HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-96-0672jP,6 1 1 it �11 J-96-11218 9/26/96 RESOLUTION N0* 6 � 6_7 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION SUPPORTING A PROPOSED BILL TO BE PRESENTED TO THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AT ITS NEXT SESSION RELATING TO WELFARE REFORM; PROHIBITING CERTAIN DISCRIMINATION IN THE PROVISION OF MEDICAID AND OTHER PUBLIC ASSISTANCE TO LEGAL. RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER ISSUES AS STIPULATED IN SAID PROPOSED BILL; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE DADE COUNTY DELEGATION. ,,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1: A Resolution of the Miami City Commission expressing its support of a proposed bill to be presented to the Legislature of the State of Florida at its next session relating to welfare reform, prohibiting certain discrimination in the provision of Medicaid and other legal assistance to residents of the United States, and other issues as stipulated in said proposed bill. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the members of the Dade County Delegation. i } crnr Ii TMG Or, SEP 2 6 WS Aa"ludc a Igo. 9 = 67211 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of September, 1996. 'CA O 0, MAYOR ATTEST: WALTE . FO'EMAN CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: .Ci NJ ,III CITY ATTO Y t,r I W1157:CSK W 96m67 A 7 a Ss 10 11 12 13 14 15 16� 171 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 sJ 26 27 26 29 30 31 Fax A bill to be entitled Sep iG ' 96 G 4.5 '0l%e�P.G��r7r+�i�� ' /7 s An act relating to welfare reto'rmf prohibiting certain diser sinatioan in the provision of Wicaid and other publia assistance; providing for certain assistance to legal residents of the United Statest providing aonditione: providing an effectiv4 date, Se It Enacted' by the Legislature of L•he State of tloridas Section 1, Non+m erimina+tioni-.Notwithstandim provision of the federal Paracnal ResponsibLILty�an Bork O�or,tunit Reconciliation rAct of 1996 (pub. ' ,. No. �) , the state of rlgr,ida shall not discriminate between United States citizens and legal resident.% :1 the United States in the provision of vublic assistance to all.fied Dersonsy reSidi� in the state. 0 ) A lecaal resident of the United Staters residing in thee' state who has lost Medicsidt suo lemental security income, or food stamp be n�'Eita as a result of said federal act is eligible to receive iv4leenefits under state law while the resident's aalication for itLzwirshiD is kending bra iide resident agglitd for c itisenshil rsot later the 120 dayw after the, effective , te'of hre federal act. The amount of ban�.fits received b� anY 17e�rsoa under this slausectj maX not exceed the amount o thwsj bet4fit,s lost by that person as a rest of the federal act. (Zl Lead residents of the united States residsnc_in the state srlgo are 65, vests of ace q old,Er mn_ the effective Cato r2: this act, 4nd who hwvM 1"fz benefits and Us►!•tr1d states CiLlzenshI2n3 cIdod for in thin section bUt -- - COD1103 words eeriekon are deletions) words uaftrlined are additions. C7 r.._...•..• ..... ...••........•.... .... •r ....... .. •-47 CO C.3Y'f f 1ark M k LA r dA a� C, �a a„ 55Z�iZSA-A7 rr unable to abt i citnehi thr�ou h r+o U t o! Chair law = o,�o,. &,t„! �i1.� ii-bls o rsamiva M�ni4lte un r stetAe�leta eh 3 a . eQuiv_ales�t co the M•dica4d ana or Rualic r Denet„o id�d to united ities�s its c.�.h..� g stet+��eca dui sere f e s. �. • s ction•2. This act shall tak® effect UP*n bocomSnA 7 law. i 10 ii i2 i� 1� 15 id 17 ti 19 20 22 22 �4 �3 27 26 29 21 c�r3 i[sfi� rrords eesr4a�ceri are dolotiooi; Woras uIlderlined are additions. w w 96— 672 Fax Sep 10 '9b 01 :4b PQ3 j / ARAA�?AAA�d►A19A�d�+�A� iRMAUA�A+wMAA�AAAAI4A#R HOUSE AUMM"Y u 6 Prohibits discdMnation between United Otates citizens 3 and legal residents in the provision of MedicaiG and 6 athor public assistance benefits in Florida. provides 9 certain aaeistanes for 1*941 xeaidents who are applying 6 for ealtlsanship and for nmrt•aln elderly petsons who ,ary # unable to,obtain citiaenshLp. 1@ 17 ;r i9 21 \ • r 23 24 2S 37 ' 26 29 30 zf r words Vt:eftken are doletieses words ur+ arlin d are additions. ' III. •., _ ' f• � Of 4BUZ111A WALTiR I• rc1EMAN CIN Clerl, 1, , i i March 20, 1997 EI)%VARD NiARQUt/ City Manager Representative Alex Diaz De La Portilla Dr d& County Legislative Delecgtion 1405 05 S.W. 107th Avenue - Suite 301-G Mlarni, FL RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative De La Rortiila: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said Instrument to you. r A4tached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which Is self-explanatogl. Respectfulr submitted, Walter J "Foe n �� City tier•-� Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233/1305) 250.5360/FAX: (305) 858.1610 i \ 1.1"tV of No F b WALTER ►. FOEMAN �� �' EDWARD MARQUEZ I ON Clerk `lat ill City titan iger i March 20, 1997 j Representative Annie Betancourt Dade County Legislative Delegation 10691 North Kendall D1tve - Suite 103 Miami, FL 33176 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Betancourt: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted s Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. Respectfully submitted, 4 Wafter �F an II City Clerk l ° Enc. alas .F i, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American DriveR,O. sax 330708/Miami, FL 33133/(305)150.5360/FAX: (305) 858-1610 of WALTER 1. FOEMAN City Clerk r 11111 91M111 ' 11 March 20, 1997 WWARD MARQUIU City 1Xtinaget Representative Carlos Lacasa Dade County Legislative Delegation 3191 Coral Way - Supra 616 Miami, FL 3314 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Lacasa: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 9"72, and requested the City CRerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is stilf-explanatory. Resperttflaliy submitted, Waiter J. City Clerk Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233/(305) 250-5360/FAX: (305) 858.1610 V.;Atv of 4fftz1ntt WALTER I. FOEMAN City Clerk l� ,hu Ilvu e , t „ ,i i 1 j I March 20, 9 997 ED%N-'AftD ,MAR0UU Cih, �lanaaer Representative Larcenla Bullard Dade County Legislative Delegation 10700 Caribbean Building #1 - Suite 302 Miami, FL 33169 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Bullard: The City of Miami Commission, at Its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said Instrument 'to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. sp f<sIlly submitted, '1001- Walter J. F0 City Clark Bnc. ,a1s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233A3051250.5360/FAX; (305) 858-1610 >Lt �r 1 1� of `,VALTFR 1. FOEMAN f WWARU MAR(,UFT City Clerk n��, iS�� City Manager March 20,1997 Representative John F. Cosgrove Dade County Legislative Delegation 201 'West Flagler Street Miami, FL 33130 RE: Resolution 96.672 Dear Representative Cosgrove: The City of Miami Commission, at Its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Cleric to transmit said instrument to you. d Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. Rasp ctfully sub ed, a Walter J. Fo an City Clerk Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Part American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233/(305) 250.5360/FAX: (305) 658-1610 '1*1!.'yrjl�.' AIL Cr t f MUl`r WALUR 1. FOEMAN City Clerk i s, March 20,1997 LD VAR() MARQUEZ City Manager Representative Debbie Horan Dade County Legislative Delegation 3132 Northside Drive - Suite 201 Key Waist, FL 33040 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Horan: The Clty of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. Respectfully submitted, r Walter J. Foema City Clerk Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233/0051250.5360AX: 0051858.1610 i r, ' u f i 1 v in y i of 121ME WALTF.R 1. FOEMAN MWARO MARQUE? ON Clerk Cil: A{.in AKef \ti1`�J i March 20, 1997 Senator Alberto Gutman Dade County Legislative Delegation 1600 S.W. 27th Avenue - Suite 300 Miarni, FL 33145 RE: Resolution 96-672 Doar Senator Gutman: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you, Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. " Resp ctfuily submitted, Waiter J. are City Clerk OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O, Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233A3051 250-5360/FAX: (305)858.1610 AT Ul'ifia of 4HTarr op WALITR 1. FOEMAN City Clerk 11"' or Parch 20,1997 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager RepI aentative Jorg as Rodri uea-Chomat Dlad9 County Legislative Delegation 825 pia hone Drive - Suite 1750 Miami, F1 333131 RE Resolution 96-672 Dear ReprlesentaWe Roddguez-Chomat: The of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1096, passed and adopted Reso Won No.. 72, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said InstrLFment to you. Attached horeto, pltease find the abmia-ched Resolution, which Is self-explanatory. Resped idly submitted, liar City ClG 4-� q em Enc. a/s i i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233/(305) 250-5360/FAX: (305) 858-1610 i 6 � al t urM WAITER ). FOEMAN City Clerk tu$$ it � t ti,r tyQ♦ March 20, 1997 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager Rvp€mntative Luis C, Morse Cade CourAy Leg►ateitive Delegation 807,S,W. 25th Avenue - Suite 1750 M lwnl, FL 33131 RE: Resolution 96-67, Mar Representative Morse: The Qity of Miami Commission, at its sheeting of September 26, 1996, pas3ed .and adopted R ssolutlw No. 96-672, and re gkjestedthan City Clerk'tn transmit said instrument to you. Aftchod herato, plew find the 'above tad Resod' n, ivhlch is self4xplanatori, r Res ctfully submI teid, Winer J. F a City Clerk E.IC. Jd% � rFl(-'f OF 7HE CITY CLERK/ 350o Ran American Driv PP,0. Box 3?0708/Miami, F133233/(305) 2550-5,M(FAX: 005) 858-1610 al f 4H M, WALTER (. FOEMAN t�4 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Clerk + folio �;°' QK City Manager March 20,1997 Representative J. Alex Nillalobos Dade County legislative Delegation 2350 Cnral Way - Suite 202-A Miami. FL 33145 RC: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Villalobos: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said Instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is setf-explanatory. 4Respacifully submitted, J. an City Clerk Enc, a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . V. Pan American DriverP.O. Box 33070&'Miami, FL 33233/1305➢ 250-5360/FAX: (305) 858-1610 6 \AhL.�-tty of to m'k S O WALTER ). FOEMAN • r City Clerk r aeu =I�n ce 1 � l March 20,1997 Representative Carlos L. Valdes Aside County Legislative Delegation 7175 S.W. @th Street - Suite 201 Miami, FL 33144 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Valdes: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said Instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. Respectfully sub Itted, Waiter J. City Clerk Eno. a/s 0MCE OF THE CITY CL ERKI 3500 Pan American Driver. j : •x 330708/Miami, FL 33233/(305) 250-5360/FAIt: (305) 858-1610 NEW """T tv of 4Htalrt OAS r WAITER i. FOEMAN/ j City Clerk +oen =gym ce i" is i 6 March 20,1997 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager Representative Rodolfo Garcia, Jr. Dade County Legislative Delegation US west 21 at Street HWeah, FL 33010 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Garcia: The City of Miami Commission, at Its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. Respectfully sub fitted, Wafter J. an City Clerk Enc. a/s OFFJCE OF THE CITY CLERK) 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O, Box 330708/Miami, FL 3. '(305)250-53ti0/FAX: (305) 856.1610 (�i#g of �lii�xr. WALTER 1. FOEMAN City Clerk st ""' p'TM oe March 20,1997 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager Representative James Bush, III Dade County Legislative Delegation 3560 Biscayne Boulevard - Suite 405 Miami, FL 33137-4139 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Bush: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited resolution, which is self-explanatory. Respectfully submitted, 0 atter J. en City Clerk Enc. a,s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233/(3051250.5360/FAX: (305) 858.1610 WALTER I. FOEMAN City Clerk (Eitv of 4Htar t ao March 20,1997 EDWARD MARC City Manages Reprwesntative Beryl Burke I Dade County Legislative Delegation 7900 N.E. 2nd Avenue - Suite 705 Miami, FL 33138 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Burke: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 9"72, and requested the City Cleric to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. A Rcl ully submitted, F < Enc. a is OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKS 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233A305) 250-536WAX: (305) 8511-100 A Q11, *t f 4101 tr, a WAITER 1. FOEMAN City Clerk c March 20,1997 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager Representative Bruno A. Barreiro Bade County Legislative Delegation 1 454 S.W.1 st Street - Suite 100 Miami, FL 33136 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Barreiro: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please fund the above -cited Resolution, which Is self-explanatory. A ctfully submitted, J. oee Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan Am.>rican Drive/P.O. Box 33070&/Miami, FL 33233J(.305)250-5360JFAX! (3051856.1610 0 THU of 4H tamt ,E {r WALTER 1. fOEMAN ~� EDWARD MARQUEZ City Clerk soo am City Manager s March 20,1997 Representative Elaine Bloom Dade County 1 411slative Delegation 3W 71 at Street • Suite 604 Miami Beach, FL 33141 FEE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Bloom: The City of Mlanal Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. W672, and reyuasted tie City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. !Rasps tly submitted, alter J. em City Clerk A0 a OW-0/ Enc. a/s OFFICE OF T14E CITY CURK13500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Son 33070&fMiami, FL 33233A305) 250.536 VFAX: (30Si BSO.1610 AL: (Ellx4RTUr1*t WAUTA ►. FOEMAN �� �► EDWARD MARQUE2 City Clerk+100 Plitt City Manager j 0 March 20, 1997 Repressentaaftre Sally Heyman Dade Cour y Legislative Delegation 17101 N.E. 19 Avenue - Suite 205 Now Miami Beach, FL, 33162 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear RWesentadve Heyman: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. W-672, and requested ft tatty Clerk to transmit sald instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which Is self-explanatory. Respectfully submitted, ('�'OeV aftWoeCity Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL, 33233/130512S0-S360/FAX: (305) 655-1610 Ak i' u fit# of AMT t WALTER 1. FOEMAN City Clerk March 20,199 7' EDWARD ►.1ARQUEZ City Manager i i 1 Representative Kendir'ioM Meek Cade County Legislative Dele ation i 11 N.W.183 Street -suite i bikini, FL 11,33169 RE: Resolution 9"72 E Hear Representative Meek: j The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. W-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. wed hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is seif-explanatory. i Res ftlly, su ed, 46 Walter J. F ! City Clerk OrFIC:E OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233/(305) 250-5360/FAX; (305) 858-1610 dvllitv jorf WALTER J. FOEMAN City Clerk f ran+ ii�rr• Is �4 gi O^ March 20, t 997 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager Represeentative WIlle L an Dade County Le iaiative Deiegation 490 Opa Loeb Boulevard, Room 21 Opa L6cka,1 i.. 33054 RE. Resolution 96-6 2 Door Representative Logan, 'Tbe City of Miami Commission, at Its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said Instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. Re ectfully submitte Walter J. Feeman City Clark Enc. als OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O, Box 33070fi/Miami, .233/(305) 250.5350/FAX: (305) 858.1610 0 WALTER J. FOEMAN City Clerk 6 of ffltal"i or ti crr f%. March 20,1997 EDWARD MARQUEZ Citv Manages Representathre Luis Rows lade County Leglslative deiegation 6011'Nest 1 ft Avenue HWeah, FL 33012 RE; Resolution 96-672 Dear Representative Rojas: The City of Miaml Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. AftAmbed hereto, please find the abov"ted Resolution, which is self-explanatory. Res ectfuiiy submitt , alter J. a City Clerk Eno. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIV 35W Pan American Drive,/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233/1305) 250-5360/FAX: tlf $58.1610 I r f VJ'al -W "'T a of WALT►.•'.R 1. FOEMAN �.a � EDWARD MARQUEZ City Clerk woo 1141, cT City Manager a March 20,1997 Rep "entatife Steven A. Geller Dade County Legislative Delegation 400 South FFedeteJ Highway Suite 204 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33009 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Represen4ative Geller. - The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 9"72, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attffzhed hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which Is self-explanatory. jRespectfully sub d, fter J. F City Clerk Enc. a/s OFFICE Of THE CITY CLERK! 3S00 Pan American DriveM.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233A3051250-5360/FAX: (30518S8.1610 AK WALTER I. FOEMAN City Clerk i Tifij of tctIxt"t .Q March 20, 1997 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager Senator Dwyl L. Jones Cade County Leglsiative Delegation 9 South tideland Boulevard Suft 401 Narni, FL 33166 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Senator Janes: The City c4 Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, whichis self-explanatory. Res ctkdiy sub ittod, Walter J. e City Clark Enc. als OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEKK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 3307MMiami, FL 33133/(305) 150-5360/FAX: (305)858-1610 U CUt of 4fital t WALTER 1. FOEMAN City Cleric March 20,1997 Senator RoWto Cam) D*% County Legislative Delegation 4821 West 4th Avenue HW*ah, FL 33012 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Senator Casas: The Clay of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed And adopted Resolution No.'9S-67'2, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said Instrument to you. Perched hereto, please find ttae above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. Q4ft lly su ed, s X60 er J.y Clerk etc, *Vs OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/M,iami, FL 33233,005) 250-5360(FAK: (305) M-1610 r of tat r , WALTER f. FOEMAN �4 �; EDWARD MARQUEZ City Clerk x oa _off Q.�r City Manager March 20, 1997 Senator Ronald A. Silver Dodos County illative Delegation 111E N.W. 187th treat - 2nd roar North Miami Bead, FL, 33169 RE: Resolution 9"79 ®ear Senator Silver: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. W672, and requested the City Clark to transmit said instrument to you. Attaed*d hereto, please find the above: -cited Resolution, whin Is serif -explanatory. sub ed,��,$�!AC#nlly r J. Roeman City Clerk Enc. afs OSFICE Of THE CVY CLERK/ ISM Pan American Dhve P.O. Box 330708/Miami, .fL 33233/(305)350-536Q/fAX: i3051858-1610 • fit# of �t: 4°1 WALTER 1• FOEMAN City Clerk a rtn,A March 20,1997 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager Senator Mario Dla z-Sai(rrt Dade C=Legistativve Delegation I am Cow Suite 215 Mlwnl, FL 33165 RE: Resolution 96-672 Dear Senator Diaz-Saiart: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Cleric to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which is self-explanatory. ' aR 4;:ossn4an d, ,I/) Walter' J. City Clerk Enc. a/s OFFla OF THE. CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan America, rrivelP.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233/(305)250.5360/FAX: (305)BSA 1G10 i of VJJ Zv .EWAITER I. FOEMAN City Clerk � ""' RM ak v Y March 20,1997 Senator William H. Tumor Dade County Legislative Delegation 9999 N.E. 2nd Avenue - Suite 207 Mia,-ni Shores, FL 33136 RE: Resolution 96-6722 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager Dear Senator Turner: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Cleric to transmit said instrument to you. ,Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which Is self-explanatory. sp Ily sub d, Walter J. Foeman City Clerk Enc. a/s OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3S00 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 33070B1M1+..ni, FL 33233/(305) 250-53601FAX; (305) 858-1610 41 "ITof �-at . WAITER 1• FOEMAN City Clerk March 20,1997 Senator Howard C. Forman Dade County Legislative Delegation 4000 HoilywoW Boulevard Suite 340-N Hollywood, FL 33021-6744 RE: Resolution 96-672 EDWARD MARQUEZ City Manager Dear Senator Forman: The City of Miami Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1996, passed and adopted Resolution No. 96-672, and requested the City Clerk to transmit said instrument to you. Attached hereto, please find the above -cited Resolution, which Is self-explanatory. espec�tully su :ed, Waiter J. Foema City Clerk Enc. als, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/ 3500 Pan American Drive/P.O. Box 330708/Miami, FL 33233A305) 250.5360, : (305) 858-1610 0 J-96.1128 9126/96 RESOLUTION NO9 6 °' 67 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION SUPPORTING A PROPOSED BILL TO BE PRESENTED TO THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AT ITS NEXT SESSION RELATING TO WELFARE REFORM: PROHIBITING CERTAIN DISCRIMINATION IN THE PROVISION OF MEDICAID AND OTHER PUBLIC ASSISTANCE TO LEGAL RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER ISSUES AS STIPULATED IN SAID PROPOSED BILL: DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE MEMBERS OF THE DADE COUNTY DELEGATION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. A Resolution of the Miami City Commission expressing its support of a proposed bill to be presented to the Legislature of the State of Florida at its next session relating to welfare reform, prohibiting certain discrimination in the provision of Medicaid and other legal assistance to residents of the United States, and other issues as stipulated in said proposed bill. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the members of the Dade County Delegation. cr f comas',,-toyMEETING 00 ; SEP26 V18 Aatotutdoft Nor 9fim 7 , i* 4 A Section 3. This Resolution $hall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2 th day of Seotm, 1996. MAYOR ATTEST: lNAtTE EfWAN CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JQNFA. III CITY ATTORNEY W1157:CSK 96m67 1