HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-0089, AML .Ji­94= 368 �. :2,�17i94 i 1` RESOLUTION NO. 9 4'_ 8 9 C A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE .CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE AN INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR THE SALE OF s THE CITY -OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED, AT 5500 NORTHWEST .17TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 24, BLOCK 13, FLORA PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 53 'OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE CITY CHARTER AND CODE PROVISIONS. WHEREAS, on May 27, 1993, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 93-356 authorizing the City Manager to bid. an amount not to exceed $79;000 at public sale for the property i located at 5500 Northwest 17 Avenue, Miami, Florida; and 1 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 93-356 further directed -the City Manager to develop a plan for the effective utilization of the property; and ` WHEREAS on June 17f 1993 at a judicial .sale held by the Clerk of the County Court regarding Tiller Investment Company, I Inc.''vs. Billy Hardemon, et al', the City of Miami purchased the above described property; and WHEREAS, on February 17, 1994, the City Commission determined that an effective utilization of the property would r 1 not 'be feasible and deemed it in the best interest of the residents of the City of Miami for the City to divest its interest in the property; and CITY COMMISMOA MEETING OF FEB 17 1994 §9"UHM _9'9 194 WHEREAS, the City Commission instructed the city Manager to t Issue an Invitation for Bids for the sale of said property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI,-FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the 1 Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized) to issue. an Invitation for Bids for the sale of the City -owned property located at 5500 Northwest 17 Avenue, Miami, Florida, rriore particularly described as Lot 24, Block 13, Flora Park according to the Plat thereof, recorded in the Plat Book 5, Page 1 53 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, subject to become effective p' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February , 1994. 4 A� STEPHE P. CLARK, YOR PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JULIE BRU A. QU JON S, I ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CITY ATTORN Y 4 _ 89 The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to:'those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. i IA TRO?J: OFFICE Or' COt.hIJUlOiTY' CEv�L ppt�Et:7 4 _ r�) I s_ D 5) _�5..42E Submitted into the pizu iu _'e ;:c_y 2, 1003 record in connection with item �on-A� I? iq 7 i -5D Nw 12 A.tente Matte Hixcu T I1:�0 City Clerk c`? r8S-lonse to vour clle5 o � as ZO r , c -her there are CO.ciiil'tr'2�.L v De op -me oC.'; Cra�z ( C�_r-) r eG'.?! c%O'_ _v eC1?:re,ilen tS to _iav= :TiA-zCn'h_`? _ = ands z O_ eCon, oiu_ c de v en C a t 2 `, eS i C -e_r i tc : C.l ^r"?Q e.yv ana ion. _ s e nere are n o C_ Z is 5%e ie-menu i n the Code C= de= a1 ReG=SLe= +rr _n any.- Maic-F-Mce ! ezze`S Or ee_-,CranQ'=;1S =roni U. S. .�''7U o:1 �.' = ii)c�%e� , there : 8 a c na.� gig r�i�L'reC �Cr a-v _Or-zr0 7i15_i2e S c5►_a` _ CPU C�BC U. S l7 QG2s ="`u�Te , i7cL .CD.?i:- G= '?�eES 100 c zne % en, t.lal 0= a ufi_c e5s 1n rE_' c z1 C':? ZO Q:?ti a s s i e ta_'�Ce ided. The ob—Ci- ve _^.erc _S "C• ,T,aXs:uBe C% C.'~i3C Lne a_ alj-5_s of L e Caon at the .i'+ s,.ne55 cF_n? Ca0e.•^_=rOi, a solar-Ce j F_n i_r?e CD=G ✓rOCrc.iu, -�:?e:: e Gr"�:ee _S o�^.,_l ciEo Z ^ Cemc:,S era ze bat there was no o her wcy _ Or -ne e_=_=_SzanCe Lo De rrovnce�. There=ore, w ?_! e ..1ere _z no �Lcieile 2i _-d` caL_n:G z, G$c crG i ")a LC ,nc r.:;''r.c are @A, L' S. _�." GOES hold C=c'�ees accc%untaAle =C_ _ :e: ar: n:C an. 11A-p^iOjrlatelr cite!yci c a evez GSS_C La '.�".e _S rC'v_Qe0 a.Ci F_ .:S_'i=�� � - � -S c --rSC•c_�� a-:� _ �c_:� ✓::__n?e55 CeC' S_C% ' ^yc_: e B S C'u_'C�n.Ot, -De GV=_ e :__C e :C iy e c5S S Erice Cr ;C•e_ CG_'1 mac! _..e: cat'.. err- 'L^ _:iv= c ! r e . r :L`= cre _ y GuEc�7 Gr3e� or -- s can: _be o-7 ritr� 2cr sZan)Ce,ease GCn:4aCz D=a7 =a*v,,Ic D_ G_ 9.4 89 1 SPECIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. s,�tt►rtts scoKf Preface The purpose of this preface is to distinguish the concept of "economic development" from the term, "special economic development" as used in the CDBG program. 'Economic development' can be interpreted very broadly to include all en- deavors timed at sustaining or increasing the level of business activity. Lnder this broad concept, most CDBG activities could be viewed as economic development activities, For example. the level of business ac- tivity in 2 community could be helped through development of a .com- „unity economic development plan; improvements to the public :^fr2structure: better housin5: or. enhanced publicsen,ices In contrast, the term "special economic development' is u-,ed in the CD5G oroLrarn to ioentiil- the two categories of economic oeveloptnent act tvit Ies { eescribed below and e, 5i0.30 (a) and (b) of the regulations: An economic development pr ojecrmay be supported b� a ranee of CDBG- funded activities; including both special economic development activ--Jes' and other eligible CDBG activities, provided all such activities meet 2 as tional objective of the CDBG program. Eligible activities. CDBG`~und� r„ay bz used for the fo11ow.�ing special economic develop meat activities, aro\,ided such activities meet a national objective of the CDBG.prograr-: • Commerci2l`or industrial improvement, carried out by the grantee.or a nonprofit subrecipient; including: - Acouisition Submitted into the public Construction record in connection with Reconstruction, or item 1 on l..%1`'� 14 Matty 'Hirai - Installation City Clerk of commercial or -industrial buildings or structures and other real properry equipment and improvements. 1-67 9 4— $ t i ii J♦ it t � .i }1 i ASsistancc to priv2te for•pront entities for an activiry detcrmincd� to be� u ''necessary or apprompriate'' (see description on pg. ;-69) to carry out as economic development project. Tl;is assistance r„2v be in the form of: _ Grants ` - Loa ns ` L.ozn guarantees Interest sup plernents :Technicel assistance; or, + .another form except for those described as ineligible in "s57U.?U7 (a ) ,such as political actin -hies. i Reference: _ - � s5 0.?03(u) ors« fbj.- i 24--Housing and Urban Development stall the distribution lines and facill. ties of privately owned utilities, in. c)uding the placing underground of new or existing distribution facilities and lines. 148 FR 43558. Sept. 23. 1983; 48 FR 46778. Oct. 14. 19831 i 570.202 Eligible rehabilitation and prey. ervation activities. (a) Types of buildings and improve- ments eligible for rehabilitation assist- ance. CDBG funds may be used to fi- nance the rehabilitation of: (1) Privately owned buildings and improvements; (2) Low income public housing and other publicly owned residential build. ings and improvements; and (3) Publicly owned nonresidential buildings and improvements otherwise eligible for assistance. Specific information on historic prop. erties is included in paragraph (d) of :his section. (b) Types of assistance. CDBG funds .may be used to finance the following ypes of rehabilitation activities, and 'elated costs, either singly, -or in com- 3ination, through the use of grants, oars, loan guarantees, interest supple- nents, or other means for buildings .nd improvements described in para- -raph (a) of this section: (1) Assistance to private individuals nd. entities, including profit making nd nonprofit organizations, to ac- sire for the purpose of rehabilitation, ad to rehabilitate properties for use - resale for residential purposes; - (2) Labor, materials, and other costs rehabilitation of properties, inciud- :g repair directed toward an accurnu- Lion of deferred maintenance, re- acement of principal fixtures and ,mponents of existing structures, in- allation of security devices, and ren- ation through alterations, additions or enhancement of existing struc- res, which may be undertaken ;gly, or in combination; 3) Loans for refinancing existing in- btedness secured by a property re- bilitated with CDBG funds if such :amcing is necessary or appropriate achieve the recipient's community elopment objectives; Ch. V—Office of Asst. Sect. for Comm. Planning, Development (4) Improvements to Increase the ef• ficient use of energy in structures through such means as installation of storm windows and doors, siding, wall and attic insulation. and conversion, modification, or replacement of heat- ing and cooling equipment, including the use of solar energy equipment: (5) Improvements to increase the ef- ficient use of water through such means as water saving faucets and shower heads and repair of water leaks; (6) Flr=cing of costs associated with the connection of residential structures to water distritution lines or local sewer collection ltnes: (7) For rehabilitation p rried out with CDBG funds, costs c.'- (i) Initial homeowner :-anty pre- miums; (ii) Hazard insurance premiums, except where assistance is provided in the form of a grant; and (ill) Flood insurance premiums for properties covered by the Mood Disas- ter Protection Act of 1973, ;pursuant to § 570.605; (8) Cost of acquiring tools to be lent to owners, tenants, and )thers who will use such tools to ca..: out reha- bilitation; and (9) Rehabilitation services, such as rehabilitation counseling. energy au- diting, preparation of wc,: iL specifica- tions, loan processing, ins; � mions, and other sen1ces related t•o assisting owners, tenants, contrp-ctors. and other entities, participating or seeking to participate in rehabilitation activi- ties authorized under this section, under section 312 of the Housing Act of 1964, as amended, and under section 810 of the Act. (c) Code enforcement. Code enforce- ment in deteriorating or deteriorated areas where such enforcement togeth- er azth public improvements, rehabili- tation, and services to be provided, may be expected to arrest the decline of the area. (d) Historic preservation. CDBG funds may be used for the rehabilita- tion, preservation, and restoration of historic properties, whether publicly or privately owned. Historic properties are those sites or structures that are either listed in or eligible to be listed in the National Register of Historic § 570.203 Places, listed in a State or local Inven- tory of Historic Places, or designated as a State or vocal landmark or histor. is district by appropriate law or ordi- nance. Historic preservation does not include, however, the expansion of properties for ineligible uses, such as buildings for the general conduct of government. (e) Renovation of closed school buildings. CDBG funds may be used. to renovate closed school buildings for use as an eligible public facility, for a commercial or industrial facility, or for housing. 148 FR 43558. Sept. 23, 1983: 48 FR 51296, Nov. 8, 19831 § 570.203 Special economic development activities. A recipient may use CDBG funds for special economic development activi- ties authoriz(: o under this section if it determines t;':at such activities are necessary or �propriate to carry out an economic 6 velopment project. Spe- cial econom. development activities are permittec; J_) addition to other ac- thities auth sized in this subpart which may b�- carried out as part of an economic de', ',opment project. Special activities at, ized under this section do not inclu .'..: assistance for the con- struction of .ew housing. Special eco- nomic development activities include: (a) The acquisition, construction, re- construction. or installation of com- mercial or industrial buildings, struc- tures, and other real property equip- ment and improvements, including railroad spurs or similar extensions. Such activities may be carried out by the recipient, subrecipients, or private for profit businesses. (Rehabilitation of commerci,,; or industrial buildings and improvements is eligible under 1570.202.) (b) The provision of assistance to private for profit businesses, including, but not limited to, grants, loans, loan guarantees, interest supplements, technical assistance, and other forms of support, for any other activity nec• essary or appropriate to carry out, an economic deveic,pment project, exclud- ing those described as ineligible in J 570.207(a). 25 Submitted into the public record in connection with item IX -on l -)q . Matty Hirai City Clerk 9 4 _ ,8 9 ounn, one Task Farce Aopuintees: 3ames Burke: ComMii§sio:)ejIII AJv:and fe' Penelas:''Co>nMI Sioner Israel NWton..Asst'.Counn--Manaeer Cesar Odio. Ci:)- '3K/Lanager Alex Nduxo, City Manager t�'ch� d Ander son. Circ• lvianaee; ? . De=s N�Iiv. Cin->`fanaQes Roger Carlton. Cinv Manze- Mat6de Agubte, N P-%,or Raul 'Mas-anez; Mayor Ca. -IN., McCann _N/12yor Oca-6.0 VIsledo. SuDerintencieal B111 1 urner Sen2LOr .lames T. Barker. Preside -at Helen `Mhack Clarence Pi zmaa�Loneshoremen Asso. Pidl in Blumberg.Amiencan .� e--m es Submitted into the public record in connection with t a on item -- Nutty Hirai City Clerk 94-- 89 0'11141� Dade Courin- ' Empo"ve em Zone CitiZt Board Per Resolution: Arm-DinteeS.. 3) Dade Counn, Commissioner (Ch2irmam). vier somo. Commissioner q 'N' College Rep, �fianii-Di de COMMI= Sd ar6o Padr6n u 'Ynox Beacon G,-o ��i 'Counc 9) Rep 'CAI Axth6nN luvp Ren r amber of Comm. s I D. Tz, bi a6 e ChambeTof Co -D Commerce ReD 1�6 in3i Dorotb Baker 7' r Change_ p ools fd U MY COU33 C; Ran; Private 1� a s 9) Reb: Convention 8: Visitors Bureau Rew,esentznves of fOj1o'Pjn2 committees: 10) - Fin2Mr'I'e & Budget (Teelel ToL1114ini an*e&Tra6e(Fe7.,e) Ern3 e '.Nd2ur tin 1.2) - Public: SzfetS((Burke) Don Manuring IMSPOY-ation de 3? Po,—Lilla) 13) Piaz George Vols 24) - Housing & Homeless (Peoitlas) Dorothy Health Elderly. 6) - Social Seil?icei (F ej 0: 0S.Cay Levin Av on 7 i P-ii (Reb,oredo) 8) -'Intern cre SDO'ns (Kkp) Parks, Re a. . 00 20)-, Comm & F-co DevAm i.&- culture 21) Inter2o ver=ent(SOUTO) al Luis PIcjI?_S vironm ent & Lan.6 Use OMtoss) o-oLh Did e ce 0\11oss) Hovvar6 HadleyS 2/0. ]NEP-Tam Co=, umry(at luce)(MIOSS) -S th Dade - OLI Arruro Lopez 25) -Perm­e, Cu-J er R3 d ge Couz) u-cre)(Moss) Steve CTS-n—man 26) .7(2:, lame)' 2:, 1 ax2e) ' t cITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA 12 z, INTER -OFFICE M � f AVMS OFFICE 94 JAN 24 PIanuary 24 3� 1 1994 FILE: Cesar odio BATE, City C issioner SUBJECT: Agenda Item Request - February 10, 1994 V l r J Dawkins REFERENCES: FROM: Ml Vi -Mayor ENCLOSURES: Please schedule a Personal Appearance for Mr. Roy Hardemon to to ther a ear 'before the commission, relative PP mailing address is 655 48 street, MMiami, Mr`• Hardemon's Florida 33142. Attachments cc: Hon. Mayor, Stephen P. Clark Commissioner, Victor Deyurre Hon: Hon. Commissioner, Wilfredo Gott Hon.'Commissioner, J.L. Plummer Mr. Roy Hardemon From: CESAR H• OD1O, City Hager /•� Date: ❑ Aurelio Perez.Lugones ❑ Sue Weiler T0: ❑ Herb Bailey ❑ Ron Williams ❑ Angela Bellamy ❑ Frank May ❑ Sergio Rodriguez Karen Wilson ❑ Christina Cuervo ❑ Carlos Garcia ❑ et floss❑Other ❑ Chief Gimenez Gatos Smith ❑ Wally Lee ❑ Manohar Surana Please: 'low up ❑ Reply ❑ See me on this issue F.Y.I. ❑ Review and Recommend ❑ Prepare for my Signature ❑ ❑ Other Remarks: /� - Due Date: Control Number: _ 94— 89 ry t z 'The.`Honorable Mayor and Member. of the. .Ci ty, . Commi:ss io.n 1 'Page 2 r - It i s staff':s opi n'i on that the incubator ,would face seri ous . competition from' nearby stores, and would require significant fipn,ancial, resources, to bring the store to an operating comp.eti tiwe ;position`• ' Because of the small size of 'the store, the; number, :of people that we - could train as a result . °of. our efforts' would also be extremely limited. s. ,that the City Commission reconsider the use of wrec-ommended this„ pi^operty .prior to making ad'di ti onal investments . /gid y.. 94- 89 ��* F r ° --2:�,q•'4 M'0N 02 8%27'/93 93 356 1tE60LUTI0N NO: - •3 '> `'A RESOLVTION' AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGE" R TO BID;: AN ,AMOUNT'. NOT..TO; BXCEED . $79,.000.00 AT THE PUBLIC ALE TO "BE` HELD ON JUNE i7, 1993 FOR THE r PROPERTY : LOCATED AT :6600;;, N . iP . •. 17 ; AVBNUB , `' "' • MxAMI'; " FLORXDA,'``MORE 'PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS .:LOT 24, ,; BLOCK 13`.. OF FLORA PARK ACCORDING TO THE 'PLAT '.THEREOF , RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK S ; _ PAGE _83. OF .;THE PUBLIC. RECORDS OF DADS, COUNTY, ; FLORInA, FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO.'EXtCUTE.WHATEVBR DOCUMENTS AR9 NECESSARY TO CONSUMMATE THE ACQUISITION OF SAID :PROPERTY. SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF'THE CITY ATTORNEY; AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO DEVELOP;.A .PLAN FOR ,THB',EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION`: . OF '` TiiE' `PROP$RTY FOR ' `APPROVAL BY THE CITY .,: COMMISSION.' . WHEREAS, ,on May 27,' 1993, the City. Commission expressed'its willingness to acquire the property located -at 8500 NW. 17 Avenue, Miami, Florida; as .more ,partioularly described' herein; ::and WHEREAS'," Tools for Change, has agreed to provide teohnioal aSsi.stanoe to -.the City of Miami to insure the ` effective ' Utilization of the property; NOW. .THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE'CITY" OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Seotion 1. The recitals and findings oontained in the r Preamble`'"to this `Resolution are hereby adopted- by :referenoe thereto", -and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this -Section. r. r y comPussion UIETINC OF _ 8 9 MAY 2 7 1993 Aww lu�oa Zia 9v-- 356 ft, ._.._. ._ '�� --__ -t. ' 93- 356 94- 89 r ,E,q si Fie i ,F�vv ly �i �9vr- 44 1r. -• }III►: ' - l �.. �, 4y ;'fax •i/'x .}i1.+J{�!H . T�il;+ iI �� �.�c� - -_ •J. tI � tiY= � sl �t?±�'�j j� �,dr�`t'Y:=4�k,� `��,,?`' ".. , f;,,r. ZY /;vx Co e v c. c AV A/.Gl/. l3 94- 89 COAP JeW ACEW ce S-*4;7"o�� me 89 t ,off t 1 l s 'or-000s rvys 107 94- 89 A r