HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-94-0179Charter Amendment No. 1 which was approved by the voters on November 4, 1993,'and is to appear in the Charter of the City of Miami codified as Section 29-D, provides as follows: "Sec. 29�-D. City -owned waterfront property; - leases with non-profit organizations; authorization to waive competitive bidding and referendum requirements; terms of lease. Nothwithstanding 'any provision to the contrary contained in the Charter or Code of the City of Miami, the City Commission isauthorized to waive all competitive bidding and referendum requirements when entering into a lease or extending an existing lease with a non-profit, non-commercial, water -dependent organization which provides or seeks to provide marine - recreational services and/or activities to the; community at any city -owned waterfront property, provided all of the following conditions are met: (A) the terms of the lease allow reasonable public access to the water and reasonable public use of the property, and complies with all waterfront setback and view -corridor requirements set forth in the charter and code; and (8) the use is authorized under the then existing master plan.of the City; and (C) the terms of the lease require that the property -be used for public purposes only; and 94- 179 SENT BY: 9-22-94 t 9:51AM LAW DE'PT, CITY NMNAGER' S OFF ; # 3/ 11 The Honorable Mayor & March 21, 1994 Members of the City Commission Page,- 2 (D) the terms of the lease result in a fair return to the City based on two independent appraisale; and (E) the terms of the lease comply with all requirements pertaining to membership prescribed by ordinance for organizations using city facilities. 1. AUTHORIT'Y CONFERRED BY SECTION 29-D To THE CITY COMMISSION Prior to the enactment of Section 29-D, the City Commission was prohibited from considering any lease of any city -owned property unless there had been compliance with certain advertisement requirements set forth in Charter Sections 29-B, for city -owned property, generally, and Charter Section 29=C for city -owned property, located at Watson Island (copies of all charter sections referenced herein are attached for your convenient reference) Section 29-D authorises the City Commission to waive the aforementioned advertisement requirements under certain circumstances, as set forth therein, thus allowing for City Commission consideration of an offer to lease or a request to extend an existing lease without having first solicited proposals from the public and considered competing responses thereto. In addition to authorizing the above-deecribad waiver. of competitive bidding, Section 29-D authorizes the City Commission to waive "all referendum requirements". Section 29-C presently requires that any proposed conveyance of property or any grant of a property interest or grant of a license at any city -owned property located at Watson Island must be approved by a majority of the votes cast by the electorate at the next available regularly scheduled general election. Similarly,. Section 29-B provides that when there are less than three (3) responses to an advertisement soliciting proposals in connection with the lease of city -owned property, provided other conditions pertaining to guaranteed return are met, the commission may consummate the proposed lease only if approved by a majority of the votes cast by the electorate at referendum. 2. CRITERIA rOR DETERMINING WHETHER AN ENTITY IS QUALIFIED TO REQUEST THE WAIVER The authority granted to the City Commission in Section 29-D to waive the herein referenced competitive bidding and referendums requirements may only be by the Commission if the entity offering to lease or requesting to extend an existing lease meets the following criteria" 94- 179 t, SENT BY: 3-22-94 9:51ADi LAW DEFT. CITY MANAGER'S OE=F.4 4/11 The Honorable Mayor & March 21, 1994 i Members of the City Commission Page 3 - 1. The organization must be anon -profit organisation. An organization shall be deemed non-profit if no part of the income it generates is. distributable to its members, directors, or officers6 A corporation which is exempt under Internal Revenue Code.Section 501(c) shall be presumed non-profit. 2. The organization must be non-commercial. To be considered non-commercial, the organization's primary purpose cannot be related to or connected with the buying, selling and exchanging of articles or the transportation of persons and property whether by land, water, or air. 3. The organiszation's purpose and function must be dependent on its proximity to water in order to carry out said purposes and functions. 4. The organization may be presently providing marine recreational services and/or activities or may propose to provide said services or activities upon execution of the proposed lease agreement. 3 . REQUIREKENTS PERTAINING TO THS TL"Ri .S AND CONDITIONS OF THE LEASE (See subsections (A) through (8) of Section 29-0). Most of the conditions described in A through E are self explanatory and do not require much interpretation. With regards to (c), specifically, please note that what is a "public purpose', as distinguished from private,. has given rise to much judicial consideration, and courts, an a rule, have attempted no judicial definition of a "public purpose", but have left each case to be determined by its own particular facts and circumstances. This office will gladly assist you with further clarification or interpretation of Section 29-D. It is anticipated that each request pursuant to Section 29-D will require individual analysis and examination for compliance with the criteria set forth in Section 29-D. Consequently, once the city Commission agrees to consider a particular Section 29-D request, the proposed lease or proposed extension of an existing lease will have to be examined, taking into consideration the particular facts and circumstances pertaining to said organization and its proposed use of the 94— 179 ��S i+fhSs�{ f .k Y..1 � .Y �t � � h }.fl. \ , •11. N C. J .. �l .,. _ .. ... `) F }f si +z LAW Da'T CITY MANAGER' 5 OFF. ' SEND :BY 3-22-94 8'52AM ; � & March 21, 1994 u , The Honorable Mayor Me�inbers of the City Commission ! F x Page - 4 to determine if the proposal complies with the City's property on certification that ' requirements 'of Section Section 29-D. Up with Section 29-D, said request would be, the-.pxoposal'compliee to the City Commission for approval ot'said lease or brought back extension of an existing lease, if otherwise, in the best interestof the City. AQJ_JOB/KD/P313 enclosure cc s Cesar H. Odio City Manager Herbert Bailey Assistant City Manager Christina Cuervo Chief of Staff City -Manager's office Eduardo Rodriguez Director of Asset Management SM BY: 3-22-94 ; 9:52ANI LAW MT.-, CITY MANAGER'S OFF. 4 6/11 129-A CHARTER AND RELATED LAWS SApt. A (2) All persons contracting with the city under this section shall be obligated to pay which- ever is the greater of the following; 6) all applicable ad valorem taxes that are lawfully assessed against the property involved or (ii) an amount to be paid to the city equal to what the ad valorem taxes would be if the property were privately owned and used for a profit -making purpose. Such taxes shall not be credited against any revenues accruing to the city under any contract that may be awarded under this section. (3) Any proposal by a potential bidder or con• tractor that contemplates more than the es- timated extent of the city's'proposed commit• ment of funds, property, or services shall be ineligible for acoeptaiice by the city commission. (41 Any substantial increase in the city's com- mitment of funds, property, or services, or any material alteration of any+ contract awarded under subsection (c) of this section shall enti- tle the city commission to terminate the con- tract niter a public hearing. Prior to such public hearing, the commission sha11 seek and obtain a report from the city manager and from the review committee that evaluated the proposals for the project, concerning the advisability of exercising that right. (Char. Amend. No, 3, 11.6.79; Ord. No. 9507, 1 1, 10.2"2; Char. Amend. No. 1,11.2.82; Char. Amend. No. 1, 11.4.86; Char. Ameim. No. 3; 11.3.87) "tor's note- Ord. No. 9489, adopted by the commission on Sept. 17, 1982, set forth Charter Ameadtnent No. 1 for approvaltrojection at election on Nov, 2, 1982. On Oct, 28, 1982, Ord. No. 9607 amended the language of subsections (a) and (c) of 1153 its proposed by Ord. No. 9489, The aloetion was to approve the language of Chartar Amendment No 1, as amended by Ord. No, 9507. Subsequently, In light of Charter Amend, amnt No. 2 of Nov. a, 1967, the city attorney d4eaked the c:odifier to delete paragraph (10 of subsection (d) as superseded by a 29-B. Annotations -For case decided pruu to enactment by Char ter Amendment No, 3 of 1979 of a eotnpetitive•bidding re• quieataant for disposition of city property, we Mahoney v. Oivetw, 64 So. 2d 926. Said case held that competitive bidding io not required to lease city real astats. Material variance betweenplate bid upon and plans &6. mitted and adopted renders contract void, Glatatein v, City of Miami, M So. 2d 1006, Supp. No. 29 Sea. 29-B. City -owned property was or lease Generally. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Charter or the City Code, except for the conveyance or disposition of city -owned property implementing city -assisted housing pro. Brame or projects which are intended to benefit persons or households with low and/or moderate Income by providing housing for such persons or households, such as, but not limited to, those funded programs or projects undertaken, pursuant to the Federal Housing Act of 1037 and the Florida Hou& ing Act of 1972, ss those statutes may be emended or revised from time to time, implementing city - assisted housing programs as maybe authorized by federal or state law, implementing projects authorized under the Florida Community Rede- velopment Act of 1969, and implementing pro- jecta of any governmental agency or instrumen• tality, the city commission is hereby prohibited from favorably considering any sale or lease of property owned by the city unless there is a re- turn to the city of fair market value under such proposed sale or lease, The city commission is also hereby prohibited ftm favorably consider- ing any sale or lease of city -owned property tw- lose (a) there shall have been, prior to the date of the city commission's consideratign of such sale or lease, an advertisement soliciting proposals for said sale or lease published in a daily newspaper of general prod circulation in the city, allowing not less than ninety (90) deye for the city's receipt of proposals from prospective purchasers or low sees, said advertisement to be no less than one- fourth %) page and the headline in the adver- tisement to be in a type no smalldr than 18-point and, (b) there shall have been at least three (3) written proposals received from prospective pur- chasers or lessees; however, if there are less than three (3) such proposals received and if the guar- anteed return under the proposal whose sccep- tanee is being considered is equal to fair,market value the city commission determines that the contemplated Bale or Iease will be in the city's best interest then, subject to the approval of a majority of the votes cast by the electorate at a referendum, the sale or lease may be consummate ed. As a further exception to the above require - menu and any other requirement for competitive 34 94- 179 U 3-22-94 t 9:53MI CHARTER bidding procedures to be uwod in the disposition of city -owned property or any interest therein, the city commission is authorized to waive all such disposition requirements where the intended use of such property or interest therein is in further- ance of the objective of providing rental or stiles housing within the economic affordability range of low and/or moderate income families and/or individual& In determining lowand/or moderate income households as set forth above, the criteria shall be those provided for by federal and/or state law or by the city commission. (Char. Amend. No. 2,11.8•87) So*. 29-C. Same --Watson Island, Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the Charter or Code of the City of Miami, no sale, conveyance loan, management agreement, revocable use permit, or license agree- ment may be entered into for the management, occupancy or use of the urea known am Watson Ialand unless (1) there shall have been, prior to the date of the city corat".4 Ion's consideration of such sale, lease, management agreement, revo. cable permit or license agreement, an advertise- ment soliciting proposals for said sa]e, lease, man- agement agreemnt, revocable permit, or license agreement published in_a daily newspaper of gen- eral paid circulation in the city, allowing not lose than ninety (90) days for the city'A receipt of pro- posals from prospective purchasers or lemmas, said advertisement to be no Iess than one-fourth page and the headline in the advertisement to be in a type no smaller than 1$-point; and, (2) the pro- posed transaction be approved by a wAlority of the votes cast by the eleoiorate at a referendum to be held at seat regularly scheduled general election. The procedures, for selection of proposals shall be those provided by,Chartar section 29A(c) or (d) an appropriate and/or by applicable City Code provisions. Nothing herein shall effect the existing rights or privileges, if any, of any lessee, permittee, licensee of conceasioaaire currently sit- uated in said area; however, any enlargement, amendment, transfer, or increase in those rights or privilegea an may be in existence at the time this amendment is adopted shall require compli• ance with the provisions of this amendrifient. This Charter Amendment shall not affect the city's j Supp, No. 29 34.1 LAW DEPT.-, CITY MANAGER'S OFF.;# 7/11 use or occupancy of the area, nor shall it apply to contracts for the construction of any city facilities or improvements in the area; further, nothing contained herein shall apply to projects of any governmental agency or instrumentality. (Char. Amend. No. 1, 11-M7) Sec. 80. Local improvements. (a) Definitions; divisions into classes. In this section the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings, unless some other mean- ing is plainly intended: The main divisions of this section are some times herein termed paragraph., and the divisions of paragraphs are sometimes herein termed subparagrapha. A local improvement is an improvement defined' by this section and made under the provisions thereof. The word commission shall be deemed to refer to the city commission of the City of Miami. A highway is a public way such as a street, boulevard, avenue, lane, alley, parkway, court, terrace, or place. A sidewalk is a path for pedestrians along a highway. A storm sewer is a conduit above or below ground for the passage of storm water, including a pump• ing station and outlet where deemed necessary; it may also include the building of culverts over streams or enclosing of streams where necessary or advisable to carry off stoma water. A sanitary Rewer is an underground conduit for the passage of sewage and may include a pump- ing station and outlet when necessary. 94- 179 Subpt, A 3-22-94 0:53A l t LAW DEPT.-4 CITY MANAGER'S OFF. ;# 6/11 CHARTER other evidence of city indebtedness shall be imposed on the bonds of the city. (b) Streem, parka, bridges, sewers, grade cross- ings, speed of vehicles; reruicee and rates of motor vehicle carriers• To pave, grade, curb, repave, macadamize, remacadamize, lay out, open; close, vacate, discontinue, widen, and otherwise improve streets, alleys, avenues, boulevards, lanes, sidewalks, parks, prom• eaades, and other public highways or any part thereof. and to hold liens therefor as hereinafter provided; to construct and main- tain bridges, viaducts, subways, tunnels, sewers, and drains, and regulate the use of all such highways, parks, public grounds, and works; to prevent the obstruction of ouch sidewalks, streets, and highways; to abolish and prevent grade crossings over the sameby railroads; to regulate the op• oration and speed of all vehicles using the streets, highways, and railroads within the city; to regulate the service rendered and rates charged by busses, motor cars, cabs, and other vehicles for the carrying of pas. songers and by vehicles for the transfer of baggage, (c) Special or iacal assessments To impose W. cial or local assessments for local improve- ments as hereinafter provided and to an. force payment thereof: (d) Contracting debts and borrowing money.' Subject to the provisions of the Constitu- tion of Florida and of this charter, to can, tract debts, borrow money, and make and issue evidences of indebtedness. (e) $xpenditures: To expend the money of the city for all lawful purposes. M Acquisition and disposition of property and seroicew (i) To acquire by purchase, gift, devise, condemnation or otherwise, real or per- sonal property or any estate or inter• est therein, inside or outside the city, for any of the purposes of the city; and to improve, sell, lease, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of such property or any part thereof. SuM No, 27 01) To acquire or dispose of services inside or outside the city, by purchase, gift, or otherwise for any purposes of the city. (iii) To lease to or contract with private firma or persons for the commercial use or management of any of the city's wa- terfront property, but only in compy ance with the other requirements of this charter and on condition that, (A) the terms of the contract allow rea- sonable public access to the wator and reasonable public use of the property, and comply with other charter waterfront setback and view -corridor requirements; and (B) the terms of the contract result in a fair return to the city based on two independent appraiaals; and (C) the use is authorized under the then existing mailer plan of the city; (D) 'the procurement methods prescribed by ordinances are observed. Any such lease or management agree went or proposed extension or modifi- cation of an existing such lease or man• v ument agreement uTi iah don not com ply with each of the above conditions shall not be valid unless it has first been approved by a majority of the vot- ers of the city. Nothing herein contained shall in any manner rsti'ect or apply to any project the financing of which has been pre vided by the authorization of bonds to be issued by the city. (g) Public property and improvements To make and maintain, inside and outside the city, public improvements of all kinds, includ• ing municipal and other public buildings, armories, markets, and all buildings and structures necessary or appropriate for the use of the city; to acquire by condemnation or otherwise all lands, riparian and other rights, and easements necessary for such improvements; and to rent or lease from any person any land or building within or without the city or any p`rt thereof for any municipal purpose, 3 94- 179 SEND' BY 3-22-84 ; 9:54AAl MIAW OWN flee. 37-8. City or public land abutting eater --Use restricted. It is illegal to use any city or public land abutting water except as permitted at city marinas, and except as otherwise authorised by the city commission. The use of city land prohibited by this section includes, but is not limited to, use for mooring, docking, tying up vessels or, for landing operations of vessels, and use for storage, construction, repair or maintenance purposes. The term "city land abutting water" includes, but Is not limited to, the ends of any streets, roads or public ways; parkland, land where public buildings are located, or any city or public land whatsoever which abuts, borders .or is ad- jacent to water. The term "water" includes, but in not limited to, the Miami River and any other waterway known as a river and any and all tributarles thereof, oceans, lakes. bays, estuaries, Inlets, coves, canals, streams or any watercourse or body of water or part thereof, whatsoever, located within the city. (Code 1967, 1138-5.1) Sea 37.9. Communists, eta —Registra- tion. It shall be unlawful for any person who is a member of the Communist party or any group or organization defined in section 37-12 to remain within the city without first register- Ing with the police' department within forty- eight (48) hours after taking up residence in the city, giving his game, address and occupation and permitting a photograph to be taken by the police department. (Code 1967, 4 38-6) State loss rstereaoes—CrimltW anarchy, Commu- *ism, etc., Fla, State, 1 87s.01 at seta subversive activities, Me, State., § 676= at seq. Bea 87-10., Sams -Circulation of printed or written matter. It shall be unlawful for any person who is a member of the Communist party or any person, group or organisation defined in section 37-12 to engage in the cimuktion or distribution of any printed or written mnitter of any Communist organization or of any LAW DEPT. CITY MANAGER'S OFF. ; # 9r 1 i person, group or orgamization definned in sect(on 87.12, without first advertising the full printed or written matter In a daily newspaper of this city at toast ten (10) days prior to such circulation or distribution. (Code 1967. 1 38.7) Sea 87-11. Same-Meetinga. It shall be unlawful for any member of the Communist party or any person, group or organisation defined in section 37.12 to hold any meeting within the city without having first notified the chief of police of the time and place of such meeting at least ten (10) dam) prior to such meeting. (Code 1967, ; Sec. 37-18. Same -Advancing or promot. ' ins ideas contrw7 to United States. It shall be unlawful for any person, group .or organization to advance or promote Ideas or objectives contrary to the United States of America by means of force, violence, treacly ery, deceit. espionage, sabotage, terrorism, creation of fear, destruction of morale or by any other acts or doings whatsoever. (Code 1967, g 38-9) See. 87-18. Discrimination by lessees of city -owned property-Probib- ited. The leme of any property of which the city is the owner shall not discriminate against or refuse or deny to any person or persons, guests or permittees, the use. of the facilities leased from the city because of race, creed, religion, color or national origin. (Code 1967, 38-9.1) Sec. 37-14. Same-Aequf mmenta for or- gamisations wring city facili- ties. In order to facilitate the implementation of th* policy of the city as not forth in section 37-13, in instances wherein leases are entered into between the city and organisations or clubs for the use of city property or city 2570 94- 179 SENT BY: 3-22-94 9:54AM LAW DEFT.-+ CITY MANAGER'S OFF. 410/11 137.14 4FFBNSEB...M18CBd.[.AN�OtJe a'1.14 facilities by the members thereof, such cation shall advertise twice in two (2) organizations or elubs shall comply with the daily newspapers of general circula- following requirements: tion published in the city a notice of (1) Membership, the acceptance of new members a. (a) Membership in the club or organs a- bereinabove provided, end notice of lion shall be available to all persons the pies of the club or organize. without discrimination as defined in lion and of the programs oPfored by section 3&1& the club or organisation to the public- (b) There shall be no reclidrament that Such notice for the year 1968 shall be applicants for enrollment be spot- printed on the first and fourteenth Bored by anyone as a condition to da" of August. For the year 1989 the such applicant being processed or notice shall be printed on the first accepted for membership. and fourteenth days of June, and on (c) The club or organization shall make a the first and fourteenth days of June minimuna of five (5) percent of of each yasr thereafter. eauting enrollment of the various (2) Dues. All members in each of the various types of membership in such club or categories of membership shall pay equal organization available for new enroll- dues, it any, within such categoriw ment for a minimum period of thirty (30) days of each year, the first such (3) Minutes of meetings. All minutes of enrollment period to commenoe Sep- mostings► whether regular meetings or tember 1, 1%& In the year ' IM the sped meetings, or however desiipaated, enrollment period shall commence of such club or organisation small be poste upon the bulletin board upon the July first, and shall commence July first of dash year thereafter. In the club premises within thirty (30) days alter event there is more than one (1) type the date of such meetings, and a copy of membership available, this shall thereof shall be forwarded to the city wean five (5) percent of each type of manager, or his designee. membership shall be open to the (4) Prwileger. All members in tads category general public shall have equal rights aid privilege*. (d) Acceptance into membership shall be (Code 1967, 38-9.2) determined by simple majority vote of the general membership at a meeting Sao. 37-1Qh Same--ProvUlans of sec - designated for such purpose. and tiotm 87-13 and 111-14 to be there shall be no secret ballot for part of lease. admission to membership. The foregoing matters as set forth in (e) In the event there Are a greater sections 87.15 and $7-14 being an implemen- tation of the provisions of the constitutions of openings available for membership the United States of America and the undo the annual five (8) percent of constitution of the state, such provisions sire enrollments as not forth above, then, and in that event, new members in to be considered a part of every eueb lees* as described above entered into between tits city this enrollment period stall be safest- and any person, firm, corporation, club or ed by lot. (f) Within the thirty-dayarganisatioa, day period prior to regardless of the epseme writ. thedate of the commencement of the ton terms of any lease now misting or to be enrollment period described above in entered into in the future. (Code 1967. subparagraph (c), the club or organs- 2671 9 4 — 179 h Sec. 57.18. Same --Termination of lease for violations. Any person, firm, corporation, club or organization violating the terms and condi- tions of sections $7-x8 through 37-15 shell be subject to having Ito loans forthwith terms- : nated by the city for such violation, upon due notice to the violator and upon an opportuni- ty to be heard before the city commission concerning such violation. (Code 1967. ! 38-9,4} Ssc. 67-27. Disorderly coaduat--Cener- ally. Any person in the city shall be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct who. (1) Shall males, aid, countenance or assist in making any. Improper noise, riot, disturbance, broach of the peace or a diversion tending to a breach of the peace. (2) is idle, dissolute or found begging. (3) fix found in a house of ill famo, gambling house or disorderly house. (4) Shall assault another or shall engage in. aid or abet in any fight, quarts or disturbance. (5) Shall carry on or about his person in any public place or private place open to the public any pistol, knife (other than a small pocket knife with its blades under three (3) inches in length). dint, knuckles, aiingsbot or other dan- gerous, Weapon without a lawful permit or for lawful use In his business. (6) Uses obscene or profane language in the presence of anyone else. or any indecent, insulting or &bud" language to another, or makes any threats of violence against another person. (7) Is found "louaaing, prowling, loitering or being on or in the promisee of another without the owner's donsent. LAW DEPT. CITY MANAGER'S OFF,;*11/11 (8) Is a window peeper. (9) Shall ply or attempt to ply his calling as a tout, roper, steerer, or capper es commonly used and understood. (10) Engages in juggling or in any haudu- lent scheme, devios or trick to obtain money or other things of value from another, or who shall aid or abet, or in any manner be concerned thersin. (11) Is found consuming alcoholic beverages on the public streets or vacant lots or In places solely licensed to vend alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises. (12) Is found consuming moonshine, canned heat, stern, bay rum or other like substances capable of inducing intoxi- cation in any place within the city. (13) Has been convicted of any ofeenses of crimes against the person or property of another, Whether such. convictione were under any municipal ordinance or lam of any state of the United Stenos; found lounging, prowling or loitering on the streets, public plaoss or private property of another without the owner's consent, who i4 unable to give a reasonable excuse for being so found. (141 Takes possession of or conceals proper ty of another without the owner's consent or has In his possession or control property of another knowing that the owner has not consionted thereto, whether he in on or off the owner's promises, or in any manner aids, assists or abets another person to do the aforeaaid. (15) Commits upon himself any ant which would be dangerous to human life or which, if oonu ittsd upon another person and followed by death as a consequence, would reader the perpe- trator chargeable with homicide, which 94- 179