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J-95-707 10/2/95 RESOLUTION NO.9 5 — 775 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 13 AND 17 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, FOR THE LINDSEY HOPKINS TECINICAL EDUCATION CENTER PARKING GARAGE PROJECT OF NOT MORE THAN 879 PARKING SPACES, TO BE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 710 NORTHWEST 20TH STREET; GRANTING, WITH CONDITIONS, VARIANCES AND A SPECIAL EXCEPTION; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATING CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; PROVIDING FOR BINDING EFFECT; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on June 2, 1995, the applicant, Miami Parking Systems, on behalf of the Dade County School Board (hereafter collectively referred to as "APPLICANT"), submitted a complete Application for Major Use Special Permit for the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project pursuant to Articles 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, for that parcel located at approximately 710 Northwest 20th Street, Miami, Florida, described on "Exhibit B", attached hereto and in "Exhibit Al', the Development Order attached hereto; and WHEREAS, development of the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project requires the issuance of a Major Use Special Permit pursuant to Article 17 of Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting held on July 19, 1995, Item No. 6, following an advertised public ATTACH MFN (5) :CITY ComassIoli DIEETING OF CCT 2 6 1995 Jiesoluiion No. 95— 775 hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 38-95 by a vote of seven to two (7-2), RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the Major Use Special Permit Development Order as attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board, at its meeting of July 17, 1995, Item No. G, duly adopted Resolution ZB 83-95 by a vote of nine to zero (9-0), RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the Variances, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the Miami Zoning Board, at its meeting of July 17, 1995, Item No. 7, also duly adopted Resolution ZB 84-95 by a vote of nine to zero (9-0), RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the Special Exception, as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami to issue a Major Use Special Permit Development Order as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. A Major Use Special -Permit Development Order, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, is hereby approved with conditions as specified in said Development Order, per Article 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, for the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT") to be developed by the 2 S5-- 775 Miami Parking System, at approximately 710 Northwest 20th Street, Miami, Florida, more particularly described on "Exhibit B", attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3. The PROJECT is hereby approved for the construction of up to 326,380 total square feet. Section 4. The findings of fact set forth below are hereby made with respect to the subject PROJECT: a. The PROJECT is in conformity with the adopted Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, as amended; and b. The PROJECT is in accord with the G/I district zoning classification of Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended; and C. Pursuant to Section 1305 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the specific site plan aspects of the PROJECT, i.e., ingress and egress, offstreet parking and loading, refuse and service areas, signs and lighting, utilities, drainage, preservation of natural features and control of potentially adverse effects generally, have been considered and will be further considered administratively during the process of issuing a building permit and a certificate of occupancy; and d. The PROJECT is expected to cost approximately $8,540,000 (1995 dollars), to employ approximately 120 workers during construction (FTE), and to 3 95- 775 e. result in the creation of approximately 8 permanent new jobs. The City Commission further finds that: (1) the PROJECT will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; (2) the PROJECT will efficiently use public transportation facilities; (3) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT will be mitigated through compliance with the conditions of this Major Use Special Permit; (4) the PROJECT will efficiently use necessary public facilities; (5) the PROJECT will not negatively impact the environment and natural. resources of the City; (6) the PROJECT will not adversely affect living conditions in the neighborhood; (7) the PROJECT will not adversely affect public safety; (8) the public welfare will be served by the PROJECT; and (9) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT arising from safety and security, fire protection and life safety, solid waste, heritage conservation, trees, shoreline development, minority participation and employment, and minority contractor/subcontractor participation will be 4 95- 775 mitigated through compliance with the conditions of this Major Use Special Permit. Section 5. Variances from the terms of Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, are hereby granted as follows: to permit a side street yard setback of 5'-0" (7.5"-0" required); a building footprint of 54%; 179,015 sq. ft. (40%; 133,452 Sq. ft. maximum allowed); and a waiver one loading space of four (4) loading spaces required, per. Section 922, offstreet loading required for the Project. These variances are granted per plans on file and shall have a time limitation of twelve (12) months in which a building permit must be obtained, and, further, shall be subject to the Planning Division conditions of the Department of Community Planning and Revitalization. The herein approval is further based on findings that upon compliance with the conditions outlined above, the Project will be in compliance with all of the criteria as listed in Articles 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 and will be beneficial to the City by providing for more parking; and also finding that: (a) Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district; 9 5 - 775 (b) The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the Applicant; (c) Literal interpretation of the provisions of the zoning ordinance deprives the Applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the zoning ordinance and works unnecessary and undue hardship on the Applicant; (d) Granting the variances requested conveys the same treatment to the individual owner as to the owner(s) of other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district; (e) The variances are the minimum variance that makes possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure; and (f) The grant of the variances is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance, and is not injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Section 6. A Special Exception from Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, Article 7, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, G/I Government and Institution, to introduce a new G 95- 775 use for the property, located at 710 Northwest 20th Street, Miami, Florida (more particularly described as set forth on Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof), is hereby granted, subject to a time limitation of twelve months in which a building permit must be obtained. Section 7. The Major Use Special Permit, as approved, shall be binding upon the APPLICANT and any successors in interest. Section 8. The application for Major Use Special Permit which was submitted by the APPLICANT on June 2, 1995, and which is on file with the Community Planning and Revitalization Department of the City of Miami, Florida, shall be relied upon generally for administrative interpretations and is made a part hereof by reference. Section 9. This Major Use Special Permit shall expire two (2) years from its effective date, which is 30 days after the adoption of the herein Resolution. Section 10. The City Manager is hereby directed to instruct the Director of the Department of Community Planning and Revitalization to transmit a copy of the herein Resolution and attachment(s) to the developers: Miami Parking Systems, 190 Northeast 3rd Street, Miami, FL 33132. Section 11. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are made with respect to the Project as described in the Development Order for the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference. 7 95- 775 Section 12. The Major Use Special Permit Development Order for the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project, (Exhibit "A") is hereby granted and issued. Section 13. In the event that any portion or section of this Resolution or the Development 02:der_ (.Exhibit. "A") is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional by a court or agency of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner affect the remaining portions of this Resolution or Development Order (Exhibit "A"), which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 14. This Resolution shall become effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th ay 0J,--T -Db r1-jL995. ATTEST: (/ gR J. FQE CITY CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 4P"d C•l �. t-,.(C/t EL E. MAXW 1JL UTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Al QU . J NF,�$ , I — CITY 7� TO f JEM:BSS:ms:W246 'EPHE�N/P4- CLERK, f d" ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 95- DATE: LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER PARKING GARAGE PROJECT MAJOR USE SPECIAL, PERMIT DEVELOPMENT ORDER Let it be known that pursuant to Articles 13 and 17 of Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, has considered in a public hearing, the issuance of a Major Use Special Permit for the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT") to be located at approximately 710 Northwest 20th Street, Miami, Florida; see legal description on "EXHIBIT B'", attached hereto and made a part hereof; said legal description is subject to any dedications, limitations, restrictions, reservations or easements of record; After due consideration of the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Board and after due consideration of the consistency of this proposed development with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, the City Commission has approved the PROJECT, and subject to the following conditions approves the Major Use Special Permit and hereby issues this Permit: 95- 775 FINDINGS OF FACT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project is a parking garage structure, to be located at approximately '710 Northwest 20th Street, Miami, Florida. The PROJECT is located on approximately 7.66 gross acres and 6.39 net acres of land. The PROJECT consist of the following elements: 1. Legal Description: Tract "A" less the west 580 feet thereof, and tracts "B", "C" and "D", in the WEST DUNBAR SCHOOL SITE subdivision, according to the plat thereof_, as recorded in Plat Book 75, Page 87 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and also: Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, all in the Block 1 in the PLAT OF NORTH HIGHLAND subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 31 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with the following: the west 150 feet of the east 182.5 feet of the south 145.5 feet of the north 275.5 feet of the north one-half (N 1/2) of the north one-half (N 1/2) of the northeast one -quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the northeast one -quarter (N.E. 1/4) of Section 35, township 53 south, range 41 east, and: the west 82.5 feet of the east 115 feet of the south 95 feet of the north 130 feet of the north one-half (N 1/2) of the north one-half (N 1/2) of the northeast one -quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the north east one -quarter (N.E. 1/4) of Section 35, township 53 south, range 41 east, and: a 50 foot wide portion of northwest 8th Avenue, being bounded on 95- 775 the south by the westerly projection of the north right-of-way line of northwest 19th Street, and being bounded on the north by the south line of Tract "A", WEST DUNBAR SCHOOL SITE subdivision according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 75, Page 87 of the Public Records of. Dade County, Florida. All of the foregoing subject to additional right-of-way dedication for Northwest 7th Avenue as recorded in Official Records Books 7196 at Page 108, and 7522 at Page 695 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 2. Project Address: 710 N.W. 20th Street, Miami, Florida. 3. Zoning Classification: City of Miami Zoning District G/I. 4. Lot Area: Net = 278,135 s.f. = 6.39 acres Gross (includes to centerline of adjacent streets) = 333,630 s.f. = 7.66 acres. 5. Allowable area: Floor Area Ratio (FAR) = 1.72 allowed; 333,630 s.f. x 1.72 = 573,843.6 s.f. allowed 326,380 s.f. provided. 6. Loading Berth: 2 @ 12' x 3511 x unlimited ht. 7. Height: required = unlimited. provided = 75' 311. 8. Building Footprint: allowed: 133,452 s.f. provided: 179,015 s.f. 9. Parking: total on -site parking provided: 879 spaces handicapped spaces required: 18 spaces handicapped spaces provided: 18 spaces 10. Green Space: required: 50,044 s.f. provided: 53,204 s.f. 3 95- 775 11, Setbacks: N.W. 20 St./N.W. 7th Street: required = 10 ft. provided = 10 ft, N.W. 19th Street: required 7.5 ft. provided 5.0 ft. The project will consist of a total of 879 parking spaces in a six (6) story structure. The ownership, operation and maintenance of common areas and facilities will be by the property owner in perpetuity pursuant to a recorded Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. No rezoning or land use changes will be required for this application. The project will be constructed substantially in accordance with plans and design schematics on file prepared by Johnson Associates Architects, Inc., dated May 30, 1995, however shall be permitted to be modified only in whatever means necessary to comply with the conditions for approval imposed herein; all modifications shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of the Community Planning and Revitalization Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. The project conforms to the requirements of the G/I zoning district, as contained in Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended. The application for development approval also includes a required approval of a Special. Exception to introduce a new use. The existing comprehensive plan future land use designation allows the proposed use. The application for development 4 95- 7 5 approval also includes a required approval of a Class II Special Permit to reduce vertical clearance of loading space; pursuant to Articles 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, approval of the requested Major Use Special Permits) shall be considered sufficient for the subordinate request referenced above. The project may be constructed with up to 326,380 total gross square feet. CONDITIONS THE APPLICANT, ITS SUCCESSORS, AND/OR ASSIGNS, JOINT OR SEVERALLY, SHALL: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the submitted plans on file shall be modified to: 1) provide all required visibility triangles at the egress points of the building; 2. The facility shall provide for a staff member who will be responsible for scheduling all loading and unloading activities in such a way that there are never more than 3 trucks servicing the complex at any given time; 3. Meet all applicable building codes, land development regulations, ordinances and other laws; 4. Within six (6) months from the issuance of the Major Use Special Permit, provide a list of agencies from which approvals and/or permits must be obtained prior to initiation of development and the permit or approval required of each; 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the APPLICANT shall be responsible for necessary minor improvements on N.W. 19th Street between N.W. 7th and 8th Avenues in order to provide three 12-foot traffic lanes (2 through lanes and a left turn lane) ; 6. Prior to issuance of a building permit, allow the Miami Police Department to conduct a security survey, at the option of said Department, and to make recommendations concerning security measures and systems; further submit a report to the Community Planning and Revitalization Department, prior to commencement of construction, demonstrating how the Police Department recommendations, if any, have been incorporated into the project security and construction plans, or demonstrate to the Planning Director why such recommendations are impractical; 7. Prior to issuance of a building permit, provide a letter form the Fire -Rescue Department indicating the Applicant's coordination with members of the Fire Plan Review Section at the Fire -Rescue Department in the review of the scope of the project, owner responsibility, building development process and review procedures, as well as specific requirements for fire protection and life safety systems, exiting, vehicular access and water supply; 8. Prior to issuance of a building permit, provide a letter of assurance from the General Services Administration/Solid Waste Department that the project has addressed all concerns of the said Department; 6 95- 775 9. Prepare a Minority Participation and Employment Plan to be submitted within ninety (90) days of the issuance of this Major Use Special Permit to the City's Director of Minority and Women Business Affairs for review and comments, it being understood that the City's Minority/Women Business Affairs and Procurement Ordinance No. 10538 is a guide that the APPLICANT must use its best efforts to .follow; 10. Prepare a Minority Contractor/Subcontractor Participation Plan within ninety (90) days of the issuance of this Major Use Special Permit to the City's Director of Minority and Women Business Affairs for review and comment, it being understood that the City's Minority/Women Business Affairs and Procurement Ordinance No. 10538 is a guide that the APPLICANT must use its best efforts to follow; 11. Records a certified copy of the development order within 90 days of its effective date with the Clerk of the Dade County Circuit Court specifying that the development order runs with the land and is binding on the APPLICANT, its successors, and assigns, jointly or severally; and 12. Record, within six (6) months of the effective date of the development order, a Unity. of Title for the subject property. THE CITY SHALL: 1. Subject to payment of all applicable fees due, establish the effective date of this Permit as being 30 days from the date of its issuance with the issuance date constituting the 7 95- 775 commencement of the 30 day period to appeal from the provisions of the Permit. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project, proposed by the APPLICANT, Miami Parking Systems on behalf of the Dade County School Board, complies with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, is consistent with the orderly development and goals of the City of Miami, and complies with local land development regulations and further, pursuant to Section 1703 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000: (1) The project will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; and (2) The project will efficiently use public transportation facilities; and (3) The project will favorably affect the need for people to find adequate housing reasonably accessible to their places of employment; and (4) The project will efficiently use necessary public facilities; and (5) The project will not negatively impact the environment and natural resources of the City; and (6) The project will not adversely affect living conditions in the neighborhood; and (7) The project will not adversely affect public safety; and 8 9 5 -• 775 (S) The public welfare will be served by the project; and (9) Any potentially adverse effects of the project will be mitigated through conditions of this Major Use Special Permit. The proposed development does not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the City of Miami; and Pursuant to Section 1305 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, the specific site plan aspects of the project i.e., ingress and egress, offstreet parking and loading, refuse and service areas, signs and lighting, utilities, drainage and control of potentially adverse effects generally have been considered and will be further considered administratively during the process of issuing individual building permits and certificates of a occupancy. 9 95� 775 LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER PARKING GARAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract "All less the west 580 feet thereof, and tracts "B", "C" and Mll, in the WEST DUNBAR SCHOOL SITE subdivision. according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 75, Page 7 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. and also: Lots 1, 2, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, all in the Block 1 in the PLAT OF NORTH HIGHLAND subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 31 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with the following: the west 150 feet of the east 182.5 feet of the south 1.45.5 feet of the north 275.5 feet of the north one-half (N 1/2) of the north one-half (N 1/2) of the northeast one -quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the northeast one -quarter (N.E. 1/4) of Section 35, township 53 south, range 41 east, and: the west 82.5 feet of the east 115 feet of the south 95 feet of the north 130 feet of the north one-half (N 1/2) of the north one-half (N 1/2) of the northeast one -quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the north east one -quarter (N.E. 1/4) of Section 35, township 53 south, range 41 east, and: a 50 foot wide portion of northwest 8th Avenue, being bounded on the south by the westerly projection of the north right-of-way line of northwest 19th Street, and being bounded on the north by the south line of Tract "A", WEST DUNBAR SCHOOL SITE subdivision according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 75, Page 87 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 10 I113XHIBIT 1311 V V- 775 All of the foregoing subject to additional right-of-way dedication for northwest 7th Avenue as recorded in Official Records Books 7196 at Page 108, and 7522 at Page 695 of the Public Records of. Dade County, Florida. �. Aft PLANNING FACT SHEET Pz= z= APPLICANT :'ark Cook, Executive Director �f Miami parking System. APPLICATION DATE June 2, 1995. REQUEST/LOCATION Major Use Special Permit for the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center parking Garage Project. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Complete legal description on file with the Hearing Boards Office). PETITION Consideration of approving a Major Use Special Permit, pursuant to Articles 5 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended, for the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project, located at 710 H.W. 20th Street (more particularly described herein), and to be comprised of not more than 819 parking spaces; approving said Major Use Special Permit after considering the report and recommendations of the Planning Advisory Board, subject to the conditions of the Development Order, attached hereto as 'Exhibit A", and the application for development approval, incorporated herein by reference; making findings of facts and conclusions of law; and providing that the Development Order shall be binding on the applicant and successors in interest. _ PLANNING Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND AND SEE ATTACHED. ANALYSIS f �j f� PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Approval with conditions. VOTE: 7-2• CITY COMMISSION Passed First Reading on CC 9/28/95. APPLICATION NUMBER 94.197 July 19, 1995 Item i 6 07/11/95 Page 1 95- 775 ANALYSIS FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT FOR i LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER PARKING GARAGE 710 NW 20TH STREET The Planning, Building and Zoning Department is recommending approval of the requested Major Use Special Permit for the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project to be located at approximately 710 N.W. 20th Street with the conditions specified herein. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project is a proposed parking structure to be located at 710 N.W. 20th Street; within a G/I zoning designated area in Allapattah. The project will consist of a 6 story structure with a total of six parking levels providing approximately 879 parking spaces. The development will occur within the remaining portion of the parcel of the existing Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center that'is currently not developed. onrvrnniIkin The proposed Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project Major Use Special Permit application, as presented, requires four (4) variances as follow: VARIANCE #1 This variance is a request for a reduction of 2.5' of the 7.5' side street yard required. The Planning, Building and Zoning Department is recommending approval of the requested variance based on finding that the size of the remaining part of the property on which the parking structure is to be located is of such a particular size and configuration that a provision of the full required setback will result in a very inefficient parking structure, more specifically the 2.5' variance requested will trigger the loss of an entire row of parking. Furthermore, the proposed landscape layout depicts some landscape at the corners of the new building to mitigate the impact of the requested reduction. VARIANCE #2. This variance involves a request to increase the maximum permitted building footprint from 40% to 54%. The Planning, Building and Zoning Department is recommending approval finding that the approval of this increase is required in order to accomodate the capacity of the proposed parking structure on the site without going to a taller structure which would impose a greater negative visual impact on the surrounding area. VARIANCE #3 This is a request to reduce the required visibility triangle from 10' to 5'. The Planning, Building and Zoniriq Department is recommending denial of the request finding that the granting of this variance would create a tremendously dangerous situation, particularly for a parking 2 95- 775 r, garage of this magnitude which will be subject to heavy usage. The potential for increased vehicular and vehicular/pedestrian conflicts arising from a variance of this kind is greatly increased and will have a tremendously negative effect on the area. The structure should be redesigned or the circulation reconfigured to ensure that all egress from the garage is in compliance with the required visibility triangle. VARIANCE x4 This variance is a request to reduce the number of required loading berths for -ie subject property from 4 to 3. The Planning, Building and Zoning Depart,,.=nt is recommending approval of the request with the following condition: The applicant shall have a staff member responsible for scheduling all loading and unloading activities in such a way that there are never more that 3 trucks servicing the complex at any given tim-. This recommendation for approval is based on finding that upon compliance with the condition specified above, the reduction of loading berths from 4 to 3 will have no adverse impact on the surrounding area. The attached application for development approval also includes requested approval of the following: 1. A Class II Special Permit to reduce vertical clearance of loading space; and 2. A Special Exception to introduce a new use as per Article 4 Pursuant to Articles 13 and 11 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, approval of the requested Major Use Special Permit(s) shall be considered sufficient for the subordinate requests referenced above. ANALYSIS The construction of the proposed Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center Parking Garage Project will upgrade the existing conditions by reducing the scattered parking lots currently serving the Center and eliminating on -street parking which spills over into the surrounding area. The centralized location of the new parking garage will further benefit the Center by accommodating both staff and student parking demands on campus, and by concentrating the parking for the educational facilities users in a location that offers the best accessibility with the minimum potential for pedestrian/vehicular conflicts. RECOMMENDATIO14 AND FINDINGS OF FACT The planning, Building and Zoning Department is recommending approval of the proposed development with the following conditions: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the submitted plans on file shall be modified to: 1) provide all required visibility triangles at the egress points of the building; 9 5 - 775 2. The facility shall provide for a staff member who will be responsible for scheduling all loading and unloading activities in such a way that there are never more that 3 trucks servicing the complex at any given time; 3. The project shall meet all applicable building codes, land development regulations, ordinances and other laws. 4. Within six (6) months from the issuance of the Major Use Special Permit, :provide a list of agencies from which approvals and/or permits must be obtained prior to initiation of development and the permit or approval required of each; 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall be responsible for minor improvements on N.W. 19th Street between N.W. 7th and 8th Avenues in order to provide three 12-foot lanes (2 through lanes and a left turn lane). 6. Prior to issuance of a building permit, allow the Miami Police Department to conduct a security survey, at the option of the Department, and to make recommendations concerning security measures and systems; further submit a report to the Planning Department, prior' to commencement of construction, demonstrating how the Police Department recommendations, if any, have been incorporated into the PROJECT security and construction plans, or demonstrate to the Planning Director why such recommendations are impractical; 7. Prior to issuance of a building permit, provide a letter from the Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department indicating APPLICANT'S coordination with members of the Fire Plan Review Section at the Fire Rescue and Inspection Services Department in the review of the scope of the PROJECT, owner responsibility, building development process and review procedures, as well as specific requirements for fire protection and life safety systems, exiting, vehicular access and water supply; 8. Prior to issuance of a building permit, provide a letter of assurance from the Solid Waste Department that the project has addressed all concerns of the said Department; 9. Prepare a Minority Participation and Employment Plan to be submitted within ninety (90) days of the issuance of this Major Use Special Permit to the City's Director of Minority and Women Business Affairs for review and comments, it being understood that the City's Minority/Women Business Affairs and Procurement Ordinance 10538 is a guide that the APPLICANT must use its best efforts to follow. 10. Prepare a Minority Contractor/Subcontractor Participation Plan within ninety (90) days of the issuance of this Major Use Special Permit to the City's Director of Minority and Women Business Affairs for review and comment, it being understood that the City's Minority/Women Business Affairs and Procurement Ordinance 10538 is. a guide that the APPLICANT must use its best efforts to follow; 11Record, within six (6) months of the effective date of the development order, a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by a mandatory property owner association in perpetuity. 12. Record a certified copy of the development order within 90 days of its effective date with the Clerk of the Dade County Circuit Court specifying that the development order runs with the land and is binding on the applicant, its successors, and assigns, jointly or severally. 13. —Record, within six (6) months of the effective date of the development order, a Unity of Title for the subject property. The recommendation of approval of the proposed residential project is based on the following findings: 1) The proposed development conforms to the requirements of the GJI Zoning District, as contained in Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami; the project requires no rezonings or changes in land use; the project is further compatible the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan which allows the mixture and intensity of the proposed development. 2) Upon compliance with the conditions outlined above, the project will be in compliance with all of the criteria as listed in Articles 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance 11000 and will be beneficial to the city by providing parking within the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Center; also finding that, with the above specified modifications, the project will have no adverse effects on the surrounding area. 3) The analysis of the submitted Traffic Study concludes that the creation of the proposed parking facility will not result in a degradation of the traffic levels of service below those established in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood, and Plan upon compliance with minor street improvements on NW 19th Street to create a 3-lane cross-section with no on -street parking, the project will have no adverse traffic effects on the area. 95- 775 CITY OF MIAMI F_oRIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM �O Sergio Rodriguez, AICP GATE July 7. 199� ` LE Director �-- SUBJECT Traffic Impact Study: Lindsey Hop- kins Proposed 860-Space Parking A Garage at NW 19 St.,�7 Ave. FROM Clark P. Turner, .-�.ICP {I REFERENCES Transportation,Planner vvv - ENCLOSURES I have reviewed the subject Traffic Impact Study and conclude as follows: • Creation of the proposed parking facility will not result in a degradation of traffic levels of service below those established in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan; • Minor improvements will be neede_ to NW 19 street to create a 3-lane cross-section with no on -street parking. _ In reaching these conclusions, I have taken into account the facts that: • The peak hour of garage activity is earlier than the peak hour of other traffic, which reduces the impact of garage egress to local streets; • Parking facilities do not generate trips; they act as terminals for trips generated by the land uses they serve. Improved parking facilities, such as a garage instead of scattered lots, may result in a redistribution of modal choices from transit to auto, but this shift is usually not significant. In the subject case, the shift is minimal. Item #6 ZB 95-409 PUBLIC WORKS RECOMMENDATIONS: Driveway visibility triangli-s are essential for vehicular and pedestrian safety. Sufficient sight distance must be provided for both the driver of a vehicle exiting a driveway and the public utilizing N.W. 19th Street to detect an exiting vehicle. The Metro -Dade County Code Section 33-11 requires the same visibility triangle and the F.D.O.T. "Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for design, construction and maintenance for streets and highways" requires similar clear zone and sight distance requirements for driveways. Because of the safety reason stated above, the Public Works Department recommends denial of the visibility reduction. J� hardship has not been demonstrated that justified waiver of thisisafety requirement. — -- �T N.W. AL SHOP RACTG M IrMi STADIUM I - - s_: IL 4 S t r+ w z 4 S T 3 2 1 2 J 23 ST ti w PAGE GREEN I' �• TRACT '► __ _ - , • r-y f PASbENGE TERMINAL , . ,•,�; �' I I. ' . so lr. •k'�al1. k-1 of ar.s Io+--. C nu•rIsar��s , ro �, '---r.-.1-a- 2� z : •. TER. AIR'k • :If ,IIu1+1a If°fa� Iota. � ►It�r'lrek• if�n+p. It I I I • 11 1- -• [ to �— to — v .4I � 1, r- ST = S T. } X .Kam`-TCAI g' 1 1 q ' �\X\ TRACT'F' N W 18 STST G,.IACKSON YLMDRIA 1 ti, � ! a O �+((�� ((�� REDErElO►4iENT I _19 JV�''eJ sue o Na1I I r_..a- q� r 1 1 T11 • TTr e 1 1 •• 4 �r . r+r1 (FAR 2.4) a j " :_.>"__-1 ' 1 T IICCr. �.. -- IT ' .y JT ... [)(U 1 nrs,t4G Way T Rk T -'C' ; Fno•• '�-+D : ,.,r.sv,•.t 5..e , _ I ,o [.a.--" A.PAS r Ta►cT•r v 771 W' La r._ � � i � 1 •ucrc ` r�1 ` .. � i rrr N 3 + T1+ntr•r i Z ( i--1 1 . J I q SIlk 'r T � r � A I TRACTS I T- N.W. AL SHOP RACTG M IrMi STADIUM I - - s_: IL 4 S t r+ w z 4 S T 3 2 1 2 J 23 ST ti w PAGE GREEN I' �• TRACT '► __ _ - , • r-y f PASbENGE TERMINAL , . ,•,�; �' I I. ' . so lr. •k'�al1. k-1 of ar.s Io+--. C nu•rIsar��s , ro �, '---r.-.1-a- 2� z : •. TER. AIR'k • :If ,IIu1+1a If°fa� Iota. � ►It�r'lrek• if�n+p. It I I I • 11 1- -• [ to �— to — v .4I � 1, r- ST = S T. } X .Kam`-TCAI g' 1 1 q ' �\X\ TRACT'F' N W 18 STST G,.IACKSON YLMDRIA 1 ti, � ! a O �+((�� ((�� REDErElO►4iENT I _19 JV�''eJ sue o Na1I I r_..a- q� r 1 1 T11 • TTr e 1 1 •• 4 �r . r+r1 (FAR 2.4) a j " :_.>"__-1 ' 1 T IICCr. �.. -- IT ' .y JT ... [)(U 1 nrs,t4G Way T Rk T -'C' ; Fno•• '�-+D : ,.,r.sv,•.t 5..e , _ I ,o [.a.--" A.PAS r Ta►cT•r v 771 W' La r._ � � i � 1 •ucrc ` r�1 ` .. � i rrr N 3 + T1+ntr•r i Z ( i--1 1 . J I q SIlk 'r T � r � A I TRACTS I T- -WEST UNBAR SCHIMI 1 . pUM4• F,02 1 TOWNPAI I` U R PF FAA 711 / 95- ? LINDSEY HOI-KINS TECHNICAL SCHOOL f ARKING GARAGE I-R T OJE C m ., •a ♦0 .. .5 ♦e .t0 ♦1t 012 ♦12. 013 •1,4 ee1]Ipp N.W. 20TH. STREET S es $11 azlMI #7 #8 ------- BULD rnsr -'� (1)• LrU 1�EIL 6fI�G'E OInV[S — EU t5 e , - BULD wG E' r315 50'N6f. 3 {GRJ. Lul J t / .20 i I i '—.ie WIWI - BULDNG11' .aa023 LL 034 j •33 .25 _ S \ I .51 I 045 {44 ♦43 F.a all ♦40 ♦7e 03T -- ill 1 - "--I') fX13111IL `1A a f fOEE •35 .ae 40'46fWWI? I ^ Wz 9 w 1 El .I i 57. ; —.ae '� Q n if�Ai1V:' .,.� P. :'1'• r 3 .. I BUILDING 'A' :v.z . •�`�r4°` 'y• I BULDNG G' Usr• I f.m.rc - ti;:vi:: MI., INsere ]3.wELIS]9' EL Sz�]•;. eHEAEHf d I -"i•':' I )� p .'r:i-;•:•ri•rr:.:::,�::' •a7: I� it t - ? u '3 I 1 :•'• _ c� LDAONG ARfj ��—� •:'J':': •::'•. •.••.• .::t'ro+a..t•' — I , i:• e. L' r •I i � - - —.. -�'� �—T �5.21.IM1 5 6fl• 55. 1fl�� / —� � �—• ...... • _./ rfwa a'' � to'd 1' .._ G.- •Lv.in J4� — '-�fll'Y'f FT��.. — — .. _.—� 050 roe ♦Ae N W 19TH STREET --- - MEDICAL BUILDING VACANT --- SITE PLAN.. • r SGt f I'00' APPLICATION FOR A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT File Number Mu - It is intended that major use special permits be required where specified uses and/or occupancies involve matters deemed to be of citywide or area -wide importance. The City Commission shall be solely responsible for determinations an applica- tions for major use special permits. (See Article 17) ' The City Commission shall refer all applications for major use special permits to the Planning Advisory Board aw to the Director of the Department of Planning, Building and Zoning for recommendations, and may make referrals to agencies, bodies, or officers, either through the Departwnt of Planning, Building and Zoning or directly for review, analysis, and/or technical findings and determinations and reports thereon. (Section 1301:5.) as E. ec�i tiv Di r ct r of 'pia, i Parking System. I, Clark Cook apply to t�e Director of Panning, Building ,ereby and Zoning of the City of Miami for approval of a Major Use Special Permit under the provisions of Article 17 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. Address of Property: 710 NIW 20th St. Miami , F1. , Nature of Proposed Use (Be specific): r�60 spaces Parking garage for the Lindsey Hopkins -� d Board. Technical Center of the Dade County School Ho r . Garage to be operated by the Miami Parking System. Preliminary Application• I attach the following in support or explanation of the Preliminary Applica- tion: 1. Two copies of a survey of the property prepared by a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor. 2. Affidavit disclosing ownership of property covered by application and disclosure of interest foam (attach Forms 4-63 and 4a-83 to application. 3. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 375-foot radius from the outside boundaries of property covered by this application (attach Form 6-83 to application). 4. Maps of: (a) existing zoning and (b) adopted comprehensive plan desiona- tions for areas on and around the property covered by this application. 5. General location map, showing relation to the site or activity to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project, and the like. 6. Concept Plan (a) Site plan and relevant info mnation. Section 1304.2.1 (d through h). (b) Relationships to surrounding existing and proposed future uses, and activities, systems and facilities (Section 1702.3.2a). (c) How concept affects existing zoning and adopted- comprehensive plan principles and designations; tabulation of any 'required variances, special permits, change of zoning or exemptions (Section 170Z.3.2b). 7 n1nn,PntA1 impart �*lmdv fan aoplication for development approval for v 775 APPLICATION FOR A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PEMIT (Continued) 8. Other (Be specific): 9. Fee of $ 6 , 000. 00 , based on Ordinance 10396. _ Additional fees for any required special. permits, changes of toning, or variances shall be in accord with zoninq fees as listed in' Section 62-61 of the City Code and,Ordinance 10396. Bldg. sq. ft is 47,411 '—& $0.05/sq. ft Fesitss n $2370.55.(Mini.mum of $ 5000 applies plus $1000 adv.) ec ta�ulaLi�on: Buildin (s): Other Specify): Total: Final Application I attach the following additional information in support or explanation of the final application: As Executive Signature. Director of MPS. er or Authorized Agent Name: Clark Cook Address: 190 NE 3rd St. City, State, Zip:r4iami , F1. , 33132 Prone: 373-6789 This application is [ ] approved j ] denied in accord with City Commission desolation Number: ' Other: Sergio Rodriguez, Director Planning, Building and Zoning Department Date: 9.5- 775 C. A F F S n_ A V I T STATE OF FLORIDA} }SS COUNTY OF DADE } Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared Octavio J. Visiedo , who being by me first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and says: 1. That he is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by Ordinance 11000 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida effecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as described and listed on the pages attached to this affidavit and made a part thereof. 2. That all owners which he represents, if any, have given their full and complete permission for him to act in their behalf for the changes or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the accompanying petition. 3. That the pages attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, phone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property which he is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit a rue and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. (SFAT•) Sworn to a d Subscribed be o-e me (Na this day of ,I9 Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: ;�?:?;:�•.; NMRCEDES DE LA PAZ MY COW47SStON / CC M07 117 r i EXPMES: FOymwy 10. 1P'M h`{,'•'� B.W TM N'ftq r AL, UaSernsn 95- 775 DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP 1. Legal description and street address of subject real property: 710 N.W. :0 Street Miami, Florida 33127 Legal description: See Attachment "A" 2. Owner(s) of subject .real property and percentage of ownership. Note: City of Miami Ordinance No. 9419 requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. Accordingly, question #2 requires disclosure of all shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest. The School Board of Dade County, Florida 100% Owner. 1450 N.E. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question 12, and (b) located within 375 feet of the subject real property. N/A OWNER OR ATTORNEY FOR OWNER STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS: COUNTY OF DADE ) Octavio J. Visiedo -,being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the (owner) (Attorney for Owner) of the real property described in answer to question #1, above; that he has read the foregoing answers and that the same are true and complete; and (if acting as attorney for owner) that he has authority to execute this Disclosure of Ownership fo on behalf of the owner. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this "1 day of , 19 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: fA�1t:%Y4 NaRCEDES DE LA AAZ MY COMI.SLSSION / CC 1734J7 EXPIRES: Fehrmsq 10. IM70 3 !IL Notary Public, State of Florida at Large APP EAL ) 95- 775 CONCEPT PLAN The Lindsey Hopkins Technincal School is a vocational ins- titution which assist students in the ability to acquire a training in a technical field in order for these indivi- duals to become productive member of our community and so- ciety -Unlike many other schools,this facility operates six- teen hour day,resulting with even a bigger problem than the regular schools since a great number of the students are adults which drive to this facility.The school currently has 421 parking spaces for 4756 staff,employees and enrolled students which obviously create a safety dilemma from the standpoint that students are forced to find street parking two to three blocks away from Lindsey Hopkins,thus resulting in a large walking distance to the school.Please note,that this occurs at day and night,thus placing the school board and city in a safety liability. In order to minimize this problem,the School Board has com- mitted itself in designing and constructing an eight hundred (800) parking space structure within the boundaries of the- school,which is located south of building "D" between building "B" and "G".After numerous site studies,it was concluded by DCPS's staff that this location would best serve the current and future student population.This location also allows for better monitoring of students and is more secure than if lo- cated away from the campus.This site is the best location for this parking -to remedy the present problem,although we understand this site contains some unique and peculiar pro- blems. The parking structure is an ancilliary structure to the main school complex and therefore complies with the existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan. An application for a setback variance is being presented coin- cidentally with this application for Major Use Special Permit with the City ofami.The setback variance is required to accommodate the. arking space structure with the height limitations and f' separation requirements set by the City code. For granting this petition for variance,the School Board has agree to eliminate the parking lot in the sotutheast side of the property,adjacent to N.W 7th Ave. and replace this area with landscaping which results in approximately twenty thou- sand one hundred and sixty (20,160) square feet of area. 95- 775 ESTIMATED =3 RU_CTION COST_: Cost item Dollar amount Land $ 3,000,000 Preliminary planning 75,000 Design services 515,000 Construction cost 4,950,000 TOTAL: CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT: Estimated Labor Cost Average Annual Wage Construction Employment $ 8,540,000 Description Owned by DCSB Devlp., permits etc. A & E $ 3,000,000 $ 28,000 120 (man-years) MINQRITY CONSTRUCTION EMPLOYMENT PLAN To promote economic opportunity for the unemployed and the economically disadvantaged residents by endeavoring to award 51% of the City's total dollar volume of all expenditures for all goods and services to Black, Hispanic and Women Minority Business Enterprises. This will include those employed for design services as well as into construction of the project. The goals set forth are to be in accordance with City of Miami Ordinance #10538. The General Contractor for the project shall utilize the "City of Miami Minority/Women Contractor's lists." Other sources for developing minority participation that the Contractor recognizes are as follows: The National Association of Minority Contractors. Minority Business Development Center. Miami Chamber of Commerce Business Assistance Center. Contractors Training and Development Inc. t 95-� 775 The General Contractor shall periodically notify the City of Miami Of subcontracts awarded to minority fizzes and/or submit a "good faith" statement regarding attempts made to solicit minority firms to bid on such contracts for goods and services. HOUSING RIND CHILD CARE There are ro existing housing units on this site. No housing units are proposed for this project and no child care facilities. ./ t .t This building is a _84)-0 space parking garage which only employs 4 cashiers and 2 security personnel per day. g5W 775 DADS COUNTY PUBUC S DIVISION OF SITE PLANNING & GOVERNMENT LIAISON e 1444 BISCAYNE BLVD., SUITE 302 • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132 (305) 995-7280 Octavio J. Visiedo Superintendent of Schools February 27, 1995 Miami Parking System Mr. Clark Cook, Executive Director 190 N.E. 3rd Street Miami, Florida 33132 Dear Mr. Cook: Dade County School Board Ms. Betsy H. Kaplan, Chairperson Mr. G. Holmes Braddock, Vice -Chairperson Dr. Rosa Castro Feinberg Dr. Michael Krop Ms. Janet R. McAliley Mr. Robert Renick Ms. Frederica S. Wilson This will confirm that the School Board, at its meeting of February 8, 1995, authorized the Superintendent to enter into an agreement with Miami Parking System (MPS) in order to allow MPS to apply and pay for certain permits and fees (in an amount not to exceed $25,000) necessary for the construction of a parking garage at the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center. In the event that this project is not constructed by MPS, the district will reimburse MPS for the expenditure of these funds. Please indicate your confirmation of this agreement by signing below and return one fully executed original to my attention at the above address. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. KW:dd A: W-982 APPROVED: / r Clark Cook, Executive Director Miami Parking Systems Sincerely, Kathryn Wilbur Executive Director APPROVED: i Octavio sie o Superinte o 00ols g5- 775 PADE PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SITE PLANNING 8 GOVERNMENT LIAISON - 1450 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Room 525 • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132 (305) 995-7280 Octavio J. Visiedo Superintendent of Schools May 24, 1995 Planning, Building and Zoning Department Hearing Boards Division 275 N.W. 2 Street, Room 226 Miami, Florida 33128 Re: Dade County Public Schools Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center 710 N.W. 20 Street Miami, Florida 33127 Dade County School Board h1s. Betsy H. Kaplan, Chairperson Mr. G. Holmes Braddock, Vice -Chairperson Dr. Rosa Castro Feinberg Dr. Michael Krop Ms. Janet R. McAliley Mr. Robert Renick Ms. Frederica S. Wilson This is to confirm that the School Board of Dade County, Florida,. at its meeting of February 8, 1995, authorized an agreement with Miami Parking Systems (MPS) in order to act on the district's behalf and to allow MPS to apply and pay for certain permits and fees necessary for the construction of a parking garage at the above -referenced location. Attached please find copies of the School Board item, Board action (unofficial minutes) and the agreement executed with MPS. Should additional information be required, please do not hesitate to call me at 995-7284. KW:md W-1030 Attachments cc: Mr. Dagoberto Diaz Mr. Clark Cook F3+� Sincerely i Kathryn Wilbur Executive Director 95- 775 Office of Superintendent of Schools Board Meeting of February 8, 1995 Office of the Superintendent Alan T. Olkes, Chief of Staff January 30, 1995 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION FOR THE SUPERD,1TENDENT TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH MIANfl PARKING SYSTEM FOR WORK RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING FA.CILTITE,S AT L \rDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER On June 8, 1994, the Board authorized the Superintendent to enter into negotiations with Miami Parking System (MPS) for the construction and operation of a parking garage at the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center. To that end, staff from the district and MPS have been in frequent contact in order to discuss and determine the most appropriate mechanism for initiating the project and managing its operation once the work is completed. These discussions have dealt with critical design and construction issues, funding, ownership of the facility, management responsibilities and other issues relevant to determining the eventual long term relationship between the district and MPS. The City of Miami has advised that the payment of certain fees and the necessity of securing certain permits will vary considerably, depending on ownership of the facility at the initiation of the project and throughout the construction phase of the work. In addition, MPS has indicated that it may be unable to secure the necessary bonding for the construction of the project if it is not the owner of record. Regardless of which entity owns the facility during its construction, certain permits and fees will be required by the City. It is estimated that the cost of these permits and fees will not exceed $25,000. In order to expedite the construction of the project, it is recommended that the Superintendent be given the authority to enter into an agreement with MPS to initiate the permit process and to pay all fees that will be required by the City whether the parking facility is owned by the district or MPS. In the event that the project is not constructed, the district would agree to reimburse MPS for the expenditure of these funds. RECOMMENDED: That The School Board of Dade County, Florida authorize the Superintendent to enter into an agreement with Miami Parking System (MPS) in order to allow MPS to apply and pay for certain permits and fees (in an amount not to exceed $25,000) necessary for the construction of a parking garage at the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center; and agreeing to reimburse MPS for these expenses should the project not ultimately be constructed. MAI.:md ;.�: K--27 l - ii. G.J. SANCHEZ, P.E. P.A. Consulting Engineer Public Relations FAX TRANSMITTAL 3301 Monegro S Coral Gables, FL 3 (305) 448-1781 Fax (305) 448.1' Date: July 6th.1995 Tos City of Miami. Attn:Mr.Roberto Lavernia Fax #: 358-1452 No. of sheets: one I t Note: Confirming my answer to your quiestiops to the MUSP application for the Parking Garage for the School Doard : Construction employment 120 workers for the duration of one year. Permanent employees 4 cashiers 2 security guards 2 cleaning & maintenance persons. I trust this clarifies your questions. Thank G.J.Sanchez P.2 LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE TRAFFIC IMPACT Prepared for i DARE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Miami, Florida ' In association with JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Miami., Florida Prepared by TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. Miami, Florida LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE TRAFFIC MIPACT TABLE OF CONTENTS Background....................................... ..... . . ... ..1 Existing Traffic Conditions ........................ .. .......... 3 Trip Generation ....................................... .............9 Trip Distribution ...................................... .............13 Programmed and Planned Roadway Improvements ........................... 15 Future Traffic Conditions ............................. ...... ....... 15 Person -Trip Capacity Analysis ......................... .............: 25 Conclusions.......................................... . ............25 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Existing Levels of Service and Capacity ................. . ...... 11 Table 2 VehicIe Trip Generation ........................................ 14 Table 3 - 1995 Background Levels of Service and Capacity ..... ........ 20 Table 4 - 1995 Background & Project Levels ................................ 23 Table 5 - Corridor Capacity Using Person Trips .............................. 26 3 95- 775 ' LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE TRAFFIC IMPACT TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF FIGURES Figure1 Study Area.................................................2 Figure 2 - Lane Configuration on NW 7th Ave .............................. 5 Figure 3 - Existing PM Peak Hour Traffic - NW 7th Ave & 19th St ............... 7 Figure 4 - Existing PM Peak Hour Traffic - NW 7th Ave & 20th St ............... 8 Figure 5 - Existing Transit Routes ........................................ 10 Figure 6 - Distribution of PM Peak Hour Traffic ............................. 16 Figure 7 - 1995 Background Traffic - NW 7th Ave & 19th St .................... 18 Figure 8 - 1995 Background- Traffic - NW 7th Ave & 20th St .................... 19 Figure 9 - 1995 Background & Project Traffic - NW 7th Ave & 19th St ............ 21 Figure 10 - 1995 Background & Project Traffic - NW 7th Ave & 20th St ............ 22 Figure 11 - N.W. 19th Street Future Lane Arrangement ........................ 24 —ii— 33 f! LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE TRAFFIC IMPACT This report examines the traffic impact associated with the operation of an approximate 860- space parking garage proposed to be constructed on -site at the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center. BACKGROUND Operated by the Dade County School Board, The Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center provides medical arts training to a diverse student population. The Technical Education Center complex, as shown in Figure 1, covers the block between N.W. 7th and 8th avenues from N.W. 19th to 20th Streets in the City of Miami. The Center has an enrollment that varies between approximately 6,300 and 6,400 students, a full-time staff slightly in excess of 200 personnel, plus approximately 200 part-time staff. To accommodate this enrollment, the Technical Center's normal class periods run from 8:15 AM until 11:00 PM under three shifts. Tlie majority of students enrolled attend daytime classes beginning at 8:15 AM with dismissals at 2:45 PM. Other classes are offered between 2:45-5:30 PM and in the evening hours from 5:30 PM until 11:00 PM. Some staff members begin to arrive at the Center shortly after 6:00 AM and the morning nursing students start to arrive after 7:00 AM in preparation for their first class at 8:15 A.M. The 2:45-5:30 PM class period is for special training, primarily involving the handicapped. Students enrolled in the evening program are scheduled for 5:30-11:00 PM classes. As part of a County -wide capital facilities improvement program, the Center has been targeted for improvement to its currently deficient student parking arrangement. At present, some parking needs are accommodated on -site in a paved surfaced parking lot on the south side of the campus abutting N.W. 19th Street. The on -site lot is used above its capacity. During the major daytime enrollment period from 8:15 AM to 2:45 PM, use of this lot is restricted to staff and administrators as well as students with disabilities. In the lower enrollment class periods in late afternoon, students are allowed entry into the lot between 2:45-5:00 PM. 3'F 1 f 9 5 - 775 Figure t LOCATION SKETCH STUDENT PARKING LOT i LINDSEY r PROJECT SITE TECHNICAL o EDUCATION m (.'ENTER x ,., NW 17th ST i I-395 NW 14th ST UNPA VE L07'S CR- 1 NW i i th ST Most daytime students (8:15 AM to 2:45 PM class period) who drive to school must find parking elsewhere off --site. Some students now park in a 186-space lot located on N.W. 20th Street between N.W. 6th and 7th Avenues. Other students use the approximate 350-space unpaved parking lots located near N.W. 14th Street at N.W. 7th Avenue. The southern lots are shared with Miami -Bade students. Still other students make private arrangements for parking off -site, while others use on -street parking wben/whe.re. available. Dade County Schools employs two full-tu-ne drivers and provides two buses to operate a daytime shuttle bus service at 10-minute headways. The shuttle bus service links the Civic Center Metroraii station, th►; southern shared -use parking lots near N.W. 7th Avenue at N.W. 14th Street and the Technical Center campus. The capital improvements plan for the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center is aimed at consolidating and fully accommodating the parking demands generated by staff, administrators and students to one on -site multi -level parking garage for 860 vehicles. Other expenditures are targeted for adjacent street driveway and landscape improvements along the Center's east and south sides: N.W. 7th Avenue and N.W. 19th Street. No site improvements are being planned that would increase the number of classrooms, increase the size of individual classrooms, or otherwise increase the student enrollment or staff. The proposed plan is focused on solving current student parking shortage and inconvenience by providing sufficient parking spaces on -site. Consolidating the scattered parking locations to eliminate the inconvenience to students and to accommodate student parking needs on -site also posses the potential of concentrating traffic demands immediately adjacent to the site. Garage access will be via N.W. 19th Street. Thus, the area of primary traffic impact is defined as N.W. 19th Street between N.W. 7th Avenue and N.W. 8th Avenue. In addition to the roadway segment itself, the intersections of N.W. 19th Street at N.W. 7th Avenue and at N.W. 7th Avenue and N.W. 20th Street will likely have increased demands when the school's vehicular traffic, now dispersed throughout the area, is concentrated to the on -site garage. (See Figure 1.) EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Data used to describe existing conditions in the study area included collection of historical traffic volume data, collecting new traffic count information, collecting roadway/intersection geometric data and obtaining information on transit services and traffic signalization within the study area. Vehicle activity at the existing on -site surface parking lot and at the Center's off -site parking lot east of N.W. 7th Avenue were also measured. 3 95- 775 Existing Roadway Network - N.W. 7th Avenue and N.W. 20th Street are arterials bordering the Civic Center area hospitals, government buildings and other land uses and connecting them with downtown Miami and north Dade. N.W. 19th Street functions as a local roadway and is used for circulation and site access to the west of N.W. 7th Avenue. Both N.W. 7th Avenue and N.W. 20th Street have a five lane cross section in this immediate area. Each has two through lanes in each direction and a center lane used for left turns. N.W. 19th Street, serving local access and circulation functions, has a two-lane section with short-term metered parking on both sides. N.W. 19th Street is proposed to have a three - lane section when improved. The tee intersection of N.W. 7th Avenue at N.W. 19th Street is controlled by a stop sign for eastbound N.W. 19tb Street traffic. Geometry for the intersections can be seen in Figure 2. Existing Signaiization - The N.W. 20th Street and 7th Avenue intersection is signalized and operates in coordination with other signals along N.W. 7th Avenue. Signal operation includes left turn phases with overlap capability for all four approaches. The signalization also includes pedestrian features and was last upgraded in June 1992. This intersection is normally operated "on line" via communication lines linked to the Dade County Traffic Control Center. Traffic Volumes - Available records were researched of previous traffic counts made in the study area in recent years. This research yielded peak period and daily volume use along N.W. 7th Avenue south of N.W. 20th Street. This historical data was collected in July 1991 and April 1992 by the Dade County Public Works Department. A current daily volume count on N.W. 7th Avenue was conducted at the same location as part of this study. These counts, plus other traffic counts in the Civic Center area show peak traffic conditions tend to occur during the late afternoon on weekdays. Therefore, other types of new traffic data collection was focused on the PM peak period. Afternoon street peak period turning movement counts were collected in July 1993 at the two critical intersections on N.W. 7th Avenue at N.W. 19th and N.W. 20th Streets. The counts show the peak hour to be from 4:15 until 5:15 PM. This period is basically consistent with Dade Counry's July 1991 historical data the daily count conducted in July 1993 in this area and consistent with the generating characteristics of the major types of land use surrounding the study area. On any given weekday, the peak period may begin as early as 3:45 PM to as late as 4-A5 PM. However, the 4:15-5:15 PM hour tends to be most representative. For purposes of this study, it was, therefore, assumed that the intersection turning movement counts from 4:15 to 5:15 PM would be more representative of the true 4 ~ r 95-- 775 ROADWAY LANE ARI{ANGEdfENT NW 20i LINDSE: TECHNI, ED UCA T CENTER NW f 9th STREET f Figure ,2 N 4%_ 11)17V� underlying traffic flow in the study area. Existing peak hour traffic volumes are showm in Figures 3 and 4. The peak occurs at slightly different times and the maximum hour at each intersection is shown in these figures. Parking Use and Activity - Driveway volumes serving the existing on -site campus parking lot were measured at the lot's connection to N.W. 19th Street. Parking use of this lot was counted prior to the start of the afternoon peak hour. At this time of day, the lot was occupied by 120 vehicles of staff and students. Driveway counts show that 89 vehicles enter and 39 vehicles exit this lot during the afternoon street peak hour. Only 55 vehicles on N.W. 19th Street during this hour were not oriented to and from the parking Iot. The total capacity of the on -site parking is 246 marked spaces, including the east and west sides, and the primary parking area in the rectangular parking area on -site is approximately 130 spaces. The 186-space off -site student parking lot on the south side of N.W. 20th Street east of N.W. 7th Avenue was monitored on the afternoon of August 2nd. At 1:50 PM, 161 vehicles were parked in the lot. Shortly after 3:00 PM, the lot was virtually empty, with only 6 parked vehicles. The busiest period of driveway activity is the half-hour from 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM. During this interval, 102 vehicles exit the lot. The dispersal is about equal in each direction to the east and to the west along N.W. 20th Street. No vehicles were observed entering during that half-hour. Later, in the afternoon street peak hour, volume at this lot was recorded at 3 vehicles unbound and 4 outbound. Activity at the remote, un-paved parking lots east of N.W. 7th Avenue on N.W. 14th Street was not monitored for an extended period, as the attendant mentioned that use was now reduced since the lot on N.W. 20th Street was opened, and given that it was not possible to easily distinguish between use by Miami -Dade students and those attending the Lindsey Hopkins Center. Use in these unpaved lots was only 10 parked vehicles just prior to the 2:45 PM primary daytime enrollment class dismissal. The use of metered parking spaces along N.W. 19th Street was also observed at 2:45 PM -- just before the major daytime students enrolled could reach their vehicles upon dismissal and just after students enrolled in the afternoon class sessions would have had to park and walk on campus to their first 2:45 PM class. Of the 24 metered spaces on the north side of N.W. 19th Street, 8 were occupied at 2:45 PM. On the south side, only 9 of 12 metered spaces were occupied at this time of day. .� 95- 775_ EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUME i P.M. PEAK HOUR j N. W. 7 AVE & N. W. 19 ST i i LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION ao to CENTER 34 NW 19th, STREET 4 is Figure 3 7 9 5 -- 775 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUME PM PEAK HOUR N.W. 7 AVE & N.F. 20 ST rn � co o ca C.*.,> cf) NW 20th STREET 123 --w---339 226 104 403 104 LINDSEY HOPK�INS TECHNICAL I I i EDUCATION "It c\Z co CIO �o N 0 V-- co U.a I V.1 z Figure 4 8 *,:v4 92 95- 775 Public Transit Service - Figure 5 identifies existing public transit routes and transit facilities within the study area. From Figure 5 it can be seen that the general project area is served by Metrorail and Metrobus routes 21, 22, 2.3, 24, 26, 27, 32, 77 and B. Routes B, 26 and 77 pass directly next to the Technical Center. Metrorail connects the Civic Center area with downtown iviiami, south to Kendall, and northwest to Hialeah. The shuttle buses operated by Dade County Public Schools connect the 'Technical Center with the Civic Center Metrorail Station and the shared -use parking lots located near N.W. 14th Street and N.W. 7th Avenue. Existing Levels of Service - Level of service analyses for existing conditions were performed for the two intersections in the study area using highway capacity software. This software is based on procedures described in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual. FDOT level of service software for roadway link analysis was also utilized to analyze arterial level of service on N.W. 7th Avenue, This methodology shows that N.W. 7th Avenue is currently operating at Level of Service C during the PM peak period. This is consistent with independent calculations performed by the Dade County Public Works Department. Details of the intersection and link level of service analyses can be found in the appendices. The analyses are summarized in Table 1. TRIP GENERATION To derive estimates of the afternoon street peak hour trips to be generated by the 860- space parking garage, the generating characteristics of the existing on -site lot and the off -site student lot along N.W. 20th Street are used as a guide. The remote off -site lots along N.W. 14th Street are not considered due to their limited use and due to the shared -use nature of these lots. Unlike the lot on N.W. 20th Street which is used exclusively by students enrolled at the Technical Center, use of the unpaved remote lots along N.W. 14th Street is shared with others who do not attend Lindsey Hopkins. If existing use of the remote lots is included in the calculation of trip generation for the new garage, a lower trip volume would result. Thus, only the existing on -site lot and the student lot on N.W. 20th Street are used. It is assumed that measurements made at the most active two facilities are representative of the parking activity by other students that could not be measured. As mentioned earlier, some students park in various off -site locations through private arrangements they make with private landowners while others park on -street in scattered locations throughout the general study area. 9 95- 775 Cit Pigure 5 PUBLIC TRANSIT SMICTS Xetrorail and Metrobw Routes SANTA CLARA STATION 77 NW 20th ST k 26 LINDSEY B PROJECT HOPKINS w SITE TECHNICAL w 21 EDUCATION P, CENTER NW 17th ST 22 23 21 Metrobus CIVIC a Route Number CENTER I_395 STA TION NW 14th ST 27 77 26 CULMER STATION NW 1 1 th ST Table 1 EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE AND CAPACITY SUMMARY LOCATION r LEVEL OF SERVICE CAPACITY (WED Intersection: NW 7th Ave & NW 20th St C' ----- NW 7th Ave & NW 19th St NB Left A 591 EB Left 2 E 114 EB Right 2 E 114 LLRoadwayLink: th Ave - NW 5th to 36th Sts C 3,550 Table 2 summarizes the calculation of 284 street peak hour trips to be generated by the proposed 860-space garage structure at the Technical Center. Few of the total trips in Table 2 are new trips generated to arid from this general area. Most are relocated trips from other parking lots in this general area which will be re-routed onto N.W. 19th Street when both student and staff parking demands are all accommodated on -site rather than being scattered throughout the general area - An additional check was made to determine if the impact of the maximum garage generated traffic would be greater at a different time of day. This was done because the maximum garage activity peak does not coincide with the time of the existing street peak hour. Both activities peak i.n the afternoon, but the garage peak will occur earner than the normal street peak hour on the N.W. 7th Avenue arterial. The maximum hourly volume at the garage was computed in a similar manner to that shown in Table 2 for the street peak hour. The computed maximum hourly volume for the garage is 341 vph, and the maximum half-hour garage dump demand is 220 vehicles. The ratios of the maximum hourly volume and the dump demand to the 860-space capacity of the garage are within the range normally expected. Given the low volume of other traffic on N.W. 19th Street in mid afternoon, the garage's two entrance/exit drives can adequately accommodate these peak garage activity volumes. There is less than 60 vph difference between the maximum garage traffic driveway activity and the garage driveway activity which occurs during the normal street peak hour. Therefore, the most critical time period to consider, in terms of arterial traffic impact, remains the normal PM street peak hour. When evaluating the traffic impact of the 860-space parking garage on N.W. 19th Street and operations at the N.W. 19th and N.W. 20th Street intersections with N.W. 7th Avenue, the net increase in localized trips is used. A portion of the current volumes of traffic passing through these intersections includes traffic emanating from the existing surface parking lot on the Technical Center campus. The 860-space garage is proposed to be constructed where this lot exists. To evaluate the PM peak hour impact from the 860-space garage, current traffic from the on -site lot is subtracted and then the demands from the new garage are added to current traffic levels. The_ net increase is 156 trips added to N.W. 19th Street in the afternoon street peak hour. TRIP DISTRIBUTION All vehicles will enter and leave the proposed garage from'.N.W. 19th Street. The existing distribution of trips at the on -site surface lot was reviewed to determine the likely 13 9 5 - 775 Table 2 VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION PM PEAK HOUR Me�Lsured Student and Staff Use Ratio: 0.274 Future Carpool/Transit Shift Affect: ' 1.20 Future Garage Generation Ratio: 0.329 (driveway trips/capacity): Rounding: 0.33 Garage Capacity: 860 spaces Total Driveway Demand: 284 vph (0.33)(860) Measured Peak hour Directional Split: 68%/32% See text. distribution of new trips when the garage is constructed. The cardinal distribution of trips at the student parking lot on N.W. 20th Street was also considered. Based on the existing traffic distribution of vehicles entering and leaving the surface parking lot at the Lindsey Hopkins Center and the N.W. '20th Street lot, it was determined that approximately 7001'o of the new generated traffic will be oriented to and from the east along N.W. 1.9th Street and 307o will travel to and from the west and south (along N.W. 8tb Avenue). Figure 6 shows the total trip distribution on the area roadways and intersections near the Technical Education Center. Of the total -784 trips shown, 156 are new trips added to N.W. 19th Street. Of these new trips, the estimated increase will be 107 additional trips oriented between the garage and N.W. 7th Avenue, and the remaining 49 trips to and from the west at N.W. 8th Avenue. PROGRAMMED AND PLANNED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS A review of the 1993 Dade County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) shows that there are no major roadway improvements programmed for construction in the next five years within the project study area. The Dolphin Expressway and I-95 interchange immediately to the southeast of the study area is cur*ently being improved, including modifications to the exit ramp from SR 836 to N.W. 12th Avenue. FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS For purposes of the traffic analysis, the new garage is assumed to open for use in 1995. Comparative future traffic conditions utilized in this study refer to 1995 background traffic that would exist without construction of the Technical Education Center garage and to background plus project related traffic in 1995 when the new garage is opened for use. Examination of the relatively recent and limited one -day historical traffic data versus data collected for this project suggests a growth rate of approximately 5% to nearly 30% per year along N.W. 7th Avenue south of N.W. 20th Street. Recent studies in other portions of the Civic Center and the relatively mature development of this area suggest a much lower growth rate is realistic. For purposes of this study, it is assumed that background traffic will increase by a total of 5% between mid-1993 and 1.995. Some of the sporadic changes in recent traffic patterns might be due to Hurricane Andrew. Traffic conditions and flow patterns in this general area are believed to have been affected by the shift in population caused by Hurricane Andrew. Apartment units and other housing 15 /� 7 95- 775 LINDSEY HOPEYNS TECHNICAT, EDUCATION CENTER GARAGE TRIP DISTRIBUTION PM PEAK HOUR NW 20th STREET cn 31 24 132 61 41 23 NW 19th STREET Figure 6 I available in the vicinity of the study area were suddenly filled with individuals and families displaced by the hurricane. These individuals are not typical residents of the Civic Center area. It is likely that traffic flow patterns created by these residents are temporary and will go back to thcu, earlier status within one Year after these temporary residents find more permanent housing or move back to their original housing. However, it is more likely that the day-to-day variability in traffic volumes on N.W. 7th Avenue and the limited one -day count sample periods are the primary cause of the unusually high (and false) readings in calculated traffic growth. The 1-95/SR 836/N.W. 12th Avenue interchange reconstruction may be another contributing factor. Casual observations of traffic conditions in this general area for more than two decades suggest an average annual compound growth rate not exceeding 2%. Thus, the assumption of a 517o growth for the 1993-1995 period, added to a relatively high existing base traffic condition along N.W. 7th Avenue is likely to result in some overestimation of future traffic levels for 1995. This is purposefully done to provide a somewhat conservative ( modest over estimate) of the actual demands anticipated when the new garage is opened for use. 1995 Background Traffic Conditions -. Figures 7 and 8 show the peak period intersection turning movement volumes for 1995 background conditions. Table 3 summarizes the results of the intersection level of service and link capacity analysis for 1995 background conditions. 1995 Background Traffic Plus Project Trips - Figures 9 and 10 show future daily traffic combined with new project traffic. 'fable 4 summarizes the results of the intersection level of service and link capacity analyses for 1995 conditions when the new garage is open for use. The level of services analyses in Table 4 assume that N.W. 19th Street will be altered to provide more orderly traffic flow in the vicinity of the garages and on the approach to N.W. 7th Avenue, as shown in Figure 11. The revised lane arrangement in Figure 11 provides a defined two-lane approach on N.W. 19th Street at the N.W. 7th Avenue intersection and create separates left turn lanes for traffic entering the new garage driveways. At present, N.W. 19th Street is striped for one lane of traffic in each direction. The alteration shown in Figure 11 can be accomplished without roadway widening. It can be done within the existing curb -to -curb width of approximately 36 feet to provide three 12-foot lanes, 2 through lanes and a center left turn lane. The eastbound approach to N.W. 7th Avenue will have lane use defined with pavement arrows and lane lines where only a double yellow centerline now exists. The project site plan shows other alterations to improve the appearance along the project block face of N.W. 7th Avenue. 17 95- 775 1995 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC � WYTHOUT PROJECT Ply .PEAK HOUR N. W. 7 AVE 19 ST LINDSEY HOPKINS TE r wNI CA.L EDUCATION CENTER 3' 7 NW 19th, STREET r� z.. 1995UND WITHOUT�PROJEC�ZC pbf PEAK HOUR N. W. 7 AVE do N. }Y. 20 ST It Ln co A O *- t► �` A NAY 20th STREET --12 9 356 237 109 423--------o- F� 109 LINDSEY .HOPKINS � TECHNICAL � EDUCATION CENTER � I Table 3 1995 BACKGROUND(AVITHOUT PROJECT) PM[ PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE AND CAPACITY SUMMARY LOCATION LEVEL OF SERVICE CAP.ACTTY (VPH) Intersection: NW 7th Ave & NW 20th St C ------ NW 7th Ave & NW 19th St NB Left A 570 EB Left' E 110 EB Right ' E 110 Roadway Link: NW 7th Ave - NW 5th to 36th Sts C 3,550 1995 TRAFFIC VOLUMES iPlTfi PROJECT PM PEAR HOUR N. W. 7 AVE & N. W. 19 ST LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION N co CENTER 60 f9 NW 19th STREET H "4. 21 95- 775 1995 TRAFFIC VOLUMES WITH PROJECT Pad' PEAK HOUR N. W. 7 AVE & N. W. 20 ST i i .�- C\j rM. Nib 20th. STREET 237 - —�12 5 42 5 �-- 121 LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL Qr EDUCATION r CENTER : Figure 10 S7 bt ;;;� '' Table 4 1995 BACKGROUND (WY1'H PROJECT) PM PEAK HOUR LEVEL OF SERVICE AND CAPACITY SUMMARY LOCATION LEVEL OF SERVICE CAPACITY (VPH) Intersection: NW 7th Ave & NW 20th St C ----- NW 7th Ave & NW 19th St NB Left A 536 EB Left' E 91 EB Right ` A 822 Roadway Link: NW 7th Ave - NW 5th to 36th Sts C 3,550 t Separate turn lanes. P0 95- 775 Q rk 2 d NW 19th Street m a Comparing Table 4 to Table 3, it can be seen that operation of the new parking garage at the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center will not lower the 1995 level of service at any location analyzed. PERSON -TRIP CAPACITY ANALYSIS The City of Miami has developed an interesting methodology for measuring corridor capacity in person -trips. This analysis considers changes to vehicle occupancy rates and rates of transit usage which can occur with the growth of traffic flow in a corridor. Table 5 shows that in 1995, with project traffic included, the combined person -trip capacity for automobile plus transit modes in the Civic Center corridor is well above the trip demand during the peak hour. CONCLUSIONS Construction of the proposed 860-space parking garage at the Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center will benefit medical arts students by accommodating both staff and student parking demands on campus. Students will no longer be forced to walk excessive distances from remote parking areas and will no longer need to rely on shuttle bus services between the Center and remote parking. Students who now must park east of N.W. 7th Avenue along N.W. 20th Street will no longer need to cross this intersection as a pedestrian. Construction of the garage and the related roadway alterations to N.W. 19th Street and improvement to the appearance of the block face of N.W. 7th Avenue which are proposed adjacent to the Center will not only improve the general aesthetics of the streetscape, but will provide for the more orderly .movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic adjacent to the south and east sides of the campus. Improvements to N.W. 19th Street, with existing curb, gutter, sidewalk., drainage, and re - striping to create a three -lane cross section will better organize traffic flow and the garage will eliminate the need for on -street parking along this block face. Construction of the 860-space parking garage to accommodate both student and staff parking demands fully on campus will increase traffic volume in the immediate vicinity of the campus -- directly on N.W. 19th Street. The increased traffic, coupled with the proposed traffic flow improvements to N.W. 19th Street and at the intersection of N.W. 7th Avenue and N.W. 19th Street will result in acceptable afternoon peak hour level of service. 25 95- 775 Table 5 ANALYSIS OF CORRIDOR CAPACITY USING PERSON -TRIPS CIVIC CENTER CORRIDOR (NNV 7th AVENUE) CORRIDOR CAPACITY ROADWAY CAPACITY (vehicles): VEHICLE OCCUPANCY: ROADWAY CAPACITY (persons): TRANSIT CAPACITY (local bus): TRANSIT CAPACITY (rail): TRANSIT CAPACITY (all): 3,550 vehicles per hour 1.6 persons per vehicle 5,680 person -trips per hour 150 person -trips per hour 5,014 person -trips per hour 5,164 person -trips per hour CORRIDOR CAPACITY: 10,844 person -trips per hour E)USTING DEMANDS RVr.D'rvA i VOLUME (vehicles): CURRENT OCCUPANCY: ROADWAY VOLUME (persons): TRANSIT USAGE: TOTAL DEMAND: 1,536 vehicles per hour 1.4 persons per vehicle 2,150 person -trips per hour 2,200 person -trips per hour 4,350 person -trips per hour EXCESS CAPACITY IN CORRIDOR: 6,494 person -trips per hour 1995 BACKGROUND PLUS PROJECT ROADWAY VOLUME (vehicles): CURRENT OCCUPANCY: ROADWAY VOLUME (persons): TRANSIT USAGE: TOTAL. DEMAND: 1,769 vehicles per hour 1.4 persons per vehicle 2,477 person -trips per hour 2,310 person -trips per hour 4,787 person -trips per hour EXCESS CAPACITY IN CORRIDOR: 6,057 person -trips per hour Estimate provided by City of Miami Planning Department. (1 26 95- 775 Future post -construction (1995) level of service will not change with the garage (and roadway alterations proposed), compared to the scenario with no garage and no roadway alterations. For purposes of evaluating traffic concurrency, as measured by procedures established by the City of iviiami, the proposed garage and its associated street unprovement plan will result in excess transportation corridor capacity being retained in this portion of the City. f 27 HOURLY, 2 CHANNEL VEHICLE COUNT REFERENCE: 3121 M 33J11 CORRECTION FACTOR: 1.11 LOCATION : NW 1 AVE S OF NW 21 EET NORTH i SOUTHBOUND FILENANE: \1AV215N WEATHER CLEAN WEEK OF NONOAY T 119 1 93 OPERATOR DAB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOUR NONOAY 19 TUESDAY 21 WEDNESDAY 21 THURSDAY 2I FRIDAY 23 SATURDAY 24 SUNDAY 25 WEEIOAY AVERAGE BEGIKS •----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S M 12 AN ' 88 129 ' ° ' ' + • /8 123 1 ' ' 51 91 ' ' e + + 51 91 2 ' ' ' ' • 38 41 • , r r , + 38 41 3 ' ' ' ' • ' 21 34 r , , , , + 21 34 4 ' ' ' ' 39 18 ' ' ° ' ' ' 39 18 5 • , • ' , 95 51 , r ° ' • + 95 51 6 ' ' ' • 434 149 ' ' ' • • ' 434 143 1 • • , • 1G1 395 ' ° ' ' ' ' 151 395 8 , , , . • • 915 521 ' ' ' ' ' ' 915 $21 9 , • , • 633 418 ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' 633 A18 11 ' ' ' 591 489 ' ' ' ' ' ' S91 489 11 ' 591 $32 ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' $91 532 12 PA r 624 561 , • . t e • + 624 561 1 , ' • 598 $37 a 2' ' '. ' ' ' 598 531 2 , 687 $89 ' + • ► • ' ' ' 687 $89 3 ' • • $97 141 ' ' ' * ' * , * 597 741 4 ' ' ' ' 653 818 ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ' 653 $18 5 r , , , 614 853 ' ' ' • ' • ' • 614 853 6 2' ' ' $93 613 ' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' S93 613 1 • ' • 383 431 ° ' • • ' ' ' ' 383 431 8 ' ' 283 396 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° 183 396 9 , e , • 279 471 ' ' * ' . , . • 119 411 11 ' ' ' ' 217 281 ' ' + + • r , + 217 281 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- r o . • 134 257 ' ' ' ' ' ' 2 134 2S7 OTALS 9 1 2 ' 7467 8035 2138 1434 ' ' ' ' '2 9915 9469 COMBINED TOTALS 12 ' ' 217 ' r 217 3 ' ' 148 , , . 148 2 • , IS • , . 85 3 ' ' 55 , . . 55 4 ' ' ° 51 o e • 51 5 ' ' ' 141 ° ' 146 6 ' ° • 513 , r , $83 1 ' ' ' 1146 ' ' ' 1146 8 ' " ' 1435 ' • 1435 9 • 111I ' • ' ' I I I I 11 ' ° 1181 Y • . . 1181 11 ' ' 1123 ' • ' 1123 12 ' 1184 r 1184 1 ' ' 1135 ' ' ' 1135 2 ' 1216 ' ' • ' 1276 3 ` 1338 ' ' ' ' 1338 4 ° ' 1461 ' ' 1461 5 ' ` 1461 ' ' ' ' 1461 6 ' ' 1216 • ° 1216 1 ' ' 013 • , r . 813 s 1 ' ' 619 ' ' ' ' 619 9 ' • 151 ' ' ' ' 751 48/ ' ' '' ' 488 391 • ' ' ' 391 -t-.----- --.- :----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------/^ / pal lS MINUTE, 2 C H A M 4 E L VEHICLE C 0 U 4 t REFERENCE: 3721 6K73311! CORRECTION FACTOR: 1.11 LOCATION: NW 7 AVE S OF Mu 1t IEET NORTH 6 SOUTHBOUNO FILENAME: \1AV21SR WEATHER: CLEAR WEDNESOAP 1 1 21 J 93 OPERATOR: DAB --- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUR S8 HOUR NB HOUR CONSINEO BEGINS 1 15 31 45 TOTAL 1 15 30 IS TOTAL TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AN 1 2 1 f f f f t f f t f 1 1 f f 1 f f f 2 1 f f i f 1 t 1 f f t 3 1 1 f 1 f 1 f 1 1 f 1 4 f 1 1 f t i 1 f f f f 5 6 . 9 191 153 138 145 633 111 124 113 124 418 1111 11 1S2 149 139 161 $91 116 139 125 119 489 1181 11 148 10 139 ISO 591 111 131 152 142 532 1123 PA 12 184 143 146 151 624 141 154 139 126 S61 1184 1 143 164 143 146 598 139 143 131 125 $37 1135 2 155 162 111 199 687 157 127 143 162 589 1216 3 143 128 152 114 597 161 175 165 241 141 1338 4 112 151 111 151 663 185 227 115 211 808 1461 5 162 135 165 152 614 211 244 226 182 853 1467 6 148 141 151 148 593 163 161 154 139 613 1216 7 114 94 93 92 383 126 115 93 96 431 813 8 84 11 59 69 283 94 82 112 101 396 679 9 67 71 71 71 279 131 126 129 86 471 751 11 45 43 61 58 217 11 72 17 SS 231 488 i1 36 42 38 18 134 11 54 46 87 257 391 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTALS 7467 8135 15511 AN PEAK HOUR IS 11:10 TO 12:11 VOLUME S8 : 591 N1 532 CONIINEO: 1123 DIRECTIONAL SPLIT 53t 47t PEAK HOUR FACTOR 1.94 1.88 0.94 PM PEAK HOUR IS .3:45 TO 4 : 4 S VOLUME S8 616 N1 631 COMBINED: 1513 DIRECTIONAL SPLIT 45t 55t PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.93 1.81 1.91 �- 775 1A 1 R 0 A 0 W A Y L 0 C A T 1 0 N O;LOS •E• 1 y ;LOS! START ;AVAILABLE LAST B; 1 i i 1 TRAFFIC UPDATED 3310 North Wiaml Aye ; S/0 NUNW 79 St i i 2440 ; 1832 ; C ; Cb8 ; 608 :312 ; North Wlaml Ave 1 N/0 NE/NW 95 St ; ; 3510 ; 1413 ; C ; 2097 ; 2097 3314 ; North Wlaal Ave ; S/O NE/NW 119 St i ; 1960 ; 1197 ; B ; 763 ; 763 Oct-92 331E North Wlaml Ave ; N/O NE/NW 159 St ; ; 810 ; 630 ; 0 ; 180 ; 153 3319 NW 1 Ave ; S/O NW 20 St ; ; 860 1 159 ; B ; 701 ; 701 Sea-92 Z3^j Nan 1 PI ; S/O NW 20 St ; ; 790 ; 80 ; 8 ; 710 ; 710 Sec-"-2 _2 VA 2 Ave S/O NW 79 St ; 1730 ; 408 1 B 1322 1 1322 61ay-92 ? 4 NX 2 Ave ; S/O NW 119 St ; ; 580 ; .169 ; C ; 411 ; 411 Sep-92 325 ; NW 2 Ave ; S/O NW 167 St ; ; ; ; ; 0 ; 3� S NW 2 Ave/US 441 ; S/0 NW 215 St ; ; 3830 ; 3271 ; E ; 559 ; 549 3 : 0 NX 3 Ave 1 S/O NW 20 St ; ; ; ; ; 0 ; ;,,s" 2 ; NW 5 St n-e-way E'bnd ; E/O NW 7 Ave 3334 ; NW 6 St One -Way W'bnd ; E/0 NW 7 Ave ; ; ; ; ; 0 3. 3 ; NX 7 A,,TAIS 441 ; S/O NW 20 St ; ; 1920 ; 1026 ; C ; 894 1 894 3�-R ; NW 7 Ave/LS 441 ; S/O NW 79 St ; 1 24M ; 1761 ; 0 ; 679 ; 679 J2n-92 3340 NW 7 St 1 E/O N'W 17 Ave 1 ; 0 ; 3a42 NW 7 St W/O NW 27 Ave ; 2590 ; 2306 ; C ; 284 1 284 Aug-92 3344 NW 7 St ; E;'0 NW 39 Ave ; ; ; ; ; 0 ; 33-:6 NW 7 St WIC Le Jenne Rd/NW 42 Ave ; ; ; ; ; 0 3343 h'W 7 St W/O NW 60 Ave ; ; 2940 1532 1 A 1408 1 709 3a-50 NW 10 St One -Way E'bnd ; E/O NW..7 Ave ; ; ; ; { 0 ; 33 2 NW 11 St One -Way W'bnd ; E/O NW 7 Ave 1 1 i i i 0 3354 1 NW 12 Ave ; S/0 NW 79 St i i ; i i 0 ;356 NW 12 Ave ; S/0 NW 119 St ; ; 960 ; 309 1 B ; 651 ; 651 Sep-92 M 7 ; NW 12/13 Ave ; S/O Palmetto Exprry/SR 826 ; ; 25M ; 1089 ; B 1 1471 ; 1471 Jan-93 MS ; NW 12 St 1 W/O Palmetto Exprry/SR 826 ; 1 3130 ; 2208 1 0 1 922 ; 900 MO NV 12 St ; E/0 Galloway Rd/NW 87 Ave 1 ; 1 1 1 0 ; M2 NW 12 St 1 W/O NW 97 Ave i i i ; i 0 3364 " 12 St E/O NW 112 Ave ; ; 4330 ; 68 ; B ; 4262 ; 4251 Aug-92 3_%S ; NA' 14 St ; E/O NW 7 Ave i i i i i 0 ; M8 NW 17 Ave ; S%0 NW 54 St 1 1 2600 1 1496 1 B 1 1104 ; 1102 n70 ; h'W 17 Ave S/O NW 79 St 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1372 ; NW 17 Ave N/O NW 95 St 1 1 ; 1 ; 0 1 1374 NW 17 Ave ; N/O NW 119 St 1 1 ; 1 1 0 ; L376 1 NW 17 Ave 1 S/O NW 119 St ; ; 1810 1 895 ; B ; 915 1 915 Sep-92 �378 hK 17 St W/o 1-95 1 1 1• ; 1 0 ; �0 ; NW 17 St ; W/O NW 27 Ave 1 1 770 1 1134 ; F 'ts—se• 1. (369) Aug-92 331 NW 17 St 1 S/O NW 70 Ave 1 1 1140 1 892 ; 0 1 248 1 230 382 ; NW 20 St 1 W/0 1-95 1 1 2490 ; 1154 ; C 1 1336 1 1336 384 NW 20 St ; E/O NW 12 Ave 1 2690 1 1625 1 C ; 1065 ; 1065 Aug-92 386 NW 21 St ; W/O NW 22 Ave ; 1 2390 ; 1772 1 8 ; 618 1 608 33° NW 21 it W/O NW 37 Ave ; ; ; ; ; 0 390 NW 22 Ave ; S/O NW 54 St ; ; 1 1 1 0 M; NW 22 Ave 1 S/D NW 79 St i i i i i 0; 394 h11 22 Ave S/0 NW 119 St ; 4040 ; 17S8 ; A ; 2242 1 2242 Oct-92 3S6 ; NW 22 Ave ; S/O Palmetto Frontage Rd 1 1 2970 1 1371 ; C ; 1599 1 1583 M ; NW 22 Aye ; N/O Palmetto Frontage Rd 1 ; 1 1 1 0 1 100 h'W 25 St ; E/0 Palmatt Expwy/SR 826 5070 ; 1858 1 A ; 3212 ; 548 Aug-92 •02 ; NW 25 St ; W/0 Palmett Expriy/SR 826 1 1 ; 1 1 0 '-04 ; NW 25 St W/O Galloway Rd/NW 87 Ave 1 1 4450 ; 2103 1 B ; 2347 1 1600 Nov-92 436 h'W 25 St W/0 HW 97 Ave ; ; 2750 1 1663 1 A 1087 ; 739 Pay-92 08 NNw G5 St ; W/O NW 107 Ave 1 1490 ; 639 1 B ; 841 ; 55 AGg-92 10 h15 27 Ave/SR 9 N/O NW 54 St ; ; 4050 2335 ; C ; 1715 1 1734 12 NW 27 Ave/SR 9 ''S/O NW 119 St 1 ; ;1 1 1 0 27 Ave/SR 617 1 N/O Wiami Gdns Or/NW 183 St i i i i i 0 :STA.WKI 95- 775 EIGiiri yt D-T7--rslOit D�'ART=TT OF PUBLIC A � 24 Hl Jt V-LaIC:LE COUNT BY AUTOMAT_ .` RECORDERS DAM 04/14/92 -Tuesday T-ME £EGMT:' 2:00 PM Pages: 92-i93 LOUTION: W,7 7 AVE & 20 ST MTA'- S / O 20 ST riORTH SOO= 11-s n -Pl BOUNTY BOUND TOTAL TOTAL 12-01 P11 87 70 157 157 01-02 Al-1 Fib 42 110 110 02-03 A-M 39 29 68 68 03-0= AM 20 20 40 40 04-05 AM 25 24 49 49 05-06 AM 42 8 126 126 06-0 7 P1.1 152 372 524 524 07-OS All 405 688 1093 1093 08-09 AM 512 663 1395 1395 09-10 Ail 449 588 1037 1037 10-1i AM 4S5 472 957 957 1.1-NOON 578 549 1127 1127 12-01 PM 548 556 1104 1104 01-02 PM 536 478 1016 1016 02-03 PM 718 519 1.237 1237 03-04 PM 813 515 1328 1328 04-05 PM 796 513 1309 1309 05-06 PM 8io 508 1326 1326 06-07 PM 513 650 1163 1163 07-08 PM 420 414 834 834 08-09 PM 364 265 629 629 09-10 PM 580 222 802 002 10-=11 PM 382 227 609 609 i 1-MID. 216 130 346 346 T©�als: 9568 SS18 13366 18386 Lanes: 0 0 Sneed: 0 0 6unt-erff-': 30 30 . N3 SB 08:•00 b-M 130 233 03:15 AM 143 232 08:30 AM 108 226 08:45 AM 131 192 Pam': 0.90 0.95 R: 0.05 0.10 A: 0.63 0.63 03:00 pM 215 115 03:15 PM 151 124 03:30 PM 245 139 03:45 PM 202 137 pHF: 0;03 0.93 R: Q_08 0.06 A: 0.61 0.61 95� 775 F. Dill iSlCil D-=FAF'- 4T OF FUBLIC w'ORKS 24 HOUR VEHIC►. RUNT BY AUTOMATIC RECORDERS DATE: 07/23/91 -Tuesday TIME BEGUN: 11 :00 Aid Page: 91Y-200 LCCATIU4: NW 7 AVE & 20 ST MIAMI S/0 20 ST NORTH SOUTH N-S INTER EOUND SOUND TOTAL TOTAL 12--01 AJ.{ 110 44 154 154 01-02 Alf 64 24 SS 88 02-03 AM 65 35 100 100 03-04 AM 31 21 52 52 0 =-05 AM 41 20 61 61 05-06 AM 70 43 113 113 Oc-07 A!.{ 222 160 402 402 07-08 A( 528 369 897 897 08-02 AM 531 440 971 971 0S--10 Am 453 328 7S1 781 10-11 AM 490 286 776 776 I1-NOO4 686 223 909 909 12-01 PM 566 200 774 774 01--02 PM 617 263 880 880 02-03 PM 718 243 961 961 03-04 PM 745 216 961 961 04-05 PM 765 224 989 9E9 0.5-06 PM 878 184 1062 1062 06-07 PM 515 222 737 737 07-08 FM 418 182 600 600 06-09 FM 381 133 514 514 C9-10 PM 577 97 674 674 10-11 PM 279 99 378. 378 I D. 257 81 335 31-8 Totals: 10007 4165 14172 14172 Lanes: 2 2 Speed: 40 40 Countert: 13 13 N8 S6 08:00 AM 125 103 08:15 A.M 135 112 08:30 A.M. 133 116 08:45 AM 138 109 PHF.: 0.96 0.95 K: 0.05 0.11 : 0: 0.55 0.55 05:00 PM 284 20 05:15 FM 222 58 05:30 FM 193 48 05:45 FM 179 50 . PHF: 0.77 0.79 ` K: 0.09 0.04 D: 0.83 0.83 iRA,A:YJAi AAAtlaij FAvrt-LjAAtjj Ou. 95-w 775 T R A M S P 0 R T AMAL1313 PR0FES.ii)MAL3 tat Rtftrenct.: Jltl ,may PAGE: 1 N-S Street: N.W. Jth AVENUE fILE: ROOST E-W Street: M.W. 19th STREET Operator : P C C Rov cents by: All Yoh DATE: 1J21193 ----------------------------r-rr--r-r---r-r-r--rr---r-----------------------r------iiyiwiiiiiiiiiirrriiwiwrrrrrr--wrr-.r-wirr-ii PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 4:11 PR - 6 A I PR DIRECTION START PEAK HA ........ VOLUMES ........ .... PERCENTS ... PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru left Total Right Thru Loft ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S'bnd 4:31 PM 1.88 68 $59 1 627 11 89 1 W'bnd 4:31 FM 1.11 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 N'bnd 4 : 3 1 PM 1.82 1 912 1 909 1 99 1 E'bnd 4:11 PM 1.15 11 1 35 A5 22 1 18 Entire Intersection S'bnd 1:30 PR 1.18 68 $59 1 621 11 89 1 W'bnd 1.11 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 N'bnd 1.82 1 912 l 919 1 99 1 E'bnd 1.68 1 1 31 11 11 1 83 0 0 0 0 N.W. 19th STREET 95- 775 TRANIPORT ANALYSIS PROFE3311NAL3, INt, Reference.: J721 `�'`; RAGE: 1 N-S Street: N.W. 1th AVENUE TtIE: 10 119ST E-W Street: N.W. L9th STREET Operator : PCC Romi nts by: All Veh WE: 7121I93 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...---......... Tile S'bnd W'bnd N'bnd E'bnd Vehicle Begin RT THRU 1T I THRU LT RT THRU I RT THRU LT Total ---------------------------------- -....................................... -.......... --- A:11 PN 9 162 1 1 1 1 1 18t 3 1 ! 11 3S6 e;15 7 126 1 1 1 1 1 188 3 A 1 8 336 1:31 12 145 1 1 1 1 1 215 3 1 1 11 383 4:e5 19 129 1 1 1 1 1 216 1 1 ! 6 311 HR TOTAL 47 $52 1 1 1 1 1 792 11 11 1 35 1446 5:It PM i8 161 1 _ 1 1 1 1 277 1 1 ! 11 467 5:15 19 12S 1 1 ! 1 1 202 2 1 1 7 356 S..31 29 122 1 1 ! 1 1 177 3 2 1 11 344 5:45 16 95 1 1 1 1 1 161 2 1 1 11 29S MR TOTAL 92 $12 1 1 1 1 1 816 8 5 1 39 1462 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 139 1154 1 1 1 1 1 1618 18 15 1 14 2918 PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 1:11 PA - 6:01 PM DIRECTION •START PEAR MR ........ VOLUMES ........ .... PERCENTS ... . PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru loft Total Right Thru left ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S'bnd 4:31 PM 1.88 61 $59 1 627 11 a9 1 W'bnd 4:31 PM 1.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N'bnd 4:31 PM 1.82, 1 911 7 919 1 99 1 E'bnd 4:11 PM 1.75 11 1 35 45 12 1 78 Entire Intersection S'bnd 4:31 PA 1.88 68 $S9 1 621 11 89 1 W'bnd 1.II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N'bnd 1.82 1 912 7 919 1 99 1 E'bnd 1.68 7 1 31 Al 11 1 83 ttttrtnct.: 3121 PAoE: 1 N-S Strait: NW lth AVENUE FILE: 101219T f-W Sttit t: Nu 21th STREET Operator : PCC NoveNents by! All Vth DATE: 1128f93 .......................................rr......................................r.i...r..i.i.rLGi PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 4:11 PN - 6:11 PA DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ VOLUMES ........ ,., PERCENTS ... PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru left Total Right Thru I t f t S'bnd A:II PN 1.95 119 385 121 615 18 63 11 W'bnd I:lt PM 1.88 123 335 111 569 22 59 21 N'bnd 4:31 PA 1.88 11 879 143 1192 6 81 13 E'bnd 1:15 PN 1.86 114 113 226 733 14 $5 31 Entire Intersection S'bnd 4:1S PM 1.94 119 386 118 613 18 61 18 W'bnd 1.91 123 339 114 $66 22 61 18 N'bnd 1.86 78 862 134 1111 7 81 12 E'bnd 1.86 111 413 226 733 11 55 31 NW 7th AVENUE 109 386 108 L603 1 226 403 733 104 NW 20th STREET 589 75 95- 775 trIIct.: 3':; PASI. 1 Streit: NW 1th AVENUE FILE: lAy! 'L13 Streit: WW 11th STREET rotor : P C C Noments bY: All Veh DATE: IIZ8193 e S'bnd Il'bnd N'Dnd .- .-...E'Dnd-------vehicle---._- in RT 1HAU I RT 1HAU IT RT THRU LT RT THAU LT Total ------------------------------ 11 PN 24 96 32 31 93 31 12 186 31 21 S9 43 671 1S 35 96 28 22 83 25 23 216 25 2S 113 62 743 31 28 112 31 25 91 33 27 239 4S 24 96 58 798 45 21 91 31 39 69 22 11 162 31 35 121 58 658 TOTAL 119 385 121 123 335 111 19 813 139 115 319 221 2911 11 PN 24 91 19 37 91 24 11 245 32 21 83 48 137 15 29 93 31 41 11 15 15 233 34 34 99 51 143 31 16 91 31 34 64 14 11 183 31 21 11 35 61S 45 11 94 15 58 59 24 12 144 21 21 52 24 $56 TOTAL 85 3,4 115 169 291 11 58 815 123 112 314 158 2661 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 195 7S9 226 292 625 188 137 1618 262 111 683 319 $561 PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 4:11 PA - 6:11 PN DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ VOLUMES ........ .... PERCENTS ... , PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru Left Total Right Thru Left ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S'bnd 4:41 PA 1.95 119 385 121 615 18 63 21 N'bnd 4:11 PA 1.88 123 335 111 $69 22 59 21 N'bnd 4 : 3 1 PM 1.88 11 819 143 1192 6 81 13 E'bnd 4:15 PR 1.86 114 413 226 733 14 55 31 Entire Intersection S'bnd 4:15 PN 1.94 119 386 118 613 18 64 18 W'Dnd 1.91 123 339 114 $66 22 61 18 N'bnd 1.86 18 862 134 1174 1 81 12 E'bnd 1.86 114 413 226 133 14 55 31 p 95� 775 &AAA or 7A. AAAt1a ID .AtJlAt. Ref srence.: 37i1 iA9E: t N-S Street: LINOSE1 HOPKINS PARK LOT FILE: HOPLOT E-W Street: M.W. 19th STREET Operator : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------......___----__--- OA8 Nevesentc br: All Veh OA1E: TJ21J93 _ PEAK PERIOO ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 1:11 PN - 6111 PN DIRECTION START PEAK HR .... I... VOLUMES ........ .... PERCEMTS ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru left Total Right Thru left S'bnd 5:11 PA 1.51 21 1 18 39 51 1 16 W'bnd 4:45 PM 1.81 61 19 1 86 IB 12 1 N'bnd 1:45 PM 1.11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E'bnd 5:II PN 1.88 1 11 33 61 1 15 55 Entire Intersection S'bnd 5:11 PR 1.51 21 1 18 39 51 1 16 W'bnd 1.78 56 28 1 81 61 33 1 N'bnd 1.11 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 E'bnd 1.88 1 11 33 61 1 15 55 56 84 28 L0 ®v N.W. 19th STREET 4 0 ..................... 0 0 0 LINDSEY HOPKINS PARK LOT 7� 9= 775 ftrrnct.- II:4 PASE: 1 S Strsrt: IIADSET HO➢KIMS PARK lOT FILE: 4OP10T u Strttt: M.W. 19th STREET tratar : OAS Novefatnts by: All Vth OATE: 1121193 --------------------------------------- -............................... -......... ...._............ <.....-.._--- ........... at S'bnd W'bnd N'bod E'bnd Vthicte gin AT THRU LT AT THRU IT AT THRU IT AT THAU LT Total ;11 PN 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 19 :15 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 { 1 ! 5 4 24 31 3 1 6 11 1 1 ! 1 1 ! 4 3 21 45 1 1 1 19 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 34 TOTAL 13 1 1B 43 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 15 114 i:It PA 3 1 5 11 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 46 i:15 4 1 3 14 3 1 1 ! 1 1 3 1 34 i:31 11 1 8 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 62 i:45 3 1 2 8 11 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 41 t TOTAL 21 1 IB 56 28 1 1 1 1 1 21 33 183 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 34 1 36 99 35 1 1 1 1 1 4S 48 291 PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERIOD: 4:11 PM - 6:11 PM DIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ VOLUMES ........ PERCENTS ... PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru Loft Total Right Thru Ieft ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S'bnd 5:11 PA 1.51 11 1 11 39 54 1 46 W'bnd 4:45 PM 1.81 61 19 1 86 78 22 1 M'bnd 4:45 PM 1.11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E'bnd 5:11 PM 1.88 1 21 33 61 1 45 55 Entire Intersection S'bnd 5:11 PA 1.51 21 1 18 39 54 1 46 W'bnd 1.78 56 28 1 84 61 33 1 N'bnd 1.11 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 E'bnd 1.88 1 11 33 61 1 4S 55 O 956 775 Aeferen�r.: 3111 tAANSPORt ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, lit, �- PAGE: 1 N-S Street: L HOPKINS STUOENt PARKING FILE: STUOPARK E-W Street: NW 21 STREET Operator : DAB Novementt by: A11 Veh DATE: 8J120 3 PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR INC PERIOD: 2:11 PA - 6.-If PA DIRECTION START PEAK HA ........ VOLUMES ........ .... PERCENTS ... PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru left Total Right Thru left -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S'bnd 2:11 PA 1.11 1 1 1 1 .............. f 1 1 W'bnd S:11 PM 1.33 1 1 4 4 1 1 %111 N'bnd 2:11 PM 1.53 56 8 63 117 44 6 51 E'bnd 4:45 PM 1.51 4 1 1 4 till 1 1 Entire Intersection S'bnd 2:11 PA 1.11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W'bnd 1.tt i t 1 1 1 1 1 N'bnd f.S3 56 8 63 122 44 6 51 E'bnd 1.51 2 1 1 2 tilt 1 1 L HOPKINS STUDENT PARKING 8 =J F 0 0 0 0 NW 20 STREET ;:::::fi;;:: ... .............. ... . 21 55- 775 µ tAMPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. Reference.: 3111 M-S Street: L HOPKINS STUDENT PARKINB FILE: MOPARK E-W Street: Mu 11 STREET 0 p I r I t 0 r : OAR Movements by: All Vth OATS: 8/I2193 -------------------------------iii--& --.—...................-.............i..♦.............iri....riiGiiGGiiiii iiii...... I--.. 93 95- 775 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. '^1 itrenct.: 3721 PAGE: 2 S Street: L HOPKINS STUOEMT PARKING FILE: SfiU6PARK W Street: MW 21 STREET erttor : OAS Movelents by: All Veh BATE; 0112113 -------•---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEAK PERIOD ANALYSIS FOR THE PERI00: 2:11 PA - 6!11 PR OIRECTION START PEAK HR ........ VOLUNES ........ .... PERCENTS ... PEAK HOUR FACTOR Right Thru left Total Right Thru left ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S'bnd 2:11 PA 1.11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W'bnd 5:11 PM 1.33 1 1 4 4 1 1 %111 N'bnd 2:10 PM 1.53 56 8 63 121 44 6 51 E'bnd 4:45 PA I.51 4 0 1 4 sill 1 1 Entire Interstetion S'bnd 2:11 PM 1.11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W'bnd 1.II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M'bnd 1.53 56 8 63 127 44 6 51 E'bnd 1.51 2 1 1 2 till l 1 ti l� • J 5 775 ,RANSPORt ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. Reference.: 3111 PAGE: 1 M-S Street: L HOP11AS STUDENT PARKING ME! STUOP M E-W Street: NW 21 STREET Operator : DAB -------....................... Movements by: All Veh -.............. =------....... ---....................... DATE: 8(12(33 --------------------------------------------- Time S'bnd W'bnd N'bnd E'bnd Vehiclt Begin RT THRU 0 RT THRU LT RT THRU LT RT THRU IT Total 2:eI PM I 1 I 1 1 1 8 3 S L 1 1 11 2:15 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 6 1 1 1 11 2:31 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 23 1 1 1 42 2:45 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 4 29 1 1 1 61 HR TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 $6 8 63 2 1 1 129 3:If PA I I 1 1 f 1 S 1 6 1 1 1 11 3: IS 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I f 1 3:31 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 3 1 I 1 3 3:45 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 3 HR TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 11 1 1 1 18 4:It PA 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4:15 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4:38 1 f 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4:45 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 I 3 HR TOTAL 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 I 1 S:If PN I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 { I 1 1 5:1S f I I 1 1 1 1 ! 1 i f 1 2 5:30 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 I 2 5:45 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 DIVIDED ARTERIAL SERVICE FLOW RATES BASED ON 1985 HIGHWAY CAPACITY MANUAL )AD = NW 7th Ave. Between NW 6th St.& NW 36th St. AREA = Dade NAME = RPE/TAP DAILY Ines/LOS A B C D E --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N/A N/A 12400 15200 16900 ---------------- 4 -- N/A N/A 26300 31600 34400 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 N/A N/A 39500 48300 52000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEAK HOUR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N/A N/A 1270 1560 1740 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 N/A N/A 2710 3260 3550 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 N/A N/A 4070 4970 5360 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEAK HOUR PEAK DIRECTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 N/A N/A 720 880 980 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 N/A N/A 1530 1840 2010 --------------------------------------------------.--------------- 3 N/A N/A 2300 2820 3030 --------------------------------------------------------------------- F VALUE IS N/A THEN LEVEL OF SERVICE IS NOT ACHIEVABLE RAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS Factor = 0.103 Arterial Class = 2 irectional Factor = 0.566 Free Flaw Speed = 35 MPH eak Hour Factor (PHF) = 0.950 ADJUSTED Saturation Flow Rate = 1850 Veh. rotected Turn Percent = 7.00 Divided by Median - Yes Left Turn Bays provided - Yes IGNAL CHARACTERISTICS ignalized Intersections per Mile = 4.28 ignal Type = Semi -Actuated rrival Type - 4 ycle Length = 90 Seconds /C = 0.51 RTERIAL LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA FOR URBAN OS/ARTERIAL CLASS I II III ------------------------`------------------------------------------- A >=35 >=30 >=25 B >=28 >=24 >=19 C >=22 >=18 >=13 D V I >=17 >=14 >= 9 E >=13 >=10 >= 7 F < 13 < 10 < 7 9 5 - 775 ............:..... _ . . CAPACITY AND LEVEL -OF -SERVICE Page-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (p(::ph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH ------------------------------------------------ --- MINOR STREET EB LEFT 39 98 97 > 97 > 58 > E > 114 > 67 >E RIGHT 8 862 862 > 862 > 853 > A MAJOR STREET NB LEFT 8 591 591 591 583 A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... NW 19th STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... NW 7th AVENUE DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... 7/20/93 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... EXISTING CONDITIONS ADJUSTMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTORS Page-2 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS ----------------- EASTBOUND ------- ---------- 0.00 90 ---------------- 30 N WESTBOUND -- -- - --- --- - NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N VEHICLE COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------- % SU TRUCKS COMBINATION AND RV'S VEHICLES MOTORCYCLES EASTBOUND 0 0 0 WESTBOUND --- --- --- NORTHBOUND 0 0 0 SOUTHBOUND 0 0 0 CRITICAL GAPS TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (Table 10-2) VALUE ADJUSTMENT CRITICAL GAP -------------- -------- ----------- ------------ MINOR RIGHTS EB 5.50 5.00 0.00 5.00 MAJOR LEFTS NB 5.50 5.00 0.00 5.00 MINOR LEFTS EB 7.00 6.50 0.00 6.50 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... NW 19th STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... NW 7th AVENUE DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... 7/20/93 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... EXISTING CONDITIONS 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-1 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 30 PEAK HOUR FACTOR ..................... .95 AREA POPULATION ...................... 1000000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET......... NW 19th STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET....... NW 7th AVENUE NAME OF THE ANALYST .................. RPE/TAP DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy)...... 7/20/93 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED ................. PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... EXISTING CONDITIONS INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE EASTBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB - LEFT 34 -- 7 0 THRU 0 -- 902 559 RIGHT 7 0 68 NUMBER OF LANES --------------------------------------------------------------------- EB WB NB SB ---------------------------- LANES 1 2 2 f 89 95- 775 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSEC't•ION SUMMARY 07-29-1993 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. Streets: (E-W) NW 20th STREET (N-S) NW 7th AVENUE Analyst: RPE/TAP File Name: 7PM20EX.HC9 Area Type: Other 7-28-93 PM PEAK Comment: EXISTING CONDITIONS Eastbound Westbound-- - Northbound - Southbound- L T R L T R L T R L T R ---- ---- -- ---- ---- No. Lanes 1 2< 1- 2--<--_ 1 2< -- 1 2<---- volumes 1 226 403 104 104 339 123 134 862 78 108 386 109 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 151 56 37 53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Operations Phase Combinatiun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 12A 26P Green 13A 23A Yellow/A-R 3 5 Yellow/A-R 3 5 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: 01 #2 #5 #6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS ----- ----------- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- --- EB L 226 1693 0.62 0.48 13.7 B 14.0 B TR 1085 3486 0.51 0.31 14.2 B WB L 226 1693 0.27 0.48 7.8 B 12.5 B TR 1076 3459 0.44 0.31 13.7 B NB L 245 1693 0.38 0.46 11.0 B 81.9 F TR 983 3537 1.12 0.28 92.0 F SB L 245 1693 0.28 0.46 10.2 B 16.7 C TR 971 3495 0.51 0.28 18.2 C Intersection Delay = 40.3 sec/veh Intersection LOS = E Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.652 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 95- 775 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSE�-ION SUMMARY 07-29-1993 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. Streets: (E-W) NW 20th STREET _ (N-•S) NW 7th AVENUE Analyst: RPE/TAP File Name: 7PM20EXT.HC9 Area Type: Other 7-28-93 PM PEAK Comment: EXISTING CONDITIONS WITH MODIFIED SIGNAL TIMING Eastbound Westbound Northbound --Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- No. Lanes 1 2< 1 2< 1 2< 1 2< Volumes 1 226 403 104 104 339 123 134 862 78 108 386 109 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 51 56 37 53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 11A 21P Green 13A 29A ` Yellow/A-R 3 5 Yellow/A-R 3 5 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: 01 12 15 06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intersection Performance summary Lane Group: Adj Sat' v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS ---- - ----------- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- --- EB L 207 1693 0.75 0.41 22.0 C 20.2 C TR 891 3486 0.63 0.26 19.3 C WB L 207 1693 0.33 0.41 10.2 B 15.0 B TR 884 3459 0.54 0.26 16.2 C NB L 245 1693 0.32 0.52 8.3 B 25.9 D TR 1218 3537 0.90 0.34 28.3 D SB L 245 1693 0.24 0.52 7.7 B 13.5 B TR 1204 3495 0.41 0.34 14.8 B Intersection Delay = 20.2 sec/veh Intersection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.654 -----------------------------------------------_------------------------ 9i 051" 775 CAPACITY AND --------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL -OF -SERVICE Page-3 POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS ------- p -------- M ---------------------- SH R SH ------------ --- MINOR STREET EB LEFT 42 95 94 > 94 > 53 > E > 110 > 60 >E RIGHT 8 846 846 > 846 > 838 > A MAJOR STREET NB LEFT 8 570 570 570 562. A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... NW 19th STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... NW 7th AVENUE DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... FUTURE ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 1995 BACKGROUND WITHOUT PROJECT ADJUSTMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTORS Page-2 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE ------- ---------- FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOU2ID 0.00 90 ---------------- ----------------- 30 N WESTBOUND ----- --- ___ _ NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBOUND 0:00 90 20 N VEHICLE COMPOSITION ------------------------- -------------------------------------------- % SU TRUCKS % COMBINATION AND RV'S VEHICLES MOTORCYCLES EASTBOUND ------------ 0 ------------- 0 0 WESTBOUND --- --- NORTHBOUND 0 0 0 SOUTHBOUND 0 0 0 CRITICAL GAPS --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (Table 10-2) -------------- VALUE ADJUSTMENT CRITICAL GAP MINOR RIGHTS -------- ----------- ------------ EB 5.50 5.00 0.00 5.00 MAJOR LEFTS NB 5.50 5.00 0.00 5.00 MINOR LEFTS EB 7.00 6.50 0.00 6.50 IDENTIFYING --------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... NW 19th STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... NW 7th AVENUE DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... FUTURE ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION..., 1995 BACKGROUND WITHOUT PROJECT 93 w- 95-- 775 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-1 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERAGE PU14NING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 30 PEAK HOUP, FACTOR ..................... .95 AREA POPULATION ...................... 1000000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET......... NW 19th STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET....... NW 7th AVENUE NAME OF THE ANALYST .................. RPE/TAP DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy)...... FUTURE TIME PERIOD ANALYZED ................. PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 1995 BACKGROUND WITHOUT PROJECT _ INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE EASTBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB LEFT 36 -- 7 0 THRU 0 -- 947 587 RIGHT 7 -- 0 71 NUMBER OF LANES It EB WB NB SB - LANES 1 -- 2 2 95- 775 IfCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSEC-ON SUMMARY 08-03-1993 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. Streets: (E-W) NW 20th STREET - (N-S) NW 7th AVENUE Analyst: RPE/TAP File Name: 7PM20WO.HC9 Area Type: Other 7-28-93 PM PEAK Comment: 1995 BACKGROUND WITHOUT PROJECT Eastbound Westbound Northbound Sorthbound L T R L T R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 2 < 1 2 < 1 2 <---- -1---2--<--._- Volumes 237 423 109 109 356 129 141 905 82 113 405 114 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 R'TOR Vols 51 56 37 53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 12A 26P Green 13A 23A Yellow/A-R 3 5 Yellow/A-R 3 5 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 Cycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: 01 f2 f5 f6 ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS ----- ----------- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- --- EB L 226 1693 0.66 0.48 15.2 C 14.6 B TR 1085 3486 0.54 0.31 14.4 B WB L 226 1693 0.29 0.48 8.0 B 12.7 B TR 1076 3459 0.47 0.31 13.8 B NB L 245 1693 0.41 0.46 11.3 B 110.4 F TR 983 3537 1.18 0.28 124.4 F SB L 245 1693 0.30 0.46 10.3 B 16.9 C TR 971 3495 0.54 0.28 18.4 C Intersection Delay = 51.4 sec/veh Intersection LOS = E Lost Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) _ 0.690 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 95- 775 CM: SIGNALIZED INTERSE ON SUMMARY 08-03-1993 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Ire-. treets: (E-W) NW 20th STREET (N-S) NW 7th AVENUE nalyst: RPE/TAP File Name: 7PM20WOT.HC9 rea Type: Other 7-28-93 PM PEAK omment: 1995 BACKGROUND WITHOUT PROJECT (W/IMPROVED SIGNAL TIMING) Eastbound Westbound I Northbound Southbound L T R L T R L T R L T R D. Lanes 1 2 < 1 2 < 1 2 < 1 2 < Dlumes 237 423 109 109 356 129 141 905 82 113 405 114 ine Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 1.2.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 COR Vols 1 ;511 561 37 1 53 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Signal operations lase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 Left * * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds 1 Left * * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds Right EB Right Right WB Right een 11A 21P Green 13A 29A llow/A-R 3 5 Yellow/A-R 3 5 st Time 3.0 3.0 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 cle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: 01 #2 05 06 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap Flow Ratio Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS ----- ----------- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- --- L 207 1693 0.82 0.41 29.3 D 22.8 C TR 891 3486 0.66 0.26 19.7 C L 207 1693 0.36 0.41 10.3 B 15.2 C TR 884 3459 0.57 0.26 16.4 C L 245 1693 0.35 0.52 8.5 B 30.3 D TR 1218 3537 0.95 0.34 33.3 D L 245 1693 0.25 0.52 7.8 B 13.7 B TR 1204 3495 0.43 0.34 15.0 B Intersection Delay = 22.6 sec/veh Intersection LOS = C st Time/Cycle, L = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.693 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 95-- 775 CAPACITY A14D LEVEL -OF -SERVICE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Page-3 POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY. CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph). c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH MINOR STREET EB LEFT 69 95 91 91 2') E RIGHT 22 822 822 822 800 A MAJOR STREET NB LEFT 34 536 536 536 503 A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... NW 19th STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... NW 7th AVENUE DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... FUTURE ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 1995 W/BACKGROUND, PROJECT, & NEW INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT ADJUSTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------- FACTORS Page-2 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT ---------------- TURNS FOR RIGHT ----------------- TURNS EASTBOUtdD ------- ---------- 0.00 90 30 N WESTBOUND ----- --- --- - NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N VEHICLE COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------- SU TRUCKS % COMBINATION AND RV'S VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES EASTBOUND 0 0 0 WESTBOUND --- --- --- NORTHBOUND 0 0 0 , SOUTHBOUND 0 0 0 CRITICAL GAPS --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (Table 10-2) VALUE -------------- -------- ADJUSTMENT ----------- CRITICAL GAP ------------ MINOR RIGHTS EB 5.50 5.00 0.00 5.00 MAJOR LEFTS NB 5.50 5.00 0.00 5.00 MINOR LEFTS EB 7.00 6.50 0.00 6.50 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET.,.... NW 19th STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... NW 7th AVENUE DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... FUTURE ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 1995 W/BACKGROUND, PROJECT, & NEW INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT 95- 775 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-1 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ------------------------------•--------------------------------------- AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 30 PEAK HOUR FACTOR ..................... .95 AREA POPULATION ...................... 1000000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET......... NW 19th STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET....... NW 7th AVENUE NAME OF THE ANALYST .................. RPE/TAP DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy)...... FUTURE TIME PERIOD ANALYZED ................. PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 1995 W/BACKGROUND, PROJECT, & NEW INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE EASTBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- EB WB NB SB LEFT 60 -- 29 0 THRU 0 -- 947 587 RIGHT 19 -- 0 120 NUMBER OF LANES --------------------------------------------------------------------- EB WB NB SB LANES 2 -- 2 2 05= 775 C'4: SIGNALIZED INTERSEC -ON _SUMMARY 08-04-1993 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. t7eets: (E-W) NW 20th STREET - (N-S) NW 7th AVENUE %nalyst: RPE/TAP File Name: 7PM20WPF.HC9 %rea Type: Other 7-28-93 PM PEAK _omment: 1995 BACKGROUND WITH PROJECT Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound I L T R L T R L T R L T R Jo . Lanes 1 2 < 1 2 < - ---- - ---- ---- 1 2 < 1 2 < iolumes 237 423 121 125 356 129 146 914 90 113 426 114 mane Width 12.0 .12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 7TOR Vols .51 56 37 53 ---- - ------ Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _7B Left * * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds 4B Left * * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds 4B Right EB Right 3B Right WB Right ;reen 12A 26P Green 13A 23A fellow/A-R 3 5 Yellow/A-R 3 5 most Time 3.0 3.0 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 :ycle Length: 90 secs Phase combination order: 01 12 #5 #6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts ----- Cap Flow Ratio ----------- ----- Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS -'B L 226 1693 0.66 ----- ----- --- ----- --- 0.48 15.2 C 14.7 B TR 1081 3475 0.56 0.31 14.5 B TB L 226 1693 0.33 0.48 8.2 B 12.6 B TR 1076 3459 0.47 0.31 13.8 B fB L 245 1693 0.43 0.46 11.5 B TR 981 3532 1.20 0.28 �B L 245 1693 0.30 0.46 10.3 B 17.1 C TR 971 3495 0.56 0.28 18.7 C Intersection Delay = * (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = g/C)*(V/c) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- is greater than one. Calculation of D1 is infeasable. :-t•i: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY 08-04-1993 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. treets: (E-W) NW 20th STREET (N-S) NW 7th AVENUE nalyst: RPE/TAP File Name: 7PM20WPT.HC9 rea Type: Other 7-28-93 PM PEAK 'omment: 1995 BACKGROUND WITH PROJECT (W/IMPROVED SIGNAL TIMING) Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound L ---- T R ---- ---- L T ---- ---- ---- R L T R L T R No. Lanes 1 2< 1 2< ---- ---- ---- 1 2< ---- ---- ---- 1 2< Volumes 237 423 121 125 356 129 146 914 90 113 426 114 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 '53 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 RTOR Vols 1 ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 56 37 53 Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left * * NB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds WB Left * * SB Left Thru * Thru Right * Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right ' Green 11A 21P Green 13A 29A Yellow/A-R 3 5 Yellow/A-R 3 5 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 Lost Time 3.0 3.0 Cycle Length: 90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- secs Phase combination order: #1 #2 #5 #6 Intersection Performance Summary Lane Group: Adj Sat v/c g/C Approach: Mvmts Cap ----- ---- Flow Ratio ------- Ratio Delay LOS Delay LOS EB L 207 ----- 1693 0.82 ----- ----- --- ----- --- 0.41 29.3 D 22.9 C TR 888 3475 0.68 0.26 20.0 C WB L 207 1693 0.41 0.41 10.8 B 15.2 C TR 884 3459 0.57 0.26 16.4 C NB L 245 1693 0.36 0.52 8.6 B 32.9 D TR 1217 3532 0.97 0.34 36.3 D SB L 245 1693 0.25 0.52 7.8 B 13.8 B TR 1204 3495 0.45 0.34 15.1 C Intersection Delay = 23.6 sec/veh Intersection LOS = C Lost Time/Cycle, L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ = 6.0 sec Critical v/c(x) = 0.707 /o/ 95d 775 s Mrs. Ileana Hernandez offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption. RESOLUTION ZB 83-95 AFTER CONSIDERING THE FACTORS SET FORTH IN SECTION 1903.1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000, THE ZONING BOARD GRANTED THE VARIANCES FROM ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE 4, SECTION 401, SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS, G/I GOVERNMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL, TO PERMIT A SIDE STREET YARD SETBACK. OF 5' (7.5' REQUIRED), .A BUILDING FOOTPRINT OF 54%; 179,015 SQ. FT. (40%; 133,452 SQ. FT. MAXIMUM ALLOWED), AND TO WAIVE ONE LOADING SPACE OF FOUR (4) LOADING SPACES REQUIRED, PER SECTION 922, OFFSTREET LOADING REQUIRED FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 710 N.W. 20TH STREET LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS ATTACHMENT "A" HEREOF ATTACHED. TuESE VARIANCES WERE GRANTED WITH A TIME LIMITATION OF TWELVE (12) MONTHS IN WHICH A BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED AND SUBJECT TO THE PLANNING DIVISION CONDITIONS OF THE PLANNING, BUILDING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT. Upon being seconded by Mr. George Barket the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mses. Basila, Hernandez & Morales. Messrs. Barket, Carman, Crespo, Luaces, Milian and Hernandez. NAYES: None. ABSENT: Mr. Moran-Ribeaux. Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 9-0. July 17, 1995 Zoning Board i Item# 6 /D3 55- 775 ZONING BOARD ACTION 01� TITION FOR VARIANCE NOTION! I move that the request on agenda item ��,^ be (denied) rang in that the required"n-ts of Section 1903.1 )were) (were not) satisfied by relevant evidence in the record of the public hearing. as stated in the City's finds of fact, or b) as demonstrated by the petitioner, or c) on the basis of the following: --------------------------•-------------------------------------- The Zoning Board shall make findings of of the requirements and standards of Section 1903.1 (haves not been) demonstrtated. CHECK ONE a) Special conditions and circumstances (exist) (do OF EACH not exist) which are peculiar to the land, STATEMENT structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district. as stated in the City's findings of fact _ 2) as demonstrated by the petitioner 3) as otherwise stated belowt b) The special conditions and circumstances add) (do not) result from the actions of the petitioners / 1) as stated in the City's findings of fact 2) as demonstrated by the petitioner 3) as otherwise stated below: c) Literal interpretation of the provisions of the zoning ordinance (would) (would not) deprive the. applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same Zoning district under the terms of the zoning ordinance and. work unnecessary and undue hardships on the petitioner: _ 1) as stated ih the City's findings of fact _ 2) as demonstrated by the petitioner 3) as otherwise stated below: 9 5 -- 77a d) Granting the varl a requested (will) (will not) convey the same treatment to the individual owner as to the owner of other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. 1) as stated in the City's findings of fact 2) as demonstrated by the petitioner 3) as otherwise stated below e) Granting the variance requested (will) (will not) convey the same treatment, any special privilege that is denied by the zoning ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. f) if granted the variance (will be) (will not be) in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance, and will not be injurious - to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare: 1) as stated in the City's findings of fact 2) as demonstrated by the petitioner _ 3) as otherwise stated below: ignature DatC Item 5 95- 775 Mrs. Ileana Hernandez offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption. RESOLUTION ZB 84-95 AFTER CONSIDERING THE FACTORS SET FORTH IN SECTION 1305 OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING BOARD GRANTED A SPECIAL EXCEPTION, AS LISTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE 4, SECTION 401, SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS, G/I GOVERNMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL, TO INTRODUCE A NEW USE (A PARKING GARAGE) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 710 N.W. 20TH STREET LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS ATTACHMENT "A" HEREOF ATTACHED. THIS SPECIAL EXCEPTION WAS GRANTED WITH A TIME LIMITATION OF TWELVE (12) MONTHS IN WHICH A BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED. Upon being seconded by Ms. Gloria Basila the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mses. Basila, Hernandez & Morales. Messrs. Barket, Carman, Crespo, Luaces, Milian and Hernandez. NAYES: None. ABSENT: Mr. Moran-Ribeaux. Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 9-0. July 17, 1995 Item# 7 Zoning Board 107 9 5 - 775 ZONING BOARD ACTION ON PETITION pnq SPECIAL EXCEPTI02i I mwJEI, that the request cn agenda item be (denied) ngrants ) in that the requirements of Section .305 (were) (were abVt— Satisfied by relevant evidence in the record of the public hearing. a) as stated in the city,s findings of fact, or b) as demonstrated by the petitioner, or c) on the basis of the following: The Zoning Board, in its decision to (grant) (deny) the special exception, shall make written findings that the applicable requirements of this Zoning Ordinance, Section 2305, (have) (have not) been met. Circle appropriate condttions: 1305.1 Ingress and Egress. Due consideration shall be given to adequacy of ingress and egress to the property and structure and uses thereon, with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire and emergency. 1305.2 Offstreet Parking and I.aadiny Due consideration shall be given to offstreet parking and loading facilities as related to adjacent streets, with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, internal traffic flow and control, arrangement in relation to access in case of fire or other emergency, and screening and landscaping. 1305.3 R.efus* and service areas. Due consideration shall be given to the location, scale, design, and screening of refuse and service areas to the manner in which refuse is to be stored; and to the manner and timing of refuse collection and deliveries, shipments, or other service activities, as such matters relate to the location and nature of uses on adjoining properties and to the location and character of adjoining public ways. 1305.4 S,igna and lighting. Duo consideration shall be given to the number, size, character, location and orientation of proposed signs, and of proposed lighting for signs and premises, with particular reference to traffic safety, glare, and compatibility and harmony with adjoining and nearby property and the character of the area. 95- 775 1305.5 utilities. Due consideration shall be given to utilities required, with particular reference to availability and capacity of systems, location of connections, and potentially adverse appearance or other adverse effects on adjoining and nearby property and the character of the area. 1305.6 Drainage Due consideration, shall be given for drainage, with particular reference to effect on adjoining and nearby properties and on general drainago systems in the area. Where major drainage volumes appear likely and capacity of available systems is found marginal or inadequate, consideration shall be given to possibilities for recharge of groundwater supply on the property, temporary retention with gradual discharge, or other remedial measures. 1305.7 Preservation of natural features. Duo consideration shall be given to provision for the preservation of existing vegetation and geological features whenever possible. 1305.9 Control of potentially adverse effects Generally. In addition to consideration of detailed elements indicated above, as appropriate to the particular class or kind of special permit and the circumstances of the particular case, due consideration shall be given to potentially adverse effects generally on adjoining and nearby properties, the area, the neighborhood, or the City, of the use or occupancy as proposed, or its location, construction, design, character, scale or manner of operation. where such potentially adverse effects are found, consideration shall be given to special remedial measures appropriate in the particular circumstances of the case, including screening or buffering, landscaping, control of manner or hours of operation, alteration of use of such space, or such other measures as are required to assure that such potential adverse effects will be eliminated or minimized to the maximum extent reasonably feasible, and that the use of occupancy will be compatible and har=nious with other development in the area to a degree which will avoid substantial depreciation of the value of nearby property. a' Signature 1' Dat�r�� i J f Item 95- 775 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT "A" LESS THE WEST 580 FEET THEREOF, AND TRACTS "B", "C", AND "D", "WEST DUNBAR SCHOOL SITE" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, .AS RECORDED IN PLATBOOK 75, PAGE 87 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND ALSO: LOTS 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11 AND 12, ALL IN BLOCK 1 "PLAT OF NORTH HIGHLAND" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 31, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING: THE WEST 150 FEET OF THE EAST .182.5 FEET OF THE SOUTH 145.5 FEET OF THE NORTH 275.5 FEET OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF (N. 1/2) OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF (N. 1/2) OF THE NORTHEAST ONE -QUARTER (N.E. 1/4) OF THE NORTHEAST ONE -QUARTER (N.E. 1/4) OE SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, AND, THE WEST _.82 . 5 FEET OF THE EAST 115 FEET OF THE SOUTH 95 FEET OF THE NORTH 130 FEET OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF ( N . 1/2) OF THE • NORTH ONE-HALF (N. 1/2) OF THE NORTHEAST ONE -QUARTER (N.E. 1/4) OF THE NORTHEAST - ONE -QUARTER (N.E. 1/4) OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, AND, A 50 FOOT WIDE PORTION OF NORTHWEST 8TH AVENUE, BEING BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE WESTERLY PROJECTION OF THE NORTH RIGHT -OF -WRY LINE OF NORTHWEST 19TH STREET, AND BEING BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY THE SOUTH LINE OF TRACT "A", "WEST DUNBAR SCHOOL SITE" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLATBOOK 75, PAGE 87 OF THE _�UBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ALL OF THE FOREGOING SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL RIGHT -OF -WAX DEDICATIONS FOR NORTHWEST 7TH AVENUE AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOKS 7196 AT PAGE 108, AND 7522 AT PAGE 695 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Attachment "A" 95- 775 RESOLUTION PAB - 38-95 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL, WITH CONDITIONS, OF A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 5 AND 17 OF ZONING ORDINANCE 11000, AS AMENDED, FOR THE LINDSEY HOPKINS TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTER PARKING GARAGE PROJECT, TO BE LOCATED AT 710 N.W. 20TH STREET, AND TO BE COMPRISED OF NOT MORE THAN 879 PARKING SPACES; APPROVING SAID MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER, ATTACHED HERETO AS "EXHIBIT A", AND THE APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL, INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; AND PROVIDING THAT THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER SHALL BE BINDING ON THE APPLICANT AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. HEARING DATE: July 19, 1995 VOTE: VOTE: 7-2 ATTEST: ack L. Luft, Direc Department of Community Planning and Revitalization