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S/23/96 RESOLUTION NO. 9 6— 627 A RESOLUTION, BY A 4/5THS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, :AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING TIME CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF AN AUTOMATED FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM, SERIES 2000, FROM PRINTRAK INTERNATIONAL, THE SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $537,465.00, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM ACCOUNTS TO BE'' IDENTIFIED BY THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE WITH PIRiNTRAK INTERNATIONAL AND/OR FINANCIAL..., INST,ITUTION(S) FOR THE MOST FAVORABLE FINANCING, TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY, AND TO, EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO EFFECTUATE SAID ACQUlS1710N; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCLEREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR SAID ACQUISITION. WHEREAS, the Department at Police requests that competitive bidding be waived for the purchase of the Automated Fingerprint Identifications System (AFIS) frolp. Printrak Interrnational; and WHEREAS, an Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) stores fingerprints in a computer readable format which allows for rapid identification, and CM CxAMSSION DMIETRIG 'Or, SEA' 1 2 Wo wim No,1a, 9 6 Mid. 627 I and WHEREAS, the Police Department's current system is antiquated when compared; WHEREAS, Printrak can no longer service the Department's system as parts are riot available; and 1 WHEREAS, without this upgrade the Department will lose its ability to have networked access with Metro -Dade County and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and WHEREAS, the Police Department wishes to purchase this equipment from Printrak international, the sole supplier of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System, Series 2Q00; and 1 WHEREAS, the Chief Procurement Officer has adopted a finding that Printrak 1 Intemr a'tlenal is the only vendor aisle to provide the required system, as requested by the Department of Police; and 1 WHEREAS, the finding of thc3 Chief Procurement Officer has been approved and adopted as the finding of the City Manager; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and 'the Chief procurement Officer recommend that the requirements for competitive formal sealed bids be waived and the procurement of this r. L equipment from Printrak International, as the sole source provider, be approved; NCltiY; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T14E COMMISSION OF 'fi-H Ew Ci TY , OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: ' S ction 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adapted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section, �1 •r: ,f Z- 96 - 627 Section 2. By a 4/5ths affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission, after a drily advertised public hearing, ratifying, approving, and confirming the City Manager's finding that Printrak Interatlanal is the We source ,provider of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System, Series 2000, Jequired by the (Department of police Section 3. The requirements; for competitive sealed bids are hereby waived and the Department of Police request for the acquisition of an Automated Fingerprint Identification System, Series 2000, at a cost not to exceed $537,465, is hereby approvod, with funds therefor hereby allocated from accounts to be identified by the Director of - i Jr , Finance. Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized' to negotiate with Printmit lnfbmeflsanaai and/or financial institution(s) for 'the most favorable financing, terms and conditions in the best interest of the City and to execute the necessary documents, in e forte acceptable tD the pity, ,Attcarney, for said acquisition. Section S. The City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Chief :- Procurement Officer to a purchase order for said acquisition., Y3 Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. s PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of September , 1996. jio L`AROLLO, MAYOR ZST: WAi,TER J. M. lit, CITY CLERK 71m herein authorization is fiuther subject to compliance %ith all requirements that may be impwO. by the City ii Attorney, including but not limited to those prewc ribed by Applicable City Charier and Code pra isiocns. _3_. I 0 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PROW Cesar City M DATE: AUC % 7 1,906 FILE Sua,ECT : Sole Source Purchase RMPr— CEs . Automated Fingerprint E4-LosuREs: Identification System Series gem It is respesctfulliy recommended that the City Commission waive the necessity- of competitive bids and approve the attar hed Resolution authoring the purchase, at a total' cost not to exceed . $537,4,65.00, &r an Autommted FingeTprin!t Identification Sysj=m (A..F.I.S.) System, Series 2000, fn)m `_Pxirrt�k Lnt tional, a non -minority, non -local vendor, located at 1250 North Tustin ! Avenue, Anaheim, CA, 92807. Funding is to be identified by the Directoz of Finance;. An Automated Fingerprint Identification System stores fingerprints in a computer readable, Format. i This allows for storage of large quantities of fingerprints. Because they are stored in this manger, identification of latent print-- is completed rapidly. i The Miami Police Department currently has a Printrak A.F.I.S. system. It is, however, antiquated when compared to available technology. In addition, P'Irinb�ak can no longer senice the system as 6 psrtg a�e not available. 'line requested system will replan tuffs orie. c�'itFsou; the upgrade, the depaatinent wv lose its Ability to have networked access with Metro -bade County aid the Florida Pe*tnent of Law Enforcement. This is necessary as the Prilice Department will no 'longer maintain an in-house database. The Chief Procurement Dicer has determined that Printrak International, is the sole sourr m .. distributor of this system. 96 - 627 ' .—1 MaYor and ivltmb� rg Thl - r3O Cotit ion of tht City post 2 hino 100% CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Judy .. S. Carer a.ATr. . JUL 15 996 FILE: LPG 7-2 Chief Procurement Officer SUBJECT. Finding of Sole Source --- i KRl1A4; REFERENCES: kld��Warshaw Automated Fingerpfint Chief of Police ENCLOSURES: Identifirmtion System ....�_... Series 2000 The Police Department needs to upgrade its current A.F.I.S. System which is of 1970's technolrgy and hwi, therefore, reached a point of obsolescence. The; department will no longer maintain an in - ",house database of fingerprints. We will utilize, through a network, Metro -Dade County's and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's databases. They have already purch&ed an A..F.I.S. Syat't m from Pri.ntrak International. It is imperative that we are completely compatible with their systems. Without this upgrade and compatibility, a. vast. q.iarrti.t`t' of time and mr, ey will be ., based upon the attached letter from Mr. David L. McNeff,„ dice President, Printrak Inte.mational, the Police De,padment is requesting that you take the necessary steps to verify, that Parintrak r International, 1250 North Tustin Avenue, Anaheim, CA, 92807, (7144) 666-2700, is the sole source provider of this item. Should you rep dire additional information, please feel free to contact Sylvia Romans, Identification Unit, 579-6606. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. { SW BY :CITY OF 1N I Ail) 8- 28-96 : 9: 480 PROCt.'RBDT VGtn, C I TY WAG R ' S OFF. I t 1s CITY OF MIAMI, FLOAIOA i<lY'iTR-OFFICE MEMORANDUM cuw ". Olio aArr : Attu 19, 1W City M&Vw lua ttr : Smile So*= Aummead hWiprint im IdotLfitXt" Sys, 2008 r Re9et . ' Y C O.PPioer trec�asur: An wu cra&iewl by Proammit ruff to dense.-Mce vAw&er ftkm*k Intwwticmal, iae r nw., loon- vender lomW is Anaheim, CWft-nia is the soft wswe provider of as Awwmasl Fh*gpiut IdMdfkatlata S (A.F.I.S.1 Mica 2WO, w rtqmstad by the hit =1 Police L%pwuwL r �* • Ca t&% wuthat wish it++l4. 1 y," P&=w Morn the Iftnifieaeictn Unit of Ou Mitaai Parwwe Dgwn teat n*Ming tka wwwakl fmgetp o tlyildtttt dmy wm seeking to pAvbw &W be damed +ea a teak two It was k&mW tloe Mimi IyC&isx t try hu a >Pna*vk A.r.I.S. howem, it is c=Wn �d rRttOtgttet tueiE no h is Wa to wvft do rtftm do to the wavailability of p=. Ccn4n+ttit with A We hwniSw+el was vrwde by bola ofRe mad we woem adviwd PrktmL- Istcatsasesksnat hue 4ww** br Q qma which tm bun do ted #t sake mm sesgpRw to WV*94 , Ubdo C w-,-'z ftfim bwsm�wti itii'ntlly?', ; tyY�n is Am to ptuthe A.F.ag utOLvd by S {r. twotinrtatir�ms pmvkkd Prhar& th .�.I..�.. it is i� l crftlae �Ri.�ti Polka ilt�` stbt; �ri+Qt flhtaM D&dz's A.P.I.S. 44at'taeac. AS a Txh. this will allow &e Miser; Polk= ElcPartmMt to take ttsfvatr " of the $same 2M, ftkwu,tea anarch Metro Facie &W F.]D.I..l~'a A.F.[.c dasaltaw, duceby 'j�18- .j► .F�li►oe Iii1 1415� �l tl iti w4vout tiaift w ptuthm b **n =teai &F.I.S. syxtoaPt. utter sy+ate u am ro able is x why P1rkaLr�k. It w letaxned she Cotanty had cu towed iire }'rhy uk tsyuu rtt ft a Wk auma,tce "to P-00"An Of ft A-F.I.S. hare."*= and softwe dwip, mid vcxi&aden of tM am v= Twnd. 'IU e:trtinu ed atno * fear txte Pw&w oftltis 004m, is =31,,465.00. Fua:-is are to be ld6emtified by Ow ©irecW of luiaswu am =*MuA6Ddk , thm &e Muot+en cos Nr 4=npaWvc bkk tg bo vrWved sled dws above fltWarV be 20ia`n"* um c ImmAlond, I= is dw sW� p ovkkv of Slav Autcowul, Fwewprint h-umtttTcsitan Sysftz Strict WW, w' be used in wnJunction wM Mu-.* r.,e Wy and rdw F.D.L.E., for the Mute P'olke i?epeurtraettit. APPROVED- C"W H, Odic DATE FAc w*t 00: Maoa hW S. ftIU& Aftb= City laid aw ilesttsw-eount Rid K6 , • 96 624 r- i i PRINTRAK INTERNATIONAL INC. August 7.1996 Pamela Bums Purchasing Department City of Miami 3ixi Discayne. `Blvd. Miami, FL 33131 T�1: (305) 574,4:5 Fax (305) 579-M3 Ref: PF9608.03 Irate Hradquarte- i:, Vorth Tustin Avmie Anaheim.Ohfomia Telephone 714!666-27M) Fat. 71a 6", -10i,5 CA ca 9 _ x Dear t arnela Bums: Printralk international Inc. was pled to provide the Cit,-* of Miami Police Department (MPD) with the proposal (PF9602-15, dated February 22,1996) for Automated Fingerprint, Identification System (AFIS) Series 2000 workstations, allowing; the MPD vo interface with proposed AFIS workstations at the Metro, Dade Police Department and the Florida Nparhnent of Law Enforcement (FDLE). , , This letter is submitted to show that no other vendor has the equipment nor the , technology to be fully compatible with the Metro Dade and FDLF AFIS systems into which the planned MPD workstations will tie. Frintrak is the sole source for an AFiS solution that meets all of your identification needs. Integration with the Metro Dade ARS. Orly Pri.ntrak can provide AFIS workstations' that seamlessly integrate to Metro Dade's ceintml :Al~I:S database, allo-vving the M?D to take advantage of Series 2000 features (such as ease of use, speed, and accuracy). Purchase of these workstations, and elLminatiion of the older generation. Printrak AFLS currently in use at the MPD, will allow the MPD to ;a rch the new Metro Dade and FDL.B AFIS datmbases. This will save the M?D over one (1) rvillio:s ddilars without havIIig to purdutw their own central AFI$. „ Q rdy, Printrak Lars provide the MPD with the following additional benefits: # Compatibility with the .i DLE State ARS netromk. F'rintrak, has also provided AFL15 solutions for the Broward County Sheriff's Office, Palm Beat. CountySheriff's Office, Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, Metro rE4. die Police Department, and Collier/Lee County Sher°ii f's Offices. With the exception of Jacksocaville, which s uti i older-generatiort NEC equipment, Prinitrak has been and continues to W the sftle AFIS vendor in Morida. Al~ F'rintaak system will allow your agency to pre -classify, pre -encode, and compress prints and directly search FDLI, databases an.cl get re%mrtses bark with no manual intavention or activity required of FDLB staff to complete t he AFIS search, verification, and record disposition transactions. r• 96- 627 � City of Nbatni, Put" -&sing PF960"3 August 7,1996 Page 2 As asingle-source AFIS vendor, a Printrak solution provides access to AFIS files at Metro Dade and FILE. + Seamlessly integrated livescan, Printrak is the only AFIS vendor that manu4adtures its own livescan equipment. V%Wle other AFIS vendors are forced to use "'store -and - forward" systems and other clumsy interfaces with their third -party livescan equipment, Printrak''s LiveScan Station 2000 (LS'S 2000) is a fully irlbegrated.. unit capable of pre-processing data to .reduce the cent.Tal site's workload. I.SS 2000 user 1 the same duality evaluation, .minutiae encoding, classification, and compression algorithms as other AFIS worltstatioris. These feahnvs cannot be found with any other livewan vendor, nor can anyone else provide the level of integration available through Printrak`s same -vendor solution of LSS 2000 and AFIS 2A00: + Nett vorkirag of e.vistbrg r"note sines. Only the Frintrulc Series 2000 A IS can searnlessly network with AX1sfin:g equipment at sites such as .N, barn Beach, whiclli is already uiffizing Serb's 20M equipment. Comprat*aity with, other AM throusghtwt the southeastem United States. " Irnst<-i.ling Printrak.AFIS equipment does fair more than provide matdtless cross- sew-hing capabilities within Florida. With Printrak equipment your agencies could a6o connec t'to other state fingerprint databases outside of Florida, inhzdhag South Caro , north Carolina, Tennessee, and Louisiana, to name just a few (assuming, interagency absents are in place). + Full compliance with tfre TBI te ra 1. Tg "' eutorkfunctionality. All Printrak, . Series 20M equiprnent has been designed to meet FBI, NISI', and 11AFaS ; requkements. The Rl and MIST' have certified Printrak`s implementation of WSQ compression. + Bw9fits Of W experience of other• agencies. Considerable interagency suppoil and train rg is Jmared between the Florida AFIS sites through their area users' group. This orgaxiivition is composed of and operated by Florida AFIS users without Printrawk support. However, use of common AFIS product` state~tvidte provides a basis for discussions which improves processes &-id allows agencies local identification capabilities to grow and At mture. T ds; interactiAn cannot happen with aissirrtilar technology. fit'11. Singksome support far all c--m#otwWs. 'We manutfaam e, program, a*ad cunti> tue to service hardware and software for both the hve-scan and AFIS subsystems. There is no need to go to a .third party; in fact, only Printrak can assure your agencies of ongoing; software and hardware compatibility among ail proposed equiprnia An extensive network of very eaarperiencvd Customer Sur port Engineers (CSES) is already establi hed in Florida. Fast, knowledgeable support is available state-wide. + Fm saof1wam upgraA availability. Every Printrak customer under warranty or With a to ixtt ru:e contract is prcwi,ded vrith software improvemertts. ,A noes thkis gain inrunediate benefits from ot,tr software developmq t efforts, without costly Cite of Miami, purchasing PF96OM3 August 7,1996 Page 3 purchase of software revisions. No other AFYS vendor qa �s sOft'are. a radc5 ' ee o o.�rge. ` t g f Taken together, Printrak's exc:ellent technical solution, outstay%ding real-time iesponse, a bility fieatures, and consistent: historyof support show we are not only the best 1 solution --we are the only reasonable choice for yotur ARM provider. Mr. Gunnar hlildemmui (SrA/675-0024) is available to answer any of your questions or provide further information. 11 i Sincerely, David L. McNeff Vice president, SalL�s 1 ' 96ww 627 I: AWARD OF BID .A13" FOMA7I`ED FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM i,�.F.I,S.), SERIES 2000 POLICE DEPARTMENT SINGLE PURCHASE Tile purchase of woftutions ffor the ,Automated Fingerprint ldendificadcn System (A F.iS.), Series 2000, from PrIntrak International., Inc. allows for the storage of, large quanddes of finger prfnts, provide for the Ident1ffcat3on of intent prints in an expecriflous, manner, and vAll enable the Miami, Police Depirt6ent to sears Metro Dade County and the' flodda Department of Lair Enfbt cemenes (FDLE) fingerprint databases, which are also provided by Printrak inter nadonai. It is recommended that award be- made to Prdrinak Internaftnai, Inc., a non-rnirtority►, non -local vendor, at a proposed purchase amount of $537,465.00. 11 96 - 627 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Y 1: Walter J. Foenman DATE AUSy ,i, �:� fib : L:EG 7-2 City Cleric SUBJECT: Request to Publish Notice for loon Public Hearing MoJor.Jorge L. Mamsa REFERENCES Ct+rt minder ENCLOSURES: Rosiness A4pNcment Section Please snake arrangements to publish a Notice. of Public Hearing for objections to the waiving of the requirements for formal sealed bids fbr the purebas . of an Automated 'Fingerprint Identification System, Series 2NO, from Pdntrak Internatioval. Attgew is the advertise nient. The date, and time of this public hP wring will be r ' Z _ at am. APPROVED M Prlvi Cia3lastegui Agenda Coordinator JtM:rph Attac„ament 96— :627 Cf1-V OF MIAM NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC A public head will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on at am in the City Comniission Chambers at City mall„ A t}il Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering a I waiver of the mquirements of obtaining sealed bids'for the purchase of anAutomated Fingerprint 'Identification Sy , 5=ies 2000. Tb.,s item is provided by l rii latemadonal,, 1250 North fUSd �sTeQup, Andiorn. CA; 92807, at a cost not to exceed $537,465,,00. 1 15 fiam. oar potential source's of such a packaSti who feel dW they mil ht tle able to suVsfy dw Cit3es aquirements for this item may contact Ads. Sylvia Rommu, at the City of Miami Police Liclsst'tmcnt (305) 5794", i