HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-95-0107J-95-29 1/27/95 RESOLUTION NO. 9 5 - 107 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF W. P. AUSTIN CONSTRUCTION, CORP., IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $261,461.00, TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLED "MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS - 3RD AND 4TH FLOOR ADDITIONS B-2920A, SECOND BIDDING"; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM PROJECT NO. 312029, AS APPROPRIATED BY FISCAL YEAR 1994-1995 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ORDINANCE NO. 11205, AS AMENDED, IN THE AMOUNT OF $261,461.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST AND $48,132.00 TO COVER THE ESTIMATED EXPENSES, FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF $309,593.00; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID FIRM. WHEREAS, sealed bids were received January 17, 1995, for the project entitled "MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS -3RD AND 4TH FLOOR ADDITIONS B-2920A, SECOND BIDDING"; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Public Works recommend that the bid from W. P. Austin Construction Corp., be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; and WHEREAS, Fiscal Year 1994-95 Capital Improvement Projects Ordinance No. 11205, as amended, adopted November 17, 1994, appropriated monies for the proposed amount of the contract, project expense, and incidentals under Project No. 312029 of said Ordinance; CITY COMMSSION MEETING OF. F E B 0 9 1995 Resolution No. 95- 107 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The January 17, 1995 bid of W. P. Austin Construction Corp., in the proposed amount of $309,593.00, for the project entitled "MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS - 3RD & 4TH FLOOR ADDITIONS B-2920A, SECOND BIDDING" for the total bid of the proposal, based on lump sum and unit prices, is hereby accepted at the price stated therein. Section 3. The total estimated project cost of $309,593.00 is hereby allocated from Project No. 312029, as appropriated by Fiscal Year 1994-95 Capital Improvement Ordinance No. 11205, as amended. Said total project cost consists of the $261.461.00 contract cost and $48,132.00 estimated expenses incurred by the City. Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contractl/, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, on behalf of the City of Miami with W. P. Austin Construction, Corp., for the project entitled "MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS - 3RD & 4TH FLOOR ADDITIONS B-2920A, SECOND BIDDING", for the total bid of the proposal. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. 1� The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. -2- 95- 107 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th ATTE MA TY HIRAI CITY CLERK CAPITAL PROJECT REVIEW: day of February ► 1995. STEP EN P. CLAR , MAYOR /Z2f7-Z--) UEZ, DIRECTOR MENT AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS UBMITTED BY: WALDEMAR E. LEE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS LEGAL REVIEW BY: h R) 4-t 0,4 --- G. MIRIAM E CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: -3- 95- 107 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM so TO : Honorable Mayor and Members DATE : FILE: B-2920A of the City Commission JAN 31 1995 SUBJECT : Resolution Awarding Contract for Miami Police"Headquarter 3rd & 4th Floor Additions FROM : REFERENCES: 2nd Bidding Cesa io City • ger ENCLOSURES: Resolution RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution accepting the low bid of W.P. Austin Construction Corp., a company located within Dade County and not within the City of Miami, for "Miami Police Headquarters-3rd & 4th Floor Additions B-2920A, 2nd Bidding", received January 17, 1995 in the amount of $261,461.00, Total Bid; authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City. BACKGROUND Amount of Bid: Cost Estimate: Source of Funds: $261,461.00 % of Cost Estimate: 75% $350,000 Fiscal Year 1994-1995 C.I.P. Ordinance No. 11205 as amended Minority Representation: Public Hearings/Notices: Assessable Project: No 250 invitations mailed 9 contractors picked up plans & specs (4 Hispanic, 2 Black, 0 Female) 5 contractors submitted bids (3 Hispanic, 0 Black, 0 Female) No public hearing/Bid Notice published. Discussion: The Department of Public Works has evaluated the bids received on -January 17, 1995 and determined that the lowest responsible and responsive bid, in the amount of $261,461.00 is from W.P. Austin Construction Corp., non -minority controlled corporation. Funds are available to cover the contract cost, and for such incidental items as postage, blueprinting, advertising, and reproduction costs. Attachment: Proposed Resolution 01- 95- 107 ���� FACT SHEET PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: 1117/95 Jos s: B-2920A PROJECT NAME: MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS-311D & 4TH FL. ADD.-2ND BID cIP *: 312029 LOCATIONS: 400 NW 2ND. AVE. ,MIAMI, FL. 33128 TYPE S: PROJECT MANAGER: A. COrrales FEDERAL PARTICIPATION: ASSOCIATED DEPARTMENT: MIAMI POLICE DEPT. ASSESSABLE: EMERGENCY: RESOLUTION 0: BID REQUEST: FORMAL INFORMAL DESCRIPTION: THIS PROJECT CONSITS OF FURNISHING ALL LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY FOR ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS TO THE 3RD. & 4TH. FLOOR IN THE SW CORNER AT THE POLICE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING. THIS CITY PROJECT IS THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE FIRE AND POLICE "EMERGENCY 911 " COMMUNICATIONS INTO EXISTING FACILITIES. SCOPE ON SERVICES: CITY OUTSIDE AMOUNT (% OF CONTT. COST) SURVEY /PLAT O SITE INVESTIGATION Q PLANNING AND STUDY Q $ % OF(EC) DESIGN ® $ 15,850.00 % OF(EC) SPECS AND BID PROCESS ® $ 7,000.00 2 % OF(EC) BLUEPRINTING AND ADVERTISING ® O $ (E) CONSTRUCTION $ 261,461.00 (BID) CONST. INSP. & MANAGEMENT ® $ 20,917.00 8 % OF BID OTHER O $ SUBTOTAL $ 305,228.00 io% INDIRECT COSTS 1.43 % $ 4,365.00 (ENG. FEE) CONTINGENCIES (6%) (EC) EsrlaaA'E CONST. COST: $ 350,000.00 TOTAL $ 309,593.00 (E) ESTIVArE CONTRACTOR'S INFORMATION: CLASS: d� ® ® TYPE OF WORK: General Construction MINORITY FYI F7 F YEARS OF ESTABLISHMENT: 14 ym. LICENSE CGCA 03093 NAME: W.P. AUSTIN CONSTRUCTION CORP. TELEPHONE ( 305 )448.4614 ADDRESS: 1660 SW 32 Place, Miami, Fi. 33145 CONTACT PERSON: WP PHILLIP AUSTIN SUB -CONTRACTORS PLUMB -Main Line Plumbing HVAC- Trinity A/C Co. ELECT- Magesco Inc. 9 5 107 CLASS: J= JOINr P= PRIME S= sua MINORITY: B=BLACK H=HISPANIC F=FEMALE WFICU: A"141ANI UlKttilVK,, %;U*l ANALT010, 11ILt1 Irll'NIAMAUr-K, A**VUTAIM) Mr I., VIFMANAUr-K FORMAL BID MIAMI P01.ICI'', I II?ADQUARTERS, 3RD & 9TH FLOOR ADDITIONS-2ND BIDDING Project. Number: B-292OA�'l CIP Number: 312029 Project Manager. ALBERTO CORRALES Date: 01/ 17 95 Person who received the bids: A_CORRALES Received at: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. CITY HALL Construction Estimate = 350,000.00 Time: 10:00 A.M. = 13I_DI)FJ? WP AUSTIN CONST. CORP. C.O.B.A.D CONST.CORP PINO-FONTICIELLA CONST. CA20 CONST. CORP. ADDRESS1650 SW 32 PL. MIAMI, FL 33145 1301 W 68 ST.ND HIALEAH. FL.33014 11400 W FLAGLER ST.p205 MIAMI, FL 33174 3461 SW 8 ST. MIAMI. Ft, 33135 1311) I30ND AMOUNT B.B. 6% B.B. 57. B.B. $25,000.00 B.B. 57. IRREGULARITIES MINORITY OWNED NO YES YES YES ITEM No. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL BASE BID TOTAL OF ITEMS I THRU 2 $261.461.00 $277.000.00 J288,103.00 i289,444.00 '1 FOR FURNISHING ALL LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE THIRD AND FOURTH FLOOR ADDITIONS TO THE MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR NOTED IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. $236,461.00 $252,000.00 $263.103.00 $264,444.00 2 PROVISION FOR SPECIAL ITEMS 225,000.00 S25,000.00 $26,000.00 $25,000.00 IRREGULARITIES 'LEGEND IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THAT A No Power -of -Attorney THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BID 1S FROM W.P. AUSTIN H No Affidavit as to Capital k Surplus of Bonding Company CONSTRUCTION FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $261,461.00 Corrected Extensions I Proposal Unsigned or improperly Signed or no Corporate Seal ]f the above contractor IS nOt he-1ow St ld er ex lain: h: Incomplete ExtensionsP Non -responsive bid - c; .. Improper Bid Bond 6.tit., r - --,- ----- leX...) II - Corrected Bid ----- - -- - ------------------------------------------ /,�� I •- No First Source Hiring Compliance Statement----j�����j<------------------------ ---------------------------- I - No Minority Compliance St.htemenl ---------------------------------------------------------- • - No Duplicate Bid Proposal SHEET ETIOF 2 1.- No Hid---------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- M to:, C3i FORMAT, BID MIAMI I110JADRUARTERS, 3RD & 4TI-I FLOOR ADDITIONS-2ND BIDDING Project. Number: _ B-_2920A_ CIP Number: 312029 Project. Manager: ALBERTO CORRALES_ Date: 01/17 /95 Person who received the bids- A. CORRALES Received at: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, CITY HALL Construction Estimate = $ ;K0,000.00 Time: 10:00 A.M. 131 D DER MET CONSTRUCTION, INC. SMITH HAMMOCK ADDRESS MIAMI, FL533 27 72 AVE. HOMESTEAD ,IFL.33 30 131D BOND AMOUNT B.B.$22,500.00 IRREGULARITIES L MINORITY OWNED NO ITEM No. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL BASE BID TOTAL OF ITEMS 1 THRU 2 1350.137.00 I FOR FURNISHING ALL LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE THIRD AND FOURTH FLOOR ADDITIONS TO THE MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS OR NOTED 1N THE SPECIFICATIONS. $325,137.00 2 PROVISION FOR SPECIAL ITEMS $25,000.00 IRREGULARITIES LEGEND IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THAT rA No Power -of -Attorney THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BID IS FROM W.P. AUSTIN H No Affidavit as to Capital k Surplus of Bonding Company CONSTRUCTION FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $261,461.00 C Corrected Extensions n - Proposal Unsigned or improperly Signed or no Corporate Seal It the above contractor is not the to est idd x lain: E - Incomplete Extensions F - Non -responsive bid O ,k- L _ _ n �_ _ --- - G - Improper Bid Bond T-------------- - II - Corrected Bid - - - __/_r---'---------------------- -----` --------- I - No First Source Hiring Compliance Statement ____-_-f./_17--------------------- - - - - -- ------ ------------- I - No Minority Compliance Statement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - K - No Dupiicate Bid Proposal SHEET 2 OF 2 L- No Bid---------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- I DID_SECU&2SY_1111 MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS 3rd & 4th FLOOR ADDITIONS SID ITEM; -.-w�----P--P--e--------- .---l--------w--P-------- SECOND BIDDING B-2920A ��.Pww-•-P-------------P--l-lw------------- -----r.-� 31ID so . t 9 4- 9 5- 0 4 8----------- -w SATZ DID(S) OPIRIDs JANUARY 17, 1995 10 00 a.m. TOTAL DID_DOND-Loll 1IDDER PID-ANDURT tAS�JiSR�t----- - -r--l---M------------------ --1-----w----�----P- -M- W. P. AUSTIN CONTRUCTION CORP. $ 261,461.00 B.B. 5% C.O.B.A.D. CONSTRUCTION CORP. $ 277.000.00 B..B. 5% 'PINO FONTICIELLA CONTRUCTION $ 288,103.00 B.B. $ 25,000.00 CAZO CONSTRUCTION CORP. $ 289,444.00 B.B. 5% J MET CONSTRUCTION_ INC. ; $ 350,137.00 B.B. 22,500.00 ., - ------ -------w--w-P------ -----------------N- 0 BID" SMITH HAMMOCK — ----_P --- -- P..Pr------- —— --- --------------- {f�Ars from t� venr7arsst�a �cre�n are tf o— nTy oilers *nr.n4traJ� #ig3.t'ly-cs-DL th-.!`:hiam-cLi-daka-zJ' -------- i o! h, Ar oVers submitted in rcsponec to this sotic ta.ti , if any, - 2 3-11. '=--------------------------------------- --_-------------;-------------_I-------------------- ----------------- L------------- ----L --------------- -------------------------------- --------------------- !!--------------------------------- = `� 7 ---------- -------- --------- ------------- -w�------------ —.—------------ r--------------q--------- — — — — — — -- I _ ,►---------- ----M--.►. I - - "-f/--- --------- ---------------- ^-+---------------♦----------------------- --------..-------wM .__----W---+---------------------- P------------+--P------ 4+---------------------- ---------------- I -------------- L---------------------- _---_recti�vea (k-) envelopes on 8ahalt of (Y�raon se atviaj bids q Publ is i�_gtXjL_ oa � _ � � !C� _!_________P..� (Citj Drpartasst) _ SIGNED: ( aput� ity clerk) i I ' RECEaVit `:. '95 JAN 17 A10:00 MATT f iilkAI CITE CURK CITY OF MIAMI, FLA.. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Matty Hirai DATE: December 22, 1994 FILE City Clerk SUWECT: MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS 3RD b 4TH FLOOR ADDITIONS SECOND BIDDING B-2920A FROM : L s sett e Lopez REFERENCES :BID NO. 9 4- 9 5- 0 4 8 r�� Department of Publ Works ENCLOSURES: Contractors will submit bids for the above reference project to be opened on. January 17, 1995 Time: 10:00 AM. Any bid submitted after the above appointed time will not be accepted by the City Clerk. Please make the necessary provisions for this bid opening. A representative from our Department will be present. We will notify you in writing if there will be a postponement or cancellation prior to the opening of bids. /11 C-D WCD 1 ..a �L� BID NO. 93-94-048 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for "MIAMI POLICE HEADQUARTERS - 3RD AND 4TH FLOOR ADDITIONS SECOND BIDDING - B-2920A" will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Miami, Florida at 10.00 AM on the 17th of January, 1995, at the City Clerk's Office, first floor of the Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami , Florida, 33133, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Any bid submitted after the above appointed time will not be accepted by the City Clerk. The project consists of structural, plumbing mechanical and architectural modifications to the third and fourth floors of the Miami Police Headquarters, 400 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida. Bidders will furnish performance and bid bonds in accordance with Resolutions NO. 86- 983 and No. 87-915. For technical questions regarding plans and specifications, please contact Pancoast-Albaisa Architects at (305) 442- 1193. Prospective bidders will be required to submit, with their bid, a copy of the appropriate Certificate of Competency, as issued by Dade County, which authorizes the bidder to perform the proposed work. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. New City regulations will require each bidder to submit proposals in duplicate originals. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the Director of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida, 33128, on or after January 3, 1994. If bidders wish, a set of plans and specifications will be mailed to them by writing to the Department of Public Works and including a separate check for $8. There will be a $20 deposit required for the first set of plans and specifications. Additional sets may be purchasecF for a fee of $20 per set and this is not refundable. Deposits will be refunded only upon the return of one set of plans and specifications to the Department of Public Works, unmarked and in good condition within two (2) weeks after the opening of the bids. Bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance Nos. 10062 and 10538 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors, contractors and subcontractors. All bidders must submit an Affirmative Action Plan with their bid. (Ordinances are contained in Bid Specifications). The City of Miami has adopted Ordinance No. 10032, which implements the "First Source Hiring Agreement." The object of this Ordinance is to provide employment opportunities to City of Miami residents on contracts resulting in the creation of new permanent jobs. Contractors may be eligible for wage reimbursement under this program. For further information contact the Department of Public Works. City of Miami, at (305) 579-6856. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise (B-2920A Req. 2569). Cesar H. Odio City Manager 's City of Miami 2569 REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT This number must appear in. the advertisement. INSTRUCTIONM.P a type and attach a copy of the advertl �. Department::. 2. Division: 3. Account Code number: 4. Is this a confirmation: 5. Prepared by: Yes ❑ No 6. Size of advertisement:9 4 - 9 5 - 0.18Starting date: 8..Telephone number: ind x 9. Number of tImA this advertisement is to be 10. Tye of advertisement: published:' on In P Legal ❑ Classified ❑ Display 11. Remarks: "MIAMI'POLICE HEAt3QUARTERS - 3RD & 4TH FLOOR ADDITIONS SECOND BIDDING B-292OA" I 12. % Publication, Date(s) of Advertisement Invoice No. Amount Pq r-, C5 13. 94 Approved ❑ Disapproved /a .. Department rector/pesignee Date Approved for Payment Date C IGS/PC 503 Rev. 12/89 Routing Forward White and Canary to G.S.A. (Procurement Management) and retain Pink coov. Lplo i n1DY I lvrr7 nmre - u.o.H.; %,anary - uepar[meni