HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1994-06-09 AdvertisementMIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelms V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Supervisor, Legal Notices of the Miami Dolly Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 9, 1994 RE: PROVISION OF MAINTENANCE SERVICES Inthe ....................... ............................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of May 25, 1994 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any pe f or corporation any discou rebate, commissio un for the purpose of securl this advertiseme bll lion In the said news er. /�L l i Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25 May 94 da of.. 9...... ... ...... . N.L. I -I � A� A It pGh F TLO (SEAL) ARY BI.IC: C S; 'k . O 1721 Octelma V. Ferbeyre personally known me, COMTtI 'r'n E7(V .1114 C 1611 \l� LASON SYSTEMS, INC. - SOUTHEAST 6964 N.W. 12 STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33126 (306) 477-9149 FAX(305) 477-7526 (800) 287-4799 THE FOLLOWING IS AN IT WILL. TAKE MULTIPLE IMAGES WEEK OF THURSDAY, AM Z 1854 TODAY NEW wAn TOWN 3 Brickell needs affordable hous'm*g, DDA meeting told By BETH VISH The Brickell area has a strong market demand for newltomesand °"is is an exciting new rental units that is not being- met — but the demand is for more p lace t© live — The . affordable price ranges, Paul Lam- market is for middle bert of Arthur Andersen & Co. last income housing. The g said week. According to our studies we problem is land casts found 15% of the employees work- are so high` ing downtown are very interested in purchasing a home downtown -,d 25% are interested in renting Michael Cannon xntown," Mr. Lambert said. r :'.' Our numbers indicate the market for 700 new for -sale home units and 7,000 now for -rent units could enal growth of South Beach and be close to where they work." be built." growing number of residences Richard Fosmoen of the Down - Mr. Lambert said several area there provide a situation where town Community Development projects are meeting the needs of someone's five minutes away from work." Corp. said two things are needed high -end buyers, like some of Ugo to get housing prices down — re - Colombo's development interests He said according to Arthur ducing the cost of financing and through CMC Group, including Andersen studies the trend is for reducing the cost of the product. Bristol Tower at 2127 Brickell more young black families of He recommended layering fund - Ave. overlooking Biscayne Bay, middle to moderate income mov- mg back into downtown. ing for projects and suggested sev- and Pacific International Equities' 52-story "Miami on the River" "What we're starting to see is eral different sources of funding for developers through federal, tower of units for sale and rent.. new development on the large state and some smaller more spe- "But there is only a limited pool tracts that exist," Mr. Lambert eialized organizations. of the high -end buyer," Mr. Lam- said. "It's subsidized but well -de- "We're not talking public hous- bert said. "There is no new devel- signed housing." ingwheretherenteroniypays30% —went for more affordable for Crime and security are big is- of their income or not at all if not .and for sale property. We're sues for the developments, he said. working," he said. ibitcing affordable as in the $875 , "Crime and security is just as He named several community per month or $50,000 range." important to moderate income fam'1' — 'Lenders have gotten very smart. They are only making the market loan that, make sense ` c development block grant funds market loans thmake sense," available at both the federal and Mr. Kahn said, comparing lending state levels, some tax credit fund_ s practices today with those of the available through the IRS. , 1980s. "There's not a tax credit deal Bill Thompson of First Union being done that does not involve Bank said his bank's focus in layers of funding," Mr. Fosmoen downtown is mostly on residential said. "Doing it though is worth- development. while. It all gets the price ofmoney "We think downtown is posi- and production down." tioned for residential growth par- H. Lawrence Kahn IIIofLoweli ticularly in the areas of low and Homes, a DDA board member, middle income housing," Mr. Th- said bank financing for new devel- ompson said. "Our preference is opment exists. However, lenders for low and mid -rise projects in - are more focused than ever on stead ofhigh-rise. There's less risk market feasibility. perceived and a stronger ability "Lenders have gotten very for success. The finance terms smart. They are only making the range all across the board." Mr. Lambert was one of several i ies as a igh mcome fame- CITY OF gIIAW FLORIDA speakers at the day -long "The lies," Mr. Lambert said. "The NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Making of a Global City: Down- homeless issue also comes into PLEASE ALLTAKEDIOTICETHAT arAicbeningwill bebeldbyymCityCaom'ssion town Miami" seminar hosted by play. The whole shelter concept ofuaeCayefMiani,F,«ia.g�uoc'L 4,s� :ooam.,muheeayco�,onCn.ne«, the Downtown Development Au- will be an excellent driver for de- uCiepxsi135ooranAroeziles ,Nlfi ia;a &rwepupo dheaingmyc s p vela went downtown." �'°�edpa" mrcgu iugaR®obeimaud w'�gthee repokofinee�nive t thority and sponsored by Arthur P accidarttdleimbneetof ire- Resew aaialoppanasAcnet44(4958)ataowtime cost of Andersen & Co. and the South Michael Cannon, president of $5,959.77. Florida Regional Planning Coun- Appraisal and Real Estate Eco- All imesaedpasonsatcinvited toappearaodmay behemdomwerningthis hem Sbouldury cil. nomics Associates Inc., agrees the �. IA!!t pmwdc*ttoappratanydeaaimofibecitycommianonwitbrwpedtoonymsuacnaideted tem made About 1,000 area business issues of crime, the homeless andinchwingaft tame f 17.�Jg deooeapon�whRac6any may�bebasedpfOaeda'gsis people attended the meeting that Miami's infrastructure need to AM tcrrlr _ af1ssse&nt was divided into three sessions addressed. He said Miami's - � �oPraAxnrTaRmn��.�� focusing trot business district is being " "CWY on office development, revs- residential development and inter- talized by attrition national business opportunities. "Changing 'demographics hasNalkM The focus on residential and of- caused this," he said. "This is an , at s<. s ee p ,poaa. r.9es d exo tiASPlace to live. The�market reporLsfrotnarearesearchimpa isTotmiddies"sieom 'housutg o nies regarding the downtown mar- ket and financing , problem island costs are so high." lathe he , Mn the situation for developers as explained by.. area past, said, most of the . residential development has been s 5750 Sunset Drive bankers. Theday of discussion gave area high-rise condominiums. "Miami needs to encourage TAMI1 nlil Fi01iRGRQtlND$' South Miami investors, developersandpianners other styles of housing," Mr. Can- 10001'CORAL WAY avaaa-c.TamaAwaTace 5Years -LOr9sTOM Avaifet* the chance to consider Miami's non said. "When the international S.W. 24th St: at, S.W. Ave.) MEMBER growth in the national perspective and its role in the Latin.America, business people come, they always a bring an entourage ofpeople who a , a a ' FEDERAL RESERVE -FDIC AN EQUAL OPPORTLINtr'f LENDER Asia and European market. work for them who nwahousing. "Brickell has some new compe- "International trade has a direct tition. Miami Beach is a rival now relationship to downtown hoes- _ rhat h.A.,'t h­"..a h..f: " a- "L- :� ..- -- - = - . Ir '' F r iT?"3lnS{3'M.s::, �T1 1 "F. w _ ... r ... lies, Mr Lambert. said The > ; NOTICE TD THE PiTII Y.[C +� 1 alcers..:athed .�,_. _w �{ f r _ may Ong - 3► meless; �ssuelsa-comes} auto. ��• 6fi� �,...,,. r-%..,;a�r;..,�tn...,,,._ .4" �...:.>_::illono�aae.vutkau:c?�Iai���i�i� ■I, a_.w.. La _� ,,:..iQwll-aNll$n11R✓Semina�s�OSTeaa-Dy. 'r;•s1s,s �.-.,;gib ;l.>��.'�+�u rac�r�� ra: i�at ` '�..���.�i-=C��.,._.,.._,. O�Ci�'' the DowatownDevalopment .. _. 3 K, :ve"lo ment=downtown� z4 �sss ,l�v _:: .�, �r r.r :wT _� .._ .-,Michael:rCannonn-�'. d tof ��_ �'� indersen,.& Co and the Sontlt: y F` �• �4g!'L- : 4, j nbmicsAssociateslnc,agreesthei►�ran CIL - _ issues of crime the .`bout, 1.00Darea.business _. -_ t • NIiesnu smfrastructmzeneed+to � ��' .-:�� �- x people atteadea the meeturg that r - °'addressed�7iesatd$IVliami.sd" '+�5z was;*nd`ed �nt0 threeiSeSSlon3' Y r' o .7s _ 5v.=r� e F t� x :�' atiaatal��is ILMF reportsfrom areareseorcA`compa isToriniddle inbome housing; The roblem is land costs are so hi Y� niesregardingthedowntownmar P ket_andthe financingsrtuationfor : In the past, he said, mostsof the o ,�_•+ peexplainy residential develo merit ha;been. develo rs as `ed rs. high-rise condominiums. banke - 575d Sunsef Drive " - TAMtAMI Fi4�RGR(UNDS 3Y Sduth;iaml The day ofdiscussiongavearea Miami needs .to encourage F .-. �sv�s-tor�erTetmanreTable investors, developersandplanners.; otherstylesofhousmg,77Mr:Can , �o®0'Y�+®R� AY the chance to consider, Miami's non said "When the mternafional ;; $W Z4i0tSt� etS 0111 :1QT`Ave Fe;iaivE growth in the national perspective : business people come; they,al'" s - • - "". °P!'°H'v"`T" LB1D andits role in the Latm America, bring'an entourage ofpeople-who j Asia and European market:' work for them who 11, "Brickellhassomenevv,compe `.`Internationaltradehas adirect tition. Miami Beach is a rivalnow relationshi'Pto , downtown thous- ; ,- that hadn't happened before, ; ue he said: "Ynteraational.bsiilc . Mr. Lambert said. "The phenom ingisumajorfactor.Peopleliketo In Brief Dsition set. Silver Lining.,' - for Miami Beach Topics will include the "indus- "The Greater': Miami, & the '90s tour marketing and technol- Press.Us For tryin transition," customers ofthed �lae ititY lain. BeachesBnsinessExposon°:'will ogy:Specialfeatures-willinclude be held June 9 at the Miami Beach the `association's first annaal'si- Convention.. Center ,to offer net lent auction: Golf and tennis tour - working opportunities and display naments are planned at -the Miami _ products and services. Shores Country Club. A luncheon, exposition preview, Conference. costsstart at $325. and public exhibition are planned Details: (303) 940-6557. Organized by Dade County ' Council of Chambers and the taAmmeys set GreaterIN iamiConvention&Visi Biltmore event . tors Bureau, the 12:30 p.m. lun- The organization Attorneys .. l i cheon topic will be "South Florida; - Against AIDS is sponsoring a An International Sports Mecca." - --..•-► . Speakers will include Lewis "Project Cradle" benefit June 16 at - the Biltmore Hotel in :Coral Schaffehg partner artner of the 1►"' =�ni H Bill T Gables. t °�'° P� Project Cradleis asupportgroup = You no longer h ve to leave home to applyfor a dome equity loan. Simply press a I� ie Florida Panthers, Tim for Pediatric AIDS ;work at -the ` few buttons andyou can'apply over the phone. bbie, president of the Miami Dolphins; Bob Kramm, director of University `of Miami School of lfsSunBank's new'SunDial banking. And its going.to save you countless trips l marketing for the Florida Marlins; Medicine..; the bank, because d lets you do everything from checking your account and Tony Perez, director of inter- Cost . is $35. RSVP. Details: balance to applying fora credit card to.stopping payment on a check. national relations _forthe Marlins Amy Agnoli, 532-1523'_ Formore information, just SunDial us at 591-6000. Cost. is $115. Details: Marie, Radio firm Bertot, 672-1270. = to do forum Sealiai Baoi�iqia�e �eiest i�easiest; smartest my tile atsast aaiel. • Radio systems Inc: will present l TOUr18Is grotiP Set its business plan. at the `Florida Q for 25thsleeting venture Forum at Florida Interns. _FD TheTravel&TourismResearch ' to,nal.Universriy,on`June 7'in the : r Association will hold its 25th an FirstUnionFinancial Center's City nual conference June 18-22 at the Club`:Grey Room,- 200 Biscayne Sheraton Bal Harbour under,the B1Yd:' ; banner "Tourism: The Economy's Details: 4484060 RAO by Vmd- Usd- "I enjoy very much looking at situations and problems and trying to bring about possible solutions." says Albert Smith. if you call that visionary, then 1 would say that 1 may be." e The Achiever Albert E. Smith .President Florida Memorial College 15800 NW 42nd Ave: Miami 33054-6199 (305) 626-3604 Age: 61 Born: Sioux Falls, SA Highereducation: NorthCarolinaA&7 State University (B.S., health and boom low. Bi each'ci 4 wAem TODAY TODAYISt PRDFUS WEEK of TfNRSOAY, juNE z lass T bsebacrer Ph.D.m higher education... AlbertEmanuel (Al) Smith has a dream. In fact he has several And if the past performance of the president of Florida . Memorial College is anything to go by, there is more than a good chance The dreams will become reality. Dr. Smith, 61,..took over the presidency of Miami's historically blackitniversity a year ago after nearly three decades of university administrative experience in which he applied his vision to whathe calls "building partnerships with corporate America" in preparing young people for productive working lives. Among his major current dreams for putting that into effect here are construc- tion of a hotel and convention center, on land in Opa-lo cka near the campus in North Dade as part of a management training initiative and a retirement village on a former campus in St. Augustine, northern Florida. Dr. Smith also envisions a role for his college in training people for careers in aviation. Meanwhile, he is working to involve the local community more in the college's af- fairs, including campaigning to increase funding: the institution currently has an endowment ofjust $3.5 million. Dr. Smith as a young man intended to seek a life in baseball, going to college on an athletic scholarship. But a knee injury soon headed him toward his father's ad- vice to seek a more sure career. He became director ofthestudentunion, assistant dean of men and head baseball coach at Knoxville College in Tennessee, moved to North Carolina&T State Uni- versity, his alma matey, where he became director of athletics, then in 1971 went to the UniversityofRitsburgh; where hecom- pleted his Ph.D. in higher education ad- ministration whileservingas executive as- sistant director of athletics. In 1974 Dr. Smith became director of athletics and associate professor ofeduca- lion at Eastern Michigan University, two years later returning to North Carolina A&TState University as vice chancellor of he was namedpresident of5'outh Carolina State University. Yhere he developedmany of the concepts he now proposes to imple- ment. Early in his career, Dr. Smith.also spent time working with rival street .gangs,;in Chicago - where he says he learriedxhe crucial importance offamrty and spirttridt vdlnes for young people. Dr. Smith was interviewed .by -Miami Today nternattonalediiorMtchaelHayes. dent as everyone else does. eagerly- pursuing through our faculty re- search opportunities for facultyand stu- dents. Q: How would you characterize the college's financial situation at this time? A: I would sayFloridaMemorial College is in rather good shape. Certainly we would like to be in much better financial shape. But the institution fortunately went through a really good year in 1993-94. . 'In '92-93 tiie-most recent audit report ,,.Wisvnquahfied. It was an absolutely clean 'audit. I think that speaks well of those that were here at the time .and I certainly feel good coming into a situation where the past Miami. There's no question in my mind that insti- tutions such as Florida Memorial College and others have a moral obligation to help deal effectively with some of the major societal problems, such as crime and unem- ployment. To do that, I'm proposing as one approach that we have a management insti- tute, which will be housed ultimately in the educational conference center that is being proposed for the city of Opa-iocka. That management institute would enable Florida Memorial College to provide end- less seminars, workshops and classes on all aspects of the work world and areas of concern in our community, such as work- ellent one. budgeting process; which shops on crime, youthgangs, drugs, vio- , fence workshops and seminars on the work e_acrosa the c:ampus.in its aiitely the involvement of '„world drdis�inth,di. rrcci FYi "Conrvm ^' - 'tion iii the workworid, how you move from as well, is a good budget- one employer to another successfully, how iii4 to steer us financially you: build a career, what is required aca- iextf seal yearand on into demically when you start to look at certain be, tha future fields of endeavor. In terms ofmoney needs; we're just like These are the kinds ofissues we hope to for any, other institution of higher learning on address throughthemanagementinstitmeto 14 the face'of theglobe: we need additional be housed'in.the'educational conference fundm9_' Wp-mow-have an endowment of center. nil aril $3.5 million. Certainly that endow- That conference center also will serve as ,tu ment'should.be many times larger. And the home for our hospitaCriy management we we' re going to be working to increase it. But program, training students for the world of sistant director of athletics. In 1974 Dr, Smith became director of , tion at Eastern MichiganUniversity, two years later returning to North Carolina A&T State University as vice chancellor of ueu:e acveiopeam my of the concepts he now proposes to imple- ment. - Early in his career, Dr. Smith also spent time working with rival street .gangs in Chicago — where he says he learned the crucial importance offamily and spiritual values for young people. Dr. Smith was interviewed by'Miami Today international editorMichaelHayes. Q: What goals and objectives do you have in taking over as president of Florida Memorial College? A: The primary goal was to determine where the institution was at that point, then to decide on how to determine where we wanted to go in the future. So this has been really a year of review, evaluation and familiarization. Now I be- lieve we understand very well who we are and where we are at this time. Q: Is it too early to say what those goals might be? A: We want to make our No. I objective continuedpursuitof excellenee,whichmeans we want to increase the overall academic excellence of the institution through addi- tional faculty, increasing the number of Ph.D. or terminal degree holders on our faculty, and recruiting gifted students as well as those who are marginal. We should always maintain agood mix of academically gifted and marginal students so that they, the marginal students, will have an opportunity to ultimately develop. Q: You have a commitment to mar- ginal students? A: We live in a day and age when access to education is of paramount importance. If we are going to provide a bright future for the under -class, the underprivileged, the less fortunate, the less educated, then insti- tutions must provide access — and I feel very strongly that Florida Memorial Col- lege must be one of those institutions, Q: How do you get that word to such students? A: That pretty much happens to us more than if we go out and pursue it. We have young people who are referred by people who have had a long association with the institution. In some instances, the prospective stu- ;,dent . is ccrtaml ar8demtcally gifted Iu other -instances; ilieisludent may,very wCll be a marginal student; sometimes evenbei low. But what we are attempting .to'do in each case is to provide an opportunity for that student to blossom in a productive edu- cational.enviromnent So we don't to out recruiting marginal students. We go out recruiting the best stu- dents, as everyone else does. However, we accept those who have not possibly been as well equipped out of high school as others. And we attempt to provide them with the basicremedial skills ordevelopmental skills that are needed during that first year so that they can then move on and matriculate ef- fectively and successfully through the sopho- more, junior and senior years. Q: Are you contemplating any change in curriculum? A: No more than to enhance the overall curriculum. That Icannot emphasis enough: academic excellence is the watchword — and that's what we will strive for. We will always be going through a state of change because we are going to be working dili- gently to increase the overall excellence of our academic program. There's certainly some interest on the part of this institution in providing some graduate programs — very limited. For ex- ample, possibly a graduate degree in reli- gion. I am told by many of the ministers associated with this institution that there's a tremendous need for well -trained pastors. So we may look at that mud do it in collaboration with a school of divinity. Another possibility, certainly one we're eager to pursue, is a master's degree in airway science. We feel that's important to us and to this South Florida community, as we look at training air traffrc controllers, airport management personnel, pilots, etc. Q: You are putting an emphasis on research? A: Yes. We feel it's very important in. view of the fact that the federal government, via the National Science Foundation, has placed an emphasis on undergraduate re- search, starting about two years ago. We believe that is extremely. important to the life and growth of an institution such as FloridaMemorial College. As aresult,we're praposed'fortheOwn ,Opa-locks. tnost recent audit report That'""agemeatinstitnte.wonid enable It was,aa absolutely clean: '.: Florida Ivfenioriat College to' -provide end- `speaks;well of those that less seminars; workshops and classes on an time and I certainly feel aspects of the work world and areas of a situation where the past concern in our community, such as work- 4lent one. shops on crime, youth gangs; drugs, vio- budgeting process, which : , fence, workshops and seminars on the work ;uigplan that is going to steer us financially straight over the next fiscal year and on into the future. In'teims of money needs, we're just like any other institution of higher learning on the face of the globe: we need additional funding. We now have an endowment of around $3.5'million. Certainly that endow- mcnt should be many times larger. And we're going to be workingtoincreaseit: But to do that we first have to convince the public that Florida Memorial College is a good investment. Q. How is that done? A: We're working right now to get that message out and to prevail upon the busi- ness community, the alumni and the church community to respond in a very positive way to whatI believe will be a very aggres- sive, energetic and interesting academic program at this institution. Credibility is extremely important. And we're working to establish that by being consistent in what we do and say and in our management of funds, etc. Q: What was the biggest challenge you inherited? A: The biggest challenge would be the same as for any college president coming in and that is determining at what stage in its development the institution is at that point, looking at the institution's academic pro- grams in comparison with the prevailing .needs in the work world, _trying to determine how well the academic programs match up with those perceived and actual work needs, then moving ahead to make sure the pro- gram on the campus produces the kind of student who can successfully compete in that world of work. That's the big challenge -:providing an academic program and climate that will produce the kind o€student graduate that the workforce, corporate America, the govern- mental sector, will embrace and say, "This person is equipped to work for us. . Q Was it your vision to'enhance the catering program and build a hotel near the campus? A: Yes. It's a vision that has grown out of a year's experience here in South Florida, on this campus and talking with people about the needs in South Florida and in you builds career, what is required aca- demically when you start to look at certain fields of endeavor: These are the kinds of issues we hope to address through themanagement institute to be housed in the educational conference center. That conference center also will serve as the home for our hospitality management program, training students for the world of work in hotel restaurant management, etc. That educational conference center will also be the hub ofactivityfor social andpoliticai groups in this general geographical area. Q: How far along the road is that? A: We just passed the dream stage. We are now entering the world of reality and talking with people about how we brit[& dream into fruition, about how to proceed and who will join us in making this happen. Q: That is not your only carrentprojett of this kind? " A: One other project of significance to this institution and its future is the proposed retirement village that we're currently be- ginning to plan for the old campus in St. Augustine. Florida Memorial College moved from its 350-acre campus there to its current campus location in Miami in 1969. It left behind 350 very very beautiful acres in St John's County. After much discussion in the last four months, the board of trustees has given me the green light to pursue the possible devel- opment of a.facility of major magaitudr that acreage. At this time, we envision a retirement village with some 2,000 one- and two -bed- room apartments, possibly 500 extended care units and other accompanying facili- ties that would make' it a liveable` environ- ment for senior citizen's, such as a commu- nity education center, a major health center to service not only the village but also that geographical area — because there is cur- rently none in that area.Other facilities we believe will be drawn, to the area as the village matures. We see this as extremely important to the. future Florida Memorial. College because from an academic point of view with the village we will offer a degree in gerontol- MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Supervisor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 9, 1994 RE: DIGITAL MICROFILM READER/ PRINTER Inthe.......................X.X.X.x.X.X..X ............................... Court, was published In said newspaper In the issues of May 25, 1994 Afflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of .advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any perso rm or corporation any discou rebate, commissio refu for the purpose of secur g this advertise f pubil ation In the said news per. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ....25 May 94 ........d of.......... ........., 19...... »... -YFARY SEAL (SEAL) AGNIRS, E. nENA NppARY PUBLIC 8—,ATIi CII: FLOR Octelma V. Ferbeyre personally kno n to rMMISSIUN 1`IG• CC 1%2149 M.. %V1 V \� MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelme V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Supervisor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flk/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: AN ORD. ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (FY`94) Inthe.......................XXX.XX...................................... Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of May 31, 1994 Afflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of .advertisement; and affient further says that she has neither p d nor promised any firm or corporation any di unt, rebate, com or re and for the purpose of s urin this advert en or pu Iicatlon In the said ne spa A .•...• Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3A 94 (SEAL)AFO NOTARY FUDUC STATE OF FS.C1PID, COMMLS5�SIOnN NO. CC 1721W OctelmY ri ' ' §,19%- l CITY OF, 1 mission C amh em6 rs; 3Ii ll American Drive,''Miaml; Florida .1. ORDINANCE NOS....._.... ..r...... SHELTER.GRANT' CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION:, SEVERASIOTY CLAUSE~ ORDINANCE NO. s' AN nPntNANr:F AMFNnirjA CHAPTER 2 6f= THE CODE d FOR :DUTIES OF THE 'CITY�'CLERK AND-:CITT`DEPARTME CONTAINING A REPEALER f4ROVISION;'SEjlERABILITY CV AND PROVIDING FOR AN,EFFECTIVE DATE Said proposed ordinances may be`)nspected by the,public at tt floe of the City Clerks 3500 Pan.Amencan Dr11ie, tVfiami,1`Flor.dar' day through Friday, excluding holidays, between the, hours `oi a.m. and 5.00 P.M. All interested persons may appear et the meeting tuxt`be fiean respect to the'proposid_ardi'-' - .'Should any person desire 1 dance upon which any appeal may be bas,'ed, MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octeima V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Supervisor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: AN ORD. AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Inthe.......................XXX.XX...................................... Court, was published in said newspaper in the Issues of May 31, 1994 Afflant further says that the said Miami Dally Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of.advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither pa!nor promised any p f or corporation any disc t, rebate, commis o f.21 for the purpose of sec ing�this advgrtise t t publi stion in the said Sworn to and subscribe for ........ .d4t.,,............. . .............A.D. ....]FACAMb9u=wH"RftM .. (C5� EnPEN,� A,..........., (SEAL)N PUBLIC STATE OF fLO,".f,^.;, co LSSION NO. CC 1 T1 ni Octelma to me_ - _.. me this 94 r CITY OF MIA.Mis FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSE® ORDIMIANCE Notice Is hereby given thet'the City Commission of the City,.o1 Ml= am), Florida, will consider the following Ordinitnobs on second and, final reading on.3tine 9; Ygt14;'cotnrti'en0ing al 9:00 a tn. in.tha City.Com• mission Chambers, 3500 Pan Anterioan Drive; Muni`, Florida, ORDINANCE NO.,- ` AN ORDINANCE ,ESTABLISHING -A NEW 'SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED` 'EMERGENCY'SHE;LTER GRANT "(FY94)",:AND APPROPRIATING :FUNDS'' FOR; OPERATION' OF, SAME. IN THE AMOUNT OF $368.000 FROM THEU.S. DEPARTMENT OF:HOUS= ING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT'`(USHUD) 1994`EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PFIOWRiON-ANn A SEVERABIL)TY CLAUSE. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AS � AMENDED, THEREBY ADDING SECTION 2-48 .TO ;PROVIDE THAT'THE ;CITY CLERK SHALL' BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADMINISTERING THE: CITY,S ARCHIVES:AND' RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, CONSISTENT WITH 261,36- FLORIDA' STATUTES; ;PROVIDING; FOR;THE' CUSTODIANSHIP: OF PUBLIC °RECORDS"AND:THE' RESPONSIBILITIES OF°CITY`OFFI= CIALSAND 'EMPLOYEES;WITH RESPECT'tHERFTna PRAVInIkIf4 UUNIAININU A REPEALER` PROVISION,=SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE BATE: Said proposed ordinarices may be inspected by the public at the Of. fide of the City Cler c'3500 pan American Drive; Miami;' Florida, Mon day through Friday, exchiding' holidays; between the` -hours of, 8i0C amand 5:00 p:ni. All interested persons may.appear at the meeting and be heard with respect, to the proposed ordinances. 5hould'any person desire,to, ap record of the proceedings Is made'Inciuding all testimony and 'evL' dence upon which any appeal, may be based, MATTY HIRAI SEA CITY CLERK 2) CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 5131 a 0531 t2M P MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Supervisor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review We Miami Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC JUNE 9, 1994 RE: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EMERGENCY REPAIR, ETC. In the .......................... XOCXX.X................................... Court, was published In sold newspaper In the Issues of May 31, 1994 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the sold newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any pers or corporation any discou ,rebate, commissio fund or the purpose of secu g this advertisem o public Ion In the said news A Swom to and subscribed before -me this 31 Mar—)94 day of. ...,...R....,u............................... �A.D.19...... ..... ....... .- ...... ......,.uu,.....r. (SEAL) ..1�UA�: AGNES E. PENA Octelma NIA" IVM91949A l MiAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelme V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Supervisor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review flkla Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: AN ORD., WITH ATTACHMENT, AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI inthe.......................XXXX-X...................................... Court, was published in said newspaper In the Issues of May 31, 1994 Aftiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of.advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither pai or promised any rm or corporation any disc nt, rebate, comma n re d for the purpose of secPng_this advert t r ucatioIn the said new qr.L,7 p� , Sworn to and subscribed bef re me this a 94 31 D (.-1/7 .day f,...,`.................................�1.�A.D.19.... ' ?df>•F yN ..................... (SEAL) AG . PENA u IALiC STATE OF FLOI 11 NOTIICE OF ,ROPOgED ODDOA AANiC1 Notice Is hereby given that`the City -Commission of the City of Mir' aml, Florida, Will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on J 9 1994, commencing at 9:00 a.m. in the City Com- mission Cham e� Pan American Drive`, Miami, Florida ORDINANCE NO. Ant f)RnINANCF.wITH:ATTACHMENT. AMENDING THE:CODE CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE'OATE. �ORDIINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE i4MENDING:ORDlNANCE NO: �1139; AD( CLAUSE. ORDINANCE N0. AN,ORDINANCEAMENDING3; tCTI6N'63.1611 OFT HE GOD E`QF THE. CITY OF MIAMI. 'FLORIDA. AS:'AMENDED :.BY?,CHANGINQ THE SERVICES:';FURNISHED'.-.OR ``TO''BE. FURNISHED S`IN CONNECTION WITH THE MIAMI' CONVENTION `CENTER; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, SEVEhASILITY CLAUSE` AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVEDATE. Said! f the City Clerk, "pro posed ordinances may be Inspected by'the public at the OPlice o3500 Pan American Dive,° Miami, Florida Mon day through Friday, excluding holidays; between- the hours of 6 00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. All interested persons may,appeer of the meeting and be`heard with respect to tha proposed prdinarIces. Should any,person.deslre to .ap- be .considered at'this meeting, that person shall ensure' that a verbatim record of the prooeedings. is .made including all aestimony and � evi- donee upon'which any appeal may be based. {GiT4' or MATTY HIRAI i;E,ikL�j w CITY CLERK (#1277) (( CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA': 5/31 94.4-053141M lc� MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelma V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she is the Supervisor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: AN ORD. AMENDING ORD. NO. 11139, ADOPTED APRIL 14, 1994 Inthe........................X?{x•XX...................................... Court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of May 31, 1994 Afflant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office in Miami in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any pe9perthfirm or corporation any disco t, rebate, comml or ref nd for the purpose of sec ing this advertis a for pu Ilcation in the said new Sworn to and subscribed before me this ....3.d I� t.._......... .�... ........._........�D.19...... 9 4 (SEAL) y t'UBUC ST�AIM OF FLOR Octal maM-FOAoei 1)►tkBarin.CtDlimn106 CI4Y � NOTICE OF NeticA ia` hwrAhV 'hiVAl M11AMI '.FLORIDA ' IOPOSED Ohl1016 ANCE at the :City. Commission of the' Clty of M 3 following ordinances 6111seoontl and final immenciitg at,<6-00'a-h In the::.C(fy Come n'AmericAn bdve, Miami, Fiotidac. 171; :CONTAINING A; S�ERE CLAUSE, AND. PROVIDING F OIRt AN,ORDINANCE AMENDIN CLAUSE , •; OR[)IIjlANCE NO + . AN:ORDICANCE AMENDING SECTION 53-161 OF THE THE SERVICES.. FURNISHED' `OR TO BE :::FURNISHED IN CONNECTION WITH;, THE .:'.MIAMI _CONVENTIOW";10ENTER � CONTAINING A- REPEALER PROVISION, SEVERABILiT ''CLAUSE AND. PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE `` Said proposed ordinances may be Inspected by —the public iat the Ot flee of the City Clerk„ 3500 Pan Amerlcan`Dnve, MIamI, Flow, Mon- day through Friday, excluding .holidays, ,between the: houra of 8:00 a.m.'an. 5:00 p m All interested persons may, appear at the meeting'and be heard with respect to the;proposed.ordinapces. Should any'person det;ire to.a{r pail any decision of the City Ccmmissto►i with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall, ensure that a'verbatim' record of the; proceedings is made Including all testimony -'and evi= dance upon which any appeal may be based Of (CITY) :` +s MATTY IiIRAi SEAL CITY.CLERK (N1277) °+ �u c as CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 5131 94-4-053141 M MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Octelms V. Ferbeyre, who on oath says that she Is the Supervisor, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: AN ORD. AMENDING SECTION 53--161 Inthe ........................ 34X]{x.X...................................... Court, was published In said newspaper in the Issues of May 31, 1994 Attiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published at Miami in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Miami In said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of .advertisement; and afflant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any pervr irm or corporation any disco nt, rebate, commis r refu d for the purpose of seqdflng this advertis t r pub[ ation In the said no pa r .. .. Sworn to and subsc before me this 94 ....3. ay �....,, .... c• ••••••......... ........ ., A.D. ..... ..... ........ .....ER . .................. AG FNA (SEAL) N PUHit.I�CNSTTAh cci1E OF FLORIDA Octelma C fON FFoW-08 CIT1Y OF MIAMI FLORIDA NOTICE OF,IPR60diED OIt"DIwANCE,; Notice is heteby_glven that the City ContinhMIon bilthe'OIfy of,Mi am1, Florida; wi11 consider the' following bMlnsnces o'n 6ondJ antl flrief reading on June,9; 1994, comrnehcing'at 9:00.,Cml ih thi.-City Cori1 mission Chambers, 350D Pan American Orivef Miami, Florida . ORDINANCE NW-1— -- , CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN SIFFECTIVII CLAUSE t; tiRDINANCE'Id0 ` 1;*'AN,6901NANCE AMENDINtQ,RECTION, 53-16t' OF THE I Nh, .ltrlVlGtO:, .rUHrvl titU; ' Urt . + I V '- t3C runrvl�neu CONNECTION. WITH,' THE' MIAMI ;CONVENTION `.'', CENTEI CONTAiNiNG A REPEALER FROVISIO)J;'SEVERABILiTY.CLAUc AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVEOATE Said proposed or`d nartces,may be Inspected bythe public at the,( fice.of the.City.Clerk, 3500 Pan American,Drive;:Miamj, Florida Md day hrougi` Friday,,,excluding holidays,,, stween the hours of 81 a.m, and 5A0 p.m, Al interested persons m$y appear gt tha meeting and bo'heardwr Pecord otthe proceedings is made igcldding all testimony and eA d, ance upo, which any appeal.niay be based (CITY rW MATTY'HiRAI `SEAL) CITYCLERK . (11277) °+ -CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ' 94 4-063141 M