iil they're going to sue us: At, ° hones: There 's a whole l i tarry a ,iy 0 th before» * 4 of code requi rements that the y ha vc to — o is i npr pi umerr Send a copy _ of the prier to second reading,, n9. please. r�nes, lr. Yes s it n r,Plummer: In+d look, then ort to the City, but I'm 'M not try# ng to set what is fair~ -� saying the City's got to derive someit Mr. 3orr ordlaance� TM �inr;.ir Can inoide Sistrayn.e Bpuevard itt this? , �. will expect an Allswor back fro YOUt then, on �- • - }■the 0}{ {y}' 7�y,j$ G��.y■r aheadon 3 'A!15 { M�., ! +Y } t CIE 3 4 # ,NC 9' C.4iA d ' y�ybyj'' yjd.ryyy. 2 •' ", THE, ITY ATTORNEY READ THE ORDINANCE INT0 THE RECORD,] sonar Dawkins. WhO target areas are you talking about? i s io ar` Plumer Southwest 6th Street. Call it what it is* ft co i ssi tsn+srAl+ nsn: I hei i aria i t } s the Latin Quarter" • _ i o issionar:' er Yeah, Latin Quarter. 1 04 gariit � .. Latin 1l4it Y ..4Yv r �f - Crissonar P1c+r: Call the vote. ar•rr� Gil 1 the roll -,.yeah. ENTM ,t AN: , ORgINANQE' WITH ATTACH ENTv' 'E�.ATINC TO SIDEWALK (S) CAFES*' AMENDING'-,)T4. ARTICLE iii,EGTiQNSr. �.Nii#-►+ o CITYFiAMi C /[ 9 "TME EBY ET O G`' V tLY EXTEN ►I iG To FIVE (5 �5wp;� N►Y PE�{R�00 Si}�r�pyt{E`��tA�.l�<�/.fy�FE PERMIT FEE /�ip�ji(p«�}eQR(�� AREASr PAYMENTS : • � � �� Y' fps 7: ELOPMEN i TARGET OF ■ t 4 CITY WI YINq� . PPL C.�#TIi N SEE PAYMENT :. �+ o�NIi EP�R P�tt�Yl,7o�tg aEYE1�BILITIt CLAUSE Ado. Po:IN :E'ECTV DATE.� W i trodby C # ss tir r ions and secor ded by G�i ssi onar` 'u r add it I a s d on."!t ir`st• read#`ng by title the foi lowing ,vote. • w ►►Y`E �i i r eir Hi r am 'Al tin so � `ssi ner • llrlter 0Cawk9rts r y +� �ft 110 er �i �s Pl rg j Y o i ' iyor Vitt ©e 'crrie � ayY " Xavier L. Suar'oix €r= NoE NO- nil s ;ABSENT None - Ta iy �ttr�y read. the on narC i r�to Ih'a p1bl i rr r eord and a n !br# ! at We. a avai labs a to the a�s of the Cites E�� ssi�r� a ,ias ' V^ 1 , t art +y �F g �_ S } = _L t _ 5 4"•�-_ ,�,+ 2 r } _ IMM 11WJx' - _ C. is io Pl. , ero The City f Miami is {a target area. ourte, they b7 l t `A 0 # ' P A Thy 6411y qo do i t whether or not we have control f the 0deW6lk* where they're asking to put tablil+That's the only Ruestian that it is that I understand_- the'.'Oity Attu► `ney j rai'singe as to why they can't. and we'll have an answer' - .. . i ..: baC :orr the 2nd ofJuly. l s:. 1rt C issioner Dawkins. votes yes. Vice... Mr, Gdio Yeah, it's all of them. 'rn Sorry. Commissioner Plummer: That"s fine. -.. i %niY.fY►iY. KaYs.ArYr.GYM.N+BwwrrMtKwk wtawr4eiwiwrteisr..nra.rs�ia��+ieaisa.%w�i+w.r wwir�wrV.ia+w.wrw.wfr wn.rrww.w.ar.Fwt ww ------------- ' {:ISANC:. WITHDRAW PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND COD CUSS. CNAPTER Si (LICENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS REGULATIONS)'. TO PROVIDE �- AO0 I T-1 NAL ; �GROUNOS TO I� hIY . RENEi AL OF CUPAT I ONAL LICENSE AND AUTHORIZE - VOCATION OF WCOPAT`IONAL LICENSE.OF'ANY INDIVIDUAL � BUSINESS � ENTITY - �CONDUCTING ° BU5' N S ..i� TH . LIRA IN 1�IOLATION OF FEDERAL LAN �.� TO BE �- RE ONSIDERED AT A LATCR DATE AFTER`FINAL DETERMINATION BY COURT OF LAW •. ' orNlw+NrMAirwrtiweinMl�wwi�itsr4r�i1r�►www�ar s��+rYMswe�ii�Yl►Wfi�fdWiYeNapNisiOirYkurwtoe+Mtwa�aiwl�rrwWurweiwtaYrti 11+�sw��IwllwaN�rsstrwisrAwraww Mayor Suarez: Item 2dc ._ Cetissioner `Alonsba Yes4 This is an ordinance,., iL O� ssi0he , Plummer: Move it. Commi ssi one Al onsa: OK. A. Quinn Jones � -�I I I � Esq. (Gi ty Attorney): Wait, wait, wait. psi finer Da kin': h Second. {, Mayor Suarez: Moved and seconded. Is there any doubt as to the... t Mr • Jones. Yeah,. r s „ "ayOr Suarez; a.. constitutional validity of this.ordinance? L Nr. ,Jones: Mr. Mayon Ccmissioners, I sent you all a coo, I think it was { �l►st advising you ;that the City Of Miami shad.been tie a party t the litigation where the State provisioin and the County's q- inaknce are being a =ciral;l e►ged . I ., < ex+�use" s I -would' l d advise your that given the present ' I{ 4 } f posture, and that we have been made a party, that we wait and take ti►n o0 ":5 k �X ;t ills at such tip as the court has nde a: detervaination. I don't think that _ r r F a 3 J3 a . 277 Mae - 7 1 k d t b s.'i'ist.m_.c. �:':t, . ,I .c...0 ,. .. _ .. ._ _... ..._. _... -. _. _ _ �_ .. J...__. _ ...._ ._..` .._..-_w _.a.�._.", •__,_ 1. ,. S!r%e: c�%`L"i��r: P '3 ert ithdra and the then h i f y the`1 ty ttrney r 'y Are' M, 1 y#. S4FN► tot t :Yet # : ur I f At does COM want to n0 exactlyWe " 11ke� they have to be have det�r�,ned � ���� Cflrid��'��d a � n $ _ ' ° kn r: is h e say n hG�4 yt going + d f`1 n. hothar sftehady is or isn't? pl umt er Vitt -Mayor 'De Yurre: You know? ss' oner` inner. "Chi smos a" .5.'.. Vice Hayor De Yurre. So we better hc3ve that in place if tbfs �s-geing to come backi Mayor Suarez. All rights r -�iMrl4.frYwrwaN+iFarwe�rplMe.tXFY1IMNfwrrlairalnirlfFrw+.rrnlrr�r�arJYriwMaPcr+siii..aertlrgsassw MYlwrrwrarwMwMwal..ae,�.wri rlraR+rwllw ra.1.: �a.rwrtiwwa"N wrin�+ 400. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK CST ' THE DNT MENT TARGET. T LOA*� R i Fo R P RP SEa t F . RERQ►1d tT RETROF I T`T I NG OF, SPACE FOR OFFICE ��E -- .. V T R Z� ISS"NCE OF RE Eft FOR PROPOSAL (RFP): S { ..'y , �Ytl11t41Mkfi►�1k+lMMil�iAIf�.-YiYiY►i1Y111MYi101f elFVRllYiilttlllllillM/IiOYYYfA— —J!►ie— — — — —W-------wIN-----------w—M4Yl`fAla��1aYFSYMMMIf f ,,. a ... Comissio no A o d. What 1tem. ,;'what ...:Mayor. Suarez: Item'- 33 ,1 s the .next tine I have' here fry the Manager. CD C ur ty eutl Qprn nt 1 gat 0 10, float loran program - ;: !1�1 Mayor iJ • i rre: A face: .fi 1�R111 IF ii i - Co; sslo ner PlWMr. Yff sirs Mr, 44ayor,,� ri $" a Mayor 3Dowrnto3wrn business incentive progr,am� t Hr i Cesar i (C1 ty Manager) : Loans tothe ldolwfntflwln areas Mayosr, Suarez: DK i r i 4. o�rR� .ttr s come ► tip jrortr � sir, from bast al y the .. S ODA. D ntt n 06 elo� nt gtho�ri'ty) $ This � a4. rr Mt h� ,� - rt Right. We're r-e ft ,.j I that it o s i ly be a aandad 411 ::.tW:CO . target areasi 2- _ t lZi J " •mac -J. iAs�Sff 1 n : 5 i - issi ner r. hi is «� o we go into the whole thing, what it s for? .. r� il9 ssioner Da loss.. NO s hUentified sp kers Look at ACL Royai Caribbean Cruise Line)s c�ssionrier. what's Uni d nti f i ed Speaker 4 .You want to look at RCL? -; _ Sch�varts kCL is one entity. Citibank is interested. There are a numbeWiner andother places. This would provide low interest of buildings dowfltot t+o ka,*'*w retrofit office spaces, and it � we're suggesting it may be through a'veilable in all the CC target areas now. ; Commissioner Plummer4 OK. That... comissioner Alonso: For this we have to corne back for specific cakes. J mr, # Schwartz: Each item will have to cone back. Corm ssioner Pl urnrner. Oh, sure, each one. This is just to make it available. Commissioner Alonso* The just establishes r.`Schrartz; This establishes the program so we can issue a request for . pr iposeE`1 s, we have a draft of 'the request for proposals. Nice tyor. Qe Yurre But Matthew, is this what that bank carted to do? Mrs Schwartz: yeah, but this rakes it...the one before you teday is for make it aVaiiabi'e. ownt rvn, bit to take it Citywide, open this process and Co missioner Plmmrr r: As I understand, its, -just for the Commission rt fir. there MAnage(ro you correct me f I'M v on Mthati#i O ' mayor Suarez : Ccmissioner Dawkins dells..* yields to Camissioner Pltner• He"_ Coiasion r i l�ner� Oho I'm sorcrye I'm sorry. Is there not oresentiy I ,000'000sitting in that fund not being used? # Schwartz: Frahk can answer, but I believe that's approximately, fir. r nk Castatneda: des. Cities on the average have one and a Waif eats l ttera of credit#' so n actuality, it's about ig 00090oo. Cc i siOnor' P r« ' •:There are WOMAN And that money i s sitti ty are really tore -end it's not being used when our people i n the s � ni h0, rt i no to' try to : det money. tCssioner, Dawkins: 'ghat Ion trying to tell .. i W o All r hto Sir* i`WOW Dawkto $ , ,1, don' ro, what you Say about it t areas cannot apply s n r aWra,yourre. r1ghtt 1 rt r W ki ni r The More you 1 , O, Q9C} t . put 10.,000APO side - where . you an pay in 1*�IWO '. tftissionei PluMer* Fofty~eY h COMmssioner Dawkins, See, theref'oi"e, you need to tell.., t i,ssloner. numer: But, you ' see e . � a �y target areas* The for the 1 o in a; frosting loan, 24 hours,, if it's issir . t �inut out AtreCOW yy# yam. yy penalty? aidnor piu i AIF whe is the to wjot t1$wkIm don't know* COW- itsioner p1w fro You can't use it for small loans, OK? C"issioner Dawkins. But the people in the (unintelligible) don't understand that}.. ._ ileibn+r plin ert Well, you seeq that's fine, they,,ion't understand that _ ut `t°he °point I D m trying to make, that if ycau don't eke it available to the bigger companies # ..- m� .t Commissioner Dawkins: We lose it. COMMissioner planer. #.. it's going to sit there. _ _ .. .., Cawisitet` Dawkins. We lase itt i ssi finer pl imer And it's not going to be used, and the bigger companies are going to be hurti ng g and they,'re going -to be leaving the city* Ma yor SUarek., :,we al l agree on that and the fed r$1 lave sots those a�ameters. i +pan t changa them. If people don't like it, they should go an d t+�: them cong ssm n. C issloper Ainnso i Yeah. ` I think it's fine if the larger conVania � C OMM — th i s finding, and use It i n an area t it ' wwoul d be bdnef i ci al for` the ctni ty and" i t WWII l 1 not t� andeor+die the rest of the small bus# ns popla. If #t apena e' are not .r~sa►1i helping the cunityrt larger If it <doe :harp. tho ehtiro� tcx eti�nity, yes! it's fine* CommissionerPlummer: Phis : is basically for downtown Commi At#nfl: But we have to be very careful how and when and how it 1g ated and that's the key of this* t p ' #4�isslid/ynerrPlummera OK. Oust for the record, td shy colleagues, this which is..iboing requested by DDA is primarily because we have two sources at the present time 1 o would 1 ike to avails prossibiy, of thi s. It dues not affect the AlIapattah area.. Comm1 ss ioner Al onso. Not, it does not. Cojmissioner. Pl mer. It is not in any way, OK omissiones Alonso. Yes. t F2� - 282 Ar �y. £ 1 s�^4a 3�i 3Y I Comm'° , . are i0ne A514 banko 0d tht other; is a crui s LM jy�2 t fthaw% 3�!,�t for your ii"�fixrmati�pn* A fin _- -. the ottotiai Of. r not + job$ to this comunity,, iK And so for that �ft t t het this passed _ ._.. .]��y y}�j{�Y,� �yy ;y�[y■��..�/gy. a .-. - - [y-{)�3} {i , jay �jyq y■�� (yid. with that C_ i.sssi-one• ".'f lOnsOE - � 0ii 1 3t !•,. 9i� t O?��tssioner -•Plummer, ilTAe - COMI 's nnor Alonso,. And always, it will have to come back to us, so we have no problem with t. - �- Mr- � Schwartz» Yes' Each item will have to. ftmissioner° Plummer. I wi11 more at this time, so that I can get this other 00e on the floor. I will move 3. COW sl 0ner Dawkins- Second, Mayor Suarez. So moved and seconded, Any discussion? if ncrt, please call the To i`a - The foilorIng resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plumber, who ov d its adaptipn; RESOLUTION NO. 93-382 :. A RESOLUTION VIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH p COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK_GRANT FLOAT LOAN PNGR _ FOR 'THE DOW14TOi G MMUNhTY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA {"PROGRM FOR THE PURPOSES OF RENOVATI ONAETROPROFITT ING OF 'SPACE FOR OFFICE USE; FURTHER- AUTHOR I I'NG ; = THE' CITY AGE TO ISSUE � REQUEST , FOR PROPOSALS TO INFORM ` POTENTIAL APPLICANTS f I HE AVAILl ILITY.: MDTO INVITE PARTICIPATION N SAID PROGRAM*' (Here follows body of resolutionomitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. h - } Upot�eigaCortdpd by Cornrni�ssioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed s� and adopted by the following vote, } AYES " Commissi:oner Miriam Alonso Conissoner Miller. Dawkins C"issionar Jo t. Plummer, Jr. Yice'Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES. None.- , ENT, gone. Vy� E -1T5 77 �f , _...Y�'_'��_Lx�_;t, Fife. 'C ,• o F T G'4iyt' . n . �If ice% i _ _ _ fah . ': •>t 'C f yorM Mr* Mayor, who determines the calling of a letter of radthtsi process ss .ener €�l er: dol we, tit C issia"t Yr we theomi i. colwilsidntr P16Pm"r. Yes. - Vice Maur C+e Yurre And could we not set by ordinance or whatever, a policy :r that we wouW,00t do anything, let's sayt for a month or something like that? Cmissioner. Dawkins. No, that's too long, no. C"issioner Plummer: I can't answer that. vice Mayor De Yurre : Mn, wed 1, that's - no, hold i t * Yes? 1r rank. �Gaxsta n da : C+otwi s i oners o if we do aloan for a period of time, the only reason that we would call it is if there is a problem, When we had �. discussions :with the law department on this particular 9 ua, it was dote i +sd that wo did not want -to get -into a discussion with the receiver o the `soap, or whether we had good enough reason to cat 1 the loan, and that's h we state that for any reason, But obviously, we're not going to be caII ng he Ioam* : viCe or Do YurreQ OK. But is it -<is that a federal guideline that we're i foiIowing , or is that our own procedure? c Mr. Castaneda» That is our own procedure. ici Mayor tie Yurrt: OK. So federally, there's nothing that tells us that we have to ,call, or that theft have to pay it immediately within 48 hours. Mr» ,Castaneda x If we need . the money _ for something else, we do. Conissioner Plummer: That's not - frank... _ Vice Mayer De Yurre. But it's at our discretion how we dictate that? Commissioner Plummer. His point is, instead of 48 hours, can we make it 30 3 days? e A. Quinn Jones, uiI, Esq. (City Attorney). It depends can what the — docents.•. - rr m ssioner° P1U6mer. W01, that's. really what helsq asking. - Vice Mayor Oe Yurre That's it, Or 60, day3, or whatever days. astanada. Commissioners., what _I'm sa ing is that we would give letme F y, i #xplein when we Use this nail provision.. we use... i EK i L }j 17 9 Sri } _ Voice ,Mayor De Yurre Hol d s o L ip t .Y s n r pl r. MaXi two years then 'renewed wo -- nni s:� ( ne 4 onso i maximum years. -OK, Vi ce Mayor DeYurre:. The letter of credit is a federal requirement? Mr. castaneda. The letter of credit is a federal requirement, yeah. Yeah, eca e, r aeh, in CO (Co Muni ty Development) float, the money is earmarked for other, projects. You'.re taking money that is going for public serview street improvements, that you just haven't actually*.. t Mayor Suarez: You have to -.you should also th n clarify to the Commissioner ' and to the Vice Mayor then because of that, that's why we have a callwin a period that is very short. Mra Castaneda, Right,'very short. Mayor Suarez. It's not -supposed to be made available indefinitely. You may " need the money, the federal goverment may need the money for sf nething entirely different. Mrr Castaneda. Rights ti Maypr Suarez. It's money sitting around in accounts that they've got, and z they i n effect, it's pan interest subsidy, what we're giving to people. << Mrs Dastaheda; That is correct. 7 Vice Mayor De Yurrer is this money available for us to use, the City itself? Commissioner Plummer. Oh, yeah. s 4r. Castaneda. No, It has to benefit low or moderate income individuals, and 4 a - you still have to demonstrate how it does. Mayer Suarez: Well, we're,made up of lie and moderate income individuals in the City# xt V fee'l Mayor De Yurre-, does a sewer system benefit-lowincome individuals? s. ter. Castaneda<: oh, yes, it does`. �Y Vice: Mayor De Yurre, CK. So we can take these $18,000000 and fix up our - sewer s ate? - — — S ' 5 Mr, odic: We don't have any sewer system, That's the.,County is responsibility, vice Aayor De Yurre; No no. We do. If we follow the storm sewer. r 'Mr. Odl o No. That's at County responsibility, r �: F tj 4 - i that Yurra. We have s control ? ,.aF l MCI. sewer# it is our responsibility. ■ rdifo. 0, it's storr�Al s drainage. Ye :Mr. -CastahOO: Yet a Maifor De Y1�rr` �Ctt we get into this credit thing with the �ou6ty� ` then laic CaC1 go ahead and fix i t7 " £r�ataea. the target areas of the pity of Miami, yes. ,. ;t Ce or a Yurre. OK. ie' there — that's �. we have many anS�teT`3 to this the storm sewer siUatlon. i ssi -'ntr Pi umer. Is it for capital improvements +�ni y? Commro cstaneda$ I'm sorry, Cssoner oisorer Peer. Is it for capital irrrovents only astan+sc a: Yes.. It is not for public service* k - M� or Suarez. I can see a Subsidy to a project tha we aunt* Vue it r De. Yu rr+e s Huh? yam Braes can see a ubsidly to a project that we wand Gsth Peer: It can for capita projecia +orriy i if MRI Y 41 i141Lf ! eS - - tsirteri,r. OK. y }y}� (��s j�1 an +dtl is • � � ecori c � i owl s �+.t y� �p y,q y �p y: �}aAi 31, R y"� 1` YO i y" Ma iI f r What,a 3 i �i ire ar • r sip Pi�er 'Well* to question Sri can the city orr1r0w, the ►oat D�1 s *Apr ° t ai.i a't Ana percent to .,PaY Off ke thee.. � t AO paa Mayor. suA rez What y hhat the y1 C mayor was asking. ode Coi3it ero pWent� because we can set i at er . V.i,i�Na,T We re so concerned 0OUt, that s , sev 7 3 T�-( � O} r A '1; � ' •r S 1 t 7 L�t t r YI v . zY- r. - , IMF ' ?P.A%'$edb,l d64 NdF'tlbs>UB!F7! NIP111H-11fiAh YN,WY pFW M¢ibF >�IOM# aW[aN'.piF%b iN }4E13bWIfS Hb Mrw'4al WbY$4ab!` 1:Wf'3bP+iY>e6RRIC'xM>md. '9H'ffi!}x[----aA{MMIM--"Pan c+e ww„m}.'--YM+— --- wY--------'MkANEW 41 i C� IS A° IOR 10SIC ROYAL A AN CRUISE LINESTO ,� . ITS P MPo � . �` !�L RESERVATION CENTER IN MIAMI THROUGH � {' III ,. PROGRAM MONIES SUN ECT TO PROVISOS* d�= ' #MIY Y+PielYBliW'MYirF#AM'1pi9/T�1F��1ri7eMtlftdlNRiMi+l4�F.irW.IFtlOi iiwiiiPwAlliiMiAMYi6iliefbYtNWtwleNNsvab'rAed a9cipFisY/klMn T2f 4b6wid4wAM aeewalNrw![fi Y:P Ainrrti:rlVwe:war nevalw wua-wi+u M.i^�YW{1Y wrids Neiwaelrr ,. . Commissioner Plummer: Ail rights Mould you like to pass this, Mr. Mayor, or ndt� costissitneriwkins: How many pocket items are you going to nave? Mayor Suarez: So far, no one has argued against it. Commissioner Plummer: It's not going to he counted as one of may pockets, now. Commissioner aawkins3 Yes, it is. Yes, it is. - Mayor Suarez We were just trying to near you out. Commissioner A,l onso: Isn't this the. e u osoner Plummer: you want it or not? �= Mayor Suarez. Yes, sir. +Commi ssi oner"' Pl umrer: Then you Bread I t. �hA motion, supPortiOg- in principle the City manager's proposal to # Ro tl Caribbean Cruise sines, Limited (RCCL) l whereby the City of r 7 Miatsi agrees t+a<consider tha- provision of the following incentives, — x if 'RCCL estabtish+es its International Reservation Center, which rt i create ovboo n4bs' i� thi the City Of Miami: o oar or for eligible — 1 o00, 00 i°rtun C�nIty Development funds } activities, including the retro-fitting of office Space, and the isi r inifl ieti+n of 'fiber optic ` cabl`.il 5110000000through the Comunity — DCveI op ent Block Grant Loan PrOorm at the rate- of one percent, in - aceord to with CdffVWn ty geveloW"nt Block Grant guidelines { , Ifyou wi sti and it's not one of pockets " I will move i t s Mr. Odid: It's my 'packet 4 C issloneir Pl�or: It -Is your, pocket, Mrs Odip; But this is very important, that we get this message... — Commissioner Dawkins: All right. Where will the million dollars. come from? — Commissioner Plummer: C r runity Developments it says here. n # Mr. Cdio: Caolmuni ty Developments t{ F ,.Io issionar PIumr*Prw the CoomwIty development fa ds, ;.right. June 4. 3 Oft l u�i ss 1r�� t have probl erns with that, but hell®_ it +people in the unity®oo i got l with your not giving doh#t Sod, every tip sbody in here C up here: you all a din t fit money f APPLAUSE O dio ir, they want � they all rant- - I ... - o�issioher Dawkins OK* Now, J.L4, amend your motion. The 600 jobs must e residents, of the 61ty of Miami. (APPL.AUSE) Commissioner oner Al onso. G for And we need the list of all the vacancy 4S all these $opportunities, she 6oC* 'w meant to k now about it. Commissioner P'lufier. Miller, let me say to you} in all fairness, and l don't as we did with MCI, {' want to lose thy. l vAuld ask your considerations sir* that first priority be given to City residents. if you make it absolutely 100 eren t City reidestt,s, I will tell you, sir, I think we're going to lose is consideration, first priority be given ' theme, t?? so all 1°m askln cf you F to 'Citq presidentso o iss cner Albnso. And the ma ority, citizens of Miami. Cons :stoner Plummer: e l l ;tSdanti S s i one r p I want to keep them here* if they -hire £04 Cityof. ., k `�{(` -. i- . could - have my wary, .Could. 'want 6Y4f��]ti'M -n * Mimi residents, that's what it would be,?ut i got to be realistic* and all I'm" say n is, give them first preference. That's what I'm saying. C i stoner Dawkins. Are wee voting against the motion? Because I get dire tax dollars and people work in Wes of sitting up here and sea us take our 3 Cogmiss-ioner Pl mer: oh, I do, tab. £{` { , Commissioner Dawkins*. r even come as far as Port Pierce and cane to work, in the City of Miami unemployed. and we got people walking around here C issioner Pluimmer. Could I ask of you this consideration*** + C nlssioner Alonso. Can we check with themand see if they have... �olssioner Plummer +fan � ask of you, �lssioner, to Consider C�trtan k percentage no less than a certain percentage to be City residents? f.� CaMissioner Alonsto. Sixty percent mf Ira Co tissione-r Da4kins. Fifty-five percent. towssioner. Plummer+ All right. That's meik+e it C fair me. 1 29 u� Y tAy i v rT kf ifty,f I e 45, OK Ott- '"+ reasonableMe yt-- iss#'ohoe Dawkins- Yeah, good — 1ss,lohO Alonsoo. Yes. mayor ' +uar right. With at proviso.. i ssioner ; l!Men And I will assure you, sir, that I will strive to do a r hundred percent, but I got to have a little flexibility if it's.*,, _- Cor 9 s i rtei" Al onso t Yeah', * per'cent • I would like 60 • Commissioner f'l ut�nmer That's fine. Al�. cmroissioner Alonso: Fifty-five percent, yes. or S. arez`t , Al.l, right. 'kith that proviso, we have a motion. Is a motion Und rstood .suffictently? s r� p i� gee► �ypq�% s s i 3s: far l�. iiil: i !Yi i i 04 9 - -_ v - r - ...1st1 :,#'4' iiTir that or -nothing* ;:You -better Fit' Slfr r. Con"issioner Alonso, It's a motion and a second Q yes. fi . ' J ior' SuareR A3 right, And we have a second?4a- i I r l OmiyY� yR� 'yam` ,jai l}� r(��. - `y# Y !y�� tipsi..oner.. 11i YMnt . i S - 1 5- ' * Schwartz. We could use the first source from the City. We did with MCI* �� s �yor. uarex. Fight, First source, but in this case, the first source has a Mt- = Ti ttl a percents► attached to it* e= CoIf"Isslot r Dawkins-*, You know* you gays Keep saying MCI. .1 voted against #iat tyou '.int t pes fed p Al right,' 'And you now what's It Wright be useful, as 1ong we, re, talking wont MCI# is to -give us a report on hoar rA of those people Y_ �+}} !��++ ,4* }}�i•', ;Lh� .��b�..of Vami that at areo Ang atrelay'Utility.,' tility$ a4 �s ayt r Suarez: Yes., sir". 1 _ T i 2 3T_tQS I t �1x Al s h fa 'ft t y# MEW V164 May And,bU Td li�ifi�-and stuff like tt9 -_ �. C�issioner Alnsod And fill VaCafnciea. - Vice ayor 9 Yurre. So there IS a peripheral benefit* cw ni ssi oner Daaf in And lot of them bring brown bags from homes tOO o also. vice Mayor De Yurre: Out they buy gas here. _- ' r '' ti/nYwdlRie YCe{iYA4FM wr YY,errwrr�iwYwYe Ki arw'rrr-Pra�w Ysm►.3walbaNsrvwW..+W+Wt drw<Mwage+reAww;•Y++t wriwW+leMunwW rrw-r swo.raYsrR+lura®alisr--ws--use smwarun snrs��ieri :� 420 AUTHORIZE FLOR I DA LEAGUE OF CITIES' FIRST MUNICIPAL LOAN PROGRAM TO CAPTURE EXCtSS EARNINGS FROM ITS LOANS TO THE CITY UNDER THE 1985 BOND SERFS :FOR THE pURPOSE O `FUNDING RESERVATION FEES, CREDIT ENHANCEMENT FEES AND CLOSING ,COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH LOANS FROM ITS NEW FIXED RATE , POOLED 1 OGRAl4,- AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF A PARTICIPATION RESERVATION FEE AGREEMENT RESERVING $209000 000 FOR THE CITY TO FINANCE / REFINANCE _ CAPITAL PRlJECTS, r.. "- ai+.myw�+...r:wr.w,wwYYawr ar:wrir,d.wwww.aw«,r.w.r n w.«r.i..rNo.rwwwwar*i+.w�.risrrrra.rnan.«.rr+r.rw.rr----Wew..«r.r--r.----'----.t.--- Mayor Suarez. Item 35. CiC�i£! Plummer: Thirty -four or 35? Cam issioner`Alonso Thirty-five - 34? fi Commissioner Plummer. I got questions on 34, Y told you that before* Commissioner Dawkins. We're on 350 Vic Mayor De Yurre: Well, let's hear 34. What's your question? Commissioner Plummer: Huh? I avant... �- Mayor Suarez. All right, I was calling 35, it was suggested that I call 34 first, ,but apparently, _ if there are issues on that, let's move on with the rest or... Commissioner Alonso Thirty -Viva, I rove. Commissioner Plummer: Nov I got 34 questions, OK? i Mayor Suarez: All right.. So then let's go to 35, because your questions can take Breuer. — Commissioner Plumer. Mr, City Attorney,,I am on the Florida League of Cities tz Loan Fund Board,.- Should I absolve myself from voting or not? _ Mr. Casar Odi o Ci ty Manager) ; You cannot talk..294 mF: , :- E€ t_ !v 1 ui I believe we did. Commissioner Albnt so: Yes, we did. Cissitiner' Pl rs Matthew says he thought we didn't issi`one r Alonso: We didln't '.Jones:Thirty-three Passed. Commissioner Pl;,Wt r. Thirty --three passed* ,. .7Uirf ttthew thinks we didn't votes he can go over to the fifty. Clark and, ask hoar. Its 36 is the one.before us, OK? Chissiontr Pl mr. She moved it, issiane,r, Aionso.* Yes. � r Suarez*.- 'Thank yo4, Commissioner Plummet: T'm just listening. . avynr Yurres S pond Go. ahead COMMA psioner PI um r: I just provided the damned money for yrou. Now you o age d ah+d try to accept it*, Yayor suaren All tight. you're a gentleman and a scholar* C issisr�ner Al nsa: x `think we should use it. It's very. important i$si>r Plt�i". lend a taster o� fine b�+��e� `, f: 4 F i G 1 t AW,, , On_'. ._, mood that I've yo Suarez: OK,, But we haven't taken it up yet. Please, 35, we're calling the 'roll. The following resolution was introduced bar Commissioner Alonso, who GVet i adoption --- RESOLUTION NCI. 93-384 A RESOLUTIONf WITH ATTACNMENTt AUTHORIZING THE FLORIDA LEAGUE 'OF CITIES FIRST ,ONIIPAL LOAN PROGRAM TO CAPTURE EXCESS EARNINGS FROM ITS LOANS TO THE CITY OF _ ,T MIAMI UNDER THE 1986 BONDS SERIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING RESERVATION FEES, CREDIT ENHANCEMENT FEES AND CLOSING COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH LOANS FROM ITS NEW FIXED RATEPOOLED PROGRAM; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PARTICIPATION RESERVATION FEE AGREE Et T, IN, SUBSTANTIALLYTHE ATTACHED FORMO RESERVING $�000009000 FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI TO FINANCE OR REFINANCE CAPITAL PROJECTS AS MAY BE AUTHORIZED BY THE CITY COMMISSION. (Here follows body of resolution omitted here and on fila in the Office of the City Clerk. Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following note; —_ AYES: Commissioner Miriam Al ohso : -- Commissioner'Miller J'. Dawkins r Commissioner J. L. Pionrrr+er$ Jr. — Vice Mayor Victor De Yurr•e Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. �A ABSENT. None, t a -. Y X ne , i — yl a, f. t } .., .. .er... W "F' .tr-k - 2: •;.n,x.. .:: ., . _:: .. .4:. " 3 i".S U;+ f . tkr3`..:'Fy^T.l At [-w' +'. ,nr� sra{ti= :�` � �" ; � . , ':'�` :� . .: ".;�, ,' � fi.'c 55a c_ .. "r. J , 3. �._ ,l �, �., •r � tr' -v'Q 10 L '. �w8L:5ixit17eai�iYtiu�r�+phrF+.�FsfuW4ka$iN.AAi M�vnir6lb:Giet-iiu:Ya•�ew+�asw'eIDn ®tslFalfm�fr` '�`V�++mY�iei�6#kMIY'1RM5:lj1ACi4�r �'ShMiA�kl:k`�+�i�e+slrifM l4�'�¢asli+aieyfp-. y+leri�+tbn m4*Mm+iW +Ma aa'raOssiba�pragw' -- 43* OVER t lot RATION OF p t THREE "Aft "RIO6 WITH FIRST UNION A TO PRO ZOE A THE CITY �TND � CONTRACT TO ASSURE No IIt SERVICES. - 4'K MAI�F#SIiYY+P3kMIAlkJFA1�6�tlii�F�Bfblt'21Fi1tl14�1Yie16�I�Y WMiAfjMi!/1131iUYF 1�kM1�+�Ve�#�Nf1�11IYJ+Yfh�'alUVMplb4M �IBM1i1liNRRIl1rM3i�ity' �lqi BY4M811MYRbpiYIl�NliN1i1E916i1bews�llE�..i�4S�8 �tR1iRlI�MIM➢F+ifbfllt �l4igy�sgo�pit �` � f mayor Su ItWe're not on 34, Mr. Garcia. Thank ,you. Coft"issione,r° i unmet: -T ext meting ;irhnk ti`l last time Z checked, alter you worked for Mr. Odios and he's the one that gave me the list that I'rrr �goi ng by. — COMi ss loner Plummer: fir"o Mayor, It did tome up with a new concept this go roundd t h er I l i ke i t What we're going to do is..,, =- Mayor Suarez: I don't see it, so that's too bad. 4ONF- Coissioner Plummer. •i, you know, I've had a problem in the past... : 4 I ,f Mrs odio. I'm sorry, he missed 54, but we need 34, because the contract expired. c Maayor Suarez-.,, All right: Comissioner Pl ner: So what? You should have brought it up before now, Extend the old contract for another 30 days, I have questions. C Wf signer Dawkins: Second: Mrs Nib, . OK. Mayor Suarez: Item 34 has been moved to defer. Do you want to than ac I ittle bit or note argue with, ,. Vite�y sty �v �} /shy � f yo " Ile Yur1 is Lh.. . '. Mayor Suarez. All right, Move to defer 34e Vice Mayor tie Yurre. Mr. Mayor, the o .. 5 C isslorrer� Plumy rw Excuse me Not 30 days Mr. dust try the next meeting,, the eth, 00 Another week, if that's al r=i ht.gar, Mayor Suarez: Let's not argue, brxcause,. Conimi sioner Plummer. Fine.Ma s yo ' r Suarez. *., we do have,. se Many other Iterns, and unless -you have Something that actually SOMehow needs to be �. one .b+etween now and the Sth..* 297 t { r a� as a. '' Ono R #`.dealer4 ► 1" ri #.�► �i don't. t x ��titi 'you why not? OMMi'D,* i wil I t er e ai incentive to dotette�� ntof �#at Ten percent o what? is i der . av� iwha i tee rCe COMM+ ts A. tai billing. It1s are t cif the �i sioner MOM 3eh 01, ,,. -�i ssi ner C3awi ns ghat that" e A million.• c�issioneri in this year - last year? con issi€�ner DakitiS. What was the total bill in A mlllien two. cisslor�er1� the . City out a million dollars net, am fi t4estas . �1e a' l l eoted s net for st in S vender e that vie +�' Y t was tt ly 63 p ereC�t of the tat8l� } And that �i ssioner ,.P un+mer: icy i s.. aCi�l l y oil l acted 4 A11-' m i t so we Gan ;9a . wells you moved i t? ism seconding z Alfssi+�ner Dawi ins isionrAny . Plums r : Go . 'i ease coil l�twed and seconded � A tlisc�assitn? if not, P -mayor,Suarez: := roll . In r #•; w i- a 6" & 5W WR The following resolution was introduced by Cmimissioner Plumer., who moved its adopt on RESOLUTION NO, 93-385 A RESOLUTION - WITH ,ATTACHMENTSt.AC-CEPTINAG THE PROPOSALS OF CONSOLIDATED. MEDICAL SERVICES AND ADVANCED DATA PROCESSING TO FURNISH MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION BILLINO AND COLLECTION SERVICES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE 0SWE AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE> II) YEAR PERIODS; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO* 280501-340, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTAMWn in -q FnR T14T-q IqFQVTr.F ANn T14FRFAFTFR Tn EXTEND SAID AGREEMENTS FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) A: Z Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: ih AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alonso Comissioner Miller J. Dawkins 4. Comissioner J. L. Pluimer, Jr. Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES None ABSENT: None, --------------------- ------- 45. ACCEPT BID; DELTA BUSINESS SYSTEM FOR FURNISHING CITYWIDE COPIER SERVICE ON A LEASE RENTAL BASIS TO DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE GRAPHIC PRODUCTIONS DIVISION* ----------- --------------------- Mayor Suarez: Item 37. Commissioner Plummer: Move itol Comissioner Alonsot Move it and second, Mayor'Suarez: Moved and seconded. Any discussion? If not, please call the roll on 37# "T t 'Ui - S t:°rrF-pTM/�^isx�git The 101100ti resolution was introducedby C"Iss�on r Pia�rr�ei`� MO d Its adoption. who R RESOLUTION NO* 93-386 ., A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIN� THE 810 OF DELTA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FOR THE FURNISHING.Of CITYWICE COPIER SERVICE ON A; LEASE/RENTAL BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3 ) YEARS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLD WASTE/GRAPHIC REPRODUCTIONS DIVISION AT A FIRST YEAR COST OF $270,625.60 FOR A TOTAL P`ROPOS4D "COST OF $811,806.04; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR OM THE BUDGETS OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS y { LEASING COPIERS # AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO s ' INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. fL F (NO re Follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Cwmissiover and adopted by the following vote { AYES. Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner Miller J4 Dawkins C OMmissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez HUES, None. ABSENT,- None, s Alonso, the resolution was passed ......—.....—.«,.—..,..— — —«,......:.,.....,.— ........`..s r.. . wow wauww..r.rrwrw+wwn�...r�.w..rFrr..r.+w...ww+wr.wnwew,www..�.r«r � . 46. APPROVE APPOINT MENT OF LAN' FIRMS: (a) FINE, JACOBSON SCHWARTZ, NASA F40CK, AND (b) MANUEL ALONSO-,POCK T4 pR0�lZ10E BLIND COtINSEI. GENERAL R THE PARTIAL REFUNDING OF: � SERVICES OBLIGATION BONDS �A' (a) THE CITY S OUTSTANDING $10,oOOV00 � (DATED AUGUST 1, I67) l (b) THE $113,4t�D,�4fl !GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (DATED NOVEMBER 1 1988 . } $109000000 GENERAL 48iIGATIQN S0 't ), AND i0 THE 9R1 -_ NDS, SERIES 1991 ) I N APPROXIMATE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $30'0no0 * OpO. {DATED JU�.Y � , �►milt.wr♦N�iv/lrll�+.w#r��.IMYOwli YlMesMiw�Yf�atti..�r',�y Yw�AlisslilM�I�I�M>.YFM�I!'M�M1YfMMYNgY ISIF®11Y ,� Al11¢ tORAR�lMMf�.'MI/I�MARI�J�RMM44MlY�I.I�twrr�►�►�YMitr•.ag91M J Mayor Suarez. Item 38, COMMissioner Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, YOU got any roblem w move ita A ith 38. COMissioner Alonso: which one? CO Missioner Plummer: Thirty-eight. 301 pr yr-g sa— � A k } if not, please cell the rollo r, Commissioner oner Plummer, who fbl 10 1 ng resolution was introduced by moved -its' a►doRt orb RESOLUTION NO, 93-587 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF THE LAW FIRMS OF FINE, JACOBSON, SCHWARTZ, NASH & BLOCK AND THE MINORITY FIRM OF l 0ANUEL A ONS+Q-POCH TO PROVIDE f .H BOND COUNSEL SERVICES FOR THE PARTIAL REFUNDING OF THE CITY' S OUTSTANDING $10430OOoOOO GENERAL OBLIGATION 80NDS DATED, AUGUST Is 1987 * THE $18 , 40MOO GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1988 AND THE ' 104 . *000 GgNERAL OBLIGATION. BONDS SERIES 1991 DATED JULY 19 1991, IN THE APPROXIMATE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $3011000*000 WITH FUNDS FOR:SAID SERVICES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT `'TO -EXCEED $1',5Q0, PLUS EXPENSES IN THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF $5,0009 BEING ALLOCATED FROM THE PROCESS OF SUCH REFUNDING. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file .in the Office of the City Clerk,) } Upon being seconded by Commissioner zr and adopted by the following vdte a . AYFq? f'_nrmiItetInnar m4r°ia4m Airmen { Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Cormissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vi Mayor `Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez { NOES: None. ABSENT. None, Alonso, the resolution was passed x ` E 302 , ILI t c *A"Ewa wae`msiza+akevkaesanirst9a i tw+rrwrswrew..epm nvw,aie'mtsa;.,,:.fra :+A.�sw;s r,:a..�w.r..�v. .d:.,wewsws+ wsara.eawrav a..w,.e«a ! 1 USS AND O � O OF PROPOSED RE .i T i �h to ACCEPT � � OF - R NSUCUOi , IN«.# FOR CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT P 46S (CIP 341178). -- �: ;. a..s"s�rraa:..7ri.-.va'riiYb�I(u►+fii[iiNi+wwoiaiwsalrawaw6wnw�isiia.wr:+ieii{inlr+atiw.ffFA�eraReNrea»a»esaw�t.wN.wwnw:a..n.re.+rr..i+.Wae,+rer,:.ee air aNdaeasee6 ewawsia+ww IM++rr+.wl+s .'- Mayor +Yrua1 +Bbri Item 39,1— z.. Commissioner Plummer: Move to deny* I think it's ridiculous that 22 percent is''City expenses* That's why we' re not. getting any projects done. It's - incredible. percent is overhead. I can't vote for that anymore. �- ' t l+iQ or,Uarez That's a typical percentage on a capital improvement project of a� F i thi i s'- Mort i Y Comissioner Plummer. Not 22 percent. L ;owissioner Dawkins: What J.L. is saying, why should the City of Miami pay itself 1 22 percent to do sidewalks in the City of Miami? That's all he's say I ng « Mayor Suarez: I'm just wondering if that's typical of other capital _- Improvement projects like that4 Cot�nissioner Plummer. Mr. Mayor, I will approve the contract of $461,750. That, I'll approve,' But to add another seventy-three, seventy-four thousand for, ,i ty overhead just blows this thing out of the water e MAypr Suarez. That sounds to me like an accounting transfer by which we, in .. j. ` effect,, get d I ittI a bit of. o e S Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager)- It's one way.« Mlayor, Suarez. *. capital improvement monies into our operations, you knows, Mr. %die. you know what? It's part of the _ it's trying to keep the general.. 3 Mayor Suarez. _ See, Mano, it took me eight years to figure you out, but I'm f getting there. Mr. Odio: It's trying to protect the general fund.,, Commissioner Plutmer: Mr. Mayer..! r Mr.-odio: .#. that we, don't have. _ Commissioner Plummer. ..my neighbor whose sidewalk is upset on the other side, of 17th Avenue says, IANo wonder you cant get- to me until next year, o >> be use you're spending that kind of money to build sidewalks«" �i 1 - > . x m i _ � � generalREW e general fund, t is ioner� ��- i �n l fd, aR r#� 1 i " I &Wk 11 Stand, Mayor uArm, Moved and second d o deferral, ► ty'discussion? Cali the to, I I Th f c t n toot introduced by Commissioner P1inner, who moved its adoptions MOTION NO.93-388 MOTION I To iIE'PER AGENDA ITEM 39 (PROPOSED RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE DID OF ROYAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUC`I'I€sN# ING`.s FOR CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT - a� — PHASE,IV D"4556). c Upon b+ 1ng seconded by Co mission r Dawkins, the motion was passed and c adapted by tote f r� 11 wi r�ttr AYES Cori ssi ones Miriam Alonso ` Cor i s; ion, er Mi 11 er _: , Dawkins Commissioner J0'1 Plummdr, Jr* Vice Mayor victor De Yurre WOES a Mayor Xavier L i Sus.re� h� pp BSEN d *- Nolte'. • ABSENT* - COMMENTS MIDE I}UING ROLLCALL: Mayor Suarez: No, I vote no on that deferral. I can't understand it. +V-otm$' over Plumer. Then that s your fau1 t # If I don't know ghat doing ,it's. your fault. xis t, 37s "Y3 E�` P r al - p ve F f" -}'X T #3 i q i az.a. sr.,w us W,.ww.a.:aiv,wmwa.i...awe3.!&ee»'i:iwn r�s sw.w.x,e,.narw.sa.,m:i+rs+w.++"w.aa...,•.o-,.m.aro-nrav w+aw�a.alsaeR.,..+aea..R.awrm:w..n—.w:mr..r,«.+.--«R,—ah..«:r�«.,,,a...»w,..w c.. 4 a DIRECT M MISTRAT o , To WORK, WITH MI MI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. T€1 A T M R MANTS Ig. ALLAP TTA WY f LIBERTY" CITY I OVERToi � -- I«ITTLE MAV�' AREA IM CONNECTIoM WITH CITY OF MIAMI LOANS OUT OF A — ooC 000 ` MERCHANTS -- DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO ASSIST WITH THE PROESSING OF LOAM FORMS AND PROVIDE SUPPORT SERVICES TO MERCHANTS R LATING TO "SOCCESSFUL BUSINESS PRACTICES -w WORK WITH GREATER BISCAYNE SOULEVARD CHAMBEROF C014MERCE TO CREATE SIMILAR PLAN. Mayor Suarez: Item 40 — Cmissloner Alonso: Ah, yes, Mayor Suarez. Cormissioner Alonso. Comissioneir Alonso. Yes, I asked that this item be placed on the agenda to wore with' the merchants in the City of Miami - specifically the area of Ailapattah � so that Wer can provide specific funding through Miami Capital so that they can obtain loans to either buy merchandise, buy business, improve the conditions of the business that they have, and, not only that the funding : be _'available - which I had in mind was an approximate amount, after discusons with FrankCastaneda and - Tony Crapp - was about one million _- assigned to them, but it was also to work - and I like to see this in other areas of the City of Miami, specifically the area of the northeast, to work t with Greater Biscayne Boulevard Chamber of Commerce. I like to see a plan in effect tbat`will guide theca through the process. Quite often we see that the funding is available. We have, at the present time, six millions available in 4 Miami Capital,* , The:small,merchantdoes not understand the process, cannot get through thoe` bureaucracy, and it's almost impossible. So what I like to see ispd I discussed this with both Mr. Cataneda if he will not look at the signs, but pay attention to whet we are doing, it would help - to establish 'a = system by' which the City of4iati will assign personnel to work with theme= ow chants of the area, so that the loans are completed. I have many people { 3 that come and say I need �i�" number of dollars, They_ start -the process. They Y, never get the funding. — b 4` t ni denti fieldSpeakere one Is right here; Comissioner Alonso: That... I know you are one of the individuals. What I .� would like - to see is a system in effect that helps them complete the process and actually get t+he funding It will be very beneficial for the area! and :ire , cannot do all of this. today, I realize, but what I like to have is the -- support give rye a chancel - is to have the support of r the Cam'ission to instruct the Administration and Miami Capital, to work.with the merchants and the Administration to establish a system, and perhaps, next Commission meeting or the one after that, come back with specific plan to have this in effect. Neer one, the funding,, Number two, the conditions In which we are going to r, work, because it is almost impossible to get the loans z Mayor Suarez4L All right. = 305 June 29t,,I r n 7. - A 3Monet Al 00 - - The funding s there, but it is imp s i b i e• for the l l ®- hant•;td.g t funding So I 14like to,see i we can move that we award, • f .the 6s dne. �► an get the i ke, pieasie sit _ .� h r it w'i l l e ►e to ba for final approval t f �— . ,- the. _. iesl n set Side t w - ,Jth the merchants in the area and to - esttb f i.sh workVi th t$. nidentif1ed Sptaker. excuse meR Mayor Suarez- Yeah, but wait, wait wait, we re going to get.... �- ,nidentified Speaker. I would like to talk. - Mayor Suarez*.We'rae going to get..- please, sir, we're going to get to youl �-- e're going to got to you. We're going to try and do what you want... Commissioner Al offso: Give us an opportuni ty, ca issioner Dawkins., I second. Mayor Suarez: ...I think°, so far. Moved and seconded. - Ctmisslonat Dawkins- I second the motion, and under discussion. s -- , iyor Suarez. All rights sir. "Commissioner Dawkins; I' dI i ke to see you take it one step farther R , _- j:., C+mi ss inner Ai onso: aK. Comissioner Dawkins* ...and we do, we snake it difficult for people to get the M. oneY. trace they get the money, we do not provide the supportive Cotissioner Alunso. Exactly. Commissioner 'Dawkins. ...td stick by them to make sure they don't fail , So- we:.:should add in there- that :we're going to provide the suppar�tiv�t se�rMipes. = Would 1 sp ` like to amend the . moti on to ' say that we put , 0Ot, t300 # 1l pattah and WyAwoode we take. another million dollars for Liberty Cityf 1: _and tverttown and Little Havana, and that that $2,000,000 be a loan from, ,ilia � Capital . Goti ss ioner Al onso. Yes. Gotmissioner Dawkins. .RRagainSt the next year's Oil (Community Dev • e l opmen t,� }a : funds - like they just took I,000,000 taut of and take $Z,000,C00 asa loans. and do th1s. Co issioner Aldnso: Yes, definitely.. r � roz Ali right* don't think anyno has any props wlt h,:, tbiS ei�e wing tc► favorblr dO i and we're going to hear fry y+od, h ae to<_clarify smithing h ►ving o do with Rear. Pankey.. �- r s- rz 1 72 x , 0 y t + t a r , p"r a-w sydl 's , J t LJ -¢a,c✓ 6`5+ sAi* — _ Corm Asir oner .' Al -onsb , Alsoyt one More thing* - Al so t that we instruct the . .. :._ - inisrtn trki Wet l , pith the Greater Biscayne Boulevard Chamber �- _, r+e to See f we Can have � �ila,r plan in effect for that area. e �, or r�sS that another mi l l ion? - U i omW , Al onso.. Th+ y Wi l l have to look into the situation and coma back I t ;.rCenaat i on Vice Mayor De,Yureet Why note Cal ssi caner Plummer. i ask, because I was out of the row. Where is this honey cuing from that you're talking about? Cissisner Alonso. Miami Capital Mr-# Irani: Castaneda. From the allocation. Chissioner Alonso You have six million available at the present time. Co rti ss'ioner,• Dawkii ns. What now? From that sane CD fund, next year's CD fend that are took a million dollars out of for the shipping company Ct i ss i oner Plummer: From the CD..._- �r. ��astaneda: Commissioners, they have existing allocations to undertake the -- � = ni I lion. .olTars for the ':lllatpatta<h and the Wynwood area.. —. Coissioner Alonst� They have six million* turd :Castaneda: They have $2,000*ooa in CD funding, right now. ' `Commissioner Pl mmer: Are we talking about Miami Capital? �= 5 Mrs Castaneda. Yes. i C+missioner Plufter. Are your rules And regulations going to apply here... L _ { Nr Castneda: Yes, they are. =- Comm ss i over Plummer: . • ias they do in other loves? t C+ami ssioner Alonzo: Target areas , Comiss ones Plumsr: OK - u 1 sr Commissioner Alonso: Yeses to Liss ones Dawkins: Then,, they'll! never get a loan. e C issloner Plummer That's the.., you know, people are going to walk out of - t here thinking they got the world by the "um" r and they're ,going to find out r, . ' they 'got the a instead of them. -. _ • -. �.. }.- d _LN" 5 a +u e � r$ ormayore Yurre �_- YeS Say ng «L , that r by 'ro another i n r: nst h t why., ' �das issioner4 should be set up In a special fund « "that's, - •. y�U take. trio n'tt- ion, that You donut have to go through this �areaecrscy« because # thaw people knee host to do it* they wouldn't be .. y� `gipJar-}� co�t�ng t u: 'i, Eiant -.. "- Stioner Al o: 'that's right. �- C 1 ssioner Dawki ns Tny, I mean Tony and. e $ e- OM SSJOn$rL Alonso: Frapk« Commiss a ° ar c rss ...Frank do not have the personnel nor the time to baby-sit or Incubate these people. So, therefore, you've got to set up a spedlaI fund With special people who can baby-sit With them and 'get this done, hexed a ,l f they, have to f ' 11 Lout your loan farm and go to your loan committee d they' re goi rig to get turned down 'ViceMayor. Do Yurres Mr, Mayor... Mayor.,.Suarez, Wait, Walt, .wait' Mr. vice Mayor. 4, talking lice Mayor pe Yurre We're talking, and ;one of the main concerns ` of these $ grt3 ps that come here in this Sit 1s that they don't have the expertiseto fI 11 flut the . forms Coisson+ar. Alenso: That's exactly what Wei re addressing. t r ire Y rre ,..1t s at the most basic Sd Why can't We, why. can't ' c ' Mayor —_ 'fie=: hire - di . .'va been talking' to `Pab o-About this, ` ttiow, all. :. day toffy �- hire t a c ai y that„ does this s aervi ce, and +e can set _:asf de she mdn# es that vaa can t t4, provide pay thin Whatever i t i, en dpl tars an hour or whatever f t 1 s, Thai ser'vicd , to help these �atdi vidual s put the r packaga together , . Cdft"lssoner pltt`er WhYL can't i1at cep'ltal do that? ;$ w�- C ssioner Alonso. No, I rather do it in�house« "s Vice yor, a Yurre.Because: they don't have the manpower. � s: Commissioner plummerr Let the hire at their expense, Mr« ftustp:Fernandezi Mir « Mayor, coax#ssior er Alonso Whose xpense ` - Vita: mayor, Ve Yurre{ The thing Is that«.« Yk Co r si oner pl w tern Let them pay « iX • artr�body so t Ot all of sadden i i0ner oawk don'. thihk SOU i not T (Neighborhood t . nhanc 1t -- ".: .`::� 71T Y j,�7 h ii �iii`�.. r IS u P� '�.e ii FA M W !� P gn ii i 1:i'.- NET Od tt �thc m T assist; the 04opi in that area, r. Manager* c�ieeia ner .ptwrl That's fivia « r Cesar odio (City Manager). Yes* i have no problem with doing that. — COM101isttoner Dawkins* Commissioner A1onso� Vith diking - with assigning... Vice d ay r Y�ur`se: And now Urdu Dot to have somebody in NE that knee' how ` i`# fir. Odio Use the NET of'Pices to reach out and help them out, if we can, yes. ayuarez Ali right. �ami�aior�er piummer Theft'i1 finally do something* Co i ioner� Ai �nsa Do they have the expertise? .. r ltiol/LlreM M W�ie YL'. Mr. t)d We will find the expertise :'• .. ��ie�i'ori�r Aidneaz DID. Wonderful, i�lr ► `'�di t ha- peca0i a ti nt fan find it, : la t+ r Sucre s L t•me hear frbM the gentleman, a aua�e other�vi a he'S going to - -,have ... fir. ernndez. ' ' `, `Cuban bt or an gloat Ci ti try, and r ,r Ai e h anr! tta `t .f ty pf 1�uni.. when I � here, i fee Oil and i io "- ln.' troUbie ` a/ri{♦jeos then, hake a o''+ .. (�h ,}_4 'AOOOUCtV� FI TO op betutiful i and i iY r iP • _- Y' r _ 111fff ira+pe•attett �s.eip+er wi' i won tn (i`rf10in I eys:0 TM teroi" .yo, Mp St165.1Northwest.! St�et,l!h ` nd � tt"iaben�n _ x of ` ,ri nd I barn OOtlr o � s r�dy�� yfears n thie Awn, e Ith1 fi i l �p "�`hi men never ' + ' my paper. td y` '�1 dQn't rVitW thii,!� fOr. Th TM `a praaident,,... and to 1 , - e sand to a offi � end bpi ace where. I got to pa,- 10 a hour i '.and nano -Q aPM 4,frtistrtted 'i• •- -M ,. tustrtted 6u s5"n .:. . 1. ..: ti ti zen of MIDI I want to move outs, because I empioyee about 4- people, and. got to day _ for each check coming back every day to me. I'm fighting, and str'tggling in Oth Avenue and Flagler,ha$ I develop that Plate, and anybody who knows, I'M the only businessman, because that's a dead area. I e a CoMmissioner and I pass by this street, I feel ashamed of ' ' tlf to be a Comisslooer# And I beg you to do something, because I'm going ' to 00out of business and move to Orlando softolace else, because I don't feel ay in the City ofiani chile these people who making forty, fifty, seventy thousand dollar a year, when ,you go there, it's so much bureaucracy, they don't do nothing. Y'€n a man who Dome to this town selling fruit and washing dishes, and 1 build a nice business. I'm the man of the Cashing 'sawn, but I'm broke: Thank you very much. (AUgIENC AP'RLAUSE) Mayor Suarez: That sets the all time record. That sets the all time record for over3tattMent, but we understand what.you're saying, and it makes a lot of sense. Let ate ask a question, clarifying here, Frank, perhaps zoning, anyone. , = The i tem that seems to prompt sonme of the banners is related to Reverend x ' pankey Is that item before us today? Mr4 Castaneda No, it is not. t CommissIoner Alonso: Let's say yes and no. Item 49, actually, has to do with. Reverend Pankey. fr tii ' ayor Suarez: OK. I'm not too clear how Reverend monkey gets involved with the inn�Dix,ie or item 49, but I do have a note, I guess, that Reverend, you l re Interested in withdrawing item 49? withdrawing forever, deferring, or 41 what? mro Qdio: No, he withdrew it, mayor Suarez: OK, there's no need for it. So -but let me say one other things -` fir! the issue of CD loan fl oats - I love the fact that all of these say,,,"fIoat loans." I have an idea where that sort of transposition of the � words cam 1romn, , and I'a looking at him. right now srni I ing. OK. on the C loan fl oats thole titre -parameters set #y goverment, the federal goverent. We talked about i ar`1 Ter today, We!.re not happy wh theft. If you dorm's like them Tease go to your +congressmen and congresswomen and say, "These things are vary .:difficult .for small merchants to satisfy.10 But this Commission would be rtm ss, would be unfair to any neighborhoodif someone comes and satisfies all Of those, wants to put apr business of an expansion there, and we don't give that. That doesn't make any sense.oW, there's one element, however, oV the -Argumentl,,that Vve been noticing in the case of the Winn -Dixie, and that is the co ati ti ve aspect of it* 'ghat happens i f we, as a Comm ssion find that in facts by by taking advantage this M giving of particular federal programs we l ra maki ng It harder ' for the small grocers to compete with Winn- Ili+e T#�at reap does create a robl+ei Can e t k t1 f th t d y p, wno ce o a an then decide that that's just not a very appropriate one because of that.. r. 00D. Mr. Mayor. * . to Mayor Suarez: ... unfair c+c etition aspect of it? ._: aboot thi and I th Uoh I Ike the float 1 at 0 Tlherqtt� 906 Or LA i ng to put our and I sw# others, I don't, I think if we're go V Wei ditadWintage 9 that we should never give a float loan te, just in Braman*** rman St nq for instan t 0 NtW I h- the of Wello in that area, thj people*#@ Comissioner Al,onso: It was excellent - supported Ito Mayor:Suarezo the People Odio: He wO uld not have hurt any business in the area because*** r for one thing* iness like that, Mayor Suarez. There was no other bus �Mr Odio: But if you have a market or markets that will be hurt by us giving f, deral .-mo iessoo t%-Anvniftotinnor Alnnsn: ExactlVe r Odio'.6, to the competition, I think that is unfair _:�Connissiloner Alonso: That's right* Wei I I hope that people don't MyOr Sua,rez* I-E Commi,ssioner Alonsioa Of course* Mr 06, That's MY thought. ou, take Y t somehow Maypt Suarqz:,!� A11 right other- than that.issue,, don Ise that wants know, takeAll :Of against the Winn -Dixie folks or.anyone e We need people that can take advantage, of- tt 0 take,-._,-advantage:,of isomething, ly, btcau$e otherwise, the money just sits theree It's 'federal t, s an i nterest subsidy, Is what- it really it*. it, just giast,you_ Y� business* an. abililty to expand-your Weill, if... Mr's -:Odi 00 Y-OU Coul d a Pol i Cy Mayor, that's why it'$ so Important that the Mr. Commissioner Alionso. I ty get'Anvolved**9, Pommun We d04 �# k the, my � :k They have had an opportunity to � tht City + frf and informr the _ 1iT 'RF' h`" 9�f dli �.56 i� V{I� the iniJim y(�� ,7$�,�, ([�� {;�( y;�■ 1�j�j �yy tent a ` ' w % two hundred, three hundred jobs that were :. da y f e f h er-et, I think that's unfair. We cannot use the Axpayet, mo ey to,jkill thC WAll merchants, and that s the danger of this or oSa Mayor Suarez:. All right (AUDIENCE APPLAUSE) CoWlssioner Alonso: in most instances, in most cases, it's a positive :Hove, but we have to be very careful . ♦. Mayor Suarez: Yeah. It -should never be used if it's going to be... Cowlssioner Alonso. a and analyze this situation. Commissioner Plummer; Don't worry about it, Clinton will take cars of It, Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Dawkins. Commissioner Dawkins. I would like to out on the record than if Winn -Dixie , had4' a In forl this float loan, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But wen a, CD8 or COO (Community Board Organization) or something cues i n, got a ,. p db'lem, Because like she says, we just - I would just have a problem with Mayor Suarez. All right r. Odfos Well, you want to -aye could set d policy that where you would put bt�tinesses at a disadvantage our own City businesses at a disadvantages we do not consider float lochs. Commissianer Dawkins: We 'don't have to set a policy, That's our policy. ,. Va "5ue e21 V@Ah _ that i � � Y yor care * -]rOAVtft9 04t to the cam, nity,# Maybe the way to do it is .. ppp y(�'y' ebit j4! 0 Off to hft a tren he rt these businesses' lives are . A dey toay .ba ,sis need to vote on that motion, radar :._ r # od i o.aa �. on what? _ ., 3j ;® Mayoras ors ite40 m tii .¢ Chi ssiner Al onso. We need to instruct the Administration tocertain _ they foiIvw our Instructions. r Id ntiitd Speaker: Mr. Mayor,, d like to request permission to address ire`Issian., for Suarez hat',s i"ine, 'but I asked a question of our city Clerk, and I hope we get an answer, Commissioner Aidnso. OK, a s ;Natty Hirai (City Clerk)* We have a motion on the floor. Mayor Suarez: Do we have.a,motion and a second? s Hira v 'Yes, .yes sir. Mayor Suar ut Have We voted on _i t - z. s.' Rural o . No, siro not -yet. pia Maay or 0e Yurre; Mh 9 eh s? ti i "' Marezo `AI " ri hM h 1/M1i� ,. Than- Fy V' Ce t ai ►ot" tie Yurre What's the motion? s -- � a Or ar#e The se ft , - th+e�i ro ra that was proposed h , i ay,{�tomotion +ebefore 1$� �jtigon }i�t pqi+ �I'seiones. Onsoi:• That IS ""L11 14W41f �Y/ GiiJ LII E or De Yurre. < OK i , 1 _ Mayor U rex .�: and -a second. _ Mayor Suarez: You wanted to address that' ��y+� gay y� Unidentifiedaker o fir+ want t +�h Baptist to d r s the #€� sir. � ifCiiliM MAW. address ir�iY+ ��.���ai��ili# P��iirist $ +_ F urt ,issue Reverend PAnkey loan. aL ,Mr. Castanedt- No, no, no. What's not what they.. Mrs io 'Flo, withdrawn. -- Z , jj ty t r; ei 4vaeol1 lh t ts not bffore ut UMW».It s t�# tA' ohso. I ° s withdrawnsa . rit-#. fViIMI al. M �M6 1:`;lli 47k&�74�the �?s'��dand ..:. referfiing �W ' siner PI v#ftr.1 it w1thdr►f4 iir uthat is not before us. That it is withdrawn, Mr # ib t thdrtwn .. it's withdrawn,, y4r Suarez: That Item is withdrawn. Uhidetitifted, Speaker.11 OK. That item is withdrawn today? MO Suarez. Yes If its i t 9 9 that u' re # i n about, that A r t. That is nat an issue anymore, aideritt' led ��00 _r. That what it 9 . x r •er{-o_M# tri-dnti`ted,pe�aeer..ThaW i :o3 4p # �uarex*!�ht10, - a bef we Vote bn th1 s. » ` a Mayor ue' toz i Air. V i ca Mayer # r o Yurr :.. Ahis a t1 who° got his busirae n nth ; Sth �{�y�sa p'�j n■and., �nunC�� . j��! Mr# OTIefnAnd-FI�e i 83svest'Fl apl er Street. t l : 'fi e i t It Yuma. OK: frank, about what? Abbut . two Years aka ioe,,came up #R the:. idea tti.n ,. a i, .on dot Tara. - `Ca tar F0d .. . 4adr" a yijrr�e, setting aside a million dol tars. Did he aRiinder (JIw e. r _ S 1- rf i d } I t f t 'sa.41ivr`3'.t-=_•.�. «.sir'-_, ,. .F _.. ,_ ,_ . _... v _ .,. _ ,.,_ __...._��... ,�.—,_ r ' • :., _ d, -.., F.r air-��#G��r,.o.'?+' �Sn.�^� K _„r }5� hMWE f k _Conni sioner Alonso. We are note _ Mrs Crop: Not necessarily vice Mayor Yar`ro. Well. Mr. C-Uhat ve try t do is to balance out all of the factors, when the .ttt Havana program pit togttber, you recall that what it was intended do w s take a look at a n er f different factors to give consideration with an emphases on giving 'a break in considering those factors for the existing_ busineases� and to promote new business opportunities in Little - Havana through the program... - Co ni ssioner Pl u erz . They can't the problem is they can't meet the guidelines* That's the problem. Mr, !rap «.* you know, I can report to you, of the million dollars that was } madeavailable, over half a million dollars of that money has been disbursed in loans that are right now.. I'm happy to reports all performing loan3o all / currantno ,delinquencies. ate' ae had no losses and no probe erns . Those loans have tieert made to seven different business concerns, which have created approxiltely jobs in that investment, It also leveraged an additional 5,000- in owners L equity and other private fitlanCing. So the... program has worked, has achieved the purposes for which it was intended. Vito Mayor De Yurre: OK, Well,:what I would like to see is, you know, I hate for, somebody not to be sure of what they gnat, why they didn't get it, and obviously, there is an issue here at hand, you know. Mrs Crapp: Oh, certainly. but I can assure you`thatt in evatry particular case that we have -communications or contact with the borrower. If there was an _ app ication that was fully submitted to use it is processed, and there's correspondence back to that borrower in terms of the status of his .. apb.ication i can assz�re you of that . Vito, Mayor De Yurre: del 1, do nee a favor, Can you... "vnr suara7t tell. set ass the'comlete history of this oarticular applicanto Vice Mayor-i1e Yurre: ... address me o memo..o Mr. Crapp. I certainly will, Commissioner. '.. - - s Vice Mayor De Yurre; ... with the facts in his case and the reasons for what — .. happened Mr. Crapp: I1,11 be more than happy to do that and share that with all the members of the Cwmission. :� .: Mayor Suarez: Very good. n � L 4 a Mt. Fernandez. May I say two words? vice "Ay 'Yurre. Two words = n n c Who" I be with Miriam Alo so and thisgentleman here in ,., that d is - I t . n o t . two r three years ego, Miriam Anion o talk to hip wept t th+ bank' I got papers like this. Bank, m going crazy. 1"l is ge l n the president,, he never see any paper in two years. He come "l Alu in t�I try y i don't review case?"'then they send e to of i o+s v�the `a ycu god to :pay 10 or 2D an hour. • And I say, "Now come after t d `a half years, you do that to e? Why you don't tell me arc the k begirtning� I put have #n the City of Miami, in Allapattah, seven buildings what I own. I have a Flagler Avenue, my own home,. I told them r give my wife,, My.children and everybody in guarantee. What else you want frc -I 1. me? He never been taken care. can do.., a w, Mayor Suarez: DK • Sir, this is repetitive, Mr, Vice Mayor, you need a full report on this, you've asked for it, you've got to get it. ON. Vine Mayor De Yurre OK. Mr. Fernandez. Thank you. Mayor Suarez'fie° re going t get a full report on it, Item �- I'm sorry* -- $. did we call the roll bn'item 40 yeti r Vice Mayor De yu rre - No, we havent voted. Mayor Suarez:- OK. s. MHirai: No Let's cell it, Mr, , , Mayorif I may, please, i � Commissioner Daavkins: Wait a minute. •,. k Mayor Suarez; Thank you, gust to be absolutely sure on item 40. kF Ms» Hi ri : ` Commissioner Plummer? a Commissioner Plummer: What item? N Y Commissioner Al onso. Same*** f^ Mayor Suarez: Item 40, the... �. Ms. Hirai: Forty 4 sir. - ComMssioner Plummer: What? { ° Ms. Hirai: on item 40._= ., Commissioner Al onsoi We're on the same item. �r t Ccmmissioner Plummer. Forty* -� u EK 318 v- itt rvF3 i,l _UPO w,being'.,secohdied Oy-Cornissioner Oawkins, the motion was pa3sed.and adopted by the following vote: 'AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alonso C io ion or Miller- J. Dawkins QW, ComMiss i one J L, Plummer, _Jr`. V!Ce)ftyor-Victor ,Oe Yurre myor Xavier L. Suarez N NOES: one. -ABSENT: None NOTE FOW THE RECOW: At this point, agenda item 49 was withdrawn# ----------- -PrV*ft"4&ci,%,%&r mutitinci! ' TOA like to bring an item uO under this discussion'# M Pik, c. K : -3k IF - A n r Stanley out there'd come up, Mr. Stanley, .Sti» ey the resident Of the ,h +owners groun that has some e n ari t' the ' ni ty that they would like to di scuss i tir- i s r, . Rath ay Park* What item number, Mr. Dawkins? o ti ssi ner hai ins# Pocket* _. 0sli'Ontr Pier: Po0et item. Ycayor. Ynr: Seventy-nine« !i! SsI one P Q ioner t Ai 8.00 o,l cl ck. r Suarez. should - Mr. Stanley, we should wai t a felt t�i €1tttes « e ° V - bt a few reuiar agenda items, we've got some planning and zoning we're going t '.dry to .pet too And then `weI get you, because you're not on the agenda, sorry, s # re -=- commi ssioner Fiumrttarw Mr. Mayor, I was only ,faking. You can have him if you at « mayor Suarez: I'm sorry Ct iss oner Flamer: I was only joking, If he wants to.,* o miss 1 ones ftwki ns s That '':a K « �yt�r care That s aLi r �ght. Let,' a Just try to stick to i t. I know tha �! ,� ; c�risSor�er t�awkit�� �tndarae�td�� �e;Ca+usa .athew�se��. c mi s nr�e�r Dawkit ' a right ahead �Mi9i.Y11N1Y1rMWfMilYi1411,1A1i.N,MlY�M1110f111110! +}�F'IINlMTWpr ,", two! t �'MiRfYd►wIi4IY1LRMF�a44/iM1[IbYA�idM'l4T'idMfillfilU11M#Wll11FMll1�l�MM+IMMelNuttYNtMil9elM1�IPRtMP+IMIWIFMMFM► x �4 TI�fN �= 49, �� fY ,CITY' I~GER,1 �y'),i�tO i , OF 3p{1p�E 3OUR E M , F�FJyiiq�{(yi;�iOy,£ Ct�VANCEO n,= yU�y]IS ,,• It E �E14 1 -4� / ,•. � 1� �TF ! � UT ...'— Lh� S'YST FOA DEPARTMENT �iF` ..:GSA D SOLID WASTE �. VR UR EIO F — ; DII.S o" i� . - MWI►11X1111M111PM1HM111FNF11p!U!#A�1Mkr4i>tPMFiMM!4MIA"iY11faE61YitYp4lYUYYiYillFiilYNMf11lM�11lNMMUi1F1AlIiwMAllliM4fYJY1l IIYMYMiY6141�'+r11rIfIW'Mi14Mi11r,116111S11yfilIF41kMJi41IFlNMJe1JRM!!1!�M� Mayer oar» Fartyt#ra+�esoitian attharizing the sole snurc purchase I to k: mmmisiotseP t►kin. Forty -three?' M o4r, ua r x» I d+�r�' even want to read any more. . toes anyone hale a i'ea1 that this, i s needed and reedy, to r ►ve the i tet�? _ A5 r 12, �...�..._..,-', ,. .:. ., - _ ... __..—,_.__.'— _—.__._��—_ _._�_�___ _— ,..�.__:..._.-,—.�—_...x"—..,........ __. _....i-. .„ i,.F ,"1.'4 •,. : dzR =r.uett'.d'5��. 46, nn : turn It's already been purchased it is i4, lo ne ". r e got no -- well, that are we going todo, send them a 4 ' move its dr' ur So Moved :issi n M . VR<! in• SecooWig Cam# s'i ner` Ri uttr 1tt choice hveyou got? N�yc rr ecoodedo # Any 'di cus ion Ctm1 s0oner. R ' r They ve already bought i t. t Mayar, Suarezv, li' n0t, please call the toll, ommi ssinr Ri ummer'. Seat +ems The f'�1i+ ink rc�aiutl;dn fiats int�`oduCed by C�ission�.r Pi ro who t OdVe its adoption: _ f RESOLUTION NO. 93-390 StILUT1 :. 4 ' T#AFFIRMATIVEVOTE OF; THE _ _THCCITY�C,01441SSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED p C Ni I�-t T FY W THE OTY R DING .S RE OUT ENE" . yl,CRTr..toi�i#Ir�J1 MONS 04 1 # i FT' i i � N 1 TAT i t0 N" SYSTEM:FROM ADV -so AN R'+ ,QiTT, MINI T/i�N T � �� ices RiI► .� .' u�`#� T ,.A '- F PROCUO MT-, OF k; TO, IS SUERRC THIS fie!* �i �/' �71_0 ;tiolm } 3� ! 41�ii� RRi+7�4 h 1✓## f i j � n he 0 upw beiqQ+g sewn e''d "by C luioner Dawkins,, the resolutio was patse ad.,.s.pt rMafhe l\il'Mn.:: Vo'* 1 � t h Y _:7 MINUTES DP THE PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the Zgth �0 of June, 1993, the City Coanmission of Miami. Florida, e.t at its reguia�r meetin in the city Nalll 3500.Pan American Drive Mimi, Florida!'in regular session. The meeting was called to order at i:23 p m. by Mayor `i Xavier Suarez with the dlloving m ere of the Comiss on "found to be present. Cc nis ioner Miriam Al-onso Commissioner J.L#'Pluimer, Jr. _ Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice Mayor Victor De Yul'r'e Mayor Xavier _L. Suarez ALSO PRESENT Quinn ,Tones, III , City Attorney Sergio Rodriguez, Assistant City Manager -Matty Hirai, City Clerk' Walter J. Foeman., Assistelat'City Clerk A$SIENT6 Cesar 4dio, City Manager 3212 i Fy s To:. �RtWDOCJI CITYw DE'STUDY As TO WHAT SPECIFIC SIMILAR TYPE OF DPg�.TI� LD BEALLOWED I# FIST tI T .(Applicant Appellant: Labor Forte of Dade Countyo Inc,: fsa4wbr waar.iwsr iYaleeGs�i�.ltimnw/aaAlwraratlaWtg1iM11t 11in�lUYl1iY wY fMV�waltiWRiaYwYreave.�Rwie�RrwM1Yw+iw�MfiMi�awlw�Me.wweM�wnb�r+rwMw�w+eAl f�lllf ----------- Mayor S ore Of the regularly scheduled items, Mr. Manager, that Completes the ones that you said were absolutely of necessity; in which case, we're on PZ_jL, MadaML City Clerk, don't forget to advise me that ratters have to be x sworn to* ommissioner Dawkins: We're going on what now? Mayor Suarez: PZW1�_= Coisonor Dawkins: No, no, no. before we go to PZ-, I want to gear - no, no no. I mean... Commissioner Pl urger-: What? Mayer Suarez: :We have two agendas today, Commissioner, p 'C.ommissiover Plummer..,.ghat is it - what are we waiting for? z . Major Suarez: PZ-1 5 ,.: COMMirSSioner Plummer: Oh, OK. - Mr 'Cesar Odio (City Manager): PZ-1. _ Y dommissioner Dawkins; Wait a minute, now. We're not: going to hear any wre of theL regular. Mayor Suarez: No, we're.,. CommissIone r- Dawkins: We're going Into PZ-1? Mayor Suarez: No, We re got ng to try to get balk and +ompl ete the entire agenda, if at all possibEle. COMMissioner Dawkins: Ain't no way you're going to do all of these PZ. items. o . Mayor SUar'eZ: They may not be controversial. i don't know. Are ready on ' PZ-1. or not? If not, I' ll take up some other items. We've gat marry, many f= things to dog Mr, Douglas Ooxey, PZa-1? 32 June g, 1991 x 4 .f�„'Y��Zt , OWN h�l �� PEt i� W , i .p�ye� gi find * � �s g� � i a� advise ,j �* t � yn�y /y �q �y +� are notI y�il q et _$'Rdi� i iF Wdr#A[. to 6�Sdi 4a 1�R+€V #&yh1�{t �.li 43�it oontroversial that we C n O s5 ri IY# 01a'$e. Don't let me guess, don't Oty Clerks don't forget to swear in anyone if testinryy is ,goi#go Act MeP Me to datedne if testimony ned to b* to enE ploi1 car'';t ue6 i tf l don"t h4vt to swear all kinds of people and hear al find :of testWAY it's a heck of a lot better. COMissioner PluWers Well, who's here on P -1? Mr. Doxey: I'm here sir._ My nay is Douglas Doxey. +Commi sstone r Plummer, Well,, but I mean, is there anyone else besides you hare, sits? Mr.-Doxeyr I have two associates. I have a manager - I have two managers. �- Mayor Suarez:OK, We have the applicant. Presumably, you support the application.of PZ_1. Mr. Rodriguez, do we r - recommend it? Mr4 Sergio Rodriguez (Assistant City Manager): No. The staff recommended against that. Mayor Suarez: OK* 1s there anyone here who wishes to be heard against PZ_11 the applicationofPi-i? Commissioner Plummer: What's the location? I don't find than hereE - Mr. aoxey: 1279 West Plagler Street 9 sir. f - Cmni ssi ones Plummer: Oh• that' s - we had this before, '{ Mr. Rodriguez. Right. This is a continuation from last time. r Commissioner`Alonso: Yeah, of course, and it was _postponed until today. i Commissioner Plu ers But tt doesn't say here the actual address. Mr. Rodriguez. Because you don't have an address ComiSsioner Alonso: too. He's saying that It came to us before, and we say �n �y Qaci pd%. i M was... Mr. Doxey: Yeah. We were here last month, and i t °was put off until this, until this meeting - Mr, Rodriguez-, What happened, if I might remind you what happened last time this is basically an appeal of the decision-by'the Zoning Board.` Commissioner Plummer: I remember, ffi Mr. Rodriguez* And it was an opinion given by the Zoning Administrator that this is not an employment office, but it's a hiring hall for labor, and YOU continued the itan last time. t s 5 324 une. g11093. - - -ME- Cisslonr PIrhere ark '4kyor srelio o swear in ,the witness -_- s fatty ira'Gity clerk). We need to swam` the in, Mr. Mayor. Would you _ raise your right hendPlease� Comlo tssiones pl mer. is there additional testimony to be given? Moo Hirai. And the other gentleman, is he going to speak trio? Mrk 0oxyy Yes,. AT THIS POINT TH CITY ' CLERK ADMINISTERED REQUIRED OATH UNDER ORDINANCE NCO. 10511 -TO THOSE PERSONS.GIVING TESTIMONY ON ZONING ISSUES Mr. Doxey: My name is Douglas Doxey. I'm the owner of Labor Farce of Dada County, 1279 West`Flagler Street, We were here last month, and this issue was delayed. We've been through the... the Zoning Board says that I'm a hiring --- hrxill. in the City Code, there 1s no such thing as a hiring hall. They state for semen and dock workers. I do not do longshoremen, seamen, or dock wor~kerst I a- temporary employment agency. Should someone there call rye up and ask me for two secretaries... Mayor Suarez,. We were supposed to go visit the site, and none of us did. Mr'°.'Doxeya That is correct, sir, and I did make the phone calls. I called Ms. k Alonso's office, I called Mr. Hawkins' office. It gets down to the fact that I am not the problem in this area, People can drive by, and there are loiterers, there are drunks..: Commissioner Alonsos I went by several times. Mr Doxeys I ' put prop l e to work. Icy office is empty by 7 ; 3D in the morning Mayor Suarez: ' Ore again, let me dust ascertain. Is there anyone"hare against ' this item, against this application? Let the - record reflect net one came forward. You know I'm in a � position to vote on this Iteme I mean. I don' t see - we have so many other things td do, acid this apparently is not .' contr<ovarsi�►1. I mean! its s 'not particularly recommended by staff, and I - 80 understand why. Cmimi ssioner At onso: What prompted this case? Complaints of the neighbors? Mr. Doxey: We never got an answer. This - right before the hurricane.,. _ Mayor Suarez-. I thinkshe was directing that at staff, no? Or dry you want... Commissioner Alonso* Yes. Well, yes, I'd like to kn+owo This must have been initiated sorneh w. Mr. Rodriguez: We received -� according to o letter from Mr. Genuardi that he =� sent to m'e, dated October 5, 1992, he said that they had problemswith thole i facilities, and they received complaint from surrounding businessmen that theoc k ' EK 35ue fig: 9- } 1 z pOOP1e $eeking , employment were loitering around the area, and driving their estmers away# And then we have a pending code enforcement case on this x' item. Used on that, and when we r lined that ghat they had over there was F abor� ool ;typo of operation i bstaod of an l oynent officeMr. enua rdi revoked their pits. At thatr point - and gave an opinion, 'At that point, aled this WAS apped tho Zoning Roard And teh-_ n it came a ore you last limes believe that you askod for sores more time to go to the site and see if there Wls`any protlo'with the operations I would like to introduce in the record I ;dust received a letter from Pablo Canton, and he says that inspector Eddie forges has been monitoring the Vea on a daily basis: and they have checked it = personally on different occa ions, and they cannot fend a direct relationship �- between some of the vagrants in the area with the labor force. Mayor Suarez: All right, I'll entertain a notion on the item, unless somebody has a problem with it. Any further inquiry from the Commission's if not, I'll move it myself. So moved. �= Comi ssioner Plummer: The wisdom of Solomon. 'What was the notion you made? CoWssioner Alonso What we are doing is - the license is for... Mayor Suarez. To approve it. r == Commissioner Plummer; To allow it? Mayor Suarez: Yes, -- Commissioner Alonso: ... one year, Mayor Suarez: It just said that... . Mr. Rodriguez: well,.. Commissioner Al onso o Read to him the le tter attar from Mr. Canton. I went by the area and I could not really identify the problem. Mr. Rodriguez; The thing is this. If - year. The issue that you have before you is t:h1se If you were to approve this request from them, you are a rovi+n it - pp you are approving in blanket approval throughout the Cit, if you agree with the interpretation that they are seeking from you today. It's not only in this particular area, because this is not an area specific.,9 Mayor Suarez: Could it not have been narrowed down somehow, Mr, Rodriguez, so it doesn't have that kind of a global application? Commissioner Plummer.- No, that's not - that's not... . Commissioner Alonso; Oh, wait a second. Cost issioner Plummer: I think I disagree with you, because it sags here Locattion "SD-14, Latin Quarter Commercial Zoning ilistrict.m Co issioner Alonso: Right, E 326,dune 29, 1993 �R s ME gg' --my ITS I 1 a ' t K WV,_ k i s i otter .. Al o s.0 Q psi"r ner Pl I unft.r1ji you Will to, n, tinue to Monitor? fir. RodriUea w ttu ti 'Suarev:Moved and setoodled by Chi SS i One r P 1 Me Moved by iss do r Aionto, Cali the rO1t Comissioner Pi er' Gives tie NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Teams) office somethi g to do,* for a change. Mayer Suarez. Call the rat 1 x The following mot ion on was introduced by Cwmi ss 9 aner At oflso►, who moved its 'adoption,. - MOTION NO 93-391 r, A MOTION TO REFER TO THE ADMINISTRATION AGENDA ITEM PZ-I (PROPOSED:RESOLUTION OF AN APPEAL OF THE DECISION ° 4 ' of THE ZONING - BOARD THAT AMIRING HALL TYPE OF 'OPERATION IS NOT AN fMPLOYNENT OFFICE USE AND I5 NOT A _f PERMITTED, USE UNDER SD-1.4 LATIN QUARTER COMMERCIAL - ON Zt3NING DISTRICT}; SAID ISSUE BEING REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION IN ORDER - THAT THE ADMINISTRATION MAY; CONDUCT A STUDY OFPRESENTLY EXISTING COMPARABLE -SITUATIONS CITYWIDE; AND FURTHER REQUESTING THE ADMINISRATIffN TO COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION AS To WHAT SPECIFIC TYRES OF OPERATION .r# COULD WPERNITTE#1 IN. C-1 DISTRICTS. . Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and f M SE adopted the following vote: AYES: Commission ss on�e�r Miriam Al onso 5- Caml ss'i over Mil 1 er J a DaWkins t " Commi ssioner J. L. Plu mer, Jr. _ Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L o Suarez NOES: Nonea �. ABSENT: None. - y s i ..j- 329 -June,:- „ ! 4fE1 IYO UNDER_ REQ6�lfliii ORDINANCE 6 '!# POINT" A1061 yp tt# TIMONYZONING GIT May Suarez; 1 gather tints you didn't get sworn in that you must y for s„t' amp -_ Ms. Carl son: des, sir, I do* -- Mayor Suarez. What's the name again? Ms ;ar son:NINE— atty Carlson, Planning Department. Maor Suarez:, fiery o d. All , right. Do we need to put sc�ethi ng in the ` record then, Steven? Are you going to do it? - Mr. Steve 3 Win. Bare h 'sson+rcner1hat .. $re we waiting fir? : Mr, Neltan: Steve flelfmah, ZSfiS youth Bay hors. i want to make sure, that that i s being approved is the July' 28 �. excuse — the record. ref le is the - plan , - unea 1993 plan, and I'll SU it it* for the record. And the tithe �- me condition - we've met with our neighbors, we've reached an agree�e+nt. The l that's called for between our prop�+erty and the Condi ti C?n i s that the ,wad anchorager perty on the plan' be, constructed prior to the issuance of any r building Pe its for any structures on the site. ;.: Unidentified Speaker: Yes.Va -- :.: Mayor Suarez: All agreed? commissioner Plum r: i guess if -we knew what they were talking abort, e � would agree* ;,- t rs Mayor Suarez: Al 1 right. Counsel for.** z y I don't have the Tightest damn idea what you're owlssioner Plummer: dune 28th 1993, it, got to be the best plan y ._ talking about, mean, the plan, on rttord x� Mayor Suarez: All right. Moved.,. } tnnmissioner Plummer: Whatever it means. Mayor Suarez: Moved and seconded. Do we have a MOtion, City. Clerk? t Hirai: Yes,. Sir* u �_ os. 5 ?- de a motion*er. aco i.ssner Plum x i j 331uita Moor Suarez: moved and seconded, Any discussion? If not, please do whatever you need to do with it. Call the roll. The' following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plumer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 93-392 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT, AUTHORIZING THE HUGHES DOVE MAJOR USE-SPECIALPERIT ` AT APPROXIMATELY 3338 DEMON ROAD (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN), PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION FOR MOTOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT AFTER CONSIDERING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS - OF THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A'", AND f THE APPLICATION FAIR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL INCORPORATED . HEREIN BY REFERENCES-9 SING FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; PROVIDING THAT THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER SHALL BE BINDING ON THE APPLICATIONS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST; AND CONTAINING A SEVERADILITY - CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (Here follows body of resolution,` omitted here and on fire In the Office of the City Clerk.) _ Upon bung seconded by Commissioner Alonso, the resolution was passed y and adopted by the following vote, AYES: Commissioner Mir apt Ala!riso - Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins r Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr, Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES** None. ABSENT: None, COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Vice Mayor de Yurre: If I plan to buy one of these homes, can I still vote ors / �., this? Yes* Mayor Suarez: PZ-3. r ` Mr. Holfmam: Thank you, �r Mayor Suareaw Now, why do I get the impression that we're... �s V Mr. Jilt McMaster: Excuse me. Did the public get to speak on PZ-2? i F A On ut t . S-polk tO i t i we may have to reopen �{ ��66-SO '#M1u poi:yi :- `C issionw P ry on 014 '144yor too fart Ho ard, and Steve and everybody else. -commi ssi oner a r: We asked # Where were you? y i ybr'SWarez: It seem$ like4* Mr}� McMaster. Did Mr. Helfman agree to move the tennis courts' Coui ssibner Pi wmer+ Huh Mro,. cMaster: Did Mr, Hal fman agree to move the tenniscourts? -i4r-a Nei f'man: Yes, Mr. McMaster- Oh, OKO I missed that part. Thank you. 1- i yor Suarez. I** That's Clarified on the record, and that was the unsworn testimony.,of Mr. McMaster that i am sure doesn't need to be sworn i-n, because �f he.'atWays tells the truth, like George Washington 5 >�: : Y«..,.tlY._..WY.H.....aW...�.,�wiW„e+si..�.n....,,..MeP.�t....Rs..w..,..,.....F,»..»�....�kMt.Rtf».a.,;...R•.i.».MLM...p...«.i,MNM;.i„W.YII,111r.....«K......,.,..Is.R:.,.�M .'` :' ` �� DACE HERITAGE TRt3ST INC.' APPf1coii GCARfii' DCIM .T EVER E. ZONING''t�DMi�i��it�A� t' � DECISION To REYtiK� DESIGNATED `BUILD . ' PE�Mii' #� TO' FAILURE of APPLICANT To MEET ESTABLISHED CONDITiOl s O ` ". .: R CORGE COVEM NT � AT `, N i� CAYNE 8 L V D A i o E 9 STREET' P# Iioant Isaac -Shih for Miami . Chinese Community Center; appeIIanti Dada Merita�e zrast e . Inc. h '"- : -' - .'.- . fO/MWiiI�rYMIi1W�MrYiy►YYMMI�MMYi�IP'..flil,.+aillFAtIIR'ti��1M#7liIIMIMR'4MMMPAIilwlidllwI1RM:MPtlFA111iM�F�Ifk�1W1Mi11M'litWilMFf1M�w#MF14Y1O1Y1gYIR11MYMA1lIkM1#1111si. fty e 1 uj" o Tabs is P�- . Why do het ,.the impression that e' ` back t ai= t 'ba' been mantiend today aft tis? , ,F Sergio Rodriguez (Assistant City Manager); This is one that you. have seen r,abra -''►' i Chinatown I'm'y r Su6ret. And it'SL been mentioned before a few times by Cooissioner Dawk U co arinG it to one-: other Chinos. F, colmissioner Aionso. Yes. Famous. i ,yor$uarez, Whp,A's ,Rein . to ba hedrd on item PZ-3, for or,against? 3 Li one 7 l mri Who s he a ��� �an 7' ff WE Mrs r"f Scott War .n, on behalf f the Dade Heritage Trust. -do Thank you for introducing yourself. That helps '•Mayor`StArer the vary g-00 Hr iS r�epr seoting you? - , .. _ .�� Al an Kan"' art ftn i Yoor -r Susre Alan Could we swear' in anyone that's going to be on your _ ►1d , aid anyo"_ that't ; oft to be on behalf of Dade Her1tags Trust? Ms. Matty Hirai: Yes. Would you raise your right hands, please! Mr: ' �tatcn» Louise Yarbrough, the executive direct or of the Dade lea�f tags - Trust Alir ci a Would you raise your right hand,. please, Mr. Sh{h. THIS POINT THE CITY -CLERK ADMINISTERED REQUIRED OATH UNDER ORDINANCE NO -- 1CS1I THOSEPERSONS. GIVING TESTIMONY ON ZONING ISSUES. C rnissiondr Plc rim r: Every time. L Mayor, $uacrez s Very goad � < OK Ci:ss#.ones Pitrtrtterr: fir, are you representing Mr. Shih? You're about the twelfth ons . _- C�issi+oner' Alonsos Oh, really? s , Meys�r Suarez! Who do we hear from first, Sergio? .� Mr.1odriggez: The appellants Comm ssi aver Pirrte: Who's tha appellant? Mr W&r~f m The Dade Heritage Trust } Mrs Rodriguez: Dade 'Heritage Trust. Mayo.r uere . Ail right. _ .. Mr 'W rfr iianr I gi�ren tph$ clerk a package*** t Co fission r P1 rrnet: I thought it was passe. Haven't they torn the building �- I've made a copy fog- 4i 1 tie or�rc�issio�rers, if you l d like i~a �4_ at ke a 1 ook a M i t .,. - • issi+oner umur. Wjit, wait a minute, excuse me. 'you$ re opposed to t+e ►ring tt�e oildinc down, is that cor°r'ect ` Mr.arfan,'re opposed to the pro,ect going forward without financial M' T c�tpabi 1 � ty to see that will CCU toC��������* _ , It 334t Si- t rfi E } commissioner pl ummer What has that got to do with Historic Trust? And -- CMMssioner° Plummer. I thought you were here for the basis of that the buildin s 1Would not a torn dwh d once of them has already been torn down. 14 don't See Wheft :Dade Trust* in effect, has the responsibility to be concerned about the financial Viability of a project. Don't get me wrong. i think it's... r Suares Well. I iaccept ,your questions as clarifications, but I mean, they have standing, certainly: to come in here and... lsslaner Plumery But not as Dade Heritage Trust, I mean, what have they - tk got to do with that Mayc►r Suarez: Well, if. Dade Heritage 'gust wants to come in, they have •= standing to cone in to object to anything. But what you're saying is, you just want to clarify why they're interested. Commissidner Plumners Yeah, yeah. Mr. Warfman Specifically, there is an historic building still standing, and the `bade Heritage 'trust is interested in preserving that building, Cm ni ssi oner pl unn r: 4K. That, I `can go along with. _ Mr. Warfman: Sure. Commissioner Plummer Slesnick is back there just grinning from ear to ear. Move the building off.of Matson Island, you dirty devil, Go ahead, sir, u Mr, iiarh but I would like the .Commissioners to be _ to understandthat while: the Dade Heritage Trust '� i s opposed to; the : demoi.i ti on of the Priscilla, It's also -` It is a1 so a pro;, d+evel opment. We al l know a and there's a l of I of points of agreement between the Dade Heritage Trust and ter. Shih at this area on Biscayne Dou'levard. It is $ mess between - on 18th, igth 'Street and Di acayne � anyone ' who lives ,off the bdui evard . wants to see development in that urea. It'a horrible right now, i live can Biscayne Boulevard, and every f night, I ga. outside and chase away prostitutes'. and.the only way you're going to fix this urea is you need' - you need develop nt' i n It and -w+e' re al t clear.,- on that, that development `i good for Miami. So then the question Ws from th+e .Dade ' Heritage Trust's. perspectives is whadt's wrong with the Chinatown project? And in short, based on everything we've seen, the applicant.,Mr Shlh, -just hash I t produced, despite.,being given • all sorts 'of al lowanews and concessions' by the City, Bight .,-now,, all` we've got I a on historic _ building that's been destroyed, and at►ther 0nt `that4,a been partial destroyed And at this point, that's the prebl wi:ih the Chinatown &Wect for all- of f the - the talk and the �tonejt that's been put up on the table, you've got one pty lot with rubble, and another building that's partially destroyed, From p 1 the Dade Heritage Trust's perspective, while it's pro-oevelopment, the worst case scenario is ,you gust wreck Historic buildings, and you leave an sty dot f Kr SS5 dune's 1, 1n its stead. .At the hearing before the Zoning Board, the attorney for mr, x Shih urged the Zoningoard that it's Important mportant that Miami sends a message to the global comunity that we want ,your development, we want ;you to comt to t Miami and make our City more beautiful, The fade Heritage Trust agrees with _ that. We want developers to come to Miami, we giant Biscayne Boulevard -.- developed, but we also want to see that the developers hie got the financial .� I capability to pull it off. If you come to Miami, you should have your financing 'in place. - Mayor Suarez, back on April 25, 19919 - I've reviewed t some of the transcripts, and what you said is - and it's got a prophetic ring, _ when we -look at it in 1993 - you said to Mr. Shih, when he stood before you back on April 25, 1991, just two years ago - more than two ,years ago - you said, "You're going to begin sounding like somebody who does not have the wherewithal to carry out the kind of project you would like to see here; In which case, we then are in a position where we're just building, you know, ' castles in the sky." And then I'm just warning you about that, because so far, you still have the majority here that says, "Let's bend over backwards, s let's go around all of our requirements. The main is going to build something in an area we want to develop." We're going to get to the point that we're T going to wonder whether you have the ability to do it, And we're definitely left wondering with that today, because as recently, as a Herald article reports, on June 18th, an article by Joanne Cavanaugh... Mayor Suarez: You are so accurate and so presentient in your quote of myself that I grant to be sure that you are otherwise complying with our lobbying registration law, Are you in a compensatory capacity, or are you doing this on behalf of the Trust? Mr, Warfman: I'm registered as a lobbyist, and also doing this on a pro bono basis. 3 Mayor Suarez: OK, either way, but you may want to, Madam City Clerk, check out -_maybe the firm is the one that's registered. All right, In any event, you're not being compensated for this. I'm sure that the Trust is happy to hear that. Mr. Warfman: And, in fact, on - as reported by Joanne Cavanaugh .in the Post - ;. in the Herald, rather - according to Mr. Shih, investors are still not fully lined up, Mayor Suarez: See, you did a good thing when you quoted me, but now you're quoting the Miami Herald. I don't know, could be... �S Mr. Warfman: In that same gearing, there was a discussion... Mayor Suarez: ... detrimental to your health. Mr. Warfman: I did that with some risk, but that's a concession, or admission by Mr, Shih. He's not sure if the money is here, and the equitable issue is, do we destroy an historic building that's got some ties to our past if the money is not here? I know when I have to build - when I want to build a house, I need to take a loan. Commissioner Plummer: It's a project destined to fail, EK 336 June 29, 1993 i 4 �w 5 , Mr. Wartman> ,., when a -developer builds a city build office building, . you' ve> got to have a loan in pl ece t You need the financial plan, and there ,dust i no,financial plan right nowt. Miami has more than its share of persons who come into the city with grandiose visions and rake a lot of promises, and ` then what happens is tlia promises are broken, you get a lot of disappointment, . and Miami suffers a little bit, think* in thepro►cess. If the Chinatown project is going to go for ard, I think the city Commission should look to ate, do you have the finan`dial wherewithal that you spoke about, Mayor, two y+aar''s -agog Tohiht, the Dude Heritage Trust mounts strictly a legal challenge* and that's the packet that I have given you, The Commission passed a resolution number 268 that required all Dade County impact Fees to be paid by August 30, 1992s There's some question whether the extensions granted by the Commission, Citywide, two 30-dad+ extensions applies in this case, but even if it applied, that means Mr. Shi h had until about February 23, 1993 to pay the Dade County impact fee, He didn't pay it. The Zoning Admioistrator noted that he did not pay it. The building official revoked the permits for Mr. Shih. An appeal was taken by Mr°. Shih to the Toning Beard, and they s reversed.... Coniissioner Plummer: As of this date, has it been paid, to your knowledge? Mr. Warfman: I'm sorry? Commissioner Plummer: As of this date, has it been paid, to your knowledge? Mr. Warfman: I understand that it has been paid... Commissioner Plummer: Thank you, Mr, wartman: ,., out of time. The Zoning Board reversed the decision of the Zoning Administrator without explanation, without any findings, and therefore, legally, this order cannot be enforced. The due process and equal protection laws require that all administrative decisions have detailed findings, What the Dade Heritage Trust requests is that the Caxnrnissidn reverse the 'Zoning Board's decision, and remand this issue back to the Zoning Board with instructions that the Zoning Board rake written findings to support its decision. That way, we know whether the evidence supports the decision. That way, we know the due process and the protection law is complied with. Commissioner Plummer: This Commission has: bent over backwards with this thing. Mr, Warfman: I'd a and I'd like to have a couple of minutes for rebuttal, if appropriate, Thank you. Commissioner Plummer: And we'll do it again. Mayor Suarez: Due process and equal protection as applied to a historic structure. I never thought I'd near~ it* All right. Maybe some of that constitutional law must have passed me. Counselor, do you want to snake your argument? Alen. Mr, Can Thank you, Mr. Cha i man. My name is Alan Kan, with the firm of Bedaow, Korn, Kan and Glaser, 20803 Biscayne Boulevard, Aventura, Florida, I- EK 337 dune 29, 1993 ob a a registered lobbyist with the City. I have represented Mr. Shih and our fib has represented him for about three years or - three or Four years now, and have b a here WOO, Mre pl er. I was waiting to get - to hear the rationale for: 'the dppeal Everything you heard vis-a-vis the developer's financial abilities, the Mayor's quotes three years ago, is all red herring. 3 It was ail designed for emotional smoke screen. It might be interesting, in retrospect, but all of what the Heritage Trust is appealing is a decision of the Zoning Board which overturned - and correctly overturned w- the decision of your building official to revoke a permit for the failure of Mr. Shih at the time to pay the Dade County impact fee of $289000. The record - which there was a record made at the Zoning Board - which had the Dade Heritage Trust chosen to have a court reporter there that night and have it made available for. you, for this appeal. or had the City chosen to make the appeal, would show that we submitted into evidence all the improvements that have been made, the total amount of monies that have been paid by Mr. Shih to the Cityr including the posting of the $250,000 cash bond, which totalled 350,000 - approximately $350,000 up to that point; that he also had spent over $500,000 in professional fees, for an approximate total of $906,000, as of January 1991, Now, the board heard that, The board also heard the following: It went through all the resolutions that this Commission had passed. They were all put into evidence. The resolution - one of the resolutions specifically said: "And set a date by which Conditions ZA through D need to be complied with." The board had that before it. One of those conditions was the payment of all fees, posting of the bonds, starting construction, et cetera, by,'I believe, a date in 1992d That was extended twice, and one time it was extended by this board. It was extended as a result of Hurricane Andrew, Which the counsel for Dade Heritage Trust conveniently forgot to remind you about the problems we had with Hurricane Andrew. In any event, it also had before it the fact that the permit. was issued long before •- by the City of Miami - long before the expiration date in February of 1993. And Mr. Shih, at that point in time, when he received his building permit, paid to the City of Miami impact fees and building permit fees In the amount of, $88,141.31. And at that point in time, the City staff, in processing that Application, when they had reviewed all ` the permits, andallthe plans, and said everything,was fione, went through - and that shouId be in the packet on the appeal .. went through a Iaondry list of al the ciheckoffs. And a laundry list of the checkoffs said Dade County code cI ance, and it had a certain number, And that was paid; structural fees, architectural review fees, building fees, permit fees, et cetera. At no point in time did the City staff, when it Issued that building permit, ever ask Mr, Shih, "By the way, did you pay a Dade County impact fee? Where is your receipt for that'?'" It was no issue raised at that point in time when the City of Miami's Building Department issued the building Permit fee. And Mr. Shih paid the $88,000, he got his building permits, and he started his demolition work. It was only in mid - March,, approximately four to five weeks after the building permit had been issued that somehow, it was called to the attention of your building official or your zoning official,,I think, that the Dade County impact fee of $28,000 had' not been paid. Mr: Shih learned of that through a call from..a. Miami Herald reporter, "Did you know it wasn't paid, or did you know someone's asking about it not being paid?" He said he did not. He went down to the. City of - to Dade County - and immediately, on March 19th - and in the record, there's a copy of the receipt - paid to Dade County its impact fee of $28,438.05. Notwithstanding that, three days later, on March 18th, your zoning official recommended to your building official to revoke the permit on EK June 29,, 1993 low ANINE the grounds that condition of payment of the fee had not been technically met by the Pbruary I believe gist or 23rd date The board had all of .. your o ord _had all of that info tip before- It* dour Zoning Board as talky -:doeid d that one, the failure in this instance and this # the the of the — ,--- argument that we We at that point in timet Which was - vote "boa rt, bei 4eve, was seven ,of sight to one at that pint in time - was it was - y de mirtW3s that the $28 fto was not a deliberate nonpayment, but merely a - k mistake of fact.. -- " Mayor Suarez: " Translated fry the Latin means it wasn't a big deal. s_ Mr. Kan It wasn't a big deal'. it was minor in nature. That in - - especially in a scope of the*$* —� Mayor Suarez: Even though�cumula,tively, this.., Mr. Kan: $379,DDu that he had previously paid. Maybe Suarez: Even though cumulatively, this man has not complied with fop — anything that we have imposed on hire over the years, Mr. Kan: He has complied with everything that you... —_ Mayor Suarez Well, lately, he's been doing better. Mrs Kan:L, He's complied with everything that you put in. He has - he - and-T have aL wire if there is another issueL of his financial ability. He gust ° { received i n, and have a wire - frcn +i tii bank, Citicorp Banks veri fyi n theree' a: Mfllion plus dollars in his bank account to continue to move forward with the construction But `in any event, the Zoning Board had before it the issue fact.. that, one, it, was de . mi nirhi s two, that there was a mutual ml stake of When the City of Miami official issued the permit, he issued it on the belief that all the fees and atl l the conditions of`thepermit had been, met. Arid when the CO"tractor and Mr. shih.paid the $88,000, which the city of Miami building _ official taking the money Lgave him a sheet and said, "Here, go over and pay _- the°cashier,, and you get your building pfermit," he believed in good faith that he had, at that point i n time, core i ied with all the cbndi ti ons necessary to obtain that bcoilciing L permit. And that would have been over two months prior F to the February ' 93 cutoff `date, because th,i s was in December, Had the City Of Mfam►i building official,,b eing - not the - not the individual f official title - the indiVidual wdr•king at that point in time on fir. hi i`s plan said, - 118 thg way, where's the Dade County where is your receipt from Dade County?" he would have realized that he didn't pay it. He would have gone to t the County, the same way he went to the County when he was notified that he 3 didn't pay it, and paid the $280000, Now, having all of that iofor ation - befDre theft, the Zoning Appeals Board overruled the decision of the building official to revoke the permit. And since that paint in time, because of the - appeal,.whichif you note', up`anti1 this last - eleventh hour, these were no = grounds for the appeal, other- than the Dade Heritage 'gust said they don't - — they question the capabi 1 i ty of the project in its totality, which As not a proper ground for the appeal in the first : instance. There was no rationale � given why they. should why this Commission should g y _ overturn the decision of f the Zoning Board.` i. f EK 339 4ufle Zg, t-993 AP In '1' � f Mayor Suarez. All right g' mra K.an. We would suggest to you that as a matter of law, the Zoning Appeals t oard deciion.. ' issioner AlorSo 60 on, continue. :. Mr. Kan. Do we have a quorum? (Inaudible stateMent. Mr.-Ka►n: + that the Zoning Appeals board was correct, was supported by �-- competent, substantial "evidence in the record; that the findings are written as in the zoning sheet ,itself ;'-the order overturning the zoning official - the building offi c al , was written by the City and the City staff; and that this — board at this point in ;time should uphold that decision. We are not - unless you Want to now go to extraneous matters, the way the Trust has put in �- extraneous: :=tiers we will offer testimony from numerous individuals in support of the ''project, You7 have heard numerous times before,, al l the home _-- owners in the surrounding area who desire the project, You all know the value of the , project to the community as a whole, I will give you, if you desire for the records the letter from the hank indicating the next million dollars -_ that is currently in ter. Shih'a account for this project, plus - plus a packet which :includes various petitions and letters of recommendation in support of �- the project from numerous individuals, including the various Chinese municipal e ` governments that Mr» hih i s dealing n9 with, surrounding property owners, the International inn on Biscayne Say, the owner of that,, and there are numerous peopl e'.. here to speak - in support of your denial of this appeal by the dacde a Heritage Trust. What is your pleasure, Madam Chairman? Would you like to bear from these papl e? would you like to see the packets, or will you take my proffer that that's what's included in theses.. Commissioner Al onso. Let_ me see what the pleasure of the Coamissiono Let's hear the people,.,; Commissioner Dawkins: Let everybody who''s supporting, this stand. f Commissioner Alonso. Wow many people are in support? Co mmi ssi over. Dawki ns. Everybody who supports It, stand, please, That's good, r j t Mr. Kan: And I'd like you to also... Commissioner Plummer., flow many in support... Commissioner Alonsoa. Do they live in the area? Commissioner Plummer., blow many in support live in the City of Miami; that live in the City and vote in the City? , j. (Inaudible,background 'statement no placed in the public record.) r f T- Commissioner Plummer. No, sir. Do you live and vote in the City? That's what I'm asking EK 340 Dune 290 1993 r Y Vt - - t sr bttei� be careful 'here artloupeopie at election time? y Sur s righ - r And 1'1nalIyi and y Est important point 1 that Mr. fan' entire se ltatOn Oxempliflas the need for written findings from the board. pre I t 1.,1..praci sett' because 11 erg' ware no written findings $ we were unable -the Trust i s precluded, =from raising all of the issues that should be - '— Dade He'ri tape raised 1f it rants to challenge the Zoning Board's decision. Thank you* Mayor, Suarez- 11 rights fiery good, counselor* Anything further on the side? I don't know ghat the epprr�prlate term -- ' applic Cant' property. oWner's is,` Qo yoU,rant to ;dust identify the people in support and - we did that? r Ten Comissiond ` Qawkins already did that. -- omissioneralonso; I guess we did Mayer are OK. you also have a packet in front of you, Mir Mr an'e They.611 stood upe end, with, petitions from individua is supporting the pro,ect the os�1y Mayor, tither thing which I didn't give you is, I'd like to give you and the clerk a= the bank indicating the next million dollars that s copy. of the letter from n has aYailable to move forward with the project: mayor uare : Basically, the gist of, this is that they technicallyo the impact fee, and that gives us the ability to revoke all o mis eti payment on the prior epAt"oaraI s or ' some of the prior approvals? Mr. Rodriguez. Right. Mayor Suarez: Now*** issi'oner PIwoe r; tells Mr. mayor, that's the issue before us ati the present time. e _ Mayor Suarez. Right. �i Canissloner PIummer: My long-standing opposition continues§ 'MY opposition as it relates to 5v- is not ---and I knot Din alts�nick wi11 not wand to hear this to rm down the hotels or the bu ldingso My opposition relates - I don't _ I4 �.. -know, o the `.1 i.fe of.,me how '.. any buslhess +can au-cceed 'wi thou one parkin It i s said to be N.- ... �t spa c# t There is, not 1n this p�°opsal one parking space two, Phase bile proposes a restaurant with 260,seats, and estimated to phase be o or M. 1oyees, by their CUunt, and I'n1 using that as' their count, which means 300 Poopl, t for the restaurant, and not a single parking C space. I said,' before, 4will say again, I hate to see Mr» �hih waste his 44- f. { money. In my estimation, without a single parking space � and let � say,,for t- his benefit, ,he has tried to get paring, He tried at Ili, be tried across :° Rai the Street, but un1'orturateiy, errary area he has tried has been negative* It y 342 t.�(Ac vN z � # is MYire on and I have not changed . It - that without parking, he is esd fr I ►ate sot one more any go broke in this City, ,} and can't see it any, other way, That is not the subject here today, but hi,,ut ire issue in the overall issue relating to whether or not thus pt*djett At 'financially viableo And as I say to you, my colleagues, the Way it is proposed, 1t cannot succeed. ..Mayor Suarez. Are you moving something on this item? p. Cotwissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'm not a damn fool. This Commission has �.. swam a river - swam or swum? Swam .. Mayor Suarez: Swum, swum. gust don't worry about it. Commissioner Plummer: This Commission has done everything it can to acco modate Mr. Sh1h, and I'm sure, sir, that they're going to do it again. i ..have given.my admonishment as to ghat my feelings are. There's no question that this Commission 1s, once again, going to give Mr. Shih, as they arrays have, what :Mr. Shih is asking for. There's no question in my mind. So I'm not going to sit here and make a big thing. I knew, as my Commissioner Dawkins says, on a three to one, f MayorSuarez. All right, Well , let me surprise you and say that I move to _ deny the application, uphold the determination of the Zoning Administrator. x (AP.PIAUSE) Mayor Suarez: Edo you want to second it, and we can vote on it? Commissioner Plummer: Wonders never cease. Yes, sir, I to save Mr. Shih money, I will move - I will second the motion, sir. Mr. Rodriguez- Mr. Mayor? Mayor Suarez. Yes. Mr. Rdriguez I think the motion is that you will uphold the Zoning, a Administrator. Mayor Suarez: Zoning Administrator's determination, that's right. a Commissioner Plummer: And Mri Mayor, let me say for the record... i Commissioner Al onsu; Mr. Shih,,,, 'k Commissioner Plummer: ... nothing would please me more than to see Mr. Shih succeed, but he's got to have parking. He can't ado it without it. Mr, Kan. Will you give hire back his money, Mr. Mayor? Commissioner Plummer: Sir... Mr. Kan* If you uphold the revocation, are you going to give him back all the foes that he's paid? K 343 June. 191 1993 img. ` 9k ssiper-Pl r. Sure you scan, sit. Como up... x� think that tatn o°ders don't know if do it by the .�— i - t oil � but , bei i eve t�iat' i n order yes, 1 1f the fees* _ - ' i issioner Pl ra TKe owner of Los Violins..* ... - . ..:..: ,. ..... .. .... _- ... .. ,. l ay r dare � loduaing all of the legal fees that he has paid up to now ....Ate-- `sy Most be returned also. F tomiss ones Pi ummer. Mr. Magyar, the owner of Les Violins the "mayor" o �. Lea Viol ins would like to be heard. I r,► Albino Currei s: sorry. $ My name is Albino Curra i s. i represent Les �r yiins`�t' my first time that 19 in this country, am using the �- *Jcrophone... �- } oad so far* You're doing gMayor ae _ it Gufira�i . because my English is no goad. — �� Commissioner Plummer: Welcomes _ e` ~.urrais: But I want to tell you something. if you go for Biscayne, the tourists y{ Boulevard and see those buildings and the way they are, and .you thst to +'Plat + see that place. Al 1 the time, they are telling me, "how in Miami that building in that situation?" That is, for tourists. } ..'. is possible t in tam one of the waist things, because everybody.«! s ,r; Mayor suarex.. You have described the factual situation. You've described the - area< gall: but what does that lead you to recommend to us? Are.you in... Mr Cu rra� i s recommend f we don't hags the Chinatown � war are going to have i we hva to Cl, se a l h the p l acts i tt B i apayna Botal ;a rd `, ' Artd Tthr, atnother thing I �tant to tell You T appr+sciate wiry rnueh Mr� 5 lr, but have to say this; Les Violins _ryas, I Mink, orle ®f the best _ ate ih am . Now , it's in very bad aondi ti on, notfor the - not for the thine to are telling; only, for the neighborhood, which each days is gorse. _td if°we don't have Chinatown and Braman, and all the things, we have to go r p�: out away fr Miami. , very i +ortent, Les Viol ins.` is in Apd another point yWas' *}— Btivleva'd next to where the Chinatown want to tied years. was t' wer�y,`very nice place with ny custo rs, and now sometimes we have a iot of 7 customers, and that place, we have no parking space, and that was...` ! i Co li ii 1Jn i �i P y .Wh& a Where? buy ;i Cut�raisa -At L.es w/4/� i4rj � Ys .�#iN e 61Y fi1r iJgo 0 issidh r Plummer• You use the parking space across the street errary y _- r ni ht• +n tried to do the saw with $ lease for parking'as you have. Could F you survive at Let Violins without parking' 4 �- x '. Mr., Currai s. i survive ire without parki ng because .G l . ` J — .a n _ - isonr. You use the parking acroa the street at the t _ 0 '.. y(j} f(} yy}iot`e w t hon Lis Violins was one of the best have parking and we don't have the - n o t lu s 9i i we needdon't errhgenti"th the With:., the frost of use That is want to tell you, then'. r o -- r -i if you have parking you � can a "�q e r on Q clear* ajror SuareZI s th{v on t Mf01 r 4`. i it don't have parking, you'll have the bast nightclubs Miami - succeed* If you _ C We had no parking, avid we had the bast. one,. And nowt it's � s not 4r. urraiso `best. in bad but not for the parking for the -- the It's very position, neighborhood. Mayor Suarez. times change, circumstances change, and I think they're going to change again in favor; of that area. think we have some,.. -- �- it Commissioner P1 ummer. I sure hope so. {{r.urrais That depends on you on the scission. r Mayor Suarez: Right. OK. ., c issioner Plummer: We're sinking two and a half million in there. om r. Curraiso You are the only 'one� who can change the things Iaynr Suare2: Al 1: right. Mr. Curr"ai s: OK, Pardon -,thank you very much* error Suarez; �m inclined to say that we have closed off debate,and have a which I'ttt not technically supposed to be chairing, but with _ motion ;before us, the Guts ones consent, I think it's a good idea to hear hint out. Sig Cormissioner Plummer: No objection - $ ... Mrs 'ra`n t n T ez Thank ,..y u, � Mayon. Thank you, Cor~mi:s�sianers� My n t-.s . - 'r$nkt'n i'e, tS +cit3er�, reside 512 Hawthr�rst Avenue,, +art Lauderdale .. I I. Al so have;,0dtp6r~ty, in 501 H rthwest 31st Street, Mia mi a � eon before you, x � i:id 11_lce to throw our support to the project,, any project, not just sirepty Mr. Shih's;Chiriat+ n. I learn of Miami 40 some years ago from China, learn.it .bong id. Miami is one of the attractt6n not only in 4- $ro E Moog when I was i South Florida, but overseas. SO this one reason I settle in South Florid# � pa tipular iri M a r . cam her in 1 � resideatbout 2 y�srs. You all knew what. happen to Biscayne Boulevard* I used to _shop in dears Town, 5urdi4 ���. ,efferson's, ordarl Marsho jtls not there anymore, Tha most significant structure is rri r it's one of the big,,, things : happen to outhleridat, ate patrticularly try Miami I. But there's a proof with Omni right, now dreg s p+ siio`i 1 i t that fiend of .5 'million dollar gust �o� the renavati�n. fresh j- z a i ` fte fY^— sq �3, t i �n t f :. blordd +ding to the "i try to regenerate the business, tourist attraction to ie -Yoe a er, to Mi *d like to come o even approach, look at not as f - onero e+t, a Chinatown or acnythings it's future of City of Miami. This 1 .. '. a�ttrAcinny , Other a tctin, any other hew development would enhance what 3 is now, no uestionibout 1u will set the art performance center coming. ups Hopefully will become reality. K Mayor udeez. We certainly hope so. All right. Thank you for your testimony. '.p5. Commissioner Fl ora Well, ,dust for his edificationd.. TO.- Thank you. Co' mi ssioner Pl unm r , . sir, If things do not change, the aaA (Downtown Development Authority) `has two and a half million dollars from the EDA Econcmi+#evelarpmrent Adrninistm°anon to set a permanentmerchandise mart in the,,(nrni Building. So If that doesn't change, you'll be seeing that announcehien ►i thi n t days, sir. Mr.Tse: What I'm trying to say is, you know, the. City and the community 'should support any project that will pump in new blood to the City. Mayfly Suarez: ATI right, sir, but that is just too broad a statement. We've heard your support, and we know the general situation of the area. Mr. 'Tse: Thank` you. Mayor Suarez: And we know what happens, I thinks if this project doesn't,move forward, Commissioner Al onso wanted to inquire, Commissioner Alonso Yeah, I have some questions. I need to hear from Mr. Shlh or his attorney. Does Mr. Shih have the funding, the money available to " t fete'this project? I have bent (sit) back and forth for this project. I ., have done everything possible. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, God knows, f r Commissioner Alonso: I don't believe he has the money to complete the project,, and that's my greatest concern. what's going to' happen? And if he b he needs to tel I - u3 he has the funding, how and ^• and something very _ concrete,.because this has been going on for the longest time,'and now we have t a 'tNeture, that is half demol i shed, it's ugly, it's incredible. I have to ask also the question from the Dade Heritage, to tell me what is the alternative with this building half demolished, what's going to happen,'but`I need an answer,. Do you have the funding, or ,you don't` Me# Kan: W'el I ,, as I understand it, Coomni ssi oner.. Commissioner Alonso And one other item, very concrete terra. 14 Mr". Kan: As I understand it, Mr, Shih has dust infused another million dollars. I mean, you have to understand, from the date... ' r. �, issione A.lonso: Yes, sir. But... 3 x EX 346 June 29, M Yfl a a it rrh� date that the 1 Mayor Suarez Excuse one one . mi note, I don't want to sound rude* 3 L \ ^ _ is EXCSe�[jl�j, r �a"♦ �. i e i C issioner Alotm: $ut when the project started, it was a hundred miIIion G: prb et Then 1t Was Cut in half a And then, from every occasion, he didn't L � R r er at ore time, I said have the �fundf nto cort with. 250 ,ot3 � "f - _ „ ha doasn�t have 25OtOOCy or he cal-InVI, gat a bond, could he possibly do a O OO6,400O project?; Let's not fool ourselves. Is it going to happen, or is it not?" And_I need to know I want the 'development in the area. I want li scayne • Boulevard to .do , wei l , I want the people in the area to be happy, to ffi a have other than prostitution, and drugs, and crack, and all of the elements thatrlthoy.are having right _vows but I cannot continue to stake them go through i this exercise, and continue to extend the process. I need a concrete answer for my 'vote today, and I could go either' way, but I need to know for a fact, i s ; t poi ng to 'happen,, and if soil how? Mr. Isaac Shih: Comissioner, excuse sAe* Can I inject one comment? Commissioner Alonso: Is he An a position to really give me a Concrete answer of if.•the funding is available? Mr6 Shih, . ,I can give you my corrrr nt, but not in regard of funding. Comms i o er` _ i * n Al onso, No. I don't want ccxnrnents . At this point, I needL IS the, rnor�ey available to ;Ct lete this job or not? I cannot continue, And bel ev+e ere . I runt this to happens but is it going to happen? Let's not fool ourselves, Let's not play any more games, I don't think he has the funding, Mid if he doesn't, let's save this structure and have something positive in ' that area. We cannot continue to have this in Biscayne Boulevard. (APPLAUSE) Mr, Kan: Co issioner, I ant not totally privy to all Mr. Shih's finances, I .. , wi 1 tel I you thatt. as we were moving forward, we were infusing money. He has received the next million, He has - and I'll let hire speak for himself additional dollars scheduled for July Sth, but you have to remember, we have been shut down since, I believe, March IBth, so it's been absolutely i6possible to do anything else* -I11l Iet Mro Shih answer your question. #'.Shih: lies, This is a project,, phase one, because Chinatown Project is a W,OOB COU project. Cc missIoner Alonso: How much? -EK3e June2901993 a 3 y r , . Kane. �a trutural +. - ihete's nowSolt -+coat, and tht lard and everything. We spend abet 17j.na *01,for the hard Cost for the construction. I �_ 1 0 l r s orl l a f p artner', it's a Chinese, the {{jjy he,� fu1 i� pup wti ho 4+1 S or'o j ect � He put money i n, an ale �_ }46ver no' he ` nt J iftvastor abut _ o' er 12,o0C,0Co al ready, so I over .'. - .: jii ..: - _ • rr Fx�isslO� tr AIonsoa, , ±rsRie 6.Q 6¢o0o,tr0�J already in what? i 1 Mr, Shih 'An:commitnent } Commissioner Alonso. Commitment to do what, and where is the commitment? f lr*' hih or 8eJing test Joint Venture Partnership for the project, for the phase to. .,.. Mr.;ant M has a ,joint - he has a `,point venture partner ready to commit*�- You have to undetstand, If I ... C�iss�oner Alonso: Now r u h is the total project now? me th' The over-all... Conmissioner Alonso: Because I` have heard so manor figures, I'all confused. How :such is t gas it stands now it yin 0 nstruotion cost,, there's 12,000,000. The overall sellout of the phase one proJect is 2090009000. Commissioner Alonso: I'm talking about the entire project. . Commissioner Plummer: Its phase one. Comm ssione - Alonso. Phase one. �4 Mr, Kan: Phase one sellout is $209000,000. w CioitWssioner Alonso-, But I..• §" Mr.; 3hih: it's twelve, twelve million dollars y Mr. Kane Mo, that's the -cost, that's the construction cost, Mayor Suarez: All right. C issi.oner Al onso , How -,excuse e, hirr Mayor, because this 'is important ior'the area, and dry°t cant' to hear later on that we didn't ye even 006rtlunity, to the Pro ct. ,. Mr,-, Kan: Co €rlissioner, if you were looking... ., z commissioner, Alonso. I thiftwe have given ample opportunity. 348 X. June 3 r • A Co ni ssi oner Al onSt t You m n to tell a that in a project like this , he had to wait to pull the permit in order to get the investor? �61 i Kan. He had«rr Comiss finer Aloneot I can't bray that. �'m a real estate investor. 'r ' Karr: In numerous--, Co i ss osier Al obso That's not the way it functions* Mr. ` fan�riesidner, its numerous - in numerous ,point venture agreements, upon ous conditions. Zoning -� remember, �- � tau kno r t ►a t they' r°e conditioned vairi 45 we started here ►ith platting.. _ Conissioner, Alonso 1 would have never invested in his pro.iect, t8 tell you _— �, the IrutE: r-- ._-_ Mr • Kan: Vel l «r r Cow' issioner Alonso; With all of this nightmare bank and forth, the City help him, and him either not comprehending bending back and forth, in order to the system or nit having the money. I believe not having the money. Mr. 5hih: I just needed 4,C60,00 for complete the prQ�ect� phase Qne, �tnd" i �r�d have another have $1,000,000 in the bank, .you can see in my package, �- some -� � . $1 , +D 9000 ,bw ni tment from the overseas, Chinese some people, They're all commitments exciting,.* in my i nvestor.t they see my package. r� ptekitge in the package* h .- z Cissiote e Alonsc if we were to approvethis today... +. — �#r. Shi h: I already have that, �i ,� - Cortmi ss i one r Alanso: .. how long before he has the funding? Mr. Kan, He has Banding now to continue, ik Cmnissioner Alonso: He has thefunding?there? rY . Mr. Kan. I handed you a,... -_ } ��j� a } 4 .; Ccuri ssi over Al onso. iel l , this is 1,000,000, and the rest is*** j- y g r. Sh i h i ,And 1 have a commi tmerot of .. . 6 4 Crissiarnr Alonso: w#• Un the airr. ' r u O t - ' AA9117P�l1lIR�'A HIRER Are On:a hAt � e has cure one; . `you knows let Haas ask you the os . f s+1 no, and n -you have a piece of land that's sitting i L th flow what Corisoner Al onso. del i I went to ask the Dade Her i tge. Mr Kan: Who a 'going topay for rho s -paying for... ' Conissioner Al onso: .a. what they have in mind for this half demolished _ property: ' Mr* Kan. What do they have in mind Comnitsioner Alonso. If they can give me an answer, I, might be able to tyke F it, at least for my vote, and,I think it's such an important issue, and I know 4 ; that we are ttaking so much time, Mr, Mayor, but in fact, we have taken a long n. f , time to .made thi s decision, so we might as wel l take a little bit longer. -- a Mr. hih� You want to broke that, you went to broke that business since beginning why the last minute, why don't gat ma the last minute a chance? =_- Hoyt do you know I brake? Broke, not me broke, that's not your businesst If _ I I rn not going to go through, is nobody coining to this area. It's I so - working so hard, so,. Caissioner Alonso I assure you that people will be coming in the very near future to.that area. Mr, 5h h: So Pin not fool around over here. I'm try to help the City going up If you broke me or stop me, nobody coming. ... ' } Commissioner Al onso; No,, i don't quite see it that way, but I can see value What would have in � to what you are saying. Could you give me an answer? you _ r mind•.. Mr Varfman- Yeah, I think it's... Commi ssi oner Ai onso ... with this half demolished property? Mr Warfman� First, the variance has expired. Dade Heritage Trust encourages Mr- Shi h to develop the project, but , do it and: show us. Shown us that you can . do it. When ,you bui Id an office building, you l ve got a 1 oon; you build a pause you've got a loans You show everybody. Just let hiss - let him show. �3 4 that he can do it. I'm not opposed to Mr. Ship*n fait, he incorporates i' part of the demolished structure into his original plans,'and we would hope that he goes forward with, that. But if you let him go forward..* 'Commissioner Al onso. Are you willing to give him an extension to prove that wn{ he than taking vote today? has the funding, rather a Mr. Warfman: No. fie's .. not, leis out of time now. His variance has ; expired, he's got to get new permits and you should condition - he's going to 1 , ash you for variance again. Let him - he's going to come back. Let him code bank and say, "Mr. Sh i h, let's see what ,you've got, put it up on the table. }gK 351 June 291 1 'fie' ll do whatever you want, just show us you can do it. Don't take us look silly. Don't embarrass Miami, If you're going to do it, do it; if you're v, ; not, then leave. Mr. Kan. ' You know that s vary nice for somebody who Is not a partner in the deal. Wipe out his permit and start all over again. He is not telling you he's going to object to go percent of what you're going to propose. If they're not''oing to object and they have no Objection to what he's building now, let him continue* The very - r&der what this whole issue is about. This issue is about whether or not the Toning Appeals Board was correct in overturning the decision of the building official in revoking the permit for x the failure to pay $28t000. That's what the issue is about. Your Zoning Appeals Board said that the failure was de minimis, that the failure was the result of a mutual mistake of fact between the City of Miami employee who Issued the permit and Mr. Shih. Had they, when they issued them the permit, said, "You need.. you have to o down and a $28,000 to Dade County." he was y 9 pay y f writing a check for $88,000 in the City of Miami. Is there any question that �w he couldn't have done the same and paid the twenty-eight? If you look at the sheet that Mr. Shih was given when the City said, "Here's the total final fee t and we'll give you your permit," it says Dade County co -compliance on it, and there's a fee on it, and he paid it. Commissioner Plummer: Sir... Mr. Kano, Now, a month and a half after he starts his - a month - almost a month later, he's into his construction, and he realized he didn't pay that one thing. Vice Mayor De Yurre: CK, Commissioner Plumper: Vice Mayor De Yurre: Commissioner Plummer: Vice Mayor De Yurre.- Commissioner Plummer: That was to keep his options alive, sir. J.L., J.L., let's... How long... J.L., let's call the question, OK? OK. You know... Vice Mayor De Yurre: We have a motion and a second. Call the roll. EK 352 June 291, 1993 1993 .DECISION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, RENDERED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO, 110009 AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE 21, SECTION 21029 REVOKING BUILDING PERMITS NO. 92- 0006757, NO, 92-00067580 NO. 92-0006777, NO. 92- 0020432t AND NO, 93-5004911, AS A RESULT OF THE FAILURE OF APPLICANT TO MEET THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED ON THE RECORDED COVENANTS DATED APRIL 209 19929 AS RECORDED UNDER CLERK'S FOLIO NO. 92 R147152 PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY AND DECEMBER 14, 1992 AS RECORDED IN BOOK 15761 AT PAGE 2913 PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE 'COUNTY, FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1825 NORTH BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND 320 NORTHEAST 19 STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Commissioner Plummer: The motion which I made, I assume is the prevailing motion on the floor. I vote yes. COMMENTS MADE AFTER ROLL CALL: Mayor Suarez: PZ-4. Commissioner Dawkins: Oh, Mr. Mayor... Commissioner Plummer: That was withdrawn, wasn't it? Mr. Warfman: EK Thank you all. 363 June 29, 1993 Mayor $care:. there are ; y things YOU dot but your att�rtley aM Ho"ful ��� et '� __ t�►odifi �ier��a�i Of -� - re # I'll' help ,. 6. 40t i ro + ct .. � � A A �M �GED. E STAKEPi�ESIDEPiT 0F NEIGHBORHOOD AND DISCUSS CRIME AND SALE OF DRUGS IN A�.LAPATTAH IDENTS` S IATIDM, T AROAND HADLEY PARK # --------------sa,.ec wF s.os ii pt Y6 i1FM1AM wn(k etlFllw rr aitir rucw srw lbw ew elf rnawvrwr+wr .rr. wr rws.'ae.wetr e+s----------------------- r Con"ssioner.Y Dawkins- it's �terio'clock, 3 Mayor Suarez: It's after 8.04. All right, sir. ommissidner Dawkins f came up, Mr. Stanley, phase. Mayor Suarez: Mr. Stanleyt we gat you back again, sir. Mr. Ship..* Y Vice Mayor De Yurre; And Mr. Mayer, Anne Marie Adker is here, so after this pocket item, I'd like her to approach. Cmwtivssioner Plummer: Hey, whoa* whoa, whom I think we all should have the opportunity for packet i tamf , now. a.. a Cormissionor Dawkins: That's right* we are. Mayor Suarez. We're going tO proceed to any emergencies that any courtesy system. Commissioner Dawkins first Commissioners have, as per our _ asked, x� `. Vince Mayer De Yurre. I haven't had one in two months. t� conmissioner Alonsot That's the lest itee�n... fl Coz�missioner Plur(mer• I gat my two. Vice Mayor Do Yurre; Well he,Y, I only have pre. :. ca"issioner Plum ro And neither one really*.. 1 Mayer Suarez: DK And Vice Mayor De Yurre asked second, Yes, Mr. Staley. sf ' crnissicrer Dawkins No Y got another one after this, Mayor Suarez; All right, sir. Avenue* Commissioner Pl Ulmer: You 'guys didn't do my pension. i X 354 Ark r FZ r rSts y. end to the -president for the- Neighborhood* *# { 2nm Sh isoner 'i 1 4i [a if MO Coiion, we're here with our tr Stanley: �}. and Resident Assbtiation� the drugs sold by auto dril0e-in, -__ tit'Cr drugs drus sold'on drugs sold from milk crates, drugs sold aroundllapattah High School illegal _ activity in, the Hadley Park after- dark, and recreation and personnel in the we would like to speak on park and equip Ont in the park, and that's what tonight Cooissioner Plummer* I didn't understand* What? - Mayor Suarez. Hadley Park**' Commissioner Plummer: You're asking for equipment? ., cdffmissioner Dawkins.©r _= Stanley. �o= no, we're asking - what we're asking for .� what we're really for this equipment in Hadley Park, we always 14"here for, money, When we ask told that there's nooneY• So we're here to ask for money to be allocated to the'`- cur project that we would bring forward to you tonight --- Mayor Suarez: Excuse me for a second. Commissioner Plummer: Whatw«e Mayor Suarez: Please, outside, Madam Joanne Cavanaugh. 'Commissionar Pl t c rs , I'sn lorry, I' m losing what i s the project that you're asking the money for? Commissioner Dawkins. Let me cut - let me cut,, s _- -r Mayor Soar �: C nissioner Dawkins is going to try to clarify and get us through -the item. Commissioner Plummer. Yeah, help me out, Miller, ,r. ;, Commission er Di�lki ns OK. These ci Wizens do not understand achy Hadley Park in fact, =they re concerned about all parks. but they re more P �� had aidt concerned about Hadley. And they ore concerned that ain+a iiurricaaendr* i {$ the p$rk has not been up to snuff, and every time ors Roder comes out. and 7 tl l s them that the botdget has been cut the deputy di rector df perks ` comes h+sre tonight td hind _ t 1 0ut end say'the bttdgat has been tut. ` So they cams out out from `th i e =C ti ss an -, how you "� re going to get money toput People� n the mks to cork and make the parks useful for them* That's what they re here for, C missioner Plummer, Where is Mr, Ruder? r Juanita Suggs. The first thing - name is Juanito*.4 i �MMM 1'� �1/¢9 '/11�¢ June ;. .. 75 Y�II.� .ice .. - b y '• z_...•....�.. _ Ys-yam.`. oz '! y S,rl f t — Y dik k,Sj, �J 4 _ ' S ° omrrr.issioner Plug: Well, 10t Me tell you Something. You can tell these People forme, if you're waiting for the City insurance company... Mr# Ruder: No, no, the out... yeah, the outside insurance company, s fCommissioner Plurrmer: Yeah. You waiting for that? — ter, Ruder: Because FEMA (Federal Emergency Management. Agency) will only pay . .after, i R , - Cormissioner Pl-ummer* Let me tell ,you something. They're about as slow as = molasses on a cold running day. x Mr. Ruder: I know, I know, I know they are. a +Comissioner Plummer: I can't do anythinig at BAyfront Park in the way of —_ f repfairs :because they haven't shook a► dime out# All right? And 1. wart to ter 1 i you something, Here we are trying to do some good things in this cpmmunity, and we find ourselves in a position of having to argue with an insurance company es to Whyj where, and how come, and it's ridiculous,, Mayor Suarez: All right. Anything further, Mr. Ruder? Anything further, Mr. �= Stanley and company, sir? rt= s Mr# Alec Ship n- Hello. • M y name is Alec Shipman,, and I stay at 1.400 - �f northwest 52nd Street. The _problem that E want to raise is this. Certain -_ = parks that I go around to,, I notice some of thin are fully developed, ether ones are not. The ones that I novice that aren't fully developed are in the 0 black, the low-lying hettos. Why?. Mayor Suarez: You talksng about parka? Mr• Shipman.. Parks. - Mayor Suarez. No, I take issue you totally, sir. Commissioner Plumer. Yeah. aJr;— f t r Mr. Shipmant, City parks you go over there to Bey4.4 Mayor Suarez: I take issue with you totally. Mr. Sh#pMan Well, you gp over there to Morningside Parks you can see benches and, everything ooMood and all4 It is nice. You come over there to Hadley Park, the trees are, still down can the aide,@ We try to get money issued out for the things. We always Come up with the same disagreement, No money, And therm when Vie ask the people why there's no money, why there's no funding, they always tonic out with FEMA, or they can't they can't do this, they can't do r that, trey .can't do the other. Mayer Suare2: Well, since the hurricane, all of the complaints we get are very similar, and all the answers we get are FEMA or the insurance company, and that's not particularly an acceptable answer, but it would not be - u believe me, it would not be any different in predominantly black areas from any dthr area of the City. f Mr. Shipman: I'm not stating that sir, but ghat I'm stating is this. That t Mayor Suarez: But you said that Mr. Shipman: We are taxpayers' and we are paying money out here to be to get our parks and to get our streets improvedo Mayor Suarez: All right. Mr, Shipman: We aren't seeing anything. We're paying, we're issuing the money out, but 'I don't see where it's going, Mayor Suarez: Al right. g I - if living next to Charles Hadley Park, you don't sea where the money is going, them I don't know, because that's one of `A the nicest parks in the City. f Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. How long has the... M ..: r Mayor Suarez. Coamissioner Dawkins makes sure that it is. But it's true that g°¢ we are somewhat delayed 1n getting all the improvements done after 1iurrlcane - Andrew. Comissioner, Plummer: You can always do better. Now long has the pool been in? How Lang has the pool, the swimming pool been at Hadley Park? ` Mr. Ruder: The swimming pool has been open since the suttmer started, which is about Memorial Day weekend, and since school was out, it's been open every day, Mayer Suarez: All right. OK, Any other items, Commissioner Dawkins? Ma'am, are you going to say something quickly? r Commissioner Plummer- oh, I hey I... ,k s Mayo one itemthat is one item that has turned IIto five prestatin41 ks. € r� You, 6kn a1.' 1 do bettert y r a s # cannot do this. have a regular agenda, and we ha+ie to E-- - �on �' Da{�ik n OX Rodrigu9Z,, Rodriguez! . • : : IY1lMbliYit AM 4YMkNfl.Yflr'IIW i �f11[ tl1Y aY rilAr'�MMW[ III$ iSlr4iiiR Mi UIVK•1bif4i11iw 4Y iYaFW iWY WM il11 wW�NM Ir Li s i.iw Msiw n wY aw w� wl+aFW.--------- ter — — — — — — — — — — — — : : • 54 PERSNAL , APPEARANCE BY ARMANDO RODRIGUEZ TO DISCUSS PORT OF MIAMI PROPOSED I MT RI ODAL CONTAINER TRANSFER FACILITY. : yr Sda r+ez Areiardo! o Mr* Armando Rodriguez Good evening, „ ti— Mayor Suarez: Mr. • Stan. ey o we already 'took that presentation, and we're going for try tb dol, better: - by YOU with the park, and if there's anything concrete X = that yob .need from uS, please have ter! Ruder analyze it and present it to this`' C�ission or f€anding, if It, requires funding. - omm,lssioner Plummer: I guess! R r Suarez: I'm sure that it does. Yes, sir: ,y r Mrs Rodrigues. try name i8 Armando Rodriguez.,I am the president o,. Why are you mounting scrrne kind of equipotertt here dri an , urgency i temp , �. ♦ Ri+t#.' guez 3 f C issioner Dawkins. You gust have to state.. 1"'0Rodr!ig+ezr s an emergency... C+ $ finer_ !Dawkins • You have t0state your problem, and that's i t i u Mr! Rooriguet; I asked Mr, to bring the topic in order that we, have Vpport.unity, ve or' ton minutes to present to the whole Commission what s' oig on and �thtt hap►perrs, in a very brief presentation.` ter. , Mayor Suar~e: This is not a rehash by Armando I don't believe it fir! Rodrigeex; 10, rho, no, no. It's not. r,= May ,r rS,uare w . « p the whole di sGussi on rye had with tie Gc�r�t ". Rodr'#guez: fit' not• V s not! it's not. y � r 7777, i" r ;r i 4�3 { t b »P y a r& bS c t., ELF t , ti fir} odiguee it' not, it's not. It$ not. yor i It ION l ookt like i t'. �teloners that we didn't haves., odrig� a I, there are �C6M$ after marl Are Werecord that we are cruelly opposed, pion o tthis o el ae*� doh Ar. odrgutz} Well 4 �or Suarez: Ott t rre do you wAftt - ffoM us on this issue? I have two minutes .s *issifoner, Plummer: Sure* ors i a drig cez K. I just ' said my name. The point is this. As you know, we went to th+ : County ; Coned ssioner. We were told that they are not going to e pv # it i dppo od by the comnity. There is a Commission organized io discuss the topic .with the County, and they said that they would discuss this, they would c with an answer in Igo days' We tried to l.iMit this not to 1` 0- days becse a want!. ,. yyor u, 4ave you herd any rumors as to what they'r+e thinking about �e ley would ple+sl of th Have you heard any, as we have RodHQudz: Yes We hadi we talked last night with Commissioner Toele'. neighbdla apod,meeting a t night, and asked him about.,,# Mayor uarex: Have you heard where theCounty is considering p acing all of th lc Atifthdo? 'We've got to out throe h this, delve gigot other items that are;.. r+ g i Ir y se ed l +ed kodw* you had a c'onversati on . rs od "igoez; cyor I dido t ; know you have so many items. I man: we f we +s red I didn't know you were going to beso late, We didn't know yt�g'wer �a3i t�� to be e�► w . � t s �3 for ;surex You 'did know we had so m # tees s Yost ` re veteran t1i� 'chi reps P1 ease! ter! , Rodriguez: We didn't know you were going to be so late in the agenda - to.ni0to Swe W' at Ado want from '- us - Mr. Rodriguez: What we want? Well. we want... Mayor S Well ... other than what we've done already and continue to dQ, Ohith it to tell t e County --that this doesn'tmake any sense -to do that there?* 4r,Rodiuz: Fia~st. we'wnt to think the corporation, 'Mr. Mayor, ari Suarez. Thank us. Send ass a letter please. ry; L _SPA 6 5 r xN ft y n want you to be alert and aware, in erase a have to 91 6dr, , 9 rte . } ... - -. i blast in ff.nt of oade County issioner. We are not positive... issioner- Dawkins. Why don't they grove back (inaudible) $ i __ ay r uerezr You've heard of Poinciana Industrial Park as a possible site fo r `th'l s Vou h ►v+lr `heard Of ,that i Rid r* guez r Pt#"don me Majro` udrev All right. Luis. can explain it to you, Armando, You're in good 'shape on this. I don't imagine that this is going to be as problematic as youxrt making it sound, but if it is... Mr. 'Rodriguez- OK* ..:Mayor Suarez: you've got this Commission on your side. All right. fr6, _, 11/RPW+lei��Y��Ya�l�Iiv bl�twriiYYirYa11+Y1rOr wbMlwt•1nMM�'Y�s r�Y�Yr/iY1Yi f�xilMMliw�i MiM Wir—riw--rYo—ts`-----r—w----------wl----------- PERSON.. APPEARANCE BY A,N1dE 14ARIE ADKER TO PROTEST STORES IN OVERTOWN ,AREA WHICH REMAIN OPEN 24 HOURS -- INSTRUCT ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE to - . LEGISLATION TO LIMIT HOURS OF OPERATION OF STORES IN OVERTO N& trrrew(srwrwwrrrw�swwi-------------.----------rrer----- w-------- ww----w.r----rerra`+wrr.r------- - YIY YI�.rI,lb�ll-------------l--PM—fY -----------Y- M ` Ella TK RECMD At this point, agenda item PZ-4 was raven. �. PPfIY YYlfli--------Er-------------------- t Vice l Yor De Yurre. Anne Marie, you're on. ls� Anne Marie Adker: I'm Anne Marie Adker t ty r Suarez The request of the Vice Mayor, yes. . 4 is r: 4t 7` Northwest nth Street. end I come before ,you as president of ems,, the Overtown Crime Prevention Sub -Council, i have ai few of my members here .. . itt�me roblem Is simple. a need in ordinance regulating stare hours -'Our i n Pver own errorSuarez- Al right. Let#s instruct the City's Administration Mr, Rodrigrre, to lark to prepare that ordinance for our consideration as early as the secdhd. meeting ,in Duty„ _ Commi sti over PI ur er: Regulating store hours? Huh? Mayor Suarez: I don't know what constraints make sense. i don't know what are constitutional dr legal -� but you tell that to staff, and they will be in j a Position to bring us hack an ordinance, 3 Sw Adker. We don't need' 24-hour stores in our ctounity, s f i EX ju _ nar,`awins. . ttfier than seing lior. Ad w t A 402 OMMI ,', PT Oh oh ob o ohs Sutrezt, 'ghat' s tal led a.. Corissione'. 5o address the "other than}" than -trying to make thin dt sc I• * o `er j f or Suarez: * . i very interesting deduction and conclusion from the fact, yeah , + missione-rAlonso..That's the points �trrarer All right. Refer to the Administration and report back to us and,see what what elsei C+mti ss one'r P1 tamer. Are we on pocket Items now? Hallo? het me Take an announcement ent Commissioner Plummer in .a secaiid � �trt before hit ` PZ-,� he►� b�+sn withdrawn, the appeal has been withdrawn, and #t says here law►.grs for the applicant are waiting here for the ttridu tel"Ont. hoes anything else need to be done on that withdrawal of that? .. Ar. Sergio Rodr~i ue : `Chat° s all. The item is withdrawn. Mayor Suarez;ii So we have taken care of PZ--4. COMW3sioner Plummer: I don't caret they're not*** Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Plummer. Commissioner Plummer. All rights Mayor Suarez. You had an emergency item. Commissioner Plummer: That was withdrawn early in the morning. Can 1 do „= these pocket sterns, please? Commissioner Altanso1 How many do you have? �- P,- Commissioner Plc rotAZ Commissioner Alonso. Good for you, - EKI,, 363 Jena 219,1, M - t S` A alloCatlOn oT V1-0VP'JVV9 'Ru " ' of— __--UUM Tuna - (co unity Development Block Gwent) finds further 0t00�0Olxing�an en�anca�n�nt for Flagler Care Area Cnhanc ent Projects; said o'f 54,OQ0 to the Downtown Development Authorityfrom as Qf July 1funds for initiation of said project. Said advance shall be mad so move. Mayor Suarez: So moved= Commissioner Alonso: Well, take a look... Commissioner Plummer: You all got to - you all got to*" Commissioner Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Seconded. e had approved last time, the two -fifty? '!lice Mayor De Yurre: Is that what w Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Suarez: OK. Any discussion? Commissioner Plummer: You approved it at the time of the hearings. Mayo; Suarez: If not, please call the roil. I don't know why this item di4nit come up as a regular agenda item. vice Mayor De Yurre: The one that was approved under my tenure... Commissioner Plummer: Sir, because the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) is in trouble. EK 364 June 29, 1993 AA61 said it. call the I I was Chair* Comisslono,r Plummen That little devil walked out the door and left me In # debt that's tise problem he mistake of opening it up t. made t Suarez- Can of worMs, may d by Comissioner plummers 00 The following resolution was introduce movtd its adopti0n% RESOLUTION NO- 93-394 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAN0 DOLLARS ($2509000) OF NINETEENTH yEM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS T ("CD8G") FUNDS BLOCK GRAN YEAR CDBG FUNDS FOR FLAGLER CORE ($20t000) OF EIGHTEEN YE TS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING AN AREA ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS, 54 900) T ADVANCE OF FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS (SAID0 FUNDSOELOPMENTTHE DOWNTOWN DEV AUTHORITY9 FROM SAID ADVANCE SMALL BE SAID PROJECTS; S FOR INITIATION OF MADE AS OF JULY It 1993* (Here follows body of resolution, omitted file in the office of the City Clerk.) Dawkins, the resolution was passed Upon being seconded by Comissioner and adopted by the,following vote; AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alonso Comissioner Miller J. Dawkins Comissioner J. L. plummert Jr. Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None* EK ME 365 here and on W+¢aMa.is11;0 iY ein�6lu!I}.VU.widY+lloiY,Yw i4MiYIM er f1p1.1tlM �wiis WM1MY Y!'wnawi+.swwws Me+iA/ees�l4tw rib+eseNMM---+rs-----are—pool!tt yr ww w�®wr+nw—uw—ww.rwwey+w�ioe—wsw�w wno Commissioner Plummer: A resolution rescinding the previous award to B. Shehadi and Sons for the replacement of floor covering at the Miami Police Department : E-911 Center, and authorizing and approving the award of said rescinded contract to the second lowest responsible and responsive bidder, Acousti Engineering Company, in the proposed amount of $24,911, allocating funds therefor from E-911 Special Revenue Fund Project 506001, account number 420604-270.0. Mayor Suarez. Oh, whatever. Commissioner Plummer. ... authorising the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service. I so rove. Mayor Suarez: So moved. Commissioner Plummer: Pick on somebody else next time. E Mayor Suarez: Seconded by the Vice Mayor. Call the roll. The fallowing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: J RESOLUTION NO. 93-395 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO, 92-440, ADOPTED JULY 99 19929 IN ITS ENTIRETY, WHICH ACCEPTED THE BID OF B. SHEHADI & SONS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF FLOOR COVERING AT THE MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT E-911 CENTER, IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $191,250.00 9 AS SAID BIDDER IS UNABLE TO MEET DID SPECIFICATIONS; FARTHER AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF SAID BID TO ACOUSTI ENGINEERING COMPANY9 THE SECOND LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BIDDER, IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $249911.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE E-911 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND, PROJECT NO. 5060019 ACCOUNT NO. 420604-270; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) EK 366 June 29, 1993 ELEMENT OF MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN (MCNP) FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO MAJOR, PUBLIC FACILITIES, TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES AT 58E0 N.W. 7 STREET. (Applicants: Hector and Mama L. Morals -George.) .. iYliWfWa`s+wiw--Wrasw---I.rikF1W—wow — rw—ww••---- ---- ---------raw--- — w—Orr ire----aawwr!*w Mayer Suarez; OK. Comtssloner ,Plummer: RZ�-S Mayor Suarez is this item controverted - controversial? Is it opposed by anyone? 4 Cnctissidner Plurmer,; Wel I. obviously, it's denial on both. It's get to be cO trovarsial. 1 +�r~ Suarez OK. Would you please come up ' _ the mike, if you're in Oppo ition to itM Who is the applicant? OK. All right. Everyone thawt is goi ng to speak on this item, please raise your right hand and be sworn i n ; Madam City Clerk. � Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk) : Yes, Mr. Hector Moral ez-rGeorge: My name is... Ms. Hirai: Excuse me. AT THIS POINT THE CITY CLERK ADMINISTERED REQUIRED OATH UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 10511 TO THOSE PERSONS GIVING TESTIMONY ON ZONING ISSUES. Mayor Suarez All right, If he needs a translator, Sergio, are you up for t,_ or do you want me to try it? <x M,r..Sergio Rodriguez (Assistant City Manager): It's OK, I'll try it. .. Mr. Morales4eorge: My name is Hector Morales George. s� Mrs Rodriguezi Mi nombre as Hector Morales -George. Mayor Suarez: Not you're doing it backwards. He's doing it in English. He's doing fine# solar. Go ahead. ram= Mr. Moral es -George; I aid a doctor, I am a physician. i have a property in 5860 Northwest 7th Street, that my only purpose there is to do a doctor office r for me. I think that it would be an asset in the neighborhood, because regardless any - personally activity as a doctor, I have so many projects, as '_ example - such as an example, to give free consultation one day during the week to free - detect of the carcinoma of the breast, and the cervix and the s .: • uterus for the women, And it's s to y purpose to move to there, to this address, - as a doctor, and I have many projects and many hope to do that. Thank you. Mayor Suarez. Mr. Representative, what is your position on this? a � Mr. Eladio Arnesto-Garcia: Mayon and members of the Commission, my name is State Representative Eladio Arnesto-Garcia. I know the place, I have been its . the place. And years ago when the same thing that Dr. !lector Morales -George is requesting from this Commission, years ago, the same thing was granted to • the`other'side of the street. People opposed to that thing, thinking that would create a bad neighborhood, and years passed, and ten years now from that day, it is a visually liking neighborhood. You can go there and everything is - good shape. In The doctors' offices are very well kept, The neighborhood looks bright. I think Ur. Morales -George should deserve to be giventhe i authority to put this medical office over there. This is not the hospital,, this is not the big - it's just a private medical office... Mayor Suarez: Let me ask a question of staff, if I may, Mr. Representative. Sergio, when did we take away the ability of medical doctors to use 25 percent of their home, if they live there, for medical treatment? - Mr. Rodriguez. Because in many cases, it created a problem in the area`, because of the cars and the number of... Mayor Suarez: Suarez: When did you slip that... ti Mr. Rodriguez. Oh, when? Nel Jn V. Ma,yor'Suarez; I mean, when did we do that? Mr, Rodriguez: I believe it was about five years ago, e Commissioner Plummer. Where were other provisions. Mayor Suarez: About five years ago. Because we have them still in place for many other professions. Somehow, we excluded doctors, and I never could - figure out why we did that, Cot issioner Plummer. They can sti1I, Mr. Mayor, today have 25 percent of their.,. t- 4t R'A 360 June QF , `, n .��lM� UjoilrftIft %fth rwair i to thh Cast df medical dottorst I think we just eliminated it* Commissioner Plummer. There's other... Mayer Suarez: We took out one of them. Commissioner Ptumer, No, sir. There are other provisions also, besides the S erpent that cca a into Play, and that 1s that the employees shall be all Mra ftdriguezi One employee only, right. Comissiloner Plummer: ..s provide regular parking... - May aruare: Oh,,no, no. So then, what you're saying is, we've not ride any changes can that. Ct ni ssi over Plummer. No si r. Mayor Suarez: so if he lived in that area, he could use up to 25 percent Cr�rrmis ltiner Plummer: But he doesn't live there. That's the problem Mayor Suarez. I'm saying, if he lived. Su to €ne, that's plenty enough, No ter City days that, Mr. 1apr^esentati ve, that I know of i n Dade tunty. So this ;the least that we would require for someone who wants to carry on a profess on in a residential neigbborhdad. Comissioner Pli mers He can't' afford... Mr. Morales-Georgea. Excuse me, mayor. I would like tip take the 100 perCerrt y becapse the house is very s ll, and Ionly have..t Mrw Araesto Garcia. It's a very old house, and very small house. Mr. Morales -George: It's two pieces (floors) only, two bedrooms and a living Y r~oom and - you , know. , r r, 369 4 a �d Y ! -extuj��f�yt t 3p� {yq, }i [may{ �w thi S i across the s : e * YF r I F , 3ph ` ., rrat f NO Pad ; r cad �o to l i fir`. sto� arita* o i alo r AlOil So» ' M. r� god ue�. Actually, it's across the strut from Saint Dominick* = ssioner' ler: W'ren't there a group of hOuses t"erg ghat � before. : .. that were turned ,i to. It Mr* Rodrig0e Here. This 1s#.. Commissioner Plummer: eke privateoffices? Commissioner lonso� Yes, the saw side. r Mr, Rodr1 ue 1f you look at the subject property, it's about two blocky converted Into offices, which is what fir. a 3 fry the +ggroup �� houses that were J� esto-g ►rcia was referri rig too . s ccxcni`ssioner Plummer: 'Well, i voted saint that beforeY but how would you Commission said to the others, "yes" d aw.to this rneh � o*�� when this defend that? ia not asking yout sir, I'm asking the high price p off. over:here. . r -Rodriouers ;think that you have to take each case on their own imeri ts, that triads a , mistake* you shouldn't made and I be i�ev�e before, if, you felt you a mistake gain. E Comm �5 i over Pl cmmtrr: well, I didn't vote for i t before, ? But what I'm i shed, and how do you now► say, unless i the } a i t i s;,` the `precedent was establ sy g ayes" on one, and you s�tht to rwpntiguous to the others, you ;not othet�strd knot -the neighbors don't want 1t, and I understand' Ms.,�r1e Pedr©n-River ,�;t'S not'cOntguuus. Commi; sivner Plumer: OK49 Well , that may be the an It's not contiguous, 00 ;.. s. Pedron-Rivera. It's two blocks away& ry ommissioner Pt mers OK Mayor Suarez. All, right. Mr. Morales -George, I have across.. Suarez, Qf the neighbors, quickly, keeping in mind the lateness of 'Mayor the hour, and the fact that this is... }. s. Pedran-Rivera: I'm with an 80 - I brought,an 83 year old person here. J: un g, ELLL Pad ronRi vera ightyfour, I'm Sorry-* not sure , what that y ens i Why don't you Gone up to the rh and.` ttl that o h+ Mike,, Mr"* ,Arnestp4arcia: Mr. taydr, to Finish, the neighborhood is about about _ 2500 neigbbors, sand only three neighbors are here. C+ra i ssi oner Pi ummer Send Somebody else back. - Mayor Suarez: very good, Ms. Pedron-Rivera: Pardon me... mayor Suarez: Name, name? Ms. Pedron--Ri verfa: Only - my name is Marie Pedron -Ri vera s } Mayor Suarez: Wait, gait, wait, please, please. Ms. Pedron-Rivera. My name is Marie Pedron-Rivera, and I am here, and many of the neighbors - and I kept their names -,had to leave. Mayor Suarez: OK. Your ware to read those into the record? Ms. Pedron Rivera* Yes. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe; Mr. and Mrs. Del Valle; Mr. and Mrs Suarez, Mr, Neon, also.; Mayor Suarez: fly relatives are involved in this. Ms. Pedron-Rivera; Yes. I don't know. Mayor Suarez: Well, then, I have to vote in your favor, clearly, Ms. Pedron-Rivera: OK. The property is not continuous, the first thing. If you were to see ;i t there... - Mayor Suarez: What is the first n of Mr. and Mrs. Suarez,, just so I know? t Ms* Pedron-Rivera: Mr. Eriberto Del Valle; Mr. De Leon is..# r- Mayon Suarez: Anyhow, they're not my relatives. OK* y. Msp Pedron- .ivera: OK, OK. To start with, 1t is riot, continuous. Second, they have the smallest parcel. We donut they can't park. more than: two card - in there. Where do` they plan to park* in our -homes? And they've put in here two petitions, ,PZ-S and PZ-S. So if they don't get in one way- they get io another way., Besides that., Mayor ,Suarez: �, I think those the companion - i terns. T�'#at' S ak cell i+c4te th49: Z1 Jus O . r YF a i 4 L�IIJt g411 r Ms, Pedron4ivera # panjonlzed? ON :'Commissioner PI tofte r They're coVanions, One can't survive without the tither but it's not one Way or tie others Mayon Suarez. One.' yeah, one item goes with the other. Commissioner Alonsot No* t M Pedron�Rivera: OK,, thank you. Mayor Suarez: OK. Very good. BE r Ms. Redron-Rivera: You know, and we're opposed to it wholeheartedly. Mayor Suarez: The very lively lady... Commissioner Alonso. Your concern is the parking. Mayor Suarez. who is ready to speak, did you mention her name, too? _- Ms. Pedr+on-Rivera: Mrs. Pacheco. Because she's here, I did not mentions.. F Mayor Suarez, You don't want to leave Mrs. Pacheco out. k R Ms. Pedron-Rivera. I didn't 'mention her or I did, not mention this lady because we're here. I mentioned the names of the people that had to leave. Mayer Suarez: Very good. But that's why I wanted to make sure we got Mrs, - Peichato, She'a�waiving that thing in.. Ms Pedron-Rivera; And Mrs. Morales is here. Mayor Suarez. ... in a rather menacing way, you know? Ms Pedron--Rivera; This is Mrs. Morales Mayer Suarez: Very good, Mrs. Morales, all right, r Commissioner Alonso. May I ask are question? .._. , Mayor Suarez: Commissioner Al onso. r commissioner Alonso. Your main concern is the parking situation? - j,r Ms,= Pedron"Rivera. The parking, and we're going to have an overflow when we've already made the mistake of not going to the meetings before, that they're coming down, I mean, I grew up in this neighborhood. I didn't just ` cin here to try to make business. We started with the neighborhood, and = where are. we going to go? We have to run, now that 'our children are ready to go,to college? Now that they'restarting their senior year? I mean - their - senior ,year in high school, they're freshmen year in college, people that are already retired, 1 i ke the Lowes like the Del Yot 1 esps, like the Morel eses? _.. 1 37 p� g gg s g t tt G issiorrer, Alonso how difficult the situation is, but you r ,rr su r"ounded a commrdal area. Across the _street.. } ass r'. Ms* P�edron*Rivera: dot re.11►, rent really. g i o e Al onso: W lit let me see i' recollection is correct - HSO-pedrnn�Rivera} OK4 �issioner~ Alonso- You 0? l foe whether I'm right or wrong. Aren't you across from the McDonald? Mr. Rodriguez: Saint Dominick, Bairn Dominick. - Ms. Pedran-Rivera: No, the church. z Womissioner Alonso: The church. Right across the Mac K the church. And f then adjacent to that, don't you have an ice cream parlor and... '. Ms, Pedron-Rivera: That's in the shopping center. Commissioner Alonso s. something like that? Ms. ftdron-River : No, that's completely across the street, and that's,.. �= T Commissioner Alonso: Across the street is the shopping center. r Ms* Pedron-RiverFa: And that's a shopping center. K' Commissioner.Alonso* OKO I'm trying td picture the location. } Ms. Pedron-Rivera: That's the shopping enter across the street. C o mimissioner Alonso: OK. All _right. Thank you. f Mayor Suarez: All right. Thank you 'very much. 'Anything further, commissioners? If hot, I'll entertain a notion.on the item. Ms, Gamin Morales: I would like to say something, if I may. _ tyor Suarez: I was ai'raid of that, r- ti Ms Moral es Would you please listen to me? Mayor Suarez: All right. Why don't you get a little closer to the mike, and `h I have_a feeling you're going to do quite well r Commissioner Plummer: Can you imagine the Mayor picking on an 84 year oldrr r k lady? Mayor Suarez; That's why I was... .d' Commissioner Plummer: Boo! Hissl ri �` _::: .-. 'fie► •iI(Tn aTi�f.;�f �. F �r - tfkr�- 4 Xgff Ms. W61es- y .n 5 Morales} and reslde at 621 Northwest IS o r y hu nd ;and I bought Ott-'h�u�� in � Our daughter grew up there* And we got very old i` wing there. ftydt Suarez. That's around the time Commissioner Plumer turned $0, yes, '.Mse Morales; We are retired. We don't like the idea of having to move, or changing our- n hborho dsV All our neighbors are like a big family. These newcomers want to change it. and I'm really against it. If it happen, it will break mar heart. , E77 Mayor Suarez. -'Al I right. Very good, ma'am. Ms. Morales: I just don't really want it. 'Thank you. Mayor Suarez: 0 . Very'good. Commissioners, I'll entertain a motion on the0. item. p i r Commissioner Alonso: Wait, Mr. Mayor. He wants to add something. Mr. Mor dl es -George: Mayor, may I please say something? Mayor Suarez; Yes, doctor. Rebuttal. He's - the boss says don't go for it, i 1, don't knew, it may not go your way, You may want to have your last say —_ here. I'm about to move to den y your application,, so if you want 'to say -, something on that. 4 Mr`, Morales4eorge It's onlyto gay something. In front across across the street, ._as,..the neighbors havesaid before, it's a church, it's a building of gel deelyr- people, it's - two blocks is the hospital,- and in front 011 the hospital, there are so many offices of the same hospital. And to the right side, in the save, side in the corner, its a light for the transit, and to the night is a big shopping center, And I am very surprised, because one of. h them tell me before 'in the neighborhood that this -- that it was agreed with idea to the office. Now, she changed her mind. I don't know why. t Mayor Suarez: It happens, huh? Move to deny the application, PZ-5. i� Vice Mayor fie Yurre: We have a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: Second. { Yice Mayor pie Yurre. The motion is seconded to deny. Any further discussion? y Call the roll. 4 6 t K 374 June g 1093 o2. Y The following tion WAS Introduced by Mayor Suarez, who moved its adoption MOTION NO. 93u396 WTI� Tfl DENY ITEM P -5'(PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 10544 TO CHANGE THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO MAJOR PUBLIC FACILITIES, TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES AT 5860 N.W. 7 STREET.) Upon being seconded by Cnissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES: Cormissioner Miller J. Dawkins Comissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayer Victor De Yu rre E Mayor Xavier-L. Suarez NOES. Commissioner Miriam AIonso ABSENT. None. r 59, DENY PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND $IOOO TO CHANGE j CLASSIFICATION AS LISTED IN ZONING ATLAS FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY ' RESIDENTIAL TO G/1 GOVERNMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL AT 5860 N.W. 7 STREET. { . --- ►+w...r-ew---------s.wr:w----wrw.r+ir------as-------------------.r.rrr.w------------ Commissioner Dawkins: You want to do your pocket items? Mayor Suarez. I don't have any items left. F Commissioner Dawkins: Yes, you have. Commissioner Aldnso: Mr. Mayor, I have a pocket item, if I may. Mayor.Suare I doh' ` Mr. Sergio. Rodrigue (Assistant City Manager) ; The co#npani+an. ,..0 nissiover Plummer: Walt' Mi► don't e have to LTV t{� W14 on67i Comissioner JAI onso: Oh, we have to do the other item. , S , x• 47 } } _ 3' Y p�¢ry y{�p 'y�gr¢�gp■ yid.}, may` {{ ,�j.W (jp�. C OR #M. one P itom `iP=Fyn _ x� Mayor suarezt All right. I'll entertain a motion on P2-6 to deny. f -_ Ca issioner Dawkins* Second. J Commissioner Plummer: Second. Mayor Suarez; Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved ,. its adoption: MOTION NO. 93 -397 i A MOTION TO DENY ITEM PZM6 (PROPOSED FIRST READING ` ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 11000 TO CHANCE THE CLASSIFICATION AS LISTED IN THE ZONING ATLAS FROM R-1 SINGLEFAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO GPI GOVERNMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL AT 5860 N.W. 7 STREET). Upon being seconded'by Commissioner. Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES: Commissioner Miriam Aloes® Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Victor De Yurre s, Mayor Xavier L. Suarez - NOES K None • ABSENT. None. dll COMMENTS. MADE DURING ROLLF CALF.. Commissioner Alonso: Yes, I right as well. a 60. DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE PLANNING STUDY FOR COCONUT GROVE DEFER TO SECOND MEETING IN JULY. S� { +`.• MtMM�OF/II+IYQIP,MIIUif1��Mi�ItV1lRitVYMII►rMYFMM+I�il#FAIi1M!!Mt.IIAY�¢IiMRI1NPN1Yw4Mf��YYMi M1i9NM9M lIPIIM#IY/FwwWIRMYMYlEi1R'IMM���1/RiM1/iMrlUl!}ffr11'�+�M1114. -. Mayor Suarez: You know you're in trouble when your colleagues have to tell you ,about your own pocket .or emergency items. s Commissioner Al onso, Mr. Mayor... It Mayor Suarez: -What is the item that Commissioner Dawkins is telling me Joanne or Mary, or somebody? Commissioner Alonsos If I may, I have a pocket item that I need to do, OK?. 376 ,Tune . i1, 1"3. i ; -z ss i Y ,., b pis yt 3� t t O y nident fled speaker: God e nih--g. 'm*.* r C issio"Or Dawkins# we 1 -ha have to do 11 go ahead, I'm sorry. tins +snt i i +ad p r# The pocket item I believe that Mayor Dawkins is sA referring to .is the ono that we gave ,you for an amended resolution for a planningstudy for the village of Coconut Grove. Con"issioner Plummer Whoa, whoa, whoa, Whoa. What item is that? Commissioner Alonso: A pocket item. unidentified Speaker: It's a pocket item. commissioner Plummer: I invoke the ruler Pmvwn4 4 ATo o• No t H i f d f over ns e n orme us Commissioner Plummer: Who? It's not on the agenda.. Cotmi ssi over Alonso: Hold it at minute. We got information about this MOW* Mayor Suarez: Why is everybody. Comntissiomer Alonso: Didn't you send correspondence, fir. Mayor? Mayer Suarez: Yeah. Why is everybody so excited? :Commissioner Alonso: He did. Mayor Suarez: I think that you had the stunt in writing at least five days' before today. i ,think the rule is not properly..., Commissioner Plummer: Well, is it on the agenda Commissioner Alonto: No. Mayor ' Suarez: ' Wel l , it's not.. C miss ones Plummer: If it's not on the agenda, I invoke the rule. Period, amen. Cam. i ssi over Alonso: Or. Mayor, he... Mayor Suarez: That's not the rule, The rule is that you have to have, in writing an tem ` five days before the hearing- not that it's got to be in any published agenda. .Commissioner Pluwr: Excuse me, excuse me. I'll ask for a legal opinion., Come Ono shorty, give a long opinion, EK 377 ,tune 9, 1993 r 4 � t Z { Quinn i - (City Attorney). I.can't get much shorter, hey? Cbmissidnor Plummer't This is not an agenda item, and as such, I have the right to I-ovoke the Pule. r. Janes.,_ It's been the policy of this Commission when a Commissioner wants to invp a the rule because he or she has not had opportunity to review an item ` that you have that right to invoke the rule and ask that it be pulled... C i ssi over Pl un�r; That's correct* Mr. Mayor... fia — — Mr. Jones. This is your internal... _ Commissioner Plummer: It's not on an agenda. It is... Mayor Suarez. What internal rule of ours? What are you talking about? Commissioner Alonso. The Mayor sent a memo... Cissioner Plummer; That has no bearing on it. C nissioner Alonso. ... informing that he heat the intention or she has the ,k intention.. a Commissioner Plummer: It is not an agenda item. Mayor Suarez: tell, Commissioner, let me just - look, it's 8:54. I'll tell you what, it is the ruling of the Chair that this item is properly before us. Now you may vote against it, you... 12 . Commissioner Plummer: Get me the item agenda number. 4 x _. Mayor Suarez: � I don't even know n no what it is. �. Commissioner Plummer! it's not... - Mr. Jones: Under... Mayor Suarez. It:is an item that presumably they're going to explain that you = have been briefed on in writing, in accordance with the City Code. That is my 5 ,S — #' ruling* If you gent to... ZIA Commissioner Plummer. Mr. Mayor... Mayor Suarez: Wait a minute. If you aunt to overrule me, you may make a motion to do that, but that is properly before us. F �x f C issione'r Plumer. Mr. Mayor, I will tyke a motion to the effect that the i charter states that any ttin agenda,that the ruleanbe nvkd M mr Suarez. the Charter... per r: so move* .� Mayor sua;re : `ihe Charttr doesn't say anything about that. You can make that Al motion to overru * my rdl in , if you'd like. �£ Commissioner Plummer. Mr, City Attorney, am I right or wrong? Let me go, while he's looking it up. Mr. Mayor, I sent each and every one of you an ..— article about the Coconut Grove Village Council, OK? And for whatever reason, how you could find to give that money after reading that article .. here it is. f. Let,me,just read into the record, if I may. On Vice Mayor De Yurre: Then you were aware of this item. Commissioner Plummer: "No quorum, ego stops meeting." Mayor Suarez: I read that silly article I mean, ,yes, I read that article. Commissioner Plummer: "The Coconut Grove Village Council, putting its bast . foot forward, got a quorum for its May 25th meeting through an ego drive temper tantrum, and then lost the quorum as two members walked out in t; -protest.". Mayor Suarez: Commissioner... {° Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor... Mayor Suarez: I'm about to invoke the rule on you... Commissioner Plummer: Well.... f� 0. Mayor Suarez: ... having to do with whatever it is you're reading. These , people want to make a presentation. € Mr. Jones Mere. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me., f r _ Mayor Suarez You have been briefed on it more than five clays in advance of the Commission meeting, and it is... Commissioner Plummer: Alm I right or wrong ' Mr. Jones: Yes, Commissioner Plummer I'll ask for the City Attorney's ruling. EX g June 290 1993 i fir.,,; �, S ' t mayor Suarez. t s ruII,n as the Chair you y vote to overrule me -� 'hat they chance to a their presentation* Commissioner Pl mer Sirs you r�right� �. .,a yr Sul`: I don V even 'know ht they w4't bmi ss oher l ume r: Mr. Mayor you might be the Chair, but you don't have the right to counteract the Ch*rter of the City of Miami, and I'm asking for the City Attorneys rulg� IME Mayor Suarez: Sir, I will table the item while you took for a provision in r" 1he Charter that says anything mote,,.. AIG Commissioner Plurmers. No, sir, he has it. Mayor Suarez: remotely like that and I will abide by it. All right. Commissioner Plummer: I ask for the City Attorney to read,.. Mr. Jones: Section,.. Commissioner Plummer: Right or wrong. f 'Mr. Jones: "Section 2.13, order of business and rules of procedure, } under Section 3. which refers to requests, petitions, applications, reads:. "A copy of request, petitions, applications be placed before each member of the City Commission, supported by ` departmental memorandum, and such information as may be necessary to enable the city Commission to reach an intelligent decision. t All such requests, petitions and applications, except in cases of extreme emergency shall � be 'i n the hands of the City Manager for a period of five days prior to a regular meeting to enable the heads of departments affected to prepare necessary and intelligent - memorandum, data,, or reports," Mayor Suarez: Presumably, that was complied with. But gust in case you don't think that it was complied with, let's hear ghat it is that it's about. I don't even knew. Ccissioner Plummer: No, it's not. Commissioner Alonsp; Yes, it is, J,L. Mayor`uarex i know that we supposedly circulated that memo to you so you would have it at least five days in advance. Commissioner Plummer: I still say, Mr. Mayor - and I'm not going to continue . rgut - anything that is not on the agenda, any Commissioner has the rI ght t' to i nv ke the rule. Mayor Suarez: No, that's not correct. I don't know where you got that from. Commissioner Plummer: I disagree with you, sir. �a 4 EK 380 June Z9, 1993 GbMissioner Alonso And all of a sudden, the second time, pouf! vtomrnissioner P1uMmer: The first time, the first time. F Coissioner Alonso: No, they didn't, the first time. They didn't. Thin the ; second timed confusion world took over, and everything was misunderstood. Mayor Suarez: I, -myself, would like more time to think about this. I have r Just seen now your response, which I had not seen. I'm not ready to vote on this at all r.' commissioner Plumper: Well, Mr, Mayor, let me just say this, and I don't grant anybody to go away from here with the wrong impression. I fully concur that a .` planning study of Coconut grove needs to be done. If anything, it's overdue. But I think this Commission we are elected representatives -- should put #: fourth that study. As such,. we will select the consultant through a competitive bidding; we will appoint the members to that Commission, and we s' wi 11 set the parameters of what that study shall encompass. And if that is agreeable with then, I'll pass that tonight, but that's where I'm at. let me { say' cane other problem that I have, fay r Suarez: Al right. I'm' going to agree with my colleague to my left that this item is not right for determination today. When would you like to have it; scheduled for hearing? Does it rake sense to try for July 8th? r commissioner Plummer: Twenty-second. That's already published. Vice Mayor De Yurre: Make sure he's got five days notice on this. z Commissioner Plummer: That's already published. E Mayor Suarez: It's plenty enough, five days, Commissioner, so please, don't invoke whatever rule it you're invoking, on July 8th. Comissioner Plummer: No. The 22nd of July is our next zoning meeting. The � 8th, they've already told you, you can't get anything else, it's at the.. printer. You can''t get It on then'. Mayor 'Suarez, Commissioner Plummer, whatever is on the agenda is what the chair decides is on the agenda, unless he's overruled by his owns Commission. So we could -do it on July 8th, but I'll be happy to entertain it on July 22ndf if that Is your preference. Comissioner Plummer: July 22nd, fine. You want to defer it till then? EK 382 June 29 I g mayor caret: ghat b_ 44- ` .- •1 eite scheduIe i t for July Znd ® I don'. t think we ne#4 a "a .. .: ., � *; N t,' not n agenda item. ayo' 'ure Because i t';tvacsr"t on today' s agenda. its. CtImssianr Aiorso: t have pekei+ item, please, Mr. Mayor. yore Suarez- Yves.: And I've got note here that says PZ-8 and PZ-g, and tomethiiho after that that pant understand: Presumably meaning.. ssibner filunter Mary, 'could you have somebodyyour organization, please : to Y . office after Tuesday. NOWT suarev Oh, 4ercow, that's what it says Comis,sioner Alonso. Yes, Ms.ti'Vdeber; ;,. Somehody from the organization has already been to your office, in per ors a� rd by to ephone� brrt we would be happy d v that once again. t cow Itsioner Plurtrrier After Tuesdays 11.11 be bask. " 4b a _' Fi et. ir , t" ue }o you want to take care of PZ-7 first? re Mary, yA ra�now� hive a f'eel,ing that studies of: that sort ry i es I Ty -, Im worse' than Plummer on that 'particular Issue. I very much want study' t ;, at a orward, any! I �ar�t the ton�lusi�ns to be what I've= AItiidy N to . be, for self, for � qy 'vote. But I would like that tobe �n'"?,house,i�to 'the extent... possible, I'tir go°�11g to, need to rrre!$t with YOU a*T.i'# {-:or hate you Cohvi nce my chief of staff or somebody , that we ought to be 3 spedi-rigroriey onthis. I don't see why we can't ,dust do this in-house, . _.'. l ank y, foi` vne vote. r. e!'1 cal 1 you next week. n Mays` are�.191., right. Ms. Weber , die' d be . aPp to met .with .you * thank you very ntuoh. chInsterPjuser; »Mayor, there is ne other pr"obl ,that; I think has . get..: toe acds If we have -ai1ocated that ountfna' fc�►r coconut 0, 1( i.. nw Ve , t t nd to. i t'l Havana- to ate to ,jt #t € t ,and all " t#i r� 0 thi Ink that svot,,to be r€ r r': uair'e OIL Vdon know .that we have'a critical situation ire other a rt"s of the City t i te" 1 I ke w have in Coconut Grove, . i ii-t.e�'s of.. Why► wa `. `0. ht to be doing that planhitudy, butt... S } Ij v k OKi, I think we better be prepared to addressthat the truth is; Coconut Grove hasa erious f fft 1Cii '.. * WeIII, that's a different.. " re c that's What lot* :tonissioner'Alonso,., Extrem ly 'erious a M"i s' loner Plummer* Where are we with that parking study ss10 ar Alonso What? Ccmissioner PI umer Where are we with this.** Cashi ss i oner Dawkins: It's 90a3. She's got two pocket item. of ssloner Plummer,, So be i t. Rodrlguex, PZ -7 CjoiTrMstloner Dawkins. I got Ill.,.PZ_11 is controversial w •. .iidrwtYuMrW.4roYs .racir6+trot++.�wylrwirtswr.it'..�rr.rr.r..���1.-------- ---- r�.w.w.«rr.r.�r..Arrr.w,... s+.r rrYr.rwwwr.w.+.4swl... EXTEND IGUSMAN CENTER PARTNERS' SECOND PAYMENT TO COVER RENT ON. OLYMPIA BUILDING ,THROUGH . T4BER , It 1993, IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSE© MIXED USE 11 LOPMENT OF . RESIDENTIAL AND ANCILLARY USE AT THE OLYMPIA BUILDING '(174 E , 'FLAGLER STREET ) * WITH STIPULATIONS vIM. ...iw+w w*rrr. s.r.r...�......r.ia- .—...+...Mr.:.rrw....w.--...r-.rw...r...r—..—..+----.r.w..».,.r.r+.....,rro...—..--.mi...rrt.r«+ri..Rr...a�...r<.r.� Gc miss oner Al onso' Could I take my pocket ' i tem, or do we take that item t4r, Sergio Rodriguez (Assistant, City Manager). PZ-7? Dot i ssi oner AI onso My pocket item... t 6 C"is$loner Plummer: It's after 9100._ ipr Suarez. dither WAY. Cissioner Alonsva an emerge-ncy,item _. issonr Alc�nso Y+ s, have one. It's'an xtension of the` + usn Center M1 Partners :and the Ousman facilities.,an extension for minimum 9q daysg � � i of 1ZO:days extension so that they can complete the process I s Move ca issioner Plummer* Who is*** { 3S4Un i, ,3 t of b RAW Mayor Suarez: So moved. What is the actual... Commissioner Plummer, The problem is... Commissioner Alonso: Well, they were supposed... Commissioner Plummer: these people haven't got money. That's the problem. _ _ Commissioner Alonso: Oh, they do have. Would you, Mr. Clark Cook, would you respond to Commissioner Plummer? Mr. Clark Cook: Yes, sir.. Mr. Mayon, this is Clark Cook, Executive Director ' Miami Parking System. Cusman Partners was supposed to make another payment. t We notified them that they had not made that payment. They made originally a payment of $30tOOOa They covered all expenses of the City. The City has no -expenses, that UDP (Unified Development Project) has cost the City no money whatsoever. The actual issuance of those tax credits has been delayed because they were - and everything gets blamed on the hurricane, but because of the delay of the number of applications, they've asked for an extension so that t they can get their finances available, and they're also looking for some _others.. The only thing the City lases doing this, Commissioner and Mr. Mayor, _ would be time. That's the only thing. Commissioner Plummer: Wait, wait a minute, Mr. Cook. You met with me, sir, and told me that you were going to demand $5,000 payment to extend. Mr. Cook: I did ask for some money to extend. They said they would prefer k not to pay anythingo Commissioner Plummer: Well, naw, I don't care what they say. Mr Cook: I said, "Well, I think you should consider paying something for the extension and... k.:. Commissioners Alonso: Some consideration. } Mr. Cook: Yeah,. some consideration. For instance, that payment, you could take it out of their final pay - out of their next payment would be a fine way to do it, I have no objection to that at all, and I've talked to them about that. Corti ssi oner Plummer: Excuse me. That's what you volunteered to me, now. Mr. Cook: And I did tell. you that. I did say that I thought they would pay something else extra, and I think that could be part of the Commissioner's motion, and it would fine. Commissioner P1 ummmaer: Well,, is that part of the motion? Commissioner- Alonso: Yes, that they have... Yes. That would be fine. 5 ,}The following motion was introducod by Co�issioner� Alonso, who moved Its adoption.,. MOTION NO. 93-398 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND FOR 120 0AY5 PRESENTLY EXISTING DEADLINE FOR SECOND PAYMENT BY GUSMAN CENTER PARTNERS (WHICH PAYMENT WAS DUE TO THE CITY ON DUNE I5, 1993), IN ORDER TO COVER THE CAST OF RENT (PURSUANT TO CONTRACT) UNTIE. OCTOBER 1, 1993, IN CONNECTION, WITH PROPOSED MIXED -USE DEVELOPMENT AT THE OLYMPIA BUILDING (174 E. FLAGLER STREET) FOR RESIDENTIAL. AND ANCILLARY RETAIL USE - FURTHER STATING THAT IF SAID GROUP IS SUCCESSFUL IN OBTAINING FINANCING, THE HEREIN EXTENSION WILL COST THEM AN ADDITIONAL $5,000; AND IF THEY ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL, THEN THE $5,000 EXTENSION FEE WILL BE :. WAIVED BY THE CITY. C Upon being seconded by Commissioner adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miriam Alonso Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J a L. Plummer, Jr. .lice Mayor Victor De Yurre Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Plummer, the motion was passed and i COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL. - Commissioner Plummer: Let me change my thought. I will us $.5,000, its successful. If they're not successful, I charge them. Mr. .Cook. Thank you, sir. ,:, Comrmissioner Plummer: A11 right? I'll vote - if that amendment is... 41 Commissioner Alonso: Yes, yes, yes. ?1 ` Commissioner Plummer: rri agreeable, then I vote yes. 387 x I_1. Mayor Suarez: Mr, 8ercow, you had absolute need of PZ-8 and 9. 14r, Jeffrey 8ercowm Yeah, urging you..* as Mybr Suarez; Are these controversial items? Mr. 8ercow. 'they're not controversial, urging you to pass them on second reading, and reaffirming the voluntary contribution of 8rickell Associates to pay $10,000 of the $55,000 refund to the City's Parks and Recreation Fund. Commissioner Alonso: dove it, dove it, Mayor Suarez: Moved by Commissioner Alonso. s Commissioner Plummer: Second. Mayor Suarez: Seconded, Mr, McMaster, problems with it? Mr. Jim McMaster: On PZ-9, the at the bottom, they're talking about, "In the exclusion of planned unit developments for major use special perrnit fees to avoid double charging." What did the Commission vote on first reading on that? To eliminate the major use special permit fees, and to keep the planned unit fees?' Mayor,Suarez, Don't know. k Commissioner Plummer: Speaking of 8 or 9? s Commissioner Dawkins: Eight. } Commissioner Alonso: Sergio, would you respond to him? i rr Mr. Sergio Rodriguez {Assistant City Manager). In the first reading, what you approved was excluding planned unit development as part of the fee so that it wouldn'tbe double charging, and you would be charging only formajor use permits. Mr. McMaster; Pardon me, I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. What was that again't } 388Je99 �� r , a �4 Comissioner Monson 'they will be charged only one time, and that's exactly to what we.. cw Mr. Rodriguez: They will be charged in one of the two categories only, and the one that we recon ended at this time was major use permit. Mayor Suarez: Major use special permit. Mr. McMaster: OK. Because I know there's some confusion now, but wouldn't it make more sense - originally under 9500 there were PUD (Planned Unit a Developments) fees, 15 cents a net square foot. Then a requirement of getting a PUD was an MUSP (Major Use Special Permit), and suddenly, there seemed to be a double charge. Wouldn't it make more sense for the fee to be based on net square foot? Because a 50,000 square foot PUD should be charged less than a 500,000 square foot PUD. It should be... Cotmissioner Plummer: Did we change that? Mr. McMaster: Well, apparently, right now, no one knows what they're charging. Commissioner Plummer: I thought we had, especially in the 5rickell area... Commissioner Alonso: They better know what to charge. Mr. Rodriguez: Rather than discussing this now, could you defer this item? Mayor Suarez: OK. I thought it was noncontroversial and simple. Mr. Bercow: This Only relates to proposed changes to existing PUD's. Mayor Suarez: And I am afraid that with our deadline, we're not going to be get some other items... Commissioner Dawkins: I move 11. _ Mayor Suarez: OK. Do we have a motion on PZ... Ccnvissioner Alonso: We had a motion and a second, yes, we did. I had moved and Comissioner Plummer had seconded. Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Mayor, you're talking about? We have a motion, yes, but - on PZ-8, Mr. Mayor Suarez: On PZ-8, we had a motion and a second? Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir, we do. mayor Suarez: Will the moving party withdraw the motion so that w continue with other items? Commissioner Alonso: defer this item? e can But I don't see the reason why, Why do you want us to 369 June 29, 1993 If you are Mr, Rodriguez: That portion of the ordinance can survive, The one that is questioned by Mr. McMaster is the one that refers to double charge for PUDs and use permits. You can either go with the recomendation by the staff.. Commissioner Aionso: But that's on`9 or it also applies to 8? Mr* Rodriguez: What's only "Co 9. Commissioner Aionso: Only to 9. Can we... Commissioner Aionso: Can we do that? All right, let's do it that way. Mr. Rodriguez: You... Mr. McMaster: You know, gust exclude that so " y p ern both, and you Cami ash them — exclude that. Commissioner Alonso: All right. Let's do it that way. -Mr. Rodriguez: We can do that, and-that.way.we can bring back... Mayor Suarez: With that modification on PZ-8, the moving party accepts it. There's a second part. Does seconding party accept it? -- Commissioner Alonso: So call the roll in 8, and then we pass 9 with the =_ proviso 14ayor Suarez- Let the record reflect yes, and call the rail on PZ-•8. Commissioner Pl umer: On PZ--8? Ms, Hirai: PZ_8 is an ordinance. Manor Suarez: Read the ordinance. r g+ »!T 0 1 4un 29t 3 � , { AN ORDINANCE 11000, AS AMENDED, AN OkOINANCEAMENDING ORDINANCE Nt��OF MIAMI, AMENCIING. C1�'Y ` TWA DNING OOINANCE �F � Ss DEFINITI i STO PROVIDE A DEFINITION FOR FOR "ARTI+cLE "GR FLOOR AREA', TO PROVIDE A DEFINITION Fl.QOR. AREA", AND CONTAINING ` "DiECTLYAEFECTED` WEAL R �ROVISI ay SEVERABILITY CLAUSEo AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE* first reading by title at the meeting of May 7, 1993, was Passed on its title and adoption. on mot by r al taken up for its second and find reading Cta nission r Alonst, se canded by Colmissioner Piumrner, the Ordinance was title and passed and adopted thereupon given its second and final reading by by the following rote: AYES: Miriam Alonso Commissioner Dogmissioner Miller J. Dawkins comissioner J.L. PI umner, Jr. Mayor Xavier L. Suarez NOES. None. ABSENT: vice Mayor Victor De Vurre TWA ORDINANCEWAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11070• L the public record end 3 The City 'Attorney read the ordinance into to the members of the City Commission and copies were avail able announced that cop ; to the public ..__---__�_.�.. r-_--___-- -�__-_-_. --------�-_ B SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AM-- CODE CHAPTER G _°� PROVIDE THAT FEES P'ERh�ITa (MUSP) SHALL BE BASED UPON FAR _AMENDMENTS Tp MAJOR USE SPECIAL f FFECT D FLOOR AREA, RATHER THAN GROSS BUILDING AREA -_ PROVIDE iR GTLY AS DEVELOPMENTS OF FtIRliiIiUM FEE OF 5,000 FOR PROJECTS NOT CLASSIFIED t DRI AND MINIMUM FEE OF $tO,OQO FOR PROJECTS REGIONAL IMPACT �` PUD CLASSIFIED AS flRI __ EXCLUDE PLANNED D IT DEVELOPMENTS FEES�APpI i giant . Planning* OF MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PAYMENT .,' �.. Building`& Zoning Dept. _-...�----.._.....�____.w.. ...,._. _ ._ .- .. _ jypf Sua�^ez: Then on P-g.. o Mr. Sergio Rodriguez (Assistant City Manager): PZ-9. Com issioner Al onso: PZ -9 t - p .:.- ' + ". tided b; the staff except 'For the language in. Rdriu A tleelopten t#dt�r case pit. .� a v t' @`platned It issioner A►l n o p . So moved* MYOO Suarez: With that nodification, moved by Commissioner` Alonsoe Second?" O issioner Dawkins: Second. Mayor Suarez: Call the roll* W ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 62-61(S-) OF THE CODE OF AMENDED, TO PROVIDE THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, A FEES FOR AMENDMENTS TO MAJOR USE SPECIAL. PERMITS isMUSP" SHALL DE RASED UPON "DIRECTLY AFFECTED FLOOR "GROSS BUILDING AREA" (AS DEFINED .. AREA" V RATHER THAN RESPECTIVELY UNDER SECTION 2502 OF ORDINANCE NO lOilO, AS AMENDETHE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIN A MINIMUM FEE OF $5,000 FOR FLORIDA) 9 TO PROVIDE FOR PROJECTS CLASSIFIED.AS DEVELOPMENTS OF REGIONAL I PACT "DRI"j AND A MIPTq NIMUM FEE OF $10,Q0 FOR PR DEVEiOPMENTS OF REGIONAL IMPACT; C.ASSIFIED AS CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISIONg A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE ANO PROVIDING FOR.. AEI EFFECTIVE DATE Passed on tsrst readin9939 was. g by title at the meeting of Mai 27� �tion of by and adoption . n motion taken up for Its second and final reading .title Al nse* second ed by Commissidne Dawkins the Ordinance was Ct iSSioner tt i"et n gi yen its second and final reading bytitle and passed and adopted fol l owing vote AYES-6comissioner Miriam Alonso e Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins commissioner J.L. Plummer* Jr. Mayor Xavier.L. Suarez k NtS: None ABSENT Vide Mayor victor De Yurre T14E ORDINANCE i4AS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE Nth. 11071 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public retard and to the members of the City Commission and announced that topics were available to the: public. 3 F - v, - 39Z ut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 640 DISCUSS AND CONTINUE CONSIDERATION Or PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE TO ,Ak RD, 11000 TEXT,i ARTICLE 6o SECTIONS 602 & 611 TO ADD f CLARIFY N . NEW,.CONS PARKI tREQUIREMENTS FOR -TRUCTION ON PROPERTIES OF ONE-HALF ACRE OR LESS IN -SD 2 'COCONUT -GROVE CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND SD-17 SOUTH BAYSHORE-DRIVE OVERLAY DISTRICT. (Applicant: Planning, Building & o, ing Dept') ----------------------------------------------------------- COMissioner Dawkins: Hold it. I move 11. Cowitsioner Alonso: Second. T-Z Mayor Suarezz OK. On PZ-111 it's moved. Does anyone wish to be heard against PZ_11? Looks like we have opposition, Commissioner. Commissioner Dawkins: We have opposition? All right. Mayor Suarez: We have... Mr, Jim McMaster.- I'd just like to Mayor Suarez: No. He's withdrawn his motion. DISCUS'S AND CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO SEEKING APPROVAL OF SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO PERMIT A HELISTOP ON EAST SIDE OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BETWEEN,N.E. 6 AND 9 STREETS. (Applicant: Planning, Building & Zoning Dept.) i Ao- yy; fe d] j�l �g�{ You O # haVC e quorum (City y�sy stionarA V , i e , They left* That's i `•4t Str. We're g�tg #ekto .$ : �l�9 ear♦ y lT ted joG1 it R :M facto CAf# Lf tea+ Au1 Yu'r0 ` A4 1" 4$ willl YOUt r e e Items? -Suarez: Tf �€�u can figure how � d� �t without a quorum ewa rs+r ar rswew a.,i. ,w a:r Mr a,a ra,w .:w xar----r arr«w NO TF R THE RECM. plartntng & Zoning administratively ec <, p is meeting here to a futuhr meeting k . • aK+iTT.Tiresl�rrr r•—w awMn aiYa Me .'rawiwraw THERE . BEING Nits FURTHER SUSINiE55 To COME BEFORE THE CITY psi u, ' E SING WASADJOURNED AT 9-15 p-MCMI - �rS r ' t Yyrr/�� Xavier L. 5uareZ 14AY0R . m k