HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-96-0314F J-96-367 4/16/96 RESOLUTION NO. b _ 314 A RESOLUTION, BY A 4/5THS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING THAT AN EMERGENCY NEED EXISTED, WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND ACCEPTING THE INFORMAL BID OF AMERICAN LIGHTING AND SIGP: 'kLIZATION, INC., FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLED "ORANGE BOWL MODERNIZATION PHASE 111, FIELD LIGHTING REPLACEMENT, B-6260", IN THE AMOUNT OF $263,991.43; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, FISCAL YEAR 1995-1996, PROJECT 404240 AND ORANGE BOWL OPERATING BUDGET, INDEX CODE 350503-840, TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST OF $263,991.43 AND $39,598.72 TO COVER ESTIMATED EXPENSES, FOR AN ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF $303,590.15; FURTHER RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S EXECUTION OF THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THIS PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Orange Bowl Stadium will host some of the 1996 Olympic Soccer Games; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami is committed to complying with the regulations regarding level of field lighting as specified by the Olympic Committee; and ic!r ' COM USSION MEETING OF MAY 2 3 1996 WHEREAS, pursuant to Motion 96-232, adopted March 26, 1996, instructions were given to proceed with said lighting modifications at the Orange Bowl Stadium on an emergency basis; and WHEREAS, on April 4, 1996, as a result of informal bidding procedures, it was determined that American Lighting and Signalization, Inc., was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the project, in the amount of $263,991.43; and WHEREAS, funds for said lighting modifications, in an amount not to exceed $335,000, are available from the FY '96 Orange Bowl Operating Budget, Index Code 350503-840 and CIP Project 404240; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. By a 4/5ths affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission, after a duly advertised public hearing, ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's finding that an emergency need existed and f accepting the informal bid of American Lighting and Signalization, Inc., for the project "Orange Bowl Modernization Phase III, Field Lighting Replacement, i i B-6260", ("Project"), for the Department of Public Works, in the amount of $263,991.43, with funds therefor hereby allocated from the Capital Improvement 96- 314 Program, Fiscal Year 1995-1996, Project 404240 and Orange Bowl Operating Budget, Index Code 350503-840, to cover the contract cost of $263,991.43 and $39,598.15 to cover estimated expenses, for an estimated total cost of $303,590.15. Section 3. The requirements for competitive sealed bids are hereby waived for the acquisition of goods and services from American Lighting Signalization, Inc., for the above Project. Section 4. The City Manager's execution of the necessary documents to i complete the Project, is further ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of ; Ma 1996. ATTEST: L-�WALTE ,'J. 0 AN CITY CL K CAPITAL PROJECT REVIEW: GRA SHEEHAN, COORDINATOR, CIP I 3- Uti- 314 96- 314 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM Cel Cit RECOMMENDA TION �i DATE APR i 6 ION FILE SUBJECT : Orange Bowl Modernization Ph. III Field Lighting Replacement Resolution REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES Confirming the Contracting for Goods and Services It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution ratifying, approving, and confirming the action of the City Manager and authorizing the EMERGENCY contracting of goods and services for the project Orange Bowl Modernization, Phase III, Field Lighting Replacement. Job No. B-6260. BACKGROUND The Orange Bowl Stadium will frost some of the 1996 Soccer Olympic Games and the City of Miami is committed to comply with regulations regarding soccer field level of lighting as specified by the Olympic Committee. The Scope of work includes the replacement of the field in order to comply with Federation Internationale de Football Association regulations. At the commission meeting of March 26, 1996, Motion of Intent 96-232 was adopted to proceed with said field lighting modifications at the Orange Bowl Stadium on an emergency basis. Also, on April 4, 1996 our 4 bids were received for the project named "Orange Bowl Modernization, Phase III, Field Lighting Replacement, B-6260". and the lowest responsive and responsible bidder was American Lighting & Signalization, Inc.; in the amount of $163,991.43. 96- 314 Page Two ��► "� Orange Bowl Modernization - Ph. III - Lighting Replacement Field i It is now recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution ratifying, approving, and confirming the action of the City Manager in authorizing the emergency contracting of goods and services for the project Orange Bowl Modernization Phase III l Field Lighting Replacement, B-6260, in the total amount of $303,590.43. Funding is available under CIP Project No. 404240 as appropriated by Fiscal Year 1995-1996, and Orange Bowl Operating Budget No. 350503-840. i j j I i f 2 96-- 314 TO : FI LE Cesar H. Odio FROM : City Manager CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE : April 16, 1996 FILE : SUBJECT : EMERGENCY FINDING Orange Bowl Modernization Ph. III, Field Light Replacement - B-6260 REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Based on information supplied to me by the Director of the Department of Public Facilities, I have found that a valid EMERGENCY exists justifying the purchase of goods and services for the Orange Bowl Stadium. The Orange Bowl Stadium will host some of the 1996 Soccer Olympic Games and the City of Miami is committed to the Olympic Committee to comply with the requirements regarding soccer field levels of lighting as specified by the Federation Internationale de Football Association. On February 8, 1996, the Olympic Soccer Committee requested a confirmation of 140 Foot Candles of maintained level of light intensity for the playing field. After Hurricane Andrew repair work was completed, a maximum reading of 120 foot candles was obtained at the center of the field, for an average overall reading of 80 foot candles, for a playing field measurement of 160' x 360'. A new measurement of lighting intensity level was done on February 28, 1996, having obtained a maximum reading of 80 foot candles at the center of the field and an average overall reading of 60 foot candles for the rest of the field. Based upon the technical evaluation of the existing conditions and the new requirement in the level of light intensity, and the extended size of the playing field to 225' x 360', i have directed the Department of Public Works to prepare plans and specifications and to receive informal sealed bids to upgrade the Stadium lighting system on an emergency basis. On April 4, 1996, the Department of Public Works received four (4) informal sealed bids for the project "Orange Bowl Modernization, Ph. III, Field Lighting Replacement. B-6260", and the lowest responsible and responsible bidder was American Lighting and Signalization, Inc., in the amount of $263,991.43. Since time is of the essence in order to meet the deadline date imposed by the 1996 Soccer Olympic Games, it is recommended that a contract be awarded to American Lighting and Signalization, Inc., in the amount of $263,991.43, for the project "Orange Bowl Modernization, Ph. III, Field Lighting Replacement". Funding in the amount of $40,000. From the Orange Bowl Operating Budget Acct, #350503- 840, and $223,991.43 from CIP Project No. 404240, plus expenses, is already allocated for the project. This contract will be submitted to the City Commission for ratification as soon as possible. 9'6-- 314 1 F FACT SHEET DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: 4/5/19% JOB #: B-6260 PROJECT NAME: ORANGE BOWL FIELD LIGIITING REPLACEMENT PROJECT CEP # 404240 and 404000 (;) LOCATION: 1501 Northwest 3rd Street PROJECT MANAGER Jose A. Briz TypE_ FEI)ERALPARTICIPATION: Q ASSOCIATED DEPARTMENT: Public Facilities ASSESSABLE: EMERGENCY: RkSOLUTEON 4: BID REQUEST: FOR.�(AL INFOI2MAL� DFSCREMOM The project consists of the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment for the following_ 1. The removal fo 320 existing sport light fixtures and ballasts, wires, etc. from the stadium eight light towers. 2. The purchase of new sport light fixtures, ballasts and miscellaneous lighting ui ment and hardware. hti 3. The purchase and installation of wires, circuit breakers, etc. and the Installation of the Ughting equipment and materials. (k) Project No. # 404240: $210,000.00 and Project No. # 404000 (Index Cale 350503-840): $40,000.00 SCOPE OF SERVICES: CITY OUTSIDE AMOUNT (% OF CONST. COST) SURVEY / PLAT 0 0 SITE INVESTIGATION PLANNING AND STUDY O $ S,279.83 2 % OF EC DESIGN [� s 18,479.40 7 % OF Ec SPECS AND BID PROCESS =` na Q $ 5,279.83 2 % OF EC BLUEPRINTING AND ADVERTISING O $ (� CONSTRUCTION% s 263,991.43 taro) CONST.INSP. & MANAGENIENT s 10,559.66 4 %oFsto OTHER $ (� susmrAL s 303,590.15 15 % INDIRECT COSTS - (L43%) $ (� (>• �) CONTINGENCIES (5°/-) $ (M ESTIA(ATE OOMSI: COST. S 250,000.00 'TOTAL s 303,398.15 (q EsnnuTE CONTRAC1 OR'S INFORMATION: CIASr&-. FTI ml Fs--1 NON - MINORITY TYPEOFWORB: gaginecring-Construction MINORITY O =H YEARS OF ESTABEI:SHIAENf: I1 Fears LECENSE ECOM229 NAME: American Lighting & Signa11Zation,. Inc. TELEPHONE. (704) 743-0908 ADDRESS: 1001 Jupiter Park Drive, Slate 108 Jupi(er, FL 33458 CONTACTPERSON: Mark Sirmon or Dennis SChwarzkopf CLASS: J=JOINT P=PRIME S=SUB MINORITY: &=BiACK H=HISPANIC F=FEMALE still-f OSTRAC'TOR-li P Andre Brym CVpZ5: A=*TAd4T'3IRET.7FR5. UU.) FWq;-T4:4, r«.c, 96-- 314 5 0 A ORMAL BID I ORANGE BOWL FIELD LIGHTING REPLACEMENT PROJECT Project Number: B-6260 CIP Number: 404240 and 404000 Project Manager: JOSE A, BRIZ Date: 04/ 04 / 96 Person who received the bids: JOSE A. BRIZ_ Received at: Public Works Dept„ 444 SW 2nd Avenue Construction Estimate = $ 250,000,00 Timc: 11:00 A.M. _ BIDDER &EIqc{ric powor Electrlo 1lectrical cont Servic ADDRESS 1001 Jupiter Park Dr., 108 Ju iter FL 33458 8900 NE 4 Court, Miami 8950 NW 119 Street Hialeah Gardens, Fl 2294 W 78 Street, Hialee, BID BOND AMOUNT 6% Bid Bond $36.000.00 Bid Bond 5% Bid Bond $25.000.00 Bid Bond IRREGULARITIES MINORITY OWNED No No NO NO ITEM No. DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL NIT PRICE TOTAL 1 Removal of (320) existing sport light fixtures and ballasts, wires, eta, from the stadium light towers. $18 690.00 $19 319.00 $43,710.00 $28,300,00 2 Purchase of now sport light fixtures and lighting hardware, $183,380.00 $202,669.00 $161,120.00 $208,000.00 3 Purchase and installation of circuit breakers, wires, etc., and installation of now lighting equipment and materials, $35,881.43 $47,600,00 $67.142.00 $74 700.00 4 Provi8lon for Special Items $8,000.00 VE0000,00 $8.000.00 $8,000.00 TOTAL BASE BID: $243,861.43 $277.566.00 1279,972.00 $319.000.00 ADDITIVE ITEM A Purohaee and installation of lighting hardware for npill and glare control, $20,140.00 $21,864.00 17,000.00 g2L,960,00 ° IRREGULARITIES LEGEND IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THAT A - No Power -of -Attorney THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BID IS FROM AmericAn B - No Affidavit an to Capital & Surplus of Bonding Company Lighting & Signalization FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF S263,991,43 $ C - Corrected Extensions D - Proposal Unsigned or improperly Signed or no Corporate Seal E - Incomplete Extenaione F - Non-rosponnive bid -�* — BASE BID PLUS ADDITIVE ITEM A ------------------------------ 0 - Improper Bid Bond p-------"-- -------`--"------ H- Corrected Bid -- ^.�--- --- --------------------------------- 1 - No First Source Hiring compliance Statement Vizor--- =,_! ___ - ---- - Qd - - -- - - ----------------- J - No Minority Compliance statement----l1!%i3 f f�-_----- --- ---------------------------------- - No Duplicate Bid Proposal SHE-ET1 OF 2 Prepared by Andre' Bryan under file 096280BT,DWO-----------�----------------------------------.---------------------- .: C?: FORMAL BID ORANGE BOWL FIELD LIGHTING REPLACEMENT PROJECT Project Numbelr; 8-6260 _ CIP Number:_ 404240 and 404000 Project Manager: JOSE A. BRIZ _ Date: 04/ 04 /-6 Person who received the bids: JOSE A, BEIZ Received at: Public Works Dept, 444 SW 2nd Avenue Construction Estimate — 260,000,00 Time: 11:00 A.M. BIDDER _ ADDRESS 108 NW 3 Street Boom Raton, FL 33432 BID BOND AMOUNT 6% Bid Bond IRREGULARITIES MINORITY OWNED No No No NO ITEM No. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE TOTAL 1 Removal of (320) existing sport light fixtures and ballasts, wires, eto. from the stadium light towers. $46,046.00 2 Purchase of new sport light fixtures and lighting hardware. $205,147.00 3 Purchase and installation of circuit _ breakers, wires, eta„ and installation of now lighting equipment and materials. 131 698,0 4 Provision for Special Items $8,000,00 TOTAL BASE BID: — $390,789.00 ADDITIVE ITEM A � Purchase and installation of Lighting hardware for spill and glare control. $29,000.00 * IRREGULARITIES LEGEND IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PU3LIC WORKS THAT A - No Power -of -Attorney THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE AND RESPONSIVE BID IS FROM ArnericAn B - No Affidavit as to Capital & Surplus of Bonding Company Lighting & Signalization FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $263,991.43 + C - Corrected Extenalone D - Proposal Unsigned or improperly Signed or no Corporate Seal E - incomplete Extenelone +\\ BASE BID PLUS ADDITIYE ITEM_ A __ _________ __ _______ _____ F — Non —responsive bid _�1_=____ 0 — Improper Bid Bond d,t_c .------- —ADDITIVE ---------------------------------- H — Corrected Bid �— --a'—" — I — No First Source Hiring Compliance Statement —,--==`}-----� c�Z — J - No Minority Comptienoe Statement ____— �f1St__________ _ _____ ________________ K - No Duplicats Bid Proposal _.._____________ -- SHEET 2 0_ 2 Prepared by Andre Bryan under file OB8280HT.DKO---------------------- _______________________________ CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ro : Walter J. Foeman DATE : April 9, 1996 FILE City Clerk SUBJECT Request to Publish Notice of Public Hearing for an Emergency Resolution Waldemar E. Lee, Director FROM Public Works Department REFERENCES Advertisement ENCLOSURES. Please make arrangements to publish a Notice of Public Hearing for discussions pertaining to an Emergency Resolution ratifying, approving and confirming the action of the City Manager and authorizing the emergency contracting of goods and services for the Projects "ORANGE BOWL MODERNIZATION PHASE III, LIGHTING REPLACEMENT" , in the amount of $263,991.43, between the City of Miami and American Lighting & signalization, Inc., and "ORANGE BOWL FIELD, SOD REPLACEMENT", in the amount of S56,000.00, between the City of Miami and Tifton Select Grassing, Inc. The public hearing has been scheduled for , 1996. Please charge to index code 319202-287, Project 404240. 4 APPROVED Elvi Ggilasteguiup Agenda Coordinator I f I, • I I i 96- 3-14� CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on at in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American L Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of hearing any comments by the City Commission from any interested parties affected by an Emergency Resolution ratifying, approving and confirming the action of the City Manager and authorizing the emergency contracting of goods and services for the projects "ORANGE BOWL MODERNIZATION PHASE III, LIGHTING REPLACEMENT, B-6260" in the amount of $263,991.43, between the City of Miami and American Lighting and Signalization, Inc., and "ORANGE BOWL FIELD, SOD REPLACEMENT, B-6257", in the amount of $56,000.00 between the City of Miami and Tifton Select Grassing, Inc.. I All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this award. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Corrimission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. Walter Foeman City Clerk Miami, Florida 314 11