HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-019017 Ask w THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM AT A PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $150, 000. 00, AND THOMAS MAINTENANCE SERVICE FOR THE FURNISHING OF EVENTS MAINTENANCE SERVICE TO THE BOBBY MADURO STADIUM AT A PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $3,000.00i FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $153, 000 00, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND, FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT CODE NOS. 350503-340 ($150,000.00) AND 350502-340 ($3,000.00); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS SERVICE AND THEREAFTER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS AT THE SAME PRICE, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. T.T'ffT2T%" A cnv e x7 i r e'" 4 i. Y !.4 roit ✓ .. ... i i - t A Y 00) a. WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to fifteen (18) potential bidders and three (3) bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds for this service are available from Account Code Nos. 360603-340 ($150,000.00) and 350502-340 ($3,000.00); and WHEREAS, this service will be used by the Department of Conferences, Conventions and Public Facilities to ensure maintenance service during and after scheduled events; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Conferences, Conventions and Public Facilities recommend that the bids received from South Florida Maintenance Service and Thomas Maintenance Service be accepted as the lowest most responsible and responsive bids; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and inoorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The January 19, 1994 bids of South Florida Maintenance Service for the furnishing of events maintenance service to the Orange Bowl Stadium, at a proposed annual cost of $150,000.00, and Thomas Maintenance Service for the furnishing of event maintenance service to the Bobby Maduro Stadium, at a proposed annual post of $3,000.00, for a total proposed annual cost of $153,000.00, on a contract basis for a period of one (1) year with the option to extend for two additional one (1) year a —2— 94- 190 I+�"����{ c� k�%z:,y+ ti v t� ?�at�' i �`' .rE,'C.4 �: s :..t 1 ` I, FLORIDA BID NO 93--`J4-U41 (Continued) THOMI"� IAINTENANCE SERVICE f �s :BID SHEET AND ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RETURNED IN TRIPLICATE IN THE CHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER, TIME AND DATE 'OF BID OPENING. t ,SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A BID WILL NOT BE, ACCEPTED UNLESS THE DEPOSIT„OR ; ND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. r � ,ms:`10--14 days (Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) I Iditional discount'of 2 if awarded all items. 3rranty and�or guarantee: Bidder guarantees above discount and p rnp pr cartti ro_. eliveryi 14 calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order or Notice `f; Award. -7 Number of calendar days required to complete work after start. n .accordance with the Invitation to Bid, the specifications, General Conditions, Special onditions,and General Information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Items) ate Prices ndicated on the attached bid sheet(s) NAMES OF COMPANY OWNER(S): NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICER(S):' Melvin ThomnMelvin C_ Thnma�r,, PrP3Sdb'n:L/ OWnev Mary C. Thomas Mary C. Thomas, Vice President List principal business address: (street address) 17200 SW-137 Ave., Miami, FL 33156 -_ b),List all other offices located in the State of Florida: (street address) 16155 SW.117 Ave., Miami, FL 33156 (,Please use the back of this page ifmorespace is necessary) MINORITY PROCUREMRNT COMPLIANCE The undersigned bidder acknowledges that (s)he has received a copy of ordinance #10062,as amended, the'Minority Procurement ordinance of the City of Miami and agrees to com ly with all applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, including a y amendee is hereto. Thomas Maintenance ?, Bidder: Service Signature: (compa ame) Date: ��4 Print Name: Melvin C. Thomas indicate if:Business is 51% Minority -owned: (Check 2n0l box only) [x] BLACK [ ] HISPANIC [ ] FEMALE AEgj.RMATTVE ACTION PLAN If firm has an existing plan, effective date of implementation: `1 If firm does not have an existing plan, the Successful Bidder(s) shall be required to establish an Affirmative Action Policy, pursuant to ordinance #10062 as amended. See Appendix I.for sample. 9 •� C Bidder:Thomas MaintAnan_O sonj ee Signature: ( company name) .- rAT1'11PP Tn rnMPI.ETE.,_S1GN=AND RETURN THIS FORM MAY DISOl1ALIFY THIS BID. s MIAMI, FLORIDA BlU Nu. .,. EET ( Continued) --, s BID SHEET AND ATTACHMENTS MUST HE RETURNED IN TRIPLICATE IN THE ATTACHED ENVELOPE, IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF BID OPENING* IF SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A BID WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THE DEPOSIT OR BOND'IS'SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. Terms: n/a (Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of n/a $ if awarded all items. Warranty and/or guarantee: n/a Delivery: .3 calendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order or Notice of Award. Number of calendar days required to complete'work after start. .In accordance with the Invitation to Bid, the Specifications, General Conditions, special conditions, and General Information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Item(s) at Prices indicated on the attached bid sheet(s). NAMES OF COMPANY OWNER(S): NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICER(S): JOSE M. INFANTE, 100% STOCKHOLDER a) List principal business address: (s;;eet address) 6700 S W 21st Miami, Fl. 33155 b) List all other offices located in the State of Florida: (street address) n/a (Please use the back of this page if more space is necessary) MTNARTTY P IRIMNT COMPLY NCR The undersigned bidder acknowledges that (e)he has received a copy of ordinance #10062 ae amended, the Minority Procurement Ordinance of the City of Miami and agrees to comply with all applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, includ an amendments thereto. Bidder: South' Florida Maintenance ServSi&1Qture: (company name) Date: 1-18-94 Print Name: JO INFANTE Indicate if Business is 51% Minority -owned: (Check one box only) [_] BLACK fXX] HISPANIC [ ] FEMALE AFFIRt MATTVE ACTTAN PAN If firm has an existing plan, effective date of implementations April 1991 If firm does not have an existing, plan, the successful 'Bidder(a) shall be required t establish an* Affiriaative Action -Policy, pursuant to Ordinance #10062,as amended. See Append I for sample. Bidder:So. Florida Maintenance Sery I Signature: (company name) `• •^*` Tn rnMPI FTF. _S_16N. ANTI RETURN TN1S FnRM +.011AIY Tuts RTTI: 190 t l t ORANGE BOWL ST Drtttut grD m gttr.AmrnN /g; d ' NO 93-94 04 i Compare South Florida Maintenance, Inc. Address: 6700 SW 21 Street Miami, F1 33155 Bid Price: This bid consists of two (2) parts: Attendance Rates & Hourly Rates: Attendance Rates Amount Hourly Rates Amount, 11500 to 21499 $ 621 `'4,999 Supervisor $9.21 2,50O to $ 821 Foreman" $8.21 5,000 to 7•,999 $1,121 Laborers $6.90 8,000 to 14,999 $1,821 15,000.to 21,999 $2,421 22,000 to 29,999 $3,321 30,000 to 39,999 $4,921 40000 to 49,999 - $5,021 " -50,000 to 59,999 $5,121* -8'0 000 to ` 69,999 $5, 321 000 `t2 to 71,999 $5, 421 , 000 to 74,999 $5, 621 fK. 10001 to 80,000 $5, 821 ` Mi••nority Status: Hispanic - DADE COUNTY VENDOR Subcontractors: None listed Material Source: E.M.S 1,14 - 190 ORANGE ,BOWL STADIUM-, '> 31D TABULATION/BID 93'-94-041 Page 2 Companva Thomas Maintenance Services Address: 17200 SW 137th Avenue Miami, FL 33156 Bid Price: This bid consists�of-two (2)-parts: Attendance, Rates & Hourly Rates. Attendance Rates Amount Hourly Rates Amount 11,500 to 2,.499. $ 500 Supervisor- $10.25 2,500 to 4;999; $ 599 Foreman° $ 9:25 5,000 to 7,999 $ 699 Laborers $,8.99 8,000 to.14,999 $2,000 15;000 to 21,999 $2,500 22,000 to 29,999 $4,000 30,000 to 39,999 $5,000 40,000 to`49,999 $5,050 50,000 to 59,999 $5,150 60000 to 69,999 $5,200 70,000 to 71,999 $5,250 72,000 to 74,999 $5,600 75, 000 to 80,000 $6, 000 Minority Status: Black - DADE COUNTY VENDOR Subcontractors: None listed Material Source: None Listed M7AMI BASEBAr.i . STAD.�UM mwany: r,nnai MADURn nrn TAenLATTON/Bid NO, 93-94-041 Radcliffe Maintenance idress: 22175 SW 108 Avenue, Miami, FL 33170 d Price: This bid consists of two'(2) parts: Attendance Rates & Hourly Rates. ttendance Rates moue t �lY Rates Amount Less than 500 $1,677 Supervisor $9$00 $7.00 500 to 1,999 $2,041 $ 2,665 Foreman Laborers $5.00' 2,000 5,000 to to 4,999 6,999 $3,393 7,`000 to 8,999 $31757 9,000 to 10,999 $4►.485 1,000 to 15,000 $5,577 rnTTNTV VENDOR i[C11.C.7 a uv ua. ...f ..-•--- - Attendance Rates Amount Less than 500 $ 221 500 to 1,999- $ 269 21000 to 4,999 $ 579 5,000 to 6,999 $ 595 i 7,000 to 8,999 $ 621 i 9,000 to 10,999 $ 650 11,000 to 15,000 $ 695 M+ nori tv Status: Hispanic - DADE COUt Subcontractors: None listed C Hourly R= Amount Supervisor $9.21 Foreman $8.21 Laborers $6.90 Y VENDOR dry � iy 3 9 4 f i5 ✓, �, 1 Bobby Maduro Miami L. Baaebal'l,, .Stadiun. r Bid Tabulation/Bid.93-94-045 page 2 Material 'Source:E.M.S 2100 SW 57 Avenue Miami, FL . K.M.T. Supply 985 W. 80th-Place Hialeah, -FL �OrilDanv: Thomas Maintenance Services g�dress: 1.7200 SW 137th Avenue Miami, FL 33156 Bid Price: This bid consists.of two (2) parts: Attendance Rates & Hourly Rates. Attendance Rates out Hourly Rates ou t Less than 500.$ 159 Supervisor $10.25 500 to 1,999 $ 169 Foreman $ 9.25 2,000 0 4,999 $ 179* Laborers $ 8.99 5, 000 to 6, 999..: $_ 1.8.9 7.,000 to 8,999 $ 799 9,:000 to 10,999' $ 800. 11,000 to 15,000 $ 899 Black - DADE COUNTY VENDOR minor t_y StatuS Subcontractors: None •listed AWARD OFBID Bid N6.93-9�4�T 041` Events Maintenance Services at the Orange Bowl. and Bobby Maduro Stadium :r 12EPARTMENT: Conferences,. Conventions and Public: FaC,ilities '�waE. `OF PURCHASE : On " a `contract ,basis;. for a period of year with the option to extend for two (2) additional 'one year periods. kk�ON;. To '.provide .maintenance services t0 the Orange Bowl>and'Bobby Maduro stadiums. POTENTIAL BIDDERS:.. 15 BIDS RECEIVED: 3. TABULATION: Attached FUNDS: r FY' 93-94 Account Code No. 350503- 340($150,000.00) and 350502-340($3,000.00) BID EVALUATION: Bid Invitations Bid Mailed Responses ALL VENDORS ............................ 16 3 MINORITY/FEMALE (M/F) VENDORS.......... 13 3 Within City limits .................. 3 0 Z Registered with City ................ 11 Black (B) Vendors. 5 2 0 Located within City limits.......... 3 ,'. Registered with City ................ 5 1 Female (F) Vendors ..................... 2 0 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 Registered with City ................ 2 0 Hispanic (H) Vendors ................... 6 1 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 Registered with City ................ 4 1 NON MINORITY (NM) VENDORS .............. 3 0 0 Located within City limits.......... 0 "No Bids" .............................. - l.. 1 i3 { 94- 190 � J ;: ��� � <� lots WS late t } nano 1' llamas t 1 I } s i r r 4 � 1. t saw is.. ... .,... 1 t Y t � R� Ely.n � •9q JAN 19 ' A1D :3p . MAI Cii Y . CITY oF !AIAMI, Nj a.aaa ViV� vi. Wt.L%A4tti % J. L.J %.LGLA "Gi L. her office located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 not later than 10:30 a.m. January 19, 1994 for the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment as required for Events Maintenance Services at the Orange Bowl Stadium and the Bobby Maduro Stadium (Miami Baseball Stadium) on a contract basis for one (1) year for the Department of Conferences, Conventions and Public Facilities. AMANDATORY PRE -BID CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD JANUARY 10, 1994 at 1000 A.M. AT THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM ATHLETIC CLUB, GATE 12B (enter off NW 16th Avenue), 1501 N.W. 3rd St., Miami, Fla. My changes as to specifications or plans as a result of such conference shall be made at that time FAILURE TO ATTEND THE MANDATORY PRE -BID OCONFERENCE WILL ` DISQUALIFY YOUR BID, AND DEEM IT NON -RESPONSIVE. Bids submitted past such deadline and/or submitted to any other location or office shall be deemed not responsive and will be rejected. Ordinance No. 10062, as amended, established a goal of Awarding 51% of the City's total dollar volume of all expenditures for All Goods and Services to Black, Hispanic and Women Minority Business Enterprises.on an equal basis. Minority and women vendors who are interested in submitting bids and who are not registered with the City as minority or women vendors are advised to contact the City Procurement Office, 1390 N.W.-20th Street, Second Floor, Telephone 575-5174. Ordinance #10032 established a "First Source Hiring Agreement program to stimulate the creation of employment for City of Miami'' residents. For details of the program's requirements, contact the Neighborhood Jobs Program at 579-2468. Detailed specifications for the bids are available upon requ t at the City Procurement Office. The City Manager may reject all bids and readvertise.�'� (Ad No. 1713 ) ;p�7 Cesar H. Odio City Manager