HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-0171J-94=-276 03`/24J94 94- 71 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, AUTHORIZI� THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENTS ' EXISTING AGREEMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY Ti ATTACHED FORM, WITH EIGHT (8)NEIGHBORHO( ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, FOR Tt PERIOD OF APRIL.1 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1994, F( AMOUNTS AS SPECIFIED HEREIN, TO CONTIN( IMPLEMENTATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPME1 PROGRAMS, SUBJECT TO PROVISIONS CONTAINS HEREIN, ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM T} NINETEENTH (19TH) YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPME1 BLOCK GRANT FOR SAID PROGRAMS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CIT) FLORIDA: Section,1. The City Manager is hereby authorizes eight (8) amendments to existing agreements, in substantially the attached form, with the following eight (8) Neighborhood Economic Development Organizations (CB Os for the period of April 1 through June 30, 1994, in amounts as specified herein, to continue_ implementation of Neighborhood Economic Development Program, with funds therefor hereby allocated from the Nineteenth (19th) Year Community Development Block Grant, subject to the provision that no funds will be disbursed until all contractual and/or administrative requirements and Commission directives have been complied with: Small Business Opportunity Center, Inc. 'Section 2. This Resolution shall become immediately upon its adoption. DA4zcr7n Akin nnnnrr-n 12,807 effective � J AMENDMENT, NO. 4 { - ,f THIS AMENDMENT is entered into as of this day of ` 1994, amending the Agreement dated when between the City, of Miami, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida ("CITY"), and AGENCY, a Florida not -for -profit corporation ("CONTRACTOR"). WHEREAS, the City Commission is desirous of continuing the neighborhood economic development program and funds are available from the Nineteenth (19th) Year Community Development Block Grant for such purpose; and WHEREAS, On July 8, 1993, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 93-463, which approved the allocation of funds for the CONTRACTOR only, for the period of July 1, 1993 through 'August 31, 1993; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 1993, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 93-538, which approved the allocation of funds for the CONTRACTOR for the period of September 1, 1993 through September 30, 1993; and WHEREAS, on October 14, 1993, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 93-656, which approved the allocation of funds for the CONTRACTOR for the period of October 1, 1993 through December 31, 1993, subject to the provision that no funds will be disbursed until all contractual and/or administrative requirements and City Commission directives have been complied with; and 9 4 - 1'71 } z c r i tJ adopted or passed as e an official act of the CONTRACTOR's t,r governing body, authorizing the execut ion of the Amendment, including all understanding and assurances contained herein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of. the CONTRACTOR to act in connection with the Amendment. WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused 'this' instrument to be executed by the respective, officials thereunto. duly authorized on the first date above written. CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida: ATTEST CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK ATTEST: CONTRACTOR: AGENCY SEAL: WITNESS: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A. QUINN JONES, 111 CITY ATTORNEY 03/25/94/DCD/gj d 4 - 1'71 -3- CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 1 INTER OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Members MAR I t �4Qa TODATE : FILE of th'e City Commission Continued Funding from sue.lECT: Nineteenth (19th) Year C6mmuni ty.'DeveTopmentl B1 O'c k Gr'a rrt FROM . C e`S 10 REFERENCES :. Discussion It e m a er, March 24, 1994 ENCLOSURES; Pursuant -to Resolution No. 93-263, adopted by the "City''Commission a't the�,'meeting. of April 15, 1993, $800,000 was al located for the 1993 , 19'94 fi scal year for .economic development. Pursuant to Resolution No. 93-462, adopted by .the City Commission 'at` t'he,: meeti ng of July 8, 1993, the 'City �lanayer was authorized to enter into -individual contracts with thirteen (13) :'ne ''ghborhood economic development 6rganizations to pro vi`de services `'to:: .their respective target areas from July 1 1993 through August 31, 1993. Pursuant to Resolution No.. 93-538 adopted by the City Commission a't= the meting of September 7; 1993, the City Manager was a',uthorized to extend the contracts with the thirteen (13) �a'gencies for the period of September 1, 1993 through September 30, ,1993.;. Pursuant to Resolution No. 93-656, adopted by the City Commission at the meeting of October 14, 1993, the City Manager was - authorized to extend the contracts with the` th'irteen`` (13) `agencies for the period October 1 1993 through December 31, 1993. Pursuant to Resolution No. 93-787, adopted by the City'Commission at Ah6 meet! ng of December; ;16. 1993, the City Manager was authorized to extend the contracts with ten (10) agencies for a three (3) month probationary period ending March 31,: 1994. This transition period would allow the Community Based Organizations (CB Os) to fully and correctly implement TONYA'S recommendations, based on the, training received and knowledge acquired. Not recommended for the aforementioned extension were :,the Haitian American Foundation, Inc. (HAF.I), Haitian Task Force, 'Inc. '(HTF) and. Park West Association (PWA). BACKGROUND During the week of December 7 - 11, 1992, TONYA;'Inca conducted a - visit to review aspects of the City of Miami's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded economic development programs. `'_ 94 , 1'71 ! . �. Honorable Mayor and Members } of the 'C ty::Commission Pagz 3 Dui°'ing ` ahe• w,ceks of November 22 and November , 29 11993, the DCD agency and discussed met i n d i v i d u a 1 1 y with each previous moni'to`ring finding `TONYA'S recommendations: -, and National Objectives goals to be achieved/documented by February 28; `1994. Specifically; goals established were as follows: 1: Meet five-(5)-National Objectives., 2. Complete five (5) Commercial Facades, 3. Complete/achieve a combination of both. In o-de r=�for the DCD to recommend' contract continuance for the rema.inder of the current fiscal year and/or funding for the-.1994-1995 fiscal period, the above objectives must have been met, by _establ i shed deadline of February 28, 1994.. Further: each CB0'must document its files with all the required supporting documentation, which enables the monitor_ to clearly and obje'ctiVe1y denote that said activity has met a National Objective. Based on the discussions between TONYA, HUD and the DCD, and the attached status report for Economic Development Community Based 0rganizations, the DCD is making the following funding recommendations for the remainder of the 1993-1994 fiscal year `(April 1, 19.94 through June 30, 1994) with the stipulation that 'no.funds be disbursed unless an agency is in full compliance with City and HUD's regulations, guidelines and requirements. NAME OF C80 RECOMMENDATION 1. Al lapattahBusiness Extension of contract to Authority, Inc. June 30, 1994 months 2. Coconut Grove Local Extension of contract to Development Corporation, Inc. June 30,- 1994 months 3. Downtown Miami Partnership, Inc. Extension of contract to June 30, 1994_ months 4. Edgewater Economic Development Extension of contract to Corporation, Inc. June 30, 1994 months 5. Greater Biscayne Boulevard Extension of contract to Chamber of Commerce, Inc. June 30, 1994 months t 9 4 - 171 STATUS REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 FEBRUARY 28, 1-994 .. ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. DAI PROJECTS C(jjPLETED PROJECTS NATIONAL OBJECTIVE ACHIEVED PENDING ACTIVITY Technical Assistance 0 0 103 27 Facade CONTRACT COMPLIANCE: Exceeded National Objectives Goal Agency has raised $10,850 towards the $16,500 generated revenues requirement. OTHER PROJECTS: Ral pheal Plaza -Wl Building demolished. Lot has been cl eared., g Fencing in progress as of this writing. NOTE. ABDA is requesting additional funding due to unexpected expenses such as survey, permits , l and taxes for inspections, asbestos removal i n s p 1994 in the approximate amount of $4,300. RECOMMENDA TION Extensiun o f contract to June 30, 1994. 9 4 - 171 •. .f' M44s{+.*,.h 1/ STATUS REPORT t ' FISCAL YEAR '1993-94 FEBRUARY 28, 1994 EDGEWATER ECON0141C-DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (EEDC) PROJECTS COMPLETED PROJECTS NATIONAL 03JECTIVE ACHIEVED PENDING ACTIVITY Technical Assistance 4 jobs created 7 Facade 6 2 CONTRACT COMPLIANCEc Exceeded National Objective Goal. Has raised $8.562.50 towards the $16,500 generated revenues requirement. 'OTHER PROJECTS:' No ne RECOMMENDATION: Extension of contract to June 30, 1994. 4 ray ,.. STATUS REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 t FEBRUARY 28. 1994 GREATER BISCAYNE BOULEVARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (GBaCC) PROJECTS CU4PLETED PROJECTS NATIONAL OBJECTIVE ACHIEVED PEN_ ACTIVITY Technical Assistance 13 jobs created 3 job retained 1 4 15 Facade CONTRACT COMPLIANCE: Exceeded National Objective Goal. OTHER. PROJECTS. No ne RECOMMENDATION: Extension of contract to June 30, 1994. 13 04- 171 et t i STATUS.REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 FEBRUARY 28,:1994 'MARTIN'LUTHER KING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 'CORPORATION (MLKEDC) PROJECTS COMPLETED PROJECTS NATIONAL OBJECTIVE ACHIEVED_ PENDING ACTIVITY Technical Assistance 3 Area benefits 2 .Facade 2 19 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE: Met National_ Objectives Goal. OTHER PROJECTS Lincoln Square Building -$400,000 loan granted December 12, 1982, in nonperformance status since October 1, 1990. Note: MLKEDC building completed major rehabilitation with funds received from insurance company due to hurricane damage. RECOMMENDATION: Extension of contract to June 30, 1994. 1: 94- 171 r, , 4 STATUS REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 FEBRUARY 28, 1994, HEIGHTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (NWHdDC) NEW WASHINGTON PROJECTS COMPLETED PROJECTS NATIONAL OBJECTIVE ACHIEVED PENDING'.. ACTIVITY Technical Assistance 00 6 Facade CONTRACT COMPLIANCE: Has not met National Objectives Goal. Agency has incomplete files. Inaccurate and late reports. OTHER PROJECTS: None RECOMMENDATION: No extension of contract. 94- 171