HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-0167the Plat and Street Committee as set forth as Exhibit "A" attached hereto and CITY COKMSSION MEETMG OF ATTACHMENT (S) MAR 2 4 1994 CONTAINED R+e�u167 94 i ..���'l��m'�,��diT4-c,g�tna �x's. �11?'1' r �, .yy,, r +��, _.i .. P ti ATTACHMENT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FEDERAL JUSTICE CENTER A PORTION OF BLOCKS 78N AND 85N, MAP OF MIAMI DADE CO. FLA., ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK B, AT PAGE 41, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THAT PORTION OF N.E. 4TH STREET, LYING BETWEEN BLOCKS 78 AND 85 NORTH, ALONG AND TOGETHER WITH THE EAST 10.00 FEET OF NORTH MIAMI AVENUE R/W LYING WEST OF SAID BLOCK 78 NORTH AND THE SOUTH 10.00 FEET OF THE WEST 71.25 FEET OF N.E. 5TH STREET R/W LYING WITHIN SAID BLOCK 78 NORTH, LESS THE METRO MOVER COMPLEX IN LOTS 1 THROUGH 3 AND. ALL OF LOT 4 OF SAID BLOCK 78 NORTH, LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF THE JAMES HAGAN DONATION, SECTION 37, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Commence at the Southeast corner of said Block 85N, thence South 89° 57' 36" West along the North right--of--way line of Northeast 3rd Street, and the South line of said Block 85N, 10.00 feet, to the PgINT OF BEGINNING of the lands herein described; thence North 00 00' 00+' East (said bearings based on an assumed meridian of North 000 00' 001+ East along the centerline of Northeast 1st Avenue) along the West right--of-way line of Northeast 1st Avenue, and being 30 feet West of the City of Miami Monument line, 614.20 feet to a point on the South line of the Metro Mover Complex in Lot 1, Block 78N, said point being J6.00 feet South of the North line of Block 78N; thence South 89 56' 5711 West along the South line of the Metro Mover Complex, 99.91 feet to a point on the West line of Lot 2; thence North 82 38' 1211 West along the Southwesterly line of the Metro Mover Complex, -50:37, feet to a point on the East line of Lot 4, and 2_9.30 feet South of the North line of Block 78N; thence South 00 00' 0511 West -along the East line of Lot, 120.58 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 4; thence South 89 57' 21" West aolong the South line of said Lot 4, 49.96 feet; thence North 00 00' 06" East along the West line of Lot 4, 140.07 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of Northeast 5th Street, said point being 40.00 feet South of the City of Miami Monument line; thence South 890 56' 5711 West along the South right-of�-way line of Northeast 5th Street, 228.48 feet; thence North 000 001 16+1 East, 10.09 feet to a point on the North line of Block 78N; thence South 89 56' 5711 West, along the South line of N.E. 5th Street right -of --way, 81.25 ' feet, said point being 20.00 feet East of the City of Miami } Page 1 of 2 9 4 - 16'7 . 3 frfrfrfrfrfr � •.;•• 0,`,+i'�a2r tCH§Lio-r:n�. •.,...�.a r1y.s .t.., a ..., :r , .s .t; -:x ti,i ,y.."r rn-r ,..x; �. ^stPran<al3aa,-w „ri.f,. : w.:i-aa.,,..i;. ATTACHMENT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FEDERAL JUSTICE CENTER Monument line; thence South 000 00' 16" West parallel with the West line of Block 78N, and along the East right-of-way line of North Miami Avenue, 310.08 feet; thence North 890 57' 45" East, 10.'00 feet; thence South 00 00' 1611 West, 40.00 feet to .the Northwest corner of Lot 10, Block 85N; thence North 890 57, 4511 Eagt along the North line of said Lot 10, 5•00 feet; thence South 00 00' 1611 West along the East right -of --way line of North" Miami Avenue, 275.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence Southeasterly along a'curve to th8 left having a radius of 25.00 feet, ,a chord bearing of South 45 21' 0411 East, a chord length of 35.37 feet, a central angle of 90 02, 4111, an arc length of 39.29 feet to a .point of tangency (said point being 30.02 feet East of the E Southwest corner of Lot 11, Block 85N, 20.00 feet North of the City of Miami .Monument line and on the N%rth right-of"way line of. Northeast 3rd Street); thence North 89 57' 36" East, along the South line of Block 85N and the North line of Northeast 3rd 'Street, 459.58 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNNING. Said lands situate and lying in the City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, containing 305,107.308 square feet and 7.004 acres more or less. ,f Page 2 of 2 9 4 - 167 S. Department of Justice June 30, 1992. Federal' Bureau of Prisons tnoaE -, Provide the underlying legal description In the location sketch. ; r r 'Provlde radius Information at N. Miami Avenue and N.E.: 3 Street. Mlaml Dade Water & Sewer Authority will require a' N. Miami Avenue from 12-lnch'Water main extension. In 6-Street; a 12-Inch water'maln N.E. 3 Street to N.E. i extensio-m N.'Mlam,l Avenue to n In N.E. 4 Street fro ' N.E. 1 Avenue; and In N.E. 5 Street from N. Miami to (18-Inch tV.E`. 1 Avenue. A sanitary sewer:extenslon 'diameter) Is required on N. Mlami Avenue, from N.E. 3 Street to N.E. 4 Street and on N.E. 4 Street from N. feet Ml.ami Avenue for a distanceofapproximately 400 to the east. Provide the names- and addresses of all owners joining In the plat' Indicate the express purpose of plat. Item 1In Surveyor's Notes: Rlght.of way takings need to be Included In the legal description and shown on the; main sketch . - Each page of survey needs to be signed and sealed. - Title box must Include a complete legal description of ' the area to be platted. Show adjacent, subdivisions with current zoning designations on location sketch. Show adJacent subdivisions on main sketch with a centerline distance tle line. Location sketch needs to show a fractional description. of the legal Also include James Hagan Donation as part description. - Provide statement regarding the express purpose of plat.. -...to close and vacate streets ..... - ,Show all ex(sting utilities In adjacent right of way. Page 2 of 4 94-- 167 b t a u('t'( { i� U.S. Department of. Justice June 30, 1992 "Federal Bureau of Prisons -' Section 1 of the legal description should Include Section 37, James Hagan Donation. - The Plat and Street Committee has reviewed the pub I l c Interest requirements set forth In Section 54.5-16 of the City Code for the street vacation and closure. It Is the `flnding,,of the Committee that the application for the vacations and closures of N.E. 4-Street and ,. portions of North Miami Avenue and N.E. 5 Street meet !, the requirements of the Miami City Code and should be forwarded to . the Miami Zoning Board with a. recommendation of approval. i In addition to the above requirements, you should be aware of the following; 1 `: Stateand - local laws requ l re the -I nsta l I at l on of var l ous physical Improvements in the public rights -of -way when property Is platted. These subdivision Improvements Include paving, drainage, Iandscaping,.sldewalks, etc. In some cases this could represent a substantial Investment on your -,part . 2. The alteration, relocation or Installation of utilities such as storm and sanitary sewers, electric, telephone, water, etc., caused by this plat will be at the property owner's expense. Also, ut111ty easements may be required on the property being platted. 3". A bullding permit wl11 not be Issued on the property being 13.1atted until the final plat Is recorded. Also, the Certificate"of Occupancy for any building construction will be Issued only after all the required subdivision Improvements ' have been completed. 4. Approval for fire flow requirements must be obtained from the Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. Additional Items must be provided to the City of Miami. Department' of Public Works before the final plat Is ,t submitted to the City Commission for approval. You'wl11 be notified In writing as to what these Items are after the amount of the bond has been determined for the necessary subdivision improvements. Page 3 of 4 94- 167 7 t, ' epartment of Justice June 30, 1992 ;Federal `,Bureau of Pr I sons 6. Tentative plat approval Is only valid for one (t) year. from ;. the 'date of. the Plat and Street Committee Meeting at .which. time It was approved, 1 if you have any questions concerning these requirements, please' , refer .to the attached sheet for the appropriate person to'contact. S I ncere'I y James J';c ay , . E . Chalrman,..Plat & Street Committee JJK:mw, Enclosure: Contact Sheet_ cc: Lannes & Garcia, Inc. Plat and StreetCommittee Members FI'.Ie Atlll Page 4 of 4 ;. 94- 167 } P l x i r 3 i1 THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS January 20, 1994 REPORT OF PROPOSED RECORD PLAT OF FEDERAL JUSTICE CENTER LOCATED, BETWEEN N.E. 3 STREET AND N.,F. 5 STREET AND BETWEEN NORTH MIAMI AVENUE AND N.E. 1."AVENUE A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA The accompanying Plat, entitled FEDERAL JUSTICE CENTER was prepared by Lannes and Garcia, Inc. It is in correct form for submission to the City Commission. and is forwarded with a —recommendation that it be approved: PERTINENT INFORMATION REGARDING THE PLAT: 1. The `property platted is a replat of a portion of `Blocks 78 North and 85 North, Map of Miami, Dade Co. Fla., Plat Book B, Page 41, and that portion of N.E. 4 Street lying between Blocks' 78 and 85 North, along and together with the east 10.00 feet of the North Miami Avenue right --of way.lying west ' of said Block 78 North and the south 10.00 of the west 71`.25 feet of the N.E. 5 Street right--of--way lying within said Block 78 North, less the Metro Mover Complex in Lots 11. through 3 and all of Lot 4 of said Block 78 North, all lying in the James Hagan Donation, Section 37, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida. The area platted consists of (5) tracts containing 7.00+acres. Tt, iS 7.nnpri n/T_ {S5 i F s : `2. The location of the streets and the widths conform with the {} ' standards of the Department of Public Works of 'the City of Miami, Florida. 3. As certified to by Michael Aiello, Registered Land Surveyor, this Plat complies with the plat filing.Laws of the State. of Florida. 4. The City Zoning Board of Miami,_ Florida, after. Public Hearing, has recommended the closing of that portion of Northeast 4 Street lying between Blocks 78 and 85 North, Map of Miami, Dade Co. Fla., Plat Book 41, Page 41, and the East 10.00 of the North Miami Avenue right--of--way lying West of said Block 78 North, Map of Miami, Dade Co. Fla., Plat Book B, Page 41, and the South 10.00 feet of the West 71.25 feet of. the Northeast 5 Street right--of--way lying within said said Block 78 North, Map of Miami, Dade Co. Fla. , Plat Book B, Page 41. This action was confirmed by City Commission Resolution No. 92-598. 5: The Certificate of Title Examination dated January 1, 19S signed by'Alvin S. Sherman, Attorney, indicates that the fee .,..: simple title to the property platted is correctly vested in ' the United States of America and the City of Miami, Florida, and. the Plat has been correctly executed. 6. The area platted is not encumbered by mortgages. i 94- 167 Io t s t Declaration of Thomas J. Maguire THOMAS J. MAGUIRE, hereby declare and state as follows: am currently employed by the General Services i Administration (GSA) as the Deputy Assistant Regional Administrator for the Public Buildings Service. My business ' office -is located in Atlanta, Georgia. (2) -0n December 9, 1992, on behalf of the General Services Administration, I signed a plat, prepared by Lannes and Garcia, Inc., entitled "Federal Justice Center" to replat a portion of Block 78N and all of Block 85N located in the City of Miami, ,Dade County; Florida. Pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C. Section 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this / s'r day of 1994 x I Thomas J. Ma uir Deputy Assistant Region 1 dministrator Public Buildings ice General Services Administration Witnessesz Date 's i 31 q Date 9 4 - 16'7 �. South 890 56' 57" West along the South line of the Metro Mover Complex, 89.91 feet to a point -on ,the West line of Lot 2; thence North 82 38' 12 West along the Southwesterly line of the Metro Mover Complex, 50.37 feet to. a point on the East line of Lot 4, and 29.30 feet South of the North line of Block 78N thence South 00° 00' 05" West along. he East line of Lot 4, 120.58 feet to, the Southeast corner of Lot 4; thence South'890 57' 21 "' West along the South line of said Lot 4, 49.96 feet; thence North 00° 00' 06" East along the West line of Lot 4, 140.07 feet to a point on the South right -of- Way line of Northeast 5th Street, said point being 40.00 feet South of the City of Miami Monument line; thence South 890 56' 57" West along the South right-of-way line of Northeast 5th Street, 228.48-feet; thence North 00° 00' 16" East, 10.00 feet to a point on the North line of Block 78N; thence South 890 56' .57" West, along the South line of N.E. 5th Street fight -of -way, 81.25 feet, said point being 20.00 feet East of the City of Miami Monument line; thence South 000 00' 16" West parallel, with the West line of Block 78N, and along the East right-of-way line of North Miami Avenue, 310.08 feet; thence North 89' 57' 45" East, 10.00 feet; thence South 00'00' 16" West, 40.00 feet to the Northwest corner. of Lot 10, Block 85N; thence North 89° 57' 45" East along the North line of said Lot 10, 5.00 feet; thence South 00° 00' 16" West along the East right- of-way line of North Miami Avenue, 275.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence Southeasterly along a curve to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet, a chord bearing of South'45° 01'. 04"_East, a chord length of 35.37 feet, a central angle of 90° 02' 41", an arc length .of 39.29 feet to. a point of tangency; (said point being 30.02 feet East of the Southwest corner of " Lot 11, Block 85N, 20.00 feet, North of the City of Miami Monument line and on the North right-of-way line of Northeast 3rd Street); thence North 89 57' 36" East, along the South line of Block 85N and the North line of Northeast3rd Street, 459.58 fee(to POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands situate and lying in the City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, containing 305,107308 square feet and 7.004 acres more'or' less. Basing our opinion on said complete Abstract of Title and the other title information referred to herein, we are of the opinion that as of the last mentioned date and time, `the Fee Simple Title to the above described real property was vested in: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as to all of aforesaid Block 85 North; and Lots 5 thru 16, in Block 78 North; and THE CITY OF MANH, a municipal corporation, as to aforesaid Lots 1 thru 3, in Block 78 North (Less Metro -Mover Complex), and aforesaid Lots 17 thru 20, in Block 78 North; and -2- ''4— 1.6'7 THE CITY OF MUM) ` a municipal corporation, as to those portions of the dedicated streets embraced within the real property described hereinabove. Subject to the following encumbrances, liens, and other exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: •1. Rights of parties in possession other than the above owner. 2. Facts that would be disclosed by an accurate survey. 3.Zoning and other restrictions imposed by governmental authority. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 4. Mortgages: NONE 5. Dade County, set forth in that certain eminent Aerial Easement in favor of domain proceeding in the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for P OffiddReoords Dade County, Florida, in Case No. 83-14176, and described in Book 11766, at Page 1335, and specifically at Page 1339. 1 (NOTE: All recording references herein are to the Public Records of Dade County, Florida). Therefore, it is our opinion that the following parties must join in the of Therefore,the in order to grant the City of Miami, Florida,a _ above.described real property th shown on the final plat of the public, a good and- proper title to the dedicated areas. bdivision thereo aforedescribed property, the suf to be known as: 9 4 - 167 -3- .. I s s a�, . ryXs �'1tY`'�Z�Yi'iS'tisl''"`M t+``. tr,t ,. +e:•.. -... .. ,.. ,.. . n , "FEDERAL JUSTICECENTER" Special Exception Intees_t Na er i THE, UNITED STATES. OF AMERICA Fee Simple Owner N/A CITY, OF 1VIIAMh Fee, Simple Owner N/A ; s DADS COUNTY Owner of Aerial 5 Easement' i I, the undersigned certify that I am an Attorney at Law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida, and am a member in good standing of the Florida Bar. Respectfully. submitted this 1st day of March, 1994. } Alvin S. Sherman, PA. BY: AlvinS. Sherman (Florida Bar No.'073383) 8100 S.W. 81st Drive Suite 230, Miami, Florida 33143 (305) 596-7007 { 53 4 1 s SCHEDULE A f ' ' Attached to Opinion of Title Covering the Proposed Plat of "Federal Justice Center." ; = `COMPANY POLICY NO. INSURED DATE 1 Meridian,Title . 5511-31-9077071 Urvited States of 8l30/91 K Insurance Company America `Chicago Title 10-2138-04-000010 City of Miami 8r31/89 Insurance Company Chicago Title, 10-2138-04-000012 City, of Miami 9/18/89 Insurance Company Chick 9, 'Title 10-2138-04-000008 , City of Miami 724/89 nsurance Company Chicago Title 10-2138-04-000009 City of Miami 7l31/89 insurance Company Chicago Title 10-2138-04-000011 City of Miami 8/31/89' .insurance Company t t: 04_ 16'7 t i .. 94- '67 } Ot4 SYSTEMAS, INC• �, S®U•rNEAS z 12 S7REET NIIAMI+ FLORIDA 3479 6954 N.W• 305} 477-7626 (g00) 287 (306) 477-9149 FAX( THE FOLLOWING IS AN `�'-�`� 7r �, - ��� ... :, ,. ::.� . _ ra i t t' 4S IYfL'�Nn ) N'�tk;! Y?n+*�tLtLC•:��Iw 1; a. y 1 n , ,i r g � 1 � a � r �sZiY�y—Wls 1 fi ,,i� 1 fl.,a N 4"d f . �`�( `+NY ti 14 n�4tst �' JtJi. y �t-',h7 P �cr!Xr`�,rl'Srt�t .}✓r A l5 j° £:. t 4 k.' wM .v r4f f'J a 9 y � : .: , /��J\may/�/�■ 0 (� HIT 0 IL MAY I?.1 Ff} F y1 ii ;'FC9 J Lr I G7 J1 iE ,[t t - ri . T.IT� J V ?0.�. I A �.'S�y,y PREPARED BY a ,LAN ANDi t R C _ PLANNER hry� rJ ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORSLAND 1f 359 ALCAZAR AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 = (305) 666-7909 akp.-a ryqy - l r 1 p 1 s� iiyl �.b g,' } -L'71M'Ya��tx 05 � � z i s r�ti, x r' ti s lh ��Cff��L�t ^. Yam+ cs Aw St M1 h UV 3S S:l} 1 D IN:C • 'f 't• ry k... 2 t LAND. P. LANNERS- FLORIDA 33134 (305) 666 7909• rF L` Jky� E - ���jY� - t - t r(< 7 t ... has .. •' y r i..t t�J.aU lei �.zs�g��f k,... W.w 1 s 7 }���t < 4 m § f ? tt � �' f � ;•T �ir5,�� �+ y � � � .: ,. . ,. - . -. ,.:: ,:. .. �fLLr a �S'r4.t{�zr 7�3•. A wt..e N.ri� -Y �1 VY •. t Q C� + AN. .'p0D. A im 17 � a f as f l I r , 1 1 � �a ��.' �,,,,�� r� f i»t r t � � a r ���'"�t����'�'� i�'r e1r.+ %4 i r .: �. ..:. 4 ^/ ... . . ... '.. .� ...,:. a :.... w � ... . =art 2 p 7y; ...._ _ 5 ,y ♦{7+r�t1 t2 � �,�, Itv,: • • ... ..� � � ..r� 1 1 _ >'?fi _! i� ! �,.�.... .,,f._s �i.a��`�4��,; v x�u-tl�� .M t ::4.'�`ok. .ls ti+4.i�c .: . ; ... ...•_ "" .. - � Y � Sl sit. iy'ii •n^,�a r • Poi,�i tt •1 n �� 1 �„5, � �s� ��1: I,'4F B - 0-i'OK G Y +y� Pil . . . . . . . . . . f . rt• a y �k r' P •� fs+ /✓ fir/ ".�4.A k _ r' 1 - L :• Q M t r r /A� . th:. c': y �\/\//��� gyp/ � � �� .. _ �♦^J/®may, ':� •?'.,. ��+- S .•Y ! � lv 1 � p i y r 1-ts} Q % sr j v r i 1 t "�" t - � � x r � Si o �1+ Y,� � 5� 4s s�jy57 `'•P. 'Rc4V ` ` i � - c .�1, � i � � �'�4 `fo- i'^� T i f �(c -F i •iyga� ar,. a r;` i a � } ' ,t,:- } ! ; av �� ,• ,J" a=� a � t n � '�tt��'�{�'�" :�+�y, } y�'�i7�} �Y� �,a..a. � r > i i-.; r•: YYti ri Y � �'�= tii-ka y 151. i� ti ij ✓v � � X �. Jt � c} f ,sty�li R11'M1`!Z%ry1 4 i�m 11�tL: 1i. q i f (r rr* 11! S Y i•• 3 � , 1 1 / 1 _ r J �'.•, i5 r ± <1 7 y 1,� S1x •J f � f9 � i i! j T tx p }I ; iY It 1 V 1 a r F t ' J u L F t 1 I t = I } KNOW ALL MEN, BY -THESE' PRESENTS J ITHAT THE UN/TED S7ATES' OF gMERlcq, AND FMUNICIPANCITY OF MIAMIAO ATTACHE D .ET ' .- TH.` SATE'FFLOAMADE: PLAT:ENTITLED FEDERAL':JUSTICE CENTEk-THE.SAME BEING A PORTION OF ' BLOCKS 78N AND 85 N. MAP,OF AlA f q,ACCORDING . TO. THE PLAT,., r 1�T PAGE' 4'1 OF THER aF,�`' AS ",RECORDED, IN PLAT .BOOK""B, = PfJBLIC- RECORDS OF. DADE COUNTY �' FLORIDA" AND 'THAT ,.' THE _ PORTION OF:;N.E `4th STREET, LYING`'.BETWEEN BLOCKS 78' ?AMID 85 NORTH ALONG AND TOGETHER WITH THE EAST 0.00 { t . .>SAID BLOCKWEST. OFAMIAVENUE:R/W LYING MI FEET WEST'" 71 .OF.'THE 52HE SOU.TFEET' 7 $' NOORFT�i AND T" t "{ FEET }OF N.E. Sth STREET 3Z�W "LY°ING WNITWIN ' SAID .BLOCK r 78` NORTH, A `.LESS r THE MOVER . COMPLEX, IN LOTS 1 THROUGH, .METRO 3*,AND ALL';OF LOT 4' OF .SAID BLOCK 78 NORTH, LYING IN" ANDFBEING;A_.PART'OF THE JAMES.HAGAN<DONATION, SECTION. ;. 3 7 ''.TOWNSHIP 54 '. SOUTH , = RANGE " 41 ' EAST, AND BEING MORE �'nMMFAJCF AT THE SOUlHEASTCO.RNER4� SA/D 8��k 851j/,,' -- - •,nT.T riato . L v9 � !r a IF 4yr+4ir)d r•, k 1'Y7'G g n } + 4tr+ c �.r :=4' ; COUNTY .PLATSTRICTION§ Y � 3;A's,DADE � e ;✓.+lz 4y�a r an .�d communcalory That all .new e�actric ! a smssion lines within 4this sublt�.s. �i undeacground.. t:f;r '{ u• w,t' That the use of, septic tanks will noS3be' r ' . a 3l proved r t"p ?�i tZ1j5 Gu Si0`n. unl@Ss ap a rr ,Y pdiv" i. tr1 wtfi. County, and/or State requlatoits.p , a - f That individual` wells slal�l nntsc�l±ss" subdivision except .for swimm air conditioner$, Y ts and avenu That the streees'astshownon t *' 11'�existing and ti�turetpl X F4 r together with , a tt L J t i and fire,h�rdrantsthereon,are hereby ode _.. t sr r use of th6 public "for proper purposes rT s, itr dedicatora�, their suvicessors or„assigns s;.�t'hereof whenever discontin 'reversion ) 1y� i i4 Y k {�5k syrt".Y y ' i `•^ QSt"` SYRWTION PLA REOWNERS '. rr s B' (LIT EASEMENTS IN'. 7RACT?;p THAT 'T11l;.RRL. UT i> RE HEM "ixt 4,s'C� ATTACHED PLAT ' BY: DASHED LI NEsi A i THE F�! h FLO R I D.A' POWER AND L' l G HT COMPANY FOR RTN MAINTENANCE OF THEIR UTILITIES AS SHOWN A .?,:;: r , ON THE.,;; ATT CHED ��PL EIS Y! BYK�THESF PRESENTS . THAT TRACT D ' RESERVED `AS AN •EASEMENT `FOR THE, (NST ALLA. ,a s PUBL(C UTILTIES , 'qND MAINTENANCE OF I QVE PR'OMENAOE •EASEMENT + a ...i ' OVERHEAD PE DEST;RIAN WALKWAYS, r TYi" OF MIAMI,;�A MUNICIPAL' CORPORATION OF THAT -ANY aF; I� F�T FROM Tt{>r,57RFRT.S rI#, z}a.r VF ItTIGAI. CLEARANCE �OFfFLORTDA�, , HAV6,CAUSED TO :;BE 'MADE THE ATTACHED 'LEDFEDERAL .7USTICE CENTER�,THE SAME BEING THAT THE 10 t7.r EA`SEM&NT4.ALO;NG THE WEST'_ E AT..,. PL ,f Y E ! AS SHOWN ON, tir A 1 A IF.Sw:lr� a' TRACT.; 5 N E AS A PED ES NS7 ALLAT 10 N E ANDtAlt •x;Ltr }�y;,.Yt"�4 ftW { . ,..'...'r.. t • ( - RESERVED ' DADS K5L, SNr'AND .55 N;'MAPOF•N1I.AM1, AN EASEMENT FOR;. TME.;.. • r t 0F°cBLOC. % UTILITIES. `ARIA AERIAL 5RK�MEFTASENIFLTVL A VER1lCA Wilt" 'ORDINGTQfi TKEF PLAT t. OF SUR�AcG OF TRe: PEA EASEMENT; ►io DEft.. CpN5E1�T Gar AE�IA tECORDED ' IN PLAT BOOK '`B, 41T PAGE ; 4'I TNESS %WIiEREOF : TNAT �P�PbUTgNA90E Co�Nry RECORDS OFrDADE :COUNTY':'FLORIDAjAND THAT IN WI /5jOCATTOdgEXECL/�EDYN,!� 4,tfi STREET . s LYING: BETWEEN BLOCKS 78 STAjF 4FF�R/G�9� HAS.,! o .,qwo A7TES7�✓: D r.., ,, { SAND. x TOGETHER WITH THE :EAST 1 0 0,0 Irs C'HH�RP&RAN �p /TS. SEAL Af7� i� .ALON�,� Bi . R A CE ;;WITH- RESOLUTION NO. Et'F{+,,4 IN CCO P A'D• 1993 3RTH�YMIAMI` AVENUE R/W LYING WEST OF SAID BLOCK r " 00 FEET OF THE `WEST ; 71 .25 DAY OF ' AND 'HE V 'O.UUTH t 0 . MEZg° poL ttRN � ; `5'.t1i�,STREET R/W LYING ",I t4IN' SAID BLOCK DADE COUN TY, F LORIDAj: ESS' THEMETRO MOVER, COMPLEX IN -' LOTS 1 THROUGH. ; ,OFF I+OT 4� OFr, SAID . BLOCK 78• NORTH, LYING IN SECTION BY: # A4x PPRT O.F THE JAMES HAGAN' •DONATION , p SA/D BLQ� 85 N, ART�fUR r GE •,41 'EAST, AND BEING MARE pRNER4 �.aA��ePE�esoi7 . ' � IIPR 54; SOUTH. `;' RAN.,:,T.TCr►M1VIF_AICF AT THE SO(ITHEASTC ._ . }H i ,��ticY'j' tYL, � Sz4( ¢1 {+ J � F � ,lo lN�h t ' -,'C`y�!°« ��•�ut,bf�t�...('�.'' } � ",. :-� rF IN WITNESS .WHERE OF: 'THE' UNITED STATES GOF1lrlEitl- • S; �C'thONS' F CAUSED THESE .. PRESENTS TO BE SIGNEb' FOR°AND 01 :l ,. 41 WILLIAM PATRICK,�p� and}'communi`c�tiozX `lanes ,other than ft SONS; THIS DAY�OFr7iF7# FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRI n 3 within`, this stabdivision shall be installed �cL FbeN .A.D. `1992 r y� epter tanks .will not ne:pprmitted within. F DERAL BURSA OF P ISONS�fUNt't'� ynlessapproved fbr temporary. use,. in accordance �+ r` State' `regulat.t ons . ray: y `'' tf{ a kwell x shall not Ye ermitt,ed within this _ - p WI LIAM ,PAT CK,• .De 5513 at► p�rcc cep}t for 'swimming pools, sp=inkier systems and/or. PU+y 5 o ers.d 7 �'and`avenuesras shown :on .the. attached plat, t, eels ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: gall` existing and Future plantiing, trees, 'shrubbery, ' .,L7 fi; sr.,,,:P petual rants �therteon are;, hereby'dedicated to 'the er. F '� ' nac r x. Y AA6 ��� y STATE OF R Q `C1 put.>cwk or proper ;purposes, reserving to the )=F �,. ,7,,,:�+.�,.,,,+.... he;.r'eversion' K th`'d 4k.L u9cessors ':or Ass gns, ".a ►c' r N �v ! y COUNTY' OF i .3ra; r ereof�jy whenever 'discont nued' by law: + ,a., C y k,F y S`�wau MR , S`?TR I';CT,.10N S y } X I hereby ,certifyr`, That on,_this day; personally yips;=f,'S A�'Y" ;''1 -`( ;`AND .C' AS SHOWN, ON: c►.IT,.E,AS.EMENTS IN TRACTS A, B i me, an officer' dui aut prized t admnistter`o� �i o f pLAgqTFBY4,DASHED LINES, 'ARE HERESY RESERVED 70 acknowledgements ' ,\'Q:�..'IG.0 2; } ' yvy S,E*,, F(F J }� ,' 1N 17EPUT� �1 15TRA1T 0REcTOR o>= TH>= F�DERAt1r ; R "AND`1 L1�G'HT COMPANY FOR THE '.INSTALLATION AN,D, - OF THEIR :UT I L.I'T LE Sj . PLAT � IS HEREBY T►�,�s�S'�= c�.l�.. C'"5 - V•�. 1.3c:�:.S1 �• �� r n� )``AS SH01NN ON 'THE ,ATTAC.HED PL who is personally.knownto me SEMENT FOR THE INS7ALLATIOD,. ixa'. k GE.S AND •AS •A'pEDESTRIAN and wino executed the forrego, OF;t�';;B�I C U T 1 L I T `acknowledged the executions "thereof to be ` h5 `, . 1SE ENT r' :r ;ter u such officer w ii for the purposes ther'ein'rexpres= Rt�EAD ,PEQES7R,.;I:AN WALKWAYS` DYER TRAGT`.D. SHALL NAVE A MOsuc44 knowe JiFEeT FRpM 7i♦>~eStREP'T 5tRFACO..To TND LQWESf PotZtlorJ 4R sUc�1 WA�kwfly.take an oath. EA%SEM�NT$ ALONG THEWEST AND NOk�:H LINES OFHE ASTACHfPLATASHED._; LINES, A AERIAL EASEMENT AND Witness: My hand .and official seal' thlsEASEMENTN 1992 N�E INS7 LL`�►TION1,a.!",AND• t,M,AI,NTENAN.CE OF;.,PUBLIC - ,.._p,EAsME T SHA4l.>::NAV,ErA V�RTI�AL,c��gRANtF_ of 10.8'f>c7 F2mM THE Y, kill �EggirriE AN FASEMF_NT „ Z� �IAr� EA?EMI✓NTa7 HOLDER: , o�Visip�✓ 4FTHE OPoU7giVA90E Coa�Vry F IRiaA, A PouT.cAc SUB Signature HE EOF : RD' OF Co4NT �MM/55/oNERS� A�TiNCy a f, F'/pIS SE0�7?�5`4oGI9T`J79XFJE:EXECUTED'%N ITS NAME BY /r5 :FXJA. i b Ac'RffilCEo; 9NoxA7rEs17o a its oebdrr c«RK THIS O OEM WTTH=RESaLUTION NO r7� w:. PRINTED NAME OF ACKNOWLEDGER . NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF r C�,'C' :. DADE{ COUNTY,.: FLORIDA *p; SERIAL NUMBER: (if any) J _ ATTESTz - My Commission Expires: l tr r.. EPU LERK t KAY,SULLIVAN , IN WITNESS WHEREOF i THE UNITED STATES OF AIKERICA HAS. HEREUNTO :.. .. ,. CAUSED THESE PRESENTS ; TO BE SIGNED FOR AND ON ITS BEiiALF BY WILLIAM PATRICK, f�i!Pt6 ohers{ tha FEDERAL BUREAU OF PR�S,THIS DAY OF'. i s �l=b�,r installed C��bY A.D. 1,992, hftq {, b. pmi :ted within;'' . :::... dtr y , F. DERAI; BURSA OF PRISONS U , N I T l 0 �y y use,'in accordance+ •f, ; �r ti�fthis -m3 rp, t WI LIAM" PAT CK De u+ 'A-4an � , D►rec o.r s nklerr� tem syss andLor. r,•�}�� .tom i{f ion t e aitabhed' plat, k frY a r. y F v,it �,.rt } ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:s, �x�; tii r' trees shrubbery ea �a` *; o; the, Ree`rpeua1 t � teserrving to ;the ;r, k STATE OF / c�c 1 Ck G1 C� is.,; ti , revers bh a= -. S. S : iue bye law.` ��; = COUNTY' OF :i Y YYL. I hereby certify : That on this da w AS�ts'HOW N oN y y •personally .appeared before t,� .. ,���' `. me, an officer duly aut prized to.admin �'asr , r .. stem, oaths and take }', :Y, IE'RE6Y, rRESEfiVED,fi g acknowledgements`.A�4 1'�` -- lNS7ALUATtONt,AN � e�C r '� �ttr A551STf}NT' DIRECTOR' F TH>= F D / R ERA s , x � � `„ PI.AT"vw sSs EE s4(rw;5 t « r�r} strirwia t xtWYlO is p Y • wn tO �me r xr�fc' ersonall kno >' y' INN DEW. and who executed the fore oin .ins�tr 9 9 : utnent AAA T t ._. ' ' —acknowledged the execution thereof to b;e� vs T At7,.SA�HA"EA rnINIMUM g h14 free 'act 'anddeed as�,,.,�tt;� such officer , for the purposes therein ex, . �i''. g R c To;T1{� t.4WEsC pnRTION or such wA��kwfly take an oath. P P pressed and who dia /Id. ��,�,5 S AJy'h>t.r DNQ„� +LINESOF� S�Yn w 3 S, E;OaL t�s -,is 44 E n3 Witness:M y hand and official seal this c yt'E.RcEoF;v,PueL,llLrts 1992 day of'?. �, u ,gcin�Ic c xlCy6 EST FRPMTHE 7 i W • t J k5SF ��. � ti#�a�%"/'•"�g`,37�. 7�/ F "- Signature $ M Wlwl"/55/ONERS AC'T%N i' ` COUNTY n r 3x� '' { tM PRINTED NAME OF ACKNOWLEDGER�'e k 14 ... .`; �_ � ����,�� i�"lkr. -: .• _ .. �..i��� �� �' l � t�r'��yy W�v���rf�"�ts YrSo � NOTARY ; PUBLIC,, STATE OF z s ` SERIAL NUMBER: (if any; PU LEF�K�Y'SULLIVAN My Commission Expires: '4 y a/ 19 a i e yy 1i t t'+citi 1j; f ,4F d i z4 7 yJ. � S • :., ' �HIIN-WITNESS WHEREOF: THEUNITED STATES OFAMERICA,HASHEREUNTO EDTHESEPRESNTTO-BE SIGNED FOR ANDNITSSEHALF,B'CAUS- ?. WILLIAM PATRICK l�'t'0.rCt'l �" r . ,,t; k:,r"rs,,.:°lg ;+ ` �4 / FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRIS NS, THIS r ��VYI%b2J1'' A. D. .1992. �s " F DE BURSA OF P ISONS .UNliEb SYq�S f1t� AMLR GA► 13Y. y WI LIAM PAT CK, ,DePu-�Y ' ssts an pirec ,by ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ` STATE .OF ;� (ZQ' 1 CLy-, [:�` ) COUNTY." OF :rC.� C,E?c;i� s.S. ;t } I hereb on certif That this da ersonall a eared before> Y Y� Y,P. Y PP me; anofficer 'dulaut orizedto administeroaths and take acknowledgements 1. �Q Sri C"�C 4i ;QE PUT1�l�f DI REcTO R // F TH>= FeDERA x 1.i.`Z' F' 0.'l�. � �- ' 1 mac.• , �� � ei.�r:�. ` a� who is personally known tome y 1 and who executed the foregoing instrument and4r,r MIiM acknowledged the. execution thereof to be h�S free.. act and d'eed''as �1cr:IwAtw+�y such officer for the purposes'therein expressed and who did'g4 } , take an oath. j l Witness: My hand and official seal this day of `' ���. �r 1992 - Signature �Mit�issroNERs, RcTiNy . r 1 .PRINTED NAME OF ACKNOWLEDGER NOTARY,: PUBLIC., STATE OF C yth; SERIAL' NUMBER : ` (if any 14 Commission Expires: 'a: ,yam k,Y APPROVAL_S : 1 y t f'fv p i �•ti ��'! *`y�"�'i-ti,1)�Cuy t*,";._ °>�S.f. �. r ,SAP THIS CER IN n TNE5`S .WHEREOF :'r THE, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , HAS ,. HEREUNTO E UIREMENTS;; THESE�,PRESENTS`TO BE ;`;SIGNED FOR.;AND ON IT$ BEHALF.BY .yOF-THE��, ETR4LI ,E R 4 ZE" PATRICK,.: 2 8 CODE ` 0 M Y CERTIFIED THIS ZAL <B JREAV OF PRI5 NS,, THIS DAY OF "—'—' " I i k- p n� '- �tw y' ,v N r r .`. im a DEP ` 1 r _>!,�.. 1, CITY O7 MIAMI ARTS �� }. ,:, SONS uNlr�_rtAT MAR tY DERAL BURRA OF P I Ur •,PLAT WILL NOTz RESULTY RPFEGTED' PUBLIC FACIL�i'ISxE�O�E. a$y#4 y t WI aLIAM PAT „CK, DePu `A55ts an p�r�c ol"' IN THE MUNICIPALITY�S COMPREE 3Y,` APPROVED AND THE` FOREGCII�IG QEDCA , gq fv'+,�3 n• '{ } f 5 J jt•c t '' > ^i;f,{i'y+•"1"•_^orPA' ,Y}" Et .:hurt33•{ �' 4 W BY`.RESOLUThd NO;. A`CKNOWhEDGEMENT. CO�IMISION OF THE CI Y MI D 199 Sfw , as X ,Y !.{., J y t y r r t'•. A i �V y y if t'� ''�'w' ,i�'. "•''4 �a,.�." > kr,F,1r1n 1T;..*ct }f i•,J+YSS`4+}tS''rf't,!`4 s.y,,"ii,, STATE OF A. ( .htATTS SIGNED:' r ak'. ;!y,t o-ca� y`_ Y + F ... • . S . 5 d G ,. �C• 4 n S ,axK L�:., . n}•tit, .+4 , CITY .MANAGER "'COUNT'a` ::.137F�h i .-a ry ! 4-z i � }. i, <';��•FnY�.. �a �. ,�•.a hereb cert fy• That` -:on. thi., daypersonally appeared before RE�R��NC SsTA'TL'�MC:_ y. administer oaths, and take` me, -:,.an "officer dul aut pr `S199 A .r.� ..,,}��.,., }.,•; ,,:., ,., :..;,; , ... :, , :, ., T••1M FDA FILED FOR RECORD" I r 'acknowledgements:� ��Q 1i��,�C ..,'r • OF,' PLATS AT;-PAGEt t � ���`x�� ISQF{e T,I�E�PUBL? ,,'vQ�Pt}T �1551STR�tT plR�cTOR F THE A TH A �COM TE "i ITHh L 'n1�jini� E SaGS t�J FLORIDA. I+ T r:Y p>tiDADECOiJ IS P whoitrr,is ersonallV,� known' to me FLORIDA AND` METROPOLITA t . 'r 4 �i44t c y v} r ? ix r Sis y %✓ 1 �; r.: and. �•w2io' executed theforegoing instrument and ti�ackno, _led ed °ahe'.;execution thereof to be h {s free act and deedas - �. .:'. r v ;t+tit✓ems) °�a^ti T}ly,,fi',},t ti; xauchofficer forthe;�purposes�"therein expressed and who did /Ipl ,yA/?vEYRutr�N..,...1•, .'ti. CLERKOF THE CIRCUIT° COURT , BYE take an oath.^DEP Ji i.Sx -:) l day of: QCIV_ 1 '� ', �•+ :Witness . My hand and official 'seal ,this y� METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY 1' e ti ti �wfr �S nature THIS IS TO CERTIFY :THP�TTHIS� PEAT REQUIREMENTS 1 OF THE: MBTROPOLITAN D THIS . 'K R �. _ CERTIFIED s DAYS r PRINTED NAME OF ACKNOWLEDGER �6. C''C' ti ! �►a � � e� Y X - '�NOTARYµtPUBLIYC, ` STATE" OF �. r r , _ � •,r f, MEPO" ERIAL _ NUMBER• (if =,`any) DEPAIt? rn ga� a �' ,. APPROVALS: • ` 1 .i , j _,Y�4 , 4 t'``�t- +r1�1�,r.,�7KT "''`: r . - , EARS 'TO CONFOR �,, �,x HTS PLAT;'AP,..,., �x� +.., t THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT' T. IAMI :.CObE '•`11D CHAP' 'R OFa AMERICA" HAS .'HEREUNTO: �. REQUIREMENTS OF, CHAPTER ' 54 OF `THE :CITY OF ,.M SIGIED FO1tjAND,, ON ITS :BEHALF :BY .' a-.. + , .: METROPOLITAN DAPE COUNTY] OR, �, , k ,-, 28 OF THE ,CODE OFF s 4 CERTIFIED THIS r DAY, OFkzw „} ,, x'�u' OF�. .4p�"4 •3r�.r�-,-..` a4 \ �'I.. V Jti'.w:.; ..t. n,i:,::., '+ • . +ii5p,,t}},1gi`.� t S >i'� >d t y ,_4n zS 1 i _ ••i °'� - BY: ,✓4( 1:it ° PUBLIC ,WOi�KS r CITY OF ; MIAMI" DEPARTMENT OF DF =P ISONS Ut IT .�% S' aT :©i ; AM ICA ,br �.. • t =IY-�� :,+i �. .hip 1f c+� � EL ' OF EFV;OES A ,RED ON,IN EV,,.,,.;',., ..., THIS PLAT WILL NOT• RESULT' IN' LiCTT 7NEIi FACILITIES BELOW THE :LEVEL 'OF SERVICES PROy :,ED,.�: -� _ — RFFEC[ j�; �c eo PUBLIC i Win+ o r , IN THE `MUNICIPALITY. S COMPREHEI�SIYE PZAN THEREFOItE�� .'r TWA APPROVED AND THE FOREGOING ''DEDICATIONS irJERE ACCEPTED °AND;PP$01ED i r BY .RESOLUTION ,NO. PASSED AND ADOPTEDt BYTfiC'P�; FLORIDA THIS x4 CO29MISION OF. THE- CITY MIAMI r io:`sit '�.1' k - A.D•' 99�., • > ,1 T t IN+'t,,n P,�%pY'41 CIT,Yr,:',,sr, } s�r�. ,.•z. :r�,:-.--;.,. Well, „jSIGNED: CITY MANAGER' ;maJ�u�; rtt` rya ,rw. r`:r ti ,� • , .c:`- .s.. s'•. r. '�: r 1 4,?' �cc�o t N C ST s, :dayP "personally: appeared before ; ".. Rk rr. . q, �..y.., - ...: t DAY yOF`., ed t'admimsterr'oaths::°.and :'take FILED , FOR � RECORD. THIS :AT ., IN BQOK ORDS`=;-'OF, DADS x r Ks?: F THE PUBLICSREC PAGE a.. fi',FnE'.A: OF PLATS AT :AWS OE`'TH SIPATE 4. S :'PLAT'.:COMPLIES"']',WITH THE L, ,.,.. ��'11t _ '` i�''`�nt� f�'":$�o►i�C5 f�� FLORIDA. THI. 1, _ ,. .. FLORIDA ,.:;: ; FLORIDA AND METROPOLITAN . DADS COU TY,' �' %s, Yy.: oval lyp 7cno�►n to' me r r , [ L th lY '� Y t FLO ; t t� ,i:#uj✓e,�{�'h is ,.. ¢i/'� ..,t � 1 •+s:�{:i�` '2�"�9;.r t fi�Y y�•.k SS y1 L-:•y,..,r' ^t ecuted ,tier' Foregoing instrument and he 'e` f ao b free.• act and deed as his ses therein -ex" =essed'-=and 'who :did "/!Ot HARVEY r p E.. CULT COURT- CLERK OF THE CIR BY 4 � + DEPUTY CLERK r �i�Li+e r` ` Y �� F < ,Y'. 3'. + , 5 t ,� v � +'t < + � X #`�, i' "��tr� � �..ry��'•✓tC :' ai ,�� t � art -. , r � . t , � , �, x+ t ? ',i �•.� ,t: � v i.z'-S. )w ,.,ptr�., 1, searlr the s `,.�, da o£ ':i�_Cr , s UJ Y ,+, :?'.:,`ir-.,Y �;•t d,?� Sd Nt:F Cis u = p' , ,2• Val :,.•z t} r:f ri K J - r. s 6 ','s E •:4:..�y5? 5�.. METROPOLITAN DADE COUN EPEARS� TO 1,r ' Y .THAT .;TINS'. PLAT:.;, , .,. , ;., -• ,x ''i. n k {tix •r ,:, , . :, ; THIS, IS TO CERTIF ; ... ,. - pE:; COUN Y''.CODE ze xtik.ti ` r ✓. ,.., ,.. • OF THE: METROPOLITAN DA REQUIREMENTS .:> J.. ,:, t R > :-' ...: ... .:: .... ,.�s �. .'�. _ .. t u�t, a.4 :; Sj .t$� ,:N«" ,•�."-tf1:: CERTIFIE D THIS . `' DAY OF . �`-�.C'!C���i:�-•�y %�.U.:1�.� + �" t ' ,p� ECTOR�4• ,' � Y • .,,. ,...e ;. y '.v.+: a .' .,,n.. , ..a' r .; :: ,a - s :_ i' - � y �_• �A4.,{.c;. :-cE��tt��,, �:. fit' ,x, „g[:. fin. ..'� ...{''.>!T sty, .:.� , r. ,.:?h ,' ...._ .:,. - ,.4. BY •.• y ',`$a;�rYt g,,.�� n,.. s. •,f5�,":4�*,+. t'+4. 'Y:..r rr:rr'sc".,^t•.....i,�< �tn ?7r, C'> 't*,.ns,,r r +r$s� e f. ;f�,:i . ...:.`:'i.I ',r.... {f:f,,.-',:,,. i ,.,.... .. -w .,. ..'.. - ' i _ TAN, iPt,r, CtWOp/FPUBLIDEPARTMENTxt ,h ,.T ,.�'�i''>'� i;t , zr c � sa s�. ►' '.c' `� �'rK c ty"f{c•dR —\=1k ?f .. ��\�y`-�r•1 "� ".'�—l' - ,) Sy4�f�'• la__�}�'r.fYft r r7,1. - !lt � ✓,fi ,t APPROVALS: THIS 3S TO CERTIFY THAT ,THIS PLAT "APPEARS TOAMINCODE ^AND`ACf� HEREUNTO A�F BY : wl . - REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER; 5 4 .; OF THE ,CITY OF M ` yy 28 OF THE CODE -OF METROPOLIT N.D�A�ppE COUNTY,.FLORTDA:� D 1. s� '' .. A . 1 DAY OF CERTIFIED THIS '" BY: "CITY OF MIAMS' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC, WOTtKS AMiRtCA. { iNE LEVEL: OF SERVICE } ,.. THIS. PLAT WILL NOT. RESULT IN A RED[fCTION'1NOF BELOW.THE" LEVER RFFEcteo, PUBLIC FACILITIES PLAN:;"' THEREFORExTRWA' IN THE MUNICIPALITY S COMPREHEI�SIYE FOREGCING'DEDICAPASSEONS AC CEPTEDBYNTHE," APPROVED AND THE AND ADOPTEDWERt D D BY RESOLUTION NO. :AY OF; THE CITY MIAMI�...FLORIDAj THIS COI�IMISION. OF` _ A.D. 199. . �.: ------------ ATTEST • ' �, 4 � ; y\a SIGNED.' CITY CLERK .: CITY MANAGER cs1C'A"mmc MT RE��o1Nc� DAY OF FILED FOR RECORD ;THIS . M •; IN 199 'AT A:D. "PAGE OF THE PUBLIC: RECORDS OF;DADE COUNT' STATE P: OF: PLATS AT _ THIS.1.`PLAT :;COMPL'IES ",WITH THE LAWS;.,OF .THE 6c FLORIDA: DADE COUTY, FLORIDA AND METROPOLITAN a; ed as' HA R VE'Y RUV/N CIRCUIT'' COURT: BY": CLERK • OF THE DEPUTY CLERK METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY ; } NFORM TO `A`l 3 THIS; IS TO 'THAT .THIS, PLAT.' TO CODE. ,CERTIFY REQUIREMENTS OF,THE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY D .CERTIFIED THIS DAY : OF P►. 1{ � , DIRECTOR 1� 1.4 BY •' . � � . . METROPOLITAN ;DADE -COUNTY �. 4 i ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ,WORKS . 7 t 4 .APPROVALSo I S. 'A 'v `db9jFORM-, :TrJ AU7""�' Y. PLAT vr .ITH '.CERTIFIED -THIS' VP 'DIRECTORT w ..DEPARTMENT..,'OF�,�F&Btid'WdAKS� :CITY, -OF:. MIAMI o,;-REQUIREMENTS ,-, O7- THE -, METROPOLITAN ,.L'DAIU C, K `:�;'-DEPARTMENT PUBLI WOR i t : e 'CORJ�IRR: 0F... -.4 oT 4j 7i%ENCE"LO_/�lC3 41M4 ' .row G.o T 4: 9.G FEET E I „4 9. 7'ryE�/CE' Qi.O. :.rGE�. #tf;t afr.i?i",si TNi1e', ST .:A�o�.�.:rN�- ...wEs T •L%iV.�'".oF. 0 7" � 7 ijj j.�y 1'D O 11�. N. T.H 50UlISl R H WAY .p, E,,`: t ,4,,A P I T D E .11 f J1 }it C'eT. .L it .•}^. /•: 'f '} J'Z' =t Er so v.r.. of r GT os'';vr� M ;F sA/D � Po/N.T .,BEING ,.¢ ,HLc � N /V T ' E' E . ,5C7 T dq 9 °; 5G y!! wg �S T .4 LONG:'' T „ e Motet t�M� T. w L / , • H 8 '.,s.. G RT/lEASi TN gn tr sau fi Y Nd _ ,. .s ; h ::FEE TffENGE'NORT</Q�D'/`"E` /0.00 CPET TO A 00Z 7 ON r#& NORTH L/iV� Of' C�G`UC,C /Vi >THENGE SOL/7X/ dy°5G'S7"LUEST:ACO� y a � t TffE: Socl G/NEOF it%E571%. STPEET ,4HT-OF,tAy, oF:�rNeci7y oFMiAMi MONa�JE,+�r �lNE; THENrE SOUTH. OO°Oo'/G"GUEST PARALLEL' Gvirx! PRINTEDNAMEOF Tf/E l�1EST L /-+/a OF BLOC' 78 Al AND AWAIOr THE E45T R10#r- vF- GNAW 41&E A/ORT// }VENUE_, 3/O,08. FEET s Ti-1,ENCE iVO,C771 3q I57'45"tEA 'l /0-tV cwr rlleWGE- ,50(JT//OoeQp/�a NOTARY P,UBIiIC�' _- i : ►V y;� 46.00 FE .9 r To_ 7'NE NOR TH W&ST W 1101E2 0`1;*4ar /D, 4--Voc+r a5A/; TyEMcE A/oer// SERIAL NUMBER}: r fe9°57'40 ".5A5T /�LO//4 M-c AloRTN C/,Va OF S;Ti-1Sou 5A/o %vT/d _U7 FEET ; .tn/cE 71w-M- �0�mm '" My Coissiorit' E. W!�S7 ALON6*THCE F_i45T ,4fG.y7-t7f: 11VAy I-MIC OP IVORTNiVMA,71 AvR.NvP 275,00 �'EET,TO s} tz APO/�1/T'11; CUR✓AT!/RE; 7f/F_Nce 50UI'HEASTr'RLY yLONrr A CV.wE TD THE LEFT f/4VA/4 A }' %lkplu. :OF �.04 FCcT A Cf/ORo _ ,3EAh'/N�i OF ,�iOdl/� ¢SOO/'t�¢" ry5r �¢ cyo�?o ;l1ENGr/1 �JF i kt ' h 35. 3.7 'FEET A CrsAM?44 ,ANGLE OF 90 "02'4/ ` Nti` A RC L F;V ei r/V ; of ,3 g; 29 ARE T , T4 A " PviN7' ;s ° OF' T ' F'/+IC. S!1 i0 PUitll.."ir_'�n! Oz L xt? �Nca Y v �U. FEET E.A_S7' OF T/!E BUT11144- T coeN.�R D� LOT //� B 5 Al 20. 00 C'3LLGK. / %'EF_T /VJFr'7 OF 71 ClTv Gr' /V//A/11'// 9O/VUNIF-IV R/GHT- c7F way tlN� OF � : � A T t /N,c .AND oN 'TffE VoRTf/ , JVORTHEAsT ..�v ,,,,;,SETaVCE MOOT 99°57',54 T ALONU 7'NF �SOur/! � 5 ; y �44 t ' L/ti'E . OF 810Gk 6: /v h"VO Tt/E V0-1?7"sV /NF cF M0R7H5A57" 3R0 .ST,E'x�T 459. 'o. FRET: T4 711E AWAI of BEC�NNiN�. 54/0 44AIPS 8I7U.4rE Hn�O Z. ��VLl /.v TH6 Cirr oh N11AM/ DAOE c4uNt' SURVEYORSu' CER ' ', FGVFcrQA� CcurA/N/NG V5 /O7. 30$ ,SCUUNi-6 ,-Err i)NU 7- 00 4ecls$' itlDidL' .OR 'Zr_ L r� t s . I -HEREBY �CERTI �,_ •. a CENTER ,t�TS �`A �T AN EXPRESSED PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO CLOSE, VACATE AND DE3ERIBED;tHERE DISCONTINUE FRAM PUBLIC USE THOSE PORTIONS OF' NE 41hSTREET�-VLh .�, ALSO iTHATA THEM�_, M ,t, THE SURVEYS DAT° Y Na 5't 5TRr-ET. (bM ST.)'AND NOR.T14 MIAMI AVENUE AveNue D), LyI119 WITHIA}tTFF�.. k, � �� LIMITS OF TRIS PLAT OR CHAPTER i f LANNES ANDGAR( k n MfCI4AEL'J t t , 1 tltk,k� 4 '} %¢ Lo- T,y ''89"'.6 (,,• l.z w/O %H �# 9. 94 j'E'E. T�,.ThHE'iYCE . �Y ,140'.Q.i.F.�'ET ess M hand and official seal this � k 7- l� .L//1J»4i�:E.�w 199 �! 4x* D F. A41AMA . G �4o' '.0 TRH, 89�_sG'5..7.�!'vV�"sT ,41.ONG iNSE , .r GE NORTN(J°aD'� �rsr S ' gnature f4$q 1 RTi�fEAST' r z',STf, .�X'R�Ei 2$ 4$ FEET j T,s�EN ,4C 3" .: x . •,z J � �a� . ;, ��dP, ,,.��, ] �., 4, �: a , r,. • �,t/CE S ot/rX/ d 9 °,5G 57 GUEST, ohs . , s .. r r IVdRT/ L�X/E O� dCtl"C''�6T SA/D 'AO NT 6E/A/4 FFE'T o rs, rt s � L 'R7' ,4/�r aF=wAy, �i,� Fir, r: , �zr iUNIENi GlNE�f/EN�'E SOUl'p0'/6".GUEST:PARAEL W/J'I! PRINTED NAME OF ACKNOWLEDGER'� e,c `" t', ., yr: LON4 `,THE EA.iT �i /GkT OF. W,4A L IME 0�' NORTH MJAM/ a NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF , FEET THENCE ,SoUTy Oo Oo /G CE ;IVO�rIf 49t+57 45 cEAc, , i SERIAL NUMBER: (if any) MW NE�'`pFGvT !O I�LvGK 851�lf 7"NEN�'E Mo,�TH y/ R%HWEST � 1 My Commission Expires:,� h Qll TN[�,v o 5A/D y OD ;EFT 70 /G7'v rtGtIAY LINE OF VU/3TNi1�l%flM/ �. A vENUF, 27�� a 1 yyENCE7,5OU7'HERSTE�LY RLO,t/G A CU�cYE TO -TNT LEFT �1xa ; L "NG of 50UTk 45°O! p" or- 5. 29 AEe T T4 A Pv/rvT �Y AFfC GF,NG7N �v/Nr ,r3�/,v� 3v F'A9T..aF. Tfl� ,�ourytt/ sr coeNF.e ''oF I —or NO�t'Tf/ Il7NClN)rNT L/N.� AND UN TffE; IV©Fc'TN 'O'F YT/tE C/T j' 'bF /�'//.4NI / /t'' /LTHEA5T` rl�f� tir /�'&�T>• No�rla z. , a , r , [: " �-H 'n1aRr�/N� oF' /�%ORTNEASr, 3�'0 .ST,���r, 459, 58 AE�r ro. TyE rj"� N ;G►'%,tlC' /.J 'T!/E; C!T dF iYl/AM dAOE �OUNT'Y, SURVEYORS'. CERTIFICATE:' S! Vw,;ri; !/ • : > % k , DrER'7 " { _ .:•` i j GG�=,� :' A' ` Fs �tI0i2E :.OR L,t55. BY CERTIFY : THAT THE ATTACHED PLAT OFF; "FEx 5, !OT r 3QS SC0L1N•t'E `FF!'T /ENO; G',E'_ 5 , <. I ,HERE ;. ER" I TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENT,ATEON OF{�THI CENT DESCRIBEDSHEREON 'AS .RECENTLY SURVEYED, UND Xct: R DI; P 0 S E't OF s,THa PL-TAT . IS " CLOS E u q AT E AND RMANENT: REFEAENCE MONUMENTS, hIND'ICA' th tti SO THAT THEPE AL; P,L LC USE THOSE PO:RTI ON S OF '.NE 4 STREET C�- STD) E SURVEY DATA ,SHOWN` HEREON. COMPLIES WITH-THEEREQ 'AIlD. iJOIi.TH.M1AMl AVENLIt:?�AVE-N�e'Di�-yI11Q W.ITNI� Tµ nt+'nv�'nmT? 177' (PARTI') FLO�Pl{QA .. e p._u 11, . 1, 4Z > 4l 1-,1'�! v"'--I--17���,'­T-�j��_.,,,,-Z,A_7;�-�"-')'i,T,_,gr".,._,­­.I- : �,-,,-p�Ir 1.-'1,_���""..w _�",.1-.,',,:,,1,rT!i0Z,,.:-­"*oi�,r!�,-7�� �x'&,:,-�,:11�g­',.,-1,�,�4--.,,,­.�4i'�­1`1',��.�­,"-t�,,,.­-1.,,�­-­,j,�, .-I-"( ,. 1--.,,1;1-­- I:-�,'1_." ,­",� -i��-A­_0".-'"1i1,-1 .j1'­.,U­ ­.�-5-,V,"'** -'i_,..,"-- - ,.-­�''_,;1;i1,­,'�;1.s04"i4­1-_:,T�,"!--,-,�;',—.,,- . `­1_"!­­_ ," .-�­-, _`,4,;-�l�.'�-'_�`,;,..:W-,,-',',­Ir4,.'�� �.� II. . ... I 1 I II. I� . . II� . II �II . . .I �/I � ... �I .Io� I I�I �.� ­ .I. . . I. I1 A. iJ i, �� �` t qr a�rv.µs by d tr .. r d a c ' rtt'`! day of . �"! , ,I h( ;gaW77this �° ;� O��EET s hand and of f i , vial seal 3'} r g. Ko7 rr. I Oi o , r Withds MY�', � 1, f a.1C }no1k E� 1gq`.J l e� ,X +, �% r— ' 1'F r r >� 6 p sir ,t F # l �,�i , aE,�sr S ' gnature , vn� x rfEN_Ej,varrN0°. w�� ' . f ack�iot . + u y E'/N�v zt 2O'� FFET L GER �" �'� � � Y �'t�, j l , SttC . AID , !1%r' owe N,Y PRINTED NAME OF ACKNOW ED`, F stake tA, r z< M! STATE „?r i z P 1 �i. I1 ° Lyit/�� .4� A-1- )?Tf/ M/Q. a NOTARY PUBLIC. OF t;}, y ' TN GE SOCJT 4 I� BER: (if anY) 4,r ,..ram s;: kY i�"4:ry , �,I 'tn�' T� + SERIAL NUM }, .:* N rt C#K�+ 83i6v;)1i'M N�'E titp#9Tf/ iss"ion Exp3.res ` �"' f _?, L �� $ p s��t/rf� Gb'DO'/� „ My comet -1 t ' i ., �4� 14' '� hi fir,,-' �+ ,, 4 X D . rCG % %0 S 2 .7�, 4.risiFi't 9 �% �/r �4� xis G ��10A Y �� �n V i (may+L° F �k t? f�i¢ j��i1�4 11 i ., S n - f x, r< ,�'•.`,�G'� 4RDrL�ENG�'y OF x �f �€ j ;:,AI'"47, �t�t�`'<ri`-; t- " /J,�`- ^„ -.+ Stir r .9W,�-�A­1kj­.!.�jI''-�..e,-",;.i�—',,, �"T-1�5.'-ttv ,I'-.�Ii."'­.­RIiT�9 ,Ii.',111�­ ',�,".­-A,�..0­,' I -I z;ll,,tg, g,I""I ��i11�,-, ,1�� 1, �I�,z1. W_"-�II �-i"P,-_k112A­..,y'_,e_,j��,.._�I_ ,_"��",w�0`- ,,"�,,­,.4i ��4� l,�,, ­-�,�w.­ 17 a 3 q# 29 >, �r g Lary PRIN ,,I ". "11..�., I I-- , ��1,,I , .II.I .- .�..1 r �r. �!I '��I .II� - I 1.I �I :1,�.I '� � 4: , .. I -� I1' I�,�.�" I1 �,. ,J-.,' 1�­.I''. .-`� �-,;�;:., � f,: . !'-� ,II'�.��,­: �f. �'*�I',I, ,_"�1. � ��,�..� I,--�. ` . ,�_, ,�,��,"'�, ­I!.-.�,_1 �"�,�,"I,­*--,r0��,.,, �1­'��rI 'A"�,­.I.,­ ,­ " , .,j, �".*, :','','­i,�I��1:," �� 1., I�_��-,�-.,i,�­�,--,�."-�,, I,�1�t-"­� ;f' xSyY�r^ y<di ° �1C%t// n�?' Su�k�'t '(�;4LTNwFSTG'D,�NFQ� C��-��.�,, :-:­-.� I""­t�.,­."_­I:­ 1,,�,;- i_�';1 },�',,�1, i1�;,,%,���I1-�,,i! 1 _r tNdTA Etnt§v. rt 3js;}�3, PP � c.t tug j3),��'Fy k, - � se , s ri :.... ' �1••��1'C" � I Y U,G %�� .-'� �;- -1­,.�,.",. .-,.-.-1­.,g� -�-!,� �.�%''.� �,,�,.�.,��'�.,, ,i,-­�I ,1 * ,, -.., ,,-,�;,,4,"1I_,.,,� ,,.I .�- .-A, -­­,,­�I-',I..���,"�.t',�,,-.,,;,-,�*;�:"-1_;T4�_,,-,"I.__,_1.,�,,1-�,-";�",i ,.1,'�",,,, �­,I�.,�_"t, , �'T`�. ,1"�_,,,,"��"�,.1,,� %N&W1 . 1 NTK I..� N#�'�'r�'l/�l V �N 1-1. tk yxa Yr {ts�' �•S ` .t .'.,i + F�:,t} Sn.. +hy2i•`'r t'.`.".. t, ,. i,::^i ...;.:�, x^ , ... '' ;t, t4�;SHRI'_ e `.,. I ( ail «I CONG r, &. aSOUTN ,+ w ,W •k ,rt sy,c3gr i er ght t t „�,. �'v.i.L.rY ,• (3V4oc' a!� ,, .., ��� �,� r rd'h�., 'sfYC:4Myy'SC 57k , 959'58ts.FE�T4 T CERTIFICATES 3 ,s>.°;�+) yr 4fY�, 4 ��:��a s < n:� >},y_;,' a,�, r SURVEYORS y �, '. ;� a. )' r - IoMIAiYI/ ,,fiDAOE Y, D PLAT OF FEDERAL . JU,STICE ,, .,� .. k,P � Ri kfa ' € :., z • ,THAT THE ATTACHE �� ti ; � 't ' �� .,:N;,� HEREBY :CERTIFY . �Kxa ,� ...0 r ... 4 1) i. f Y tr hi=h ,� ,�. /t#b Gsq _L.r�sS : , I . D CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF THE; LANDS . r..,,+t... w•«�r,, �. �� < I S A TRUE AN n , <.. w �, ..,„i CENTER EYED .UNDER OUR'DIRECTION; >, 1 F s 4- '' �k v�� IBED HEREON. AS RECENTLY : SURV i. � . .� DESCR ONUMENTS 'INDICATED', WERE .SET .: r ;,� n'� r , , x "d , r N D , f� 5 s, NENT REFERENCE M "CAT E",Y,! -T x �, ., T THE;. PERMA RE .UIREMENTS'< .. , ; ., 9< „#t. f�lY:,vd+ :ALSO THA PLIES ,WITH THE , _ Q ,. ( �` ?c�^ ' ths. EET ('iett'uevT�1 ,�; DATA'- SHOWN, HEREON ..COM 1r , #, z•�. .6 1ff4 ,; &� jf �., e ,.;.'Pi'. r, r,{ s ., THE SURVEY.. A 'STA;UTES. W THt :T►�s�a �r) 177 (PART I) F�-dRI D G)IL 1!1 A ,, :r r•t OF''.CHAPTER �^,, t o 1 :u k. ut +fy;t �t �,4/k/ c � ti �, �,s:.�'.'IfWT ,,A1lnlir;',( t,' r >`.? k9 i. .i"}''r 1 �1•��tssi .iY a istnY Tot; l,'f ,i a, ,'!' ..1 f ! V E t i ' i , r'+. � iy'a 4.... 1 (s 3}� �K'ss, s, e } ,, k y, , f# w , i lwtt ;6)s,r � x - t .' 1 „!,.,�" t„p S r+l ` '�`t tin y;� t yR t � ;. J a a t t ,r ,, z � 'f ; } yf ri,r k+ (c ,+ V y T F �• Y.r 't 4} 'x�' 7 te�.S-1 sz�h+ t r i z.�n y.�n h`� , . 'r ,',, Y hAN.NES AND GARCIA, ' INC . , !, r , S, �_ h x� t + -. E ytit is n !r ' u ) i , ti 't ° .fi��`ti­"=v t+ ry, `,'at A'.r v K­ ,',0 r st >1 ,­1> t'C .'f`A r k;`t- a ` - . -(?i )7 ys < t Kitt, ,` 5 bra( jtt ;ism 1 rt =:i S id{ t { i �� Y'R a } � x arc pi., -t.Y d } e 1, ..r d -rd.. 1 }�I! i J. �: ni 3Z;C ,1; +}S i. �Pt,jar - .. (<i'I SF . Nk' 4 i h�" j tla �#}^tty 1-i ..j ` ' . 7 yy, i s c " i �R s�+k-4 }•'4. t t''{q-y t<+, kr.r t t ,-f� L v 4,i yi 1 BY • ✓ 1 s X, -, '1. , rS f _ w6a S n`1 i ,64 n �j ii t t i 4a r..-,fs it "? 'k t t1d)r,r.'t-:y.s'�Tsa."`+;.y_''dK-;r.'.4�`i.,,'�. L((a '..;,.;u�' �}� .-.,J.,•'AIE 0- cn.:,r ��f t r 1�::.,::ay;j + i. C <rf ' _w a• ; -'.` 3 t: T �'.. ..rrl + f 4 ;:.. _M Cl2P,EL... .i. t [ r it t L�+.'. ` A ,, ".;t�,`x. , �`i; .3�' v T� r URVEYOR . r,`z" �t w a ..a.Y,'Z 1. �,,� 4,��£i,"P,?c' . y.,,a . < z `i, r,.,•.:ii?i.+ `REGISTERED LAN S �; ; :, , :it d a` .,,. ,..t�fS�1 .Ct..yrX.F£.'kt��:�``,`,`?� r�-tct i..'...y�,c ,..• '.:� r:i td i...:; .tp. «� r>H,.:.;:T- f, r: ;F,r 1 �''?M><'r, Gr_.. "t t jh, a ;.P :.ia ia,. t ."}4�i. �}tip n5 :lsr;r o- 3'v ' .;i':n, tr y : v 4-8 / 9 i, l F;; ; - r r :7+,/Ft :Fi;x x�t d.a4,9s�'t�k F t '9�,4'`v s'r..r.. 4 r :, r .;'.1tt�h;; t d ..s� .r+ ...,r,,:,, . t _ af:�. ' S }'C.X k .f 'k4 ,Fw. a t i =..rti a � ` :ry , @/{j '4 r fib+ t r >!1 r a 3, aG { �. " v r : 'ti$ +�' Tr t + F , ii� �.x i. a ,����,,,,� � .':.i, t{ tdt` *�{ • { , k # ",,b ' ' r 14"'4v";X">;"'k }-J Ati no. -.r.'•i k, a jti• 7 K :,j1 i - ti 1. �, � _ '. r 4f J1 ,F �r Q 7� �t•� '1 j#+F. rad ar, � vd, f.". , r r -- j, - � y ..F' °c )�k°.« .. K.itn:r ,a#+.'ki i .; q,'t't•f,3,P,hr.; , i r _ 'aSti 4"M"'" T tr =' t s,(�.,r13-�� r�a+••!FF"Ei.,�. 7 > . y"i ` - ) 4 wti'.3t ur , t ,+ .+ r{ �q1c +S t i tat,r.r,Yx Yf�S.• tr rEfK,. d'. F.?. �f - n v rx.}'� ,t 4 , ' Y _ . - �I • That, on 'thf►' day of hereby certify.• `itiC�al<�seal this me, an officer duly77, autho�izci to adi3it 1 4`4.d3�t ri 43 t y ?.l9"X tf'Kiy t� acknowledgemts. arir., ,N �.i enand Chi er lr` 4Y }v:ir a,t; of '� ?3°t�'i,'� -b'` wj} i r t - who tits .,gip `r S.` n 4 + 1S.11aV�1►nt:.. !Y��h i o and vJ ho executed theor acknowledged the execution thereof to be ti � pnTLED:GER `�NEI t� �bY'DI�II��- such officers for the purposes thereintiex t,- take an oath. Witness: My hand apt of icial seal this t _ 9" �� S�rr is j Y 5�..__.....�'r`� _ _ _'f� '✓��'i ' k F i 4 , Signature %7 ,wu YF F + Y tv y i F1 CKNOWLEDGE PRINTED NAME OFA h Y �# a NOTARY., PUBLIC STATE OF SERIAL NUMBER: (if any) C t � ,;CERTIFICATE:`, My. Commission Expires. �RTIFY T}HAT THE ATTACHED -PLAT OF. FEDERAL JUSTICE) , x r A TRUE �ANDF�CORRECT ',REPRESENTATION ;-,OF :THE LANDS .'a� w 11I v` 4 M':ia5. a•1 iEREONASRECENTLY;,SURVEYED UNDERMOUR DIRECTION;' .i.,,rr -my.�` ,. N ae't*t.t4..5 . rHP..IIRMANENT ;REFERENCE MONUMENTS INDICATED.; WERE SET. DATA SHOWN HEREON COMPLIES WITH THE,'REQUIREMENTS � 177`('p� �') FLORi D'A SST#'tVTES. t A i ,4, t GARCI A, INC:. , E,. IRA - DNA -��SURVEYOR' � zc , RED, CLAN wry i �;�3r - ..tx .rY - •• `� i t + f i a : ersoAally appeared before I hereby certify. That on this°day p ,7 ► authorized to adman#stet oaths and take` k an officer duly , and' acknowledgements,CL • a re t v Y4 t k 4 and , } ' 'r ers�1+°f + /�eronally'..known to me w` are r t vJ ho executed the "foregoing instrument 'art$`'t `anddeed e5 } acknowledged the and execution thereof to'be their free act and did i`.. such officers for the purposes therein expressed who ; "a cake an oath .� Witness My hand a�fd off icial seal' this .%�_ day, of , � Signature PRINTED NAME OF . >r ACKNOWLEDGE f!' s•; NOTARY' PUBLIC, STATE OF SERIAL NUMBER: (if any) My Commission Expires: , / r CCE .2 tsw _ 7 ✓J4! _ 1 r. 1 ... E a "tom•" rX before , k That on this day personally appearedIN WITNESS wxEto ;�•, ',��theeby oertify:E, CAUSED', 'PF'S�$`NTS'O: Me r° fan tof facer' duly, authorized to adminaitder aths and take '��* z rt'Tti`achoWledgements� p�1AaUSRE osPv'[Y [ a nd - respect vely i... ... +;'.O q BULL DI_ r�' V d $ Fb of t known to me 1 �e, A who " per are r ovally C and ho executed the foregoing instrument and" ► �. ' acknowledged the -execution thereof to be their free act and deed 'asp a� "r •aK �` r officer$ for the purposes therein expressed and who did nts�pg TJ, �1 4 Xlr take an"' ath t..�h fi�• KNOWLEDGEMENT Witne s My 'hand', a' of. icial seal this X, day of h r r ( STATL OF r COUNTY. jSignature G na: J I hereby certify • Thato s % /�nIlOr r ! me, an',,offcer,dulau4.. acknowledgements��y NOTARY•"PUBLIC,'STATE OF SERIAL ."NUMBER : .'(`if . any) / l� r'/ r�s.e a- whorl My Commission Expires:=;"t_ an;�yw�oexect acknowledged the texecutian'�th, l[lr�tu such officer for :the, u=po e'. Y take, an,"oath. •y, 7 Witness. My hand andsciff.ci'aFI u19 Z ri S • k F q`yN 7 jt t Signatu t+ PRINTED NAME OF ACKNOWLSDGER�E NOTARYQ. WX PUBLIC, STATE OFiE.�` e s SERIAL NUMBER:, ry , , 3 My, Commission Expires. * , ' ,y1 \ t a H +s 1 1 r , ix xM , tlilsry day, ow appeared before. ; IN WITNESS-WHEi�EOF: THE UNITED STATES OF AMLAICI� HAS, 9'OR ArtA,'Gp IT8 HE1 ized to'admin#ster oaths and take .. CAUSED `THESE 'PRESENTS TO BE SIGiIED ADMINISTR • ' and' , t-1AaUtiae oaPUTY ASSISTANT REdIONAL' ."I 'fgE fiJ.s. GggAL .3LRVICES i1DM1`!�: and -"' respectively BUILD SERVICE R A.D.'`199Z. c da �, THISDA OSTRATIOrU "olia:Yr,L�;,' Dian ::to 'meY d� =. VICks wDlr!'i the foregoirtg instrument and�> 'as ..5 ,. . executed deed 1 :;thereof. to . be their free act and ...vEvu1'Y ggl5i'AAITt RBCdi tC�AlALt` A� poses therein expre ssed and who did nod ; .THOMAS J'. UBLIC'BUII+DINGS $RVICE ;.. r• -' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ^ial seal "'this day of ,�.'► .. ) • STATE OF .S. COUNTY OF I hereby certify: That on .this „,day ,personally appeal an officer dul authorized; :to rdmiaste= oaths 2 r ..--:. GE me, �. PUY'1r AS9iSTA' , 1 acknowledgements�� , / �' . 4 •who . IT persona 1y to me, 1 y intft and''wtio, execuyteci `the ~foregoiri ti acknowledged the execution .thereof to be ;free ; `E ",and such officer: for the purposes' tlie�-ein expressed ' take an oath. h ' hand and of f icial � seal this t �Y : r Witness My 19 ^. � ; . gignatu e OF ACKNOWLEDGER.M��-Y PRINT D NAME NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF SERIAL NUMBER: (if 'any) ' My Commission Expire {q - ..m _77r.. "'eSYrec ;before , . � ego IWETNESS - WHEAEOF: THE UNITED STATES ; OF AMLRICA,;; HAS : HRRU k€ ' , ke ;'Ot ,T5 adm�:i>t s ter . oa'th'S and to ` .. , . , , �' � • � CAUSED `TIiE5E 'PRESENTS .:'"1'O SE; SINNED ,FIR AND. qN yy J�% I. �qiF • ♦<9 , f3and� ► tI1AaUlrte caPUTY ASSISTANT REGIONAL ADMINISitATOR� tJBI��# respectively------ " P BUILDIN SERVICE • R ,THE V'sta ENERAL',�.SEbtVICES ADI�INIS ►TI N l L dl H v Y ..: tciAp DAY OF' A.D 11992. • Y`' �, . f � „ k r Elk," ertssf , --r '... , _:.rt y� ust , +ti 4r,: •`. ....!":. ��` fi hy'k �Lj: .°?� a, i..'i. ti ly •known , to rme , . , THIS ,r, a ,t• >. t',.. � STRATION 'OlA EO . STJt.'TI�S �tlF '�4 0 s gEFtV2Cis ADMIi� , t4ryti '! ,.4. 5 'nt ; a'd'B. ed the foregosng in`strume � ,., /a F _ . 'act and 'deed, -as �;..: " } r of_,to be 4the3 r: free R ther"ein` `exp ess,ed and who did no4a, _ DEPUTY ss15TAN`I' RaG1oAJA� ADM11lI6TRA`RS ' THOMAS. J t UBLIC BULOINGS SERVICE d+ salt Z ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : 31 this ,�� day, of .�' r /',., i Yi Y _ STATE OF l ( S. S: k a COUNTY OFA. ' I hereb certify: TYy hat. on this day, personally appearedbefo= y. authorized_ to'. dmiaister oaths ';anti= me, an officer-dul �: Pt3TY A°�SISTIWT acknowledgements +he U n fed 5hr. t+srl wn to" ,me r x�.4AW. pit Aj � b /vat,., persona ly who s i ` itr�- 4'� �GJ �, u T t t` <'�rk � `�d—'k,'rC. tr. t'a s .,,p • tc anti' who execnt6d the,, foregflinq indtrutftent r a a ' T to be ; i is free; acf : and;idee ' acknowledged the :execution thereof a such officer, for 'the -purposes' therein expressed and who d%dam{y� Y take. an oath f•f1Cla1 "Sec�ll• 'this day Witness: My hand and o Kyy ,az �, i t; �s Ailc ' r 4 PRINTED NAME OF ACKNOWLEDGER'Ll+r►�LY -- , q Y PUBLIC STATE ,'QF NOTAR r SERIAL NUMBER: ' ( if 'any) My Commission Expi res La S i r4 - ♦ f^^eye _ = raj` E 'Ju,x i t ,g fe } f tea ..: � • - t� ` f '�� 'AE'6r Att AYNXTW-: STATES C CA SIGNED I ,FOR CAUSEW,THES ASSYSTAN�;. NL-DMX IS' N. ­ biLDIN`SERVICE FRG SVICES INIs , .. A D 1902 , THIS GE, VT ZT, CES"klWiSTRATION u Mlltr'.15 ka 'td EP TY7A5S15TAlJr.,..,.lZZG'lOMAL UBLIC 'BUl D RV ... ACKNOWLEDGEMENT• MtdA Air .-A l­­".� wh0ls _j_n-aj Jy_JCrWWn tv me- Det'�(. Y who execqthe �e� dregro an execution ;thereof to 6e,,h I free.: act and,deed as ,acknowledged 7,7- .th such officet, for -:the tpurpoees-.t ereini expressed and who _did A-, Mr take 'an :oath. . t. N, al s6AIthis' 41tness My hanA and official iCi 1 7, hatu -IL-Y r-PeLOSte-) A.� PRINTED (NO.WLEDGER- -NAME OFrACJ NOTARY'�' PUBLIC; STATE OF. z SERIAL;- ­iny.), . ion Expires. L. My Commission Commis s 77 e xs y sis i.y7!-r , Ski V.cc •t ,7 L 5 28.0'a dp j j 4 S Al y N89�.� ✓7'.E /O.OD ' {0� , f ` s •� i t.. t t 3�400• r +' � T 1 Zi a �Q jr cz, a 0 C o OoCT 13 L �N­ AN r IJ 1 t t ENGINEERS LAN Fm F! D 359 ALCAZAR AVENUE ,CORAL ! 75 50 25tl H , , SCALE 50 - gF Felt Ir ' a { IL S, a C L-A: Quo st a -141 riJC'" ° r, J Q� oa t ` v s Lm i � tr= L Fi• �� a ' s'hR, �tiAet 5 aq D 09 o Qz-;7 � J D n A Q� 0� r PREPARED BY A'RC � ti`< 11 LANNES, A&N' D G 3 �T kK �' ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND' 59 ALCAZAR AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33.134 (305x)';6 F � � GRAPHIC SCALE, 50 25 O 100 ; zoo - - - - SCALE I�� = 50' ':.N OV 7 JI jr��i 4 i ,A!+ lJ t 4 i t O kt �� 'r }1t 1 et . � "r. SAN D: ;mot r ° �.,µ.t��taW���. D;Q� NJ C�� � a3 Q Q 1:ty i �d��'♦y+t^�� :. i tilt � - 7 ll ; ki:� t r <qD.r\n ;;t iaYUl sfr.' PREPARED BY - , E AND, GARCIA INC x ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS -- LAND PLANNERS o,x 359' ALCAZAR AVENUE ; CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 - (305) 666-7909 " GRAPHIC SCALE _In" r75 50 25 0 100 200 300 .t:. < �. SCALE I'�,. 50 . NOVEMBER , 1992 F N -89057'57 ' E n 550.30� ' -- —� Found Monument. I TH N E, 7 STREET (CITY OF MIAMI) I r° Al NE It STREET I '3 N%o NE 21P AVENUE `a L t th «+r'et a Y f d >•. r+* Mr.t.... ��/��/ G r !317 1 IE 1 a3 i3"t 4Fl d�'t�rR��p it f M� fb. }}FF� j.tt 3 f: �i1 Q LQ.{.l �7' 1 1 1 �P� i l Q 1111111M .7r I I F= LO a:D Rix'A, MwDa��� NOVEMBER 1992 6 E 550.30 Found Monument 7 TH STREET (CITY OF Ni IAM 1) Al NP- -7 th 51REET Moo NE 21PAVENUE Ulo -9, t 257 .�I�f�1 � i1l��, s r� • • ! > > Ig sp 10 f • T 4 AD PLANNERS 34 (305) 666-7909 s :14 •.Sum 1► 1• 1• Z rv. 6 200 300 1,ru 10 to iu .01 ► • s i E NOVEMBER , 1992 ' 14 1I 1• is so at Li t! ill r WIT At u sa. - N f 11 4 13 14 If ' 1 /. 1A 10 Pt N So f —5 Found Monument a a- 11oil ui ET (CITY OF MIAMI) a , 1: a AT NE 'j t 51REET 3 ! _J w W NE 21T AVENUE op KOO.r taw rWO �• j f�UtiiA'.�7fi ' Sca/e.•/�� � N T• � u .I 1• 111 20 iI1 ii 5 P.sk 10 to 5 4 12 LA 13 24 II 4 is I ? so at Las Sol .1 IM r7,. ki u up LL 13 14 0 14 ps fo fa ., . . p �, „ -' . _ _ r .'. r/ � y,� I ' , �f/A �,� ,D� Dt�'• • f 74' ;. r, I"1^ y..Yc��K fi:11 i r BLOCK 63 � N rut r { r a "IAi kti, e r17 #F'�4; r n z f { I tix x*$ r fi•t� '){fir ` ', 7 —�, I —+—1-- [ { ,Jx t .,ri"( iyr C<� �' M ., ' t I tt Y f a ill : I •, ,.., �—' , 4 3 a e v�p*°ti",r,yr 8/o k78N ry LINE RR r r .�� T M-44 E 1r X Ft f 890 RC1?,ar. ,pc g 56 57 W N �S9'sro91, W N .L//fy/T OF_Ty/Si�LQ Q PC,P. N� r 81 25 44A.R.M - .o N07 A PARTP�AT14 ip'. oo• a 2e,e 'P PAS 22 8.48 •4i 3'�'•seP- ( �03: r o' I C Re �rJ�. PRP.RM g o s�pj f Pi �339> �' 5037'`' a9y9� S-57 4 r.. ' N I 52.5' w !75' o N i r 0 Q h { A S TA.P. A C i- "4C z 7$ u' l ' k ' { 1 ' 0 0 • �� m o`�`PRM Pik N 49.96 x ry S 89057 �21''�l a Qj �h o �IV o, o, 2$ � o .f - ee kgK 10 �: fi I �' • I , r .l Vi "� 25"' Zq! �:ae' z9.� ,/4= •QQ L•V 'T 1.,t✓✓ �`/b9•'`V3 r t _N ' '1'4 E PEDESTRIAN PROMENADE AND=TILITY 'EASEMENT N..�� 5 5 �.-¢ 50 - i PC? - N 89° 57' 45 E T C T ��•o', r rr _-30'.. .. _. a., r 1 - — r MIA Aof, 140A 0. t �' yrA r 11.' I ' I `� ! i •�' J ��asF,� Sit � 4 A �'F`��u /1j /�OK'r�"� Tr _ 41 l4TH GNE 8/Ock 78N I� ttioI N E s�9 ST 89 ° 56 57 W RCp _is w� fi Ll�& gler.,ze- .�/tl in �u.���i�a�B/o�' 7 Pc.P ('� rr�i?244AR.M ' �� �-� ioo �a �,n• s — NOT A PART F THIS PLAT— , PPkt!5228.48--•+4��.� os�- , Z ��►o 49 ° 81� Zs"/!��?sjr)Gc 0 PR. W j PR.M.8 _ 43 O• 50•3.7 • ��, II�II�II�• re , 35 k, rt iti� `1 S 89 56'S7'' Wh xi 52 w �So Like welm h6k-a - i _o �r n Y/ P S O O O ! i O � - o o CV e l 1 Z Ti�ACT c � � pR j�l �t,t 4t ry QQ,, t /769 ' Acres t 49.721/ 96 f0 `err' 1 o Ix �i At S 89°5'"�a /.02� AcilePS.� N `^�'� (1C,' C- citqq hkw� W �y> r In i 2 t}4 i�}!at•a+,. it NbT SeeNJ 6.0 st— g l jfa M rO•'�,Pr �� -z� _ , ' �� r O. 0�' { 3 • 29�� 6�,^8' ..: tx Z.40. 24' $0.�G` , h 9p5 '45�: E �,�+ PEDESTRIAN PROMENADE AND UTILITY 'EASEMENT N a ? ,89° 5745 E )--,�,4C T Otn 4 sir as-e• .�, -�: z O9. od r 1 I I �. r ��������\ � /,�: �9� y .w »� ±�� � / _ ����� ���� ��� 2. :/���\ � ����% � � � � � { � .� ®&� s � \� &��� � . .�. .. ww:. � `� ;4 N' . � , , . - -- 9! s sAA. Y � :. � Y?.p�.+ "' y��'jr�"t��+,!' r jri',� is L _ � ��./ .% � ✓ / � J �'l `,' �� f�, a .� Vq*Ui s� '. `�Fiy'',t�r`#i�y�, �yy��f � ( f ` Q �' h t� x {�.�� ,�;3}f A � W tFi 1iAV i J 1,4 C0 ,.,t '„.,r.ash�,a,'hh ...K��"' ....'fi<*_.«,,.+nn4, ...,.,..:. ....,:,.. ,1 7. „s er h i ��.• �-�-r'.t,�. tt 1�# z4i � , ,y � i 1 t� t W I /-. / �. ..O 1�\ � '.,�� + ..yF :4 a.++1�'�•t 4 % j.tQ do ,7 F 4 �~ 589•sc�sryv � t � �, ' s �17.50' 1 6• a X r i _ W 4 V ? ' S89°✓�454W �' N U Ii V wfy Easerr�e;6 rig Trdct C r� - Y Y '�•. r �,� YRY` ♦♦\114 /�%moo 2t, z w RZ ��r �Defai/ 3 �5cd/e.• +1 7t l._ li IJ x _"k''Y tt z �.' • - ,� ?���i 0 — — la0"C1GE T�IRK `et �- rL \1R\1 "002 3 � r Fr r I { 90, 7'4 57 E ;E9.5 ;t 6 Q ! � C �3 -li 0 u 3 n( y 111rill.... MUN 41 to to is 11 12 1! 14 i 1 �{ f I'Non Wil��I� L n.0 A T 'O, N . :,:MAP . F4 Z Io -11 It 13 04 *f% Of so 1,1 at 0 It N.E. .Na En 09; 77t g. 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' - t'y 9 t - . �iy 'i f i'• •Hsu},. 1 t t :' ,. :,Rz"f + ��'; tit a�. , 4�.�: ti t f fi 4' t A.Y F A4 .- iw..., +s.-ft*4%2 c wa av,vv.}yv vv G � ?a< i,.:,, , fir} ���.., ,�a♦ KtlCNUC N 0 ,. N 00-0O'00',r r:} - +i?,s E " k .-t -_ ��.ryll,` q a.,:' , wo-t�ce • T41eRE MAY:B@ RDDITIONAI: KG5T12ICTION$ H`A7 .A E:. 10 = t Rts i 1�1� �oi t. £4 �i k4- � -, e� '}" �, PLAT THAT AY �E FOUNCi N H PU �tt,.,� i 115 ).�i� t�z� ,{ "1 M I T E�bLG5 0 Yi ;`a "��`I}', w I,i� � � P.O.B : DENOTES POINT.'OF BEGINNIA � � , �z;�y= ���4t. ,'/'Y�y spy 1 IU , )3 T .:� "2.; } 5`� f 'd'? i// I/��y,� :� lK t / - : t : r � 4 t �� » 1, f ° k rq �KS' z ,rP„}%�4 • err r; s 's ,ax _f,3 s., ✓� - qr! nis.,'-< % ;k rye : S �, . �� ` ,� ,,_ ✓,k � i '. „ : •¢5 P R f DENOTES PERMANENT. REFEf EN E M ONl1 h , ,T ` , ( -' FP S #"I r, ) 6 3 t �� ' Kbk�,.#,r�� i+, gri ri0, t ,. e_4, W _ O r,;1 b 1S .< t o x ✓ .: ,� ,�t, I?C.P ;DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL ° POIN•�' ' h " '� r y r s : ` � s xrBj�?'i�� ❑ DENOTES CITY OF MIAMI .MONUMENT: 't`ct i' `F t M 1 ri t 'i 1 4. i y {i�. ',is,a �, ;, l t DENOTES MONUMENT LINE; , ,�<ax't f A Mt,°' ',��` DENOTES ) r ) wyr rK `1 CENTERLINE�a, I Gtj ,gyp i # ;`` 1 - tS is S' J, is - '' — 4'�ffli.2'i . xy .: 3 '...�;:x w M1'' ;' . .:' - S r r t:r:.5 z �j7e� t� r f, r?c J ,S , Ii -; t 1, � ;.'.:; : 'DENOTES RIGHT- O F-' lt, {, �, p R/ W WAY . y .#t f rt i Rq.C. DENOTES Fbiur' ac comhu4ctmaki "i `` wi ti - a j 7� i G 'QI���C.�i, ¢ a t z dYR21 vi'" T�«.. i 4: il»+5� 589!6.%'¢5_��W - t s i ', d ties --t ' j r l}ysf+nii iygYi r3it ;:la, i �i r. t + �p ,� ,e->w- , ; 14 t 11''c t. , �, S , r A: I F k� t aZ vN rF�;y ,� g , ,t `e ;r — r 2 { '1.y �I , .I. , — II .�I I .,� .III I --r III t��I I.� - I.. ..I,.�I I�II I 6i- t�I ,.�� I,,_I � � I I..4I .� I I I I . I� -1II II � 7 1� III- I I I I �I I , V� r I I II�IA� ., I �".. -v,I II �� I�,,,II ' C��f��j /� /fir i 4 iC A �%f A rf..f•I,Vfo mil �/ /e: / w �f t a J y .. "'.- .k 1: + " , a�#' k.. S�Y.y 4 ,f�-. 1 .. - z ' t Ot t k,,� ,_• i ys h4. T , ti ,.t Jt ke, ,z G } I I ? arc 7� ti t5'� t,' y SgG , i ,i , .. _ r .� 1� +n wry i': tt �,, I.t r �..^ .: a~ ;+rie,,' ::'i ,,^5 Cz{t �7S r'~v`t RECoRDIN&STATEMENT ,F FILED FOR t f4EcaRD TH.t S: 4 . � , ;nk i ' f t bAY 01=; t T r�s 1,. . S . AXt t , A • - '.YI 9 9 . A T '1,. .. . t ry ", �^v,.t Yi>y.`r",- O F PLAT :, �I► - l N BoO K r �. ' r; �/8�9°'✓�' 745"/ 1 y SAT PACGE - i7 - r_.., '. OF THE PU6�.GI..C. RECORD:Sx bF?DA'r -- p FLOR I DA; THIS. PLAT, CO�MPL::I'S f✓'.00, k+�, ,, :;,.: E'T o o T,HEpWksoFT} FLORibA AND KITH s { t O M R P L l TAN DADS C,OU)4, F LO RI p v�`tt gI113�iy f Z '^ ','1(. L yV ' a N89 s� 4s E , VA R UE y Ut/%�I y ` .. n� F � , , i , .� re t\ arf ;� se ` cc �;er of TflE' c'�iPcviT co�� ' LPG �,� y m�� , T �r w,}ter r "�' 4i y t I O A S y'.. i 1'qi t "ii'i) ._ +{ , i' O I i N V .. I 4 i Y' i t 'Y Y k} yS �^A,' ) ' ',H' , F eOO' '7 % n ' t' > 1 *� y r!'3 , " Ms4,RtA K.i,,h /� p Lamy �fi� 9 4F y <, , ..t a�'.{, - ,*f ^_ �J CJ9 �J/ /Y/ //, O �yz-r�.G•0Q / i ' / 't '' ° �',� 6 y d h x8 }i. _,':. d U y� J 2. - t I { } S,i 1 { ttf{ ' h i f :t , f .� ., ,f t"{i L i ,' t 1 P : v :,.. a Nfi t` ' 7i 1- i, , : . t . i -- '. I , .,. 11, 1.f _ , . ....+ ; � '. .._ .1 . w ..,,. .s "et` ...... .,t .. r , f ^s' �' (F i 4ry � rg{4 i . d..yrtn Y . .tM ...Y i a...I I• . WeSM. MAY'.ft AVDITIONAL (MSTIRICT'lot4s 'CHAT %Rp- 401T.lkl!toRvvQ:t6m PLAT TKAT, Mhl BE FOUND IW IRE, PUGLIC. CORDS OP') T146 COUIPIT11, PO.B DENOTES, 'POINT OF BEGINNINQ 'PR.MO. DENOTES PERMANENT REFERENCE A .MONUMENT�,,,,'�i6Kf -PC-P o DENOTES PERMANENT coNT'ROLf POINt 0 F DENOTES CITY OF MIAMI MONUMENT. DENOTES MONUMENT LINEDENOTES , J4 CL CENTERLINE R/W DENOTES R I G MT-f)F- WAY ,1.. 7 1t (yYJ';,1�• j}Y:SN�UG'i 11`J Yf! y`' N 00`00 00' . . _:�,.,a"��"�---�i�'­�-_**I_�)�,,,%�.'*�,,,t�1'..",1-",l-, ,t5 14d'�► � : 'i41 RL'MAY.BE: At�DtTIONAL .RESTRICTIONS 'GNAT IrR� NO RE�oROe� N iH15 t' r ': 1 f xs, rid ; E ({�g'-- of r 4�tS COU ll Y.6E t"ouN1) IN TKe PUBS 4R I `x r , c E o5 o y T �, _ of a Cr�r~�, '.1r..t0` •;.-i # ,�.1 rK11 .r ". �r.Ft �sr=3y :)POB bENOTES POINTOF BEGINN�N�i� ,;;- .. �. !y y �t p F� c , t� ( y, 9 f l it •. k - q.. �yi.,i'a a..� ' t .c t. 3 t .+ S ,#.sa s gx. r �u.. ,. at .( `f , -t-i , t. M > ,�. . s ., ,, , -DENOTES` PERMANENT REFERENCE :MON M i� P Rh l� Sty "Va'ti'rt"7.R`�p f"hs� ie yk1`: i _ { f. � • �;_ , i4"'4AM{ of �ti s :fit' •: •' `_ - r"�. ,: `, :`. 11 . , fit,.. ! ,, � .,; � P ; ; .DENOTES PERMANENT �'CONTR01_ p01N'Y`: � �'xi'�',t-tj,� �lda.#ou y�-'S_yt,� ii r i x PC. Q s s`i +# s ,4 tia .. a r j 1. `'``' f'DENOTES CITY 'OF MIAMI MONUMENT. ' "°'"'' ?a� , 3 tit ,1� x'1 x''� .r ai ,,,s + Nt ', r , Y ,,e k. . D _ i ty `t��}* C - 4 t}�ys y);,a 'E DENOTES MONUMENT LINE >: r,- i 41'04 `,5-14 x %1 , S i S ,M f �a i 1 Y: ;taTij�;yt, � DENOTES CENTERLINE. "p tYt„p�g c �-+x 1 { 15-. ,i u i�':ftFs ,At , d! , d �Y v. , - 1� ., r, r °,x¢z'"�{ R/W► 'DENOTES RIGHT-OF-WAY ' X!;,%N , { ' H PQ.C• p Q {� fJ or CGM►neuCRN1�UT p . Y;� � }s t�; + �, t, ,�k%. E nl TE 5 I T y 1 ; t t_ . YN3fl iur l {{:: r�4 4 {.: ? t �r, - 1 T� t S', 1 i � ., i, n ! F t 1 ,.:1� li {#u a +�4 .Yg �.jsy z'; �.;s; h {r,ck 6r .,, $:r`. i F'' 3. ,;, p .-.�'t .•4" A: e t.,:tl tYr .:t. Kt rt. �" s �r` ,., ` :INP,S. swgp i.,5ytls 1 t.! t a ?'...� 1tr� 1 "it Tvrj tf}l:li (+ # �a'S ! ri ,t tt-: ,s'al 'w5? r,v.urf, 1° (, {.:''.,Y ti :w `•'+:p Q. k, ,�.C"t),1 t1 `4 �;t t 'i ?.iY -St {f3:e,.}?'. r "' t, y ',• - x �„ i7.1 (�.ep4F f tt {ts 1, / �t ,c '1+r ii-�:f"`,°+ 7u�jj4 �- 'a, �Jt t 11 # , r + i " ik, ie,; ,f - r,`::? '±•Y trx�'t 'ifi:Vh �' >} ' a ,,` n....y i >f , k `' "i ("" ""- i }fit 4 blt r, �, !i�i AQ;.,..-I1"�_, �t r+ L ..i� [ �' -%''"i t � .r, :.ry'ri� %4 ht tF'4i,�'str. jSY • Y � is �r; ,1'"� ( t - r � :: f ^'xi�:sT, rhr �tJ t i-;><• i t a a +a xt, - - .j t 1 1 QW-z' . �'.�°f' 14' {'.Yr'`eft rfkft r. fitf ! r}; ;L r 1 4 -, ,tr.5,, t tf rk� ;yY t x h'tf } f'Sa - - - t -: �V' f� 4 i i u sy a t �; 7 ,1kta 5�" krYr< ,,'2t.✓tx , _ t .i, ,p}`,. 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