HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-96-0128J-96-170 2/16/96 96- 128 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FUNDING OF FOUR (4) ORGANIZATIONS ("SERVICE PROVIDERS"), AS HEREIN SPECIFIED, FOR THE PROVISION OF HOUSING AND RELATED SERVICES TO PERSONS WITH HIV/AIDS OR RELATED DISEASES; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1995 HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS (HOPWA) GRANT PROGRAM; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the HOPWA Program was created under the AIDS Housing Opportunity Act, and revised under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992; and WHEREAS, Section 606(d)(2) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 stipulates that the city, being the City of Miami, being the most populous unit of general local government in an eligible metropolitan statistical area (EMSA), not including county government, must be the applicant for the Grant and be allocated the related funding; and WHEREAS, in March, 1995, the City of Miami applied for $7,906,000 in 1995 HOPWA Grant funding, on behalf of the EMSA, which includes Dade County and the cities of Hialeah and Miami Beach; and CITY COVWSSION MEETING OF FEB 2.9 1996 Resolution No. 96- 128 WHEREAS, in October, 1995, the City was notified by U.S. HUD that due to the rescission of $15,000,000 in Program appropriations, our EMSA's 1995 HOPWA allocated was reduced to $7,268,000; and WHEREAS, in January, 1996, the 1995 HOPWA Selection Committee reviewed and made recommendations on responses to the City's solicitation for proposals from local AIDS service providers received in December, 1995, as stated in Section 2 of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City administration recommends that the agencies, as stated in Section 2 of this Resolution, be awarded the related funding to provide housing and related services to very low income persons living with AIDS throughout the Dade County geographic area NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The funding of the following four (4) organizations (Service Providers) for the provision of housing and related services to very low income persons living with HIV/AIDS or related diseases is hereby approved, with funds therefor hereby allocated, in the following amounts, from the 1995 Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids (HOPWA) Grant Program: 2- 99- 128 Service Provider Christian Community Service Agency Economic Opportunity Family Health Center Activi Provider based housing assistance Client based housing assistance Dade County Human Emergency housing assistance Resources Department (Office of Community Services) Lock Towns Community Special needs & moving/ relocation Mental Health Center Amount $1,245,000 1,345,000 150,000 120,000 Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the necessary documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the hereinabove Service Providers to implement said Program. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of February , 1996. s STE EN P. �CLARK, tYOR ATTEST: WALTER FO MAN CITY CLERK 1 The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. 3- 96- 128 NET REVIEW: REVIEWED AS TO ACCOUNTING, BUDGETARY, AND TREASURY REQUIREMENTS: 4? MANORAR S . SURA ASSISTANT CITY TANAGER PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: LINDA EARSON ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: �iL /// L o •. W627:csk:LKK -4- 9G- 128 TO I Ionorable Mayer and Members of the City Commission CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDU oar(.' FEB 2 n !9A5 73 A- FILI.` SunJECI : Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Agreements I-RoM : Cos VIEFERENOCS City Commission Agenda City Revised item - February 29. 1996 CNCLOOLIME3 . C _ K�uj ttTi iq It is respectfully rownuncndud that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the City Mnlragrrr to execute individual contractual agreements with Christian Community Scr%zce Agony, Fxuuomic Opportunity Family Health Center, Metropolitan Dade County's Dcpartmcnt of Human Resources (Office of Community Services) and Lock Towns Community Mental llcaltli Ccatur for the provisiou of housing and related services to very low income individuals with HIVWDS or related disease. Funding for this service is being provided by the i T.S..Departuicra of Housing and Urban Development from the fiscal year 1995 Housing Opportunities For Vensurr, With AIDS (HOPWA) Grant Program. NPT recommends that the City Conuuissiun adopt the attached resolution authorising the City Maaager to execute individual coati Lual agreements with Christian Community Service Agency, Economic Opportunity Fanuly IIaalth Center, Metropolitan Dade County's Human Resources Deportment (Office of Conuuuuity Services) and Lock 'Towns Community Mental Health Center in connection with the provision of housing and related services to very low income individuals with WWAIDS or rcla wd diseases. Further, Section 2 of the attached resolntion directs the City Manager to disburse funding in the amounts stated therein. Tn March of 1995, the City of Miami, on behalf of Metropolitan Dade County and the cities of Hialeah And Miami Beach, applied for $7,906,000 in Housing Opportunities iirr Persons With AIDS (FTOPWA) Grant Prob*ram funding from U.S. HUD. In October of 1995, the City was notified by INS TTUD that its application for 1995 TIOPWA Grant Program funding had been approved: however, because of a federal budget amendnrent/mwission to the fiscal year budget, the City's award was decreased from $7,906,000 to $7,268,000, At the March 9, 1995 City Corrunission meeting, the City Commissiou, Wrough Resolution 95- 179, authorized the City Manager to accept the 1995 HOPWA Program Grant from U.S. HUI) 96- 128 SENT BY;DEV/HOUSING-ASStC MGMT, 2-lb-Ub ; 11:UU GI I Vr IVIUUM1-4 000OU0i iui µ K Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 2 and to execute the necessary implementing agreements, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, and applicable City Code provisions. In December of 1995, the City issued an application to provide housing and related services. The HOPWA Selection Committee evaluated the responses to the application, and recommends: Christian Community Service Agency, and South Florida Jail Ministries / Agape Women's Center to provide long term (12 months), provider based housing assistance. Economic opportunity Family Health Center to provide long term (12 months), client based housing a,,aistance, Metropolitan Uade County's Human Resources Department (Office of Community Services) to provide emergency housing assistance and Lock Towns Community Mental Health Center to provide special needs and moving/relocation assistance to very low income persons living with IIIV/ATDS or related diseases in connection with the 1995 HOPWA Grant Program. Bwwd on the recommendations of the IiOPWA Selection Committee, NEF recommends the folic wing local area AIDS service providers for funding in the amounts listed below in conneution with the implementation of the 1995 HOPWA Grant Program; fieryiec Provider's Name Christian Community Service Agency Economic, Opportunity Family iIcalth Cecatcr Agtivi Long term (12 months), provider based housing assistance Long term (12 months), client based housing assistance Metropolitan Dade County's Emergency housing (up to 60 days) I[uman kesoumcs Department assistance (Office of Community Services) Lack Towns Conunuiuty Mental Special needs &. Moving/relocation i-Tcalth Gcntor assistance 2 $1,245,000 $1,345,000 $30.0100 $120,000 96- 128 SF�iT BY DEV/HOU5tNG-ASSET MGMT: 2-16-9b ; ll Uti Ct Y or m AMI" Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 3 The 199b HoPWA Advisory Board has requested that the City Adminisvatin•n request that the City Attorney review South Florida Jail Minisvies / Agape Womens's Center's application for the purpose of'rendering a legal opinion ds to the eligibility of Agape's proposal with re6peet to the application under which it was submitted. Therefore, even though Agape was recommended for funding by the 1995 HOPWA Selection Committee, staffs recommendatini, is not made herein with respect to Agape's proposal, pending the City Attorney's opinion. Additionally, the 11GPWA Advisory Board and the HOPWA Selection Committee recommend that the City provide adequate resources and staff to monitor the HOPWA Grant Prnt,►rRm funded agencies, as is required by the implementing federal regulations pursuant to the City's acceptance of the Grant. Presently, the 199514OPWA Program Grant of $7,268,000 allows the; City 3% or $218,040 to defray the cost of administering the Program, Further, the I40PWA Advisory Board and the HOPWA Selection Committee have also requested the City clarify and define their specific responsibilities, respectively, relative to the implementation of the HOPWA Pmeram. City Commission ratification of the attached resol ution is recommended, �; � 128 3