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r; r 1 9M J-96-1075 8/29/96 RESOLUTION N09. 6 — 6 6 6 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING THE BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGETS FOR FISCAL. YEAR 1996-1997 (ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF.) BE ITRESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Sayfront Park Management Trust Operations and Maintenance Budgets for Fiscal Year 1996-1996 (attached hereto and made a part hereof) are hereby approved. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this l2thTday o'F +eptembei; 199fa.. ! ��dbf rA13ALL0, MAYOR ATTEST: ram-- WALTER J. A CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A: Qt1I CITY" A w110a MM ATTACHMENT isll CITY Cold MSSION laETING OF SEP121996 x w.utson NO. 96-„ 666 ts"FROIN'T PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST PE G BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 1996 -1997 0 BAYFROIVT PARK MANAGEiAENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996/97 Table of Contents 1. Letter of Wreduction H. Trust Members M. Budget Summary TV. Bayfront Park Operating Budget V. Capital Budget, V1. Mildred & Claude Pepper Fountain Operating Budget VH.. Revenue & Expenditure Graphs VM. Organizational Chnrt 96� 6'66 r M I L 0 R E A N 0 C L A U D E P E P P E R B"FRC") T PAR MANAGE M ENT TRUST 301 N BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, MIAMI, FL 33132 TELEPHONE(305) 358-7550 FAX. (305) 358.1211 Auguat 30, 1996 Dear Honorable 'Mayor Carollo and Members of the City Commission, The Bayfront Nark Management Trust is pleased to ,submit :its Operating Budget for FY 96/97. ,The Trust views 1995/96 as one of its most successful years ever. In addition to managing and maintaining bath Bicentennial and Sayfront Parks, the Trust accomplished much in this past year. Our many successes include: Served as designated host site for AT&T Miami Centennial Extravaganza., Attracted 6 significant private funding source and completed a retrofit of the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain in Bayfront Park, which has decreased operating costs of the fountain, by 70% and increased its hours of operation to betiie:en 16 and 13 hours per. slay. Continued to host major annual City of Miami signature events, such as the hispanic Heritage Festival, the Big Orange Now Yeas is Jamboree and -the Ninth Annual America's Birthday Bash. Continued the Bayfront Park After Dark Concert Series wherein the park hosted a free seventeen performance series in the newly completed Tina Hills Pavilion. Created Landscapes & Windscapes, a temporary art installation which focussed positive international attention on Bayfront Park and the City of Miami. The AT&T Amphitheater at Bayfront Park continues center of multi -cultural Miami., hosting festivals celebrations featuring African Amarican, Haitian, Puerto Rican and (Caribbean music, as the and Colombian, Bayfront Parks, ],an►dscape continues to improve as evidenced by the four time yearly change of pl&ntings in the Challenger Memorial beds. The Bayfront Park Management Trust's responsibility is to facilitate and promote activities, which attract visitors, exhibitions and, touriss related activities to downtown Miami. During fiscal year 1996/97 the: Trust proposers to continue: Coordinating activities with downtown community to increase the area's appeal to tirea.ter Miami and Dade County. 196- 6)66 Working with local media outlets to increase Bayfront Park's image nationally and internationally. Developing temporary art installations in Bayfr©nt Park. Utilizing Tina dills PiAvilion to bring Greater Hiamirsz many ethnically based cultural groups to a wider audience. The staff rigid board of the Sayfront mark Management Trust are extreselyproud of the progress made during these last twelve months. We are looking fcrward to even greater strides during the neat twelve. Your approval of this budget represents the first step in that process. Thank you. Respectfully, "Ira Marc Katz Executive Director General Manager IMK/ is cc, file BAYFRONT PARK MANAGIEFAVINT TRUST 301 NOM AYns 8*Lftvard Miayni..FL 33132 (305) 358•7550 "' 666 CRAIRPZRSON Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. CO-VICE-CRAIRPERSONS Tina Hills Rodney Barreto TREASURER JoAnn Pepper SECRETARY Alan L. Weisberg TRUST NE)GERS Ruth Greenfield Dino Galardi Stephanie Kerr James E. McDonald ZX,=UTIVE DXREC%VR & GINMtAL MMORR Ira Marc Katz 96- 666 B.P.M.T. BUl GST SUMMARY FOR 'd Y96v97 ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET REVENUES 427,500 EXPENSES (421,139) REVENUES OVER EXPENSES 6,381 MARKETING & SPECIAL EVENTS REVENUES 1,498,000 EXPENSES (1,554,044) I REVENUES OVER EXPENSES (56,044) MAINTENANCE BUDGET ` REVENUES 637,500 EXPENSES (558,414) REVENUES OVER EXPENSES 79,086 LASER TOWER REVENUES 68,000 EXPENSES (68,600) i REVENUES OVER EXPENSES 0 FOUNTAIN BUDGET REVENUES 125,000 j EXPENSES (154,403) REVENUES bVER EXPENSES (29,403) CAPITAL BUDGET REVENUES 1,118,000 EXPENSES (1,118,000) REVENUES OVER. EXPENSES 0 TOTAL REVENUES 3,874,000 TOTAL EXPENSES (3,874,000) TOTAL NET BUDGETS 0 TOTAL CITY CGNTPJBUTION 2,168,000 � - 666 ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET !REVENUES FY 96-97 ADMINISTRATIVE REVENUES 100.1-RENTAL INCOME 350,000 100.2-BOAT DOCK INCOME 36,000 100.3-CARRIAGE INCOME 18,000 100.4-FILM PERMITS 7,500 100.5-MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 1,000 100.6-ADMINISTRATIVE PUBLIC GRANTS 159000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE REVENUES 42i',500 EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL EXPENSES 101-Executive Director & General Manager 78,534 102-Chief Administrative officer 42,777 103-Business and Finance Manager 32,905 104-Administrative .Assistant 0 105-Accounting Clerk (Part Time) 0 106-Office Manager 23,962 107-Secretary & Te;np Pool 30,000 108-P'ayrolling Costs (30%) 62,453 109-B.P.M.T. Health & Dental Insurance Contribution 7,500 110-Executivier Benefits 4,000 111-B.P.M.T. Life Insurance & Disability Contribution 8,076 112-B.P.M.T. 403E Plan Contribution 0 113-B.P.M.T. 403B Plan! Administrative Cost 0 114-Vehicle Raimb & Mileage 4,000 115•-Misc expenses 3,600 116-Executive Director Vehicle Liability Insurance 500 SUBTOTAL 298,307 TRANSFER TO FOUNTAIN (5%) (14,915) TOTAL ADMINIS't-R.ATIViE PERSONNEL 283,392 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE EXPENSES 120-Computer Supplies & Software 2,000 121-Courier 4 : 000 122-Equipment Purchases, 4,000 123-Eqpt Rental & Maint 5,000 124-Postage 4,000 125-Printing 8,000 126-O five Supplies 10,000 127-Telephone & Pager Service 22,000 128-Bank Charges 765 SU13TOTAL 59,765 6 96- 666 TRANSFER TO BAYI~RONT PARK MAINTENANCE (15%) TRANSFER TO FOUNTAIN (5%) TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE EXPENSE MANDATORY PUBLIC NOTICES 130-Broadcast Notices 131-Newspaper Public Notices TOTAL MANDATORY PUBLIC NOTICES BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 134-Busy. Travel & Seminars 135-Conference Registration 136-Conforence Expenses 137-Meeting Expenses 138-Stenography 139-Memberships & Pu0cation 140-Reimbursed Business Expenses SUBTOTAL TRANSFER DEVELOPMENT COSTS TO MARKETING (15%) TOTAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT IIAA►NkaATORY iNSl;RA'i�CE 141-Director's Uability/General Liability 142-Vehicle Insurance 143-Property Insurance 144-Contribution to City Self Insurance Fund TOTAL MANDATORY, INSURANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 145-Accounting Services 146-Audit 147- State Legislative Lobbyist TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCY FUND 148-Contingency Fund TOTAL CONTINGENCY FUND TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES 7 (8,98a5) (2,988) 47,812 2,000 2,600 4,600 3,000 11500 2,000 5,000 0 2,000 3,600 17,100 (2,566) 14,535 3,300 0 6,000 17',000 26,300 9,500 20,000 0 29,500 15,000 15.000 421,139 96- 666 rr; 4iiL ' City of Miami Bayfront Park Operating Budget Notes to Proposed Budget. for 1 -97 asa1T 140 aal�ar�ies+ The proposed annual salary is $790s34. The Executive Director/General Manager is responsible for the overall administration and operation of 1Bayfront iPark j Miami0 s show case recreational site, located on the waterfront in the heart of downtown Miami. In addition to the above mentioned responsibilities, the Executive Director/General Manager has taken on added projects in the last twelves months,. including the management of major capital, improvement projects, AT&T, sponsor ship relations, and the organization and general management of the Friends of Eayfront paerk, a private nonprofit group organized to benefit Bay.frornt Parr. The Executive Director/General Manager coordinates special events in a p�ubl..ic revenue --producing facility, working, closely with promoters, private enterprise, the media, advertisers, non- profit organl..�ations and the general public, to develop new business and cvltural activities for the facility. The Executive Director/G6naral Manager manages day-to-day operations, inciudiirvg ,the following: booking they amphitheater, maintenance of the park, risk management, budgetary control, staff panagement and all support work for the Trust. Initiatives undertaker; 'by the Exeout.i`re Director include solicitation of private sponsorship, implementation of a comprehensive duality assurance program, f 4rivolving a review of current procedures and preparation of a five-year plan to increas Park revenues. 9 96 - 666 The Executive Director/General Manager has put an increased emphasis on fundraising, marketing and public relations to increase the number and quality of events, as well as overall park seal.f-suffi.cieney. The Executive Director/General Manages will be continuing to look at potential sponsors and cost -savings for the Bayfront Park Fountain. �.0 . eh�.a� 3 w 3C�i1f f iaaer a The proposed salary is $42,777. The. Chief Administrative officer reports to the Executive Direnctorl0enera? Manager and is responsible for much of the day --today 'aftinistration or Bayfront Park. Responsibilities include: liaison with City agencies, budgeting, management of FEC docks and Bicentennial deep water slip, cultural programming, grants, major event coordination., :staff development, long range planning and overall park operations. 4 lsiuse W-ILruaw naaorN The proposed ,salary is $321.905. The Business and Finance Manager is responsible for handling .all bookkeeping and accounting. 4 Adm nib, tin Agaistan.t The proposed salary is $00. IQ& &M9gAt ja Q1erk (P&rtt._ZjNe The proposed salary is $00. _cLe.r The proposed salary for this position is "$23 , 962 . The office Manager is responsible for all inventory, quality control and requisitions, as well as interfacing with the - marketing and fundraising department. Additional responsibilities include: administrative support duties, initiating and developing public contracts, assisting government officials, the tranamisaion of contracts, proposals, inquiries, and responses for av+erg+' .aspect of the public and private duties of the Executive Director/Genara.l Manager. In addition, the office Manager is frequently required to assist in the actual 96— 666 production of events, coordinating the staff during such affairs, and providing an immediate response to critical on -site predicaments. ,09j3eoaeatarje 1—ML j TR"SraTj Lam . The proposed annual expenditur-a Ja $300000. The Secretarial Pool & Temporary labor fund will.. be used at times of high activity in both the administrative or event office. Duties performed include but are not limited to answering telephones, typing, filing, preparing necessary paperwork for payments, appointment settingA reception and all other clerical duties which are intrinsic to the operation of the park and the Trust. The Secretarial Pool & Temporary Labor will take direction from the Executive Director,/General Manager and the office Manager. The proposed budget is $62, 453. The Trust uss4se an outside payroaling company at an average cost of 30 percent above grows salaries to cover payroll expenses. The 30% cast includes the fee for an independent company to, employ the warkers on behalf of the Trust, as well as to cover Worker's compons ation, .Trauxance, the employer's portion of Social Security Tax and Federal and State Unemployment Taxes. cane t t: 0:a8 Th.e proposed budget is $7', 500. Health & Elersta.l -insurance is a particularly important: ftem not coveredby the outside payroll company. Employees roc il,9e stipends puraua.nt to their ra,r& within the organization. This allocation is defined under city of Miami,. ordinance #10348, which applies in this case. too The proposed budget amount is $4 , OOO. rn 1,ieu of coritributi.ng to a pension plan, the Trust will make a $4,000 annual contribution to the Executive Director/General III 666 Hanager'st Whole Lifa Insurance Plan. +i; am ,fife insuranoe__gontribut A The proposed budget amount its $8,0160 #nd it represents the Trusts contribution to the 'Executives Direactor,/Geneeral. Manager's life insurance. Rpm-- 2AL The proposed budget amount is $00. Duel t se Trust.': legal standing, its employees are prohibited from participating in a e403B plan. _t, y ost&L The proposed budget amount is Soo. seam t ae Al avarice: The proposed budget amount of $4 t O0O is to cover the cost to the Executive Di.r4ctorjGeneerzal Manager of operating his vehicles, this ;includes maintenance and repairs. it is essential that the Executive director/General Manager, have a, :zound operating vehicle as he is required ,to attednd all, dark functions and often attends meetings within the county., The Director agrees to name the City of Miami and Bayfront ' Park Management. Trust as additional insureds. 115 Riga The proposed budget amount is $3, 600 and will be used for any unforeseen expenses incurred during the year. II USO tive Di, .ee t � �h g a Liab t,y► nsura —as The proposed budget 'aatount ,i.s $500 and will be used to &nsure the Executive Direc for jGener4l' Manager's automobile. It is essential that the Zxecutiwe Di.re'tcr,''Gensr al Ma Tager have a sound operating vehicle as he is rewai.red tp attend all ;park functions and often attends meetings within thin , county. The Executive Director agrees to name the City of Miami and Bayfront Park as additional. ;insureds. iX 6— 666 .„ 9OR"M nliss €tsar,§ The proposed budget amount is $2,000 and is needed for all computer supplies, programs, paper, ribbons and other related items. The budgeted amount also reflects the cost'to upgrade current computer programs. The proposed budget amount is $4 , 000 . This service is used for documents of urgent attention to City Commissioners and other Trust related items in need of immediate delivery. This increase is due to increased park activity and the need €car up -to -data information to be delivered to commissioners and Trustees. _m Mat, phases: The proposed budget amount of $4,000 is for the ehhancessrment•� of the computer system, dictaphone recording device', now office .furnishings, additional filing cabinets, upgraded fax machine and upgraded photocopier. 'Ximmimerit The proposed budget amount is $5,1000. The amount includes the purchase of annual maintenance agreements on the photocopier, fax machine, computer, systems, and upgraded postage equipment., . a1 The proposed budget amountis $4, 000. 'his figure 11 includss the purchase of posstaga• stamps for general office correspondence and park related correspondence for Trust members. The proposed budget amount of $8, 000, includes Say€ront Park stationery, business caxds, copies over and above the photocopier allowance, and city mandated , f arms and reports. The increase in expanditures represents contractual requirements of the mpoz earship contrast with RM. Additionally, this appropriation would allow the Trust to continue its already successful +*f arts in drafting, layout, publication, and dissamination of information regarding forthcoming projects, s? 96- events, and festivals of all types. This particular function of the Mayfront Parr Management Trust is warranted to improve future participation in various activities in the Park. Moreover, future distribution of various printed materials will further the objective of the Trust to bring Bayfront Park into local, n4tionaiJ and international prominence. , 1L I'll Imsa The proposed budget, amount is $10, 000, This figure is for all general office supplies, photocopier supplies including paper, toner, pencils, pens, paper, sCaples, rubberbands, desk supplies, file folders, large mailing envelopes and assorted binders needed for compiling city reports such as the anneal budget. 122 iepho ,�a L ¢ervic:e: The proposed budget amount .is $22 , 000., There. are five active telephone lines in. the park"s !�: acilities and Offices, including the line dedicated to the FAX machine. Moreover, there are eight additional phone jacks available for proxoters and their staff. The Average monthly telephone bill is $800 for local and in -state toll, services. Phone „servi,ce from the r mots locations, the fountain, and the laser tower has been installed for prompt reporting of any hazardous condition or illegal activity. Pagers for park staff are a necessity , as after hours emergencies and tasks often arise. t2s.�C MNL=2&-- The proposed budget amount is $765. This figure is f6r services rendered by the bank for the Trust. Public Neticros Tte proposed budget amount is $2,000. Trim provision is pursuant to ordinance 110348, for pavrchar+es in excese of $350, 000. This fund allows the Tz.ust to �Iq a transmit, via radio and television, notices of activities, events, and spacial appearances of concern to those having no access to the newspapers and to those having limited reading ability or physical impairments. The proposed budget amount is $2,600. Pursuant to City ordinance 110348, the Trust is required to comply with all purchasing requirements under the City of Miami Bidding Code for any ,purchase in excess of $4, 500. This allocation will enable the Trust to notify merchants of the opportunity to provide goods and/or services to the park. Professional Develppment and Conferences �� .3�'14i�� � + a►rs The proposed amount is $3, 000. It is used strictly for airline and travel -related expenses connected with business conferences and other park related travel. Attendance at major conferences is 11 not: only highly infornativ+e and educational, but also serves to promote eta Trust and the Parr. Vocal academic and commercial .institutions provide further instruction, in management and facilitiesmamintenance. U& 22nage 3""UXU= The proposed budget amount is $10500. This account will furnish registration fees for participation in the International Association of Auditorium Managers Conference, Waterfront Board Conference, the National Recreation and Parkes Association, and National Facility Kanageers conventions, Membership in each of theses professional organizations provides they Executive Director/General Manager with updated information concerning industry practices. Participation in each of these conferences I 1A 96- 666 and conventions provides the Executive Director/General Manager the opportunity to exchange information regarding effective ;management tec.+anlspaes. arils x The proposed budget amount is $2 , 000. These funds will be used for incidental expenses for conferences. 11gThe proposed budget amount is $5,000. These funds will be used for incidental expenses associated with the monthly meetings of the Bayfront Park Management Trust. 2 The proposed budget amount is $0. 3 #�esh +per �ubgorigtions y The proposed budget amount is $2,000. This amount includes fees for the Park staff members participation in local and national meetings, seminars, and similar activities pertaining to 'trust business. Additionally, staff members will be covered under this item for fees incurred for enrollment in classes and seminars for professional development, (i.e., computer classes at local institutions of technical and higher education) . This modest budget amount will help to enhance employee productivity and professionalism. lid �a�im�uraa"�a_}g n �aai: The proposed budget is $34600. This amount will covor expenses associated with new business davelopiaent and other related expenses in Bayf'ront park. The Execrative Director/General Manager shall turn in a periodic expense reports detailing his business development and other related expenses. A tinise ration Xnsu ranee tahil,i ty IBsurrsnThe proposed budget amount is 03, jW. This insurance provision covers potential liability whioh may or may not be incurred by the Trust, the Executive 19 96- 666 Director/Garteral Manager or their designees. This is bused on the Trust's and the Executive Director/General Manager's taking ultimate responsibility for any and all actions and discussions concarning the park. ,Accordingly, the City of Miami ordinances covering persons in such positions fully assumes that liability might ensue in certain positions such as this. Liability insQurances, therefore, is warranted by prudence. In seddition, members of the Sayfront bark Management Trust will be insured for any a.nd all matters and decisions made by them in their capacity as members of the Trust. n-Uhi.4la lam see = The; proposed budget amount: is $00. 113 Trust _Vx_gW i 10-84ZAILA901 The proposed budget amount is $6, 0a0. Thi's provision covers all City of Miami and Trust propeerty, which is not covered under the City's self-insurance :fund. The Risk Xatsnagema3nt Department after careful assessment of Bayfront Park has recommended the Trust obtain such insurance. �44 ContriiauUao C t2 Self Y ae® Funds, The proposed budget amount,is $17,000. This amount enters the Trust into the City Self Insurance Fund and provides; further,protection. against catastrophic damages in the Park. Professional Services UA &ycountinq BoXyloes; The proposed budget amount is $9 0 5CQ . This is for professs,ional accounting service to provide the Executive Director/General Manager with duty -to -day bookkeeping asssiatance, including internal financial accountability. Financial. :statements will be compiled on a monthly basis. These statements will be prepared for inspection and reviewed by the mmobarss of the Sayfront Perk Management Trust. This also 14 966- 666 4 :r 104 F, includes maintenance, as needed, on the current accounting ,systems in plabe and minor enhancements as may be needed.. *canal, The proposed budget amount is $20,000. A certified annual audit is required by the State of Florida Auditor Generalrs office for entities which are agencies of the City of Miami. This annual audit must be attested to by a '! Certified Public Accountant. .All items in the budget of any class, 'rind, or description must be accounted'for, to satisfy the state's regulations. Additionally, the auditor will work'with staff to develop next fiscal year's budget, developing all presentations and justifications. �tec�v3at v_,+b�ist: The proposed budget amount is $00:* 11 Ins Contr,im-eay Pdu : The proposed budget amount is $15, 000. The contingency fee will be used to cover unexpected events that arise,during FY 96/97r h f1Yr t x i %AWA,'e 1/ 96- 666 MARKETING, FUNDRAISING, SPECIAL EVENTS REVENUES SPONSORSHIPS AND CONTRIBUTIONS REVENUE 200.1 A T & T SPONSORS -HIP 200.14-A T & T MARQUEE RE -VENUES 200.E -CITY OF MIAMI CONTRIBUTION FOR CITY SPONSORED EVENTS 200.8 -FOURTH OF JULY 200.7 -PUBLIC GRANTS 200.9 BP MT ART SHOWN 200.10-TINA HILLS SERIES 200.13-TEMPORATf ART INSTALLATION TOTAL (SPONSORSHIPS & CONTRIBUTIONS ,REVENUE ANNUAL PROGRAMMING & EVENT SERVICE REVENUE 200.2 -BEVERAGE & OTHER REVENUE 200.4-4-'SPECIAL EVENT ELECTRICAL 200.4-1-EVENT PARKING, CONTROL STAFF 200.4 B.,P.M.T. SHOW STAFFING 200.4-3 ALCOHOL Its STAFF 200.4-2-BOX OFFICE STAFF & MOMT 200.4-7-SPECIAL EVENT SECT R17Y 200.4.4-iC%I' Y OF MIAMI FIRE RESCUE SERVICES 200.4-6-CITY OF MIAMI POLICE 200.6 ,.CII Y OF MIAMI TRASH BURNING FEES 200.7-EVENt CLEAN-UP SERVICES TOTAL ANNUAL. PROGRAMMING & EVENT REVENUE TOTAL (MARKETING & SPECIAL EVENTS REVENUES EXPENSES MARKETING, ;FUNDRAISING & SPECIAL EVENTS PERSONNEL 201-Event Coordinator 202-Internship 203-Spedial Event Account Clerk 204-Sp Temporary Labor 205-,`gip PayrolIIng Cost 206-B.P.M.T. Health and Dental Insurances Contribution TOTAL, PERSONNEL 12 FY 9'6-97 225,000 20,000 360,000 155c0CF,000 56,000 20,000 26,000 50,000 905,000 30,000 70,000 60,000 75,000 65,000 65,000 10,000 40,000 48,000 40,000 90,000 593.000 1,498,000 29,615 3,000 30,711 1,600 19,448 3,000 87,274 96- 666 OL MARKETING, FUNDRAISING & SPECIAL EVENTS STAFFING 207-Lay of Show Staffing 208-Event Parking Personnel 209-Bois Office Personnel & Management 210-Alcohol ICE Personnel 211-Special Event Electrical Services 212-City of Miami Fire Rescue Services 213-City of Miami Police 214-Defy of Show Security Services 215-Event Cleanup Services TOTAL EVENT STAFFING SPECIAL. EVENT ANNUAL CONTRACTED SERVICES 216-A T &. T Contractuol Commission 217-Special !went Fundralsing Commissions 219-Marke+tinq Consultant &,Special Services 220-B.P.M.T, Quartedy Newsletter Production 221!-Public Relations Services 222-Minottty affairs Services TOTAL. CONTRACTED SERVICES SPECIAL E WENTS, & MARKETING OFFICE COSTS 2,.2�-CordpsA.er Supplies 22 P Courier 225.-SP EgOprnent Purchase 22"P Equipment Rental 227-SP Postage 228 P Printing 229-SP Supplies 230-SP (elephone TOTAL OFFICE COSTS SPECIAL EVENT/MARKETING ADVERTISING & DESIGN 231-General Masl<et Print Advertising 232-Ge€ erai Market Broadcast Advertising 233-Minority Market Print Advertising 234-Minodtly Market Bra, adcl ast Advertising 235-Broadcast Production Costs 236-Design & Graphics 237-Photographic & Video Services 238-Printing 239-Public Relations Promotional Items TOTAL ADVERTISING & DESIGN 19 32,600 60,000 20,OW 51000 16, 32,000 166,600 1,250 2,500 2,728 7,382 1,000 Z, 00 7,20E 3,000 27,560 96— 666 r 0 MARQUEE ADVERTISING EXPENSES 241•AT&T Marquee Electrical 4,040 242-AT&T Marquee Maintenance Contract 7,344 243-Mort Contractual Maintenance 31000 TOTAL MARQUEE EXPENSES 114,344 EVENT PRODUCTION COSTS 244-SP Events -Pk Produced 20,000 245-Fourth of July 130,000 246-SPMT Art Show 25,000 247-11na hulls Series 32,000 248-Two Temporary Art Installation 50,000 249-Ucanse Pee 0 250-Merchandise & Beverage Costs 15,000 TOTAL EVENT PRODUCTION COSTS 272,000 ' EVENT SPONSORSHIP COSTS „ 251-Sp Events -Pk Sponsored 12,000 25"oint Cultural Pr9mming 50,000 " "TOTAL EVENT SPONSORSHIP COSTS +62,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 256-Promobonai 11600 267-Business Travel & Seminars 1,200 256-Conference Expenses 6,000 259-Conference Registration 5,000 260-Memberships & Publicatidns 3,000 261-TRANSFER DEVELOPMENT COSTS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE 2,565 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 15,265 SPECIAL EVENT INSURANCE 262-Insurance 12,000 TOTAL INSURANCE 12,000 CITY SP,QNS,ORED EVENTS 263-City Sponsored Events 360,000 TOTAL CITY SPONSORED EVENTS 360,000 TOTAL MARKETING & SPECIAL, EVENTS EXPENSES 1,554,0 44 REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES 56 044 Ali. City ®f b iami yfront Paris Special Events &Marketing Operating Bridget Notes to Proposed Budget 1996- 7 nalaries ,�,�� i tte ►i _ � _ The proposed budget amount is $29, 615. The,position reports to the Executive Director/General Manager. The Event Coordinator will help coordinate events, track sponsorship, benefits, and provide telemarketing skills applied to "tival sales. sn'addition, the Event Coordinator shall be a: charged with maintaining a calendar of events and interviewing organizations car individuals 'interested in contracting for. the ,use of the facility. The Event Coordinator shall be on -site at all events and in addition to overseeing sponsor benefits, shall. work closdiy with Park event: staff on physical details of events. The'Event", Coordinat6x may snake initial contacts with sponsors to detarmine interest in events at the Park. The qualified person needs 'to ba stable, organized, and capable of handling many projects ' a �tmultaneously. This position has become a necessbt.y due to they increased number of events and activities at the park. ULt_ The proposed budget amount is' $3 , 000. These funds will be used to provide, a qualified student the opportunity, tC w6rk directly in the, Rayfront park special event department.. This p0aition reporte directly to the Event Coordinator. 292 el Kysnt ,Itrks The proposed annual salary is $30g.7,11.. Special Event Accounting Clerk is responsible for all clerIcel and bookksoping duties associated with special II 96— 666 events and marketing. The Special Event Accounting Clerk may also be called upon to assist the office Manager and Secretary during particularly heavy, workloads. The Special Event Accounting Clerk reports to the office Manager, to the Executive Director/General. Manager and the Event Coordinator. A4 pares: i�'i, La aa, The proposed budget amount is $1,500. This item takes into consideration peak typing periods, when significant numbers of annual marketing proposals need to be sent to potential sponsors. This period coincides with budget developMaht and, therefore, necessitates simultaneous proposals to various corporations. din asts: The proposed budget amount is ;19, 448. The Trutt uses an outside payrolling company at an average cost of thirty percent (3o*) above gross salaries to cover payroll expenses.. The (30%) cost includes the fee for an independent eompany,to employ the workers on behalf of the Trust, as well as covers Worker's Compensation Insurance, the employer's portion of Social Security tax and Federal and State unemployment taxes. ¢ Bi+iM MLjeith and ldwntall Insuraace Co trkku_tjQjL. The proposed budget amount is $3,000. This amount will cover the health and dental insurance clue.the mull time employees in the marketing department, namely the Event Coordinator and the Special went Accounting Clerk. f Rvent Rtaaf f iAq �0� Dad► of :'Shaw Si�a�fftncs The proposed budget amount is 068,101. Went Staffing includes, but is not limited to, 4 person of 'zaeeded for set-up, break -down and maintenance of ovontn.Event; Staff are usually Sayfront park employees, but their wages, f6r event word: differ from that of their. regular G ,l salary. It has been determined that due to issues of liability, event staff should no longer be paid directly by the promoter as they had been in the past. outside personnel are also often hired for event stark, especially for the larger events. ant F R2ZjSAAgLjL The proposed budget amount is $60,oho. Event Parking personnel work every event in Bayf'ront Park an xanage,the extremely limited on --site parking locations. ...a F+eraa el aea��t� The proposed budget amount is $445,000. Box office Personnel and Management are used a- all gated events to ensure accurate ticket collection and counts,. Kjo nel: The proposed budget amount is $65,000. Park controlled Alcohol ID Personnel are required at all events where alcohol is Trended. "Alt%, er t El,atri.cal Services; The proposed budget araoiznt is `$70, 000 . All special events held in Mayfront Park require the serviGas of a certified electrician T.iho can connect house poweir to the promoter's equipment. 212 C tr, Of r4b a ue S eryiae:. The proposed budget amour,.t is $40, 000.. Fire Rescue Service is required at all events, to .ensure the safety and well being of park visitors. � tv ogKjAntFoA sue&. The proposed budget amount is $4E,000. The ,Ci.ty of Miami Police are required at all ©Vents held in Eayfront Park and ensure the security and well being of park visitors. Day o,,,,o ,,�c��t�► Sary Se ; The proposed, budget amount is $10, 000. Private security firms are used to provide *'t,-shirt1° security at park events. B;aont y F.. Ser'v., The proposed budget amount is 11 96- 666 Ii n $90, 000 and covers the cast of post -show cleanup for events that take place at Bay:front Park. special bent contracted services a 16 z QCe=n=gtRAI iss o4s: This proposed amount is $32,r00. This amount is required by contract between the consultant who attracted the AT&T Sponsorship package to Bayfront a Laing Commission% The proposed budget amount ii $50, 000 and represents 20% of sponsorship support raised.; 2i9 Mark ! 4g: Copse nt a We-PAAI tte q, c®s. _ The proposed budget amount is $20:,,000. The Marketing Consultant is charged with ovfarseeing sponsorship+ packages,, creating events, generating advertising and public relations material and releases` and providing overall promoti6nal su"port to the Park. The conssul,tant shall develop and nurture positive relationships with the edl'ia. Duties also include: keeping current with potential oponsors, and trends in special,events marketing. The Marketing Consultant works under the direction of the Executive Director/General Manager and is expected to be both a generator of, and'sounding board for any and all fundraising propositions., I!E N*18i�tioan t The proposed ''budget anount is $!5, 000. These coats cover the production the Bayfront Pasrkle gaarterly newsletter. They proposed budget amount is $16, 00. The Trust uses public relations eronsul.tants in all show* that it produces, including the truly 4th, America's Birthday Aa+sh and all park sponsored events. i 24 c� 4 666 r 2 IjincF M airs SarvicseL: The proposed budget amount is $32,000- ThEtea fees will cover the cost of a consultant who will advise the Trust as to appropriate actions with regards to minority, affairs. Office Mpeases a�rIg The proposed budget amount is $1, 250. This am►ourst will cover all,comput6r related costs. The r urputar has become an integral part of the marketing department and is used to generate printed materials such as calandars, brochures, proposals and notices. The proposed budget amount is $2,500. This item reflects the need to deliver hard copies of documents immediately. These documents include sponsorship packages, booking agoncy proposals and legal documents. ohasasss; The proposed budget amount is $2, 728. This amount will cover computer and related equipment purchases for the marketing department. ilpaut_��?U nte,�,a�,o , The proposed budget amount is $7,382. The proposed budget amount is to cover rental and maintenance costs of the office equipment In the marketing department. The proposed budget amount is $1,000 and reflects' %ailing costs associated with press releases and direct mail campaigns for sales purposes. Promoters packets are mailed. in large envelopes with are increased cost above normal business sized letters. The proposed budget amount is $2, 500, This .nouht covers pastarsA flyers, credentials, brochures, and Urge stele aales proposals. Promoters kits and brochures ;4 96 666 4 1 for mass mailings are also included under this budget item, 19,52 The proposed budget 'amount ,its $7, 2Q0, A pocket organizer to track calendar listings, folders, pens, typewriter suppliva, and normaloffice supplies are included under this budge: item. fie, The proposed budget amount is $3, 000. This i;lnaludas Broward and Palm Beach calls necessary for comasurniGationa with the two biggest talent bookers/promoters in our —area. Telemarketing for festivals, calls to New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles advertising and P.R. firms, box office reports from other venues, and special events inquiries make up the 3u)k of marketing related long distance. MZ'ketiug"&nd Promotions Advertising �3' ►ene iMarlset print Advqmat : The proposed budget amount.. iss $10j Q00 This advertising will be placed, in general market magazines and publications targeting bath promoters and the general market, s2 ��aesya�. Hark®t jjrandoaq A vmrtillncs The proposed budget amount. s l$4, 000. These funds will cover general market radio and telgvision advertisirng. �1,=Y ..trr►t �#dv�g.'s_ The proposed budget amount'is $S, 600. 'these funds will be used to place event c v x iainl in minority targeted print media. W—UROMI.#3!'. � d�►®s . �, The proposed budget amount is $4 , 000. These funds will ,be used to purchase radio and t'Ole vi. i.orl +advert,i.ng in primarily minority targeted. media. The proposed budget amount is $10,000. Those funds will, be used to cover media production costs 96- 666 LI associated with the Trust's advertising. 224 g]J Ld julk0 The proposed budget amount is $5,000. This line item encompasses creation of promotional pigs►, -es for nal.es laresentations, commemorative posters and advertising. 37 & Videoerua o The proposed budget amount is $s,0g0. This item includes hiring of free-lance photographers and videographers for ,event, publicity and sponsor purposes. WorkAnq at the direction of the Event Coordinator, specific photographs may be taken, edited, and put into a library file fcTrdat . Primt.ina; The proposed budget amount is $5,000. Large quantity printing of counter cards, brochures, and posters for major annual events. These items are major public information pomrces and are distributed through detail outlets, route, drivers, etc. ^Puhlg bcamg i.o m��temsz: The propooed budget amount - is $10, 000. These funds are used for the production of promational it.e*s for Trust sponsored events, including but not limited to t,-starts and drinking mugs.. Kaaquac Advertising Suprensen �...s ge I2atsrigatl gnstei The proposed budget amount, $4,000, represents the projected monthly electrical bill. from PPL fir 'the operation of the AT&T Marquee. Z 114=22 main ge ©algagI , The proposed budget amount is $7,344,and, will cover than cost of the AT&TIst Marquee maintenance contract for one year. .$,.. ,L The proposed budget amount is $3,000, and will hs used to cover repairs to the marquee that ar* 17 96— 666 not covered by the Trust's contract with ADSysteMBIA Bvent Production Costs +Ark Produced NYod�1 This proposed budget amount of $20,000 encompasses payment to major talent for park sponsored events. These are showcase events for the Park and brine positive publicity while introducing the park to a diverse audience. 2jfi 22ME.th. of "JI: The proposed budget amount is $130, 000 acid is uoed to cover direct cosh incurred by the Trust in the operation of the largest 4th or July Celebration in southeast Florida. These,funds support talent, advertising, staff and operational costs. .r. t park dirt 8hMr The proposed budget amount is $25, 000 and covers all production coasts, advertising and marketing ae well as talent fees for the Bayfront park dirt Show. RLIouth NO _ I&XIes: This proposed budget amount is and will cover all production costs for free performances in the Tina Hills Pavilion6 r orai^v Art xn, t ,c, : The proposed budget amount is $50, 009„ Theria funds will be used to support a minimum of two t+esporazpy art installations,, similar in concept to Wi.ndscas. Fees The proposed budget amount ,is $W, The proposed budget amount: is These ex endit cares will cover the cost of merchandise and beverages at Park Produced Events. cent OPORMorphip costs Pork apansoro* '�red kcrants: The 96— 666 proposed budget amount is $12,000 which encompasses payment of smaller contributions toward worthwhile non-profit events that take place throughout the year,, Examples of the types of shows include: P1The Big Orange New Year's Ede celebration," and wrountain Shows.10 �. is i ussi,� Est€y�a10 The proposed budget amount of $04. The proposed budget amount of $00 . 91. 9Ailmt eu:ngg mmine�: The proposed budget amount of $56,000* These funds will be used to support evenst co-sponored by the Trust and other entities. Trof assesiona .1 mevel.opmont a&j pXMLo_tbop_a r The proposed budget amount is $1, 500. These funds will be used to support staff promotional activities as tgiej� rall,ate to park sponsored or produced shows. gl Trsssvei and 892,i;gara: The proposed amount ,is $1, 200. It is used strictly for airline and travel -related %upensses connected with business conferences and other parts related travel. Attendance at major conferences is not only "highly informative and educational, but also serves to prori*te the Trust and the bark. Local academic and commercial insttttations provide further instruction in management and facilities maintenance. 2. Sruf4reencsss CRAP s The proposed bodg+et amount is $5, 000,. These funds will be used for incidental expenses ;for con.ferarces . . '�. .9 t3o�►a The proposed budget amount Is This account will furnish registration fees for palrtipipation in the International Assogoiati.on of huditorium 29 96— 666 _ f, Managers Conference, Waterfront Board Conference, the national Recreation and parks Association, and National Facility Managers conventions. Membership in each of these professional organizations provides the Executive Director/General Manager with updated information concerning industry practices. Participation in each of these conferences and conventions provides the Executive Director/General Manager the ,opportunity to exchange information regarding effective managem6nt techniques. subscarigtions: The proposed budget amount is $ ; 000. This amount includes fees for the Park staff member's part; cipation, ire„ local and national meetings, aeminars, .and similar activities pertaining to Trost;, business. Additionally, staff members will. be covered under this item for fees incurred for enrollment in classes and seminars for professional development, (i.e., computer classes.at local institutions of techr i.cal and higher education) . This modest budget amount will help`to enhance. employee productivity and Orofess ionali.sm. Transfer Frog Admi.afsstgatiVe Budget The transfer amount of $2, 56B is the ca,lekliated portion of administrative costs transferred to Favbdxaising and :special Event staff. Spacial Lvetatp Insurance The proposed budget amount is $12, 000. This �s geinernl liability and third party alcohol insuran-ce for Trust produced events. city OPcaasarad; Zveats 30 96 - 666 III The propos6d budget amount is $360,000. Theme funds will be used to support events sponsored in conjunction with the City of Miami. SAYFRONT PARK MAINTENANCE REVENUES MAINTENANCE REVENUES 300.1-CITY MAINTENANCE CONTRIBUTION 300.2-CITY TRASH REMOVAL CONTRIBUTION 300.3-CITY UTILITIES CONTRIBUTiON 300.4-CURRY GIFT TO CHALLENGER MEMORIAL TOTAL MAINTENANCE REVENUES EXPENSES PARK MAINTENANCE STAFF 30I.Park Maintenance Supervisor 307-Maintenance Assistant I 306-Maintenance .Assistant It 306 emperary Labor 307-Peyroliing Cost 308-B.P.M.T. 403B Plan Contribution 30$<-B.P.M.T. Health And Dental Insurance Contribution TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE STAFF PARK` MAINTENANCE CONTRACTED SERVICES CONTRACTED SPECIALIZED PERSONNEL 311-Furl' & Irrigation Specialist 312-Turf .& Irrigation Assistant 313-M►scellaneous Labor 314-Welder TOTAL PARK MAINTENANCE CONTRACTED SERVICES LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 315A andscape and Grass 316-Archilectural Advisor 317-New Landscape Plants 318-Specialized Landscape Contractual Services 319-Sokialized Maintenances 320-CDA Special Projects & Maintenance Grant 321-Challenger Memorial Flower Maintenance 322-Tree Trimming 323-Past Control 324-Fertilizer 'TOTAL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 32 FY' 96-97 529,500 33,000 60,000 15,000 637,500 41,132 19.963 19,392 2,095 34,684 0 5,580 122,846 41,389 19,899 1,000 1,000 63,288 20,000 12,000 1,500 0 40,000 0 15,000 3,500 2,500 61000 100,500 96- 666 -At GENERAL PARK M, AIINTENANCE & CONTRACTING 328-Warning & Information Signage 1,000 326-General Park Contractor 0 327. Office Cleaning & Maintenance 51500 328-Rock Garden/Docks Maintenance 0 328-pure Cleaning 15,000 330y'4 ookend Debris removal 0 331-Security Enclosures Maintenance & Repair 0 332-Ticket Trailers Maintenance 3,000 333-Painting and Accessories 7,000 334-Uniforms 2,000 335-Park Vehicle Maintenance and Repair 2,500 335-Truck tease Payments 6,500 TOTAL GENERAL PARK MAINT CONTRACTING 42,500 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT 337-Equipment Leasing & Rentals 5,300 338-Miscellaneous Supplies 1,500 338-Golf Cart Maintenance & Repair 2,500 340-Purchase of Two Golf Carts 2,500 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT 11,800 ELLECTR1C.At SERVICES. 344-Specialized Electrical Contracting Labor 21,015 342-Electrical Maintenance, Materials 10,000 343-Bulbs, Fixtures & Poles 10,000 344-New FRS&L. Voltage Conversions 11000 TOTAL ELEC."M ` L SERVICES 42,015 AJR CONDITIONING MAINT & REPAID CONTRACTS 34 Amphitheater 6,000 346-Service Building 500 7-Warrants Contract 2,000 TOUL,AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTS 8,500 tMUTIES 348-Dade County !Hater & Sewer 5,000 340- :'P&L U'ilitles 55,000 TOTAL U"nLITIES 60,000 11 GARBAGE AND TRASH COMPACTOR MAINTENANCE 350'-City of Miami Trash Burning Fee 33,000 35 1 =Maintenance & Repair 2,000 362-New Garbage Barrels (100) 11000 TOTAL GARBAGE AND COMPACTOR MAINTENANCE 36,000 Ill 96— 666 INSURANCE 355-Park Vehicle Insurance 51000 366-Maintenance Deductible & Insurance Copayment 2,000 TOTAL INSURANCE 71000 MAINTENANCE, SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT 369-Chemicals 3,000 360-Cleaning Supplies 11.000 361 -Tool Purchases 11600 362-Miscellaneous 11000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT 61500 PLUMBING & IRfUGATION 363--iGeneral Plumbing RepaiT & Maintenance Soo 364-Maintenance of Water Pumps 1,000 r 36.5-Sprinkler Maintenance & Repair 51000 366-Pop Up Jet Replacement, 0 `TOTAL PLUMBING & IFMGA'nON 61500 PAW SECURITY 367-Pdvate Security 40,000 368-Purch, Repair, Service & Replacement,of Hand Radios 2,000 TGTAL PARK SECURITY 42,000 MAINTENANCE OFFICE COST 369-TRANSFER FROM ADMINISTRAnON 8,965 'TOTAL OFFICE COST 81965 TOTAL MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 558,414 REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES 79.086 34 96- 666 1 i ;; oac: The proposed budget amount is $410132. This is a senior management position who reports to the Executive Director/General Manager, whose responsibilities include: all park maintemance and supervision of landscaping contractors, management of park maintenance workers and all general park m.aintehance requirements. arF A tjadgat 1, The proposed budget amount is $190 963. The Park Attendant 1 receives daily work assignments and works alo.ggside other park maintenance personnel. Furthermore, this employee assumes responsibility for the proper and timely completion of these daily assignments. The Park Attendant position calls for an able-bodied, intelligent employee,,who not only performs his daily tasks satisfactorily, but who is also able to solve problems, report hazardous or unusual situations O.r conditions as they arise, and to acquaint himself with all general aspects of the Pa,rk's grounds, equipment, and buildings.. ,fig; a dt�at Yea The proposed budget amount is $19, 392. This employees receives daily work assignments and works alongside other park maintenance personnel. Furthermore, this employee assumes responsibility for the proper and timely completion of these daily asaignments,. The Park Attendant position calls for an able-bodied, intelligent: employee, who not only performs his 19 9s- 666 daily tasks satis4sf*c torily, but who is also able to salvia problems, report hazardous or unusual situations or, conditions an 'they &rise, and to acquaint himself with all general aspects of the Park's grounds, equipment, and buildings. Si.._20U-. Q. The proposed budget amount is $2, 095. Thesse workers shall supplement a variety of needs for the Park Supervisor. r�+Co0tsa: The proposed budget is $340aa4. The 'Trust uses an outside payrolling company at an average cost of 30 percent (30%) above gross salaries to cover 'payroll expenses. The 30% cost includes the fee for an independent company to employ the workers on behalf of the Trust as well as covers Worker"ss Compensation Insuranca, the employer's portion of Social security tax and Federal and State unemployment taxes. 3,06 Z= 40'� . 'flan Contrion: The proposed budget amount is $00. Due the Trust's legal standing, its employees are prohibited from participating in a 403B plan. 0 i+% a-nA�r t1l Contribution: The proposed budget' emount is $a, 580. This amount will cover the health and dental insurance due the full time employees in the maintenance department. cones ctedt dpecieli x*d Personnel io;} 82010ilait: The proposed budgets amount is ,, $41., 33'9. The Turf & Irrigation Specialist works closely with the Park Maintenance Supervisor to ensure the, health and vitality of tZe flora in Oayfront Park. His responsibilities include-, no ntemmnce of irrigation system, fertilization of trees a,rod turf ,and aaa►nAgelaent of landscape maintenance crows. , tTt f YrariQ ti,�,g Aa igtaat: The proposed budget amount is $19 0 899. The Turf 4 irrigation Assistant reporta to the Turf +� . Xtrigat on specialist and is responsible to assist s&%e in the management and care of the flora in Bayfront Park. %J soff jLt The proposed budget amount is $10000. These workers shall supplement a variety of needs for the park su&rvi sor . , _fttrs The proposed 'budget amount is $1, 000. The welder is required to repair i-he+ many pieces of railing and pipe. in the par-k. that is damaged throughout the year. L dsaspe Maintenance Z t�i zi Gms,ra tee.,:, The proposed budget amount ins $20 p`000. This proposal calls for a licensed landscape and maintenance contractor to perform occasional landscape maintenance in the park. The contractor assumes all equipment and related materials costs (excluding fertilizer and herbicide),. This contractor is responsible for, providing all benefits as_ required by law for h$s employees as well as keeping a record of his performance under the contract. The contractors on -site Oure-Visor will report to the Park Supervisor. The contractor will pay all salaries and expenses of his employees, and all r Federal,, Social Security Takes, Federal and State Unemploy"Zont TaxeR, and any similar payroll. 'taxes relating to sugwh employees mnowill curry Worker°s Compensation Insurance, as required by j j. law, for such employees. o!h' ;� gtatl A rA The proposed budget aYrount' of $12, 000 'will rsover annual fee paid to Toaster Panobast, AFAI to ensure, integrity of that Noguchi design at Bayfront Park. 666 t ;19 Nmw Lanplan se The proposed budget amount is $1, 500. Thos,es funds will be used to replace damaged or dying plants as needed. III-ft f.gi3 is �d gam® ..e�$ont 4�� ea ►i+ The proposed budget amount is $00. The proposed amount Lbudget is $40 t 000 4 Ttresse 1:usnde will be used for special maintenance Projects in Bayfrant SPark, such as lift station repair, winch repair: replacement, etc. etiepts mug K- inter anger OXaintS The proposed budget amount is $ 0 0 . a�tlasa teg _ pt o: ial Flow K HgjR, a cam. The proposed budget amou nt is $15, 000. The funds will be rased to maintain plantings In Chae,llenger Memorial as required by contract between . the City W Miami and Miss Lamar Louise Curry, Contractor: The proposed budget is $3,500. The6a funds would. be used to 'hire contractors needed to keep the trees and shrubs manicured with an eye to aesthetic and safety cor bcernS . 223 P*oj _CThe proposed budget mount is $2,500. These ftaidss will be used to maintain an ongoing relationship with an ea e,xa.ihatdr, 'to keep rodents and insects to a minimum in ftyf ont )Park. proposed budget is $6, 000. This is needed to fertilize all palms and cocoanut trees at least four times a year. For weed growth, an herbicide will be used as needled. Also, grass paint is to be used for discolored turf before and after events. Additionally, minor or trace elements and cm►m-pnertss are routinely required to maintain healthy and beautiful. appearance of the Park's lawns. feral nark Faiutananoe & Contraatinq 32S.. Wa ", : The proposed budget amount is $1 0 000. These ;funds will be used, to begin an informational and directional signage program in Bayfront Park. �►� t�ex 1. '�k Cod �. 1. The proposed budget is $00. a�ff ioe s nc & a akaaaagq L The proposed budget amount is $5,500. Thrace funds will be used to hire a maintenance contractor to clean the Bayfront Park Offices. ..ME L4SD a&j- p o The proposed budget amount is. $oo. x1ho ,maintanance of the Rock Carders has been shifted to a regular Maintenance Department Duty. jaSrj& :aaaaann The proposed budget amount ii $15, 000. These funds will be used to enter into an agreement with a contractor to provide pressure cleaning services to Bayfront park on a weekly basis. jLq&X�ems' a The proposed. budget amount is $00 . �►u ritr , � �. tanan& Re air: The ,proposed budget amount is $oo. L The proposed budget amount is $31,Q06. These funds will enable the Trust to repair damage to ticket; trailera awned by Ba;yfrbnt Park. Paj" is e . The proposed budget amount is $7.Ooo. ,, This material �,s rreceessary for the AT&T Amphitheater, 4A*ate° Light:, Tower, all walls, and adjoining buildings and surface p, including the park offices and maintenance areas. Due ;o ie tact that the: park is open to the public 24 hours a day, inoluding special park ovents, the park is suffering heavy 9 damage to the walls from skateboards and graffiti. The staff U840 paint to cover these areas since heavy stripping solvents do not completely remove the damage and they Land to discolor the paint aurfaoe. A consistent maintenance program of painting must be Initiatad on a year-round basiab The park's agreement vith the Roqse Corporation, based on Miami Limited, Inc., requires that the facility be painted to maintain aesthetic standards. The proposed budget amount is $2rOOO. The AUT contract requires park maintenance staff to have uniforms reflective of AT&T sponsorship. Deed budget DAL The propose amount is $;,500 for routine maintenance and repairs of the Pa rk,'s pidk-up truck. This will include tires,, tune-ups and c9ehicle ma3intetnance. mplete v , Payaentg: The proposed budget amount is $60500. These funds. will be used to make lease payments on two trucks in Bayfront Park. Kaintenance supplies & equipment U1, Easing _A MtAln. The proposed budget amount is 0� j!60� The budgeted arount, will cover costs to lease and or rent Kaipment associated with park 'upkeep and maintenance. g_%Ua;Ltqj _jv2VjUqm, The proposed lx4dget amount is -$1f50O." The budgeted anount'vill allow for staff nwabers to purchase miscellaneous supplies as the need arises. ARE The proposed budget amount $2,500. These funds will be used for maintenance and repair of the ,Trust la two golf carts. The proposed budget amount is 40 !lq- 666 0 sm S2,SOO. The Dayfrant Park Management Trust maintenance staff has recantiy encountered a critical shortage of transport vehicles. The proposed budget amount will allow for the purchase of additiornal vepxicl c s ' to alleviate the shortage. sloctrical. services ri+�aI. Contr Oted-LAkno The proposed Budget amount is $21,015. This amount includes maintenance of administrative offices, stage li,q'hting, sound systems,, general lighting, throughoxnt t he Park, alarm and telephone syistms, 'There area,"oven Soo electrical outlets within the 36-acre Bayfront Paris cf:o plea which must be routinely inspected to ensure proper and adecriate lighting for pedestrians, spectators and event personnel. An Electrical contractor will provide the Park ;r Super�risor and his staff with a. monthly report along with uI iportirng documentation concerning the status of various eYecirical systems in the ;Park. The electrical contractor has ode various capita? improvements during the last fiscal year. 7r The proposed budget arnourit is $10, 0000 and includes lamps, fuses, receptaclea, switches, and miscellaneous ha1':dware related to the above. This ;writ curer most fixtures within Park buildings main offices, the service building, the maintenance building, and ::he Amphitheater. F'luot4gcent bulbar, standard Incandescent bulbs, {' wall cduplex rociptac:les, single -pole switches, cover plates, and a=11-•amperage fuse breakers are the only materials involved, An lectrica l ,Contr4ctor will purchase these materials at wholesale 3 coat:, in order to take advantage of craantity purchasing, and prase I , i ae savings on to the Trust. Major p;eces of equipment Are not dI 96- 666 included. . r .. jAtUrj&_k_RqjjftL The proposed budget amount $10, 000. These funds will be used to replace burnt out bulbs and damaged and missing electrical poles in Bayfront uric. iliML The proposed budget amount is $11o0 d. thease funds will be used to upgrade and improve transformers at Bayfront Park. r Air; coaad,t Ilan; neg Maintenance f Repa.ilr 4 �h�.tgpatess The proposed budget amount, $6, 000, will enable jr the ;;T ust to maintain the AC unit in then amphitheater dressing rooms. Smr .� .� id t. ►era The proposed budget ait,ount, $500, will nai�le the Test: to maintain the AC unit in the Ser�:i.ce Building. The proposed budget amount is $2,000. These funds will be used io secure and maintain a warranty on the repaired AC units in both the Amphitheater, & 'the Service Building. Utilities . .a_t* Wat-- 'The 'proposed .budget amount, is $5,000. Watdr. is% asseatial to maintain the parX grounds. . ... �, The proposed budget amount is $55, 000. hese''`funds would be used to cover the electrical costs associated with the maintenance department. Garbage, fi Trash Compactor Maintenance i ;"Act Saa. The proposed :budget amount t ir.$33, 000. T4is budget amount will cover costs imposed by the city, to transport trash from the park to the Metro -Dade County � 96- 666 i Incinerator. The proposed budget amount is $2, 0'00. It is expected that at least one or two of these units will need repair, due to the constant use during the operating year. JAMI.Sl The proposed budget amount is $1, 000. fte proposed budget amount will allow for the purchase of new gorbagh barrels which will help to create,,a more beautiful and coh6sive appearance at the park. gnsur�ncaa The proposed budget amount is $.), A00. a ",pia ,.peovision allowd fair inlsur anct� to cover the gaff camas and service trunks based, on Trust property and used in connection ,dith park zaintenance and related projects. The City and Trust are named as additional insured parties. This ,insurance covert property damage and personal liability of golf dart and park vehicle 'cp4irat.ors. The vehicles mentioned above are in constant. use at all hours of the day and nigh: and quite often in heavy crowds. . Maintensoc dUCtJbJ-q__1L Insurance -..� .� ' " The proposed budget amount is $2,000. .1 xOntanance OWpl1,08 and Squiplaeut � h aalai The proposed budget amount is $3,000 and will be used to the cover cost of a variety of solvents and cleaners that will be used in and can structures located in Bayfront park. The proposed budget amount is, $l,, 000 and Will used to purchasa cleaning supplies, paper products and 9 6 - 1 111 othsr materials needed in the offices at the park. 36i T*21 ftrc"Mt The proposed budget of $1, 500 is needed to maa:intrin the Park°s 36-acre plot and will be used to purchase all garden implements heeded to clean, manicure, and maintain the Park's Bermuda grass such as, hoes, rakes, shovels, hedge sheare, tree shears, chaati.nsaws, wheelbarrows, blowers, edgers, wood- -eaters,, mowers, brooms, and all fluids such as gas, oil, and grease lube. This includes any additional tools needed for routine maintenance, as well as replacement due to excessive use. The tools are to be maintained by the Trust. 192 "&"Aanga rs The proposed budget amount is $10000. ' This amount will be used for s mall: non -line item purchases of under $100 each. r1mbing A irrigation . 3 �0ae.� a Repair and MaintenaAcel The proposed { lbuduet amount is $500. Plumbing maintenance for tha Park includes all restroonts,.toilets, sinks, and showers in the 4aphitheater* service,building, and main office. This will 'consist of wee' kly inspections of all restrooms, plus manual flushing of all toilets, sinks, ;and showers. ongoing maintenance of these facilities:is necessary in order to satisfy all existing health codes. 'E? or Wat2 P p �� The proposed budget,, amountis $1, 000. There are two pumps located in the ,; Amphitheater Stage pit. The main irrigation pumps are located in the puap house adjacant to the Mildred & Claude Popper. Fountain adjacent to the South, End Amphitheater. These pumps are used on a, daily basis. The pumas in the AT&T Amphitneaater are used for V 96- 66►6 prompt and proper drainage, and irrigation pumps are used for daily watering of the Park's 36 acres. • I The proposed budget is $5, 000. Sprinkler maintenance includes periodic flushing of lines, adjustment of all electric rotor heads, adjustments to all ,service port boxes holding timer units. a ion' tFa ®t �eulas;: ant: The proposed budget amount is $o. Paxk deourity M,;.2.riyat I _t2K tJY.,? The proposed budget amour' t: is $40, 000. Private eecuY ity is essential to creating a safe environments for resideants and vio.ito rs to enjoy the park in the evening and to further prevent vandalism and theft. A ROD � y q AOp The prgposed budget amount is $2, 000. Radios provide 'two-way emergency communication allowing park staff to function in a cohesive and unified manner with the aftinisstyrative staff. Mrthermore, these radios are often used to facilitate a smoother morn efficient operation for the private promoters that utilije 'the facility. Tsanvfsr maim Aditia,istrat ive Budget sit ©fficxe t The transfer amount of $6, 96a is the calculated portion of office costs used by the maintenance staff. 45 96 666 LASER TOWER REVENUES FY 96-97 LASER TOWER REVENUES 400.1•KNIGHT FOUNDATION CRAFT 50,000 400.2-PRIVATFE REVENUE SOURCE 500 400.3-01Y OF MIAMI UTILITIES CONTRIBUTION � 17,500 TOTAL ILASER TOWER REVENUES 66ii0� SENSES LASER. TOWER PERSONNEL TRANSFER FROM FOUNTAIN 0 LASER TOWER kRSONNEL. 0 COtn-RACTUAL, SERVICES 401-CoMputer Repairs 11000 402-Contradual Servides,(Cperational) 42,000 403-Sp Events Contracted Services 0 TOTALZdNTRACTLIAL SERVICES 43,000 ELECTRIC�►�1t, SERVICES 406-Electrical Services 31000 407-Laser ".rower A/C 1,000 TOTAL ELECTRICAL SERVICES 410,00 SPECIALIZED TECHNICAL SERVICES 411-Laser, Tube Maintenance 1,500 41?-Painting & Water Sealing 2,000 TOTAL, SPECIALIZED TECHNICAL SERVICES 3,500 t,11UTIES 416-©ad® County Water 3,500 417-FP&L Utiiiti.es 14,000 TOTAL UTILITIES 17,500 TOTAL LASER TOWER EXPENSES �681000 REVENUES t' VER (UNDER) EXPENSES � 0 46 966 Cj" MOHMi P. 1AWMLI ZZhibit 400 Later Light Togas Erpennes Contraotu al services 4t316t1�Si1te" olt�ueira+: The proposed budget amount is $t, 000. The budgeted amount is intended to cover all computer repair costs as they apply to,the laser tower. The computer is essential to the operation of the laser tower. 422 egat t al 8e . ic�as lc �a a� irk The proposed budget amount is $42,000. The Trust maintains a service contract on a annn. uhl basis with Laser Productions, which allows four Z 4 j service calls per year at $3,000 per call. This contract, however, covers only routine inspection, service, maintenance, and replacement of defective components in the electronic and optical sections of the laser itself. Any miscellaneous services are, not provided, for in this contract. These intricate and quite expensive components must be strictly maintained according to engineering specifications and rigid tolerances. The investment in this, facility by the Trust will be rewarded by trouble -fee, spectacular laser effects during the many festive occasions at the Park. to ecial- Zynntss) : The proposed budget amount is $0. `�3.e�etziQat �e�'�tres AM 96- 666 j1j2gjrjg&IL�1121MIGagi The proposed budget amount is $3, 000. These funds will be used to cover the cost of electrical services performed ,in the laser tower. The proposed budget amount is $1, 000. This will cower annual maintenance on the two a/c units inside the laser tower. �11 weer �:l ,nta�a The }proposed budget amount is $11500. These funds will be used tee maintain laser tubes in laser tower. ling: The proposed budget amount is $2,000. These funds are essentihl to the maintenance and appearance of the laser light tower. The proposed budget amount is $3 , 500. ewer is essential to cool, the laser controls in order to protect the co�Aputear system. The proposed budget amount is $14, 000. These funds will be used to cover the electrical costs of the laser light . tower. 96— 666 48 FOUNTAIN REVENUES FY 96-97 FOUNTAIN REVENUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 500.1-TENT RENTAL 60,000 500.2-FENCE RENTAL 0 500.3-TRAILER RENTAL. 0 500.4-DADS COUNTY CONTRIBUTION FOR FOUNTAIN 60,000 500.5-PRIVATE FOUNTAIN CONTRIBUTIONS 51000 TOTAL FOUNTAIN REVENUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENSE FOUNTAIN PERSONNEL COSTS 501-Fountain Operator 0 502-Payrolling Cast 0 503-B.P.M.T. 403B Flan Contribution 0 504-B.P.M.T. Health & Dental Insurance Contribution 0 505-Techincal Coordinator 0 506-Quality Control Analyst 0 507-TRANSFER FROM ADMINISTRATIVE 14,915 TRANSFER TO LASER 0 TOTAL FOUNTAIN PERSONNEL COSTS 14,915 FOUNTAIN OFFICE EXPENSE 508-TRANSFER OFFICE EXPENSE FROM ADMIN 2,988 TOTAL FOUNTAIN OFFICE EXPENSE 2,988 FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE CONTRACTED SERVICES ,116-Alarim & Fine Monitoring1,000 517-Pressure Cleaning 2,500 618-Comiputer Maintenance TOTAL CONTRACTED SERVICES 3,500 UIILl°li `! COSTS 519-Electricity 60,000 521-Dede County Water Charge 5,000 TOT AL DUTY COSTS 65,000 CON INCENCY FUND 523-Contingency Fund 0 TOTAL CONTINGENCY FUND 0 49 96- 666 E WARRANTYS 524-Manufacturer Warranty Ext 525-Pump Warranty Extension TOTAL WARRAN'i" YS FOUNTAIN GENERAL MAINTENANCE 525-Chernicals 527-Computes Software 528-Elechical Materials 529-4=ifter & Screens 530-General Maintenance 531-Lamps and Lights 532-Miscellaneous 533-Railing TOTAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE INwURANCE 534-Farts Insurance 535-Umbrella Insurance TOTAL INSURANCE TENT & FENCE RENTAL EXPENSES 530-i ent and Dance Rental Expenses TOTAL FENCE & TENT RENTALS TOTAL FOUNTAIN EXPENSES Wf ENUES OVER (CINDER) EXPENSES so 1,000 0 5,000 1,000 20,000 2,000 0 0 29,000 0 4,000 4,000 35,000 35,000 154,403 (29.403 96- 666 City of Miami Bayfront Park Operating Budget for Mildred & Claude Pepper Fountain Motes to Proposed Budget for I.Wi.97 (wed upon an 16-18 hour day) Salaries: 5ii1 l�e�►tt�ta�� The proposed budget amount is $00.. t. Riling MThe proposed budget is $0o. 122-� 1 Plan QaW butio - The proposed budget amount is $00. SO4 O 12alth A'ag Dote Cautribution: The proposed budget amount is $00. 195 242h dfaatorR The proposed transfer amount is $00. 3 , t3�nalit,� Control itl seta The proposed, transfer amount is $00. _ Fromm �►, azt t ve The proposed transfer amount is $14,915. This transfer represents administrative personnel costs associated with the operation of the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain Fountain office Expense 0� p er offic® eons From Administration: The proposed transfer amount is $2,988. This transfer represents office costs associated with the operation of the Mildred and. Claude Pepper Fountain. Contracted Services ""-pira artitQr n r The proposed budget amount is $1,000. This Waount is based on a central dispatch system. S1 96- 666 LU—Press ra C nal, The proposed budget amount is $2,500. This in for the bimonthly cleaning and removal of salt and sand deposits caused by bay waters and winds. 33.2 tar iota "&LM The proposed budget amount is $00. Utility Costs The proposed budget amount is $60, 000. This fat in ]based on 16- 18 hours of operation seven days/week. ,;& R1912 The proposed budget amount is $55,000. MIAghonese The proposed budget ,amount is $o0. Cantinq eacy Fund 12J Cou ingpncy Zgnd: The proposed budget amount is $0. warranty b Kinaar Repairs , uf'acturer Warranty Extensia : The proposed budget amount: is $OCR. .121EM MurraRtv Ertension: The proposed budget amount is $00. Pountaia General maintenance Lc& s: The proposed budget amount is $1,000. This amount is based on a twice a weep treatment of 330,060 gallons of water including chlorine, stabilizers and acid treatment needed in proportionate: amounts to the above mentioned water. --gM.Uter 8 tware: The proposed budget amount is $00. .. � .ric a :kgxJ pis: The proposed budget amount is $5, 0oo . This amount'is intended to cover all incidental materials needed to repair and ,.maintain the electrical components of the fountain. a 96- 666 A� A29 rLikeg ggreen Replacement: The proposed budget amount is $10000. The :fountain's five three foot long screen elements have an estimated useful life of six months and, therefore; need regular scheduled replacement. � � eral apse The proposed budget amount .is $20, O00. The budgeted amount is intended to cover maintenance contract for operation of the fountain. 121 ape' �L�lch�e:. The proposed budget amount is $2, 000. The amount will cover costs to properly light the fountain tunnel, reservoir and adjacent areas. proper lighting of these areas is essential for the safety of personnel. ; alIgneoua: The proposed budget amount is $00. The proposed budget amount is $00. I nmManoe RPenses 10-0 The proposed budget amount is $00. Insurance Coverage: The proposed budge: amount is $410oo. This covers the deductible not covered by the a Edditional.coverage. Tent 9 Pence Rentol R eLiss:, The proposed budget amount is $354 000. This fee represents the cost of tent set: up and take downiduring special events. i 96- 666 CAPITAL BUDGET REVENUES CAPITAL, BUDGET REVENUES 600.1-CITE" CONTRIBUTION TOTAL CAPITAL BUDGET REVENUES EXPENSES 601-Scutt* End Walkways 602-South End Lighting 603-Ghsllenge: r Memorial Gap Ends 604-Challenger Memorial Lighting 605-Bay+walk Lighting 64-tplantlliesavv bock Garden 607-Rock Garden lighting 609-Mock Garden Fountain 609-Laser Tower Painting 510-Compiate Keystone Mail 611-Boat Docks 612-Amphitheater Sound Enhancements 613-Restructuring Cracked Wall 614-Restructuring Baywaik Bridges 6166- South Service Building Storage 616-Laser Tower Storage 617-Loading Dock Ramp Repair TOTAL CAPITAL EUDGET'EXPENSES REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES 54 nrn FY 98-97 1� ,118.000 1,116*000 200,000 60,000 150,000 75,000 100,000 150,000 15,000 20,000 16,000 120,000 30,000 50,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 50,000 7,000 1i1818,000 666 City Of "ami Bayfront Park Capital Improvement Propmd Budget for 1996-97 Inhibit 600 The proposed budget amount in 42000000. The walkways represent one of the last phases of the Noguchi desiqn for Bayfront Park, and are an important element in tine comprehension of his entire vision. du JAqj The proposed budget amount is $600000. The forty one (41) bollards will be used to light and beautify the south end of Bayfront Park and create a safe environment in the area of the Tina Hills pavilion. Car En The proposed budget amount is $150,000. The cap ends on the Challenger Memorial were never installed and the replacement pieces must be fabricated and shipped from Nippon Steel in Japan. ghallonair -Nom2rial Liahtip-qj- The proposed budget amount is *75,000. -xne completion of this project will light Cher Challenger Memorial and enhance its image in the context of downtown Miami - The proposed budget amount is $100rO00- la an effort to step up public safety precautions at the park, the proposed budget amount will allow for the development of increased lighting along the Raywalk. ck Gard.ea.-:. The proposed budget anaLint is $150,000. The completion of this project will mean the flarther beautification of the park and, thus, a centralized park for the W." city. This project involves redevelopment of the Rock Garden to bring it closer to its original design. 427 „8g C"A The proposed budget amount is $15, 000. In an effort to step up public safety precautions at the park, the completion of this project will allow for sufficient lighting of the gook Garden. This enhanced lighting will batter facilitate pedestrian traffic thought the park. fee 920B Bard®a Fountains The proposed budget amount is $20,000. The completion of this project will bring Dayfront Park closer to its original design of Isamu Noguchi. The Rock Garden Fountain would be erected in the Rock,garden per the design of Mr. Noguchi. This project will enhance the beauty of the park while providing a work of art for the community to appreciate.. agSrTQasr: The proposed amount is $160000. These funds would be used to repaint the laser tower. •fisiM,K*yst$ne Ma].x Jurroundiag F.c►uataina The proposed budget amount is $120,000. The proposed amount will allow for the completion of the Keystone Wall around the fountain. MAkis wall will help deter vandalism as well as beautify the area. �� t �3ockss The proposed budget amount is $30,000. The: proposed amount will allow for the installation of permanent facilities for boat dockage, including power,, water and hazard inaters.als. The: completion of this project will enable the park to generate more ,revenues. Eanb 42nts:: The proposed amount is $50,000.. These funds would be used to improve the acoustics in die amphitheater and enable the trust to attract producers of classical area ar;oustical. music. ... .. atugilig CXack d Wall The proposed budget amount is 56 96— $30,000. The proposed amount will provide for the placement of now support breams and new pilings to help with tho overall support: of the foundation of the. south service building. GL4..W gi The proposed budget amount is $25 t OOO . The proposed amount will provide for the reconstruction of the Say Bridges which were poorly constructed. This "leveling off" will insure public zafesty. 3 +�uth Serni�a® puildin+ , �t®r�, aka: The proposed budget amoxnzt is $20,000. The completion of this project will provide an addit.i6nal revenue source for the park as rental storage space "".will be created. The proposed amount will allow for the con-4a sion of empty space into storage space including electrical hook-up and wall development. dig AssOM._1pwwe .. to a The proposed budget amount is $50, 000. 'The,completion of this project will benefit private businesses in the downtown area as it will provider additional storage areas for ` them. Furthermore, it will benefit the entire community as the revenues from rental storage space wial go towards park beautification and development. The proposed budget amount is $7 , 000. The compal.et.ion .of this project will provide easier off .,loading and on loading from trucks at the AT&T Amphitheater. The proposed amount will allow for the repair of the amphitheater's loading deck. 5? 0 BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST REVENUES k(. x-ft; %..Uimtm 0 1.0%) Adn*Wtlm (1.3%) LmW TOWW (32%) FouMM L-AW Tower (411%) Fmv"% 666 96- 666 BAYFRONT PARK 1995-96 1996-97 96- 666 LASEF2 TOWER 500 96- 666 -- a "Ic cnoN It 1 11 AIN to to sit c�►t Coordinator c eclat Event mcanntic.�clerk Op `oat USA sat atySao Trust ?alk act t X�nve �. chief Adfdlldl#'t+tivr office manage, (SIll.-Y &.'TeMP Labor gaol tio� �si►trte�a�se �ttct'►fit'` ��aaractoi • p�k Sup�tisot rT Contradoc • Contractor ' ��,aitociai ,rempotary Labor To; ponorable Mayor, and Yc;r.)*Sra Cub;ject; 8ayfront P&iLk of the City Commission managa=Qnt Trusit operations and Maintenance Budgets for Fiscal Year 3.99fia 1997 'F"roaa; ces io For City Comissicn Cit ger Meeting of 9/12/96 It is respectfully recommended tPat the City Commission approve the Baytront Fark Management Trus4fs operations and Maintenance radgets i'axr Fiscal Year 1996-!997. The Boyfront Park 1.013nage4nent Trust ha►s successrully managed Dayfrasnt Park with the coal of en; u inq maxinam corawlity involvement. Approval of the Tr-ustim FV , 5i9I4-? 497 Or4m °ati ortat and Maintenance Budgets will ensure that this quality liYnited agency of the. City of V iami will continue its services tc Mia7i's residents and , visitcr s . Att-Arihmpni-t r+RSolut ior_ DO j I It 441 _G r1AOW NEU OI AOUIY8 I i 4 i till) 96,60 - 'U",