HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-96-0018J-96-82 1/10/96 RESOLUTION NO. 96- 18 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LEADEX CORPORATION FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AT THE BELAFONTE TACOLCY CENTER FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $15,125.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 331364, INDEX ACCOUNT CODE NO. 589301-860; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR SAID ACQUISITION. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice, sealed bids were received October 18, 1995, for the furnishing and installation of playground equipment' at the Belafonte Tacolcy Center for the Department of Parks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice for Bid No. 95-96-001, two bids were received; and WHEREAS, funds for said purchase are available from the WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation recommend that the bid received from { Leadex Corporation be accepted as the lowest most responsible and iresponsive bid; i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The October 18, 1995 bid of Leadex Corporation for the furnishing and installation of playground equipment at the Belafonte Tacolcy Center at a total proposed amount of $15,125.00, is hereby accepted, with funds therefor hereby allocated from the Capital Improvement Program, Project { No. 331364, Index Account Code No. 589301-860. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to instruct the Chief Procurement Officer to issue a purchase order for said acquisition. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th A E T• ER J. F ITY CLERK -2- r PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ze_e�F= RAFAEL 0. DIAZ DEPUTY CITY ORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: A Ql�l CITY A W562:"k:ROD III y CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM CA=25 Honorable Mayor and TO : Members of the City Commission DATE : Xwl _ C 19 95 FILE SUBJECT: Resolution Award for Tacolcy Daycare Tot -lot Cesa io 1 FROM : Clty er REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: ON It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution awarding the bid for the purchase and installation of play equipment for the Tacolcy Center Daycare to Leadex Corporation, located at 42 NW 27th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33125, a Hispanic farm and the low bidder under bid No. 95-96-001. Finds for this improvement are available from the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 331364, "Tacolcy Center Renovations" . B 7GWJND: The Department of Parks and Recreation has received community input as to the renovation needs of Tacolcy Center through various meetings with the neighborhood residents. Among the items determined to be of great need was a playground for the children of the daycare center. Pursant to public notice, two (2) sealed bids were received on October 18, 1995 for the purchase and installation of a modular play structure. Award of the bid is recommended to Leadex Corporation, a Hispanic firm located within the City of Miami., which submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid. T= Air OF 13ID: $15,125.00 16 OF COST ESTE m m BUDGETED AMDLINTa $15,000.00 101% F SOURCE OF F[JNCS: i z Cenmunity Development Block Grant Funds, Project #331364 Index Code 589301- 860. ( 1�7%zority Participation: Award to a Hispanic owned firm. f 1 Public Dominos/Noti_ce: One legal advertisement. I I Assessable Project-: N/A r i i i I i f 1 I 9618 i CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Judy S. Carter December 12, 1995 TO : Chief Procurement Officer DATE : FILE Department of Finance SUBJECT Alberto Ruder, Director Bid Evaluation - Bid FROM : a ks and Recreation Department REFERENCES ;No. 95-96-001 Tacolcy Daycare Tot -Lot J ENCLOSURES: The Department of Parks and Recreation has evaluated the following bid for the purchase and installation of playground equipment at the Tacolcy Daycare Tot - lot. 1. Leadex Corporation $15,125.00 Low Bid 2. JSK International, Inc. $17,343.00 High Bid Leadex Corporation whose bid was $15,125 is a .local City of Miami vendor located at 42 NW 27th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33125 and is the lowest responsible and responsive bidder meeting the bid specifications. Therefore, we recamniend award of bid to Leadex Corporation, a Hispanic firm located within the City of Miami, in the amount of $15,125 for the purchase and installation of a play structure at Tacolcy Center. AR/CH/Ms cc: 0dalys Mon Charles Hudson File CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Judy S . Carter DATE December 12, 1995 FILE Chief Procurement Officer General Services Administration SUBJECT: and Solid Waste Department FROM :., REFERENCES �-- Tacolcy Daycare Tat -lot Alberto Ruder, Director ENCLOSURES: Parks and Recreation Departmetnt This Department has verified with the appropriate departments that funds are available to cover the cost of subject purchase in the amount of $15,125.00, Index Code 589301-860, Project #331364. CAPITAL IMPROV"Ki '.P PROGRAM REVIEW: Grant ee Cap' c Projects Coordinator COMMUNITY DEVF.J DP.ME 1T REVIEW: Elbert Pters, Director Ccmmunfty DeveloE ment Department AR/CH/ms 5 96 - 18 OF MIAMI, FLORIDA BID N0. 95-96-001- :. SHEET (Continued) r BID SHEET AND ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RETURNED IN TRIPLICATE IN TI;E ATTACHED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED BY BID NUMBER, TIME AND DATE OF BID OPENING. IF SECURITY IS REQUIRED, A BID WILD, NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THE DEPOSIT OR BOND IS SUBMITTED IN THIS ENVELOPE. Terms: net 10 days (Include cash discount for prompt payment, if any) Additional discount of 4e7 * _% if awarded all items. Y Warranty and/or guarantee: as oer manufacturer Delivery:l��alendar days required upon receipt of Purchase Order or. Notice of Award. :_�Number of calendar days required to complete work after start. to accordance with the Invitation .to Bid, the Specifications, General Conditions, Special 2onditions, and General Information to Bidders, we agree to furnish the Item(s) at Prices _ndicated on the attached bid sheet(s). NAMES OF COMPANY OWNER(S): Frank J . Fonseca, P . E . NAMES OF COMPANY OFFICER(S):- . f Franc J. Fonseca, P.E. List principal business address: (street address) 1:2 N. W. 27th Ave. Ste. 304-A, Miami, Fl 33125 i) List all other offices located in the State of Florida: (street address) d. ;Please use the back of this page more s is necessary) N�TY PRu. iErL7. Phe undersigned bidder acknow edges thut (s ha: amended, the Minority Procuremi t Ordinance o: e C applicable substantive and proc:.dural provisio _ cher Bidder: Leadex Cortioration Signatu (company name; Date: . _ Print F adicate if Business is 51% Minority -owned 'LZAUCE eived a copy of ordinance #10062 as I Miami and agrees to comply with all inclur" 1_any-,amendments thereto. Fonseca, P.E. k one b,. only) ] BLACK [X] HISPANIC [ ) FEMALE AFFSRMATTVE ACT?,S S If firm has an existing plan, effective date of impleii ion: 5/1/41. If firm does not have an existing p...,, the Succe 1 Bidder(s) shall be required to stablish an Affirmative Action Policy, pursuant to Ort. #10062 as amended. See Appendix for sample. der: Lead -ex Corporation Sig (company name) RE IQ CON PI ETF, SIGN, --AND ETUR T. re : .ARM MAY DISQUALIFY THIS BJ . 7 96- 18 BID TAwn UGN `I'ACOLCY DAYCARE P.L.MGRCUND BID FO. 95-96-001 OCTOBER 17, 1995 Total Items to be Awarded MDURITY BIDDER CLASSIFICATION ITEM 1 I`.PEM 2* ITEM 3 ITEM 4 ITEM 5 ITEM 6 1,314,5i6 Leadex Corp. Hispanic $8,750 ($9,980) $1,025 $2,400 $450 $2,500 $15,125 42 NW 27 Ave. (local) Miami, FL 33125 JSK Intl. Hispanic $8,676 ($10,442)$1,097 $3,123 $1,947 $2,500 $17,343 1847 NW 21 St. Miami, FL 33142 * Delete item 2 from Bid Award. a r AWARD OF BID BID NO. 95-96-001 ITEM: Furnishing and installation of playground equipment DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation TYPE OF PURCHASE: Short -Term Contract REASON: To provide playground equipment for the children of the daycare center. POTENTIAL BIDDERS: Eighteen (18) BIDS RECEIVED: Two (2) FUNDING ALLOCATION: Capital Improvement Project No. 331364, Index Code 589301-860. BID TABULATION: See Attached BID EVALUATION: Bid Invitations Bid Mailed Responses ALL VENDORS 18 2 MINORITY/FEMALE VENDORS 7 2 Within City limits 2 2 Registered with City 6 1 Black Vendors 1 0 Located within City limits 0 0 Registered with City 1 0 Female Vendors 3 0 Located within City limits 0 0 Registered with City 3 0 Hispanic Vendors 3 2 Located within City limits 2 2 Registered with City 2 1 NON MINORITY VENDORS 11 0 Located within City limits 0 0 "No Blds" 6 Reasons for "No Bid" were as follows: �i 6 11 jy..- r 1. REP Services, Inc. - "We do not offer these products". 2. Recreonics - "Do not carry playground equipment". 3. Pete Jeffrey and Associates - "We do not have the product specified". 4. All American Playworld - "Margin too close". S. Landscape Structures, Inc. - "Can not comply with bid specifications". b. Park Structures, Inc. - "Can not meet specifications". RECOMMENDATION: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT AWARD BE MADE TO LEADEX CORPORATION, A HISPANIC/LOCAL VENDOR, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $15,125.00. ,j ief Procurement Of er Date DID-SECDRITT LIST iID ITEli: TOT LOT AT TACOLCY DAYCARE Nrrww.�wrw w--------- —-------- M 9 5- 9 6_ 0 0 1 B I D XO. -- rr-------- —------- --- � s DATE SIDS) OPENED: N_OCTOBER 18, 1995 11:30 ,fir TOTAL D ID_10ND-10 r2 . _T DIDDIRR DIDNANOUNT CA3NIER' S rCHXCRw— r�wrrrw-wrrrrrrr rrrrr w wrw-wrw•�-w•.�ww LEADEX CORPORATION rrwrr See attached b w Nrrw-w-w-�•r M-r-wrw d wNwNww rrrw_ ww�w..rw-w-w--- JSK INTERNATIONAL INC. r-------w--www • NO BID wwrw LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES PETE JEFFREY &•ASSOCIATES REP SERVICES, INC. wmw-rfw RECREONICS, INC. w w ALL AMERICAN PLAYWORLD rwr-� w -rN-wrw Nwr-wmwwww PARK STRUCTURES, INC. rrrw wN-wrrwwrwwrwrrr wrN wwsww wwwwNwwrw "' �` IMS Jill rwN.�ww�rww-r herein r�^ i'� n � "Offers from the vendors listed other offers sjxbrrlt'�-d in resprnce Ito t1 r 'Ire fturfty IVIeCtcd wwwwrwwwr a wNwwwr wwwwwwrrww ww w wwrwwr Nw wwNwwwr wwww�r wwr-wr-wwr wNNww rwo w wwlw • wwrwN wwNwwwwwww wwwwwwww ww-w-w �rww raw ww• wwwN r N Nwww rwwoArw wwwNNNN rwrrNwwwww wwww�rrw Nwwr-wrww wNwrw Newrwwww w0 M-wwwwMwwww wwwNwawiw www wwwNw w wwrw �r� wwNw-www�www�w ..rrwwwwwwwrrwwNNN ssesi�sa ( ) envelopes on behalf of . +rr�swwwww�w-.w (Vernon receiving bids) Jh , GSA/SOLID WASTE -PROCUREMENT DIVISION on ww.n-�-wrrwwwwrwwwwwwrwwNwwrr -iww r�� (City Department) • SIGNS s _ ___ putp Ci p C107 R E r '95 OCT 18 All :30 WALI'ER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERK {AT Y 0 17 141 1 M 1, F L, A r LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT f BID NO.95-96-001 Sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk at his office located at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 not later than 1 1:30 a.m. October 18 , 1995 for tine furnishing and installation of a Tot Lot at Tacolcy Daycare for the Department of Parks and Recreation. DAVIS BACON WAGES ARE APPLICABLE TO THIS PROJECT. Bids submitted past such deadline and/or submitted to any other location or office shall be deemed non -responsive and will be rejected. Ordinance No. 10062, as amended, established a goal of awarding 51 % of the City's total dollar volume of all expenditures for all good and services to Black, Hispanic and Women Minority Business Enterprises on an equal basis. Minority and women vendors who are interested in submitting bids and who are not registered with the City as minority or women vendors are advised to contact the City Procurement Office located at 300 Biscayne Blvd. Way, Suite 210, (305) 579-6845. Section 18-52.1(h) of the City Code, as amended, states that the City Commission may offer to a responsible and responsive local bidder, whose primary office is located in the City of Miami, the opportunity of accepting a bid at the low bid amount, if the original bid amount submitted by the local vendor does not exceed 1 10 percent of the lowest other responsible and responsive bidder. The City reserves the right to request copies of the occupational license, professional and/or trade licenses, corporate chart and tax return and any other documents to verify the location of the firm's primary office. All vendors whose primary office is located within the City of Miami must provide a t copy of their City Occupational License with their bids.. The City Manager may reject all bids and readvertise. (Ad No. 2076) ' co Cesar H. Odio City Manager I �'- City of Miami 2076 number must REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT appear This the t' advertisement INSTRUCTI N :` Please tvD2 and atth th n �1: Department :' ;'Par}cs & Recreation 2. Division: Account Cod®number: 319501 287 331386 4."Is this -a confirmation: ❑ Yes No 5. Prepared by: Gladys Bermudez ...Size of advertisement - 'Le al 7. Starting date: 10/y/95 8. Telephone number: 579-6845 9. Number of times this advertisement is to be ublished: ,1J 10. Type of advertisement: Legal ❑ Classified ❑ Display 11. Remarks: BID NO. -95-96--001 TALCOLCY DAYCARE TOT LOT 12. Publication If, ,.'. , r� R....., Date(s) .of . Advertisement .k n.„, Invoice No.. Amount MIAMI REVIEW MIAMI TTMES DIARIO LAS AMERICAS ' I . i • 13. Approved ` ❑ Disap roved Department Director/D0gne Date �; C GS/PC 503 Rev. 12/89 Routing : Forward White and Canary Approved for Payment Date to G S A (Procurem t M 3 i r 4 s i i I 44 i i i i a i en I DISTRIBUTION: White -G.S.A.; Canary - Department anagement) and retain Pink copy. i <i r'' O To. P.)':('ITY 01tY - -)A ;J�-18-973 :10:00AM PRO(IRDIFNI City of Mian DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Phis Page I of, stio or 6 If Owe are any qtjeivyou did not receive aft documents or ruadable copy, please call, PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 210 mikirni, FI-orida 3313.1 Tel, No. (305)579-6645 FAY No. (305)579-6853 • {sus 1 1, ; fir,, WED 10': 0 9 0 5 � 7 5 5 1 0 P. I I ()F Ni I :111I r i 18 -135 :10 : 01 ANI PROCURENIE f ' , -1 -• C17Y OF MIAMI, FLORIDA TACOLCY CENTER VAYCARE TOT LOT BID SKEET THE BIDDER STATES THAT THIS PROPOSAL IS BASED UPON THE CONTRACT 01-�CUMENT . The Bidder agrees to perform 'all. work as authorized in these specifications for the lump sum and unit prices, as noted, * * * it * * * * * * * * * * * h * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * h * The city reserves the right to award any single item or: ccrribi.nation of items together- in one package. OASE BIDt The total of Items 1 through 6, }cased on a, thirty (30) calendar days completion time, the .lump sum of: Dollars and Cents GRAND TOTAL CITY OF MAlh I, r.60111Dh (BID NO. 95-9G-001. ) TACOr,CY CEN"VER DAYCARE TOT LOT t*or furnishing and install i ng Playground equipment sand anri edging at Teac:olcy Center Daycare, 6161 N.W. 9th Avenue, Miami, Vlorida . It qUA# Description uanti.t Bld 1. "Tottime" Component Struct.ux:e-i #TTE 3863-M2 (1) 2. Concrete Slab (4 1/2") 715o s.1. $ tt Tiles 3. rroo Standing Tic Tnc 'roe (1) $ with SnAp-on Games 4. Two Saddle Rates, 4 Crawl Tube, and 13alance Learn 5. Excavation (for Slab & Tilps) 715 s . f . x6" 6. Provision for Specia9, Items $ "lr 500. 0.0... Grand Total (Items 1 t.hxu 6) (BASE b7.D) L xcc �t.ic�ns to Spec i f ica k i.arin (if any). 1 Social Security or Federal Employer rdentif i.cation No. � t?cc:up-At:ional : JQ.ense No . _ Expires: I (copy to be submitted witTithit b d) rs r?1)t:R: signature: I11i.I.URF� 'C1 _COMPLUIrUt SIGH AND RETURN THTS FOWL MAX I DISO UAt..CP x � I: t� fi +