HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-0435J-94-527 6/20/94 RESOLUTION NO. _ A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT ("FIND") UNDER SAID AGENCY'S WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR GRANT FUNDING IN THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $75,590 FOR THE BAYWOOD PARK SHORELINE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS SHOULD SAID GRANT BE AWARDED. WHEREAS, as authorized by Resolution No. 89-912, the City Manager and the Parks and Recreation Department have prepared and submitted an initial application for grant funding for the Baywood Park Shoreline Enhancement Project to the Florida Inland Navigation District under said agency's Waterways Assistance Program; and WHEREAS, said project, on a comprehensive basis, will involve the modification of the existing collapsed seawall by constructing a mangrove planter, the installation of additional lime rock boulders to stabilize the remaining seawall, the construction of an artificial reef off the seawall, and selected upland improvements including a bay walk, as funds permit; and I# r L y c i. A Y ti 1 07y C0717MCEST019 Resolution No. e_9 WHEREAS, said project, having a total estimated cost of $199,992 is intended for the protection of a local natural resource and for the recreational enjoyment of the residents and visitors to the City of Miami and the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, said project has received the endorsement of area residents during community meetings held January 11 and March 3, 1994; and WHEREAS, partial funding is available from the Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust Fund through Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management pursuant to Resolution No. 93-614; and WHEREAS, Florida Inland Navigation District financial assistance in the estimated amount of $75,590 or 38% of the project cost is required to complete said project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to make application to the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND), under said agency's Waterways Assistance Program, for grant funding, in the estimated amount of $75,590, approximately 3B% of the estimated total cost, for the Baywood Park Shoreline r t t Section 3. The City Manager is hereby further authorized`/ to execute the necessary documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, and to provide the necessary certifications for said purposed should said grant be awarded to the City, including the following provisions: a. The City will accept the terms and conditions set forth in FIND Rule 16T-2 F.A.C. b. The City is in complete accord with the attached grant proposal and will carry out the project in the manner described in said proposal, and any plans and specifications attached there, unless prior approval for any change has been received from FIND. o. The City has the ability and intention to finance its share of the cost of said project and that the project site will be operated and maintained at the expense of the CJ.ty for public use. d. The City will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, or handicap in the use of any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to the attached grant proposal and will comply with the terms and intent of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, P.L. 88-352 (1964) and will design and construct all facilities to comply with statutes relating to accessibility by The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. 4- 435 -3- handicapped persons as well as other federal, state and local laws, rules and requirements. e. The City will maintain adequate financial records on said project to substantiate claims for reimbursement. f. The City will make available to FIND, if requested, a post -audit of expenses incurred on said project prior to or in conjunction with its request for the final 10% of the grant funding provided by FIND. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of June , 1994. , S EPHEN P. CLARK, MAYOR AT MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK i PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: RAFAEL 0. DIA DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY ,t APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A. QUA N J'III CITY ATTOR FO9 ROD:csk:M4 TLOIt1DA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant: City of Miami Project Title: Baywood Park Shoreline Enhancement Project Legislative District in which Project Site is Located: Slate Senate: 3 G State House: 108 Liaison Agent: Dianne E. Johnson Title: Assistant to the Director, City of Miami Parks & Recreation Department Address: 1390 NW 7th Street Miami, Florida Zip Code: 33125 relenhone- (305) 575 5245 1 hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate. )ignature . - — Date: A bert Ruder, Director -Parksand Recre_a±j_p1i_J FIND o , TICE USE )ate Received: i ocal FIND Commissioner Approval: J1 Required Supporting Documents: 1 ,pplicant Eligibility: i roject Eligibility: ompliance with Rule 16T-2 F.A.C.: I l ligibility of Project Cost: i )rm No. 90-22 9 4 - 4 3 5 !w 10/ 14/92 PROJEcr INTORMATION Total Project Cost: $ 19 9 , 9 91 . 7 2 FIND Assistance Requested: $ 7 5, 5 9 0.0 0 _ % of total cost 3 8 % Amount and Source of Applicants Matching Funds: $ 12 4 , 4 01 . 7 2 Source: Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust Fund. Ownership of Project Site (check one): Own x Leased If leased, please describe lessor term and conditions: Other Project type (check one, or more of the following project elements that are part of your project). Public Navigation Channel Dredging Public Navigation Channel Lights and Markers Waterway Signs and Buoys for Safety, Regulation or Information Public Spoil Disposal Site Development Public Shoreline Stabilization x Public Boat Ramps and Launching Facilities Public Boat Docking and Mooring Facilities Public Fishing and Viewing Piers Public Waterfront Boardwalks Waterways Boating Safety Programs and Equipment Waterways Related Environmental Education Programs and Facilities [nlet Management Projects Related to Waterway Navigation Improvement 3each Renourishment Projects Related to Waterway Navigation Improvement ether Waterway Related Projects 'ermits Required: ency Yes No N/A Date Applied For Date Received )NR Yes 4/94 7/94* )ER Yes 4794— ,7794* �COE Yes 4/94 7/94* :OUNTY/CITY Yes 4/94 7/94 )ther Iorm No..90-22 * Please see page 4, question 15, for details. "4 CJ few 10-14-92 u CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Application for Assi stance FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROJECT NARRATIVE INTRODUCTION Baywood Park, formerly known as Bay Vista, is the site of this shoreline stabilization and enhancement project proposed by the City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department, with the assistance of Dade County Department'of Environmental Resource Management. The park occupies city - owned bay front property with approximately 800 linear feet of existing seawall on Biscayne Bay. A 1.00 foot portion of the seawall has collapsed and is permitting material from behind it to wash into Biscayne Bay. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project proposes to modify a collapsing seawall. and to construct a mangrove planter to assist in stabilizing the eroding shoreline. The failing portion of the seawall (approximately 100 feet) would be cut down to water level. An area approximately 50 feet shoreward of this portion of the seawall would be scraped down to a suitable elevation to facilitate construction of a mangrove planter. Limerock boulders would be placed in the water along the base of the entire 800 foot shoreline to reduce the possibility of future erosion and undermining of the remaining seawall. Construction of an artificial reef adjacent to the park is also proposed. PROJECT TASKS 1. Prepare and submit permit applications to appropriate Federal., State and local agencies. , 2. Prepare detailed specifications and construction drawings needed for required bid procedures. 3. Advertise bid for the construction and select the contractor. 4. Prepare, execute and administer the construction contract. S. Construct the project. 14- 4095 FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANTANCE PROGRAM PROJECT EVALUATION AND RATING FORM The applicant is to answer these questions and enter the project title and applicant name. All waterways assistance projects will be evaluated by FIND Commissioners using this form. The individual FIND Commissioners will enter, the rating points based upon E their evaluation of these criteria and available funding. Projects must recieve a minimum evaluation score of 35 to be considered for funding. CATEGORY RATING POINTS Priority List (5 points) Waterway Relationship (7.5 points) PROJECT TITLE Baywood Park Shoreline Enhancement Project APPLICANT City of Miami EVALUATION CRITERIA (1) Where does the project rank on this years approved project priority list? 6 Please see attachment for project background and objectives (2) How does the project directly relate to District waterways ? The goals of this project are to provide shoreline stabi.li2ation in order to eliminate the filling in of an adjacent boating channel. (3) Does the project benefit or impair the maintenance of District waterways ? The shoreline stabilization component of this nro'ect will helo maintain the ad'acent waterway b eliminatin the source of fill. l {4} Does the project benefit public navigation ?_The general boating oubliy c��ill benefit as a result of this project by eliminating a source of fill to the channel. Usage ----------------------- ------------------------------------ -------_----I'nblic yrt a (5) Is the public usage of this (:Benefit project clearly quantified ? popular public TM: ; C LTD nark. (7.5 points} With 1.9 million residents Dade County n as the largest Population of any county in the District. In addition, in 1992-9? there were a total of a� r 6t h� C, 773 eaistered boats in Dade, �f°� � ro ec_ t� aPw o.e () �Jqt R &� Wna �` a c access o the rP t;s b} rest ens rom of er caunt1es in'tne TJistnct bay, Yes. ? (7) Is the project a priority project for the local county or city ? Yes, The ra'ect is a priorityy project for the City of .?iami and the Dade County Department Of Environmental Resources -Management. Timeliness ---------�---------—-------- - _ (8) Has the applicant presented (Spoints) a reasonable timeline for the completion of the project ?Yes . All environmental Permit an lications have been submitted, In �- ""-�--_---*--__----- additionpro 'ect construction drawings and specifications will ______�2 GszitirllRs3_ Within 3__months of contract execution date. See Attachment A for project schedule, 2 8ADu�odu�Project ' Cost- Effectiveness—`' �n�ectprovidoarooaonablopublioucrvioefhrbhenuooeynzqoczted 2roject will be (5points)through a combination of the tech i nigues identi-fiedu through previous shoreline ` ( `^") 'owhat degree does the project demonstrate cost sharing orfunding from other sources & '----' ^ / �---- `- Viability 1) To what extent does the project duplicate existincy efforts ? Th ' t, is is a unique project (7.5 points) at this site. No other enhancement/restoration implemented. � ,--/^^.~ will the Project continue orUe maintained after District [uodinll continue �o�u �� ��----' ' is i City~^^ - �-- �^^ ^ ` he :-,aintained throughami Parks and Recreation miintenance ^ ` , . ' (13) Will the program result in significant and lasting benefits � \_ Iimi ~ — —' ' —'- =-`��~^ ~�^� ^ the adjacent watE�rway. In addition, ` habitat improvements will also enhance Bay -water u life, marine ` ` � ng resources. thPrr_j-)y providing benefits to the . . 3 ' ' The next series of criteria a 1 OUT to development proiects. ua Permits ----_ (14) Have all permits been applied for ? PP If so, when? yes all environmental, i A rig 1994 (1S} Has the project rer ieved all of the required permits ? All permit are ex e {i•S points} Jul 1994 as Per Don Kiern and Larr p p c�ed by l y Donnell of *,D,B a West Palm Beach offices and Chuck Schnepel Of A.C.O.E. �n the office. in the Miami ------ M The next series of criteria only apply to environmental education projects �T,/A i - e�1 c� Through- (17) Is the target audience clearly identified and quantified with the plan of action weII thought out ness and sufficently detailed ? (2.5 points) --------------- _-_-_ Measurable (18) Is it apparent from the statements provided ( how many in the audience will do what, by when, Results etc ) that this project will produce measurable results ? (2.5 points) Deliverables (19) Are the project deliverables listed and described ? (2.5 points) l/u) is mere a clear plan of dissemination of the materials produced through the project ? FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM PROJECT COST ESTIMATE PROJECT TITLE: Baywood Park Shoreline Enhancement Project APPLICANT: Metro Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management I 1 Project Elements Quantity Estimated Applicant FIND (No./footage) Cost Cost Cost 1 Salaries E 1 ngineering Services including bid documents, and supervision of i construction Engineer 2. 325 hours $23/hour $7,475 Environmental super- vision during con- struction to insure compliance with permits and specifications Biologist 2 325 hours $20/hour $6,500 Project administration including preparation of status reports and reimbursement requests Environmental Project Supervisor 50 hours $24/hour $1,200 SALARY SUBTOTAL $15,175 Fringe (FY 1994/95 rate: 38.840 of salaries). Includes cost of Social Sec. contributions, retirement, group health and life insurance, and Worker's Compensation (does not include leave benefits) $5-,893.97 94- 435 Applicant FIND Indirect Cost Cost (FY 1994/95 rate: 53.00% of salaries) includes county and department administrative and support services such as finance and accounting, procurement, County attorneys, telephone service, and maintenance, supervisory and clerical staff, office supplies and equipment., reproduction, mail, etc. $8,042.75 0 Project Developn-ient. Engineering services including the preparation of permit applications construction drawings and surveys. $11,300 0 Construction Contractual. Services Mobilization $9,000 $9,000 Site preparation (mobilization, clearing/grubbing, seawall modifications, debris removal, etc.) $15,000 $15,000 Shoreline St.abilizati_on. Limerock boulders (incl. 2,750 tons $35/ton $48,125 $48,125 bedding material) Filter fabric 720 sy. $3/sy. $1,080 $1,080 Soil amendment 200 cy. $20/cy. $2,000 $2,000 Mangroves 3.85 ea. $2/ea. $385 $385 Upland Improvements Native vegetation 60 ea. $30/ea. $1,800 Baywalk/Handicap access 900 if. $6/lf. $5,400 Project sign 1 $1,200/ea. $1,200 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $83 990 $75 590 GRAND TOTAL $124,401.72 $75,590 4.5.94 94- 435 10/3/©9 J-99-959 RESOLUTION NO. 89-912 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT APPLICATION(S) REQUESTING GRANTS-IN- AID FROM FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY AND LOCAL, GOVERNMENTS, AS WE'LL AS PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS AND OTHER SIMILAR ORGANIZATIONS AT THE LOCAL, SPATE AND NATIONAL LEVEL; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DESIGNATE THE APPROPRIATE IN -KIND AND CASK MATCH AS REQUIRED BY THE GRANTING AGENCY OR AGENCIES, WITH FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ANY SUCH GRANT REQUEST AND ALLOCATION OF GRANT MONIES TO BE MADE BY THE CITY COlMISS10N UPON THE CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION. WHEREAS, the City of Miami usually supplements its revenues via Federal, State, County and Local government grants, as well as from private foundations, corporations and any similar type of organization; and WHEREAS, in most cases these government and private agencies require that a resolution or ordinance be adopted authorizing submission of the application, assuring the availability of the required match, and the name of the person authorized to sign the application; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to submit applications) requesting grants-in-aid from Federal, State, _ County and Local government agencies, as well as from private t foundations, corporations and any other similar organization at the local, state and national level. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby further authorized to designate the appropriate in -kind and cash match as required by the granting agency or agencies. Section 3. Final acceptance of any such grant(s) request(s) and allocation of grant(s) monies is to be made by the City Commission upon the City Manager's recotwiiendation. CITY C0A'1P41SS10N 11EETI1qG OF OCT Iz 1989 a[sotuTION Ho. Ba� REMARKs: t I Section 4. This Resolution shall become - effective ? immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of October 1989. AVIER L. Sj0--EZ,M R j ATTE ) MA' HIRAI, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ��_ -Rq� I JOfFR �. FEI NANDEZ i CITY ATTOR�7 • Y I , j • 94- 435 j 89-912 -2- HOLLY WOOD/ i. HALLANDALE 44 LUf U! u[xKv G' BR_DwnnD co GOLOCN BEACH • BiSCxtt+C BAY NORTH MIAMI BEACH THIS -j—/ PROJECT 11\\\\ 826 H.E. 163m SI.` �.F HnULOOVEVER cur 12ms1 a. 1 w v A PROJECT SITE N.E. 791h Sy.-- • U r BISCAYNE z BAY 95 Q JUUA TUTTII CN ISEWAY CD VENETINI � -j S n c�ustWAr {+� MIAMI _ 9° IJ 7 BEACH MIAMI \` FISHER ISLAND GOVERNMENT RICKCNBACXM CUT CAUSEWAY �\ VIAGINIA KEY BEAR CUT KEY BISCAYNE ' 8000 cluPIX srJu 0 800,0 16000 x1 moo' CAPE FLORIDA PROJECT LATITUDE 25' 50' 27" N LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT LONGITUDE 080' 10' 32" W METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY DADS COUNTY Ln METRO-OADE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BAYWOOD PARK. 1 1 1 I1 W FIR51 SIRFFT SHORFUNIF RESTOR/010N_PROJECT t�14(Ivil 1-i_O(�4ljl. >>11f~ LOCATION MAP i`{ tc)1%'..d'IP(1 L V LLr yllVII�lt UIk3 Ic (]Im(P0INm,irp0" 6" r _ -- _ _ _ _ _-- '+ JOB No �G6o I�nAR. 1994 ;'1 MADhU(,A AVEWUE• SI}ITE 209 _ _D/�Tf-: CORAL Gn[3LE 5, FLOROA 33146 DRAVAIN BY LJL Sli[F 1 OF 6 UPLAND GRASSY AREA " _— EXISTING UPRIGHT EDGESEAWALL (TYP.) �s' m ESCARPMCNT ERODED D,yQP� AREA DRorcEN AIaD / ROTATED SECTION OF SEAWALL cl �. / 4 v ti� Sq 20 0 cwmc ocut70 .40 / ~ n DETAIL OF BROKEN WALL AREA wr• N.E. 71ST nRF_FT --—---1- .............. . � GRASSY ARFJ+— �• �' 1s1'1 EXISTING SEAGRASS R ERODED AREA LANDWARD OF d BROKEN WALL BROKEN AND ROTATED SECTION 1I OF SEAWALL � r — Gi.Ppl< °f111 50 () jn 140 BASELINE STATIONING x. ALL ELEVATIONS PEFERE14CED TO N.G.V.D. METRU—DADE _ METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY DADE COUNTY Ins 130ARD OF COMMISSIONERS f3AYW00D PARK 1 1 I N W FIRST STREET SHORELINE RESTOI:ATION PROJECT MIAMI. FLOMA -MlM 3 11 �� _ EXISTING �CONDITIONS �r�wr��ca�w� ooc� JOB No_566o DAI L MAR 1994 1570 I1I31:U(n AVENUE. SUIIF 209 CORAL Cn[;Lr_ I, 1 1-ORIDA .331 •16 DRAWN B)': LJL S11EE 1 2 Of 6 S YAl8OL !_ FGEAlD (�Q Flr'VS IRfE .t; SA©AL PALM IREE CAS -l•E 5 MAIIOGANI' wa PONYTAIL PALM TREE (r� ROYAL PALM iR£E O MANCROV£ TR£E gm c.l rcN LiAsIN �-16 ELEVAIION !✓llsrlr4C0 AT OECIMAL POINT/ APPROXIMATE SEAGRASS LINE 6�1` �gffi dam. PROPOSED PALM TREES EXISTING PARKING LOT7 I PROPOSED NATIVE SHRUBS 0 PROPOSED OAWALK' —� itil O lilt 13 EXISTING SEAWALL TO REMNN EXISTING SEAGRASS `li Q PROPOSED NATIVE LANDSCAPING (TYP.) EXISTING ��---- TREES A i- ED NATIVE SHRUBS E D --! 4 tEE. i %9� 1(llttl � curvk ccatc 5(Osue--_`i0 100 ( ul rtir l PROPOSED RIPRAP V TO 2' DIAMETER NATIVE LIMESTONE PROPOSED MANGROVE PLANTER AREA EL. +1.00' NGVD APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED ARTIFICIAL REEF RF_D MANGROVES �. �(yZl :S' O.C. �-Y PfjOPO`�ED �L. +1.0' NGVD 25 0 cumc �25 50 ( (N rut 1 ouu: r-so• DETAIL OF MANGROVE PLANTER/ARTIFICIAL REEF M�rRo—METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY DnDE DADE CouNrr BAYWOOD PARK �l =. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SHORELINE RESTORATION PROJECT III N.W. FIRST SIRECT PROPOSED CONDITIONS (JJOBNo.�-,1,60-- DATE: MAR-- 1994 11 lOL1G5'1111 l f-(� 19C][�IR'�t�iSl [� Ip GIifY�(rllydl�'!1'Il1�lG7 '� 1570 MP.ORUGA AVCNU! , SUITE 209 CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33146 1fiAWN HY' LJr_ SFiE[l 3 01 6 r Cl. tRuwRot TO OE RCR SE. 20 atRLT 6V[LM Moos p MU Or U tp C T.O ROTOED LaGv.:pN st- z nr -o.a• n o ¢ �r- :o v n I W \ 7> 41 ��O -20 > O •�� ! s' > m -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 p C - Z O �jl! = 00 >I�-� ti EXISTING GRADE AT SECTION A —A a �! 0 3 r SCALE: 1" = 30' v 0 nI< I n 1".7 w n ii R rrr�rn or ire anew N I i� RpyaD uz I eF PtA= w}l.iR ray O N Y ] 1Or S[ ,_S ✓t,C MSFNrc m l ! I ]0• Jr to• i t i{ 0 20 ]'+' ERFS ROTy Rm wCJRYCL �mP�R IRLKTKMj C _ � �I [p J' O.G wivCpNC5T0u[ Cv Z O41 a f.RU.i51" ra.n.i Cl.t• ....I 7, - if v^+ti•0 .r e•yy 50 .0 5(F vJ VOv[M. t' MCn 1p w.M u�6tONC PRONSF] lOr RRO'CSCO Mt,rtLYF 1t5r: .4; T� BC ".atlC \ I Ct c+. cc. •1+-i iv[ tINJSt PnaC U RPMP + BOvtDCP1 (t' TO J' 014) I 'J V Pucen m rraocR c A i� tas. eRHx r aSwtSt o C I (� - p . ., as_o r FL .,• t I JK A lIS At r. A At x At A Ai 'ri �- O f M I Q wF. a 4' I,0„I i .L-- -�t rtamJec^:�y Je ( ( niv. -� V / -:v- FT UPLu o __ J I L—e erw c Rxa a -. Z Z Q —10 -- {- p L E I. T P!P°JJ O � j c, I. TJ r.Tpt r.RR4 Z (11 DJtnOCRS nT X '.E A TO! �� SCSI -- Cr trµy ISFC �Ti. a r.!✓T'n t r"r. Ct C'N V uP K9 STRvc,�.0 G; > Z -20 c '� -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0' 70 30 �O 50 60 70 80 90 100 ` X O O L I� ;W No o PROPOSED MANGROVE PLANTER/ARTIFICIAL REEF SECTION A -A T A z i C SCALE: 1" = 30' �O o Ga EXISTING CONCRETE NOTE: LIMIT OF RIPRAP SEAWALL SHAD_ MAINTAIN A MINIMUM DISTANCE 11� OF 2' FROM ANY 2' FROM _ll SEAGRASS Il 5 a PROPOSED 3 1' TO 2' DIA. I I tliP 0 LIMESTONE BOULDERS (' Z EL. +1.7' MHW __.—.—._—_—_---__ Z � 2 �1 I F l7 Z__—.___ Q _—...------ — EL -0.4- ►ILW J J -2 w -3 3.5' ~ MAX. �OF _ LIMITS LIMITS OF _5 EXISTING RIPRAP SEAGRASS FROM (LOCATION SEAWALL VARIES) TYPICAL PROPOSED SECTION OF RIPRAP AT TOE OF WALL - SECTION B-F SCALE: 1/4" = I'-O" MCTRO- ODEMETROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY DADE COUNTY METRO-DnDE , �? e' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BAYWOOD PARK �' �r� { �r•'`��� III N.W FIRST STREET SHORELINE RESTORATION PROJECT ! MIAUI. H-OI.IDA 33128 — -- ----- "/ cl -j __ _ _ SECTION B-B, TOE RIPRAP _--I l I011i,'U4(1L7 [nl(1M JOB No. .1)(560 1 ()%jIF' MAR, 1994 -- 1 370 MAD(.U(A AVI JUE, SUIT(_ 209 r ORAI GABLES, FLORIDA 33146 DRAWN BY. L -ET 5 OF 6 r NOTES All elevations are referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929. These drawings are permit sketches intended for regulatory evaluation of this project. They are not intended for construction. The line of existing seagrass is approximate and is shown for illustrative purposes for regulatory evaluation. This information is derived from a Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management biological assessment of the site performed on January 28, 1994. Approximately 630 cy of material is proposed to be excavated for the construction of the mangrove planter. Of this total, approximately 30 cy will be taken from the area below MHW which was formed by the breaking and rotation of the center portion of seawall. The remaining 600 cubic yards will be taken from the area above MHW. ' Approximately 737 cy of riprap is proposed for this project as follows: Reef. 431 cy Along Seawall: 65 cy Planter Riprap: 241 cy �4- 435 METRO-DnDE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY DADE couNrr 0 •, BOARD Or COMMISSIONERS BAYW000 PARS: 111 N.W. FIRST STR[ET SHORELINE 1RES10RA]10H PROJECT -- hJl/I41 ILI)RIDA 3_71126' ri o !aI a III IL (� [ J( lUO,I�JIr',17 �UG�G OO fr1(a40 o G1 JOB W. 5660 _ OM[ : MAR. 1994 1 S I0 MADRUc,A AVF NUE , SUITL 209 CORAL cnlsl_r_ . FLORIDA 331,16 DRAWN BY LJI_ SH[[T 6 OF 6 SEC 18 T 53 S R 42 E DEC 139 1992 PREPARED BY AIA L PHOTOGRAmMETRIC CONSULTANTS Wlll::gh,OY OHP Colulb,—OH Lak,tlnd.FL 0 . CO Ill.b-9 P. All —.GA , M-w" M310 _1: Alp t . t f�.7.vf A It � !� y� � •5 � 4 ' 1 � } �}y. L.,y �' �� ;�}�Vh�tyys t��t t1 rA 1p t.Ri `mot °^ . J,e �t'F' j `k': k�f r;r. { a:.���� i Jtr �, �• ,,.� j " �'ftA ,,fy_'�, i - _i,�YA�, ,II � . f: � � �; '.' �.:.,.4• t o r— _, �-rj —._ .. � , , � i��t` - Jk F ;?af.A'[' d1 5 �i '. r '' ,� ` " I.4� �`d t, .�. r at• sT`f je ¢'j� "r;; e. �4 , �sr� g't,,.'at ! w t r ��.. rY' `"" f ` r" i ,`• x f ry 7 `� , rr^ Al r �•� n . �� a"�"ai •�a•- � � ,�� 's�•J��1Pt`.. �I J�°. - �� �.. .1 d �t'? C Ce�' ;, •..'` t y� ` �} -tfi - •T' /v'� �. / r�'a iy,1tQ �ir�4 S f_'f�• '4".' -r�".. �,.. ,jq`'`,.r �'.. Am'. .S.YI.: rJ,1 R T V. S6{r-P(4'1. ?I� �� y.., �, 3�.� .�' 4l 1�" ?. • �� _ r nya.$��.5.?t,C.�'g• xb'�'4i` w. rr?�rrg„+•��ru; .,bye°ti.t � 5 ! ff ¢+Nt'a �'` 1 ���r .�. � s� J� Si,��.t'}�j, S'r�: . ,Ry'�,� • � � �t� �..r,! �� o ,•.r� � . 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K x�^,rte F, $j ?,� r N� � } 3 ', )t �f .. _.•,y. ,r7 i*' r � t.;: f � r� J[•' 7.�,v. t ^t �i �'�. X" . yat, K.�Z pt�,�' r � � t_ t .\ rk''... SF ;t't t+•.. , '1�s r2{�{�r7 a-kr.(--0Ctx �2.5 vFt� C .r ! > bi' �4 � ,�} .c r�J �.:�tr • � �.�Ua 7 a �.�,+(.§., y5 err„ 'tr �v� i3�� b�a 1�i� .-`� .- � i '.: �j..1?'.2'.� f.L;,,,�,'a,{.•,''o ��? r r >: �$'?`1r rt7 r+t'j.Yr'ti1`tk"st 'it ,t it f+�*i,t i f, `4.�.! k i l5 M Y'F� �• E`r at;yi a f 4`• • i YS'�Y,� ., �+'ktt!', v ! r/? �strt��;rti��r�a`�,�i'SAt�i,.�`�.,���"w��F.�! SEC 18 i 53 S -- R 42 E DEC 13, 1992 PREPARED By 4 — r V INTERNATiONAL PHOTOGRA MME TRIG CONSULTANTS W IIloogn�y. ON ColumOut OH L.L.bnC.FL ' On n..r. CO Pl its Dura n. PA Atlant..GA _ C."12 w�� + 1z,. _..y�ql DJt 1"� i".•.2.:. 'a ja� ! � .1. G � j) t at.e?< ➢ 'r5 x^� ` �l � _ '�a}j. 7' I� J 1 , t .. e i4 .• J .. r _ � — -_ __.. �yt ..� � � ^R.: ,.Dj .�— .. �j � ,rl , a •t. I�t' e ' 1 i SeT_.! - :�i {��Lt''"',`� �s^if' 7r f;} _ ' �i it � }} f -�i _t D� � 1 - �� `. f•• �g ���'.l s.k¢� ftv ^._ w. -4;_ - c • i?' �^"'... �:- ►* r-r;?"Da•. ` + 1 �_y. r 3• �: _ J „tr " .-- , _ 4. ` 1 �''� �- rY, •+"�ri--Be-�_ - _ ]d'� ` r ` - 1� +�^� •��. t. wan L �� TIN ITO '� � , ty�. - � � ~ ( � — _ e, ✓➢ ; (( J^ •1 � _ Z a'I fir" � � � ��iA , Will, ■ill[iilil�ii on I m FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT Chapter 16T-2 Waterways Assistance Program 16T-2.001 Purpose 16T-2.002 Forms 16T-2.003 Definitions 16T-2.004 Policy 16T-2.005 Funds Allocations 16T-2.006 Application Process 16T-2.0061 Emergency Applications 16T-2.007 Application Form 16T-2.008 Project Eligibility 16T-2.009 Project Administration 16T-2.010 Project Agreement 16T-2.011 Reimbursement 16T-2.012 Accountability 16T-2.013 Acknowledgment 16T-2.001 PURPOSE. Recognizing the importance and benefits of inland navigation channels and waterways, as well as noting problems associated with the construction, continued maintenance and use of these waterways, the Florida Legislature created s. 374.976 Florida Statutes. This law authorizes and empowers each inland navigation district to undertake programs intended to alleviate, the problems associated with its waterways. The purpose of this rule is to set forth the District's policy and procedures for the implementation of an assistance program 34- 435 under s. 374.976 F.S. for local governments, member counties and navigation related districts within the District. This program will be known hereafter as the Florida Inland Navigation District's Waterways Assistance Program. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New .12/17/90. 16T-2.002 FORMS. All forms for the administration of this program are .available from the District office located at 1314 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, Florida 33477. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. 16T-2.003 DEFINITIONS. The basic terms utilized in this rule are defined as follows: (1) "APPLICANT" means an eligible governmental agency submitting an application through this program. (2) "APPLICATION" means a project proposal with the required documentation. (3) 11AUTHORIZED SUBMISSION PERIOD" means the established period for submitting applications to the District. (4) "BOARD" means the Board of Commissioners of the Florida Inland Navigation District. (5) "DISTRICT" means the Florida Inland Navigation District (F.I.N.D.). (6) "ELIGIBLE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY" means member counties, local governments and navigation related districts within the taxing boundaries of the District. 94- 435 P) (7) "EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR" means the Executive Director of the Florida Inland Navigation District. (8) "LIAISON AGENT" means the contact person officially designated to act on behalf of the applicant or the project sponsor. (9) "LOCAL GOVERNMENTS" means municipalities, cities, or consolidated county governments, which are located within the member counties. (10) ""MATCHING FUNDS" means those funds used by the local sponsor to match the program funds on a dollar per dollar basis. (11) $'MEMBER COUNTY" means a county located within the taxing boundaries of the District which includes Duval, St. Johns, Flagler, Volusia, Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade Counties. (12) "NAVIGATION RELATED DISTRICTS" means port authorities, inlet districts or any other agency having legally authorized navigation related duties in waterways of the District. (13) "PROGRAM" means the Florida Inland Navigation District Waterways Assistance Program. (14) "PROGRAM FUNDS" means financial assistance awarded by the Board to a project for release to the project sponsor pursuant to the terms of the project agreement, (15) "PROJECT" means a planned undertaking consisting of eligible program facilities, improvements or expenses for the use and benefit of the general public. 34- 435 1 3 S (16 ) 01PROJECT AGREEMENT" means an executed contract between the District and a project sponsor setting forth mutual obligations regarding an approved project. (17) "PROJECT MANAGER" means the District employee who is responsible for monitoring the performance of the Project and compliance with project agreement. (18) "PROJECT PERIOD" means the approved time during which costs may be incurred and charged to the funded project. (19) "PROJECT SPONSOR" means an eligible governmental agency receiving program funds pursuant to an approved application. (•20) "WATERWAYS" means the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, all navigable rivers, bay, creeks or lagoons intersected by said waterway and all navigable natural creeks, rivers, bays or lagoons entering or extending from said waterway. (21) "WATERWAY RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION" means an interdisciplinary holistic process by which the learner: develops an awareness of the natural and manmade environments of waterways; develops knowledge about how the environment of the waterways works; acquires knowledge about the technological, social, cultural, political, and economic relationships occurring in waterway related environmental issues; and becomes motivated to apply action strategies to maintain a balance between quality of life and quality of the environment of waterways. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. Amended 4/29/92. 16T-2.004 POLICY. The following constitutes the policy of the District regarding the administration of the program. 4 34- 435 (1) Financial assistance, support and cooperation may be provided to eligible governmental agencies for approved projects as follows: (a) Member counties may be provided financial assistance, support or cooperation in planning, acquisition, development, construction, reconstruction, extension, improvement, operation or the maintenance of public navigation, public recreation, inlet management, environmental education, law enforcement and boating safety projects directly related to the waterways. Member counties may also be provided financial assistance, support and cooperation in planning and carrying out beach renourishment projects and inlet management if the Board finds that the project is a benefit to public navigation. (b) Eligible local governments may also be provided financial assistance, support and cooperation in planning and carrying out public navigation, public recreation, inlet management, environmental education, law enforcement and boating safety projects directly related to the waterways. Eligible local governments may also be provided financial assistance, support and cooperation in planning and carrying out beach renourishment and inlet management projects if the Board finds that the project benefits public navigation. (c) Navigation related districts may be provided with financial assistance to pay part of the costs of the planning and acquisition of dredge material management sites if the Board finds that the site is required for the long range maintenance of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway channel. All such sites must meet the development and operational criteria established by the District through a.long range dredge material. management -plan for that county. Navigation related districts may also be provided with assistance for environmental mitigation projects associated with waterway improvement related activities and inlet management projects if the Board finds that the project benefits public navigation in the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. All navigation related districts shall contribute at least equal matching funds to any District financial assistance provided. (2) The District will notify by direct mail and/or advertised public notice all eligible governmental agencies of the program and the upcoming authorized submission period. Funding allocations to navigation related districts, member counties and local governments shall be based upon the proportional share of the District's ad valorem tax collections from each county. (3) Approval of projects by the District shall be in accordance with these rules. (4) The District and the project sponsor shall enter into a project agreement prior to the release of program funds. (5) The project sponsor shall clearly identify and enumerate the amount and source of the matching funds it will be using to match the program funds supplied by the District for an approved project. The project sponsor shall provide suitable evidence that it has the matching funds available at the time the project agreement is executed. (6) The District shall release program funds in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the project agreement. This release of program funds shall be on a reimbursement only basis. (7) The site of a proposed land -based development project shall be dedicated for the public use for which the project was intended for a minimum period of 25 years after project completion. Such dedication shall be in the form of a deed, lease, management agreement or other legally binding document and shall be recorded in the public property records of the county in which the property is located. (8) Facilities funded in whole or in part by program funds shall be made available to the general public of all the member counties on a non-exclusive basis without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex or similar condition. (9) The project sponsor shall not commence work on the project prior to the execution of the project agreement unless authorized by the Board. (10) The project shall be completed within three (3) calendar years of the date of the execution of the project agreement. (11) Project funds shall not be spent except as consistent with the project agreement cost estimate which shall be an attachment to the project agreement. (12) All project costs must be incurred and work performed within the project period as stipulated in the project agreement. 4- 45 7 (13) The project sponsor is responsible for obtaining and abiding by any and all federal, state and local permits and regulations in the development of the project. (14) All development projects must be designed so as not to impact navigation along the District's waterways through the placement of structures, attendant uses, or the necessity of a boating speed zone for safety purposes. Before applying for boating speed zone designation in District waterways because of a project funded by this program, the sponsor shall first receive approval from the Board. (15) The project sponsor shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and management of the project for the anticipated life of the project and shall be responsible for all expenses required for such purposes. The project shall be maintained in accordance with the standards of maintenance for other similar local facilities and in accordance with applicable health standards. Project facilities and improvements shall be kept reasonably safe and in reasonable repair to prevent undue deterioration and to encourage public use. The project sponsor shall have full legal authority and financial ability to operate and maintain the project facilities. (16) The District shall terminate a project agreement and demand return of program funds disbursed to the project sponsor for non-compliance with any of the terms of the project agreement or this rule. Failure of a project sponsor to comply with the provisions of this rule or the project agreement shall result in the District declaring the project sponsor ineligible for further 84- 45 participation in the program until such time as compliance has been met to the satisfaction of the District. (17) The project sponsor shall hold the District free and harmless from any and all demands, claims, causes of action, expenses, attorney's fees, losses, damage liabilities, awards and judgments that may arise from or relate to the project. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) and (2) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. Amended 12/20/93. 16T-2.O05 FUNDS ALLOCATION. The District will notify potential eligible governmental agencies of the availability of program funding. (1) Financial assistance to eligible government agencies shall not exceed the proportional share of the District's ad valorem tax collections from each county in which such agencies .are located. (2) All financial assistance and support to eligible governmental agencies shall require matching funds from the project sponsor with the exception of public navigation, law enforcement and environmental education projects. (3) Projects and/or project elements in the categories of public navigation, law enforcement and environmental education may recieve funding in excess of fifty per cent of the projects total cost. Eligible projects and/or project elements in these categories may include: (a) Public navigation 1. Navigation channel dredging 2. Navigation channel lighting and markers 94- 435 9 3. Waterway signs and buoys for safety, regulation or information (b) Law enforcement 1. Waterways boating safety programs 2. Law enforcement and boating safety equipment (c) Waterways Related Environmental Education 1. Environmental Education Programs 2. Environmental Education Facilities Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) - (3) F. S. History -New 12/17/90. Amended 6/24/93. 16T-2.006 APPLICATION PROCESS. (1) Applications for assistance through this program will be submitted during the authorized submission period which is from March 1st through May 1st of each year, unless modified by vote of the Board at a scheduled meeting. The project sponsor shall approve the submission of an application by official resolution from its governing board or commission. Said resolution shall be made on F.I.N.D. Resolution Form No. 90-21 (effective date September 15, 1990) hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office located at 1314 Marcinski Road, Jupiter, Florida 33477. (2) Applications will be reviewed by the local F.I.N.D. Commissioner before being submitted to the District office. Upon receipt in the District office, staff will review the applications for completeness of the informational requirements and for compliance with the eligibility requirements of this rule. When an application is determined by staff to be 10 �-' 435 I incomplete or ineligible, Staff will immediately inform the applicant by mail. The applicant will then have until the final presentation date to bring the application into compliance. If the applicant fails to provide a complete application in compliance with these rules, the application will not be considered for funding. (3) Applications determined to be complete and in compliance with this rule will be.forwarded to the Board for review and then scheduled for presentation to the Board at a scheduled meeting of the Board. The applicant's presentation will at a minimum include a discussion of the applicants answers to the Evaluation and Rating Criteria on Form No. 91-25. Following the presentations, the Board will review the applications and evaluate them using the Project Evaluation and Rating Form No. 91-25 (effective date December 10, 1993) hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office. (4) The Board will hold a funding allocation meeting at which time the Board will determine the allocation of funds, if any, to each project. Allocations will be based in part upon the cumulative score of the applications as calculated from the Project Evaluation and Rating Form. Allocations will also be based upon the specific needs of the individual counties. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. Amended 4/29/93 & 6/24/93. 16T-2.0061 EMERGENCY APPLICATIONS. Emergency i applications may be submitted to the District and considered by the Board at any time during the year to provide assistance to an i �� 1 eligible applicant for the removal of navigation obstructions and repair or replacement of waterway facilities damaged -by a declared natural disaster. The District shall consider these applications in accordance with these rules and any funding allocated will not exceed the provisions of s.16T-2.005. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 6/24/93. 1. 16T-2.007 1 APPLICATION FORM. Florida Inland Navigation District Waterways Assistance Program Application Forms Number F.I.N.D. 90-22 (effective date December 10, 1993) and 93-22A (effective date September 10, 1993) are hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office. All applications for financial assistance and support through this program from member counties and local governments shall be made on Form Number F.I.N.D. 90-22 this form. All applications for financial assistance and support through this program from navigation related districts shall be made on Form Number F.I.N.D. 93-22A. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. Amended 6/24/93. 16T-2.008 PROJECT ELIGIBILITY. (1) Financial assistance and support through this program shall be used to plan or carry out public navigation, public recreation, environmental education, boating safety, spoil site acquisition, inlet management, environmental mitigation and beach nourishment directly related to the waterways. 4_ 4J5 12 (a) Program funds may be used for projects such as acquisition planning, development, construction, reconstruction, extension, improvement, operation or maintenance of the following types of projects for public use on land and water. These project types will be arranged into a priority list each year by vote of the Board. The priority list will be distributed to applicants with the project application. 1. Public boat ramps and launching facilities 2. Public navigation channel dredging 3. Public navigation channel lighting and markers 4. Waterway signs and buoys for safety, regulation or information 5. Public boat docking and mooring facilities 6. Public shoreline stabilization 7. Public spoil disposal. site development 18.; Waterways related environmental education programs and facilities 9. Public fishing and viewing piers 10. Public waterfront boardwalks 11. Waterways boating safety programs and equipment 12. Inlet management projects related to waterway navigation improvement 13. Beach renourishment projects related to waterway navigation improvement 14. Other waterway related projects. (b) Project costs ineligible for program funding or matching funds will include any extraneous recreational amenities not i 13 94' ` AA 35 directly related to the waterway. Ineligible amenities may include the following: 1. Landscaping 2. Park and playground equipment 3. Restrooms for non -waterway users 4. Tennis courts 5. Roadways providing access to non -waterway users 6. Parking areas for non -waterway users 7. Utilities for non -waterway related facilities S. Lighting for non -waterway related facilities 9. Irrigation equipment 10. Maintenance equipment 11. Picnic shelter and furniture (c) The following project costs will be eligible for program funding or as matching funding subject to approval by the Board of an itemized expense list. Before reimbursement is made by the District on the following projects costs, the construction of the project will be completed to the Board's satisfaction: 1. Personnel costs 2. Equipment costs 3. Project management, administration and inspection 4. Design, permitting, planning, engineering, or surveying costs for a completed construction project 5. In -kind services 6. Restoration of sites disturbed during the construction of an approved project. 14 (d) Applications for eligible waterway projects which include construction elements below mean high water will be submitted as a phased project where Phase I will include the design, engineering and permitting elements and Phase II will include the construction of the project. A description and cost estimate of the Phase II work will be submitted along with the Phase I application for Hoard review. Applicants for Phase II funding will demonstrate that Phase I will be completed by the current completion date of the Phase I agreement prior to the funding of Phase II, provided, however, that in extraordinary situations this requirement will be waived by the Board of commissioners where an applicant has provided documentation of all of the following: 1. The delay in completing Phase I is for a reason or reasons outside the control of the applicant, and the applicant has demonstrated that it diligently proceeded in attempting to complete Phase I 2. All the impediments to completion of phase I will have been resolved on or before the District's final TRIM hearing at which the Phase II funding is to be finally approved, and the applicant has provided a timetable showing such completion of Phase I within this time period; and 3. A delay in funding Phase II would significantly increase the cost of Phase II, create a substantial likelihood that Phase II would not be accomplished, or adversely impact on public safety or the operation of District waterways. �4- 435 15 (2) The Board will make all final decisions on the eligibility of a Project or specific project costs. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) - (3) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. Amended 4/29/92, 6/24/93 & 12/10/93. 16T-2.009 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION. The District will administer all funded projects through an executed project agreement. The District will appoint a project manager who shall be responsible for monitoring project and the project agreement. The project manager shall also be responsible for approving all reimbursement requests. The project sponsor shall appoint a liaison agent to act on its behalf in carrying out the terms of the project agreement. Administration of the project will be as follows: (1) A project agreement will be executed between the District and the project sponsor. (2) The liaison agent will submit quarterly reports to the project manager summarizing the work accomplished since the last report, problems encountered, percentage of project completion and other appropriate information. These reports shall continue throughout the length of the project period until completion of the project. (3) The liaison agent may submit periodic reimbursement requests during the project period. The project manager will approve or disapprove all reimbursement requests. The final payment of program funds will be made upon certified completion of the project by the District. 4- 435 16 (4) Upon reasonable request, the project manager shall have the right to inspect the project and any and all records relating to the project. (5) Upon completion of the project, the liaison agent shall provide the following to the project managers (a) A Project Completion Certificate, F.I.N.D. Form No. 90- 23 (effective date September. 15, 1990) hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office, which certifies that the project was completed in accordance with the project agreement and the final project plans. (b) A final reimbursement request accompanied by all required billing statements and vouchers. (c) Photograph(s) showing the installation of the sign required by s. 16T-2.013. (d) Photograph(s) of the completed project clearly showing the program improvements. (6) The project manager will review the project completion package and will authorized or reject the final reimbursement payment which will include all retained funds from previous requests. Specific Authority 374.976 (2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. 16T-2.010 PROJECT AGREEMENT. (1) For each funded project, the District and the project sponsor will enter into a project agreement setting forth the mutual obligations of the parties concerning the project. The -/4- 4035 17 project agreement shall incorporate the applicable policies and procedures of the program as outlined in this rule. (2) All proposed changes to the project agreement must be submitted to the district in writing by the project sponsor accompanied by a statement of justification for the proposed changes. Agreed changes shall be evidenced by a formal amendment to the project agreement. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 3.2/17/90. 16T-2.011 REIMBURSEMENT. The District shall reimburse the project sponsor for project costs expended on the project in accordance with the project agreement. Project funds to be reimbursed will require the submission of a Reimbursement Request Form and required supporting documents, F.I.N.D. Form No. 90-24 (effective date December 10, 1993) hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office. (1) All project costs shall be reported to the District and summarized on the Reimbursement Request Form. All requests for reimbursement shall include supporting documentation such as billing statements for work performed and canceled payment vouchers for expenditures made. (2) The District shall retain ten percent of all reimbursement payments until final certification of completion of the project. The District shall withhold any reimbursement payment, either in whole or part, for non-compliance with the terms of this agreement. 94-- 495 18 (3) The final reimbursement check shall be presented by a District representative to the project sponsor during a public commission meeting or public dedication ceremony for the project facility. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. Amended 3.2/10/93. 16T-2.012 ACCOUNTABILITY. The following procedures shall govern the accountability of program funds: (1) Each project sponsor is responsible for maintaining an accounting system which meets generally accepted accounting principles and for maintaining such financial records as necessary to properly account for all program funds. (2) The project sponsor shall submit quarterly project status reports to F.I.N.D. during the project period.. These reports will summarize the work accomplished since the previous report, problems encountered, percentage of project completion and any other appropriate information. (3) All required final completion certification documents and materials as outlined in s. 16T-2.009(5) of this rule shall be submitted to the District prior to final reimbursement of program funds. (4) All project records including project costs shall be available for review by the District or by an auditor selected by the District for 3 years after completion of the project. Any such audit expenses\ incurred shall be borne entirely by the project sponsor. 1 435 19 ` (5) The project sponsor shall retain all records supporting { iproject costs for three years after either the completion of the project or the final reimbursement payment, whichever is later, except that should any litigation claim, or special audit arise i before the expi-ration of the three year period, the project sponsor shall retain all records until the final .resolution of such matters. (6) If it. is found by any State, County, F.I.N.D., or independent audit that program funds have not been used in accordance with this rule and applicable laws, the project sponsor shall repay the misused program funds to the District. 1 Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. 16T-2.013 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The project sponsor shall i erect a permanent sign, approved by the. District, in a prominent location at the completed project which indicates the District's participation in the project. This sign shall contain the ! F.I.N.D. logo. In the event that the project sponsor erects a temporary construction sign, this sign shall also recognize the District's participation. If the final product of the project is a report, study or other publication, the District's sponsorship of that publication shall be prominently indicated at the i beginning of the publication. If the project results in an i educational display, the District's logo and a statement of the District's participation in the project shall be contained in the j display. 94- 435 ! 20 (4) Upon reasonable request, the project manager shall have the right to inspect the project and any and all records relating to the project. (5) Upon completion of the project, the .liaison agent shall provide the following to the project. manager: (a) A Project Completion Certificate, F.I.N.D. Form No. 90- 23 (effective date September 15, 1990) hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office, which certifies that the project was completed in accordance with the project agreement and the final project plans. (b) A final reimbursement request accompanied by all required billing statements and vouchers. (c) Photograph(s) showing the installation of the sign required by s. 16T-2.013. (d) Photograph(s) of the completed project clearly showing the program improvements. (6) The project manager will review the project completion package and will authorized or reject the final reimbursement payment which will include all retained funds from previous requests. Specific Authority 374.976 (2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. 16T-2.010 PROJECT AGREEMENT. (1) For each funded project, the District and the project sponsor will enter into a project agreement setting forth the mutual obligations of the parties concerning the project. The :A- 435 17 project agreement shall incorporate the applicable policies and procedures of the program as outlined in this rule. (2) All proposed changes to the project agreement must be submitted to the district in writing by the project sponsor accompanied by a statement of justification for the proposed changes. Agreed changes shall be evidenced by a formal amendment to the project agreement. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. 16T-2.011 REIMBURSEMENT. The District shall reimburse the project sponsor for project costs expended on the project in accordance with the project agreement. Project funds to be reimbursed will require the submission of a Reimbursement Request Form and required supporting documents, F.I.N.D. Form No. 90-24 (effective date December 10, 1993) hereby incorporated by reference and available from the District office. (1) All project costs shall be reported to the District and summarized on the Reimbursement Request Form. All requests for reimbursement shall include supporting documentation such as billing statements for work performed and canceled payment vouchers for expenditures made. (2) The District shall retain ten percent of all reimbursement payments until final certification of completion of the project. The District shall withhold any reimbursement payment, either in whole or part, for non-compliance with the terms of this agreement. 3 4 t) 18 (3) The final reimbursement check shall be presented by a District representative to the project sponsor during a public commission meeting or public dedication ceremony for the project facility. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. Amended 12/10/93. 16T-2.012 ACCOUNTABILITY. The following procedures shall govern the accountability of program funds: (1) Each project sponsor is responsible for maintaining an accounting system which meets generally accepted accounting principles and for maintaining such financial records as necessary to properly account for all program funds. (2) The project sponsor shall submit quarterly project status reports to F.I.N.D. during the project period. These reports will summarize the work accomplished since the previous report, problems encountered, percentage of project completion and any other appropriate information. (3) All required final completion certification documents and materials as outlined in s. 16T-2.009(5) of this rule shall be submitted to the District prior to final reimbursement of program funds. (4) All project records including project costs shall be available for review by the District or by an auditor selected by the District for 3 years after completion of the project. Any such audit expenses incurred shall be borne entirely by the project sponsor. :_J4- 435 19 (5) The project sponsor shall retain all records supporting project costs for three years after either the completion of the project or the final reimbursement payment, whichever is later, except that should any litigation claim, or special audit arise before the expiration of the three year period, the project sponsor shall retain all records until the final resolution of such matters. (6) If it. is found by any State, County, F.I.N.D., or independent audit that program funds have not been used in accordance with this rule and applicable laws, the project sponsor shall repay the misused program funds to the District. Specific Authority 374.976(2) F.S. Law Implemented 374.976(1) F.S. History -New 12/17/90. 16T-2.013 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The project sponsor shall erect a permanent sign, approved by the District, in a prominent location at the completed project which indicates the District's participation in the project. This sign shall contain the F.I.N.D. logo. In the event that the project sponsor erects a temporary construction sign, this sign shall also recognize the District's participation. If the final product of the project is a report, study or other publication, the District's sponsorship of that publication shall be prominently indicated at the beginning of the publication. If the project results in an educational display, the District's logo and a statement of the District's participation in the project shall be contained in the display. 4-- 4 35 20 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORID INTER -OFFICE MEMORA' Honorable Mayor and Members TO of the City Commission DATE F'LF Authorizing Grant Application SUBJECT Baywood Park Shoreli-ne Enhancement FROM Cesar H . Odlo City Manager REFERENCES Resolution, Application, Rule ENCLOSURES RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for grant funds in the estimated amount of $75,590 from the Florida Inland Navigation District under its Waterways Assistance Program for the Baywood Park Shoreline Enhancement Project. The legislation would further authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents and make all required certifications to said agency if the grant is awarded. BACRGRO'[lND The Parks and Recreation Department has prepared the attached documents for grant assistance from the Florida Inland Navigation District. The Baywood Park Shoreline Enhancement Project, on a comprehensive basis, will involve the modification of the existing collapsed seawall by constructing a mangrove planter, the installation of additional lime rock boulders to stabilize the remaining seawall. the construction of an artificial reef off the seawall, and selected upland improvements including a bay walk, as funds permit. This project has received the endorsement of area residents during community meetings held January 11 and March 3, 1994. The total estimated cost of the project is $199,992 and partial funding is currently available from the Biscayne Bay Environmental Enhancement Trust fund through Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management pursuant to Resolution No. 93-614 . We are seeking financial assistance from the Florida Inland Navigation District in the estimated amount of $75,590, or 38% of the project cost, to complete the project.