HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-0573�w • 94- 573 RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, APPROVING, SETTING FORTH AND SUBMITTING NG TO THE ELECTORATE PROPOSED CHARTER AME NDMr US , ANENDI=NG THE GARTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, KNOWN AS CHARTER AMENDMENT NO.1, TO: (1) PROVIDE FOR A METHOD OF ESTABLISHING QUALIFICATIONS OF PROSPECTIVE PROPOSERS FOR UNIFIED DEVE OP= PROS ("UDPS") ; (2) AUTHORIZE THE CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND CONTRACTS IMPROVING OR DISPOSING OF CITY PROPERTY AFTER AN ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING; (3) ELIMINATE THE REQnRE mENT OF OBTAINING THEE (3) PROPOSALS FOR A PST TO IMPROVE OR DISPOSE OF CITY OWNED OR TO BE ACQUIRED PROPERTY AND THE REFERENDUM REQUIM ENT FOR THE APPROVAL OF SAID PROJECT; (4) PROiiIBITING THE CITY MANAGER FROM RECOMMENDING A PROPOSAL PROVIDING LESS THAN FAIR MARKET VALUE UNLESS SUCH PROPOSAL IS EXEMPTED FROM SUCH REQUIREMENT; (5) EXEMPT SALES OR LEASES TO QUALIFIED COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATIONS FROM THE REQUIREMENT THAT SUCH SALE OR LEASE PROVIDE A RETURN TO THE CITY OF FAIR MARKET VALUE; AND (6) PROVIDE FOR THE RESOLUTION OF PROTESTS FILED IN CONNECTION WITH ANY REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS OR CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OR DISPOSITION OF CITY OWNED OR TO BE ACQUIRED PROPERTY; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING CHARTER SECTIONS 3(f), 29-A(c), 29-B, AND 29-D, AND BY DELETING CHARTER SECTION 29-C IN ITS ENTIRETY; CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1994, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING CHARTER AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE ELECTORATE AT SAID ELECTION; DESIGNATING AND APPOINTING THE CITY CLERK AS THE OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF VOTER REGISTRATION BOOKS AND RECORDS; FURTHER, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO CAUSE A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE HEREIN RESOLUTION TO BE DELIVERED TO THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OF METI3OPOLtITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, NOT LESS THAN 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF SUCH SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION. WHEREAS, on June 9, 1994, by its adoption of Resolution No. 94-415, the City Commission directed the City Attorney to prepare the herein proposed Chaxter Amendment; and ti ,i \x ( r:� y CrJ:'C•s CITY C'OVff41SS10X ME 11G OF !;.sulution No. 94- 573 WHEREAS, the City Attorney's proposed Charter Amendment is set forth in its final form in this Resolution; and. WIIEMAS, the proposed Charter Amendment sba11 be submitted to the electorate at a special municipal election on November 8, 1994 as called for and provided herein, and shall become effective upon its approval by the electors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CCE41SSICK OF THE CITY OF MTAMI, FLORMA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble of this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2(a) Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Miami., Florida (Chapter 10847, Laws of Florida 1925, as amended) is hereby amended in the following particulars: I/ Sec. 3. Powers. The City of Miami shall have power: (f) Acquisition and disposition of property and. services: Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. Remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged.. Asterisks indicate ommitted and unchanged i material. 94-- 73 (i) To acquire by purchase, gift, devise, condemnation or otherwise, real or personal property or any estate or interest therein, inside or outside the city, for any of the purposes of the city; ai-A to improve, sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of such property or any part thereof. To acquire or dispose of ser-ri.ces inside or outside the city, by purchase, gift, or otherwise for any, purposes of the city. (iii) To lease to or contract with private firms or persons for the commercial use or management of any of the city's waterfront property, but only in compliance with the other requirements of this charter.,_ as amended, and on condition that: ' (A) the terms of the contract allow reasonable publio access to the water and reasonable public use of the properly, and comply with the charter waterfront setback and view --corridor requirements; and (B) the terms of the contract result in a fair return to the city based on two independent appraisals; and (C) the use is authorized under the then existing f master plan of the city; andr (D) the procurement methods prescribed by ordinances are observed. s talg-saclr errs- ILFPlY � - #; of the above cozil±ttons shall i t--be--vaftt Uie -by . Any amendment to an existing lease or contract for commercial use or ro=e nent =P-ement shall not be valid unless it has first been roved bsz a ma j. rQ it-y- of the members of the city commi.ss LQn after an advertised giblic hear= ti it t (ivl No substantive rights or any vested interests s a1h conferred upon any-Derson or entity sui-nitt= a proposal. fora cont&gpiated sale. lease. or max�agme= of cam -owned prover until the contract for the sale, lease or management has been executed by the ctyger. 94- 573 -3- (V) LTPQn the timely filing of a protest in writing by an a- zed arty in Qonnetion with the issuance Qf a roauest for proposals for a conte=lated. sale, lease or management a,�ment of cites owned read. pr r ttl ere shall be no salmi, lease , ox management of such property unless or until there has been a xesoluti n of said protest by the City Commission in accordance with the procedures as established in tho Ci Code for resollnug such protests. Nothing herein contained shall in any manner affect or apply to any project the financing of which has been provided by the authorization of bonds to be issued by the city." (b) Section 29-A of the Charter of the City of Miami, Florida (Chapter 1CB47, Laws of Florida 1925, as amended) is hereby amended in the following particulars: 1/ "Sec. 29-A. Contracts for personal property, public works or improvements, unified development projects, and real property; safegl=d.s; amendments: protests. (c) Unified development projects. A unified development project shall mean a project where an interest in real property is owned or is to be acquired by the city, is to be used for the development of improvements, and as to which the commission determines that for the development of said improvements it is most advantageous to the city to procure from a private person, as defined in the Code of the City of Miami, one or more of the following integrated packages: (1) planning and design, construction, and leasing; or (2) planning and design, leasing, and management; or (3) plann:i.ng and design, construction, and management; or (4) planning and design, construction, leasing, and management. So long as the person from whom the city procures one of the above -mentioned integrated packages provides all of the functions listed for that package, such person need not provide each listed function for the entire unified development project nor for the same part of the unified development project. Aretest for qjja2ifiQations may he iOEM2 3. by the city Eger either at the time of the commisaion's above determination or at the time of the commission'sproval. of the contents of the -4- 9 4- 573 request for Proposals for any u-3alfied develoWmt pro ject . with the re�spnnse to said rest for qua.7.ifications from any person desirous of submitti a r=onse to the reuest for proposals Bing used to ascertain whether the person is fully qualified tQ resider the required services aQQora= to law and whether a proposal suh-nitted by such Person may be eligible for_ further consideration by the review corunitteQ. Evaluation of responses to the request for au ifications shall be made, in accordance with procedures as established in the -City Code, Requests for proposals for unified development projects shall generally define the nature of the uses the city is seeping for the unified development project and the estimated allocations of land for each use. They shall also state the following: (1) the specific parcel of land contemplated to be used or the geographic area the city desires to develop pursuant to the unified development project; (2) the specific evaluation criteria to be used by the below - mentioned certified public accounting firm; (3) the specific evaluation criteria to be used by the below - mentioned review committee; (4) the extent of the city's proposed commitment of funds, property, and services; (5) the definitions of the terms "substantial increase" and "material alteration" that will apply to the project pursuant to subsection (e)(4) hereof; and (6) a reservation of the right to reject all proposals and of the right of termination referred to in subsection (e)(4), below. After public notice there shall be a public hearing at which the commission shall consider: (1) the contents of the request for proposals for the subject unified development project; (2) the selection of a certified public accounting firm, which shall include at least one member with previous experience in the type of development in question; and (3) the recommendations of the city manager for the appointment of persons to serve on the review committee. Said review committee shall consist of an appropriate number of city officials or employees and an equal number plus one of members of the public, whose names shall be submitted by the city manager no fewer than, five days prior to the above - mentioned public hearing. 94- 5'73 -5- 04 At the conclusion of the public hearing the commission shall authorize the issuance of a request for proposals, select a certified public accounting firm, and appoint the members of the review committee only from among the persons recommended by the city manager. There. aball be no rMUrement that more than one pMMQ$a21 be suhanitted in response to a request for 'aropQssal for- L,ny unified development project. The procedure for the selection of an integrated package proposals shall be as follows: (1) all proposals shall be analyzed by a certified public accounting firm appointed by the commission based only on the evaluation criteria applicable to said certified public accounting firm contained in the request for proposals. Said certified public accounting firm shall render a written report of its findings to the city manager and the review committee. The certified pubs is accounting_firm' _s 'or `imjAm7 fig r¢s sha,11 be made available the review prior to the review committee conc11u33ng its idings shall_include for each unifies development commit, tee duties. Such pro iect proposal inv'olv= a lease of city -owned prop�rtyy an evaluation of the follwi=: financial viability of each proposal: viability of tbeproposer ax& a comnaratiye assessment `s of the fi.nanci short ng otrate� and long rm9e economic benefits to the city. 'I'ize mortified publiQ aoounti n s firms final. evaluation report is to be rendered to the review committee at the time said report is rendered to the citZI manager. (2) the review committee shall evaluate each proposal based only on the evaluation criteria applicable to said review committee contained in the request for proposals. Said review committee shall render a written report to the city manager of its evaluation of each proposal, including any minority opinions. (3) taking into consideration the findings of the aforemertioned certified public accounting firm and the evaluations of the aforementioned review committee, the city manager shall recommend only one or -more of the proposals for acceptance by the commission, or alternatively, the city manager may recommend that all proposals be rejected. tIf the city manager recommends rejection of all proposals, the city manager shall state in writing the reasons for such. recommendation. In transmitting his recommendation r L. aimendattom to the commission, the city manager shall include the written reports, including any minority opinions, rendered to him by the aforementioned certified accounting firm and review committee. &cept as otherwise provided where a lean or -6- 94- 573 rtu m to the city of less thin fs�i�_ m xxet vat u� (4) The commission may accept any jZe, recommendation of the pity manager by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members. In the event the commission does not accept a proposal recommended by the city manager or does not reject all proposals, the commission sliaftl may seek recommendations directly from the aforementioned review committee, which shall make a recommendation or recommendations to the commission tales into account the final report of the aforementioned certified public accounting firm and the evaluation criteria specified for the review committee in the request for proposals. INQ additional or su-l.ementa material from = proposers shall be considered by the review oommittee- After receiving the direct recommendations of the review committee, the commission shall, by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members: (3,&) accept any recommendation of the review committee; or (-2b) accept any the previous recommendation of the city manager; or (3a) reject all proposals. ..� • - o� • • • !.• ..•.�� tt-M all contracts for unified development projects shall be awarded to the person proposer whose proposal is most advantageous to the city, as determined by the commission. No substantive rights or an. vested interest shall be conferred upon such proposer until the contract has been omQuted by the city &mjger. All contracts for unified development projects shall be signed by the city manager or designee after approval thereof by the commission. Proposed am.Qdments to existiW or future cnntrarts.11 reruire the approval, of the city commission after an advertised pub1iQ heasin . The city manager or designee shall be responsible for developing a minority procurement program as may be prescribed by ordinance and permitted by law in conjunction with the award of contracts for unified development projects. The provisions of this charter section shall supersede any other charter or code provision to the contrary. -7- 9 4 - 573 commission's award- of a contract for a unified develo]=t pro Jest, there shall be no em-, tion of ani_-u h contract in r to such reauestfor _prQposals unless or until there has been a resolution of agid pZotest by the city commission in aocopjance with the procedure establi.shW in tb6 City Code f.Qr resol 'ng protests Protests shall be filed (a) within fourteen (14) days after the issuance of any request for qulificatio or r for proposals or any writtenldendum issued pertaining thereto, or b) within fourteen (14) days after the commission's awa,d of a contract for a unified developm t- project, * * * * * * is (c) Section 29 B of the Cbaxter of the City of Miami, Florida (Chapter 10847, Laws of Florida 1925, as amended) is hereby amended, in the following paxticulaxs: I/ "Sec. 29-B. City -owned property sale or lease-zenera11y, amendments: protests. Except for the corzveyta Or sale or lease of city -owned property implementing tb following: (1) city -assisted housing programs or projects which are intended to benefit persons or households with low and/or moderate income by providing housing for such persons or households, such as, but not limited to, those funded programs or projects undertaken, pursuant to the Federal Housing Act of 1937 and the Florida Housing Act of 1972, as those statutes may be amended or revised from time to tine—,I—_(2) rmplemerrt±r-g city - assisted housing programs as may be authorized by federal or state projects authorized under the Florida Community Redevelopment Act of 1969, as amended, anft;-� . projects of any governmental agency or instrumentality -,I an. (5) prq�jects of a qualified and eligible cam a=ty based organization as determined by the city co=d,ssion. the city commission is hereby prohibited from favorably considering any sale or lease of property owned, by the city unless there is a return to the city of fair market value under such proposed sale or lease. b) With the ex=tions as noted in mibsection (a) above, or as otherwise provided In-theCharter —Tthe city commission is also hereby prohibited from favorably considering any sale or lease of city -owned property unless (1) there shall have been, prior to the date of the city commission's consideration of such. -8- 94 - 573 sale or lease, an advertisement soliciting proposals for said sale or lease published in a daily newspaper of general paid circulation in the city, allowing not less than ninety (90) days for the city's receipt of proposals from prospective purchasers or lessees, said advertisement to be no less than one-fourth (1/4) page and the headline in the advertisement to be in a type no smaller than 18-point. ate, (b) bheie slodt 1 ve-been-at least t n,e�-( proposals —received and id' (2) unless the guaranteed return under the proposal whose acceptance is being considered is equal. to fair market value -aid the city commission determines that the contemplated sale or lease will be in the city's best interest. votes cast b the-ei�tor }tee ILUY be eon. LQ)As a further exception to the above requirements and any other requirement for competitive bidding selection procedures to be used in the disposition of city -owned property or any interest therein, the city commission is authorized to waive all such disposition requirements where the intended use of such property or interest therein is in furtherance of the objective of providing rental or sales housing within the economic affordability range of low and/or moderate income families and/or individuals. In determining low and/or moderate income households as set forth above, the criteria shall be those provided for by federal and/or state law or by the city commission. (ii) Proposed amendments to Opy Odsting or future agreement or contract sha_,11 require the approval of the city commission after an advertised public hearing (e) Upon the timely filing of a protest in writing with the chief procurement officer by an aggrieved party in oonneQtion with the is,%k nce of a request for proposals for a contemplated sale orlease of city -owned propQrty,_ where shall be no execution -f any instrument transferring or conveginsuch propQrty unless or until there has been a resolution of said protest by the city commission in accordance with procedures established in tho city code for r. asolvi._rgp2protests . Protests shall be filed (1) within f14) days after the commission's &Qtion in authorizing the execution of an instpment -to transfer or convey such proMr V' ,R :.+ :a :1 ■ !; ri •� 01 : r.■ • r' e r • rR„ - ' •r n c� %• • ca n rr � I :+ r.w . � oc • /n■■ . • ■ a• c:/ t. a c+/■ -c rr rr . • • • • • • • - • ' .R • (e) Section 29-D of the Charter of the City of Miami., Florida (Chapter 10847, Laws of Florida 1925, as amended.) is hereby amended in the following particulars: I/ "Sec. 29-DQ. City -owned waterfront property; - leases with non-profit organizations; authorization to waive competitive bidding and referendum requirements; terms of lease. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the Charter or Code of the City of Miami, the City Commission is -10- 9 4 - 573 f 4 t authorized. to waive all competitive bidding and referendum requirements when entering into a lease or extern an existing lease with a non --profit, non-commercial, water -dependent organization which provides or seeks to provide marine - recreational services and/or activities to the community at any city -owned waterfront property, provided all of the following conditions are met: (A) the terms of the lease allow reasonable public access to the water and reasonable public use of the property, and complies with all waterfront setback and view -corridor requirements set forth in the charter and code; and (8) the use is authorized under the then existing master plan of the City; and. (C) the terms of the lease require that the property be used for public purposes only; and (D) the terms of the lease result in a fair return to the City based on two independent appraisals; and (E) the terms of the lease comply with all requirements pertaining to membership prescribed by ordinance for organizations using city facilities." (f) The Charter Amendments proposed in this Section shall be known as Charter Amendment No.1. Section 3. In accordance with the provisions of the City Charter (Chapter 10847, Laws of Florida, 1925, as amended), a special municipal election is hereby called and directed to be held in the City of Miami, Florida, from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 8, 1994, for the purpose of suhmitting to the qualified electors of the City of Miami for their approval or disapproval the measure known as Charter Amendment No.l. Section 4. Said special municipal election shall be held at the voting places in the precincts designated, all as shown on the list attached hereto and made a part hereof and referred to as Exhibit No.1 or as may be -11- 94- 573 designated by the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, in conformity with the provisions of the general laws of the State. The Precinct Election Clerks and Inspectors to serve at said polling places on said election date shall be those designated by the Supervisor of Elections of I Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, for such purpose in accordance with the general laws of the State. A -description of the registration books and records which pertain to election precincts wholly or partly within the City and which the City is hereby adopting and desires to use for holding such special municipal election is as follows: all registration cards, books, records and certificates pertaining to electors of the City of Miami and established and maintained as official by the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, in conformity with the provisions of the general laws of the State of Florida, are hereby adopted and declared to be, and shall hereafter be recognized and accepted as, official registration cards, books, records and certificates of the City of Miami. Section S. In compliance with Section 100.342, Florida, Statutes (1993), the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice of the adoption of the herein resolution and of the provisions hereof, at least twice, once in the fifth week and once in the third week prior to the week in which the aforesaid special municipal election is to be held, in newspaper(s) of general circulation in the City of Miami, Florida, which notice shall be substantially in the following form: t� 1 "NOTICE OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELEC.ON TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1994 1N THE CITY OF MTAMI, FLORIDA PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 94-573 A special referendum election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 1994, from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. in the City of Miami, Florida, at the polling places in the several election precincts designated by the Board of County Commissioners of Dade County, Florida, as set forth herein, unless otherwise provided by law, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Miami, Florida, the following question: "Shall. Charter Amendment No .1 be adopted amend;.ng and deleting provisions regarding proposed projects improving or disposing of all City property by: eliminating three proposal submission and referendum requirements for project approval; establishing proposer prequalification, evaluation, approval and protest procedures; prohibiting projects providing City less than fair maxket value, kept projects of community based organizations and existing exemptions; authorizing the City Commission to amend existing or future contracts, after an advertised public hearing?" Charter Amendment No.l (1) provides a method for resolving protests relative to the request for qualifications (RFQ), request for proposals (RFP) or award of contracts for improvements or the disposition of City -owned. property; (2) establishes a prequalification procedure for interested parties desiring to submit responses to a UDP Request for Proposals; (3) eliminates the three proposal slzbmission requirement for proposed projects improving or disposing of all City property and the referendum requirement pertaining thereto; (4) prohibits the City Manager from recommending a proposal providing less than fair market value unless such proposal is exempted from such requirement; (5) provides for the implementation of projects of community based organizations deemed qualified by the City Commission at less than fair maxket value to the City; and (6) authorizes the City Commission to amend existing or future contracts for improvements or disposition of City property, after an advertised public hearing. By order of the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida. " N oly A list of City of Miami polling places follows: (Insert list of City of Miami Polling Places.)" -13- 94- 573 Section 6. The official ballot to be used at said election shall be in full compliance with the laws of the State of Florida with respect to absentee ballots and to the use of the mechanical voting machines or the Computer Election System (CES), and shall be in substantially the following form, to -wit: "OFFICIAL BALLOT SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER B, 1994 FOR APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTION: ------------------------------------------------------------- Charter Amendment modifying provisions regarding improvements, disposition and contractual amendments for all City -owned property. "Shall Charter Amendment No.1 be YES adopted amending and deleting (For the Measure) provisions regarding proposed projects improving or disposing of all City property by: eliminating three proposal submission and referendum requirements for project approval; establishing NO proposer prequalification, evalua- (Against the Measure) tion, approval and protest procedures, prohibiting projects providing City less than fair market value, except projects of community based organizations and existing exemptions; authorizing the City Commission to amend existing or future contracts, after an advertised public hearing?" " Section 7. Electors desiring to vote in approval of said Question described above, shall be instructed to punch straight down with the stylus through the hole next to the word "YES" within the ballot frame containing the statement relating to said Question. Electors desiring to vote in disapproval of said Question, shall be instructed, to punch straight down with the stylus through the hole next to the word "NO" within the ballot frame containing the statement relating to said Question. -14- 94- 5'73 Section 8. The City Clerk shall cause to be prepared absentee ballots conta xdmg the Question set forth in Section 6 above for the use of absent electors entitled to cast such ballots in said election. Section 9. All qualified electors of said City shall be permitted to vote in said special municipal election and the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan, Dade County, Florida, is hereby requested, authorized, and directed to furnish, at the cost and expense of the City of Miami, a list of all qualified electors residing in the City of Miami as shown by the registration books and records of the Office of said Supervisor of Elections and duly certify the same for delivery to and, for use by the election officials designated to serve at, the respective polling plaoes in said election precincts. Section 10. For the purpose of enabling persons to register who i are qualified to vote in said municipal election to be held on November 8, 1994, and who have not registered under the provisions of the general laws of Florida and Chapter 16 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, or who have transferred their legal residence from one voting precinct to another in the City, they may register Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Metropolitan. Dade County Elections Department located at 111 Northwest 1st Street, Miami, Florida, within such period of time as may be designated by the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida. In addition to the above place and times, qualified persons may register at such branch offices and, may also use any mobile registration van for the purpose of registration in order to vote in the herein described election during such times and on such dates as may be designated by the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida. -15- 9 4 - 573 Section 11. MATTY BTRAI, the City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida, or her duly appointed successor, is hereby designated and appointed as the official representative of the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, in al1 transactions with the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, in relation to matters pertazJmg to the use of the registration books and the holding of said special municipal election. Section 12. The City Clerk shill deliver a certified copy of this Resolution to the Supervisor of Elections of Metropolitan Dade County, Florida, not less than forty-five days prior to the date of the herein special municipal election. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of July , 1994. A S P. CLARK, MAYOR 7/ M9T-TY BIRAI , CITY Q= PREPARED AND APPROVED EY: 1JNDA K=Y KEARSON ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRBCI'NESS -1.6- 04- 573 08%08.94 10:09 0&3053752525 M/n ELECTIONS 1 LIST OF POLLING PLACES CITY OF MIAMI �1002/008 i PCT. LOCATION ADDRESS **w+��4w+k�k+k*,►*,►,k,kwwwwwww,��Fw#w,t*w+wwwwww*w+►ww,�#dt*�rwwwwww,�ww,�,�*��ie�rrr,Rwww�awww 257 LIBERTY ELKS LODGE #1'052 6525 NW 18 AVE 262 MILDRED & CLAUDE PEPPER TOWERS 2350 NW 54 ST 501 LITTLE RIVER BAPTIST CHURCH 495 NW 77 ST t 502 CANAAN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 7610 BISCAYNE BD 503 H U D - ARTS/CRAFT/SEWING ROOM 1403 NW 7 ST ' 504 HARVEY W SEEDS AMERICAN LEGION #29 6445 NE 7 AVE 505 ATHALIE RANGE PARK 525 NW 62 ST 506 LEMON CITY BRANCH LIBRARY 430 NE 61 ST 507 THENA CROWDER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 757 Y3W 65 ST BOB NEW MT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 6700 NW 14 AVE 509 GRAPELAND HEIGHTS PARK 1550 NW 37 AVE 510 WESLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 133 PONCE DE LEON SD 511 JO=AN GROVE MISSIONARY RAPT CHURCH 5946 NW 12 AVE 512 ST PAUL INSTITUTIONAL AME CHURCH 1892 NW 51 TR 513 BELAFONTE TACOLCY CENTER 6161 NW 9 AVE i 514 EDISON SENIOR PLAZA f 200 NW 55 ST 08/08/94 CJ 1 94- 573 08.08/04 10:10 $3053752525 M/D ELECTIONS 1 LIST OF POLLING PLACES CITY OF MIAMI PCT. LOCATION ADDRESS 003: 008 515 LEMON CITY BRANCH LIBRARY 430 NE 61 ST 516 BAY SNORE LUTHERAN CHURCH 5051 BISCAYNE BLVD 517 ARCHBISHOP CURLER HIGH SCHOOL 300 NE 50 ST i 5i8 CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY #1 4528 NW 1 AVE , 519 SHADOWLAWN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 149 NW 49 I ST 520 CHARLES HADLEY PARK 1300 NW 50 ST I 521 NEW PROVIDENCE MTSSIONARX RAPT. CUR 760 NW 53 8T 522 MOORE PARK 765 NW 36 ST i 523 MIAMI JACKSON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1751 NW 36 ST 524 CORAL WAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1950 SW 13 AVE j i 525 MELROSE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3050 NW 35 ST i I 526 CURTIS PARK COMN(UNITY HOUSE 1901 NW 24 AVE i $27 HADLEY GARDENS 3031 NW 19 AVE 528 MALCOLM ROSS SENIOR CENTER 2800 NW 18 AVE 529 ROBERT A BALLARD ARMORY 700 NW 28 i ST 530 ROBERT A BALLARD ARMORY 700 NW` 28 ST 2 04_- 573 08/08/94 10:11 03053752525 M/D ELECTIONS 1 Q1004/008 LIST OF POLLING PLACES CITY 'OF MIAMI PCT. LOCATION ADDRESS �M,Mw�rw*.t�Fw+�+wwww*,4+Rwwwww*w,t,�*ww�r,k,aw*,twwww,�*,R*,awwwww�*+kw�r�r+rww*�tw*wwww+k*+k�� 531 CLAUDE PEPPER COMMUNITY CENTER II 760 NW 18 TR 532 CHRIST THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3481 HIBISCUS ST 533 CULMER NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTER 1600 NW 3 AVE 534 TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI 137 NE 19 i ST 535 PHYLLIS WHEATLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1801 NW 1 PL 536 DUNBAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 505 NW 20 ST 537 EUGENIO MARIA DE HOSTOS CTR 2902 NW 2 AVE 538 TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI 137 NE 19 ST 539 TRINITY CATHEDRAL HALL 464 NE 16 ST 540 TRINITY CATHEDRAL HALL 464 NE 16 ST 541 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MIAMI 609 BRICKELL AVE 542 JACK ORR SENIOR CENTER 550 NW 5 ST 543 ORANGE BOWL STADIUM - GATE 1.4 1501 NW 3 5T 544 TRINITY CATHEDRAL HALL 464 NE 16 ST 545 THE SALVATION ARMY 1876 NW 7 ST 546 MIAMIa-DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 300 WE 2 AVE 08/00/94 Ca 3 94- 573 08%08.94 10;11 05053752525 u/D ELECTIONS 1 LIST OF POLLING PLACES CITY OF MIAMI z0U5/008 PCT. LOCATION ADDRESS +k*w�wwwwir�r+k#wwww*�k+Rrtw�rw�r,t,�+�**�e*ww,k,k*�w*wrrw**,F*+Rwwww,aw�**w�wwrr�►�*�ri�rw*w� 547 MIAMI FIRE STATION #7 314 IBEACOM HD 548 ST MICHAEL'S CHURCH 2987 WEST FLAGLER ST 549 KENSINGTON PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 711 NW 30 AVE 550 MIAMI FIRE FIGHTER BENEVOLENT ASSOC 2980 NW S RIVER JAR 551 STEPHEN P CLARK BLDG 1650 NW 37 AVE 552 ARMANDO BAAZA SENIOR CENTER 2S TAMIAMI BT+VD 553 ROBERT KING HIGH COMMUNITY ROUSE 7025 WEST FLAGLSR ST 554 ST DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH HALL 5909 NW 7 ST 555 WEST END PARK COMMUNITY HOUSE 250 SW 60 AVE 556 RESIDENTIAL PLAZA 5617 NW 7 ST 557 IGLESIA CRISTIANA REF EL BUEN SAM 4585 WEST FLAGLER ST 558 KINLOCH PARK COMMUNITY HOUSE 455 NW 47 AVE 559 IQLESIA BAUTISTA LIBRE EBENEZER 4111 SW 4 ST 560 KINLOCH PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4275 NW 1 ST 561 SIMPSON PARK - RECREATION BUILDING 55 SW 17 RD 562 aOHN J KOUBEK CENTER 2705 SW 3 ST 08/08/94 CJ 4 94- 573 08./081194 10,12 '03053752525 M/D ELECTIONS 1 0 008t008 LIST OF POLLING PLACES CITY OF MIAMI PCT. LOCATION ADDRESS *,b+�*,Rww*ww*�+Rdr�*�.,rwwww,ter+k*+►+r**w,�ww*�d��eawr�wwww,t*,k�rrlF,Ri�rrrorww+t,kie+Rrt�,arrwwar�+t#+M 563 JOSE MARTI SENIOR PLAZA 154 SW 17 AVE 564 LITTLE HAVANA HOUSING PROJECT 01 1759 SW 5 ST 565 HOPE CENTER 666 SW 5'ST 566 RIVERSXDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1190 SW 2 STREET 567 MIAMI FIRE STATION #4 1105 SW 2 AVE 568 CORAL WAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1950 SW 13 AVE 569 UTD TOWERS 1609 ERICKELL AVE 570 SHENANDOAH PARK COMMUNITY ROUSE 1800 SW 21 AVE 571 EL CORDERO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2091 SW 14 AVE 572 SHENANDOAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1023 SW 21 AVE 573 SHENANDOAH PARK COMMUNITY HOUSE 1800 SW 21 AVE 574 SHENANDOAH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2150 SW 8 ST 575 CORAL GATE PARTS COMMUNITY CENTER 1415 SW 32 AVE 576 WILLIAM MC ALLISTER POST #1608 2750 SW 16 ST 577 DOUGLAS PARK COMMUNITY HOUSE 2755 SW 37 AVE 578 MIRACLE CENTER 3301 CORAL WAY 08/08/94 CJ I i 94- 573 5 08/08/94 10:12 03053752525 i i M/D ELECTIONS 1 LIST OF POLLING PLACES CITY OF MIAMI 1]007i008 PCT. LOCATION ADDRESS �rwwwwwwww�rwwwKrr,t*w,t�*+k�r�r*�Fw+tw*+k*wwwwwdr,w*wwwwww�arr*k,k*rr*�ir,k,►***+tr*��*�+k�r�Y�Y� 579 SILVER SLUFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2609 SW 25 AVE 580 IGLESIA BAUTISTA RESURRECCION 2323 SW 27 AVE 581 MUSEUM OF SCIENCE 3280 S MIAMI AVE 582 MIAMI FIRE STATION #8 2975 OAK AVE 583 MIAMI FIRE STATION #8 2975 OAK AVE 584 ELIZABETH VIRRICK PARK 3230 HIBISCUS ST 585 ESTHER M ARMBRISTER PARK 236 GRAND AVE 1 58G MIAMI DADE WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY 3575 S LEJEUNE RD 587 PEACOCK PARK 2820 MCFARLANE RD 588 MELROSE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3050 NW 35 ST 589 CURTIS PARK COMMUNITY HOUSE 1901 XW 24 AVE 590 MALCOLM ROSS SENIOR CENTER 2800 NW 18 AVE 591 r- HADLEY [GARDENS 3031 NW 19 AVE 592 LIBERTY ELKS LODGE #1052 6525 NW 18 AVE 593 RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1190 SW 2 ST 594 RIB CORDERO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2O91 SW 14 AVE 08/08/94 CJ 6 94-- v73 08i08,'94 10:13 V3053752525 MiD ELECTIOVS 1 � 008/008 LIST OF POLLING PLACES CITY OF MIAMI i PCT. LOCATION ,rw,rwrr,FA*iaw,rw* ,F+t�Mw,�x *** +rw�t,lrF*�rrwww##iF*�w,r ***,b+kww,eAiF*pwwRESS ADDRESS k+�rrxiF�4iir�o- 595 DOUGLAS PARK COMMUNITY ROUSE 2755 SW 37 AVE 596 SILVER BLUFF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2609 SW 25 AVE I 597 IGLESIA BAUTISTA RESURRECCTOjq 2323 SW 27 AVE 598 I i t I BLIZA 3ETE VIRRIcK PARR 3230 HIBISCUS ST i I I 1 E i j I i j 08/08/94 CJ i i ' 1 94- 573 6)"%l UI 1 r.0 U7 1 V'a.J/ dl + In . ..M1t yLA A. uv VVVvi +U+ rr c.+ lU CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 31 jkxIcrt ble X&)j= and Ike nATL : eit1 Y 20, 1W4 Lj 94_806 of tho City lima hHUM : A. , =1 REFERENCES: city �on C ty qAULA die, 19" ENCLOSURES: T1 ) �1:..17: Me . Pursuant to dianassi on oonoerning Motion No. 04-818 , at the duly 14, 1g94 City Commi.esion Meeting, my office has modified the attached draft resolution setting forth a. proposed charter amendment amending provisions regarding proposed projects improving or dispoaing of all City property and the prooedures for modifying contracts pertaining to paid projects. Charter Amendment No.1 (1) provides a method for resolving protests relative to the request for qualifi0arti0a8, for proposals (RFP,) or award of oontra,ots for improvements or the didpooltion of City -owned property; (9) establishes a prequal.ification prooedure for interested partios dooi.ri.ng to submit responses to a UDP Request for proposala; (3) eliminates the three proposabl subnission requirement for proposed projects improving or disposing of City property and the referendum requirement pertaining thereto; (4) provides for the implementation of pro jeots of community based or a►nizati.unu deAmAd epla+l.ified by the City Commission at loss than fair markot value to the City; (5) authorizes amendments to existing or Future oontrects for improvements or disposition of City property by the City Manager where suoh proposed amendment does not extend the term of the ountrarct, change the mature or the use of the property permitted undor the contract, axd does not lesson the existing rate of return to the City as set forth in said oontra,ot; and (6) authorizes amendments to existing or future oontraots for improvements or disposition of City property by the City commission, subject to certain conditions, where such propossed "esidweuL axt* ndu that term of the oontraot, changes the nature or the use of tho property permitted under the contract, and lessens the existing rate of return to the City as sat forth in said contract, after an advertised publ.i.o hearing. ass:P99B ea: Cesar M_ Odic, City Manager Herb Bailey. A&si.stant City Manager