HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-94-0046CT-94-64 1/20/94 94- 46 ft9RK4k)1F2AVK•1 • . �•t •1 • •+ I Ia 1• • r 1 • M IJIr • ' •1 91'1'1 •A • ! ' • • �1• r •' 1�1 ",• •' ••ll r • 1 r 84 Is • ' •1 r •A r ' 8t :tr •i • • ••/fir �1 •t' • • �r fit' ',•1 . •,• ' Dt••I • �r • •+ ��+ •+ gat• r r • ' rr :1 r •I�1•.I �1• :1 �•• r r• Ir • •• r r M I: �I• • WHEREAS, City of Miami. Charter Section 29-A(o) allows for "Unified Development Projects" where an interest in real property owned or is to be acquired by the City and is to be used for development of improvements; and WHEREAS, on November 23, 1993, pursuant to Resolution No. 93-749, the City Commission determined that the development of approximately 4.3 acres of City -owned waterfront property, located at 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami., Florida, would best be accomplished using the UDP process for a boatyard facility, marina, and optional ancillary ma ine-related retail use; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforementioned. Resolution, it was determined that for the unified development of a boatyard facility, marina, and optional ancillary marine -related retail use, the City procure from the private sector an integrated package that includes planning and design, oonstruotion, leasing and management; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 93-749 further authorized the City Manager to prepare a Request for Proposals and scheduled a public hearing for December 16, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. to consider the contents of sa LCL REP: anC CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JAI 2 7 1994 I�eootutlan�a WHEREAS, the City Commission rescheduled the publio hearing from December 16, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. to January 27, 1994 at 4:00 P.M.; and WHEREAS, City Charter Section 29-A(o) authorizes, at the conclusion of the public hearing, if the City Commission is disposed to proceed, the issuance of an RFP, selection of a certified publio accounting firm, and appointment of members to a review committee from persons rimed by the City Manager; 04CO)ZAN• • 191' 8i •' �• �I• : 1' ••1 I •1 • 1 •Nil M Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and inoorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Seotion. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to issue a Request for Proposals, in substantially the attached form, on February 4, 1994, for a Unified Development Project ("UDP") consisting of the development of a boatyard facility, marina, and optional ancillary marine -related uses on approximately 4.3 acres of City -owned waterfront property, located at 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida. Seotion 3. Said unified development project shaL1 consist of the following integrated package: - Planning and design, construction, leasing and management. Section 4. The certified publio accounting firm of Arthur Andersen & Co. in association with the minority -owned firm of Watson & Co., is hereby selected to analyze the proposals received in response to said RFP and reader a written report of its findings to the City Manager. Seotion 5. The following individuals are hereby appointed members of the review oon &ttee which is to evaluate each proposal and render a written report of its findings to the City Manager, including any minority opinions: -2- Pi 4- 46 Kevin Coty Ward Grafton Bob Lewis Bill Harrington Christina Cuervo Erdal Donmez Warren Butler Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _27th day of January 1 1994. Mw4K•1 *('J' ..�...DI, I. ••,. �• • I• �81 !' �91 • 'J A' ►.•�i� •1 L • •J • I Oki 4- 46 -3- N REQUEST FOR UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS FOR THE VIRGINIA KEY BOATYARD 3501 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY MIAMI, FLORIDA TO BE ISSUED: February 4,1994 CITY OF MIAMI Stephen P. Clark, Mayor Miller J. Dawkins, Vice Mayor Victor H. De Yurre, Commissioner Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr., Commissioner Cesar H. Odio, City Manager A. Quinn Jones III., City Attorney Prepared by: Department of Development & Housing Conservation Development Division 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33131 Tel. (305) 579-3366 Proposals Due: 2:00 p.m. Friday, May 6, 1994 94- 46 Ki (4ftLt of 'Miami - V oR Z� M� d * * P. O. BOX 330708 11 CESAR H. Owo 9 � �� MIAMI, FLORIDA 33233-O7O8 CITY MANAGER O�CO.4�� 305-579-6366 January 27, 1994 i Ladies and Gentlemen: Thank you for your interest in the Unified Development of a boat yard facility, and optional ancillary marine -related retail use t on approximately 4.3 acres of City -owned, waterfront property located at 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida. Enclosed is the City of Miami's Request for Proposals (RFP) which contains detailed and specific information regarding the parcel j of land contemplated for development, the uses the City is seeking, the submission requirements and selection procedure i pertinent to this Unified Development Project. Responses to this RFP are due no later than 2:00 p.m., Friday, May 6, 1994. The City retains the option to require a more 1 extensive and detailed submission prior to final selection of a A developer should the selection process warrant a second stage review, as well as the right to reject all proposals at any time prior to entering into a lease agreement as contemplated by the RFP. Please carefully review all of the enclosed documents. Proposals 1 must comply with all requirements of the submission detailed in the RFP to be eligible for consideration. All information and material submitted will be carefully analyzed and independently verified. I In accordance with the City Charter and Code sections for Unified Development Projects, any proposal deemed to be non- responsive y or not responsible by not substantiating the financial capability of a selected proposer, or not meeting the minimum requirements of this RFP at any time prior to the completion of the Unified Development Project process and the signing of a lease agreement, may be rejected. In making such determination, the City's consideration shall include, but not be limited to the proposer's experience, capability of the development team, the dollar amount return offered to the City, the proposer's financial j qualifications, the overall design of the proposed development, the extent of minority participation, and the evaluation by the f City of all information submitted in support or explanation of r j� � � 34- 46 January 27, 1994 Page Two the development of the property. Furthermore, until proposed P i such time as a lease agreement is executed, the selected proposer shall not have any vested right, title, or interest in the property. Proposals must present a definitive development program, completion schedule, financial strategy, and management plan respecting all requirements of this Request for Proposals to form the basis for selection by the City. No additions or modifications may be made to the proposals and the teams they represent subsequent to the submission deadline. New and/or current personnel who are not identified in the proposal may not be introduced as part of the proposed team subsequent to the submission deadline. i Contact with the City, except for public hearings and f presentations, regarding this RFP or any aspect of a proposal by a proposer or any representative of a proposer shall be limited to the City Manager or his designee, Herbert J. Bailey, Assistant City Manager, until such time as the selected proposer is determined by the City Commission. All questions or requests for additional information should be addressed in writing to Herbert i J. Bailey, Assistant City Manager, City of Miami, Department of 4 Development & Housing Conservation, 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 400, Miami, Florida 33131. Any response to such questions or requests that could potentially impact proposals will be ! furnished to all proposers in the form of an addendum. The City will conduct a Proposal Pre -Submission Conference on Tuesday, February 22, 1994, 10:00 a.m., at the Department of Development offices to explain the requirements of this RFP and provide an opportunity for prospective proposers to raise questions and/or issues pertaining to this RFP. While attendance at the Pre -Submission Conference is not a condition for offering proposals, all prospective proposers are invited to attend. Proposals must Floor Counter) Florida 33133 proposers will be' delivered to Matty Hirai, City City Hall, 3500 Pan American by 2:00 p.m. Friday, May 6, 1994 be made public on that day. Sinc ely, ZK Cesar H. Odio City Manager Clerk, (First Drive, Miami, A list of 94- 46 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Page I. PUBLIC NOTICE. .................................. . 1 II. OVERVIEW ._ A. Introduction ........................... 2 3 B. Location and Characteristics.......... Figure 1. Regional Location Map....after page 3 Figure 2. Area Location Map........ after page 3 C. Site Description ................................ 4 Figure 3. Site Location Map........ after page 4 D. Appraised Value ................................ 4 E. Lease Term ...................................... 5 F. Financial Return to the City .................... 5 G. Zoning ......................................... 5 H. Unified Development Proposal••..••••.•••.•..••-• Selection Process. 5 I. Unified Development Schedule .................... 7 III. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS LEGAL REQUIREMENTS A. Declaration as a Unified Development Project.... 8 B. Commitment of Funds ............................. 8 C. Commitment of Property .......................... 9 iD. Commitment of Services ..................6....... 9 E. Execution of Contracts .......................... 9 F. Right of Termination ............................ 10 IV'. PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS A. Development Objective ........................... 11 lB. Use ............................................ 11 13 i C. Proposed Site Improvements ..................... D. Permitting and Licensing ........................ 14 E. Estimated Construction Cost ..................... 15 F. Financing Strategy .............................. 15 f G. Development Schedule ............................ 15 H. Composition of the Development Team ............. 15 I. Development Proposal Contents. 17 J. Method of Operation ............................. 19 t K. Minority Participation .......................... 19 V. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS A. Submission Procedures ........................... 20 VI. EVALUATION CRITERIA A. Initial Review ..... .... ....................... 22 B. Review Committee Evaluation .................... 23 C. CPA Firm Evaluation ............................ 26 VII. TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO BE INCLUDED IN LEASE AGREEMENT 27 94- 46 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) APPENDIX A. City of Miami Charter and Code Sections; Pertinent Legislation APPENDIX B. City of Miami Minority and Women Business Affairs and Procurement Program (Article IV.5., Sections 18-67 - 18-77 of the Code of the City of Miami) APPENDIX C. Virginia Key Master Plan (selected excerpts) APPENDIX D. Metro Dade County Resolution Z-173-79, 11/9/79 EXHIBIT I. Sketch of Survey (includes Legal Description) EXHIBIT II. Declaration, Professional Information, and Financial Disclosure Forms EXHIBIT III. Minority Participation Forms 94- 46 I , i i I. PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Miami is seeking Unified Development Project Proposals for the commercial development of a boat yard facility, marina, and optional ancillary marine -related retail use on approximately 4.3 acres of City -owned, waterfront i property located at 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida. The City through this offering is procuring from the private sector an integrated package of services consisting of planning and design, construction, leasing and management of the proposed commercial development. The property being offered for development includes 4.294 acres of upland j contiguous to Biscayne Bay (Marine Stadium basin). All proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Request for Proposals document (RFP) which may be obtained from the City of Miami Department of Development and Housing Conservation, 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 400, Miami, Florida 33131, (305) 579-3366. This document contains detailed and specific information regarding the parcel of land contemplated for development, the uses the City is seeking, the submission requirements and selection procedures pertinent to this Unified Development Project. i The City of Miami reserves the right to accept any proposals deemed to be in the best interest of the City, to waive any irregularities in any proposals, or- to reject any or all proposals and to re -advertise for new proposals, in accordance with the City Charter and Code sections regarding Unified Development Projects. Furthermore, until such time as a lease agreement is executed, the selected proposer shall not have any vested right, title, or interest in the subject property. Cesar H. Odio Adv. No. 0274 City Manager 94-- 46 i II. OVERVIEW i A. Introduction The City of Miami (the "City") is seeking Unified Development Project Proposals from qualified and experienced developers for the commercial development of a boat yard facility. Proposals may include ancillary marine -related retail uses and services. The property located at 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami (the "Property"), is comprised of a total land area of 4.294 acres. From 1978 to May 31, 1993, the Property was leased to Marine Stadium Enterprises, Inc. On November 23, 1993, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 93-749 declaring that the most advantageous method to develop certain improvements at the Property is through the Unified Development Project (the "UDP") process that seeks to procure an integrated development package from the private sector including planning and design, construction, leasing and management of the Property. On January 27, 1994, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 94-46 authorizing the issuance of this Request for Proposals (the "RFP") on February 4, 1994, appointing a seven (7) member Review Committee and selecting a certified public accounting firm to evaluate proposal submissions and report findings to the City Manager as required by the City Charter and Code sections regarding UDPs. Pertinent legislation referenced herein is included in Appendix A. Proposals submitted in response to this RFP shall include planning and design, financing, and construction of proposed improvements appropriate to the character of the site and the Virginia Rey waterfront. The Property, owned by the City, is to be redeveloped, leased, operated, managed, and maintained, at no cost to the City, by the selected proposer who is chosen by the City Commission to develop the Property under a property lease agreement with the City. Any lease agreement entered into for the development of the Property must comply with the requirements of Section 3 (f) (iii) of the City Charter included herein for reference in Appendix A. The City will conduct a Proposal Pre -Submission Conference on Tuesday, February 22, 1994, 10:00 a.m. at the Department of Development offices for the purpose of providing an opportunity for prospective proposers to personally raise questions or issues to City Staff pertaining to this RFP. While attendance at the Pre -Submission Conference is not a 94- 46 �1 condition for offering proposals, all prospective proposers are invited and encouraged to attend. Proposals must be delivered to the Office of the City Clerk, ..j (First Floor Counter) City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 by 2:00 p.m., Friday, May 6, 1994. A list of proposers will be made public on that day. ^� The City of Miami reserves the right to accept any proposals deemed to be in the best interest of the City, to waive any irregularities in any proposals, or to reject any or all proposals and to re -advertise for new proposals, in accordance with the City Charter and Code sections regarding Unified Development Projects. Any proposal deemed to be non- responsive or not responsible by not substantiating the financial capability of a prospective proposer, or not meeting the minimum requirements of this RFP at any time prior to the completion of the Unified Development Project evaluation process and the signing of a lease agreement, may be rejected. In making such determination, the City's consideration shall include, but not be limited to, the proposer's experience, capability of the development team, the dollar amount return offered to the City, the proposer's financial qualifications, the overall design of j the proposed development, the extent of minority participation, and the evaluation by the City of all information submitted in support or explanation of the proposed development of the property. Furthermore, until such time as a lease agreement is executed, the selected proposer shall not have any vested right, title, or interest in the Property. B. Location and Characteristics The Property to be developed is located on Virginia Rey, a 1000 acre island, one and one half miles east of the City's mainland, as shown in Figure 1. "Regional Location Map" and Figure 2. "Area Location Map". Virginia Rey is entirely publicly owned and consists of diverse natural and man-made environments ranging from mangrove forests to regional tourist marine attractions, a public high school, rowing clubs and public beaches. Adjacent to the Site is Marine Stadium, a 6700 seat grandstand facility for staging of marine shows, concerts and boat races. Along Rickenbacker Key Biscayne, an recreational beat Biscayne. Causeway to the southeast of the Property is island known for its large regional public ies and parks and the community of Key 3 94- 46 r 14 f . , .� .. 1AM1 BEACH aj # t `Sr, Virginia .t Ivey. � rKt ..4 1 .Nth •4. f I KIEY •, _ CORAL 4ASll1 C&TV OVIT! 81SCAY� f � Figure 3 } VIRGINIA KEY BOATYARD Regional Location 94- 46 Figure 2 VIRGINIA KEY BOATYARD Area Location 94- 46 1} C. Site Description i As shown in Figure 3. "Site Location Map," the Property is + bordered on the southeast by Marine Stadium, on the northeast by the Marine Stadium Basin waterfront, on the northwest by Rickenbacker Marina and on the southwest by a parking lot and Rickenbacker Causeway. The total acreage of the property is 4.294 acres. Existing property improvements are shown on the Sketch of i Survey included as Exhibit 1. Existing facilities include: o Office and retail structure of 2000 square feet of enclosed floor area.. t o Restaurant concession consisting of 4000 square feet of outdoor deck dining area and 2000 feet of enclosed kitchen and dining area. + o Boat ramp o 294 dry rack slips (rack structures are not included in + this leasehold offering - new racks to replace the existing rack structures or a negotiated purchase of the "? existing racks from the current operator will be a j requirement of the successful proposer) The Property and facilities will be open for inspection to prospective proposers by appointment only. Contact Eduardo -! Rodriguez, Director of Asset and Grants Management, at telephone (305) 372-4640 for an appointment. i D. Appraised Value City Charter Section 29-B prohibits the City Commission from favorably considering any sale or lease of property owned by the City unless there is a return to the City of fair market value under such proposed sale or lease. r j The Property was appraised on November 23, 1993 at an estimated market value of $2,150,000 and an annual market rent value of $215,000. A second appraisal of the property conducted on i November 1, 1993 estimates its market value at $3,040,000 and an annual market rent value at $270,000. The appraisals are available for public inspection by appointment only. Contact Eduardo Rodriguez, Director of Asset Management for an appointment. E. Lease Term • The City will enter into a lease agreement with the selected proposer for the development of the Property described herein for a term of ten (10) years with one f ive (5) year renewal at the CITY's option and subject to renegotiated terms. 4 94- 46 � ^. J""'""�' �� . :,,l:�sg'�.� � `�� �' �•�Zx'1. rr ar i �^^ :'R'F7" .,�:*;-�5'p�:^L A ;� w c t S ' w ` t .� '"�.. dry �. +; ♦ _ 9� .���"`3F' .• ,a.^S''�f'"-,�t'` � ���� � Y'3..7icr�r �F-.,; :. � �- ., '-r � "MI t �.�;r; � '`•� '"�.f! t.._`%.y.iY _.`':"F"1 .�U�1,r.+ry-{1 a1•'.'w..+ne. }._-�` 'at -s.'��, a�i-.•�ZX v b �'±a .-�`i.^...�ti-;'. x- - -•, v{li �.�+��rtl.�,l+�.;. rl"l :'J�''_,_ic, - � _f iy ,r _ _ _ _ �:,�''�{:. ,CC`r _'- -y.� :.'�_�.." _-=�,1' �`:..►�f�+iq+ (ri.+I lji, l� r� -- - rye ,�.,rya'I'$�;�,,�� * '��' � e. c�el�• , +/��/I/ f; "Y;O J� ? °9?. %�`Cy► Y F. Financial Return to the City Minimum annual lease payments shall be $270,000 (which may be adjusted annually subject to Consumer Price Index increases over the lease term) OR the combined minimum percentages of ;.� gross revenues as follows: 15% of gross boatyard revenues, 12% of gross retail sales including fuel and commercial sublease revenues, and 10% of gross prepared food and beverage sales, whichever is greater. Proposers are advised that the above listed percentages are the minimum required for proposal j submissions and will be subject to negotiated increases in the final lease terms, depending on the extent and quality of improvements proposed. ' G. Zoning Pursuant to Metropolitan Dade County Zoning Code, the Property is zoned GP - Governmental Property and GU - Interim District, as described in the official Dade County Code District Regulations and as delineated on the official Zoning Atlas of Dade County. By Resolution Z-173-79, the Dade County Commission on September 11, 1979 permitted as an Unusual Use of this Virginia Key site, the maintenance, and continued use of a marina and marina support facilities including: a) outdoor boat racks b) outdoor boat and boat trailer storage c) boat hoist ' d) boat ramp e) fueling services f) general repairs and servicing of boats I g) concession restaurant with outdoor patio area h) sale of marine hardware and supplies i) launching services of all kinds j) sale of new and used boats and motors k) rentals of motorized and sail craft, including jet skis 1) sale of nautical gifts and sundries m) other related services All prospective proposers must ensure that their proposed development complies with all applicable zoning laws. For details of allowable uses and applicable requirements of the GP and GU zoning districts, refer to the Dade County Building and Zoning Department at 111 NW 1st Street, 375-1806. E. Unified Development Proposal Selection Process The proposal selection process is set forth in Section 29-A(c) of the Charter of the City and Section 18-52.9 of the Code of the City and provides as follows: 1. Solicitation of development proposals from qualified developers 94- 46 2. Initial review of proposals received in response to the RFP by City staff, to determine compliance with RFP minimum submission requirements in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein in Section VI A. 3. Evaluation of responsive proposals by a Certified Public Accounting firm in accordance with criteria specified herein in Section VI.C. I 4. Evaluation of responsive proposals by Review Committee appointed by the City Commission in accordance with criteria specified herein in Section VI.B. 5. Independent report of findings and recommendations j submitted to City Manager by CPA firm and Review Com- mittee. 6. City Manager recommendation to the City Commission of one or more of the proposals, based on the findings of the CPA firm and recommendations of the Review Committee, or alternatively, the City Manager's recommendation that all proposals be rejected. 7. City Commission acceptance/rejection of City Manager's recommendation. 8. City Commission authorization to.negotiate lease ' agreement with the selected proposer whose proposal is determined most advantageous to the City by the City Commission. 9. Negotiation of lease agreement between the City and the selected proposer. 10. City Commission authorization to execute the negotiated lease agreement with the selected proposer. (The selected proposer shall have no vested right, title or interest in the Property until such time as a lease agreement is executed.) 11. Execution of lease agreement between the City and the selected proposer. 94- 46 I. Unified Development Schedule (Anticipated) Issuance of the RFP February 4, 1994 Proposal Pre -Submission Conference February 22,.1994 Location: Dept. of Development 10:00 a.m. 300 Biscayne Blvd. Way Suite 400 Miami, Florida Proposal Submission Deadline May 6, 1994 Location: Office of the City Clerk 2:00 p.m. (First Floor Counter) Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Dinner Key Miami, Florida Initial Review of Proposals May, 1994 Review Committee Meeting May, 1994 Review Committee Meeting May, 1994 CPA Firm Initial Evaluation of Proposals Available to Committee Review Committee Interviews with Qualified Proposers & CPA Firm Presentation of its Finding to the Committee June, 1994 Recommendation from the Review Committee and CPA Firm to the City Manager June, 1994 Recommendation from the City Manager to the City Commission for Selection of One or More Proposals or Rejection of all Proposals/2nd Meeting in June, 1994 7 .71 i i III. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS LEGAL REQUIREMENTS j In accordance with City Charter Section 29-A(c) and City Code Section 18-52.9, incorporated herein by reference and included in Appendix A, the legal requirements for UDPs include: A. Declaration as a UDP The City Commission determines and declares by Resolution that for the development of improvements on City -owned property or property to be acquired by the City, it is most advantageous to j the City to procure from the private sector one or more of the following integrated packages:(1) planning and design, construction and leasing; or (2) planning and design, leasing, and management; or (3) planning and design, construction, and management; or (4) planning and design, construction, leasing and management from a private entity. On November 23, 1993, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 93-749 declaring that the most advantageous method to develop certain improvements on the Property is by a UDP process that seeks to procure an integrated development package from the private sector including planning and design, construction, leasing and management of the Property. B. Commitment of Funds 1. City The City shall not provide funds or financing for the development contemplated by this RFP. 2. Selected proposer The selected proposer is required to provide adequate equity and debt capital to finance all aspects of the proposed Unified Development of the Property. The selected proposer is required to provide the City with a minimum guaranteed annual rent as specified in section II. F. Financial Return to the Cit Upon execution of the lease agreement, the selected proposer shall reimburse the City for any and all direct costs incurred in evaluating all proposal submissions, including but not limited to, appraisal fees, the professional services of the certified public accounting firm selected by the City Commission, and all advertising and printing related to this UDP as well as any costs incurred by the City in relation to the permitting L process. (Refer to Section IV.D.). The City shall deposit in local banking institutions all monies collected as a result of this UDP/RFP. i i 8 94- 46 upon execution of the lease agreement, the selected proposer shall be required to furnish the City with a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount equal to the total estimated cost of the PROJECT improvements, but not less than $1,000,000 as stated in section IV.E. of this RFP. In addition, upon execution of the lease agreement the selected proposer shall be required to furnish the City a security deposit equal to the one half (50%) of the first year's negotiated minimum rent. Submission of the proposal shall include a letter of credit in a minimum amount of $500,000 for development of the boatyard facilities plus an amount necessary to guarantee all other aspects of the proposer's commitment including its financial performance and the performance of all work required to complete the proposed development. The letter of credit shall be subject to the approval of the City's Finance Director and the Director of the Office of Asset Management and Capital Improvements. j C. Commitment of Property The Property and its improvements are offered "as is" by the City for development and long term management. No representations or warranties whatsoever are made as to its -+ condition, state or characteristics. Express warranties and } implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or use and habitability are hereby disclaimed. j Testing, audits, appraisals, inspections, etc., desired or necessary to submit a proposal shall be at the sole expense of the prospective proposer. Reports regarding the Property, including appraisal reports, that the City may have in its • possession are available as public records. The City will enter into a lease agreement for the Property with the selected proposer. (Refer to Section II.E.) The term of the lease agreement to be entered into between the selected proposer and the City shall be ten (10 ) years with one (1) five (5) year renewal at the City's option and subject to renegotiated terms. The lease agreement shall be structured to provide the City with a minimum guaranteed annual rent or a percentage of gross revenues, whichever is greater. City -owned property is held in public mortgaged, pledged, liened or subordinated of the lease agreement. All leasehold become the sole property of the City upon lease agreement. D. Commitment of Services and cannot be in any way as a part improvements shall the expiration of the trust All City services such as police and fire protection, routinely provided to any private development within shall be provided to the selected proposer by the City. 0 which are the City, 9 4- 46 E. Execution of Contracts The lease agreement for the property shall be signed by the City Manager or his duly authorized designee after approval thereof by the City Commission. The selected proposer shall not have any vested right, title or interest in the property until such time as the leasehold agreement is executed. 94- 46 IV. PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS Respondents to this RFP are advised that the following. factors must be addressed in the proposals and will be critically evaluated. Additionally, proposals shall include a market analysis of all development components to assess the economic feasibility of the proposed development. A. Development Objective Proposals must meet the City's development objective of compatible public/private utilization of the Property. Proposals must preserve, provide and maintain full marine boat yard services for the boating community, and enhance public access to and enjoyment of the Biscayne Bay waterfront at Virginia Rey. Aesthetics of the development will be an important consideration in the evaluation of proposals. Whether a proposal is to refurbish and expand existing facilities or to build new } facilities, the City expects the improvements to respect the local environment and be responsive to the waterfront setting. Of special concern is the view of the boat rack storage facilities from the waterfront and from Rickenbacker Causeway and proposed landscape treatment to screen such views. B. Use The principal use of the Property shall be a dry rack storage boat yard facility. Ancillary uses of the facility include marine -related retail space and convenience services for recreational boat users as options. All uses provided for shall be non-exclusive uses. S (a) Principal Use (i) Boat Yard Facility ! A boat yard facility which offers boat hauling, dry rack storage of up to 294 vessels, cleaning, minor repair and basic maintenance services for recreational boats. Minimum or maximum boat sizes and weights are not limited by this RFP, but will be affected by local water depths. Proposers are advised that improvements to be made to the existing boat yard and rack storage facilities must comply with 11 r 94- 46 i i current Federal, State and local code requirements including life safety needs and any other applicable regulation. (b) Ancillary Uses (i) Optional Marine -Related Retail Space and User Convenience Services Proposals may include as ancillary uses to the principal use of the premises a maximum of 4000 sq.ft. of retail space to provide marine - related retail services. Marine -related retail space may include, but not be limited to such activities as a ships store, marine parts shop, marine electronics shop, yacht brokerage, boat dealers, fishing supplies, marine apparel, windsurfing rentals and sales and scuba diving equipment shop. Jet Ski rentals (currently existing) will be permitted only on an interim month -to -month basis. Proposers are advised that long term use of the stadium basin waters for jet skis is considered inconsistent with recent Dade County imposed bans on jet ski use in surrounding Biscayne Bay waters due to jet ski conflicts with recreational boaters, swimmers, windsurfers, manatees and the adjacent Virginia Key Critical Wildlife Preserve. The City may at any time impose a ban on jet ski use of the Marine Stadium basin and with 30 days notice, terminate all rentals or sales of jet skis on the subject property. Up to a maximum of 1,000 sq.ft. of convenience market food and beverage sales (packaged, not prepared) will be permitted. Fuel storage and pumping facilities for servicing the general boating public will be permitted. (ii) Prepared Food Concession A prepared food concession of up to 8000 square feet in combined indoor and outdoor floor area will be permitted (in addition to the above described 4000 square feet of permitted retail space.) It is desirable that the existing food ) 2 94` 46 concession be relocated to the shoreline where the existing public boat ramp is located. A (iii) Public Boat Ramp If the ramp is closed to general public use, the lessee shall be required to provide launching services for private boats trailered to the site £or a reasonable fee. Such fee shall be subject to approval by the Director of Asset Management. C. Proposed Site Improvements ! The proposal must describe proposed improvements to the Property and construction of new structures planned, if any. Any proposed improvements to existing structures must comply 1 with current building code requirements in accordance with the South Florida Building Code and life safety needs in accordance with the City Fire Code. I Construction of new structures and/or refurbishing of existing structures must be architecturally acceptable and will be critically evaluated in the selection process. Overall height of new structures shall be limited to 55 feet above grade, including flood criteria. Roofing of not less than 80% of all storage racks for protection of stored vessels is required and siding to visually screen the racks is considered desirable. All proposals which include plans to construct new structures must comply with the view corridor and public access + } requirements as set forth in the Section 3 (mm) of the City Charter included herein for reference in Appendix A. Required on -site parking and service areas shall be organized, appropriately landscaped, and screened from surrounding streets and adjacent property. Proposals shall also include a compatible, safe and effective pedestrian and vehicular circulation system to service the proposed development. 1 Existing paved surfacing of the boat yard, driving lanes and parking areas is in poor condition. All paved areas will require resurfacing and drainage improvements. Layout of rack structures for boat storage shall be given particular attention to optimize the efficient use of the site, a minimize fork lift equipment conflicts with other vehicular and pedestrian traffic and public usage of the boat ramp, and # provide minimum travel distances for hauling of boats. Existing 1 rack layouts on the site are not efficient and proposers should • give specific consideration to reconfiguring all rack storage and parking areas. 13 94- 46 ;A All site improvements must comply with all applicable code requirements. All signage shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Development and Housing Conservation. i Proposers will be responsible for acquiring all required permits and approvals. No permanent wet slips or overnight docking of vessels will be permitted. Floating docks to facilitate public access and launching of stored vessels will be permitted. i D. Permitting and Licensing The selected proposer shall be at his or her sole cost and expense responsible for acquiring all required permits, licenses and approvals from, including but not limited to, the City, the State of Florida, Metropolitan Dade County, and public utilities. The City will assist through expedited review procedures, if applicable. Proposers are herein alerted to certain provisions of the the Dade County Interim Boating Facility Expansion Guidelines which state that "New construction or expansion of multi -family or commercial powerboat docking facilities (including dry storage) is prohibited, unless the permit applicant can clearly demonstrate that the docking facility and the operation of boats using the facility will not adversely impact the manatee or its habitat on an individual or cumulative basis or unless the applicant proffers a covenant restricting the usage of all slips to sailboats." Metropolitan Dade County, Department of Environmental Management (DERM) has determined the maximum number of existing powerboat slips that could be currently allowed at the Property under the Interim Boating Facility Expansion Guidelines in conjunction with the issuance of a Class I Permit is 294 dry rack slips. The City makes no representations and has no analysis or information as to whether the development contemplated by this RFP is a Development of Regional Impact as defined by F.S. Section 380.06. If 'a governmental agency determines that the proposed development is subject to Development of Regional Impact review and procedures (or a successor law or similar law), the selected proposer shall be solely responsible for applying for all authorizations and applications required by i law, at the proposer's sole cost and expense. E. Estimated Construction Cost The proposal must include a detailed construction cost estimate for the entire proposed development. The total cost of- all improvements shall be not less than one million dollars,,_ ($1,000,000). 14 94- 46 1 F. Financing Strategy The proposer shall provide, as part of the proposal, a description of the financing strategy for all building and site improvements including public spaces and amenities associated with the development. Prior to the execution of a lease agreement the City will require written evidence of a firm and irrevocable commitment of all funds necessary to construct, equip and initiate operation of the proposed Project. G. Development Schedule The City will require development of proposed improvements to commence within three months from the transfer of the leasehold Property to the selected proposer. The proposal must include a development schedule which takes into account the commencement date required by the City and delineates the development of each significant improvement. A termination clause will be included within the lease agreement to insure reasonable compliance with the proposed development schedule. The timetable for completion of the proposed construction will be considered as well as the proposer's plans and commitment to minimizing the impact of construction on use of tAe site. All proposed development must be completed within the time period specified in the schedule in the proposal. Any and all proposed physical improvements to the property must be completed within 18 months from the date of transfer of the leasehold Property to the selected proposer. H. Co osition of the Development Team (Proposing Entity) & Consultants Proposals must include professional qualifications and credentials that demonstrate the development team's ability to successfully undertake and complete development of the Property. The proposal must contain information sufficient to demonstrate the development team's and their consultant's, if any, ability to plan, design, construct, lease and manage a boat yard facility with any retail use proposed in accordance with the development program outlined herein in this Section. The Development Team is hereby defined as being comprised of the proposing entity with whom the City will contract with for the leasehold agreement. The consultants to the Team Development p , if any, may come from one firm possessing all the required expertise or may be from among several firms constituting all the required expertise including its professional planning and design consultants 1 15 ' 94- 46 =w, I i :wq and sub -consultants, its general contractor or construction manager and its operational and management consultant. Consultants and subconsultants may submit on more than one team. However, the Development Team shall only submit as part of one submission and shall not be part of any other submission ~-7 in any capacity. The Development Team and/or their consultants shall substantiate experience in all aspects of development and management of boat yard and marina facilities proposed. The general contracting or construction management firm shall be licensed as a general contractor in the State of Florida. The Development Team and their consultants assembled in response to this RFP shall, at minimum, demonstrate professional expertise in each of the following disciplines (copies of currently active licenses are required and must be included in the proposal): Architectural: shall be registered to practice architecture in the State of Florida as required by Chapter 481, Part I of the Florida Statutes, Architecture, and shall have substantiated experience in the esa.gn an development of boat yards and marinas; Engineering: shall be registered to practice engineering in the State of Florida as required by Chapter 471 of the Florida Statutes, Professional Engineers, and shall have substantiated experience in the Zesign ana development of boat yards and marinas; Landscape Architectural: shall be registered to practice landscape architecture in the State of Florida as required by Chapter 481, Part II, Landscape Architecture, of the Florida Statutes; General Contracting or Construction Management: shall be licensed as a general contractor in the State of Florida and shall have substantiated experience in the management of marina and boat yard constructions; Operations and Management: shall have experience in the operations and management of boat yards and marinas; If ancillary retail uses are proposed as part of the development: Commercial Real Estate Leasing: shall have experience in ` leasing of marine -related commercial properties; Operations and Management: operations and management of commercial uses. 16 shall have experience in the the proposed marine -related 94- 46 i No additions or modifications may be made to the proposals and the teams they represent subsequent to the submission deadline. New and/or current personnel who are not identified in the proposal may not be introduced as part of the proposed team subsequent to the submission deadline. Respondents must notify the City in writing immediately of any firm or individual presented in its original submission who is unavailable to continue on the team. Any such change may result in the removal of the proposal from consideration. All principal investors (over 5% interest) on the development team may be subject to a background check by the Miami Police Department. j Respondents are encouraged to include in the composition of the Development Team, businesses or firms whose primary offices are located in the City of Miami. City occupational licenses shall be provided as proof of location for businesses located in the City. For proposal evaluation purposes, the Review Committee shall award points for local firm participation based on the - criteria established herein. (Refer to Section VI.B.). Exhibit II includes forms soliciting detail information which must be completed and submitted with the proposal. I. Development Proposal Contents -, Prospective proposers shall address and include, as part of their proposals the following items: 1. Development Plan: Description of all aspects of the plan Overall site development Number of new buildings, if any, and use; square footage, height Retail entity square footage and type, if any Food and Beverage entity square footage, if any Architectural features a Methods of construction Number of dry boat storage spaces for powerboats/sailboats ! On site parking requirements 2. Illustrative Drawings: (Prepared by a registered architect A licensed to practice in Florida and board -mounted not to exceed 30" x 4011) Site Plan L Elevations, sections and floor plans of existing buildings to be renovated and all proposed new structures 17 n 94- Perspective isometric illustrations are not required but will be accepted for review. Models will not be accepted for review. 3. Schedule of Amenities 4. Management Plan 5. Market Analysis 6. Completed Declaration, Financial Disclosure and Professional Information forms as detailed and included herein as Exhibit II. 7. An annual minimum guaranteed rental payment to the City and percentages of gross revenues collected. 8. A dollar amount to be spent on permanent physical improvements to the Property and boatyard facilities. 9. A schedule including all phases of the development including planning and design, construction, and operations. 10. Letters from financial institutions documenting the proposer's ability to finance all aspects of the proposed development. 11. Audited Financial Statements for each principal of the proposing entity. 12. All required bonds or letters of credit. 13. Documentation of the proposer's and Development Team's past experience in related development and management. 14. Resumes of key individuals to be involved in the proposed development. 15. Individual Engineers, Architects and Landscape Architects must submit a current Certificate of Registration or License and corporations or partnerships must submit a current Certificate of Authorization. r 16. The organizational structure presented in graphic "1 form depicting the proposing entity and the professional consultants forming the Development Team, including the names, affiliation and addresses of principals. This includes any and all { general partners, stockholders owning 5% or more of the stock, the president, vice-president, etc. 17. Completed Minority Participation Documentation j forms (Exhibit III), as evidence of minority participation pursuant to the goals set forth in the City's Minority and Women Business Affairs and Procurement Program. i 18. City occupational license(s) demonstrating the participation of local firm(s) in the Development Team. J. Method of Operation The proposal must include a narrative describing the operation of the entire proposed development. The description shall include an organizational chart, job descriptions of key positions, brief outline of operating procedures, how and where the development will be advertised, indication of which businesses are intended to be operated by proposer and which businesses are intended to be subleased or to be operated under a management contract. If independent management services are to be involved, then the applicable forms included herein as Exhibit II. to this document must be completed by management contractors. J K. Minority Participation Respondents will be, required to comply with all applicable federal, state and local affirmative action legislation and regulations, including the City's Minority and Women Business Affairs and Procurement Program included herein in Appendix C. 1 Minorities are expected to be an integral part of the development team, participate substantially in construction contracts and jobs, and comprise a significant part of the { permanent management team, as well as all businesses and work 1 force created b the development. For the Y P purpose of proposal evaluation, significant minority participation in the Development Team shall be defined as 30% of the proposing entity with each minority group ( black, hispan ic, and female) comprising not less than 5% each. As evidence of minority compliance, proposers are expected to complete the applicable forms included in Exhibit III. 19 94- 46 V. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Submissions received in response to the RFP shall meet all requirements specified herein in this Section. Submissions :.� deficient in providing the required information shall be determined non -responsive by the City and ineligible from any further consideration. A. Submission Procedures } A complete proposal submission package shall be delivered to the City as follows: 1. One (1) original and fourteen (14) copies of bound proposals in an 8-1/211x 11" format and one set of board- mounted illustrative drawings not to exceed 30" x 40". 2. Proposal submissions must be marked "Unified Development Project Proposal for 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Virginia Key, Miami, Florida" and addressed to: Herbert J. Bailey Assistant City Manager City of Miami 3. Proposals must be received at: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami, City Hall (First Floor Counter) 3500 Pan American Drive j Dinner Key Miami, Florida 33133 j 4. The submission package shall be submitted by: I 2:00 P.M. i Friday, May 6, 1994 5. Proposal submissions must be accompanied by: A non-refundable cashier's check in the amount of $2,000, made payable to the City of Miami The time deadline and proposal receipt location will be strictly adhered to by the City. No proposals shall be received after 2:00 p.m., May 6, 1994 or at any other City office location, other than the City Clerk's Office (First Floor Counter). 1 20 �1 ,. 94- 46 Funds accompanying the proposal submission will be used by the City to cover actual expenses for advertising, printing, and mailing incurred by the City in preparing and issuing the RFP. Expenses incurred in evaluating proposal submissions, in excess of the total amount collected shall be reimbursed to the City by the selected proposer upon execution of a lease agreement. VI. EVALUATION CRITERIA i 1 Review procedures and the selection process are set by City Charter and Code of which applicable excerpts are included in Appendix A. of this document. + At a public hearing held January 27, 1994 the City Commission authorized the City Manager to issue the RFP, appointed a review committee from recommendations submitted by the City Manager and further selected a certified public accounting (CPA) firm, both to evaluate submitted proposals. The review committee established by the City Commission at the public hearing, will render a written report of its evaluation y of responsive and responsible proposals to the City Manager. The review committee shall evaluate each proposal based on the criteria established herein. The committee has the authority to recommend one or more, or none of the proposals if it deems them not to be in the best interest of the City. However, the committee shall have to explain its reasons for such a decision. j The certified public accounting firm selected by the City Commission will render an independent report of its analysis of proposals to the City Manager. The accounting firm shall analyze each proposal based on the criteria established herein. r The accounting firm shall present its preliminary findings regarding each proposal to the review committee prior to the s review committee completing its deliberations. j A. Initial Review of Proposals for Compliance with the RFP. I Proposals shall be reviewed initially by City staff for compliance with all requirements set forth in the RFP. Each proposal shall be checked to ensure that: 1. All development proposal elements and documentation i listed in Section V. have been included in the proposal i submission.; 2. The required number of copies and one original of the proposal, the board -mounted illustrative drawings, and a $2,000 non-refundable cashier's check have been received by the deadline date and time and at the correct location. r 22 94- I B. Review Committee Evaluation Criteria The following specific evaluation criteria and its respective s assigned values shall be used by the review committee for purposes of rating and ranking the proposal submissions: j Criteria Value(Points) Experience of the proposing entity ...............20 Capability of the Development Team................15 Financial capability of the proposing entity ...... 20 i Financial return to the City......................20 ? Overall design of the proposed development ........ 15 i Extent of minority participation ..................10 `f Local firm(s) participation ........................6 Total Maximum Points ...... 106 Proposers are encouraged to have their proposals conform to the following factors which will be utilized by the review I committee in evaluating the proposals: 1. Experience of the Proposing Entity (20 points) Qualifications and experience.of the proposing entity j in planning and design, constrution, leasing and management. Specific experience of the proposing entity in j development, design, leasing and management of boat yard and marina facilities and ancillary types of uses proposed. A minimum of 5 years marina experience is required. t 2. Capability of the Development Team (15 points) Composition of the Development Team; professional qualifications and capability of team members, project managers, consultants and subconsultants. rA Architectural/engineering capability and range of experience on similar developments comparable in scope, complexity, magnitude. Adequacy of personnel to successfully undertake and complete the development proposed: 23 i y 94- 46 General contracting or construction management capability and range of experience on similar developments comparable in scope, complexity, magnitude; Good past performance in the administration of other j developments and cooperation with former clients. Demonstrated ability to meet time schedules and budget. Qualifications, organization and experience of ` operational, leasing management team. Qualifications and specified experience of project ' managers, team members and professional consultants in development and management of boat yard and marina facilities. i Specific experience of the Development Team in relationship to development and management of the types of ancillary uses proposed. i 3. Financial Capability (20 points) Demonstrated financial capability of the proposing entity sufficient to successfully undertake and complete this development. i Proposing entity's track record of financing developments comparable in magnitude and scope to j successfully finance this development. Viability of financing strategy, financing mechanism, and funding sources. -i Demonstrated feasibility of all aspects of the proposed development substantiated by a market analysis. 4. Financial Return to the City (20 points) Annual lease payment including a guaranteed minimum annual rental payment or a percentage of gross revenues whichever is greater. Dollar value, extent, and timing of capital improvements. Any additional financial benefit to the City. 24 94- 46 5. Overall Design of the Proposed Development (15 points) °? Fulfillment of the City's established development j objective. Appropriateness and quality of the design as related to the character of the site and the Virginia Key waterfront. j Appropriateness and quality of the design of new structures and/or refurbishing of existing dry rack storage structure and buildings. Treatment of dry rack boat storage Imaginative and creative treatment of architectural and site design of public access to and design of public spaces, exterior spaces, circulation, view corridors, landscaping, graphics, signage and lighting. Efficiency of site design and organization, and compatibility of uses. i 4 6. Extent of Minority Participation (10 points) Minority/women participation within the proposing entity. Minority/women participation within the Development Team. Subcontracting and hiring practices during i construction. Opportunities for minorities/women, hiring outreach and training opportunities in relation to leasing, management, operation and maintenance of facilities. 7. Participation of Local Firm(s) (6 points) Local firm(s) participation shall be defined as a firm having a established business office within the City municipal limits. The firm shall have a j current occupational license issued by the City. a. 3 points shall be awarded to a proposal submitted by a local proposing entity. i ,a 25 94- 46 b. 3 points shall be awarded to a proposal whose Development Team consists of local consultants in the design, general contractor, management and operations fields. C. CPA Firm Evaluation Criteria f The certified public accounting firm selected by the City I Commission will evaluate each proposal submission prior to evaluation by the review committee. Specifically, the certified public accounting firm will evaluate the financial viability of the proposing entity, the viability of the financing strategies, source and structure; and will assess comparatively the short and long range economic and fiscal return to the City. Additionally, the certified public accounting firm will assess the market analysis and evaluate the economic feasibility of the proposed development. The accounting firm shall present its findings regarding each proposal to the review committee prior to the review committee completing its deliberations. The CPA firm will render an independent report of its findings to the City Manager. ! VII. TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE LEASE AGREEMENT i A. Authorization j Upon authorization of the City Commission, the City Manager or his designee, shall negotiate all aspects of a lease agreement with the selected proposers. The City Attorney's office will provide assistance to the I City Manager or his designee during the negotiation of the lease agreement and must approve the lease s} .agreement as to legal form and correctness prior to its execution. Until such time as the lease agreement is executed, the selected proposer has no vested right, title or interest in the subject property. 1 1 B. Terms and Conditions The lease agreement shall address, but not be limited to the following terms and conditions: 1. Lease Term 2. Rent 3. Conditions For Lease (City Charter Section 29-B Requirements) . 4. Insurance 5. Performance and Payment Bond 6. Indemnification 7. Assignment of Lease 8. Restrictions on Use 9. Design, Engineering and Construction of Improvements 10. Preparation of Premesis for Development 11. Operation and Management of Leased Premises 12. Equity Capital and Mortgage Financing 13. Public Charges/Fees/Taxes 14. Maintainance, Repair and Replacement „i 15. Condemnation and City "Buy -Out" Provisions 16. Default - Termination 17. Examination of Premises 18. Audit Rights 19. Award of Agreement 20. Conflict of Interest 21. Non -Discrimination a 22. Rules and Regulations tia 23. Compliance with Federal, State and Local Laws 24. Minority Procurement 25. Miscellaneous 27 94- 46 .,J APPENDIX A city of Miami Charter and Code Sections Pertinent Legislation MHOMMOP 127-E CHARTER AND RELATED LAWS Sec. 27-E. Assessor to have power of county assessor; general assessment roll. Note —The user's attention is directed to the editor's note to $ 27-B of this charter. ; Sec. 27-F. Signing and endorsing general as- sessment roll; return and presump- tion of validity. Note —The user's attention is directed to the editor's note to 127-B of this charter. Sec. 27-G. Copy of assessment roll' annexed to warrant commanding collection. Note —The user's attention is directed to the editor's note to 127-B of this charter. Sec. 27-H. State law as to taxes applies. Note —This section has been substantially changed, by in- ference, inasmuch as assessment and collection of taxes is now the exclusive responsibility of Dade County. The user's attention is directed to the editor's note to 127-B of this charter. [Sec. 27-1. Reserved.) Sec. 27-J. Discounts if taxes paid before cer- tain time. Note —The discount rates formerly set out in this section no longer apply; for present rates, see Fla. Stats., 1193,41. The user's attention is also directed to the editor's note to 127-B of this charter. Sec. 27-M When taxes become delinquent; in- terest rates on delinquent taxes. Note —The user's attention is directed to the editor's note to 127-B of this charter. Sec. 27-L. Tax certificates; interest rate there- on. Note —The user's attention is directed to the editor's note to 4 27-B of this charter. Sec. 28. Chief procurement officer. (a) The city manager shall appoint a chief pro- curement officer who shall supervise all purchases for the city in the manner provided by ordinance and who shall, under such procurement methods as may be prescribed by ordinance, supervise sales Supp. No. 29 Subpt. A , of all real and personal property of the city not needed for public use or that may have become unsuitable for use. The chief procurement officer shall have charge of such storerooms and ware- houses of the city as the commission may by ordi- nance provide. Before any purchase or sale, the chief procurement officer shall require that all prescribed procurement procedures be followed. Supplies shall not be furnished to any department unless there be to the credit of such department an available appropriation balance in excess of all unpaid obligation sufficient to pay for such supplies. (b) No contract for furnishing supplies or ser- vices for the city, except as otherwise provided in this charter, shall be made for a period of more than one year. (c) The chief procurement officer shall see to it that all persons seeking to do business with the city not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, handi- cap, or marital status; and that they take affir- mative action to ensure that applicants are em- ployed and that employees are treated during em- ployment without regard to their age, race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or marital status. (d) The chief procurement officer shall be re- sponsible for developing such minority procure- - ment program as may be prescribed by ordinance and permitted by law. 30 A-1 Sec. 28-A. Contracts for personal property, public works or improvements, uni- fied development projects, and real property; safeguards. (a) Personal property. Any personal p rty, including but not limited to supplies, equipme materials, and printed matter, may be obtained by contract or through city labor and materials, as provided by ordinance. All contracts for more than four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500.00) shall be awarded by the commission to the lowest responsible bidder, after public notice and using such competitive sealed bidding methods as may be prescribed by ordinance; provided, however, O'4- 46 i i 1 Subpt. A I I CHARTER that if the amount of a bid or proposal submitted by a vendor whose primary office is located in the City of Miami is not more than ten (10) percent in excess of the lowest other responsible bidder or proposer, such local vendor may be awarded the contract, but the city manager or designee shall have the power to reject all bids and proposals. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the city manager may waive competitive sealed bidding methods by making a written finding which shall contain reasons supporting the conclusion that competi- tive sealed bidding is not practicable or not ad- vantageous to the city, which finding must be ratified by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the commission after a properly advertised public hear- ing. When competitive sealed bidding methods are waived, other procurement methods as may be prescribed by ordinance shall be followed. All invitations for bids, requests for proposals, or other solicitations shall contain a reservation of the foregoing right to reject all offers. All contracts for personal property in excess of four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500.00) shall be signed by the city manager or his designee after approval thereof by the commission. This section shall not apply to transfers to the United States or any department or agency thereof, to the State of Flori- da, or to any political subdivision or agency thereof. (b) Public works or improvements. Any public work or improvement may be executed either by contract or by the city labor force, as may be determined by the commission. There shall be a separate accounting as to each work or improve- ment. Before authorizing the execution by the city labor force of any work or improvement or phase thereof,_ the city manager shall submit to the commission a description of the anticipated scope of work and related cost estimates. All con- tracts for more than ten thousand dollars ($10,- 000.00), which shall include contracts under which improvements valued in excess of $10,000 are to be constructed for the city, shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder after public notice and using such competitive sealed bidding meth- ods as may be prescribed by ordinance; provided, however, that if the amount of a bid or proposal submitted by a contractor whose primary office is located in the City of Miami is not more than ten (10) percent in excess of the lowest other respon- Supp. No. 29 31 4 29-A sible bidder or proposer, such local contractor may be awarded the contract, but the city manager or designee shall have the power to reject all bids and proposals. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the city manager may waive competitive sealed bid- ding methods by making a written finding that a valid emergency exists or that there is only one (1) reasonable source of supply, which finding must be ratified by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the commission after a properly advertised public hearing. When competitive sealed bidding meth- ods are waived, other procurement methods as may be prescribed by ordinance shall be followed. All invitations for bids, requests for proposals, or other solicitations shall contain a reservation of the foregoing right to reject all offers. Contracts for public works or improvements shall be signed by the city manager or his designee after approval thereof by the commission. When it becomes necessary in the opinion of the city manager to make alterations or modifica- tions in a contract for any public work or im- provement, such alterations or modifications shall be made only when authorized by the commission upon the written recommendation of the city man- ager. No such alteration shall be valid unless the price to be paid for the work or material, or both, under the altered or modified contract shall have been agreed upon in writing and signed by the contractor and the city manager prior to such authorization by the commission. (c) Unified development projects. A unified de• velopment project shall mean a project where 'an interest in real property is owned or is to be ac- quired by the city, is to be used for the develop- ment of improvements, and as to which the com- mission determines that for the development of said improvements it is most advantageous to the city to procure from a private person, as defined in the Code of the City of Miami, one or more the following integrated packages: (1) planning and design, construction, and leas- ing; or (2) planning and design, leasing, and manage. ment; or A-2 (3) planning and design, construction, and man- agement; or °4- 46 `4 I i i 4 i 29-A CHARTER AND RELATED LAWS (4) planning and design, construction, leasing, and management. So long as the person from whom the city pro- cures one of the above -mentioned integrated pack; ages provides all of the functions listed for that package, such person need not provide each listed function for the entire unified development project nor for the same part of the unified development project. Requests for proposals for unified development projects shall generally define the nature of the uses the city is seeking for the unwed develop- ment project and the estimated allocations of land for each use. They shall also state the. following: (1) the specific parcel of land contemplated to be used or the geographic area the city desires to develop pursuant to the unified develop- ment project; (2) the specific evaluation criteria to be used by the below -mentioned certified public account- ing firm; (3) the specific evaluation criteria to be used by the below -mentioned review committee; (4) the extent of the city's proposed commitment of funds, property, and services; (5) the definitions of the terms "substantial in- crease" and "material alteration" that will apply to the project pursuant to subsection (eX4) hereof; and (6) a reservation of the right to reject all propos- als and of the right of termination referred to in subsection (eX4), below. After public notice there shall be a public hear- ing at which the commission shall consider: (1) the contents of the request for proposals for the subject unified development project; (2) the selection of a certified public accounting firm, which shall include at least one mem- ber with previous experience in the type of development in question; and (3) the recommendations of the city manager for the appointment of persons to serve on the review committee. Said review committee shall Supp. No. 29 Subpt. A consist of an appropriate number of city offi- cials or employees and an equal number plus one of members of the public, whose names shall be submitted by the city manager no fewer than five days prior to the above. mentioned public hearing. At the conclusion of the public hearing the com- mission shall authorize the issuance of a request for proposals, select a certified public accounting firm, and appoint the members of the review com- mittee only from among the persons recommended by the city manager. The procedure for the selection of an integrated package proposals shall be as follows: (1) all proposals shall be analyzed by a certified public accounting firm appointed by the com- mission based only on the evaluation criteria applicable to said certified public accounting firm contained in the request for proposals. Said certified public accounting firm shall render a written report of its findings to the city manager. (2) the review committee shall evaluate each pro- posal based only on the evaluation criteria applicable to said review committee contained in the request for proposals. Said review com- mittee shall render a written report to the city manager of its evaluation of each pro- posal, including any minority opinions. (3) taking into consideration the findings of the aforementioned certified public accounting firm and the evaluations of the aforementioned review committee, the city manager shall red- ommend one or more of the proposals for ac- ceptance by the commission, or altern vely, kk the city manager may recommend tha il proposals be rejected. If there are three of"\ more proposals and the city manager recom- mends only one, or if the city manager rec- ommends rejection of all proposals, the city manager shall state in writing the reasons for such recommendation. In transmitting his recommendation or rec- ommendations to the commission, the city manager shall include the written reports, including any minority opinions, rendered to 32 94- 46 i Subpt. A CHARTER § 29•A him by the aforementioned certified account- ing firm and review committee. (4) all contracts for unified development projects shall be awarded to the person whose pro- posal is most advantageous to the city, as determined by the commission. The commission may accept any recommenda- tion of the city manager by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members. In the event the com- mission does not accept a proposal recommended by the city manager or does not reject all propos- als, the commission shall seek recommendations directly from the aforementioned review commit- tee, which shall make a recommendation or rec- ommendations to the commission taking into ac- count the report of the aforementioned certified public accounting firm and the evaluation criteria specified for the review committee in the request for proposals. After receiving the direct recommendations of the review committee, the commission shall, by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members: (1) accept any recommendation of the review com- mittee; or (2) accept any previous recommendation of the city manager; or (3) reject all proposals. All contracts for unified development projects shall be signed by the city manager or designee after approval thereof by the commission. The city manager or designee shall be responsible for developing a minority procurement program as may be prescribed by ordinance and permitted by law in conjunction with the award of contracts for unified development projects. The provisions of this charter section shall supersede any other char- ter or code provision to the contrary. (d) Sales and leases of real property, prohibi- tion. Except as otherwise provided in this charter section, there shall be no sale, conveyance, or disposition of any interest, including any lease- hold, in real property owned by the city, the de- partment of off-street parking, or the downtown development authority, unless there has been prior public notice and a prior opportunity given to the Supp. No. 29 public to compete for said real property or inter- est. Any such sale, conveyance, or disposition shall be conditioned upon compliance with: the provi- sions of this section; such procurement methods as may be prescribed by ordinance; and any re- strictions that may be imposed by the city, the department of off-street parking, or the downtown development authority, as appropriate. Further, no right, title, or interest shall vest in the trans- feree of such property unless the sale, conveyance, or disposition is made to the highest responsible bidder, as is determined by the city commission, or the off-street parking board, or the downtown development authority board of directors. The city commission or the off-street parking board or the downtown development authority board of direc- tors, as appropriate, may by resolution waive the requirement of sale, conveyance, or disposition to the highest responsible bidder by means of the following procedure: the city manager, the direc- tor of the off-street parking authority, or the di- rector of the downtown development authority, as appropriate, must make a •written finding that a valid emergency exists, which finding must be ratified by an affirmative vote of two-thiris of the commission after a properly advertised public hear- ing. When the requirement of sale, co-.aveyance, or disposition to the highest responsible bidder is waived, other procurement methods as may be prescribed by ordinance shall be followed. The city or the department of off-street parking or the downtown development authority shall have the power to reject all offers. All invitations for bids, requests for proposals, or other solicitations shall contain a reservation of the foregoing right to reject all offers. This section shall not apply to transfers to the United States or any department or agency thereof, to the State of Florida, or to any political subdivision or agency thereof. (e) Safeguards. (1) All persons contracting with the city under this section shall be required to certify their compliance with the antitrust laws okthe United States and of the State of Florida a to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the city for any noncompliance by said persons with the above laws. 33 94- 46 A-4 CHARTER AND RELATED LAWS (2) All persons contracting with the city under this section shall be obligated to pay which. ever is the greater of the following- (i) all applicable ad valorem taxes that are lawfully assessed against the property involved or (ii) an amount to be paid to the city equal to what the ad valorem taxes would be if the property were privately owned and used for a profit -making purpose. Such taxes shall not be credited against any revenues accruing to the city under any contract that may be awarded under this section. (3) Any proposal by a potential bidder or con- tractor that contemplates more than the es- timated extent of the city's proposed commit- ment of funds, property, or services shall be ineligible for acceptance by the city commission. (4) Any substantial increase in the city's com- mitment of funds, property, or services, or any material alteration of any contract awarded under subsection (c) of this section shall enti- tle the city commission to terminate the con- tract after a public hearing. Prior to such public hearing, the commission shall seek and obtain a report from the city manager and from the review committee that evaluated the proposals for the project, concerning the advisability of exercising that right. (Char. Amend. No. 3, 11-6.79; Ord. No. 9507, § 1, 10-28-82; Char. Amend. No. 1, 11-2-82; Char. Amend. No. 1, 11-4-86; Char. Amend. No. 3, 11-3-87) Editor's note —Ord. No. 9489, adopted by the commission on Sept. 17, 1982, set forth Charter Amendment No. 1 for approval/rejection at election on Nov. 2, 1982. On Oct. 28, 1982, Ord. No. 9509 amended the language of subsections (a) and (c) of § 53 as proposed by Ord. No. 9489. The election was to approve the language of Charter Amendment No. 1, as amended by Ord. No. 9507. Subsequently, in light of Charter Amend- ment No. 2 of Nov. 3, 1987, the city attorney directed the codifier to delete paragraph (ii) of subsection (d) as superseded by § 29-B. Annotations —For case decided prior to enactment by Char- ter Amendment No. 3 of 1979 of a competitive -bidding re- quirement for disposition of city property, see Mahoney v. Givens, 64 So. 2d 926. Said case held that competitive bidding is not required to lease city real estate. Material variance between plans bid upon and plans sub. mitted and adopted renders contract void, Glatstein v. City of Miami, 399 So. 2d 1005. Supp. No. 29 i A Subpt. A Sec. 29-B. City -owned property sale or lease — Generally. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Charter or the City Code, except for the conveyance or disposition of city -owned property implementing city -assisted housing pro- grams or projects which are intended to benefit persons or households with low and/or moderate income by providing housing for such persons or households, such as, but not limited to, those funded programs or projects undertaken, pursuant to the Federal Housing Act of 1937 and the Florida Hous- ing Act of 1972, as those statutes maybe amended or revised from time to time, implementing city - assisted housing programs as .may be authorized by federal or state law, implementing projects authorized under the Florida Community Rede- velopment Act of 1969, and implementing pro- jects of any governmental agency or instrumen- tality, the city commission is hereby prohibited from favorably considering any sale or lease of property owned by the city unless there is a re- turn to the city of fair market value under such proposed sale or lease. The city commission is also hereby prohibited from favorably consider- ing any sale or lease of city -owned property un- less (a) there shall have been, prior to the date of the city commission's consideration of such sale or lease, an advertisement soliciting proposals for said sale or lease published in a daily newspaper of general paid circulation' in the city, allowing not less than ninety (90) days for the eity's receipt - of proposals from prospective purchasers or les- sees, said advertisement to be no less than *dne- fourth (V4) page and the headline in the adver- tisement to be in a type no smaller than 18-point and, (b) there shall have been at least three (3) written proposals received from prospective ur- chasers or lessees; however, if there are less t three (3) such proposals received and if the guar- anteed return under the proposal whose accep. tance is being considered is equal to fair market value the city commission determines that the contemplated sale or lease will be in the city's best interest then, subject to the approval of a majority of the votes cast by the electorate at a referendum, the sale or lease may be consummat. ed. As a further exception to the above require- ments and any other requirement for competitive 34 °4- 46 A-5 f Subpt. A CHARTER bidding procedures to be used in the disposition of city -owned property or any interest therein, the city commission is authorized to waive all such disposition requirements where the intended use of such property or interest therein is in further- ance of the objective of providing rental or sales housing within the economic affordability range of low and/or moderate income families and/or individuals. In determining low and/or moderate income households as set forth above, the criteria shall be those provided for by federal and/or state law or by the city commission. (Char. Amend. No. 2, 11-3-87) Sec. 29-C. Same —Watson Island. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the Charter or Code of the City of Miami, no sale, conveyance lease, management agreement, revocable use permit, or license agree- ment may be entered into for the management, occupancy or use of the area known as Watson Island unless (1) there shall have been, prior to the date of the city commission's consideration of such sale, lease, management agreement, revo- cable permit or license agreement, an advertise- ment soliciting proposals for said sale, lease, man- agement agreement, revocable permit, or license agreement published in a daily newspaper of gen- eral paid circulation in the city, allowing not less than ninety (90) days for the city's receipt of pro- posals from prospective purchasers or lessees, said advertisement to be no less than one-fourth page and the headline in the advertisement to be in a type no smaller than 18-point; and, (2) the pro- posed transaction be approved by a majority of the votes cast by the electorate at a referendum. to be held at the next regularly scheduled general election. The procedures for selection of proposals shall be those provided by Charter section 29A(c) or (d) as appropriate and/or by applicable City Code provisions. Nothing herein shall effect the existing rights or privileges, if any, of any lessee, permittee, licensee or concessionaire currently sit- uated in said area; however, any enlargement, amendment, transfer, or increase in those rights or privileges as may be in existence at the time this amendment is adopted shall require compli- ance with the provisions of this amendment. This Charter Amendment shall not affect the city's Supp. No. 29 34.1 A-6 4 30 use or occupancy of the area, nor shall it apply to contracts for the construction of any city facilities or improvements in the area; further, nothing contained herein shall apply to projects of any governmental agency or instrumentality. (Char. Amend. No. 1, 11-3-87) Sec. 30. Local improvements. (a) Deftnitions, divisions into classes. In this section the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings, unless some other mean- ing is plainly intended: The main divisions of this section are some- times herein termed paragraphs, and the divisions of paragraphs are sometimes herein termed subparagraphs. A local improvement is an improvement defined by this section and made under. the provisions thereof. The word commission shall be deemed to refer to the city commission of the City of Miami. A highway is a public way such as a street, boulevard, avenue, lane, alley, parkway, court, terrace, or place. A sidewalk is a path for pedestrians along a highway. A storm sewer is a conduit above or below ground for the passage of storm water, including a pump- ing station and outlet where deemed necessary; it may also include the building of culverts over streams or enclosing of streams where necessary or advisable to carry off storm water. A sanitary sewer is an underground conduit for the passage of sewage and may include a pump- ing station and outlet where necessary. 004 — VEM A t 71 4 18.52.7 MIAMI CODE § 18•62.9 rights. In the event of such cancellation or rejec- tion, the chief procurement officer shall promptly notify all affected bidders or offerors and make available to them a copy of the written explana- tion for such cancellation or rejection, which shall be a public record. (Ord. No. 9572, § 1, 2-10-63) Sec. 18 52.8. Sole -source contracts. (a) Conditions for use Since it is not practica- ble for the city to use competitive bidding meth- ods to secure goods or services if there is any one (1) reasonable source of supply, sole -source awards may be made as an exception to the other meth. ods prescribed in this section under the following circumstances: (1) Where the compatibility of equipment, aooes- sories, or replacement parts permits one (1) reasonable source of supply; (2) Where the goods or services available from a single source are needed for trial use or test- ing; and (3) Where the unique and specialized expertise of one (1) source of services is unlikely to be obtained from ally dther source. (b) Determination and approval The determi- nation that an award shall be made on a so2e- source basis shall be made by the :chief irmare- ment officertethecitymanager. Suck -determination shall be made in writing and provide complete justification as to why no other sources of goods or services could be obtained to meet the city's requirements. The determination shall also cer. tify that the terms and conditions of the award have been negotiated so as to obtain the most favorable terms and conditions, including price, as may be offered to other customers or clients by the proposed contractor. The city manager may waive competitive bidding after he makes a writ- ten finding, supported by reasons, that only one (1) reasonable source of supply exists. Such find- ing must be ratified by an affirmative two-thirds (%) vote of the city commission after a properly advertised public hearing. (c) Public notice and disclosure. Notice that the city intends to award a sole -source contract shall be published at least once in a newspaper of gen- eral circulation in the city prior to contract award, Supp. No.10 but in any event at least fifteen (15) calendar days shall intervene between the last date of pub- lication and the date of award. Such notices shall state the intention to award a . sole -source con. tract, the nature of goods or services to be ac- quired, the name of the proposed contractor, and the name and telephone number of a cognizant city official who may be contacted by other poten- tial sources who feel they might be able to satisfy the city's requirements. A record of such notices and responses thereto shall be maintained in the contract file along with the written determina- tion required above, and a compilation of all sole source awards shall be submitted by the city man- ager to the city commission on a quarterly basis to include: (1) The name of the sole -source contractor; (2) The nature of the goods or services procured; (3) The reasons no other source could satisfy city requirements; X4) The amount and type of contract; and (5) The identification number for each contract file. <OOrd. No. 9572, 11, 2-10-83) Sec. 18 b2.9. Unified development projects. (a) Definitions. For the purposes of this article IV, the following terms shall have the following meanings: Unified development project shall mean a proj- ect in which an interest in real property is owned - or is to be acquired by the city, which is to be used for the development of improvements, and as to which the city commission determines that for the development of said improvements it is most advantageous to the city that the city procure from a private person, as defined in the Code of the city, one (1) or more of the following i te- grated packages: (1) Planning and design, construction, and leas- ing, or (2) Punning and design, leasing, and manage- ment; or 1208 A-7 (3) Planning and design, construction, and man- agement; or 94- 46 i "] ti 1 1"2.9 FINANCE (4) Planning and design, construction, leasing and management. (b) Conditions for Brae: A unified development project shall be used in those circumstances in which the city commission by resoltition deter.' mines that for the development of improvements it is most advantageous to the city that the city procure an integrated entity as defined in section 18-52.9(a). So long as the person from which the city procure& we (1) of the above -mentioned inte. grated pattwa provides all of the functions listed for that package, such person need not provide each listed function for the entire unified level= opment project nor for the same part of tr,2 uni- fied development project. (c) Requests for proposals. A r(.gpest for pro,. posals shall be issued- which geneirallydefines the, nature of the project,. the uses the city is seeking for the project, and the estimated allbcatioa& of land for each use. The request for proposal's sliali' also include the following: (1) Instructions and information to offerors con- cerning the proposal submission require- ments, including the time and date set for receipt of proposals, the address of the of- fice to which proposals are to be delivered, the maximum time for proposal acceptance by the city, and any other special information; (2) The specific parcel of land contemplated to be used or the geographic area the city desires to develop; (3) The specific criteria which shall be used to evaluate competing proposals by the below. mentioned certified public accounting firm; (4) The specific evaluation criteria which shall be used to evaluate competing proposals by the below -mentioned review committee; (5) A statement that written and oral discus- sions may be conducted with offerors who submit proposals determined to be reason- ably susceptible of being selected for award, but that proposals may be accepted as sub- mitted without such discussions; (6) A statement of when and how financial considerations and return to the city should be submitted; 8upp. Na 10 1 1"2.9 (7) The contract terms and conditions, includ- ing warranty and bonding or other secu. rity requirements as may be fixed and applicable; (8) The extent of the city's proposed commit. ment of funds, property, and services; (9) The definition of the terms "substantial increase" and "material alteration" that will apply to the.paoject.in.accordance with section 53( )• af'the C> ader of the city; (10) A reservation of the right to: rq*t all pro- posak and of thv right of'termination re- ferred to. im serti;oa. 83l X*), of the Charter of the aityr„ (11), The date, time sad place at which any preproposal conferences may be held and whether attendance at such conferences is a condition for offering proposals; and (12) The place where any documents incorpo. rated by reference may be obtained Before issuing a request for proposals, there shall be a public hearing, after public notice, at which the commission shall consider: (1) The contents of the request for proposals for the subject unwed development project; (2) The selection of a certified public accounting firm, which shall include at least one (1) mem- ber with previous experience in the type of _ development in question; and (3) The recommendations of the city manager for the appointment of persons to serve on the review committee. Said review commit-' tee shall consist of an appropriate number of city officials or employees and an equal num- ber plus one (1) of members of the public, whose names shall be submitted by the city manager no fewer than five (5) days prior to the above -mentioned public hearing. 1209 A- g At the conclusion of the public hearing, the com- mission shall authorize the issuance of a request for proposals, select a certified public accounting firm, and appoint the members of the review com- mittee only from among the persons recommended by the city manager. <,r 1 1"2.9 MIAMI CODE 4 1852.9 1 I (d) Developer lists. Developer lists may be com• be limited to, the name of each offeror and a piled to provide the city with the names of devel. summary description sufficient to identify the proj- opers who may be interested in competing for ect. The register of proposals shall be open to various types of city projects. Unless otherwise public inspection. provided, inclusion or exclusion of the name of a (h) Minority participation. The city's minority developer does not indicate whether that devel• procurement program shall be referred to in the oper is responsible with respect to a particular requests for proposals and shall apply to the award - procurement or otherwise capable of successfully ing of contracts for unified development projects. performing a particular city project. (e) Public notice Notice inviting proposals shall (i) Evaluation of proposals. The procedure for the selection of an integrated package proposal be published at least once in a newspaper of gen- shall be as follows: eral circulation in the city to provide a reason- able time for proposal preparation considering the (1) All proposals shall be analyzed by a certified content and complexity of the anticipated scope of public accounting firm appointed by the com. work. In any event, at least fifteen (16) days shall mission based only on the evaluation criteria intervene between the last date of publication applicable to said certified public accounting and the final date for submitting proposals. Such firm contained in the request for proposals. notices shall state the general description of the Said certified public accounting firm shall scope of work, the place where a copy of the re- render a written report of its findings to the quest for proposals may be obtained, and the time city manager. and place for receipt of proposals. The city man- (2) The review committee shall evaluate each ager may, in addition, solicit proposals from all propel based only on the evaluation criteria responsible prospective developers listed on a cur- applicable to said review committee contained rent developers list by sending them copies of the in the request for proposals. Said review com- notice to acquaint them with the proposed mittee shall render a written report to the -: procurement. city manager of its evaluation of each propo- (f) Preproposal conferences. Preproposal confer- sal, including any minority opinions. ences may be conducted to explain the require- (3) Taking into consideration the findings of the menta of the proposed procurement. They shall be aforementioned certified public accounting firm, announced to all prospective developers known to the evaluations of the aforementioned review have received a request for proposals. The confer- committee, and the degree of minority partic-- ence should be held long enough after the request ipation in city contracts, the city manager for proposals has been issued to allow developers shall recommend one (1) or more of the pro - to become familiar with it but sufficiently before posals for acceptance by the commission, or proposal submission to allow consideration of the alternatively, the city manager may recom= conference results in preparing proposals. Noth- mend that all proposals be rejected. If there ing stated at the preproposal conference shall change are three (3) or more proposals and the city i the request for proposals unless a change is made manager recommends only one (1), or if he j by written amendment. A summary of the con- recommends rejection of all proposals, p �ls' the ' ference shall be supplied to all those prospective manager shall state in writing the reasons' developers known to have received a request for q for his recommendation. In transmitting his proposals. If a transcript is made, it shall be a recommendation or recommendations to the ,..; public record. commission, the city manager shall include (g) Receipt of proposals Proposals shall be opened the written reports, including any minority fpublicly in the presence of two (2) or more city opinions, rendered to him by the aforemen- officials. After the closing date for receipt of pro- tioned certified accounting firm and review posals, a register of proposals shall be prepared committee. by the city manager which shall include, but not r Supp. No.10 1210 94- 46 A-4 118.52.9 FINANCE 4 18.53 1 Q) Award All contracts for unified development based on various performance factors and es. projects shall be awarded to the person whose calation clauses or other economic adjustments j proposal is most advantageous to the city, as de- may be included as appropriate to serve the termined by the commission. best interests of the city in achieving the !} The commission may accept any racommenda- most economical contract performance. j tion of the city manager by an affirmative vote of a (2) Cost -reimbursement contracts. Cost•reim• majority of its members. In the event the com- bursement contracts shall ordinarily be used mission does not accept a proposal recommended for those purchases of goods and services or j by the city manager or does not reject all propos. sales and leases where the terms, conditions, als, the commission shall seek recommendations specifications and other factors of the contract directly from the aforementioned review commit- cannot be specified with a high degree of cer. tee, which shall make a recommendation or rec- tainty or the use of fixed -price contracts is ommendations to the commission taking into ac- not likely to result in substantial competi. count the report of the aforementioned certified tion between bidders or offerors willing to public accounting firm and the evaluation criteria compete for the contract. Incentives based on l specified for the review committee in the request various performance factors and escalation for proposals. clauses or other economic adjustments may After receivingre the direct commendations of be included as appropriate to serve the best interests of the city in achieving the most i the review committee, the commission shall, by economical contract performance. • an affirmative vote of a majority of its members: (1) Accept any recommendation of the review com- (3) Blanket orders. The chief procurement officer mittee; or or individual purchasing agents may issue purchase orders for indeterminate amounts (2) Accept any previous recommendation of the of repair parts, supplies and services to the city manager; or account of any department or office, but only (3) Reject all proposals. when based upon a definite contract or price agreement which shall be negotiated in the All contracts for unified development projects same manner as if the item to be purchased shall be signed by the city manager or his desig- thereunder were to be individually purchased nee after approval thereof as to form and correct- or contracted for under the provisions of arti- ness by the city attorney and approval by the city cles IV and V of this Code. Such orders shall commission. (Ord. No. 9572, $ 1, 2-10-83) state a specific monetary limit which may City code cross reference —Minority participation in uni- not be exceeded except on written approval � feed development contracts, � 18.73. by the chief procurement officer. Sec. •18-53. Types of contracts. (4) Multiyear contracts. i (a) Subject to the limitations of this section, (i) Unless otherwise provided by law, a con - any type of contract which will promote the best tract for supplies or services, sales, or interests of the city may be used, except that the leases may be entered into for any peri use of a cost-plus contract is prohibited. of time deemed to be in the best interests (1) Fixea6-price cbntracta Fixed -price contracts shall of the city, provided that the term of the contract and conditions for renewal or ordinarily be used for those purchases of goods and services or sales and leases where the extension, if any, are included in the in- `� _ terms, conditions, specifications and other fac- vitation for bids or request for proposals, sad Provided that funds are available for tors of the contract can be specified with a ( high degree of certainty and where use of a high the first fiscal period at the time of con - fixed -price contract will result in substantial tract award. Payment and performance competition between bidders or offerors will- obligations for succeeding fiscal periods ing to compete for the contract. Incentives shall be subject to the availability and Supp. No.10 1211 C�d4_.6 A-10 -1 i I Subpt. A t CHARTER other evidence of city indebtedness shall be } imposed on the bonds of the city. (b) Streets, parks, bridges, sewers, grade cross- ings, speed of vehicles; services and rates of motor vehicle carriers: To pave, grade, curb, repave, macadamize, remacadamize, lay out, open, close, vacate, discontinue, widen, and otherwise improve streets, alleys, avenues, boulevards, lanes, sidewalks, parks, prom- enades, and other public highways or any part thereof, and to hold liens thgrefor as hereinafter provided; to construct and main- tain bridges, viaducts, subways, tunnels, sewers, and drains, and regulate the use of all such highways, parks, public grounds, and works; to prevent the obstruction of such sidewalks, streets, and highways; to abolish and prevent grade crossings over the same by railroads; to regulate the op- eration and speed of all vehicles using the streets, highways, and railroads within the city; to regulate the service rendered and rates charged by busses, motor cars, cabs, and other vehicles for the carrying of pas- ,- sengers and by vehicles for the transfer of baggage. (c) Special or local assessments To impose spe- cial or local assessments for local improve- ments as hereinafter provided and to en- force payment thereof. (d) Contracting debts and borrowing money: Subject to the provisions of the Constitu- tion of Florida and of this charter, to con- tract debts, borrow money, and make and issue evidences of indebtedness. (e) Expenditures: To expend the money of the city for all lawful purposes. (f) Acquisition and disposition of property and services. xr (i) To acquire by purchase, gift, devise, condemnation or otherwise, real or per- sonal property or any estate or inter- est therein, inside or outside the city, for any of the purposes of the city; and to improve, sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of such property or any part thereof. Supp. No. 27 i §3 (ii) To acquire or dispose of services inside or outside the city, by purchase, gift, or otherwise for any purposes of the city. (iii) To lease to or contract with private firms or persons for the commercial use or management of any of the city's wa- terfront property, but only in compli- ance with the other requirements of this charter and on condition that: (A) the terms of the contract allow rea- sonable public access to the water and reasonable public use of the property, and comply with other charter waterfront setback and view -corridor requirements; and (B) the terms of the contract result in a fair return to the city based on two independent appraisals; and (C) the use is authorized under the then existing master plan of the city; (D) the procurement methods prescribed by ordinances are observed. Any such lease or management agree- ment or proposed extension or modifi- cation of an existing such lease or man- agement agreement which does not com- ply with each of the above conditions shall not be valid unless it has first been approved by a majority of the vot- ers of the city. Nothing herein contained shall in any manner affect or apply to any project the financing of which has been pro- vided by the authorization of bonds to be issued by the city. (g) Public'property and improvements: To make and maintain, inside and outside the city, public improvements of all kinds, includ- ing municipal and other public buildingNIN armories, markets, and all buildings and structures necessary or appropriate for the use of the city; to acquire by condemnation �a or otherwise all lands, riparian and other rights, and easements necessary for such improvements; and to rent or lease from any person any land or building within or without the city or any part thereof for any municipal purpose. 3 A-11 94- 46 u.� t i 1 g 3 CHARTER AND RELATED LAWS Subpt. A I I to be contributed for maintenance of the (ii) In order to preserve the city's natural fund. scenic beauty, to guarantee open spac• 1 (11) Airports and landing fields: To acquire by es, and to protect the waterfront, any thing in this charter or the ordinances purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise, of the city to the contrary notwithstand• lands inside or outside the city limits for ing, neither the city nor any of its agen• use as landing fields or airports; to con- cies shall issue building permits for struct and equip thereon or on other prop- any surface parking or enclosed struc• erty of the city such improvements as may tures located on Biscayne Bay or the be necessary for that purpose; to operate River from its mouth to the �1.W. and maintain such facilities; to provide rules 5thMiami Street Bridge, and regulations governing their use and (A) (A) which are not set back at least 50 the use of other property or means of trans- feet from the seawall (where the poetation within or over the same; and to depth of the lot is less than 00 enter into contracts or otherwise cooperate feet, the setback shall least with other government entities or other pub- , and lic or private agencies in all matters relat- B) which do not have average side ing to such facilities; otherwise to exercise yards equal an aggregate to at least � such powers as may be required or conve• 25 percent of the water frontage of nient for such establishment, operation, and each lot based on average lot width. maintenance; to levy taxes for any such (iii) The above setback and side -yard re - purpose; unless such facilities shall have quirements may be modified by the city been acquired by lease, to issue bonds to commission after design and site -plan pay the cost of such facilities; and to grant, review and public hearing only if the deed or dedicate lands, with or without con- commission determines that the modi- sideration, to other governmental entities fications requested provide public bene- - for use as landing fields or airports. (Laws fits such as direct public access, public of Fla. (1929), ch. 14234) walkways, plaza dedications, covered (mm) Building and zoning: parking up to the floodplain level, or W To provide by ordinance building, plan- comparable benefits which promote a better urban environment and public ning, and zoning regulations and re- advantages, or which preserve natural _ strictions governing the height, num• features. Wherever setback, side -yard, ber of stories, method of construction, or site -plan review requirements of,zon- type, and size of buildings and other mg ordinances are greater than the 1 structures; the percentage and portion of the lot or site that may be occupied; foregoing requirements, such greater the size of the font, rear, and side yards, requirements shall govern. (iv) These requirements shall not apply to courts, and other open spaces; the lo- docks and appurtenant structures, single. cation, use of buildings, structures, and family residences and appurtenant snruc- land for trade, industry, residences, - apartment houses, and other purposes; tures, and waterfront industrial uses and the widening and future widening along the Miami River and at the Port ���. Nothing herein contained shall of streets in zoned street areas that the is any manner affect or apply to: the city may establish. Such regulations City of Miami/University of Miami may provide that a board of appeals or James L. Knight International Center the city commission may determine and and hotel facility, including all improve- vary the application of building, plan- ments thereon, or to lands and projects ning, or zoning ordinances in harmony ning, which the city commission has approved with their general purpose and -intent. pp. SuNo. 71 ly . in 19 4 — 46 �a+ i Subpt. A CHARTER 43 i prior to September 18, 1979, by devel• ing the existing waterworks system, to issue opment order pursuant to chapter 380 promissory notes and certificates of indebt- of Florida Statutes of a planned area edness, and to secure same by an assign- development pursuant to article XXI• ment of all net rentals and net revenues, 1. City of Miami Comprehensive Zon- ; after the payment of all operating expenses ing Ordinance or which have received and fixed charges, including interest on the 1 site and development plan approval, debt so created, and all debt created for the including Plaza Venetia, Phase II, Reso- construction of such work, derived from said lution No. 72-113, April 20, 1972; Res- waterworks system or any portion thereof, olution No. 72.114, April 20,1972; and until moneys so borrowed shall have been Resolution No. 72.416, July 20, 1972. fully paid; to mortgage the entire water- - (nn) Borrowing to erect and add to public build- works system or any portion thereof to make ings: To borrow money for the erection, con- necessary repairs; and to pledge the net struction, and furnishing of public build• revenue derived from said system, until said ings, including hospitals, city office build- money shall have been fully repaid. Not•withstanding the foregoing, no tax shall ings, city halls, and other municipal struc tures; to borrow money for the purpose of ever be levied nor money taken or diverted building additions to public buildings now from the general funds of the city for the owned by the city; to execute notes and payment of the indebtedness authorized by other evidences of indebtedness, and to se- this section. cure the same by a mortgage upon said (pp) Borrowing to purchase, hire, maintain, op. buildings and the land upon which the build• ecatA or lease public utilities: To borrow ings may be located; to pledge and hypoth- money for the purpose of constructing, pur- ecate the net revenue, after the payment of chasing, hiring, maintaining, operating, or all operating expenses and fixed charges, leasing local public utilities, including street including interest on the debt so created railways, electric light lines, and equipment and on all other debt created in the con- necessary for supplying the city and its in- struction of such building, as well as to habitants with transportation, illumination, a pledge and hypothecate the net revenue power, water, ice, and gas for heating and j derived from such buildings and the land illuminating; to mortgage the public utili• upon which they stand, all for the purpose ties so constructed, purchased, hired, main• of securing the repayment of money bor- tained, operated; to issue promissory notes _ j rowed to be used in such construction; to and certificates of indebtedness evidencing i issue certificates of indebtedness secured the existence of the indebtedness created ? by the net receipts from the use or rental of by the borrowing of said money; to pledge { the buildings or additions to present exist- and hypothecate the net revenue, after the ing buildings erected or to be erected for payment of all operating expenses and fixed public purposes. Notwithstanding the fore- charges, including interest on the debt so going, no tax shall ever be levied nor money created and all other debt created for the taken or diverted from the general funds of construction of such works, derived from the city for the payment of the indebted- the operation of such public utilities so n- ness authorized by this section. (Laws of structed or purchased, including said n T- Fla. (1933), ch. 16561) revenue derived from such street railway, (oo) Borrowing to provide adequate waterworks electric light plant, telephone and telegraph system: To borrow money for the purpose of system, and water, ice, and gas plants; to providing an adequate waterworks system, pledge such net revenue until the money so :i including new water lines, and for the pur- borrowed shall have been fully repaid. Not - pose of repairing, improving, and extend- withstanding the foregoing, no tax shall Supp. Na 27 ' A-13 O U4_ 46 J-93- 11/30/93 RESOLUTION NO. 99 - 7 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS METHOD TO DEVELOP CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON CERTAIN CITY -OWNED WATERFRONT LAND IS BY A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ("UDP"); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE A DRAFT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS,("RFP") FOR A UDP; SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR DECEMBER 16, 1993 .AT 3:00 PM TO TAKE TESTIMONY REGAPJZING SAID RFP FOR DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS• TO THE MARINA WATERFRONT PROPERTY AT VIRGINIA KEY KNOWN AS "VIRGINIA KEY MARINA", SAID PROPERTY CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 4.3 ACRES OF UPLAND; AND AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING, IF THE CITY COMMISSION IS DISPOSED TO PROCEED, AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF AN RFP, THE SELECTION OF A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND. REPORT THEREON TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY CITY CHARTER SECTION 29-A(C), AND CITY CODE SECTION 18- 52.9. WHEREAS, City of Miami Charter Section 29-A(c) and City of Miami Code Section 18-52.9 allows for "Unified Development Projects" where an interest in real property is owned or is to be acquired by the City and is to be used for development of improvements; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that for the development of improvements to the marina waterfront property at Virginia Key known as "Virginia Key Marina", it is most advantageous for the City to procure from a private source of or more of the following integrated packages: A-14 94- 46 i - Planning and design, construction and leasing; or ' - Planning and design, leasing and management; or. - Planning and design, construction and management; or Planning and design,., construction, leasing and management; and WHEREAS, the City Commission directed thg City Manager to i initiate the process for a Unified Development Project for the I improvements to the marine waterfront property at Virginia Key i known as the "Virginia Key Marina"; and WHEREAS, Section 29-A(c) of the City Charter requires that the City Commission hold a public hearing to consider the ' contents of the RFP; and WHEREAS, Section 29-A(c) further authorizes, at the conclusion of the public hearing, if the City Commission is i disposed to proceed, issuance of a RFP, selection of a certified Public accounting firm, and appointment of members to a review j committee from persons recommended by the City Manager; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference, thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. 1 A-15 94- 46 2 Section 2. It is most advantageous for the development of improvements to the marina waterfront property at Virginia Key known as the "Virginia Key Marina" that the City procure from a private source the following integrated package: - Planning and design, construction, leasing and management. Section 3. The City Manager, as authorized herein, shall prepare a draft Request ft.)r Proposals for a Unified Development Project for the development of the improvements as set forth in Section 2 hereinabove. Section 4. A public hearing to consider a Unified Development Request for Proposals for the development of improvements to the marina waterfront property at Virginia Key known as the "Virginia Key Marina", Miami, Florida, .is hereby scheduled for December 16, 1993 at 3:00 PM. Section 5. As required by the City Charter and Code, the City Commission shall, at the conclusion of the public hearing, if disposed to proceed, authorize the issuance of a Request for Proposals, select a certified public accounting firm and appoint members of a review committee to evaluate proposals and render a written report to the City Manager. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effecti e immediately upon its adoption. A-16 04- 46 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of November, 1993. STEPHEN P. CLARK MAYOR ATTEST: MATTY HIRAI CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: LINDA KEARSON ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A. QUINN JONES, III CITY ATTORNEY A-17 4 °4- 46 APPENDIX B City of Miami Minority and Women Business Affairs and Procurement Program Article IV-5 Sections 18-67 18-77 of the Code of the City of Miami f i § 18.58 FINANCE ARTICLE IV.5. MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS AFFAIRS AND PROCUREMENT PROGRAM' Sec. 18.67. Short title. § 18.68 Facilities means all totally or partially publicly financed projects including, but without limita- tion, unified development projects, municipal pub- lic works and municipal improvements to the ex- tant they are financed with city money, utilize city property, or require city services. Goal means the percentages of the annual dol- lar volume of procurement expenditures determined by this article to be offered for minority and women business participation. This article shall be known and may be cited as Goods and services include, without limitation, public works, improvements, facilities, professional "The Minority and Women Business Affairs and services, commodities, supplies, materials and Procurement Program Ordinance of the City of equipment. Miami." (Ord. No. 10062, § 1, 12-19-85) Sec. 19-68. Definitions. For the purpose of this article, the following terms phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the following meanings: Affirmative action plan shall include the pro- jected annual goals and the timetables which will he used to employ and/or procure with women and minorities a nondiscrimination policy state- ment and any other actions which will be used to ensure equity in employment and the utilization of minority and female -owned businesses. Business enterprise means any corporation, part- nership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture, professional association or any other legal entity that is properly licensed to do business with the city and/or county and/or the state. Contract means agreements for the procurement of goods, services, or construction of facilities for the city. *Editor's note —Ord. No. 10062, § 8, adopted Dec. 19, 1985, repealed Ord. No. 9775, § § 1-8, adopted Jan. 19, 1984, codi- fied as § 18.72, concerning the minority procurement program. At the discretion of the editor, §§ 1-7 of Ord. No. 10062 have been codified as art. IV.5, §§ 18-67-18-74. City code cross reference —Lease of city -owned property to require minority procurement clause, § 2-363. County code cross reference —Procedure to increase par- ticipation of Black vendors of commodities and services in county contracts, § 2.8.2. Supp. No. 32 Joint venture shall mean an association of per- sons or legal entities with the intent to engage in and carry out a single business enterprise for profit. Minority and women -owned small business en- terprise means a business enterprise in which at least fifty-one (51) percent of said enterprise is owned by Blacks, Hispanics or women whose man- agement and daily business operations are con- trolled by one (1) or more Blacks, Hispanics or women and who employ a maximum of twenty- five (26) employees or have a net worth not in excess of two million dollars ($2,000,000.00). Procurement expenditures shall mean a purchase, payment, distribution, loan or advance for the purpose of acquiring or providing goods and services. Set -aside is the term which will be used to des- ignate a given purchase or contract or a portion of a given purchase or contract award for Black, Hispanic and/or women -owned businesses. Set -asides may only be utilized where it is determined, prior to the invitation to bid or request for proposals, that there are a sufficient number of certified Black, Hispanic and/or women -owned businesses to afford effective competition for the purchase. Vendor means any business entity providing goods, services or equipment to the city through a N11 purchase, field or blanket order or contract. (Ord. No. 10062, § 2, 12-19-85; Ord. No. 10538, § 1, 1-12-89) 1217 1"9 Sec. 18-69. Established; components. MIAMI CODE (a) A minority and women business affairs and procurement program for the city is hereby estab- lished. The city manager's office shall be held accountable for the full and forceful implementa- tion of the minority and women business affairs and procurement program by providing appropri- ate recommendations for action by the city com- mission. (b) For the purpose of assisting the city man- ager in the implementation of said program, a minority and women business affairs and procure- ment committee is hereby established, consisting of an appropriate number. of members, to be ap- pointed by the city manager, with full represen- tation of Hispanics, Blacks and women to be re- sponsible for monitoring the implementation of the program and making recommendations for achieving the requirements of this article. The committee shall be responsible for generating yearly progress reports to the city commission and the community at large. (c) The city manager shall, utilizing existing resources, create an office of minority and women business affairs and procurement; and shall pro- vide the appropriate staff and resources necessary for the performance of all such administrative duties; authorize and implement the administra- tive guidelines and procedures required; and en- sure compliance with the functions required to promote the achievement of the program's goals and objectives of increasing the volume of city procurement and contracts with Black, Hispanic and women -owned businesses. (Ord. No. 10062, § 3, 12-19-85),. Cross reference —Department of general services adminis- tration to contain office of minority and women business af- fairs and procurement, § 2.263. Sec. 18.70. Duration of program. The minority and women business affairs and procurement program established herein shall be in effect only until such time as the effects of prior unwarranted discrimination against Blacks, Hispanics and women have been compensated for, at which time the goals and set -asides provided for herein shall no longer be observed. Such need shall be reviewed every two (2) years by the city Supp. No. 32 § 18.73 commission, upon the recommendation of the city manager. (Ord. No. 10062, § 7, 12.19.85) Sec. I8.71. Applicability. Except where federal or state law or regula- tions mandate to the contrary, the provisions of this article will be applicable to all city pre -bid, bid, contract or other agreements negotiated by the city. (Ord. No. 10062, § 6, 12-19-85) Sec. 18-72. Objectives; use of set -asides. (a) The objective of the city is to achieve.a goal of awarding a minimum of fifty-one (51) percent of the total annual dollar volume of all procure- ment expenditures to Blacks, Hispanics and women - owned small business enterprises to be apportioned as follows: seventeen (17) percent to Blacks, sev. enteen (17) percent to Hispanics and seventeen (17) percent to women; such goal shall be applied to all city bids and contracts. (b) To further the goal of increasing the total annual volume of all procurement expenditures to minority and women -owned business enterprises, authority for a minority and women -owned business enterprise procurement set aside is hereby estab- lished for use by the city manager as he or she may deem advisable or necessary to increase the parti. cipation of Black, Hispanic and women -owned busi- nesses in city procurement contracts. (Ord. No. 10062, § " 12.19M; Ord. No. 10538, § 2,1-12-89) Sec. 18-73. Required statements for solicita- tions or notices; required state- ments on contracts and awards. (A) It shall be mandatory for all city solicita- tions or notices inviting bids, proposals, quotes, letters of interest and/or qualifications, to contain the approved requirements for M/WBE participa- tion and to have these requirements incorporated by reference, along with the inclusion of the ap- propriate compliance forms, into the resulting con- tracts and/or bid award documents. The city office of minority/women business affairs is to be con- sulted prior to the issuance of any such adver- tisements or solicitations for the purpose of de• termining the recommended goals or set -asides to be included, and again prior to the signing of 1218 I-2 94- 46 1 18.73 FINANCE § 18.74 _ resulting contracts/bid awards for the purpose of parties to the bid or proposal shall also be verifying compliance thereto. required to submit such plans. The objective (B) It shall be mandatory for all city contracts of the city is to require that bidders, propos. and/or procurement award documents to contain ers, and vendors doing business with the city the following: take certain actions designed to assure equi- table participation of Blacks, Hispanics and (1) A specific reference to the applicability of the women in their hiring and promotion activi. minority and women business affairs and pro- ties. In view of this objective: curement program established by this article. (a) All city vendors and contractors shall im. (2) A provision stating the right of the city to plement speck affirmative action plans terminate and cancel any contract or,contrac- as approved by the director of the office tual agreement entered into, including elim- M/WBE affairs and shall demonstrate a ination of the individual and/or business en- good faith effort to ensure equal employ- terprise from consideration and participation ment opportunities for Blacks, Hispanics in future city contracts, on the basis of hav- and women on each purchase or contract. ing submitted deliberate and willful, false or Vendors and contractors shall document misleading information as to his, her or its these efforts fully and shall provide re - status as a Black, Hispanic and/or women- ports as may be required by the city. owned business enterprise and/or the quan- (b) Vendors and contractors shall permit ac. tity and/or type of minority and women -owned cess to their books, records and accounts business participation. by the office of MfWBE affairs or her (3) A requirement that each successful bidder or designee for the purpose of investigation offeror agree to provide a sworn statement of to ascertain compliance with the forego- ,. compliance with the provisions of this article ing requirements. and its specific applicability to the purchase (c) In the event of vendors' or contractors' or contract award under consideration; such noncompliance with the affirmative ac- statement shall certify that the bidder or of- tion requirements of this. section, the city feror, during the course of time involved in manager may suspend in whole or part, the performance of the contract sought by cancel or terminate the bid or contract such bidder or offeror, shall not discriminate award and/or impose other sanctions as against any business, employee or applicant may be determined to be appropriate. for employment because of age, ethnicity, race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, handi- (6) A provision specifying the requirements-Sor ` cap or marital status. continued bidder or offeror eligibility includ- ing minority and female involvement. (Ord. (4) A statement of the extent to which the busi- No. 10062, § 4B, 12-19-85; Ord. No. 10538, § ness enterprise has as one (1) or more of its 3, 1-12-89) partners or principals persons who are Black, Cross reference —Affirmative action division, § 2.236.1. Hispanic or women, or is a joint venture com- prised of a nonminority and minority busi- ness and/or women -owned enterprise. Sec. 18-74. Good -faith effort required. (5) A requirement that each bidder, proposer, or Bidders or offerors shall be required to demon - vendor submit along with the bid or proposal strate a reasonable and good faith effort to solicit an affirmative action plan MAP). Any signif- and obtain the participation of qualified minority icant equity participants, joint venture par- and women -owned businesses in all bid and p�a` ticipants, subcontractors, suppliers or other posal documents. (Ord. No. 10062, § 5, 12-19-85) i - i Supp. No. 32 1219 9 4 — 46 r �w+y i �'18.75 MIAMI CODE Sec. 18.75. Contractor's certificate of compe- tency. (a) For the purpose of this section, the follow- ing terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the following meanings: (1) Business enterprise means any corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture, professional association or any other legal entity. (2) Construction contract means agreements, for the erection, alteration, demolition, or repair 1 of any public building or any other kind of public work or improvement. (3) Minority and u ontten-owned business enterprise means a business enterprise in which at least fifty-one .(51) percent of said enterprise is owned by Blacks, Hispanics or women whose man- agement and daily business operations are controlled by one (1) or more Blacks, Hispan. ics or women. (b) The owners of minority or women business enterprises submitting bids for construction con- tracts to be let by the city must be certified in the field for which the contract is to be let pursuant to chapter 489, Florida Statutes or Chapter 10, Code of Metropolitan Dade County in order to qualify for the minority or women preference on such contract. (Ord. No. 10332, § § 1, 2, 10-22-87) Editor's note —Sections 1 and 2 of nonamendatory Ord. No. 10332, adopted Oct. 22, 1987, have been codified as 1 18-75 at the editor's discretion. Section 6 of the ordinance provides an effective date of January 1, 1989. Sec. 18-76. Administrative procedures. The departments of finance, public works and general services administration are authorized to establish the required administrative procedures to insure compliance with the provisions as set forth herein. The finance department is mandated to insti- tute payment procedures which will insure, in those instances in which the M/WBE bid or con- tract requirements result in contracts, subcontracts or joint ventures for M/WBEs, that compensation provided pursuant thereto shall be in the form of § 18.78 a check made payable to the primary contractor, bidder or proposer, and (if appropriated jointly) to the minority/women business enterprise subcon. tractor or joint venture partner in an amount not to exceed the subcontracted or joint venture amount, based upon approved invoices submitted by the prime contractor, proposer or joint venture, to the city. In the event a dispute should arise as to the performance or payment of the primary contrac. tor or bidder/proposer or the M/WBE, under the terms and conditions of the city contract or pro- curement award document, compensation shall be withheld until such time as the dispute is re- solved in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter for resolving such disputes. All administrative directors shall amend their existing policies and procedures or to create such new ones as may be required to insure and report on compliance with all aspects of this article. (Ord. No. 10538, § 4, 1-12-89) Sec. 18-77. Designation of director as respon- sible official for bid requirements, guidelines, etc. The director of the office of minority/women business affairs is designated as the official re- sponsible for establishing M/WBE bid and con- tractlaward requirements, creating and implement- ing compliance guidelines, monitoring compliance, resolving disputes, and reporting on all of the above to the city manager. (Ord. No. 10538, § 5, 1-12-89) Supp. No. 32 1220 ri &4 APPENDIX C Virginia Key Master Plan (selected excerpts) :"A i V I R G I N I A K E Y c.o hA ,. c� C I T Y 0 F M I A M I P L A N P L A N N. I N G D E P A R T M E. N T SYSTEMS, INC. - SOUTHEAST 6954 N.W. 12 STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 (305) 477-9149 FAX(305) 477-7526 (800) 287-4799 a photocopy 0 in poor condition FC 017 IN, Marine Stadium - an irreplaceable sports facility. 33 MARINE RECREATION The unique dimensions of Virginia Key that distinguish it from other public lands and recreation space in the region are its extraordinary natural environment, its bay setting and unparalleled access by water for marine recreation programs. The following land use policies reflect the goal of optimizing the island's marine recreational opportunities: 1) MARINE STADIUM AND BASIN The future of powerboat racing in Miami is uncertain, but has enjoyed some renewed interest with the recent surge in recreational motorboat sales. Given this uncertainty, there has been consideration of transforming all or a part of the basin into a marina and mooring basin for sailboats. Projected demand for boat slips (1986 Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve Management Plan) shows need for an additional 1000 wet and dry slips (beyond those now planned) by the year 2000. South Biscayne Bay is a desired location for new slips making Virginia Key an attractive location. It is, however, recommended that the basin be kept open (not converted to a marina or mooring basin) and available for marine competitive boating events and water shows. The recent three year decline.' in sailboat sales and contrasting rise in South FloriGa Power boat ownership raises further questions as to the viability or need for major new sailboat mooring areas. Additional concerns about a conversion of the basin to a marina involve water quality and the present inability of tides and currents to adequately flush the Stadium racing basin, an important factor in marina design. Hurricane hazards further reduce the attractiveness of the key for expanded wet or dry boat storage. Alternatives exist in Biscayne Bay, most notably Watson Island, the Miami River, and Dinner Key, for new and expanded wet and ,dry slip storage, but no such alterll'ative exists for marine racing events and water shows. To maintain the economic viability of the stadium, the stage (barge) should be expanded and permanently moored in front of stadium (to reduce major costs in moving it). Programmed improvements to the stadium sdating area and support facilities must be expedited. If market analysis supports it, expanded bleacher seating should be provided at the sides of the stadium (on land or floating wings) to attract events in the +10,000 seat range that are now lost to other facilities in the area. Parking, a critical need for major events, should be expanded through Joint -use agreements with the Seaquarium and Planet Ocean, which would yield a potential 3000 total spaces. T better complement with amphitheaters to be built at Metrozoo and Bayfront Park, and in recognition of the proposed facility next door at the IN r r TJ 7M i Seaquarium, it is recommended that a private management/promotion service be contracted to operate the stadium. Stadium management should join with the Seaquarium to better schedule events and gain advantage of natural promotion opportunities to package Stadium events and visits to the Seaquarium and Planet Ocean. This would further reinforce the proposal for shared parking between the three facilities. A logical extension of the joint promotion/shared parking arrangement would be the physical linkage of the three facilities (4000 feet from Marine Stadium to the Seaquarium) with an overhead tramway or people mover (see Proposed Land Use graphic). Major event parking +20,000 attendance at races) or same -day events on the island will require remote spillover parking that could be accomodated on the former dump site (see preceding discussion of Uncontrolled Land Fill Site.) To enhance spectator viewing for major racing events, it is recommended that shoreline viewing areas southeast of the stadium and along the opposite northern shoreline be improved through increased landscaping, removal of exotic plants (Brazilian Pepper, Casuarina) and regular maintainance and trash removal. The access road that now follows the perimeter of the basin from the stadium to the northwesterly basin terminus should be relocated to connect with the "treatment plant access road" (see Land 'Use Plan graphic), and rebuilt north of that A tramway linkage of Marine Stadium, Planet Ocean and the Sesquarlum is needed. The northern shore or the basin Is needed for spectator viewing. 1A point. This would remove the roads shoreline conflict with the Rowing Club and Planet Ocean, and allow for buses and trams to bring spectators to the basin's opposite shore for major events. 2) COMMERCIAL MARINE SERVICES Marine Stadium area provides for a variety of commercial services that enhance the public's access to and use of the waterfront. The accompanying graphic, Marine Stadium DevelopmentConcept. provides schematic recommendations for the future use and organization of this vital area. These include: A) Reorganization of the boat storage area to: a) condense this area by converting the surface storage of boats (Marine Stadium Enterprises) to more efficient rack storage. b) utilize the easterly portion of area now in surface boat storage (adjacent to stadium entrance drive) for parking to serve Marine Stadium and relocated food service (see below). c) relocate present restaurant from the center of the parking lot to the indented shoreline west of Marine Stadium (leasehold expan- sion). Add floating docks (that could be moved for racing events) for the relocated restaurant. Added parking adjacent to the stadium will serve the restaurant. d) move boat ramp to westerly edge of indented area. e) provide direct vehicular access from the stadium entrance area to the relocated boat ramp and Rusty Pelican/Horatios restaurants. f) move the Horatio's/Rusty Pelican entrance drive easterly twenty five feet to allow for landscaping and reduced pedestrian conflicts in front of Horatio's. A mote efficient OfSAM2811041 of the marine service area is needCA' = 35 g) prov.ide landscaping of basin shoreline along entrance drive and parking lot for the Rusty Pelican restaurant. h) limit additional restaurant facilities from the area that would utilize boat service parking or restrict the space or functioning of boat storage, maintenance, and service activities. Restaurants should locate next to watera'edsa — not causeway. B) Expansion of food service facilities along the basin shoreline easterly of the stadium toward the Miami Rowing Club. Within the stadium area there is demand for a greater variety of food services, particularly lower cost fare. Such facilities should not be located along the RickenTacker Causeway frontage. The aforementioned principles of use and treatment argue against "strip, highway commercial" as inconsistant with the islands public park character. The temptation to "take advantage" of considerable traffic and a roadside exposure on the causeway would not enhance the public's "access to and use of the waterfront", a basic rationale for service commercial uses. The appropriate location would be to set them back fifty feet from the basin edge with a public landscaped walk and viewing lawn along the water, connecting a sequence of food services to the stadium. Spacimg of structures would have to allow for required views through to the water (County Shoreline Ordinance). Parking during non-event times would be plentiful with direct pedestrian access to the commercial uses from the parking lot, and during marine racing events the food service areas can become an extension of event seating and concessions. 36 APPENDIX D METRO DADE COUNTY RESOLUTION Z-173-79 qnsil m1q, 17-54-42/78-536 RESOLUTION NO. Z-173-79 The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Harvey Ruvin, seconded �{ by Commissioner Ruth Shack, iii and upon poll of members present, the vote was as follows: Neal Adams absent Harvey Ruvin aye Clara Oesterle aye Barry D. Schreiber nay William G. Oliver nay Ruth Shack aye Beverly B. Phillips aye Stephen P. Clark aye James F. Redford, Jr. nay I WHEREAS, the City of Miami had applied for the following: REQUEST: (1) UNUSUAL USE to permit the maintenance and continued use of the Marine Stadium. (2) UNUSUAL USE to permit a recreational facility; to wit: a velodrome. i (3) SPECIAL EXCEPTION to permit night lighting for the abovementioned velodrome. ✓ (4) NUN -USE VARIANCE OF ZONING REGULATIONS requiring accessory uses to be a behind the principal building; to waive same to permit the proposed velodrome in front of the principal building (stadium). (5) NUN -USE VARIANCE OF ZONING REGULATIONS as applied to off-street parking requirements to permit1,072 parking spaces (2,953 spaces required). (6) NON-USE VARIANCE OF ZONING REGULATIONS requiring no parking withing 25' of an official right-of-way; to waive same to permit 72 parking spaces within 25' of the official right-of-way of the Rickenbacker Causeway. (7) UNUSUAL USE to permit the outdoor storage of rowing hulls for a rowing ' club on the northeasterly portion of subject property. -! (8) UNUSUAL USE to permit the maintenance and continued use of a marina and marina support facilities including: a) outdoor boat racks b) outdoor boat and boat trailer storage c) boat hoist d) boat ramp e) fueling services f) general repairs and servicing of boats g) concession restaurant with outdoor patio area h) sale of marine hardware and supplies i) launching services of all kinds j) sale of new and used boats and motors k) rentals of motorized and sail craft, including jet skis 1) sale of nautical gifts and sundries I m) other related services (9) NON-USE VARIANCE OF ZONING REGULATIONS requiring all off-street parking areas to be hard surfaced or paved; to waive same to permit a parking area on the northwesterly portion of subject property to be on natural terrain. Plans indicating the Marine Stadium, Marina and proposed velodrome are on file and may be examined in the Zoning Department entitled: "Marine Stadium Site Plan - Showing Proposed 'Velodrome'" prepared by applicant and dated May, 1979; "Velodrome Plan• prepared by applicant and dated May, 1979; "Marine Stadium Parking Lot Lighting - 1973" prepared by Department of Public Works, JCity of.Miami and dated 3-2-73. I Z-17,:5 -79 004- 46 TJ SUBJECT PROPERTY: Commenc ``at the SE corner of Section 17, To, '\ip 54 South, Range 42 East; thet—e along the south line of said Set —on 17 N89'56149.5'W 1,709.52' to its intersection with the SE/ly prolongation of the corporate boundary between the City of Miami and Dade County which is parallel with and 660' NE/ly of the center line of Rickenbacker Causeway; thence along said corporate boundary N45'22'07"W 1,954.40' to the Point of beginning of the hereinafter described parcel; thence N45'22107"W 1351; thence S44'37'53"W i 200'; thence run N45022'07"W 200'; thence run N44'37153"E 200'; thence run N45022107"W 2,728.121; thence run SO'04156"E 647.31' to a point being on the NE/ly right-of-way line of the Rickenbacker Causeway which is parallel with and 200' NE/ly of the center line of the Rickenbacker Causeway; thence along said right-vf-way S45'22'07"E 2,607.68'; thence N45'22107"E 4601; to the Point of beginning. LOCATION. 3601 Rickenbacker Causeway, Dade County, Florida, and i WHEREAS, a public hearing of the Board of County Commissioners, Dade County, Florida, was advertised and held, as required by law, and all interested parties i concerned in the matter were heard, and upon due and proper consideration having been given to the matter and to the recommendation of the Developmental Impact j Committee, it is the opinion of this Board that the requested application on a modified basis would be compatible with the area and its development and would conform with the requirements and intent of the Zoning Procedure Ordinance and would *be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the regulations; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners, Dade County, Florida, that the requested unusual use to permit the velodrome and the special exception to permit night lighting for the velodrome and the requested non-use variance of zoning regulations to permit the velodrome in front of the principal building be and the same are hereby denied with prejudice; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the balance of the application (Items 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) be and the same are hereby approved. 1 The Zoning Director is hereby directed to make the necessary changes and notations upon the maps and records of the Dade County Building and Zoning Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 1979. Heard July, 1979 DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS No. 79-7-CC-1 BOARD OF COUNTY CO"ISSIONERS vp Richard P. Brinker, Clerk Typed 9/1/79 By RHYMOND REED Deputy Clerk This resolution transmitted to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners on the I1.0 day of September 1979. f am M I STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS: COUNTY OF DADE ) 1', RICHARD P. BRINKER, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Dade County, Florida, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. Z-1T3-T9 , adopted by the said Board of County Commis- sioners at its meeting held on July 5 19 79 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on this 12th day of September A. D. 19 . RICHARD P. BRINKER, Ex-Officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners Dade County, Florida By P "4& 08 F.�P�) Deputy Clerk JAVy/SRO SEAL o . I COUNTY uAi Board of County Commissioners Dade County, Florida EXHIBIT I - SKETCH OF SURVEY 94- 46 ` l0[A f10N YA/ y LEGAL DESMI10H MONA AEY YARNk 1011 LEASE AREA MKNa At A[ SCAIMASI CORNEA or ACT" it. lomsi1P 51 SPAN• BOUNDARY SURVEY —`:_ _ SANG 17 [ASI; OAa WIW11Y, f10MA; MKHa AEl 10 nK SgAM L,[ a '—'--•= — - SASE f7, NAt SEATS;A rOr'M=C:? t C IO If5 •' •' •' '�_..- MRR2:0Ot MM At QYTEAIM a 'RICM:IOAG:CA C:USE'AAl•, AS OIDYI 01 'MK L[TROPOUTAN OAa CON IY ek"C D LMl' ACCw0K 10 MK PIAI NtNta AS IKCOIDm N PLAT 80% 11. At PACE 1, Slat NO VIRGINIA KEY MARINA 1993 LEASE AREA I I 131 CR 200.00 110L AC SRROO ml to lit Tl�a OF .MSAID [ AKXENIACXU( CJLS Vkf; AM MONO SAID NOII Cra RAY (SENT +� �Y^ r(AIOI NG DESOM ,PRAM a LAND, noNGt CO" MU ALOIC SAID R101I a WAY UK IL 1171'/7' W. to 11000 FEET; 110CE N. SI i 9� / - ^ 11'11'!7' L ro t1T.00 rEEI t0 1t% 11101SECININ WI A, A LK IAIAMI LlAlttllC S IAUIUTA LAGOON J �+ ' 1AY A/ O I/M i I PMAUft R1n1 VO 361 FEET NOIAKAStOMY a OR 0TULAR a SAID rm— ../ '1 A AIOUHOACkER CAUSEWAY; AOIa ALCNO SAID PMAULL URI MOAN 1l71'07' 0.ro 116.17 FEtt : PANCE H.1N7r5)' L ro Ll0.57 DGE OF SEA WALL r i . F((t TO n[ YOSr NORHALY LMC a A 7-r001 SEAWALL MINCE ALON(57Ym'w u1 Is' MK LASMIKY rAa a SAID suw)a S.1571'01'E. ro I1/ WrEtt: • WINCE S 1171'05% ro 111.11 rttl; DICKS S1P7) "*1 To11.17F((I•.AM[117r'53 W. fo 111.77 FEET; WRCE Is jIt //' I s1Y71'01' L roll IISOO rill; MINCE smrsr W. rat 116.57 IY1•Lx /' I TEEI 10 PC POINT a OEOIMN4 S. r ••:t•.nN 11101E tmugr rTr+ M I-nl lryr• •ry•+: ro .r•r lwRKroN's Norcs- SLIRKT 1LHt AORAIART mom DEPARANEIIt UCX Ofr PPUBI�X VMSNS A1101 a a0 1tA5Cs AN0 ytttOl --`--•OASS roll KARv#CS ammKK a 'ddcNOAdc[R cNlu'AAr OCAAS: IC N137YOr' t' t1EYATO SIOIN M7tR 10 OIY a YAM DAIIM AS OCTERYY1f0 rR( M H157YDt'w 1D5.11' p pyyl�y I NAIIOIAL aOX11C MIKI YOIMrINI U-DID LOCATED At YARRK STAMM .1M • , ... .nr, ... `i �g1'+ pp�� A' I IN 111• laical NW PMALLn II Gl. '� Y• i I EIIYAiIOI 7.11 RIl N.C.U. IOII UID CONVERTED 10 OTT a YIAM 9+•+r 1 7iH• 1! 1 DAWN YCAN tOW WATER RAT YLW.) • 7.13 rttl YIW. r AN[CI IO NDIIS a IATSEASEYCHIS Al. 0110 YAIMRS 4101 Will OC ram OI"K" RECORDS a MS COJNIY. �, •• Ya IW , ` - AS PER NSIRUtwm FRIN At K" 1(okS CEPMIYENI WE HAW t(OARD IMAA: TWO YAM SURbIIGS IUD ME rENQS NEAA ME r.,1.,,IoIA/1•�u1K Ilo1 !!R!i ??'ll/"M UID UO' _. r. P.M.B. ' + '•1A- i �f • ,__!711111 1Y YIA'r IY 'IMI:XIIIIIAIOIIM EAUSrwAP �+,IM I� • ^ 1. w I'^•- N15:+7'Dt'W FOR: CITY OF MIAMI •r •••" � 7nn6r •M t"r'"I «C" • � ti i'� � ) .I : uw� ~•'r•" sl1 of C aRIO1CAK: ' 11[rORr O Uh MAf A[ DIRECTION " DOWSED WY a AT ADOW MYil a PlaatYf0 lP10071 YT DRECIIOI ANO StA'(AN9CY 0 10 At O(SI a Yf kRtAli OEM YRIS IlK REO.IMLNIIIS or At 14WAN MO SIANDAADS 9.1 IT M[ rat SIAM BOAROa MaESSMAL-LAND ANWTOY$ " I tOOIAPMk 41701) r„r ....,•SIANRS AM OIMrcR I114N006 FLORIDA ADNYISNAnrt � �<i•.�in�AJe�ifG rt�l NUNO L CAML PIS, Rol VALID LKESS SLAUD PAatSSCHAL LAND PAWYo y.i110 ,.+tY C(RIr1CATE No. 1111 i $,AK or na00A EXHIBIT II. DECLARATION PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS a 1 EXHIBIT II DECLARATION, FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE, AND -� PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION FORMS ' (CONTENTS) Financial Disclosure and Professional Information Requirements Declaration Organizational Structure Proposer's Questionnaire jPartnership Statement Corporation Statement Financial Data of Proposer Experience Statement of Proposer References of Proposer Proposer's Architect/Landscape Architect/Engineer's Questionnaire i Experience Statement of Proposer's Architect/Landscape Architect/Engineer Background Data of Proposer's Architect/Landscape Architect/Engineer References of Proposer's Architect/Landscape Architect/Engineer Xs Architect/Landscape Architect/Engineer's Subconsultants' Questionnaire I Experience Statement of Architect/Landscape Architect/Engine Subconsultants Background Data of Architect/Landscape Architect/Engineer's ` Subconsultants References of Architect/Landscape Architects/Engineer's Subconsultants 1 94- 46 S h� x� EXHIBIT II DECLARATION, FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE, AND PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION FORMS (CONTENTS) PAGE TWO Proposer's General Contractor or Construction Manager's } Questionnaire Experience Statement of Proposer's General Contractor or Construction Manager Background Data of Proposer's General Contractor or Construction Manager ' I References of Proposer's General Contractor or Construction Manager Proposer's Operational Manager's Questionnaire Experience Statement of Proposer's Operational Manager Background Data of Proposer's Operational Manager References of Proposer's Operational Manager Proposer's Operational Manager's Subconsultants' Questionnaire Experience Statement of Operational Manager's Subconsultants , Background Data of Operational Manager's Subconsultants ' References of Proposer's Operational Manager Subconsultants i 94- 46 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE AND PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS i j This section of the RFP contains various forms which must be completed and submitted as part of the proposal. A proposal which fails to include the financial disclosure and professional information requested herein will be deemed nonresponsive and subject to rejection. Proposals containing ommissions, inaccuracies or misstatements shall also be subject to rejection. All blank spaces on the forms found herein must be correctly filled in. Information and answers may be provided on a separate attached sheet if necessary. Photographs or other illustrative ' materials should be placed in an envelope or bound into the proposal and identified by the proposer's name and address and the page number of the form to which the supplemental material is applicable. Board -mounted' schematic drawings, not to exceed 301, x 4011, should be identified by the proposer's name and address. By submission of a proposal, the proposer acknowledges and agrees that the City of Miami has the right to make any inquiry or investigation it deems appropriate to substantiate or supplement information contained in this section of the RFP and agrees to execute any appropriate release and/or authorization form if requested by the City. fi I �M 9 4 - 46 w DECLARATION Cesar H. Odio � City Manager City of Miami, Florida Submitted , 1994 :.l The undersigned, as proposer,' declares that the only persons interested in this proposal are named herein, that no other person has any interest in this proposal or in the agreement of lease to which the proposal pertains, that this proposal is made j without connection nor arrangement with any other person and that j this proposal is in every respect fair, in good faith, and without collusion or fraud. { The proposer further declares that he has complied in every respect with all of the instructions to proposers, that he has read all addenda, if any, and that he has satisfied himself fully with regard to all matters and conditions with respect to the lease to which the proposal pertains. a The proposer agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to execute an appropriate lease agreement for the purpose of establishing a ' formal contractual relationship between the proposer and the City of Miami, Florida, for the performance of all requirements to which this proposal pertains. The proposer states that this proposal is based upon the proposal f documents issued December 23, 1993 entitled Request for Proposals - ; for the Unified Development of the Virginia Key Boatyard Property, 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida and addenda, if any. i 1 1 Name of Firm, Individual, or Corporation i j Signature Title i Signature Title om M Y EXPERIENCE STATEMENT OF PROPOSER Describe in detail the duration and ex tent of your business experience in development of boat yard facilities, marina facilities and other commercial development. Also state in 4 detail the names and pertinent experience of the persons who will be directly involved in development and management of the facilities. List the names and locations of currently owned or ' managed facilities and your percentage ownership, and any such facilities which you currently manage. In addition, please also provide photographs or other illustrative material depicting projects that will demonstrate your ability to complete a quality development. The name and address should be given for each project identified as well as q persons familiar with the development who will respond to inquiries from •the City. You should also identify your specific role in each project. 9 y I • Y,� f 94- 46 zz-a REFERENCES OF PROPOSE List four persons or firms with whom you have conducted business transactions during the past three years. At least two of the references named are to have knowledge of your debt payment history. At least one reference must be a financial institution. Reference No. I Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: Reference No. 2 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: 94- 46 Reference N Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: Reference No. 4 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ( Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: 94- 46 Name: Street Address: Mailing Address: Telephone: Professional Registration Number Name of principals and their titles who will be chiefly responsible for the design and engineering of the project: Name Name Title Describe in detail the duration and extent of your experience with special emphasis upon experience related to the proposed uses. Also, state in detail the names and pertinent experience of the principals who will be directly involved in the project. In addition, please also include photographs or other illustrative material depicting projects that will demonstrate your qualifications for the project identified as well as for persons familiar with the development who could respond to inquiries from the City. You should also identify your specific role in each project. 9 i w BACKGROUND DATA OF PROPOSER' S ARCH ITECT.ILANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (ENGINEER Surety Information ( Has any surety or bonding company ever been required to perform upon your default? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, attach a statement naming the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond, and the circumstances surrounding said default and performance. i Bankruptcy Information Have you ever declared bankruptcy? Yes ( ) No ( ) Have you ever been declared bankrupt? Yes ( ) No ( ) ' If yes to either of the preceding questions, state date, court jurisdiction, amount of liabilities and amount of assets. i i Pending Litigation } Provide on attached sheets detailed information regarding pending litigation, liens, or claims involving any participant in the proposal. .i REFERENCES OF PROPOSER'S AR NTTFrT r.AMnSCAv� „L AR HTTFrT/=TNFEb List two persons or firms for whom you have completed projects during the past three years. Reference No. 1 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: Nature and magnitude of business association: Reference No,-2 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: (____� Nature and magnitude of business association: 94- 46 II-14 ARCHITECTILANDSCAPE ARCHITECTIENGINEER'S SUBCONSULTANTS' QUESTIONNAIRE For each subconsultant or subconsulting firm, please provide ;.� the following information. Name: i Address: Telephone: Discipline: Name of principals and their titles who will be chiefly I responsible for the project: i Name Title I Name Title i I, l r ; 1 1 i �4_ 46 jI-15 1 EXPERIENCE STATEMENT OF ARCHITECT/LANDSCArPE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER S SUBCONSULTANTS Describe in detail the duration and extent of your experience with special emphasis upon experience related to development of boat yards and marina facilities. Also, state in detail the names and pertinent experience of the principals who will be '1 directly involved in the project. I In addition, please also include photographs or other illustrative material depicting projects that will demonstrate your qualifications for the project identified as well as for persons familiar with the development who could respond to inquiries from the City. You should also identify your specific ' role in each project. i i { 1 _ i y a ,1 94- 46 II-16 �'J ARCHITECT./LANDSCAPE CHITECTIENCTNEER'S SUBCONSULTANTS Surety Information 1 Has any surety or bonding company ever been required to perform =? upon your default? Yes ( ) No ( ) I• i If yes, attach a statement naming the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond, and the circumstances surrounding said default and performance. i Bankruptcy Information l Have you ever declared bankruptcy? Yes ( ) No ( ) Have you ever been declared bankrupt? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes to either of the preceding questions, state date, court jurisdiction, amount of liabilities and amount of assets. Pending Litigation i Provide on attached sheets detailed information regarding pending litigation, liens, or claims involving any participant in the proposal. f i List two persons or firms for whom you have completed projects during the past three years. Reference No. 1 Name: Firm: Title: Address: ' Telephone: Nature and magnitude of business association: Reference No. 2 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: Nature and magnitude of business association: II-18 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE In graphic form, provide the organizational structure of the development team indicating the proposer, the proposer's architect/landscape architect/engineer, the architect/engineer's subconsultants, general contractor or construction manager, operations and management consultants/subconsultants and any additional consultants/subconsultants by name of firm or individual, and areas of responsibility. 94- 46 TT_Z PROEQSER'S QUESTIONNAIRE Name: Address for purposes of notice or other communication relating to the proposal: Telephone No. The proposer is a: Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation Other (explain below) 94- 46 TT-4 PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT If proposer is a partnership, answer the following: 1. Date of organization 2. General Partnership ( ) Limited Partnership ( ) 3. Statement of Partnership recorded Yes ( ) No ( ) Date Book Page County State 4. Has the partnership done business in the State of Florida? Yes ( ) No ( ) When? Where? 5. Name, address, and partnership share of each general and limited partner. (If partnership is a corporation, complete the following page for corporation.) General/ Limited Name Address Share 6. Attach a complete copy of the Partnership Agreement. w CORPORATION STATEMENT If proposer is incorporated, answer the following: 1. when incorporated? 2. Where incorporated? 3. Is the corporation authorized to do business in Florida? j Yes ( ) No ( ) } } 4. The corporation is held: Publicly ( ) Privately ( ) I 5. If publicly held, how'and where is the stock traded? 6. List the following: Authorized Issued Outstanding (a)Number of voting shares; (b)Number of nonvoting shares: i (c)Number of shareholders: (d)Value per share of Common Stock: Par $ Book $ Market $ 7. Furnish the name, title, address and the number of voting and nonvoting shares of stock held by each officer and ! director and each shareholder owning more than 5% of any class of stock. If more than 5% of any class of stock is held by one or more corporations, then each owner - corporation must also complete separate pages "(type corporation name on said pages for identification purposes.) and furnish the audited financial statement required on each page. +' If said owner -corporations are owned by other corporations, ' then these other corporations must also complete separate pages (type corporation name on said pages for } identification purposes) and. furnish the audited financial statement required on each page. The City requires information on all corporations that directly or indirectly ( have an ownership interest in the proposer -corporation. 8. If an individual or corporation will be ..guaranteeing performance of the proposer -corporation, state name here and also complete corresponding pages. If a corporation, provide name of corporation on corresponding pages for identification purposes and furnish Y audited financial statement(s) as required on the page for the individual or corporate guarantor. 1 94- 46 t^_,y A_�vc AL FIN � T DATA OF PROPOSER Audited Financial Statement Proposer, owner -corporation proposer, and any person or business entity guaranteeing the performance of the proposer must attach a complete report, prepared in accordance with good accounting practice, reflecting current financial condition. The report must include audited financial statements (balance sheet and income statement). The person or entity covered by the statement must be prepared to substantiate all information shown. Surety Information ► Has any surety or bonding, company ever been required to perform upon your default? Yes ( ) No ( ) ' If yes, attach a statement naming the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond, and the circumstances surrounding said ' default and performance. Bankruntcv Information I -I Have you ever declared bankruptcy? Yes ( ) No ( ) Have you ever been declared bankrupt? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes to either of the preceding questions, state date, court jurisdiction, amount of liabilities and amount of assets. ,1. i p i i a i Pending Litigation Provide on attached sheets detailed information regarding pending litigation, liens, or claims involving any participant in the proposal. 94- 46 E!J1 a • DI ZI&RODI_UDI :A •► 1- •: •: •► COW". : • •►►�_: Name: Street Address: Mailing Address: Telephone: Professional Regitration Number: Name of principals and their titles who will be chiefly responsible for the general contracting or management of the construction project: II-19 9 4 46 MERIENCE STATEMENT OF PROPOSER'S GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Describe in detail the duration and extent of your experience with special emphasis upon experience related to development of boat yards and marina facilities. Also, state in detail the names and pertinent experience of the principals who will be - directly involved in the project.` In addition, please also include photographs or other illustrative material depicting projects that will demonstrate your qualifications for the project identified as well as for persons familiar with the development who could respond to inquiries from the City. You should also identify your specific role in each project. 94- 46 TT_7(1 urety Information Has any surety or bonding company ever been required to perform upon your default? Yes ( ) -,No ( ) If yes, attach a statement naming the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond, and the circumstances surrounding said default and performance. Bankruotcv Information Have you ever declared bankruptcy? Yes ( ) No ( ) Have you ever been declared bankrupt? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes to either of the preceding questions, state date, court jurisdiction, amount of liabilities and amount of assets. Pending Litigation Provide on attached sheets detailed information regarding pending litigation, liens, or claims involving any participant in the proposal. 94- 46 II-21 REFERENCES OF PROPOSER C;FNFRAT nNTRAOTQP OR CON4TRt1CTTnN MANAGER List two persons or firms for whom you have completed projects during the past three years. Reference No. 1 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: Nature and magnitude of business association: Reference No 2 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: (,L Nature and magnitude of business association: TT-22 i PROPOSER'S OPERATIONAL MANAGER'S QUESTIONNAIRE I Name: Street Address: Mailing j Address: i Telephone: Name of principals and their titles who will be chiefly responsible for the operations and overall management of the project: Name Title Name Title i .wl a 94- 46 �� II-23 EXPERIENCE STATEMENT OF PROPOSER'S OPERATIONAL MANAGER Describe in detail the duration and extent of your' experience with special emphasis upon experience related to the boat yard and marina facilities operantions and management. Also, state in detail the names and pertinent experience of the principals who will be directly involved in operating and managing the facility. 1 In addition, please also include photographs or other illustrative material depicting projects that will demonstrate t your qualifications for the project identified as well as for persons familiar with the development who could respond to inquiries from the City. You should also identify your specific 1 role in each project. i i 1 . i i } 1 -1 I ..1 1 i I 4 f)f i i rj t cc� II-24 9 4 - 46 i UhrVnDAT1Mn nRMA nr nnnnnonn l r+ wzaa' r. - Surety Information Has any surety or bonding company ever been required to perform upon your default? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, attach a statement naming;the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond, and the circumstances surrounding said default and performance. Bankruotcv Information Have you ever declared bankruptcy? Yes ( ) No ( ) Have you ever been declared bankrupt? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes to either of the preceding questions, state date, court jurisdiction, amount of liabilities and amount of assets. Pending Litigation Provide on attached sheets detailed information regarding pending litigation, liens, or claims involving any participant in the proposal. II-25 94- 46 REFERENCES OF PROPOSER'S OPERATIONAL MANAGER List two persons or firms for whom you have managed projects during the past three years. Reference No. 1 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: Nature and magnitude of business association: eference No. 2 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ( _ Nature and magnitude of business association: 1I_26 9 4 - 46 OPERATIONAL MANAGER'S SUBCONSULTANTS' QUESTIONNAIRE For each ssbconsultant or subconsulting firm, please provide the following information. Name: Address: Telephone: ' Name of principals and their titles who will be chiefly responsible for the project: Name Name II-27 Title Title 94- 46 uretv Information Has any surety or bonding company ever been required to perform upon your default? Yes ( ) ,No ( ) If yes, attach a statement naming the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond, and the 6ircumstances surrounding said default and performance. Bankruotcv Information Have you ever declared bankruptcy? Yes ( ) No ( ) Have you ever been declared bankrupt? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes to either of the preceding questions, state date, court jurisdiction, amount of liabilities and amount of assets. Pending Litigation Provide on attached sheets detailed- information regarding pending litigation, liens, or claims involving any participant in the proposal. II- 29 r i 94- 46 REFERENCES OF OPERATIONAL MANAGER'S SUBCONSULTANTS { List two persons or firms for whom you have managed projects during the past three years. Reference No 1 Name: � e Firm: .� i Title: xi Address: jTelephone: Nature and magnitude of business association: i Reference No. 2. Name: Firm: Title: l Address: y Telephone: I Nature and magnitude of business association: 94- 46 II-30 EXHIBIT III. MINORITY PARTICIPATION FORMS MINORITY PARTICIPATION DOCUMENTATION NAMES OF COMPANY OWNER(S): NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICER(S): ( a) List principal business address: (street address) b) List all other offices located in the State of Florida: (street address) ` Name of individual holding license in this profession (if applicable): MINORITY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE'':' The undersigned proposer acknowledges that (s)he has received a copy of Article IV. 5 Sections 18-67 - 18-77 of the City Code _ (see Appendix,t,.)-,a.nd agrees to comply with all applicable substantive and procedural provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. I Proposer: Signature: (company name) Print name: Date: - - t , Indicate if Business is 51% Minority -owned: (Check one box only)" + [ ] Black [ ] Hispanic [ ] Female " AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN If firm has an existing plan, effective date of implementation If firm does not have an existing plan, the Successful Proposer(s) shall be required to establish an Affirmative Action Policy, pursuant to Article. IV, 5f Sections 18-67 -18-77 of the City of Miami Code. Proposer: }•� Signature: (company name) 94- 46 } CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : A. DATE : FILE : QUINN JONES, III March 9, 199 City Attorney SUBJECT : Amendments to R 94A6 (RFP/UDP Virgi-nka Cray) FROM : REFERENCES: MATTY HIRAI `� r1 C Un C_ City Clerk ENCLOSURES: `° —r In contacting your office in connection with the above -captioned issue concerning floor modifications approved by the City Commission at its meeting of January 27, 1994, Beverly informed us that said approved floor modifications were all contained in the RFP. My only concern, Quinn, is that should the RFP ever be detached from the pertinent Resolution, there would be no way of ascertaining that we complied with the City Commission's directive as to incorporation of the floor modifications into 'the adopted instrument. In any event, this is just my feeling, but if you still feel that by amending the RFP we have complied with the City Commission's directive, kindly so stipulate by signing in the space provided hereinbelow, and we will attach this memorandum to the Resolution. May I please also share with you that we are still missing: (1) Resolution 94-22 (on Virginia Key Marina, Inc.), which was passed and adopted at the meeting of January 13th; and (2) Resolution 94-96 (on the Virginia Key project) which was passed and adopted at the meeting of February 17th. We thank you for your continued courtesies and cooperation. MH:vg APPROVED: A. Quin#' Jonos� III, City Attorney ;U N 1=1 03 A q14-1*6 IN We should issue this RFP today, with the condition that if the City does not get three ualified responses to the RFP the City Rill be ready to take over the boat yardand operate it. Advantages of this option: the private sector would be financing the capital improvements to the property. The competition among proposers mill produce a better facility and better amenities for the public. Amendments that must be made if the RFP is approved: a. The boat rack structures required must be covered racks. This will allow the operator to charge more for the docking service. No open racks should be allowed. (page 18 of the packet) b. The minimum guarantee under the RFP should be , per year. The RFP states that one of the appraisals we did on the property ! indicates a rent potential of $270,000 and our own calculations say we could make $290,000 if we operate the facility ourselves. i Therefore, a RA_6,W only seems reasonable and fair: (page 18 of the packet) $41OtGOO C. The RFP must have a provision which would allow the City to reserve the right to buy out the lease upon 60 days notice in the case that the City would like to develop the property for another use along with the Marine Stadium property. The cost of the buyout should be the cost of improvements and the average annual profit amount up to that point in the lease. (page 18 of the packet) d. The percentage rent for the food operation should be increased from 7% to 9%. And the percentage on the retail operation should be increased from 10% to 12%. (page 20 of the packet) e. There should be a penalty to the successful proposer if they do not 94- 46 make the improvements to the property within 18 months as is required in the RFP (page 30 of the packet). E The Boat Ramp at the site should be included in the property that is leased to the successful proposer, so that the proposer may be able to move the restaurant site to the water, instead of in the parking lot where it is currently. 136 w�..v.�w.0 w, tk�� 1tvC•e, 9 0. S tw►�� CL ope�'a�c•� o�n , �+• 0.v� pro y S �1 � Nw�S"t' ajc. ?0 �.c.Q U a.c.VL yOUj C,ec L, 94- 46 I CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 1 TO Honorable Mayor and Members DATE : JAN 1 8 1994 FILE of the City Commission SUBJECT Resolution Authorizing Issuance of RFP for Virginia Key Marina FROM : P_FERENCES : Property Ces io for City Commission Cit ager ENCLOSURES: Meeting of 1/27/9.4 It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution, authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals ("RFP") on February 4, 1994, in substantially the form attached, for a Unified Development Project ("UDP") consisting of the development of a boatyard facility, marina, and optional ancillary marine -related uses on approximately 4.3 acres of City owned, waterfront property located at 3501 Rickenbacker Cause- way, Miami, Florida; selecting a certified public accounting firm and appointing members to a review committee to evaluate pro- posals and report findings -to the City Manager as required by the City Charter and Code. The Department of Development recommends that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution, authorizing the issuance of an RFP, selecting a certified public accounting firm and appointing members of a review committee. On November 23, 1993, by Resolution 93-749, the City Commission declared the development of approximately 4.3 acres City owned waterfront property, located at 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida, a unified development project. Charter 29-A(C), requires that the City Commission hold a pub is hearing to consider the contents of the RFP document. At the conclusion of the public hearing, which was set for January 27, 1994, 4:00 p.m., the City Commission may authorize the issuance of an RFP, select a certified public accounting firm, and appoint members to a review committee from persons recommended by the City Manager. /' / `4- 46 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page: 2 The certified public accounting team, composed of Arthur Andersen & Co. in association with the minority -owned firm of Watson & Co., is recommended as the for this UDP project. Arthur Andersen & Co. was ranked as number one out of a total of two submissions of qualifications evaluated by the City. The following individuals are recommended for the review commit- tee: Members of the Public: - Kevin Cote, Metro -Dade, DERM - Ward Grafton, Grafton Architects Inc. - Ed Swacon, GMCC-Miami River Coordinating Committee - Bill Herrington, Waterfront Board Members of the City: - Christina Cuervo, City Manager's Office - Vivian Legido, Dinner Key Marina - Erdal Donmez, Department of Development It is recommended that the attached Resolution be adopted by the City Commission, in its entirety, authorizing the RFP be issued on February 4, 1994 for the unified development of the 3501 Rickenbacker Causeway property, in accordance with City Charter and Code requirements. Attachment Proposed Resolution Draft RFP 2 94- 46 L To : Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Commission FROM :Cesar H. Odic, City Manager CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE : January 26, 1994 SUBJECT : Virginia Key Boatyard City Operation Option REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Itemized Financial Analysis Attached for your review and consideration is a pro -forma analysis of a City operated boatyard on Virginia Key as requested by the City Commission at its January 13, 1994 meeting. FILE : SUMMARY FINDINGS - City Operation of the Virginia Key Boatyard Assuming a City funded, developed and operated dry -rack storage boatyard on Virginia Key in place of the existing expired leasehold operation, projections of anticipated expeditures and revenues are as follows (see attached detailed financial analysis for itemized cost breakdowns): Estimated Construction Costs: Replacement of 294 dry rack slip structures (wJroof covering) $235,200 Repaving, Refurbishment of Boat Yard, Sea Wall & Equipment $940,000 Fees, Professional Services, Contingency $182,616 Total $1,3 57,816 Estimated Annual Revenues: Dry Rack Storage Rentals Fuel Sales Estimated Annual Operating Expenses: Wages & Fringe Benefits (7 staff persons) Debt Service (5% over 15 years) Other Operational Expenses Total Total Estimated Boat Yard Annual Profit (Loss) Food & Concession Revenues (10% of Gross) Year I $671,731 37,500 $709,231 Year 1 $215,000 $128,850 197 000 $540,850 $1 bg.381 $100,000 Year 5 $980,184 45.581 $1,025,765 Year 5 $261,334 $128,850 239 455 $629,639 $396" 127 121 550 Combined Annual Profit (Loss) $268,381 $517,678 RECOMMENDATIONS If the City were to develop and operate a boatyard as an alternative to a private leasehold Unified Development Project, it is recommended that a professional management firm be contracted with to provide initial project design, and operational planning assistance to the City to develop a staffing and business plan for the boatyard and provide employee training prior to the City assuming full operational responsibility. 94- 46 VKEY.XLS ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Virginia Key Boatyard DRY STORAGE Building Renovation (2,000x$10.00) $20,000 Travel Lift Piers $0 Fork Lifts $380,000 Racks (294x$800.00) $235,200 $635,200 FUEL Docks/building $25.000 §ys em $100,000 $125.000 BUM Boa and $100.000 Parking Area $50.000 $150,000 COMMON AREAS Seawall $200,000 Landscaping $50.000 Lighting $15.000 $265.000 OTHER COSTS Architectural/Engineering (C& 14%) $65,000 Permits $20,000 Signage $10,000 Contingency (Ccb 8%) $87.616 $182.616 TOTAL 94- 46 1 VKEY.XLS ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENSES YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 1NS�dE DRY STORAGE $671,731 $800,150 $889.056 $933.509 $980,184 GAS & DIESEL $37.500 $39.375 $41.344 $43.411 $45.581 TOTAL $709.231 $839.525 =Q.400 $976.920 $1.025.766 EXPENSES WAGES & FRINGES $215.000 $225.750 $237.038 $248.889 $261.334 SECURITY $30.000 $31.500 $33.075 $34.729 $36,465 UTILITIES $10.000 $10,500 $11,025 $11.576 $12.155 FUEL $50.000 $52.500 $55.125 $57,881 $60.775 INSURANCE $45.000 $47.250 $49.613 $52,093 $54.698 MAINTANENCE & REPAIR $50.000 $52.500 $55.125 $57.881 $60,775 OFFICE SUPPLIES/PHONES $5,000 $5,250 $5,513 $5.788 $6.078 UNIFORMS $2.000 $2,100 $2.205 $2.315 $2.431 MISCELLANEOUS $5.000 $5,250 $5.513 $5.788 $6.078 DEBT SERVICE $128.850 $128,850 $128.850 $128.850 $128.850 TOTAL 25AQ 850 $ tSt1.9$Q $583,080 $605.792 S629,639 ESTIMATED PROFIT/LOSS $168.381 $278,075 $347.320 $371.128 $396.127 OTHER INCOME RESTAURANT $50.000 $52.500 $55,125 $57.881 $60.775 CONCESSION $50,000 $52,500 $55,125 $57,881 $60,775 e'a��•Y;:4'+°.:�k:".i'y`.:::tCt,N,.:tpv.•hw...r.:t..tvhy:.f'4ii..va,v^.:>7.iii.3>•o:ee,.,:,,.»;:`,"x 2'4'..'fifi:..`a�%S ?2?{/.t;5�3:.c•..4f.�.'� t a=:: :r'= YEAR END BALANCE 94- 46 IN PROFORMA VIRGINIA KEY BOATYARD PROPERTY Assumptions I. Dry Storage: A. Number of Racks: 294 B. Average boat length: 28 feet C. Occupancy Rates: 1st Year 85% 2nd Year and after 90% D Suggested Rates: 1st Year $8.00 linear foot/month 2nd Year $9.00 linear foot/month 3rd Year $10.00 linear foot/month escalates at 5% per year thereafter. II. Gas/Diesel Sales: A. Profit margin $.25 per gallon. B. Assumed sales of 150,000 gallons per year. Escalates at 5% per year thereafter. III. Restaurant: A. 10% of annual gross sales or $50,000, whichever is higher. Escalates at 5% per year thereafter. IV. Concession: A. Approximately $50,000 per year. V. Wages & Fringes: A. 7 full time employees. 94- 46 B. Total salary and fringe benefits: $215,000. Escalates at 5% per year. VI. Maintenance: A. $50,000 per year. Escalates at 5% per year. VII.Other Expenses: Security Utilities Fuel Insurance Office Supplies/Telephones Uniforms Miscellaneous A. Escalates at 5% per year. VIII. Debt Service: Total Project Cost: $1,357,816 Amount financed: $1,357,816 Tenn: 15 years, Interest Rate: 5% Annual Debt Service: $128,850 25-Jan-94 05:25 PM 94- 46