HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1994-04-28 Marked AgendaMAYOR STEPHEN P. yK VICE MAYOR MILLER J. DAWKINS COMMISSIONER VICTOR DE YURRE COMMISSIONER WIFREDO (WILLY) GORT COMMISSIONER J.L. PLUMMER JR. CITY M GER CESAR H. ODIO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: APRIL 28, 1994 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL PLANNINti & ZONING CITY COMMISSION MEETING * * THIS MEETING SHALL CONVENE AT 3:00 PM THIS'PRINTED AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING IN THE FOLLOWING PORTIONS OF THIS AGENDA: 'CONSENT AGENDA", "PUBLIC HEARINGS", OR "PUBLIC DISCUSSION" IS INVITED TO DO SC AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY CLERK OF HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME -THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. * * * * * * * * * * * * Should any person desire to appeal ary decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. The City Commission has established a policy that Commission meetingswill adjourn at the conclusion of deliberat`ons on the agenda item being considered at 9:00 PM. (Resolution No. 87-115) FOR ADOPTED LEGISLATION NOT APPEARING AS PART OF THIS PRINTED AGENDA, KINDLY PC-FER TO THI CITY CLERK'S REPORT, ATTACHED HERETO. PART "A": NON -PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AT 3:00 PM: ITEMS 1 THROUGH 32 PART "B": PLANNING & ZONING ITEMS BEGINNING AFTER 4:30 PM: ITEMS PZ-1 THROUGH PZ-6 BEGINNING AFTER 5:00 PM: ITEMS P-Z--7 THROUGH PZ-14 PART A 3:00 PM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS 1. WITHDRAWN ORDINANCES - FIRST READING NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an item for first reading in this section may be adopted as an emergency measure, upon being so determined by.the City Commission. 2. FIRST READING ORDINANCE (J-94-319) ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: RpmrDcrury curs TM CQAYT rrV1nA1" Aon PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. NOTE: Item 2 is a companion Item to 3. PAGE 2 APRIL 28, 1994 DELIVERED SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA FIRST READING MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT : CLARK 3. ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-94-320) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE 1994 EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE 1994 IMPLEMENTING CUNTRAGT AMU AGKttMtN1y; ALLUUAIINU FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED SAID AMOUNT TO THE HEREIN NAMED AGENCIES IN THE FURTHERANCE OF THEIR PROJECTS OF PROVIDING SERVICES TO THE HOMELESS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY WITH SAID AGENCIES FOR SAID PURPOSE SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE CITY CODE PROVISIONS. Item 3 is a companion Item to 2. PAGE 3 APRIL 28, 1994 R-94-290 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT CLARK -------------------- SEE RELATED M-94-291 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT : CLARK ORDINANCES = FIRST READING CONT'D 4. WITHDRAWN m I t 1� PAGE 4 APRIL 28, 1994 6. 7. ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D FIRST READING ORDINANCE (J-94-322) ADDING SECTION 2-48 TO THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, PROVIDING THAT THE CITY CLERK SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADMINISTERING E ITY 1 S AR HIVES AND REC RDS MANA EMENT PROGRAM, CONSISTENT WITH 257.36, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR THE CUSTODIANSHIP OF PUBLIC RECORDS AND THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF �ITY OFFICIALS AND EMPL PEES WITH RESPECT THERETO; PROVIDING FOR MITT s ffF THE CITY CLERR AND CITY DEPARTMENTS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RESOLUTIONS Deaartment of Conferences. Conventions ana NUD11C Facilities RESOLUTION - (J-94-321) - (RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL CHARGES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF THE ORANGE BOWL) RATTVVTNr APPROVTNG AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM' .WITH INTERAMERICA F.C., INC., FOR SAID USE; SUBJECT TO THE ORGANIZERS OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE. PAGE 5 APRIL 28, 1994 FIRST READING MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT CLARK -94-292 OVED PLUMMER ECONDED" GORT BSENT CLARK 8. 9. RESOLUTIONS MNT'D WITHDRAWN Department of Fire -Rescue RESOLUTION - (J-94-257) - (ACCEPTING PROPOSAL) ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF MOTOROLA STATION ANNUAL COST OF $54,447.58 FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $272r237.90, FOR THE FIRE -RESCUE DEPARTMENT, ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM FIRE -RESCUE FY'94 ACCOUNT CODE NO. 280401-880 AND DADE COUNTY EMS GRANT AWARD INDEX 280-528-840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE r TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RFP 93-94-001; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO •.ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS ACQUISITION. (This item was deferred from the meeting of -April 14, 1994) PAG E 6 APRIL 28, 1994 WITHDRAWN BOARDS•AND COMMITTEES 10. RESOLUTION - (J-94-326) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 11. RESOLUTION - (J-94-331) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) ; f, APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE CITYWIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY 4 BOARD FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. IE f l . 12. RESOLUTION - (J-94-356) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE COCONUT GROVE STANDING FESTIVAL COMMITTEE FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. I PAGE 7 APRIL 28, 1994 O WI.THDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D J 13. WITHDRAWN 14. RESOLUTION - (J-94-302) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) . APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE STREET CODESIGNATION REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 15. RESOLUTION - (J-94-358) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE OCCUPATIONAL LICEPlSE EQUITY STUDY OMMISSION FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED i" HEREIN. If I, f i f I , i i i I I PAGE 8 APRIL 28, 1994 WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN N -1\ BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D 16. RESOLUTION - (J-94-325) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS F THE E-"ITTEE ON ECOLOGY AND BEAUTIFICATION FOR. TERMS OF OFFICE AS DE IGNATED HEREIN. 17. RESOLUTION - (J-94-296) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBER; OF THE COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN OF THl CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA, FOR TERMS OF OFFICE A DESIGNATED HEREIN. I • 18. RESOLUTION - (J-94-359) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBER! OF -THE TAX-EXEMPT PROPERTY STEERING COMMITTEE FO! TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. PAGE 9 APRIL 28, 1994 (WITHDRAWN (WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D 19. RESOLUTION - (J-94-352) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBER! OF THE MIAMI AUDIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR TERMS 01 OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 20. RESOLUTION - (J-94-324) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBER; OF THE COCONUT GROVE PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEI FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 21. WITHDRAWN r PAGE 10 APRIL 28, 1994 ;WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWNWITHDRAWN BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D 22. RESOLUTION - (J-94-301) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD FOR TERMS UP OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 23. RESOLUTION - (J-94-361) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DE I NATED HEREIN. 24. RESOLUTION - (J-94-300) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 25. WITHDRAWN PAGE 11 APRIL 28, 1994 (WITHDRAWN I WITHDRAWN . WITHDRAWN BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D 22. RESOLUTION - (J-94-301) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE LA IN QUARTER REVIEW BOARDFOR TERMS_ OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 23. RESOLUTION - (J-94-361) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS F THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD FOR TERMS OF FFICE AS DE I NATED HEREIN. f 24. RESOLUTION - (J-94-300) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD FOR TERMS OF FIE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. I 25. WITHDRAWN `i • I' i 4 f l f! f f� PAGE 11 APRIL 281 1994 (WITHDRAWN I WITHDRAWN . WITHDRAWN 26. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D RESOLUTION - (J-94-327) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBER! F THE HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY FOR TERMS 01 OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 27. RESOLUTION UALS - (J-94-353) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) TO SERVE AS MEMBER' APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVID OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 28. RESOLUTION - (J-94-313) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD FOR TERMS F OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. i PAGE 12 APRIL 28, 1994 WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN PAGE 13 APRIL 28, 1994 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES CONT'D 29. RESOLUTION - (J-94-364) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS • WITHDRAWN OF THE PROPERTY AND ASSET REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 30. RESOLUTION - (J-94-354) - (APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS) APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS WITHDRAWN OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCES REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. 31. DISCUSSION TO CLARIFY THE OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD WITHDRAWN ("OAB") RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITY. COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Commission Discussion Item. This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available for the purpose of providing and securing City Commission information, direction and guidance in significant pending and concluded matters, including matters not specifically set forth in this section. It is anticipated that no input from anyone other than City personnel is needed! or expected while the City Commission is considering any matter in this portion of the Agenda; accordingly, no member of the public may address the City Commission during this time. 32. AS PER COMMISSIONER DE YURRE'S REQUEST, DISCUSSION REGARDING THE TOWING ORDINANCE. 1 t i i 1 { I i • i i i I PAGE 14 APRIL 28, 1994 SCUSSED 'meµ PART B - PUBLIC HEARINGS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE 4:30 PM ITEM PZ I SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-316) .REQUEST To amend Ordinance No. 10544, from Major Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities (MPFTU) to Office, to change the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan LOCATION Approximately 401, 411, 455 S.W. 27th Avenue. APPLICANT(�S): City of Miami Planning, Building 4 Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. A6ENT(S) N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG 5 ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval. VOTE: 9-0. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT i STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. Consideration of amending Ordinance 10544, as amended, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, Future Land Use Map, by changing the land use designation of approximately 401, 411 and 4S5 SW 27th Avenue from Major Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities to Office. NOTES: THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-2, PZ-3. PZ-4, 5 PZ-5. PASSED ON FIRST READING CC 3/24/94. MOVED BY: GORT, SECONDED BY: PLUMMER, UNANIMOUS. PAGE 15 APRIL 28, 1994 ORDINANCE 11140 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT : DE YURRE AN CLARK although absent during roll cal COMM. DE YURRE requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. ITEM PZ 2 SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-317) REQUEST To amend Ordinance No. 11000, from R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential to 0 Office, to change the Zoning Atlas LOCATION Approximately 401, 411, 455 S.W. 27th Avenue. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building and Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) : N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval. VOTE: 9-0. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. Consideration of amending the Zoning Atlas of Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, for the properties located at approximately 401, 411 and 455 SW 27th Avenue from R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential to 0 Office. NOTE: THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-1, PZ-3, PZ-4 & PZ-5. PASSED ON FIRST READING CC 3/24/94. MOVED BY: PLUMMER, SECONDED BY: GORT, UNANIMOUS. PAGE 16, 1994 APRIL 28, 1994 DRDINANCE 11141 MOVED : GORT SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : DE YURRF & CLM absent during roll call COMM. DE YURRE requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. ITEM PZ 2 REQUEST LOCATION n� SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-317) To amend Ordinance No. 11000, from R-4 Multifamily Nigh Density Residential to 0 Office, to change the Zoning Atlas : Approximately 401, 411, 455 S.W. 27th Avenue. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building and Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) : N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval. VOTE: 9-0. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. Consideration of amending the Zoning Atlas of Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended., the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, for the properties located at approximately 401, 411 and 455 SW 27th Avenue from R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential to 0 Office. NOTE: THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-1, PZ-3, PZ-4 & PZ-5. PASSED ON FIRST READING CC 3/24/94. MOVED BY: PLUMMER, SECONDED BY: GORT, UNANIMOUS. PAGE 16, 1994 APRIL 28, 1994 DRDINANCE 11141 MOVED : GORT SECONDED : PLUMMER ABSENT : DE YURRE & CLARY, Although absent during roil call COMM. DE YURRE requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. PAGE 17 ITEM PZ 3 SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-174) REQUEST To amend Ord. No. 11000, from R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential to 0 Office and G/I Government and Institutional, and from C-1 Restricted Commercial to G/I, to change the Zoning Atlas LOCATION c Approximately 225, 295, 311, 335, 345 and 501 S.W. '27th Avenue, 2660 S.W. 3rd Street and 2542 S.W. 6th Street. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building & Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval. VOTE: 9-0. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. Consideration of amending the zoning classification in the Official Zoning Atlas of Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended, for the properties located at approximately 225, 295, 311, 335, 345 SW 27th Ave. and 2660 SW 3rd St. from R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential to 0 Office; 501 SW 27th Ave. from R-4 Multifamily High Density Residential to G/I Government and Institutional and 2542 SW 6th St. from C-1 Restricted Commercial to G/I Government and Institutional. NOTES: THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-1, PZ-2, PZ-4 & PZ-5. PASSED ON FIRST READING CC 3/24/94. MOVED BY: PLUMMER, SECONDED BY: GORT, UNANIMOUS. APRIL 28, 1994 ORDINANCE 11142 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT .ABSENT : DE YURRE AND CLARK Although absent during roll call COMM. DE YURRE requested of the Clerk to be shown as being in agreement with the motion. T� ITEM PZ REQUEST 4 FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-314) : To amend Ordinance No. 10544, from Single Family Residential to Major Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities, to change the Futur Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan LOCATION : 2517-21 S.W. 7th Street. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building & Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval. PAGE 18 APRIL 28, 1994 FIRST READING MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT : DE YURRE AND CLARK I; VOTE: 5-0. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT,& STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. Consideration of amending Ordinance 10544, as amended, the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, Future Land 1 Use Map, by changing the land use designation at approximately 2517-21 S.W. 7th Street from Single Family Residential to Majoi IPublic Facilities, Transportation and Utilities. NOTES: THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-1, PZ-2, PZ-3 & PZ-5. Although absent during roll call COMM. DE YURRE requested of the Clerk to be shown as berg itl .aareement oft to-00". w� ITEM PZ 5 FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-315) REQUEST To amend Ordinance 11000, from C-1, Restricted Commercial to G/I, Government/Institutional, to change the Zoning Atlas LOCATION : 2517-21 S.W. 7th Street. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building & Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A, AGENT(S) : N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: ,PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. VOTE. 5-0. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. -ZONING BOARD: N/A. j Consideration of amending the Zoning Atlas of Ordinance 11000, as amended, by changing the zoning classification at approximately 2517-21 S.W. 7th Street from C-1, Restricted Commercial to G/I, Government/Institutional. NOTES: THIS IS A COMPANION ITEM TO PZ-1, PZ-2, PZ-3 & PZ-4. PAGE 19 APRIL 28, 1994 FIRST READING MOB : PLUM4ER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT : CLARK ITEM PZ 6 RESOLUTION - CJ-94-233(a) & J-94-233(b)J REQUEST Appeal of Zoning Board's Decision LOCATION : 3045 Lucaya Street. APPLICANT(S): Pascuale and Renzo Renzi for Royale Estates, Inc. AGENT(S) Richard M. Brenner, Esq. APPELLANT(S): Pascuale and Renzo Renzi for Royale Estates, Inc. AGENT(S) Richard M. Brenner, Esq. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Denial of application and appeal. PLANNING'ADVISORY BOARD: N/A. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT,& STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. •ZONING BOARD: Denied. VOTE: 5-3 Appeal of a Variance denied by the Zoning Board. The Zoning Board denied a Variance from Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, { the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, -Article 9, Section 908.10.1, General and Supplementary Regulations, R-1 Single -Family Residential, Driveways and Offstreet Parking, to permit a 20% landscape area in the front yard (604 required) for an existing single family residence; zoned R-1 ! Single -Family Residential. PAGE 20 APRIL 28, 1994 APPEAL DENIED R-94-294 MOVED :. PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT : CLARK IHE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED BEFORE S;00 PM ITEM PZ 7 RESOLUTION - [J-94-76(a) & J-94-76(b)] REQUEST : Appeal of the Zoning Board's Decision LOCATION 3156-58-60-62-64-66-68-70-72-74 Virginia Street. APPLICANT(S): N. Edrisi, P. Edrisi, T. Barrett, S. De Lemos & I. Buholzer. AGENT(S) Lucia A. Dougherty, Esq. APPELLANT(S): Joyce Nelson for the Coconut Grove Civic Club & AGENT(S) : N/A. James McMaster. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval of appeal; denial - of application. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: N/A. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: Granted for 12 mo. in which a bldg. permit must be obtained. VOTE: 7-2. Appeal of a Special Exception granted by the Zoning Board. The Zoning.Board granted the Special Exception as listed in Ordinance No. .11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, R-2 Two Family Residential, Conditional Principal Uses, for lots with more than five thousand (5,000) sq. ft., to allow one (1) additional dwelling unit for each additional two thousand five hundred (2,500) sq. ft. of lot area, for a total of ten (10) existing dwelling units; zoned R-2 Two Family Residential. 0 NOTES: CONTINUED ON CC 2/24/94 TO CC 3/24/94. CONTINUED ON CC 3/24/94 TO CC 4/28/94.- PAGE 21 APRIL 28, 1994 CONTINUED TO MAY 23, 1994 MOVED t PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT : CLARK PAGE 22 ITEM PZ 8 RESOLUTION - (J-94-113) REQUEST : Florida Avenue Planning Study LOCATION Properties abutting Florida Avenue from Matilda Street to McDonald Street, in Coconut Grove. APPLICANT(S)i' City of Miami Planning, Building and Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) : N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Accept report & direct staff to . .prepare legislation per the recommendation of the Planning, Building & Zoning Department. ,PLANNINGADVISORY BOARD: Approval with conditions.* VOTE: 5-4. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. Consideration of recommending that the City Commission approve, in concept, the "The Florida Avenue Project" (August 1993) prepared by Dover, Kohl and Partners for Florida Avenue neighbors and the City of Miami for properties abutting Florida Avenue from Matilda Street to McDonald Street, in Coconut Grove. * The Planning Advisory Board recommended approval in concept with the conditions that (a) the proposed zoning is R-2 Duplex; (b) no C-1 Restricted Commercial uses be included; (c) there is adherence to existing parking standards; and (d) that townhouse housing be explored. NOTES: CONTINUED ON CC 2/24/94 TO CC 3/24/94. CONTINUED ON CC 3/24/94 TO CC 4/28/94. APRIL 28, 1994 R-94-295 MOVED : GORT SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT : CLARK ITEM PZ 9 SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-93-818) REQUEST To amend Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 Text LOCATION : C-1 Restricted Commercial Districts. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building and Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) : N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval. • VOTE: 8-1. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. 2bNING BOARD: N/A. Consideration of amending Articles 4 and 25 of Ordinance No. 11000, as*amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, to provide definitions for "employment office", "labor pool" and "hiring halls"; to permit labor pools or hiring half in C-1 Restricted Commercial Districts by Special Exception only, and to permit employment offices as a Permitted Principal Use in C-1. NOTES: CONTINUED ON CC 2/24/94 TO CC 3/24/94. PASSED ON FIRST READING CC 3/24/94. MOVED BY: PLUMMER, SECQNDED BY: DAWKINS, UNANIMOUS. PAGE 23 APRIL 28, 1994 ORDINANCE 11143 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT : CLARK ITEM PZ 10 SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-179) REQUEST : To amend the Code of the City of Miami LOCATION : N/A. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building and Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval with conditions. • VOTE: 8-0. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. Consideration of amending Sections 54-8 and 54-9 of the Miami City Code to prohibit the attachment of garage sale signs to trees or other display on medians in the public right -.of -way. NOTES: PASSED ON FIRST READING CC 3/24/94. MOVED BY: PLUMMER, SECONDED BY: GORT, UNANIMOUS. PAGE 24 APRIL 28, 1994 DRDINANCE 11144 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED :,PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT : CLARK --- 3EE RELATED 4-94-296 1OVED : PLUMMER >ECONDED: GORT ABSENT : CLARK ITEM PZ 11 FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-318) REQUEST To amend Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 Text LOCATION : R-3 Medium -Density Multiple Family District. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building & Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval.' PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval as presented. I I HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. VOTE: 7-1. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. ' Consideration of amending Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, thel Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, to -reduce, the number of offstreet truck loading berths required in .the R-3 Medium -Density Multiple Family District. i PAGE 25 APRIL 28, 1994 CONTINUED TO MAY 23, 1994 ITEM PZ 12 REQUEST LOCATION FIRST READING ORDINANCE (J-94-311) : To amend Zoning Crdinance No. 11000 Text : N/A. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building & Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) : N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: Approval with conditions.* VOTE: 8-0. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT & STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. •Consideration of amending Ordinance No. 11000, as amended the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, by amending Article 4 "Zoning Districts," to add and clarify language and conditions pertaining to "Community Based Residential Facilities", "Family Care Homes "Halfway Houses", "Single Room Occupancy Uses", and "Three-quarter Way Houses" in certain districts and under certain conditions consistent with Florida State Statutes; and by amending Article 9, "General and Supplementary Regulations", Section 934, "Community Based Residential Facilities", to add and clarify language, and by introducing a new Section 941, entitled "Single Room Occupancy Facilities" and establishing requirements and location -standards for such; and.by amending Article 25, "Definitions",.to add and modify certain definitions. "PAB approved with the condition that all references to the term "Homeless Shelter" be removed from the proposed Ordinance. PAGE 26 APRIL 28, 1994 CONTINUED TO MAY 23, 1994 BY M-94-297 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ABSENT : CLARK PAGE 27 ITEM PZ 13 FIRST READING ORDINANCE - [J-94-283(a)] REQUEST To ammend the Code of the City of Miami LOCATION : N/A. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building & Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) N/A. .RECOMMENDATIONS: - PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: Approval. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: See PAB Resolution #28-94. VOTE: 4-1. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT& STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. Consideration of an ordinance amending the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by amending Chapter 62 "Zoning and Planning:" (1) Article II. "Comprehensive Planning", Section 62-12 "Establishment of Advisory and Policy Boards Generally" to increase the number of Zoning Boards from one (1) to three (3), and Section 62-13 "Administration Generally"; (2) Article IV. "Zoning Board," Section 62-32 "Establishment", and Section 62-33 "Responsibilities Generally": and (3) Article V. "Appointment of Members and Alternate Members of the Planning Advisory Board and Zoning Board", Section 62-46 "Purpose and Intent", Section 62-47 "Size of Boards and Terms of Office", Section 62-48 "Procedure -for Appointment", Section 62-49 "Qualifications% and Section 62-53 "Compensation". APRIL 28, 1994 WITHDRAWN ITEM PZ 14 FIRST READING ORDINANCE - [J-94-283(b)] REQUEST To ammend the Code of the City of Miami LOCATION : N/A. APPLICANT(S): City of Miami Planning, Building & Zoning Department. AGENT(S) N/A. APPELLANT(S): N/A. AGENT(S) N/A. RECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING: N/A. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: No PAB action due to lack of quorum. • N/A. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: N/A. PLAT % STREET COMMITTEE: N/A. ZONING BOARD: N/A. M Consideration of an ordinance amending the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by amending Chapter 62 "Zoning and Planning:" (1) Article II. "Comprehensive Planning"; Section 62-12 "Establishment of Advisory and Policy Boards Generally" to increase the number of Zoning Boards from one (1) to four (4), and Section 62-13 "Administration Generally"; (2) Article IV. "Zoning Board," Section 62-32 "Establishment," and Section 62-33 "Responsibilities Generally"; and (3) Article V. "Appointment of Members and Alternate Members of the Planning Advisory Board and Zoning Board", Section 62-46 "Purpose and Intent", Section 62-47 "Size of Boards and Terms of Office", Section 62-48 "Procedure for Appointment", Section 62-49 "Qualifications", and Section 62-53 "Compensation". PAGE 28 APRIL 28, 1994 WITHDRAWN SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = April 28, 1994 PRESENTED Proclamation to: Dia de Luis Mario. For maintaining our citizens well informed as editor of Diario Las Americas, and for having been selected as "Cuba's National Poet in Exile" as well as for his numerous contributions to the literature and arts in our midst. PRESENTED Commendation to: Ms. Rolande L. Dorancy. For her dedication and commitment towards the well-being of the needy specially the Haitian community. Commendations to: Sgt. John Griffin and Officers Rafael PRESENTED 'Masferrer, Eladio Paez and Julio Morejon. For having been selected Most Outstanding Officers for the Month of January 1994. PRESENTED Commendations to: Officers Robin Wims and Torrance Gary. For having been selected Most Outstanding Officers for the month of February 1994.