HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1996-03-14 Minutes^XTY OF MIAMI itIS 96 OF MWING HELD ON -.MARC.11.14, .1996L REGULAR PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL WAITER J. FOEMAN CITY CLERIC e� INDEX �. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING March 14, 1996 ITEM NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6.1. 6.2. SUBJECT LEGISLATION PAGE NO. BRIEF DISCUSSION CONCERNING DISCUSSION RESCHEDULING OF APRIL COMMISSION 3/14/96 MEETING. (See label 5) PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND DISCUSSION SPECIAL ITEMS. 3/14/96 MAYOR CLARK CONGRATULATES CITY MANAGER DISCUSSION CESAR ODIO ON MIAMI'S NEIGHBORHOOD 3/14/96 ENHANCEMENT TEAM (NET) PROGRAM CONCEPT BEING A SEMIFINALIST IN 196 INNOVATIONS IN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT PROGRAM. RESCHEDULE MARCH 28TH COMMISSION R 96-161 MEETING TO MARCH 26, 1996. 3/14/96 (Continued) RESCHEDULE FIRST R 96-162 COMMISSION MEETING IN APRIL TO TAKE 3/14/96 PLACE ON APRIL 25, 1996. (See label 1) CONSENT' AGENDA -- DIRECT ADMINISTRATION DISCUSSION TO CONFIRM, IN WRITING, TO MR. MANUEL 3/14/96 GONZALEZ-GOENAGA PREVIOUS EXPENSES INCURRED FOR PAGERS LOCATED AT POLICE DEPARTMENT. ACCEPT BIDS: (1) LEADEX CORPORATION, R 95-163 (2) PARK STRUCTURES, AND (3) ATLANTIS 3/14/96 CONSTRUCTION -- FOR FURNISHING / INSTALLATION OF PLAYGROM STRUCTURE, SAND AND SPRING RIDERS AT TOWN PARK -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CIP 331363 / COMMUNITY DEVETAPMEW GRANT FUND 705403. AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURE R 95-164 ($6,000) TO AMERICAN PAGING -- FOR 3/14/96 PROVISION OF INTERIM PACER SERVICE (FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT) -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM LAW ENFORCEIV= TRUST FUND (LETF). 2-3 3 3 4-5 5-7 7-8 0 k"' 6.3. AUTHORIZE FUNDING OF NATIONAL R 96-165 10 ORGANIZATION OF BLACK LAW ENFORCEMENT 3/14/96 I EXECUTIVES (NOBLE), FLORIDA CHAPTER, FIFTEENTH ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE (MARCH 6-9, 1996) -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LETF). i 6.4. ACCEPT PLAT: SANTA CL,ARA ELEMENTARY R 96-166 10 SCHOOL. 3/14/96 7. APPOINT / CONFIRM RAMIRO MARRERO TO R 96-167 10-12 SERVE ON AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISC'?Y BOARD. 3/14/96 8. APPOINT DWAYNE WYNN TO SERVE ON R 96-168 12-13 INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD (ITB). 3/14/96 9. APPOINT VALRIA SCREEN TO SERVE ON R 96-169 13-14 BUDGET AND FINANCES REVIEW COMMITTEE. 3/14/96 10. APPOINT MANOLO REYES AND CHARLES MCEWEN R 96-170 14-15 TO SERVE ON CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. 3/14/96 11. RATIFY APPOINTMENT OF CHARLES FLOWERS R 96-171 16 TO SERVE ON OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD. 3/14/96 12. APPOINT ANGEL URQUIOLA TO SERVE ON R 96-172 16-17 CITYWIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD. 3/14/96 13. (A) APPOINT CARMEN DAVIS TO SERVE ON R 96-173 17-20 COCONUT GROVE STANDING FESTIVAL R 96-174 COMMITTEE -- WAIVE RESIDENCY 3/14/96 REQUIREMENT. (B) APPOINT MS. SKY SMITH TO SERVE ON COCONUT GROVE STANDING FESTIVAL COMMITTEE. 14. CONFIRM APPOINTMENT OF CHARLES R 96-175 20-22 FERNANDEZ TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 3/14/96 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA). 15. APPOINT OFELLA TABARES FERNAMEZ AMID R 96-176 22-24 MERTIS CARSWELL, MCCANTS TO SERVE ON 3/14/96 PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD (PAB). 16. (A) C=ffSSIONER CAROUD DEFERS HIS DISCUSSION 24-25 APPOINTMENT' TO THE COMMISSION ON THE 3/14/96 STATUS OF WOMEN. (B) COMMENTS BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER REGARDING AWARDS CEREMONY FOR WOMEN OF THE YEAR, AS ,SKEE1 TED BY COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOKEN. 17. APPOINT JOSE ALEMAN TO SERVE ON URBAN R 96-177 25-26 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD. 3/14/96 18. APPOINT R. CAI SVENDSEN TO SERVE ON R 96-178 26-27 WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD. 3/14/96 19. APPOINT LORENZO LORENZO-LUACES, OSVALDO R 96-179 27-28 A. MORAN, AND MICHAEL R. GOLDSTEIN TO 3/14/96 SERVE ON ZONING BOARD. 20. APPOINT TERESITA GYORI TO SERVE ON R 96-180 28-29 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE. 3/14/96 21. DIRECT MANAGER TO INSTRUCT CITY'S M 96-181 29-31 LOBBYIST IN TALLAHASSEE TO AMEND 3/14/96 PERTINENT SECTIONS OF PUBLIC PURPOSE PROVISION IN FLORIDA STATUTES TO ALLOW PROPERTY TAX REIMBURSEMENT FOR TAX REVENUES LOST EXISTING PROFIT - MAKING TAX-EXEMPT INSTITUTIONS IN THE CITY. 22. (A) DISCUSSION CONCERNING CITY BOARDS / R 96-182 31-36 COMMITTEES ANNUAL REPORTS. 3/14/96 (B) COMMISSIONER DAWKINS REQUESTS MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC.'S (MCDCI) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, PABLO PEREZ CISNEROS TO GO WITH HIM TO JACKSONVILLE FOR EVALUATION BY HUD OF MCDCI'S INVOLVEMENT IN FUNDING OF MINORITY BUSINESSES. (C) COMMISSIONER CAROLiO REQUESTS CHAIRPERSON OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD (ITB) TO PROVIDE BREAKDOWN OF $63,562,500 REGARDING ESTIMATED ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ITB-SPONSORED EVE TS . (D) ABOLISH OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE EQUITY STUDY COMMISSION. 23. DEFER DISCUSSION CONCERNING ELIGIBILITY M 96 -183 37-53 OF EXPENSES / COSTS INCURRED BY FLORIDA 3/14/96 HOUSING GROUP, LTD. IN CONNECTION WITH DEVELOPMENT / CONSTRUCTION OF 125 UNIT ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY (ACLF) -- REQUEST FLORIDA HOUSING GROUP, LTD., TO PROVIDE COPY OF PROPOSED AGREEMENT WHICH RECOMMENDS SUBORDINATION OF CITY'S MORTGAGE TO THIRD POSITION, AND TO CLARIFY HOW THE LOAN SHALL BE PAID. 24. DISCUSSION CONCERNING ACTIVITIES OF DISCUSSION 53-66 MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, 3/14/96 INC. (MCDCI) -- REQUEST MCDCI TO MEET WITH COMMISSION REGARDING THE TEATRO MARTI MOAN ISSUE TO FIND SOLUTION TO OUTSTANDING DEBT OWED TO THE CITY. 25. (A) APPROVE, IN PRINCIPLE, DEVELOPMENT R 96-184 66-72 OF YC T.PH EDUCATION IN SPORTS (YES) / 3/14/96 YOUTH EDUCATION TOWNS (YET) FACILITIES AT MORE PARK AND GRAPELAND HEIGHTS PARK -- BY THE SOUTH FZORIDA SUPER HOWL HOST COMMITTEE FOUNDATION, INC. -- AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT WITH FOUNDATION TO TRANSFER SAID FACILITIES TO THE CITY. (B) UPDATE ON NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE RECEIPT OF SPECIFICATIONS REGARDING CITY BIDDING ON 1999 AND 2000 SUPER BOWL CAMS. 26. DISCUSS AND REFER TO MANAGER PROPOSAL M 96-185 73-79 FROM SHAKE -A -LEG, INC., REC=ff] DING 3/14/96 SAID ORGANIZATION BE HIRED BY THE CITY (UNDER MANA(M�MNT AGREEMENT') TO MANAGE / OPERATE A COMMUNITY WATER SPORTS RECREATION CENTER AT VIRRICK GYM (FORMER U.S. COAST GUARD AIR STATION) -- REQUEST SHAKE -A -LEG TO PRESENT PLAN TO COMMISSION FOR PARKING ADJACENT TO VIRRICK GYM, AND ACCCYMODATION FOR BOAT RAMP ACCESS -- DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE PLAN FOR OVERFLOW PARKING AREA IN VICINITY OF VACANT PARKING LOT IN FRONT OF GROVE KEY MARINA BUILDING. kw-- 27. COMMtISSION RECOMMENDS VALET PARKING FOR M 96-186 SPECIAL EVENTS AT MIAMI ARENA USING 3/14/96 CITY STREETS TO REMAIN STATUS QUO UNTIL END OF BASKETBALL SEASON -- BRING ISSUE BACK FOR FUIM ER CONSIDERATION AT END OF MIAMI HEAT' S BASKETBALL SEASON 28. APPOINT RON WILLIAMS, ARSENIO MILIAN, R 96-187 HERB LEVINE, FRANK ANGONES, AND OCTAVIO 3/14/96 GOMEZ DE MOLINA TO SERVE ON THE INSURANCE BROKER EVALUATION COMMITTEE. 29. DENY PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO WAIVE CODE M 96-188 PROHIBITION (SECTION 2-302) TO PERMIT 3/14/96 JACQUELINE J. RUBIANO (FIRE -RESCUE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE) TO PARTICIPATE IN CDBG ASSISTED SINGLE FAMILY REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM, ADMINISTERED BY DEPARTMENT OF NET / HOUSING CONSERVATION DIVISION, THROUGH COMM UNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM OF U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD). 30. GRANT FUNDING REQUEST ($15,000) R 96-189 CONCERNING ATHALIE RANGE TRIBUTE (MARCH 3/14/96 31, 1996). 31. GRANT FUNDING REQUEST ($6,674.32) FROM R 96-190 LITTLE HAITI ECONOMIC TOURISTIC 3/14/96 ASSOCIATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE HAITIAN CARNAVAL MARDI GRAS PARADE (APRIL 6-7, 1996) -- STIPULATE THAT CITY WILL CONDUCT AN AUDIT, AND WILL RECOUP ITS MONEY IF EVENT MAKES A PROFIT. 79-81 83-85 5 32. APPROVE LIST OF PERSONS (THALIA, EMILIO R 96-191 91-92 ESTEFAN, CRISTINA, LEOPOIM FERNANDEZ, 3/14/96 BETTY PING, EDNITA NAZARIO) TO RECEIVE A STAR IN CARE OCHO SIDEWALK CELEBRITY WALK OF FAME. 33. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MANUEL GONZALEZ- DISCUSSION 93-96 GOENAGA CONCERNING PROPOSAL REGARDING 3/14/96 AFFORDABLE SOCIAL HOUSING. 34. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: REPRESENTATIVE(S) DISCUSSION 96 FROM AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD 3/14/96 TO PRESENT THEIR ANNUAL REPORT. 35. (A) DEFER PROPOSED SECOND READING DISCUSSION 97-99 ORDINANCE TO AMEND CODE CHAPTER 3/14/96 2, SECTIONS 2-75 AND 2-76, WHICH PROPOSES FEES FOR ZONING CERTIFICATES OF USE AND FOR INSPECTION / EXAMINATION OF PLANS, AMENDING SAID FEES TO COVER COST FOR ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCE 11000 (ZONING ORDINANCE) AND SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. (B) DEFER PROPOSED SECOND READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE 6145, WHICH ESTABLISHED FEES FOR BUILDING, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL (INCLUDING BOILER AND ELEVATOR) INSPECTION, PERMIT / CERTIFICATE FEES, ADDING / INCREASING REQUIRED FEES TO COVER COSTS FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 36. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH ORDINANCE 99-100 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: ELECTRONIC 11347 MESSAGE CENTER -- APPROPRIATE FUNDS 3/14/96 ($50,000), SAID MONIES RECEIVED PURSUANT TO TERMS / CONDITIONS IN REVOCABLE PERMIT ISSUED TO MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS OF FLORIDA (AUTHORIZED BY RESOLUTION 95-614) . 37. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORDINANCE 100-102 CODE SECTIONS 2-431 AND 38-73, 11348 RELATED TO BAYFRONT PARK 3/14/96 MANAGEMENT TRUST -- CHANGE QUORUM REQUIREMENTS. 38. AUTHORIZE REALtOCATION OF FUNDS FROM R 96-192 102-105 COMMERCIAL CODE COMPLIANCE PROJECT 3/14/96 799613 TO CITYWIDE COMMERCIAL FACADE PROGRAM (PROJECT 799602) -- TO REHABILITATE BUSINESS PROPERTIES IN ALL 8 CC144UNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS -- AUTHORIZE AISOCATION OF FUNDS FROM PROJECT 799602 -- FOR REHABILITATION OF 16 BUSINESSES IN ALLAPATTAH AND EDISON / LITTLE RIVER TARGET AREAS UNDER SAID FACADE TREATMENT PROGRAM -- ESTABLISH FUNDING MATCH. 39. (A) ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 21ST YEAR R 96-193 106-109 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT M 96-193.1 (CDBG) FUNDS (PROJECT 799613) -- FOR 3/14/96 REHABILITATION OF TWO BUSINESSES IN ALLAPATTAH TARGET AREA, IN CONJUNCTION WITH COMMERCIAL CODE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM (ALLOCATION TO BE BASED UPON 70%-30% MATCH BETWEEN CITY AND BUSINESS OR PROPERTY OWNER). (B) ALLOCATE $100,000 FOR CODE COMPLIANCE AND FACADE PROGRAM IN OVERTOWN AREA. 40. APPROVE AGREEMENT TO CONTINUE ENTITY: R 96-194 109-110 SOUTH FIORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 3/14/96 CONSORTIUM -- DESIGNATE CITY MANAGER TO CONTINUE SERVING AS CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE -- EXECUTE AGREEMENT. 41. APPROVE, IN PRINCIPLE, DRAFT REQUEST R 96-195 110-113 FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) DOCUMENT FOR 3/14/96 REDEVELOPMENT OF DINNER KEY WATERFRONT (FORMER MERRILL-STEVENS BOAT YARD) AS UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (UDP). 42. REFER TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY M 96-196 113-114 (CRA) PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO APPROVE, 3/14/96 IN PRINCIPLE, DESIGNATION OF DOWNTOWN MIAMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COALITION AS PROJECT SPONSOR, WORKING WITH ST. JOHN'S COM14UNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. -- TO UNDERTAKE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF 100 AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN OVERTOWN / RIVERSIDE AREAS IN VICINITY OF IUDlMUS PARK AND NORTHWEST N. RIVER DRIVE -- REQUEST CRA BOARD TO COME BACK WITH RECONMENDATION. 43. DEFER ALL ITEMS NOT TAKEN UP ON THIS M 96-197 114-117 DATE TO MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR 3/14/96 MARCH 26, 1996. k,r MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 14th day of March, 1996, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Mayor Stephen P. Clark with the following members of the Commission found to be present: Mayor Stephen P. Clark Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. ALSO PRESENT: r: : Cesar H. Odio, City Manager A. Quinn Jones, III, City Attorney Walter J. Foeman, City Clerk Maria J. Argudin, Assistant City Clerk Commissioner Joe Carollo An invocation was delivered by Mayor Clark who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Prior to the beginning of the meeting, Administration withdrew t e following agenda items: CA-3, CA-5, 29, 30, 36 & 44. 1 March 14, 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. BRIEF DISCUSSION CONCERNING RESCHEDULING OF APRIL COMMISSION MEETING. (See label 5) Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, while we're waiting, myself and others have a request, if it is possible, for consideration to be brought up later, the first meeting in April is scheduled for the 11th. There's two problems. One is the fact that that's the spring break for kids, and a lot of people would like to take advantage of that for a one -week vacation. And the second is that I have to be in Tallahassee to represent the City in reference to the loan committees. So I would ask for consideration of another date. Possibly, Mr. Manager, the 4th, if everybody's schedule is in accord, and no one has an objection. But that's what I will be bringing up. Commissioner Dawkins: I object, Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: I know that. You object to anything. Mayor Clark: April 4th? Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, if April the 4th would be fine... Vice Mayor Gort: He has a convention. Commissioner Plummer: ... for the first meeting of the month, yes, sir. So I'll be bringing it up later on, if everybody has a chance to check their schedule and nobody has a conflict. Commissioner Dawkins: What are you doing, J.L.? Commissioner Plummer: Miller, the first meeting in April. is two things. Number one is, that's the spring break for kids, and a lot of people would like to take advantage of a full week with their kids. And the second is, I have to be in Tallahassee for the loan committee, in reference to the City's loans. So I have proffered that, possibly, we could change it to the 4th. Commissioner Dawkins: Change it to the 4th? Commissioner Plummer: Of April, yes, sir. The week before. Commissioner Dawkins: Oh. OK. Commissioner Plummer: So I just asked to say that so people could check their schedules to see if there was no convict. Mayor Clark: We'll do that. We'll do that officially in a few minutes. Commissioner Dawkins: Mm-hmm. Mayor Clark: All right. Would you please rise for an invocation followed by the pledge of allegiance. 2 March 14, 1996 NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, an invocation was delivered y Mayor ar , a er which the Mayor led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ITEMS. A. Presentation of plaque: The Honorable Jacques Peyrat, Mayor of Nice, France -- as a token of appreciation and friendship. B. Introduction of Distinguished Visitors: Nice Deputy Mayor Jules Luccioni, and Mr. Bruno Dugelay, of Nice Chamber of Commerce. C. Presentation: Sister Cities Award to Nice, France. D. Presentation of Medal to Miami from the Mayor of Nice. E. Introduction of Distinguished Visitors: Mr. Ricardo Fernandez, President of Indigo Service Corporation, and Mr. Gilbert Casanova, President de la Chambee de Commerce d'Ajaccio et de la Corse du Sud. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner Carollo enters the Commission chamber at 9:11 a.m. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. MAYOR CLARK CONGRATULATES CITY MANAGER CESAR ODIO ON MIAMI'S NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAM (NET) PROGRAM CONCEPT BEING A SEMIFINALIST IN '96 INNOVATIONS IN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT PROGRAM. Mayor Clark: In 1992 - this is very important - the City of Miami created the NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) Program to give City government a physical presence in each neighborhood, and create a spirit of cooperation and partnership between the residents and the City. For their excellent work, the City of Miami's NET Program has been selected - listen to this - as a semifinalist in 1996 Innovations in American Government Awards Program. Only 100 programs from an initial pool of 1500 applicants advanced to the semifinalist list. The selection committee will select between; ten to 15 one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) winners from 25 finalists. All of the finalists will receive twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) from the Ford Foundation Grant. Mr. Manager, the winners will be announced by the Ford Foundation in early December 1996. We want to wish you good luck. You've done a good job, and the program is really moving forward. 3 March 14, 1996 11. -------------- -- ------------------- - - -- - --- ----- ------ - - --- ------ ----- -----------------------------------, --- ---- 4. RESCHEDULE MARCH 28TH COMMISSION MEETING TO MARCH 26, 1996. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: We also have a motion in order, before we start our regular agenda, for the meeting scheduled for March the 28th. It's been changed to Tuesday, March the 26th at three p.m. Is there a motion on that item? Commissioner Dawkins: What is the item? Mayor Clark: On the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Carollo: There's a motion to have it changed to, I believe you said, March the 26th. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Carollo: Let's move it. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Vice Mayor Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: All right. Any exception? Vice Mayor Gort: Three o'clock, right? A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): At what time, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: Sir? Mr. Jones: What time? Mayor Clark: Isn't it regularly at three p.m.? If there's no exception, Mr. Clerk, cast a unanimous ballot. 4 March 14, 1996 k-- The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-161 A RESOLUTION RESCHEDULING THE SECOND REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH TO COMMENCE AT 3:00 P.M. ON MARCH 26, 1966. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. (Continued) RESCHEDULE FIRST COMMISSION MEETING IN APRIL TO TAKE PLACE ON APRIL 25, 1996. (See label 1) Mayor Clark: Mr. Plummer announced this earlier, but during the spring break, combine the regular Commission meeting of April 11th with the Building and Zoning meeting of April the 25th. During the first part of April being Easter, and the spring break and other things happening down here, it might be better if we have it at one time at the end of the month. Is that all right with you? Any discussion on that? Mr. Dawkins? Commissioner Dawkins: No, sir. Mayor Clark: Mr. Carollo: No, sir. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): What did he say? On what date, sir? A. Quinn Jones III, Esq. (City Attorney): April 4th. Mayor Clark: Mr. Manager, Mr. Clerk, the Commission meeting and the Planning and Zoning meeting are scheduled for April the 25th, 1996. Moved by Mr. Gort, seconded by Mr. Dawkins. If no exception, cast a unanimous ballot. 5 March 14, 1996 k�' The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-162 A RESOLUTION RESCHEDULING THE FIRST REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL TO COMMENCE AT 9:00 A.M. ON APRIL 25, 1996; FURTHER RESCHEDULING THE SECOND REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL TO COMMENCE AT 3:00 P.M. ON APRIL 25, 1996. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Clark: OK. All right. We have the consent agenda. We have a Commission meeting... J.L., we changed that to the 26th of April, both meetings. Commissioner Plummer: The 26th? A Friday? Mayor Clark: April. Commissioner Dawkins: The 25th. Vice Mayor Gort: The 25th. Commissioner Plummer: The 25th. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine. Thank you. The approval of the meetings, you need that, with the minutes, Mr.... Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Yes, Mr. Mayor. Vice Mayor Gort: Move it. Mayor Clark: All right. Moved by Mr. Gort. Second. Any exception? Hearing none, cast a unanimous ballot. On the... That's on the regular and Zoning meeting of the 25th, 31st, and the 26th of February. The... Commissioner Plummer: No, the 26th of April. Mayor Clark: No. I'm talking about... These are the Commission meetings in the past. 6 March 14, 1996 k, - Commissioner Plummer: Oh, OK. Mayor Clark: Approving the minutes. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: On a motion duly made by Vice Mayor Gort an secon a by Mayor Clark, the minutes of Commission meetings of January 25, January 31, and February 26, 1996, were approved by the Commission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CONSENT AGENDA -- DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO CONFIRM, IN WRITING, TO MR. MANUEL GONZALEZ-GOENAGA PREVIOUS EXPENSES INCURRED FOR PAGERS LOCATED AT POLICE DEPARTMENT. Mayor Clark: The consent agenda is comprised of items CA-1 through CA-6. Any discussion on those items? Yes, sir. For the record, your name. Mr. Manuel Gonzalez-Goenaga: Good morning, Commissioners, and the rest of the Administration, and the citizens of Miami. My name is Manuel "Boom -Boom" Gonzalez- Goenaga. I reside in 2469 Southwest 14th Street. My telephone number is 643-6149, for Mr. Odio. And my... I only have one question regarding CA-2, because CA-3 was withdrawn. Well, on CA-2, it says authorizing an additional expenditure not to exceed six thousand dollars ($6,000). What's the previous expenditure? And I tell you why, Commissioners. On June the 23rd, I was arrested for allegedly stalking the emperor, and six police cars and four swat cars arrested me that day at five forty-five. It's on the record. My car was taken away. And I ordered the communications of the Police Department for the whole day. And let me tell you, I paid eighty-six dollars ($86) for that tape, and it's very amusing how these little blue angels follow the instructions of an emperor. And beware the Ides of March, Mr. Odio. What's the original expense for the paging system? Because they do very good paging. What's the previous contract? Commissioner Dawkins: Do you want an answer? Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Because there is a lack of information here in this City. It says "an additional." I want a full disclosure. And it's about time, Commissioners - and this is broadly speaking - it's about time that we have and we get - the citizens - full, fair, honest disclosure. I don't care if you want to steal City Hall, but do it providing full disclosure. Thank you very much. Commissioner Dawkins: Hold it, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Gonzalez, wait a minute, come back. You asked a question, you did not get an answer, and you're leaving the mike. Wait one minute. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenag a: I'm accustomed to that. 1 7 March 14, 1996 k11 Commissioner Dawkins: You asked a legitimate question, "What is the previous expenditures for pagers?" I think you deserve that answer now. Captain Joseph Longueira: Commissioner, the previous contract was for one year with a one year extension, so it was for two years. I believe it was about fourteen to fifteen thousand dollars ($14,000 - $15,000). I Commissioner Dawkins: You "believe." OK. Confirm it, and in writing, give it to Mr. Gonzalez. Captain Longueira: Sure. Commissioner Dawkins: Thank you. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Send it via Express Mail, Mr. Longueira. Mayor Clark: Thank you. Motion on the consent agenda? Commissioner Carollo: Move. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: Second. Mayor Clark: With no exception, Mr. Clerk, cast a unanimous ballot. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ON CONSENSUS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, IT WA TERMINED THAT ANY CONSENT AGENDA ITEM, WHICH IS PULLED BY A GIVEN COMMISSIONER FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION AND/OR CLARIFICATION WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DEFERRED AND SCHEDULED, AS A REGULAR ITEM, ON THE NEXT AVAILABLE AGENDA. THEREUPON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER CAROLLO AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER, THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WERE PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 8 March 14, 1996 If 6.1. ACCEPT BIDS: (1) LEADEX CORPORATION, (2) PARK STRUCTURES, AND (3) ATLANTIS CONSTRUCTION -- FOR FURNISHING / INSTALLATION OF PLAYGROUND STRUCTURE, SAND AND SPRING RIDERS AT TOWN PARK -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CIP 331363 / COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND 705403. RESOLUTION NO. 95-163 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF LEADEX CORPORATION ($9,800.00), PARK STRUCTURES ($6,201.72), AND ATLANTIS CONSTRUCTION ($5,700.00) FOR THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF A PLAYGROUND STRUCTURE, SAND AND SPRING RIDERS AT TOWN PARK, IN A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $21,701.72, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 331363/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND NO. 705403, INDEX CODE 589301- 860; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 6.2. AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURE ($6,000) TO AMERICAN PAGING FOR PROVISION OF INTERIM PAGER SERVICE (FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT) -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LETF). RESOLUTION NO.95-164 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURE TO AMERICAN PAGING, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $6,000, FOR THE PROVISION OF NECESSARY INTERIM PAGER SERVICE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, SUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS COMPLYING WITH FLORIDA STATE STATUTES, CHAPTER 932.7055, AS AMENDED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 9 March 14, 1996 6.3. AUTHORIZE FUNDING OF NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF BLACK LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVES (NOBLE), FLORIDA CHAPTER, FIFTEENTH ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE (MARCH 6-9, 1996) -- ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND (LETF). RESOLUTION NO.96-165 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FUNDING OF THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF BLACK LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVES ("NOBLE"), FLORIDA CHAPTER, FIFTEENTH ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE, TO BE HELD MARCH 6-9, 1996, AT THE CROWN PLAZA HOTEL, MIAMI, FLORIDA; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $4,600.00, FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, PROJECT NO. 690001, INDEX CODE NO. 290966-940, SUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING BEEN CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS COMPLYING WITH FLORIDA STATE STATUTES, CHAPTER 932.7055, AS AMENDED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 6.4. ACCEPT PLAT: SANTA CLARA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. RESOLUTION NO. 96-166 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED SANTA CLARA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE CONDITIONS OF THE PLAT AND STREET COMMITTEE, AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. APPOINT f CONFIRM RAMIRO MARRERO TO SERVE ON AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD. Mayor Clark: Now we have some appointments. Are we all ready? Joe, you have most of them, so... Commissioner Plummer: This is a Carollo agenda. 10 March 14, 1996 k.-- Commissioner Carollo: Not really, Mr. Plummer, but Mr. Mayor, a lot of these I'm going to carry over to the next meeting for the simple reason that I'm trying to be as ample as I can, and give as many people to apply and interview them for it. Mayor Clark: Very good. All right. On item 2, then, you have nothing on item 2? Commissioner Carollo: Yeah. Vice Mayor Gort: Mr. Gort. Commissioner Carollo: Maybe Mr. Gort might have his. Mayor Clark: Do you have someone on item 2, Mr. Gort? Vice Mayor Gort: Ramiro Marrero, M.D. Commissioner Plummer: Valdes? Vice Mayor Gort: No. Ramiro Marrero, M.D. Mayor Clark. Marrero. Will you get the names to the Clerk? Vice Mayor Gort: Yes, I will. They already have it. Mayor Clark: Second. There's no exception. Cast a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-167 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AND CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: On number 3, Mr. Carollo. Commissioner Carollo: I move or second. 11 March 14, 1996 G. Mayor Clark: Do you have an appointment? Affordable Housing. Commissioner Carollo: On 3, Mr. Mayor, I would like to also skip that one until I interview some additional people. Mayor Clark: Show that deferred, Mr. Clerk. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda item 3 was deferred until the ity ommission meeting of March 26, 1996. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. APPOINT DWAYNE WYNN TO SERVE ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD (ITB). Mayor Clark: Item number 4. Commissioner Carollo: Four will be Mr. Gort's. Mayor Clark: Yes. Vice Mayor Gort: Dwayne Wynn. Mayor Clark: Dwayne Wynn. Commissioner Plummer: Good. Mayor Clark: Second to the motion. Cast a unanimous ballot. Commissioner Plummer: Good. 12 March 14, 1996 1 The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-168 i A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD FOR THE REMAINDER OF AN UNEXPIRED TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. APPOINT VALRIA SCREEN TO SERVE ON BUDGET AND FINANCES REVIEW COMMITTEE. Mayor Clark: Number S. Mr. Carollo. Commissioner Carollo: I would also request that I could bring this to the next meeting. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner Dawkins: Valria Screen. Mayor Clark: Valria Screen. Second to the motion. Cast a unanimous ballot. 13 March 14, 1996 k, The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-169 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCES REVIEW COMMITTEE TO FILL THE REMAINDER OF UNEXPIRED TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------- •--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- 10. APPOINT MANOLO REYES AND CHARLES McEWEN TO SERVE ON CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. Mayor Clark: On number 6. Mr. Carollo, carry it over? Commissioner Carollo: On number 6, Mr. Mayor, I would like to appoint... Let me see. There's two that we have here. Regular... I think Mr. Dawkins has the alternate member, right? Mayor Clark: Yes. Commissioner Carollo: And Mr. Gort has a regular one. For the regular one, I'd like to appoint Mr. Manolo Reyes. Mayor Clark: Manolo Reyes. Is that the young Manolo Reyes? Not... Not the hospital man. Commissioner Carollo: I thought it was going to be Plummer asking that one. That's the young Manolo Reyes. Mayor Clark: All right. Second. Commissioner Plummer: For the record, they're both very honorable gentlemen. Mayor Clark: Second the motion. Vice Mayor Gort: Second. 14 March 14, 1996 k_- 4:1 Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. On number 7... Vice Mayor Gort: Wait a minute. Mayor Clark: Mr. Gort, I'm sorry. Vice Mayor Gort: I have Charles McEwen. Mayor Clark: Who? Vice Mayor Gort: Charles McEwen. Mayor Clark: You got that, Mr. Clerk? Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner Dawkins: I pass. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot on that appointment, Mr. Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-170 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 15 March 14, 1996 k- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. RATIFY APPOINTMENT OF CHARLES FLOWERS TO SERVE ON OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD. Mayor Clark: Number 7. Charles Flowers. Commissioner Dawkins: Nominated by the Overtown Advisory Board. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: I so move. Commissioner Carollo: Second. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot, Mr. Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-171 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE SELECTION OF AN INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE AS A MEMBER OF THE OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE REMAINDER OF AN UNEXPIRED TERM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. APPOINT ANGEL URQUIOLA TO SERVE ON CITYWIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Number 8. Commissioner Gort, you have two. Commissioner Carollo: On 8, I'd like to carry mine to the next meeting, and Mr. Gort has two additional ones. 16 March 14, 1996 Mayor Clark: You want to... Vice Mayor Gort: I want to name one today, who is Angel Urquiola. Mayor Clark: OK. Not the other one. So we'll cast a unanimous ballot and hold the others up. On Commission -At -Large, we'll hold that up also. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Gort, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.96-172 i A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE CITYWIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE REMAINDER OF UNEXPIRED TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. (A) APPOINT CARMEN DAVIS TO SERVE ON COCONUT GROVE STANDING FESTIVAL COMMITTEE -- WAIVE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT. (B) APPOINT MS. SKY SMITH TO SERVE ON COCONUT GROVE STANDING FESTIVAL COMMITTEE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Number 9. Grove Festival Committee. Mr. Carollo and Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner Carollo: I'd like to carry mine, also, for the next meeting. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Dawkins: I reappoint Mertis McCants. Mayor Clark: Second the motion. Cast a unanimous ballot. Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Excuse me, Mr. Mayor. 17 March 14, 1996 k -- Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Dawkins' appointment was Carmen Davis. Commissioner Dawkins: Beg pardon? Mr. Foeman: Your appointment was Carmen Davis. Commissioner Dawkins: Oh, oh. Mr. Foeman: For the Coconut Grove Standing Festival Committee. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. I reappoint Ms. Davis. And I'd like to ask for the four -fifths waiver that we usually give for people... Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Carollo: I move. Mayor Clark: Call the roll, then, Mr. Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adopt: RESOLUTION NO. 96-173 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE COCONUT GROVE STANDING FESTIVAL COMMITTEE FOR THE REMAINDER OF UNEXPIRED TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 18 March 14, 1996 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Carollo: Mr. Mayor, on number 6, I made one appointment, but I had two, and I believe that we would have to officially defer that second one for the next meeting. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Dawkins: So move. Mayor Clark: I think we deferred that. i Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Mayor Clark: We deferred that. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: In reference to number 9... 9, yes, on the Grove Standing Festival Committee. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: My appointee, Mr. Joseph Bardinella (phonetic), has had to resign, and I would like to appoint Mr. Sky Smith in his place. Commissioner Dawkins: So move. Commissioner Carollo: Second. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. 19 March 14, 1996 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-174 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE COCONUT GROVE STANDING FESTIVAL COMMITTEE TO SERVE AN UNEXPIRED TERM ENDING MAY 5, 1996. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo i Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda item 9 was deferred until the City Commission Meeting of March 26, 1996. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. CONFIRM APPOINTMENT OF CHARLES FERNANDEZ TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (DDA). Mayor Clark: Number 10. Commissioner Dawkins: Nominated by the Downtown Development Authority, I so move. Commissioner Carollo: Second. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot, Mr.... Commissioner Plummer: Can I ask Mr. Gort his opinion, as Chairman of the Authority? Vice Mayor Gort: It's Charlie Fernandez. He was recommended and accepted. Commissioner Plummer: You concur. Vice Mayor Gort: Yes, sir. 20 March 14,1996 S.r N Commissioner Plummer: OK. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-175 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF CHARLES FERNANDEZ TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR A TERM EXPIRING JUNE 9, 1996. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: All right. On number 11. Commissioner Dawkins: Hold it one minute. If Mr. Gort, as the Chairperson, did not concur, and the board had voted in favor, what would happen, Commissioner Plummer? Vice Mayor Gort: The board takes over. Commissioner Plummer: I think that if we agree that Mr. Gort... You want me to answer? Commissioner Dawkins: Beg your pardon? Commissioner Plummer: You want me to answer? Commissioner Dawkins: Yes. I'm waiting. Commissioner Plummer: Yes. If, in fact, this Commission saw fit that they did not want to appoint that individual, we send the names back, and they send us another one. That's the... Commissioner Dawkins: OK. That's good. That's right. OK. That's good. That's the procedure, that's the procedure. Commissioner Plummer: That's the norm. Commissioner Dawkins: Thank you. No further discussion. Commissioner Carollo: But let me ask you, Commissioner. Maybe you've been confused. Maybe you think it's the board that sent this thing to us. This is a name that we had... 21 March 14, 1996 Vice Mayor Gort: ... sent to them. Commissioner Carollo: ... previously approved and sent to them. Then they sent it back to us approved. So I think that would answer your question on that. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine. Commissioner Carollo: Yeah. This is not... Mayor Clark: Show a unanimous vote on Mr. Fernandez, Mr. Clerk. Item number 11, Health Facilities. Commissioner Carollo: Item number 11, I would like to carry this to the next meeting. Mayor Clark: Show it deferred. Item number 12, two appointments, Joe. Commissioner Carollo: The same with this one, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Show it deferred. Item number 13. Commissioner Carollo: The same with this one, with 13. Mayor Clark: Thank you, sir. Commissioner Carollo: The same as 14 and 15. Mayor Clark: Show those deferred, Mr. Clerk. Number 16. Commissioner Carollo: Same as... Same on 16. Mayor Clark: Show it deferred, Mr. Clerk. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda items 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 were deferred until the City Commission meeting of March 26, 1996. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. APPOINT OFELIA TABARES FERNANDEZ AND MERTIS CARSWELL McCANTS TO SERVE ON PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD (PAB). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Number 17. I have an appointment. Ofelia Tabares-Fernandez. Commissioner Dawkins: And I appoint - reappoint - Mrs. Mertis McCants. Mayor Clark: And also, I have Lorenzo Luaces. Unidentified Speaker: No. 22 March 14, 1996 k,. r.. Mayor Clark: Not on here? (INAUDIBLE COMMENT NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Commissioner Dawkins: That's your vote. You got two, Mr. Mayor. One is an alternate and one is a regular. Mayor Clark: OK. This is on Planning. I move the name of Ofelia Tabares-Fernandez, and I'll hold the other one up. Commissioner Dawkins: So move. Commissioner Carollo: So move. Vice Mayor Gort: It's been moved. Commissioner Plummer: Second. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-176 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS REGULAR MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 23 March 14, 1996 NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda items 18 and 19 were deferred until the City Commission meeting of March 26, 1996. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. (A) COMMISSIONER CAROLLO DEFERS HIS APPOINTMENT TO THE COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN. (B) COMMENTS BY COMMISSIONER PLUMMER REGARDING AWARDS CEREMONY FOR WOMEN OF THE YEAR, AS SELECTED BY COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, it might be well to note at this particular time on that particular committee that Commissioner Gort and I had the opportunity yesterday to represent this Commission at the awards ceremony for the Women of the Year selected by the Status of Women. And I want to tell you, that place was packed. I'm glad the Fire Marshal wasn't around. They had a tremendous crowd. It was an enthusiastic crowd, and they were well "recepted," and of course, Mr. Gort and I presented the proclamation to that organization. Mrs. Garcia -Toledo was the one who came up and proffered the kind of award that was given to these people yesterday. I was pleased to see that it got positive... in the paper this morning. And I would hope that in the future that we would see it to be bigger and better. So I just wanted to make that notation. Mayor Clark: Thank you, Mr. Plummer. Item number 20, Mr. Carollo. Commissioner Carollo: On item number 20, I would also like to carry this to the next meeting. Mayor Clark: Show it deferred, Mr. Clerk. Number 21, Mr. Carollo. Commissioner Carollo: The same, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Show it deferred, Mr. Clerk. 24 March 14, 1996 k.- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda items 20 and 21 were deterred unti t e ity Commission meeting of March 26, 1996. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. APPOINT JOSE ALEMAN TO SERVE ON URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD. Mayor Clark: Item 22, Mr. Carollo and Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner Carollo: I'd like to carry mine. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner Dawkins: I'd like to appoint Jose Aleman, 493 Northwest 27th Avenue, Miami, Florida. Mayor Clark: That's a second on that motion. Cast a unanimous ballot. One is deferred. The other is making an appointment. Mr. Carollo, yours is deferred. Commissioner Carollo: That's correct, Mr. Mayer. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-177 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD TO FILL THE REMAINDER OF UNEXPIRED TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 25 March 14, 1996 V- Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. APPOINT R. CAI SVENDSEN TO SERVE ON WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Number 23. Commissioner Dawkins: I'd like to appoint Cai, C-A-I Svendsen, S-V-E-N-S-E... 3400 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key Marina. Mayor Clark: All right. Second the motion. Cast a unanimous ballot, Mr. Clerk, if there's no objection. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-178 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE AS A MEMBER OF THE WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE REMAINDER OF AN UNEXPIRED TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 26 March 14, 1996 k_-. Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor. Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. APPOINT LORENZO LORENZO-LUACES, OSVALDO A. MORAN, AND MICHAEL R. GOLDSTEIN TO SERVE ON ZONING BOARD. Mayor Clark: Number 24. 1 move the name of Lorenzo Luaces, and also Osvaldo Moran. Mr. Dawkins, you have an appointment. Commissioner Dawkins: Michael Goldstein. Mayor Clark: Michael Goldstein. And also, Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: I'll pass. Mayor Clark: All right. Show those appointments. You got the names, Mr. Clerk? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Thank you, sir. 27 March 14, 1996 t— The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Clark, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 96-179 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS REGULAR MEMBERS OF THE ZONING BOARD FOR TERMS OF OFFICE AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. APPOINT TERESITA GYORI TO SERVE ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Carollo: Mr. Mayor, if we could go back to item 3. Mayor Clark: Three? Commissioner Carollo: Yes, appointing certain individuals to serve as members of the City of Miami Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. On this one, I will name Teresita Gyori. Mayor Clark: Teresita De Yurre? Commissioner Carollo: No, not "De Yurre." Gyori, G-Y-O-R-I. Mayor Clark: OK. Just wanted to make... Commissioner Plummer: Right. Mayor Clark: ... wanted to make sure. All right. Now we've gotten through the appointments section. All right. Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Mr. Mayor, can I get a roll call. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Call the roll. 28 March 14, 1996 r� The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-180 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE REMAINDER OF UNEXPIRED TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. DIRECT MANAGER TO INSTRUCT CITY'S LOBBYIST IN TALLAHASSEE TO AMEND PERTINENT SECTIONS OF PUBLIC PURPOSE PROVISION IN FLORIDA STATUTES TO ALLOW PROPERTY TAX REIMBURSEMENT FOR TAX REVENUES LOST FROM EXISTING PROFIT -MAKING TAX- EXEMPT INSTITUTIONS IN THE CITY. ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 25. Any chairperson making any committee report this morning? Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, may I? I'm not really making a report, but I asked the Commission at the last meeting, in reference to the PILOT Program, Payment in Lieu of Taxes, that to continue to accomplish anything was going to require a change in legislation from the State legislature, that they would have to modify or eliminate the thing that today gives so much exemption from our tax base. So I ask this Commission today as to whether or not they want to proceed to ask our lobbyist to try to accomplish this through the legislature. And if they don't, my recommendation to this Commission is to sunset the PILOT Committee, because I don't feel that we'll be able to accomplish much of anything. Mayor Clark: Your recommendation, Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: No. I asked that it... you all think about it and come back. Commissioner Carollo: All right. We'll bring it up next meeting then. 29 March 14, 1996 Commissioner Plummer: Well, Joe, the legislature is in session now, so, you know... I'm not trying to say yes or no. All I'm saying to you is, is that if you want it to be a committee that can accomplish, there's got to be changes made. Now, you want to defer it, it's fine with me. Commissioner Carollo: Well, what changes would you want, Commissioner? Commissioner Plummer: Well, there's... The State legislature has a nomenclature in the statutes relating to tax exemption. For example, public purpose. There are many tax-exempt properties in this City that are profit -making, that are tax-exempt. Now, a school, for example, a private school, which is a profit -making school, and you know and I know that many of these schools get very high prices for students in them. If they are an educational institute, even though they are profit -making, they are tax exempt, because they come under public purpose. In my own area that I'm more familiar with, a cemetery. One cemetery's here property is worth in the neighborhood of probably forty million dollars ($40,000,000). It is a profit -making company. And yet, they can qualify under tax... public purpose, and they are exempt. So unless the State statute is to be modified that these people can no longer hide under that shelter, the PILOT Committee cannot be successful. The PILOT Committee, of course, is so we could go, as New York, Cleveland and Philadelphia have done, and that is to try and eliminate some of these tax statuses. I just remind you that in the City of Miami, which is the only City in the State of Florida, 32 percent of our assessable tax base is tax-exempt. We have all of the hospitals, all the drug centers, all of the... You name it. But 32 percent of our tax base is exempt. Commissioner Carollo: That's why we're the fourth poorest City in the country, that's part of the reason. Commissioner Plummer: I'm sure that's one of the reasons, yes. So I'm saying to this Commission, you know, I... Mayor Clark: We're rich in culture, poor in taxes. Commissioner Plummer: I'm sorry, sir? Mayor Clark: I said we're rich in culture, poor in taxes. Commissioner Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, I leave it to this Commission what they want to do. I can... Commissioner Carollo: Well, let's instruct our lobbyist to lobby to repeal some of this. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine, sir. That's fine. Mayor Clark: Is that a motion? Commissioner Carollo: That's a motion, Mr. Mayor. Vice Mayor Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: There's a second. If no exception, cast a unanimous ballot, Mr. Clerk. 30 March 14, 1996 L_ The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 96-181 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT OUR LOBBYIST IN TALLAHASSEE TO AMEND PERTINENT SECTIONS OF A PUBLIC PURPOSE PROVISION CONTAINED IN THE FLORIDA STATUTE, THE EFFECT OF WHICH WILL ALLOW PROPERTY TAX REIMBURSEMENT FOR TAX REVENUES LOST FROM EXISTING PROFIT MAKING TAX-EXEMPT INSTITUTIONS IN THE CITY; FURTHER STATING THAT IF THE COMMISSION IS NOT DESIROUS OF SAID LOBBYING INITIATIVE, THEN THEY SHOULD CONSIDER ABOLISHING THE TAX-EXEMPT PROPERTY STEERING COMMITTEE. Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. (A) DISCUSSION CONCERNING CITY BOARDS / COMMITTEES ANNUAL REPORTS. (B) COMMISSIONER DAWKINS REQUESTS MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC.'S (MCDCI) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, PABLO PEREZ CISNEROS TO GO WITH HIM TO JACKSONVILLE FOR EVALUATION BY HUD OF MCDCI'S INVOLVEMENT IN FUNDING OF MINORITY BUSINESSES. (C) COMMISSIONER CAROLLO REQUESTS CHAIRPERSON OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD (ITB) TO PROVIDE BREAKDOWN OF $63,562,500 REGARDING ESTIMATED ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ITB-SPONSORED EVENTS. (D) ABOLISH OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE EQUITY STUDY COMMISSION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: All right. Any other presentations? A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Mr. Mayor, if I could just... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I'll give you a very brief presentation as it relates to the International Trade Board. Commissioner Dawkins: Where is the Chairperson? 31 March 14, 1996 4_ Commissioner Plummer: You're looking at him. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Where is the Executive Director? I'm looking at him. Commissioner Plummer: He's not here. Commissioner Dawkins: Beg your pardon? Commissioner Plummer: He's not here. This is by the Chairperson, it's my understanding, not by... Commissioner Dawkins: OK. No problem. I can... You can answer my questions. Go right ahead. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Each member will be approaching their Commissioner to be presenting a program which is being developed and asking as to whether or not they want to proceed or not as to the program. And that's... I'll leave it at that. You have a question, Commissioner? Commissioner Dawkins: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: I'll try to answer it. Commissioner Dawkins: In the report, page 43, it says the board's major accomplishments. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: It says, on an ongoing basis, the ITB (International Trade Board) identifies and assists small minority -owned businesses, which otherwise could not afford the time, money and effort to adequately assess international markets or current international businesses. How many businesses did ITB help last year, and what was the total amount of money generated in the area to small minority businesses? Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, I cannot give you the total amount of dollars. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Commissioner Plummer: I'll be glad to get it for you. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Commissioner Plummer: But let me go back to your first part of your question and answer it with a very affirmative. Not only did we assist in many businesses, as the one you're well aware of, which is the chicken place that's going up on 20th Avenue for... Commissioner Dawkins: How long has that been going up? Commissioner Plummer: About two years, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Thank you. Go ahead. Commissioner Plummer: Well, we have also now, through the I -Net, have been assisting any number of people - and this is the program they're going to come talk to you about - in getting information for these people. And we have had information worldwide. It is a very exciting 32 March 14, 1996 kind of a program that we put together of people who want things from this community, information about international trade, and we have assisted in any number of those. How many of those will come to this City in the future, I think that only time will tell. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. On page 43, it says ITB conducted a vacant lot survey of the Allapattah area. What is the monetary value to the City of Miami of ITB surveying vacant lots in the City of Miami? Commissioner Plummer: What is the monetary value? Commissioner Dawkins: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: I can't answer that, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: Thank you. Commissioner Plummer: I'll get you an answer. Commissioner Dawkins: On page 44, various loans have been referred to Miami Capital Development on existing businesses in Miami. How many from within the City of Miami were referred to Miami Capital, and how many did Miami Capital fund, and why didn't they fund the ones that they didn't? Commissioner Plummer: Well, you know, your last part of that question, you'll have to ask Miami Capital why they did not. Commissioner Dawkins: Well why would... OK. Well why would... Commissioner Plummer: That, I can't answer, sir. I mean you... It's unreasonable to even ask of the IT... Commissioner Dawkins: Well, why would ITB put down that as an accomplishment if I got to go to Miami Capital to assume what they did? Commissioner Plummer: No, sir. Mr. Pablo Perez Cisneros: Yeah, Miami Capital is here, Commissioner. Commissioner Plummer: Wait, wait, wait just a minute, please. 1 cannot answer why Miami Capital turned down a loan. I can only tell you that ITB has, in fact, referred many people to Miami Capital for the purposes of establishing a business. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Commissioner Plummer: Now, if they were turned down by Miami Capital, then you can ask them, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: Mr. Cisneros. Mr. Cisneros: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: Let me tell you this. Mr. Cisneros: Yeah. 33 March 14, 1996 b�tiutj� Commissioner Dawkins: I've made an appointment for you and I to go to Jacksonville... Mr. Cisneros: Mm-hmm. Commissioner Dawkins: ... and for you and I to sit down and let Jacksonville evaluate Miami Capital's involvement in the funding of minority businesses. So you don't have to tell me anything here. Be prepared to go to Jacksonville with me. Mr. Cisneros: No the... Commissioner Dawkins: No, no, no. That's all. Mr. Cisneros: There is a question that you're asking, Commissioner. Commissioner Dawkins: You got so much to say, save it and say it in Jacksonville. Mayor Clark: Easy, easy. Commissioner Dawkins: OK? All right, all right. Well, tell him sit down. All right. Mr. Plummer. Commissioner Plummer: Sir. Commissioner Dawkins: The estimated economic impact of ITB sponsored events, sixty-three million five hundred sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($63,562,500) in addition to business appointments and opportunities created. How much of that sixty-three million ($63,000,000) remained in the City of Miami and was generated for minorities? Commissioner Plummer: Commissioner, you're asking for information that I don't want to sit here and mislead you by my answers. I wish you would have proffered these questions to me as Chairman prior to this meeting, so I could have been very reasonably informed to give you the answers that you seek. All I can tell you, sir, is that the trade missions that have occurred have been very, very good. They will continue to be so if this City wishes to stay in the international trade business. Now, I'll try to answer any question that you have, but I would appreciate, if you would, to give me your questions in writing, and I will get you definite answers. Commissioner Dawkins: I wouldn't mind that. Last time, I gave you two direct questions. You referred them to the Manager, and instead of my getting an answer from the Chairperson of the ITB, I got it from the Manager, and I did not direct my memorandum to the Manager. The Manager had no business answering it. He answered it because you sent it to him, and I don't intend to go through that anymore. I want answers to my questions here in the chamber where you and I can have dialogue. Commissioner Plummer: That's fine, sir. And I have so noted... Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Thank you. Commissioner Plummer: I have so noted your questions, and you rest assured, sir, that you will get a prompt answer from ITB as to the questions that you have proffered. Commissioner Dawkins: As long as it does not come back from the Manager, I will accept it. Commissioner Plummer: Sir... 34 March 14, 1996 k._ Commissioner Dawkins: If it comes back from the Manager, I will not accept it. Commissioner Plummer: Sir, it will come from me... Commissioner Dawkins: Thank you. Commissioner Plummer: ... as Chairman. Mayor Clark. Thank you very much. Commissioner Dawkins: Thank you. Commissioner Carollo: Mr. Chairman, I do have a question. Commissioner Plummer: Sure, Joe. Commissioner Carollo: On page 44, it's stated that the estimated economic impact of ITB sponsored events is over sixty-three and a half million dollars. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Commissioner Carollo: Can you get us a breakdown... Commissioner Plummer: Sure. Commissioner Carollo: ... on that? Commissioner Plummer: Absolutely. I'll get it to you. Commissioner Carollo: It's a fairly high number that, you know... It's a very good number. I just want to see where it's coming from, and see how much of that is real and how much of that is puff. Commissioner Plummer: Well, Joe, let me just... And Miller was more familiar with this. I think that you're going to find that when you have a trade mission - as Miller and I went on the one to the Bahamas many years ago - when we came back, it was stated by all those involved that that trade mission alone generated twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) worth of business in the City of Miami or in Dade County by that trade mission going to the Bahamas. So these are the kind of things. Now, if you went back and said, well, it was only nineteen million, I'm sure that could be. Commissioner Carollo: Yeah, but you know how numbers are thrown out, J.L. What I want to find out is, what are the real numbers, and what are the exaggerations? Commissioner Plummer: Sir, it is so noted. Commissioner Carollo: And this is no bearing on you or on anybody in the ITB. Commissioner Plummer: It is so noted, and you will have an answer. Commissioner Carollo: Thank you. Mayor Clark: Item 26. 35 March 14, 1996 k>l Mr. Jones: Mr. Mayor, before you go on, one matter. And maybe you don't want to deal N:..h it now, but the... Insofar as the Occupational License Equity Study Commission, they've completed their task, so it would be proper if you sunset them or disband them at this point. Mayor Clark: Motion in order. Commissioner Dawkins: Move it. I mean... Commissioner Plummer: Second. Commissioner Dawkins: ... following the City Attorney's advice, I so move. Mayor Clark: Second. If there's no exception, cast a unanimous ballot, Mr. Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its .. opt . RESOLUTION NO. 96-182 A RESOLUTION ABOLISHING THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE EQUITY S'IDY COMMISSION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 36 March 14, 1996 k- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. DEFER DISCUSSION CONCERNING ELIGIBILITY OF EXPENSES / COSTS INCURRED BY FLORIDA HOUSING GROUP, LTD. IN CONNECTION WITH DEVELOPMENT / CONSTRUCTION OF 125 UNIT ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY (ACLF) -- REQUEST FLORIDA HOUSING GROUP, LTD., TO PROVIDE COPY OF PROPOSED AGREEMENT WHICH RECOMMENDS SUBORDINATION OF CITY'S MORTGAGE TO THIRD POSITION, AND TO CLARIFY HOW THE LOAN SHALL BE PAID. Mayor Clark: Item 26, regarding the eligibility of certain expenses and cost incurred by the Florida Housing Group, Limited, for development and construction of a 125-unit adult congregate living facility. Yes, sir. Your name for the record. Mr. Elbert Waters: Good morning, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mark Starkman: I'm... Mr. Mayor, my name is Mark Starkman. Mayor Clark: Speak right into the mike. Commissioner Dawkins: Pull the mike to you, sir. Mr. Starkman: My name is Mark Starkman, and I represent Florida Housing Group, and we're here on item 26. The staff has made a recommendation to the Commission, and my client, Florida Housing Group, is in accord with that recommendation. Commissioner Plummer: Let me, if I may, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, Mr. Manager, I talked with these people yesterday, and they made certain comments to me that I have to ask on the record. For example, everything that they did in all of their application was surrendered to the City which in turn surrendered to HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development), which is the vehicle that you travel. It is my understanding at that time that everything surrendered was approved by HUD. HUD made the money available to the City. They were in full compliance with everything - this is what they're saying - that was on the original application. After everything was said and done, HUD came back and said, "You owe us five hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars ($554,000). Now, my question is, if you surrender an application, they approve it, and you live up to it, where is the guilt? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Sir, we went... I think three times we went to HUD and met with the senior advisor of the Secretary, met with some Assistant Secretaries on that issue, and they disallowed these expenses. That's the bottom line. They have disallowed these expenses. And we... Commissioner Plummer: But my question is... Mr. Odio: They have... There's only two choices here, Commissioner, as I see it. Either we pay them back because they have put out some notice on default on that, or you could try to go to court on this thing against HUD, and that doesn't work. 37 March 14, 1996 ;�Y: F.4�rfi� Commissioner Plummer: Again, my question is, the bottom line, do you attest that what they told me is correct, that, in fact, everything was approved by HUD, every letter of the law was followed, and that now, they're turning around saying that, "You followed the letter of the law, but we're going to penalize you"? Because if that's the case, my motion and my vote would be to sue HUD. Mr. Odio: I£ I may, sir. Even though they did get an application approved by HUD, the bottom line is, they did not follow to the letter the HUD guidelines... Commissioner Plummer: Ah. Mr. Odio: ... and we are going to lose five hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars ($554,000), period. Commissioner Plummer: Now, tell me the discrepancy between what I was told and what you just said, that they did not follow the letter of the law. Where did they deviate from the letter of the law? Mr. Odio: The letter of... The regulations of HUD, according to them, to HUD... Do you have them there? Do you want to go through them? Mr. Waters: Yes, sir. Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission in... Commissioner Dawkins: May I first, Mr. Mayor, before you get started, Mr. Waters? Is it... Now, J.L. has one understanding. I have another. Commissioner Plummer: Well, that's... I'm trying to get an understanding. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. See, that's what I'm saying. See, J.L., my understanding is these gentlemen completed a project. They submitted bills to the City of Miami, and as per the agreement, the City of Miami reimbursed them. Then when the City of Miami submitted the bills to HUD for payment... Mayor Clark: They wouldn't pay them. Commissioner Dawkins: ... there was an audit finding. And the audit finding said, "We disallow these charges." And because HUD disallowed those charges, then somebody has to pay the money back that was given to them, that they've already spent. Is that a correct statement? Mr. Odio: That is a correct statement. Commissioner Plummer: But my question... Commissioner Dawkins: All right. Go right ahead, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Miller, my question still remains is, for what reason were they disallowed, after they had approved them in the initial instance? Mr. Odio: Go ahead and put... OK. Commissioner Dawkins: HUD did not approve it until it... They do not approve anything until there's an audit finding and the auditors find that everything is legitimate. Then it is an actual account. 38 March 14, 1996 Commissioner Plummer: OK. If... Commissioner Dawkins: Until there is an audit, and the auditors come in and say, "You have a clear bill of sale, all the money that you spent was in the correct line item, it was spent for the correct thing," then it's clear. Now, when we got to HUD, HUD said that, "Things that you spent in different line items is not true. We're disallowing this because it's a non -allowable expense," and that's it. Commissioner Plummer: That's the point I'm trying to get to. Mr. Odio: And believe me, Commissioner... Commissioner Plummer, believe... Commissioner Plummer: Do not... Didn't they have to submit an application? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Did they not, in that application, specify exactly what they were going to do? Mr. Odio: But... Commissioner Plummer: No, no, answer my questions, yes or not, not "but." Mr. Odio: Yes, yes. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Now, so there's discrepancies, according to Commissioner Dawkins, that they did not follow the letter of their application. I'm asking, where did they deviate? Mr. Starkman: Commissioner Plummer... Mr. Waters: Commissioner Plummer, they deviated in terms of builder's cost, indirect expenditures, which HUD has basically disallowed, and HUD is the final arbiter as it relates to this issue. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Are you then telling me, Mr. Waters, that they made too much profit, or that they spent too much on construction? Give me specifics. Mr. Waters: Yes. They... Mr. Starkman: Commissioner Plummer, Commissioner Plummer, could I interject for a second? Commissioner Plummer: No, no, no, sir. I pay this man to give me answers. Mr. Starkman: OK. Mr. Waters: What they did is, HUD... The monies that were disbursed, there were certain line items that were disallowed, but the money had been spent. Commissioner Plummer: You're not answering my... Mr. Waters: Since that money had been spent, HUD, after their findings and review, have said that, "You have overspent, based on the grant that we have proffered to the City of Miami, and 39 March 14, 1996 k_.. therefore, you owe USHUD five hundred fifty-four thousand dollars ($554,000) in ineligible expenditures." Commissioner Plummer: But you know... OK. You're not answering my question. I mean, have they overspent, is that what it is? Mr. Odio: Overspent. Mr. Waters: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: So they overspent beyond what they had in their application. Mr. Waters: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: OK. That's... Commissioner Dawkins: No, J.L. They incorrectly spent. Whether they overspent or underspent, they spent incorrectly. They did not spend legitimate or whatever expenses as according to what HUD expressed. Commissioner Plummer: OK. That's what I'm trying to establish. My understanding is they did not live up to the letter of the application. Now, that's what I'm hearing from my staff. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: I'm sure they'll have another point. Mr. Odio: According to HUD, we... Again, we had met with HUD in Washington, and they just will not back down from this. They feel that... We have to... They have to return these monies to HUD. And that's why we tried to reach an agreement with them in which the City would come out whole. Mayor Clark: It will never happen, never happen. Mr. Odio: And I think we have improved on that agreement from the last time unless... Vice Mayor Gort: They're going to pay. Mayor Clark: They're going to pay. Commissioner Dawkins: They got to pay. Mr. Odio: ... unless I'm wrong. Mr. Starkman: Well, we have an agreement with staff as to how to take care of this matter. Mr. Odio: That's what I'd like to put on the record so... Mr. Waters: Let me... Mr. Starkman: We do. We do have an agreement. However, I'd like to make it clear from Florida Housing Group's standpoint that we've worked with the staff for the past four years. The staff and Florida Housing Group have always been united in the position that there was absolutely nothing improper, there were no ineligible expenses. 40 March 14, 1996 0 Mayor Clark: Please, just a moment. Mr. Starkman: They've backed us this whole time. Mayor Clark: Just a moment. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Let me say something to you. I've told you in my office. I'm going to tell you again. Your agreement with staff is null and void until five members - three members - up here agree. I told you that. OK? Mr. Starkman: We understand that, Commissioner Dawkins. Commissioner Dawkins: All right. So now... But you continue to tell me that you had an agreement with them. Mr. Starkman: No, no. We have an... We have an understanding now. But over the years we've... Commissioner Dawkins: OK. You just said "an agreement." Now, it's "an understanding." Mr. Odio: No. They... What... Let me clarify this. I went to Washington... Mr. Starkman: So did I. Mr. Odio: ... to try to save the five hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars ($554,000), because I didn't know if you could pay... That didn't mean that I agree with what you did or did not do. I went to Washington, sir, to make sure that the City of Miami did not have to disburse five hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars ($554,000), in case you didn't have it. Since I was disallowed - and we tried, I used every person I knew in HUD - we then reached an agreement on how you are going to pay the five hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars. And that's why we're here today, so that we - we, the City of Miami - come out whole on this issue. OK? Mr. Starkman: I'd just like to add that the plan that we have will make you whole. Mr. Odio: That's why I'd like to put it on the record and let the Commission decide whether they want to go through this. Or the other alternative would be, then, to file a lawsuit against HUD, and try to win in court, which I doubt very much. Mr. Waters: If I may, Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission. Commissioner Plummer: With that kind of an attitude, you'll never win. Mr. Waters: The Administration, recognizing Florida Housing Group's providing this needed service to this community - that is, to provide housing within our City - they've... At least approximately 100 jobs have been created through this development. What we've basically agreed to, and what we would be recommending to the Commission is as follows: One, subordinating our mortgage to a new second mortgage in the amount of six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000); two, Florida Housing Group shall pay the City five hundred fifty-four thousand five -fifty, which shall be applied as follows: One, 50 percent, which equates to two hundred and seventy-seven thousand dollars ($277,000), two seventy-five, towards the principal of the existing four point five million dollar ($4.5 million) loan and other note; and 50 percent which... towards the grant. So the total amount on point two... 41 March 14, 1996 k ._ Commissioner Dawkins: Wait a minute. Fifty percent as what? Mr. Waters: There's... Commissioner Dawkins: The last 50 percent is what? Mr. Waters: Towards the grant. The whole... Commissioner Dawkins: Force the rent? Mr. Waters: Grant, grant. Commissioner Dawkins: So therefore, you're going to tell me you expect me to give them a quarter of a million dollars? Mr. Starkman: No. Mr. Waters: No. Commissioner Dawkins: That's what you're saying. Forced rent or forced grant. "Grant" means to give. Mr. Waters: 1 understand that correctly, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: "Grant" does not mean repay. Mr. Waters: The... Commissioner Dawkins. Come on, now. Come on, now. Mr. Waters: There is a grant, the HODAG (Housing Development Action Grant) Program. Commissioner Dawkins: It's Federal dollars given to the City of Miami, not to give away. Mr. Waters: Which was a portion of the HODAG. Commissioner Dawkins: No, no, no. Wait a minute. Let's you and I get together. Mr. Waters: OK. Commissioner Dawkins: HODAG money is given to the City of Miami for the benefit of the citizens of Miami. Mr. Waters: Correct. Commissioner Dawkins: It's not given to you to give away to developers. Mr. Waters: It was a grant in '87 when the program... Commissioner Dawkins: But the grant... We aren't discussing the grant. We're discussing... Wait a minute. Which one of you... One of you get to the mike. I don't care which one. Which one... One of you all come to the mike and the other one get away. OK? Now, the grant was given to them, Mr. Waters - I mean Mr. Manager. Mr. Manager? 42 March 14, 1996 �1 Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: Please, sir. The grant was given to them, Mr. Manager. They illegally spent a half a million dollars, Mr. Manager. OK? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: Of that grant. And now, Mr. Waters is telling me because they illegally spent a half a million dollars, that I must grant... give them that money that was given to me, that they owe me... Mr. Odio: No. Commissioner Dawkins: ... to do other development with in the City of Miami, I must give it to them as a grant. Mr. Odio: No, no, sir. No, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: Well, what is he saying, Mr. Manager? Mr. Odio: Let me explain this. Commissioner Dawkins: Yes, sir. Mr. Odio: They're going to give us six hundred thousand dollars. OK? Commissioner Dawkins: Mm-hmm. Mr. Odio: Of the six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000), we're going to send a check to HUD for five hundred and fifty-four thousand five hundred and fifty. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Mr. Odio: That takes care of HUD. Commissioner Dawkins: Right. Mr. Odio: OK. Then they still have a note with us - OK? - for the grants that we awarded them in the past. So what we're doing is 50 percent of the money is two hundred seventy-seven thousand two seventy-five, will go to reduce the principal. Commissioner Dawkins: Why must I take their money and pay - take my money - and pay what they owe on a loan, Mr. Manager? The principal is theirs. Mr. Odio: We're not... We are not giving them any money, sir. Mr. Odio: They are giving us the money. Commissioner Dawkins: They're not giving me anything when you turn around and give it back to them, Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: No, no, we are not giving it back to them, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: If the man gives me six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000), and you give him "X" dollars back as principal on some loan, you're giving the money back to him. 43 March 14, 1996 k__ Mr. Odio: We are... We are... Mr. Starkman: The money that... Mr. Odio: Let me see how I can explain this. Commissioner Dawkins: Yeah, please do. Go ahead. Mr. Odio: What we're trying to achieve, one, is to... Commissioner Dawkins: Is give them a half a million dollars. Mr. Odio: No. That they... Commissioner Dawkins: That's what we're trying to do. Mr. Odio: ... they go and get a second mortgage, and we subordinate. And when they get... Commissioner Dawkins: OK. No. See, no. I will not subordinate. OK? Mr. Odio: We got... become second position. Commissioner Dawkins: No. Commissioner Plummer: No. We're second now. Mr. Odio: And we stay in second. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. How do we stay in second? Commissioner Carollo: Well... Commissioner Plummer: No. No, no, no. Commissioner Dawkins: How can you stay in second? Commissioner Plummer: How can you stay in second? There's no way. Who's on first base? The bank. Commissioner Carollo: Hold on, Commissioners. Commissioner Plummer: Who's on second base? Commissioner Carollo: Commissioners, Commissioners... j Commissioner Plummer: We are now, but they go to third. Mayor Clark: Wait a minute, now. Just a moment, now. Please. Let one person speak at a time. Mr. Odio: Wait, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let me... Let me explain. When we get the check, we go to third position. You are correct. 44 March 14, 199b Aut7;vi� Sv:' Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, absolutely. Commissioner Dawkins: All right. Now, why... Mr. Odio: But we get five hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars ($554,000), which we... otherwise, the City would have to pay back, and in this case, they are paying back. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Let me ask you a question. Mr. Odio: That's the easiest way to explain it, I guess. Commissioner Dawkins: Let me ask you a question, Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: We are in second position. We subordinate, and we go to third position. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: Who's in second position now? Mr. Odio: It's the... Mr. Waters: The new lender. Mr. Odio: The new one. Commissioner Dawkins: What? Mr. Waters: The new lender. Mr. Odio: The lender of the six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000). Commissioner Dawkins: The new lender. So now, my five hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars ($555,000), I move to third, and the guy who is now putting in six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000), he goes to second. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. That's a fact. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. All right. Now, why is it that these businessmen... Are they going to guarantee my five hundred thousand - six hundred thousand dollars with personal assets, the same as they are guaranteeing the first position? Mr. Starkman: The six hundred thousand dollar ($600,000) loan is being personally guaranteed. Mr. Odio: Personally, yeah, by them. Commissioner Dawkins: No, no, no. Personal nothing. Assets. Mr. Starkman: That's a personal guarantee. Commissioner Dawkins: No, no, no. Assets. M-O-N-E-Y, or a building to equal assets, or CDs (certificates of deposit), or whatever you have, treasury notes, or what have you. Guarantee it with that. 45 March 14, 1996 k" Mr. Odio: Well, by... Commissioner, by personally guaranteeing the notes, that means their personal assets are in line. Commissioner Dawkins: They personally guaranteed the original note. Mr. Odio: No, sir, they didn't. They did not, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: All right. Who guaranteed it to get the five... get us into the argument for the five hundred thousand dollars? Who guaranteed that? Mr. Starkman: It's not guaranteed. Your loan is not guaranteed. Mr. Odio: It's not. It was not. Mr. Starkman: It's a non -recourse loan. Commissioner Plummer: Well, but if... Excuse me. Commissioner Dawkins: Thank you. Somebody help me, J.L. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. There's also a thing called foreclosure. Mr. Starkman: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: If you go into default, the building is the collateral of the loan, and it is a loan. Mr. Starkman: Right, right. Absolutely. Commissioner Plummer: But you have to go into default, or somebody has to foreclose if you don't make payments. Commissioner Dawkins: And they are not about... What's the total value of that building, Mr. Manager? Mr. Starkman: I can... Mr. Odio: It's about seven... Mr. Waters: No, no, no. At least fourteen. Commissioner Plummer: At least fourteen, because they... Fourteen million. Mr. Starkman: No, no. Commissioner Dawkins: Fourteen. Mr. Odio: Fourteen million. Commissioner Dawkins: Fourteen million dollars. Mr. Odio: Fourteen million dollars, yes, sir. 46 March 14, 1996 Commissioner Dawkins: Fourteen million. Mr. Starkman: Excuse me. No, that's incorrect. Right now, this building is on the tax rolls... Commissioner Dawkins: No, no, no. What will it sell... What will it... See, you're playing games. What will it sell for? Never mind what it's on the tax rolls for. Mr. Starkman: What would it sell for? Commissioner Dawkins: What would it sell for? Would you sell it to me for what it's on the tax rolls for? Mr. Starkman: No. I would... Commissioner Dawkins: Will you sell it to me or any buyer who I find for what it is on the tax roll? Mr. Starkman: Commissioner Dawkins... Commissioner Dawkins: Will you? Yes or no. Mr. Starkman: I'm using this as a basis to get to what the value might be. Commissioner Dawkins: No, no, no. But I'm using it as a non -basis. Mayor Clark: Please, sir, answer his question. Commissioner Dawkins: Yes or no, will you sell it to me for what it is on the tax roll? Mr. Starkman: No, I would not. Commissioner Dawkins: All right. Thank you. Then don't discuss that now. Tell me the value. Mr. Starkman: But that's a starting point to determine what it might be worth. It's on the tax rolls for six million three hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars ($6,365,000). It's estimated as an operating facility, based upon its income stream that perhaps we're in the area of eight million dollars ($8,000,000). That is the estimated value that the developer would put on it right now. Commissioner Dawkins: All right. OK. My estimators tell me fourteen million. As J.L. Plummer says, we pay them to advise us. Mr. Starkman: We'd sell it for that. Commissioner Dawkins: And I would buy it for the six. Mr. Starkman: No, it's worth more than six... Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Fine. Give me a break. Mr. Starkman: ... but it's worth less than fourteen. Commissioner Dawkins: Give me a break. Commissioner Plummer: I just hope the tax assessor is listening, because we're going to be better off next year. 47 March 14, 1996 Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Now, I'll say this, Mr. Mayor, and I'll be finished with this. You have to pay five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). Mr. Starkman: We are. Commissioner Dawkins: If you... You will, because if you... We aren't going to give you a penny. Mr. Starkman: We're not asking for a penny. Commissioner Dawkins: And you aren't going to let a fourteen million dollar ($14,000,000) investment go under for a half a million dollars ($.5 million). If you do... Mr. Starkman: This is not a fourteen million dollar ($14,000,000) investment. Commissioner Dawkins: If you do, you deserve to lose it. Now, my vote, as far as this, is no. You can discuss it from now on. Commissioner Plummer: I have a question. Mayor Clark: Go ahead. Commissioner Plummer: If the loan is five hundred and fifty-four thousand, why are they taking out a six hundred thousand dollar ($600,000)... Where's the other forty-six thousand dollars ($46,000) going? Mr. Odio: It's costs involved. Commissioner Plummer: What? Mr. Waters: It's closing costs. Mr. Odio: It's costs that the City would retain. Mayor Clark: That's what you call... Commissioner Plummer: Well, why should we be obligated for the closing cost? Commissioner Dawkins: Because we're a good thing. Mr. Odio: No, we're keeping that money. Mr. Starkman: No, you're not. You're not obligated for the closing costs. Mayor Clark: That's what you call contingency, Joe. Commissioner Plummer: Well, it would seem like to me that you would be paying the closing costs. Mr. Starkman: We are. Mr. Odio: They are. 48 March 14, 1996 kr Mr. Starkman: We're borrowing six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) to get a loan that will give the... Commissioner Plummer: So the only thing, then, applied towards the city is the five -five -four. Mr. Starkman: Five fifty-four or five fifty. Commissioner Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: I make a motion that this be denied. Commissioner Carollo: I second the motion. Commissioner Plummer: Call the roll. Vice Mayor Gort: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Let me ask a question. Discussion on the motion. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Vice Mayor Gort: What happens if we deny this? Mr. Odio: There are two things we can do. Foreclose on the building and try to regain our position, which... but we have second position anyway. So we have to deal with the first mortgage which is... What is the amount on the first mortgage? Mr. Waters: At least four point six million dollars ($4.6 million). Mr. Odio: Four point six million. OK? Or... Commissioner Dawkins: So we can get to build for four -six. Mr. Odio: Or go and, you know, file against HUD, saying that we are not going to pay that, and the other one is to... That's it. I don't think there's any... Commissioner Dawkins: Call the roll. Commissioner Carollo: If the first... For discussion. If the first mortgage is four point six million, it's in the tax rolls for over six million. And it's definitely worth somewhere between eight and fourteen million. Then we should not have any problem recouping our monies. Mr. Odio: But we have the second position. Commissioner Carollo: That's fine. That's fine. Mr. Odio: We would have to buy off the... We'd have to buy off the first mortgage. Commissioner Carollo: That's no problem. I mean, we can sell it on the market for more money, and make money in the deal. Mr. Odio: Well, no. This is only for housing for the elderly, I believe. 49 March 14, 1996 kol Commissioner Carollo: Exactly. Mr. Odio: It has a lot of restrictions in what it can be used for. Commissioner Carollo: Fine. But if there's one thing that we could certainly use it for is housing for the elderly, and that would be a heck of a deal, then, that we would get. Mr. Odio: Fine. That's a policy decision, Commissioner. I was trying to protect the City from losing five hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars ($554,000) and getting into a battle with the first mortgage. Commissioner Carollo: Well, what I'm seeing here, Mr. Mayor, is by putting us in third, this is ending up like one of those Abbott and Costello games, who's on first, second and third? And at third, you know, we ain't going to make it home. We're going to lose that and more. Now, I really don't understand how we're going to be protected by being put in third. Commissioner Plummer: Well, the only difference is the third is... they're personally guaranteeing, which more or less leaves us in second. Mr. Odio: Because the reason I accepted third would be that in second, we were still in a very bad position. Mr. Starkman: Cut point one... Mr. Odio: So at least we don't have to pay out five hundred and fifty-four thousand to HUD and still remain in a weak position. Commissioner Carollo: Well, how can we be in a bad position if this property is worth between eight and fourteen million dollars ($8,000,000 - $14,000,000)? I mean, they said on the record at least eight. Mr. Starkman: Could I point out one more thing to the Commission about this loan? Mayor Clark: Please, please, please. Mr. Starkman: Because it has some special features. Mayor Clark: We have a motion on the floor. Mr. Gort has a discussion item. Anything further, Willy? Vice Mayor Gort: My understanding is if we were to take the third position, that second mortgage is guaranteed by their personal assets, so not by the building. Commissioner Plummer: So we're still in second. Vice Mayor Gort: Am I correct? Mr. Odio: It's personal guarantees, yes. Vice Mayor Gort: The second mortgage would be on their personal guarantee, not on the building. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. 50 March 14, 1996 k, W Vice Mayor Gott: OK. 0,4 Commissioner Plummer: No, no, the third mortgage. The third mortgage. Mayor Clark: Any further discussion on the item? Call the roll. THEREUPON, ON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER DAWKINS AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CAROLLO, ITEM 26 FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins NAYS: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gott Mayor Stephen P. Clark ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Commissioner Plummer: Well, can I tell you I don't like this deal? This town needs housing for the elderly. I checked into it, and without question, you are limited to what you could use that building for. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to put the City in jeopardy of having to lay out taxpayers' dollars of five hundred and fifty-four thousand dollars ($554,000). i vote no. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Just a minute. Under discussion. Commissioner Plummer: I'm going to make it easy for you, Commissioner. Commissioner Dawkins: No, you don't have to make it easy for me at all. I'm going to make it easy for all of you. Commissioner Plummer: I'm going to move to defer. Commissioner Dawkins: No, no, no. Mayor Clark: He may if he'd like to. Commissioner Dawkins: When we sat in Overtown and we discussed the Poinciana Project, when Ted Weitzel needed three hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars ($385,000) to build homes in Overtown to help the Overtown area developed, the first person to say, "No, I can't give money away," was J.L. Plummer. But now, he sits here and gives... Talking about he don't want to give away a half a million dollars. It's funny, when things are in other neighborhoods - and I don't mind saying it - you can get an affirmative vote up here. But when they're in that other neighborhood on the other side of the railroad track, you get a negative vote. And I'll go on... I want it on the record that I do not see this as being fair to both communities, and Miller Dawkins objected to it, and I think my fellow Commissioners are treating Overtown unjustly when they vote for this and voted against Overtown. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, since he has mentioned my name, let me... Commissioner Dawkins: That's right, on purpose. 51 March 14, 1996 Commissioner Plummer: Let me correct my blue brother. By virtue of the fact of misunderstanding when Mr. Weitzel appeared, he was not in any position to make a personal guarantee of a loan, as these people have here. This is not an "us and them" kind of a scenario. This here is the possibility of the City losing five hundred and fifty-four thousand of future HUD money. The Poinciana had nothing to do whatsoever with losing the money. When he needed the money, he was not in a position to make the personal guarantee, as these people are. Mayor Clark: Do you have another motion? Commissioner Plummer: Sir, I would like to defer this matter, and I'd like to have the opportunity... I personally would like to talk with HUD. Mayor Clark: OK. Is there a second? Commissioner Carollo: Second. It's a second. Commissioner Plummer: And I'll joint Mr. Dawkins and Mr. Waters - Mr. Cisneros - when they go to Jacksonville, and maybe I can do it there. Commissioner Dawkins: I don't need... You all go. You guys go. I'm going with him myself. I don't need anybody with me to tell me... have me... throw me curves like you just did. I don't need that. Mayor Clark: We got a motion on the floor. Commissioner Plummer: A different subject. Vice Mayor Gort: Discussion. Mayor Clark: You got a motion on the floor. Discussion. Vice Mayor Gort: Under discussion. I think that they should have the agreement that they come with in writing. I'd like to get a copy of it, explaining in detail... Commissioner Plummer: Absolutely. Vice Mayor Gort: ... how it's going to be paid, and our position. Mr. Waters: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Absolutely. Mayor Clark: All right. Call the roll. 52 March 14, 1996 y k, The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO, 96-183 A MOTION TO DEFER DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEM 26 (REGARDING ELIGIBILITY OF CERTAIN EXPENSES AND COST INCURRED BY FLORIDA HOUSING GROUP, LTD., IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 125-UNIT ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY); FURTHER REQUESTING OF THE FLORIDA HOUSING GROUP, LTD. TO PROVIDE THE COMMISSION WITH A COPY OF THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT IN WRITING BY SAID GROUP, WHICH RECOMMENDS SUBORDINATION OF THE CITY'S MORTGAGE TO THIRD POSITION, WHICH WILL EQUATE TO APPROXIMATELY $600,000, ALONG WITH THE GROUP'S COMMITMENT TO PAY THE CITY $554,550 - OF SAID AMOUNT, 50 PERCENT OR $277,275 WOULD GO TOWARD THE PRINCIPAL OF THE EXISTING $4.5 MILLION DOLLAR LOAN, AND THE REMAINING 50 PERCENT OR $277,275 WOULD GO TOWARD THE GRANT; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT CLARIFICATION SHOULD BE GIVEN AS TO HOW SAID LOAN AMOUNT SHALL BE PAID. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: Item number 27. Mr. Starkman: Thank you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. DISCUSSION CONCERNING ACTIVITIES OF MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. (MCDCI) -- REQUEST MCDCI TO MEET WITH COMMISSION REGARDING THE TEATRO MARTI LOAN ISSUE TO FIND SOLUTION TO OUTSTANDING DEBT OWED TO THE CITY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Activities of Miami Capital Development. Commissioner Dawkins: I've already said I'll take mine up in Washington. So I'll go... I'll be back. Unidentified Speaker: Thank you. 53 March 14, 1996 COminkslont,r Plummer: [le made it brief. Mr, (,'.r.,Nmr Odlo (C,ify Manager): Commissioner Dawkins, this item was scheduled by you, so ytnt want to with unlll you go to ,lacksonville, or you want to hear it now? ( OomiINNlt►ner Dnwkins: You got the vote. It don't make no difference no way. Mr, (Mill; No, I.., No. This was n discussion item just to hear a report from Miami Capital. OK, (. 'IIIIIIIIINNIIIIIer 1'Iunitner: For the record, I've had the opportunity to read the materials that are I'urnlNhed, and I don'I have any further questions. t.'tmill Issiunar C'arollo. Well, let's give them the opportunity to give the report. They're here. l;'11tt1III issioller 1'1ut11nuer: Fille. I kir, Pablo I't'11,z Cisneros- (Speaking off mike - inaudible). Thank you very much. Yeah. I'm Pablo Perez Cisliom,s, tilt Executive Director of Miami Capital Development, Inc. I sent you last wttk, tit tilt lvgll"t of tale City Commission, a brochure indicating what we have done in the Iwlst yenta with klitlmi Capital. That brochure also indicated where the loans have been made. I rt111 tell Vold that in tile alva of NV�,nw(xxj, we have made 42 loans of a total of two million eight t\tc�tlt�-dint, In the area of Overtown. we have made 19 loans for one million five thirty-one. In tilt of downtown, Ogle million fine nine nine. In the area of Little Havana, two million two thirty-6\V, Ill the alva ,.,f Clk»nut Gawe. four lk.\ins, a hundred and fifty-three thousand. South Oaklt,,,, Atul this is with the EDA (Environmental Development Association) monies. You ttil�ic�t�tcttl.i" Atid \vt hm-e fundim, also fn`m EDA which was obtained. and I believe through the _ I .olig tilltt zzvgo 1\wk in IPSO, thanL-s to the County that Lot involved_ and the City of Miami ttmt also �wt ill this. Via` we arC' a Countywldt or- izatiort. we are nowalsSj in the iVmlty' Dell KA' Z w the OtN% in £�1\�i,i�, mve mad: mr: loam on the sped pTogam the j Ot\' tC\Jtwsk\l tie to JO, Ill t1w az",ei i1of t5�, ly�v.�:. one mild. on five iourcceem In t'4 area of I`lila011 I.itthti Ri\S 1, tl` :r milii\':2 .Iu rz :rcC3iZ. six MIIIisreieh2 hi"I%tAC\ tE:`14 13ti"'K. Sz €�\ti `�, In :i;: ii : _ -� - - a . e CT i - s iL in T\Tl`L"att��ii "o, t'hm" I \\i\irtii 1:1 \\':: itiR k --w �:� �•Z: .'!' u `. a _ti ss "�uC: Lvia]'}n�3 wt: S: d6 a <rat.'t` - 'RRki. \`k'�.�4iv:...' �1�:��f;� R`"�:. ...ate :`�.�' ii�l. -:� "A• ��. �'''_ M i`L:� ..::a:.: a:e � ti..f-_'� .: 'wr ,_ i'r �i � z�;R...�.. ! i .r; a2 3ia wt- _ RZt�4a a+lti \\N:in: ,\ : : \\ '\' \a+�-A: -Att a-, l'�. £ .� � . S r�,�_:�1 `.►.i :i"_f� • 1 �?Z� T?' v T_� �� � k'iK� :Fa„ �F L� 3. v �� �#SsiL' Tt,t\ >. EZ A 1z Bdt l 3_ DEL 1W r—_ :kq- is _f T.z:1 S:rnze l guy.. ?t3 sa3c� 5�.` � +: �'ra31 � �1 ?1 .� C L ► ? .. _ .iat� s +�`., it as =is& *`wii? V:ud. zt jcik 1 ZrT" �vLTfL t zi1.' wmz -w _.3L :?i u ro >;.1, ,i�y1l",�'A �`1.'ii2T....iit : ;?:� <'{i'�Y7 '�-F',� -C. Z• Y' I`�.. 21 _Tu.11LTi,-tf T:I�. : a '.it liiilTli� a a'� S s s� t T f: :".x� .sr i itz� ►r. i' barn ,-s,�r .� z M Iiix- L a I W X,. 'la �'si:Ik��� � SUffZi.'iL `�r� 1T!cT�T-�^ar�= � 'r .L.L t% `viQi '4Ls-, :t? .. 1 a . gaC3'`- 'L ,. ; =+sue s7-'> .R�,.,.'�� .. y...` iL. st�i: +,P.':�c':�' ..,}....�;.,�� z":..� ..,:�32�• - *fia%Lmm. =ruL =n_ VM - Tires 1'LTI i1i L .tm 3' U_. for. We have numbers to back it up. And we're very proud of what we do, and we're very proud of our association with the City. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Cisneros: I thank you for your support. Mayor Clark: Thank you, sir. Anything further? Mr. Cisneros: Do you have any questions? Commissioner Carollo: Yes, if I can. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Carollo: On the loans that you have, you have it broken down by ethnic groups. Mr. Cisneros: Yes, sir. Commissioner Carollo: What percent of these loans are to new businesses that are starting, and what percent are to established businesses? Mr. Cisneros: I think the start-ups are about 50 percent of the loans, Commissioner. Commissioner Carollo: It's 50 percent, approximately. Mr. Cisneros: Yeah, I would say so, yes. Commissioner Carollo: The other 50 percent is for established business. Mr. Cisneros: The other 50 percent is for expansion, or additional machinery or equipment that they have to have, and that kind of thing. Commissioner Plummer: I have a question. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Cisneros: Sure. Commissioner Plummer: Why would Miami Capital be loaning money in Perrine and South Dade? Mr. Cisneros: I explained to you before... Commissioner Plummer: I was out of the room. Mr. Cisneros: You were not here. I'm sorry, Commissioner. We obtained - and Commissioner Dawkins also was very participant of this - a couple of years ago two million dollars ($2,000,000) from EDA to lend in South Dade. And the City of Miami asked us to get involved. It is a cooperation that the Manager arranged with the County. We got involved, and we certainly have made some loans over there, approximately about a million right now. Commissioner Plummer: How many loans presently do you have that are not current? 55 March 14, 1996 Mr. Cisneros: In our books, about 17 percent are not current. Commissioner Plummer: Seventeen percent. Mr. Cisneros: Seventeen percent. Commissioner Plummer: One -seven. Mr. Cisneros: One -seven, yes. Being not current means a loan that is late 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or non -performing. If you ask me non -performing, I'd tell you there is about twelve. Commissioner Plummer: How far do you let them go before you start some kind of action? Mr. Cisneros: We start legal action right after they fall into the non -performing, and we see, after discussions with the borrowers, that there is no way that they're going to make it up. Now, in our conversation with the borrowers, if they show us that there is a way, there is a plan that they can turn it around, we'll give them additional time. Case in point, we're doing it now with Teatro Marti. That's one of them that the Commission asked us. We're working with them the best we can. It's a thing. It's... The guy is seven months behind. We're still trying to work with it. The City of Miami asked us to get involved with it, and now, we're in that kind of situation. Commissioner Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, may .I? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: J.L., during the... Right after the hurricane, we went to Washington and explained to Washington that we had needs north of Kendall that needed to be addressed, and they were sending all of the money south of Kendall. Mr. Cisneros: Correct. Commissioner Dawkins: So then they gave some money to the County, and the County gave us two million? Mr. Cisneros: No, no. The County didn't give us anything. Commissioner Dawkins: I mean made it available, or what have you, or what? Mr. Cisneros: The County didn't give us anything. EDA gave us two million dollars ($2,000,000). Commissioner Dawkins: All right. EDA gave us two million. Mr. Cisneros: Thanks to your involvement in the City. Commissioner Dawkins: And we were supposed to spend it through us, but we had to do the businesses in Perrine, right? Or South of Kendall. Mr. Cisneros: South of Kendall, Commissioner. Commissioner Dawkins: All right. Then when we... When things mellowed down, we had how much left? 56 March 14, 1996 Mr. Cisneros: All right. We had about a million four hundred thousand. Commissioner Dawkins: So then we got permission to take that million -four, J.L., to spend it within the City of Miami. Mr. Cisneros: Within the County. Commissioner Dawkins: Within the County. Mr. Cisneros: Including the City, provided the loan requests were hurricane related. There's still that catch. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. So that's how we got tied up into that. Mayor Clark: Anything further? Mr. Manuel Gonzalez-Goenaga: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: I'd like to know more on the Theater Marti, Mr. Manager. Mr. Odio: May I on that? Sir, on Friday at five p.m.... Listen, can we be... On Friday at five p.m., I received a call from Mr. Capote that he had some attorneys and a police officer in Teatro Marti, and they were going to close the theater down and take all the equipment inside, repossess it. And I asked him to put the lawyer on the phone. And he told me that the question was that Teatro Marti owed eleven thousand dollars ($11,000). Mr. Cisneros: In equipment, to the equipment people. Mr. Odio: They were going to take all the equipment. And so in fact, the fact is they would have shut down the theater for good. On the authority that I have, up to forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500), I told the lawyer that I would issue a loan of forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500). However, I received another call last night, and unless another nine thousand dollars ($9,000) are paid immediately, the theater will be shut down. Commissioner Carollo: But you just said, Mr. Manager, eleven thousand dollars ($11,000). Mr. Odio: Well, then they... Commissioner Carollo: You gave forty-five hundred. Now, it's nine thousand more. That doesn't add up to eleven thousand. And I don't know... Mr. Odio: Let me repeat it. Commissioner Carollo: I don't have a degree in economics, but I could add. Mr. Odio: No, I don't either. The reason that I did that at the time was I was told that it was eleven thousand dollars ($11,000). The call that we received last night, they claim that it's fourteen thousand dollars ($14,000). So we need to get a look at the bills there. But... Commissioner Carollo: How much does he owe to Miami Capital. Mr. Cisneros: Three hundred and ninety-six thousand dollars ($396,000). He's seven months behind. 57 March 14, 1996 H Commissioner Carollo: Seven months behind, three hundred and ninety-six thousand. Mr. Cisneros: We have a first mortgage on that. That was an arrangement that was made by this City Commission, that we go ahead and make the loan and we'd get the building as collateral. Commissioner Carollo: We do have the building as collateral. Mr. Cisneros: Yes, sir. We have a first position on it. We have an appraisal on the building that says it's worth about six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000). I don't believe that's a proper appraisal, because it's for a theater. It's not something that can be converted to a housing project or something like that. Commissioner Carollo: We have - what? - first... Mr. Cisneros: Yes, sir. Commissioner Carollo:... first mortgage. Well... Mr. Cisneros: We have first mortgage, and we have UCC, and all the assets and everything else in there. So maybe there is something... Commissioner Carollo: I'm glad to see that we're finally first on some mortgages. Mr. Cisneros: Some of them we do, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Is there a second mortgage? Mr. Cisneros: First, definitely. Commissioner Plummer: Is there a second mortgage? Mr. Cisneros: No, there is not. Vice Mayor Gort: Also... Mr. Odio: Except what we lose if they lose all the equipment. Vice Mayor Gort: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Go ahead. Vice Mayor Gort: Also, one of the conditions, as I recall, when we approved this, there were several CBOs (Community Based Organizations) within the area that committed if that was to default, to buy from the City to build affordable housing. Mr. Cisneros: Yes. As I understand, East Little Havana Development Authority was also interested in the project, and we had many conversations with them, in case there is a failure on the part of the business, that we can turn it around and let East Little Havana assume the loan. Therefore, I'm pretty sure that the City of Miami has secure, at least, this four hundred thousand dollar ($400,000) deal. And I'll check on the equipment. Mr. Odio: But can I ask you a question? If they take all the equipment, and, in fact, the theater is completely... 58 March 14, 1996 W Mr. Cisneros: If the equipment is bought after we made the loan, we don't have a UCC on it. If it was bought before we made the loan, we have a UCC-1 on it, and we'll talk with you. Mr. Odio: According to the Marshall, he was taking everything in side that theater. So where is your six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) then? Mr. Cisneros: I'll have to find out about the UCC-1. Mr. Odio: So would it be smart to add nine thousand dollars ($9,000) to pay directly to these people to protect the theater from being shut down completely? (INAUDIBLE COMMENT NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Odio: You need to protect your six hundred thousand so... Mr. Cisneros: My four hundred thousand, yes. Mr. Odio: So could you work with them and see if they can get an additional nine thousand? Mr. Cisneros: I will look into that, but I... To be honest with you, Commissioner, it's like I told you before. It's a risky business, this theater over there. The only collateral - and I pointed that out to the Commission about two years ago when I was here on this issue - was the building itself. But we didn't see any ability to repay from Mr. Capote at the time. We discussed that. The Commission told me to make the loan anyway. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Let's move on. Commissioner Carollo: How many square feet does the land there have? Mr. Cisneros: It's quite a large sized lot. I don't have the numbers in here, but I... To give you an idea, there's about 30 parking spaces in the lot. There is a three-story building. They have offices in the third floor. In the second floor, they have three - two theaters, two large theaters. It seats 500 people. And on the bottom floor, they have three theaters and a cafeteria. Commissioner Carollo: But you're giving me how many floors the building has. I'm asking the size of the land, how many square feet, the land. Mr. Cisneros: I don't have the idea. I think the land is about 25,000 square feet, something like that. Commissioner Carollo: OK, a little over half an acre. Mr. Cisneros: If something that could help the Commission to understand, I talked to Herb Bailey at one time to see the possibilities, if this loan would not go through, what could happen to it. And I went with Assistant City Manager Herbert Bailey, and he looked at the building, and he indicated to me that he could build there about 26 apartments in the place, converting the building. That's why we talked to the East Little Havana Development people to have them in line, in case the loan will default. Commissioner Carollo: On the seven months that he's behind, what does that translate in dollars that he's behind? Mr. Cisneros: ($19,400). We're talking about approximately nineteen thousand four hundred dollars 59 March 14, 1996 k4l Commissioner Carollo: Nineteen thousand four hundred. And the loan is for how many years that he has? Mr. Cisneros: The loan is for 15 years. Commissioner Carollo: Fifteen years. How many years are left on that? Mr. Cisneros: Fourteen years and five months. Commissioner Carollo: Fourteen years and five months. Mr. Cisneros: Yes. The individual has only made five payments. Mayor Clark: What length of time? Mr. Cisneros: In two years - no - one year. I'm sorry, Commissioner. In one year. A year and a month. Mayor Clark: Anything further? Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Yes, a comment. Commissioner Carollo: Hold on, Mr. Goenaga. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: I'm sorry. Commissioner Carollo: I'm not finished yet. In order for you to give the additional nine thousand, do you need Commission approval on that or not? Mr. Cisneros: I will have to, Commissioners, because the problem that I have is, any time I make a loan, I have on the contract with the City of Miami, as well as with HUD, that I have to make an appropriate determination. Would it be appropriate to put in another nine thousand dollars ($9,000), knowing that there is no repayment ability? That's the question that we have, all, to ask. Will we let the tenant to be shut down, or is it worthwhile to do it? Should we get some charter organizations to put out the money? That type of thing. We're dealing with regulations here. Commissioner Carollo: Mr. Cisneros, what you're doing is throwing the monkey on our back. Mr. Cisneros: No, no, I'm not. No, no, Commissioner. No, please, don't misunderstand. No, no, don't misunderstand me. Commissioner Carollo: There's definitely no... Mr. Cisneros: I can make the loan. If you ask me to make the loan, I can make it. Commissioner Carollo: I'm not asking anything. What I asked was a question - and you understood - if you can make that determination without Commission approval. And in essence, you said yes, but you said you didn't want to, by the statement that you made. Mr. Cisneros: Under the regulations that I operate, I don't see the feasibility. The Manager pointed something out to me, that they want to take the equipment out. I don't know when this equipment was bought. If it was bought before we made the loan, then we have a UCC-1 on that equipment. If... 60 March 14, 1996 t— Commissioner Carollo: Yeah, but see, by the equipment that he had there being taken out - that's what the nine thousand dollars ($9,000) is about - the Manager gave four thousand five hundred already - definitely, there's not going to be any ability to pay back that loan if he doesn't have that equipment. Am I correct in that, Mr. Manager? Mr. Odio: They were shutting down the theater, period, Commissioner. They were taking everything in sight with the Marshall's Office. Commissioner Carollo: So in essence, I think you've answered there your own question; that you can make a determination, that to try to have a possibility in getting that repaid, you would need to possibly look at the areas of pay that... giving them another nine thousand dollars ($9,000). But if you make a determination that it's a lost cause, no matter how much money you're going to give them, that's another question all to itself. Mr. Cisneros: You are perfectly correct, Commissioner. I think you've grasped it right there. And I don't make the decision, either. It's the loan committee, the one that makes the decision, the final decision. I can make the recommendation, of course. Commissioner Carollo: Well, the bottom line is, is the theater shut down now? Mr. Odio: No. They gave me, I think, from what I understood from them... What happened is the note was purchased. The note was from Telemundo. They sold their... And I talked to Jose Cansela and he said, "It's too late. I already sold the note. If not, I would take it another time." So by selling the note, the man that has it is... he's in a business to make money with that. And he told him... I think we have until tomorrow... Mr. Cisneros: Yeah. If we give... Mr. Odio: ... to keep that theater open. Commissioner Carollo: Well but... Mr. Cisneros: If we can determine that we can protect our collateral, I'm pretty sure the loan committee will go along with it. Mr. Odio: But that's it, you have to do it today. That's what I'm saying. Commissioner Carollo: Yeah, but my question is, Mr. Manager and Pablo... Mr. Cisneros: Yes, sir. Commissioner Carollo: ... you just told me that you don't want to give nine thousand dollars ($9,000) because you don't feel that we're going to get that money back; is that correct? Mr. Cisneros: That's my perception, Commissioner. Commissioner Carollo: Well, if this is what the gentleman that's in charge of giving out the loans has stated, Mr. Manager, my question to you is, then, why in the world would you have given four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500) without checking with him? Because now, we're out of four thousand five hundred... Mr. Odio: Because... 61 March 14, 1996 k, - Commissioner Carollo: ... more dollars then. Mr. Odio: ... at the time, my only thought was to keep the theater from being totally emptied out, and keeping something that is important to Little Havana open for now and... Commissioner Carollo: I agree with all that, but four thousand five hundred wasn't going to do it. It didn't do it. You needed eleven thousand, which is what was told to us in the beginning. Mr. Odio: The lawyer... Commissioner Carollo: And then, now, it's up to fourteen thousand. Mr. Odio: Because Capote said that Friday, and he had... was taken away in a Rescue squad. And Capote said that he would try to raise the balance. I believe that the neighbors in the area raised about three thousand dollars ($3,000). The problem is, the attorney called me yesterday, and he still owed this money. And unless this note is taken care of, he's going to go back there with the Marshall and empty the place out. I recommend that we keep them open. Commissioner Dawkins: Mr. Cisneros, I have a problem. Mr. Cisneros: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: You said that the only way the loan, the nine thousand dollars ($9,000) could be approved is if the City Commission said so. Mr. Cisneros: No, not necessarily, Commissioner. I didn't say... Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Well, that's what you said though. Commissioner Carollo: That's what he tried to say, but that's not the way it is. Mr. Cisneros: But I'm sorry if I got misunderstood. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. So what are you saying? What are you saying? Mr. Cisneros: What I'm saying to you is that we have a contract with the City of Miami in which they tell us how to make the loans. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Mr. Cisneros: Whenever we deviate from what I sign with the City Commission, with the Manager, on how to perform, and according to HUD regulations, I have to ask for guidance in here, because I have to show an audit trail of why I did a particular action. Commissioner Dawkins: But then you said.... Mr. Cisneros: Because then it comes back to haunt you. Commissioner Dawkins: Then you said, in the next breath, that this has to go back to the loan committee, even if we approved it. A loan committee has to approve it. Commissioner Plummer: That's correct. Commissioner Dawkins: That's what you said. 62 March 14, 1996 V, rklN 47"'.'� Mr. Cisneros: No, no, no. Commissioner Dawkins: Well, that's what you said. Mr. Cisneros: Not necessarily, Commissioner. What I'm saying... Commissioner Dawkins: Well, no, no... Well it... Mr. Cisneros: If the decision is left up to me, it has to go back to the loan committee. Commissioner Dawkins: All right. So... Mr. Cisneros: Now, I can poll the loan committee over the phone. I don't have to wait a month or anything like that. Commissioner Dawkins: No, no. If the loan... Why didn't you... See, you, Miami Capital, put five Commissioners in bad light. OK? If you were not going to approve it, you should have said no. You should not... Mr. Cisneros: I did. Commissioner Dawkins: Well, then, don't come here telling me to approve it. You've already said no. You've determined that they can't repay. But you don't want to take the heat in the community. You come before the... and put the heat on the Commissioners, and then you go back to the community and say, "Hey, we were for it, you know, but the Commissioners turned it down. That's unfair, Pablo. Mr. Cisneros: I'm sorry. I share the responsibility, sir. I have no problem with that. Commissioner Dawkins: And it's your responsibility to come here and say, "They cannot pay, and I don't recommend this." Commissioner Plummer: You know what's amazing? We're here over forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500). We subsidize Gusman Hall to the tune of three hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars ($365,000) a year. Mr. Odio: About five million dollars ($5,000,000) we put into Gusman Hall. Commissioner Plummer: And here we are arguing about forty-five hundred. Commissioner Carollo: Mr. Plummer, let me say this to you. Commissioner Plummer: Joe, I'm just saying... Commissioner Carollo: We better start arguing about every forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500). If not, we're going to be in worse shape than this City is in now financially. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, but I don't disagree with you at all. Commissioner Carollo: And that's where the... Commissioner Plummer: But I'm just saying... 63 March 14, 1996 kr- Commissioner Carollo: Yeah. That's where the bottom line is. We got to argue and look at every dollar that's being spent. And what bothers me here is that here, we got it from Miami Capital that they apparently didn't feel that it's even worth giving these people nine thousand dollars ($9,000). Now, I'm not saying that 1 agree with them or not. I've made my statement. Commissioner Plummer: Likewise. Commissioner Carollo: But what bothers me is that if the amount in question was at least eleven thousand dollars ($11,000) - it's up to about thirteen -five, fourteen now - that they needed not to lose the equipment, and forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500) wasn't going to do it, that the Manager... I know he has the authority under the Charter to spend up to forty - four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500)... Commissioner Plummer: No. Commissioner Carollo: ... but at no time... four thousand five hundred, up to four thousand five hundred. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah, yeah. Commissioner Carollo: But at no time did he contact this Commissioner to inform me at least of what was going on, and what he was doing. And I am tired of seeing decisions after decisions being made this way, that it's going to make the Manager, you know, look real good and feel real good with people out there that he's friends with, but in the end, we end up losing dollars. See? If there was a solution to have been found for the full amount so we could recoup this, that's a different story. But as I see it right now, unless Miami Capital changes their mind, we're out another four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500). Commissioner Plummer: Well, I don't agree with that, Joe. And the reason I don't and I... You know strictly from a business standpoint, I would assume that that building is worth more than four hundred thousand and... Commissioner Carollo: Well... Commissioner Plummer: Well, let me finish, please. Commissioner Carollo: J.L., they stated for the record that it is. Commissioner Plummer: Let me finish. And if that building is worth more than four hundred thousand, their building... Their loan is three ninety-six, did you say? Mr. Cisneros: Right now, yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: OK. And I would demand that they pay us back our forty-five hundred dollars. I think what they were trying to do and trying to accomplish was a community organization who provides many comforts and entertainment to that community for forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500) to keep it open, if it was possible. Now, if it's not possible, they will foreclose. They will sell the building, and we'll get our forty-five hundred back, plus probably more. OK? That's good business. Mayor Clark: All right. Now, listen. We've been on this 45 minutes now, and that's enough time. Come to a decision or I'm going to cancel the meeting. Commissioner Plummer: There's no decision. It's just a report. 64 March 14, 1996 Mayor Clark: Well, they said they had a motion for deferral a while ago or something else. Vice Mayor Gort: No. Commissioner Plummer: No. Mr. Cisneros: No, it's no motions to be made. And we'll look into the matter of the Teatro Marti and try to find out a solution. If there is one, then I'll talk to the staff and I'll go from there. If you want to hear from my decision, I'll let you know. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: I have a Solomonic decision. Commissioner Carollo: And Mr. Canton (sic), can you also meet with the five members of this Commission that are elected? Mr. Cisneros: Sure, any time. Commissioner Carollo: And see, you know, what input five members of this Commission might have on this. And at the same time, we would like your input, also. Mr. Cisneros: Definitely, you got it, any time. Mayor Clark: OK. Thank you all. Thank you. Vice Mayor Gort: May I give a Solomonic decision? Commissioner Plummer: Uh-oh. Mayor Clark: No. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: It's very simple. Mayor Clark: What is it? Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: What is amazing... Mayor Clark: Now, don't go to philosophy now. Just tell us what you want to tell us. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Well, to the point. I am willing to help Mr. Capote to prepare a promotion of the fight between Manny "Boom -Boom" and Cesar, "The Emperor" or a play of Julius Caesar, and I will perform Brutus. Mayor Clark: You'll have to get a license first. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Mayor Clark: Thank you. Commissioner Plummer: It's called "Much To -Do About Nothing." Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: I got it here every time I speak. Mayor Clark: Thank you. 65 March 14, 1996 k, Commissioner Plummer: "Much To -Do About Nothing." END OF DISCUSSION -- NO ACTION TAKEN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. (A) APPROVE, IN PRINCIPLE, DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH EDUCATION IN SPORTS (YES) / YOUTH EDUCATION TOWNS (YET) FACILITIES AT MOORE PARK AND GRAPELAND HEIGHTS PARK -- BY THE SOUTH FLORIDA SUPER BOWL HOST COMMITTEE FOUNDATION, INC. -- AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT WITH FOUNDATION TO TRANSFER SAID FACILITIES TO THE CITY. (B) UPDATE ON NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE RECEIPT OF SPECIFICATIONS REGARDING CITY BIDDING ON 1999 AND 2000 SUPER BOWL GAMES. Mayor Clark: All right. We're moving on to item 35-A. Thirty -five -A. Commissioner Plummer: Thirty -five -A. Commissioner Dawkins: What did you say? Mayor Clark: Thirty -five -A. South Florida Super Bowl Host Committee Foundation. Commissioner Dawkins: Oh, OK. Good. Mr. Hank Adorno: For the record, I have the most expensive help in town, as you can see. Mayor Clark: Yeah, pretty expensive. Where did you park? Did you park out front? Mr. Adorno: Yes, sir. But not in the circle. Mayor Clark: Go ahead, Hank. Commissioner Carollo: Well, at least you get good parking. Commissioner Plummer: Valet? Mr. Adorno: Commissioners, my name is Hank Adorno, and I have the pleasure of serving as the chairperson of the South Florida Super Bowl Host Committee Foundation. And we are here today to present a report to you, and hopefully, the passage of a resolution with respect to two projects that we would like to do at Moore Park and Grapeland Heights Park, both located within the City of Miami. Very briefly, let me give you the history of how the foundation was started, and why we are here today. As all of you know, we... First of all, by way of introduction, I'm accompanied here today by Dean Colson, who is not only a member of our board, but was the chairperson of the Super Bowl XXIX Host Committee; also, Board Member H.T. Smith and Rodney Barreto, and Charles Scurr, who acts as our executive director. As a result of Super Bowl XXIX, the National Football League made a grant to our organization of one million dollars ($1,000,000) for the purposes of creating a youth center to be located north of Flagler Street. That million dollars was predicated upon our at that time committee, subsequently a 501- 66 March 14, 1996 k� _ C3 foundation - of raising an additional million dollars to build a youth center. We took that grant, and then Dean came up with the idea of going to Dade County and telling Dade County that if they would provide the land, we would build them a turnkey operation, which ultimately turned out to be at Gwen Cherry Park. And what we embarked upon turned out to be a three million dollar ($3,000,000) project, of which we had, in fact, raised two million dollars ($2,000,000) from the private sector to go along with the million dollars given to the NFL (National Football League) to build the... what's called the Youth Education Town, the NFL Youth Education Town at Gwen Cherry Park. That project is under construction. The foundation has been poured, the block work is on its way up, and we hope to have the groundbreaking ceremony in September of 1996. That is an approximately 22,000 square foot facility. Approximately half of it is in a state-of-the-art gymnasium. The other half are in classrooms, arts and crafts rooms, and other general administrative facilities. It is an absolutely terrific project. It is a project that was born out of the ideas of the community. The way we work is that the foundation is responsible for coming up with the capital dollars. We put it out to bid. At this particular facility, I believe it's in the neighborhood of 65 percent of our three million dollars ($3,000,000) are being spent in hiring minority and women companies. Our general contractor is Dwight Stevenson, which is an African -American -owned company. And we went out into the community and we created an advisory committee which H.T. chairs, and it was that advisory committee that told us what we needed to build in this facility. The way this facility will be operated - and the reason I'm going into detail is because it becomes the prototype of what we are going to suggest for Moore Park and Grapeland Park - is that we have negotiated with the United Way and the Boys and Girls Club to provide the recreational programming for this facility. And then we've gone out to bid to various other organizations to provide the educational component. We're going to have, I believe, in the neighborhood of 50 computer stations at this particular facility. And we literally put out an RFP (Request for Proposals). We had numerous responses from community -based organizations. We're in the process of finalizing that, and we anticipate that it will be a consortium of various community - based organizations that will provide the educational components, such as the Urban League, JESCA (James E. Scott Community Association), Cities and Schools, and other similar types of organizations. But it has worked so well that we thought that we would like to use this prototype in other locations. We were approached in the fall of 1995 by the Lipton Tennis Tournament. Butch Bucholtz (phonetic) of that organization came to Dean and said that as a result of Arthur Ashe's commitment to Moore Park, that they would like to do... They would like to rejuvenate the tennis facility, and were aware of what we are doing at Gwen Cherry, and they thought that that would be a very good idea, to team up tennis and the youth in our youth educational concept at Gwen - excuse me - at Moore Park. And so the Moore Park idea has evolved. And what we are suggesting there - and I'll just speak from the podium, you all have a packet that has the renderings - and that would be that we would take the existing tennis facility there and we would obviously refurbish that into a state-of-the-art tennis facility. As you well know, Nike has already refurbished five of those tennis courts. You have already spent... (INAUDIBLE COMMENT NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Adorno: I can usually speak loud enough without a mike, but I'll use it. That we would take the existing tennis facility, as I said, refurbish it, finish the eleven tennis courts. As you know, you've already spent significant money on this park, I believe, with new lighting. You've just done the track. It's a terrific facility. It just needs, you know, some upgrading. And then what we would also do is, we would take the existing building and we would turn that into our educational and recreational center. And you have a rendering of it there. We would air condition... Only half of the building is air conditioning. We would turn some of the areas into computer lab rooms, library study areas, and in essence, give you, the City of Miami... Because all we're going to do is raise the money and build the facility and then turn around and give it back to you to hopefully work out with United Way - maybe the Boys and Girls Club - we don't say who it's going to be, because we want to go to the community, speak to the community, 67 March 14, 1996 form an advisory council, have them tell us which organizations they are the most comfortable with. What may be appropriate for Gwen Cherry Park may not be appropriate for the Moore Park or the Moore Park area. And we've spoken to Jay Caldwell (phonetic), the athletic director at Miami Jackson High School. He's agreed to come on our board, and we are very hopeful that he will assume the role as the chairperson for the Community Advisory Council. One of the things that you may not know is that Miami Jackson Boys' Tennis Team is one of the top ranked tennis teams in the State, and has historically been so for the last three years, and they have one of the top players. The concept and the concept that Butch had was the fact that there are a lot of division one and division two scholarships available in tennis for both boys and girls. And the idea is for them to come in, and they'll do the programming at the tennis facility, along with the Tennis Patrons Association from South Florida, and they're going to provide the ability for inner city kids who want to learn how to play tennis to play, and then to identify those kids that have the talent, to give them the private lessons, and to nurture those kids to a level that they will be able to get college scholarships, which is a great way of, obviously, breaking the cycle in the inner city. So that is the basic concept of Moore Park. We then decided that since we had done two projects in primarily African -American communities, although we all recognize that Moore Park is a very unique area, because of the makeup, and that it really brings in Hispanic, it also brings in the Wynwood area... Mayor Clark: A lot of ethnic groups. A lot of ethnic groups out there. It's kind of a center. Mr. Adorno: ... in that area. We thought that we would like to do a project in a predominantly Hispanic area. And since we've used football for Gwen Cherry, and we're using tennis at Moore Park... Remember, we use the sports as an attraction to bring the kids in, give them something to do besides crime and drugs, and also take the opportunity to try to help educate them better so they can break the cycle. So we looked at sites, and for very obvious reasons, we thought that Grapeland Heights Park would be a terrific site for doing the third of these youth center concepts. And because again, you have a lot at Grapeland Heights Park already, by the way of the fact that you have four baseball fields. We thought that we would try to do this one around a baseball concept. As most of you know, there really are no facilities in Dade County - County or City - that can house major tournaments, either high school, little league, boys and girls. We just don't have the facilities. So what we thought we would do here is, first of all, is take the Stephen P. Clark Center, which is presently closed, and we would fix that up. And you have a rendering here of what we would do to the Clark Center. And we would turn this into our youth center. And when I used the words, "youth center," it's really a community center which obviously... Commissioner Carollo: Hank, Hank, Hank, let me interrupt you for a minute. I'm sorry. Mr. Adorno: Yes, sir. Commissioner Carollo: If not, we're going to forget on this. Two meetings ago, this Commission was informed, and we gave the Manager instructions, to clean up all the graffiti at the Stephen P. Clark Center. Mayor Clark: They have. They have. Commissioner Carollo: Was that finally done, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Adorn: Yes, sir. We were out on the site yesterday, and it's painted. Commissioner Carollo: Very good. Mayor Clark: Absolutely. Stayed right on top of it, and they've cleaned it up very well. It looks decent. 68 March 14, 1996 1, Commissioner Carollo: Very good. I wanted to make sure that was done, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: It was done. Commissioner Carollo: Thank you. Go ahead, Hank. Mr. Adorno: What we intend to do there is basically give the community a community center. Mayor Clark: But it could be used for a community center, in addition to the education center. Mr. Adorno: Yes, sir. It will have capabilities for the elderly to go in there, for the community to have meetings. It's a multi -purpose facility, and we try to set this up in a way that you can open it up and be able to have, you know, community meetings, while at the same time, to be able to break it up into smaller meetings. The Boy Scouts could meet there. Almost any organization in the community could do that. And we intend to add about 1200 square feet to this building. So roughly, it will be in the neighborhood of around 10,000 square feet. And then what we would do is, we would take the present facility, which right now houses a daycare center, and just... If you've been there, it's really dilapidated. And this is a park that I grew up in. And we would turn that - and maintain the daycare center - but turn that into predominantly a concession area where people would gather while you're having a tournament at all the various facilities, and then also add at least one other baseball field. So it would give us five fields, hopefully, all lit. And then you have the football/soccer field, and then the other things that you presently have there, which are the four tennis courts, and the two basketball courts. We want to upgrade the view of this facility on the perimeter. The best thing for us to tell you, for those of you that have driven by Coral Gables, the new Coral Gables Youth Center, it is beautiful. It makes you want to go there. Mayor Clark: Sure does. Mr. Adorno: Right now, this park is really basically run down, and all we do is have a chain link fence. So we are going to want to give this as pretty a perimeter as we possibly can, and make it attractive. It is also significant, as we all know, that any tourist who is returning their car to the airport... Mayor Clark: That's right, right down 37th. Mr. Adorno: ... drives right along the 37th Avenue, right along the whole border of the park. And I think it would be a great comment for our City, for them to see that we do have a first class facility, as well, of course, is that it also borders 836, which is the other way that our tourists go to the downtown area and to the Beach area. So we think that it also will enhance the image of the City of Miami to show that we do care enough about our parks, and our children, and the people that use these facilities to give them that. Now, we have not even begun to contact the community, but we will tell you that if you approve the resolution that's before you, and we're able to finalize our agreements with the City Manager and the Parks Department, that we will do the same thing as we've done at Gwen Cherry, and that we've already put in place at Moore Park. And that is that we will go to the community, we will select a leader of that community to serve as the chairperson of that advisory council. We will listen to the community in figuring out whether our ideas are what they want, and what type of both recreational and educational programming they want at this particular facility. We are ready. We have, as I said, raised enough money to do Gwen Cherry Park. We've already raised enough money to start on Moore Park. As some of you know, the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority was very generous in giving us a challenge grant. If we meet that challenge grant - and I can tell you, I can tell by the people that are involved in this organization, we will - we will have enough money to do all three facilities. 69 March 14, 1996 t �=Ca6:3X. Mayor Clark: Hank. Mr. Adorno: Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: Save you some time. A resolution - do you have a copy of the resolution? - approving in principle the development of Youth Education in Sports - YES - Youth Education Towns - YET - Facilities at Moore Park, Grapeland Heights, and the South Florida Super Bowl Host Committee Foundation; further authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a contract with the foundation to transfer said facilities to the City of Miami, subject to certain terms and conditions and approval of the City Commission. Commissioner Plummer: Transferring? Mayor Clark: It's been moved. Vice Mayor Gort: Second. G Commissioner Plummer: Well, no, I'm asking the question. Is that transferring the ownership of the property? Vice Mayor Gort: No. Mr. Adorno: It's your facility. Vice Mayor Gort: Transferring the facilities to us. Mr. Adorno: All we will do is raise the money and build it. Mr. Mayor, there's one item that... Mayor Clark: Moved. It's been... Commissioner Plummer: Fine. Great idea. Mr. Adorno: There's just one item I want to make sure because we need the approval, and that is, we would like the permission to name the - just the tennis center, not the main educational building - the Ashe-Buchholz Tennis Center. Mayor Clark: Without question. It's in the resolution. It's in the resolution. Commissioner Carollo: Move it. Mayor Clark: March the 23rd, 1996, yes. We got it right here. Commissioner Carollo: There's a motion. Is there a second, Mr. Dawkins? Mayor Clark: I second. Commissioner Carollo: OK. There's a second. Mayor Clark: Any discussion? Commissioner Carollo: Just one last item, and I think this should be said on the record. It's rare that you get such a distinguished group of citizens getting involved in such a worthwhile project. You know, we see all kinds of monies being spent all the time in this City Commission, all kinds 70 March 14, 1996 k_- of projects being discussed, but I will say this for the record. That I think that the future will tell, and it will show that there are going to be few projects as important as this for our community. And the beautiful part of it is that it was initiated by the private sector working hand in hand with government. The future of this community lies in its young people. And if we don't get them involved in sports and the healthy things that they should be involved in, they're going to be the problems of tomorrow. And I'd just like to compliment all the people that are here today in this board of directors, and the others that couldn't make it, because I think this is one of the most important items that I have seen, not only since I've been back, but in the last couple of decades before this City Commission. And I can only wish that we see more of these in the future. And you certainly have my support, and I'm sure, the support of all my colleagues here. Mayor Clark: Call the roll, Mr. Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-184 A RESOLUTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH EDUCATION IN SPORTS ("YES")/YOUTH EDUCATION TOWNS ("YET") FACILITIES AT MOORE PARK AND GRAPELAND HEIGHTS PARK ("FACILITIES") BY THE SOUTH FLORIDA SUPER BOWL HOST COMMITTEE FOUNDATION, INC. ("FOUNDATION"); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH THE FOUNDATION TO TRANSFER SAID FACILITIES TO THE CITY OF MIAMI, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY COMMISSION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir, Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner Dawkins: I'd like to say to the group that I commend all of you. Never before has anybody come before this Commission to address the total needs of the community; We have a swimming pool at Hadley. Then we can talk of swimming scholarships. You're going to Moore Park, you're talking in terms of track and tennis scholarships. Now, you say you're going to Grapeland Park. We're talking about baseball scholarships. So you've taken a whole view. The only thing I want to say to you, when you negotiate with the Manager, you make sure that somebody explains to you, once you have completed this structure, where the maintenance, staff, equipment and personnel are coming from. It doesn't do us any good for you to go out and 71 March 14, 1996 LIM hustle up money, build the facility, and then in one year, it's closed because we don't fulfill our parts. And that's what I would like to say to you. And I would say that also, this is the first time anybody has thought about the girls. At Grapeland Park, you got soccer and softball for girls. Commissioner Carollo: And tennis. Commissioner Dawkins: And swimming, you have girls in the swimming. At Moore Park, you got tennis. And this is the first time. Every time... All the other times, it's just been for the boys. So you got... You guys are to be commended, I think. Thank you. Mayor Clark: Excellent. Thank you. Mr. Adorno: Thank you. Mayor Clark: Before you leave, Frank, Chas, give us an update on what's happening in 1998 or '99. This is... We hear a lot of... Maybe Dean will want to do it. Mr. Dean Colson: Please. Chas and I both have been up to Palm Beach for the owners' meeting. San Diego, has the '98 game right now, and they're in the middle of some lawsuits involving some construction they want to do in their stadium. I'm told that those lawsuits should be resolved by the end of this month. And if that, in fact, does happen, they're going to go forward with the '98 game. It appears that San Francisco, from everything we've learned, is going to give up their '99 slot in return for a promise that they get a game in 2002, 2003, when they have a new stadium. Jim Steig (phonetic) from NFL (National Football League) told me that in the next 30 to 45 days, we'll be given some specifications to bid in October for both the '99 and 2000 game. And frankly, I think we stand in a very good place to get one of those two games. Hopefully, the '99 game, the first one. Mayor Clark: Excellent, excellent. H.T., you got a report? Mr. H.T. Smith: No. Mayor Clark: We hear about you by television, that's all. But come down and see us once in a while. Mr. Smith: Well, glad to be here. Let me just say that we're very pleased with the cooperation that we've gotten from everybody with regard to the centers. And Commissioner Dawkins and Commissioner Carollo, I think you're going to be just as proud of the academic and arts and crafts aspect of it as you're going to be of the athletic aspect of it. This, I think, is a crowning achievement for our community, and I'm happy that I was privileged to be a part of it. Mayor Clark: We congratulate you. Commissioner Carollo: Thank you. Mayor Clark: All right. Thank you, gentlemen. Commissioner Plummer: Let's move on. 72 March 14, 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. DISCUSS AND REFER TO MANAGER PROPOSAL FROM SHAKE -A -LEG, INC., RECOMMENDING SAID ORGANIZATION BE HIRED BY THE CITY (UNDER MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT) TO MANAGE / OPERATE A COMMUNITY WATER SPORTS RECREATION CENTER AT VIRRICK GYM (FORMER U.S. COAST GUARD AIR STATION) -- REQUEST SHAKE - A -LEG TO PRESENT PLAN TO COMMISSION FOR PARKING ADJACENT TO VIRRICK GYM, AND ACCOMMODATION FOR BOAT RAMP ACCESS -- DIRECT ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE PLAN FOR OVERFLOW PARKING AREA IN VICINITY OF VACANT PARKING LOT IN FRONT OF GROVE KEY MARINA BUILDING. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 27-A. Shake -A -Leg. Mr. Manager, are you're recommending a management agreement that you haven't worked out yet? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir. With conditions that we are guaranteed that deficits are not responsibility of the City of Miami. They have to come back with a plan for the parking lot to be approved by you. Commissioner Carollo: Excuse me. They have to come back for a plan with what? Mr. Odio: For the parking lot next to Virrick Gym that will be approved by you, by the Commission. They... And you can add to that, please. Commissioner Carollo: Well, what kind of plan has the Manager requested of you, sir, for the parking lot, to come back with? Mayor Clark: Give us your name, please, for the record. Mr. Bill Mauk: Is this on? Yeah. My name is Bill Mauk, and I'm the chair of Shake -A -Leg of Miami. And I have some of our other members here, Harry Horgan, who is the executive director and president, Walter Raul, who is on the board, and Luis Yarbaro (phonetic), who has been very instrumental in helping us. Shake -A -Leg has been involved with the City since 1990, providing services and very interesting things for self-esteem and role modeling, providing to people who are disadvantaged both economically and physically, as well as kids at risk. And we've been doing, I think, quite a service. Over the last eight months, we have involved community activists leaders and a variety of organizations, including some of the Commissioners, yourselves, as well as some of the people in the City, to really look at what kind of plan should be presented as far as Shake -A -Leg to the City. And we have used people from all over the country to look at what kind of activity should be down there. The basic concept is a water sports facility where people of all capabilities can come, whether their incapabilities are lack of sailing experience, or physical, or economic. And we have put together a plan, with the help of people from all over the country and presented it to the City Manager, and to each of you Commissioners. We think we have a realistic plan, financially realistic, in terms of our capabilities to, in fact, administer it, and realistic in terms of what it can do for the City. "Do for the City," in terms of various people participating in a whole bunch of water sports activities. So what we have... Commissioner Plummer: What do they want us to do? Turn it over to the Manager? 73 March 14, 1996 Mayor Clark: You... Manager for a recommendation. Commissioner Carollo: But my direct question, sir, has been that the Manager made mention of the parking lot. What recommendations has the Administration given you for the parking lot? Jack, I don't want to hear from you now, please. I'm asking the gentleman. Have you been given any direct statements by the Administration as to what they want you to do with the parking lot? Mr. Mauk: Sure. Let... Harry has been dealing with the issue, and he'd be more than happy to answer the question. Commissioner Carollo: Thank you. Mayor Clark: Your name, again, for the record, please. Mr. Harry Horgan: Hi. My name is Horgan. I live at 2030 Southwest 4th Avenue, Miami, Florida. I'm the executive director of Shake -A -Leg. Regarding the parking issue, our proposal to the City, in discussions with the Manager, is that we manage the entire site. We would request that we work along with you and the Manager to come up with a way that we can keep this parking safe, and provide adequate parking to everyone participating. So we have met with different members of the community and discussed different concepts, but we really need... This is something that needs to be dealt with, and we look for your guidance. Commissioner Carollo: OK. So basically, what you're looking for is to also have the parking lot under your contract with the City. Mr. Horgan: Correct. Commissioner Carollo: Now, has the Administration given you any guidance as to what to do with the parking lot? Mr. Horgan: Well, the parking lot has to be upgraded. The surface, the lighting, the landscape, the bay walk. We see this project as an integral part of the whole waterfront redevelopment. Commissioner Carollo: Absolutely. Mr. Horgan: And we want to be an active participant, and also look at this as a catalyst in just pushing the whole process at a quicker pace. Commissioner Carollo: Well, let me say this to you on the record. I think you have one of the most worthwhile projects in the City of Miami. Again, you have a program that deals with one of the areas that this community needs to pay the most attention to, and that's the youth of our community. The parking lot that we have there can be a major source of income, not only a two- year program, but for the whole waterfront in the City of Miami. Commissioner Plummer: You got a problem. It's not only the deed restriction, but it's the idea of the contract for Monty Trainer's, that if we move them out of there, we got to provide somewhere else. Commissioner Carollo: In the old days, before... We've had quite a bit of new construction that's come on board across the street in the form of office buildings, new condominiums, upgrade of hotels, and even across from you in the new restaurant and boating facilities. Since then, that has brought a tremendous amount of parking needs. That parking lot holds in excess of 400 parking spaces. At the same time, if you go by there any time of the day, afternoon, 74 March 14, 1996 evening, you'll see that it's full. And this is a City of Miami piece of property, prime property that is being utilized fully, but the City is not receiving anything in return. So my recommendation to you, as one member of this Commission, is that you need to come up with a plan - I see Clark Cook is here from the Off -Street Parking Authority - together with the City where we use that as a parking lot, but unlike the freebie that it is now for parking space, that people pay the norm of what they pay, for instance, in downtown Coconut Grove to use that space there. And at the same time, those monies will be used appropriately, not only for your program, but for the betterment of our whole waterfront here in the City of Miami and in Coconut Grove. And, you know, the estimates of what could be made from that parking lot could be quite high. We might be able to make maybe as much as a million dollars a year or more by having the parking there. Commissioner Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Mr. Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins has the floor. Commissioner Dawkins: I would like for the Mayor - I mean the Manager - and Shake -A -Leg to realize that this piece of property is used for a boat landing and for people to put their boats in the water. When you talk about expanding it, I expect to see parking for trailers where people take their sailing yachts, their sailing sloops, where they put their fishing boats in. Now, I do not expect you to come here and tell me... I don't care about profit or what have you. I care about services for the taxpayer. Mayor Clark: Accommodations. Commissioner Dawkins: An a boat bay... I mean a boat ramp is primary, in my estimation, for that property. And that means that it must be marked for boats and trailers, trucks only, and anybody else will be towed away. Now, Commissioner Carollo is correct. Money can be made. Miami Herald says Clark Cook says that if he takes the two parking spaces that are allocated to the City Commissioners who use them when they go to the Intercontinental to present protocol documents and what have you, that he could make five thousand dollars ($5,000) a year. So if two lots... Mayor Clark: Did you say that, Clark? Commissioner Dawkins: The paper says he said it. Now, I didn't... The paper said he said it. It was in the paper. The Miami Herald said he said it. Mayor Clark: Yeah. Commissioner Dawkins: So that's good enough for me. OK? But there again... Commissioner Plummer: Might be good enough for you, but it isn't for me. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Well, that's... If two parking spaces will bring in five thousand dollars ($5,000), you know what 400 will bring in. Commissioner Carollo: Over five thousand is what the paper said. Closer to six thousand. Mayor Clark: You know, when you're studying this... Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, for the record, just before that space was put in - I don't know why two or one - we used to have to pay six dollars and twenty-five cents ($6.25) to park, to go represent this City at that hotel, strictly for the purposes of helping the hotel and the group 75 March 14, 1996 that was there. And I got tired of paying six dollars and twenty-five cents ($6.25) for being there 15, 20 or 30 minutes. I don't go to that hotel. I've never spent a night in there. I've never gone there for J.L.'s benefit. I've always gone there in some capacity to represent this City. And for a City Commissioner to go do that and have to pay six dollars and twenty-five cents ($6.25), to me, it's out of line. Vice Mayor Gort: Mr. Mayor, my understanding is this is part of the program, the charette that we had with Coconut Grove, and this is the... some of the ideas they came up with. Am I correct? I'm ready for a motion, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Jack Luft: Yes, this is... Mayor Clark: Mr. Manager, when you're studying this... Commissioner Plummer: All we're doing is sending it to the Manager. Vice Mayor Gort: Yeah, but you need a resolution. Mayor Clark: Mr. Manager... Mr. Luft: I need to make sure everyone understands. Mayor Clark: Wait a minute, wait a minute, Jack. Commissioner Dawkins: No, you don't need to do anything. Mayor Clark: What we need to do, where the Building and Zoning offices were at one time, it's always used for overflow parking for the convention center. If you're going to develop that, make it legal, like we should, of all the lots the City has. We should develop that properly and include that in all the parking down there. There's no sense to have somebody over... like you have a trailer over there, a boat trailer in one space, and the guy's got to park somewhere else because there's not enough room. Commissioner Carollo: That's true. Mayor Clark: So consider that true, and improve it properly, and then we're living by the law that we issue every day that we're supposed to live by. Commissioner Carollo: Sure, sure. Commissioner Dawkins: OK, mm-hmm. Mayor Clark: That's a big piece of land over there. Commissioner Carollo: Sure, absolutely. Vice Mayor Gort: Move it, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Carollo: And we have that all across South Bayshore Drive here. Now, Mr. Manager, you had told me some time ago that the City was spending about a hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($130,000) soon - I guess when you told me this it was two or three weeks ago - that it was going to be in the next 30 days and we were going to be asphalting this lot over here, and putting lights there, and so on. 76 March 14, 1996 k" Mr. Odio: Well, we have some FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) monies, and we are trying to get the additional money. We had talked to Off -Street Parking to do a parking lot right there. And we are going to bring back a plan to go ahead and do that. Commissioner Carollo: Well, we need to do that. Mayor Clark: Very good. Commissioner Carollo: Because that's another way the City could gain a tremendous amount of revenue. Mr. Odio: We need to put on the record something, so that there's no misunderstandings. Any monies, according to the National... Mr. Luft: ... to the Department of Interior, any monies... profits from a parking lot must go back to the Virrick Gym Recreational Programs. The City cannot profit from parking, but the money must go to the Virrick Gym Programs. Commissioner Dawkins: What we're saying to you, Jack, is there will be no free parking. That's all we're saying to you. That's all we're saying. Mr. Luft: That's fine. That's fine. But... Commissioner Carollo: But my understanding, Jack, was, based upon what the Manager has discussed with me, that it was to the Virrick Gym Program and other waterfront related activities in the parks there. Mr. Odio. At the site. At the site. Mr. Luft: Correct. Commissioner Carollo: Only at the site, or throughout the Coconut Grove parks. Mr. Luft: Correct. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's move forward. Commissioner Carollo: Throughout Coconut Grove parks. Mayor Clark: We'll move... Commissioner Plummer: Send it to the Manager. Mr. Odio: At the site. Commissioner Plummer: I move it. Mayor Clark: Mr. Manager, can you... Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Mr. Luft: No, no. Are you talking about the funding restriction from the Interior? Commissioner Carollo: Right. Whatever monies we make... 77 March 14, 1996 Mr. Luft: That's just the Virrick Gym. Commissioner Carollo: Whatever monies we make from that parking there. Mr. Luft: Just the Virrick Gym site. That's the one that was deeded to us by the Federal government. Mayor Clark: Yeah, that's all right. Mr. Luft: OK? Mayor Clark: The other one is a different story. Mr. Luft: The other one is different. We can... The City can make a profit from the other ones. Mayor Clark: That's available, at least. Mr. Plummer, you have a motion? Commissioner Plummer: I move it. Commissioner Carollo: Second. Commissioner Plummer: It's to go to the Manager and come back with a final thing. Mayor Clark: Call the roll, Mr. Clerk. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 96-185 A MOTION REFERRING TO THE CITY MANAGER A PROPOSAL RECEIVED FROM SHAKE -A -LEG MIAMI, INC., RECOMMENDING THAT THIS NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION BE HIRED BY THE CITY, UNDER A MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT, TO MANAGE AND OPERATE A COMMUNITY WATER SPORTS RECREATIONAL CENTER AT VIRRICK GYM (ALSO KNOWN, HISTORICALLY, AS THE FORMER U.S. COAST GUARD AIR STATION); FURTHER REQUESTING OF SAID GROUP TO COME BACK BEFORE THE COMMISSION AT A LATER DATE WITH A PROPOSED PLAN FOR PARKING ADJACENT TO VIRRICK GYM (INCLUDING IN SAID PLAN ACCOMMODATIONS FOR BOAT RAMP ACCESS, AS WELL AS PARKING FOR BOAT OWNERS); FURTHER DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A PLAN TO ADDRESS THE OVERFLOW PARKING AREA IN THE VICINITY OF THE VACANT PARKING LOT IN FRONT OF THE GROVE KEY MARINA BUILDING. 78 March 14, 1996 ""N Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Clark: Item number 27-B... Thank you, folks. Mr. Mauk: Thank you very much. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir, Walter. Commissioner Carollo: Good luck. ------------------------------------------- -.................................................................... 27. COMMISSION RECOMMENDS VALET PARKING FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AT MIAMI ARENA USING CITY STREETS TO REMAIN STATUS QUO UNTIL END OF BASKETBALL SEASON -- BRING ISSUE BACK FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION AT END OF MIAMI HEAT'S BASKETBALL SEASON Mayor Clark: Twenty-seven-B. Commissioner Carollo: This is an item that I asked, Mr. Mayor, to be placed on the agenda. This has to do with valet parking... for that matter, any parking. Mayor Clark: Can I make a suggestion? Commissioner Carollo: Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: We've only got a couple of months left in this parking scenario with the Panthers and also with the Heat. Why don't we leave it alone. We've got a study committee right now, Mr. Manager; is that right, on the parking? Commissioner Plummer: Cesar. Mayor Clark: We've got a study committee on the parking, off-street parking around the Arena? Commissioner Carollo: This has got to do with the City's street that was closed, only, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes. On the matter on the valet parking, we have done some research. Well, number one - and Public Works has a memo to put out - that is, in fact, the City 79 March 14, 1996 �1 of Miami public right-of-way, where the parking is being held in front of the Arena. That is our public right-of-way. Mayor Clark: Why don't we leave it... Mr. Odio: But Mr. May... Mayor Clark: Why don't we just leave it in limbo for a couple of months, Joe? Commissioner Plummer: That's what the Manager is... Commissioner Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I agree. Commissioner Plummer: That's what the Mayor is recommending. Commissioner Carollo: I just want instructions for this whole Commission. If you would make that in the form of a resolution that we leave it be until the season is over, I would second it. Mayor Clark: I so move. Commissioner Carollo: I second that motion. Vice Mayor Gort: OK. Mr. Odio: Mr. Mayor, you might as well, when we come back, address all valet parking in the City. There is nothing in the Code that addresses valet parking, period, in the City. Commissioner Carollo: Well, this is what the Mayor has said, Mr. Manager, that we will address it... Mayor Clark: You only got a couple of months on this thing, and we're going to... Commissioner Carollo: ... a couple of months from now. Mayor Clark: We'll get it straightened out. Mr. Odio: OK. Commissioner Carollo: And the motion is, that the Mayor made and that I've seconded, is that the present situation as far as valet parking and any other parking in that... Mayor Clark: Leave it right there for the moment. Commissioner Carollo: ... street closure stays status quo. Mayor Clark: Absolutely right. Commissioner Carollo: And we will deal with it after the season. Commissioner Plummer: Well, let me ask only one question on the record. Mr. Manager, you know, your people were very upset. What does this do to your parking, for example, here at Dinner Key? Does that alter that? Mr. Odio: No. This is... 80 March 14, 1996 k., Commissioner Carollo: No, it's got nothing to do with that. Mr. Odio: We're talking about valet parking. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mr. Odio: Over here, we have a... Commissioner Plummer: Only valet. Commissioner Carollo: Yeah. Vice Mayor Gort: It's a different ball game. OK? Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mayor Clark: OK. Now, it's passed. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Carollo. Commissioner Carollo: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Clark, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 96-186 A MOTION STATING THAT ALL VALET PARKING FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE MIAMI ARENA USING CITY STREETS SHALL REMAIN STATUS QUO UNTIL THE END OF THE MIAMI HEAT BASKETBALL SEASON; FURTHER REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO BRING THIS ISSUE BACK FOLLOWING THE SEASON FOR THE COMMISSION'S FURTHER CONSIDERATION AND REVIEW. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 81 March 14, 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28. APPOINT RON WILLIAMS, ARSENIO MILIAN, HERB LEVINE, FRANK ANGONES, AND OCTAVIO GOMEZ DE MOLINA TO SERVE ON THE INSURANCE BROKER EVALUATION COMMITTEE. Mayor Clark: Item 27-C, on the insurance. Vice Mayor Gort: We're supposed to name the insurance broker. Commissioner Plummer: I name Mr. Ron Williams. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Gort. Vice Mayor Gort: Octavio Gomez de Molina. Mayor Clark: What's that? Vice Mayor Gort: Octavio Gomez de Molina. Commissioner Dawkins: What item? Mayor Clark: This is on the broker insurance evaluation committee. Commissioner Plummer: Twenty-seven-C. Commissioner Dawkins: Twenty-seven-C? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Carollo, you have a name? Commissioner Carollo: Yes, I do, Mr. Mayor. I will name Arsenio Milian. Mayor Clark: All right. Mr. Dawkins. Commissioner Dawkins: Herb Levine. Mayor Clark: Herb Levine. My nominee is Frank Angones. Commissioner Plummer: Who, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Clark: Frank Angones. He's an attorney. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, OK. Mayor Clark: You have the names now, Mr. Clerk? Mr. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: I'll move all the names. Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: Second. 82 March 14, 1996 k- - -IN Mayor Clark: No exception. Cast a unanimous ballot, Mr. Clerk. The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Clark, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-187 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE AS MEMBERS OF THE INSURANCE BROKER EVALUATION COMMITTEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29. DENY PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO WAIVE CODE PROHIBITION (SECTION 2-302) TO PERMIT JACQUELINE J. RUBIANO (FIRE -RESCUE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE) TO PARTICIPATE IN CDBG ASSISTED SINGLE FAMILY REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM, ADMINISTERED BY DEPARTMENT OF NET / HOUSING CONSERVATION DIVISION, THROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM OF U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: Move 28. Mayor Clark: Twenty-eight. Commissioner Dawkins: Under... Go ahead. I'm voting no. Under discussion. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Dawkins: Is there a second? Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Mr. Manager, will Ms. Jacqueline J. Rubiano live in this facility? Mr. Jeff Hepburn: No, no, sir. 83 March 14, 1996 k, Commissioner Dawkins: OK. And it's 911 Northwest 66th Street. Mr. Hepburn: That's correct. Commissioner Dawkins: Where does she reside? Commissioner Plummer: Wait a minute. She's not going to live... Mr. Hepburn: She doesn't live in the City of Miami. Commissioner Dawkins: Where does she... Mr. Hepburn: We're not sure exactly where. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. All right. But we're going to take money and give it to a person who does not live in the City to rehab property in the City, collect rent, make a profit, and the City of Miami doesn't benefit. Mr. Hepburn: Commissioner, we do benefit. The City does benefit. We have an improved piece of property for one; and two, that property will pay taxes. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. I move that this be denied. We can find somebody within the City who can do this. Commissioner Carollo: Second the motion. Commissioner Plummer: I'll withdraw my motion to approve. I thought by virtue of the agenda that it was on the recommendation of the Manager. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. All right, well you can move it... Mayor Clark: Motion and a second. Call the roll. Commissioner Plummer: OK. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 96-188 A MOTION TO DENY AGENDA ITEM 28 (PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO WAIVE BY 4/5THS VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, THE REQUIREMENTS AND PROHIBITION CONTAINED IN CITY CODE SECTION 2- 302, THAT IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY TO PERMIT MS. JACQUELINE J. RUBIANO TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CITY'S CDBG ASSISTED SINGLE FAMILY REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM). 84 March 14, 1996 kr' Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------------- 30. GRANT FUNDING REQUEST ($15,000) CONCERNING ATHALIE RANGE TRIBUTE (MARCH 31, 1996). Mayor Clark: Item number 31. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Mayor CIark: Twenty-nine has been withdrawn. Commissioner Plummer: That's yours, Mr.... Mayor Clark: Now, this is... We got a representative present on this item? Commissioner Dawkins: Yes. Judge Person, Yes. Mr. Ralph Person: I'm sorry. I was so caught up in the business of the Chamber. Good morning. My name is Ralph Person, retired Judge, attorney and the deputy director of the Alternative Program, Inc., appearing in the place of Ms. Georgia Jones -Ayers reference this matter. Mr. Mayor, Honorable Commissioners, my good friend and brother, Dawkins, and friends of Mrs. Range. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm honored to have the privilege to present this request to you on behalf of the planning committee who will be sponsoring this event for Ms. Range. This committee is being directed by three of the City's most distinguished leaders, Mr. Alvah Chapman, Mr. Armando Codina, and Mr. Garth Reeves. Also included on the committee are Mr. Donald Butler; Dr. Carrie (phonetic); Mr. T. Willard Fair; the Honorable Betty Ferguson; Ms. Alice Harrison, a member of Ms. Range's family; Reverend Kenneth Major; Representative Meeks; and Patrick Range, son of Mrs. Range; and Mrs. Rachel Reeves, editor of the Miami Times and daughter of Mr. Garth Reeves, one of our honorary chairpersons. A request has been sent through. Mr. Mayor, I think you've received that in the form of a letter from the committee, and you should also have received a proposed budget for this affair, as well as a biographical sketch of our honoree, Mrs. Range. Mayor Clark: Did you get a copy of that, Mr. Manager? Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Yes, sir. Mayor Clark: OK. 85 March 14, 1996 Mr. Person: And I will not recite the sketch, because most of you, at one time or the other, were contemporaries with Mrs. Range. However, I would like to state for the record, so we can grasp the significance of this event. Mrs. Range is one of the first Afro-American women to become a licensed funeral director, an owner in the State of Florida. She was also the first Afro-American and second woman elected to the City of Miami Commission in 1965, and served for five years. She was appointed to fill a six -week unexpired term at the age of 73 in 1989. She was the first African -American woman appointed by the Governor of Florida, Ruben Askew, to a State cabinet post as Secretary of Community Affairs. She was also appointed by former President Jimmy Carter to the National Board of Amtrak. And I know that I need not go into any of this. In addition, I'm receiving the high sign. I am simply putting this before you. I'd like to sum it up by saying I hope that we have a unanimous vote of this board to honor one of your former colleagues in this, the hundredth year anniversary and celebration of this great City. Commissioner Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to hear the Manager's recommendation. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Mr. Odio: I recommend against it. It's a non -budgeted item. It's a huge amount of money. It's twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). My recommendation is that we cannot fund it at this time. Commissioner Plummer: Well, let me... Mr. Manager, maybe we can't fund the twenty-five, but let me tell you something. We're talking about one of our own. OK? Athalie Range served this community many times, in many capacities, served the State of Florida. And I would say to you, sir, that this Commission would want to go on record that we do support her and her efforts in making this possible. I understand your attitude, you know, and you've been consistent. And I would ask the Judge to give us something more reasonable that we can deal with. Twenty-five, we can't. Now... Mayor Clark: Fifteen? Mr. Person: Also, Mark, why don't you introduce yourself as well to... Commissioner Plummer: Fifteen? Fifteen? Mr. Person: Sir, I would never turn down fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000). Commissioner Plummer: I move fifteen thousand. Mayor Clark: Second the motion. Commissioner Dawkins: Call the roll. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. Commissioner Plummer: In a hurry. 86 March 14, 1996 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-189 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, IN SUPPORT OF THE ATHALIE RANGE TRIBUTE, TO BE CONDUCTED BY DEAN SMITH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ON SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1996, AT THE GUSMAN CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, SAID ALLOCATION CONDITIONED UPON SAID EVENT'S SPONSOR COMPLYING WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Mayor Clark, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE AFTER ROLL CALL: Commissioner Plummer: I saved you ten thousand. Mayor Clark: Thank you, gentlemen. Mr. Person: Thank you so very much. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. GRANT FUNDING REQUEST ($6,674.32) FROM LITTLE HAITI ECONOMIC AND TOURIST ASSOCIATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE HAITIAN CARNAVAL MARDI GRAS PARADE (APRIL 6-7, 1996) -- STIPULATE THAT CITY WILL CONDUCT AN AUDIT, AND WILL RECOUP ITS MONEY IF EVENT MAKES A PROFIT. ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 32, Haitian Carnaval Mardi Gras. Commissioner Plummer: How much is the figure? Mr. Manager? They're asking for in -kind? Ms. Wendolyn Cayard: Six thousand six hundred and seventy-four. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Six thousand six hundred and forty-seven dollars. Six thousand six seventy-four thirty-two. 87 March 14, 1996 k, Mayor Clark: Is there a motion? Commissioner Plummer: Did you apply to anybody else, ma'am? Did you apply to the TDC (Tourist Development Council)? Mayor Clark: Your name, please. Ms. Cayard: My name is Gwendolyn Cayard. Commissioner Plummer: I mean, did you apply to any other areas of funding? Ms. Cayard: No. We are being sponsored by the business people in the community. Commissioner Plummer: No, you're asking us to be the sponsor. Ms. Cayard: For part of it, yes, for services. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Manager, your recommendation. Mr. Odio: I recommend no funding for this, since, again, it's a non -budgeted item. Commissioner Plummer: I'll move that we fund it, 50 percent level. Commissioner Dawkins: Second. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. Commissioner Carollo: What was the total amount? Six thousand... Commissioner Plummer: Sixty-six hundred, Joe. So it would be 33. Commissioner Carollo: What has been funded in the past, if anything, in the Haitian community? Commissioner Plummer: A whole lot. Commissioner Carollo: Well, no, no, I'm talking about items such as this. I know we have some that we sponsor in Coconut Grove and other parts of the community that are for amounts much larger than the one that I've heard today here. And we're talking about in -kind service that's not necessarily monies that we're putting up. Mayor Clark: Well, we got a motion on the floor for half the amount. It's been moved and seconded. Commissioner Carollo: Well, I'd like to make a substitute motion, Mr. Mayor, the minute that I get an answer here. Mayor Clark: Till we dispose of this, you can't make a substitute. Commissioner Carollo: Yeah. Mr. Odio: I don't know the amount right now of what we have given Little Haiti on... March 14, 1996 V,1 Commissioner Dawkins: You're out of order, Mr. Manager. You're out of order. There is a motion on the floor, and he cannot make a substitute motion. Mr. Odio: I know. I thought he asked me a question. Commissioner Dawkins: I mean, am I right, Mr. City Attorney? Commissioner Plummer: Well, he can ask a question. Commissioner Carollo: Yeah. Well, let me move to amend the motion. And the amendment that I'd like to make on the motion is that we approve the total amount that was requested, six thousand plus dollars. It's not a big amount, and it's not all monies that are coming from out of our pockets, J.L. As you know, when we talk about in -kind, a good percentage of that is monies that are not coming straight from our pockets. So... Commissioner Plummer: I'll tell you what, Joe. I'll accept the amendment, that if it makes a profit, the City gets back its money in total, up to 100 percent. Mr. Odio: The moment you make this into a City event, you have to pay overtime to the Police Department... Commissioner Plummer: No, we're make it a... Mr. Odio: ... and that raises the price. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. We're not doing it that way. We're giving them a grant. They can do with the grant the way they want, and there's no overtime. Am I correct? Mayor Clark: So you've accepted the amendment? We'll vote on the amendment? Commissioner Carollo: I would go along with that amendment, yeah. Commissioner Plummer: The amendment is, very simply, that we will audit, and if they make any profit whatsoever, the City will get back its money first, up to 100 percent, as a grant. Commissioner Carollo: That's fine. I'll go along with that. Commissioner Plummer: Yeah. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. 89 March 14, 1996 k. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-190 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $6,674.32 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, IN SUPPORT OF THE HAITIAN CARNAVAL MARDI GRAS, TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE LITTLE HAITI ECONOMIC TOURISTIC ASSOCIATION ON APRIL 7, 1996, SAID ALLOCATION CONDITIONED UPON: (1) THE CITY CONDUCTING AN AUDIT OF SAID EVENT; (2) THE ORGANIZERS REIMBURSING THE CITY UP TO THE AMOUNT OF THE GRANT IF ANY PROFITS ARE REALIZED FROM THE EVENT; AND (3) THE ORGANIZERS COMPLYING WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. COMMENTS MADE DURING ROLL CALL: Vice Mayor Gort: The reason I will vote for this is that's one of the ways that Calle Ocho got started, because at the time, we did help them. Commissioner Carollo: Of course. Vice Mayor Gort: If it hadn't been for that, it would not have been self-sustaining. Yes. COMMENTS MADE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL: Mayor Clark: Number 33... Thank you, ma'am. Ms. Cayard: Thank you. 90 March 14, 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32. APPROVE LIST OF PERSONS (THALIA, EMILIO ESTEFAN, CRISTINA, LEOPOLDO FERNANDEZ, BETTY PING, EDNITA NAZARIO) TO RECEIVE A STAR IN CALLE OCHO SIDEWALK CELEBRITY WALK OF FAME. Mayor Clark: Address the Commission on a request to approve the persons that will be receiving a star in Calle Ocho. Commissioner Plummer: I don't have... Did we get a list? Vice Mayor Gort: Yes. Commissioner Carollo: There was one here this morning, Commissioner. Mr. Jim Kay: The list is in your package, Commissioner. Vice Mayor Gort: It's been cut. Mayor Clark: Well, who will be receiving this? All right, proceed. Mr. Guido Rodriguez: Yes. My name is Guido Rodriguez, 6494 Coral Way, .Miami. I am president of A Star of Calle Ocho. I come today here in front of the Commission to try to get the approval of the nominees to receive a star on the sidewalk of Calle Ocho. Commissioner Plummer: If there's no objections by any member of the Commission to the names proffered, I so move. Commissioner Carollo: Second. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. Commissioner Plummer: No, Quinn Jones is not there yet. We don't find you entertaining at all. 91 March 14, 1996 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.96-191 A RESOLUTION (Pending the Law Department.) (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Carollo: Now, I make a second motion that we appoint Mr. Quinn Jones in charge of the party affairs. Commissioner Plummer: The ribbon cutting, yes. I second that motion. 92 March 14, 1996 :cry --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MANUEL GONZALEZ-GOENAGA CONCERNING PROPOSAL REGARDING AFFORDABLE SOCIAL HOUSING. Mayor Clark: Item number 34. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, we are going to finish by noon? Mayor Clark: I hope so... Commissioner Plummer: All right. Because... Mayor Clark: ... because I've got to leave here at twelve o'clock sharp. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Mr. Manuel Gonzalez-Goenaga: Good morning, distinguished Commissioners and members of the public, and specifically the staff. My presentation is regarding affordable... Mayor Clark: ... housing. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: ... social housing. Commissioner Plummer: What's this? What is it? Vice Mayor Gort: Affordable social housing. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Well, what we have seen today... Commissioner Plummer: Sociable? Vice Mayor Gort: Social. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: ... and we will see later on is that there are big problems with the affordable housing in the City of Miami. Mayor Clark: Please. I know you're very thorough in your presentation, but did you bring plans with you? Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Of course. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's see them. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: But I... You probably wouldn't understand them. Mayor Clark: Well, I wouldn't? I'm a general contractor. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Well, here is a very detailed... Mayor Clark: If they're in English, I'd understand them. 93 March 14, 1996 Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Here is very detailed, in English, of something that have worked in the island of Puerto Rico, in conjunction with the Federal government, and private developers, marvelously. You must realize that the land in Puerto Rico is much more expensive than in Miami, for the particular reason that there is scarce... much less land, and it's more expensive. Yet, construction has been made in concrete of three bedrooms, as I mentioned before, two bathrooms, for thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000). And they say that's impossible. It's very easy. Mayor Clark: It is done. It's possible. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Well, but here, it's impossible in Miami, because the affordable housing cost sixty-four thousand dollars ($64,000), and then we get stuck with houses, supposedly, for affordable housing that are for rich people who don't even buy them. We have many cases. So whenever... Because Mr. Plummer already left, and since you are in such a rush to have lunch... Mayor Clark: No, no, I'm not in a rush to do anything. I can be here all day. But I just have to go somewhere at twelve o'clock, which we usually do on... Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: No, you will go before that. I have here something that you will not be able to read. The essence is as follows. How is that possible? To give you a general explanation, the Land Bank of the City of Miami is given to a non-profit organization. But the real non-profit. Because, unfortunately, the non-profit organizations that are required for HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) are very profitable, more profitable than the actual profit organization, because it goes in salaries and expenses, and travelling, and buying tickets, and contributing to the campaigns of some elements in the City of Miami. For example, here is a presentation of cash flow analysis. Because, you see... I'm sure you know that I was a banker, a banker without a bank. Mayor Clark: Well, that sounds reasonable. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Yes. But I have a "banco en la iglesia," which I go, just like you, every Sunday. The issue is, my friends, we have to be extremely accountable, and establish in these non-profit organizations a way of systems and procedures to be strictly accountable, so it doesn't... we would not have again the issue that we discussed this morning. I have my connections through HUD, through the Federal government, but not... because "mi reputacion en Miami" is "reputisima." Yet, in Puerto Rico, I am somebody else. And my family, I don't know if you are aware, comes from a very distinguished family in Puerto Rico. Mayor Clark: Very wealthy, too. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: No. You see, they used to be wealthy. Mayor Clark: Well. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: But we have... Mayor Clark: You know the adage to that. Tips and all, you break even. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: ... Mr. Munoz-Marin established a social justice in Puerto Rico and expropriated half of the family land. But it was for the poor, to make public housing. And the way is that the government gives free of charge the land, and then the non-profit organization is actual construction costs. So that's why you are able to buy a house with the condition... And I 94 March 14, 1996 don't know, and this might be interesting for you, Mr. Quinn Jones, III. And excuse me. I once called you "Henry VIII." You are not Henry VIII. You are Quinn Jones, III. The issue is that in order to avoid people from speculating... Because if you get a house for thirty-five thousand dollars with a lot, you immediately are going to sell it for seventy thousand. And then in order to cover that, besides any other limitations, like it has to be first-time buyers, and et cetera, et cetera, and family income, a low family income, the... When you purchase the house, there is a second mortgage for the value of the lot in the... that is executed in case the fellow resells the house. Then the government has to take back. In this case, it would be the City of Miami. I don't know if it is legally permissible here in Miami. It's permissible and has been... We have Supreme Court decisions from Puerto Rico. So it's a remedial situation, and that's what we need here, a lot of remedies in this third world banana City of Miami. I have the plans, I have the specifications, but it's only normal that I go first to Metro -Dade, to see if it qualifies with the building code. Mayor Clark: Absolutely. That's one of your first moves. I'm happy you brought those down here. You only have... Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: But the philosophy behind it, I hope I made my point clear. Mayor Clark: Yes, you have. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: If you have any questions, please let me know. Mayor Clark: You've done that, and you've done that very adequately. And do you have just one copy of that? Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Yes, of course. Mayor Clark: Well, that's all right. Mr.... Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Provided we use it to supervise and scrutinize these non-profit organizations. Mayor Clark: I understand. I understand. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: Thank you very much. I will make photocopies. Mayor Clark: Thank you. Would you leave that copy with the Clerk. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: I will give a photocopy of everything, but I still have to... It cost me here 15 cents a copy, and Office Depot four cents. Mayor Clark: Well... Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: So allow me to go to Office Depot. Mayor Clark: We'll pass the hat, so don't worry about it. All right. Thank you, Mr. Gonzalez. Commissioner Carollo: Hold on. Mr. Clerk, I'm sure that your office can get copies of that for free here. Mayor Clark: That's what we plan to do. Commissioner Carollo: Yeah, sure. 95 March 14, 1996 k_1 Mayor Clark: All right. Very good. Thank you, Manny. Mr. Gonzalez-Goenaga: OK. ------------ ---------------- --------------------------------------------- - 34. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: REPRESENTATIVES) FROM AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD TO PRESENT THEIR ANNUAL REPORT. Mayor Clark: Affirmative Action Advisory Board. Is somebody here on that? Yes, ma'am. Ms. Nora Hernandez -Hendrix: Good morning. My name is Nora Hernandez -Hendrix, and I have the honor of serving as the chairperson on the City of Miami Affirmative Action Advisory Board. I'm joined here today by some of the members, including Jackie Bell, Mayshack Lane, Jesus Rois, and we are here to present the annual report to you. Thank you for this opportunity. In respect of your time, I won't go through all of the items on the report. You should have it in your packet. Let me just say that 1995 was a year in which we worked quietly, yet substantively, dealing with the many changes that occurred in the restructuring of the departments and areas within the City. We worked closely with the City Manager, with the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs, and all the various departments, to ensure that the Affirmative Action Plan was carried through fully. We deal in opportunities to implement policies and procedures which would uphold that plan, and to try to prevent disputes that might be more costly, and present the City in an unfavorable light. So while we haven't had any flashy events in 1995, we feel that we have been very effective in representing the citizens of this City, and the trust that the Commission has placed on us to keep the City in keeping with the Affirmative Action Plan. All the board members are residents of the City. There are 14 of us. Ten are appointed by you. Four are representatives of the certified bargaining units of the City. We inform the citizenry of the City's actions, and we also inform the Manager and the Commission of the City residents' interests. We thank you for this opportunity. Mayor Clark: We thank you very much for the opportunity to be down here and to present that to the Commission. We will survey it very seriously and cautiously, and we thank you for your time. Thank you, Jackie. 96 March 14, 1996 ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 35. (A) DEFER PROPOSED SECOND READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND CODE CHAPTER 2, SECTIONS 2-75 AND 2-76, WHICH PROPOSES FEES FOR ZONING CERTIFICATES OF USE AND FOR INSPECTION / EXAMINATION OF PLANS, AMENDING SAID FEES TO COVER COST FOR ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCE 11000 (ZONING ORDINANCE) AND SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. (B) DEFER PROPOSED SECOND READING ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE 6145, WHICH ESTABLISHED FEES FOR BUILDING, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL (INCLUDING BOILER AND ELEVATOR) INSPECTION, PERMIT / CERTIFICATE FEES, ADDING / INCREASING REQUIRED FEES TO COVER COSTS FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: All right. Now, the next item, 36, has been deferred. Thirty-six. Commissioner Plummer: It's deferred? Mayor Clark: It's been deferred, yes. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mayor Clark: For the second reading. Commissioner Plummer: Move 37. Mayor Clark: Mr. Clerk - I mean Mr. Attorney - 37. [AT THIS POINT, THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD BY TITLE ONLY.] Mayor Clark: It's been moved and seconded. Call the roll. Commissioner Carollo: My concern - under discussion - is that this is giving the City Manager the right to raise these fees just by filing them with the City Clerk's Office and giving 30 days notice, but not by coming to this Commission for the approval of those fees. Mr. Odio: What it does is we have to stay... We have to keep the fees according to the level of cost, it is true. So we would... We could automatically raise them to maintain the level of... 100 percent funded so that we don't get into a deficit. That is correct. Commissioner Carollo: See, but my concern, Mr. Manager, is that from what I've been seeing in many areas of fees, they keep growing and growing. The City of Miami has some of the highest fees around. And you don't run for office. We do. Therefore, we're the ones that have to answer to the public. You won't. Mr. Odio: I have no problem, Commissioner... Commissioner Carollo: You only keep track of three votes in this Commission. So... 97 March 14, 1996 Mr. Odio: I have no problem, if you want, to bring it back to you every time we need to raise it. Commissioner Carollo: Well, that's what I want to make sure that is done, that it's brought back to this Commission... Mayor Clark: All right. Let's defer this item until we come back every time they're going to raise it. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Wait but... OK. But I have some questions. I mean, it's deferred, but may I ask some questions? Mayor Clark: Yeah, yeah. Commissioner Dawkins: What is the impact fee? Somebody tell me. Mayor Clark: No, that's a County fee, isn't it? Commissioner Dawkins: No. Commissioner Plummer: No, we have an impact fee, of course. Commissioner Dawkins: We have an impact fee. What is the impact fee? Mr. Juan Gonzalez: Commissioner, Juan Gonzalez, Building and Zoning. The impact fee is fees in relation to construction. Any time you build, we have what is called the impact fee, which basically supplements the services, such as GSA (General Services Administration), police and fire. Commissioner Dawkins: Now, so we already have an impact fee, correct, sir? - I mean somebody? Mr. Gonzalez: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: And I've gotten complaints over and over from builders that they're priced out of the City of Miami by the impact fee. Now, we're adding... Commissioner Plummer: But that has nothing to do with us. Commissioner Dawkins: We're adding... You're adding another additional cost that the builder will have to pay to build in the City of Miami. Now, this is on top of the impact fee, right? Mr. Gonzalez: It is separate from the... The impact fee is not being raised. Commissioner Dawkins: No, no, no. OK. Mr. Gonzalez: Yes, it's separate from the impact fee, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. But they got to pay both of them. Mr. Gonzalez: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. So that's it. So we're adding... So this is an additional but... That's all I have. It's deferred. Thank you. 98 March 14, 1996 ` +N Mayor Clark: Item 37 has been deferred, Mr.... On 38, we deferred also? Commissioner Dawkins: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: All right. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: At this point, agenda items 37 and 36 were deferred. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER -- APPROPRIATE FUNDS ($50,000), SAID MONIES RECEIVED PURSUANT TO TERMS / CONDITIONS IN REVOCABLE PERMIT ISSUED TO MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS OF FLORIDA (AUTHORIZED BY RESOLUTION 95- 614). Mayor Clark: Thirty-nine. Commissioner Plummer: Probably the same. Mayor Clark: Second reading on the ordinance. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Mayor Clark: It's been moved. Commissioner Dawkins: Second. Mayor Clark: Seconded by Mr. Gort (sic). Call the roll, Mr. Clerk. An Ordinance entitled - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER" AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR, IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000, SAID MONIES RECEIVED PURSUANT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE REVOCABLE PERMIT ISSUED TO MCCAW COMMUNICATIONS OF FLORIDA AS AUTHORIZED BY RESOLUTION NO. 95-614, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 14, 1995; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 99 March 14, 1996 passed on its first reading, by title, at the meeting of February 29, 1996, was taken up for its second and final reading, by title, and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title, and was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11347. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE SECTIONS 2-431 AND 38-73, RELATED TO BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST -- CHANGE QUORUM REQUIREMENTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Plummer: Item 40, I move it. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Commissioner Plummer: Yes. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. [AT THIS POINT, THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE ORDINANCE INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD BY TITLE ONLY.] Commissioner Carollo: Open for discussion. This is on second reading. Mayor Clark: Yes, sir. Commissioner Carollo: And I just want to state again for the record my reason why I'm voting no. What we're doing here is making a special exception for one board that really is an exception that goes against democratic principles. We're saying that this board will be the only one that does not need a quorum, and therefore... Commissioner Plummer: No, that's not true. Commissioner Carollo: ... if you don't have a quorum, you can still do the City's business. And, J.L., you know, I just find it so difficult to comprehend how difficult it is just to get five people there at a meeting. If there are people on that board that don't care enough about it to show up, then they shouldn't be in that board. 100 March 14, 1996 M 0 Commissioner Plummer: Joe... Commissioner Carollo: But I think it sets a very bad precedent. That's like saying that even if only two Commissioners show up at a City Commission meeting, that the two of us can dictate policy. Commissioner Plummer: No, sir. Commissioner Carollo: Yes. Commissioner Plummer: Not according to the way this is written. Let me say, this is not eliminating a quorum. It is renumbering the way the quorum will come about. Now, all I'm saying to you is, if you want to change the structure in other boards in a quorum and what constitutes a quorum, I have no problem with that. The only thing I have a problem with is trying to get things done and accomplished. And so that will give us the latitude of being able to conduct business where on three different occasions, legitimate excuses, people were not able to attend the meeting. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's vote on it. Commissioner Plummer: So all I'm saying, that's... Commissioner Carollo: J.L., look, I understand English real well. And when you're telling me that it's not doing what it says here in plain English that it would do, you're saying in this here that the quorum will be established by the majority of the people that show up on that day. Commissioner Plummer: Fifty percent plus one. Commissioner Carollo: Yeah, of that day, but not of the voting members of that board. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Mayor Clark: That's his feeling so let's... Commissioner Carollo: So again, that's like saying if only two members of this Commission show up and both of them agree on a certain item... Commissioner Plummer: It takes three. Commissioner Carollo: ... then they can vote upon it. Commissioner Plummer: It takes three. Commissioner Carollo: Well, those are my reasons for voting no. Mayor Clark: All right. Commissioner Plummer: Sure. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. 101 March 14, 1996 (I An Ordinance entitled - AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO THE BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST ("TRUST"); AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TO CHANGE THE QUORUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TRUST TO BE A MAJORITY OF THOSE PRESENT AT A PROPERLY NOTICED MEETING; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2-431 AND 38-73 OF SAID CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. passed on its first reading, by title, at the meeting of February 29, 1996, was taken up for its second and final reading, by title, and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Vice Mayor Gort, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title, and was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: Commissioner Joe Carollo ABSENT: None. THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 11348. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38. AUTHORIZE REALLOCATION OF FUNDS FROM COMMERCIAL CODE COMPLIANCE PROJECT 799613 TO CITYWIDE COMMERCIAL FACADE PROGRAM (PROJECT 799602) -- TO REHABILITATE BUSINESS PROPERTIES IN ALL S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS -- AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FROM PROJECT 799602 -- FOR REHABILITATION OF 16 BUSINESSES IN ALLAPATTAH AND EDISON / LITTLE RIVER TARGET AREAS UNDER SAID FACADE TREATMENT PROGRAM -- ESTABLISH FUNDING MATCH. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Item number 41. Commissioner Plummer: OK. Now, this is the one I had deferred. Mr. Manager, where is this money coming from, since it's not coming from Overtown? Mr. Elbert Waters: Commissioners, this money is coming out of the account which is titled the Commercial Code Compliance Project Code Account. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Now, the money from Overtown, the hundred thousand that was going to be taken from them, are we assuring that that's going to stay in Overtown? Mr. Waters: It will. 102 March 14, 1996 k, Commissioner Plummer: And can that be used for the same purposes of what Ailapattah is using it for? Because I think that's what Mr. Benjamin told me that they would like to do, is to have a facade program in Overtown. Mr. Waters: Currently, there is a facade program in all eight City targeted areas. That money, those dollars are... which we talked about at the last City Commission meeting, will be reprogrammed within the Overtown community. The Commercial Facade Improvement Program, which all economic development... Commissioner Plummer: An additional hundred thousand. Mr. Waters: Yes. In essence, when we transfer, if you approve transferring of dollars into that account, his group will be able to participate in that program. Commissioner Plummer: I so move, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Is there a second? Vice Mayor Gort: Second. Commissioner Dawkins: Under discussion. Commissioner Plummer: Under discussion. Commissioner Dawkins: It's coming from where? Mr. Waters: We're transferring... Well, we're requesting that the dollars from the Code Compliance which... Commissioner Dawkins: Code Compliance. What is the balance now in the Code Compliance? Mr. Waters: Presently, in our Code Compliance account, approximately two hundred and ten thousand dollars ($210,000), approximately. Commissioner Dawkins: And the Code Enforcement Board does what? Mr. Waters: Repeat your question. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Does this board that you're taking this money from that has... Mr. Waters: Oh, Code... Commissioner Dawkins: ... that has two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) in it, what is it supposed to do? Mr. Waters: In Code Compliance, what happens, Commissioner, is that if a business, small business within any of the eight City targeted areas has a life safety problem - it could be a fire problem, or electrical - the Code Compliance Program allows them to participate in the program, to bring their buildings, that small business, into compliance under City Code so that they could... Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Good. OK. Thank you. Now, that's a hundred thousand dollars, right? 103 March 14, 1996 Mr. Waters: Yes. Commissioner Dawkins: You're taking out. Mr. Waters: We're transferring, yes. Commissioner Dawkins: OK? On the first page, you're spending twenty-two thousand dollars ($22,000), on the first page. I mean twenty-two one eleven. On the second page, you're spending fifteen thousand, then twenty-two eleven. All the funds you have listed here, the amounts, come to sixty thousand two hundred dollars ($60,200). What happens to the thirty -- no, it comes to sixty-six thousand two hundred. What happens to the thirty-three thousand, since you're taking a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) out? Mr. Waters: It stays... Commissioner Dawkins: Beg your pardon? Mr. Waters: Excuse me. It stays in... it remains in the account, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: How could it, when you say you're taking a hundred out? Mr. Waters: All we're doing is attempting to transfer dollars from Code Compliance into commercial facade improvement and... Mayor Clark: A hundred away from two hundred. Commissioner Dawkins: You're saying that you are transferring a hundred thousand dollars to do this commercial facade rehabilitation on this agenda item. Mr. Cesar Odio (City Manager): Commissioner, what that means... Commissioner Dawkins: The amounts that you have on here come to sixty-six thousand two hundred dollars ($66,200). Mr. Odio: That means you have... Commissioner Dawkins: If you take that from a hundred thousand, you got thirty-three thousand eight hundred dollars left. Mr. Odio: That means you could have other candidates to come in and apply for facade, Commissioner Dawkins: No, no. Why don't you leave it over in the Code Compliance? Why are you taking out more than you need? Mr. Odio: We can do that. I have no problem with that. Commissioner Dawkins: I mean, come on. I mean, you know. Mayor Clark: Take out what you need. Mr. Odio: We just wanted to equalize the monies from Overtown to... Commissioner Dawkins: Take out what you need, and what you don't need, leave it. 104 March 14, 1996 Mr.Odio: Fine. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. I move it... Vice Mayor Gort: Redo your motion. Commissioner Dawkins: ... and I move that the amount be reduced to sixty-six thousand and two hundred dollars. Commissioner Plummer: So move. Mayor Clark: Second. Cast a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.96-192 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REALLOCATION OF $66,200 FROM THE COMMERCIAL CODE COMPLIANCE PROJECT NO. 799613 TO THE CITYWIDE COMMERCIAL FACADE PROGRAM, PROJECT NO. 799602, TO REHABILITATE BUSINESS PROPERTIES IN ALL EIGHT (8) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS, AND ALSO AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF $22,400.00 FROM PROJECT NO. 799602 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF SIXTEEN (16) BUSINESSES LOCATED IN THE ALLAPATTAH AND EDISON/LITTLE RIVER TARGET AREAS UNDER SAID FACADE TREATMENT PROGRAM; ESTABLISHING THE FUNDING MATCH FOR THE PROJECT AND REQUIRING SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTATION PERTAINING TO THE PROJECT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. 105 March 14, 1996 kr_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39. (A)ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM 21ST YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS (PROJECT 799613) -- FOR REHABILITATION OF TWO BUSINESSES IN ALLAPATTAH TARGET AREA, IN CONJUNCTION WITH COMMERCIAL CODE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM (ALLOCATION TO BE BASED UPON 70%-30% MATCH BETWEEN CITY AND BUSINESS OR PROPERTY OWNER). (B)ALLOCATE $100,000 FOR CODE COMPLIANCE AND FACADE PROGRAM IN OVERTOWN AREA. Mayor Clark: How about number 42? Commissioner Plummer: I move it. Commissioner Dawkins: Second. Now, coming back to... Why is it that each of these businesses get seven thousand dollars ($7,000) per business, and the businesses on this page get fourteen hundred dollars ($1,400) per building? Commissioner Plummer: It's a different program. Mr. Elbert Waters: Two different programs, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: Say what? Mr. Waters: Two different programs, sir. Item 42... Commissioner Dawkins: What... The City of Miami is supposed to be equal. Mr. Odio: Commissioner, Commissioner... Commissioner Dawkins: This loan... equal opportunity loan, for the lack of a better word. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. What... On 42, you are giving out money for Code compliance, and that's what they require, seven thousand dollars ($7,000). Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Dawkins. Mr. Odio: And it's different from the commercial facade. Commissioner Plummer: I had a discussion, and brought Mr. Benjamin completely up on that particular program. He is very much interested in getting some of this money for the Overtown. Commissioner Dawkins: I was just getting ready to say... Commissioner Plummer: OK. Commissioner Dawkins: ... that the hundred thousand dollars that you spoke of here be made available for Code compliance, along with the facade treatment that we have. 106 March 14, 1996 k �4�utit� Commissioner Plummer: Absolutely. Commissioner Dawkins: OK? Mr.Odio: Yes. Vice Mayor Gort: Commissioner. Commissioner Dawkins: Mm-hmm. Vice Mayor Gort: I think one of the reasons this came up is because when we were going... our inspectors were going around the different neighborhoods trying to get the people to comply, a lot of the small businesses did not have the money to comply with the ordinance. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. All I want is it to be equal. Vice Mayor Gort: I agree with you. Commissioner Dawkins: That's all I want. Vice Mayor Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Dawkins: OK? I get tired of going on 3rd Avenue, and you put some paint, you put a window in, and you say that's facade treatment. And then you go every place else, and you go inside the building, and when Shorty's people go out there, they look at the lights, electrical is bad and what have you, and then they can't open. But if they make... they go out to make the building safe, and we make the money available... See, everybody thinks that the Fire Department goes out there because they don't like anybody. They go out there to save lives, and to save the City of Miami money for where people get sued. OK? Mayor Clark: All right. There's a motion and a second on that item. Mr. Donald Benjamin: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor. Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. A. Quinn Jones, III, Esq. (City Attorney): Mr. Mayor. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. 107 March 14, 1996 a5di1;� A,. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-193 A RESOLUTION (Pending the Law Department.) (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. Mr. Jones: Mr. Mayor, I need a clarification. Are you amending the resolution to include a like amount for Overtown or... Commissioner Dawkins: No, no, no. Mr. Jones: No. Commissioner Dawkins: They already said they're going to give that money over there, Mr. Manager. I mean... Commissioner Plummer: Yes, that's... Commissioner Dawkins: Wait a minute, you're right. Mr. Benjamin: Yes. March 14, 1996 W Commissioner Dawkins: Every time we come... You got a vote up here, Mr. Benjamin? Mr. Odio: Go ahead and put... amend... Commissioner Dawkins: You have a vote? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, we'll amend it and add it to the resolution. Commissioner Dawkins: OK. All right. Let's vote on it. Because, you see, every time some money is given out around here, you come back and say, "But, oh, they didn't vote on it." I make a motion that the hundred thousand dollars that you were going to take before from the Overtown project be made available for code enforcement in that area. Mayor Clark: Second the motion? Vice Mayor Gort: Second. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot with no exception. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 96-193.1 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $100,000 FOR CODE COMPLIANCE AND FACADE PROGRAM IN THE OVERTOWN AREA. Upon being seconded by Vice Mayor Gort, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40. APPROVE AGREEMENT TO CONTINUE ENTITY: SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM -- DESIGNATE CITY MANAGER TO CONTINUE SERVING AS CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE -- EXECUTE AGREEMENT. Mayor Clark: Forty -two -A. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Commissioner Dawkins: Second. 109 March 14, 1996 Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 96-194 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT, APPROVING THE AGREEMENT TO CONTINUE THE ENTITY KNOWN AS THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM ("CONSORTIUM"); DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONTINUE SERVING AS THE CITY OF MIAMI REPRESENTATIVE TO THE CONSORTIUM; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, TO CONTINUE THE ENTITY KNOWN AS THE CONSORTIUM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41. APPROVE, IN PRINCIPLE, DRAFT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) DOCUMENT FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF DINNER KEY WATERFRONT (FORMER MERRILL-STEVENS BOAT YARD) AS UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (UDP). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Forty-three. Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Commissioner Carollo: Second, for discussion. Mayor Clark: All right. Let's move it. Commissioner Carollo: What is the process that you're going to follow here with, Jack, to get input from the community on the RFP (Request for Proposals)? Mr. Jack Luft: OK. With this draft RFP, we're going to go to the Waterfront Board, to the Asset Management Board, to the Planning Advisory Board, we'll go back to the Village Council, we have a citizens committee from the Coconut Grove area working with us, and they have 110 March 14, 1996 reviewed this. So we'll go back through that entire process before we get back to you with the final version, seeking your approval to issue. Commissioner Carollo: OK. The problem I'm having is this resolution says that you will bring it back to this Commission at the next available City Commission meeting... Mayor Clark: After all these... Commissioner Carollo: ... which is only a couple of weeks away. Mayor Clark: After all of these stops have been made first. Mr. Luft: No, no. That's the Planning and Zoning agenda item. We'll go back in April. Commissioner Carollo: OK. Mayor Clark: After all of these stops have been made. Mr. Luft: That's correct. Commissioner Carollo: Well, this is not the way that it's written here. Mr. Luft: OK. Well... Commissioner Carollo: But I wanted to make sure of that. Mr. Luft: We're assuming that P&Z (Planning and Zoning) is not available for these items. It's reserved for plan... for zoning. Commissioner Carollo: OK. Now... Mayor Clark: Motion and a second. Commissioner Carollo: What are you doing... Commissioner Plummer: Yes, sir. Commissioner Carollo: What are you doing, Jack, to make sure that you're getting input also - public input, not private - from the business community? Maybe there are people out there... Commissioner Plummer: We appoint the committee, Joe. Commissioner Carollo: Excuse me? Mr. Luft: From the business community? Commissioner Carollo: Yes, sir. Mr. Luft: We have met with the Marine Council, we have met with the Miami River Coordinating Committee and the boatyards that are on the river. We have sought input from the Chamber of Commerce presentations, Goals Committee, all of the local civic organizations in the Grove, Village Council. 111 March 14, 1996 Commissioner Carollo: One additional area of input that I would like to include in this motion is that you hold a public hearing on this for the purpose of getting additional input, that's advertised... Mr. Luft: Fine. Commissioner Carollo: ... and you invite all of these organizations that you have met with already... Mr. Luft: OK. Commissioner Carollo: ... and anyone else from the public who would like to come, to get a final input before it's brought back to us. Commissioner Plummer: Joe, also, we... Mr. Luft: Fine. Would you like that here at City Hall? Commissioner Plummer: We appoint the committee of the selection committee, and we also appoint the auditing committee. j Commissioner Carollo: Well, I realize all that, J.L. I realize all that, but, you know, I'm trying to get as much input as we can before it finally comes back to us. Mayor Clark: You will. Vice Mayor Gort: I think Joe has got a good point. We have many RFPs that have gone out, and I think they did not have the input of the industry itself, and we were out of the market. I think he's got a good point. Mr. Luft: We will do that. Mayor Clark: All right. Motion and a second. Call the roll, Mr. Clerk, on this item. Commissioner Plummer: You don't need to... It's a reso... 112 March 14, 1996 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.96-195 A RESOLUTION, WITH ATTACHMENT, APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE THE DRAFT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ("RFP") DOCUMENT FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE DINNER KEY WATERFRONT (THE FORMER MERRILL-STEVENS BOAT YARD), AS A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO RETURN TO THE COMMISSION FOR FINAL AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE SAID RFP AT THE NEXT AVAILABLE CITY COMMISSION MEETING. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42. REFER TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO APPROVE, IN PRINCIPLE, DESIGNATION OF DOWNTOWN MIAMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COALITION AS PROJECT SPONSOR, WORKING WITH ST. JOHN'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC. -- TO UNDERTAKE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF 100 AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN OVERTOWN / RIVERSIDE AREAS IN VICINITY OF LUMMUS PARK AND NORTHWEST N. RIVER DRIVE -- REQUEST CRA BOARD TO COME BACK WITH RECOMMENDATION. Commissioner Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to move that 45 be referred to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), and the CRA bring back a recommendation on this, since this is in Overtown. Commissioner Plummer: Second. Vice Mayor Gort: OK. Mayor Clark: Cast a unanimous ballot. 113 March 14,1996 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 96-196 A MOTION REFERRING TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA) AGENDA ITEM 45 (PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO APPROVE DESIGNATION OF THE DOWNTOWN MIAMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COALITION, AS PROJECT SPONSOR, WORKING WITH THE ST. JOHN'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, INC., TO UNDERTAKE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF APPROXIMATELY ONE HUNDRED (100) UNITS OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING); FURTHER REQUESTING THE CRA BOARD TO COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------- 43. DEFER ALL ITEMS NOT TAKEN UP ON THIS DATE TO MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 26, 1996. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Clark: Forty-six? Wally? Commissioner Plummer: Move it. Mr. Michael Peterson: Can we be heard on this? Commissioner Plummer: Why do we have to be heard? Mr. Peterson: We filed a bid protest. We paid five thousand dollars ($5,000), and we signed up with the Clerk to be heard. And apparently, the materials were supposed to be distributed. Commissioner Plummer: Excuse me. I understand, but I don't understand why we have to hear this. Ms. Judy Carter: No, sir. You're to... Commissioner Plummer: recommendation. Ms. Carter: Yes, sir. The proper parties have heard it, and they have made a 114 March 14, 1996 1., Commissioner Plummer: So I mean, I don't understand. Mr. Peterson: We're here to state... Mayor Clark: Are you protesting? Commissioner Plummer: The protest has been denied; is that correct? Ms. Carter: No, sir. The protest is submitted on the agenda today for you to, hopefully, reject the protest. Mr. Peterson: That is correct. And we're here to state our objection. Commissioner Plummer: OK. But you... Commissioner Dawkins: But you are recommending rejection. Ms. Carter: Yes, sir. Commissioner Plummer: Oh, OK. All right. Commissioner Dawkins: Oh, well, that's what J.L. said. Commissioner Plummer: All right. Mayor Clark: How long is this going to take? Ms. Carter: And my... Mr. Peterson: I mean, we have... There's two positions that have been taken by the City that need to be addressed. And I've provided the Commissioners, as well as you, Mayor, with a statement of our position, and we'd like to summarize that, basically, for the record. Mayor Clark: I'm only going to be here for a moment or two, and that's it. Commissioner Carollo: Well, for the record, the Mayor has stated since earlier that he has to leave at twelve noon sharp for a previous meeting that he had. Well, it is twelve noon sharp now, and it won't be fair to you or to the Mayor and the rest of this Commission. So what I would suggest is that you come back when we reconvene in the afternoon. Commissioner Dawkins: And the Mayor will be doing protocol... Mayor Clark: I'm not coming back. Commissioner Dawkins: The Mayor will be doing a protocol, so he will not be back. So... But there will be four members here. Commissioner Plummer: Well, no, sir. I've also got an obligation. Commissioner Dawkins: All right. So I move that all the other items be deferred till the next meeting. Commissioner Plummer: Second. 115 March 14, 1996 k, 4aV r. Commissioner Carollo: OK. So all of the items will be deferred to the next meeting. There's a motion and a second. Commissioner Dawkins: Call the roll. Mayor Clark: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 96-197 A MOTION DEFERRING CONTINUATION OF ALL ITEMS NOT TAKEN UP ON THIS DATE (AGENDA ITEMS 46, 47, 48 AND 49) TO THE NEXT MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 26, 1996. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Wifredo Gort Mayor Stephen P. Clark NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. Commissioner Plummer: Mr. Mayor, under pocket items, I assume we've got time for those? Commissioner Dawkins: No, twelve noon. Commissioner Carollo: No, the meeting is over. We just voted upon it. Commissioner Dawkins: Twelve noon. The meeting is over. 116 March 14, 1996 Commissioner Plummer: OK. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 12:01 P.M. Stephen P. Clark MAYOR ATTEST: Walter J. Foeman CITY CLERK Maria J. Argudin ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 117 March 14, 1996