HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1994-02-17 Minutesm tSUBJECT LEGISLATION" PAGE NO.:. 1. PRESENTATIONS PROCLAMATIONS, & SPECIAL DISCUSSION .'l 2 2/17/04 • A ��­WEIF 001,1VIENTS ()ONCERNIM 't DISCUSSION PROPOSED. -:ELECTRIC UTILITIES AD VALOREM 2/17/94, 159) ''t:;b) PROPOSED ELECTRIC UTILITIESTERRITORIAL BILL (HB EDUCATIONPROPOSED' t PARINERSHIP ALT (SB 1018). see li"l -:,WiSENr,.AGENM. AUTHORIZE" PURCHASE OF 'SIX COMPUTER R-94-57 AND" PERIPHERAL,­ 2/17/94 .,W41pMFP.1059= - '.''EXISTING DADE R EXPRESS U­AG'E' INd. = FOR bliP--dF t'! PNENT'AND HOUSING CONSERVATION ..,..ALIOCATE*24 - 506 2 -'�Aiju:!HbRim.�, PURCHASE"" "i OF., AUTO . DIADIALINGR 94-58 '5, SYSTEM .- ALLOCATE FROM LETF. -2/17/94, AUTHORIZE FUNDIM: OF, CRIME' STOPPERS Of R 94 59,:,: 5.,: DADE COUNTY:, ALI=TE .$20 000 FROM. LETF. 2/17/94,. 1. 'AUTHORIZE FUNDING OF, PEOPLE UNITED TO, R94- 60 LEAD THE, STRUGGLE,; FOR EQUALITY INC . "S. E.) HOTSPOTS" CAMPAIGN ALIOCATE: $15', 000, FROM, LEIF-. -ACCEPT .BI CAIRNS;BROTHERS R 94-61 6, R­ FIO FURNISHING 100" 1,FIREFIGHTIM 2/17/04 AND b� I ( , ­,HAROLDIS, SALES . 'S PAIRS, OF. 208�. FIREFIGHTING GLOVW AND: 125 ..PAIRS OF FIREFIGHTING -BOOTS DpARTD�EW: OF j.FIRE,-RESCUE: x xy r 2.6 AFRO PRODJL'r5 CORP. -- FOR FtJ CERVICAL' ;'_dba:,L 1RS " -� FOR " 2%17/94 ` DEPAR'iluMENi+ OF FIRE=RESCUE. t 2.7' ACCEPT.'BTD5c (a) TRADE SERVICES R 94-63 TNDUSTRES -' FOR FURNLSHING JANI'IbRTAL 2/17/94 r SERVICES TO:. THE LITTLE -HAITI ,AND Dom`NET.; OFFICES,ALS,PRO JANIZIORIAL -- FOR FURNISHING JANITORIAL" SERVICES .'In THE . FLAGAMI, ,, V YNW'OOD, , y "CORAL IDGEh1ATER, . WAY AMID COGONLJT GROVE NET OFFICES:-- FOR DEPARZIMENr:OF::GSA AMID" SOLID. WASTE / PROPERTY MAINr=NCE DIVISION. 2:8 ACCEPT BID: BANNE 0= LANDSCAPING -- R 94-64 FOR FURNISHING GROUNDS MAINI'ENANCE "OVERTOWN 2/17/94 :SERVICE`TO SHOPPING CENTER =- FORDEPA�OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE PROPERTY- MAINTENANCE DIVISION. ACCEPT, BID:. PARK; SAS, INC. -- R 94 $. i0IR, FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF 2/17/94 PLAYGRDiJiMID EQUIPHENr, PICNIC TABLES, AND.BARBECUE GRILLS"AT TOWN PARK -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION"(CIP ' 331.363) ." ACCEPT .BID: SOVEREIGN CONSTRUCTI N R 94-66.:` 9 " CROUP -- FOR, FURNISHING AND 2/17/94' INSTALLATION OF.CHAIN LINK FENCING FOR SIMPSON PARK -= FOR DEPARTMEw OF PARKS AND RECREATION (CIP 3313346):` 2.11: ACCEPT BID: DOZIER & DOZIER R 94-67 9 CONSTRUCTION -- FOR OF 2/17/94 CEILING IN E911 CENrER -- FOR " DEPARTME<T OF POLICE. 2 12 AUTHORIZE ACQUISITION OF 125 SETS OF R 94-68 , 9-10 GdABE PROTECTIVE FIREFIGHTER SUITS 2/17/94''" (UNDER 'EXISTING BROWARD COUNTY BID M08912012) =- `FROM "HAROLD'S SALES AND 5 SERiVVICCE -- FOR DEPARTM�fl' OF FIRE- RESCUE i ! S CS t' Jy ;^ 4• AOCEPT.BID: OWENS & MINOR INC. FOR FURNISHING R 94 .75 14�16 I.V. CAZ R,5 FOR DEPARTMENT - OF FIRE -RESCUE. 2/17/94 f{, ;; 5 • AUTHORIZE ,CITY MANAGER =T0 ' y' , EXECtIi� 1'ROFESS10NAt CES SERVI' AG2E5Wr.. 'WITH R 94-76 17=23 , 2/17/94 t MRA INTERNATIONAL, INC. TO 'PROVIDE EXPERT PLANNING' AND PCONOMIC ANALYSIS SERVICES FOR'• BICENIENNIAL PARK / FEC TRACT PR0.7ECP: 6 • (A) ' RECOdVFIRM RESOLUTION 89-548, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE R 94-77 24-27 . FLAGLER / CORE AREA SECURITY DISTRICT' SPECIAL_ Il�POVII+. 2/17/94 DISTRICT --- DECLARE:. THAT SECURITY, E'I' AND SIMILAR. SERVICES (PREVIOUSLY EXTENDED BY VARIOUS l RESOLUPIONS)'BE AGAIN EXTErIDID FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR (THROUGH MARCH 7� } 1995) -- ESTABLISH / LEVY SPECIAL ASSESSME[vTS AGAINST PERTINENT, DISTRICT PROPERTIES BENEFITING BY -PROVISION OF SUCH, Sm10E17• . (B) ' DELEGATE CERTAIN COMPETITIVE BIDING. 'FUNCTIONS BY AUTHORIZING THE DDih1NIl7WN DEV=PN W AUTHORITY (DDA) TO ISSUE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) .FOR PROVISION OF ARMED PRIVATE -SECURITY SERVICES : IN THE DOW1vIC)WN Y'` AREA - AUTHORIZE ESTABLIM14M OF 'SELECTION CQV4TTEE TO EVALUATE SAID: PROPOSALS AND TO REPORT, COMNBTT'EE' S FIDIDINGS To . CITY . COMSSION FOR ITS ACTION. (See label 9) 7• BRIEFLY DISCUSS AND DEFER' To NEX'P DISC[TSSION 28` MEETING ,PROPOSED RESOEMION'TO EKECUTE 2/17/94 PROFESSIONAL. SERVICES AGJMENT WITH UNIVERSITY 'OF,, SOUTH FI ORIDA , CENTER FOR t URBAN TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH FOR TRANSPORTATION, TECHNICAL 'STUDIES* TOWARD RWINENM AND COMPLETION, OF' CITY'S 'TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS PLAN (TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT, OF MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1989= 2000 [MCNP]). (Note: This resolution lreconsidered, passed and 7dopt a ed -see label 34.) r 2, 44xG7 t , 1 L�i2 j i 1 8 • ClTAUTHORIZE':MANAGER' t PROFESSIONAL R 94-79 SERVICE S A�EME�r WITH 2/17/94 , c 29 32 fi THE FLORIDA : ._ INrERNATICN��i, ITY UNIVERS ". JOINT CENTER POR ENVIRAL -AND t -- `PROBLEMS FOR TRANSPORTATION GOODS N STUDY :FOR MIAMI ; CEN!IRAL CITY ;AREA,: WITH SPECIAL' FOCUS PRESENT / FC1IiJRE OPERATIONS OF PORT NLVff OF 9• (Continued discussion NIDDIFICATION Tp ) AUTHORIZE R.94-80 32 35; . WITH THE 2/17/94 CORPORATION D. AtEEMENT WITH THE .,SECURITY:- SERVICES.: FOR ,THE FL,AGLER `/ CORE .AREA '.,SECURITY DISTRICT ADID THE FLAGLER'; /. CORE AREA SECURITY DISTRICT 'Rr DISTRICT F•X1'ANSION DISTRICT =- EMEND : AGREUMNT .FOR 45 DAYS MmF APRIL 21, 1994) -- FUND.. F10R, SAID SERVICES .$39, 716.51 rMOUGH SPECIAL. ASSESSMENT ON PROPERTIES , BENEFITING FROM'SAID SERVICES WITHIN SAID DISTRICT. ,(See label'6) AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER 71O F,ui+E LEASE R`94-81 AqREEIHENtI' WITH UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2/17/94 35-38 DEPAR71u1E'NT+ OF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL AVIATION AMUNISTRATION -- FOR OF ,USE VACANT': PARCEL+ OF LAND (MEASURING APPROXIMATELY,300 FEET `BY 200 FEET) ON VIRGINIA; KEY (DIAGONALLY ACROSS N.W. CORNER :OF MIAMI-DARE WATER AMID SEWER ALTI'IiORITY' PLANl') --; FOR CQrsrRiJcrION AMID" PLACEMENT: OF AN AIR ROUTE NAVIGATIONAL;FACILITY ON VIRGIN?A KEY CONFIRM APPOINTMENT OF INIDIVIDUAL AS , R 94-82 MEMBER 0_F 39740 CITY, OF-;MIAMI GEi�RAi, 2/17/94 EMF'IAYEES' AMID SANITATION IIMOYEES' . RETIREMENr TRUST. (Confirmed was: Isabel Kato.) 12,, (A) APPOINT /'REAPPOINT INDIVIDUALS '10, R 94-83 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 40-43 OF THE, PERFORMING R 94-831 ARTS>CEN�ER TRUST (PACT). (Reappointed 2/17/94 was: Henry T,, CourtneY. Esq. Appointed was; CO=dssioner Wifred' o Gprt.. (B) APPOINT CCMSSIONER WIFREDO GORT, ITO.. ' GREATER MIAMI 'CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU BOARD. - r t i V7. i.«i@ t Y icy v VI fs 4 1: I tyi i } A RATIFY CITY MANAGER' S. FINDING, THAT R 94--84 .. (E''NEED,EXISTED 2/17/94 y .43-46 < ' 13. -- WAIVE CC ETITIVE SEAT BIDS --- PPROVE ' OF LIGHT, r. SIRENS PEE $PE2 R5 TO EQUIP . NEW POLICE PURS[JIT SIGN s a VEHICLES FED F 0 �`°IGNT ; OF GSP► CORPORATION. =- AND .SOLID WAS'i'E P Y VICE MAYOR DAWKIN5 iBi OF SAL FUND WHICH" GOMoNEYS TO ►HE POLICE DEPARZMF. V •-85 ' FINDING OF R 94. 46-47 14. RATIFY CITY' MANAGER'S WAIVE. ETITIVE SEALED 2/17/94 EMERGENCY ; BIDS - FOR ,: REPAIR OF ` THE MMUMUS ' RESPONSE VEHICLE I�1pfPERIALS Fft�2'E .,S .E. F . INC- =- FOR DEPAFd14 TI' OF FIRE -RESCUE• 'S ;FINDING. OF SOLE R 94-86 48-. 49 15. RATIFY CITY MANAGER 2/17/94 -- WASipEPITIVE SEALED BIDS' -- APPROVE ACQUISITION ;OF VIDEO p ANYING EDITING S'�AND SOF'LWARE FROM'>VIDEO,PRODUCTION SYSTEMS COMPANY r INC • FOR _ DEPAR'nOV OF FIRE -RESCUE ALLOCATEFUNDSFROMDADE OF FLORIDA EMSGRANT' C UNI'Y /STATE 16. DISCIJSSI01' C� SELEL N OF R 94-87 �IOLARSHIPS TO 2/17/94. 49-51 RECEIVE INDIVIDUALS Selected -; UNIVERSITY OF.MIAMI• ATTEND Beatriz'Dostourian, Maggy Bailey' were:' AniadraFernandez Riolene Jean- ,► Baptiste & Shadrick Williams:) 17. RISES FOR M 94-88 DENY REQUES"I! BY U.B. 2/17/94, OF 51-52 ' RENTAL FEE WAIVER FOR USE BOWL TO STAGE SIX -HOUR MEETS RELIEF CONCERT ("WHERE .EAST WEST -- REBUILDING COALITION") REC.ENr TRAGEDYIN IDS P,NGELES r } CALIFORNIA. . `{ INVITE BIDS IN R 94-89 52-63 . 18. DIRECT CITY �,to CONNECTION WITH PROPOSID SALE OF 2/17/94 HARDEMONIS MARKET PROPERTY. 1. 9 ADD. "MIANlI TODp,Y" TO PRESENT LIST OF R 94-90 PLAT OF CITY 2/17/94 63-65 . LOCAL NEWSPAPERS FOR ADS h xi , r •s N. r r7 `.$.r,i '" 'F.,'S'iF Rns sfi }�y,r�?!�`i2'f"`,q1,'y " i} '"�C 64' 1 i 5 1 1 { 2 YS DIRECT CITY. MANAGER TO CREATE SEX7 W M.94-91 r NEIGEIDORI�OOD NET),_,2/17/94 OFFICE (a)LTTTL,E�HAVANA.,ARF1yAM M COCON(� ' GRbVE `AREA SUB,7F]Cr . ADDITIONAL' E�pEI�IDIZURE OF CITY 'FUNDS. (A) DISCUSSION— NING `EiTIURE OF MEL'ESE GOLF COURSE. DISCUSSIQEI 71-73 (B) VICE MAYOR DAWKINS'` STATES THAT..THE 2/17/94 BEDNIINSTER ,GROUP, '(FAND[TS FOR BUILDING 3IJOCESSFUL GOLF COURSES IN, = NORTH CAROLINN).HAS OFFERED TO HELP THE CITY IN ' CONNF.GTION WITH DEIVF'LOpMMOF MELREESE GOLF COURSE E. 22.: AVIMRIZE CITY MANAGER TO ROQCJEST LOAN ($15,0Q 000) THE�SUNSHINE R . 94-92 74-75 FROk STATE 2/17/94 GOVERIAL FINANCING SSION ` -- TO FIIJANCE E7QUIPMR .AbJLJISITION -- DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO BRING BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION EVERY PROPOSED EXPENDITURE FOR` -ITS APPROVAL. 23.: GRANT PRELIMINARY APPROVAL, ON REFINANCING THREE R 94-93 76-81 .OF 3 (i OUTSTANDING 2/17/94 BOND. ISSUES -- AGREE ON POLICY SELEC,`T'ION BOND COUNSEL, ' FINAL DONATION ; AS � ?M BOI�ID . '.COUNSEL / - UI�IDERWRITERS TO BE MADE_ BY CITY . OMISSION -- DIRECT CITY " AT'I10110EY To SOLICIT PROPOSALS ' FRCS!' QUALIFIED LAW FIRMS FOR PROVISION OF BOND, COUNSEL SERVICES.;. i i :r ArRid{Fy,�j1y� J ,: t 4 X 5z o 4 ,ALLOCATE $50 j 000 JW�,�'SUPPORTI OF R,94-04 '82-92,`�, TO J 066 000" FIRE' AND' RESCUE FACILITIES; AND,(b) $28* 0 POLICE SC IVERAL OBLIGATION BM AB FIRST READING, ORDINANCE: PROVIDE FOR :;;:HOLDINGOF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION': 'AV " AILABLE DATE W I�,- .' WITH RESPECT .TO ISSUANCE" OF $ `060 26' 1� IPOO PCLICE.�AND (31IME PREVENTION IL FAC 'ITIES BONDS,.-, (Notd: This was,' into rporat ed nto Ah6 er FIRST, READING n6nc ed mas:� pass or -6 A;oMch' Adottod , AE F6ruary 24 -Eh,meetih , (C);DISCUSSION PROPOSED FIRST., READING ORDINANCE 'PROVIDING, FOR HOLDING OF, SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN CITY;. OF MIAMI ON FIRST AVAILABLE DATE IN 1994 IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED FIRE -RESCUE AND. , POLICE FACILITIES GENERAL. OBLIGATION. BONDS 251000,000 AND $28100010001 RESPECTIVELY)., (A) DISCUSSION -CONCERNIM, COMPOSITION 4 R 9 -95 92" -98 OF THE SELF =INSURANCE AND INSURANCE 2/17/94 .TRUST RW IM FUNDS ME GENERATED AMID EXPENDED. AUTHORIZE,' CITY MANAGER TO PURCliME LIABILITY.,. COVERAGE CONTRACT FROM, LEAGUE OF CITIES' FIRST MUNICIPAL LOAN PROGRAM ($30,000 000). m I _Mr • ZE MDIFICATIOK OF,;REQUEST F OR R� 94—96,98-104 OPt4W ,,pRol UNIFIED: DEVEL 31 PROPOSALS FOR, 17/94 xky� BOAT:,, ViRGINIAYARD 3501'' r llpRcpEnm 1)'' .Z (THE . LFJM,; WITH •AGREEMENT. PROPOSER FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT TO" F.Xri'EDID ." TERM, FOR, 'UP TO 20 YEARS: :2 EMERGENCY :ORDINANCE: AMEND ORDINANCE 0RDIN'A_ NCE 104�-106. 103811- WHICH ESTABLISHED ::SPECIAL 11118 REVENUE 'TRANSPORT ATION.', PLANNING 2/17/4' AND:� COORDINATIOW.-- ,APPROPRIATE 'ADDITIONAL-., FUNDS ($76, 363) qtANTED: BY _,TROPOLITM PLANNING ORGANIZATION FOR THE ,MIAMI'URBANIZED . AREA, .(MPO), NAItHED 4, BY 19492,:FROM CITY "S'GENERAL, I uNW. M: SECOND, READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH_ ORDINANCE 107-108. jrx - NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND DADS COUNTY 11119 ENS': GRANT '-AWARD (FY'94 APPROPRIATE: '2/17/94 oc FUNDS' CONSISTING,, OF GRANT APPORTIONED ff MMWPOLITAN; DADE: COUNTY FROM STATE ter r OF �FLORIDA _DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, AND REHABILITATIVE 'SERVICES (HRS) UNDER ]�! ENCY MEDICAL SERVICES GRANT PROGRAM[ FOR COUNTIES AND CARRY— �OVER' . FUND BALANCE ' FROM PREVIOUS EMS 29 ORDINANCE: AMEND. CODE 'ORDINANCE 108-1-11 2=- 3 (ORDER OF BUSINESS AND, 11120 RULES OF PROCEDURE)l THEREBY STATING 2/17/94 THAT THOSE PORTIONS OF THE AGENDA ENTITLED: PUBLIC HE AAP %INGS, PUBLIC DISCUSSION, AND PERSONAL APPEARANCES wb TO BE' HEARD NO EARLIER .THAN-10:00 A. M. ON. DATE OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING. ymm im i t 30' 'SECOND: READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH ORDINANCE 111-113' °NEN :SPECIAL' REVENL)E FUND: SOLID WASTE 11121 ` REDi CTION: RE�7CYCLING EDUCATION 2/17/94 (FY94) -- APPROPRIATE.' FUNDS [IN ACCORDANCE WITH F.S. 403706(4)], OQNSISTING OF, ,RECYCLING .PROGRAM GRANT_ :., f FROM STATE ` OF : FIARIDA DEPARn4ENT : OF i E ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE OF FIARIDA . SOLID: WASTE MMQZ MaVT GRANT RULE 17-716 'AND F.S. 403-7095. 31: FIRST READING ORDINANCE: MW CODE ORDINANCE 113-115 ARTICLE VIII; CHAPTER 54 (USE OF PUBLIC FIRST READING RIGHTS=OF-WAY BY PRIVATE CCK4UNICATIONS 2/17/94 SYSTEMS) -- ' ESTABLISH REGULATIONS AND FEES FOR GOVERNMENTAL OWNED ; TELEMMQUNICATIONS SYSTEMS AND REDEFINE ; RESPONSIBILITY FOR ` ANNUAL FEE FOR SHARED FACILITIES. 32. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE ORDINANCE 115-117' SECTION 54-17 '(PROHIBITIONOF VEHICULAR FIRST READING '. ACCESS) -- 'CLARIFY PROCEDURE AND 2/17/94 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: FOR f RFQlJESTING VEHICULAR ACCESS PROHIBITION. 33: DISCUSS AND DEFER "CONSIDERATION OF DISCUSSION' 117-124" v PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CITY 2/17/94 MANAGER TO ATE MEMORANDA OF ' UNDERSTANDING WITH: (a) FRATERNAL ORDER OF:' POLICE '(FOP), LODGE NO. 20, (b) INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 587, AND (c) AMERICAN FEDERATION ,'OF 'STATE, COUNTY, AND, MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 1907, AFL --CIO''' -- THEREBY ELIMINATING 'U z RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT AS A TERM / 1 CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT FOR NEW HIRES, F 34. _ (Continued Discussion) AUTHORIZE CITY R 94-97 r 125-126 ; ., MANAGER TO EKE= PROFESSIONAL 2/17/94 SERVICES .AGREII'.WITH THE UNIVERSITY f OF SOU73i . FLORIDA CENTER FOR URBAN TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH -- FOR �n TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL STUDIES TOWARD � i REFINEMEDTT AND CC43IMION OF CITY'S TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS PLAN, WHICH: IS: TRANSPORTATION ELE MU OF MIAMI ¢ COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1989- Syn 2000 (maw) • ( See label 7 ) a 354 AUTHORIZE CITY . MANAGER (ON BEHALF OF t R 94-98 126-128 1 , CITY OF MIAMI AS PARTICIPATING PUBLIC 2/17/94 a AGENCY, 'IICkErl'IM` WITH METROPOLITAN ME.. COUNTY, CITY. OF 1, MIAMI BEACH,_ AND } VILLAGE OF ; BAL HARBOUR),, -- TO EXECUTE ` INTERIOCAL AGREEMENT. WITH GREATER MIAMI { CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, INC. TO CARRY OUT CONVENTION PROMOTIONS, BOOKING /.'SALES ACTIVITIES ON BEHALF OF PARTICIPATING PUBLIC' AGENCIES. 36 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE. R 94-99 129-131 ` PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH 2/17/94 REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT TO: (1) 'ASSESS E CITY'S REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS IN ORDER TO REBID . STRATEGY FOR MAXIMIZING f e , FINANCIAL / SOCIAL RETURN TO " THE CITY, AND (2) RECOMMEND REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE TO BE UTILIZED. BY 'THE CITY -- AUTHORIZE FEE TO EXCEED .NOT $50,000 -- DIRECT MANAGER M BRING BACK ` NEGOTIATED CONTRACT FOR APPROVAL BY CITY COMMISSION. 37. ACCEPT QRANP, JOINTLY WITH CENTER FOR R 94-100 131-135 HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES, INC. ($1,000,000), 2/17/94 FRO! U.S.. . DEPAR'IMENT OF Cam, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION -- TO RENOVATE CERTAIN CITY -OWNED PROPERTY f TO .HOUSE ' A BUSINESS INCUBATOR FOR f HEALRIi TECHNOLOGIES (1145 N.W. 11 STREET)` -- ` AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO MUM INTO .NECESSARY AGREE ENT(S) . • :-;• 38.. (A) ,.DISCUSS AND DEFER PROPOSED DISCUSSION 136-143 y RESOLUTION TO ATLOC',ATE $75,000 FOR 2/17/94 BEAUTIFICATION OF AREA BOUNDED BY BISCAYNE "BOULEVARD TO THE EAST, N.E. 4 COURT TO THE WEST, N.E. 61 STREET TO THE SOUTH, AND. N.E. 65 STREET TO THE NORTH:;-- ALLACATE $358,885 TO LITTLE ; HAITI ASSOCIATION FOR ACQUISITION / I RENOVATION / DEVELOPMENT OF SCATTERED SITE HOUSING FOR'FAMILIES / INDIVIDUALS a OF MODERATE / LOW INCOMES. (See label 60) (B) BRIEF; DISCUSSION .CONCERNING MIAMI HERALD ARTICLE ABOUT ST. HUGH GARDENS HOUSING PROJECT. i. P i v ~ -1 �pL'f'J,1 'e".ySry9C':a! Wl.-..i. ,5. -_ „ 1• -•'C t?iA�"3�,j ri•Y1 ;4aT1 F�3;fJ;.yi}}p �(4/.j \ h1 Vipki{f 1u'i'S; t: 39. AUTHORIZE EMCUI'ION Off' DOCUME' S R 94-101' 143-147 NECESSARY FOR MAKING A, DEFERRED PAYMENr 2/17/94 LOAN Ta (a) URBAN LEAGUE OF GREATER MIAMI, INC., AND :(b) GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBORHOODS," INC., SPONSORS .FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF M&M MAISON II`,PROJEC,T (A 21-UNIT AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING ' PROJECT FOR - DEVELOPMENT OF FORMERLY CITY -OWNED PARCELS AT N.W. 60 AND 61 STREETS BETWEEN 15 AND 17 AVENUES, IN THE MODEL CITY : NEIGIBORHOOD) -- TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF. SAID PROJECT ($672,100)-- DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO 4 BRING THIS ITEM BACK IN, 90 DAYS CONCERNING TERM AND PERCENTAGE RATE OF t. SAID LOAN. 40. AUIMRIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER" INTO R 94-102 147-151 AGREEMENT WITH EAST LITTLE HAVANA 2/17/94 COMMUNITY DEVEiAPMENT CORPORATION, INC. (GRANTEE)' -- TO PROVIDE A $461,860 GRANT " FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RIO GARDENS ZOMiC1USES, A 22-UNIT AFFORDABLE HCbC�V►7NERSHIP HOUSING PRO►7EC.•T lETO BE QOD1STFtUG'TMD ON SEVEN PARCELS OF CITY- OWNED VACANT ' LAND (S.W. 2 ' & 3 STREETS BETNEEN ` S.W. 4 AND 5 AVENUES) . 41. AUTHORIZE ASPS TO PROVIDE GRANT, R 94-103 151-153 TO: (a) MODEL HOUSING COOPERATIVE, INC. 2/17/94 ($110,000), AND (b) ST. JOHN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. CORPORATION _ ($15,000) FOR ACQUISITION / DEVELOPMENT AND/OR REHABILITATION OF AFFORDABLE. HOUSING FOR LOW / VERY IOW INCOME FAMILIES / INDIVIDUALS. 42 (A) AVIiiORIZE 12ESTRUCTURING OF LONG DEBT R 94-104 153-156 OBLIGATIONS OF -aMMAST OVER'I�OWN 2/17/94 PARK . WEST C70MMIliITY REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT --- AUTHORIZE DRAW DOWN FUNDS FROM CITY' S U S . DEPA ZI14M OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) SECTION 108 LOAN (NOT, TO EXCEED $5 MILLION) TO BE USED,, AIQM WITH FUNDS AVAILABLE. IN DISTRICT'S TRUSS' FUND, TO MAKE A TENDER OFFER TO 1990 TAX " INCRF.' W REVE7VUE BOND HOLDERS TO RECCE ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE -- AtJi'HORIZE ENGAGDOV:OF INVESTMENT BROKER. (B) BRIEF DISCUSSION CONCERNING PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ONGOING PROVISION OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES TO TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES -- REST TAX EXEN�T STERRING COMMITTEE To LOOK NTO THIS ISSUE. 43 . BRIEFLY DISCUSS AND DEFER CONSIDERATION DISCUSSION 157 OF PROPOSID RESOLUTION TO APPROVE / 2/17/94 AUTHORIZE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 4MMPRITY (MA) TO EXPEND $270,000 FROM 18TH AND 19TH YEAR CDBG. ALIOCATION FOR r'LAGLER CORE AREA ENHANC� PR0.7EC,`rS . 44. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER To EFFECT i R 94-105 157-159 INCREASE IN COMPENSATION TO: (a) 2/17/94 ADVANCED DATA PROCESSING, AND (b) CONSOLIDATED' MEDICAL SERVICES ($100,000) -- FOR FURNISHING MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION 'BILLING AND COLLECTION z SERVICES -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF FIRE - RESCUE. 6 j i i itvc.ai° tur i t t S ' � Y , , 45., ION WITH ORDINANCE (A) DISCUSSION IN FIRST READING 160-1667.4 "::REPORT BY'`, CITY' S. BOARDS ADIDS : 2/17/94 REVIEW,C'CmTTEE (g) FIRST READINGORDINANCE:., `ABOLISH CERTAIN BOARDS; (2) ESTABLISH (3) NIP OF` CERTAINBOARDS i ' BOARD NIDERS i SUNSET ALL FOR CODE BY ADDING STANDARDSFOR ; s... . ; AMEND CREATION / REVIEW OF BOARDS FOR DEFINITIONS / REO[TIRENi�'[JI'S / TERM OFFICE / M�IP ATTENDANCE / 5� / DICE / DK/ ANN[JAL REPORTS RECpREEPING / O� } LIAISON / 5 NSET� SIP `. BOARDS ` () ALL. i . LIFICATIONS / APPOINTMENTS / TERMS OF '/ ITION / R� OFFICE COMPOS T / QuoRm / A V. RESIDENCY. DISQUALIFICATION / POWERS / DUTIES -- AS THEY APPLY TO DESIGNATED BOARDS; AND • THE CITY OF MIAMI (6)' CREATE. (a) ASSET REVIEWIMITI'EE, t PROPERTY AMID AND,: (b) THE BUDGET . AMID FINANCES REVIEW CCKUTrEE ESTABLISH CRITERIA FOR i SAID BOARDS SrnTT, AMERIC.A, R 94-106 166-168 i 46. • CLAIM SErAEMU: 2/17/94 S(TCCESSOR-IN-INTEREST OF TELxJS INC. p,S Cam]NICATIONS, INC. ($26,975.401 PIIJS INTEREST)• BAKER, DANIEL R 94-107 168-170 i 47 . RONAID CLAIM SETTL RENT 2 / 17 / 94 SARDINA AS x ; ,. , apZALEZ MAKI'HA pE,L REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ESTATE OF- EVARISTO CASTE DECEASED, AND ROBERTO, AND CARMEN RODRIGUEZ ($155,000). 48. AUTHORIZE FUNDING OF "DO THE RIGHT R 94-108 $165,500 2/17/94 171-172 THING" P -- ALIACATE 3 FRC 4 LE N " TO FISTING L''ONI'RM'1' R 94-109 172=173 r 49. EXECUTE ANDJT� CAN TELEPHONE AND Z+ERAPH 2/17/94 WITH .TELEPHONE CORPORATION, ('ICY INCREASING SAID - OF 360,000) -- CONTRAG�1' IN THE MUM$ FOR FURNISHING, INSTALLATION AND 1 SERVICING OF THE E911 'SYSTEM -- FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT 3r + 2f cl >, :. i yhq+b{?`Y�h'M'Yav7R7nc44Sit-v^r-r ,. ++b'!. ,L_. 4... _ _.. ._ { ,;, .., i 55 t " t'•:.. `t 1 . 1 ,'i��:f fi . Y ...9. 'la f„ R ',},YLit�t y'�`ir[, 4 t' i 50. ACCEPT PROPOSAL OF MOTOROIA, INC. / R 94-110 173-177 FOR FURNISHING MOBILE DIGITAL 2/17/94 fa TERMINALS, SOFTWARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES, IN AN 'AMOUNT NOT M EKCEED $1,540000 (CIP 312010), WITH PROVISOS =-` DIRECT CITY, 'MANAGER TO BRING BACK NEGOTIATED CONTRACT FOR CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL. 51: AUTHORIZE / PERMIT EQUITABLE LIFE R 94-111 177-179 ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES 2/17/94 TO CONSTRUCT / MAINTAIN A PEDESTRIAN ` OVERPASS OVER / ACROSS N.E. 15 STREET BETWEEN THE OMNI ME Remo R STATION AND THE OMNI COMPLEX (AT BISCAYNE BOULEVARD AND N.E. 15 STREET), SUHJDC?T TO CONDITIONS. 52 ACCEPT BID: LEWIS GREEN CONSTRUCTION, R 94-112 180 t INC. -- FOR INNS PARK REDEVELOPMENT 2/17/94 PROJECT, B-3247 (CIP 331042) -- EXECITTE CONTRACT. 53 ACCEPT BID: HARRISON CONSTRUCTION R 94-113 181 CORPORATION -= FOR NEW FIRE STATION NO. 2/17/94 12 (SECOND BIDDING) B-2990 (CIP 313239) -- F.XE.CtTTE CONTRACT. ; 54 - ACCEPT BID: M. VILA AND ASSOCIATES, R 94-114 182-183 ' INC. FOR MORRIS PARK STORM SEWER 2/17/94 RETROFITTING PHASE -I, B-5595 (CIP , 352278) -- EXECUTE CONTRACT. 55. ACCEPT BID: F & L CONSTRUCTION, R 94-115 183-184 INC. -- FOR CITYWIDE SIDEWALK 2/17/94 REPLACEMENT PROJECT - PHASE VIII, B- i 4562 (CIP 341178) -- EXECUTE CONTRACT. 56. ACCEPT BID:. C.M.A. CORPORATION -- FOR R 94-116 184-185 CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROJECT - 2/17/94 PHASE VII, B-4561 (CIP 341175) c EXECUTE CONTRACT. r 57. (A) APPOINT COMMISSIONER WIFREDO GORT R 94-117 185-187 AS CITY OF MIAMI REPRESENTATIVE TO DADE R 94-118 LEAGUE OF CITIES. 2/17/94 (B) APPOINT COMMISSIONER J.L. P?UMMER AS,' CITY OF MIAMI REPRESENTATIVE TO FWRIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES. 1 s l t i. ._.0 -... (• .. '.. v' t a 34 _ fru }'ti"�„t'''?y'� t 1. r,.'�►1tM8ktt'e^:'Mr..a?,...w.£rvwe,,.;+.e .r+r• ,r, :• -. ... .. d � 58. AC:'CEPT .' BID: iLI-TECEI, INC. - - FOR R 94,119 187-188 REFURBISHING TWO Obi-6 T�LICOPTERS, 2/17/94 DONATED. BY, THE -FEDERAL GOVERNMEtTI' -_ 4 FOR POLICE DEPARTMEMT. += 59. (A) AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER ToNEGOTIATE R 94-120 189-191 /1� PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2/17/94 I AGREEl i1' WITH DAVID PILMM AND ASSOCIATES, INC. -.- FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES ASSOCIATED, WITH TRAFFIC CONIWL PLAN IN GATE NEIGEIDORHOOD -- ALLOCATE i. $15,000.- , (B) REQUEST CITY COMMISSION TO EXEMPT i CORAL '. GATE AMID SHORECREST FROM REQUIREMENTS OF AGENDA ITEM 31 (FIRST READING ORDINANCE AMENDING CODE SECTION 54=17 [PROHIBITION OF VERICULAR {` ACCESS]) -- THEREBY CLARIFYING THE PROCEDURE: / FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES ex FOR REQUESTING A VEHICULAR ACCESS PROHIBITION. (See label 32) 60. ALLOCATE $75,000 (FROM UNEXPENDED LOTH R 94-121 191-194 YEAR COMMUWTy DEVELOPMENT PROM M 2/17/94 FUNDS) FOR BEAUTIFICATION OF AREA BOUNDED BY ,BISCAYNE BOULEVARD TO THE j EAST, N.E. 4'COURT To THE WEST, N.E. 61 STREET TO THE SOM AND N.E. 65 STREET To THE NORTH. (See label 38) (A) EXPRESS TO MEMBERS OF FLORIDA R 94-122 194-197 LEGISLATURE CITY OF MIAMI'S OPPOSITION R 94-123 "TO THE: PROPOSED ELECTRIC UTILITIES AD 2/17/94 VALOREM. TAX BILL (HB 159) AND THE i PROPOSED ELECTRIC UTILITIES TERRITORIAL BILL (Hp 405)._ ` (B) EXPRESS TO MEMBERS OF FLORIDA ; LEGISLATURE CITY OF. MIAMI'S OPPOSITION M THE, PROPOSED EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP i } ACT 1481 AND SB 1018). (See label ,(HB 2A) 620 CHANGE` START TIME OF PLANNING AND M 94-124 197=199 ' ZONING CITY COMMISSION MEETING 2/17/94 SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 24, 1994 TO 4:30 t. P.M. si f ......: ,. _ ,. .. .r ...,.._ ,. ..• -?-:� ,:: .:,.. ...r ..•;. r 3 R trt<4: Fx, ., x. t<,Yt� r 14M11',�i`F M b�3�:ii+'R 1�W N'qt 63. ACCEPTCITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION M 94-125 200-264 eF ;TO DENY. REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES FROM 2/17/94 t LEAGUE. AGAINST AIDS; INC. TO. BE CONSIDERED, ANIDr1G5T .: TI3OSE AGENCIES ;k r, RE(IDED. FOR 1993 HOPWA- -'GRANT FUNDING' FOR ' DEVELiOPmw. OF RENTAL, APARTMENTS FOR LOW INC) ME _ PERSONS WHO ARE HIV, POSITIVE. 64 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE ORDINANCE 205-214 CHAPTER: 22 (GARBAGE AND TRASH) -- 11122 ELIMINATE RESIDENTIAL BACKYARD GARBAGE 2/17/94 COLLECTION AND REQUIRE RESIDENTS FROM SINGLE / DUPLEX RESIDENCES M PLACE } THEIR GARBAGE CURBSIDE ON THEIR REQUIRED SCHEDULED COQLECTION DAYS. 65.' (A) DISCUSSION CONCERNING FIRST READING R 94-126 215-222 ' ?r i} s y ORDINANCE TO AMEND CODE CHAPTER 22 ORDINANCE (GARBAGE AND MASH), THEREBY FIRST :READING ESTABLISHING ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES 2/17/94 AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES FOR PERSONS WHO F ' FAIL M REMOVE THEIR GARBAGE CANS FROM r CURBSIDE.AFTER GARBAGE COLLECTION. (B),. ALTAC.ATE -: $9,054 TO ALLAPATTAH CXUIl4MTY ACTION, INC. =-- TO SUPPORT AGENCY' S CHILD. CARE PROGRAM -- F.XE= AGREEMENT (C),, FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE CHAPTER ` 22 ( GARBAGE AMID TRASH) ` -- ESTABLISH ENFORCE OM PROCEDURES AND AD UNISTRATIVE .'FEES FOR. PERSONS WHO FAIL TO: REMOVE THEIR GARBAGE ' CANS FROM CURBSIDE AFTER GARBAGE COLLECTION. i MINUTES OF ,REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY CCHMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA onthe 17th day of February, the City Ca ndssion of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at by Mayor Stephen P. Clark with the following members of the Carmission found to be present: Cannissioner Wifredo Gort Cammissioner J.L. Plummer Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins. Mayor Stephen P. Clark t ALSO PRESENT: Cesar Odio, City Manager A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney Matty Hirai, City Clerk Walter J. Foeman, Assistant City Clerk ABSENT: Carmissioner Victor De Yurre An. invocation was delivered by Mayor Clark who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. ------------------ 1. PRESENTATIONS,' PROCLAMATIONS & SPECIAL ITEMS. - - --------------------------------------------------------------- A. Proclamation and City,s Medal: Berta Diaz -- first Cuban national to compete in Olympics -- winner of 258 Gold Medals at the Pan American Games. B. Proclamation: Kiwanis Club of Little Havana Day -- for their dedication toward well-being of our citizens and for enhancing Miamirs image as the have of the biggest Spanish Fiesta of the Country. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Camtissioner Victor De Yurre entered the meeting at 9:15 a.m. 1 February 17, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: I would like to get a resolution, or added to this one Mayor, Mayor, if we may, in opposition to thatbillalso because it Vill greatly affect the jobs program in this City, in the future. ,r Mayor Clark: 'No problem at all. Commissioner Plummer: It's House Bill 108... Senate Bill 1018. Yeah. Whenever you bring that up, Mr. Mayor... ' Mayor Clark: All right. Very good. Commissioner -Plummer: ...I would like to bring up the other one with it, i please. Mayor Clark: Madam Clerk, remind us so that we could... 1018 addition to 159 and:405. With those changes in today's agenda, is there a motion? ' Vice Mayor Dawkins: I'd dike to move for discussion 8, 17, 21 and 24: Commissioner. Plummer: Eight, 17, 21... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Twenty-one, and 24. _ Camiissioner Plummer: Yeah, OK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And I'd like to thank the Manager for pulling off item 15 becauseresolution 93-785 specifically stated to go back out for bids, to seek n w.'bids ,based on such specifications as. he deemed appropriate for the procurement of said vehicular tires and tubes, and to bring back said sources and specification to the City Commission for review and approval. And that 4 was. not,,done,;so I'm glad that he pulled 15, thank you. Mayor Clark: Thank you. t Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would request, at this time, sir, items 21, 23 and 26 for discussion. i Unidentified Speaker,: Twenty-one? Ccmmissioner Plummer:' Twenty-one, 23, and 26. Mayor Clark: OK. Camnissioner'Plummer: Other than that, if here is nothing else, I'll move that`the'remaining portion of the consent agenda be adopted. Mayor Clark: Are the persons who want to speak on the consent agenda? What sir, give us your name and address for the record. f '�t Mr. Jose Camera: Jose Camera from Jackson Memorial Hospital, address is fur 1220... 1CA-25 whenever... 611 N.W. 12th Avenue. I'd like to speak on item ?z Vice Mayor, Dawkins: Pull 25 for discussion. f K 3 February 17, 1994 v ��A�'Y"Y. L:yni w.1 i .r .•n' to I;r ... ii.:... -, r,'.. :..: ',. :. .. ... ...,. ... .... .. .. } t r i Mr:. C.amero: .:. that canes up. Mayor,Clark: Ztrrenty-five for discussion. When it 'comes up we'll work on r that; sir: Commissioner Plummer: Are you in opposition, sir? Or are you speaking for ' A? we Camera: No, I'd like to ask for a 30 day extension on that. Commissioner Plummer: In opposition, or for it? =a Mr. Cameros In opposition of rescinding. Commissioner Plummer: You are in opposition to it, so you are asking for a 30 day extension. Mr. Camero: Right. CICi ssioner Plummer: OK, that's... Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): I can bring it back on March 24th, that would be OK? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Are they withdrawing it, Mr. Manager? Mr. Odio I will withdraw it and bring it back on March 24th. fy Mayor ,Clark: Twenty-five is withdraw. Motion and a second. Cast a unanimous `ballot, Madam Clerk. All right, this... Commissioner Plummer: The remaining portion I'll move at this item, Mr. k Mayor. Mayor Clark:.. All right, sir. Is there a second? Cast a unanimous ballot with no exception. THEREUPON MOTION DULY .MADE BY COMMISSIONER PILMVER AND SECAAIDID BY COMMISSIONER GORT, THE CONSENT AGENDA ' ITEMS, :WITH THE ABOVE -STATED EXCEPTIONS WEE, PASSED AMID ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: r AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre i Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark a a.. ' kra NAYS: None. 'ABSENT: None. 4 February 17, 1994 r I S t 2:4 AUTHORIZE FUNDING OF PEOPLE UNITED TO LEAD THE SZRUOC,E FOR EQUALITY INC. (P.U.L.S.E.) "HOTSPC7I5" CAMPAIGN -- ALTACATE $15,000 FROM LETF. RESMMION NO. 94-60 ! ARESOII(x1 AUTHORIZING THE FUNDING OF THE PEOPLE ' UNITED TO LEAD THE S'.PKME FOR EQUALITY, , TNC.'S (P . U. L. S . E .) 11H=p0TS n CAMPAIGN, AND AMOC:ATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN, THE AMOUNT OF $15,000, FROM THE LAW ENFORCIENT TRUST FUND, SUCH COSTS HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS CCNpLYING WITH ! FLORIDA STATUTE 932.7055. (Here follows body of resolution, amitted here and j on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.5 ACCEPT BIDS: (a) CAIRNS & BROMM -- FOR FURNISHING 100 FIREFIGHTING, HELMETS, AMID (b) HAROLD'S SALES & SERVICE -- FOR FURNISHING 208 PAIRS OF FIREFIGHTING GLOVES` AND 125, PAIRS OF FIREFIGHTING BOOTS -- FOR DEPARTMENT TI' OF FIRE -RESCUE. RESOLUTION NO. 94-61 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF CAIRNS & BROTHERS FOR THE FURNISHING OF ONE HUNDRED (100) FIREFIGHTING HELMETS, AT A PROPOSED COST OF $11,830.00, AMID HAROLD'S SALES & SERVICE. FOR THE FURNISHING OF TWO HUNDRED : EIGHT . (208) PAIRS OF FIREFIGHTING GLOVES, AND ONE HUNDRED 74EWY-FIVE (125) PAIRS OF FIREFIGHTING BOOTS" ,AT. A PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $13,145.98, FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED:AMOUNr OF $24,975.98 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE ON.A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO -KKMND FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD; :ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE DEPARHMV OF FIRE -RESCUE FY '93-94 ACCOuNP NO. 280601-075; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER m INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS ` CLOTHING, AND THEREAFTER TO EMM THIS CONTRACT FOR 'AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD, AT THE SAME PRICE, ! TERMS`AND CONDITIONS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS f (Here follows body of resolution, omitted hereand on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 6 February 17, 1994 'Si/3AJ i! 1=K%r'l 5tY V•rS: .. .. .. } 206ACCEPT BID: AERO PRODUCPS CORP. -- FOR FURNISHING CERVICAL COLLARS -- FOR DEPARTMENT 'OF FIRE -RESCUE. )' .a RESOLUTION NO. 94-62 A. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF AERO PRODUCTS CORP. i, FOR ,THE FURNISHING OF CERVICAL COLLARS,' ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO MMM FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD. AT A PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $50,000 FOR THE ,: ` ' • DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR . FRom THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE, ACCCxJDFP CODE No. 280501-714; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER To INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT' OFFICER TO ISSUE i PLT4CHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, AND THEREAFIER TO EXTEND THIS CONI!RACl' FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD, AT THE SAME PRICE, TERMS AND CONIDITIONS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) '2.7 ACCEPT BIDS: (a) TRADE SERVICES INDUSTRIES -- FOR FURNISHING JANITORIAL SERVICES TO THE LITTLE HAITI AND DOWN117WN NET OFFICES, AND (b) ALLPRO JANITORIAL -- FOR FURNISHING JANITORIAL SERVICES TO THE FLAGAMI, WYNWOOD / EDGEWATER, CORAL WAY AND COCONUT GRM NET OFFICES -- FOR DEPARTMENT' r OF GSA AMID SOLID WASTE / PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION. RESOLDTION NO. 94-63 A RESOLtTTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF TRADE SERVICES INDUSTRIES FOR THE FURNISHING OF JANITORIAL SERVICES r TO THE LITTLE HAITI AND DOWN OM NET OFFICES AT A PROPOSED AWM OF $2,760.00, AND ALLPRO JANITORIAL FOR: THE FURNISHING OF JANITORIAL SERVICE M THE rr FLACAMI, WYNWOOD/MGEWATER, CORAL WAY AND COCONUT GROVE NET OFFICES AT A PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $6,000.00 ON A C:ONIRACT BASIS FOR CITE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO i E KTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF: GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE/PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION AT A TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $8,760.00; ALUACATING FUNDS ....- THEREFOR FROM! ACcom CODE NO. 421001-340; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER M INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO, ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE, AND UOME7ER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD, AT THE SAME PRICE, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and ! on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) '. i k 7 February 17, 1994 i I x 2.8 ACCEPT BID: BANNERMAN LANDSCAPING -- FOR FURNISHING GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICE TO OVER!M M SHOPPING CENTER -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF GSA AND SOLID WASTE / PROPERTY MAINIUV= DIVISION. RESOLUTION NO. 94-64 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF BANNERMAN LANDSCAPING FOR THE FURNISHING OF GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICE TO THE OVERTOh1N SHOPPING CENTER ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE/PROPERTY MAINTENANCE DIVISION AT A TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $4,752.00; ALIO ATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO. 4202401-670; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRXr THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE, AND THEREAFTER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD, AT THE SAME PRICE, s ... TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.9 ACCEPT BID: PARK STRUCTURES, INC. -- FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT, PICNIC TABLES, AND BARBECUE GRILLS AT TOWN PARK FOR DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION (CIP 331363) RESOLUTION N0. 94-65 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF PARK SAS, INC. FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT, PICNIC TABLES, AND BARBECUE GRILLS AT TOWN • PARK FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AT A TOTAL. PROPOSED COST OF $22,361.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM 'THE camNITY DEVELOPMENT BLACK GRANT, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 331363, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 589301-860; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TD INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 8 February 17, 1994 a, rt k 2.10 ACCEPT BID: SOVEREIGN CONSTRUCTION GROUP -- FOR FURNISHING. AND INSTALTATION OF, CHAIN LINK FENCING FOR SIMPSON PARK -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF ` k PARKS AND RECREATION (CIP 3313346). RESOLUTION NO. 94-66 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF SOVEREIGN, CONSTRUCTION GROUP FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF CHAIN LINK FENCING FOR SIMPSON PARK AT A PROPOSED COST OF. _$26,552.00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS, PRa EC.T NO. 3313346, 'ACCOUNT CODE NO. 589301-860; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER t< TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) i 2.11 ACCEPT BID: DOZIER & DOZIER CONSTRUCTION -- FOR REPLACEMENT OF CEILING IN E911 CENTER -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF POLICE. RESOLUTION NO. 94-67 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF DOZIER & DOZIER CONSTRUCTION FOR THE OF THE CEILING IN 24E E911 CENTER FOR ,THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF.$39,705.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM E911 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND, PROTECT NO. 196002, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 290461-270; AUTHORIZINGTHE CITY MAIMGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER 7O ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2..12 AUTHORIZE ACQUISITION OF 125 SETS OF GLOBE PROTECTIVE FIREFIGiTER SUITS (UNDER EXISTING BROWARD COUNTY BID M08912012) -- FROM HAROLD'S SALES AND SERVICE -- FOR DEPAR7.MENT OF FIRE -RESCUE. s RESOLUTION NO. 94-68 {x A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF 125 SETS OF GLOBE FIREFIGHTER PROTECTIVE SUITS UNDER EXISTING BROWARD COUNTY BID NO. M08912012 FROM HAROLD'S SALES _ AND SERVICE AT A 'TOTAL PROPOSED AN1otJNT OF $68,237.50 j FOR THE DEPARDOU OF FIRE -RESCUE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE ACCOUNT CODE NO. 280601-075; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DIRECT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A ,r PURCHASE ORDER FOR SAID ACQUISITION. 9 February 17, 1994 5` _ s + 1 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 7 2.13 .RATIFY AcTio .,OF CITY MANAGER IN ACCEPTING DONATION OF 11000 RED ' MANMMS, MATERIALS AND I,ABOR FROM MAST ACADEMY ECOLOGY CLUB -- " FOR ,. RESTORATION OF .025 ACRES OF 4.5 ACRES, AS MANDATED BY DEPARZMENT OF r ENVIFUMVAL REGULATION MANAGMW (D.E.R.M.) AND DEPARr[1 NI' OF ELWIROd�Il�NTAL "PROTECTION (D.E.P.) AT VIRGINIA KEY Wmu%NDS (VIRGINIA KEY YARD WASTE FACILITY SITE). RESOLUTION N0. 94-69 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF ONE TfUJSAND (1,000) RED N UG;UVES, MATERIALS AND LABOR FROM MAST ACADEMY ECOLOGY CLUB FOR THE RESTORATION OF .025 ACRES OF THE 4.5 ACRES AS MANDATED BY THE DEPAR7MEN7.' OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION MANAGEMENT (D.E.R.M.) AND THE DEPARTMENT OF t.. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (D.E.P.) AT THE VIRGINIA KEY WLTLANDS LOCATED AT THE VIRGINIA KEY YARD WASTE FACILITY SITE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.14 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH MEDICAL PRIORITY CONSULTANTS, INC. -- TO IMPLE[v= MEDICAL PRIORITY DISPATCHING SYSTEM IN DEPARTMU OF FIRE -RESCUE, C=UjICATIONS SECTION. RESOLUI'ION NO. 94-70 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTAaHmE fT(S) AUTHORIZING; THE CITY MANAGER TO EUCRTTE AN AGREE[ M, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH MEDICAL PRIORITY CONSULTANTS, INC. , AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $70, 000, TO DUUM rfT THE MEDICAL PRIORITY DISPATCH SYSTEM IN THE DEPARD ENI' OF FIRE -RESCUE, CCmmA7NICATIONS SECTION; ALLACATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN THE AMOUNT OF $70,000, FRC1M THE E*W4CED 9-1-1 PROJECT NO. 196002, INDEX CODE NO. 290461-340. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and { 1 on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 10 February 17, 1994 i4.,Er.,r4.h.;::i { v. 2.15 '. AUTHORIZE CITY MWER TO NEGOTIATE / EXECUTE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMEVT WITH'THE,RUSSELL PARTNERSHIP, INC. -- FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATING TO ADAPTED USE OF PLANS / SPECIFICATIONS DEVE OPED BY SAID CON5ULMANT FOR MORNINGSIDE PARK RECREATION BUILDING =-- t° SAID PLANS / SPECIFICATIONS TO BE MODIFIED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A RECREATION BUI]LDING IN ALLAPATTAH-CCMSPOCK PARK (CIP 331309). RESOU)TION NO. 94-71 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AMID E}M= A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMM, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE 'PO THE CITY ATIIORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE RUSSELL PARTNERSHIP,. INC.` ("CONSULTANT"), FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATING TO, THE ADAPTEDUSE OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DEVELOPED BY SAID CONSULTANT FOR THE i MORNINGSIDE PARK RECREATION BUILDING, SAID PLANS AMID ?. SPECIFICATIONS TO BE MODIFIED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ` A, RECREATION BUILDING IN ALLAPATTAH-CCMSTOCK PARK; f .. ALT OCATING FUNDS THEREFOR IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED x $251000 FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 331309, "ALLAPATTAH-COS'TOCK PARK RENOVATIONS". (Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 2.16, APPROVE APPLICATION FOR A TWO-DAY STATE LIQUOR PERMIT BY FLORIDA j INTERNATIONAL RESTAURANT & HOTEL EXPOSITION, INC. -- FOR DISPLAY BY = MANUFACTURERS /` DISTRIBUTORS OF PRQDUCS LICENSED UNDER STATE BEVERAGE LAW, AND FOR CONSUMPTION OF SUCH BEVERAGES ON THE PREMISES OF COCONUT GROVE CONVENTION CENTS& (JULY 16-17, 1994). RESOLUTION NO. 94-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION EXPRESSING APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION FOR A TWO-DAY STATE LIQUOR PERMIT BY 'FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL RESTAURANT & HOTEL EXPOSITION, INC.,_ FOR THE DISPLAY BY MANUFACTURERS OR DISTRIBUTORS OF PRODUCTS LICENSED UNDER THE STATE E BEVERAGE LAW, AND ALSO FOR CONSUMPTION OF SUCH SUCH BEVERAGES ON THE PREMISES OF THE COCONUT CIE CONVENTION OTTER, MIAMI, FLORIDA, DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 16-17, 1994, SUCH APPROVAL BEING A STATUTORY REQUISITE PRIOR M THE STATE'S ISSUANCE OF SAID PERMIT. (Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) j y 11 February 17, 1994 .. v ii EAf ''t�t t i7 41�1 5 S \ 2.17 : AUTHORIZE REPLACEMENT OF CERTAIN. CITY OF, ML?1NII .FIRE FIGHTING AMID FIRE PREVENTION""&' RESCUE FACILITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS DUE MAY 11i f 1995) IN PRINCIPAL AMOUNT `OF $100,000 WITH ATTACK COUPONS: DATED NOVE BER 1, 1993, AND, mmEduENT DATES ATI'A= To SUBS TMVi'E LOST BONDS COUPONS (A.G. EDWARDS & SONS). RESOLUTION NO. 94-73 A RESOLUTION AUTHDRIZING THE REPLXB04T OF CERTAIN ' CITY. OF MIAMI, FLORIDA FIRE FIGHTING AMID FIRE PREVENTION & RESCUE FACILITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, DUE MAY 11 1995,;IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Da ARS ($100,000.00) WITH ATTACHED COUPONS DATED " NOVMM 1, 1993, AND . SUBSEUMU DATES TO:. SUBSTITUTE LOST BUMS AMID COUPONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) t - i 3. AUTHORIZE FUNDING OF THE EXPLORER PROGRAM -- ALLOCATE $47,725 FROM LETF. :Mayor Clark: Now, if. we can keep up with this, now we start on CA-3, right? Carmissioner Plummer: It was pulled. Mayor Clark: CA-3 has been pulled for discussion. i Vice ;Mayor .Dawkins: Is what? Commissioner Plumper: Eight, I think it was. Vice Mayor Dawkins:. No, 8. Commissioner Plumper: Who pulled CA-3? r- , , Unidentified Speaker: Mr. Mayor. j r Cawdssioner Plummer: Oh, OK. ,z Vice: Mayor Dawkins: Yes, the Mayor pulled three, I think. - Mayor Clark: I would like... Mr. Manager, I would like to institute a... I this and support program, there are other good programs in the City. I'd like :to institute a City-wide political review - apolitical review analist = for all camwnity youth programs that the City is contributing, so that we can determine how money is being spent, and what results are being obtained. And each program provide a mechanism for future accountability to this Cannission. If you can put those all together in the near future, look into it, and report r. back in the meeting in April. 12 February 17, 1994 j i c � ; 1 Mr. Cesar OdiQ i (City Manager): Yes, sir.. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Odio: You know what... I mean you that were given. want fie to review all the Programs r Mayor Clarks All the youth Programs. Mr. Odio: Youth programs that we're giving. Mayor Clarke Yes. Mr. Odio: ...money to. ' Mayor Clark: Very good. f Mr. Odio: OK, I will do that. Mayor Clark: Just have a list so that we all be up to date. All ri move forward to... With no further discussion on... I move CA-3, ght, we F Vice Mayor Dawkins: SQcond. Mayor Clark: With no exception, cast a unanimouus ballot. The following resolu adtion was introduced by Mayor Clark, who moved its option: RESOLUTION NO. 94-74 A RESOLUTION `AUTHORIZING FUNDING OF THE WWRER PFCGRAM,, AND ALLOCATING FUNDS 'I3 MMR, IN AN AMOUNT NOT ` M EXCEED $47, 725, FRom THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, SUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS BEING IN CCmpLIANCE WITH FWRIDA STATE STATUTE 932.7055. ` (Here follows t body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Camni.ssioner Wifredo Gort Ca mdEisioner Victor De Yurre ' Ca<rmisSiOner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: y, None. 13 ' February 17, 1994 - r---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - ^. 4. ACCEPT BID: OWENS & MINOR, INC. -_ FOR FURNISHING I.V. CATHETERS -- FOR DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE. Mayor Clark: CA-8 by Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Manager, what does, in the... it says, "For the furnishing of catherers on an as needed basis for a period of one year." And then it says that we are going to pay $72,000 for them on an as need basis. How would we know when we used up $72,000 or if we didn't use $72,000, what happens to the balance? Just how would it be determined that at on an as needed basis, that we spent $72,000? Mayor Clark: For the record, Chief Gimenez. Chief Carlos Gimenez: Yes, sir, the reason we need the... ft Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait'a minute, Mr. Manager, are you authorizing him to speak? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, go right ahead, Chief. Chief Gimenez: OK. The reason we are asking for the $72,000 is that we need to,: acquire these catherers on an as needed basis. In other words, we go through a number of catherers on our daily routine. And we have been having difficulty in obtaining them through the normal procurement process. So, this is' basically a blanket order which allows us to draw and purchase them quickly. Vice Mayor Dawkins:, How many catherers equal $72,000? Because I wouldn't - have a problem with it if you didn't say on an as needed basis. So, when you say; as needed, we may not need but 100. Then you may run into where you need 1500. Camuissioner Plummer: If you would have put in there... Vice Mayor Dawkins: So, then if we don't need but 100, why are we going to spend $72... $72,000? Cam dssioner-Plummer: What you should have put in there... Mayor Clark: Could you answer him? Chief Gimenez: OK, we might not spend $72,000. Last year, we spent $50,000 on catherers there has been a price increase, and I can't tell you exactly the 'number of I.V. catherers that $72,000 will give us. But, that's the best estimation that we have at this time on the number that we are going to need for a`year. 14 February 17, 1994 F b >,fn Mayor Clark. All right, sir. Any further discussion? Caiiiiissi o*ner Plummer: Well,, no... The question I, have,, Mr. Mayor; is, in reference to the. If went to a hospital,, I'm sure, under . today's YOU conditions, they charge you one hell of a price for that service. What are We doing to recoup,the moneys that we are putting out? Now,, I'm not talking about Where we've had a tremendously successful program on recouping moneys for transporting. Chief Gimenez: Uh-huh. Commissioner Plummer: Are we charging as private companies do for medical technology, for oxygen, for these catherers that the City people are putting out? Are we charging for that as if it were a private company? Chief Gimenez: I believe we charge $20.00 to start an I.V. on a transport thing. Camiissioner Plummer: You think, or we are? Chief Gimenez: I'll have to make sure. I think it's in the ordinance. Cam'Lissioner Plummer: Well, all I'm saying to you is, is that I don't think... because as I recall, three-quarters of the people that you transport are not Cityresi ents, in that neighborhood. And I'm concerned that those people who we are providing this life-giving service for should not be at the expense of the taxpayers of the City. So, I would hope that in your .total list of charges, that you would be comparable to the private sector, not any more, but not any less, and whatever... Chief Gimenez: We are... Commissioner Plummer: ...whatever they are charging for, we should be charging for the same. Chief Gimenez: No, we are, sir. And you know, to make one thing clear, when we start an I.V. in the street, that automatically becomes an ALS type of run, -Advanced Life Support, and we transport. So, anytime we start an IN., we are charging. OK. Mayor Clark: Thank you, sir. Any further discussion? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Further. I would vote... I vote against this unless they put; in there up to, $72,000, and if you run out of the $72,000, care back to the,.Cograission for more money, but I cannot vote for this without knowing the numbers, Cawdssioner Plummer: No, problem. Chief Gimenez: That's not a problem. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That will be required for 52,000. Chief.Gimenez: That's what we are asking. 15 February 17, 1994 1 Commissioner Plummer: Put in there not toexceed. Mayor Clark: With that proviso, there is no problem, Vice Mayor Dawkins: So moved. Mayor. Clark: Second? ' ... Commissioner Plummer: Second. _ Commissioner Gort:Second.' Mayor Clark: No exception, cast in unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk, The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Dawkins, who moved its adoption: - RESOLUTION N0.94-75 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF OWENS & MINOR, INC. FOR THE FURNISHING OF I.V. CATHETERS ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD AT AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $72,000.00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM FY '93-94 FIRE-RESCUEACCOUNT CODE NO. 280501-714; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THEREAFTER TO EXTEND THIS CONTRACT FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR PERIOD, AT THE SAME PRICE, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the. City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. t 16 February 17, 1994 ------.. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - 5: ALTI3i0RIZE CITY MANAGER TO EknM PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGRMvM WITH MRA INTERNATIONAL, INC: -- Ta PROVIDE EXPERT, PLAIVTTING"AND' DGONCI+'!iC -. ANALYSIS' SERVICES FOR BicauEIVnAL PARK / FEC TRACT PROJECT. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Clark: We now move to item 17. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Item 17. Mayor Clark: Your call, Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Why are we doing 17, Mr. Manager, and regular item 24,'I believe, why are you using... Why are we going to do both of those? Mr. ,Cesar ,Odio (City Manager): Twenty-four... Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, CA 24, and CA-17, why are we doing both of those? E, Why can't... Why isn't it going to be done as one? j Mr. Odio: Well, they are not related at all, Commissioner. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Why? Aren't they related? Mr.' Odio: No, sir. Let me explain on 17, sir, and..: Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right, go right ahead, sir. `Mr. Odio:. All I'm asking here is saneone that has experience in port projects Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Odio: And this cag3any, I understand, did the New Jersey and did Bermuda's, and all that, to just to study with us, and for you... Commissioner Plummer. Are you talking about 17, or 24? Mr. Odio: Seventeen. Camiissioner Plummer: Seventeen. Mr. Odio: The numbers that will be provided to us by he County, hopefully this week, so, that they can validate that those numbers are correct, that the use for the port is the one that we should be dealing. In other words, they will be our support to assure us because we don't have the expertise in-house that was going to be proposed by the County is acceptable to you. Mayor Clarks Let me say this, Mr. Dawkins, please, that we are all disappointed that the County has gotten this financial information, and hasn't gotten anything to us so far. 17 February 17, 1994 { Cl.�F{ Mr. Odio: I just talked to the County Manager, Mr. Mayor, just about two ' seconds ago. He has informed me that Unison,, their consultant, will'.be ` turning their numbers in tomorrow. For the records... Mayor Clark: They want us to... Mr. Odio: ...we have not delayed this project whatsoever. We have not had any numbers to work with. But, now that he just informed me that the numbers will be available this week, I want to turn those numbers over to our consultant for them to validate. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I don't have a problem with it, the only thing I'm saying is that... All right, what is 24 then, Mr. Manager? Because I'm... t Commissioner Plummer: Well, can we stay on 17 for a minute? Vice Mayor Dawkins:Yeah. Commissioner Plummer: I question where this is for the benefit of the County, #.. why are we. paying for it? t,. Mr. Jack Luft: This is for the benefit of us. Commissioner Plummer: Huh? Mr. Odio Well, it's for.the benefit of both parties, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: It's not, it's for the benefit of us, J.L. -Cammissioner Plummer: It's not... We are not asking to sell. Mr. Odio: Well, if... Comma :loner Plummer: They are asking us to sell, why should we be paying for something... Let's assume, for one... Mr. Odio: Excuse me. We are not selling. Carmissioner Plummer: 110ye," one minute. If in fact this deal does not go through, why should the taxpayers of the City pay $50,000 for something that might not go through? Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: I don't understand that. Mr. Manager, if this deal is - not consummated, then why should the taxpayers of the City of Miami pay $50,000'a study, which would have primarily benefited the County? Mr. Odio: No, sir, let we... let me... Mayor Clark: Wait, wait, just let me bring this to ahead right quick. 1 Camissioner Plummer: Yeah. 18 February 17, 1994 t n Mayor Clark: We need the study, J.L., absolutely need this study. Our facts and figures, are not up to date. Cammissioner Plummer: Agreed. Mayor Clark: We need this to protect ourselves, and our taxpayers. And that is the reason I have appointed Commissioner De Yurre to go through that, he is A determined negotiator, he knows full well. But, he has to have backup, arud that is what we are looking for, it's the backup that is necessary to at least accommodate and to be on a par -level with the County. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But are you appointing Commissioner De Yurre... Cammissioner Plummer: Oh, I'm not saying... Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...wait a minute, J.L. Are you appointing Commissioner De Yurre as a fact -finder to cage back to this Commission... Mayor Clark: Absolutely. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...and have this Commission pass on what he thinks, or are you appointing him to go over and and think and pass? Mayor Clark: No, sir, nothing could be ressed before it canes to this Camnission. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. I... Mayor Clark: He is a negotiator, and that's understandable. Commissioner Plummer: Takes three votes. Cammissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, if I may for a second? One of our major concerns is that here is the County carving to us and telling us, ''We want A, B,'_C, D,, E, F, and we are going to give you X. You know, we are in no position, atthispoint and time, without information as to what can actually .,be done with that piece of land, if we are going to turn it into terminals for an expansion of the Seaport, what other amenities are talking about... Cammissioner Plummer: Excuse me, I have no problem. Cawdssioner De.Yurre: ...doing, what we could gain as a lease arrangement... Commissioner Plummer: It's just that we shouldn't pay. Caissioner De Yurre: ...and these are things that need to be addressed and mmm we need to go in there with an understanding not just relying on whatever information they want to give to us. Cammissioner Plummer: You miss understood me. Mayor Clark: Mr. Plummer. Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. My... I agree with everybody up here that we do neec some professional to tell us... 19 February 17, 1994 a� i t I r Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...what we are doing, so that's all I am interested in. I'm interested in some professional telling me that we can in part... I 1 Mayor Clark: That's what he is doing. s Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...enlarge the port. This is a revenue that will cane in. No, you do not have to do it with the County, you can do it without the _ County. Now, if you are hiring... if you are hiring a consultant to tell you that, I'm for it 100 percent. Mayor Clark: Ali right. Cawdssioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: I have no problem, and it is only right that a j professional should be engaged. But I'm saying that if the deal does not go through, "I would expect the County to pay us the $50,000. I have said before, and I want to go on record now, if I may, and the County has told us in the. past that my proposal of collecting in behalf of the City $5.00 a passenger, that they can't do it. But, is it not strange that they are now proposing.to do that at the airport to charge $3.00 per passenger at the airport. So, I'm saying, Mr. De Yurre, you can go tell them that this vote on this City Commission_ will not be less than $5.00 a passenger as proposed of a million passengers.That property is worth approximately 50 million dollars, any .investment is worth a 10 percent return. Mayor Clark: J.L., add to that, J.L. Commissioner Plummer: Sure. Mayor Clark: You _know it was purchased for about twenty sane odd million, I don't know what the final figure was in a quick take deal back a number of years ago.` Mr. Odio: Thirty-three, Commissioner. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Y Mayor Clark: And somebody has a strange idea that that is what is worth today. Cammissioner Plummer: Absolutely not. Mayor Clark: It's worth twice or maybe three times that amount today. So, there are figures that you have to incorporate with your professional to make sure that we get the best deal. Commissioner Plummer: May I? 20 February 17, 1994 AN Mayor Clark:, But, J.L., they tell me about the $5,00 imposition per ticket would , drive the cruise lines up to Fort Lauderdale, somewhere else, I don't know if'that would be a fact at this point. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor, I have one further thing to say:' For. this -vote, if the City of Miami does not own, operate, and control that Port so that that revenue will came to the City of Miami for life, I will not< vote for it. That's just one vote. Mayor Clark: Thank you. You've got same very strong recommendations on your, side, Mr.' De Yurre. We wish you well. Motion on the item? Commissioner Gort: Move it. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: I'll second it, Mr. Mayor. But, Mr. Manager, with the amendment that if this deal is not consummated, does not go through, that the r County reimburse the City the $50,000. You know at the County Commission meeting, Commissioner Teele was very explicit, "Mr. County Manager, if you : 't ,, make...,, ... t. . Mayor Clark: I'll be happy to... Commissioner Plummer: "...a deal by April 1, go start looking somewhere else." So, they are not locked into this. Mayor Clark: J.L., I'll be happy to ask the County for that. I think that they; would... Ummissioner Plummer: All right, sir, fine. Commissioner Gort: I'll accept the amendment. Mayor Clark: Thank you. All those in favor of the motion signify by saying "Aye", Oppose like sign. So ordered. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, for the record. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner De Yurre: I do not expect us to have any kind of deal by April 1st. There is no way... Mayor Clark: Well, I do not who set that date, Mr. De Yurre. ComUssioner Plummer: Well. 1 Mayor Clark: I think it's very rapid. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, I will tell you who set it. It was Commissioner Teele, and the reason for it is they are going out with a billion and a half dollar bond on April the 29th. He told the County Manager - I saw it with these eyes and these ears - that he told him, "If you 21 February 17, 1994 cannot put, a. deal together. with the City of Miami by April 1 start lookihg, somewhere else." Those were his words. ei Mr. Odio,.-, If I may. I did just... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Luft.. you were there, am I correct? -Mr*. Jack Luft: Yes, sir. Mr. Odio: It is accurate in the sense that they have to have... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Accurate, period. Mr. Odio: an idea of what the moneys they need to put into the bond issue. That'is what the issue is. Commissioner Plummer: Sir,, he said, "If you don't have a deal by April 1, start looking elsewhere." Mayor. Clark: J. L. Commissioner Plummer: It couldn't be clearer. Mayor Clark: That's a great statement, but let me tell you there is nowhere else to. look. We got the trump card. We got the trump card, buddy. Commissioner Plummer: Well... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor. Clark: We got the card. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I don't agree with that, let me tell you why. I am veryvery upset that Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines is building - on . the port. Now, if they've got roan on that port to put a building to accommodate Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, you know, I'm wondering to the utilization of property. Because they could have just as easily put another boat in there instead... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Two boats. Commissioner Plummer: ...Well. Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: We... they are going to develop that south Bide too, J.L. that's including with that. But, this... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, let me tell you what my 11upBetneBB." They r . e going to put that facility in the City of Miami, the Manager made a were presentation for approximately 800 jobs in the old Miami Daily News building on 7th Street. OK. They didn't do it because the port offered them a better deal. Arid they are putting that over on the port which takes up space and they no longer have the roan for the boats. That'B my point. Mr. Odio: That they only positive thing is that we did keep 800 jobs in Miami, they could have gone to Texas somewhere. 22 February 17, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's not positive. You don't know that they are caning to Miami. Mayor Clark: OK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You don't have to live in... Since you all are going to - pass this other residential law, they don't have to live in the City. Mayor Clark: All right, on the motion? All in favor signify by saying "Aye" with that proviso. Opposition? The following resolution was introduced by Carmissioner Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-76 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTA000U, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREENIE3NI', IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH MRA L. INTERNATIONAL, INC. ("CONSULTANT") TO PROVIDE EXPERT PLANNING AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS SERVICES FOR THE BIG'E[JI'MiIAL PARK/FEC TRACT PROJECT ("PROJECT"), AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($50,000.00), FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 30, 1994; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS. (Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed ; and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Catmissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Conudssioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT:_ None. 23 February 17, 1994 i 6 . (A) RECCNFIRM RESOLUTION 89-548, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE 1'L G RAG'LE'R / CORE AREA SECURITY Di�i+Tr DISTRICT SPECIAL IMPROVII DISTRICT --`DECLARE THAT S ECURITY, STREET MAINTENANCE AND SIMILAR SERVICES (PREVIamy EX".L'ENDED BY VARIC)US ' RES( U)TIC NS) BE AGAIN EX'i'ENDED FORA PERIOD OF C NE YEAR (U1RD" MARCH' 7.-.1995) --` ESTABLISH / LEVY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINSTN PERTINErNr DISTRICT PROPERTIES BENEFITING BY PROVISION OF SUCH SERVICES. (B)DELEGATE CERTAIN CCMPETITIVE BIDDING FUNCTIONS BY AUIWRIZING THE DD0WNIUA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (MA) TO ISSUE A REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR'PROVISION OFARMEDPRIVATE SECURITY SERVICES IN THE DOWNIOWN AREA -- AUTHORIZE ESTABLISHWC OF SELECTION C CbKITTEE TO EVAUJATE SAID PROPOSAI5 AND TO REPORT CCMMITTEE'S FINDINGS TO CITY COMMISSION FOR ITS ACTION. (See label 9). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Clark: Next item, 21. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, we both... ` Mayor Clark: It's a great consent agenda, isn't it? Commissioner Plummer: ...we both... I think Miller and I... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Why... OK, why... Commissioner Plummer: ...proposed... Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...Why, Mr. Manager, are you doing 21 and 5, regular item 5? You got CA, consent 21, and a regular item 5, why? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager) : You need it to pass a request for proposal which is 21, and then on five you needed to reconfirm... approval of the extension of the Flagler Core area and security district. You need to approve the district, and then go out on an RFP (Request for Proposal) for the security. In other words, without the district, you cannot do the RFP. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Move 21. Commissioner Plummer: Wait,, wait, excuse me. Let's put it on the record, k this is also for an expansion. This is also... -Mr. Odio: Yeah. Commissioner Plummer: ...for an expansion in the Bayfront Park and also into Bayside, and to the south -end of the park, and in that area. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait a minute, now, hold it, hold it. 4 Commissioner Plummer: So, there is an expansion. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no, wait a minute. Say this again now? 24 February 17, 1994 t f Commissioner Plummer: There is to be an expansion of the service paid., for by Bayside, Bayfront Park, and the Intercontinental Hotel, to expand the Wackenhut service in the evening over into that area. { ( Vice Mayor Dawkins: They are going to pay for it? Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Move 21. A..Quinn Jones III, Esq. (City Attorney): Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, before you take 21, you need to deal with five, regular five first because that establishes the district. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's what... That's what I asked, and the Manager didn't say anything... Mayor Clark: OK. S Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...Mr. City Attorney. Mayor Clark: Now, we have to move to five? Mr. Jones: Yes, five should be considered first because that's the legislation that would establish the district. Mayor Clark: Could you read five into the record, please? Commissioner Plummer: It's a resolution, you don't need it. Mayor Clark: Well, he wants to read the resolutions and everything else, he told me. Mr. Jones: No, just the ordinances. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, well, then... It's a resolution. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I will move five. } Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Mayor Clark: All right, you want to speak on five? With no exception, anyone wants to be heard on that item? Give me a motion, moved and seconded it. Call the roll, Madam. r- 25 February 17, 1994 i r 6 t.1Aim& 2 -- ------------ r-- ------------------ --- ---- -- ------- -- r 7: BRIEFLY DISCUSS AND DEFER TO NEXT MEETING PROPOSED, RESOLUTION TO F�7CUI'E ". PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. AGREEMENT WITH UNIVERSITY OF SOm FIARIDA CEam { FOR 'URBAN. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH FOR TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL STUDIES TOWARD REFINEMERr AND COM=ION OF CITY'S TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS PLAN (TRANSPORTATION EUET,= OF MIAMI COMPRIIENSIVE, NEIGHBORHOOD . PLAN 1989- i 2000 [N1CNP]) . (Note: This resolution was dater passed and adopted - see label 34.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor.Clark: Item 23, yes. Mre"Matthew Schwartz: Mayor Clark. Commissioner Plummer: On 23, Mr. Manager, I spoke to the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) about this grant, and it was my feeling there, and the :board's feeling, that that should be included in the City of Miami's grant to do, it in-house rather than going out and .. doing it.the DDA doing one bh portion,. and the City doing another portion. And I didn't have time to talk to you before hand on that, Mr. Cesar Odio (City,Manager): Can we withdraw this, and... Camnissioner Plummer: ,Yeah, let's withdraw it until the next meeting, if I i may, Mr. Mayor. Because it makes sense to me that one person do it throughout the... as far as the improvements are concerned. - { s- Camnissioner Gort: Sure. Commissioner Plummer: I withdraw 23 until the next meeting. Mr. Odio: No, I have no problem. Mayor, Clark: Defer until the next meeting. Camds'sioner. Plummer: Thank you, sir. i Mayor Clark: All in favor signify by saying "Aye." Opposed like sign. So ordered. [THEREUPON ITEM CA-23 WAS WITfIDRAWN TO THE NEXT MEETING] 28 February 17, 1994 it - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ---'--------, -.r . 8. AUTHORIZE. CITY MANAGER F.XFx TO TE PROFESSIOtIAL SERVICES WITH s - ' THE FIARIDA INIMMTICNAL UNIVERSITY JOINT CENTER FOR ENVIR II I'AL AND ,. URBAN PROBLEMS -- FOR TRANSPORTATION GOODS MVEMU STUDY FOR MUM CEDII'RAI, CITY AREA, WITH SPECIAL FOCUS ON PRESENT' / FUR= OPERATIONS OF PORT OF MIAMI. Commissioner Plummer: Twenty-four. ' Mayor Clark: we are on item number 26 now. I have that... Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Twenty-four, I believe. No? s Mayor Clark: I don't have that list. Mr. 'Odio: I think that Commissioner Dawkins had some questions on it. t, Mayor Clark: Twenty-four? it Ms. Hirai: Yes, it was pulled. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I just wanted to know why we have to do 17 and 24, nobody ; never told me. So I just... Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, this is separate... You know what this is... This is a i that the Port of Miami wants to develop as a container warehousing_ property, • over,. by, Wynwood and Allapattah. And we have promised the citizens of that area that. 'we'would be doing a study to ma a sure that the Port has to ccmPly with this.. Completely different... I Mayor Clark: All right, OK, OK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But, you also have a consultant to tell me if we should enlarge the Port... Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...and what have you, and I have to go back to what Commissioner Plummer said, if they've got enough space on Dodge Island to put a building, they could very easily store containers on Dodge Island. t Mr. Odio: Well, they have been trying to ram this down the community's throat ' here on this property, and we are having a lot of opposition. This will satisfy the camwnity. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, it will... Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir, go right ahead. I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor. 29 February 17, 1994 i Mayor Clark: This is not going to happen. They've done enough damage out there already, and we are going to make sure that this doesn't... Camtnissioner Plummer: Well, let's just say no. Mayor Clark: Please. Commissioner Plummer: Why go spend money? Mayor Clark: Well. Vice Mayor Dawkins: We've got... Move it. Mr. Joe McManus: Commissioner, can I say something? If you would recall, same months back, the question of a grant from the Metropolitan Planning Organization came up, and I think it was at your initiative that you said, "Why don't you take part of that MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) grant and use it in conjunction with the International Trade Hoard." h Commissioner Plummer: Correct, sir. Mr. McManus: "And see what they would logically want to do in the areas of Wynwood.and Allapattah." Commissioner Plummer: No, sir, it was used on 20th Street. Mr. McManus: Well, that's the same area. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, but we are not... What scares, I think, all of MY colleagues and I, is the fact that this could be used for the FEC (Florida East Coast) track which has being violently opposed by the area. Mr. McManus: This... Commissioner Plummer: Arid I'm not going to vote for that, if that is what it's the case. If this study includes that FEC area, I absolutely, as the Mayor has said, no way. Don't even waste the money of doing a study for something that we are not going to even consider. Now, that's my point, Joe. OK. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Mr. Gort, you are recognized. Commissioner Gort: Two questions. One, my understanding is that the grant is being paid by someone else, it's not being paid... Mr. McManus: It's coming... It's basically Federal funds which are funneled through the County, through the Metropolitan Planning Organization, and to us, yes. Commissioner, Gort: All right, OK. Number two is that I feel, personally, even ifweare going to vote against it, I would not mind having a study to see what we can do with the property. That property has been there for 27 30 February 17, 1994 r _ 1 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted hereand on Y file in the Office of the City 'Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: ' AYES:- Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre r. Mayor, Stephen P. Clark NAYS: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins ABSENT: None. COK4EN S MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Commissioner Plummer: I want to send a message loud and long to the people of that area that I'm. not going to tolerate it, and if I don't have the study, it's not.going to be done. I vote no. E . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. (Continued discussion) AUTHORIZE MODIFICATION TO AGREEMENT WITH THE WACKENHAiI' CORPORATION TO AGREEMENT WITH THE SECURITY SERVICES FOR THE FLAMM , / CORE AREA SECURITY DISTRICT AND THE FLAMER / CORE AREA SECURITY DISTRICT IlTRO MMU DISTRICT EXPANSION DISTRICT -- EXTEND AGUM1ENT FOR 45 DAYS (THRa H APRIL 21, 1994) -- FUND FOR SAID SERVICES" $39,716.51'THROUGH SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ON PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM SAID SERVICES WITHIN SAID DISTRICT. (See label 6) Mayor Clark: All right, Mr. Schwartz, would you come back here a moment. He has an, emergency item related to CA-21 which we just passed. Did we pass that or defer that? Mr. Matthew Schwartz: The existing Wackenhut contract, because of changes in the Commission meeting, it cannot be until March 24th that the committee carries back with'a recommendation on who should... to the Comma sion, on who should the extending of the services, the vendor to take care that before the security district. Commissioner Plummer: Well, but we are going... Mayor Clark: Please. Camlissioner Plummer: We are going to do that in-house here, as far as the evaluation is concerned. And I would ask, Mr. Mayor... Mr. Manager, that r'. someone - from the Police Department head up that cammittee, who ]mows more it. The about only question I would have is where FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) wants to be a potential bidder. A 32 February 17, 1994 i until the selecting of the new vendor, it's a lapse of about 20 days. Commissioner Plumper: Uh? Mayor Clark: Mr. Attorney, read the resolution into the record. Commissioner Plumper: We don't need that. We... Do we need it? A. Quinn Jones III, Esq. (City Attorney): You need a contract extension. Mayor Clark: Please. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Before you read it, may I have a question, Mr. Mayor, please. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: The gentleman from the FOP, would he came to the mike. You are bidding on this, is that correct? Mr. Tony Rodriguez: We would like to be included in the bid, yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, would you be able to get your bid in in 45 days? Mr. Rodriguez: I'm not certain of that, I'll find out. But, we certainly will make an effort. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, now, if they want to bid, how are we going to extend this for 45 days if we don't know that they'll have their bid in in 45 days, Mr. Schwartz? Mr. Schwartz: The request for proposals based on resolution CA-21 would be advertised in this Sunday's paper, and the committee... the intention was that the camiittee would meet at the beginning of March, report back to the Camdssion. In the past, there have been property owners, who paid the tax, have been part of the committee. So... Vice Mayor Dawkins That's not my question. My question is, you, as a professional, is 45 days turn around realistic? Mr. Schwartz: It's less than 45 days in this RFP. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, it's more th n enough. Yeah. It's more than enough. l Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is that realistic? 33 February 171 1994 ��k�,......:. :,���� .. 1 . {: t (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and, t... adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre Carrmissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS. None. ABSENT`: Commissioner Wifredo Gort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECLTrE LEASE AGREED WITH UNITED STATES OF i AMERICA DEPAR'IMENr OF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION -- FOR USE OF VACANT PARCEL OF LAND (MEASURING APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET BY 200 FEET) ON VIRGINIA KEY (DIAG"LLY ACROSS N.W. CORNER OF MU MI-DADE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY TREATMENT PIM) -- FOR CONST%=ION AND PLACEMENT` OF AN AIR ROUTE NAVIGATIONAL FACILITY ON VIRGINIA KEY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Clark: Item number 26. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'm concerned about that this is a 20 year contract, and it is fully understood... I'm sorry, is it 20 or 10? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Ten years. Ten years. Commissioner Plummer: Ten years. But, it is on a one year renewal option, that if in fact, we have some use for that property... Mr. Odio: You cannot. That's why we decided on this that deed is restricted only to air use, to this kind of use. You cannot use it for anything else. So, that's why this... This is... Cccmrissioner Plummer: When was this restricted? Mr. Odio: When we got the property. Cam Assioner Plummer: When? What do you mean? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Exactly when? Mayor Clark: Please, now, let's go one at a time so we can understand what it's going on here. Mr. Odio: In other words, this property has no further use for us. The best use possible is what we are just doing with it. There is nothing else you can do with this property. 35 February 17, 1994 AML „ Ir Ccxy tdssioner Plummer: My question again is, is when was this so called: restriction placed on? j- Ms• Ana Sardine: In 1942 the State deeded it to us with a restriction., Canmissioner Plummer: That this portion could not be used for anything else. Ms. Sardina: Other than harbor, and airport development, and related purposes. :Commis SiOner Plummer: OK. If that is the case, then it is so restricted, we were not told that. I didn't have that, but I'd like to see a copy of it' Ms. Sardine. Sure. commissioner Plummer: No, just give me a copy now. Mr. Mayor, that's fine as far as I'm... Mayor Clark: You move it? Coarmissioner Plummer: Yeah, I'll move it. It's just... I didn't want, in fact, that the tower would restrict our use of that property for any other useful purpose that we might... Mayor Clark: It has'a restrictive covenant of the same. Commissioner Plummer: You know, it's the only ocean -front property we own. Mayor Clarks Yeah. All right. Moved.and seconded. No exception. Cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk. 36 February 17, 1994 l-) Aft � r Y The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner �Plummero who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-81 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUIE A LEASE AGREENN1ENi', INA FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPAR7.MEM OF TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, FOR THE USE OF A VACANT PARCEL OF LAND MEASURING APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET BY 200 FEET -WHICH IS LOCATED ON VIRGINIA KEY, DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NL*n-DARE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY TREATMU PLANT, FOR THE . CONSTRUCTION AND PLACIINEIJI' OF AN AIR ROUTE NAVIGATIONAL FACILITY ON VIRGINIA KEY, FOR A i TERM OF ONE YEAR, AT A BASE RENT WHICH SHALL BE DEPERNIINED BY AN APPRAISAL OF FAIR MARKED RENT, PAYABLE N10NTMY, PLUS SUCCESSIVE ANNUAL PALS I SUBJECT TO AN ANNUAL THREE PERCENT (3%) RENT � ESCALATION; SAID ANNUAL RENEWALS SHAD NOT EXTEND ' f. BEYOND THE YEAR 2004. (Here follows body of resolution, amitted here and on ai file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Victor De Yurre Cammissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark f NAYS: None. ABSENT: Ca nnissioner Wifredo Gort NOTE FOR T E RECORD: Commissioner Gort reentered the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Mayor Clark: On item number 29. Commissioner Plummer: Item what, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: Somebody mentioned 29 this morning. Commissioner Plummer: Regular agenda. r, r: Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): That would be withdrawn on the regular agenda, Mr. Mayor. 37 February 17, 1994 Anik Mayor Clark: A11 right. Anything else on the consent agenda? Coami6sioner Plummer: Did we move... Mr. Odio: No, sir. 5 C xTtissioner Plummer: ...the remaining portion of it? Mr. Odio: No, sir, no. The remaining portion was moved. Commissioner Plummer: I move the remaining portion. Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Yes, it was. Mayor Clark: _ The remaining portion was mmoved, but moved again and seconded. And cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk. Ms. Hirai: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Do you want to do pocket items? Mayor Clark: Why not? Commissioner Plummer: I.thought they were going to be after 8 o'clock? Vice Mayor Dawkins: After 8:00 o'clock. Commissioner Plummer: Pocket items that came in at the end of the agenda, right? Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir.All right, we have.., Commissioner Plummer: I guess we are on item number 2. Mayor Clarks Item number 3, two has been deferred. Commissioner Plummer: Two has been deferred. Mr. Odio: No, what we would like to do, Mr. Mayor, I... Since it was number 2, and you are going to discuss all boards on items 26 and 27, that you defer appointing anyone until decide to do you what on 26 and 27. Camdssioner Plummer: OK. Mayor Clarks Defer it until that time. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: All right. i 38 February 17, 1994 ` - - - -MEMER --- - - - - - - 11. CONFIRM APPOII�iIiEw OF INDIVIDUAL. . As OF CITY OF MIAMI GENERAL F r0YEE5' AND SANITATION FWLOYEES' RETIREblE V TR[JSr. (Confirmed was: Isabel Kato.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 3 then. Commissioner Plummer: Well, that's the same then. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, sir. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): That does not apply to this Particular board. This'board was appointed by the court as you know. _ CamUssioner Plummer: OK, who are the named appointees? Who are they recommending? f C: Mr. Odio: Isabel Kato. Cammissioner Plummer: And the... Is it just one? Mr. Olio: She is a member of the General Sanitation... Yes, it is only one, yes. Carmi.ssioner Plummer: Just one? So moved, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Carmissioner Plummer: This is always automatic. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot then. The following resolution was introduced by Camu.ssioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOII nw No. 94-82 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINBOU OF AN INDIVIDUAL AS A N�ER THE CITY OF M1W ORAL EMPIAYEES' AND SANITATION EMPLOYEES' RETIRIIAENT 'TRUS'T, FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATID HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) } C` 39 February 17, 1994 1 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Cammissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor. Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Plummer: Item 3. Commissioner Gort: You are not going to do anything on 2? Commissioner Plummer: Two, we are going to hold until 26, 27. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. (A)APPOINT / REAPPOINT INDIVIDUAM TO BOARD OF DIRE=RS OF TITS PERFORMING, ARTS CENTER TRUST (PACT). (Reappointed was: Henry T. Courtney, Esq. Appointed was: Commissioner Wifredo Gore.) (B)APPOINI' COMMISSIONER WIFREDO GORT TKO THE GREATER MIAMI COWENPION AMID VISITORS BUREAU BOARD. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): On 4, Mr. Mayor. The Performing Act Trust,.as YOU know, is an independent board from the City. Mayor Clark: I move Mr. Henry Courtney, the incumbent. Camissioner Plummer: Second. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Mr. City, Attorney, he serves on the Bayfront Park Trust, is that a problem? Can he be on two boards? I'm merely... Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, if I may? Commissioner Plummer: I've asked for it. A. Quinn Jones III, Esq. (City Attorney): Is this Performing... I'm not sure the,Performing Arts Center Board is advisory. If it's advisory, there is... Mr. Odio: It is not advisory. Commissioner Plummer: Well, what I would recommend, Mr. Mayor, that your appointment be subject to the... Mr. Jones: It is not advisory to... Mayor Clark: Appoi t Henry Courtney subject to no conflict between the other board. 40 February 17, 1994 j Commissioner Plummer: Right, Arid I'm sure he will resign from the Bayfront r Park to be on this. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, this Commission appointed Commissioner Miriam Alonso when she was serving here, as the representative of the City. You need to - select someone from your board so that we can notify the Performing Arts Trust that you are replacing Commissioner Alonso. Mayor Clark: Mr. Wifredo Gort. Commissioner Gort: I'm not much in performing arts. Mayor Clark: OK, you'll be a good one. Wifredo Gort will take that position. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I second for the two appointments. . Mayor Clark: You second? Vice Mayor `Dawkins: You moved it. Mayor Clarks He said that they were... Commissioner Plummer: The what? Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Cormi.ssioner-Gort: I'll second. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, yeah... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Any discussion? Commissioner Plummer: On what? Vice Mayor Dawkins: On item 4 where Mr. Courtney will be reappointed and Willy Gort will replace Miriam Alonso. Commissioner Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, in discussion with Mr. MOrrett Stierheim, we would like to propose that Mr. Willy Gort - we thought it was natural; we didn't talk to Willy though - to be on the Greater Miami Convention Bureau Board. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So, I put him on both of them. We don't have a problem with that. Commissioner Plummer: Well, that's... Does he want to be on both, is the problem, because that is time consuming. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Say what? Mayor Clarks I make the motion that he goes on that board also. 41 February 17, 1994 x Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right, that's... Does the seconder accept that part of the motion? Commissioner Plummer: Fine with me. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So be it. Commissioner Plummer: One more meeting. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Call the roll on the three appointments for Commissioner Gort. He is learning..., The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Clark, who moved its adoption: RESOuITION NO. 94-83 r; } A RESOLUTION APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER TRUST.' (PACT) i FOR TERMS AS MORE PARTICULA Y DESIGNATED HEREIN; FURTHER, ANENDim RESOLUTION NO. 93-168, ADOPTED MARCH 11, 1993, TO REFLECT AND EFFECTUATE ONE OF THE APPOINTMENTS . tr -: (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and On file in the Office of the City Clerk.) i s tli � } i I 1 i 42 February 17, 1994 i t ff✓ �t70nr t� {{yyu i l,, i , Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir, I recommend that. By the way, I need to congratulate the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) on this,, unusual, ,.' they went out and they obtained the best price possible for the City. F Mayor Clark: They saved an awful lot of money doing that. ,.. Mr. Odio: They sure did. Unidentified Speaker: Yes, we did. Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: Moved and seconded. No exception. Cast a unanimous ballot, Mrs.'Matty Hirai. The, following resolution was introduced by Cammissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-84 A RESOLZTTION, BY A 4/5THS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING THAT AN EMERGENCY NEED EXISTID, WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF LIGHT BARS, SIRENS. AMID SPEAKERS TO EQUIP NEW POLICE PURSUIT VEHICLES ON A TIMMY BASIS FROM FEDERAL SIGN CORPORATION, IN A PROPOSED AMOUNT' OF $20101250.00, FOR.THE DEPARUENT OF ORAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE; ALWCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE ACCOUNT CODE NO. 421701-880, PROJECT CODE NO. 503001. (Here follows. body of resolution, omitted here and on file, in the Office of the City Clerk. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: t 'AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT': None. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir, Mr. De Yurre. 44 February 17, 1994 P Mayor, Clark: Make sure that Risk Management follows up to make collection on this claim if at all possible. Mr.''Odio: We will try, sir, but, unfortunately, we got hit by the wrong people here. Mayor Clark: All right. Is there a motion on item 7? Is there a second?' Commissioner Gort: Second: Mayor Clark: With no exception, case a unanimous ballot. The 'following resolution was introduced by Commissioner De Yurre, who moved its adoption: RESOLxTrICN NO. 94-85 A RESOLUTION BY A 4/5THS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE ' MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF AN EMERGENCY; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS FOR THE REPAIR OF' THE HAZARDOUS MAMUALS RESPONSE VEHICLE (HAZMAT3 ) FROM E.S.E.F., INC., FOR THE DEPAR111-1ENT OF FIRE -RESCUE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $19,709.50; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE ACCOUNT CODE NO. 280701-670; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS ACQUISITION. (Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on file in the office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Coami.ssioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. t. 47 February 17, 1994 NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. r s 16. DISCUSSION CONCERNING SELECTION OF INDIVIDUALS TO RECEIVE SCHOLARSHIPS TO ATMM UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI. (Selected were: Maggy Bailey, Beatriz Dostourian, Aniadra Fernandez, Riolene Jean -Baptiste & Shadrick r. Williams.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.:. Mayor.Clark: Item number 9. Mr. Cesar Odio _(City Manager): This is the University of 'Miami proposing their scholarship program. As you know, this is a scholarship program that was establishedwhen we agreed that the Maritime Museum would be turned over to the School Board. Mayor Clark: All right. Is there a motion? Camiissioner Plummer: Do we have any names proffered? F Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Camiissioner Plummer: How many do we have? Mr. Odio: They are attached in your packet. t Camiissioner Plummer: And this has gone through the School' Board's =scholarship committee? Mr. Cyrus.M. Jollivette: Yes, it has, Carmissioner. We have... Cannissioner Plummer: I'll move the names attached, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: All right. Names attached. Moved. Is there a second? k Camd.ssioner Gort: In seconding, I want to congratulate all the students. If you look at their scores, they're great. i` Mayor Clark: Did you want to speak, sir? 49 February 17, 1994 Mr. Jollivette: Quite all right, sir. Mayor Clark: No exception. Cast a unanimous ballot. Thank you, sir. <t The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who l moved its adoption: RESOLiTrION NO. 94-87 A RESOU)TION, WITH ATTACEMV, ACCEPTING THE NOMINATION OF CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO BE RECIPIENTS OF ONE-YEAR, ` HALF-'1UITION SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED UNDER THE CITY OF MIAMI SPONSORED UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SaIKARSHIP PROGRAM, APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89- 1152 ADOPTED DECEMBER 14, 1989, AND RESOLUTION NO. 91- 909, ADOPTED DECEMBER 5, 1991. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSERr:. None. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would like to ask the university, in the future, you know, they now have the MAST (Maritime and Science Technology) Academy, which is all totally marine -oriented. I would love to see the bulk of those, if not all of those scholarships go to kids in that MAST Academy. It is,a good school, and I'm telling you, I think that that is -they've shown an interest, so I would hope the university in the future would look at MAST Academy with the first eye, and then after that, then go to the others. Mr. Jollivette: We'll do that, sir. Commissioner Plumper: Sure. Mayor Clark: Thank you. 50 February 17, 1994 Ank Mayor .Clark: Item 10 has been.deferred until'5:00 o'clock this afternoon. i `5..pf Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir. Mayor. Clark: Motions on item 10 will be heard at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. -----------E ------------------------------- 17. DENY REQUEST BY U.B. ENTERPRISES FOR RENTAL FEE WAIVER FOR USE OF ORANGE BOWLTO STAGE SIX-HCXJR EARTHQUAKE RELIEF CONCERT ( "WHERE EAST, MEET'S WEST - REBUILDING OOALITION") DUE TO RECENT TRAGEDY IN LDS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. -- ---------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item 11. Is there a motion on item 11? Mr. Cesar Odio (City, Manager): I'm not recommendingthis at all, sir. Commissioner, Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I think we - is the proponent here? I've got a lot of questions to ask on this. d I do, too, and I'm not willing to recand this. Mr. Odio: Anmtie Mayor Clark: Is the proponent here on this item? . Commissioner Plummer: I'll move that it be denied. Mayor Clark:. Is there a second? j Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor.Clark: Second. Cast a unanimous ballot. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What is the... Commissioner Plummer: The proponent's not even here. s: Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoptions MOTION No. 94-88 A MOTION TO DENY REQUEST RECEIVED FROM REPRESENTATIVES OF U.B. ENTERPRISES FOR WAIVER OF RENTAL FEE FOR USE OF ME MIM ORANGE BOWL TO STAGE AN EARUWM RELIEF CONCERT ON FEBRUARY 26, 1994. a 51 February 17, 1994 c:omussioner victor lie Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. .ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: Item number 12. Commissioner Plummer: Did we deny 11? >. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Y ... Commissioner Plummer: OK. _ Mayor Clark: It's been denied. Camnissioner Plummer: OK. Thank you. 18. DIRECT CITY'MANAGER TO INVITE BIDS IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED SAID OF HARDEMON'S MARKET PROPERTY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 12. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): 12, as you know, we purchased on the courthouse steps the property of Hardemon's Market. We really wanted to rebuild the market and create a school there for people to learn how to manage markets. Unfortunately, when the Public Works Department went out on bids, it came to:$80,000 to $100,000 to rebuild the market. All the staff that I have met with, and I did... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Wait, a minute, Mr. Manager. Just a minute, Mr. Mayor. Either you.Hardemons get onto one mike and give us one you all can't hold up two mikes, now. Give the City one. Thank you. Mr. Odio: All the staff has - the staff went out and did a survey of the area. There are substantially a lot of markets in the immediate area, and `'• they are recommending to you that we do not spend more monies into this property converting it into a market, but maybe find the best use for this a building and do something else there. t` Mayor Clark: All right. For the record, give us your name. 52 February 17, 1994 and could sell the property. Now, I'm questioning why are we talking about - I never heard anything about a school to teach people. Mr. Odio: We were told to rebuild the market and... Commissioner Plummer: And sell it, and get rid of it. Mr. Odio: ... and let it operate, and in the process, train people, including themselves, to run a market the way it should be run. And I can bring - I mean, that's what I understood. V Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry, I don't recall that. Mr. Odio: Well... Commissioner Plummer: My understanding was we were buying it for the tax, it was going on the courthouse steps, and the only way the City could possibly recover its, as I recall, $25,000 investment, that we buy the building, fix it up to what we could and sell it to recoup our money. Mr. Odio: Well, 'that's not the instructions I had. And now, if you want me to sell the building, fine, but that's not the instructions I have. What I don't want to do is . recommend to you now to spend more monies into a market and not ever be able to recoup anything, because we don't feel that a market would be feasible in that. Either that, or find a way of returning it back to the Hardemon family with a mortgage and let them run it as a market and pay us amortgage. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins, you're recognized. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Manager, when you talked with me - and if I'm in error, please correct me - you said that our inspectors found that the building was not safe. Is that a correct statement? Mr. Odio: Correct, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And in your judgment, it was cost - prohibitive to ' attempt to fix the building up and have it remain a store. Is that a correct statement? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: So the school and everything is not important now. What's important now is that the building is unsafe, and as the Manager, you do not recommend spending money to bring the building up to code right now. 53 February 17, 1994 ih Odio: No,, I don't sir. I think we need to... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, I just need to know where we are. is Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, that's exactly right. CamAssioner Plummer: Well, then, Mr. Manager, what do you recavmend we do with it? Mr. Odio: Well, we sell this property. I would agree to this, because.I do think we. need to do development in the black cammnity of businessmen, is to.. maybee,we can work out an arrangement to sell it back to the Hardemons with a. first mortgage, guaranteed first mortgage. vice Mayor Dawkins: May I, Mr. Plummer? Mayor Clark: Please, yes. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. If you sell it back to the Hardemons... Cannissioner Plummer: They couldn't make it in the first place. vice mayor Dawkins: ... are you going to bring it up to code to sell it to the Hardemons or do you expect the Hardemons to bring it up to code with no money? Mr. Odio: I have not talked to them, so it's unfair to put then in this position, but I don't'reccmmend that we spend another dollar. Nice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. I pay you to put you in this position. Mr. Odio: Yes. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Do you recamiend that we sell it to the Hardemons and we fix it up, or do.we sell it to the Hardemons as is, and where do you reccmmend the Hardemons get the money to fix it up? That's what I ask you. Mr. Odio: Well, I would recommend that we sell it outright, period. That's the.smartest thing for the City to do. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. That's what we pay you for. That's what we pay you for. Mr. Odios, But I have to put the City in a safe position, is to go ahead and sell the property and get out of it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's hear from them now. Mr. Roy Hardemon: OK. My name is Roy Hardemon. We came in about seven months ago to get the help of the City of Miami under the Camwnity' Development Block Grants. Mr. De Yurre, Commissioner De Yurre at that time said that, under discussion, he was saying that he would like to see that the store be bought from off the courthouse steps, because we knew it was under foreclosure, that it was going, and I went to get some help. And Mr. De Yurre said that to buy the business off the courthouse steps, fix it, stock it, and make it a training place where you get two kids out of the area and turn it back over to the Hardemon family for operation. And at that time, we was open and running a business. When they went to purchase the business, the building, from off the courthouse steps, the City Manager, one of the vice ,;. City Managers came straight out to the store, demanded that we get out of the building, and insulted me, my mother, the character of the Hardemon family. All. we asked for was help under the Community Development Block Grant, which ' the monies that they purchased the store was under Community Development Block Grant, under special economics. And, you know, I don't know where that is coming from, that the Hardemons no longer own the store, because I'm just saying that under special economic development, they � � own it. They own it, this is what he's saying. But under special y g economic development out of the HUD (Housing and Urban Development) regulations, it's, you know, it clearly states that CDBG money is not to be used for profit under the City or County, and that's what they done. Mr. Al Hardenon:. To further... Mayor Clark: Give us your name. Mr. Odio: Just a minute. Mr. Al Hardemon: My name is Al Hardemon. Now, the thing that goes from the start, to start at the beginning, you gave a $25,000 loan to the store under the Community Development Block Grant, U.S. HUD. Now, since we were under that program and you found t vital, a business to loan $25,000 to, we said that's where the problem started. Under the statutes of HUD, a _CDBG development, special economics, it says not to undercapitalized or overenrich. So the problem from the start, the staff of the CDBG, their first mistake was to undercapitalized. You only gave $25,000, and our request was $150,000. Then your $25,OOO mistake was that, because we were in the community, we stayed up under HUD's regulations, in the community, hiring people out of the commmnity, and tried to eliminate poverty. Now, the mistake was that we were undercapitalized, which is something that the statutes say that you shouldn't do.Now, to go on and say we would foreclose on it on whatever, all the 1' foreclosure and all of that is sec: ndary when you undercapitalized from the start, because of your staff recommendation. Then it's not what we - we ' recommended 150 to get off the ground. They said $25,000 should do it. $25,000. Now, their recommendation was the problem. Now, we are here to see that the mistake that the staff made be corrected. We want the store. As far 55 February 17, 1994 4 04 e as all those violations, if it was so violations is the Chinese why restaurant still open? And did you seem he report of, the violations? It 1' wasn't condemned. It was violations. And we were given 45 days to do it, ;but ` f the City came directly and closed it saying, "We got a report and that we can close it. It was violations. It was not condemned. So were saying that there have been mean spirits from the CDBG office to get this done. The federal government entrusted you all to make that money work to eliminate poverty, and that's what all this program is about, eliminating poverty and creating jobs. You're talking about guns for sneakers. It should be guns for jobs. Mayor Clark: This is not the doughnut case, it is now? Mr. Al Hardenon: No, sir. Mayor Clark: You got a lot of problems with those doughnuts out there. They :oust be getting old by now. Mr. Al Hardemon: Hey, I'm still waiting with - it's the same thing with the ' 'I doughnut case, which is HUD got to be revisited. Vt Mayor Clark: Doughnuts. All right. Mr. Manager, do you suggest that before you put more money in this thing, you tear the building down and start off anew, so you've got to have something, and how big a building do they need? Mr. Odio: Sir, I would suggest that we just sell this property. We are not f in the, business of owning this type of property, and if - let's see what we can get back from it. We have already over $100,000 into this property. I don't know if we can get that money back. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor. r Ccamtssioner Plummer: Well, let me ask a question. i Mayor Clark: Mr. Plummer, you're recognized. commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, as we know, there was more than just a mortgage failure. There was also money owed to the State for taxes, there were sales taxes. The question is, have any of these other agencies that they failed to live up to filed liens which would prohibit us from selling the property? Mr. Odio: No, no. Commissioner Plummer: To your knowledge, the State has not filed liens? Mr. Olio: No. We have a clean deed on this property. Commissioner Plummer: How much is the sales tax lien - how much is the sales tax? Mr. Pablo Perez -Cisneros: $18,000. Commissioner Plummer: In arrears. And what else besides sales tax was in arrears? 56 February 17, 1994 r 4 y PPI t5 i Mr.,Perez-Cisneros: Well, they had f deral taxes. They had federal taxes, ' State tax and there were other debts also. { h Commissioner Plummer: And how much does... ` Mr. Roy Hardemon: Well, what is it? i Commissioner Plummer: And how much does that total? Mr. Perez -Cisneros: It was small amounts. They were not big amounts. Commissioner Plummer: Big amount? Mr. Perez -Cisneros: Not big amounts. They were small amounts. Commissioner Plummer: Not big amounts. OK. I was just wondering if there was anything to prohibit us from selling. ' Mr. Perez -Cisneros: No, no. When we... Commissioner Plummer: Now, under the State law, Mr. Manager, I don't )mow how have you could sell the building, because under - as I understand the law, you to give a roof guarantee, you have to give termite guarantees, and all of t those guarantees, or you can't sell it. Mr. Odio: No, we sell it as is and whoever buys it... Mr. Frank Castaneda: $801000. . Comm .ssioner Plummer: $30, 000? Mayor Clarke Yeah, $30,000. Mr. Odio: The staff feels they can sell it between $70,000 and $90,000. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Mayor Clark: They received an offer, J.L. Commissioner Plummer: Oh. Oh. OK, an offer. Commissioner De Yurre: And is that the type of property that would be one 1' that we could tear down, take that land and give it to one of our local organizations, and to build affordable housing, with maybe the bottom floor having a supermarket there, and develop it that way? Mr. Odio: I'm not going to answer. I have no - it's zoned commercial. j? Mayor Clarks Mr. Dawkins, you have the floor, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That's what I was going to ask the Manager. It is zoned commercial? Mr. Odio: It's zoned commercial. Vice.Mayor Dawkins: Not for residential. Commissioner De Yurre: No, but you can build, you can build apartments on top of that. Mr. 'Odio: Well, let me have Herb Bailey and his staff look at the property and came back with an assessment of what could be done there. Commissioner De Yurre: Because if we can have a supermarket down there, and build units on top, you know, we're helping the community. Mr. Odio: Yes, if it can be done. I don't know. i Mr. Haneet Hamudullah: Could I say something, Mayor? Commissioner Plummer: Did I hear a comment from the Manager that one of the reasons that they failed was there's too many markets in the area now? Did I hear that? . Mr. Odio: Well, when we were deciding whether we should recommend that we spend more.. Commissioner Plummer: Why would you consider going back in with another one? Mayor Clark: Let me see those pictures. 58 February 17, 1994 Mr. Odio: Pass that down, please. Commissioner Plummer: Herb? Mr. Herbert Bailey: I didn't hear the question, Commissioner. Commissioner De Yurre: My question... Mayor Clark: Please, just a minute. I11 get you in a minute. Just a minute. Commissioner Plummer: I thought I heard the Manager make a statement, one of the reasons for their failure... Mr. Odio: I did. There are... Commissioner Plummer: ... was that there were too many grocery stores in the area now. Mr. olio: Yes, there are. There are over eight stores in the immediate... Mayor Clark: All right. Let me see it, please. Thank you. i Commissioner Plummer: Well, there's pictures of seven. Mr. Odio: Seven. Commissioner Plummer: Why would you want to consider apartments above another store if they don't have a shot? I don't understand. Mayor Clark: Let's hear from this gentleman right here. OK. Mr. Haneet Hamudullah: My name is Haneet Claude Hamudullah. I'm a community activist and I have a consultant firm that's representing the community. And we understand the plight of the Hardemons in our community, but it's a plight of all black businesses in our community when we talk about the Hardemons. Sure,' we can always start pointing our fingers at mistakes, and that's all that has been going on for the last 13 years in our community, showing when we failed, and no one is showing where that they made any prosperity in our community. This is a scenario that goes on with every black business in our community. As soon as the black business fails, we take it from him, the taxpayers' money, take the business from them and throw then out, sell it, and then put others in there that run our community and does not put anything back in our community. Now, I'm under the impression from the media - and I may be wrong -that the Hardemons - the City was going to do the Hardemons a favor. They was going to nurture them. That's the message I see in the community. They was going to nurture these guys. They was going to take this back and say, "We're going to show you how to manage a business." That's what the ccn mnity's saying. That's why I'm saying reading from the paper. It was that they was supposed to take the City take this job, this business back, t` bring it up to code, which that's not hard, electrical and plumbing, bring it up to the code and they can do the work. Contractors can do the work, they can do the work, electrical work and bring it up to code. Why can't the City bring this up to code and open the store up like they promised the community? 59 February 17, 1994 i Y And this is what you promised the community that you was ; going to do to the Hardemon Market. You was going to bring it up to code, you was goiing'to • restock it, and then you was going to hire people out of the community, and fi the Hardemons was going to run the store. And that's what was sent to the ' community. Now that they're out here, that, we going - "It's ours, we own it, we don't want to talk to you, we going to sell it, and y'all hit the door." Now, this is what I'm hearing caning from our elected officials about the plight of the economic conditions in our community. And that's another sign that the insensitivity towards our human rights and our civil rights, as far as economical development in our community is shown, being spit in the face of that. And I accept that as that, because no black business - all the black businesses in our community been undercapitalized. You give them hangman money. What can you do with $25,000 in 1991 or 190 in a grocery store? You can't even buy a freezer. You knew you was giving then - you were hanging them. You knew good and well y'all was hanging then. And this is the final analysis. . That's why our community is dead. Now, you go and look at our community right now in 1994, and all these programs that the black community - democrats. I'm talking about the democrats, the hub. Overtown is the hub of. the democratic party. We control, we voted for the things that have happened there. And I'm saying that, our community, and we don't get a dime. Mayor Clark: All right. Thank you, sir, for your comments. Mr. Hamudullah: It's not a comment. It's the truth. And Mayor, I want... Mayor Clark:Thank you, thank you for your comments. Mr. Hamudullah: Thank you, Mayor. I don't mean to say nothing. I'm really angry at this. Mayor Clark: Thank you. Where do we move fron here? Mr. Manager, your recommendation. Mr. Odio: I will recommend that we put it out for sale. Mr. Hamudullah: To the Hardemons? Commissioner Gort: Let me ask a question. - Commissioner Plummer: Anybody wants to bid. Mr. Odio: The Hardemons could buy it back. I` Commissioner Plummer: I'll move the Manager... Mr. Hamudullah: How can they buy it back? Mayor Clark: Please, please, just a moment. Commissioner Plummer: I'll move the Manager's recommendation. Mayor Clark: Up for sale. Is there a second? Commissioner Gort: Second. 60 February 17, 1994 L `ffl Mayor Clark: Further discussion? Everyone's invited to bid on it. Call the roll', Madam,' Clerk, The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummier, who ` moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-89 A RESOLDTION AU HORIZIM THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE AN INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR THE SALE OF THE CITY -OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5500 NORTHWEST 17TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 24, BLOCK 13, FLORA PARK ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 53 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUBJECT Ta APPLICABLE CITY CHARTER AND CODE PROVISIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) -Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Cam Assioner J. L. Plu Tner, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: Commissioner Victor De Yurre ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: Thank you, gentlemen. Mr. Roy Hamudullah: All right. Thank you. Mayor Clark: It'll be out on the market. Mr. Hamudullah: OK. Just tell the seller to cane to the community. Mr. Ray Hardemon: Well, I need to have permission to get my remaining items out of the store. When the store was broken into once they took the store, they came and took the store from us from that day, and it was broken into, and, you know, I'd like to get into the store and get the rest of my renainings out. 61 February 17, 1994 t A i Mayor Clark: Yes. is Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. f; ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 19. ADD "MIANII TODAY" TO PRESENT LIST OF LOCAL NEWSPAPERS FOR PLACEMENT OF CITY ADS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Clark: All right. Item 13. Commissioner De Yurre: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor. We have here with us today Mr. . Michael.Lewis, publisher, owner, heart and soul of the Miami Today Newspaper, and we have our list of newspapers that we use to place advertising, and if there's one newspaper that should be on that list, it would be the Miami Today. Mayor Clark: Do you move it? :k Commissioner De Yurre: And I would move that they be added and included on that list. Camni.ssioner Plummer: Second. A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Commissioner. i Mayor Clark: Second the motion. MrJones: Commissioner, please, before you vote on this, Florida statutes are .very specific as to what particular newspapers can be utilized for certain types''of advertisements, particularly in the case of rezonings or issues dealing with land use. Florida Statute requires that the newspaper be, one, a newspaper of _generally paid circulation; two, that it be published at least five times a day. i Commissioner Plummer: Five times a day? Mr. Jones: I mean five times a week. Miami Today, first of all, does not meet that requirement insofar as being able to advertise notices dealing with, rezonings and land use. If you want to include them on the list, perhapsthey could' be used to advertise supplemental notices, or courtesy notices, whatever. Chapter 50 of Florida Statutes provides certain... Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Quinn. Mr. Jones: Yes, 'sir. Commissioner De Yurre: I know that there are same things that they cannot be involved in, that we have to use basically the Herald for that, but there are many things that they can be used for, and that is why I want them included on the list. 63 February 17, 1994 3 r Mayor;Clark: Seconded with those provisions. Any further discussion? Camti.ssioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, hold on. Yes. I think that the City Attorney is absolutely correct, but there's nothing if we advertise in the Heraldthat we can't second it in that newspaper once it's met the` requirements of State statutes. So if you wanted to put - and the reason I'm` saying this is their newspaper carries all of the real estate of this cammnity, that if we were to take and put a second ad relating to zoning in Miami. Today, we met the requirement by doing it with the Herald, and I think we ought to try it for a while. That's very definitely, you use them as a secondary paper, by putting that same ad, once you've camplied with the State statutes in the Herald, you put in there in theirs as a second. Mayor Clark: That's the motion, Mr. Plummer. That's the motion. Canmi.ssioner Plummer: Yes, sir. I am... Mayor Clark: All in favor of the motion, signify by saying aye. opposed, like sign. So ordered: Carmissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Clarks Thank you. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner De Yurrewho moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-90 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 89-154, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 9, 1989, WHICH RESOLUTION LISTED THE NAMES OF THE ONLY NEWSPAPERS WHICH CITY DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES ARE PERMITTED TO USE FOR PUBLISHING PUBLIC NOTICES, MOMY ADDING "MIAMI TODAY" TO SAID LIST OF NEWSPAPERS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) - 64 February 17, 1994 i A,!, � � , 4,r{ r' l �[ . s�, Z the resolution was passed` Mayor Clark: Item number 14. Commissioner De Yurre: Yes, sir. Mr. Mayor, we have been discussing with the City Manager, I believe that a number of us on the Commission have been talking to him about the creation of a second NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) ,office in Little Havana, and I thought it would be appropriate that we can all get on this discussion and find out exactly where we're at, if it's going to be done, when and where, and to give us some idea of what he has in mind. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I'd like to make a statement. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. I want to know why. Mayor Clark: All right, please, Mr. Dawkins and then Mr. Plummer. Vice Mayor ,Dawkins: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I have no problems with a NET program, a NET office, but I do have a problem if you're going to create a NET office to create a job for somebody. I got a problem with that. So, now, when you create the NET office, make sure that it was not created to give certain people a job. Mayor Clark: Please, please, just a moment, Mr. Plummer. You know, the area that Mr. De Yurre is talking about - are you talking about east and west? Commissioner De Yurre: East/west. East Little Havana. Mayor Clark: I live in that area, and I can tell you, there's as much difference between West Little Havana and East Little Havana as there is ` between Georgia and South Florida. I can tell you that. And I do believe that there's proper representation. It's not going to cost that much. We're not talking about a billion dollars. We're talking about something to give 65 February 17, 1994 the properrepresentation, and that's a large area, and i'do think it needs to be bifurcated. Carmi.ssioner Plummer: How much does it cost... Mayor Clark: Mr. Plummer, you're on the line. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, how much are you anticipating cost? Mr. Odio: None, because it has been our policy that we will look from within the City employment force to appoint an administrator. It will have to came fran one of the persons that we now have working with staff, and the clerk, and the NRO's (Neighborhood Resource officer), the police officers will be split. In other words, we do have a heavy workload in the Little Havana NET office right now. They have more than 21 percent of the total complaints of the City, and we do need to pay more attention to those complaints by giving more responsibility --splitting the responsibility. There will not be additional personnel costs by doing this. We have been trying to find an office that would be donated, or a space that would be donated so we won't add to costs on that area. Commissioner Plummer: Have you considered moving the present office into a more central location, to where it can serve both east and west? Mr. Odio: No, sir. Commissioner, we have looked at Little Havana over and over and we do need to split it. Cammissioner Plummer: How many offices do we now have? Commissioner Gort: Eleven. Mr. Odio: Eleven. Commissioner Plummer: And now you are talking about 12. Mr. Odio: Twelve. Cam dssioner Plummer: And you're talking about how many mini stations for the police department? Mr. Odio: Mini stations have been combined in most cases with the NET offices, so I don't know if in addition to that, we have two or ` three mini stations. I do know one thing, that the people like to see these type of offices in their neighborhood. Commissioner De Yurre: J.L., let me say that right now, where it's located, it can't be more centralized. It's on 22nd Avenue, and it goes to... 4 Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, I understand. Well... F: Casnissioner De Yurre: Well, it's smack in the middle. r. Camm9.ssioner Plummer: You know, the problem - well, no, because then you go to the Flagami area, OK? Then you go to... 66 February 17, 1994 No, Flagami is another one. { Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, I know, but I'm saying as far as central t location, I would assume you're talking about establishing an East NET would be... Mr. Odio: Commissioner, we're hoping, and Shenandoah has proved this, that where they now can come in and pay for their permits, they can bring in their owner -built plans to get approved. Sane people cannot afford to came downtown Miami to apply for all those permits. In one month alone, I think in two months, we got $70,000 in permits that were paid in Shenandoah from people being able to walk up to... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, my concern is always proliferation. ODIC? i' I"mean, where does it stop? Mr. Odio: It stops where it doesn't make sense. CamAssioner Plummer: Where do we get better utilization out of what we have? That's all I'm saying. Mayor Clark: J.L., J.L., please. Let me tell you, Mr. Plummer, please. You know, probably, there's not enough proliferation in the City of Miami. People feel hard to get to this City Hall, and I think the more you can put services out where the people live, the more satisfaction you're going to have among our constituents. Cammissioner Plummer: You didn't hear my final statement, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes. Cmnmissioner Plummer: When are we going to get better utilization of what we have? Mayor Clark: Takes a little grease on the wheel. Comnissioner Plummer: That's it. i Mayor Clark: Mr. Gort. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, you know, from the campaign, I campaigned a lot on this NET, and I've been visiting all of the neighborhoods since I got elected. And the Little Havana area, you got two different worlds east of 27th Avenue and west of 27th Avenue. Right now, the area covers all the way from the river to 42nd Avenue -and stop me if I'm incorrect -and it takes up such a large area, north to the river, south to 16th Street, almost Coral Way. It's a large area. I think the division should take place west this is I'll let the planners tell me, the professionals tell me, but in looking at the neighborhood, west of 27th Avenue is completely different from east, and the needs and the problems that they have are completely different. 67 February 17, 1994 t Mayor Clark: Motion on the floor. Mr. Dawkins, please. Vice Mayor Dawkins: You know, I agree with what's been said, and there's also f : as much difference between the Fast Grove and South Grove, or whatever they j, call it, so you do have a NET office for Coconut Grove, and where is it located, Mr. Manager? Commissioner Plummer: Glass House. Mr. Odio: At Peacock Park, Commissioner. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. So I would like a NET office set up on Douglas and Grand. There is a difference in the community, and they're different, two sets of people, so I vote to put another one in Little Havana, and another one in Coconut Grove. Mr. Odio: I have no problem with that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Beg your pardon? Mr. Odio: I have no problem with that at all. Mayor Clark: Add it to the motion. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Gort: I'd like to add, one of the things, also, when we talked to the neighborhoods and we talked about the NET, there was no additional cost - to do this, because we use the existing employees to put in these places. Mayor Clark: All right. For those two items, a motion and a second. Madam Clerk, call the roll. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Commissioner Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: You know, to vote no, you're a bad guy. To vote yes, it makes you politically astute, I guess. But the money is what I'm concerned about as a proliferation. Commissioner Gort: My understanding is there's no additional cost to that. Commissioner Plummer: Well, don't you kid yourself for one minute there's not additional cost. OK? You're taking two more policemen out of regular police work. You're taking code enforcement out, you're taking sanitation inspectors out. You're talking about rent, you're talking about autamabiles, you're talking about cellular phones, you're talking about mobile walkie-talkies. Don't kid yourself for one minute that it's not an additional cost. Mr. Manager, am I right or am I wrong? Mr. Odio: You're wrong. 68 February 17, 1994 69 February 17, 1994 who moved passed and Camnissioner De Yurre: Do we have an idea when this will be implemented? Because you've been talking about Manuel Artime being used possibly as a site. What are we looking at right now? Commissioner Plummer: I'm sure it will be sometime before elections. Mr. Odio: CK. On Coconut Grove, I have been talking to Carlos now about opening'a NET office in Douglas and Grand where that boxing program is, and I can try to move fast on that, and Little Havana, by June, we should have... Cam dssioner De Yurre: Are we talking about the Manuel Artime? Mr. Olio: Well, we have a grant. The K - what do you call that grant? - the KC Foundation is talking to us about taking over the Artime Center. They have a huge grant, and we'd like to put the NET office in the Artime Center, if we can. Commissioner De Yurre: OK, but do you have to rely on somebody else now to find a location, and it depends on what they want... Mr. Odio: No, because if they don't came through... Commissioner De Yurre: ... or do we have the space right there to go if we want? Mr. Odio: We own the building, so if they don't come through with this grant, we'll just move right in. 70 February 17, 1994 r ... t,uuiu.Ublvller ue xUrre: Yes, Mr. mayor. Mayor Clark: Well, yes, sir, I'm behind you a thousand percent. Canmi.ssioner De Yurre: OK. You know, we were dealing with the Miami Sports and Exhibition. Authority about possibly they putting in about $3,000,000 and revamping the Melreese Golf Course. They bowed out because I believe they wanted ,too much for what they were giving us, and Mr. Manager has been able to identify $3,000,000 that we can bring in from the Sunshine Pool at three percent interest. If there's one facility that we are ccami.tted to, that we should be committed to, it's Melreese Golf Course. And certainly, the way it is, it cannot continue. We need to revamp, to fix it, bring it up to a state of the art situation so that we can once again be proud of what we have there, and host the major events that were held many years ago there. And I believe that, Mr. Manager, you can tell us now on the record that you have the money or not, where it's caning from, and what you plan to do. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Well, the money is caning from an item today where we are borrowing this money from the Florida Pool. We added $3,000,000 for the golf courses, and I think we should wait till Bill Byrd - you have the money - Bill Byrd was going to advise us on how to spend the money in the golf courses. He's supposed to be an expert. Mayor,Clark: He is an expert. He is an expert on golf courses. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Who is? Mayor Clark: Bill Byrd. Mr. Odio: Mr. Byrd, who retired from the County. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. I just - I didn't hear you. 71 February 17, 1994 i 'Mr. Odio: Yeah, I'm sorry. Y. Mayor Clark: Bill Byrd. And go ahead. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Mr. Manager,, also.. the Bedminster group,, and my fellow Commissioners, they are, Victor,, doing golf courses in North Carolina with their - what's that stuff they got? the composting? Mr. Odio: The residuals. Commissioner Plummer: Compost. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And there s something that retains water, and you don't have to put as much water on the greens and the fairways. And they have promised that if we do the golf course, they will do half of the fairways at no cost, and the other half with that material. So that's a savings there, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: Let me ask a question. Mr. Manager,, would you consider this going out to a management, rather than the City operating it? Mr. Odio: It's up to you, Commissioners. I don't... Mayor Clark: Let me tell you. Can I answer his question? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: J.L., I've been involved in this about 20 years now, about this management, what's happening, and everything else. The reason Key Biscayne is such a beautiful golf course, that golf course was built for $1,300,000, and every dime that that golf course made went back into the preservation and embellishment of that golf course. Nothing came back to the general fund of the City. The Miami Springs Golf Course is probably the best layout of a golf course.inthe world. Best layout. Because I'm a golfer, and I know what the hell I'm talking about. But it's been neglected, neglected, and neglected, and all the money that comes in there goes to different departments tha need money here, need money there, and the golf course has been neglected. I can tell you, J.L., between the Miami Springs Golf Course and the LeJeune or Melreese Golf Course, you've got two of the greatest assets in the world. And I've spoken to Johnny Cavalier in Miami Springs, he Mayor. He said, "We don't have the money, but we'd sure like to see it brought up to the position it was in." And then, you'll have nice little international tournaments out there, without question. Bill Byrd has proven he can do this. He's not charging an am and a leg. Commissioner Plunver: How much subsidy? How much subsidy? Mayor Clark: He's retired. And Harry Britt, who is the groundsman over at Key, Biscayne, also. They're going to do everything they can. They're interested, and they may not live in the City of Miami or the City of Miami Springs, but they're interested in bringing these back to a position that they rightfully deserve as a great golf course and a great asset for the City of Miami. 72 February 17, 1994 ,�3} AhY F 11 1 �iy's'S Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, my comments were, would we be smart to consider a management company coming in with an annual guarantee to the City plus a percentage, and let then run the golf course? Mayor Clark: We tried that at -guys, don't talk to the County. We tried that with the PGA out at the Country Club of Miami and lost our shirt. I mean, absolutely lost our shirt, in the millions of dollars. Commissioner Plummer: On a minimum annual guarantee? Mayor -Clark: Yeah. They managed that to start with. Now, they're out of it. Managed golf course, you go back to a managed golf course, American Management Team, and every golf course they've touched, it's gone right down the pipe. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, I forgot this morning, there is in front of the committee in the House, in Tallahassee, a bill for development of golf courses, and other sporting facilities, and the commission sales tax, so this is something we need to watch out for. In the meantime, we can do this. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir, Mr. Gort. Commissioner Gort: I have two questions. I'm not a golf player, but my understanding from some of the people that use the facilities say that they think that the price we charge is kind of low. So when it comes back to us after we fix it, I'd like to see some more competitive - and I understand we have a social service to provide to the community and allow some of those people - but I'd like to see a rate that competes a little bit; not to compete, but that can bring additional revenues to it. At the same time, this loan at three percent, this would be like a revenue bond, it will be paid out of.the revenues produced by the golf course itself? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Gort: Okee dokee. Thank you, sir. Mayor Clark: I think this is fantastic. The people, the people of the City of Miami, retirees, et al., and the people of Miami Springs and surrounding areas are going to be so happy when this takes place. It's like a new day for them. We've had great tournaments out there, back in the 150s, at the Miami `Springs Golf Course. Sammy Sneed (phonetic) , all the big players, Ben Hogan, the whole group, Jimmy Demeritt (phonetic). But we don't have them now because the golf course is at its lowest ebb. And in addition to that, the clubhouse needs to be refurbished somewhat, and there is a position where if a person wants to come in and run a new clubhouse at Le►7eune, let them build that if they can make it on their own. I'm sure they can. I think, Mr. De Yurre, you're on the right track, and I support you a thousand percent. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Thank you. 73 February 17, 1994 STATE GOVERI�rAL FINANCING CCMMISSION -- TO FINANCE EQUIPNIEI�Ir ACQUISITION -- DIRECT AumNISTRATION TO BRING BEFORE THE CITY CWmISSIaN EVERY PROPOSED EXPENDITURE FOR ITS APPROVAL. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, to accomplish that, you're going to have to pass item 46. Mayor Clarks All right, sir. Let's move to 46 right now. Comissioner Plummer: That's to make the actual $15,000,000 for financial equipment acquisitions. Mayor Clark: Is that what we have in there, Mr. ... Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Motion by Mr. De Yurre. Carmissioner De Yurre: Moved. Mayor Clarks Seconded by myself. Any further discussion? Call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner De. Yurre, who moved its adoption: RESOL TI'ION No. 94-92 A RESOLtTrION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANGER TO REQUEST A IAAN FRom THE SUNSHINE STATE GOVERNMEWAL FINANCING COMMISSION, IN AN MUM NOT TO EXCEED $15,000,000, TO FINANCE EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION. (Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on file in the office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the,following vote: AYES: Camiissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Camdssioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSERr: None. 74 February 17, 1994 Amok CCNIN1F rS MADE ;DURING ROLL CALL: Canmissioner Plummer Yes, with a proviso that each and every expenditure frdri that fund has to be approved by the City.Caminission. Mr. Odic;: Yes, sir, r CCWEVTS MADE AFTER RCI CALL: Mayor Clark: You know, Mr. Dawkins, that Miami Springs is the first golf course, to give you a story, that Mrs. Range's husband, Oscar -and I.don't the that really broke the black - know whether you knew him or not - he's one barrier for golfing at Miami Springs: Golf .Course. There's a lot of history outthere. There's a.lot of black players that use that golf course because it's so acco modating, and I thought I'd add that for a little icing on it. f Commissioner plummer: Dave Bondue (phonetic) was one of the most active. Mayor Clark: Dave Bondue, one of the greatest. One of the greatest. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And you taught Talmage Fair to play golf out there. So t' what? ( Mayor Clark: Talmage Fair? I didn't teach him, he taught himself. But I'll tell you who started out there, Calvin pate. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, he did. Mayor Clark: And Lee Elder (phonetic). The best man to give lessons in this game is Charles De Lucca. Anybody know Charlie De Lucca? Vice, Mayor Dawkins: Yes. He's great with kids. Mayor Clark: Greatest teacher. Great with children. He brought this young girl, Tracey Kurdyke (phonetic) up. Now, she's a pro. (INAUDIBLE C M MU) Mayor Clark: Yes, he does, right now. I 75 February 17, 1994 23. GRUNT PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ON REFINANCE OF THREE (3) OUTSTANDING BOND � ISSUES -- AGREE ON POLICY ON SELECTION OF BOND COUNSEL, FINAL, DETERMINATION AS TO BOND COUNSEL I UNDERWRITERS TO BE MADE BY CITY COMMISSION -- DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FROM QUALIFIED LAW FIRMS FOR PROVISION OF BOND COUNSEL SERVICES. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 17. Boni refinancing. i Mr. Carlos Garcia (Director of Finance): Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, we are seeking preliminary approval today. i Mayor Clark: We know you, but the people would like to know your name. Mr. Garcia: OK. My name is Carlos Garcia. I am finance director for the city: - Mayor.Clark: Thank you, Carlos. Mr. Garcia: We're seeking today preliminary approval on refinancing three bond issues that we have outstanding. On your memo you have, there are four issues mentioned. The second item on your memo, the one for $12,000,000 for { the Government Center Parking Garage, we cannot refinance at this time, but the ` other three issues, we think we can refinance, and we can save up to a million and a half in net debt service savings on those issues. The terms are spelled out in the memo. We are looking for... to have at least a minimum of three percent savings on the sales. We are looking not to exceed the life of the I outstanding bonds. We are looking to sell the bonds on a competitive . basis, and also, to have minority and local preference items also taken care_ of. At this time, all we're looking for is preliminary approval. We would have to come back to you with all the final documents. Also, as part of this memo, we're looking for a policy on selection of bond counsel. As you know, the City Attorney was in charge of selecting bond counsel in the past. For the last two years, before he has been able to get bids from bond counsel, he has come to you to look for your guidance on that. After that, he has sought those bids and cane back to you for a final recommendation. And what we're looking for is to avoid one step, and that is to authorize the City Attorney automatically to seek bids on bond counsel, and then bring those recommendations back to you. Commissioner Plummer: What happened to our list of rotation of bond counsel?, Mr. Garcia: That list was selected in 1990 for two years. It kind of expired in December of 192. We had four group of firms selected on that list, and we r (! 1, 76 February 17, 1994 Mtn..«. . _ .. .. S t .. , ,dpp41� u used only two, because those are the only two issues that we had in those two years. So it kind of expired in that sense. Mayor Clark: What's the pleasure of the Commission? Vice Mayor Dawkins: What is number 4? Special obligation bond series 1986-A, affordable housing program, what is that? Mr. Garcia:' These are bonds that were sold to create a revolving fund to financehousing and as with those bond proceedings, the City has been building housing. As.the housing units are sold, the money canes back to the fund, and they are used again for additional housing within the City. Vice Mayor Dawkins: why is it necessary... OK, where am I trying to go? OK. There are some hang-ups on... there is a hang-up on monies not being available j for the affordable housing in Overtown. Is this not where I'm going? Mr. Garcia: I'm not sure, Mr. Vice Mayor. Vice Mayor.Dawkins: OK. What is it that Mr. Bailey was supposed to be trying •,, to find money to offset? What is that? Mr. Garcia: OTC. He... that's a separate item on the"agenda. Vice Mayor Dawkins: That is? OK. Well, that's my item. I have no further I questions on this. Mr. Garcia: That is coming back later on. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No further questions on this, Mr. Mayor. E Mayor Clark: Carlos, couldn't we have done this sane time back? Mr. Garcia: We are losing time. Yes, sir, we are losing time. We need to move on this quickly. A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Gort: Move it. Mr. Jones: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Moved and seconded. Mr. Jones: Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: Hold on. Mr. Jones: To address Commissioner Plummer, you may recall that we did a request for qualifications, I think it was in - it was shortly after the list i expired - where we got, I think, we got eight or nine firms that responded. They were all deemed qualified, and basically, those are the firms that we sent the bid information to, so I just want you to be aware of that. 77 February 17, 1994 i t.. Commissioner Plummer: CSC. But in other ,words, you're going to advertise now ' for all firms, hopefully local firms? 4 Mr. Jones: Yeah, they've all been local. Commissioner Plummer: And that, in fact, then you will came back after negotiating with then as to a cost and to their qualifications. Mr. Jones: Well, they're qualified. What we do is just normally. give then the mechanics of what the package is and if they're interested in it, they'll suhni.t a bid on it and... Commissioner Plummer: Does this require underwriters? Mr. Garcia: Yes, it will, and that's why we are recommending to go on a carpetitive basis. k, Commissioner Plummer: on underwriters, or on underwriters and bond counsel? E Mr. Garcia: Both. Both. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir, Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Who are the financial advisors you say recommend this? Who are they? Mr. Garcia: We have financial advisors. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Who are they? Mr. Odio: Raymond James and Associates and Howard V. Gary. Mayor Clark: Please. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Who? Mr. Odio: Raymond James with Howard V. Gary and Associates. - Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Have them in here when we discuss this. We pay them tobe here. OK? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Have them here so if I have some questions, I can ask then. OK? k Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I get tired of us paying then and you caning up here making the recommendations and we're paying then for. OK? ,t Commissioner Plummer: Under this proposal, how much would you be refinancing? 78 February 17, 1994 1 ` Vice Mayor Dawkins: $87,000,000. i .Mr. Garcia: Not all of it. On the first issue, Commissioner, on the j convention center bonds, we could refinance only up to about $40,000,000. OK? Because some of the other bonds are called capital appreciation bonds, and we ,., cannot refinance those. Then on the other two issues, I would say we'd be refinancing about $10,000,000. In total, you're talking about $50,000,000. Commissioner Plummer: So you're talking about $90,000,000. Mr. Garcia: In total debt? Commissioner Plummer: Round numbers? Mr. Garcia: Around that. Corradssioner Plummer: OK. Now, you're also talking on today's agenda another 1 $150,000,000. Now, that's in today's cost. That's not at refinancing. Mr. Garcia: OK. But in this particular case, that $90,000,000 would be replacing $100,000,000. So - not $100,000,000, I'm sorry. About $92,000,000. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Well, you're dropping down, but still, that's how much is the total indebtedness in bonds today, for every bit of bonds we have? Mr. Garcia: The general obligation is about $185,000,000. Commissioner Plummer: 195? Mr. 'Garcia: 185. Commissioner Plummer: 185. Mr. Garcia: Right. Commissioner Plummer: In today's agenda, you're talking about an additional $150000,000. Mr. Garcia: Well, OK, the additional bond, the additional general obligation bonds is $53,000,000, and then with interest, of course, it could go up to about 90 something. Commissioner Plummer: Well, $53,000,000, that equates with the cost to the taxpayer at $93,000,000, according to you? Mr. Garcia: Right, including debt service, including interest, yes. Commissioner Plummer: Well, of course. But it costs the taxpayers to provide that , $93, 000, 000to get 53. Mr. Garcia: Over 20 years, yes, sir. 79 February 17, 1994 4 i Commissioner Plummer: You're talking about $5,000,000 to get the $30,000 from the Florida loan; and you're talking about $2,000,000 to get the loan of the ' $15,000,000 from the Sunshine. ' Mr. Garcia: Interest. { Commissioner Plummer: So when you put it all together, you're talking $145,000,000 more obligation. That's what's got me concerned. OK? Mr. Odio: But you have to point out also... Mayor Clark: Which is, Mr. Plummer, way below the national average of bonded indebtedness as against the assessed valuation of the property you borrowed it on, way below that. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, my other concern, Mr. Mayor... Mayor Clark: To be progressive. Commissioner Plummer: I hear you. We just passed in this community a billion dollar bond for the School Board. Dade County is looking at passing a billion and a half dollar bond, you know. And there's got to be a point, Mr. Mayor, where the people of this community have said "enough," you know. Mr. Odio: Commissioner, but... Commissioner Plummer: And that's my concern. Mayor Clark: Well, Mr. Plummer, it's all... Commissioner Plummer: The talk out there is that we're skirting the issue because we cannot live within the ten mill cap, so instead of living within it, we're going to go outside, and we're going to put it into bonds, but you're still going to pay more money. That's my concern. Mayor Clark: Mr. Plummer, when the ten mill cap became a reality... Camami.ssioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor .Clark: debt service was an automatic aside, never included in the ten mill cap, and that's the reason you can go do that, or you'd strangulate the community and kill it. Commissioner Plummer: That's not the point, Mr. Mayor. You could, in fact, use regular general fund monies, for example, and I'll speak to this when we get to the other issue in r ference to the Fire Department. Their program is a ten-year program. You could take from the City and you could spend two and a half million dollars a year with no bond indebtedness and no interest money to be paid, and put that program into effect over a ten-year period, which is what they're proposing. Mr. Odio: No, sir, you cannot. Commissioner Plummer: But to do such, you're going to borrow $25,000,000, and you're going to pay about fifteen to $18,000,000 in interest. 80 February 17, 1994 i. 04 01 Mr.` Odin: Commissioner... `t Mayor.Clark: What we're doing here today, for all concerned, is saving the taxpayers a lotof interest. money, a lot of interest money, and that's the ' f motion on the floor. Is there a motion on this item? Commissioner Gort: I made a motion and the reason it was made was for the !.. refunding and the lower interest rate savings to the City. Mayor Clark: Second? Commissioner Plummer: I'll second that one. That one is worthwhile.,` Mayor Clark: Call the roll, Madam Clerk. ' The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Gort, who moved its adoption: . .. 1 RESOIITPION NO. 94-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO PROCEED WITH THE REFINANCING OF THREE BOND ISSUES RELATING TO THE r CONVENTION,. CENTER PROJEL`r, AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM AND GUARANTEED ENTITLEME''rTP REVENUE BONDS; APPROVING A POLICY AUMRIZING THE CITY 'ATTORNEY TO SOLICIT CCMPETITIVE PROPOSALS FROM QUALIFIED LAW FIRMS FOR THE PROVISION OF BOND COUNSEL SERVICES AND TO PRESENT SAID PROPOSALS TO j ,. THE CITY COMMISSION FOR REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION; FURTHER DIRECTING THE tol ADMINISTRATION TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR UNDERWRITING SERVICES AND TO PRESENT ,SAID PROPOSALS TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR REVIEW AND { CONSIDERATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on ' file in the Office of the City Clerk.) # Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES:. Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. `ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL Commissioner Plummer: I vote yes, but we -excuse me, just for the record this Commission will make the final determination of who is bond counsel, and I p bond underwriters. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir, naturally. 81 February 17, 1994 tj 4 - -------.----------------------------------------------------------------- 24.(A)ALLOCATE $50,000 IN SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM TO INFORM / EXPLAIN - s M CITY VOTERS PROPOSED CITY OF MIAMI (a) $251,0001000 FIRE AND RESCUE FACILITIES, AND (b) $28,000,000 POLICE FACILITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION` BOND PROGRAMS THROUGH REFERENDA. (B) FIRST READING ORDINANCE: PROVIDE FOR FOLDING OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON FIRST AVAILABLE DATE IN 1994 -- WITH RESPECT TO ISSUANCE OF $28,000,000 POLICE AND CRIME PREVENTION FACILITIES BONDS. (Note: This was incorporated into another first reading ordinance which was passed and adopted at February 24th meeting.) (C) DISCUSSION CONCERNING PROPOSED FIRST READING ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ' FOLDING OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN CITY OF MUM ON :FIRST AVAILABLE DATE IN 1994 IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED FIRE -RESCUE AMID POLICE FACILITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS ($25,000,000 AND $28,000,000, RESPECTIVELY). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Next item, item number 18, is it? r r Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mr. Mayor, for my comments on this. issue, I have never hesitated to put an issue to the public to let them decide, but I. have to be very honest and up front. Mr. Mayor, I think this issue is out of question, to put another $53,000,000 worth of bonds out there. If you look at - the program, it is a wish list, pie in the sky, and I don't think that this is ; absolutely necessary. I will vote to allow the public to understand that this issue.is going to cost them in the long run $93,000,000, not $53,000,000, but I cannot support the issue personally. I think it can be done in a much better way.I think it can be done in an entirely different way. But here again, I have always said, I never hesitate to allow the public to speak to an issue. But publicly, I cannot support it. Mayor Clark: You know, J.L., I've sat on a lot of these meetings, as you Have, and I have never voted for a police or fire issue to put on the referendum. It failed. The people in this community are so uptight about crime and so uptight about the service we receive, and everything else. I believe, and I will fight strongly to have the people properly understood on this issue, because this is a vital issue when you've got trucks and equipment out there with the Fire Department that are ten or 12 years old and never been replaced. What's going to happen if we let this go down the drain, the insurance rate will go out of sight. It's going to double cost the people. I think` it's an excellent idea at this time, and I commend them for it, and I plan to support it. C udssioner.Plummer: Mr. Mayor, my question is not that it's not needed. It is needed, and it should be. We need more crime support activity. But I think that financing it through this method is where I feel it is extremely, absolutely, out of question. The amount of money to get $53,000,000, we're going to have to pay back $93,000,000, and I just think that that is totally out of question. 82 February 17, 1994 t Olio: Mr. Mayor, since I sense we do have - we'll put this on the we need to decide on the date of the,election. There is a date available on June f 14th. Matty, is that firm? f Ms. Natty Hirai (City Clerk): No, it is not. The June date is not firm. The . county >will 'decide that in April, we have been told, Mr. Manager. j j Mr. Odio In April. So you cannot leave it? ' t A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Well, right now, you can't decide it. The other thing, too, is even with... Cocmdssioner Plummer: Forty-five days. Mr. Jones: ... even with that, the primary date and the general election dates are subject to change. I understand that's a proposal before the holidays. So legislature now because it's in conflict with same of the Jewish they haven't reset those yet, so we don't know. It's difficult to set a date. Mr. Odio When do we have to set the date? ' Commissioner Plummer: Forty-five days in advance, don't you? A Clark: Forty-five days before the election date. _Mayor Commissioner Plummer: Forty-five days before the election. Mr. Odio: So you could not... Unidentified Speaker: Fifty-five. Camiiissioner Plummer: Fifty-five? Mr. Jones: Fifty-five. Commissioner Plummer: OK. So they got to print the ballots. Mr. Odio: June would be acceptable? Carmi.ssioner Plummer: Are you going to go on the same ballot with the County? "• Mr. Odio: That's what we're trying to avoid. Cammissioner Plummer: I bet you are. Mr. Odio: That's why we were going for the June election, if there was one, if they have one. Mr. Jones: They may not have one. I Unidentified Speaker: On April 19th they're meeting to decide that. Mr. Odio: You cannot set the date now and change it later? i 83 February 17, 1994 Mayor Clark: Well, you can't spend it for sanething else other than listed by the ordinance that you vote on for the bond. It has to be spent for that and nothing else. If you do, you violate the law. Commissioner Plummer: No, it's not, the program is not in the ordinance. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. What number are we on, please? Mayor Clark: 18. Commissioner Plummer: 18. -Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. Are we under discussion? Mayor Clark: We've been discussing. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. All right. You know, I am going to - Mr. Manager, you need to hear this. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. You say you're going to allocate a sum not to exceed'$100,000 to pramote this; is that right? Mr. Odio: Well, we cannot promote. We can inform the public. IC f Y Camdssioner Plummer: Educate. r Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. 84 February 17, 1994 ti _1 1 { Mr. Odio., Educate the public. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right. I want 40 percent of it to go to uneducating them. If you're going to educate them, I want $40,000 to uneducate them, because I am going to let the public know that they are voting on a bond that f` subsidizes a whole work force that does not live in the City of Miami: And if �.: you want.to vote for that, that's fine with me, but they must know this. Mayer Clark: Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor. Dawkins: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: The work force has nothing to do with this. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Manager - Mr. Mayor, that's your opinion, and you are entitled to it. But if you're going to take $60,000 to tell them to vote for it, $40000 I need to encourage then not to vote for it. Mayor Clark: Personnel is not involved in the bond issue. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But, Mr. Mayor, personnel is not involved, but the work force is involved. j Mayor Clark: The work force is personnel. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Manager - Mr. Mayor... Mayor Clark: You can't pay salaries with a bond issue. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, and your OK. Twill be trying - CSC. Well, I'll tell you what, I'm going to try to go against, defeat it. I'll be working to defeat the bond issue. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, why is suddenly - it has never been exceeding $50000 in the past. Why did this thing suddenly jump to $100,000? Mayor Clark: Make it $50,000. Mr. Odio: Make it $50,000. Fifty for police and fifty for fire. Commissioner'Plumer: Fifty each? Mr. Odio: Yeah. Camnissioner Plummer: No way. It goes out on the same sheet of paper. - Mr. Odio: Well, we will separate. Fine, limit it to fifty. Camni.ssioner Plummer: You see, already, you're proliferating out on two f Separate... }' Mr. Odio: Limit it to fifty, please. �1 1a Commissioner Plummer: Why don't we have Channel 9? 85 February 17, 1994 f j 1 Mr. Odio: We will. Limit it to 50. � r } Commissioner Plummer: We didn't have Channel 9 before and it was fifty. Now, f I we have Channel 9 and it's a hundred. `. ' Mr. Odio: Commissioner, limit it to fifty, please. i r Mayor Clark: Can you underwrite the bond for that? Mr. ` Odio: Sir? Mayor Clark: Do you need more than that to underwrite the bond? Commissioner Plummer: No, no. This is for advertising. Mr. Odio: No. This is just for educational purposes, Commissioner. ,. Commissioner Plummer: Advertising. Mayor. Clark: OK. Any further discussion? I know where Dawkins is and he knows where I'm at. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Ain't no problem. Mayor Clark: All right. Give me a motion. Commissioner Gort: I'll move it. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Vice Mayor Dawkins: I second it, but I'm going to be working against it. I have no problem with it. Mayor Clark: All right. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. 86 February 17, 1994 M CcMissioner Plummer: Why aren't you putting it on the same issue with the County? You have a fear there of something that the public might understand? Mr. Odio: No,, but we have a need to the police and fire that I don't... Carinissioner Plummer Doesn't the public have the right to know how much taxes they're going to hit them for next year? Mr. ' Jones: That would be a County... Mr. Odio: We don't want to confuse the issues. Mr. Jones: That would be a Countywide issue. Camnissio,ner Plummer: I'm sorry? Mr. Odio: That will be a Countywide election. Mr. Jones: It's a primary. Canmissioner Plummer: Well, I think it should go on the same time, all bond issues should be on at the same time, so the public understands. Mr. Odio•: We will put it on the Sep... Camlissioner Plummer: They got a billion and a half from the County. They got $150,000,006 from the City. You know, their grandchildren should really 1. understand, because they're going to still be paying it. Mr. Odio: It's not, it's not a hundred and fifty. It's fifty-three. Carrnissioner Plummer: Sir, with interest, it is $145,000,000. Mayor Clark: Please, Please. Mayor Clark: We don't even know whether the County is going to put that bond issue out or not. This is an independent City here. We're doing the best we can. Let's think for ourselves. Did you call the roll? Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Yes, sir. We need to read it on first reading, Mr. City Attorney? Ccmmissioner Plummer: Should we make it, Mr. Mayor... Mr. Jones: I'm sorry? Ms. Hirai: Are we reading... Mr. Jones: There are four ordinances that would have to be, and if it's the Caunission's desire to do it for - to shoot for the first primary which is now September 8th, we can go ahead and read those today and get the first reading out of the way. 88 February 17, 1994 r Ccmmi.ssioner Plummer: I think it ought to be the first available ballot.. Mayor.,Clark: What? r t Commissioner Plummer: I think it ought to be the first available ballot. Mayor Clark: That's the first available ballot. Mr. Jones: Yeah, because right now, we don't know whether there is going to be a special election in June. Mayor Clark: Well, let's don't bet on that. It's the first available ballot. ' } Mr. Jones: September 8th. Mayor Clark: So we don't have to call a special election. Mr.'Jones: Which is going to be changed anyway. MayorClark: -Yes. Catmi.ssioner Plummer: No, the first available ballot. Mayor Clark: Well, that's so we don't have to call for a special election. Mr. Jones: No. No. The first available election, if the County decides on the 19th to do it in June, we would miss it because we would have to have at least 45 days, and we would fall short of the proper notice. `'= 1 Mayor Clark: Well, let's be practical. On the 8th of September. Commissioner Gort: OK. CcMi:ssioner Plummer: Well, if the County hasn't put theirs together, haw care we can? I mean, are they smarter than we are? Mayor Clark:' No. They're just a little slower. Mr. Odio: Just a minute. We're waiting for the County to decide whether... t, Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. If the County is going with their bond issue prior to September. a t ; Mr. Odio: We don't know that. We don't know that. CCMissioner Plummer: That's why he said the first available ballot. That's what I'm asking. Mr. Jones:- Which would be September, because what I'm telling you, if in April when they meet and decide to have an election in June, it will not be r enough time for us to meet the time requirements. i G Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Jones... 89 February 17, 1994 4 Vice Mayor Dawkins: How much is in the fund? The fund, not how much it . budgeted.., what the budget is. Mr.. Garcia: As of the end of last year, we have about $500, 000 in cash if that's the number... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Five hundred thousand dollars in cash. Mr.Garcia: Yes, sir, right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And... So, to what... and we know that we have liabilities greater, than $5001000. What are you going to do now? Mr. Garcia: Yes, sir. There is another item on the agenda today. First, there is ,a budget there of 33 million dollars of revenues that will be coming to the fund from other funds in the City. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Where? Name the funds... That's what I'm getting to. Where are the other funds caning from within the City? : 4 Mr. Garcia: The General Fund is suppose to contribute 4.9 million dollars. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Where are they going to get it from if we are broke? The x General Fund.` Mr. Cesar odio (City Manager): It is budgeted. Mr. ,Garcia: It's budgeted within the General Fund in different departments throughout the City. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, in different departments. Mr. Garcia: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What departments, name the departments? Mr. Garcia: Every department of the City has a budget, a budgeted amount for self-insurance... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Mr. Garcia: ...that is transferred from that department... Vice Mayor Dawkins: How much is that? How much is that? Mayor Clark: Please, 'if you slow down, if you make a question then an answer... Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Mayor Clark: ...to cane back. Mr. Garcia: It is four million nine hundred and ninety-two thousand dollars from the General Fund. 93 February 17, 1994 Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. where ... another one. Mr. Garcia: Special Revenue Funds, $153,000. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Special Revenue Funds... Mr. Garcia: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...$153,000. Mr. Garcia: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go ahead. Mr. Garcia: Enterprise Funds, a million seven hundred and forty-three thousand dollars. Vice, Mayor Dawkins: Enterprise? What... Mr. Garcia: Enterprise are the Convention Center and the marinas and the stadiums and so forth. 6• Vice Mayor Dawkins: And we are projecting that they will make that amount of j revenue so that you will have it to take from them. Mr. Garcia: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: If they don't make it, what? Mr. Garcia: That is budgeted and the moneys will be transferred. The moneys are being transferred right now to the Self -Insurance Fund on that basis. ;.. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But you just told me that these self... enterprise funds generate their awn fund. Mr. Garcia: That is true. Vice Mayor Dawkins: If the number of people whom we feel are going to use the marina do not use it, then you do not generate the amount of money that you thought that you were going to generate, then what happens? Mr. Garcia: If that were to be the case, we would have to amend the budget throughout the year, and that's a procedure that you know is followed. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Or came up with another refinancing. Go ahead, what is ,, the ' next one? Mr. Garcia: No, sir. We cannot use bond money for that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Go ahead. Ccmmissioner Gort: Cmmissioner, may I interject for a minute, and I think we might.,.- I got a question I think it might clarify the whole thing. i 94 February 17, 1994 . ., tf6�.�C a lei' 5,•3 .7,. ... ,. 04 Commissioner Plummer: How much is the total that you are looking at if you. get eight frog the League of Cities, that leaves a balance of'22. Mr. Garcia: Right. , i Commissioner Plummer: So, is it 22 in addition to the 33? Mr. Garcia: Twenty-two would be for future years. Commissioner Plummer: What is your known obligation at this time? Mr. Garcia: We have liabilities, according to actuary's report prepared... Commissioner Plummer: Right. Mr. Garcia: ...of 86 million dollars. a Commissioner Plummer: How many? Mr. Garcia: Eighty-six. Now, of that 86 million dollars and 38 are fairly I,. firm liabilities, the other are just estimates done by the actuaries, or estimated by the actuaries. Overall, as of the end of last year, they estimated about 86 million dollars in liabilities. „.. Mayor Clark: yc Any further discussion? Commissioner. Plummer: Hell of a way to run an airline! Mayor Clark: Well, it has been ran that way for a long time. i Mr. Odio: You need to pass item 48, please. Commissioner Plummer: Is that item finished? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, it's 48. r Commissioner Plummer: Item what? Mr. Odio: Forty-eight. Mr. Garcia: Forty-eight is a companion item with the Florida League of Cities. Mayer Clark: You know, Mr. Manager, what has been explainers by Mr. Garcia today, I think it should be put in chronological order. He responded very rapidly. In fact, I congratulate him for that. But, put it in Chronological order so each and every Commissioner will have that... Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: ...because, you know, the problems and we have to correct them as soon as possible. This may be the time to do it. i i 96 February 17, 1994 t {{ Y F Mr. -Odin: Yes', sir. We... I want to add to this that things that you have done; and will be doing -soon, and with the unions; will lower... we are trying to lcywer cost... ` Mayor,Clark:` And the recarmendation... Mr. odio: ...in the group insurance. Mayor Clarks The recommendation... came up with the help us to correct this f AM ry troubling... Mr. Odio: We are looking at a lower cost in group insurance caning up very soon to this. Mayor. Clark: Yeah. All right. OK, do we move on this item? ? i Carmi.ssioner Plummer: I move 48, Mr. Mayor. 1 Mayor Clark: Forty-eight. � t 'i Commissioner Gort: I'll second. Mayor Clark: Is it 48? Commissioner Gort: Forty-eight, yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Forty-eight is the loan. Mayor Clarks Companion. Ms..Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Resolution, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Is there a second by Mr. Gort? Call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: ` �.. : RESOLUTION No. 94-95 ; A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY NCR TO PROCEED WITH THE PROPOSED PURCHASE OF A LIABILITY COVERAGE CONTRACT BY THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FROM THE FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES' FIRST MUNICIPAL LOAN PROGRAM IN THE AMDUNT OF $30,000,000, SAID PURCHASE TO BE SECURED BY A COVENANT FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI TO BUDGET AND APPROPRIATE THE REPAYMENT OF SAID CONTRACT. ' { r, 97 February 17, 1994 y (Here follows body of resolution, emitted here and on { file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and. adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Plummer: On item 21, Mr. Manager... E 26. AUIHORIZE MODIFICATION OF REQUEST FOR UNIFIED DEVELAPM M PROPOSALS FOR VIRGINIA_KEY BOAT YARD / 3501 RICER CAUSEWAY (THE "PROPERTY") TO ALU)W FOR LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SE,F= PROPOSER FOR DEVELOPMENT' OF -" PROJECT TO E=1D TERM FOR UP TO 20 YEARS. - - ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Mayor Clark: We are on item 20-A, aren't we, J.L.? Mr. Gort. Commissioner Gort: The reason I called this item and talked to the people in real estate business and so on, I was told that in order to get -a good proposal and for anyone, any major investors, national investors, to come down and put money into.a project that is worth their while, they probably need' more time than what we put in the RFP (Request for Proposal) . And merely I brought'it for that discussion for that purpose. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Commissioner... Commissioner Gort: But... Mr. Odio:r If I may? I have been thinking about this, and what we could do is tie the years or the terms to the amount of dollars invested. In other words, leave it open, and if you come in and invest three million dollars, you get more years. If you invest a million dollars, you get less years. You could do it'that way, I guess. Ceami.ssioner Gort: Let me try to explaining it. National... We want to attract the best proposal possible, and to bring in one of the major international or national companies to put millions of dollars into a project, 98 February 17, 1994 t a, tv �' Zak Camm4ssioner`Plummer: So, in other words, you will be allowing it to go from a 10"year tezm to a 20? Mr. Odio: Well, I don't know,.that's up to you. But... Commissioner Plummer: Well, I'm asking. • Commissioner Gort: That's what we're asking, yes. That's what I'm asking. Cammissioner Plummer: OK. r" Mayor Clark: That's what he is proposing. Commissioner Plummer: With a proviso, according to the Mayor, that the City could give ,them 90 days' notice, and buy it back at any time. Mayor Clark: That's right, that's in there. Commissioner Plummer: And only pay for the unamortized amount of money. ,..:: Commissioner Gort: That's correct. r " Commissioner Plummer. The City then, I assume under those conditions, would in fact completely control any and all additions to that facility. Mayor Clark: Absolutely. Commissioner Plummer: In other words, they can't go crazy and do what they want to build... what they want to build whether it's necessary or not. Mr. Odio: Oh, they have to come here for permits, sir. Commissioner Plummer: No, sir, not permits, additions. Mr. Odio: Yes. ' Commissioner Gort: Right. Mayor Clark: OK. Motion by Mr. Gort. Cam:issioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, only final question I have. Mayor Clark: Yes. Ca MdSsioner Plumper: Is in fact, are we going to provide it where a firm ' could do 10 years as well as 10 (sic)? In other words, is it an option to do either or? Mayor Clark: Well, I think if you got the 20 proviso that you are going to go for 20 years, they are not going to go for 10. Commissioner Plummer: Well, but I am saying, give the opportunity, if or or... 102 February 171 1994 4 Upon being seconded by Commissioner De Yurre, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice, Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. CONAM'S MADE DURINGROLL CALL: Commissioner Plummer: With a full understanding it does not include another 1 inch of Property beyond the original RFP. f' Commissioner Gort: We are not changing the original. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Your vote, sir? Commissioner Plummer: I voted yes. +. - --- - --------------------- ------ ------------------------------- --------------------------------------END 27. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ANC ORDINANCE 11038, WHICH ESTABLISHED SPECIAL REFUND: TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND COORDINATION -- APPROPRIATE VENUE ADDITIONAL FUNDS ($76,363) GRArIl'ED BY METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION FOR .THE MIAMI URBANIZED AREA (MPO), MATCHED BY $190,092 FROM CITY'S GENERAL FUNDS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Clark: Item number 21. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, on 21, here again, I am concerned... I can speak to Joe, if you wish. Joe, my concern, we are getting DDA (Downtown Development Authority) doing certain work, we are getting the City doing certain work, and it would seem like to me that the biggest portion of this work that is being done, is being done by the City. And, I would be more comfortable with the one person doing the entire overall scenario. Do you understand what I'm saying? Mr. Joe McManus: Yes, Commissioner. ! Commissioner Plummer: So, Mr. Mayor, I would say that these moneys going to the City should be used for that purpose. Now, again, I am concerned about }. this of the Wyrwood, Allapattah, and the Port of Miami. I mean, is it crystal clear to the Administration that the Mayor's comments, and I think that my colleagues comments, there is not going to be a storage of containers on the 104 February 17, 1994 {I�JUA"�,SY.9S'i..�...i��A i,:. rx na ...� :'. i. 1',_,.. .`• ;�_� '., �:... � .. :...,. ..' .. .:..: � ..... � .. .� _ ,. _<. _i .;_i,a .\,., .i;aw... f,. _._.x �.. .�.. �. a r..� �x w. 1 j ------.---" - 28. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: MADE COUATI'Y EMS GRAND AWARD-(FY'94 -- APPROPRIATE FUNDS, CONSISTING OF GRANT APPORTIONED BY MMMPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FROM STATE OF FLORIDA DEPAR'nOW OF HEAIrH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES (HRS) UNDER FLORIDA EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES CRAM' PROGRAM FOR CxX]NrIES, AND CARitY-CNEMt FUrID BALANCE . FROM PREVIOUS EMS GRANr AWARDS. ---------------- - Mayor Clark: Item number 22. Commissioner Plummer: We are getting money, huh? I'll sure vote for that one. I'll move it. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Any discussion? A second? Commissioner Plummer: Gort seconded it before. Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: Moved by Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Seconded by Mr. Dawkins. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: ,DADE COUNTY EMS GRANT AWARD (FY194)��, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN THE TOTAL AMOUNTOF. $311,253 CONSISTING OF A $165,745 GRANT APPORTIONED BY METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPAR'IMMU OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES UNDER THE "FLORIDA EM'Y MEDICAL SERVICES GRANT PROGRAM FOR COUNrIES", $145,508 IN CARRY-OVER FUND BALANCE FRCM PREVIOUS EMS GtANI' AWARDS; AVIiiORIZING THE CITY MArIl TO ACCF.'T'T THE AFORE ENrIONED GRANT AWARD AND ENTER INIO THE NECESSARY. LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARIMEDTT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES AND/OR METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE Ta THE CITY ATMRNEY AND SUB►TELT TO APPLICABLE CITY CODE PROVISIONS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND'A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 107 February 17, 1994 s ,. +n11riSM'Fwt4 #t viv..y .n rt,•..r ....r -.... . ,, ,.,., ...., .. _,... ... -_... _-. ... . , i ..,, _ .: a... a» _ ,-.W. up,, At S- t Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of January 13> 1994" was taken up for its second and final reading by 'title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Gort, , th ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre C Vdssioner J.L. Plummer,. Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENL'. None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11119. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE SECTION 2-13 (ORDER OF BUSINESS AMID RULES OF PROCEDURE) -- THEREBY STATING THAT THOSE PORTIONS OF THE AGENDA ENTITLED: PUBLIC HEARINGS, PUBLIC DISCUSSION, AND PERSONAL APPEARANCES SHALL BE SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD NO EARLIER THAN 10:00 A.M.`ON DATE OF CITY CCb=SSION MEETING. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vice Mayor Dawkins: Move 23. Commissioner Plummer: Under 23, I'll second it for discussion. Mr. Mayor, we had some other policies around here that were on the books, and I would for a consideration. -Emergency or pocket items, as you will call them, were not to be heard, until after 8 o'clock, or at the conclusion of the agenda whichever came -first. Mayor Clark: Unless there is an absolute emergency at that time. Commissioner Plummer: All right, sir. The second one was that any item on the consent agenda that was pulled would be carried over to the next Commission meeting. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: As a regular item of the agenda. Now, we also have the 60 items per agenda. I would want to know if any of that is incorporated in here, and if not, can we amend this to have those items in here. I think everybody is in concurrence. j Mayor Clark: Yes. 108 February 17, 1994 Mr. Jones: Oft. r Commissioner Plummer: OTC. T'hatIs fine, Mr. Mayor. And, consent agenda '. Pulled will then carry over to the next regular agenda. f C }- Mr. Jones: .Oh, we'll have to address that. ' Co missioner Plummer: All right, g ,you prepare that one then. and bring it .back. Mr. Jones: Sure. j Cam issioner Plummer: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: You read it to the... You read it to the record. Moved by Mr. Plummer. Cawdssioner Plummer: Yes, sir. i Mayor Clarke Seconded by Mr. De Yurre. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. ' AN ORDINANCE- AN ORDINANCE ANENIDING SECTION 2-13 OF THE CODE OF 7HE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AHMED, ENTITLED "ORDER OF BUSINESS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE", TiIOM STATING THAT THOSE PORTIONS OF THE AGENDA ENTITLED "PUBLIC HEARINGS", "PUBLIC DISCUSSION", AND "PERSONAL :. APPEARANCES" SHALL BE SCE M.BE HEARD NO EARLIER THAN 10:00 A.M. ON THE DATE OF THE CITY CX,[WSSION MEETING; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A 1 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of January 13,. 1994, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissions ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by. the following vote: AYES: Camli:ssioner Victor De Yurre Cammissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Wifredo Gort THE ORDIIWNCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11120. Mayor Clark: Next item. t: Coamissioner Plummer: Well, if you are going to defer 24. I would assume 25. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): No, they are not tied. i fi 110 February 17, 1994 „�, •�`rjhjfi<«i't�>Nw” +U.:,;.i. rJ. .+f ... . w. ..,. r 4' .. .. .... .. ,asY:r .a 6=n 4✓,�rR�-^.S{ tt1[+�`W',��`t'�:t Commissioner Piu m ere. Uh? r Mr. Odio: They are not... Commissioner Plummer: They are all garbage issues. Mr. Odio: Yeah, but this is... :- Mayor Clarks Did we postpone 24? - ,. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, sir, we... Mr. Odio: This is receiving a grant. Vice Mayor Dawkins: We moved that 24 be heard after 5 o'clock. Mayor Clark: After five. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda item 24 was tabled until after 500 p.m. --- -- -- - - -- ------------ -------------------------------------------- 30. ,SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: SOLID WASTE REDUCTION: RECYCLING AND EDCICATION (FY'94) -- APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN ;'ACCORDANCE WITH F.S. 403.706(4)], CONSISTING OF RECYCLING PROGRAM GRAM' ,FROK STATE : OF FIARIM DEPARIMU OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, IN _ ACCORDANCE WITH STATE OF FTARIDA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GRANT RULE17- 716 AND-F.S. 403-7095. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Ron Williams (Assistant City Manager): Yes, Mr. Mayor, Ron Williams, Assistant City Manager. Item 25 is -a second reading of accepting a State ::'...' grant ,they are not directly... Mayor;Clark: We are not 24, you are not worried about that. Twenty-four comes ,up,after 5 o'clock. Mr. Williams: That's right. I'm speaking into 25, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: All right, 25. -. Commissioner Plummer: And where does the money cane on 25? Vice Mayor Dawkins: From the State of Florida. f Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): From the State. r Commissioner Plummer: And how would you go about spending that money? i 111 February 17, 1994 Mr. Williams: Well.... Commissioner Plummer: ...send me anymore eight pages. Mr. Odio: That's,the problem with the State mandated. Mayor Clark: Take him off... Take him off the mailing list. Would you? Mr. Williams: I guess are off the mailing list, Mr. Plummer. 9u y� Commissioner Plummer: Eight pages, ridiculous. We get the money from the State, `IIm happy. I'll move it. Mayor. Clark: Oh. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Commissioner Plummer: Eight pages and all. Mayor Clark: Call the... Read it into the record. It has been moved and seconded. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: ,SOLID vmm RED4)`TION: RECYCLING AND EDUCATION (FY'94)11; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND nEM=ATION OF SAME IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 403.706(4), FLORIDA STATUTES, IN THE MUUNT OF $516, 732 CONSISTING OF A RECYCLING PROGRAM ' GRANT FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIROi0ZNTAL REGULATION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STATE OF FIARIDA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GRANT RULE 17-716 1 AND SECTION 403.7095 FIARIDA STATUTES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILTTY CLAUSE. r" 112 February 17, 1994 r t?�'t+4tirs'Atixun*a- -a s Mayor Clark: You want to hear more about it J.L.? ' Commissioner Plummer:, ...it's on the agenda, item nmber 30. Mr., Kay: Yeah. Mayor Clark: But 'it's withdrawn. Mr. Odio:. No. Ca wdssioner Plummer: No, 29 is withdrawn. Mr. Odio: No it's not. Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): S-&-nty-nine is withdrawn. Mayor Clark: All right. Continue. jMr. Kay: Arid the second thing it does is that it clarifies how mouch ' it will cost when two different telecamwnications companies share aduck-bank in the right-of-way. Vice Mayor Dawkins: A duct -bank? Mr. Kay: Right. Cam:issioner Plumper: I got to be... I got to be honest, I don't understand it." I really,..' Commissioner Gort: What I understand is that we are charging individuals for using the public right-of-way. Mr. Odio: Yes. Camiissioner Gort: We couldn't rate... Cammissioner Plummer: No, that's... Mr. Odio: Could... Could you pass it... Commissioner Plummer: Well, that's usually a franchise. Mr. Odio: ...on first reading, and we'll be glad to sit dawn with... Cmai.ssioner Plummer: All right, pass it on... Yeah, all right, that's fine. I'll move it on first reading. Commissioner Gort: Second. Commissioner Plummer: Somebody has got to came explain it to me. I just really don't understand it. Mr. Kay: We'll do that. 114 February 17, 1994 j 4 Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Did you second it Willy? Commissioner Gort: Yes, I seconded. Vice Mayor Dawkins: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? ; Read., Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AFMCLE VIII OF CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORILIA, AS AMENDED, EN1'MM "USE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY BY PRIVATE COV94LWCATICN TO ESTABLISH REGULATIONS AMID FEES FOR ���-OWNED TELEOOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS : i AMID REDEFINE THE RESPONSIBILITY IBILITY FOR ANNUAL FEE FOR SHARED FACILITIES; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AmENDEIG SECTIONS 54-140, 54-141, 54-144, 54-145, 54-146, 54- 147, 54-149, 54-150, 54-151, 54-152, 54-153, 54-154 OF THE : CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EF�'ECT'IVEE DATE. ( Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Gort !° f; and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: I_ AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurne Cc mi.ssioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor.Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. mmouncea tnat copies were ava11aD1.e to the mm mers or the city Lz mu.ssion am i t Mr.: y. J3:m Kay:As you know, we ve had a lot of. street closures 'requests that have cane in over the past several years. The Metropolitan Dade County is k exercising its authority, as the agency in controlling traffic in the City, all ?: municipalities, as well as unincorporated Dade County. And that is in the, County Code. They wish to play a greaten role in these requests for street closures and requiring traffic studies to be done) whenever... every time an applicant comes in with a closure. And, this is really kind of putting it in line with the procedure that the County has requested that we follow. Commissioner Plummer: So, in other words, what they are saying is that when anyone wants traffic diverters... Mayor Clarks Go to the County. Commissioner'Plummer: ...that they should have... that the City has to pay, or somebody has to pay for a traffic study prior... Mr. Kay: That`s correct, CaRmi.ssioner Plummer: ...to submitting it to them. Mr. Kay: Yes, sir. Cmwdssioner Plummer: But, they have always, as I recall in the past, had the right to camient on any one of those that we have done in the past. Commissioner' Gort: Had to be approved by them. Mayor C ark: Yeah, they are going to... They are moving a little heavier now, J.L. Carmissioner Plummer: OK. What does the average traffic study.cost? :Mr. Kay: It really depends. Right now, we are spending between... around 10 to 15.thousand dollars. Camdssioner Plummer: Can it be done in-house? Mr.:Kay: No, sir, we do not have traffic engineers on staff. Caimi.ssioner Plummer: Is .there enough request in the run of a year to considerputting someone on staff? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): 7b hire the traffic engineer, it costs $60,000 plus benefits. You have two studies a year, it's $20,000. Commissioner Plummer: That answers my question. Thank you. I'll move it. Mayor Clark: Second? Call the roll. Mayor Clark: Roll call. l 116 February 17, 1994 t f ,: :�'e}*eeJ �n;'o «vv.Cr7.rrh „-,...vr .t. ,., .:,., r. , .,. :,... ... _ .. ..... ,. e• ,_ r ,.�,,._:., 1 f Mayor Clark: Well, I think, J.L., what it says is not that. It says that j r there are qualified people but they are not applying. So, we need to go to a ?; broader perspective. i Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to believe that, except when you J came down to the PSA (Public Service Aides) Program, and I'll use that as the example. In last year's budget, we budgeted 150? Mr. olio: A hundred and twenty fifth. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, we can't even get a class together, that's - our problem. Mayor Clark: Well, I think this should be a residency requirements and nothing else. I don't think we should be involved in personalities or other operations. Commissioner Plummer: No, this is... This is strictly personnel. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner De Yurre: If I can discuss -a little bit about our procedure of =hiring here. It seems to me that a procedure has been implemented over the last.year or two years, wherein there is all kinds of screening being done by Department heads, by this and by that, which delays the process tremendously. Mr. Odio: You are talking, Commissioner, about the promotional system. Commissioner De Yurre: What about the hiring system? Mr. Odio: No, the hiring is not affected by the promotional system, except for the fact that... Camnissioner De Yurre: Well, he's shaking his head. Mr. Odio: No, excuse me. If we have a vacancy, they are three typ one clerk, two, or three. There is a vacancy on type three.. City employees get a first crack at that type three position. Commissioner Plummer: That's not what he is saying. Mr. Odio: CK. And then you care in and hire at the entry level for a type one, or two, whoever moves up. So, in fact, it's yes, you have a delay there because we have to look into the City's work force first, give then the opportunity to be promoted first... Cammissioner De Yurre: And how is... How long does that take? Mr. Odio: That takes longer than it used to because of the system that we have in place of the... our monitors... ' 118 February 17, 1994 A Ms'. Angela Bellamy (Assistant City Manager): Camiissi we... the oneks, as soon ;As�soonas llieparUlldnt requests that a position be filled,, POS then we can advertise the position first to Civil Service employees, then to all Other City.. employees . including unclassified part-time, temporaryemployees. And then ­jt. goes out to other... to... open to applicants. Sot within that Process# if we were, for example, to t get a. City. empipyee,, Civil Servi Ce employees, who met the requirements, were on our have register, then they would to go through an interview Process and be selected. Ccomissioner De Yurre: Now,, you are telling me that there is a preference of Civil Service over non -civil service individuals? Odin: Yes, it... Ms - Bellamy: That's correct. Mr. Odio The reason for it being, if You have been a permanent 1 emp oyee sitting in a lower position, the first .here, crack at a higher Position should cane to them. Then we go to the temporaries or part-timeri, or whatever.. Camlissioner, De Yurre: Yeah, but... Mr. Odio: ...and then to the outside. Camrtissioner De Yurre: ...but aren't there individuals... Ccmmissioner Plummer: yeah, but that, CcMissioner De Yurre: ...here that are not Civil Service that have been 'working longer than individuals who Civil are Service? Mr. Odio: Unclassified positions. Catmtssioner De Yurre: OK. And they don't have a crack at this positionsi Odio: The unclassified would have a crack at the last level. V., Ms Bellamy: They would after the Civil service employe _es. Cb6missioner De Yurre: Why? Why is that? Mr Odio: Because... Bellamy: That... Mr- OdiO: Because the civil service came in in a civil service identified posit ion,, theyed came in at, let's say, again at the number one level. If a position hiring that, is opened, they should have the first v right to that because they sat there for years waiting to get Promoted. Camlissioner De yurre: But... Mr. Odio: Unclassified were hired at will. I 119 February 17, 1994 y.. Mayor Clark: But, wait a minute. Just a minute now. We are not talking about this in resolution before us. Did you know that we've had communication operators within the last Police Department, those positions have been unable to be filled for the last six months? These positions are camwnication phone lines. for, the Department. There are people who feel cause to the public and also distribute cause, and they went twelve hours a day. The bottom line is that residency requirements is making it... our services to the community very deficient. I believe... agree with promoting the fact that we like to hire people. within the City of Miami, and I believe the residency requirement is well intentioned. However, also we believe that we can promote the hiring of any City residents through a residency preference policy which is before us in this resolution. Right now people who do not live in the City, do not bother, to apply for these positions because they do not wish to relocate within the City instead of driving potential applicants away because of required residency, which the Manager will tell you is what is happening currently, we should invite everyone to apply with the understanding that preference will be given to the City residents if two people are equally qualified. This way if we are unable to find a qualified City resident to fill a position, you will still be able to fill a vacancy within the City on a timely basis, and not be affecting the services that we provide. There may be many issues that play into this equation, but clearly, the residency requiranent is the one issue that is consistently at the top of everyone's list. I believe that we should approve this, resolution which has received the support of all the employee's unions even if it's just for a trial basis of six months. Commissioner Plummer: I thought the Police agreed to all new hirees. Mayor Clarks I urge my colleagues to vote yes on this issue, trial issue. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, if I may? My understanding that the... if ; T;rwedoer correctly, the FOP (Fraternal order of Police) contract, they agreed to all new hirees as City residents. Mr. Odio: They have also agreed on a memo of understanding that was drafted... Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. Am I right, or wrong according to their contract? Mr. Odio: Yes, you are right. This is amending that. Commissioner Plummer: So, now what you are doing is, you are lessening the requirements of the contract? Mr. Odio: No, we are amending the contract, and they have agreed to amend the contract without us having to give up anything. Cam dssioner Plummer: Well, it's to their advantage. Mr. Antonio Rodriguez: I have copies here. a Mr. Odio: Well, it really is. 120 February 17, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, there is no question about that. Mayor Clark: Let's hear, yes, sir. Mr. Rodriguez: I have copies of that memorandum of understanding here, and if the Commissioner would like to see it. Comiissioner Plummer: No, I... We have it. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner De Yurre: Yes, I just like to bring this concept, bring it back at the next meeting so we can discuss it more fully, about the hiring process. Commissioner Gort: Yeah. Mayor Clarks Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. City Attorney, what is the procedure for placing on the ballot a referendum asking the City of Miami residents, "If you are satisfied with your tax dollar paying a work force that does not live in the City of Miami, does not contribute to the tax -base of the City of Miami, and your money that you work for and eam, you pay a work force that does not live here?". Is it legal to put such a referendum on the ballot for the citizens to - vote on? A Quinn'Jones'III, Esq. (City Attorney): Well, there is no legal... There is no legal impediment to it. Certainly, if it's the will of the Commission to submit such a question through initiative... to the electorate, it can so do. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well, CK. Pre are for me, for the next Commission meeting, a whatever you have to prepare, to get it on the next agenda to say that we are going to put the bond issue on the agenda. And circulate it with the next agenda, so that my colleagues can study it, and see if they want to vote for.it or not. Because I think the citizens of the City of Miami should be'able to vote if they are satisfied with a workforce telling them that they don't want to dive in the City, it's not safe to live in the City that we live,, but it's safe enough for me to work. I'll work in the City, I'll take' your money. and go home, and all new... and make sure, Mr. City Attorney, this applies only to new hirees. I do not expect to put a hardship on people who are already there. But, all new hirees should be required and made to live in the City of Miami and contribute back to the tax -force that hired them. Prepare that for me for the next meeting, please, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, if I may? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. i Commissioner Plummer: I'm scared that what we are doing here is a band -aid approach. We have major problems in personnel. Now, that's not the people y who are working there, and I don't want that to be misunderstood. Let me give i you one of the problems that I think Victor was approaching the other time he spoke. From the time we advertise for a fire position, and to the time that a 121 February 17, 1994 1 Mayor Clark: Six months. Comnissioner Plummer: It's longer. M. Bellamy: It could be three or four months. And it could be as long as six or seven months depending on... CmTni.ssioner Plummer: CIK. M. Bellamy: ...when the class is authorized to be filled. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Now, you couple that with the fact that a man, a young man, goes out and he applies to the City of Miami to be a fireman. He goes through all of the process. Now, he is not making any money. He is out there without a job. He is out there going through all of the tests, going through all of the things that you put him through, and then you establish that this gentleman is on a waiting list. Now, if he were to go out and get another job, he's going to be honest, I hope, with an employer to say, "Hey, look, I'm going to be here. But, if I get that fireman's job, I'm leaving." And you know what's going to happen? He is not going to get the job. Now, what I'm saying to you is that sometimes those people that apply are 700 in number. Am I right? M. Bellamy: As many as 1,000 - 1,500. Commissioner Plummer: And I'm... And you know, I would like to know.how many of those are actually, in fact, City residents? I think that would be interesting if you give those statistics from the last applications? Now, when you look at the fact that we can... Ms. Bellamy: Excuse me, Comnissioner. Cam,nissioner Plummer: Yes. Ms. Bellamy: All of the firefighters have to be City of Miami residents. Cammissioner Plummer: And you had 1,050. Ms. Bellamy: When they... When the cane into the City's employ, they have to be City of Miami residents. Carmissioner Plummer: OK, but it's 1,050. Now, when you look at the PSAs, here is another of what I see as a major problem. Right now you are talking about $8,200 to get a PSA in the academy. Our cost of processing, just processing, testing, medical, mental, and whatever, is $8,200. When you are 4 looking at... most likely as I remmber the last that I saw, you are having to interview 18 to get one in the academy. Cut. Now, you take 17 times 8,200, ain't making it. You look at the Police Department, you are having to go from interviewing four to get one in the academy... } Ms. Bellamy: Ten. 122 February 17, 1994 ,, i xr t Carmissoner Plummer: • ..with a 95 ipercent graduation rate. Today you are looking at 14, it's Y my understar><lin to g, get one in the academy with a 60 Percent graduation .rate. Somewhere along the line, we've got e E y 4 major problems in'hiring. Now, I don't know where it is. But, something to do this is to me ; - - a band=aid approach. Mr. Odin: Could you turn that... Mayor Clark: All right, let's move, because we got the time. Commissioner Plummer: It doesn't really accomplish. Mayor Clark: We got to move out of here pretty quick. Did something, Mr...? you want to add Vice Mayor Dawkins: Nothing other than if you tell me that with all the colleges we have in this area, graduating students with criminal justice degrees, ,and what have you, that we can't find people who `would live in the City of Miami, I_don't... Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Well, let's vote it up or down. Motion on the item? Is there a Motion'on 1 this iten? Commissioner Gort: I got a question. Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Gort: Does the ordinance in residency requirement after a person gets hired, does he have to maintain the residency in the City of Miami? Do we have... Do: we keep:.. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Not with this. Mr. Odio: No, sir. Commissioner Gort: No, no. I'm talking about before. Mr. Odio:" Before, yes. Ms..Bellamy: Yes. Mr. Odio: If they... Yes. Commissioner Gort: They are hired while living in the City of Miami, after a year... Mr. Odio They have to stay. Commissioner Gort: ...they decided to move... Mr. Odio: Except for the Fire Department. Commissioner Gort: Listen to this. 123 February 17, 1994 }t, '`!`.�'�.�;'sl,�'�':ger'ht+. asa� .. - ,. ;R. =r,>,..'.ti•,v,t� t,::;i° 3, �?�t kc�btsrc;P,i� 3 1 Mr. Odio: .OR. - Commissioner Gort: After a year they decide to move out of the City, do we fire them? Mr. Odio: Yes, if they move out of the City, they will be fired. Canmissioner Plummer: Under this, they don't. .Mr. odio: Under this, they don't. Ms. Bellamy: That's correct. Commissioner Plummer: What happened to this CamAssion's great desire to have employees who would live in the City to take the pride of where they lived? Mayor Clark: Well, we are going to vote on it. We'll find out right now. i Commissioner Plummer: You know, we have to live in the City, don't we? Mayor Clark: All right, fine. Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, rather than voting on it, why don't... I'd like- to bring the whole... I'd like to bring the whole issue back at... there ' defer, this is . a 'lot ; of questions that I have myself on this, why don't you item,; and let's bring the whole thing. Like J.L. said, - this is a band -aid treatment. I agree Iwith him in this. I think we should look at the whole personnel policy we have, and see what we can do. ' Mayor Clark: very good. very good. Motion to defer is in order. Cmuissioner Plummy: - Second. s Mayor Clark: Cast a; unanimous ballot. Lee, will see you back here at 2:30. THEREUPONNf7t'ION DULY MADEBY CONGSSIONER GORT AMID SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER PLU01ER,.ITEM 32 WAS DEFERRED BY THE_ FCLtM G VOTE AYES: Canmissioner Wifredo Gort : Commissioner. Victor De Yurre Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSM: None. THEREUPON THE CITY OOMMISSION WENT INTO RECESS AT 11:59 A.M. AND RECONVENED AT 2:40 P.M., WITH ALL bE1,4BERS OF THE COMMISSION PRESENT, SWEPT COMMISSIONER VICTOR DE YURRE. j 124 February 17, 1994 I1 c - -- -- --- ----- --- - 34. (Continued Discussion) AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EX== PROFESSIONAL t ; SERVICES AGREmov WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA CEwHR FOR URBAN k TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH -- FOR TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL STUDIES Zl7WARD REFINE4ENT_AND CCHPLETION OF CITY'S TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS PLAN, WHICH IS' TRANSPORTATION EiEMERT OF MIAMI CompREHENSiVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 1989- . 2000 (MQNP) . (See label 7) -- -- - -------------------------- ------------- -- ---- Cammissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: This is not a pocket item. I have been approached and ' brew -beaten at lunch time in reference to item 23, which I asked to be withdrawn. I'm first to admit when I made a mistake, that I did, and in item 23 it was related to another subject that I was concerned about. They have a time constraint, and I would like at this, point to move item 23 be passed, and I so move, Mr... i Canissioner Gort: Tell us what item. a t Commissioner Plummer: CA-23, I'm sorry. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. f Mayor Clark: CA-23. # Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. They have a very crucial time constraint, and I'd like to move item CA-23. The other area I was concerned about, I will address it at the next meeting. And I move it. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. I don't know why, but I second it. Ca[mni.ssioner Plummer: Thank you. The Department thanks you. Mayor Clark: No further discussion? Call the roll, Madam Clerk. First T think we ought to reconsider if you voted against it the first time. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, we tabled it. Camissioner Plummer: No, sir, I asked that it be withdrawn. Mayor Clark: All right. Being considered now. i 125 February 17, 1994 .. } [ t ..,. .. ,.x•4 -,ham AWY t .. Mayor Clark: Greater Miami Visitors and Convention Bureau. Commissioner. Plummer: Oh, yeah. Mr. Mayor, on item 16, I had a very fine ' meeting. with the very inept staff of that organization of all of the moneybags, and`I tell you that our concern was about the local hoteliers down r and in downtown Miami. I will tell you that Mr. Merrett Stierheim and Conpa;nr have agreed that they will., in fact, within 30 days call a meeting of the downtown hoteliers in the City of Miami, and sit down with those people and say, "Hey, guys, we are here to help you. And we want you to know we are with Wile And predicated ;on that and the good faith that I think they have shown by doing that whenever anybody is ready, I am ready to move item 16. But Merrett, I must inform you of the unfortunate scenario that says that you know have Mr. Wifredo Gort as a member of your board. Mayor,Clark: It is not unfortunate, it is very fortunate. All right, you move that. Is there a second? Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: Any discussion? Call the roll, Madam Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: ;.; RESOLUTION No. 94-98 A RESOLVrION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, ON BEHWF . OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AS A PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCY, TOGETHER WITH METROPOLITAN DADE axwy, THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, AND THE VILLAGE OF BAL HARBOUR, TO EXECUTE AN INTEKWAL AGREEMV, IN A FORM ACCEPTAELE Ta THE CITY ATMRNEY, WITH THE GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, INC., UNDER WHICH AGREEMENT SAID BUREAU IS TO CARRY OUT CONVENTION j PROMOTIONS, BOOKING AND SALES ACTIVITIES ON BEHALF OF THE PARTICIPATING PUBLIC AGENCIES. Upon being, seconded by Commissioner Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Steve Clark NAYS: None. !; ABSENT: Commissioner Victor De Yurre ,i 127 February 17, 1994 i s ai t _. ' -- -- ----- -- — — -- ------ ---- -- — — ...--------- .���--- •• —.— —�— �'--- -- --'�-- ---------------- AIAWRIZE CITY MANP►GER To X=TIATE PROFESSICNAL `SERVICES AID WITH REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT. M: (1) ASSESS CITY' S REAL' ESTATEHOLDINGS ` IN ORDER TO RECCE+ W STRATEGY FOR NAXIMIZING FINANCIAL /' SOCIAL RE URN TO THE CITY, AND (2) RE OCKMO REAL . ESTATE NUQGEMENT SOFTWARE TO' $E UTILIZED BY THE CITY _- AUIMRIZE FEE NOT TO EKCEED $50, 000 -- : DIRECT MAMGER TO ` BRING BACK NEGNIATED CMU ACT FOR APPROVAL BY CITY CCWISSION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice.Mayor Dawkins: Thirty-four. fi Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Thirty-four. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All right, we'll take 34, is there a... Commissioner Plummer: Who... Yeah, I'll move it for discussion. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is there a second for discussion? Commissioner Gort: Second. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, what company are you going to use as a consultant? Mr. Odio: I don't know.at this time. We'll have to come back to you and... Commissioner Plummer: _ I'll move it subject to the consultant being approved by the City Commission. Commissioner Gort: Second. :Vice Mayor Dawkins: Any further discussion? Hearing none, call the roll, Madam`Clerk. i 129 February 17, 1994 of The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOUTrlON NO. 94-99 A RE50LxnicK AIT HDRIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AQmaw, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATIORNEY, WITH A REAL ESTATE CONSMTANT TO: (1) ASSESS THE CITY'S REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS I IN ORDER TO REC MNENID A STRATEGY FOR MAXIMIZING THEIR FINANCIAL AMID SOCIAL RETURN M THE CITY, AND (2) :RECONdEID A REAL ESTATE MANi ' SOF AMRE m BE XTrILIZED BY THE CITY; F[JRTHER AXJIWRIZING A FEE FOR SAID CO[ ULMANT, IN AN AMJ W NOT TO EXCEED $50,000; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER M BRING BACK THE NEGOTIATED aCIYTRALT FOR APPROVAL BY THE CITY CC[►MSSION; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNT. j (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and 'adopted by the following vote: AYES:, Commissioner Wifredo Gort 'Commissioner ! J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: None. ABSENT: ; Commissioner Victor De Yurre Mayor Stephen P. Clark Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thirty-six. Commissioner Plummer: Item 35 has been withdrawn.Thirty-six, I'll move for discussion. Mr. Odio: If you have moved it, I'll like to recommend... Vice Mayor Dawkins: Just a minute, please. We have input fromn the citizens. What item, sir? Mr. Manuel Gonzalez-Goenaga: Item 34. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thirty-four, go right ahead, sir. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Well, good afternoon distinguished citizens of Miami, distinguished Commissioners, not like in the movie. But, this morning I came here to try to speak. And I am not quarreling with... I arrived late. I overslept. Yet, my issue, and I am going straight to the point, are three things. Openness of `government, accountability of government, honesty of goyermnent, and let's put all the cards on the table. My personal opinion is 130 February 17, 1994 that a lot of things that are approved here are not even well studied. We have to question the... this Administration, these new Cam:i sinners as a mandate from the people to do real change. And the previous Commissioners should join. Thank you very much. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you, sir. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37. ACCEFT GRANT, JOINTLY WITH C MIM FOR HEALaH TEC iNOIAGIES, INC. ($1,000,000), FROM U.S. DEPAR'INfWr OF Ca42MCE, DOONCMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION -- TO RENM7E CERTAIN CITY -OWNED PROPERTY M ROUSE A BUSINESS IMJB MR FOR HEA M TDCFIIV=IES (1145 N.W. 11 STREET) - A[MiORIZE CITY HMM M ENTER INTO NECESSARY AGREE ENT(S) . ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thirty-six. Commissioner Plummer: I move it for discussion. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes,, sir. If I... Vice. Mayor Dawkins: That's... Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: Thank you. For discussion. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, there is a few things in here that I have to be concerned about that I don't find that the tail is wagging the dog, and I Met ;With ;Mr. Murray Dubbin and Dr. Man. They have got a million dollars from the Department of Commerce to rehabilitate the old police station. They keep talking about the City being a partner, but I think that's a one way partner to their benefit, and not necessarily to ours. They talk about the long -run, and I think the long -run is true. I cannot vote, as I explained to them, for the purposes that if they vacate, or if their program goes under, that the City is obligated to pay back to EDA (Economic Development Authority) any of the grant money. I cannot agree to that. That grant money is for their purposes, personally, I've said many times, and I told them that I thought the building ought to be turned... torn down. The building is loaded with asbestos, it has a leaky roof, and if the termites ever un-cross their arnis the wall will fall. Second of all, I have to have written into the contract that at any time the City... if we have a chance to sell that property, that we can call in and cancel the lease within 90 or 120 days, whatever it's reasonable. I don't want to be unreasonable. But, I cannot let them hold us up if we ever get those few prisoners out of the roof, and we get them out of the building, where we have an asset of six to eight million dollars that we would love to sell for City revenue. So, with those two provisos as an amendment to what is presented, I am then going to vote favorably. Without those two provisos, I must vote against it. Mr. Eugene Man: Yes, sir. Thank you. I'm Eugene Man, President of the... 131 February 17, 1994 'Comnissioner Plummer: `Doctor, a very smart man knows when he is ahead and has nothing to say. Mr. Man: I agree. } Commissioner Plummer: Call the roll. Mr. Man: I accept. Ca[mdssioner Gort: With the amendments? Vice Mayor Dawkins: CK, I'm... Commissioner Plummer: With the amendments, he has agreed to - Vice Mayor Dawkins: CK. I promised not to vote for no more grants because I felt that you should have gone out and gotten same money on your own. Arid every time... the last time you were here, I told you bring back public money. And every time you cane, you bring back grant money. Now, when are you going to get sane public money? Mr. Man: We have, and we've been getting public money. Every year it increases. We've had about a total... not as much as a million dollars, but it takes time to build up the support. The reason we went for Federal Grants is that there are very few places you can get a million dollars to renovate a building within a period of a year. And that's what we needed. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No further discussion. A. Quinn Jones III, Esq. (City Attorney): Commissioner. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes. Yes, sir, Mr... Mr. Jones: I just want you to be perfectly clear that whether a CHT (Center for Health Technologies) is there or not, one of the requirements is that there is a covenant that runs with this land for a period of 25 years which in essence says that it will have to be used for the primary purpose of creating `health technology in the vein that CHT is not operated. So, it won't be a matter... as you've expressed, as simple as calling in the lease, or putting a proviso in there that... Vice Mayor Dawkins: He'll have to respond. Wait a minute. Start... the Mayor just walked in. Start over. 132 February 17, 1994 Administration). OK. CMVdssioner Plummer: But, we are not a party to it. No, no, no. II Mr. Tan: No. (114AMIEM, BACKGROUNDaVMEM NOT ENTEM INIO 71M PUBLIC REOORD) Commissioner Plummer: What? There is no way that I can vote to have that property tied up for 20 percent of its use for 25 years. There is nothing, I think, that the Manager, as well as this Commission, would love to do, is to sell that property for the six or eight million dollars, and put it in the. Coffers and put it back on the tax rolls. But, I cannot vote to allow them to control: that property - in effect what you are saying - is for 25 years. I can't vote for that. Mr. 'Mans Well, first of all I don't know haw to answer that entirely. I don't think the building is going to be there for 25 years. Canmi.ssioner Plummer: Well, I don't either. Mr. Man: OK. And that's number one. Number two, we are given the grant for economic development which is a very broad term. And third, it's been known that you can renegotiate these contracts... Commissioner Plummer: Well, let me make it... Doctor, let me make it clear, as I did to you in my office,.that the City does not accept any part of that covenant for 25 years. We do not accept it. Just that simple. I can't obligate that property of parcel... Mr. Odio: Let me... Let me put on the record what I asked you. Mr. Man: Yes. Mr. Odio: How do we go about it without giving you a lease for 25 years so that you can obtain your grant without tying that proeprty up for 25 years? In other wezds, what can you do to get the grant, legally, without tying that property up? Mr. Man: You don't have to have us in there for the 25 years because you're I one-half of the equation. If one of the... Well, you can tell us to get out, and you can continue to use that as far as I'm concerned. Mr. Odio: For something else? 133 February 17, 1994 (3s1 Y r Commissioner Plummer: But, that's not what we are... For something else, or { for this kind of activi ? Mr. Odio: That is not what the lawyer is saying. Mr. Jones: That is not correct. When the CHr is... CamLtssioner Plummer: Hold on, hold on. Mr. Mayor, I move at this time this matter be deferred until.the next meeting so we have the chance to work this matter out. He said it is negotiable. Mr. Murray Dubbin: May I make a suggestion? Commissioner Plummer: Surely. Mr. Odio: We would lose the grant. Mr. Dubbin: May I make a suggestion that the resolution be amended to instruct the Manager to negotiate language which has been named as acceptable j by you, Mr. Plummer, and I detect perhaps Mr. Dawkins, and to report that back? i Vice Mayor Dawkins: And the City Attorney. Commissioner Plummer: Of course. Mr. Dubbin: Of course. Vice Mayor Dawkins: The City Attorney has... Commissioner Plummer: Murray, I have no problem with that. I think you fully understand what I'm trying to get across. Mr. Dubbin: Absolutely. i Commissioner Plummer: I'd love to see that property back on the tax rolls. So, I'll move it, Mr. Mayor, subject to the City Manager working out some kind `. of a negotiated compromise so... it doesn't tie up the City and that we have the right to recall the property within a reasonable period of time if the City has a buyer. Mr. Dubbin: Fine. Commissioner Plummer: I so move. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: If that's agreeable to the second? Commissioner Gort: Yes. Camdssioner Plummer: Did you call the roll, Madam Clerk? 134 February 17, 1994 V1C a MY01- LAUWA—UW i DLLI. WC 1114y V=4- Q IRUU061 U .+a. , , _. wi... .� �.• w...r r.... r...� �.. and, Mr. Mayor, we may be able to do it for $25,000. And we get another house over here in a condition that will cost $60,000. Cartmissioner Plummer: CK. Well, I just thought you were trying to spread it 137 February 17, 1994 rehab program, that our intent for these funds is to purchase abandoned properties. < We also have our own line of credits in place from conventional sources .that we use to rehab the houses. So all of the money that is designated here will be used to acquire abandoned and foreclosed properties. Thereforedoing exactly what � g Y You want done to... CamUssioner Plummer: But not vacant properties. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But I have one question. If you take this money to acquire and you get money from the bank to rehab, what's the bottan line you're charging for the unit? Mr. Harder: The bottan line that we charge for the unit is the appraised value set by an independent appraiser. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Then it may not be affordable. Mr. Harder: The affordability comes from subsidized mortgages, i.e., the documentary surtax program. Vice Mayor Dawkins: , You see, then you are not developing affordable housing, according to„the criteria I see. OK? Now, if you get $358,000 fran me - I'm sorry, from the City of Miami - then you must tell me that the hones that you rehab will not go above $60,000. Camnissioner Plummer:, That's correct. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Then I'm with you. That's affordable. But if you're going.,to tell me that you're going to get an independent appraiser who may say it's $90,000, that's not affordable. It's affordable because the appraiser who could live in it for $90,000 appraised it at that. But the people who we're trying to help will not be able to afford that hone, sir. Mr. Harder: It's a very double-edged sword that we fight with all the time. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Let's get you to use one edge of it here, and we'll take the other edge another place. Commissioner Plummer: That's it. Mr. Manager, may I inquire? Mayor `Clark: Of course. Camiissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, who is the Little Haiti Housing Association? Who are they? How long have they been in business? Frank Castaneda: They've been in business about four years. Mr. Harder: Since 1987. Camdssioner Plummer: Excuse me? Mr. Harder: The Little Haiti Housing Association was incorporated as an nonprofit in 1987. 138 February 17, 1994 3 i 7, Caeniseioner Gort: What's their track record? Camnissioner Plummer: What is their track record? Who are the stockholders, +� or who are the board of directors? Have you run a backgroundcheck on all of . ' them? I ' Mr Castaneda: They'vebeen funded by the City of Miami for about three or I four years Mayor Clark: Your name, please? Mr. Jeff Hepburn: Jeff Hepburn, Assistant Director of Housing. They have been in operation, at least being funded by the City for about the last three years. Their mission has been basically to acquire rehab and sell rehab houses to homeowners, for home ownership. �F Commissioner Plummer: Do we know who the board of directors is? Mr.'Hepburn: I don't know offhand. Can you answer that? Mr. Harder: Yeah, I can. our board of directors is comprised of three components; the actual homeowners that buy houses from us; at -large members that are concerned about the Little Haiti camunity... Commissioner Plummer: Who are your governing board of directors? Mr. Harder: Governing board of directors is the Reverend Tan Davis, there's Jackie Michelle, who is... Cammissioner Plummer: Are they local City of Miami residents? ' Mr. Harder: Yes, they are. Commissioner Plummer: Are you a resident? Mr. Harder: I'm a resident of Miami Shores. Commissioner Plummer: And is the association a Miami organization? Mr. Harder: Absolutely. Commissioner Plummer: CC. Would you please send me, please, a list of all ,of the members with their local addresses, and also a track record of what this canpany has done since they've been in existence, since it's just a short period of time. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And Mr. Hepburn, what would you consider affordable in that area? { Mr. Hepburn: I don't know what the market is, but I would say $60,000. But t ti again... Commissioner Plummer: That's high. 139 February 17, 1994 i ` Mr. Hepburn: Well, I'm not sure. Commissioner Gort: I think that's a simple question. Mr. Hepburn: I would say, you know, Mr. Dawkins, basically, as he mentioned, how you determine affordability and how you make it affordable is from other sources. Commissioner Plummer: You define it by what a man can pay. Mayor Clark All right, please, please now, one at a time. Let him respond first, then hit him. Mr. Hepburn: Look, there are subsidies out there where a person can get a second mortgage out of Dade County at three percent, $25 a month, and when you blend those mortgages together, that's haw you get the affordability. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But that's how - pardon me, Mr. Mayor, please - that's how we put people in a position that they shouldn't be in. Commissioner Plummer: Forever. j. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Now, a lady came in to see me, that they want more money from the City of Miami to build affordable housing and gear it to an income, low/medium income of $10,500. OK? So, now, the mortgage is going to run $300'. When you multiply three times 12, that's 36. When you take 36 from ten -five, you got $7,000 to pay lights, water, gas, buy food, buy clothing. Hey, that's not affordable. OK? In my opinion, OK? But now, if three members of this Commission are desirous... Commissioner Plummer: Why don't we just put $60,000 as the cap? Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... of bringing a house in at $60,000, that's fine. But I don't see it. I'm sorry. Go ahead, Mr. Gort. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Gort: My question is very simple, and correct me if I'm wrong, but can we put a cost of doing the rehab - the reason we're giving the money is to make it affordable not only in the package of the finance, but also in the price, the final price of the house. Can we put the cost of providing that house and then add maybe ten to 15 percent to that, and that should give you the value? Mr. Herbert Bailey: Commissioner, I understand your question. What I'd like to say is that affordability as it relates to affordable housing is a method of financing. It's not a method of construction or a method of rehab. As was just said before, the way we structure, the way deals are structured, depending on how the financing package is put together will determine whether it's affordable. Now, if we build our own houses brand new and they are 140 February 17, 1994 0-5 $60,000, sometimes maybe a little better, by the time we stricture the financing, with all of the other subsidies, we bring it down to about $450 per ' month. This is home ownership. You Can't get much better than that. So affordability is a method on how to finance any structure, because the cost of nails is..the cost of nails, and we aren't going to change that, but we can modify the way we finance a house. COMissioner Plummer: Yeah, but you can, in fact, Herb, use parcels that are not high priced in number. Let me tell you something. My idea and definition' of affordability is when a man can afford to pay. Now, you can take and tie him up for 400 years at $25 when he can afford to pay $50 and you're not going to tie him up forever. So as far as I'm concerned, I think affordability is solely what a man can afford to pay within a reasonable period of time. Mr. Bailey: well, that's the term through the financing, not through the acquisition. You, of course, go in and you try to acquire it at the best price, and you try to rehab it at the best price, and you try to. build at the best price. And there are people who can afford, and there are some people who will .not be able to afford, but you have to understand that the determination as who gets it first determines on the first lender, the first mortgage lender, and that's the bank. Commissioner Plummer: I don't agree with that. Mayor, Clark: All right, please, now. We can go through a lot of dialogue here today. Do you recommend this loan to - this grant to these people?, Mr. Bailey: Yes. I have heard very good reports from the Little Haiti Housing Development Corporation. Now, I think this gentleman here,which is the first time I've seen him, but I've only heard good reports as to how he functions with that organization, and we do recommend it. Mayor Clark: I think that's all we're here to understand. Commissioner Plummer: Commissioner Dawkins, what do you want to do? Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, I'm not going to vote for it, so you may as well wait for Cammi.ssioner De Yurre, because unless they tell me that you're going to bring these houses in where whoever buys them can go to Publix every week, ,I can't vote for it. Mayor Clark: OK. Commissioner Plummer: Move to defer. Mayor Clark: Moved to defer. Is there a second? j. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. 141 February 17, 1994 Cactmissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Victor De Yurre NOTE: See later R-94-121, wherein the beautification ! portion of item 37 was passed, deferring only the housing part of this issue. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Bailey - Mr. Mayor, if I may inquire? Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: Did I read an article in the Herald about St. Hugh Gardens? Hello? Mr. Bailey? My understanding was those houses were to be sold in the neighborhood of what Dawkins was talking about, $65,000, $70,000. Mr. Bailey: St. Hugh Oaks? Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, St. Hugh Oaks. Mr. Bailey: No. They were never intended or never even designed... Commissioner Plummer: And we're now talking $120,000, and that's affordable? Mr. Bailey: If you remember, what... the Coconut Grove community came in,. they said, "We want houses that are camparable to what Coconut Grove looks like. We don't want any ... 11 in fact, they came in and indicated that they didn't want a house under $90,000. However, unfortunately, we had Hurricane Andrew, and all of the... Commissioner Plummer: You got Mr. Tucker Gibbs back there about to shake his head off. f. .` Mr. Bailey: It's a matter of public record, you know. You can... Commissioner Plummer: May I... excuse me, Mr. Mayor. If I may, I would ask for a discussion item on the next agenda, Mr. Manager, in reference to that, and I also want that... has the selection of who are going to be the recipients been made? 142 February 17, 1994 f Mr. Bailey: No, it has not. Cam issioner Plummer: I want that discussed also in this same item at the next agenda meeting. OK? (INAUDIBLE COKE T) Commissioner Plummer: Whatever, sir. It's March 24th. They're not going to be finished by then. All right? Mayor Clark: So be it. So be it. Thank you all. Commissioner Plummer: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: We're waiting for Mr. De Yurre to be here, so just relax fellows, OK? Plenty of fish in that ocean, Bob. We'll get to then sometime. ` ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- 39. AUIMRIZE EXECUTION OF DOCI,AdEDTi'S NECESSARY FOR MAKING A DEFERRED PAYMENT LOAN TO (a) URBAN LEAGUE OF GREATER MIAMI, INC., AND (b) GREATER .MIAMI- NEIGHBORHOODS, INC., SPONSORS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF M&M MAISON II PROJECT (A 21-UNIT.AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING PROTECT FOR DEVE[APMENT OF FORMERLY CITY -OWNED PAEUMS AT N.W. 60 AND 61 STREETS BETWEEN 15 AND 17 AVENUES, IN THE MODEL CITY NEIGHBORHOOD) -- TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL + ASSISTANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SAID PROJECT ($672,100) -- DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO BRING THIS ITEM BACK IN 90 DAYS LNG TERM AND PERCENTAGE RATE OF SAID LOAN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commissioner Plummer: Where are we? Mayor Clarks 38. Vice Mayor Dawkins: 38. Commissioner Plummer: I'll move it for discussion. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Ca:mi.ssioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, why, on all -there's four of these items before us.Why, on the one for the black area, is it a loan, and the other three are grants? I don't understand. 38 is a loan. 39 is a grant. 40 is a grant. ` Maybe it's out of the three. I stand corrected. And I want to know why, when it canes to the Urban League, it' s a loan, and the other two are grants? Mayor Clark: Loans and grants. - Mr. Jeff Hepburn: When we sat down with the Urban League and Greater Miami ` -Neighborhoods, in terms of structuring this deal, they basically said to us that they could build this project with a loan, knowing that they were going to go to Tallahassee to try to get low income tax credits. 143 February 17, 1994 7 f 1 Commissioner Plummer% Now, you fell into my trap.. That's greatif they can r `do it, why can't the other two? Mr. Hepburn: Because you can only secure low income tax credits on rental deals`, rental housing type projects. j Mayor Clark: That's right. i Mr. Hepburn: The others are home ownership for the most part at this point. Cammissioner Plummer: What is the percentage of the loan to Urban League? Hello? Camnissioner Gort: The interest rate. Their interest... Mr. Hepburn:. It's at zero percent at this point, zero percent. ff Comissioner Plummer: And how many years? 1, Mr. Hepburn: Ten years, I think. Commissioner Plummer: What is indefinite? Mr. Hepburn: I think we structured it for ten years, but they're going to apply for low income tax credits as soon as the window opens. Commissioner Plummer: Wait, wait a minute. Excuse me. I heard the other gentleman speaking who said "indefinitely." Now, who is right and who is wrong? Because "indefinitely," to me, is a long time. Mr. Alfredo_Duran: No, no. Basically - my name is Alfredo Duran. I work with Housing. It's a conditional grant, and the only condition being that they secure tax credits to pay us back. If they don't secure tax credits, then it's a grant. Mayor Clark: That's kind of the chicken before the egg, isn't it? Commissioner Plummer: You know, something is "bass-ackwards" here. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): It's called social engineering.We're trying to develop housing for people that cannot afford it, and that's what these monies are intended for. Commissioner Plummer: You knew, it's - something wrong here. You know, it seems like to me that we're not playing fair. Now, you got to explain further to me why this one is a loan, the others are a grant, you're talking about zero, percentage, and "indefinite," to me, is like a grant. I mean, if they never pay it back, they never pay it back, and we don't press them. Now, why don't we call it like it is? Why don't we give Urban League a grant, like we do the others? (INAUDIBLE fir) 144 February 17, 1994 T i Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. You are giving 39 and 40, you are giving a, grant. Mr. Bailey: That's home ownership. Mr. Hepburn: Commissioner Plummer, there's an opportunity to recapture these dollars, and that's basically why we did it this way. Commissioner Plummer: Sir, you know there's nobody sitting on this Commission more tried to do that in the past than me. I'm saying that I feel there is an inequity, and I'm asking to take and tell me why I'm wrong. Mayor Clark: Are you satisfied with this proposition so far? Mr. Bob Pollack: Yes, sir, I am. Mayor. Clark: State your name. J. Mr. Pollack: My name is Bob Pollack. I'm the executive director of Greater Miami Neighborhoods. - Mayor Clarks Well they want to do it this way, J.L. Commissioner Plummer: Well, look, I'll tell you what. Mayor Clark:. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Commissioner Plummer: I want to approve 38. OK? But I want to talk about, in 90 days, I want to talk about the interest and the terms in 90 days, so bring it back up in 90 days. OK? Mayor Clark: Well, you can't if you're going to approve it. That's... Commissioner Plumber: We can a prove it, Mr. Mayor, because at this point, there's an indefinite date, and there's an indefinite percentage. Mayor Clark: He said there's no percentage, didn't he? Commissioner Plummer: Well, he is, saying at this point, it's no percentage. I mean,. this is really no way to do business, as far as... Mr., Bailey: Well, no, Commissioner. To package these loans when you have to deal with Tallahassee and private lenders... Commissioner Gort: They're not easy. Mr. Baileys Sometimes you cannot determine all of the components until all of the pieces are together, and at that... 4. Commissioner Plummer: Then you shouldn't ask me to vote on it. Mr. Bailey: Well, sometimes we can't get the pieces together unless we get our piece in, and that is why we are here, to make something happen. 145 February 17, 1994 v a Commissioner Plummer: Do you know why I said 90 days? The legislature will be out in 90 days, and that's why I'd like to reissue and retalk about this, thing in 90 days. - Mr. Baileys Well, the note - you know, we can bring the note back and talk about it. That's OK. 'We have no problem with that. Mr. Pollack: We can come back in 90 days and provide terms. I think that we need to know now about a commitment. Commissioner Plummer: No, sir. You will not provide the terms. This Commission will. Mayor Clark: That's very subtle, but that's the truth. Mr. Pollack: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: We'll give you the terms. All right. You move it with that respect, J.L., whether it was... Commissioner Plummer: I've already moved it, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: 38? Vice Mayor Dawkins:, I second it. Mayor Clarks You second? All right. Any further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-101 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF M&M MAISON II ("PROJECT"), A 21 UNIT AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING PROJF.GT PLWM FOR DEMOPMENT ON FORMER CITY -OWNED PARCEL LOCATED AT NORTHWEST 60TH AND 61ST STREETS BETWEEN 15TH AMID 17TH AVENUES IN THE MODEL CITY NEIGHBORHOOD BY THE URBAN .LEAGUE OF GREATER MIAMI, I INC. AND GREATER MIAMI NEIGHBORHOODS, INC. ("SPONSORS"); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PXECUrE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, THEREBY MAKING A DEFERRED PAYMEIU LOAN' AVAILABLE TO SAID SPONSORS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $672,100, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT; MI=TING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM FYI 1992 HOME INVESZMENr PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (HCME Pam) FUNDS. 146 February 17, 1994 .{T T},•�} Vbl"9^l> i}=N i .. 'i%'? t9 ..., aa1.:.+ '..: ., .. '. .:;. , .. ,. - . _ Commissioner Plummer: OK. If in foreclosure, who gets these houses? Mr.'Hepburn: The first mortgage holder. Commissioner Plummer: Who is the first mortgage holder? „ . Mr. Hepburn: City of Miami would be in the first position. Commissioner Plummer: And so what you're saying is that basically, it's subsidized housing. It's subsidized housing. Mr. Hepburn: But hone ownership, yes, subsidized hare ownership housing. Commissioner Plummer: And do we - let me ask another question. Do we retain nd the right to say who is going to live there awho's not, or does Dade County HUD (Housing and Urban Development)? Mr. Hepburn: No. This - the marketing and who, you know, who are the buyers will be determined by the East Little Havana CDC, which is the developer. I think they have a list. I have Anita Rodriguez there, the executive director, if you want further information. Commissioner Plummer: And what do you anticipate these 22 units will be sold for? Mr. Hepburn: There's a combination of two and three bedrooms. The two is... Commissioner Plummer: Haw much is the two and how much is the three. Mr. Hepburn: ... $59,000 and... Commissioner Plummer: How much? Mr. Hepburn: $59,000. { Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Hepburn: Arid the threes are sixty-nine, sixty -nine -nine, if I'm correct.' Commissioner Plummer: All right. Now, let's go back to Commissioner Dawkins, when we talked about affordable housing rehab at $60,000. And you're telling me now that you're going to have something brand spanking new for $59,000 and $69,000; am I correct? Mr. Hepburn: That's correct. Commissioner Plummer: Now, where is the inequity here? Mr. Hepburn: Well, the Little Havana... Commissioner Plummer: You know, if you can build something, this lady here can build something brand spanking new, then I say back here in Little Haiti, we're wasting our money to rehab old houses, when you can't bring then in at $60,000. 148 February 17, 1994 ',:.. ..., - •. ., ,,.„ .., .: t i.t dl -0W .�k �{I� 1 '7`Jt1'sl�Fl F Mr. Hepburn: Well, in Little Havana, land cost is one of your bigger components in terms of cost. Cannissioner Plummer: Well, them move them out of Little Havana — move them out of Little Haiti. Mr. Hepburn: There's a need for housing there. There's a need for housing dike throughout the City. Mayor Clark: Please, now, let's don't get in an argument here now. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mayor Clark: Answer the question, and please, my colleagues, wait for a response. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Mr. Mayor, I just can't vote for this under f these circumstances. I think it's a great program. Mr. Mayor, we're not talking here,,that I see, apples to apples. All right? We're talking apples to fruit salad. And it doesn't make any sense, and Commissioner Dawkins... Mayor Clark: Yeah, but in essence, in essence, Mr. Plummer, this is a housing problem and we need tobuild the housing, the people need the housing,` and i that's what it's all about. That's the bottom line. f Commissioner Plummer: No no that's not my point, Mr. Mayor. My point is that they're going .to build these for round figures in $64,000 for thetwo. Now, at $641,000, they're giving somebody affordable ownership of a brand new house, living facility, not a house, OK? It's a townhouse. Yet, we're talking about in Little Haiti, they can't assure this Commission of rehabbing a house for sixty. Mr. Bailey: Commissioner, you can't say that. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): But then, please, vote for this and reward them for doing a good job. Commissioner Plummer: Then go back and agree with my colleague who says sixty should be the max. Mr. Odio: We did not disagree with him. Mayor `Clark: CSC. Wait a minute, wait a minute. The other item on Little Haiti was deferred. OK. Let's move on this item, if you care to. Could I get a motion on it? a Commissioner Plummer: I moved it, Mr. Mayor. ? Commissioner Gort: I'll second. Commissioner Plummer: I think it's a great thing they have done and demonstrated what they did in the past, and I'm assuming this is the same organization. 149 February 17, 1994 ' Carmi.ssioner Gort: Same organization. Ms Anita. Rodriguez: Yes, it is. s ' Mayor, Clark: Is there a second? I Commissioner Gort: I'll second. Commissioner Plummer: Even though it took them a long time to get them all sold before. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. Camiissioner Plummer: That's it. Ms. Rodriguez: I would have liked to clarify the matter but... i Mayor`Clark: Please, please. Ms. Rodriguez: OK.. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by`Camlissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-102 ' A RESOLITPION THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMU, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH 'THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA C=MTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. ("GRANTEE"), A NOT -FOR -PROFIT ' CORPORATION, TO PROVIDE A GRANT IN THE NY7UNT' OF $461 860 FOR GRANTEE To UNDERTAKE THE DEVEIAPMENT OF RIO GARDENS T0WNEiOUSES, A 22-UNIT AFFORDABLE HOMEOWNERSHIP HOUSING PROJECT TO BE CONUTFUTEED ON SEVEN PARCELS OF CITY -OWNED VACANT LAND IACATED AT. SOUTHWEST 2ND AND 3RD STREETS BETWEEN SOUTHWEST 4TH AMID 5TH AVENUES, MIAMI, FLORIDA; ALTACATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM FY 193 HOME INVESUMU PARTNERSHIP IP PROGRAM (HOME PROGRAM) FUNDS. 150 February 17, 1994 (Here follows body of resolution, witted here and on t file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Cammissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and; y adopted by the following voter AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J. L. PluMMr, Jr. vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: ' None. ABSENT: Commissioner Victor De Yurre Ms. Rodriguez: Thank you. Mayor Clark: Yes, ma'am- -------------------------------- 41 AUJWRIZE A REEMMM TO PROVIDE GRAND T0: (a) N�DEL HOUSING- COOPERATIVE' -INC.' ($110;000), AND (b) ST. JO�Il�T CCJNITY DEVIIAPME�Tr / DEVELORM P AND/OR REHABILITATI�1 OF ($15,000) -- FOR ACQUISITION DUALS - AFFORDAHT� HC7(TSING FOR LOW VERY LtiW INCCNlE FAMILIES / INDIVI Mayor Clark: Item number 40. When You hold, you ]mow when to fold. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Clark: Move item number 40. Moved by Mr. Dawkins. Is there.a second? Commissioner Gort: I'm going to second. Coannissioner Plummer: I still raise the same questions without going into Mayor Clark: All right. Seconded by - no further discussion Call the roll, t Madam Clerk. r 151 February 17, 1994 s j The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Dawkins, who moved its adoption: s r° RESOLUTION No. 94-103 A, RESOLtT1'ION AUJWRIZING THE CITY NCR TO ENTER INTO AGREE EE IS�E[�i , IN ` A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO PROVIDE A GRAND TO MODEL HOUSING I COOPERATIVE, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $110,000, AND M i ST. JOHN COMWXITY DEVETOMW CORPORATION, IN THE AMOUNT .OF $15,000, BOTH NOT -FOR -PROFIT GCH424ITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, FOR THE ACQUISITION, DEVELOPMENT' AND/OR REHABILITATI N OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR LOW AND VERY LOW INUCNIE FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUAIS; A Z=TING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM FY 1992 HOME INVESTMENT' PARnots HIP PROGRAM FUNDS. A s (Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) .1 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and 4 adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT.: Commissioner. Victor De Yurre Commissioner Plummer: Merry Christmas. Mayor Clark: Item 41, deferred, right? Mr.'Bailey: 41 was deferred. Mayor Clark: 42. a Mr. Bailey: 42 is the... Commissioner Plummer: Wait a minute. What happened with 41? Mr. Bailey: 41 was pulled. Commissioner Plummer: It's withdrawn? Mr. Bailey: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: Oh. 1 152 February 17, 1994 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: 42, please. Mr. Herb Bailey: 42 is the proposed refinancing for the Southeast Overtown/Park West redevelopment bonds. We, because of certain events that took place;_one, because of the decline in the assessable values within the area; and because of the acquisition of the Courthouse Center by the County, which removed a_substantial amount of money off the tax roll, we found that we were in'a-position where we, in terms of our cash flow, could not sustain the debt ,as it. is at this current rate. We have proposed that we use an - alternative funding source to retire some of the bonds and get a cheaper rate, whereby we can retire enough of the bonds to reduce our annual debt service down to 652,000 from 1.1 million, which would be sufficient to cover the new indebtedness that we have to take. We're currently getting about 722,000 from the tax increment trust fund. The new debt, as structured, it would be 652,000: It will do two things. It will remove the negative ratings that we have on the existing bonds because we're going to retire them and will give us sufficient money to carry on the debt that we will create. Commissioner Plummer: What about... Mayor Clark: Mr. Bailey, this is a very unique way to do this. I congratulate you, too. Because of the purchase by the County of that Courthouse Square, it really put us in a dither, some $300,000 off the tax roll. And you, by restructuring this, I think you should be commended, because it's the proper thing to do to get us back in a very... Commissioner Plummer: May I ask a question, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Camclissioner Plummer: Mr. Bailey, the money which the County gave us, how Tong does that pay the taxes? 153 February 17, 1994 1 CamUssioner Gort: Five years. Mr Bailey: The taxes? The County gave us $2,000,000, and we calculated that with the $2, 000, 000 the County gave us, with the existing amount we have in our trust . fund, that we probably wouldn't be able to pay our bills for more than five or six years. Commissioner Plummer: And after that? Mr. Bailey: We have a problem. Commissioner Plummer: And you didn't address the problem. Mr Bailey: We did address the problem. I addressed it before this Commission. I sent memos to the Manager, we sent letters to the County, and we dealt with it, and I asked to speak here twice, and nobody did anything, about it. Commissioner Plummer: So in other words, after the fifth or sixth year, they E get a free ride. Mr. Baileys Not a free ride. After the fifth or sixth year, if things don't improve and they stay the same, this City has a problem. Mayor Clark: Thank God that was... Commissioner Plummer: Are you telling ahem that after the sixth year to go buy their own fire truck? Mr. Bailey: Whose fire truck? Commissioner Plummer: We can't afford to provide municipal services. Mayor Clark: OK. All right. Mr. Bailey: These are very unusual bonds, and we need to do this refinancing. Mayor Clark: Very good. Anything further? Is there a motion? Commissioner Gore: Mr. Mayor. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. But Mr. Bailey... Mr. Bailey: Yes, Commissioner. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... I would be remiss if I would not ask you. You're the gentleman who they say was stealing money out of the agency. You're' the gentleman who they say misplaced money out of this agency. You're the gentleman who they said that didn't know what you were doing over there; that the Manager even paid $45,000 for somebody to tell you that you were making loans that were contrary to HUD's guidelines, when in reality, the Manager, You and this Commission know that if you had to operate by the game rules set up by banks, that nobody would get a loan from us. The reason this was created was to assist people who could not get bank loans. But then all of a 154 February 17, 1994 r. " .. __ _ _ -__ - _--_ _ _____ _ _______►----------_ -----_ -- - ------ - --- --- ----_ 43. BRIEFLY DISCUSS. AND DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED RESOU"ION To APPROVE / AU1HORIZE DC�aNiM DEVEUOPMENT AiTTHORITY (MA) Zr0 EXPEDID $270,000 FiZCM 18M AND 19TH YEAR CDBG ALLOCATION FOR FLAG[ ER GORE AREA 1 ENHANCEMENT` PROJECTS ---------------------------- --------------------- -- - --- Mayor Clarks Number 43. Cammissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'd ask for that to be deferred until the next meeting because of the things that we've changed here today. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yeah. I'm going to agree, yeah. CaffiLissioner.Plummer: So I'd like that to be deferred. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Mayor Clark: All right. Item 44... Motion and a second, and cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk, on that item, which is deferred. THEREUPON MCTION DULY MADE BY CCKUSSIONER PLLDd4ER AMID SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR DAWKINS, ITEM 43 WAS DEFERRED BY THE FCaLIMNG VOTE AYES: Commissioner Willie Gort Camiissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Victor De Yurre - ---------------------------------------- 44. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EFFECT INCREASE IN CCMPENSATION TO: (a) ADVANCED DATA PROCESSING, AND (b) CONSOLIDATED MEDICAL SERVICES ($100,000) -- FOR FURNISHING MEDICAL TRANSPORTATIC�T BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES -- FOR DEPARTMENT! OF FIRE -RESCUE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commissioner Plummer: OK. This is another thing on 44. I'll move it, Mr., Mayor. This is something that I started four years ago, Chief? Five years ago? Chief Carlos Gimenez: Yes, sir. Carrmissioner Plumper: We weren't getting a dollar. We're getting how mammy dollars this year, Chief? 157 February 17, 1994 a, i f k Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager: It was six years ago. r Chief Gimenez: Excuse me? Commissioner Plummer; How many dollars are we getting this year? Chief Gimenez: Up through January, we collected 718, so if you put that times three, about 2,000,000. Commissioner Plummer: About $2,000,000 we've never collected before, we're now collecting, Mr. Mayor. Let me, so that my colleagues don't ever get caught in the bind that once it was. We transport and provide this services of citizens of the City, of Miami. We send them a bill, and if they don't pay it - I guess I shouldn't say this on TV - if they don't pay it we forget it. For people. outside of the City of Miami who the taxpayers of this City are providing, we do turn it over to a collection agency. And we are collecting from 'insurance, and I think also Medicare now. So all I'm saying is we need to continue this, and we need to get it better. Chief, I have one question. It was my understanding when we signed this contract before that there was an incentive in there to get them to get more money, and what I'm seeing here is an additional amount because they're getting more money. Chief Gimenez: That's correct. Cammi.ssioner Plummer: Well, then... Mr. Odio: It worked. Chief Gimenez: It's working. Cannissioner Plummer: It worked, so now we're approving that they did good? Chief Gimenez: Basically, we need the money because they're collecting more than what we anticipated. So... Commissioner Plummer: But that was a percentage that we built in at the last go around. Chief Gimenez: That's correct. You're abiding by the contract. They're just collecting more than what we had anticipated. Mr. Odio: ...pay them unless you approve it. Commissioner Plummer: OK. I move it for... 158 February 17, 1994 t t ` xknY,.x^ntRi>w'!" vrh ,n+rfr �.,W.4p.xi,w, 3e ry it t i" �j 5 l ' ballot with no exception, Madam Clerk. 'Mayor Clark. Cast a resolution was by Cotrmi signer Plwmner,O introduced . follawin .. The g moved its adoption: RESOLITT'ION NO. 94-105 } THE CITY MANAGER TO EFFECT AN A RESOIxTrIO�I AUTHORIZING DATA PROCESSING INCREASE IN SENSATION TO ADVANCED N PJNr OF SERVICES, ArID'CONSOLIDATED MEDICAz, OF MEDICAL TRANSpORTATION $100,0001 FOR THE FUMISHING ION SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BILLING AND COLLECT' SAID INCREASE RESULTING F'RQM HIGHER THAN FIRE -RESCUE; INCREASED ESTIMATED " REVENUES TO THE CITY DUE TO RESPONSES AND SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL EMERGENCY TING COLLrION : ACATHEREFOR FRCM EFFORTS, ALIFUNDS AXXn1NT CODE NO. 280501-340. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on Office of the City Clerk.) .F file in the by Commissioner Go, the resolution was passed and Upon being seconded adopted by the following vote: Crnmissioner wifredo Gort t AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ... Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS:; 'None. Commissioner Victor De Yurre ABSENT: 159 February 17, 1994 }1 Vice Mayor Dawkins: I can't go along with J.L.'s.suggestion... Cc mi.ssioner Plwmmer: OK. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ... in that we asked these individuals to take their time, and they took their valuable time and went through this as we requested. And now, they're making recommendations, and I hear us saying that, "Well, hey so what? So you did all this, you took your time away fram your jobs and what have you, but we aren't going to adhere to it." So I can't, I wouldn't be able to vote for that. Mayor Clark: All right. We have a motion and a second. Commissioner De Yurre: Well, what is the motion? Mayor Clark: Oh, I'm sorry, Victor. Yeah. Hello there. Commissioner Plummer: Victor, the motion is that on first reading, we approve it, subject to two provisions: Number one, that Commissioner - three? I'm sorry. Three conditions: One, that Commissioners be allowed to remain on boards and commissions;, number two, that there be no Commissioner on the Off - Street Parking Authority. Mayor Clarke Which it couldn't be without referendum. Commissioner Plummer: Which would take a referendum. And number three, Willy, was? Commissioner Gort: Number three is the recommendation was that the Zoning Board was'to maintain nine members, stay the way it is, and the Planning Board recommended five. I think the Planning should stay the same as the Zoning. Commissioner Plummer: And we would have three different boards. Mayor Clark: Three different boards. Vice Mayor Dawkins: And the one that J.L. didn't mention that he said was that the Waterfront Board stay "as is." Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry, I'm sorry - that the Waterfront Board not be eliminated. Commissioner De Yurre: Why don't we leave that one for discussion purposes, because I may not want to keep it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All of them. All of then for further discussion. Mayor Clark: It could be, it's a first reading. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Mayor Clark: And Mrs. - Madam Chair - Madam Clerk, Madam Clerk. She should be the Chairman. I want to see you get together with this board and yourself 162 February 17, 1994 4 1 ti r when you cane up, so you Could explain to them and have them dawn hereon the second reading, whenever it will be, to make sure that they're .abreast and could have any input at that time. All right? Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Yes. r Camel ssioner Plummer: Yes, , sir. Mr. Stuart'.Sorg: May I ask a question? Mayor Clark: Mr. Sorg. Mr. Sorg: Mr. Mayor, I just want to - I think the idea of the Waterfront Board needs discussion, maybe today, but at some time. I think there are some ideas about that. Commissioner Plummer: Well, Stuart, I think what we're trying to do is to get` over: the first hurdle. i Mr. Sorg: So you will bring it back for discussion? Commissioner Plummer: And we'll go into further discussion on the second reading. Mr. Sorg:L Fine. Thank you. CommissionerDe Yurre: You know... Vice Mayor Dawkins: You know, Mr. - go ahead. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, I think that at least, because I just walked in ;now, so I thought that at least the chairman of the review committee had made L an Linitial presentation or something. I'd like to hear something, fran them'as to just receive this item and... Commissioner Plummer: Well, they did it. They did it in writing. Mayor Clarks This is the first reading. Before we can make it final, they'll have an opportunity to... (inaudible) Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. Victor, we were trying to speed this through on a first reading, because you were not here to give you the opportunity to have full input. Commissioner De Yurre: OK. Mayor Clark: OK. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I'm not voting, no. Ms. Hirai: On first reading, we need to read the ordinance, Mr. City Attorney. 163 February 17, 1994 A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Yeah. Mr. Mayor, just to get direction, there were several changes made that are not reflected ai.n.the draft.' Do you want me to just send you a memo on that or whatever? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. That's what you'll do. Mr. Jones: OK: Mayor. Clark: Call the roll, madam Clerk. AN ORDINANCE ENI'ITLED- AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING CITY BOARDS THEREBY: (1) ABOLISHING CERTAIN CITY BOARDS, (2) ESTABLISHING THE MEMERSHIP FOR CERTAIN OTHER CITY BOARDS, (3) TERMINATING THE TERMS OF ALL CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS (SUNSETTING), (4) AMMING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FIARIDA, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING STANDARDS M% FOR A CREATION AND REVIEW OF BOARDS, PROVIDING FOR A :. DEFINITION OF BOARDS AND THE REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP, TERM OF OFFICE, ATIENIDANCE, QUORUM, NOTICE, RECORDKEEPING, ANNUAL REPORTS, LIAISON, AND SUNSET REVIEW REQUIREMENTS OF ALL HOARDS; (5) AMENDING THE MEMBERSHIP, QUALIFICATIONS, APPOINIMEIM, TERMS OF OFFICE, CCMPOSITION, . REM10VAL, RESIDENCY, ATTENDANCE, QUORUM, DISQUALIFICATION, AND POWERS AND, DUTIES AS APPLICABLE TO THE FOLLOWING BOARDS: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD, BAYFRONr PARK M TRUST, .CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, DONW IOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD, PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD, ZONING BOARD, STREET -CODESIGNATION REVIEW CCNaTTEE, COCONUT GRAVE PARKING ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AUDIT ADVISORY M41ITTEE, LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD, FIREFIGHTERS' AND POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT TRUST, GENERAL EMPLOYEES' AND SANITATION EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST, NUISANCE ABATEMERr BOARD, INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD AND THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY; AND. (6) CREATING (A) THE CITY OF MIAMI PROPERTY AND ASSET REVIEW COMMITTEE, AND (B) THE BUDGET AND FINANCES REVIEW COMMITTEE AND ESTABLISHING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP, OFFICERS, MEETINGS, VACANCIES, REPORTS, LIAISON, AND AMNISTRATIVE STAFF FOR SAID BOARDS; MORE PARTICULARLY BY (A),ADDING NEW SECTIONS 2-364, 2-425 THROUGH 2-435, 18-12 AND 45.5-9, (B) AMENDING SECTIONS 2-276, 2-279, 2-281, 2-282, 2- 285, 2-238, 2-392, 2-422, 14-26, 14-29, 35-193, 38-73, 40- 202, 40-227, 45.5-2, 52.63, 54-95, 62-24, 62-26, 62-47, 62- 52, AND 62-78; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND i SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 164 February 17, 1994 Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Gort and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: t AYES: Commissioner, Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre ` Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins 'ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. .. CIS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Cammissioner Plummer: As amended. Commissioner De Yurre: Again, provided that all these amendments are open as suggestions, not as firm, I vote yes. CMMM MADE AFTER ROLL CAM: t Mayor Clark: The date, Mr. Attorney, is not completely set, because there's going to be same work that has to be done on this. Mr. Jones: Yes. Mr. Mayor... Mayor Clark: Whether it can be done in a month or not is not... Mr. Jones: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Jones: If I might, I just want to extend appreciation for two of my staff members who worked very hard and long hours. This was a massive undertaking. Rafael Diaz and irma Abella. Mayor Clark: Thank you. Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Will there be a time certain, Mr. Mayor, when this will be heard?: Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. And I think we should spend sane time on this, because this is a great transition in the way the City operates. i Cammissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. i Mayor Clark: That date. Yes, sir. 165 February 17, 1994 Commissioner Plummer: Incredible. Mayor Clark:; -OK. What item now? Mr. Odio: 47, sir: MayTelecammunication. Any discussion on this item? Mayor Clarks 47. 'i Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. What are we paying for? Did we screw up here, for what, or why? Mr.. Carlos Garcia: No, sir. What happened is they collect —Carlos Garcia, Finance. Director for the City. They collect taxes for the City and the County, and mistakenly, they paid the City - County taxes. So the County -billed them for $317,000 in taxes, and we are settling that amount for $161,000. Cammissioner Plummer: Move it. You're saying we have no choice. ' Mr. Garcia: Yes, sir. They overpaid us, and we, according to the legal department, we have to return those funds. Caami sinner tort: Hey, if they're not charging us interest for the use of the money. Second. Mayor Clark: All in favor of the motion, signify by saying "Aye." Commissioner Plummer: Another screw -up. Mayor Clark: Opposed, like sign. So ordered. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION No. 94-106 A RESQUITION, WITH ATTAa-DOU (S) , AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE `TO PAY TRANSCALL AMERICA, INC., AS SUCCESSOR -IN- - INIEREST OF TEUJS M&MCATIONS, INC., WITHC7Ur ADMISSION OF. LIABILITY, THE PRINCIPAL SUM OF $161,655.00, LESS .' $26 975.40, PLUS INTEREST, PAYABLE IN 60 EQUAL MONTHLY PAYMENI'S'OF $2,541.57 EACH, BEGINNING IN MARCH OF 1994, IN FULL AND CC IPI�TE SE'ITLEN�TTr OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI, UPON THE EXEC:IT1'ION, OF A SETPI TP AGREEMENT RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO s. F CUI THE SE.ZTLF'►ut U AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; ALLOCATING " FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ANTICIPATED FUTURE REVENUES OF PUBLIC SERVICE TAXES DUE FROM( TRANSCALL AMERICA, INC., OR ITS SUCCESSOR -IN -INTEREST. 167 February 17, 1994 r , t 11 1 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) `. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted'by the following votes AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---- -----------------.------------------------------------ ------------------- - 47. CIAIM SE'I'I1rEN1E[ :. RONAID BAKER, DANIEL GONZALEZ, AND MMMiA SARDINA AS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ESTATE OF EVARISTO CASTRO, DECEASED, AND ROBERM AND CARMEN RODRIGUEZ ($155,000). Mayor Clark: Next item. Mr Cesar Odio (City Manager): 49. commissioner Plumper: Well, 48 has been passed. Mr. City Attorney, as you ]mow,, I sit on this Commission and I sit on this board that makes these, loans. 'Is there any conflict at all for me in this, either here or up there? A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): None whatsoever. Mayor Clark: At all times, with you, there's a conflict. Commissioner Plumper: Mr. Mayor, I have said I'm the hardest man in the world to'have `a conflict of interest. Nobody wants to the to get my vote. Mayor Clark: All right. What about this, Mr. Manager? Mr. Odio: Which one, on the 49? Vice Mayor Dawkins: 49. Mayor Clark:Yes, sir. Mr. Odio: This is authorizing a settlement from the Law Department, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. 168 February 17, 1994 L l - ,.n r„ n --„ 1r.y ,...,i..Sk.r`5..,1>.Z M.'!1'i.a"'iS,�-;ri.R.�'�.•: i Cammissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Any.discussion? ' Cammissioner Gort: Under discussion, Mr. Mayor. Can I get some information - on this? Mayor Clark:, Yes, sir. Commissioner Gort: This is a case that I didn't get any background on. Mr. Jones: Commissioner, you will recall, this was the case that I met with you..._ Commissioner Plummer: You got it yesterday. { Coissioner Gort: OK. mm Mr. Jones: ' This is the case that I met with you and the other CamA ssioners . Commissioner Gort: All right. Thank you. R Mayor Clark: Call the roll. All those in favor of the motion, signify by saying "aye. r, }} �•L 'i.3r•,mmw..ra.l:r-..3 r ..'. .. ........ _ ... .. .. r .. , ...-. , . . ,r JY. f ,...... All Commissioners: Opposed, like sign. So ordered. Thank you, Madam. The,. following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who ' moved its adoption: RESCUNION NO. 94-107 A RESOLUTION AUTMRIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY MRONALD BAKER, DANIEL GONZALEZ, AND MARTHA SARDINA AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF EVARISTO CASTRO, DECEASED, AND ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ AMID CAMEN RODRIGUEZ, HIS WIFE, THE TOTAL SUM OF $155, 000.00, WITHOUT ANY ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND CC WLETE SETTLEMENT ENT OF ANY AMID ALL CLAIM AMID ; DEMANDS THAT EACH AMID EVERY ONE OF THE FOREGOING PARTIES AND THEIR HEIRS AND BENEFICIARIES MAY HAVE I AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI IN CONNEGTION WITH THE MATTERS Ar.r. IN CASE N0. 91-52922 (11) AND CASE NO. 92-2195 (11), NOW PENDING IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND j FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE CITY OF MIAMI SELF-INSURANCE AND INSURANCE TOM FUND; OR ALTERNATIVELY, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO FILE AN OFFER OR OFFERS OF JUDGEMENT TO t PLAINTIFFS ("OFFER(S)"), ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, WITHOUT ANY ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN AN AN90= NOT TO EXCEED $155,000.00, AND IF ACCEPTED, ATM40RTZTNr. THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY THE was passed 170 February 17, 1994 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------------------------- 48. AUMORIZE FUNDING OF 'ADO THE RIGHT THING" P --- ALLOCATE $165,500 FROM LEPF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clarks 50. Cammissioner Plummer: Move it. Mayor Clark: Do the,right thing. Cam dssioner Gort: Second. Camiissioner Plummer: That's my project. Mayor Clark: Moved and seconded. Commissioner Gort: Wait a minute. Then I got a discussion if it's his project. ,. } Mayor Clarke Sir? With no exception, this is out of the... Camnissioner Plummer: It's probably one of the only good projects the Police Department has. Mayor Clarke ... Law Enforcement Trust Fund. With no exceptions, Madam Clerk, cast ,a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Ca wdssioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-108 A RESOIZTI'ION AITMRIZING THE FUNDING OF THE "DO THE . RIGHT THING" PROGRAM; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $165,500, FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, SUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS BEING IN COMPLIANCE WITH FIARIDA STATE STATUTE 932.7055. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 171 February 17, 1994 s• Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following•vote: 'i "AYES: Cannissioner Wifredo Gort ; Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plumper, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J.,Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------- - ----------------------- 49. EXECITL'E AMENMOV Ta EXISTING CONTRACT WITH AMMICAN TELEPHONE,AND TETZAPH CORPORATION (THOMY INOWMING SAID CONTRACT IN THE ANX7M OF $360000) -- FOR FURNISHING, INSTALLATICN AND SERVICING OF THE E911 SYSTEM -- FOR POLICE DEPAR04EN . f -- --- - --- ------ ------------------------------------------------ -------- - - --- -- Mayor Clarks 51. Oh, yes, for the-911 project. 'i Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Any discussion? Give me a motion. Mr. Odio: This is because of the consolidation of communications between Fire and:Police. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Vice Mayor, Dawkins: Second. Mayor. Clark: Moved 'and seconded. All in favor, signify by saying "aye." Opposed, like sign. So ordered. {{ !s 172 February 17, 1994 i i +4 1 y 1 L The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-109 ' A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZ NG THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMErII E U, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE ' TO ME. CITY A'I'IORNEY, TO THE EXISTING CONTRACT WITH AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAM CORPORATION THEREBY INCREASING SAID CON1'RALV IN A PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $360,000.00.FOR THE FURNISHING, INSTALLATION AND SERVICING OF THE E911 SYSTEM FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE E911 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND, ACCCRJrTP CODE NO. 290461-840, PROJECT CODE NO. 196002; AUIHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF OF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO INCREASE PURCHASE ORDER NO. 43988 IN SAID AMOUNT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice, Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ----------------------------------------- - 50. ACCEPT PROPOSAL OF MOTOROLA, INC. / MDV -- FOR FURNISHING MOBILE DIGITAL TERMINALS, SOFTWARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,540,000'(CIP 312010), WITH PROVISOS -- DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO BRING BACK NEGOTIATED CONTRACT FOR CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL. Mayor Clark: Item number fifty - Cesar Odio (City Manager): - two. Commissioner Plummer: Move it, for purposes of discussion. '.i 173 February 17, 1994 ! t t Mr. McCall: Mr. Plummer, I appreciate the points you brought out. I think we can address all of those issues in the contract negotiation. i Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I will move the matter subject to the s acceptance of those items: t Mayor Clark: J.L. ti Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: I appreciate that. I want to know where in God's world do you find time to bury people, and take care of all your constituency, and came up with these figures. Vice Mayor; Dawkins: Second it. Commissioner Plummier: Mr. Mayor, I've been doing it for 24 years, like you., r sir. r Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, we need to get him some more dead people. Mayor Clark: All right. It's been moved and seconded with these disciples? Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir, the five items. }: Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Tony Rodriguez: I just briefly want to say - I'm Sergeant Rodriguez with the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) - that we are in support of this item. We feel that it's a valuable tool for our officers to offer the best police service to the community we serve. ` Mayor Clark: It's a valuable tool, and listen, we're going to make a move on a, lot of tourism.- I know it's going to be very important for the Police Department, Who's been waiting for a long time for this. It's critical that �. they get these MM so they can effectively do their job of protecting the citizens and the tourists. This is another tool, Mr. Manager, we will explain on our trip, if we a pect to demand better protection from the police. We need to give them the tools to do it, and this will do that. We promise that, positively. Call the roll. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, excuse me. Motorola has offered $331,777 for the combination of the police and fire. We will have to pass at another - time the additional MDT package of fire communications, the backup and the CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) interface, assuming that the bond issue passes. OK? A. Quinn Jones, Esq. (City Attorney): Let me just put a caveat on that, Commissioner. Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry? Mr. Jones: Let me just put a caveat so that you understand that, because I discussed with them. .p 175 February 17, 1994 .......... 4 1 i Commissioner Plummer: OK. Then I'll surrender this to the Clerk for an understanding. Mr. Jones: The caveat is it's feasible to do it, but you run the risk, as always, because that _that was not part of the original RFP (Request for Proposals), OK? Commissioner Plummer: I understandthat, sir. And it does go above what has been agreed upon: Mr. Jones: Yeah, that's correct. Commissioner Plummer: And you cannot go above. You have to go below. Yes, sir; I understand that. Mayor Clark: Call the roll, Madam Clerk. Lieutenant Joseph Longueira: Sir, one thing I just want to put on the record, if I could, Mr. Mayor. They are putting up a 100 percent performance bond when this contract is initiated for this project. OK. E: Commissioner Plummer: That's understood. That's understood. t. Mr. Longueira OK. Mayor Clark: Roll call. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption:• RESOLUTION NO.94-110 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF MOTOROLA, INC./MDV ("MOTOROLA") FOR THE FURNISHING OF MOBILE DIGITAL TERMINALS, SOFTWARE AND SUPPORT SERVICES, TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,540,000; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BOND PROJECT NO. 312010, I, INDEX ' CODE 299401-840; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS, IN SUBSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND . CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE MARCH 6, 1991 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY MOTOROLA AND WITH REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY THE CITY COMMISSION; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO BRING BACK > THE NEGOTIATED CONTRACT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR APPROVAL t BY THE CITY COMMISSION. 176 February 17, 1994 '{ (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being; seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and' adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner'Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ,... ABSENT: None. CCMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Commissioner Plummer: I'm going on the effect, and I hate to say this, but they can't afford any more bad publicity. I vote yes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51. AUTHORIZE / PERMIT EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES TO CONSTRUCT / MAINTAIN A PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS OVER / ACROSS N.E. 15 STREET BETWEEN THE OMNI MMOVER STATION AND THE ami CMWhEX (AT BISCAYNE BOULE,'VARD AND N.E. 15 STREET), SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Clark: Next item, 53. Mr. Odio: The thing has been built, Mr. Mayor. It's Just blessing it. - Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, may I ask a question in stupidity of this? If we vote no, what happens? Mr. Odio: We leave it on there. Commissioner Plummer: Well, no. You know, let me tell you what bothers me.. Who gave these permission to do it? Mayor Clark: They had to interface it when they were building this, J.L., or would never have gotton it done. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I don't disagree with that. But who gave ahem permission to do that? Mr. Jim Kay; This was done, of course, with the Metromover construction. 15th Street is a County -maintained road, and they built... Catmissioner Plummer: That's not my point, sir. You're asking me to approve it'here today. Who gave them initial approval to do it? 177 February 17, 1994 y, Mayor Clark: I think I probably did. Mrc.Kayi It's done by the County. Commissioner Plummer: The County doesn't have it. Then why are we asked to approve it }ere today? Mr. Kay: It's done by the County. The County gave them approval to do it. Cam Assioner Plummer: Then what are you asking me to do? ;. Mr. Kay: We're asking you to approve an indemnification agreement with them so that we don't get entered into a lawsuit. Commissioner Plummer: And what about liability insurance? Mayor Clark: All of that jazz. All that. Commissioner Plummer: Haw much are they providing? (INAUDIBLE CAI') Caarmissioner Plummer: Yeah. Mayor Clark: Could you give us your name, sir? Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, because Equitable hasn't been playing fair with this City. Mayor Clark: Give us your name, sir. Camnissioner Plummer: They have plenty of insurance, but they ain't playing fairwith us. Mayor Clark: Give us your name. Mr. Ron Master: My name is 'Ron Master, Your Honor. For the record, I am S: attorney for Equitable. Let me just quickly answer that question that you posed,, and that is that this entire matter came up almost two years ago, and at a 'meeting with the County staff, we were told it was only to be done through the County, because at that time, the County had control of those roadways. That's why this agreement... .t Commissioner Plummer: How much insurance are you providing the City, sir? Mr. Master: It's by agreement that we worked out with the City. I don't really recall what it was. I think it's a million. [Commissioner`Gort and Vice Mayor Dawkins nod their heads as movers of the Motions.] 178 February 17, 1994 t h t t may. i 52. ACCEPT BID: LEWIS GREEN CONSTRUCTION INC. -- , FOR I1101US PA C REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, B-3247 (CIP 331042) -- EXDCUPE CMn? CTAC. Mayor Clark: Item 54. Mr. Cesar Odio: It's accepting the bid of Lewis Green Construction Catpany for the Lmmis Park Redevelopment project, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Mayor. Clark: Is there a second? [Commissioner Gort nods his head in approval] Call the roll. All in favor, signify by saying "aye." Opposed, like sign. So ordered. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: E. RESOLUTION No. 94-112 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LEWIS GREEN CWSIHUCIC ION, INC. , IN THE PROPOSED ANIOUNr NOT TO EXCEED $192,550.00, TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR THE PFO ECt ENTITLED "I JSPARK REDEVEL40PME,�fI' PRO`TEC'P, B- 3247"; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR IN THE AMOUNT OF $176,650.00 FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT N0. 331042, AS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE N0. 10938, AS AMENDED, AND IN THE AMOUNT OF $30, 000.00 FRS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS, TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST OF $192,550.00 AND THE ESTIMATED TOTAL EXPENSES COST OF $14,100.00, FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT COST OF $206, 650; AMID ALTI'HORIZING THE CITY R TO EXECUIE A WITH SAID FIRM. ` ( Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Ca wdssioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 180 February 17, 1994 t 55 53. ACCEPT BID: HARRISON CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION -- FOR NEW FIRE STATION ,. NO., 12 (SECOND BIDDING) B-2990 (CIP 313239) -- EXECUTE CONTRACT. --------------------------------------------------------- :` Mayor Clark: Item 55. New fire station. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): It's a new fire station. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Mayor.Clark: Is there a motion on it? Commissioner Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: All in favor signify by saying "aye." Opposed, like sign. So ordered. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-113 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF HARRISON CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, IN THE PROPOSED AMWW NOT TO EXCEED $1,578,289.00, TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLED "NEW FIRE STATION N0. 12 (SECOND BIDDING) B-299011; AU-CC.ATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 313239, AS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 10938, AS AMENDED, IN THE AM1M OF $1,578,289.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST AMID $136,711.00 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES, FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT COST OF $1,715,000.00; AND ! . < AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Caarmissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark - NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 181 February 17, 1994 Y Upon being seconded by Comnissioner.Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort CotYmissioner.Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor, Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------------------- 55. ACCEPT BID: F & L CONSTRUCTION, INC. -- FOR CITYWIDE SIDEWALK ' PRQTECr - PHASE VIII, B-4562 (CIP 341178) -- Fr'}J:7CCTI'E CONTRACT. ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: 58. Same thing. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Same. It's a Citywide sidewalk replacement project., Mayor Clarks Is there a motion? Moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Gort: Second. Commissioner Plummer: Which item now? Mr. Odio: 58. Mayor Clark: Any exception? Cast a unanimous ballot. i The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner De Yurre, who moved its adoption: or RESOLiTrION NO. 94-115 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF F & L CONSTRUCTION, INC., IN THE PROPOSED AMUNI' OF $159,950.00, TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLID-"CITYWIDE - SIDEWALK REPIACUMU PROJECT - PHASE VIII, B-456211; ALTAC.ATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 341178, AS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 10938, AS AMENDED, IN THE AMOUNT OF $159,950 00 TD COVER THE CONTRACT COST AND $28,621.00 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES, FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT COST OF $188,571.00; AND AiimRIZING THE CITY MAKER ' TO EXECUIE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. 183 February 17, 1994 T1\1 E.. y !t 4 7 (Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on i file in the Office of the City Clerk.) s Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dort, the resolution was passed and t adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Ca miissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT• None. --- ----------------------- - ---------------------- --------------- 56. ACCEPT BID: C.M.A. CORPORATION -- FOR CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLAI PROJECT -PHASE VII, B-4561 (CIP 341175) --EXECUIE • -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- --- Mayor Clark: 59. Mr: Cesar Olio (City Manager): This is another sidewalk replacement. ` Cbm[nissioner De Yurre: Move. Mayor Clark: Moved second? With no exception, cast a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Cam:.i.ssioner De Yurre, who ' moved its adoption: RES0UjTION NO. 94-116 A RESOIxTrION ACCEPTING THE BID OF C.M.A. CORPORATION, IN THE. PROPOSED AND[IDTr OF $244,925.00, WrAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLED "CITYWIDE SIDEWALK REPLACENmr PROJECT - PHASE. vII, B-456111; CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ALLOCATING FUNDS - THEREFOR F'I2C! PRU.7EcT NO. 341175, AS APPROPRIATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 10938, AS AMENDED, IN THE AN93UNT OF $244,925.00 TO COVER Cpp,Cr COST AMID $39,520.00 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES, FOR AN ESTIMATID 'DOTAL PROJECT COST OF $284,445.00; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY NCR TO F ECIJrE A CONrRWr WITH SAID FIRM. 184 February 17, 1994 r .1 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file'in the Office of the City Clerk.) '<< Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: >j AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Dort Commissioner Victor De Yurre .. Cammissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57.(A)APPOINT Ca4USSIONER WIFREDO GORT AS CITY OF MLANII REPRESEWATIVE TO DADE LEAGUE OF CITIES. (B)i APPOINT COMMISSIONER J.L. PLU41ER AS CITY OF MIAMI REPRESENTATIVE TO FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Clark: That's it till 5 o'clock. Cammissioner Plummer: No. Mr. Mayor, may I, if I may? Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, that's it. Commissioner Plummer: May I saddle my colleague, Cammissioner Gort, with one more, if he would accept to the local Dade League of Cities, as this City's representative to the Dade League, and I would stay on the Florida League. OK? Mayor Clark: Second the motion. Second the motion. All in favor say... j Commissioner Gort: What did I do today? Commissioner Plummer: You just give up your business as of today. Vice Mayor Dawkins: We like you. Mayor Clark: No, no. It's a - you can handle it. Cast a unanimous ballot. 185 February 17, 1994 A f 4 i k j Aft 04 i i y The following resolution was introducer) by Cammissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION No. 94-117 ' A RESOLUTION APPOINTING Ca4ffSSIONER WIFREDO GORT AS THE, CITY OF MIAMI' S REP'RESENI'ATIVE TO THE DADE COW LEAGUE OF CITIES. (Herefollows body of resolution, emitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ,Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark :NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, do you want to do the pocket items now? Mayor Clark: At this time, I appoint Mr. J.L. Plummer to the Florida League of Cities. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, thank you. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Vice'Mayor Dawkins: Second. Mayor Clark: No exception. Case a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Clark, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-118 A RESOLITTION APPOINTING CCHMISSIONER PLtNW, JR. AS THE CITY OF MIAML'S REPRESENTATIVE TO THE FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES. ;. 186 February 17, 1994 �_ _ JIL (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in*the office of the 'City Clerk.) ' Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and t adopted -,by. -the following vote: - AYES: Cemr<nissioner Wifredo Dort 3 { Comni.ssioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen . Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. --- ----- - ---- ------ ------------------------------------ 58.---ACCEPT BID: HELI-TECH, INC. -- FOR REFURBISHING 'IW OH-6 HELICOPTERS, DONATED BY THE FEDERAL GOVEMvMU -- FOR POLICE DEPAPIMENT. i ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: Mr- Mayor, do you want to do the pockets now, or the emergencies? Mayor Clark: Do themn'right now. Commissioner Plummer: I have two, Mr. Mayor. The first one, a resolution refurbishing of two 086 accepting the bid of Helitech, Inc. for the Yielicopter' at a total proposed- amount of $282,587 for the Police Department, allocating funds thereof for the Police Department's general operation budget reimbursed the Law Enforcement Trust Fund, and authorizing account, to be fran the; City Manager instruct the chief procurement officer to issue purchase order 'for 'said service. I so move. , Commissioner Dawkins: Second. Commissioner Plummer: For the information of my colleagues, we received both of these helicopters from the military totally free. The money will be put out ..by their account and be reimbursed by the Law Enforcement Trust Fund. I so move. Mayor Clark: No exception. Cast a unanimous ballot, Madam Clerk, seconded by , `I I Vice Mayor... 4 I 187 February 17, 1994 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 94-119 A RESOLUL'ION ,ACCEPTING THE ' BID OF HELI-TECEi, INC. FOR THE REFURBISHING OF M (2) OH-6 HELICOPTERS, DONATED } BY',7HE FEDERAL G0VERrMNT1-, IN A .TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $282, 587.00 FOR THE DEPAR'IMEIaI' OF PCaLICE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE POLICE DEPAR24Nr GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET01 CODE NO. 290201-670, SAID GENERAL -OPERATING Bt= TO BE REIMBURSED IN THE ABOVE io AMOUNT FRO THE LAW ENFORCEN= TRUST FUND UPON SUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS BEING IN CCUPLIANCE WITH FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 932.7055, AS AMENDED; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TKO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER M ISSUE A PULSE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. (Here follows body of resolution, anitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice May Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Ca nni.ssioner Wifredo Gort Cammissioner Victor De Yurre Canissioner J. L. ' Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 188 February 17, 1994 R`• 014 59.(A)AUT'HORIZE CITY MN9GER TO NEGOTIATE / EXECUTE PROFESSIOML ,SERVICES AGREEMW WITH DAVID PURR AND ASSOCIATES, ; INC. . -- FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSWING SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH TRAFFIC CONTROL, PLAN IN "r ¢` CORAL "GATE NEIGHBORHOOD -- ALLOCATE $15,000. (B) REQUEST .CITY COMMISSION TO EW PT CORAL GATE AND SHORECREST FROM REQUIRMENTS OF AGENM ITEM 31 (FIRST READING ORDINANCE AMENDING CODE SECTION 54-17 [PROHIBITION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS]) -- THEREBY CLARIFYING THE PROCEDURE / FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR REQUESTING A vEHICULAR ACCESS PROHIBITION. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, as you know, item 31 was now where the County is demanding and requiring that a traffic study be done prior to any traffic diverters, formally referred to as barricades. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Vic e.Mayor Dawkins: I now have a motion that says that I would bring before this Commission in the amount of $15,000. We made a commitment to Coral Gate to do what they asked for. The total cost for the traffic study being required by the County is approximately $15,000. I move, Mr. Manager, that we allocate that amount of money to live up to the commitment which this Commission made to Coral Gate. I so move. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? No exception. Cast a unanimous ballot. That's all I have, Mr. Mayor. resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who RESOLUTION NO. 94-120 189 February 17, 1994 .xx ;.,7 '^+l.x »'L'k'Y.:I.Y`."1'hH Y;i 9+yiiq .�9!✓: R�Y7r�: j b ES Cammissioner Plummer: And I have sent a memo to the Manager asking for a status report every Monday morning until this matter is completed. :Mayor Clark: Very good. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 60. ALWMTE , $75,000 (FROM UNIMENDED LOTH - YEAR CaftWTY DEVEI 014,1E TI' PROM M RUM) FOR BEAUPIFIC.ATION OF AREA BOUNDED BY BISCAYNE BOULEVARD TO. TI-1E EAST, N.E. 4 ` COURT TO THE WEST, N.E. 61STREET TO THE SCXTt'H AND N.E. 65` STREET TO THE NORTH.' (See label 38) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camnissioner Plummer: Do the people from the Northeast Task Force know what took place? Vice Mayor Dawkins: They want to bring it back up. Cam dssioner Plummer: Exactly as we talked, it's been done. ' Ms. Judy Clark: We understand that. We want to discuss item 37. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No. -37, they want... r Cannissioner Plummer: Curbside? � Vice Mayor Dawkins: 37. Cammi.ssioner Plummer: Oh. OK. That, we're going to cane back at 5:00. Mr. Vallador: Are we exempted: Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, we can do it now, 37. Ms. Clark: Yeah, why can't we do it now? Commissioner Plummer: Is that curbside? What is 37? i Mayor Clark: Wait, wait, now, please, now, just a moment. Mr. Vallador: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor ,Clark: 37 has either been passed or - what happened? Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, it wasn't passed. Mr.-Vallador: Thanks. Mayor Clark: It failed? Vice Mayor Dawkins: Deferred. Ms. Clark: I'd just like a clarification on the reasons for deferment of item 37. 191 February 17, 1994 l y _ Camdssioner Plummer: No, that wasn't deferred. Vice Mayor Dawkins: It was deferred. What was it? Itwas. deferred. CoiYmi.ssioner` Plummer: That was the beautification of the trees. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no, no, J.L. Ms. Clark: Yeah. It's a beautification and a housing - funding for a housing program through Little Haiti Housing. Commissioner Plummer: The funding portion of the housing was deferred. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: The other part passed, I thought. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, that's right,'uh-huh. Commissioner Plummer: Well, let me clarify it. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But the housing is the one she's concerned about. Ms. Clark: Somebody explain it to me. Mayor Clark: Please, now, just a moment, please. OK? Commissioner Plummer: Mx. Mayor. Mayor Clark: The beautification part of that resolution passed. The housing is under advisement at the present time. It did not pass. That was deferred. Commissioner Plummer: May I clarify the matter, Mr. Mayor... Ms. Clark: Please. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: ... by making another motion that this Commission approve the $75,000 worth of trees from FF.MA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) be placed into Biscayne Boulevard West area; that the $75,000 allocated from the same fund be used for landscaping and cannot be.used for salaries, and it is subject to the City of Miami and the Biscayne Boulevard Association West, and I so move, Mr. Mayor. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second. Ms. Clark: Excuse me. Do you mean Biscayne West, which is the homeowners group involved? t' Commissioner Plummer: That's what I - Biscayne Boulevard West, yes. Ms. Clark: Biscayne West, right. 192 February 17, 1994 11 S } as i {jt Co missioner Plummer: Biscayne West, all right. Ms. Clark: OK. Mayor, 'Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot.' �. '. Commissioner, Plummer: And the remaining portion of that relating to. the houses is deferred until another Ccmaission meeting. I >> Ms. Clark: Well, that was the question that I wanted to ask, was about the housing. Mayor Clark: It's been deferred. Cammissioner Plummer: Go away. Ms. Clark: Till when? Mayor Clark: Till the next meeting. x commissioner Plummer: Maybe. E Mayor, Clark: We hope. - Commissioner, Plummer: Go away. Mayon Clark: Till we get sane more information on it. CamLissioner Plummer: Go away and sin no more. Mayor Clark: Thank you. Commissioner Plummer: Put $5 at the pot. Call the roll on that, Mr. Mayor. i 193 February 17, 1994 i} t The following ;resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plumper, who moved its adoption: RESOLLTPION NO. 94-121 - A RESOIITPION (being drafted by the Law, Department) . i r ' (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here andonfile in the office of the City. Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Ca[miissioner victor De Yurre Ccnmissioner J. L. Plumper, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark 1 NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. -------------------------------------------------- 61(A) EXPRESS Tp MEMBERS OF FLORIDA LEGISLATURE CITY OF MIAMI'S OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED ELECTRIC.' UTILITIES AD VALOREM TAX BILL (HB 159)"AND Tim PROPOSED ELECTRIC UL'ILITIES TERRITORIAL BILL (HB 405). (B) EXPRESS TO MEMBERS OF FLORIDA LEGISLAMM CITY OF MIAMI'S OPPOSITION M THE PROPOSED E XMTION PARHJERSHIP ACT (HB 1481 APID SB 1018) . ( See label' 2A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Mayor Clark: On the house bill, I've been contacted by our liaison in Tallahassee that House Bill 159 and 405 taken are u this session. P by the legislature during At their request, I've had the Law Department draft attached resolutions opposing these two bills. You have copies of them, I believe. 194 February 17, 1994 � Ly 5 Y Vl Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir. }#C ` mayor Clark: I'd like to move them both at this time, but one at a time. to sed electric, utilities an ad valorem tax bill.: ' t First, the opposition Propo 159, here, here's a copy of it. Vice Dawkins: Is there a second? t i .Mayor 'Cawdssioner Gort: I second. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Any further discussion? ' Commissioner Gort: Under discussion, I understand there's another bill that also 'we should consider. Mayor Clark: I've got it right here. Ms. Natty Hirai (City Clerk): Yes. 1018. Commissioner Plummer is looking for' it. ce Mayor Dawkins: Yeah, we'll we have to do them one at a time though - Vice, Y'o_ i Camni signer Plummer: I asked you to prepare a resolution also on Senate Bill .1018. Mayor Clark: Please. Presently on Senate Bill - House Bill Number 406 for the same reason. I move it Mr. Vice Chairman. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Is there a second? Carmi.ssioner Plummer; Second. Mayor Clark:` No exception. Cast a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Clark, who moved its adoption: RES=ION No. 94-122 - A RESOLiTl'ION OF THE MIAMI CITY CONII�IISSION EXPRESSING TO OF THE FLARIDA LEGISLATURE ITS OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED ELECTRIC UTILITIES AD VAIAREM TAX BILL (HB 159) AND THE PROPOSED ELECTRIC UTILITIES TERRITORIAL BILL (HB 405); FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION F TO THE HEREIN NAND OFFICIALS. 195 February 17, 1994 NALYS: None. ABSENT: None. Carmissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I don't have a resolution, but Mr. Frank Castaneda will prepare such, that we go in very much opposition to Senate Bill 1018, and he will 'provide the House Bill that's accompanying, in reference to C Jobs Training Bill which greatly affects this City, and many of the non-profit : service providers that we ask that the legislature please disregard which is being proposed in that Bill and leave it in the hands of local control.I so ' Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor. Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor, Clark: Our February the 24th meeting will... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, your bill, as well as mine, I would ask of the Clerk to get those transposed today and get them up to the Dade delegation tomorrow. Mayor Clark: I've got copies right here, Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: All right, because these are things that are... Unidentified Speaker: And the Governor. Cammi.ssioner Plummer: And the Governor. Unidentified Speaker: And the President of the Senate. Commissioner Plumper: And also Mikki Canton, our lobbyist, and Julio Gonzalez-Rebull, and whoever else is up there in our behalf. Mayor Clark: All right. ------------------------------------------ 62. CHANGE START TIME OF PIANNING AND ZONING CITY COMMISSION MEETING .' SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 24, 1994 TD 4:30 P.M. Mayor; Clark: On February 24th, the meeting of Zoning will convene at 4:30 in the afternoon. Now, we're in recess now until what, 5:00 o'clock. The only thing we have now is the curbside... A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Mr. Mayor. 1 Mayor Clark: Yes. Mr. Jones: We need a reso on that, please. Mayor Clark: Sir? 197 February 17, 1994 Y troy y at The following motion was introduced by Mayor Clark, who moved its radoption: 1 � MOrTION No. 94-124 A MOTION CHANGING 'THE MEETING TIME OF THE NEXT REGULARLY SCEEDULED CITY COMMISSION MEETING ON PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR FEBRIJARY 24, 1994 TO START AT 4 s 30 P.M. [NOTE: R 94- 511: PREVIOUSLY PASSED AT THE MEETING OF JANUARY 27, 1994; HAD ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED THE HEREIN INTENT.] ` Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort . Commissioner Victor De Yurre { Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. j Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. i ABSENT: None. [NOTE: This issue had already been addressed by prior R-94-51] Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, do I understand correctly this afternoon we'recoming back at 5:00 o'clock for three issues? -Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Is that correct? t Mayor Clark: Three issues. Now, one is the League Against AIDS. Commissioner Plummer: Right. Mayor Clark: And the... THEREUPON THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO RECESS AT 3:55 P.M. AND RECONVENED AT 5:11 P.M., WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION FOULED TO BE PRESENT. 199 February 17, 1994 ----------------". a. Z Z-- 63 ACCEPT CITY MAMiGERIS RECC"E[mnw TO DENY REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES; .r --FROK LEAGUE AGAINST AIDS,: INC. TO BE CONSIDERED AMONIGST THOSE AGENCIES RECU41ENDED FUR 1993 HOPWA GRANT FINDING FOR DEVEIAPMENT OF RENI'AL APARTM10TS FOR LOW INCOME PERSONS WHO ARE HIV POSITIVE. --------------------------------------- --------------------- ------ Mayor Clark: On item number 10, Mr. Manager. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Itemnumber10, on the City Carmission protests the handling Of... i. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. They asked for a personal appearance, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: All right. Yes, sir. Mr. Jerry Gereaux: Mr. Mayor and members of the City Carmission, my name is Jerzy Gereaux., and my local address is 782 Northeast 75th street, Miami, Florida., Mayor Clark: Can we turn the volume down on this microphone a little bit? Mr. Gereaux: Maybe I could just speak more softly. Mayor Clark: OK. Mr. Gereaux: How this, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: That's better. Mr. Gereaux: Thank you. I am here today representing the League Against �. AIDS, a nonprofit AIDS services organization with offices in Unincorporated, Dade Count and in the City of Miami at 2699 Biscayne Y. Y . Boulevard. With me at the podium are Dr. Mirella Trebie, Deputy Director of the League, and Jared Anton,our attorney. We are here today to ask for you help in righting a wrong. A wrong that was done us, and more importantly, to the thousands of Miamians who are HIV positive, who have Aids. We are here today to describe to you a series of,events leading to the ultimate denial by the City of 1993 HOPWA Grant Fonds for the development of the studio -apartment canplex for occupancy by low-income individuals who are HIV positive. And also to describe the actions taken by the City Administration to insure that our funding application would in fact be denied. Last August, we submitted our application to the Department of Development and Housing Conservation with all r:- of the exhibits called for in the Department's application packet. In time j=. order, our application was the first one submitted to the Department. A couple of days after we submitted our application, I received a phone call from Assistant City Manager Smith's secretary asking me to hand -carry a copy Of our application over to the Planning Department. A little later in the day, the secretary called me back to find out why I hadn't carried out her 200 February 17, 1994 x orders. I informed her that we had delivered nine copies of the application to the Housing Department, and if the Planning Department needed a copy, they should go there. I was curious though about why the City Manager's office had such an immediate interest in our application since the... it was just submitted, and since there was a process after a manner of fashion established by the City for reviewing these applications. At that meeting... I then called that day, it's a Friday afternoon as I recall, Carlos' office and set up a meeting for the early... the next week. At that meeting, Mr. Smith expressed the City Manager's concern that we were planning to develop a group- home in an area already over -burdened with such facilities. I assured Mr. Smith that our project was not a group -home, that in -fact, it was simply an apartment, a rental apartment complex. At that meeting, I asked Mr. Smith why the City Manager had not signed the CHAS (Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy) certification letter for our project which had been submitted by the housing division for his approval. Mr. Smith again stated that the City Manager was concerned that we would be developing a group -home facility. It's important to understand here that the housing division had established the requirement that all HOPWA funding applicants had to provide a signed CHAS letter and a letter which is called really a letter of no objection in order to be considered for HOPWA funding. Twice, Assistant City Manager Herb Bailey sent moms to the City Manager stating that our project was indeed consistent with the City's Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy or CHAS. On November 3rd, one day before the deadlines for submitting these letters to the housing divisions Proposal Selection Committee, Mr. Bailey sent another memorandum to the City Manager painfully detailing why our project was in fact in compliance with the City's CHAS. The next day, the City's HOPWA Selection Committee convened a public hearing for the purpose of deciding which of the seven proposals under consideration would be recommended to this body for HOPWA funding. I say to this body, because in a letter we received from the City Manager, he indicated that the City Administration merely passed these recommendations on to you for approval without so much as reviewing then. In other words, and in his words, the Administration merely served as a conduit. At the hearing, Mr. Carrasquillo, the NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) official for Wynwood / Edgewater Target Area, read a letter from the City Manager stating that our project was not in compliance with the City's CHAS. Essentially, the City Manager's letter stated that our project was a group - hone which is a myth and a fabrication. Mr. Carrasquillo also provided the selection committee with his personal views on our project. All of them, of course, were negative. Needless to say, without the requisite CHAS letter, and the letter of no objection, the selection committee had no choice but to deny us HOPWA funding for the project. Here... We are concerned that the City Manager and his staff may be guilty of having violated the Federal Fair Housing Act subjecting the City and the Manager, personally, to liability for damages and for attorney's fees. our first request is that you direct the City Manager to provide us with the requisite CHAS letter on the basis of the fact that our project does indeed comply with the City's CHAS. Our second request is that you direct the Administration to provide us with a letter of no objection to our project. I need to point out here that the City Manager has the option of providing a letter of objection. But in accordance with your own application process, the City Manager would be required to state, in writing, his letters for objecting... the reasons for objecting to this project. Finally, we ask you to direct the Administration to reevaluate the proposals the housing division received as they were submitted on the application due date for consistency with the proposal submission 201 February 17, 1994 iU i - instructions. We ask that the proposal submitted be scored and ranked in accordance with formal proposal evaluation criteria., None were used to arrive at the funding recommendations you approved on December 16th. Nonel In fact, the City Administration has stated in writing that the funding recommendations made to you were never reviewed by staff at all. You are likely to hear that the Federal Government does not dictate any formal criteria for cities to use in distributing these HOPWA grant funds. And this may be true. The City Manager has told us, in writing, that the City is not even required to publicize or identify the evaluation criteria it uses, or even to use a structured method for conducting technical evaluations of the funding requests. It may be true that the Federal Government does not dictate to this City or any other city what kinds of criteria should be used in distributing their money. But as a practical matter, I think we all know it would make good sense. After all, the City Commission is ultimately responsible for the wise use of these funds. And we are talking here about... in excess of three million dollars. In closing, let me say that we are confident that ours was the most comprehensive and economically sound funding proposal submitted to the Housing Department. Our concern is that the City Administration knowingly I; worked to diminish our opportunities for.receiving the funding we need to make i` our project happen. To compound the problem, the City used absolutely no criteria to judge which of the proposals submitted was worthy of funding. Leaving the door open for the Administration to use any excuse or no excuse for not having funded our project. Thank you. Mayor Clark: Thank you, sir. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: In preparing my memo of recammending that we did not consider this project, we reviewed the application put forth by the applicants, Baywatch Affordable Studio Apartments on the Bay for Single Adults. And if you look through the exhibits, on their own exhibit three, and I'll read it from their own application, it says, "On site services. on site services will include individuals psycho -social counsel, group counseling, recreational activities and 'arts 'and crafts training, cultural enrichment programs," and so on. That to us dictated that this was not the regular apartment building where people came in, and live as any other citizen. After reviewing all the exhibits, we then went to the CHAS rules and regulations put forth... And I just want to put on the record the memo that I wrote, and that will be my statement. "Although I am in complete support of the City's Camprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, CHAS as approved by the City of Miami Commission, I find the application of Liga Contra SIDA Inc. to build a facility in the Edgewater neighborhood to be inconsistent with the CHAS. My decision is based on statements- containing the City's CHAS documents dated October '91, and February of 1993, priority three of the CHAS five year plan October of 1991." And specifically policy 3.2, it states, quote, "Prevent concentrations of such :. facilities in any area of the City," unquote, further more, also under... also under priority three, geographic location, it states, quote, "Preventing a concentration of such facilities on any particular neighborhood." Unquote. Additionally, the CHAS annual plan of 1993 - February of 1993 -under the section "Consistency with CHAS," quote... s ates that application made by private nonprofit organizations and others will, quote, "Only be considered to 202 February 17, 1994 j04 be inconsistent with the CHAS if the following situation exists. one, production of affordable housing benefits households whose hone income is :greater than 80 percent of the: median. And two, the project's geographic 4; location' createsan undue concentration of assisted housing in a neighborhood, or otherwise creates an undo hardship in a neighborhood." Census track number 27, where the facilities is proposed to be built, already has 14 similar, facilities, housing approximately 648 persons. This, in my opinion, not only creates an undo concentration in this particular neighborhood, but it also creates 'an undue hardship in this particular neighborhood. That is my f statement, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Thank you. We are here today to make a decision as to whether we live by the Administration's decision or not. Is that right? Basically It?' Mr. Gereaux: Mr. Mayor. { Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Gereaux: May I have the opportunity to respond? Mayor Clark: Yes. One response. Mr. Gereaux: The City Manager is attempting to characterize a rental apartment complex as a facility. You know... he always uses the word facility. The facility that .he is talking about is a section, City Code Section 934 State Licensed Group Hone Facility. Now, those are drug rehab centers, those are childcare centers, and other kinds of facilities. The City ' Manager has stated that if we build this rental housing complex in that neighborhood, we will over impact that neighborhood because they have too many facilities. ,f Mayor Clark: That's... That's what he stated. Mr. Gereaux: That we ain't, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: OK. That is your response. Is there a motion to uphold the Manager's decision? That is why we are here about today, and we can... (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMEWS NOT E NIEM INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Clark: Sir, that's for the Commission to decide. Is there a motion to uphold the Manager's decision? Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Let me bring us up to date, if I may. I think if we look, we would find that there is in fact a policy of this Ccmmission, and I think Jerry is very much aware. I understand his position and his terminology. But, we came to a point some years ago, that the City of Miami was unduly over burdened with all kinds of facilities, whether they be for AIDS or drugs, or runaways, or halfway houses, or what it was. And if I am not mistaken, Mr. Mayor, the policy of this Commission was... is that we would not pass any more of those facilities within the boundaries of the City of Miami until the other cities of this camrunity picked up their fair share. 203 February 17, 1994 t Aak } tx i Mayor Clark: Fair share. . r7a�4 } Commissioner Plummer:: As I recall, and I stated then, I'll state.now, you cannot convince me that drug dealers, or drug people don't came from Coral t Gables. You can't convince me that HIV people don't cane from Miami Shores. Yet, you do not see one facility of that kind in Coral Gables; you don't see a -facility in Miami Shores, or Bat Harbour. Now, we have to accept it. I think; that's wrong. And if I am not mistaken, the policy of this Commission until others pickup their share of the responsibility, that we would- not, allow another facility within this cammmity. And that is still my position, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: OK. I am going to give... -Commissioner Plummer: Predicated on that I would, in fact, make a motion whenever it's necessary to uphold the Manager. Not necessarily on his`. reasoning, but on his answer. i Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Please, please. It's been seconded. Call ,.., the roll, Madam Clerk:- . .. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 94-125 A MOTION. ACCEPTING THE CITY MANGER'S RECCb2WMTION TO DENY REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE LEAGUE AGAINST AIDS, INC. FOR INCL�JSION, . ATANG WITH CERTAIN AI OTHER DESIGN&= NoNPRom ORGANIZATIONS REC IDID, FOR 1993 HOPWA FUNDING. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Gort,the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor ,Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENTS None. Mr. Gereaux: Thank you, Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission for allowing us to put this on the record. Mayor Clarks Thank you, sir. Mr. Gereaux: Thank you, sir. 204 February 17, 1994 y Aghk ... .. - _ 64 . SECOND--- yREADING ' ORDINANCE s-- AMEND CODE CHAPTER 22 ( GARBAGE AND TRASH) -- ELIMINATE RESIDENTIAL BACKYARD GARBAGE COLLECTION AND REQUIRE RESIDENTS FROM SINGLE / DUPLEX RESIDENCES TO PLACE THEIR GARBAGE CURBSIDE ON THEIR REQUIRED SCHEDULED COLLLECTION DAYS. ------------------------------------------------ ----- ;, ---------------------- Mayor Clarks All right, now we move to item number... what is it 24? Commissioner. Plummer: I think all we have is 24 and 28 left. Ms. Matty'Hirai (City Clerk): Yes, sir. Mayor, Clark: Yes, sir. Twenty-four. If you save, please leave quietly._ Thank you all, folks, for coming down. �. Unidentified Speaker: Thank you. Mayor. Clark: Thank you. On item 24, this is a second reading. Would you read it to the... for the record first, Mr. Quinn Jones. THEREUPON, THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE ORDINANCE INFO THE PUBLIC RECORD, BY TITLE ONLY. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, you want a motion and a second first. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Please, hold it. Hold it. Commissioner Plummer: You don't have a motion yet. A. Quinn Jones III, Esq. (City Attorney): Oh. Commissioner Plummer: You got to get a motion and a second first. Mayor Clark: Moved by Mr... Vice Mayor Dawkins: What? Move what? Mayor Clarks The passage. Commissioner Plummer: Twenty... Twenty-four. Mayor Clark: Second reading. 44, Vice Mayor Dawkins: Twenty-four? Mayor Clarks Is there a second? Second. All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second for discussion. Commissioner Plummer: Now you can read it. 205 February 17, 1994 Mayor Clark:' It has been seconded yo by Mr. De Yurre-and also It:. Dawkins. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Under discussion. Mayor Clark: All right. Discussion, yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Mr. Manager, how are you going to identify 'those residents where 'people live with heart conditions, or any condition that prevents their placing their garbage curbside? Mayor Clark: Could you refer it to Mr. Williams? Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, sir. No, sir. I would... No, sir, I pay the Manager to answer me, Mr. Mayor, if you don't mind. Mayor Clark: No problem. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Thank you. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): We are going to establish a procedure, the same that the County has, that people will call in to this special service and we will direct immediately a special pickup for these people. Once they are.,.. ...we identify that they in fact qualify for this special service. Then based upon this interview with the resident, the sanitation inspection will authorize or deny the request for that special service. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Mr. Odio: When... when we have the persons identified and then identify the number of people that will need this special service, we would then have a Special pickup for these people set up. We don't interfere with the normal garbage pickup. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Second question, Mr. Manager, for those apartment buildings that have garbage cans that do not have containers, how... and these are rental properties, who is going to... if they don't get their garbage cans down on the curb, how are you going to handle that? Mr. Odio: Apartment buildings are not included in this ordinance, Camiissioner. Vice Mayor Dawkins: What... Well, how... So, they... Well... Mr. Odio: The apartment buildings are not included, only duplexes. - Vice Mayor Dawkins: Beg your pardon? Mr. Odin: And they will... Vice Mayor Dawkins: They are residents. Mr. Odio: No, sir. Apartment buildings will continue as is. Vice Mayor Dawkins: As is. What is as is, maw? 206 February 17, 1994 y* �`.�,i�+�-?i) y `} ', .+i t t .t t `T Y s` f t•�;a r t �. i '+ 6 i�i.� Vice Mayor Dawkins: Therefore... but yet and still, those individuals... ;All right, take the place where Mr. Bailey lives. What is it called? Brickell what? Mr. Odio: Forest. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Brickell Forest. OK. Brickell Forest has commercial, { but Brickell Forest puts the trees and the truck cuttings outside and the same gentleman over here go by with a crane and a truck and pick it up. And nobody . gets paid for it. OK. Now, let's go down here to... what's this pink place doom here? What is walled off? What is that called? Mr. Odio: Bay... Commissioner Plummer: L'Herniitage. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Yes. They put all the stuff out on the curb. These gentlemen go by with a crane and a truck and they pick it up and nobody <<, r; does... do not pay. Now, how are we going to make them pay? Mr. Odio: Well... First let me clarify that this ordinance has nothing to do with trash pickup whatsoever. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Well... It... Why doesn't it? Mr. Olio: Because this is curbside garbage pickup. Vice Mayor Dawkins: But, you are still picking up... you are making me pay for curbside pickup, and you are picking up trash and leaves free. Mr. Odio: Well, the fact is that, again, if you are referring to this ordinance, it does not include trash pickup. Now, if what you want... Vice Mayor Dawkins: But, it does... Mr. Odio: ...to do... if what you want us to do, Commissioner, is separately from this, is to enforce the law and notify those apartments that they cannot put trash outside, that we will not pick it up, we will do so. i Commissioner Plummer: Well, why not give then an option? Mr. Odio: Or the option to pay... Vice Mayor Dawkins: You know... ++ Mr. Odio: ...or the option to pay us. I Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no. There is no... You didn't give me an option. You come back here and tell me I got to put my stuff on the curb. OK. If I don't put it out on the curb, you know how it is. But, now because these di people have been getting away with us picking up their trash, and you... and they pay a private hauler which we should be picking up because if you picked up the private you wouldn't have to charge me $80. 208 February 17, 1994 Mr. o: IAok, Cc missioner, I agree With you a hundred percent.. If you remanber back about four Years ago, I proposed street cleaning fees. What that meant is that everybody in the City of Miami would pay'a fee according to the feet that they had of businesses for us to keep their sidewalks and side streets clean.And that was turned down. Vice Mayor Dawkins: All I need to know fram you is how will you collect money t from those people who have a private pickup for their garbage, how will you i, collect money from them to pay for the trash that we pickup by these gentlemen on their cranes and their trucks to off set sane of the cost of me for my garbage? Mr._ Odio: I will bring back... the ordinance has been drafted with detail, charging people forthe picking up of trash on front of their businesses and apartments. I will be glad to bring it back in the next meeting, Camiissioner.- Mayor. Clark: All right. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. OK. Now, you bring it back. If they refuse to pay, what? Mr. Odio: We can enforce... We will... Caimtssioner Plummer: It'll stack up. Mr. Odio: ...enforce the garbage fee. People that do not pay garbage fee, we'll place a lien on their property. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. No further discussion. But, you are telling me that we will... by we... because you can't... :Mr. Odio: I will bring it back. > Vice Mayor Dawkins: No. And we must... and we can force them to pay us to pick up the trash. Mr. Odio: As a matter of fact, if I'm not mistaken and it's been four years,_ I believe that ordinance is still in the books. And in fact, that ordinance was established, was passed, we sent the bills out, and in fact, we had to return sane moneys because I was told to hold off in sending those bills out. We returned moneys that we had collected. I will be glad to, if you so chose..: Mayor Clark: To bring it back. Mr. Odio: ...and put it as a public discussion here in front of you, and we'll send the bills out right away. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK, thank you. No further question, Mr. Mayor. Cm[mi.ssioner Plummer: Well, excuse me, there was one provision there, Mr. Manager, let's be honest with all of us. The reason that was turned down was because of the formula that you used to apply. That's were the Commission differed with you. 209 February 17, 1994 41a6� a i 's J A AL t Mr. Odio: No, the formula was, amended, Commissioner. Commissioner Plummer: Well, the formula originally put forth was on a per foot front basis,and that's were we disagreed with you and told you that we would not stand still for it, and that's when the thing was not enforced. j i Mr. Odin: CK. What we'll do is we'll bring back a revised ordinance and for 1 you to'discuss. Mayor Clark: And if the people don't pay, they don't get their stuff pickup. Mr. Odio: They don't get the service. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Why do I need a revised ordinance when the Charter says, "The, City of Miami has the right to pick up garbage and trash in the City of Miami." That's what the Charter says. Mr. Odio: Absolutely, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Why don't you pick up the garbage, trash, and charge` them? Mr. Odio: I will do that. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Why do you have to bring me back an ordinance? Mayor Clark: OK. Mr. Odio: If you want... I'll be glad to send the bills out tomorrow. That's for sure. Mayor Clark: All right, sir. Yes, let's hear from these two men here. You want to speak, sir? Camli.ssioner Plummer: You are too quick. Mayor Clark: Give us your name, please. Mr. Carl Springer: My name id Carl Springer, my address is 2019 N.W. 51st Street. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Springer: City of Miami employee. And I'm here to speak on behalf of the Curbside pickup. First of all, the contract that was ratified with the Union, was not brought to the rank and file. You know, it was not brought to the membership, or the members. You know, they came down negotiated 'with the Cawdssion, and did not bring it back to us. You know, and if they represent us, I think they have... we must have a right to say whether we want this or whether we don't. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Well, I appreciate that. Thank you, sir. This gentleman here wishes to say something. Well tell us, give us your name, sir. 210 February 17, 1994 Mayor Clarke We have a motion and a second on the floor. Commissioner De Yurre: Mr. Mayor, the only issue that I'll like to bring up y, is logistically I was thinking about this concept of, the elderly or the handicaped that won't be able to take out the garbage out front curbside. And you said a process was going to be implemented wherein people would call in the City... Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Carmi.ssioner De Yurre: ...would review these petitions to be picked up as regular... Mr. Odio: Yes. Ccmmissioner De Yurre: ...on a regular basis behind, you. know, backyard pickup, and that you would make that determination whether these people qualify or not on a case per case basis. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Carmissioner De Yurre: My question is... because I can see this happening. If this is implemented day one, day one you are going to have thousands of people that rightly so would qualify for backyard pickup because of whatever situation. Are you going to provide pickup, backyard pickup, for them as you go through the process? And then you screen then and then take them away if they don't qualify? Mr. Odio: I think that the fair thing to do... Mr. Ron Williams (Assistant City Manager): Yes. Mr. Odio:. ...is if someone, you know... we'll pick up their garbage, I mean... I want a procedure in writing. I have stated this because I don't want people calling here and saying, "Well, they went by my house and they Picked it up, and..."` We need to establish a procedure. But, we will have thirty days to have this in place. During those thirty days, I promise you, Commissioner, we'll go and inform the public of what they must do. And we will make exceptions. We will be flexible. Commissioner De Yurre: No, I understand that. My point is procedurally whether you would have, realistically, the right procedure for making sure that no one gets left without having the garbage picked up because they physically couldn't take it... 211 February 17, 1994 sx Mr. Odio: Yeah. Commissioner De Yurre: ... and you didn't... That person was... he didn't go } through :the process in time. r Mr. bdio: Yeah. x i Carmtssioner De Yurre: If you have 10,000 people. calling in and you can only ; know... I think we handle so many calls a day that you can scre n, then, you have a:problen. s Mr' Odio: We... Mayor Clarks Mr. Williams. Excuse me. Mr. Williams, could you response something on that?- ' Mr. Williams: Yeah, if I may, Mr. Manager. That's absolutely correct he Commission ; Commissioner.. We are basically, not basically, we are assuring that that, service will continue. Essentially we have a review process and essentially you,will qualify until you not qualify during our 30 day period. j Commissioner De Yurre: OK. i that service will be Mr. Williams. And, and... as long as you goal fy, continued. . that calls in automatically gets their Commissioner De Yurre. So, anybody garbage picked up..• Mr. Olio: Yes; } Mr. Williams: Absolutely. ' Commissioner De Yurres ...in the backyard. until you decide that they do not i qualify? Mr. Williams: Absolutely. Commissioner De Yurrer OK. mi. Commissioner Plummer: Is that... Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer:Does that include, Mr. Mayor... Mayor. Clarks Mr. Gort first. Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry. Commissioner Gort: Sir, I'll yield to Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: Only I'm questioning in that same vein. Now, are we -speaking about those people that are handicapped as well as elderly? 212 February 17, 1994 Mr.'Williams: Yes, we are. .. Cam issioner Plummer: And is there a criteria for elderly? Mr. Odio: Anybody above your age... ' r, Commissioner De Yurres- sambody that looks like you. Coissioner Plummer: No, I'm asking, is there... is there an age? mm Mr. 'Williams: If you are just physically... unable to bring it out, we'll make that certification, Carmi.ssioner Plummer. Mayer Clark: Yes. listen, don't say age, J.L. I plan to take mine to the curb. And YOU know my age. Commissioner Plummer: Mine is out there now. 1 Mr. Odio: Not saying age, but if they are not... Mayor Clark: All right, any further discussion? Mr. Gort, please, sir. ' Carmissioner'Dort: My understanding one of the savings, and one of the things we are going to. do, we are going to have 77 individuals that will be able. to go into the public right-of-ways which we have not maintained for a long time, cutting some'of the.medians`in the neighborhood, and the grass that growing on our sidewalks, and so on. •' just a point of clarification. It may not be 77, Mr. Williams: Commissioner, j it would...' Carmissioner Gort:Well, whatever the number is. Mr. Williams: Absolutely correct. And we... we are going to work with the NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) offices an make determinations as to j where -those areas are most needed. ' Cammissioner Gort: OK. Thank you, sir. f , Mayor Clark: No further... Call the roll, Madam Clerk. Ms Matty Hirai (City Clerk): It's an ordinance, Mr. Mayor. We need to read Cammissioner Plummer: You got to read it. x i Mayor Clark: Roll call. i 213 February 17, 1994 f s i , a r f AN ORDINANCE -- AN ORDINANCE AMI,3+IDING CHAPTER 22, ENTITLED ,GhRBAGE AMID TRASH",, OF THE CODE,OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FIARIDA, AS AMENDED, IMMEBY ELIMINATING RESIDENTIAL BAMARD GARBAGE COL=ION AND REWIRING RESIDENTS FROM SINGLE AND DJPLE X RESIDENCES TO PLACE THEIR GARBAGE AT CURBSIDE ON THEIR REQUIRED SCHEDULED CM1EC `ION DAYS, SAID.COLLECTION DAYS TO BE PRESCRIBED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARD= OF SOLID WASTE; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMMING SECTION 22-2 OF THE CITY CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of January 13, 1994, was taken, up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. on motionof; Commissioner Gort, seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Carmissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P.`Clark NAYS: Cannissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. ; ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNED ORDINANCE NO. 11122. CWON'!.5 MADE DURING THE ROLL CALL Carmissioner Plummer: I stated for the record very simply, I thought that it should be a`referendum, without it, I have to vote "no." x Mayor Clark: Thank you folks for caning down today. 214 February 17, 1994 4; r { N - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - ------ 65.(A)DISCUSSION LNG FIRST READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND CODE CHAPTER 22 ` (GARBAGE AND TRASH), THEREBY ESTABLISHING ENFORap= PROCEDURES ArID ADMINISTRATIVE FEES FOR PERSONS WHO FAIL TO REMOVE THEIR GARBAGE CANS FROM CURBSIDE AFTER GARBAGE COLLECTION. (B) ALLOCATE $9,054 TO ALLAPATEAH CaftUNITY ACTION, INC. -- TO SUPPORT AGENCY'S CHILD CARE PROGRAM -- EXECUTE AGREEMENT'. (C) FIRSTREADING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE CHAPTER 22 (GARBAGE. AND TRASH) --ESTABLISH ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES FOR .. PERSONS WHO FAIL TO RE4M THEIR GARBAGE CANS FROM CURBSIDE AFTER GARBAGE COLLATION. Mayor, Clark: Next item is 28. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, you... Yeah... Mayor Clark: Twenty-eight, is it? Caimissioner Plummer: Yeah. Ms. Matty Hirai (City Clerk): Yes, sir. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, it's 28. Mayor Clark: Is that the one that was... Mr. Manager. 'Camiissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Is there a 30 day or 60 day grace period? Mr. Odio: It will be 30 days from today. But, we'll give another 30 days for the elderly and so forth. Mayor Clark: Let's... Let's do that. Make sure that that's... In addition to that, $75... let's put it down to $25. Fine of $25. -Mr. Odio: OTC, sir, that's fine. TWenty-five? That's fine. .,, Mr. Ron Williams _(Assistant City Manager): That's fine. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Camni.ssioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, you might want to consider... You might want to consider, as we do with the burglar alarm ordinance, on the first reading, second reading... on first offense, second offense, and third offense, for those people who absolutely refuse to abide by the rules. 215 February 17, 1994 Al!,t Y-t art - Mayor Clark: If they do, there is a lien against their property: ra '! Commissioner Plummer: No, sir, what I'm saying is make the first offense $25, 'S the second 50 and up until you get 100. Mayor Clark: That's all right. That's fair enough. Commissioner Plummer: OK? That's what we use on the burglar alarm ordinance At which we need, Mr. Manager, to revise. Other cities are doing a lot more than s we are on burglary alarms. Mayor Clark: OK. Anything further? Vice ,Mayor Dawkins: Yeah. On... One... Mr... anybody over there, what t happens, OK. I'm going to buy a garbage can, I am going to put my garbage on the"curb, OK? Now, I want my can emptied, I want the top put back on my can, aid I want it set on the curb. Commissioner Plummer: You are kidding me. ` Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, I'm not. No, I'm not. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, I'm not. Mayor Clark: That is a fair request. Vice Mayor Dawkins: I'm not kidding. Mr. Williams: That sure is... Mr. Odio: That's a fair... Mayor. Clark: Very fair request. i Commissioner Plummer: You are a comedian. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Now... { Mayor Clark: Sh-sh-sh. Mr. Williams: Mr. Vice Mayor, we will build that into the procedure. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Beg your pardon? Mr. Williams: We will build that into the procedure. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Now, build in... just like you are going to fine people # for not moving their garbage can, I can refuse to pay if you don't put my top my F back on can and set it on the sidewalk. Build that in. OK, now. Cam:issioner Plummer: Have you ever seen... 216 February 17, 1994 , y 1 s f Vice Mayor Dawkins:' And by the same token now... Y Commissioner Gort: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor I got an... 1 r Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...what happens and Mr. Williams, this is more to you andMs.; Macbeth - what happens when the garbage is set�out, and the dogs ' breaks the bag and the dogs scatter the garbage over the area? The guy canes by on the truck, he did not break the bag, I didn't break the bag, what do we do? Mayor Clark: The bag should be in the can, Mr. Dawkins. Vice Mayor L Dawkins: No, but see, I'm going to put mine in the can. But, in my neighborhood there are same... Commissioner Plummer: A lot of people put it in bags. Vice Mayor Dawkins: ...rental property, and I know they are not going to put it on the cam,`Mr. Mayor. So, you are saying that everybody has to have a can? Mr. Williams: Mr. Vice Mayor, we ain't... we believe we have responsibilities to clean that right-of-way. L And if there is litter that was created to no fault of the citizens, we'll find a way to get that right-of-way clean. Vice Maybr'Dawkins: So, what... What... OK. What you are saying to me is then that there will be a broom, a shovel, and a pitchfork on the truck? Mayor Clark: Why not? Vice Mayor Dawkins: And if they find that, it would be swept up and put in s the truck? Mr. Williams:We will do our very best, Vice Mayor. Vice Mayor Dawkins: No, no, no. Hell, no, I don't want your best. I want you to tell Me what you are going to tell me, yes or no, Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams: We will clean the right-of-way, and whether or not we got all the tools.there,-we will get them and make sure the right-of-way is clean. Vice Mayor Dawkins: OK. Now, and what is the right-of-way? Mr. Williams: The right-of-way is that curb area that we've asked you to place :your garbage. Commissioner Plummer: To the sidewalk. Mayor Clark: Outside the sidewalk. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Outside the sidewalk. s Mr. Williams: Right. That's right, the sidewalk. 217 February 17, 1994 nave 15 piciung up -Lne Mr. Williams: That's a good idea. 218 February 17, 1994 ti i, x � The ;following .resolution was introduced by Commissioner De Yurre, who y Et c f monied its adoption: j; ,{ RESOLUTION NO. 94-126 o � � I ARESOLUTION AIZ=TING $9, 054 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS ! ` AND ACxOUN'1.5 COWINGENT FUND TO ALLAPATTAH C7Q�II�AJNITY , ' ACTION, INC. ("AGEWY") , IN SUPPORT OF SAID AGENCY'S. CHILD '.CARE PROGRAM; FURTHER .'AU1WRIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ` EXECUTE - THE NECESSARY DOCUMU (S) , IN A z FORM ACCEPTAHLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY,, WITH SAID ANY. (Here follows body of resolution, amitt d here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayer Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted the following vote: + AYES: Catmissioner Wifredo Gort c , Ccmmi.ssioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. i AE1SMU None. Mr. Jones : Mr. Mayor, we still had... you still need to vote on the... on item 28. I need to read the ordinance so you can take a vote. Ms. Hirai: We need to read the ordinance. Mayor Clark: A11 right, call the roll. Mr. 'Jones: Has been moved... r Camdssioner Plummer: You got to read it. Mayor Clark: Moved. Vice Mayor Dawkins: Second it. ' Mr. Jones: Have you moved it? i }{t As Hirai: Yes; it has been moved. Mr. Jones: OK. 3 Mayor Clark: It has been moved and seconded. Call the roll, Madam Clerk. r E .> 220 February 17, 1994 t t f AML MP .t ROLL CAW., AS TO ITEM 28 PROPER: {' t AN .ORDINANCE AMENDING CNAPTER 22 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AS AM WED, ENTITLED "GARBAGE AND TRASH", THEREBY ESTABLISHING ENFO PROCEDURES AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES FOR PERSONS WHO I FAIL Ta REEVE THEIR GARBAGE CANS FROM CURBSIDE AFTER GARBAGE COLLECTION;MORE PARTICULARLY BY AM MING i ..: SECTION 22-2(b),'AND SECTION 22--32(d); CONTAINING A -: REPEALER -PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING`FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Was introduced by Commissioner Gort and seconded by Vice Mayor Dawkins and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the following vote: 14, AYES: Commissioner Wifredo Gort Commissioner Victor De Yurre Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. n. Mr. Jones: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr: Jones: You had one item fram this morning that you indicated that you would `take back up after dealing with 26 and 27 on the boards. Mayor Clark: What is it? Mr. Jones: Code Enforcement issue on item 21 appointment to the Code Enforcement Board. Mayor Clark: No, let's postpone it until the next meeting. ------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda item 2.was deferred. Mr. Jones: OK. Commissioner Plummer: Are we finished? Mayor Clark: Yes, at 6 o'clock, we beat it. Told you we would. Commissioner Plummer: Can I ask of the Manager? Mr. Manager, same of the employees have asked is there any way, sir, that you can keep the gym at the Fire Department open one additional hour, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.? They say that the most it would cost you is about $4,500 a year. 221 February 17, 1994 f 4