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J-93-783 10/15i 93 RESOLUTION NO. 94— 277 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF J-C.I. INTERNATIONAL, INC. , IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $252,050.101, TOTAL BID OF TH�j PROPOSAL FOR CITYWIDE SIDEWAA REPLACEMENT PROJECT - PHASE V) B - 4 5 5 8 , WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FRO E FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 CAPITAL IMP ORDINANCE N0. 10938� PROJECT NO 1175, IN THE AMOUNT OF $252,050.1 0 COVER THE CONTRACT COST AND $43, 00 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXP ES, R AN ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF $2 88. AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER EX A CONTRACTS IN A FORT ACCEPTA TO CITY ATTORNEYS WITH WHEREAS, s ed bids re received October 7,1993, for CITYWIDE SIDE EP MENT P JECT - PHASE V B-4558; and WH AS, C anager and the Director of the DZon t is rks recommend that the bid from J.C.I. Ional, I c, e accepted as the lowest responsible and rA d.1 an Ca WHER, the Fiscal Year 1991-92 Capital Improvement n 0938, as amended, was adopted un January 23, 1992, s are available for the proposed amount of the contract, project expense, and incidentals under Project No. 341175 of said krdinance, , -'CANDED r a_a-D_ Y. Rescinded by R-94-485 NOW,. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. Section 1, The rec ita1s and findings contained i the Preamble to this Resolution dre hereby adopted by of ce thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set f in th Section. Section 2. The October 7, 1993, bi J.0 International, Inc. , in the proposed amou f 05 for the project entitled "CITYWIDE SIDEWAL EPLACEME PROJECT - PHASE V B-4558" for the total bid of p sal, ed on lump sum and unit prices, is hereby accep at price stated therein. Section 3. The total ima pro;;ect cost of $295,488.10 is hereby allocated t Fis Year 1991-92 Capital Improvement Ordinan No. 10938, lect No. 341175. Said total project cost cons s of th $252,050.10 contract cost and $43,438.00 e ed enses curred by the City. Secti 4. City "Manager is hereby authorized to enter into I nA o behalf of the City of Miami with J.C.I. al, I for CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PHASE V 3-4558, total bid of the proposal. This Resolution shall become effective upon its adoption. 1� The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. _2- 94- 277 Rescinded by R-94-485 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of April 1994. ATTEST MAAYHIRA1. CITY CLERK LEGAL REVIEW BY, G. IRIAM ER CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNE APPROVED AS TU FORM CITY ATT P. CLARK, CAPITAL PROJECT: PUBLIC WORKS :94- 277 Rescinded by R-94-485 11 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To Hunorable Mayur and Members of .the City Commission F•R r� FROM Cesar H. Odio City Manager RECOMMENDATION 47 DATE October 15 1993 ``%.4558 SUB.IECT Resolution Awarding Contract for CITYWIDE SIDEWALK DREPLACEMENT PROJECT - REFERENCES HAS E V ENCLOSURES It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt a resolution accepting the low bid of J. C. I. International, Inc.. a company located within Dade County and not within the City of Miami, for the CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT - PHASE V B-4558, received on October 7. 1993 in the amount of $252,U5U.10. Total Bid. authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City. BACKGROUND Amount of Bid: $252 U50.10 % of Cost Estimate: 100% Cost Estimate: $250.000.00 Source of Funds. Fiscal Year 1991-92 CIP Ordinance No. 10938, as amended, Project No. 341175 Minority Representation: 361 invitations mailed 20 contractors picked up plans & specs (11 Hispanic, 1 Black, 0 Female) 6 contractors submitted bids (5 Hispanic, 0 Black, 0 Female) Public Hearings/Notices: No public hearing. Assessable Project: No Discussion. The Department of Public Works has evaluated the bids received on October 1, 1993, and determined that the lowest responsible and responsive bid', in the amount of $252,050.1U is from J.C.I. International, Inc., a Hispanic -minority controlled corporation. Funds are available to cover the contract cost, and for such incidental items as postage, blueprinting, advertising, and reproduction costs. Attachment Pruv-,sed Resolution 94- 277 �.o F�+ I AI f t TABULATION OF 81DS FOR. CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT - PHASE V 11 1 1 A. . sN s[tssoflf. 1Nssl JC1 IN E MT ENGR CONS C T INC CARIVON CONST JECTS EAST CO2265 9w 132 !Tvn S.M. 94 A 9200 S.DAOELMIO � Low" is we cl of ON" ID l 1 it romell!I/ 016101. 11wc.111' Illarll sr.as YES H TOTAL95.000.00 1311.975.00 ND 610 OF ITEMS 1 Tm 7 LASED ONE (221 WMING DAY CMV%Mlaf TIME 1 f /1R 1 T i I':S LEC>@ID A 1 THE GWAI TIIENT `OF MK 1 C WOWS HAS OETERH I NED - w �.r-.��1e.rOle ® - Ib A/I IAewl1 M 10 tig11N A srpaw M 1111111114111 CaaM I hn 1 I N=m 1 h 1 • And Rmanan! 1 V! h 1 dds! I Is C-Carracld 081a la+a 1 C I In UW Iaml . Inc. in the Amount of ;252,050. 10. o -ftwml laal/n/ or lepprlV slid « r Ca lowsta sad , E - laalplaa sraadaaa ocl F - Mra-rapa+nlw NA G - Improper Bid sad H - Crvacld sls BID 92-95-166 I - Its First awes Mello CaAllefts sealrral J - Ilb ■1ar11' Orpllaa1:10 sommod K -111 &*I Iola s1/ hpae♦I ftep. mam&-i 7 f* FACT SHEET PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CATt /14 mN JOB0: 4S5__ CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLACE[KENT PROJEC w r: , 4„ � 6 LGCATION: CITYWIDE PHASE V rf": �� MWW%AL PAIfTWATM: Q P"*JLOT WXAW: A96*00100VAATMOff: AMM6IALJE: Q daMOtMCY: Q I�tOLtlT10M •: �� so IMxIMT: ►OPML ® WOIWAL. Q DESCRIPTION: This project will include elgAring and ad and removing tree roots and 1' Mr, eoanwut ON nt IAcu SCOPE OF SERVICES: cny OUiIM AMOUNT (fi OF CONST. COST) S6dRM / PLAT Q Q f flit wyeerOATION Q Q f PLANNNG AID STUDY Q Q 6 % Of (Eq oaaaM ® Q f 15 ,12 5.00 --6 _x oF(w WON AID Up MIDCBN © Q ft f 500.0g. ® % GF(ECT lLMB INnflMo AND ADVERVU M ® Q 6 1. 0 0 2_ 0 0 M COMlTRIJCtION ® ® C' 2 5522 , � 5. 0 .1.0 (6D1 cow. am. a A�uaMT f 17,645.00 �7 OF go OTIm Testing ® Q �% f5,000.00 sue, fi WWAL S 291. 322.10 lax afttTc=?0 (1.43%) • 4,166.00 (E) (0&FW) RelarmamcolNr.eaA: f 250, 000.00 YOrAL f295, 488.10 Rl� CONTRACTOR'S WFOaMATION: CLAM: QJ ® © "M OF 41mmry Qj ® M hAAS OR MTANLMIMllf T: 3 LcllW 12 914 5 - 9 wuM: _JGI INTERNATIONAL. IJE , Ttl.lI NG C305) 254—la44 AooI : 12265 S .W.' 132 Court OOMTACTPrYOIt_ulie HAMM. Martiecz CLAW, r. PAW $a fw re�Mrr. �. fuof M. laf►AIfC r. rMrKs • • �,.l,w row. .+. wwlw% �Tw gwr., MV. w" 6N 9 4 - 277 d. 81CIIRIZT LIS? sit I? t Citywide Sidewal)i Rene aCjemP-n,,t Eroiart - V _ B- 4 5 5 3 s I D V 0. s 92-9 3-16 8BATZ XTD(S) XTD(S) OPINED: -October 7y1993 lC%' L°i —--- —_ IOTA PHAPH-ISM . S; IDbBR MR AiRl T 56SSI=R_i-CHECR� Prgjegts East CgUstguction—In no b_ -ice 8311,975.00 ar' n gonstruction Co. 5% Urban Constructors, Inc.295,000.00 5% Construction $237,450.00 vouciier -Royal:_Engineering * JCI International, Inc. $251 73� 6.20 5% *(only submitted one copy) e ------ - - -- -- - -- -- ______ -- --L-------------- ___ ____ __-__-_e __--_____-w.�__ _____ M _•_-__MN ___0_____-r___ `__N-__w_--___ __M _-___M Mom_ --------------------- --e----------- ___,_received (E) envelopes on behalf o! (Parson receiving bids)' ,,,,.nartment of Pub_li_c Works _ on ��� '7� �• (City Departmant)- SIGNEDr _ _ (D• Uty Ci - lark) CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Matty Hirai City Clerk V FROM: Tony,, Prat Department of Public Works DATE : September 7, 1993 FILE : SUBJECT: CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT - PHASE V B-4558 REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: BID NO. 9 2- 9 3 -16 8 Contractors will submit bids for the above reference project to be opened on: October 7, 1993 Time: 10:30 AN. Any bid submitted after the above appointed time will not be accepted by the City Clerk. Please make the necessary provisions for this bid opening. A representative from our Department will be present. We will notify you in writing if there will be a postponement or cancellation prior to the opening of bids. .N BID. NO. 92-93 168 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sedled bids for "CITYWI.DE SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT- PHASE V B-4558", will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida at 10:30 AM on the 7th day of October, 1993, at the City Clerk's Office, first floor of the Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida, 33133, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Any bid submitted after the above appointed time will not be accepted by the City Clerk. The project consists of the removal and replacement of approximately 55,000 square feet of concrete sidewalk at locations throughout the City. Construction includes. the following. clearing and grading, pruning and removing tree roots and limbs if necessary, constructing new 4" and 6" concrete sidewalk, and incidental surface restoration if necessary. Bidders will furnish a bid bond in accordance with Resolutions No. 86-983 and No. 87-915. Fur clarification of technical issues as presented in documents and specifications, please contact Richard Blount, Project Manager, at (305) 579-6865. Prospective bidders will be required to submit, with their bid, a copy of the appropriate Certificate of Competency, as issued by Dade Count,y,in accordance with Chapter 10 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code, which authorizes the bidder to perform the proposed work. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. New City regulations will require each bidder to submit proposals in duplicate originals. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Office of the Director of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida, 33128, on or after September 16, 1993. If bidders wish, a set of plans and specifications will be mailed to them by writing to the Department of Public Works and including a separate check for $8. There will be a $20 deposit required for the first set of specifications. Additional sets may be purchased for a fee of $20 per set and this is not refundable. Deposits will be refunded only upon the return of one set of specifications to the Department of Public Works, unmarked and in good condition within two (2) weeks after the opening of the bids. Bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10062 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. The City will expect prospective bidders to submit an Affirmative Action Plan, as defined in said Ordinance, and as required in the Instructions to Bidders. The City of Miami has adopted Ordinance No. 10032, which implements the "First Source Hiring Agreement." The object of this ordinance is to provide employment opportunities to City of Miami residents on contracts resulting in the creation of new permanent jobs. Contractors may be eligible for wage reimbursement under this program. For further information contact the Department of Public Works, City of Miami, at (305) 579-6856. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any Manager may reject any of all bids, and readvertise (B-4558, Req Cesar H. Odio City Manager contain provisions time. The Ci ty bid, and t ,.City . 5730)."�'' .r. t n inp REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT DEPT/DIV. public WoLks; Ac3ininistyat" 0", A COUNT CODE C.I.P. #341175 - k4j)UiX coDi3 $3$ iJl-2 7 This number must appear in the advertisement. KID too. 5730 92--93-168 P DATE Si✓�t�'mb5 /c-r_ 3 ° 1 SP� ONE t3 r` APPROVED BY: 1 lj Tony PraL kEPARED BY DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT i i Publish the attached advertisement "r) c' cs times. (number of times) ) Type of advertisement: legal classified display (Check One) Size: Starting date Sel't-ert:ae':r l tt r I.93 cj First four words of advertisement: "'"I c G `' "' 7r,....l. ��` S tf6 i. 0 i`, Remarks: "s. 1 !'t. r, )is .,ii;tce' _i�iC rL.L;l-TrlP�i.:i Fr f`1_' 551: t; P DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. DATE(S) OF LINE PUBLICATION ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE AMOUNT 0 to A-1 B-2 D-4 .�. r 1 E-5 F3 ' F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE '• TRANS VOUCHER DUE DATE YY MM DIDAdv. Doc. Reference VENDOR INDEX CODE OBJECT PROJECT 11 13 1 117 18 1 125,34 39,42 45 50151 56 57 62 63 65 66 71 0, 1 j2i 14 1= V MP I I I 1 1 12 10121 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 7 1 21614 7 8 V P 121314 15 DESCRIPTION 36 64 DISCOUNT69 72 AMOUNT 80 5 2 0 0 2 0 1 Approved for Payment White — Purchasing Yellow - Finance Pink — Department