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Item #75 - Discussion Item
Submitted into fhe pizl.� �Io record in connection with M A T R I X I I I item__ Nutty Hirai Chapter 7 City Clerk THE ELECTRONIC MANIPULATION OF POPULATIONS There are two main aspects of the electromagnetic manipulation of human beings that need to be reviewed. The first one is the development of man-made electromagnetic fields and the effect on human beings. The second is the development of electromagnetic methodology for the deliberate control of the physiological, psychological and behavioral functions of human beings, mind control. We will discuss the research that reflects advanced mind control applications that has been done since the publication of Matrix II. Be sure that you have read the information in previous chapters. I. MAN-MADE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AND THEIR EFFECTS The supplementary electromagnetic fields that were super- imposed over the already existing natural electromagnetic phenomena began in the late 19th century. By 1882, Thomas Edison had set up the first generating station in the United States, transmitting low -voltage direct current (DC) to down- town New York. Around the same time period, Tesla developed the alternating current (AC) system -which was capable of transmitting greater power over longer distances. By 1894, Tesla's generators at Niagra Falls were in operation. By 1898, AC transmission lines 75 miles in length were in use in California. In 1890, Heinrich Hertz discovered that a spark gap would produce a spark at a similar gap a few feet away without being connected. Hertz would later be involved with several other scientists in the rewriting of Maxwells equations - an action that would severely limit human progress in the field of physics and electronics thereafter. In 1901, Marconi trans- mitted the letter "s" across the Atlantic ocean, followed by radio transmissions in 1918 from England to Australia. By the late 1920's, commercial radio transmissions had become common- place and electrical power of up to 200,000 volts was being transmitted over hundreds of miles by means of Tesia's tech- nology. Since World War II it is estimated that electric power and communication systems have been growing at between five and ten percent per year. New technologies have appeared which include cellular telephone networks and satellite relay stations - in short, the human population has been overwhelmed with a profusion of electromagnetic smog. Before 1900, the electromagnetic field of the Earth was composed of the GMF and its associated micropulsations, visible light, and random discharges of lightning. What was not realized by the ajority ISc_ USs,on1 0 2 8 5=-I r blyitle j into the public M T ISx record in connection with item on batty Hirai City Clerk or = wY W a= d Y W r J g R '6 } u Sy S Wz u �•V C u u 'L Y L: O "J S 52 S •C C V 3% E. rat 52 u • O tG s °� Q SHIMS N"MW x '� g u> } 3A+a tl3LiNItYN p W ^ 12 i u -ca u 3 OLMI 3ATMOtlaM R '^ w G p awa= R¢ �� R ' SNp1TalNntlga WvMONUSYM"Of R u y R p u a US "A .. S ys `sociti W 3taA Lhon xNasm MOMI p u .G V �• OM1ST30"m MY p i y1 ii _ SMOaT30ilOIATOINlN R R E u '. AN�fl73191 OIOYtl C a N G v .� V � N01133L3DNt101stlibNf111► R N u s LL '', TMAN3IW 3Atl311 TUMMIK¢ �' i 9 .0 •�,,, ¢ = d N A Sit3/SCs ALdfR VWAUR w S3AVMNM4 p' 3aM31134"n2VINUVW3 _ V V tr O � � '', SONlMf NNnftlt7C R o 33NWLSIO NOOIt HUM '9 O 3SY1r 1UM31 �—�3S �/w 1piK iNfl13'13A V "r y '� :; O �• SNOIL-*Nu 73MJCb0row p —31Mrt •C �� �` u � '�'• a � 3aNTis10 NtiS •N 1tlT3 N q u E.' ^ „V„ V AIIAUT JMW UnOWn-Ann ¢ iDH M31SAS Atl'1'13NTid 1 C .- N n R C AA'u h 31+TAtla331S 1 NO11TAOtl 041tlT3 —A w •� vN.. 9 � SiSN3N 317163 tlTNt51 A1' .�,NL l7 Me SNOIiTtlOM 31W Vf —WaA V > u C R SVTIs LSSOVI" +n u q a 1313A3 1WlCNfis 02 8 6 ''4- 346.1 Subxr ', '_. ad into t?te public record in connectic)n with M A T R r X r r r item._ 4__on of people was that the exposure of living organisms 1�.utty ,�,iirai tc�ity Clerk abnormal electromagnetic fields results in significant abnormalities, both in physiology and behavior. 11 Electrical power systems operate at 50-60 cps, just above the highest naturally occurring frequency of 30 cps. Micro- wave systems operate at billions of cycles per second and are rapidly getting closer to the trillion -cycle frequencies of visible light. The previously empty electromagnetic spectrum between these two extremes was filled with man-made radiation in less than 80 years. When man began to make use of the electromagnetic spectrum, it was recognized that it could be generally divided 1 into two areas. Frequencies below those of visible light lacked the power to produce ionization of the .chemical structures of the body and were called non -ionizing radiation. Frequencies higher than visible light contained enough energy to damage physical organisms: ionizing radiation caused the formation of free radicals within an organism and other damaging effects. Because non -ionizing radiation appeared to lack the ability to produce these effects, it was assumed that j it had no biological effect. In fact, it was assumed that any biological effect that was not the result of ionization was the result of heat, since it was discovered that frequencies of about 27 million cycles (27 MHz) and higher produced i heating of tissues. The dividing Vine for the production of heating effects was set at'27 MHz. In 1953, Dr. John McLaughlin, a medical officer for the Hughes Aircraft Corporation, identified cases of unexplained bleeding, leukemia, and brain tumors among workers exposed to low -strength microwaves. Since most of the Hughes contracts were military contracts, it turned the problem over to the military. In 1955, the British journal Nature reported that a short exposure to pul.sed, 27 MHz radio signals produced abnormalities in the cells of the growing root tips of plants; it was the same frequency, 27 MHz, that had been assigned to the medical profession for use in radiowave therapy. The study was ruthlessly criticized. Within ten years, other researchers reported the same results at the FDA. Others reported finding the same effect at "non -thermal" levels. Creation of "Safety Standards" In 1950's, the Department of Defense recognized the necessity for adoption of some sort of standards for exposure to microwaves. This led directly to the establishment of the Tri-Services Program, which was based at the Rome Air Development Center in Rome, New York, and given the task of determining this standard. Reports of non -thermal effects were pretty much ignored despite their obvious implications, and the military continued If 0 2 8 7 34- 346.1 Submitted --ito the ptz'.Fa.i.o record in connection vvith M A iTeA I--�+y-- QI MQtty 11,ial to dominate the field with their view thagikbrQ)t'khg radiation was the only dangerous radiation and that there were no bio- logical effects other than "thermal effects". However, some "safety standard" had to be developed for the thermal effects. On the basis of theoretical calculations, it was postulated that microwave exposure at 100 milliwatts (mW) to an area of 1 square centimeter of body surface would exceed the ability of the blood circulation to carry away the heat produced, and local tissue heating would occur. By 1957, the military adopted a standard for exposure to microwaves of 10MW/cm2. In 1966, the American National Standards Institute adopted the same standard for recommended civilian exposure for occupational purposes. This is all that is generally known by most people about the creation of the ANSI standard for exposure of iOmW/cm2. A little more digging, however, revealed a little more of the covert aspects behind the development of this so-called "standard". The generally proposed 10mW/CM2 EMR exposure limit was done under the Tri-Services program based on the work of Professor Herman P. Schwan, a former Nazi scientist who entered the United States in 1947 under Project Paperclip. Schwan created a "model" in 1953 using metal balls and flasks of salt to simulate the human body. With little debate or experimentation, industry and the military accepted the results of Schwans experiments as representing a true picture of thermal effects. Adoption of the standard by ANSI is remarkable since Schwan consistently maintained that his dosage limit was safe =�+ for probably no more than an hour. (Becker, R.O., and Selden, G. (1985), The Body Electric, New York: Morrow); (Schiefel- bein, S. (1979), "The Invisible Threat. The Stifled Story of Electric Waves", Saturday Review, 15 September, p16-20). There were persuasive economic reasons why the 10,000-microwatt [=10mW/cm2] standard was and still is defended at all costs. Lowering it would have curtailed the expansion of military Electromagnetic Research and cut into the profits of the corporations that supplied the hardware. A reduced standard that was safe would constitute an admission that the old one was unsafe, leading to liability for damage claims from ex -GIs and industrial workers. One of the strong- est monetary reasons was given in a 1975 classified summary of the Department of Defense Tri-Service Electromagnetic Radiation Bioeffects Research Plan: "Lower standards will significantly restrict the military use of EMR in a peacetime environment and require the procure- ment of substantial real estate around ground -based EMR emitt- 0 2 8 8 t,4- 346,1 I Submiff-d into the public record in connection with M A T R I X I fteTn N 1 on Matly .Hirai eik ers to provide buffer zones". The needed real estate wasX elti- mated at that time to be 498,000 acres. The price of the land would surely run into billions of dollars. (Becker and Selden, p305) In 1982, ANSI "reviewed" reviewed the original 10mW/cm2 standard and revised it in light of "new knowledge". This time, great attention was paid to the theoretical relationship between the wavelength of a radio signal and the length of the human body. If we say that the average human body is six feet in length, then the frequency range of 80 to 100 MHz would overlap both above and below six feet. This frequency just happens to over -lap the 88 - 108 MHz FM frequency band. Again, with nothing more than theory, ANSI adopted a new "standard" that was frequency dependent but was still based on the "thermal -effects" concept alone. In 1984, The Environmental Protection Agency was on the point of proposing a standard of 100uW/cm2 but was -forced to back down under pressure from its own policy office. In 1988, the EPA announced that it was postponing its decision indefinitely (Microwave News, Sept/Oct 1988). Even if the ANSI, which is composed of key researchers for industry and the military, adopted a standard which was designed to limit exposure to reasonable levels, the ANSI standards are recommendations, not -provisions that are en- forceable. There exist no enforceable standards in the U.S. for the limitation of electromagnetic radiation. Some states have adopted certain limitations through their legislatures, but those limitations are within ANSI guidelines. Its sort of like asking the fox to guard the henhouse. Despite the denial by the military and the government of biological effects.from non -ionizing radiation, in 1974 the Office of Naval Research began collecting published scientific reports from around the world in the general area of "bio- logical effects of non -ionizing radiation" and publishing abstracts as a digest. This digest is still being published. The University of Washington Study Dr. Arthur Guy, a former consultant for ANSI, participated in a $5 million study at the University of Washington that was funded by the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine in the early 19801s. It was a $5 million study that backfired. The study was to determine if their were potential hazards human beings from chronic exposure to microwave radiation. In the study, Guy used gnotobiotic rats, meaning that they were considered germ and virus free. This fact alone was one of the reasons for the excessive cost. All of the animals use, both experimental and control animals, were gnotobiotic. 0 2 8 9'4- 346.1 Subxn:iite d Intc, 010, Ma.c'IL; i@CO3 ' �lll G':;al :i t:?C;i 3 an � irlth �,j� s is1 qd, item '--- =�-� -.. �� :z _MSA x I I I • Ma.Ffi�T iizrai City Clerk In this study, rats were continuously exposed to high - frequency microwaves of 2.45 GHz (billion Hz) at a field strength of .5MW/cm2, twenty times lower than the "safe" thermal level. One hundred fifty-five measurements of health and behavior were collected. According to Guy, there were primary malignant tumors that developed in eighteen of the exposed animals but in only five of the controls. Guy made the attempt to get around the results of the test by saying that the results were "not statistically significant or came and went, suggesting that they may be due -to chance." The use of "germ -free" animals in the experiments would seem odd, because we live in world surrounded by organisms. An experiment on germ -and -virus free animals has no relevance to, the real world. Present evidence seems to indicate that at least 20% of human cancers are caused by viral infection, and this percentage appears to be even higher in animals. Therefore, animals that are maintained to be gnotobiotic should have an incidence of cancer that is much lower than expected. It is also well established that exposure to any abnormal electromagnetic field produces a stress response,. If the exposure is prolonged, the stress response system becomes exhausted, and the competency of the immune system declines to below normal. In such a state, animals and humans are more susceptible to cancer and infectious diseases. One can only conclude that the experiment was deliberately designed to sharply reduce the incidence of cancer and infectious diseases in the exposed animals. There can be no other reason for the requirement that the animals be gnoto- biotic. In Guy's study, the fact that the experimental animals had a lower -than -normal incidence of cancer was totally expected. What was unexpected by Guy was that even with this protection, the cancer incidence in the animals exposed to' microwaves was four times that in the control animals. The well -designed experiment that should have "proved" that "microwaves are safe" fell into its own trap, and the nature of the trap is revealed by the types of cancer that occurred in the experimental group. These were mainly limited to cancers of the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands. The experiment was designed to prevent the results of stress, but the planners forgot that it would produce stress. Because stress resistance is connected with the glands just mentioned, we must conclude that microwave exposure produced an extremely high level of stress. If the animals had been normal instead of germ -free, they would have died long before the close of the experiment. This project was reported in the July -August 1984 issue of Microwave News. Another oops! for the govern- ment. Microwaves and Genetic Effects In 1983, studies by the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health reported that sperm production in male 02 9 0 346.1 Subzn�Ye4 i into the public, _ record i` In,h�c:��rs.xyic4i.gp evitP ? I item ... ��N�--- on c' !�._ . MQtty Hirai mice exposed to non -thermal lvfrkmicrowaves decreased and was accompanied by significant abnormal changes in the structure of the chromosomes of the sperm. Researchers E. Manikowska-Czerska, P. Czerska, and W. Leach concluded that chromosomal abnormalities were produced by microwave exposure at dose rates far below those producing a heating effect. They noted that the mechanism appeared to be a direct effect of the microwaves on the chromosomes themselves. In a recent study, doctors at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital surveyed 69,277 newborn infants and identified infants with major developmental malformations. Some of these had no family history of problems, and the malformations appeared to be the result of spontaneous mutations. The infants were born during the years 1972-1975 and 1979-1985; it appears at this time that at least 30 percent of genetic developmental defects in human infants are the result of some external cause. Vernon, New Jersey is a small town of about 25,000, but it is fifth in the nation for the number of microwave transmitters. The incidence of Downs Syndrome cases in Vernon is 1000% above the national average. f A possible explanation for the production of genetic effects by microwaves is that the wavelengths of the micro- wave radiation may be small enough _to have a resonant effect on the DNA molecule or the chromosomes. In 1988, Dr. Reba Goodman reported at a meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society that the effects appeared to be different for different frequencies, and that they also differed depending on the type of cell exposed. Both ELF and microwave radiation have the capability to influence genetic material during the _ process of cell division. There are even indications that DC fields -can influence mitosis and chromosomal patterns. Microwaves and Brain Tumors During the years between 1940 and 1977, there was an un- precedented increase in the use of microwaves. During that same period, the incidence of primary brain tumors rose I between 1.70 to 2.00 per 100,000 people. ELF Radiation From Powerlines While only a portion of the population is exposed to microwave radiation, most of the population is exposed to the 60 Hz fields given off by the electrical web that surrounds the population. The 60 Hz electric power frequency lies within the band termed "extremely low frequency" (ELF), which covers the region from zero (DC) to 100 Hz. It was formerly 0291 _ 346,1 Submitted into tale public record in with item .$ U ti. _! I .M A T. R I X I I I 114"'I t y Hirai Cit ' Clerk considered impossible for an ELF field to have any biological effect; the wavelengths average about 3,000 miles. These ELF fields, however, have some interesting properties. They may be transmitted over great distances through the ionospheric cavity, a factor that played a part in Project Sanguine. This project was instituted by the Navy, using huge antenna arrays designed to operate at either 45 Hz or 70 Hz in order to have communication with the submarine fleet as far away as the Indian Ocean. A large antenna was constructed at Clam Lake in Wisconsin, and studies were done to gauge the effects on nearby humans - a study that was completed in 1973. It was found that a one -day exposure to the field produced a significant increase in the serum-triglyceride levels in 90% of the people studied. Serum-triglyceride levels are increased by the stress response and are related to fat and cholesterol metabolism. The power field strength from Project Sanguine was a million times smaller than that of the field produced by the ulta--high voltage (275 Kva and above) transmission lines that criss-cross the country. After the meeting to discuss the results, the Navy denied that the meeting had ever taken place and insisted that it had no knowledge of any scientific studies indicating possible harm to human beings from the operation of the Sanguine system. The results of chronic exposure to 60 Hz electric fields are many. British studies are far more numerous and more widely published than American studies. Dr. Stephen Perry, who worked for the British National Health Service as a family practice physician in a rural area of England reported that he had observed that his patients who lived near electric power lines appeared to have a higher incidence of mental disturbances and suicide. This was not well received by various authorities. There were subsequent epidemiological studies which. confirmed the data, and the findings were published in 1976. A second study was published in 1979. Dr. Nancy Wertheimer, an epidemiologist at the University of Colorado, was examining the possible relationship between the magnetic field from electrical lines (not the high -voltage lines we previously discussed, but the secondary lines that are strung everywhere). She made a startling discovery: 60 Hz magnetic fields with strengths of only 3 milligauss ( three - thousands of a Gauss - the Earths magnetic field averages .5 Gauss) were statistically related to the incidence of child- hood cancers. This field strength is many times smaller, as mentioned above, than the Earths normal magnetic field strength, and it is far below the average strength of 100 mG at a distance of approximately 50 feet from the standard transmission line. Wertheimer published her data in 1979. Her paper was immediately subjected to bitter criticism, solely on the disbelief that it could be true. 02 9 2 "4- 346.1 i record irr c, . ,_ u M A r R r x r r r item s_ ors MrAtty Hirai New York State did a SCUOY WfeYkOwer lines costing $500, J 000 that was conducted over a five-year period. The New York State Department of Health decided to have Dr. David Savitz of the University of North Carolina repeat the Wertheimer study. After five years, Savitz obtained the same results as Wertheimer. He reported that 20% of childhood cancers appeared to be produced by exposure to 3-milligauss power frequency magnetic fields. The results of the New York State Power -Lines Project were released in 1987. It contained this information as well as information which indicated that power -frequency fields had significant behavioral and central nervous system effects, as well as a stimulating effect on cancer cell growth. For the Public Service Commission, the results of this study were a real embarrassment. The magnetic field at the edge of the right-of-way (ROW), about fifty feet away from the standard 345 Kv transmission line, averages 100 milliguass. These lines constitute the bulk of the transmission lines in the United States. If a 3-milligauss standard were applied, the ROW around almost all transmission lines would have to be considerably enlarged. In addition, many of the distribution lines (secondaries) generate similar strength fields in adjacent residences, and their power would have to be significantly reduced. The Public Service Commission, in a dizzying flight from reality, set a "safe" level of 100 milli gauss, claiming that the public had "accepted this level of risk", which was nonsense. The public had been unaware of any risk before these studies became common knowledge, and even after the public was told that while some risks might be present, "further research was necessary", a phase that is repeated in countless areas where the health of the public is endangered by irresponsible, irrational, and power-hungry bureaucrats. The public was never asked if it accepted any such risk. = An interesting part of this picture is that the govern- ment continually performs studies about the effects of electro magnetic radiation exposure, discovers negative effects, and then ignores the results and denies the studies were ever done, which might be a further indication that sometime way in the last, the "powers -to -be" carefully guided the choice of these frequencies to promote the decimation of the population. An interesting thought. In 1986, the Navy entered the i picture again. The Office of Naval Research supported an international study, called Project Henhouse, to study the effects of ELF pulsed fields. In June of 1988, the results of this study were reported at a meeting of the Bioelectro- magnetics Society. Five of the six laboratories reported that "apparently, very low-level, very -low -frequency, pulsed magnetic fields contribute to increased abnormality incidence in early embryonic chicks." It is clear that magnetic fields as small as 1 milliguass have the potential to produce developmental abnormalities. i 0 2 9 3 '4- 345, i Subrn tied iiit.-) the public recora in c�c .�.:.� :c:ti©nM 1 R I X I I I item _bj_.Q _ __ Gza I q MoTty Hirai It appears that O�y (;)tqkspeci f i c functional systems in the organism are primarily influenced by this type of field exposure. These are the brain and the growing tissues of the body, including fetal tissues and cancerous growths. The effects on the brain are mainly functional - for example, behavioral abnormalities, learning disabilities, altered bio- logical cycles, and activation of the stress response system. In growing tissues, field exposure promotes the growth of cancer cells and increases the incidence of developmental defects in newborns. Other Cases Where Authorities Have Been Notified of Hazards and Taken No Action In the early 1970's, Dr. William Morton of the Oregon Health Sciences University was asked by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to look into am excessive incidence of adenocarcinoma among residents of a Portland neighbor- hood that contained an unusual concentration of broadcast towers. The project was expanded to study the relationship between EPA measurements of FM radio fields in Portland and the incidence of several types of cancer found in the same area. A significant relationship was found between field intensity in the FM band and the incidence of non -lymphatic leukemia. The EPA took no action on the report. In 1986, doctors Anderson and Henderson of the Hawaii Department of Health surveyed Honolulu according to census tract areas. They found that in eight out of nine areas containing broadcast towers, the incidence of cancers of all types was significantly higher than in adjacent census tracts that did not have broadcast towers. No action has been taken by the State of Hawaii Department of Health. Modulation is the Secret All of the above reports deal with electromagnetic fields at opposite ends of the non -ionizing portion of the electro- magnetic spectrum. The power -frequency fields oscillate at less than 100 cps, while the microwaves oscillate much faster It is apparent now that the types of biological effects that are associated with each are virtually identical. Modulation is the secret of transmitting information by means of electromagnetic fields. In microwaves, the high - frequency signal is modulated at low frequencies. Microwaves that are un-modulated have no such effect. The two types of modulation that are biologically important are pulsed modulation and amplitude modulation. In AM radio, for example, the radio receiver "demodulates" the signal, removing the "carrier" radio-frequency wave, which preserves the modulation that we perceive as voice or music. 02 9 4 04- 346.1 Subxnitfod into record in conn.�, .M)11 with MA TRIX III item. on It appears that the h G can also demodulate the signal when exposed to modulated radio -frequency (RF) or microwave fields; the biological effect is that of the low -frequency vibration. All biological effects from electromagnetic radiation are produced by ELF frequencies. The body systems that pick up the electromagnetic signal are "tuned" to the natural frequencies between 0 Hz and 30 Hz. These systems will sense abnormal fields that are -close to this range (between 30 Hz and 500 Hz). The systems then produce an abnormal effect. Microwave radar pulsed at 50 Hz would have the same biologicaieffect as a 60 Hz field alone, which explains the identical effects seen at ELF and microwave frequencies. It also indicates that all intervening frequencies (VLF, AM radio, FM radio and television) will have the same biological effects. Generally speaking, the biological effects from all man-made electromagnetic fields could be categorized as follows: * Effects on growing cells, such as increases in the rate of cancer -cell division. * Increases in the incidence of certain cancers. * Developmental abnormalities in embryos * Alterations in neurochemicals, resulting in behavioral abnormalities, such as suicide, depression, etc. * Alterations in biological cycles. • Stress responses leading to depression in the human immune system. * Alterations in learning ability. According to studies done at the University of Chicago by Dr. Samuel Epstein, since 1975,there have been the follow- ing increases in the incidence of specific types of cancers: Lymphoma, Myeioma, Melanoma 100% Breast Cancer 31% Testicular Cancer 97% Pancreatic Cancer 20% Kidney Cancer 142% Colon Cancer 63% These increases parallel the increase in the ambient electromagnetic field in the past ten to fifteen years, and might also relate to the increase in type and quantities of chemicals added to the food, water, and environment. The medical monopoly is literally "making a killing", and nothing is being done to curb this insane approach by the people who "manage" human society. 0 'J . Submitted into the publicA T R I X III record in connection with item —NLL� on— S ts_ q 4 Miatty Tiirai City Jerk Analog MsdulalVgVia" • o sle+e-wove corner Ammplltude-Noduboled V..... • E I sine -move carrier Frequency-Fbdulated Wove Pulse -Amplitude Modulation •onguon MR I no a c Ilmme pulse pulse -width pulse -position barrier modulation modulation dot H �Idot dash — start) Islop � Ie W A dash puw l 1 0 1 0 1 pulse 1 0 e1Hte► R horse code cable code teleprinter code binary code Pulse_code Wdulolion Information Transfer —Modulation Oscillations and resonances happen in any structure, like rattles in cars. -They only become useful when they are interrupted in a coherent manner to convey information. This process is called modulation. This figure shows the many ways in which the modulating wave at the top, can be impressed on a carrier oscillation. The carrier must be highly coherent so as not to change spontaneously during the longest modulation period. A train of pulses can also act as a carrier of modulation, and the pulses can be coded to transfer information. 0296 4- 346,1 I I 11 I 11 M A T I X I I I Submitted into the pA11a. record in comacticn with item on .. � Matty Hirai Cii,j Clerk PMAsr -MATI&JSAIP3 sum W IN WAVE MOTIOM 50NMD �, FEW OF EITHER CACGVSTiCAL) P&MAGS ,•M,.. a«...�.. op RA wo FRzquGticl °e"° RF1 ELE.CTIROI AG#JOnc ($1 ti WAVES. r � ve Y9rHE,� •»+6 PHASE oR TIME I NTZXVAL. 0,9 2 bt AIOR" SIGAIALS 15 PULSED Tile WIVES AE SAW 70 AC: D11Mr..r ,�•_..,� flak is DOME To AITV �� b2 CMAJJ&G TA6 OVER- S&WM ALL FAZquvrJICV, fij o� no rMw TMZ SIG�vAt:►. A�.s� a„M•~ k,A OWY AS FREQUSNCY MoDUTATIU,� 2?0.� 3 cut*# ,� �.M AMPuruDE (Pawex) A, I. R&ATIOUSIRA5 q� .ro0�.t.enrri.r� w WAVES. (a) COMBIIward A CAMER WAVE rxnr naa�+�t � AOFs T06 MO.D- ". uutroa. R,UIUMI vas Is H0v1 ,nrw1.1.0nrrAr (e) jM4CEAL9 D". s .rwew.u�..�•. w 4:81 /5 w lu ma's A, t 1 cararAIM1111 CAU SD /A./ _A, J FiV9arTV S16- (C) WMMW Mdwwwr (iZF� fK. � AnwMw. �.ow.1iM N . «w..«. ew6w {.1 WS .+un...M.1tln, wl 100% msw6.,p., and IVALS Mr . lw*M ...yna1. wW • CC) 5ft nwW.wn Vr«* M Sl�.et.M.wlr+.r+ ri..rr, r��rwea 1!S]1 0297 Q_ 346.1 M A T R I X I I I Submitted into the public record in connection with item.._ on ? 1? Imo• Matty Hirai AA� JAA, J/((���' )AA,)`'� I��;�� Y���� M� �r��/y►�►M�rry�C����,�++i�/mry��.Clerk Y �W UWI , ' �. .V`.Y'M' .Y.WMk", ' V Y ��a�r�':U`.U:V.V.V'lt•V V V U'l' IiU vW TIIUi�`4':1tiV>�1!`'U''�l� - Y IU iU:UN'lY �f Y V ii► �IW�'W'Y'It Y lil i1f�1AhUW Y Y U �I�I�W� Diagram of a beat frequency which is the function resulting from the difference in period of two component -frequencies. Q. A B b. A B C. A B 8 This diagram indicates types of feedback:: a. mutual interaction, b. positive feedback and, c. negative feedback. p 2 9 8 ;4- 346.( El Subn1.1t1C;::., -,11. 1?1(.1 P11 Aic record in -o' ii'l--c 7on with M A r R r x r r r item �. can ...._ �'�,3 . NTatty Hirai Report On Stat k*1W-Varying EM Fields In 1987, the 14orld Health Organization and the International Radiological Protection Association completed a 10 year study that included a committee of experts from 13 countries. The 1987 report concluded that there.is "an urgent need" for research to resolve the suspected link between very weak ELF fields and cancer. The report states that the sus- pected carcinogenic effects of ELF magnetic fields occurs at 0.1-luT, which is near to extrapolations of an onset _threshold based on the work of Savitz, Wertheimer and Leeper. References: Savitz,D.A (1986/7)"Childhood cancer and EM field Exposure" NYSPLP, Appx 15, New York, New York., State of New York Department of Health, July 1, 1987 Savitz, D.A. (1988), "Cancer and EM Field Exposure", American Journal.of Epidemeology, Vol 128, p21-38. Wertheimer, N. and Leeper, E. (1989), American Journal of Epidemeology, Vol 120, p18-25 Wertheimer and Leeper, (1988) Microwave News, Jan/Feb World Health Organization (1984), ELF Fields, Environmental Health Criteria Series No.35, Geneva, WHO World Health Organization (1987), Magnetic Fields, EHC Series No. 69, Geneva WHO/IRPA "Electromagnetic Man: Health and Hazard in the Electrical Environment", Cyril W. Smith and Simon Best, 1989, St. Martins Press, New York. Chapters on Basic Concepts, Human Biology and Electromagnetic Fields, Electrical Sensitivity and Allergy, Electromagnetic Environmental Pollution, Chronic Field Exposure, Health Risks and Safety Regulations. "Cross Currents- The Perils of Electroaollution", Robert 0. Becker, 1990, St. Martins Press, New York. Chapters on the Internal Direct -Current Control System of the Human Body, Electrical connections to cancer, Effects of eiectro- 0 2 9 9 94- 346,1 Subm.t.t.;.�:. i.n. s the putbli.0 record c�ul-1-:: Gti,".n with item _..�..�.....�. on _. '��'�T R r• x r r r Mcttty Hirai CjtyCierk ,( magnetic fields an radiation on morphogenetic fields, magnetic fields and biology, biological resonance, magnetic resonance, magnetic fields and cell division, electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, risk/benefit ratios, dose rate considerations, ambient fields, field measurement, long-term frequency/microwave solutions, military uses of the electromagnetic spectrum. "The Zapping of America- Microwaves, their deadly risk. and the Cover-up", Paul Brodeur, 1977, John Wiley and Sons. Information on the hygienic, environmental and physio- logical effects of microwave radiation. "The Body Electric- Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life", 1985, Robert 0. Becker, M.D. and Gary Selden. �i Articles In the "New Yorker" Magazine, June 12, 19, and �I a, 1989, "Annals of Radiation: Hazards of Electro- magnetic Fields". I "Currents of Death: The Attempt to Cover up the Threat to Your Health", 1989, Simon and Schuster, New York. EFFECTS OF ELF/ULF ON BIOSYSTE14S ELF fields are extremely low frequency magnetic fields with a range of 1 - 100 cps that can affect biological l systems. In spite of their weak power ( 2 x 10-9 Telsa per I second, compared with a horseshoe magnet which is .1 Tessa- __ per second), they are capable of affecting the human i biological system in a most profound way. Human Effects of ELF/ULF In the presence of the protein kinases in the nuclei of the cell, the ELF interacts with the DNA molecule itself. It can "turn on" or "turn off" any gene, once the correct fre- quency is known. For example, one frequency can cause cancer in a rat in two days. Another can reverse the process. One frequency can cause depression in humans by causing the release of cholinergic neuropeptides in the brain. Still another frequency can cause anxiety; a third can motivate mob behavior, and so forth. It can be done from any point on the planet. The foundation of how ELF can do what it does is that external magnetic fields can control biological spin and proton coupling constants in DNA, RNA, RNA tranferases and hydrons ( Hz O) . 0 3 0 0 94- 346.1 Submitted into the public record. imMct!z Kd*tJraiY wilhr I item on _ S" R j M, cAtty Hirai ! City Clerk U.S. Navy Resu7.ts of ELF Tests According to the U.S.Navy, which conducted secret testing for seven years (partial results were released in August of 1984), the following effects of E.L.F. have been reproduced in numerous laboratory tests, repeatedly: 1.Alteration of the behavior of cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. 2.Alteration of hormone levels. 3.Alteration of cellular chemistry. i 4.Alteration of time perception in animals and humans. i 5.Induction-of sleep in animals. 6.Inhibition or enhancement of bone growth. 7.Inhibition or enhancement of cell differentiation. S.Inhibition or enhancement of protein kinase production. r t 9.Inhi•bition or enhancement of M(RNA) synthesis/'processes. 10.Alteration of the immune system processes. 1 11.Alteration of the calcium bonding and efflux in cells. i 12.Destruction and rupture of cellular structure. � 13.Entrainment of human and animal brainwaves. 14.Entrainment of the DNA transaction process. {� 15.Cause defects and alterations in embryos. i j 16.Cause accelerated fetal mortality rates. 17.Cause sterility. 18.Promote non-invasive genetic engineering by causing the production of auto -adjusting antibodies that will cause the generation of viruses within the body. 19.Cure of diseases by alteration of cellular frequencies. 19 0301 _ _.... 94-- 346,I Submitted i,,A-) the public record in connection with item on M A T R I X 11 1 Ma ttY .Hirai CiNt rkNAL ELF CAPABILITIES Much of the work on Ultra -low -frequencies was done and continues to be done by the Navy and Dr. Jose Delgado in Spain has produced an additional list of capabilities that are in the hands of the military and'intelligence agencies; 20.Creation of fatigue states. 21.Creation of state of depression. 22.Creation of cataracts and eye problems. �23.Creation of irritability and anger states. 24.General alteration of moods. 25.Creation of compulsive behavior patterns. 26.Creation of states of sexual aggressiveness. 27.Creation of havoc in circadian rhythms. 28.Creation of fear and disorientation. 29.Creation of sleep disorders and insomnia. 30.Creation periods of short and long-term memory loss. 31.Creation of leukemia and cancer. 32.Creation of catatonic (zombie -like) states (15 min). 33.Creation of violent states and criminal behavior patterns. Funding for Mi7itary Research into DNA Absorption of Microwaves In 1986, the U.S.Air Force funded a project costing over $120,000 at King's College, London. The project was run by Professor Edward Grant, and had to do with the effects of microwaves on human DNA. Much of the US work on DNA absorption is being funded by the U.S. Navy, while British and Swedish research contracts on the subject are paid by the U.S. Air Force. 0302 9'4- 346.I Submitted into -41he public record in connect c-m V WIr R .r I x x I 1!9,) 43 item on ..:� 4 . Matty Hirai AY,6j OTOJW1STDVG ELF USAGE 1. Natural ELFs: Natural ELF waves are produced by the Earth's micropulsations, including Vortex Intersection Pulses (at the intersection of ley lines) and geological Tectonic Fault pulses. The natural pulse of the Earth is the Schumann Resonance frequency of 7.85 cps. The natural pulses of the Earth are not electromagnetic waves. They are asymmetric harmonic pulsations of the geomagnetic field. i 2. Artificial ELF's: Artificial ELFs are created by the man- made electromagnetic grid, which consists of power lines, industrial electric sources, appliances, etc. The penetrat- ing power of these ELF waves is directly proportional to their amplitude (voltage and power). They decrease in power (attenuate) inversely as tre square of the distance from { the source. They do not carry programmed information. 3. Tactical ELFs: Tactical ELF waves are created by tele- vision, radio, communications, radar, microwave, cellular telephone, etc. The power range is usually in the Megawatt (millions of cycles per second) or Gigawatt (billions of cycles per second). These ELFs (magnetic components of the j transmissions) do carry information and are modulated at 16-20 Hz and at classified modulation rates. Carriers are very often in the FM range (147 -160 MHz) but also in �. other frequencies not generally known to the public. Both the type of modulation and the fact that "frequency hopp- ing" occurs is not generally known by the public. These ( ELF magnetic waves can penetrate anything. Attempts to stop the waves using Faraday cages has been unsuccessful. A possible solution is to create a neutralizing pulsing fmagnetic field to counteract the pulsing magnetic fields 'comprising the ELF. Based on the above information and our research on the matter, it is concluded that the chemical and germ warfare prosed by Colonel Tom Bearden was not the real threat to the American public from the Russians. The real threat was in the Tactical ELF emanations from the Russians and the United States government. Research appears to indicate that the phenomenology of ELFs and Scalar Wave technology is almost identical. We know that Colonel Beardens technical information is correct, but his emphasis against the Russians is orchestrated disinformation. It is the United States military and the "intelligence" community that is now forcing the issue of electronic mind control on an unsuspecting American public. 03 0 3• �4- 346.1 Submitted it �.l.0 Public record in con.iaecbun with. 1.ki M A T R I X I I I item on _54 Matty ]Hirai 'he MMQ4,C /cm2 Standard and The Cover-up The electromagnetic capabilities of the military, because of the Tri-Services Program and the work of Professor Schwan, were designed around the 10mW/cm2 standard and, once in place, it had to be defended against the discovery of nonthermal biological effects. The recognition and validation of these effects would mean the collapse of the entire military (and industrial) electromagnetic capabilities of command, control and communications. It quickly became apparent that evidence for non -thermal effects was viewed as a threat to "national security". This view led to the policy of denying any non - thermal effects from any electromagnetic usage, whether military or civilian. Control over the scientific establish- ment was maintained by allocating research funds in such a way as to ensure that only "approved" projects (that would not challenge the thermal -effects standard) would be undertaken. Science as a field has always been a bit reactionary, and this tendency was capitalized upon by the military by en- listing the support of prominent members of the engineering and biological professions to support this deception. In some instances, scientists have been told that non -thermal effects did occur, but that national security objectives required that they be hidden from public knowledge. The personal goals of many scientists were subverted by promises of unlimited fund- ing from the military and easy access under "classified" programs to scientific literature not made available to the public or mainstream scientists. Because of this collusion, when serious challenges to the thermal -effects standard were raised publicly, eminent scientific boards, associations, or foundations were provided with lucrative "contracts" to "evaluate" the state of know- ledge of the bioeffects of EM fields. These "investigations" resulted in the production of voluminous "reports". The practice is still going on. All these "reports" seem to share certain characteristics. Scientific data indicating non -thermal bioeffects is either ignored or subjected to extensive and destructive review. Scientists (even Nobel prize nominees) who reported the existence of non -thermal effects were ridiculed and were portrayed as being outside the mainstream of thought. Actual disinformation was used to create a false impression. For example, while a statement such as "there is no evidence for any effects of pulsed magnetic fields on humans" might be true for the person making the statement, data reporting such effects on animals would be ignored and tests on humans would never be sanctioned through regular scientific channels, but would be performed under the scrutiny of DARPA or covert scientific groups having close connections with the'Navy or intelligence factions, who would be conducting such research for nefarious purposes. Notice the parallels in the methodology of this "coverup" with what has 03 0 4 1`4- 346.1 Submit ed into the public record in connection with M A T R I X I I I item N(&--_ n1z Mait7"fi rii'v C'1PY1t ELMROMAGuI~TICIRF GRID ACCPOSS U.S.A. iyC1.LZ;MC2 FrMfLF— Uwr s . MICRowAvss jA o/®IL ELFIULF, CAU 8c ' EAUL I YZAMSMITTCD m/SrANTLy AcaosS coummy, W JE TUE ELF IMICRO- WAVE GRID ACCR05 S TRAYSMITTEZS !A/ THE LJ. S o 03 0 6 04- 346.1