HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-95-067311, J-95-731 9/28/95 9 5_ 673 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ("CGLDC") FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE GOOMBAY PLAZA PROJECT WITH FUNDS PARTIALLY PROVIDED BY A $2 MILLION SECTION 108 LOAN GUARANTEE AND AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE GRANT OF $300,000 FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ("HUD"); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH GROVITES UNITED TO SURVIVE ("GUTS") TO MODIFY AND INCREASE THE CITY'S EXISTING FIRST MORTGAGE POSITION ON THE PROPERTY SITE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT, FROM $271,976 TO $2,271,976, TO REFLECT THE ADDITIONAL $2 MILLION LOAN GUARANTEE FROM HUD; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO PERFORM MONTHLY AUDITS AND MAINTAIN RECORDS ACCORDINGLY CONCERNING THE USE OF SAID FUNDS BY CGLDC AND GUTS; FURTHER REQUIRING THAT CGLDC AND GUTS COMPLY WITH ALL PROCUREMENT REQUIREMENTS AS PRESCRIBED BY CITY CHARTER AND CODE PROVISIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Miami ("City") is committed to assisting Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation ("CGLDC") and Grovites United to Survive ("GUTS") to develop the Goombay Plaza project for the benefit of the community; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") has approved a $2 Million Section 108 Loan Guarantee for said project; and CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF SEP 2 P 1995 Resolution No. 95- 673 L WHEREAS, HUD has also approved an Economic Development Initiative Grant in the amount of $300,000 for the City of Miami for said project; and WHEREAS, GUTS is the owner of the property upon which the project will be developed; and and WHEREAS, the City holds a first mortgage on the property; WHEREAS, GUTS is willing to execute an agreement with the City to increase the mortgage to reflect the $2 Million loan guarantee; and WHEREAS, CGLDC is willing to execute an agreement with the City for the development of the project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized!' to enter into an agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation ("CGLDC") for the development of the Goombay Plaza Project with i The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. - 2 - 95- 673 � _1 funds partially provided by a $2 Million Section 108 Loan Guarantee and an Economic Development Initiative Grant of $300,000 from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"). Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized-/ to execute an agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Grovites United to Survive ("GUTS"), to modify and increase the City's existing first mortgage position on the property upon which the proposed project is to be developed to reflect the additional $2 Million loan guaranteed by HUD. Section 4. The City Manager is hereby directed to instruct the Finance Director to perform monthly audits and maintain records accordingly concerning the use of said funds by CGLDC and GUTS. Section 5. CGLDC and GUTS are hereby required to comply with all procurement requirements as prescribed by City Charter and Code provisions. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September 1995. STEPREN P. CLAR , MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK - 3 - 9.5- 673 PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: OLGA RAMIREZ-SEI S ASSISTANT CITY AtTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A. Q NN 0 S, III CITY ATT EY W271:csk:ORS:BSS - 4 - 95- 6'73 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Honorable Mayor and DATE SEP - 5 •1995 FILE Members of the City Commission SUBJECT : Resolution to Enter into Agreement with Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation FROM : Ce o REFERENCES: and GUTS City er ENCLOSURES: City Commission Meeting S�ntPmhp�1 d_1 A��i RECOMMENDATION It Is respectfully recommended that the City Commission approve the attached Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreements with the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation (CGLDC) and Grovttes United to Survive (GUTS,) for the development of the Goombay Plaza Project through a Section 108 Loan Guarantee of $2 million, and an Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Grant of $300,000.00 provided to the City from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD.") BACKGROUND NET has analyzed the need to enter into agreement with Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation and Grovites United to Survive for the development of the Goombay Plaza Project for which the City will be provided with a HUD Section 108 Loan Guarantee and an EDI grant. The City's agreement with Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation is for the purposes of developing the project since the agency will be the developer. The City's agreement with GUTS will reflect the additional financing of $2 million guaranteed by the HUD Section 108 to in effect revise the City's current first mortgage position of the GUTS property, site of the project. The City's first position mortgage will increase up to $2,272,000.00. Resolution 92-748 reduced the original loan amount to GUTS from $500,000.00 to $271,976.00. The balance was transferred into a grant. Approval of the attached Resolution is therefore recommended. INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : Walter Foeman, City Clerurbml FROM NET Clerk da, Director September 15, 1995 DATE FILE SUBJECT : Goombay Plaza Section 108 Items 10, 11, and 12 Public Hearing REFERENCES: September 14, 1995 City Commission Meeting ENCLOSURES: Pursuant to the directive of the City Commission on September 14, 1995, enclosed, please find a copy of the U.S. HUD Section 108 application of the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, regarding Items #10, 11, and 12 for review by the public, if requested. The public should be advised that copies of said application may be obtained at the Department of NET, 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 420, Dupont Plaza. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact Ed Blanco, at 579-2463, ext. 111. FClvh Cmemos>foeman ti c: m I,y -r' 95 - 673 SECTION 108 LOAN APPLICA►.TION SUBMITTED BY: THE CITY OF MI.A►M19 FLORIDA ON BEHALF OF THE COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OCTOBER 29,1994 ZE I� � TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Standard Form 424 2. City of Miami Motion M 93-667 3. Public Notice 4. Certification of Funding Sought 5. Application 6. Project Budget and Pro Forma 7. Environmental Review 8. Appendices 9. EDI Application and Approval 10. Project Designers and Participants 9 5 - 61! 3 .-J STANDARD FORM 424 9r,- 67 ASSISTANCE October 31, 1994 Aoplkant tdontifiat city of V` mi, Goombay Plaza v.c_nAt_ State Applicatkx, ntifiof �fYPt Of t;UnMItT31pN It RECEIVED GY STATE Appllca(Ion Pro[pt>✓ICatlO+t COnSttVCilOtl ❑ Co(uttuctlon A. DAT! RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY Federal Identifier B-92-ED-12-0013 NonConstn�cton ❑ APPLICANT fNFORMATION Name: �fQa(liiatidnal ()flit: if City of Miami Sdtels (,give C;fy, county. IWO. and Lip rods): tlaa w and tataphonw rA nitx f it the pat30n tO t>Q COntaC On nuttars kt"Ol•Ma this,applicetion (orw Ina coda) 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way t,uite 420 Frank Castaneda, Director rliami, Florida 33131 Department of Community Development FJt to£NTIFFCATION HUMBER (Ghjk 'r. TYPf W APrJCAAT: (enterappro(xia(a k1wIn box) C 3 7 5 A. SSsc. ts. tnoaoondanc scttoot ouc 1{ 5 9 6 0 0 0 e. County L $tats Conttotted kutitu6on of HiOhsr i�caR,K.p cepal G uuniJ. Private Unity ty E of APPLICAiiOlt O. Townstyp K ktdun Tuba j ❑ (Jaw )($ Cont:twation ❑ Revision E. Intorstata L Lndividual F. Wwrrxmidpal M. Profit D( anitatbn ant s-,ision, at lata tatter(:) in ba4aa): El ❑ approot G SWcfal District ti t7tttet (Spac+fYl E kvawe,se Award 6. Oeueaso Award C. U%Creasa Duration 1. t"E Of FEDERAL /.GEttCY: 4 Decrease Duration Other (Spaclly): i D}opartment of Housing and Urban Development .TAL.OG OF FEDERAL DOW ESmc 1 i. DESCRSma TITLE Of APPLICANT'S PROJECT: ASSISTANCE HWAGM to j Supplemental Asslstanoe for Facit(t(es E Goombay Plaza--108 Loan Application �t to Assist the Homeless i ,REAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT (cities. carxtNas, :fates, ftc j: f ROPOSED PROJECT: 1A. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS Of: Oats EATa1Q Data s. Applicant % b• Prom !1J95 2/1J96 17,18,22 17 _! MATED FUNOX ta. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW 5Y STATE OMOU7iVE ORDER 123U PROCSSST al .L YF& THO r_AT1VVAPPUCAT*N WAS MADE AVAXABLE TO THE : 300,000 ED I .oa 1 101 STATE EXEClTTVE OROeR 12372 PROCESS FOR REVW=W ON: 2,000,000 Section S leant DATE e b NO. 0 PROGRAM is NOT COVERED 6Y EO. 123T2 f .00 ❑ OR PROGRASA HAS NOT BEFN S»CTED 6Y STATE FOR RE1llE'W S 00 Y f .00 ty 1,559,000 • am Income f AO 17. ES THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? ❑ Yes If -Yes.' attach an expltion. ❑ f10 ana 3,859,000 HE BEST OF FAY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. ALL DATA tN THIS APPLICATIOILPREAPPUCATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY LED eY THE GOVERNING BODY OP THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT VaLL COMPLY WITH THE ATTAcHEG ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE a AWARDED Mama of Auttw(ited rl�prasontatve Cesar H. Odi.o b. Titlo City Manager(305) c. Telephone number 250-5400 I (we of Autho(lted Rep esantati.ry e. Palo S.onod d -drtroni Not wab1a ( Authorized for local Reproduction a S(anda(d Fo(m A24 (REV .1•881 P(ascr,bod by OµB ti(cuu( A•102 0 5 - 617r 3 tSTRUC` IONS CONCERNING LOBBYING AND DRUG—r-REB 410RF{pLACS REQUIRERNTS i T.,obbyinci Certification - ParagrapkL 11 This certification is it material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this trEanraetion was made. or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into thin transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Drug -Free Workplace Certification -- Paragraph o I. By signing and/or submitting this application or grant agreement, the grantee is providing the certification set, out in paragraph (o). 2. The certification set out in paragraph (o) is a material representation of fact upon which reliance is placed when the agency awards the grant. if it is later determined that the grantee knowingly rendered a false certification, or otheniise violates the requirements of the Drug --Free Workplace Act, HUD, in addition to any other remedies available to the Federal Government, may take action - authorized under -the Drug -Free Workplace Act. 3. For grantees other than individuals, Alternate I applies. (This i.s the information to which entitlement grantees certify). 4. For grantees who are individuals, Alternate II applies. (Not applicable to CDBG Entitlement grantees.) 5. Workplaces under grants, for grantees other than individuals, need not be identified on the certification. if known, .the3► may be identified in the grant application. If the grantee does not identify the workplaces at the time of application, or upon award, if there is no application, the grantee must keep the identity of the workplace(s) on file in its office and make the information available for Federal inspection. Failure to identify all known workplaces constituter a violation of the grantee's drug -free torkplace requirements. G • Workplace i_dent-;if:ic itionn mus,: include the actual address of buildings (or parts of buildings) or other oitcn where work under the grant takes place. Cat:egoricrtl deacri.pt:iontz finny !De used (o.g,, all velliclec3 of a IttaC3G Lrann.l.t auziiority or State }lighway (iepnx-Ltntent while .in ol)err,t:ion, State employeQa in eac?t 10cal uncinhlo\,merit offi-ce, pG_';:orinerG 111 concert llaiis 9 5 - G113 of radio o tationa) . 7. zf the workplace identified to the agency changeQ during the performance of the grant:, the grantee shall inforin the agency: of• the change (a) , if i.t ,prev.iously identified the workplacca in queo :S_on ( rsed paragraph f ive ) . 8. Definitions of terms in the Nonprocurement- Suspension and Debarment common rule and Drug --Free workplace common rule apply to this certification. Grantees' attention is called, in particular, to the following definitions from these rulers s "Controlled substance" means a controlled substance in Schedulers I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C.812) and as further defined by regulation (21 CFR 1308.11 through 1308.15); "Conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo aontendre) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federal or State criminal drug statutes; "Criminal drug statute" means a Federal or non --Federal criminal. statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, use, or posseaaion of any controlled substance; "Employee" means the employee of a grantee directly engaged in the performance of work under a grant, including: (i) All "direct charge" employees; (ii) all. "indirect charge" employees unless their impact or involvement is insignificant to the performance of the grant; and (iii) temporary personnel and consultants who are directly engaged in the performance of work under the grant and who are not on the grantee's Payroll. This definition does not include workers not on the payroll of the grantee (e.g., volunteers, even if used to meet a matching requirement; consultants or independent contractors not on the grantee's payroll; or employees of subrecipients or subcontractors in covered workplaces).- 95- 10 AITACTIMENT I -A COMMUNITY DEVELOPI-TENT BLOCK GRANT GRANTEE CERTIFICATIONS In accordance with the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and with 24 CFR 570.303 of the Community Development Block Grant regulations, the grantee certifies that: (a) It possesses legal authority to make a grant submission and to execute a community development and housing program; (b) Its governing body has duly adopted or passed as, an official act a resolution, motion or similar action authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the grantee to submit the final statement and amendments thereto and all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the grantee to act in connection with the submission of the final statement and to provide such additional information as may be required; (c) Prior to submission of its final statement to BUD, the grantee has: 1. Met the citizen participation requirements of 5570.301(b); 2. Prepared its final statement of community development objectives and projected use of funds in accordance with §570.301(c) and made the final statement available to the public; (d) It is following a detailed citizen participation plan which: 1. Provides for and encourages citizen participation, with particular emphasis on participation by persons of low and moderate -income who are residents of slum and blighted areas and of areas in which funds are proposed to be used, and provides for participation of residents in low and moderate income neighborhoods as defined by the local jurisdiction; 2• Provides citizens with reasonable and timely access to local meetings, infornation, and records relating to, the grantee's proposed use o; funds, as required by the 05- V?3 regulations of the Secretary, and relating to the actual. use of funds under the Act; 3. Provides for technical assistance to groups - representative of parsons of low and moderate income that request such assistance in developing proposals with the level and type of assistance to be determined by the grantee; 4. Provides for public hearings to obtain citizen views and to respond to proposals and questions at all stages of the community development program, including at least the development of needs, the review of proposed activities, and review of program performance, which hearings shall be held after adequate notice, at times and locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries, and with accommodation for the handicapped; 5. Provides for a timely written answer to written complaints and grievances, within 15 working days where practicable; and 6. Identifies how the needs of non -English's peaking residents will be met in the case of public hearings where a significant number of non-English speaking residents can be reasonably expected to participate; The grant will be conducted and administered in compliance with: 1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-352, 42 U.S.C. 52000d et seg.); and 2. The. Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-20); It will affirmatively further fair housing; It has developed its final statement of projected use of funds so as to give maximum feasible priority to activities which benefit low and moderate income families or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; (the final statement of projected use of funds may also include activities which the grantee certifies are designed to meet sther community development needs having a particular :rgencv because existing conditions pose a serious and. unmediate threat to the health or %.jelfare of the copuiunity, and other financial resources are not available); except that the aggregate use of CDDG funds received under section 106 of the Act., and if applicable, under section 108 of the Act, during program year(s) 199 (a period specified by the grantee consisting of one, two, or three specific consecutive program years), shall principally benefit persons of low and moderate income in a manner that ensures that not less than 70 percent of such funds are used for activities that benefit such persons during such period; h) It has developed a community development plan, for the period specified in paragraph (g) above, .that identifies community development and housing needs and specifies both short and long-term community development objectives that have been developed in accordance with the primary objective and requirements of the Act; i) It is following a current comprehensive housing affordability strategy (CHAS) which has been approved by HUD pursuant to §570.306 and Part 91, and that any housing activities to be assisted with CDBG funds will be consistent with the CHAS; j} It will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted in whole or in part with funds provided under section 106 of the Act or with amounts resulting from a guarantee under section 108 of the Act by assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements, unless: 1• Funds received under section 106 of the Act are used to pay the proportion of such fee or assessment- that .relates to the capital costs of such public improvements that are financed from revenue sources other than under Title I of the Act; or Z• For purposes of assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of moderate income, the grantee certifies to the Secretary that it lacks sufficient funds received under section 106 of the Act to comply with the requirements of subparagraph (1) above; (k) Its notification, inspection, tooting and abatement procedures concerning load-basod paint will comply with $570.60B; (1) It will comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act -of 1970, as amended, as required under §570.606(b) and Federal implementing regulations; and the requirements in 5570.606(c) governing the residential antidis placement and relocation assistance plan under section 104(d) of the Act (including a certification that the grantee is following such a plan); and the relocation requirements of 9570.606(d) governing optional relocation assistance under section 105(a)(11) of the Act; (m) It has adopted and is enforcing: 1. A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and 2. A policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to or -exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non-- violent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction; (n) To the best of its knowledge and belief: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of it,, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement;_ 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to an), per.s.on for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of . any agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, it will complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions; and 3. It will require that the language of _paragraph (n) of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly; It will or will continue to provide a drug -free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying � the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; 2. Establishing an ongoing drug -free awareness program to inform employees about - (a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (b) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; t (c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation; and employee assistance programs; and (d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. baking it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph l; 4. Notifying thy. employee in the statement required by paragraph 1 that, as a condition of cm..pl.oymont undor the grant, the employee will -- (a) Abide by the torms of the Gtatement; and (b) Notify the employer in writing of hiu or liar conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; 5. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b) from an employee or otherise receiving actual notice of such r h conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to.every grant officer or other designee on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices.` Notice shall include the identification number(s) of each affected grant; 6. Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b), with respect to any employee who is so convicted - (a) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (b) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; 7. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. 9 5 -- 6'� 3 f a. The grantee may inaert .i.n the apace provided below the f site(a) for the performance of work done in connection W.Lt}7 t}le apecific grantl f l Place of Performance (Stroet addreaa, city, county, state, zip code) 300 Biscayne Blvd. Way Suite 420 Miami, FL 33131 Check if there are workplaces on file that are not identified here; and (p) It will comply with the other provisions of the Act and with other applicable laws. Signature City Manager Title � Date 9 51 - 673 CITY OF NIIAMI MOTION M 93-667 95- E'3 ml C -""Y OF NMI Mi � CITY CLERK'S REPORT "TING DATE: Octobor 3.4, 1993 41 A RESOLUTION WAIVING THE USE FEE, < OFFICE SPACE AT THE MANUEL ARTIXE C01`; i;:`: i T Y CF:NTGR FOR THE CATHOLIC C01011 NIlA-,,rRVIC!;S, INC. LITTLE HAVANA OUTREACH OFFICE, FOR ;HE PERIOD OF OC'1'UBER, 1993 THRO 1C3f� S�?�. :;L:i;?2, 1994, IN AN A 14OUNT NOT TO FY-C�EED $5,377.56; .FURTHER, {•IAIVING THE jl8E ' FEE rCR Ti:F CLOTHES DISTRIBUT I0N,-�PACE AT `i'NE YA!':77 T, ARTIME COMMUNITY bNTER FOR THE CATFiO-�IC CO:VMUNITY SERVICE , INC., FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY, 1 99 'HROUGH SEPTEMBER, 159 , IN AN AMOUNT NO TO EXCEED $742.50. 42 A MOTION GRANTING REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ASSIST SAID GROUP IN DEVELOPING AN APPLICATION TO BE SUBMITTED TO THEE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR A SECTION 108 LOAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,986,500 IN ORDER TO DEVELOP THE TIKI PROJECT, AND TO COME BACK WITH A REFINED AND FINAL CONTRACT FOR THE, COMMISSION'S FINAL CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL. 31 A MOTION TO DEFER' CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 31 (A SCHEDULED DIS SSION REGARDING WYNWOOD COMMUNITY EC OMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE .YYNWOOD FOREIGN TRADE ZONE); FURTHER DEF BRING SAID ISSUE TO THE OC'I'OBER 21, 199 CITY C0101ISSION MEETING; FURTHER STIPUL ING-THAT IF THE CHAIRPERSON OF .THE WYNWOO6COM14UNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION' CAN AGREE TO THE CITY COMMISSL-014' S TERMS, AS MORE FULLY OUTLINED DURIN TODAY'S DISCUSSION OF THIS ITEi, THEN THE ITY COMMISSION WILL SCHEDULE A SPECIAL _-METING TO RESOLVE THIS ISSUE. PAGE NO. 6 R 93-666 MOVED: SECONDED: ABSENT: 14 93-667 MOVED: SECONDED: ABSENTS M 93-668 MOVED: SECONDED: UNANIMOUS ALONSO PLUMMER DE YURRE PLUMMER DAWKINS DE YURR1 PLUMMER DAWKINS 95- 673 PUBLIC NOTICE 0 95-- 673A CITY it tq i A1.111. !.UG0 t( Q. No 011t11 � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DL•'VELOPMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE CITY OF MIAMI WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO DISCUSS THE CONTENT OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR SECTION 108 LOAN GUARANTEED, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2 MILLION TO SUPPORT GOOMBAY PLAZA A JOINT VENTURE BETWEEN COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND GUTS A NEIGHBORHOOD -BASED GROUP. PROJECT IS TO BE LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF DOUGLAS AND GRAND AVENUE. COCONUT GROVE PUBLIC HEARING DATE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1994 TIME: 7:00 P.H. PLACE: COCONUT GROVE HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER 3750 SOUTH DIXIE HIG11WAY MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS WILL BE GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT ON CHE PROPOSED APPLICATION. 5 6 CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING SOUGHT 9 5 - 673 t.)'1'111ft___1'IIJ1I.1 1,rJi�.LI_ Gf1I11'?.r!,!i'f'I•:I 1•'tlhli)'; ::1.'!'1,l.Ci.fT'1' f11:)tl.'.i3Y :.SSUIIES i�tlU (.!:}:'1'11.'T.}:S THAT T'1' HAS I•iADF: '01:'!."S 'P0 (}3'1'A1.11 FINANCING I'Qi: T1113 hC 'IVITII;S DE')CRINJED IN '!.'ZITS '1.,1:CATI.014 I ITIlOUT T1lE USE OF LOAN GUARAN'Iu,, 'I'HA'P I`i' 1-11m, 1411711id DOCUMENTATION OF SUCP EFFORTS FOR THE TERi•i OF THE LOAN RI N'PEE , AND THAT IT CANNOT COMPLETE THE FINANCING CONSISTENT 14 THE TIMELY EXECUTION OF THE ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED IN Tills LICATION i;ITIiOUT SUCH GUARANTEE. CESAR H. ODIO CITY OF MANAGER 1 EST: 1Y HIRAI ' CLERK 5 6 7 S 1t 00 108 APPLICATION 9"- 6s3 SUMMARY OF SECTION 108 LOAN APPLICATION The City of Miami is requesting a 108 loan of $2 million on behalf of the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation (CGLDC), a non-profit 501 (C)(3) community development corporation's Goombay Plaza, a major economic development project within the West Coconut Grove Target Area. We recently received approval for an Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Grant for this project in the amount of $300,000 (see attached), and are submitting our loan application in fulfillment of the requirements for the receipt of this grant. The West Grove is a federally designated poverty area whose demographics reflect its status as one of the poorest areas within the City of Miami, the nation's third poorest city. In Coconut Grove over 40 percent of residents live below the poverty line, including over 60 percent of children under 18. Violent crime and drug rates are approaclvng unprecedented levels, matching the skyrocketing unemployment rate which has more than tripled in the last 10 years. Not only are jobs scarce, but residents are under -qualified for available jobs as most have not completed high school or received a high school equivalency degree. The Coconut Grove Target Area, as a poverty area within one of the poorest cities in America, vitally needs this grant assistance. ECONOMIC AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Based upon market and feasibility analyses conducted by Hamer, Siler & George and the Chesepeake Group, the City of Miami and the CGLDC have designed the Goombay Plaza project as a major component of their strategy to revitalize the West Grove community. Coconut Grove is a historic black community of Caribbean/African-American heritage; this theme restaurant and banquet facility will reinforce the historic roots of the community and provide key marketing opportunities for tourism development, 60 percent of the retail trade area's base. 9 5 - 6, 3 6 7 8 1i __J ,IOi3'I'RAINING, EMPLOYMENTAND OTHER OPPORTUNITIES Goombay Plaza will provide over 100 jobs for area residents, as well as an on the job training program to provide instruction and experience in the restaurant and hospitality industry i for residents. The employment structure of Goombay Plaza will be designed to enhance the chances for advancement for the area's low and moderate income residents, and the job training program will be geared towards broadening the employment opportunities for the area's residents for the hospitality industry in all of South Florida, one of the area's most important and fastest growing fields. The 108 loan request is in the amount of $2 million to support the construction and other preliminary costs associated with the project. The total budget is estimated at $3.6 million, with additional funding coming from CGLDC, GUTS (Grovites United To Survive, Inc.), the City of Miami's Off -Street Parking as well as in -kind contributions from community professionals and businesses. The goal of the CGLDC is to secure minority contracts for a minimum of 50 percent of the project. Goombay Plaza represents a genuine community -based initiative, as the project was begun by residents working closely with the CGLDC who pooled their own capital in order to acquire deteriorated, absentee -owned property in the Nest Grove for development. The group, now known as GUTS (Groveites United To Survive, Inc.), has set its goal as the protection and revitalization of the West Grove Community through cooperative, careful redevelopment. The group sees community ownership of development projects as an effective strategy for avoiding gentrification and the other negative effects of development programs in which existing communities are bought out and kicked out. The residents took a stand and put up their money, some times their life savings, in order to ensure the survival of their community. 9 5 - 673 L The restaur�int itself also seeks to capitalize on the strong sense of pride and history in the community. The structure will be located at the site of the historic Tikki, a successful nightclub during the heyday of the West Grove in the 1940's and 1950's, and the restaurant will highlight the cultural history of the community with a theme based on the culinary, musical and artistic tradition of the area's Caribbean and African -American residents. The concept has been created and will be implemented by an experienced team of financial, development, and restaurant specialists in accordance with the most recent trends in the restaurant industry. Its uniqueness, however, will lie in the fact that the concept and the project itself are solidly anchored to the heritage of the Nest Grove community. Goombay Plaza represents a new strategy for development where projects are developed with the cooperation and support of the community, designed to capitalize on the resources of the community for inspiration and for success. DESCRIPTION Oh ACTIVITIES CGLDC initiated a demonstration project to achieve an unprecedented goal in community redevelopment: the repurchase of community real estate assets through black family capitalization. By helping formulate the Goombay Plaza development project and providing technical advice, support, and assistance, CGLDC helped to incorporate Groveites United To Survive (GUTS), a group of 20 black families from all walks of life who pooled $5,000 per family. The $100,000 raised was utilized to leverage acquisitions of two significant properties located at the major intersection of the West Grove community, that of Grand Avenue and Douglas Road. With a loan to the group of $230,000, the City of Miami provided additional capital for acquisitions. The properties acquired include one lot which has been converted to green space, the 50- year-old Tikki Club, a famous 15,000 square foot night club, and four adjoining lots to the rear of these properties. GUTS saw the revitalization of the Tikki in the form of Goombay Plaza as a key to the redevelopment of the West Coconut Grove Community. They contracted CGLDC as their developer and a team was assembled to develop the concept. Goombay Plaza while based on historical traditions and fulfilling a repeatedly expressed need for an African American owned and operated facility in the community, will also provide over one hundred jobs in the heart of the West Grove Target Area and become a basic training ground for unskilled labor willing to enter the restaurant and hospitality industry beyond traditional fast food restaurants. The creation of Goombay Plaza, a 15,000 square foot restaurant with dining and banquet facilities, follows the most recent national trends pointing towards the success of themed restaurants. This trend can be clearly perceived in General Mills Olive Garden and China Coast concepts as well as the venerable Chili's chain and the more recent Macaroni Grill and On the Border. In all these chains, the architecture, decor, and fixturing convey a very focused image. These elements, combined with competitively priced menus. have created the theme trend. Goombay Plaza will be an establishment which will be themed on the African -American culinary, musical, and artistic tradition. The intent is to reflect the breadth of the heritage, covering the Caribbean (Bahamas, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad, etc.), from soul food to New Orleans jazz, from African Art to the native paintings of Haiti. The restaurant will include African - American decor and artifacts, a stage for music, dance shows, a bar, and a reasonable priced menu with food from Jamaica, Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, as well as african-american southern style cuisine. There will be a banquet hall to accommodate up to 300 people for catered functions and meetings. From the inception of the project, Goombay Plaza has involved nationally known restaurant creators in the areas of conceptual design, menu creation and physical design. Goombay Plaza will be implemented by an experienced team which was directly involved in the creation of Tutu Tango, a Coconut Grove restaurant so successful that it is now being developed as a national chain. These experts will develop Goombay Plaza with a strongly themed restaurant providing quality food at reasonable prices in a festive atmosphere. The development team includes Yaromir Steiner, of Steiner and Associates, and Constructa, US, developers of the highly successful Cocowalk shopping area in the Coconut Grove Village Center. Within the group of successful restaurant ideas, Goombay Plaza will be unique because it will rely on the cultural resources of the surrounding community for its inspiration and its success. 05^ °`13 __,, -vay riaza capuauzes on the historic use of its own site, which was formerly a popular attraction in the Grove, the reputation of the West Grove community as a regional entertainment destination, the presence of the oldest Bahamian settlement in Florida, and the area's need for a Black -owned restaurant and catering facility serving food and music in a decor and manner consistent with African -American traditions. The fact that Goombay Plaza successfully combines the resources and meets the needs of the community predicts success for the project. C, ? ECONOMIC JUSTIFICATION The use of the Section 108 program will offer the City of Miami a unique opportunity to provide financial assistance to the Goombay Plaza development project located within the West Coconut Grove Target Area. This community development project will address the needs of the economically depressed community by providing 100 full-time equivalency jobs and job training facilities in the hospitality and restaurant industry for community residents. Without Section 108 funding, the City would not be able to provide financial assistance necessary to complete the project. Florida Law prohibits the City of Miami from directly pledging its own credit, becoming joint owner, stockholder, or giving, lending or using its taxing power to aid any corporation. The Section 108 Loan program allows the City to use its Community Development Block Grant Funding as security for a loan from the Federal Government, thus giving the City the opportunity to borrow the amount required to offer significant support for the Goombay Plaza project. Because of the lending standards practices of banking institutions, it is virtually impossible to obtain market loans for such projects located within Community Development Target Areas such as West Coconut Grove. Because of this, the developer of the project, Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, has requested assistance from the City of Miami through the HUD Section 108 loan program. The City has reviewed the information provided by the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation and has determined that the requested loan in support of Goombay plaza is necessary and appropriate to support the community redevelopment strategies being implemented in the West Coconut Grove Target Area. 95- wn Compliance with 570.208: Job Creation Goombay Plaza represents an important strategy for the revitalization of the West Coconut Grove Target Area, a federally designated poverty area, as well as a model for effective re0evelopment for similar inner city communities around the country. The destination Caribbean and Southern -theme Restaurant, banquet facilities and Bahamian Straw Market will provide over 100 full time equivalency jobs for low and moderate income community residents as well as an on-the-job training facility for the hospitality industry. Over 40 percent of the residents of the West Coconut Grove Target Area live in poverty, and the area's unemployment rate, already higher than the City's average, has tripled in the last 10 years. Many of the jobs created by Goombay Plaza will be on the entry level, providing excellent opportunities for entry into the workforce for the area's unemployed, most of whom have not attained a high school degree or its equivalent and who do not have the skills to compete for available jobs. Not only will these jobs be available to them, but Goombay Plaza will also include job training facilities that will help residents acquire the skills necessary to successfully pursue and obtain other jobs within the restaurant and hospitality industry, one of the most successful industries in the South Florida market. There will also be opportunities for advancement and promotion within the employment structure of Goombay Plaza for low and moderate income neighborhood residents, directly and effectively addressing another national objective. The facility will be the largest minority -owned and operated restaurant and small convention facility in the City of Miami, and with its commitment to the revitalization of the West Grove community and population, it will provide opportunities for advancement that may not otherwise exist for community residents. El 570.702(b)(3) Proposed Repayment Schedule: The Applicant's loan to the Developer stipulates a twenty (20) year term from date of disbursement, with a two year moratorium on payment. For years three (3) through twenty (20), interest and principal payments, amortized for a twenty year period, will be payable annually at a six percent interest rate, with a balloon payment of the outstanding balance of $600,000 at the end of the twentieth year. The interest and principal payments for the Section 108 Loan will be paid by the Developer or by subsequent corporations or persons if applicable. The applicant reserves the right to pay interest as well as principal payments from any other source of funds available at the Itime. Additionally, the Applicant reserves the right to acquire the assets of the Developer, through foreclosure if necessary, and to liquidate the same in the event of a default on the Developer's loan, and to utilize the proceeds of the liquidation sale to repay any other source of Ifunding engaged to make interest and/or principal payments. Any deficiency which may result shall be pursued by the Applicant against the Developer under the terms of the Loan Agreement by and between the Applicant and the Developer. Community Development Block Grant funds serve only as the guarantee to the US HUD. The Applicant does not intend or expect to utilize CDBG funds for interest or principal payments for repayment of the Section 108 Loan. The Applicant has reviewed the Developer's request and, based upon the information presently available, believes that the proposed loan is appropriate to further the redevelopment efforts of the Applicant in the Coconut Grove Community Development Target Area. Applicant shall obtain a first lien (mortgage) on the building improvements, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and inventory located upon the premises now and during the loan term as security for its loan. I 1 C 05 67 PROJECT BUDGET AND PRO FORMA TIKKI CLUB P_ rojected_ Budget Development Costs Lands Original Acquisitions Grand Avenue Parcels Additional Acquisition Pre Development Costs Schematic Design Pre -Development Coordination Project Supervision Restaurant Design Pre -development costs Development Costs Steiner and Associates Development Costs Restaurant Development Costs Operating Capital Inventory (Food and Beverage) Prepaid Expenses: Licenses Insurance Utility Deposits Equipment: Kitchen/Bar Equipment Audio Visual Equipment Smallwares Communication Equipment POS System Uniforms Furniture and Fixtures: Furniture Fixtures Development Cost Salaries and Wages Training Expenses Marketing and Promotion C $ 330,000 $ 370,000 $ 500,000 -------------------- $1,200,000 $ 32,500 $ 27,500 $ 24,500 $ 35,000 $ 178,000 -------------------- $ 297,000 $ 60,000 $ 290,000 -------------------- $ 218,000 $ 62,000 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 35,000 S 200,000 $ 68,000 $ 30,000 $ 8,500 $ 45,000 $ 3,000 $ 100,000 $ 80,000 $ 25,000 $ 12,000 -$ 150,000 350,000 $1,051,500 : 9 5 - C'"' e Construction Costs S!-tell Construction Sitework Bones/Insurance Contingency TOTAL EXPENDITU Sources 108 Loan EDI Other Equity/grants/loans GUTS Initial Investment City Initial Loan Easment Right Lease Other City Grant Voluntary Contributions Private Placements Total 780,000 S 88,500 $ 18,000 ------------------- $ 886,500 $ 74,000 RES $3,859,000 $2,000,000 $ 300,000 $ 430,000 $ 100,000 $ 230,000 $ 200,000 $ 170,000 $ 179,000 $ 250,000 --------------------- $1,559,000 $3,859,000 � - C I Y 3 RESTAURANT PRO FORMA SALES Food $1,600,000 Beverage $ 680,000 Merchandise $ 120,000 $2,400,000 COST OF FOOD Food $ 400,000 Beverages $ 130,000 Supplies $ 90,000 ($620,000) $1,780,000 OTHER COSTS Payroll (hourly) $ 500,000 Management Salaries $ 255,000 Taxes and Workers Comp. $ 72,000 ($827,000) $ 953,000 Equipment Leases $ 48,000 Utilities and Trash Removal $ 90,000 Rent $ 174,000 Administration $ 24,000 Professional Services $ 24,000 ($360,000) $ 593,000 Marketing Costs $ 240,000 Management Fee 5% $ 120,000 ($360,000) NET PROFIT (Before Taxes) $ 233,000 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 0 5 - W U,:;, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELO IMENT • Community Development Block Grant, Rental RefiaWlltatlon and Housing Development Grant Programs ENVIRONMENTAL 'UVIEWS AT THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW RECORD PROJECT COMMUNITY LEVEL Goombay Plaza Grant Number B-92-ED-12-0013 PROGRAM Section 108 Loan Progr HUD CPD 3 L PROJECT ABSTRACT FORMAT U ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT From: 10/1/94 7b: 12/31/96 butte aryl Title of Cert b3ing Officer: Cesar Odio City Manager Pzojert Nara--: Goombay Plaza Project Nara- of G%rmt-e City of Miami, Florida AFol.icatirn/Cram 1Affr4er B-92-ED-12-0013 Origirel its T=tirns of .Fh3sical D?mlogrq7t(s): 3692 Grand Avenue Coconut Grove Department of Community Development ass: 300 Biscayne Blvd. Way, Suite 420 Miami, FL 33131 Pmjs:.-t IL-pzesentatice: Frank Castaneda 7blep'rrie: 579-2461 Address: same as above Proje.-t rnfboriar-icn: same as above 7Zep'cm: same as above Adrxesg: same as above Pmje~t -ck m De=ipticn: C 60 FLTds Otins (Proje7tel) The project entails a 15,000 square foot restaurant with banquet facilities. ��_ C",. 3. Environmental Assessment Page r PROJECT DATA PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: The Coconut- Greve Local Devel(7pment Corporatiori ("Developer" is applying for a Section 108 loan of $2 .mil lion. to support the $3.61 million Goombay Plaza development project, a Caribbean-themed 15, 00:; square foot restaurant and banquet facility. The restaurant will also include an area - performance and or a for live 17ius_c r � a.f Baha,�.ian-s;.yle _traw Market facility. STATUS OF THE PROJECT: Developer is completing pre -development phase of the project; anticipated loan closing is 1/95 with construction being completed by 12/95. PROJECT AND AREA DESCRIPTION: The project site is located in the Coconut Grove Communi _y Devel opulent Target Area, a federally designate,J, poverty ar ea, in t "-.e City of iliami. Goombay Plaza will be located at tfle intersecti_n of ;rand Ave;,ue and Doi.Iglas Road, at the of. _i7e West Coconut Grove :)usiness district. The pro ject wi 11 anchor the redevel opnent a_ _ ,rig tine Gr iV3rll:t. C:oL`L''iaor. h facadetic"C1gr3ill 15 �.Lli'L`'1":L__ �_ °_.^ 1 lla iritlellt _evit._ IJ.zing ntilai i bus 4rlr';_c.e- ac::ross Sis_. s1.te and d Si- a! 1 BuSi11eS_ ir1(:1.11)a._�.. , �'_ �ngi.l'"^ _ .=1?i busir.e_;.s es i.C, i.�:e nelry'rd?c, i.1Q::;d e rld .... t17e _alerid... ar. (Se_.. attachn��-:r;!:_ ;. Assessment page e -- PROJECT DATA EXISTING CONDMONS AND TRENDS: See City of Miami Neighborhood Development Plan (Due for completion November 5, 1994) y PROJECT AND AREA MAPS AND PLANS: See Attached I EnvirOn-mental Assessment Checklist of Appli• Mlle Statutes and Regulations project Name and Identification No. Goombay Plaza B-92-ED-12-0013 Statutory Checklist `b `v e Area of Statutory—negulatory I0 ' : 0 Compliance o ��`° � _ (Precise citations for applicable ��oo c ti `o Qotc o statutes and regulations are printed on the back of this Checklist. ` OC c Reference to Notes Prmiding Documentation Sources and Correspondence HISTORIC PROPERTIES - g See attached Exhibit A PI,OODPLAIN MANALZWWT t t r r X y W92T.ANDS PROTECTION r r I r X COASTAL AREAS PROTEC2IA9 X I r r t AND MANACEPZNr WATER QUALITY: SOLB SOURCE AQUIFERS rt Ir X, ZMANCEP.?D SPECIES X r r r r WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS X tt Ir AIR QUALITY X rr tt PARMLANDS PP=C-."ION X rr rt NOISE X r t t t P.UPWAY CL£A.R ZONES, CLEAR rt rt WYES !J'D ACCID% .T X POTENTIAL :�0SES TR£RN.RL A,:G EXPL(.`^,Ilrt' X tt tt SA ZARDS 'Attach eviurncr that required acrions have been tal:rn. 09 15 - V 3 paFe Environmental ,assessment page Project Name and Identification No. Goombay Plaza B-92-ED-12-0013 1. Is project in compliance with applicable laws and regulations? ® Yes ❑ No 2. Is an EIS required? ❑ 1'es ®No 3. A Finding of No Significant Impact IFONSII can be made. Project will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. ®Yes ❑ No Prepared by Title j D"avid J. Alexander Executive Director i Coconut Grove T, _ D . C. s f i i i i i i I I fi i Date nnt-nher 25., 1994 9 5 - C73 --J Environmental Assessment page project Name and Identification No. Goombay Plaza B-92-ED-12-0013 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FINDING On the basis of the environmental assessment of the above project I have made the following finding. A FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT I find that this project is not a major federal action which will have a significant effect on the human environment and that a request to HUD for the release of project funds will not require an Environmental Impact Statement. October 26, 1994 Cesar Odic, (Date) City Manager Sigiururv, Title and Addn= of 0wrifying Offker A FINDING OF SIGNIFICANT IMPACT I find that this project is a major federal action which may or will have a significant effect on the human environment and that a request to HUd for the release of project funds will require an Environmental Impact Statement. (!:ete) Si9rarvrr, 7irle and Add-r= of Certifying Oflicer 05— e�a APPENDICES 9 15 - 6,73 L EDI APPLICATION AND APPROVAL 0 5 - C1. L ECONOA/HC DEVELOPMENT INMATIVE GRANT PROPOSAL SUBMTMD BY: THE crry OF MJAMI, FLORIDA ON BEHALF OF THE COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SEPTEMBER 16, 1994 (4t#fir of 'Mial2tt CESAR H. ODIO CITY MANAGER September 15, 1994 R O. BOX 330708 MIAMI. FLORIDA 33233-0708 305-250-5400 FAX 305-285-1835 Mr. Paul Webster Office of Assistant Secretary Community Planning and Development Department of Housing and Urban Development 1151 Seventh Street, SW Room 7180 Washington, D.C. 20410 RE: Economic Development Initiative Grant Application on behalf. of Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation Dear Mr. Webster: The City of Miami is submitting this request based on the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and Program Guidelines for the Economic Development Initiative (EDI) [Docket No. N-94-3801;.PR 3750-N-011 due on September 16, 1994 on behalf of the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, a City sponsored CBO. The proposed grant of $300,000 is to accompany a Section 108-loan for $2 million to support Goombay Plaza, a. joint venture between CGLDC and GUTS, a neighborhood -based group of investors.. The project will provide approximately 100 jobs for low and moderate income community residents; it will allow -the community to take advantage of existing tourist opportunities adjacent to the project; and, it will provide an anchor for increasing traffic which will benefit -existing area businesses. Goombay Plaza is also a unique project in that the property owners, known collectively as GUTS (Groveites United To Survive), represent an unprecedented effort of black families pooling. their funds in order to invest in the revitalization o-f their community. We urge your strong consideration of support for this project, as we feel it represents an effective strategy for redevelopment of - the West Coconut Grove community. i Sincer y, 1 ;Cesar H. Odio City Manager 17 3 SUNIhit1RY OF SECTION 108 LOAN GUARANTEE APPLICATION TO BE SUBMITTED The City of Miami is requesting an EDI grant of $300,000 in tandem with a 108 loan of $2 million on behalf of the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, a non-profit 501 (C)(3) community development corporation's Goombay Plaza, a major economic development project within the West Coconut Grove Target Area. The West Grove is a federally designated poverty area whose demographics reflect its status as one of the poorest areas within the City of Miami, the nation's third poorest city. In Coconut Grove over 40 percent of residents live below the poverty line, including over 60 i percent of children under 18. Violent crime and drug rates are approaching unprecedented levels, matching the skyrocketing unemployment rate which has more than tripled in the. last 10 years. Not only are jobs scarce, but residents are under -qualified for available jobs as i most have not completed high school or received a high school equivalency degree. The Coconut Grove Target Area, a poverty area within one of the poorest cities in America, ironically is encircled by highly prized, upscale commercial and residential development. 17his community vitally needs this grant assistance. I ECONOMIC AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT The City of Miami and the CGLDC have designed the Goombay Plaza project as a major anchor component of their strategy to revitalize the West Grove community. Coconut S Grove is a historic black community of Caribbean/African-American heritage; this theme j restaurant and banquet facility will reinforce the historic roots of the community and provide j key marketing opportunities for tourism development, the major industry in the surrounding 1 1 ' area. s i 1 f 6 y QY v 1 j0B TRAINING, EMPLOYMENT AND OTHER OPPORTUNITIES Goombay Plaza will provide over 100 jobs for area residents, as well as an on the job training program to provide instruction and experience in the restaurant and hospitality industry for residents. The employment structure of Goombay Plaza will be designed to enhance the chances for advancement for the area's low and moderate income residents, and the job training program will be geared towards broadening the employment opportunities for the area's residents for the hospitality industry in all of South Florida, one of the region's most important and fastest growing fields. The 108 loan request is in the amount of $2 million to support the construction and . other preliminary costs associated with the project. The -total budget is estimated at $3.6. million, with additional funding coming from CGLDC, GUTS, the City of Miami's Off -Street Parking as well as in -kind contributions from community residents and businesses. The •goal of the CGLDC is to secure minority contracts for a minimum of 50 percent of the project. Goombay Plaza represents a genuine community -based initiative, as the project was . begun by residents working closely with the CGLDC who pooled their own capital in order to acquire deteriorated, absentee -owned property in the West Grove for development. The: . group, now known as GUTS (Groveites United To Survive), has set its goal as the protection and revitalization of the West Grove Community through cooperative, careful redevelopment. The group sees community ownership of development projects as an effective strategy for avoiding gentrification and the other negative effects of development programs in which existing communities are bought out and kicked out. The residents took a stand and put up their money, in several cases their life savings, in order to ensure the survival of their community. 'V'7 3 L The restaurant itself also seeks to capitalize on the strong sense of pride and history in the community. The structure will be located at the site of the historic Tikki, a successful nightclub during the heyday of the West Grove in the 1940's,.and the restaurant will highlight the cultural history of the community with a theme based on the culinary, musical and artistic tradition of the area's Caribbean and African -American residents. The concept has been created and will be implemented by an experienced team of financial, development, and restaurant specialists in accordance with the most recent trends in j the restaurant industry. Its uniqueness, however, will lie in the fact that the concept and the project itself are solidly anchored to the heritage of the West Grove community. Goombay Plaza represents a new strategy for development where projects are developed with the cooperation and support of the community, designed to capitalize on the resources of the community for inspiration and for success. 1( __J PROJECT NARRATIVE The City of Miami is applying for an EDI grant of $300,000 to supplement a Section 108 loan of $2 million to support the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation's ? Goombay Plaza, a major economic development project within the West Coconut Grove Target Area. The West Grove is a federally designated poverty area with the highest crime and drug rates in the City of Miami. Over 40 percent of residents live in poverty, including over 60 percent of those under 18. Jobs are scarce, as the economic infrastructure remains undeveloped, and much of the community seems unable to release themselves from the cycle of poverty in which they are caught. We believe that Goombay Plaza represents a viable strategy for the economic redevelopment of this community.. The budget for this project is $3.6 million, with funding coming from CGLDC, GUTS, the City of Miami's Off -Street Parking program, contributions from Iocal residents and businesses, and the proposed section 108 loan. Without EDI grant assistance, however, the economic feasibility of the Goombay Plaza project will be seriously impaired. Under the proposed plan, EDI grant funds will be used to provide debt service during the critical start up phase of the project. After this time, projected sales of the restaurant will allow for a debt service payment of under 7 percent of the gross, allowing for a comfortable operating margin. j Goombay Plaza represents a genuine community -based initiative, as the project was begun by a group of community residents known as GUTS (Groveites United To Survive) who pooled their resources to purchase deteriorating absentee -owned properties in the West j Grove. GUTS seeks to protect the West Grove community and allow for cooperative community redevelopment in which revitalization projects may be supported and owned by community residents. The project directly addresses several of the National Objectives for community development. Goombay Plaza will provide approximately 100 jobs for low and moderate income community residents, as well as on the job training facilities to expand the opportunities for residents to find employment in the hospitality and restaurant industry, one of the fastest growing fields in South Florida. Also, filling one of the major needs in South. Florida for a black -owned iestauiant and banquet facility, Goombay Plaza will provide opportunities for advancement for.low and moderate income residents that may not otherwise exist. Goombay PIaza has been thoroughly discussed and examined by all levels of the community from initial conceptualization through dozens of public meetings and forums.. It has been the subject of five public hearings by the Miami City Commission, and was approved by that body in October of 1993. The idea for the Goombay PIaza project was developed and will be implemented by the CGLDC along with an experienced team of restaurant, development, and financial specialists. It follows the recent trend of successful themed restaurants, but is unique in that its caribbean/African-American theme reflects the heritage and culture of the surrounding community. Goombay Plaza then provides opportunities not only for economic development but for restoring the pride of community residents, empowering them to participate in and. inspire the redevelopment of their own community. air t-,, " (+ �� S � 6 G LEVEL OF DISTRESS Goombay Plaza is designed• for implementation in the West Coconut Grove Target Area, a federally designated poverty area located within the City of Miami. The Grove was originally settled by Bahamian construction workers building the city almost 100 years ago, but now that original black settlement has decreased in population and land size by over 70 percent. The remaining community is beset by extreme poverty and accompanying crime and drug problems and presents a scene that is all too familiar in the inner cities throughout the United States. The community was brought to the nation's attention in a Newsweek article (see attached) following a tennis star's arrest for possession of crack cocaine obtained in the West Grove. It is described as an "old-fashioned black ghetto" and the question is asked, "Why isn't this more infuriating?" While we agree that stricter law enforcement is needed, we see this as only a part of the solution. If the economic and social conditions of community residents are not addressed, stricter enforcement of laws.will not be sufficient. Over half of the residents of the West Grove live in poverty, including more than 63 percent of the children tinder 18. Family and per capita income are significantly lower than the City's average and single parent households are on the rise and now represent a majority of the households with children. The community's unemployment rate is significantly higher than the City's. average and has more than tripled in the last ten years, and a -large majority of these unemployed have not completed high school or attained high school equivalency. As reported in the Miami Herald rates of murder, robbery and other violent crimes in -the West Grove Target. Area are among the highest in the city. Without facing the problems of extreme poverty and the lack of resources by strengthening the economic infrastructure, all i other solutions will be temporary and superficial. The population has shrunken by 60% from 1970-1990, partly because of residents ` fleeing worsening crime and drug related violence and also due to federally sponsored and private sector demolition of low income residential multi -family residential units. This has caused the economic base to further contract and forced many marginal black -owned businesses to sell their holdings to other operators with better access to private financing. Typically, these new operators hire only elderly or part-time.labor. (� A helplessness pervades area youth, who routinely turn to the illegal drug trade to support themselves and their families as they see few alternatives. With exceedingly high drop -out rates and lack of resources, a thriving drug market does present one of the -only opportunities for employment open to them. The community is a drive-thru, open air .drug marketplace, attracting patrons from up to 50 miles away. �I Without significant efforts to address this community's problems, we will be forced to j watch another generation grow up with a lack of access to opportunities for success, and without the resources necessary to change their situation. Goombay Plaza is being developed as a way to begin to channel negative trade to positive, to provide an anchor for jobs, and to iI �1 encourage and attract traffic to shop for other than illicit goods. It represents the efforts of unprecedented community reinvestment by and for the residents who are fed up with continual deterioration. I `' - C� � e;v— ZXTENT OF NEED FOR ASSISTANCE For several years, the City of Miami and the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, along with GUTS have been slowly investing in the acquisition for this projects, but feasibility studies indicate that due to the location -based barriers, break-even points are delayed further than for conventional projects. Requirements and projected costs clearly indicate that without EDI assistance, the economic feasibility of Goombay Plaza will be seriously impaired. Under the proposed plan, EDI funds will be utilized to provide debt j service coverage during the critical 3 year start-up phase of the project, thereby relieving a major barrier to the success of the project, with program income scheduled to provide the balance of the funding for the remaining 12 year term. Development Costs for this project are increased due to the nature and location of the proposed site. Because of institutionalized disinvestment in the West Grove Target Area, the i traditional methodology of development and acquisition costs versus final project value results in appreciably lower appraised values due to the depression of the adjacent comparable real estate. Traditional private sector financing therefore is not feasible. Program Income projections are all based on Real Estate. Development Institute Date Standard for the Hospitality Industry. In order to overcome the negative images and. criminal activity concerns of the location, reinvestment of the program income in extensive marketing programs and facility enhancements must occur during the critical start-up.period of years 1-3. With EDI assistance, debt service will be defrayed during this crucial phase allowing for a greater investment in the future of the project. Conservative projected sales of Goombay Plaza are $2.4 million per year, allowing for occupancy costs, including debt service, of less than 7 percent. Proposed Budget Land Costs $1,000,000 Pre -/Development Costs $ 671,000 Construction $1,938,000 Total $3,609,000 Proposed Funding Sources Section 108 loan $2,000,000 EDI Grant $ 300,000 Equity $1,309,000 TOTAL $3,609,000 Underwriting Guidelines: Another unique aspect of Goombay Plaza is that the Development Team consists of proven professionals with outstanding track ,records who are insistent that the project cover all financial objectives that any standard market -rate development must achieve. Financial projections of the 108 application therefore reflect a Business Plan and Pro Formas which are market -driven with the specific location a primary consideration. In addition, the CGLDC has already developed and is in the process of generating more than $10 million in affordable housing and commercial development projects utilizing a mixture of public and private sector financing. `� N 0 17 _., j, 3 v �, V j THE EXTENT TO WHICH THE PROPOSED ACTIVITIES EFFECTWELY SUPPORT IMPORTANT NATIONAL INTERESTS. Goombay Plaza represents an important strategy for the revitalization of the West Coconut Grove Area, as well as a model for effective redevelopment for similar inner-city communities around the country. The destination Caribbean and Southern -theme Restaurant, banquet facilities, and Bahamian Straw Market will provide over 100 direct and indirect full time equivalency jobs for low and moderate income community residents as well as an on- the-job training facility for the hospitality industry. The project will serve as one focal point of the development efforts of the CGLDC, a neighborhood -based nonprofit organization j serving the predominately low and moderate income. community. The success of this project will promote the stabilization and revitalization of the West Grove community, becoming the largest provider of jobs with the exception of the Public School and the illegal drug trade. Over 40 percent of the residents of the West Coconut Grove Target Area live in poverty, and the area's unemployment rate, already higher than the City's average, has tripled in the last 10 years. Many of the jobs created by Goombay Plaza will be on the entry level, providing excellent opportunities for entry in to the workforce for the area's unemployed, most of whom have not completed a high school education or its equivalent and who do not have the skills to compete for available jobs. Not only will these jobs be available to them, but Goombay Plaza will also include job training facilities that will help residents acquire the 1� skills necessary to successfully pursue and obtain other jobs within the restaurant and hospitality industry, one of the most successful industries in the South Florida market. There will also be opportunities for advancement'and promotion within the employment sti-ucture of Goombay Plaza for low and moderate income neighborhood residents, effectively achieving another national objective. The facility will be the largest minority owned and operated restaurant_ nd' small convention facility in the City of Miami, and with its commitment to the revitalization of the West Grove community and population it will provide opportunities for advancement that may not otherwise exist for community residents. The property for the project was acquired by 20 area families (now incorporated as Groveites United To Survive, or GUTS) who dreamt of renewing their neighborhood, of making it a safe, viable community for their children and grandchildren. Goombay Plaza therefore operates on a bottom line of community redevelopment, not profits, and represents real community -based economic development. Projects such as this support national interests in the provision of job opportunities for low income residents and redevelopment strategies for impoverished community, but Goombay Plaza goes beyond these goals. It represents a true community -based effort that avoids the problems of past government initiatives which have relied on outside businesses to invest in and revitalize areas. Goombay Plaza part of a comprehensive strategy for revitalizing the community while insuring that community. ownership opportunities continue, that gentrification does not take what is left of the West Grove and leave residents in a situation familiar to redevelopment efforts across the county, where existing populations are "sold out, bought out and then kicked out." Goombay Plaza then supports a much broader sense of the important National interests than narrow goals of job creation. The project seeks to reinvest in the pride and spirit of a community, providing hope and a long term strategy and solutions from within. Q C '� q L QUALITY OF THE PLAN The Goombay Plaza project has been designed by the CGLDC in cooperation with the City of Miami to achieve the following in the West Grove Target Area: 1) to halt the deterioration and disinvestment, 2) to create jobs for low and moderate income residents, 3) to expand the tax base, 4) to provide job training opportunities, :5) to overcome barriers to participation for minorities in the visitor industry, 6) to promote commercial revitalization in the business district, 7) to create business activity in vacant buildings to displace the illegal drug trade, 8) to promote the safety of residents, visitors, and businesses through positive, proactive security control of the physical environment, 9) to provide opportunities for investment and participation for community residents, and 10) to provide a model for successful development which can be replicated in other economically depressed communities. Goombay Plaza will meet these goals, addressing the physical deterioration of the community by revitalizing an important location in the history of the area, the old Tikki Club, a popular night club in the Grove's heyday. It will face the community's worsening conditions by helping instill a sense of pride in the heritage of the Grove by emphasizing the food, music, art and entertainment of the Caribbean cultures. Goombay Plaza will provide for the economic needs of the community directly, expanding the tax base, development opportunities, and providing sorely needed jobs. The project will create over 100 full-time equivalency jobs, but also will face the more fundamental challenges. We recognize that with an undereducated and underqualified population, simple job creation is not enough, so the project will also include a job -training program to give residents necessary skills for competitive success in the hospitality and restaurant industry. Opportunities for residents will not be limited to the 100 jobs in Goombay Plaza, but will extend throughout the South Florida hospitality industry,• expanding minority and low-income participation opportunities in one of the fastest growing and most successful fields in the area. From the inception of the project, Goombay Plaza has involved nationally known restaurant creators in the areas of conceptual design, menu creation and physical design. Goombay Plaza will be implemented by an experienced team which was directly involved in the creation of Tutu Tango, a Coconut Grove restaurant so successful that it. is now being developed as a national chain. These experts will develop Goombay Plaza in accordance with j the most recent trends in the restaurant industry which point to the success of strongly themed restaurants providing quality food at reasonable prices in a festive atmosphere, But within this group of successful restaurant ideas, Goombay Plaza will be unique because, it will rely on the cultural resources of the surrounding community for its inspiration and its success. Goombay Plaza capitalizes on the historic use -of its own site, which was formerly a popular attraction in the Grove, the reputation of the Greater Coconut Grove community as a regional entertainment destination, the presence of the oldest Bahamian settlement in Florida, and the area's need for a Black -owned restaurant and catering facility j serving food and music in a decor and manner consistent with African -American traditions. The total cost of development of the facilities will be approximately $3.6 million, $2 million of which will be from a section 108 loan, the rest from CGLDC, GUTS (a group of Grove families dedicated to preserving their community), the City of Miami's Off -Street Parking, as well as in -kind donations from area residents and businesses. Conservative projected sales of Goombay Plaza are $2.4 million per year, allowing for occupancy costs including debt service of less than 7 percent, allowing for a comfortable operating margin. S_5-- '�3 THE CAPACITY OF THE PUBLIC ENTITY TO SUCCESSFULLY CARRY OUT THE PLAN The City of Miami has received Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds since 1975, It is presently in its 20th Program Year with a grant allocation for FY 1994-95 of $13,681,000. Over the last 10 years, the City has also been able to generate over $20 million in program income as a result of successfully administering the CDBG program. To date, over $192 million in CDBG funds have been expended by the City on a myriad of programs principally to benefit low and moderate income residents in eight so-called Target Areas, as well, as on a Citywide basis. The City of Miami is the third poorest city in the country among cities with a population of less than 500,000; only Detroit and Laredo are considered poorer. Miami's poverty rate is 32.5 percent. Despite these statistics, the City has been able to bring about successful economic and community development in the poorest neighborhoods through i housing activities, code enforcement, managing small ,business loans, and delivering social services (including child-care, transportation for the elderly, meals programs, after -school activities, recreational and educational projects, and job training.) In implementing these is federally funded programs, the City has developed a high level of expertise in grants management and project administration. Among the specific projects and programs the City has administered to date are: * Single and Multifamily Rehabilitation Loan Programs * Emergency Shelter Grants ($1.5 million) * Public Infrastructure Improvement Projects * Community Facilities Development Programs * New Housing Finance Programs * Economic Development Programs * Urban Development Action Grants * HOME Grant Projects ($12 million), * Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Grant ($10 million) �- '73 A COMPREHENSIVE AND COORDINATED APPROACH TO REDEVELOPMENT The Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation has exhaustively studied the West Grove Community, both its resources and disadvantages, and we are implementing development strategies in a comprehensive, holistic manner. Although CGLDC was chartered as an economic development entity, the broad -based approach has proceeded.with emphasis in the following key areas: Residential Development: We believe that programs in this area can only be successful through the stabilization of the declining residential community. Agency priorities were formulated towards stopping the slide of residential property values while providing home- ownership opportunities for low-income families. We have been successful in accomplishing these goals through the development of two phases of our award -winning Grove Point housing development which has provided home ownership for 32 low-income families. Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation of single family homes was sorely needed in the West Grove ' and direct intervention by the City of Miami and CGLDC in 84 homes, over 20 percent of the single-family homes in the area, has served to stabilize the local housing stock... CGLDC ,has also assisted in the rehabilitation of several multi -family residential buildings, and has worked 10 with both private and public sector financial institutions to upgrade these units.. 1 Business and Economic Development: CGLDC provides technical assistance and support to local businesses and has been successful in attracting over 10 businesses to the area., providing job opportunities and needed services for community residents. We are currently under construction with our Small Business Incubator project, which will provide on -site technical assistance and support to 9 developing businesses for a three to five year. start up. period. We have also implemented a Cityof Miami facade program, renovating over 15 buildings along the Grand Avenue corridor and are planning to complete 10 more renovations within the coming year. Recapture of absentee ownershiQ: CGLDC initiated a demonstration -project to achieve an. unprecedented goal n community redevelopment, namely repurchase of -community real estate assets through black family capitalization. By helping formulate the .Goombay. Plaza, development project and providing technical advice, -support and assistance, CGLDC helped to incorporate Groveites United To Survive (GUTS), a group of 20 black families from. all walks. of life who pooled $5,000 per family. The $100,000 raised was utilized to leverage. acquisitions of two significant properties located at the major intersection of the West Grove community, that of Grand Avenue and Douglas Road. With a loan to the group of $230,000, the City of Miami provided additional capital for acquisitions. The properties acquired were a Phillips 66 gas -station site, since demolished and, converted to green space, the 50-year-old Tikki Club, a famous 15,000 square foot night club, and four adjoining lots to the rear of these properties. The Goombay Plaza project fits in to our comprehensive strategy by providing jobs, opportunities for development of successful, community -owned businesses, as well as providing an anchor for a viable business community. It's success will rely on -and contribute to the successful redevelopment of the surrounding community, supporting and helping insure the success of our other development initiatives. Q5- E'73 INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Goombay Plaza represents a ,new concept in community development, one that offers a resolution to the conflicts that normally occur between development projects and existing communities. For too long, inner-city development strategies have ignored and marginalized the residents of the very areas they were designed to help. We seek to avoid these problems by assisting a project that is truly community -based, relying on the" resources, motivation and ideas of community residents. Inner city areas are often threatened by gentrification, particularly if they are bordered by up -scale business and residential areas as is West Coconut Grove. Many times, community development projects have served to encourage, rather than discourage these forces, with a resulting displacement of the community. The CGLDC, however, sees its main goals as community preservation along with development. Our efforts are tailored so that residents are encouraged to reinvest and take ownership of their own community. Through our housing programs and business development strategies we try to encourage community ownership because we feel this is the only way to insure that the integrity of a community is maintained. Goombay Plaza represents a culmination of this innovative philosophy because it is owned by the community. Twenty families organized a corporation called GUTS (Grovites United To Survive) in order to invest in and protect their land and the land of their families while seeking to develop it for the good of their community. The success of Goombay Plaza and of the community are inextricably linked. This is not a typical urban renewal.project coming from outside, but a project motivated from within. It is the ideal public/private partnership, in that the private corporation involved is made up of community residents, with . the benefit of the community at heart. Goombay Plaza represents a creative solution in that it will not only provide immediate job opportunities, but also will create on-the-job training programs so that skills can be developed and opportunities for advancement will exist, both within the Goombay Plaza employment structure and within any number of jobs available in the service/restaurant industry. The provision of job opportunities, while an immediately tangible goal, often means little if these opportunities are not accompanied by programs that make them accessible,.not only available, for community residents. But, the advantages of Goombay. Plaza go- beyond the area benefits, including the creation of over 100 jobs, the attraction of tourist traffic (the largest ,South Florida industry), and the improvement of neighborhood conditions..It will . show the community that it can create, support and maintain ownership of successful projects, playing'a fundamental role in its own development. The City of Miami, throughout the history of this project, has continuously supported these development efforts and has been a committed source of financial support and technical . assistance for CGLDC. Through the efforts of the City, U.S. HUD has also provided technical assistance through regional offices in Jacksonville and through TONYA, a HUD consultant organization. It appears that there is a general agreement from these entities that this fresh, holistic approach to community development focusing on empowerment and ownership, may lead to structural change in the declining economy of the West Coconut Grove Target Area, I - C'y3 11 ai11L'S Grove Crack ice: Why isn't this infuriating? ?MON COCONUT GROVE TO MOST iiamians and they'll think of the kmwalk—a trendy, multilevel mall round an ersatz Mediterranean pla- n the chichi sidewalk tables of its i Sci, in less time than it takes for a rofutti to melt in the midday sun, make the one -minute trip to anoth- t-air bazaar —in the small park on avenue. "Got boy, boy here," says a of young black men as if they were peanuts at the ballpark. "Boy," means heroin and is $15 a "cap," Ir capsule, enough "to keep you re - wen or eight hours," says a 19-year- nite buyer. Prefer crack cocaine "girl") or pot? That's so prevalent ters don t bother to hawk it. And the Cocowalk mall, here you don't we to get out of your car to do busi- 'he gold -chained merchants come -1. "Hey, guys," one asks. "What do ,ne optimistic about the War on ought to contemplate Coconut the now infamous place where Jen- apriWs•tennis career went up in Last month. Under the eye of one of -st aggressive law -enforcement sys- t the nation, the Grove is a seeming assment—a. veritable mEaketplace al drug traffic known to all, yet shut Iy no one. Even the squeegeemen on tsewdys to Miami Beach get hassled ,y the ceps. Grove is hardly unique; Boston ssion Hill, Los Angeles has the Pico - area and tourist guidebooks all but Ie permanent "smoke -sellers" who !ir trade in New York: City's Wash - Square Park. But Coconut Grove is more a contradiction because it in - ,some of Miami's most expensive Mate, featuring the bayfront man- nf Madonna and Sylvester Stallone. weekends, its wild party scene at - high -school and college kids to the rid clubs along the main drag. De- iese upscale, legal activities —maybe .e of them —the Grove remains a hill- : drug mart. "For a kid," says one -earby Coral Gables High School, :asier to score crack than beer. Black Grove the guys don't ask, :ee some ID'." PHI LU PPE DI ED ERIQi much else we can do': One ps on nighttime patrol works Fthe Coconut Grove .zami map (inset) The Black Grove is the old-fashioned black ghetto, settled by Bahamians at the turn of the century, that is wedged into a fashionable Miami suburb. Many ofits esti- mated 4,600 residents —about a quarter of the Grove as a whole —are old-line middle- class homeowners who resisted Yuppie gentrification. But in a matter of yards along Grand Avenue, the ambience goes from quaint cottages to battle -scarred pub- lic housing. And, aside from what amounts to a bonder patrol that keeps places like Cocowalk secure, the police stick to their squad cars, leaving the dealers to run the streets. "For two years, there was a crack house right next to mine," says Melanie Pasley-Thomas, a Black Grove activist "I complained to the city and nothing hap- pened. The only reason they're gone now is that they finally burned themselves out" `Middle-class druggies': Most of Coco- nut Grove has accommodated itself to the drug trade in its midst. Police officials blame their limited showing on manpower shortage and higher law -enforcement pri- orities elsewhere —like keeping unsuspect- ing tourists safe from crime. As in other cities, Grove businessmen and wealthy white homeowner groups protect them- selves by hiring off -duty tops to ward off break-ins and car theft —most of it by local drug users. But if they want help from the authorities, they're in trouble. "if I hadn't told the police Jennifer Capriati was in that hotel room, they wouldn't have done an -,- thing," says Carmen Branagan. -,vbose 17- year-old daughter was arrested in the Ca- priati bust on. charges of heroin possession. if it had just been my kid, they would have laughed —another -bunch of .middle-class druggies, partying in the Grove." The police themselves don't deny they're largely impo- .tentt "There's ..not much else we can do;' .says spokesman Angelo Bitsis. At any one time, about 20 cops patrol the Grove, but only a handful :anywhere near the diug mart. "We can't go in there like an occupy- ing army," says one patrolman. In the Black Grove itself Pasley Thomas says, the atti- tude is "see no evil, speak no evil." The most striking aspect of Coconut Grove and other drug zones is their•seem ing intractability. "We've created street - level drug markets that become almost im- possible. to police, ' says Prof. Lynn Zimmer of Queens College in New York City. Research by -New York's Vera Insti- tute of Justice, shows that even massive, assaults by police on drug marts win, few lasting victories.. Nonetheless, Washington is making noise about new efforts to crack down on places like Coconut Grove. The new chief of. the Drug Enforcement Ad- ministration, Thomas Constantine, is ex- •pected.to announce plans to shift the war back to pushers in the streets. In the Grove, they cant be very optimistic. Three days after the Capriati arrest, federal agents concluded a two-year investigation with a dawn raid on two Grand Avenue - based drug rings. By afternoon, the dealers were back in the park. SPENCER REISS and PETER KATEL in Coconut Grovewith BRUCE SIIENIrz in New York JUNE 13, 1994 NEWSWEEK 63 9) 5 - C U PROJECT DESIGNERS/PARTICIPANTS Management Group, Inc. Restaurant & Hospitality Consultants Tgkki Project Grand Avenue and Douglas Load Coconut Grove, Florida 7814 NAV. 72nd Avenue • Miami, Florida 33160 • Phone: (305) 8874893 • 1�ax: (305) 887-1>23 CONTENTS I. Ace Management Group Of Miami) Incorporated IT. The Concept Ill. Letter of Intent V 3 kce Management Group of Miami, Incorporated \ce Managerrrent Group of Miami, Inc. was founded in 1993 by its principals with the Lntbition to create, develop and managed high volume, casual theme dining and :ntertainment establishments. Ace Management Group of' Miami , Inc. consisting of Fred :Ueda, Wesley A. Skyers, and Adrian E. Aymei cli are experienced casual theme estaurateurs with a total of 25 years experience. Two of the three principals are long true directors of the Florida Restaurant Association; Dade Chapter. we Management is committed to excellence in the restaurant management profession, ocruiting and hiring, bookkeeping and accounting, budgeting, system design and nalysis, organizational development, personnel training, and menu formulation. In most istances, a special team is formed to develop a comprehensive project evaluation. Each roject is individually assessed and recommendations are tailored to meet the specific Beds; thereby providing our clients with a diversity of input resulting in a better and tore inclusive product. This comprehensive approach is consistent with Ace 7anagement's view that most problem resolutions or operational opportunities are iultifaceted in nature. roject Examples: Jho's Songs' and Larry's Dalt's Restaurant t. Lauderdale, FL Long Island, NY 1 Torito, Inc. Dalt's Restaurant felbourne, FL Miami, FL .G.I. Friday's Dalt's Restaurant Ielboume, FL Atlanta, GA .G.I. Friday's Dalt's Restaurant Hand, FL Alexandria, VA .G.I. Friday's Cafe Tu Tu Tango oca Raton, FL Coconut Grove, FL .G.I. Friday's Big City Fish Dng Island, NY Coconut Grove, FL G.I. Friday's Dan Marino's American Sports Bar & Grill atlas, TX Coconut Grove, FL 0r, C173 The Concept The "Tikki" Cale will offer an astonishing Val-ICty of multicultural events. It could be an old style Colonial Caribbean Home, or using the existing building, add bright colors windows and porches. It can be considered an entertainment style restaurant with live shows an exotic background stage that can be viewed from booths, tables, and the bar. Imagine blues, jazz, or reggae and calypso being played while people are eating as the energy grows, people begin to dance. To enhance the guest* experience the use of an exposition kitchen will allow guests to enjoy the culinary Cultru•es of at least a dozen different nations. The display and sale of items such as arts and crafts, music memorabilia, t-shirts, cookbooks, recipes, postcards, posters, flowers, etc... will be a major part of this concept. BUILDING: (new construction) C 10,000 sq./ft. Colonial / English style home • Wood exterior with detail design of arches • Wood floor porch entrance with red brick steps • Wood framed windows • Outside patios with bright Caribbean colors (use of existing building) • Add arches m Add windows and bright colored shutters • Add patios Install Atrium • Design second floor interior with view of first floor and stage • Colors: Bright Caribbean colors INTERIOR DECOR: • Dark wooden floors • Soft briglit colored walls • Primitive Afro-American and Caribbean paintings (slavery, construction, farming, etc.) • EnterIainment piClrlrCS • Sports pictures • furniture, banquets, tables, and chairs finished in dark colors 9 15 — C73 __j STAG E: • Multifunctional capability • Rcd brick background • Periodically challgllig themes • Small dance Boor located hear stage I3AR: • Rustic and exotic design in a tropical setting • Shack style ceiling and over -hang • Beer cooler island display with wood triiinlning • Artifacts for bar decor will be collected from guests • Serving tropical drinks (Goombay Smash, Bahama A•lama, Rum Runner, Etc...) MENU: • Reasonably priced food • From the Caribbean: Jamaican: Curry and jerk dishes Bahamian: conch dishes, boiled fish, breads Trinidad and Tobago: curry dishes, rottie Afro-American: soul foods, BBQ STYLE OF SERVICE: • Full menu table service restaurant • Fun, friendly, fast service by warm attractive people ENTERTAINMENT: • Live bands • Music (reggae, jazz, blues, calypso, soul, Latin) • Comedy shows • Dance shows (tap dance, modern dance, Afro -Caribbean) • Contests (guest involvement) GIFT COUNTER: • Sale of T-shirts, recipes, cookbooks, post cards, music, hand crafts, books, posters, etc... 9L- W7 I Rce Management Group, Inc. Restaurant & Iiotipitality Consultants October 18, 1994 Local Development Corporation Mr. David Alexander 3552 Grand Avenue Miami, FL 33133 Dear Mr. Alexander, Ace Managerent Group of Miami, Inc. are professional restaurateurs with a total of 25 years of experience. It is our intention to collaborate with the Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation in the conceptualization of the Tikki Cafe Project. Ace Management will work as a liaison for architects, engineers, and the construction firm. We will also source, develop and implement all of the following restaurant systems: Product Planning and Development: Create, test, and develop all food and beverage items for menu. We will source, develop, and implement inventory and cost systems. Along with this we will set up daily reporting and accounting procedures. Human Resources: Recruit, Hire, train, motivate, and develop all personnel including management. Public Relations: We will supervise media related issues throughout all phases of construction. This will include project marketing, special events, promotional activities and press releases. Vendor Selection: We will select all vendors: food, beverage and others. Selection & set-up of Point -of -Sale systems. Implementation of a "bidding" system for all purchases as well as a structured and organized receiving system. Entertainment: Select, coordinate, and schedule all entertainment. Catering and Banquet: Planning, controlling, and implementing all aspects of functions Further information on this projects available from Ace Management Group of Marta, Incorporated. Cordially, \�reslc A. Skycrs ` President 7814 N.W. 72nd Avenue • Miami. Florida 33166 • Phone: (305) 8874895 • Fax: (305) "7-1528 v r _, C 7 3 + A S S O C I A T E S October 21, 1994 Mr. David Alexander Executive Director Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation P.O. Box 330075 Miami, PI 33233-0075 Dear Mr. Alexander, This letter is to confirm Steiner + Associates' commitment to the success of the Goombay. Plaza development project. We have been involved in the process for several years now, and look forward to moving towards completion once final financing has been secured. We feel that this project represents a replicable model for true community redevelopment, in which the historical and cultural assets of the community are leveraged into destination retail development owned and operated by the community. In this approach the residents are empowered to take part in the revitalization of their own community using assets exclusive to them. Steiner + Associates is committing an in -kind donation in predevelopment coordination to the project, and we look forward to working together with you and with the community toward its success. Sincerely, Uomir Steiner YS/]c ,6173 1665 SOUTH BAYSHOR( DRIV( SUIT( 6Di M1a4t'. 1DA 13113 1EiE7ri'.. •r_`S PSI 4 October 21, 1994 Mr. David Alexander Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation P.O.Box 330075 Mianfi, FL 33233-0075 Dear Mr. Alexander: This letter is to confirm Constructa's commitment as defined in our 6/3/93 agreement and its amendment of 8/24/93, to participate in the Goombay Plaza development project. We are looking forward to working on the project as we feel it will be a real asset for the West Coconut Grove community and we serve as an anchor for successful redevelopment. Constructa is dedicating in -kind development and construction supervision services to the project, which we believe to be a replicable model for community -based redevelopment projects in similar neighborhoods around the country. We look forward to working together with you on this project for the benefit of Coconut Grove and the City of Miami as a whole. Sipcerely, Jean -Marc Meunier Executive Vice President JMM/pb n�. .� I.. !r :r •. � ��..� I: !� ��• I>: .-�: il• i11.. .. .. � ��.,., lI. i it :11-i, :i.`,;�. ','�. L�1 I'.i.� :1 )r �%. � • 617 I V v deferred 24 October, 1994 Mr. David J. Alexander Executive Director COCONUT GROVE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION P.O. Box 330075 Coconut Grove, Florida 33233-0075 Dear Mr. Alexander.: This letter is to offer Deferred Compensation's participation in the Goombay Plaza development project. We are committed to this project because we feel it represents a positive opportunity for redevelopment in the West Grove Community. I Deferred Compensation will be dedicating in -kind investment and I financial consulting services to the project in order to help offset i expenses. We believe that the Goombay Plaza project represents a true community - based initiative which can serve as an anchor for the future revitalization of the West Grove community. 1 We look forward to working together with you on this important project for the benefit of the community as a whole. r 1 I i Sincerel le i Lo w.s G. Wechsler President J - C7