HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-96-0594J-96-564 7/25/96 RESOLUTION NO. q} f; - C 9 4 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 96-163, ADOPTED MARCH 14, 1996, WHICH RESOLUTION ACCEPTED BIDS FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF A PLAYGROUND STRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT AT TOWN PARK; THEREBY (1) RESCINDING THE BID ACCEPTED FROM LEADEX CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,800.00; (2) AND AWARDING THE APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF SAID BID TO ATLANTIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO INCREASE PURCHASE ORDER NO. 604455 IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 331363/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND NO. 705403, INDEX CODE 589301-860, FOR SAID AWARD. WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 96-163, adopted March 14, 1996, bids were accepted from Leadex Corporation ($9,800.00), Park Structures ($6,201.72) and Atlantis Construction Company ($5,700.00) for the acquisition and installation of a playground structure and equipment; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of said Resolution, Leadex Corporation notified the Parks and Recreation Department of its intention to withdraw from its portion of the award; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said notification, the Department of Parks and Recreation contacted Atlantis Construction Company, the second lowest bidder, to ascertain its interest to perform Leadex I G'ITy COMCSSIO•. MEETING OF J U L 2 5 1996 Resolution No, 96- 594 Corporation's portion of the installation of playground equipment under Bid No. 95-96-025; and WHEREAS, Atlantis Construction Company has agreed to a I reduced scope of work based on one-half of Bid Items No. 2 and No. 3 from Bid. No. 95-96-025, and has agreed to additional scope I of work in the amount of $10,000.00; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation recommend that the increased services awarded to Atlantis Construction Company be approved, under Bid No. 95-96-025 (one-half of Items No. 2 and No. 3), and that Purchase Order No. 604455 be increased in the amount of $10,000.00; and WHEREAS, funds are available from the Capital Improvement Project entitled "Town Park Renovation", Project No. 331363/Community Development Grant Fund No. 705403, Index Code 589301-860, to accommodate the additional increased costs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The portion of Bid No. 95-96-025 accepted and awarded to Leadex Corporation in the amount of $9,800.00, 2 - 96- 594 pursuant to Resolution No. 96-163, is hereby rescinded and the applicable portion of said bid is hereby awarded to Atlantis Construction Company, in the amount of $10,000. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby directed to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to increase Purchase Order No. 604455 to Atlantis Construction Company by $10,000.00, with funds therefor hereby allocated from Capital Improvement Project No. 3 313 63 /Community Development Grant Fund No. 705403, Index Code 589301-860, for said award. Section 4. Resolution No. 96-163, adopted March 14, 1996, is hereby amended in the following particulars:1/ Section 2. The December 20, 19957 bids received from Park Structures ($6,201.72), and Atlantis Construction Company ($5,799.94 $15,700.00) for the furnishing of a playground structure, sand and spring riders at Town Park, -i-n at a total amount of $24:,'704: $21,901.72, for the Department of Parks and Recreation is hereby accepted, with funds therefor hereby allocated from the Capital Improvement Project entitled "Town Park Renovations", Project No. 3 31363 /Community Development Grant Fund No. 705403, Index Code 589301-860. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. - 3 - 96- 594 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of July 1996. ,'C. r--- -n, CAROLLO, MAYOR ATTESIT r WALTER �t)BMAN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A. QUI J S, III CITY A TO Y W1025:BSS - 4 - CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Hrion Members i of the Wi Vice M DATE July 25, 199E SUBJECT REFERENCES ENCLOSURES Attachments FILE Pocket Item I would like to bring up as a pocket item at the July 25, 1996 City Commission Meeting a resolution rescinding a portion of Resolution No. 96-163, adopted March 14, 1996, with reference to the installation of Playground equipment at Town Park. Thank you for your cooperation. WG/rr cc: Cesar Odio, City Manager A. Quinn Jones, City Attorney Walter Foeman, City Clerk 96- 5 :)L. I bl CITY OF FLORC,�, INTirR-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To . Honorable Mayor and Mclnbet's of the City Con)nrissiol) '1 T iZcsolUacall Avlyd Ior 10\v!) Park lli'ayg.lound PC' 'FIE Cesar H, Odio City Manager RECOMMENDATION: : It is respectfully recorru-m.-ndcd that the City Cs(1cu�t thr attached resolution resr,.inding the portion of Resolution. No. 96-163. adopted Marc!) 14, 1996. whereby the installation of playground equipment at 'Rr lvli Park by Lcadex Corporation was authorized in the mount of $91$00,00 and turtl>eam.)re approving the installation of playground equipment by Atlantis Construction Company, 3210 SW 133 Court, Nflami, Florida 33184 at a total cost of $10,000,00 under bid No. 95-96-025 Funds for this i1np.rovement are provided from Capital TniproLement Project '`33I 163/Com.rn ,,ity Development Grant Fund #705403, "Towi) Park Re-nov;>Tions". BACKGROUND: On March 14, 1996, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 9c-163 autherizing the fumishi.ng and installation cif a play structure, sand and spri.i)+g r.idcrs at Town Park by i,eadex Corporation ($9,800.00), Park Structures (S0,201.72), and Atlantis Construction Company ($5,700.00). Subsequently, Leadex Corporation notified the Pants acid Recreation Department bil I._tcr that they did not want to perform their portion of the playground installation which was awMrxded to there. The second lowest: bidder, Atlantis Construction. hats agrceil to perform installation for $10,000.00. We therefore recommend authorization to procure thcc services of ALIm tis Construction Company 1?y increasing their existing; purchase order H60 4455 fror.) `; .700.00 to S 15.700,00. 96— 594 SENT BY i 4Li ; CLI GL 1 'L A,Rk -', AD N! fI.V - -1 -3 Q; Total Amount of Awards: Atlantis Constniction CompLMY $1 Park Structuros 6,2 0 1 .7 2 Total: fa 2 1 1-3-6 1-7 Budgeted Amount: S2 1,916.00 9 Source of Funds; Capital Imp-ovemelit Pvo.icct �<o. 1`*-6)3)/(-'c.n-Lnmiry Dev,Iopnler, 96- 5