HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-95-0839M 1 J-95-981 11 /8/95 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY (5,280) RECYCLING TOTE BINS FROM REHRIG PACIFIC COMPANY FOR THE CITY'S MULTI -FAMILY RECYCLING PROGRAM UNDER AN EXISTING LEE COUNTY CONTRACT NO. Q-950011, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION AND SOLID WASTE, IN AN AMOUNT RESOLUTION NO. 9 5 r 839 NOT TO EXCEED $22,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE FY'95296 RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT FUND 197007-421305-840; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR SAID ACQUISITION. WHEREAS, the Department of General Service Administration and Solid Waste needs to purchase recycling tote bins to expand the City's existing recycling program to include all triplex and quadruplex residences in the City of Miami; and WHEREAS, a planned four -day collection (January 1996) for residences Citywide is anticipated; and WHEREAS, through the new curbside commingling collection of materials and the addition of several other recyclable materials from residents, a substantial increase in participation is expected, the commingling collection process provides convenience to our participants, ease of collection for our workers and improved collection efficiency; and WHEREAS, by utilizing an existing Lee County contract this purchase will further enhance the department's ability to realize revenue savings through the CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF DEC 0 7 05 Resolution No. 95- 839 diversion of tons of recyclables from the waste stream, additionally, revenues gained from the sale of recyclable commodities will be significant; and WHEREAS, funds for said purchase is available from the FY'95296 Recycling and Education Grant Fund 197007-421305-840, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The purchase of five thousand two hundred eighty (5,280) recycling tote bins from Rehrig Pacific Company, for the City's multi -family recycling program, under existing Lee County Contract No. Q-950011, for the Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste, in an amount not to exceed $22,000.00, is hereby authorized, with funds therefor hereby allocated from the FY'95-'96 Recycling and Education Grant Fund 197007-421305-840. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for this service. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of December , 1995. ATTEST: STEPHtN P. CLARK, MA OR WALTER J. FO A CLERK 2 95- 839 PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: r RA EL O. DIAZ DEPUTY CITY A ORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: i' CACITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA � INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ' TO: Honorable Mayor and Members DATE : NOV 2 8 1995 FILE of the City Commission SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing the purchase of Recy- cling Bins for City's Cesa io Multi -Family Recycling FROM Cityger REFERENCES: Program Under a Lee County Contract No. ENCLOSURES: #Q-950011 RECOMMENDATION The Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste respectfully recommend that the City Commission approve the attached resolution authorizing the purchase of 5,280 Recycling bins at a total cost of $21,595.20 from Rehrig Pacific Company, a non -minority vendor, located at 1850 NW Avenue, Gurnee, IL 60031, for the City's Multi -Family Recycling Program under an existing Lee County Contract #Q�-950011. This purchase would allow for the expansion of the City's existing recycling program to include all triplex and quadruplex residences in the City of Miami. We anticipate, a planned, four -day collection (January 1996) of these residences Citywide. Additionally, through the new curbside commingling collection of materials and the addition of several other recyclable materials from residents, we expect a substantial increase in participation. The commingling collection process provides convenience to our participants, ease of collection for our workers and improved collection efficiency. This purchase will further enhance the department's ability to realize savings through the diversion of tons of recyclables from the waste stream. Additionally, revenues gained from the sale of recyclable commodities will be significant. BACKGROUND The requested additional recycling bins are necessary to enhance the City's existing residential curbside recycling program. Specifically, these bins will be used to ensure our proficiency in service delivery to multi family dwellings. Funding for this purchase is available in the FY'95-'96 Recycling and Education Grant Fund; 197007-421305-840. 95-- 839 Fax:30SV5fi1?07 pov 34, '95 12*35 PRcxLRE*lNIEN'i" MOW, CITY OF tVl':tAM[, FLOMDA p. U2/02 345678808199 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 70 • Judy S. Carter tSartOctober 25, 1.995 Filb : chief Procurement offico Ge ral. Services Administration Purchase of Recycling ./ ,/qLM zienn� M. Ma.cbetti FROM Deputy Director Bins for CI tv s Multi - Family Recvclinq aEFEAE1401-5Pr octr am Solid Waste Division cnc asu�t�s She Department of General Services Administration and Solid Waste has verified available fundinq with the Department of Budctet that funds are available to cover the cost of the subiect bid, 5,260 bins for City's Multi--FamiZv P.ec•�clinq program in an amount not to exceed $2.2, 000 - Funds are available from the FY' 95-' 96 Recyclinq and Education Grant, tzccotint Code Iiu. 421.305-840. Proiect No. 197007. t BLS E P, REVIEW 1�PROV D :Y_ hoha Sura a, AEs28t3r1t City e�anauer D artment of Management and sudget A/I/lw 8393 95- 6r.L .,.U.r ~.Hh-z- A 1414 IV .0 1 UL I 16'95 14:42 NO.UU3 P.01 fta-W Fax Note 7672 WU airvat Y c'""Omy OF M14.rn 71(A c nA 6 1 #J Low% &VI chwo Felt Fa '* IWW -Z:-AJFt) Y044- D"=. nNal' n Nwn rJ ON w Plop _5 -r F-Ut, - IE4,1) VO,-- -,r 9 M< OR CA,0,4. M.E IQL r mk_ A0000O 14 yeD6(- '71-A ^) 70 1061C- YMn e- X -I;Fa LC P.O. Box 398 Fort Myers. Planda 33902-0.198 181.11335-2111 (013) 339-6273 Dhf NINNI(WrItS February 14, 1995 Mr. Dan Lynch Rebrig Pacific Company 2000L Raco, Court Wuw U. sidcol Lawrenceville, GA 30245 R22 PROPOSAL NO.: Q-950011 PVRCHASS OF RECYCLING TOTE BINS 0.414 A D%WW M. ftrkvr Dear Mr. Lynch All requirements of the specifications have been fulfilled. Please consider this letter as your "Notice to Proceed". The term of this contract is for one year (unless renewed) starting from the date of this notice. Your department contact will be Collin Davis at (813) 338-3203. It you have any questions concerning this quotation, please give me a call at (613) 339-6273. Thank you for your interest in County projects. Sincerely, Lee County Purchasing Division 10" - melody Buyer 11 cc$ Collin Davis File MLR/9mr 9 N I - R -.39 LtL# ,u.rUKLMHJ11v15 3y-bdt3C� OCT 16'95 14:43 No.003 P.02 ,. Oar /tkMYaarMe/ease ilr Y*"Wife• akaftw000m Now memo Rogow amerce memooOmm,����amoor1Yobmb wafte Noumea a" as r:OUMPi 99 COUNxR'7ACTIRTEM S L PTTO $5°191ACI M Sam Mt 40113 ,kewiesesrir„sosasvrsrr�ser�se�.tsessswtrrsroswrswranr rswwrmsss•aesrsaeaeeooeMeesrrsesMrMle AEQUESTP.D ACTIONS 2,,;,CtfKNIS$ION JISUICT # Appr eve award of Quote Q-950011, THE PURCHASE ppF R CYCLING TO SINS for the Department of Sa it Masts Sold va a liana ment , to the A. COMMISSIONER onY uoter �s tin ai 6 cieatin re i m nts lehr[ taCi it Com any, at a B. DEPARTNEW Soli+ d Vaste to t o 9a.00 per b1p. Also, re4yorest au hos ty to renew this contract two C. DIVISION SolidQasts Managementadditional one yfarperiods, at te same jeraas an conditions, fin the best. interest o BY Larry Johnson Lee County. �------ STATUTE ORDINANCE OADNR-CODE AC-4-1 liesRearo mac::ssrcea.:aeescsaa�ai aaesrrseenr�r=arstasanaras�=see tasnss.eeersesraaaeo�aseeees+s■ S. BACKGROUND On S ptember 9, 1994 the Division of Purchasin Services received a request i om the artment of Solid Vane (Solid Waste Nana nto�ntj to une khe lurchase of Recyc ng To a Bins. Seale q otes were receiv y urch s n ex ces on December { .994. On that date thirteen responses were rec6igqd, o yhi h nine ere "no bids". A torough review of eachi►ote was candu ted and on3 hrig aclilc CompIny vas found to be resg�onsiv Ind acceptabI or ec7 n�at�on f aver Jhe ow quoter, Lewis a ste% di not meet spec ficat ons, cause thiey would n y hold their, price until 1/3i/95, not one year as requested n the Spec f�ca ion. Account 401-5710-534060-5290-140-0000-00, Solid caste, Recycling, 'Other Supplies, Recycling. appeneral info�m ti n, it is antici ted at 5D Vaste gill purchase appr xiwata y 7,90 b no this year. � � � �3'O, ATTACHMENTS: 1 Tabulation Sheet De atmvant Request to Quote ons Vendors submittted Quo e 5 Department's Recommendation art�atterrrsrisnrrrrs�a p.narrr ecvsrrrs.c�:ssra=es.-;srrrr 6. RECOMMENDED �rr�..rrrrrvs.:ar�rrcctsrsrtszconsaase:nrrrrr:r:err N/A i N/A .t..rarrr ■irrrrrrv..:rt;oe�..wawre rrs.aasrreaCurrrcCwa�rr�li��oL're�rsCFrreitrcC=lesrrrl rr srs as rer as i 7 It is the department's responsibility to monitor their and not exceed the authorization level of the $50,000. aiartirrrswarr �j rsia.-reI tunes DNFFWR OTHER ED erRi�a elltrY�errt�+s Ctre■wool—t. rr rcv-ssNowaawmanonCi==crrfrcrssremown" as ratrir wwoomrririAfe 95— 839 17 LGt LU rUKLMHZ 114 0 OCT 16' 95 14 :44 PVn . 003 P.03 ►`" s'" C HM NN T 4-1 J bATE-: 12/6/94 PREPARED SYs MELODY ROXBURGH TAOVLATZoV 88ERT POR QUOTE 41 Q-930011 PuRCA"s OF RECYCLING TOTE BINS VENDORS A-1 Products ehriq Pacific eninsular Lewi5yatem Corporation Corp©ration Paper $5.49/Sm del. COST EACH $4.38 $4.09 $5.31/10M del. $4.05 LOCAL PREP.OF 3 ... AW . TOTAL DELIVERY 30-45 days 30-45 days 28-42 days 30-45 days MODIFICATIONS yes yes yes no - LOCAL VENDOR not indicated not indicated not indicated not indicated SIGNATURE yes yes yes yes yes CRIME FORM yes incomplete yes yes TRIPLICATE yes yes yes yes DELIVER WITH no yes no no OWN VEHICLE MEETS SPECS no yes no no 95- 839 / LtL.Lt -eUKLHHJ1NU i11si31�-3sy-b2ttU OCT 16'95 14:44 Nn.003 P.OQ PAGE TWO TABUI ATION 82X2T TOR QUOTE # t Q^t1S00�.1 PVRmWz Or UOYCLINGl TGTIN aria i VENDORS LowiSystem, ALTERNATIS COST EACH $4.40 .LOCAL PREP. OF 34 ADJ. TOTAL DELIVERY 30-45 days MODIFICATIONS no LOCAL VENDOR not indicated SIGNATURE yes CRIME FORM yes .:;TRIPLICATE yes DEL XVER WITH no i OWN VEHICLE MEETS SPECS no N�HI D3 Owatonna Equipment Company Reconversion Products, Inc. Grainger southern Park & Play systems, Inc. Evan Equipment CO. Universial wood Recycling Inc. Cape coral Hardware Vital Visions Corporation Flxible Corporation i 95- 839 AWARD LEE COUNTY BID NO. Q-950011 Five Thousand Two Hundred Eighty (5280) Tote Bins General Services Administration and Solid Waste Short Term Contract To expand the City°s existing recycling program to Include all triplex and quadruplex residences in the City of Miami. It is recommended that award be made to Rehig Pacific Company a non-minority/non-local vendor at an amooff Red to exceed $22,000.00. CHI�ROCUREMENT OFFICE Date 95- 839 f/