HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1994-02-17 Advertisement`~rS , ' ~ ' ~ ~ M'+ml (305) 377~72t -- ,' ..~, Broa305) .468.2600 / (305), 9456577 .... . , ~Im Reach (407) 82Q-2060 AMlllates Df TMt's Warner Inc. . r ~~ - . ^, " y - DAILY. BUSINESS REVIEW _ . `. i P.O. BOX 010889 F ' ~ ;` 4' :. ~ c' MIAMI, FL 331~~1.0889 4,' ~ C. "~ TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE ~.. SALESCODE '.ORDERNUMSER ;;~:t:USTOMERNO. -•CODE ,-:, .: '.DEPARTMENT DATE INVOICEN~ .. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT '~•'T..: _ F ``'.f)?:~c.;- Gam... i • = ,,, `~ ~ .j _ _ 1 j ..~ V ;; _3 j'; - .. .1 • • - .. • . ( ? ., T - ', = ... SUBTOTAL ~ 7 .. . ~, , ~ ~ - ~ ~. ; . • ~ ~ 1 • ~ • SALES TAX t~ _ s- ~~~ ~ ~ E7_ ORIGINAL- PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE } lty ~'~ ~ "` '. 1 va . '~K t ~ s ~ r 9'N.i T'1 ...~ ~ r ~ T ~~"~"~ ~,T~s •~ L,~ ~e~i ~ 1 f~ t ..s r i ~1 G ~ ~ %t F ~= , ~ . y ~ M ~ i ~ - ~ 1 Gr . ~. :.~1:. _,-'~' ~i,.r' ~yi ..j~ i~~(~ [" 'HG~~~~'M1 ~ t ! .F, 1 ~ t aP Y _ _ ~ •y ~; • fi C.. F,.cG , »,sr.. ~ . _•Sa."-, w: a~r+~.." ._~~+~ ~~. itr' , _ r ~~ K /:;~ _~~~(~ .. ~' ~_ ~ ~~ n " . f c ~ ~ } ~~ ' i w 'd ~~ ' "'"-.'' ." ~ ... 1 ~, '.. _I „ « MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Publlshed Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal, Holidays Miaml, Dade County, Florlda. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADS: Betore the undersigned aulhoAty peroonally appeared Sookle Willlema, who on oath says thal she is the Vies Prosidsnt of Legal Advertlsing of the Mlaml Deliy Buslnsas Revlsw t/k/a Miaml Revlew, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, publlahed at Mlaml In Dade County, FloHda; that the etlached copy o} advertleement, being a Legal Advertlaement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE RE: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2-13 OF THE CODE, ETC., ENTITLED "ORDER OF BUSINESS AND RULES OF PROCEDURE" In the ......... .. x x x , ,Court, ............... ........... was published In said newspaper to the issues of ' February 7, 1994 Atfiant further says that the Bald Mlami Dally Buslnsss Aevisw is a newspaper publlahed at Mlami In geld Dade County, Florlda, and that the aald newspaper has harotoforo been continuously publlahed In sold Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Hoildaya) end hea been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Mlaml in Bald Dade County, Florlda, for a psrlod of one year next preceding the Ilrot publlcation of the attached copy o vertisemant; and alflent further says that she has pelt r p d nor promised any person, firm or corporation any isc nt, rebate, commiaslon or refund for the purpose of ecu g ihls ad ertlsement for publlcation fn the sold ns p er. • • ,•~I ~ • Sworn to and subscribed before me this . ~~t? day of ........ February, .:,~A.D. 19..94 (SEALI ~1•~ ti Sookl~ V~Ullam per wn ms. j ~ t'. ` ~ ~O ~ 1. ......... Qppi(]/-4 NOTARY SEAL ~1HRYl. H MARMBR t apMMI5S10N NO. CCle1612 ! 1RYCOkIlldtS610N BXP. AI'tL 12,1!96 y ,;.', a~~~ ~ , -~ ~ ~ p i~~ttt fit. . _^ _ __ . ' '' 1 - ~ ~ „~_ `, N.W. 54th 5TREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 3a, :~ .,51 757.1147 FAX {305173 ,1,,... . ~ . -~ SOUTH'S LARGEST BLACK WEEKLY AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION `~ • -1 Serving Dede County Since 1923 ,. _ , ACCOUNT NO. INVOICE GATE :City of Miami 3019803 02/10/94` Attn: Matey Hirai City' Clerk P• ~r BO1C 330708 INVOICE NO. AMOUNT PAID MiaMi, FL .33233-0708 28012 ~. i RETURN TH/S STUB W/ TH PAYMENT ,. DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE ].aMl 1M@s~ 1'IC. L:egals ' 02/10/94 Reschedule Feb. Co~1rl« 4.00 I 15« f~00 6?. 40 Athended` Not. Tv The Public PO Naa 123q " Affidavit Charge 2.00. `. 02110194:: Flag./Core Area Secur 5«50 I 15«600 85«80 Notice To The Public PO> Nne. 1243 Affidavit Charge 2.00 0M/10/94 Federa]. Sign Corp. 6.50 I 15.600 101;40 Notice To The Public PO Noa 144 Affidavit:Charge 2. $0 *~**~* CONTINUED ***~** DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE ~~Q ~~~~ f ~~~A~.~7 .900 N.W. 54th,STREET,MIAMI, FLORIOA 3312x•1697. THIS 61 LL IS DUE IN FUL C 1 CD (305) 757.1147 FAX 13051 75ti-0771 WHEN RECEIVED ~ ~ r J.. 3}- ~. fir„ ~ ~J !^ p~ Y ;; ;: r- Z .r a •i; i.. ~r.. ~ ~i..~. ,.ti _: •..~yir 3 ""~ ___- ~; ~ ~ ` ~ t - 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 (305) 757.1147 FAX (3051 756.0771 i `'SOUTH'S LARGEST BLACK WEEKLY AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION Serving Dade County Since 1923 j r ACCOUNT N0. INVOICE DATE City Of Miarli 3019803 02/10/94 'Aftn: Mat.~y Hirai C#y Clerk P 0. SOX 330708 INVOICE N0. AMOUNT PAID Miarli, FL 33233-0708 28012 RETURN TH/S STUB, W/TH PAYMENT - DATE - - DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE INIIEI) 02/10/94 Ma~Mat3 Hy E. S. E. F.. 6.00 I 15.600 93.60 Notice To The Public PO Noe .1246- Affidavit Charge 2.00 .42/10/94 Appt. of Merlbers Plan 7.50 I 15.600 117.00 NOtice To The Public PO Moa, :1241 :Affidavit Charge 2.00 470.20 - DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE ~ ~ ~ .900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 THIS BILL IS DUE IN FULI ~h~ [ant[ ~G[meg 13051 757.1147 FAx 13os- 75s•o771 WHEN RECEIVED l ~ ~ 1 ,. :, _'.,. )` - ~ ,. '.. r Mgng~ng ~aaw, .., ...~ _•--- ublished in sara newny+;~+ ••• ..-- ---- } attached copy of advertisement wasp ; Febrrrarq 10, 1994 e County, Florida, and that i pQlant further states that 1HE MIAMI'I7ME8 is a•newspaPer published irr Miami, DadFlorida, each week and has i Florida, foraperlod ofmore the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, been entered as second class mallmatterat the U.S. PoatOfllceln Miami, DadeCounty, t of advertisement; further aitiant says that he than oneyearnext PrecedinBdate of publication of the attached copy n or corporation arty discount, rebate, corrunisslon or refund for the . has neither paid nor promised any firm, p~ purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. ~~~' """ "'Editor r~ M -;ana~ a..~ a r 10th day of Feb. p.D 19 ". 9~+~-~''-; ;...~ v. ~, ~ + . Sworn to ~ d subscrib«l before me on this, the ` ~ ; . ~= ! _{ i ~ . ~ A ~ tai ~ ~ ~-.., ~. ~ F ~. ., • ~ t ,~ G RI ., -. • ~ • ~ PUBLIC. ~ ... ~ J ~-~ p ' Gam. My commission. expires: ,- _ . 0 ~_ PI~I~tI Vii. _~ s r '~ i - , ` ` ' _ ""° ~N.W, 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIbA 3~, + ~ ----•.. ~ ts051 7571147 FAX 13051 75 ~. SOUTH'S LARGEST BLACK Wf:EKIY AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION '-'' . ,~t " ServingDede County Since 1923 - pp ~• 1 ,: • ~ ,., ACCOUNT NO. INVOICE DATE City of MiaMi 3@19$@3 02/10/94 Attne Matty Hirai k City'Clerk _ ,. F'« ~.1» :.BOX 33@7@$ INVOICE NO. AMOUNT PAID Miami, Ft. 3323-@7@$ _ .28012 s RETURN THIS STUB W/TH PAYMENT 4 BATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE' e .ant rtes, nc» -'Legals ~, 0?/10/94:;RescheduTe Feb. Cot+tr'ti» 4. @@ I 15» e5@@ 62» 4@ AMended Not. To The Rttb l i c PO No« `1235' ~. 'Affidavit'Charge.. ~.@@ 0211@/94 Flag.../Cot-e Area Secur 5« S@ I iS. b@@ $:5. $0 Notice To The Pt.~blic Rt] Nn ' 1243 Affidavit Charge'~..00 @2/10/94 Fedet~a]. Sigty Corp. 6..50 I 1~»b@@ 1@~.«40 Mortice To The public FO Mbe 124Q' `Affidavit Charge 2.@@ tk***** CANTINUED *~**** , GATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE', ~~je i~nti ~tn1~g 900 N.W.54th,S7REET, MiAM1, FLORIDA 33127.1897 TH~s Q~~•-~- ~S D~.~E ~N FUI. C 1 ('t` D 13051757-1147 FAX 1305) 756.0771 WHEN RECEIVED _••~+. ~~y 1~~ ~' ..~ { 5i+., i ~., ~ .~ rt.yt~ E~F, •.~ ,~'~. ~ •t +~•• • ~,t 1 ~ ~Y., i, r..° +.>>' r yeti .~S^', ,~, 3., ,~ .:~• f.~ x tC -~, tiZ ~ ;` ~~ ..r. .a ti. .tom. ..s ~'~. ~ i {~ ~~~~.. ~:~~~ '. „t' •~s ~.~ ~Llr' ..~.. ;t=•v.. ,`-.r`•. • s?'~ti.: • ..r. a^ :~crv '''y+'.i,1!,:...•.:v , .~ ~ ~' ~ a ti ..~~t 1 • _-~-_ ,.~je i~~t fit, .... ' ' _%~ t ~ 'N.W, 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 3~,, ' ` «..~_ + ~ 13051 757.1147. FAX (3051 78 1 • ~ ~. 50UTH'S LARGEST SLACK WEEKLY AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION ' "~ • "t ~ Serving Dade County Since 1923 •,, i ... ~ ', °. ACCOUNT N0. •. iNV01CE DATE fy of Miarli 3019603 02710/94 ' At~'nr ' Matty Hi1-ai City 'Clerk P~ 0. BOX 3`S' 0708 iNV01CE NO. AMOUNT PAID"" Miarli, FL 33233-0709... ~B012 ~ RETURN TH/S STUB W/TN PAYMENT i .GATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE , T~i~a.arli Times, nc. Cegala 0/10794 F~e~chedule Feb. Cor1t+1. A. 00 I 15« b00 b.~.40 i Arland ed ` Not. To The Pub 1 i c PO Nb: 1239 Affidavit :Charge 2.00.. 02/10794 Flag./Core Area Sec~~r _5.50' I 15.600 6::i.90 Notice To The Public _ PO No. 1243 Affidavit Chal-ge 2.'00 02/10!94 Fed~raa. Sign Corp. b. 50 I 15.600 10:1.40 Nat~ice To The Fublis _ PO Na: 1244 Affidavit Charge 2.00 ' ~****>k CONTINUEb *>K>~**~ i DATE :' DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARf3E5 CREDITS BALANCE ~~~~ j(~~~~* ~t~A~ 900 N.W.64th,STREET,MIAMI, FLORIDA 331z7.1e97 THIS BILL IS DUE IN FU4 ~];~1~ ` C 1305)757.1147 FAX1305!?56.0~71 WHEN RECEIVED t • ,1~AYy„ s • r • t irI N+t:e. J T• ~ ~ ~.~i~ii~.t4°+-h_ •'~i~~~~ • _. •f ~• .. .r _..•w .i...... .4v. r v .c •vs _. a r..L. .J~' ... •'3 a+~~` 'T~'~~4. 4.: ~s i .i~`r.. t~ ~~~..1 ~ .i' ~ ~~. ~~.•• f ~.: a ~•,s ~ ~.:n. •. ..,.. ± M r.. r .^ ,` 4, ~,~ ' L' ~ ^~7.~~:.,:,C 't1 ~" ... ~ .. . ~ ~ .t i"@ :^n~^~.''~ ' • ~ r••:w.tr t~ i .;.~. ~.~~'... ~~' t :t n ,. t~ ' __ .t I .sa ~.,,.~~v .. _. .'• . ~ F .:~ . oC_. ~ 7 f I f i _~ ~ ~ 1~IItI ~tY11P ___ --__ ~ 1 -.; 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 `.; - (305) 757.1147 FAX (305) 756.0771 SOUTH'S LARGEST BLACK WEEKLY AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION Serving Dade County Since 1923 1 - ACCOUNT NO. INVOICE DATE City of MiaMi 3019803 92/19/94 .Attn: Matey Hirai City Clerk INVOICE NO. AMOUNT PAID P. O. Pox 339708 Miarli, FL 3333-0708 28912 .RETURN TH/S STUB W/TH PAYMENT DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE; crn~rl-~~~ 02/.10/94 Ma~Met3 Py E. S. E. F. 6.09 I 15»699 93.60 Notice To The Public PO` Mo: 1246 Affidavit -Charge 2.99 '9,2/19/94 Appt. of Merhbers Plan 7. ~0 I 15. b00 117.99 Notice To The Public PO,Noa 1241 `Affidavit Charge 2„99 479.29 ;° _ DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 THIS BILL IS DUE IN FUL ~h~ ~1~tt11 ~GL~mQD 1305- 757.1147 FAX (305) 756.0771 WHEN RECEIVED {:' '. ti sy ~ . r~ r ~"'~'' ~ ~ , ~. ~ 1 . , 1 i ~ y, ; . ' _.. , (~~ ~/ ~ ~ .~.. - ,~t~ftltt ?~ - III~~~ - -" ~~ '_ .900 NW both STREET ..MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (30bj 7E7-1147 _ PubUahed Weekly Miami, Dade-County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA ~ COUNTY OF DARE PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before•the undersigned authority personally appeared M013AMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he fa the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES weekl news b , y paper pu lished at Mtanil, Dade County, Florida; that' the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in .the issues of: February 10, 1994 AtTlant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is anewspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade C n ou ty, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class snail matterat the U.S. PostOllice in Miami, DadeCounty, Florida, fora period ofmore than oneyearnextprecedingdate ofpublication f th a a o e tt ched copy of advertisement; furtheratTiant says that he has neither paid nor psvmised any firm, person or corporation any discount rebate co i , , mm ssion or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. ~~ ~ 4 ~ , ' : 'Managing Editor r"i'1 , $ -' ' ~ ~ ~ _ SwosYi ~to and subscribed before me on this, the 10th ~` ''"L a:~ %: ~ ~ day of Feb . A 94 rte D -19 ' ~ + i, . . . ~ ~ .s- ( 1 --~ [ . ` - t :, OT Y'PUBLIC A y -^ ~`Y 1 "'' ~f'~ '; AT GE. My commission expires: _" 't •: ,•~ ~>.i ; ~ ~~ '!; ~ r..! tJ01'r7~Y ~'UBLIG 51'A'iR OR RLORIDA `~ -- "°' . „F1Y ~t;ill~IISSION EXP JULY 2t3 i , T995 FYANDEO 1'HRU GENERAL INS. UtiO. ,. ,, _ ~.. ~; <. 1 ~.~ J ,~ . .~ • _ i e ~~n~t~~~e~ __ -_ •': " 900 NW 54th STREET .MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 • ~ (305) 7~7-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FIARIDA ~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY. OF DARE Bcfore•the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he is the Managing Editor: of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the • attached copy of;advertisement was pubUshal in said newspaper in the issues of:' Febrtuary 10, 1994. Afliant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES i8 a~ewspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that .the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail rnatterat the U.S. PostOftice in Miami, DadeCounty, Florida, foraperiod ofmore than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement; further ailiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, Person or corporation arty discount, rebate, commission or refund for the Purpose of securing this adveriisement for publication in this newspaper ~t, ~~. Gw~-~~ Managing Editor. ,,, ' -'~ 10th Feb. 94 _ . Sworn 'to and subscribed before me on this, the day of A.D, 19 t - t ' PUBLIC ATE D va ~ ~ ~ r'*~ '' 4 ,,.. AT' GE. My commission expires: _ ca ~,. j '~ `~ ` R "t ~ '~;or.~tY ru~(.ic srn~E o~ r•~oRioa ---~ Efi~ ~, ``. .;, t~t~ CQi~4ISSI0W EXP ,ltx.v 2>;_~nns ~ Y }:.` _ ~ti"' __ . ~ . __ ;,~..--,~i.1/ l~ C~ ,y ~+ l i 1411 ~ i ~iYl • ~ ~ ' `~% I .~~---- ''N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 3~, , ~• I -~' ~' s 1051 757.1147 FAX 13051 75 • i { ~~ 50UTH'S LARGEST BLACK WEEKLY AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION ' '~ • -~ ~ Serving Dade County Since 1923 i ... ~ - t .ACCOUNT NO. INVOICE DATE,. i -City of Mierli 3019803 02/.10/94 Attn:' Matty Hi1-ai ; City Clerk P. O. POX 330708 INVOICE NO. AMOUNT PAID Miarli, FL 33233-0708 28012 N RETURN THISSTUB WITH PAYMENT '; DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE e a.ar~ ryes, nc. Legals 0~/i~b/94 ,keschedule Feb.. Cor1rl» 4.00 I 15. b00 6.'. A0 AMended Not. To The Public PO No:` 1239 Affidavit .Charge 2.00 02/10/94 _Flag. /Core 'Area Secur 5» 50 I 15».600 8~;» 80 . Notice To_The Pub~.ic PO Nn: "..1243 Affidavit Charge 2.00 02/10/94 Federal. Sig1~ Corp. 6.50 I 15.600 101.40 Notice To-The Public RO No: 1244 Affidavit Charge ''. 00 kc***** CONTINUED. *~**** DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE. ~~j~lal~it* ~Q~A~ 900 N.W.54th,5TREET,MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 THIS B~L~- ~S DUE ~N FUG C (~ l t C (305! 757.1147 FAX !3051 756.0771 WHEN. RECE~~/E~ 0.~'Ip' ° ''. ~ •tG ~C.V'P..' ~w. 1. . ~ r . ~ ~ .~ n:'t t.:. I .~ ~.~`•.- •~ .t t !w :: +. i`~ ~~. ~,~~ti":.at ^r : ~ • j ~..~~n,: ~.SF:. :.,~ri~::iiai ~~ 7 ~ +~'h(.1'' N. 'a~ f .~,~? `. ti .'til:"i' r'!yi .. , ~. ~... ~ I Y SOUTH'S LARGEST BLACK WEEKLY AUDITED PAID CIRCULATION Serving Dade County Since 1923 i City of Miami Attn: .Mat#y Hirai CtY.Clerk - P.Ow POX 330708 Miarhi, FL .33233.-0708. DATE `DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CIIRT1FTl7~ 02/10/94: MazMat3 By E S.EwF. bw00 I 15,b00 Mbtice Ta The Public P'O Noo 1246 r ~ ~ ~ t~It~tt ~lrtte 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 (305) 757.1147 FAX (305) 756.0771 i ACCOUNT NO. - INVOICE DATE 3019803 02/10/94•.. .INVOICE NO. AMOUNT PAID .28012 RETURN TH/S STUB W/TH PAYMENT CkARGES CREDITS BALANCE 93.60 -- -- 02/10/94 Appt of Merlbers Pian 7. J0 I 15wb00 117.00 `'Notice To The Public PO Moe 1241 Affidavit Charge 2w 00 470w20 + `` DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE ~ ~ ~ ~ 900 N.W. 54thSTREET,MIAMI,FLORIDA 33127.1897 THIS BILL IS DUE IN FUL' ~~h~ iartYi ~lmP~ 13051 757.1147 FAX 1305) 756.0771 WHEN RECEIVED • ~. j r ' ... , ., . ' , , r ~ __ -_ _ ~~je ~.`a~n~c ~C~n~e~ i 900 NW 64th SIREET .MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 _ (305) 7F7-1147 . Published Weekly Miami, Dade. County, Florida SPATE OF FLORIDA ~ PROOF OR PUBLICATION COUNiY OF DADE a MOHAMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he is the Before;the undersigned authority personally PPeared , ,Managing Editor of THE MIAMI T[MES"weekly newspaper publlahed at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached:copy of adveirtisement was published in said. newspaper in the issues of: February 10, 1994 Florida, and that AfLlant further states thatTHE MIAMI TIMES is a~newspaper Published in Miarni, Dade County, Florida each week and has the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, forapedod ofmore been entered as second class mall mate ~ non of the attached py o advcrtisemen ~: further affiant says that he '; than one year next preceding P erson or co oration arty discount, rebate, commission or refund for the -has neither paid nor promised any firm, p rP or, ;, i purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspap ~ I , Managing~litor ``~ c-~ .c . ,°.~~ la da of FPh - A.D 19,,; ~..~ o~ Sworn to -and subscribed before me on this, the loth Y y ~ w ,. -.., f ' i ~ fI i -NOT pUBLI A DA 1, y sion ire ~ 1 ; ~ ; 1 . =AT IARGE. M co ~P ..._ F~3 --~ , .i::~. r .....r ~ ';~' NOTARY. PUBLIC STATt OF' FLORIdA 'v MY C0~4lISSION EXP JIH.Y 28,1995 '' ~QNOEQ TNRU GENERAL. INS. UNA, t ire- MIAMIDAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Mlsml, Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the undersigned authority psreonelly appearod Sookis t~llllisms,'who on oath says thst she is the Vlcs Prosidsnt of Legal Advertising of the Mlemi Deily Business Rsrisw flkle Mlaml Revtew, a dally (except SatuMay, Sunday snd Legal Holidays) newspaper, publlahed at Mlaml In Dads County, Flortde; that the. attached copy of advertlssment, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF: MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING ON FEBRUARY 17, 1994 Inths .„„ XxxXXxx, ,,, Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of February 7, 1994 Afflant further says that the said Miami Dally euslness Rsvlew Is` a newspaper publlahed at Mleml In Bald Dsde County, Florida, and that iha said newspaper has hsrstotoro -- " heen'contlnuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has-been entered as second class mall matter at the post oltics In M I In said Dede County, Florida, for a period of one yea sxt eding lhs 11ret publlcetlon of the attached ' copy o edverti many and siflant lurther says thel she has neiths paid n promised any peroon, Ilan or corporation any di coup abets, o miselon or relund for the purpose of s rin his adve amsnt for publlcetlon In the sold nswep ~ ..~~ • Swom to and subscribed before ms this , . , 17 day of e ^ y • • A NQPAit;Y pUBL1C SPAd'B 1? F[ARID~+ (SEAL) COMM156ION NO. CC 1Tt10t3 Sookls NVllllems rsonally k ~ aQ14I1~SSION ti?(P. IAN. 6.1996 ~~ z G c~ ~? ~~ a ~ ~~~ 'r . C.__ ~ ~ ~ J ~ _ .. . .. 1 t a; ~;: O ~('~ Ij ' r.1 ^,~ ~ + -. .(3 '44~ Y , _ ., .. _ i ... _.-.... ..... ...-.. ...-.. r...~.~...... .r.r ~..w y.y wr. w w~'V.r~ Y.!)+i.+r...+r..Yr+ie YJ.• wn .ri -••~`_ • ~- ~~ ' ' t '~lF'°1(305j 3773721 L ~... ~, ~' ~ . Broward (305j 468.2600. / (305) :945857 ; . Palm Beach (407) 82x2060 AMllates of Time Wamer Ina rr- ,-~ `~ Y ' , ~ ? • 1 DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW P.O. BOX 010689 P ~ `'• )' ~ . ` •r MIAMI FL 331~~1-0689 u~ r~ TERMS• NET DUE ON EIPT OF INVOICE ~~ • r m . , - .•,., -. :~SgLES C0 E~, - ' ; ~ ~ . ,OEtDER_NUMBER ,.. • ••CUST(SMER NO ;' , ,;; .CODE ~ DEPARTMENT :DATE .. .,~ ,. ~.~, :INVOICENt r ,. I 7 .- 1 I ' A. L, G I ~•7~~ - , ,.., 1 ~ ~ ~ _ ... ..,; .. ,. ~~ 1~ -.OESCpIPT1,ON . - ; . ~.. ,.. . ;.: .., ~-,~ .~ UNIT ICE 'AMOUNT rM _h_+Lv JL' _r ~tM t^~ r ~- N T> - • ~ N C~. ~' :, ,~ ,.,J- ~~_f<~^•.; N':L' ~` Clj :'C==_ .. -~-_ ~ 1r TOTAL .~_.. • ' SALES~,TAX •~.~; ., 0 ~ :%%D~. ORIGINAL- PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE ~- Y+.V ti~+ ~~.. ~ ._. ~.-. Ki..,--. .... ....~Y.t /~ ~•i,`^ r • ... a t^ . T .. k ! ~. '~•t ! ..tt ~` .Y ~.r - t + ~: _, •= • t, ~, . ~..~ ~,. ~ J YiK I i { ~~~ .. ..,, ,.,. _ _., r ~ ~ ~ ~~ r .., • . 4 J .. _~~• ~~~- MIAMf DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Publlahed Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holldays Mlaml, Dade County, Florida. .'STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADS: Betore fhe underalgned authority peroonally appeared Sookle VYIIIiame, who on oath says that she Is the Vlcs Prdaldenl of Legal Advertising of the Miami Dally Buslness Rsvisw 4k/a Miami Revlew, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday .and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami In Dade County, Florida; .that the attached copy of adverllsement, belnp a Legsl Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAML. PUBLIC HEARING -.February 17, 1994 RE: for the purpose of hearing any objections by the City Commission, etc . In the ..:. .... r. x X x • ....... ............ Court, was publlshsd In said newspaper In the Issues of February ~7, .1994 Allisnt lurther says thst the said Miami Dally Buslness Revlew Is a newspaper publlshsd at Miami in sold .Dads County,' Florida, snd that the sold newspaper has herototoro ' been contlnuouslypublishsd In sold Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered ss second class mail matter st the post. office in Mlaml In sold Dads County, Florlds, for a period of one yeer'next preceding the tins! publlcaUon of the attached copy of rtisemenh and affiant further says that she has nalthe al nor promised any peroon, firm or corporaQon .any co t, rebate, commission or refund for fhe purpose of s u g this advertisement for publication In the sold ne sr. ` Swom to and subscribed balore me this 7th .:....... Febru~ ..., n.D. te. , , 94 ..... day of ~.... y~ ~~~. .......... . 'r ` ( L) ~ le is y k wn toe. ~d} ~ ~'~:~ OF F~d:~ ~. I OppID(A~~VNOTARY SEAL Itt CHBRriHMARMBR I ~ ~~~ p kXP. APR.1~199i i ;: i~ c? --~ ~; ~ r, ~ ~ ~' + ~ ;~ 4 ~ _. ~ =r`j K.`~ x N i~ ~ rv '..,1 ~'~ s is i s r i ®; ~t'"~305) 377721 ~ ~•~_ •~ Broward (305) 468.2600 / (305) 9458577 ,, Palm Beach (407) 8202060 AMliates of Time Warner Ina .~ rr ", ~ - -' ~ ~ c ~r ; < . T DAILY BUSINESS REVIEVY ,' ,, ~ I ~ ~ , ~. ; r ~• }-? ? = ,' : P.O. BOX 010689 ~, .~ ~ - , ~, . ~ ! MIAMI, FL 33101-0589. J , - `' Lj_ -~ TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE SALES~CODE ,~ `OROER,NUMBER, _-. C~hSTOMERNO ~ ` : '-CODE .: ~ -- ~:'~.,OEpARTMENT' ;' ; GATE ~ ^iINVOICENC '. r C "i r ~ I ! : ,DESCRIPTION , . ,.,w, „ ~, ~ %UNIT PRICE ~ AMOUNT o •. ,: 1 ,• -n' lp tY ti - ~~. .. .r ~+TM •_FT • ~ ..) ~'! i-s:~~..~ +; 1lBYOTAL • . 4 !. ,. , _ ~ 5 ~; `., r tl 1, ~I, ~ ~?A1.E_ S~TAX • 1 C~~•.r . .k ,. ... ORIGINAL-PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE • -~ .~ T ~ It A ~ pit: .{1.~-. ' C '.. "~ - .F ~ ~,,,~ ~. rt ,.,,,, ~ ~ t r.•~r„ r-svm..t S`'hY~Y ...iJ.3' `.+ { ~ _. ~ .~' 'kr ~ ..~ : ~ ~,i i t~ ~. ., , ~" '~ ~.3y~ni..at'~futi(f+kt ti~• „~ --n~z v«..LI~i~P' ~~ a~~,~t..~7r'~U is '7r ,.aL'~- - 9.: ~~a...3'~t'f~`~~ tl~ ~~ t~t ~ ~ ~~.J~ 71 c r r.~ `C .,,1•~ a1M ~ .~ ~ iw1Y,y ~ +;~' Mss ~ ~' ~- Y 4. Sy xn ss..a . ,~ r ' ~~ .L b = .r- `~' a A.• h -^ ~~~'~-+ 3h"f 5,. ,S'. ~ yL, _ _,,4,?':e , ~•, tY~r 4 ` + r ~:M. `c "v_~' ~Sf'7'4cn.~.w~'~'Fi r ~ * ~ r~ici 1 1.a~ ` LM .,~ ~[ ~ "R' ~"~ j '•i i ~ _' F. aA i,., ~ + ' r *: ~7~s. a YA.~' ~~ ~~~„1 ~,y7t ct~1r•. }` ~ i- ,`~ ~ ` - 1' .=~J+ ~ ~ v~. ~'a;~ima fi, ~ '~ '_'4•~ `l~.?k~'~ ~** ..1 N~~«Z-k~`;' J~„'t ~ e' _ ~ ~ ~ .J,l^,~•~ Y'^~~ r"n'~4~ ar~..'ti'w .~ N• V 1 i , .s* 4• ~ ~rzj ~~1,' ~''' a+ . ,. ,~ ~. ~.. ~ i .' f i 3 i MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW ' Publlehed Dally except Saturday, Sunday and ' Legal Holidays Miami, Dade County, Florida. i STATE OF FLORIDA ' COUNTY OF DADE: Before the underolgned authority peraonelly eppearod Sookte Williams, who on oath says. that she Is the Vice President of Legsl Advertising of the Miami Dally Business Revlsw tnlra MIamI Revlsw, a dally (except Salurdsy, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, publlehed at Miami In Dads s County,'Florida; thaLthe attached copy of advertisement, i being a Legal Advertlaement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF. MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING -February 17, 1994 RE: Fire .Department's. Hazardous r Material Response Vehicle x x x In the ......................................... Court, waa publlehed in ssld newspaper In the Issuea of February 7, 1994 Affiant IuHher says thal the veld Mlsml Dally Business Revlsw Is a newspaper publlehed at Mlaml In said Dads County, Florida, and that the sold newspaper has hsrotoforo ' been continuously published in sold Dads County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and ..has been entered as second class mall matter at the post olflce in Miami in avid Dade County, Florida, for a period of one yearns preceding the flrot publication of the attached copy of a Isement; and alllant furthecaays thst she has neither al nor promised any peroon, Ilan or corporation any dl co t, rebate, commlealon or round for the purpose of s url p this adva Isement for publication in the said news ar. Swom to and subscribed beforo ms this 7th day of .........February.., A.D. te...94 ~ ~~~/~• . (SElil) ~Rnor~ to m~ , Soo~i Ills s P ~ pppltUt. NOTARY S8A4 QiBRYL H MARMdR (JOMIV11S510N NO. CG191612 lA(YOOAtlt~ilSSION FiXP. APR. 12,1996 '- _ ~ ~ °' ~ ~~~ rn 7:.~~ .. _: ~ m ~ . ~~ f' - - .".. ~o ~~ ,.. ~ V + .~ rb:.t: F .•..d r-~ r M.. ..1 `05) 3773721 BroWard (305) 468.2600 / (305) 945'6577 Palm Beach (407) 820.2060 Afflllates of Time Wamer Inc. r ,~ DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW T r v n c M I .. i i k P.O. BOX 010689 r t T ~ C L~ R K .•'° i• T i Y Fi T; :` I MIAMI, FL 331~~1-0689 o: ?OY :;? 7: L TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE .. ,;:..~• " - ~,.:, :, x ... ,~.. •..,.. NO ~ ~• 1CU5TOMER BER , ~, IU E r .,, ...ATE ''INVOICE NO. ,;.,y "w~'D.PA THE 7 ' .; .D ~. .,,•I00DE . ., . cr., t`i.+f.. ~ ,..~...__N_. , . ~ ..,,. :tw CODE .'',SALES - M R Q . ~ :.ORD , . . ~ .,, .. I I I ~ ~ ~ , ~. a/.-.~ 4~, _ - ,. ,~ ~ r r :' ti , : l e d ~ '~ UNT ~ ~ `AMO ,U ~ '~' NIjPRICE: Z ~' ~ ,. . .. DESCRIPTION. .. .. , ,..+r;~ ,~.. _... , ., . S RIJ4L?C~a~'r'. ?~";~= t /'_7/`.'': .. 1+EG,A:. NOT{C RATt:.~ _. j s' _ c r r';. / I-"' Y, n ~r•.r c.^;t,rrn inch, • . .. . h1~ . ~1~. ~ ~ i • ~r` .. .. .. .- l ~.t~. ~. .:1 nL: rJlir. Gtr. r. ; 1~ ~1 . . r , ~•- O~ U r 1 i^ l: FROM THIS INVOICE ~y ~~ d'~ k~4 ~ rf A t. ~~ v ~~. !.r~~^T ,~;y o°ys '' ORIGINAL-PLEASE PAY ,y{ ..~` .! .,{ 1 ,err _ -. .R 7 ~ rJ ."'r ~ ~ f r~_~"'a ,~ t •..~ ~w~ ~7,~r''}J~~~~ a _~ 7S fir- ~ "~ .,t F ~ ~ ;~ w~.a.v j ~ ` 'v ="~q~C U$~70TA. L f G •'~~ • ~: :ALES TAX ;.~; ~ [ P ~ • L -- t 'Y ~ ~5, Y T. * a .. _ MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Le al Hol da I s g _y Miami, Dede Count Ftorlda. •~ Y. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Beloro the underolgned authority peroonelly appeared Sookle.tlllilllams, who on oath says that she is the Vlce Prosldenl of Legal Advartlsing of the Miami Daily euslness Revlew flkla Mlaml Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sundsy and Legal Holidays] newspaper," published at Miami in Dada County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Public Hearing February 17;'19.93 in the ~::. ......... ~.. X..X ..... ......:.. Court, was published In sold nevvepaper in the Issues of February 2, 1994 Alllant further says that the said Miami Dally Buslnesa Revlew. is a newspaper published at Miami In ssid Dade County, Florida,'and that the Bald newspaper has herotofors bean continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been enterod as second class mall matter at the post ollice In Mlaml In said bade County, Florida, for a period of one ys t preceding the Iirot publlcatlon of the attached cop f adv Isement; and afllant further says that she has .net er psi horpromissd any peroon, firm or corporation an dleco t, rebate, commisslon or rotund for the purpose of ecu g this vartlssment for publlcatlon In the sold ne p er. ' ... / , ~ Sworn to and subscribed before ms this ~.. a.y o ebruary..., A.D. ~s... 94 (SEAL) Sookle Wllllame peroonelly known to me. ~~~~ ~ A ~ ~;,• ~~ 71,x• -~ ~ _,....., .~-~ rr-, .;-7 < A _ ,C-,. . ..3 f ~l~ _ . .T ~ ' ' ~ i ~_, ,. , 4 :~ ;.y i ri t7', 1 i I _i t f } i t i t 1 s Y I t 3 I I (~ :S{ __ • . ~ ,._:.~. N~"~`~-'~'~05) 3773721 Broward (305) 468-2600 / (305) 9456577 Palm Beach (407) 6202060 Af1111ates of Time Warner Inc. ^ ` T ~.' ' = '? ' DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW ~ " T Y ,. _ : ~ -: '. i . Y H i . • ~ ' P.O. BOX 010589 p .'. =. ,"i Y : ~ 7 ~ ~. MIAMI, P1.33101-0589 ~• r•I_ ~`... LL_ J TERMS: NET DUE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE ;::. `'.SALES.000E .'~';, '.ORDERiJUMBER '., ,~...CUSTOMERNO. CODE ='~• - `,,DEPARTMENT DATE, INVOICE NO. . _. .. '. -.I ..... ;. ~• ^ ,,., .. --- :,.... ,,,- -. •: NIT PRICE AMOUNT; ,.. ~ ._ ;_- ~ ~ , ~~ :.' ! IV _ i ..~ .. . . .. . .. ORIGINAL-PLEASE PAY FROM THI5 INVOICE .M~S_t -. '' :;~ ~••'~S'~ K '~ o-"t' 3~ .•~ ... ~ :.'..~ P`:F'At/i1- ;v' Lr<Z''~'f`.y,4. '~, ~.°k. ~t ` `' f ~~N Y,.•n.r... L .~`~~y,.Y : rw ~ 1 .. h ~j:- ..~ ,~ "'~'~ +.n T,~ ' ._ ~~ i ._ at ._. '~ S~y§, ~ ~ '°~k~~'i t2"- 'AZ tn,~rf n.~•" .r ,y r. ~ ;. . f r !„t175.yY ,~, y,, ht-t^F c,y t~~t+'. ~.j ~TYNyt'<.~-y.tr 4a.'tt /'y"c-L~. rS ~.~eF 2~: ~ R 1+' }i, .~ f R "~~~'~i'...`G~.i "..--.i+.^ ~iw,'!t i-~w ~! F~P~ ..+. , ~ :~ t ~. ~.. ~. Ls- ..` ~ ~ ~+,~}.~ ttR -k~ y '~ 16Y '~ Y ~ ~.. yro '...: . w ~ a *'C '~,~, z0. „'.'r' I ~6 ~; k ! ; w tY ~ i~(.d dY4 ,;sL~ ~; yv r'"' P~-~!~t . ~. : x . y- t ,_^+~.t~-«'~.' '° ' ~,.-.,,..ti Jl ' } r. R * i+: DOTAL ,; i - ~ • S:TAX ~ I,•~• _v- .,,., ,.: ,. .. .:.. , a ~~ ,, -MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Dally oxcept Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holtdeys MIamY, Dade County, Florlda. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADS: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Wlllletns; who on oath says .that she Is the Vacs - President of Level Advertieinq of the Mlaml Dally Business RwIew7/kla Mlaml Review, a dally (except Saturday, Sunday and Legsl Hotldays) nevvspeper, published ai Miami In Dads County, Florlda; that the attached copy. of advsrtbemsnt, being a Lep61 Advertlssment of Notlcs In the msttar of CITY. OF MIAMI REGULAR MEETING RESCHEDULED-FOR FEBRUARY 17, 1994 in the ...,......• x X X /~~ •.. •........ ...• VVU~, was published In said newspaper In the issues of February 7 , 1994 Aftlent further says thst the asid Miami Dally Buslnsss Asvievv Is a newspaper published eC Mlsml In sold Dads County, Florlda; and that the esld newspaper hss hsrotoloro ' bs~n conlinuously!publlshed In aald Dede County, Florida, -each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and Mt been entsrod ae second class mall matter at the post office in Mleml In ssld Dade County, Fiorlde, for a period of -.one year next precsding the first publlcstion of the attached copy of dvarlissmenN, and aNlent further says that she has nelth p d nor promised any psroon, flan or corporotlon any sc nt; rebate, commiblon or refund for the purpose of s u q this advsrtisemant for publlcaUon In the sold os p er. /~~ Sworn to and subacrlbsd beforo ms this . ;~.~? day of ........ ,February .~ A.D. te... 94 (SEAL) ! !~~ ~) Sookle. Wlllla p ,owls to ms.~ ••:FOF F~pQ;. Op}7CIAL. NOTARY SBI-L C4{BRYL H MARMBR C'Dd~bItS510N NO. CC191641 lAY C{)TA.tif 19610N BXP. APR.12.19f16 ~~ ,., ~: n -<n ~,._, i;t• -_ ~.... I i } i f i t,p .^• ~. i ..n ~ ~~ i .1 1 ...+~ ~ i~J ~~ ~-~ '. ,~ fv j :. . i ~~ P I~I1~ I ~tt1t ~~ , _~ 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIbA 33127.1$97 1305) 757.1147 FAX (3051756.0771 j,; `: ~` ~. ACCOUNT NO. INVOICE DATE Att1l: Matty I"I11"ai City Cle1-k F'. 0. BOX 330708 INVOICE NO. AMOUNT PAID hiia~l, FL 3333-0708 28084 RETURN THIS STUB WITH PAYMENT DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE Thn Mi ~n~i Ti'n~n~ T~~.- Legals 02/17/94 Change of Feb. Meetin 4. c0 ~: 15.b00 70.20 Motce To The Public F'p "Nae ..1247. Affidavit Cha1-g~ 2M0P~ i ~ -'fir b' c.-.•. - - ~ ,,,~ x -.. ~~~ • rv m 72.20 DATE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE 'CHARGES CR~ITS ~! BALANCE ~.,+ 900 N.W. 54th STREET,MIAMi, FLORIDA 33127-1x97 THIS BILL IS DUE IN FULL ~~,Q,~ic~I11I ~l1Yte~ 13051757.1147 FAx 13o5175s•on1 WHEN RECEIVED DATE INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION .CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE' l ./ _. ~1, ... •., :, 'I .. ,., 1. _ t~ i _ .. _. , :. • ,. .. .. ... . • ,~ ... . _. :._ , ~ .. ,. ., ••:. ~. ,. .. ~. .. ,,,.. ;.., ., _. , 1 .... ..... t . , . ~ t DATE. INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE CURRENT OVER 30 DAYS OVER 60 GAYS OVER 90 DAYS ~ ~ ~~A /~ ~~~•~y j ~~~ w~! ~f ~j~ j~~ rn 900 N.W. 54th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127.1897 (3051757.1147 CLASSIFIED 1305175fl.A53a • FGY 1'1f1517F~.M71 A FINANCE CHARGE OF ' ;~ is 1 1 1.S WH/CH , AN ANNUAL RATE OF 1896 {NILE BE ADDED TO ACCOUNTS OVER 30 DAY;. i ~ -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~~ y {. tg ~' 7 i F Via, ~ f ` ~: ~~ YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPEp 305!669.7355 A FREE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER VOICE • SERVINGi DADE COUNTY SINCE 1958 / YOUR HOMETQWN NEWSPAPER " PUBLISHED BY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS, INC. PUBLISHED FRIDAY MIAMI, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Be(ore the underslaned authority personally appeared JOAN ROSS who on oath says she Is OFFICE MANAGER of t.egal Advertising of Your Hometown Newspaper, published Friday at Mieml in Dade County, Ftorida; that the attaohed copy of advertisement, being a Legat Advertisement of Notice In the Matter of IN RE: THE CITY OF MIAMI in the =- X X X Court, was pubNahed In Bald t newspaper In the Issue of FEBRUARY 7, 1994 Aftlant further says that the said Your Hometown Newspaper published at.ll"Itaml In said.Dada.County,.Florida, and that the newspape- bas heretofore been oontinuoualy published In said Dade County, Florida, and-has been entered as second class mall mailer et the post office In Mlaml In said Dade County, Florida, for a period. of one year next pre- `. ced(nH the Hrst publication of the attached copy of adverttaement; and afQanC hrrther says that she has Walther paid not promised any person, firm or corporation any rebate, oommisslon or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication In the said newspaper. PROOF OF PUBLJCATION AFFIANT Sworn to and subscribed before me this • 7TH ay f A FEBRUARY ig 94 . ~ .. ~r~~ -~ ...~ ,~„~~~~ ~ rR4' F(i, aFF1CIAl tlaTl~RY 38:i1 JE 1~~LEDO" ~~< ~, .~ `~• ~~sus c ~al.e:aa nt or type or stamp mrrl}BSIo a name o c ~ ~ (SEAL) ~ :, Q C 7.71 5 9 k ; yrs. ~ MY CO~trR15510M GkP. ~ + or FAO AA~t 7 ~~ ~ " My Commission Ezptres: ///'' Personalty known X .Your Hometown Newspaper Published by Community Newspapers, Inc. 679ti S.W. 62nd Aver,ua South Miami, Florida 33143 61i9-7355 T ¢~ W 0. a~ . z~ z 3 0 OO /A~ L^i ./ .~ Mz .. r7 .. . r W - V, - Z_ N ~': . O W ~ y o~ao ~ ~ m 10 ~ ~~° e o Q ~ ~ ~~ a pt~ ~ o.w ~ m p LJ.! Z"C~a aa,uo.~m~$.~ (7 d. Z p m ~ oo 'g a a ° 0 61 a. ~ ¢ ~_ er ~ m ~~ ~~~ m= s ~,Vj '4~ m a ~3 ~ a`~ o a a ' et a m ~' C .y '- 0 0 W ~ ~, $~ E e o. m • p •a~mm a ~~'oa°aE ,o <u,~ V 1'~' tali O a.`o ~ ~ 3 Z ;, o ~ o `o a,0iz ~ ~h., 0 ~• Qom, C~ D`~ ~ ~.. t9qp t6~ pO.C ~~_C .»~! W z¢ F" ~ati~ V E a t `° m~ ao 0 a '~ ~LLZ gz W-- °~ E..r ° p p a~.. o =v~ a o 0~ a- a ~, ZW O Z~r o m H ~t a a" 10~~ c~ W ~ y W ~V.o as ~ ~u.r o'o m 0 E o Wc V ~ Qp 'gO.:'°'3r ~, .~ e?~°LL`ot moo p o G Q m»a«a H ~ rn r~ao~~aa.~ OC zz ~ ~~- a a a a ~ N `~ ~ tii C ~Z mz v ~ ^' aC $ ~~ ~ a e~ v W ¢Q a~0.0o WW DCm my maWOa ~ p ~ m ~ 0 ss.e o a~ x 5C ~ ^ ~ w€ ~9 :! a W a ~ W 0 a p~ O~E,.m ~~ ~ ~~0~$m~~~ u. 0=9~ ~ o err O ~ ~ <p~ m o~~~ m a ~ a m or_ e e `o~ O Q ~ C~ 3!o•t%Q -z-i ~ ~ W Q ar a~~ ~C w a >1 1 { ~ Si 4 l T' r. i 7. ~ f ~~ '~~i aft ~' nT.l..,i -. ~ ... .. ., a m E ~' m ~ o a1 m T .O m a a 1i a t N W E ~. E ~,,~^^ itt~. 1= x m m q ~ o i a 3 m a =za'°~. a o § ~ E• EE3;~~ o~N~ o. = •„,o~rr o ~ L a t' ~. H ~T ' J 1 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER 3051669.7355 A FREE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER VOICE • SERVING DADE COUNTY SINCE 1958 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED. BY COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS, INC. PUBLISHED FRIDAY MIAMI, DARE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: Before the underaipned authority personally appeared JOAN ROSS who on oath says she la OFFICE MANAGER of Legal Advertising of .Your Hometown Newspaper, publlahed Friday at Mlaml In Dade County, FloNda; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertlaement of Notice In the Matter of IN`RE: THE CITY OF MIAMI in the X X X Court, was publlahed In said newspaper In the Issue of FEBRUARY 7, 1994 Affiant further says that the said Your Hometown Newspaper published at Mleml In said Dade County, Florida, and Chet the newspaper has ..heretofore been continuously publlahed in said Dade County, Florida, and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office In Mlaml In said Dede County, Florida, for a period of one year next pre- ceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertlsemenh and af(lant further says that she has Walther paid not promised any person, flan or corporation any rebate, commiealon or refund for the purpose of securing this advertlaement Ior publication In the Bald newspaper. .PROOF OF PUBLICATION - AFFIANT `'yam Sworn to and subscribed before me this -7TH d y of FEBRUARY 19 94 _„y: ~. °~~;%~' ~z.~:rt O,~P.RY ~-~4, crr~c~:afw r~c'i,~t; ~; : ~:.:. ~~ ;JE S°TOL`ED'O ),~ •,-,F, -:~-`~~ ~,:su, c •~rat.krr; nt or type or a p~co w u c ~. =}~- d (SEAL) "-` ? 'y:}~~` p C C'l.'T y t.15 ~ sfr ~,~ ~ NY Cqh{~dluFilptd (i:t'~, u aFF1.0~~ AuFf. 1t^.'1~~; 4 My Commission Eicplrea: !w.."""~"""`''".,w."'.."""."""`."`""'"""""."`s•",. Perwnelly known X Your Hometown Newspaper Published by Community Newspapers, Inc. 679!3 S.W. 62nd Aver.ua South Miami, Florida 33143 ' 669.7355 My v k s ~. ~.y; ~.. pW,,, 0. . N `~ ~, Z.. ~~. O ~ , W V `. z N O V W G o W Z a Z ~ ~ 0. ~ ~ a •C ~. c ~ W Z _ Q 3 a > W C }, Q, Z ~ ~ z "W ~ cq 0 ~ = V G ~' Z W m vac O o a W ~ _ _ ~ 4` y. w W 0 a a ~o Op LL 0 O~ ~Z a~ y Oacm OC 5 ~ ,~ z=c~ m om9~ .~ ~a ,~ c D a C .O ~Ec ~a_r a~wm ~~z E +o~_ C W ~ ~~9 a -.Q ~~ ~ZU. a.. ~~~Om ~W~ as 7 LL ~ V '~ n ti a. m $~~r o a ~ w ~~oo ~TZm2 O M C •_• O 3,eoio~ ~ m O ~ E .°. ° c $ m o ; ~ m O 3a°•u.Q !~, ~; .K.,~z,~ ate, w 0 U H w a mm10~~'~co ~~c~= ~ ao b m ~ ~ n, u. c m o ~. ~. p ~.3~8.$~Wma O ~` , t0 g c~ ~~ ` a b Y e o e O ~~~ O O O ~.Db Z~C~oo`o.c~ r ~~'~ m~ aoro; m~~E~~9`oe E f0~ E a m ao c _~ a C U t r w ~ O ~~aa ~~_~ E _ u o _ _ ~ a l~u,.a°'omCE~ a$a 'O~aeo$ a ~ c a.~OtL cr~3 ~ ~~o»~~a~~ ' r .'~ ~ ~ '~'S r ~ ~ 1`0. e r ~ ~ ~ e m~ ~r Z F DQ ~ m , aC $ ~.ap~» a~ ., a ° ~, c o Q V ~ ~ a '~ ~ ~ ~ ~+ ~ v ~. E `° ~ ~ic~~~o~~~ ~ u~ a ~ .~ o w~~~ ~i ~ . G u $ ~ ~ ~~ ~ e E ~ W o? .~ . s = c _ Q`at a~~ m~ w d ~S m m 3 O a 7 m z c a E 3 N ,_ *„ U • ~ OTj S- ~ 11~ ti CA 1 ;7 U h ~~ '" u u: ` v s n $, ~ `a r<Y a ~a~ , s ~ ~ 3 h y ~~ 'J°~\ ~~~d0 .Y ZZav~ ~c ~ ~~, u ~ c~~O W ~ ~ ~~y0 e u §~o ~~ + ~ ~ 'm E '$ f .r~~'~'j~ty a o~yg , ~r.. _~~~ i 'gyp 4';~'Q ~ .~ ~ (jl r R1.lI ~ e ~' i ~ o `0~~ E ~ ~ w ~ >~ ~. ~ t ~. STATE OF FLORIDA:. COUNTY OF DADS: t c Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge H. Consuegra, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager. of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Oade ` County, Florida. Affiant further. says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal. Notice or advertisement and: was during all such time. and now is entered as second class mailmatter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County,-.Florida,. and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was°published in , DIARIO LAS AMERICAS ~ INV. # 17~s' ~,6 '~ on the following days: ~.~ ~ 3 P.O. # ORDERED:~R L Ea.g~9~ Signed.. GC,f' Swor o an bscribed before of ~ 19,~~_, in Miami, __'L~A, Q ; Dade County; Florida. { r ttttttattttttttttttt~ttttttt~ttt~ttttttttt~t~tttt i TEARSHEET ATTACHED ~ ; *e.Y Pbe Rite Fi~a:ta ~i1P.VafIY1 t ` a~ ~ Notary Pub!i•:• ;,'~•° of Ftotida i ` `: ~~ro` Cotntni5suu: Nor. CC 3AtQ4 t O d •. ~' 'f'or ~°~ MY ~oaunission ,:spires UllOW98 Amount ~ ,~ /l . ~ • ' ., ~ ~ ~;~~~.a~al~c < + p~~p ouehFlRNotuy. i !! !!!!!!!! lll!!l!!!!llll!!!!!!!!llll!!!ll ! l ~I ,. r, Notary Public • :~~ '~i~'I~~ ~ t~ ~_; -~ ~ ~~`~ ~ 8~t =I ~d 1 ~ 83.E iii ~ ~ ;' A ~~~StfisQ Itl~ 1"!!tt { I ~~j~~R~,}4 t:i .I'~.jl r 1~~r{ ~1~ ~r .31.3i~~3 {: ~+ .,, :« 3n..~,..,.w~ { . ~ ~ .rte u ~ Y Y _ --~ ~ _ i~ti~i ~II1 i 900 NW 54th STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 ' (305) .757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF< FLORIDA ~ ~ ~ PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE _ , ,. Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MOHAMED HAMALUDIN who, on oath, says that he is the ' Managing,F.ditor of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly. newspaper publlahed at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: February. I7, :1994.... Afliant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a~newspaper pubHahcd in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that .the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matterat the U.S. PostOtilce in Miami, DadeCounty, Florida, fora period ofmore than oneyear next preceding date of publication of the attached copy ofadverttsement; further afTiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in -this newspaper. ' ~ ~~~ ` I j ~ ~`~ Managing Editor i:, Swornl . an subscribed before me on this, the 21st day of Feb. A.D. 19 _ 94 ~ ,, ~ r i, , , ~'' E , , 111 ~ BLIC STA OF D ~ ~ AT ` GE. My commission expires: ' : ~ ' t~fa•C{1~~i5S1Utd EXij JUG Y 2;51935 ! ~' O,CPiUf~Q 7ii2U.GElI[~sAl. I1tS. UiD. ~; a 1 4, :~ ti •, ~~ ~ ,~ ~,:a.~., ; .Q~:~.~1 _ :lii hIA~`L't~tl'~t City of Miami \`~,~° lYti5i6~' ~..~„~,. REQUISI'~ION FOR ADVERTISEMENT Z~ x.143 This number must appear in; the advertisement INST UC1'IONS: P .a d arttnen (~f~i.ae o~ the City Clerk 2. Division: lv/A Ac~QUnt number. ~~tflul`~~7 4. Js this a confirmation: ^ Yes ^ No 5. P e ed by ~ag~a Ystterson .6. Size, of advertisement: point as necessary 7. Startitwl~te: LET 4 8. j~i~phgn~,rutmber. LJU J3bu 9. Number of times this advertisement is to be ublished 10. Ty a of advertisement: Le aI ^ Classified ^ Oi Ia 11. Remarks: PUBLIC HEARIIIG/FLAGLER/CORE AREA SECURITY DISTRICT. 12. Pub{ication Date(s) of Advertisement Invoice No. Amount i T , ._~ ~ 2/~/g4 g~ a ~7.ga ~ / 2/7/94 7~7~ ~// 4 a _ ~,` 2/7/94 -< _ ~ ~`° ~7 c~_~--~ ~ 7:~ ~--- 13. . ^ 'APProved ^ D)sapproved apartment Director/Designee ate ~ . , Approved far Payrne t / ' ate C' GSlPC 503 Rev. 12!89 Routing: Forward White and Cana tc G.S,A. (Procurement Management) and retain Pink -copy. DISTRIBUTION: White -G.S.A.; Canary -Department i r t i f i i ~ t f -" i ~ .'.:, ; CITY 0 MIAMI ~ - AUTHORIZArl'IOI~' TO ADVERTISE: l __._ ,. , .,~, 4. ~ ~ D i ate: February 3, 19.9 . Publications DiARIO LA3 AMERICAS p ,. , , ' ; p~ ~, _ • ~/ ~ i • Please publish the attaGhecl advertisement one time to bes Published on: Februar~i,7i 1994. j Section: taocal - Legal Display ' ~ ~i zv 7 POINT. TYPE/AS NECESSARY Sa~b~ect PUBLiC HEARING/FLAGLER%CORE AREA SECURiTY:DISTRICT E ~~ Please: send notarized roof of p publication; and .in~boice to: F MATTY H I RA I; ' CITY CLERK. ~ . ` C~Y OF MIAMI, FLORIDA P. 0. Box' 330708 • Miami, .`;Florida: `33233-0708 _ ~ For further information please c~ntact Karl a Pat r to $On. i 1 ' e i T®lephone n ~._Z50_-5 360 , ext. 5566. _ l t ,. ~ t - ~ ~d f ~ ~ 4~ N ." ` ~ r, ~ j #~ { ~ RECEIUED FROM ~~, ~3~ 19'31 !ui 30 P . 3 j ` ... _... _. ' { y 1 1 ~. 4S ~ 1. (' l ,. _ - l - ~ - :., i.~ ,, .„ , r ~, '. t ., ~ ~ . . i i STATE ~F FLORIDA: ~ COUNTY OF DADS: ~ _~ Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Jorge H. Consuegra, to me well-known, who being. duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County,' Florida.. Affiant .further says. that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily; except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, .for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all -such time and now is entered, as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami,. Dade ` _ .County, Florida; end that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS INV. # ~ ~ ~~ ~ , on the following days:.. ORDERED: ~ ,~ L ~ ~~, g' ~ 9 ,Signed Sworn t a su gibed. before this ~_ of i~~ . 19 9 ~ , in Miami,. Dade County, Florida. 1 ~, tpAY P(~ Rt~1 T1 ~.~-li}~`rkt47ui0 ' 7EARSHEET ATTACHED ~' a°~n NoiBry 1 ~ :,; Cd : IOri4o i. ' ' o Corat7~ ;uu c ~,~ .C :i4 tUi d U ~ ~ ; ~'``'of ~°? My Cumtnss~,;~ Lxpires U1/U6198 ~ AmOUnt $ ! //, 'Z '+ ~' dca'I'htouahFlaNavy&rvice~eooaingCo. ~ + '` ' aat lu~a~tr~~t«ttta~la««<r~t«ataatt < i ~~~ f S t Notary Public n ~o ..=-~ .~ s~ ?U ~.~ ~~ -~ co ~ 3 -r~ ..~ '. ;; ~ r"' ~~. C~ ,..~ Z,~ N~ , ~~ 1 ~, ,. "?b•, ~ 'y p lint{LS 11 U 4 y {~ t City 1 ~YbifR~ Y-itiAl 7~ftA iSi (-Yi ~t F • ' of Miami 1 ?. 4 G ~~~~~~ ttn~.. . ~' ~t~is~~I~EQUISITI4N' FOR ADVERTI ~. ~tM'. ~~ SEMENT This number. must dve a _Q a r tisement INSTiitICTiON : ` pl if~ipcemo~ the City CLerk 2. Division: i~T/A 3 o nt a number: 2~~ "~~ 2~'~ 4. is this' a confirmation: 5..Qre r d a~~~ ~~dtterson t - . ^ Yes ^ No . 6, -_SizQ of dvertisement: ecessar s G~ 7. 5tartin e' ~1~~}i94 8. ho umber: ~~~ ~~b y n poin~ a 9: Number` of times this advertisement is to be 10. Ty a of advertisement: ublished: "one Le al ^ Classified ^ Ois i 11:' Remarks: U'~;LiC ' iLARIIvG/Ii.A~.iiAT3 3Y E . S . E : F . Publication Date(s) of Advertisement Invoice No: Amount Iv;.IAi•II ^l Ii+fi~5 2 j 7 j 9 4 ~~ ~J DIARIO LAS AMERICAS / ~ ~- 2 j 7/94. ~g f ~Q PAitORAMA ~ 2/ 7 1 9 4 ~, , , ~ ~ ' ~- `---'~ ~ ~ ii'i -<- -.,_ ~ ,;~ ...., *~ _ ., ., ;L y !~},.,. ~ 13. ^ Approved Disapproved ~ ~ Department irector/Designee Date. ~ % Approved or P nt Date C GS/PC '.503 Rev: 12/89 Routing: Forward Whfte and Canary to G.S.A. (Procurement Management) and retain Pink copy. DISTRIBUTION: WhNe -G.S.A.; Canary -Department t t,; o , , 6ti., r t E `!~ '. S i STATE OF FLORIDA: , COUNTY OF-DADE: ~ i. Personally appeared before me the undersigned, :Jorge H. Consuegra, to me i welE-known; who :being duly sworn deposes and -says that he is Credit' Manager: of Diario ,Las ; Americas, .newspaper of general- circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade " ti County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above .named newspaper has. continuously i published daily except Mondays in ,Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication `of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during- all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office: in Miami, Dade - I Courity, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto. attached, I was published in ¢ DIARIO LAS AMERICAS ~ ; 8 .INV. # ~~ S~ on-the following days: 3 ~ P.O. # ORDERED: /I fIR L r E'I3, ~ /Y 9 i` Signed .,~ Swor is y of 19 ~y , in Miami, Dade Co , Florida. 1 TEARSHEET ATTACHED i ap ' Amount $ , ~ ~'~ , 4 i. ,} 1 ~ ., ~;. < .:. ~ y, Rita i-4n;ial; ~ : ,n t I '''' ~~ ° Natnry 1 u~Jic,',t~i r i ,ari~ta ,~~x ~ Corn:n~ ~iun Wu t t: 3vl ~Y} } "u, r<<' PAy,Culnn:isxiou fix~ires+~t/UG/98 ~ Ikndcd Turouglt I°la Nsa~rry 5a:+•icc & Bcnding C0. ' !!!!~!!!~!!I!!!!!!ldll~!!!!I!!!l!!~!!!!l~YIKhM~. ~ - } i ~~isr~la j~.~~t~~~~IsW !~?~~xn~a~a ~y~ ~ i I -{ STATE OF FLORIDA: ' COUNTY OF DADE: -; f Personally.. appeared before me the undersigned,. Jorge H. Consuegra, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Credit. Manager of Diario'Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade I County, Florida. Affiant further -says that the above named newspaper. has continuously. E .published daily except Mondays,in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year "immediately preceding first publication of said" Legal .Notice or advertisement and was during all such time • and now'is enteretl, as second class mail "matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade ~ County, Florida; and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached,. was published in , ; - DIARIO LAS AMERICAS - "• r on the following days: INV. # ~ ~ 7? ~ i - P.O.# ~2 ~ ~` ORDERED:~~ _ E- $ 8 9y Signed Sworn re me #his day of~~ 19 ~/ ~ , in Miami, ....Dade County, Florida. 'TEARSHEETATTACHED ~ OD Amount $ . ~ '•. _ ~ i L • Notary Public ` ~ j ~r °~s Rita Hnaan rv ~• . c , ~' ~P Gmuru .a. (~ ~ t L :}al~t4 CC s Z~ ~' ~'~'o+•~'.oQ My Corr~rssstuu E::pires ui ~ut,~<; ~ S` &wdad'fluuu~h Flw NMuy &'n'ite R Homling Co. ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(l~lc~'~ f 8 ~ ~ 1 ~d I ~ ~3~ ~fi 1~~1Si~il~ istal<i3:#~>>'~l~ :lt:i~~~i!:J~11?d > _, ~'1 r ;, , 'ADVERTISING INVOICE ~ `°~ '~ ~f~~ ... ~.:J BATE INSERTION ORDER # FECI-IA 2.15.94 ORDEN DE INSERCION SOLD TO: . VENDIDO A: CIUDAD OF MIAML FIARIDA PRODUCT ADVERTISED: PRODUCTO ;ANUNCIADO: AUDIENCIA PUBLICA DATE PUBLISHED FECHA~INSERCION 2 ..11.94 SPACE SOLD: ESPACIO VENDIDOt ~ FULL PAGE ~ HALF PAGE ~ QUARTER PAGE OTHER COST PER INSERTION: 1? .INCH . $ 11.00 . pox' .inch . ZUTAL 187.00 COSTO POR INSERCION: $ AGENCY CONIIVIISSION OR DISCOUNT: COMI5ION DE AGENCIA O DESCUENTO: $ NBT AMOUNT: DUE: CANITDAD META A PAGAR' $ ALL INVOICES DUE AND PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED LAS FACTURAS VENCEN A SU PRESENTACION A NO SER POR PREVIO ACUERDO MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: EL EXPRESO DE MIAMI EL EXPRESO DE MIAMI IS DISTRIBUTED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN TfS OWN TRUCKS REACHING OVER 30,000 HISPAMC HOUSEHOLDS 342 SOUTHWEST ..12th. AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 TELEPHONE: (305) 643-1494 r` „,~. ~. j .~, .. STATE OF ~L.ORIDA: ,. + •. ~ CQUNTY OF,DADE: - ; Personally appeared before me the. undersigned; Jorge H. Consuegra, to me i ~ well-known,'who being duly sworn deposes and-says that he is Credit Manager of Diario Las `Americas, newspaper_of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County; Florida. Affiant further .says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida,. for more than one year immediately .preceding first publication of said Lega! Notice. or advertisement and was during all such time and now: is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade - County; Florida, and that the Legal Notice or AdvertisemE~nt, all copy of which is hereto attached, t ....waspublished iri DIARlO LAS AMERICAS ' INV. # bn the following days: //'' P.O. # ~ T ORDERED: ~ ~ ~ E" ~~. 9~ Signed Savor o an ubscribed b ore me this day of ~~- 19 -~ , in Miami, Dade County, Florida: ~ccc«~«ctcc~ctc~a«~`1c~~~«<t~t~titsts~tti~a«t ~ TEARSHEET ATTACHED ~ ~ c~~Y P~4' jtita Hpnan Navacm : ~ Notary Public, Statc of Florida Coramissiou fJo. CC 34104 tres0l/ON98 Ex i b ~ ~~ p es n MyComm ~~ Amotant$ ~a ~ di 4 D i ~ a` on er l Bwk1 FIB. Nduy Sev !!!l~K~!! ~!!!!~N//N!!! lllllUllll!!! K \''~ Notary Public 1 r '.' yj s1~~ ~ - :r:: ~ -- -~ 1 .~ ' 2 ~., ~ , - ~ "s { .:-~,