HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1994-02-17 Marked AgendaMAYOR _ STEPHEN P. L . y4tK ���;_a o� .� CITY MA. ZER CESAR H. ObIO VICE MAYOR MILLER J. DAWKINS COMMISSIONER VICTOR DE Y•URRE 1 # COMMISSIONER WIEREDO (WILLY) GOR7 lots ii All )r COMMISSIONER J.L. PLUMMER JR. FLO t :CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 1994 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 10087, ADOPTED MARCH 18, 1986, AS AMENDED, GENERALLY REQUIRES ALL PERSONS APPEARING IN A PAID OR REMUNERATED REPRESENTATIVE CAPACITY BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY j CLERK BEFORE ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. A COPY OF SAID AMENDED ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY HALL REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING * * THIS MEETING SHALL CONVENE AT 9:00 AM THIS PRINTED.AGENDA IS DISTRIBUTED AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE MEETING AND THE MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH EACH ITEM APPEARING ON THE AGENDA IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION DURING BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN CITY HALL. ANY PERSON WHO SEEKS TO ADDRESS THE CITY COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM APPEARING IN THE FOLLOWING PORTIONS OF THIS AGENDA: "CONSENT AGENDA "PUBLIC HEARINGS", OR "PUBLIC DISCUSSION" IS INVITED TO DO SO AND SHALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE INFORM THE CITY 'CLERK OF•HIS/HER DESIRE TO SPEAK, GIVING THE CITY CLERK HIS/HER NAME. AT THE TIME THE ITEM IS HEARD, THAT PERSON SHOULD APPROACH THE MICROPHONE AND WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR WHO PRESIDES OVER THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. Or Is Or Or Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the Miami City Commission with respect to any .matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. Or * * * * * Or Or * It Or The City Commission has established a policy that the lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberations of the agenda item being considered at Noon; further, -that Commission meetings will adjourn at the conclusion of deliberations on the agenda item being considerel at 9:00 PM.- (Resolution No. 87-115) * * * Or * Or * Or FOR ADOPTED LEGISLATION NOT APPEARING AS PART OF THIS PRINTED AGENDA, KINDLY PUER TO THE CITY CLERK'S REPORT, ATTACHED HERETO. i 3 << CONSENT AGENDA z '} Item ,1 which is comprised of items CA-1 ' hrou `F� CA-26 has been scheduled toTie' ` eard in t e numbered sequence or as announced by t e. ommission. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Items 2 through 4 may be heard in the • numbered sequence or as announced ly tFie Commission. -NOTE: PUBLIC HEARINGS, PUBLIC DISCUSSION, AND PERSONAL APPEARANCES HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD STARTING AT 10:00 A.M. (The Cify Commission shall consider -the tems at the s ecified time or thereafter as . announce PUBLIC, HEARINGS Items 5 through 8 may be heard in the numbered sequence- or as announced �6y tie Commission. PUBLIC DISCUSSION Item 9'may be heard in the numbered se uence or as announced byte Commission. PERSONAL APPEARANCES Items 10 through 12 may be heard in the numbereT sequence or as announced Eta Commission. COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS 2 Items 13 through 20-A may be heard in the numbered sequence or as announced Ey e Commission. GENERAL LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Items 21 through 60 may be heard in the numbereT sequence or as announced F Commission. R-94-57 , LOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS PAGE 4 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D FEBRUARY 17t 1994 ; r CA-2. RESOLUTION - (J-93-701) - (AUTHORIZING -PURCHASE) Authorizing the urchase: of an Auto: Dial in R-94-58 System at . a cost not to excee an t e Law En orcement MOVED SECONDED PLUMMER GORY allocating un s therefor from Trust Fund (LETF) such expenditure having been UNANIMOUS certified ,by the Chief of Police as being in compliance wi th Florida State Statute 932.7055 and -being subject to applicable City Code procurement provisions. , CA-3. RESOLUTION - (J-94-79) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDING) Authorizin fundin of the Explorer Program and amount not to R-94-74 MOVED CLARK a ocating tunas t ere ors in an exceed 47 725, from the Law En orcement Trust SECONDED DAWKINS Fun LETF , such expenditure having been UNANIMOUS certified by the Chfas bein ,n compliance with FloridaState State 932.7055. CA-4. RESOLUTION - (J-93-696) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDING) undinos f fAuthorizingthe Dade R-94-59 MOVED PLUMMER Count an a ocating funds t ere or, amount of 20 000, from the . Law Enforcement Trust SECONDED GORY Fun LETF such expenditure having, been UNANIMOUS certified by the Chief of Police as complying with Florida State Statute 932.7055. CA-5: RESOLUTION - (J-93.687) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDING) Authorizing the fundin of the Peo le United to Inc. P.U.L. .E. R-94-60 MOVED PLUMMER Lea t e :Stru a or E ua it "HOTSPOTS" Cam ai n� an allocating funds SECONDED : UNANIMOUS -GORY therefor, in t e amount of 15 000� from the Law Enforcement Trust Fun LETF ' such costs having been certified by the Chief of Police as complying with Florida State Statute 932.7055. .... .. .,.:.. .... ..,n . a..:.:s.. x ax .....,. , 'k.NM.. xl:,:,m +.at "':Y•xx y. t PAGE 5 4, CONSENT 'AGENDA CONT'D FEBRUARY 17, 1994 r CA-6.. RESOLUTION - J-94-81) - (ACCEPTING BIDS) Acceptin the bids of Cairns &Brothers (a non- 8-94-61 minority non -local vendor , or t e furnishingof MOVED ;,PLUMMER one - fiundred iQ0 firef i t�-helmets.. at a. SECONDED: GORT ro ose ; cost o 11 0. 0 an Haro s Sales UNANIMOUS Service a non-minority/non-localven or , or the furnishing: of two hundred eight (208) pamr o firefighting,gloves.,an one hundred twent five 125 a m o ire t o oots at a roose . amount o 13 14 8 or a total proposed amount o ' or the Department o Fire -Rescue on ` a : contract basis for one year with the option - to r extend, or an a �+� one 1 ear - erio ; a ocating. funds, t ere or rom the Department of Fire -Rescue FY193-94 Account No. 280601-075; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for this.. clothing, and thereafter to extend this contract for an additional one (1) year period, at the same price, terms and conditions, subject to the availability.of`funds. , CA-7. RESOLUTION - (J-94-80) - (ACCEPTING BID) Acce tin the. bid of Aero Products Corp. (a non- R-94-62 minority non -local ven or , or the urnishin of MOVED PLUMMER - cervical collars on an as needed basis,or a SECONDED: GORT period, o one 1 ear' wit the opt on to exten UNANIMOUS for: an additional, one 1 - ear Brio at a proposed annua cost of 50 000 or the Department . o Fire-Rescue;_a ocat ng funds therefor from the Department. of Fire` -Rescue, , Account Code No. 280501-714; further authorizing the 'City Manager - to instruct -.the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for this equipment, and thereafter to extend this contract for an additional one (1) year period,° at the same price, terms and conditions, subject to the availability of funds. s }` 'CONSENT AGENDA CONT'0 CA-B. RESOLUTION - (J-94-89) (ACCEPTING BID) Acce tin the bid of Owens & Minor Inc. (a non - minority non -local vendor , or the urnishin of I.V.-Catheters on an as needed asis or a ergo 0 one 1 year with the o ton -to extend or an additional_ one 1 year eeriod at a proposed annual cost o 2 000.00 fnr, the Department o Fire -Rescue; allocating funds therefor from FY'93- .94 Fire -Rescue Account Code No. 280501-714; authorizing the City Manager to ,instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for this equipment, and thereafter to extend this contract for an additional one (1) year period, at the same price, terms and conditions, subject to the availability of funds. CA-9. RESOLUTION - (J-94-92) - (ACCEPTING BIDS) Acce tin the bids of Trade Services Industries (a is an Dade County vendor), or the urnis in of an' orial services to the Litt a Haiti an `. Downtown NET 0 ices at a proposed amount o 2 760.00 and Allpro Jam tore a a blac Da e County ven or , forte furnishing of janitorial service to'the F a ami W nwoo /Edgewater, Cora Wa and Coconut :Grove NET Off i ces at a proposed amount of $6,000.00 on a contract basis for one 1 year with the option to exten or an additional,one T ear Reriod forte Department of General_.Services Administration and Solid Waste/Property Maintenance Division at a total proposed annual cost of $8,760.00; allocating un s therefor rom Account Coe No. 421001-340; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service, and thereafter to extend this contract for an additional one (1) year period, at the same price, terms and conditions, subject to the availability of funds. PAGE 6 ; FEBRUARY 17, 1994. R-94-75. (AS MODIFIED) MOVED DAUKINS SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-94-63 MOVED. PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS PAGE 7 -CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D FEBRUARY 171 1994 CA-10. (J-94-91) (ACCEPTING S A ccepti 'LandscaRing (a tin the bid of Bannerman R-94-64 FTac k7D­a d e County vendor) ,.for. the furnishing of - MOVED PI;tHMtR, grounds, maintenance :setvice to the Overtown. SECONDED: GORT Shopping Center :1 on a contract basis or one UNANIMOUS. Near with the o5tion to extend for ,an additinnal one1) year period for the Department of PTEMa Services Administration and Solid WAste/Prropert Maintenance Division at a total pro os6d hzinuai cost of rom $4 752.00; allocati g funds therefor f Account- Code. No. 420401470; authorizing the City Manager to. instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue. a purchase order for this service, and thereafter to extend this contract for an additional one (1) year period, at the same rice, terms and conditions, subject to the availaEility of funds. CA-11. 'RESOLUTION - (J-94-101) (ACCEPTING BID) Acce t* the bid of Park Structures, Inc. (a non- It"IEn for t furn ishing R-94-65 minority non -local vendor), r e and MOVED PLUMMER installation ' of Pla rouQ equipment, picnic SECONDED: GORT tables. and barbecue or I s at Town Park for the UNANIMOUS Parle Department of q and Recreation at a total f proposed cost: of $22,361.00; allocating funds rom the Community Development Block Grant, Capital Improvement Project No. 331363, Account Code No. 589301 860; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this equipment. CA-42i, RESOLUTION,. (J-94-88) (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Sovereign Construction Grou R-94-66 Fa.-fema I e Dade County venffor), for Me-furnishi a MOVED PLUMMER and insta* lation of chain link encln or son SECONDED:,GORT 'Park at a proposed cost ol $26,552.00 fair the UNANIMOUS DepartmenV, of Parks an Recreation; alh-cating funds. therefor from Capital Improvement Program A'0 s Pp ropr,iati' n , Project No. 3313346, Account Code iNo. 589301-860;,, authorizing the City Manager to 'struct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a ;instruct 'i Parc hase order for this servicei h j of PAGE a ,t CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D FEBRUARY 17 1994 CA-13. RESOLUTION - (J=94-86) - (ACCEPTING BID) Acce tin the bid of Dozier & Dozier Construction R-94-67 a ac /Dade County vendor), - or. the lacement MOVED PLUMMER of thee ceiling- in the E911 - Center for the, SECONDED: GORT r Department of Police at a total ro osed cost of UNANIMOUS ,. 3970500; allocating fund from E911 Speci7a Revenue Fund Project No. 196002, Account Code No. 290461-270; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a ,. purchase order for this service. CA-14. RESOLUTION - (J-94-127) - (AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF 125 SETS OF GLOBE FIREFIGHTER PROTECTIVE SUITS) Authorizing the ac uisition of 125 sets of -Globe R-94-68 rotecti ve f i re i hter suits under exi sti n MOVED : PLUMMER Broward, County Bid No. M08912012. rom Harol d s SECONDED: GORT Sales and Service a non -minority non- local UNANIMOUS ven or i at a total proposed amount of $68.237.50 for the Department of Fire -Rescue; a of Eating funds therefor from the Department of Fire -Rescue Account Code No. 280601-075; authorizing the City Manager to direct the Chief Procurement Officer to 'issue'a purchase order for said acquisition. CA-15. RESOLUTION - (J-94-102) - (RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S EMERGENCY ACTION) Ratifyino, approving and confirming the Cit WITHDRAWN Mana er s emer enc action- in authorizing the purchase of tires and to es on an as needed asps from Goo ear Tire an Rubber Company under - an-existin 'State of Florida Contract No. 86 -0 - a-. proposedamount o 0 ; - allocating funds therefor rom the FY 93-94 Nos. 421601-721, 421701-721, 280502-721, and 280701- 721; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue purchase orders for this acquisition. CONSENT AGENDA CONT'D CA-16. RESOLUTION - (J-94.75' - (RATIFYING, '-?ROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ACTION C+ THE CITY MAN--. `ER) Ratifying, approving and confirming the action of the Cat Mana er in acce tin t e onation o one thousand (1,000) Red Mangroves. materials an labor rom Mast AcademyAcadoy Ecology u or t e restoration o .025 acres of the 4.5 acres as mandated by the Department of Environmental Regulation Management (D.E.R.M.) and the Department of Environmental Protection (D.E.P.) at the Virginia Key wetlands located at the Virginia Key yard waste facility site. CA-17. RESOLUTION - (J-94-142) - (AUTHORIZING TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement, in substantially the attached form, with MRA International Inc y ("Consultant") to provi a expert planning an economic analysis services for the Bicer ntenniaT park FEC Tract Project "Project"), at a cost not toexceedfifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00.,= or the eriod of Fe ruar 21 to June 30 1 9 , allocating funds therefor from Special Programs and Accounts. CA-18. RESt.,'': TON - (J-94-107) - (AUTHORIZING THE *CITY MANr,..: TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, with Medical Prioritv Consultants Inc. at a cost not to exceed 70 000 to implement the Medical Priority Dispatching System in the Department o Fire -Rescue, Communications Section; allocating funds therefor, in the amount of $70,000 from the enhanced 9-1-1 Project No. 196002, Index Code i 290461-340. R-94-7b MOVED GORT SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-94-70 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS 11 • PAGE 10 :CONSENT AGENDA CONT`D FEBRUARY 17 1994 CA-19. RESOLUTION - (J-94-108) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY NA ER.T NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City -Manager to negotiate and R-94-71 execute a professional services agreement, in a MOVED PLUMMER orm acceptable tote; City Attorney, etween the SECONDED GORT Cit of 'Miami and the Russell PartnersFii nc. UNANIMOUS -("Consultant" or architecturaT and en ineerin `. services relating to the adapted use of the glans and. s eci ications developed bX said consultant or.t a Mornin sia Park Recreation Buildin, sai p arts an specifications to be modifled for the construction- of a recreation buildina in A a atta-Comstoc Par ; allocating funds. therefor in an amount not to exceed $25,000 from Capital _ Improvement Project No. 331309, "Allapattah-Comstock Park Renovations". CA-20. RESOLUTION - (J-94-94) - (APPROVAL OF. THE APPLICATION FOR A TWO-DAY STATE LIQUOR PERMIT) Exp ressing approval of the application for a two- R-94-72 a State liquor Permit b Florida Internati ona MOVED PLUMMER Restaurant - & Hotel Exposition,, Inc. or tIFe SECONDED GORT diSD av by Manufacturers or distributors of, UNANIMOUS products licensed under ta State Beverage Law, an -'so or consumption of such beverages .on the remises of the Coconut Grove Convention Center M�amt F ors a urTrt t o Period of July 1 1994 such approval eing a statutory requisite prior to the'State's issuance of said permit. CA-21. RESOLUTION.- (J-94-131) - (AUTHORIZING A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS) Del atin certain competitive biddin - functions R-94-78 tkky aut orijI t e Downtown Development Aut or�t MOVED PLUMMER "DDA" `to issue a :Request or Proposals "RFP SECONDED DAWKINS in . substantially, the attached form, fore UNANIMOUS rovision of armed Private securitv services in --------------------- the downtown area: authorizina t e establis Ffnent RELATED ITEM E o . a selection committee to evaluate sai R-94-80 ro osa s ind to report saia committees findings MOVED PLUMMER to the City Commission for its act on. SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT : GORT j (Note: This is a companion to Item S.) 1� PAGE 11, FEBRUARY 17, 1994 CONSENT AGENDA CONT'd CA-22. RESOLUTION - (J-94.93) - (AUTHORIZING THE REPLACEMENT OF LOST BONDS) A uthdrizinq the replacement of certain Cit of, R-94-73 MiamiFlorida Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention &MOVED PLUMMER Rescue Facilities General Obligation bonds, SECONDED GORT May -1 1995 in the principal ount : of one UNANIMOUS hundred thousand o ars 100 000 00 wit attached coupons ate November 1 93, and subsequent dates attached to substitute lost bonds and coupons. CA-23. RESOLUTION - (J-94-85) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to execute the R-94-97 attached rofessional services a reement, in MOVED PLUMMER suFstranti al ly the attached orm, with the SECONDED : DAWKINS University of South Florida Center for Ur aan ABSENT : DE YURRE Transportation Research "CUTR" in an amount not to eiceed $25,000,or transportation tec nica stu ies toward refinement and comp]etion of t e Cit s Transportation Corridors Plan, ich is t e transportation element of the Miami Comprehensive NeighborhoodPan 1989-2000 MCNP ; a ocating funds therefor from Transportation Planning and Coordination Funds, Project No. 150002, Account Code No. 560703-270. CA-24. RESOLUTION - (J-94-95) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY R-94-79 MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT) MOVED GOAT SECONDED : DE YURRE Authorizing the City Manager to execute a NAYS DAWKINS rofessional services a reement, in su stantia y AND PLUMMER the attached orm, with the Florida International Universitv Joint Center for Environmental an Ur an Pro ems in an amount not to exceed 45,495 or a Transportation -Goo s Movement to y or " the Miami ` Central City area wit a s ec� a� ocus on resent an uture operations o the Porn of Miami; allocating unds therefor rom Transportation Planning and Coordination Funds, Project No 150002, Account Code No. 560703-270. 1 i WITHDRAWN } :BOARDS AND COMMITTEES PAGE 13 FEBRUARY.171 1994 2: RESOLUTION - (J-94-72) - (APPOINTING CERTAIN i ? ` . INDIV�Dt ALS) A 'ointih� certain individuals to serve as members, DEFERRED an as alternate members on the Coe Enforcement 'Board of the Caty o, Miami Florida. for terms as designated erein. 3. RESOLUTION - (J-94-66) - (CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL) Confirming the appointment of an individual as a R-94-82 mem er of the C-ity of Miami General Employees' and MOVED PLUMMER Sanitation Employees'. Retirement Trust or a term SECONDED: GORT as designated herein. UNANIMOUS 4. RESOLUTION - (J-94-68) - (APPOINTING A CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL) Appointing a certain individual to the Board of R-94-83 Directors of the Performing Arts enter Trust MOVED CLARK TPACTT for a _term of office expiring December 31, SECONDED.- PLUMMER ... 1996. UNANIMOUS t , NOTE:';. PUBLIC,,HEARINGS, PUBLIC DISCUSSION, ;AND PERSONAL `'APPEARANCES HAVE BEEN SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD STARTING AT 10:00 A.M. (The City' Commission shall consider these items at the specified time or thereafter as ma_y be' announce PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS "! 10 i00 AM RESOLUTION RESOLUTION - (J-94=132) - (RECONFIRMING NO.:89-548.WHICH ESTABLISHED THE FLAGLER CORE AREA SECURITY DISTRICT SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT) Reconfirmino Resolution No. 89-548 adopted June 7.1 989 ich established the :F a er Core Area Sec urit District S ecia 1m rovement' District; etermining that security and street maintenance and similar services, as declared by Resolution No. 89-8281 extended one year by Resolution No. 91-292, extended an additional ninety (90) days by Resolution No. 92-248 (collectively incorporated by reference), extended one hundred ninety two (192) days through March 7, 1993.by Resolution No. 92-473, .extended a year through March 7, 1994 by Resolution 93-127, be ag ain extended fora period of :one ear throughMarch7 1995• esta �s �n an ev in s ecia 'assessments against properties in district benefiting by the provision. o ' such- services for said one year, in accordance with the final assessment roll to 'be filed with the' City Clerk. RESOLUTION - (J-94-100) - (RATIFYING CITY MANAGER'S FINDING THAT AN EMERGENCY NEED EXISTED) (4/5THS VOTE) r Ratifying the City ana er's findinO that an emergency. need existed waiving .t the requirements or.* competitive_ sea a bids and approvina the urchase of li ht bars sirens an speakers ;to equip new police eursuit vehicles on a time asis`- rom Fe era St n Corporal on a non- minor�ty non- oca vendor), in a proposed amount of �201'250.00,' for the Department of .General Services Administration and Solid Waste; allocating. funds therefor from the General Services Administration and Solid Waste Account I Code No. 421701-8808 Project Code No.'503001. ! R-94-77 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS• R-94-84 i MOVED ; PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS 7 1 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS•CONT'D 7. RESOLUTION - (J-94-123) - (RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF AN EMERGENCY) (4%5THS VOTE) .:tRfin the City Mana er s finffi ofan emergency: waiving the requirements of competitive sealed bids for the repair of the Hazardous Materials Res onse Ve'r HAZMAT3 from E. .F. Inc. a span c Da e County vendor), for the Department of Fire -Rescue at a total.. proposed amount of $19,709.50; allocating un s there or rom the Department of Fire -Rescue Account Code No. 280701-670; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this acquisition. 89 " RESOLUTION - (J-94-124) - (RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE) 14/5THS VOTE) Ratifying the City Manager s finding of sole source - waiving the requirements for competitive sealedt bids and a roving,,the acquisition of a video editing System and accompanyingsoftware rom:t a Video Production Systems Company, Inca is t e.so a source provider for said equipment, at a proposedtotal cost- o 38 500.00 for the Department of Fire -Rescue; allocating funds therefor from Dade County/State of Florida EMS. i Grants Project, -No. 104000, Account Code No. 280526-840; authorizing the 'City Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for said equipment... PAGE 15 FEBRUARY 17, 1994 1 R-94-85 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED: GORT ABSENT PLUMMER i R-94-86 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS ,. �'"""'"'R'- °'11�M�V3^�� WiF�H ih {.x,a•.4. � .til«..-.,.n ., r r PAGE 16 PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS FEBRUARY 171994 NOTE: Legislation may result from City Commission consideration of any Public Discussion Item. 9. Discussion concerning selection of individuals to R-94-87 ,rreceive scholarships to at the Un vers ty o MOVED PLUMMER Miami. SECONDED: GORY UNANIMOUS PERSONAL APPEARANCES NOTE: Legislation may , result from City Commission consideration of any Personal Appearance. REQUEST DENIED BY 10: Representative(s) from the Lea ue A ainst AIDS M-94-125. Inc. a non-profit or to Rrotest t e MOVED PLUMMER Wan no of . the HOPWA ro'ect se ection rocess SECONDED: GORY and the City Commissions action to authorize tT UNANIMOUS a ministration to enter into contract wit certain --non-profit or ani zati ons recommended or 1995 HOPWA funding. 11. Mr. Earl D. Little Jr., President from U.B. DENIED BY Enterprises to re nest a rental fee waiver for the M-94-88 use of . the Miami Orange BowT to stage a six hour MOVED : PLUMMER east qua e` relief concert due to the recent SECONDED: GORY tragedy in Los Angeles, California. The event UNANIMOUS entitled, "Where East Meets West -Re uiin Coa ition" will to a ace on Saturday, Ee rum 26, 1994. 12. As per Vice Mayor Dawkins' request, Mr. Roy R-94-89. Hardemon to discuss the Hardemon's Market. MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORY NAYS DEYURRE , f. ND OF PERSONAL A PEARAN 1� F { COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS Legislationmay result from City Commission f; consideration of any Commission Discussion Item. i This portion of the Agenda is separately designated as being available for the purpose of providing. and securing City Commission information, direction and, guidance in significant pending and concluded matters, including matters not specifically' set forth in this section. It is anticipated that no input from anyone other than City personnel` is needed or expected while the City Commission is considering any matter in this portion of the Agenda; accordingly, no member of. the public may address the City Commission during this time. 13. As, per Commissioner De Yurre's request, discussion regarding lacin Miami Today on the list of newspapers qualified to DU is Cat of. Miami pu ic` notices as adopted in Resolution No. 8 - 154. 14: As per Commissioner De Yurre's request, discussion reqardinq the possibility of creating a second NET ' 0 fice for the Little Havana area. 15 As per Commissioner De Yurre's request, discussion regarding the future of the Melreese Golf Course. t 4 PAGE, 17 FEBRUARY`171 1994 f R-94-90 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS M-94-91 MOVED- : DE YURRE SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS ' DISCUSSED COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS CONT'D 16. W per.Mayor,Clark1s request, discussion regarding the Greater Miami Conventions and Visitors Bureau Inter oca Agreement. t}i ' 1T, Discussion regarding prospectiVe Bond Refinancin Transactions and the re financing terms. 18. Discussion regarding the proposed Fire -Rescue and Police Facilities Geniral 0 1ation Bon Programs in, the `'amounts o 25 000,000 an 28 0 00 res ective • and approvina a resolution allocating a sum not to excee 00.000 to aut orize-ex enses involved in q ving information to. the Rublic_,concerning the Proposed Bon Aut orizations Re eren a. 19 Discussion regarding the composition of the Self - Insurance and Ansurance Trust Fun • how TunTs are generated and expen ed. 20. Discussion regarding the W nwood Communit Develo ment Cor oration WCEDC an t e Fore n Trade tone WFTZ , 20-A. As .per Commissioner Gort's request, discussion concerning the Request for Proposal (RFP) for t e der in a ` Key Proect approved the it Commission on January 27, 1994: [Note: Adopted*•-resolutiori:entailed extension of -the term of•the agreement.] ND OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION ITEMS PAGE 18 FEBRUARY 17, 1994 R-94-98 MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: GORT ,ABSENT DE -YURRE R-94-93 MOVED GORT SECONDED: PLUMMER ABSENT : DAWKINS MOVED GORT SECONDED:.DAWKINS UNANIMOUS' ----------------------- FIRST READING 'MOVED GORT SECONDED: DE YURRE UNANIMOUS DISCUSSED WITHDRAWN • i R-94-96 " MOVED- GORT SECONDED: DE"YURRE UNANIMOUS 3' NOTEe Items 21 through 60 may be heard in the numbered ,_ v sequence or as by;the Commission. tt ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY t 21. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE - (J-94-84) W5THS VOTE)- (NOTE: This item is being presented on an emergency basis in order to have a major study to be underwritten with grant funds - the Wynwood/Al I apattah/Port of Miami.Goods Movement. Itis urgently needed and Faust begin as quickly as possible. The 'appropriation to be authorized by this Ordinance is, necessary before a contract for that study can be executed. Also the balance of the 1994 grant funds must be spent during the remaining, eight months of Fiscal Year 1994, which ends September 30, 1994. To delay authorization would: risklosingsome of these funds. Thus, Me need for the, amendment appropriating funds to be passed as an emergency measure. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance 11038 which established a Special Revenue Fund entitled ''"Transportation Planning and Coordination�6- appropriatinQ 363 in additional. funds granted bX the Metro o f an P ammn Orqanization for the Miami' UrbanizedUrbani7ed Are. MP matched ran the -it s: enera Funs to the operation o sai S i al Revenue Fund; making appropriat on; containing 'a repealer provision and severability clause; and providing for an effective date. t i, � P } Y ir `ORD.INANCES -'SECOND READING NOTE:' Any proposed ordinance listed as an item for second reading in this section may be adopted as an`emergency measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. Yf t 22. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-15) f Establishing a new Special Revenue Fund entitled: "Da eCount EMS Grant Award FY appropriatin un s for its operation In the total` amount,.,of - 311,253 consisting of a;$1652745 orant apportioned Metropolitan Dade Count , from the ' State of Florida Department of Healtfi an ci Rehabilitative Services under the Florida Emerqenc-y Medical Services- Grant Program or Counties" 145 08 in carr -over fundbalance 'from revious EMS Grant Awa s; aut horizing the City Manager. to accept t e aforementioned, grant award and enter into the necessary, letter of understanding_ with the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and/or Metropolitan Dade County, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and subject to applicable City Code provisions; containing a repealer provision and a severabilityclause. Date of First Reading: January 13, 1994 Moved' Commissioner Plummer ( Second : Commissioner Gort Absent : Vice Mayor Dawkins z+ S ORDINANCES -`SECOND READING CONT'D � dr =F�; ::.23. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-48) 'Amendin Section 2-13 of the Code of the City of f Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Order of { Business and*'Rules of'Procedure" thereby stating. t at t ose portions of the agenda entitled "Public Hearings, "Public Discussion", and "Personal { Appearances" sha11 be scheduled to be heard no earlier than -10:00 A.M. on the date of. te< it ommission meetin ; containing a repeal er provision and a seveeability clause. Date of First Reading: January 13, 1994 Moved : Commissioner Plummer Second : Commissioner De Yurre Vote : Unanimous 24 SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-39) Amending Chapter 220 entitled "Garbage and Trash", _endi of the Code: of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, tereb eliminatin residential back and arba a collection and requiring residents from sinqle. an , duplex residences to place IMF curbside on their schedulearba a at collection days, said coTTection days to Ee I prescribed, y the Director of the Department of Solid Waste; more particularly by amending Section of the City. Code; containing a repealer provision, .a severability clause, and providing �. for an effective date. JJ Date of First Reading: January 13, 1994 I' Moved' : Mayor Clark Second : Commissioner Gort (N) : Commissioner Plummer [Note`: This is a companion to item 28.: 25. SECOND READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-55) - Establishing a new Special Revenue Fund entitled: "Solid'Waste Reduction: Recycling and Education FY.94 '; appropriating un s for the development an mplementation of same in accordance with Section 403.106(4), Florida Statutes, in the amount of $516,732 consisting of a Recy- c ng Program Grant from the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, in accordance with the State of Florida Solid Waste Management Grant Rule 17-716 and Section 403-7095 Florida Statutes; containing a repealer provision ' and a severability clause. Date of First Reading: January 13, 1994 Moved Commissioner Plummer Second : Vice Mayor Dawkins Vote : Unanimous PAGE 21 FEBRUARY 171 1994 + ORDINANCE 111,20 i. MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED: DE YURRE ABSENT GORT ORDINANCE 11122 MOVED GORT t SECONDED: DAWKINS NAYS : PLUMMER., ORDINANCE 11121 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS PAGE 22 f ORDINANCES - FIRST READING FEBRUARY 17, 1994 `t NOTE: Any proposed ordinance listed as an it for first reading in this section may be adopted as an emergency, measure, upon being so determined by the City Commission. 26 Discussion to 'consider the report of the Cit -s DISCUSSED Boards and Committees Review Committee CBCR 'NOTE:' Item 26 is related to Item 27 274 FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-94-120) ConcerningCity Boards thereby: 1 Abolishin y y �) FIRST READING certain CityBoards 2 Establishing the (AS MODIFIED). membershipor certain other City Boards, - MOVED PLUMMER Terminatin the terms o a current oar hers SECONDED: GORT Sunsettin Amen in t e' Code o theCity..o NAYS DAWKINS -_ Miami Florida, as amended, a in stan a s ors creation an review o oars providing or a definition o oars an the requirements or membership, term o office, attendance, quorum, notice recor ee in annualreports, aison an -sunset=review requirements o a boards; Amen in t e mem ers ua > >cations appointments, terms of. office, composition removal,resienc attendance, quorum disqualification,and powers - an duties as a scab a to o owin boards: A i mat've Action :A visor Boar Ba ront Par Management _ Trust. Coe En orcement Boa Downtown ' Deve o ment`:: Authority Boa Plannin Advisory Boar ZoningBoar Street Codes nation- Review Committee Coconut Grove Par in A viso Committee Au it'A visor Committee Latin Quarter Review" Boa Firefighters' an Police Officers' Retirement Trust Genera Employees' an , Sanitation Em o ees Retirement Trust Nuisance atement'Boar InternationalTrade Boaandthe Miami: S orts an Ex > >tion Authority an Creating A The Cat o Miami Property an Asset Review Committee, an B The Budget an Finances Review Committee an esta �s in t e requirements or me ers i o �cers meetin s vacancies re ortsliaison,and administrative staffor ,. say oa s; more particularly y A A ng .Sections 2-354, 2,425 through 2-435,, 18-12 and 455-9,,(B) Amending Sections 2-276, 2-2791 2-2811 _. 2-282,'_ 2-285, 2-238, 2-392, 2-4221 14-26, 14-291 ' 35-193, 38-731 40-2021 40-2271 45.5-2, 52.6-3, 54- 95,` 62-24,; 62-26, 62-47, 62-521` and 62-78; containing a repealer' provision and severability clause and providing for an effective date. NOTE: Item 27 is related to Item 26. t Al _ :. f.. i a 111 PAGE 23 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING CONT'D FEBRUARY 17 1994 28. FIRST READING ORDINANCE _ (J-94-116) Amending Chapter 22 of the Code of the City of ---r--g --- FIRST READING Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled "Garbs a and (AS MODIFIED.)'. Trash" therdbv establishina enforcement roce ures an a m�nistrat ve fees or ersons o MOVED' : GORT failto remove their ar a e cans from cur si a SECONDED DAWKINS ' after air age collection; more particu ar y y UNANIMOUS amendi g Section -2(b) and Section 22-32(d); containing a repealer provision and severability clause. .29. WITHDRAWN '30. FIRST READING ORDINANCE (J-94-137) Amendin Article VIII of Chapter 54 of the Code of FIRST READING the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, entitled MOVED : PLUMMER ` "Use of the Public Rights -of -Way . by Prri a SECONDED : GORT Communications Systems" to establish reu at7ons UNANIMOUS an ;fees for governmental.owned telecommunications s stems an redefine the res ons> > l or annua fee .for sFared facilMies; more particu ar y, y amending ections 4-1 , 54-141, 54-144, 54-145, 54-146, 54-147, 54.1490 54-1500 54-15Y, 54-1521 54-153, 54-154 of the Code; containing a repealer provision, a severability clause, and providing for an effective date. 31. FIRST READING ORDINANCE (J-94-135) ' Ame_ = nding Section 54-17 of the Code of the City of FIRST READING Miw ami, Florida, as amended, ent t ed "Prohibition OVER PLUMMER ' of Vehicular, Access" thereby c riUing the SECONDED : GORT 'procedure and financialresponsibilities for NANIMOUS requestinga vehicular access prohibition; containing a repealer provision and a severs > ,ty clause and an effective date. ;4 PAGE 24 ' RESOLUTIONS. FEBRUARY 171 1994 f 11 Office of the Mayor f t f ' 32 RESOLUTION - (J-94-50) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY E MANAGER TVEXECUTE MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING) i Authorizing the City Manager to execute ` Memoranda DEFERRED oT Un erstandii in a form accepts a to the ity MOVED GORT Attorney. and subject to approval by and with the SECONDED : PLUMMER 'Fraternal ' Order - of Police, Lodge No. 20, the UNANIMOUS International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL- ,.' CIO, Local 587, and the American Federation of State County, and Municipal Employees Local 1907, AFL-CIO, thereby eliminating residenc re uirement as a term and condition of emplovment Tor new ires and where there is a non- it resident, applicant for :emD ayment and a t resident applicant for empli nentl the City resident shall- e givenpreference; further providing tat -t is reso uti-n and anry Memoranda of Understanding shall not be inconsistent with e 'Consent Decree;. - further,,. directing t e it Manager or:. iS designee to eve o and implement roce ure s to consider non -City resident a icants eos not ' covered a union and where a non -City resident a scant an a City resident a scant are of equally :qualified, the City resident s a e given preference. 33. WITHDRAWN 34.' RESOLUTION - (J44-143) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGERJO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT) Authorizin the City. Manager to negotiate _a R-94799 professional services a reement, in a ' orm MOVED PLUMMER acceptable to• the it Attorney, with a real SECONDED GORT estate consultant to: 1 Assess the Cat s rea ABSENT CLARK AND estate o ins � n - or er ` to recommenda strategybE YURRE or maximizin tear inancia an soda return to the City,an Recommenda realestate management software to a utilized the C t • further,aut orizin a fee or say consu tant n an amount not to 50 000; directing the City ity Manager to ring backthe negotiated contract for approval by the City Commission; allocating ' funds therefor from Special Programs and Accounts. t r : RESOLUTIONS CONT'D { { 35. WITHDRAWN Office of Asset and Grant Management 36. RESOLUTION =' (J44-67) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A GRANT) Authorizin the Manager to acce t a: rant ,City oint with the Center for Heat Tec no o es Inc.1, from- the U.S. Department of Commerce 'Economic Development Administration. in t e amount 0 1 `000' 000• or - the purpose - o renovating certain City -owned ro ert to house a business incubator or Health Technologies, said incubator to be located at 1145 NW 11 Street, Miami, Florida; further authorizing the City Manager to enter into the necessary agreements), in a form .,, acceptable to the City Attorney, to accept and implement said grant, subject to applicable City Charter and Code provisions. Department of Community Development 37. RESOLUTION - (J-94-106) - (ALLOCATING FUNDS) Allocating an amount not to exceed-$75.060 for eautification of the area bound by Bisca e Boulevard to the east, Northeast 4t Court to e west, Northeast 61st to the south and Northeast 65th Street to the north, Miami, Florida; further allocating '$358,885 to the Little Haiti Housin Association or ac uis tion renovat on an eve o ment of'scattered site using for families an individuals of moderate and low incomes; ' allocatinq funds therefor rom unexpended Tent IOt Year Community Development Program Funds, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, .with Little Haiti Housing Association for this purpose. i PAGE 25 1 , FEBRUARY 17, 1994 t i R-94-100 (AS MODIFIED) MOVED :'PLUMMER SECONDED : GORT ABSENT : DE YURRE I DEFERRED i MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED : DAWKINS ABSENT DE YURRE ---------------------- SEE RELATED R-94-121 , MOVED : PLUMMER SECONDED :"DAWKINS UNANIMOUS RESOLUTIONS CONT'D :Department of Development and Housing Conservation 38. RESOLUTION - (J-94-99) - (RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF M&M MAISON II _PROJECT) Relatin to the development of M&M Maison II 'Project"), a .21 unit affordaMe rental ousn project -p - lannedor development on former City owne arce s ocate at -Mort west t an st Streets:between 15th and 17thAvenues in the Mo e Ci ty Nei ahborhood Ey .t the Urban Leacue oGreater Miamii Inc. and Greater.Miami<Neior oo s Inc. pS onsors" gut orizing t e City Manager to execute the necessary documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, thereby making, a deferred, payment loan available to said Sponsors in an amount- not to exceed $672,100 for thee purpose of providinginan lal assistance for the eve o ment of the project; allocating fun s therefor rom FY 1992 Home Investment Partnership Program (Home Program) Funds. RESOLUTION - (J-94-98) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER T0'ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT) Authorizing the City Manager to enter "into an agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the East- Little Havana Communit Develo menu Corporation, Inc. "Grantee a not - for-profit.cos oration . to provide a grant in the amount •.o 461 860 for Grantee to undertake t e develo r if Rio Gardens Townhouses. a 22-unit affordable omeowners i ousin project to e constructed on seven Rarcels of CiU-owned vacant and -.located at Southwest 2nd and 3rd Streets between Southwest 4th and 5th Avenues Miami Florida; allocating funds therefor rom Y Home Investment Partnership Program (Home Program) Funds. R-94-102 MOVED SECONDED ABSENT 2 PAGE 27 Fps RESOLUTIONS CONT`D FEBRUARY 17, 1994 RESOLUTION - (J-94-96) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY x{' MANAGER TO PROVIDE A GRANT TO MODEL HOUSING F COOPERATIVE) : Authorizingthe City Manager to enter into R-94-103' agreements,, in a form acceptable to the City MOVED DAWKINS Attorney, to provide a rant to Model HousingSECONDED : GORT' 'F Cooperative Inc. in the amount o 0 andABSENT DE YURRE to St.: Joh Communitv Development - Corporation. in t e amount of, $15.000.. both not -for -profit Community Housing Development, Organizations, for the ac uisition development and/or rehabilitat o� n of.affor a e ousin - or ow an ver ow income ami ies and individuals; allocating funds therefor rom FYI 1992 Home Investment Partnership Program.Funds. 410 RESOLUTION - (J-94-121) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER ;TO EXECUTE A SUPPLEMENTAL INTERLOCAL ' COOPERATION AGREEMENT) ` -Authorizing the City Manager to execute a WITHDRAWN supplemental Interlocal Coo eration A reement wit Metropolitan Dade County, in su stant a y t e form attached hereto , modifying 'a previously approved. Interlocal Agreement (Resolution No. 88- 888), to establish responsibilities, relative to the Proposed Performing. Arts Center, for the Amelementaion of the Omni Area Community Redevelopment District in accordance with Florida Statutes Section 163-387. x L` t r RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 42.. 'RESOLUTION - J-94-122 - AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO RESTRUCTURE THE LONG TERM DEBT f OBLIGATIONS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) Authorizing the City Manager to restructure the en a t- obli anions -o the out east Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment District ("District" ; further authorizing t e Cit Mana er to raw down funds from t e C t s United- States Department of Housing and Urban. DevelopmentUS HUD' ection 108 Loam in an amount not to:excee 5 mill Jon _say funds to e use along wit un s avai a e in the District s Trust Fun to make a tenTer offer to 1990 Tax Increment Revenue.0ond Holders for the PuMose o reducing annual debt service; further authorizing the engagement oT an investment broker to assist the City herein with above transactions. Downtown Development Authority 430 RESOLUTION - (J-94-130) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDS) Approving and authorizing the Downtown Development Authorit 'DDA" o the City o Miami, Florida, to expend un s in the amount of two hundred seventy thousand - o ars 270 000 from t e Eighteenth and Nineteenth Year Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") allocation' for Flagler• Core Area Enhancement Projects, as ,. described on Exhibit "A", attached hereto. t f 3 PAGE 28 I F'EBRUARY 17, 1994 ! R-94'104 MOVED : `'GORT- SECONDED : DAWKINS. ABSENT : DE YURRE' DEFERRED MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED DAWKINS ABSENT DE YURRE F RESOLUTIONS CONT'D Department of Fire -Rescue 44., RESOLUTION - (J=94-104) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EFFECT AN INCREASE FOR THE FURNISHING. OF MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION) Authorizing the City Manager to.effect an increase �n' com ensation to Advanced Data Processing, an� Consolidated Medcal-Services in t e amount of 00 000 - or the furnishina of me ica transportation Giffin and collection services or the Department o Fire -Rescue, sa i ncrease g resultin from higher than estimate revenues to He City due to increased medi eme enc responses and successful user fee collection efforts; allocating funds therefor rom Account Code No280501-340. 45, WITHDRAWN 46. RESOLUTION - (J-94-128) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO REQUEST A LOAN) Authorizing the City Manager to request a loan from t e Sunshine State Governmental Financing Commission in an amount not to exceed 15,000;000..to finance equipment acguis tion. 47. RESOLUTION - (J-94-34) - (AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY -TRANSCALL AMERICA, INC.) Authorizinq the Director of Finance to pay TranscaTT,America Inca as successor -in- nterest o Te us Communicationst Inc. without admission of liability.the Principal sum o 1 61.6556 less < 26 9 5.402 plus interest, payable in equal monthly Payments of =41.57each beninning. in March of 1994 in full and c ete settlement o an an a c aims an eman s against the City of Miami, upon the execution of a settlement agreement releasing the City of Miami from any and all claims and demands; authorizing the ..City Manager to execute the settlement agreement, in substantially the attached form, on behalf of the City of. Miami; allocating funds therefor from anticipated future revenues of Public Service Taxes due from Transcall America, 'Inc., or its successor -in -interest. R-94-105 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED : GORT ABSENT DE YURRE R-94-92 MOVED : DE YURRE SECONDED : CLARK UNANIMOUS K=94-106 MOVED PLUMMER SECONDED : GORT ,s RESOLUTIONS CONT'D i 48. RESOLUTION - (J-94-139) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCEED WITH THE PROPOSED PURCHASE OF A r` LIABILITY COVERAGE CONTRACT) Authorizing the City Manager to proceed with the, of Proposed purchase a liabil.it covers a contract y the City of Miami, Florida, rom the ors a ` League of Cities' First municipal :Loan Pro ram n the amount o 30 000-000, said purchase to be secured by a covenant from the City of Miami to budget and appropriate the repayment of said contract. Department of Law 49.. RESOLUTION - (J-94-141) — (AUTHORIZING SETTLEMENT) Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to`I Ronald Baker Daniel Gonzalez and Marta Sar ina as ersonal representative of the estate o ' Evaristo Castro- deceased,and Roberto Rodriquez an Carmen.Ro riuez is wi e the total sum o 255 000 000 wit out any admission of liability.' in u an com ete sett ement of any and al I claims, anti demands that eacT and ever one of the foreqoinci oarties and their heirs an eneficiaries ma ave again st t e City of Miami in connection with the matters alleged in Case No. 91-52922 (11) and Case No. 92-2195 (11), now pending in. the CircuitCourt in and for 'Dade County, Florida; allocating funds therefor from the City of Miami,' Self -Insurance and Insurance Trust Fund; _or ,'alternatively, authorizing the City Attorney to file an Offer or Offers of Judgment to I ("Offer(s)"), on behalf.of the City of Miami, without any admission of liability, in an amount not to exceed $155;000,000, and if accepted, authorizing the DirectorofFinance to pay the resulting Offer(s) with funds therefor to e allocated from the City of Miami Self -Insurance ' and insurance Trust Fund, said Offer(s) to be inclusive'of all costs and Attorney's fees accrued through the date of said Offer(s). , < PAGE 31 RESOLUTIONS CONT'D FEBRUARY 171 1994 s: Department of Police Soo RESOLUTION - (J-94-78) - (AUTHORIZING FUNDING) ' Authorizing the fundina of the "Do the Ri ht R-94-108 Thing " Pro ram• a ocatin un s therefor, in an MOVED PLUMMER amount not to exceed 1165 500 from the Law SECONDED : GORT • Enforcement Trust Fun L TF , such expenditure UNANIMOUS having been certified by the Chief of Police as being in compliance with Florida State Statute 932.7055. i 51. RESOLUTION - (J-94-103) - (AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT) Authorizin the City Manager to execute an R-94-109 amendment, in a form acceptable to the City MOVED :PLUMMER Attorney, to the existinq contract with American SECONDED :DAWKINS Telephone - and. Te a raph Corporation therethereb UNANIMOUS increasjn say contractin Proposed amount Of 360000.00, for the furnishing, instalTation an servicing of the E911'S stem or the Department o Police; allocating un s therefor from the E911 Special Revenue Fund, Account Code No. 290461-840, Project Code No. 196002; authorizing the City R Manager to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to increase Purchase Order No. 43988 in said amount. 520.RESOLUTION - (J-94-144) - (ACCEPTING PROPOSAL) Accepting, the _proposal of Motorola Inc. �MDV R-94-110 ("Motorola" for the furnisWing of mobile diditaT (AS MODIFIED), terminals, software and support services in an MOVED : PLUMMER amount not to exceed 1 40 000, to the Police SECONDED : DAWKINS Department; allocating un s t erefor from the UNANIMOUS Capital Improvement Bond Project 312010, Index Code 299401-840; directing the City Manager to enter into negotiations, in substantially accordance with the terms and conditions set for in, the March 6, 1991, proposal submitted by Motorola and in a form acceptable to the City Attorney; further directing the City Manager to bring back the negotiated contract for approval by the 'City. Commission. 1 RESOLUTIONS CONT' D Department of Public Works 53. RESOLUTION - (J-94-110) - (AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE OF PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS) Authorizing- and ermittin E uitable Life Assurance society of the United States (hereafter referred to as "Equitable") to construct ana maintain a e estRan overpass over an across Northeast '15th Street between the Omni Metromover Stion-an the Omni Complex, ocate at Biscayne at Bou evar an Northeast 15th Street, Miami, Florida,. subject to: (1) Equitable executing a covenant to run. with the land to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City of Miami from any claims, demands, or liabilities of any nature whatsoever arising out of the construction and maintenance of said overpass, said covenant to be' prepared by the Public Works Department in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, and (2) the plans for construction of the pedestrian overpass conforming to the requirements of the South Florida- Building Code, the City of Miami Charter and Code, and being approved for a permit by the Departments of Planning, Building and Zoning and Public Works. (This item was continued from the meetings of April 15 and June 29, 1993.) •54. RESOLUTION - (J-94-125) - (ACCEPTING BID) Accepting the bid of Lewis Green Construction Inc. a black/Dade County vendor), �n the proposed amount, not to exceed $192,550:00, total o the proposal, or the proiect entitled °Lummus Park Redevelopment Pro ect B-3247 a ocat ng funds therefor in the amount ot s176,650.00 from Capital Improvement Project No. 331042l as appropriated by Ordinance No. 10938, as amended, and in the amount of $30.000.00 from Community Development Block rant Funs to cover the contract cost o 192 50.00 an the estimat totalexpenses cost o 14 00.00 or an estimate total project cost o 206 650.00; an i authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. �.. 4 i ' r,f R-94-112 MOVED: : PLUMMER SECONDED GORT UNANIMOUS I 0 y 4 1 t t t Y ~� ' X' RESOLUTIONS CONT'D 55. RESOLUTION-'(J-94-126) - (ACCEPTING BID) i Acce tin` the bid of Harrison. Construction or oration _(a non-minority/local vendor), in the ro ose amount not to exceed 1 578,289 00 total ` o . t e ro osal , a ro ect entitled "New ire tation No.(Second Bt in - ; a ocating un s .t ere or from Capita Improvement Project No. 313239, as appropriated by 'Ordinance No. 10938,: as amended, in .the -amount of 1 578 289.00 to cover the contract cost an 136 711:00 to cover the estimated ex enses or an timated total project cost o i 1 0 0. ; and aut orizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. 56. RESOLUTION - (J-93-783) - (ACCEPTING BID) Acce tin the bid of J.C.I. International Inc., a Hispanic/Dade County ven or in t e prroposed� -of amount of 252 050.10 total bid theproposal for Citywide Sidewa k Replacement. Project - Phase V 6=4558, with monies therefor a ocate rom t o Fish Year 1991-92 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 10938, Project No. 341175, in the amount of $252 050.10 to cover the contract- cost an 43 43800 to cover the estimated expenses.. or an estimate totalcost o 295 488. 0; an authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract, in a form acceptable to the 'City Attorney', with said firm. 57 RESOLUTION - (J-94-136) - (ACCEPTING BID) AcceRting the bid of M. Vila and Associates Inc., a hispanic/Dade County vendor , in the roosed amount not to -exceed 430,215.00. total bidof t e proposal, or - the Pro ect entitled Morris Par Storm Sewer Retro ittin Phase -I B-5595 allocating funds therefor rom Capital Improvement Project No.; 352278,as appropriated by Ordinance No.10938, as amended in the amount of $4300215.00 to cover the -contract cost and $112,892-00 to cover, t e estimated expenses, for an estimate tota project cost o 4 .00; an aut or z ng The, City; Manager to execute a contract with said 4; firm. WITHDRAWN rt lY .. ,.. ... ,. ., ,., .,». .i. .v r v-r...:'. ,«< ', a.. y Y..•ne+r ;:•r.µ.. aril r PAGE 34' RESOLUTIONS CONT'D FEBRUARY,17t 1994 58.. RESOLUTION (J-94-133) - (ACCEPTING BID) ,- ` Acceptino the bid of F 1 L Construction Inc. (a R-94-115 ispanic Dade County ven or , in t e proposed of total MOVED . DE YURRE _ amount $159:950 00. bid f the proeosT SECONDED. GORT Tor the ro ect . entitled "Citide 3`idewal UNANIMOUS Replacement Pro ect - Phase VIII - B- �; allocating.funds therefor rom Capital Improvement _Project No. 341178, as appropriated by, Ordinance No'. 10938 as amended, in the amount of 159 950.00 to cover. the contract cost . an 28 1.00 to cover the estimated expenses or an estilmatd total ro ect cost of $1f an aut orizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. 59. RESOLUTION - (J-94-134) - (ACCEPTING BID) Acce tin the bid of C.M.A. Corporation, (a ispanic Dade County vendor)in the proposed amount-of'`$244,925.00, total bid of t e proposal, for. : - ro ect entitled "Cit i e Sidewalk Replacement Project - Phase YII B-4 61 !; un s therefor rom ap tal Improvement .,allocating project I No. 341175, as appropriated by Ordinance No. ..10938, as. amended, in the amount of 244 92500 to cover the contract cost an 39 520:00 to covert the estimated expenses, or an estimated. total ro ect cost of $284,445. an a orizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. 60. WITHDRAWN` • . kl t } i 4jf 5 i i r `} SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting - February 179 199 PRESENTED Proclamation and a City's Medal to: Berta Diaz. The `first Cuban national to compete in Olympics, and.also the winner of 258 Gold Medals at the Pan American Games in a career that expanded over_17 years. ;. Proclamation to: Kiaanis Club of Little Havana Day. For ' PRESENTED their dedication and efforts towards the well-being of - our citizens and for enhancing Miami's image as the home of'the-biggest "Spanish Fiesta" of the country. Commendations'to: Officers Leslie Dallemand, Officer Marc Elias and Officer Raymond Carvil For having been selected Most Outstanding Officers for the Month of October 1993. Commendations to: Officers Emilio Canciobello and Officer Angel Calzadilla."For having been selected Most Outstanding Officer for the Month of December 1993. PRESENTED' A Check for. $7, 000 presented to the City of Miami Parks , and Recreation . Department by the Pepsi —Cola Company. For "the City's participation in the "Mountain Dew slam Dunk Open"`event. TED' Resolution.to: The family of Mrs. Joan Klein, who served as personal assistant to Miami Commissioner J.L.-Plummer, Jr. for j y' 14 years. a::,