HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1994-06-09 MinutesOF MIAMI s L OF MEETING HELD ON JUNE 9, 1994 REGULAR - PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL MATTY HIRAI City Clerk OF MEETING HELD ON JUNE 9, 1994 REGULAR - PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL MATTY HIRAI City Clerk INDEX MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING June 9, 1994 ITEM SUBJECT LEGISLATION PAGE NO. NO. 1. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND DISCUSSION SPECIAL ITEMS. 6/9/94 2. CONSENT AGENDA -- DIRECT M 94-366 ADMINISTRATION, IN THE FUTURE, TO M 94-367 SCHEDULE WITHDRAWN CONSENT AGENDA 6/9/94 ITEMS AS REGULAR ITEMS ON THE NEXT AGENDA. (A) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO., CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, WITH PARTICIPATION OF WATSON & CO., TO ANALYZE FINANCIAL VIABILITY OF PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO RFP FOR VIRGINIA KEY BOATYARD UDP. (See label 30) (B) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO RATIFY SPECIAL CHARGES / TERMS / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM PARKING LOT BY C.C.A.L. CORP. FOR PRESENTATION OF FLEA MARKETS. (See label 29) (C) BRIEF COMMENT AND DEFERRAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO EXECUTE A GRANT OF EASEMENT TO BELL SOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC., FOR USE OF 500 SQUARE FEET OF LAND ON MERRIE CHRISTMAS PARK, FOR CONSTRUCTION / OPERATION / MAINTENANCE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCIATED APPURTENANCES. (D) BRIEF COMMENTS AND WITHDRAWAL OF [CA-30] --- TO FACILITATE FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS TO TAKE PLACE. (E) BRIEF DISCUSSION AND DEFERRAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT ACCEPT DONATION OF VACANT REAL PROPERTY AT 1264 N.W. 31 STREET (IN ALLAPATTAH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA) TO BE USED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING. 1 2-16 2.1 PURCHASE ADDITIONAL HEAVY EQUIPMEN UNDER EXISTING BID NO. 92-93-10..,: (a) 25 YARD REFUSE PACKER -- FROM METRO -TECH EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, AND (b) CAB AND CHASSIS FOR A 25 YARD REFUSE PACKER -- FROM WHITE GMC OF PALM BEACH -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM FY194 RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT (PROJECT 197006). 2.2 ACCEPT BID: SPACE MASTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. -- FOR FURNISHING ONE OFFICE TRAILER, TO BE LOCATED AT VIRGINIA KEY YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITY -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM FY'94 RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT FUND (PROJECT 197006). 2.3 ACCEPT BID: MANOLO HORTA PAINTING -- FOR FURNISHING PRESSURE CLEANING SERVICES TO QUALIFIED CITY OF MIAMI HOMEOWNERS -- FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT -- OPTION FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. 2.4 ACCEPT BID: BOWNE OF MIAMI, INC. -- FOR PRINTING / BINDING / SHIPPING OF OFFICIAL STATEMENTS FOR BOND FINANCING -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- OPTION FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. 2.5 ACCEPT BID: RC ROOFING CORPORATION -- FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF A GENSTAR ROOFING SYSTEM AT PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION BUILDING -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- ALLOCATE FUNDS. 2.6 ACCEPT BID: BEST'S MAINTENANCE & JANITORIAL -- FOR FURNISHING CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT THE SOLID WASTE FACILITY -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- OPTION FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. R 94-368 ri/94 R 94-369 6/9/94 R 94-370 6/9/94 R 94-371 6/9/94 R 94-372 6/9/94 R 94-373 6/9/94 16 17 18 18 ivt W 2.7 ACCEPT BID: RECIO AND R 94-374 ASSOCIATES -- FOR FURNISHING AND 6/9/94 INSTALLATION OF NINE ROYAL PALM TREES AT LUMMUS PARK -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION. 2.8 ACCEPT BID: ELECTRICAL R 94-375 CONTRACTING SERVICE, INC. (TOTAL 6/9/94 BID) -- FOR PEACOCK PARK SPORT LIGHTING PROJECT (CIP 331359) -- EXECUTE CONTRACT. 2.9 FUND THE DADE-MIAMI CRIMINAL R 94-376 JUSTICE COUNCIL -- ALLOCATE 6/9/94 $35,000 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LETF). 2.10 RESCIND AWARD OF CAMERA CORNER R 94-377 INC. -- FOR FURNISHING 6/9/94 PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERAS AND ACCESSORIES TO POLICE DEPARTMENT (FOR FAILURE TO HOLD QUOTED PRICES APPROVED UNDER R-94- 150) -- AWARD CONTRACT TO PHIL'S CAMERA SERVICES. 2.11 RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S AWARDING OF R 94-378 BID TO UNISYS CORPORATION -- FOR 6/9/94 FURNISHING COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO UPGRADE EXISTING SYSTEM -- FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM THE HIGH IMPACT DRUG TRAFFICKING GRANT. 20 20 21 21 2.12 RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S EMERGENCY R 94-379 22 ACTION IN DECLARING 64 PIECES OF 6/9/94 USED BEDDING AS CATEGORY "A" SURPLUS STOCK AND DONATING SAME TO BETTER WAY OF MIAMI, INC. 2.13 ESTABLISH SPECIAL CHARGES / TERMS R 94-380 22 / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF ORANGE 6/9/94 BOWL STADIUM BY FANTASMA PRODUCTIONS, INC. -- FOR PRESENTATION OF A CONCERT (JULY 24, 1994) -- EXECUTE AGREEMENT. 2.14 EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH FANTASMA R 94-381 23 PRODUCTIONS, INC. -- FOR A REBATE 6/9/94 OF NOVELTY CONCESSION REVENUE DERIVED FROM THE EAGLES CONCERT TO BE HELD AT ORANGE BOWL STADIUM (JULY 24, 1994). 2.15 RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S R 94-382 23 ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL CHARGES 6/9/94 / TERMS / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF ORANGE BOWL STADIUM BY COPA INTERCONTINENTAL DE LOS STRIKERS -- FOR AN INTERNATIONAL SOCCER GAME (MAY 29, 1994) -- EXECUTE AGREEMENT. 2.16 ESTABLISH SPECIAL CHARGES / TERMS R 94-383 24 / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF PORTION 6/9/94 OF ORANGE BOWL STADIUM BY MIAMI MUNDIAL SPORTS GROUP, INC. -- FOR SERIES OF SOCCER GAMES (DURING JUNE 1, 1994 - MAY 31, 1995) -- EXECUTE AGREEMENT. 2.17 CLAIM SETTLEMENT: MARIA SORIANO R 94-384 24 AND HER ATTORNEY, BRIAN S. KEIF, 6/9/94 P.A. ($9,375). 2.18 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE R 94-385 25 PURCHASE OFFERS WITH OWNERS OF 6/9/94 THREE VACANT PARCELS OF LAND WITHIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS (TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE: $34,000) -- TO BE USED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR LOW AND MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SCATTERED SITE AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CDBG -- EXECUTE AGREEMENTS. 2.19 ACCEPT DONATION OF VACANT REAL R 94-385.1 26 PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1264 N.W. 31 6/9/94 STREET IN ALLAPATTAH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA TO BE USED FOR LOW / MODERATE INCOME HOUSING. 2.20 SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION'S EFFORTS R 94-386 26 TO SECURE FUNDING FOR DEVELOPMENT 6/9/94 OF A PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED TRANSIT PLAZA -- TO BE LOCATED ON S.W. 15 AVENUE, BETWEEN S.W. 8 AND 9 STREETS (LITTLE HAVANA), LINKING TOWER THEATER AND DOMINO PARK. 2.21 ACCEPT GRANT ($7,200) FROM R 94-387 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY (UNDER 6/9/94 ITS TOURIST DEVELOPMENT ROOM TAX PLAN) -- TO BE USED BY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION TO HOST 12TH ANNUAL YOUTH BASEBALL WORLD SERIES AT BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM (JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 1994) -- EXECUTE NECESSARY DOCUMENT(S). 2.22 NEGOTIATE / EXECUTE REVOCABLE R 94-388 PERMIT WITH OVERTOWN PARKWEST 6/9/94 CLEANERS, INC. -- FOR USE OF SPACES 104 AND 108 IN THE OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER (1490 N.W. 3 AVENUE). 3. CITY COMMISSION EXPRESSES ITS R 94-389 FULL SUPPORT OF METROPOLITAN DADE 6/9/94 COUNTY'S EMPOWERMENT ZONE STRATEGIC PLAN. 4. APPOINT / REAPPOINT INDIVIDUALS R 94-390 TO SERVE AS ALTERNATE MEMBERS ON 6/9/94 THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. (Appointed were: Rose Pujol and Annette Eisenberg.) 5. DISCUSSION CONCERNING RESIDENCY DISCUSSION REQUIREMENTS FOR BOARD / 6/9/94 COMMITTEE MEMBERS. (See label 7) 6. (A) APPOINT TIMOTHY PRUNKA AND M 94-391 ROBERT H. ZOELLER TO SERVE AS R 94-391.1 MEMBERS OF THE DOWNTOWN 6/9/94 DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. (B) APPOINT INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. (Appointed were: Thomas R. Post, Esq., Jeffrey Bercow, Esq., J. Megan Kelly, Carol Ann Taylor, Tony Alonso, Anthony Jackson, S. Lawrence Kahn III, Lourdes (Lull) Landis, Sergio Rok & Miriam Lopez.) (See label 8) 27 27 28-34 34-35 35-36 37-42 7. (Continued) WAIVE RESIDENCY R 94-392 42-45 REQUIREMENT (CONTAINED IN 6/9/94 ORDINANCE 11130) IN ORDER TO PERMIT ELI FEINBERG, STEVE SUAREZ, JULIO GONZALEZ-REBULL AND BILL BAYER TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION j AUTHORITY BOARD. (See label 5) I 8. (Continued) BRIEF DISCUSSION DISCUSSION 45 CONCERNING THE STATE OF FLORIDA 6/9/94 CABINET AND METRO-DADE COUNTIES APPOINTEES TO THE DDA. (See label 6) 9. DISCUSSION CONCERNING FUNERAL / DISCUSSION 46-48 MOTERCYCLE ESCORTS. 6/9/94 10. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. TONY DISCUSSION 48-51 CLEMENTE, DIRECTOR, MIAMI-DADE 6/9/94 WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY -- STATUS REPORT TO CITY COMMISSION CONCERNING WASA DEVELOPMENTS AND REPAIR WORKS. 11. DISCUSSION CONCERNING: (a) NEEDED DISCUSSION 52-61 REMOVAL OF SIGN AT 1240 N.W. 59 6/9/94 STREET; (b) NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD; (c) PREVALENT CRIME AND DRUG PROBLEMS -- REQUEST ADMINISTRATION TO REPORT EVERY MONDAY AS TO POLICE AND BUILDING OWNER'S STEPS TAKEN IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXISTING CRIME SITUATION -- ADMINISTRATION TO BRING ISSUE BACK IN 90 DAYS FOR COMMISSION CONSIDERATION. 12. (A) DISCUSSION CONCERNING SALE OF DISCUSSION 61-67 CITY ASSETS. 6/9/94 (B) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR SALE OF CERTAIN CITY PROPERTY. 13. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: LEONA HELEN DISCUSSION 67-72 COOPER, ON BEHALF OF THE LOLA B. 6/9/94 WALKER'S HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION -- CONCERNING REQUEST FOR REOPENING OF JEFFERSON STREET, (BORDERED BY WASHINGTON AVENUE AND CHARLES TERRACE) -- REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER -- SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING. F. 61 14. DISCUSSION CONCERNING DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION 72-77 OF A NEW CITY ADMINISTRATION 6/9/94 BUILDING IN THE GOVERNMENT CENTER AREA -- DISCUSSION RESCHEDULED FOR FIRST COMMISSION MEETING IN JULY -- CITY ADMINISTRATION TO COME BACK WITH RECOMMENDATION. 15. DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO M 94-393 77-84 ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING TO 6/9/94 CONSIDER REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF ATTORNEY FEES BY COUNSEL FOR FORMER POLICE OFFICER, WILLIAM LOZANO -- DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE TWO RESOLUTIONS IN ANTICIPATION OF DECISION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, ONE RESOLUTION GRANTING COUNSEL'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF FEES AND A SECOND RESOLUTION DENYING SAID REQUEST -- DIRECT VICE MAYOR DAWKINS TO MEET WITH LUCIA DOUGHERTY, ESQ., FORMER FOP PRESIDENT, AL COTERA, AND THE CITY ATTORNEY AND TO COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION AND ULTIMATE DECISION BY THE CITY COMMISSION. 16. APPROVE NEW LICENSE AGREEMENT M 94-394 85-86 WITH THE DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD 6/9/94 FOR ITS USE OF SIX CITY OF MIAMI PLAYGROUNDS LOCATED ADJACENT TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS -- THE RENEGOTIATED AGREEMENTS EFFECTIVELY INCREASE THE PERCENTAGE REIMBURSEMENT TO THE CITY BY 22%, FOR A TOTAL OF 82% REIMBURSEMENT OF CITY COSTS. 17. (A) DISCUSSION CONCERNING DISCUSSION 87-93 REAPPOINTMENT / AWARD OF PROPOSED 6/9/94 SALARY / BENEFITS PACKAGE FOR RAFAEL 0. DIAZ, ESQ., DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY, AND JOEL MAXWELL, ESQ., DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY -- DEFER DISCUSSION UNTIL BUDGET TIME. (See label 19) (B) (Continued) VICE MAYOR DAWKINS SEEKS CLARIFICATION FROM THE CITY COMMISSION CONCERNING PRIOR MOTION DIRECTING HIM, LUCIA DOUGHERTY AND AL COTERA TO MEET CONCERNING COUNSEL'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF PROFESSIONAL FEES FOR THE DEFENCE OF FORMER POLICE OFFICER WILLIAM LOZANO, AND TO COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION PRIOR TO THE CITY COMMISSION'S FINAL DECISION ON THIS ISSUE. 18. (A) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING DISCUSSION 94-95 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 6/9/94 11130 CONCERNING COCONUT GROVE PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY -- NO ACTION TAKEN. (B) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY NEXT TO THE BARNACLE PROPERTY. 19. BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING CITY DISCUSSION 96-99 ATTORNEY, A. QUINN JONES' 6/9/94 APPOINTMENT OF JOEL MAXWELL, ESQ., AS DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY. (See label 17A) 20. RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF R 94-395 99-100 SOLE SOURCE -- WAIVE COMPETITIVE 6/9/94 SEALED BIDS -- APPROVE ACQUISITION OF A MICROFILM READER / PRINTER FROM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA -- FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LETF). 21. RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF R 94-396 SOLE SOURCE -- WAIVE COMPETITIVE 6/9/94 SEALED BIDS -- APPROVE ACQUISITION OF MAINTENANCE i SERVICES FOR THE IMTEC 35MM MICROFILM CAMERA FROM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA WITH OPTION FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, BUILDING AND ZONING. 22. RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S EMERGENCY R 94-397 ACTION -- WAIVE COMPETITIVE 6/9/94 SEALED BIDS -- FOR REPAIR OF THE AERIAL 24 RESPONSE VEHICLE FROM CASSO'S PAINT & BODY REPAIR FOR FIRE -RESCUE DEPARTMENT. 23. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. NESTOR DISCUSSION RODRIGUEZ -- REQUEST FEE WAIVER 6/9/94 FOR USE OF GUSMAN CENTER IN CONNECTION WITH THE FIFTH AMERICAN NATIONAL CHOPIN PIANO COMPETITION (MARCH, 1995) -- REFER TO DEPARTMENT OF OFF-STREET PARKING -- SUGGEST REQUEST BE 1 PROVIDED TO ADMINISTRATION IN WRITING DURING CONSIDERATION FOR NEXT BUDGET CYCLE. 24. GRANT REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES R 94-398 OF THE "MIAMI / BAHAMAS GOOMBAY 6/9/94 FESTIVAL IN COCONUT GROVE, INC." FOR DESIGNATED PERMITS AND APPLICABLE FEE WAIVER CONCERNING ITS RECENT EVENT ALONG GRAND AVENUE -- APPROVE $10,000 FEE WAIVER PROVIDED THEY BACK TO 32 AVENUE NEXT YEAR. 25. COMMISSIONER PLUMMER CRITICIZES DISCUSSION COMMITTEE ON ECOLOGY AND 6/9/94 BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE FOR THEIR PLANNING A BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY PARTY AT THE SURF CLUB AT MIAMI BEACH, OUTSIDE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS. 100-101 101-103 103-104 105-107 107 w 26. (A) DECLARE CITY OF MIAMI AS SYMBOLIC CAPITAL OF THE CUBANS IN EXILE, AND LITTLE HAVANA AS THEIR CULTURAL AND HISTORIC ENCLAVE. (B) DECLARE CITY OF MIAMI AS SYMBOLIC CAPITAL OF THE HAITIANS IN EXILE, AND LITTLE HAITI AS THEIR CULTURAL AND HISTORIC ENCLAVE. 27. GRANT REQUEST FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SHORECREST HOMEOWNERS` ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR FEE WAIVER CONCERNING PROPOSED INTER -TRIBAL INDIAN FESTIVAL TO BE HELD AT LEGION PARK (DECEMBER 1-4, 1994) -- SUBJECT TO CITY BEING REIMBURSED IF GROUP MAKES ANY PROFIT FROM SAID EVENT. 28. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH INITIAL RESOURCES / APPROPRIATIONS FOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: HIDTA HOOKEN -- ACCEPT GRANT ($50,787) FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS -- EXECUTE. NECESSARY DOCUMENT(S). 29. (A) (Continued) RECONSIDER PRIOR M-94-366, WHICH HAD DEFERRED AGENDA ITEM CA-22 (REGARDING RATIFICATION OF SPECIAL CHARGES FOR USE OF THE BOBBY MADURO BASEBALL STADIUM PARKING LOT BY C.C.A.L. CORPORATION FOR FLEA MARKET). (B) RATIFY SPECIAL CHARGES / TERMS / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM PARKING LOT BY C.C.A.L. CORPORATION FOR PRESENTATION OF FLEA MARKETS (WEEKENDS DURING JUNE 11 1994 - MAY 31, 1995), AS MODIFIED. (See label 2B) R 94-399 R 94-399.1 6/9/94 R 94-400 6/9/94 ORDINANCE 11156 6/9/94 M 94-401 R 94-401.1 6/9/94 108-111 116-118 119-126 30. (Continued) (Continued) AUTHORIZE R 94-402 126-128 CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO 6/9/94 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO., CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF MINORITY FIRM OF WATSON & CO. -- TO ANALYZE FINANCIAL VIABILITY OF PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO RFP FOR VIRGINIA KEY BOATYARD UDP. (See label 2A) 31. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE ORDINANCE 128-129 CHAPTER 54 (STREETS AND 11157 SIDEWALKS) AMEND SECTION 54-104 6/9/94 (NONSTANDARD STREET WIDTHS) -- MODIFY WIDTH OF N.W. 9 STREET BETWEEN N.W. 1 AND 2 AVENUES. 32. BRIEF COMMENTS ON PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSION 130 WITHDRAWN AGENDA ITEM 24 6/9/94 [PROPOSED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO AMEND CODE SECTION 38-9 (PARK FEES FOR USE OF VIRGINIA KEY PARK)] -- DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING BACK PROPOSED LEGISLATION WITH LANGUAGE PROVIDING FOR TWO DIFFERENT SETS OF FEES: (a) ONE APPLICABLE TO CITY RESIDENTS; AND (b) ONE APPLICABLE TO COUNTY RESIDENTS. 33. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ORDINANCE 131 ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE 11158 FUND: EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT 6/9/94 (FY194) -- APPROPRIATE $368,000 FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 1994 EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT. 34. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORDINANCE 132 CODE SECTION 2-48 -- PROVIDE THAT 11159 CITY CLERK SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE 6/9/94 FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY'S ARCHIVES AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM -- DESIGNATE CITY CLERK AS OFFICIAL CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AND RESPONSIBILITY OF CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES WITH RESPECT THERETO -- PROVIDE FOR DUTIES OF CITY CLERK, CITY DEPARTMENTS. ' 35. INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT M 94-403 133-146 PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO REGULATE 6/9/94 VENDORS' ACTIVITY IN THE COCONUT GROVE SPECIAL VENDING DISTRICT, PROVIDING FOR: (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF A FEE; (b) A ROTATION SYSTEM OF VENDING SITES; (c) THE REVOCATION OF A VENDING PERMIT AFTER 3 VIOLATIONS ARE INCURRED; ESTABLISH REQUIREMENT FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE; (d) ASSIGN REGULATION ENFORCEMENT TO THE NET. 36. DISCUSS AND DEFER CONSIDERATION DISCUSSION 147-149 OF PROPOSED SECOND READING 6/9/94 ORDINANCE TO AMEND 11139, BY ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS ($2,000,000) FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ENTITLED: WATSON ISLAND SANITARY SEWERS. 37. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORDINANCE 149-151 CODE SECTION 53-161 -- CHANGE 11160 RATE SCHEDULE FOR USE AND 6/9/94 OCCUPANCY OF THE MIAMI CONVENTION i CENTER. I 38. AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF A HOME R 94-404 151-152 INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP'S PROGRAM 6/9/94 (HOME PROGRAM) FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,757,000 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOW / VERY LOW INCOME FAMILIES HOUSING -- APPROVE GUIDELINES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF HOME PROGRAM -- EXECUTE AGREEMENTS. 39. (A) FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM (THIRD YEAR) -- APPROPRIATE $3,757,000, AS APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) -- FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM. (B) DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO RESERVE $2,000,000 OUT OF THE $3,757,000 FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM (THIRD YEAR) IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH A SINGLE FAMILY HOME OWNERSHIP PROGRAM TO BUILD SINGLE FAMILY HOMES AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $60,000 PER HOME. 40. ESTABLISH NINE (9) NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: (1) JTPA TITLE II / OLDER WORKER (PY'94); (2) JTPA TITLE IIA / NEIGHBORHOODS JOBS PROGRAM (PY'94); (3) JTPA TITLE IIC / NEIGHBORHOODS JOBS PROGRAM (PY'94); (4) JTPA TITLE III PAN/AM DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM (PY'94); (5) JTPA TITLE III / EASTERN AIRLINES DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM (PY'94); (6) DHRS / RCA (PY'95); (7) JTPA TITLE III DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM (PY'94); (8) JTPA TITLE IIB SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM (PY'94), AND (9) OFFICE OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL LIAISON (PY'94) -- APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GRANT AWARDS -- EXECUTE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS WITH SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. 41. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE CHAPTER 2 (ADMINISTRATION), BY AMENDING SECTION 2-409 (SCHEDULE OF CIVIL PENALTIES) -- INCREASE DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CIVIL PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THEE USE OF STREET / SIDEWALK FOR THE ADVERTISING / DISPLAY / PLACEMENT OF SIGNS ON STREET AND/OR SIDEWALK SURFACE. w M 94-405 ORDINANCE FIRST READING 6/9/94 ORDINANCE FIRST READING 6/9/94 ORDINANCE FIRST READING 6/9/94 153-159 159-160 160-162 w 42. ALLOW VIRGINIA KEY MARINA R 94-406 PARTNERSHIP, INC. TO CONTINUE 6/9/94 PRESENT USE OF THE AREA GOVERNED BY CONCESSION AGREEMENT (DATED MAY 19, 1978) WITH MARINE STADIUM ENTERPRISES, INC., WITH PROVISOS. 43. AUTHORIZE BAYFRONT PARK R 94-407 MANAGEMENT TRUST TO CLOSE 6/9/94 BICENTENNIAL PARK TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, EXCEPT ON SCHEDULED EVENT DAYS, FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS, TO ALLOW FOR THE REPAIR OF THE PARK'S INFRASTRUCTURE. 44. ALLOCATE AN ADDITIONAL $30,000 R 94-408 (FROM CITY MANAGER'S 6/9/94 DISCRETIONARY BUDGET) FOR BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST TO ENABLE THE TRUST TO HIRE FULLTIME PARK PERSONNEL TO MONITOR ACTIVITY IN BICENTENNIAL PARK DURING ITS HOURS OF OPERATION. 45. AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF $70,000 R 94-409 FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 6/9/94 PROGRAM -- FOR INSTALLATION OF SEMI PERMANENT FENCING FOR THE SOUTH END OF BAYFRONT PARK. 46. EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL R 94-410 AGREEMENTS WITH TEN NEIGHBORHOOD 6/9/94 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS: (1) ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC.; (2) COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC.; (3) DOWNTOWN MIAMI PARTNERSHIP, INC.; (4) EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC.; (5) GREATER BISCAYNE BOULEVARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC.; (6) HUMAN SERVICES, PIERRE TOUSSAINT; (7) LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC.; (8) MARTIN LUTHER KING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC.; (9) SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CENTER, INC., AND (10) ST. JOHN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. -- IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT A NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. 162-177 177-179 179-180 180 181-184 47. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH MIAMI R 94-411 185-186 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT INC. (MCDI) 6/9/94 IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN MDCI'S REVOLVING LOAN FUND PROGRAM AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. 48. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH THE R 94-412 186-187 BAKEHOUSE ARTS COMPLEX, INC. 6/9/94 (SAC) -- PROVIDE FOR A $40,000 GRANT, TO BE SECURED BY A MORTGAGE, FOR RENOVATIONS / PURCHASE OF PARTS FOR EXISTING ELEVATOR AT BAC -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. 49. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE R 94-413 187-188 CONFIRMATIONS OF SUBORDINATION OF 6/9/94 MORTGAGE, THEREBY SUBORDINATING TO THE EXISTING FIRST MORTGAGE EXTENSION FROM FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF MIAMI, THE THIRD AND FOURTH MORTGAGES HELD BY THE CITY SECURING A $204,000 INDEBTEDNESS ON THE REAL PROPERTY I OWNED BY THE BAKEHOUSE ART f COMPLEX. 50. EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL R 94-414 189-192 AGREEMENTS WITH TEN NEIGHBORHOOD 6/9/94 BASED HOUSING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS: (1) ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT; (2) CODEC, INC.; (3) EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; (4) EAST LITTLE HAVANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; (5) GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBORHOODS, INC.; (6) LITTLE HAITI HOUSING ASSOCIATION; (7) ST. JOHN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; (8) FLORIDA HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC.; (9) TACOLCY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, AND (10) RAFAEL HERNANDEZ HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION -- IN ORDER TO PROMOTE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING AFFORDABLE TO LOW AND MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES / INDIVIDUALS -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. a 51. (Continued) FURTHER CLARIFYING DISCUSSION 192-193 COMMENTS CONCERNING CITY 6/9/94 COMMISSION DIRECTIVE TO ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION WITH COUNSEL'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF FEES IN CONNECTION WITH DEFENSE OF FORMER POLICE OFFICER WILLIAM LOZANO. (See labels 15 & 17-B) 52. DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT R 94-415 194-195 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT(S) FOR 6/9/94 A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 8, 1994, PROPOSING MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING PROCESS OF: (1) IMPLEMENTING UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (UDP); (2) HANDLING PROTESTS FILED BY AGGRIEVED PARTIES IN REGARD TO SAID PROJECTS; AND (3) REGARDING CONTEMPLATION OF SALES OR LEASES OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY. 53. RATIFY EMERGENCY ACTION OF CITY R 94-416 195-196 MANAGER IN THE PURCHASE OF A 6/9/94 TURNKEY FIRE STATION ALERTING SYSTEM (ON A LEASE / PURCHASE BASIS) FROM MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONIC, INC. -- FOR FIRE -RESCUE DEPARTMENT -- AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. 54. PROTEST BY D.M. CONSTRUCTION OF R 94-417 196-199 SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. IN CONNECTION 6/9/94 WITH BID NO. 93-94-080, LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-70. 55. ENTER INTO EXPERIMENTAL SHORT R 94-418 199-200 TERM CONTRACT WITH KIMMINS 6/9/94 RECYCLING CORPORATION -- FOR TRANSPORTATION OF YARD WASTE AND NON-PUTRESCIBLE WASTE TO THE KIMMINS RECYCLING FACILITY. 56. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF OFFICE R 94-419 200-203 FURNITURE (UNDER EXISTING DADE 6/9/94 COUNTY BID NO. 1072-1/95) FROM CAMILO OFFICE FURNITURE AT A TOTAL COST OF $200,000 FOR THE 62 STREET POLICE SUBSTATION. 57. PURCHASE TWO VA -CON 16 CUBIC YARD R 94-420 203-204 COMBINATION HIGH PRESSURE JET AND 6/9/94 VACUUM SEWER CLEANERS (UNDER CITY OF LAUDERHILL BID) FROM SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES CORPORATION -- FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CIP 352285. 58. ACCEPT BID: HORIZON CONTRACTORS, R 94-421 204-205 INC. -- FOR LOCAL DRAINAGE 6/9/94 PROJECT E-70 B-5609 -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CIP 352285 -- EXECUTE CONTRACT. 59. ACCEPT BID: BANNERMAN R 94-422 206 LANDSCAPING, INC. -- FOR 6/9/94 ALLAPATTAH SIDEWALK REBUILDING (IMPACT FEE PROJECT) B-4565 -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CIP 341200 -- EXECUTE CONTRACT. 60. UPHOLD DECISION OF THE HISTORIC R 94-423 207-214 AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION 6/9/94 BOARD, WHICH DENIED AN APPEAL AND UPHELD THE COCONUT GROVE NET OFFICE'S DENIAL OF A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT FOR THE REMOVAL OF AN OAK TREE AT 2129 TIGERTAIL AVENUE. (Appellant: Dr. Neil Fisher.) (See label 65) 61. DECLARE THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI R 94-424 215-221 COMMISSION SHALL HAVE FULL 6/9/94 CONTROL OF ALL PLANNING AND ACTIVITIES LEADING TOWARD MIAMI CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION IN 1996 -- CITY MANAGER DESIGNATES ANGELA BELLAMY AS STAFF LIAISON FOR SAID PROJECT. 62. COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AGAIN DISCUSSION 221-224 REQUESTS FROM CITY MANAGER A 6/9/94 STATUS REPORT ON THE ST. HUGH OAKS PROJECT. 63. DECLARE PERIOD OF JUNE 5TH R 94-425 224-225 THROUGH JUNE 11, 1994 AS: SAFE 6/9/94 BOATING WEEK. 64. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO R 94-426 225-226 IMMEDIATELY COMMENCE RENOVATIONS 6/9/94 AT ATHALIE RANGE PARK AND IF NECESSARY, MAKE A FINDING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS -- ALLOCATE: (a) $36,000 FROM CIP 331070 (RANGE PARK RENOVATIONS); AND (b) $60,000 FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. 65. (Continued) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS DISCUSSION 227-228 BY DR. NEIL FISHER CONCERNING HIS 6/9/94 APPEAL OF A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD DECISION FORBIDDING HIM TO HAVE AN OAK TREE REMOVED FROM HIS PROPERTY AT 2129 TIGERTAIL AVENUE DUE TO SAID TREE HAVING CAUSED ACTUAL STRUCTURAL DAMAGE TO HIS PROPERTY. (See label 60) 66. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO EXPEND R 94-427 228-229 $250,000 TO REPAIR THE CITY'S 6/9/94 PARKING GARAGE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. 67. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO M 94-428 229-231 NEGOTIATE WITH INDIVIDUALS FROM 6/9/94 TELEVISION CHANNEL 9 FOR EFFECTIVE PROGRAMMING TO MAXIMIZE USE OF SAID CHANNEL -- INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITY OF IDENTIFYING CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP CONCERNING ADVERTISING ON CHANNEL 9. 68. ENTER INTO CONTRACT FOR R 94-429 232-243 ACQUISITION OF RESIDENTIAL 6/9/94 PROPERTY AT 168-200 S.W. 32 ROAD, 3200-3202 S.W. 2 AVENUE, AND 1100-1139 S.W. 22 TERRACE (TRACT A. VIZCATRAN GARDEN). 69. AMEND 94-333 -- AUTHORIZE R 94-430 243-244 DONATION OF SURPLUS CITY VEHICLE 6/9/94 TO THE MODEL CITY SUBCOUNCIL. 70. URGE ORANGE BOWL COMMITTEE NOT TO R 94-431 244-246 MOVE THE ORANGE BOWL CLASSIC 6/9/94 FOOTBALL GAME TO THE JOE ROBBIE STADIUM. P MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 9th day of June, 1994, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. by Mayor Stephen P. Clark with the following members of the Commission found to be present: Mayor Stephen P. Clark Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. ALSO PRESENT: Cesar Odio, City Manager A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney Matty Hirai, City Clerk Walter J. Foeman, Assistant City Clerk An invocation was delivered by Mayor Clark who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ITEMS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (A) Certificate of Appreciation: Angel Rigueras -- Top Winner in The Do The Right Thing Award (May,1994). (B) Condolences to family and friends of Roger Williams, who will be remembered for his lifelong commitment to Brownsville and his concern for the community. (C) Proclamation: Esther C. Vidaurreta, retired teacher from Charles R. Hadley Elementary School. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda items CA-30 and 24 were withdrawn. Prior to the beginning of the meeting, Administration had withdrawn the.following agenda items: CA-8, CA-14, CA-15, CA-17, CA-26, 17,- 30 & 35. 1 June 9, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CONSENT AGENDA -- DIRECT ADMINISTRATION, IN THE FUTURE, TO SCHEDULE WITHDRAWN CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS AS REGULAR ITEMS ON THE NEXT AGENDA. (A) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO., CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, WITH PARTICIPATION OF WATSON & CO., TO ANALYZE FINANCIAL VIABILITY OF PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO RFP FOR VIRGINIA KEY BOATYARD UDP. (See label 30) (B) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO j RATIFY SPECIAL CHARGES / TERMS / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM PARKING LOT BY j C.C.A.L. CORP. FOR PRESENTATION OF FLEA MARKETS. (See label 29) (C) BRIEF COMMENT AND DEFERRAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO EXECUTE A GRANT OF EASEMENT TO BELL SOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC., FOR USE OF 500 SQUARE FEET OF LAND ON MERRIE CHRISTMAS PARK, FOR CONSTRUCTION / OPERATION / MAINTENANCE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCIATED APPURTENANCES. (D) BRIEF COMMENTS AND WITHDRAWAL OF [CA-30] --- TO FACILITATE FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS TO TAKE PLACE. (E) BRIEF DISCUSSION AND DEFERRAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT ACCEPT DONATION OF VACANT REAL PROPERTY AT 1264 N.W. 31 STREET (IN ALLAPATTAH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA) TO BE USED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Mr. Manager, we're going to proceed with the consent agenda. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: The consent now is 14, 15, and 17. IMr. Odio: Eight, eight. Mayor Clark: On the consent agenda. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. CA-8. Mayor Clark: Name those numbers again. Mr. Odio: OK. CA-8. Mayor Clark: Eight. Mr. Odio: Fourteen. Mayor Clark: Fourteen. 2 June 9, 1994 Mr.Odio: Fifteen. Mayor Clark: Fifteen. Mr.Odio: Seventeen. Mayor Clark: Seventeen. Mr.Odio: Twenty-five. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Seventeen? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Odio: And 30. Mayor Clark: Thirty. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I want to withdraw 16 and 18 - no, not 18. Sixteen... Mayor Clark: Keep this up, we won't have a meeting today. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Well... Mayor Clark: CA-16 is authorizing the services of the Virginia Key Boatyard? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Twenty-five and 27. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me, Miller. Did you pull 16 and 18? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: What other item? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Twenty-five. That's all. Commissioner Gort: That's the consent agenda? Commissioner Plummer: No, regular agenda, right? Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, it's consent. Mr.Odio: Consent. Commissioner Plummer: Sixteen... Mayor Clark: Eighteen and 25. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Twenty-five, 16... Mayor Clark: Eighteen. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And 18. 3 June 9, 1994 'ew Commissioner Plummer: Eighteen and 25. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. All right. Are there any corrections or additions on those items? Read your speech, J.L. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, hold on. I'm still trying to catch up. Mayor Clark: Now, on item number 16, Mr. Dawkins, we have one bid in. Commissioner Plummer: On 16. Is that consent or regular? Mr. Odio: Consent. Mayor Clark: If he withdraws item 16, there's no action today on the Virginia Key? Mr. Odio: No, sir, we couldn't. We need these services to be able to analyze the proposal so we can bring it back, so we can have time to put it in the... We have to go to the public referendum. Mayor Clark: So he's withdrawing 16. That doesn't damage that position. Mr. Odio: We would have to bring that back in the next meeting, that we could not have a recommendation until July. I don't know if that would get us off the ballot in September. Commissioner Plummer: Well, you got a September, October and November ballot, right? A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): No. If you do a Charter... Commissioner Plummer: No, no, the referendum. Mr. Odio: For the boatyard proposal... Commissioner Plummer: On the boatyard. Mr. Odio: ... we only had one bid, so it has to go out, referendum. Mayor Clark: What's the latest date, Mr. Jones, that we have to... Commissioner Plummer: Forty-five days, isn't it? Mayor Clark: Forty-five days? Commissioner Plummer: Isn't it forty-five days? Mr. Jones: Let me check, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: Well, could I ask my blue brother, is it the firm that's the problem, or is there another problem? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Another problem. Commissioner Plummer: OK. And I guess we ought to ask the question. I read about, in the Miami Today, that there's been a lawsuit filed. 4 June 9, 1994 Auk Mr. Odio: We have not received any documents about any lawsuit. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Well, you need to read Miami Today. They said that... Mr. Odio: Well, they may be wrong, you know. We have not received... Commissioner Plummer: I didn't say that it was factual. I just said you ought to read the article. Mr. Odio: I did, but they are wrong. We have not been served. Mayor Clark: We haven't been served. Commissioner Plummer: OK. That's... Mayor Clark: You want to withdraw that, right? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Withdraw it, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Sir? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Withdraw it, 16. Commissioner Plummer: Now, let me go back through the consent. Mayor Clark: OK. With those corrections. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. Mayor Clark: Any other corrections? Yes, sir, Commissioner. Commissioner Gort: I'd like to pull item 22 and 30, and discuss it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Twenty-two and 30, sir? Commissioner Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Of the consent? Commissioner Gort: Of the consent agenda. Commissioner Plummer: OK, 22. Mayor Clark: Are you keeping track of this, Cesar? Commissioner Plummer: Twenty-two and what? Commissioner Gort: Thirty. Mayor Clark: Can we go down through again now, start at number 1 and find out how many have been withdrawn or deferred? Mr. Odio: Prior to the distribution, CA-14 and CA-15. After the distribution, CA-8, and CA-17, CA-25, and... 5 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: CA-30. Mr. Odio: CA-30. Now, Commissioner Dawkins has withdrawn CA-16, CA-18 and CA-25. Mayor Clark: Mr. Gort asked to withdraw 22 and 30. Thirty is already on the list. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, if I may just... Commissioner Gort: No, I don't want to withdraw it, I want to discuss it. Commissioner Plummer: Discuss. He's pulled it. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, we had a policy here that we maybe want to give consideration to and go back to, and that is that when we went to a consent agenda, which was hopefully to expedite a great number at one vote, that if any item was pulled from the consent agenda, that it was automatically carried over to the next meeting as a regular agenda item, without discussion. So I'm just saying that maybe we might want to go back to that, to try to, you know, that we would try to expedite our meetings, which you have done a tremendous job with, to consider that as a... once again, bringing back up a policy that we... Mayor Clark: If it's pulled, they go back on the regular agenda at the next meeting. Commissioner Plummer: That automatically, sir, they would go back as an agenda item at the next meeting. Mayor Clark: Does anybody object to that? That's the procedure here. Let's follow the procedure. Commissioner Gort: I don't have any problems. Commissioner Plummer: If you wish, Mr. Mayor, what you might want to do is try it for a couple of months, and if it works out, fine. If it doesn't... Mayor Clark: All right. Let's try it just like that. Good position. Everything has been withdrawn? Commissioner Plummer: Fine with me, sir. Mr. Jones: Mr. Mayor. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yeah, come back on the next agenda. Mayor Clark: Next meeting. Mr. Jones: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Jones: With respect to the question you posed on... I think it was item... the Virginia Key. It has to be, the resolution setting forth the question would have to be adopted, at the latest, August 9th, and since you don't have any meetings scheduled for the month of August, then the latest adoption would have to be the meeting of July 21st. 6 June 9, 1994 Mr. Odio: We can meet that day. Mayor Clark: Oh, yeah. Mr. Jones: And that would be for the October 4th, second primary date. Mayor Clark: That's good. Commissioner Plummer: Well, may I inquire, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: Surely. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, what I'm asking is a question, if I may, the pulling of item 16 does not stop the City Attorney from drafting the necessary amendment for the ballot, and I think that's where your main area of concern is, to have that prepared to come back at a later date. So if that's the case, then I would assume the City Attorney will proceed. Mayor Clark: Would you repeat that, J.L., please. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, pulling item 16 does not preclude them from preparing an amendment for the ballot. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You've already signed a contract with the company, with... I mean... Commissioner Plummer: Who has? Vice Mayor Dawkins: The City, Mr. Odio: No, we haven't. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You negotiated... OK. Commissioner Plummer: This is not ratifying. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Please pull it for discussion on the 21st. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine, sir. But they can still proceed with the ballot question and have that prepared. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's all. Commissioner Plummer: Whether we approve it or we don't, your time frame is what you're worried about. Mayor Clark: Please, now, when this appears on the next agenda, it's on a regular item on the agenda. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir. 7 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: Not on the consent agenda. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mm-hmm, OK. Mayor Clark: Very good. All right. Do you have any other discussion? Anyone to speak about the consent agenda present here? Commissioner Plummer: I have only questions on 27, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Well, let's start out with before that. Any other questions before that? No. Commissioner Plummer: Well, Willy did. Mayor Clark: Twenty-two, J... On 22, Mr. Gort. Commissioner Gort: Twenty-two. My understanding, that's the Bobby Maduro's... The flea market, Bobby Maduro Stadium. I'd like to bring that up in a public hearing. Commissioner Plummer: So you move to defer. Commissioner Gort: I move to defer. Commissioner Plummer: Second. Mr. Odio: This is the flea market. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, he's deferring it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Deferred? Commissioner Plummer: I second it; Mr. Odio: Did I understand you want this as a public hearing, Commissioner? Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Commissioner Gort: Yes, sir. I want the neighbors to be notified. Mr. Odio: OK. Fine. Mayor Clark: Any further discussion on the deferral? Hearing none, cast a unanimous ballot. What else, Willy? Vice Mayor Dawkins: What's a date certain, Mr... J.L. Mayor Clark: Thirtieth of June. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thirtieth of June? Mayor Clark: Is that our next meeting, Mr. Manager, 30th of June? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. 8 June 9, 1994 P� Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Odio: We have, as of now, Mr. Mayor, twenty-six regular items. So we may have to start at nine o'clock that day. Mayor Clark: Well, we start at nine. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: That's good. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Call the... We cast a unanimous ballot. Mayor Clark: Yeah, cast a unanimous ballot. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Gort, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 94-366 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM CA-22 (PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO RATIFY AND APPROVE SPECIAL CHARGES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF THE BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM PARKING LOT BY C.C.A.L. CORPORATION FOR SAID ORGANIZATION'S PRESENTATION OF FLEA MARKETS FOR SAID AVAILABLE WEEKENDS DURING THE PERIOD OF JUNE 1, 1994 THROUGH MAY 31, 1995) TO THE JUNE 30, 1994 COMMISSION MEETING; FURTHER DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ADVERTISE SAID ISSUE AS A PUBLIC HEARING. [NOTE: This motion was later reconsidered by M-94-401. Thereupon, agenda item CA-22 was approved by the City Commission as R-94-401.1.] Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Gort: Item 30. 9 June 9, 1994 W Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Gort: This is the... If you will remember, we had a discussion about an antenna being built in one of the neighborhoods in here. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Commissioner Gort: We're leasing the facilities to Bell South. I want to know what type of... What's going to be the use for that facility? Mayor Clark: On 22, you say, Mr. Gort? Commissioner Gort: No. This is on 30, sir. ICommissioner Plummer: I ask a question. Is this a cellular phone setup or not? Mr. Odio: This is to create a telecommunications electrical equipment... It's about... It's a ! small building for main operations. It's not... Commissioner Gort: But it's not an antenna or anything like that. a Mr. Odio: It's not ... We are monitoring that. It's not something like that. Commissioner Gort: OK. Commissioner Plummer: Well, excuse me. How much... Mr. Odio: They will be paying us fifteen thousand dollars. Commissioner Plummer: A year? Mr. Odio: A year, right. Commissioner Plummer: Fifteen thousand. All right. The people came to see all of us. Mr. Mayor... Mr. Manager, they didn't like the idea. This is an eight -by -six building? Mr. Odio: Yes, very small. Commissioner Plummer: OK. And what their concern was, I think it was a legitimate concern, that if they've got to live with that in a park... Mayor Clark: Put it back in the corner. Commissioner Plummer: ... that it not be where you're suggesting, that it be put somewhere to the side or to the... where it's not in the middle of the park. Mr. Odio: It will not be in the middle of the park, I assure you. Commissioner Plummer: Can I be assured that if I vote favorably for this, that you're going to meet with the neighbors, and as long as it's in the park, they compromise and are satisfied before you proceed? Ms. Diane Johnson: You have my full assurance. 10 June 9, 1994 i W Mr. Odio: We'll let the neighbors decide where they want it in the park. Commissioner Plummer: OK, Fine. Ms. Johnson: Correct. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine. And we get fifteen thousand a year. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Did you try for twenty-five? Ms. Johnson: No. Fifteen thousand flat. Mr. Odio: Fifteen thousand one time. Ms. Johnson: One time. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, no, no, no. Is this a private company? Ms. Johnson: This is Southern Bell. Commissioner Plummer: Is that a profit -making organization? Ms. Johnson: It's a utility. Commissioner Plummer: No way I would vote for fifteen thousand, one shot. No way. No way. For a lifetime? Mayor Clark: Well, wait a minute, now. You have feelings, other people have feelings. What's this all about? Mr. Odio: This is a very small building. It's a... Ms. Johnson: It's a utility box. Mr. Odio: It's a utility box. Commissioner Plummer: In a public park. Ms. Johnson: Do you have the dimensions? Mr. Odio: And they are going to pay us fifteen thousand dollars. Commissioner Plummer: A year? That's fine. Mr. Odio: No, sir. One time. It's six by... What size is it? It's the size of that... Ms. Johnson: It's the size of a typical... Commissioner Plummer: You are contemplate... Ms. Johnson:... box that's put in a right-of-way. 11 June 9, 1994 W Mr. Odio: We also get Fran... Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. I'm speaking for one. You maybe have other votes here... Mr. Odio: That's right, that's right. Commissioner Plummer: ... but for this vote, they are not going to have a lifetime use of a City park for fifteen thousand dollars, not a profit -making corporation. Mr. Odio: To provide... to provide services. It's to provide services to the citizens. Commissioner Plummer: Sir, they are entitled to pay, like anybody else. Mr. Odio: They also pay us franchise fees that are very high. Commissioner Plummer: I hear you. I hear you. You do what you want. I will not vote for a one-shot fifteen thousand, for a profit -making company. Now, they want to pay us that every year, that's fine with me. Mayor Clark: Who's the company? Commissioner Plummer: Southern Bell. A bunch of poor boys? Never. Mr. Odio: No. You could raise it here and they raise your fees, so... Commissioner Plummer: I move that it be deferred and you go back to negotiations. Mayor Clark: All right. Second? Commissioner Gort: Second. Ms. Johnson. OK. Mayor Clark: With no objection, cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk. Commissioner Plummer: I'll take ten thousand a year, but every year. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 94-367 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM CA-30 (PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A GRANT OF EASEMENT TO BELL SOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. A GEORGIA CORPORATION, FOR USE OF APPROXIMATELY 500 SQUARE FEET OF LAND ON MERRIE CHRISTMAS PARK, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION/OPERATION/MAINTENANCE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND ASSOCIATED APPURTENANCES) TO A LATER DATE, FOR FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS. 12 June 9, 1994 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I've got a problem with item 27, if nobody else has any i problems. Mayor Clark: All right. What is it, J.L.? Commissioner Plummer: My problem is, it looks like to me, unless I'm mistaken, that we have a lien against this property, and instead of them paying the lien, they're going to give us the j property. Now... Vice Mayor Dawkins: You know what, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Manager? You're missing this. You're missing the Commissioner. Mr. Odio: I can't hear. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's right... Commissioner Plummer: All right. I've got nothing better to do. I'll sit here and wait. Mayor Clark: Gentlemen, please have a seat. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, my concern here is that this looks to me that this was a lien placed against this property; that, in fact, instead of paying the lien, they're going to give us the property. One more piece off the tax rolls, and as far as I'm concerned, I think that we need to demand that these people pay us the dollars. You see, one of the problems that we're having, and I'm going to bring up at a later date at the Commission, is that in Code Enforcement, when they're building up these two hundred and fifty -dollar -a -day fines, the City Attorney has the right to mitigate and to reduce. And I'm eventually going to ask that that be eliminated, because they're laughing at us. And as far as I'm concerned, I don't think that we're going to bring about any compliance. We've got to have some clout. Now... Mr. Odio: Commissioner, let me explain, because, you know... Commissioner Plummer: Please do. 13 June 9, 1994 Mr. Odio: This land is assessed at twenty-two thousand. We're getting it for a bargain, and we're going to build a home in it, and we're going to sell it, and it will be back in the tax rolls. OK? j Commissioner Plummer: OK. Then I have your assurance, sir, that I can expect within six months that, in fact, something is going to... Well, you see, you say... Mr. Odio: Not in six months. Commissioner Plummer: No, no, no. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's get this thing handled, now, and quit arguing back and forth. Mr. Odio: The land is assessed at twenty-two. We're getting it for a bargain price of ten thousand. We're going to build a home in there, and it will be sold, and it will be right back into the tax roll. Commissioner Plummer: That's all right. Mayor Clark: Mr. Manager, ten thousand dollars is the amount of lien that they have at the present time? Commissioner Plummer: Ten thousand -one. j Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. And we're going to get it for that price, half of the price of what the j property is assessed for. Commissioner Plummer: Was there any back taxes owed? Mr. Jeff Hepburn: Ten grand is the total outstanding... Commissioner Plummer: Of back taxes or liens? Mr. Hepburn: Liens, total. It's the total outstanding. Commissioner Plummer: OK. I'll... I just... Mayor Clark: All right. Fine. That ought to be OK. Anything else that you want to speak about on this consent agenda? Commissioner Plummer: No, that's all I've got, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Any person want to speak on the consent agenda? Hearing none, is there a motion to accept those that have been... Commissioner Plummer: Sir, there's somebody who raised his hand in the back. Mayor Clark: All right. Give us your name and address for the record. Mr. Alberto Lopez: Yeah. My name is Alberto Lopez. I'm from... I live at 1930 North Bayshore Drive, and I represent the Miami Stadium Flea Market, the Bobby Maduro Stadium. Mayor Clark: Sir, slow down a little now. 14 June 9, 1994 ""11) Mr. Lopez: Yes. And I'm here because two years ago, the debris was put into the stadium, and it was never taken out of the stadium. After two years, they just fixed it. And I have a hundred families without work. For three months, they have been stopped. And I'm here today for these families, you know, that they need to work, and they are in this neighborhood that is... It's a neighborhood that is in need of these people, instead of collecting taxes or anything like that, to work. And they're crying already. They need to work, the women that are in need. And we have everything that they ask us to bring, we already brought it in. We got the insurance, we got everything that they want. And we're here, you know, knowing that you could help us, Mayor. Mr. Odio: Well, you know, I think the Commission had said that we will have a public hearing and let the neighborhood speak up and out, and tell us what they want there. Mr. Lopez: Well, if you want the neighborhood to speak up, I could bring the... I could bring all the... Mr. Odio: No, that's what the Commission... You are going to have that opportunity. Commissioner Plummer: Is that from Bay Shore Drive neighborhood where you live, or where they live? Mr. Lopez: No, no, no. This is the Allapattah, Bobby Maduro Stadium. It's a hundred families that are without work for three months already, and they need to work, and everything is ready. Mayor Clark: Wait, wait. This is a flea market? Mr. Lopez: It's a flea market that's been there for thirteen years, Your Honor, Mayor, and it was... The City was the one that told me to try to open that there, because of the neighborhood. Mayor Clark: Well, it's been deferred to a public hearing, so you better bring those people down. It's been pulled by Mr. Gort for a regular hearing on the 30th of June. Is that right, Mr. Manager? Mr. Lopez: So it have to be closed? Can we open until we come to the hearing? Mr. Odio: No, sir, you cannot open until you have the hearing. Mr. Lopez: Everything is ready, you know, the conditions... Mr. Odio: Yeah, I know, I know. Mayor Clark: I know that. You don't open until after the hearing, and maybe not then. Maybe not then, because the hearing is... You won't have permission to open it up until after the hearing. If it says yes, fine; if it says no, "imposible. Muchas gracias." Mr. Lopez: Thank you. May the Lord bless all of you. Thank you. Mayor Clark: Thank you, sir. Commissioner Plummer: We need it. Mayor Clark: With tongue in cheek. All right. Anything else on this... Boy, this is a real consent agenda. God, I'd hate to see one that had problems with it. Any others? All right. Is there a motion to accept the rest of the consent agenda? 15 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: So move. Mayor Clark: How many items we pass, three? Is there a second? Commissioner De Yurre: Second. Mayor Clark: Call the roll, Madam Clerk. THEREUPON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DE YURRE, THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WERE PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 2.1 PURCHASE ADDITIONAL HEAVY EQUIPMENT (UNDER EXISTING BID NO. 92- 93-104): (a) 25 YARD REFUSE PACKER -- FROM METRO -TECH EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, AND (b) CAB AND CHASSIS FOR A 25 YARD REFUSE PACKER -- FROM WHITE GMC OF PALM BEACH -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM FY'94 RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT (PROJECT 197006). RESOLUTION NO. 94-368 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) ADDITIONAL PIECES OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT UNDER AN EXISTING BID NO. 92-93-104; ONE (1) 25 YARD REFUSE PACKER FROM METRO -TECH EQUIPMENT CORPORATION AT A PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $24,680 AND ONE (1) CAB AND CHASSIS FOR A 25 YARD REFUSE PACKER FROM WHITE GMC OF PALM BEACH AT A PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $56,502, FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $81,182, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE FY '94 RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT, PROJECT NO. 197006, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 421304-840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 16 June 9, 1994 191 2.2 ACCEPT BID: SPACE MASTER INTERNATIONAL, INC. -- FOR FURNISHING ONE OFFICE TRAILER, TO BE LOCATED AT VIRGINIA KEY YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITY FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM FY'94 RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT FUND (PROJECT 197006). RESOLUTION NO. 94-369 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF SPACE MASTER INTERNATIONAL, INC., FOR THE FURNISHING OF ONE (1) OFFICE TRAILER TO BE LOCATED AT THE VIRGINIA KEY YARD WASTE COMPOSTING FACILITY FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE AT A PROPOSED TOTAL COST OF $15,953.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE FY'94 RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT FUND, PROJECT NO. 197006, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 421304-840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.3 ACCEPT BID: MANOLO HORTA PAINTING -- FOR FURNISHING PRESSURE CLEANING SERVICES TO QUALIFIED CITY OF MIAMI HOMEOWNERS -- FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT -- OPTION FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. RESOLUTION NO. 94-370 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF MANOLO HORTA PAINTING FOR THE FURNISHING OF PRESSURE CLEANING SERVICES TO QUALIFIED CITY OF MIAMI HOMEOWNERS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $25,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO. 451149-799209; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE AND THEREAFTER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD, AT THE SAME PRICE, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 17 June 9, 1994 10 2.4 ACCEPT BID: BOWNE OF MIAMI, INC. -- FOR PRINTING / BINDING / SHIPPING OF OFFICIAL STATEMENTS FOR BOND FINANCING -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- OPTION FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. RESOLUTION NO. 94-371 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF BOWNE OF MIAMI, INC. FOR THE PRINTING, BINDING AND SHIPPING OF OFFICIAL STATEMENTS FOR BOND FINANCING ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED FIRST YEAR COST OF $6,410.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO. 269902-680 PROJECT NO. 311016; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS SERVICE AND THEREAFTER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD AT THE SAME PRICE, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.5 ACCEPT BID: RC ROOFING CORPORATION -- FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF A GENSTAR ROOFING SYSTEM AT PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION BUILDING -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- ALLOCATE FUNDS. RESOLUTION NO. 94-372 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF RC ROOFING CORPORATION FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF A GENSTAR ROOFING SYSTEM AT THE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION BUILDING AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $24,000.00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE, ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE/PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 420401-670; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS ACQUISITION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 18 June 9, 1994 2.6 ACCEPT BID: BEST'S MAINTENANCE & JANITORIAL -- FOR FURNISHING CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT THE SOLID WASTE FACILITY -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE -- OPTION FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. RESOLUTION NO. 94-373 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF BEST'S MAINTENANCE & JANITORIAL FOR THE FURNISHING OF CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT THE SOLID WASTE FACILITY, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $11,184.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE FY'93-94 OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 421001-340; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE, AND THEREAFTER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD AT THE SAME PRICE, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.7 ACCEPT BID: RECIO AND ASSOCIATES -- FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF NINE ROYAL PALM TREES AT LUMMUS PARK -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION. RESOLUTION NO. 94-374 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF RECIO AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF NINE (9) ROYAL PALM TREES AT LUMMUS PARK AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $14,266.00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS, PROJECT CODE NO. 331042, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 589301-860, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS ACQUISITION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 19 June 9, 1994 2.8 2.9 We ACCEPT BID: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICE, INC. (TOTAL BID) -- FOR PEACOCK PARK SPORT LIGHTING PROJECT (CIP 331359) -- EXECUTE CONTRACT. RESOLUTION NO. 94-375 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING SERVICE, INC., IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $51,575.00, TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLED PEACOCK PARK SPORT LIGHTING PROJECT; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 331359, AS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 11139, AS AMENDED, IN THE AMOUNT OF $36,967.00 TO COVER A PORTION OF THE CONTRACT COST AND $9,065.45 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES, AND $14,608.00 FROM INSURANCE MONIES IN PROJECT NO. 332445 TO COVER THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE CONTRACT COST, FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT COST OF $60,640.45; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) FUND THE DADE-MIAMI CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL -- ALLOCATE $35,000 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LETF). RESOLUTION NO. 94-376 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FUNDING OF THE DADE- MIAMI CRIMINAL JUSTICE COUNCIL, AND ALLOCATING FUNDS 'THEREFOR, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $35,000, FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, SUCH EXPENDITURES HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS COMPLYING WITH FLORIDA STATE STATUTE CHAPTER 932.7055, AND BEING SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE CITY CODE PROCUREMENT PROVISIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) I June 9, 1994 IQ W 2.10 RESCIND AWARD OF CAMERA CORNER INC. -- FOR FURNISHING PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERAS AND ACCESSORIES TO POLICE DEPARTMENT (FOR FAILURE TO HOLD QUOTED PRICES APPROVED UNDER R-94-150) -- AWARD CONTRACT TO PHIL'S CAMERA SERVICES. RESOLUTION NO. 94-377 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING THE AWARD TO CAMERA CORNER, INC. FOR THE FURNISHING OF PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERAS AND ACCESSORIES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE FOR FAILURE TO HOLD QUOTED PRICES APPROVED UNDER RESOLUTION NO. 94-150, ADOPTED MARCH 24, 1994; AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE AWARD OF SAID CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BIDDER, PHIL'S CAMERA SERVICES, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $11,544.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 290201-850; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS ACQUISITION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.11 RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S AWARDING OF BID TO UNISYS CORPORATION -- FOR FURNISHING COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO UPGRADE EXISTING SYSTEM -- FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM THE HIGH IMPACT DRUG TRAFFICKING GRANT. RESOLUTION NO. 94-378 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S ACTION IN AWARDING THE BID TO UNISYS CORPORATION FOR THE FURNISHING OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO UPGRADE THE EXISTING COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $15,858.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE HIGH IMPACT DRUG TRAFFICKING GRANT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 21 June 9, 1994 11�1111) W 2.12 RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S EMERGENCY ACTION IN DECLARING 64 PIECES OF USED BEDDING AS CATEGORY "A" SURPLUS STOCK AND DONATING SAME TO BETTER WAY OF MIAMI, INC. RESOLUTION NO. 94-379 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE EMERGENCY ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN DECLARING SIXTY-FOUR (64) PIECES OF USED BEDDING AS CATEGORY "A" SURPLUS STOCK, ELIMINATING THE NECESSITY OF PROVIDING FOR ITS STORAGE, AND DONATING THE SAME TO BETTER WAY OF MIAMI, INC., A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION, SAID ITEMS BEING USED TO HOUSE AND TREAT MIAMI'S HOMELESS AND INDIGENT ADDICTS AND ALCOHOLICS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.13 ESTABLISH SPECIAL CHARGES / TERMS / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF ORANGE BOWL STADIUM BY FANTASMA PRODUCTIONS, INC. -- FOR PRESENTATION OF A CONCERT (JULY 24, 1994) -- EXECUTE AGREEMENT. RESOLUTION NO. 94-380 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT, ESTABLISHING SPECIAL CHARGES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM BY FANTASMA PRODUCTIONS, INC., FOR THE PRESENTATION OF A CONCERT AT SAID STADIUM ON JULY 24, 1994; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND FANTASMA PRODUCTIONS, INC., FOR THIS PURPOSE, SUBJECT TO THE ORGANIZERS OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN AN AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 22 June 9, 1994 2.14 EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH FANTASMA PRODUCTIONS, INC. -- FOR A REBATE OF NOVELTY CONCESSION REVENUE DERIVED FROM THE EAGLES CONCERT TO BE HELD AT ORANGE BOWL STADIUM (JULY 24, 1994). RESOLUTION NO. 94-381 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND FANTASMA PRODUCTIONS, INC., FOR A REBATE OF NOVELTY CONCESSION REVENUE DERIVED FROM THE EAGLES CONCERT TO BE PROMOTED AND PRODUCED BY SAID CORPORATION AT THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM ON JULY 24, 1994. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.15 RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL CHARGES / TERMS / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF ORANGE BOWL STADIUM BY COPA INTERCONTINENTAL DE LOS STRIKERS -- FOR AN INTERNATIONAL SOCCER GAME (MAY 29, 1994) -- EXECUTE AGREEMENT. RESOLUTION NO. 94-382 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL CHARGES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM BY COPA INTERNATIONAL DE LOS STRIKERS FOR THE PRESENTATION OF AN INTERNATIONAL SOCCER GAME ON SUNDAY, MAY 29, 1994; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND SAID ORGANIZATION FOR THIS PURPOSE, SUBJECT TO THE ORGANIZERS OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 23 June 9, 1994 i W 2.16 ESTABLISH SPECIAL CHARGES / TERMS / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF PORTION OF ORANGE BOWL STADIUM BY MIAMI MUNDIAL SPORTS GROUP, INC. -- FOR SERIES OF SOCCER GAMES (DURING JUNE 1, 1994 - MAY 31, 1995) -- EXECUTE AGREEMENT. RESOLUTION NO. 94-383 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), ESTABLISHING SPECIAL CHARGES, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF A PORTION OF THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM BY MIAMI MUNDIAL SPORTS GROUP, INC., FOR THE PRESENTATION OF A SERIES OF SOCCER GAMES ON SELECTED DATES DURING THE PERIOD JUNE 1, 1994 THROUGH MAY 31, 1995; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH MIAMI MUNDIAL SPORTS GROUP, INC., FOR SAID USE, SUBJECT TO THE ORGANIZERS OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN AN AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.17 CLAIM SETTLEMENT: MARIA SORIANO AND HER ATTORNEY, BRIAN S. KEIF, P.A. ($9,375). RESOLUTION NO. 94-384 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY MARIA SORIANO AND HER ATTORNEY, BRIAN S. KEIF, P.A., THE SUM OF $9,375.00, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SATISFACTION OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, AND JUDGMENTS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI, PURSUANT TO THE FINAL JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF, AS ORDERED BY JUDGE MARIA M. KORVICK OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT ON MARCH 31, 1994, CASE NO. 92-19554 CA 11, WITH SAID FUNDS TO BE PROVIDED FROM THE INSURANCE AND SELF-INSURANCE TRUST FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 24 June 9, 1994 N 0 2.18 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE PURCHASE OFFERS WITH OWNERS OF THREE VACANT PARCELS OF LAND WITHIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS (TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE: $34,000) -- TO BE USED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR LOW AND MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SCATTERED SITE AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CDBG -- EXECUTE AGREEMENTS. RESOLUTION NO. 94-385 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE PURCHASE OFFERS, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN, AND EXECUTE AGREEMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE OWNERS OF THREE (3) VACANT PARCELS OF LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS AND MORE PARTICULARLY AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A", FOR A TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE OF $34,000, SAID PARCELS TO BE USED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR LOW AND MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SCATTERED SITE AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 93-444 UNDER PROJECT NO. 705214; AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PROCEED TO CLOSE ON THE SUBJECT PARCELS AFTER EXAMINATION OF THE ABSTRACTS AND CONFIRMATION OF TITLE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 25 June 9, 1994 2.19 ACCEPT DONATION OF VACANT REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1264 N.W. 31 STREET IN ALLAPATTAH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA TO BE USED FOR LOW / MODERATE INCOME HOUSING. RESOLUTION NO. 94-385.1 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF VACANT REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1,264 N.W. 31ST STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN THE ALLAPATTAH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREA, MORE PARTICULARLY AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, TO BE USED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING, SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION AND APPROVAL OF THE ABSTRACT AND THE OPINION OF TITLE FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY BY THE CITY ATTORNEY; ALLOCATING MONIES THEREFOR, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,100, FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 93-444, UNDER PROJECT NO. 705214, FOR PAYMENT OF UNPAID CITY OF MIAMI LIENS, RECORDING FEES AND THE COST OF TITLE INSURANCE ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.20 SUPPORT ADMINISTRATION'S EFFORTS TO SECURE FUNDING FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED TRANSIT PLAZA -- TO BE LOCATED ON S.W. 15 AVENUE, BETWEEN S.W. 8 AND 9 STREETS (LITTLE HAVANA), LINKING TOWER THEATER AND DOMINO PARK. RESOLUTION NO. 94-386 A RESOLUTION GRANTING SUPPORT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATION'S EFFORTS TO SECURE FUNDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PEDESTRIAN ORIENTED TRANSIT PLAZA TO BE LOCATED ON SOUTHWEST FIFTEENTH AVENUE, BETWEEN SOUTHWEST EIGHTH STREET AND SOUTHWEST NINTH STREET IN THE LITTLE HAVANA NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, LINKING THE TOWER THEATER AND DOMINO PARK. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 26 June 9, 1994 4� 2.21 ACCEPT GRANT ($7,200) FROM METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY (UNDER ITS TOURIST DEVELOPMENT ROOM TAX PLAN) -- TO BE USED BY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION TO HOST 12TH ANNUAL YOUTH BASEBALL WORLD SERIES AT BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM (JULY 28 - AUGUST 3, 1994) -- EXECUTE NECESSARY DOCUMENT(S). RESOLUTION NO. 94-387 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, ACCEPTING A GRANT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,200, FROM METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY UNDER ITS TOURIST DEVELOPMENT ROOM TAX PLAN TO BE USED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION TO HOST THE TWELFTH ANNUAL YOUTH BASEBALL WORLD SERIES AT THE BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM, JULY 28TH THROUGH AUGUST 3RD, 1994; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENT(S), IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, FOR SAID PURPOSE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.22 NEGOTIATE / EXECUTE REVOCABLE PERMIT WITH OVERTOWN PARKWEST CLEANERS, INC. -- FOR USE OF SPACES 104 AND 108 IN THE OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER (1490 N.W. 3 AVENUE). RESOLUTION NO.94-388 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A REVOCABLE PERMIT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH OVERTOWN PARKWEST CLEANERS, INC., FOR THE USE OF SPACES 104 AND 108 IN THE OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER, LOCATED AT 1490 NORTHWEST 3RD AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, WITH NEGOTIATED TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET FORTH IN THE REVOCABLE PERMIT AND DESCRIBED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 27 June 9, 1994 W -------------------------------- ----- --------------------------------------------- 3. CITY COMMISSION EXPRESSES ITS FULL SUPPORT OF METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY'S EMPOWERMENT ZONE STRATEGIC PLAN. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Burke, do you want to speak now? You were going to be at 9:30. You're right on time on the Empowerment Zone. That's item number 39 in the agenda. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Let the record reflect that out of respect for an elected official, we're taking him out of order, and when I go to the School Board, they tell me to sit down, "We do not take anybody out of order." Go right ahead, sir, my brother. Mayor Clark: Well, that shows that we have decorum here. County Commissioner James Burke: Here, here. Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission. On the day before yesterday, we, the County Commission, passed out a strategic plan, and also a number of resolutions on the Empowerment Zone, which we think really strengthens our application. Among the things that we did was to tie in the seaport and the airport with commitments to give jobs and businesses preference in... that are in the zone, and also to give preference in jobs, preference in a number of kinds of businesses that will result from the Empowerment process. We also made a commitment from the County of one hundred million dollars, to match the one hundred million dollars that will come from the Empowerment Zone. There were some other commitments that were made, so that the overall budget for the Empowerment Zone process is three hundred and ninety-five million dollars that will be used. To be frank, some of those monies will be monies that have already been planned, but were not planned in accordance with any overall coordinated kind of plan. And I think the School Board made some commitments that they would... Really, it's a way of working together. But within the zone itself, we plan to spend that three hundred and ninety-five million dollars. But we also did some other things. The County made a commitment to spend six million dollars in areas that are not in the zone, but are around the zone. And these are areas of Liberty City, Little Haiti, Goulds, Edison, and Opa Locka. In order to make sure that this is done in accordance with the plan, we created an Empowerment Zone Trust, and that trust consists of about thirty-four members, the great number of which would be from residents in the zone selected by people in the - well, not even just the zone - but selected by people in the communities that participated in this process. That included not only those areas in the City, but also, again, Edison, Little River, Liberty City, Little Haiti, and Opa Locka, and Goulds, that were not, themselves in the zone, that would be a part of this overall process. We have document`s which we will present to you, and I think we finalized and make sure all the resolutions that we passed will be presented to you. But in essence, we are committed to a plan that affects a lot more than the boundaries of the zone, but is, in fact, a way to connect our international trade and commerce economy that's growing, so that everybody will be a part of it. Mayor Clark: Put in, also, Little Havana is included in that zone. Commissioner Burke: I'm sorry. Well, Little - East Little Havana is a part of the zone itself. Mayor Clark: How about Wynwood? Commissioner Burke: Wynwood is a part of the zone. However, there's a part of Wynwood, I think, what we call Edgewater, that is a part of what we call, I guess, a secondary zone that is a part of the process. But Wynwood was a part of the zone. 28 .June 9, 1994 - Mayor Clark: Very good. Are there any questions? Commissioner Burke: Yes, sir, Commissioner. Mayor Clark: Commissioner Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You said a hundred million dollars added to the plan; is that correct? Commissioner Burke: Yes. The County is... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Did you identify the hundred million and earmark it, and place it in a fund, not to be touched for anything else but the zone? Commissioner Burke: No, we did not do it but... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. When do you plan to do that? Commissioner Burke: What we did was to direct the Manager to come back with a specific plan. And the way we did that is we passed the ordinance on first reading that creates the trust. When it comes back to us on second reading, we will have the economic impact study which would include those areas. And we found out there are options. And there are options that were discussed during the process. It's just that it was thought to have - to give the Manager the leeway to find other options, but there are several ways that you can, you know, get the hundred million dollars. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Over in the County, when you establish a trust, what's the procedure for ensuring that the money remains in, quote/unquote, the trust for which you placed it in the trust? Commissioner Burke: I believe, again, our Manager, in concert with your Manager, and I think the Manager in Florida City and Homestead will sit and determine the best financial way to do that. But... Vice Mayor Dawkins: When your Manager comes back to you, as you directed him to, and your Manager has identified the source from which the funds will come... Commissioner Burke: Correct. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... then your Manager will have told you that there's a hundred million dollars available from these line items, or whatever. So now, we have a hundred million dollar fund earmarked for the Empowerment Zone. How do we, the citizens, lock this money up, so that at no time at all is the money used for anything other than the Empowerment Zone? That's all I'm asking. Commissioner Burke: I think the way to do that, because we asked the Manager to put it in his budget, and I think if he puts it in his budget, then we will indicate that that probably should be in his budget as a part of an Empowerment Trust Fund, and I think... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, you stick around until this afternoon, because I'm going to go through that with the Manager. In Accounting 101, there's such a thing as budget transfer. You just move money around when you get ready, from line item to line item. I'll go through it. But stick around. Me and the Manager will go through that this afternoon. The other thing I have to ask you is, you said it's six million dollars for other areas? 29 June 9, 1994 10 Commissioner Burke: Yes, we did. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is that six million one shot, or will that be six million over the total life of the Empowerment Zone, which is ten years? Commissioner Burke: Well, it's six million dollars at one time but almost all of the money is going to be spent during our... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. That's good. That's good. That's good. You got six million dollars one time. You have five areas. Six million divided by five gives you one point two. Now, you and I... What the hell can you do with one point two in either one of these areas? Commissioner Burke: Well, I'll tell you, I talked with the Mayor of Opa Locka, which was one of these areas, and they thought that it was very good that they can get a million dollars to be spent, and we asked them over a multiple basis. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So in other words, you bribed the Mayor of Opa Locka with a million - two, not to put up any argument against this, huh? Commissioner Burke: Oh, no, absolutely not. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Oh, OK. Then go ahead. Commissioner Burke: As a matter of fact, they were still discussing it. What they really wanted, and what I think they got was a seat on the trust, which is going to be the body that really monitors and implements this, and I think... So Opa Locka does have a seat on the Economic Zone Trust to make sure that not only that money, but also the other monies which can be used for more than just in the zone will help them. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. In the event that we do not get the Empowerment Zone, is there any way, Commissioner Burke, that these areas who you talked about, who we know need help, and we end up with an Enterprise Zone, will these other areas share equally in that Enterprise Zone, do you think? Commissioner Burke: What we decreed in terms of the money, that should we get an Enterprise Zone, we will still make the same monetary commitments, it would just be done pro rata. Instead of as a part of one hundred million, it would be a part of the money we would get from the Enterprise Zone. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But it would be spread out over... We would no longer be locked into, quote/unquote, the Empowerment Zone, we would be able to serve the County? Commissioner Burke: Well, we will still be locked, I think, to the Enterprise... If we get an Enterprise community, I think it would probably be the same boundaries. But a large part of this really has to do with things that the County can do that went beyond the zone. For example, in requiring that the seaport, give preference to businesses in the zone, we also put in a provision that says that... that even those persons who are not in the zone could participate in the benefits, if not specifically prohibited by, you know, by statutory law or either by the Empowerment Zone law itself, but that... So there are things that the County can do that goes beyond what even we can do, just following the Empowerment Zone law. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you. 30 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Burke: Thank you very much. Mayor Clark: What we have before us is a reso... Commissioner Plummer: I got a question, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Burke, as I look at this map which was provided me, showing the outline of the Empowerment Zone, with the exception of the two things which you, the County own, the seaport and the airport, it appears to me that a hundred percent of the remainder is in the City of Miami. Commissioner Burke: I think... I'd say seventy-three percent of the zone is in the City of Miami. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me? Commissioner Burke: Seventy-three percent. Commissioner Plummer: OK. And the other twenty-seven percent is the seaport and the airport. Unidentified Speaker: And Homestead Air Force Base. Commissioner Plummer: OK. My question is, how many people are going to be on this board or the trust? Commissioner Burke: There are thirty-four members of the trust. Commissioner Plummer: All right. How many of those people are going to be required to either work, or to live or be in that zone? And the reason I'm asking the question, automatically, I heard you say that the Mayor of Opa Locka is going to be on that board. And my dear friend, Bobby, is a great Mayor of Opa Locka, and I'm sure he does everything in his power to protect Opa Locka. But why would I want somebody in Opa Locka telling me what I should be doing with the property in the City of Miami? And my second question, sir, is, out of that thirty members, how many of those members will be from the City of Miami? Commissioner Burke: OK. The way that the formula is outlined, almost all of them are going to be from the affected areas; that is, the communities that are involved will elect their representatives. And once they elect their representatives... Commissioner Plummer: Well, excuse me. When you say "communities," you're speaking of a community as is Melrose? As is Allapattah? Is that what you're referring to as a community? Commissioner Burke: That's correct. Commissioner Plummer: OK. And I assume Homestead will be getting a portion of that. Commissioner Burke: Yeah, right. Homestead, Florida City also will get a portion of that. You may, on page... I guess the... Unidentified Speaker: No, they don't have that. Commissioner Burke: OK. But on the resolution, and in answer to your question, almost all of the people are going to come from the zone. As a matter of fact, we specifically made, I think, 31 June 9, 1994 W W Opa Locka and Miami Beach, only because they were the only other municipalities involved in the process that were not in the zone, so we allowed for each of them to have a representative. But the other representatives are all the people who are in the zone and it's really proportioned along the same way. I think you will find out most of the people are probably going to be from the City of Miami, and it really depends a lot on how the Empowerment communities, Liberty City, Model City, Wynwood, Overtown, Allapattah, and Little Havana... Commissioner Plummer: Have those people already been chosen? Commissioner Burke: No, sir, they have not been chosen. Commissioner Plummer: What influence will this Commission have over the choosing of those people? Commissioner Burke: What has happened in the past in this process is, we actually called the communities together and let the communities themselves choose the representatives that went into making up this plan. And so to that degree, we... Say that the twelve members that will represent the areas, I assume there will be two from each area will be selected by those representatives, along with the Mayor and the City Manager in Miami, who will come together as one vote. Commissioner Plummer: Our Mayor and Manager will be part of that trust? Commissioner Burke: That's correct. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mayor Clark: Is there anything further? All right, Mr. Gort. Commissioner Gort: I had the opportunity to participate, and I congratulate Burke for the job they did, the Commission. I think for the first time, this community has come together, and they understood that although directly, they would not be able to receive a benefit, they knew that the goal was to bring that in here. If we bring that in here, everybody will benefit. Our staff has been working very close with the Dade County staff. A lot of the... The geographical area that's been selected, you can see it for yourself. At the same time, the social services program that's been selected has been... The CDC, (Community Development Corporations), they're very active within the City of Miami, and they've done a lot of good work in here. So if you're ready, Mr. Mayor, I'm ready to make a motion. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Gort: I move to accept. Commissioner Plummer: Second. Mayor Clark: Call the roll, Madam Clerk. 32 June 9, 1994 W W The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-389 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT, OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION EXPRESSING ITS FULL SUPPORT OF THE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY EMPOWERMENT ZONE STRATEGIC PLAN, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Mayor Clark: That's according to the resolution that we have before us; is that right? Commissioner Plummer: Item 39. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yeah. Mayor Clark: The resolution we have, right? Mr. Jones: That's correct. Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir. COMMENTS MADE AFTER ROLL CALL: Commissioner Burke: OK. Mr. Mayor, let me just really take this time out to really thank you all for working together with the County. I think we've done something that really was needed in this community. Particularly, Commissioner Gort has been there from the beginning, and your Manager has been wonderful. But Nancy Balm really has done a job, and we promised her a big raise from the City. But I, also, along with Israel Milton, I just want to tell you that this has been a joyful enterprise, and I think, you know, Dade County and the City of Miami really are moving up on this, and I believe we're going to be successful. Commissioner Gort: Thank you, Commissioner. Mayor Clark: Thank you. You keeping Israel in shape? You better keep him in shape. Commissioner Burke: I was asked by the Manager to indicate the application will go here, by the 15th, it will be presented to the Governor, and the - I'm sorry, the 20th - and the Governor 33 June 9, 1994 has indicated himself that he wants to personally deliver it, so it is - it will will be a Statewide plan, because we're the only entity that's seeking it in the State, and he will personally deliver it, I think, to the White House, and to that zone, and that has to be done by the 30th. Mayor Clark: Very good. Commissioner Burke: Thank you. Mayor Clark: Thank you very much. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. APPOINT / REAPPOINT INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS ALTERNATE MEMBERS ON THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. (Appointed were: Rose Pujol and Annette Eisenberg.) Mayor Clark: Item number 2. Mr. Plummer and Mr. Dawkins, you have appointments. Commissioner Plummer: My appointment is Rose Pujol, P-U-J-O-L. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins? Vice Mayor Dawkins: My appointment is Annette Eisenberg. Mayor Clark: Annette Eisenberg. OK. Commissioner Gort: I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor, where are we at? Mayor Clark: That's all. There are only two appointments on that board. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Oh. Mayor Clark: All right. Motion and a second on those items, those two names. Please call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-390 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS ALTERNATE MEMBERS ON THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 34 June 9, 1994 M Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. BRIEF DISCUSSION CONCERNING RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR MEMBERS OF ALL CITY BOARDS / COMMITTEE /ATTORNEY(IES)/TRUSTS. (See label 7) Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Dr-:Yurre: Since we're talking about appointments, where do we stand as far as residency for these appointments? Because I'rn still up in the air. I have appointments to make, and I need some direction, and we need to make a decision, one way or another, as to what we're going to do. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. De Yurre, I was asked by the Mayor, the - hold on. This is the book that was formulated by the Clerk, who did one heck of a job. Under the conditions existing today, to try and decipher between the Clerk and the City Attorney, what this actually - action taken by this Commission - basically came out to say that we probably need an amendment for clarification. As you recall, the question was whether or not the terminology to be used was "work, live or own property." The problem came about in that, referring to owning property, which was in some way possibly going to be deciphered as owning commercial property. So as it stands today, it is my understanding, and I would be corrected by either the Clerk or the City Attorney, that the present is "own, live, or work in the City of Miami." Arid that... I'm sorry? Unidentified Speaker: Reside. Commissioner Plummer: "Own, reside or work in the City of Miami" is exactly where it is today. Now, they have gone, in any one that you wish to look into, this book contains the letters that were sent out to the people, that those who responded who are in compliance with that, or those who are not in compliance. So that's, I think, the answer. Unless there is a motion today to change it, the existing rule is they must own, reside or work within the City of Miami. As you know, there is a present provision which would allow a four -fifths vote for a waiver. I assume that the problem there is, once you give the first one, there will be no closing the gap. So I'm not trying to recommend. I will only speak for myself in this particular matter. I'm very comfortable with the that fact we have to live in the City to be a Commissioner, and I have no problem with people who are going to be working in this community for its betterment to likewise be the same, have that kind of a vested interest. It's up. to the Commission to decide, if, 35 .June -9, 19.94 in fact, they're comfortable with the present, or they wish to change it. I'll answer any questions you may or may not have, sir. Commissioner De Yurre: No. I just want to know if that is the, you know, the guidelines, so then I know what I have to do, and who I can appoint or can't. I just want to make sure that we're on the same wavelength. Mayor Clark: You can appoint anyone you want to, whether they live up to those guidelines or not, if you have four votes of this Commission. Commissioner Plummer: That's correct. Mayor Clark: They can live... I would suggest they live in Dade County, at least, but if you've got someone... you bring it back. I'm on your side, buddy, don't worry. Commissioner De Yurre: I got you. Mayor Clark: All right. Those two appointments have been made. Commissioner Plummer: All right. If that's the... All right. If that's the case, then, Mr. Mayor, I have no problem with the first appointment that I just made. Now, we're going to go to DDA (Downtown Development Authority), and there will be no problem there. The problem I do have is on the Sports Authority. And predicated on that, I do have four members of the Sports Authority who are not in this compliance, and I don't think... No, none of 'the four are my appointments. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Point of order. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Commissioner Plummer is out of order. The issue is item 3, and we should discuss item 3 and move on to wherever else we're going, follow... Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. Commissioner Plummer was asked a question, and he was responding. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no, no. You proceeded to tell me about your appointments to another board, Commissioner. Commissioner Plummer: No, sir, my... I'm saying that there is a problem existing with the Sports Authority. Mayor Clark: OK. We'll get that when we get to it. Commissioner Plummer: Now, you want to take that up later, or when, I don't care. I'm just trying to answer a question. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN 36 ..: - .June ,% 1994 6. (A) APPOINT TIMOTHY PRUNKA AND ROBERT H. ZOELLER TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. (B) APPOINT INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. (Appointed were: Thomas R. Post, Esq., Jeffrey Bercow, Esq., J. Megan Kelly, Carol Ann Taylor, Tony Alonso, Anthony Jackson, S. Lawrence Kahn 1I1, Lourdes (Luli) Landis, Sergio Rok & Miriam Lopez.) (See label 8) Mayor Clark: Item number 3. Mr. Plummer, you have two, two appointments? Commissioner Plummer: My appointments, Mr. Mayor, are Mr. Tom Post... Oh, wait a minute. You want to speak first? Mr. Johnny Winton: Yes, I do, please. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, that's with your permission. Mayor Clark: Let him speak. Mr. Winton: Good morning, Mr. Mayor and Commissioners. My name is Johnny Winton. I'm with Winco Realty Partners, and I am the chairman of the ad hoc property owners' committee. f I'd like to take just three quick moments of your time. First of all, I would like all the people who have been involved in this process to please stand quickly, and thank them for all of their help and support in this process. Thank you. The second thing I would like to do is on Friday, each of you were delivered this memorandum, which has a list of names of people that we're supporting, and I would like to only read this memorandum in the public record, and then I'm done. And the memorandum is addressed to the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners from the Ad Hoc Committee of Downtown Property Owners and Representatives. And it says: "We had the pleasure of presenting our proposal for reorganizing the board of the Downtown Development Authority at your Commission meeting of May 5, 1994. Following your action on our proposal, you suggested we identify the names of qualified individuals who could serve on the board. The Committee followed that directive and sent a notice and a ballot for nominating board members to all property owners within the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) District. The property owners were asked to submit the names of nominees to serve on the board, and were invited to a town meeting that was scheduled Tuesday evening, June 1, 1994, to vote on twelve candidates. Attached as Schedule B is a list of forty-one nominees whose names were placed on the ballot, either as pre - nominees or nominated from the floor. The town hall voting process allowed attendees to vote for up to twelve individual board nominees. Attached as Schedule A is a list of the top sixteen vote recipients at the town hall meeting. The Ad Hoc Committee now respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commissioners appoint the twelve new DDA board members from among the attached list of the top sixteen vote recipients." We thank you very much for working with us. We've enjoyed it and we look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you for your time and your attention. Commissioner Plummer: Can I have another copy of that, please? 37 June 9, 1994 s Mr. Winton: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, I don't need a copy, because my appointee is not from the twelve. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Plummer: Well, excuse me. I asked for a copy, because my appointees are my appointees, but I am concerned about the two at large. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Oh, OK. Mayor Clark: All right. 1 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: The two at large are not on the table at this time. Commissioner Plummer: That is correct, sir. I Mayor Clark: You have two, two appointments, J.L. Commissioner Plummer: That's correct, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, would it be... Commissioner Plummer: But we'll vote on the at large. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Would it be appropriate, Mr. Mayor, since we said that with four -fifths vote, everybody would be appointed, would it be appropriate to take the appointees from the five of us, and if nobody objects to one of them, then let's pass them, and if anybody objects, then we come back and vote on it? Commissioner Plummer: You mean at large? Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, the regular. Mayor Clark: The regular. All right. Let us see what happens here. J.L., you got your appointments? Commissioner Plummer: My appointments, the regular appointments will be Mr. Tom Post and Mr. Jeff Bercow. Mayor Clark: Mr. Gort? Commissioner Gort: I have Kelly Meagan and Carole Ann Taylor. Mayor Clark: Who are they? Commissioner Gort: Kelly Meagan and Carole Ann Taylor. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Tony Alonso and Antonio Jackson, 38 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. De Yurre? Commissioner De Yurre: Larry Kahn and Luli Landis. Mayor Clark: My names are Sergio Rok and Miriam Lopez. Commissioner Gort: All right. Mayor Clark: Now we vote on the other two. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to suggest two individuals for the list that would like to participate. They've been active, and I want you to know for the last six months, I've been talking to the people and the property owners within the Omni and the Brickell area and the core downtown, and they're willing to get involved. They'll get involved, and they understand that they need to get involved. So at this time, I'd like to propose for at large, Tim Prunka. He's from the core, representing the First Union Building, and Bob Zoeller. Tim Prunka and Tom (sic) Zoeller. Prunka, am I correct? Unidentified Speaker: Correct. Commissioner Gort: And Tom Zoeller - Bob Zoeller, I'm sorry. See, I am changing your name, Bob. Commissioner De Yurre: And they're part... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait, hold it here. Wait now. I don't... Commissioner De Yurre: Are they part of the twelve? Commissioner Gort: Yes. Commissioner De Yurre: They're on the list of twelve. Commissioner Gort: These would be the two at large. Mayor Clark: Well, those two persons.... Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, at large. i Mayor Clark: Wait, wait a minute. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go ahead, I'm sorry. Go ahead. Mayor Clark: All right. Do you move it? Commissioner Gort: I'd like to propose those two individuals at large. Commissioner Plummer: Are we all going to propose names? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, we better. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, if you got somebody else; if not, they're in. 39 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: That's right. Commissioner Plummer: Well, I was going to propose Mr. Ralph Kapustin, who's very, very much involved in the downtown and the Dade Partnership, and he's very much interested, and I think that he's... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Philip Bloomfield, he's in downtown. Commissioner Plummer: Well, I mean, if we're going to proffer names. Mayor Clark: How about Skip Shephard? He's a great guy. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's right, that's another one. Commissioner Plummer: He can't serve on the boards. i Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, if I may, understanding that Commissioner Gort is heading the DDA... Mayor Clark: And he works with them every day. I think he should be... Commissioner De Yurre: ... and he's going to be working, and they're on the list, you know, my vote is going to go for his two people. So. Mayor Clark: You offered the two names? Let's do it like this, see if we got enough. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But, you see, no, don't say it like that, OK? Wait now, let's work together. Let's work together. OK? Just say that since Commissioner Gort works with them, we respect his right. Commissioner De Yurre: That's right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Don't say that your vote will go with him, because he needs four -fifths. So if J.L. Plummer and I vote against him, he doesn't have four -fifths. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, why would you need four -fifths... Vice Mayor Dawkins: So don't create a problem. Just say what you're going to say. Say that... Commissioner De Yurre: No, no, but listen. But why would you need four -fifths for this? It's a majority. You just go on the ballot, and you choose and whoever gets the most votes gets in. It's a ballot kind of thing. Mayor Clark: This isn't a four -fifths vote. This is... Commissioner De Yurre: Yeah, but it don't matter. Mayor Clark: All right. Call the roll on those two names. 40 June 9, 1994 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 94-391 A MOTION APPOINTING THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS AS AT -LARGE MEMBERS TO THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA) BOARD: TIMMOTHY PRUNKA (Commission at -large appointment) ROBERT ZOELLER (Commission at -large appointment) [Note: The essence of the herein motion was incorporated onto R-94-391.1] Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: Now, that's all finished. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Chair... Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Now... Now... Mayor Clark: Now we vote on... Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, may I say a little statement, as Chairman of the DDA? Mayor Clark: Surely. Commissioner Gort: Thank you, sir. First of all, I want to thank all of you for participating in this process, and I think that we all understand the importance of downtown, and I want to congratulate the newly elected people. But I'd like to continue this effort that we've done. For the first time, you've got the Core, the Brickell, and the Omni working together, and I think we all understand we've got some hard times ahead of us, and the neighborhoods understand the importance of downtown Miami. But downtown Miami also has realized how important it is for us to work with our neighborhood. So it will be a pleasure for me to work with all of you, and I'm sure that all of us are going to be involved in the process. Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Thank you. Now, let's vote on the five - the ten members that we all... Madam Clerk, call the roll on the ten members, the two, two, two, two, two. All right? The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: 41 June 9, 1994 NM RESOLUTION NO. 94-391.1 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by 'Commissioner Gott, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gott Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark Y p NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. (Continued) WAIVE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT (CONTAINED IN ORDINANCE 11130) IN ORDER TO PERMIT ELI FEINBERG, STEVE SUAREZ, JULIO GONZALEZ-REBULL AND BILL BAYER TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY BOARD. (See label 5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: Now, Mr. Mayor... Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: If I may, before I was so rudely interrupted. In reference to the Sports Authority, sir, I wish to call to your attention, predicated on your asking and remaining the policy as it is, there are presently four members that have been appointed who are not in j compliance. I bring to your attention the following names: Eli Feinberg, the gentleman sitting here in front of us; Mr. Steve Suarez. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Which one? Which one? Which one is Eli Feinberg? Commissioner Plummer: That ugly one in the second row. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. Mayor Clark: You're running second to him. Go ahead. I Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Steve Suarez, Mr. Julio Rebull, and Mr. Bill Bayer are not in compliance with the present... 42 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: I'm going to move at this time, Mr. Plummer, that all four members be certified by a four -fifths vote of this Commission. They're all good people, they've served, they got the background and the intuition, the knowledge. I make a motion of that nature right now, that we waive that four -fifths vote. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, I second the motion. I'd like to make a little statement. These individuals, like Eli Feinberg is one of the founding members of the Authority; Julio Gonzalez Rebull, are people that have been serving in the Authority for a long time. A lot of times, when we have done a lot of things we have grandfathered things in. I think these individuals, they have worked so hard for the City for so many years, should be grandfathered in, and any new appointment that replaces them, I think we should abide by the new rules. Mayor Clark: Roll call, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Clark, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-392 A RESOLUTION WAIVING THE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN SECTION 2-428 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, FOR JULIO GONZALEZ-REBULL, ELI FEINBERG, STEVE SUAREZ AND BILL BAYER WHO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY ("MSEA"). (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Vice Mayor Dawkins: Under discussion. I'm voting yes, but this gives the Mayor four appointees instead of three, but I vote yes. Commissioner Plummer: I've got to vote no. We sent a thing to the committee. All four of them are personal friends of mine, they're great people, and they'll serve with distinction. But if 43 . June 9, 1994 W 1-2 we go to a committee, I mean, there's no stopping it now. You're going to have to do it for every one of the others, and I just think we need to be fair and across the board. We chose a committee to go out and to do the study. They came back, we adopted their study, and now we're already going against it. I'd like to vote for these people, and they'll win, but I just want to make one vote for the committee that I thought did a good job. So I'll vote in the negative. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, hold it. Then I'm going to change my vote. Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry? Commissioner De Yurre: I'm going to change my vote then. I'm going to vote no. So that'll be the end of that. i Mayor Clark: What's the matter, Victor? Commissioner De Yurre: J.L. comes here and starts speaking about how great these people are. Now, all of a sudden, he turns around and votes no because he's the one vote that we can still pass everything, and he's going to vote no. Commissioner Plummer: Well, yeah, Victor. Commissioner De Yurre: Hey... Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. My problem, Mr. Mayor, is simple. You know, if you're going to change it, let's change the rule. Mayor Clark: We did right then. Commissioner Plummer: No, sir. You did it for just these four. And if you want to change it and go back to the original system, I'll vote yes. But if you're going to have a rule and you're going to put a rule in effect, then let's live by it. If you're not, then change the rule, and I'll vote for these four. They're all friends of mine. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Commissioner De Yurre: And then whatever we decide here goes into the whole residency issue of the City of Miami. Remember that. Commissioner Plummer: That's right. That's right. And that's what you're doing here. You're taking the first step to break the rule. Now, you want to change the rule, Mr. Mayor? I'll vote for it. Mayor Clark: I'll vote for it two. Commissioner Plummer: Hey, that's fine with me. Mayor Clark: And all that needs is a majority vote. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, if I may. Mayor Clark: Yeah, you... Go ahead, Willy. Commissioner Gort: I think we... The motion, and the reason I stated I supported these four individuals is because they've served, and they've been serving for many years, and they would like to continue to serve. 44 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Sure. Commissioner Gort: And that's the only exception. Any new appointees, I will go by the requirement. So what I'm saying is, these people have worked in the past... Mayor Clark: Ladies... Hold it, just a minute. Hold it, Willy, just a minute. Ladies, please, there are no signs allowed in this Commission room. Somebody is liable to get hurt with those things, so please leave your signs outside. Commissioner Gort: So it's not breaking the rules, so people that, you know... Commissioner Plummer: Hey, Willy, I couldn't care less. It's just the idea that you're going* to have one rule that's going to... Mayor Clark: All right. Are you still OK, Victor? Commissioner De Yurre: I'll go along with it, but, you know... Commissioner Plummer: Do what you want. Do what you want. Mayor Clark: I vote yes. Four affirmative votes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. (Continued) BRIEF DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE STATE OF FLORIDA CABINET AND METRO-DADE COUNTIES APPOINTEES TO THE DDA. (See label 6) A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: I'm listening. Mr. Jones: You also need to appoint... This is still on DDA. You still need to appoint the cabinet representative, and also the Metro -Dade representative. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, may I suggest to you - and I cannot speak for Willy - the one that always attended when I was Chairman was Gerald Lewis. And for whatever reason, I would say that he probably would be the best one to appoint there. And the one from the County Commission who always attended, to my great surprise and pleasure, was Arthur Teele. So I would proffer those two names, if they're in accord with Mr. Gort. I want to give Mr. Gort the history of when I was there. Commissioner Gort: Well, since I'm fairly new at this, don't we give the opportunity to the County and the State to do their selections? Mayor Clark: Let's do that. Hold up on that, Quinn. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN 45 June 9, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. DISCUSSION CONCERNING FUNERAL / MOTORCYCLE ESCORTS. Mayor Clark: Item 4. This is... Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Commissioner Plummer... Mayor Clark: What is this, J.L.? Commissioner Plummer: Well, this is not really my item. It's my item to hold up, because the funeral homes are concerned, Mr. Mayor. The problem is that the escorting of funerals... I assume this is all escorts outside of the City, whether it's funerals or otherwise. The funeral homes, needless to say, are very concerned, because the only ones providing funeral escorts today are the City of Miami, to my knowledge. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: There is one private company, which is not very active at the present time. They did a study, Mr. Mayor, and that study showed that forty-six percent of the escorts that they were doing in no way, shape, or form affects the City of Miami. And what they're asking to do is to go back to the old policy that said that to provide a funeral escort, it had to meet one of three criteria: It either had to touch at the funeral home, the church or the cemetery, had to be in the City of Miami. Now, I have to say to you that that's probably a fair scenario. The problem is, is that we are now... We used to run all those funeral escorts when we had thirty-three motorcycles. Today, we don't have but a third of those, if I'm correct. The problem existing is, is that what I would ask this Commission to do, is to make that policy effective the first of October. And the reason for that, Mr. Mayor, is that some people, some other cities have gone to a scenario, and the Manager and I have spoken about talking to the Fraternal Order of Police, about them starting a private company, not City -oriented, but a private company, to buy their own motorcycles and all of that, and they would provide the service to the funeral homes under whatever is required. So, Mr. Mayor, other than that, I would try to answer any questions that you might have, but that is the gist of the problem. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: When you say the private firm that is not functioning, which private firm are you referring to? Commissioner Plummer: Commissioner, there's a black firm. It's out of West Palm, I believe. Unidentified Speaker: No,1 think it's North Dade. Commissioner Plummer: North Dade? All right. The problem with that private firm, sir, is the fact that they are not empowered to actually, by legal standards, to go through, and break traffic lights and the other, as an officer, a police officer is empowered to do. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What is the procedure for empowering them to do that? Commissioner Plummer: Sir, I can't answer that. I don't know. 46 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Let me tell the fellow Commissioners the history of this, and why, all of a sudden, I'm a little disturbed by the action. During... Mr.Odio: Mr... Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no. I said I'll tell them. No, you listen. I'll tell them. During the incident after the MacArthur incident, the City of Miami Police refused to provide escort services for black funerals. Commissioner Plummer: Huh? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir. Oh, yes. Therefore... Commissioner Plummer: Sir, that's only with one firm. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... a firm started up, and they started providing police escorts for black funerals. Now, all of a sudden, they've been doing it since then, and now it's illegal. So, Mr. City Attorney, find me the methodology to legalize these people who've been doing this all these years, so that they can remain competitive and continue to earn a living. Commissioner Plummer: I agree with you, Commissioner, but I disagree with you. They do provide funerals for black funeral homes, and there is one black funeral home, and I will not mention him, who owes the City over twenty thousand dollars in back... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, name them so we can collect it. Commissioner Plummer: No, sir, I'm not going to do it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Just a minute. Commissioner Plummer: There is one black firm, that they refuse to ride for, because he owes over twenty thousand dollars in back fees that he never would pay. He said it was free. Sir, I join with you in asking the City Attorney to see if there is a legal way, because the same with the Fraternal Order of Police. It is not... Excuse me, let me clarify this, please. It is not my concern about the legality. That will either be yes or no. It is the legality that makes the liability yes or no, and there is the area of my concern; that if they don't have the authority to do such, that the liability, if an accident were to occur, could be humungus. If they have that... Vice Mayor Dawkins: But it also means that they can buy insurance which holds the City harmless. That's number one. Commissioner Plummer: The funeral home harmless. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I ain't got nothing to do with that. Hey, I'm worried about the City of Miami. You're the funeral director. That's your problem. Commissioner Plummer: It has nothing to do with the City. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But Mr. Manager, please get with the City Attorney and whoever... And I don't know why you guys don't want to call his name, because I'm going to find out from you after a while anyway. Commissioner Plummer: I'll be glad to tell you afterwards. 47 June 9, 1994 04 Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. And file a lawsuit on behalf of the City of Miami to collect what that individual owes, plus any legal fees we incur in collecting our money. Commissioner Plummer: I agree. Mayor Clark: All right. Fine. Let's move on. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. TONY CLEMENTE, DIRECTOR, MIAMI-DADE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY -- STATUS REPORT TO CITY COMMISSION CONCERNING WASA DEVELOPMENTS AND REPAIR WORKS. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, the next item is mine, which is item number 5. Mayor Clark: No, please, please, before we do that. Mr. Tony Clemente. Tony, where are you? Commissioner Plummer: He's here. Mayor Clark: He was scheduled at ten o'clock, our WASA director, Water and Sewer Authority. You're doing a great job on that line, Tony. Mr. Clemente: Thank you, sir. And that's because I think the... We've had a lot of cooperation from your staff, along with the citizens of the City of Miami, and... Mayor Clark: For the edification of all concerned, this is the sewer line that was in bad repair. It's being replaced by a new sewer line that is how many days ahead of schedule? Mr. Clemente: It's over a year ahead of schedule. Mayor Clark: Over a year ahead of schedule. How much under budget? Mr. Clemente: We estimate it's going to be approximately eight to nine million dollars under budget. Mayor Clark: Under budget. Always get chastised when they go over, but never congratulate you when you're under. Continue, Tony, please. Mr. Clemente: Thank you, sir. Chairman Teele asked me to come before the Miami City Commission and give you a status report concerning the commitment that we have made when the City granted to the County easements to construct this line. And very briefly... I see you have a full agenda today, so I'm going to be very short. We have a handwritten memorandum that outlines each commitment that the County made to the City and the status of those commitments. I'm very pleased, if I... I'll just go highlight some of these. Just a moment. Thank you. The various commitments was, first of all, we've had, is tried to minimize the impact of the Miami Arena. We had an extremely good relationship with them. We provided access during all events, not only to the arena by stopping work, but also all the parking facilities. We worked double shifts non -arena events, and as such, we've had a minimum impact. We've hired additional police to help facilitate, at our cost, traffic flow to the arena 48 June 9, 1994 while this construction was going on. We have, do have a full-time City of Miami staff person working at the department, helping facilitate review of various projects that affect the City of Miami. We committed to have penalties for crossing of all the main streets in the City of Miami. I'm pleased to inform you that no penalties were assessed because we completed the crossing of every major thoroughfare in the City of Miami in less than seven days. We have established a lifeline rate for water and sewer users, and we're also now developing, we have private consultant evaluating, trying to establish the economic hardship rate, to make sure that water and sewer is always affordable for all the citizens in Dade County. We committed to utilize a local bid preference in awarding those contracts. We did that. Not only that, we had... BBE (Black Business Enterprise) goals were set for these projects, and I'm pleased to inform you, not only were the goals met, but the goals were exceeded. Vice Mayor Dawkins: In those goals, for the "B" contractors, name me some of the contracts that were let. Mr. Clemente: Commissioner, I don't have that off the top of my head, but I will supply you... Vice Mayor Dawkins: No. I'll call you, Tony, I'll call you. Mr. Clemente: I'll give you a list of all the minority contractors that were used, sir. We committed to... Vice Mayor Dawkins: See, I'm interested in some laying pipe and some other, rather than just labor. Mr. Clemente: Right. Well, I'll tell you, generally speaking, two of our biggest pipe layers is Solo Construction and Urban Construction... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Mr. Clemente: ... in Dade County, and we use them quite a bit on other jobs. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Thank you. Mr. Clemente: We committed to construct an eight -inch force main. The design is complete for that. We hope to issue the bids in August, and that will be constructed very shortly to serve the City of Miami. The access road should be completed. We have the design approved now. We're about to prepare the bid specs for that. We did install the water meter which was requested, and we also have continued to test the existing line, and monitor that, and the director of Public Works has been a member of the standing committee to continue to review the status of that line. And that pretty well summarizes that. As of today, we are in full compliance with all the commitments we have made to the City of Miami. In addition, the City Manager has raised concerns about the impact to some of the neighborhoods. We have committed to restore those neighborhoods back to the condition they were, if not better. In doing that, we intend to... In some cases, we're going to repave driveways, we're going to provide repaving of the street, of the full width of the street where any work was done, and we're looking also to provide some additional landscaping in those areas, where it's desired by the neighborhood. Mayor Clark: Along the causeway, Tony, on the north side, all the trees will be replaced and everything else? Mr. Clemente: Yes, sir. That's a different contract, but all those trees that were removed, there's a new landscape plan that's been prepared, and that will be fully replanted on an equivalent amount of trees and vegetation along that causeway. 49 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: Nothing from me but congratulations, Tony. You've done a fantastic job in a short length of time. Mr. Clemente: Thank you, sir. Again, the other major project that affects the City of Miami, as far as new development, is on Flagler Street. We, again, are expediting that project. We hope to have that new sewer line for the portion that needs to be replaced, and for the portions restricting development. The new portion of the Flagler Street line should be completed by the end of the year, so that by the end of this year, we do not anticipate there should be any restrictions on development within the City of Miami, in that we have the plant capacity now, and we have the new bay line in place, and the Flagler Street line being completed. That's all I have, Mayor. If there's any questions, I'd be glad to answer. Mayor Clark: Yeah, question, Tony. Commissioner Gort: Tony, let me ask you a question. When you're talking about the Flagler Street, my understanding is, from reading the map, you're only going to come down Flagler Street to about 62nd or... And then you go into the 4th Street. Am I correct. Mr. Clemente: I'm sorry, that's correct. Commissioner Gort: In other words, the Flagler, the corridor of Flagler, the one that holds the traffic, that will be until the end of this year, or could be sooner than that? Mr. Clemente: Well, what we're doing... Commissioner Gort: Because I know you're doing that very fast in there. Mr. Clemente: We broke up Flagler Street. The entire Flagler Street line has to be replaced down to... I think it's about... around 37th Avenue, right near the Flagler Dog Track. The critical section was farther, farther west. So we broke the job up into four segments, and the two center segments are what we're fast -tracking, and that's where the weak link is in the line, as far as corrosion, and that's the portion of the line that needed to be replaced, as far as building permits. So we're fast -tracking that. That's what's going to be completed by the end of this year. The other two segments will take a little bit longer, but they're not key to new development in the City of Miami. Mayor Clark: Very good. Commissioner Gort: But they're not right on Flagler Street, they're just off Flagler. Mr. Clemente: No. As a matter of fact, what we did... Again, the existing line goes down Flagler Street. Commissioner Gort: Yeah. Mr. Clemente: Recognizing that, again, our goal is always try to minimize the impact to the community. To try to put in another line, a new line down Flagler Street, Flagler Street already has so many utilities in it, Flagler Street has already been rebuilt to some degree, as far as street construction, and because of the disruption to businesses that would occur if you try to put in a new line, we took an alternative route, so it's sort of parallel to Flagler. There is one small portion where it does come down Flagler Street. Commissioner Gort: The reason I want to congratulate you is because I think that's a great effort, keeping that off Flagler Street. It'11 be very important for us, and we appreciate that. So June 9, 1994 Mr. Clemente: Thank you. That's our intent, and, again, as any additional projects come up that affect the City of Miami, we've been working with your Manager, we've been meeting with homeowner groups before the job, and then we establish a hot line to ensure that nobody is denied access to their property while we're doing work, that if dust becomes a problem, we get notified immediately, and then we're very committed to going back and restoring the area so that it looks better than it did before we got there. Commissioner Gort: Thank you, sir. Mr. Clemente: Thank you. Commissioner Plummer: Tony. Mr. Clemente: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: In that line, people at 15th Road are very grateful that they've done a great job, and the road is better than it was before. Mayor Clark: I'm glad they're grateful now, J.L., because they were not grateful three weeks ago. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, I understand. You know, that's the way it works. But they are concerned about a big, red humungus crane that appears to be broken on the corner of 15th Road and 1st Avenue that's been sitting there for two months. Mayor Clark: They're trying to break it down and take it apart. Commissioner Plummer: It's not part of the landscape. Mr. Clemente: OK. That's not part of our art in public places program. Commissioner Plummer: It's part of your group that dug the hole in the ground. Mr. Clemente: No, I understand. As a matter of fact, I've seen the crane, and I'll get a status report on how soon that's going to be out of there. Mayor Clark: That's a massive crane. It could pick this building up, I think. Anything else? Thank you, Tony. Congratulations. Mr. Clemente: Thank you, sir. Mayor Clark: Keep up your... Mr. Clemente: Again, we really appreciate the support we've gotten from the Commission and the staff. Mayor Clark: We appreciate your great work you've done on this system here. Keep us out of a jack pot. END Or DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN 51 June 9, 1994 NKRMM Uij -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. DISCUSSION CONCERNING: (a) NEEDED REMOVAL OF SIGN AT 1240 N.W. 59 STREET; (b) NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD; (c) PREVALENT CRIME AND DRUG PROBLEMS -- REQUEST ADMINISTRATION TO REPORT EVERY MONDAY AS TO POLICE AND BUILDING OWNER'S STEPS TAKEN IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXISTING CRIME SITUATION -- ADMINISTRATION TO BRING ISSUE BACK IN 90 DAYS FOR COMMISSION CONSIDERATION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: All right. Number 5. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, this has been before this Commission before. Is Mr. Arturo here? Arturo? Mr. Mayor, if what is said to me is true, we've got a major problem. He has a major problem. Arturo has an apartment house at this given location. This gentleman has explained to me, as he did before, and he has asked the police department, he has cooperated with the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), he has put up a fence around his apartment house, he has allowed them to use it for surveillance, and yet, when a drug dealer is chased off of the street by the Police Department, they run him behind the fence that he has put there, written a notice of violation, and now, he's in front of the Nuisance Abatement Board. This gentleman, to the best of my knowledge, unless somebody will correct me, has done everything humanly possible to be a good landlord. He has offered the place to the City for surveillance. He's offered it, and it has been used by DEA. He has put the fence, as required. Yet, when he asks for help, the only help he gets is from the Nuisance Abatement Board citing him. Now, unless somebody can dispute that these statements are not correct, then something is radically wrong. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Mr. Plummer... Commissioner Plummer: Sir. Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, please, if I may. My concern here is that we do have a Nuisance Abatement Board, that they do hear cases, and they have been very fair. And if we're going to start bringing here appeals from the Nuisance Abatement Board - I'm not referring to this, in particular, but philosophically - what do we need the board for? Commissioner Plummer: Well, I'll tell you what. Mr. Odio: He was found guilt... Commissioner Plummer: Then maybe the thrust of what the board is doing - not in this particular... Mr. Odio: This whole case was heard, and then he was found guilty. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. He was found guilty of what, sir? I asked... Mr. Odio: You want me to put it on the record? I'll read it. Commissioner Plummer: I asked for the... Mayor Clark: Wait a minute. Let's hear the record, J.L. 52 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: OK, fine. Go ahead. Mr. Odio: Defendant was sitting on the second floor balcony when codefendant approached. Defendant stated, "I got weed." Codefendant tossed the defendant money from the ground floor. Defendant opened a brown paper sack and tossed down one plastic bag of marijuana. Codefendant then was stopped by Officer Couseillant from narcotics. He recovered... Officer Smith stopped... You have a problem with that? Mr. Aristides Martinez: No, not me. He's asking me if it's me. I'm saying no. Mr. Odio: No, not you, but it's your building. Officer Smith stopped defendant. Officer Knowles recovered the brown paper sack from defendant, red shirt... pouch from his red shirt pouch pocket, and a brown paper sack contained eight clear plastic bags marked "Judah," and eight manila envelopes marked "Judah," containing marijuana. Defendant had twenty-five dollars in U.S. currency. And this was brought... And this is not the first time. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, Mr. Manager, I will now ask Mr. Martinez to tell you, sir, what he has told me, what he was told when he calls the Miami Police Department, asked for help, asked them to come into his apartment complex, and to take care of that matter. Mr. Martinez, would you tell this Commission exactly what you told me when you asked for help, what is the response you get? Mr. Odio: Again, Commissioner, if I may, please, my problem is, in this whole thing, is if we're going to hear every case the Nuisance Abatement Board hears, we're setting a precedent here. Commissioner Plummer: We're not setting a precedent, Mr. Manager, if what is happening is wrong. Now, what I'm saying to you, when a man who has alleged to me that he has done everything he can do within his power to try to clean that mess up, and he asks for help, and they turn their back on him, we need to make some major changes, whether it's the Nuisance Abatement Board, the Miami Police Department. I'm saying to you, if this man didn't do a damn thing, he didn't put up a fence, he didn't offer his place for the surveillance of the cameras, or he didn't do anything, then I'd say to you, burn him. Burn him! Mayor Clark: All right. Please, Mr. Dawkins, you have the floor. Vice Mayor Dawkins: As J.L. said, this gentleman has been before us numerous times. This gentleman has a log where he has personally called the Police Department and reported drug activities in the building. This gentleman has worked diligently to try to solve the problem. The Police Department has worked as hard as they could to resolve the problem. The police arrest individuals, and sometimes in as much as twelve minutes from the time they book them, they're back on the streets, these same individuals, back to this same building. Now, what they're not saying to this Commission is, this is a major problem, and it has been occurring, and it's going to continue to occur. If I were Mr. Martinez, the City of Miami would have a serious problem. I would give you the building. If I gave you the building, you would have to, as the City of Miami, assume the responsibility. And as the City of Miami, you resume the ability (sic) for the replacement of the individuals in the building. As the City of Miami, you would have to place the people in a setting equal to or better than that that they are in, and pay the rent. But we aren't thinking about that. All we're thinking about, in my opinion, is everybody looking good, and Mr. Martinez looking like a devil. Now, somewhere along the lines, fellow Commissioners and Nuisance Abatement Board... No, they're not my favorite, at all. OK? They know that. Nuisance Abatement Board does not attempt to solve problems, in my opinion. Nuisance Abatement Board creates problems, in my opinion. OK? But somewhere, the Nuisance Abatement Board, the City of Miami, the Housing, the DEA, the State of Florida, all of us must 53 June 9, 1994 come together, because if you do not erase this drug problem in this one building, then 59th, 60th and 61st Street will still remain a drug haven and what have you. Now, I don't know... And I'm going to leave it to the Manager, that's what we pay him for, and I don't care... And please, Mr. Manager, don't tell me that anybody who wants to be heard here, that I can't bring them here because they went before the Nuisance Abatement Board, because anybody who feels that they have been wronged by the Nuisance Abatement Board, I am willing to hear them. Mr. Odio: Well, the problem is, Mr. Commissioner, when you created the Nuisance Abatement Board, you said that all appeals would go to circuit court. And therefore, you cannot, unless you change that, that's the way it is. That's the way the ordinance was passed. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Can I abolish the Nuisance Abatement Board? Mr. Odio: You can do whatever you want, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK now. I have no problem with that. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, it's not just so much a matter of us circumventing the Nuisance Abatement Board. I believe that any individual has a right to come here and speak their mind. There is no question about that. Then again, we're not here to tell the Nuisance Abatement Board what to do. There is a procedure that exists, and as long as that procedure exists, it has to be followed. However, that does not take away from the fact that what his problem is, is something that needs to be addressed. Commissioner Plummer: That's... Commissioner De Yurre: And that is why he is here. That's why J.L. brought it before this Commission. That's why we're discussing it. And certainly, when you hear what he's saying, when you hear what J.L. is saying, something is wrong somewhere, and that's what we need to address. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Commissioner Gort. Commissioner Gort: I'm fairly new at this game, but the feedback that I received from a lot of the neighborhoods on the Nuisance Abatement Board, they've done a great job in there. And I sat down with Mr. Martinez, and he talked to me, and I think it's unfair to hear something here, if we don't hear both sides. I think in every argument, there's two sides to each one of them. So I think if we're going to have Mr. Martinez in here, and appealing this, I think we should hear from the other side also, because I don't like to hear one side of the argument. I like to hear both sides of the argument. Commissioner Plummer: Well, we've not heard from him. We've not heard from Mr. Martinez. Mr. Martinez: My name is Aristides Martinez, for the record, and I am not here to appeal a decision by the Nuisance Abatement Board. I am here to ask this Commission for help, because... And "help" translates in more of a police presence in that area. OK. I am here because as a taxpayer and somebody that has or is responsible for approximately a ten million dollar investment in Liberty City, and we pay eighty-five thousand dollars of taxes every year, we do not get the police presence in there that we need to get, due to, based on the number of arrests, and killings, and drug pushings that happen around that area. And the people that live there are also citizens of Miami, and they are entitled to receive the same police protection that is evident in other areas of the City of Miami. In addition to that, all of the... So all of the cases 54 June 9, 1994 that the Nuisance Abatement Board, in this particular building that they're addressing to, none of the people are residents of my building. But, you see, they mill in the parking lot, or they are outside. Sometimes they run into the building, or they might be in the second floor of the building. You know, I would have to have twenty-four hour police presence in there to preclude nonresidents from coming into the building. I cannot lock the gates, because the Fire Department requires that at least one gate be always open on the perimeter of the site. So access to the building by undesirables is something very difficult to do, unless you have a police presence of twenty-four hours a day. The project does not produce the money to provide for a twenty-four hour police protection, which, if we only had one pair of policemen, it would be three hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars a year. OK? This project cannot support that. So I am here, like I was here in January of 1993. The solution is on a two... on an effort on both sides. It's an effort on the part of the owners, and as Mr. Plummer said, you know, I am certain that, you know, there are other things that we can do, and I am... I'm willing to do them, with the recommendation of the Nuisance Abatement Board or with the recommendation of whomever that has a good idea that we can implement. But presently, we do background tests on all of our tenants, criminal background tests on all of our tenants. We also have a... have provided units for DEA, ATF (Alcohol, Firearms, and Tobacco), the City of Miami Police, to do sting operations within the apartments. We call the Police Department whenever we have a situation that is apparent to us that we see from the office. Now, these are eleven buildings, so we have an office in one of the buildings. We don't have a constant presence in all of the buildings, and some tenants, frankly, are afraid to call the police, because most of the times, unless they can give an anonymous tip, they have to leave their name or where they live, and they live in a constant... I mean in a total terror, to live in that area. So I am here to ask on behalf of the three hundred and seventy-five children that live in my projects, you know, and the families, and the mothers, and all that, that live there, please, give me some meaningful police, uniform police presence in those streets, 59th, 60th, 61st Street, not for my project, but for all of the projects that are in that area. I am not here appealing a decision of the Nuisance Abatement Board. Commissioner Gort: OK. Good. Thank you, sir. Major Gwen Boyd: Good morning. I'm Major Gwen Boyd, the commander of the North District Sub -Station. I just want to say that the citizens who reside at 1240 Northwest 59 Street are fed up with the constant drug transactions that are occurring. Mr... Commissioner Plummer: Are they the residents of that area, or they are residents of somewhere else? Major Boyd: They live at 1240 Northwest 59 Street. Mr. Martinez' property went before the Nuisance Abatement Board as a result of the collaborative effort of the Neighborhood Resource Officers, the NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) Administrator, the street narcotics unit, the POPS (Push Out Pushers) unit, ATF, and the citizens who were constantly calling the Police Department complaining about the amount of drug transactions occurring on their property. As of last Saturday, the street narcotics unit, Lieutenant Darling's crew conducted a sting operation, and during the process, they were shot at. We're not saying that Mr. Martinez is not doing something. We're saying that the Police Department is out there on a regular basis, on a daily basis, doing stings, via the POPS unit, the street narcotics unit, or the impact teams, as well as the patrol officers, trying to effectuate arrests. However, we have more than one hot spot within the north district. We have at least about sixty to seventy-five. And what are we doing? Continually sending these specialized units to these particular areas, and the bad guys get out, they go right back out there and sell drugs again. What we want to do is make these landlords more accountable for their property. Mr. Martinez has been working with us, but what he is doing is not enough. The Police Department is very supportive of the Nuisance Abatement Board, because that is our vehicle for making sure that these landlords take accountability for this property. The citizens keep asking us, "Why can't you do more? Why can't you arrest these 55 June 9, 1994 people?" We arrest them, and they go right back out there and continue their same business. The only way we can do something about stopping it is to make those landlords assist us. And all we have asked Mr. Martinez to do... He has complied with some things, but we want him to do... The citizens call, but they are not about to go out there and confront the drug dealers on the property. We have asked him, the Nuisance Abatement Board has ordered him to assign a twenty-four hour on -site responsible person who would go out and challenge that person. Commissioner Plummer: A guard, that's a policeman. Major Boyd: They have erected the no -trespassing signs. When the Manager goes out there and sees someone, all he has to do is call the Police Department. If the person is there, then we can make the arrest. The Nuisance Abatement Board has also requested that he provide some type of management plan as to how he's going to manage his particular apartment complex. So far, based on what I have been told, he has not done that, saying that he cannot afford to do so. And another request has been to obtain a private security company or off -duty officers. I mean, we are not proposing to him to hire an officer, we are just asking him to make sure that he has someone on the property who would be accountable, who would call the police and let us know and we can go and remove the unauthorized person. Commissioner Plummer: Major, do you admit that he has a major problem... Major Boyd: Am I... Commissioner Plummer: ...with drugs in that particular area? Major Boyd: I am saying that he has a major problem, the Police Department has a major problem and there is only so much... Commissioner Plummer: Do you admit that the gentleman has asked time, and time, and time again for help from the Police Department, offering his premises to be used in any way, shape or form, using the Police Department to come in and question any and all of his tenants? Has that not been the case? Major Boyd: Mr. Plummer, this came up as a result of Mr. Martinez going before the Nuisance Abatement Board. Commissioner Plummer: That... You are not answering my question. Major Boyd: And when he offered the unit, then he went to some community meeting and advised the people that this is what was going to occur... Commissioner Plummer: That was last January. Major Boyd: ...and of course, that could not occur. So now he has offered an alternate unit for us to work with. Commissioner Plummer: He offered that last January when he was here before. You know, my problem, I guess, is very simple. And just for the record, I was the one who brought to this Commission - thought then, and still think now - the Nuisance Abatement Board is a very fine tool that we have within the City. It doesn't mean that sometimes boards that are the best in the world don't need some changing. That's why I brought this to the table. Now, as far as I am concerned, with the attitude that has been prevailing here today, Mr. Martinez, if you don't sell those damn buildings, and get out of the City of Miami, you are a fool, sir. Because I want to tell you something, obviously, you are not going to get any more help than what you've had in 56 June 9, 1994 the past, and you are going to continued to be cited, and I don't know what else to tell you. You know, here you are providing housing, which was something we've been trying to do. You tell me that you've done everything that you can. Commissioner De Yurre: Let me ask, J.L. Mr. Mayor, if I may? Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner De Yurre: Do any of these criminals, or alleged criminals, live in that property? Major Boyd: We have asked for a list of the residents living within that complex. Commissioner De Yurre: Well... Major Boyd: We've just received it. Mr. Pierre Rutledge: Pierre Rutledge, coordinator of the City's Nuisance Abatement Board. What happens is that this is a property for unwed mothers. And what happens, a lot of the guys who are arrested are boyfriends, brothers, etc. of the women who live in the apartments. When the arrest is effectuated, they are asked, "where do you live?" "I live here, in apartment 11," is the answer. So that's what goes on the "A" (arrest) form. What you had, you had tenants, women, who came and said, "Well, yeah, he was my ex -boyfriend, but we broke up." And they were being arrested on the property. So there is some connection. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Now, are they being arrested on the property because they are doing their activity on the property, or that they end up in the property after they go around the neighborhood selling? Mr. Rutledge: There are two scenarios. One, they are arrested on the property. Mayor Clark: It sounds like the Jack Boys. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, I know they are been arrested on the property. I'm saying, are they committing the crime on the property, or are they around the neighborhood, and then they come back to the property? Mr. Rutledge: Both scenarios. Commissioner De Yurre: Because you know, the problem that I face... Mr. Rutledge: Both scenarios. For example, if we come in... if the Police come in and someone is on the sidewalk... Commissioner De Yurre: Yeah. Mr. Rutledge: ...and they are dealing from within the property... Commissioner De Yurre: Uh-huh. Mr. Rutledge: ...and they go inside and there are stashes hidden on the property... Commissioner De Yurre: Uh-huh. 57 June 9, 1994 Mr. Rutledge: ...and they go in to make the transaction there, and an arrest is made where they are standing on the sidewalk, but the arrest is made on the property. OK. That is the point of. initiation... Commissioner Plummer: That's where the fallacy comes in. Mr. Rutledge: ...of all the transactions. And what happens, what you will find, the tenants came down here and basically said it was out of control. Commissioner De Yurre: Well... You know, the problem that I see with this is that here we have a situation wherein, you have individuals, such as this gentleman here that owns property. He's going to the Police for aid. Now, the Police is saying, "Listen, we arrest these people." Which you are, you are doing your job arresting people. But, yet, they keep committing the crime. Now, they keep committing the crime because they are arrested, and they go right back out again. Commissioner Plummer: That's true. Commissioner De Yurre: And they know that it's a revolving door, and they know that they are going to spend... Tonight I'm sleeping in jail, but tomorrow I am going to be here at 9 o'clock again, so I'll see you tomorrow, and bring the cash because I'll have the stuff for you. And that goes on. Now, the system is the one that is failing. And he's a victim, you know, you are looking at a man that is a victim of the system because if these guys are in prison, and they are done away with the first time they are arrested, he has a clean building. He is going to have a super clean building. Now, you are saying for him to have a 24 hour security guard kind of thing. There is no way in hell you are going to find any security guard that is going to put his life on - they'll work at the bank, and bring coffee, you know, to the tellers, and hang out, and bring sandwiches, and stuff like that - they are not going to put their lives on the line for five or six bucks an hour. You are crazy to expect that. So, you know, what you are asking of him is... he's the victim, the system is failing him, it's failing you, it's failing me, it's failing all of us. So, I think that we need to look at this from a different angle and not put so much burden on him because it just cannot work that way. Mr. Rutledge: Commissioner, if I can... Vice Mayor Dawkins: And I have to agree. I'd like to ask one question though. Mr. Rutledge: Sure. Mayor Clark: Go ahead, Miller. Vice Mayor Dawkins. And I want to make a statement, and then ask a question. For those of you who do not know, Mr. Martinez was coming to us with this problem before the Nuisance Abatement Board. Commissioner Plummer: That's right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So he didn't come to us for help after the Nuisance Abatement Board got on him. Now, check the records, and you will find that he was here long before the Nuisance Abatement Board. And I'd like to say... piggyback on what Commissioner De Yurre said, you just told me that individuals in that building shot at a uniformed policeman. OK. And now you are going to ask that they hire somebody... Commissioner Plummer: That's not what they said. 58 June -9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...to manage the building, and run out there, and they stop them. I said that's ridiculous. Who is going to put their lives at stake, when a policeman has been shot at, and you are going to hire me, like you said, for $6.00 an hour to get shot at. It won't work. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, that's not what I heard, and I would like that clarified. I understood... Mr. Rutledge: The clarification is under... Commissioner Plummer: ...during a sting -operation... Mr. Rutledge: Correct. Commissioner Plummer: ...a policeman was shot at. Not necessarily from that house, or by a resident of that house. That happens in a lot of cases. Last night it happened in Coconut Grove a lot. You know, I wonder last night as I came to the City Commission last night, and I watched drug dealing go down in the corner of Mary and Oak, if they are going to get that place of business and close it up because they are dealing on those peoples property? It's interesting to know. And last night, as they were all doing their thing, they were still dealing on the corner of Mary and Oak on a bicycle. I... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, J.L., let me tell you... Mayor Clark: All right... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Just one. I'm closing this if you'd allow me, Mr. Mayor. I have a drug flea market which operates on 59th, 60th, and 61st Street, from 12th Avenue to 17th Avenue. It is a drug flea market, you can purchase anything you want, and you will get shot at anywhere between 12th Avenue and 17th Avenue, on 60th Street, 59th, and 61st Street. So, when you tell me that they were shot at in that vicinity, I'll accept that, and tell you that you are dead right, and some more will be shot at tonight or tomorrow night. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, may I close? Mayor Clark: Let Mr. Martinez say something. Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry. Mr. Martinez: May I? Excuse me. I just wanted, for the record, to say to the Mayor, that the Management Plan, and Mr. Rutledge knows, was submitted to the board, and it was approved. I also want to say to the Mayor, for the record... Commissioner Plummer: How long ago? Mr. Martinez: On the last meeting of the Nuisance Abatement Board, we were requested to have it, and we produced it on the 1240 Building. Commissioner Plummer: Is that true, Mr. Rutledge? Mr. Rutledge: Hum -hum. Commissioner Plummer: Well, then why did the Major say that it wasn't, that they are still asking for it? 59 June 9, 1994 Mr. Martinez: I don't know. Mr. Rutledge: Maybe that was An error. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, OK. Mr. Rutledge: We do have that, but there is some parts of the order which haven't been adhered with. If he adheres... Commissioner Plummer: He is in compliance with the request. Mr. Martinez: OK. I'm sorry, may I finish? Mr. Rutledge: The request for the Management Plan, yes, but there are some other things... There are some other things that we've asked for in the Management Plan that are not there, it's incomplete. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Rutledge: All right, so... Yes, something has been presented, but it's not complete. And I don't want to sound on the defensive, but I have to put this on the record, the Nuisance Abatement Board, and Commissioner Plummer, you are an active member of the Florida Leagues of Cities, has been rated number one in the Southeast region, as far as Nuisance Abatement Boards nationwide. What we were created to do was handle a problem that I think had really gotten out of control. You arrest them, they go to jail, they come right back out, it's a revolving door syndrome. And you had land owners saying, "Well, what do you want me to do?" What we set out to do is to have responsible land ownership. And what has happened, as a result of our actions, Mr. Martinez is working with the police, he's getting the attention that he should get, but the problem is still existing, but they are not existing to the level that they were existing before. If we would have never addressed it, I can imagine it would be out of control. In defense of some of those properties on that street, there are some clean properties, on that street. Mr. Martinez owns some clean properties in that area, but there are others that are not clean properties. We want to address them because what happens is the citizens cry out for it, the tenants cry out for it, we need help. And it would be a disservice to the citizenry of the City of Miami if we did not address it. And Mr. Martinez has been the only one to come before this Commission to complain about it. Most of the land owners say, "You got me, you are telling the truth, I've been looking for this relief to help me work this problem out for five or ten years." This is a single case, and I think this should be no reflection of the good job that the Board is doing. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Rutledge, you are never so good that you can't be better. Mr. Martinez: May I? Commissioner Plummer: I would like to close. Mayor Clark: Let me Mr. Martinez say something. Mr. Martinez: OK. Thank you, Mayor. Basically, I wanted to correct for the record that the Management Plan was presented, and in spite of what Mr. Rutledge says, it was approved by the Board on the 1240 Building. OK? So, as far as I am concerned, I don't have anything additional to do on the 1240 N.W. 59th Street Building pursuant to the Nuisance Abatement Board other than appear there once a month for the next six months, on that building, to give them a status 60 June 9, 1994 report. Also, I was never requested to have... I was... I cannot provide a person that will reside in that building, that will confront those drug dealers, OK. I just cannot provide, find, that individual. And the tenants that are in there, the only thing that we did on the 1240 Building is, we identified one person that will be on call 24 hours a day. I just wanted to correct the record on that issue. Thank you, that's all. Thank you very much. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Lock it up, J.L. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would request the Administration be charged with the responsibility, on a weekly basis, that every Monday morning, every Commissioner sitting here, receives a report of what the police has done for this given locale, and what the owner of the building has done. So that we, the Commission, can make a rational judgement in the end of 90 days bring this matter back before the City Commission, and we will then have some kind of an experience of what has been going on, and this Commission then will take action if necessary whether that's in a form of a motion, if it's necessary, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask... Mayor Clark: No, it's just... Mr. Manager, you can respond to that request. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And I'd just like to say in closing, Mr. Rutledge, the Nuisance Abatement Board is only as good as it is because this City Commission allowed you and others to go around the country and look at other Nuisance Boards as you organized this one. And that's why you picked up on all of the mistakes that the others made, and you eliminated them and made yours the best in the nation. But it wasn't because you went out from scratch and came up with the best thing since high button shoes. Mayor Clark: All right. Thank you, folks, for being here. Thank you, Mr. Martinez. Mrs. Matty Hirai: Mr. Mayor, do we call the roll on... Is it directive? It's directive. Commissioner Plummer: He said he didn't need it. Ms. Hirai: Fine, thank you. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. (A) DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE SALE OF CITY ASSETS. (B) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR SALE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number six. Miller, this is your item. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I would like to either move number 6 to be heard with item 35, or hear item 35 with number six. Whatever pleases the... Commissioner Plummer: What's 35? Mayor Clark: What is 35? 61 June 9, 1994 Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Thirty-five was withdrawn. Mayor Clark: Was it what? Mr. Odio: Thirty-five has been withdrawn. Commissioner Plummer: Oh. OK. Yeah. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I'll discuss 35 on the 6th. Mr. Odio: I mean, we withdrew that item. It's not going to be... Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's all right. Commissioner Gort: Thirty-five will be... Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. I'll take six and discuss 35. I don't have no problem. Mayor Clark: What is it? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor and fellow Commissioners, we are constantly selling City of Miami properties. In fact, the item that was pulled from the agenda, was to sell a piece of property for $6 million, which I'm glad it was pulled. And I did not see an appraisal of the value of the property. I did not know what the date of those appraisals were. Nor did I see - and this goes for all of the properties being sold by the City of Miami - I have yet to see concerning item 36... Mayor Clark: Thirty-five. Commissioner Plummer: Thirty-five. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...thirty-five, where the County Manager went before the City... the County Commission and asked them to pass a resolution allowing him to purchase a piece of land from the City of Miami for $6,000,000. I have not seen that. I have not seen where the hospital trust... Commissioner Plummer: Oh, yeah. Vice Mayor Dawkins: .. organized... authorized by a board action, the trust to seek to purchase the piece of property for $6,000,000. So we are talking about selling property, and I don't ever I see a tendered offer. Now, I am requesting that no property sales be carried out until October. Now, I have said here, and I often see where projected income, which in my opinion, if you do not have a tendered offer for $6,000,000 for a piece of property - that's a projection - these projections are factored into the budget as anticipated income. The State of Florida says the budget's numbers must balance. It did not say, "Dollars must balance." So, therefore, when you I balance numbers and the budget is passed, and you move numbers around, it's not bad. So I I, would hope that by withdrawing this item, that the Manager will not put it back on the agenda until October. Commissioner Plummer: May I discuss, Mr...? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir, you sure may. Commissioner Plummer: One of the reasons... my colleague is absolutely correct. One of the reasons it was withdrawn was it was to be taken before the full board today of the Public Health 62 June 9, 1994 i; Trust. Those who had negotiated had agreed upon, and the Administrator had agreed upon. I... it's unfortunate that the Administration has not provided, and I would hope that you would provide my colleague with the appraisals so he could see them. To my colleague, there is one way that I would like to recall to your attention that there is a guarantee - a guarantee - that the moneys that are derived from the sale can be assured and completely locked. And that is in the cash fund of the trust fund, if you designate those dollars to be placed into there, they can only be removed from that fund on a 4/5ths vote of this Commission. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Commissioner Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: And I think... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Let me cut you off right there, please. Commissioner Plummer: Sure. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Just one permission. Commissioner Plummer: Sure. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Miami Dade Community College bought a piece of property from the City of Miami... Commissioner Plummer: The adjacent piece, yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: At which time the City received $4,000,000 for that piece of property. At that time the sitting Commissioner Miriam Alonso passed a resolution, and it was voted on by this Commission, that that money be placed on a trust and not be moved unless it's by a 4/5ths members of this Commission. That money is not in the trust, and I don't ever remember voting to move it out. So don't tell me about putting money in trusts because it doesn't exist. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, then let's call some people on the carpet. Mr. Manager, where is the 4,000,000? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): We have a fund balance of $4,000,000. And the appraised value, by the way, on this property that we are talking... first of all, since I've been Manager in my memory, we have only sold one piece of property, and that was to Miami Dade Junior College to enhance the hospital college that they have there. I Vice Mayor Dawkins: Medical college. Mr. Odio: The Jackson Memorial Hospital is in dire need of expansion to serve the citizens of Miami. They came to us and wanted this additional parcel. The two parcels were appraised, and I'll provide the copies of the appraisals. The highest appraised value of two parcels was $6,000,000. We are getting... We are selling one parcel for $6.3 million. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And you mean to tell me that the County Commission... Commissioner Plummer: No, no, no. Excuse me. Excuse me. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...is going to allow the County to pay you more than the assessed value of a piece of property with public funds? What? Mr. Odio: I said that we, Commissioner Plummer and 1, negotiated the best deal possible for the City of Miami. 63 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yeah, but no, no. I'm not asking what you two negotiated. I am asking you, have you been before the County Commission or the trust, and told them that you are going to pay one third more than the appraised value for a piece of land, and the County Commission or the trust okayed it? Mr. Odio: As we said, that's not my job. Commissioner Plummer: Well, excuse me. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, then it's not your job to bring it here to me until it's been done. See what I'm trying to tell you, Mr. Plummer. You all... Commissioner Plummer: Let me clarify for the record, the Manager, at one time, and I met with Mr. Ira Clark who is the Administrator and Mr. Alan Rosenthal who is the attorney for the board, and that is where the negotiations commenced and the negotiations ended. Now, let me clarify one other point, it is not 6.3, it is $6,000,000. The only thing that they have beyond that is they have the first right of refusal on what is referred to as parcel two and parcel three. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What is the appraised value of two and three? Commissioner Plummer: There is no appraisal. To my knowledge, there was none done, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So, don't talk about giving him away... Commissioner Plummer: Well... Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...until you know how much they are that you are giving away. Commissioner Plummer: We are not talking about giving them away, Commissioner. We are saying they have the first right of refusal, that's all. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's giving it away. Commissioner Plummer: No, sir, it's not. There is not a price set. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You don't have... you don't have an appraisal. Commissioner Plummer: Sir, we are not even negotiating that they are taking that. The... Vice Mayor Dawkins: You are saying they have the right of first refusal, that is... Commissioner Plummer: Of... Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...the right to... Commissioner Plummer: All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...buy over anybody else. Commissioner Plummer: They have the right to refuse. Mr. Odio: ...price. 64 June 9, 1994 El Commissioner Plummer: And our refusal also at the right price, of course. Mr. Odio: By the way, one of the parcels that we are talking about is the transfer station. We are under contract with the County until the year 2006. So there is no way, unless the County abandons the transfer station, that we could even talk about it. Vice Mayor Dawkins. Well, when you come back in October have me an appraisal on all of them, a reasonable appraisal. Mayor Clark: Please, excuse me, Mr. Dawkins. This item 35 is deferred... Commissioner Plummer: That's correct. Mayor Clark: ..until the next meeting. Vice Mayor Dawkins: The next meeting? Mayor Clark: yes. Vice Mayor Dawkins: See? You see, this is why I'm saying and this is why I get very angry and very disturbed, OK. Now, I asked that this be placed on the agenda so that I could react to it. And I'm getting a little disturbed, Mr. Mayor. It was pulled off the agenda for me not to discuss it, and I don't want it back at the next meeting, and then you guys pull it off and slip it back under at the next meeting. That's unfair to me, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: I didn't know. I'm not slipping anything. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That is unfair. Mayor Clark: That was the... Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, if I may for a minute? Commissioner Plummer: May I just clear the record, please, Victor? The matter was pulled off of the agenda at the request of Mr. Rosenthal from the Public Health Trust who... Mayor Clark: It wasn't pulled off because of us. Commissioner Plummer: ...called me... I asked him to call the Manager and convey that the request to be pulled off the agenda came from Mr. Rosenthal, not from me, not from the Manager. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Well, I'm requesting, as a Commissioner, that it be pulled and put back on the agenda in October. That's my request as a Commissioner. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, if I may? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner De Yurre: To begin with, just so that everybody understands, you know, a right of first refusal, what it means is that you get the best price, and then they can either match it or not, it isn't that you are going to them and you negotiate with them solely for that matter. Now, I'm listening to all that is going on. One thing that is very disturbing to me is that if we got $4,000,000 for the sale of the other piece of property, and it was supposed to be put in a trust, that all we are hearing is that there is only $4,000,000... 65 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: In the trust. Commissioner De Yurre: ...that exists on our balance, which means that there isn't another penny. If it weren't for this piece of property, we'd be at zero. So that's a concern, needless to be said. What we are looking at is another situation, and I believe that Miller has a good point in saying, "Hey, we are selling and then the money is gone, or nothing happens." We may want to have a policy here that whatever property is sold that that money be used to purchase property, other land for other use. Obviously, this land is of no use to us right now, and it something that is needed by Jackson. We have to understand that because we are not doing much with that right now. So if we have, all of a sudden, a pot of $6,000,000, then there should be something to be considered of saying, "Hey, we are going to have this money available. What needs do we have as far as acquiring new land, acquiring property, that we may want to benefit our community and improve the quality of life of our citizens?" Commissioner Plummer: Victor. Commissioner De Yurre: You know... Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: Just... if I may, let me just answer Victor, if I may? Victor, that is not property that is not being used, and this is not money that will just be used for whatever. That is presently the motor -pool... Commissioner De Yurre: Uh-huh. Commissioner Plummer: ...it is presently the communications. It has been estimated - right or wrong - but the number given to me to duplicate the motor -pool across the street on another piece of City -owned property is going to be in the neighborhood of $4,000,000. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Commissioner Plummer: So, you know, you are not just taking $6,000,000 and blowing it to the wind, of the six that you are getting, at least four, will be going to put a state -of -the art motor - pool in place of what was now rundown and decrepit. So I just want that in the record. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, isn't that basically what I'm saying, that it's being replaced... it's being... the money is not just being put away were it dwindle away and disappear in time. Commissioner Plummer: OK. I just want you to know that it's not - you know - a piece of property that is not being used. And let me just say for the record, Mr. Mayor, this, the urgency here is not our urgency to sell. The urgency is that of the hospital which has to build a diagnostic center to go along with the trauma center. At least that's what they said to us. That they are in dire need to start that construction yesterday. Now, if the answer is going to come back that this can't happen, I think it ought to come back as quickly as possible to them that they know that this ain't going to happen. If not, then I think it needs to happen the other way for the purposes of the safety of the people of this community. I'm not making accusations that that's a true statement or not, I'm telling you that is what we were told. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And that's all I said was that if Jackson waited this long, they can wait until October to get the property. That's all I said. Mayor Clark: Is there a special reason you want to wait until October? 66 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir. Because... Yes, sir. I just said, I just don't see the money being parlayed,and I just would like to wait that's all. I have no problem. I will vote for it in October. One vote against it in July means nothing, but I will be voting negatively in July. Again, I'll be on the losing side of if for one vote. That is nothing unusual up here. Mayor Clark: You're gaining, though. Every time you're gaining. Right? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, it depends on whose empire it is. Mayor Clark: Well, I don't go to the hospital, so. All right, let's move forward. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: LEONA HELEN COOPER, ON BEHALF OF THE LOLA B. WALKER'S HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION -- CONCERNING REQUEST FOR REOPENING OF JEFFERSON STREET, (BORDERED BY WASHINGTON AVENUE AND CHARLES TERRACE) -- REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER -- SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: We are going to hear from... is it item 21? i Commissioner Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Are we on item... Mayor Clark: These young people were waiting long enough. Commissioner Plummer: I don't know, ask the Mayor. Mayor Clark: Twenty-one. Twenty-one. Ms. Leona Helen Cooper: Good morning. Commissioner Plummer: What number? Commissioner Gort: Twenty-one. Mayor Clark: This is... Ms. Cooper: This one? Mayor Clark: Yes, ma'am. Ms. Cooper: Good morning, Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Leona Helen Cooper, and I reside at 200 Washington Drive, in Coral Gables. And I am the convener of an ad -hoc committee that was called on because of a very problematic situation we have that exists in the cities of Coral Gables and Coconut Grove. As you remember in the fall, exactly November of 1992, there was a young woman by the name of Chega Sarasibu (phoenetic) who was practically decapitated on a school bus that was picking up and delivering children to Carver Middle 67 June 9, 1994 School. It is a very serious problem we have with the traffic in that area. And it impacts the safety of not only Carver Middle and Elementary Schools, but also St. Alban's Day Nursery as you see represented here in the gold and purple shirts. The reason it impacts on St. Alban and we will start with those streets in working over, is because the school buses are improperly using a private access road that leads into Brooker Street. As you know, Brooker Street from Thomas Avenue to Charles Terrace is a private road. That property owner here is here today to speak to that, and also we have representing today Carver Middle School's Principal and Assistant Principal, if they can stand up? And we also have from Little Carver, Mrs. Mooney who is the Principal. And she is over here. Mayor Clark: Ms. Cooper, let me ask this question? Ms. Cooper: Yes. Mayor Clark: Who is against what you want? Ms. Cooper: Well, we are hoping that you are not against it, but what we have to ask of you is since in 1979 your City decided to close Jefferson Street between Washington Avenue and Charles Terrace, and there is no access road. And for me to explain to you why we need that open is, is because we need to have some access for those busses that deliver the children to Carver Middle School to get through without having to impact. Mayor Clark: All right. Just a moment. Mr. Wally Lee. Mr. Wally Lee: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: As the public works director, what would be the problem if we open the street up? Mr. Lee: It will relieve the bus situation there in the mornings when the kids come to school... Mayor Clark: What will it complicate? Anything? Mr. Lee: We have not done a study, Mayor. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): And... Vice Mayor Dawkins: What street? Mr. Lee: And where there has not been a public hearing either. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What street is that north of Charles Street - the one-way street that dead ends into the playground for the school - what is that? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yeah, that. What is that? Commissioner Plummer: That's along side of the Fire Training College. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What... it's a private road, what is the name of it? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) 68 June 9, 1994 Mr. Lee: The private... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Ma'am. Ms. Cooper: No. Let the property owner for that private street speak. This is Mr. Weisheart. Mayor Clark: What is the name of the street? Vice Mayor Dawkins: What is the name of the street? That's all. Unidentified Speaker: It doesn't have any name. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Good. All right, so now if you cut that off, then the school buses will have to go around down Douglas to Charles and then go down Charles and make a turn in the basin and come out, is that correct? Is that we are asking for, Ms. Cooper? Ms. Cooper: No, what we are not asking for. Mr. Lee: No. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, ma'am. Ms. Cooper: Because the street that you are talking about them turning down is a private road also. You see, not only is that street, Brooker Street, between Washington Avenue and... no. Thomas Avenue and Charles Terrace is a private road, but those streets there is a perimeter road i on the back of the Fire College... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, ma'am. Ms. Cooper: That is also a private road. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That is the one I'm talking about. Ms. Cooper: Yeah. That's a private road. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right, that's... Ms. Cooper: And so is Brooker Street. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Fine. Ms. Cooper: There is no agreement between the School Board and the property owner for them to use those streets for their buses. Now, the big problem is, is because this is why you have St. Alban's Day Nursery represented today. i Commissioner Plummer: How can they be private streets? Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's right. Ms. Cooper: You have children this size taking children to school. And the school buses are coming down a street that is not authorized for them to use. And so we have the problem of these children being hurt, no emergency vehicle could get through in the mornings if there is an emergency to a car, and then on the other side, we also have representation from the Dade 69 June 9, 1994 County Water and Sewer Department because since this school is in two cities, the City of Coral Gables and the City of Miami, we have a double problem. And the city... the Dade County Water and Sewer Department is going to be expanding their area, their building, and so therefore, they are going to close off their alley way and so we will have less access to get into the school to deliver children... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Uh-huh. Ms. Cooper: ...and we have the same problem on the Coral Gables side, which is not your responsibility. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But what you are saying then is restrict the bus access to Booker Street, and the access road because on Brooker Street also in front of St. Alban's... Ms. Cooper: Exactly. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...you have parents putting out their kids... Ms. Cooper: Right. I Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...out of their cars to go in there. Ms. Cooper: Exactly. i Vice Mayor Dawkins: And you got the buses coming down there also, and then you have the people parked here letting their kids out, and the people parked to this side of the street, and there's not enough room for the bus to come through. So you want us, you want the School Board, and the City of Miami, and Coral Gables to restrict the bus access to those two roads. Ms. Cooper: But what I'd more than likely want you to approve for us, and I am sure that you have to have a discussion with your... who has been very actively involved with our ad hoc committee, and Mr. Lee has been very helpful. He provided us with information as to why that street was closed, Jefferson Street, the street in question to be reopened. The reason that street was closed, there was a public hearing, and it came before this Commission, and in 1979, you closed that street when we first came about with the fire college, and for the expansion of the park, which is now the Esther Mae Armbrister Park. What we'd like to see happen today is the reopening of Jefferson Street for the access of school buses, so that we don't have that terrible impact of buses trying to make a turn in an area that is not acceptable. The safety officer from the City - from the School Board is not with us today. She had a problem. But some of the people from the middle school and the little school might want to speak to this, and also the property owner. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Excuse me, Ms. Cooper. Ms. Cooper: Yes. Mayor Clark: School is out now, right? Ms. Cooper: No. School is still in. I had to direct traffic on Grand Avenue this morning before I got here. Mayor Clark: When does it close? 70 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Gort: Two more weeks. Ms. Cooper: Two more weeks. Commissioner Gort: I have a question, Mr. Mayor. Ms. Cooper: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not with the school. It's the 14th? The 14th. Mayor Clark: Tuesday. Ms. Cooper: Tuesday. Mayor Clark: Now, we can't settle this here today, I know that. Ms. Cooper: Oh, we know that. But we want your blessings, though, you see, because it's for the safety of the community. Mayor Clark: What I'd like to do is have Mr. Lee take this over, and you all consort with Mr. Lee. Then we'll have a public hearing to close the street at that time. Ms. Cooper: Open. OK. Open the street. Mayor Clark: Open the street. Ms. Cooper: Open the street. Mayor Clark: Or close it, one of the two, whatever you want to do. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, my understanding is you only want it open for the buses. Ms. Cooper: Exactly. Commissioner Gort: No other traffic. Ms. Cooper: Because we don't want to impact other people, now, because we're now going to open a street, because you'll have another group down here. Commissioner Gort: OK. Mayor Clark: Ms. Cooper, can you get back with Mr. Lee in the next - before the 30th of June? Ms. Cooper: Sure. Commissioner Gort: You got our blessings. Ms. Cooper: We've got your blessing. Commissioner Gort: Yes, ma'am. Mayor Clark: We'll get back and work this up in a public hearing and take care of it at that time. All right, Wally? Ms. Cooper: OK. Thanks a lot. Thank you. 71 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: Thank you so much, Leona. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. DISCUSSION CONCERNING DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING IN THE GOVERNMENT CENTER AREA -- DISCUSSION RESCHEDULED FOR FIRST COMMISSION MEETING IN JULY -- CITY ADMINISTRATION TO COME BACK WITH RECOMMENDATION. Mayor Clark: All right. Now we're back to number b - number 7. Commissioner Plummer: Seven. Mayor Clark: Development of a new Administration building. Mr. Bailey? Mr. Herb Bailey: Yes. We have been requested to come before you again to discuss the possibility of building our own City Hall, our own City Administration Building that would be sufficient to accommodate the majority of the City staff, which would include the City Commission, and the City Manager's Office, the Downtown Development Authority, the City of Miami Pension Office, and the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority. We are currently paying one and a half million a year in rent. We project that we will need one hundred and seventy-five thousand square feet, and a new facility that would accommodate or centralize the majority of the City's operation. Mayor Clark: What do you estimate the cost at? Mr. Bailey: Under today's prices, it's somewhere between... Well, we estimate it to cost somewhere around a hundred and fifty dollars a square foot, or less, maybe between a hundred and twenty-five, a hundred and fifty. That calculates between twenty-five and thirty million dollars. However, there have been overtures made to us that the building could be done on a turnkey basis, at a price of which we have yet to see, that might be an economical factor, in terms of our consideration. We contend that if we can do this, a new building, with this amount of square footage, at two million dollars annual ammortization, we think it will be worthwhile. Commissioner Plummer: Well, what are you saying? Build a new place, or buy an existing? Mr. Bailey: No. Build a new facility. We have always recommended that we build a facility that would be built to suit the needs of the City Commission, from scratch, not to retrofit. Commissioner Plummer: Well, I'll speak for one. I'm very happy where I am. It doesn't cost the taxpayers any additional money, and as far as I'm concerned, I'd like to stay here. What you do with the other offices... Let me tell you something. At the present time, you've got a glut of office space in the downtown area, i.e., I just negotiated for Downtown Development offices from an annual rental fee, where they were in the very luxurious penthouses of two hundred and seventy-two thousand dollars, plus twenty-six thousand dollars for parking, they are now on Biscayne Boulevard at three -thirty, for a total of seventy-two thousand dollars a year. 72 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: At a savings of what? Commissioner Plummer: And that's where I left you. Now, let me tell you, when you start talking twenty-four - excuse me - twenty-five to thirty million dollars, as I'm sure it was before, it doesn't include any parking. The additional parking structure would be another three to five million dollars. And I just tell you, as far as I'm concerned, for the City Commission and the Management, I think we're comfortable in this building. As far as any other building is concerned, I just don't think it's necessary. Dollars are tight, dollars are getting tighter, and I personally am very happy where we are, and go negotiate with some empty buildings in downtown. Mr. Manager, you're very aware of one building in which they offered to the City at eight dollars a square foot, seven floors. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yeah, but they only have fifty thousand square feet. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, if you can get it at eight dollars a square foot, get that fifty thousand and go look for another fifty thousand. You can't duplicate and own it for eight dollars a square foot. So all I'm saying - excuse me - you know that the same offer from that same gentleman was, "Take the fifty thousand square feet free of charge, just do away with my taxes." That was his obligation. OK? So I'm saying to you, I don't want to spend any more of the taxpayers' money. That's one person speaking. Mayor Clark: That's right, that's the opinion of Mr. Plummer, J.L. Plummer. I don't know how far you've gone with this. There's no guarantee we're going to do anything. But at least you've given us some preliminary thoughts of what you're doing. Now, insofar as proceeding further, not unless you get information from this Commission, by a majority vote, I think you leave it right where it's at. We want an estimate of what we would expect if we went in that direction. Mr. Gort. Commissioner Gort: Well, Mr. Mayor, that's one of the questions I was going to ask, if we can get... To come back to us with some numbers, and if we can build a new building for the same amount that we pay in the rent right now, I wouldn't have any problem with it, because as I recall, back in the '80s, we created the Government Center, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it was my understanding the City of Miami is the one that created the Government Center for everybody to be there. We got the State, we got the County, except the City. And if it's feasible and it's for the same price, I don't have any problem in looking at it. I would like to look at it. I would make the decision, according to the numbers. Mayor Clark: How about you? You feel the same way? Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, I discussed with Cesar the other day the possibility of borrowing Section 108 money from the Federal Government to build this facility, and if we can do that, as he is confirming, yes, that we can, then we can repay it based on our needs. Now, can we afford to pay one and a half million, as we repay it? And over the next seventeen years, we've paid back the building, based on the same amount of money that we've been dishing out at this point in time, and we have ourselves our own building. And I think that might be the best way to go at this point in time. Mr. Odio: I didn't have time, Commissioner, yesterday, but the answer to your question on Section 108, yes, you can use that money. Commissioner De Yurre: So the funding is available, and we can pay it back as we deem appropriate, and... Mr. Odio: You can work out an arrangement with the... 73 June 9, 1994 Commissioner De Yurre: And that alleviates that problem. It takes care of a need that comes seventeen years down the road, we don't have to pay that million and a half dollars anymore. So it's our building, paid for free and clear. Mr. Odio: I'd like to ask a question, if I may. There's also other settings. You could have the setting of where we could actually dispose of the present Administration building, and just build one tower with all City services in one tower. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, oh. Mr. Odio: We have... There are requests for that building to be purchased from us. There is a need for it. That building is inadequate. We'll be coming to you soon. We need the space downstairs and we have to spend some money there, so. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, two major concerns were, you know, what would it cost, where would the money come from, and how would it be paid. And through this Section 108, those answers are whatever we want to do. So whatever money we need, it's there. Mr. Odio: Yes, yes they are. Commissioner De Yurre: However we want to pay it back, we determine that. So those two are the major roadblocks that would impede this thing from happening. It's there, and the size of the building, it really doesn't matter. If we want to sell and use that money for the construction of this building or whatever, we can do that also. So this is... I think this is a great solution to dealing with this matter, and I would certainly support any kind of motion here to indicate to the City Administration to go ahead and bring something back, based on those parameters. Mayor Clark: Mr. Gort. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, I don't have any problem with the motion, but I would also like to get back, what are the terms that we have on existing facilities that we have on rental agreement, how many years we got left, and so on. Mr. Odio: I believe we have two... Commissioner Gort: I would also like to see... Mr. Bailey: About two. Mr. Odio: Three. Mr. Bailey: But the... Commissioner Gort: I'd like to look at all the alternatives, because if we do have a problem, and we got that many vacant buildings in downtown, we should look at it, too. I'd like to see all the different alternatives that we can have. Mr. Odio: We will provide that. We have three years left, and... Three, no? Unidentified Speaker: Two. Mr. Odio: Two? Two, I'm sorry... two years left. Two years, I'm sorry, it's two years. It would take two to three years to build a new tower, so. 74 June 9, 1994 W Mayor Clark: Sure. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, just for the record, on three different occasions, this Commission has gone to the public in a referendum asking if a new City Hall was possible, and three times, overwhelmingly, they've turned it down. More importantly, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Prior to your coming on this Commission, about three years ago, I believe it was, we went through an RFP (Request for Proposals) process. We went out and asked people to come forth to give us ideas. I was strong, trying to buy the DuPont Building. We could have bought it for eight million dollars total, two hundred and fifty thousand square feet, and four hundred and fifty, parking spaces, but the Commission at that time turned it down. So all your numbers are available. They just need updating, at best, because of the fact that they went through all of this. Commissioner Dawkins well remembers, and I'm sure Victor does, that this was an old scenario, an old hat. But, you know, I just... Money is tight. We've got a lot of vacant property downtown, and I just think we either ought to either rent, or even consider maybe buying an existing building to keep it from going into foreclosure. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, Mr. Plummer, you hit the nail on the head. Remember when we had the opportunity to purchase the CenTrust Building? Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Fifty million dollars, and you couldn't get this Commission... Commissioner Gort: For how much? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Fifty million dollars. Mr. Odio: We could have bought it for forty... Yes, you're right, forty-six million dollars. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Tell them, Mr. Manager. The RTC Building... Mr. Odio: We could have bought it for forty-six million dollars. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... for forty-six million dollars, and this Commission wouldn't do it, Mr. Gort. Commissioner Plummer: That was almost a true statement. You couldn't have bought it. The people who bought it, bought it for forty-eight million, with a proviso, a kicker. And that kicker is that when the day comes that they sell it, RTC gets a huge percentage of any profit that is made. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But the City was never going to sell it. Commissioner Plummer: So the City wouldn't be selling it, the City wouldn't, so you wouldn't have bought it for forty-eight. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, you would have. Yes, you... OK. All right. Well, we didn't try. All right, now. Mayor Clark: Let's move forward. You know how to move, Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, I'll bring'it back. 75 June -9, 19:94 aw Vice Mayor Dawkins: The reason we didn't try, Mr. Mayor, is because Plummer and the Mayor said, "This is the best building," they don't want to leave here, "I'm going to stay here till I die," and that's why we didn't buy the building. Mayor Clark: So they're dying off on it, huh? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: I was here, I was on the Commission when we built this, we bought this building. Unidentified Speaker: Were you? Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Mayor Clark: Sure. Hell, yes. Commissioner Plummer: Sure, sure. Mr. David Gell: Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: When I first was... They used to meet in the old police station. Mayor Clark: That was our headquarters. Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, over on 11th. Mr. Gell: Will you entertain discussion from the public? Mayor Clark: On this item? Mr. Gell: Yes, no, what? Mayor Clark: We're not doing anything on the item right now. Mr. Gell: OK. Mayor Clark: We're just asking for some... There will be a time to discuss it. Mr. Gell: Thank you. Mayor Clark: Be happy to. All right. You know what to do, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Manager. Mr. Bailey: Just bring it back with some proposals and parameters on how much it costs and... Mayor Clark: Yeah. With some foundation, with some foundation. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, bring it back in October of 1999. Mr. Bailey: Fine. Mayor Clark: Don't listen to that. Don't listen to him. Mr. Odio: We'll bring it back in the first meeting of July. I'll bring... We'll bring it back in the first meeting of July. 76 June 9, 1994 W Commissioner Plummer: October of'99, isn't that what it is, Miller? Mr. Bailey: No, no, first meeting of July. Mayor Clark: Get it quick. Get it quick. We'll see what happens. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF ATTORNEY FEES BY COUNSEL FOR FORMER POLICE OFFICER, WILLIAM LOZANO -- DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE TWO RESOLUTIONS IN ANTICIPATION OF DECISION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, ONE RESOLUTION GRANTING COUNSEL'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF FEES AND A SECOND RESOLUTION DENYING SAID REQUEST -- DIRECT VICE MAYOR DAWKINS TO MEET WITH LUCIA DOUGHERTY, ESQ., FORMER FOP PRESIDENT, AL COTERA, AND THE CITY ATTORNEY AND TO COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION AND ULTIMATE DECISION BY THE CITY COMMISSION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: All right. Item number S. Commissioner Plummer: Item number 8, Mr. Mayor, is... As you know, I asked that this matter be brought before this Commission, and in some way, shape, or form, be resolved, predicated on the fact that the applicant, Mr. Roy Black, had indicated that if this Commission did not make some maneuver, that he was going to go to court to try and get compensated for his fees resulting from the defendant in this particular case, a Miami policeman. The matter was deferred originally for the purpose of the City Attorney indicating at that time that there was a case on point, I think you told me, Mr. City Attorney, in West Palm. It is immaterial where it was. It was exactly on point as to whether or not the City had an obligation in this matter, or just maybe a moral obliga... I'll stop if you wish, Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mm-mmm. I'm going to wait till you finish. Commissioner Plummer: Oh. OK. And so, you know, it was a matter of this Commission trying to negotiate what had been proffered, as I understand it, a fee of seven hundred and ten thousand dollars, which Mr. Black is asking for, or going to court, at which time, Mr. Black would ask for a fee that he had said was justified, right or wrong, at approximately a million and a half dollars. And so I ask that this matter be brought before this Commission. And in putting, very truthfully, the City Attorney on the spot, no question, the spot is, Mr. City Attorney, to look into Mr. Black's presentation as to whether or not his fees are in any way, shape, or form justified, or they are not, and to come back, if you could, and recommend to this Commission a number that you feel would be a fair settlement in this case. You know, politically, politically, the thing to do is not to settle. Let it go to court, and then the court's the bad guy, because, you know, we understand that this thing is very, very sensitive. But I think that if there is a chance that we can negotiate this out, that we're better off, and so that's why I said let's try to bring it to a head, and let's try to get it behind us, because the longer it continues, the more festering it could or could not create. So... Mr. Dawkins. 77 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, J.L. is bending the truth. Commissioner Plummer: Well, straighten me out. Vice Mayor Dawkins: The truth is, the law says - the Charter says, or the law, I don't know which one it is - that this Commission has the right to pay or it has the right to deny to pay. Now, to put the City Attorney on the spot of whether he should tell this Commission which interpretation of the law they ought to have is unfair. That's number one. Commissioner Plummer: I didn't ask for that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Number two, Mr. Black - and nobody up here has said it more than J.L. Plummer - let's go to court. If you check the records, you will see. Every time there has been a settlement, J.L. Plummer says, "Let's go to court." Now, J.L. Plummer is saying, "Let's don't go to court." Commissioner Plummer: I didn't say that, either. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I mean, you got to be consistent. j Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, number one, I didn't say... Mayor Clark: This is a little private feud between the two. That's all right. Commissioner Plummer: No, not really, Mr. Mayor, but since my name was involved with my blue brother, let me... Mayor Clark: I'll settle it finally. Commissioner Plummer: Let me just very simply say, yes, in those cases where J.L. thinks that there has been a wrong and go to court, I'll continue to say that. In this particular case, if there is the potential that it will cost us a million and a half dollars, where we have the opportunity to settle for less than half, that is the determination that I have asked the City Attorney to make, and that is where I have put the City Attorney on the spot, to make, number one, that determination, if his claim of the million and a half is valid, and if his seven hundred and ten thousand dollars is justified. Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to be making any motion to pay the seven -ten. OK? Those are the questions that I ask to the City Attorney, and those are the questions that I now, again, ask of the City Attorney. Mr. Mayor, if you want to present, let Mr. Black make his presentation, so be it. But that's up to you, sir. Commissioner De Yurre: If I may, Mr. Mayor, before we do anything else. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner De Yurre: First of all, I need the City Attorney to answer one question. Are we obligated in any way, fashion or form to pay any of these fees? A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Commissioner De Yurre, the answer to that, at least insofar as my interpretation of the law, is no. I've advised this Commission... Commissioner De Yurre: OK, no. It's no. Mr. Jones: OK. 78 . -June .9, 1994 Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Thank you. So now, the next question is, are there three votes on this Commission to say we're willing to pay something? It could be a penny, it could be a dollar, it could be seven hundred and ten thousand dollars. And that's the next motion that needs to be made here. If there are not three votes here to pay a penny, then there's nothing else to discuss, and that's the end of that. J.L., you want to make a motion to give him some consideration, make the motion; if not, that's the end of the issue. Commissioner Plummer: I'll make a motion to this extent: That this Commission endeavors to try and settle, not going to court, and that means that there would be some consideration, if, in fact, it were to pass with three votes. Mayor Clark: Mr. Gort. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, I've got a lot of questions. One of them is, every meeting that I've been here, we had cases that they were settled because they don't want to take it to court, because if they go to court, we're going to pay twice as much and so on. And I voted in, I think, about six or seven items here. My question to the Attorney is, am I understanding that you're saying that we don't have to pay him? And could we go to court and... Mayor Clark: No. He said we're not obligated to pay him. Commissioner Gort: We're not obligated to pay it. Can we go to court and win? Mr. Jones: Well, that's a key question, because, of course, the... Let me see if I can just put this into perspective. j Commissioner Gort: And if we do go to court, what could be, like all the memorandum that I got in the past, what is going to be our cost, or assumption cost, if we do go to court? Mr. Jones: Well, let me just say this. This has been a continual argument over the years, as to whether the interpretation of this Florida Statute 117 that relates to reimbursement of attorneys' fees for police officers, whether, in fact, a municipality is obligated to pay. The liberal reading of the statute makes it quite clear that it's discretionary on the part of the municipality. Now, Mr. Black will tell you there is a Florida Supreme Court case that was decided back in 1990 involving the City of Fort Walton Beach where several council members sued the City, claiming reimbursement for attorney's fees for a successful outcome of enjoining a recall petition. Now, what the Supreme Court said in that case, if you have a statutory provision that is repugnant or explicitly says that it changes the common law, then, of course, the statute will prevail. Here, in this instance, we have a case that says there's a common law duty for a municipality to provide legal representation or reimbursement of defense, legal defense for employees who were charged with misconduct in the course and scope of their employment. We have a very specific Florida Statute enacted by the Florida Legislature which is repugnant to the common law. It says, municipality, if, in fact, you have an employee who has been acquitted, whatever, it is at your discretion to pay these attorney's fees. That's exactly what the case law states. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor. I... Mr. Jones: Can I just finish one thing? Now, what I mentioned to, which Commissioner Plummer alluded to a few moments ago, we've had one decision in this particular circuit which involved a police officer, Robert Sandilier, who shot a guy up in Broward County or whatever. The Judge ruled in our favor on the exact point that I just mentioned to you; that you do, in fact, have a statutory provision that is repugnant to the common law. Therefore, a literal reading of that statute says it's not obligatory on your part to pay these attorney's fees. That's what you're 79 June 9, 1994 confronted with. Now, the precedent that's been set, however, is that you've been consistent over the last three or four years - I mean three or four months - in paying... Commissioner Plummer: We paid all the rest of them. Mr. Jones: ... in paying attorney's fees. So that's where you are with it. But still, as you indicated, it's my interpretation that it is discretionary on your part. Commissioner Plummer: Can I ask a question? There's one question that's got to be asked. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins, then Mr. Plummer. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I'd like to move that this be taken off the discussion item and scheduled as an item where people from the community can be well noticed, and that the City Attorney bring back two resolutions, one to pay, and one not to pay, because there are a lot of people in the community who need to be heard on this who don't even know it was scheduled, and I'd like to move that this be moved to either the next Commission meeting, or the first Commission meeting in July, and be noticed in the Miami Times, the Miami Herald, and all the other newspapers that it is a public hearing as to whether or not we should pay Mr. Roy Black, so that those individuals in the community who are desirous of being heard can be heard. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, I have no problem with that, except I want to make one thing on the record clear, if it's right or wrong. Mr. City Attorney, whether you or your predecessor - I don't know which one was involved - a statement was made to me by Mr. Black that when this officer asked for legal counsel, he was told by the City Attorney's Office that they could not represent him, it was a conflict of interest. Is that a true statement? Mr. Jones: I'm not sure whether... I don't recall my having made such a statement, but as you know, Commissioner, over the years, the City Attorney's Office has never defended employees relative to criminal proceedings. We don't practice criminal law. But that's not the issue in the case, I mean, that we're dealing with. Irrespective of the fact as to whether, in fact, if we were capable, and we do have some people that are capable, but it would have, in fact, posed a conflict of interest, even if we could have. But I think you have to look beyond that. Commissioner Plummer: OK. So it wasn't you who made the statement. Mr. Jones: No. I... Commissioner Plummer: Could it have been one of your predecessors? Mr. Jones: It could have been my predecessor. 1 Mayor Clark: Mr. Cotera. I Mr. Al Cotera. Yeah. My name is Al Cotera. I'm the president of the Fraternal Order of Police. I'll make my comments very brief. Yes, the request was made, as has been our practice to request assistance first from the City, and there usually is a conflict of interest. Basically, the issue here is one of policy. We think that it's very important that this Commission respond to that policy and support its police officers. He was acquitted. That's as simple as it is. That's what the courts have said. We've been able to negotiate in the past. I have not participated in these particular negotiations -with- Mr. Black. I am unaware of the fees involved, but we -think _ that by negotiating and coming down with a -reasonable fee, that this Commission should .. _June .9, 1994 approve it and should pay it, as they have in the past. Look at what happened when we did not defend, when we did not want to get an attorney for Perry Anderson. You ended up paying two and a half million dollars, where it could have cost you a hundred thousand. Mr. Jones: That's not true, and that's a very big distortion, Al, and you know better than that. It's not. You're talking about two separate types of cases. Mr. Cotera: Two separate types of cases totally. Mr. Jones: Yes. Mr. Cotera: But the liability is there, and it was there, and you may have run into the same issue here. I think it would be wise for one of the Commissioners to sit down with Mr. Black, find out what the real fee should be, and then go ahead and pay it. Thank you. Mayor Clark: Well, we got a motion on the floor now to postpone this till the first meeting in July; is that right? Vice Mayor Dawkins: I'll incorporate in my motion Mr. Cotera's suggestions that somebody try to come back with a fee, to see that... if the Commission will accept it. I have no problem with that. Mayor Clark: You seconded his motion, J.L.? Commissioner Plummer: Sure. I... Mr. Mayor, all I'm saying is that regardless of how, we need to get it behind us. I've said that for some length of, period of time now. Without this matter being resolved, it is doing no one any good. Mayor Clark: All right. There's a motion and a second on the floor. Commissioner Gort: OK. Would you clarify the motion, please. Vice Mayor Dawkins: The motion is, and was amended by Mr. Cotera, that this be rescheduled for the next Commission meeting or at the July meeting, and that it be noted in all of the newspapers that it's going to be discussed, so that individuals in the community can come down and be heard. Mayor Clark: We better not have anything else on the agenda that day, Mr. Manager. All right. Motion... Commissioner Gort: Discussion on the motion. Mayor Clark: Go ahead. Commissioner Gort: And I can respect your opinion and bring the public, and I think it's very important. But I think if we do it for this one case, we've got to do it for all the other cases that are going to come up in front of us where we're going to make a decision. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I have no problem with that. Commissioner Gort: OK. Mayor Clark: All right. Call the roll. 81 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Can I further suggest that Mr. Dawkins' motion definitely be followed through, and I would like to suggest that Mr. Dawkins sit down and negotiate with Mr. Black over his fee. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait, now. Hold it. Commissioner Plummer: Ha -ha-ha. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I will go sit with Mr. Black, and Mr. Black and I will talk. OK? I'm not going to attempt to tell Mr. Black, "I know that what you did is worth six dollars or worth eight dollars." I will sit with... I have no problem with sitting with Mr. Black and seeing if we, the two of us, can come to some kind of common ground that could be brought back to the Commission, if that's acceptable to Mr. Black. Commissioner Gort: Let me ask you a question. Since we have established a procedure in the past, why don't we follow the same procedure that was passed down with the other officers? Vice Mayor Dawkins: What was that procedure? Commissioner Gort: I understand that the attorneys and the unions got together and then they came out with a figure. That's the way it was done in the past. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine. Commissioner Gort: My understanding is that we should follow the same procedure that has been followed in the other cases where police officers have been involved. My understanding is that procedure was not done in this case. Am I correct? Mr. Jones: That's correct, and I would just note that the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) was reluctant to get involved in this matter, I guess, given the controversial nature of it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait a minute. Did anybody ask the FOP to get involved? See, you see, I mean... No, no, Al. No, no, no. See, did anybody ask the FOP to get involved? OK? No. See? So now... Come on, let's be... Mayor Clark: I don't believe you should move like you're moving in fast -setting cement, if this has to happen like this. We don't know whether that will even be acceptable to this Commission the day it's presented. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's right. Commissioner Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, are we also maybe trying to avoid a screaming match, that if Commissioner Dawkins, in sitting with Mr. Black, whose main purpose is trying to avoid a lawsuit or other matters, that if they reached an agreement, would preclude a public hearing? Now, I would hope that would be the case, if Mr. Dawkins - which is exactly what I was trying to do - that if Mr. Dawkins can reach an agreement with Mr. Black, then he reports back to this Commission, and it's not a public hearing. It just comes back as a settlement between whatever he recommends. It's up to the two of them. Mayor Clark: Pray, buddy, pray. Commissioner Plummer: You suggested it, buddy. Vice Mayor -Dawkins: Look, look, I have no problem. with -it. oK? 82 _ _June 9, 1994 Commissioner Gort: All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: If Mr. Black has no problem with it. OK? Commissioner Plummer: What have you got to lose? Vice Mayor Dawkins: But I think, though, I think that in the meeting should be Lucia Dougherty, Al Cotera, and me. I don't think it should be me and Mr. Black. I don't think so. Commissioner Plummer: Whoever. Commissioner Gort: You also need your Attorney's Office. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Chain saw? Commissioner Gort: Your Attorney. Commissioner Plummer: Chain saw? Mayor Clark: Chain saw, God almighty. They're going to work on you, Roy. Commissioner Plummer: Hey, Mr. Dawkins, it was surely... Mr. Dawkins, speaking for one, it's acceptable to me to try to settle. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You know what? I love J.L. Plummer. You know, he's my blood brother, my blue brother. Ain't no way in hell I can sit with Mr. Black and go back to the black community and tell them I offered to pay Black nothing. You can't do that to me, J.L. Come on, don't be ridiculous. Commissioner Plummer: You suggested it. Mayor Clark: But I be damned if I suggested that I be the one to sit down with him, and go back to the black community, and tell them that's what we did. Commissioner Plummer: "A" commissioner. Mayor Clark: But you'll sit with the other people. You'll sit with the other people. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Come on! Mayor Clark: All right. Wait a minute. You'll sit with the other people, right? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Clark: And Mr. Black. OK. Let's don't try to elongate this any further. Commissioner Plummer: I agree. Mayor Clark: Call the roll, Madam Clerk, with that proviso, that Mr. Dawkins, Commissioner Dawkins, the Vice Mayor, is going to sit down with Ms. Dougherty, Al Cotera, and who else? Vice Mayor Dawkins: The City Attorney. 83 June 9, 1994 w Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Mr. Roy Black. Mayor Clark: City Attorney. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Not nobody else, the City Attorney. Mayor Clark: All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right, because then there will be two of us going to the black community, just not me. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Vice Mayor Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 94-393 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO ADVERTISE A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF ATTORNEY'S FEES BY COUNSEL FOR FORMER POLICE OFFICE WILLIAM LOZANO, SAID PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD AT THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 14, 1994, AT APPROXIMATELY 10:00 A.M., IN THE CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; FURTHER DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO PLACE SAID AD IN AUTHORIZED LOCAL NEWSPAPERS IN ORDER TO INVITE INPUT FROM THE PUBLIC; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE TWO RESOLUTIONS IN ANTICIPATION OF DECISION BY THE CITY COMMISSION, ONE RESOLUTION APPROVING REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF COUNSEL'S FEES AND THE SECOND RESOLUTION NOT APPROVING REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF COUNSEL'S FEES; FURTHER REQUESTING VICE MAYOR DAWKINS TO MEET WITH LUCIA DOUGHERTY, ESQ., A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE FRANTERNAL ORDER OF POLICE (NAMELY, FORMER FOP PRESIDENT AL COTERA), AND THE CITY ATTORNEY, AND TO COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION AND ULTIMATE DECISION BY THE CITY COMMISSION. 84 June 9, 1994 K Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: Commissioner Victor De Yurre ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait, now, Mr. Black has not... That's OK, Mr. Black? Mr. Black: Yes, Commissioner. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. APPROVE NEW LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH THE DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD FOR ITS USE OF SIX CITY OF MIAMI PLAYGROUNDS LOCATED ADJACENT TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Mayor Clark: We're on item number 9. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Mr. Mayor, on item 9, we were told to go back to the School Board and negotiate a better agreement. We have now... can say that we have the equivalent of eighty percent of our cost in the parks. So I would strongly recommend that we agree to this. Commissioner Plummer: What were they offering before? Mr. Odio: Sixty. Commissioner Plummer: And now, you told me when I made it eighty that they would never go for it, right? Mr. Odio: I didn't say that. I said that... Commissioner Plummer: OK. I'll move... Mayor Clark: All right. Please, let's just get... Commissioner Gort: Second. 85 June 9, 1994 i M Commissioner Plummer: I'll move the eighty percent... Mr. Odio: The equivalent of eighty percent, yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Equivalent of eighty percent. That's 9-A? Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. We're getting twenty percent more money from the School Board by my previous deferral. Mayor Clark: Second. No exception, cast a unanimous ballot. Commissioner Plummer: Just for the future, after that's now passed, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Manager, I want you to know in the next year or two, I'm going for a hundred percent. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO.94-394 A MOTION AUTHORIZING LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD FOR ITS USE OF SIX CITY PARK PLAYGROUNDS WITH PAYMENT TO THE CITY (ON THE BASIS OF QUARTERLY REIMBURSEMENT), AS MORE FULLY OUTLINED DURING DISCUSSION BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON THIS DATE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 86 June 9, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------'-------------------------------------------- 17. (A) DISCUSSION CONCERNING REAPPOINTMENT / AWARD OF PROPOSED SALARY / BENEFITS PACKAGE FOR RAFAEL O. DIAZ, ESQ., DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY, AND JOEL MAXWELL, ESQ., DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY -- DEFER DISCUSSION UNTIL BUDGET TIME. (See label 19) (B) (Continued) VICE MAYOR DAWKINS SEEKS CLARIFICATION FROM THE CITY COMMISSION CONCERNING PRIOR MOTION DIRECTING HIM, LUCIA DOUGHERTY AND AL COTERA TO MEET CONCERNING COUNSEL'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF PROFESSIONAL FEES FOR THE DEFENCE OF FORMER POLICE OFFICER WILLIAM LOZANO, AND TO COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION PRIOR TO THE CITY COMMISSION'S FINAL DECISION ON THIS ISSUE. Mayor Clark: Nine -A. Motion on 9-A. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): That's Commissioner De Yurre's item. Commissioner Plummer: That's De Yurre. Mayor Clark: Nine -A. Commissioner De Yurre: Yes. Mayor Clark: You move it? Commissioner De Yurre: You know, at the last... At the last meeting, we had this issue where the Deputies ended up getting a package, the City Clerk's Office Deputy got a package, and I felt it was only appropriate that the Deputy of the City Attorney's Office get a similar kind of package. So that's why I put... Mayor Clark: How many Deputies does he have? Commissioner De Yurre: There's only one that I'm aware of. Mayor Clark: No, there's two. A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): I recently appointed, which I sent you members, Joel Maxwell, as Deputy City Attorney. Commissioner Plummer: Who was the one before that? Mr. Jones: Rafael Diaz. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, he is still. Mr. Jones: He is still, yeah. I have two Deputies now. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Well, then, let it apply to both. 87 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second, whatever it is. Commissioner Plummer: Well, excuse me. I... Does the Charter provide... Vice Mayor Dawkins: No. Commissioner Plummer: I don't think that there is anything that we, the Commission - and that's what scares me, is getting involved with the City Attorney - we've never done this before. And how far are we going to go before this stops? We've never... We are in charge of the three. Now, if you're going to do it, then I guess we're going to do it for all the way down the line. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, we do it for the City Clerk's Office, for the Deputy. Commissioner Plummer: But that was always part and parcel of the scenario. You know, I've got to put on the record, Mr. Mayor, I'm looking at the total cost of personnel in the Mayor's office. Mr. Odio: The lawyer's. Commissioner Plummer: In the lawyer's office, I'm sorry. What did I say, personnel? Mayor Clark: If you saw that cost, you could put that in your pocket. Commissioner De Yurre: It's about the same. It's about the same amount. Commissioner Plummer: The Mayor's office, Mr. Mayor. You know, truthfully, Victor, I'm going to address this more so at budget time. All right? But when you start a lawyer, under today's conditions, a month ago at $85,000 plus perks, I got some major problems. Commissioner De Yurre: Which are? What are the perks? Commissioner Plummer: I don't know. I assume their pension... I'll go into it at budget time. But I want to tell you something. I assume each one of you have been presented with this list in which there were raises given last month. I thought raises were only at budget time, but obviously, we'll find out why there were major given here in the last month or so. Mayor Clark: What department? Commissioner Plummer: In the Law Department, major raises. And I'm going to be asking very serious questions, Mr. Jones, at budget time, about all of these people on here that got major, major raises in the middle of a budget year, as two questions. But let me get back to the major problem. The major problem is, if you want this Commission to set the Deputies, then we're going to do it from now on, I assume, but we also will tell you, Mr. Attorney, who your Deputies will be, because we voted on the Deputy of the Clerk. So, you know, it doesn't stop where it's convenient. Commissioner De Yurre: When did we appoint... Commissioner Plummer: And I would much prefer... Commissioner De Yurre: When did we appoint the Deputy Clerk? Commissioner Plummer: We always did, and we always have named the Deputy Clerk, and approved it. They come under our provision. According to the Charter, as you well know, we 88 June 9, 1994 control three people and their offices. All right? We control the offices through budget. All I'm saying is, I would much prefer the City Attorney have the right to designate his Deputies, and to compensate at the proper time, in budget, which we approve in October, and I would prefer us to keep our nose out of that business. But if we're going to do it, then let's don't stop where it's convenient. Let's go and do what needs to be done, and we'll so tell Mr. City Attorney, whether it's this City Attorney or some other, we'll tell you who your Deputies are going to be, and we're going to tell you what they can make. I think that's wrong... Commissioner De Yurre: But that's not the procedure... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor... Mayor Clark: Hold it, hold it, hold it. Commissioner De Yurre: That's not the procedure that exists over here. She appoints or she names a Deputy, and we approve it, you know, we give it the OK. Mayor Clark: Affirm it. Commissioner De Yurre: It isn't like we tell her who to put there. Commissioner Plummer: Well, but you have the right of veto. You're somewhat telling them who they're going to put there. Ms. Matty Hirai (City Attorney): Yes, yes. Commissioner Plummer: Because you just veto it till you get who you want. Look, I'm not arguing. I'm saying you're setting a precedent that is dangerous, in my book, but if that's what you want to do, then go ahead and proceed. But let's know what the rules of the game are. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Dawkins has the floor. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor - Manager, since J.L. is talking about the raises of the City Attorney, provide me with the raises given to people on your staff in '90, '91, '92, and '93, provide me with the 922s, where they went from whatever. So I need that before the budget hearing, so we can see if there's a parallel of promotions in one area, and we're not challenging it, and picking on somebody else in another area, and challenging it. OK? I just want to be able to make a comparison. Commissioner Plummer: Absolutely. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And the only thing else I need to say, on that last motion, for me to work with Mr. Black, whatever is agreed on must be brought back and voted on by this Commission. Mayor Clark: That's right. Commissioner Plummer: Absolutely. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. That's all I needed to know. 89 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: Mr. Gort, you have the floor. Commissioner Gort: Well, Mr. Mayor, as being the new man in here, and yourself being the new person here... Mayor Clark: No, I got reborn. Commissioner Gort: ... I think that we'll welcome the information of all the departments, and the salaries, and the raises, and all that, and we want to look through all of them. And I think we've got to do that. We've got to standardize and make sure we have standards in all departments, and there should be one standard and not double standards. Mayor Clark: Very good. Commissioner Gort: So I agree with that. Mayor Clark: Thank you. Well, where are we at now, 9-13 or 9-A? Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Well, I have a motion. So you can... Mayor Clark: Nine -A? Commissioner De Yurre: Yeah. Commissioner Gort: What's the motion? Commissioner De Yurre: That both Deputies in the City Attorney's Office be afforded the same package that the Deputy Clerk was awarded at the last meeting. Commissioner Gort: Which package are we talking about? Commissioner De Yurre: There was a ten percent raise, and there was a pension package, whatever that was, to make it comparable. Mayor Clark: Well, what are you going to do? Is there a second to his motion? Commissioner Gort: You're asking for a raise, salary raise. Commissioner Plummer: Well, wait a minute now. Commissioner Gort: And you're asking for a... Mayor Clark: Did they get a raise recently? Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. They just got a raise. And Mr. Diaz went on... He got his last raise in '92, and he got a five percent raise, which puts him at ninety-eight thousand, plus perks. Commissioner De Yurre: When was that? '92? Mr. Jones: That's not correct. Commissioner Plummer: Well, it's approximately a five percent increase that he got. Mr. Jones: Well, all of the attorneys... You will recall that that was when the Commission eliminated the car allowance and the car insurance. 90 June 9, 1994 1., r Commissioner Plummer: Well, excuse me. I was asked a question. Mr. Maxwell got a raise in June the first of this... Mr. Jones: Yeah, for just... Commissioner Plummer: May I finish? Mr. Jones: Sure. Commissioner Plummer: I'm going to try and answer the Mayor's question. According to what you gave me, Mr. Maxwell got a raise on the first day of June of this month of eight thousand, six hundred and twelve dollars, approximately a nine percent increase, which puts him up to a hundred and three thousand dollars, plus perks. Mayor Clark: Oh, Jesus. No, I can't vote for this. Commissioner De Yurre: A hundred and three? Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. He is at... Mr. Jones: That's not... That's incorrect, Commissioner. That's incorrect. Commissioner Plummer: Well, then, I'm using... Mayor Clark: Well, how is it incorrect? There's... Mr. Jones: No. Let me explain to you. Commissioner Plummer: All right, sir. Mr. Jones: His previous salary was eighty-five. Upon promotion, he was given a ten percent increase, which would have brought his present salary to ninety-four thousand, five hundred and thirty-six dollars. As you see there, 6/1/94, it shows you the incremental increase which... Commissioner Plummer: I do stand corrected, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Jones: OK? Commissioner Plummer: That the 6/8 did prevail, and his salary would be ninety-four thousand, five hundred and thirty-six dollars, plus perks, which equate to approximately in the general employee side of between thirty-eight to forty percent. Mayor Clark: And a ten percent raise on that would be? Commissioner De Yurre: Well, no, if he already got that raise, then... Commissioner Plummer: No, that... The other one would be the one. Now, Mr. Diaz, on that same date, was making ninety-three thousand dollars, or approximately thirteen hundred dollars - no - eight hundred dollars difference. So there's an eight hundred dollar difference. Mr. Maxwell wasn't a Deputy, correct? Mr. Jones: He was... No. Mr. Maxwell was chief assistant. 91 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Diaz was... Mr. Jones: Was the only Deputy I had. Commissioner Plummer: ... was the Deputy. He was making ninety-three. And I think there's another point that has to be taken into consideration. Mr. Maxwell started in '82, and Mr. Diaz started in '88. Mayor Clark: Mr. Jones, do you have any openings down there for Deputy Attorneys? Commissioner Plummer: I want to tell you, I'll apply. Mayor Clark: Yes, I was going to say. Commissioner De Yurre: You've got to go to law school first. Commissioner Plummer: Why? Mayor Clark: Man, we don't worry about law at this stage. I know more than any attorney that's been in law practice for twenty-five years. I challenge them all. Commissioner De Yurre: You've still got to go. Commissioner Plummer: Why? Commissioner De Yurre: Still got to go. Commissioner Plummer: Why waste my time? Just go down and go to work. I can do as good a job. Commissioner De Yurre: Still got to go. I would say that in Maxwell's case that he gets a perk package, and that Diaz get his ten percent and the package. That's my motion. Live or die, you know. Commissioner Plummer: Well, you can make it, you know. I think we ought to discuss it, as we do all, at budget time. I... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. I second it for discussion. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go ahead. I second it. Commissioner Plummer: It's under discussion. I just think it ought to be carried over to budget time. It's when we discuss monies, we discuss salaries, you know. I don't know why... what do you call it? Mayor Clark: Let's do it like that, Victor. Let's do it like that. Commissioner Plummer: Were given right now, where raises were given in the middle of the year. That's not the policy around here. It never has been, except for the three which we control. And I just would be opposed to doing anything now. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, for once, Commissioner De Yurre is trying to show that the City Attorney should be in charge of his budget. So let's do it. OK? I want it clearly understood that 92 June 9, 1994 the Manager is not in charge of the Law Department. And the Manager has been saying all along, "I don't run the Law Department," but everybody keeps pushing it on the Manager. So put this... Mr. Odio: Yeah, let's make it clear. I don't have anything to do with it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: There you are. There you are. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's hold this up until budget time, Victor. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, I got my motion. Vote against it. We have a motion on the floor. IMayor Clark: Well, I'm not going to vote for it. Commissioner Plummer: I got to vote against it. I'm sorry. Mayor Clark: Well, what do you say, Willy? Commissioner Gort: I can't vote for it. Mayor Clark: It's not going to pass. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. So it's three to two. Well, now, call the roll. THEREUPON, ON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER DE YURRE AND SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR DAWKINS, THE HEREINABOVE MOTION ON ITEM 9-A FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Stephen P. Clark ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Commissioner Plummer: On the motion presently, no. Commissioner Gort: You know, I'd like to stress I know the two individuals, and I'm voting because of the principle, and not of the individuals. I think both individuals are very capable, they do a great job for the City, but it's not the individuals. It's because of the principle. I have to vote no. Mayor Clark: I'll vote on it at budget time, and not today. COMMENTS MADE AFTER ROLL CALL: Ms. Hirai: It fails. _ .93 .June -9, 19.94 W ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. (A) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 11130 CONCERNING COCONUT GROVE PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY -- NO ACTION TAKEN. (B) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY NEXT TO THE BARNACLE PROPERTY. Mayor Clark: OK. How about 9-13? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): This is a proposed amendment, and... (INAUDIBLE COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Clark: What's this about? Mr. Odio: Item 9-B. Commissioner Plummer: This is Clark Cook's item. Mr. Odio: Yeah. Commissioner Dawkins asked for this, but I was looking for Clark Cook. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins, is this your item? Mr. Clark Cook: I'm right here. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Cook, would you put on the record, and I'll wait if Mr. Dawkins wants... Mr. Odio: Oh, there he is. I'm sorry. Commissioner Plummer: Would you please put on the record... I'm getting phone calls that you are going to buy a particular piece of property. I've tried to convince the people that you're not going to buy next to the Barnacle. Mr. Odio: No. Excuse me. Commissioner Plummer: And... Mr. Odio: Excuse me, excuse me, Commissioner. Commissioner Plummer: And let's get on the record so we can... Mr. Odio: No, no, no. Wait. This has nothing to do with this, but I'll put it on the record. Mr. Cook was asked by me in an official meeting with the Law Department on a settlement offer made by Triester and Charlene on the property next to the Barnacle. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Odio: At that meeting, I asked Mr. Cook that before I could even hear out the offer the people were making, to do an analysis through a consultant whether the proposal they were 94 June 9, 1994 making was feasible or not. He has informed me two days ago that it's not. Therefore, there is nothing on the table to discuss, zero. Commissioner Plummer: All right. So for the record, those people that are calling my office that are very concerned, there is absolutely no intent at this point to pursue the acquisition of the property for parking next to the Barnacle. Mr. Odio: No. Commissioner Plummer: Thank you. You got anything on this item? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Which one? Commissioner Plummer: Nine-B. You asked that it be brought. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I don't know. Whatever it was, I've forgotten. Mayor Clark: Good-bye. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Bye. I don't even know what it is. Bye. Mayor Clark: On item... Where are you going, J.L.? On item 10... Mr. Odio: Well, let me refresh... I think in this issue of 9-B, Commissioner... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir, Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: That we were talking about the committee, the parking committee that is formed in Coconut Grove, and the question was whether they should report to DOSP (Department of Off - Street Parking) or the City. I believe that's the issue, isn't it? Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's the issue? Mr. Cook: I believe that was the issue you all were discussing at the time, and I think there was some confusion. If my... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait a minute. Hold it, hold it. It was my item. Is that what you understood I was saying? Not "you all," now, "me." Mr. Cook: Commissioner, I was not here at that particular time. I cannot say... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. So now discussion. Forget the item, Mr. Mayor. It's my item, let it go. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN 95 June 9, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. (Continued discussion) BRIEF COMMENTS CONCERNING CITY ATTORNEY, A. QUINN JONES' APPOINTMENT OF JOEL MAXWELL, ESQ., AS DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY. (See label 17A) Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I got a problem here. The City Attorney, in his official capacity as City Attorney, and we told him after the transition team, you know, to run the department. This gentleman has decided that he wanted to make Joel Maxwell a Deputy. But the Manager cannot do anything unless he knows what we're going to do. See? So somehow here, somebody has to say either Mr. Maxwell can make Joel a Deputy or he cannot. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): The issue is, Commissioner, according to the Charter, the only one that can sign for the City is the City Manager. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Mr. Odio: And I'm not going to sign something that I have no responsibility over. I used to sign... The responsibility was transferred to the Commission, so. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. So the Commission signs this. The Commission signs this. Mr. Odio: Or you could order me to sign it. But I'm not going to take the... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. I hear you. OK. Mr. Odio: OK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. Now, OK. Then, now how do we... Somebody tell me... I need Commissioner De Yurre, because we're the only three here. Somebody tell me how we get the City Attorney in charge of his budget, and the City Attorney make these decisions. How do you do that? Mr. Odio: You did that. You told... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, why can't he sign this, if I did that? Mr. Odio: Well, he can answer that one. A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): The problem is, Commissioner, is that all paperwork or whatever, in terms of processing personnel actions or whatever has a signature block there for the Manager to sign off. What he's saying is that since he had no control. I mean, it's a "Catch 22." I mean, everything that I have to do, every department, he has to sign off on... Vice Mayor Dawkins: As the City Manager, he's supposed to sign off on it. Mr. Jones: ... as the City Manager, you know. But that has... I mean... Mr. Odio: When I have control. Mr. Jones: Well, I mean the whole thing about the budget... 96 June 9, 1994 OrTMIM WWI Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yeah, but... Hold it, hold it, hold it. You know what? "Have control" means what, Mr. Manager? Mr. Odio: If I sign the department head's 922, I have something to do with that decision. When he's making the decision... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, how can you have a decision on who the City Attorney wants to make a Deputy City Attorney? Mr. Odio: I don't want that decision. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, then... Well, sign it, then. Mr. Odio: Let him sign it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, fine, he signed it. But you... he... It cannot be... He signed it. It cannot be processed unless you countersign it. Mr. Odio: Yes, but in the last meeting of this Commission, you told me that you wanted to transfer the... give him free hand. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yeah, but we can't do that until you give him his budget. So you've got to sign until then. Mr. Odio: No. I'm not even involved in his budget anymore. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's right. Mr. Odio: You told him to prepare his own budget. Commissioner Plummer: No, that's not a true statement. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you, Mr... Mayor Clark: Please, let's just... Commissioner Plummer: The Charter... Unless you're going to change... Mr. Odio: Wait, no, I want to clarify this. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, if I may. Unless you're going to change the Charter, the City Attorney is not charged with presenting this City with a balanced budget. The City Manager is charged, and as such, it is only logical for a balanced budget to be presented by the Manager, that he must have some control over all, as he does our City Commission offices. I don't know how a man can be charged with a responsibility when he doesn't have control. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: He does not have control of your budget. He does not have control of my budget. He does not have control of the police budget. He does not have control of the fire budget, firemen's budget. He does not have control of the Solid Waste budget. What he does have is control to say to us, "You got 'X' dollars to work with, and you work within those 'X' 97 June 9, 1994 dollars." Now, if he tells the City Attorney, "You got 2X dollars," and the City Attorney decides he wants to flex those 2X dollars, that's fine. But he can't tell him, "No, I want you to work with 1X dollars." Commissioner Plummer: That's what we said before. OK? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, then, no problem. Commissioner Plummer: The City Attorney has to have an "X" number, of which he must perform within. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So this is within... Commissioner Plummer: And that's all we're saying now. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And this is within the "X" dollars. Mr. Odio: What happened, let me... Commissioner, in the last Commission meeting, you told... You made the City Attorney's budget independent. Vice Mayor Dawkins: At budget hearing. At budget hearing. Mr. Odio: You told him he reviews his own budget, and he presents... Vice Mayor Dawkins: We can't do that... You can't do that in the middle of the year. Mr. Odio: That's right. But... Vice Mayor Dawkins: You've got to do it in the budget hearing, Mr. Manager. Until that budget, you have to operate under the budget that we're operating under. Mr. Odio: I agree, and I don't mind signing. I have been, up to the other day, signing any forms that I receive from them, without even questioning them, and I have... Mayor Clark: Sign these forms. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. I move that... Mr. Odio: But you have to tell me to do it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I move that we order the Manager to sign this. Mr. Odio: OK. Then I'll do it. Commissioner De Yurre: I don't think we can do that. Commissioner Plummer: I don't think we can. You can't order the Manager. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, we can't do that. You can't. We can't do that. Mayor Clark: He said he'll sign. Mr. Odio: You can authorize me to sign on any request from the Law Department until the next budget time, I guess. 98 June 9, 1994 W Mayor Clark: All right. A request is made to you to sign off on that. Mr. Odio: I will sign. Commissioner Plummer: That's it. A request, that's fine. Mayor Clark: Ladies and gentlemen, we'll see you at 2:30. THEREUPON THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO RECESS AT 12 NOON AND RECONVENED AT 2:40 P.M., WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION EXCEPTING COMMISSIONER DE YURRE FOUND TO BE PRESENT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE -- WAIVE COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS -- APPROVE ACQUISITION OF A MICROFILM READER / PRINTER FROM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA -- FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LETF). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: The "enano" will be here shortly. Mayor Clark: A resolution authorizing the waiver of sealed bids for purchase of a digital microfilm reader/printer. Commissioner Plummer: Where are we? Mayor Clark: On 10. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'll move it, but I, just for the record, want to say, as I always do, I have a problem with a sole source. Mayor Clark: Well, sometimes that happens. Commissioner Plummer: Well, yeah. It happens too often around here, though. Mayor Clark: All right. Moved by Mr. Plummer. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second by Dawkins. But you say you have a problem with it, but you vote for it every time. Commissioner Plummer: Well, because I don't have the time, Mr. Dawkins, to go out and check the specs and make sure how the specs were written. Mayor Clark: Please. Peace, peace, peace. Motion and a second. Call the roll. 99 June 9, 1994 10 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-395 A RESOLUTION, BY A 4/5THS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF A MICROFILM READER/PRINTER FROM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA, THE SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AT A PROPOSED TOTAL COST OF $15,000.00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 290995-840, PROJECT NO. 69001, SUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS BEING IN COMPLIANCE WITH FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 932.7055; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Victor De Yurre ------------------------------------------ --------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------- 21. RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE -- WAIVE COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS -- APPROVE ACQUISITION OF MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE IMTEC 35MM MICROFILM CAMERA FROM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA WITH OPTION FOR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, BUILDING AND ZONING. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 11, a resolution authorizing waiver of competitive bids for an Imtec thirty-five millimeter microfilm camera. Commissioner Plummer: Like it or not, this is part of the same. You got to move it. I will. Commissioner Gort: Second. 100 June 9, 1994 dy6 Mayor Clark: All right. With no objection, cast a unanimous ballot, Mr. Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 94-396 A RESOLUTION, BY A 4/5THS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE IMTEC 35MM MICROFILM CAMERA FROM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT OF FLORIDA THE SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER FOR THIS SERVICE ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIODS, AT A PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $8,420.00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, BUILDING AND ZONING; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO. 560402-722- 421001, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICE TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE AND THEREAFTER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT ANNUALLY, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Victor De Yurre ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S EMERGENCY ACTION -- WAIVE COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS -- FOR REPAIR OF THE AERIAL 24 RESPONSE VEHICLE FROM CASSO'S PAINT & BODY REPAIR -- FOR FIRE -RESCUE DEPARTMENT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: All right. Item number 12. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): It was an accident that one of our fire trucks had. We are... Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Mr. Odio: ... going after the liability part. I don't know if we'll get the money back, but... 101 June 9, 1994 W Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: All right. With no exception, cast a unanimous ballot, Mr. Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-397 A RESOLUTION BY A 4/5THS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING THAT AN EMERGENCY NEED EXISTED, WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS FOR THE REPAIR OF THE AERIAL 24 RESPONSE VEHICLE FROM CASSO'S PAINT & BODY REPAIR FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $5,759.77; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE ACCOUNT CODE NO. 280701-670; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS ACQUISITION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: ABSENT: Mayor Clark: Item 13. None. Commissioner Victor De Yurre Vice Mayor Dawkins: We went over 13, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: Fourteen, Arva Parks is not here, Mr. Mayor. She was here earlier. Mayor Clark: Well, let's hold it up. Commissioner Plummer: Next meeting. Mayor Clark: It's withdrawn, next... June the 30th. Second. Cast a unanimous ballot. 102 . Motion to withdraw by Mr. Dawkins. .June .9, 19.94 Commissioner Plummer: Right. NOTE: At this point, agenda item 14 was withdrawn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. NESTOR RODRIGUEZ -- REQUEST FEE WAIVER FOR USE OF GUSMAN CENTER IN CONNECTION WITH THE FIFTH AMERICAN NATIONAL CHOPIN PIANO COMPETITION (MARCH, 1995) -- REFER TO DEPARTMENT OF OFF-STREET PARKING -- SUGGEST REQUEST BE PROVIDED TO ADMINISTRATION IN WRITING DURING CONSIDERATION FOR NEXT BUDGET CYCLE. Mayor Clark: Item 15. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Hold it now. Is Mr. Rodriguez here? OK. Commissioner Plummer: On 15... On 15, Mr. Mayor, if you're not aware, the City cannot waive at Gusman Hall. Mayor Clark: Well, they want... How much are they asking for? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): About twenty thousand dollars. Mayor Clark: So what's the Administration's recommendation? Mr. Odio: I would have to recommend against any funding, since we have a budget problem, but... Mayor Clark: This is for 1995? Mr. Nestor Rodriguez: Correct. Mayor Clark: Let's wait until after we adopt the budget. Commissioner Plummer: Well, excuse me. This here is only asking for a waiver of the rental. Mr. Odio: It takes twenty thousand dollars to do the performance, according to what I see here in their request. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Well, sir, you would have to make application to the Off -Street Parking Authority. Mr. Rodriguez: Is there a formal application for that, sir? Commissioner Plummer: You'll have to check with Mr. Clark Cook. I will tell you, sir, to the best of my knowledge, there is no... And when I say "no," as long as I've been here, there's no 103 June 9, 1994 } granting of any waivers on Gusman. It is part of the gift that Mr. Gusman gave to the City. One of the provisions, there would never, ever be waivers. Mr. Odio: And if they waive, we have to pay the deficits, anyway. We pay them the deficit every year. Mayor Clark: Make the application to the Off -Street Parking Authority, Mr. Clark Cook. All right, sir? Commissioner Plummer: Right. Also, Mr. Mayor, he could, of course, as you and I well know, he could make application to the TDC, which is Tourist Development Council. Mayor Clark: Yes. Mr. Rodriguez: We are seeking those funding opportunities, but I also, on behalf of the foundation, wanted to request a grant from the City, itself, to help underwrite the cost of Gusman and underwrite the cost of the event. Mayor Clark: We have to wait until... Commissioner Plummer: The cupboard is bare. You'll have to come back... Mayor Clark: We have to wait until budget time to see what we have available, sir. Mr. Rodriguez: So this is starting in October, you're saying? Commissioner Plummer: Well, we start in September, sir. It's approved in October. Mr. Rodriguez: When would be the appropriate time to... Commissioner Plummer: Tomorrow. Mr. Rodriguez: How about today? Commissioner Plummer: Put in a letter of request to the Administration to be considered. Mr. Rodriguez: OK. Mayor Clark: Twenty thousand dollars. Send me a letter if you don't send anybody else a letter. All right? Mr. Rodriguez: OK. OK. Thank you. Mayor Clark: Thank you, sir. On item... Commissioner Plummer: When you do it, sir, put... Make sure you surrender your total budget. Mr. Rodriguez: Correct. Thank you. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN 104 June 9, 1994 W -------------------------------------------------••-------------------------------------------------------------- 24. GRANT REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE "MIAMI / BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL IN COCONUT GROVE, INC." FOR DESIGNATED PERMITS AND APPLICABLE FEE WAIVER CONCERNING ITS RECENT EVENT ALONG GRAND AVENUE -- APPROVE $10,000 FEE WAIVER PROVIDED THEY BACK TO 32 AVENUE NEXT YEAR. Mayor Clark: Item 16. Mr. Rolle, Billy. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): He wants us to waive the Coconut Grove supplementary user's fee of ten thousand dollars. We have to strongly recommend that we do not do that, since we will set a precedent in the Grove. We have never waived this fee, and I don't think we should start now. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, if I may. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I was charged by this Commission to head up a committee of the Standing Festival Committee, in which we coordinated these fees. The Goombay Festival was one that we excluded from the fees. That was when they were fully content to be west - I guess west or south, or whatever you want to call it - of 32 Avenue. Not Douglas, of 32. Now, Billy, let me tell you. They only this year went one block beyond that. And, you know, you can say for one block, it's one thing or another. But, Mr. Rolle, I want to tell you something. Sir, my office received an awful lot of complaints this year, in particular, from the post office, that people could not get in and out of the post office. Now, I don't know why you feel it's important to have that extra block. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I'm willing, if you're willing, to make a motion, and I'm only speaking for one, to waive the fee on that one block for this year, if you'll go back to the 32nd Avenue. I mean, it makes all the difference in the world, Billy. And you know it, I don't have to draw you no pictures. You block off Commodore. The merchants on Commodore were upset. People couldn't get to their businesses. The postal clerks were complaining to me they couldn't get their trucks in and out. People at 7-Eleven, some of them were making money, some of them weren't. Mr. Mayor, what the fee is that they're speaking about is a fee that was supposedly - not supposedly - that was charged for the restoration caused by any damage of wear and tear on the City by virtue of having the festival there. We exempted Goombay because they were one of the few who really had a tie to Coconut Grove and the Bahamian heritage. I will tell you that's where I'm at, and I would answer any questions on behalf of the committee, or these people could speak in their behalf, but I think it's very, very important that serious consideration be... going back to 32nd Avenue. Mayor Clark: Bill. Mr. William Rolle: OK. William Rolle. I reside at 3430 Williams Avenue. The intent of the fee was to discourage festivals from coming to Coconut Grove. We were home for sixteen years at that time, Bahamians, Coconut Grove. The intent was to not have so many festivals. Now, they are charging us for that impact fee, ten thousand dollars for one block. If that's the case, it will be six blocks for sixty thousand. We pay the City sixty thousand dollars in services. We only ask for that one block because of integration, one of them, because we were here, and we've been here, and you're given us the right for that... We didn't disturb Commodore Plaza. We pay police monies, whatever they asked for, thirty-four thousand, because they set the tone for the festival. We want a safe festival, so we go and pay that. Now, that would take care of 105 June 9, 1994 r Commodore Plaza and all the rest. We're going to keep this festival integrated, and we will, Commissioner Plummer, make ways for these trucks to get in. I would like to accept that, it's good, but we'd like to come and finish up... NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner De Yurre entered the meeting at 2:47 p.m. Commissioner Plummer: For your information, at Main Highway, there was a police car with barricades that stopped people from coming Commodore Plaza, and the merchants were saying that they were being denied the right of doing business. Now, that's not me talking, OK? That they had it actually blocked off. So, hey, I'm not trying to create problems. I'm trying to bring them to the table. Mayor Clark: Let me have a motion, please. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would make a motion at this... Ted, if you argue with my motion... I would make a motion that we waive the fee of this year of ten thousand dollars, with a proviso that they will go back to the 32nd Avenue, and free up the rest of the merchants in Coconut Grove. I would offer. Mr. Williams: It's OK. We'll go back to 32nd. Mayor Clark: Second the motion. Call the roll. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What is... Mayor Clark: Waive the fee if they go back to 32nd Avenue. Commissioner Plummer: Right. And, Mr. Rolle, if you want to take one of the side streets that's not blocking, you know, the main commercial area, I don't think there's any problem with that. Mayor Clark: All right. Call the roll, ma'am. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-398 A RESOLUTION RELATED TO THE 1994 MIAMIBAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL HELD BY MIAMIBAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL IN COCONUT GROVE, INC. ON JUNE 4 AND 5, 1994; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN SECTION 54-173 (1) OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA,, AS AMENDED, WHICH REQUIRES THAT THE PROMOTER OF THE EVENT PAY TO THE CITY A SUPPLEMENTARY USER FEE; CONDITIONED UPON MIAMIBAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL IN COCONUT GROVE, INC. MOVING THE FESTIVAL WEST OF THIRTY-SECOND AVENUE ON GRAND AVENUE, AND ALLOWING SAID FESTIVAL TO USE SIDE STREETS WITHOUT BLOCKING THE COMMERCIAL AREA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 106 June 9, 1994 p. Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Mr. Rolle: Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. COMMISSIONER PLUMMER CRITICIZES COMMITTEE ON ECOLOGY AND BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE FOR THEIR PLANNING A BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY PARTY AT THE SURF CLUB AT MIAMI BEACH, OUTSIDE CITY OF MIAMI LIMITS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Seventeen has been withdrawn. Eighteen... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor, can I bring up... I have a problem with the Beautification, and I wish somebody would please express to them. You know, I fought very hard for the Beautification Committee, and they're going to have a beautiful and a lovely, lovely party at the Surf Club on Miami Beach. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Commissioner Plummer: Now, I got a problem with that, Mr. Manager, and I hope you convey to the Beautification Committee, the Beautification Committee of Miami, that they will stay in Miami, and spend their money in Miami. OK? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): It's not... Commissioner Plummer: Hey, I'm saying to you, I love the people, they're a great committee, but the Surf Club on Miami Beach is not Miami, and I would hope that you would convey that to them, that I don't like the idea that my committee is going elsewhere. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner De Yurre: J.L., also that, you know, also, they can do it in Miami, either one. OK? Either one. Either City, that will be fine. Mayor Clark: All right. OK. Next case. Commissioner Plummer: Will somebody call Immigration? Commissioner De Yurre: I was born here, my friend. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN 107.. .June 9, 19.94 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. (A) DECLARE CITY OF MIAMI AS SYMBOLIC CAPITAL OF THE CUBANS IN EXILE, AND LITTLE HAVANA AS THEIR CULTURAL AND HISTORIC ENCLAVE. (B) DECLARE CITY OF MIAMI AS SYMBOLIC CAPITAL OF THE HAITIANS IN EXILE, AND LITTLE HAITI AS THEIR CULTURAL AND HISTORIC ENCLAVE. Mayor Clark: Item 18, item 18. A resolution declaring Miami as the symbolic capital of the Cuban community in exile, and Little Havana as an historic and eventual enclave. Commissioner Plummer: I don't understand. Mr. Humberto Machado: Well, first of all, Mr. Mayor and Commissioners... Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Oh, well, OK, this is... Mr. Machado: Well, a little... Mr. Odio: Go ahead, go ahead. Mr. Machado: I want to express my feeling at that moment. First of all, thanks for giving me the opportunity to build this City for you, and to make this proposition to the discussion and approval of this... Mr. Odio: Resolution. Mr. Machado: ... resolution, exactly. For that reason, I am giving you my thank yous. OK. I would like, if you have the kindness, to read the resolution in English. Mr. Odio: Let me have it. Mr. Machado: I will give you, exactly. Mr. Odio: Or we could put it on the record, Mr. Mayor, unless... What I can do is just, instead of reading the whole thing, let's... OK. Mayor Clark: Is it in Spanish now? Mr. Odio: It says... Mayor Clark: Is it in Spanish now, Cesar? Mr. Odio: It is in English here, so he wanted... What he... It is resolved - and I'm abbreviating - to declare the City of Miami the symbolic capital of the Cuban people in exile and La Pequena Habana or Little Havana its historical and cultural enclave. And in order that this resolution be known to the world as an expression of solidarity from all the people of our America whom the City offers home, and in particular, and as recognition of the courage, the tenacity, the fighting spirit and the love for their roots by the Cuban nation in exile, this testimony is given. And this is this group... 108 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Well, what does he hope to accomplish by doing this? Mr. Odio: I think it's symbolic. Commissioner Plummer: Just symbolic only? Mr. Odio: It is symbolic, yes. Commissioner Plummer: It gives them no rights, other than a symbolism that this community is... Mr. Odio: Well, I have the same rights as you have. I'm an American, but I mean... Commissioner Plummer: No, I was just asking... Mr. Odio: This is symbolic, symbolic. Commissioner Plummer: This is not a money -making or a profit -making venture? Mr. Odio: No, no, no. This is just a resolution. Commissioner Plummer: OK. I'm just asking. Please, can I ask a question? Mr. Odio: I'm trying to answer for him, because I'm reading. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Odio: It's just symbolic, it says. Commissioner Plummer: And, excuse me, for the record, you're not in the same privileges that I am. Mr. Odio: No, I'm older than you, sir. Commissioner Plummer: I'm a human being that is a Christian, that takes life nice and easy. Mayor Clark: All right. We want to move this thing? Commissioner Plummer: I'll move it, sir. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: Hold it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Hold it. Before you move it, even though the President of the United States and the Congress and all do not feel that Haitians are prosecuted (sic), if we do this, would it be in order to create Little Haiti as a symbolic gesture, to let them know that we sympathize with them, also? Mayor Clark: Sure. It would only be natural. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Then pass the motion for both of them. Mayor Clark: Sure. Sir, I have no problem. 109 June 9, 1994 Commissioner De Yurre: Well, so be it. Commissioner Plummer: So be it. My motion is now altered to include both. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. Commissioner De Yurre: Second. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk. Commissioner De Yurre: That's it. Mr. Machado: OK. Thank you, sir. I Mayor Clark: Thank you. The following resolutions were introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved their adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-399 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO BE THE SYMBOLIC CAPITAL OF THE CUBAN PEOPLE IN EXILE, AND LA PEQUENA HABANA (THE LITTLE HAVANA NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI), ITS HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ENCLAVE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) RESOLUTION NO. 94-399.1 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA TO BE THE SYMBOLIC CAPITAL OF THE HAITIAN PEOPLE IN EXILE, AND THE LITTLE HAITI NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AS ITS HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ENCLAVE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolutions were passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 110 June 9, 1994 67 NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda item 19 was withdrawn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27. GRANT REQUEST FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SHORECREST HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR FEE WAIVER CONCERNING PROPOSED INTER -TRIBAL INDIAN FESTIVAL TO BE HELD AT LEGION PARK (DECEMBER 1-4, 1994) -- SUBJECT TO CITY BEING REIMBURSED IF GROUP MAKES ANY PROFIT FROM SAID EVENT. Mayor Clark: Number 20. Inter -tribal... Is someone here on this? Ms. Ann Carlton: Yes, I'm here. Mayor Clark: Yes, ma'am. Commissioner Plummer: Is this for Bingo or slot machines? Ms. Carlton: I wish it were, but it's not. Mayor Clark: Go ahead, Ann. What's this about? Ms. Carlton: I've been the... I'm a member of the Executive Board of the Inter -Tribal Council. This is a council set up of Indians from all over the United States that will be brought here to Biscayne Boulevard at Legion Park. We have commitments from all of the Indians. Two people who were supposed to be here to talk to you about this is Jimmy Tiger and Betty Osceola. They had to go to Oklahoma City to the Indian Pow -Wow to get the signatures of the people who will participate here in Miami. We have commitments from almost half the tribes already. What we are asking for initially is a few things that we need to help us to bring this to fruition and to make it a successful program. The program that we're asking for... Actually, what we're asking for is a three thousand dollar commitment from the Commission to purchase teepees that we would place in Legion Park for promotional purposes, and to purchase promotional material. We're also asking for a waiver of the park use fee, the building rental fee, and the snow mobile fee. If we can get those, it will be a tremendous help to us. This is not... This is, so far, this is the first one we're going to have. We know it's going to be successful, because we have a lot of volunteers working for it. It is something that we have never had before. This will be the first one, and hopefully, we'll have many more after this. It will... Mayor Clark: Commissioner Gort. Ms. Carlton: Pardon? Mr. Odio: I would recommend the waiver of the fees, and that's all. Mayor Clark: Mr. Gort has the floor. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, I've.discussed_this issue with .them before. In the. northeast, one of the things we're looking fdr is, my understanding is, we want each neighborhood to,try to June .9, 1994 W create within their own neighborhood their own theme. And I think the theme of Native Americans is a great one, and this could be the commencement of it. My understanding is some tribes are interested in establishing a permanent Indian site on one of the islands right off the... right across from the... Ms. Carlton: Legion Park. Commissioner Gort: ... Legion Park. And if we could do that, that would be some of the solution that we can have for that northeast area. If we could really create it, the tourist attraction with the Native Indians, Native Americans being established in there as a tourist attraction, I think finally, some of those hotels will be able to get, and the motels in the area will be able to get some of the business. I think this program, these people have been working on it a long time, and that could be very attractive and bring a lot of people into that area. And I'll be all in favor of it, Mr. Manager. I think we should try to accommodate this. Commissioner Plummer: I think we need to ask some questions. Commissioner Gort: Yes, sir. I always leave the questions up to you, sir. I will learn from you. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'm a little concerned that I'm looking at salaries of a hundred and thirty-two - I mean total cost of personnel, we're looking at eighty thousand dollars for dancers. We're looking at three thousand for a master of ceremonies. I don't know who he is. A festival coordinator of fifteen thousand, a production coordinator at ten, and technical at four. That's a hundred and twelve thousand is personnel cost. Mr. Carlton: What you're looking at... Commissioner Plummer: Who is the festival coordinator? Ms. Carlton: It's a young woman by the name of Kim - what's Kim's last name - Hinson (phonetic). The figures that you have there... Mayor Clark: Is that Mr. Hinson? Ms. Carlton: Yes. Mayor Clark: Is that your budget, you're asking for that money here? Commissioner Plummer: No, no, here's the budget. Ms. Carlton: No, no. That's a... Commissioner Plummer: No. Here's the budget right here. Ms. Carlton: That's a part of the budget that you see right there. I've gone through that budget, because I .had not seen it before. However, in going through... Commissioner Plummer: Well, the point that I'm trying to make, if I may... Ms. Carlton: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: ... is that a hundred and twelve thousand is personnel, and the total budget is only one seventy-nine, with the City's parks and everything involved in there. It's more than fifty percent is personnel. 112 June 9, 1994 MO Ms. Carlton: No. Commissioner Plummer: The waiver of the park amounts to what? According to this here, it's two thousand, eighty-seven dollars. Ms. Carlton: Right, and forty cents. Mm-hmm. Commissioner Plummer: And if that is the case... And what is event personnel staff. That's six thousand, one hundred and forty-one dollars and twelve cents. Ms. Carlton: Right. Commissioner Plummer: You're anticipating they're going to pay that, Mr. Manager? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Mayor, I'll make you a motion, if you're ready. Mayor Clark: Ready. Commissioner Plummer: My motion is that we grant the waiver of the rental, predicated, if they make a profit of any kind, the City gets back the two thousand, eight -seven dollars and forty cents. If there is no profit, you pay us back nothing. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I second the motion. Ms. Carlton: That's agreed upon. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I second the motion, and under discussion. Mayor Clark: All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You got a total budget of a hundred and seventy-nine thousand dollars. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You got grant request at fifty-five thousand dollars, which leaves a balance of a hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars. Where will that come from? Commissioner Plummer: If you go up to the top, Mr. Dawkins, corporate contributions of ten thousand; hotels, five thousand; private individuals, three thousand. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is that money or in -kind? See, I mean, if you know, now, I'll ask you. Commissioner Plummer: No, it's here. Vice Mayor Dawkins: If I... If this... If you can tell me that the corporate contribution is cash money... It says hotel/motel, in -kind. That's not money. That's in -kind. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But if you're going to pay these people, who you say a hundred and twelve thousand dollars, you need money. 113 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: They usually want that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So do you mind if I go this way? Commissioner Plummer: No wampum. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you, sir. Ms. Carlton: OK. Go ahead. Mr. James Lo Schiavo: My name is James Lo Schiavo. I am the president of the Greater Biscayne Boulevard Chamber of Commerce. The goal of this festival is to bring back the boulevard, to have various events on there. We have contacted Don Shula, Wayne Huizenga, a lot of... Phil Peterson, Phil Peterson Motorcycle. We've gotten... We haven't gotten anything from Wayne Huizenga or Don Shula, but we've gotten affirmative commitments, and we did get stuff from Phil Peterson's Motorcycle, and a lot of other people along the boulevard. When we put the budget together, that was their proposed budget. As for the eighty thousand dollars for the Native American entertainers - and that was what their fees are - that was something that we are paying so that we have something, performers there for the people to come see. Vice Mayor Dawkins: In other words, all I'm asking you is that all you are asking from the City of Miami is fifty-five thousand dollars, amen, that's it? Commissioner Plummer: No. No. That's from Metro. Mr. Lo Schiavo: I would love fifty-five thousand. Ms. Carlton: We'd love to have fifty-five thousand. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You know, I mean, you know... Mayor Clark: Your request from the City is, the mobile, the snow mobile and the rent for the... Mr. Lo Schiavo: We also would like to request the staff of six thousand, one hundred and forty- one -twelve, which I get the feeling we're not going to get, but... Commissioner Plummer: You're right. So we will take the permits and rentals. I want you to know that if there is any extra money left over - and we expect there to be - it is going to a scholarship fund for Native American Indians, and that was why we're putting... one of the reasons we're putting this on. Mayor Clark: It's moved by Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: Second by Mr. Gort. Call the roll. Commissioner De Yurre: Where is this money going to come from? 114 June 9, 1994 f Mayor Clark: They're going to raise the money. Ms. Carlton: We're raising the money ourselves. We have commitments, we already have some cash already that's been already given to us. We're not asking you for anything unreasonable. All we're asking for is a... Mayor Clark: OK, OK. You got it now. Commissioner De Yurre: No, no. I just wanted to know, where is the fifty... Were we supposed to give them fifty-five thousand dollars? Mayor Clark: No, no. We're not giving them any money at all. Commissioner Plummer: Nothing, Mayor Clark: Free rent and the showmobile. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's all. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You hear that, Mr. Manager? Ms. Carlton: What about the three thousand dollars? Can I get that? i need that. Mayor Clark: No, ma'am. Commissioner Plummer: You heard my motion. Mayor Clark: The money is not there. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Ms. Carlton: OK. Thank you. Commissioner Plummer: The waiver of the rental, that's it. 115 June 9, 1994 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-400 A RESOLUTION RELATED TO THE NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURAL FESTIVAL SPONSORED BY THE GREATER BISCAYNE BOULEVARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, TO BE HELD IN LEGION PARK, MIAMI, FLORIDA, ON DECEMBER 1-4, 1994; WAIVING FEES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,087, FOR THE PARK PERMIT AND USE OF THE RECREATION BUILDING AND SHOWMOBILE, SAID WAIVER SUBJECT TO THE SPONSOR'S: (1) PAYMENT TO THE CITY OF ALL FEES WAIVED SHOULD SAID EVENT REALIZE A PROFIT; (2) SUBMITTAL OF A POST -EVENT AUDIT; AND (3) COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND/OR REQUIREMENTS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. i--------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------: --------------------------------- i 28. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH INITIAL RESOURCES / i APPROPRIATIONS FOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: HIDTA HOOKEN -- ACCEPT GRANT ($50,787) FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS -- EXECUTE NECESSARY DOCUMENT(S). Mayor Clark: On 22... 21, we've handled already. Commissioner Plummer: We're up to twenty... Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Twenty-two is to create a... Commissioner Plummer: Where are we? Mr. Odio: ... an account called HIDTA. How do you say that? Lt. Joseph Longueira: HIDTA Hookem. 116 June 9, 1994 Mr. Odio: HIDTA Hookem. Mayor Clark: What item are we on now? 1 Mr. Odio: Twenty-two, Mr. Mayor, to accept a grant from the Department of Justice of fifty thousand, seven hundred and eight -seven dollars. Commissioner Plummer: They're going to give us money. I'll move it immediately. i j Mayor Clark: Second. Call the roll. Commissioner Plummer: No. It's an emergency ordinance. (AT THIS POINT, THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE ORDINANCE INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD BY TITLE ONLY.) Commissioner Plummer: And that's for the... Mayor Clark: All right. Moved... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Under discussion. Mayor Clark: All right. Hold on. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Under discussion. You got fifty thousand dollars. We just said this morning that we can't fight the drug trafficking in Liberty City, drug flea market, and in Coconut Grove. Will this fifty thousand dollars be earmarked for the high intensity drug trafficking area known as the drug flea market, and the drug market in Coconut Grove? Lt. Longueira: Sir, all I can tell you about... Vice Mayor Dawkins: I'm asking the Manager. Mayor Clark: Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: Well, the grant says... Commissioner Plummer: No. Mr. Odio: The answer is no, because it says... but that... It's to target organizations Citywide that are involved in narcotics trafficking. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. For the... Citywide. Mr. Odio: But it's for organizations Citywide. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Citywide. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. That's all. I just needed to know. Commissioner Plummer: Fifty thousand wouldn't begin to do one block in the Grove. 117 June 9, 1994 M Mr. Odio: Well, but at least, you know... Commissioner Gort: It's better than nothing. Mayor Clark: At least it's something. Let's don't... Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, I agree with that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Call the roll. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE, ESTABLISHING INITIAL RESOURCES AND INITIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "HIDTA HOOKEM," ACCEPTING A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,787 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, OFFICE OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCEPT SAID GRANT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Gort, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Gort, adopted said ordinance by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11156. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 118 June 9, 1994 ! 29. (A) (Continued) RECONSIDER PRIOR M-94-366, WHICH HAD DEFERRED AGENDA ITEM CA-22 (REGARDING RATIFICATION OF SPECIAL CHARGES FOR USE OF THE BOBBY MADURO BASEBALL STADIUM PARKING I.OT BY C.C.A.L. CORPORATION FOR FLEA MARKET). (B) RATIFY SPECIAL CHARGES / TERMS / CONDITIONS FOR USE OF BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM PARKING I LOT BY C.C.A.L. CORPORATION FOR PRESENTATION OF FLEA MARKETS (WEEKENDS DURING JUNE 1, 1994 - MAY 31, 1995), i AS MODIFIED. (See label 213) Mayor Clark: Back to item CA-22. Mr. Gort has a... Commissioner Plummer: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Commissioner Gort: This is the consent agenda. I pulled out this item on Bobby Maduro Flea Market, and the reason I pulled this item is because I had some questions, requests on some of the problems that they had with the... previously, the way it was running. My understanding is the contract that the City has would take care of all the problems and all the... Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry, I have not seen the contract. Mr. Odio: Well, I need to... It's on your packet. It's in your agenda packet. Let me point out on the record that the problems we have had, one of them, the worst, is that they never clean up, and week after week, we warned them, and what we're saying to them now, one week they fail to clean up, then they're closed down. Commissioner Plummer: Let me ask you a question. Mr. Odio: Because we don't have enough... We don't make money out of them if we start monitoring them every week, week after week. Commissioner Plummer: How much are they paying? Mr. Max Cruz: It will be approximately forty thousand dollars a year, sir. Commissioner Plummer: How much per day? Mr. Cruz: It will be, initially, the first three months will be three hundred dollars per day. After three months, it will be four hundred dollars per day. Commissioner Plummer: OK. And have they put up in the way of a performance bond? Mr. Cruz: They were not requested a performance bond, so... Commissioner Plummer: Oh, ho-ho! Mr. Cruz: ...it has not been done before. 119 June 9, 1994 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-424 { A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 90-273, ADOPTED APRIL 12, 1990, IN ITS ENTIRETY, WHICH CONDITIONALLY RECOGNIZED THE MIAMI ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE, INC. AS THE COORDINATING BODY OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE CITY OF MIAMI IN 1996; AND DESIGNATING THE CITY OF MIAMI AS THE OFFICIAL ORGANIZER OF ALL ACTIVITIES OF SAID CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would like to ask... Mayor Clark: Hold it, just a minute. We've got an introduction coming here. Willy. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, I would like to introduce Ralph Duarte, who was very helpful during my campaign. He helped me a lot, and I promised him that he would be able to come here and sit in this chair that he helped me to get. Commissioner De Yurre: Is he going to vote for you at six o'clock? (APPLAUSE) 220 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Put up five thousand dollar cash bond. Now, Max, they are going to have somewhat of an exclusive for how many days out of the year, that other people will be excluded by their exclusivity? Mr. Cruz: Commissioner, it is not exclusive. If the City of Miami brings an event, a concert, a baseball game, the City of Miami will have priority. We'll notify them within seventy-two hours that they cannot open the flea market. Mayor Clark: Let me ask this question, Mr. Manager. What about the provision of guests? Mr. Odio: We don't have any obligations. At the moment we have a commitment to do something else with that property, whether it's guest, or housing, or whatever we choose to do, they know that they will not be there. Commissioner Plummer: This is, to my understanding, there's not guarantee... Mr. Odio: That's right. Commissioner Plummer: ... of any dates. Mr. Odio: Right. Commissioner Plummer: We can cancel at any time. Mr. Cruz: Yes, sir. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: And you think three hundred dollars a day is fair. Mr. Odio: Yes.. Commissioner Plummer: How many booths do they have? Mr. Cruz: They probably will have, or they had in the past around from a hundred to a hundred and fifteen. Commissioner Plummer: So each booth... How much do you charge for booths, sir? Mr. Lopez: Twenty dollars. Commissioner Plummer: How much? Mr. Lopez: Twenty dollars. Commissioner Plummer: Twenty dollars, so that you're taking in two thousand... up to three thousand dollars a day... Mr. Lopez: Excuse me, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. Let me just... Tell me where I'm wrong. Mr. Lopez: Yes. 121 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: You're taking up approximately three thousand dollars a day in just the rental of the space of the booths; is that correct? Mr. Lopez: For the past two years, we've been working in the sidewalk, because the debris was inside the stadium, and we had all that. We couldn't... We only have about fifty booths now, fifty, sixty booths. Commissioner Plummer: OK. And so all they're offering you, then, at best, is ten percent. Mr. Cruz: There will be four hundred after initial... Commissioner Plummer: No, wait a minute, wait a minute. Yeah, ten percent. Mr. Cruz: Ten percent. After the initial three months, there will be four hundred dollars per day, which is slightly over the ten percent. Commissioner Plummer: Well, let me tell you, as far as I'm concerned, it's cheap. I'll go for four hundred from the start, and a five thousand dollar deposit, which only would be touched if they didn't live up to their commitment. I'll make that in the form of a motion. Mayor Clark: Five thousand dollar cash deposit. Mr. Lopez: We've been with the City for thirteen years and... Mayor Clark: Sir, please. Do you want it or don't you? Commissioner Plummer: I made a motion, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Gort: Wait a minute. } Commissioner Plummer: You got a problem? Commissioner Gort: What was your motion? Commissioner Plummer: The motion is, from the start, four hundred dollars a day, and a cash bond, only to be used if they don't clean up, as they're supposed to do... Commissioner Gort: J.L... Commissioner Plummer: It would be deleted from... Commissioner Gort: I'll second for discussion. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Commissioner Gort: And maybe you might want to amend it. Mayor Clark: All right. What's your discussion? Commissioner Gort: My problem, my understanding is, I had the same problems that J.L. had, and then when I got the confirmations of the contract, some of the requirements that we're going to require now, that each vendor has got to be licensed by the City of Miami, so that will eliminate a lot of vendors. 122 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Oh, each one has to have an occupational license? Commissioner Gort: Yes, that each... Commissioner Plummer: Each and every time, or for a year? Commissioner Gort: Yes. Mr. Cruz: Most of their vendors, Commissioner, are permanent vendors that will be there a year... They've been with them a year or two years. Commissioner Plummer: And what kind of license are they taking? Because that's a big deal. Mr. Cruz: OK. It has to be an occupational license. Commissioner Plummer: What kind? Mr. Lopez: It's a flea market... Commissioner Plummer: Is it peddler's license? Mr. Lopez: No. Commissioner Plummer: That's four hundred and fifty-eight dollars. Mr. Lopez: It's a flea market license, the same one that every... every... Commissioner Plummer: And how much is the license? Mr. Lopez: I think it's forty-five dollars, what they pay. Commissioner Plummer: Okay. Mr. Pedro Hernandez: We don't know. Commissioner Plummer: Let me also clear... Mr. Hernandez: We don't know. Commissioner Plummer: Let me make you... Do you have food served there? Do you have food booths? Mr. Lopez: One booth, yeah. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Make the people aware that the State of Florida came down for Goombay, and were charging forty dollars for a restaurant license for every booth at Goombay that sold food. It created a riot. So be aware. If, in fact, they're making an occupational license, I'll go with the three/four. Commissioner Gort: OK. Commissioner Plummer: With the five thousand dollar cash deposit, in case they don't live up to what they say they're supposed to do. 123 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Gort: Or bond. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir, Mr. De Yurre. Hold on. Commissioner De Yurre: Is there... What about the parking situation? Who controls that? Mr. Cruz: They control their own parking. We don't get involved on the weekend. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Do they charge for the parking? Mr. Cruz: No, they do not. Commissioner De Yurre: No charge for the parking. Mr. Lopez: No, we don't charge for the parking. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Commissioner Plummer: Victor, let me ask a question, if I may, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Why is it for all the shows that are out here, you charge for parking, but the boat show, you didn't? Mr. Cruz: I believe, Commissioner, that, you know, that the information that I had, that it was included in the price of the rental. Mayor Clark: Tony. Commissioner De Yurre: There's no charge for entering into the flea market? Mr. Pedro Hernandez: Not at all. Mr. Lopez: No, no. Mr. Hernandez: All we do is let the people get in and bring us business, that's it. Mr. Tony Pajares: Commissioner, this boat show was a first-time boat show, and the first time shows of any kind in Coconut Grove, we do not charge for parking. Commissioner Plummer: OK. I just asked, that's all. Thank you. (� Mr. Hernandez: There is something I want to discuss before you go, you move on, about the amount of money that you ask as bond... Commissioner Plummer: Sir, the cash bond would only be touched if you don't do what you're supposed to do by cleanup and the other stuff that is there. Anything... You have to have the insurance. I'm assuming they have to have liability. Mr. Hernandez: We have everything that the City requires. 124 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: The bond would only be... Mayor Clark: A five thousand dollar cash bond is what you must have. Commissioner Plummer: That's it. Mayor Clark: OK? Mr. Hernandez: I don't understand what you're saying. Mayor Clark: Sir? Commissioner Plummer: If you don't clean up... Commissioner Gort: He will explain it to you. Commissioner Plummer: ... we'll do it for you, and then we'll deduct it from the bond... Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Plummer: ... and give you the balance. Mayor Clark: Any further discussion? All in favor, sig... Call the roll. The following motion and resoultion were introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 94-401 A MOTION TO RECONSIDER PRIOR MOTION 94-366, WHICH HAD DEFERRED AGENDA ITEM CA-22 (PROPOSED MOVED: RESOLUTION TO RATIFY AND APPROVE SPECIAL CHARGES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF THE BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM PARKING LOT BY C.C.A.L. CORPORATION FOR FLEA MARKETS ON AVAILABLE WEEKENDS DURING THE PERIOD OF JUNE 1994 THROUGH MAY 1995). (Note for the Record: Immediately thereafter, the City Commission adopted R-94-401.1, approving agenda item CA-22, as presented.) 125 June 9, 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-401.1 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT, RATIFYING AND APPROVING SPECIAL CHARGES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF THE BOBBY MADURO MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM PARKING LOT BY C.C.A.L. CORPORATION FOR SAID ORGANIZATION'S PRESENTATION OF FLEA MARKETS ON AVAILABLE WEEKENDS DURING THE PERIOD JUNE 1, 1994 THROUGH MAY 31, 1995; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT; IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND SAID ORGANIZATION FOR THIS PURPOSE, SUBJECT TO THE ORGANIZERS: (1) OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN AN AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE, AND (2) POSTING A $5,000 PERFORMANCE BOND. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the motion resolution were passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. (Continued) AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO., CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF MINORITY FIRM OF WATSON & CO. -- TO ANALYZE FINANCIAL VIABILITY OF PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO RFP FOR VIRGINIA KEY BOATYARD UDP. (See label 2A) Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I pulled CA-16, and they say that they need CA-16, so I will move CA- 16 from this morning. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, boy. Mayor Clark: What is CA-16? 126 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Arthur Andersen and whatever that other... Mayor Clark: OK. All right. Moved, second. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): That's the boatyard. Commissioner Plummer: Hold on, Mr. Mayor, if I may. Mr. Manager, again, I'm very happy to put it back on the agenda, I'm happy to let it go through, but my question is, Mr. Manager, why always Arthur Andersen? We've got a lot of auditing companies in this community. And, you know, Commissioner Dawkins is the one who speaks of minorities and smaller companies. Smaller companies will never have an opportunity to get larger if they don't get business. Mr. Odio: We have a rotating basis in place now. Commissioner Plummer: Well, but you see... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yeah, but you rotate it with the larger firms, Mr. Manager. Commissioner Plummer. The same ones over, and over, and over. Mr. Odio: If you notice... Commissioner Plummer: Now, I would... You know... Commissioner Gort: How about a joint contract? Mayor Clark: In the future, give us a new list of these firms. Let's move on with this. Mr. Odio: I will bring back a new list of accountants, CPAs. Commissioner Plummer: Please. And that's not speaking bad of Arthur Andersen, it's just the idea they're a national company, and we got local people here. We got a lot of local auditors. Mayor Clark: OK. Fine. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And, J.L., they stuck this Ms. Watson in here, Pam Watson, as a black minority owned, and I don't even know what percentage she has, if she's got anything significant. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. OK. It's... Please, I'm just saying... Mayor Clark: Moved and seconded on item 16, Madam Clerk. If there's no objection, cast a unanimous ballot. Mr. Odio: CA-16. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. 127 June 9, 1994 W W The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-402 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ("PSA"), IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH ARTHUR ANDERSEN & CO., CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF THE MINORITY -OWNED ACCOUNTING FIRM OF WATSON & CO., TO ANALYZE THE FINANCIAL VIABILITY OF PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE VIRGINIA KEY BOATYARD UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ISSUED ON FEBRUARY 4, 1994; AUTHORIZING COMPENSATION FROM FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE FISCAL YEAR 1994 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING CONSERVATION, TO BE REIMBURSED TO THE CITY BY THE SUCCESSFUL PROPOSER UPON EXECUTION OF A NEGOTIATED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, FOR SERVICES NOT TO EXCEED AN AMOUNT OF $25,000 FOR ANALYSIS OF ONE PROPOSAL, $6,250 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PROPOSAL, AND OUT-OF- POCKET EXPENSES NOT TO EXCEED AN AMOUNT OF $3,000, FOR THE PERIOD COMMENCING UPON EXECUTION OF THE PSA AND ENDING UPON COMPLETION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE CHAPTER 54 (STREETS AND SIDEWALKS) AMEND SECTION 54-104 (NONSTANDARD STREET WIDTHS) -- MODIFY WIDTH OF N.W. 9 STREET BETWEEN N.W. 1 AND 2 AVENUES. Mayor Clark: Item 23. Emergency ordinance amending City Code Section... for the emergency ordinance. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. 128 June 9, 1994 ow fj Mayor Clark: Streets and Sidewalks. Moved by Mr. Plummer, seconded by Mr. Gott. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. You have to read it? Roll call. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS" BY AMENDING SECTION 54-104 ENTITLED "NONSTANDARD STREET WIDTHS" BY MODIFYING THE WIDTH OF A CERTAIN STREET; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Gott, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gott Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None, ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Gott, adopted said ordinance by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gott Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11157. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 129 June 9, 1994 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32. BRIEF COMMENTS ON PREVIOUSLY WITHDRAWN AGENDA ITEM 24 [PROPOSED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO AMEND CODE SECTION 38- 9 (PARK FEES FOR USE OF VIRGINIA KEY PARK)] -- DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO BRING BACK PROPOSED LEGISLATION WITH LANGUAGE PROVIDING FOR TWO DIFFERENT SETS OF FEES: (a) ONE APPLICABLE TO CITY RESIDENTS; AND (b) ONE APPLICABLE TO COUNTY RESIDENTS. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, if I may, please. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Item 24 has been withdrawn. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): I withdrew it. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, I want to say to you, sir, when you bring this back, ninety percent of the people who use that facility that you're speaking of here are not City residents. I would want to see... Mr. Odio: Ninety percent? Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. They're all these... the windsurfers. I would want to see that there be a schedule of fees, just like Venetian Pool, one fee for City residents, and one fee for County residents. They do it at Venetian Pool. And as far as I'm concerned, I want you, sir, to show me that the revenue is adequate to be self-sustaining. And I realize it's going to be a high fee, but other than that, let's close it. There's regional beaches over there elsewhere. Mr. Odio: This beach has a high demand for it. The last weekends have been full. Commissioner Plummer: It's all the surfers, yeah. Mr. Odio: No, no, no. Regular people are using that beach also. That's what I've been told. Commissioner Plummer: Sir, all I'm saying to you is, is that we don't want to see a Jacksonville where five people drowned. OK? But if we're going to have lifeguards out there, and it's going to be non -City residents, I, as a taxpayer, do not want to pay to provide a beach for County residents. Let them provide their own. So that's what I'm saying for one vote when you bring it back. Mayor Clark: That's all right. That's his opinion, so it's been withdrawn. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda item 24 was withdrawn, END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN 130. _June 9, 1994 ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (FY'94) -- APPROPRIATE $368,000 FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 1994 EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT. Mayor Clark: Item number... Commissioner Plummer: ... twenty-five. I moved it before, I'll move it again. Second reading. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? With no exception, cast a unanimous ballot. Twenty-six. A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Let me read the ordinance. Mayor Clark: All right. Roll call. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (FY'94)", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR OPERATION OF SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $368,000 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (USHUD) 1994 EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of April 28, 1994, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11158. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 131 June 9, 1994 M --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 34. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE SECTION 2-48 -- PROVIDE THAT CITY CLERK SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY'S ARCHIVES AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM -- DESIGNATE CITY CLERK AS OFFICIAL CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AND RESPONSIBILITY OF CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES WITH RESPECT THERETO -- PROVIDE FOR DUTIES OF CITY CLERK, CITY DEPARTMENTS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: Twenty-six, I moved before. I'll move it again. Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: Roll call. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, THEREBY ADDING SECTION 2-48 TO PROVIDE THAT THE CITY CLERK SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADMINISTERING THE CITY'S ARCHIVES AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, CONSISTENT WITH 257.36 FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR THE CUSTODIANSHIP OF PUBLIC RECORDS AND THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES WITH RESPECT THERETO; PROVIDING FOR DUTIES OF THE CITY CLERK AND CITY DEPARTMENTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of April 28, 1994, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Gort, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11159. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. Mayor Clark: Thank you, Madam Clerk. 132. .June 9, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 35. INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO REGULATE VENDORS' ACTIVITY IN THE COCONUT GROVE SPECIAL VENDING DISTRICT, PROVIDING FOR: (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF A FEE; (b) A ROTATION SYSTEM OF VENDING SITES; (c) THE REVOCATION OF A VENDING PERMIT AFTER 3 VIOLATIONS ARE INCURRED; ESTABLISH REQUIREMENT FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE; (d) ASSIGN REGULATION ENFORCEMENT TO THE NET. Mayor Clark: Twenty-seven. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Mr. Mayor, on 27, the NET' (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) Administrator for Coconut Grove or part of Coconut Grove would like to put something on the record. Commissioner Plummer: Is that to eliminate all of them? Mr. Odio: What do you call your section? East? Ms. Christina Abrams: Northeast. Mr. Odio: Northeast Coconut Grove. Ms. Abrams: No, Commissioner, I wanted to make a suggestion. In order to assist me in enforcing... Mayor Clark: Yes, ma'am, would you identify yourself. Ms. Abrams: Yes. Christina Abrams, Coconut Grove Northeast. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait a minute. How many sections of Coconut Grove is there? Two. Well, how the hell... How do you get Northeast? (INAUDIBLE COMMENT NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Vice Mayor Dawkins: Say what, now? (INAUDIBLE COMMENT NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Commissioner Plummer: You know... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Northeast and southwest. Well, there's a black one over there called the South Grove. Commissioner Plummer: No, it's called West Grove. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, West Grove. Mayor Clark: You're talking about the weather vane. Vice Mayor Dawkins: See now, let's get our act... I mean, you all get your act together up here. OK? Tell me. I don't know but one Coconut Grove, me. All right? 133 June 9, 1994 OMh Mr. Ted Stahl: That's right. Unidentified Speaker: We hope it will stay unified. We hope it will be one Grove, but there are two NET offices. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What you're hoping, you're coming up here telling me something different, she is. So y'all make up your mind. i Mayor Clark: Now, let's not get into an argument. Now, damnit, I'm not going to stand this anymorel You have the floor, and don't respond until you're asked to respond. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you. All right. So what is Northeast Grove? Ms. Abrams: I believe it's everything east of McDonald. Vice Mayor Dawkins: East of McDonald. All right. What is Southeast Grove? Ms. Abrams. Southwest of McDonald. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no. You said northeast. OK? Now, if you go from northeast, you got to go to southeast. Ms. Abrams: Southwest. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No. Mr. Carlos Smith (Assistant City Manager): Commissioner, when you requested us to... Carlos Smith, Assistant City Manager. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Say what, now? Mr. Smith: When the Commission requested that we split the Grove into two areas, we split the Grove along McDonald Avenue. East of McDonald Avenue... Vice Mayor Dawkins: When did we... When did this Commission request that? Mr. Smith: Back in February. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That you make two Groves. Mr. Smith: That's correct. Two Coconut... Two... Commissioner Plummer: No, no, no, that's not a true statement. Mr. Smith: I'm sorry, two NET offices. Mayor Clark: Please, now, I'm telling you now, we'll have no meeting if this goes on. Mr. Smith: You asked us to create two NET offices in Coconut Grove. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yeah, that's right. I did not ask you to set up the Grove - split the Grove. Commissioner Plummer: That's exactly right. 134 June 9, 1994 Mr. Smith: That's right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I did not ask you to split the Grove. I said put two NET offices in the Grove. Mr. Smith: That's correct. And we created... Vice Mayor Dawkins: So now, you cannot find any place in the minutes where you were told to split the Grove. You cannot find that in the minutes. Now, you will find where it was said that if... Mr. Smith: Create a second office. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Beg your pardon? Mr. Smith: To create a second office. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second NET office. Mr. Smith: That's correct. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And nobody said anything about splitting the Grove into northeast, southeast, and southwest. Mr. Smith: That's correct, and I stand corrected. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Thank you. Go right ahead, Ms. Abrams. j Ms. Abrams: Thank you, sir. At the first reading, the... Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, if I may ask, what area do you service, or do you just j service the whole Grove; both serve the whole Grove? y Ms. Abrams: In laymen's terms, the Center Grove and the North Grove, and everything on the bay. Commissioner De Yurre: Like what avenue, what street? Ms. Abrams: Picture McDonald, if it were to go, run north/south, on the 32nd Avenue? Commissioner De Yurre: Yeah. Ms. Abrams: Run it all the way to the bay, and that's what I'm responsible for, everything east of that. Commissioner De Yurre: East of that. So you got part of Main Highway? Ms. Abrams: Right. The whole Village Center, the North Grove. Commissioner Plummer: Where does it break on Main Highway? Ms. Abrams: Main Highway, I believe it's Royal Road, if I'm not mistaken. 135 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Royal Road, St. Hughes Church. Ms. Abrams: Correct. Commissioner Plummer: So Victor lives in the other Grove. Ms. Abrams: Now, you see, you're not in my area. Commissioner Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, if I may. Christina, let me tell you something. In the future, when you come here and you talk about the Northeast Grave, which we never approved, you're going to have a problem with me. OK? You're in Coconut Grove, period. Ms. Abrams: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Thelma is in Coconut Grove. Ms. Abrams: Yes. OK. Thank you. I'm clear. Mayor Clark: Now, what is this, now? What do we want? About the vending? Ms. Abrams: This is about the street cart vendor. The last time the City Commission voted on it, we recommended some changes to the ordinance, and I would like to recommend if we could add some of these statements I'm about to make to the ordinance. The ordinance was passed providing for locations to be assigned on a quarterly basis. So every three months, we had a lottery system, and we charge a flat fee of two hundred dollars. I believe that would be difficult for us to enforce, and I would suggest, with all due respect, if we could have it set up so that if anyone is interested in vending in Coconut Grove, that they can bid on a spot. There's ten spots available. They can bid on the spot, with a cap of three thousand and a minimum bid of five hundred, and then should there be a tie, there would be a lottery. But this way, a vendor is assigned to one spot, and they have that spot for the entire year. Right now, the way the ordinance is drafted, they would have to rotate it, and one would not know what spot they're going to get. And this is their livelihood, and I would like to recommend that they have more permanent status. I would... Commissioner Plummer: I disagree. A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): That's what you had before. Commissioner Plummer: That's what we had before, and everybody was upset about it, because you have... If I may, Mr. Mayor. You have one person who has a choice spot, and that is wrong. That is public property. Everybody should have the same right to have any one of the ten locations. To me, the only sense of fairness - I agree with the quarterly draw, OK? - and the first location is number one. You pull out a name, and that's who goes to one; pull out a name, and that's who goes to two. To do it any other way, in my estimation, is unfair. Mayor Clark: That's what we have now, Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: No, sir. No, sir. You got people that have homestead rights. Mr. Abrams: First come, first served. Commissioner Plummer: They got squatter's rights. They've been there forever. They come at midnight the night before to stake out that location, and it's wrong. I would like to see it moved from Public Works over to the NET office; they establish a register of people who are interested; 136 June 9, 1994 1 set a fee, whatever you think that fee is that's fair and equitable; and once every three' months, pull a slip. Pull a slip. Mr. Mayor, other than that, it, to me, is unfair. So you all do what you... Mayor Clark: All right. That's fine. Is that what we have now? Ms. Abrams: That is... That passed on first reading. Commissioner Plummer: Then we have one other problem that we've got to discuss. The other problem is that they are proposing to have two vendors in front of Cocowalk. Ms. Abrams: Not directly in front. It's between Cafe Sci Sci and Cocowalk. Commissioner Plummer: Christina, my problem is, you can't move on the sidewalk in front of Cocowalk with the restaurant there, the Cocowalk amount of pedestrian walkway, right all the way down to the corner. I think it's just going to impede. Mayor Clark: Mr. Plummer, can you come up with an ordinance that will straighten this thing out? Commissioner Plummer: Sir, what I've just suggested, I think, in my mind, will straighten it out. I can't say that everybody else agrees to that, because if you had my real ordinance, I'd like to eliminate them all. I think it's in competition with the private companies who pay taxes, but that's beside the point. OK? If you want an ordinance, I can create a very simple ordinance that says... My ordinance, if I created it, would be strictly for the interest of fairness, solely. I don't know one vendor from the other. I would not give one preference over the other. It would be a formula and a system that would be fair and equitable across the board. Mayor Clark: If we have an ordinance to that nature, would you agree with that? Mr. Stahl: I'm only involved... Commissioner Plummer: Ted Stahl, for the record, your name and address. Mr. Stahl: My name is Ted Stahl. I am a merchant on Commodore Plaza, and a property owner, and a resident at 3171 Royal Road. The reason I'm standing at this podium is I have been involved in this situation and this... Commissioner Plummer: From day one. Mr. Stahl. ... from day one, which is almost seven years now, going back and forth, taking up public time, taking up the City's time, hours, countless hours of expense. And the original problem - a little history, I'll go as rapidly as I can - why we constantly are coming before you. Many years ago, this community was plagued with vendors all over our sidewalks, selling cats, dogs, jewelry, and their children were sleeping in the alcoves and urinating all over our public streets. We came to you with a problem, and we asked, could you help us straighten out a problem in this small community. At that time, there were some legitimate vendors, and they were good vendors, but with them came a lot of mess. We came to you on both sides. We were like enemies. And you sent us to the bargaining table, and you said, sit down with the City Attorney, sit down with Public Works, the vendors are to sit down with the merchants and the people of this community and come up with a compromise, which we did. And that compromise, which was the original ordinance has successfully worked in this community since the day it was put into effect. The only problem with the original ordinance was rotation. There was no rotation. And when these young people who come with their carts... And these carts don't weigh fifteen pounds. They're huge. They have to push them sometimes from their 137 June 9, 1994 Q homes. It's a lot of hard work. And for these vendors to come at daybreak, ready to grab a spot at four o'clock or eight o'clock in the morning was wrong. The original ordinance was perfect. Just have some kind of rotation system, and we have no problems. Commissioner Plummer: That's exactly what I'm saying. Mr. Stahl: Then... Now, as far... And I don't disagree with you, Mr. Plummer, but let me explain to you about Cocowalk. Cocowalk has the widest public right-of-ways in this City. Commissioner Plummer: Thank Godi Mr. Stahl: They are not obstructed by any news racks, they are not obstructed by ay waste receptacles, they are not obstructed by any large planters taking up public property. But you go directly across the street to Coconut Grove Bank, on that corner where the sidewalks are four - foot width and eight -foot width on the Grand Avenue side, where you have nine news racks anchored together, signal girders, bicycle racks, waste receptacles, and Public Works places a vendor spot. Now, if you want to talk about congestion, that's the corner you look at. But yet, you have a spot there. You can't even move. And if I owned Coconut Grove Bank, I would have sued the City a long time ago. It's unfair. It's wrong. Commissioner Plummer: I agree. Mr. Stahl: And Cocowalk... Commissioner Plummer: Ted, you were here when we tried to eliminate four thousand newspaper racks, and Ted Stahl used to do some things late at night about newspaper racks, and nobody ever caught you at. Mr. Stahl: Wait a minute. Don't you accuse me of anything. No way. Commissioner Plummer: And, you know, the first time we did, First Amendment, we have a right to be there, you can't charge us, you can't put a vending license, you can't do any of that. So you know we tried, Ted. So give us credit for what we tried to do. Mr. Stahl: Yeah. We're still working on that. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Stahl: So the problem here is that Cocowalk has come into our community, and we welcome. They've brought business. They are a big taxpayer. But we all pay taxes in this community. And if we must share these news racks, and if we must share these waste receptacles, and if we must share these vendors in front of our property, then we feel that the... This particular company or Cocowalk should also express their interest in helping this community by taking some of the gaunt (sic) in front of their operation. And that's not asking too much. Mayor Clark: All right. Let me tell you what we're going to do. You got to what, rotation, J.L.? Commissioner Plummer: That's what I... We're both in agreement on that, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Stahl: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: The only place we're disagreeing is Ted and I - now, not the vendors - but Ted and I, and the only disagreement is the two in front of Cocowalk, which I'm opposed to. 138 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: Well, do we have an ordinance prepared? Commissioner Plummer: We have an ordinance. Mr. Jones: We have an ordinance, Mr. Mayor, but it's totally different from that. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mr. Jones: We've incorporated into the ordinance here before you now the conditions and criteria that you gave us to work with there. What you're doing now is proposing something that is radically different from this. Mayor Clark: Rotation. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Mr. Jones: ... and to the extent that it's just is not as complicated as this. Mayor Clark: Well, we're not going to spend three hours on listening to this, I'll tell you that. Commissioner Plummer: Can I bring, Mr. Mayor, to your attention and my colleagues, I've already been informed by the Dade Partners of Downtown. They are going to beg this Commission - they're coming forth very quickly - to eliminate all vendors in the downtown area. So they're going to ask that of this Commission. Whether or not we grant it, I just want you to know that they're upset downtown, also. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, if... Like Ted says, if it's good for the Coconut Grove Bank to have its sidewalks obstructed, it's just as good for Cocowalk. Now, if it's good for Cocowalk to have their sidewalks unobstructed, then by all means, we should move all the stuff from across the streets in the bank, obstructing the bank. I mean, we have to be fair. Mayor Clark: Well, where are we headed here now? What do we need to do? Commissioner Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, I'll make you a motion. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Commissioner Plummer: My motion is that we first and foremost move this out of Public Works into the NET office; second of all, that a rotation be established for the ten locations that are there presently, on a quarterly basis; that anyone wishing to have one of those locations who meets the criteria previously established will be on a first come - I'm sorry - on a basis of... Mr. Stahl: Rotation. Commissioner Plummer: I don't know how to word it. How do I want to word it? The first location will be the first name drawn; the second location will be the second name. You know what I mean. Ms. Abrams: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: OK. 139 June 9, 1994 Unidentified Speaker: A lotto. Commissioner Plummer: A lotto... Well, that can be a lot of ways. Ms. Abrams: That's a lottery. Commissioner Plummer: And I would move that, Mr. Mayor, as what we establish for Coconut Grove. And, excuse me, just so we don't be unfair, let's try it for six months or two periods. And we'll try it, and bring it back after that, For an experience. Mr. Joel Maxwell (Assistant City Attorney): We'd have to bring you an ordinance at the meeting in July to do that. You want to adopt it at... You can adopt it at that time as an emergency ordinance. Commissioner Plummer: Well, bring it back this afternoon. Mr. Stahl: May I ask... Mr. Maxwell: We wouldn't be able to prepare it today. Ms. Abrams: That's great. Commissioner Plummer: Why? With all the money I'm paying you lawyers, you can't do that this afternoon? A hundred thousand dollars here, and a hundred thousand dollars there, you can't prepare a simple ordinance? Mr. Maxwell: That wouldn't be a simple ordinance. The answer would be we could not have that ready for you this afternoon. Commissioner Plummer: Takes me twenty seconds to say it, and him eight days to draft it. Mayor Clark: All right. Please, now. What have we got on the table, anything? Commissioner Plummer: No, I move it, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Gort: Second. Mr. Stahl: May I answer Mr. Plummer's statement? If you turn this over to NET, which we all agree is the best, because they know the problems... Commissioner Plummer: Ha! You better agree. You asked me to do it. Mayor Clark: Please, please now. Let's move on. Mr. Stahl: Would you also ask that they have the right to enforce this ordinance by issuing three citations of warnings; on the third, they lose their license for the year. Commissioner Plummer: Sir, I would want to go stronger than that; that if someone is in violation, the Police Department will go there and remove them, period; no three violations. Mr. Stahl: That's our problem, Mr. Plummer. That's the way it's been, and we can't get the police. The police don't understand the ordinance. We have to carry the ordinance in our back pocket all the time. They know it. 140 June 9, 1994 Ms. Abrams: They're busy. Commissioner Plummer: They have a police officer in there, which is called an NRO (Neighborhood Resource Officer) that can go there and tell these people, "Either you comply, or bye-bye." Ms. Abrams: If you give... If you... Commissioner Plummer: Play hard ball. Ms. Abrams: But 1 will enforce it. If you say three notices of violations and they lose their permit, I'll do it. Ms. Stahl: That's what we'd like, Mr. Plummer. Ms. Abrams: I or any representative from my office can do that, without necessarily having to go to the police. Commissioner Plummer: Why should I give them three strikes? Mr. Stahl: Two, one? Mr. Maxwell: The ordinance before you, the one before you incorporated that request from the last meeting, Mr. Plummer. It has a provision in it for revocation if there are three violations, and it sets up a three -step. That's already in there. And it also transferred enforcement to the NET office. The one in front of you doesn't. Commissioner Plummer: All I'm saying is, why give them three violations? I would not want them to violate it at all, and if they do, they either comply or bye-bye. Mr. Stahl: That's fine, but would you give NET the right to enforce this? Commissioner Plummer: Absolutely. Mr. Stahl: Thank you. Mr. Maxwell: What you have here is... Of course, it would be your prerogative. If you like, you can cut it down to one. However, revocation does require due process. That's built into the ordinance at the moment, as well. Mr. Stahl: Yes, sir, I know that. Commissioner Plummer: If they don't meet the requirements, they're gone. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's move forward. We're just talking back and forth, and accomplishing nothing. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor. Mr. Maxwell: I would suggest... I would... Mayor Clark: Go ahead. 141 June 9, 1994 Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, these ten spots I'm looking at right here, are those the current, also the current ten spots? Ms. Abrams: No. Those are revised. They include two in front of Cocowalk. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Ms. Abrams: They were moved from two previous locations, displaced by the sidewalk cafe. Commissioner De Yurre: Do we have presently any site located in front of Mayfair? Ms. Abrams: Mayfair is going to be under construction. We do have one site in front of Mayfair. It's on front of the Oak Feed. But they now have a sidewalk cafe, and they're also going to be under construction for the next few months. Commissioner De Yurre: And was that spot in front of Mayfair an original spot? Because I've never seen that before. Ms. Abrams: It is currently an original spot, right. Mr. Stahl: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Ms. Abrams: It wasn't used until now, because... Commissioner Plummer: I'm not interested in that. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. My next issue with reference to the motion that is being placed here, I have a problem, J.L., with the quarterly lottery. Some of these, you know... Commissioner Plummer: You want a monthly? Commissioner De Yurre: ... carts are, you know, they cost money, maybe like up to a, you know, a thousand, two thousand dollars to put something nice, which is what we want. Commissioner Plummer: Definitely. Commissioner De Yurre: It's an investment that people are not going to make that kind of investment just to take a shot at three months, and then they may be out. I would look at a lottery more like you get in, you get ten in for one year, you rotate them month to month, and they go around from spot to spot, so they can enjoy the good and the bad of each one, and then you do that on an annual basis. And then, they're more willing to, you know, to make that investment of really putting a nice cart in the area. Commissioner Plummer: Victor, I would go along with six months, and I like your idea. OK? Mayor Clark: Six months sounds all right to me. Commissioner Plummer: Six months, and rotate it every month, I have no problem with that, none at all. That's a good, very good idea. Mayor Clark: Do you want to add something, sir? Mr. Wayne Brehm: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Wayne Brehm. I'm the director of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce. I would like to read a statement into the record on behalf of the Chamber. 142 June 9, 1994 "The executive committee of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce reviewed and discussed the proposed ordinance at their meeting of Monday, June 6, 1994. Although the board of directors has not had an opportunity to consider the ordinance changes, the executive committee has found no objectionable provisions in the proposed ordinance, and will so report to the board of directors. The primary concern of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce is there be no unfair competition created by allowing push cart vendors to sell their items or goods which are sold at stores in Coconut Grove. We say 'unfair competition,' because it would be difficult, if not impossible, for a store merchant with substantial overhead in the form of thousands of dollars per month rent, taxes, employee salaries, et cetera, to compete with a push cart vendor, who has virtually no overhead beyond license expenses and construction or purchase of a push cart. Items such as those already sold at Coconut Grove stores, including T- shirts, jewelry which is not handmade, coffee, food, et cetera, should not be sold from push carts. We believe there is ample room for store -based merchants, as well as for push cart vendors in Coconut Grove. However, care must be taken to ensure that in our already strained economy, unfair competition does not drive even more store -based merchants out of Coconut Grove. For this reason, we are staunch supporters of the ordinance provisions which permit only the sale of handmade items from push carts, and that the sale of food or drink not be permitted from push carts. We ask that if any changes are to be made in the ordinance in order to permit the sale of food or of beverages or to" - excuse me - "that the board of directors of the Coconut Grove Chamber of Commerce be permitted to speak in opposition to those changes, after having had an opportunity to consider and discuss this adverse impact which they may have on our members." Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Brehm: On a personal note, I own OM Jewelry on Grand Avenue, and have been in business in the Grove for twenty-five years. Many of these carts are selling jewelry. A large percent of this jewelry is manufactured in Mexico, and it's required by the Mexican Government to be stamped "Mexico" when it's exported. I'm not bringing this up so much because of the unfair competition, even though I do pay about ten thousand dollars a month in overhead, but because of the spirit of the original ordinance. I don't mind competition from genuine quality hand-crafted goods. I do mind the selling of imported, manufactured junk on the streets of Coconut Grove. That cheapens our image to both visitors and our locals. I would ask that you direct Christina at NET, or whoever you deem appropriate, to enforce the ordinance as it was written. It's never been done, and it's time that these people sell what they're supposed to be selling, handmade items. Mayor Clark: All right. Thank you, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Wasn't there a provision, as I recall, Christina, or Public Works, that they could not sell anything from a cart that was sold within a hundred feet of the cart? Is that... Wasn't that in the ordinance? Mr. Maxwell: No, Mr. Plummer. There was a provision several years ago, about seven or eight years ago, in the original ordinance that said that you couldn't sell anything within three hundred feet of a store that sold like goods. Commissioner Plummer: OK. OK. All right. That's correct. Mr. Maxwell: But that was. struck. That was struck down by the court. 143 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: And what insurance are they now required to carry? How much liability? Mr. Maxwell: None. But the ordinance in front of you would require a million dollars. Commissioner Plummer: All right, sir. Well, that would be included in my motion. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's move on this thing. Is there a second to Mr. Plummer's motion? Commissioner Gort: I second. Mayor Clark: Second. Commissioner De Yurre: Yeah, the only question is, what kind of revenue are we going to receive finally? Because I don't think that was decided. Commissioner Plummer: I said whatever was fair, they can establish. What are they charging now? Ms. Abrams: Nothing, other than the annual permit for three hundred dollars, or approximately three hundred. We were recommending two hundred dollars a month, based on your recommendation at the last meeting. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine. If you feel that's fair, that's fine with me. Mr. Stahl: And may we request that those figures that are collected go into the Standing Festival Committee, so that it could be used in refurbishing our streets, our sidewalks, instead of going into the... Mayor Clark: No. Commissioner Plummer: Whatever you want, Mr. Mayor. I... Please. You know, if they want to do that, I have no problem. Where else would it go? Commissioner Gort: That's not a bad idea. Mr. Odio: To the general fund. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's call the roll on this item so we can move forward. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. Commissioner Plummer: I tell you, the sidewalks in Main Highway right now are atrocious. 144 June 9, 1994 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 94-403 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE VENDORS ACTIVITY IN THE COCONUT GROVE SPECIAL VENDING DISTRICT, SAID ORDINANCE TO CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: •REGULATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF VENDORS WILL BE ASSIGNED TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAMS (NET); *NET OFFICES TO ESTABLISH A REGISTER WHICH WOULD LIST ALL INTERESTED VENDORS; •ESTABLISHMENT OF A FAIR AND EQUITABLE USER FEE FOR USE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY UTILIZED BY THE VENDOR (PROBABLY $200 PER MONTH) WHICH MONIES WOULD BE EARMARKED FOR THE ONGOING REPAIR OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS OF COCONUT GROVE; ESTABLISHMENT OF A ROTATION SYSTEM COVERING ALL PRESENTLY EXISTING VENDING SITES (10 SITES), BY INSTITUTING A LOTTERY -TYPE DRAWING; *THE DURATION OF VENDOR PERMITS SHALL BE FOR SIX (6) MONTHS, WITH MONTHLY ROTATION OF ALL SITES; •PROVISION FOR THE REVOCATION OF VENDING PERMIT AFTER 3 VIOLATIONS; •INSTITUTE A REQUIREMENT OF $1,000,000 WORTH OF LIABILITY INSURANCE FROM EACH VENDOR; FURTHER STIPULATING SAID GUIDELINES WOULD BE ENFORCED FOR A TRIAL PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS, BEFORE RECONSIDERATION BY THE CITY COMMISSION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None, Mr. Stahl: Thank you very much. And, Mayor Clark, we would like to thank you. But we do want you to understand, there's a lot of effort and work by the general public to go into this, and we appreciate your interest. Mayor Clark: Thank you, sir. All right. Item 28. Ms. Mara Fernandez: No, we're not... Mr. Maxwell: I need some direction. 145 June 9, 1994 2 Ms. Fernandez: Can we possibly speak on this? We've been waiting in line for the push cart ordinance as well. My name is Mara Fernandez. I'm a resident, 3092 Fuller Street, a merchant there. We've had these problems go on for a very long time, and we, as vendors, had decided that at one point, we were all united for an actual bid for the spots. Unfortunately, we were never notified as to why that wasn't a correct approach to our problem. I understand that Commissioner Plummer, at the last meeting when we touched upon this issue, suggested the lottery, but I'm not sure as to why. We have many questions that we still have, and we don't feel that this should come before a definite decision without the Commission respectfully listening to what we have to say about this. I mean, we've been... Commissioner Plummer: We will on first reading, Mr. Mayor. Ms. Fernandez: No. Actually, we didn't have a chance to speak then, either. I was here, and we broke for lunch... Mayor Clark: This is only first reading. You'll have it on the second reading. Commissioner Gort: You will have it on first reading. Commissioner Plummer: No, this is not even first reading. Mr. Maxwell: You come back at first reading. Commissioner Plummer: First reading will be at the next meeting. Mayor Clark: It could be amended at that time. Ms. Fernandez: All right. So then we can then organize ourselves and submit... Mayor Clark: Make sure you get up front on that time, the second reading. All right? Ms. Fernandez: All right. OK. Thank you. Mayor Clark: Thank you, ma'am. 146 June 9, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36. DISCUSS AND DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED SECOND READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND 11139, BY ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS ($2,000,000) FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ENTITLED: WATSON ISLAND SANITARY SEWERS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 28, second reading on the capital improvement appropriations ordinance. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. De Yurre moved it. I'll move it if he doesn't want to. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? A. Quinn Jones, III, Esy,: An ordinance amending Ordinance Number 11139, adopted April 14, 1994, the Capital Improvement Appropriations Ordinance by establishing appropriations for a capital improvement project entitled "Watson Island Sanitary Sewers" in the amount of two million dollars, containing a repealer provision and severability clause. Mayor Clark: All right. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Commissioner Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: Yes. Ms. Hirai: Commissioner Gort. Commissioner Gort: Yes. Ms. Hirai: Vice Mayor Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No. Ms. Hirai: Commissioner De Yurre votes yes. Mayor Clark. Mayor Clark: I vote yes. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Let me explain my "no" vote. I think that there are other places in the City of Miami that we need to be putting gutters, streets and things in, without going to Watson Island, which is not developed, and putting in a sanitary sewer, and I vote no. Mayor Clark: This is just for the edification, this is not a sewer line for a sewer. This is a pump station, really, a main... Vice Mayor Dawkins: It does not say "a pump station." Mayor Clark: Is that right? Vice Mayor Dawkins: It states "Watson Island sanitary sewers," Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: All right. Listen. 147 June 9, 1994 Mr. Jim Kay: This is a subaqueous force main between the mainland of Miami and Watson Island, and a pumping station. Commissioner Plummer: It's both. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. I would like, then, for this to be deferred, and you bring it back and show me that it's a pumping station. See, that's not what I'm voting on. I'm voting on what you have in front of me. Then you come and tell me that what you have... Commissioner Plummer: You move to defer? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: I second the motion. Let me tell you why I'm seconding the motion. You might put that thing in anywhere you want on that island, and we'd have another monkey, as we have in Biscayne Boulevard, with a pumping station, the ugliest looking thing in the world, right on Biscayne Boulevard, where, possibly, if you'd used a little - not you - some sense in the early days, you could have maybe hid the damn thing off of the boulevard and the entrance to our City. Mayor Clark: OK. Let's move. Mr. Odio: If I may, let me read what it says. It says no sanitary sewers exist on Watson Island. Waste generated flow to septic tanks. Before State and County approvals are given to new leashold improvements of any size, City must construct a pump station and extend the sewer line from Bicentennial Park to Watson Island. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Well, why is it such a hurry, when we're under a sewer moratorium now because... Mr. Odio: We're not, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: We are. You cannot hook up to the sewer because the lines are overloaded, and etcetera, and now you're going to prepare to add more sewage to that line. Mr. Odio: This is a... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Odio, if I may. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: A smart Manager, when two of his bosses asks you to defer it, doesn't stand there and argue with two of his bosses. Mr. Odio: Yeah, but I'm not smart, and I was going to bring in June 30th... Commissioner Plummer: You're right. Mr. Odio: ... an RFP (Request for Proposals) request... Commissioner Plummer: You're right. 148 June 9, 1994 Mr. Odio: ... to start doing something in Watson Island, which sorely needs it. We began the cleanup there now. We need to have your permission to issue an RFP to be able to do something there. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, then, I feel that, as the Commissioner, that you should wait. You feel that you want to do it now. I feel that you should wait. Mr. Odio: I'll wait. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you. Mayor Clark: All right. That's been deferred till the next meeting. Commissioner Plummer: Fine. END OF DISCUSSION -- ITEM DEFERRED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE SECTION 53-161 -- CHANGE RATE SCHEDULE FOR USE AND OCCUPANCY OF THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER. -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: All right. Let's have item number 29. Commissioner Plummer: I'm going to move 29, but I've got a question. Mayor Clark: OK. Move it and question it. Commissioner Plummer: How does Mr. Dawkins second the motion... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Commissioner Plummer: ... and be absent? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Commissioner Plummer: Read the agenda. The agenda says Mr. Dawkins seconded the motion, and he was absent. Did he do it in absenteeism? Did he do it by EPS (extra sensory perception)? Commissioner De Yurre: No, because he had to go to the bathroom between the... Commissioner Plummer: Did he do it by the bathroom? Mayor Clark: Listen. We're just taking a lot of time here for nothing. I'm trying to move these meetings forward with dispatch. Give me a chance! You've made the motion. Did you second it, Willy? Commissioner Plummer: I made it. 149 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Gort: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: All in favor, signify... All right. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 53-161 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY CHANGING THE RATE SCHEDULE FOR THE USE AND OCCUPANCY OF AND THE SERVICES FURNISHED OR TO BE FURNISHED IN CONNECTION WITH THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER; f CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND f PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of May 5, 1994, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Gort, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11160. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 150 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: Item 30. Cmmissioner Plummer: It's withdrawn. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Withdrawn, Mr. Mayor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38. AUTHORIZE ACCEPTANCE OF A HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP'S PROGRAM (HOME PROGRAM) FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,757,000 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOW / VERY LOW INCOME FAMILIES HOUSING -- APPROVE GUIDELINES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF HOME PROGRAM -- EXECUTE AGREEMENTS. Mayor Clark: Item 31. A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Mr. Mayor, you should take item 32 before you take 31. Mayor Clark: What is that? Mr. Jones: Thirty-two establishes the... Mayor Clark: Home grant. OK. Motion on 32. Is there a motion? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: Right, second. Mayor Clark: That was a resolution? Mr. Jones: Yeah. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. 151 June 9, 1994 W The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-404 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM GRANT (HOME PROGRAM) IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,757,000 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD), FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING AFFORDABLE TO LOW AND VERY LOW INCOME FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION; APPROVING THE HOME PROGRAM GUIDELINES, ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO IMPLEMENT THE HOME PROGRAM IN ACCORDANCE HEREWITH; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL THE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS AND DOCUMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 152 June 9, 1994 39. (A) FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM (THIRD YEAR) -- APPROPRIATE $3,757,000, AS APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) -- FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM. (B) DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO RESERVE $2,000,000 OUT OF THE $3,757,000 FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM (THIRD YEAR) IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH A SINGLE FAMILY HOME OWNERSHIP PROGRAM TO BUILD SINGLE FAMILY HOMES AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $60,000 PER HOME. Mayor Clark: Thirty-one. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second, under discussion. Mayor Clark: All right, discussion. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is this going to be for single-family homes, or is this going to be for multi dwellings, or is this going to be for rehab, or multi dwellings? Mr. Jeff Hepburn: There are a combination of things there. There's one program that basically allows for us to build single-family homes and make homeowners on vacant lots that the City currently owns. There's a program there also to fund nonprofit corporations to develop housing in the City's target areas. There's a program that will allow five hundred thousand dollars to be utilized for the Olympia Building Rehab, if that occurs, and also two hundred thousand for multifamily new construction in the City. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Off the top of your head, of the three and three quarter million dollars, how much of that is reserved for new single-family, no -previous -owner homeowners. Mr. Hepburn: There's roughly a half million dollars right now. Vice Mayor Dawkins: A half million? Mr. Hepburn: That's correct. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I could not vote for you to take three and three quarter million dollars, and reserve a half a million dollars only to construct new homes for people. Mr. Hepburn: Commissioner Dawkins, Vice Mayor Dawkins... Mayor Clark: Let me... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir, go right ahead, sir. Mr. Hepburn: There is one program, there's two million dollars being earmarked. Again, this is a program that will fund nonprofit groups that do home ownership housing, like CODEC, that's doing Melrose currently. 153 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's what you want it for, right? Mr. Hepburn: What I'm saying to you is that I have no idea at this point what those nonprofits are going to do until they come to the table. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. I will accept the motion to accept this money, and you come back to this Commission and let us know what you want to do with it, and we approve it. Commissioner Plummer: So you want to hold item 31.. Mayor Clark: Let me ask this question. You know the homes that are going up on the highway, down just west of 37th Avenue, between 37th and probably Ponce, on the south side? Mr. Hepburn: Franklin? Franklin Avenue? Mayor Clark: The highway, 32nd - 37th Avenue to Ponce, on the south side, where all those old apartments... Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's Coconut Grove. They're doing that in Coconut Grove. Commissioner Plummer: No, that's the Gables. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's David, David. Mm-hmm. Mayor Clark: How much are those homes worth? Mr. Hepburn: I'm not sure. There's a nonprofit doing those. Coconut Grove... David Alexander, I think, their group. Mayor Clark: Well, I want to tell you, there was no sense in tearing down those apartment houses and building single-family homes on a highway that travelled. That is... That's the most stupid thing you ever saw in your life. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But we didn't do it. We didn't do it. Mr. Hepburn: That's not the City's project. Mayor Clark: I know it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor... Mayor Clark: Is that HUD (Housing and Urban Development) money? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, yes. Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Vice Mayor Dawkins: We have twenty-five available lots in Overtown on which to build single- family homes in Overtown. We jump up and down and scream about we want to develop Overtown, bring Overtown back, and here, we have three point three quarter million dollars with which to construct single-family homes on land that the City already owns that we could put houses that would bring taxes... 154 June 9, 1994 Plummer: Well, make a motion. Commissioner Gort: Yes, sir, he's right, it's wrong. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... and then you tell me that you're only going to make a half a million dollars. Mr. Hepburn: This is for the City's program where we build scattered site single-family homes on vacant lots, the five hundred thousand dollars. The two million dollars, we'll be working with groups like New Hope Overtown, which currently we're working with. There are plans to build single-family homes on lots that are located west of I-95. Commissioner Plummer: May I ask a question? Mr. Hepburn: But the two million that I'm talking about, those funds will be earmarked for projects like that. Mayor Clark: OK. The motion is to accept the money. Commissioner Plummer: Can I ask a question, sir? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir, you sure can. Commissioner Plummer: Are you telling me or Commissioner Dawkins that that is what the Federal grant says you've got to do? Mayor Clark: Don't you have some discretion there? I Mr. Hepburn: There is discretion, yes. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Plummer: Then if Commissioner Dawkins were to make a motion that two million dollars must go for single-family residences, that that can be done? Is that within the purview? Mr. Hepburn: That could be done. Commissioner Plummer: Then, Mr. Dawkins, it's a simple matter. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. I make a motion that we reserve two million dollars for single - of this three point three quarter million dollars - for single-family homes. Commissioner Plummer: I second the motion. Mayor Clark: On the motion, on the motion. Commissioner Plummer: You know, I don't want any more of these high-rise ghettos. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: On the motion. On the motion. Not to have a single-family home at $110,000. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, fifty-five thousand - wait - coming in at sixty thousand. 155 June 9, 1994 t Mr. Hepburn: No, no, no. Commissioner Plummer: Absolutely not. Not way. Mayor Clark: You could break these down to about fifty-five... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Sixty. We'll bring them in at sixty. Mayor Clark: ... sixty thousand dollars. Mr. Hepburn: Yeah, we're probably looking at sixty, sixty-five. Mayor Clark: If not, I'll build them for that. Make money. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Gort: Is it the intention of this motion for these single -families to be built by the City, or can they also be built by a nonprofit corporation within the - with a track record within the neighborhoods? Commissioner Plummer: Anybody who wants to build them. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Anybody who can bring them in at sixty thousand dollars, Mr. Gort. Anybody. Commissioner Plummer: With a proviso that if we don't do it, as we have done in the past, that anybody who would be granted that amount of money, as a construction company, has to get approval from this Commission as to the amount of rent they're going to charge. Mr. Hepburn: Yeah. We would come to this Commission with each allocation that we would make to these nonprofit groups. Commissioner Plummer: No question. Mr. Hepburn: We would not make this without your approval. Mayor Clark: All right. A motion by Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner Plummer: Well, CODEC does an excellent job, for example, and CODEC could come in here and apply for it. Why not? Mayor Clark: Motion by Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. 156 June 9, 1994 W W The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 94-405 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO RESERVE $2,000,000 OUT OF THE $3,757,000 FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM (THIRD YEAR)" MONIES TO BE SPECIFICALLY EARMARKED TO BUILD SINGLE FAMILY HOMES AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $60,000 PER HOME. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: Commissioner Wifredo Gort ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Commissioner Gort: Please, I don't understand the motion. Bring it back to me. Mayor Clark: Two million dollars reserved for single-family homes. Commissioner Plummer: Single-family. Commissioner Gort: Single-family. Commissioner Plummer: Right. Commissioner Gort: They cannot be used for anything else. Mayor Clark: That's right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, nothing else. Commissioner Gort: Just single-family. So East Little Havana, if they want to build, like they've done in the past... Vice Mayor Dawkins: If Little Havana wants to build a single-family home, you put a single- family home in Little Havana. Commissioner Gort: I can't vote for it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: If Little Havana does not want to build a single-family home, then you take the other part of this three point... Commissioner Plummer: A million - million, three quarters. 157 June 9, 1994 s _ i Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... three quarters of a million dollars, which will give you one million, three quarters, and build something else. Commissioner Gort: All right, got it. Commissioner Plummer: That's it. Commissioner Gort: No. Mayor Clark: All in favor, signifying by saying "aye." Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Votes no. Vice Mayor Dawkins: He votes no. - Ms. Hirai: He votes no. COMMENTS MADE AFTER ROLL CALL: A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq.: Mr. Mayor, you still need to establish the fund to accept the money. That's what item 31 is. Commissioner Plummer: We did. Mr. Jones: No, you didn't. There's a corollary. What you did was you... Commissioner Plummer: All right. I move item 31. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Mr. Jones: OK. Let me read the ordinance. Mayor Clark: Read the ordinance. [AT THIS POINT, THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE ORDINANCE INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD BY TITLE ONLY.] Vice Mayor Dawkins: And I think I need to put in here, so we all... Mr. Gort, Commissioner Gort, I think we need to put in here, so we all are on the same wave length... Commissioner Plummer: What's that? Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... that if anybody, Coconut Grove, Wynwood, Northeast Miami, anybody in the City of Miami wants to do some multiples out of the rest of this money, they're entitled to it. Mayor Clark: Sure they are. All right. Now, read the... On 33, is it? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Thirty-three? No, we just... Call the roll on that last one, Madam Clerk. 158 June 9, 1994 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM (THIRD YEAR)", AND APPROPRIATING $3,757,000 FOR EXECUTION OF SAME AS APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) FOR 1 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40. ESTABLISH NINE (9) NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: (1) JTPA TITLE II / OLDER WORKER (PY'94); (2) JTPA TITLE IIA / NEIGHBORHOODS JOBS PROGRAM (PY'94); (3) JTPA TITLE IIC / NEIGHBORHOODS JOBS PROGRAM (PY'94); (4) JTPA TITLE III PAN/AM DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM (PY'94); (5) JTPA TITLE III / EASTERN AIRLINES DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM (PY'94); (6) DHRS / RCA (PY'95); (7) JTPA TITLE III DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM (PY'94); (8) JTPA TITLE IIB SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM (PY'94), AND (9) OFFICE OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL LIAISON (PY'94) -- APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GRANT AWARDS -- EXECUTE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS WITH SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Move 33. Mayor Clark: Read the Ordinance. Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: Seconded. Call the roll. 159 June 9, 1994 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NINE (9) NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ENTITLED: "JTPA TITLE ll/OLDER WORKER (PY'94)", "JTPA TITLE IIA/NEIGHBORHOODS JOBS PROGRAM (PY'94)", "JTPA TITLE IIC/NEIGHBORHOODS JOBS PROGRAM (PY'94)", "JTPA TITLE III PAN/AM DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM (PY'94)", JTPA TITLE III/EASTERN AIRLINES DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM (PY'94)" , "DHRS/RCA (PY'95)", "JTPA TITLE III DISLOCATED WORKERS PROGRAM (PY'94)", "JTPA TITLE IIB SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM (PY'94)" AND "OFFICE OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL LIAISON (PY'94)", AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR OPERATION OF EACH COMPONENT IN THE RESPECTIVE AMOUNTS OF $30,000, $800,000, $800,000, $100,000, $200,000, $60,000, $400,000, $685,000 AND $70,000 FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GRANT ANN ARDS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE AFOREMENTIONED GRANT AWARDS AND ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Vice Mayor Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Gort and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE CHAPTER 2 (ADMINISTRATION), BY AMENDING SECTION 2-409 (SCHEDULE OF CIVIL PENALTIES) -- INCREASE DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CIVIL PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THEE USE OF STREET / SIDEWALK FOR THE ADVERTISING / DISPLAY / PLACEMENT OF SIGNS ON STREET AND/OR SIDEWALK SURFACE. Mayor Clark: Next item, 34. Motion? Give me a motion on 34. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): This is the anti -graffiti and illegal signs ordinance. Commissioner Gort: So move. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Which item? Mr.Odio: Thirty-four, 160 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: Thirty-four, Vice Mayor Dawkins: Hmm? Mr, Odio: Thirty-four, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thirty-four? Commissioner Gort: Yes. Mayor Clark: It's been seconded. Call the roll - I mean read the ordinance. Mr. Jones: An ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Administration," by amending Section 2-409 entitled "Schedule of Civil Penalties," by increasing the dollar amount..." Vice Mayor Dawkins: This is the same thing we moved this morning and I deferred. A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): No, it isn't. Vice Mayor Dawkins: This is the same item that I told you that we would hear with item 6, and I deferred it. Mr.Odio: Thirty-five. Mr. Jones: That was 35. Mayor Clark: You said 35. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, this is 35 you're on. Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): It's 34. Mr. Jones: This is 34. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Go ahead. Mayor Clark: Call the roll, Madam Clerk. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION" BY AMENDING SECTION 2-409 ENTITLED "SCHEDULE OF CIVIL PENALTIES" BY INCREASING THE DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CIVIL PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF USING THE STREET OR SIDEWALK FOR ADVERTISING OR DISPLAY PURPOSES AND PLACING SIGNS ON STREET OR SIDEWALK SURFACE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 161 .June 9, 1994 - M] M2 Was introduced by Commissioner Gort and seconded by Commissioner Plummer and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. Mayor Clark: Thirty-five is withdrawn. Mr. Odio: It has been withdrawn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42. ALLOW VIRGINIA KEY MARINA PARTNERSHIP, INC. TO CONTINUE PRESENT USE OF THE AREA GOVERNED BY CONCESSION AGREEMENT (DATED MAY 19, 1978) WITH MARINE STADIUM ENTERPRISES, INC., WITH PROVISOS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Thirty-six. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): I'd like to change that. Thirty -five -A, sir. Mayor Clark: Thirty -five -A? Mr. Odio: I'd like to offer this, an amendment to this resolution to... so that it would be on a month -to -month basis, the extensions. Mayor Clark: Wait a minute. Just a moment. Is this on the... Mr. Odio: Virginia Key Boatyard, sir. Mayor Clark: Mr. Manager, are these people up to date on paying the rent? Mr. Odio: Are they? Ms. Ana Sardina: Yes, they are. 162 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: To date, they don't owe the City anything? Ms. Sardina: There have been several disputes. The water has been a problem for a long time. Yesterday, we reached an agreement, and the water's going to be paid. There's a six thousand dollar outstanding bill that's going to be paid within thirty days. There's also another dispute over monies from 1987, and there are legitimate disputes, and that's a sum of about twenty thousand dollars. Mayor Clark: Do you think it's possible that we could get that money before we extend this lease? How are you going to lease something, or give a lease, again, that... to hold back more money? The final analysis, we'll be holding back for the whole thing. Mr. Odio: All we're saying is, Mr. Mayor, is that we have to be concerned about all the boat owners that are using those racks. If we just throw them out now, they have to find... There's two hundred and something boats there that would have to find alternate storage. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor, if I may. Commissioner Plummer: I want to ask a question. Commissioner De Yurre: Hello? Commissioner Plummer: Go ahead, I'm sorry. Mayor Clark: Yes, Victor. Commissioner De Yurre: A couple of questions. We are... When are we expected to go to the voters with this proposal? Mayor Clark: Probably October. Mr. Odio: Either September or October. Mayor Clark: October, I believe, is what they're saying. Mr. Odio: If they prefer October, October. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. That is... July... It's about four months away. Once you give the notice to the current tenant to vacate, how long do they need to vacate? Mr. Odio: Thirty days. Commissioner De Yurre: You expect them to vacate in thirty days? Mr. Odio: Thirty days. Commissioner De Yurre: Realistically, then, all those boats will be gone in thirty days, and that thing... and all those stands, those docking stands are going to be gone in thirty days? Mr. Odio: Well, because you can put them on notice now that come at election time, that's it. Commissioner De Yurre: Because, you know, the problem is - and it's a legitimate issue that we need to deal with - the, you know, displacement of these people that have boats there. However, sooner or later, they're going to be displaced, because while they're building the new facility, they're going to have to go somewhere anyway. Is that a legitimate statement? 163 June 9, 1994 Mr. Odio: While they are under construction, whatever happens there, yes, we have to... Commissioner De Yurre: Of course, they have to, eventually, they have to take that down at some point in time, and when that's taken down, those people are going to be having to go somewhere else for whatever time it takes to put new ones. Mayor Clark: That's exactly right. They're going to have to know that. Commissioner De Yurre: OK? Commissioner Plummer: No, not necessarily. That's not a true statement. They... Commissioner De Yurre: Well, where are they going to go? Commissioner Plummer: Well, they could put them on trailers, they're regular two -wheel trailers, and put them over in the yard somewhere. Commissioner De Yurre: J.L., but they're going to be constructing. Commissioner Plummer: They can still do it, Victor, just like they do at the Outboard Club. i Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Well, that's fine. Mr. Mayor... Mayor Clark: Hold on. Please. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, that is fine. My point is that I do not feel that a concern of ours is the boaters, because sooner or later, whatever is going to happen is going to happen. OK? My suggestion is that we put these people on notice right now that they have to be out of there in ninety days, and they can start making plans. In ninety days, we're going to have an award, either somebody is going to get it or not, and then we move on. I don't want... They're already i suing us. They're suing us already, which I don't like at all, and we should not appreciate that E kind of effort. They're already suing us to delay the process. I do not like to deal with that. So i what is to say that they won't sue us again to delay this and to keep staying there? My move would be right now, notice them that they have ninety days to be out of there, period, and so be it. Mayor Clark: You got that, Manager? Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Just a moment here. Let him get Victor's... Did you hear what Victor said? Mr. Odio: I heard part of it, sir. I'm sorry. Commissioner De Yurre: That they have to be gone in ninety days. That's it. Mr. Odio: The most... Mayor Clark: It's an extension for ninety days, and no more. Mr. Odio: That's fine. Commissioner Plummer: Wait, wait, excuse me. 164 June 9, 1994 Mr. Carlos Lacasa: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to be heard, if I could. Commissioner Plummer: Could L. Do I take precedence? I think I do. Mr. Lacasa: Absolutely, Commissioner. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Mayor, ninety days means June to July, July/August, August/September. What's going to happen after September? This other one is not going to be in effect until after the October election. Mayor Clark: Well, a hundred and twenty days. Commissioner Plummer: I strongly suggest, sir, you increase it until the new award. Mayor Clark: A hundred and twenty days. Commissioner Plummer: Whatever it is, whatever the new award... Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Plummer: If it's a hundred and twenty days, or a hundred and twelve days, or whatever it is... Mayor Clark: Very good. We'll do that. This hear this gentleman. Commissioner Plummer:... but put them on notice that that is, in fact, the case. Mayor Clark: All right. Yes, sir. Your name, please. Mr. Lacasa: Carlos Lacasa, Mr. Mayor. I'd like to address a couple of issues that have been raised. Commissioner Plummer: Wait a minute. I've got one other question, if I may. I am unaware, Mr. Manager, about any lawsuit that has been filed by the present tenant. Mr. Odio: As of right now, we have not been served. Mr. Odio: Oh. Mr. De Yurre, could you tell me about the lawsuit that maybe we might be served on? Commissioner De Yurre: J.L., I thought you read the Miami Today this morning. You mentioned it on the record. Commissioner Plummer: I only read parts that I thought were important. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's hear it, let's hear it now. Commissioner Plummer: Could I... No, I mean I would like to know about a lawsuit, because I think that's very important. People come into court with clean hands. Mayor Clark: Have you filed a lawsuit? Mr. Lacasa: I'll tell you all about it, Commissioner. 165 June 9, 1994 RMV Commissioner Plummer: You don't know about it? Mr. Lacasa: I'll tell you all about it. I represent the Virginia Key Marina partnership, and before we get into the lawsuit, and what it's about... And it's rather benign, it's not as... It's not what you all think. What happened here is, with regard to extending this operation until you have a successful bidder, until you have somebody coming in and taking over from the current operator, you can take some of those boats, and as you build new racks, keep... We're willing to work with the new operator and let them, our racks, stay there. They can use the racks, and as they build new ones, we can shift boats over. So you don't interrupt what is an ongoing and profitable business. Mayor Clark: Sir, one question. How many racks are actually used right now? How many boats? Mr. Lacasa: About two hundred and ninety-four. Mayor Clark: They're all full? Mr. Lacasa: They're pretty full, yes. Mayor Clark: Oh, "pretty full." Mr. Lacasa: They're all full. Mayor Clark: All full? Mr. Lacasa: Yes. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Lacasa: So, you know, we don't have to completely tear down an operating, ongoing business, which will be... not... It won't be beneficial to the City. We're willing to work with you. Now, let me talk to you a little bit about the lawsuit. This lawsuit is a result of some confusion that happened two weeks ago. On May 25th, we had a meeting with Asset Management, and at that time, Asset Management and the Administration wasn't certain who the owners of the racks were; whether it was a permanent improvement, according to the lease, in which case, it would become the property of the City; or whether it was equipment, in which case, when our lease expired, and we have to leave, we can take our equipment with us. Because we weren't certain what our rights were in these circumstances, we had to file this suit to preserve our rights. This lawsuit does not seek money damages, it does not allege any willful or misconduct of any kind. It is simply a declaratory action to permit an intermediate body, an impartial body to determine who the owners of the racks are. Now, I have had indications from the Administration, who has worked diligently on this, and in good faith, and they have told me that the racks, they determined, belong to us. I'd like to see that in writing, and I'm sure I'm going to get it, in which case, the lawsuit will become three quarters a nullity. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's just take care of that. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, if I may. Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: That's not what I heard. Gene Hancock told me they belong to us. 166 June 9, 1994 Commissioner De Yurre: Now, what about all this issue dealing with the RFP (Request for Proposals) itself? Mr. Lacasa: That is... Like I said, if we get the rack determination done, three quarters of the lawsuit will be a nullity. But there's still one issue, and that is, because this ambiguity that was created on May 24th, when that last letter, that last addendum came out, where they deleted some words, that the racks would have to be negotiated from the current operator. "From the current operator," those words were deleted. That's what created our doubt as to whether the City claimed the racks or not. We did not have a position at that time to bid on by the deadline on Monday, and that's why we filed the suit. What we're looking for now, since we have to clear this up... Commissioner De Yurre: Wait. Hold it, hold it, hold it. What does one thing have to do with the other? Mr. Lacasa: It has a lot to do with it. Commissioner De Yurre: Go ahead. I'm listening. Mr. Lacasa: If we're going to bid, if Virginia Key Marina Partnership is going to be on this project - and it would like to - it had to have known by Monday who owned the racks, and we didn't know. Why is it important? Because on March 30th, there was another addendum, which had a... which amended a portion of the RFP having to do with one million dollars in minimum capitalization. That amendment, on March 30th, essentially said that the million dollars didn't include existing improvements on the property. Because on May 24th, we were not sure what the City regarded as their property or not, we weren't sure if our racks and our equipment would be taken out of that million dollar minimum capitalization. Commissioner De Yurre: And do you really expect that those old... that old equipment there would be part of the new bid that we would allow? Don't you realize all that has to go out, no matter what? Mr. Lacasa: Half those racks, half those racks are less than three years old, and they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. They're brand new state of the art equipment by Coastal Marine, which has their exhibit here at the boat show all the time. Mayor Clark: Sir, the RFP also required that all the new racks would be new. Mr. Lacasa: No... Mayor Clark: Yes, it did. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Is that right? Mr. Jack Luft: That's right. Mayor Clark: All the racks would be new. Now, you know full well. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. 167 June 9, 1994 Commissioner De Yurre: So you really have no basis for extending this, because you really should have been prepared, because the racks really are a non -issue when it comes to the bid process. Mr. Lacasa: Well, Commissioner, I respectfully disagree. Commissioner De Yurre: Well. Commissioner Plummer: May I ask, what are the outstanding debts that you say they owe the City? Ms. Sardina: Prior to Virginia Key Marina taking over... Commissioner Plummer: As of today, what do they owe the City? Mayor Clark: That's right. Ms. Sardina: There's a dispute over twenty thousand dollars. Commissioner Plummer: There's no dispute. What is the dispute? What is it for? Is it for rent? Is it for water, or what is it for? Ms. Sardina: Part of it is for rent, from 1987, when their predecessor was operating the marina. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Ms. Sardina: There's a legal issue of whether they assumed that debt or not, which I can't speak to. That's twelve thousand dollars right there. The rest is audit findings that go back several i years also that were not resolved, and they are disputing those. Commissioner Plummer: Now, this that I was handed, this resolution here - I don't know who prepared it - said that even to extend it for thirty days, those matters have to be rectified; is that correct? Ms. Sardina: Definitely, definitely. And we have been working with our lawyer and their lawyer, trying to work out resolutions. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Ms. Sardina: Actually, some of it has been settled already. We settled six thousand dollars. Commissioner Plummer: Then it's fourteen thousand, and not twenty? Ms. Sardina: No, no. It was twenty-six thousand. Last night, we settled six, so there's twenty thousand pending, which we couldn't come to an agreement on, because it's very complex. It's not something that's going to be easily solved. Commissioner Plummer: Then tell me what happens, according to this resolution, if you don't resolve the remaining twenty thousand dollars. It is my understanding they're out in thirty days. Is that a correct statement? Ms. Sardina: We have, under a statute of limitations, I was told by our lawyer, we have three weeks to sue them, if we don't resolve it in three weeks. ` 168 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Stop talking about suing them. The resolution which I have here calls for full payment to be extended for thirty days. If they do not make full payment, which you contend they owe, in thirty days, as I understand this, they're out. Ms. Sardina: Correct. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Do they understand that? Mr. Lacasa: We understand it, but, as the Asset Management Office has indicated, these are legitimate disputes. ! Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Lacasa: And they go back to... Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. Mr. Lacasa: ... conduct that occurred prior to us becoming operators. Mayor Clark: OK. As long as you understand it, that dispute... Commissioner Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, I think it's got to be understood. I'm willing to make a motion that their contract, under these terms and conditions of the fourteen and ten point three percent be extended to the day of the takeover of the new awardee, predicated on them making full restitution in compliance with the City within thirty days. If not, then that's a different story. We're entitled to our money. Now they... Mr. Lacasa: Absolutely, Commissioner. But with regard to this twenty thousand that's in dispute - and they've qualified it as a legitimate dispute - you know, we have our arguments that are just as valid as theirs, and we're going to resolve it, but we may not be able to resolve it in thirty days. Commissioner Plummer: The only difference is we're in the driver's seat right now, and you're not. Ha -ha-ha. Mr. Lacasa: I'm not looking to be in the driver's seat. I'm just looking to do what's right and fair for both sides. Commissioner Plummer: Well, I'm elected to do what's right for the City. Vice Mayor Dawkins: If there's no second, Mr. Mayor, I think Mr. Plummer's motion dies, if there's no second. Mayor Clark: No, it's under study. I'll second his motion. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Huh? Mayor Clark: What is your... Commissioner Plummer: My motion is that the motion be granted to extend to the day of the new awardee, predicated on the same conditions existing, with them making full restitution of the disputed claims within thirty days. That's my motion. I mean... Mayor Clark: Well, that's not a bad motion. 169 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer. You want it different? Re -word itl Mayor Clark: For discussion. I'll second the motion. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, under discussion. Mr. Manager or the City Attorney, when this first began, I think I remember saying that the racks belonged to the present owner. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, yeah. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And the present owner had a right to keep them, loan them out, or whatever. Is that a correct statement? Mayor Clark: Not to the present owner, but to the present lessee. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no... Yeah, who... No, the people who are there now... Mr. Odio. They own them. Vice Mayor Dawkins: They own them. Mr. Odio: Yes. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And they said we had to buy them, and I said we did not need them, and they could do anything they want with them. Did I not say that? Mr. Odio- Yes. Mayor Clark: You did say that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. So now, where is the grounds to go to court, saying that we refuse to buy them, or give them the right to them. Mr. Odio: Let me explain that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Please do. Mr. Odio: There have been two issues with racks. The older racks there belonged to the City at one point, and we had a doubt whether those were... legitimately had been transferred to the first owner, prior to them, and I asked that to be researched, and that's one issue on the racks. The second issue was, since they are fixed to the ground with concrete, whether they were permanent installations, and if they were, then they belonged to the City of Miami when they left. The Law Department ruled just a few days ago that they are not permanent, that they are transportable, so therefore, they don't belong to us. Ms. Julie Bru (Assistant City Attorney): Trade fixtures. Commissioner Plummer: Well, but aren't there two different types of racks; one, that when they took over that were there; and since they've taken over, new racks that have been added since they were there? Mr. Odio: Yeah, but the issue was, are they permanent, is it a permanent structure, because they're fixed with concrete, or are they not permanent? 170 June 9, 1994 16 Commissioner Plummer: The previous owner was Mr. Gene Hancock. Mr. Odio: We gave him some racks. Ms. Sardina: All right, let me clarify something. Commissioner Plummer: Well, Mr. Hancock told me that he, in his discussion, gave those racks to the City, the old racks. Ms. Sardina: Commissioner Plummer, the inventory of concession equipment that was attached to the lease as an exhibit does not indicate that any racks were included with the area. "ornrnissioner Plummer: If they're not there, it's not there. ]mayor Clark: All right. Fine. Let me ask you a question. Mr. Lacasa: Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: That front yard, where you stored all of those boat trailers, what did you do with all the boat trailers? Commissioner Plummer: They're still there. Mr. Lacasa: With the trailers? Mayor Clark: Yes. Mr. Lacasa: We moved them out. Mayor Clark: Well, who did they belong to? Mr. Lacasa: Some of them, they belong to some of the boat owners, and we notified them, and some of them have responded, and some have not. We're storing them... Mayor Clark: Were you charging rent on those trailers? Pardon me, sir? Mayor Clark: Were you charging rent on those trailers? Mr. Lacasa. No. Mayor Clark: That lot was full of trailers. There must have been a hundred and fifty trailers in there. Mr. Lacasa: Yes, that's correct. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. De Yurre. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, if I may, let me ask this. What if... And for me to vote on this motion, it would have to be the drop dead date for them to move out is election day. OK. That's the extent... Commissioner Plummer: But by terminology, Victor, was the day that the new awardee takes over, so that there's no interim gap in there. 171 June 9, 1994 Commissioner De Yurre: There has to be one. There has to be an interim gap, J.L. Physically, there has to be one. And they need at least thirty days to move the stuff out. Commissioner Plummer: Well, excuse me. I guess what I'm more concerned about, whether it's for them or the City, is the boaters who are there presently. And if there's a way to avoid them having to move out and go look something for thirty days, and a way that we can provide them with the service of staying there, is what I'm trying to accomplish. Now, I don't know why they have to move out. You know, I'm sure that when the new owners take over, it's going to be i a period of time before they design whatever they're going to design, and you're probably going to have a six-month or a nine -month kind of a... I don't know. Commissioner De Yurre: The people are going to have to be out of there anyway. Mayor Clark: Well, that's true. They're going to be out. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Now, my point... Commissioner Plummer: They're going to have to be out of the racks. Commissioner De Yurre: My next point is - and this is directed to the City Attorney - what i happens if - because I don't know what those racks are worth - if you have to move them out? I have no idea if they're going to be worthless. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know. What happens if they just leave them there, and don't take them out? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Madam City Attorney. Ms. Bru: If they leave them there, that's just... They are ours. Commissioner De Yurre: At what point in time do they become ours? Ms. Bru: Well, once you set a date by which time they have to be totally out of the property, that will be the date that they have to remove all of their personal equipment, fixtures, whatever it is that they consider trade fixtures, including the boat racks, they have to remove them by that date. If they are not removed by that date, then they belong to the City. They no longer have a possessory interest in the leasehold or the premises, and therefore... Commissioner De Yurre: And that's specified in this agreement, so that there's no lawsuit afterwards, as to things in dispute, so that they know if they don't move it out by "X" date, then it becomes our property? I 1 Ms. Bru: You could do that. You could set a date, at which time, they will have to evict the property, and anything that they leave there will be considered then the property of the City, and title will pass to the City. Commissioner De Yurre: But don't they have to sign this agreement with the new percentage? Ms. Bru: There isn't really anything to sign. Right now, what you're doing is just authorizing them to continue there under the same terms and agreements of the original concession agreement, as modified by the prior resolution, with regards to the percentage on the boat racks. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Well, don't they have to agree to that in writing, that, yes, they'll pay the new percentage? i I _ - -172 ,June 9, 19.94 - Ms. Bru: They didn't last time. If... That's probably a more prudent thing to do, to enter into some sort of acknowledgment, that, yes, we will abide by these terms and conditions, and, yes, we will evict the property by such a date; otherwise, we will lose all title to whatever property we leave behind. Commissioner De Yurre: I would implement that into this motion. Mayor Clark: All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Manager, you wanted to say something, Mr. Manager? Mr. Odio: No, no, if they leave the racks behind, we'll use them. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Any other discussion on this point? Commissioner Plummer: I guess. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Hearing none, call the roll, Madam Clerk. Ms. Bru: I would like a clarification, please, since I have to follow up on this. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go right ahead, Madam City Attorney. Ms. Bru: What is the drop date; the date that the new operator takes over? What do you mean by that? Commissioner Plummer: Whenever the award is made by this Commission. Ms. Bru: What happens if the process, for some reason, doesn't come to fruition, and there is no new operator? Mayor Clark: We'll discuss it at that time. Ms. Bru: OK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Hearing no... Any further discussion? Commissioner Plummer: Well, she... Mr. Mayor, she makes a good point. If there is no new awardee, they can be thinking that they're just going to stay there infinitum, because they're not out. Mayor Clark: Well, we'll rediscover this in a hundred... Commissioner Plummer: Let me do it this way, all right? Mayor Clark:... in a hundred and twenty days, yeah. Commissioner Plummer: Hey, we'll do it by the absolute, drop dead date of December 1, 1994. Vice Mayor Dawkins: December what? Ms. Bru: Or unless a new operator takes over sooner. Commissioner Plummer: Or subsequent, a new operator takes over awardee. 173 June 9, 1994 Commissioner De Yurre: OK. This is subject to them dropping the lawsuit. Commissioner Plummer: Of course. Commissioner De Yurre: Immediately. Commissioner Plummer: Well, within the thirty -day period of when they were to make restitution. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, no, no, I'm talking about this one that they have now, they have to drop it before this goes into effect. Commissioner Plummer: Well, if I understand correctly, Victor, it's two parcels to the lawsuit. The one is the determination of who owns the racks. They do or we do. So that's going to be decided by a court and I... Commissioner De Yurre: No, it's already been determined. Mr. Lacasa: It's been decided. Mr. Odio: That has already been decided. Commissioner Plummer: OK. So that's out. So we got a quarter of a lawsuit that says something about the date of filing. Now... Commissioner De Yurre: And that is frivolous. Commissioner Plummer: That has to be dropped. Commissioner De Yurre: That has to be dropped before this goes into effect; if not, they have to move out immediately. Mayor Clark: All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is the motion understood? Mayor Clark: Yeah, I think so. Commissioner Plummer: Not really. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll. Mr. Lacasa: Mr. Mayor, before you take the vote, could I say one more thing, please? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, you may, sir. Mr. Lacasa: I just want to remind the Commission that before you're too anxious to have us out, remember that you're deriving a lot of rental income for the City from this operation. So it's mutually beneficial. OK? Vice Mayor Dawkins: I wouldn't mind that, sir, if the profit, we share equally, I wouldn't have a problem with that. 174 June 9, 1994 Mr. Lacasa: Well, I think... Vice Mayor Dawkins: But I am depriving the City of a little revenue, and I'm depriving you of a lot of it. Mr. Lacasa: Actually, I think it's... Vice Mayor Dawkins: So now if you're talking in terms of sharing, you got me. Mr. Lacasa: I think the numbers are the other way around, Commissioner. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no, I don't... Mayor Clark: OK. Cut it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, OK, that's your opinion. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. Commissioner Plummer: Well, just for the record, Mr. Mayor... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll, Madam Clerk. We're through with this. Commissioner Plummer: I have the right, please... Vice Mayor Dawkins: After we vote, you can speak up. Commissioner Plummer: What about if it changes my right to vote? Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Well, you may do that also. Go ahead, Commissioner Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: Very simply, for the record, Mr. Vice Mayor, yes, the revenue is important. But let me tell you, I am also concerned about the boating public. There's 294 families that could be affected by this, and I think they are entitled to consideration, also. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-406 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOW VIRGINIA KEY MARINA PARTNERSHIP, INC. (VKM), THE CONTINUED MONTH -TO -MONTH USE OF THE AREA GOVERNED BY THE CONCESSION AGREEMENT DATED MAY 19, 1978 BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MARINE STADIUM ENTERPRISES, INC., AS ASSIGNED, AMENDED AND MODIFIED, FROM JUNE 30, 1994 UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS (UDP) PROCESS IS COMPLETE OR DECEMBER 1, 1994, WHICHEVER OCCURS EARLIER, PROVIDED THAT NO LATER THAN JULY 9, 1994, VKM COMPLIES WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 175 June 9, 1994 Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Commissioner Gort: What's the motion? I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor. I mean, a lot of things have been said. I'm not sure on the motion. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Madam Clerk, read the motion back for Commissioner Gort and me. Ms. Matty Hirai: (City Clerk): That the contract, that it be granted, and that the contract be extended under the same terms and conditions, except as modified by the prior resolution; and that the absolute date would be December 1, '94, unless the new awardee takes over sooner. Commissioner De Yurre: Also that they have to drop their lawsuit. Ms. Hirai: Yes. Subject to their dropping the presently instituted lawsuit against the City before this takes effect. Commissioner De Yurre: And also, that they have to sign an agreement that they give up all rights to the property they leave there, if they're not gone by that drop dead date. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Was that the motion, J.L.? Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, but let me make sure now. That also includes the $20,000 that's owed to the City. That's got to be rectified also. Mr. Odio: Well, that's not fair, because there's twelve thousand dollars that they did not... that it's a legitimate... Commissioner Plummer: I didn't set how much. I said whatever is owed to the City. If they don't owe us but twelve thousand, that's the number. Mr. Odio: OK. OK. Commissioner Plummer: If it's six thousand, that's the number. It's up to you. Mayor Clark: Roll call. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Now wait a minute. You ready, Commissioner? Commissioner Gort: Now I got it, yes. 176 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll - continue the roll call, Madam Clerk. COMMENTS MADE AFTER ROLL CALL: Mr. Lacasa: Thank you, Commissioners, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43. AUTHORIZE BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST TO CLOSE BICENTENNIAL PARK TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, EXCEPT ON SCHEDULED EVENT DAYS, FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS, TO ALLOW FOR THE REPAIR OF THE PARKS INFRASTRUCTURE. Mayor Clark: Item 36. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thirty-six was deferred. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): This is permission to close the park for a hundred and twenty days to repair it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Go ahead. Go ahead, Mr... This was deferred? Go ahead, go ahead, Mr. Clark. Go right ahead. Mr. Ira Katz: Yes, Commissioner. We're asking for a resolution... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Give your name and address, please. Mr. Katz: Yeah. Ira Katz, executive director, Bayfront Park Management Trust. We're asking your permission to close the Bicentennial Park, with the exception of the twelve event days that we have scheduled, so that we can do the necessary repairs to make the facility feasible and useable for those events. Commissioner Plummer: I move it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Commissioner Gort: Second. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is there a second? Commissioner Gort: Yes, second. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Under discussion, Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: On the events, we have received calls from the Navy. They want to bring back those visiting ships, and if you would authorize us to do emergency repairs to that area, and then open... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Wait. Now, when you say you want authorization to bring a ship in... 177 June 9, 1994 r Mr. Odio: Visiting ship. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... the ship docks at a berth. It does not dock at a runway where you've got to pour concrete for a road. Mr. Odio: No. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Mr. Odio: No. What we... Yes. What we need is to fix up the... Commissioner Plummer: The electric. i Mr. Odio: ... what they tie up to and they... some connections and... i Vice Mayor Dawkins: For the berthing. i Mr. Odio: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: The electric... Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's all we're talking about. Mr. Odio: Berthing. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. OK. That's right. Go right ahead. Go ahead. Commissioner Gort: Move it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll. Commissioner Plummer: I moved it. Commissioner Gort: Second. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: i RESOLUTION NO.94-407 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST TO CLOSE BICENTENNIAL PARK TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC, EXCEPT ON SCHEDULED EVENT DAYS, FOR A PERIOD OF TIME NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120) DAYS TO ALLOW THE REPAIR OF BICENTENNIAL PARK'S INFRASTRUCTURE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 178 June 9, 1994 f Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: I_A:T.] Q1IA None. Mayor Stephen P. Clark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. ALLOCATE AN ADDITIONAL $30,000 (FROM CITY MANAGER'S DISCRETIONARY BUDGET) FOR BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST TO ENABLE THE TRUST TO HIRE FULLTIME PARK PERSONNEL TO MONITOR ACTIVITY IN BICENTENNIAL PARK DURING ITS HOURS OF OPERATION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thirty-seven. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Commissioner Gort: Second. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-408 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ALLOCATION OF AN ADDITIONAL $30,000 ANNUALLY FROM THE CITY MANAGER'S DISCRETIONARY BUDGET FOR THE BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST TO ENABLE THE TRUST TO HIRE FULLTIME PARK PERSONNEL TO MONITOR ACTIVITY IN BICENTENNIAL PARK, DURING HOURS OF OPERATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 179 June 9, 1994 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: ABSENT: None. Mayor Stephen P. Clark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45. AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF $70,000 FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM -- FOR INSTALLATION OF SEMI PERMANENT FENCING FOR THE SOUTH END OF BAYFRONT PARK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thirty-eight. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Commissioner Gort: Second. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-409 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $70,000, FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR SEMI PERMANENT FENCING FOR THE SOUTH END OF BAYFRONT PARK. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: i AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins i NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mayor Stephen P. Clark 180 June 9, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46. EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH TEN NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS: (1) ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC.; �2) COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC.; 3) DOWNTOWN MIAMI PARTNERSHIP, INC.; (4) EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC.; (5) GREATER BISCAYNE BOULEVARD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC.; (6) HUMAN SERVICES, PIERRE TOUSSAINT; (7) LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC.; (8) MARTIN LUTHER KING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC.; (9) SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CENTER, INC., AND (10) ST. JOHN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. -- IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT A NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Forty. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): This is on the CBos (community based organizations). Excluded from this list is New Washington Heights and the Latin Quarter Association. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Ms. Betina Rodriguez Aguilera: Excuse me. Mr. Odio: We are recommending to fund an organization in Little Haiti. Vice Mayor Dawkins: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Gort: Second. Ms. Aguilera: Excuse me. I would like to speak. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Would you just wait? You're out of order. OK? Thank you. Is there a second? Commissioner Gort: I did second it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Now, under discussion. Go ahead, madam. Ms. Aguilera: I am repre... My name is Betina Rodriguez Aguilera, and I'm representing the New Woman Entrepreneur Center. Commissioner Plummer: The what? I'm sorry? Ms. Aguilera: New Woman Entrepreneur Center. Mr. Odio: Are you a CBO, ma'am? Ms. Aguilera: Yes. 181 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: This is for CBOs. Mr. Odio: You are not a CBO. Commissioner Plummer: You're not a CBO. Mr. Odio: You're not... This is not your item. Commissioner Plummer: Community based organizations are ten in number of blighted areas. You are not one of them, ma'am. Ms. Aguilera: OK. Well, I was told that my item was item 40, so. Commissioner Plummer: Well, somebody told you wrong. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Further under discussion. Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Does this include Tri-City? Mr. Frank Castaneda: Tri-City is a separate item. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go right ahead, sir. Thank you. Mr. Manager, through you to Mr. Castaneda. Mr. Odio: Tri-City is not included here, is it? Ms. Castaneda: Tri-City is a separate item. We'll be bringing that on June the 30th, Commissioner. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Bring it up when? Mr. Castaneda: June the 30th. Vice Mayor Dawkins: June the 30th. Mr. Castaneda: That's correct, the next Commission meeting. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Bringing it up for what? To fund them or... Mr. Castaneda: To fund them for twenty-five thousand dollars. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Thank you. That's... Any other? Commissioner Plummer: Question. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir, Mr. Manager. Commissioner Plummer: Frank. Mr. Castaneda: Yes, sir. Yes, Commissioner. 182 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: I'm assuming where you've made this on the agenda that each and every one of these that are going to be executed agreements are in full, F-U-L-L, compliance with all the rules and regulations. Mr. Castaneda: Definitely, Commissioner. Commissioner Plummer: And you recommend all that are on the agenda. Mr. Castaneda: All of them are recommended. Commissioner Plummer: That they have done a good job, and you expect them to continue. Mr. Castaneda: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Thank you. Mr. Castaneda: And we've given bonuses to those who have done above. Commissioner Plummer: Thank you, sir. May I ask what happened to the two grants of money of the ones that you're not recommending? Mr. Castaneda: Well, in the=•case of New Washington Heights, we are recommending the funding of Saint John Community Development Corporation. Commissioner Plummer: And the other one? Mr. Castaneda: And the other one, we have not made a recommendation in that particular area, but remember you already have two hispanic... two agencies in Little Havana. You have the Small Business Opportunity Center, and you have Little Havana Development Authority. So I don't believe that there's a direct necessity to have that. Now, in Little Haiti, however, we need the Pierre Toussaint Haitian Catholic Center to provide economic development services in the Little Haiti area. Commissioner Plummer: Where did I hear that there was possibly a proposal that the Little Havana... What was the one that was... We denied. The Latin Quarter, did that... Mr. Odio: It's not included. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. I understand that. Frank, the Latin Quarter money, why did I hear that that money was going to be turned over to CAMACOL to do the work that Latin Quarter was not doing? Mr. Odio: We have not done that. Mr. Castaneda: No. Mr. Odio: We have not recommended that. Commissioner Plummer: Is that under consideration? Mr. Castaneda: No. Mr. Odio: No, sir. 183 June 9, 1994 W Commissioner Plummer: We shouldn't even think about that? Commissioner Gort: That's not my understanding. Commissioner Plummer: OK. I was just asking. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You want to discuss this item, sir? Mr. Robert Godoy: On that item 42. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Twenty-two? Mr. Godoy: Forty-two. Mr. Odio: We are in number 40. Vice Mayor Dawkins: We're on 40, sir. OK? Any further discussion on 40? Hearing none, call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-410 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH TEN (10) NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE TWENTIETH (20TH) YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR AMOUNTS AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: ABSENT: None. Mayor Stephen P. Clark 184 June 9, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT INC. (MCDI) IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN MDCI'S REVOLVING LOAN FUND PROGRAM AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Mayor Dawkins: Forty-one. Commissioner Plummer: Move 41. I move it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Seconded by Commissioner De Yurre. Any other discussion? Hearing none, call the roll. Mr. Frank Castaneda: Commissioner. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir. Go right ahead, Mr. Castaneda. Mr. Castaneda: I understand that there's a problem with the contract, that the City Attorney wants that a contract be approved, pending his review, or something to that... Mr. Jones: Yeah, instead of... Apparently, the contract that you have in your package does not correlate to what you're attempting to do here. So the resolution would be amended. Instead of... Commissioner Plummer: Subject to. Mr. Jones: Subject to... in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So moved and seconded, accept that. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-411 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. (MDCI), FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1994 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1995, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING MDCI'S REVOLVING LOAN FUND PROGRAM AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE TWENTIETH (20TH) YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $200,000, FOR THE EXISTING REVOLVING LOAN FUND PROGRAM, AND $250,000 FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE REVOLVING LOAN PROGRAM. 185 June 9, 1994 ° '1 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mayor Stephen P. Clark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48. EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH THE BAKEHOUSE ARTS COMPLEX, INC. (BAC) -- PROVIDE FOR A $40,000 GRANT, TO BE SECURED BY A MORTGAGE, FOR RENOVATIONS / PURCHASE OF PARTS FOR M EXISTING ELEVATOR AT BAC -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. Commissioner Plummer: Forty -one -A. With the Commission's permission, I would like to change it from a loan to a grant. The Bakehouse has done an excellent job, and everybody else has been a winner. Why shouldn't they be one time? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is there a second, as a grant and not a loan? Commissioner Gort: I'll second that one. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Seconded. Any other discussion? Hearing none, call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-412 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE BAKEHOUSE ARTS COMPLEX, INC., (BAC), PROVIDING FOR A GRANT, IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000, FOR RENOVATIONS AND PURCHASE OF PARTS FOR THE EXISTING ELEVATOR AT THE BAC; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE TWENTIETH (20TH) YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 186 June 9, 1994 W N Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mayor Stephen P. Clark ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49. AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE CONFIRMATIONS OF SUBORDINATION OF MORTGAGE, THEREBY SUBORDINATING TO THE EXISTING FIRST MORTGAGE EXTENSION FROM FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF MIAMI, THE THIRD AND FOURTH MORTGAGES HELD BY THE CITY SECURING A $204,000 INDEBTEDNESS ON THE REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE BAKEHOUSE ART COMPLEX. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Now, 41-B would have to be... Commissioner Plummer: Bakehouse. Forty-one-B, I move it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is there a second to 41-13? Commissioner Plummer: Same, it's a companion. Hello? Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-413 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONFIRMATIONS OF SUBORDINATION OF MORTGAGE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, THEREBY SUBORDINATING TO THE EXTENSION TO THE EXISTING FIRST MORTGAGE FROM FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF MIAMI, THE THIRD AND FOURTH MORTGAGES HELD BY THE CITY OF MIAMI WHICH SECURE AN INDEBTEDNESS OF A TOTAL OF $204,000 ON THE REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE BAKEHOUSE ART COMPLEX. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 187 June 9, 1994 W 59 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gott, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mayor Stephen P. Clark Vice Mayor Dawkins: Forty-two. Mr. Odio: I'm sorry, let me... For the record... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go right ahead, Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: We do not need 41-13. I believe we granted outright 41-A. Am I wrong on that? Mr. Castaneda: Yes. This is in reference to the... Mr. Odio: In reference to something else? Mr. Castaneda: Yes. Mr. Odio: OK. Commissioner Plummer: If you don't need it, don't use it. Mr. Odio: No, no. I just wanted to make sure that it's not... A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): They're two separate things. Mr. Odio: OK, fine. Commissioner Plummer: If you don't use it, you lose it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Did you call the roll on that, Madam Clerk? Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Yes, I did. 188 June 9, 1994 W ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50. EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH TEN NEIGHBORHOOD BASED HOUSING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS: (1 ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT; (2) CODEC, INC.; (3) EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; (4) EAST LITTLE HAVANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; (5) GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBORHOODS, INC.; (6) LITTLE HAITI HOUSING ASSOCIATION; (7) ST. JOHN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; (8) FLORIDA HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC.; (9) TACOLCY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, AND (10) RAFAEL HERNANDEZ HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION -- IN ORDER TO PROMOTE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING AFFORDABLE TO LOW AND MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES / INDIVIDUALS -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Forty-two. Commissioner Plummer: Well, I'll move it. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): These are the individual contracts with ten neighborhood based housing organizations. Commissioner Plummer: Well, there's people here to speak on it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And this is... All this is doing, Mr. Manager, is taking the money that we approved... Mr. Odio: That you already approved and... Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... and distributing it. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, exactly what you have approved. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: I moved it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right, under discussion. Go right ahead, sir. Mr. Roberto Godoy: Yes, sir. In the proposed resolution included in the above item of the agenda under the subject, "Execution of Agreement," Model Housing Cooperative is not recommended for the forty-two thousand dollars requested. To me, it is a great surprise, because we have already closed the contract for six units at 1262 Northwest 5th Street, and we have already signed the contract to buy the property for six units at 1127 Northwest 1st Place, and 52 units at 2046 West Flagler Street with funds from Dade County Andrew Program, and also, at our request, Florida Housing Finance Agency is opening a program of one million dollars for cooperative housing. Under item 6 of the agenda, five hundred thousand dollars was proposed to be allocated to nine community development corporations, and when, at the meeting held in April 14th, it was promised to increase this amount. In the proposed resolution number 42, 189 June 9, 1994 while it is proposed to increase the amount to six hundred and ninety thousand dollars, Model Housing Cooperative is not included. However, there are included a number of corporations that have promised over the next two years, will coordinate the development of a number of housing projects. But several of them have done nothing for the past three years. It is very important that we obtain the forty-two thousand dollars requested from CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) 1994 for expenses. The members of the Congress of the United States, as well as of the Florida Congress, and the Secretary of Housing know our work to help solve the City of Miami problem, as far as housing and crime are concerned. We must have the approval of our request to be included in this program to continue working. Just a while ago, it was at the request of Commissioner Dawkins, it was requested that two million be used for many, many places in Overtown, in which nothing is built. I want to say how hard I am working on that. I just received today from the RTC a proposal for donations of three properties at 1621 4th Street Northwest, 157 Northwest 4th Street, and 2445 Northwest. I have the package here. I am going to fill it. I am going to get those lands that are donated to us, because we are a nonprofit, tax- exempt organization. But we must have the help to be able to prepare all those papers, and I don't see how, if we're working in hundreds, and all the people are trying to help us, and we get help of the Dade County, we are not getting this help from the City of Miami. That looks almost impossible to believe it. Right now in this moment, through the RTC, we are also working in over 200 units that can be bought for a very reasonable amount of money. Therefore, I sincerely request that we be included in, with that small amount of forty-two thousand dollars for expenses, when we are having the help and the promised help of millions of dollars, to be able to make two or three thousand people owners. Because the big problem here in the Miami City is that in the last fourteen years, rental has been increased, so that low-income people or a very high percent... It's not Godoy who says that. It's the Federal Government, and the Federal Government also say that to these low-income people, only fifteen percent, at the most, has been increased in the salary. What happens when those will have another eight percent increase? They will be thrown to the street. They will be the homeless. And also, what about the crime that the City is asking? When those young fellows see that the father and mother are going to be thrown on the street, they go out on the street and look for the money legally or illegally. Why, if we have the unique solution to help those low-income people, we are not going to get the help of the City of Miami, for only forty-two thousand dollars? Thank you. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Did you make this argument to the Administration? Mr. Godoy: I have done that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. And the Administration denied the request. We are only... Mr. Godoy: Did not included it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no. Now, wait, now. I listened to you. Please, now, give me the respect of listening to me, please. Mr. Godoy: Yes. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK? Mr. Godoy: Excuse me. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Now, you made the same speech to the Administration. OK? Mr. Godoy: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: The Administration came to this Commission with a recommendation not to fund you. 190 June 9, 1994 Wal Mr. Godoy: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Now, we follow, usually - sometimes we don't - most of the times, we follow the recommendations of the Administration. Now, the Administration recommended no funding for you. OK? Mr. Godoy: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Now, those who have just arrived here may not understand it, but I've heard this speech from you for eleven years. For eleven years, you've been here before this City j Commission telling me that your organization is going to create housing, you're getting money from the Federal Government, you've gotten money from the State of Florida, you've gotten money from Dade County, and you've gotten money from the City. And each time you come, now, you come telling me that you need help because you're going to do this. I mean, this... Perhaps that's why the Administration... I don't know. Mr. Godoy: I want to clear up. Model Housing Cooperative has been registered for the last three years. I don't have anything to do with Florida Housing Cooperative. At that time that I belonged to that Florida Housing Cooperative, I helped, and I did many, many things. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Just a minute, sir, because we've got some other things. Mr. Manager, what's your recommendation, sir? Mr. Odio: That we continue on and accept the proposal that you have in front of you, and the resolution on item 42. They were not recommended by the Community Development Housing... Vice Mayor Dawkins: And your recommendation has been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Hearing none, call the roll, Madam Clerk. 191 June 9, 1994 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-414 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH TEN (10) NEIGHBORHOOD BASED HOUSING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS (ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, CODEC, INC., EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, EAST LITTLE HAVANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBORHOODS, INC., LITTLE HAITI HOUSING ASSOCIATION, ST. JOHN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, FLORIDA HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC., TACOLCY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, AND RAFAEL HERNANDEZ HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION), FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING AFFORDABLE TO LOW AND MODERATE INCOME FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS; FURTHER ALLOCATING FUNDING FROM TWENTIETH (20TH) YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS AS STATED IN SECTION 3 OF THIS RESOLUTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDING SUPPORT AND/OR TO FUND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES TO THE AFOREMENTIONED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 51. (Continued) FURTHER CLARIFYING COMMENTS CONCERNING CITY COMMISSION DIRECTIVE TO ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION WITH COUNSEL'S REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF FEES IN CONNECTION WITH DEFENSE OF FORMER POLICE OFFICER WILLIAM LOZANO. (See labels 15 & 17-13) Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mayor Clark, before we go any further, I don't know why it's important to the Miami Herald reporters, but I need to make something clear here, and this Commission needs to make something clear. This morning, in order to expedite time and et cetera, a 192 June 9, 1994 1 I10 k, suggestion, or whatever you had, was made that Miller Dawkins meet with a delegation to discuss a solution to the problem. Mayor Clark: Right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Now, in the discussion of the solution, it is to be brought back to this Commission to be voted on. Mayor Clark: Right, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's all. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Understood. Well, excuse me. Mayor Clark: Item 43. Commissioner Plummer: Commissioner Dawkins, that was you, the other party, the City Attorney, as I recall FOP (Fraternal Order of Police). Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: That was the parties involved to sit with you and discuss the issue. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And bring back to this body to vote on. Commissioner Plummer: And bring it back here. Whatever you recommended had to be voted on here again. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's right, in the public hearing. I mean, the public will be here to hear it. That's all. Mayor Clark: That's right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's all. Mayor Clark: All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Thank you. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN 193 June 9, 1994 la ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52. DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT(S) FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 8, 1994, PROPOSING MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING PROCESS OF: (1) IMPLEMENTING UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (UDP); (2) HANDLING PROTESTS FILED BY AGGRIEVED PARTIES IN REGARD TO SAID PROJECTS; AND (3) REGARDING CONTEMPLATION OF SALES OR LEASES OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY. Mayor Clark: Forty-three. Mr. Herb Bailey: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, item 43 is a resolution asking for permission to bring back to this Commission in July, the first meeting in July, some recommendations in modifying the City Charter, specifically item 29-A, as it relates to UDP (Unified Development Project). On several occasions, we have been requested, the Administration has been requested by this Commission to come up with some recommendations which we think would streamline our process in land disposition, and with dealing with, and negotiating contracts with successful bidders. We have included some suggestions that we think would modify and make the operation that we have under UDP a little more efficient. We would like to complete that preparation and bring it back on July the 14th, and if this Commission decides that is appropriate, then we would like to have it included on the November ballot. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'll move it to let them prepare it, and bring it back, and let us look at it and make that the decision at the time they bring it back. I'll move it. Mayor Clark: Second? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Mayor Clark: No objection. Cast a unanimous ballot. Thank you, Mr. Bailey. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-415 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AMENDMENT(S) TO THE CITY CHARTER FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1994, THEREBY PROPOSING MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING PROCESS OF: (1) IMPLEMENTING UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS; (2) HANDLING PROTESTS FILED BY AGGRIEVED PARTIES IN REGARD TO SAID PROJECTS; AND (3) REGARDING THE CONTEMPLATION OF SALES OR LEASES OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 194 June 9, 1994 a Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53. RATIFY EMERGENCY ACTION OF CITY MANAGER IN THE PURCHASE OF A TURNKEY FIRE STATION ALERTING SYSTEM (ON A LEASE / PURCHASE BASIS) FROM MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONIC, INC. -- FOR FIRE -RESCUE DEPARTMENT -- AUTHORIZE I EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT. Mayor Clark: Forty-four. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Mayor Clark: With no exception, cast a unanimous ballot. Commissioner Plummer: I'm only moving that, Mr. Mayor, because I am told that Mr. Dawkins' questions were resolved in this matter. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. 195 June 9, 1994 IR The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-416 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE EMERGENCY ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN THE PURCHASE OF A TURNKEY FIRE STATION ALERTING SYSTEM, FOR THE FIRE -RESCUE DEPARTMENT, ON A LEASED PURCHASE BASIS, FROM MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONIC, INC. (MOTOROLA C & E), FOR A FIVE YEAR PERIOD, AT AN ANNUAL COST OF $54,447.58, FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $272,237.90; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM FIRE - RESCUE FY'94 ACCOUNT CODE NO. 280401-880 AND DADE COUNTY EMS GRANT AWARD INDEX NO. 280-528-840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO IMPLEMENT SAID ACQUISITION; AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR SAID ACQUISITION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54. PROTEST BY D.M. CONSTRUCTION OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. IN CONNECTION WITH BID NO. 93-94-080, LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E- 70. Mayor Clark: Item 45. Ms. Judy Carter: Sir. Mayor Clark: Yes. Please, yes, ma'am. Ms. Carter: If I may begin. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, ma'am. Ms. Carter: I'm Judy Carter, GSA (General Services Administration) procurement management, i chief procurement officer. We received a protest from D.M. Construction. This protest is in 196 June 9, 1994 connection with a Public Works bid that has to do with local drainage. D.M. Construction is a general contractor. They obtained their certificate of competency from the State of Florida. At the time of bid opening, they did not have an occupational license to do business as a building contractor or an engineering contractor. They are, however, the apparent low bidder. D.M. filed a protest essentially saying this: "That we believe that we should be awarded the bid because although we are general contractors, that we do, in fact, have the proper license to perform what essentially is" - and no question, there is no contention, there is no disagreement - "to perform engineering work." As a result of this, they appealed to me, indicating that, "We, in fact, should be awarded this bid." This office contacted the State of Florida Construction Trades Board. This office contacted the County's Trade Board. Based upon our questioning of the staff, as well as a thorough review of the law, we have determined that, in fact, this particular firm, which is a general contractor, does not have the proper license to perform engineering work. They cite as the basis of their protest a particular law, and I would like to just cite that for your information. They believe that their basis for saying that they can do it is because of this provision in 10-2-A of the law of Dade County Code that: "A general contractor may do contracts for and take out permits for the work of a general engineering contractor, room air conditioning contractor, installation, awning, and any specialty building contract as defined herein." Essentially, they are saying that because that provision says that a general contractor "may" do general engineering contractor's work, that, in fact, they should be awarded the bid. However, I take issue and disagree with that, based upon my findings of what was in the law, as well as what we have been able to obtain from the State and the County. And I base my determination on the following. 10-3, which also is found in the Dade County law, provides for the requirements of a certificate of competency to do contracting work in this County, and essentially says that anyone who wants to contract to do business in this City must obtain their certificate of competency from one of three sources: One, either the Florida State Construction Industry Licensing Board; the Florida Electrical Contractors Licensing Board; or the County's Construction Trades Qualifying Board. This particular firm obtained their certificate of competency from the State, and not from the County. The provision also says, in 10-3, that provided, however - and this is important - that for those projects specified in Section 489.103 of the Florida Statutes, which, for your information, governs public construction contracting for the State, a contractor must be County - certified. Now, what does 489.103 say? It says that for any construction or contractor's work on bridges, roads, streets, or highways. And in that instance, it is for this reason that I determined that because we are dealing with a local drainage project that requires work on roads and streets, that, in fact, you must be County -certified. They are not County -certified. They are State certified. Further, there is a justifiable reason why that provision is in the State law. That is because engineering contracting is not governed by the State of Florida. It's governed by the County. So therefore, the only engineering contractor that can do work in this City is one that is County -certified. It is based upon those reasons that I believe that, in fact, they do not have the proper license to perform the work. They are not County -certified. They are State -certified general contractors. Commissioner Plummer: May I ask a question, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: Surely. Commissioner Plummer: What is the total cost of the project as projected by Public Works? Mr. Jim Kay: The contract is four hundred and... approximately four hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Commissioner Plummer: And what were these people's bid? Mr. Kay: Excuse me just a minute. Let me get my... 197 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: The amount. Mr. Kay: OK. Their bid was four hundred and twenty-nine thousand and sixty-six dollars. Commissioner Plummer: And what was the amount of the bid which you're saying that you wanted to recommend? Mr. Kay: The bid we're recommending is four hundred and thirty thousand, six hundred and twenty-six. Commissioner Plummer: And what is the difference there? Mr. Kay: The difference is about sixteen hundred dollars, out of a four hundred and thirty thousand dollar bid. Commissioner Plummer: Thank you, sir. Mayor Clark: All right. You may speak now. Mr. Ronald Gilbert: Yes. My name is Ronald Gilbert. I'm an attorney representing D.M. Construction. I would ask the Commissioners look at a bid that Dade County, which obviously knows its law is involved the same type of work that is governed by their code and governed by the State law, and they say that you don't have to have an engineering contractor's license if you have a general building contractor's license, and you can do the same type of work. My client feels that they complied with all the provisions of the bid. There was no specification of the bid that they had to be a general contractor, engineering contractor. The code sections specifically allow them to contract for it and do the work. Mr. Fiser is here, one of the principals in the company, and he wishes to say something. Mr. Al Fiser: This is the contract specifications and the contract document. It specifically refers to Chapter 10 of the Metropolitan Dade County, which says, verbatim, "A general contractor may do, contract for and pull permits for an engineering contractor." That's just as plain as day. It specifically, verbatim, says that. Commissioner Plummer: So what do you have to say? Mr. Kay: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, what he is saying is "may" - that is a key word in there - he "may" do work. All of this work is exclusively within the public right-of-way. Metropolitan Dade County, we have phoned them and talked to them on the phone. They will not issue a permit to a GC, general contractor; only to an engineering contractor, when the work is of this nature, which is construction of curbing, gutters, pavement, drainage facilities, catch basin, et cetera. I would like to just read for you... He picked up the contract documents here. I have the same copy, and I'd like to read to you from the advertisement for bids. "Prospective bidders will be required to submit with their bid a copy of the appropriate certificate of competency as issued by Dade County, which authorizes the bidder to perform the work." D.M. does not have a certificate of competency issued by Dade County. Commissioner Plummer: Well, then, how could he even... If he did not meet the bid requirements, how is he... He's not a qualified bidder. Ms. Carter: That is true. And we're recommending... Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): That's exactly what we're saying. 198 June 9, 1994 Ms. Carter: That's exactly what we're saying, sir. Commissioner Plummer: I move to uphold the decision of the chief procurement officer, based on the fact that they did not meet the requirements. It doesn't mean that they're not right in what they're saying, but they didn't meet the requirements of the specs. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Mayor Clark: All right. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-417 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER'S DECISION TO REJECT THE PROTEST OF D.M. CONSTRUCTION OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. IN CONNECTION WITH BID NO. 93-94-080, LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-70, AS IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE WITHOUT MERIT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City j Clerk.) i Upon being seconded by Commissioner Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: That's it, fellows. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55. ENTER INTO EXPERIMENTAL SHORT TERM CONTRACT WITH KIMMINS RECYCLING CORPORATION -- FOR TRANSPORTATION OF YARD WASTE AND NON-PUTRESCIBLE WASTE TO THE KIMMINS RECYCLING FACILITY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Next item. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. I'm assuming that this is beneficial to the City. Mr. Ron Williams: It absolutely is, Commissioner Plummer. I would like to advise the Commission that since the time that we presented this to you for the printed agenda, there is a j problem with Metropolitan Dade County and the license of this company. We would like for you to give the City Manager authority to proceed, and if this license issue is not cleared up, we certainly will not use this company. 199 June 9, 1994 W la Commissioner Plummer: Well, of course, if there's no license, we're not going to use an unlicensed place. Mayor Clark: Moved by Mr. Plummer. Seconded by Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner Plummer: Well, you know, it's one more of that spirit of cooperation from the County, one way. Mayor Clark: If there's no discussion, we will cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-418 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN EXPERIMENTAL SHORT TERM CONTRACT, ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1994, WITH KIMMINS RECYCLING CORPORATION ("KIMMINS") FOR THE DISPOSAL OF YARD AND NON-PUTRESCIBLE WASTE AT THE KIMMINS RECYCLING FACILITY, SAID DISPOSAL TO REPRESENT A POTENTIAL ESTIMATED SAVINGS OF $669,368.00 TO THE CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE (UNDER EXISTING DADE COUNTY BID NO. 1072-1/95) FROM CAMILO OFFICE FURNITURE AT A TOTAL COST OF $200,000 FOR THE 62 STREET POLICE SUBSTATION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Forty-seven. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I move it. Mayor Clark: Moved by Mr. Dawkins. Second? Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Under second... 200 June 9, 1994 0 Mayor Clark: Hey, listen. Don't forget to get me a new chair, will you? Lt. Joe Longueira: No problem. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Commissioner Plummer: And I get two. Lt. Longueira: No problem. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I need to know what object code is 903. Materials and supplies, right? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): 903? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yeah. Here it is. I got it right here, Mr. Manager. OK? All right. You're taking twenty thousand. 906, you're taking a hundred and eighteen. 906 is "other." Now, what is "other"? Commissioner Plummer: That's called a Ross slush fund. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Lt. Longueira: 903, 906 and 907. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. The Mayor's chair will come out of that one. I'd like to move this for two hundred thousand dollars, and then whatever you don't use, you bring it back. If you can find this, we can find two hundred thousand dollars. And whatever... Mr. Odio: Sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir, Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: If I may, I just did the police budget last week. I believe we added another line item for furniture. I don't want them to think that they're getting this plus that. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, they will. Mr. Odio: So I'll reduce the other amount. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All I'm saying is... Mr. Odio: Oh, yeah. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All I'm saying is... Wait, now, I want... Let's be sure everybody hears me. Joe, you hear me. OK? For five years, J.L. Plummer and I have been begging you to make 62nd Street station comfortable. OK? Nobody heard us. Now, all of a sudden, you're going to spend a hundred and thirteen thousand dollars to make the central station comfortable. OK? The same police who sit in the central station in deplorable conditions sit in the 62nd Street station in deplorable conditions. Mr. Odio: No, but I agree with you, Commissioner. What I am saying is that I just gave them another amount of monies for furniture, and I don't want them to think... 201 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Whatever you do during the budget hearing, I have no problem. I will move this for two hundred thousand dollars. If there's any left, he gives it back to you. Is that agreeable? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. I move it. Mayor Clark: Second? Commissioner Gort: Second. Commissioner Plummer: Well, can I ask what would be the intent of the additional sixty-two thousand dollars? Vice Mayor Dawkins: To bring the north station up where when a guy goes in there in the afternoon and sits down, he feels comfortable, the stress is relieved, he does not sit in a hell hole. You already say when you send a man to 62nd Street, you send him to Siberia. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Let me... Vice Mayor Dawkins: So let's see if we can't make it... Mayor Clark: Let's go on and take it. Commissioner Plummer: May I alter that a little bit, Commissioner, with your approval? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go right ahead. Commissioner Plummer: That 62nd Street be first taken care of, with the approval of Commissioner Dawkins, before the rest of the money is spent for any other station. Mayor Clark: All right. That's it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So moved. Mayor Clark: So moved. Commissioner Plummer: I think that will do it. Mayor Clark: Second? Lt. Longueira: Commissioner, we worked out deal that... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Oh, no, no, no. No, no. We did not work out what J.L. just said. Lt. Longueira: OK. That's fine. Vice Mayor Dawkins: We did not work that out. Commissioner Plummer: You heard what I said. Lt. Longueira: You're right. 202 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Thank you. Lt. Longueira: We'll take care of it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Thank you. i Mayor Clark: With no exception, cast a unanimous ballot. Commissioner Plummer: Damn, Longueira's getting smart in his old age. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-419 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE UNDER EXISTING DADE COUNTY BID NO. 1072-1/95 FROM CAMILO OFFICE FURNITURE, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $200,000.00, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NOS. 290201-903, 290201-906, AND 290201-907; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR SAID PURCHASE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- 57. PURCHASE TWO VA -CON 16 CUBIC YARD COMBINATION HIGH PRESSURE JET AND VACUUM SEWER CLEANERS (UNDER CITY OF LAUDERHILL BID) FROM SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES CORPORATION -- FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CIP 352285. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Number 48. Forty-eight, purchase of two storm cleaning machines. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Move it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. 203 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-420 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF TWO (2) VAC -CON 16- CUBIC YARD COMBINATION HIGH PRESSURE JET AND VACUUM SEWER CLEANERS UNDER A CITY OF LAUDERHILL BID FROM SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES CORPORATION AT A TOTAL COST OF $303,275 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 352285, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 319901- 840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR SAID EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58. ACCEPT BID: HORIZON CONTRACTORS, INC. -- FOR LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-70 B-5609 -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CIP 352285 -- EXECUTE CONTRACT. Mayor Clark: Number 49. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Mayor Clark: By Mr. (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Under discussion. Mayor Clark: All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Lee, we continue to find money for certain projects. OK? Now, we have had to, through the generosity of the Manager, go to streets like 15th Avenue. And now we need to go to 8th Avenue and what have you, and take two blocks and tack it on to one of these half a million dollar contracts, where a bidder will bid on it and then go in and do these two 204 June 9, 1994 streets along with all of it. So now, when you bring me another one of these, make sure that some of those streets ... Mayor Clark: Are tacked on. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... are between 41st Street and 50th Street, from 17th to 18th Avenue, and some of those streets from 7th Avenue to loth Avenue, from 41st to 50th Street are tacked on for renovation. Mr. Wally Lee: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Thank you. Mayor Clark: Motion and a second. Cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-421 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF HORIZON CONTRACTORS, INC., IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $430,626.00, TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-70 B-5609; WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 11139, AS AMENDED, PROJECT NO. 352285 IN THE AMOUNT OF $430,626.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST AND $69,195.00 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES, FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF $499,821.00; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID FIRM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 205 June 9, 1994 IQ W ----------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59. ACCEPT BID: BANNERMAN LANDSCAPING, INC. -- FOR ALLAPATTAH SIDEWALK REBUILDING (IMPACT FEE PROJECT) B-4565 -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CIP 341200 -- EXECUTE CONTRACT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: Move 50. Mayor Clark: Fifty by Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Dawkins: Jesus Christ, we're going home! Commissioner Plummer: No. We've got to be here at six o'clock. Mr. Odio: You've got something at six, Commissioner, I'm sorry. Mayor Clark: Yeah, we got something at six. Commissioner Plummer: You got the big rip-off at six. Mayor Clark: Motion and a second. Cast a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-422 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF BANNERMAN LANDSCAPING, INC., IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $197,050.00, TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR "ALLAPATTAH SIDEWALK REBUILDING (IMPACT FEE PROJECT) B- 4565"; WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE FISCAL. YEAR 1993- 94 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE NO. 11139, AS AMENDED, PROJECT NO. 341200 IN THE AMOUNT OF $197,050.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST AND $32,330.00 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES, FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF $229,380.00; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID FIRM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 206 June 9, 1994 bi 59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60. UPHOLD DECISION OF THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD, WHICH DENIED AN APPEAL AND UPHELD THE COCONUT GROVE NET OFFICE'S DENIAL OF A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT FOR THE REMOVAL OF AN OAK TREE AT 2129 TIGERTAIL AVENUE. (Appellant: Dr. Neil Fisher.) (See label 65) Mayor Clark: Item 51. Oh, yeah, nobody's here on this thing, are they? Mr. John Riordan: Yes, I'd like to speak on 51. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Let... Mayor Clark: Where is the engineer's report? There is none? Why not? Commissioner Gort: They're not here. Commissioner Plummer: Is the applicant here? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): No. Commissioner Plummer: I'll move that the matter be deferred. Mr. Odio: We do have determined, I believe that the tree has damaged... Is that the one? Unidentified Speaker.: No, no, no. Commissioner Plummer: What do you mean, "no, no, no"? Mr. Jones: We need to take some action one way or the other. Commissioner Plummer: Why? Mayor Clark: Was he notified to be here? Mr. Jones: If you don't take any action... Commissioner Plummer: What? Mr. Jones: If you don't take any action... Commissioner Plummer: That's what I want him to do. Mr. Odio: I... Yeah, go ahead, but I read a report today that I sent to you just during lunchtime that the tree has done damage to the concrete there, to the concrete and foundation, yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: If you don't take any action, he wins? ` Mr. Jones: Mm-hmm. Commissioner Plummer: Oh. OK. 207 June 9, 1994 JON Mr. Odio: It has done damage to the foundation. Mr. John Riordan: My name is Riordan, John Riordan. I live at 3141 McDonald Street. I'm a registered landscape architect. I looked at that tree originally when they were asking for permission to remove it. The tree is a hundred years old, a specimen tree, over thirty inches in diameter, eighteen inches above the ground. It was built... It was there before the house. This gentleman bought the house, saw the tree, and the patio that is around the tree, the roof extends, but the foundations for that patio are separate from the foundations for the house. That section of the roof is supported by four -inch loggia columns. There's a concrete retainer for the screening and patio flooring between. Mayor Clark: Wait a minute, sir, just a moment. Mr. Riordan: The roots of the tree had damaged that. Mayor Clark: Please. Where is the applicant on this item? You don't want to cut the tree down, right? Mr. Riordan: No. None of us want the tree cut down. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, he wants to cut it down. Mayor Clark: What? Vice Mayor Dawkins: The guy who isn't here doesn't want to cut it down. He wants to cut it down. Mr. Riordan: No. Commissioner Plummer: No, the other way, the other way. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I mean he doesn't want to cut it down. The guy who wants to cut it down isn't... Mayor Clark: Please, now. Are you growing trees? Mr. Manuel Gonzalez-Goenaga: Excuse me, Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Ms. Joyce Nelson: He's not the applicant. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: No. Mayor Clark: This gentleman is speaking now. Just relax. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: No, no problem. I wait. Mr. Riordan: I'd like to point out that I'm not an engineer, but from my looking at it, that the roof support is four -inch loggia column with a separate pad. That doesn't seem to be damaged by the roots of the oak tree. I don't see any damage, without digging, to the foundation, actual foundation of the house. The man bought the house knowing the tree was there... 208 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: We realize that. We realize that. Mr. Riordan: ... and it's an easy extension for him, an economical extension. Commissioner Plummer: Sir, you're not an engineer, your testimony is, and... Mr. Riordan: All right, but I am a landscape architect, and what I'm telling you is that the purpose... Commissioner Plummer: Well, what does a landscape architect got to do with it? Mr. Riordan: The tree. Mayor Clark: OK. We got your point. Commissioner Plummer: I don't understand. Mr. Riordan: OK. It's an easy extension for the house, for him to just cut the tree down and put it into that area. It's a minimum of about... It's to his advantage. The gentleman has been very good about going to proper procedure. Most builders in the Grove would just chop the damn thing down on a weekend, and take a five hundred dollar fine, and laugh at it. So, I mean, you know, I respect the man's going to all this procedure. Mayor Clark: Well, he's a legitimate man then. Mr. Riordan: But people in the Grove are seeing this tree canopy removed by builders and individuals, and this is one of the... This is part of the charm and value of our Grove. And it... Mayor Clark: You're a landscape architect. Can you root prune the tree and get rid of it? Mr. Riordan: No. Mayor Clark: Too big? Mr. Riordan: That tree withstood Hurricane Andrew with no damage to the buildings around it or the... Mayor Clark: Hundred years old, it stood a lot of hurricanes. Mr. Riordan: And that... It's been there at least a hundred years. It's been well maintained. It's one of the few healthy, good trees around. Mayor Clark: OK. Let's move, let's move forward. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: May I be recognized on the tree? Mayor Clark: On the tree, yeah. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Yes. I... Since he is not here, I'm speaking for the benefit of Dr. Fisher, a very... a man of integrity, and I might suggest a solution. That the people who do not want the tree removed from his own, inside his own property, why don't you take the tree and move it to City Hall? 209 June 9, 1994 WNW Commissioner Plummer: City Hall'? Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Yes, because if it is of such an importance, the preservation of the tree, I'd be delighted to have it here in City Hall so all the citizens of Miami can look at the tree every day. Thank you very much. Mayor Clark, Very good. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Mr. Riordan: We would prefer to move the house. We'd rather have you look at that. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I've expressed myself before. If the tree was not in the house, I would be strongly opposed to it being cut down. The tree... Mr. Riordan: The tree is not in the house. Commissioner Plummer: Sir, may I finish? I didn't interrupt you. Mayor Clark: Please. Commissioner Plummer: The tree is in the man's domain of his house. I still have the feeling a man's home is his castle, and as far as I'm concerned, he should have the right to dictate what he wants in his home. Again, if it was outside of his house, I would never, ever vote to allow it to be taken down. But it is inside his house, and I think he has a right to do what he wants inside of his house. Mayor Clark: You got a motion? Commissioner Plummer: Now, based on that, my motion would be to... Mr. Maxwell: Grant the appeal and reverse the decision of the appeal board. Commissioner Plummer: Grant the appeal, that would be my motion, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Victor, are you listening? I know you are. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Grant the appeal and do what? Commissioner Plummer: "Grant the appeal..." Mayor Clark: Grant the appeal and let him cut the tree down. Commissioner Plummer: ... means that the tree would be allowed to be taken down from within the man's house. Mayor Clark: You have a short message to add, that's all. Ms. Nelson: Yes, I do. My name is Joyce Nelson, 2535 Inagua Avenue, president of the Coconut Grove Civic Club, representing over 400 members in Coconut Grove. This issue has been so muddied that I don't think that you are aware of what the real issues are. The tree was in this house... It's not in the house. It's in the patio, not in the house, number one. Commissioner Plummer: It's in the living area. Ms. Nelson: Number two, the man bought the house March 1st, perfectly knowing that this tree existed there, perfectly knowing that there was a risk that, as the report says, that I think that 210 June 9, 1994 Sergio is referring to, that this tree could, "could" cause damage to the foundation; not it "does" cause damage. The report says "could cause damage." Mayor Clark: All right. Ms. Nelson: At the last Commission meeting that we discussed this issue, you ordered specifically for him to come here with a structural engineering report. Commissioner Plummer: That happens to be true. Ms. Nelson: And if he did not bring it, then why are we discussing this? Deny it. I mean, he didn't do it. He did not follow your order. Vice Mayor Dawkins: The only problem I have with that is - and I said it the last time, I'm going to say it this time, and I will say it next time - the gentleman bought the house. Those of you who are desirous of not cutting the tree down should pay the man for the house and save the tree. Ms. Nelson: Why did he buy the house? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Because he had American money, and in America, you can do things you want with your own money. Ms. Nelson: I bought a house with a tree next to it, too. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But I'm just saying to you, I'll be voting for the man to cut the tree down. Ms. Nelson: You want to buy my house? Vice Mayor Dawkins: I will vote for the man to cut the tree down, because he took American money and bought the house. Now, if you come back to me and tell me, "We will pay him what he paid for the house so that we can take the house down from around the tree and leave the tree," I have no problem with it. Mayor Clark: OK. Ms. Nelson: Well, I'm protecting our ordinance. Our ordinance says this is a specimen tree, and it is protected. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Also... Ms. Nelson: That was what we have in the City of Miami. Vice Mayor Dawkins: It also says that historic preservation should be historically preserved, and you don't provide no money to keep anything up. You just come and tell me people can't tear it down. Mayor Clark: All right. Ms. Nelson: But he bought it that way. Mayor Clark: Please, please, please. You've made your point. Ms. Nelson: And it's not structurally damaging the house. You asked him to bring the report. He hasn't done it. 211 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: No, he didn't do that. He didn't do that. Commissioner Plummer: The problem is, as I see it, it is within the living area of the house. It might not be the bedroom, it might not be the dining room, but it is within the living area. That's what I'm saying. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Ted Stahl: Excuse me. Commissioner Plummer: Buildable area. Ted Stahl: Ted Stahl, 3171 Royal Road. In due respect to Miller Dawkins and what you just said, Mr. Dawkins, when I bought my home at 3171, twenty-five years ago, next door to me, on my property was the second largest banyan tree in the State of Florida, protected by the State of Florida. When I bought that house, I knew the tree was there, and I knew what the root system of the trees do to our houses. My house, it cost me thirty thousand dollars when the limbs broke off and tore my whole house roof off, and the City would not allow lawsuits. I couldn't sue the State, I couldn't sue the City, couldn't sue Ransom Everglades School. I knew the problem. Two septic tanks were replaced at my property because of this tree. The tree finally died by electric pulse, but for twenty-five years, I put up with a problem that I knew I was getting into when I bought my home. The problem in this community, our canopies are being destroyed too easily, and that's what we pay big money for in taxes here, is the charm and the vegetation in this community, and little by little, it's being wiped out. And if we gave Florida Power and Light Company the right, there wouldn't be a banyan tree on Main Highway today. Mayor Clark: Thank you. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, but Ted... Mayor Clark: The public hearing is closed. Motion on the floor. Commissioner Plummer: Ted, who is losing the canopy? Not you. He is, if he wants to. Mr. Stahl: No, we are. We are losing that canopy. All of my... Mayor Clark: Please. Would everyone please relax. Motion on the floor to let the man cut the tree down, seconded by Mr. Dawkins. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. THEREUPON, ON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AND SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR DAWKINS, ITEM 51 FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Mayor Stephen P. Clark ABSENT: None. 212 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: You happy? Commissioner Plummer: Fine. Fine. Mayor Clark: That's all right. When he comes back with pieces of the house, we're going to give him back the landscape, see if he can plant them and grow a tree. All right? Mr. Riordan: Yeah. I know where to plant them, too. Mr. Maxwell: No... Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes. Mr. Maxwell: You need the contrary motion on the floor. You need a motion to uphold. Mayor Clark: Make it. Make it. Don't cut the tree down. Commissioner Gort: When I look at the plans and... The tree was in existence when the house was built, and the patio of the house was built around the tree. The person bought the house about two months or three months ago, so he was aware of the consequences of the tree. That's f the reason I voted against it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You got a motion? Commissioner Gort: So my motion is to uphold the... Mr. Maxwell: Deny the appeal. f Mayor Clark: Let the tree grow. Commissioner Gort: Deny the appeal. j Mayor Clark: OK. Second. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-423 A RESOLUTION DENYING THE APPEAL AND AFFIRMING THE DECISION OF THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION BOARD, WHICH DENIED AN APPEAL AND UPHELD A DECISION OF THE COCONUT GROVE NET OFFICE, WHICH DENIED A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT FOR THE REMOVAL OF AN OAK TREE LOCATED AT 2129 TIGERTAIL AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 213 June 9, 1994 Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: We'll reconvene at six o'clock. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, can I take up a few... Are we going to do... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Oh, I know we got some pocket items. Mayor Clark: Oh, no, no pockets, no more pockets. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Well, can I ask a couple of questions, sir? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I spoke to you earlier in the day... Oh, I'm sorry. First of all, the Clerk says we have to make a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. I so move. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Mayor Clark: Second. Cast a unanimous ballot. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: On a motion duly made by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the minutes of Commission meetings of March 24, April 14 and I April 28, 1994, were approved by the Commission. - 214.. June 9, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61. DECLARE THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION SHALL HAVE FULL CONTROL OF ALL THE PLANNING AND ACTIVITIES LEADING TOWARD MIAMI CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION IN 1996 -- CITY MANAGER DESIGNATES ANGELA BELLAMY AS THE STAFF LIAISON FOR SAID PROJECT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I spoke to you earlier in the day about my concern of the Miami Centennial Celebration. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: I would like to make a motion at this time that the in-house committee that has been formulated by the Manager be the official body that celebrates... that forms the celebration for our City, and not the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Clark: Well, the in-house committee, J.L., along with the Chamber of Commerce group got together and agreed to do it jointly. Commissioner Plummer: That's not the way it's working out, Mr. Mayor. I showed you this morning an ad for a paid individual by the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Mayor, my only comment is - I made it to you this morning, and I will do it again - this is our, "our" City's celebration, not the Chamber's. It's the City's. And I think the City should be sitting in the driver's seat to say what is what we want for our City, to be our celebration. Mayor Clark: I don't doubt that at all, and I don't disagree with you at all. Commissioner Plummer: Then I would make a motion at this time, if it's in order, Mr. Mayor, that the Manager be instructed that this celebration that is planned for the hundredth anniversary of this City be under full control of this City Commission, who will designate what will and what will not happen during that period of the Centennial Celebration. I so move. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Commissioner De Yurre: Second. Mayor Clark: All right. Our committee... Who's on our committee? Who did you appoint? Commissioner Plummer: Angela, I think, heads it up. Mayor Clark: Well, let's get Angela out here a minute. I want to clear this. Commissioner Plummer: I have no problem with the Chamber being a member of that committee if they want to be. Mayor Clark: Where is Angela? Where is Angela? Vice Mayor Dawkins: You mean the total Chamber, or a member from the Chamber? Commissioner Plummer: A member from the Chamber. 215 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Oh, OK. Mayor Clark: Where is Angela? Come here, Angela, please. She doesn't want to come out. Angela, when you met with the people from the Chamber of Commerce concerning the Centennial Celebration, what was your understanding? Ms. Angela Bellamy (Assistant City Manager): Vivian Pombo has been meeting with them every time they've met, so she can speak to that. Commissioner Plummer: Can I ask one simple question before she starts? Ms. Bellamy: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: Is she running the show, or are they running the show? Ms. Vivian Pombo: They are running the show. Commissioner Plummer: You see, that's the problem I have. This is this City's celebration, and we should be running the show, whoever the Manager designates. And that's my problem, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: How do you mean they're running the show? Commissioner Plummer: We, our in-house people should be run... Mayor Clark: Wait a minute, J.L. I'm asking her a question. Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry. Ms. Pombo: I am the only representative from the City on the committee. Mayor Clark: How many members in your committee? Ms. Pombo: They have about twenty-five, thirty members. Mayor Clark: How many? Ms. Pombo: Twenty-five to thirty. Commissioner Plummer: And they named the members, we did not. Ms. Pombo: Exactly. Commissioner Plummer: It's wrong. Mayor Clark: This was supposed to be a joint effort on behalf of this committee and the Chamber's committee, with Seth Gordon, and I think it was about two people. Ms. Pombo: Well, what happened was back in 1992, the City recognized the Miami Anniversary Committee, which was a small group. They did a few events. They haven't done anything else. This group coming out of the Chambers kind of joined what was called the Miami Anniversary Committee. They renamed the group the Centennial '96, and that's how they're working. 216 June 9, 1994 go 0 Commissioner Plummer: But why... I'm sorry. I don't understand it, somebody else running our show. It's "they," it's "they." It's "us." It's "ours." And all I'm saying, Mr. Mayor, in my motion, is very simple. It is our celebration. We will do the show. Mr. Manager, designate who you want to run this program, and if there is to be a committee, you will name or this Commission will name that committee; not the Chamber, not anybody else. We will have our own celebration.. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Let me just add... Commissioner Plummer: I can't understand it any other way. Mr. Odio: We may add... Let me add something, please. We're going to need substantial resources from the private sector to do this. Commissioner Plummer: Sure, no question. Mr. Odio: And why not joint? Commissioner Plummer: Fine, but we're running the show. That's what I'm saying. Ms. Bellamy: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, if I may. In reading all of the minutes of the Commission and the resolution that was passed in April of 1990, the Commission clearly said that they did not want to authorize one committee; that there may be many committees that would be operating under Centennial. Commissioner Plummer: That's not what we said. Ms. Bellamy: I have the... Commissioner Plummer: What we said at the time that the group that came before us was "non- exclusive." Ms. Bellamy: That's correct. Commissioner Plummer: Well, that's a big difference, now. Ms. Bellamy: And we also said that it was not for profit, the original committee was a not -for - profit organization. Commissioner Plummer: Absolutely. Ms. Bellamy: That was established. Commissioner Plummer: Established, that's right. There could have been... Ms. Bellamy: And we said that there would be a nonexclusivity clause. Commissioner Plummer: And this Commission would be in charge at all times. That's all I'm saying now. Mr. Mayor, my motion is very clear. Basically, and very briefly, and very simple. Our celebration of the Centennial will be "our" celebration. Mayor Clark: Very good. Now, let me ask you this; that's to the lady on the committee. What are they talking about, a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a person? You know about that? 217 June 9, 1994 Ms. Pombo: Well, no. The position that they have advertised for, I understand... No, well, that r is not what was said at the meeting. They started wanting to pay them eighty thousand. The committee talked them down. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You resigned the ticket, huh? Commissioner Plummer: They must work for the Law Department. Mayor Clark: Listen, listen to this now, please. Ms. Pombo: I think they're talking about sixty. It's sixty thousand dollars, what they're planning to pay this person. However, this person will have an assistant. This person will have an assistant, also. Mayor Clark: Did they appoint somebody? Ms. Pombo: No. They're advertising for applications right now. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, if you read this application, it is so specifically written that it's obvious they know who's being appointed, and this was formulated to meet that individual. I mean, you... That thing is so specific in nature, it is incredible. That is a "Matthew Schwartzism". You write it to the individual. Mr. Mayor, my motion is simple. I'm not getting into all of this other. I just say our celebration should be ours, and we're going to run the show. Mayor Clark: Let me see that, Willy. Commissioner Gort: Yeah. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Has that been seconded? Commissioner Plummer: You seconded it, didn't you? Commissioner Gort: Discussion. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Commissioner Gort: J.L., I think you should give an opportunity to all those that want to participate to participate and become part of this. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, I agree. Commissioner Gort: It should be a joint effort. Because it's my understanding... And I had a meeting with those people who came to my office. I was not aware that all of this was taking place, and they went over the plans, that they want to do a whole year of different events throughout the whole year. And they're going to take a lot of individuals and a lot of associations to work with this. I understand what you're saying, but I think that in the efforts of coordinating things, that the Chamber, we should be working with them. Commissioner Plummer: Well, but I think we should be the last word. We should be in the driver's seat. If not... Commissioner Gort: And above all... Commissioner De Yurre: If I may, Mr. Mayor. Along these thoughts is that we create the official organism, and that if they have a body of twenty-five or thirty people that is the 218 June 9, 1994 f, Chamber's committee, that they can have a couple, two or three representatives in our body, and then we can help them. They can be the liaison between the Chamber and us, and we can coordinate whatever we decide, and the Chamber can assist. Commissioner Plummer: As long as we are in the driver's seat, that's all. That's it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's what he said. Commissioner Plummer: And if they want to participate with us... Commissioner Gort: Well, my understanding is all the other proposals would have to come in front of us and would have to be approved by us. Commissioner Plummer: No, no, not in that. Mr. Odio: I was going to suggest, sir, that you... What we ask them to do, that any and all events, or any things that they want to do, they bring them here for your approval. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, I want to make sure that Angela, if it's Angela who you designate, will be our representative, then she will be the designated person who is heading this up, not a sixty or a hundred thousand dollar individual. She will be heading it up. Mayor Clark: Two hundred thousand. Commissioner Plummer: And let anybody that wants to join in that she feels is beneficial, let j them join. That's the way I feel about it. `f Mayor Clark: You appointed Angela? i Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: All right. Motion and a second. All in favor of the motion signify by saying j "aye." Opposed, like sign. So ordered. 219 June 9, 1994 W The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-424 A RESOLUTION (Pending the Law Department) (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would like to ask... Mayor Clark: Hold it, just a minute. We've got an introduction coming here. Willy. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, I would like to introduce Ralph Duarte, who was very helpful during my campaign. He helped me a lot, and I promised him that he would be able to come here and sit in this chair that he helped me to get. Commissioner De Yurre: Is he going to vote for you at six o'clock? (APPLAUSE) 220 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Is that a political introduction? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Come closer to where you... You can't see from back there. Commissioner Gort: He's going to running pretty soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62. COMMISSIONER PLUMMER AGAIN REQUESTS FROM CITY MANAGER A STATUS REPORT ON THE ST. HUGH OAKS PROJECT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I had asked at a previous meeting... Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: I had asked at a previous meeting to be updated on the St. Hughs property, of where it is and what is happening. I have not heard a word. Mr. Bailey, we have said that we're not going to go for the amount of money that was so designated, so I'm asking again. I don't want this thing to get out from underneath of us, and the people in Coconut Grove come down at us heads first. I asked for a weekly report. I have not received such. Mr. Herb Bailey: Commissioner, we did send you a report. However, I will give you an update. The projected finish date is in September. Everything has been concluded with the exception of setting the price. We will come back before this Commission and have a public discussion on setting the price. After that has been d%A1_-, we will then begin to take applications for mortgages. Commissioner Plummer: And we're then talking about a lotto type of drawing? Mr. Bailey: After we get more applications that are qualified that exceeds the number of houses, then it goes into a lottery. Commissioner Plummer: And how many of that will there be? Mr. Bailey: It's twenty-three houses. Commissioner Plummer: All right, sir. And how many days will the operation be open for applications to be received? Mr. Bailey: It will be open until we sell all the units. Commissioner Plummer: Well, if you sell twenty-two of the units, then it's only a lottery for one? Mr. Bailey: No, no, that is not the case. Commissioner Plummer: Well, that's what I'm asking you. Mr. Bailey: We have twenty-three houses. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mr. Bailey: If we get forty applications that are qualified, then those forty go into the lottery. 221 June 9, 1994 Ell Commissioner Plummer: Within what period of time? Mr. Bailey: Well, we timed... No longer than it takes to draw out those twenty-three applications. Commissioner Plummer: You're not following me. If you open up the applications to be... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Six months, J.L. Commissioner Plummer: Six months? If that... Mr. Bailey: You mean the application process? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Mr. Bailey: Oh. The application process, we will keep it open until we get enough qualified applicants. We don't know how long that would be. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, give a time. Give us a time, J.L. Give us a time. Commissioner Plummer: You got to have a time frame in there, Herb. Mayor Clark: Six months. Give them six months. Commissioner Plummer: Six months is fine. Mr. Bailey: If you want six months, that's fine. Vice Mayor Dawkins: If you get it before six months... If you get it before six months, you close it. Mr. Bailey: OK. That's fine with me. It doesn't matter. Commissioner Plummer: Well, no, wait a minute now. If you're going to have a true lotto drawing, Mr. Dawkins, you've got to have it open for a certain period of time. OK? Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Well, hey, OK, no problem. OK. Mr. Bailey: No, I think we... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. I got one problem. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I don't know how... Mr. City Attorney, you know, I am one of the ones who yell and scream that employees live in the City of Miami. What's the procedure to make these homes available for those employees of the City of Miami? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): On first priority. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, not on first priority, because then, we... I don't know. 222 June 9, 1994 Mr. Joel Maxwell (Assistant City Attorney): You could do that, and that would satisfy your objective, because if those homes didn't go, if there were no applicants, then they'd go to someone else. Commissioner Plummer: Well, can we do like what was recommended last night to us - because I thought it was a great idea - at three percent? Mr. Odio: Give them a discount. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What? Commissioner Plummer: That they be made available to City employees at three percent? Mr. Maxwell: Give them a better deal. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I don't care. You could make it ten percent. It doesn't make any difference to me. Mr. Bailey: At three percent in which way, Commissioner? Commissioner Plummer: Three percent mortgage, as an incentive to move in. Mr. Bailey: I think we ought to discuss... No, I think we have a problem with that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait a minute, J.L. Wait a minute. J.L., who's always saying we got to make money to put back, talking about three percent? Commissioner Plummer: I'm talking about three percent for City employees to move into the City. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Three percent one time. Mr. Bailey: No. We have a problem with the mortgage rate. These are FHA (Federal Housing Administration) mortgages. They're FHA mortgages, and there are substantial reliefs that we can permit. For instance, no down payment, we can waive that. We have to set the price. Once we set the price, and we'll have that at a public... Commissioner Plummer: Can you set two prices? Mr. Bailey: No. We have not set the price. Mr. Odio: Wait, wait, wait. Commissioner Plummer: I said, can we not set two prices? Mr. Odio: Maybe we can set a priority and... Commissioner Plummer: One for City employees. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's go. Now, come on, that's enough, that's enough. All right. You finished, Herb? Mr. Bailey: Yes. 223 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: All right. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN ------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------; ------- 63. DECLARE PERIOD OF JUNE 5 THROUGH JUNE 11 1994 AS- SAFE BOATING WEEK. Mayor Clark: Resolution adopting Safe Boating Week. I need a motion by this Commission. Commissioner Plummer: For what? Mayor Clark: A resolution declaring June the 5th through the 11th Safe Boating Week in this area. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So move it, whatever it is, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Now that it's over. Mayor Clark: Yes. Well, unless you like... Sometimes you don't bury a person the same day you get them. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. Well, I have one here that's really important, Mr. Manager. Mr. Maxwell: The vote. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Range Park... Mr. Maxwell: Mr. Vice Mayor... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go right ahead, Mr. City Attorney. Mr. Maxwell: You do have... You still have the safe boating resolution. You need to vote on that. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. Mr. Maxwell: OK. Mayor Clark: You got that vote. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Commissioner Plummer: Was that a pocket item, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: This was, yeah. Commissioner Plummer: OK. 224 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. We have... Mayor Clark: Anyone wants to vote against safe boating, they can go ahead. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-425 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE WEEK OF JUNE 5 THROUGH JUNE 11, 1994 AS "SAFE BOATING WEEK"; ENCOURAGING ALL BOATING ENTHUSIASTS TO PURSUE SAFE BOATING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS TO ENSURE THEIR SAFETY ON THE WATERWAYS OF FLORIDA; AND FURTHER URGING ALL CITIZENS TO ACT RESPONSIBLY AND NOT CONSUME ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHILE ENGAGED IN THE OPERATION OF A VESSEL. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted i by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. I ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO IMMEDIATELY COMMENCE RENOVATIONS AT ATHALIE RANGE PARK AND IF NECESSARY, MAKE A FINDING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS -- ALLOCATE: (a) $36,000 FROM CIP 331070 (RANGE PARK RENOVATIONS); AND (b) $60,000 FROM 20TH YEAR CDBG. I I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Mayor Dawkins: We hit the papers and all about the Range Park, and I have a resolution i directing the City Manager to investigate, and if necessary, make a finding of an emergency for i Athalie Range Park renovations, directing the City Manager to take all necessary steps to immediately commence needed repairs and improvement to said recreational facility with funds therefor allocated from the capital improvement project on Range Park renovations, in the amount of thirty-six thousand dollars, which we approved, and that the funds be made available, and that the Manager go out tomorrow or the next day as an emergency to get it done. I so move. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: Second, of course. 225 June 9, 1994 •may Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-426 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INVESTIGATE AND IF NECESSARY, MAKE A FINDING OF AN EMERGENCY FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF ALL GOODS, SERVICES, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL REQUIRED FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND RENOVATIONS AT ATHALIE RANGE PARK, LOCATED AT 525 NORTHWEST 62ND STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY STEPS TO IMMEDIATELY COMMENCE NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS AND RENOVATIONS TO SAID RECREATIONAL FACILITY; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN THE AMOUNT OF $36,000 FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 331070, ENTITLED "ATHALIE RANGE PARK IMPROVEMENTS", AND IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000 FROM THE 20TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 701403; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO IDENTIFY AND MAKE AVAILABLE SUCH ADDITIONAL FUNDS AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE NEEDED RENOVATIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, can we ask, Mr. Manager, what have you done about the Police Department parking that's falling apart? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): We have a site consultant looking at the defective areas. Commissioner Plummer: Do you need a motion to do the repairs? Mr. Odio: No, not yet. Not yet. I will have something... I think that... OK. The problem is, I have no idea how extensive... 226 June 9, 1994 W ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS BY DR. NEIL FISHER CONCERNING HIS APPEAL OF A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD DECISION FORBIDDING HIM TO HAVE AN OAK TREE REMOVED FROM HIS PROPERTY AT 2129 TIGERTAIL AVENUE DUE TO SAID TREE HAVING CAUSED ACTUAL STRUCTURAL DAMAGE TO HIS PROPERTY. (See label 60) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Is this the doctor? Dr. Fisher: Yeah. Excuse me. I'm sorry, I thought the meeting started at five. I even called the City Clerk's Office today. Mayor Clark: I'm sorry. Well, Doctor, the tree is going to stay there. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): You got... You got what you wanted. Commissioner Plummer: No. You lost. Mayor Clark: You lost. Dr. Fisher: I haven't spoken yet. Mayor Clark: I know you haven't, because you were supposed to be here at five o'clock. Dr. Fisher: I was number 51 on the agenda. I even spoke to your secretary, sir, today. Mayor Clark: Sir, we might have gotten to that item at three o'clock. I can't... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Are you adjourning till six o'clock, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: Yes. Dr. Fisher: But, sir, I mean, I spoke to the City Clerk's Office today. They said five o'clock. I spoke to your secretary, five o'clock. Mayor Clark: Here's the City Clerk. You talk to her. You lost. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Dr. Fisher, if you spoke all night, the vote was three to two. It's going to still remain three to two. Dr. Fisher: I should be allowed to be heard. I have not had my ten minutes to speak. Mayor Clark: Well, sir, this agenda has been mentioned for nine o'clock in the morning. Dr. Fisher: I never received a notice from City Hall. I can show you exactly what the notice was from City Hall. Mayor Clark: I told you... 227 June 9, 1994 LLJ �J Dr. Fisher: And I told you, I talked to the City Clerk's Office, I talked to Agenda, I talked to a person at... the Mayor's secretary. Commissioner Plummer: Doctor, Doctor, may I say I voted with you, sir. Dr. Fisher: Mm-hmm. Commissioner Plummer: But I lost, and I can assure you that you can stand there and talk all day, and it was not going to change those three votes. They were emphatic. OK? Dr. Fisher: Thank you. END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------- ---------------- 66. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO EXPEND $250,000 TO REPAIR THE CITY'S PARKING GARAGE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor, we have a problem with the City parking garage for the Police Department, and I would like to make a motion. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Plummer: Authorizing the Manager not to exceed two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to get the parking structure at the police station fixed, and get it reopened, since it's to be totally closed. I so move. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): We should know tomorrow... Commissioner Plummer: Hey, I'm just trying to do what's necessary. Second? Mayor Clark: Motion and a second. Commissioner Gort: Second. Commissioner Plummer: What choice do we have? I don't see that we got any choice. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. 228 June 9, 1994 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-427 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPEND AN AMOUNT, NOT TO EXCEED $250,000, TO REPAIR THE PARKING STRUCTURE AT THE MIAMI POLICE STATION LOCATED AT 400 N.W. 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Victor De Yurre Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH INDIVIDUALS FROM TELEVISION CHANNEL 9 FOR EFFECTIVE PROGRAMMING TO MAXIMIZE USE OF SAID CHANNEL -- INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITY OF IDENTIFYING CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP CONCERNING ADVERTISING ON CHANNEL 9. Commissioner Gort: Before everybody walks out, can I have one item, please, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Gort: I'd like to have the... Commissioner Plummer: What about if I don't like the item? 229 June 9, 1994 19 W Commissioner Gort: ... the Manager to come back with the people from Channel 9 and come up with a program, effective program that we should do, and my understanding is there's a lot of people looking at Channel 9, and I think we should take advantage of it and maximize from it. Mayor Clark: We're starting a new program, "Ask the Mayor," on television. Commissioner Plummer: Well, wait a minute. Excuse me. We gave them fifty thousand dollars just recently. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Commissioner Plummer: Channel 9. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): This is for the equipment. We're talking about programming. We are reorganizing. We're creating an office that is fully in charge of NET 9. They will be programming and coming to you for approval. We have one now called "Ask the Mayor," where people can call in with questions. We're going to have... Mayor Clark: And get an answer back. Commissioner Plummer: Well, I have no problem, but I'm just wondering, why do we need to spend more money? Those who were present... Mr. Odio: I didn't say we needed to spend more money. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Odio: He says we want more programs there. Commissioner Plummer: Well, what's your motion? I'm sorry. Commissioner Gort: For the Manager to come back with his staff with the... Commissioner Plummer: Recommendations? Commissioner Gort: ... the recommendations. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine. Mayor Clark: Programming on the station. Very good. Commissioner Plummer: I gave to them... And I would hope that they would follow up. I am totally opposed to advertising on Channel 9, but I see nothing wrong, as with in Channel 2, where a given corporation sponsors a half hour to an hour. And I would hope that Channel 9... Mr. Odio: I was going to ask Maria's Furniture to do that. Commissioner Plummer: ... would go out, like with... I Mayor Clark: Corporate sponsors. Commissioner Plummer: ... corporate sponsors, who would be nothing more than a sponsor. And, Mr. Manager, not Maria's Furniture. 230 June 9, 1994 Mr. Odio: They've got a great program. Commissioner Plummer: There are companies who you can hire on a percentage basis to go out, which we did it... Mr. Odio: You know, sir, you are right. We need to do that. Commissioner Plummer: All right. We did that... We did that, Mr. Mayor, at Bayfront Park, and it was very successful for getting companies to do the marquee. I would hope you would include in your motion giving the Manager the latitude... Commissioner Gort: That was part of the motion. Commissioner Plummer: ... to investigate a company to come in for corporate sponsors of Channel 9. Commissioner Gort: That's part of the motion. Mayor Clark: Very good. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Gort, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 94-428 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF TELEVISION CHANNEL 9 TO COME UP WITH MORE EFFECTIVE PROGRAMMING IN ORDER TO MAXIMIZE USE OF SAID CHANNEL; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MANAGER TO INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITY OF SEEKING CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP FOR CHANNEL 9. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: All right. We'll see you at six o'clock. THEREUPON THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO RECESS AT 5:21 P.M. AND RECONVENED AT 6:08 P.M., WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION FOUND TO BE PRESENT. 231 June 9, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68. ENTER INTO CONTRACT FOR ACQUISITION OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AT 168-200 S.W. 32 ROAD, 3200-3202 S.W. 2 AVENUE, AND 1100-1139 S.W. 22 TERRACE (TRACT A. VIZCATRAN GARDEN). Mayor Clark: Ladies and gentlemen, let's have your attention, please. We have a full Commission present, Madam Clerk? Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: On the issue of Vizeatran, is the attorney for... Yes, ma'am, go ahead. You want to say something? Unidentified Speaker: No. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, the last time we met was to ask the Manager to go back and to try and work out some kind of possible solution, and if not, to come back and to recommend the amount of money that he felt was legitimate, and I would assume that we would hear from him first, to make a report of what we asked him to do. Mayor Clark: Good thought. Go ahead. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): I believe that the attorney asked me that he wanted to address the Commission first, so I don't have any problem with that. Commissioner Plummer: Well, we didn't ask for the attorney to speak first. We asked you to go back, and that was the reason for the deferment. Mr. Odio: Well, we have been negotiating. We have... I believe that it would be important that" he could address the Commission first, and then I'll answer any questions you may have. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Then, answer my question. My question is, what do you recommending... the maximum the City can pay? Mr. Odio: To purchase, we can only recommend the highest appraised value, and under State law, we can offer up to six hundred thousand dollars. Commissioner Plummer: Thank you, sir. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Attorney, for the record, identify yourself. Mr. Joseph Portuondo: Good evening. My name is Joseph Portuondo, on behalf of the owner of the property of Vizeatran, Limited, and my offices are at 150 West Flagler Street, Suite 2701. Mayor, on January 13th, you asked my client to stop consideration of construction on that property of a sixty-four unit high-rise apartment building, to allow some opportunity to negotiate with the City of Miami, to try to accomplish needs which would be beneficial to ourselves... Mayor Clark: That was at a Commission meeting. 232 June 9, 1994 Mr. Portuondo: Yes, yes, Mayor. ...to the owner, the City, and to the neighborhood, as well. The neighborhood has had a history of opposition to any high-rise in that neighborhood. They view any high-rise as an encroachment upon their residential neighborhood. And as such, over the years... I've been involved seven years trying to resolve this matter, and I have been, since January 13th, in constant communication with the City Attorney, the Asset Management people, and the City Manager's office, as well as Mr. Fletcher, representing the homeowners. I proposed an agreement approximately a month ago in writing, which has taken some modification since I wrote it, which I'd like to bring to the Commission now. The proposal that I would like to make, which essentially maintains the agreement in form with respect to recitals and so forth, but the consideration changes a little bit. In other words, the money changes. And this is what we are proposing to do. We are proposing that Vizcatran, Limited keep the property, and that Vizcatran, Limited agree to a down -zoning of the property, consistent with three duplexes on that property and the opening of the street. In other words, go back to 1981 and make it that way, and keep it that way. (APPLAUSE) Mayor Clark: Wait, please, please. Let the man make his presentation. Mr. Portuondo: In exchange for which, as you know, we produced to the City Commission approximately one point six million dollars in expenses we've incurred over time there, in exchange for which, we would like the consideration of nine hundred and eighty thousand dollars, to be composed of the following items. Let me bring you back. Let's go fast rewind here to 1987. As you recall, we were in a litigation environment with Swire who was the developer of Claughton Island, and at that point, Vizcatran, Limited forced Swire to pay into escrow monies, of which there remains presently a liability of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. In other words, that is non -City ... not taxpayer money. That came from private funds. So really, the City is not going to be responsible for that. It's already there. You don't have to account for it. So we are proposing that the $980,000 be composed as follows. There's presently $300,000 dollars in cash from that escrow and from Swire. There is $50,000 of indebtedness that we owe the City of Miami as the result of some activity on that escrow. We, ourselves, paid the City $48,000 in permit fees for the final issue of permit in January. We want that back. After all, it's our own money. And on top of that, the City staff has identified presently that it has $280,000 available from its general funds to contribute to the amount. That would leave a balance owed, essentially, of $302,000, of which my client is agreeing to receive in payments over the next three years on the year anniversary from today of $100,000 the first year anniversary, $100,000 the second year anniversary, and on the last anniversary date, $102,000, without any interest. And all of us would bear our own expenses with respect to attorney's fees. I think the neighbors are going to be disappointed about that, because I had before publicly said that if we got our one point six million dollars back, we would go ahead and reimburse them for that portion. But we're not getting our one point six million dollars back, so... And I would urge that the City find another - find somehow to make Mr. Fletcher and his clients as happy as they can. Essentially, what it's going to cost, what it's going to cost the City to go back to 1981 out of City -generated funds is going to be $580,000, of which we're getting three hundred and twenty over the next three years. I think that's a very good bargain for the City of Miami. It's important to these people to preserve their neighborhood, and I think that investment is deserved by these people. (APPLAUSE) Mayor Clark: You want the floor, Mr. De Yurre? Commissioner De Yurre: I -think that, Mr. Mayor, if I may, that this is something that, you know, I don't know if it's like, you know, "we're back".... What's that monster movie that says 233 June 9, 1994 AAA "We're back"? And the guy, Freddy, keeps coming back. I've been at this... I've been in this seat for seven years, just about, and J.L. and Miller, I guess they were here from the onset, since '81, when this whole thing started. This neighborhood has suffered a lot psychologically, the turmoil that has gone on. I feel that, again, like I've said all along, there are a number of things that need to be looked at here. First of all, if this would have been a purchase, which is not what we're talking about here, straight arm's length transaction, then it would have been a situation of how much is it worth, and I'll pay it, and that's the end of that. But that's not the case here. Just like you can have your grandfather give you a ring which may be worth twenty dollars, but you think it's priceless, I think that's what we're dealing with here. We're dealing with the heart and soul of a community. That property, to them, is priceless, depending on what happens to it. One other point that is significant to me is the integrity of this Commission, of our government, in dealing with developers. The developers have to know that they can rely on our decisions, that they can come and invest their money, make Miami a better place to live in, and not think that you don't know what the outcome is going to be. We need to make sure that that message is clear, that we abide by our word, and we will not get into any games of down -zoning or up - zoning or doing different things that are detrimental to the private sector. Thirdly, it's what I have said in the beginning, the heart and soul of this community. They have been fighting with their own money. They have spent countless hours dedicating themselves to this struggle, and it's long overdue that we come to a culmination that will be satisfactory to them, that the developer will feel that he has not been wronged, and that we, as government, stand by our people, our community. We have worked long and hard to come to an understanding, and I believe that what is being proposed here tonight is more than proper. In fact, they understand that the City of Miami is strapped for cash, and we have been able to come to an understanding as to payments over three years of three hundred thousand dollars, at no interest. I feel that this is something that we should accept. I feel this is something for the good of the community, and I feel that this community is going to walk out of here tonight feeling good about itself, and feeling good about its government, and knowing that they, too, can rely on us to do the right thing. So I'll just, you know, I'll make a motion... Mayor Clark: Be more specific. The land is down -zoned back to R-2, which is duplex. Commissioner Plummer: And who owns the land? Do we? Commissioner De Yurre: They will own it. Commissioner Plummer: So they're going to make a profit off of building three duplexes. In other words, they're going to get nine hundred thousand, and nine hundred and eighty thousand. Commissioner De Yurre: Nine -eighty. Commissioner Plummer: Plus they're still going to own the land, they're going to sell the duplexes, and they're going to make additional profit. Mr. Odio: I just want to put on the record that we will be receiving taxes for sixty thousand dollars a year, that we would... Commissioner Plummer: For three duplexes? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. It is... Commissioner Plummer: How do you get sixty thousand a year out of three duplexes? Mr. Odio: They are valued at about six hundred thousand dollars. You have three duplexes which, that's right, at today's market prices, what the City would be... The property would be put in the tax rolls. Therefore, you would be generating sixty thousand dollars a year. 234 June 9, 1994 Mayor Clark: The street is returned back to the City. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Mr. Mayor, if I may. You know, I have no qualms, and I have no guilty conscience. I'm the only one - and I don't mean to be bringing it up - that voted from day one against this project. But I do have a problem with exorbitant fees that are being paid. Mr. Manager, I understand the one thing that you said to me earlier today is that you want to get this behind you. And I guess the best thing to do is to try to get it behind us. Usually, though, in a negotiation, they've made an offer, and we haven't had the right to negotiate or try to make a better deal. Now, I'll ask you again, and I'm solely going to rely on your decision. You said prior you would not give a dime more than six hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Odio: To purchase the property. Commissioner Plummer: OK, to purchase. But we're not even purchasing it with their offer. We're not getting the property. Mr. Odio: That's the point. Commissioner Plummer: OK? Mr. Odio: That's a completely different proposal. Commissioner Plummer: Now, I ask you, on the record, Mr. Manager, what is your best opinion - and I'm going to govern my vote on that - as to whether or not, in behalf of the people of this City, is that the best offer or not? Mr. Odio: I truly believe, and I have - I have no doubts about what I'm going to say - that we have an obligation to that particular neighborhood, as we have obligations to all the other neighborhoods. Commissioner Plummer: I've had it for eight years - more than eight years, sir. Mr. Odio: I'm not saying that you didn't. You asked me about me. I have to make my decision based on myself. Legally, if I was asked - and I've said this all along - the State law prohibits me from offering to purchase the property for more than that price that I mentioned. There's also... But the Commission has the right to offer more to resolve a problem that has been caused by past practices, with something that happened ten years ago. Mayor Clark: By no one in this Commission. Commissioner Plummer: No one, no. Mr. Odio: No one in this Commission. Mayor Clark: Not even including... Mr. Odio: That's a fact. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I beg to differ. Mr. Odio: Oh, I'm sorry. 235 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: J.L. Plummer and Miller Dawkins were a part of that problem. They created the problem, not - not these. OK. Mr. Odio: Yes, but you did not - you did not vote in favor of it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. OK. Mr. Odio: I believe, and we've been talking upstairs, there is nothing... that this is a fair offer, because - because cash out of pocket to the City of Miami, the real money, is five hundred and eighty-two thousand dollars. Not only that, we put the property back into the tax rolls. We leave them in the tax rolls. We get the street back. And I suggest, sir, that - you asked me a direct question - that, yes, we should accept this and leave it, put it behind, and let this community go back about their business. Commissioner Plummer: I said I would predicate my vote on that. Mr. Odio: I recommend it. Commissioner Plummer: I vote for the motion, but I have to tell you, without question, I don't think that it's fair. I don't think that it's a fair appraisal of the fairness to the City, nor to these people, because each and every one of these people are also taxpayers. Mayor Clark: Well, have you got... Commissioner Plummer: And I think that we could maybe negotiate a better deal, but if this is the best deal that we can do, that's what we got to do. Let's put it behind us. Mayor Clark: Please, sir, please, sir. Now, just relax. J.L. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: I look at it this way, and I've been involved in this political process for thirty-five years in this community, part here and part with the County. And there's a certain amount of good government that goes along with something like this. I know most of these people personally, and have grown up with them over the past fifteen or twenty, thirty years. Commissioner Plummer: Likewise. Mayor Clark: And the problem is, if this goes to court - and I see an ace out there, because this guy could turn around any court that I ever saw, John Fletcher - if this goes to court, I fear what would happen after so much history of this being brought up and turned down, and brought up and turned down, and sent back and turned down, where they're justified in receiving monies for the work that they've done, because the City's always turned them down, always turned them down. And if this went to court, they may be able to build a high-rise. I've seen that happen many times in this City and this County. I believe the Manager has recommended a fair settlement, and that's the proposal of Mr. Portuondo and his client. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, what I was hoping, just for the record... Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: ... there was some discussion somewhere along the line that regardless of whatever the price was, is that we were going to get the property, and that area was going to 236 June 9, 1994 be turned into a park. Now, I haven't heard a word about that. That was supposedly one of the things that had been talked about, that we would get the property, it would be turned into a park, it would be zoned for government, which means that it could never be used for anything but a park in that area. Now, you know, we're not having any negotiations, whatsoever. Mr. Odio: Yes, we did. Mayor Clark: J.L., we could take the street. We're going to get the street back, and I don't know how wide the right-of-way is there. Commissioner Plummer: Well, there's no question, Mr. Mayor. I can tell you, I was here originally, you could not build a high-rise without the street being a part and parcel of the - part of the total property... Mayor Clark: That's true, that's true, The City sold it to them. Commissioner Plummer: ... because the property is a postage stamp. But all I was hoping was, is that we could come about the possibility of acquiring that property, which for a million dollars, in round numbers, is what we're doing, and that that property would become a park for the people of that community. Now, I haven't heard a word about that. Mr. Manager, did you... Mr. Odio: If you build a park, you would lose the property from the tax rolls. That means you would lose sixty thousand dollars a year and... Commissioner Plummer: We're losing a million now, so I... Mr. Odio: ... and let me say this. They can speak for themselves. They would not have accepted the six hundred thousand dollar price, so we would be in court. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's move this. Mr. Odio: So I believe me, Commissioner, I've been debating with this... Mayor Clark: I had sleepless nights, too. All right. Mr. De Yurre, you're open. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, I would move that we accept this offer, again, subject to the down -zoning, that it actually occurs. Once that down -zoning occurs... Mayor Clark: The street's back in the City's ownership. Commissioner De Yurre: And then... Mr. Maxwell: The whole thing, Mr. Mayor, would be subject to the applicant filing an application - not the applicant, but the co -appellee in this case - the property owner, filing an application to down -zone the property, and to amend the comprehensive plan. There is a pending lawsuit right now which the property owners have with the City. They are codefendants, co -appellees in this case, so the whole thing would be subject to that. This would not be a normal purchase of the property, because that would be subject to other State regulations. Mayor Clark: John Fletcher. Mr. John Fletcher: If I may... John Fletcher. Thank you. If I may, I have a suggestion on handling that so we don't have to go through a clumsy process. We got partway through the 237 June 9, 1994 process, when it fell through, of down -zoning the property. All we need to do is stipulate in court to a down -zoning with the property owner, and the City, and my clients. The City - the Court will remand the matter back to the City, and the City can zone the property, predicated upon our having been halfway there. Mayor Clark: Mr. Portuondo, do you understand that? Mr. Maxwell: We still... Mayor Clark: No problem with that. Commissioner Plummer: There's one thing you're forgetting. Mr. Portuondo: I'm not as smart as Mr. Fletcher, but I understand it's already incorporated in the agreement that I proposed. Commissioner Plummer: There's one other area there that you've got to take into consideration, and that's the reopening of the street. That's not part of the down -zoning. Mr. Fletcher: Right, that's true. That would have to be a separate dedication by the property owner. Commissioner Plummer: That is correct. Mr. Fletcher: That could simply be a dedication. Commissioner Plummer: It would have to be rededicated back to the City. Mr. Fletcher: Right. That would have to be part of the agreement. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor... Mayor Clark: Mr. De Yurre incorporates all this in his motion, right? Commissioner De Yurre: Yes, I do, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Maxwell: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Maxwell: I'm sorry I interrupt. You know, in all due respect to Mr. Fletcher, I don't think that that would preclude the public hearing process for the down -zoning, nor for the comp. plan change, so it would still have to be all subject to that. Mayor Clark: You could use this one, John. John. Mr. Odio: Can you also say that all lawsuits are dropped, there is no... and a promise of no more filing of lawsuits? Mr. Fletcher: If I may. Mayor Clark: Please, John. Please. Mr. Fletcher: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'm sorry. 238 June 9, 1994 PON Mr. Odio: I was going to ask you a question. And this includes all lawsuits being dropped, and promises of no future lawsuits based on this issue? i Mr. Fletcher: Exactly. There could be two ways of doing that. And, Joel, if I may, we got halfway through the hearings when the matter was dropped and... Mr. Maxwell: What we got through was... That was simply a hearing on the study. 1 Mr. Fletcher: Well, actually... All right. Mr. Maxwell: And we never got the... No, there was no application pending. Mr. Fletcher: I agree with you on that. But if that would save time, we could do it that way. If not, the property owner could simply agree to be an applicant, and not withdraw his application. We could put our lawsuit on the back burner until it was accomplished, and then dismiss the lawsuit once it's down -zoned. Mr. Maxwell: But see, there was no application pending. He... There was no application for him to withdraw or not to withdraw. Mr. Fletcher: No, no. What I'm saying is, now, if you don't like the way I suggested, then the property owner can file an application to down -zone the property. Mr. Maxwell: That's exactly what I'm suggesting. Mr. Fletcher: Right. Go through that process, put the lawsuit on the back burner, pending the outcome of that, and when the property is down -zoned, dismiss the lawsuit. 1 Mayor Clark: All right. iMr. Maxwell: Fine. Commissioner De Yurre: So moved. Mr. Maxwell: That's exactly what we're saying. Commissioner De Yurre: And, of course, waive whatever fees there are in the application process. Mayor Clark: All right. Motion by Mr. De Yurre. Mr. Manuel Gonzalez-Goenaga: May I be recognized? This is a public hearing. Could I make my comments? Mayor Clark: If you have a couple of minutes to add some wisdom to it. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: No, no, no. I am going to add something very important. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: I think that this... I urge this Commission to arrive at a fair and equitable result for one particular reason. We cannot let ourselves be governed by past practices. The past bad practices of this Administration are very well known, and also present practices. 239 June 9, 1994 And I was at the Metro Commission today regarding the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) issues. Mayor Clark: God bless you. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: There is going to be a lot of problems with FEMA. Mayor Clark: Well, if you can suffer through that in one day, you're a fortunate man. Mr. De Yurre has a motion. Commissioner Plummer: Can I ask a question? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Portuondo, are you going to re... Mayor Clark: No. Mr. Portuondo. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Oh, I'm sorry. Commissioner Plummer: Are you going to reimburse the Roads Section people the money that they have spent and paid for a lawyer? Mr. Portuondo: No, sir. Commissioner Plummer: That's not part of the parcel? Mr. Portuondo: No, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Don't you think you ought to consider that? Mr. Portuondo: Sir, if you increase it fifty thousand dollars, I'd be happy to do that. We have one point six million dollars in the venture, and we're not getting our money back - we've got one point seven million. Commissioner Plummer: I just think that they've spent the money, and they paid for Mr. Fletcher, that you ought to consider them in... Mr. Portuondo: I'll split it with you. How does that sound? Mr. Maxwell: Don't, don't... Commissioner Plummer: That sounds reasonable. At least they got something. Mr. Portuondo: I'll split it with you. We can split it. Mayor Clark: All right. That's fair enough. Commissioner Plummer: That's fair enough. Mayor Clark: Motion by Mr. De Yurre. Is there a second to his motion? I'll second his motion. Commissioner Gort: I'll go ahead and I'll second his motion. I'll second his motion. And I feel like J.L., that it's not fair to the City, but at the same time, I feel that the City made a mistake when they did the zoning, and that's something that we have to try to fix up. 240 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Under discussion, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: J.L. Plummer and I were the two here when this began. Now, we may hear that we have paid an excessive amount of money for the land, but we will not have compensated the neighbors for the pain and suffering that was caused by this Commission. At the very beginning, Swire was supposed to put a hundred units of low income housing on Claughton Island. This Commission allowed Swire to come off the hook for a lousy three million dollars. And that three million dollars was divided, and a part of it was given to Liberty City, part of it to Little Havana, and a part was given to the Roads. At that time, the Roads said they did not want any low rent housing. This Commission went along with everybody else, and called them racists, and called them everything. They said, no. Well, OK. Then they said, we will accept senior housing. Then we went through that, and they patiently went through that. Then when it went from low rent housing, it went to the Vizcatran. They suffered through that. Now, there will be those who will say that we're paying an excessive amount of money for a piece of land, but I think - and if I'm in error, I would like for Mr. Fletcher to correct me - I think those who have been affected feel vindicated by us paying this amount of money for this land to solve the problem. So although... Every vote we make up here, we make some people happy, we make some people angry. So this vote today, we hope to make you happy. (APPLAUSE) Mayor Clark: Call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner De Yurre, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-429 A RESOLUTION (Pending the Law Department) (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 241 June 9, 1994 R Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. (APPLAUSE) COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Commissioner Plummer: I'm voting yes, and I have to stipulate for the record that I'm not proud of the deal, but I'm voting yes for the people of the area. I voted with them all of the time, and I'll vote with them this time. But I have to be truthful. I don't... I'm not proud of the deal. Mayor Clark: All right. COMMENTS MADE AFTER ROLL CALL: Mayor Clark: Sir, that hearing is over. Unidentified Speaker: Is the agenda closed? I wanted to get permission to speak. Mr. Maxwell: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: What's that? Vice Mayor Dawkins: The City Attorney is trying to say something. Mr. Maxwell: Just a point of clarification on that item. I need it to be abundantly clear on the record, the whole thing is "subject to"... Mayor Clark: Absolutely. Mr. Maxwell: ... and should not be consummated until such time as the whole rezoning and comp. plan change is completed, including... Mayor Clark: Absolutely. John understands that, too. Mr. Maxwell: ... including any appeals that may be taken therefrom, and approval by DCA (District Court of Appeal). Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's correct, sir. Mayor Clark: Fine. Please... 242 June 9, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: The Manager is trying to say something, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Odio: No. When you're finished, I would like to say something else. Mayor Clark: I've got a short item here by Mr. Gort. That's all, folks, thank you all for coming down. God bless you. See you in the movies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69. AMEND 94-333 -- AUTHORIZE DONATION OF SURPLUS CITY VEHICLE TO THE MODEL CITY SUBCOUNCIL. Commissioner Gort: If you remember, last time we were here, the Crime Prevention Council of the City of Miami, the Model City Sub -Council... Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Gort: ... requested that we... a car be given to them, in order to help them to patrol. Mayor Clark: What do you want? What do you need? Commissioner Gort: I need a resolution to be read. And we all were in favor of having a car given to the sub -council, Model City Sub -Council, and there's a resolution we need to pass. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I second it, whatever it is, but we aren't going to get anything. We aren't going to get anything. OK? Mayor Clark: Motion, second, no objection. Cast a unanimous ballot, Willy. Mr. Joel Maxwell (Assistant City Attorney): For the record, it's amending Resolution Number 94-333 to... Mayor Clark: Folks, please, let's have your attention. Outside. What is it, Cesar? Mr. Maxwell: For the record, it's amending Resolution 94-333, to add... A. Quinn Jones, III (City Attorney): Model City... Mr. Maxwell: ... Model City... Commissioner Gort: Model City Sub -Council. Mayor Clark: All right. He's got it. It passed unanimously. 243 June 9, 1994 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.94-430 A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTIONS 2 AND 3 OF RESOLUTION NO. 94-333, ADOPTED MAY 5, 1994, WHICH CLASSIFIED ONE CITY OF MIAMI VEHICLE AS CATEGORY "A" SURPLUS STOCK, SHOULD SUCH VEHICLE BECOME AVAILABLE, AND DONATING SAID SURPLUS VEHICLE TO THE RAINBOW VILLAGE/TOWNPARK RESIDENT ASSOCIATION, INC., THEREBY CLASSIFYING ONE (1) ADDITIONAL VEHICLE AS CATEGORY "A" SURPLUS STOCK, SHOULD SUCH VEHICLE BECOME AVAILABLE, AND DONATING SAID ADDITIONAL VEHICLE TO THE MODEL CITY SUB -COUNCIL; SUCH DONATION TO BE VALID AND EFFECTIVE BETWEEN MAY 5, 1994 AND MAY 4, 1995, UPON THE EXECUTION OF THE APPROPRIATE RELEASE DOCUMENTS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70. URGE ORANGE BOWL COMMITTEE NOT TO MOVE THE ORANGE BOWL CLASSIC FOOTBALL GAME TO THE JOE ROBBIE STADIUM. -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cesar Odio (City Manager): On the Orange Bowl, sir. j Mayor Clark: Yeah. Mr. Odio: I wanted to ask you. i Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go right ahead, sir. Mr. Odio: I just saw a resolution that has been proposed by Bruce Kaplan in the County, with the support, I believe, of Commissioner Larry Hawkins, and I don't know if maybe it's a good idea that you consider a resolution sent to the Orange Bowl Committee at some point, weigh it out... They do have parades and other needs from the City. There is a movement, there is a movement in the Orange Bowl Committee to move the game to Joe Robbie Stadium. 244 June 9, 1994 Commissioner Gort: To move the Orange Bowl out. Mayor Clark: Yeah, we know that. Commissioner Plummer: What is Kaplan and Larry Hawkins' proposal? Mr. Odio: They are asking the Orange Bowl Committee not to move the game, and if they do, they are going to cancel any and all fundings to the Orange Bowl Committee that they, the County, would provide. Commissioner Plummer: What would be proper for us to do? i Mayor Clark: We'll make the same motion he made, pass the same... Vice Mayor Dawkins: I second it. Mr. Odio: There was... Who has a copy of that? Do you have it? There is a copy, because we... Mayor Clark: Same resolution that they passed, we ditto that. Commissioner Plummer: So moved. Mayor Clark: Moved and seconded. Cast a unanimous ballot. No funds to be expended through the City if the game is sent to the Joe Robbie Stadium. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-431 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION STRONGLY URGING THE ORANGE BOWL COMMITTEE TO KEEP THE ORANGE BOWL CLASSIC FOOTBALL GAME AT THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE ORANGE BOWL COMMITTEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I move we adjourn. 245 June 9, 1994 MR Mayor Clark: Absolutely. OK. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 6:36 P.M. ATTEST: Matty Hirai CITY CLERK Walter J. Foeman ASSISTANT CITY CLERK Stephen P. Clark MAYOR �:®oy ll rM�1.i3 246 June 9, 1994