HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-0148wa..mAmno xunus ror mans service are availanie zrom the Capital Improvement Program Appropriations, Project No. 331309, Account Code No. 589301-860; and WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation has received input from the area residents regarding the need to renovate the l i.. tennis and basketball courts at Allapattah-Comstook Park; and i CITY CobwsSIOx MEETING OF MAR 2 4 1994 11"Oludon HOO 94- 148 FLORIDA 93-94=036 -� BID NO. Continued) t BID SHEET AND ATTACHMENTS MUST ' BE ' RETURNED IN TRIPLICATE `IN ;THE 1hlCHED. ENVELOPE ,IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF BID OPENING', 'SECURITY!. ISREQUIRED, A BID WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ` UNLESS THE DEPOSIT . OR BOND.IS SUBMITTED; IN THIS ENVELOPE germs`: A16f i4yi ( Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) ,Additional discount of if awarded all items. Jarranty and/or guarantee: / ��lQ ,eliveryscalendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order or Notice f ` Award.., Number of calendar days required to complete work after start. :n accordance' with the Invitation to Bid, the Specifications, General conditions, special :onditions, and General Information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Items) at Prices.` .ndicated on the attached bid sheets) NAMES OF COMPANY OWNERS) NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICER(S): /l u t Ayzof &Wm ckr. A),List principal business addr s: (street address) A,o List all other offices located in the State of Florida: (street address) Please use the back of this page if more space is necessary)` MTNORTTV PROC"REMEN COMP TAN['LF 'he undersigned bidder acknowledges that, (s)he has received a copy of Ordinance #10062 as mended, the Minority Procurement ordinance of the city of Miami and agrees to comply, with.all pplicable substantiveandprocedural provisions therein, including any amen nts thereto. tidder 0 LW4 Signature: c mp, ny name) �w &Awilc ate:Print Name: �Yc /��F ndicate if Business is 51% Minority -owned: (Check one box only) ] BLACK ( J HISPANIC ( J FEMALE AFFTRMATTVE ACT��ON pL N f firm has an existing plan, effective date of implementation: f firm does. not have an existing plan, the Successful Bidder(s) shall be required to. stablieh an Affirmative Action Policy, pursuant to Ordinance #10062 as amended. See Appendix for sample. ,%�/ L idder: f7L7%L6 WLi/�rfS Signature: (company name) AILURE TO COMPLETE' . SIGN, ANU RETIIR N THIS FOR[ DI &Q lbl iFFY-}jISAl D, :; i , ;,, x1 AWARn O� HID Bid No.. 93-94-036 Resurfacing of . Tenn and Basketball' • Courts"`rat > Allapattah-Comstock Park. DEPARTMENT: Parks: and Recreation TYPE .'OF PURCHASE: Short Term Contract 'REASON 1 The basketball and tennis courts are :in great tF need :of resurfacing.' POTENTIAL BIDDERS:: 26 BIDS `RECEIVED:r 2 FUNDSo Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant, #12= 00317, C.I.P. Project #331309, Account' code No. 589301-860 BID,.TABULATION: SEE ATTACHED BID EVALUATION: Bid Invitations Mailed Bid Responses ALL VENDORS .......................... 26 2 MINORITY/FEMALE-(M/F) VENDORS.......... 18 0 Within'City`limits.................. 1 0 Registered with City... ............. 13 0 Black (B).Vendors...................... 5 0 Located within City aimits.......... 0 0 Registered.with City................ 5 0 Female(F):Vendors. .................... 1 0 Located,within'City.limits.......... 0 0 Registered with City ................ 1 0 Hispanic (H) Vendors ................... 12 0 `Located within City limits.......... 1 0 Registered with City ................ 7 0 NON MINORITY (NM) VENDORS .............. 8 2 Located within City limits.......... 0 0 "No Bids" ..:..... ..................... - 2 r , 9 4 _:. 48 it LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT BID NO. 93=94-036 �. Sealed bids will be received by the City of Miami City Clerk at her office located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Dkive,.'Miami, Florida 33133 not later than M. Decemb4_r 27 1993 for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment necessary, for surface preparation, installation of new asphalt paving, re - coating,. and striping of two (2) tennis courts and two (2) basketball courts in Allapattah Comstock Park for the Department of Parks and Recreation. Bids submitted past such deadline and/or submitted to any other location or office shall be deemed not responsive and will be rejected, Ordinance No. 10062, as amended, established a goal of Awarding 51 of the City's total dollar volume of all expenditures for All Goods and Services to Black, Hispanic and Women Minority Business Enterprises on an equal basis. Minority and women vendors who are interested in submitting bids and who are not registered with the City as minority or women vendors are advised to contact the City Procurement Office, 1390 N.W.'20th Street, Second Floor, Telephone 575-5174. Ordinance #10032 established a "First Source Hiring Agreement" program to stimulate the creation of employment for City of Miami residents. For details of the program's requirements, contact the Neighborhood Jobs Program at 579-2468. Local' Preference Section 18-52.1(,h) of the City Code, as amended, states that the City Commission may offer to a responsible and responsive local bidder, whose primary office is located in the ' City of Miami, the opportunity of accepting a bid at the low bid amount, if the original bid amount submitted by the local vendor does not exceed 110 percent of the lowest other responsible and responsive bidder. The City reserves the right to request copies of the occupational license, professional and/or trade licenses, corporate charter and any other documents to verify the location of the_firm's primary office. Detailed specifications for the bids are available, upon &queA at, the City Procurement Office. 3 The City Manager may reject all bids and readvertis fn m a (Ad No. 17 0 6) Cesar H. Ogid. City Manager 3 J .$W xt t• t r ' t I 4 f Swfifiw'?' 1•i7 �- l ;Y,'k . ; ► City of Miami Ttila ntirriber` miist�., � appear TISEMENT ` I". r LREQUISITION °1=0R 'ADVER ad�erusen� n t t a s w i F> N r, 'rat x�q�� xu' 4✓ �iR t '�a t r n r ' ti. a tfik ��'t"f�`• E t��c:'€��rY�Yft �„Sr•��,�2 f' r �4 NSTRUCTiONS P a an 2 Division RgOEATZON 5 Prepared by 4 Is this a confirmation: ROBIN M BOCI,AIR �: ", 3 tAccoun:Code,number ❑Yes ®No t t331309 - 8. Telephone .number 5174 7 $tarting'.date: 575 i uU rtix€ ; 5izerof§advekisement 6. 1993 t + December ,- ; E t� ;01,'_f ❑ Dis a `� t 91'Number ofi,timd6.Ahii advertisement is to be ' 10. Ty a of advertisemen ❑ Classified Le al ishetl f�4one 3; '^ 11Aemarks tt } .93-94-036' 3 r a, 7f Bid ,no. 4 M , t t g of invoice No ' Amount ;" 12 ,n, +, Publication !AdVeitim seent �tfs. r �•�� � t r r ` < 14I.A14I TIMES r AS{ABERICAS DIAItIO,. L ) i s -<C 31 i C' w 13�: I^ ❑ Approved z x ❑ DlsApproved f, fI�/• �� � /4 �G-•��. - ,,.>? Date ' n � �. Approved for Payment z Department Director/Des ee Date .ii ° utin :. Forward White and Canary to G.S:A. (Procurement Management)'.and retain' Pink copy; I C GS%PC' 503, Rev. 12/89 Ro g Department DISTRIBUTION: White -G.S.A.; Canary -