HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-0452RESOLUTION NO. i 4 — A.52 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO BAKER & McKENZIE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THE SUM OP' $19,464.49 FOR LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE F.E.C. BICENTENNIAL PORT PARK PROJECT; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL WORK IN CONNECTION HEREWITH IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,000; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, ACCOUNT NO. 921002-250. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1.. The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to pay to Baker & McKenzie, Attorneys at Law, the sum of $19,464.49 for legal services rendered in connection with the F.E.C. Bicentennial Port Park Project, and further authorizing the expenditure of funds for additional legal work in connection herewith in an amount not to exceed $10,000, with funds therefor hereby allocated from Special Programs and Accounts, Account No. 921001-250. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. cITY Cc'3bmswoN MEETING OF J U N 11 1'1� 1994 Resolution No. 94- �52 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of _ June, 1994. S E�P. CL RK, MAYOR ATTEST: ' MATTY HIR l CITY CLERK BUDGETARY REVIEW: A)n MANOHAR S NA y ASSISTANT C MANAGER PREPARED AND;APPROVED BY: JU 0. BRU SISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: I A. INN J NES, III CITY ATT EY JOB:csk: d:bss:M4353 I t t 94- A52 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TOTO Walter J. Foeman DATE June 20, 1995 FILE J-94-465 City Clerk sUBJGcr Resolution No. 94-452 adopted June 30, 1994 FRom Beverly Shconion REFERS"ccs Scrivener's Error: Allocation Legislative Coordinator ENCLOSURE;' 4 Resolution No. 94-452, adopted .tune 30, 1994 (Attachment No. 1), contains scrivener's errors in the Title and in Section 1, concerning the amounts actually allocated to the law firm of Baker & McKenzie. The Packet for Agenda Item #24 (Attachment No. 2), distributed in the to the City Commission for the June 30, 1994 Meeting, consists of a memorandum from the City Attorney and a draft resolution which authorized the payment of $19,464.49 for legal services rendered in connection with the F.E.C. Bicentennial Port Park Project airrf further authorized the expenditure f of funds for additional legal work in connection with the same project, not to exceed $10,000. Since the Agenda Packet and the transcript of the meeting (Attachment No. 3) clearly reflect the proper amounts to be allocated, I am transmitting a substitute original resolution (Attachment No. 4) to replace the incorrect document you presently possess. After the correct document has been executed, please forward a copy to this Office and Dulce Borges of the City Manager's Office. You may wish to keep this memorandum on file with any back-up material you have in your custody regarding the Item. cc: A. Quinn Jones, 1II, City Attorney Julie O. Bru, Assistant City Attorney Dulce Borges, Special Assistant to the City Manager t�1 N rn C3 Lil 94- 452 EIS: O MDOC SENT BY:CITY OF MIAMI JLL11, U, :JJJ `J'T'� 6-20-95 9:56AM ;CITY MANAGER'S OFF.-4 3055793399;# 2/ 6 .... 9 4 w 452 =80LUTION AVUMZXN To =U=R .V Y=AXCX i. PAY TO UM 0 a f :1. i 31 PM PAR& PrOmm :f 99100E-200r 960tiou 1. The Bitse®tal of Vjm&=w it hireb$ authorized to 767 to dater it die , AU0=e72 at Lsvr. the tea► of =1a. , tq to:r legal services rendered is 00t40tiall Vith Apra I.I.C. nioeatGaia]. port par$ Pro jeot, !or the period of Apra 1 19ii4 throup April so. IW* vith fts+ds therefam herd &1300ated from gpgotal Program and Ao®ouUts, A000=t 31e. 921001-200a B�►otio7Q 9. ds Remalstica L eedi.ate].g upoa 3tf aalo r=. ATTACHMENT NO. I 1 beoow effedtiv* Cm 0mmmail Ow JUN30 Sk 94- 452 SENT BY:CITY OF MIAMI ; 6-20-95 ; 9:56AM ; CITY MANAGER'S OFF. 3055793399;# 3/ 6 ,7.!]eutt attt 8AB8N1 AM AWPTND this 3._0_th day of _ June .,, 1024. SENT BY:CITY OF MIAMI ; 6-20-95 ; 9:56AM ; CITY MANAGER'S OFF. 3055793399;* 41 6 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE (AAEMOIRANDIJI . 24 'TO: Honorable Mayor and Reabe;rs June 1, 1994 i of the City commission SUBJECT Resolution authorizing compensation fqr Baker V 1(oKenzie FROM : '. Un J ues u �IZ REFERENCES • June 9. 1994 Commission City At ey Neeting ENCLOSURES I It ias.requested that the resolution authorizing payment to Baker W McKenzie, Attorneys at Law, be approved In the amount of $19,464.49. The fjrm rendered legal services in connection with the F.R.C. Biceo.tenniaa,3. ' Port park pro j eot and funds will be allocated from from Epaoial Programs and Awounts , A000uut No. 921009-250. In view of the fact that there are legal issues remaining which 4 need to be addressed. it vill be neoeasssary to continue the engagement of Baker & MoSenzie in an amount not to exceed $10,000. ATTACHMENT NO. 2 94- 4 2 / , y SENT SY:CITY OF MIAMI Z-94-465 6/2/94 6-20-95 ; 9:57AM ; CITY MANAGER'S OFF.- RESOLUTION NO. 3055793399;* 5/ 6 A RESOLUTION AUTRORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO FAY TO RARER & KOKENZIE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THE SUM OF $19.464.49 FOR LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED Iiv CONNECTION WITH THE F.E.C. BICENTMIAL PORT PARR. PROJECT; FURTHER AUTRORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL WORE IN CONNECTION HEREWITH IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10.000; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS. ACCOUNT NO. 921002-250 . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF TH$ CITY OF KIAXX PLORIDA: _. Reotion I. The Direotor of F.inanoe 'is hereby authorized to pay to Baker a! MoSenzie. Attorneys at IAA, the sum of $19,464.49 for legal servioes rendered in oonneotion with the F.E.C. Hioentenni.al. Port Park Projeot. and further authorizing the expenditure of funds for additional legal work in oonneotion herewith in an amount not to exoeed $10,000, with funds therefor hereby allooated from Speoial Programs and A000unt�s, A000unt No. 921001--250 . 94- 452 3 SENT BY:CITY OF MIAMI fi-20-95 9 57A<y CITY MANAGER'S OFF--' 3055793399;9 V d Seotion 2. This Renalution eball become efgeotive 12mediately Upon Ito adoption. . PASSIM AND AMPTED tole .. day of STEPMN P . MARK. KAYOR ATTEST: NATTY SIRAl CITY CLmm . B=BTARY RIMEW a WAROBA R S . BVAANA ASSISTANT CITY - MkuGER PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Ole JU=B. A. DIM ASSISTANT CS AT4ORw APPROVED AS T4 FORE AND CORRSOTRESS: A . x 47 6 . Yi CITY ATTOWY JOB: oak; kd:M4353 -2- 24. AUTHORIZE PAYMENT TO BAKER & McKENZIE ($19,464.49) -- FOR LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR F.E.C. BICENTENNIAL PORT PARK PROJECT -- AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL LEGAL WORK NOT TO EXCEED $10,000. Commissioner Plummer: I assume 24, Mr. City Attorney, is the same? ; A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Yes. Commissioner Plummer: I move it. Mayor Clark: What is this, number 24? Commissioner Plummer: Outside counsel. We... Mayor Clark: Please don't rush this thing. I get you through here quick enough, now. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mayor Clark: All right. This is how much, ten thousand dollars? - Mr. Jones: For nineteen thousand, four hundred and sixty-four, forty-nine. And further authorizing an additional amount of ten thousand dollars. Commissioner Plummer: Not to exceed ten. Mr. Jones: Not to exceed ten thousand dollars. Mayor Clark: All right. Moved by Mr... Vice Mayor Dawkins: So it's thirty thousand dollars. Mayor Clark:... Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer. I moved it, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Seconded by Commissioner Gort - I mean Commissioner De Yurre. Mayor Clark: C 91 the roil. ATTACHMENT NO. 3 94- A52 62 - - June 30,1994 9- The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-452 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO BAKER & McKENZIE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THE SUM OF $19,464.49 FOR LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE F.E.C. BICENTENNIAL PORT PARK PROJECT FOR THE PERIOD OF APRIL 1, 1994 THROUGH APRIL 30, 1994; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, ACCOUNT NO. 921002-250. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: . AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. ACCEPT PLAT: OAK SHADOW. 26. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. W. TUCKER GIBBS TO DISCUSS OAK SHADOW PLAT (LOCATED AT EMATHLA STREET AND SECOFFEE STREET, IN COCONUT GROVE). 27. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. JEFFREY B. DEGEN TO DISCUSS LOT SPLIT ON 2801 EMATHLA STREET, COCONUT GROVE. ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 25. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Mr. Mayor, you sent this back to me. I met with the owner of that property, and also referred to the attorney that was opposing this for his clients, and what I agreed to do with the present owner is to have a covenant in place. You have seen a copy of it, Mr... Mr. Tucker Gibbs: Yes, I have. Mr. Odio: Based on the covenant that has been provided, I recommend that we accept the Public Works Director's decision. Mayor Clark: All right. For the record, your name, please, sir? Mr. Gibbs: My name is Tucker Gibbs. I have offices at 2665 South Bayshore Drive in Miami. Yes, I have reviewed the covenant, but the covenant... All the covenant seems to say is that on 63 June 30, 1994 94- A52 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA 1 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUI 24 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members DATE June 1, 1994 ``_ of the City Commission SuBJECT Resolution authorizing compensation for Baker & McKenzie FROM A • qu nn t7 nes , REFERENCES June 9, 1994 Commission City Att ney Meeting ENCLOSURES it is requested that the resolution authorizing payment to Baker & McKenzie, Attorneys at LaV, be approved in the amount of $19,464.49. The firm rendered legal services in connection with the F.E.C. Bicentennial Port Park Project and funds will be allocated from from Special Programs and Accounts, A000unt No. 921002-250. In view of the fact that there are legal issues remaining which need to be addressed, it will be necessary to continue the engagement of Baker & McKenzie in an amount not to exceed $10,000. CSK 0'a- 452