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0 ZONING FACT SHEET PZU 22 LOCATION/LEGAL 250 NW South River Dr-,:e Lots 1, 2 and 17, Block 4, CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH SUB' ',,ON (8-41) PRDC. APPLICANT/OWNER The Salvation Army (Owner) Northt, Dade Center, Inc. (Buyer) Judith Burke, Esq. A. Vicky Leiva, Esq. 201 S. Biscayne Blvd., 16th Floor 701 Brickell Ave., 18th Floor Miami, FL 33131 379-9187 Miami, FL 33131 ZONING R-4 Multifamily High -Density Residential. REQUEST Special Exception requiring City Commission approvajf as listed in Ordinance No. 11C..0, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Article �), Section 934.3 Certificate of Use not transferable, to allow a change of ow '-ip of a Certificate of Use #105341; zoned R-4 Multifamily High -Density Res;,::,,�tial. kECOMMENDATIONS: PLANNING, BLDG & ZONING Approval. + PUBLIC WORKS No comments. PLAT AND STREET N/A. DADE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION No comments. ENFORCEMENT HISTORY, IF 0 C.E.B. Case No: N/A Last Hearing Date: N/A Violation(s) Cited: N/A Ticketing Action: N/A Affidavit of Non -Compliance issued on: N/A Total Fines To Date: N/A CEB Action: N/A HISTORY Found: N/A Daily Fine: $0.00 Lien Recorded w . A/A ANALYSIS The requested Special Exception is for the purpose of changing the ownership of the subject Community Based Residential Facility from The Salvation Army to Northwest Dade Center Inc. The purchase is being made with the use of a Dade County Community Development Blc:x Grant (CDBG) Fund Grant, so that the facility can continue to operate within the community. The Planning, Building and Zoning Department is recommending approval finding that the subject CBRF is a much needed use in the area, and according to the East Little Havana NET Office, has been operating as a good neighbor without complaints from the adjacent property owners; also finding that with the change of ownership, the facility will be able to continue to provide a critical service to the City of Miami. ZONING BOARD APPELLANT CITY COMMISSION' ' APPLICATION NUMBER Granted for 12 mos. in which a C.U. must be obtained subj. to CC approval. (Res.13o. .014-95) 94- 355 Page 1 January 23, 1999 5" 149 Mr. Arsenio Milian and moved its adoption. offered the following Resolution RESOLUTION ZB 014-95 AFTER CONSIDERING THE FACTORS SET FORTH IN SECTION 1305 OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, THE ZONING BOARD GRANTED A SPECIAL EXCEPTION REQUIRING CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL, AS LISTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE 9, SECTION 934.3 CERTIFICATE OF USE NOT TRANSFERABLE,'TO-ALLOW A"CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OF A CERTIFICATE OF USE NO. 105341 FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 250 N.W. SOUTH RIVER DRIVE LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 1, 2 AND 17, BLOCK 4,-"CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH SUBDIVISION 1B-41) PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY; ZONED R-4 MULTIFAMILY HIGH -DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. THIS SPECI�;L EXCEPTION WAS GRANTED WITH A TIME LIMITATION OF TWELVE (12) MONTHS IN WHICH A CERTIFICATE OF USE MUST BE TRANSFERRED TO THE NEW OWNER AND IT IS SUBJECT TO DISCLOSURE FORMS AND CONTRACT TO PURCHASE SUBMITTAL TEN (10) DAYS PRIOR TO THE CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL. Upon being seconded by Mr. George Barket the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mses. Basila, Morales & Hernandez. Messers. Milian, Barket and Carman. NAYES: Messers. Crespo, Luaces & Moran-Ribeaux. ABSENT: Mr. George Sands. Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 6-3. January 23, 1995 Item# 7 Zoning Board 95' 149 jot*, APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION File Number dithin the City generally, or within certain toning districts, certain structures, uses, and/or occupancies specified in this ordinance are of a nature requiring special and intensive review to determine whether or not they should be permitted in specific locations, and if so, the special limitations, conditions, and safeguards which should be applied as reasonably necessary to promote the general purposes of this Zoning Ordinance, and, in particular, to protect adjoining properties and the neighborhood from avoidable potentially adverse effects. It is further intended that the expertise and judge Men t of the Zoning board be exercised in making such determinations, in accordance with the rules, considerations and limitations relating to Special Exceptions. (See Article 16) ForW public notice and hearing is mandatory for Special Exceptions. The Zoning Board shalt be solely responsible for determinations on applications for Special Exceptions. All applications shall be referred to the director of the Oepartmant of Planning, Building and Zoning for his recommendations and the director shall make any further referrals required by these regulations. The Salvation Army I, 1 , hereby' apply to the City of Mimi Zoning Board for approval of a Special Exception for property located at 250 N.W. South River Drive Nature of Proposed Use (Be specific) Property is under contract for sale to Northwest Dade Center and change of ownership requires a special exception for continuance of current use. In support of this application, the following material is submitted: 1. Two copies of a survey of the property prepared by a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor. ® Z. Nur'copies oft the site plan showing (as required) property boundaries, existing (if any) and proposed structure(s)., parking, landscaping etc; building elevations and dimensions and, cooputations of lot area vW ,wilding spacing. XX 3. Affidavits disclosing odnenhip of property covered by application and disclosure of interest form (attach to application). XX 4. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 375sfoot radius of the ..� outside- bwWairies of property covered by the application. P . S. At least two photographs that shay tho entire property (land and improve - Monts). 9 5 — 149 d. Other (Specify) XX 7. Fee of $&4Z Z to apply toward the cost of PrOcessiM F7 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION File Number _ within the City generally, or within certain zoning districts, certain structures, uses, and/or occupancies specified in this ordinance are of a nature requiring special and intensive review to determine whether or not they should be permitted in specific locations, and if so, the special limitations, conditions, and safeguards which should be applied as reasonably necessary to promote the general purposes of this Zoning Ordinance, and, in -particular, to protect adjoining properties and the neighborhood from avoidable potentially adverse effects. It is further intended that the expertise and judgement of the Zoning Board be exercised in making such determinations, in accordance with the rules, considerations and limitations relating to Special Exceptions. (See Article 16) Formal public notice and hearing is mandatory for Special Exceptions. The Zoning Board shall be solely responsible for determinations on applications for Special Exceptions. All applications shall be referred to the director of the Department of Planning, Building and Zoning for his recommendations and the director shall mks any further referrals required by these regulations. 4 The Salvation Army I hereby* apply to the City of " m' Zoning Board for ti approval of a Special Exception for praprty located at 250 N.W. South ,River Drive Nature of Proposed Use (Be specific) Pro2erty is under contract for sale to Northwest Dade Center and change of ownership requires a special exception for continuance of current use. In support of this application, the following material is submitted: 1. Two copies of a surrey of the property prepared by a State of Florida Registered La W Surveyor. 2. Fo40'copies oft the site plan showing (as required) property boundaries, existing (if army) and proposed structure(s),, parking, larmdscapirq etc; building elevations amend dimiensions aM* co®putations of lot area and building spacing. XX 3. Affidavits disclosing ownership of property covered by application and _._ disclosure of interest fors (attach to application). XX 4. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 375•foot radius of the outside boundaries of property covered by the applicaticn. S. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improve - sets). 149 G. Other (Specify) ® 7. Fee of S 2,050.0 to apply toward the cost of processing: Special Exception .......................... $650.00 Surcharge equal to applicable fee fro® item above, not to exceed six hundred and fifty dollars ($650) except frog agencies of the city; such surcharge to be refunded to the applicant if there is no appeal frost a property owner within three hundred and seventy-five (375) feet of the subject property. (City Code - Section 62-61) X Signature Authorized Agent Judith A. Burke mum Shutts & Bowen Address 201 S. Biscayne Boulevard Suite 1500, Miami Center Phone Maw. Flaidd 33131 (305) 358-6300 - STATE OF FLORIDA) SS: COUNTY OF OADE ) Judith A. Burke , being duly sworn, deposes and says thatsho is the (0wner)(Authorized Agent of Owner) of the real property described in answer to Question I1 above; that he has read the foregoing answers and that the same are true and coaplete; and (if acting as agent for owner) that he has authority to execute this petition on behalf of the owner. (Nave SWORN TO ANO StaS0168 7 . befr sa this day Notafy PuNi1e, State of Flo da at Large my Co®ission Expires: FVJ�(�fFIANITA PIAL TppRGHI + i0 COMPAISSION NUMEIR 17 Mr COMIAISSIO° FFa. 95-- 149 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION File Number Within the City generally, or within certain zoning districts, certain structures, uses, and/or occupancies specified in this ordinance are of a nature requiring special and intensive review to determine whether or not they should be permitted in specific locations, and if so, the special limitations, conditions, and safeguards which should be applied as reasonably necessary to promote the general purposes of this Zoning Ordinance, and, in particular :o protect adjoining properties and the neighborhood from avoiascle potentially adverse effects. It is further intended that the expertise and judgement of the Zoning Board be exercised in making such determinations, in accordance with the rules, considerations and limitations relating to Special Exceptions. (See Article 16) Formal public notice and hearing is mandatory for Special Exceptions. The Zoninq bard shall be solely responsible for determinations on applications for Special Exceptions. All applications shall be referred to the director of the Department of Planning, !wilding and Zoning for his recommendations and the director shall make any further referrals rewired by these regulations. F Northwest Dade Center, Inc. I, hereby' apply to the City of Miami Zoning Board for approval of a Special Exception for property located at 250 N.W. South Rive= Dr. Nature of Proposed Use (Ie specific) property is under contract for sale and change of ownership requires this application. In support of this application, the following material is submitted: 1. Two copies of a survey of the property prop" by a State of Florida Registered Lauri Surveyor. 2. Four copies of: the site pian skewing (as required) property boundaries, existing (if any) and proposed structure(s),, parking, landscaping etc; building elevations and dimensions and' computations of lot area a * Al lding spacing. 3. Affidavits disclosing ownership of property covered by application and disclosure of interest form (attach to application). x „ 4. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 315•foot radius of the outside boundaries of property covered by the application. S. At least two photographs that show the! entire property (land and Improve- 9 5 - 149 S. Other (Specify) 1. Fee of S®� to apply toward that cost•of procesaing: . 1. Special Exception .......................... $650.00 Surcharge equal to applicable fee from item above, not to exceed six hundred and fifty dollars (5650) except from agencies of the city; such surcharge to be refunded to the applicant if there is no appeal from a property owner within three hundred and seventy-five (375) feet of the subject property. (City Code - Section 62.51) STATE OF FLORIDA) SS.. COUNTY OF am Signature --4/::/ visa Author ted ent �. Man Address %®/ Phone 006 — 5 5(%— 52/g? being dully srmom, deposes and says that he is the (ANDsj(Authorized Agent�f � ��it eerr m pro". described in answr to question tl above: that he has yea/' n and that the same are trw and complete; and (if acting as agent for omer) that he has authority to "ecute this petition an behalf of the oomer. 1.^ SWORN TO AND SUB:T be re ate thi: (,,LL1�. dad► of199 My Commission Expires: O FICIAL NOTARY SEAL TERESITA L FERNANDEZ NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSIONNO. CC.340274 MY COMMISSION EXP. JAN. 6,1998 (Name) Notary Pudic, State F orida at Large ,95- 149 . AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } } SS COUNTY OF DADE } Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared The Salvation Army, who being by me first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and says: 1. That he is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by Ordinance 11000 of the Code of the City of Mimi. Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Masi, as described and listed on the pages attached to this affidavit and ®ads a part thereof. 2. That all owners which'he represents, if any, have given their full and complete permission for his to "Lin their behalf for the change or modifica. tion of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the accompanying petition. 3. That the pages attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit contain the current non, soiling addresses, phone numbers and legal descriptions for the the real property of which he is tM.Aftwaw legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are trine and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. ' X -%. (SEAL) (per) Sworn to aced SubscFibed Were as this.5L�Cslay of jj&' Ilf Notary Public, State of Flo ides at Large 9�-- 149 NOTARY Al �PBOROHI ('OFFIA� .'•',,�;i� -, Q COMMISSION NUMBS CC255697 Q �r'�• "P MY COMMISSION E%P .� a j �F FV.0 FES. 28,,c ..•... OWNER'S LIST Owner's Name The Salvation Army Judith Mailing Address c/o / Burke, Esq., 201 S. Biscayne Blvd., 16th Floor, Miami, FL 33131 Telephone Number 379-9187 Legal Description: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. owner's Mum N/A Mailing Address Telephone Number Legal Description: Owner's Name N/A Mailing Address _._. Telephone NuMer Legal Description: Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly, or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375 feet of the subject site is listed as follows: Street Address Legal Description N/A Street Address Street Address i D N/A Leg41 Description Legal Description 0 N/A -14 V 0 EXHIBIT "A" Lot 17 in Block 4 SOUTH, CITY OF MIAMI, Florida, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, including improvements thereon and the furniture, furnishings and fixtures as per agreed inventory. Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, SOUTH, CITY.OF MIAMI, a subdividion as recorded in Plat Book B, at page 41, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 95- 149 OISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP 1. Legal description and street address of subject real property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. 2. Owner(s) of subject real property and percentage of ownership. Note: City of Miami Ordinance No. 9419 requires disclosure of W parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. Accordingly, question 02 requires disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest. The Salvation Army 100% Ownership. Northwest Dade Center, Inc. Interested Party under a purchase contract. See attached disclosure. 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question 02, and (b) located within 375 the of the subject real property. N/A X wMNNMM ArMANdY FOR OWNER STATE OF FLORIDA } SS: COUNTY OF UK } Judith A. Burke being duly sworn, deposes and says thatshe is the (Owner) (Attorney for Oww) of the real property described in answer to question 011, above; that M has nad the foregoing answers and that the saale are true and complete; and (if acting a"attorney for owner) that he has authority to execute the Disclosure of Ownership fore on behalf'of tM owner. . o C C- (SEA`) (Nm) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before pA this �• day , of & _ Notary ludic, State of4lwida at large ��'' •:)Ua. OFFICIAL N,)T.-k I �cAL ' my COi!lISSION UPIM: 0.Tel ANITA v UORGIII »CO MMIS3rON NUMBERaz ,� g q A (� '{ Cr'.r.55897 a7 l `f �7 v�. ��� Mr c�:,nr.:issloN EXP. :F FLU ; 28,1997 EXHIBIT "A" Lot 17 in Block 4 SOUTH, CITY OF MIAMI, Florida, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, including improvements thereon and the furniture, furnishings and fixtures as per agreed inventory. Lots 1 and .:, Block 4, SOUTH, CITY OF MIAMI, a subdividion as recorded in Plat Book B, at page 41, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. if 95- 149 DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHiP I. Legal description and -street address of subject real property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. 2. Owner(s) of subject real property and percentage of ownership. Note: City of Miani Ordinance No. 9419 requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject Batter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Coasaission. Accordingly, question 02 requires disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries_• of trusts,' and/or any other interested• parties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest. Northwest Dade Center, Inc. Interested Party under a purchase contract. See attached disclosure. 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question 02. and (b) located within 375 feet of the subject real property. 4 N/A X ! A RNEY AR OMIIER STATE OF FLORIDA } SS: COUNTY OF DADE } A. V1 4'r- JGv Lie I V ` being duty sworn, deposes and says that he it the (*An* (Att rney for Mier) of the real property described in answer to question #a above; that he hai-read the foregoing answers and that the sane are true and complete: and (if acting as attorney for owner) that he has authority to execute the Disclosure of Ownership form on behalf'of the owner. EAR) (N ) SWORN TO AND SUOSCkIiED before this y9 day of _, 19W. Mr COlMISSION WIRES: OFF1L1AL.'�Oi,%RY SEAL CHR(STiVF: 8 ?ARAZO� ICH VOTARY r�BI C 51 An OF FI.ORIDA CONI`,!t5510*; NO. i49 q19., EXHIBIT "A" Lot 17 in Block 4 SOUTH, CITY OF MIAMI, Florida, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, including improvements thereon and the furniture, furnishings and fixtures as per agreed inventory. Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, SOUTH, CITY OF MIAMI,'a subdividion as recorded in Plat Book B, at page 41,.of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. P. MIA, AREA COMMAND 734 P02 FE$ 24 '93 11:07 The Salvation Army CE I=CATE OF INCORPORATION STATE OF GEORGLA 95- 149 J 1—M'--642-70E7 MIA.AREA COMMAND 73.1 P03 FES 24 ' 93 11: 0- 2 dA VV day r� . �l f � s . 7.acrr,Za�•r� ✓s�i c�a.�i.�i, :he c:.a•. ter of ^ T=- SAl.YA.Tla.t siY" was an the I th day of Jury, 1946, duly a=eased, wader tre Ua s of th* State of Georgia by the Superior court of Fultoa 'Cou=7, : ei,:eor,orati:.g t :d removing its charter ter for IL period of t I.:Ly-rive years :roe date o: order, iz i atco:ta:ce xi:h the certified COPY hg:tto attiehed �{ aad t:at a certi:Sed copy of the cUrter e.ad asozd- coats, "'re been duty f/led Sn tre effice of t.:o See:eta_-y o: State and the tees therefor paid, as j prosc .bed by law. { bs Tutmowr ♦munw, i km kvv%mm ns ey Lei ud Llwri 16 1 ..l d VAM% a tL C&Omi, M dw C17 d Adeek t6o S it sm Lmr4 OW Tiam" ..r �,�,•. NLrlis�al.rd rOrty..lia ..i.l60 L�dipa:eas o[ ter Vial d AAWje, fir OW liaaib'w .4 • i SeveaLy-ririt. A LT 149 V MiA.AREA COMMANL 734 PO4 FES 24 193 11:06 ARTICLE I. NAME AND OITICZ Nome SecTtow 1. The aa.-ne of Isis Corporation shall be THE SAL. VATION ARMY and its principal office and place of business Shall be in the City of Atlanta, County of Fulton, State of Georgia. may Lacadon The CORPORATION y have offices in such other places of OL ce in the Southern Te:r,to: f as its Board of Tr_stees tray from bate to time appoint, or t6,e business of the Cotpor.-Won may require. Obiee--s Sccvi:N 2. The general cojects and purposes of this Corpor- anon are those stated in its articles of incorporation, inciud• irg the custody and control of all the temporalities snd pr:perty, real and personal, belonging to the Southern Territory of THE SALVATION ARStY 'n the United States of America and revenues therefrom, and the adminiscmtlon of the same In accordance with the discipline, rules and rezulations and usages of The Salvation Army. Terrltorq SKCTroN 3. The-eacraphical area. known as the Southern Territory of The Ssl%,ation Army in the United States of America is defined u being: —The District of Columbia, the States of Alabamans a, Arkas, Florida, Georgia. Louisiana. Maryland, .Mississippi, Vorth. Carolina. Oklahoma, South C;arolira, Tennessee, Tess (except County of slit: :'aso) Vir;inia, West `r'ir;inia, and that portion of the S:a:e of Xer,tL;ky lving south of the Southernmost line of the counties of Trimble, Benny, Franklin, Wood, jessamine, 'Fayette, Clark, Mont. gome:y, tilanifee, Rowan, Carer and Greenup. (All of said counties, to- gether viitb that part of the State of Kentucky north of same between said southerrr•, 1ne and the Ohio River, is defined as tc utside of the Gecgraph::_. ores know% as the Scuthern Territory); p;J..yed, l �a• ever. -rat the boundaries may be charged by t: a Authority of the General of Tat Salvi"cn Arr y. ARTICII II. undaLYs)itp, LTC. Who Shell SteT:ox I. Tae membership of this Corporation shall Bo Mera'-4ra consist of such; comrnimloned Officers- of The Salvation Army as may from time to time be appointed members of this Corporation by the Coranunder of The Salvation Army in the United States of America. Said Commander shall be ec•o//icio a r.a,mber of this Corporation. Appointments to membership in this Cocpe- :. es shall be in writing and the individual so appointed shall become a me:::ter froth. Lhe moment such Commander shall attach his or her signature to the writing evidencing sues appointment. There shall be kept :y the Secre- tary a book wherein shall be entered the names and adz —sses of tte members. Such entry shall be =called and annulled by :re Secretary upon the termination of membership by death, raigtratioa or remavai, Such entries shall likewise show effective date of each appointment. The entrance by the Secrt-.-ry of the names and addresses of members so appointed by the Camir4naer shall not be a prerequisite to appoint- ment, but the effective date and time of such; appointment shall at all times be the moment whea such Commander shall attach his or her sig• nature to the writing evidencing such appointment. 95- 149 ARTICLE III. :at: sees :low Sac x,; ! The business of this Corporation shall be managed M*Cted by a Hoard o! Trustees, seven (7) !n number. Three (3) of the true..abers of the Cori =:--or. saes:! es-o//:cio be t: woes and !our (4) cf t.1'.e members shall be elected as Trustees,.at the Arnual \Ieet- !ng of tee rnernbers, as provided in Article II. Seetle- S. Only such indi- viduals stall be elected is Tntstees wc.: are me.-sbers of this Corporation. Resie,^.rCoa 5_erto�Z, .4, trustec cf this Corporation may resign. V. any af?rvsteas time• by c:usin^ to oe celivered to the Board of Trustees his written resignation, which resignation may be received by. acted upon and accepted by the remaining Trustees at any regular or special mapcing of the Board of Trustees of this Corporation. .Sscrto T+. The Trustees of this Corporation may have one or more nfiices for the conduct of the business of the Corporation, and keep books ther,,nf, at the office of the Corporation in Atlanta, Caar„ia. ane at su:h other piaces in the Southern Territory as they may from t!me to time detern;i-e. Express icertort 4. Without prejudice to the general powers conferred Power of by statute, by the Arttcies of Incorporation, and by these By, Tmutess . I.s�wt, the l:ourd of Trustees shall have the custody and con- trol of all the ten;poralities, and property, real and personal, belonging to the said Corporation, and the revenues therefrom, and shall administer the .santa in accordance with the discipline, rules, and usages of The Salvation Army or the governing body thereof; but this Section does not give to said Trusteed any control over the policy or control of ,.he religious or ecc!esiast!cal rn.emb:rship of The Salvat!on Army, or pOW0 to dismiss or remove any of its Off!ee:s or members, or power over any of the spiritual Officers of ?he Salvation Army, and shall be subject to the rules and discipline of The Salvation. Army laid down by the General of The Salvation Army, or his successors in office. In addition to the above powers. it is hereby a .pressly de:lared that the Board of Trustees __shall have.the following powers, that is to say' (c) To purchase or otherwise acquire, for the Corporation, any property, rights, or privileges which. the Corporation is authorized to acquire, at such price or consideration, and generally on such terns and conditions, u the Trustees may deem fit. (b) At their discretion to pay for any property or rights acquired -by L4e Corporation, either wholly or partly in money, notes, bonds, deben. turn, or other securities of the Corporation. i (a) To sell or convey such real estate and personal property as the Corporation may desire to sell or convey at such price or consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the Trustees may deem proper. (d) To create. make and issue mompges, bonds, deeds of trust, trust 4greerrteat3, and negotiable or transferable instruments or securites se- cured by murttnses or otherwise, and to do any other act or thing neces- sary to effectuate the same. MIA. AREA COMMAND 734 Pqr FEB ?a '93 11:10 (e) To rent, lease, lend, or grant the use of any property, real or personal. belonging to the Corporauon to such persons or corporations ,s the rustees shall see lit and to '.Ml. ;ease, borrow, or use suet prop. :�. read or personal, belon;ire; t�D o:::er persons or corporations as may be deerned necessary for the purposes of the Corporation. �f; To determine who shall be authorized or. the Corporation's behalf to sign bills, rotes, receipts, acceptances, endorsements, checks, releases, contracts and documents. (g) To delegate any of the powers of the Board of Trustees in the course of the currant business of the Corporation to any standing or special curnmittez, or to any officer Qr agent, or to appoint any persons to be agents of the Corporation, with such powers ',including the power to sub. delegate) and upon such terms as are necessary, lsaplled Swrtort S. In addition to the powers and authority by these Powers of BY -Laws expressly conferred upon them, the Board of Tens. Trustees tees may exerciste all such powers of the Corporation and do oll such lawful acts and th:n= as are by statute, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by those By•Lswt, directed or required to �e done by the members of this Corporation. Rego.!= Si =.tou 6. Regular mee:in;s of the Board of Trustees may Mentz :q be held without notice, at such time and place as shall be frorn time to time determined by the Board of Trsstets. Quorua Sf.c-tow 1. At ttp meetings of the Board of Trustees, a major- itv whereof shall be 'necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorurn for the transaction of business, and the act of majority of such . rustees present at any meeting at which there is a quorum, shall be the act of the Board of Trustees, except as may be otherwise specifically provided by statute, by the Articles of Incorporation or by these By -Laws. Speclal See -lox 8. Special Mee -inns of *--e Board of Trustees pray be M"tL--q calve: by :he President or Secretary on five (S) days' notice to each Trustee, either personally, by mail, or by telegram_ pedal mee:inzs shall be railed by the Secretary in like manner on the written request of four (4) Trustees. Special meetings of the Board of T rstees may be held at any time or place, without notice, providing & Truscees wive notice. ARTICLE IV. OfTIMS Olean Site -tort 1. The Officers of this Corporation shall be a Pros. ident, First Vice. President, Second Vice -President, Secretary, cad Treasurer. Any two (2) of the aforesaid offices (eseept that of President and Treasurer) may be filled by the same person. Ex-OMcia Ste-toN 2. Whosoever shall be Commander of The Salvation Odcors Army in the United Staces. Territorial Commander, and Chief Secretary of the Southern Territory of The Salvation Army In the United States, shall es•o(/icio be the President; First Vice -President, and Second Vlee•President respectively, of this Corporation. Mosoever shall be President, First Vice•PresIdent, Second Vice -President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Corporation shall er•o/Jfcto be officers.of the Board of Trustees. 55- 149 �' M t H. HREr4 COMMAND 734 P07 FEB 24 '93 11:10 Mecdve SECTION 3 (a). The elected officers of this Corporation shall, OhEcsrs in the first instance, be elected at the first meeting of the incorporators to hold office thereafter until the first meeting of the Board of Trustees after the first annual meeting of the members or their respective successors are elected and qualified. ;Lctto:t 3 (b). The Board of Trustees shall, at its first reeding after each arnua: meeting of the members of this Corporation, elect a Secretary and Treasurer, of the said Corpomtion, who need riot be Trustees. Additional SIC —.ION 4. The Board of Trustees may appoint such other OfEesra officers and agents as it shall deem necessary, who shall have surb authority and perform such duties as may from time to time be determined by the Board of Trustees. Sze—.ioN S. The Officers of this Corporation shall hold office for one year and until their respective successors are chosen and qualified. ARTICLE V. 9xict"TIVB COUXIT Zz Mer:rbers •Szc zoN 1. There may be as executive committee comprised of Flexible not less than any three (3) trustees available at the time of the meeting, who need rqt he named individually, except that at least one of them must be the President or one of the Vice•Preaidens in their respective order, which ;nay at stated Dimes or, on notice by the Presi• dent or -.�e Vic.-Presidens is their respective order, meet during the inter• e�: vals between the meags of the Bca_-d of Trustees. The Executive Com• mittee shall consider the int at.3 of the Corporation, the management of its business, sad generally perfcrrn such duties and exemdue such powers as =sy be a. ,.rented or delegated by the Board of Trustees from ti-ne to time. The Boa.'d nay delegate to such committee authority to exercise all the powers of the Bca.-d, excepting power to ar..erd t iese By -Laws, while the Board of Trustees is not in seuion. All actions of the Executive Ccm=: ittee shall be reported to the nest regular meting of the Board of Trustees and recorded in the atinutes of that meeting. ARTICLE VI COMPLN3ATION Sterr:oN 1. Trustees, as such, shall receive no stated salary for their services. but by resolution of the Baird of Trustees, the expenses of the attendance, It any, may be allowed for attendance at each regular or special meeting of the Board of Trustees, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as precluding any Trustee from serving the Corporation in any other capacity and receiving earn• pemation therefor. ARTICLE VII. Durum or orrac=sts P:esideW SscTto.r 1. The Commander of The Salvation Army in the United States of America shall be =-oJJicfo the President of the Corporation. He or she shall, if present, preside at all meetings of the members and of the Trustees, Lad have general and active manage. OQO... 95- 149 '134 P©8 FEB 24 '93 li:il meat of this Corporation.. He or she may execute mortgages, deeds, im:rumens of conveyance, bonds, notes or other contracts requiring a sex! under t_e seal of the Corporation; also any and all documents and papers of every kind that may be or become necessary, to be executed on behalf of this Corporation. He or she shall be ez•o; f icio a member of all standing corrunittees and shall have the general powers of supervision and management usually vested in :he office of the President of a Cor- poration. Power to Scc-no:r 2. There shall be' vested in the President, the ReraoVe power and authority and without the netesaity to asuga Otfice s cad any cause, to remove or suspend any elected or appointed Metaben officer, or any agent or employee of this Corporation, either permanently or temporarily; also to suspend or remove any member of this Corporation, and also to remove or suspend any elected Trustee thereof. Such removal or suspension shall be in writing and shall take effect immediately upon 'he President of this Corporation causing notice thereof to be served upon the then Secretary of this Corporation. Such notice may also be given by telegram. Notice of such removal or suspension may also be mailed to or served upon the individual to whom it is applicable, but the giving of notice to the individual to whom it is applicable shall not be prerequisite to the taking effect, in the manner herein above provided, of such removal or suspension. Should this power of removal or suspension be exercises by the President, then authority is hereby vested in the Irresidert to till any vacancy that is occasioned there- by, by appointment in writing, is which evert the individual so appointed shall e•tercim all the powers, and is hereby expreuly Rivers all the power and authority, vested by these By-laws in the office to which he is so appointed, and he shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the members (in eve a'frustee is appointed) or Trustees (in ease as Offices is appointed) and until a successor to the person so appointed shall have been elected and shall have qualified. Such appointment shall take effect from the moment a notice in writing :o that effect is signed by the Presi- dent of this Corporation. Such appointment may also be by telegram. Notice of such appointment may also be mailed to or served upon the Secretary of this. Corporation, but the giving of notice to the individual to whom it u applicable, or the service of notice upon the Secretary, shall not be prerequisite to the taking effect, in the manner herein provided, of such appointment. Vlce- Shelton J. The Vice-presidents, in their respective order Prsaidews shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties of President, but only the President shall have the power to appoint members of this Corporation as provided in Section t of ?article lI. of these By -Laws, or to appoint or remove members, offI. cers, or trustees, as in the preceding section provided. Secmtma Sre-.tow ;. The Secretary shall attend all sessions of the Board of Trustees and all meetings of the members, and act u ClaL- thereof, and record all votes and the ylinuta of the proeeedlop is a boot• to be kept for that purpose; and shall perform like duties for the standing committee when required. He shall give, or muse to be given, sU notiea of meetfags of the Board of Trustees or INUmbers and perform such other 4 duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees or by the President, 9�- 149 123 1-305-642-7087 MIR. AREA COMPIAND 734 P09 FES 24 '93 it:lam if under hose supetvision he shall be. Fie shall hav`` custody of the Cor. porate Seal, and shall when required so to do, -A x 1Qche same to any instrune:t requiring the same, and attes Uhe same by his signature as Secretary, He %a.11 keep an accurate rec .o( . a Members of a Car. potation, incluautg the date ei . e apTintment or remova, V, raga member. Trecsuser Sae -.toy S. The Treasurer shall have custody of the Corn -orate funds and securities, and s;.all keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements in books belonging to the Corporation, and shall deposit all monies and valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Corporation, in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Trustees. Sae:to:r 6. He shall disburse the funds of the Corporation as may be ordered by the Board of Trustees, taking proper vouchers for such dis. bursements, and shall render to the Trustees, at the regular meetings of the Board of Trustees, or whenever they may require it, an account of all his transactions as Treasurer, and of the financial condition of the Corporation. He shall Aive to the Corporation, a bnnd it required by the Board of Trustees, in a sum, and with tine or more sureties satisfactory to t :c Board of Trusters for the faithful performance of the duties of his uffice and for the restoration to the Corporation, in case of his death, resignation, retirement orremovalfrom office, of all books, papers, vouch• ers, money and other property of whatever kind, in his possessian or under his control, belonging to the Corporation. ARTICLE VIII, VACANCIES HowrWed Ste -,toy 1. If the office of any Trustee, or of any elected officer, agent, or appointed officer, becomes vacant for any reason other thin removal by the President (in which event the vscaney shall be filled as hereinbefore provided), the Board of Trustees, though leas than a quomm, may choose a successor or successors, who shall hold office for the unexpired term in respect of which such vacancy occurred. No individual shall be so chosen by the Board who has not been pre• vicusly nominated or approved in writing by the President of this Cor- pamdon. ARTICLE I.C. CCItSIFtCA".E OF Ur3t4ZRSHtP Cetrdlicates Sz=o,4 L. The Secretary Is hereby authorized and em• powered to coed to and deliver to each member of this Cor- poration, a eerdficato evidencing the fact that he is a member of the Cotporsciont such certificate shall bear the seal of the Corporation, and be atteseed by the Secretary. But no certificate of membership shall be Issued to an individual who has not been appointed in writing by the President. 95- 1.49 0 1— -0 —b<t. —'OE7 MIA. AREA CCHMAND 7' - _j FEB 24 ' 9Z 11 : 13 'ARTICLE X. SEA:. How SECT:ov 1. The Corporation shall have a Corporate Seal of Idec�_4ed w:nich the impression set opposite this section shall be an identification. ARTICLE XI. OP OCOKS SECTION 1. The Board of Trusters shall determine from time to time, when and under what conditions and regulations the accounts and books of this Corporation shall be open to inspection of the 'Members. AP.TICLE XII. ltSCAL YEAR S:c:toY 1. The fiscal ye_r shall begin on the first day of October in each year. ARTICLE XIII. 4o:tcts Hour Give= SLCTION 1. Whenever under the provision of these By -Laws, notice is required to be given, to any Trustee., Officer, or Member (including notices of removal or suspension), it shall not be con. str4ed to mean personal notice, but such notice may be given in writing by depositing the same In the Post Office or letter box, in a postpaid, sewed wrapper, addressed to such Trustee, Officer, or ?Member, at sues address as appears on the books of the Corporation, or in default of S-111. address, to such Officer, Trustee or Member at the general Post C: in Atianta, Georgia, aed such notice shall be deemed to have been gtv: and served at the time when it is trailed. Wdvar SEC --ON 2. Any Trustee, Officer, or Member may waive any of Notice not.... required to be given under these By -Laws. ARTICLE XIV. AUEwDSdZMT AND REPEAL Or BY-LAWS Ster:ow 1. "hese By -Laws shall not be amended, suspended, annulled, idded to, or taken f:•om, except at a full meeting of the Board of Trustees, provided that in case of the unavoidable absence of any Trustee, his writ. :2 eocsent to the proposed chw.ge Must be laid upon the table. Str.:o.t 2. Notice of the proposed amendment shall be Submitted to the Board, in writing, at least one month before such amendment is voted upon. Unless the vote of the Board be unanimous the proposed al ±�ruion crust be ppoostponed for another month, and must then receive a six-srrenths vote of the eatue Board in its favor. — 7= srra — 95- 149 A.A.. _- �c n,nr.Cn _urirri•i i l F:1 FEB 2.4 '93 11:1_ CER,:MCA?E OF SEC:iE ARY DO XERZBY CERTIFY tha: I am the .............. Secretary ' of The Salvation Army, a corporation orjani:sd and existing under and by virtue of the iaws of the State of 090r9i4a; that 1 am the keeper of the records and of the corporate sea of said corporation, and' that the f orefoint is a IUU, complete, true and accurate copy of the By -Lams of said corporation, and that said By-Lx= are in full force and effect. WITNESS my hemd and she official seal of said corpor- ation, this /O?i 'dsy o/ 4A. D. 19 �•Sevetary. Subscribed and morn to before ties this /oZ day of A. D. 29 gP_T — Notary Public. Robrp Public, GOV918, State at Lafte My Commission ExOres Feb. 16, 1968 95- 149 1-305-642-7067 MM AREA COMAND 734 P12 FEB 24 ' 93 11: 1a DX0, C°cVi©ntin��n�����r'�c��c®,,c�"c F baC 13ppartm rnt of -J&tatp 1 certify from the records of this office that THE SALVATION ARMY is a corporation organized under the laws of Georgia, authorized to O transact business in the State of Florida, qualified on September 10, 1928. The document number of this corporation is 80:'v-287. I further cerify that said corporation has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 1968, and its status is active, CR2EO22 6iben unber mp banb anb the Great 9Dral of the &tare of -1thoriba, at g allab sitath oCfapt�afriubtryt4.989. Jim jS= t4 j9erretarQ of ta4s 95- 149 a� 1 - 305-641-7087 MIA, AREA COMMAND 62`c P02 :AN 26 ' 95 16: 55 Memo from. The DIVISI NAL COMMANDER THE SALVATION ARMY DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS 49 /V'SM 3101 LAKE ELLEN LANE f PA ♦ FLORIDA ♦ 33168 Da to: April 14, 1994 10 \ ^� ro. ALL OFFICERS apt 1 8 1c Rey: BOARD OF TRUSTEE MEMBERSHIP 1,t MIAMI AREA COMMAND Cravings: F-cm time to time the membership of the Board of Trustees of The Salvation Army, A Georgia Corporation, changes and we're delighted to send you the c irrent membership as of April 1, 1994. Please keep this information handy for future reference. ChairmanlTrustee Kenneth L. Hodder 615 Slaters Lane Alexandria, VA P,esidenriTrustee Kenneth Hood 1414 NE Expressway, NE Atlanta, GA ITHQI I, ice President/Trustee B. Gordon Swyers THQ 7veasurerlAsst SecylTrustee Stanley Jaynes THQ Secretary/Trustee Joseph R. Bennett :rHQ Asst Traasurerlrrustee H. Al Ward 7HQ Trustee Fred Ruth THQ Trustee Raymond Cooper rHQ Trustee John Mik/es THQ Ktnd r gards. L', Co/onei PhilJp Swyers p� 95- 149 tat � wK1QCRY>T0K10CKCIVICi Or am 43pparrmrnf of -tafr 1 certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of the Articles of Amendment, filed on March 21, 1989. to Articles of Incorporation for NORTHWEST D ADE CENTER, INC., a Florida corporation, as shovwn by the records of this office. The document number of this corporation is 744441. LI 1� r IL2 CR2E022 (6-86) 1 Cibm unber inp banb anb tlje OrEat meat of tije &tate of -1Ioriba, at Tallabamerr, for C. apitaI, tljiej the 21 st hap of March, '1989. Nc (' J i zit j6-mit4- 9 5 -. 149 c- 0 jScrrrtarU of Atatr - UCC CRgc:R C� C�UC3VCDVCDUC�UC�UC�UCaVC�VCDUC �C dl�tsd['�bdf�tadl7`csdC��ddddCa`ca {o K //y l •�lA FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Jim Smith sccrvlary of 51a1c r0arch 21, 1989 Jill Bishop NORTHWEST DA.DE CENTER 1840 West 49th Street Hialeah, FL 33012-2948 Re: Document Number 744441 Dear Ms. Bishop:; RECEIVE9, MAR 2 3 1989 This will acknowledge receipt of your Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation for NORTHWEST DADE CENTER, INC., a Florida corporation, which was filed on March 21, 1989. Your remittance totaling $20.00 has been received. Enclosed please find your certificate(s). Should you have any questions. regarding this matter, please telephone (904) 487-6050, the Amendment Filing Section. T ERESA POWELL Division of Corporations 95-- 149 2E-042. Division -of Corporations,, PO Box 6327, Tallahassee. Florida 17� 1 d ARTICLES OF AMEN ME.ti'T to ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION la :he provision of Chapier 6)7, rlorida Sl6lu;.cs, the undersigned corporation adopts t^e :olio- :.ng A.—jejes of A ,endnent to its Articles of incerpo;atioa. FIRST: 7-he name of the co poration is: _.. :��'i'� ..._ 1=-0E--CE!ITER, T!3C-• -- SECOND: is a folic-:;i-ig a.-nendrner.t!r' of the .4:ticles o: Inco.—,oration a•as (a•e�el adopted by the coloration: ARTICLw 1V 2) and 3)- See Attached THIRD: The a-aendment(s) was (were) adopt.--3 by the Board of Director onthe 21s�. day of ebruary Io 89 FOURTH: The above asnendrnenLts) was (were) approved by a .:,ajonty of the =e=bsrrs of the carpor ation on the Dated March 6 1 g 89 1xJRTii FEST DA.DE CENT ;R, INC Cn.7craLion 1va.rae . By 'Presi nt)'TVice Pr 'dent,MeA Oill Bishop By ,secretary orj ssisLant Secret.&.-y Penny Pell 95-- 149 *+ P I a QJ83) ST -'YZ OF FLORIDA J A�� 1 cov>,��r-Y of SS.: .� 1 L�Z' Before rne, the undersigned authority, personelly appeared to me Pell known to be the p•ersonW who executed the foregoing Aslicles of Amendment w i%Aieles of Incorporation and ecknew•ledged before me, according to law, that -'Le.Y— made and subscribed the same for the Pu;-poms therein U mrnticned and ert forth. � IS \ti'ITSi:SS WFiER-E0F. I hay a hereunto •el my ha.�d and scat tl-.is day of 79 9 1 - so"-7 Pv NOTARY F'tm.I.IC STATE OF FLOMA lit' COMSSM M.I.ME 14.1992 baoe'D Tl;lJ SMAL M& LM _ 01 ARTICLES OF AMENDME,4"I' • to ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ?u:suant to the pso%,sion of Chapter 017. Florida StaLutes, the undem3 ned corporation adopts the folloA•ing.ttiJes of A.m.mendn. ent to its Articles of incorporaLion. =1 RST: The r',& ,e of the corpxation is: NInP^xW= cT i--OS r=",'� Ic. SECOND: i he zmendme.:t(-+ of the A::.icies of Incorporation wts {a•e--) adopted by tht =,—po:a:io=: ARTiCLI _V 2) and 3) See Attached THIRD: The araendment!s) was (were) adopt,--d by the Board of Director on the. 21st. day of February 19 89 FOURTH: The above asnendnenL(s) was (were) approved by a =.ajo.-;ty of the =e=!>---s of the corporation on the 7 � S` • day of _ February 19 89 Dated March 6 1 g 89 l I30O?T:1OEW DADE Cy'T r INC.. (� Cn:.;>cranon Name jj .pent oz;k)z:e Pr ent,Me i Jill Bishop By �. w /--;eueLa.-y o� ssistant Sesret.a.•y penny Pell N P I t?J83) ;J,k7rE OF FLORIDA I SS.: COUNTY OF Befo.e me, the undersigned authority, perso;)rlly appear �a to me well kno%-n t,o be the personlW who e:e{uLod the foregoing Articles of Amendment w kAieles of Incorporation and acknowledged before me, according to law, that eU made.and avbseribed the same for the purposes therein mrntiont-d and forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto •et my hend and -.-J this .�.�_ day o �awLl]9 ` r° Notary r^vbuc ' WT,RY PLOW STAR W RA P fl CQ2'�x51ClR! Ev. jig K tm RESTATED ARTICLES OF.INCORPORATION Or NORTHWEST•DADE CENTER, INC. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 607.1014 of the Florida General Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation, pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by its board of directors, hereby. adopts the following Restated Articles of Incorporation: ARTICLE I The name of the corporation is NORTHWEST DADE CENTER, INC., hereafter called the "Center". ARTICLE II The principal office of the "Center" is to be located in Catchment Area II of Dade County. ARTICLE IiI The Executive Director. is hereby. appointed the registered agent for the "Center". ARTICLE IV The ourooses for which the "Center" is -organized and the powers with which the "Center" is vested include but are not limited to the following: 1) To seek and receive donations, grants, fees, con- tributions, and other sources of funding necessary to provide comprenansive mental -health services to the Northwest Dade community (Catchment Area II); and 95- 149 ��--�e-p1a�-r-�Megsa�T-ee-eKeir�a�eT-and-�mp�e�er��-a eon�se#�eg9�Ye-�eh�z=-?�ea�t9-�s'ogror:tis-fer-?fie-�?�rrest fade-Ee� �t- Ea ta)*=an ;Mea-=_ _4--am d 2) To seek and receive donations, grants, fees, contributions, and other sources of funding necessary to provide mental health services to residents of Dade and rrmnroe Counties; a4--Te-emPend--rtn8sca_.a,eatS-eT-e-=a%e-=_-9-m-e,6t1-y-ae bsT-aka};tract-:�?�ta1_Soy�1t�:-.-:•rie:�_ooa-'w=-.l9=a_tia `a �a;ian a-cea . 3) To provide elderly persons, handicapped persons and low income families with housina facilities and services soecially d=_sioned to meet their physical, social, and psychological needs, and to nromote their health, security, happiness, and usefulness in longer living, the charges for such facilities and services to be predicated upon the provision, maintenance, and operation thereof on a nonprofit basis. Said corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational., and scientific purposes, 'including such purposes, tn.e*making of distributions to organizations hat qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3). Of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States internal Revenue Law). This is a non profit corporation and its purpose`shall remain non profit. ri No part of the net earnings of the corpora ion shall inure to benefit of, or be distributable to its member trustees, officers or other private persons, 'except' that the corporation shall be authorized an empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Four hereof. No substantial part Of the activlt_-s of the corporation shall be the carrying on the propaganda, or otherwise atte.ruing to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including t1ne publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any ther -provision of these articles, this corporation shall not except to an insubstantial dec.--ee, engabe in' -any activities or .exercise any powers that 'are not iri-furtherance of the purposes 'of this corporation. ARTICLE V Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Boar! of Trustees shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation,.dispose of all of the assets'ofthe corporation exclusively for the Purposes of the corporation in* such manna , or to such organization "or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as -an exempt organization or. organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Inte:,nal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future Unite tat. e-4 - 1493 Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of .shall be disposed of by 'the Circuit Court of the County in which the principal office of the. corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such orcanization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and cperated exclusively for such purposes. "RTICLE VI The Board of Directors shall consist of no less than sixteen (16) nor more than twenty-five (25) members. The number of Board 'members, manner of election and term of office shall be provided in the By -Laws. r"-.Gdltional members ,?may be admitted at any meetings of 'the Board, provided they have met the qualifications and vote requirements in accordance with the by -Laws of the corporation. ARTICLE VII The affairs of the "Center" are to be managed by a President, Vice -?resident, Secretary, Treasurer and such other Officers as the Board shall elect. The manner_bf election. and temp of office shall be provided in the By=.La»*s. ; ARTICLE VIII The by-laws of the "Center" shall be adopted by the Board of Directors and may be amended or rescinded in accordance with the provision of the By -Laws. ARTICLE IX The Corporation shall exist perpetually. . y � 149 0 ARTICLE X } These Articles of Incorporation may be amended by a two -:thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting at any meeting of the Board of Directors of the corporation provided that fourteen (14) days notice has been given. The amendments shall be filed with, and approved by, the -Secretary of State. The foregoing restated Articles of Incorporation restate and intecrate and do not further amend the provisions of the corporation's Articles of incorporation as theretofore amended•, and there is no discrepancy between those provisions and the provisions 'of the restated Articles of incorporation.' O °riDa �P�rarfmPtlt ni �'iafP i certify from the records of this office that NORTHWEST DADE CENTER, INC. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on October 2, 1978. The document number of this corporation is 744441. I further certify. that said corporation has paid all fees and penalties due this office through December 31,:. 1994, that its most recent annual report was filed on March'23,.1994, and its status is active. I further certify that said corporation has not filed Articles of Dissolution. X09C c. NO a NOAL r J L - CR2E022 (2-91 HOC Oibrm urtb rr mp banb anb for Omt Eml of for estate of flan iba, at Tallaba55FF, for Capital, tbi5 tlje Twenty-fifth • b3P of March, 1994 51 149 jSrrrrtarV of Chair Florida Department of A----iculture & Consumer Ser%ices BOB CRAWFORD, Commissioner Please Respond To: Y}i.isiaa of Consumes S&-rkw Seceind Floor, NUyo Badin= Ailgust 20, 1553 T-nahatme F, 32399-09M 1--HELP FLA, Mr. Aurelo F. Morrell Nort}rvast Lade Canter, Inc. 4175 'vest 20 Avenue I- a i eah, Florida 33012 Ssbj-.-t: NorttlmQest Dade Center, j'lc. .-zistL-atio:1 N=Nar: SC-0064" ce1e al of t:'is f ig is due rr_1 c= De=ore: 1v-erro_x 15, 1993 D---x Yx . for all : S by Chk=, e"' 496, Florida Statutes, the Soli i tta i o_7 CY Co----''j7jtians kc, this Dazartnmt has z-e—m vad and fii ed the re:1e<„zl regis r tion a=11 ication for the abwe-r-wrei Getable o-manizatiaysponsor. r'cr ya= irto.—ation, the next xnaaeiwaal is due M -or before the fiT'` 1L11 (15-h) day of the fiftn (5th)- c—'41 enr'= mc*iyn after the close of the fiscal y,- r, on th? fo= 1�'r asc=led by `2 prt-ani zati021 or 5v'S0r Whose zed ---al r • 1 ir� date has been P��i..�� S11a � 1 , 'W th:J a seven (7) clays after -2"e? _Dt, forw-3..rd a oqW of the do --ma It gzmantuiz*1g 4 the er"Ums i cn and Prior to the e=i�t i an of the e��sim, ProvicL- a co---r M ank Y 11 for y'm cooperation., and _U Tray • b_- of tr-,:rle assistance, P1E_sa 'Feel f—Co11`,aCt S; nc_rely, BCB CRAWCED CC�ffiSSTCNE�t CIF AMIC rr.Iu. Senior .s Ccmlairlt P.n=lyst 904-488-2221/1-800435-7352 (Florida Cr y). BC: cic r . -. 95--• 1•49 Tsrr ri.frv.n• _ ��.. :.,,..r.... .. ----- ---- NORTHWEST DADE CENTER. INC. AGENCY GOVERNING BOARD NAME OCCUPATION ETHNICITY GENDER MARY ADAMS RETIRED NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE JILL BISHOP VICE PRINCIPAL IMMACULATE CONCEPCION NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE LEONARDO CARABALLO CONTRACTOR HISPANIC MALE CARLOS CASTELLON CPA HISPANIC MALE CARIDAD CASTRO ADJUNCT PROFESSOR - MDCC HISPANIC FEMALE PATRICIA CROYSDALE OWNER - FLOWERMART HISPANIC FEMALE RAUL ESTRADA DADE COUN`'`:' PUBLIC SCHOOLS HISPANIC MALE JAY JOSEPH ASST PRINCIPAL AMERICAN HIGH NON HISPANIC WHITE MALE A. VICKI LEI VA ATTORNEY HISPANIC FEMALE LOU!- "ANCI RETIRED NON HISPANIC WHITE MALE EDUARDO PEREZ HIALEAH WATER & SEWER - PROPERTY MANAGER HISPANIC MALE MARIA ROCA REAL ESTATE HISPANIC FEMALE GEORGINA CORTES- SUAREZ ASST DEAN MDCC HISPANIC FEMALE " RAMONA THOMPSON HOMEMAKER/ WOMAN'S CLUB NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE RUTH TINSMAN LEGISLATIVE AIDE NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE DOROTHY WEINSTEIN PSYCHOLOGIST NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HASTEN (10) SLOTS AVAILABLE. 95- 149 43 NORTHWEST DADE CENTER. INC. AGENCY GOVERNING BOARD NAME OCCUPATION ETHNICITY GENDER MARY ADAMS RETIRED NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE JILL BISHOP VICE PRINCIPAL IMMACULATE CONCEPCION NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE LEONARDO CARABALLO CONTRACTOR HISPANIC MALE CARLOS CASTELLON CPA HISPANIC MALE CARIDAD CASTRO ADJUNCT PROFESSOR - MDCC HISPANIC FEMALE PATRICIA CROYSDALE OWNER - FLOWERMART HISPANIC FEMALE RAUL ESTRADA DADS COUN;':' PUBLIC SCHOOLS HISPANIC MALE JAY JOSEPH ASST PRINCIPAL AMERICAN HIGH NON HISPANIC WHITE MALE A. VICKI LEIVA ATTORNEY HISPANIC FEMALE LOU:-, °ANCI RETIRED NON HISPANIC WHITE MALE EDUARDO PEREZ HIALEAH WATER & SEWER - PROPERTY MANAGER HISPANIC MALE MARIA ROCA REAL ESTATE HISPANIC FEMALE GEORGINA CORTES- SUAREZ ASST DEAN MDCC HISPANIC FEMALE - RAMONA THOMPSON HOMEMAKER/ WOMAN'S CLUB NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE �- RUTH TINSMAN LEGISLATIVE AIDE NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE DOROTHY WEINSTEIN PSYCHOLOGIST NON HISPANIC WHITE FEMALE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HASTEN (10) SLOTS AVAILABLE. Ac * * RE: 250 NW SOU`1'H RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94--355 To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to tale approval. of the above referenced applicat:i.on, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest; Dade Center, a Mental. health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce tile. tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that: the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. (Name) (Property Address) Submitted in -to the public record in copnection 'th lem� on 2 at Hirai M 95--1 149 IRIO-01 MANUEL PORRO FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-050-1120 125 S RIVER DR OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS WALLACE KREIDT 5040 SW 60 PL MIAMI FL 331556220 022395 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 33128 0 0 0 1946 3,260 W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING IV SQFT W 1 CBS -POURED 77 - W-1 1,303 L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 S50FT OF RIP RTS IN FRONT OF LOT SIZE ==> ISC COUNTY LOT 8 BLK 5 4,800 SQ FT LOT SIZE 4800 SQUARE FEET LOT TYPE => YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 31,959 43,200 75,159 23.05 94 2,338.15 N 0.71 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE COOLER RM. 46 0 842 300 0 PLUMB/FIX WARE 46 0 1080 2 SLC CLC CON/PATIO 76 0 435 189 41 32 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 31.109500 N SELLER (S) MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 ISC READY 95- 149 IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO 022395 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-050-1130 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 129 S RIVER DR 33128 0 1 0 1950 2,390 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT WALLACE G KREIDT W 2 CBS -POURED 77 - W-1 624 5040 SW 60 PL L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N MIAMI FLA 331556220 CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 N50FT OF RIP RTS IN FRONT OF LOT SIZE __> ISC COUNTY LOT 8 BLK 5 5,700 SQ FT LOT SIZE 5700 SQUARE FEET LOT TYPE _> YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 27,472 51,300 78,772 32.95 94 2,450.56 N 1.02 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE LOAD/PLAT 57 0 731 150 0 PLUMB/FIX WARE 57 0 1300 2 SLC CLC 46 32 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 31.109500 N SELLER (S) MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER=FWD Fl=DOCS F4=TAX FS=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 ISC READY 95- 149 _40:. * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTII RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for year.•s and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would 'suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. a (Name) zgv/ 'Al 'Al (Property Address) Submitted, into the public record in cc:,.:�;....,n ith iterra7� 011 f r l C'i.Y Clerk 95- 149 I IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO 022395 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-040-1180 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 201 S RIVER DR 33128 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.00 OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT LA COLOMA MARINA INC V 0 FRAME-STUC 77 - W-1 0 4400 GRANADA BLVD L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N CORAL GABLES FL CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 33146 N25FT OF LAND E OF NW S RIV OR AT LOT SIZE __> ISC COUNTY END OF NW 2 ST & STR BET S RIV ST 35,000 SQ FT 004202300 SQ F & RIV OPP LOTS 18-19 & 20 BLK 4 LOT TYPE => LOT SIZE 42023 SQUARE FEET , YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 0 167,297 167,297 4.77 94 5,204.53 N 0.14 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE 0 AUG. 1994 1,000 4 SLC CLC JUN. 1992 0 5 40 81 JUN. 1991 200,000 1 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY OCT. 1990 60,000 3 31.109500 N SEP. 0 225,000 1 SELLERS)==> SAN LUIS MARINA INC MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 RECENT DEED PRESENT - F1=VIEW ISC READY 95- 149 �1h * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94--355 * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would uf-fer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. (Name) (Property Address) Submitted into the public record in ccn ricc l i on -wit �- �e�� 9 iten�__— ,.Lily Hirai City Clerk 95- 149 ` > _ _ C)IOrplo TRIO-01 PRUDENTIAL FLORIDA REALTY O329' F0-1020 PAZIP PED BTH ' $/SQFT AV( 243 WW SOUTH RIVER 33128 O 0 0 1962 3,65a 95.78 1.1' OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS W G V P FLR CONS7��CT Z[���T�' LV SQF LA COLOMA MARINAf INC. 1 CBS -POURED V703 W-1 2,75' 243 NW SO RIVER DR* L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N MIAMI FI 331281530 CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 STRIP OF LAND BETWEEN RIVER GT & COUNTY MIAMI RIVER IN FRONT OF LOTS 1 & ^ 28171 SOFT 2 B L K 4 LOT TYPE =�--�--~ LUT SIZE 28171 SQUARE FEET YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SA/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/F' 1993 1790526 136,739 316,265 86.55 93 10,000.03 N 2.7 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UN[[S HONESTY) | BOAT STG [%yNC 62 O 114620 11139 O � C/L FENCE 6 FT 62 O 910 200 SLC CLC AUG. 1972 200,000 12 19 AUG. 0 200,000 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDG EFF MILLA8E RT LP MLS-Q[Y 31.619100 N SELLER(S)==> 243 RIVER DRIVE CO., INC. MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER -FWD F1=DOCG F3=ENTER LISTING F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MEN! IR10 RECENT DEED PRESENT - F1=VIEW ' IGC READY IR10-01 PRUDENTIAL FLORIDA REALTY 0329' F -02O0-O4O-118O PAZIP BED B)}1 HB BUILT AD'7-SQFT $/SQFT AV. ��33128 O O 0 O O 0.00 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQF DANIEL RODRIGUEZ &W SYLVIA V 0 FRAME-STUC 77 - W-1 ' 4400 8RENADA BLVD ' L E 8 A L D E S C R I P T I O N MIAMI FL 331461244 CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 N25F7 OF LAND E OF NW S RIV OR AT LOT SIZE > ISC END OF NW 2 T & S __ � /x BE/ S :Iv S} L 350000 SO FT 42023 SOFT & RIV OPP LOTS 18-19 & 20 BLK 4 ` LOT TYPE �> LOT SIZE 42O23 SQUARE ' YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT JQ/FT YEAR TX/F 1993 O 167,297 167,297 4.77 93 O,1 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNI[S HOMESTD SALE bATE AMOUNT AND TYP O J SLC CLC 4O 81 OCT. 1990 -6�00000 UNITS 1BD 2BDS JBDG EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY SEP. O 225,000 _ 31.619100 N SELLER(S)-=> MIAMARINA CORP MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F3=ENTER LISTING F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7�DIM F8-MORE F6-COMPS MEH ^� IR10 RECENT DEED PRESENT - F1=VIEW .^ ISC READY LlH.H I EL a-F'QDR I C,i 1E-- Ll F, + r, _ r, r_... * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #t 94-355 To Miami City Commission: P.02 Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the 'transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the aupli.cat.i.mn aeke f^r a Spa::ial Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the city Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Spacial Exemption were granted, the area would suffer yet another major setback, while this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential, area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. __AJ11 F C 0 Apr, AA T' I a/✓ 3x5 - 337 1y w S R,uF,-2, l�/tiuE ✓YI I Amil F40A1 U<, (Name) (property Address) Submitted into the public xecord in connection with itema` on 3 `� l ralay Hirai City Clerk 95- 149 IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO 022395 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-010-2030 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 325 NW SOUTH RIVER DR 33128 0 0 0 1936 8,418 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT ANE CORPORATION 1 CBS -POURED 7703 W-1 5,418 311 NW S RIVER DR L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N MIAMI FL 331281519 SILVERSON & TATUMS SUB PB 3-190 LOT SIZE ==> ISC COUNTY LOT D 15,600 SQ FT LOT SIZE 15600 SQUARE FEET LOT TYPE => YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 23,420 140,400 163,820 19.46 94 5,096.36 N 0.60 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE 0 SLC CLC 41 36 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 31.109500 N SELLERS)==> MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 ISC READY 95- 149 I 4.� IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-050-1020 311 NW SOUTH RIVER DR OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS ANE CORP 311 NW S RIVER DR MIAMI FL 331281519 022395 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 33128 0 0 0 0 0 W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT V 0 * N/A * 39 - R-4 0 L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 LOT 2 BLK 5 LOT SIZE __> ISC COUNTY LOT SIZE 14200 SQUARE FEET 14,200 SQ FT OR 11030-2386 1080 5 LOT TYPE => YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 0 94,004 94,004 6.62 94 2,924.41 N 0.20 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE 0 SLC CLC 00 81 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 31.109500 N SELLER (S) MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1=DOGS F4=TAX FS=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 ISC READY 95- 149 �k * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * To Miam'ity Commission: +b Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more spef-' "'ically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires Ci-; Commission approval. I am an owner of the pivperty listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. (Name) (Property Address) Submitted into the Public r.-coid in v: i h iiem�� a cn �vkffly Hirai City Cleik 95- 149 *) IRIO-01 MANUEL PORRO 022395 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-040-1140 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 601 NW 2 ST 33128 0 0 0 0 0 0.15 0.02 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT LA COLOMA MARINA INC V 0 * N/A * 39 - R-4 0 4400 GRANADA BLVD L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N CORAL GABLES FL CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 33146 LOTS 18 & 19 LESS W110FT LOT SIZE _=> ISC COUNTY BLK 4 6,500 SQ FT 000650000 SQ F LOT SIZE IRREGULAR LOT TYPE _> OR 16629-4630 0894 4 YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 0 46,340 46,340 7.12 94 1,441.60 N 0.22 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE 0 AUG. 1994 1,000 4 SLC CLC OCT. 1991 44,000 1 00 81 MAR. 1988 35,000 5 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY JUL. 1987 55,091 1 31.109500 N AUG. 1977 1 5 SELLERS)==> SAN LUIS MARINA INC MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 RECENT DEED - PREV MTG PRESENT F1=VIEW ISC READY 95- 149 ,10 ************************************** * * RE: 250 Niel SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. (Name) (Property Address) Submitted into the public xecwd in with i t e i nRICLi o City Clelk 95- 149 I a IR1.0-01. PR.1..1DE1,l1'J.AL FLORUIA REAL'11)y VC-11J10 NUMUF.R: 11.50 6 0 9 NW 23 S'. U -11MEWS NAHH' AND 1il-11S HM , 'HjLA &W ELBA 79cfll',� 13W 1:3 MIAM1 Fli PAZIJI BED BTH 119 7) AD,J—'5WFT I.. � 331 1111-13 94 w G v J." FE111", I NO 1. v r 1,11 AH,K :'W)1JTIf J"D B-- 11. 1. 1. F 'J., Q i "i 1 1 4—, Q s I i-J, 11QT ;-..'�rZE, Q LDF-i Ej LOT TYPIK S YEAR BU 111111 NO LIA t I D 'S�,,VITT YI.PAT,.' TAXES D 7, y".1 1991. 8Q, 5219 CO . ,1,, 1.1 - � �i,) �o, -�, - -I -,I .1. . I- 1 3,7 58. 15 N 1. FEATURE YR A( -',IF 1.) F: P I, I I, J., VAI-J-TE I.M.''FIS I I t -1 T L ) SALI-T, ].*"')AJ.'E Am-.. Ti, CENT A/C C"("i1-111. -q- 5 it) 71 '300 6 JUL. 1980 '292', . 50C) 11AVIM-3 ASPH 1735 0 17 -�j 0 1-7,10 S) I (J' J 1) H . I.!- ')7 5 115 . Q (11 cl PAV.[N(:; 85 E) W--) Oil 03 APR. 1.97 15 139.800 UNITS 1BL) '2 DD.13 :313L)(", Y. F, I'F' LP APRI-ILS 4 I'll N SELJ.,ER(":-))==> MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TRANSAMERD -'A R/F TAX I E RV I E ENTER=NEXT F1=DEED/'M'1'G F7:::D1.M.TFMS1(-'N'S IRI() RJF ADY TYPE R, AT til 1111.1MBET I � 0 -- 110 R E 95- 149 ************************************** * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental. health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would 'suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. \, 01 i .4 c-A\ (Name) Ei Z-7� �% `p�l r �' -4- (Property Address) nA l ! Submitted into the public record in c.Ma"act ion with Hai Hirai City Ciexk. 95- 149 IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO 022395 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-040-1120 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 627 NW 2 ST 33128 12 6 0 1971 3,747 32.55 0.97 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT BERNARDO B CAREAGA &W MIRTA 1 CBS -POURED 39 - R-4 3,747 1118 SW 9 ST L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N MIAMI FL CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 33130 LOT 16 BLK 4 LOT SIZE ==> ISC COUNTY LOT SIZE 7500 SQUARE FEET 7,500 SQ FT OR 16031-3789 0793 1 LOT TYPE => YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 75,279 49,650 124,929 33.34 94 3,886.48 N 1.03 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE PAVING ASPH 71 0 2528 3200 0 JUL. 1993 122,000 1 WALL CBS 71 0 486 410 SLC CLC JUL. 1977 87,500 1 C/L FENCE 4 FT 71 0 304 75 08 03 DEC. 1976 85,000 1 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 6 6 31.109500 N SELLERS)==> TANIA T SIGLER OREHUELA MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ALFREDO BILD/ROSAMARIA BILD 50,000 071393 BAL FIXED N/A ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 RECENT DEED/MTG PRESENT - F1=VIEW ISC READY 95- 149 1P �k * * RE: 250 NW SOUTIi RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94--355 To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more . specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Nor' Est Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I under..,und that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would Suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. ';� Cs:,1\Q-J -_ ._ t (Name) 1��o.,�r`� 1, `— ` `Zz (Property Address) Submitted into the public reeord in con-ae oxa with City Clex"C- 95- 149 IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-040-1170 216 S RIVER DR OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS RANCHO CALIENTE INC 4400 GRANADA BLVD CORAL GABLES FL 331461244 LOT SIZE ==> ISC 4,375 SQ FT LOT TYPE => YEAR BUILDING 1994 21,429 FEATURE YR C/L FENCE 4 FT 48 COUNTY 022395 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 33128 4 4 0 1948 1,080 46.29 0.99 W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT 2 CBS -POURED 39 - R-4 1,080 L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 LOT 20 LESS W50FT BLK 4 LOT SIZE 4375 SQUARE FEET OR 15646-0591 0992 1 G LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 28,963 50,392 46.65 94 1,567.67 N 1.45 AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE 0 158 45 0 SEP. 1992 50,000 1 SLC CLC SEP. 1989 0 5 08 03 AUG. 1976 40,000 1 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY JUL. 1976 34,000 8 4 4 31.109500 N SELLERS)==> BENJAMIN PIERRE MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 RECENT DEED PRESENT - F1=VIEW ISC READY 95- 149 -,"Cc, * R : 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLTCATION #: 94-355 �t'k�ek*dt�c�k*ielt9t�eikie�tk�e�e9tit�it�e* Tek�t9rIrek�flM�t�c*ie�t To Miami City Commission: please leet this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referQnced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse Affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with ohildren, and Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. SIIVANO A., HERNANDEZ AND MARIA HERNANDEZ Ego NW 3 Street Miami, F'1 33128 (Name) (Property 6ddress) Subrniftod it t, 'the public. item _P 2 112 3ci l' "!'z 17 Hirai ., 1 '�= tY Clerk 95- 149 c PRATS & ASSOC. , ���{ 442-8 �02 08 (.�5 FABRIZIO BALLI -- DADE COUNTY PROPERTY----------'�-`-�i---------- - PRC REALTY SYSTEMS -- Folio 01-02-00-040-1060 PAddr 690/NW/3RD /ST/ Co -Use 3/MULTI FAM 3 PLUS PCity PZip Cd - Zoning 39/MULTI MED DENSITY Subdv St -Use 3/MUL FAM 10 PLUS Lien? Del Tax? N Lis Pend? Update 01/31/95 -- OWNER NAME & ADDRESS ------------------------------------------------------- Last HERMAMDEZ OAddr 3970/W /FLAGLER /ST/103 First SILVANO OCity MIAMI /FL OZip Cd 33134-1642 Other Company Full SILVANO HERMAMDEZ &W MARIA -- LAND INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- Front Ft Depth Ft Lot 8 Blk 4 PBk-Pg B-41 Lnd SgFt 15000 Lnd Acre 34.44 Waterfront OR Bk-Pg $/LandSF $/AdjSF $/TotlSF AV Ratio -- BUILDING INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------ Adj SgFt 10079 Tot SF 10079 Num Units 16 Year B1t 1971 Bedrooms 28 Bathrms 16 Half Baths 0 Num Flrs 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION +--------------------------------------------------------- 1 CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 4 OR 14332-1319 1089 4 2 LOTS 8& 9 BLK 4 5 --------------------------------- 3 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR 6 INRENT INC A FL CORP TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------- ASSESSMENTS(1994) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY/TAX AMOUNT(1994) Land 133145 Water Y Homestd N Widow N County Tax 6754.54 Impry 214955 Road Y Veteran N Disabld N City Tax 4074.69 Total 348100 Sewer Y Exempt N Senior N Misc Tax .00 Prev 348100 Light Y School N Exmpt 0 Gross Tax 10829.23 Mil1Rt.03110950 NonEx 348100 Prev Tax 11006.61 -- TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------- PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE #1 12/02/93 10566.35 FULL RE PAYMENT $ 10566.35 $ .00 #3 #4 TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT #5 $ #6 #7 -- SALES INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------- DEED-DATE RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE OR BK-PGE SRC S-TYPE & DESCR Curr 10/01/89 $ 14332-1319 C 4 /ESTATE&PROBATE Prev 12/01/78 $ 10340-1841 C 5 /QUIT CLAIM DEED Earl 12/01/78 $ 220000 10266-1189 C 1 /GOOD SALE -- MLS HISTORY ---------------------------------------------------------------- MLS $ MLS# BROKER -- MORTGAGE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------- MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCR Curr $ / -- EXTRA FEATURES ------------------------------------------------------------ A/C / Cport i Dock / Patio j Pool / Fence 34/CL FEN 4-5 Other 96/PAVING ASP / / t //95- 149 Information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. 0 * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental FIeal.t:h Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. -- - / 2 '7 -r (Name) (Property Address) Submitted irate the public ,, �.. with Yecozd ,11 in t,-1 zLc t item on _. Hirai City Clerk 95- 149 IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO FOLIO NUMBER: 01-4138-044-1150 727 NW 3 ST OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS RICARDO CANO &W XIOMARA 727 NW 3 ST MIAMI FL 331281454 LOT SIZE ==> ISC 7,500 SQ FT LOT TYPE => YEAR BUILDING 1994 28,443 FEATURE YR UNITS 1BD 2BDS 2 SELLERS)==> MORTGAGE COMPANY ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS IR10 .K4 0W4 022395 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 33139 4 2 0 1933 2,432 28.78 1.01 W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT 1 FRAME-STUC 50 - R-5 2,432 L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 LOT 17 BLK 2 LOT SIZE 7500 SQUARE FEET OR 13700-1602 0688 1 LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 40,500 68,943 28.34 94 2,144.78 N 0.88 AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE 0 JUN. 1988 70,000 1 SLC CLC NOV. 1979 58,000 1 08 02 JUL. 1977 45,000 1 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 31.109500 N AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU ISC READY 95- 149 1plb RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * To tiialui City Commission: d Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of th-; above referenced application, more specifically, the tr-insfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Nortf ,t Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I undersLand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires Ci Commission approval. I a an ownei C the property listed bc,low which is in the nei, orhood affected by this application, and I respectfully requ, ::,t that the City Commission deny the Special F,Vemption. This neighborhood has endured declii, ; ng property values for years and if the necial Exemption were g1-.cited, the r_ea would suffer yet anol r major setback. While this would the an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the ci.i- , I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of famili42s, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. &e,� (Name) 7J �p - 7.3 ((- 73 Z 4, CV -) & ' ( Property Address) Submitted into the public record in conne rtion with ite 2 a cn i catfi Hirai. City 95-- 149 0 IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO 022395 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-030-1060 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 734 NW 3 ST 33139 6 4 0 1918 2,520 19.84 0.73 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING IV SQFT RICARDO CANO &W XIOMARA 2 CBS -POURED 39 - R-4 2,570 727 NW 3 ST L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N MIAMI FL CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 33128 LOT 5 & E2FT OF LOT 6 LOT SIZE ==> ISC COUNTY BLK 3 7,800 SQ FT LOT SIZE 7800 SQUARE FEET LOT TYPE => OR 15867-0573 0393 1 YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 16,357 51,636 67,993 26.98 94 2,115.22 N 0.83 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE 0 MAR. 1993 50,000 1 SLC CLC OCT. 1992 100 4 08 03 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 2 31.109500 N SELLERS)==> WILLIAM L DAUGHTRY TR MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER WILLIAM L DAUGHTRY TR 40,000 033193 OTH FIXED 8.00 ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 RECENT DEED/MTG PRESENT - F1=VIEW ISC READY 95- 149 G * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPL'ICATION #: 94-355 * * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I ant strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center w--uld not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. • W�, ,R"��/� (Name) (Property Address) Submitted into the public xecord in G , >?" "' :star ,. "; "!i vll lth City C.7 95- 149 0 IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO FOLIO NUMBER: 01-0200-030-1090 760 NW 3 ST OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS UDALDO & MARIA LOPETEGUI LE REM - EVIO LOPETEGUI 760 NW 3 ST MIAMI FL 331281414 LOT SIZE ==> ISC COUNTY 7,500 SQ FT LOT TYPE => 022395 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 33139 5 3 0 1925 2,568 16.35 0.48 W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT 2 CBS -POURED 50 - R-5 2,610 L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N CITY OF MIAMI SOUTH PB B-41 LOT 8 BLK 3 LOT SIZE 7500 SQUARE FEET OR 11296-1691 1181 5 YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 37,778 49,650 87,428 34.04 94 1,942.09 N 0.75 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE 25000 DEC. 1979 42,000 1 SLC CLC NOV. 1979 50,000 8 01 01 MAR. 1978 38,000 1 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 1 31.109500 N SELLERS)==> MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F4=TAX F5=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 ISC READY 95- 149 12 7 7 27 * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exeml.-)ion. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would 'suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. (Name) (Property Address) 1�{✓ �0 yr' :�%r� ��•� y, i. teew�' 7► 95- 149 ^ 02/03/94 10'40 PM `\ Add Lint\og LmoniotvU Y IR10-01 MANUEL PDRRO 02079' FOLIO NUMBER: 01-4138-003-3/60 PAZlP 00 511 HG BUILT ADJ-50FT $/60FT AVR 317 NW 9 AVE 33178 \? ' O 1944 A,957 35'92 1.09 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS W r, V !` H| K0NSTKVGl Z0NlNn LV SOFT J AN[/ 8 INVESTMENT C0HP 2 ' %'P0UR|D ?q n'4 6,79E, 9442 NW 109 6T L [ b .\ | |' E � ' |/ | !' | [ 0 N MEDLEY FL 8RICL[LL |V|RVIEW PH v'w 33178 LOTS GLK 6 LOT SIZE ==> ISC COUNTY LOl 6IZF 'wO0 s8 FT 15`000 SOFT OR 15H77` «\O 0393 1 LqT TYPE 0 IS -IRREGULAR -LOT YFAA BUILDING LAND ASSE54MFN| '//[T YEAP [AXF6. D TX/FT 093 118,834 90,800 228,8jo :2.89 90 703b'52 N 1'04 FEATURE YA AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITO W,TU SALE 0AT[ AMOUNT AND TYPF C/L FENCE 4 FT 79 O OO 846 200 0 MAP. 1993 249,900 1 CENT A/C COMM. 79 O 06 6264 /^ �i [LC DLq. l985' 1,000,000 .2 WALL CBS 79 O 00 263 201 O`` 03 ^ UNITS 1BD 28DS 38US EFF MILLAGE RT L!' Mi oTY ' 9 31.619100 N SELLER(S)=0 MC PROPERTY MGMT INC MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATF .TG TYPE RATE NUMBER MC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INC 184,900 O1ll-' CON FIXEO 8.50 ENTER4FWD F1=DOCS F3=ENT[R LISTING F4=TAX Fh`'/:(.L F7=DlM F8=M0RE F6=C0MP6 MENU IR10 'RECENT DEED/MT8 PRESENT - F1=VIEW JSC . READY . .. ` . � � � � ~~ '� � K� �� ��� * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. (Name) T� -S-A s� -`�-� ( Property Address) ,�11c col . %ems ,�;, 95- 149 .BATS•& ASSOC. 442-2606 09/13, FABRIZIO BALLI -- DADE COUNTY PROPERTY --------------- PRC REALTY SYSTEMS -- Folio 01-41-38-003-3720 PAddr 834/NW/4TH /ST/ Co -Use 3/MULTI FAM 3 PLUS PCity PZip Cd - Zoning 39/MULTI MED DENSITY Subdv RIVERVIEW St -Use 8/MUL FAM 2 THRU 9 Lien? Del Tax? N Lis Pend? Update-06/29%94 -- OWNER NAME & ADDRESS ----------------- -_____ Last _ �o�o Z� u,CC2�� OAddr - 1800�NW/24TH /AV/715 First OCity MIAMI /FL OZip Cd 33125-1254 Other Company RECORD INTERNACIONAL INC Full RECORD INTERNACIONAL INC -- LAND INFORMATION -------------------------------------------g------------- Front Ft Depth Ft Lot 5 Blk 6 PBk-P 5 43 LOT 5 BL Lnd SgFt 7500 Lnd Acre .17 Waterfront OR Bk-Pg $/LandSF $/AdjSF $/Tot1SF AV Ratio -- BUILDING INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------ Adj SgFt 3999 Tot SF 3999 Num Units 4 Year Blt 1978 Bedrooms 8 Bathrms 4 Half Baths 0 Num Flrs 2 _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 BRICKELL RIVERVIEW PB 5 43 4 OR 15378-1712 0487 5 2 LOT 5 BLK 6 5 --------------------------------- 3 LOT SIZE 7500 SQUARE FEET 6 EST OF HELEN C M SMITH -- TAX & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ------------------------------- ---------------- ASSESSMENTS(1993) DISTRICTS EXEMPTIONS AUTHORITY/TAX AMOUNT(1993) Land 45000 Water N Homestd N Widow N County Tax 2882.15 Impry 100512 Road N Veteran N Disabld N City Tax 1718.80 Total 145512 Sewer N Exempt N Senior N Misc Tax .00 Prev 154862 Light N School N Exmpt 0 Gross Tax 4600.95 MillRt.03160230 NonEx 145512 Prev Tax 4635.41 -- TAX PAYMENT INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------- PAY DATE AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION TOTAL PAID BALANCE DUE #1 12/01/93 4416.91 FULL RE PAYMENT $ 4416.91 $ .00 #3 #4 TOTAL TAX DELINQUENT #5 $ #6 #7 -- SALES INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------- DEED-DATE RECORDED PRICE D-TYPE OR BK-PGE SRC S-TYPE & DESCR Curr 04/01/87 $ 15378-1712 C 5 /QUIT CLAIM DEED Prev 06/01/84 $ 12249-841 C 4 /ESTATE&PROBATE Earl $ 9956-1130 / -- MLS HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------- MLS $ MLS# BROKER -- MORTGAGE INFORMATION------------------------------------------------------- MORT-DATE AMOUNT MORTGAGE COMPANY M-TYPE & DESCR Curr $ / -- EXTRA FEATURES ------------------------------------------------------------ A/C 4/CENT A/C C Cport / Dock / Patio / Pool / Fence / Other 96/PAVING ASP 136/WALL CBS % / t / Information not warranted. Information herein is from Dade County Tax Rolls. MLS subscribers are not responsible for its accuracy. 95- 149 * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval.. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. This neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would 'suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. Andmar Enterprises Andrew Herskowitz (President) 666 South River Drive Miami, F1 33128 (Name) (Property Address) Submitted into the public record in ccx-911/ City t ;laxly 95- 149 IR10-01 MANUEL PORRO 022395 FOLIO NUMBER: 01-4138-004-0020 PAZIP BED BTH HB BUILT ADJ-SQFT $/SQFT AVR 666 S RIVER DR 33160 55 37 0 1974 37,217 11.82 0.48 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS W G V P FLR CONSTRUCT ZONING LV SQFT ANDMAR ENTERPRISES 6 CBS -POURED 39 - R-4 32,081 P O BOX 431586 L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N SOUTH MIAMI FL RIVERVIEW WATERFRONTS A RESUB 33243 PB 30-41 LOT SIZE __> ISC COUNTY LOTS 1M THRU 6M 26,921 SQ FT LOT SIZE 26921 SQ FT LOT TYPE _> OR 16002-4520 0793 1 YEAR BUILDING LAND ASSESSMENT SQ/FT YEAR TAXES D TX/FT 1994 755,341 144,659 9001000 24.18 94 27,998.55 N 0.75 FEATURE YR AGE PERMIT VALUE UNITS HOMESTD SALE DATE AMOUNT AND TYPE CENT A/C COMM. 74 0 59040 60 0 JUL. 1993 440,000 1 ELEV PASS 74 0 41328 6 SLC CLC JUN. 1993 100 3 C/L FENCE 6 FT 93 0 2275 350 03 03 MAY 1992 100,000 8 UNITS 1BD 2BDS 3BDS EFF MILLAGE RT LP MLS-QTY 37 18 19 31.109500 N SELLERS)==> COMMERCIAL FED BANK MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK 625,000 051094 CON FIXED N/A ENTER=FWD F1=DOCS F4=TAX FS=LEGL F7=DIM F8=MORE F6=COMPS MENU IR10 RECENT DEED/MTG PRESENT - F1=VIEW ISC READY 95- 149 * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of tl- above referenced application, more specifics-' 'v, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to e Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. t understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se rolicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacic-n de la Ce 'sion de,la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de estableci.miento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. - /-L /1 Ai, F-4 33 ( 2 9 (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direction) ;Submitted into the public tecard in connection yA t z z z iteffi on Alatty Hirai 9 5 - 149 City Clerk * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVP * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To MS;mi City Commission: Please let th.i otter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the appi of tl - above referenced application, more specific"' V, the transfer of Certif.' -te of Use fr( the Salvation Army to e Northwest Dade Cente i Mental lkalth Community Center. I unct .tand that the � ation asks for a Special Txemption that juires City Commi.. appro,,- 1. I am a resident of the neighborhoc-' --.Eected this application and I respectfully request that tiie City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed s l `-e for the (-�ent---�r is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho refe'rencia, especificamente el t.raspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se ^olicita una exencion especial que require la aprobaci(,n de la Co !.lion de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solic.itud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. ?1%2' ( Name / Nombre ) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the Public record in With item Ply• . � Qn. �,�3 �; S 9 5 - 149 Ci tY Clerk * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of t1 - above referenced application, more specific- ' ' v, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to e Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se ^olicita una exencion especial que require la aprobaci(,n de la C(� '.sion de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el Lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. &51D A) -lc)_ '�? ,"/. -'�i' -'*/a/ (Name/Nombre) Adiress/pirgccion)- 311it�.Ic 95- 149 BICIUY Hirai city Cif * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of ti- above referenced application, more specific" ' v, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to e Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. 1 understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho refdrencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se ^olicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Co'sion de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) SllbY7lZtt(-?d 1'1t4 thePublicieCOTyy�II1__ c011nectiG12 1 ith T City cjrr J:7' * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of tl - above referenced application, more specific ' ' v, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to e Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho reforencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certi.ficado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se ^olicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacit-n de la C(, '.sion de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compues'ta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/hombre) 246 ttAddress/Direccion) Submitted into t! e pii'l-olic record in c,,')n ,;!c jY,r.-1 v;ith ) item�=zzfl '� __� on y 5 - 14 9 lilctty Hirai Katy Clerk * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of tl- above referenced application, more specific ' ' v, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to e Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho reforencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se-olicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacic�n de la Cc �.sion de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquintrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) SubMifited into v- pzlbIic record in eons item Z do� o = �- 9 5 - 149 litYt Tixcxi City Clexk * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * To Miami City Commi.r-�ion: Please let tli_s letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of tl- above referenced application, more speci fic- ' ' v, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to e Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Hea)'h Community Center. 1 understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resirl' f the neighborhood affected by this application and I r-,- ly request that the City Commission deny the Sr, W nemptlon. I want the city commission to be aware that the " site for the center is in a residential area composed y of families, many with children, aid this type of would have a very negative impact on the area. If this c Center were to be approved I would definitely consider ---,_A—_ on de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero i.nformarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho refdrencia, especificamente el t.raspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un r_entro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se-olicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacic-n de la Cc ,sion de la Ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respol-'uosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicited. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tend�ia un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este Centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submittn-a into the public xecozd in � 9 5 - 149 city Clolk * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION //: 94-355 * * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of t1 above referenced application, more specif ic- ' ' v, the transfer of Certif icate of Use from the Salvation Army to e Northwest Dade Center, a Mental health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se rtolicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacic�ii de la Cc i sion de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si. este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. r=4jJu-Q (Name/Nombre) (Address/. itTfii public Suomi #eT Yeeozd in oonneClion Frith ite ms o Z 2.� A�te �ti3.0• 9 5 - 149 City 11,,k * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of tl- above referenced application, more specif ic-� ' ' the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to 'e Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I a- (dent of the neighborhood affected by this application and respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Spe-, ..l Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiai:.ric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a 1a aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho reforencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se ^olicita una exencion especial que require la aprobaci(,n de la Ce i.sion de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) 0 iJU,) ��= �C�Li (Address/Direccion) 2.Ja Submitted into the public record azr�:'.��. item 9 5 - 149 RTC .43araii * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la Ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/sDirec ion) b� Submittedinto the `u record in : 9 5 - 14 9 city clerk,, ************************************** * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Addrr ss/ i r�encci�on) --_2� 2--� '- 149 cif,y Clerk ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificato de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto Para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (.Agdrgss/Direccion) s 95149 �. ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would. definitely consider relocating. comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho refdrencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direction) Submitted into the public record in cn.zi-2 ite � c -L 9 5 - 149 * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. 14 M (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the pub- Iic record in item0-2..�� . ************************************** * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval.. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into il"O 'Publze recoad in ec� w.'.�:oA70W- 9 -i 5 - 14 hiral City * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTN RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am an owner of the property listed below which is in the neighborhood affected by this application, and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. 111his neighborhood has endured declining property values for years and if the Special Exemption were granted, the area would suffer yet another major setback. While this would have an obvious adverse affect on area property owners, it would also reduce the tax basis for the city. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and a Psychiatric Center would not be consistent with other neighborhood establishments. JL1r -e V ./'� r1a 2L h7rka * le?-, (Name) / -z'D Y, �d e (Property Address) Submitted ixito i record i �l 95- 149 ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencea, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. rI Yc:� v�S' ' (Name/Nombre) (Addr-p-ssjgirecgion), "'�--�—,/ G' may/ / • / Za ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94--355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. C2'7'fo U4 R~ J1Z (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Subrzittr,d irito the Public ite171��. 5 149 Huai cillr CIO-rk ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the public ie=Ld lit ::ll ? iii, ��s Cs? ,vith item -La -'a 9 5 -- 149 bloc -v Hirai Cif y Clerk * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of tl;- above referenced application, more specific.- ' v, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to e Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se �--,olicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Cc-, ',_sion de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicited. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en e1 area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the n u�alzc record in c:safz 4L%C32. 1pq 1.7 ,item 9 149 fir; E L y r:i.r Cti Ci►:Y Clerk * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption, I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direceion) Submitted into i:,, L.;. 1;c xecord In item 2 c�a 9 5 149 i xircxi C;itV C1prk * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Par la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencea, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados men -tales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. �✓'�- (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the public record in carer , edl ion v-Ti :h item P�z� 5 14 9 Burai C;;:y �:iCrk -- * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. c�la)-0 IV W. NA11 Crud 4I�Z- . 1/h4 i '~ (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the public record in ?w : iCi1 item - oil �--�S� 9 5 — 149 k-;.0 U-V Hirai City Clerk * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificato de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residents del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the public record in COXIne:czioii VJif:1� item.._Da on 9 5 - 149 Malty lty iiirai CiRY Clerk ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto Para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the public record in cc.r;r��x:�:ta 4�li�11 item a-j 9 5 - 149 rirai City Clezk ************************************** * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest. Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. LIZ- !2 ,s 1- 4' 2 (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the public record in co.-i- z c -on vv i h item or, 95 - 14 9 "'" UHirai City Clerk to, * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle' que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (NamejNombre) (Address/Direction) Submitted into the public 'ecord in item T 2- - 2 o bc'S 9 5 14 9 cif. .xai City Clerk ************************************** * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de -la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle' que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la Ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto Para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con nin'os, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. Pai'»/ !! rcJ Al, 1,,V. (Name/Nombre) �M?NVRDil' d OnpiZ,JiiC i` Fla" 33 /z record in item Ma*"i'y Hirai 9 5 - 1� '� Clerk 4, * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencea, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) (Address jDireccion) Submit.•ed into the public --L--� �_ Ira item-P 7- ` 9 5 - 149 h:.� Hirai C 11Y Clerk � Wit.\;•.,,"� ************************************** * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificato de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de 1a Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este conscience de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. Name/Nombre) f�,,dd ess/Direccion) 1'165 into t11e pulz)Iic 149 ************************************** * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 �k�lr�k�r*�k*�kk�c�k�k�k*•�r**�r�r�k**5k�*�le�e'lc�k�lt4c4e�c**9t�r•k To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Par la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificato de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado par esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicited. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/hombre) /r by Z 5 ' ( Q (iddress/Direccion) �L Su mitted into therec Ord in co-,... •, ; .;.! 'v4 , ��. itemef�.. L-..f'S ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a 1a aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicita de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) 1 J '/V (Address/Direction) Submitted into the public record in C0:13 Le-::t;.o with item Z - 5 � ry City Clerk ************************************** * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) -cV -4J l ///r Gc7��i %/ /�-�J� `� (Address/Direccion) i ubn3ittecl a o t_. r sx .� -record hi _.. ItE'3I1 95 149 c �.. ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho refdrencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. ;Xp ( Name/Nombre ) (Address/Direction) Submitted into 'the public record in co--ria.le v ith item 2 -Da Q� . 11c•5 9 5 -- 14 9�`Icl r:y H rai city Clerk ************************************** * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de 1a aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de 1a comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente-de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) Al tIU � � � � � ,� (Address/Direccion) F "Submitted into the public record iaa C°orj.n cc-..' ;; 1 ,'idtl . item L�-- 2.5_ 01-1 95- 149 City C'.la7k * * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente`de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. rM (Name/Nombre) Is `�' �� (Address/Direccion) Submitted into the public record hic�ar:�.-�.E ` : "'Vith item 2 - . 01 95- 149 L1i:y Clerk ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 * * ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center, a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. (Name/Nombre) S /7i Z (Address/Direccion) A � 0 C� L Submitted into the public record in rjom- Gclaion iwith item L-2 - a 9 149 Ma -Ly Hirai City Cleric ************************************** * * RE: 250 NW SOUTH RIVER DRIVE * APPLICATION #: 94-355 ************************************** To Miami City Commission: Please let this letter serve as notice that I am strongly opposed to the approval of the above referenced application, more specifically, the transfer of Certificate of Use from the Salvation Army to the Northwest Dade Center., a Mental Health Community Center. I understand that the application asks for a Special Exemption that requires City Commission approval. I am a resident of the neighborhood affected by this application and I respectfully request that the City Commission deny the Special Exemption. I want the city commission to be aware that the proposed site for the center is in a residential area composed primarily of families, many with children, and this type of facility would have a very negative impact on the area. If this Psychiatric Center were to be approved I would definitely consider relocating. Comision de la Ciudad de Miami: Por la presente quiero informarle que estoy fuertemente opuesto a la aprobacion de la aplicacion a que antes he hecho referencia, especificamente el traspaso del Certificado de Uso del Salvation Army al Northwest Dade Center, un centro de enajenados mentales. Tengo entendido que en esa aplicacion se solicita una exencion especial que require la aprobacion de la Comision de la ciudad. Como residente del barrio afectado por esa aplicacion respetuosamente solicito de la comision que deniegue esa solicitud. Tambien deseo que la comision este consciente de que el lugar propuesto para ese Centro esta en un area compuesta principalmente de familias, muchas de ellas con ninos, y este tipo de establecimiento tendria un impacto muy negativo en el area. Si este centro psiquiatrico fuere aprobado yo me mudaria del area. '[lam i �3 2 � (Name/Nombre) (Address/Direccion) teed into the public ZZI .C,o ,emu t �- A ' t xr- - _ on-L. �....�.� MraLc_T 1"I"'Lr�.5 149 C; y C;lexk