HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-0334J-94-378 4/25/94 :1 RESOLUTION NO. 9 4` 334 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION REQUESTING THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES TO RELOCATE ITS HEADQUARTERS TO DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND PREFERABLY THE CITY OF MIAMI; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE HEREIN NAMED OFFICIALS. WHEREAS, Miami has become known as the "capitol of the Americas" and the major gateway to and bridge between North America and South America; and WHEREAS, the President of the United States has selected Dade County and the City of Miami as the site to host the Pan American Summit of Hemispheric Presidents, further acknowledging the City of Miami within Dade County as the geographic and political link between North and South America; and WHEREAS, for the foregoing reasons the City of Miami, within Dade County, is the logical and practical choice to serve as the headquarters for the Organization of American States (OAS) which is currently headquartered in Washington, D. C.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 0 5 1994 Resolution No. 94- 334 Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and are incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Miami City Commission hereby formally requests the Organization of American States (OAS) to relocate its headquarters to Dade County, Florida, and speoifioally the City of Miami. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Joao Baena Soares, Secretary -General of the OAS and its members, the Board of County Commissioners, and the Dade County Congressional Delegation. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of May 1994. TEPHEN P. LARK, MAYOR ATT . MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: RAFAEL 0. DIAZ DEPUTY CITY &tTORNEY CSK:M4308 -2- APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A. Q L N CITY ATTor Y °4- 334 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO HONORABLE STEPHEN P. CLARK, MAYOR DATE: July 15, 1994 FILE AkEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION sueJEcr : Letter from Organiza- tion of American States 00 FROM RAI REFERENCES City Clerk ENCLOSURES: Attached hereto, please find a copy of a letter 'from Christopher R. Thomas, Acting General Secretary General of the Organization of American States, in response to the Miami City Commission's Resolution 94-334, which was passed and adopted on May 5, 1994. Said letter is being forwarded to you for your information. MH:vg Enc. a/s cc: Cesar H. Odio, City Manager (wlenc.) A. Quinn Jones III, City Attorney (wlenc.) g4-331- ORGANIZACION DE LOS ESTADOS AMERICANOS ORGANIZACAO DOS ESTADOS AMERICANOS ORGANISATION DES ETATS AMERICAINS ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES 17th Street and ConstitLAion A/enue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 June 30, 1994 Matty Hirai City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive P.O. Box 330/708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 Dear Mr. Hirai: I have forwarded a copy of the City Commission's Resolution 94-334 to the President of the Permanent Council for due consideration. I am pleased that the City Commissioners, in issuing an invitation to the OAS to establish headquarters in Miami, have recognized the vital role that the Organization plays in hemispheric affairs. It is gratifying to see that the work of the OAS is appreciated not only in Washington, D.C., the present headquarters of the OAS General Secretariat and Permanent Council under the OAS Charter, but also in the great city of Miami. Please be so kind as to thank the City Commissioners for the invitation. I extend my congratulations to them for their many successes in promoting closer commercial, cultural, and political ties within and among the Americas. Very truly yours, Christopher R. Thomas Acting Secretary General :r .ri 1 11 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : HONORABLE MEMBERS OF DATE : July 5, 1994 FILE : THE CITY COMMISSION SUBJECT : Letter from Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen concerning City's request that OAS relocate its Headquar- F MATTY HIRAI REFERENCES : ters to Miami City Clerk ENCLOSURES: J Attached hereto, please find a copy of a letter from Representative Ros-Lehtinen dated in response to the City of Miami Resolution requesting the Organization of American States (OAS) relocate its headquarters to Miami. Said letter is being forwarded to you for your information. MH:vg Enc. a/s cc: Cesar H. Odio, City Manager (w/enc.) A. Quinn Jones III, City Attorney (w/enc.) ILEANA RQS-LEHTINEN 18TH DISTRICT, FLORIDA w COMMITTEES: FOREIGN AFFAIRS s %dry oil, /y'; tI ,: f�lll 111 GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS Cottgre�$ of the Into otateo woute of Reproentatibeo June 20, 1994 Ms. Matty Hirai City Clerk, City of Miami Office of the City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive P.O. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 Dear Ms. Hirai: PLEASE RESPOND TO: 127 CANNON BUILDING ❑ WASHINGTON, DC 2051"918 j202) 226-3931 DISTRICT OFFICE: 5757 BLUE LAGOON DRIVE ❑ jNW 11TN STREET) SUITE 240 MuMI, FL 33126 1305) 262-1800 Thank you for your letter of June 6, 1994, in which you- shared with me the City of Miami Commission's Resolution No. 94--3-44, which 33y- resolves that the Organization of American States (OAS) be moved to Miami, Florida. Prior to the City's Resolution, "the Florida Congressional delegation wrote to President Clinton urging him to move the OAS headquarters to South Florida. Please find attached copies of both my letter and President Clinton's response to the request. The City of Miami has been the hub of the Americas for a considerable period of time. Miami's central location in the , cultural, social, and economic cross-roads in our hemisphere makes it a strong contender to be the host -site for any organization or event that connects the United States with our neighbors to the South. , President Clinton's selection of Miami as the venue of this fall's Summit of the Americas is symbolic of Miami's leading -city status in the Americas. I shall continue to keep you informed of any new developments on this issue, and hope that your office would let me know how I could be of further assistance. ' I wish your endeavors all success. IRL:ygjae Enclosure Sincerely, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Member of Congress G) PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 'ETER DEUTSCH • ,aTH DISTRICT. FLORIDA LUMMITTEE ON FOREIUN AFFAIRS .:: MMITTFE ON EURO►E ANT1 •NE MIDDLE EAST "USCOMM."'EE ON WESTERN HEMISPHERE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ON BANKING. FINANCE AND URBAN AFFAIRS 9US'COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS SUPERVISION REGULATION AND DEPOSIT INSURANCE 3. ECOMMITTEE ON HOUSING ANO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .°-USCCMMITTEE ON CONSUMER CREDIT '""D INSURANCE COMMITTEE ON MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES Congress of the Mnitea *tatez douse of Representatibes NasbtngtonT IBC 203 13-0920 President Bill Clinton The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: April 21, 1994 MAILING ADDRESS \ 425 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE 9CCG WAENINGTDN, DC 20515 2021 225-7931 2021 225-84S6 IrAAI MAIN DISTRICT OFFICE 10100 PINTS BLVD PEMaROKE PINES. FL 33025 13051 437-3935 13051 437-4776 IFAXI DADE 13051 371-FI721 KEY LARGO 13051 852-U 1 b9 BIG PINE 13051 872-3916 KEY WEST 13051 294-5815 We write to ask that you consider transferring the Organization of American States (OAS) headquarters from Washington DC to South Florida: As the "Capital of the AmericasfP and the gateway into Latin America, South Florida is the most logical place for the OAS to conduct its business. As the U.S.-,cultural center. that owes many of its rich traditions to Latin America, South Florida is the most accommodating location for the OAS membership. It is one of the nation's leading cosmopolitan centers with a record of hosting international dignitaries in its warm and hospitable climate. Miami International Airport is the one United States point of entry.through which all flights from.Latin America connect. ti This fact makes South Florida the most accessible location from all the OAS member nations. In addition, the enormous amount of trade that takes place between the Americas is largely routed through South Florida. This trade in commodities, from flowers to coffee, has only strengthened already existing ties in the Western Hemisphere. All of these reasons were taken in to account when Miami was chosen as the site for .the Western Hemisphere conference which will take place this fall. This same reasoning is equally valid when considering the transfer of OAS headquarters to a location in South Florida. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to working with you to bring the Organization of America States headquarters to South Florida. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Sinc `NTFD'IN RF CVl:.IZ �,4 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 1, 1994 Dear Representative Ros-Lehtinen: Thank you for your recent letter proposing that OAS headquarters be moved to south Florida. As you rightly note, south Florida has forged links with the rest of the hemisphere which recommend it almost uniquely for any activity joining the United States and our neighbors in the Americas. That special character led me to select Miami as the venue for this December's Summit of the Americas. I know that Miami and south Florida will create an environment in which this gathering will be a historic success. Seeking the transfer of the OAS headquarters from its present location, however, is a difficult task. The OAS Charter fixes Washington as the location and a consensus of the organization's 34 members would be required to amend the Charter. An effort to amend the Charter for this purpose would undoubtedly lead other member states to propose alternative locations abroad. At present, I do not believe there is sufficient basis or support within the OAS to bring about such a move. Your interest in Latin America and the OAS is well placed and I thank you for sharing your ideas with me. Sincerely, i The Honorable Ileana Ros-Lehtinen House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 ,"% MATTY HIRA1 City Clerk June 6, 1994 Joao Baena Soares Secretary -General Organization of American States 17th & Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager RE: CITY OF MIAMI REQUEST TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES TO RELOCATE ITS HEADQUARTERS TO DADE COUNTY Dear Secretary -General Soares: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of May 5, 1994, passed and adopted Resolution No. 94-334, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited resolution, which is self-explanatory. 4Re euy submitted, Y HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3500 Pan American Drive/P.O, Box 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0708/(305) 250-5360 t6t o�Rtantt u, , MATTY HIRAI City Clerk , (o.. E June 6, 1994 Mr. Harvey Ruvin Clerk of the Hoard of County Commissioners Suite 210, Metro Dade Center 111 N.W. 1st Street Miami, FL 33128-1974 RE: CITY OF MIAMI REQUEST TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN CESAR H. ODIO City Manager STATES 0 RELOCATE ITS HEADQUARTERS TO DADE COUNTY Dear M-Rn�in: Enclosed herein please find a copy of Resolution No.. 94-334, which was passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on May 5, 1994, which is self-explanatory. Please distribute one copy of said Resolution to the members of the County Commission. Thank you for your continued cooperation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, 10 MATT HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. als OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0708/(305) 250.5360 `Jtffi of pa tautt 01 s l� -1 .. 1 June 6, 1994 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager The Honorable E. Clay Shaw, Jr. 2267 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 RE: CITY OF MIAMI REQUEST TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES TO RELOCATE ITS HEADQUARTERS TO DADE COUNTY Dear Representative Shaw: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of May 5, 1994, passed and adopted Resolution No. 94-334, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited resolution, which is self-explanatory. Re ectfully submitted, TTY HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0708/(305) 250-5360 _fit#g of tamt N b/ r MATTY HIRAI r� �%� CESAR H. 0010 City Clerk `•� ,,,,,I 11,,, J`� City Manager r'0., F June 6, 1994 The Honorable Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 127 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 RE: CITY OF MIAMI REQUEST TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES TO RELOCATE ITS HEADQUARTERS TO DADE COUNTY Dear Representative Ros-Lehtinen: The City of Miami Commission,,, at its meeting of May 5, 1994, passed and adopted Resolution No. 94-334, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited resolution, which is self-explanatory. R ectfully submitted, 69!�4 . TTY HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0708/(305) 250-5360 MATTY HIRAI City Clerk S' �R t of �t June 6, 1994 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager The Honorable Lincoln Diaz-Balart 509 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 RE: CITY OF MIAMI REQUEST TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES TO RELOCATE ITS HEADQUARTERS TO DADE COUNTY Dear Representative Diaz-Balart: The City of Miami Commission," at its meeting of May 5, 1994, passed and adopted Resolution No. 94-334, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited resolution, which is self-explanatory. Respectfully submitted, MATT H I City lerk MH : vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0708/(305) 250-5360 t/� 4' .► � of t�xx�t MATTY HIRAI Cit Clerk CESAR H. ODIO Y ����I IY... ") City Manager rj'. Fes/ June 6, 1994 The Honorable Carrie P. Meek 404 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 RE: CITY OF MIAMI REQUEST TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES TO RELOCATE ITS HEADQUARTERS TO DADE COUNTY Dear Representative Meek: The City of Miami Commission,, at its meeting of May 5, 1994, passed and adopted Resolution No. 94-334, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited resolution, which is self-explanatory. Respectfully submitted, MATT , H I City Clerk MH:vg Enc . a, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0708/(305) 250-5360 of Sys MATTY HIRAI CESAR H. ODIO City Clerk Witt ,�,,, c .0 +� City Manager ` June 6, 1994 The Honorable Bob Graham 524 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 RE: CITY OF MIAMI REQUEST TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES TO RELOCATE ITS HEADQUARTERS TO DADE COUNTY Dear Senator Graham: The City of Miami Commission,. at its meeting of May 5, 1994, passed and adopted Resolution No. 94-334, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited resolution, which is self-explanatory. R ctfully submitted, MATTY HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/35W Pan American Drive/P.O. Bor 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0706/(305) 250-5360 of O,. ' MATTY HIRAI City Clerk . .i June 6, 1994 CESAR H. ODIO City Manager The Honorable Connie Mack 517 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 RE: CITY OF MIAMI REQUEST TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES TO RELOCATE ITS HEADQUARTERS TO DADE COUNTY Dear Senator Mack: The City of Miami Commission,,, at its meeting of May 5, 1994, passed and adopted Resolution No. 94-334, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited resolution, which is self-explanatory. Res,WWtfully submitted, TTY HIRAI City Clerk MH:vg Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/35W Pan American Drive'/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, Florida 33233-0708/(305) 250-5360 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA �� 4 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : The Honorable Members of the DATE : April 26, 1994 City Commission FILE SUBJECT FROM : Stephen P. Clark Mayor A REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Relocation of the Headquarters of O.A.S. It is respectfully requested that the attached Resolution regarding the relocation of the headquarters of the Organization of American States (O.A.S.) from Washington, D.C. to the City of Miami be placed on the regular agenda of the May 5, 1994 Commission meeting. cc: Cesar Odio, City Manager Elvi Gallastegui, Agenda Office �4- 334 I